Index: stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_impl.h =================================================================== --- stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_impl.h (revision 342508) +++ stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_impl.h (revision 342509) @@ -1,1149 +1,1154 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Solarflare Communications Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _SYS_EF10_IMPL_H #define _SYS_EF10_IMPL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if (EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON && EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD) #define EF10_MAX_PIOBUF_NBUFS MAX(HUNT_PIOBUF_NBUFS, MEDFORD_PIOBUF_NBUFS) #elif EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON #define EF10_MAX_PIOBUF_NBUFS HUNT_PIOBUF_NBUFS #elif EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD #define EF10_MAX_PIOBUF_NBUFS MEDFORD_PIOBUF_NBUFS #endif /* * FIXME: This is just a power of 2 which fits in an MCDI v1 message, and could * possibly be increased, or the write size reported by newer firmware used * instead. */ #define EF10_NVRAM_CHUNK 0x80 /* Alignment requirement for value written to RX WPTR: * the WPTR must be aligned to an 8 descriptor boundary */ #define EF10_RX_WPTR_ALIGN 8 /* * Max byte offset into the packet the TCP header must start for the hardware * to be able to parse the packet correctly. */ #define EF10_TCP_HEADER_OFFSET_LIMIT 208 /* Invalid RSS context handle */ #define EF10_RSS_CONTEXT_INVALID (0xffffffff) /* EV */ __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_ev_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); void ef10_ev_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_ev_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint32_t us, __in uint32_t flags, __in efx_evq_t *eep); void ef10_ev_qdestroy( __in efx_evq_t *eep); __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_ev_qprime( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in unsigned int count); void ef10_ev_qpost( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in uint16_t data); __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_ev_qmoderate( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in unsigned int us); #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS void ef10_ev_qstats_update( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __inout_ecount(EV_NQSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ void ef10_ev_rxlabel_init( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in unsigned int label); void ef10_ev_rxlabel_fini( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in unsigned int label); /* INTR */ __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_intr_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_intr_type_t type, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp); void ef10_intr_enable( __in efx_nic_t *enp); void ef10_intr_disable( __in efx_nic_t *enp); void ef10_intr_disable_unlocked( __in efx_nic_t *enp); __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_intr_trigger( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int level); void ef10_intr_status_line( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out boolean_t *fatalp, __out uint32_t *qmaskp); void ef10_intr_status_message( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int message, __out boolean_t *fatalp); void ef10_intr_fatal( __in efx_nic_t *enp); void ef10_intr_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); /* NIC */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_probe( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_set_drv_limits( __inout efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_drv_limits_t *edlp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_get_vi_pool( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *vi_countp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_get_bar_region( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nic_region_t region, __out uint32_t *offsetp, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_reset( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_register_test( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ extern void ef10_nic_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void ef10_nic_unprobe( __in efx_nic_t *enp); /* MAC */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_poll( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out efx_link_mode_t *link_modep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_up( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out boolean_t *mac_upp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_addr_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_pdu_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_pdu_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out size_t *pdu); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_reconfigure( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_multicast_list_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_filter_default_rxq_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in boolean_t using_rss); extern void ef10_mac_filter_default_rxq_clear( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_loopback_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_link_mode_t link_mode, __in efx_loopback_type_t loopback_type); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_stats_get_mask( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __inout_bcount(mask_size) uint32_t *maskp, __in size_t mask_size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mac_stats_update( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __inout_ecount(EFX_MAC_NSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat, __inout_opt uint32_t *generationp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS */ /* MCDI */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mcdi_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in const efx_mcdi_transport_t *mtp); extern void ef10_mcdi_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void ef10_mcdi_send_request( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(hdr_len) void *hdrp, __in size_t hdr_len, __in_bcount(sdu_len) void *sdup, __in size_t sdu_len); extern __checkReturn boolean_t ef10_mcdi_poll_response( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void ef10_mcdi_read_response( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_bcount(length) void *bufferp, __in size_t offset, __in size_t length); extern efx_rc_t ef10_mcdi_poll_reboot( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_mcdi_feature_supported( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_mcdi_feature_id_t id, __out boolean_t *supportedp); extern void ef10_mcdi_get_timeout( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_mcdi_req_t *emrp, __out uint32_t *timeoutp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI */ /* NVRAM */ #if EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM || EFSYS_OPT_VPD extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buf_read_tlv( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(max_seg_size) caddr_t seg_data, __in size_t max_seg_size, __in uint32_t tag, __deref_out_bcount_opt(*sizep) caddr_t *datap, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buf_write_tlv( __inout_bcount(partn_size) caddr_t partn_data, __in size_t partn_size, __in uint32_t tag, __in_bcount(tag_size) caddr_t tag_data, __in size_t tag_size, __out size_t *total_lengthp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_read_tlv( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in uint32_t tag, __deref_out_bcount_opt(*sizep) caddr_t *datap, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_write_tlv( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in uint32_t tag, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_write_segment_tlv( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in uint32_t tag, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __in boolean_t all_segments); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_lock( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_unlock( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __out_opt uint32_t *resultp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM || EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ #if EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_test( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_type_to_partn( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type, __out uint32_t *partnp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_size( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_rw_start( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __out size_t *chunk_sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_read_mode( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in unsigned int offset, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __in uint32_t mode); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_read( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in unsigned int offset, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_erase( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in unsigned int offset, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_write( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in unsigned int offset, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_rw_finish( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_get_version( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __out uint32_t *subtypep, __out_ecount(4) uint16_t version[4]); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_partn_set_version( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in_ecount(4) uint16_t version[4]); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buffer_validate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buffer_create( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint16_t partn_type, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buffer_find_item_start( __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __out uint32_t *startp ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buffer_find_end( __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __out uint32_t *endp ); extern __checkReturn __success(return != B_FALSE) boolean_t ef10_nvram_buffer_find_item( __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __out uint32_t *startp, __out uint32_t *lengthp ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buffer_get_item( __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __in uint32_t length, __out_bcount_part(item_max_size, *lengthp) caddr_t itemp, __in size_t item_max_size, __out uint32_t *lengthp ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buffer_insert_item( __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __in_bcount(length) caddr_t keyp, __in uint32_t length, __out uint32_t *lengthp ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buffer_delete_item( __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __in uint32_t length, __in uint32_t end ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nvram_buffer_finish( __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size ); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM */ /* PHY */ typedef struct ef10_link_state_s { uint32_t els_adv_cap_mask; uint32_t els_lp_cap_mask; unsigned int els_fcntl; efx_link_mode_t els_link_mode; #if EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK efx_loopback_type_t els_loopback; #endif boolean_t els_mac_up; } ef10_link_state_t; extern void ef10_phy_link_ev( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_qword_t *eqp, __out efx_link_mode_t *link_modep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_phy_get_link( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out ef10_link_state_t *elsp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_phy_power( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in boolean_t on); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_phy_reconfigure( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_phy_verify( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_phy_oui_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *ouip); #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_phy_stats_update( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __inout_ecount(EFX_PHY_NSTATS) uint32_t *stat); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_BIST extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_bist_enable_offline( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_bist_start( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_bist_type_t type); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_bist_poll( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_bist_type_t type, __out efx_bist_result_t *resultp, __out_opt __drv_when(count > 0, __notnull) uint32_t *value_maskp, __out_ecount_opt(count) __drv_when(count > 0, __notnull) unsigned long *valuesp, __in size_t count); extern void ef10_bist_stop( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_bist_type_t type); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_BIST */ /* TX */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void ef10_tx_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in unsigned int label, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint16_t flags, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in efx_txq_t *etp, __out unsigned int *addedp); extern void ef10_tx_qdestroy( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpost( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_buffer_t *eb, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); extern void ef10_tx_qpush( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int added, __in unsigned int pushed); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpace( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int ns); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qflush( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern void ef10_tx_qenable( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpio_enable( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern void ef10_tx_qpio_disable( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpio_write( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(buf_length) uint8_t *buffer, __in size_t buf_length, __in size_t pio_buf_offset); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpio_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in size_t pkt_length, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qdesc_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_desc_t *ed, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); extern void ef10_tx_qdesc_dma_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in efsys_dma_addr_t addr, __in size_t size, __in boolean_t eop, __out efx_desc_t *edp); extern void ef10_tx_qdesc_tso_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t ipv4_id, __in uint32_t tcp_seq, __in uint8_t tcp_flags, __out efx_desc_t *edp); extern void ef10_tx_qdesc_tso2_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t ipv4_id, __in uint32_t tcp_seq, __in uint16_t tcp_mss, __out_ecount(count) efx_desc_t *edp, __in int count); extern void ef10_tx_qdesc_vlantci_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t vlan_tci, __out efx_desc_t *edp); +extern void +ef10_tx_qdesc_checksum_create( + __in efx_txq_t *etp, + __in uint16_t flags, + __out efx_desc_t *edp); #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS extern void ef10_tx_qstats_update( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __inout_ecount(TX_NQSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ typedef uint32_t efx_piobuf_handle_t; #define EFX_PIOBUF_HANDLE_INVALID ((efx_piobuf_handle_t) -1) extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_pio_alloc( __inout efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *bufnump, __out efx_piobuf_handle_t *handlep, __out uint32_t *blknump, __out uint32_t *offsetp, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_pio_free( __inout efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t bufnum, __in uint32_t blknum); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_pio_link( __inout efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t vi_index, __in efx_piobuf_handle_t handle); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_pio_unlink( __inout efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t vi_index); /* VPD */ #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_size( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_read( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_verify( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_reinit( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __inout efx_vpd_value_t *evvp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __in efx_vpd_value_t *evvp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_next( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __out efx_vpd_value_t *evvp, __inout unsigned int *contp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_vpd_write( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern void ef10_vpd_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ /* RX */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_rx_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_rx_scatter_enable( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int buf_size); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER */ #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_rx_scale_mode_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_rx_hash_alg_t alg, __in efx_rx_hash_type_t type, __in boolean_t insert); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_rx_scale_key_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(n) uint8_t *key, __in size_t n); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_rx_scale_tbl_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(n) unsigned int *table, __in size_t n); extern __checkReturn uint32_t ef10_rx_prefix_hash( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_rx_hash_alg_t func, __in uint8_t *buffer); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_rx_prefix_pktlen( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint8_t *buffer, __out uint16_t *lengthp); extern void ef10_rx_qpost( __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in_ecount(n) efsys_dma_addr_t *addrp, __in size_t size, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __in unsigned int added); extern void ef10_rx_qpush( __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in unsigned int added, __inout unsigned int *pushedp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_rx_qflush( __in efx_rxq_t *erp); extern void ef10_rx_qenable( __in efx_rxq_t *erp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_rx_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in unsigned int label, __in efx_rxq_type_t type, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in efx_rxq_t *erp); extern void ef10_rx_qdestroy( __in efx_rxq_t *erp); extern void ef10_rx_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_FILTER typedef struct ef10_filter_handle_s { uint32_t efh_lo; uint32_t efh_hi; } ef10_filter_handle_t; typedef struct ef10_filter_entry_s { uintptr_t efe_spec; /* pointer to filter spec plus busy bit */ ef10_filter_handle_t efe_handle; } ef10_filter_entry_t; /* * BUSY flag indicates that an update is in progress. * AUTO_OLD flag is used to mark and sweep MAC packet filters. */ #define EFX_EF10_FILTER_FLAG_BUSY 1U #define EFX_EF10_FILTER_FLAG_AUTO_OLD 2U #define EFX_EF10_FILTER_FLAGS 3U /* * Size of the hash table used by the driver. Doesn't need to be the * same size as the hardware's table. */ #define EFX_EF10_FILTER_TBL_ROWS 8192 /* Only need to allow for one directed and one unknown unicast filter */ #define EFX_EF10_FILTER_UNICAST_FILTERS_MAX 2 /* Allow for the broadcast address to be added to the multicast list */ #define EFX_EF10_FILTER_MULTICAST_FILTERS_MAX (EFX_MAC_MULTICAST_LIST_MAX + 1) /* * For encapsulated packets, there is one filter each for each combination of * IPv4 or IPv6 outer frame, VXLAN, GENEVE or NVGRE packet type, and unicast or * multicast inner frames. */ #define EFX_EF10_FILTER_ENCAP_FILTERS_MAX 12 typedef struct ef10_filter_table_s { ef10_filter_entry_t eft_entry[EFX_EF10_FILTER_TBL_ROWS]; efx_rxq_t *eft_default_rxq; boolean_t eft_using_rss; uint32_t eft_unicst_filter_indexes[ EFX_EF10_FILTER_UNICAST_FILTERS_MAX]; uint32_t eft_unicst_filter_count; uint32_t eft_mulcst_filter_indexes[ EFX_EF10_FILTER_MULTICAST_FILTERS_MAX]; uint32_t eft_mulcst_filter_count; boolean_t eft_using_all_mulcst; uint32_t eft_encap_filter_indexes[ EFX_EF10_FILTER_ENCAP_FILTERS_MAX]; uint32_t eft_encap_filter_count; } ef10_filter_table_t; __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_filter_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); void