Index: head/sys/conf/files.amd64 =================================================================== --- head/sys/conf/files.amd64 (revision 341182) +++ head/sys/conf/files.amd64 (revision 341183) @@ -1,761 +1,762 @@ # This file tells config what files go into building a kernel, # files marked standard are always included. # # $FreeBSD$ # # The long compile-with and dependency lines are required because of # limitations in config: backslash-newline doesn't work in strings, and # dependency lines other than the first are silently ignored. # # cloudabi32_vdso.o optional compat_cloudabi32 \ dependency "$S/contrib/cloudabi/cloudabi_vdso_i686_on_64bit.S" \ compile-with "${CC} -x assembler-with-cpp -m32 -shared -nostdinc -nostdlib -Wl,-T$S/compat/cloudabi/ $S/contrib/cloudabi/cloudabi_vdso_i686_on_64bit.S -o ${.TARGET}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule \ clean "cloudabi32_vdso.o" # cloudabi32_vdso_blob.o optional compat_cloudabi32 \ dependency "cloudabi32_vdso.o" \ compile-with "${OBJCOPY} --input-target binary --output-target elf64-x86-64-freebsd --binary-architecture i386 cloudabi32_vdso.o ${.TARGET}" \ no-implicit-rule \ clean "cloudabi32_vdso_blob.o" # cloudabi64_vdso.o optional compat_cloudabi64 \ dependency "$S/contrib/cloudabi/cloudabi_vdso_x86_64.S" \ compile-with "${CC} -x assembler-with-cpp -shared -nostdinc -nostdlib -Wl,-T$S/compat/cloudabi/ $S/contrib/cloudabi/cloudabi_vdso_x86_64.S -o ${.TARGET}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule \ clean "cloudabi64_vdso.o" # cloudabi64_vdso_blob.o optional compat_cloudabi64 \ dependency "cloudabi64_vdso.o" \ compile-with "${OBJCOPY} --input-target binary --output-target elf64-x86-64-freebsd --binary-architecture i386 cloudabi64_vdso.o ${.TARGET}" \ no-implicit-rule \ clean "cloudabi64_vdso_blob.o" # linux32_genassym.o optional compat_linux32 \ dependency "$S/amd64/linux32/linux32_genassym.c" \ compile-with "${CC} ${CFLAGS:N-flto:N-fno-common} -c ${.IMPSRC}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule \ clean "linux32_genassym.o" # linux32_assym.h optional compat_linux32 \ dependency "$S/kern/ linux32_genassym.o" \ compile-with "sh $S/kern/ linux32_genassym.o > ${.TARGET}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "linux32_assym.h" # linux32_locore.o optional compat_linux32 \ dependency "linux32_assym.h $S/amd64/linux32/linux32_locore.s" \ compile-with "${CC} -x assembler-with-cpp -DLOCORE -m32 -shared -s -pipe -I. -I$S -Werror -Wall -fPIC -fno-common -nostdinc -nostdlib -Wl,-T$S/amd64/linux32/ -Wl,,--eh-frame-hdr,-warn-common ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule \ clean "linux32_locore.o" # optional compat_linux32 \ dependency "linux32_locore.o" \ compile-with "${OBJCOPY} --input-target binary --output-target elf64-x86-64-freebsd --binary-architecture i386 linux32_locore.o ${.TARGET}" \ no-implicit-rule \ clean "" # ia32_genassym.o standard \ dependency "$S/compat/ia32/ia32_genassym.c" \ compile-with "${CC} ${CFLAGS:N-flto:N-fno-common} -c ${.IMPSRC}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule \ clean "ia32_genassym.o" # ia32_assym.h standard \ dependency "$S/kern/ ia32_genassym.o" \ compile-with "env NM='${NM}' NMFLAGS='${NMFLAGS}' sh $S/kern/ ia32_genassym.o > ${.TARGET}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "ia32_assym.h" # font.h optional sc_dflt_font \ compile-with "uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16.fnt && file2c 'static u_char dflt_font_16[16*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16 > font.h && uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14.fnt && file2c 'static u_char dflt_font_14[14*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14 >> font.h && uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8.fnt && file2c 'static u_char dflt_font_8[8*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8 >> font.h" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "font.h ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14 ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16 ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8" # atkbdmap.h optional atkbd_dflt_keymap \ compile-with "kbdcontrol -P ${S:S/sys$/share/}/vt/keymaps -P ${S:S/sys$/share/}/syscons/keymaps -L ${ATKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP} | sed -e 's/^static keymap_t.* = /static keymap_t key_map = /' -e 's/^static accentmap_t.* = /static accentmap_t accent_map = /' > atkbdmap.h" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "atkbdmap.h" # ukbdmap.h optional ukbd_dflt_keymap \ compile-with "kbdcontrol -P ${S:S/sys$/share/}/vt/keymaps -P ${S:S/sys$/share/}/syscons/keymaps -L ${UKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP} | sed -e 's/^static keymap_t.* = /static keymap_t key_map = /' -e 's/^static accentmap_t.* = /static accentmap_t accent_map = /' > ukbdmap.h" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "ukbdmap.h" # hpt27xx_lib.o optional hpt27xx \ dependency "$S/dev/hpt27xx/amd64-elf.hpt27xx_lib.o.uu" \ compile-with "uudecode < $S/dev/hpt27xx/amd64-elf.hpt27xx_lib.o.uu" \ no-implicit-rule # hptmvraid.o optional hptmv \ dependency "$S/dev/hptmv/" \ compile-with "uudecode < $S/dev/hptmv/" \ no-implicit-rule # hptnr_lib.o optional hptnr \ dependency "$S/dev/hptnr/amd64-elf.hptnr_lib.o.uu" \ compile-with "uudecode < $S/dev/hptnr/amd64-elf.hptnr_lib.o.uu" \ no-implicit-rule # hptrr_lib.o optional hptrr \ dependency "$S/dev/hptrr/amd64-elf.hptrr_lib.o.uu" \ compile-with "uudecode < $S/dev/hptrr/amd64-elf.hptrr_lib.o.uu" \ no-implicit-rule # amd64/acpica/acpi_machdep.c optional acpi acpi_wakecode.o optional acpi \ dependency "$S/amd64/acpica/acpi_wakecode.S" \ compile-with "${NORMAL_S}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "acpi_wakecode.o" acpi_wakecode.bin optional acpi \ dependency "acpi_wakecode.o" \ compile-with "${OBJCOPY} -S -O binary acpi_wakecode.o ${.TARGET}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "acpi_wakecode.bin" acpi_wakecode.h optional acpi \ dependency "acpi_wakecode.bin" \ compile-with "file2c -sx 'static char wakecode[] = {' '};' < acpi_wakecode.bin > ${.TARGET}" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "acpi_wakecode.h" acpi_wakedata.h optional acpi \ dependency "acpi_wakecode.o" \ compile-with '${NM} -n --defined-only acpi_wakecode.o | while read offset dummy what; do echo "#define $${what} 0x$${offset}"; done > ${.TARGET}' \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "acpi_wakedata.h" # #amd64/amd64/apic_vector.S standard amd64/amd64/bios.c standard amd64/amd64/bpf_jit_machdep.c optional bpf_jitter amd64/amd64/copyout.c standard amd64/amd64/cpu_switch.S standard amd64/amd64/db_disasm.c optional ddb amd64/amd64/db_interface.c optional ddb amd64/amd64/db_trace.c optional ddb amd64/amd64/efirt_machdep.c optional efirt amd64/amd64/efirt_support.S optional efirt amd64/amd64/elf_machdep.c standard amd64/amd64/exception.S standard amd64/amd64/fpu.c standard amd64/amd64/gdb_machdep.c optional gdb amd64/amd64/in_cksum.c optional inet | inet6 amd64/amd64/initcpu.c standard amd64/amd64/io.c optional io amd64/amd64/locore.S standard no-obj amd64/amd64/xen-locore.S optional xenhvm amd64/amd64/machdep.c standard amd64/amd64/mem.c optional mem amd64/amd64/minidump_machdep.c standard amd64/amd64/mp_machdep.c optional smp amd64/amd64/mpboot.S optional smp amd64/amd64/pmap.c standard amd64/amd64/prof_machdep.c optional profiling-routine amd64/amd64/ptrace_machdep.c standard amd64/amd64/sigtramp.S standard amd64/amd64/support.S standard amd64/amd64/sys_machdep.c standard amd64/amd64/trap.c standard amd64/amd64/uio_machdep.c standard amd64/amd64/uma_machdep.c standard amd64/amd64/vm_machdep.c standard amd64/cloudabi32/cloudabi32_sysvec.c optional compat_cloudabi32 amd64/cloudabi64/cloudabi64_sysvec.c optional compat_cloudabi64 amd64/pci/pci_cfgreg.c optional pci cddl/contrib/opensolaris/common/atomic/amd64/opensolaris_atomic.S optional zfs | dtrace compile-with "${ZFS_S}" cddl/dev/dtrace/amd64/dtrace_asm.S optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_S}" cddl/dev/dtrace/amd64/dtrace_subr.c optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_C}" cddl/dev/fbt/x86/fbt_isa.c optional dtrace_fbt | dtraceall compile-with "${FBT_C}" cddl/dev/dtrace/x86/dis_tables.c optional dtrace_fbt | dtraceall compile-with "${DTRACE_C}" cddl/dev/dtrace/x86/instr_size.c optional dtrace_fbt | dtraceall compile-with "${DTRACE_C}" crypto/aesni/aeskeys_amd64.S optional aesni crypto/aesni/aesni.c optional aesni aesni_ghash.o optional aesni \ dependency "$S/crypto/aesni/aesni_ghash.c" \ compile-with "${CC} -c ${CFLAGS:C/^-O2$/-O3/:N-nostdinc} ${WERROR} ${NO_WCAST_QUAL} ${PROF} -mmmx -msse -msse4 -maes -mpclmul ${.IMPSRC}" \ no-implicit-rule \ clean "aesni_ghash.o" aesni_wrap.o optional aesni \ dependency "$S/crypto/aesni/aesni_wrap.c" \ compile-with "${CC} -c ${CFLAGS:C/^-O2$/-O3/:N-nostdinc} ${WERROR} ${NO_WCAST_QUAL} ${PROF} -mmmx -msse -msse4 -maes ${.IMPSRC}" \ no-implicit-rule \ clean "aesni_wrap.o" crypto/blowfish/bf_enc.c optional crypto | ipsec | ipsec_support crypto/des/des_enc.c optional crypto | ipsec | \ ipsec_support | netsmb intel_sha1.o optional aesni \ dependency "$S/crypto/aesni/intel_sha1.c" \ compile-with "${CC} -c ${CFLAGS:C/^-O2$/-O3/:N-nostdinc} ${WERROR} ${PROF} -mmmx -msse -msse4 -msha ${.IMPSRC}" \ no-implicit-rule \ clean "intel_sha1.o" intel_sha256.o optional aesni \ dependency "$S/crypto/aesni/intel_sha256.c" \ compile-with "${CC} -c ${CFLAGS:C/^-O2$/-O3/:N-nostdinc} ${WERROR} ${PROF} -mmmx -msse -msse4 -msha ${.IMPSRC}" \ no-implicit-rule \ clean "intel_sha256.o" crypto/via/padlock.c optional padlock crypto/via/padlock_cipher.c optional padlock crypto/via/padlock_hash.c optional padlock dev/acpica/acpi_if.m standard dev/acpica/acpi_hpet.c optional acpi