Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/.arcconfig =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/.arcconfig (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/.arcconfig (revision 327026) @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ { - "project_id" : "lld", + "repository.callsign" : "LLD", "conduit_uri" : "" } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/CMakeLists.txt =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/CMakeLists.txt (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/CMakeLists.txt (revision 327026) @@ -1,224 +1,226 @@ # Check if lld is built as a standalone project. if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) project(lld) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.3) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) set(LLD_BUILT_STANDALONE TRUE) find_program(LLVM_CONFIG_PATH "llvm-config" DOC "Path to llvm-config binary") if(NOT LLVM_CONFIG_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "llvm-config not found: specify LLVM_CONFIG_PATH") endif() execute_process(COMMAND "${LLVM_CONFIG_PATH}" "--obj-root" "--includedir" "--cmakedir" "--src-root" RESULT_VARIABLE HAD_ERROR OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLVM_CONFIG_OUTPUT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(HAD_ERROR) message(FATAL_ERROR "llvm-config failed with status ${HAD_ERROR}") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*[\r\n]+[ \t]*" ";" LLVM_CONFIG_OUTPUT "${LLVM_CONFIG_OUTPUT}") list(GET LLVM_CONFIG_OUTPUT 0 OBJ_ROOT) list(GET LLVM_CONFIG_OUTPUT 1 MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR) list(GET LLVM_CONFIG_OUTPUT 2 LLVM_CMAKE_PATH) list(GET LLVM_CONFIG_OUTPUT 3 MAIN_SRC_DIR) set(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT ${OBJ_ROOT} CACHE PATH "path to LLVM build tree") set(LLVM_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR ${MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR} CACHE PATH "path to llvm/include") set(LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR ${MAIN_SRC_DIR} CACHE PATH "Path to LLVM source tree") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${LLVM_OBJ_ROOT} LLVM_BINARY_DIR) if(NOT EXISTS "${LLVM_CMAKE_PATH}/LLVMConfig.cmake") message(FATAL_ERROR "LLVMConfig.cmake not found") endif() include("${LLVM_CMAKE_PATH}/LLVMConfig.cmake") list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${LLVM_CMAKE_PATH}") set(PACKAGE_VERSION "${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}") include_directories("${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}/include" ${LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS}) link_directories(${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(LLVM_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_INTDIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}) set(LLVM_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_INTDIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/bin) find_program(LLVM_TABLEGEN_EXE "llvm-tblgen" ${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) include(AddLLVM) include(TableGen) include(HandleLLVMOptions) if(LLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS) set(Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS 2.7) include(FindPythonInterp) if(NOT PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Python interpreter, required for testing. Please install Python or specify the PYTHON_EXECUTABLE CMake variable.") endif() if(${PYTHON_VERSION_STRING} VERSION_LESS 2.7) message(FATAL_ERROR "Python 2.7 or newer is required") endif() # Check prebuilt llvm/utils. if(EXISTS ${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR}/FileCheck${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX} AND EXISTS ${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR}/not${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}) set(LLVM_UTILS_PROVIDED ON) endif() if(EXISTS ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/utils/lit/ # Note: path not really used, except for checking if lit was found set(LLVM_LIT ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/utils/lit/ if(NOT LLVM_UTILS_PROVIDED) add_subdirectory(${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/utils/FileCheck utils/FileCheck) add_subdirectory(${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/utils/not utils/not) set(LLVM_UTILS_PROVIDED ON) set(LLD_TEST_DEPS FileCheck not) endif() set(UNITTEST_DIR ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/utils/unittest) if(EXISTS ${UNITTEST_DIR}/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h AND NOT EXISTS ${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}gtest${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} AND EXISTS ${UNITTEST_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt) add_subdirectory(${UNITTEST_DIR} utils/unittest) endif() else() # Seek installed Lit. find_program(LLVM_LIT NAMES llvm-lit lit PATHS "${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/utils/lit" DOC "Path to") endif() if(LLVM_LIT) # Define the default arguments to use with 'lit', and an option for the user # to override. set(LIT_ARGS_DEFAULT "-sv") if (MSVC OR XCODE) set(LIT_ARGS_DEFAULT "${LIT_ARGS_DEFAULT} --no-progress-bar") endif() set(LLVM_LIT_ARGS "${LIT_ARGS_DEFAULT}" CACHE STRING "Default options for lit") # On Win32 hosts, provide an option to specify the path to the GnuWin32 tools. if(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) set(LLVM_LIT_TOOLS_DIR "" CACHE PATH "Path to GnuWin32 tools") endif() else() set(LLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS OFF) endif() endif() endif() set(LLD_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(LLD_INCLUDE_DIR ${LLD_SOURCE_DIR}/include ) set(LLD_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) # Compute the LLD version from the LLVM version. string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?" LLD_VERSION ${PACKAGE_VERSION}) message(STATUS "LLD version: ${LLD_VERSION}") string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]+)\\.[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?" "\\1" LLD_VERSION_MAJOR ${LLD_VERSION}) string(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+)(\\.[0-9]+)?" "\\1" LLD_VERSION_MINOR ${LLD_VERSION}) # Determine LLD revision and repository. # TODO: Figure out a way to get the revision and the repository on windows. if ( NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/GetSourceVersion ${LLD_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLD_REVISION) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/GetRepositoryPath ${LLD_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLD_REPOSITORY) if ( LLD_REPOSITORY ) # Replace newline characters with spaces string(REGEX REPLACE "(\r?\n)+" " " LLD_REPOSITORY ${LLD_REPOSITORY}) # Remove leading spaces STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t\r\n]+" "" LLD_REPOSITORY "${LLD_REPOSITORY}" ) # Remove trailing spaces string(REGEX REPLACE "(\ )+$" "" LLD_REPOSITORY ${LLD_REPOSITORY}) endif() if ( LLD_REVISION ) # Replace newline characters with spaces string(REGEX REPLACE "(\r?\n)+" " " LLD_REVISION ${LLD_REVISION}) # Remove leading spaces STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t\r\n]+" "" LLD_REVISION "${LLD_REVISION}" ) # Remove trailing spaces string(REGEX REPLACE "(\ )+$" "" LLD_REVISION ${LLD_REVISION}) endif() endif () # Configure the file. configure_file( - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/lld/Config/ - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/lld/Config/ + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/lld/Common/ + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/lld/Common/ if (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds are not allowed. CMake would overwrite " "the makefiles distributed with LLVM. Please create a directory and run cmake " "from there, passing the path to this source directory as the last argument. " "This process created the file `CMakeCache.txt' and the directory " "`CMakeFiles'. Please delete them.") endif() list (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${LLD_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") include(AddLLD) option(LLD_USE_VTUNE "Enable VTune user task tracking." OFF) if (LLD_USE_VTUNE) find_package(VTune) if (VTUNE_FOUND) include_directories(${VTune_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND LLVM_COMMON_LIBS ${VTune_LIBRARIES}) add_definitions(-DLLD_HAS_VTUNE) endif() endif() option(LLD_BUILD_TOOLS "Build the lld tools. If OFF, just generate build targets." ON) if (MSVC) add_definitions(-wd4530) # Suppress 'warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled.' add_definitions(-wd4062) # Suppress 'warning C4062: enumerator X in switch of enum Y is not handled' from system header. endif() include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ) if (NOT LLVM_INSTALL_TOOLCHAIN_ONLY) install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h" PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE ) endif() +add_subdirectory(Common) add_subdirectory(lib) add_subdirectory(tools/lld) if (LLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS) add_subdirectory(test) add_subdirectory(unittests) endif() add_subdirectory(docs) add_subdirectory(COFF) add_subdirectory(ELF) - +add_subdirectory(MinGW) +add_subdirectory(wasm) Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/CODE_OWNERS.TXT =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/CODE_OWNERS.TXT (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/CODE_OWNERS.TXT (revision 327026) @@ -1,19 +1,22 @@ This file is a list of the people responsible for ensuring that patches for a particular part of LLD are reviewed, either by themself or by someone else. They are also the gatekeepers for their part of LLD, with the final word on what goes in or not. The list is sorted by surname and formatted to allow easy grepping and beautification by scripts. The fields are: name (N), email (E), web-address (W), PGP key ID and fingerprint (P), description (D), and snail-mail address (S). Each entry should contain at least the (N), (E) and (D) fields. N: Rui Ueyama E: D: COFF, ELF backends (COFF/* ELF/*) N: Lang Hames, Nick Kledzik E:, D: Mach-O backend +N: Sam Clegg +E: +D: WebAssembly backend (wasm/*) Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Error.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Error.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Error.h (nonexistent) @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -//===- Error.h --------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// -// -// The LLVM Linker -// -// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source -// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// - -#ifndef LLD_COFF_ERROR_H -#define LLD_COFF_ERROR_H - -#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h" -#include "llvm/Support/Error.h" - -namespace lld { -namespace coff { - -extern uint64_t ErrorCount; -extern llvm::raw_ostream *ErrorOS; - -void log(const Twine &Msg); -void message(const Twine &Msg); -void warn(const Twine &Msg); -void error(const Twine &Msg); -LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void fatal(const Twine &Msg); -LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void fatal(std::error_code EC, const Twine &Prefix); -LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void fatal(llvm::Error &Err, const Twine &Prefix); - -template T check(ErrorOr V, const Twine &Prefix) { - if (auto EC = V.getError()) - fatal(EC, Prefix); - return std::move(*V); -} - -template T check(Expected E, const Twine &Prefix) { - if (llvm::Error Err = E.takeError()) - fatal(Err, Prefix); - return std::move(*E); -} - -template T check(ErrorOr EO) { - if (!EO) - fatal(EO.getError().message()); - return std::move(*EO); -} - -template T check(Expected E) { - if (!E) { - std::string Buf; - llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Buf); - logAllUnhandledErrors(E.takeError(), OS, ""); - OS.flush(); - fatal(Buf); - } - return std::move(*E); -} - -} // namespace coff -} // namespace lld - -#endif Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Error.h ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:keywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Memory.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Memory.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Memory.h (nonexistent) @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -//===- Memory.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// -// -// The LLVM Linker -// -// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source -// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -// -// See ELF/Memory.h -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// - -#ifndef LLD_COFF_MEMORY_H -#define LLD_COFF_MEMORY_H - -#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h" -#include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h" -#include - -namespace lld { -namespace coff { - -extern llvm::BumpPtrAllocator BAlloc; -extern llvm::StringSaver Saver; - -struct SpecificAllocBase { - SpecificAllocBase() { Instances.push_back(this); } - virtual ~SpecificAllocBase() = default; - virtual void reset() = 0; - static std::vector Instances; -}; - -template struct SpecificAlloc : public SpecificAllocBase { - void reset() override { Alloc.DestroyAll(); } - llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator Alloc; -}; - -template T *make(U &&... Args) { - static SpecificAlloc Alloc; - return new (Alloc.Alloc.Allocate()) T(std::forward(Args)...); -} - -inline void freeArena() { - for (SpecificAllocBase *Alloc : SpecificAllocBase::Instances) - Alloc->reset(); - BAlloc.Reset(); -} -} -} - -#endif Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Memory.h ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:keywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Error.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Error.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Error.cpp (nonexistent) @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -//===- Error.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------===// -// -// The LLVM Linker -// -// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source -// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// - -#include "Error.h" -#include "Config.h" - -#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" -#include "llvm/Support/Error.h" -#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h" -#include "llvm/Support/Process.h" -#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" -#include - -#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__) -#include -#endif - -using namespace llvm; - -namespace lld { -// The functions defined in this file can be called from multiple threads, -// but outs() or errs() are not thread-safe. We protect them using a mutex. -static std::mutex Mu; - -namespace coff { -uint64_t ErrorCount; -raw_ostream *ErrorOS; - -static LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void exitLld(int Val) { - // Dealloc/destroy ManagedStatic variables before calling - // _exit(). In a non-LTO build, this is a nop. In an LTO - // build allows us to get the output of -time-passes. - llvm_shutdown(); - - outs().flush(); - errs().flush(); - _exit(Val); -} - -static void print(StringRef S, raw_ostream::Colors C) { - *ErrorOS << Config->Argv[0] << ": "; - if (Config->ColorDiagnostics) { - ErrorOS->changeColor(C, true); - *ErrorOS << S; - ErrorOS->resetColor(); - } else { - *ErrorOS << S; - } -} - -void log(const Twine &Msg) { - if (Config->Verbose) { - std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); - outs() << Config->Argv[0] << ": " << Msg << "\n"; - outs().flush(); - } -} - -void message(const Twine &Msg) { - std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); - outs() << Msg << "\n"; - outs().flush(); -} - -void error(const Twine &Msg) { - std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); - - if (Config->ErrorLimit == 0 || ErrorCount < Config->ErrorLimit) { - print("error: ", raw_ostream::RED); - *ErrorOS << Msg << "\n"; - } else if (ErrorCount == Config->ErrorLimit) { - print("error: ", raw_ostream::RED); - *ErrorOS << "too many errors emitted, stopping now" - << " (use /ERRORLIMIT:0 to see all errors)\n"; - exitLld(1); - } - - ++ErrorCount; -} - -void fatal(const Twine &Msg) { - if (Config->ColorDiagnostics) { - errs().changeColor(raw_ostream::RED, /*bold=*/true); - errs() << "error: "; - errs().resetColor(); - } else { - errs() << "error: "; - } - errs() << Msg << "\n"; - exitLld(1); -} - -void fatal(std::error_code EC, const Twine &Msg) { - fatal(Msg + ": " + EC.message()); -} - -void fatal(llvm::Error &Err, const Twine &Msg) { - fatal(errorToErrorCode(std::move(Err)), Msg); -} - -void warn(const Twine &Msg) { - std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); - print("warning: ", raw_ostream::MAGENTA); - *ErrorOS << Msg << "\n"; -} - -} // namespace coff -} // namespace lld Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Error.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:keywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/CMakeLists.txt =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/CMakeLists.txt (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/CMakeLists.txt (revision 327026) @@ -1,50 +1,48 @@ set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS tablegen(LLVM -gen-opt-parser-defs) add_public_tablegen_target(COFFOptionsTableGen) if(NOT LLD_BUILT_STANDALONE) set(tablegen_deps intrinsics_gen) endif() add_lld_library(lldCOFF Chunks.cpp DLL.cpp Driver.cpp DriverUtils.cpp - Error.cpp ICF.cpp InputFiles.cpp LTO.cpp MapFile.cpp MarkLive.cpp + MinGW.cpp PDB.cpp Strings.cpp SymbolTable.cpp Symbols.cpp Writer.cpp LINK_COMPONENTS ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD} BinaryFormat - BitReader Core DebugInfoCodeView DebugInfoMSF DebugInfoPDB - LTO LibDriver - Object + LTO MC - MCDisassembler - Target + Object Option Support + WindowsManifest LINK_LIBS - lldCore + lldCommon ${LLVM_PTHREAD_LIB} DEPENDS COFFOptionsTableGen ${tablegen_deps} ) Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Chunks.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Chunks.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Chunks.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,500 +1,535 @@ //===- Chunks.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Chunks.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "Writer.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::COFF; using llvm::support::ulittle32_t; namespace lld { namespace coff { -SectionChunk::SectionChunk(ObjectFile *F, const coff_section *H) +SectionChunk::SectionChunk(ObjFile *F, const coff_section *H) : Chunk(SectionKind), Repl(this), Header(H), File(F), Relocs(File->getCOFFObj()->getRelocations(Header)), NumRelocs(std::distance(Relocs.begin(), Relocs.end())) { // Initialize SectionName. File->getCOFFObj()->getSectionName(Header, SectionName); - Align = Header->getAlignment(); + Alignment = Header->getAlignment(); - // Chunks may be discarded during comdat merging. - Discarded = false; - // If linker GC is disabled, every chunk starts out alive. If linker GC is // enabled, treat non-comdat sections as roots. Generally optimized object // files will be built with -ffunction-sections or /Gy, so most things worth // stripping will be in a comdat. Live = !Config->DoGC || !isCOMDAT(); } static void add16(uint8_t *P, int16_t V) { write16le(P, read16le(P) + V); } static void add32(uint8_t *P, int32_t V) { write32le(P, read32le(P) + V); } static void add64(uint8_t *P, int64_t V) { write64le(P, read64le(P) + V); } static void or16(uint8_t *P, uint16_t V) { write16le(P, read16le(P) | V); } static void or32(uint8_t *P, uint32_t V) { write32le(P, read32le(P) | V); } static void applySecRel(const SectionChunk *Sec, uint8_t *Off, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S) { if (!OS) { if (Sec->isCodeView()) return; fatal("SECREL relocation cannot be applied to absolute symbols"); } uint64_t SecRel = S - OS->getRVA(); - assert(SecRel < INT32_MAX && "overflow in SECREL relocation"); + if (SecRel > UINT32_MAX) { + error("overflow in SECREL relocation in section: " + Sec->getSectionName()); + return; + } add32(Off, SecRel); } static void applySecIdx(uint8_t *Off, OutputSection *OS) { // If we have no output section, this must be an absolute symbol. Use the // sentinel absolute symbol section index. uint16_t SecIdx = OS ? OS->SectionIndex : DefinedAbsolute::OutputSectionIndex; add16(Off, SecIdx); } void SectionChunk::applyRelX64(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t Type, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) const { switch (Type) { case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32: add32(Off, S + Config->ImageBase); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64: add64(Off, S + Config->ImageBase); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB: add32(Off, S); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32: add32(Off, S - P - 4); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_1: add32(Off, S - P - 5); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_2: add32(Off, S - P - 6); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_3: add32(Off, S - P - 7); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_4: add32(Off, S - P - 8); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_5: add32(Off, S - P - 9); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECTION: applySecIdx(Off, OS); break; case IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL: applySecRel(this, Off, OS, S); break; default: fatal("unsupported relocation type 0x" + Twine::utohexstr(Type)); } } void SectionChunk::applyRelX86(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t Type, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) const { switch (Type) { case IMAGE_REL_I386_ABSOLUTE: break; case IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32: add32(Off, S + Config->ImageBase); break; case IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32NB: add32(Off, S); break; case IMAGE_REL_I386_REL32: add32(Off, S - P - 4); break; case IMAGE_REL_I386_SECTION: applySecIdx(Off, OS); break; case IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL: applySecRel(this, Off, OS, S); break; default: fatal("unsupported relocation type 0x" + Twine::utohexstr(Type)); } } static void applyMOV(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t V) { write16le(Off, (read16le(Off) & 0xfbf0) | ((V & 0x800) >> 1) | ((V >> 12) & 0xf)); write16le(Off + 2, (read16le(Off + 2) & 0x8f00) | ((V & 0x700) << 4) | (V & 0xff)); } static uint16_t readMOV(uint8_t *Off) { uint16_t Opcode1 = read16le(Off); uint16_t Opcode2 = read16le(Off + 2); uint16_t Imm = (Opcode2 & 0x00ff) | ((Opcode2 >> 4) & 0x0700); Imm |= ((Opcode1 << 1) & 0x0800) | ((Opcode1 & 0x000f) << 12); return Imm; } -static void applyMOV32T(uint8_t *Off, uint32_t V) { +void applyMOV32T(uint8_t *Off, uint32_t V) { uint16_t ImmW = readMOV(Off); // read MOVW operand uint16_t ImmT = readMOV(Off + 4); // read MOVT operand uint32_t Imm = ImmW | (ImmT << 16); V += Imm; // add the immediate offset applyMOV(Off, V); // set MOVW operand applyMOV(Off + 4, V >> 16); // set MOVT operand } static void applyBranch20T(uint8_t *Off, int32_t V) { + if (!isInt<21>(V)) + fatal("relocation out of range"); uint32_t S = V < 0 ? 1 : 0; uint32_t J1 = (V >> 19) & 1; uint32_t J2 = (V >> 18) & 1; or16(Off, (S << 10) | ((V >> 12) & 0x3f)); or16(Off + 2, (J1 << 13) | (J2 << 11) | ((V >> 1) & 0x7ff)); } -static void applyBranch24T(uint8_t *Off, int32_t V) { +void applyBranch24T(uint8_t *Off, int32_t V) { if (!isInt<25>(V)) fatal("relocation out of range"); uint32_t S = V < 0 ? 1 : 0; uint32_t J1 = ((~V >> 23) & 1) ^ S; uint32_t J2 = ((~V >> 22) & 1) ^ S; or16(Off, (S << 10) | ((V >> 12) & 0x3ff)); // Clear out the J1 and J2 bits which may be set. write16le(Off + 2, (read16le(Off + 2) & 0xd000) | (J1 << 13) | (J2 << 11) | ((V >> 1) & 0x7ff)); } void SectionChunk::applyRelARM(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t Type, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) const { // Pointer to thumb code must have the LSB set. uint64_t SX = S; if (OS && (OS->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE)) SX |= 1; switch (Type) { case IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32: add32(Off, SX + Config->ImageBase); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32NB: add32(Off, SX); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32T: applyMOV32T(Off, SX + Config->ImageBase); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH20T: applyBranch20T(Off, SX - P - 4); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24T: applyBranch24T(Off, SX - P - 4); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX23T: applyBranch24T(Off, SX - P - 4); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECTION: applySecIdx(Off, OS); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECREL: applySecRel(this, Off, OS, S); break; default: fatal("unsupported relocation type 0x" + Twine::utohexstr(Type)); } } -static void applyArm64Addr(uint8_t *Off, uint64_t Imm) { +// Interpret the existing immediate value as a byte offset to the +// target symbol, then update the instruction with the immediate as +// the page offset from the current instruction to the target. +static void applyArm64Addr(uint8_t *Off, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) { + uint32_t Orig = read32le(Off); + uint64_t Imm = ((Orig >> 29) & 0x3) | ((Orig >> 3) & 0x1FFFFC); + S += Imm; + Imm = (S >> 12) - (P >> 12); uint32_t ImmLo = (Imm & 0x3) << 29; uint32_t ImmHi = (Imm & 0x1FFFFC) << 3; uint64_t Mask = (0x3 << 29) | (0x1FFFFC << 3); - write32le(Off, (read32le(Off) & ~Mask) | ImmLo | ImmHi); + write32le(Off, (Orig & ~Mask) | ImmLo | ImmHi); } // Update the immediate field in a AARCH64 ldr, str, and add instruction. -static void applyArm64Imm(uint8_t *Off, uint64_t Imm) { +// Optionally limit the range of the written immediate by one or more bits +// (RangeLimit). +static void applyArm64Imm(uint8_t *Off, uint64_t Imm, uint32_t RangeLimit) { uint32_t Orig = read32le(Off); Imm += (Orig >> 10) & 0xFFF; Orig &= ~(0xFFF << 10); - write32le(Off, Orig | ((Imm & 0xFFF) << 10)); + write32le(Off, Orig | ((Imm & (0xFFF >> RangeLimit)) << 10)); } +// Add the 12 bit page offset to the existing immediate. +// Ldr/str instructions store the opcode immediate scaled +// by the load/store size (giving a larger range for larger +// loads/stores). The immediate is always (both before and after +// fixing up the relocation) stored scaled similarly. +// Even if larger loads/stores have a larger range, limit the +// effective offset to 12 bit, since it is intended to be a +// page offset. static void applyArm64Ldr(uint8_t *Off, uint64_t Imm) { - int Size = read32le(Off) >> 30; - Imm >>= Size; - applyArm64Imm(Off, Imm); + uint32_t Orig = read32le(Off); + uint32_t Size = Orig >> 30; + // 0x04000000 indicates SIMD/FP registers + // 0x00800000 indicates 128 bit + if ((Orig & 0x4800000) == 0x4800000) + Size += 4; + if ((Imm & ((1 << Size) - 1)) != 0) + fatal("misaligned ldr/str offset"); + applyArm64Imm(Off, Imm >> Size, Size); } void SectionChunk::applyRelARM64(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t Type, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) const { switch (Type) { - case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEBASE_REL21: applyArm64Addr(Off, (S >> 12) - (P >> 12)); break; - case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12A: applyArm64Imm(Off, S & 0xfff); break; + case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEBASE_REL21: applyArm64Addr(Off, S, P); break; + case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12A: applyArm64Imm(Off, S & 0xfff, 0); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12L: applyArm64Ldr(Off, S & 0xfff); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH26: or32(Off, ((S - P) & 0x0FFFFFFC) >> 2); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR32: add32(Off, S + Config->ImageBase); break; + case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR32NB: add32(Off, S); break; case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR64: add64(Off, S + Config->ImageBase); break; + case IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL: applySecRel(this, Off, OS, S); break; default: fatal("unsupported relocation type 0x" + Twine::utohexstr(Type)); } } void SectionChunk::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { if (!hasData()) return; // Copy section contents from source object file to output file. ArrayRef A = getContents(); memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff,, A.size()); // Apply relocations. size_t InputSize = getSize(); for (const coff_relocation &Rel : Relocs) { // Check for an invalid relocation offset. This check isn't perfect, because // we don't have the relocation size, which is only known after checking the // machine and relocation type. As a result, a relocation may overwrite the // beginning of the following input section. if (Rel.VirtualAddress >= InputSize) fatal("relocation points beyond the end of its parent section"); uint8_t *Off = Buf + OutputSectionOff + Rel.VirtualAddress; // Get the output section of the symbol for this relocation. The output // section is needed to compute SECREL and SECTION relocations used in debug // info. - SymbolBody *Body = File->getSymbolBody(Rel.SymbolTableIndex); - Defined *Sym = cast(Body); + auto *Sym = + dyn_cast_or_null(File->getSymbol(Rel.SymbolTableIndex)); + if (!Sym) { + if (isCodeView() || isDWARF()) + continue; + // Symbols in early discarded sections are represented using null pointers, + // so we need to retrieve the name from the object file. + COFFSymbolRef Sym = + check(File->getCOFFObj()->getSymbol(Rel.SymbolTableIndex)); + StringRef Name; + File->getCOFFObj()->getSymbolName(Sym, Name); + fatal("relocation against symbol in discarded section: " + Name); + } Chunk *C = Sym->getChunk(); OutputSection *OS = C ? C->getOutputSection() : nullptr; // Only absolute and __ImageBase symbols lack an output section. For any // other symbol, this indicates that the chunk was discarded. Normally // relocations against discarded sections are an error. However, debug info // sections are not GC roots and can end up with these kinds of relocations. // Skip these relocations. if (!OS && !isa(Sym) && !isa(Sym)) { if (isCodeView() || isDWARF()) continue; fatal("relocation against symbol in discarded section: " + Sym->getName()); } uint64_t S = Sym->getRVA(); // Compute the RVA of the relocation for relative relocations. uint64_t P = RVA + Rel.VirtualAddress; switch (Config->Machine) { case AMD64: applyRelX64(Off, Rel.Type, OS, S, P); break; case I386: applyRelX86(Off, Rel.Type, OS, S, P); break; case ARMNT: applyRelARM(Off, Rel.Type, OS, S, P); break; case ARM64: applyRelARM64(Off, Rel.Type, OS, S, P); break; default: llvm_unreachable("unknown machine type"); } } } void SectionChunk::addAssociative(SectionChunk *Child) { AssocChildren.push_back(Child); } static uint8_t getBaserelType(const coff_relocation &Rel) { switch (Config->Machine) { case AMD64: if (Rel.Type == IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64) return IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64; return IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE; case I386: if (Rel.Type == IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32) return IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW; return IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE; case ARMNT: if (Rel.Type == IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32) return IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW; if (Rel.Type == IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32T) return IMAGE_REL_BASED_ARM_MOV32T; return IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE; case ARM64: if (Rel.Type == IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR64) return IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64; return IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE; default: llvm_unreachable("unknown machine type"); } } // Windows-specific. // Collect all locations that contain absolute addresses, which need to be // fixed by the loader if load-time relocation is needed. // Only called when base relocation is enabled. void SectionChunk::getBaserels(std::vector *Res) { for (const coff_relocation &Rel : Relocs) { uint8_t Ty = getBaserelType(Rel); if (Ty == IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE) continue; - SymbolBody *Body = File->getSymbolBody(Rel.SymbolTableIndex); - if (isa(Body)) + Symbol *Target = File->getSymbol(Rel.SymbolTableIndex); + if (!Target || isa(Target)) continue; Res->emplace_back(RVA + Rel.VirtualAddress, Ty); } } bool SectionChunk::hasData() const { return !(Header->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA); } uint32_t SectionChunk::getPermissions() const { return Header->Characteristics & PermMask; } bool SectionChunk::isCOMDAT() const { return Header->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT; } void SectionChunk::printDiscardedMessage() const { // Removed by dead-stripping. If it's removed by ICF, ICF already // printed out the name, so don't repeat that here. - if (Sym && this == Repl) { - if (Discarded) - message("Discarded comdat symbol " + Sym->getName()); - else if (!Live) - message("Discarded " + Sym->getName()); - } + if (Sym && this == Repl) + message("Discarded " + Sym->getName()); } StringRef SectionChunk::getDebugName() { if (Sym) return Sym->getName(); return ""; } ArrayRef SectionChunk::getContents() const { ArrayRef A; File->getCOFFObj()->getSectionContents(Header, A); return A; } void SectionChunk::replace(SectionChunk *Other) { Other->Repl = Repl; Other->Live = false; } CommonChunk::CommonChunk(const COFFSymbolRef S) : Sym(S) { // Common symbols are aligned on natural boundaries up to 32 bytes. // This is what MSVC link.exe does. - Align = std::min(uint64_t(32), PowerOf2Ceil(Sym.getValue())); + Alignment = std::min(uint64_t(32), PowerOf2Ceil(Sym.getValue())); } uint32_t CommonChunk::getPermissions() const { return IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE; } void StringChunk::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff,, Str.size()); } ImportThunkChunkX64::ImportThunkChunkX64(Defined *S) : ImpSymbol(S) { // Intel Optimization Manual says that all branch targets // should be 16-byte aligned. MSVC linker does this too. - Align = 16; + Alignment = 16; } void ImportThunkChunkX64::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ImportThunkX86, sizeof(ImportThunkX86)); // The first two bytes is a JMP instruction. Fill its operand. write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 2, ImpSymbol->getRVA() - RVA - getSize()); } void ImportThunkChunkX86::getBaserels(std::vector *Res) { Res->emplace_back(getRVA() + 2); } void ImportThunkChunkX86::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ImportThunkX86, sizeof(ImportThunkX86)); // The first two bytes is a JMP instruction. Fill its operand. write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 2, ImpSymbol->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); } void ImportThunkChunkARM::getBaserels(std::vector *Res) { Res->emplace_back(getRVA(), IMAGE_REL_BASED_ARM_MOV32T); } void ImportThunkChunkARM::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ImportThunkARM, sizeof(ImportThunkARM)); // Fix mov.w and mov.t operands. applyMOV32T(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ImpSymbol->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); } void ImportThunkChunkARM64::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { - int64_t PageOff = (ImpSymbol->getRVA() >> 12) - (RVA >> 12); int64_t Off = ImpSymbol->getRVA() & 0xfff; memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ImportThunkARM64, sizeof(ImportThunkARM64)); - applyArm64Addr(Buf + OutputSectionOff, PageOff); + applyArm64Addr(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ImpSymbol->getRVA(), RVA); applyArm64Ldr(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 4, Off); } void LocalImportChunk::getBaserels(std::vector *Res) { Res->emplace_back(getRVA()); } size_t LocalImportChunk::getSize() const { return Config->is64() ? 8 : 4; } void LocalImportChunk::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { if (Config->is64()) { write64le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, Sym->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); } else { write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, Sym->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); } } void SEHTableChunk::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { ulittle32_t *Begin = reinterpret_cast(Buf + OutputSectionOff); size_t Cnt = 0; for (Defined *D : Syms) Begin[Cnt++] = D->getRVA(); std::sort(Begin, Begin + Cnt); } // Windows-specific. This class represents a block in .reloc section. // The format is described here. // // On Windows, each DLL is linked against a fixed base address and // usually loaded to that address. However, if there's already another // DLL that overlaps, the loader has to relocate it. To do that, DLLs // contain .reloc sections which contain offsets that need to be fixed // up at runtime. If the loader finds that a DLL cannot be loaded to its // desired base address, it loads it to somewhere else, and add - to each offset that is // specified by the .reloc section. In ELF terms, .reloc sections // contain relative relocations in REL format (as opposed to RELA.) // // This already significantly reduces the size of relocations compared // to ELF .rel.dyn, but Windows does more to reduce it (probably because // it was invented for PCs in the late '80s or early '90s.) Offsets in // .reloc are grouped by page where the page size is 12 bits, and // offsets sharing the same page address are stored consecutively to // represent them with less space. This is very similar to the page // table which is grouped by (multiple stages of) pages. // // For example, let's say we have 0x00030, 0x00500, 0x00700, 0x00A00, // 0x20004, and 0x20008 in a .reloc section for x64. The uppermost 4 // bits have a type IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 or 0xA. In the section, they // are represented like this: // // 0x00000 -- page address (4 bytes) // 16 -- size of this block (4 bytes) // 0xA030 -- entries (2 bytes each) // 0xA500 // 0xA700 // 0xAA00 // 0x20000 -- page address (4 bytes) // 12 -- size of this block (4 bytes) // 0xA004 -- entries (2 bytes each) // 0xA008 // // Usually we have a lot of relocations for each page, so the number of // bytes for one .reloc entry is close to 2 bytes on average. BaserelChunk::BaserelChunk(uint32_t Page, Baserel *Begin, Baserel *End) { // Block header consists of 4 byte page RVA and 4 byte block size. // Each entry is 2 byte. Last entry may be padding. Data.resize(alignTo((End - Begin) * 2 + 8, 4)); uint8_t *P =; write32le(P, Page); write32le(P + 4, Data.size()); P += 8; for (Baserel *I = Begin; I != End; ++I) { write16le(P, (I->Type << 12) | (I->RVA - Page)); P += 2; } } void BaserelChunk::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const { memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff,, Data.size()); } uint8_t Baserel::getDefaultType() { switch (Config->Machine) { case AMD64: + case ARM64: return IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64; case I386: + case ARMNT: return IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW; default: llvm_unreachable("unknown machine type"); } } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Chunks.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Chunks.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Chunks.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,375 +1,365 @@ //===- Chunks.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_CHUNKS_H #define LLD_COFF_CHUNKS_H #include "Config.h" #include "InputFiles.h" -#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h" +#include "lld/Common/LLVM.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h" #include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include #include namespace lld { namespace coff { using llvm::COFF::ImportDirectoryTableEntry; using llvm::object::COFFSymbolRef; using llvm::object::SectionRef; using llvm::object::coff_relocation; using llvm::object::coff_section; class Baserel; class Defined; class DefinedImportData; class DefinedRegular; -class ObjectFile; +class ObjFile; class OutputSection; -class SymbolBody; +class Symbol; // Mask for section types (code, data, bss, disacardable, etc.) // and permissions (writable, readable or executable). const uint32_t PermMask = 0xFF0000F0; // A Chunk represents a chunk of data that will occupy space in the // output (if the resolver chose that). It may or may not be backed by // a section of an input file. It could be linker-created data, or // doesn't even have actual data (if common or bss). class Chunk { public: enum Kind { SectionKind, OtherKind }; Kind kind() const { return ChunkKind; } virtual ~Chunk() = default; // Returns the size of this chunk (even if this is a common or BSS.) virtual size_t getSize() const = 0; // Write this chunk to a mmap'ed file, assuming Buf is pointing to // beginning of the file. Because this function may use RVA values // of other chunks for relocations, you need to set them properly // before calling this function. virtual void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const {} // The writer sets and uses the addresses. uint64_t getRVA() const { return RVA; } - uint32_t getAlign() const { return Align; } void setRVA(uint64_t V) { RVA = V; } // Returns true if this has non-zero data. BSS chunks return // false. If false is returned, the space occupied by this chunk // will be filled with zeros. virtual bool hasData() const { return true; } // Returns readable/writable/executable bits. virtual uint32_t getPermissions() const { return 0; } // Returns the section name if this is a section chunk. // It is illegal to call this function on non-section chunks. virtual StringRef getSectionName() const { llvm_unreachable("unimplemented getSectionName"); } // An output section has pointers to chunks in the section, and each // chunk has a back pointer to an output section. void setOutputSection(OutputSection *O) { Out = O; } - OutputSection *getOutputSection() { return Out; } + OutputSection *getOutputSection() const { return Out; } // Windows-specific. // Collect all locations that contain absolute addresses for base relocations. virtual void getBaserels(std::vector *Res) {} // Returns a human-readable name of this chunk. Chunks are unnamed chunks of // bytes, so this is used only for logging or debugging. virtual StringRef getDebugName() { return ""; } + // The alignment of this chunk. The writer uses the value. + uint32_t Alignment = 1; + protected: Chunk(Kind K = OtherKind) : ChunkKind(K) {} const Kind ChunkKind; - // The alignment of this chunk. The writer uses the value. - uint32_t Align = 1; - // The RVA of this chunk in the output. The writer sets a value. uint64_t RVA = 0; + // The output section for this chunk. + OutputSection *Out = nullptr; + public: // The offset from beginning of the output section. The writer sets a value. uint64_t OutputSectionOff = 0; - -protected: - // The output section for this chunk. - OutputSection *Out = nullptr; }; // A chunk corresponding a section of an input file. class SectionChunk final : public Chunk { // Identical COMDAT Folding feature accesses section internal data. friend class ICF; public: class symbol_iterator : public llvm::iterator_adaptor_base< symbol_iterator, const coff_relocation *, - std::random_access_iterator_tag, SymbolBody *> { + std::random_access_iterator_tag, Symbol *> { friend SectionChunk; - ObjectFile *File; + ObjFile *File; - symbol_iterator(ObjectFile *File, const coff_relocation *I) + symbol_iterator(ObjFile *File, const coff_relocation *I) : symbol_iterator::iterator_adaptor_base(I), File(File) {} public: symbol_iterator() = default; - SymbolBody *operator*() const { - return File->getSymbolBody(I->SymbolTableIndex); - } + Symbol *operator*() const { return File->getSymbol(I->SymbolTableIndex); } }; - SectionChunk(ObjectFile *File, const coff_section *Header); + SectionChunk(ObjFile *File, const coff_section *Header); static bool classof(const Chunk *C) { return C->kind() == SectionKind; } size_t getSize() const override { return Header->SizeOfRawData; } ArrayRef getContents() const; void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; bool hasData() const override; uint32_t getPermissions() const override; StringRef getSectionName() const override { return SectionName; } void getBaserels(std::vector *Res) override; bool isCOMDAT() const; void applyRelX64(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t Type, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) const; void applyRelX86(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t Type, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) const; void applyRelARM(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t Type, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) const; void applyRelARM64(uint8_t *Off, uint16_t Type, OutputSection *OS, uint64_t S, uint64_t P) const; // Called if the garbage collector decides to not include this chunk // in a final output. It's supposed to print out a log message to stdout. void printDiscardedMessage() const; // Adds COMDAT associative sections to this COMDAT section. A chunk // and its children are treated as a group by the garbage collector. void addAssociative(SectionChunk *Child); StringRef getDebugName() override; - void setSymbol(DefinedRegular *S) { if (!Sym) Sym = S; } - // Returns true if the chunk was not dropped by GC or COMDAT deduplication. - bool isLive() { return Live && !Discarded; } + // Returns true if the chunk was not dropped by GC. + bool isLive() { return Live; } // Used by the garbage collector. void markLive() { assert(Config->DoGC && "should only mark things live from GC"); assert(!isLive() && "Cannot mark an already live section!"); Live = true; } - // Returns true if this chunk was dropped by COMDAT deduplication. - bool isDiscarded() const { return Discarded; } - - // Used by the SymbolTable when discarding unused comdat sections. This is - // redundant when GC is enabled, as all comdat sections will start out dead. - void markDiscarded() { Discarded = true; } - // True if this is a codeview debug info chunk. These will not be laid out in // the image. Instead they will end up in the PDB, if one is requested. bool isCodeView() const { return SectionName == ".debug" || SectionName.startswith(".debug$"); } - // True if this is a DWARF debug info chunk. - bool isDWARF() const { return SectionName.startswith(".debug_"); } + // True if this is a DWARF debug info or exception handling chunk. + bool isDWARF() const { + return SectionName.startswith(".debug_") || SectionName == ".eh_frame"; + } // Allow iteration over the bodies of this chunk's relocated symbols. llvm::iterator_range symbols() const { return llvm::make_range(symbol_iterator(File, Relocs.begin()), symbol_iterator(File, Relocs.end())); } // Allow iteration over the associated child chunks for this section. ArrayRef children() const { return AssocChildren; } // A pointer pointing to a replacement for this chunk. // Initially it points to "this" object. If this chunk is merged // with other chunk by ICF, it points to another chunk, // and this chunk is considrered as dead. SectionChunk *Repl; // The CRC of the contents as described in the COFF spec 4.5.5. // Auxiliary Format 5: Section Definitions. Used for ICF. uint32_t Checksum = 0; const coff_section *Header; // The file that this chunk was created from. - ObjectFile *File; + ObjFile *File; + // The COMDAT leader symbol if this is a COMDAT chunk. + DefinedRegular *Sym = nullptr; + private: StringRef SectionName; std::vector AssocChildren; llvm::iterator_range Relocs; size_t NumRelocs; - // True if this chunk was discarded because it was a duplicate comdat section. - bool Discarded; - // Used by the garbage collector. bool Live; // Used for ICF (Identical COMDAT Folding) void replace(SectionChunk *Other); uint32_t Class[2] = {0, 0}; - - // Sym points to a section symbol if this is a COMDAT chunk. - DefinedRegular *Sym = nullptr; }; // A chunk for common symbols. Common chunks don't have actual data. class CommonChunk : public Chunk { public: CommonChunk(const COFFSymbolRef Sym); size_t getSize() const override { return Sym.getValue(); } bool hasData() const override { return false; } uint32_t getPermissions() const override; StringRef getSectionName() const override { return ".bss"; } private: const COFFSymbolRef Sym; }; // A chunk for linker-created strings. class StringChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit StringChunk(StringRef S) : Str(S) {} size_t getSize() const override { return Str.size() + 1; } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; private: StringRef Str; }; static const uint8_t ImportThunkX86[] = { 0xff, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // JMP *0x0 }; static const uint8_t ImportThunkARM[] = { 0x40, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x0c, // mov.w ip, #0 0xc0, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x0c, // mov.t ip, #0 0xdc, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xf0, // ldr.w pc, [ip] }; static const uint8_t ImportThunkARM64[] = { 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, // adrp x16, #0 0x10, 0x02, 0x40, 0xf9, // ldr x16, [x16] 0x00, 0x02, 0x1f, 0xd6, // br x16 }; // Windows-specific. // A chunk for DLL import jump table entry. In a final output, it's // contents will be a JMP instruction to some __imp_ symbol. class ImportThunkChunkX64 : public Chunk { public: explicit ImportThunkChunkX64(Defined *S); size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(ImportThunkX86); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; private: Defined *ImpSymbol; }; class ImportThunkChunkX86 : public Chunk { public: explicit ImportThunkChunkX86(Defined *S) : ImpSymbol(S) {} size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(ImportThunkX86); } void getBaserels(std::vector *Res) override; void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; private: Defined *ImpSymbol; }; class ImportThunkChunkARM : public Chunk { public: explicit ImportThunkChunkARM(Defined *S) : ImpSymbol(S) {} size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(ImportThunkARM); } void getBaserels(std::vector *Res) override; void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; private: Defined *ImpSymbol; }; class ImportThunkChunkARM64 : public Chunk { public: explicit ImportThunkChunkARM64(Defined *S) : ImpSymbol(S) {} size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(ImportThunkARM64); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; private: Defined *ImpSymbol; }; // Windows-specific. // See comments for DefinedLocalImport class. class LocalImportChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit LocalImportChunk(Defined *S) : Sym(S) {} size_t getSize() const override; void getBaserels(std::vector *Res) override; void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; private: Defined *Sym; }; // Windows-specific. // A chunk for SEH table which contains RVAs of safe exception handler // functions. x86-only. class SEHTableChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit SEHTableChunk(std::set S) : Syms(std::move(S)) {} size_t getSize() const override { return Syms.size() * 4; } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; private: std::set Syms; }; // Windows-specific. // This class represents a block in .reloc section. // See the PE/COFF spec 5.6 for details. class BaserelChunk : public Chunk { public: BaserelChunk(uint32_t Page, Baserel *Begin, Baserel *End); size_t getSize() const override { return Data.size(); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override; private: std::vector Data; }; class Baserel { public: Baserel(uint32_t V, uint8_t Ty) : RVA(V), Type(Ty) {} explicit Baserel(uint32_t V) : Baserel(V, getDefaultType()) {} uint8_t getDefaultType(); uint32_t RVA; uint8_t Type; }; + +void applyMOV32T(uint8_t *Off, uint32_t V); +void applyBranch24T(uint8_t *Off, int32_t V); } // namespace coff } // namespace lld #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Config.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Config.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Config.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,174 +1,184 @@ //===- Config.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_CONFIG_H #define LLD_COFF_CONFIG_H #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" +#include "llvm/Support/CachePruning.h" #include #include #include #include namespace lld { namespace coff { using llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; using llvm::COFF::WindowsSubsystem; using llvm::StringRef; class DefinedAbsolute; class DefinedRelative; class StringChunk; -struct Symbol; -class SymbolBody; +class Symbol; // Short aliases. static const auto AMD64 = llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; static const auto ARM64 = llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64; static const auto ARMNT = llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT; static const auto I386 = llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; // Represents an /export option. struct Export { StringRef Name; // N in /export:N or /export:E=N StringRef ExtName; // E in /export:E=N - SymbolBody *Sym = nullptr; + Symbol *Sym = nullptr; uint16_t Ordinal = 0; bool Noname = false; bool Data = false; bool Private = false; bool Constant = false; // If an export is a form of /, that means // that foo should be exported as an alias to bar in the DLL. // ForwardTo is set to "" part. Usually empty. StringRef ForwardTo; StringChunk *ForwardChunk = nullptr; // True if this /export option was in .drectves section. bool Directives = false; StringRef SymbolName; StringRef ExportName; // Name in DLL bool operator==(const Export &E) { return (Name == E.Name && ExtName == E.ExtName && Ordinal == E.Ordinal && Noname == E.Noname && Data == E.Data && Private == E.Private); } }; enum class DebugType { None = 0x0, CV = 0x1, /// CodeView PData = 0x2, /// Procedure Data Fixup = 0x4, /// Relocation Table }; // Global configuration. struct Configuration { enum ManifestKind { SideBySide, Embed, No }; bool is64() { return Machine == AMD64 || Machine == ARM64; } llvm::COFF::MachineTypes Machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; bool Verbose = false; WindowsSubsystem Subsystem = llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN; - SymbolBody *Entry = nullptr; + Symbol *Entry = nullptr; bool NoEntry = false; std::string OutputFile; std::string ImportName; - bool ColorDiagnostics; bool DoGC = true; bool DoICF = true; - uint64_t ErrorLimit = 20; bool Relocatable = true; bool Force = false; bool Debug = false; - bool WriteSymtab = true; + bool DebugDwarf = false; + bool DebugGHashes = false; unsigned DebugTypes = static_cast(DebugType::None); llvm::SmallString<128> PDBPath; std::vector Argv; // Symbols in this set are considered as live by the garbage collector. - std::set GCRoot; + std::vector GCRoot; std::set NoDefaultLibs; bool NoDefaultLibAll = false; // True if we are creating a DLL. bool DLL = false; StringRef Implib; std::vector Exports; std::set DelayLoads; std::map DLLOrder; - SymbolBody *DelayLoadHelper = nullptr; + Symbol *DelayLoadHelper = nullptr; bool SaveTemps = false; // Used for SafeSEH. Symbol *SEHTable = nullptr; Symbol *SEHCount = nullptr; // Used for /opt:lldlto=N unsigned LTOOptLevel = 2; // Used for /opt:lldltojobs=N unsigned LTOJobs = 0; // Used for /opt:lldltopartitions=N unsigned LTOPartitions = 1; + // Used for /opt:lldltocache=path + StringRef LTOCache; + // Used for /opt:lldltocachepolicy=policy + llvm::CachePruningPolicy LTOCachePolicy; + // Used for /merge:from=to (e.g. /merge:.rdata=.text) std::map Merge; // Used for /,{DEKPRSW} to set section attributes. std::map Section; // Options for manifest files. ManifestKind Manifest = No; int ManifestID = 1; StringRef ManifestDependency; bool ManifestUAC = true; std::vector ManifestInput; StringRef ManifestLevel = "'asInvoker'"; StringRef ManifestUIAccess = "'false'"; StringRef ManifestFile; + // Used for /aligncomm. + std::map AlignComm; + // Used for /failifmismatch. std::map MustMatch; // Used for /alternatename. std::map AlternateNames; // Used for /lldmap. std::string MapFile; uint64_t ImageBase = -1; uint64_t StackReserve = 1024 * 1024; uint64_t StackCommit = 4096; uint64_t HeapReserve = 1024 * 1024; uint64_t HeapCommit = 4096; uint32_t MajorImageVersion = 0; uint32_t MinorImageVersion = 0; uint32_t MajorOSVersion = 6; uint32_t MinorOSVersion = 0; + bool CanExitEarly = false; bool DynamicBase = true; + bool AllowBind = true; bool NxCompat = true; bool AllowIsolation = true; bool TerminalServerAware = true; bool LargeAddressAware = false; bool HighEntropyVA = false; bool AppContainer = false; + bool MinGW = false; }; extern Configuration *Config; } // namespace coff } // namespace lld #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/DLL.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/DLL.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/DLL.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,548 +1,597 @@ //===- DLL.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file defines various types of chunks for the DLL import or export // descriptor tables. They are inherently Windows-specific. // You need to read Microsoft PE/COFF spec to understand details // about the data structures. // // If you are not particularly interested in linking against Windows // DLL, you can skip this file, and you should still be able to // understand the rest of the linker. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Chunks.h" #include "DLL.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::COFF; namespace lld { namespace coff { namespace { // Import table static int ptrSize() { return Config->is64() ? 8 : 4; } // A chunk for the import descriptor table. class HintNameChunk : public Chunk { public: HintNameChunk(StringRef N, uint16_t H) : Name(N), Hint(H) {} size_t getSize() const override { // Starts with 2 byte Hint field, followed by a null-terminated string, // ends with 0 or 1 byte padding. return alignTo(Name.size() + 3, 2); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { write16le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, Hint); memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 2,, Name.size()); } private: StringRef Name; uint16_t Hint; }; // A chunk for the import descriptor table. class LookupChunk : public Chunk { public: - explicit LookupChunk(Chunk *C) : HintName(C) {} + explicit LookupChunk(Chunk *C) : HintName(C) { Alignment = ptrSize(); } size_t getSize() const override { return ptrSize(); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, HintName->getRVA()); } Chunk *HintName; }; // A chunk for the import descriptor table. // This chunk represent import-by-ordinal symbols. // See Microsoft PE/COFF spec 7.1. Import Header for details. class OrdinalOnlyChunk : public Chunk { public: - explicit OrdinalOnlyChunk(uint16_t V) : Ordinal(V) {} + explicit OrdinalOnlyChunk(uint16_t V) : Ordinal(V) { Alignment = ptrSize(); } size_t getSize() const override { return ptrSize(); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { // An import-by-ordinal slot has MSB 1 to indicate that // this is import-by-ordinal (and not import-by-name). if (Config->is64()) { write64le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, (1ULL << 63) | Ordinal); } else { write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, (1ULL << 31) | Ordinal); } } uint16_t Ordinal; }; // A chunk for the import descriptor table. class ImportDirectoryChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit ImportDirectoryChunk(Chunk *N) : DLLName(N) {} size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(ImportDirectoryTableEntry); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { auto *E = (coff_import_directory_table_entry *)(Buf + OutputSectionOff); E->ImportLookupTableRVA = LookupTab->getRVA(); E->NameRVA = DLLName->getRVA(); E->ImportAddressTableRVA = AddressTab->getRVA(); } Chunk *DLLName; Chunk *LookupTab; Chunk *AddressTab; }; // A chunk representing null terminator in the import table. // Contents of this chunk is always null bytes. class NullChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit NullChunk(size_t N) : Size(N) {} bool hasData() const override { return false; } size_t getSize() const override { return Size; } - void setAlign(size_t N) { Align = N; } private: size_t Size; }; static std::vector> binImports(const std::vector &Imports) { // Group DLL-imported symbols by DLL name because that's how // symbols are layed out in the import descriptor table. auto Less = [](const std::string &A, const std::string &B) { return Config->DLLOrder[A] < Config->DLLOrder[B]; }; std::map, bool(*)(const std::string &, const std::string &)> M(Less); for (DefinedImportData *Sym : Imports) M[Sym->getDLLName().lower()].push_back(Sym); std::vector> V; for (auto &KV : M) { // Sort symbols by name for each group. std::vector &Syms = KV.second; std::sort(Syms.begin(), Syms.end(), [](DefinedImportData *A, DefinedImportData *B) { return A->getName() < B->getName(); }); V.push_back(std::move(Syms)); } return V; } // Export table // See Microsoft PE/COFF spec 4.3 for details. // A chunk for the delay import descriptor table etnry. class DelayDirectoryChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit DelayDirectoryChunk(Chunk *N) : DLLName(N) {} size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(delay_import_directory_table_entry); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { auto *E = (delay_import_directory_table_entry *)(Buf + OutputSectionOff); E->Attributes = 1; E->Name = DLLName->getRVA(); E->ModuleHandle = ModuleHandle->getRVA(); E->DelayImportAddressTable = AddressTab->getRVA(); E->DelayImportNameTable = NameTab->getRVA(); } Chunk *DLLName; Chunk *ModuleHandle; Chunk *AddressTab; Chunk *NameTab; }; // Initial contents for delay-loaded functions. // This code calls __delayLoadHelper2 function to resolve a symbol // and then overwrites its jump table slot with the result // for subsequent function calls. static const uint8_t ThunkX64[] = { 0x51, // push rcx 0x52, // push rdx 0x41, 0x50, // push r8 0x41, 0x51, // push r9 0x48, 0x83, 0xEC, 0x48, // sub rsp, 48h 0x66, 0x0F, 0x7F, 0x04, 0x24, // movdqa xmmword ptr [rsp], xmm0 0x66, 0x0F, 0x7F, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x10, // movdqa xmmword ptr [rsp+10h], xmm1 0x66, 0x0F, 0x7F, 0x54, 0x24, 0x20, // movdqa xmmword ptr [rsp+20h], xmm2 0x66, 0x0F, 0x7F, 0x5C, 0x24, 0x30, // movdqa xmmword ptr [rsp+30h], xmm3 0x48, 0x8D, 0x15, 0, 0, 0, 0, // lea rdx, [__imp_] 0x48, 0x8D, 0x0D, 0, 0, 0, 0, // lea rcx, [___DELAY_IMPORT_...] 