ef10_filter_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_filter_restore( __in efx_nic_t *enp); __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_filter_add( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec, __in boolean_t may_replace); __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_filter_delete( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_filter_supported_filters( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_ecount(buffer_length) uint32_t *buffer, __in size_t buffer_length, __out size_t *list_lengthp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_filter_reconfigure( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(6) uint8_t const *mac_addr, __in boolean_t all_unicst, __in boolean_t mulcst, __in boolean_t all_mulcst, __in boolean_t brdcst, __in_ecount(6*count) uint8_t const *addrs, __in uint32_t count); extern void ef10_filter_get_default_rxq( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out efx_rxq_t **erpp, __out boolean_t *using_rss); extern void ef10_filter_default_rxq_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in boolean_t using_rss); extern void ef10_filter_default_rxq_clear( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_FILTER */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_get_function_info( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *pfp, __out_opt uint32_t *vfp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_privilege_mask( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t pf, __in uint32_t vf, __out uint32_t *maskp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_get_port_assignment( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *portp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_get_port_modes( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *modesp, __out_opt uint32_t *current_modep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_nic_get_port_mode_bandwidth( __in uint32_t port_mode, __out uint32_t *bandwidth_mbpsp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_get_mac_address_pf( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_ecount_opt(6) uint8_t mac_addrp[6]); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_get_mac_address_vf( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_ecount_opt(6) uint8_t mac_addrp[6]); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_get_clock( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *sys_freqp, __out uint32_t *dpcpu_freqp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_get_vector_cfg( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_opt uint32_t *vec_basep, __out_opt uint32_t *pf_nvecp, __out_opt uint32_t *vf_nvecp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_get_datapath_caps( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_get_privilege_mask( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *maskp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_external_port_mapping( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t port, __out uint8_t *external_portp); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SYS_EF10_IMPL_H */ Index: stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_tx.c =================================================================== --- stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_tx.c (revision 342508) +++ stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_tx.c (revision 342509) @@ -1,782 +1,796 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Solarflare Communications Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "efx.h" #include "efx_impl.h" #if EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS #define EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(_etp, _stat) \ do { \ (_etp)->et_stat[_stat]++; \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(_etp, _stat) #endif static __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_init_txq( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t size, __in uint32_t target_evq, __in uint32_t label, __in uint32_t instance, __in uint16_t flags, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp) { efx_mcdi_req_t req; uint8_t payload[MAX(MC_CMD_INIT_TXQ_IN_LEN(EFX_TXQ_MAX_BUFS), MC_CMD_INIT_TXQ_OUT_LEN)]; efx_qword_t *dma_addr; uint64_t addr; int npages; int i; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT(EFX_TXQ_MAX_BUFS >= EFX_TXQ_NBUFS(enp->en_nic_cfg.enc_txq_max_ndescs)); npages = EFX_TXQ_NBUFS(size); if (npages > MC_CMD_INIT_TXQ_IN_DMA_ADDR_MAXNUM) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail1; } (void) memset(payload, 0, sizeof (payload)); req.emr_cmd = MC_CMD_INIT_TXQ; req.emr_in_buf = payload; req.emr_in_length = MC_CMD_INIT_TXQ_IN_LEN(npages); req.emr_out_buf = payload; req.emr_out_length = MC_CMD_INIT_TXQ_OUT_LEN; MCDI_IN_SET_DWORD(req, INIT_TXQ_IN_SIZE, size); MCDI_IN_SET_DWORD(req, INIT_TXQ_IN_TARGET_EVQ, target_evq); MCDI_IN_SET_DWORD(req, INIT_TXQ_IN_LABEL, label); MCDI_IN_SET_DWORD(req, INIT_TXQ_IN_INSTANCE, instance); MCDI_IN_POPULATE_DWORD_9(req, INIT_TXQ_IN_FLAGS, INIT_TXQ_IN_FLAG_BUFF_MODE, 0, INIT_TXQ_IN_FLAG_IP_CSUM_DIS, (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_IPV4) ? 0 : 1, INIT_TXQ_IN_FLAG_TCP_CSUM_DIS, (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_TCPUDP) ? 0 : 1, INIT_TXQ_EXT_IN_FLAG_INNER_IP_CSUM_EN, (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_IPV4) ? 1 : 0, INIT_TXQ_EXT_IN_FLAG_INNER_TCP_CSUM_EN, (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_TCPUDP) ? 1 : 0, INIT_TXQ_EXT_IN_FLAG_TSOV2_EN, (flags & EFX_TXQ_FATSOV2) ? 1 : 0, INIT_TXQ_IN_FLAG_TCP_UDP_ONLY, 0, INIT_TXQ_IN_CRC_MODE, 0, INIT_TXQ_IN_FLAG_TIMESTAMP, 0); MCDI_IN_SET_DWORD(req, INIT_TXQ_IN_OWNER_ID, 0); MCDI_IN_SET_DWORD(req, INIT_TXQ_IN_PORT_ID, EVB_PORT_ID_ASSIGNED); dma_addr = MCDI_IN2(req, efx_qword_t, INIT_TXQ_IN_DMA_ADDR); addr = EFSYS_MEM_ADDR(esmp); for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) { EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_2(*dma_addr, EFX_DWORD_1, (uint32_t)(addr >> 32), EFX_DWORD_0, (uint32_t)(addr & 0xffffffff)); dma_addr++; addr += EFX_BUF_SIZE; } efx_mcdi_execute(enp, &req); if (req.emr_rc != 0) { rc = req.emr_rc; goto fail2; } return (0); fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } static __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_fini_txq( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t instance) { efx_mcdi_req_t req; uint8_t payload[MAX(MC_CMD_FINI_TXQ_IN_LEN, MC_CMD_FINI_TXQ_OUT_LEN)]; efx_rc_t rc; (void) memset(payload, 0, sizeof (payload)); req.emr_cmd = MC_CMD_FINI_TXQ; req.emr_in_buf = payload; req.emr_in_length = MC_CMD_FINI_TXQ_IN_LEN; req.emr_out_buf = payload; req.emr_out_length = MC_CMD_FINI_TXQ_OUT_LEN; MCDI_IN_SET_DWORD(req, FINI_TXQ_IN_INSTANCE, instance); efx_mcdi_execute_quiet(enp, &req); if (req.emr_rc != 0) { rc = req.emr_rc; goto fail1; } return (0); fail1: /* * EALREADY is not an error, but indicates that the MC has rebooted and * that the TXQ has already been destroyed. */ if (rc != EALREADY) EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp) { _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(enp)) return (0); } void ef10_tx_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp) { _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(enp)) } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in unsigned int label, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint16_t flags, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in efx_txq_t *etp, __out unsigned int *addedp) { efx_nic_cfg_t *encp = &enp->en_nic_cfg; uint16_t inner_csum; - efx_qword_t desc; + efx_desc_t desc; efx_rc_t rc; _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(id)) inner_csum = EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_IPV4 | EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_TCPUDP; if (((flags & inner_csum) != 0) && (encp->enc_tunnel_encapsulations_supported == 0)) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail1; } if ((rc = efx_mcdi_init_txq(enp, n, eep->ee_index, label, index, flags, esmp)) != 0) goto fail2; /* * A previous user of this TX queue may have written a descriptor to the * TX push collector, but not pushed the doorbell (e.g. after a crash). * The next doorbell write would then push the stale descriptor. * * Ensure the (per network port) TX push collector is cleared by writing * a no-op TX option descriptor. See bug29981 for details. */ *addedp = 1; - EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_6(desc, - ESF_DZ_TX_DESC_IS_OPT, 1, - ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_TYPE, ESE_DZ_TX_OPTION_DESC_CRC_CSUM, - ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_UDP_TCP_CSUM, - (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_TCPUDP) ? 1 : 0, - ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_IP_CSUM, - (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_IPV4) ? 1 : 0, - ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_INNER_UDP_TCP_CSUM, - (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_TCPUDP) ? 1 : 0, - ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_INNER_IP_CSUM, - (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_IPV4) ? 1 : 0); + ef10_tx_qdesc_checksum_create(etp, flags, &desc); - EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ(etp->et_esmp, 0, &desc); + EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ(etp->et_esmp, 0, &desc.ed_eq); ef10_tx_qpush(etp, *addedp, 0); return (0); fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void ef10_tx_qdestroy( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { /* FIXME */ _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(etp)) /* FIXME */ } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpio_enable( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; efx_piobuf_handle_t handle; efx_rc_t rc; if (etp->et_pio_size != 0) { rc = EALREADY; goto fail1; } /* Sub-allocate a PIO block from a piobuf */ if ((rc = ef10_nic_pio_alloc(enp, &etp->et_pio_bufnum, &handle, &etp->et_pio_blknum, &etp->et_pio_offset, &etp->et_pio_size)) != 0) { goto fail2; } EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_pio_size, !=, 0); /* Link the piobuf to this TXQ */ if ((rc = ef10_nic_pio_link(enp, etp->et_index, handle)) != 0) { goto fail3; } /* * et_pio_offset is the offset of the sub-allocated block within the * hardware PIO buffer. It is used as the buffer address in the PIO * option descriptor. * * et_pio_write_offset is the offset of the sub-allocated block from the * start of the write-combined memory mapping, and is used for writing * data into the PIO buffer. */ etp->et_pio_write_offset = (etp->et_pio_bufnum * ER_DZ_TX_PIOBUF_STEP) + ER_DZ_TX_PIOBUF_OFST + etp->et_pio_offset; return (0); fail3: EFSYS_PROBE(fail3); ef10_nic_pio_free(enp, etp->et_pio_bufnum, etp->et_pio_blknum); etp->et_pio_size = 0; fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void ef10_tx_qpio_disable( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; if (etp->et_pio_size != 0) { /* Unlink the piobuf from this TXQ */ ef10_nic_pio_unlink(enp, etp->et_index); /* Free the sub-allocated PIO block */ ef10_nic_pio_free(enp, etp->et_pio_bufnum, etp->et_pio_blknum); etp->et_pio_size = 0; etp->et_pio_write_offset = 0; } } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpio_write( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(length) uint8_t *buffer, __in size_t length, __in size_t offset) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; efsys_bar_t *esbp = enp->en_esbp; uint32_t write_offset; uint32_t write_offset_limit; efx_qword_t *eqp; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT(length % sizeof (efx_qword_t) == 0); if (etp->et_pio_size == 0) { rc = ENOENT; goto fail1; } if (offset + length > etp->et_pio_size) { rc = ENOSPC; goto fail2; } /* * Writes to PIO buffers must be 64 bit aligned, and multiples of * 64 bits. */ write_offset = etp->et_pio_write_offset + offset; write_offset_limit = write_offset + length; eqp = (efx_qword_t *)buffer; while (write_offset < write_offset_limit) { EFSYS_BAR_WC_WRITEQ(esbp, write_offset, eqp); eqp++; write_offset += sizeof (efx_qword_t); } return (0); fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpio_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in size_t pkt_length, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp) { efx_qword_t pio_desc; unsigned int id; size_t offset; unsigned int added = *addedp; efx_rc_t rc; if (added - completed + 1 > EFX_TXQ_LIMIT(etp->et_mask + 1)) { rc = ENOSPC; goto fail1; } if (etp->et_pio_size == 0) { rc = ENOENT; goto fail2; } id = added++ & etp->et_mask; offset = id * sizeof (efx_qword_t); EFSYS_PROBE4(tx_pio_post, unsigned int, etp->et_index, unsigned int, id, uint32_t, etp->et_pio_offset, size_t, pkt_length); EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_5(pio_desc, ESF_DZ_TX_DESC_IS_OPT, 1, ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_TYPE, 1, ESF_DZ_TX_PIO_CONT, 0, ESF_DZ_TX_PIO_BYTE_CNT, pkt_length, ESF_DZ_TX_PIO_BUF_ADDR, etp->et_pio_offset); EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ(etp->et_esmp, offset, &pio_desc); EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(etp, TX_POST_PIO); *addedp = added; return (0); fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpost( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_buffer_t *eb, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp) { unsigned int added = *addedp; unsigned int i; efx_rc_t rc; if (added - completed + n > EFX_TXQ_LIMIT(etp->et_mask + 1)) { rc = ENOSPC; goto fail1; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { efx_buffer_t *ebp = &eb[i]; efsys_dma_addr_t addr = ebp->eb_addr; size_t size = ebp->eb_size; boolean_t eop = ebp->eb_eop; unsigned int id; size_t offset; efx_qword_t qword; /* No limitations on boundary crossing */ EFSYS_ASSERT(size <= etp->et_enp->en_nic_cfg.enc_tx_dma_desc_size_max); id = added++ & etp->et_mask; offset = id * sizeof (efx_qword_t); EFSYS_PROBE5(tx_post, unsigned int, etp->et_index, unsigned int, id, efsys_dma_addr_t, addr, size_t, size, boolean_t, eop); EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_5(qword, ESF_DZ_TX_KER_TYPE, 0, ESF_DZ_TX_KER_CONT, (eop) ? 0 : 1, ESF_DZ_TX_KER_BYTE_CNT, (uint32_t)(size), ESF_DZ_TX_KER_BUF_ADDR_DW0, (uint32_t)(addr & 0xffffffff), ESF_DZ_TX_KER_BUF_ADDR_DW1, (uint32_t)(addr >> 32)); EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ(etp->et_esmp, offset, &qword); } EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(etp, TX_POST); *addedp = added; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } /* * This improves performance by, when possible, pushing a TX descriptor at the * same time as the doorbell. The descriptor must be added to the TXQ, so that * can be used if the hardware decides not to use the pushed descriptor. */ void ef10_tx_qpush( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int added, __in unsigned int pushed) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; unsigned int wptr; unsigned int id; size_t offset; efx_qword_t desc; efx_oword_t oword; wptr = added & etp->et_mask; id = pushed & etp->et_mask; offset = id * sizeof (efx_qword_t); EFSYS_MEM_READQ(etp->et_esmp, offset, &desc); /* * SF Bug 65776: TSO option descriptors cannot be pushed if pacer bypass * is enabled on the event queue this transmit queue is attached to. * * To ensure the code is safe, it is easiest to simply test the type of * the descriptor to push, and only push it is if it not a TSO option * descriptor. */ if ((EFX_QWORD_FIELD(desc, ESF_DZ_TX_DESC_IS_OPT) != 1) || (EFX_QWORD_FIELD(desc, ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_TYPE) != ESE_DZ_TX_OPTION_DESC_TSO)) { /* Push the descriptor and update the wptr. */ EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_3(oword, ERF_DZ_TX_DESC_WPTR, wptr, ERF_DZ_TX_DESC_HWORD, EFX_QWORD_FIELD(desc, EFX_DWORD_1), ERF_DZ_TX_DESC_LWORD, EFX_QWORD_FIELD(desc, EFX_DWORD_0)); /* Ensure ordering of memory (descriptors) and PIO (doorbell) */ EFX_DMA_SYNC_QUEUE_FOR_DEVICE(etp->et_esmp, etp->et_mask + 1, wptr, id); EFSYS_PIO_WRITE_BARRIER(); EFX_BAR_TBL_DOORBELL_WRITEO(enp, ER_DZ_TX_DESC_UPD_REG, etp->et_index, &oword); } else { efx_dword_t dword; /* * Only update the wptr. This is signalled to the hardware by * only writing one DWORD of the doorbell register. */ EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_1(oword, ERF_DZ_TX_DESC_WPTR, wptr); dword = oword.eo_dword[2]; /* Ensure ordering of memory (descriptors) and PIO (doorbell) */ EFX_DMA_SYNC_QUEUE_FOR_DEVICE(etp->et_esmp, etp->et_mask + 1, wptr, id); EFSYS_PIO_WRITE_BARRIER(); EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITED2(enp, ER_DZ_TX_DESC_UPD_REG, etp->et_index, &dword, B_FALSE); } } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qdesc_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_desc_t *ed, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp) { unsigned int added = *addedp; unsigned int i; efx_rc_t rc; if (added - completed + n > EFX_TXQ_LIMIT(etp->et_mask + 1)) { rc = ENOSPC; goto fail1; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { efx_desc_t *edp = &ed[i]; unsigned int id; size_t offset; id = added++ & etp->et_mask; offset = id * sizeof (efx_desc_t); EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ(etp->et_esmp, offset, &edp->ed_eq); } EFSYS_PROBE3(tx_desc_post, unsigned int, etp->et_index, unsigned int, added, unsigned int, n); EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(etp, TX_POST); *addedp = added; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void ef10_tx_qdesc_dma_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in efsys_dma_addr_t addr, __in size_t size, __in boolean_t eop, __out efx_desc_t *edp) { _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(etp)) /* No limitations on boundary crossing */ EFSYS_ASSERT(size <= etp->et_enp->en_nic_cfg.enc_tx_dma_desc_size_max); EFSYS_PROBE4(tx_desc_dma_create, unsigned int, etp->et_index, efsys_dma_addr_t, addr, size_t, size, boolean_t, eop); EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_5(edp->ed_eq, ESF_DZ_TX_KER_TYPE, 0, ESF_DZ_TX_KER_CONT, (eop) ? 0 : 1, ESF_DZ_TX_KER_BYTE_CNT, (uint32_t)(size), ESF_DZ_TX_KER_BUF_ADDR_DW0, (uint32_t)(addr & 0xffffffff), ESF_DZ_TX_KER_BUF_ADDR_DW1, (uint32_t)(addr >> 32)); } void ef10_tx_qdesc_tso_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t ipv4_id, __in uint32_t tcp_seq, __in uint8_t tcp_flags, __out efx_desc_t *edp) { _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(etp)) EFSYS_PROBE4(tx_desc_tso_create, unsigned int, etp->et_index, uint16_t, ipv4_id, uint32_t, tcp_seq, uint8_t, tcp_flags); EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_5(edp->ed_eq, ESF_DZ_TX_DESC_IS_OPT, 1, ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_TYPE, ESE_DZ_TX_OPTION_DESC_TSO, ESF_DZ_TX_TSO_TCP_FLAGS, tcp_flags, ESF_DZ_TX_TSO_IP_ID, ipv4_id, ESF_DZ_TX_TSO_TCP_SEQNO, tcp_seq); } void ef10_tx_qdesc_tso2_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t ipv4_id, __in uint32_t tcp_seq, __in uint16_t tcp_mss, __out_ecount(count) efx_desc_t *edp, __in int count) { _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(etp, count)) EFSYS_PROBE4(tx_desc_tso2_create, unsigned int, etp->et_index, uint16_t, ipv4_id, uint32_t, tcp_seq, uint16_t, tcp_mss); EFSYS_ASSERT(count >= EFX_TX_FATSOV2_OPT_NDESCS); EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_5(edp[0].ed_eq, ESF_DZ_TX_DESC_IS_OPT, 1, ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_TYPE, ESE_DZ_TX_OPTION_DESC_TSO, ESF_DZ_TX_TSO_OPTION_TYPE, ESE_DZ_TX_TSO_OPTION_DESC_FATSO2A, ESF_DZ_TX_TSO_IP_ID, ipv4_id, ESF_DZ_TX_TSO_TCP_SEQNO, tcp_seq); EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_4(edp[1].ed_eq, ESF_DZ_TX_DESC_IS_OPT, 1, ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_TYPE, ESE_DZ_TX_OPTION_DESC_TSO, ESF_DZ_TX_TSO_OPTION_TYPE, ESE_DZ_TX_TSO_OPTION_DESC_FATSO2B, ESF_DZ_TX_TSO_TCP_MSS, tcp_mss); } void ef10_tx_qdesc_vlantci_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t tci, __out efx_desc_t *edp) { _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(etp)) EFSYS_PROBE2(tx_desc_vlantci_create, unsigned int, etp->et_index, uint16_t, tci); EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_4(edp->ed_eq, ESF_DZ_TX_DESC_IS_OPT, 1, ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_TYPE, ESE_DZ_TX_OPTION_DESC_VLAN, ESF_DZ_TX_VLAN_OP, tci ? 1 : 0, ESF_DZ_TX_VLAN_TAG1, tci); +} + + void +ef10_tx_qdesc_checksum_create( + __in efx_txq_t *etp, + __in uint16_t flags, + __out efx_desc_t *edp) +{ + _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(etp)); + + EFSYS_PROBE2(tx_desc_checksum_create, unsigned int, etp->et_index, + uint32_t, flags); + + EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_6(edp->ed_eq, + ESF_DZ_TX_DESC_IS_OPT, 1, + ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_TYPE, ESE_DZ_TX_OPTION_DESC_CRC_CSUM, + ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_UDP_TCP_CSUM, + (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_TCPUDP) ? 