dev/acpica/acpi_pci.c optional acpi pci dev/acpica/acpi_pci_link.c optional acpi pci dev/acpica/acpi_pcib.c optional acpi pci dev/acpica/acpi_pcib_acpi.c optional acpi pci dev/acpica/acpi_pcib_pci.c optional acpi pci dev/acpica/acpi_timer.c optional acpi dev/acpi_support/acpi_wmi_if.m standard dev/agp/agp_amd64.c optional agp dev/agp/agp_i810.c optional agp dev/agp/agp_via.c optional agp dev/amdgpio/amdgpio.c optional amdgpio dev/amdsbwd/amdsbwd.c optional amdsbwd dev/amdsmn/amdsmn.c optional amdsmn | amdtemp dev/amdtemp/amdtemp.c optional amdtemp dev/arcmsr/arcmsr.c optional arcmsr pci dev/asmc/asmc.c optional asmc isa dev/atkbdc/atkbd.c optional atkbd atkbdc dev/atkbdc/atkbd_atkbdc.c optional atkbd atkbdc dev/atkbdc/atkbdc.c optional atkbdc dev/atkbdc/atkbdc_isa.c optional atkbdc isa dev/atkbdc/atkbdc_subr.c optional atkbdc dev/atkbdc/psm.c optional psm atkbdc dev/bxe/bxe.c optional bxe pci dev/bxe/bxe_stats.c optional bxe pci dev/bxe/bxe_debug.c optional bxe pci dev/bxe/ecore_sp.c optional bxe pci dev/bxe/bxe_elink.c optional bxe pci dev/bxe/57710_init_values.c optional bxe pci dev/bxe/57711_init_values.c optional bxe pci dev/bxe/57712_init_values.c optional bxe pci dev/coretemp/coretemp.c optional coretemp dev/cpuctl/cpuctl.c optional cpuctl dev/dpms/dpms.c optional dpms # There are no systems with isa slots, so all ed isa entries should go.. dev/ed/if_ed_3c503.c optional ed isa ed_3c503 dev/ed/if_ed_isa.c optional ed isa dev/ed/if_ed_wd80x3.c optional ed isa dev/ed/if_ed_hpp.c optional ed isa ed_hpp dev/ed/if_ed_sic.c optional ed isa ed_sic dev/fb/fb.c optional fb | vga dev/fb/s3_pci.c optional s3pci dev/fb/vesa.c optional vga vesa dev/fb/vga.c optional vga dev/ichwd/ichwd.c optional ichwd dev/if_ndis/if_ndis.c optional ndis dev/if_ndis/if_ndis_pccard.c optional ndis pccard dev/if_ndis/if_ndis_pci.c optional ndis cardbus | ndis pci dev/if_ndis/if_ndis_usb.c optional ndis usb dev/imcsmb/imcsmb.c optional imcsmb dev/imcsmb/imcsmb_pci.c optional imcsmb pci dev/intel/spi.c optional intelspi dev/io/iodev.c optional io dev/ioat/ioat.c optional ioat pci dev/ioat/ioat_test.c optional ioat pci dev/ipmi/ipmi.c optional ipmi dev/ipmi/ipmi_acpi.c optional ipmi acpi dev/ipmi/ipmi_isa.c optional ipmi isa dev/ipmi/ipmi_kcs.c optional ipmi dev/ipmi/ipmi_smic.c optional ipmi dev/ipmi/ipmi_smbus.c optional ipmi smbus dev/ipmi/ipmi_smbios.c optional ipmi dev/ipmi/ipmi_ssif.c optional ipmi smbus dev/ipmi/ipmi_pci.c optional ipmi pci dev/ipmi/ipmi_linux.c optional ipmi compat_linux32 dev/ixl/if_ixl.c optional ixl pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_main.c optional ixl pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_qmgr.c optional ixl pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_iov.c optional ixl pci pci_iov \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_i2c.c optional ixl pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/if_iavf.c optional iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/iavf_vc.c optional iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_txrx.c optional ixl pci | iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_osdep.c optional ixl pci | iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_lan_hmc.c optional ixl pci | iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_hmc.c optional ixl pci | iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_common.c optional ixl pci | iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_nvm.c optional ixl pci | iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_adminq.c optional ixl pci | iavf pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_dcb.c optional ixl pci \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/fdc/fdc.c optional fdc dev/fdc/fdc_acpi.c optional fdc dev/fdc/fdc_isa.c optional fdc isa dev/fdc/fdc_pccard.c optional fdc pccard dev/gpio/bytgpio.c optional bytgpio dev/gpio/chvgpio.c optional chvgpio dev/hpt27xx/hpt27xx_os_bsd.c optional hpt27xx dev/hpt27xx/hpt27xx_osm_bsd.c optional hpt27xx dev/hpt27xx/hpt27xx_config.c optional hpt27xx dev/hptmv/entry.c optional hptmv dev/hptmv/mv.c optional hptmv dev/hptmv/gui_lib.c optional hptmv dev/hptmv/hptproc.c optional hptmv dev/hptmv/ioctl.c optional hptmv dev/hptnr/hptnr_os_bsd.c optional hptnr dev/hptnr/hptnr_osm_bsd.c optional hptnr dev/hptnr/hptnr_config.c optional hptnr dev/hptrr/hptrr_os_bsd.c optional hptrr dev/hptrr/hptrr_osm_bsd.c optional hptrr dev/hptrr/hptrr_config.c optional hptrr dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_amd.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_intel.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_core.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_uncore.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_tsc.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_x86.c optional hwpmc dev/hyperv/input/hv_kbd.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/input/hv_kbdc.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/pcib/vmbus_pcib.c optional hyperv pci dev/hyperv/netvsc/hn_nvs.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/netvsc/hn_rndis.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/netvsc/if_hn.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/storvsc/hv_storvsc_drv_freebsd.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/utilities/hv_kvp.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/utilities/hv_snapshot.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/utilities/vmbus_heartbeat.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/utilities/vmbus_ic.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/utilities/vmbus_shutdown.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/utilities/vmbus_timesync.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/hyperv.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/hyperv_busdma.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus.c optional hyperv pci dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus_br.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus_chan.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus_et.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus_if.m optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus_res.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus_xact.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/amd64/hyperv_machdep.c optional hyperv dev/hyperv/vmbus/amd64/vmbus_vector.S optional hyperv dev/nctgpio/nctgpio.c optional nctgpio dev/nfe/if_nfe.c optional nfe pci dev/ntb/if_ntb/if_ntb.c optional if_ntb dev/ntb/ntb_transport.c optional ntb_transport | if_ntb dev/ntb/ntb.c optional ntb | ntb_transport | if_ntb | ntb_hw_intel | ntb_hw_plx | ntb_hw dev/ntb/ntb_if.m optional ntb | ntb_transport | if_ntb | ntb_hw_intel | ntb_hw_plx | ntb_hw dev/ntb/ntb_hw/ntb_hw_intel.c optional ntb_hw_intel | ntb_hw dev/ntb/ntb_hw/ntb_hw_plx.c optional ntb_hw_plx | ntb_hw dev/nvd/nvd.c optional nvd nvme dev/nvme/nvme.c optional nvme dev/nvme/nvme_ctrlr.c optional nvme dev/nvme/nvme_ctrlr_cmd.c optional nvme dev/nvme/nvme_ns.c optional nvme dev/nvme/nvme_ns_cmd.c optional nvme dev/nvme/nvme_qpair.c optional nvme dev/nvme/nvme_sim.c optional nvme scbus dev/nvme/nvme_sysctl.c optional nvme dev/nvme/nvme_test.c optional nvme dev/nvme/nvme_util.c optional nvme dev/nvram/nvram.c optional nvram isa dev/random/ivy.c optional rdrand_rng dev/random/nehemiah.c optional padlock_rng dev/qlxge/qls_dbg.c optional qlxge pci dev/qlxge/qls_dump.c optional qlxge pci dev/qlxge/qls_hw.c optional qlxge pci dev/qlxge/qls_ioctl.c optional qlxge pci dev/qlxge/qls_isr.c optional qlxge pci dev/qlxge/qls_os.c optional qlxge pci dev/qlxgb/qla_dbg.c optional qlxgb pci dev/qlxgb/qla_hw.c optional qlxgb pci dev/qlxgb/qla_ioctl.c optional qlxgb pci dev/qlxgb/qla_isr.c optional qlxgb pci dev/qlxgb/qla_misc.c optional qlxgb pci dev/qlxgb/qla_os.c optional qlxgb pci dev/qlxgbe/ql_dbg.c optional qlxgbe pci dev/qlxgbe/ql_hw.c optional qlxgbe pci dev/qlxgbe/ql_ioctl.c optional qlxgbe pci dev/qlxgbe/ql_isr.c optional qlxgbe pci dev/qlxgbe/ql_misc.c optional qlxgbe pci dev/qlxgbe/ql_os.c optional qlxgbe pci dev/qlxgbe/ql_reset.c optional qlxgbe pci dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_cxt.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_dbg_fw_funcs.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_dcbx.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_dev.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_hw.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_init_fw_funcs.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_init_ops.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_int.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_l2.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_mcp.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_sp_commands.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/ecore_spq.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/qlnx_ioctl.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/qlnx/qlnxe/qlnx_os.c optional qlnxe pci \ compile-with "${LINUXKPI_C}" dev/sfxge/common/ef10_ev.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_filter.c optional sfxge pci +dev/sfxge/common/ef10_image.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_intr.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_mac.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_mcdi.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_nic.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_nvram.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_phy.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_rx.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_tx.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/ef10_vpd.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_bootcfg.