0xE8, 0, 0, 0, 0, // call __delayLoadHelper2 0x66, 0x0F, 0x6F, 0x04, 0x24, // movdqa xmm0, xmmword ptr [rsp] 0x66, 0x0F, 0x6F, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x10, // movdqa xmm1, xmmword ptr [rsp+10h] 0x66, 0x0F, 0x6F, 0x54, 0x24, 0x20, // movdqa xmm2, xmmword ptr [rsp+20h] 0x66, 0x0F, 0x6F, 0x5C, 0x24, 0x30, // movdqa xmm3, xmmword ptr [rsp+30h] 0x48, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x48, // add rsp, 48h 0x41, 0x59, // pop r9 0x41, 0x58, // pop r8 0x5A, // pop rdx 0x59, // pop rcx 0xFF, 0xE0, // jmp rax }; static const uint8_t ThunkX86[] = { 0x51, // push ecx 0x52, // push edx 0x68, 0, 0, 0, 0, // push offset ___imp__ 0x68, 0, 0, 0, 0, // push offset ___DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR__dll 0xE8, 0, 0, 0, 0, // call ___delayLoadHelper2@8 0x5A, // pop edx 0x59, // pop ecx 0xFF, 0xE0, // jmp eax }; +static const uint8_t ThunkARM[] = { + 0x40, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x0c, // mov.w ip, #0 __imp_ + 0xc0, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x0c, // mov.t ip, #0 __imp_ + 0x2d, 0xe9, 0x0f, 0x48, // push.w {r0, r1, r2, r3, r11, lr} + 0x0d, 0xf2, 0x10, 0x0b, // addw r11, sp, #16 + 0x2d, 0xed, 0x10, 0x0b, // vpush {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7} + 0x61, 0x46, // mov r1, ip + 0x40, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, // mov.w r0, #0 DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR + 0xc0, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, // mov.t r0, #0 DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0xd0, // bl #0 __delayLoadHelper2 + 0x84, 0x46, // mov ip, r0 + 0xbd, 0xec, 0x10, 0x0b, // vpop {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7} + 0xbd, 0xe8, 0x0f, 0x48, // pop.w {r0, r1, r2, r3, r11, lr} + 0x60, 0x47, // bx ip +}; + // A chunk for the delay import thunk. class ThunkChunkX64 : public Chunk { public: ThunkChunkX64(Defined *I, Chunk *D, Defined *H) : Imp(I), Desc(D), Helper(H) {} size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(ThunkX64); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ThunkX64, sizeof(ThunkX64)); write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 36, Imp->getRVA() - RVA - 40); write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 43, Desc->getRVA() - RVA - 47); write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 48, Helper->getRVA() - RVA - 52); } Defined *Imp = nullptr; Chunk *Desc = nullptr; Defined *Helper = nullptr; }; class ThunkChunkX86 : public Chunk { public: ThunkChunkX86(Defined *I, Chunk *D, Defined *H) : Imp(I), Desc(D), Helper(H) {} size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(ThunkX86); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ThunkX86, sizeof(ThunkX86)); write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 3, Imp->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 8, Desc->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 13, Helper->getRVA() - RVA - 17); } void getBaserels(std::vector *Res) override { Res->emplace_back(RVA + 3); Res->emplace_back(RVA + 8); } Defined *Imp = nullptr; Chunk *Desc = nullptr; Defined *Helper = nullptr; }; +class ThunkChunkARM : public Chunk { +public: + ThunkChunkARM(Defined *I, Chunk *D, Defined *H) + : Imp(I), Desc(D), Helper(H) {} + + size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(ThunkARM); } + + void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { + memcpy(Buf + OutputSectionOff, ThunkARM, sizeof(ThunkARM)); + applyMOV32T(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 0, Imp->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); + applyMOV32T(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 22, Desc->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); + applyBranch24T(Buf + OutputSectionOff + 30, Helper->getRVA() - RVA - 34); + } + + void getBaserels(std::vector *Res) override { + Res->emplace_back(RVA + 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_ARM_MOV32T); + Res->emplace_back(RVA + 22, IMAGE_REL_BASED_ARM_MOV32T); + } + + Defined *Imp = nullptr; + Chunk *Desc = nullptr; + Defined *Helper = nullptr; +}; + // A chunk for the import descriptor table. class DelayAddressChunk : public Chunk { public: - explicit DelayAddressChunk(Chunk *C) : Thunk(C) {} + explicit DelayAddressChunk(Chunk *C) : Thunk(C) { Alignment = ptrSize(); } size_t getSize() const override { return ptrSize(); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { if (Config->is64()) { write64le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, Thunk->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); } else { - write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, Thunk->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase); + uint32_t Bit = 0; + // Pointer to thumb code must have the LSB set, so adjust it. + if (Config->Machine == ARMNT) + Bit = 1; + write32le(Buf + OutputSectionOff, (Thunk->getRVA() + Config->ImageBase) | Bit); } } void getBaserels(std::vector *Res) override { Res->emplace_back(RVA); } Chunk *Thunk; }; // Export table // Read Microsoft PE/COFF spec 5.3 for details. // A chunk for the export descriptor table. class ExportDirectoryChunk : public Chunk { public: ExportDirectoryChunk(int I, int J, Chunk *D, Chunk *A, Chunk *N, Chunk *O) : MaxOrdinal(I), NameTabSize(J), DLLName(D), AddressTab(A), NameTab(N), OrdinalTab(O) {} size_t getSize() const override { return sizeof(export_directory_table_entry); } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { auto *E = (export_directory_table_entry *)(Buf + OutputSectionOff); E->NameRVA = DLLName->getRVA(); E->OrdinalBase = 0; E->AddressTableEntries = MaxOrdinal + 1; E->NumberOfNamePointers = NameTabSize; E->ExportAddressTableRVA = AddressTab->getRVA(); E->NamePointerRVA = NameTab->getRVA(); E->OrdinalTableRVA = OrdinalTab->getRVA(); } uint16_t MaxOrdinal; uint16_t NameTabSize; Chunk *DLLName; Chunk *AddressTab; Chunk *NameTab; Chunk *OrdinalTab; }; class AddressTableChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit AddressTableChunk(size_t MaxOrdinal) : Size(MaxOrdinal + 1) {} size_t getSize() const override { return Size * 4; } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { + uint32_t Bit = 0; + // Pointer to thumb code must have the LSB set, so adjust it. + if (Config->Machine == ARMNT) + Bit = 1; for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { uint8_t *P = Buf + OutputSectionOff + E.Ordinal * 4; if (E.ForwardChunk) { - write32le(P, E.ForwardChunk->getRVA()); + write32le(P, E.ForwardChunk->getRVA() | Bit); } else { - write32le(P, cast(E.Sym)->getRVA()); + write32le(P, cast(E.Sym)->getRVA() | Bit); } } } private: size_t Size; }; class NamePointersChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit NamePointersChunk(std::vector &V) : Chunks(V) {} size_t getSize() const override { return Chunks.size() * 4; } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { uint8_t *P = Buf + OutputSectionOff; for (Chunk *C : Chunks) { write32le(P, C->getRVA()); P += 4; } } private: std::vector Chunks; }; class ExportOrdinalChunk : public Chunk { public: explicit ExportOrdinalChunk(size_t I) : Size(I) {} size_t getSize() const override { return Size * 2; } void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) const override { uint8_t *P = Buf + OutputSectionOff; for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { if (E.Noname) continue; write16le(P, E.Ordinal); P += 2; } } private: size_t Size; }; } // anonymous namespace uint64_t IdataContents::getDirSize() { return Dirs.size() * sizeof(ImportDirectoryTableEntry); } uint64_t IdataContents::getIATSize() { return Addresses.size() * ptrSize(); } // Returns a list of .idata contents. // See Microsoft PE/COFF spec 5.4 for details. std::vector IdataContents::getChunks() { create(); // The loader assumes a specific order of data. // Add each type in the correct order. std::vector V; V.insert(V.end(), Dirs.begin(), Dirs.end()); V.insert(V.end(), Lookups.begin(), Lookups.end()); V.insert(V.end(), Addresses.begin(), Addresses.end()); V.insert(V.end(), Hints.begin(), Hints.end()); V.insert(V.end(), DLLNames.begin(), DLLNames.end()); return V; } void IdataContents::create() { std::vector> V = binImports(Imports); // Create .idata contents for each DLL. for (std::vector &Syms : V) { // Create lookup and address tables. If they have external names, // we need to create HintName chunks to store the names. // If they don't (if they are import-by-ordinals), we store only // ordinal values to the table. size_t Base = Lookups.size(); for (DefinedImportData *S : Syms) { uint16_t Ord = S->getOrdinal(); if (S->getExternalName().empty()) { Lookups.push_back(make(Ord)); Addresses.push_back(make(Ord)); continue; } auto *C = make(S->getExternalName(), Ord); Lookups.push_back(make(C)); Addresses.push_back(make(C)); Hints.push_back(C); } // Terminate with null values. Lookups.push_back(make(ptrSize())); Addresses.push_back(make(ptrSize())); for (int I = 0, E = Syms.size(); I < E; ++I) Syms[I]->setLocation(Addresses[Base + I]); // Create the import table header. DLLNames.push_back(make(Syms[0]->getDLLName())); auto *Dir = make(DLLNames.back()); Dir->LookupTab = Lookups[Base]; Dir->AddressTab = Addresses[Base]; Dirs.push_back(Dir); } // Add null terminator. Dirs.push_back(make(sizeof(ImportDirectoryTableEntry))); } std::vector DelayLoadContents::getChunks() { std::vector V; V.insert(V.end(), Dirs.begin(), Dirs.end()); V.insert(V.end(), Names.begin(), Names.end()); V.insert(V.end(), HintNames.begin(), HintNames.end()); V.insert(V.end(), DLLNames.begin(), DLLNames.end()); return V; } std::vector DelayLoadContents::getDataChunks() { std::vector V; V.insert(V.end(), ModuleHandles.begin(), ModuleHandles.end()); V.insert(V.end(), Addresses.begin(), Addresses.end()); return V; } uint64_t DelayLoadContents::getDirSize() { return Dirs.size() * sizeof(delay_import_directory_table_entry); } void DelayLoadContents::create(Defined *H) { Helper = H; std::vector> V = binImports(Imports); // Create .didat contents for each DLL. for (std::vector &Syms : V) { // Create the delay import table header. DLLNames.push_back(make(Syms[0]->getDLLName())); auto *Dir = make(DLLNames.back()); size_t Base = Addresses.size(); for (DefinedImportData *S : Syms) { Chunk *T = newThunkChunk(S, Dir); auto *A = make(T); Addresses.push_back(A); Thunks.push_back(T); StringRef ExtName = S->getExternalName(); if (ExtName.empty()) { Names.push_back(make(S->getOrdinal())); } else { auto *C = make(ExtName, 0); Names.push_back(make(C)); HintNames.push_back(C); } } // Terminate with null values. Addresses.push_back(make(8)); Names.push_back(make(8)); for (int I = 0, E = Syms.size(); I < E; ++I) Syms[I]->setLocation(Addresses[Base + I]); auto *MH = make(8); - MH->setAlign(8); + MH->Alignment = 8; ModuleHandles.push_back(MH); // Fill the delay import table header fields. Dir->ModuleHandle = MH; Dir->AddressTab = Addresses[Base]; Dir->NameTab = Names[Base]; Dirs.push_back(Dir); } // Add null terminator. Dirs.push_back(make(sizeof(delay_import_directory_table_entry))); } Chunk *DelayLoadContents::newThunkChunk(DefinedImportData *S, Chunk *Dir) { switch (Config->Machine) { case AMD64: return make(S, Dir, Helper); case I386: return make(S, Dir, Helper); + case ARMNT: + return make(S, Dir, Helper); default: llvm_unreachable("unsupported machine type"); } } EdataContents::EdataContents() { uint16_t MaxOrdinal = 0; for (Export &E : Config->Exports) MaxOrdinal = std::max(MaxOrdinal, E.Ordinal); auto *DLLName = make(sys::path::filename(Config->OutputFile)); auto *AddressTab = make(MaxOrdinal); std::vector Names; for (Export &E : Config->Exports) if (!E.Noname) Names.push_back(make(E.ExportName)); std::vector Forwards; for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { if (E.ForwardTo.empty()) continue; E.ForwardChunk = make(E.ForwardTo); Forwards.push_back(E.ForwardChunk); } auto *NameTab = make(Names); auto *OrdinalTab = make(Names.size()); auto *Dir = make(MaxOrdinal, Names.size(), DLLName, AddressTab, NameTab, OrdinalTab); Chunks.push_back(Dir); Chunks.push_back(DLLName); Chunks.push_back(AddressTab); Chunks.push_back(NameTab); Chunks.push_back(OrdinalTab); Chunks.insert(Chunks.end(), Names.begin(), Names.end()); Chunks.insert(Chunks.end(), Forwards.begin(), Forwards.end()); } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Driver.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Driver.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Driver.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,1181 +1,1320 @@ //===- Driver.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Driver.h" #include "Config.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" -#include "Memory.h" +#include "MinGW.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "Writer.h" -#include "lld/Driver/Driver.h" +#include "lld/Common/Driver.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" +#include "lld/Common/Version.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Magic.h" #include "llvm/Object/ArchiveWriter.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFFImportFile.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFFModuleDefinition.h" #include "llvm/Option/Arg.h" #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h" #include "llvm/Option/Option.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/Process.h" #include "llvm/Support/TarWriter.h" #include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "llvm/ToolDrivers/llvm-lib/LibDriver.h" #include #include #include using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::COFF; using llvm::sys::Process; namespace lld { namespace coff { Configuration *Config; LinkerDriver *Driver; -BumpPtrAllocator BAlloc; -StringSaver Saver{BAlloc}; -std::vector SpecificAllocBase::Instances; - -bool link(ArrayRef Args, raw_ostream &Diag) { - ErrorCount = 0; - ErrorOS = &Diag; +bool link(ArrayRef Args, bool CanExitEarly, raw_ostream &Diag) { + errorHandler().LogName = Args[0]; + errorHandler().ErrorOS = &Diag; + errorHandler().ColorDiagnostics = Diag.has_colors(); + errorHandler().ErrorLimitExceededMsg = + "too many errors emitted, stopping now" + " (use /ERRORLIMIT:0 to see all errors)"; Config = make(); Config->Argv = {Args.begin(), Args.end()}; - Config->ColorDiagnostics = - (ErrorOS == &llvm::errs() && Process::StandardErrHasColors()); + Config->CanExitEarly = CanExitEarly; + + Symtab = make(); + Driver = make(); Driver->link(Args); - return !ErrorCount; + + // Call exit() if we can to avoid calling destructors. + if (CanExitEarly) + exitLld(errorCount() ? 1 : 0); + + freeArena(); + return !errorCount(); } // Drop directory components and replace extension with ".exe" or ".dll". static std::string getOutputPath(StringRef Path) { auto P = Path.find_last_of("\\/"); StringRef S = (P == StringRef::npos) ? Path : Path.substr(P + 1); const char* E = Config->DLL ? ".dll" : ".exe"; return (S.substr(0, S.rfind('.')) + E).str(); } // ErrorOr is not default constructible, so it cannot be used as the type // parameter of a future. // FIXME: We could open the file in createFutureForFile and avoid needing to // return an error here, but for the moment that would cost us a file descriptor // (a limited resource on Windows) for the duration that the future is pending. typedef std::pair, std::error_code> MBErrPair; // Create a std::future that opens and maps a file using the best strategy for // the host platform. static std::future createFutureForFile(std::string Path) { #if LLVM_ON_WIN32 // On Windows, file I/O is relatively slow so it is best to do this // asynchronously. auto Strategy = std::launch::async; #else auto Strategy = std::launch::deferred; #endif return std::async(Strategy, [=]() { auto MBOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path); if (!MBOrErr) return MBErrPair{nullptr, MBOrErr.getError()}; return MBErrPair{std::move(*MBOrErr), std::error_code()}; }); } MemoryBufferRef LinkerDriver::takeBuffer(std::unique_ptr MB) { MemoryBufferRef MBRef = *MB; make>(std::move(MB)); // take ownership if (Driver->Tar) Driver->Tar->append(relativeToRoot(MBRef.getBufferIdentifier()), MBRef.getBuffer()); return MBRef; } -void LinkerDriver::addBuffer(std::unique_ptr MB) { +void LinkerDriver::addBuffer(std::unique_ptr MB, + bool WholeArchive) { MemoryBufferRef MBRef = takeBuffer(std::move(MB)); + FilePaths.push_back(MBRef.getBufferIdentifier()); // File type is detected by contents, not by file extension. - file_magic Magic = identify_magic(MBRef.getBuffer()); - if (Magic == file_magic::windows_resource) { + switch (identify_magic(MBRef.getBuffer())) { + case file_magic::windows_resource: Resources.push_back(MBRef); - return; - } + break; - FilePaths.push_back(MBRef.getBufferIdentifier()); - if (Magic == file_magic::archive) - return Symtab.addFile(make(MBRef)); - if (Magic == file_magic::bitcode) - return Symtab.addFile(make(MBRef)); + case file_magic::archive: + if (WholeArchive) { + std::unique_ptr File = + CHECK(Archive::create(MBRef), + MBRef.getBufferIdentifier() + ": failed to parse archive"); - if (Magic == file_magic::coff_cl_gl_object) + for (MemoryBufferRef M : getArchiveMembers(File.get())) + addArchiveBuffer(M, "", MBRef.getBufferIdentifier()); + return; + } + Symtab->addFile(make(MBRef)); + break; + + case file_magic::bitcode: + Symtab->addFile(make(MBRef)); + break; + + case file_magic::coff_cl_gl_object: error(MBRef.getBufferIdentifier() + ": is not a native COFF file. " "Recompile without /GL"); - else - Symtab.addFile(make(MBRef)); + break; + + default: + Symtab->addFile(make(MBRef)); + break; + } } -void LinkerDriver::enqueuePath(StringRef Path) { +void LinkerDriver::enqueuePath(StringRef Path, bool WholeArchive) { auto Future = std::make_shared>(createFutureForFile(Path)); std::string PathStr = Path; enqueueTask([=]() { auto MBOrErr = Future->get(); if (MBOrErr.second) error("could not open " + PathStr + ": " + MBOrErr.second.message()); else - Driver->addBuffer(std::move(MBOrErr.first)); + Driver->addBuffer(std::move(MBOrErr.first), WholeArchive); }); } void LinkerDriver::addArchiveBuffer(MemoryBufferRef MB, StringRef SymName, StringRef ParentName) { file_magic Magic = identify_magic(MB.getBuffer()); if (Magic == file_magic::coff_import_library) { - Symtab.addFile(make(MB)); + Symtab->addFile(make(MB)); return; } InputFile *Obj; if (Magic == file_magic::coff_object) { - Obj = make(MB); + Obj = make(MB); } else if (Magic == file_magic::bitcode) { Obj = make(MB); } else { error("unknown file type: " + MB.getBufferIdentifier()); return; } Obj->ParentName = ParentName; - Symtab.addFile(Obj); + Symtab->addFile(Obj); log("Loaded " + toString(Obj) + " for " + SymName); } void LinkerDriver::enqueueArchiveMember(const Archive::Child &C, StringRef SymName, StringRef ParentName) { if (!C.getParent()->isThin()) { - MemoryBufferRef MB = check( + MemoryBufferRef MB = CHECK( C.getMemoryBufferRef(), "could not get the buffer for the member defining symbol " + SymName); enqueueTask([=]() { Driver->addArchiveBuffer(MB, SymName, ParentName); }); return; } auto Future = std::make_shared>(createFutureForFile( - check(C.getFullName(), + CHECK(C.getFullName(), "could not get the filename for the member defining symbol " + SymName))); enqueueTask([=]() { auto MBOrErr = Future->get(); if (MBOrErr.second) - fatal(MBOrErr.second, - "could not get the buffer for the member defining " + SymName); + fatal("could not get the buffer for the member defining " + SymName + + ": " + MBOrErr.second.message()); Driver->addArchiveBuffer(takeBuffer(std::move(MBOrErr.first)), SymName, ParentName); }); } static bool isDecorated(StringRef Sym) { - return Sym.startswith("_") || Sym.startswith("@") || Sym.startswith("?"); + return Sym.startswith("@") || Sym.contains("@@") || Sym.startswith("?") || + (!Config->MinGW && Sym.contains('@')); } // Parses .drectve section contents and returns a list of files // specified by /defaultlib. void LinkerDriver::parseDirectives(StringRef S) { + ArgParser Parser; + // .drectve is always tokenized using Windows shell rules. opt::InputArgList Args = Parser.parse(S); for (auto *Arg : Args) { - switch (Arg->getOption().getID()) { + switch (Arg->getOption().getUnaliasedOption().getID()) { + case OPT_aligncomm: + parseAligncomm(Arg->getValue()); + break; case OPT_alternatename: parseAlternateName(Arg->getValue()); break; case OPT_defaultlib: if (Optional Path = findLib(Arg->getValue())) - enqueuePath(*Path); + enqueuePath(*Path, false); break; + case OPT_entry: + Config->Entry = addUndefined(mangle(Arg->getValue())); + break; case OPT_export: { Export E = parseExport(Arg->getValue()); + if (Config->Machine == I386 && Config->MinGW) { + if (!isDecorated(E.Name)) + E.Name ="_" + E.Name); + if (!E.ExtName.empty() && !isDecorated(E.ExtName)) + E.ExtName ="_" + E.ExtName); + } E.Directives = true; Config->Exports.push_back(E); break; } case OPT_failifmismatch: checkFailIfMismatch(Arg->getValue()); break; case OPT_incl: addUndefined(Arg->getValue()); break; case OPT_merge: parseMerge(Arg->getValue()); break; case OPT_nodefaultlib: Config->NoDefaultLibs.insert(doFindLib(Arg->getValue())); break; case OPT_section: parseSection(Arg->getValue()); break; + case OPT_subsystem: + parseSubsystem(Arg->getValue(), &Config->Subsystem, + &Config->MajorOSVersion, &Config->MinorOSVersion); + break; case OPT_editandcontinue: case OPT_fastfail: case OPT_guardsym: + case OPT_natvis: case OPT_throwingnew: break; default: error(Arg->getSpelling() + " is not allowed in .drectve"); } } } // Find file from search paths. You can omit ".obj", this function takes // care of that. Note that the returned path is not guaranteed to exist. StringRef LinkerDriver::doFindFile(StringRef Filename) { bool HasPathSep = (Filename.find_first_of("/\\") != StringRef::npos); if (HasPathSep) return Filename; - bool HasExt = (Filename.find('.') != StringRef::npos); + bool HasExt = Filename.contains('.'); for (StringRef Dir : SearchPaths) { SmallString<128> Path = Dir; sys::path::append(Path, Filename); if (sys::fs::exists(Path.str())) return; if (!HasExt) { Path.append(".obj"); if (sys::fs::exists(Path.str())) return; } } return Filename; } // Resolves a file path. This never returns the same path // (in that case, it returns None). Optional LinkerDriver::findFile(StringRef Filename) { StringRef Path = doFindFile(Filename); bool Seen = !VisitedFiles.insert(Path.lower()).second; if (Seen) return None; + if (Path.endswith_lower(".lib")) + VisitedLibs.insert(sys::path::filename(Path)); return Path; } // Find library file from search path. StringRef LinkerDriver::doFindLib(StringRef Filename) { // Add ".lib" to Filename if that has no file extension. - bool HasExt = (Filename.find('.') != StringRef::npos); + bool HasExt = Filename.contains('.'); if (!HasExt) Filename = + ".lib"); return doFindFile(Filename); } // Resolves a library path. /nodefaultlib options are taken into // consideration. This never returns the same path (in that case, // it returns None). Optional LinkerDriver::findLib(StringRef Filename) { if (Config->NoDefaultLibAll) return None; if (!VisitedLibs.insert(Filename.lower()).second) return None; StringRef Path = doFindLib(Filename); if (Config->NoDefaultLibs.count(Path)) return None; if (!VisitedFiles.insert(Path.lower()).second) return None; return Path; } // Parses LIB environment which contains a list of search paths. void LinkerDriver::addLibSearchPaths() { Optional EnvOpt = Process::GetEnv("LIB"); if (!EnvOpt.hasValue()) return; StringRef Env =*EnvOpt); while (!Env.empty()) { StringRef Path; std::tie(Path, Env) = Env.split(';'); SearchPaths.push_back(Path); } } -SymbolBody *LinkerDriver::addUndefined(StringRef Name) { - SymbolBody *B = Symtab.addUndefined(Name); - Config->GCRoot.insert(B); +Symbol *LinkerDriver::addUndefined(StringRef Name) { + Symbol *B = Symtab->addUndefined(Name); + if (!B->IsGCRoot) { + B->IsGCRoot = true; + Config->GCRoot.push_back(B); + } return B; } // Symbol names are mangled by appending "_" prefix on x86. StringRef LinkerDriver::mangle(StringRef Sym) { assert(Config->Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN); if (Config->Machine == I386) return"_" + Sym); return Sym; } // Windows specific -- find default entry point name. StringRef LinkerDriver::findDefaultEntry() { // User-defined main functions and their corresponding entry points. static const char *Entries[][2] = { {"main", "mainCRTStartup"}, {"wmain", "wmainCRTStartup"}, {"WinMain", "WinMainCRTStartup"}, {"wWinMain", "wWinMainCRTStartup"}, }; for (auto E : Entries) { - StringRef Entry = Symtab.findMangle(mangle(E[0])); - if (!Entry.empty() && !isa(Symtab.find(Entry)->body())) + StringRef Entry = Symtab->findMangle(mangle(E[0])); + if (!Entry.empty() && !isa(Symtab->find(Entry))) return mangle(E[1]); } return ""; } WindowsSubsystem LinkerDriver::inferSubsystem() { if (Config->DLL) return IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI; - if (Symtab.findUnderscore("main") || Symtab.findUnderscore("wmain")) + if (Symtab->findUnderscore("main") || Symtab->findUnderscore("wmain")) return IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI; - if (Symtab.findUnderscore("WinMain") || Symtab.findUnderscore("wWinMain")) + if (Symtab->findUnderscore("WinMain") || Symtab->findUnderscore("wWinMain")) return IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI; return IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN; } static uint64_t getDefaultImageBase() { if (Config->is64()) return Config->DLL ? 0x180000000 : 0x140000000; return Config->DLL ? 0x10000000 : 0x400000; } static std::string createResponseFile(const opt::InputArgList &Args, ArrayRef FilePaths, ArrayRef SearchPaths) { SmallString<0> Data; raw_svector_ostream OS(Data); for (auto *Arg : Args) { switch (Arg->getOption().getID()) { case OPT_linkrepro: case OPT_INPUT: case OPT_defaultlib: case OPT_libpath: + case OPT_manifest: + case OPT_manifest_colon: + case OPT_manifestdependency: + case OPT_manifestfile: + case OPT_manifestinput: + case OPT_manifestuac: break; default: - OS << toString(Arg) << "\n"; + OS << toString(*Arg) << "\n"; } } for (StringRef Path : SearchPaths) { std::string RelPath = relativeToRoot(Path); OS << "/libpath:" << quote(RelPath) << "\n"; } for (StringRef Path : FilePaths) OS << quote(relativeToRoot(Path)) << "\n"; return Data.str(); } static unsigned getDefaultDebugType(const opt::InputArgList &Args) { unsigned DebugTypes = static_cast(DebugType::CV); if (Args.hasArg(OPT_driver)) DebugTypes |= static_cast(DebugType::PData); if (Args.hasArg(OPT_profile)) DebugTypes |= static_cast(DebugType::Fixup); return DebugTypes; } static unsigned parseDebugType(StringRef Arg) { SmallVector Types; Arg.split(Types, ',', /*KeepEmpty=*/false); unsigned DebugTypes = static_cast(DebugType::None); for (StringRef Type : Types) DebugTypes |= StringSwitch(Type.lower()) .Case("cv", static_cast(DebugType::CV)) .Case("pdata", static_cast(DebugType::PData)) .Case("fixup", static_cast(DebugType::Fixup)) .Default(0); return DebugTypes; } static std::string getMapFile(const opt::InputArgList &Args) { auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_lldmap, OPT_lldmap_file); if (!Arg) return ""; if (Arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_lldmap_file) return Arg->getValue(); assert(Arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_lldmap); StringRef OutFile = Config->OutputFile; return (OutFile.substr(0, OutFile.rfind('.')) + ".map").str(); } static std::string getImplibPath() { if (!Config->Implib.empty()) return Config->Implib; SmallString<128> Out = StringRef(Config->OutputFile); sys::path::replace_extension(Out, ".lib"); return Out.str(); } // // The import name is caculated as the following: // // | LIBRARY w/ ext | LIBRARY w/o ext | no LIBRARY // -----+----------------+---------------------+------------------ // LINK | {value} | {value}.{.dll/.exe} | {output name} // LIB | {value} | {value}.dll | {output name}.dll // static std::string getImportName(bool AsLib) { SmallString<128> Out; if (Config->ImportName.empty()) { Out.assign(sys::path::filename(Config->OutputFile)); if (AsLib) sys::path::replace_extension(Out, ".dll"); } else { Out.assign(Config->ImportName); if (!sys::path::has_extension(Out)) sys::path::replace_extension(Out, (Config->DLL || AsLib) ? ".dll" : ".exe"); } return Out.str(); } static void createImportLibrary(bool AsLib) { std::vector Exports; for (Export &E1 : Config->Exports) { COFFShortExport E2; E2.Name = E1.Name; E2.SymbolName = E1.SymbolName; E2.ExtName = E1.ExtName; E2.Ordinal = E1.Ordinal; E2.Noname = E1.Noname; E2.Data = E1.Data; E2.Private = E1.Private; E2.Constant = E1.Constant; Exports.push_back(E2); } - writeImportLibrary(getImportName(AsLib), getImplibPath(), Exports, - Config->Machine, false); + auto E = writeImportLibrary(getImportName(AsLib), getImplibPath(), Exports, + Config->Machine, false); + handleAllErrors(std::move(E), + [&](ErrorInfoBase &EIB) { error(EIB.message()); }); } static void parseModuleDefs(StringRef Path) { - std::unique_ptr MB = check( - MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, -1, false, true), "could not open " + Path); - COFFModuleDefinition M = - check(parseCOFFModuleDefinition(MB->getMemBufferRef(), Config->Machine)); + std::unique_ptr MB = CHECK( + MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, -1, false, true), "could not open " + Path); + COFFModuleDefinition M = check(parseCOFFModuleDefinition( + MB->getMemBufferRef(), Config->Machine, Config->MinGW)); if (Config->OutputFile.empty()) Config->OutputFile =; Config->ImportName =; if (M.ImageBase) Config->ImageBase = M.ImageBase; if (M.StackReserve) Config->StackReserve = M.StackReserve; if (M.StackCommit) Config->StackCommit = M.StackCommit; if (M.HeapReserve) Config->HeapReserve = M.HeapReserve; if (M.HeapCommit) Config->HeapCommit = M.HeapCommit; if (M.MajorImageVersion) Config->MajorImageVersion = M.MajorImageVersion; if (M.MinorImageVersion) Config->MinorImageVersion = M.MinorImageVersion; if (M.MajorOSVersion) Config->MajorOSVersion = M.MajorOSVersion; if (M.MinorOSVersion) Config->MinorOSVersion = M.MinorOSVersion; for (COFFShortExport E1 : M.Exports) { Export E2; E2.Name =; if (E1.isWeak()) E2.ExtName =; E2.Ordinal = E1.Ordinal; E2.Noname = E1.Noname; E2.Data = E1.Data; E2.Private = E1.Private; E2.Constant = E1.Constant; Config->Exports.push_back(E2); } } -std::vector getArchiveMembers(Archive *File) { - std::vector V; - Error Err = Error::success(); - for (const ErrorOr &COrErr : File->children(Err)) { - Archive::Child C = - check(COrErr, - File->getFileName() + ": could not get the child of the archive"); - MemoryBufferRef MBRef = - check(C.getMemoryBufferRef(), - File->getFileName() + - ": could not get the buffer for a child of the archive"); - V.push_back(MBRef); - } - if (Err) - fatal(File->getFileName() + - ": Archive::children failed: " + toString(std::move(Err))); - return V; -} - // A helper function for filterBitcodeFiles. static bool needsRebuilding(MemoryBufferRef MB) { // The MSVC linker doesn't support thin archives, so if it's a thin // archive, we always need to rebuild it. std::unique_ptr File = - check(Archive::create(MB), "Failed to read " + MB.getBufferIdentifier()); + CHECK(Archive::create(MB), "Failed to read " + MB.getBufferIdentifier()); if (File->isThin()) return true; // Returns true if the archive contains at least one bitcode file. for (MemoryBufferRef Member : getArchiveMembers(File.get())) if (identify_magic(Member.getBuffer()) == file_magic::bitcode) return true; return false; } // Opens a given path as an archive file and removes bitcode files // from them if exists. This function is to appease the MSVC linker as // their linker doesn't like archive files containing non-native // object files. // // If a given archive doesn't contain bitcode files, the archive path // is returned as-is. Otherwise, a new temporary file is created and // its path is returned. static Optional filterBitcodeFiles(StringRef Path, std::vector &TemporaryFiles) { - std::unique_ptr MB = check( + std::unique_ptr MB = CHECK( MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, -1, false, true), "could not open " + Path); MemoryBufferRef MBRef = MB->getMemBufferRef(); file_magic Magic = identify_magic(MBRef.getBuffer()); if (Magic == file_magic::bitcode) return None; if (Magic != file_magic::archive) return Path.str(); if (!needsRebuilding(MBRef)) return Path.str(); std::unique_ptr File = - check(Archive::create(MBRef), + CHECK(Archive::create(MBRef), MBRef.getBufferIdentifier() + ": failed to parse archive"); std::vector New; for (MemoryBufferRef Member : getArchiveMembers(File.get())) if (identify_magic(Member.getBuffer()) != file_magic::bitcode) New.emplace_back(Member); if (New.empty()) return None; log("Creating a temporary archive for " + Path + " to remove bitcode files"); SmallString<128> S; if (auto EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("lld-" + sys::path::stem(Path), ".lib", S)) - fatal(EC, "cannot create a temporary file"); + fatal("cannot create a temporary file: " + EC.message()); std::string Temp = S.str(); TemporaryFiles.push_back(Temp); - std::pair Ret = + Error E = llvm::writeArchive(Temp, New, /*WriteSymtab=*/true, Archive::Kind::K_GNU, /*Deterministics=*/true, /*Thin=*/false); - if (Ret.second) - error("failed to create a new archive " + S.str() + ": " + Ret.first); + handleAllErrors(std::move(E), [&](const ErrorInfoBase &EI) { + error("failed to create a new archive " + S.str() + ": " + EI.message()); + }); return Temp; } // Create response file contents and invoke the MSVC linker. void LinkerDriver::invokeMSVC(opt::InputArgList &Args) { std::string Rsp = "/nologo\n"; std::vector Temps; // Write out archive members that we used in symbol resolution and pass these // to MSVC before any archives, so that MSVC uses the same objects to satisfy // references. - for (const auto *O : Symtab.ObjectFiles) { - if (O->ParentName.empty()) + for (ObjFile *Obj : ObjFile::Instances) { + if (Obj->ParentName.empty()) continue; SmallString<128> S; int Fd; if (auto EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile( - "lld-" + sys::path::filename(O->ParentName), ".obj", Fd, S)) - fatal(EC, "cannot create a temporary file"); + "lld-" + sys::path::filename(Obj->ParentName), ".obj", Fd, S)) + fatal("cannot create a temporary file: " + EC.message()); raw_fd_ostream OS(Fd, /*shouldClose*/ true); - OS << O->MB.getBuffer(); + OS << Obj->MB.getBuffer(); Temps.push_back(S.str()); Rsp += quote(S) + "\n"; } for (auto *Arg : Args) { switch (Arg->getOption().getID()) { case OPT_linkrepro: case OPT_lldmap: case OPT_lldmap_file: case OPT_lldsavetemps: case OPT_msvclto: // LLD-specific options are stripped. break; case OPT_opt: if (!StringRef(Arg->getValue()).startswith("lld")) - Rsp += toString(Arg) + " "; + Rsp += toString(*Arg) + " "; break; case OPT_INPUT: { if (Optional Path = doFindFile(Arg->getValue())) { if (Optional S = filterBitcodeFiles(*Path, Temps)) Rsp += quote(*S) + "\n"; continue; } Rsp += quote(Arg->getValue()) + "\n"; break; } default: - Rsp += toString(Arg) + "\n"; + Rsp += toString(*Arg) + "\n"; } } - std::vector ObjectFiles = Symtab.compileBitcodeFiles(); - runMSVCLinker(Rsp, ObjectFiles); + std::vector ObjFiles = Symtab->compileBitcodeFiles(); + runMSVCLinker(Rsp, ObjFiles); for (StringRef Path : Temps) sys::fs::remove(Path); } void LinkerDriver::enqueueTask(std::function Task) { TaskQueue.push_back(std::move(Task)); } bool LinkerDriver::run() { bool DidWork = !TaskQueue.empty(); while (!TaskQueue.empty()) { TaskQueue.front()(); TaskQueue.pop_front(); } return DidWork; } void LinkerDriver::link(ArrayRef ArgsArr) { // If the first command line argument is "/lib", link.exe acts like lib.exe. // We call our own implementation of lib.exe that understands bitcode files. if (ArgsArr.size() > 1 && StringRef(ArgsArr[1]).equals_lower("/lib")) { if (llvm::libDriverMain(ArgsArr.slice(1)) != 0) fatal("lib failed"); return; } // Needed for LTO. InitializeAllTargetInfos(); InitializeAllTargets(); InitializeAllTargetMCs(); InitializeAllAsmParsers(); InitializeAllAsmPrinters(); InitializeAllDisassemblers(); // Parse command line options. + ArgParser Parser; opt::InputArgList Args = Parser.parseLINK(ArgsArr.slice(1)); // Parse and evaluate -mllvm options. std::vector V; V.push_back("lld-link (LLVM option parsing)"); for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_mllvm)) V.push_back(Arg->getValue()); cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(V.size(),; // Handle /errorlimit early, because error() depends on it. if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_errorlimit)) { int N = 20; StringRef S = Arg->getValue(); if (S.getAsInteger(10, N)) error(Arg->getSpelling() + " number expected, but got " + S); - Config->ErrorLimit = N; + errorHandler().ErrorLimit = N; } // Handle /help if (Args.hasArg(OPT_help)) { printHelp(ArgsArr[0]); return; } + // Handle --version, which is an lld extension. This option is a bit odd + // because it doesn't start with "/", but we deliberately chose "--" to + // avoid conflict with /version and for compatibility with clang-cl. + if (Args.hasArg(OPT_dash_dash_version)) { + outs() << getLLDVersion() << "\n"; + return; + } + + // Handle /lldmingw early, since it can potentially affect how other + // options are handled. + Config->MinGW = Args.hasArg(OPT_lldmingw); + if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_linkrepro)) { SmallString<64> Path = StringRef(Arg->getValue()); sys::path::append(Path, "repro.tar"); Expected> ErrOrWriter = TarWriter::create(Path, "repro"); if (ErrOrWriter) { Tar = std::move(*ErrOrWriter); } else { error("/linkrepro: failed to open " + Path + ": " + toString(ErrOrWriter.takeError())); } } - if (!Args.hasArgNoClaim(OPT_INPUT)) { - if (Args.hasArgNoClaim(OPT_deffile)) + if (!Args.hasArg(OPT_INPUT)) { + if (Args.hasArg(OPT_deffile)) Config->NoEntry = true; else fatal("no input files"); } // Construct search path list. SearchPaths.push_back(""); for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_libpath)) SearchPaths.push_back(Arg->getValue()); addLibSearchPaths(); // Handle /out if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_out)) Config->OutputFile = Arg->getValue(); // Handle /verbose if (Args.hasArg(OPT_verbose)) Config->Verbose = true; + errorHandler().Verbose = Config->Verbose; // Handle /force or /force:unresolved - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_force) || Args.hasArg(OPT_force_unresolved)) + if (Args.hasArg(OPT_force, OPT_force_unresolved)) Config->Force = true; // Handle /debug - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_debug)) { + if (Args.hasArg(OPT_debug, OPT_debug_dwarf, OPT_debug_ghash)) { Config->Debug = true; - Config->DebugTypes = - Args.hasArg(OPT_debugtype) - ? parseDebugType(Args.getLastArg(OPT_debugtype)->getValue()) - : getDefaultDebugType(Args); + if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_debugtype)) + Config->DebugTypes = parseDebugType(Arg->getValue()); + else + Config->DebugTypes = getDefaultDebugType(Args); } - // Create a dummy PDB file to satisfy build sytem rules. - if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_pdb)) - Config->PDBPath = Arg->getValue(); + // Handle /pdb + bool ShouldCreatePDB = Args.hasArg(OPT_debug, OPT_debug_ghash); + if (ShouldCreatePDB) + if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_pdb)) + Config->PDBPath = Arg->getValue(); // Handle /noentry if (Args.hasArg(OPT_noentry)) { if (Args.hasArg(OPT_dll)) Config->NoEntry = true; else error("/noentry must be specified with /dll"); } // Handle /dll if (Args.hasArg(OPT_dll)) { Config->DLL = true; Config->ManifestID = 2; } - // Handle /fixed - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_fixed)) { - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_dynamicbase)) { + // Handle /dynamicbase and /fixed. We can't use hasFlag for /dynamicbase + // because we need to explicitly check whether that option or its inverse was + // present in the argument list in order to handle /fixed. + auto *DynamicBaseArg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_dynamicbase, OPT_dynamicbase_no); + if (DynamicBaseArg && + DynamicBaseArg->getOption().getID() == OPT_dynamicbase_no) + Config->DynamicBase = false; + + bool Fixed = Args.hasFlag(OPT_fixed, OPT_fixed_no, false); + if (Fixed) { + if (DynamicBaseArg && + DynamicBaseArg->getOption().getID() == OPT_dynamicbase) { error("/fixed must not be specified with /dynamicbase"); } else { Config->Relocatable = false; Config->DynamicBase = false; } } - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_appcontainer)) - Config->AppContainer = true; + // Handle /appcontainer + Config->AppContainer = + Args.hasFlag(OPT_appcontainer, OPT_appcontainer_no, false); // Handle /machine if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_machine)) Config->Machine = getMachineType(Arg->getValue()); // Handle /nodefaultlib: for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_nodefaultlib)) Config->NoDefaultLibs.insert(doFindLib(Arg->getValue())); // Handle /nodefaultlib if (Args.hasArg(OPT_nodefaultlib_all)) Config->NoDefaultLibAll = true; // Handle /base if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_base)) parseNumbers(Arg->getValue(), &Config->ImageBase); // Handle /stack if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_stack)) parseNumbers(Arg->getValue(), &Config->StackReserve, &Config->StackCommit); // Handle /heap if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_heap)) parseNumbers(Arg->getValue(), &Config->HeapReserve, &Config->HeapCommit); // Handle /version if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_version)) parseVersion(Arg->getValue(), &Config->MajorImageVersion, &Config->MinorImageVersion); // Handle /subsystem if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_subsystem)) parseSubsystem(Arg->getValue(), &Config->Subsystem, &Config->MajorOSVersion, &Config->MinorOSVersion); // Handle /alternatename for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_alternatename)) parseAlternateName(Arg->getValue()); // Handle /include for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_incl)) addUndefined(Arg->getValue()); // Handle /implib if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_implib)) Config->Implib = Arg->getValue(); - // Handle /opt + // Handle /opt. + bool DoGC = !Args.hasArg(OPT_debug); + unsigned ICFLevel = 1; // 0: off, 1: limited, 2: on for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_opt)) { std::string Str = StringRef(Arg->getValue()).lower(); SmallVector Vec; StringRef(Str).split(Vec, ','); for (StringRef S : Vec) { - if (S == "noref") { - Config->DoGC = false; - Config->DoICF = false; - continue; - } - if (S == "icf" || StringRef(S).startswith("icf=")) { - Config->DoICF = true; - continue; - } - if (S == "noicf") { - Config->DoICF = false; - continue; - } - if (StringRef(S).startswith("lldlto=")) { - StringRef OptLevel = StringRef(S).substr(7); + if (S == "ref") { + DoGC = true; + } else if (S == "noref") { + DoGC = false; + } else if (S == "icf" || S.startswith("icf=")) { + ICFLevel = 2; + } else if (S == "noicf") { + ICFLevel = 0; + } else if (S.startswith("lldlto=")) { + StringRef OptLevel = S.substr(7); if (OptLevel.getAsInteger(10, Config->LTOOptLevel) || Config->LTOOptLevel > 3) error("/opt:lldlto: invalid optimization level: " + OptLevel); - continue; - } - if (StringRef(S).startswith("lldltojobs=")) { - StringRef Jobs = StringRef(S).substr(11); + } else if (S.startswith("lldltojobs=")) { + StringRef Jobs = S.substr(11); if (Jobs.getAsInteger(10, Config->LTOJobs) || Config->LTOJobs == 0) error("/opt:lldltojobs: invalid job count: " + Jobs); - continue; - } - if (StringRef(S).startswith("lldltopartitions=")) { - StringRef N = StringRef(S).substr(17); + } else if (S.startswith("lldltopartitions=")) { + StringRef N = S.substr(17); if (N.getAsInteger(10, Config->LTOPartitions) || Config->LTOPartitions == 0) error("/opt:lldltopartitions: invalid partition count: " + N); - continue; - } - if (S != "ref" && S != "lbr" && S != "nolbr") + } else if (S != "lbr" && S != "nolbr") error("/opt: unknown option: " + S); } } + // Limited ICF is enabled if GC is enabled and ICF was never mentioned + // explicitly. + // FIXME: LLD only implements "limited" ICF, i.e. it only merges identical + // code. If the user passes /OPT:ICF explicitly, LLD should merge identical + // comdat readonly data. + if (ICFLevel == 1 && !DoGC) + ICFLevel = 0; + Config->DoGC = DoGC; + Config->DoICF = ICFLevel > 0; + // Handle /lldsavetemps if (Args.hasArg(OPT_lldsavetemps)) Config->SaveTemps = true; + // Handle /lldltocache + if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_lldltocache)) + Config->LTOCache = Arg->getValue(); + + // Handle /lldsavecachepolicy + if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_lldltocachepolicy)) + Config->LTOCachePolicy = CHECK( + parseCachePruningPolicy(Arg->getValue()), + Twine("/lldltocachepolicy: invalid cache policy: ") + Arg->getValue()); + // Handle /failifmismatch for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_failifmismatch)) checkFailIfMismatch(Arg->getValue()); // Handle /merge for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_merge)) parseMerge(Arg->getValue()); // Handle /section for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_section)) parseSection(Arg->getValue()); + // Handle /aligncomm + for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_aligncomm)) + parseAligncomm(Arg->getValue()); + // Handle /manifestdependency. This enables /manifest unless /manifest:no is // also passed. if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_manifestdependency)) { Config->ManifestDependency = Arg->getValue(); Config->Manifest = Configuration::SideBySide; } // Handle /manifest and /manifest: if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_manifest, OPT_manifest_colon)) { if (Arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_manifest) Config->Manifest = Configuration::SideBySide; else parseManifest(Arg->getValue()); } // Handle /manifestuac if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_manifestuac)) parseManifestUAC(Arg->getValue()); // Handle /manifestfile if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_manifestfile)) Config->ManifestFile = Arg->getValue(); // Handle /manifestinput for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_manifestinput)) Config->ManifestInput.push_back(Arg->getValue()); if (!Config->ManifestInput.empty() && Config->Manifest != Configuration::Embed) { fatal("/MANIFESTINPUT: requires /MANIFEST:EMBED"); } // Handle miscellaneous boolean flags. - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_allowisolation_no)) - Config->AllowIsolation = false; - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_dynamicbase_no)) - Config->DynamicBase = false; - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_nxcompat_no)) - Config->NxCompat = false; - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_tsaware_no)) - Config->TerminalServerAware = false; - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_nosymtab)) - Config->WriteSymtab = false; + Config->AllowBind = Args.hasFlag(OPT_allowbind, OPT_allowbind_no, true); + Config->AllowIsolation = + Args.hasFlag(OPT_allowisolation, OPT_allowisolation_no, true); + Config->NxCompat = Args.hasFlag(OPT_nxcompat, OPT_nxcompat_no, true); + Config->TerminalServerAware = Args.hasFlag(OPT_tsaware, OPT_tsaware_no, true); + Config->DebugDwarf = Args.hasArg(OPT_debug_dwarf); + Config->DebugGHashes = Args.hasArg(OPT_debug_ghash); Config->MapFile = getMapFile(Args); - if (ErrorCount) + if (errorCount()) return; + bool WholeArchiveFlag = Args.hasArg(OPT_wholearchive_flag); // Create a list of input files. Files can be given as arguments // for /defaultlib option. std::vector MBs; - for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_INPUT)) - if (Optional Path = findFile(Arg->getValue())) - enqueuePath(*Path); + for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_INPUT, OPT_wholearchive_file)) { + switch (Arg->getOption().getID()) { + case OPT_INPUT: + if (Optional Path = findFile(Arg->getValue())) + enqueuePath(*Path, WholeArchiveFlag); + break; + case OPT_wholearchive_file: + if (Optional Path = findFile(Arg->getValue())) + enqueuePath(*Path, true); + break; + } + } for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_defaultlib)) if (Optional Path = findLib(Arg->getValue())) - enqueuePath(*Path); + enqueuePath(*Path, false); // Windows specific -- Create a resource file containing a manifest file. if (Config->Manifest == Configuration::Embed) - addBuffer(createManifestRes()); + addBuffer(createManifestRes(), false); // Read all input files given via the command line. run(); // We should have inferred a machine type by now from the input files, but if // not we assume x64. if (Config->Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN) { warn("/machine is not specified. x64 is assumed"); Config->Machine = AMD64; } // Input files can be Windows resource files (.res files). We use // WindowsResource to convert resource files to a regular COFF file, // then link the resulting file normally. if (!Resources.empty()) - addBuffer(convertResToCOFF(Resources)); + Symtab->addFile(make(convertResToCOFF(Resources))); if (Tar) Tar->append("response.txt", createResponseFile(Args, FilePaths, ArrayRef(SearchPaths).slice(1))); // Handle /largeaddressaware - if (Config->is64() || Args.hasArg(OPT_largeaddressaware)) - Config->LargeAddressAware = true; + Config->LargeAddressAware = Args.hasFlag( + OPT_largeaddressaware, OPT_largeaddressaware_no, Config->is64()); // Handle /highentropyva - if (Config->is64() && !Args.hasArg(OPT_highentropyva_no)) - Config->HighEntropyVA = true; + Config->HighEntropyVA = + Config->is64() && + Args.hasFlag(OPT_highentropyva, OPT_highentropyva_no, true); + if (!Config->DynamicBase && + (Config->Machine == ARMNT || Config->Machine == ARM64)) + error("/dynamicbase:no is not compatible with " + + machineToStr(Config->Machine)); + // Handle /entry and /dll if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_entry)) { Config->Entry = addUndefined(mangle(Arg->getValue())); - } else if (Args.hasArg(OPT_dll) && !Config->NoEntry) { - StringRef S = (Config->Machine == I386) ? "__DllMainCRTStartup@12" - : "_DllMainCRTStartup"; - Config->Entry = addUndefined(S); - } else if (!Config->NoEntry) { - // Windows specific -- If entry point name is not given, we need to - // infer that from user-defined entry name. - StringRef S = findDefaultEntry(); - if (S.empty()) - fatal("entry point must be defined"); - Config->Entry = addUndefined(S); - log("Entry name inferred: " + S); + } else if (!Config->Entry && !Config->NoEntry) { + if (Args.hasArg(OPT_dll)) { + StringRef S = (Config->Machine == I386) ? "__DllMainCRTStartup@12" + : "_DllMainCRTStartup"; + Config->Entry = addUndefined(S); + } else { + // Windows specific -- If entry point name is not given, we need to + // infer that from user-defined entry name. + StringRef S = findDefaultEntry(); + if (S.empty()) + fatal("entry point must be defined"); + Config->Entry = addUndefined(S); + log("Entry name inferred: " + S); + } } // Handle /export for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_export)) { Export E = parseExport(Arg->getValue()); if (Config->Machine == I386) { if (!isDecorated(E.Name)) E.Name ="_" + E.Name); if (!E.ExtName.empty() && !isDecorated(E.ExtName)) E.ExtName ="_" + E.ExtName); } Config->Exports.push_back(E); } // Handle /def if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_deffile)) { // parseModuleDefs mutates Config object. parseModuleDefs(Arg->getValue()); } // Handle generation of import library from a def file. - if (!Args.hasArgNoClaim(OPT_INPUT)) { + if (!Args.hasArg(OPT_INPUT)) { fixupExports(); createImportLibrary(/*AsLib=*/true); - exit(0); + return; } // Handle /delayload for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_delayload)) { Config->DelayLoads.insert(StringRef(Arg->getValue()).lower()); if (Config->Machine == I386) { Config->DelayLoadHelper = addUndefined("___delayLoadHelper2@8"); } else { Config->DelayLoadHelper = addUndefined("__delayLoadHelper2"); } } // Set default image name if neither /out or /def set it. if (Config->OutputFile.empty()) { Config->OutputFile = getOutputPath((*Args.filtered(OPT_INPUT).begin())->getValue()); } // Put the PDB next to the image if no /pdb flag was passed. - if (Config->Debug && Config->PDBPath.empty()) { + if (ShouldCreatePDB && Config->PDBPath.empty()) { Config->PDBPath = Config->OutputFile; sys::path::replace_extension(Config->PDBPath, ".pdb"); } - // Disable PDB generation if the user requested it. - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_nopdb)) - Config->PDBPath = ""; - // Set default image base if /base is not given. if (Config->ImageBase == uint64_t(-1)) Config->ImageBase = getDefaultImageBase(); - Symtab.addSynthetic(mangle("__ImageBase"), nullptr); + Symtab->addSynthetic(mangle("__ImageBase"), nullptr); if (Config->Machine == I386) { - Symtab.addAbsolute("___safe_se_handler_table", 0); - Symtab.addAbsolute("___safe_se_handler_count", 0); + Symtab->addAbsolute("___safe_se_handler_table", 0); + Symtab->addAbsolute("___safe_se_handler_count", 0); } // We do not support /guard:cf (control flow protection) yet. // Define CFG symbols anyway so that we can link MSVC 2015 CRT. - Symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_fids_count"), 0); - Symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_fids_table"), 0); - Symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_flags"), 0x100); - Symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_iat_count"), 0); - Symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_iat_table"), 0); - Symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_longjmp_count"), 0); - Symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_longjmp_table"), 0); + Symtab->addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_fids_count"), 0); + Symtab->addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_fids_table"), 0); + Symtab->addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_flags"), 0x100); + Symtab->addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_iat_count"), 0); + Symtab->addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_iat_table"), 0); + Symtab->addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_longjmp_count"), 0); + Symtab->addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_longjmp_table"), 0); + // Needed for MSVC 2017 15.5 CRT. + Symtab->addAbsolute(mangle("__enclave_config"), 0); // This code may add new undefined symbols to the link, which may enqueue more // symbol resolution tasks, so we need to continue executing tasks until we // converge. do { // Windows specific -- if entry point is not found, // search for its mangled names. if (Config->Entry) - Symtab.mangleMaybe(Config->Entry); + Symtab->mangleMaybe(Config->Entry); // Windows specific -- Make sure we resolve all dllexported symbols. for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { if (!E.ForwardTo.empty()) continue; E.Sym = addUndefined(E.Name); if (!E.Directives) - Symtab.mangleMaybe(E.Sym); + Symtab->mangleMaybe(E.Sym); } // Add weak aliases. Weak aliases is a mechanism to give remaining // undefined symbols final chance to be resolved successfully. for (auto Pair : Config->AlternateNames) { StringRef From = Pair.first; StringRef To = Pair.second; - Symbol *Sym = Symtab.find(From); + Symbol *Sym = Symtab->find(From); if (!Sym) continue; - if (auto *U = dyn_cast(Sym->body())) + if (auto *U = dyn_cast(Sym)) if (!U->WeakAlias) - U->WeakAlias = Symtab.addUndefined(To); + U->WeakAlias = Symtab->addUndefined(To); } // Windows specific -- if __load_config_used can be resolved, resolve it. - if (Symtab.findUnderscore("_load_config_used")) + if (Symtab->findUnderscore("_load_config_used")) addUndefined(mangle("_load_config_used")); } while (run()); - if (ErrorCount) + if (errorCount()) return; // If /msvclto is given, we use the MSVC linker to link LTO output files. // This is useful because MSVC link.exe can generate complete PDBs. if (Args.hasArg(OPT_msvclto)) { invokeMSVC(Args); - exit(0); + return; } // Do LTO by compiling bitcode input files to a set of native COFF files then // link those files. - Symtab.addCombinedLTOObjects(); + Symtab->addCombinedLTOObjects(); run(); // Make sure we have resolved all symbols. - Symtab.reportRemainingUndefines(); + Symtab->reportRemainingUndefines(); + if (errorCount()) + return; // Windows specific -- if no /subsystem is given, we need to infer // that from entry point name. if (Config->Subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN) { Config->Subsystem = inferSubsystem(); if (Config->Subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN) fatal("subsystem must be defined"); } // Handle /safeseh. - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_safeseh)) { - for (ObjectFile *File : Symtab.ObjectFiles) + if (Args.hasFlag(OPT_safeseh, OPT_safeseh_no, false)) { + for (ObjFile *File : ObjFile::Instances) if (!File->SEHCompat) error("/safeseh: " + File->getName() + " is not compatible with SEH"); - if (ErrorCount) + if (errorCount()) return; } + // In MinGW, all symbols are automatically exported if no symbols + // are chosen to be exported. + if (Config->DLL && ((Config->MinGW && Config->Exports.empty()) || + Args.hasArg(OPT_export_all_symbols))) { + AutoExporter Exporter; + + Symtab->forEachSymbol([=](Symbol *S) { + auto *Def = dyn_cast(S); + if (!Exporter.shouldExport(Def)) + return; + Export E; + E.Name = Def->getName(); + E.Sym = Def; + if (Def->getChunk() && + !(Def->getChunk()->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE)) + E.Data = true; + Config->Exports.push_back(E); + }); + } + // Windows specific -- when we are creating a .dll file, we also // need to create a .lib file. if (!Config->Exports.empty() || Config->DLL) { fixupExports(); createImportLibrary(/*AsLib=*/false); assignExportOrdinals(); } + // Handle /output-def (MinGW specific). + if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_output_def)) + writeDefFile(Arg->getValue()); + + // Set extra alignment for .comm symbols + for (auto Pair : Config->AlignComm) { + StringRef Name = Pair.first; + uint32_t Alignment = Pair.second; + + Symbol *Sym = Symtab->find(Name); + if (!Sym) { + warn("/aligncomm symbol " + Name + " not found"); + continue; + } + + auto *DC = dyn_cast(Sym); + if (!DC) { + warn("/aligncomm symbol " + Name + " of wrong kind"); + continue; + } + + CommonChunk *C = DC->getChunk(); + C->Alignment = std::max(C->Alignment, Alignment); + } + // Windows specific -- Create a side-by-side manifest file. if (Config->Manifest == Configuration::SideBySide) createSideBySideManifest(); // Identify unreferenced COMDAT sections. if (Config->DoGC) - markLive(Symtab.getChunks()); + markLive(Symtab->getChunks()); // Identify identical COMDAT sections to merge them. if (Config->DoICF) - doICF(Symtab.getChunks()); + doICF(Symtab->getChunks()); // Write the result. - writeResult(&Symtab); - - // Call exit to avoid calling destructors. - exit(0); + writeResult(); } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Driver.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Driver.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Driver.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,188 +1,189 @@ //===- Driver.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_DRIVER_H #define LLD_COFF_DRIVER_H #include "Config.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" -#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h" -#include "lld/Core/Reproduce.h" +#include "lld/Common/LLVM.h" +#include "lld/Common/Reproduce.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/Object/Archive.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Option/Arg.h" #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h" #include "llvm/Support/TarWriter.h" #include #include #include namespace lld { namespace coff { class LinkerDriver; extern LinkerDriver *Driver; using llvm::COFF::MachineTypes; using llvm::COFF::WindowsSubsystem; using llvm::Optional; // Implemented in MarkLive.cpp. -void markLive(const std::vector &Chunks); +void markLive(ArrayRef Chunks); // Implemented in ICF.cpp. -void doICF(const std::vector &Chunks); +void doICF(ArrayRef Chunks); -class ArgParser { +class COFFOptTable : public llvm::opt::OptTable { public: - // Parses command line options. - llvm::opt::InputArgList parse(llvm::ArrayRef Args); + COFFOptTable(); +}; - // Concatenate LINK environment varirable and given arguments and parse them. +class ArgParser { +public: + // Concatenate LINK environment variable and given arguments and parse them. llvm::opt::InputArgList parseLINK(std::vector Args); // Tokenizes a given string and then parses as command line options. llvm::opt::InputArgList parse(StringRef S) { return parse(tokenize(S)); } private: + // Parses command line options. + llvm::opt::InputArgList parse(llvm::ArrayRef Args); + std::vector tokenize(StringRef S); - std::vector replaceResponseFiles(std::vector); + COFFOptTable Table; }; class LinkerDriver { public: - LinkerDriver() { coff::Symtab = &Symtab; } void link(llvm::ArrayRef Args); // Used by the resolver to parse .drectve section contents. void parseDirectives(StringRef S); // Used by ArchiveFile to enqueue members. void enqueueArchiveMember(const Archive::Child &C, StringRef SymName, StringRef ParentName); -private: - ArgParser Parser; - SymbolTable Symtab; + MemoryBufferRef takeBuffer(std::unique_ptr MB); +private: std::unique_ptr Tar; // for /linkrepro // Opens a file. Path has to be resolved already. MemoryBufferRef openFile(StringRef Path); // Searches a file from search paths. Optional findFile(StringRef Filename); Optional findLib(StringRef Filename); StringRef doFindFile(StringRef Filename); StringRef doFindLib(StringRef Filename); // Parses LIB environment which contains a list of search paths. void addLibSearchPaths(); // Library search path. The first element is always "" (current directory). std::vector SearchPaths; std::set VisitedFiles; std::set VisitedLibs; - SymbolBody *addUndefined(StringRef Sym); + Symbol *addUndefined(StringRef Sym); StringRef mangle(StringRef Sym); // Windows specific -- "main" is not the only main function in Windows. // You can choose one from these four -- {w,}{WinMain,main}. // There are four different entry point functions for them, // {w,}{WinMain,main}CRTStartup, respectively. The linker needs to // choose the right one depending on which "main" function is defined. // This function looks up the symbol table and resolve corresponding // entry point name. StringRef findDefaultEntry(); WindowsSubsystem inferSubsystem(); void invokeMSVC(llvm::opt::InputArgList &Args); - MemoryBufferRef takeBuffer(std::unique_ptr MB); - void addBuffer(std::unique_ptr MB); + void addBuffer(std::unique_ptr MB, bool WholeArchive); void addArchiveBuffer(MemoryBufferRef MBRef, StringRef SymName, StringRef ParentName); - void enqueuePath(StringRef Path); + void enqueuePath(StringRef Path, bool WholeArchive); void enqueueTask(std::function Task); bool run(); std::list> TaskQueue; std::vector FilePaths; std::vector Resources; }; // Functions below this line are defined in DriverUtils.cpp. void printHelp(const char *Argv0); // For /machine option. MachineTypes getMachineType(StringRef Arg); StringRef machineToStr(MachineTypes MT); // Parses a string in the form of "[,]". void parseNumbers(StringRef Arg, uint64_t *Addr, uint64_t *Size = nullptr); // Parses a string in the form of "[.]". // Minor's default value is 0. void parseVersion(StringRef Arg, uint32_t *Major, uint32_t *Minor); // Parses a string in the form of "[,[.]]". void parseSubsystem(StringRef Arg, WindowsSubsystem *Sys, uint32_t *Major, uint32_t *Minor); void parseAlternateName(StringRef); void parseMerge(StringRef); void parseSection(StringRef); +void parseAligncomm(StringRef); // Parses a string in the form of "EMBED[,=]|NO". void parseManifest(StringRef Arg); // Parses a string in the form of "level=|uiAccess=" void parseManifestUAC(StringRef Arg); // Create a resource file containing a manifest XML. std::unique_ptr createManifestRes(); void createSideBySideManifest(); // Used for dllexported symbols. Export parseExport(StringRef Arg); void fixupExports(); void assignExportOrdinals(); // Parses a string in the form of "key=value" and check // if value matches previous values for the key. // This feature used in the directive section to reject // incompatible objects. void checkFailIfMismatch(StringRef Arg); -// Convert Windows resource files (.res files) to a .obj file -// using cvtres.exe. -std::unique_ptr -convertResToCOFF(const std::vector &MBs); +// Convert Windows resource files (.res files) to a .obj file. +MemoryBufferRef convertResToCOFF(ArrayRef MBs); void runMSVCLinker(std::string Rsp, ArrayRef Objects); // Create enum with OPT_xxx values for each option in enum { OPT_INVALID = 0, #define OPTION(_1, _2, ID, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, _12) OPT_##ID, #include "" #undef OPTION }; } // namespace coff } // namespace lld #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/DriverUtils.