1 : 0, + ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_IP_CSUM, + (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_IPV4) ? 1 : 0, + ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_INNER_UDP_TCP_CSUM, + (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_TCPUDP) ? 1 : 0, + ESF_DZ_TX_OPTION_INNER_IP_CSUM, + (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_IPV4) ? 1 : 0); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qpace( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int ns) { efx_rc_t rc; /* FIXME */ _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(etp, ns)) _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) if (B_FALSE) { rc = ENOTSUP; goto fail1; } /* FIXME */ return (0); fail1: /* * EALREADY is not an error, but indicates that the MC has rebooted and * that the TXQ has already been destroyed. Callers need to know that * the TXQ flush has completed to avoid waiting until timeout for a * flush done event that will not be delivered. */ if (rc != EALREADY) EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_tx_qflush( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; efx_rc_t rc; if ((rc = efx_mcdi_fini_txq(enp, etp->et_index)) != 0) goto fail1; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void ef10_tx_qenable( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { /* FIXME */ _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(etp)) /* FIXME */ } #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS void ef10_tx_qstats_update( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __inout_ecount(TX_NQSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat) { unsigned int id; for (id = 0; id < TX_NQSTATS; id++) { efsys_stat_t *essp = &stat[id]; EFSYS_STAT_INCR(essp, etp->et_stat[id]); etp->et_stat[id] = 0; } } #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD */ Index: stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx.h =================================================================== --- stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx.h (revision 342508) +++ stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx.h (revision 342509) @@ -1,2498 +1,2504 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Solarflare Communications Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _SYS_EFX_H #define _SYS_EFX_H #include "efsys.h" #include "efx_check.h" #include "efx_phy_ids.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define EFX_STATIC_ASSERT(_cond) \ ((void)sizeof(char[(_cond) ? 1 : -1])) #define EFX_ARRAY_SIZE(_array) \ (sizeof(_array) / sizeof((_array)[0])) #define EFX_FIELD_OFFSET(_type, _field) \ ((size_t) &(((_type *)0)->_field)) /* Return codes */ typedef __success(return == 0) int efx_rc_t; /* Chip families */ typedef enum efx_family_e { EFX_FAMILY_INVALID, EFX_FAMILY_FALCON, /* Obsolete and not supported */ EFX_FAMILY_SIENA, EFX_FAMILY_HUNTINGTON, EFX_FAMILY_MEDFORD, EFX_FAMILY_NTYPES } efx_family_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_family( __in uint16_t venid, __in uint16_t devid, __out efx_family_t *efp); #define EFX_PCI_VENID_SFC 0x1924 #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_FALCON 0x0710 /* SFC4000 */ #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_BETHPAGE 0x0803 /* SFC9020 */ #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_SIENA 0x0813 /* SFL9021 */ #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_SIENA_F1_UNINIT 0x0810 #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_HUNTINGTON_PF_UNINIT 0x0901 #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_FARMINGDALE 0x0903 /* SFC9120 PF */ #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_GREENPORT 0x0923 /* SFC9140 PF */ #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_FARMINGDALE_VF 0x1903 /* SFC9120 VF */ #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_GREENPORT_VF 0x1923 /* SFC9140 VF */ #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_MEDFORD_PF_UNINIT 0x0913 #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_MEDFORD 0x0A03 /* SFC9240 PF */ #define EFX_PCI_DEVID_MEDFORD_VF 0x1A03 /* SFC9240 VF */ #define EFX_MEM_BAR 2 /* Error codes */ enum { EFX_ERR_INVALID, EFX_ERR_SRAM_OOB, EFX_ERR_BUFID_DC_OOB, EFX_ERR_MEM_PERR, EFX_ERR_RBUF_OWN, EFX_ERR_TBUF_OWN, EFX_ERR_RDESQ_OWN, EFX_ERR_TDESQ_OWN, EFX_ERR_EVQ_OWN, EFX_ERR_EVFF_OFLO, EFX_ERR_ILL_ADDR, EFX_ERR_SRAM_PERR, EFX_ERR_NCODES }; /* Calculate the IEEE 802.3 CRC32 of a MAC addr */ extern __checkReturn uint32_t efx_crc32_calculate( __in uint32_t crc_init, __in_ecount(length) uint8_t const *input, __in int length); /* Type prototypes */ typedef struct efx_rxq_s efx_rxq_t; /* NIC */ typedef struct efx_nic_s efx_nic_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_create( __in efx_family_t family, __in efsys_identifier_t *esip, __in efsys_bar_t *esbp, __in efsys_lock_t *eslp, __deref_out efx_nic_t **enpp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_probe( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_reset( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_register_test( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ extern void efx_nic_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_nic_unprobe( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_nic_destroy( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #define EFX_PCIE_LINK_SPEED_GEN1 1 #define EFX_PCIE_LINK_SPEED_GEN2 2 #define EFX_PCIE_LINK_SPEED_GEN3 3 typedef enum efx_pcie_link_performance_e { EFX_PCIE_LINK_PERFORMANCE_UNKNOWN_BANDWIDTH, EFX_PCIE_LINK_PERFORMANCE_SUBOPTIMAL_BANDWIDTH, EFX_PCIE_LINK_PERFORMANCE_SUBOPTIMAL_LATENCY, EFX_PCIE_LINK_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMAL } efx_pcie_link_performance_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_calculate_pcie_link_bandwidth( __in uint32_t pcie_link_width, __in uint32_t pcie_link_gen, __out uint32_t *bandwidth_mbpsp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_check_pcie_link_speed( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t pcie_link_width, __in uint32_t pcie_link_gen, __out efx_pcie_link_performance_t *resultp); #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI #if EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD /* Huntington and Medford require MCDIv2 commands */ #define WITH_MCDI_V2 1 #endif typedef struct efx_mcdi_req_s efx_mcdi_req_t; typedef enum efx_mcdi_exception_e { EFX_MCDI_EXCEPTION_MC_REBOOT, EFX_MCDI_EXCEPTION_MC_BADASSERT, } efx_mcdi_exception_t; #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_LOGGING typedef enum efx_log_msg_e { EFX_LOG_INVALID, EFX_LOG_MCDI_REQUEST, EFX_LOG_MCDI_RESPONSE, } efx_log_msg_t; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_LOGGING */ typedef struct efx_mcdi_transport_s { void *emt_context; efsys_mem_t *emt_dma_mem; void (*emt_execute)(void *, efx_mcdi_req_t *); void (*emt_ev_cpl)(void *); void (*emt_exception)(void *, efx_mcdi_exception_t); #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_LOGGING void (*emt_logger)(void *, efx_log_msg_t, void *, size_t, void *, size_t); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_LOGGING */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_PROXY_AUTH void (*emt_ev_proxy_response)(void *, uint32_t, efx_rc_t); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_PROXY_AUTH */ } efx_mcdi_transport_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in const efx_mcdi_transport_t *mtp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_reboot( __in efx_nic_t *enp); void efx_mcdi_new_epoch( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_mcdi_get_timeout( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_mcdi_req_t *emrp, __out uint32_t *usec_timeoutp); extern void efx_mcdi_request_start( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_mcdi_req_t *emrp, __in boolean_t ev_cpl); extern __checkReturn boolean_t efx_mcdi_request_poll( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn boolean_t efx_mcdi_request_abort( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_mcdi_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI */ /* INTR */ #define EFX_NINTR_SIENA 1024 typedef enum efx_intr_type_e { EFX_INTR_INVALID = 0, EFX_INTR_LINE, EFX_INTR_MESSAGE, EFX_INTR_NTYPES } efx_intr_type_t; #define EFX_INTR_SIZE (sizeof (efx_oword_t)) extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_intr_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_intr_type_t type, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp); extern void efx_intr_enable( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_intr_disable( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_intr_disable_unlocked( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #define EFX_INTR_NEVQS 32 extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_intr_trigger( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int level); extern void efx_intr_status_line( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out boolean_t *fatalp, __out uint32_t *maskp); extern void efx_intr_status_message( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int message, __out boolean_t *fatalp); extern void efx_intr_fatal( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_intr_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); /* MAC */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS /* START MKCONFIG GENERATED EfxHeaderMacBlock e323546097fd7c65 */ typedef enum efx_mac_stat_e { EFX_MAC_RX_OCTETS, EFX_MAC_RX_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_UNICST_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_MULTICST_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_BRDCST_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_PAUSE_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_LE_64_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_65_TO_127_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_128_TO_255_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_256_TO_511_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_512_TO_1023_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_1024_TO_15XX_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_GE_15XX_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_ERRORS, EFX_MAC_RX_FCS_ERRORS, EFX_MAC_RX_DROP_EVENTS, EFX_MAC_RX_FALSE_CARRIER_ERRORS, EFX_MAC_RX_SYMBOL_ERRORS, EFX_MAC_RX_ALIGN_ERRORS, EFX_MAC_RX_INTERNAL_ERRORS, EFX_MAC_RX_JABBER_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RX_LANE0_CHAR_ERR, EFX_MAC_RX_LANE1_CHAR_ERR, EFX_MAC_RX_LANE2_CHAR_ERR, EFX_MAC_RX_LANE3_CHAR_ERR, EFX_MAC_RX_LANE0_DISP_ERR, EFX_MAC_RX_LANE1_DISP_ERR, EFX_MAC_RX_LANE2_DISP_ERR, EFX_MAC_RX_LANE3_DISP_ERR, EFX_MAC_RX_MATCH_FAULT, EFX_MAC_RX_NODESC_DROP_CNT, EFX_MAC_TX_OCTETS, EFX_MAC_TX_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_UNICST_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_MULTICST_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_BRDCST_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_PAUSE_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_LE_64_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_65_TO_127_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_128_TO_255_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_256_TO_511_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_512_TO_1023_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_1024_TO_15XX_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_GE_15XX_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_ERRORS, EFX_MAC_TX_SGL_COL_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_MULT_COL_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_EX_COL_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_LATE_COL_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_DEF_PKTS, EFX_MAC_TX_EX_DEF_PKTS, EFX_MAC_PM_TRUNC_BB_OVERFLOW, EFX_MAC_PM_DISCARD_BB_OVERFLOW, EFX_MAC_PM_TRUNC_VFIFO_FULL, EFX_MAC_PM_DISCARD_VFIFO_FULL, EFX_MAC_PM_TRUNC_QBB, EFX_MAC_PM_DISCARD_QBB, EFX_MAC_PM_DISCARD_MAPPING, EFX_MAC_RXDP_Q_DISABLED_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RXDP_DI_DROPPED_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RXDP_STREAMING_PKTS, EFX_MAC_RXDP_HLB_FETCH, EFX_MAC_RXDP_HLB_WAIT, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_UNICAST_PACKETS, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_UNICAST_BYTES, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_MULTICAST_PACKETS, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_MULTICAST_BYTES, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_BROADCAST_PACKETS, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_BROADCAST_BYTES, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_BAD_PACKETS, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_BAD_BYTES, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_RX_OVERFLOW, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_UNICAST_PACKETS, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_UNICAST_BYTES, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_MULTICAST_PACKETS, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_MULTICAST_BYTES, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_BROADCAST_PACKETS, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_BROADCAST_BYTES, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_BAD_PACKETS, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_BAD_BYTES, EFX_MAC_VADAPTER_TX_OVERFLOW, EFX_MAC_NSTATS } efx_mac_stat_t; /* END MKCONFIG GENERATED EfxHeaderMacBlock */ #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS */ typedef enum efx_link_mode_e { EFX_LINK_UNKNOWN = 0, EFX_LINK_DOWN, EFX_LINK_10HDX, EFX_LINK_10FDX, EFX_LINK_100HDX, EFX_LINK_100FDX, EFX_LINK_1000HDX, EFX_LINK_1000FDX, EFX_LINK_10000FDX, EFX_LINK_40000FDX, EFX_LINK_NMODES } efx_link_mode_t; #define EFX_MAC_ADDR_LEN 6 #define EFX_MAC_ADDR_IS_MULTICAST(_address) (((uint8_t *)_address)[0] & 0x01) #define EFX_MAC_MULTICAST_LIST_MAX 256 #define EFX_MAC_SDU_MAX 9202 #define EFX_MAC_PDU_ADJUSTMENT \ (/* EtherII */ 14 \ + /* VLAN */ 4 \ + /* CRC */ 4 \ + /* bug16011 */ 16) \ #define EFX_MAC_PDU(_sdu) \ P2ROUNDUP((_sdu) + EFX_MAC_PDU_ADJUSTMENT, 8) /* * Due to the P2ROUNDUP in EFX_MAC_PDU(), EFX_MAC_SDU_FROM_PDU() may give * the SDU rounded up slightly. */ #define EFX_MAC_SDU_FROM_PDU(_pdu) ((_pdu) - EFX_MAC_PDU_ADJUSTMENT) #define EFX_MAC_PDU_MIN 60 #define EFX_MAC_PDU_MAX EFX_MAC_PDU(EFX_MAC_SDU_MAX) extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_pdu_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out size_t *pdu); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_pdu_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in size_t pdu); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_addr_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint8_t *addr); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_filter_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in boolean_t all_unicst, __in boolean_t mulcst, __in boolean_t all_mulcst, __in boolean_t brdcst); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_multicast_list_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(6*count) uint8_t const *addrs, __in int count); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_filter_default_rxq_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in boolean_t using_rss); extern void efx_mac_filter_default_rxq_clear( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_drain( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in boolean_t enabled); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_up( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out boolean_t *mac_upp); #define EFX_FCNTL_RESPOND 0x00000001 #define EFX_FCNTL_GENERATE 0x00000002 extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_fcntl_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int fcntl, __in boolean_t autoneg); extern void efx_mac_fcntl_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out unsigned int *fcntl_wantedp, __out unsigned int *fcntl_linkp); #if EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES extern __checkReturn const char * efx_mac_stat_name( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int id); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ #define EFX_MAC_STATS_MASK_BITS_PER_PAGE (8 * sizeof (uint32_t)) #define EFX_MAC_STATS_MASK_NPAGES \ (P2ROUNDUP(EFX_MAC_NSTATS, EFX_MAC_STATS_MASK_BITS_PER_PAGE) / \ EFX_MAC_STATS_MASK_BITS_PER_PAGE) /* * Get mask of MAC statistics supported by the hardware. * * If mask_size is insufficient to return the mask, EINVAL error is * returned. EFX_MAC_STATS_MASK_NPAGES multiplied by size of the page * (which is sizeof (uint32_t)) is sufficient. */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_stats_get_mask( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_bcount(mask_size) uint32_t *maskp, __in size_t mask_size); #define EFX_MAC_STAT_SUPPORTED(_mask, _stat) \ ((_mask)[(_stat) / EFX_MAC_STATS_MASK_BITS_PER_PAGE] & \ (1ULL << ((_stat) & (EFX_MAC_STATS_MASK_BITS_PER_PAGE - 1)))) #define EFX_MAC_STATS_SIZE 0x400 /* * Upload mac statistics supported by the hardware into the given buffer. * * The reference buffer must be at least %EFX_MAC_STATS_SIZE bytes, * and page aligned. * * The hardware will only DMA statistics that it understands (of course). * Drivers should not make any assumptions about which statistics are * supported, especially when the statistics are generated by firmware. * * Thus, drivers should zero this buffer before use, so that not-understood * statistics read back as zero. */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_stats_upload( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_stats_periodic( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in uint16_t period_ms, __in boolean_t events); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_stats_update( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __inout_ecount(EFX_MAC_NSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat, __inout_opt uint32_t *generationp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS */ /* MON */ typedef enum efx_mon_type_e { EFX_MON_INVALID = 0, EFX_MON_SFC90X0, EFX_MON_SFC91X0, EFX_MON_SFC92X0, EFX_MON_NTYPES } efx_mon_type_t; #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES extern const char * efx_mon_name( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mon_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS #define EFX_MON_STATS_PAGE_SIZE 0x100 #define EFX_MON_MASK_ELEMENT_SIZE 32 /* START MKCONFIG GENERATED MonitorHeaderStatsBlock 5d4ee5185e419abe */ typedef enum efx_mon_stat_e { EFX_MON_STAT_2_5V, EFX_MON_STAT_VCCP1, EFX_MON_STAT_VCC, EFX_MON_STAT_5V, EFX_MON_STAT_12V, EFX_MON_STAT_VCCP2, EFX_MON_STAT_EXT_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_INT_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_AIN1, EFX_MON_STAT_AIN2, EFX_MON_STAT_INT_COOLING, EFX_MON_STAT_EXT_COOLING, EFX_MON_STAT_1V, EFX_MON_STAT_1_2V, EFX_MON_STAT_1_8V, EFX_MON_STAT_3_3V, EFX_MON_STAT_1_2VA, EFX_MON_STAT_VREF, EFX_MON_STAT_VAOE, EFX_MON_STAT_AOE_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_PSU_AOE_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_PSU_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_FAN0, EFX_MON_STAT_FAN1, EFX_MON_STAT_FAN2, EFX_MON_STAT_FAN3, EFX_MON_STAT_FAN4, EFX_MON_STAT_VAOE_IN, EFX_MON_STAT_IAOE, EFX_MON_STAT_IAOE_IN, EFX_MON_STAT_NIC_POWER, EFX_MON_STAT_0_9V, EFX_MON_STAT_I0_9V, EFX_MON_STAT_I1_2V, EFX_MON_STAT_0_9V_ADC, EFX_MON_STAT_INT_TEMP2, EFX_MON_STAT_VREG_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_VREG_0_9V_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_VREG_1_2V_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_INT_VPTAT, EFX_MON_STAT_INT_ADC_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_EXT_VPTAT, EFX_MON_STAT_EXT_ADC_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_AMBIENT_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_AIRFLOW, EFX_MON_STAT_VDD08D_VSS08D_CSR, EFX_MON_STAT_VDD08D_VSS08D_CSR_EXTADC, EFX_MON_STAT_HOTPOINT_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_PHY_POWER_SWITCH_PORT0, EFX_MON_STAT_PHY_POWER_SWITCH_PORT1, EFX_MON_STAT_MUM_VCC, EFX_MON_STAT_0V9_A, EFX_MON_STAT_I0V9_A, EFX_MON_STAT_0V9_A_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_0V9_B, EFX_MON_STAT_I0V9_B, EFX_MON_STAT_0V9_B_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_CCOM_AVREG_1V2_SUPPLY, EFX_MON_STAT_CCOM_AVREG_1V2_SUPPLY_EXT_ADC, EFX_MON_STAT_CCOM_AVREG_1V8_SUPPLY, EFX_MON_STAT_CCOM_AVREG_1V8_SUPPLY_EXT_ADC, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_MASTER_VPTAT, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_MASTER_INTERNAL_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_MASTER_VPTAT_EXT_ADC, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_MASTER_INTERNAL_TEMP_EXT_ADC, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_SLAVE_VPTAT, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_SLAVE_INTERNAL_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_SLAVE_VPTAT_EXT_ADC, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_SLAVE_INTERNAL_TEMP_EXT_ADC, EFX_MON_STAT_SODIMM_VOUT, EFX_MON_STAT_SODIMM_0_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_SODIMM_1_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_PHY0_VCC, EFX_MON_STAT_PHY1_VCC, EFX_MON_STAT_CONTROLLER_TDIODE_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_BOARD_FRONT_TEMP, EFX_MON_STAT_BOARD_BACK_TEMP, EFX_MON_NSTATS } efx_mon_stat_t; /* END MKCONFIG GENERATED MonitorHeaderStatsBlock */ typedef enum efx_mon_stat_state_e { EFX_MON_STAT_STATE_OK = 0, EFX_MON_STAT_STATE_WARNING = 1, EFX_MON_STAT_STATE_FATAL = 2, EFX_MON_STAT_STATE_BROKEN = 3, EFX_MON_STAT_STATE_NO_READING = 4, } efx_mon_stat_state_t; typedef struct efx_mon_stat_value_s { uint16_t emsv_value; uint16_t emsv_state; } efx_mon_stat_value_t; #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES extern const char * efx_mon_stat_name( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_mon_stat_t id); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mon_stats_update( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __inout_ecount(EFX_MON_NSTATS) efx_mon_stat_value_t *values); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS */ extern void efx_mon_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); /* PHY */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_phy_verify( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL typedef enum efx_phy_led_mode_e { EFX_PHY_LED_DEFAULT = 0, EFX_PHY_LED_OFF, EFX_PHY_LED_ON, EFX_PHY_LED_FLASH, EFX_PHY_LED_NMODES } efx_phy_led_mode_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_phy_led_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_phy_led_mode_t mode); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_port_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK typedef enum efx_loopback_type_e { EFX_LOOPBACK_OFF = 0, EFX_LOOPBACK_DATA = 1, EFX_LOOPBACK_GMAC = 2, EFX_LOOPBACK_XGMII = 3, EFX_LOOPBACK_XGXS = 4, EFX_LOOPBACK_XAUI = 5, EFX_LOOPBACK_GMII = 6, EFX_LOOPBACK_SGMII = 7, EFX_LOOPBACK_XGBR = 8, EFX_LOOPBACK_XFI = 9, EFX_LOOPBACK_XAUI_FAR = 10, EFX_LOOPBACK_GMII_FAR = 11, EFX_LOOPBACK_SGMII_FAR = 12, EFX_LOOPBACK_XFI_FAR = 13, EFX_LOOPBACK_GPHY = 14, EFX_LOOPBACK_PHY_XS = 15, EFX_LOOPBACK_PCS = 16, EFX_LOOPBACK_PMA_PMD = 17, EFX_LOOPBACK_XPORT = 18, EFX_LOOPBACK_XGMII_WS = 19, EFX_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS = 20, EFX_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS_FAR = 21, EFX_LOOPBACK_XAUI_WS_NEAR = 22, EFX_LOOPBACK_GMII_WS = 23, EFX_LOOPBACK_XFI_WS = 24, EFX_LOOPBACK_XFI_WS_FAR = 25, EFX_LOOPBACK_PHYXS_WS = 26, EFX_LOOPBACK_PMA_INT = 27, EFX_LOOPBACK_SD_NEAR = 28, EFX_LOOPBACK_SD_FAR = 29, EFX_LOOPBACK_PMA_INT_WS = 30, EFX_LOOPBACK_SD_FEP2_WS = 31, EFX_LOOPBACK_SD_FEP1_5_WS = 32, EFX_LOOPBACK_SD_FEP_WS = 33, EFX_LOOPBACK_SD_FES_WS = 34, EFX_LOOPBACK_NTYPES } efx_loopback_type_t; typedef enum efx_loopback_kind_e { EFX_LOOPBACK_KIND_OFF = 0, EFX_LOOPBACK_KIND_ALL, EFX_LOOPBACK_KIND_MAC, EFX_LOOPBACK_KIND_PHY, EFX_LOOPBACK_NKINDS } efx_loopback_kind_t; extern void efx_loopback_mask( __in efx_loopback_kind_t loopback_kind, __out efx_qword_t *maskp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_port_loopback_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_link_mode_t link_mode, __in efx_loopback_type_t type); #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES extern __checkReturn const char * efx_loopback_type_name( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_loopback_type_t type); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_port_poll( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_opt efx_link_mode_t *link_modep); extern void efx_port_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); typedef enum efx_phy_cap_type_e { EFX_PHY_CAP_INVALID = 0, EFX_PHY_CAP_10HDX, EFX_PHY_CAP_10FDX, EFX_PHY_CAP_100HDX, EFX_PHY_CAP_100FDX, EFX_PHY_CAP_1000HDX, EFX_PHY_CAP_1000FDX, EFX_PHY_CAP_10000FDX, EFX_PHY_CAP_PAUSE, EFX_PHY_CAP_ASYM, EFX_PHY_CAP_AN, EFX_PHY_CAP_40000FDX, EFX_PHY_CAP_NTYPES } efx_phy_cap_type_t; #define EFX_PHY_CAP_CURRENT 0x00000000 #define EFX_PHY_CAP_DEFAULT 0x00000001 #define EFX_PHY_CAP_PERM 0x00000002 extern void efx_phy_adv_cap_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t flag, __out uint32_t *maskp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_phy_adv_cap_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t mask); extern void efx_phy_lp_cap_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *maskp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_phy_oui_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *ouip); typedef enum efx_phy_media_type_e { EFX_PHY_MEDIA_INVALID = 0, EFX_PHY_MEDIA_XAUI, EFX_PHY_MEDIA_CX4, EFX_PHY_MEDIA_KX4, EFX_PHY_MEDIA_XFP, EFX_PHY_MEDIA_SFP_PLUS, EFX_PHY_MEDIA_BASE_T, EFX_PHY_MEDIA_QSFP_PLUS, EFX_PHY_MEDIA_NTYPES } efx_phy_media_type_t; /* Get the type of medium currently used. If the board has ports for * modules, a module is present, and we recognise the media type of * the module, then this will be the media type of the module. * Otherwise it will be the media type of the port. */ extern void efx_phy_media_type_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out efx_phy_media_type_t *typep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_phy_module_get_info( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint8_t dev_addr, __in uint8_t offset, __in uint8_t len, __out_bcount(len) uint8_t *data); #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS /* START MKCONFIG GENERATED PhyHeaderStatsBlock 30ed56ad501f8e36 */ typedef enum efx_phy_stat_e { EFX_PHY_STAT_OUI, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_LINK_UP, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_RX_FAULT, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_TX_FAULT, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_REV_A, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_REV_B, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_REV_C, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_REV_D, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_LINK_UP, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_RX_FAULT, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_TX_FAULT, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_BER, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_BLOCK_ERRORS, EFX_PHY_STAT_PHY_XS_LINK_UP, EFX_PHY_STAT_PHY_XS_RX_FAULT, EFX_PHY_STAT_PHY_XS_TX_FAULT, EFX_PHY_STAT_PHY_XS_ALIGN, EFX_PHY_STAT_PHY_XS_SYNC_A, EFX_PHY_STAT_PHY_XS_SYNC_B, EFX_PHY_STAT_PHY_XS_SYNC_C, EFX_PHY_STAT_PHY_XS_SYNC_D, EFX_PHY_STAT_AN_LINK_UP, EFX_PHY_STAT_AN_MASTER, EFX_PHY_STAT_AN_LOCAL_RX_OK, EFX_PHY_STAT_AN_REMOTE_RX_OK, EFX_PHY_STAT_CL22EXT_LINK_UP, EFX_PHY_STAT_SNR_A, EFX_PHY_STAT_SNR_B, EFX_PHY_STAT_SNR_C, EFX_PHY_STAT_SNR_D, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_SIGNAL_A, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_SIGNAL_B, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_SIGNAL_C, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_SIGNAL_D, EFX_PHY_STAT_AN_COMPLETE, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_REV_MAJOR, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_REV_MINOR, EFX_PHY_STAT_PMA_PMD_REV_MICRO, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_FW_VERSION_0, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_FW_VERSION_1, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_FW_VERSION_2, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_FW_VERSION_3, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_FW_BUILD_YY, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_FW_BUILD_MM, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_FW_BUILD_DD, EFX_PHY_STAT_PCS_OP_MODE, EFX_PHY_NSTATS } efx_phy_stat_t; /* END MKCONFIG GENERATED PhyHeaderStatsBlock */ #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES extern const char * efx_phy_stat_name( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_phy_stat_t stat); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ #define EFX_PHY_STATS_SIZE 0x100 extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_phy_stats_update( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __inout_ecount(EFX_PHY_NSTATS) uint32_t *stat); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_BIST typedef enum efx_bist_type_e { EFX_BIST_TYPE_UNKNOWN, EFX_BIST_TYPE_PHY_NORMAL, EFX_BIST_TYPE_PHY_CABLE_SHORT, EFX_BIST_TYPE_PHY_CABLE_LONG, EFX_BIST_TYPE_MC_MEM, /* Test the MC DMEM and IMEM */ EFX_BIST_TYPE_SAT_MEM, /* Test the DMEM and IMEM of satellite cpus*/ EFX_BIST_TYPE_REG, /* Test the register memories */ EFX_BIST_TYPE_NTYPES, } efx_bist_type_t; typedef enum efx_bist_result_e { EFX_BIST_RESULT_UNKNOWN, EFX_BIST_RESULT_RUNNING, EFX_BIST_RESULT_PASSED, EFX_BIST_RESULT_FAILED, } efx_bist_result_t; typedef enum efx_phy_cable_status_e { EFX_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_OK, EFX_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_INVALID, EFX_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_OPEN, EFX_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_INTRAPAIRSHORT, EFX_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_INTERPAIRSHORT, EFX_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_BUSY, } efx_phy_cable_status_t; typedef enum efx_bist_value_e { EFX_BIST_PHY_CABLE_LENGTH_A, EFX_BIST_PHY_CABLE_LENGTH_B, EFX_BIST_PHY_CABLE_LENGTH_C, EFX_BIST_PHY_CABLE_LENGTH_D, EFX_BIST_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_A, EFX_BIST_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_B, EFX_BIST_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_C, EFX_BIST_PHY_CABLE_STATUS_D, EFX_BIST_FAULT_CODE, /* Memory BIST specific values. These match to the MC_CMD_BIST_POLL * response. */ EFX_BIST_MEM_TEST, EFX_BIST_MEM_ADDR, EFX_BIST_MEM_BUS, EFX_BIST_MEM_EXPECT, EFX_BIST_MEM_ACTUAL, EFX_BIST_MEM_ECC, EFX_BIST_MEM_ECC_PARITY, EFX_BIST_MEM_ECC_FATAL, EFX_BIST_NVALUES, } efx_bist_value_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_bist_enable_offline( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_bist_start( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_bist_type_t type); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_bist_poll( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_bist_type_t type, __out efx_bist_result_t *resultp, __out_opt uint32_t *value_maskp, __out_ecount_opt(count) unsigned long *valuesp, __in size_t count); extern void efx_bist_stop( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_bist_type_t type); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_BIST */ #define EFX_FEATURE_IPV6 0x00000001 #define EFX_FEATURE_LFSR_HASH_INSERT 0x00000002 #define EFX_FEATURE_LINK_EVENTS 0x00000004 #define EFX_FEATURE_PERIODIC_MAC_STATS 0x00000008 #define EFX_FEATURE_MCDI 0x00000020 #define EFX_FEATURE_LOOKAHEAD_SPLIT 0x00000040 #define EFX_FEATURE_MAC_HEADER_FILTERS 0x00000080 #define EFX_FEATURE_TURBO 0x00000100 #define EFX_FEATURE_MCDI_DMA 0x00000200 #define EFX_FEATURE_TX_SRC_FILTERS 0x00000400 #define EFX_FEATURE_PIO_BUFFERS 0x00000800 #define EFX_FEATURE_FW_ASSISTED_TSO 0x00001000 #define EFX_FEATURE_FW_ASSISTED_TSO_V2 0x00002000 typedef enum efx_tunnel_protocol_e { EFX_TUNNEL_PROTOCOL_NONE = 0, EFX_TUNNEL_PROTOCOL_VXLAN, EFX_TUNNEL_PROTOCOL_GENEVE, EFX_TUNNEL_PROTOCOL_NVGRE, EFX_TUNNEL_NPROTOS } efx_tunnel_protocol_t; typedef struct efx_nic_cfg_s { uint32_t enc_board_type; uint32_t enc_phy_type; #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES char enc_phy_name[21]; #endif char enc_phy_revision[21]; efx_mon_type_t enc_mon_type; #if EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS uint32_t enc_mon_stat_dma_buf_size; uint32_t enc_mon_stat_mask[(EFX_MON_NSTATS + 31) / 32]; #endif unsigned int enc_features; uint8_t enc_mac_addr[6]; uint8_t enc_port; /* PHY port number */ uint32_t enc_intr_vec_base; uint32_t enc_intr_limit; uint32_t enc_evq_limit; uint32_t enc_txq_limit; uint32_t enc_rxq_limit; uint32_t enc_txq_max_ndescs; uint32_t enc_buftbl_limit; uint32_t enc_piobuf_limit; uint32_t enc_piobuf_size; uint32_t enc_piobuf_min_alloc_size; uint32_t enc_evq_timer_quantum_ns; uint32_t enc_evq_timer_max_us; uint32_t enc_clk_mult; uint32_t enc_rx_prefix_size; uint32_t enc_rx_buf_align_start; uint32_t enc_rx_buf_align_end; #if EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK efx_qword_t enc_loopback_types[EFX_LINK_NMODES]; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK */ #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_FLAGS uint32_t enc_phy_flags_mask; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_FLAGS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL uint32_t enc_led_mask; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL */ #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS uint64_t enc_phy_stat_mask; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI uint8_t enc_mcdi_mdio_channel; #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS uint32_t enc_mcdi_phy_stat_mask; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS uint32_t *enc_mcdi_sensor_maskp; uint32_t enc_mcdi_sensor_mask_size; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS */ #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI */ #if EFSYS_OPT_BIST uint32_t enc_bist_mask; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_BIST */ #if EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD uint32_t enc_pf; uint32_t enc_vf; uint32_t enc_privilege_mask; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD */ boolean_t enc_bug26807_workaround; boolean_t enc_bug35388_workaround; boolean_t enc_bug41750_workaround; boolean_t enc_bug61265_workaround; boolean_t enc_rx_batching_enabled; /* Maximum number of descriptors completed in an rx event. */ uint32_t enc_rx_batch_max; /* Number of rx descriptors the hardware requires for a push. */ uint32_t enc_rx_push_align; /* Maximum amount of data in DMA descriptor */ uint32_t enc_tx_dma_desc_size_max; /* * Boundary which DMA descriptor data must not cross or 0 if no * limitation. */ uint32_t enc_tx_dma_desc_boundary; /* * Maximum number of bytes into the packet the TCP header can start for * the hardware to apply TSO packet edits. */ uint32_t enc_tx_tso_tcp_header_offset_limit; boolean_t enc_fw_assisted_tso_enabled; boolean_t enc_fw_assisted_tso_v2_enabled; /* Number of TSO contexts on the NIC (FATSOv2) */ uint32_t enc_fw_assisted_tso_v2_n_contexts; boolean_t enc_hw_tx_insert_vlan_enabled; /* Number of PFs on the NIC */ uint32_t enc_hw_pf_count; /* Datapath firmware vadapter/vport/vswitch support */ boolean_t enc_datapath_cap_evb; boolean_t enc_rx_disable_scatter_supported; boolean_t enc_allow_set_mac_with_installed_filters; boolean_t enc_enhanced_set_mac_supported; boolean_t enc_init_evq_v2_supported; boolean_t enc_pm_and_rxdp_counters; boolean_t enc_mac_stats_40g_tx_size_bins; uint32_t enc_tunnel_encapsulations_supported; /* External port identifier */ uint8_t enc_external_port; uint32_t enc_mcdi_max_payload_length; /* VPD may be per-PF or global */ boolean_t enc_vpd_is_global; /* Minimum unidirectional bandwidth in Mb/s to max out all ports */ uint32_t enc_required_pcie_bandwidth_mbps; uint32_t enc_max_pcie_link_gen; /* Firmware verifies integrity of NVRAM updates */ uint32_t enc_fw_verified_nvram_update_required; } efx_nic_cfg_t; #define EFX_PCI_FUNCTION_IS_PF(_encp) ((_encp)->enc_vf == 0xffff) #define EFX_PCI_FUNCTION_IS_VF(_encp) ((_encp)->enc_vf != 0xffff) #define EFX_PCI_FUNCTION(_encp) \ (EFX_PCI_FUNCTION_IS_PF(_encp) ? (_encp)->enc_pf : (_encp)->enc_vf) #define EFX_PCI_VF_PARENT(_encp) ((_encp)->enc_pf) extern const efx_nic_cfg_t * efx_nic_cfg_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp); /* Driver resource limits (minimum required/maximum usable). */ typedef struct efx_drv_limits_s { uint32_t edl_min_evq_count; uint32_t edl_max_evq_count; uint32_t edl_min_rxq_count; uint32_t edl_max_rxq_count; uint32_t edl_min_txq_count; uint32_t edl_max_txq_count; /* PIO blocks (sub-allocated from piobuf) */ uint32_t edl_min_pio_alloc_size; uint32_t edl_max_pio_alloc_count; } efx_drv_limits_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_set_drv_limits( __inout efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_drv_limits_t *edlp); typedef enum efx_nic_region_e { EFX_REGION_VI, /* Memory BAR UC mapping */ EFX_REGION_PIO_WRITE_VI, /* Memory BAR WC mapping */ } efx_nic_region_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_get_bar_region( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nic_region_t region, __out uint32_t *offsetp, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nic_get_vi_pool( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out uint32_t *evq_countp, __out uint32_t *rxq_countp, __out uint32_t *txq_countp); #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD typedef enum efx_vpd_tag_e { EFX_VPD_ID = 0x02, EFX_VPD_END = 0x0f, EFX_VPD_RO = 0x10, EFX_VPD_RW = 0x11, } efx_vpd_tag_t; typedef uint16_t efx_vpd_keyword_t; typedef struct efx_vpd_value_s { efx_vpd_tag_t evv_tag; efx_vpd_keyword_t evv_keyword; uint8_t evv_length; uint8_t evv_value[0x100]; } efx_vpd_value_t; #define EFX_VPD_KEYWORD(x, y) ((x) | ((y) << 8)) extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_size( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_read( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_verify( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_reinit( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __inout efx_vpd_value_t *evvp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __inout_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __in efx_vpd_value_t *evvp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_next( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __inout_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __out efx_vpd_value_t *evvp, __inout unsigned int *contp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_write( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern void efx_vpd_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ /* NVRAM */ #if EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM typedef enum efx_nvram_type_e { EFX_NVRAM_INVALID = 0, EFX_NVRAM_BOOTROM, EFX_NVRAM_BOOTROM_CFG, EFX_NVRAM_MC_FIRMWARE, EFX_NVRAM_MC_GOLDEN, EFX_NVRAM_PHY, EFX_NVRAM_NULLPHY, EFX_NVRAM_FPGA, EFX_NVRAM_FCFW, EFX_NVRAM_CPLD, EFX_NVRAM_FPGA_BACKUP, EFX_NVRAM_DYNAMIC_CFG, EFX_NVRAM_LICENSE, EFX_NVRAM_UEFIROM, EFX_NVRAM_NTYPES, } efx_nvram_type_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_test( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_size( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type, __out size_t *sizep); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_rw_start( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type, __out_opt size_t *pref_chunkp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_rw_finish( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_get_version( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type, __out uint32_t *subtypep, __out_ecount(4) uint16_t version[4]); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_read_chunk( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type, __in unsigned int offset, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_set_version( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type, __in_ecount(4) uint16_t version[4]); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_validate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type, __in_bcount(partn_size) caddr_t partn_data, __in size_t partn_size); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_erase( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_nvram_write_chunk( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_nvram_type_t type, __in unsigned int offset, __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); extern void efx_nvram_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM */ #if EFSYS_OPT_BOOTCFG /* Report size and offset of bootcfg sector in NVRAM partition. */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_bootcfg_sector_info( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t pf, __out_opt uint32_t *sector_countp, __out size_t *offsetp, __out size_t *max_sizep); /* * Copy bootcfg sector data to a target buffer which may differ in size. * Optionally corrects format errors in source buffer. */ extern efx_rc_t efx_bootcfg_copy_sector( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __inout_bcount(sector_length) uint8_t *sector, __in size_t sector_length, __out_bcount(data_size) uint8_t *data, __in size_t data_size, __in boolean_t handle_format_errors); extern efx_rc_t efx_bootcfg_read( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_bcount(size) uint8_t *data, __in size_t