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_crc32.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_ev.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_filter.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_hash.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_intr.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_lic.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_mac.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_mcdi.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_mon.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_nic.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_nvram.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_phy.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_port.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_rx.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_sram.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_tunnel.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_tx.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/efx_vpd.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/hunt_nic.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/mcdi_mon.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/medford_nic.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/medford2_nic.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/siena_mac.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/siena_mcdi.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/siena_nic.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/siena_nvram.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/siena_phy.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/siena_sram.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/common/siena_vpd.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge_dma.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge_ev.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge_intr.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge_mcdi.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge_nvram.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge_port.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge_rx.c optional sfxge pci dev/sfxge/sfxge_tx.c optional sfxge pci dev/sio/sio.c optional sio dev/sio/sio_isa.c optional sio isa dev/sio/sio_pccard.c optional sio pccard dev/sio/sio_pci.c optional sio pci dev/sio/sio_puc.c optional sio puc dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_cam.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_cmd.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_discovery.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_event.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_helper.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_init.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_intr.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_ioctl.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_main.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_mem.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_misc.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_queue.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_request.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_response.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_sis.c optional smartpqi dev/smartpqi/smartpqi_tag.c optional smartpqi dev/speaker/spkr.c optional speaker dev/syscons/apm/apm_saver.c optional apm_saver apm dev/syscons/scterm-teken.c optional sc dev/syscons/scvesactl.c optional sc vga vesa dev/syscons/scvgarndr.c optional sc vga dev/syscons/scvtb.c optional sc dev/tpm/tpm.c optional tpm dev/tpm/tpm_acpi.c optional tpm acpi dev/tpm/tpm_isa.c optional tpm isa dev/uart/uart_cpu_x86.c optional uart dev/viawd/viawd.c optional viawd dev/vmware/vmxnet3/if_vmx.c optional vmx dev/vmware/vmci/vmci.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_datagram.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_doorbell.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_driver.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_event.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_hashtable.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_kernel_if.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_qpair.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_queue_pair.c optional vmci dev/vmware/vmci/vmci_resource.c optional vmci dev/wbwd/wbwd.c optional wbwd dev/xen/pci/xen_acpi_pci.c optional xenhvm dev/xen/pci/xen_pci.c optional xenhvm dev/isci/isci.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_controller.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_domain.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_interrupt.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_io_request.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_logger.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_oem_parameters.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_remote_device.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_sysctl.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_task_request.c optional isci dev/isci/isci_timer.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_abort_task_set.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_atapi.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_device.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_inquiry.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_log_sense.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_lun_reset.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_mode_pages.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_mode_select.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_mode_sense.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_mode_sense_10.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_mode_sense_6.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_move.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_passthrough.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_read.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_read_buffer.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_read_capacity.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_reassign_blocks.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_report_luns.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_request_sense.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_start_stop_unit.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_synchronize_cache.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_test_unit_ready.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_unmap.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_util.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_verify.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_write.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_write_and_verify.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_write_buffer.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sati_write_long.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_abstract_list.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_controller.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_domain.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_iterator.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_library.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_logger.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_memory_descriptor_list.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_memory_descriptor_list_decorator.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_object.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_observer.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_phy.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_port.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_remote_device.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_state_machine.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_state_machine_logger.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_state_machine_observer.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_base_subject.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/sci_util.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_controller.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_library.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_pci.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_phy.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_port.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_port_configuration_agent.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_remote_device.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_remote_node_context.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_remote_node_table.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_sgpio.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_smp_remote_device.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_smp_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_ssp_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_stp_packet_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_stp_remote_device.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_stp_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scic_sds_unsolicited_frame_control.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_controller.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_controller_state_handlers.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_controller_states.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_domain.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_domain_state_handlers.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_domain_states.