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/DriverUtils.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/DriverUtils.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,730 +1,780 @@ //===- DriverUtils.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file contains utility functions for the driver. Because there // are so many small functions, we created this separate file to make // Driver.cpp less cluttered. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Config.h" #include "Driver.h" -#include "Error.h" -#include "Memory.h" #include "Symbols.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Object/WindowsResource.h" #include "llvm/Option/Arg.h" #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h" #include "llvm/Option/Option.h" #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h" #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h" #include "llvm/Support/Process.h" #include "llvm/Support/Program.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" +#include "llvm/WindowsManifest/WindowsManifestMerger.h" #include using namespace llvm::COFF; using namespace llvm; -using llvm::cl::ExpandResponseFiles; -using llvm::cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine; using llvm::sys::Process; namespace lld { namespace coff { namespace { const uint16_t SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US = 0x0409; const uint16_t RT_MANIFEST = 24; class Executor { public: explicit Executor(StringRef S) : Prog( {} void add(StringRef S) { Args.push_back(; } void add(std::string &S) { Args.push_back(; } void add(Twine S) { Args.push_back(; } void add(const char *S) { Args.push_back(; } void run() { ErrorOr ExeOrErr = sys::findProgramByName(Prog); if (auto EC = ExeOrErr.getError()) - fatal(EC, "unable to find " + Prog + " in PATH: "); + fatal("unable to find " + Prog + " in PATH: " + EC.message()); StringRef Exe =*ExeOrErr); Args.insert(Args.begin(), Exe); std::vector Vec; for (StringRef S : Args) Vec.push_back(; Vec.push_back(nullptr); if (sys::ExecuteAndWait(Args[0], != 0) fatal("ExecuteAndWait failed: " + llvm::join(Args.begin(), Args.end(), " ")); } private: StringRef Prog; std::vector Args; }; } // anonymous namespace // Returns /machine's value. MachineTypes getMachineType(StringRef S) { MachineTypes MT = StringSwitch(S.lower()) .Cases("x64", "amd64", AMD64) .Cases("x86", "i386", I386) .Case("arm", ARMNT) .Case("arm64", ARM64) .Default(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN); if (MT != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN) return MT; fatal("unknown /machine argument: " + S); } StringRef machineToStr(MachineTypes MT) { switch (MT) { case ARMNT: return "arm"; case ARM64: return "arm64"; case AMD64: return "x64"; case I386: return "x86"; default: llvm_unreachable("unknown machine type"); } } // Parses a string in the form of "[,]". void parseNumbers(StringRef Arg, uint64_t *Addr, uint64_t *Size) { StringRef S1, S2; std::tie(S1, S2) = Arg.split(','); if (S1.getAsInteger(0, *Addr)) fatal("invalid number: " + S1); if (Size && !S2.empty() && S2.getAsInteger(0, *Size)) fatal("invalid number: " + S2); } // Parses a string in the form of "[.]". // If second number is not present, Minor is set to 0. void parseVersion(StringRef Arg, uint32_t *Major, uint32_t *Minor) { StringRef S1, S2; std::tie(S1, S2) = Arg.split('.'); if (S1.getAsInteger(0, *Major)) fatal("invalid number: " + S1); *Minor = 0; if (!S2.empty() && S2.getAsInteger(0, *Minor)) fatal("invalid number: " + S2); } // Parses a string in the form of "[,[.]]". void parseSubsystem(StringRef Arg, WindowsSubsystem *Sys, uint32_t *Major, uint32_t *Minor) { StringRef SysStr, Ver; std::tie(SysStr, Ver) = Arg.split(','); *Sys = StringSwitch(SysStr.lower()) .Case("boot_application", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_BOOT_APPLICATION) .Case("console", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI) .Case("efi_application", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_APPLICATION) .Case("efi_boot_service_driver", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER) .Case("efi_rom", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_ROM) .Case("efi_runtime_driver", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER) .Case("native", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE) .Case("posix", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI) .Case("windows", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI) .Default(IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN); if (*Sys == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN) fatal("unknown subsystem: " + SysStr); if (!Ver.empty()) parseVersion(Ver, Major, Minor); } // Parse a string of the form of "=". // Results are directly written to Config. void parseAlternateName(StringRef S) { StringRef From, To; std::tie(From, To) = S.split('='); if (From.empty() || To.empty()) fatal("/alternatename: invalid argument: " + S); auto It = Config->AlternateNames.find(From); if (It != Config->AlternateNames.end() && It->second != To) fatal("/alternatename: conflicts: " + S); Config->AlternateNames.insert(It, std::make_pair(From, To)); } // Parse a string of the form of "=". // Results are directly written to Config. void parseMerge(StringRef S) { StringRef From, To; std::tie(From, To) = S.split('='); if (From.empty() || To.empty()) fatal("/merge: invalid argument: " + S); auto Pair = Config->Merge.insert(std::make_pair(From, To)); bool Inserted = Pair.second; if (!Inserted) { StringRef Existing = Pair.first->second; if (Existing != To) warn(S + ": already merged into " + Existing); } } static uint32_t parseSectionAttributes(StringRef S) { uint32_t Ret = 0; for (char C : S.lower()) { switch (C) { case 'd': Ret |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE; break; case 'e': Ret |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE; break; case 'k': Ret |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED; break; case 'p': Ret |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED; break; case 'r': Ret |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ; break; case 's': Ret |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED; break; case 'w': Ret |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE; break; default: fatal("/section: invalid argument: " + S); } } return Ret; } // Parses /section option argument. void parseSection(StringRef S) { StringRef Name, Attrs; std::tie(Name, Attrs) = S.split(','); if (Name.empty() || Attrs.empty()) fatal("/section: invalid argument: " + S); Config->Section[Name] = parseSectionAttributes(Attrs); } +// Parses /aligncomm option argument. +void parseAligncomm(StringRef S) { + StringRef Name, Align; + std::tie(Name, Align) = S.split(','); + if (Name.empty() || Align.empty()) { + error("/aligncomm: invalid argument: " + S); + return; + } + int V; + if (Align.getAsInteger(0, V)) { + error("/aligncomm: invalid argument: " + S); + return; + } + Config->AlignComm[Name] = std::max(Config->AlignComm[Name], 1 << V); +} + // Parses a string in the form of "EMBED[,=]|NO". // Results are directly written to Config. void parseManifest(StringRef Arg) { if (Arg.equals_lower("no")) { Config->Manifest = Configuration::No; return; } if (!Arg.startswith_lower("embed")) fatal("invalid option " + Arg); Config->Manifest = Configuration::Embed; Arg = Arg.substr(strlen("embed")); if (Arg.empty()) return; if (!Arg.startswith_lower(",id=")) fatal("invalid option " + Arg); Arg = Arg.substr(strlen(",id=")); if (Arg.getAsInteger(0, Config->ManifestID)) fatal("invalid option " + Arg); } // Parses a string in the form of "level=|uiAccess=|NO". // Results are directly written to Config. void parseManifestUAC(StringRef Arg) { if (Arg.equals_lower("no")) { Config->ManifestUAC = false; return; } for (;;) { Arg = Arg.ltrim(); if (Arg.empty()) return; if (Arg.startswith_lower("level=")) { Arg = Arg.substr(strlen("level=")); std::tie(Config->ManifestLevel, Arg) = Arg.split(" "); continue; } if (Arg.startswith_lower("uiaccess=")) { Arg = Arg.substr(strlen("uiaccess=")); std::tie(Config->ManifestUIAccess, Arg) = Arg.split(" "); continue; } fatal("invalid option " + Arg); } } // An RAII temporary file class that automatically removes a temporary file. namespace { class TemporaryFile { public: TemporaryFile(StringRef Prefix, StringRef Extn, StringRef Contents = "") { SmallString<128> S; if (auto EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("lld-" + Prefix, Extn, S)) - fatal(EC, "cannot create a temporary file"); + fatal("cannot create a temporary file: " + EC.message()); Path = S.str(); if (!Contents.empty()) { std::error_code EC; raw_fd_ostream OS(Path, EC, sys::fs::F_None); if (EC) - fatal(EC, "failed to open " + Path); + fatal("failed to open " + Path + ": " + EC.message()); OS << Contents; } } TemporaryFile(TemporaryFile &&Obj) { std::swap(Path, Obj.Path); } ~TemporaryFile() { if (Path.empty()) return; if (sys::fs::remove(Path)) fatal("failed to remove " + Path); } // Returns a memory buffer of this temporary file. // Note that this function does not leave the file open, // so it is safe to remove the file immediately after this function // is called (you cannot remove an opened file on Windows.) std::unique_ptr getMemoryBuffer() { // IsVolatileSize=true forces MemoryBuffer to not use mmap(). - return check(MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, /*FileSize=*/-1, + return CHECK(MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, /*FileSize=*/-1, /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false, /*IsVolatileSize=*/true), "could not open " + Path); } std::string Path; }; } -// Create the default manifest file as a temporary file. -TemporaryFile createDefaultXml() { - // Create a temporary file. - TemporaryFile File("defaultxml", "manifest"); +static std::string createDefaultXml() { + std::string Ret; + raw_string_ostream OS(Ret); - // Open the temporary file for writing. - std::error_code EC; - raw_fd_ostream OS(File.Path, EC, sys::fs::F_Text); - if (EC) - fatal(EC, "failed to open " + File.Path); - // Emit the XML. Note that we do *not* verify that the XML attributes are // syntactically correct. This is intentional for link.exe compatibility. OS << "\n" << "\n"; if (Config->ManifestUAC) { OS << " \n" << " \n" << " \n" << " \n" << " \n" << " \n" << " \n"; - if (!Config->ManifestDependency.empty()) { - OS << " \n" - << " \n" - << " ManifestDependency << " />\n" - << " \n" - << " \n"; - } } + if (!Config->ManifestDependency.empty()) { + OS << " \n" + << " \n" + << " ManifestDependency << " />\n" + << " \n" + << " \n"; + } OS << "\n"; - OS.close(); - return File; + return OS.str(); } -static std::string readFile(StringRef Path) { - std::unique_ptr MB = - check(MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path), "could not open " + Path); - return MB->getBuffer(); +static std::string createManifestXmlWithInternalMt(StringRef DefaultXml) { + std::unique_ptr DefaultXmlCopy = + MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(DefaultXml); + + windows_manifest::WindowsManifestMerger Merger; + if (auto E = Merger.merge(*DefaultXmlCopy.get())) + fatal("internal manifest tool failed on default xml: " + + toString(std::move(E))); + + for (StringRef Filename : Config->ManifestInput) { + std::unique_ptr Manifest = + check(MemoryBuffer::getFile(Filename)); + if (auto E = Merger.merge(*Manifest.get())) + fatal("internal manifest tool failed on file " + Filename + ": " + + toString(std::move(E))); + } + + return Merger.getMergedManifest().get()->getBuffer(); } -static std::string createManifestXml() { - // Create the default manifest file. - TemporaryFile File1 = createDefaultXml(); - if (Config->ManifestInput.empty()) - return readFile(File1.Path); +static std::string createManifestXmlWithExternalMt(StringRef DefaultXml) { + // Create the default manifest file as a temporary file. + TemporaryFile Default("defaultxml", "manifest"); + std::error_code EC; + raw_fd_ostream OS(Default.Path, EC, sys::fs::F_Text); + if (EC) + fatal("failed to open " + Default.Path + ": " + EC.message()); + OS << DefaultXml; + OS.close(); - // If manifest files are supplied by the user using /MANIFESTINPUT - // option, we need to merge them with the default manifest. - TemporaryFile File2("user", "manifest"); + // Merge user-supplied manifests if they are given. Since libxml2 is not + // enabled, we must shell out to Microsoft's mt.exe tool. + TemporaryFile User("user", "manifest"); Executor E("mt.exe"); E.add("/manifest"); - E.add(File1.Path); + E.add(Default.Path); for (StringRef Filename : Config->ManifestInput) { E.add("/manifest"); E.add(Filename); } E.add("/nologo"); - E.add("/out:" + StringRef(File2.Path)); + E.add("/out:" + StringRef(User.Path));; - return readFile(File2.Path); + + return CHECK(MemoryBuffer::getFile(User.Path), "could not open " + User.Path) + .get() + ->getBuffer(); } +static std::string createManifestXml() { + std::string DefaultXml = createDefaultXml(); + if (Config->ManifestInput.empty()) + return DefaultXml; + + if (windows_manifest::isAvailable()) + return createManifestXmlWithInternalMt(DefaultXml); + + return createManifestXmlWithExternalMt(DefaultXml); +} + static std::unique_ptr createMemoryBufferForManifestRes(size_t ManifestSize) { size_t ResSize = alignTo( object::WIN_RES_MAGIC_SIZE + object::WIN_RES_NULL_ENTRY_SIZE + sizeof(object::WinResHeaderPrefix) + sizeof(object::WinResIDs) + sizeof(object::WinResHeaderSuffix) + ManifestSize, object::WIN_RES_DATA_ALIGNMENT); - return MemoryBuffer::getNewMemBuffer(ResSize); + return MemoryBuffer::getNewMemBuffer(ResSize, + Config->OutputFile + ".manifest.res"); } static void writeResFileHeader(char *&Buf) { memcpy(Buf, COFF::WinResMagic, sizeof(COFF::WinResMagic)); Buf += sizeof(COFF::WinResMagic); memset(Buf, 0, object::WIN_RES_NULL_ENTRY_SIZE); Buf += object::WIN_RES_NULL_ENTRY_SIZE; } static void writeResEntryHeader(char *&Buf, size_t ManifestSize) { // Write the prefix. auto *Prefix = reinterpret_cast(Buf); Prefix->DataSize = ManifestSize; Prefix->HeaderSize = sizeof(object::WinResHeaderPrefix) + sizeof(object::WinResIDs) + sizeof(object::WinResHeaderSuffix); Buf += sizeof(object::WinResHeaderPrefix); // Write the Type/Name IDs. auto *IDs = reinterpret_cast(Buf); IDs->setType(RT_MANIFEST); IDs->setName(Config->ManifestID); Buf += sizeof(object::WinResIDs); // Write the suffix. auto *Suffix = reinterpret_cast(Buf); Suffix->DataVersion = 0; Suffix->MemoryFlags = object::WIN_RES_PURE_MOVEABLE; Suffix->Language = SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US; Suffix->Version = 0; Suffix->Characteristics = 0; Buf += sizeof(object::WinResHeaderSuffix); } // Create a resource file containing a manifest XML. std::unique_ptr createManifestRes() { std::string Manifest = createManifestXml(); std::unique_ptr Res = createMemoryBufferForManifestRes(Manifest.size()); char *Buf = const_cast(Res->getBufferStart()); writeResFileHeader(Buf); writeResEntryHeader(Buf, Manifest.size()); // Copy the manifest data into the .res file. std::copy(Manifest.begin(), Manifest.end(), Buf); return Res; } void createSideBySideManifest() { std::string Path = Config->ManifestFile; if (Path == "") Path = Config->OutputFile + ".manifest"; std::error_code EC; raw_fd_ostream Out(Path, EC, sys::fs::F_Text); if (EC) - fatal(EC, "failed to create manifest"); + fatal("failed to create manifest: " + EC.message()); Out << createManifestXml(); } // Parse a string in the form of // "[=][,@ordinal[,NONAME]][,DATA][,PRIVATE]" // or "=.". // Used for parsing /export arguments. Export parseExport(StringRef Arg) { Export E; StringRef Rest; std::tie(E.Name, Rest) = Arg.split(","); if (E.Name.empty()) goto err; - if (E.Name.find('=') != StringRef::npos) { + if (E.Name.contains('=')) { StringRef X, Y; std::tie(X, Y) = E.Name.split("="); // If "=.". - if (Y.find(".") != StringRef::npos) { + if (Y.contains(".")) { E.Name = X; E.ForwardTo = Y; return E; } E.ExtName = X; E.Name = Y; if (E.Name.empty()) goto err; } // If "=[,@ordinal[,NONAME]][,DATA][,PRIVATE]" while (!Rest.empty()) { StringRef Tok; std::tie(Tok, Rest) = Rest.split(","); if (Tok.equals_lower("noname")) { if (E.Ordinal == 0) goto err; E.Noname = true; continue; } if (Tok.equals_lower("data")) { E.Data = true; continue; } if (Tok.equals_lower("constant")) { E.Constant = true; continue; } if (Tok.equals_lower("private")) { E.Private = true; continue; } if (Tok.startswith("@")) { int32_t Ord; if (Tok.substr(1).getAsInteger(0, Ord)) goto err; if (Ord <= 0 || 65535 < Ord) goto err; E.Ordinal = Ord; continue; } goto err; } return E; err: fatal("invalid /export: " + Arg); } static StringRef undecorate(StringRef Sym) { if (Config->Machine != I386) return Sym; return Sym.startswith("_") ? Sym.substr(1) : Sym; } // Performs error checking on all /export arguments. // It also sets ordinals. void fixupExports() { // Symbol ordinals must be unique. std::set Ords; for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { if (E.Ordinal == 0) continue; if (!Ords.insert(E.Ordinal).second) fatal("duplicate export ordinal: " + E.Name); } for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { - SymbolBody *Sym = E.Sym; + Symbol *Sym = E.Sym; if (!E.ForwardTo.empty() || !Sym) { E.SymbolName = E.Name; } else { if (auto *U = dyn_cast(Sym)) if (U->WeakAlias) Sym = U->WeakAlias; E.SymbolName = Sym->getName(); } } for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { if (!E.ForwardTo.empty()) { E.ExportName = undecorate(E.Name); } else { E.ExportName = undecorate(E.ExtName.empty() ? E.Name : E.ExtName); } } // Uniquefy by name. - std::map Map; + DenseMap Map(Config->Exports.size()); std::vector V; for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { auto Pair = Map.insert(std::make_pair(E.ExportName, &E)); bool Inserted = Pair.second; if (Inserted) { V.push_back(E); continue; } Export *Existing = Pair.first->second; if (E == *Existing || E.Name != Existing->Name) continue; warn("duplicate /export option: " + E.Name); } Config->Exports = std::move(V); // Sort by name. std::sort(Config->Exports.begin(), Config->Exports.end(), [](const Export &A, const Export &B) { return A.ExportName < B.ExportName; }); } void assignExportOrdinals() { // Assign unique ordinals if default (= 0). uint16_t Max = 0; for (Export &E : Config->Exports) Max = std::max(Max, E.Ordinal); for (Export &E : Config->Exports) if (E.Ordinal == 0) E.Ordinal = ++Max; } // Parses a string in the form of "key=value" and check // if value matches previous values for the same key. void checkFailIfMismatch(StringRef Arg) { StringRef K, V; std::tie(K, V) = Arg.split('='); if (K.empty() || V.empty()) fatal("/failifmismatch: invalid argument: " + Arg); StringRef Existing = Config->MustMatch[K]; if (!Existing.empty() && V != Existing) fatal("/failifmismatch: mismatch detected: " + Existing + " and " + V + " for key " + K); Config->MustMatch[K] = V; } -// Convert Windows resource files (.res files) to a .obj file -// using cvtres.exe. -std::unique_ptr -convertResToCOFF(const std::vector &MBs) { +// Convert Windows resource files (.res files) to a .obj file. +MemoryBufferRef convertResToCOFF(ArrayRef MBs) { object::WindowsResourceParser Parser; for (MemoryBufferRef MB : MBs) { std::unique_ptr Bin = check(object::createBinary(MB)); object::WindowsResource *RF = dyn_cast(Bin.get()); if (!RF) fatal("cannot compile non-resource file as resource"); if (auto EC = Parser.parse(RF)) - fatal(EC, "failed to parse .res file"); + fatal("failed to parse .res file: " + toString(std::move(EC))); } Expected> E = llvm::object::writeWindowsResourceCOFF(Config->Machine, Parser); if (!E) - fatal(errorToErrorCode(E.takeError()), "failed to write .res to COFF"); - return std::move(E.get()); + fatal("failed to write .res to COFF: " + toString(E.takeError())); + + MemoryBufferRef MBRef = **E; + make>(std::move(*E)); // take ownership + return MBRef; } // Run MSVC link.exe for given in-memory object files. // Command line options are copied from those given to LLD. // This is for the /msvclto option. void runMSVCLinker(std::string Rsp, ArrayRef Objects) { // Write the in-memory object files to disk. std::vector Temps; for (StringRef S : Objects) { Temps.emplace_back("lto", "obj", S); Rsp += quote(Temps.back().Path) + "\n"; } log("link.exe " + Rsp); // Run MSVC link.exe. Temps.emplace_back("lto", "rsp", Rsp); Executor E("link.exe"); E.add(Twine("@" + Temps.back().Path));; } // Create OptTable // Create prefix string literals used in #define PREFIX(NAME, VALUE) const char *const NAME[] = VALUE; #include "" #undef PREFIX // Create table mapping all options defined in -static const llvm::opt::OptTable::Info infoTable[] = { +static const llvm::opt::OptTable::Info InfoTable[] = { #define OPTION(X1, X2, ID, KIND, GROUP, ALIAS, X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12) \ {X1, X2, X10, X11, OPT_##ID, llvm::opt::Option::KIND##Class, \ X9, X8, OPT_##GROUP, OPT_##ALIAS, X7, X12}, #include "" #undef OPTION }; -class COFFOptTable : public llvm::opt::OptTable { -public: - COFFOptTable() : OptTable(infoTable, true) {} -}; +COFFOptTable::COFFOptTable() : OptTable(InfoTable, true) {} -// Parses a given list of options. -opt::InputArgList ArgParser::parse(ArrayRef ArgsArr) { - // First, replace respnose files (@-style options). - std::vector Argv = replaceResponseFiles(ArgsArr); +static cl::TokenizerCallback getQuotingStyle(opt::InputArgList &Args) { + if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_rsp_quoting)) { + StringRef S = Arg->getValue(); + if (S != "windows" && S != "posix") + error("invalid response file quoting: " + S); + if (S == "windows") + return cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine; + return cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine; + } + // The COFF linker always defaults to Windows quoting. + return cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine; +} +// Parses a given list of options. +opt::InputArgList ArgParser::parse(ArrayRef Argv) { // Make InputArgList from string vectors. - COFFOptTable Table; unsigned MissingIndex; unsigned MissingCount; - opt::InputArgList Args = Table.ParseArgs(Argv, MissingIndex, MissingCount); + SmallVector Vec(, + Argv.size()); + // We need to get the quoting style for response files before parsing all + // options so we parse here before and ignore all the options but + // --rsp-quoting. + opt::InputArgList Args = Table.ParseArgs(Vec, MissingIndex, MissingCount); + + // Expand response files (arguments in the form of @) + // and then parse the argument again. + cl::ExpandResponseFiles(Saver, getQuotingStyle(Args), Vec); + Args = Table.ParseArgs(Vec, MissingIndex, MissingCount); + // Print the real command line if response files are expanded. - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_verbose) && ArgsArr.size() != Argv.size()) { + if (Args.hasArg(OPT_verbose) && Argv.size() != Vec.size()) { std::string Msg = "Command line:"; - for (const char *S : Argv) + for (const char *S : Vec) Msg += " " + std::string(S); message(Msg); } + // Handle /WX early since it converts missing argument warnings to errors. + errorHandler().FatalWarnings = Args.hasFlag(OPT_WX, OPT_WX_no, false); + if (MissingCount) fatal(Twine(Args.getArgString(MissingIndex)) + ": missing argument"); for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_UNKNOWN)) warn("ignoring unknown argument: " + Arg->getSpelling()); return Args; } // link.exe has an interesting feature. If LINK or _LINK_ environment // variables exist, their contents are handled as command line strings. // So you can pass extra arguments using them. -opt::InputArgList ArgParser::parseLINK(std::vector Args) { +opt::InputArgList ArgParser::parseLINK(std::vector Argv) { // Concatenate LINK env and command line arguments, and then parse them. if (Optional S = Process::GetEnv("LINK")) { std::vector V = tokenize(*S); - Args.insert(Args.begin(), V.begin(), V.end()); + Argv.insert(Argv.begin(), V.begin(), V.end()); } if (Optional S = Process::GetEnv("_LINK_")) { std::vector V = tokenize(*S); - Args.insert(Args.begin(), V.begin(), V.end()); + Argv.insert(Argv.begin(), V.begin(), V.end()); } - return parse(Args); + return parse(Argv); } std::vector ArgParser::tokenize(StringRef S) { SmallVector Tokens; cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine(S, Saver, Tokens); return std::vector(Tokens.begin(), Tokens.end()); } -// Creates a new command line by replacing options starting with '@' -// character. '@' is replaced by the file's contents. -std::vector -ArgParser::replaceResponseFiles(std::vector Argv) { - SmallVector Tokens(, + Argv.size()); - ExpandResponseFiles(Saver, TokenizeWindowsCommandLine, Tokens); - return std::vector(Tokens.begin(), Tokens.end()); -} - void printHelp(const char *Argv0) { - COFFOptTable Table; - Table.PrintHelp(outs(), Argv0, "LLVM Linker", false); + COFFOptTable().PrintHelp(outs(), Argv0, "LLVM Linker", false); } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/ICF.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/ICF.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/ICF.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,258 +1,263 @@ //===- ICF.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // ICF is short for Identical Code Folding. That is a size optimization to // identify and merge two or more read-only sections (typically functions) // that happened to have the same contents. It usually reduces output size // by a few percent. // // On Windows, ICF is enabled by default. // // See ELF/ICF.cpp for the details about the algortihm. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Chunks.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "Symbols.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/Parallel.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include #include using namespace llvm; namespace lld { namespace coff { class ICF { public: - void run(const std::vector &V); + void run(ArrayRef V); private: void segregate(size_t Begin, size_t End, bool Constant); bool equalsConstant(const SectionChunk *A, const SectionChunk *B); bool equalsVariable(const SectionChunk *A, const SectionChunk *B); uint32_t getHash(SectionChunk *C); bool isEligible(SectionChunk *C); size_t findBoundary(size_t Begin, size_t End); void forEachClassRange(size_t Begin, size_t End, std::function Fn); void forEachClass(std::function Fn); std::vector Chunks; int Cnt = 0; std::atomic Repeat = {false}; }; // Returns a hash value for S. uint32_t ICF::getHash(SectionChunk *C) { - return hash_combine(C->getPermissions(), - hash_value(C->SectionName), - C->NumRelocs, - C->getAlign(), - uint32_t(C->Header->SizeOfRawData), - C->Checksum); + return hash_combine(C->getPermissions(), C->SectionName, C->NumRelocs, + C->Alignment, uint32_t(C->Header->SizeOfRawData), + C->Checksum, C->getContents()); } // Returns true if section S is subject of ICF. // // Microsoft's documentation // (; visited April // 2017) says that /opt:icf folds both functions and read-only data. // Despite that, the MSVC linker folds only functions. We found // a few instances of programs that are not safe for data merging. -// Therefore, we merge only functions just like the MSVC tool. +// Therefore, we merge only functions just like the MSVC tool. However, we merge +// identical .xdata sections, because the address of unwind information is +// insignificant to the user program and the Visual C++ linker does this. bool ICF::isEligible(SectionChunk *C) { - bool Global = C->Sym && C->Sym->isExternal(); - bool Executable = C->getPermissions() & llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE; + // Non-comdat chunks, dead chunks, and writable chunks are not elegible. bool Writable = C->getPermissions() & llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE; - return C->isCOMDAT() && C->isLive() && Global && Executable && !Writable; + if (!C->isCOMDAT() || !C->isLive() || Writable) + return false; + + // Code sections are eligible. + if (C->getPermissions() & llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) + return true; + + // .xdata unwind info sections are eligble. + return C->getSectionName().split('$').first == ".xdata"; } // Split an equivalence class into smaller classes. void ICF::segregate(size_t Begin, size_t End, bool Constant) { while (Begin < End) { // Divide [Begin, End) into two. Let Mid be the start index of the // second group. auto Bound = std::stable_partition( Chunks.begin() + Begin + 1, Chunks.begin() + End, [&](SectionChunk *S) { if (Constant) return equalsConstant(Chunks[Begin], S); return equalsVariable(Chunks[Begin], S); }); size_t Mid = Bound - Chunks.begin(); // Split [Begin, End) into [Begin, Mid) and [Mid, End). We use Mid as an // equivalence class ID because every group ends with a unique index. for (size_t I = Begin; I < Mid; ++I) Chunks[I]->Class[(Cnt + 1) % 2] = Mid; // If we created a group, we need to iterate the main loop again. if (Mid != End) Repeat = true; Begin = Mid; } } // Compare "non-moving" part of two sections, namely everything // except relocation targets. bool ICF::equalsConstant(const SectionChunk *A, const SectionChunk *B) { if (A->NumRelocs != B->NumRelocs) return false; // Compare relocations. auto Eq = [&](const coff_relocation &R1, const coff_relocation &R2) { if (R1.Type != R2.Type || R1.VirtualAddress != R2.VirtualAddress) { return false; } - SymbolBody *B1 = A->File->getSymbolBody(R1.SymbolTableIndex); - SymbolBody *B2 = B->File->getSymbolBody(R2.SymbolTableIndex); + Symbol *B1 = A->File->getSymbol(R1.SymbolTableIndex); + Symbol *B2 = B->File->getSymbol(R2.SymbolTableIndex); if (B1 == B2) return true; if (auto *D1 = dyn_cast(B1)) if (auto *D2 = dyn_cast(B2)) return D1->getValue() == D2->getValue() && D1->getChunk()->Class[Cnt % 2] == D2->getChunk()->Class[Cnt % 2]; return false; }; if (!std::equal(A->Relocs.begin(), A->Relocs.end(), B->Relocs.begin(), Eq)) return false; // Compare section attributes and contents. return A->getPermissions() == B->getPermissions() && - A->SectionName == B->SectionName && - A->getAlign() == B->getAlign() && + A->SectionName == B->SectionName && A->Alignment == B->Alignment && A->Header->SizeOfRawData == B->Header->SizeOfRawData && - A->Checksum == B->Checksum && - A->getContents() == B->getContents(); + A->Checksum == B->Checksum && A->getContents() == B->getContents(); } // Compare "moving" part of two sections, namely relocation targets. bool ICF::equalsVariable(const SectionChunk *A, const SectionChunk *B) { // Compare relocations. auto Eq = [&](const coff_relocation &R1, const coff_relocation &R2) { - SymbolBody *B1 = A->File->getSymbolBody(R1.SymbolTableIndex); - SymbolBody *B2 = B->File->getSymbolBody(R2.SymbolTableIndex); + Symbol *B1 = A->File->getSymbol(R1.SymbolTableIndex); + Symbol *B2 = B->File->getSymbol(R2.SymbolTableIndex); if (B1 == B2) return true; if (auto *D1 = dyn_cast(B1)) if (auto *D2 = dyn_cast(B2)) return D1->getChunk()->Class[Cnt % 2] == D2->getChunk()->Class[Cnt % 2]; return false; }; return std::equal(A->Relocs.begin(), A->Relocs.end(), B->Relocs.begin(), Eq); } size_t ICF::findBoundary(size_t Begin, size_t End) { for (size_t I = Begin + 1; I < End; ++I) if (Chunks[Begin]->Class[Cnt % 2] != Chunks[I]->Class[Cnt % 2]) return I; return End; } void ICF::forEachClassRange(size_t Begin, size_t End, std::function Fn) { if (Begin > 0) Begin = findBoundary(Begin - 1, End); while (Begin < End) { size_t Mid = findBoundary(Begin, Chunks.size()); Fn(Begin, Mid); Begin = Mid; } } // Call Fn on each class group. void ICF::forEachClass(std::function Fn) { // If the number of sections are too small to use threading, // call Fn sequentially. if (Chunks.size() < 1024) { forEachClassRange(0, Chunks.size(), Fn); ++Cnt; return; } // Split sections into 256 shards and call Fn in parallel. size_t NumShards = 256; size_t Step = Chunks.size() / NumShards; for_each_n(parallel::par, size_t(0), NumShards, [&](size_t I) { size_t End = (I == NumShards - 1) ? Chunks.size() : (I + 1) * Step; forEachClassRange(I * Step, End, Fn); }); ++Cnt; } // Merge identical COMDAT sections. // Two sections are considered the same if their section headers, // contents and relocations are all the same. -void ICF::run(const std::vector &Vec) { +void ICF::run(ArrayRef Vec) { // Collect only mergeable sections and group by hash value. uint32_t NextId = 1; for (Chunk *C : Vec) { if (auto *SC = dyn_cast(C)) { if (isEligible(SC)) Chunks.push_back(SC); else SC->Class[0] = NextId++; } } // Initially, we use hash values to partition sections. - for (SectionChunk *SC : Chunks) + for_each(parallel::par, Chunks.begin(), Chunks.end(), [&](SectionChunk *SC) { // Set MSB to 1 to avoid collisions with non-hash classs. SC->Class[0] = getHash(SC) | (1 << 31); + }); // From now on, sections in Chunks are ordered so that sections in // the same group are consecutive in the vector. std::stable_sort(Chunks.begin(), Chunks.end(), [](SectionChunk *A, SectionChunk *B) { return A->Class[0] < B->Class[0]; }); // Compare static contents and assign unique IDs for each static content. forEachClass([&](size_t Begin, size_t End) { segregate(Begin, End, true); }); // Split groups by comparing relocations until convergence is obtained. do { Repeat = false; forEachClass( [&](size_t Begin, size_t End) { segregate(Begin, End, false); }); } while (Repeat); log("ICF needed " + Twine(Cnt) + " iterations"); // Merge sections in the same classs. forEachClass([&](size_t Begin, size_t End) { if (End - Begin == 1) return; log("Selected " + Chunks[Begin]->getDebugName()); for (size_t I = Begin + 1; I < End; ++I) { log(" Removed " + Chunks[I]->getDebugName()); Chunks[Begin]->replace(Chunks[I]); } }); } // Entry point to ICF. -void doICF(const std::vector &Chunks) { ICF().run(Chunks); } +void doICF(ArrayRef Chunks) { ICF().run(Chunks); } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/InputFiles.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/InputFiles.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/InputFiles.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,411 +1,505 @@ //===- InputFiles.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Chunks.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Driver.h" -#include "Error.h" -#include "Memory.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "Symbols.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" #include "llvm-c/lto.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Object/Binary.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" #include "llvm/Support/Error.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h" #include #include #include using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::COFF; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using llvm::Triple; using llvm::support::ulittle32_t; namespace lld { namespace coff { +std::vector ObjFile::Instances; +std::vector ImportFile::Instances; +std::vector BitcodeFile::Instances; + /// Checks that Source is compatible with being a weak alias to Target. /// If Source is Undefined and has no weak alias set, makes it a weak /// alias to Target. static void checkAndSetWeakAlias(SymbolTable *Symtab, InputFile *F, - SymbolBody *Source, SymbolBody *Target) { + Symbol *Source, Symbol *Target) { if (auto *U = dyn_cast(Source)) { if (U->WeakAlias && U->WeakAlias != Target) - Symtab->reportDuplicate(Source->symbol(), F); + Symtab->reportDuplicate(Source, F); U->WeakAlias = Target; } } ArchiveFile::ArchiveFile(MemoryBufferRef M) : InputFile(ArchiveKind, M) {} void ArchiveFile::parse() { // Parse a MemoryBufferRef as an archive file. - File = check(Archive::create(MB), toString(this)); + File = CHECK(Archive::create(MB), this); // Read the symbol table to construct Lazy objects. for (const Archive::Symbol &Sym : File->symbols()) Symtab->addLazy(this, Sym); } // Returns a buffer pointing to a member file containing a given symbol. void ArchiveFile::addMember(const Archive::Symbol *Sym) { const Archive::Child &C = - check(Sym->getMember(), + CHECK(Sym->getMember(), "could not get the member for symbol " + Sym->getName()); // Return an empty buffer if we have already returned the same buffer. if (!Seen.insert(C.getChildOffset()).second) return; Driver->enqueueArchiveMember(C, Sym->getName(), getName()); } -void ObjectFile::parse() { +std::vector getArchiveMembers(Archive *File) { + std::vector V; + Error Err = Error::success(); + for (const ErrorOr &COrErr : File->children(Err)) { + Archive::Child C = + CHECK(COrErr, + File->getFileName() + ": could not get the child of the archive"); + MemoryBufferRef MBRef = + CHECK(C.getMemoryBufferRef(), + File->getFileName() + + ": could not get the buffer for a child of the archive"); + V.push_back(MBRef); + } + if (Err) + fatal(File->getFileName() + + ": Archive::children failed: " + toString(std::move(Err))); + return V; +} + +void ObjFile::parse() { // Parse a memory buffer as a COFF file. - std::unique_ptr Bin = check(createBinary(MB), toString(this)); + std::unique_ptr Bin = CHECK(createBinary(MB), this); if (auto *Obj = dyn_cast(Bin.get())) { Bin.release(); COFFObj.reset(Obj); } else { fatal(toString(this) + " is not a COFF file"); } // Read section and symbol tables. initializeChunks(); initializeSymbols(); - initializeSEH(); } -void ObjectFile::initializeChunks() { +// We set SectionChunk pointers in the SparseChunks vector to this value +// temporarily to mark comdat sections as having an unknown resolution. As we +// walk the object file's symbol table, once we visit either a leader symbol or +// an associative section definition together with the parent comdat's leader, +// we set the pointer to either nullptr (to mark the section as discarded) or a +// valid SectionChunk for that section. +static SectionChunk *const PendingComdat = reinterpret_cast(1); + +void ObjFile::initializeChunks() { uint32_t NumSections = COFFObj->getNumberOfSections(); Chunks.reserve(NumSections); SparseChunks.resize(NumSections + 1); for (uint32_t I = 1; I < NumSections + 1; ++I) { const coff_section *Sec; - StringRef Name; if (auto EC = COFFObj->getSection(I, Sec)) - fatal(EC, "getSection failed: #" + Twine(I)); - if (auto EC = COFFObj->getSectionName(Sec, Name)) - fatal(EC, "getSectionName failed: #" + Twine(I)); - if (Name == ".sxdata") { - SXData = Sec; - continue; - } - if (Name == ".drectve") { - ArrayRef Data; - COFFObj->getSectionContents(Sec, Data); - Directives = std::string((const char *), Data.size()); - continue; - } + fatal("getSection failed: #" + Twine(I) + ": " + EC.message()); - // Object files may have DWARF debug info or MS CodeView debug info - // (or both). - // - // DWARF sections don't need any special handling from the perspective - // of the linker; they are just a data section containing relocations. - // We can just link them to complete debug info. - // - // CodeView needs a linker support. We need to interpret and debug - // info, and then write it to a separate .pdb file. + if (Sec->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT) + SparseChunks[I] = PendingComdat; + else + SparseChunks[I] = readSection(I, nullptr); + } +} - // Ignore debug info unless /debug is given. - if (!Config->Debug && Name.startswith(".debug")) - continue; +SectionChunk *ObjFile::readSection(uint32_t SectionNumber, + const coff_aux_section_definition *Def) { + const coff_section *Sec; + StringRef Name; + if (auto EC = COFFObj->getSection(SectionNumber, Sec)) + fatal("getSection failed: #" + Twine(SectionNumber) + ": " + EC.message()); + if (auto EC = COFFObj->getSectionName(Sec, Name)) + fatal("getSectionName failed: #" + Twine(SectionNumber) + ": " + + EC.message()); + if (Name == ".sxdata") { + ArrayRef Data; + COFFObj->getSectionContents(Sec, Data); + if (Data.size() % 4 != 0) + fatal(".sxdata must be an array of symbol table indices"); + SXData = {reinterpret_cast(, + Data.size() / 4}; + return nullptr; + } + if (Name == ".drectve") { + ArrayRef Data; + COFFObj->getSectionContents(Sec, Data); + Directives = std::string((const char *), Data.size()); + return nullptr; + } - if (Sec->Characteristics & llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE) - continue; - auto *C = make(this, Sec); + // Object files may have DWARF debug info or MS CodeView debug info + // (or both). + // + // DWARF sections don't need any special handling from the perspective + // of the linker; they are just a data section containing relocations. + // We can just link them to complete debug info. + // + // CodeView needs a linker support. We need to interpret and debug + // info, and then write it to a separate .pdb file. - // CodeView sections are stored to a different vector because they are not - // linked in the regular manner. - if (C->isCodeView()) - DebugChunks.push_back(C); - else - Chunks.push_back(C); + // Ignore debug info unless /debug is given. + if (!Config->Debug && Name.startswith(".debug")) + return nullptr; - SparseChunks[I] = C; + if (Sec->Characteristics & llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE) + return nullptr; + auto *C = make(this, Sec); + if (Def) + C->Checksum = Def->CheckSum; + + // CodeView sections are stored to a different vector because they are not + // linked in the regular manner. + if (C->isCodeView()) + DebugChunks.push_back(C); + else + Chunks.push_back(C); + + return C; +} + +void ObjFile::readAssociativeDefinition( + COFFSymbolRef Sym, const coff_aux_section_definition *Def) { + SectionChunk *Parent = SparseChunks[Def->getNumber(Sym.isBigObj())]; + + // If the parent is pending, it probably means that its section definition + // appears after us in the symbol table. Leave the associated section as + // pending; we will handle it during the second pass in initializeSymbols(). + if (Parent == PendingComdat) + return; + + // Check whether the parent is prevailing. If it is, so are we, and we read + // the section; otherwise mark it as discarded. + int32_t SectionNumber = Sym.getSectionNumber(); + if (Parent) { + SparseChunks[SectionNumber] = readSection(SectionNumber, Def); + if (SparseChunks[SectionNumber]) + Parent->addAssociative(SparseChunks[SectionNumber]); + } else { + SparseChunks[SectionNumber] = nullptr; } } -void ObjectFile::initializeSymbols() { +Symbol *ObjFile::createRegular(COFFSymbolRef Sym) { + SectionChunk *SC = SparseChunks[Sym.getSectionNumber()]; + if (Sym.isExternal()) { + StringRef Name; + COFFObj->getSymbolName(Sym, Name); + if (SC) + return Symtab->addRegular(this, Name, Sym.getGeneric(), SC); + return Symtab->addUndefined(Name, this, false); + } + if (SC) + return make(this, /*Name*/ "", false, + /*IsExternal*/ false, Sym.getGeneric(), SC); + return nullptr; +} + +void ObjFile::initializeSymbols() { uint32_t NumSymbols = COFFObj->getNumberOfSymbols(); - SymbolBodies.reserve(NumSymbols); - SparseSymbolBodies.resize(NumSymbols); + Symbols.resize(NumSymbols); - SmallVector, 8> WeakAliases; - int32_t LastSectionNumber = 0; + SmallVector, 8> WeakAliases; + std::vector PendingIndexes; + PendingIndexes.reserve(NumSymbols); - for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumSymbols; ++I) { - // Get a COFFSymbolRef object. - ErrorOr SymOrErr = COFFObj->getSymbol(I); - if (!SymOrErr) - fatal(SymOrErr.getError(), "broken object file: " + toString(this)); - COFFSymbolRef Sym = *SymOrErr; + std::vector ComdatDefs( + COFFObj->getNumberOfSections() + 1); - const void *AuxP = nullptr; - if (Sym.getNumberOfAuxSymbols()) - AuxP = COFFObj->getSymbol(I + 1)->getRawPtr(); - bool IsFirst = (LastSectionNumber != Sym.getSectionNumber()); - - SymbolBody *Body = nullptr; - if (Sym.isUndefined()) { - Body = createUndefined(Sym); - } else if (Sym.isWeakExternal()) { - Body = createUndefined(Sym); - uint32_t TagIndex = - static_cast(AuxP)->TagIndex; - WeakAliases.emplace_back(Body, TagIndex); + for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumSymbols; ++I) { + COFFSymbolRef COFFSym = check(COFFObj->getSymbol(I)); + if (COFFSym.isUndefined()) { + Symbols[I] = createUndefined(COFFSym); + } else if (COFFSym.isWeakExternal()) { + Symbols[I] = createUndefined(COFFSym); + uint32_t TagIndex = COFFSym.getAux()->TagIndex; + WeakAliases.emplace_back(Symbols[I], TagIndex); + } else if (Optional OptSym = createDefined(COFFSym, ComdatDefs)) { + Symbols[I] = *OptSym; } else { - Body = createDefined(Sym, AuxP, IsFirst); + // createDefined() returns None if a symbol belongs to a section that + // was pending at the point when the symbol was read. This can happen in + // two cases: + // 1) section definition symbol for a comdat leader; + // 2) symbol belongs to a comdat section associated with a section whose + // section definition symbol appears later in the symbol table. + // In both of these cases, we can expect the section to be resolved by + // the time we finish visiting the remaining symbols in the symbol + // table. So we postpone the handling of this symbol until that time. + PendingIndexes.push_back(I); } - if (Body) { - SymbolBodies.push_back(Body); - SparseSymbolBodies[I] = Body; - } - I += Sym.getNumberOfAuxSymbols(); - LastSectionNumber = Sym.getSectionNumber(); + I += COFFSym.getNumberOfAuxSymbols(); } + for (uint32_t I : PendingIndexes) { + COFFSymbolRef Sym = check(COFFObj->getSymbol(I)); + if (auto *Def = Sym.getSectionDefinition()) + if (Def->Selection == IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_ASSOCIATIVE) + readAssociativeDefinition(Sym, Def); + Symbols[I] = createRegular(Sym); + } + for (auto &KV : WeakAliases) { - SymbolBody *Sym = KV.first; + Symbol *Sym = KV.first; uint32_t Idx = KV.second; - checkAndSetWeakAlias(Symtab, this, Sym, SparseSymbolBodies[Idx]); + checkAndSetWeakAlias(Symtab, this, Sym, Symbols[Idx]); } } -SymbolBody *ObjectFile::createUndefined(COFFSymbolRef Sym) { +Symbol *ObjFile::createUndefined(COFFSymbolRef Sym) { StringRef Name; COFFObj->getSymbolName(Sym, Name); - return Symtab->addUndefined(Name, this, Sym.isWeakExternal())->body(); + return Symtab->addUndefined(Name, this, Sym.isWeakExternal()); } -SymbolBody *ObjectFile::createDefined(COFFSymbolRef Sym, const void *AuxP, - bool IsFirst) { +Optional ObjFile::createDefined( + COFFSymbolRef Sym, + std::vector &ComdatDefs) { StringRef Name; if (Sym.isCommon()) { auto *C = make(Sym); Chunks.push_back(C); COFFObj->getSymbolName(Sym, Name); Symbol *S = Symtab->addCommon(this, Name, Sym.getValue(), Sym.getGeneric(), C); - return S->body(); + return S; } if (Sym.isAbsolute()) { COFFObj->getSymbolName(Sym, Name); // Skip special symbols. if (Name == "") return nullptr; // COFF spec 5.10.1. The .sxdata section. if (Name == "@feat.00") { if (Sym.getValue() & 1) SEHCompat = true; return nullptr; } if (Sym.isExternal()) - return Symtab->addAbsolute(Name, Sym)->body(); + return Symtab->addAbsolute(Name, Sym); else return make(Name, Sym); } int32_t SectionNumber = Sym.getSectionNumber(); if (SectionNumber == llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SYM_DEBUG) return nullptr; // Reserved sections numbers don't have contents. if (llvm::COFF::isReservedSectionNumber(SectionNumber)) fatal("broken object file: " + toString(this)); // This symbol references a section which is not present in the section // header. if ((uint32_t)SectionNumber >= SparseChunks.size()) fatal("broken object file: " + toString(this)); - // Nothing else to do without a section chunk. - auto *SC = cast_or_null(SparseChunks[SectionNumber]); - if (!SC) - return nullptr; + // Handle comdat leader symbols. + if (const coff_aux_section_definition *Def = ComdatDefs[SectionNumber]) { + ComdatDefs[SectionNumber] = nullptr; + Symbol *Leader; + bool Prevailing; + if (Sym.isExternal()) { + COFFObj->getSymbolName(Sym, Name); + std::tie(Leader, Prevailing) = + Symtab->addComdat(this, Name, Sym.getGeneric()); + } else { + Leader = make(this, /*Name*/ "", false, + /*IsExternal*/ false, Sym.getGeneric()); + Prevailing = true; + } + if (Prevailing) { + SectionChunk *C = readSection(SectionNumber, Def); + SparseChunks[SectionNumber] = C; + C->Sym = cast(Leader); + cast(Leader)->Data = &C->Repl; + } else { + SparseChunks[SectionNumber] = nullptr; + } + return Leader; + } - // Handle section definitions - if (IsFirst && AuxP) { - auto *Aux = reinterpret_cast(AuxP); - if (Aux->Selection == IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_ASSOCIATIVE) - if (auto *ParentSC = cast_or_null( - SparseChunks[Aux->getNumber(Sym.isBigObj())])) { - ParentSC->addAssociative(SC); - // If we already discarded the parent, discard the child. - if (ParentSC->isDiscarded()) - SC->markDiscarded(); - } - SC->Checksum = Aux->CheckSum; + // Read associative section definitions and prepare to handle the comdat + // leader symbol by setting the section's ComdatDefs pointer if we encounter a + // non-associative comdat. + if (SparseChunks[SectionNumber] == PendingComdat) { + if (auto *Def = Sym.getSectionDefinition()) { + if (Def->Selection == IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_ASSOCIATIVE) + readAssociativeDefinition(Sym, Def); + else + ComdatDefs[SectionNumber] = Def; + } } - DefinedRegular *B; - if (Sym.isExternal()) { - COFFObj->getSymbolName(Sym, Name); - Symbol *S = - Symtab->addRegular(this, Name, SC->isCOMDAT(), Sym.getGeneric(), SC); - B = cast(S->body()); - } else - B = make(this, /*Name*/ "", SC->isCOMDAT(), - /*IsExternal*/ false, Sym.getGeneric(), SC); - if (SC->isCOMDAT() && Sym.getValue() == 0 && !AuxP) - SC->setSymbol(B); - - return B; + if (SparseChunks[SectionNumber] == PendingComdat) + return None; + return createRegular(Sym); } -void ObjectFile::initializeSEH() { - if (!SEHCompat || !SXData) - return; - ArrayRef A; - COFFObj->getSectionContents(SXData, A); - if (A.size() % 4 != 0) - fatal(".sxdata must be an array of symbol table indices"); - auto *I = reinterpret_cast(; - auto *E = reinterpret_cast( + A.size()); - for (; I != E; ++I) - SEHandlers.insert(SparseSymbolBodies[*I]); -} - -MachineTypes ObjectFile::getMachineType() { +MachineTypes ObjFile::getMachineType() { if (COFFObj) return static_cast(COFFObj->getMachine()); return IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; } StringRef ltrim1(StringRef S, const char *Chars) { if (!S.empty() && strchr(Chars, S[0])) return S.substr(1); return S; } void ImportFile::parse() { const char *Buf = MB.getBufferStart(); const char *End = MB.getBufferEnd(); const auto *Hdr = reinterpret_cast(Buf); // Check if the total size is valid. if ((size_t)(End - Buf) != (sizeof(*Hdr) + Hdr->SizeOfData)) fatal("broken import library"); // Read names and create an __imp_ symbol. StringRef Name = + sizeof(*Hdr))); StringRef ImpName ="__imp_" + Name); const char *NameStart = Buf + sizeof(coff_import_header) + Name.size() + 1; DLLName = StringRef(NameStart); StringRef ExtName; switch (Hdr->getNameType()) { case IMPORT_ORDINAL: ExtName = ""; break; case IMPORT_NAME: ExtName = Name; break; case IMPORT_NAME_NOPREFIX: ExtName = ltrim1(Name, "?@_"); break; case IMPORT_NAME_UNDECORATE: ExtName = ltrim1(Name, "?@_"); ExtName = ExtName.substr(0, ExtName.find('@')); break; } this->Hdr = Hdr; ExternalName = ExtName; - ImpSym = cast( - Symtab->addImportData(ImpName, this)->body()); + ImpSym = Symtab->addImportData(ImpName, this); + if (Hdr->getType() == llvm::COFF::IMPORT_CONST) - ConstSym = - cast(Symtab->addImportData(Name, this)->body()); + static_cast(Symtab->addImportData(Name, this)); // If type is function, we need to create a thunk which jump to an // address pointed by the __imp_ symbol. (This allows you to call // DLL functions just like regular non-DLL functions.) - if (Hdr->getType() != llvm::COFF::IMPORT_CODE) - return; - ThunkSym = cast( - Symtab->addImportThunk(Name, ImpSym, Hdr->Machine)->body()); + if (Hdr->getType() == llvm::COFF::IMPORT_CODE) + ThunkSym = Symtab->addImportThunk(Name, ImpSym, Hdr->Machine); } void BitcodeFile::parse() { Obj = check(lto::InputFile::create(MemoryBufferRef( MB.getBuffer(), + MB.getBufferIdentifier())))); + std::vector> Comdat(Obj->getComdatTable().size()); + for (size_t I = 0; I != Obj->getComdatTable().size(); ++I) + Comdat[I] = Symtab->addComdat(this,>getComdatTable()[I])); for (const lto::InputFile::Symbol &ObjSym : Obj->symbols()) { StringRef SymName =; + int ComdatIndex = ObjSym.getComdatIndex(); Symbol *Sym; if (ObjSym.isUndefined()) { Sym = Symtab->addUndefined(SymName, this, false); } else if (ObjSym.isCommon()) { Sym = Symtab->addCommon(this, SymName, ObjSym.getCommonSize()); } else if (ObjSym.isWeak() && ObjSym.isIndirect()) { // Weak external. Sym = Symtab->addUndefined(SymName, this, true); std::string Fallback = ObjSym.getCOFFWeakExternalFallback(); - SymbolBody *Alias = Symtab->addUndefined(; - checkAndSetWeakAlias(Symtab, this, Sym->body(), Alias); + Symbol *Alias = Symtab->addUndefined(; + checkAndSetWeakAlias(Symtab, this, Sym, Alias); + } else if (ComdatIndex != -1) { + if (SymName == Obj->getComdatTable()[ComdatIndex]) + Sym = Comdat[ComdatIndex].first; + else if (Comdat[ComdatIndex].second) + Sym = Symtab->addRegular(this, SymName); + else + Sym = Symtab->addUndefined(SymName, this, false); } else { - bool IsCOMDAT = ObjSym.getComdatIndex() != -1; - Sym = Symtab->addRegular(this, SymName, IsCOMDAT); + Sym = Symtab->addRegular(this, SymName); } - SymbolBodies.push_back(Sym->body()); + SymbolBodies.push_back(Sym); } Directives = Obj->getCOFFLinkerOpts(); } MachineTypes BitcodeFile::getMachineType() { switch (Triple(Obj->getTargetTriple()).getArch()) { case Triple::x86_64: return AMD64; case Triple::x86: return I386; case Triple::arm: return ARMNT; case Triple::aarch64: return ARM64; default: return IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; } } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld // Returns the last element of a path, which is supposed to be a filename. static StringRef getBasename(StringRef Path) { size_t Pos = Path.find_last_of("\\/"); if (Pos == StringRef::npos) return Path; return Path.substr(Pos + 1); } // Returns a string in the format of "foo.obj" or "foo.obj(bar.lib)". -std::string lld::toString(coff::InputFile *File) { +std::string lld::toString(const coff::InputFile *File) { if (!File) - return "(internal)"; + return ""; if (File->ParentName.empty()) - return File->getName().lower(); + return File->getName(); - std::string Res = - (getBasename(File->ParentName) + "(" + getBasename(File->getName()) + ")") - .str(); - return StringRef(Res).lower(); + return (getBasename(File->ParentName) + "(" + getBasename(File->getName()) + + ")") + .str(); } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/InputFiles.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/InputFiles.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/InputFiles.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,223 +1,235 @@ //===- InputFiles.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_INPUT_FILES_H #define LLD_COFF_INPUT_FILES_H #include "Config.h" -#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h" +#include "lld/Common/LLVM.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h" #include "llvm/LTO/LTO.h" #include "llvm/Object/Archive.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h" #include #include #include namespace llvm { namespace pdb { class DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder; } } namespace lld { namespace coff { +std::vector getArchiveMembers(llvm::object::Archive *File); + using llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; using llvm::COFF::MachineTypes; using llvm::object::Archive; using llvm::object::COFFObjectFile; using llvm::object::COFFSymbolRef; using llvm::object::coff_import_header; using llvm::object::coff_section; class Chunk; class Defined; class DefinedImportData; class DefinedImportThunk; class Lazy; class SectionChunk; -struct Symbol; -class SymbolBody; +class Symbol; class Undefined; // The root class of input files. class InputFile { public: enum Kind { ArchiveKind, ObjectKind, ImportKind, BitcodeKind }; Kind kind() const { return FileKind; } virtual ~InputFile() {} // Returns the filename. - StringRef getName() { return MB.getBufferIdentifier(); } + StringRef getName() const { return MB.getBufferIdentifier(); } // Reads a file (the constructor doesn't do that). virtual void parse() = 0; // Returns the CPU type this file was compiled to. virtual MachineTypes getMachineType() { return IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; } MemoryBufferRef MB; // An archive file name if this file is created from an archive. StringRef ParentName; // Returns .drectve section contents if exist. StringRef getDirectives() { return StringRef(Directives).trim(); } protected: InputFile(Kind K, MemoryBufferRef M) : MB(M), FileKind(K) {} std::string Directives; private: const Kind FileKind; }; // .lib or .a file. class ArchiveFile : public InputFile { public: explicit ArchiveFile(MemoryBufferRef M); static bool classof(const InputFile *F) { return F->kind() == ArchiveKind; } void parse() override; // Enqueues an archive member load for the given symbol. If we've already // enqueued a load for the same archive member, this function does nothing, // which ensures that we don't load the same member more than once. void addMember(const Archive::Symbol *Sym); private: std::unique_ptr File; std::string Filename; llvm::DenseSet Seen; }; // .obj or .o file. This may be a member of an archive file. -class ObjectFile : public InputFile { +class ObjFile : public InputFile { public: - explicit ObjectFile(MemoryBufferRef M) : InputFile(ObjectKind, M) {} + explicit ObjFile(MemoryBufferRef M) : InputFile(ObjectKind, M) {} static bool classof(const InputFile *F) { return F->kind() == ObjectKind; } void parse() override; MachineTypes getMachineType() override; - std::vector &getChunks() { return Chunks; } - std::vector &getDebugChunks() { return DebugChunks; } - std::vector &getSymbols() { return SymbolBodies; } + ArrayRef getChunks() { return Chunks; } + ArrayRef getDebugChunks() { return DebugChunks; } + ArrayRef getSymbols() { return Symbols; } - // Returns a SymbolBody object for the SymbolIndex'th symbol in the + // Returns a Symbol object for the SymbolIndex'th symbol in the // underlying object file. - SymbolBody *getSymbolBody(uint32_t SymbolIndex) { - return SparseSymbolBodies[SymbolIndex]; + Symbol *getSymbol(uint32_t SymbolIndex) { + return Symbols[SymbolIndex]; } // Returns the underying COFF file. COFFObjectFile *getCOFFObj() { return COFFObj.get(); } + static std::vector Instances; + // True if this object file is compatible with SEH. // COFF-specific and x86-only. bool SEHCompat = false; - // The list of safe exception handlers listed in .sxdata section. + // The symbol table indexes of the safe exception handlers. // COFF-specific and x86-only. - std::set SEHandlers; + ArrayRef SXData; // Pointer to the PDB module descriptor builder. Various debug info records // will reference object files by "module index", which is here. Things like // source files and section contributions are also recorded here. Will be null // if we are not producing a PDB. llvm::pdb::DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder *ModuleDBI = nullptr; private: void initializeChunks(); void initializeSymbols(); - void initializeSEH(); - SymbolBody *createDefined(COFFSymbolRef Sym, const void *Aux, bool IsFirst); - SymbolBody *createUndefined(COFFSymbolRef Sym); + SectionChunk * + readSection(uint32_t SectionNumber, + const llvm::object::coff_aux_section_definition *Def); + void readAssociativeDefinition( + COFFSymbolRef COFFSym, + const llvm::object::coff_aux_section_definition *Def); + + llvm::Optional + createDefined(COFFSymbolRef Sym, + std::vector + &ComdatDefs); + Symbol *createRegular(COFFSymbolRef Sym); + Symbol *createUndefined(COFFSymbolRef Sym); + std::unique_ptr COFFObj; - const coff_section *SXData = nullptr; // List of all chunks defined by this file. This includes both section // chunks and non-section chunks for common symbols. std::vector Chunks; // CodeView debug info sections. std::vector DebugChunks; // This vector contains the same chunks as Chunks, but they are // indexed such that you can get a SectionChunk by section index. // Nonexistent section indices are filled with null pointers. // (Because section number is 1-based, the first slot is always a // null pointer.) - std::vector SparseChunks; + std::vector SparseChunks; - // List of all symbols referenced or defined by this file. - std::vector SymbolBodies; - - // This vector contains the same symbols as SymbolBodies, but they - // are indexed such that you can get a SymbolBody by symbol + // This vector contains a list of all symbols defined or referenced by this + // file. They are indexed such that you can get a Symbol by symbol // index. Nonexistent indices (which are occupied by auxiliary // symbols in the real symbol table) are filled with null pointers. - std::vector SparseSymbolBodies; + std::vector Symbols; }; // This type represents import library members that contain DLL names // and symbols exported from the DLLs. See Microsoft PE/COFF spec. 7 // for details about the format. class ImportFile : public InputFile { public: explicit ImportFile(MemoryBufferRef M) : InputFile(ImportKind, M), Live(!Config->DoGC) {} static bool classof(const InputFile *F) { return F->kind() == ImportKind; } + static std::vector Instances; + DefinedImportData *ImpSym = nullptr; - DefinedImportData *ConstSym = nullptr; DefinedImportThunk *ThunkSym = nullptr; std::string DLLName; private: void parse() override; public: StringRef ExternalName; const coff_import_header *Hdr; Chunk *Location = nullptr; // We want to eliminate dllimported symbols if no one actually refers them. // This "Live" bit is used to keep track of which import library members // are actually in use. // // If the Live bit is turned off by MarkLive, Writer will ignore dllimported // symbols provided by this import library member. bool Live; }; // Used for LTO. class BitcodeFile : public InputFile { public: explicit BitcodeFile(MemoryBufferRef M) : InputFile(BitcodeKind, M) {} static bool classof(const InputFile *F) { return F->kind() == BitcodeKind; } - std::vector &getSymbols() { return SymbolBodies; } + ArrayRef getSymbols() { return SymbolBodies; } MachineTypes getMachineType() override; + static std::vector Instances; std::unique_ptr Obj; private: void parse() override; - std::vector SymbolBodies; + std::vector SymbolBodies; }; } // namespace coff -std::string toString(coff::InputFile *File); +std::string toString(const coff::InputFile *File); } // namespace lld #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/LTO.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/LTO.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/LTO.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,140 +1,163 @@ //===- LTO.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "LTO.h" #include "Config.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Symbols.h" -#include "lld/Core/TargetOptionsCommandFlags.