size); extern efx_rc_t efx_bootcfg_write( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(size) uint8_t *data, __in size_t size); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_BOOTCFG */ #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG typedef enum efx_pattern_type_t { EFX_PATTERN_BYTE_INCREMENT = 0, EFX_PATTERN_ALL_THE_SAME, EFX_PATTERN_BIT_ALTERNATE, EFX_PATTERN_BYTE_ALTERNATE, EFX_PATTERN_BYTE_CHANGING, EFX_PATTERN_BIT_SWEEP, EFX_PATTERN_NTYPES } efx_pattern_type_t; typedef void (*efx_sram_pattern_fn_t)( __in size_t row, __in boolean_t negate, __out efx_qword_t *eqp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_sram_test( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_pattern_type_t type); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_sram_buf_tbl_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t id, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n); extern void efx_sram_buf_tbl_clear( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t id, __in size_t n); #define EFX_BUF_TBL_SIZE 0x20000 #define EFX_BUF_SIZE 4096 /* EV */ typedef struct efx_evq_s efx_evq_t; #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS /* START MKCONFIG GENERATED EfxHeaderEventQueueBlock 6f3843f5fe7cc843 */ typedef enum efx_ev_qstat_e { EV_ALL, EV_RX, EV_RX_OK, EV_RX_FRM_TRUNC, EV_RX_TOBE_DISC, EV_RX_PAUSE_FRM_ERR, EV_RX_BUF_OWNER_ID_ERR, EV_RX_IPV4_HDR_CHKSUM_ERR, EV_RX_TCP_UDP_CHKSUM_ERR, EV_RX_ETH_CRC_ERR, EV_RX_IP_FRAG_ERR, EV_RX_MCAST_PKT, EV_RX_MCAST_HASH_MATCH, EV_RX_TCP_IPV4, EV_RX_TCP_IPV6, EV_RX_UDP_IPV4, EV_RX_UDP_IPV6, EV_RX_OTHER_IPV4, EV_RX_OTHER_IPV6, EV_RX_NON_IP, EV_RX_BATCH, EV_TX, EV_TX_WQ_FF_FULL, EV_TX_PKT_ERR, EV_TX_PKT_TOO_BIG, EV_TX_UNEXPECTED, EV_GLOBAL, EV_GLOBAL_MNT, EV_DRIVER, EV_DRIVER_SRM_UPD_DONE, EV_DRIVER_TX_DESCQ_FLS_DONE, EV_DRIVER_RX_DESCQ_FLS_DONE, EV_DRIVER_RX_DESCQ_FLS_FAILED, EV_DRIVER_RX_DSC_ERROR, EV_DRIVER_TX_DSC_ERROR, EV_DRV_GEN, EV_MCDI_RESPONSE, EV_NQSTATS } efx_ev_qstat_t; /* END MKCONFIG GENERATED EfxHeaderEventQueueBlock */ #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_ev_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_ev_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #define EFX_EVQ_MAXNEVS 32768 #define EFX_EVQ_MINNEVS 512 #define EFX_EVQ_SIZE(_nevs) ((_nevs) * sizeof (efx_qword_t)) #define EFX_EVQ_NBUFS(_nevs) (EFX_EVQ_SIZE(_nevs) / EFX_BUF_SIZE) #define EFX_EVQ_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK (0x3) #define EFX_EVQ_FLAGS_TYPE_AUTO (0x0) #define EFX_EVQ_FLAGS_TYPE_THROUGHPUT (0x1) #define EFX_EVQ_FLAGS_TYPE_LOW_LATENCY (0x2) #define EFX_EVQ_FLAGS_NOTIFY_MASK (0xC) #define EFX_EVQ_FLAGS_NOTIFY_INTERRUPT (0x0) /* Interrupting (default) */ #define EFX_EVQ_FLAGS_NOTIFY_DISABLED (0x4) /* Non-interrupting */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_ev_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint32_t us, __in uint32_t flags, __deref_out efx_evq_t **eepp); extern void efx_ev_qpost( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in uint16_t data); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_initialized_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg); #define EFX_PKT_UNICAST 0x0004 #define EFX_PKT_START 0x0008 #define EFX_PKT_VLAN_TAGGED 0x0010 #define EFX_CKSUM_TCPUDP 0x0020 #define EFX_CKSUM_IPV4 0x0040 #define EFX_PKT_CONT 0x0080 #define EFX_CHECK_VLAN 0x0100 #define EFX_PKT_TCP 0x0200 #define EFX_PKT_UDP 0x0400 #define EFX_PKT_IPV4 0x0800 #define EFX_PKT_IPV6 0x1000 #define EFX_PKT_PREFIX_LEN 0x2000 #define EFX_ADDR_MISMATCH 0x4000 #define EFX_DISCARD 0x8000 #define EFX_EV_RX_NLABELS 32 #define EFX_EV_TX_NLABELS 32 typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_rx_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t label, __in uint32_t id, __in uint32_t size, __in uint16_t flags); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_tx_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t label, __in uint32_t id); #define EFX_EXCEPTION_RX_RECOVERY 0x00000001 #define EFX_EXCEPTION_RX_DSC_ERROR 0x00000002 #define EFX_EXCEPTION_TX_DSC_ERROR 0x00000003 #define EFX_EXCEPTION_UNKNOWN_SENSOREVT 0x00000004 #define EFX_EXCEPTION_FWALERT_SRAM 0x00000005 #define EFX_EXCEPTION_UNKNOWN_FWALERT 0x00000006 #define EFX_EXCEPTION_RX_ERROR 0x00000007 #define EFX_EXCEPTION_TX_ERROR 0x00000008 #define EFX_EXCEPTION_EV_ERROR 0x00000009 typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_exception_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t label, __in uint32_t data); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_rxq_flush_done_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t rxq_index); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_rxq_flush_failed_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t rxq_index); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_txq_flush_done_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t txq_index); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_software_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint16_t magic); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_sram_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t code); #define EFX_SRAM_CLEAR 0 #define EFX_SRAM_UPDATE 1 #define EFX_SRAM_ILLEGAL_CLEAR 2 typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_wake_up_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t label); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_timer_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t label); typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_link_change_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in efx_link_mode_t link_mode); #if EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_monitor_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in efx_mon_stat_t id, __in efx_mon_stat_value_t value); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS typedef __checkReturn boolean_t (*efx_mac_stats_ev_t)( __in_opt void *arg, __in uint32_t generation ); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS */ typedef struct efx_ev_callbacks_s { efx_initialized_ev_t eec_initialized; efx_rx_ev_t eec_rx; efx_tx_ev_t eec_tx; efx_exception_ev_t eec_exception; efx_rxq_flush_done_ev_t eec_rxq_flush_done; efx_rxq_flush_failed_ev_t eec_rxq_flush_failed; efx_txq_flush_done_ev_t eec_txq_flush_done; efx_software_ev_t eec_software; efx_sram_ev_t eec_sram; efx_wake_up_ev_t eec_wake_up; efx_timer_ev_t eec_timer; efx_link_change_ev_t eec_link_change; #if EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS efx_monitor_ev_t eec_monitor; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS efx_mac_stats_ev_t eec_mac_stats; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS */ } efx_ev_callbacks_t; extern __checkReturn boolean_t efx_ev_qpending( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in unsigned int count); #if EFSYS_OPT_EV_PREFETCH extern void efx_ev_qprefetch( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in unsigned int count); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_EV_PREFETCH */ extern void efx_ev_qpoll( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __inout unsigned int *countp, __in const efx_ev_callbacks_t *eecp, __in_opt void *arg); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_ev_usecs_to_ticks( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int usecs, __out unsigned int *ticksp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_ev_qmoderate( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in unsigned int us); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_ev_qprime( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in unsigned int count); #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES extern const char * efx_ev_qstat_name( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int id); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ extern void efx_ev_qstats_update( __in efx_evq_t *eep, __inout_ecount(EV_NQSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ extern void efx_ev_qdestroy( __in efx_evq_t *eep); /* RX */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_init( __inout efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_rx_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_scatter_enable( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int buf_size); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER */ /* Handle to represent use of the default RSS context. */ #define EFX_RSS_CONTEXT_DEFAULT 0xffffffff #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE typedef enum efx_rx_hash_alg_e { EFX_RX_HASHALG_LFSR = 0, EFX_RX_HASHALG_TOEPLITZ } efx_rx_hash_alg_t; #define EFX_RX_HASH_IPV4 (1U << 0) #define EFX_RX_HASH_TCPIPV4 (1U << 1) #define EFX_RX_HASH_IPV6 (1U << 2) #define EFX_RX_HASH_TCPIPV6 (1U << 3) typedef unsigned int efx_rx_hash_type_t; typedef enum efx_rx_hash_support_e { EFX_RX_HASH_UNAVAILABLE = 0, /* Hardware hash not inserted */ EFX_RX_HASH_AVAILABLE /* Insert hash with/without RSS */ } efx_rx_hash_support_t; #define EFX_RSS_TBL_SIZE 128 /* Rows in RX indirection table */ #define EFX_MAXRSS 64 /* RX indirection entry range */ #define EFX_MAXRSS_LEGACY 16 /* See bug16611 and bug17213 */ typedef enum efx_rx_scale_support_e { EFX_RX_SCALE_UNAVAILABLE = 0, /* Not supported */ EFX_RX_SCALE_EXCLUSIVE, /* Writable key/indirection table */ EFX_RX_SCALE_SHARED /* Read-only key/indirection table */ } efx_rx_scale_support_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_hash_support_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out efx_rx_hash_support_t *supportp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_scale_support_get( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out efx_rx_scale_support_t *supportp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_scale_mode_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_rx_hash_alg_t alg, __in efx_rx_hash_type_t type, __in boolean_t insert); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_scale_tbl_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(n) unsigned int *table, __in size_t n); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_scale_key_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(n) uint8_t *key, __in size_t n); extern __checkReturn uint32_t efx_pseudo_hdr_hash_get( __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in efx_rx_hash_alg_t func, __in uint8_t *buffer); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_pseudo_hdr_pkt_length_get( __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in uint8_t *buffer, __out uint16_t *pkt_lengthp); #define EFX_RXQ_MAXNDESCS 4096 #define EFX_RXQ_MINNDESCS 512 #define EFX_RXQ_SIZE(_ndescs) ((_ndescs) * sizeof (efx_qword_t)) #define EFX_RXQ_NBUFS(_ndescs) (EFX_RXQ_SIZE(_ndescs) / EFX_BUF_SIZE) #define EFX_RXQ_LIMIT(_ndescs) ((_ndescs) - 16) #define EFX_RXQ_DC_NDESCS(_dcsize) (8 << _dcsize) typedef enum efx_rxq_type_e { EFX_RXQ_TYPE_DEFAULT, EFX_RXQ_TYPE_SCATTER, EFX_RXQ_NTYPES } efx_rxq_type_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in unsigned int label, __in efx_rxq_type_t type, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __deref_out efx_rxq_t **erpp); typedef struct efx_buffer_s { efsys_dma_addr_t eb_addr; size_t eb_size; boolean_t eb_eop; } efx_buffer_t; typedef struct efx_desc_s { efx_qword_t ed_eq; } efx_desc_t; extern void efx_rx_qpost( __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in_ecount(n) efsys_dma_addr_t *addrp, __in size_t size, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __in unsigned int added); extern void efx_rx_qpush( __in efx_rxq_t *erp, __in unsigned int added, __inout unsigned int *pushedp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_rx_qflush( __in efx_rxq_t *erp); extern void efx_rx_qenable( __in efx_rxq_t *erp); extern void efx_rx_qdestroy( __in efx_rxq_t *erp); /* TX */ typedef struct efx_txq_s efx_txq_t; #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS /* START MKCONFIG GENERATED EfxHeaderTransmitQueueBlock 12dff8778598b2db */ typedef enum efx_tx_qstat_e { TX_POST, TX_POST_PIO, TX_NQSTATS } efx_tx_qstat_t; /* END MKCONFIG GENERATED EfxHeaderTransmitQueueBlock */ #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_tx_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #define EFX_TXQ_MINNDESCS 512 #define EFX_TXQ_SIZE(_ndescs) ((_ndescs) * sizeof (efx_qword_t)) #define EFX_TXQ_NBUFS(_ndescs) (EFX_TXQ_SIZE(_ndescs) / EFX_BUF_SIZE) #define EFX_TXQ_LIMIT(_ndescs) ((_ndescs) - 16) #define EFX_TXQ_DC_NDESCS(_dcsize) (8 << _dcsize) #define EFX_TXQ_MAX_BUFS 8 /* Maximum independent of EFX_BUG35388_WORKAROUND. */ #define EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_IPV4 0x0001 #define EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_TCPUDP 0x0002 #define EFX_TXQ_FATSOV2 0x0004 #define EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_IPV4 0x0008 #define EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_TCPUDP 0x0010 extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in unsigned int label, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint16_t flags, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __deref_out efx_txq_t **etpp, __out unsigned int *addedp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpost( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_buffer_t *eb, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpace( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int ns); extern void efx_tx_qpush( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int added, __in unsigned int pushed); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qflush( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern void efx_tx_qenable( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpio_enable( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern void efx_tx_qpio_disable( __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpio_write( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(buf_length) uint8_t *buffer, __in size_t buf_length, __in size_t pio_buf_offset); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpio_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in size_t pkt_length, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qdesc_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_desc_t *ed, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); extern void efx_tx_qdesc_dma_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in efsys_dma_addr_t addr, __in size_t size, __in boolean_t eop, __out efx_desc_t *edp); extern void efx_tx_qdesc_tso_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t ipv4_id, __in uint32_t tcp_seq, __in uint8_t tcp_flags, __out efx_desc_t *edp); /* Number of FATSOv2 option descriptors */ #define EFX_TX_FATSOV2_OPT_NDESCS 2 /* Maximum number of DMA segments per TSO packet (not superframe) */ #define EFX_TX_FATSOV2_DMA_SEGS_PER_PKT_MAX 24 extern void efx_tx_qdesc_tso2_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t ipv4_id, __in uint32_t tcp_seq, __in uint16_t tcp_mss, __out_ecount(count) efx_desc_t *edp, __in int count); extern void efx_tx_qdesc_vlantci_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t tci, __out efx_desc_t *edp); +extern void +efx_tx_qdesc_checksum_create( + __in efx_txq_t *etp, + __in uint16_t flags, + __out efx_desc_t *edp); + #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES extern const char * efx_tx_qstat_name( __in efx_nic_t *etp, __in unsigned int id); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ extern void efx_tx_qstats_update( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __inout_ecount(TX_NQSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ extern void efx_tx_qdestroy( __in efx_txq_t *etp); /* FILTER */ #if EFSYS_OPT_FILTER #define EFX_ETHER_TYPE_IPV4 0x0800 #define EFX_ETHER_TYPE_IPV6 0x86DD #define EFX_IPPROTO_TCP 6 #define EFX_IPPROTO_UDP 17 #define EFX_IPPROTO_GRE 47 /* Use RSS to spread across multiple queues */ #define EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_RSS 0x01 /* Enable RX scatter */ #define EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_SCATTER 0x02 /* * Override an automatic filter (priority EFX_FILTER_PRI_AUTO). * May only be set by the filter implementation for each type. * A removal request will restore the automatic filter in its place. */ #define EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX_OVER_AUTO 0x04 /* Filter is for RX */ #define EFX_FILTER_FLAG_RX 0x08 /* Filter is for TX */ #define EFX_FILTER_FLAG_TX 0x10 typedef uint8_t efx_filter_flags_t; /* * Flags which specify the fields to match on. The values are the same as in the * MC_CMD_FILTER_OP/MC_CMD_FILTER_OP_EXT commands. */ /* Match by remote IP host address */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_REM_HOST 0x00000001 /* Match by local IP host address */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_LOC_HOST 0x00000002 /* Match by remote MAC address */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_REM_MAC 0x00000004 /* Match by remote TCP/UDP port */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_REM_PORT 0x00000008 /* Match by remote TCP/UDP port */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_LOC_MAC 0x00000010 /* Match by local TCP/UDP port */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_LOC_PORT 0x00000020 /* Match by Ether-type */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_ETHER_TYPE 0x00000040 /* Match by inner VLAN ID */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_INNER_VID 0x00000080 /* Match by outer VLAN ID */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_OUTER_VID 0x00000100 /* Match by IP transport protocol */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_IP_PROTO 0x00000200 /* For encapsulated packets, match all multicast inner frames */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_IFRM_UNKNOWN_MCAST_DST 0x01000000 /* For encapsulated packets, match all unicast inner frames */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_IFRM_UNKNOWN_UCAST_DST 0x02000000 /* Match otherwise-unmatched multicast and broadcast packets */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_UNKNOWN_MCAST_DST 0x40000000 /* Match otherwise-unmatched unicast packets */ #define EFX_FILTER_MATCH_UNKNOWN_UCAST_DST 0x80000000 typedef uint32_t efx_filter_match_flags_t; typedef enum efx_filter_priority_s { EFX_FILTER_PRI_HINT = 0, /* Performance hint */ EFX_FILTER_PRI_AUTO, /* Automatic filter based on device * address list or hardware * requirements. This may only be used * by the filter implementation for * each NIC type. */ EFX_FILTER_PRI_MANUAL, /* Manually configured filter */ EFX_FILTER_PRI_REQUIRED, /* Required for correct behaviour of the * client (e.g. SR-IOV, HyperV VMQ etc.) */ } efx_filter_priority_t; /* * FIXME: All these fields are assumed to be in little-endian byte order. * It may be better for some to be big-endian. See bug42804. */ typedef struct efx_filter_spec_s { efx_filter_match_flags_t efs_match_flags; uint8_t efs_priority; efx_filter_flags_t efs_flags; uint16_t efs_dmaq_id; uint32_t efs_rss_context; uint16_t efs_outer_vid; uint16_t efs_inner_vid; uint8_t efs_loc_mac[EFX_MAC_ADDR_LEN]; uint8_t efs_rem_mac[EFX_MAC_ADDR_LEN]; uint16_t efs_ether_type; uint8_t efs_ip_proto; efx_tunnel_protocol_t efs_encap_type; uint16_t efs_loc_port; uint16_t efs_rem_port; efx_oword_t efs_rem_host; efx_oword_t efs_loc_host; } efx_filter_spec_t; /* Default values for use in filter specifications */ #define EFX_FILTER_SPEC_RX_DMAQ_ID_DROP 0xfff #define EFX_FILTER_SPEC_VID_UNSPEC 0xffff extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_filter_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_insert( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_remove( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_restore( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_supported_filters( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_ecount(buffer_length) uint32_t *buffer, __in size_t buffer_length, __out size_t *list_lengthp); extern void efx_filter_spec_init_rx( __out efx_filter_spec_t *spec, __in efx_filter_priority_t priority, __in efx_filter_flags_t flags, __in efx_rxq_t *erp); extern void efx_filter_spec_init_tx( __out efx_filter_spec_t *spec, __in efx_txq_t *etp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_spec_set_ipv4_local( __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec, __in uint8_t proto, __in uint32_t host, __in uint16_t port); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_spec_set_ipv4_full( __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec, __in uint8_t proto, __in uint32_t lhost, __in uint16_t lport, __in uint32_t rhost, __in uint16_t rport); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_spec_set_eth_local( __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec, __in uint16_t vid, __in const uint8_t *addr); extern void efx_filter_spec_set_ether_type( __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec, __in