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_high_priority_request_queue.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_internal_io_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_io_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_io_request_state_handlers.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_io_request_states.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_library.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_remote_device.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_remote_device_ready_substate_handlers.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_remote_device_ready_substates.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_remote_device_starting_substate_handlers.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_remote_device_starting_substates.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_remote_device_state_handlers.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_remote_device_states.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_smp_activity_clear_affiliation.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_smp_io_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_smp_phy.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_smp_remote_device.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_stp_io_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_stp_remote_device.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_stp_task_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_task_request.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_task_request_state_handlers.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_task_request_states.c optional isci dev/isci/scil/scif_sas_timer.c optional isci isa/syscons_isa.c optional sc isa/vga_isa.c optional vga kern/kern_clocksource.c standard kern/imgact_aout.c optional compat_aout kern/imgact_gzip.c optional gzip kern/link_elf_obj.c standard libkern/x86/crc32_sse42.c standard # # IA32 binary support # #amd64/ia32/ia32_exception.S optional compat_freebsd32 amd64/ia32/ia32_reg.c optional compat_freebsd32 amd64/ia32/ia32_signal.c optional compat_freebsd32 amd64/ia32/ia32_sigtramp.S optional compat_freebsd32 amd64/ia32/ia32_syscall.c optional compat_freebsd32 amd64/ia32/ia32_misc.c optional compat_freebsd32 compat/ia32/ia32_sysvec.c optional compat_freebsd32 compat/linprocfs/linprocfs.c optional linprocfs compat/linsysfs/linsysfs.c optional linsysfs # # Linux/i386 binary support # amd64/linux32/linux32_dummy.c optional compat_linux32 amd64/linux32/linux32_machdep.c optional compat_linux32 amd64/linux32/linux32_support.s optional compat_linux32 \ dependency "linux32_assym.h" amd64/linux32/linux32_sysent.c optional compat_linux32 amd64/linux32/linux32_sysvec.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_emul.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_errno.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_file.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_fork.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_futex.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_getcwd.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_ioctl.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_ipc.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_mib.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_misc.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_mmap.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_signal.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_socket.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_stats.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_sysctl.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_time.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_timer.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_uid16.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_util.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_vdso.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_common.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux_event.c optional compat_linux32 compat/linux/linux.c optional compat_linux32 dev/amr/amr_linux.c optional compat_linux32 amr dev/mfi/mfi_linux.c optional compat_linux32 mfi # # Windows NDIS driver support # compat/ndis/kern_ndis.c optional ndisapi pci compat/ndis/kern_windrv.c optional ndisapi pci compat/ndis/subr_hal.c optional ndisapi pci compat/ndis/subr_ndis.c optional ndisapi pci compat/ndis/subr_ntoskrnl.c optional ndisapi pci compat/ndis/subr_pe.c optional ndisapi pci compat/ndis/subr_usbd.c optional ndisapi pci compat/ndis/winx64_wrap.S optional ndisapi pci # # x86 real mode BIOS emulator, required by dpms/pci/vesa # compat/x86bios/x86bios.c optional x86bios | dpms | pci | vesa contrib/x86emu/x86emu.c optional x86bios | dpms | pci | vesa # # bvm console # dev/bvm/bvm_console.c optional bvmconsole dev/bvm/bvm_dbg.c optional bvmdebug # # x86 shared code between IA32 and AMD64 architectures # x86/acpica/OsdEnvironment.c optional acpi x86/acpica/acpi_apm.c optional acpi x86/acpica/acpi_wakeup.c optional acpi x86/acpica/madt.c optional acpi x86/acpica/srat.c optional acpi x86/bios/smbios.c optional smbios x86/bios/vpd.c optional vpd x86/cpufreq/powernow.c optional cpufreq x86/cpufreq/est.c optional cpufreq x86/cpufreq/hwpstate.c optional cpufreq x86/cpufreq/p4tcc.c optional cpufreq x86/iommu/busdma_dmar.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_ctx.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_drv.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_fault.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_gas.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_idpgtbl.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_intrmap.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_qi.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_quirks.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/iommu/intel_utils.c optional acpi acpi_dmar pci x86/isa/atpic.c optional atpic isa x86/isa/atrtc.c standard x86/isa/clock.c standard x86/isa/elcr.c optional atpic isa | mptable x86/isa/isa.c standard x86/isa/isa_dma.c standard x86/isa/nmi.c standard x86/isa/orm.c optional isa x86/pci/pci_bus.c optional pci x86/pci/pci_early_quirks.c optional pci x86/pci/qpi.c optional pci x86/x86/autoconf.c standard x86/x86/bus_machdep.c standard x86/x86/busdma_bounce.c standard x86/x86/busdma_machdep.c standard x86/x86/cpu_machdep.c standard x86/x86/dump_machdep.c standard x86/x86/fdt_machdep.c optional fdt x86/x86/identcpu.c standard x86/x86/intr_machdep.c standard x86/x86/io_apic.c standard x86/x86/legacy.c standard x86/x86/local_apic.c standard x86/x86/mca.c standard x86/x86/x86_mem.c optional mem x86/x86/mptable.c optional mptable x86/x86/mptable_pci.c optional mptable pci x86/x86/mp_x86.c optional smp x86/x86/mp_watchdog.c optional mp_watchdog smp x86/x86/msi.c optional pci x86/x86/nexus.c standard x86/x86/pvclock.c standard x86/x86/stack_machdep.c optional ddb | stack x86/x86/tsc.c standard x86/x86/ucode.c standard x86/x86/delay.c standard x86/xen/hvm.c optional xenhvm x86/xen/xen_intr.c optional xenhvm x86/xen/pv.c optional xenhvm x86/xen/pvcpu_enum.c optional xenhvm x86/xen/xen_apic.c optional xenhvm x86/xen/xenpv.c optional xenhvm x86/xen/xen_nexus.c optional xenhvm x86/xen/xen_msi.c optional xenhvm x86/xen/xen_pci_bus.c optional xenhvm Index: head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_image.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_image.c (nonexistent) +++ head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_image.c (revision 341183) @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/*- + * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD + * + * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Solarflare Communications Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, + * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation + * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, + * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR + * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR + * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, + * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, + * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; + * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR + * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, + * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are + * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official + * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. + */ + +#include +__FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); + +#include "efx.h" +#include "efx_impl.h" + +#if EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2 + +#if EFSYS_OPT_IMAGE_LAYOUT + +#include "ef10_signed_image_layout.h" + + + +#endif /* EFSYS_OPT_IMAGE_LAYOUT */ + +#endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2 */ Property changes on: head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_image.c ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_signed_image_layout.