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "lld/Common/TargetOptionsCommandFlags.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticPrinter.h" +#include "llvm/LTO/Caching.h" #include "llvm/LTO/Config.h" #include "llvm/LTO/LTO.h" #include "llvm/Object/SymbolicFile.h" #include "llvm/Support/CodeGen.h" #include "llvm/Support/Error.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::coff; static void diagnosticHandler(const DiagnosticInfo &DI) { SmallString<128> ErrStorage; raw_svector_ostream OS(ErrStorage); DiagnosticPrinterRawOStream DP(OS); DI.print(DP); warn(ErrStorage); } static void checkError(Error E) { - handleAllErrors(std::move(E), [&](ErrorInfoBase &EIB) -> Error { - error(EIB.message()); - return Error::success(); - }); + handleAllErrors(std::move(E), + [&](ErrorInfoBase &EIB) { error(EIB.message()); }); } static void saveBuffer(StringRef Buffer, const Twine &Path) { std::error_code EC; raw_fd_ostream OS(Path.str(), EC, sys::fs::OpenFlags::F_None); if (EC) error("cannot create " + Path + ": " + EC.message()); OS << Buffer; } static std::unique_ptr createLTO() { lto::Config Conf; Conf.Options = InitTargetOptionsFromCodeGenFlags(); - Conf.RelocModel = Reloc::PIC_; + // Use static reloc model on 32-bit x86 because it usually results in more + // compact code, and because there are also known code generation bugs when + // using the PIC model (see PR34306). + if (Config->Machine == COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) + Conf.RelocModel = Reloc::Static; + else + Conf.RelocModel = Reloc::PIC_; Conf.DisableVerify = true; Conf.DiagHandler = diagnosticHandler; Conf.OptLevel = Config->LTOOptLevel; if (Config->SaveTemps) checkError(Conf.addSaveTemps(std::string(Config->OutputFile) + ".", /*UseInputModulePath*/ true)); lto::ThinBackend Backend; if (Config->LTOJobs != 0) Backend = lto::createInProcessThinBackend(Config->LTOJobs); return llvm::make_unique(std::move(Conf), Backend, Config->LTOPartitions); } BitcodeCompiler::BitcodeCompiler() : LTOObj(createLTO()) {} BitcodeCompiler::~BitcodeCompiler() = default; -static void undefine(Symbol *S) { - replaceBody(S, S->body()->getName()); -} +static void undefine(Symbol *S) { replaceSymbol(S, S->getName()); } void BitcodeCompiler::add(BitcodeFile &F) { lto::InputFile &Obj = *F.Obj; unsigned SymNum = 0; - std::vector SymBodies = F.getSymbols(); + std::vector SymBodies = F.getSymbols(); std::vector Resols(SymBodies.size()); // Provide a resolution to the LTO API for each symbol. for (const lto::InputFile::Symbol &ObjSym : Obj.symbols()) { - SymbolBody *B = SymBodies[SymNum]; - Symbol *Sym = B->symbol(); + Symbol *Sym = SymBodies[SymNum]; lto::SymbolResolution &R = Resols[SymNum]; ++SymNum; // Ideally we shouldn't check for SF_Undefined but currently IRObjectFile // reports two symbols for module ASM defined. Without this check, lld // flags an undefined in IR with a definition in ASM as prevailing. // Once IRObjectFile is fixed to report only one symbol this hack can // be removed. - R.Prevailing = !ObjSym.isUndefined() && B->getFile() == &F; + R.Prevailing = !ObjSym.isUndefined() && Sym->getFile() == &F; R.VisibleToRegularObj = Sym->IsUsedInRegularObj; if (R.Prevailing) undefine(Sym); } checkError(LTOObj->add(std::move(F.Obj), Resols)); } // Merge all the bitcode files we have seen, codegen the result // and return the resulting objects. std::vector BitcodeCompiler::compile() { unsigned MaxTasks = LTOObj->getMaxTasks(); Buff.resize(MaxTasks); + Files.resize(MaxTasks); - checkError(LTOObj->run([&](size_t Task) { - return llvm::make_unique( - llvm::make_unique(Buff[Task])); - })); + // The /lldltocache option specifies the path to a directory in which to cache + // native object files for ThinLTO incremental builds. If a path was + // specified, configure LTO to use it as the cache directory. + lto::NativeObjectCache Cache; + if (!Config->LTOCache.empty()) + Cache = check( + lto::localCache(Config->LTOCache, + [&](size_t Task, std::unique_ptr MB, + StringRef Path) { Files[Task] = std::move(MB); })); + checkError(LTOObj->run( + [&](size_t Task) { + return llvm::make_unique( + llvm::make_unique(Buff[Task])); + }, + Cache)); + + if (!Config->LTOCache.empty()) + pruneCache(Config->LTOCache, Config->LTOCachePolicy); + std::vector Ret; for (unsigned I = 0; I != MaxTasks; ++I) { if (Buff[I].empty()) continue; if (Config->SaveTemps) { if (I == 0) saveBuffer(Buff[I], Config->OutputFile + ".lto.obj"); else saveBuffer(Buff[I], Config->OutputFile + Twine(I) + ".lto.obj"); } Ret.emplace_back(Buff[I].data(), Buff[I].size()); } + + for (std::unique_ptr &File : Files) + if (File) + Ret.push_back(File->getBuffer()); + return Ret; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/LTO.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/LTO.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/LTO.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,56 +1,57 @@ //===- LTO.h ----------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file provides a way to combine bitcode files into one COFF // file by compiling them using LLVM. // // If LTO is in use, your input files are not in regular COFF files // but instead LLVM bitcode files. In that case, the linker has to // convert bitcode files into the native format so that we can create // a COFF file that contains native code. This file provides that // functionality. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_LTO_H #define LLD_COFF_LTO_H -#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h" +#include "lld/Common/LLVM.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include #include namespace llvm { namespace lto { class LTO; } } namespace lld { namespace coff { class BitcodeFile; class InputFile; class BitcodeCompiler { public: BitcodeCompiler(); ~BitcodeCompiler(); void add(BitcodeFile &F); std::vector compile(); private: std::unique_ptr LTOObj; std::vector> Buff; + std::vector> Files; }; } } #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MapFile.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MapFile.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MapFile.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,125 +1,125 @@ //===- MapFile.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements the /lldmap option. It shows lists in order and // hierarchically the output sections, input sections, input files and // symbol: // // Address Size Align Out File Symbol // 00201000 00000015 4 .text // 00201000 0000000e 4 test.o:(.text) // 0020100e 00000000 0 local // 00201005 00000000 0 f(int) // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "MapFile.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "Writer.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Support/Parallel.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::coff; typedef DenseMap> SymbolMapTy; // Print out the first three columns of a line. static void writeHeader(raw_ostream &OS, uint64_t Addr, uint64_t Size, uint64_t Align) { OS << format("%08llx %08llx %5lld ", Addr, Size, Align); } static std::string indent(int Depth) { return std::string(Depth * 8, ' '); } // Returns a list of all symbols that we want to print out. static std::vector getSymbols() { std::vector V; - for (coff::ObjectFile *File : Symtab->ObjectFiles) - for (SymbolBody *B : File->getSymbols()) - if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast(B)) + for (ObjFile *File : ObjFile::Instances) + for (Symbol *B : File->getSymbols()) + if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast_or_null(B)) if (Sym && !Sym->getCOFFSymbol().isSectionDefinition()) V.push_back(Sym); return V; } // Returns a map from sections to their symbols. static SymbolMapTy getSectionSyms(ArrayRef Syms) { SymbolMapTy Ret; for (DefinedRegular *S : Syms) Ret[S->getChunk()].push_back(S); // Sort symbols by address. for (auto &It : Ret) { SmallVectorImpl &V = It.second; std::sort(V.begin(), V.end(), [](DefinedRegular *A, DefinedRegular *B) { return A->getRVA() < B->getRVA(); }); } return Ret; } // Construct a map from symbols to their stringified representations. static DenseMap getSymbolStrings(ArrayRef Syms) { std::vector Str(Syms.size()); for_each_n(parallel::par, (size_t)0, Syms.size(), [&](size_t I) { raw_string_ostream OS(Str[I]); writeHeader(OS, Syms[I]->getRVA(), 0, 0); OS << indent(2) << toString(*Syms[I]); }); DenseMap Ret; for (size_t I = 0, E = Syms.size(); I < E; ++I) Ret[Syms[I]] = std::move(Str[I]); return Ret; } void coff::writeMapFile(ArrayRef OutputSections) { if (Config->MapFile.empty()) return; std::error_code EC; raw_fd_ostream OS(Config->MapFile, EC, sys::fs::F_None); if (EC) fatal("cannot open " + Config->MapFile + ": " + EC.message()); // Collect symbol info that we want to print out. std::vector Syms = getSymbols(); SymbolMapTy SectionSyms = getSectionSyms(Syms); DenseMap SymStr = getSymbolStrings(Syms); // Print out the header line. OS << "Address Size Align Out In Symbol\n"; // Print out file contents. for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) { writeHeader(OS, Sec->getRVA(), Sec->getVirtualSize(), /*Align=*/PageSize); OS << Sec->getName() << '\n'; for (Chunk *C : Sec->getChunks()) { auto *SC = dyn_cast(C); if (!SC) continue; - writeHeader(OS, SC->getRVA(), SC->getSize(), SC->getAlign()); + writeHeader(OS, SC->getRVA(), SC->getSize(), SC->Alignment); OS << indent(1) << SC->File->getName() << ":(" << SC->getSectionName() << ")\n"; for (DefinedRegular *Sym : SectionSyms[SC]) OS << SymStr[Sym] << '\n'; } } } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MarkLive.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MarkLive.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MarkLive.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,75 +1,69 @@ //===- MarkLive.cpp -------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Chunks.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include namespace lld { namespace coff { // Set live bit on for each reachable chunk. Unmarked (unreachable) // COMDAT chunks will be ignored by Writer, so they will be excluded // from the final output. -void markLive(const std::vector &Chunks) { +void markLive(ArrayRef Chunks) { // We build up a worklist of sections which have been marked as live. We only // push into the worklist when we discover an unmarked section, and we mark // as we push, so sections never appear twice in the list. SmallVector Worklist; // COMDAT section chunks are dead by default. Add non-COMDAT chunks. for (Chunk *C : Chunks) if (auto *SC = dyn_cast(C)) if (SC->isLive()) Worklist.push_back(SC); auto Enqueue = [&](SectionChunk *C) { if (C->isLive()) return; C->markLive(); Worklist.push_back(C); }; - auto AddSym = [&](SymbolBody *B) { + auto AddSym = [&](Symbol *B) { if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast(B)) Enqueue(Sym->getChunk()); else if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast(B)) Sym->File->Live = true; else if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast(B)) Sym->WrappedSym->File->Live = true; }; // Add GC root chunks. - for (SymbolBody *B : Config->GCRoot) + for (Symbol *B : Config->GCRoot) AddSym(B); while (!Worklist.empty()) { SectionChunk *SC = Worklist.pop_back_val(); - - // If this section was discarded, there are relocations referring to - // discarded sections. Ignore these sections to avoid crashing. They will be - // diagnosed during relocation processing. - if (SC->isDiscarded()) - continue; - assert(SC->isLive() && "We mark as live when pushing onto the worklist!"); // Mark all symbols listed in the relocation table for this section. - for (SymbolBody *B : SC->symbols()) - AddSym(B); + for (Symbol *B : SC->symbols()) + if (B) + AddSym(B); // Mark associative sections if any. for (SectionChunk *C : SC->children()) Enqueue(C); } } } } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MinGW.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MinGW.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MinGW.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +//===- MinGW.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "MinGW.h" +#include "SymbolTable.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" +#include "llvm/Support/Path.h" +#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" + +using namespace lld; +using namespace lld::coff; +using namespace llvm; +using namespace llvm::COFF; + +AutoExporter::AutoExporter() { + if (Config->Machine == I386) { + ExcludeSymbols = { + "__NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR", + "__pei386_runtime_relocator", + "_do_pseudo_reloc", + "_impure_ptr", + "__impure_ptr", + "__fmode", + "_environ", + "___dso_handle", + // These are the MinGW names that differ from the standard + // ones (lacking an extra underscore). + "_DllMain@12", + "_DllEntryPoint@12", + "_DllMainCRTStartup@12", + }; + } else { + ExcludeSymbols = { + "_NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR", + "_pei386_runtime_relocator", + "do_pseudo_reloc", + "impure_ptr", + "_impure_ptr", + "_fmode", + "environ", + "__dso_handle", + // These are the MinGW names that differ from the standard + // ones (lacking an extra underscore). + "DllMain", + "DllEntryPoint", + "DllMainCRTStartup", + }; + } + + ExcludeLibs = { + "libgcc", + "libgcc_s", + "libstdc++", + "libmingw32", + "libmingwex", + "libg2c", + "libsupc++", + "libobjc", + "libgcj", + "libclang_rt.builtins-aarch64", + "libclang_rt.builtins-arm", + "libclang_rt.builtins-i386", + "libclang_rt.builtins-x86_64", + "libc++", + "libc++abi", + "libunwind", + "libmsvcrt", + "libucrtbase", + }; + ExcludeObjects = { + "crt0.o", + "crt1.o", + "crt1u.o", + "crt2.o", + "crt2u.o", + "dllcrt1.o", + "dllcrt2.o", + "gcrt0.o", + "gcrt1.o", + "gcrt2.o", + "crtbegin.o", + "crtend.o", + }; +} + +bool AutoExporter::shouldExport(Defined *Sym) const { + if (!Sym || !Sym->isLive() || !Sym->getChunk()) + return false; + + // Only allow the symbol kinds that make sense to export; in particular, + // disallow import symbols. + if (!isa(Sym) && !isa(Sym)) + return false; + if (ExcludeSymbols.count(Sym->getName())) + return false; + + // Don't export anything that looks like an import symbol (which also can be + // a manually defined data symbol with such a name). + if (Sym->getName().startswith("__imp_")) + return false; + + // If a corresponding __imp_ symbol exists and is defined, don't export it. + if (Symtab->find(("__imp_" + Sym->getName()).str())) + return false; + + // Check that file is non-null before dereferencing it, symbols not + // originating in regular object files probably shouldn't be exported. + if (!Sym->getFile()) + return false; + + StringRef LibName = sys::path::filename(Sym->getFile()->ParentName); + + // Drop the file extension. + LibName = LibName.substr(0, LibName.rfind('.')); + if (!LibName.empty()) + return !ExcludeLibs.count(LibName); + + StringRef FileName = sys::path::filename(Sym->getFile()->getName()); + return !ExcludeObjects.count(FileName); +} + +void coff::writeDefFile(StringRef Name) { + std::error_code EC; + raw_fd_ostream OS(Name, EC, sys::fs::F_None); + if (EC) + fatal("cannot open " + Name + ": " + EC.message()); + + OS << "EXPORTS\n"; + for (Export &E : Config->Exports) { + OS << " " << E.ExportName << " " + << "@" << E.Ordinal; + if (auto *Def = dyn_cast_or_null(E.Sym)) { + if (Def && Def->getChunk() && + !(Def->getChunk()->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE)) + OS << " DATA"; + } + OS << "\n"; + } +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MinGW.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MinGW.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MinGW.h (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MinGW.h (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +//===- MinGW.h --------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#ifndef LLD_COFF_MINGW_H +#define LLD_COFF_MINGW_H + +#include "Config.h" +#include "Symbols.h" +#include "lld/Common/LLVM.h" + +namespace lld { +namespace coff { + +// Logic for deciding what symbols to export, when exporting all +// symbols for MinGW. +class AutoExporter { +public: + AutoExporter(); + + llvm::StringSet<> ExcludeSymbols; + llvm::StringSet<> ExcludeLibs; + llvm::StringSet<> ExcludeObjects; + + bool shouldExport(Defined *Sym) const; +}; + +void writeDefFile(StringRef Name); + +} // namespace coff +} // namespace lld + +#endif Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/MinGW.h ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/ =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/ (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/ (revision 327026) @@ -1,139 +1,165 @@ include "llvm/Option/" // link.exe accepts options starting with either a dash or a slash. // Flag that takes no arguments. class F : Flag<["/", "-", "-?"], name>; // Flag that takes one argument after ":". class P : Joined<["/", "-", "-?"], name#":">, HelpText; -// Boolean flag suffixed by ":no". -multiclass B { - def "" : F; - def _no : F, HelpText; +// Boolean flag which can be suffixed by ":no". Using it unsuffixed turns the +// flag on and using it suffixed by ":no" turns it off. +multiclass B { + def "" : F, HelpText; + def _no : F, HelpText; } def align : P<"align", "Section alignment">; +def aligncomm : P<"aligncomm", "Set common symbol alignment">; def alternatename : P<"alternatename", "Define weak alias">; def base : P<"base", "Base address of the program">; def defaultlib : P<"defaultlib", "Add the library to the list of input files">; def delayload : P<"delayload", "Delay loaded DLL name">; def entry : P<"entry", "Name of entry point symbol">; def errorlimit : P<"errorlimit", "Maximum number of errors to emit before stopping (0 = no limit)">; def export : P<"export", "Export a function">; // No help text because /failifmismatch is not intended to be used by the user. def failifmismatch : P<"failifmismatch", "">; def heap : P<"heap", "Size of the heap">; def implib : P<"implib", "Import library name">; def libpath : P<"libpath", "Additional library search path">; def linkrepro : P<"linkrepro", "Dump linker invocation and input files for debugging">; +def lldltocache : P<"lldltocache", "Path to ThinLTO cached object file directory">; +def lldltocachepolicy : P<"lldltocachepolicy", "Pruning policy for the ThinLTO cache">; def lldsavetemps : F<"lldsavetemps">, HelpText<"Save temporary files instead of deleting them">; def machine : P<"machine", "Specify target platform">; def merge : P<"merge", "Combine sections">; def mllvm : P<"mllvm", "Options to pass to LLVM">; def nodefaultlib : P<"nodefaultlib", "Remove a default library">; def opt : P<"opt", "Control optimizations">; def out : P<"out", "Path to file to write output">; def pdb : P<"pdb", "PDB file path">; def section : P<"section", "Specify section attributes">; def stack : P<"stack", "Size of the stack">; def stub : P<"stub", "Specify DOS stub file">; def subsystem : P<"subsystem", "Specify subsystem">; def version : P<"version", "Specify a version number in the PE header">; +def wholearchive_file : P<"wholearchive", "Include all object files from this archive">; def disallowlib : Joined<["/", "-", "-?"], "disallowlib:">, Alias; def manifest : F<"manifest">; def manifest_colon : P<"manifest", "Create manifest file">; def manifestuac : P<"manifestuac", "User access control">; def manifestfile : P<"manifestfile", "Manifest file path">; def manifestdependency : P<"manifestdependency", "Attributes for in manifest file">; def manifestinput : P<"manifestinput", "Specify manifest file">; // We cannot use multiclass P because class name "incl" is different // from its command line option name. We do this because "include" is // a reserved keyword in tablegen. def incl : Joined<["/", "-"], "include:">, HelpText<"Force symbol to be added to symbol table as undefined one">; // "def" is also a keyword. def deffile : Joined<["/", "-"], "def:">, HelpText<"Use module-definition file">; def debug : F<"debug">, HelpText<"Embed a symbol table in the image">; def debugtype : P<"debugtype", "Debug Info Options">; def dll : F<"dll">, HelpText<"Create a DLL">; def driver : P<"driver", "Generate a Windows NT Kernel Mode Driver">; def nodefaultlib_all : F<"nodefaultlib">; def noentry : F<"noentry">; def profile : F<"profile">; def swaprun_cd : F<"swaprun:cd">; def swaprun_net : F<"swaprun:net">; def verbose : F<"verbose">; +def wholearchive_flag : F<"wholearchive">; def force : F<"force">, HelpText<"Allow undefined symbols when creating executables">; def force_unresolved : F<"force:unresolved">; +defm WX : B<"WX", "Treat warnings as errors", "Don't treat warnings as errors">; -defm allowbind: B<"allowbind", "Disable DLL binding">; -defm allowisolation : B<"allowisolation", "Set NO_ISOLATION bit">; +defm allowbind : B<"allowbind", "Enable DLL binding (default)", + "Disable DLL binding">; +defm allowisolation : B<"allowisolation", "Enable DLL isolation (default)", + "Disable DLL isolation">; defm appcontainer : B<"appcontainer", - "Image can only be run in an app container">; -defm dynamicbase : B<"dynamicbase", - "Disable address space layout randomization">; -defm fixed : B<"fixed", "Enable base relocations">; -defm highentropyva : B<"highentropyva", "Set HIGH_ENTROPY_VA bit">; -defm largeaddressaware : B<"largeaddressaware", "Disable large addresses">; -defm nxcompat : B<"nxcompat", "Disable data execution provention">; -defm safeseh : B<"safeseh", "Produce an image with Safe Exception Handler">; -defm tsaware : B<"tsaware", "Create non-Terminal Server aware executable">; + "Image can only be run in an app container", + "Image can run outside an app container (default)">; +defm dynamicbase : B<"dynamicbase", "Enable ASLR (default unless /fixed)", + "Disable ASLR (default when /fixed)">; +defm fixed : B<"fixed", "Disable base relocations", + "Enable base relocations (default)">; +defm highentropyva : B<"highentropyva", + "Enable 64-bit ASLR (default on 64-bit)", + "Disable 64-bit ASLR">; +defm largeaddressaware : B<"largeaddressaware", + "Enable large addresses (default on 64-bit)", + "Disable large addresses (default on 32-bit)">; +defm nxcompat : B<"nxcompat", "Enable data execution prevention (default)", + "Disable data execution provention">; +defm safeseh : B<"safeseh", + "Produce an image with Safe Exception Handler (only for x86)", + "Don't produce an image with Safe Exception Handler">; +defm tsaware : B<"tsaware", + "Create Terminal Server aware executable (default)", + "Create non-Terminal Server aware executable">; def help : F<"help">; def help_q : Flag<["/?", "-?"], "">, Alias; // LLD extensions -def nopdb : F<"nopdb">, HelpText<"Disable PDB generation for DWARF users">; -def nosymtab : F<"nosymtab">; +def debug_ghash : F<"debug:ghash">; +def debug_dwarf : F<"debug:dwarf">; +def export_all_symbols : F<"export-all-symbols">; +def lldmingw : F<"lldmingw">; def msvclto : F<"msvclto">; +def output_def : Joined<["/", "-"], "output-def:">; +def rsp_quoting : Joined<["--"], "rsp-quoting=">, + HelpText<"Quoting style for response files, 'windows' (default) or 'posix'">; +def dash_dash_version : Flag<["--"], "version">, + HelpText<"Print version information">; // Flags for debugging def lldmap : F<"lldmap">; def lldmap_file : Joined<["/", "-"], "lldmap:">; //============================================================================== // The flags below do nothing. They are defined only for link.exe compatibility. //============================================================================== class QF : Joined<["/", "-", "-?"], name#":">; multiclass QB { def "" : F; def _no : F; } def functionpadmin : F<"functionpadmin">; def ignoreidl : F<"ignoreidl">; def incremental : F<"incremental">; def no_incremental : F<"incremental:no">; def nologo : F<"nologo">; def throwingnew : F<"throwingnew">; def editandcontinue : F<"editandcontinue">; def fastfail : F<"fastfail">; def delay : QF<"delay">; def errorreport : QF<"errorreport">; def idlout : QF<"idlout">; def ignore : QF<"ignore">; def maxilksize : QF<"maxilksize">; +def natvis : QF<"natvis">; def pdbaltpath : QF<"pdbaltpath">; def tlbid : QF<"tlbid">; def tlbout : QF<"tlbout">; def verbose_all : QF<"verbose">; def guardsym : QF<"guardsym">; - -defm wx : QB<"wx">; Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/PDB.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/PDB.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/PDB.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,672 +1,997 @@ //===- PDB.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "PDB.h" #include "Chunks.h" #include "Config.h" -#include "Error.h" +#include "Driver.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "Symbols.h" +#include "Writer.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CVDebugRecord.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugSubsectionRecord.h" +#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/GlobalTypeTableBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/LazyRandomTypeCollection.h" +#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/MergingTypeTableBuilder.h" +#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/RecordName.h" +#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolDeserializer.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolSerializer.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeDeserializer.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeDumpVisitor.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeIndexDiscovery.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeStreamMerger.h" -#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeTableBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/MSF/MSFBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/MSF/MSFCommon.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/GenericError.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiStreamBuilder.h" +#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/GSIStreamBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/InfoStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/InfoStreamBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/NativeSession.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBFile.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBFileBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBStringTableBuilder.h" +#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiHashing.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStreamBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDB.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Support/BinaryByteStream.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" -#include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h" +#include "llvm/Support/JamCRC.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h" #include using namespace lld; using namespace lld::coff; using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::codeview; using llvm::object::coff_section; static ExitOnError ExitOnErr; namespace { /// Map from type index and item index in a type server PDB to the /// corresponding index in the destination PDB. struct CVIndexMap { SmallVector TPIMap; SmallVector IPIMap; bool IsTypeServerMap = false; }; class PDBLinker { public: PDBLinker(SymbolTable *Symtab) : Alloc(), Symtab(Symtab), Builder(Alloc), TypeTable(Alloc), - IDTable(Alloc) {} + IDTable(Alloc), GlobalTypeTable(Alloc), GlobalIDTable(Alloc) {} /// Emit the basic PDB structure: initial streams, headers, etc. - void initialize(const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo *DI); + void initialize(const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo &BuildId); /// Link CodeView from each object file in the symbol table into the PDB. void addObjectsToPDB(); /// Link CodeView from a single object file into the PDB. - void addObjectFile(ObjectFile *File); + void addObjFile(ObjFile *File); /// Produce a mapping from the type and item indices used in the object /// file to those in the destination PDB. /// /// If the object file uses a type server PDB (compiled with /Zi), merge TPI /// and IPI from the type server PDB and return a map for it. Each unique type /// server PDB is merged at most once, so this may return an existing index /// mapping. /// /// If the object does not use a type server PDB (compiled with /Z7), we merge /// all the type and item records from the .debug$S stream and fill in the /// caller-provided ObjectIndexMap. - const CVIndexMap &mergeDebugT(ObjectFile *File, CVIndexMap &ObjectIndexMap); + const CVIndexMap &mergeDebugT(ObjFile *File, CVIndexMap &ObjectIndexMap); - const CVIndexMap &maybeMergeTypeServerPDB(ObjectFile *File, + const CVIndexMap &maybeMergeTypeServerPDB(ObjFile *File, TypeServer2Record &TS); /// Add the section map and section contributions to the PDB. - void addSections(ArrayRef SectionTable); + void addSections(ArrayRef OutputSections, + ArrayRef SectionTable); + void addSectionContrib(pdb::DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder &LinkerModule, + OutputSection *OS, Chunk *C); + /// Write the PDB to disk. void commit(); private: BumpPtrAllocator Alloc; SymbolTable *Symtab; pdb::PDBFileBuilder Builder; /// Type records that will go into the PDB TPI stream. - TypeTableBuilder TypeTable; + MergingTypeTableBuilder TypeTable; /// Item records that will go into the PDB IPI stream. - TypeTableBuilder IDTable; + MergingTypeTableBuilder IDTable; + /// Type records that will go into the PDB TPI stream (for /DEBUG:GHASH) + GlobalTypeTableBuilder GlobalTypeTable; + + /// Item records that will go into the PDB IPI stream (for /DEBUG:GHASH) + GlobalTypeTableBuilder GlobalIDTable; + /// PDBs use a single global string table for filenames in the file checksum /// table. DebugStringTableSubsection PDBStrTab; llvm::SmallString<128> NativePath; std::vector SectionMap; /// Type index mappings of type server PDBs that we've loaded so far. std::map TypeServerIndexMappings; }; } -// Returns a list of all SectionChunks. -static void addSectionContribs(SymbolTable *Symtab, - pdb::DbiStreamBuilder &DbiBuilder) { - for (Chunk *C : Symtab->getChunks()) - if (auto *SC = dyn_cast(C)) - DbiBuilder.addSectionContrib(SC->File->ModuleDBI, SC->Header); -} - -static SectionChunk *findByName(std::vector &Sections, +static SectionChunk *findByName(ArrayRef Sections, StringRef Name) { for (SectionChunk *C : Sections) if (C->getSectionName() == Name) return C; return nullptr; } static ArrayRef consumeDebugMagic(ArrayRef Data, StringRef SecName) { // First 4 bytes are section magic. if (Data.size() < 4) fatal(SecName + " too short"); if (support::endian::read32le( != COFF::DEBUG_SECTION_MAGIC) fatal(SecName + " has an invalid magic"); return Data.slice(4); } -static ArrayRef getDebugSection(ObjectFile *File, StringRef SecName) { +static ArrayRef getDebugSection(ObjFile *File, StringRef SecName) { if (SectionChunk *Sec = findByName(File->getDebugChunks(), SecName)) return consumeDebugMagic(Sec->getContents(), SecName); return {}; } +// A COFF .debug$H section is currently a clang extension. This function checks +// if a .debug$H section is in a format that we expect / understand, so that we +// can ignore any sections which are coincidentally also named .debug$H but do +// not contain a format we recognize. +static bool canUseDebugH(ArrayRef DebugH) { + if (DebugH.size() < sizeof(object::debug_h_header)) + return false; + auto *Header = + reinterpret_cast(; + DebugH = DebugH.drop_front(sizeof(object::debug_h_header)); + return Header->Magic == COFF::DEBUG_HASHES_SECTION_MAGIC && + Header->Version == 0 && + Header->HashAlgorithm == uint16_t(GlobalTypeHashAlg::SHA1) && + (DebugH.size() % 20 == 0); +} + +static Optional> getDebugH(ObjFile *File) { + SectionChunk *Sec = findByName(File->getDebugChunks(), ".debug$H"); + if (!Sec) + return llvm::None; + ArrayRef Contents = Sec->getContents(); + if (!canUseDebugH(Contents)) + return None; + return Contents; +} + +static ArrayRef +getHashesFromDebugH(ArrayRef DebugH) { + assert(canUseDebugH(DebugH)); + + DebugH = DebugH.drop_front(sizeof(object::debug_h_header)); + uint32_t Count = DebugH.size() / sizeof(GloballyHashedType); + return {reinterpret_cast(, Count}; +} + static void addTypeInfo(pdb::TpiStreamBuilder &TpiBuilder, - TypeTableBuilder &TypeTable) { + TypeCollection &TypeTable) { // Start the TPI or IPI stream header. TpiBuilder.setVersionHeader(pdb::PdbTpiV80); - // Flatten the in memory type table. - TypeTable.ForEachRecord([&](TypeIndex TI, ArrayRef Rec) { - // FIXME: Hash types. - TpiBuilder.addTypeRecord(Rec, None); + // Flatten the in memory type table and hash each type. + TypeTable.ForEachRecord([&](TypeIndex TI, const CVType &Type) { + auto Hash = pdb::hashTypeRecord(Type); + if (auto E = Hash.takeError()) + fatal("type hashing error"); + TpiBuilder.addTypeRecord(Type.RecordData, *Hash); }); } static Optional maybeReadTypeServerRecord(CVTypeArray &Types) { auto I = Types.begin(); if (I == Types.end()) return None; const CVType &Type = *I; if (Type.kind() != LF_TYPESERVER2) return None; TypeServer2Record TS; if (auto EC = TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs(const_cast(Type), TS)) - fatal(EC, "error reading type server record"); + fatal("error reading type server record: " + toString(std::move(EC))); return std::move(TS); } -const CVIndexMap &PDBLinker::mergeDebugT(ObjectFile *File, +const CVIndexMap &PDBLinker::mergeDebugT(ObjFile *File, CVIndexMap &ObjectIndexMap) { ArrayRef Data = getDebugSection(File, ".debug$T"); if (Data.empty()) return ObjectIndexMap; BinaryByteStream Stream(Data, support::little); CVTypeArray Types; BinaryStreamReader Reader(Stream); if (auto EC = Reader.readArray(Types, Reader.getLength())) - fatal(EC, "Reader::readArray failed"); + fatal("Reader::readArray failed: " + toString(std::move(EC))); // Look through type servers. If we've already seen this type server, don't // merge any type information. if (Optional TS = maybeReadTypeServerRecord(Types)) return maybeMergeTypeServerPDB(File, *TS); // This is a /Z7 object. Fill in the temporary, caller-provided // ObjectIndexMap. - if (auto Err = mergeTypeAndIdRecords(IDTable, TypeTable, - ObjectIndexMap.TPIMap, Types)) - fatal(Err, "codeview::mergeTypeAndIdRecords failed"); + if (Config->DebugGHashes) { + ArrayRef Hashes; + std::vector OwnedHashes; + if (Optional> DebugH = getDebugH(File)) + Hashes = getHashesFromDebugH(*DebugH); + else { + OwnedHashes = GloballyHashedType::hashTypes(Types); + Hashes = OwnedHashes; + } + + if (auto Err = mergeTypeAndIdRecords(GlobalIDTable, GlobalTypeTable, + ObjectIndexMap.TPIMap, Types, Hashes)) + fatal("codeview::mergeTypeAndIdRecords failed: " + + toString(std::move(Err))); + } else { + if (auto Err = mergeTypeAndIdRecords(IDTable, TypeTable, + ObjectIndexMap.TPIMap, Types)) + fatal("codeview::mergeTypeAndIdRecords failed: " + + toString(std::move(Err))); + } return ObjectIndexMap; } static Expected> tryToLoadPDB(const GUID &GuidFromObj, StringRef TSPath) { + ErrorOr> MBOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getFile( + TSPath, /*FileSize=*/-1, /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false); + if (!MBOrErr) + return errorCodeToError(MBOrErr.getError()); + std::unique_ptr ThisSession; - if (auto EC = - pdb::loadDataForPDB(pdb::PDB_ReaderType::Native, TSPath, ThisSession)) + if (auto EC = pdb::NativeSession::createFromPdb( + MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Driver->takeBuffer(std::move(*MBOrErr)), + /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false), + ThisSession)) return std::move(EC); std::unique_ptr NS( static_cast(ThisSession.release())); pdb::PDBFile &File = NS->getPDBFile(); auto ExpectedInfo = File.getPDBInfoStream(); // All PDB Files should have an Info stream. if (!ExpectedInfo) return ExpectedInfo.takeError(); // Just because a file with a matching name was found and it was an actual // PDB file doesn't mean it matches. For it to match the InfoStream's GUID // must match the GUID specified in the TypeServer2 record. if (ExpectedInfo->getGuid() != GuidFromObj) return make_error( pdb::generic_error_code::type_server_not_found, TSPath); return std::move(NS); } -const CVIndexMap &PDBLinker::maybeMergeTypeServerPDB(ObjectFile *File, +const CVIndexMap &PDBLinker::maybeMergeTypeServerPDB(ObjFile *File, TypeServer2Record &TS) { // First, check if we already loaded a PDB with this GUID. Return the type // index mapping if we have it. auto Insertion = TypeServerIndexMappings.insert({TS.getGuid(), CVIndexMap()}); CVIndexMap &IndexMap = Insertion.first->second; if (!Insertion.second) return IndexMap; // Mark this map as a type server map. IndexMap.IsTypeServerMap = true; // Check for a PDB at: // 1. The given file path // 2. Next to the object file or archive file auto ExpectedSession = tryToLoadPDB(TS.getGuid(), TS.getName()); if (!ExpectedSession) { consumeError(ExpectedSession.takeError()); StringRef LocalPath = !File->ParentName.empty() ? File->ParentName : File->getName(); SmallString<128> Path = sys::path::parent_path(LocalPath); sys::path::append( Path, sys::path::filename(TS.getName(), sys::path::Style::windows)); ExpectedSession = tryToLoadPDB(TS.getGuid(), Path); } if (auto E = ExpectedSession.takeError()) - fatal(E, "Type server PDB was not found"); + fatal("Type server PDB was not found: " + toString(std::move(E))); - // Merge TPI first, because the IPI stream will reference type indices. auto ExpectedTpi = (*ExpectedSession)->getPDBFile().getPDBTpiStream(); if (auto E = ExpectedTpi.takeError()) - fatal(E, "Type server does not have TPI stream"); - if (auto Err = mergeTypeRecords(TypeTable, IndexMap.TPIMap, - ExpectedTpi->typeArray())) - fatal(Err, "codeview::mergeTypeRecords failed"); - - // Merge IPI. + fatal("Type server does not have TPI stream: " + toString(std::move(E))); auto ExpectedIpi = (*ExpectedSession)->getPDBFile().getPDBIpiStream(); if (auto E = ExpectedIpi.takeError()) - fatal(E, "Type server does not have TPI stream"); - if (auto Err = mergeIdRecords(IDTable, IndexMap.TPIMap, IndexMap.IPIMap, - ExpectedIpi->typeArray())) - fatal(Err, "codeview::mergeIdRecords failed"); + fatal("Type server does not have TPI stream: " + toString(std::move(E))); + if (Config->DebugGHashes) { + // PDBs do not actually store global hashes, so when merging a type server + // PDB we have to synthesize global hashes. To do this, we first synthesize + // global hashes for the TPI stream, since it is independent, then we + // synthesize hashes for the IPI stream, using the hashes for the TPI stream + // as inputs. + auto TpiHashes = GloballyHashedType::hashTypes(ExpectedTpi->typeArray()); + auto IpiHashes = + GloballyHashedType::hashIds(ExpectedIpi->typeArray(), TpiHashes); + + // Merge TPI first, because the IPI stream will reference type indices. + if (auto Err = mergeTypeRecords(GlobalTypeTable, IndexMap.TPIMap, + ExpectedTpi->typeArray(), TpiHashes)) + fatal("codeview::mergeTypeRecords failed: " + toString(std::move(Err))); + + // Merge IPI. + if (auto Err = + mergeIdRecords(GlobalIDTable, IndexMap.TPIMap, IndexMap.IPIMap, + ExpectedIpi->typeArray(), IpiHashes)) + fatal("codeview::mergeIdRecords failed: " + toString(std::move(Err))); + } else { + // Merge TPI first, because the IPI stream will reference type indices. + if (auto Err = mergeTypeRecords(TypeTable, IndexMap.TPIMap, + ExpectedTpi->typeArray())) + fatal("codeview::mergeTypeRecords failed: " + toString(std::move(Err))); + + // Merge IPI. + if (auto Err = mergeIdRecords(IDTable, IndexMap.TPIMap, IndexMap.IPIMap, + ExpectedIpi->typeArray())) + fatal("codeview::mergeIdRecords failed: " + toString(std::move(Err))); + } + return IndexMap; } static bool remapTypeIndex(TypeIndex &TI, ArrayRef TypeIndexMap) { if (TI.isSimple()) return true; if (TI.toArrayIndex() >= TypeIndexMap.size()) return false; TI = TypeIndexMap[TI.toArrayIndex()]; return true; } -static void remapTypesInSymbolRecord(ObjectFile *File, +static void remapTypesInSymbolRecord(ObjFile *File, SymbolKind SymKind, MutableArrayRef Contents, const CVIndexMap &IndexMap, ArrayRef TypeRefs) { for (const TiReference &Ref : TypeRefs) { unsigned ByteSize = Ref.Count * sizeof(TypeIndex); if (Contents.size() < Ref.Offset + ByteSize) fatal("symbol record too short"); // This can be an item index or a type index. Choose the appropriate map. ArrayRef TypeOrItemMap = IndexMap.TPIMap; - if (Ref.Kind == TiRefKind::IndexRef && IndexMap.IsTypeServerMap) + bool IsItemIndex = Ref.Kind == TiRefKind::IndexRef; + if (IsItemIndex && IndexMap.IsTypeServerMap) TypeOrItemMap = IndexMap.IPIMap; MutableArrayRef TIs( reinterpret_cast( + Ref.Offset), Ref.Count); for (TypeIndex &TI : TIs) { if (!remapTypeIndex(TI, TypeOrItemMap)) { + log("ignoring symbol record of kind 0x" + utohexstr(SymKind) + " in " + + File->getName() + " with bad " + (IsItemIndex ? "item" : "type") + + " index 0x" + utohexstr(TI.getIndex())); TI = TypeIndex(SimpleTypeKind::NotTranslated); - log("ignoring symbol record in " + File->getName() + - " with bad type index 0x" + utohexstr(TI.getIndex())); continue; } } } } -/// MSVC translates S_PROC_ID_END to S_END. -uint16_t canonicalizeSymbolKind(SymbolKind Kind) { - if (Kind == SymbolKind::S_PROC_ID_END) - return SymbolKind::S_END; - return Kind; +static SymbolKind symbolKind(ArrayRef RecordData) { + const RecordPrefix *Prefix = + reinterpret_cast(; + return static_cast(uint16_t(Prefix->RecordKind)); } +/// MSVC translates S_PROC_ID_END to S_END, and S_[LG]PROC32_ID to S_[LG]PROC32 +static void translateIdSymbols(MutableArrayRef &RecordData, + TypeCollection &IDTable) { + RecordPrefix *Prefix = reinterpret_cast(; + + SymbolKind Kind = symbolKind(RecordData); + + if (Kind == SymbolKind::S_PROC_ID_END) { + Prefix->RecordKind = SymbolKind::S_END; + return; + } + + // In an object file, GPROC32_ID has an embedded reference which refers to the + // single object file type index namespace. This has already been translated + // to the PDB file's ID stream index space, but we need to convert this to a + // symbol that refers to the type stream index space. So we remap again from + // ID index space to type index space. + if (Kind == SymbolKind::S_GPROC32_ID || Kind == SymbolKind::S_LPROC32_ID) { + SmallVector Refs; + auto Content = RecordData.drop_front(sizeof(RecordPrefix)); + CVSymbol Sym(Kind, RecordData); + discoverTypeIndicesInSymbol(Sym, Refs); + assert(Refs.size() == 1); + assert(Refs.front().Count == 1); + + TypeIndex *TI = + reinterpret_cast( + Refs[0].Offset); + // `TI` is the index of a FuncIdRecord or MemberFuncIdRecord which lives in + // the IPI stream, whose `FunctionType` member refers to the TPI stream. + // Note that LF_FUNC_ID and LF_MEMFUNC_ID have the same record layout, and + // in both cases we just need the second type index. + if (!TI->isSimple() && !TI->isNoneType()) { + CVType FuncIdData = IDTable.getType(*TI); + SmallVector Indices; + discoverTypeIndices(FuncIdData, Indices); + assert(Indices.size() == 2); + *TI = Indices[1]; + } + + Kind = (Kind == SymbolKind::S_GPROC32_ID) ? SymbolKind::S_GPROC32 + : SymbolKind::S_LPROC32; + Prefix->RecordKind = uint16_t(Kind); + } +} + /// Copy the symbol record. In a PDB, symbol records must be 4 byte aligned. /// The object file may not be aligned. static MutableArrayRef copySymbolForPdb(const CVSymbol &Sym, BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc) { size_t Size = alignTo(Sym.length(), alignOf(CodeViewContainer::Pdb)); assert(Size >= 4 && "record too short"); assert(Size <= MaxRecordLength && "record too long"); void *Mem = Alloc.Allocate(Size, 4); // Copy the symbol record and zero out any padding bytes. MutableArrayRef NewData(reinterpret_cast(Mem), Size); memcpy(,, Sym.length()); memset( + Sym.length(), 0, Size - Sym.length()); // Update the record prefix length. It should point to the beginning of the - // next record. MSVC does some canonicalization of the record kind, so we do - // that as well. + // next record. auto *Prefix = reinterpret_cast(Mem); - Prefix->RecordKind = canonicalizeSymbolKind(Sym.kind()); Prefix->RecordLen = Size - 2; return NewData; } /// Return true if this symbol opens a scope. This implies that the symbol has /// "parent" and "end" fields, which contain the offset of the S_END or /// S_INLINESITE_END record. static bool symbolOpensScope(SymbolKind Kind) { switch (Kind) { case SymbolKind::S_GPROC32: case SymbolKind::S_LPROC32: case SymbolKind::S_LPROC32_ID: case SymbolKind::S_GPROC32_ID: case SymbolKind::S_BLOCK32: case SymbolKind::S_SEPCODE: case SymbolKind::S_THUNK32: case SymbolKind::S_INLINESITE: case SymbolKind::S_INLINESITE2: return true; default: break; } return false; } static bool symbolEndsScope(SymbolKind Kind) { switch (Kind) { case SymbolKind::S_END: case SymbolKind::S_PROC_ID_END: case SymbolKind::S_INLINESITE_END: return true; default: break; } return false; } struct ScopeRecord { ulittle32_t PtrParent; ulittle32_t PtrEnd; }; struct SymbolScope { ScopeRecord *OpeningRecord; uint32_t ScopeOffset; }; static void scopeStackOpen(SmallVectorImpl &Stack, uint32_t CurOffset, CVSymbol &Sym) { assert(symbolOpensScope(Sym.kind())); SymbolScope S; S.ScopeOffset = CurOffset; S.OpeningRecord = const_cast( reinterpret_cast(Sym.content().data())); S.OpeningRecord->PtrParent = Stack.empty() ? 0 : Stack.back().ScopeOffset; Stack.push_back(S); } static void scopeStackClose(SmallVectorImpl &Stack, - uint32_t CurOffset, ObjectFile *File) { + uint32_t CurOffset, ObjFile *File) { if (Stack.empty()) { warn("symbol scopes are not balanced in " + File->getName()); return; } SymbolScope S = Stack.pop_back_val(); S.OpeningRecord->PtrEnd = CurOffset; } -static void mergeSymbolRecords(BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, ObjectFile *File, +static bool symbolGoesInModuleStream(const CVSymbol &Sym) { + switch (Sym.kind()) { + case SymbolKind::S_GDATA32: + case SymbolKind::S_CONSTANT: + case SymbolKind::S_UDT: + // We really should not be seeing S_PROCREF and S_LPROCREF in the first place + // since they are synthesized by the linker in response to S_GPROC32 and + // S_LPROC32, but if we do see them, don't put them in the module stream I + // guess. + case SymbolKind::S_PROCREF: + case SymbolKind::S_LPROCREF: + return false; + // S_GDATA32 does not go in the module stream, but S_LDATA32 does. + case SymbolKind::S_LDATA32: + default: + return true; + } +} + +static bool symbolGoesInGlobalsStream(const CVSymbol &Sym) { + switch (Sym.kind()) { + case SymbolKind::S_CONSTANT: + case SymbolKind::S_GDATA32: + // S_LDATA32 goes in both the module stream and the globals stream. + case SymbolKind::S_LDATA32: + case SymbolKind::S_GPROC32: + case SymbolKind::S_LPROC32: + // We really should not be seeing S_PROCREF and S_LPROCREF in the first place + // since they are synthesized by the linker in response to S_GPROC32 and + // S_LPROC32, but if we do see them, copy them straight through. + case SymbolKind::S_PROCREF: + case SymbolKind::S_LPROCREF: + return true; + // FIXME: For now, we drop all S_UDT symbols (i.e. they don't go in the + // globals stream or the modules stream). These have special handling which + // needs more investigation before we can get right, but by putting them all + // into the globals stream WinDbg fails to display local variables of class + // types saying that it cannot find the type Foo *. So as a stopgap just to + // keep things working, we drop them. + case SymbolKind::S_UDT: + default: + return false; + } +} + +static void addGlobalSymbol(pdb::GSIStreamBuilder &Builder, ObjFile &File, + const CVSymbol &Sym) { + switch (Sym.kind()) { + case SymbolKind::S_CONSTANT: + case SymbolKind::S_UDT: + case SymbolKind::S_GDATA32: + case SymbolKind::S_LDATA32: + case SymbolKind::S_PROCREF: + case SymbolKind::S_LPROCREF: + Builder.addGlobalSymbol(Sym); + break; + case SymbolKind::S_GPROC32: + case SymbolKind::S_LPROC32: { + SymbolRecordKind K = SymbolRecordKind::ProcRefSym; + if (Sym.kind() == SymbolKind::S_LPROC32) + K = SymbolRecordKind::LocalProcRef; + ProcRefSym PS(K); + PS.Module = static_cast(File.ModuleDBI->getModuleIndex()); + // For some reason, MSVC seems to add one to this value. + ++PS.Module; + PS.Name = getSymbolName(Sym); + PS.SumName = 0; + PS.SymOffset = File.ModuleDBI->getNextSymbolOffset(); + Builder.addGlobalSymbol(PS); + break; + } + default: + llvm_unreachable("Invalid symbol kind!"); + } +} + +static void mergeSymbolRecords(BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, ObjFile *File, + pdb::GSIStreamBuilder &GsiBuilder, const CVIndexMap &IndexMap, + TypeCollection &IDTable, BinaryStreamRef SymData) { // FIXME: Improve error recovery by warning and skipping records when // possible. CVSymbolArray Syms; BinaryStreamReader Reader(SymData); ExitOnErr(Reader.readArray(Syms, Reader.getLength())); SmallVector Scopes; - for (const CVSymbol &Sym : Syms) { + for (CVSymbol Sym : Syms) { // Discover type index references in the record. Skip it if we don't know // where they are. SmallVector TypeRefs; - if (!discoverTypeIndices(Sym, TypeRefs)) { + if (!discoverTypeIndicesInSymbol(Sym, TypeRefs)) { log("ignoring unknown symbol record with kind 0x" + utohexstr(Sym.kind())); continue; } // Copy the symbol record so we can mutate it. MutableArrayRef NewData = copySymbolForPdb(Sym, Alloc); // Re-map all the type index references. MutableArrayRef Contents = NewData.drop_front(sizeof(RecordPrefix)); - remapTypesInSymbolRecord(File, Contents, IndexMap, TypeRefs); + remapTypesInSymbolRecord(File, Sym.kind(), Contents, IndexMap, TypeRefs); + // An object file may have S_xxx_ID symbols, but these get converted to + // "real" symbols in a PDB. + translateIdSymbols(NewData, IDTable); + + SymbolKind NewKind = symbolKind(NewData); + // Fill in "Parent" and "End" fields by maintaining a stack of scopes. - CVSymbol NewSym(Sym.kind(), NewData); - if (symbolOpensScope(Sym.kind())) + CVSymbol NewSym(NewKind, NewData); + if (symbolOpensScope(NewKind)) scopeStackOpen(Scopes, File->ModuleDBI->getNextSymbolOffset(), NewSym); - else if (symbolEndsScope(Sym.kind())) + else if (symbolEndsScope(NewKind)) scopeStackClose(Scopes, File->ModuleDBI->getNextSymbolOffset(), File); + // Add the symbol to the globals stream if necessary. Do this before adding + // the symbol to the module since we may need to get the next symbol offset, + // and writing to the module's symbol stream will update that offset. + if (symbolGoesInGlobalsStream(NewSym)) + addGlobalSymbol(GsiBuilder, *File, NewSym); + // Add the symbol to the module. - File->ModuleDBI->addSymbol(NewSym); + if (symbolGoesInModuleStream(NewSym)) + File->ModuleDBI->addSymbol(NewSym); } } // Allocate memory for a .debug$S section and relocate it. static ArrayRef relocateDebugChunk(BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, SectionChunk *DebugChunk) { uint8_t *Buffer = Alloc.Allocate(DebugChunk->getSize()); assert(DebugChunk->OutputSectionOff == 0 && "debug sections should not be in output sections"); DebugChunk->writeTo(Buffer); return consumeDebugMagic(makeArrayRef(Buffer, DebugChunk->getSize()), ".debug$S"); } -void PDBLinker::addObjectFile(ObjectFile *File) { +void PDBLinker::addObjFile(ObjFile *File) { // Add a module descriptor for every object file. We need to put an absolute // path to the object into the PDB. If this is a plain object, we make its // path absolute. If it's an object in an archive, we make the archive path // absolute. bool InArchive = !File->ParentName.empty(); SmallString<128> Path = InArchive ? File->ParentName : File->getName(); sys::fs::make_absolute(Path); sys::path::native(Path, sys::path::Style::windows); StringRef Name = InArchive ? File->getName() : StringRef(Path); File->ModuleDBI = &ExitOnErr(Builder.getDbiBuilder().addModuleInfo(Name)); File->ModuleDBI->setObjFileName(Path); // Before we can process symbol substreams from .debug$S, we need to process // type information, file checksums, and the string table. Add type info to // the PDB first, so that we can get the map from object file type and item // indices to PDB type and item indices. CVIndexMap ObjectIndexMap; const CVIndexMap &IndexMap = mergeDebugT(File, ObjectIndexMap); // Now do all live .debug$S sections. for (SectionChunk *DebugChunk : File->getDebugChunks()) { if (!DebugChunk->isLive() || DebugChunk->getSectionName() != ".debug$S") continue; ArrayRef RelocatedDebugContents = relocateDebugChunk(Alloc, DebugChunk); if (RelocatedDebugContents.empty()) continue; DebugSubsectionArray Subsections; BinaryStreamReader Reader(RelocatedDebugContents, support::little); ExitOnErr(Reader.readArray(Subsections, RelocatedDebugContents.size())); DebugStringTableSubsectionRef CVStrTab; DebugChecksumsSubsectionRef Checksums; for (const DebugSubsectionRecord &SS : Subsections) { switch (SS.kind()) { case DebugSubsectionKind::StringTable: ExitOnErr(CVStrTab.initialize(SS.getRecordData())); break; case DebugSubsectionKind::FileChecksums: ExitOnErr(Checksums.initialize(SS.getRecordData())); break; case DebugSubsectionKind::Lines: // We can add the relocated line table directly to the PDB without // modification because the file checksum offsets will stay the same. File->ModuleDBI->addDebugSubsection(SS); break; case DebugSubsectionKind::Symbols: - mergeSymbolRecords(Alloc, File, IndexMap, SS.getRecordData()); + if (Config->DebugGHashes) { + mergeSymbolRecords(Alloc, File, Builder.getGsiBuilder(), IndexMap, + GlobalIDTable, SS.getRecordData()); + } else { + mergeSymbolRecords(Alloc, File, Builder.getGsiBuilder(), IndexMap, + IDTable, SS.getRecordData()); + } break; default: // FIXME: Process the rest of the subsections. break; } } if (Checksums.valid()) { // Make a new file checksum table that refers to offsets in the PDB-wide // string table. Generally the string table subsection appears after the // checksum table, so we have to do this after looping over all the // subsections. if (!CVStrTab.valid()) fatal(".debug$S sections must have both a string table subsection " "and a checksum subsection table or neither"); auto NewChecksums = make_unique(PDBStrTab); for (FileChecksumEntry &FC : Checksums) { StringRef FileName = ExitOnErr(CVStrTab.getString(FC.FileNameOffset)); ExitOnErr(Builder.getDbiBuilder().addModuleSourceFile(*File->ModuleDBI, FileName)); NewChecksums->addChecksum(FileName, FC.Kind, FC.Checksum); } File->ModuleDBI->addDebugSubsection(std::move(NewChecksums)); } } } +static PublicSym32 createPublic(Defined *Def) { + PublicSym32 Pub(SymbolKind::S_PUB32); + Pub.Name = Def->getName(); + if (auto *D = dyn_cast(Def)) { + if (D->getCOFFSymbol().isFunctionDefinition()) + Pub.Flags = PublicSymFlags::Function; + } else if (isa(Def)) { + Pub.Flags = PublicSymFlags::Function; + } + + OutputSection *OS = Def->getChunk()->getOutputSection(); + assert(OS && "all publics should be in final image"); + Pub.Offset = Def->getRVA() - OS->getRVA(); + Pub.Segment = OS->SectionIndex; + return Pub; +} + // Add all object files to the PDB. Merge .debug$T sections into IpiData and // TpiData. void PDBLinker::addObjectsToPDB() { - for (ObjectFile *File : Symtab->ObjectFiles) - addObjectFile(File); + for (ObjFile *File : ObjFile::Instances) + addObjFile(File); Builder.getStringTableBuilder().setStrings(PDBStrTab); - // Construct TPI stream contents. - addTypeInfo(Builder.getTpiBuilder(), TypeTable); + // Construct TPI and IPI stream contents. + if (Config->DebugGHashes) { + addTypeInfo(Builder.getTpiBuilder(), GlobalTypeTable); + addTypeInfo(Builder.getIpiBuilder(), GlobalIDTable); + } else { + addTypeInfo(Builder.getTpiBuilder(), TypeTable); + addTypeInfo(Builder.getIpiBuilder(), IDTable); + } - // Construct IPI stream contents. - addTypeInfo(Builder.getIpiBuilder(), IDTable); + // Compute the public and global symbols. + auto &GsiBuilder = Builder.getGsiBuilder(); + std::vector Publics; + Symtab->forEachSymbol([&Publics](Symbol *S) { + // Only emit defined, live symbols that have a chunk. + auto *Def = dyn_cast(S); + if (Def && Def->isLive() && Def->getChunk()) + Publics.push_back(createPublic(Def)); + }); - // Add public and symbol records stream. - - // For now we don't actually write any thing useful to the publics stream, but - // the act of "getting" it also creates it lazily so that we write an empty - // stream. - (void)Builder.getPublicsBuilder(); + if (!Publics.empty()) { + // Sort the public symbols and add them to the stream. + std::sort(Publics.begin(), Publics.end(), + [](const PublicSym32 &L, const PublicSym32 &R) { + return L.Name < R.Name; + }); + for (const PublicSym32 &Pub : Publics) + GsiBuilder.addPublicSymbol(Pub); + } } -static void addLinkerModuleSymbols(StringRef Path, - pdb::DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder &Mod, - BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator) { - codeview::SymbolSerializer Serializer(Allocator, CodeViewContainer::Pdb); - codeview::ObjNameSym ONS(SymbolRecordKind::ObjNameSym); - codeview::Compile3Sym CS(SymbolRecordKind::Compile3Sym); - codeview::EnvBlockSym EBS(SymbolRecordKind::EnvBlockSym); +static void addCommonLinkerModuleSymbols(StringRef Path, + pdb::DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder &Mod, + BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator) { + ObjNameSym ONS(SymbolRecordKind::ObjNameSym); + Compile3Sym CS(SymbolRecordKind::Compile3Sym); + EnvBlockSym EBS(SymbolRecordKind::EnvBlockSym); ONS.Name = "* Linker *"; ONS.Signature = 0; CS.Machine = Config->is64() ? CPUType::X64 : CPUType::Intel80386; + // Interestingly, if we set the string to, then when trying to view + // local variables WinDbg emits an error that private symbols are not present. + // By setting this to a valid MSVC linker version string, local variables are + // displayed properly. As such, even though it is not representative of + // LLVM's version information, we need this for compatibility. CS.Flags = CompileSym3Flags::None; - CS.VersionBackendBuild = 0; - CS.VersionBackendMajor = 0; - CS.VersionBackendMinor = 0; + CS.VersionBackendBuild = 25019; + CS.VersionBackendMajor = 14; + CS.VersionBackendMinor = 10; CS.VersionBackendQFE = 0; + + // MSVC also sets the frontend to since this is specifically for the + // linker module (which is by definition a backend), so we don't need to do + // anything here. Also, it seems we can use "LLVM Linker" for the linker name + // without any problems. Only the backend version has to be hardcoded to a + // magic number. CS.VersionFrontendBuild = 0; CS.VersionFrontendMajor = 0; CS.VersionFrontendMinor = 0; CS.VersionFrontendQFE = 0; CS.Version = "LLVM Linker"; CS.setLanguage(SourceLanguage::Link); ArrayRef Args = makeArrayRef(Config->Argv).drop_front(); std::string ArgStr = llvm::join(Args, " "); EBS.Fields.push_back("cwd"); SmallString<64> cwd; sys::fs::current_path(cwd); EBS.Fields.push_back(cwd); EBS.Fields.push_back("exe"); - EBS.Fields.push_back(Config->Argv[0]); + SmallString<64> exe = Config->Argv[0]; + llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute(exe); + EBS.Fields.push_back(exe); EBS.Fields.push_back("pdb"); EBS.Fields.push_back(Path); EBS.Fields.push_back("cmd"); EBS.Fields.push_back(ArgStr); Mod.addSymbol(codeview::SymbolSerializer::writeOneSymbol( ONS, Allocator, CodeViewContainer::Pdb)); Mod.addSymbol(codeview::SymbolSerializer::writeOneSymbol( CS, Allocator, CodeViewContainer::Pdb)); Mod.addSymbol(codeview::SymbolSerializer::writeOneSymbol( EBS, Allocator, CodeViewContainer::Pdb)); } +static void addLinkerModuleSectionSymbol(pdb::DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder &Mod, + OutputSection &OS, + BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator) { + SectionSym Sym(SymbolRecordKind::SectionSym); + Sym.Alignment = 12; // 2^12 = 4KB + Sym.Characteristics = OS.getCharacteristics(); + Sym.Length = OS.getVirtualSize(); + Sym.Name = OS.getName(); + Sym.Rva = OS.getRVA(); + Sym.SectionNumber = OS.SectionIndex; + Mod.addSymbol(codeview::SymbolSerializer::writeOneSymbol( + Sym, Allocator, CodeViewContainer::Pdb)); +} + // Creates a PDB file. -void coff::createPDB(SymbolTable *Symtab, ArrayRef SectionTable, - const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo *DI) { +void coff::createPDB(SymbolTable *Symtab, + ArrayRef OutputSections, + ArrayRef SectionTable, + const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo &BuildId) { PDBLinker PDB(Symtab); - PDB.initialize(DI); + PDB.initialize(BuildId); PDB.addObjectsToPDB(); - PDB.addSections(SectionTable); + PDB.addSections(OutputSections, SectionTable); PDB.commit(); } -void PDBLinker::initialize(const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo *DI) { +void PDBLinker::initialize(const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo &BuildId) { ExitOnErr(Builder.initialize(4096)); // 4096 is blocksize // Create streams in MSF for predefined streams, namely // PDB, TPI, DBI and IPI. for (int I = 0; I < (int)pdb::kSpecialStreamCount; ++I) ExitOnErr(Builder.getMsfBuilder().addStream(0)); // Add an Info stream. auto &InfoBuilder = Builder.getInfoBuilder(); - InfoBuilder.setAge(DI ? DI->PDB70.Age : 0); + InfoBuilder.setAge(BuildId.PDB70.Age); - GUID uuid{}; - if (DI) - memcpy(&uuid, &DI->PDB70.Signature, sizeof(uuid)); + GUID uuid; + memcpy(&uuid, &BuildId.PDB70.Signature, sizeof(uuid)); InfoBuilder.setGuid(uuid); InfoBuilder.setSignature(time(nullptr)); InfoBuilder.setVersion(pdb::PdbRaw_ImplVer::PdbImplVC70); // Add an empty DBI stream. pdb::DbiStreamBuilder &DbiBuilder = Builder.getDbiBuilder(); + DbiBuilder.setAge(BuildId.PDB70.Age); DbiBuilder.setVersionHeader(pdb::PdbDbiV70); ExitOnErr(DbiBuilder.addDbgStream(pdb::DbgHeaderType::NewFPO, {})); } -void PDBLinker::addSections(ArrayRef SectionTable) { - // Add Section Contributions. - pdb::DbiStreamBuilder &DbiBuilder = Builder.getDbiBuilder(); - addSectionContribs(Symtab, DbiBuilder); +void PDBLinker::addSectionContrib(pdb::DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder &LinkerModule, + OutputSection *OS, Chunk *C) { + pdb::SectionContrib SC; + memset(&SC, 0, sizeof(SC)); + SC.ISect = OS->SectionIndex; + SC.Off = C->getRVA() - OS->getRVA(); + SC.Size = C->getSize(); + if (auto *SecChunk = dyn_cast(C)) { + SC.Characteristics = SecChunk->Header->Characteristics; + SC.Imod = SecChunk->File->ModuleDBI->getModuleIndex(); + ArrayRef Contents = SecChunk->getContents(); + JamCRC CRC(0); + ArrayRef CharContents = makeArrayRef( + reinterpret_cast(, Contents.size()); + CRC.update(CharContents); + SC.DataCrc = CRC.getCRC(); + } else { + SC.Characteristics = OS->getCharacteristics(); + // FIXME: When we start creating DBI for import libraries, use those here. + SC.Imod = LinkerModule.getModuleIndex(); + } + SC.RelocCrc = 0; // FIXME + Builder.getDbiBuilder().addSectionContrib(SC); +} - // Add Section Map stream. - ArrayRef Sections = { - (const object::coff_section *), - SectionTable.size() / sizeof(object::coff_section)}; - SectionMap = pdb::DbiStreamBuilder::createSectionMap(Sections); - DbiBuilder.setSectionMap(SectionMap); - +void PDBLinker::addSections(ArrayRef OutputSections, + ArrayRef SectionTable) { // It's not entirely clear what this is, but the * Linker * module uses it. + pdb::DbiStreamBuilder &DbiBuilder = Builder.getDbiBuilder(); NativePath = Config->PDBPath; sys::fs::make_absolute(NativePath); sys::path::native(NativePath, sys::path::Style::windows); uint32_t PdbFilePathNI = DbiBuilder.addECName(NativePath); auto &LinkerModule = ExitOnErr(DbiBuilder.addModuleInfo("* Linker *")); LinkerModule.setPdbFilePathNI(PdbFilePathNI); - addLinkerModuleSymbols(NativePath, LinkerModule, Alloc); + addCommonLinkerModuleSymbols(NativePath, LinkerModule, Alloc); + + // Add section contributions. They must be ordered by ascending RVA. + for (OutputSection *OS : OutputSections) { + addLinkerModuleSectionSymbol(LinkerModule, *OS, Alloc); + for (Chunk *C : OS->getChunks()) + addSectionContrib(LinkerModule, OS, C); + } + + // Add Section Map stream. + ArrayRef Sections = { + (const object::coff_section *), + SectionTable.size() / sizeof(object::coff_section)}; + SectionMap = pdb::DbiStreamBuilder::createSectionMap(Sections); + DbiBuilder.setSectionMap(SectionMap); // Add COFF section header stream. ExitOnErr( DbiBuilder.addDbgStream(pdb::DbgHeaderType::SectionHdr, SectionTable)); } void PDBLinker::commit() { // Write to a file. ExitOnErr(Builder.commit(Config->PDBPath)); } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/PDB.