uint16_t ether_type); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_spec_set_uc_def( __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_spec_set_mc_def( __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec); typedef enum efx_filter_inner_frame_match_e { EFX_FILTER_INNER_FRAME_MATCH_OTHER = 0, EFX_FILTER_INNER_FRAME_MATCH_UNKNOWN_MCAST_DST, EFX_FILTER_INNER_FRAME_MATCH_UNKNOWN_UCAST_DST } efx_filter_inner_frame_match_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_spec_set_encap_type( __inout efx_filter_spec_t *spec, __in efx_tunnel_protocol_t encap_type, __in efx_filter_inner_frame_match_t inner_frame_match); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_FILTER */ /* HASH */ extern __checkReturn uint32_t efx_hash_dwords( __in_ecount(count) uint32_t const *input, __in size_t count, __in uint32_t init); extern __checkReturn uint32_t efx_hash_bytes( __in_ecount(length) uint8_t const *input, __in size_t length, __in uint32_t init); #if EFSYS_OPT_LICENSING /* LICENSING */ typedef struct efx_key_stats_s { uint32_t eks_valid; uint32_t eks_invalid; uint32_t eks_blacklisted; uint32_t eks_unverifiable; uint32_t eks_wrong_node; uint32_t eks_licensed_apps_lo; uint32_t eks_licensed_apps_hi; uint32_t eks_licensed_features_lo; uint32_t eks_licensed_features_hi; } efx_key_stats_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_lic_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn boolean_t efx_lic_check_support( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_update_licenses( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_get_key_stats( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out efx_key_stats_t *ksp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_app_state( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint64_t app_id, __out boolean_t *licensedp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_get_id( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in size_t buffer_size, __out uint32_t *typep, __out size_t *lengthp, __out_opt uint8_t *bufferp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_find_start( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __out uint32_t *startp ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_find_end( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __out uint32_t *endp ); extern __checkReturn __success(return != B_FALSE) boolean_t efx_lic_find_key( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __out uint32_t *startp, __out uint32_t *lengthp ); extern __checkReturn __success(return != B_FALSE) boolean_t efx_lic_validate_key( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(length) caddr_t keyp, __in uint32_t length ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_read_key( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __in uint32_t length, __out_bcount_part(key_max_size, *lengthp) caddr_t keyp, __in size_t key_max_size, __out uint32_t *lengthp ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_write_key( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __in_bcount(length) caddr_t keyp, __in uint32_t length, __out uint32_t *lengthp ); __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_delete_key( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size, __in uint32_t offset, __in uint32_t length, __in uint32_t end, __out uint32_t *deltap ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_create_partition( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size ); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_lic_finish_partition( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_bcount(buffer_size) caddr_t bufferp, __in size_t buffer_size ); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_LICENSING */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SYS_EFX_H */ Index: stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_impl.h =================================================================== --- stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_impl.h (revision 342508) +++ stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_impl.h (revision 342509) @@ -1,1159 +1,1161 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Solarflare Communications Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _SYS_EFX_IMPL_H #define _SYS_EFX_IMPL_H #include "efx.h" #include "efx_regs.h" #include "efx_regs_ef10.h" /* FIXME: Add definition for driver generated software events */ #ifndef ESE_DZ_EV_CODE_DRV_GEN_EV #define ESE_DZ_EV_CODE_DRV_GEN_EV FSE_AZ_EV_CODE_DRV_GEN_EV #endif #if EFSYS_OPT_SIENA #include "siena_impl.h" #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_SIENA */ #if EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON #include "hunt_impl.h" #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD #include "medford_impl.h" #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD */ #if (EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD) #include "ef10_impl.h" #endif /* (EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD) */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define EFX_MOD_MCDI 0x00000001 #define EFX_MOD_PROBE 0x00000002 #define EFX_MOD_NVRAM 0x00000004 #define EFX_MOD_VPD 0x00000008 #define EFX_MOD_NIC 0x00000010 #define EFX_MOD_INTR 0x00000020 #define EFX_MOD_EV 0x00000040 #define EFX_MOD_RX 0x00000080 #define EFX_MOD_TX 0x00000100 #define EFX_MOD_PORT 0x00000200 #define EFX_MOD_MON 0x00000400 #define EFX_MOD_FILTER 0x00001000 #define EFX_MOD_LIC 0x00002000 #define EFX_RESET_PHY 0x00000001 #define EFX_RESET_RXQ_ERR 0x00000002 #define EFX_RESET_TXQ_ERR 0x00000004 typedef enum efx_mac_type_e { EFX_MAC_INVALID = 0, EFX_MAC_SIENA, EFX_MAC_HUNTINGTON, EFX_MAC_MEDFORD, EFX_MAC_NTYPES } efx_mac_type_t; typedef struct efx_ev_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*eevo_init)(efx_nic_t *); void (*eevo_fini)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*eevo_qcreate)(efx_nic_t *, unsigned int, efsys_mem_t *, size_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, efx_evq_t *); void (*eevo_qdestroy)(efx_evq_t *); efx_rc_t (*eevo_qprime)(efx_evq_t *, unsigned int); void (*eevo_qpost)(efx_evq_t *, uint16_t); efx_rc_t (*eevo_qmoderate)(efx_evq_t *, unsigned int); #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS void (*eevo_qstats_update)(efx_evq_t *, efsys_stat_t *); #endif } efx_ev_ops_t; typedef struct efx_tx_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*etxo_init)(efx_nic_t *); void (*etxo_fini)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*etxo_qcreate)(efx_nic_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int, efsys_mem_t *, size_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, efx_evq_t *, efx_txq_t *, unsigned int *); void (*etxo_qdestroy)(efx_txq_t *); efx_rc_t (*etxo_qpost)(efx_txq_t *, efx_buffer_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int *); void (*etxo_qpush)(efx_txq_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int); efx_rc_t (*etxo_qpace)(efx_txq_t *, unsigned int); efx_rc_t (*etxo_qflush)(efx_txq_t *); void (*etxo_qenable)(efx_txq_t *); efx_rc_t (*etxo_qpio_enable)(efx_txq_t *); void (*etxo_qpio_disable)(efx_txq_t *); efx_rc_t (*etxo_qpio_write)(efx_txq_t *, uint8_t *, size_t, size_t); efx_rc_t (*etxo_qpio_post)(efx_txq_t *, size_t, unsigned int, unsigned int *); efx_rc_t (*etxo_qdesc_post)(efx_txq_t *, efx_desc_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int *); void (*etxo_qdesc_dma_create)(efx_txq_t *, efsys_dma_addr_t, size_t, boolean_t, efx_desc_t *); void (*etxo_qdesc_tso_create)(efx_txq_t *, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint8_t, efx_desc_t *); void (*etxo_qdesc_tso2_create)(efx_txq_t *, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, efx_desc_t *, int); void (*etxo_qdesc_vlantci_create)(efx_txq_t *, uint16_t, efx_desc_t *); + void (*etxo_qdesc_checksum_create)(efx_txq_t *, uint16_t, + efx_desc_t *); #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS void (*etxo_qstats_update)(efx_txq_t *, efsys_stat_t *); #endif } efx_tx_ops_t; typedef struct efx_rx_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*erxo_init)(efx_nic_t *); void (*erxo_fini)(efx_nic_t *); #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER efx_rc_t (*erxo_scatter_enable)(efx_nic_t *, unsigned int); #endif #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE efx_rc_t (*erxo_scale_mode_set)(efx_nic_t *, efx_rx_hash_alg_t, efx_rx_hash_type_t, boolean_t); efx_rc_t (*erxo_scale_key_set)(efx_nic_t *, uint8_t *, size_t); efx_rc_t (*erxo_scale_tbl_set)(efx_nic_t *, unsigned int *, size_t); uint32_t (*erxo_prefix_hash)(efx_nic_t *, efx_rx_hash_alg_t, uint8_t *); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE */ efx_rc_t (*erxo_prefix_pktlen)(efx_nic_t *, uint8_t *, uint16_t *); void (*erxo_qpost)(efx_rxq_t *, efsys_dma_addr_t *, size_t, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); void (*erxo_qpush)(efx_rxq_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int *); efx_rc_t (*erxo_qflush)(efx_rxq_t *); void (*erxo_qenable)(efx_rxq_t *); efx_rc_t (*erxo_qcreate)(efx_nic_t *enp, unsigned int, unsigned int, efx_rxq_type_t, efsys_mem_t *, size_t, uint32_t, efx_evq_t *, efx_rxq_t *); void (*erxo_qdestroy)(efx_rxq_t *); } efx_rx_ops_t; typedef struct efx_mac_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*emo_poll)(efx_nic_t *, efx_link_mode_t *); efx_rc_t (*emo_up)(efx_nic_t *, boolean_t *); efx_rc_t (*emo_addr_set)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*emo_pdu_set)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*emo_pdu_get)(efx_nic_t *, size_t *); efx_rc_t (*emo_reconfigure)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*emo_multicast_list_set)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*emo_filter_default_rxq_set)(efx_nic_t *, efx_rxq_t *, boolean_t); void (*emo_filter_default_rxq_clear)(efx_nic_t *); #if EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK efx_rc_t (*emo_loopback_set)(efx_nic_t *, efx_link_mode_t, efx_loopback_type_t); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS efx_rc_t (*emo_stats_get_mask)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t *, size_t); efx_rc_t (*emo_stats_upload)(efx_nic_t *, efsys_mem_t *); efx_rc_t (*emo_stats_periodic)(efx_nic_t *, efsys_mem_t *, uint16_t, boolean_t); efx_rc_t (*emo_stats_update)(efx_nic_t *, efsys_mem_t *, efsys_stat_t *, uint32_t *); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS */ } efx_mac_ops_t; typedef struct efx_phy_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*epo_power)(efx_nic_t *, boolean_t); /* optional */ efx_rc_t (*epo_reset)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*epo_reconfigure)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*epo_verify)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*epo_oui_get)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t *); #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS efx_rc_t (*epo_stats_update)(efx_nic_t *, efsys_mem_t *, uint32_t *); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_BIST efx_rc_t (*epo_bist_enable_offline)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*epo_bist_start)(efx_nic_t *, efx_bist_type_t); efx_rc_t (*epo_bist_poll)(efx_nic_t *, efx_bist_type_t, efx_bist_result_t *, uint32_t *, unsigned long *, size_t); void (*epo_bist_stop)(efx_nic_t *, efx_bist_type_t); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_BIST */ } efx_phy_ops_t; #if EFSYS_OPT_FILTER typedef struct efx_filter_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*efo_init)(efx_nic_t *); void (*efo_fini)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*efo_restore)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*efo_add)(efx_nic_t *, efx_filter_spec_t *, boolean_t may_replace); efx_rc_t (*efo_delete)(efx_nic_t *, efx_filter_spec_t *); efx_rc_t (*efo_supported_filters)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t *, size_t, size_t *); efx_rc_t (*efo_reconfigure)(efx_nic_t *, uint8_t const *, boolean_t, boolean_t, boolean_t, boolean_t, uint8_t const *, uint32_t); } efx_filter_ops_t; extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_filter_reconfigure( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(6) uint8_t const *mac_addr, __in boolean_t all_unicst, __in boolean_t mulcst, __in boolean_t all_mulcst, __in boolean_t brdcst, __in_ecount(6*count) uint8_t const *addrs, __in uint32_t count); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_FILTER */ typedef struct efx_port_s { efx_mac_type_t ep_mac_type; uint32_t ep_phy_type; uint8_t ep_port; uint32_t ep_mac_pdu; uint8_t ep_mac_addr[6]; efx_link_mode_t ep_link_mode; boolean_t ep_all_unicst; boolean_t ep_mulcst; boolean_t ep_all_mulcst; boolean_t ep_brdcst; unsigned int ep_fcntl; boolean_t ep_fcntl_autoneg; efx_oword_t ep_multicst_hash[2]; uint8_t ep_mulcst_addr_list[EFX_MAC_ADDR_LEN * EFX_MAC_MULTICAST_LIST_MAX]; uint32_t ep_mulcst_addr_count; #if EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK efx_loopback_type_t ep_loopback_type; efx_link_mode_t ep_loopback_link_mode; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK */ #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_FLAGS uint32_t ep_phy_flags; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_FLAGS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL efx_phy_led_mode_t ep_phy_led_mode; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL */ efx_phy_media_type_t ep_fixed_port_type; efx_phy_media_type_t ep_module_type; uint32_t ep_adv_cap_mask; uint32_t ep_lp_cap_mask; uint32_t ep_default_adv_cap_mask; uint32_t ep_phy_cap_mask; boolean_t ep_mac_drain; #if EFSYS_OPT_BIST efx_bist_type_t ep_current_bist; #endif const efx_mac_ops_t *ep_emop; const efx_phy_ops_t *ep_epop; } efx_port_t; typedef struct efx_mon_ops_s { #if EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS efx_rc_t (*emo_stats_update)(efx_nic_t *, efsys_mem_t *, efx_mon_stat_value_t *); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS */ } efx_mon_ops_t; typedef struct efx_mon_s { efx_mon_type_t em_type; const efx_mon_ops_t *em_emop; } efx_mon_t; typedef struct efx_intr_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*eio_init)(efx_nic_t *, efx_intr_type_t, efsys_mem_t *); void (*eio_enable)(efx_nic_t *); void (*eio_disable)(efx_nic_t *); void (*eio_disable_unlocked)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*eio_trigger)(efx_nic_t *, unsigned int); void (*eio_status_line)(efx_nic_t *, boolean_t *, uint32_t *); void (*eio_status_message)(efx_nic_t *, unsigned int, boolean_t *); void (*eio_fatal)(efx_nic_t *); void (*eio_fini)(efx_nic_t *); } efx_intr_ops_t; typedef struct efx_intr_s { const efx_intr_ops_t *ei_eiop; efsys_mem_t *ei_esmp; efx_intr_type_t ei_type; unsigned int ei_level; } efx_intr_t; typedef struct efx_nic_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*eno_probe)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*eno_board_cfg)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*eno_set_drv_limits)(efx_nic_t *, efx_drv_limits_t*); efx_rc_t (*eno_reset)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*eno_init)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*eno_get_vi_pool)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t *); efx_rc_t (*eno_get_bar_region)(efx_nic_t *, efx_nic_region_t, uint32_t *, size_t *); #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG efx_rc_t (*eno_register_test)(efx_nic_t *); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ void (*eno_fini)(efx_nic_t *); void (*eno_unprobe)(efx_nic_t *); } efx_nic_ops_t; #ifndef EFX_TXQ_LIMIT_TARGET #define EFX_TXQ_LIMIT_TARGET 259 #endif #ifndef EFX_RXQ_LIMIT_TARGET #define EFX_RXQ_LIMIT_TARGET 512 #endif #ifndef EFX_TXQ_DC_SIZE #define EFX_TXQ_DC_SIZE 1 /* 16 descriptors */ #endif #ifndef EFX_RXQ_DC_SIZE #define EFX_RXQ_DC_SIZE 3 /* 64 descriptors */ #endif #if EFSYS_OPT_FILTER typedef struct siena_filter_spec_s { uint8_t sfs_type; uint32_t sfs_flags; uint32_t sfs_dmaq_id; uint32_t sfs_dword[3]; } siena_filter_spec_t; typedef enum siena_filter_type_e { EFX_SIENA_FILTER_RX_TCP_FULL, /* TCP/IPv4 {dIP,dTCP,sIP,sTCP} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_RX_TCP_WILD, /* TCP/IPv4 {dIP,dTCP, -, -} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_RX_UDP_FULL, /* UDP/IPv4 {dIP,dUDP,sIP,sUDP} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_RX_UDP_WILD, /* UDP/IPv4 {dIP,dUDP, -, -} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_RX_MAC_FULL, /* Ethernet {dMAC,VLAN} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_RX_MAC_WILD, /* Ethernet {dMAC, -} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TX_TCP_FULL, /* TCP/IPv4 {dIP,dTCP,sIP,sTCP} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TX_TCP_WILD, /* TCP/IPv4 { -, -,sIP,sTCP} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TX_UDP_FULL, /* UDP/IPv4 {dIP,dTCP,sIP,sTCP} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TX_UDP_WILD, /* UDP/IPv4 { -, -,sIP,sUDP} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TX_MAC_FULL, /* Ethernet {sMAC,VLAN} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TX_MAC_WILD, /* Ethernet {sMAC, -} */ EFX_SIENA_FILTER_NTYPES } siena_filter_type_t; typedef enum siena_filter_tbl_id_e { EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TBL_RX_IP = 0, EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TBL_RX_MAC, EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TBL_TX_IP, EFX_SIENA_FILTER_TBL_TX_MAC, EFX_SIENA_FILTER_NTBLS } siena_filter_tbl_id_t; typedef struct siena_filter_tbl_s { int sft_size; /* number of entries */ int sft_used; /* active count */ uint32_t *sft_bitmap; /* active bitmap */ siena_filter_spec_t *sft_spec; /* array of saved specs */ } siena_filter_tbl_t; typedef struct siena_filter_s { siena_filter_tbl_t sf_tbl[EFX_SIENA_FILTER_NTBLS]; unsigned int sf_depth[EFX_SIENA_FILTER_NTYPES]; } siena_filter_t; typedef struct efx_filter_s { #if EFSYS_OPT_SIENA siena_filter_t *ef_siena_filter; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_SIENA */ #if EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD ef10_filter_table_t *ef_ef10_filter_table; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD */ } efx_filter_t; extern void siena_filter_tbl_clear( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in siena_filter_tbl_id_t tbl); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_FILTER */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI typedef struct efx_mcdi_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*emco_init)(efx_nic_t *, const efx_mcdi_transport_t *); void (*emco_send_request)(efx_nic_t *, void *, size_t, void *, size_t); efx_rc_t (*emco_poll_reboot)(efx_nic_t *); boolean_t (*emco_poll_response)(efx_nic_t *); void (*emco_read_response)(efx_nic_t *, void *, size_t, size_t); void (*emco_fini)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*emco_feature_supported)(efx_nic_t *, efx_mcdi_feature_id_t, boolean_t *); void (*emco_get_timeout)(efx_nic_t *, efx_mcdi_req_t *, uint32_t *); } efx_mcdi_ops_t; typedef struct efx_mcdi_s { const efx_mcdi_ops_t *em_emcop; const efx_mcdi_transport_t *em_emtp; efx_mcdi_iface_t em_emip; } efx_mcdi_t; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI */ #if EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM typedef struct efx_nvram_ops_s { #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG efx_rc_t (*envo_test)(efx_nic_t *); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ efx_rc_t (*envo_type_to_partn)(efx_nic_t *, efx_nvram_type_t, uint32_t *); efx_rc_t (*envo_partn_size)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t, size_t *); efx_rc_t (*envo_partn_rw_start)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t, size_t *); efx_rc_t (*envo_partn_read)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t, unsigned int, caddr_t, size_t); efx_rc_t (*envo_partn_erase)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t, unsigned int, size_t); efx_rc_t (*envo_partn_write)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t, unsigned int, caddr_t, size_t); efx_rc_t (*envo_partn_rw_finish)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t); efx_rc_t (*envo_partn_get_version)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t *, uint16_t *); efx_rc_t (*envo_partn_set_version)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t, uint16_t *); efx_rc_t (*envo_buffer_validate)(efx_nic_t *, uint32_t, caddr_t, size_t); } efx_nvram_ops_t; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM */ #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD typedef struct efx_vpd_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*evpdo_init)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*evpdo_size)(efx_nic_t *, size_t *); efx_rc_t (*evpdo_read)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t); efx_rc_t (*evpdo_verify)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t); efx_rc_t (*evpdo_reinit)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t); efx_rc_t (*evpdo_get)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, efx_vpd_value_t *); efx_rc_t (*evpdo_set)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, efx_vpd_value_t *); efx_rc_t (*evpdo_next)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, efx_vpd_value_t *, unsigned int *); efx_rc_t (*evpdo_write)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t); void (*evpdo_fini)(efx_nic_t *); } efx_vpd_ops_t; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD || EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_partitions( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __out unsigned int *npartnp); __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_metadata( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __out uint32_t *subtypep, __out_ecount(4) uint16_t version[4], __out_bcount_opt(size) char *descp, __in size_t size); __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_info( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __out_opt size_t *sizep, __out_opt uint32_t *addressp, __out_opt uint32_t *erase_sizep, __out_opt uint32_t *write_sizep); __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_update_start( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn); __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_read( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in uint32_t offset, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __in uint32_t mode); __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_erase( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in uint32_t offset, __in size_t size); __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_write( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in uint32_t offset, __out_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size); __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_update_finish( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn, __in boolean_t reboot, __out_opt uint32_t *resultp); #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_nvram_test( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t partn); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD || EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM */ #if EFSYS_OPT_LICENSING typedef struct efx_lic_ops_s { efx_rc_t (*elo_update_licenses)(efx_nic_t *); efx_rc_t (*elo_get_key_stats)(efx_nic_t *, efx_key_stats_t *); efx_rc_t (*elo_app_state)(efx_nic_t *, uint64_t, boolean_t *); efx_rc_t (*elo_get_id)(efx_nic_t *, size_t, uint32_t *, size_t *, uint8_t *); efx_rc_t (*elo_find_start) (efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, uint32_t *); efx_rc_t (*elo_find_end)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, uint32_t, uint32_t *); boolean_t (*elo_find_key)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, uint32_t, uint32_t *, uint32_t *); boolean_t (*elo_validate_key)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, uint32_t); efx_rc_t (*elo_read_key)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, caddr_t, size_t, uint32_t *); efx_rc_t (*elo_write_key)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, uint32_t, caddr_t, uint32_t, uint32_t *); efx_rc_t (*elo_delete_key)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t *); efx_rc_t (*elo_create_partition)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t); efx_rc_t (*elo_finish_partition)(efx_nic_t *, caddr_t, size_t); } efx_lic_ops_t; #endif typedef struct efx_drv_cfg_s { uint32_t edc_min_vi_count; uint32_t edc_max_vi_count; uint32_t edc_max_piobuf_count; uint32_t edc_pio_alloc_size; } efx_drv_cfg_t; struct efx_nic_s { uint32_t en_magic; efx_family_t en_family; uint32_t en_features; efsys_identifier_t *en_esip; efsys_lock_t *en_eslp; efsys_bar_t *en_esbp; unsigned int en_mod_flags; unsigned int en_reset_flags; efx_nic_cfg_t en_nic_cfg; efx_drv_cfg_t en_drv_cfg; efx_port_t en_port; efx_mon_t en_mon; efx_intr_t en_intr; uint32_t en_ev_qcount; uint32_t en_rx_qcount; uint32_t en_tx_qcount; const efx_nic_ops_t *en_enop; const efx_ev_ops_t *en_eevop; const efx_tx_ops_t *en_etxop; const efx_rx_ops_t *en_erxop; #if EFSYS_OPT_FILTER efx_filter_t en_filter; const efx_filter_ops_t *en_efop; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_FILTER */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI efx_mcdi_t en_mcdi; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI */ #if EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM efx_nvram_type_t en_nvram_locked; const efx_nvram_ops_t *en_envop; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM */ #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD const efx_vpd_ops_t *en_evpdop; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE efx_rx_hash_support_t en_hash_support; efx_rx_scale_support_t en_rss_support; uint32_t en_rss_context; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE */ uint32_t en_vport_id; #if EFSYS_OPT_LICENSING const efx_lic_ops_t *en_elop; boolean_t en_licensing_supported; #endif union { #if EFSYS_OPT_SIENA struct { #if EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM || EFSYS_OPT_VPD unsigned int enu_partn_mask; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM || EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD caddr_t enu_svpd; size_t enu_svpd_length; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ int enu_unused; } siena; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_SIENA */ int enu_unused; } en_u; #if (EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD) union en_arch { struct { int ena_vi_base; int ena_vi_count; int ena_vi_shift; #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD caddr_t ena_svpd; size_t ena_svpd_length; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ efx_piobuf_handle_t ena_piobuf_handle[EF10_MAX_PIOBUF_NBUFS]; uint32_t ena_piobuf_count; uint32_t ena_pio_alloc_map[EF10_MAX_PIOBUF_NBUFS]; uint32_t ena_pio_write_vi_base; /* Memory BAR mapping regions */ uint32_t ena_uc_mem_map_offset; size_t ena_uc_mem_map_size; uint32_t ena_wc_mem_map_offset; size_t ena_wc_mem_map_size; } ef10; } en_arch; #endif /* (EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD) */ }; #define EFX_NIC_MAGIC 0x02121996 typedef boolean_t (*efx_ev_handler_t)(efx_evq_t *, efx_qword_t *, const efx_ev_callbacks_t *, void *); typedef struct efx_evq_rxq_state_s { unsigned int eers_rx_read_ptr; unsigned int eers_rx_mask; } efx_evq_rxq_state_t; struct efx_evq_s { uint32_t ee_magic; efx_nic_t *ee_enp; unsigned int ee_index; unsigned int ee_mask; efsys_mem_t *ee_esmp; #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS uint32_t ee_stat[EV_NQSTATS]; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ efx_ev_handler_t ee_rx; efx_ev_handler_t ee_tx; efx_ev_handler_t ee_driver; efx_ev_handler_t ee_global; efx_ev_handler_t ee_drv_gen; #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI efx_ev_handler_t ee_mcdi; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI */ efx_evq_rxq_state_t ee_rxq_state[EFX_EV_RX_NLABELS]; uint32_t ee_flags; }; #define EFX_EVQ_MAGIC 0x08081997 #define EFX_EVQ_SIENA_TIMER_QUANTUM_NS 6144 /* 768 cycles */ struct efx_rxq_s { uint32_t er_magic; efx_nic_t *er_enp; efx_evq_t *er_eep; unsigned int er_index; unsigned int er_label; unsigned int er_mask; efsys_mem_t *er_esmp; }; #define EFX_RXQ_MAGIC 0x15022005 struct efx_txq_s { uint32_t et_magic; efx_nic_t *et_enp; unsigned int et_index; unsigned int et_mask; efsys_mem_t *et_esmp; #if EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON uint32_t et_pio_bufnum; uint32_t et_pio_blknum; uint32_t et_pio_write_offset; uint32_t et_pio_offset; size_t et_pio_size; #endif #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS uint32_t et_stat[TX_NQSTATS]; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ }; #define EFX_TXQ_MAGIC 0x05092005 #define EFX_MAC_ADDR_COPY(_dst, _src) \ do { \ (_dst)[0] = (_src)[0]; \ (_dst)[1] = (_src)[1]; \ (_dst)[2] = (_src)[2]; \ (_dst)[3] = (_src)[3]; \ (_dst)[4] = (_src)[4]; \ (_dst)[5] = (_src)[5]; \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_MAC_BROADCAST_ADDR_SET(_dst) \ do { \ uint16_t *_d = (uint16_t *)(_dst); \ _d[0] = 0xffff; \ _d[1] = 0xffff; \ _d[2] = 0xffff; \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #if EFSYS_OPT_CHECK_REG #define EFX_CHECK_REG(_enp, _reg) \ do { \ const char *name = #_reg; \ char min = name[4]; \ char max = name[5]; \ char rev; \ \ switch ((_enp)->en_family) { \ case EFX_FAMILY_SIENA: \ rev = 'C'; \ break; \ \ case EFX_FAMILY_HUNTINGTON: \ rev = 'D'; \ break; \ \ case EFX_FAMILY_MEDFORD: \ rev = 'E'; \ break; \ \ default: \ rev = '?'; \ break; \ } \ \ EFSYS_ASSERT3S(rev, >=, min); \ EFSYS_ASSERT3S(rev, <=, max); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFX_CHECK_REG(_enp, _reg) do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif #define EFX_BAR_READD(_enp, _reg, _edp, _lock) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_BAR_READD((_enp)->en_esbp, _reg ## _OFST, \ (_edp), (_lock)); \ EFSYS_PROBE3(efx_bar_readd, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_WRITED(_enp, _reg, _edp, _lock) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE3(efx_bar_writed, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITED((_enp)->en_esbp, _reg ## _OFST, \ (_edp), (_lock)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_READQ(_enp, _reg, _eqp) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_BAR_READQ((_enp)->en_esbp, _reg ## _OFST, \ (_eqp)); \ EFSYS_PROBE4(efx_bar_readq, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_WRITEQ(_enp, _reg, _eqp) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE4(efx_bar_writeq, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITEQ((_enp)->en_esbp, _reg ## _OFST, \ (_eqp)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_READO(_enp, _reg, _eop) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_BAR_READO((_enp)->en_esbp, _reg ## _OFST, \ (_eop), B_TRUE); \ EFSYS_PROBE6(efx_bar_reado, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_WRITEO(_enp, _reg, _eop) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE6(efx_bar_writeo, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITEO((_enp)->en_esbp, _reg ## _OFST, \ (_eop), B_TRUE); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_TBL_READD(_enp, _reg, _index, _edp, _lock) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_BAR_READD((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_edp), (_lock)); \ EFSYS_PROBE4(efx_bar_tbl_readd, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITED(_enp, _reg, _index, _edp, _lock) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE4(efx_bar_tbl_writed, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITED((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_edp), (_lock)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITED2(_enp, _reg, _index, _edp, _lock) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE4(efx_bar_tbl_writed, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITED((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + \ (2 * sizeof (efx_dword_t)) + \ ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_edp), (_lock)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITED3(_enp, _reg, _index, _edp, _lock) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE4(efx_bar_tbl_writed, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITED((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + \ (3 * sizeof (efx_dword_t)) + \ ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_edp), (_lock)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_TBL_READQ(_enp, _reg, _index, _eqp) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_BAR_READQ((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_eqp)); \ EFSYS_PROBE5(efx_bar_tbl_readq, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITEQ(_enp, _reg, _index, _eqp) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE5(efx_bar_tbl_writeq, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITEQ((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_eqp)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_TBL_READO(_enp, _reg, _index, _eop, _lock) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_BAR_READO((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_eop), (_lock)); \ EFSYS_PROBE7(efx_bar_tbl_reado, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITEO(_enp, _reg, _index, _eop, _lock) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE7(efx_bar_tbl_writeo, const char *, #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITEO((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_eop), (_lock)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) /* * Allow drivers to perform optimised 128-bit doorbell writes. * The DMA descriptor pointers (RX_DESC_UPD and TX_DESC_UPD) are * special-cased in the BIU on the Falcon/Siena and EF10 architectures to avoid * the need for locking in the host, and are the only ones known to be safe to * use 128-bites write with. */ #define EFX_BAR_TBL_DOORBELL_WRITEO(_enp, _reg, _index, _eop) \ do { \ EFX_CHECK_REG((_enp), (_reg)); \ EFSYS_PROBE7(efx_bar_tbl_doorbell_writeo, \ const char *, \ #_reg, \ uint32_t, (_index), \ uint32_t, _reg ## _OFST, \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ EFSYS_BAR_DOORBELL_WRITEO((_enp)->en_esbp, \ (_reg ## _OFST + ((_index) * _reg ## _STEP)), \ (_eop)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFX_DMA_SYNC_QUEUE_FOR_DEVICE(_esmp, _entries, _wptr, _owptr) \ do { \ unsigned int _new = (_wptr); \ unsigned int _old = (_owptr); \ \ if ((_new) >= (_old)) \ EFSYS_DMA_SYNC_FOR_DEVICE((_esmp), \ (_old) * sizeof (efx_desc_t), \ ((_new) - (_old)) * sizeof (efx_desc_t)); \ else \ /* \ * It is cheaper to sync entire map than sync \ * two parts especially when offset/size are \ * ignored and entire map is synced in any case.\ */ \ EFSYS_DMA_SYNC_FOR_DEVICE((_esmp), \ 0, \ (_entries) * sizeof (efx_desc_t)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_select( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_mac_multicast_hash_compute( __in_ecount(6*count) uint8_t const *addrs, __in int count, __out efx_oword_t *hash_low, __out efx_oword_t *hash_high); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_phy_probe( __in efx_nic_t *enp); extern void efx_phy_unprobe( __in efx_nic_t *enp); #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD /* VPD utility functions */ extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_hunk_length( __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __out size_t *lengthp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_hunk_verify( __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __out_opt boolean_t *cksummedp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_hunk_reinit( __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __in boolean_t wantpid); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_hunk_get( __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __in efx_vpd_tag_t tag, __in efx_vpd_keyword_t keyword, __out unsigned int *payloadp, __out uint8_t *paylenp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_hunk_next( __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __out efx_vpd_tag_t *tagp, __out efx_vpd_keyword_t *keyword, __out_opt unsigned int *payloadp, __out_opt uint8_t *paylenp, __inout unsigned int *contp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_vpd_hunk_set( __in_bcount(size) caddr_t data, __in size_t size, __in efx_vpd_value_t *evvp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_set_workaround( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in uint32_t type, __in boolean_t enabled, __out_opt uint32_t *flagsp); extern __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mcdi_get_workarounds( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __out_opt uint32_t *implementedp, __out_opt uint32_t *enabledp); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS /* * Closed range of stats (i.e. the first and the last are included). * The last must be greater or equal (if the range is one item only) to * the first. */ struct efx_mac_stats_range { efx_mac_stat_t first; efx_mac_stat_t last; }; extern efx_rc_t efx_mac_stats_mask_add_ranges( __inout_bcount(mask_size) uint32_t *maskp, __in size_t mask_size, __in_ecount(rng_count) const struct efx_mac_stats_range *rngp, __in unsigned int rng_count); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SYS_EFX_IMPL_H */ Index: stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_tx.c =================================================================== --- stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_tx.c (revision 342508) +++ stable/10/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_tx.c (revision 342509) @@ -1,1110 +1,1128 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Solarflare Communications Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "efx.h" #include "efx_impl.h" #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS #define EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(_etp, _stat) \ do { \ (_etp)->et_stat[_stat]++; \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(_etp, _stat) #endif #if EFSYS_OPT_SIENA static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp); static void siena_tx_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp); static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in unsigned int label, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint16_t flags, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in efx_txq_t *etp, __out unsigned int *addedp); static void siena_tx_qdestroy( __in efx_txq_t *etp); static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qpost( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_buffer_t *eb, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); static void siena_tx_qpush( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int added, __in unsigned int pushed); static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qpace( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int ns); static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qflush( __in efx_txq_t *etp); static void siena_tx_qenable( __in efx_txq_t *etp); __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qdesc_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_desc_t *ed, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); void siena_tx_qdesc_dma_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in efsys_dma_addr_t addr, __in size_t size, __in boolean_t eop, __out efx_desc_t *edp); #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS static void siena_tx_qstats_update( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __inout_ecount(TX_NQSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat); #endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_SIENA */ #if EFSYS_OPT_SIENA static const efx_tx_ops_t __efx_tx_siena_ops = { siena_tx_init, /* etxo_init */ siena_tx_fini, /* etxo_fini */ siena_tx_qcreate, /* etxo_qcreate */ siena_tx_qdestroy, /* etxo_qdestroy */ siena_tx_qpost, /* etxo_qpost */ siena_tx_qpush, /* etxo_qpush */ siena_tx_qpace, /* etxo_qpace */ siena_tx_qflush, /* etxo_qflush */ siena_tx_qenable, /* etxo_qenable */ NULL, /* etxo_qpio_enable */ NULL, /* etxo_qpio_disable */ NULL, /* etxo_qpio_write */ NULL, /* etxo_qpio_post */ siena_tx_qdesc_post, /* etxo_qdesc_post */ siena_tx_qdesc_dma_create, /* etxo_qdesc_dma_create */ NULL, /* etxo_qdesc_tso_create */ NULL, /* etxo_qdesc_tso2_create */ NULL, /* etxo_qdesc_vlantci_create */ + NULL, /* etxo_qdesc_checksum_create */ #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS siena_tx_qstats_update, /* etxo_qstats_update */ #endif }; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_SIENA */ #if EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON static const efx_tx_ops_t __efx_tx_hunt_ops = { ef10_tx_init, /* etxo_init */ ef10_tx_fini, /* etxo_fini */ ef10_tx_qcreate, /* etxo_qcreate */ ef10_tx_qdestroy, /* etxo_qdestroy */ ef10_tx_qpost, /* etxo_qpost */ ef10_tx_qpush, /* etxo_qpush */ ef10_tx_qpace, /* etxo_qpace */ ef10_tx_qflush, /* etxo_qflush */ ef10_tx_qenable, /* etxo_qenable */ ef10_tx_qpio_enable, /* etxo_qpio_enable */ ef10_tx_qpio_disable, /* etxo_qpio_disable */ ef10_tx_qpio_write, /* etxo_qpio_write */ ef10_tx_qpio_post, /* etxo_qpio_post */ ef10_tx_qdesc_post, /* etxo_qdesc_post */ ef10_tx_qdesc_dma_create, /* etxo_qdesc_dma_create */ ef10_tx_qdesc_tso_create, /* etxo_qdesc_tso_create */ ef10_tx_qdesc_tso2_create, /* etxo_qdesc_tso2_create */ ef10_tx_qdesc_vlantci_create, /* etxo_qdesc_vlantci_create */ + ef10_tx_qdesc_checksum_create, /* etxo_qdesc_checksum_create */ #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS ef10_tx_qstats_update, /* etxo_qstats_update */ #endif }; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD static const efx_tx_ops_t __efx_tx_medford_ops = { ef10_tx_init, /* etxo_init */ ef10_tx_fini, /* etxo_fini */ ef10_tx_qcreate, /* etxo_qcreate */ ef10_tx_qdestroy, /* etxo_qdestroy */ ef10_tx_qpost, /* etxo_qpost */ ef10_tx_qpush, /* etxo_qpush */ ef10_tx_qpace, /* etxo_qpace */ ef10_tx_qflush, /* etxo_qflush */ ef10_tx_qenable, /* etxo_qenable */ ef10_tx_qpio_enable, /* etxo_qpio_enable */ ef10_tx_qpio_disable, /* etxo_qpio_disable */ ef10_tx_qpio_write, /* etxo_qpio_write */ ef10_tx_qpio_post, /* etxo_qpio_post */ ef10_tx_qdesc_post, /* etxo_qdesc_post */ ef10_tx_qdesc_dma_create, /* etxo_qdesc_dma_create */ NULL, /* etxo_qdesc_tso_create */ ef10_tx_qdesc_tso2_create, /* etxo_qdesc_tso2_create */ ef10_tx_qdesc_vlantci_create, /* etxo_qdesc_vlantci_create */ + ef10_tx_qdesc_checksum_create, /* etxo_qdesc_checksum_create */ #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS ef10_tx_qstats_update, /* etxo_qstats_update */ #endif }; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD */ __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp) { const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_magic, ==, EFX_NIC_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_mod_flags, &, EFX_MOD_NIC); if (!