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_signed_image_layout.h (nonexistent) +++ head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_signed_image_layout.h (revision 341183) @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +/*- + * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD + * + * Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Solarflare Communications Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, + * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation + * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, + * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR + * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR + * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, + * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, + * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; + * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR + * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, + * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are + * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official + * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. + * + * $FreeBSD$ + */ + +/* + * This is NOT the original source file. Do NOT edit it. + * To update the image layout headers, please edit the copy in + * the sfregistry repo and then, in that repo, + * "make layout_headers" or "make export" to + * regenerate and export all types of headers. + */ + +/* + * These structures define the layouts for the signed firmware image binary + * saved in NVRAM. The original image is in the Cryptographic message + * syntax (CMS) format which contains the bootable firmware binary plus the + * signatures. The entire image is written into NVRAM to enable the firmware + * to validate the signatures. However, the bootrom still requires the + * bootable-image to start at offset 0 of the NVRAM partition. Hence the image + * is parsed upfront by host utilities (sfupdate) and written into nvram as + * 'signed_image_chunks' described by a header. + * + * This file is used by the MC as well as host-utilities (sfupdate). + */ + +#ifndef _SYS_EF10_SIGNED_IMAGE_LAYOUT_H +#define _SYS_EF10_SIGNED_IMAGE_LAYOUT_H + +/* Signed image chunk type identifiers */ +enum { + SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_CMS_HEADER, /* CMS header describing the signed data */ + SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_REFLASH_HEADER, /* Reflash header */ + SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_IMAGE, /* Bootable binary image */ + SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_REFLASH_TRAILER, /* Reflash trailer */ + SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_SIGNATURE, /* Remaining contents of the signed image, + * including the certifiates and signature */ + NUM_SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNKS, +}; + +/* Magic */ +#define SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_HDR_MAGIC 0xEF105161 /* EF10 SIGned Image */ + +/* Initial version definition - version 1 */ +#define SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_HDR_VERSION 0x1 + +/* Header length is 32 bytes */ +#define SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_HDR_LEN 32 + +/* + * Structure describing the header of each chunk of signed image + * as stored in NVRAM. + */ +typedef struct signed_image_chunk_hdr_e { + /* + * Magic field to recognise a valid entry + * should match SIGNED_IMAGE_CHUNK_HDR_MAGIC + */ + uint32_t magic; + /* Version number of this header */ + uint32_t version; + /* Chunk type identifier */ + uint32_t id; + /* Chunk offset */ + uint32_t offset; + /* Chunk length */ + uint32_t len; + /* + * Reserved for future expansion of this structure - always + * set to zeros + */ + uint32_t reserved[3]; +} signed_image_chunk_hdr_t; + +#endif /* _SYS_EF10_SIGNED_IMAGE_LAYOUT_H */ Property changes on: head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/ef10_signed_image_layout.h ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efsys.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efsys.h (revision 341182) +++ head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efsys.h (revision 341183) @@ -1,1212 +1,1213 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Solarflare Communications Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed in part by Philip Paeps under contract for * Solarflare Communications, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _SYS_EFSYS_H #define _SYS_EFSYS_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EFSYS_HAS_UINT64 1 #if defined(__x86_64__) #define EFSYS_USE_UINT64 1 #else #define EFSYS_USE_UINT64 0 #endif #define EFSYS_HAS_SSE2_M128 0 #if _BYTE_ORDER == _BIG_ENDIAN #define EFSYS_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1 #define EFSYS_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0 #elif _BYTE_ORDER == _LITTLE_ENDIAN #define EFSYS_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0 #define EFSYS_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 #endif #include "efx_types.h" /* Common code requires this */ #if __FreeBSD_version < 800068 #define memmove(d, s, l) bcopy(s, d, l) #endif /* FreeBSD equivalents of Solaris things */ #ifndef _NOTE #define _NOTE(s) #endif #ifndef B_FALSE #define B_FALSE FALSE #endif #ifndef B_TRUE #define B_TRUE TRUE #endif #ifndef IS_P2ALIGNED #define IS_P2ALIGNED(v, a) ((((uintptr_t)(v)) & ((uintptr_t)(a) - 1)) == 0) #endif #ifndef P2ROUNDUP #define P2ROUNDUP(x, align) (-(-(x) & -(align))) #endif #ifndef P2ALIGN #define P2ALIGN(_x, _a) ((_x) & -(_a)) #endif #ifndef IS2P #define ISP2(x) (((x) & ((x) - 1)) == 0) #endif #if defined(__x86_64__) && __FreeBSD_version >= 1000000 #define SFXGE_USE_BUS_SPACE_8 1 #if !defined(bus_space_read_stream_8) #define bus_space_read_stream_8(t, h, o) \ bus_space_read_8((t), (h), (o)) #define bus_space_write_stream_8(t, h, o, v) \ bus_space_write_8((t), (h), (o), (v)) #endif #endif #define ENOTACTIVE EINVAL /* Memory type to use on FreeBSD */ MALLOC_DECLARE(M_SFXGE); /* Machine dependend prefetch wrappers */ #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__) static __inline void prefetch_read_many(void *addr) { __asm__( "prefetcht0 (%0)" : : "r" (addr)); } static __inline void prefetch_read_once(void *addr) { __asm__( "prefetchnta (%0)" : : "r" (addr)); } #elif defined(__sparc64__) static __inline void prefetch_read_many(void *addr) { __asm__( "prefetch [%0], 0" : : "r" (addr)); } static __inline void prefetch_read_once(void *addr) { __asm__( "prefetch [%0], 1" : : "r" (addr)); } #else static __inline void prefetch_read_many(void *addr) { } static __inline void prefetch_read_once(void *addr) { } #endif #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__) #include #include #endif static __inline void sfxge_map_mbuf_fast(bus_dma_tag_t tag, bus_dmamap_t map, struct mbuf *m, bus_dma_segment_t *seg) { #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__) seg->ds_addr = pmap_kextract(mtod(m, vm_offset_t)); seg->ds_len = m->m_len; #else int nsegstmp; bus_dmamap_load_mbuf_sg(tag, map, m, seg, &nsegstmp, 0); #endif } /* Modifiers used for Windows builds */ #define __in #define __in_opt #define __in_ecount(_n) #define __in_ecount_opt(_n) #define __in_bcount(_n) #define __in_bcount_opt(_n) #define __out #define __out_opt #define __out_ecount(_n) #define __out_ecount_opt(_n) #define __out_bcount(_n) #define __out_bcount_opt(_n) #define __out_bcount_part(_n, _l) #define __out_bcount_part_opt(_n, _l) #define __deref_out #define __inout #define __inout_opt #define __inout_ecount(_n) #define __inout_ecount_opt(_n) #define __inout_bcount(_n) #define __inout_bcount_opt(_n) #define __inout_bcount_full_opt(_n) #define __deref_out_bcount_opt(n) #define __checkReturn #define __success(_x) #define __drv_when(_p, _c) /* Code inclusion options */ #define EFSYS_OPT_NAMES 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_SIENA 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2 0 #ifdef DEBUG #define EFSYS_OPT_CHECK_REG 1 #else #define EFSYS_OPT_CHECK_REG 0 #endif #define EFSYS_OPT_MCDI 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_LOGGING 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_PROXY_AUTH 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_MON_MCDI 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_BIST 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_PHY_FLAGS 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_VPD 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_BOOTCFG 0 +#define EFSYS_OPT_IMAGE_LAYOUT 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_DIAG 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_FILTER 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_EV_PREFETCH 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_DECODE_INTR_FATAL 1 #define EFSYS_OPT_LICENSING 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_ALLOW_UNCONFIGURED_NIC 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_RX_PACKED_STREAM 0 #define EFSYS_OPT_TUNNEL 0 /* ID */ typedef struct __efsys_identifier_s efsys_identifier_t; /* PROBE */ #ifndef DTRACE_PROBE #define EFSYS_PROBE(_name) #define EFSYS_PROBE1(_name, _type1, _arg1) #define EFSYS_PROBE2(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2) #define EFSYS_PROBE3(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3) #define EFSYS_PROBE4(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4) #define EFSYS_PROBE5(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5) #define EFSYS_PROBE6(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6) #define EFSYS_PROBE7(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6, _type7, _arg7) #else /* DTRACE_PROBE */ #define EFSYS_PROBE(_name) \ DTRACE_PROBE(_name) #define EFSYS_PROBE1(_name, _type1, _arg1) \ DTRACE_PROBE1(_name, _type1, _arg1) #define EFSYS_PROBE2(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2) \ DTRACE_PROBE2(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2) #define EFSYS_PROBE3(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3) \ DTRACE_PROBE3(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3) #define EFSYS_PROBE4(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4) \ DTRACE_PROBE4(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4) #ifdef DTRACE_PROBE5 #define EFSYS_PROBE5(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5) \ DTRACE_PROBE5(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5) #else #define EFSYS_PROBE5(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5) \ DTRACE_PROBE4(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4) #endif #ifdef DTRACE_PROBE6 #define EFSYS_PROBE6(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6) \ DTRACE_PROBE6(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6) #else #define EFSYS_PROBE6(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6) \ EFSYS_PROBE5(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5) #endif #ifdef DTRACE_PROBE7 #define EFSYS_PROBE7(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6, _type7, _arg7) \ DTRACE_PROBE7(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6, _type7, _arg7) #else #define EFSYS_PROBE7(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6, _type7, _arg7) \ EFSYS_PROBE6(_name, _type1, _arg1, _type2, _arg2, \ _type3, _arg3, _type4, _arg4, _type5, _arg5, \ _type6, _arg6) #endif #endif /* DTRACE_PROBE */ /* DMA */ typedef uint64_t efsys_dma_addr_t; typedef struct efsys_mem_s { bus_dma_tag_t esm_tag; bus_dmamap_t esm_map; caddr_t esm_base; efsys_dma_addr_t esm_addr; size_t esm_size; } efsys_mem_t; #define EFSYS_MEM_SIZE(_esmp) \ ((_esmp)->esm_size) #define EFSYS_MEM_ADDR(_esmp) \ ((_esmp)->esm_addr) #define EFSYS_MEM_IS_NULL(_esmp) \ ((_esmp)->esm_base == NULL) #define EFSYS_MEM_ZERO(_esmp, _size) \ do { \ (void) memset((_esmp)->esm_base, 0, (_size)); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_MEM_READD(_esmp, _offset, _edp) \ do { \ uint32_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_dword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ (_edp)->ed_u32[0] = *addr; \ \ EFSYS_PROBE2(mem_readd, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #if defined(__x86_64__) #define EFSYS_MEM_READQ(_esmp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ uint64_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ (_eqp)->eq_u64[0] = *addr; \ \ EFSYS_PROBE3(mem_readq, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFSYS_MEM_READQ(_esmp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ uint32_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ (_eqp)->eq_u32[0] = *addr++; \ (_eqp)->eq_u32[1] = *addr; \ \ EFSYS_PROBE3(mem_readq, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif #if defined(__x86_64__) #define EFSYS_MEM_READO(_esmp, _offset, _eop) \ do { \ uint64_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_oword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ (_eop)->eo_u64[0] = *addr++; \ (_eop)->eo_u64[1] = *addr; \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(mem_reado, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFSYS_MEM_READO(_esmp, _offset, _eop) \ do { \ uint32_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_oword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ (_eop)->eo_u32[0] = *addr++; \ (_eop)->eo_u32[1] = *addr++; \ (_eop)->eo_u32[2] = *addr++; \ (_eop)->eo_u32[3] = *addr; \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(mem_reado, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif #define EFSYS_MEM_WRITED(_esmp, _offset, _edp) \ do { \ uint32_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_dword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE2(mem_writed, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ *addr = (_edp)->ed_u32[0]; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #if defined(__x86_64__) #define EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ(_esmp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ uint64_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE3(mem_writeq, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ *addr = (_eqp)->eq_u64[0]; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFSYS_MEM_WRITEQ(_esmp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ uint32_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE3(mem_writeq, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ *addr++ = (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]; \ *addr = (_eqp)->eq_u32[1]; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif #if defined(__x86_64__) #define EFSYS_MEM_WRITEO(_esmp, _offset, _eop) \ do { \ uint64_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_oword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(mem_writeo, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ *addr++ = (_eop)->eo_u64[0]; \ *addr = (_eop)->eo_u64[1]; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFSYS_MEM_WRITEO(_esmp, _offset, _eop) \ do { \ uint32_t *addr; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_oword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(mem_writeo, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ \ addr = (void *)((_esmp)->esm_base + (_offset)); \ \ *addr++ = (_eop)->eo_u32[0]; \ *addr++ = (_eop)->eo_u32[1]; \ *addr++ = (_eop)->eo_u32[2]; \ *addr = (_eop)->eo_u32[3]; \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif /* BAR */ #define SFXGE_LOCK_NAME_MAX 16 typedef struct efsys_bar_s { struct mtx esb_lock; char esb_lock_name[SFXGE_LOCK_NAME_MAX]; bus_space_tag_t esb_tag; bus_space_handle_t esb_handle; int esb_rid; struct resource *esb_res; } efsys_bar_t; #define SFXGE_BAR_LOCK_INIT(_esbp, _ifname) \ do { \ snprintf((_esbp)->esb_lock_name, \ sizeof((_esbp)->esb_lock_name), \ "%s:bar", (_ifname)); \ mtx_init(&(_esbp)->esb_lock, (_esbp)->esb_lock_name, \ NULL, MTX_DEF); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define SFXGE_BAR_LOCK_DESTROY(_esbp) \ mtx_destroy(&(_esbp)->esb_lock) #define SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp) \ mtx_lock(&(_esbp)->esb_lock) #define SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp) \ mtx_unlock(&(_esbp)->esb_lock) #define EFSYS_BAR_READD(_esbp, _offset, _edp, _lock) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_dword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ (_edp)->ed_u32[0] = bus_space_read_stream_4( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset)); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE2(bar_readd, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #if defined(SFXGE_USE_BUS_SPACE_8) #define EFSYS_BAR_READQ(_esbp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ (_eqp)->eq_u64[0] = bus_space_read_stream_8( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset)); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE3(bar_readq, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_BAR_READO(_esbp, _offset, _eop, _lock) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_oword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ (_eop)->eo_u64[0] = bus_space_read_stream_8( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset)); \ (_eop)->eo_u64[1] = bus_space_read_stream_8( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 8); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(bar_reado, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFSYS_BAR_READQ(_esbp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ (_eqp)->eq_u32[0] = bus_space_read_stream_4( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset)); \ (_eqp)->eq_u32[1] = bus_space_read_stream_4( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 4); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE3(bar_readq, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_BAR_READO(_esbp, _offset, _eop, _lock) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_oword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ (_eop)->eo_u32[0] = bus_space_read_stream_4( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset)); \ (_eop)->eo_u32[1] = bus_space_read_stream_4( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 4); \ (_eop)->eo_u32[2] = bus_space_read_stream_4( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 8); \ (_eop)->eo_u32[3] = bus_space_read_stream_4( \ (_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 12); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(bar_reado, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif #define EFSYS_BAR_WRITED(_esbp, _offset, _edp, _lock) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_dword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE2(bar_writed, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ \ /* \ * Make sure that previous writes to the dword have \ * been done. It should be cheaper than barrier just \ * after the write below. \ */ \ bus_space_barrier((_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle,\ (_offset), sizeof (efx_dword_t), \ BUS_SPACE_BARRIER_WRITE); \ bus_space_write_stream_4((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset), (_edp)->ed_u32[0]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #if defined(SFXGE_USE_BUS_SPACE_8) #define EFSYS_BAR_WRITEQ(_esbp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE3(bar_writeq, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ \ /* \ * Make sure that previous writes to the qword have \ * been done. It should be cheaper than barrier just \ * after the write below. \ */ \ bus_space_barrier((_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle,\ (_offset), sizeof (efx_qword_t), \ BUS_SPACE_BARRIER_WRITE); \ bus_space_write_stream_8((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset), (_eqp)->eq_u64[0]); \ \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFSYS_BAR_WRITEQ(_esbp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE3(bar_writeq, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ \ /* \ * Make sure that previous writes to the qword have \ * been done. It should be cheaper than barrier just \ * after the last write below. \ */ \ bus_space_barrier((_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle,\ (_offset), sizeof (efx_qword_t), \ BUS_SPACE_BARRIER_WRITE); \ bus_space_write_stream_4((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset), (_eqp)->eq_u32[0]); \ /* \ * It should be guaranteed that the last dword comes \ * the