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/PDB.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/PDB.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,31 +1,34 @@ //===- PDB.h ----------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_PDB_H #define LLD_COFF_PDB_H #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" namespace llvm { namespace codeview { union DebugInfo; } } namespace lld { namespace coff { +class OutputSection; class SymbolTable; -void createPDB(SymbolTable *Symtab, llvm::ArrayRef SectionTable, - const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo *DI); +void createPDB(SymbolTable *Symtab, + llvm::ArrayRef OutputSections, + llvm::ArrayRef SectionTable, + const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo &BuildId); } } #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Strings.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Strings.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Strings.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ //===- Strings.cpp -------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Strings.h" #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "dbghelp.lib") #endif using namespace lld; using namespace lld::coff; using namespace llvm; -Optional coff::demangle(StringRef S) { +Optional coff::demangleMSVC(StringRef S) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) // UnDecorateSymbolName is not thread-safe, so we need a mutex. static std::mutex Mu; std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); char Buf[4096]; if (S.startswith("?")) if (size_t Len = UnDecorateSymbolName(S.str().c_str(), Buf, sizeof(Buf), 0)) return std::string(Buf, Len); #endif return None; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Strings.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Strings.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Strings.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ //===- Strings.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_STRINGS_H #define LLD_COFF_STRINGS_H #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include namespace lld { namespace coff { -llvm::Optional demangle(llvm::StringRef S); +llvm::Optional demangleMSVC(llvm::StringRef S); } } #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/SymbolTable.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/SymbolTable.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/SymbolTable.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,375 +1,392 @@ //===- SymbolTable.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Driver.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "LTO.h" -#include "Memory.h" #include "Symbols.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include using namespace llvm; namespace lld { namespace coff { -enum SymbolPreference { - SP_EXISTING = -1, - SP_CONFLICT = 0, - SP_NEW = 1, -}; - -/// Checks if an existing symbol S should be kept or replaced by a new symbol. -/// Returns SP_EXISTING when S should be kept, SP_NEW when the new symbol -/// should be kept, and SP_CONFLICT if no valid resolution exists. -static SymbolPreference compareDefined(Symbol *S, bool WasInserted, - bool NewIsCOMDAT) { - // If the symbol wasn't previously known, the new symbol wins by default. - if (WasInserted || !isa(S->body())) - return SP_NEW; - - // If the existing symbol is a DefinedRegular, both it and the new symbol - // must be comdats. In that case, we have no reason to prefer one symbol - // over the other, and we keep the existing one. If one of the symbols - // is not a comdat, we report a conflict. - if (auto *R = dyn_cast(S->body())) { - if (NewIsCOMDAT && R->isCOMDAT()) - return SP_EXISTING; - else - return SP_CONFLICT; - } - - // Existing symbol is not a DefinedRegular; new symbol wins. - return SP_NEW; -} - SymbolTable *Symtab; void SymbolTable::addFile(InputFile *File) { log("Reading " + toString(File)); File->parse(); MachineTypes MT = File->getMachineType(); if (Config->Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN) { Config->Machine = MT; } else if (MT != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN && Config->Machine != MT) { fatal(toString(File) + ": machine type " + machineToStr(MT) + " conflicts with " + machineToStr(Config->Machine)); } - if (auto *F = dyn_cast(File)) { - ObjectFiles.push_back(F); + if (auto *F = dyn_cast(File)) { + ObjFile::Instances.push_back(F); } else if (auto *F = dyn_cast(File)) { - BitcodeFiles.push_back(F); + BitcodeFile::Instances.push_back(F); } else if (auto *F = dyn_cast(File)) { - ImportFiles.push_back(F); + ImportFile::Instances.push_back(F); } StringRef S = File->getDirectives(); if (S.empty()) return; log("Directives: " + toString(File) + ": " + S); Driver->parseDirectives(S); } +static void errorOrWarn(const Twine &S) { + if (Config->Force) + warn(S); + else + error(S); +} + void SymbolTable::reportRemainingUndefines() { - SmallPtrSet Undefs; - for (auto &I : Symtab) { + SmallPtrSet Undefs; + DenseMap LocalImports; + + for (auto &I : SymMap) { Symbol *Sym = I.second; - auto *Undef = dyn_cast(Sym->body()); + auto *Undef = dyn_cast(Sym); if (!Undef) continue; if (!Sym->IsUsedInRegularObj) continue; + StringRef Name = Undef->getName(); + // A weak alias may have been resolved, so check for that. if (Defined *D = Undef->getWeakAlias()) { - // We resolve weak aliases by replacing the alias's SymbolBody with the - // target's SymbolBody. This causes all SymbolBody pointers referring to - // the old symbol to instead refer to the new symbol. However, we can't - // just blindly copy sizeof(Symbol::Body) bytes from D to Sym->Body - // because D may be an internal symbol, and internal symbols are stored as - // "unparented" SymbolBodies. For that reason we need to check which type - // of symbol we are dealing with and copy the correct number of bytes. + // We want to replace Sym with D. However, we can't just blindly + // copy sizeof(SymbolUnion) bytes from D to Sym because D may be an + // internal symbol, and internal symbols are stored as "unparented" + // Symbols. For that reason we need to check which type of symbol we + // are dealing with and copy the correct number of bytes. if (isa(D)) - memcpy(Sym->Body.buffer, D, sizeof(DefinedRegular)); + memcpy(Sym, D, sizeof(DefinedRegular)); else if (isa(D)) - memcpy(Sym->Body.buffer, D, sizeof(DefinedAbsolute)); + memcpy(Sym, D, sizeof(DefinedAbsolute)); else - // No other internal symbols are possible. - Sym->Body = D->symbol()->Body; + memcpy(Sym, D, sizeof(SymbolUnion)); continue; } + // If we can resolve a symbol by removing __imp_ prefix, do that. // This odd rule is for compatibility with MSVC linker. if (Name.startswith("__imp_")) { Symbol *Imp = find(Name.substr(strlen("__imp_"))); - if (Imp && isa(Imp->body())) { - auto *D = cast(Imp->body()); - replaceBody(Sym, Name, D); - LocalImportChunks.push_back( - cast(Sym->body())->getChunk()); + if (Imp && isa(Imp)) { + auto *D = cast(Imp); + replaceSymbol(Sym, Name, D); + LocalImportChunks.push_back(cast(Sym)->getChunk()); + LocalImports[Sym] = D; continue; } } + // Remaining undefined symbols are not fatal if /force is specified. // They are replaced with dummy defined symbols. if (Config->Force) - replaceBody(Sym, Name, 0); - Undefs.insert(Sym->body()); + replaceSymbol(Sym, Name, 0); + Undefs.insert(Sym); } - if (Undefs.empty()) + + if (Undefs.empty() && LocalImports.empty()) return; - for (SymbolBody *B : Config->GCRoot) + + for (Symbol *B : Config->GCRoot) { if (Undefs.count(B)) - warn(": undefined symbol: " + B->getName()); - for (ObjectFile *File : ObjectFiles) - for (SymbolBody *Sym : File->getSymbols()) + errorOrWarn(": undefined symbol: " + B->getName()); + if (Symbol *Imp = LocalImports.lookup(B)) + warn(": locally defined symbol imported: " + Imp->getName() + + " (defined in " + toString(Imp->getFile()) + ")"); + } + + for (ObjFile *File : ObjFile::Instances) { + for (Symbol *Sym : File->getSymbols()) { + if (!Sym) + continue; if (Undefs.count(Sym)) - warn(toString(File) + ": undefined symbol: " + Sym->getName()); - if (!Config->Force) - fatal("link failed"); + errorOrWarn(toString(File) + ": undefined symbol: " + Sym->getName()); + if (Symbol *Imp = LocalImports.lookup(Sym)) + warn(toString(File) + ": locally defined symbol imported: " + + Imp->getName() + " (defined in " + toString(Imp->getFile()) + ")"); + } + } } std::pair SymbolTable::insert(StringRef Name) { - Symbol *&Sym = Symtab[CachedHashStringRef(Name)]; + Symbol *&Sym = SymMap[CachedHashStringRef(Name)]; if (Sym) return {Sym, false}; - Sym = make(); + Sym = (Symbol *)make(); Sym->IsUsedInRegularObj = false; Sym->PendingArchiveLoad = false; return {Sym, true}; } Symbol *SymbolTable::addUndefined(StringRef Name, InputFile *F, bool IsWeakAlias) { Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(Name); if (!F || !isa(F)) S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; - if (WasInserted || (isa(S->body()) && IsWeakAlias)) { - replaceBody(S, Name); + if (WasInserted || (isa(S) && IsWeakAlias)) { + replaceSymbol(S, Name); return S; } - if (auto *L = dyn_cast(S->body())) { + if (auto *L = dyn_cast(S)) { if (!S->PendingArchiveLoad) { S->PendingArchiveLoad = true; L->File->addMember(&L->Sym); } } return S; } void SymbolTable::addLazy(ArchiveFile *F, const Archive::Symbol Sym) { StringRef Name = Sym.getName(); Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(Name); if (WasInserted) { - replaceBody(S, F, Sym); + replaceSymbol(S, F, Sym); return; } - auto *U = dyn_cast(S->body()); + auto *U = dyn_cast(S); if (!U || U->WeakAlias || S->PendingArchiveLoad) return; S->PendingArchiveLoad = true; F->addMember(&Sym); } void SymbolTable::reportDuplicate(Symbol *Existing, InputFile *NewFile) { - error("duplicate symbol: " + toString(*Existing->body()) + " in " + - toString(Existing->body()->getFile()) + " and in " + - (NewFile ? toString(NewFile) : "(internal)")); + error("duplicate symbol: " + toString(*Existing) + " in " + + toString(Existing->getFile()) + " and in " + toString(NewFile)); } Symbol *SymbolTable::addAbsolute(StringRef N, COFFSymbolRef Sym) { Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(N); S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; - if (WasInserted || isa(S->body()) || isa(S->body())) - replaceBody(S, N, Sym); - else if (!isa(S->body())) + if (WasInserted || isa(S) || isa(S)) + replaceSymbol(S, N, Sym); + else if (!isa(S)) reportDuplicate(S, nullptr); return S; } Symbol *SymbolTable::addAbsolute(StringRef N, uint64_t VA) { Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(N); S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; - if (WasInserted || isa(S->body()) || isa(S->body())) - replaceBody(S, N, VA); - else if (!isa(S->body())) + if (WasInserted || isa(S) || isa(S)) + replaceSymbol(S, N, VA); + else if (!isa(S)) reportDuplicate(S, nullptr); return S; } Symbol *SymbolTable::addSynthetic(StringRef N, Chunk *C) { Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(N); S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; - if (WasInserted || isa(S->body()) || isa(S->body())) - replaceBody(S, N, C); - else if (!isa(S->body())) + if (WasInserted || isa(S) || isa(S)) + replaceSymbol(S, N, C); + else if (!isa(S)) reportDuplicate(S, nullptr); return S; } -Symbol *SymbolTable::addRegular(InputFile *F, StringRef N, bool IsCOMDAT, +Symbol *SymbolTable::addRegular(InputFile *F, StringRef N, const coff_symbol_generic *Sym, SectionChunk *C) { Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(N); if (!isa(F)) S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; - SymbolPreference SP = compareDefined(S, WasInserted, IsCOMDAT); - if (SP == SP_CONFLICT) { + if (WasInserted || !isa(S)) + replaceSymbol(S, F, N, /*IsCOMDAT*/ false, + /*IsExternal*/ true, Sym, C); + else reportDuplicate(S, F); - } else if (SP == SP_NEW) { - replaceBody(S, F, N, IsCOMDAT, /*IsExternal*/ true, Sym, C); - } else if (SP == SP_EXISTING && IsCOMDAT && C) { - C->markDiscarded(); - // Discard associative chunks that we've parsed so far. No need to recurse - // because an associative section cannot have children. - for (SectionChunk *Child : C->children()) - Child->markDiscarded(); - } return S; } +std::pair +SymbolTable::addComdat(InputFile *F, StringRef N, + const coff_symbol_generic *Sym) { + Symbol *S; + bool WasInserted; + std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(N); + if (!isa(F)) + S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; + if (WasInserted || !isa(S)) { + replaceSymbol(S, F, N, /*IsCOMDAT*/ true, + /*IsExternal*/ true, Sym, nullptr); + return {S, true}; + } + if (!cast(S)->isCOMDAT()) + reportDuplicate(S, F); + return {S, false}; +} + Symbol *SymbolTable::addCommon(InputFile *F, StringRef N, uint64_t Size, const coff_symbol_generic *Sym, CommonChunk *C) { Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(N); if (!isa(F)) S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; - if (WasInserted || !isa(S->body())) - replaceBody(S, F, N, Size, Sym, C); - else if (auto *DC = dyn_cast(S->body())) + if (WasInserted || !isa(S)) + replaceSymbol(S, F, N, Size, Sym, C); + else if (auto *DC = dyn_cast(S)) if (Size > DC->getSize()) - replaceBody(S, F, N, Size, Sym, C); + replaceSymbol(S, F, N, Size, Sym, C); return S; } -Symbol *SymbolTable::addImportData(StringRef N, ImportFile *F) { +DefinedImportData *SymbolTable::addImportData(StringRef N, ImportFile *F) { Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(N); S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; - if (WasInserted || isa(S->body()) || isa(S->body())) - replaceBody(S, N, F); - else if (!isa(S->body())) - reportDuplicate(S, nullptr); - return S; + if (WasInserted || isa(S) || isa(S)) { + replaceSymbol(S, N, F); + return cast(S); + } + + reportDuplicate(S, F); + return nullptr; } -Symbol *SymbolTable::addImportThunk(StringRef Name, DefinedImportData *ID, - uint16_t Machine) { +DefinedImportThunk *SymbolTable::addImportThunk(StringRef Name, + DefinedImportData *ID, + uint16_t Machine) { Symbol *S; bool WasInserted; std::tie(S, WasInserted) = insert(Name); S->IsUsedInRegularObj = true; - if (WasInserted || isa(S->body()) || isa(S->body())) - replaceBody(S, Name, ID, Machine); - else if (!isa(S->body())) - reportDuplicate(S, nullptr); - return S; + if (WasInserted || isa(S) || isa(S)) { + replaceSymbol(S, Name, ID, Machine); + return cast(S); + } + + reportDuplicate(S, ID->File); + return nullptr; } std::vector SymbolTable::getChunks() { std::vector Res; - for (ObjectFile *File : ObjectFiles) { - std::vector &V = File->getChunks(); + for (ObjFile *File : ObjFile::Instances) { + ArrayRef V = File->getChunks(); Res.insert(Res.end(), V.begin(), V.end()); } return Res; } Symbol *SymbolTable::find(StringRef Name) { - auto It = Symtab.find(CachedHashStringRef(Name)); - if (It == Symtab.end()) + auto It = SymMap.find(CachedHashStringRef(Name)); + if (It == SymMap.end()) return nullptr; return It->second; } Symbol *SymbolTable::findUnderscore(StringRef Name) { if (Config->Machine == I386) return find(("_" + Name).str()); return find(Name); } StringRef SymbolTable::findByPrefix(StringRef Prefix) { - for (auto Pair : Symtab) { + for (auto Pair : SymMap) { StringRef Name = Pair.first.val(); if (Name.startswith(Prefix)) return Name; } return ""; } StringRef SymbolTable::findMangle(StringRef Name) { if (Symbol *Sym = find(Name)) - if (!isa(Sym->body())) + if (!isa(Sym)) return Name; if (Config->Machine != I386) return findByPrefix(("?" + Name + "@@Y").str()); if (!Name.startswith("_")) return ""; - // Search for x86 C function. + // Search for x86 stdcall function. StringRef S = findByPrefix((Name + "@").str()); if (!S.empty()) return S; + // Search for x86 fastcall function. + S = findByPrefix(("@" + Name.substr(1) + "@").str()); + if (!S.empty()) + return S; + // Search for x86 vectorcall function. + S = findByPrefix((Name.substr(1) + "@@").str()); + if (!S.empty()) + return S; // Search for x86 C++ non-member function. return findByPrefix(("?" + Name.substr(1) + "@@Y").str()); } -void SymbolTable::mangleMaybe(SymbolBody *B) { +void SymbolTable::mangleMaybe(Symbol *B) { auto *U = dyn_cast(B); if (!U || U->WeakAlias) return; StringRef Alias = findMangle(U->getName()); - if (!Alias.empty()) + if (!Alias.empty()) { + log(U->getName() + " aliased to " + Alias); U->WeakAlias = addUndefined(Alias); + } } -SymbolBody *SymbolTable::addUndefined(StringRef Name) { - return addUndefined(Name, nullptr, false)->body(); +Symbol *SymbolTable::addUndefined(StringRef Name) { + return addUndefined(Name, nullptr, false); } std::vector SymbolTable::compileBitcodeFiles() { LTO.reset(new BitcodeCompiler); - for (BitcodeFile *F : BitcodeFiles) + for (BitcodeFile *F : BitcodeFile::Instances) LTO->add(*F); return LTO->compile(); } void SymbolTable::addCombinedLTOObjects() { - if (BitcodeFiles.empty()) + if (BitcodeFile::Instances.empty()) return; for (StringRef Object : compileBitcodeFiles()) { - auto *Obj = make(MemoryBufferRef(Object, "lto.tmp")); + auto *Obj = make(MemoryBufferRef(Object, "lto.tmp")); Obj->parse(); - ObjectFiles.push_back(Obj); + ObjFile::Instances.push_back(Obj); } } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/SymbolTable.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/SymbolTable.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/SymbolTable.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,124 +1,123 @@ //===- SymbolTable.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_SYMBOL_TABLE_H #define LLD_COFF_SYMBOL_TABLE_H #include "InputFiles.h" #include "LTO.h" #include "llvm/ADT/CachedHashString.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" namespace llvm { struct LTOCodeGenerator; } namespace lld { namespace coff { class Chunk; class CommonChunk; class Defined; class DefinedAbsolute; class DefinedRelative; class Lazy; class SectionChunk; -class SymbolBody; -struct Symbol; +class Symbol; // SymbolTable is a bucket of all known symbols, including defined, // undefined, or lazy symbols (the last one is symbols in archive // files whose archive members are not yet loaded). // // We put all symbols of all files to a SymbolTable, and the // SymbolTable selects the "best" symbols if there are name // conflicts. For example, obviously, a defined symbol is better than // an undefined symbol. Or, if there's a conflict between a lazy and a // undefined, it'll read an archive member to read a real definition // to replace the lazy symbol. The logic is implemented in the // add*() functions, which are called by input files as they are parsed. // There is one add* function per symbol type. class SymbolTable { public: void addFile(InputFile *File); // Try to resolve any undefined symbols and update the symbol table // accordingly, then print an error message for any remaining undefined // symbols. void reportRemainingUndefines(); // Returns a list of chunks of selected symbols. std::vector getChunks(); // Returns a symbol for a given name. Returns a nullptr if not found. Symbol *find(StringRef Name); Symbol *findUnderscore(StringRef Name); // Occasionally we have to resolve an undefined symbol to its // mangled symbol. This function tries to find a mangled name // for U from the symbol table, and if found, set the symbol as // a weak alias for U. - void mangleMaybe(SymbolBody *B); + void mangleMaybe(Symbol *B); StringRef findMangle(StringRef Name); // Build a set of COFF objects representing the combined contents of // BitcodeFiles and add them to the symbol table. Called after all files are // added and before the writer writes results to a file. void addCombinedLTOObjects(); std::vector compileBitcodeFiles(); - // The writer needs to handle DLL import libraries specially in - // order to create the import descriptor table. - std::vector ImportFiles; - - // The writer needs to infer the machine type from the object files. - std::vector ObjectFiles; - // Creates an Undefined symbol for a given name. - SymbolBody *addUndefined(StringRef Name); + Symbol *addUndefined(StringRef Name); Symbol *addSynthetic(StringRef N, Chunk *C); Symbol *addAbsolute(StringRef N, uint64_t VA); Symbol *addUndefined(StringRef Name, InputFile *F, bool IsWeakAlias); void addLazy(ArchiveFile *F, const Archive::Symbol Sym); Symbol *addAbsolute(StringRef N, COFFSymbolRef S); - Symbol *addRegular(InputFile *F, StringRef N, bool IsCOMDAT, + Symbol *addRegular(InputFile *F, StringRef N, const llvm::object::coff_symbol_generic *S = nullptr, SectionChunk *C = nullptr); + std::pair + addComdat(InputFile *F, StringRef N, + const llvm::object::coff_symbol_generic *S = nullptr); Symbol *addCommon(InputFile *F, StringRef N, uint64_t Size, const llvm::object::coff_symbol_generic *S = nullptr, CommonChunk *C = nullptr); - Symbol *addImportData(StringRef N, ImportFile *F); - Symbol *addImportThunk(StringRef Name, DefinedImportData *S, - uint16_t Machine); + DefinedImportData *addImportData(StringRef N, ImportFile *F); + DefinedImportThunk *addImportThunk(StringRef Name, DefinedImportData *S, + uint16_t Machine); void reportDuplicate(Symbol *Existing, InputFile *NewFile); // A list of chunks which to be added to .rdata. std::vector LocalImportChunks; + // Iterates symbols in non-determinstic hash table order. + template void forEachSymbol(T Callback) { + for (auto &Pair : SymMap) + Callback(Pair.second); + } + private: std::pair insert(StringRef Name); StringRef findByPrefix(StringRef Prefix); - llvm::DenseMap Symtab; - - std::vector BitcodeFiles; + llvm::DenseMap SymMap; std::unique_ptr LTO; }; extern SymbolTable *Symtab; } // namespace coff } // namespace lld #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Symbols.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Symbols.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Symbols.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,90 +1,100 @@ //===- Symbols.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Symbols.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" -#include "Memory.h" #include "Strings.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; // Returns a symbol name for an error message. -std::string lld::toString(coff::SymbolBody &B) { - if (Optional S = coff::demangle(B.getName())) +std::string lld::toString(coff::Symbol &B) { + if (Optional S = coff::demangleMSVC(B.getName())) return ("\"" + *S + "\" (" + B.getName() + ")").str(); return B.getName(); } namespace lld { namespace coff { -StringRef SymbolBody::getName() { +StringRef Symbol::getName() { // COFF symbol names are read lazily for a performance reason. // Non-external symbol names are never used by the linker except for logging // or debugging. Their internal references are resolved not by name but by // symbol index. And because they are not external, no one can refer them by // name. Object files contain lots of non-external symbols, and creating // StringRefs for them (which involves lots of strlen() on the string table) // is a waste of time. if (Name.empty()) { auto *D = cast(this); - cast(D->File)->getCOFFObj()->getSymbolName(D->Sym, Name); + cast(D->File)->getCOFFObj()->getSymbolName(D->Sym, Name); } return Name; } -InputFile *SymbolBody::getFile() { +InputFile *Symbol::getFile() { if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast(this)) return Sym->File; if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast(this)) return Sym->File; return nullptr; } +bool Symbol::isLive() const { + if (auto *R = dyn_cast(this)) + return R->getChunk()->isLive(); + if (auto *Imp = dyn_cast(this)) + return Imp->File->Live; + if (auto *Imp = dyn_cast(this)) + return Imp->WrappedSym->File->Live; + // Assume any other kind of symbol is live. + return true; +} + COFFSymbolRef DefinedCOFF::getCOFFSymbol() { - size_t SymSize = - cast(File)->getCOFFObj()->getSymbolTableEntrySize(); + size_t SymSize = cast(File)->getCOFFObj()->getSymbolTableEntrySize(); if (SymSize == sizeof(coff_symbol16)) return COFFSymbolRef(reinterpret_cast(Sym)); assert(SymSize == sizeof(coff_symbol32)); return COFFSymbolRef(reinterpret_cast(Sym)); } uint16_t DefinedAbsolute::OutputSectionIndex = 0; static Chunk *makeImportThunk(DefinedImportData *S, uint16_t Machine) { if (Machine == AMD64) return make(S); if (Machine == I386) return make(S); if (Machine == ARM64) return make(S); assert(Machine == ARMNT); return make(S); } DefinedImportThunk::DefinedImportThunk(StringRef Name, DefinedImportData *S, uint16_t Machine) : Defined(DefinedImportThunkKind, Name), WrappedSym(S), Data(makeImportThunk(S, Machine)) {} Defined *Undefined::getWeakAlias() { // A weak alias may be a weak alias to another symbol, so check recursively. - for (SymbolBody *A = WeakAlias; A; A = cast(A)->WeakAlias) + for (Symbol *A = WeakAlias; A; A = cast(A)->WeakAlias) if (auto *D = dyn_cast(A)) return D; return nullptr; } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Symbols.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Symbols.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Symbols.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,443 +1,431 @@ //===- Symbols.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_SYMBOLS_H #define LLD_COFF_SYMBOLS_H #include "Chunks.h" #include "Config.h" -#include "Memory.h" -#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h" +#include "lld/Common/LLVM.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/Object/Archive.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include #include #include namespace lld { namespace coff { using llvm::object::Archive; using llvm::object::COFFSymbolRef; using llvm::object::coff_import_header; using llvm::object::coff_symbol_generic; class ArchiveFile; class InputFile; -class ObjectFile; -struct Symbol; +class ObjFile; class SymbolTable; // The base class for real symbol classes. -class SymbolBody { +class Symbol { public: enum Kind { // The order of these is significant. We start with the regular defined // symbols as those are the most prevelant and the zero tag is the cheapest // to set. Among the defined kinds, the lower the kind is preferred over // the higher kind when testing wether one symbol should take precedence // over another. DefinedRegularKind = 0, DefinedCommonKind, DefinedLocalImportKind, DefinedImportThunkKind, DefinedImportDataKind, DefinedAbsoluteKind, DefinedSyntheticKind, UndefinedKind, LazyKind, LastDefinedCOFFKind = DefinedCommonKind, LastDefinedKind = DefinedSyntheticKind, }; Kind kind() const { return static_cast(SymbolKind); } // Returns true if this is an external symbol. bool isExternal() { return IsExternal; } // Returns the symbol name. StringRef getName(); // Returns the file from which this symbol was created. InputFile *getFile(); - Symbol *symbol(); - const Symbol *symbol() const { - return const_cast(this)->symbol(); - } + // Indicates that this symbol will be included in the final image. Only valid + // after calling markLive. + bool isLive() const; protected: friend SymbolTable; - explicit SymbolBody(Kind K, StringRef N = "") + explicit Symbol(Kind K, StringRef N = "") : SymbolKind(K), IsExternal(true), IsCOMDAT(false), - WrittenToSymtab(false), Name(N) {} + WrittenToSymtab(false), PendingArchiveLoad(false), IsGCRoot(false), + Name(N) {} const unsigned SymbolKind : 8; unsigned IsExternal : 1; // This bit is used by the \c DefinedRegular subclass. unsigned IsCOMDAT : 1; public: // This bit is used by Writer::createSymbolAndStringTable() to prevent // symbols from being written to the symbol table more than once. unsigned WrittenToSymtab : 1; + // True if this symbol was referenced by a regular (non-bitcode) object. + unsigned IsUsedInRegularObj : 1; + + // True if we've seen both a lazy and an undefined symbol with this symbol + // name, which means that we have enqueued an archive member load and should + // not load any more archive members to resolve the same symbol. + unsigned PendingArchiveLoad : 1; + + /// True if we've already added this symbol to the list of GC roots. + unsigned IsGCRoot : 1; + protected: StringRef Name; }; // The base class for any defined symbols, including absolute symbols, // etc. -class Defined : public SymbolBody { +class Defined : public Symbol { public: - Defined(Kind K, StringRef N) : SymbolBody(K, N) {} + Defined(Kind K, StringRef N) : Symbol(K, N) {} - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { - return S->kind() <= LastDefinedKind; - } + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() <= LastDefinedKind; } // Returns the RVA (relative virtual address) of this symbol. The // writer sets and uses RVAs. uint64_t getRVA(); // Returns the chunk containing this symbol. Absolute symbols and __ImageBase // do not have chunks, so this may return null. Chunk *getChunk(); }; // Symbols defined via a COFF object file or bitcode file. For COFF files, this // stores a coff_symbol_generic*, and names of internal symbols are lazily // loaded through that. For bitcode files, Sym is nullptr and the name is stored // as a StringRef. class DefinedCOFF : public Defined { - friend SymbolBody; + friend Symbol; + public: DefinedCOFF(Kind K, InputFile *F, StringRef N, const coff_symbol_generic *S) : Defined(K, N), File(F), Sym(S) {} - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() <= LastDefinedCOFFKind; } InputFile *getFile() { return File; } COFFSymbolRef getCOFFSymbol(); InputFile *File; protected: const coff_symbol_generic *Sym; }; // Regular defined symbols read from object file symbol tables. class DefinedRegular : public DefinedCOFF { public: DefinedRegular(InputFile *F, StringRef N, bool IsCOMDAT, bool IsExternal = false, const coff_symbol_generic *S = nullptr, SectionChunk *C = nullptr) : DefinedCOFF(DefinedRegularKind, F, N, S), Data(C ? &C->Repl : nullptr) { this->IsExternal = IsExternal; this->IsCOMDAT = IsCOMDAT; } - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == DefinedRegularKind; } - uint64_t getRVA() { return (*Data)->getRVA() + Sym->Value; } - bool isCOMDAT() { return IsCOMDAT; } - SectionChunk *getChunk() { return *Data; } - uint32_t getValue() { return Sym->Value; } + uint64_t getRVA() const { return (*Data)->getRVA() + Sym->Value; } + bool isCOMDAT() const { return IsCOMDAT; } + SectionChunk *getChunk() const { return *Data; } + uint32_t getValue() const { return Sym->Value; } -private: SectionChunk **Data; }; class DefinedCommon : public DefinedCOFF { public: DefinedCommon(InputFile *F, StringRef N, uint64_t Size, const coff_symbol_generic *S = nullptr, CommonChunk *C = nullptr) : DefinedCOFF(DefinedCommonKind, F, N, S), Data(C), Size(Size) { this->IsExternal = true; } - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == DefinedCommonKind; } uint64_t getRVA() { return Data->getRVA(); } - Chunk *getChunk() { return Data; } + CommonChunk *getChunk() { return Data; } private: friend SymbolTable; uint64_t getSize() const { return Size; } CommonChunk *Data; uint64_t Size; }; // Absolute symbols. class DefinedAbsolute : public Defined { public: DefinedAbsolute(StringRef N, COFFSymbolRef S) : Defined(DefinedAbsoluteKind, N), VA(S.getValue()) { IsExternal = S.isExternal(); } DefinedAbsolute(StringRef N, uint64_t V) : Defined(DefinedAbsoluteKind, N), VA(V) {} - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == DefinedAbsoluteKind; } uint64_t getRVA() { return VA - Config->ImageBase; } void setVA(uint64_t V) { VA = V; } // The sentinel absolute symbol section index. Section index relocations // against absolute symbols resolve to this 16 bit number, and it is the // largest valid section index plus one. This is written by the Writer. static uint16_t OutputSectionIndex; uint16_t getSecIdx() { return OutputSectionIndex; } private: uint64_t VA; }; // This symbol is used for linker-synthesized symbols like __ImageBase and // __safe_se_handler_table. class DefinedSynthetic : public Defined { public: explicit DefinedSynthetic(StringRef Name, Chunk *C) : Defined(DefinedSyntheticKind, Name), C(C) {} - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == DefinedSyntheticKind; } // A null chunk indicates that this is __ImageBase. Otherwise, this is some // other synthesized chunk, like SEHTableChunk. uint32_t getRVA() { return C ? C->getRVA() : 0; } Chunk *getChunk() { return C; } private: Chunk *C; }; // This class represents a symbol defined in an archive file. It is // created from an archive file header, and it knows how to load an // object file from an archive to replace itself with a defined // symbol. If the resolver finds both Undefined and Lazy for // the same name, it will ask the Lazy to load a file. -class Lazy : public SymbolBody { +class Lazy : public Symbol { public: Lazy(ArchiveFile *F, const Archive::Symbol S) - : SymbolBody(LazyKind, S.getName()), File(F), Sym(S) {} + : Symbol(LazyKind, S.getName()), File(F), Sym(S) {} - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { return S->kind() == LazyKind; } + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == LazyKind; } ArchiveFile *File; private: friend SymbolTable; private: const Archive::Symbol Sym; }; // Undefined symbols. -class Undefined : public SymbolBody { +class Undefined : public Symbol { public: - explicit Undefined(StringRef N) : SymbolBody(UndefinedKind, N) {} + explicit Undefined(StringRef N) : Symbol(UndefinedKind, N) {} - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { - return S->kind() == UndefinedKind; - } + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == UndefinedKind; } // An undefined symbol can have a fallback symbol which gives an // undefined symbol a second chance if it would remain undefined. // If it remains undefined, it'll be replaced with whatever the // Alias pointer points to. - SymbolBody *WeakAlias = nullptr; + Symbol *WeakAlias = nullptr; // If this symbol is external weak, try to resolve it to a defined // symbol by searching the chain of fallback symbols. Returns the symbol if // successful, otherwise returns null. Defined *getWeakAlias(); }; // Windows-specific classes. // This class represents a symbol imported from a DLL. This has two // names for internal use and external use. The former is used for // name resolution, and the latter is used for the import descriptor // table in an output. The former has "__imp_" prefix. class DefinedImportData : public Defined { public: DefinedImportData(StringRef N, ImportFile *F) : Defined(DefinedImportDataKind, N), File(F) { } - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == DefinedImportDataKind; } uint64_t getRVA() { return File->Location->getRVA(); } Chunk *getChunk() { return File->Location; } void setLocation(Chunk *AddressTable) { File->Location = AddressTable; } StringRef getDLLName() { return File->DLLName; } StringRef getExternalName() { return File->ExternalName; } uint16_t getOrdinal() { return File->Hdr->OrdinalHint; } ImportFile *File; }; // This class represents a symbol for a jump table entry which jumps // to a function in a DLL. Linker are supposed to create such symbols // without "__imp_" prefix for all function symbols exported from // DLLs, so that you can call DLL functions as regular functions with // a regular name. A function pointer is given as a DefinedImportData. class DefinedImportThunk : public Defined { public: DefinedImportThunk(StringRef Name, DefinedImportData *S, uint16_t Machine); - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == DefinedImportThunkKind; } uint64_t getRVA() { return Data->getRVA(); } Chunk *getChunk() { return Data; } DefinedImportData *WrappedSym; private: Chunk *Data; }; // If you have a symbol "__imp_foo" in your object file, a symbol name // "foo" becomes automatically available as a pointer to "__imp_foo". // This class is for such automatically-created symbols. // Yes, this is an odd feature. We didn't intend to implement that. // This is here just for compatibility with MSVC. class DefinedLocalImport : public Defined { public: DefinedLocalImport(StringRef N, Defined *S) : Defined(DefinedLocalImportKind, N), Data(make(S)) {} - static bool classof(const SymbolBody *S) { + static bool classof(const Symbol *S) { return S->kind() == DefinedLocalImportKind; } uint64_t getRVA() { return Data->getRVA(); } Chunk *getChunk() { return Data; } private: LocalImportChunk *Data; }; inline uint64_t Defined::getRVA() { switch (kind()) { case DefinedAbsoluteKind: return cast(this)->getRVA(); case DefinedSyntheticKind: return cast(this)->getRVA(); case DefinedImportDataKind: return cast(this)->getRVA(); case DefinedImportThunkKind: return cast(this)->getRVA(); case DefinedLocalImportKind: return cast(this)->getRVA(); case DefinedCommonKind: return cast(this)->getRVA(); case DefinedRegularKind: return cast(this)->getRVA(); case LazyKind: case UndefinedKind: llvm_unreachable("Cannot get the address for an undefined symbol."); } llvm_unreachable("unknown symbol kind"); } inline Chunk *Defined::getChunk() { switch (kind()) { case DefinedRegularKind: return cast(this)->getChunk(); case DefinedAbsoluteKind: return nullptr; case DefinedSyntheticKind: return cast(this)->getChunk(); case DefinedImportDataKind: return cast(this)->getChunk(); case DefinedImportThunkKind: return cast(this)->getChunk(); case DefinedLocalImportKind: return cast(this)->getChunk(); case DefinedCommonKind: return cast(this)->getChunk(); case LazyKind: case UndefinedKind: llvm_unreachable("Cannot get the chunk of an undefined symbol."); } llvm_unreachable("unknown symbol kind"); } -// A real symbol object, SymbolBody, is usually stored within a Symbol. There's -// always one Symbol for each symbol name. The resolver updates the SymbolBody -// stored in the Body field of this object as it resolves symbols. Symbol also -// holds computed properties of symbol names. -struct Symbol { - // True if this symbol was referenced by a regular (non-bitcode) object. - unsigned IsUsedInRegularObj : 1; - - // True if we've seen both a lazy and an undefined symbol with this symbol - // name, which means that we have enqueued an archive member load and should - // not load any more archive members to resolve the same symbol. - unsigned PendingArchiveLoad : 1; - - // This field is used to store the Symbol's SymbolBody. This instantiation of - // AlignedCharArrayUnion gives us a struct with a char array field that is - // large and aligned enough to store any derived class of SymbolBody. - llvm::AlignedCharArrayUnion< - DefinedRegular, DefinedCommon, DefinedAbsolute, DefinedSynthetic, Lazy, - Undefined, DefinedImportData, DefinedImportThunk, DefinedLocalImport> - Body; - - SymbolBody *body() { - return reinterpret_cast(Body.buffer); - } - const SymbolBody *body() const { return const_cast(this)->body(); } +// A buffer class that is large enough to hold any Symbol-derived +// object. We allocate memory using this class and instantiate a symbol +// using the placement new. +union SymbolUnion { + alignas(DefinedRegular) char A[sizeof(DefinedRegular)]; + alignas(DefinedCommon) char B[sizeof(DefinedCommon)]; + alignas(DefinedAbsolute) char C[sizeof(DefinedAbsolute)]; + alignas(DefinedSynthetic) char D[sizeof(DefinedSynthetic)]; + alignas(Lazy) char E[sizeof(Lazy)]; + alignas(Undefined) char F[sizeof(Undefined)]; + alignas(DefinedImportData) char G[sizeof(DefinedImportData)]; + alignas(DefinedImportThunk) char H[sizeof(DefinedImportThunk)]; + alignas(DefinedLocalImport) char I[sizeof(DefinedLocalImport)]; }; template -void replaceBody(Symbol *S, ArgT &&... Arg) { - static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(S->Body), "Body too small"); - static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(decltype(S->Body)), - "Body not aligned enough"); - assert(static_cast(static_cast(nullptr)) == nullptr && - "Not a SymbolBody"); - new (S->Body.buffer) T(std::forward(Arg)...); +void replaceSymbol(Symbol *S, ArgT &&... Arg) { + static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(SymbolUnion), "Symbol too small"); + static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(SymbolUnion), + "SymbolUnion not aligned enough"); + assert(static_cast(static_cast(nullptr)) == nullptr && + "Not a Symbol"); + new (S) T(std::forward(Arg)...); } - -inline Symbol *SymbolBody::symbol() { - assert(isExternal()); - return reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(this) - - offsetof(Symbol, Body)); -} } // namespace coff -std::string toString(coff::SymbolBody &B); +std::string toString(coff::Symbol &B); } // namespace lld #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Writer.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Writer.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Writer.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,900 +1,971 @@ //===- Writer.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Writer.h" #include "Config.h" #include "DLL.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "MapFile.h" -#include "Memory.h" #include "PDB.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "Symbols.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h" +#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/Parallel.h" #include "llvm/Support/RandomNumberGenerator.h" -#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::COFF; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::support; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::coff; static const int SectorSize = 512; static const int DOSStubSize = 64; static const int NumberfOfDataDirectory = 16; namespace { class DebugDirectoryChunk : public Chunk { public: DebugDirectoryChunk(const std::vector &R) : Records(R) {} size_t getSize() const override { return Records.size() * sizeof(debug_directory); } void writeTo(uint8_t *B) const override { auto *D = reinterpret_cast(B + OutputSectionOff); for (const Chunk *Record : Records) { D->Characteristics = 0; D->TimeDateStamp = 0; D->MajorVersion = 0; D->MinorVersion = 0; D->Type = COFF::IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW; D->SizeOfData = Record->getSize(); D->AddressOfRawData = Record->getRVA(); - // TODO(compnerd) get the file offset - D->PointerToRawData = 0; + OutputSection *OS = Record->getOutputSection(); + uint64_t Offs = OS->getFileOff() + (Record->getRVA() - OS->getRVA()); + D->PointerToRawData = Offs; ++D; } } private: const std::vector &Records; }; class CVDebugRecordChunk : public Chunk { +public: + CVDebugRecordChunk() { + PDBAbsPath = Config->PDBPath; + if (!PDBAbsPath.empty()) + llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute(PDBAbsPath); + } + size_t getSize() const override { - return sizeof(codeview::DebugInfo) + Config->PDBPath.size() + 1; + return sizeof(codeview::DebugInfo) + PDBAbsPath.size() + 1; } void writeTo(uint8_t *B) const override { // Save off the DebugInfo entry to backfill the file signature (build id) // in Writer::writeBuildId - DI = reinterpret_cast(B + OutputSectionOff); + BuildId = reinterpret_cast(B + OutputSectionOff); - DI->Signature.CVSignature = OMF::Signature::PDB70; - // variable sized field (PDB Path) - auto *P = reinterpret_cast(B + OutputSectionOff + sizeof(*DI)); - if (!Config->PDBPath.empty()) - memcpy(P, Config->, Config->PDBPath.size()); - P[Config->PDBPath.size()] = '\0'; + char *P = reinterpret_cast(B + OutputSectionOff + sizeof(*BuildId)); + if (!PDBAbsPath.empty()) + memcpy(P,, PDBAbsPath.size()); + P[PDBAbsPath.size()] = '\0'; } -public: - mutable codeview::DebugInfo *DI = nullptr; + SmallString<128> PDBAbsPath; + mutable codeview::DebugInfo *BuildId = nullptr; }; // The writer writes a SymbolTable result to a file. class Writer { public: - Writer(SymbolTable *T) : Symtab(T) {} + Writer() : Buffer(errorHandler().OutputBuffer) {} void run(); private: void createSections(); void createMiscChunks(); void createImportTables(); void createExportTable(); void assignAddresses(); void removeEmptySections(); void createSymbolAndStringTable(); void openFile(StringRef OutputPath); template void writeHeader(); - void fixSafeSEHSymbols(); + void createSEHTable(OutputSection *RData); void setSectionPermissions(); void writeSections(); - void sortExceptionTable(); void writeBuildId(); + void sortExceptionTable(); llvm::Optional createSymbol(Defined *D); size_t addEntryToStringTable(StringRef Str); OutputSection *findSection(StringRef Name); OutputSection *createSection(StringRef Name); void addBaserels(OutputSection *Dest); void addBaserelBlocks(OutputSection *Dest, std::vector &V); uint32_t getSizeOfInitializedData(); std::map> binImports(); - SymbolTable *Symtab; - std::unique_ptr Buffer; + std::unique_ptr &Buffer; std::vector OutputSections; std::vector Strtab; std::vector OutputSymtab; IdataContents Idata; DelayLoadContents DelayIdata; EdataContents Edata; SEHTableChunk *SEHTable = nullptr; Chunk *DebugDirectory = nullptr; std::vector DebugRecords; CVDebugRecordChunk *BuildId = nullptr; + Optional PreviousBuildId; ArrayRef SectionTable; uint64_t FileSize; uint32_t PointerToSymbolTable = 0; uint64_t SizeOfImage; uint64_t SizeOfHeaders; }; } // anonymous namespace namespace lld { namespace coff { -void writeResult(SymbolTable *T) { Writer(T).run(); } +void writeResult() { Writer().run(); } void OutputSection::setRVA(uint64_t RVA) { Header.VirtualAddress = RVA; for (Chunk *C : Chunks) C->setRVA(C->getRVA() + RVA); } void OutputSection::setFileOffset(uint64_t Off) { // If a section has no actual data (i.e. BSS section), we want to // set 0 to its PointerToRawData. Otherwise the output is rejected // by the loader. if (Header.SizeOfRawData == 0) return; Header.PointerToRawData = Off; } void OutputSection::addChunk(Chunk *C) { Chunks.push_back(C); C->setOutputSection(this); uint64_t Off = Header.VirtualSize; - Off = alignTo(Off, C->getAlign()); + Off = alignTo(Off, C->Alignment); C->setRVA(Off); C->OutputSectionOff = Off; Off += C->getSize(); + if (Off > UINT32_MAX) + error("section larger than 4 GiB: " + Name); Header.VirtualSize = Off; if (C->hasData()) Header.SizeOfRawData = alignTo(Off, SectorSize); } void OutputSection::addPermissions(uint32_t C) { Header.Characteristics |= C & PermMask; } void OutputSection::setPermissions(uint32_t C) { Header.Characteristics = C & PermMask; } // Write the section header to a given buffer. void OutputSection::writeHeaderTo(uint8_t *Buf) { auto *Hdr = reinterpret_cast(Buf); *Hdr = Header; if (StringTableOff) { // If name is too long, write offset into the string table as a name. sprintf(Hdr->Name, "/%d", StringTableOff); } else { - assert(!Config->Debug || Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize); + assert(!Config->Debug || Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize || + (Hdr->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE) == 0); strncpy(Hdr->Name,, std::min(Name.size(), (size_t)COFF::NameSize)); } } } // namespace coff } // namespace lld +// PDBs are matched against executables using a build id which consists of three +// components: +// 1. A 16-bit GUID +// 2. An age +// 3. A time stamp. +// +// Debuggers and symbol servers match executables against debug info by checking +// each of these components of the EXE/DLL against the corresponding value in +// the PDB and failing a match if any of the components differ. In the case of +// symbol servers, symbols are cached in a folder that is a function of the +// GUID. As a result, in order to avoid symbol cache pollution where every +// incremental build copies a new PDB to the symbol cache, we must try to re-use +// the existing GUID if one exists, but bump the age. This way the match will +// fail, so the symbol cache knows to use the new PDB, but the GUID matches, so +// it overwrites the existing item in the symbol cache rather than making a new +// one. +static Optional loadExistingBuildId(StringRef Path) { + // We don't need to incrementally update a previous build id if we're not + // writing codeview debug info. + if (!Config->Debug) + return None; + + auto ExpectedBinary = llvm::object::createBinary(Path); + if (!ExpectedBinary) { + consumeError(ExpectedBinary.takeError()); + return None; + } + + auto Binary = std::move(*ExpectedBinary); + if (!Binary.getBinary()->isCOFF()) + return None; + + std::error_code EC; + COFFObjectFile File(Binary.getBinary()->getMemoryBufferRef(), EC); + if (EC) + return None; + + // If the machine of the binary we're outputting doesn't match the machine + // of the existing binary, don't try to re-use the build id. + if (File.is64() != Config->is64() || File.getMachine() != Config->Machine) + return None; + + for (const auto &DebugDir : File.debug_directories()) { + if (DebugDir.Type != IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW) + continue; + + const codeview::DebugInfo *ExistingDI = nullptr; + StringRef PDBFileName; + if (auto EC = File.getDebugPDBInfo(ExistingDI, PDBFileName)) { + (void)EC; + return None; + } + // We only support writing PDBs in v70 format. So if this is not a build + // id that we recognize / support, ignore it. + if (ExistingDI->Signature.CVSignature != OMF::Signature::PDB70) + return None; + return *ExistingDI; + } + return None; +} + // The main function of the writer. void Writer::run() { createSections(); createMiscChunks(); createImportTables(); createExportTable(); if (Config->Relocatable) createSection(".reloc"); assignAddresses(); removeEmptySections(); setSectionPermissions(); createSymbolAndStringTable(); + + // We must do this before opening the output file, as it depends on being able + // to read the contents of the existing output file. + PreviousBuildId = loadExistingBuildId(Config->OutputFile); openFile(Config->OutputFile); if (Config->is64()) { writeHeader(); } else { writeHeader(); } - fixSafeSEHSymbols(); writeSections(); sortExceptionTable(); writeBuildId(); if (!Config->PDBPath.empty() && Config->Debug) { - const llvm::codeview::DebugInfo *DI = nullptr; - if (Config->DebugTypes & static_cast(coff::DebugType::CV)) - DI = BuildId->DI; - createPDB(Symtab, SectionTable, DI); + + assert(BuildId); + createPDB(Symtab, OutputSections, SectionTable, *BuildId->BuildId); } writeMapFile(OutputSections); - if (auto EC = Buffer->commit()) - fatal(EC, "failed to write the output file"); + if (auto E = Buffer->commit()) + fatal("failed to write the output file: " + toString(std::move(E))); } static StringRef getOutputSection(StringRef Name) { StringRef S = Name.split('$').first; + + // Treat a later period as a separator for MinGW, for sections like + // ".ctors.01234". + S = S.substr(0, S.find('.', 1)); + auto It = Config->Merge.find(S); if (It == Config->Merge.end()) return S; return It->second; } // Create output section objects and add them to OutputSections. void Writer::createSections() { // First, bin chunks by name. std::map> Map; for (Chunk *C : Symtab->getChunks()) { auto *SC = dyn_cast(C); if (SC && !SC->isLive()) { if (Config->Verbose) SC->printDiscardedMessage(); continue; } Map[C->getSectionName()].push_back(C); } // Then create an OutputSection for each section. // '$' and all following characters in input section names are // discarded when determining output section. So, .text$foo // contributes to .text, for example. See PE/COFF spec 3.2. SmallDenseMap Sections; for (auto Pair : Map) { StringRef Name = getOutputSection(Pair.first); OutputSection *&Sec = Sections[Name]; if (!Sec) { Sec = make(Name); OutputSections.push_back(Sec); } std::vector &Chunks = Pair.second; for (Chunk *C : Chunks) { Sec->addChunk(C); Sec->addPermissions(C->getPermissions()); } } } void Writer::createMiscChunks() { OutputSection *RData = createSection(".rdata"); // Create thunks for locally-dllimported symbols. if (!Symtab->LocalImportChunks.empty()) { for (Chunk *C : Symtab->LocalImportChunks) RData->addChunk(C); } // Create Debug Information Chunks if (Config->Debug) { DebugDirectory = make(DebugRecords); - // TODO(compnerd) create a coffgrp entry if DebugType::CV is not enabled - if (Config->DebugTypes & static_cast(coff::DebugType::CV)) { - auto *Chunk = make(); + // Make a CVDebugRecordChunk even when /DEBUG:CV is not specified. We + // output a PDB no matter what, and this chunk provides the only means of + // allowing a debugger to match a PDB and an executable. So we need it even + // if we're ultimately not going to write CodeView data to the PDB. + auto *CVChunk = make(); + BuildId = CVChunk; + DebugRecords.push_back(CVChunk); - BuildId = Chunk; - DebugRecords.push_back(Chunk); - } - RData->addChunk(DebugDirectory); for (Chunk *C : DebugRecords) RData->addChunk(C); } - // Create SEH table. x86-only. - if (Config->Machine != I386) - return; - - std::set Handlers; - - for (lld::coff::ObjectFile *File : Symtab->ObjectFiles) { - if (!File->SEHCompat) - return; - for (SymbolBody *B : File->SEHandlers) { - // Make sure the handler is still live. Assume all handlers are regular - // symbols. - auto *D = dyn_cast(B); - if (D && D->getChunk()->isLive()) - Handlers.insert(D); - } - } - - if (!Handlers.empty()) { - SEHTable = make(Handlers); - RData->addChunk(SEHTable); - } + createSEHTable(RData); } // Create .idata section for the DLL-imported symbol table. // The format of this section is inherently Windows-specific. // IdataContents class abstracted away the details for us, // so we just let it create chunks and add them to the section. void Writer::createImportTables() { - if (Symtab->ImportFiles.empty()) + if (ImportFile::Instances.empty()) return; // Initialize DLLOrder so that import entries are ordered in // the same order as in the command line. (That affects DLL // initialization order, and this ordering is MSVC-compatible.) - for (ImportFile *File : Symtab->ImportFiles) { + for (ImportFile *File : ImportFile::Instances) { if (!File->Live) continue; std::string DLL = StringRef(File->DLLName).lower(); if (Config->DLLOrder.count(DLL) == 0) Config->DLLOrder[DLL] = Config->DLLOrder.size(); } OutputSection *Text = createSection(".text"); - for (ImportFile *File : Symtab->ImportFiles) { + for (ImportFile *File : ImportFile::Instances) { if (!File->Live) continue; if (DefinedImportThunk *Thunk = File->ThunkSym) Text->addChunk(Thunk->getChunk()); if (Config->DelayLoads.count(StringRef(File->DLLName).lower())) { if (!File->ThunkSym) fatal("cannot delay-load " + toString(File) + " due to import of data: " + toString(*File->ImpSym)); DelayIdata.add(File->ImpSym); } else { Idata.add(File->ImpSym); } } if (!Idata.empty()) { OutputSection *Sec = createSection(".idata"); for (Chunk *C : Idata.getChunks()) Sec->addChunk(C); } if (!DelayIdata.empty()) { Defined *Helper = cast(Config->DelayLoadHelper); DelayIdata.create(Helper); OutputSection *Sec = createSection(".didat"); for (Chunk *C : DelayIdata.getChunks()) Sec->addChunk(C); Sec = createSection(".data"); for (Chunk *C : DelayIdata.getDataChunks()) Sec->addChunk(C); Sec = createSection(".text"); for (Chunk *C : DelayIdata.getCodeChunks()) Sec->addChunk(C); } } void Writer::createExportTable() { if (Config->Exports.empty()) return; OutputSection *Sec = createSection(".edata"); for (Chunk *C : Edata.Chunks) Sec->addChunk(C); } // The Windows loader doesn't seem to like empty sections, // so we remove them if any. void Writer::removeEmptySections() { auto IsEmpty = [](OutputSection *S) { return S->getVirtualSize() == 0; }; OutputSections.erase( std::remove_if(OutputSections.begin(), OutputSections.end(), IsEmpty), OutputSections.end()); uint32_t Idx = 1; for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) Sec->SectionIndex = Idx++; } size_t Writer::addEntryToStringTable(StringRef Str) { assert(Str.size() > COFF::NameSize); size_t OffsetOfEntry = Strtab.size() + 4; // +4 for the size field Strtab.insert(Strtab.end(), Str.begin(), Str.end()); Strtab.push_back('\0'); return OffsetOfEntry; } Optional Writer::createSymbol(Defined *Def) { // Relative symbols are unrepresentable in a COFF symbol table. if (isa(Def)) return None; - if (auto *D = dyn_cast(Def)) { - // Don't write dead symbols or symbols in codeview sections to the symbol - // table. - if (!D->getChunk()->isLive() || D->getChunk()->isCodeView()) + // Don't write dead symbols or symbols in codeview sections to the symbol + // table. + if (!Def->isLive()) + return None; + if (auto *D = dyn_cast(Def)) + if (D->getChunk()->isCodeView()) return None; - } - if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast(Def)) - if (!Sym->File->Live) - return None; - - if (auto *Sym = dyn_cast(Def)) - if (!Sym->WrappedSym->File->Live) - return None; - coff_symbol16 Sym; StringRef Name = Def->getName(); if (Name.size() > COFF::NameSize) { Sym.Name.Offset.Zeroes = 0; Sym.Name.Offset.Offset = addEntryToStringTable(Name); } else { memset(Sym.Name.ShortName, 0, COFF::NameSize); memcpy(Sym.Name.ShortName,, Name.size()); } if (auto *D = dyn_cast(Def)) { COFFSymbolRef Ref = D->getCOFFSymbol(); Sym.Type = Ref.getType(); Sym.StorageClass = Ref.getStorageClass(); } else { Sym.Type = IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_NULL; Sym.StorageClass = IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL; } Sym.NumberOfAuxSymbols = 0; switch (Def->kind()) { - case SymbolBody::DefinedAbsoluteKind: + case Symbol::DefinedAbsoluteKind: Sym.Value = Def->getRVA(); Sym.SectionNumber = IMAGE_SYM_ABSOLUTE; break; default: { uint64_t RVA = Def->getRVA(); OutputSection *Sec = nullptr; for (OutputSection *S : OutputSections) { if (S->getRVA() > RVA) break; Sec = S; } Sym.Value = RVA - Sec->getRVA(); Sym.SectionNumber = Sec->SectionIndex; break; } } return Sym; } void Writer::createSymbolAndStringTable() { - if (!Config->Debug || !Config->WriteSymtab) - return; - // Name field in the section table is 8 byte long. Longer names need // to be written to the string table. First, construct string table. for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) { StringRef Name = Sec->getName(); if (Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize) continue; + // If a section isn't discardable (i.e. will be mapped at runtime), + // prefer a truncated section name over a long section name in + // the string table that is unavailable at runtime. This is different from + // what link.exe does, but finding ".eh_fram" instead of "/4" is useful + // to libunwind. + if ((Sec->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE) == 0) + continue; Sec->setStringTableOff(addEntryToStringTable(Name)); } - for (lld::coff::ObjectFile *File : Symtab->ObjectFiles) { - for (SymbolBody *B : File->getSymbols()) { - auto *D = dyn_cast(B); - if (!D || D->WrittenToSymtab) - continue; - D->WrittenToSymtab = true; + if (Config->DebugDwarf) { + for (ObjFile *File : ObjFile::Instances) { + for (Symbol *B : File->getSymbols()) { + auto *D = dyn_cast_or_null(B); + if (!D || D->WrittenToSymtab) + continue; + D->WrittenToSymtab = true; - if (Optional Sym = createSymbol(D)) - OutputSymtab.push_back(*Sym); + if (Optional Sym = createSymbol(D)) + OutputSymtab.push_back(*Sym); + } } } + if (OutputSymtab.empty() && Strtab.empty()) + return; + OutputSection *LastSection = OutputSections.back(); // We position the symbol table to be adjacent to the end of the last section. uint64_t FileOff = LastSection->getFileOff() + alignTo(LastSection->getRawSize(), SectorSize); - if (!OutputSymtab.empty()) { - PointerToSymbolTable = FileOff; - FileOff += OutputSymtab.size() * sizeof(coff_symbol16); - } - if (!Strtab.empty()) - FileOff += Strtab.size() + 4; + PointerToSymbolTable = FileOff; + FileOff += OutputSymtab.size() * sizeof(coff_symbol16); + FileOff += 4 + Strtab.size(); FileSize = alignTo(FileOff, SectorSize); } // Visits all sections to assign incremental, non-overlapping RVAs and // file offsets. void Writer::assignAddresses() { SizeOfHeaders = DOSStubSize + sizeof(PEMagic) + sizeof(coff_file_header) + sizeof(data_directory) * NumberfOfDataDirectory + sizeof(coff_section) * OutputSections.size(); SizeOfHeaders += Config->is64() ? sizeof(pe32plus_header) : sizeof(pe32_header); SizeOfHeaders = alignTo(SizeOfHeaders, SectorSize); uint64_t RVA = 0x1000; // The first page is kept unmapped. FileSize = SizeOfHeaders; // Move DISCARDABLE (or non-memory-mapped) sections to the end of file because // the loader cannot handle holes. std::stable_partition( OutputSections.begin(), OutputSections.end(), [](OutputSection *S) { return (S->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE) == 0; }); for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) { if (Sec->getName() == ".reloc") addBaserels(Sec); Sec->setRVA(RVA); Sec->setFileOffset(FileSize); RVA += alignTo(Sec->getVirtualSize(), PageSize); FileSize += alignTo(Sec->getRawSize(), SectorSize); } - SizeOfImage = SizeOfHeaders + alignTo(RVA - 0x1000, PageSize); + SizeOfImage = alignTo(RVA, PageSize); } template void Writer::writeHeader() { // Write DOS stub uint8_t *Buf = Buffer->getBufferStart(); auto *DOS = reinterpret_cast(Buf); Buf += DOSStubSize; DOS->Magic[0] = 'M'; DOS->Magic[1] = 'Z'; DOS->AddressOfRelocationTable = sizeof(dos_header); DOS->AddressOfNewExeHeader = DOSStubSize; // Write PE magic memcpy(Buf, PEMagic, sizeof(PEMagic)); Buf += sizeof(PEMagic); // Write COFF header auto *COFF = reinterpret_cast(Buf); Buf += sizeof(*COFF); COFF->Machine = Config->Machine; COFF->NumberOfSections = OutputSections.size(); COFF->Characteristics = IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE; if (Config->LargeAddressAware) COFF->Characteristics |= IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE; if (!Config->is64()) COFF->Characteristics |= IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE; if (Config->DLL) COFF->Characteristics |= IMAGE_FILE_DLL; if (!Config->Relocatable) COFF->Characteristics |= IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED; COFF->SizeOfOptionalHeader = sizeof(PEHeaderTy) + sizeof(data_directory) * NumberfOfDataDirectory; // Write PE header auto *PE = reinterpret_cast(Buf); Buf += sizeof(*PE); PE->Magic = Config->is64() ? PE32Header::PE32_PLUS : PE32Header::PE32; // If {Major,Minor}LinkerVersion is left at 0.0, then for some // reason signing the resulting PE file with Authenticode produces a // signature that fails to validate on Windows 7 (but is OK on 10). // Set it to 14.0, which is what VS2015 outputs, and which avoids // that problem. PE->MajorLinkerVersion = 14; PE->MinorLinkerVersion = 0; PE->ImageBase = Config->ImageBase; PE->SectionAlignment = PageSize; PE->FileAlignment = SectorSize; PE->MajorImageVersion = Config->MajorImageVersion; PE->MinorImageVersion = Config->MinorImageVersion; PE->MajorOperatingSystemVersion = Config->MajorOSVersion; PE->MinorOperatingSystemVersion = Config->MinorOSVersion; PE->MajorSubsystemVersion = Config->MajorOSVersion; PE->MinorSubsystemVersion = Config->MinorOSVersion; PE->Subsystem = Config->Subsystem; PE->SizeOfImage = SizeOfImage; PE->SizeOfHeaders = SizeOfHeaders; if (!Config->NoEntry) { Defined *Entry = cast(Config->Entry); PE->AddressOfEntryPoint = Entry->getRVA(); // Pointer to thumb code must have the LSB set, so adjust it. if (Config->Machine == ARMNT) PE->AddressOfEntryPoint |= 1; } PE->SizeOfStackReserve = Config->StackReserve; PE->SizeOfStackCommit = Config->StackCommit; PE->SizeOfHeapReserve = Config->HeapReserve; PE->SizeOfHeapCommit = Config->HeapCommit; - - // Import Descriptor Tables and Import Address Tables are merged - // in our output. That's not compatible with the Binding feature - // that is sort of prelinking. Setting this flag to make it clear - // that our outputs are not for the Binding. - PE->DLLCharacteristics = IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND; - if (Config->AppContainer) PE->DLLCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_APPCONTAINER; if (Config->DynamicBase) PE->DLLCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE; if (Config->HighEntropyVA) PE->DLLCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_HIGH_ENTROPY_VA; + if (!Config->AllowBind) + PE->DLLCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND; if (Config->NxCompat) PE->DLLCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT; if (!Config->AllowIsolation) PE->DLLCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NO_ISOLATION; + if (Config->Machine == I386 && !SEHTable && + !Symtab->findUnderscore("_load_config_used")) + PE->DLLCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH; if (Config->TerminalServerAware) PE->DLLCharacteristics |= IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE; PE->NumberOfRvaAndSize = NumberfOfDataDirectory; if (OutputSection *Text = findSection(".text")) { PE->BaseOfCode = Text->getRVA(); PE->SizeOfCode = Text->getRawSize(); } PE->SizeOfInitializedData = getSizeOfInitializedData(); // Write data directory auto *Dir = reinterpret_cast(Buf); Buf += sizeof(*Dir) * NumberfOfDataDirectory; if (OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".edata")) { Dir[EXPORT_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Sec->getRVA(); Dir[EXPORT_TABLE].Size = Sec->getVirtualSize(); } if (!Idata.empty()) { Dir[IMPORT_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Idata.getDirRVA(); Dir[IMPORT_TABLE].Size = Idata.getDirSize(); Dir[IAT].RelativeVirtualAddress = Idata.getIATRVA(); Dir[IAT].Size = Idata.getIATSize(); } if (OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".rsrc")) { Dir[RESOURCE_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Sec->getRVA(); Dir[RESOURCE_TABLE].Size = Sec->getVirtualSize(); } if (OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".pdata")) { Dir[EXCEPTION_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Sec->getRVA(); Dir[EXCEPTION_TABLE].Size = Sec->getVirtualSize(); } if (OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".reloc")) { Dir[BASE_RELOCATION_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Sec->getRVA(); Dir[BASE_RELOCATION_TABLE].Size = Sec->getVirtualSize(); } if (Symbol *Sym = Symtab->findUnderscore("_tls_used")) { - if (Defined *B = dyn_cast(Sym->body())) { + if (Defined *B = dyn_cast(Sym)) { Dir[TLS_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = B->getRVA(); Dir[TLS_TABLE].Size = Config->is64() ? sizeof(object::coff_tls_directory64) : sizeof(object::coff_tls_directory32); } } if (Config->Debug) { Dir[DEBUG_DIRECTORY].RelativeVirtualAddress = DebugDirectory->getRVA(); Dir[DEBUG_DIRECTORY].Size = DebugDirectory->getSize(); } if (Symbol *Sym = Symtab->findUnderscore("_load_config_used")) { - if (auto *B = dyn_cast(Sym->body())) { + if (auto *B = dyn_cast(Sym)) { SectionChunk *SC = B->getChunk(); assert(B->getRVA() >= SC->getRVA()); uint64_t OffsetInChunk = B->getRVA() - SC->getRVA(); if (!SC->hasData() || OffsetInChunk + 4 > SC->getSize()) fatal("_load_config_used is malformed"); ArrayRef SecContents = SC->getContents(); uint32_t LoadConfigSize = *reinterpret_cast(&SecContents[OffsetInChunk]); if (OffsetInChunk + LoadConfigSize > SC->getSize()) fatal("_load_config_used is too large"); Dir[LOAD_CONFIG_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = B->getRVA(); Dir[LOAD_CONFIG_TABLE].Size = LoadConfigSize; } } if (!DelayIdata.empty()) { Dir[DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR].RelativeVirtualAddress = DelayIdata.getDirRVA(); Dir[DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR].Size = DelayIdata.getDirSize(); } // Write section table for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) { Sec->writeHeaderTo(Buf); Buf += sizeof(coff_section); } SectionTable = ArrayRef( Buf - OutputSections.size() * sizeof(coff_section), Buf); - if (OutputSymtab.empty()) + if (OutputSymtab.empty() && Strtab.empty()) return; COFF->PointerToSymbolTable = PointerToSymbolTable; uint32_t NumberOfSymbols = OutputSymtab.size(); COFF->NumberOfSymbols = NumberOfSymbols; auto *SymbolTable = reinterpret_cast( Buffer->getBufferStart() + COFF->PointerToSymbolTable); for (size_t I = 0; I != NumberOfSymbols; ++I) SymbolTable[I] = OutputSymtab[I]; // Create the string table, it follows immediately after the symbol table. // The first 4 bytes is length including itself. Buf = reinterpret_cast(&SymbolTable[NumberOfSymbols]); write32le(Buf, Strtab.size() + 4); if (!Strtab.empty()) memcpy(Buf + 4,, Strtab.size()); } void Writer::openFile(StringRef Path) { - Buffer = check( + Buffer = CHECK( FileOutputBuffer::create(Path, FileSize, FileOutputBuffer::F_executable), "failed to open " + Path); } -void Writer::fixSafeSEHSymbols() { - if (!SEHTable) +void Writer::createSEHTable(OutputSection *RData) { + // Create SEH table. x86-only. + if (Config->Machine != I386) return; + + std::set Handlers; + + for (ObjFile *File : ObjFile::Instances) { + if (!File->SEHCompat) + return; + for (uint32_t I : File->SXData) + if (Symbol *B = File->getSymbol(I)) + if (B->isLive()) + Handlers.insert(cast(B)); + } + + if (Handlers.empty()) + return; + + SEHTable = make(Handlers); + RData->addChunk(SEHTable); + // Replace the absolute table symbol with a synthetic symbol pointing to the // SEHTable chunk so that we can emit base relocations for it and resolve // section relative relocations. Symbol *T = Symtab->find("___safe_se_handler_table"); Symbol *C = Symtab->find("___safe_se_handler_count"); - replaceBody(T, T->body()->getName(), SEHTable); - cast(C->body())->setVA(SEHTable->getSize() / 4); + replaceSymbol(T, T->getName(), SEHTable); + cast(C)->setVA(SEHTable->getSize() / 4); } // Handles /section options to allow users to overwrite // section attributes. void Writer::setSectionPermissions() { for (auto &P : Config->Section) { StringRef Name = P.first; uint32_t Perm = P.second; if (auto *Sec = findSection(Name)) Sec->setPermissions(Perm); } } // Write section contents to a mmap'ed file. void Writer::writeSections() { // Record the section index that should be used when resolving a section // relocation against an absolute symbol. DefinedAbsolute::OutputSectionIndex = OutputSections.size() + 1; uint8_t *Buf = Buffer->getBufferStart(); for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) { uint8_t *SecBuf = Buf + Sec->getFileOff(); // Fill gaps between functions in .text with INT3 instructions // instead of leaving as NUL bytes (which can be interpreted as // ADD instructions). if (Sec->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE) memset(SecBuf, 0xCC, Sec->getRawSize()); for_each(parallel::par, Sec->getChunks().begin(), Sec->getChunks().end(), [&](Chunk *C) { C->writeTo(SecBuf); }); } } +void Writer::writeBuildId() { + // If we're not writing a build id (e.g. because /debug is not specified), + // then just return; + if (!Config->Debug) + return; + + assert(BuildId && "BuildId is not set!"); + + if (PreviousBuildId.hasValue()) { + *BuildId->BuildId = *PreviousBuildId; + BuildId->BuildId->PDB70.Age = BuildId->BuildId->PDB70.Age + 1; + return; + } + + BuildId->BuildId->Signature.CVSignature = OMF::Signature::PDB70; + BuildId->BuildId->PDB70.Age = 1; + llvm::getRandomBytes(BuildId->BuildId->PDB70.Signature, 16); +} + // Sort .pdata section contents according to PE/COFF spec 5.5. void Writer::sortExceptionTable() { OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".pdata"); if (!Sec) return; // We assume .pdata contains function table entries only. uint8_t *Begin = Buffer->getBufferStart() + Sec->getFileOff(); uint8_t *End = Begin + Sec->getVirtualSize(); if (Config->Machine == AMD64) { struct Entry { ulittle32_t Begin, End, Unwind; }; sort(parallel::par, (Entry *)Begin, (Entry *)End, [](const Entry &A, const Entry &B) { return A.Begin < B.Begin; }); return; } - if (Config->Machine == ARMNT) { + if (Config->Machine == ARMNT || Config->Machine == ARM64) { struct Entry { ulittle32_t Begin, Unwind; }; sort(parallel::par, (Entry *)Begin, (Entry *)End, [](const Entry &A, const Entry &B) { return A.Begin < B.Begin; }); return; } errs() << "warning: don't know how to handle .pdata.