(enp->en_mod_flags & EFX_MOD_EV)) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail1; } if (enp->en_mod_flags & EFX_MOD_TX) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail2; } switch (enp->en_family) { #if EFSYS_OPT_SIENA case EFX_FAMILY_SIENA: etxop = &__efx_tx_siena_ops; break; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_SIENA */ #if EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON case EFX_FAMILY_HUNTINGTON: etxop = &__efx_tx_hunt_ops; break; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD case EFX_FAMILY_MEDFORD: etxop = &__efx_tx_medford_ops; break; #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD */ default: EFSYS_ASSERT(0); rc = ENOTSUP; goto fail3; } EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_tx_qcount, ==, 0); if ((rc = etxop->etxo_init(enp)) != 0) goto fail4; enp->en_etxop = etxop; enp->en_mod_flags |= EFX_MOD_TX; return (0); fail4: EFSYS_PROBE(fail4); fail3: EFSYS_PROBE(fail3); fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); enp->en_etxop = NULL; enp->en_mod_flags &= ~EFX_MOD_TX; return (rc); } void efx_tx_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp) { const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_magic, ==, EFX_NIC_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_mod_flags, &, EFX_MOD_NIC); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_mod_flags, &, EFX_MOD_TX); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_tx_qcount, ==, 0); etxop->etxo_fini(enp); enp->en_etxop = NULL; enp->en_mod_flags &= ~EFX_MOD_TX; } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in unsigned int label, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint16_t flags, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __deref_out efx_txq_t **etpp, __out unsigned int *addedp) { const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; efx_txq_t *etp; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_magic, ==, EFX_NIC_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_mod_flags, &, EFX_MOD_TX); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_tx_qcount + 1, <, enp->en_nic_cfg.enc_txq_limit); /* Allocate an TXQ object */ EFSYS_KMEM_ALLOC(enp->en_esip, sizeof (efx_txq_t), etp); if (etp == NULL) { rc = ENOMEM; goto fail1; } etp->et_magic = EFX_TXQ_MAGIC; etp->et_enp = enp; etp->et_index = index; etp->et_mask = n - 1; etp->et_esmp = esmp; /* Initial descriptor index may be modified by etxo_qcreate */ *addedp = 0; if ((rc = etxop->etxo_qcreate(enp, index, label, esmp, n, id, flags, eep, etp, addedp)) != 0) goto fail2; enp->en_tx_qcount++; *etpp = etp; return (0); fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); EFSYS_KMEM_FREE(enp->en_esip, sizeof (efx_txq_t), etp); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void efx_tx_qdestroy( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT(enp->en_tx_qcount != 0); --enp->en_tx_qcount; etxop->etxo_qdestroy(etp); /* Free the TXQ object */ EFSYS_KMEM_FREE(enp->en_esip, sizeof (efx_txq_t), etp); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpost( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_buffer_t *eb, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); if ((rc = etxop->etxo_qpost(etp, eb, n, completed, addedp)) != 0) goto fail1; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void efx_tx_qpush( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int added, __in unsigned int pushed) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); etxop->etxo_qpush(etp, added, pushed); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpace( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int ns) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); if ((rc = etxop->etxo_qpace(etp, ns)) != 0) goto fail1; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qflush( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); if ((rc = etxop->etxo_qflush(etp)) != 0) goto fail1; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void efx_tx_qenable( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); etxop->etxo_qenable(etp); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpio_enable( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); if (~enp->en_features & EFX_FEATURE_PIO_BUFFERS) { rc = ENOTSUP; goto fail1; } if (etxop->etxo_qpio_enable == NULL) { rc = ENOTSUP; goto fail2; } if ((rc = etxop->etxo_qpio_enable(etp)) != 0) goto fail3; return (0); fail3: EFSYS_PROBE(fail3); fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void efx_tx_qpio_disable( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); if (etxop->etxo_qpio_disable != NULL) etxop->etxo_qpio_disable(etp); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpio_write( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(buf_length) uint8_t *buffer, __in size_t buf_length, __in size_t pio_buf_offset) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); if (etxop->etxo_qpio_write != NULL) { if ((rc = etxop->etxo_qpio_write(etp, buffer, buf_length, pio_buf_offset)) != 0) goto fail1; return (0); } return (ENOTSUP); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qpio_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in size_t pkt_length, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); if (etxop->etxo_qpio_post != NULL) { if ((rc = etxop->etxo_qpio_post(etp, pkt_length, completed, addedp)) != 0) goto fail1; return (0); } return (ENOTSUP); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_tx_qdesc_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_desc_t *ed, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); if ((rc = etxop->etxo_qdesc_post(etp, ed, n, completed, addedp)) != 0) goto fail1; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void efx_tx_qdesc_dma_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in efsys_dma_addr_t addr, __in size_t size, __in boolean_t eop, __out efx_desc_t *edp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT(etxop->etxo_qdesc_dma_create != NULL); etxop->etxo_qdesc_dma_create(etp, addr, size, eop, edp); } void efx_tx_qdesc_tso_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t ipv4_id, __in uint32_t tcp_seq, __in uint8_t tcp_flags, __out efx_desc_t *edp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT(etxop->etxo_qdesc_tso_create != NULL); etxop->etxo_qdesc_tso_create(etp, ipv4_id, tcp_seq, tcp_flags, edp); } void efx_tx_qdesc_tso2_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t ipv4_id, __in uint32_t tcp_seq, __in uint16_t mss, __out_ecount(count) efx_desc_t *edp, __in int count) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT(etxop->etxo_qdesc_tso2_create != NULL); etxop->etxo_qdesc_tso2_create(etp, ipv4_id, tcp_seq, mss, edp, count); } void efx_tx_qdesc_vlantci_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in uint16_t tci, __out efx_desc_t *edp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT(etxop->etxo_qdesc_vlantci_create != NULL); etxop->etxo_qdesc_vlantci_create(etp, tci, edp); +} + + void +efx_tx_qdesc_checksum_create( + __in efx_txq_t *etp, + __in uint16_t flags, + __out efx_desc_t *edp) +{ + efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; + const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; + + EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); + EFSYS_ASSERT(etxop->etxo_qdesc_checksum_create != NULL); + + etxop->etxo_qdesc_checksum_create(etp, flags, edp); } #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS void efx_tx_qstats_update( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __inout_ecount(TX_NQSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; const efx_tx_ops_t *etxop = enp->en_etxop; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(etp->et_magic, ==, EFX_TXQ_MAGIC); etxop->etxo_qstats_update(etp, stat); } #endif #if EFSYS_OPT_SIENA static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_init( __in efx_nic_t *enp) { efx_oword_t oword; /* * Disable the timer-based TX DMA backoff and allow TX DMA to be * controlled by the RX FIFO fill level (although always allow a * minimal trickle). */ EFX_BAR_READO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_RESERVED_REG, &oword); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_RX_SPACER, 0xfe); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_RX_SPACER_EN, 1); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_ONE_PKT_PER_Q, 1); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_PUSH_EN, 0); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_DIS_NON_IP_EV, 1); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_PREF_THRESHOLD, 2); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_PREF_WD_TMR, 0x3fffff); /* * Filter all packets less than 14 bytes to avoid parsing * errors. */ EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_BZ_TX_FLUSH_MIN_LEN_EN, 1); EFX_BAR_WRITEO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_RESERVED_REG, &oword); /* * Do not set TX_NO_EOP_DISC_EN, since it limits packets to 16 * descriptors (which is bad). */ EFX_BAR_READO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_CFG_REG, &oword); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_NO_EOP_DISC_EN, 0); EFX_BAR_WRITEO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_CFG_REG, &oword); return (0); } #define EFX_TX_DESC(_etp, _addr, _size, _eop, _added) \ do { \ unsigned int id; \ size_t offset; \ efx_qword_t qword; \ \ id = (_added)++ & (_etp)->et_mask; \ offset = id * sizeof (efx_qword_t); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(tx_post, unsigned int, (_etp)->et_index, \ unsigned int, id, efsys_dma_addr_t, (_addr), \ size_t, (_size), boolean_t, (_eop)); \ \ EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_4(qword, \ FSF_AZ_TX_KER_CONT, (_eop) ? 0 : 1, \ FSF_AZ_TX_KER_BYTE_COUNT, (uint32_t)(_size), \ FSF_AZ_TX_KER_BUF_ADDR_DW0, \ (uint32_t)((_addr) & 0xffffffff), \ FSF_AZ_TX_KER_BUF_ADDR_DW1, \ (uint32_t)((_addr) >> 32)); \ EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ((_etp)->et_esmp, offset, &qword); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qpost( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_buffer_t *eb, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp) { unsigned int added = *addedp; unsigned int i; int rc = ENOSPC; if (added - completed + n > EFX_TXQ_LIMIT(etp->et_mask + 1)) goto fail1; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { efx_buffer_t *ebp = &eb[i]; efsys_dma_addr_t start = ebp->eb_addr; size_t size = ebp->eb_size; efsys_dma_addr_t end = start + size; /* * Fragments must not span 4k boundaries. * Here it is a stricter requirement than the maximum length. */ EFSYS_ASSERT(P2ROUNDUP(start + 1, etp->et_enp->en_nic_cfg.enc_tx_dma_desc_boundary) >= end); EFX_TX_DESC(etp, start, size, ebp->eb_eop, added); } EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(etp, TX_POST); *addedp = added; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } static void siena_tx_qpush( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int added, __in unsigned int pushed) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; uint32_t wptr; efx_dword_t dword; efx_oword_t oword; /* Push the populated descriptors out */ wptr = added & etp->et_mask; EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_1(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_DESC_WPTR, wptr); /* Only write the third DWORD */ EFX_POPULATE_DWORD_1(dword, EFX_DWORD_0, EFX_OWORD_FIELD(oword, EFX_DWORD_3)); /* Guarantee ordering of memory (descriptors) and PIO (doorbell) */ EFX_DMA_SYNC_QUEUE_FOR_DEVICE(etp->et_esmp, etp->et_mask + 1, wptr, pushed & etp->et_mask); EFSYS_PIO_WRITE_BARRIER(); EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITED3(enp, FR_BZ_TX_DESC_UPD_REGP0, etp->et_index, &dword, B_FALSE); } #define EFX_MAX_PACE_VALUE 20 #define EFX_TX_PACE_CLOCK_BASE 104 static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qpace( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int ns) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; efx_nic_cfg_t *encp = &(enp->en_nic_cfg); efx_oword_t oword; unsigned int pace_val; unsigned int timer_period; efx_rc_t rc; if (ns == 0) { pace_val = 0; } else { /* * The pace_val to write into the table is s.t * ns <= timer_period * (2 ^ pace_val) */ timer_period = EFX_TX_PACE_CLOCK_BASE / encp->enc_clk_mult; for (pace_val = 1; pace_val <= EFX_MAX_PACE_VALUE; pace_val++) { if ((timer_period << pace_val) >= ns) break; } } if (pace_val > EFX_MAX_PACE_VALUE) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail1; } /* Update the pacing table */ EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_1(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_PACE, pace_val); EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITEO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_PACE_TBL, etp->et_index, &oword, B_TRUE); return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qflush( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; efx_oword_t oword; uint32_t label; efx_tx_qpace(etp, 0); label = etp->et_index; /* Flush the queue */ EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_2(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_FLUSH_DESCQ_CMD, 1, FRF_AZ_TX_FLUSH_DESCQ, label); EFX_BAR_WRITEO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_FLUSH_DESCQ_REG, &oword); return (0); } static void siena_tx_qenable( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; efx_oword_t oword; EFX_BAR_TBL_READO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_DESC_PTR_TBL, etp->et_index, &oword, B_TRUE); EFSYS_PROBE5(tx_descq_ptr, unsigned int, etp->et_index, uint32_t, EFX_OWORD_FIELD(oword, EFX_DWORD_3), uint32_t, EFX_OWORD_FIELD(oword, EFX_DWORD_2), uint32_t, EFX_OWORD_FIELD(oword, EFX_DWORD_1), uint32_t, EFX_OWORD_FIELD(oword, EFX_DWORD_0)); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_DC_HW_RPTR, 0); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_HW_RPTR, 0); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_EN, 1); EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITEO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_DESC_PTR_TBL, etp->et_index, &oword, B_TRUE); } static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qcreate( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int index, __in unsigned int label, __in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint16_t flags, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in efx_txq_t *etp, __out unsigned int *addedp) { efx_nic_cfg_t *encp = &(enp->en_nic_cfg); efx_oword_t oword; uint32_t size; uint16_t inner_csum; efx_rc_t rc; _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(esmp)) EFX_STATIC_ASSERT(EFX_EV_TX_NLABELS == (1 << FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_LABEL_WIDTH)); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(label, <, EFX_EV_TX_NLABELS); EFSYS_ASSERT(ISP2(encp->enc_txq_max_ndescs)); EFX_STATIC_ASSERT(ISP2(EFX_TXQ_MINNDESCS)); if (!ISP2(n) || (n < EFX_TXQ_MINNDESCS) || (n > EFX_EVQ_MAXNEVS)) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail1; } if (index >= encp->enc_txq_limit) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail2; } for (size = 0; (1 << size) <= (int)(encp->enc_txq_max_ndescs / EFX_TXQ_MINNDESCS); size++) if ((1 << size) == (int)(n / EFX_TXQ_MINNDESCS)) break; if (id + (1 << size) >= encp->enc_buftbl_limit) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail3; } inner_csum = EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_IPV4 | EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_INNER_TCPUDP; if ((flags & inner_csum) != 0) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail4; } /* Set up the new descriptor queue */ *addedp = 0; EFX_POPULATE_OWORD_6(oword, FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_BUF_BASE_ID, id, FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_EVQ_ID, eep->ee_index, FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_OWNER_ID, 0, FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_LABEL, label, FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_SIZE, size, FRF_AZ_TX_DESCQ_TYPE, 0); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_BZ_TX_NON_IP_DROP_DIS, 1); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_BZ_TX_IP_CHKSM_DIS, (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_IPV4) ? 0 : 1); EFX_SET_OWORD_FIELD(oword, FRF_BZ_TX_TCP_CHKSM_DIS, (flags & EFX_TXQ_CKSUM_TCPUDP) ? 0 : 1); EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITEO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_DESC_PTR_TBL, etp->et_index, &oword, B_TRUE); return (0); fail4: EFSYS_PROBE(fail4); fail3: EFSYS_PROBE(fail3); fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_tx_qdesc_post( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_desc_t *ed, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp) { unsigned int added = *addedp; unsigned int i; efx_rc_t rc; if (added - completed + n > EFX_TXQ_LIMIT(etp->et_mask + 1)) { rc = ENOSPC; goto fail1; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { efx_desc_t *edp = &ed[i]; unsigned int id; size_t offset; id = added++ & etp->et_mask; offset = id * sizeof (efx_desc_t); EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ(etp->et_esmp, offset, &edp->ed_eq); } EFSYS_PROBE3(tx_desc_post, unsigned int, etp->et_index, unsigned int, added, unsigned int, n); EFX_TX_QSTAT_INCR(etp, TX_POST); *addedp = added; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } void siena_tx_qdesc_dma_create( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in efsys_dma_addr_t addr, __in size_t size, __in boolean_t eop, __out efx_desc_t *edp) { /* * Fragments must not span 4k boundaries. * Here it is a stricter requirement than the maximum length. */ EFSYS_ASSERT(P2ROUNDUP(addr + 1, etp->et_enp->en_nic_cfg.enc_tx_dma_desc_boundary) >= addr + size); EFSYS_PROBE4(tx_desc_dma_create, unsigned int, etp->et_index, efsys_dma_addr_t, addr, size_t, size, boolean_t, eop); EFX_POPULATE_QWORD_4(edp->ed_eq, FSF_AZ_TX_KER_CONT, eop ? 0 : 1, FSF_AZ_TX_KER_BYTE_COUNT, (uint32_t)size, FSF_AZ_TX_KER_BUF_ADDR_DW0, (uint32_t)(addr & 0xffffffff), FSF_AZ_TX_KER_BUF_ADDR_DW1, (uint32_t)(addr >> 32)); } #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_SIENA */ #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES /* START MKCONFIG GENERATED EfxTransmitQueueStatNamesBlock 2866874ecd7a363b */ static const char * const __efx_tx_qstat_name[] = { "post", "post_pio", }; /* END MKCONFIG GENERATED EfxTransmitQueueStatNamesBlock */ const char * efx_tx_qstat_name( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int id) { _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(enp)) EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_magic, ==, EFX_NIC_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(id, <, TX_NQSTATS); return (__efx_tx_qstat_name[id]); } #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ #if EFSYS_OPT_SIENA #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS static void siena_tx_qstats_update( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __inout_ecount(TX_NQSTATS) efsys_stat_t *stat) { unsigned int id; for (id = 0; id < TX_NQSTATS; id++) { efsys_stat_t *essp = &stat[id]; EFSYS_STAT_INCR(essp, etp->et_stat[id]); etp->et_stat[id] = 0; } } #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ static void siena_tx_qdestroy( __in efx_txq_t *etp) { efx_nic_t *enp = etp->et_enp; efx_oword_t oword; /* Purge descriptor queue */ EFX_ZERO_OWORD(oword); EFX_BAR_TBL_WRITEO(enp, FR_AZ_TX_DESC_PTR_TBL, etp->et_index, &oword, B_TRUE); } static void siena_tx_fini( __in efx_nic_t *enp) { _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(enp)) } #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_SIENA */ Index: stable/10 =================================================================== --- stable/10 (revision 342508) +++ stable/10 (revision 342509) Property changes on: stable/10 ___________________________________________________________________ Modified: svn:mergeinfo ## -0,0 +0,1 ## Merged /head:r341038