Index: head/stand/lua/drawer.lua =================================================================== --- head/stand/lua/drawer.lua (revision 331313) +++ head/stand/lua/drawer.lua (revision 331314) @@ -1,465 +1,465 @@ -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD -- -- Copyright (c) 2015 Pedro Souza -- Copyright (c) 2018 Kyle Evans -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- are met: -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND -- ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS -- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) -- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT -- LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -- OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -- SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- $FreeBSD$ -- local color = require("color") local config = require("config") local core = require("core") local screen = require("screen") local drawer = {} local fbsd_logo local beastie_color local beastie local fbsd_logo_v local orb_color local orb local none local function menuEntryName(drawing_menu, entry) local name_handler = drawer.menu_name_handlers[entry.entry_type] if name_handler ~= nil then return name_handler(drawing_menu, entry) end if type( == "function" then return end return end fbsd_logo = { " ______ ____ _____ _____ ", " | ____| | _ \\ / ____| __ \\ ", " | |___ _ __ ___ ___ | |_) | (___ | | | |", " | ___| '__/ _ \\/ _ \\| _ < \\___ \\| | | |", " | | | | | __/ __/| |_) |____) | |__| |", " | | | | | | || | | |", " |_| |_| \\___|\\___||____/|_____/|_____/ " } beastie_color = { " \027[31m, ,", " /( )`", " \\ \\___ / |", " /- \027[37m_\027[31m `-/ '", " (\027[37m/\\/ \\\027[31m \\ /\\", " \027[37m/ / |\027[31m ` \\", " \027[34mO O \027[37m) \027[31m/ |", " \027[37m`-^--'\027[31m`< '", " (_.) _ ) /", " `.___/` /", " `-----' /", " \027[33m<----.\027[31m __ / __ \\", " \027[33m<----|====\027[31mO)))\027[33m==\027[31m) \\) /\027[33m====|", " \027[33m<----'\027[31m `--' `.__,' \\", " | |", " \\ / /\\", " \027[36m______\027[31m( (_ / \\______/", " \027[36m,' ,-----' |", " `--{__________)\027[37m" } beastie = { " , ,", " /( )`", " \\ \\___ / |", " /- _ `-/ '", " (/\\/ \\ \\ /\\", " / / | ` \\", " O O ) / |", " `-^--'`< '", " (_.) _ ) /", " `.___/` /", " `-----' /", " <----. __ / __ \\", " <----|====O)))==) \\) /====|", " <----' `--' `.__,' \\", " | |", " \\ / /\\", " ______( (_ / \\______/", " ,' ,-----' |", " `--{__________)" } fbsd_logo_v = { " ______", " | ____| __ ___ ___ ", " | |__ | '__/ _ \\/ _ \\", " | __|| | | __/ __/", " | | | | | | |", " |_| |_| \\___|\\___|", " ____ _____ _____", " | _ \\ / ____| __ \\", " | |_) | (___ | | | |", " | _ < \\___ \\| | | |", " | |_) |____) | |__| |", " | | | |", " |____/|_____/|_____/" } orb_color = { " \027[31m``` \027[31;1m`\027[31m", " s` `.....---...\027[31;1m....--.``` -/\027[31m", " +o .--` \027[31;1m/y:` +.\027[31m", " yo`:. \027[31;1m:o `+-\027[31m", " y/ \027[31;1m-/` -o/\027[31m", " .- \027[31;1m::/sy+:.\027[31m", " / \027[31;1m`-- /\027[31m", " `: \027[31;1m:`\027[31m", " `: \027[31;1m:`\027[31m", " / \027[31;1m/\027[31m", " .- \027[31;1m-.\027[31m", " -- \027[31;1m-.\027[31m", " `:` \027[31;1m`:`", " \027[31;1m.-- `--.", " .---.....----.\027[37m" } orb = { " ``` `", " s` `.....---.......--.``` -/", " +o .--` /y:` +.", " yo`:. :o `+-", " y/ -/` -o/", " .- ::/sy+:.", " / `-- /", " `: :`", " `: :`", " / /", " .- -.", " -- -.", " `:` `:`", " .-- `--.", " .---.....----." } none = {""} -- Module exports drawer.menu_name_handlers = { -- Menu name handlers should take the menu being drawn and entry being -- drawn as parameters, and return the name of the item. -- This is designed so that everything, including menu separators, may -- have their names derived differently. The default action for entry -- types not specified here is to use directly. [core.MENU_SEPARATOR] = function(_, entry) if ~= nil then if type( == "function" then return end return end return "" end, [core.MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY] = function(_, entry) local carid = entry.carousel_id local caridx = config.getCarouselIndex(carid) local choices = entry.items if type(choices) == "function" then choices = choices() end if #choices < caridx then caridx = 1 end return, choices[caridx], choices) end, } drawer.brand_position = {x = 2, y = 1} drawer.logo_position = {x = 46, y = 4} drawer.menu_position = {x = 5, y = 10} drawer.frame_size = {w = 42, h = 13} drawer.default_shift = {x = 0, y = 0} drawer.shift = drawer.default_shift drawer.branddefs = { -- Indexed by valid values for loader_brand in loader.conf(5). Valid -- keys are: graphic (table depicting graphic) ["fbsd"] = { graphic = fbsd_logo, }, ["none"] = { graphic = none, }, } drawer.logodefs = { -- Indexed by valid values for loader_logo in loader.conf(5). Valid keys -- are: requires_color (boolean), graphic (table depicting graphic), and -- shift (table containing x and y). ["beastie"] = { requires_color = true, graphic = beastie_color, }, ["beastiebw"] = { graphic = beastie, }, ["fbsdbw"] = { graphic = fbsd_logo_v, shift = {x = 5, y = 4}, }, ["orb"] = { requires_color = true, graphic = orb_color, shift = {x = 2, y = 4}, }, ["orbbw"] = { graphic = orb, shift = {x = 2, y = 4}, }, ["tribute"] = { graphic = fbsd_logo, }, ["tributebw"] = { graphic = fbsd_logo, }, ["none"] = { graphic = none, shift = {x = 17, y = 0}, }, } drawer.frame_styles = { -- Indexed by valid values for loader_menu_frame in loader.conf(5). -- All of the keys appearing below must be set for any menu frame style -- added to drawer.frame_styles. ["ascii"] = { horizontal = "-", vertical = "|", top_left = "+", bottom_left = "+", top_right = "+", bottom_right = "+", }, ["single"] = { horizontal = "\xC4", vertical = "\xB3", top_left = "\xDA", bottom_left = "\xC0", top_right = "\xBF", bottom_right = "\xD9", }, ["double"] = { horizontal = "\xCD", vertical = "\xBA", top_left = "\xC9", bottom_left = "\xC8", top_right = "\xBB", bottom_right = "\xBC", }, } function drawer.drawscreen(menu_opts) -- drawlogo() must go first. -- it determines the positions of other elements drawer.drawlogo() drawer.drawbrand() drawer.drawbox() return drawer.drawmenu(menu_opts) end function drawer.drawmenu(menudef) local x = drawer.menu_position.x local y = drawer.menu_position.y x = x + drawer.shift.x y = y + drawer.shift.y -- print the menu and build the alias table local alias_table = {} local entry_num = 0 local menu_entries = menudef.entries local effective_line_num = 0 if type(menu_entries) == "function" then menu_entries = menu_entries() end for _, e in ipairs(menu_entries) do -- Allow menu items to be conditionally visible by specifying -- a visible function. if e.visible ~= nil and not e.visible() then goto continue end effective_line_num = effective_line_num + 1 if e.entry_type ~= core.MENU_SEPARATOR then entry_num = entry_num + 1 screen.setcursor(x, y + effective_line_num) - print(entry_num .. ". " .. menuEntryName(menudef, e)) + printc(entry_num .. ". " .. menuEntryName(menudef, e)) -- fill the alias table alias_table[tostring(entry_num)] = e if e.alias ~= nil then for _, a in ipairs(e.alias) do alias_table[a] = e end end else screen.setcursor(x, y + effective_line_num) - print(menuEntryName(menudef, e)) + printc(menuEntryName(menudef, e)) end ::continue:: end return alias_table end function drawer.drawbox() local x = drawer.menu_position.x - 3 local y = drawer.menu_position.y - 1 local w = drawer.frame_size.w local h = drawer.frame_size.h local framestyle = loader.getenv("loader_menu_frame") or "double" local framespec = drawer.frame_styles[framestyle] -- If we don't have a framespec for the current frame style, just don't -- draw a box. if framespec == nil then return end local hl = framespec.horizontal local vl = framespec.vertical local tl = framespec.top_left local bl = framespec.bottom_left local tr = framespec.top_right local br = framespec.bottom_right x = x + drawer.shift.x y = y + drawer.shift.y screen.setcursor(x, y); printc(tl) screen.setcursor(x, y + h); printc(bl) screen.setcursor(x + w, y); printc(tr) screen.setcursor(x + w, y + h); printc(br) screen.setcursor(x + 1, y) for _ = 1, w - 1 do printc(hl) end screen.setcursor(x + 1, y + h) for _ = 1, w - 1 do printc(hl) end for i = 1, h - 1 do screen.setcursor(x, y + i) printc(vl) screen.setcursor(x + w, y + i) printc(vl) end local menu_header = loader.getenv("loader_menu_title") or "Welcome to FreeBSD" local menu_header_align = loader.getenv("loader_menu_title_align") local menu_header_x if menu_header_align ~= nil then menu_header_align = menu_header_align:lower() if menu_header_align == "left" then -- Just inside the left border on top menu_header_x = x + 1 elseif menu_header_align == "right" then -- Just inside the right border on top menu_header_x = x + w - #menu_header end end if menu_header_x == nil then menu_header_x = x + (w / 2) - (#menu_header / 2) end screen.setcursor(menu_header_x, y) printc(menu_header) end function drawer.draw(x, y, logo) for i = 1, #logo do screen.setcursor(x, y + i - 1) printc(logo[i]) end end function drawer.drawbrand() local x = tonumber(loader.getenv("loader_brand_x")) or drawer.brand_position.x local y = tonumber(loader.getenv("loader_brand_y")) or drawer.brand_position.y local graphic = drawer.branddefs[loader.getenv("loader_brand")] if graphic == nil then graphic = fbsd_logo end x = x + drawer.shift.x y = y + drawer.shift.y drawer.draw(x, y, graphic) end function drawer.drawlogo() local x = tonumber(loader.getenv("loader_logo_x")) or drawer.logo_position.x local y = tonumber(loader.getenv("loader_logo_y")) or drawer.logo_position.y local logo = loader.getenv("loader_logo") local colored = color.isEnabled() -- Lookup local logodef = drawer.logodefs[logo] if logodef == nil or logodef.graphic == nil or (not colored and logodef.requires_color) then -- Choose a sensible default if colored then logodef = drawer.logodefs["orb"] else logodef = drawer.logodefs["orbbw"] end end if logodef ~= nil and logodef.graphic == none then drawer.shift = logodef.shift else drawer.shift = drawer.default_shift end x = x + drawer.shift.x y = y + drawer.shift.y if logodef ~= nil and logodef.shift ~= nil then x = x + logodef.shift.x y = y + logodef.shift.y end drawer.draw(x, y, logodef.graphic) end return drawer