\n"; -} - -// Backfill the CVSignature in a PDB70 Debug Record. This backfilling allows us -// to get reproducible builds. -void Writer::writeBuildId() { - // There is nothing to backfill if BuildId was not setup. - if (BuildId == nullptr) - return; - - assert(BuildId->DI->Signature.CVSignature == OMF::Signature::PDB70 && - "only PDB 7.0 is supported"); - assert(sizeof(BuildId->DI->PDB70.Signature) == 16 && - "signature size mismatch"); - - // Compute an MD5 hash. - ArrayRef Buf(Buffer->getBufferStart(), Buffer->getBufferEnd()); - memcpy(BuildId->DI->PDB70.Signature, MD5::hash(Buf).data(), 16); - - // TODO(compnerd) track the Age - BuildId->DI->PDB70.Age = 1; } OutputSection *Writer::findSection(StringRef Name) { for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) if (Sec->getName() == Name) return Sec; return nullptr; } uint32_t Writer::getSizeOfInitializedData() { uint32_t Res = 0; for (OutputSection *S : OutputSections) if (S->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA) Res += S->getRawSize(); return Res; } // Returns an existing section or create a new one if not found. OutputSection *Writer::createSection(StringRef Name) { if (auto *Sec = findSection(Name)) return Sec; const auto DATA = IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA; const auto BSS = IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA; const auto CODE = IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE; const auto DISCARDABLE = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE; const auto R = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ; const auto W = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE; const auto X = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE; uint32_t Perms = StringSwitch(Name) .Case(".bss", BSS | R | W) .Case(".data", DATA | R | W) .Cases(".didat", ".edata", ".idata", ".rdata", DATA | R) .Case(".reloc", DATA | DISCARDABLE | R) .Case(".text", CODE | R | X) .Default(0); if (!Perms) llvm_unreachable("unknown section name"); auto Sec = make(Name); Sec->addPermissions(Perms); OutputSections.push_back(Sec); return Sec; } // Dest is .reloc section. Add contents to that section. void Writer::addBaserels(OutputSection *Dest) { std::vector V; for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) { if (Sec == Dest) continue; // Collect all locations for base relocations. for (Chunk *C : Sec->getChunks()) C->getBaserels(&V); // Add the addresses to .reloc section. if (!V.empty()) addBaserelBlocks(Dest, V); V.clear(); } } // Add addresses to .reloc section. Note that addresses are grouped by page. void Writer::addBaserelBlocks(OutputSection *Dest, std::vector &V) { const uint32_t Mask = ~uint32_t(PageSize - 1); uint32_t Page = V[0].RVA & Mask; size_t I = 0, J = 1; for (size_t E = V.size(); J < E; ++J) { uint32_t P = V[J].RVA & Mask; if (P == Page) continue; Dest->addChunk(make(Page, &V[I], &V[0] + J)); I = J; Page = P; } if (I == J) return; Dest->addChunk(make(Page, &V[I], &V[0] + J)); } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Writer.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Writer.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/COFF/Writer.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,75 +1,73 @@ //===- Writer.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_COFF_WRITER_H #define LLD_COFF_WRITER_H #include "Chunks.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include #include namespace lld { namespace coff { -class SymbolTable; - static const int PageSize = 4096; -void writeResult(SymbolTable *T); +void writeResult(); // OutputSection represents a section in an output file. It's a // container of chunks. OutputSection and Chunk are 1:N relationship. // Chunks cannot belong to more than one OutputSections. The writer // creates multiple OutputSections and assign them unique, // non-overlapping file offsets and RVAs. class OutputSection { public: OutputSection(llvm::StringRef N) : Name(N), Header({}) {} void setRVA(uint64_t); void setFileOffset(uint64_t); void addChunk(Chunk *C); llvm::StringRef getName() { return Name; } - std::vector &getChunks() { return Chunks; } + ArrayRef getChunks() { return Chunks; } void addPermissions(uint32_t C); void setPermissions(uint32_t C); uint32_t getPermissions() { return Header.Characteristics & PermMask; } uint32_t getCharacteristics() { return Header.Characteristics; } uint64_t getRVA() { return Header.VirtualAddress; } uint64_t getFileOff() { return Header.PointerToRawData; } void writeHeaderTo(uint8_t *Buf); // Returns the size of this section in an executable memory image. // This may be smaller than the raw size (the raw size is multiple // of disk sector size, so there may be padding at end), or may be // larger (if that's the case, the loader reserves spaces after end // of raw data). uint64_t getVirtualSize() { return Header.VirtualSize; } // Returns the size of the section in the output file. uint64_t getRawSize() { return Header.SizeOfRawData; } // Set offset into the string table storing this section name. // Used only when the name is longer than 8 bytes. void setStringTableOff(uint32_t V) { StringTableOff = V; } // N.B. The section index is one based. uint32_t SectionIndex = 0; private: llvm::StringRef Name; llvm::object::coff_section Header; uint32_t StringTableOff = 0; std::vector Chunks; }; } } #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Args.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Args.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Args.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +//===- Args.cpp -----------------------------------------------------------===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "lld/Common/Args.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h" +#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" +#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" +#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h" + +using namespace llvm; +using namespace lld; + +int lld::args::getInteger(opt::InputArgList &Args, unsigned Key, int Default) { + int V = Default; + if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(Key)) { + StringRef S = Arg->getValue(); + if (!to_integer(S, V, 10)) + error(Arg->getSpelling() + ": number expected, but got '" + S + "'"); + } + return V; +} + +std::vector lld::args::getStrings(opt::InputArgList &Args, int Id) { + std::vector V; + for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(Id)) + V.push_back(Arg->getValue()); + return V; +} + +uint64_t lld::args::getZOptionValue(opt::InputArgList &Args, int Id, + StringRef Key, uint64_t Default) { + for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(Id)) { + std::pair KV = StringRef(Arg->getValue()).split('='); + if (KV.first == Key) { + uint64_t Result = Default; + if (!to_integer(KV.second, Result)) + error("invalid " + Key + ": " + KV.second); + return Result; + } + } + return Default; +} + +std::vector lld::args::getLines(MemoryBufferRef MB) { + SmallVector Arr; + MB.getBuffer().split(Arr, '\n'); + + std::vector Ret; + for (StringRef S : Arr) { + S = S.trim(); + if (!S.empty() && S[0] != '#') + Ret.push_back(S); + } + return Ret; +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Args.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/CMakeLists.txt =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/CMakeLists.txt (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/CMakeLists.txt (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +if(NOT LLD_BUILT_STANDALONE) + set(tablegen_deps intrinsics_gen) +endif() + +add_lld_library(lldCommon + Args.cpp + ErrorHandler.cpp + Memory.cpp + Reproduce.cpp + Strings.cpp + TargetOptionsCommandFlags.cpp + Threads.cpp + Version.cpp + + ADDITIONAL_HEADER_DIRS + ${LLD_INCLUDE_DIR}/lld/Common + + LINK_COMPONENTS + Codegen + Core + Demangle + MC + Option + Support + Target + + LINK_LIBS + ${LLVM_PTHREAD_LIB} + + DEPENDS + ${tablegen_deps} + ) Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/CMakeLists.txt ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/ErrorHandler.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/ErrorHandler.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/ErrorHandler.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +//===- ErrorHandler.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" + +#include "lld/Common/Threads.h" + +#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" +#include "llvm/Support/Error.h" +#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h" +#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" +#include + +#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__) +#include +#endif + +using namespace llvm; +using namespace lld; + +// The functions defined in this file can be called from multiple threads, +// but outs() or errs() are not thread-safe. We protect them using a mutex. +static std::mutex Mu; + +// Prints "\n" or does nothing, depending on Msg contents of +// the previous call of this function. +static void newline(raw_ostream *ErrorOS, const Twine &Msg) { + // True if the previous error message contained "\n". + // We want to separate multi-line error messages with a newline. + static bool Flag; + + if (Flag) + *ErrorOS << "\n"; + Flag = StringRef(Msg.str()).contains('\n'); +} + +ErrorHandler &lld::errorHandler() { + static ErrorHandler Handler; + return Handler; +} + +void lld::exitLld(int Val) { + // Delete the output buffer so that any tempory file is deleted. + errorHandler().OutputBuffer.reset(); + + // Dealloc/destroy ManagedStatic variables before calling + // _exit(). In a non-LTO build, this is a nop. In an LTO + // build allows us to get the output of -time-passes. + llvm_shutdown(); + + outs().flush(); + errs().flush(); + _exit(Val); +} + +void ErrorHandler::print(StringRef S, raw_ostream::Colors C) { + *ErrorOS << LogName << ": "; + if (ColorDiagnostics) { + ErrorOS->changeColor(C, true); + *ErrorOS << S; + ErrorOS->resetColor(); + } else { + *ErrorOS << S; + } +} + +void ErrorHandler::log(const Twine &Msg) { + if (Verbose) { + std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); + *ErrorOS << LogName << ": " << Msg << "\n"; + } +} + +void ErrorHandler::message(const Twine &Msg) { + std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); + outs() << Msg << "\n"; + outs().flush(); +} + +void ErrorHandler::warn(const Twine &Msg) { + if (FatalWarnings) { + error(Msg); + return; + } + + std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); + newline(ErrorOS, Msg); + print("warning: ", raw_ostream::MAGENTA); + *ErrorOS << Msg << "\n"; +} + +void ErrorHandler::error(const Twine &Msg) { + std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); + newline(ErrorOS, Msg); + + if (ErrorLimit == 0 || ErrorCount < ErrorLimit) { + print("error: ", raw_ostream::RED); + *ErrorOS << Msg << "\n"; + } else if (ErrorCount == ErrorLimit) { + print("error: ", raw_ostream::RED); + *ErrorOS << ErrorLimitExceededMsg << "\n"; + if (ExitEarly) + exitLld(1); + } + + ++ErrorCount; +} + +void ErrorHandler::fatal(const Twine &Msg) { + error(Msg); + exitLld(1); +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/ErrorHandler.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Memory.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Memory.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Memory.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +//===- Memory.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" + +using namespace llvm; +using namespace lld; + +BumpPtrAllocator lld::BAlloc; +StringSaver lld::Saver{BAlloc}; +std::vector lld::SpecificAllocBase::Instances; + +void lld::freeArena() { + for (SpecificAllocBase *Alloc : SpecificAllocBase::Instances) + Alloc->reset(); + BAlloc.Reset(); +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Memory.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Reproduce.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Reproduce.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Reproduce.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +//===- Reproduce.cpp - Utilities for creating reproducers -----------------===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "lld/Common/Reproduce.h" +#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h" +#include "llvm/Support/Error.h" +#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" +#include "llvm/Support/Path.h" + +using namespace lld; +using namespace llvm; +using namespace llvm::sys; + +// Makes a given pathname an absolute path first, and then remove +// beginning /. For example, "../foo.o" is converted to "home/john/foo.o", +// assuming that the current directory is "/home/john/bar". +// Returned string is a forward slash separated path even on Windows to avoid +// a mess with backslash-as-escape and backslash-as-path-separator. +std::string lld::relativeToRoot(StringRef Path) { + SmallString<128> Abs = Path; + if (fs::make_absolute(Abs)) + return Path; + path::remove_dots(Abs, /*remove_dot_dot=*/true); + + // This is Windows specific. root_name() returns a drive letter + // (e.g. "c:") or a UNC name (//net). We want to keep it as part + // of the result. + SmallString<128> Res; + StringRef Root = path::root_name(Abs); + if (Root.endswith(":")) + Res = Root.drop_back(); + else if (Root.startswith("//")) + Res = Root.substr(2); + + path::append(Res, path::relative_path(Abs)); + return path::convert_to_slash(Res); +} + +// Quote a given string if it contains a space character. +std::string lld::quote(StringRef S) { + if (S.contains(' ')) + return ("\"" + S + "\"").str(); + return S; +} + +std::string lld::rewritePath(StringRef S) { + if (fs::exists(S)) + return relativeToRoot(S); + return S; +} + +std::string lld::toString(const opt::Arg &Arg) { + std::string K = Arg.getSpelling(); + if (Arg.getNumValues() == 0) + return K; + std::string V = quote(Arg.getValue()); + if (Arg.getOption().getRenderStyle() == opt::Option::RenderJoinedStyle) + return K + V; + return K + " " + V; +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Reproduce.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Strings.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Strings.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Strings.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +//===- Strings.cpp -------------------------------------------------------===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "lld/Common/Strings.h" +#include "llvm/Demangle/Demangle.h" + +using namespace llvm; +using namespace lld; + +// Returns the demangled C++ symbol name for Name. +Optional lld::demangleItanium(StringRef Name) { + // itaniumDemangle can be used to demangle strings other than symbol + // names which do not necessarily start with "_Z". Name can be + // either a C or C++ symbol. Don't call itaniumDemangle if the name + // does not look like a C++ symbol name to avoid getting unexpected + // result for a C symbol that happens to match a mangled type name. + if (!Name.startswith("_Z")) + return None; + + char *Buf = itaniumDemangle(Name.str().c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); + if (!Buf) + return None; + std::string S(Buf); + free(Buf); + return S; +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Strings.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/TargetOptionsCommandFlags.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/TargetOptionsCommandFlags.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/TargetOptionsCommandFlags.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +//===-- TargetOptionsCommandFlags.cpp ---------------------------*- C++ -*-===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// +// +// This file exists as a place for global variables defined in LLVM's +// CodeGen/CommandFlags.def. By putting the resulting object file in +// an archive and linking with it, the definitions will automatically be +// included when needed and skipped when already present. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "lld/Common/TargetOptionsCommandFlags.h" + +#include "llvm/CodeGen/CommandFlags.def" +#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h" + +// Define an externally visible version of +// InitTargetOptionsFromCodeGenFlags, so that its functionality can be +// used without having to include llvm/CodeGen/CommandFlags.def, which +// would lead to multiple definitions of the command line flags. +llvm::TargetOptions lld::InitTargetOptionsFromCodeGenFlags() { + return ::InitTargetOptionsFromCodeGenFlags(); +} + +llvm::Optional lld::GetCodeModelFromCMModel() { + return getCodeModel(); +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/TargetOptionsCommandFlags.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Threads.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Threads.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Threads.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +//===- Threads.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "lld/Common/Threads.h" + +bool lld::ThreadsEnabled = true; Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Threads.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Version.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Version.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Version.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +//===- lib/Common/Version.cpp - LLD Version Number ---------------*- C++-=====// +// +// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// +// +// This file defines several version-related utility functions for LLD. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "lld/Common/Version.h" + +using namespace llvm; + +// Returns an SVN repository path, which is usually "trunk". +static std::string getRepositoryPath() { + StringRef S = LLD_REPOSITORY_STRING; + size_t Pos = S.find("lld/"); + if (Pos != StringRef::npos) + return S.substr(Pos + 4); + return S; +} + +// Returns an SVN repository name, e.g., " (trunk 284614)" +// or an empty string if no repository info is available. +static std::string getRepository() { + std::string Repo = getRepositoryPath(); + std::string Rev = LLD_REVISION_STRING; + + if (Repo.empty() && Rev.empty()) + return ""; + if (!Repo.empty() && !Rev.empty()) + return " (" + Repo + " " + Rev + ")"; + return " (" + Repo + Rev + ")"; +} + +// Returns a version string, e.g., "LLD 4.0 (lld/trunk 284614)". +std::string lld::getLLDVersion() { + return "LLD " + std::string(LLD_VERSION_STRING) + getRepository(); +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/Common/Version.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Error.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Error.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Error.h (nonexistent) @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -//===- Error.h --------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// -// -// The LLVM Linker -// -// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source -// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -// -// In LLD, we have three levels of errors: fatal, error or warn. -// -// Fatal makes the program exit immediately with an error message. -// You shouldn't use it except for reporting a corrupted input file. -// -// Error prints out an error message and increment a global variable -// ErrorCount to record the fact that we met an error condition. It does -// not exit, so it is safe for a lld-as-a-library use case. It is generally -// useful because it can report more than one error in a single run. -// -// Warn doesn't do anything but printing out a given message. -// -// It is not recommended to use llvm::outs() or llvm::errs() directly -// in LLD because they are not thread-safe. The functions declared in -// this file are mutually excluded, so you want to use them instead. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// - -#ifndef LLD_ELF_ERROR_H -#define LLD_ELF_ERROR_H - -#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h" - -#include "llvm/Support/Error.h" - -namespace lld { -namespace elf { - -extern uint64_t ErrorCount; -extern llvm::raw_ostream *ErrorOS; - -void log(const Twine &Msg); -void message(const Twine &Msg); -void warn(const Twine &Msg); -void error(const Twine &Msg); -LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void fatal(const Twine &Msg); - -LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void exitLld(int Val); - -// check() functions are convenient functions to strip errors -// from error-or-value objects. -template T check(ErrorOr E) { - if (auto EC = E.getError()) - fatal(EC.message()); - return std::move(*E); -} - -template T check(Expected E) { - if (!E) - fatal(llvm::toString(E.takeError())); - return std::move(*E); -} - -template T check(ErrorOr E, const Twine &Prefix) { - if (auto EC = E.getError()) - fatal(Prefix + ": " + EC.message()); - return std::move(*E); -} - -template T check(Expected E, const Twine &Prefix) { - if (!E) - fatal(Prefix + ": " + toString(E.takeError())); - return std::move(*E); -} - -} // namespace elf -} // namespace lld - -#endif Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Error.h ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:keywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Memory.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Memory.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Memory.h (nonexistent) @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -//===- Memory.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// -// -// The LLVM Linker -// -// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source -// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -// -// This file defines arena allocators. -// -// Almost all large objects, such as files, sections or symbols, are -// used for the entire lifetime of the linker once they are created. -// This usage characteristic makes arena allocator an attractive choice -// where the entire linker is one arena. With an arena, newly created -// objects belong to the arena and freed all at once when everything is done. -// Arena allocators are efficient and easy to understand. -// Most objects are allocated using the arena allocators defined by this file. -// -// If you edit this file, please edit COFF/Memory.h too. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// - -#ifndef LLD_ELF_MEMORY_H -#define LLD_ELF_MEMORY_H - -#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h" -#include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h" -#include - -namespace lld { -namespace elf { - -// Use this arena if your object doesn't have a destructor. -extern llvm::BumpPtrAllocator BAlloc; -extern llvm::StringSaver Saver; - -// These two classes are hack to keep track of all -// SpecificBumpPtrAllocator instances. -struct SpecificAllocBase { - SpecificAllocBase() { Instances.push_back(this); } - virtual ~SpecificAllocBase() = default; - virtual void reset() = 0; - static std::vector Instances; -}; - -template struct SpecificAlloc : public SpecificAllocBase { - void reset() override { Alloc.DestroyAll(); } - llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator Alloc; -}; - -// Use this arena if your object has a destructor. -// Your destructor will be invoked from freeArena(). -template T *make(U &&... Args) { - static SpecificAlloc Alloc; - return new (Alloc.Alloc.Allocate()) T(std::forward(Args)...); -} - -inline void freeArena() { - for (SpecificAllocBase *Alloc : SpecificAllocBase::Instances) - Alloc->reset(); - BAlloc.Reset(); -} -} // namespace elf -} // namespace lld - -#endif Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Memory.h ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:keywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Threads.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Threads.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Threads.h (nonexistent) @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -//===- Threads.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// -// -// The LLVM Linker -// -// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source -// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -// -// LLD supports threads to distribute workloads to multiple cores. Using -// multicore is most effective when more than one core are idle. At the -// last step of a build, it is often the case that a linker is the only -// active process on a computer. So, we are naturally interested in using -// threads wisely to reduce latency to deliver results to users. -// -// That said, we don't want to do "too clever" things using threads. -// Complex multi-threaded algorithms are sometimes extremely hard to -// reason about and can easily mess up the entire design. -// -// Fortunately, when a linker links large programs (when the link time is -// most critical), it spends most of the time to work on massive number of -// small pieces of data of the same kind, and there are opportunities for -// large parallelism there. Here are examples: -// -// - We have hundreds of thousands of input sections that need to be -// copied to a result file at the last step of link. Once we fix a file -// layout, each section can be copied to its destination and its -// relocations can be applied independently. -// -// - We have tens of millions of small strings when constructing a -// mergeable string section. -// -// For the cases such as the former, we can just use parallel_for_each -// instead of std::for_each (or a plain for loop). Because tasks are -// completely independent from each other, we can run them in parallel -// without any coordination between them. That's very easy to understand -// and reason about. -// -// For the cases such as the latter, we can use parallel algorithms to -// deal with massive data. We have to write code for a tailored algorithm -// for each problem, but the complexity of multi-threading is isolated in -// a single pass and doesn't affect the linker's overall design. -// -// The above approach seems to be working fairly well. As an example, when -// linking Chromium (output size 1.6 GB), using 4 cores reduces latency to -// 75% compared to single core (from 12.66 seconds to 9.55 seconds) on my -// Ivy Bridge Xeon 2.8 GHz machine. Using 40 cores reduces it to 63% (from -// 12.66 seconds to 7.95 seconds). Because of the Amdahl's law, the -// speedup is not linear, but as you add more cores, it gets faster. -// -// On a final note, if you are trying to optimize, keep the axiom "don't -// guess, measure!" in mind. Some important passes of the linker are not -// that slow. For example, resolving all symbols is not a very heavy pass, -// although it would be very hard to parallelize it. You want to first -// identify a slow pass and then optimize it. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// - -#ifndef LLD_ELF_THREADS_H -#define LLD_ELF_THREADS_H - -#include "Config.h" - -#include "llvm/Support/Parallel.h" -#include - -namespace lld { -namespace elf { - -template -void parallelForEach(IterTy Begin, IterTy End, FuncTy Fn) { - if (Config->Threads) - for_each(llvm::parallel::par, Begin, End, Fn); - else - for_each(llvm::parallel::seq, Begin, End, Fn); -} - -inline void parallelForEachN(size_t Begin, size_t End, - std::function Fn) { - if (Config->Threads) - for_each_n(llvm::parallel::par, Begin, End, Fn); - else - for_each_n(llvm::parallel::seq, Begin, End, Fn); -} -} // namespace elf -} // namespace lld - -#endif Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Threads.h ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:keywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Error.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Error.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Error.cpp (nonexistent) @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -//===- Error.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------===// -// -// The LLVM Linker -// -// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source -// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. -// -//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// - -#include "Error.h" -#include "Config.h" - -#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" -#include "llvm/Support/Error.h" -#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h" -#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" -#include - -#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__) -#include -#endif - -using namespace llvm; - -using namespace lld; -using namespace lld::elf; - -uint64_t elf::ErrorCount; -raw_ostream *elf::ErrorOS; - -// The functions defined in this file can be called from multiple threads, -// but outs() or errs() are not thread-safe. We protect them using a mutex. -static std::mutex Mu; - -// Prints "\n" or does nothing, depending on Msg contents of -// the previous call of this function. -static void newline(const Twine &Msg) { - // True if the previous error message contained "\n". - // We want to separate multi-line error messages with a newline. - static bool Flag; - - if (Flag) - *ErrorOS << "\n"; - Flag = (StringRef(Msg.str()).find('\n') != StringRef::npos); -} - -static void print(StringRef S, raw_ostream::Colors C) { - *ErrorOS << Config->Argv[0] << ": "; - if (Config->ColorDiagnostics) { - ErrorOS->changeColor(C, true); - *ErrorOS << S; - ErrorOS->resetColor(); - } else { - *ErrorOS << S; - } -} - -void elf::log(const Twine &Msg) { - if (Config->Verbose) { - std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); - outs() << Config->Argv[0] << ": " << Msg << "\n"; - outs().flush(); - } -} - -void elf::message(const Twine &Msg) { - std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); - outs() << Msg << "\n"; - outs().flush(); -} - -void elf::warn(const Twine &Msg) { - if (Config->FatalWarnings) { - error(Msg); - return; - } - - std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); - newline(Msg); - print("warning: ", raw_ostream::MAGENTA); - *ErrorOS << Msg << "\n"; -} - -void elf::error(const Twine &Msg) { - std::lock_guard Lock(Mu); - newline(Msg); - - if (Config->ErrorLimit == 0 || ErrorCount < Config->ErrorLimit) { - print("error: ", raw_ostream::RED); - *ErrorOS << Msg << "\n"; - } else if (ErrorCount == Config->ErrorLimit) { - print("error: ", raw_ostream::RED); - *ErrorOS << "too many errors emitted, stopping now" - << " (use -error-limit=0 to see all errors)\n"; - if (Config->ExitEarly) - exitLld(1); - } - - ++ErrorCount; -} - -void elf::exitLld(int Val) { - // Dealloc/destroy ManagedStatic variables before calling - // _exit(). In a non-LTO build, this is a nop. In an LTO - // build allows us to get the output of -time-passes. - llvm_shutdown(); - - outs().flush(); - errs().flush(); - _exit(Val); -} - -void elf::fatal(const Twine &Msg) { - error(Msg); - exitLld(1); -} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Error.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:keywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/AArch64ErrataFix.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/AArch64ErrataFix.cpp (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/AArch64ErrataFix.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,648 @@ +//===- AArch64ErrataFix.cpp -----------------------------------------------===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// +// This file implements Section Patching for the purpose of working around +// errata in CPUs. The general principle is that an erratum sequence of one or +// more instructions is detected in the instruction stream, one of the +// instructions in the sequence is replaced with a branch to a patch sequence +// of replacement instructions. At the end of the replacement sequence the +// patch branches back to the instruction stream. + +// This technique is only suitable for fixing an erratum when: +// - There is a set of necessary conditions required to trigger the erratum that +// can be detected at static link time. +// - There is a set of replacement instructions that can be used to remove at +// least one of the necessary conditions that trigger the erratum. +// - We can overwrite an instruction in the erratum sequence with a branch to +// the replacement sequence. +// - We can place the replacement sequence within range of the branch. + +// FIXME: +// - The implementation here only supports one patch, the AArch64 Cortex-53 +// errata 843419 that affects r0p0, r0p1, r0p2 and r0p4 versions of the core. +// To keep the initial version simple there is no support for multiple +// architectures or selection of different patches. +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#include "AArch64ErrataFix.h" +#include "Config.h" +#include "LinkerScript.h" +#include "OutputSections.h" +#include "Relocations.h" +#include "Strings.h" +#include "Symbols.h" +#include "SyntheticSections.h" +#include "Target.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" + +#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" +#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" +#include + +using namespace llvm; +using namespace llvm::ELF; +using namespace llvm::object; +using namespace llvm::support::endian; + +using namespace lld; +using namespace lld::elf; + +// Helper functions to identify instructions and conditions needed to trigger +// the Cortex-A53-843419 erratum. + +// ADRP +// | 1 | immlo (2) | 1 | 0 0 0 0 | immhi (19) | Rd (5) | +static bool isADRP(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x9f000000) == 0x90000000; +} + +// Load and store bit patterns from ARMv8-A ARM ARM. +// Instructions appear in order of appearance starting from table in +// C4.1.3 Loads and Stores. + +// All loads and stores have 1 (at bit postion 27), (0 at bit position 25). +// | op0 x op1 (2) | 1 op2 0 op3 (2) | x | op4 (5) | xxxx | op5 (2) | x (10) | +static bool isLoadStoreClass(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x0a000000) == 0x08000000; +} + +// LDN/STN multiple no offset +// | 0 Q 00 | 1100 | 0 L 00 | 0000 | opcode (4) | size (2) | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +// LDN/STN multiple post-indexed +// | 0 Q 00 | 1100 | 1 L 0 | Rm (5)| opcode (4) | size (2) | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +// L == 0 for stores. + +// Utility routine to decode opcode field of LDN/STN multiple structure +// instructions to find the ST1 instructions. +// opcode == 0010 ST1 4 registers. +// opcode == 0110 ST1 3 registers. +// opcode == 0111 ST1 1 register. +// opcode == 1010 ST1 2 registers. +static bool isST1MultipleOpcode(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x0000f000) == 0x00002000 || + (Instr & 0x0000f000) == 0x00006000 || + (Instr & 0x0000f000) == 0x00007000 || + (Instr & 0x0000f000) == 0x0000a000; +} + +static bool isST1Multiple(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0xbfff0000) == 0x0c000000 && isST1MultipleOpcode(Instr); +} + +// Writes to Rn (writeback). +static bool isST1MultiplePost(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0xbfe00000) == 0x0c800000 && isST1MultipleOpcode(Instr); +} + +// LDN/STN single no offset +// | 0 Q 00 | 1101 | 0 L R 0 | 0000 | opc (3) S | size (2) | Rn (5) | Rt (5)| +// LDN/STN single post-indexed +// | 0 Q 00 | 1101 | 1 L R | Rm (5) | opc (3) S | size (2) | Rn (5) | Rt (5)| +// L == 0 for stores + +// Utility routine to decode opcode field of LDN/STN single structure +// instructions to find the ST1 instructions. +// R == 0 for ST1 and ST3, R == 1 for ST2 and ST4. +// opcode == 000 ST1 8-bit. +// opcode == 010 ST1 16-bit. +// opcode == 100 ST1 32 or 64-bit (Size determines which). +static bool isST1SingleOpcode(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x0040e000) == 0x00000000 || + (Instr & 0x0040e000) == 0x00004000 || + (Instr & 0x0040e000) == 0x00008000; +} + +static bool isST1Single(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0xbfff0000) == 0x0d000000 && isST1SingleOpcode(Instr); +} + +// Writes to Rn (writeback). +static bool isST1SinglePost(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0xbfe00000) == 0x0d800000 && isST1SingleOpcode(Instr); +} + +static bool isST1(uint32_t Instr) { + return isST1Multiple(Instr) || isST1MultiplePost(Instr) || + isST1Single(Instr) || isST1SinglePost(Instr); +} + +// Load/store exclusive +// | size (2) 00 | 1000 | o2 L o1 | Rs (5) | o0 | Rt2 (5) | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +// L == 0 for Stores. +static bool isLoadStoreExclusive(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3f000000) == 0x08000000; +} + +static bool isLoadExclusive(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3f400000) == 0x08400000; +} + +// Load register literal +// | opc (2) 01 | 1 V 00 | imm19 | Rt (5) | +static bool isLoadLiteral(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3b000000) == 0x18000000; +} + +// Load/store no-allocate pair +// (offset) +// | opc (2) 10 | 1 V 00 | 0 L | imm7 | Rt2 (5) | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +// L == 0 for stores. +// Never writes to register +static bool isSTNP(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3bc00000) == 0x28000000; +} + +// Load/store register pair +// (post-indexed) +// | opc (2) 10 | 1 V 00 | 1 L | imm7 | Rt2 (5) | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +// L == 0 for stores, V == 0 for Scalar, V == 1 for Simd/FP +// Writes to Rn. +static bool isSTPPost(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3bc00000) == 0x28800000; +} + +// (offset) +// | opc (2) 10 | 1 V 01 | 0 L | imm7 | Rt2 (5) | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +static bool isSTPOffset(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3bc00000) == 0x29000000; +} + +// (pre-index) +// | opc (2) 10 | 1 V 01 | 1 L | imm7 | Rt2 (5) | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +// Writes to Rn. +static bool isSTPPre(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3bc00000) == 0x29800000; +} + +static bool isSTP(uint32_t Instr) { + return isSTPPost(Instr) || isSTPOffset(Instr) || isSTPPre(Instr); +} + +// Load/store register (unscaled immediate) +// | size (2) 11 | 1 V 00 | opc (2) 0 | imm9 | 00 | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +// V == 0 for Scalar, V == 1 for Simd/FP. +static bool isLoadStoreUnscaled(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3b000c00) == 0x38000000; +} + +// Load/store register (immediate post-indexed) +// | size (2) 11 | 1 V 00 | opc (2) 0 | imm9 | 01 | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +static bool isLoadStoreImmediatePost(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3b200c00) == 0x38000400; +} + +// Load/store register (unprivileged) +// | size (2) 11 | 1 V 00 | opc (2) 0 | imm9 | 10 | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +static bool isLoadStoreUnpriv(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3b200c00) == 0x38000800; +} + +// Load/store register (immediate pre-indexed) +// | size (2) 11 | 1 V 00 | opc (2) 0 | imm9 | 11 | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +static bool isLoadStoreImmediatePre(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3b200c00) == 0x38000c00; +} + +// Load/store register (register offset) +// | size (2) 11 | 1 V 00 | opc (2) 1 | Rm (5) | option (3) S | 10 | Rn | Rt | +static bool isLoadStoreRegisterOff(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3b200c00) == 0x38200800; +} + +// Load/store register (unsigned immediate) +// | size (2) 11 | 1 V 01 | opc (2) | imm12 | Rn (5) | Rt (5) | +static bool isLoadStoreRegisterUnsigned(uint32_t Instr) { + return (Instr & 0x3b000000) == 0x39000000; +} + +// Rt is always in bit position 0 - 4. +static uint32_t getRt(uint32_t Instr) { return (Instr & 0x1f); } + +// Rn is always in bit position 5 - 9. +static uint32_t getRn(uint32_t Instr) { return (Instr >> 5) & 0x1f; } + +// C4.1.2 Branches, Exception Generating and System instructions +// | op0 (3) 1 | 01 op1 (4) | x (22) | +// op0 == 010 101 op1 == 0xxx Conditional Branch. +// op0 == 110 101 op1 == 1xxx Unconditional Branch Register. +// op0 == x00 101 op1 == xxxx Unconditional Branch immediate. +// op0 == x01 101 op1 == 0xxx Compare and branch immediate. +// op0 == x01 101 op1 == 1xxx Test and branch immediate. +static bool isBranch(uint32_t Instr) { + return ((Instr & 0xfe000000) == 0xd6000000) || // Cond branch. + ((Instr & 0xfe000000) == 0x54000000) || // Uncond branch reg. + ((Instr & 0x7c000000) == 0x14000000) || // Uncond branch imm. + ((Instr & 0x7c000000) == 0x34000000); // Compare and test branch. +} + +static bool isV8SingleRegisterNonStructureLoadStore(uint32_t Instr) { + return isLoadStoreUnscaled(Instr) || isLoadStoreImmediatePost(Instr) || + isLoadStoreUnpriv(Instr) || isLoadStoreImmediatePre(Instr) || + isLoadStoreRegisterOff(Instr) || isLoadStoreRegisterUnsigned(Instr); +} + +// Note that this function refers to v8.0 only and does not include the +// additional load and store instructions added for in later revisions of +// the architecture such as the Atomic memory operations introduced +// in v8.1. +static bool isV8NonStructureLoad(uint32_t Instr) { + if (isLoadExclusive(Instr)) + return true; + if (isLoadLiteral(Instr)) + return true; + else if (isV8SingleRegisterNonStructureLoadStore(Instr)) { + // For Load and Store single register, Loads are derived from a + // combination of the Size, V and Opc fields. + uint32_t Size = (Instr >> 30) & 0xff; + uint32_t V = (Instr >> 26) & 0x1; + uint32_t Opc = (Instr >> 22) & 0x3; + // For the load and store instructions that we are decoding. + // Opc == 0 are all stores. + // Opc == 1 with a couple of exceptions are loads. The exceptions are: + // Size == 00 (0), V == 1, Opc == 10 (2) which is a store and + // Size == 11 (3), V == 0, Opc == 10 (2) which is a prefetch. + return Opc != 0 && !(Size == 0 && V == 1 && Opc == 2) && + !(Size == 3 && V == 0 && Opc == 2); + } + return false; +} + +// The following decode instructions are only complete up to the instructions +// needed for errata 843419. + +// Instruction with writeback updates the index register after the load/store. +static bool hasWriteback(uint32_t Instr) { + return isLoadStoreImmediatePre(Instr) || isLoadStoreImmediatePost(Instr) || + isSTPPre(Instr) || isSTPPost(Instr) || isST1SinglePost(Instr) || + isST1MultiplePost(Instr); +} + +// For the load and store class of instructions, a load can write to the +// destination register, a load and a store can write to the base register when +// the instruction has writeback. +static bool doesLoadStoreWriteToReg(uint32_t Instr, uint32_t Reg) { + return (isV8NonStructureLoad(Instr) && getRt(Instr) == Reg) || + (hasWriteback(Instr) && getRn(Instr) == Reg); +} + +// Scanner for Cortex-A53 errata 843419 +// Full details are available in the Cortex A53 MPCore revision 0 Software +// Developers Errata Notice (ARM-EPM-048406). +// +// The instruction sequence that triggers the erratum is common in compiled +// AArch64 code, however it is sensitive to the offset of the sequence within +// a 4k page. This means that by scanning and fixing the patch after we have +// assigned addresses we only need to disassemble and fix instances of the +// sequence in the range of affected offsets. +// +// In summary the erratum conditions are a series of 4 instructions: +// 1.) An ADRP instruction that writes to register Rn with low 12 bits of +// address of instruction either 0xff8 or 0xffc. +// 2.) A load or store instruction that can be: +// - A single register load or store, of either integer or vector registers. +// - An STP or STNP, of either integer or vector registers. +// - An Advanced SIMD ST1 store instruction. +// - Must not write to Rn, but may optionally read from it. +// 3.) An optional instruction that is not a branch and does not write to Rn. +// 4.) A load or store from the Load/store register (unsigned immediate) class +// that uses Rn as the base address register. +// +// Note that we do not attempt to scan for Sequence 2 as described in the +// Software Developers Errata Notice as this has been assessed to be extremely +// unlikely to occur in compiled code. This matches gold and ld.bfd behavior. + +// Return true if the Instruction sequence Adrp, Instr2, and Instr4 match +// the erratum sequence. The Adrp, Instr2 and Instr4 correspond to 1.), 2.), +// and 4.) in the Scanner for Cortex-A53 errata comment above. +static bool is843419ErratumSequence(uint32_t Instr1, uint32_t Instr2, + uint32_t Instr4) { + if (!isADRP(Instr1)) + return false; + + uint32_t Rn = getRt(Instr1); + return isLoadStoreClass(Instr2) && + (isLoadStoreExclusive(Instr2) || isLoadLiteral(Instr2) || + isV8SingleRegisterNonStructureLoadStore(Instr2) || isSTP(Instr2) || + isSTNP(Instr2) || isST1(Instr2)) && + !doesLoadStoreWriteToReg(Instr2, Rn) && + isLoadStoreRegisterUnsigned(Instr4) && getRn(Instr4) == Rn; +} + +// Scan the instruction sequence starting at Offset Off from the base of +// InputSection IS. We update Off in this function rather than in the caller as +// we can skip ahead much further into the section when we know how many +// instructions we've scanned. +// Return the offset of the load or store instruction in IS that we want to +// patch or 0 if no patch required. +static uint64_t scanCortexA53Errata843419(InputSection *IS, uint64_t &Off, + uint64_t Limit) { + uint64_t ISAddr = IS->getParent()->Addr + IS->OutSecOff; + + // Advance Off so that (ISAddr + Off) modulo 0x1000 is at least 0xff8. + uint64_t InitialPageOff = (ISAddr + Off) & 0xfff; + if (InitialPageOff < 0xff8) + Off += 0xff8 - InitialPageOff; + + bool OptionalAllowed = Limit - Off > 12; + if (Off >= Limit || Limit - Off < 12) { + // Need at least 3 4-byte sized instructions to trigger erratum. + Off = Limit; + return 0; + } + + uint64_t PatchOff = 0; + const uint8_t *Buf = IS->Data.begin(); + const uint32_t *InstBuf = reinterpret_cast(Buf + Off); + uint32_t Instr1 = *InstBuf++; + uint32_t Instr2 = *InstBuf++; + uint32_t Instr3 = *InstBuf++; + if (is843419ErratumSequence(Instr1, Instr2, Instr3)) { + PatchOff = Off + 8; + } else if (OptionalAllowed && !isBranch(Instr3)) { + uint32_t Instr4 = *InstBuf++; + if (is843419ErratumSequence(Instr1, Instr2, Instr4)) + PatchOff = Off + 12; + } + if (((ISAddr + Off) & 0xfff) == 0xff8) + Off += 4; + else + Off += 0xffc; + return PatchOff; +} + +class lld::elf::Patch843419Section : public SyntheticSection { +public: + Patch843419Section(InputSection *P, uint64_t Off); + + void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) override; + + size_t getSize() const override { return 8; } + + uint64_t getLDSTAddr() const; + + // The Section we are patching. + const InputSection *Patchee; + // The offset of the instruction in the Patchee section we are patching. + uint64_t PatcheeOffset; + // A label for the start of the Patch that we can use as a relocation target. + Symbol *PatchSym; +}; + +lld::elf::Patch843419Section::Patch843419Section(InputSection *P, uint64_t Off) + : SyntheticSection(SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR, SHT_PROGBITS, 4, + ".text.patch"), + Patchee(P), PatcheeOffset(Off) { + this->Parent = P->getParent(); + PatchSym = addSyntheticLocal( +"__CortexA53843419_" + utohexstr(getLDSTAddr())), STT_FUNC, 0, + getSize(), this); + addSyntheticLocal("$x"), STT_NOTYPE, 0, 0, this); +} + +uint64_t lld::elf::Patch843419Section::getLDSTAddr() const { + return Patchee->getParent()->Addr + Patchee->OutSecOff + PatcheeOffset; +} + +void lld::elf::Patch843419Section::writeTo(uint8_t *Buf) { + // Copy the instruction that we will be replacing with a branch in the + // Patchee Section. + write32le(Buf, read32le(Patchee->Data.begin() + PatcheeOffset)); + + // Apply any relocation transferred from the original PatcheeSection. + // For a SyntheticSection Buf already has OutSecOff added, but relocateAlloc + // also adds OutSecOff so we need to subtract to avoid double counting. + this->relocateAlloc(Buf - OutSecOff, Buf - OutSecOff + getSize()); + + // Return address is the next instruction after the one we have just copied. + uint64_t S = getLDSTAddr() + 4; + uint64_t P = PatchSym->getVA() + 4; + Target->relocateOne(Buf + 4, R_AARCH64_JUMP26, S - P); +} + +void AArch64Err843419Patcher::init() { + // The AArch64 ABI permits data in executable sections. We must avoid scanning + // this data as if it were instructions to avoid false matches. We use the + // mapping symbols in the InputObjects to identify this data, caching the + // results in SectionMap so we don't have to recalculate it each pass. + + // The ABI Section 4.5.4 Mapping symbols; defines local symbols that describe + // half open intervals [Symbol Value, Next Symbol Value) of code and data + // within sections. If there is no next symbol then the half open interval is + // [Symbol Value, End of section). The type, code or data, is determined by + // the mapping symbol name, $x for code, $d for data. + auto IsCodeMapSymbol = [](const Symbol *B) { + return B->getName() == "$x" || B->getName().startswith("$x."); + }; + auto IsDataMapSymbol = [](const Symbol *B) { + return B->getName() == "$d" || B->getName().startswith("$d."); + }; + + // Collect mapping symbols for every executable InputSection. + for (InputFile *File : ObjectFiles) { + auto *F = cast>(File); + for (Symbol *B : F->getLocalSymbols()) { + auto *Def = dyn_cast(B); + if (!Def) + continue; + if (!IsCodeMapSymbol(Def) && !IsDataMapSymbol(Def)) + continue; + if (auto *Sec = dyn_cast(Def->Section)) + if (Sec->Flags & SHF_EXECINSTR) + SectionMap[Sec].push_back(Def); + } + } + // For each InputSection make sure the mapping symbols are in sorted in + // ascending order and free from consecutive runs of mapping symbols with + // the same type. For example we must remove the redundant $d.1 from $x.0 + // $d.0 $d.1 $x.1. + for (auto &KV : SectionMap) { + std::vector &MapSyms = KV.second; + if (MapSyms.size() <= 1) + continue; + std::stable_sort( + MapSyms.begin(), MapSyms.end(), + [](const Defined *A, const Defined *B) { return A->Value < B->Value; }); + MapSyms.erase( + std::unique(MapSyms.begin(), MapSyms.end(), + [=](const Defined *A, const Defined *B) { + return (IsCodeMapSymbol(A) && IsCodeMapSymbol(B)) || + (IsDataMapSymbol(A) && IsDataMapSymbol(B)); + }), + MapSyms.end()); + } + Initialized = true; +} + +// Insert the PatchSections we have created back into the +// InputSectionDescription. As inserting patches alters the addresses of +// InputSections that follow them, we try and place the patches after all the +// executable sections, although we may need to insert them earlier if the +// InputSectionDescription is larger than the maximum branch range. +void AArch64Err843419Patcher::insertPatches( + InputSectionDescription &ISD, std::vector &Patches) { + uint64_t ISLimit; + uint64_t PrevISLimit = ISD.Sections.front()->OutSecOff; + uint64_t PatchUpperBound = PrevISLimit + Target->ThunkSectionSpacing; + + // Set the OutSecOff of patches to the place where we want to insert them. + // We use a similar strategy to Thunk placement. Place patches roughly + // every multiple of maximum branch range. + auto PatchIt = Patches.begin(); + auto PatchEnd = Patches.end(); + for (const InputSection *IS : ISD.Sections) { + ISLimit = IS->OutSecOff + IS->getSize(); + if (ISLimit > PatchUpperBound) { + while (PatchIt != PatchEnd) { + if ((*PatchIt)->getLDSTAddr() >= PrevISLimit) + break; + (*PatchIt)->OutSecOff = PrevISLimit; + ++PatchIt; + } + PatchUpperBound = PrevISLimit + Target->ThunkSectionSpacing; + } + PrevISLimit = ISLimit; + } + for (; PatchIt != PatchEnd; ++PatchIt) { + (*PatchIt)->OutSecOff = ISLimit; + } + + // merge all patch sections. We use the OutSecOff assigned above to + // determine the insertion point. This is ok as we only merge into an + // InputSectionDescription once per pass, and at the end of the pass + // assignAddresses() will recalculate all the OutSecOff values. + std::vector Tmp; + Tmp.reserve(ISD.Sections.size() + Patches.size()); + auto MergeCmp = [](const InputSection *A, const InputSection *B) { + if (A->OutSecOff < B->OutSecOff) + return true; + if (A->OutSecOff == B->OutSecOff && isa(A) && + !isa(B)) + return true; + return false; + }; + std::merge(ISD.Sections.begin(), ISD.Sections.end(), Patches.begin(), + Patches.end(), std::back_inserter(Tmp), MergeCmp); + ISD.Sections = std::move(Tmp); +} + +// Given an erratum sequence that starts at address AdrpAddr, with an +// instruction that we need to patch at PatcheeOffset from the start of +// InputSection IS, create a Patch843419 Section and add it to the +// Patches that we need to insert. +static void implementPatch(uint64_t AdrpAddr, uint64_t PatcheeOffset, + InputSection *IS, + std::vector &Patches) { + // There may be a relocation at the same offset that we are patching. There + // are three cases that we need to consider. + // Case 1: R_AARCH64_JUMP26 branch relocation. We have already patched this + // instance of the erratum on a previous patch and altered the relocation. We + // have nothing more to do. + // Case 2: A load/store register (unsigned immediate) class relocation. There + // are two of these R_AARCH_LD64_ABS_LO12_NC and R_AARCH_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC and + // they are both absolute. We need to add the same relocation to the patch, + // and replace the relocation with a R_AARCH_JUMP26 branch relocation. + // Case 3: No relocation. We must create a new R_AARCH64_JUMP26 branch + // relocation at the offset. + auto RelIt = std::find_if( + IS->Relocations.begin(), IS->Relocations.end(), + [=](const Relocation &R) { return R.Offset == PatcheeOffset; }); + if (RelIt != IS->Relocations.end() && RelIt->Type == R_AARCH64_JUMP26) + return; + + if (Config->Verbose) + message("detected cortex-a53-843419 erratum sequence starting at " + + utohexstr(AdrpAddr) + " in unpatched output."); + + auto *PS = make(IS, PatcheeOffset); + Patches.push_back(PS); + + auto MakeRelToPatch = [](uint64_t Offset, Symbol *PatchSym) { + return Relocation{R_PC, R_AARCH64_JUMP26, Offset, 0, PatchSym}; + }; + + if (RelIt != IS->Relocations.end()) { + PS->Relocations.push_back( + {RelIt->Expr, RelIt->Type, 0, RelIt->Addend, RelIt->Sym}); + *RelIt = MakeRelToPatch(PatcheeOffset, PS->PatchSym); + } else + IS->Relocations.push_back(MakeRelToPatch(PatcheeOffset, PS->PatchSym)); +} + +// Scan all the instructions in InputSectionDescription, for each instance of +// the erratum sequence create a Patch843419Section. We return the list of +// Patch843419Sections that need to be applied to ISD. +std::vector +AArch64Err843419Patcher::patchInputSectionDescription( + InputSectionDescription &ISD) { + std::vector Patches; + for (InputSection *IS : ISD.Sections) { + // LLD doesn't use the erratum sequence in SyntheticSections. + if (isa(IS)) + continue; + // Use SectionMap to make sure we only scan code and not inline data. + // We have already sorted MapSyms in ascending order and removed consecutive + // mapping symbols of the same type. Our range of executable instructions to + // scan is therefore [CodeSym->Value, DataSym->Value) or [CodeSym->Value, + // section size). + std::vector &MapSyms = SectionMap[IS]; + + auto CodeSym = llvm::find_if(MapSyms, [&](const Defined *MS) { + return MS->getName().startswith("$x"); + }); + + while (CodeSym != MapSyms.end()) { + auto DataSym = std::next(CodeSym); + uint64_t Off = (*CodeSym)->Value; + uint64_t Limit = + (DataSym == MapSyms.end()) ? IS->Data.size() : (*DataSym)->Value; + + while (Off < Limit) { + uint64_t StartAddr = IS->getParent()->Addr + IS->OutSecOff + Off; + if (uint64_t PatcheeOffset = scanCortexA53Errata843419(IS, Off, Limit)) + implementPatch(StartAddr, PatcheeOffset, IS, Patches); + } + if (DataSym == MapSyms.end()) + break; + CodeSym = std::next(DataSym); + } + } + return Patches; +} + +// For each InputSectionDescription make one pass over the executable sections +// looking for the erratum sequence; creating a synthetic Patch843419Section +// for each instance found. We insert these synthetic patch sections after the +// executable code in each InputSectionDescription. +// +// PreConditions: +// The Output and Input Sections have had their final addresses assigned. +// +// PostConditions: +// Returns true if at least one patch was added. The addresses of the +// Ouptut and Input Sections may have been changed. +// Returns false if no patches were required and no changes were made. +bool AArch64Err843419Patcher::createFixes() { + if (Initialized == false) + init(); + + bool AddressesChanged = false; + for (OutputSection *OS : OutputSections) { + if (!