last, so barrier entire qword to be sure that \ * neither above nor below writes are reordered. \ */ \ bus_space_barrier((_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle,\ (_offset), sizeof (efx_qword_t), \ BUS_SPACE_BARRIER_WRITE); \ bus_space_write_stream_4((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 4, (_eqp)->eq_u32[1]); \ \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif /* * Guarantees 64bit aligned 64bit writes to write combined BAR mapping * (required by PIO hardware) */ #define EFSYS_BAR_WC_WRITEQ(_esbp, _offset, _eqp) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_qword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ (void) (_esbp); \ \ /* FIXME: Perform a 64-bit write */ \ KASSERT(0, ("not implemented")); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #if defined(SFXGE_USE_BUS_SPACE_8) #define EFSYS_BAR_WRITEO(_esbp, _offset, _eop, _lock) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_oword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(bar_writeo, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ \ /* \ * Make sure that previous writes to the oword have \ * been done. It should be cheaper than barrier just \ * after the last write below. \ */ \ bus_space_barrier((_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle,\ (_offset), sizeof (efx_oword_t), \ BUS_SPACE_BARRIER_WRITE); \ bus_space_write_stream_8((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset), (_eop)->eo_u64[0]); \ /* \ * It should be guaranteed that the last qword comes \ * the last, so barrier entire oword to be sure that \ * neither above nor below writes are reordered. \ */ \ bus_space_barrier((_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle,\ (_offset), sizeof (efx_oword_t), \ BUS_SPACE_BARRIER_WRITE); \ bus_space_write_stream_8((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 8, (_eop)->eo_u64[1]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #else #define EFSYS_BAR_WRITEO(_esbp, _offset, _eop, _lock) \ do { \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ KASSERT(IS_P2ALIGNED(_offset, sizeof (efx_oword_t)), \ ("not power of 2 aligned")); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_LOCK(_esbp); \ \ EFSYS_PROBE5(bar_writeo, unsigned int, (_offset), \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[3], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[2], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[1], \ uint32_t, (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ \ /* \ * Make sure that previous writes to the oword have \ * been done. It should be cheaper than barrier just \ * after the last write below. \ */ \ bus_space_barrier((_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle,\ (_offset), sizeof (efx_oword_t), \ BUS_SPACE_BARRIER_WRITE); \ bus_space_write_stream_4((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset), (_eop)->eo_u32[0]); \ bus_space_write_stream_4((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 4, (_eop)->eo_u32[1]); \ bus_space_write_stream_4((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 8, (_eop)->eo_u32[2]); \ /* \ * It should be guaranteed that the last dword comes \ * the last, so barrier entire oword to be sure that \ * neither above nor below writes are reordered. \ */ \ bus_space_barrier((_esbp)->esb_tag, (_esbp)->esb_handle,\ (_offset), sizeof (efx_oword_t), \ BUS_SPACE_BARRIER_WRITE); \ bus_space_write_stream_4((_esbp)->esb_tag, \ (_esbp)->esb_handle, \ (_offset) + 12, (_eop)->eo_u32[3]); \ \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ if (_lock) \ SFXGE_BAR_UNLOCK(_esbp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif /* Use the standard octo-word write for doorbell writes */ #define EFSYS_BAR_DOORBELL_WRITEO(_esbp, _offset, _eop) \ do { \ EFSYS_BAR_WRITEO((_esbp), (_offset), (_eop), B_FALSE); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) /* SPIN */ #define EFSYS_SPIN(_us) \ do { \ DELAY(_us); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_SLEEP EFSYS_SPIN /* BARRIERS */ #define EFSYS_MEM_READ_BARRIER() rmb() #define EFSYS_PIO_WRITE_BARRIER() /* DMA SYNC */ #define EFSYS_DMA_SYNC_FOR_KERNEL(_esmp, _offset, _size) \ do { \ bus_dmamap_sync((_esmp)->esm_tag, \ (_esmp)->esm_map, \ BUS_DMASYNC_POSTREAD); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_DMA_SYNC_FOR_DEVICE(_esmp, _offset, _size) \ do { \ bus_dmamap_sync((_esmp)->esm_tag, \ (_esmp)->esm_map, \ BUS_DMASYNC_PREWRITE); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) /* TIMESTAMP */ typedef clock_t efsys_timestamp_t; #define EFSYS_TIMESTAMP(_usp) \ do { \ clock_t now; \ \ now = ticks; \ *(_usp) = now * hz / 1000000; \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) /* KMEM */ #define EFSYS_KMEM_ALLOC(_esip, _size, _p) \ do { \ (_esip) = (_esip); \ /* \ * The macro is used in non-sleepable contexts, for \ * example, holding a mutex. \ */ \ (_p) = malloc((_size), M_SFXGE, M_NOWAIT|M_ZERO); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_KMEM_FREE(_esip, _size, _p) \ do { \ (void) (_esip); \ (void) (_size); \ free((_p), M_SFXGE); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) /* LOCK */ typedef struct efsys_lock_s { struct mtx lock; char lock_name[SFXGE_LOCK_NAME_MAX]; } efsys_lock_t; #define SFXGE_EFSYS_LOCK_INIT(_eslp, _ifname, _label) \ do { \ efsys_lock_t *__eslp = (_eslp); \ \ snprintf((__eslp)->lock_name, \ sizeof((__eslp)->lock_name), \ "%s:%s", (_ifname), (_label)); \ mtx_init(&(__eslp)->lock, (__eslp)->lock_name, \ NULL, MTX_DEF); \ } while (B_FALSE) #define SFXGE_EFSYS_LOCK_DESTROY(_eslp) \ mtx_destroy(&(_eslp)->lock) #define SFXGE_EFSYS_LOCK(_eslp) \ mtx_lock(&(_eslp)->lock) #define SFXGE_EFSYS_UNLOCK(_eslp) \ mtx_unlock(&(_eslp)->lock) #define SFXGE_EFSYS_LOCK_ASSERT_OWNED(_eslp) \ mtx_assert(&(_eslp)->lock, MA_OWNED) typedef int efsys_lock_state_t; #define EFSYS_LOCK_MAGIC 0x000010c4 #define EFSYS_LOCK(_lockp, _state) \ do { \ SFXGE_EFSYS_LOCK(_lockp); \ (_state) = EFSYS_LOCK_MAGIC; \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_UNLOCK(_lockp, _state) \ do { \ if ((_state) != EFSYS_LOCK_MAGIC) \ KASSERT(B_FALSE, ("not locked")); \ SFXGE_EFSYS_UNLOCK(_lockp); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) /* STAT */ typedef uint64_t efsys_stat_t; #define EFSYS_STAT_INCR(_knp, _delta) \ do { \ *(_knp) += (_delta); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_STAT_DECR(_knp, _delta) \ do { \ *(_knp) -= (_delta); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_STAT_SET(_knp, _val) \ do { \ *(_knp) = (_val); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_STAT_SET_QWORD(_knp, _valp) \ do { \ *(_knp) = le64toh((_valp)->eq_u64[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_STAT_SET_DWORD(_knp, _valp) \ do { \ *(_knp) = le32toh((_valp)->ed_u32[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_STAT_INCR_QWORD(_knp, _valp) \ do { \ *(_knp) += le64toh((_valp)->eq_u64[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #define EFSYS_STAT_SUBR_QWORD(_knp, _valp) \ do { \ *(_knp) -= le64toh((_valp)->eq_u64[0]); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) /* ERR */ extern void sfxge_err(efsys_identifier_t *, unsigned int, uint32_t, uint32_t); #if EFSYS_OPT_DECODE_INTR_FATAL #define EFSYS_ERR(_esip, _code, _dword0, _dword1) \ do { \ sfxge_err((_esip), (_code), (_dword0), (_dword1)); \ _NOTE(CONSTANTCONDITION) \ } while (B_FALSE) #endif /* ASSERT */ #define EFSYS_ASSERT(_exp) do { \ if (!(_exp)) \ panic("%s", #_exp); \ } while (0) #define EFSYS_ASSERT3(_x, _op, _y, _t) do { \ const _t __x = (_t)(_x); \ const _t __y = (_t)(_y); \ if (!(__x _op __y)) \ panic("assertion failed at %s:%u", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ } while(0) #define EFSYS_ASSERT3U(_x, _op, _y) EFSYS_ASSERT3(_x, _op, _y, uint64_t) #define EFSYS_ASSERT3S(_x, _op, _y) EFSYS_ASSERT3(_x, _op, _y, int64_t) #define EFSYS_ASSERT3P(_x, _op, _y) EFSYS_ASSERT3(_x, _op, _y, uintptr_t) /* ROTATE */ #define EFSYS_HAS_ROTL_DWORD 0 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SYS_EFSYS_H */ Index: head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_check.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_check.h (revision 341182) +++ head/sys/dev/sfxge/common/efx_check.h (revision 341183) @@ -1,373 +1,380 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Solarflare Communications Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official * policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _SYS_EFX_CHECK_H #define _SYS_EFX_CHECK_H #include "efsys.h" /* * Check that the efsys.h header in client code has a valid combination of * EFSYS_OPT_xxx options. * * NOTE: Keep checks for obsolete options here to ensure that they are removed * from client code (and do not reappear in merges from other branches). */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_FALCON # error "FALCON is obsolete and is not supported." #endif /* Support NVRAM based boot config */ #if EFSYS_OPT_BOOTCFG # if !EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM # error "BOOTCFG requires NVRAM" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_BOOTCFG */ /* Verify chip implements accessed registers */ #if EFSYS_OPT_CHECK_REG # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "CHECK_REG requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_CHECK_REG */ /* Decode fatal errors */ #if EFSYS_OPT_DECODE_INTR_FATAL # if !EFSYS_OPT_SIENA # error "INTR_FATAL requires SIENA" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DECODE_INTR_FATAL */ /* Support diagnostic hardware tests */ #if EFSYS_OPT_DIAG # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "DIAG requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_DIAG */ /* Support optimized EVQ data access */ #if EFSYS_OPT_EV_PREFETCH # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "EV_PREFETCH requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_EV_PREFETCH */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_FALCON_NIC_CFG_OVERRIDE # error "FALCON_NIC_CFG_OVERRIDE is obsolete and is not supported." #endif /* Support hardware packet filters */ #if EFSYS_OPT_FILTER # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "FILTER requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_FILTER */ #if (EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # if !EFSYS_OPT_FILTER # error "HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2 requires FILTER" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON */ /* Support hardware loopback modes */ #if EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "LOOPBACK requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_MAC_FALCON_GMAC # error "MAC_FALCON_GMAC is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_MAC_FALCON_XMAC # error "MAC_FALCON_XMAC is obsolete and is not supported." #endif /* Support MAC statistics */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "MAC_STATS requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS */ /* Support management controller messages */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "MCDI requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI */ #if (EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # if !EFSYS_OPT_MCDI # error "SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2 requires MCDI" # endif #endif /* Support MCDI logging */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_LOGGING # if !EFSYS_OPT_MCDI # error "MCDI_LOGGING requires MCDI" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_LOGGING */ /* Support MCDI proxy authorization */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_PROXY_AUTH # if !EFSYS_OPT_MCDI # error "MCDI_PROXY_AUTH requires MCDI" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MCDI_PROXY_AUTH */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_MON_LM87 # error "MON_LM87 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_MON_MAX6647 # error "MON_MAX6647 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_MON_NULL # error "MON_NULL is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_MON_SIENA # error "MON_SIENA is obsolete (replaced by MON_MCDI)." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_MON_HUNTINGTON # error "MON_HUNTINGTON is obsolete (replaced by MON_MCDI)." #endif /* Support monitor statistics (voltage/temperature) */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "MON_STATS requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MON_STATS */ /* Support Monitor via mcdi */ #if EFSYS_OPT_MON_MCDI # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "MON_MCDI requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_MON_MCDI*/ /* Support printable names for statistics */ #if EFSYS_OPT_NAMES # if !(EFSYS_OPT_LOOPBACK || EFSYS_OPT_MAC_STATS || EFSYS_OPT_MCDI || \ EFSYS_MON_STATS || EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS || EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS) # error "NAMES requires LOOPBACK or xxxSTATS or MCDI" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NAMES */ /* Support non volatile configuration */ #if EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "NVRAM requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM */ +#if EFSYS_OPT_IMAGE_LAYOUT +/* Support signed image layout handling */ +# if !(EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) +# error "IMAGE_LAYOUT requires MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" +# endif +#endif /* EFSYS_OPT_IMAGE_LAYOUT */ + #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM_FALCON_BOOTROM # error "NVRAM_FALCON_BOOTROM is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM_SFT9001 # error "NVRAM_SFT9001 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_NVRAM_SFX7101 # error "NVRAM_SFX7101 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PCIE_TUNE # error "PCIE_TUNE is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_BIST # error "PHY_BIST is obsolete (replaced by BIST)." #endif /* Support PHY flags */ #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_FLAGS # if !EFSYS_OPT_SIENA # error "PHY_FLAGS requires SIENA" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_FLAGS */ /* Support for PHY LED control */ #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "PHY_LED_CONTROL requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_LED_CONTROL */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_NULL # error "PHY_NULL is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_PM8358 # error "PHY_PM8358 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_PROPS # error "PHY_PROPS is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_QT2022C2 # error "PHY_QT2022C2 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_QT2025C # error "PHY_QT2025C is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_SFT9001 # error "PHY_SFT9001 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_SFX7101 # error "PHY_SFX7101 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif /* Support PHY statistics */ #if EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD) # error "PHY_STATS requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_PHY_STATS */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_PHY_TXC43128 # error "PHY_TXC43128 is obsolete and is not supported." #endif /* Support EVQ/RXQ/TXQ statistics */ #if EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "QSTATS requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_QSTATS */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_RX_HDR_SPLIT # error "RX_HDR_SPLIT is obsolete and is not supported" #endif /* Support receive scaling (RSS) */ #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "RX_SCALE requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE */ /* Support receive scatter DMA */ #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "RX_SCATTER requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_STAT_NAME # error "STAT_NAME is obsolete (replaced by NAMES)." #endif /* Support PCI Vital Product Data (VPD) */ #if EFSYS_OPT_VPD # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "VPD requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_VPD */ /* Support Wake on LAN */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_WOL # error "WOL is obsolete and is not supported" #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_WOL */ #ifdef EFSYS_OPT_MCAST_FILTER_LIST # error "MCAST_FILTER_LIST is obsolete and is not supported" #endif /* Support BIST */ #if EFSYS_OPT_BIST # if !(EFSYS_OPT_SIENA || EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || \ EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "BIST requires SIENA or HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_BIST */ /* Support MCDI licensing API */ #if EFSYS_OPT_LICENSING # if !EFSYS_OPT_MCDI # error "LICENSING requires MCDI" # endif # if !EFSYS_HAS_UINT64 # error "LICENSING requires UINT64" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_LICENSING */ /* Support adapters with missing static config (for factory use only) */ #if EFSYS_OPT_ALLOW_UNCONFIGURED_NIC # if !(EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "ALLOW_UNCONFIGURED_NIC requires MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_ALLOW_UNCONFIGURED_NIC */ /* Support packed stream mode */ #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_PACKED_STREAM # if !(EFSYS_OPT_HUNTINGTON || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "PACKED_STREAM requires HUNTINGTON or MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* Support hardware assistance for tunnels */ #if EFSYS_OPT_TUNNEL # if !(EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD || EFSYS_OPT_MEDFORD2) # error "TUNNEL requires MEDFORD or MEDFORD2" # endif #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_TUNNEL */ #endif /* _SYS_EFX_CHECK_H */ Index: head/sys/modules/sfxge/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/sys/modules/sfxge/Makefile (revision 341182) +++ head/sys/modules/sfxge/Makefile (revision 341183) @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ # $FreeBSD$ KMOD= sfxge SFXGE= ${SRCTOP}/sys/dev/sfxge SRCS= device_if.h bus_if.h pci_if.h SRCS+= opt_inet.h opt_inet6.h opt_sched.h opt_rss.h .PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/dev/sfxge SRCS+= sfxge.c sfxge_dma.c sfxge_ev.c SRCS+= sfxge_intr.c sfxge_mcdi.c sfxge_nvram.c SRCS+= sfxge_port.c sfxge_rx.c sfxge_tx.c SRCS+= sfxge.h sfxge_rx.h sfxge_tx.h sfxge_version.h .PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/dev/sfxge/common SRCS+= efx_bootcfg.c efx_crc32.c efx_ev.c efx_intr.c efx_lic.c efx_mac.c SRCS+= efx_mcdi.c efx_mon.c efx_nic.c SRCS+= efx_nvram.c efx_phy.c efx_port.c efx_rx.c efx_sram.c efx_tunnel.c SRCS+= efx_tx.c efx_vpd.c efx_filter.c efx_hash.c SRCS+= efsys.h SRCS+= efx.h efx_check.h efx_impl.h efx_mcdi.h efx_regs.h efx_regs_ef10.h SRCS+= efx_regs_mcdi.h efx_regs_mcdi_aoe.h efx_regs_pci.h efx_types.h SRCS+= efx_phy_ids.h SRCS+= ef10_tlv_layout.h SRCS+= mcdi_mon.c mcdi_mon.h SRCS+= siena_mac.c siena_mcdi.c siena_nic.c siena_nvram.c siena_phy.c SRCS+= siena_sram.c siena_vpd.c SRCS+= siena_flash.h siena_impl.h -SRCS+= ef10_ev.c ef10_filter.c ef10_intr.c ef10_mac.c ef10_mcdi.c ef10_nic.c -SRCS+= ef10_nvram.c ef10_phy.c ef10_rx.c ef10_tx.c ef10_vpd.c -SRCS+= ef10_impl.h +SRCS+= ef10_ev.c ef10_filter.c ef10_image.c ef10_intr.c ef10_mac.c ef10_mcdi.c +SRCS+= ef10_nic.c ef10_nvram.c ef10_phy.c ef10_rx.c ef10_tx.c ef10_vpd.c +SRCS+= ef10_impl.h ef10_signed_image_layout.h SRCS+= hunt_nic.c SRCS+= hunt_impl.h SRCS+= medford_nic.c SRCS+= medford_impl.h SRCS+= medford2_nic.c SRCS+= medford2_impl.h # Extra debug checks #CFLAGS += -DDEBUG=1 .include