(OS->Flags & SHF_ALLOC) || !(OS->Flags & SHF_EXECINSTR)) + continue; + for (BaseCommand *BC : OS->SectionCommands) + if (auto *ISD = dyn_cast(BC)) { + std::vector Patches = + patchInputSectionDescription(*ISD); + if (!Patches.empty()) { + insertPatches(*ISD, Patches); + AddressesChanged = true; + } + } + } + return AddressesChanged; +} Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/AArch64ErrataFix.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/AArch64ErrataFix.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/AArch64ErrataFix.h (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/AArch64ErrataFix.h (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +//===- AArch64ErrataFix.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#ifndef LLD_ELF_AARCH64ERRATAFIX_H +#define LLD_ELF_AARCH64ERRATAFIX_H + +#include "lld/Common/LLVM.h" + +#include +#include + +namespace lld { +namespace elf { + +class Defined; +class InputSection; +struct InputSectionDescription; +class OutputSection; +class Patch843419Section; + +class AArch64Err843419Patcher { +public: + // return true if Patches have been added to the OutputSections. + bool createFixes(); + +private: + std::vector + patchInputSectionDescription(InputSectionDescription &ISD); + + void insertPatches(InputSectionDescription &ISD, + std::vector &Patches); + + void init(); + + // A cache of the mapping symbols defined by the InputSecion sorted in order + // of ascending value with redundant symbols removed. These describe + // the ranges of code and data in an executable InputSection. + std::map> SectionMap; + + bool Initialized = false; +}; + +} // namespace elf +} // namespace lld + +#endif Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/AArch64ErrataFix.h ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AArch64.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AArch64.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AArch64.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,376 +1,426 @@ //===- AArch64.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "SyntheticSections.h" #include "Target.h" #include "Thunks.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Object/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; // Page(Expr) is the page address of the expression Expr, defined // as (Expr & ~0xFFF). (This applies even if the machine page size // supported by the platform has a different value.) uint64_t elf::getAArch64Page(uint64_t Expr) { return Expr & ~static_cast(0xFFF); } namespace { class AArch64 final : public TargetInfo { public: AArch64(); - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; - bool isPicRel(uint32_t Type) const override; - void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const override; + bool isPicRel(RelType Type) const override; + void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const override; void writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const override; void writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const override; - bool usesOnlyLowPageBits(uint32_t Type) const override; - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - RelExpr adjustRelaxExpr(uint32_t Type, const uint8_t *Data, + bool needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, RelType Type, const InputFile *File, + uint64_t BranchAddr, const Symbol &S) const override; + bool inBranchRange(RelType Type, uint64_t Src, uint64_t Dst) const override; + bool usesOnlyLowPageBits(RelType Type) const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + RelExpr adjustRelaxExpr(RelType Type, const uint8_t *Data, RelExpr Expr) const override; - void relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; }; } // namespace AArch64::AArch64() { CopyRel = R_AARCH64_COPY; RelativeRel = R_AARCH64_RELATIVE; IRelativeRel = R_AARCH64_IRELATIVE; GotRel = R_AARCH64_GLOB_DAT; PltRel = R_AARCH64_JUMP_SLOT; TlsDescRel = R_AARCH64_TLSDESC; TlsGotRel = R_AARCH64_TLS_TPREL64; GotEntrySize = 8; GotPltEntrySize = 8; PltEntrySize = 16; PltHeaderSize = 32; DefaultMaxPageSize = 65536; // It doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, but tls on aarch64 uses variant // 1 of the tls structures and the tcb size is 16. TcbSize = 16; + NeedsThunks = true; + + // See comment in Arch/ARM.cpp for a more detailed explanation of + // ThunkSectionSpacing. For AArch64 the only branches we are permitted to + // Thunk have a range of +/- 128 MiB + ThunkSectionSpacing = (128 * 1024 * 1024) - 0x30000; } -RelExpr AArch64::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +RelExpr AArch64::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { switch (Type) { - default: - return R_ABS; case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21: return R_TLSDESC_PAGE; case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12: case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12: return R_TLSDESC; case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL: return R_TLSDESC_CALL; case R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12: case R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC: return R_TLS; case R_AARCH64_CALL26: case R_AARCH64_CONDBR19: case R_AARCH64_JUMP26: case R_AARCH64_TSTBR14: return R_PLT_PC; case R_AARCH64_PREL16: case R_AARCH64_PREL32: case R_AARCH64_PREL64: case R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_LO21: + case R_AARCH64_LD_PREL_LO19: return R_PC; case R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21: return R_PAGE_PC; case R_AARCH64_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC: return R_GOT; case R_AARCH64_ADR_GOT_PAGE: case R_AARCH64_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21: return R_GOT_PAGE_PC; case R_AARCH64_NONE: return R_NONE; + default: + return R_ABS; } } -RelExpr AArch64::adjustRelaxExpr(uint32_t Type, const uint8_t *Data, +RelExpr AArch64::adjustRelaxExpr(RelType Type, const uint8_t *Data, RelExpr Expr) const { if (Expr == R_RELAX_TLS_GD_TO_IE) { if (Type == R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21) return R_RELAX_TLS_GD_TO_IE_PAGE_PC; return R_RELAX_TLS_GD_TO_IE_ABS; } return Expr; } -bool AArch64::usesOnlyLowPageBits(uint32_t Type) const { +bool AArch64::usesOnlyLowPageBits(RelType Type) const { switch (Type) { default: return false; case R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12: case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12: case R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC: return true; } } -bool AArch64::isPicRel(uint32_t Type) const { +bool AArch64::isPicRel(RelType Type) const { return Type == R_AARCH64_ABS32 || Type == R_AARCH64_ABS64; } -void AArch64::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &) const { +void AArch64::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &) const { write64le(Buf, InX::Plt->getVA()); } void AArch64::writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const { const uint8_t PltData[] = { 0xf0, 0x7b, 0xbf, 0xa9, // stp x16, x30, [sp,#-16]! 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, // adrp x16, Page(&([2])) 0x11, 0x02, 0x40, 0xf9, // ldr x17, [x16, Offset(&([2]))] 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x91, // add x16, x16, Offset(&([2])) 0x20, 0x02, 0x1f, 0xd6, // br x17 0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5, // nop 0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5, // nop 0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5 // nop }; memcpy(Buf, PltData, sizeof(PltData)); uint64_t Got = InX::GotPlt->getVA(); uint64_t Plt = InX::Plt->getVA(); relocateOne(Buf + 4, R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21, getAArch64Page(Got + 16) - getAArch64Page(Plt + 4)); relocateOne(Buf + 8, R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC, Got + 16); relocateOne(Buf + 12, R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC, Got + 16); } void AArch64::writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const { const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, // adrp x16, Page(&([n])) 0x11, 0x02, 0x40, 0xf9, // ldr x17, [x16, Offset(&([n]))] 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x91, // add x16, x16, Offset(&([n])) 0x20, 0x02, 0x1f, 0xd6 // br x17 }; memcpy(Buf, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); relocateOne(Buf, R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21, getAArch64Page(GotPltEntryAddr) - getAArch64Page(PltEntryAddr)); relocateOne(Buf + 4, R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC, GotPltEntryAddr); relocateOne(Buf + 8, R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC, GotPltEntryAddr); } +bool AArch64::needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, RelType Type, const InputFile *File, + uint64_t BranchAddr, const Symbol &S) const { + // ELF for the ARM 64-bit architecture, section Call and Jump relocations + // only permits range extension thunks for R_AARCH64_CALL26 and + // R_AARCH64_JUMP26 relocation types. + if (Type != R_AARCH64_CALL26 && Type != R_AARCH64_JUMP26) + return false; + uint64_t Dst = (Expr == R_PLT_PC) ? S.getPltVA() : S.getVA(); + return !inBranchRange(Type, BranchAddr, Dst); +} + +bool AArch64::inBranchRange(RelType Type, uint64_t Src, uint64_t Dst) const { + if (Type != R_AARCH64_CALL26 && Type != R_AARCH64_JUMP26) + return true; + // The AArch64 call and unconditional branch instructions have a range of + // +/- 128 MiB. + uint64_t Range = 128 * 1024 * 1024; + if (Dst > Src) { + // Immediate of branch is signed. + Range -= 4; + return Dst - Src <= Range; + } + return Src - Dst <= Range; +} + static void write32AArch64Addr(uint8_t *L, uint64_t Imm) { uint32_t ImmLo = (Imm & 0x3) << 29; uint32_t ImmHi = (Imm & 0x1FFFFC) << 3; uint64_t Mask = (0x3 << 29) | (0x1FFFFC << 3); write32le(L, (read32le(L) & ~Mask) | ImmLo | ImmHi); } // Return the bits [Start, End] from Val shifted Start bits. // For instance, getBits(0xF0, 4, 8) returns 0xF. static uint64_t getBits(uint64_t Val, int Start, int End) { uint64_t Mask = ((uint64_t)1 << (End + 1 - Start)) - 1; return (Val >> Start) & Mask; } static void or32le(uint8_t *P, int32_t V) { write32le(P, read32le(P) | V); } // Update the immediate field in a AARCH64 ldr, str, and add instruction. static void or32AArch64Imm(uint8_t *L, uint64_t Imm) { or32le(L, (Imm & 0xFFF) << 10); } -void AArch64::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void AArch64::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { switch (Type) { case R_AARCH64_ABS16: case R_AARCH64_PREL16: checkIntUInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); write16le(Loc, Val); break; case R_AARCH64_ABS32: case R_AARCH64_PREL32: checkIntUInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32le(Loc, Val); break; case R_AARCH64_ABS64: case R_AARCH64_GLOB_DAT: case R_AARCH64_PREL64: write64le(Loc, Val); break; case R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC: or32AArch64Imm(Loc, Val); break; case R_AARCH64_ADR_GOT_PAGE: case R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21: case R_AARCH64_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21: case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21: checkInt<33>(Loc, Val, Type); write32AArch64Addr(Loc, Val >> 12); break; case R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_LO21: checkInt<21>(Loc, Val, Type); write32AArch64Addr(Loc, Val); break; - case R_AARCH64_CALL26: case R_AARCH64_JUMP26: + // Normally we would just write the bits of the immediate field, however + // when patching instructions for the cpu errata fix -fix-cortex-a53-843419 + // we want to replace a non-branch instruction with a branch immediate + // instruction. By writing all the bits of the instruction including the + // opcode and the immediate (0 001 | 01 imm26) we can do this + // transformation by placing a R_AARCH64_JUMP26 relocation at the offset of + // the instruction we want to patch. + write32le(Loc, 0x14000000); + LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; + case R_AARCH64_CALL26: checkInt<28>(Loc, Val, Type); or32le(Loc, (Val & 0x0FFFFFFC) >> 2); break; case R_AARCH64_CONDBR19: + case R_AARCH64_LD_PREL_LO19: + checkAlignment<4>(Loc, Val, Type); checkInt<21>(Loc, Val, Type); or32le(Loc, (Val & 0x1FFFFC) << 3); break; case R_AARCH64_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12: checkAlignment<8>(Loc, Val, Type); or32le(Loc, (Val & 0xFF8) << 7); break; case R_AARCH64_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC: or32AArch64Imm(Loc, getBits(Val, 0, 11)); break; case R_AARCH64_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC: + checkAlignment<2>(Loc, Val, Type); or32AArch64Imm(Loc, getBits(Val, 1, 11)); break; case R_AARCH64_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC: + checkAlignment<4>(Loc, Val, Type); or32AArch64Imm(Loc, getBits(Val, 2, 11)); break; case R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC: + checkAlignment<8>(Loc, Val, Type); or32AArch64Imm(Loc, getBits(Val, 3, 11)); break; case R_AARCH64_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC: + checkAlignment<16>(Loc, Val, Type); or32AArch64Imm(Loc, getBits(Val, 4, 11)); break; case R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC: or32le(Loc, (Val & 0xFFFF) << 5); break; case R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1_NC: or32le(Loc, (Val & 0xFFFF0000) >> 11); break; case R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2_NC: or32le(Loc, (Val & 0xFFFF00000000) >> 27); break; case R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G3: or32le(Loc, (Val & 0xFFFF000000000000) >> 43); break; case R_AARCH64_TSTBR14: checkInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); or32le(Loc, (Val & 0xFFFC) << 3); break; case R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12: checkInt<24>(Loc, Val, Type); or32AArch64Imm(Loc, Val >> 12); break; case R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC: case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12: or32AArch64Imm(Loc, Val); break; default: error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); } } -void AArch64::relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void AArch64::relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // TLSDESC Global-Dynamic relocation are in the form: // adrp x0, :tlsdesc:v [R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21] // ldr x1, [x0, #:tlsdesc_lo12:v [R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12] // add x0, x0, :tlsdesc_los:v [R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12] // .tlsdesccall [R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL] // blr x1 // And it can optimized to: // movz x0, #0x0, lsl #16 // movk x0, #0x10 // nop // nop checkUInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); switch (Type) { case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12: case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL: write32le(Loc, 0xd503201f); // nop return; case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21: write32le(Loc, 0xd2a00000 | (((Val >> 16) & 0xffff) << 5)); // movz return; case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12: write32le(Loc, 0xf2800000 | ((Val & 0xffff) << 5)); // movk return; default: llvm_unreachable("unsupported relocation for TLS GD to LE relaxation"); } } -void AArch64::relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void AArch64::relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // TLSDESC Global-Dynamic relocation are in the form: // adrp x0, :tlsdesc:v [R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21] // ldr x1, [x0, #:tlsdesc_lo12:v [R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12] // add x0, x0, :tlsdesc_los:v [R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12] // .tlsdesccall [R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL] // blr x1 // And it can optimized to: // adrp x0, :gottprel:v // ldr x0, [x0, :gottprel_lo12:v] // nop // nop switch (Type) { case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12: case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL: write32le(Loc, 0xd503201f); // nop break; case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21: write32le(Loc, 0x90000000); // adrp relocateOne(Loc, R_AARCH64_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21, Val); break; case R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12: write32le(Loc, 0xf9400000); // ldr relocateOne(Loc, R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC, Val); break; default: llvm_unreachable("unsupported relocation for TLS GD to LE relaxation"); } } -void AArch64::relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void AArch64::relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { checkUInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); if (Type == R_AARCH64_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21) { // Generate MOVZ. uint32_t RegNo = read32le(Loc) & 0x1f; write32le(Loc, (0xd2a00000 | RegNo) | (((Val >> 16) & 0xffff) << 5)); return; } if (Type == R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC) { // Generate MOVK. uint32_t RegNo = read32le(Loc) & 0x1f; write32le(Loc, (0xf2800000 | RegNo) | ((Val & 0xffff) << 5)); return; } llvm_unreachable("invalid relocation for TLS IE to LE relaxation"); } TargetInfo *elf::getAArch64TargetInfo() { static AArch64 Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AMDGPU.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AMDGPU.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AMDGPU.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,84 +1,102 @@ //===- AMDGPU.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "Target.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Object/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { class AMDGPU final : public TargetInfo { public: AMDGPU(); - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + uint32_t calcEFlags() const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; }; } // namespace AMDGPU::AMDGPU() { - RelativeRel = R_AMDGPU_REL64; + RelativeRel = R_AMDGPU_RELATIVE64; GotRel = R_AMDGPU_ABS64; GotEntrySize = 8; } -void AMDGPU::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +static uint32_t getEFlags(InputFile *File) { + return cast>(File)->getObj().getHeader()->e_flags; +} + +uint32_t AMDGPU::calcEFlags() const { + assert(!ObjectFiles.empty()); + uint32_t Ret = getEFlags(ObjectFiles[0]); + + // Verify that all input files have the same e_flags. + for (InputFile *F : makeArrayRef(ObjectFiles).slice(1)) { + if (Ret == getEFlags(F)) + continue; + error("incompatible e_flags: " + toString(F)); + return 0; + } + return Ret; +} + +void AMDGPU::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { switch (Type) { case R_AMDGPU_ABS32: case R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL: case R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_LO: case R_AMDGPU_REL32: case R_AMDGPU_REL32_LO: write32le(Loc, Val); break; case R_AMDGPU_ABS64: write64le(Loc, Val); break; case R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_HI: case R_AMDGPU_REL32_HI: write32le(Loc, Val >> 32); break; default: error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); } } -RelExpr AMDGPU::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +RelExpr AMDGPU::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { switch (Type) { case R_AMDGPU_ABS32: case R_AMDGPU_ABS64: return R_ABS; case R_AMDGPU_REL32: case R_AMDGPU_REL32_LO: case R_AMDGPU_REL32_HI: return R_PC; case R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL: case R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_LO: case R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_HI: return R_GOT_PC; default: - error(toString(S.File) + ": unknown relocation type: " + toString(Type)); - return R_HINT; + return R_INVALID; } } TargetInfo *elf::getAMDGPUTargetInfo() { static AMDGPU Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/ARM.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/ARM.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/ARM.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,480 +1,585 @@ //===- ARM.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "SyntheticSections.h" #include "Target.h" #include "Thunks.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Object/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { class ARM final : public TargetInfo { public: ARM(); - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + uint32_t calcEFlags() const override; + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; - bool isPicRel(uint32_t Type) const override; - uint32_t getDynRel(uint32_t Type) const override; - int64_t getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t Type) const override; - void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const override; - void writeIgotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const override; + bool isPicRel(RelType Type) const override; + RelType getDynRel(RelType Type) const override; + int64_t getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, RelType Type) const override; + void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const override; + void writeIgotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const override; void writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const override; void writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const override; void addPltSymbols(InputSectionBase *IS, uint64_t Off) const override; void addPltHeaderSymbols(InputSectionBase *ISD) const override; - bool needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, uint32_t RelocType, const InputFile *File, - const SymbolBody &S) const override; - bool inBranchRange(uint32_t RelocType, uint64_t Src, - uint64_t Dst) const override; - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + bool needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, RelType Type, const InputFile *File, + uint64_t BranchAddr, const Symbol &S) const override; + bool inBranchRange(RelType Type, uint64_t Src, uint64_t Dst) const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; }; } // namespace ARM::ARM() { CopyRel = R_ARM_COPY; RelativeRel = R_ARM_RELATIVE; IRelativeRel = R_ARM_IRELATIVE; GotRel = R_ARM_GLOB_DAT; PltRel = R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT; TlsGotRel = R_ARM_TLS_TPOFF32; TlsModuleIndexRel = R_ARM_TLS_DTPMOD32; TlsOffsetRel = R_ARM_TLS_DTPOFF32; GotEntrySize = 4; GotPltEntrySize = 4; PltEntrySize = 16; - PltHeaderSize = 20; + PltHeaderSize = 32; TrapInstr = 0xd4d4d4d4; // ARM uses Variant 1 TLS TcbSize = 8; NeedsThunks = true; + + // The placing of pre-created ThunkSections is controlled by the + // ThunkSectionSpacing parameter. The aim is to place the + // ThunkSection such that all branches from the InputSections prior to the + // ThunkSection can reach a Thunk placed at the end of the ThunkSection. + // Graphically: + // | up to ThunkSectionSpacing .text input sections | + // | ThunkSection | + // | up to ThunkSectionSpacing .text input sections | + // | ThunkSection | + + // Pre-created ThunkSections are spaced roughly 16MiB apart on ARM. This is to + // match the most common expected case of a Thumb 2 encoded BL, BLX or B.W + // ARM B, BL, BLX range +/- 32MiB + // Thumb B.W, BL, BLX range +/- 16MiB + // Thumb B.W range +/- 1MiB + // If a branch cannot reach a pre-created ThunkSection a new one will be + // created so we can handle the rare cases of a Thumb 2 conditional branch. + // We intentionally use a lower size for ThunkSectionSpacing than the maximum + // branch range so the end of the ThunkSection is more likely to be within + // range of the branch instruction that is furthest away. The value we shorten + // ThunkSectionSpacing by is set conservatively to allow us to create 16,384 + // 12 byte Thunks at any offset in a ThunkSection without risk of a branch to + // one of the Thunks going out of range. + + // FIXME: lld assumes that the Thumb BL and BLX encoding permits the J1 and + // J2 bits to be used to extend the branch range. On earlier Architectures + // such as ARMv4, ARMv5 and ARMv6 (except ARMv6T2) the range is +/- 4MiB. If + // support for the earlier encodings is added then when they are used the + // ThunkSectionSpacing will need lowering. + ThunkSectionSpacing = 0x1000000 - 0x30000; } -RelExpr ARM::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +uint32_t ARM::calcEFlags() const { + // We don't currently use any features incompatible with EF_ARM_EABI_VER5, + // but we don't have any firm guarantees of conformance. Linux AArch64 + // kernels (as of 2016) require an EABI version to be set. + return EF_ARM_EABI_VER5; +} + +RelExpr ARM::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { switch (Type) { - default: - return R_ABS; case R_ARM_THM_JUMP11: return R_PC; case R_ARM_CALL: case R_ARM_JUMP24: case R_ARM_PC24: case R_ARM_PLT32: case R_ARM_PREL31: case R_ARM_THM_JUMP19: case R_ARM_THM_JUMP24: case R_ARM_THM_CALL: return R_PLT_PC; case R_ARM_GOTOFF32: // (S + A) - GOT_ORG return R_GOTREL; case R_ARM_GOT_BREL: // GOT(S) + A - GOT_ORG return R_GOT_OFF; case R_ARM_GOT_PREL: case R_ARM_TLS_IE32: // GOT(S) + A - P return R_GOT_PC; case R_ARM_SBREL32: return R_ARM_SBREL; case R_ARM_TARGET1: return Config->Target1Rel ? R_PC : R_ABS; case R_ARM_TARGET2: if (Config->Target2 == Target2Policy::Rel) return R_PC; if (Config->Target2 == Target2Policy::Abs) return R_ABS; return R_GOT_PC; case R_ARM_TLS_GD32: return R_TLSGD_PC; case R_ARM_TLS_LDM32: return R_TLSLD_PC; case R_ARM_BASE_PREL: // B(S) + A - P // FIXME: currently B(S) assumed to be .got, this may not hold for all // platforms. return R_GOTONLY_PC; case R_ARM_MOVW_PREL_NC: case R_ARM_MOVT_PREL: case R_ARM_REL32: case R_ARM_THM_MOVW_PREL_NC: case R_ARM_THM_MOVT_PREL: return R_PC; case R_ARM_NONE: return R_NONE; case R_ARM_TLS_LE32: return R_TLS; + default: + return R_ABS; } } -bool ARM::isPicRel(uint32_t Type) const { +bool ARM::isPicRel(RelType Type) const { return (Type == R_ARM_TARGET1 && !Config->Target1Rel) || (Type == R_ARM_ABS32); } -uint32_t ARM::getDynRel(uint32_t Type) const { +RelType ARM::getDynRel(RelType Type) const { if (Type == R_ARM_TARGET1 && !Config->Target1Rel) return R_ARM_ABS32; if (Type == R_ARM_ABS32) return Type; // Keep it going with a dummy value so that we can find more reloc errors. return R_ARM_ABS32; } -void ARM::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &) const { +void ARM::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &) const { write32le(Buf, InX::Plt->getVA()); } -void ARM::writeIgotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const { +void ARM::writeIgotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const { // An ARM entry is the address of the ifunc resolver function. write32le(Buf, S.getVA()); } -void ARM::writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const { +// Long form PLT Heade that does not have any restrictions on the displacement +// of the .plt from the +static void writePltHeaderLong(uint8_t *Buf) { const uint8_t PltData[] = { 0x04, 0xe0, 0x2d, 0xe5, // str lr, [sp,#-4]! 0x04, 0xe0, 0x9f, 0xe5, // ldr lr, L2 0x0e, 0xe0, 0x8f, 0xe0, // L1: add lr, pc, lr 0x08, 0xf0, 0xbe, 0xe5, // ldr pc, [lr, #8] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // L2: .word &(.got.plt) - L1 - 8 - }; + 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xd4, // Pad to 32-byte boundary + 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xd4, // Pad to 32-byte boundary + 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xd4}; memcpy(Buf, PltData, sizeof(PltData)); uint64_t GotPlt = InX::GotPlt->getVA(); uint64_t L1 = InX::Plt->getVA() + 8; write32le(Buf + 16, GotPlt - L1 - 8); } +// The default PLT header requires the to be within 128 Mb of the +// .plt in the positive direction. +void ARM::writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const { + // Use a similar sequence to that in writePlt(), the difference is the calling + // conventions mean we use lr instead of ip. The PLT entry is responsible for + // saving lr on the stack, the dynamic loader is responsible for reloading + // it. + const uint32_t PltData[] = { + 0xe52de004, // L1: str lr, [sp,#-4]! + 0xe28fe600, // add lr, pc, #0x0NN00000 &(.got.plt - L1 - 4) + 0xe28eea00, // add lr, lr, #0x000NN000 &(.got.plt - L1 - 4) + 0xe5bef000, // ldr pc, [lr, #0x00000NNN] &(.got.plt -L1 - 4) + }; + + uint64_t Offset = InX::GotPlt->getVA() - InX::Plt->getVA() - 4; + if (!llvm::isUInt<27>(Offset)) { + // We cannot encode the Offset, use the long form. + writePltHeaderLong(Buf); + return; + } + write32le(Buf + 0, PltData[0]); + write32le(Buf + 4, PltData[1] | ((Offset >> 20) & 0xff)); + write32le(Buf + 8, PltData[2] | ((Offset >> 12) & 0xff)); + write32le(Buf + 12, PltData[3] | (Offset & 0xfff)); + write32le(Buf + 16, TrapInstr); // Pad to 32-byte boundary + write32le(Buf + 20, TrapInstr); + write32le(Buf + 24, TrapInstr); + write32le(Buf + 28, TrapInstr); +} + void ARM::addPltHeaderSymbols(InputSectionBase *ISD) const { auto *IS = cast(ISD); addSyntheticLocal("$a", STT_NOTYPE, 0, 0, IS); addSyntheticLocal("$d", STT_NOTYPE, 16, 0, IS); } -void ARM::writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, - uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, - unsigned RelOff) const { - // FIXME: Using simple code sequence with simple relocations. - // There is a more optimal sequence but it requires support for the group - // relocations. See ELF for the ARM Architecture Appendix A.3 +// Long form PLT entries that do not have any restrictions on the displacement +// of the .plt from the +static void writePltLong(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, + uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, + unsigned RelOff) { const uint8_t PltData[] = { 0x04, 0xc0, 0x9f, 0xe5, // ldr ip, L2 0x0f, 0xc0, 0x8c, 0xe0, // L1: add ip, ip, pc 0x00, 0xf0, 0x9c, 0xe5, // ldr pc, [ip] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // L2: .word Offset(&( - L1 - 8 }; memcpy(Buf, PltData, sizeof(PltData)); uint64_t L1 = PltEntryAddr + 4; write32le(Buf + 12, GotPltEntryAddr - L1 - 8); } +// The default PLT entries require the to be within 128 Mb of the +// .plt in the positive direction. +void ARM::writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, + uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, + unsigned RelOff) const { + // The PLT entry is similar to the example given in Appendix A of ELF for + // the Arm Architecture. Instead of using the Group Relocations to find the + // optimal rotation for the 8-bit immediate used in the add instructions we + // hard code the most compact rotations for simplicity. This saves a load + // instruction over the long plt sequences. + const uint32_t PltData[] = { + 0xe28fc600, // L1: add ip, pc, #0x0NN00000 Offset(&( - L1 - 8 + 0xe28cca00, // add ip, ip, #0x000NN000 Offset(&( - L1 - 8 + 0xe5bcf000, // ldr pc, [ip, #0x00000NNN] Offset(&( - L1 - 8 + }; + + uint64_t Offset = GotPltEntryAddr - PltEntryAddr - 8; + if (!llvm::isUInt<27>(Offset)) { + // We cannot encode the Offset, use the long form. + writePltLong(Buf, GotPltEntryAddr, PltEntryAddr, Index, RelOff); + return; + } + write32le(Buf + 0, PltData[0] | ((Offset >> 20) & 0xff)); + write32le(Buf + 4, PltData[1] | ((Offset >> 12) & 0xff)); + write32le(Buf + 8, PltData[2] | (Offset & 0xfff)); + write32le(Buf + 12, TrapInstr); // Pad to 16-byte boundary +} + void ARM::addPltSymbols(InputSectionBase *ISD, uint64_t Off) const { auto *IS = cast(ISD); addSyntheticLocal("$a", STT_NOTYPE, Off, 0, IS); addSyntheticLocal("$d", STT_NOTYPE, Off + 12, 0, IS); } -bool ARM::needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, uint32_t RelocType, const InputFile *File, - const SymbolBody &S) const { - // If S is an undefined weak symbol in an executable we don't need a Thunk. - // In a DSO calls to undefined symbols, including weak ones get PLT entries - // which may need a thunk. - if (S.isUndefined() && !S.isLocal() && S.symbol()->isWeak() && - !Config->Shared) +bool ARM::needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, RelType Type, const InputFile *File, + uint64_t BranchAddr, const Symbol &S) const { + // If S is an undefined weak symbol and does not have a PLT entry then it + // will be resolved as a branch to the next instruction. + if (S.isUndefWeak() && !S.isInPlt()) return false; // A state change from ARM to Thumb and vice versa must go through an // interworking thunk if the relocation type is not R_ARM_CALL or // R_ARM_THM_CALL. - switch (RelocType) { + switch (Type) { case R_ARM_PC24: case R_ARM_PLT32: case R_ARM_JUMP24: // Source is ARM, all PLT entries are ARM so no interworking required. // Otherwise we need to interwork if Symbol has bit 0 set (Thumb). if (Expr == R_PC && ((S.getVA() & 1) == 1)) return true; - break; + LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; + case R_ARM_CALL: { + uint64_t Dst = (Expr == R_PLT_PC) ? S.getPltVA() : S.getVA(); + return !inBranchRange(Type, BranchAddr, Dst); + } case R_ARM_THM_JUMP19: case R_ARM_THM_JUMP24: // Source is Thumb, all PLT entries are ARM so interworking is required. // Otherwise we need to interwork if Symbol has bit 0 clear (ARM). if (Expr == R_PLT_PC || ((S.getVA() & 1) == 0)) return true; - break; + LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; + case R_ARM_THM_CALL: { + uint64_t Dst = (Expr == R_PLT_PC) ? S.getPltVA() : S.getVA(); + return !inBranchRange(Type, BranchAddr, Dst); } + } return false; } -bool ARM::inBranchRange(uint32_t RelocType, uint64_t Src, uint64_t Dst) const { +bool ARM::inBranchRange(RelType Type, uint64_t Src, uint64_t Dst) const { uint64_t Range; uint64_t InstrSize; - switch (RelocType) { + switch (Type) { case R_ARM_PC24: case R_ARM_PLT32: case R_ARM_JUMP24: case R_ARM_CALL: Range = 0x2000000; InstrSize = 4; break; case R_ARM_THM_JUMP19: Range = 0x100000; InstrSize = 2; break; case R_ARM_THM_JUMP24: case R_ARM_THM_CALL: Range = 0x1000000; InstrSize = 2; break; default: return true; } // PC at Src is 2 instructions ahead, immediate of branch is signed if (Src > Dst) Range -= 2 * InstrSize; else Range += InstrSize; if ((Dst & 0x1) == 0) // Destination is ARM, if ARM caller then Src is already 4-byte aligned. // If Thumb Caller (BLX) the Src address has bottom 2 bits cleared to ensure // destination will be 4 byte aligned. Src &= ~0x3; else // Bit 0 == 1 denotes Thumb state, it is not part of the range Dst &= ~0x1; uint64_t Distance = (Src > Dst) ? Src - Dst : Dst - Src; return Distance <= Range; } -void ARM::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void ARM::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { switch (Type) { case R_ARM_ABS32: case R_ARM_BASE_PREL: case R_ARM_GLOB_DAT: case R_ARM_GOTOFF32: case R_ARM_GOT_BREL: case R_ARM_GOT_PREL: case R_ARM_REL32: case R_ARM_RELATIVE: case R_ARM_SBREL32: case R_ARM_TARGET1: case R_ARM_TARGET2: case R_ARM_TLS_GD32: case R_ARM_TLS_IE32: case R_ARM_TLS_LDM32: case R_ARM_TLS_LDO32: case R_ARM_TLS_LE32: case R_ARM_TLS_TPOFF32: case R_ARM_TLS_DTPOFF32: write32le(Loc, Val); break; case R_ARM_TLS_DTPMOD32: write32le(Loc, 1); break; case R_ARM_PREL31: checkInt<31>(Loc, Val, Type); write32le(Loc, (read32le(Loc) & 0x80000000) | (Val & ~0x80000000)); break; case R_ARM_CALL: // R_ARM_CALL is used for BL and BLX instructions, depending on the // value of bit 0 of Val, we must select a BL or BLX instruction if (Val & 1) { // If bit 0 of Val is 1 the target is Thumb, we must select a BLX. // The BLX encoding is 0xfa:H:imm24 where Val = imm24:H:'1' checkInt<26>(Loc, Val, Type); write32le(Loc, 0xfa000000 | // opcode ((Val & 2) << 23) | // H ((Val >> 2) & 0x00ffffff)); // imm24 break; } if ((read32le(Loc) & 0xfe000000) == 0xfa000000) // BLX (always unconditional) instruction to an ARM Target, select an // unconditional BL. write32le(Loc, 0xeb000000 | (read32le(Loc) & 0x00ffffff)); // fall through as BL encoding is shared with B LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; case R_ARM_JUMP24: case R_ARM_PC24: case R_ARM_PLT32: checkInt<26>(Loc, Val, Type); write32le(Loc, (read32le(Loc) & ~0x00ffffff) | ((Val >> 2) & 0x00ffffff)); break; case R_ARM_THM_JUMP11: checkInt<12>(Loc, Val, Type); write16le(Loc, (read32le(Loc) & 0xf800) | ((Val >> 1) & 0x07ff)); break; case R_ARM_THM_JUMP19: // Encoding T3: Val = S:J2:J1:imm6:imm11:0 checkInt<21>(Loc, Val, Type); write16le(Loc, (read16le(Loc) & 0xfbc0) | // opcode cond ((Val >> 10) & 0x0400) | // S ((Val >> 12) & 0x003f)); // imm6 write16le(Loc + 2, 0x8000 | // opcode ((Val >> 8) & 0x0800) | // J2 ((Val >> 5) & 0x2000) | // J1 ((Val >> 1) & 0x07ff)); // imm11 break; case R_ARM_THM_CALL: // R_ARM_THM_CALL is used for BL and BLX instructions, depending on the // value of bit 0 of Val, we must select a BL or BLX instruction if ((Val & 1) == 0) { // Ensure BLX destination is 4-byte aligned. As BLX instruction may // only be two byte aligned. This must be done before overflow check Val = alignTo(Val, 4); } // Bit 12 is 0 for BLX, 1 for BL write16le(Loc + 2, (read16le(Loc + 2) & ~0x1000) | (Val & 1) << 12); // Fall through as rest of encoding is the same as B.W LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; case R_ARM_THM_JUMP24: // Encoding B T4, BL T1, BLX T2: Val = S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:0 // FIXME: Use of I1 and I2 require v6T2ops checkInt<25>(Loc, Val, Type); write16le(Loc, 0xf000 | // opcode ((Val >> 14) & 0x0400) | // S ((Val >> 12) & 0x03ff)); // imm10 write16le(Loc + 2, (read16le(Loc + 2) & 0xd000) | // opcode (((~(Val >> 10)) ^ (Val >> 11)) & 0x2000) | // J1 (((~(Val >> 11)) ^ (Val >> 13)) & 0x0800) | // J2 ((Val >> 1) & 0x07ff)); // imm11 break; case R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC: case R_ARM_MOVW_PREL_NC: write32le(Loc, (read32le(Loc) & ~0x000f0fff) | ((Val & 0xf000) << 4) | (Val & 0x0fff)); break; case R_ARM_MOVT_ABS: case R_ARM_MOVT_PREL: checkInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32le(Loc, (read32le(Loc) & ~0x000f0fff) | (((Val >> 16) & 0xf000) << 4) | ((Val >> 16) & 0xfff)); break; case R_ARM_THM_MOVT_ABS: case R_ARM_THM_MOVT_PREL: // Encoding T1: A = imm4:i:imm3:imm8 checkInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write16le(Loc, 0xf2c0 | // opcode ((Val >> 17) & 0x0400) | // i ((Val >> 28) & 0x000f)); // imm4 write16le(Loc + 2, (read16le(Loc + 2) & 0x8f00) | // opcode ((Val >> 12) & 0x7000) | // imm3 ((Val >> 16) & 0x00ff)); // imm8 break; case R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC: case R_ARM_THM_MOVW_PREL_NC: // Encoding T3: A = imm4:i:imm3:imm8 write16le(Loc, 0xf240 | // opcode ((Val >> 1) & 0x0400) | // i ((Val >> 12) & 0x000f)); // imm4 write16le(Loc + 2, (read16le(Loc + 2) & 0x8f00) | // opcode ((Val << 4) & 0x7000) | // imm3 (Val & 0x00ff)); // imm8 break; default: error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); } } -int64_t ARM::getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t Type) const { +int64_t ARM::getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, RelType Type) const { switch (Type) { default: return 0; case R_ARM_ABS32: case R_ARM_BASE_PREL: case R_ARM_GOTOFF32: case R_ARM_GOT_BREL: case R_ARM_GOT_PREL: case R_ARM_REL32: case R_ARM_TARGET1: case R_ARM_TARGET2: case R_ARM_TLS_GD32: case R_ARM_TLS_LDM32: case R_ARM_TLS_LDO32: case R_ARM_TLS_IE32: case R_ARM_TLS_LE32: return SignExtend64<32>(read32le(Buf)); case R_ARM_PREL31: return SignExtend64<31>(read32le(Buf)); case R_ARM_CALL: case R_ARM_JUMP24: case R_ARM_PC24: case R_ARM_PLT32: return SignExtend64<26>(read32le(Buf) << 2); case R_ARM_THM_JUMP11: return SignExtend64<12>(read16le(Buf) << 1); case R_ARM_THM_JUMP19: { // Encoding T3: A = S:J2:J1:imm10:imm6:0 uint16_t Hi = read16le(Buf); uint16_t Lo = read16le(Buf + 2); return SignExtend64<20>(((Hi & 0x0400) << 10) | // S ((Lo & 0x0800) << 8) | // J2 ((Lo & 0x2000) << 5) | // J1 ((Hi & 0x003f) << 12) | // imm6 ((Lo & 0x07ff) << 1)); // imm11:0 } case R_ARM_THM_CALL: case R_ARM_THM_JUMP24: { // Encoding B T4, BL T1, BLX T2: A = S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:0 // I1 = NOT(J1 EOR S), I2 = NOT(J2 EOR S) // FIXME: I1 and I2 require v6T2ops uint16_t Hi = read16le(Buf); uint16_t Lo = read16le(Buf + 2); return SignExtend64<24>(((Hi & 0x0400) << 14) | // S (~((Lo ^ (Hi << 3)) << 10) & 0x00800000) | // I1 (~((Lo ^ (Hi << 1)) << 11) & 0x00400000) | // I2 ((Hi & 0x003ff) << 12) | // imm0 ((Lo & 0x007ff) << 1)); // imm11:0 } // ELF for the ARM Architecture the implicit addend for MOVW and // MOVT is in the range -32768 <= A < 32768 case R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC: case R_ARM_MOVT_ABS: case R_ARM_MOVW_PREL_NC: case R_ARM_MOVT_PREL: { uint64_t Val = read32le(Buf) & 0x000f0fff; return SignExtend64<16>(((Val & 0x000f0000) >> 4) | (Val & 0x00fff)); } case R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC: case R_ARM_THM_MOVT_ABS: case R_ARM_THM_MOVW_PREL_NC: case R_ARM_THM_MOVT_PREL: { // Encoding T3: A = imm4:i:imm3:imm8 uint16_t Hi = read16le(Buf); uint16_t Lo = read16le(Buf + 2); return SignExtend64<16>(((Hi & 0x000f) << 12) | // imm4 ((Hi & 0x0400) << 1) | // i ((Lo & 0x7000) >> 4) | // imm3 (Lo & 0x00ff)); // imm8 } } } TargetInfo *elf::getARMTargetInfo() { static ARM Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AVR.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AVR.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/AVR.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,80 +1,74 @@ //===- AVR.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // AVR is a Harvard-architecture 8-bit micrcontroller designed for small // baremetal programs. All AVR-family processors have 32 8-bit registers. // The tiniest AVR has 32 byte RAM and 1 KiB program memory, and the largest // one supports up to 2^24 data address space and 2^22 code address space. // // Since it is a baremetal programming, there's usually no loader to load // ELF files on AVRs. You are expected to link your program against address // 0 and pull out a .text section from the result using objcopy, so that you // can write the linked code to on-chip flush memory. You can do that with // the following commands: // // ld.lld -Ttext=0 -o foo foo.o // objcopy -O binary --only-section=.text foo output.bin // // Note that the current AVR support is very preliminary so you can't // link any useful program yet, though. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "Target.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Object/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { class AVR final : public TargetInfo { public: - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; }; } // namespace -RelExpr AVR::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +RelExpr AVR::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { - switch (Type) { - case R_AVR_CALL: - return R_ABS; - default: - error(toString(S.File) + ": unknown relocation type: " + toString(Type)); - return R_HINT; - } + return R_ABS; } -void AVR::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void AVR::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { switch (Type) { case R_AVR_CALL: { uint16_t Hi = Val >> 17; uint16_t Lo = Val >> 1; write16le(Loc, read16le(Loc) | ((Hi >> 1) << 4) | (Hi & 1)); write16le(Loc + 2, Lo); break; } default: error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + toString(Type)); } } TargetInfo *elf::getAVRTargetInfo() { static AVR Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/Mips.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/Mips.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/Mips.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,423 +1,682 @@ //===- MIPS.cpp -----------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "OutputSections.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "SyntheticSections.h" #include "Target.h" #include "Thunks.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Object/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { template class MIPS final : public TargetInfo { public: MIPS(); - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + uint32_t calcEFlags() const override; + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; - int64_t getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t Type) const override; - bool isPicRel(uint32_t Type) const override; - uint32_t getDynRel(uint32_t Type) const override; - void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const override; + int64_t getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, RelType Type) const override; + bool isPicRel(RelType Type) const override; + RelType getDynRel(RelType Type) const override; + void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const override; void writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const override; void writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const override; - bool needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, uint32_t RelocType, const InputFile *File, - const SymbolBody &S) const override; - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - bool usesOnlyLowPageBits(uint32_t Type) const override; + bool needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, RelType Type, const InputFile *File, + uint64_t BranchAddr, const Symbol &S) const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + bool usesOnlyLowPageBits(RelType Type) const override; }; } // namespace template MIPS::MIPS() { GotPltHeaderEntriesNum = 2; DefaultMaxPageSize = 65536; GotEntrySize = sizeof(typename ELFT::uint); GotPltEntrySize = sizeof(typename ELFT::uint); PltEntrySize = 16; PltHeaderSize = 32; CopyRel = R_MIPS_COPY; PltRel = R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT; NeedsThunks = true; TrapInstr = 0xefefefef; if (ELFT::Is64Bits) { RelativeRel = (R_MIPS_64 << 8) | R_MIPS_REL32; TlsGotRel = R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64; TlsModuleIndexRel = R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64; TlsOffsetRel = R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64; } else { RelativeRel = R_MIPS_REL32; TlsGotRel = R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32; TlsModuleIndexRel = R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32; TlsOffsetRel = R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32; } } +template uint32_t MIPS::calcEFlags() const { + return calcMipsEFlags(); +} + template -RelExpr MIPS::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +RelExpr MIPS::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { // See comment in the calculateMipsRelChain. if (ELFT::Is64Bits || Config->MipsN32Abi) Type &= 0xff; + switch (Type) { - default: - return R_ABS; case R_MIPS_JALR: + case R_MICROMIPS_JALR: return R_HINT; case R_MIPS_GPREL16: case R_MIPS_GPREL32: + case R_MICROMIPS_GPREL16: + case R_MICROMIPS_GPREL7_S2: return R_MIPS_GOTREL; case R_MIPS_26: + case R_MICROMIPS_26_S1: return R_PLT; + case R_MICROMIPS_PC26_S1: + return R_PLT_PC; case R_MIPS_HI16: case R_MIPS_LO16: + case R_MIPS_HIGHER: + case R_MIPS_HIGHEST: + case R_MICROMIPS_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_HIGHER: + case R_MICROMIPS_HIGHEST: // R_MIPS_HI16/R_MIPS_LO16 relocations against _gp_disp calculate // offset between start of function and 'gp' value which by default // equal to the start of .got section. In that case we consider these // relocations as relative. if (&S == ElfSym::MipsGpDisp) return R_MIPS_GOT_GP_PC; if (&S == ElfSym::MipsLocalGp) return R_MIPS_GOT_GP; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; + case R_MIPS_32: + case R_MIPS_64: case R_MIPS_GOT_OFST: + case R_MIPS_SUB: + case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16: + case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16: + case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32: + case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64: + case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16: + case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16: + case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32: + case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_OFST: + case R_MICROMIPS_SUB: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16: return R_ABS; case R_MIPS_PC32: case R_MIPS_PC16: case R_MIPS_PC19_S2: case R_MIPS_PC21_S2: case R_MIPS_PC26_S2: case R_MIPS_PCHI16: case R_MIPS_PCLO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_PC7_S1: + case R_MICROMIPS_PC10_S1: + case R_MICROMIPS_PC16_S1: + case R_MICROMIPS_PC18_S3: + case R_MICROMIPS_PC19_S2: + case R_MICROMIPS_PC23_S2: + case R_MICROMIPS_PC21_S1: return R_PC; case R_MIPS_GOT16: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT16: if (S.isLocal()) return R_MIPS_GOT_LOCAL_PAGE; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; case R_MIPS_CALL16: case R_MIPS_GOT_DISP: case R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL: + case R_MICROMIPS_CALL16: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL: return R_MIPS_GOT_OFF; case R_MIPS_CALL_HI16: case R_MIPS_CALL_LO16: case R_MIPS_GOT_HI16: case R_MIPS_GOT_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16: return R_MIPS_GOT_OFF32; case R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE: return R_MIPS_GOT_LOCAL_PAGE; case R_MIPS_TLS_GD: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD: return R_MIPS_TLSGD; case R_MIPS_TLS_LDM: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM: return R_MIPS_TLSLD; + case R_MIPS_NONE: + return R_NONE; + default: + return R_INVALID; } } -template bool MIPS::isPicRel(uint32_t Type) const { +template bool MIPS::isPicRel(RelType Type) const { return Type == R_MIPS_32 || Type == R_MIPS_64; } -template uint32_t MIPS::getDynRel(uint32_t Type) const { +template RelType MIPS::getDynRel(RelType Type) const { return RelativeRel; } template -void MIPS::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &) const { - write32(Buf, InX::Plt->getVA()); +void MIPS::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &) const { + uint64_t VA = InX::Plt->getVA(); + if (isMicroMips()) + VA |= 1; + write32(Buf, VA); } -template -static int64_t getPcRelocAddend(const uint8_t *Loc) { - uint32_t Instr = read32(Loc); - uint32_t Mask = 0xffffffff >> (32 - BSIZE); - return SignExtend64((Instr & Mask) << SHIFT); +template static uint32_t readShuffle(const uint8_t *Loc) { + // The major opcode of a microMIPS instruction needs to appear + // in the first 16-bit word (lowest address) for efficient hardware + // decode so that it knows if the instruction is 16-bit or 32-bit + // as early as possible. To do so, little-endian binaries keep 16-bit + // words in a big-endian order. That is why we have to swap these + // words to get a correct value. + uint32_t V = read32(Loc); + if (E == support::little) + return (V << 16) | (V >> 16); + return V; } -template -static void applyMipsPcReloc(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t V) { - uint32_t Mask = 0xffffffff >> (32 - BSIZE); +template +static void writeRelocation(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t V, uint8_t BitsSize, + uint8_t Shift) { uint32_t Instr = read32(Loc); - if (SHIFT > 0) - checkAlignment<(1 << SHIFT)>(Loc, V, Type); - checkInt(Loc, V, Type); - write32(Loc, (Instr & ~Mask) | ((V >> SHIFT) & Mask)); + uint32_t Mask = 0xffffffff >> (32 - BitsSize); + uint32_t Data = (Instr & ~Mask) | ((V >> Shift) & Mask); + write32(Loc, Data); } -template static void writeMipsHi16(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t V) { - uint32_t Instr = read32(Loc); - uint16_t Res = ((V + 0x8000) >> 16) & 0xffff; - write32(Loc, (Instr & 0xffff0000) | Res); -} +template +static void writeMicroRelocation32(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t V, uint8_t BitsSize, + uint8_t Shift) { + // See comments in readShuffle for purpose of this code. + uint16_t *Words = (uint16_t *)Loc; + if (E == support::little) + std::swap(Words[0], Words[1]); -template static void writeMipsHigher(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t V) { - uint32_t Instr = read32(Loc); - uint16_t Res = ((V + 0x80008000) >> 32) & 0xffff; - write32(Loc, (Instr & 0xffff0000) | Res); -} + writeRelocation(Loc, V, BitsSize, Shift); -template static void writeMipsHighest(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t V) { - uint32_t Instr = read32(Loc); - uint16_t Res = ((V + 0x800080008000) >> 48) & 0xffff; - write32(Loc, (Instr & 0xffff0000) | Res); + if (E == support::little) + std::swap(Words[0], Words[1]); } -template static void writeMipsLo16(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t V) { - uint32_t Instr = read32(Loc); - write32(Loc, (Instr & 0xffff0000) | (V & 0xffff)); +template +static void writeMicroRelocation16(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t V, uint8_t BitsSize, + uint8_t Shift) { + uint16_t Instr = read16(Loc); + uint16_t Mask = 0xffff >> (16 - BitsSize); + uint16_t Data = (Instr & ~Mask) | ((V >> Shift) & Mask); + write16(Loc, Data); } -template static bool isMipsR6() { - const auto &FirstObj = cast>(*Config->FirstElf); - uint32_t Arch = FirstObj.getObj().getHeader()->e_flags & EF_MIPS_ARCH; - return Arch == EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R6 || Arch == EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R6; -} - template void MIPS::writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const { const endianness E = ELFT::TargetEndianness; + if (isMicroMips()) { + uint64_t GotPlt = InX::GotPlt->getVA(); + uint64_t Plt = InX::Plt->getVA(); + // Overwrite trap instructions written by Writer::writeTrapInstr. + memset(Buf, 0, PltHeaderSize); + + write16(Buf, isMipsR6() ? 0x7860 : 0x7980); // addiupc v1, (GOTPLT) - . + write16(Buf + 4, 0xff23); // lw $25, 0($3) + write16(Buf + 8, 0x0535); // subu16 $2, $2, $3 + write16(Buf + 10, 0x2525); // srl16 $2, $2, 2 + write16(Buf + 12, 0x3302); // addiu $24, $2, -2 + write16(Buf + 14, 0xfffe); + write16(Buf + 16, 0x0dff); // move $15, $31 + if (isMipsR6()) { + write16(Buf + 18, 0x0f83); // move $28, $3 + write16(Buf + 20, 0x472b); // jalrc $25 + write16(Buf + 22, 0x0c00); // nop + relocateOne(Buf, R_MICROMIPS_PC19_S2, GotPlt - Plt); + } else { + write16(Buf + 18, 0x45f9); // jalrc $25 + write16(Buf + 20, 0x0f83); // move $28, $3 + write16(Buf + 22, 0x0c00); // nop + relocateOne(Buf, R_MICROMIPS_PC23_S2, GotPlt - Plt); + } + return; + } + if (Config->MipsN32Abi) { write32(Buf, 0x3c0e0000); // lui $14, %hi(&GOTPLT[0]) write32(Buf + 4, 0x8dd90000); // lw $25, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])($14) write32(Buf + 8, 0x25ce0000); // addiu $14, $14, %lo(&GOTPLT[0]) write32(Buf + 12, 0x030ec023); // subu $24, $24, $14 + write32(Buf + 16, 0x03e07825); // move $15, $31 + write32(Buf + 20, 0x0018c082); // srl $24, $24, 2 + } else if (ELFT::Is64Bits) { + write32(Buf, 0x3c0e0000); // lui $14, %hi(&GOTPLT[0]) + write32(Buf + 4, 0xddd90000); // ld $25, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])($14) + write32(Buf + 8, 0x25ce0000); // addiu $14, $14, %lo(&GOTPLT[0]) + write32(Buf + 12, 0x030ec023); // subu $24, $24, $14 + write32(Buf + 16, 0x03e07825); // move $15, $31 + write32(Buf + 20, 0x0018c0c2); // srl $24, $24, 3 } else { write32(Buf, 0x3c1c0000); // lui $28, %hi(&GOTPLT[0]) write32(Buf + 4, 0x8f990000); // lw $25, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])($28) write32(Buf + 8, 0x279c0000); // addiu $28, $28, %lo(&GOTPLT[0]) write32(Buf + 12, 0x031cc023); // subu $24, $24, $28 + write32(Buf + 16, 0x03e07825); // move $15, $31 + write32(Buf + 20, 0x0018c082); // srl $24, $24, 2 } - write32(Buf + 16, 0x03e07825); // move $15, $31 - write32(Buf + 20, 0x0018c082); // srl $24, $24, 2 write32(Buf + 24, 0x0320f809); // jalr $25 write32(Buf + 28, 0x2718fffe); // subu $24, $24, 2 uint64_t GotPlt = InX::GotPlt->getVA(); - writeMipsHi16(Buf, GotPlt); - writeMipsLo16(Buf + 4, GotPlt); - writeMipsLo16(Buf + 8, GotPlt); + writeRelocation(Buf, GotPlt + 0x8000, 16, 16); + writeRelocation(Buf + 4, GotPlt, 16, 0); + writeRelocation(Buf + 8, GotPlt, 16, 0); } template void MIPS::writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const { const endianness E = ELFT::TargetEndianness; + if (isMicroMips()) { + // Overwrite trap instructions written by Writer::writeTrapInstr. + memset(Buf, 0, PltEntrySize); + + if (isMipsR6()) { + write16(Buf, 0x7840); // addiupc $2, (GOTPLT) - . + write16(Buf + 4, 0xff22); // lw $25, 0($2) + write16(Buf + 8, 0x0f02); // move $24, $2 + write16(Buf + 10, 0x4723); // jrc $25 / jr16 $25 + relocateOne(Buf, R_MICROMIPS_PC19_S2, GotPltEntryAddr - PltEntryAddr); + } else { + write16(Buf, 0x7900); // addiupc $2, (GOTPLT) - . + write16(Buf + 4, 0xff22); // lw $25, 0($2) + write16(Buf + 8, 0x4599); // jrc $25 / jr16 $25 + write16(Buf + 10, 0x0f02); // move $24, $2 + relocateOne(Buf, R_MICROMIPS_PC23_S2, GotPltEntryAddr - PltEntryAddr); + } + return; + } + write32(Buf, 0x3c0f0000); // lui $15, %hi(.got.plt entry) write32(Buf + 4, 0x8df90000); // l[wd] $25, %lo(.got.plt entry)($15) - // jr $25 - write32(Buf + 8, isMipsR6() ? 0x03200009 : 0x03200008); + write32(Buf + 8, isMipsR6() ? 0x03200009 : 0x03200008); // jr $25 write32(Buf + 12, 0x25f80000); // addiu $24, $15, %lo(.got.plt entry) - writeMipsHi16(Buf, GotPltEntryAddr); - writeMipsLo16(Buf + 4, GotPltEntryAddr); - writeMipsLo16(Buf + 12, GotPltEntryAddr); + writeRelocation(Buf, GotPltEntryAddr + 0x8000, 16, 16); + writeRelocation(Buf + 4, GotPltEntryAddr, 16, 0); + writeRelocation(Buf + 12, GotPltEntryAddr, 16, 0); } template -bool MIPS::needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, uint32_t Type, const InputFile *File, - const SymbolBody &S) const { +bool MIPS::needsThunk(RelExpr Expr, RelType Type, const InputFile *File, + uint64_t BranchAddr, const Symbol &S) const { // Any MIPS PIC code function is invoked with its address in register $t9. // So if we have a branch instruction from non-PIC code to the PIC one // we cannot make the jump directly and need to create a small stubs // to save the target function address. // See page 3-38 - if (Type != R_MIPS_26) + if (Type != R_MIPS_26 && Type != R_MICROMIPS_26_S1 && + Type != R_MICROMIPS_PC26_S1) return false; auto *F = dyn_cast_or_null>(File); if (!F) return false; // If current file has PIC code, LA25 stub is not required. if (F->getObj().getHeader()->e_flags & EF_MIPS_PIC) return false; - auto *D = dyn_cast(&S); + auto *D = dyn_cast(&S); // LA25 is required if target file has PIC code // or target symbol is a PIC symbol. - return D && D->isMipsPIC(); + return D && isMipsPIC(D); } template -int64_t MIPS::getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t Type) const { +int64_t MIPS::getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, RelType Type) const { const endianness E = ELFT::TargetEndianness; switch (Type) { - default: - return 0; case R_MIPS_32: case R_MIPS_GPREL32: case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32: case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32: return SignExtend64<32>(read32(Buf)); case R_MIPS_26: // FIXME (simon): If the relocation target symbol is not a PLT entry // we should use another expression for calculation: // ((A << 2) | (P & 0xf0000000)) >> 2 - return SignExtend64<28>((read32(Buf) & 0x3ffffff) << 2); + return SignExtend64<28>(read32(Buf) << 2); + case R_MIPS_GOT16: + case R_MIPS_HI16: + case R_MIPS_PCHI16: + return SignExtend64<16>(read32(Buf)) << 16; case R_MIPS_GPREL16: case R_MIPS_LO16: case R_MIPS_PCLO16: case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16: case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16: case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16: case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16: return SignExtend64<16>(read32(Buf)); + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT16: + case R_MICROMIPS_HI16: + return SignExtend64<16>(readShuffle(Buf)) << 16; + case R_MICROMIPS_GPREL16: + case R_MICROMIPS_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16: + return SignExtend64<16>(readShuffle(Buf)); + case R_MICROMIPS_GPREL7_S2: + return SignExtend64<9>(readShuffle(Buf) << 2); case R_MIPS_PC16: - return getPcRelocAddend(Buf); + return SignExtend64<18>(read32(Buf) << 2); case R_MIPS_PC19_S2: - return getPcRelocAddend(Buf); + return SignExtend64<21>(read32(Buf) << 2); case R_MIPS_PC21_S2: - return getPcRelocAddend(Buf); + return SignExtend64<23>(read32(Buf) << 2); case R_MIPS_PC26_S2: - return getPcRelocAddend(Buf); + return SignExtend64<28>(read32(Buf) << 2); case R_MIPS_PC32: - return getPcRelocAddend(Buf); + return SignExtend64<32>(read32(Buf)); + case R_MICROMIPS_26_S1: + return SignExtend64<27>(readShuffle(Buf) << 1); + case R_MICROMIPS_PC7_S1: + return SignExtend64<8>(read16(Buf) << 1); + case R_MICROMIPS_PC10_S1: + return SignExtend64<11>(read16(Buf) << 1); + case R_MICROMIPS_PC16_S1: + return SignExtend64<17>(readShuffle(Buf) << 1); + case R_MICROMIPS_PC18_S3: + return SignExtend64<21>(readShuffle(Buf) << 3); + case R_MICROMIPS_PC19_S2: + return SignExtend64<21>(readShuffle(Buf) << 2); + case R_MICROMIPS_PC21_S1: + return SignExtend64<22>(readShuffle(Buf) << 1); + case R_MICROMIPS_PC23_S2: + return SignExtend64<25>(readShuffle(Buf) << 2); + case R_MICROMIPS_PC26_S1: + return SignExtend64<27>(readShuffle(Buf) << 1); + default: + return 0; } } static std::pair -calculateMipsRelChain(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) { +calculateMipsRelChain(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) { // MIPS N64 ABI packs multiple relocations into the single relocation // record. In general, all up to three relocations can have arbitrary // types. In fact, Clang and GCC uses only a few combinations. For now, // we support two of them. That is allow to pass at least all LLVM // test suite cases. // / R_MIPS_SUB / R_MIPS_HI16 | R_MIPS_LO16 // / R_MIPS_64 / R_MIPS_NONE // The first relocation is a 'real' relocation which is calculated // using the corresponding symbol's value. The second and the third // relocations used to modify result of the first one: extend it to // 64-bit, extract high or low part etc. For details, see part 2.9 Relocation // at the - uint32_t Type2 = (Type >> 8) & 0xff; - uint32_t Type3 = (Type >> 16) & 0xff; + RelType Type2 = (Type >> 8) & 0xff; + RelType Type3 = (Type >> 16) & 0xff; if (Type2 == R_MIPS_NONE && Type3 == R_MIPS_NONE) return std::make_pair(Type, Val); if (Type2 == R_MIPS_64 && Type3 == R_MIPS_NONE) return std::make_pair(Type2, Val); if (Type2 == R_MIPS_SUB && (Type3 == R_MIPS_HI16 || Type3 == R_MIPS_LO16)) return std::make_pair(Type3, -Val); + if (Type2 == R_MICROMIPS_SUB && + (Type3 == R_MICROMIPS_HI16 || Type3 == R_MICROMIPS_LO16)) + return std::make_pair(Type3, -Val); error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unsupported relocations combination " + Twine(Type)); return std::make_pair(Type & 0xff, Val); } template -void MIPS::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void MIPS::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { const endianness E = ELFT::TargetEndianness; + // Thread pointer and DRP offsets from the start of TLS data area. // if (Type == R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 || Type == R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16 || - Type == R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32 || Type == R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64) + Type == R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32 || Type == R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64 || + Type == R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 || + Type == R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16) { Val -= 0x8000; - else if (Type == R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16 || Type == R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16 || - Type == R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32 || Type == R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64) + } else if (Type == R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16 || Type == R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16 || + Type == R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32 || Type == R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64 || + Type == R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16 || + Type == R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16) { Val -= 0x7000; + } + if (ELFT::Is64Bits || Config->MipsN32Abi) std::tie(Type, Val) = calculateMipsRelChain(Loc, Type, Val); + switch (Type) { case R_MIPS_32: case R_MIPS_GPREL32: case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32: case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32: write32(Loc, Val); break; case R_MIPS_64: case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64: case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64: write64(Loc, Val); break; case R_MIPS_26: - write32(Loc, (read32(Loc) & ~0x3ffffff) | ((Val >> 2) & 0x3ffffff)); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val, 26, 2); break; case R_MIPS_GOT16: // The R_MIPS_GOT16 relocation's value in "relocatable" linking mode // is updated addend (not a GOT index). In that case write high 16 bits // to store a correct addend value. - if (Config->Relocatable) - writeMipsHi16(Loc, Val); - else { + if (Config->Relocatable) { + writeRelocation(Loc, Val + 0x8000, 16, 16); + } else { checkInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); - writeMipsLo16(Loc, Val); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val, 16, 0); } break; + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT16: + if (Config->Relocatable) { + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val + 0x8000, 16, 16); + } else { + checkInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 16, 0); + } + break; + case R_MIPS_CALL16: case R_MIPS_GOT_DISP: case R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE: case R_MIPS_GPREL16: case R_MIPS_TLS_GD: + case R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL: case R_MIPS_TLS_LDM: checkInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; - case R_MIPS_CALL16: case R_MIPS_CALL_LO16: case R_MIPS_GOT_LO16: case R_MIPS_GOT_OFST: case R_MIPS_LO16: case R_MIPS_PCLO16: case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16: - case R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL: case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16: - writeMipsLo16(Loc, Val); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val, 16, 0); break; + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE: + case R_MICROMIPS_GPREL16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM: + checkInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 16, 0); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_CALL16: + case R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_OFST: + case R_MICROMIPS_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16: + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 16, 0); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_GPREL7_S2: + checkInt<7>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 7, 2); + break; case R_MIPS_CALL_HI16: case R_MIPS_GOT_HI16: case R_MIPS_HI16: case R_MIPS_PCHI16: case R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16: case R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16: - writeMipsHi16(Loc, Val); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val + 0x8000, 16, 16); break; + case R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16: + case R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16: + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val + 0x8000, 16, 16); + break; case R_MIPS_HIGHER: - writeMipsHigher(Loc, Val); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val + 0x80008000, 16, 32); break; case R_MIPS_HIGHEST: - writeMipsHighest(Loc, Val); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val + 0x800080008000, 16, 48); break; + case R_MICROMIPS_HIGHER: + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val + 0x80008000, 16, 32); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_HIGHEST: + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val + 0x800080008000, 16, 48); + break; case R_MIPS_JALR: + case R_MICROMIPS_JALR: // Ignore this optimization relocation for now break; case R_MIPS_PC16: - applyMipsPcReloc(Loc, Type, Val); + checkAlignment<4>(Loc, Val, Type); + checkInt<18>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val, 16, 2); break; case R_MIPS_PC19_S2: - applyMipsPcReloc(Loc, Type, Val); + checkAlignment<4>(Loc, Val, Type); + checkInt<21>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val, 19, 2); break; case R_MIPS_PC21_S2: - applyMipsPcReloc(Loc, Type, Val); + checkAlignment<4>(Loc, Val, Type); + checkInt<23>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val, 21, 2); break; case R_MIPS_PC26_S2: - applyMipsPcReloc(Loc, Type, Val); + checkAlignment<4>(Loc, Val, Type); + checkInt<28>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val, 26, 2); break; case R_MIPS_PC32: - applyMipsPcReloc(Loc, Type, Val); + writeRelocation(Loc, Val, 32, 0); break; + case R_MICROMIPS_26_S1: + case R_MICROMIPS_PC26_S1: + checkInt<27>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 26, 1); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_PC7_S1: + checkInt<8>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation16(Loc, Val, 7, 1); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_PC10_S1: + checkInt<11>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation16(Loc, Val, 10, 1); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_PC16_S1: + checkInt<17>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 16, 1); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_PC18_S3: + checkInt<21>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 18, 3); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_PC19_S2: + checkInt<21>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 19, 2); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_PC21_S1: + checkInt<22>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 21, 1); + break; + case R_MICROMIPS_PC23_S2: + checkInt<25>(Loc, Val, Type); + writeMicroRelocation32(Loc, Val, 23, 2); + break; default: error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); } } -template -bool MIPS::usesOnlyLowPageBits(uint32_t Type) const { - return Type == R_MIPS_LO16 || Type == R_MIPS_GOT_OFST; +template bool MIPS::usesOnlyLowPageBits(RelType Type) const { + return Type == R_MIPS_LO16 || Type == R_MIPS_GOT_OFST || + Type == R_MICROMIPS_LO16 || Type == R_MICROMIPS_GOT_OFST; } +// Return true if the symbol is a PIC function. +template bool elf::isMipsPIC(const Defined *Sym) { + typedef typename ELFT::Ehdr Elf_Ehdr; + if (!Sym->Section || !Sym->isFunc()) + return false; + + auto *Sec = cast(Sym->Section); + const Elf_Ehdr *Hdr = Sec->template getFile()->getObj().getHeader(); + return (Sym->StOther & STO_MIPS_MIPS16) == STO_MIPS_PIC || + (Hdr->e_flags & EF_MIPS_PIC); +} + template TargetInfo *elf::getMipsTargetInfo() { static MIPS Target; return &Target; } template TargetInfo *elf::getMipsTargetInfo(); template TargetInfo *elf::getMipsTargetInfo(); template TargetInfo *elf::getMipsTargetInfo(); template TargetInfo *elf::getMipsTargetInfo(); + +template bool elf::isMipsPIC(const Defined *); +template bool elf::isMipsPIC(const Defined *); +template bool elf::isMipsPIC(const Defined *); +template bool elf::isMipsPIC(const Defined *); Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/MipsArchTree.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/MipsArchTree.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/MipsArchTree.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,369 +1,383 @@ //===- MipsArchTree.cpp --------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===---------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file contains a helper function for the Writer. // //===---------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "Writer.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Object/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/MipsABIFlags.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { struct ArchTreeEdge { uint32_t Child; uint32_t Parent; }; struct FileFlags { - StringRef Filename; + InputFile *File; uint32_t Flags; }; } // namespace static StringRef getAbiName(uint32_t Flags) { switch (Flags) { case 0: return "n64"; case EF_MIPS_ABI2: return "n32"; case EF_MIPS_ABI_O32: return "o32"; case EF_MIPS_ABI_O64: return "o64"; case EF_MIPS_ABI_EABI32: return "eabi32"; case EF_MIPS_ABI_EABI64: return "eabi64"; default: return "unknown"; } } static StringRef getNanName(bool IsNan2008) { return IsNan2008 ? "2008" : "legacy"; } static StringRef getFpName(bool IsFp64) { return IsFp64 ? "64" : "32"; } static void checkFlags(ArrayRef Files) { uint32_t ABI = Files[0].Flags & (EF_MIPS_ABI | EF_MIPS_ABI2); bool Nan = Files[0].Flags & EF_MIPS_NAN2008; bool Fp = Files[0].Flags & EF_MIPS_FP64; for (const FileFlags &F : Files.slice(1)) { uint32_t ABI2 = F.Flags & (EF_MIPS_ABI | EF_MIPS_ABI2); if (ABI != ABI2) error("target ABI '" + getAbiName(ABI) + "' is incompatible with '" + - getAbiName(ABI2) + "': " + F.Filename); + getAbiName(ABI2) + "': " + toString(F.File)); bool Nan2 = F.Flags & EF_MIPS_NAN2008; if (Nan != Nan2) error("target -mnan=" + getNanName(Nan) + " is incompatible with -mnan=" + - getNanName(Nan2) + ": " + F.Filename); + getNanName(Nan2) + ": " + toString(F.File)); bool Fp2 = F.Flags & EF_MIPS_FP64; if (Fp != Fp2) error("target -mfp" + getFpName(Fp) + " is incompatible with -mfp" + - getFpName(Fp2) + ": " + F.Filename); + getFpName(Fp2) + ": " + toString(F.File)); } } static uint32_t getMiscFlags(ArrayRef Files) { uint32_t Ret = 0; for (const FileFlags &F : Files) Ret |= F.Flags & (EF_MIPS_ABI | EF_MIPS_ABI2 | EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE | EF_MIPS_NOREORDER | EF_MIPS_MICROMIPS | EF_MIPS_NAN2008 | EF_MIPS_32BITMODE); return Ret; } static uint32_t getPicFlags(ArrayRef Files) { // Check PIC/non-PIC compatibility. bool IsPic = Files[0].Flags & (EF_MIPS_PIC | EF_MIPS_CPIC); for (const FileFlags &F : Files.slice(1)) { bool IsPic2 = F.Flags & (EF_MIPS_PIC | EF_MIPS_CPIC); if (IsPic && !IsPic2) - warn("linking abicalls code with non-abicalls file: " + F.Filename); + warn("linking abicalls code " + toString(Files[0].File) + + " with non-abicalls file: " + toString(F.File)); if (!IsPic && IsPic2) - warn("linking non-abicalls code with abicalls file: " + F.Filename); + warn("linking non-abicalls code " + toString(Files[0].File) + + " with abicalls file: " + toString(F.File)); } // Compute the result PIC/non-PIC flag. uint32_t Ret = Files[0].Flags & (EF_MIPS_PIC | EF_MIPS_CPIC); for (const FileFlags &F : Files.slice(1)) Ret &= F.Flags & (EF_MIPS_PIC | EF_MIPS_CPIC); // PIC code is inherently CPIC and may not set CPIC flag explicitly. if (Ret & EF_MIPS_PIC) Ret |= EF_MIPS_CPIC; return Ret; } static ArchTreeEdge ArchTree[] = { // MIPS32R6 and MIPS64R6 are not compatible with other extensions // MIPS64R2 extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2 | EF_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON3, EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2 | EF_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON2, EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2 | EF_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON, EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2 | EF_MIPS_MACH_LS3A, EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2}, // MIPS64 extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_64 | EF_MIPS_MACH_SB1, EF_MIPS_ARCH_64}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_64 | EF_MIPS_MACH_XLR, EF_MIPS_ARCH_64}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2, EF_MIPS_ARCH_64}, // MIPS V extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_64, EF_MIPS_ARCH_5}, // R5000 extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_4 | EF_MIPS_MACH_5500, EF_MIPS_ARCH_4 | EF_MIPS_MACH_5400}, // MIPS IV extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_4 | EF_MIPS_MACH_5400, EF_MIPS_ARCH_4}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_4 | EF_MIPS_MACH_9000, EF_MIPS_ARCH_4}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_5, EF_MIPS_ARCH_4}, // VR4100 extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_4111, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_4100}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_4120, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_4100}, // MIPS III extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_4010, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_4100, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_4650, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_5900, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_LS2E, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3 | EF_MIPS_MACH_LS2F, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_4, EF_MIPS_ARCH_3}, // MIPS32 extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R2, EF_MIPS_ARCH_32}, // MIPS II extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_3, EF_MIPS_ARCH_2}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_32, EF_MIPS_ARCH_2}, // MIPS I extensions. {EF_MIPS_ARCH_1 | EF_MIPS_MACH_3900, EF_MIPS_ARCH_1}, {EF_MIPS_ARCH_2, EF_MIPS_ARCH_1}, }; static bool isArchMatched(uint32_t New, uint32_t Res) { if (New == Res) return true; if (New == EF_MIPS_ARCH_32 && isArchMatched(EF_MIPS_ARCH_64, Res)) return true; if (New == EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R2 && isArchMatched(EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2, Res)) return true; for (const auto &Edge : ArchTree) { if (Res == Edge.Child) { Res = Edge.Parent; if (Res == New) return true; } } return false; } static StringRef getMachName(uint32_t Flags) { switch (Flags & EF_MIPS_MACH) { case EF_MIPS_MACH_NONE: return ""; case EF_MIPS_MACH_3900: return "r3900"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_4010: return "r4010"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_4100: return "r4100"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_4650: return "r4650"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_4120: return "r4120"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_4111: return "r4111"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_5400: return "vr5400"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_5900: return "vr5900"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_5500: return "vr5500"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_9000: return "rm9000"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_LS2E: return "loongson2e"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_LS2F: return "loongson2f"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_LS3A: return "loongson3a"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON: return "octeon"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON2: return "octeon2"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON3: return "octeon3"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_SB1: return "sb1"; case EF_MIPS_MACH_XLR: return "xlr"; default: return "unknown machine"; } } static StringRef getArchName(uint32_t Flags) { - StringRef S = getMachName(Flags); - if (!S.empty()) - return S; - switch (Flags & EF_MIPS_ARCH) { case EF_MIPS_ARCH_1: return "mips1"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_2: return "mips2"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_3: return "mips3"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_4: return "mips4"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_5: return "mips5"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_32: return "mips32"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_64: return "mips64"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R2: return "mips32r2"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2: return "mips64r2"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R6: return "mips32r6"; case EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R6: return "mips64r6"; default: return "unknown arch"; } } +static std::string getFullArchName(uint32_t Flags) { + StringRef Arch = getArchName(Flags); + StringRef Mach = getMachName(Flags); + if (Mach.empty()) + return Arch.str(); + return (Arch + " (" + Mach + ")").str(); +} + // There are (arguably too) many MIPS ISAs out there. Their relationships // can be represented as a forest. If all input files have ISAs which // reachable by repeated proceeding from the single child to the parent, // these input files are compatible. In that case we need to return "highest" // ISA. If there are incompatible input files, we show an error. // For example, mips1 is a "parent" of mips2 and such files are compatible. // Output file gets EF_MIPS_ARCH_2 flag. From the other side mips3 and mips32 // are incompatible because nor mips3 is a parent for misp32, nor mips32 // is a parent for mips3. static uint32_t getArchFlags(ArrayRef Files) { uint32_t Ret = Files[0].Flags & (EF_MIPS_ARCH | EF_MIPS_MACH); for (const FileFlags &F : Files.slice(1)) { uint32_t New = F.Flags & (EF_MIPS_ARCH | EF_MIPS_MACH); // Check ISA compatibility. if (isArchMatched(New, Ret)) continue; if (!isArchMatched(Ret, New)) { - error("target ISA '" + getArchName(Ret) + "' is incompatible with '" + - getArchName(New) + "': " + F.Filename); + error("incompatible target ISA:\n>>> " + toString(Files[0].File) + ": " + + getFullArchName(Ret) + "\n>>> " + toString(F.File) + ": " + + getFullArchName(New)); return 0; } Ret = New; } return Ret; } -template uint32_t elf::getMipsEFlags() { +template uint32_t elf::calcMipsEFlags() { std::vector V; - for (elf::ObjectFile *F : Symtab::X->getObjectFiles()) - V.push_back({F->getName(), F->getObj().getHeader()->e_flags}); + for (InputFile *F : ObjectFiles) + V.push_back({F, cast>(F)->getObj().getHeader()->e_flags}); if (V.empty()) return 0; checkFlags(V); return getMiscFlags(V) | getPicFlags(V) | getArchFlags(V); } static int compareMipsFpAbi(uint8_t FpA, uint8_t FpB) { if (FpA == FpB) return 0; if (FpB == Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_ANY) return 1; if (FpB == Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_64A && FpA == Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_64) return 1; if (FpB != Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_XX) return -1; if (FpA == Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_DOUBLE || FpA == Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_64 || FpA == Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_64A) return 1; return -1; } static StringRef getMipsFpAbiName(uint8_t FpAbi) { switch (FpAbi) { case Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_ANY: return "any"; case Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_DOUBLE: return "-mdouble-float"; case Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_SINGLE: return "-msingle-float"; case Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_SOFT: return "-msoft-float"; case Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_OLD_64: return "-mips32r2 -mfp64 (old)"; case Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_XX: return "-mfpxx"; case Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_64: return "-mgp32 -mfp64"; case Mips::Val_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP_64A: return "-mgp32 -mfp64 -mno-odd-spreg"; default: return "unknown"; } } uint8_t elf::getMipsFpAbiFlag(uint8_t OldFlag, uint8_t NewFlag, StringRef FileName) { if (compareMipsFpAbi(NewFlag, OldFlag) >= 0) return NewFlag; if (compareMipsFpAbi(OldFlag, NewFlag) < 0) error("target floating point ABI '" + getMipsFpAbiName(OldFlag) + "' is incompatible with '" + getMipsFpAbiName(NewFlag) + "': " + FileName); return OldFlag; } template static bool isN32Abi(const InputFile *F) { if (auto *EF = dyn_cast>(F)) return EF->getObj().getHeader()->e_flags & EF_MIPS_ABI2; return false; } bool elf::isMipsN32Abi(const InputFile *F) { switch (Config->EKind) { case ELF32LEKind: return isN32Abi(F); case ELF32BEKind: return isN32Abi(F); case ELF64LEKind: return isN32Abi(F); case ELF64BEKind: return isN32Abi(F); default: llvm_unreachable("unknown Config->EKind"); } } -template uint32_t elf::getMipsEFlags(); -template uint32_t elf::getMipsEFlags(); -template uint32_t elf::getMipsEFlags(); -template uint32_t elf::getMipsEFlags(); +bool elf::isMicroMips() { return Config->EFlags & EF_MIPS_MICROMIPS; } + +bool elf::isMipsR6() { + uint32_t Arch = Config->EFlags & EF_MIPS_ARCH; + return Arch == EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R6 || Arch == EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R6; +} + +template uint32_t elf::calcMipsEFlags(); +template uint32_t elf::calcMipsEFlags(); +template uint32_t elf::calcMipsEFlags(); +template uint32_t elf::calcMipsEFlags(); Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/PPC.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/PPC.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/PPC.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,65 +1,71 @@ //===- PPC.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "Target.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { class PPC final : public TargetInfo { public: PPC() { GotBaseSymOff = 0x8000; } - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; }; } // namespace -void PPC::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +RelExpr PPC::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, + const uint8_t *Loc) const { switch (Type) { + case R_PPC_REL24: + case R_PPC_REL32: + return R_PC; + case R_PPC_PLTREL24: + return R_PLT_PC; + default: + return R_ABS; + } +} + +void PPC::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { + switch (Type) { case R_PPC_ADDR16_HA: write16be(Loc, (Val + 0x8000) >> 16); break; + case R_PPC_ADDR16_HI: + write16be(Loc, Val >> 16); + break; case R_PPC_ADDR16_LO: write16be(Loc, Val); break; case R_PPC_ADDR32: case R_PPC_REL32: write32be(Loc, Val); break; + case R_PPC_PLTREL24: case R_PPC_REL24: write32be(Loc, read32be(Loc) | (Val & 0x3FFFFFC)); break; default: error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); - } -} - -RelExpr PPC::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, - const uint8_t *Loc) const { - switch (Type) { - case R_PPC_REL24: - case R_PPC_REL32: - return R_PC; - default: - return R_ABS; } } TargetInfo *elf::getPPCTargetInfo() { static PPC Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/PPC64.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/PPC64.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/PPC64.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,217 +1,217 @@ //===- PPC64.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "SyntheticSections.h" #include "Target.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; static uint64_t PPC64TocOffset = 0x8000; uint64_t elf::getPPC64TocBase() { // The TOC consists of sections .got, .toc, .tocbss, .plt in that order. The // TOC starts where the first of these sections starts. We always create a // .got when we see a relocation that uses it, so for us the start is always // the .got. uint64_t TocVA = InX::Got->getVA(); // Per the ppc64-elf-linux ABI, The TOC base is TOC value plus 0x8000 // thus permitting a full 64 Kbytes segment. Note that the glibc startup // code (crt1.o) assumes that you can get from the TOC base to the // start of the .toc section with only a single (signed) 16-bit relocation. return TocVA + PPC64TocOffset; } namespace { class PPC64 final : public TargetInfo { public: PPC64(); - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; void writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const override; - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; }; } // namespace // Relocation masks following the #lo(value), #hi(value), #ha(value), // #higher(value), #highera(value), #highest(value), and #highesta(value) // macros defined in section 4.5.1. Relocation Types of the PPC-elf64abi // document. static uint16_t applyPPCLo(uint64_t V) { return V; } static uint16_t applyPPCHi(uint64_t V) { return V >> 16; } static uint16_t applyPPCHa(uint64_t V) { return (V + 0x8000) >> 16; } static uint16_t applyPPCHigher(uint64_t V) { return V >> 32; } static uint16_t applyPPCHighera(uint64_t V) { return (V + 0x8000) >> 32; } static uint16_t applyPPCHighest(uint64_t V) { return V >> 48; } static uint16_t applyPPCHighesta(uint64_t V) { return (V + 0x8000) >> 48; } PPC64::PPC64() { PltRel = GotRel = R_PPC64_GLOB_DAT; RelativeRel = R_PPC64_RELATIVE; GotEntrySize = 8; GotPltEntrySize = 8; PltEntrySize = 32; PltHeaderSize = 0; // We need 64K pages (at least under glibc/Linux, the loader won't // set different permissions on a finer granularity than that). DefaultMaxPageSize = 65536; // The PPC64 ELF ABI v1 spec, says: // // It is normally desirable to put segments with different characteristics // in separate 256 Mbyte portions of the address space, to give the // operating system full paging flexibility in the 64-bit address space. // // And because the lowest non-zero 256M boundary is 0x10000000, PPC64 linkers // use 0x10000000 as the starting address. DefaultImageBase = 0x10000000; } -RelExpr PPC64::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +RelExpr PPC64::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { switch (Type) { - default: - return R_ABS; case R_PPC64_TOC16: case R_PPC64_TOC16_DS: case R_PPC64_TOC16_HA: case R_PPC64_TOC16_HI: case R_PPC64_TOC16_LO: case R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS: return R_GOTREL; case R_PPC64_TOC: return R_PPC_TOC; case R_PPC64_REL24: return R_PPC_PLT_OPD; + default: + return R_ABS; } } void PPC64::writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const { uint64_t Off = GotPltEntryAddr - getPPC64TocBase(); // FIXME: What we should do, in theory, is get the offset of the function // descriptor in the .opd section, and use that as the offset from %r2 (the // TOC-base pointer). Instead, we have the GOT-entry offset, and that will // be a pointer to the function descriptor in the .opd section. Using // this scheme is simpler, but requires an extra indirection per PLT dispatch. write32be(Buf, 0xf8410028); // std %r2, 40(%r1) write32be(Buf + 4, 0x3d620000 | applyPPCHa(Off)); // addis %r11, %r2, X@ha write32be(Buf + 8, 0xe98b0000 | applyPPCLo(Off)); // ld %r12, X@l(%r11) write32be(Buf + 12, 0xe96c0000); // ld %r11,0(%r12) write32be(Buf + 16, 0x7d6903a6); // mtctr %r11 write32be(Buf + 20, 0xe84c0008); // ld %r2,8(%r12) write32be(Buf + 24, 0xe96c0010); // ld %r11,16(%r12) write32be(Buf + 28, 0x4e800420); // bctr } -static std::pair toAddr16Rel(uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) { +static std::pair toAddr16Rel(RelType Type, uint64_t Val) { uint64_t V = Val - PPC64TocOffset; switch (Type) { case R_PPC64_TOC16: return {R_PPC64_ADDR16, V}; case R_PPC64_TOC16_DS: return {R_PPC64_ADDR16_DS, V}; case R_PPC64_TOC16_HA: return {R_PPC64_ADDR16_HA, V}; case R_PPC64_TOC16_HI: return {R_PPC64_ADDR16_HI, V}; case R_PPC64_TOC16_LO: return {R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO, V}; case R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS: return {R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO_DS, V}; default: return {Type, Val}; } } -void PPC64::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void PPC64::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // For a TOC-relative relocation, proceed in terms of the corresponding // ADDR16 relocation type. std::tie(Type, Val) = toAddr16Rel(Type, Val); switch (Type) { case R_PPC64_ADDR14: { checkAlignment<4>(Loc, Val, Type); // Preserve the AA/LK bits in the branch instruction uint8_t AALK = Loc[3]; write16be(Loc + 2, (AALK & 3) | (Val & 0xfffc)); break; } case R_PPC64_ADDR16: checkInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); write16be(Loc, Val); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_DS: checkInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); write16be(Loc, (read16be(Loc) & 3) | (Val & ~3)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_HA: case R_PPC64_REL16_HA: write16be(Loc, applyPPCHa(Val)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_HI: case R_PPC64_REL16_HI: write16be(Loc, applyPPCHi(Val)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHER: write16be(Loc, applyPPCHigher(Val)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHERA: write16be(Loc, applyPPCHighera(Val)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHEST: write16be(Loc, applyPPCHighest(Val)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHESTA: write16be(Loc, applyPPCHighesta(Val)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO: write16be(Loc, applyPPCLo(Val)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO_DS: case R_PPC64_REL16_LO: write16be(Loc, (read16be(Loc) & 3) | (applyPPCLo(Val) & ~3)); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR32: case R_PPC64_REL32: checkInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32be(Loc, Val); break; case R_PPC64_ADDR64: case R_PPC64_REL64: case R_PPC64_TOC: write64be(Loc, Val); break; case R_PPC64_REL24: { uint32_t Mask = 0x03FFFFFC; checkInt<24>(Loc, Val, Type); write32be(Loc, (read32be(Loc) & ~Mask) | (Val & Mask)); break; } default: error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); } } TargetInfo *elf::getPPC64TargetInfo() { static PPC64 Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/SPARCV9.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/SPARCV9.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/SPARCV9.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,149 +1,148 @@ //===- SPARCV9.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "SyntheticSections.h" #include "Target.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { class SPARCV9 final : public TargetInfo { public: SPARCV9(); - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; void writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const override; - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; }; } // namespace SPARCV9::SPARCV9() { CopyRel = R_SPARC_COPY; GotRel = R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT; PltRel = R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT; RelativeRel = R_SPARC_RELATIVE; GotEntrySize = 8; PltEntrySize = 32; PltHeaderSize = 4 * PltEntrySize; PageSize = 8192; DefaultMaxPageSize = 0x100000; DefaultImageBase = 0x100000; } -RelExpr SPARCV9::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +RelExpr SPARCV9::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { switch (Type) { case R_SPARC_32: case R_SPARC_UA32: case R_SPARC_64: case R_SPARC_UA64: return R_ABS; case R_SPARC_PC10: case R_SPARC_PC22: case R_SPARC_DISP32: case R_SPARC_WDISP30: return R_PC; case R_SPARC_GOT10: return R_GOT_OFF; case R_SPARC_GOT22: return R_GOT_OFF; case R_SPARC_WPLT30: return R_PLT_PC; case R_SPARC_NONE: return R_NONE; default: - error(toString(S.File) + ": unknown relocation type: " + toString(Type)); - return R_HINT; + return R_INVALID; } } -void SPARCV9::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void SPARCV9::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { switch (Type) { case R_SPARC_32: case R_SPARC_UA32: // V-word32 checkUInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32be(Loc, Val); break; case R_SPARC_DISP32: // V-disp32 checkInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32be(Loc, Val); break; case R_SPARC_WDISP30: case R_SPARC_WPLT30: // V-disp30 checkInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32be(Loc, (read32be(Loc) & ~0x3fffffff) | ((Val >> 2) & 0x3fffffff)); break; case R_SPARC_22: // V-imm22 checkUInt<22>(Loc, Val, Type); write32be(Loc, (read32be(Loc) & ~0x003fffff) | (Val & 0x003fffff)); break; case R_SPARC_GOT22: case R_SPARC_PC22: // T-imm22 write32be(Loc, (read32be(Loc) & ~0x003fffff) | ((Val >> 10) & 0x003fffff)); break; case R_SPARC_WDISP19: // V-disp19 checkInt<21>(Loc, Val, Type); write32be(Loc, (read32be(Loc) & ~0x0007ffff) | ((Val >> 2) & 0x0007ffff)); break; case R_SPARC_GOT10: case R_SPARC_PC10: // T-simm10 write32be(Loc, (read32be(Loc) & ~0x000003ff) | (Val & 0x000003ff)); break; case R_SPARC_64: case R_SPARC_UA64: case R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT: // V-xword64 write64be(Loc, Val); break; default: error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); } } void SPARCV9::writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const { const uint8_t PltData[] = { 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // sethi (. - .PLT0), %g1 0x30, 0x68, 0x00, 0x00, // ba,a %xcc, .PLT1 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // nop 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // nop 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // nop 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // nop 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // nop 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // nop }; memcpy(Buf, PltData, sizeof(PltData)); uint64_t Off = PltHeaderSize + Index * PltEntrySize; relocateOne(Buf, R_SPARC_22, Off); relocateOne(Buf + 4, R_SPARC_WDISP19, -(Off + 4 - PltEntrySize)); } TargetInfo *elf::getSPARCV9TargetInfo() { static SPARCV9 Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/X86.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/X86.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/X86.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,364 +1,405 @@ //===- X86.cpp ------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "SyntheticSections.h" #include "Target.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { class X86 final : public TargetInfo { public: X86(); - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; - int64_t getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t Type) const override; + int64_t getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, RelType Type) const override; void writeGotPltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const override; - uint32_t getDynRel(uint32_t Type) const override; - void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const override; - void writeIgotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const override; + RelType getDynRel(RelType Type) const override; + void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const override; + void writeIgotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const override; void writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const override; void writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const override; - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - RelExpr adjustRelaxExpr(uint32_t Type, const uint8_t *Data, + RelExpr adjustRelaxExpr(RelType Type, const uint8_t *Data, RelExpr Expr) const override; - void relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsLdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsLdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; }; } // namespace X86::X86() { GotBaseSymOff = -1; CopyRel = R_386_COPY; GotRel = R_386_GLOB_DAT; PltRel = R_386_JUMP_SLOT; IRelativeRel = R_386_IRELATIVE; RelativeRel = R_386_RELATIVE; TlsGotRel = R_386_TLS_TPOFF; TlsModuleIndexRel = R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32; TlsOffsetRel = R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32; GotEntrySize = 4; GotPltEntrySize = 4; PltEntrySize = 16; PltHeaderSize = 16; TlsGdRelaxSkip = 2; TrapInstr = 0xcccccccc; // 0xcc = INT3 } -RelExpr X86::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +static bool hasBaseReg(uint8_t ModRM) { return (ModRM & 0xc7) != 0x5; } + +RelExpr X86::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { switch (Type) { case R_386_8: case R_386_16: case R_386_32: case R_386_TLS_LDO_32: return R_ABS; case R_386_TLS_GD: return R_TLSGD; case R_386_TLS_LDM: return R_TLSLD; case R_386_PLT32: return R_PLT_PC; case R_386_PC8: case R_386_PC16: case R_386_PC32: return R_PC; case R_386_GOTPC: return R_GOTONLY_PC_FROM_END; case R_386_TLS_IE: return R_GOT; case R_386_GOT32: case R_386_GOT32X: - // These relocations can be calculated in two different ways. - // Usual calculation is G + A - GOT what means an offset in GOT table - // (R_GOT_FROM_END). When instruction pointed by relocation has no base - // register, then relocations can be used when PIC code is disabled. In that - // case calculation is G + A, it resolves to an address of entry in GOT - // (R_GOT) and not an offset. + // These relocations are arguably mis-designed because their calculations + // depend on the instructions they are applied to. This is bad because we + // usually don't care about whether the target section contains valid + // machine instructions or not. But this is part of the documented ABI, so + // we had to implement as the standard requires. // - // To check that instruction has no base register we scan ModR/M byte. - // See "Table 2-2. 32-Bit Addressing Forms with the ModR/M Byte" - // ( - // 64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-instruction-set-reference-manual-325383.pdf) - if ((Loc[-1] & 0xc7) != 0x5) - return R_GOT_FROM_END; - if (Config->Pic) - error(toString(S.File) + ": relocation " + toString(Type) + " against '" + - S.getName() + - "' without base register can not be used when PIC enabled"); - return R_GOT; + // x86 does not support PC-relative data access. Therefore, in order to + // access GOT contents, a GOT address needs to be known at link-time + // (which means non-PIC) or compilers have to emit code to get a GOT + // address at runtime (which means code is position-independent but + // compilers need to emit extra code for each GOT access.) This decision + // is made at compile-time. In the latter case, compilers emit code to + // load an GOT address to a register, which is usually %ebx. + // + // So, there are two ways to refer to symbol foo's GOT entry: foo@GOT or + // foo@GOT(%reg). + // + // foo@GOT is not usable in PIC. If we are creating a PIC output and if we + // find such relocation, we should report an error. foo@GOT is resolved to + // an *absolute* address of foo's GOT entry, because both GOT address and + // foo's offset are known. In other words, it's G + A. + // + // foo@GOT(%reg) needs to be resolved to a *relative* offset from a GOT to + // foo's GOT entry in the table, because GOT address is not known but foo's + // offset in the table is known. It's G + A - GOT. + // + // It's unfortunate that compilers emit the same relocation for these + // different use cases. In order to distinguish them, we have to read a + // machine instruction. + // + // The following code implements it. We assume that Loc[0] is the first + // byte of a displacement or an immediate field of a valid machine + // instruction. That means a ModRM byte is at Loc[-1]. By taking a look at + // the byte, we can determine whether the instruction is register-relative + // (i.e. it was generated for foo@GOT(%reg)) or absolute (i.e. foo@GOT). + return hasBaseReg(Loc[-1]) ? R_GOT_FROM_END : R_GOT; case R_386_TLS_GOTIE: return R_GOT_FROM_END; case R_386_GOTOFF: return R_GOTREL_FROM_END; case R_386_TLS_LE: return R_TLS; case R_386_TLS_LE_32: return R_NEG_TLS; case R_386_NONE: return R_NONE; default: - error(toString(S.File) + ": unknown relocation type: " + toString(Type)); - return R_HINT; + return R_INVALID; } } -RelExpr X86::adjustRelaxExpr(uint32_t Type, const uint8_t *Data, +RelExpr X86::adjustRelaxExpr(RelType Type, const uint8_t *Data, RelExpr Expr) const { switch (Expr) { default: return Expr; case R_RELAX_TLS_GD_TO_IE: return R_RELAX_TLS_GD_TO_IE_END; case R_RELAX_TLS_GD_TO_LE: return R_RELAX_TLS_GD_TO_LE_NEG; } } void X86::writeGotPltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const { write32le(Buf, InX::Dynamic->getVA()); } -void X86::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const { +void X86::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const { // Entries in .got.plt initially points back to the corresponding // PLT entries with a fixed offset to skip the first instruction. write32le(Buf, S.getPltVA() + 6); } -void X86::writeIgotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const { +void X86::writeIgotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const { // An x86 entry is the address of the ifunc resolver function. write32le(Buf, S.getVA()); } -uint32_t X86::getDynRel(uint32_t Type) const { +RelType X86::getDynRel(RelType Type) const { if (Type == R_386_TLS_LE) return R_386_TLS_TPOFF; if (Type == R_386_TLS_LE_32) return R_386_TLS_TPOFF32; return Type; } void X86::writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const { if (Config->Pic) { const uint8_t V[] = { 0xff, 0xb3, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // pushl GOTPLT+4(%ebx) 0xff, 0xa3, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // jmp *GOTPLT+8(%ebx) 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 // nop }; memcpy(Buf, V, sizeof(V)); uint32_t Ebx = InX::Got->getVA() + InX::Got->getSize(); uint32_t GotPlt = InX::GotPlt->getVA() - Ebx; write32le(Buf + 2, GotPlt + 4); write32le(Buf + 8, GotPlt + 8); return; } const uint8_t PltData[] = { 0xff, 0x35, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // pushl (GOTPLT+4) 0xff, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // jmp *(GOTPLT+8) 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 // nop }; memcpy(Buf, PltData, sizeof(PltData)); uint32_t GotPlt = InX::GotPlt->getVA(); write32le(Buf + 2, GotPlt + 4); write32le(Buf + 8, GotPlt + 8); } void X86::writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const { const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // jmp *foo_in_GOT|*foo@GOT(%ebx) 0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // pushl $reloc_offset 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // jmp .PLT0@PC }; memcpy(Buf, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); if (Config->Pic) { // jmp *foo@GOT(%ebx) uint32_t Ebx = InX::Got->getVA() + InX::Got->getSize(); Buf[1] = 0xa3; write32le(Buf + 2, GotPltEntryAddr - Ebx); } else { // jmp *foo_in_GOT Buf[1] = 0x25; write32le(Buf + 2, GotPltEntryAddr); } write32le(Buf + 7, RelOff); write32le(Buf + 12, -Index * PltEntrySize - PltHeaderSize - 16); } -int64_t X86::getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t Type) const { +int64_t X86::getImplicitAddend(const uint8_t *Buf, RelType Type) const { switch (Type) { - default: - return 0; case R_386_8: case R_386_PC8: return SignExtend64<8>(*Buf); case R_386_16: case R_386_PC16: return SignExtend64<16>(read16le(Buf)); case R_386_32: case R_386_GOT32: case R_386_GOT32X: case R_386_GOTOFF: case R_386_GOTPC: case R_386_PC32: case R_386_PLT32: case R_386_TLS_LDO_32: case R_386_TLS_LE: return SignExtend64<32>(read32le(Buf)); + default: + return 0; } } -void X86::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { - // R_386_{PC,}{8,16} are not part of the i386 psABI, but they are - // being used for some 16-bit programs such as boot loaders, so - // we want to support them. +void X86::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { switch (Type) { case R_386_8: + // R_386_{PC,}{8,16} are not part of the i386 psABI, but they are + // being used for some 16-bit programs such as boot loaders, so + // we want to support them. checkUInt<8>(Loc, Val, Type); *Loc = Val; break; case R_386_PC8: checkInt<8>(Loc, Val, Type); *Loc = Val; break; case R_386_16: checkUInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); write16le(Loc, Val); break; case R_386_PC16: // R_386_PC16 is normally used with 16 bit code. In that situation // the PC is 16 bits, just like the addend. This means that it can // point from any 16 bit address to any other if the possibility // of wrapping is included. // The only restriction we have to check then is that the destination // address fits in 16 bits. That is impossible to do here. The problem is // that we are passed the final value, which already had the // current location subtracted from it. // We just check that Val fits in 17 bits. This misses some cases, but // should have no false positives. checkInt<17>(Loc, Val, Type); write16le(Loc, Val); break; - default: + case R_386_32: + case R_386_GLOB_DAT: + case R_386_GOT32: + case R_386_GOT32X: + case R_386_GOTOFF: + case R_386_GOTPC: + case R_386_PC32: + case R_386_PLT32: + case R_386_RELATIVE: + case R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32: + case R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32: + case R_386_TLS_GD: + case R_386_TLS_GOTIE: + case R_386_TLS_IE: + case R_386_TLS_LDM: + case R_386_TLS_LDO_32: + case R_386_TLS_LE: + case R_386_TLS_LE_32: + case R_386_TLS_TPOFF: + case R_386_TLS_TPOFF32: checkInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32le(Loc, Val); + break; + default: + error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); } } -void X86::relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void X86::relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // Convert // leal x@tlsgd(, %ebx, 1), // call __tls_get_addr@plt // to // movl %gs:0,%eax // subl $x@ntpoff,%eax const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0x65, 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // movl %gs:0, %eax 0x81, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // subl 0(%ebx), %eax }; memcpy(Loc - 3, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); write32le(Loc + 5, Val); } -void X86::relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void X86::relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // Convert // leal x@tlsgd(, %ebx, 1), // call __tls_get_addr@plt // to // movl %gs:0, %eax // addl x@gotntpoff(%ebx), %eax const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0x65, 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // movl %gs:0, %eax 0x03, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // addl 0(%ebx), %eax }; memcpy(Loc - 3, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); write32le(Loc + 5, Val); } // In some conditions, relocations can be optimized to avoid using GOT. // This function does that for Initial Exec to Local Exec case. -void X86::relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void X86::relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // Ulrich's document section 6.2 says that @gotntpoff can // be used with MOVL or ADDL instructions. // @indntpoff is similar to @gotntpoff, but for use in // position dependent code. uint8_t Reg = (Loc[-1] >> 3) & 7; if (Type == R_386_TLS_IE) { if (Loc[-1] == 0xa1) { // "movl foo@indntpoff,%eax" -> "movl $foo,%eax" // This case is different from the generic case below because // this is a 5 byte instruction while below is 6 bytes. Loc[-1] = 0xb8; } else if (Loc[-2] == 0x8b) { // "movl foo@indntpoff,%reg" -> "movl $foo,%reg" Loc[-2] = 0xc7; Loc[-1] = 0xc0 | Reg; } else { // "addl foo@indntpoff,%reg" -> "addl $foo,%reg" Loc[-2] = 0x81; Loc[-1] = 0xc0 | Reg; } } else { assert(Type == R_386_TLS_GOTIE); if (Loc[-2] == 0x8b) { // "movl foo@gottpoff(%rip),%reg" -> "movl $foo,%reg" Loc[-2] = 0xc7; Loc[-1] = 0xc0 | Reg; } else { // "addl foo@gotntpoff(%rip),%reg" -> "leal foo(%reg),%reg" Loc[-2] = 0x8d; Loc[-1] = 0x80 | (Reg << 3) | Reg; } } write32le(Loc, Val); } -void X86::relaxTlsLdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const { +void X86::relaxTlsLdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { if (Type == R_386_TLS_LDO_32) { write32le(Loc, Val); return; } // Convert // leal foo(%reg),%eax // call ___tls_get_addr // to // movl %gs:0,%eax // nop // leal 0(%esi,1),%esi const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0x65, 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // movl %gs:0,%eax 0x90, // nop 0x8d, 0x74, 0x26, 0x00 // leal 0(%esi,1),%esi }; memcpy(Loc - 2, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); } TargetInfo *elf::getX86TargetInfo() { static X86 Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/X86_64.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/X86_64.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Arch/X86_64.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,473 +1,471 @@ //===- X86_64.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// -#include "Error.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "SyntheticSections.h" #include "Target.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "llvm/Object/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::support::endian; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; namespace { template class X86_64 final : public TargetInfo { public: X86_64(); - RelExpr getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, + RelExpr getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const override; - bool isPicRel(uint32_t Type) const override; + bool isPicRel(RelType Type) const override; void writeGotPltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const override; - void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const override; + void writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const override; void writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const override; void writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const override; - void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - RelExpr adjustRelaxExpr(uint32_t Type, const uint8_t *Data, + RelExpr adjustRelaxExpr(RelType Type, const uint8_t *Data, RelExpr Expr) const override; void relaxGot(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; - void relaxTlsLdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; + void relaxTlsLdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const override; private: void relaxGotNoPic(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t Val, uint8_t Op, uint8_t ModRm) const; }; } // namespace template X86_64::X86_64() { GotBaseSymOff = -1; CopyRel = R_X86_64_COPY; GotRel = R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT; PltRel = R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT; RelativeRel = R_X86_64_RELATIVE; IRelativeRel = R_X86_64_IRELATIVE; TlsGotRel = R_X86_64_TPOFF64; TlsModuleIndexRel = R_X86_64_DTPMOD64; TlsOffsetRel = R_X86_64_DTPOFF64; GotEntrySize = 8; GotPltEntrySize = 8; PltEntrySize = 16; PltHeaderSize = 16; TlsGdRelaxSkip = 2; TrapInstr = 0xcccccccc; // 0xcc = INT3 // Align to the large page size (known as a superpage or huge page). // FreeBSD automatically promotes large, superpage-aligned allocations. DefaultImageBase = 0x200000; } template -RelExpr X86_64::getRelExpr(uint32_t Type, const SymbolBody &S, +RelExpr X86_64::getRelExpr(RelType Type, const Symbol &S, const uint8_t *Loc) const { switch (Type) { case R_X86_64_8: case R_X86_64_16: case R_X86_64_32: case R_X86_64_32S: case R_X86_64_64: case R_X86_64_DTPOFF32: case R_X86_64_DTPOFF64: return R_ABS; case R_X86_64_TPOFF32: return R_TLS; case R_X86_64_TLSLD: return R_TLSLD_PC; case R_X86_64_TLSGD: return R_TLSGD_PC; case R_X86_64_SIZE32: case R_X86_64_SIZE64: return R_SIZE; case R_X86_64_PLT32: return R_PLT_PC; case R_X86_64_PC32: case R_X86_64_PC64: return R_PC; case R_X86_64_GOT32: case R_X86_64_GOT64: return R_GOT_FROM_END; case R_X86_64_GOTPCREL: case R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX: case R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX: case R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF: return R_GOT_PC; case R_X86_64_NONE: return R_NONE; default: - error(toString(S.File) + ": unknown relocation type: " + toString(Type)); - return R_HINT; + return R_INVALID; } } template void X86_64::writeGotPltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const { // The first entry holds the value of _DYNAMIC. It is not clear why that is // required, but it is documented in the psabi and the glibc dynamic linker // seems to use it (note that this is relevant for linking, not any // other program). write64le(Buf, InX::Dynamic->getVA()); } template -void X86_64::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const SymbolBody &S) const { - // See comments in X86TargetInfo::writeGotPlt. +void X86_64::writeGotPlt(uint8_t *Buf, const Symbol &S) const { + // See comments in X86::writeGotPlt. write32le(Buf, S.getPltVA() + 6); } template void X86_64::writePltHeader(uint8_t *Buf) const { const uint8_t PltData[] = { 0xff, 0x35, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // pushq GOTPLT+8(%rip) 0xff, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // jmp *GOTPLT+16(%rip) 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x40, 0x00 // nop }; memcpy(Buf, PltData, sizeof(PltData)); uint64_t GotPlt = InX::GotPlt->getVA(); uint64_t Plt = InX::Plt->getVA(); write32le(Buf + 2, GotPlt - Plt + 2); // GOTPLT+8 write32le(Buf + 8, GotPlt - Plt + 4); // GOTPLT+16 } template void X86_64::writePlt(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t GotPltEntryAddr, uint64_t PltEntryAddr, int32_t Index, unsigned RelOff) const { const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0xff, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // jmpq *got(%rip) 0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // pushq 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // jmpq plt[0] }; memcpy(Buf, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); write32le(Buf + 2, GotPltEntryAddr - PltEntryAddr - 6); write32le(Buf + 7, Index); write32le(Buf + 12, -Index * PltEntrySize - PltHeaderSize - 16); } -template bool X86_64::isPicRel(uint32_t Type) const { +template bool X86_64::isPicRel(RelType Type) const { return Type != R_X86_64_PC32 && Type != R_X86_64_32 && Type != R_X86_64_TPOFF32; } template -void X86_64::relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, +void X86_64::relaxTlsGdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // Convert // .byte 0x66 // leaq x@tlsgd(%rip), %rdi // .word 0x6666 // rex64 // call __tls_get_addr@plt // to // mov %fs:0x0,%rax // lea x@tpoff,%rax const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0x64, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // mov %fs:0x0,%rax 0x48, 0x8d, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // lea x@tpoff,%rax }; memcpy(Loc - 4, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); // The original code used a pc relative relocation and so we have to // compensate for the -4 in had in the addend. write32le(Loc + 8, Val + 4); } template -void X86_64::relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, +void X86_64::relaxTlsGdToIe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // Convert // .byte 0x66 // leaq x@tlsgd(%rip), %rdi // .word 0x6666 // rex64 // call __tls_get_addr@plt // to // mov %fs:0x0,%rax // addq x@tpoff,%rax const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0x64, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // mov %fs:0x0,%rax 0x48, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // addq x@tpoff,%rax }; memcpy(Loc - 4, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); // Both code sequences are PC relatives, but since we are moving the constant // forward by 8 bytes we have to subtract the value by 8. write32le(Loc + 8, Val - 8); } // In some conditions, R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF relocation can be optimized to // R_X86_64_TPOFF32 so that it does not use GOT. template -void X86_64::relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, +void X86_64::relaxTlsIeToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { uint8_t *Inst = Loc - 3; uint8_t Reg = Loc[-1] >> 3; uint8_t *RegSlot = Loc - 1; // Note that ADD with RSP or R12 is converted to ADD instead of LEA // because LEA with these registers needs 4 bytes to encode and thus // wouldn't fit the space. if (memcmp(Inst, "\x48\x03\x25", 3) == 0) { // "addq foo@gottpoff(%rip),%rsp" -> "addq $foo,%rsp" memcpy(Inst, "\x48\x81\xc4", 3); } else if (memcmp(Inst, "\x4c\x03\x25", 3) == 0) { // "addq foo@gottpoff(%rip),%r12" -> "addq $foo,%r12" memcpy(Inst, "\x49\x81\xc4", 3); } else if (memcmp(Inst, "\x4c\x03", 2) == 0) { // "addq foo@gottpoff(%rip),%r[8-15]" -> "leaq foo(%r[8-15]),%r[8-15]" memcpy(Inst, "\x4d\x8d", 2); *RegSlot = 0x80 | (Reg << 3) | Reg; } else if (memcmp(Inst, "\x48\x03", 2) == 0) { // "addq foo@gottpoff(%rip),%reg -> "leaq foo(%reg),%reg" memcpy(Inst, "\x48\x8d", 2); *RegSlot = 0x80 | (Reg << 3) | Reg; } else if (memcmp(Inst, "\x4c\x8b", 2) == 0) { // "movq foo@gottpoff(%rip),%r[8-15]" -> "movq $foo,%r[8-15]" memcpy(Inst, "\x49\xc7", 2); *RegSlot = 0xc0 | Reg; } else if (memcmp(Inst, "\x48\x8b", 2) == 0) { // "movq foo@gottpoff(%rip),%reg" -> "movq $foo,%reg" memcpy(Inst, "\x48\xc7", 2); *RegSlot = 0xc0 | Reg; } else { error(getErrorLocation(Loc - 3) + "R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF must be used in MOVQ or ADDQ instructions only"); } // The original code used a PC relative relocation. // Need to compensate for the -4 it had in the addend. write32le(Loc, Val + 4); } template -void X86_64::relaxTlsLdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, +void X86_64::relaxTlsLdToLe(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { // Convert // leaq bar@tlsld(%rip), %rdi // callq __tls_get_addr@PLT // leaq bar@dtpoff(%rax), %rcx // to // .word 0x6666 // .byte 0x66 // mov %fs:0,%rax // leaq bar@tpoff(%rax), %rcx if (Type == R_X86_64_DTPOFF64) { write64le(Loc, Val); return; } if (Type == R_X86_64_DTPOFF32) { write32le(Loc, Val); return; } const uint8_t Inst[] = { 0x66, 0x66, // .word 0x6666 0x66, // .byte 0x66 0x64, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // mov %fs:0,%rax }; memcpy(Loc - 3, Inst, sizeof(Inst)); } template -void X86_64::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, uint32_t Type, - uint64_t Val) const { +void X86_64::relocateOne(uint8_t *Loc, RelType Type, uint64_t Val) const { switch (Type) { case R_X86_64_8: checkUInt<8>(Loc, Val, Type); *Loc = Val; break; case R_X86_64_16: checkUInt<16>(Loc, Val, Type); write16le(Loc, Val); break; case R_X86_64_32: checkUInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32le(Loc, Val); break; case R_X86_64_32S: case R_X86_64_TPOFF32: case R_X86_64_GOT32: case R_X86_64_GOTPCREL: case R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX: case R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX: case R_X86_64_PC32: case R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF: case R_X86_64_PLT32: case R_X86_64_TLSGD: case R_X86_64_TLSLD: case R_X86_64_DTPOFF32: case R_X86_64_SIZE32: checkInt<32>(Loc, Val, Type); write32le(Loc, Val); break; case R_X86_64_64: case R_X86_64_DTPOFF64: case R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT: case R_X86_64_PC64: case R_X86_64_SIZE64: case R_X86_64_GOT64: write64le(Loc, Val); break; default: - llvm_unreachable("unexpected relocation"); + error(getErrorLocation(Loc) + "unrecognized reloc " + Twine(Type)); } } template -RelExpr X86_64::adjustRelaxExpr(uint32_t Type, const uint8_t *Data, +RelExpr X86_64::adjustRelaxExpr(RelType Type, const uint8_t *Data, RelExpr RelExpr) const { if (Type != R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX && Type != R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX) return RelExpr; const uint8_t Op = Data[-2]; const uint8_t ModRm = Data[-1]; // FIXME: When PIC is disabled and foo is defined locally in the // lower 32 bit address space, memory operand in mov can be converted into // immediate operand. Otherwise, mov must be changed to lea. We support only // latter relaxation at this moment. if (Op == 0x8b) return R_RELAX_GOT_PC; // Relax call and jmp. if (Op == 0xff && (ModRm == 0x15 || ModRm == 0x25)) return R_RELAX_GOT_PC; // Relaxation of test, adc, add, and, cmp, or, sbb, sub, xor. // If PIC then no relaxation is available. // We also don't relax test/binop instructions without REX byte, // they are 32bit operations and not common to have. assert(Type == R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX); return Config->Pic ? RelExpr : R_RELAX_GOT_PC_NOPIC; } // A subset of relaxations can only be applied for no-PIC. This method // handles such relaxations. Instructions encoding information was taken from: // "Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual V2" // ( // 64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-instruction-set-reference-manual-325383.pdf) template void X86_64::relaxGotNoPic(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t Val, uint8_t Op, uint8_t ModRm) const { const uint8_t Rex = Loc[-3]; // Convert "test %reg, foo@GOTPCREL(%rip)" to "test $foo, %reg". if (Op == 0x85) { // See "TEST-Logical Compare" (4-428 Vol. 2B), // TEST r/m64, r64 uses "full" ModR / M byte (no opcode extension). // ModR/M byte has form XX YYY ZZZ, where // YYY is MODRM.reg(register 2), ZZZ is MODRM.rm(register 1). // XX has different meanings: // 00: The operand's memory address is in reg1. // 01: The operand's memory address is reg1 + a byte-sized displacement. // 10: The operand's memory address is reg1 + a word-sized displacement. // 11: The operand is reg1 itself. // If an instruction requires only one operand, the unused reg2 field // holds extra opcode bits rather than a register code // 0xC0 == 11 000 000 binary. // 0x38 == 00 111 000 binary. // We transfer reg2 to reg1 here as operand. // See "2.1.3 ModR/M and SIB Bytes" (Vol. 2A 2-3). Loc[-1] = 0xc0 | (ModRm & 0x38) >> 3; // ModR/M byte. // Change opcode from TEST r/m64, r64 to TEST r/m64, imm32 // See "TEST-Logical Compare" (4-428 Vol. 2B). Loc[-2] = 0xf7; // Move R bit to the B bit in REX byte. // REX byte is encoded as 0100WRXB, where // 0100 is 4bit fixed pattern. // REX.W When 1, a 64-bit operand size is used. Otherwise, when 0, the // default operand size is used (which is 32-bit for most but not all // instructions). // REX.R This 1-bit value is an extension to the MODRM.reg field. // REX.X This 1-bit value is an extension to the SIB.index field. // REX.B This 1-bit value is an extension to the MODRM.rm field or the // SIB.base field. // See " More on REX Prefix Fields " (2-8 Vol. 2A). Loc[-3] = (Rex & ~0x4) | (Rex & 0x4) >> 2; write32le(Loc, Val); return; } // If we are here then we need to relax the adc, add, and, cmp, or, sbb, sub // or xor operations. // Convert "binop foo@GOTPCREL(%rip), %reg" to "binop $foo, %reg". // Logic is close to one for test instruction above, but we also // write opcode extension here, see below for details. Loc[-1] = 0xc0 | (ModRm & 0x38) >> 3 | (Op & 0x3c); // ModR/M byte. // Primary opcode is 0x81, opcode extension is one of: // 000b = ADD, 001b is OR, 010b is ADC, 011b is SBB, // 100b is AND, 101b is SUB, 110b is XOR, 111b is CMP. // This value was wrote to MODRM.reg in a line above. // See "3.2 INSTRUCTIONS (A-M)" (Vol. 2A 3-15), // "INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE, N-Z" (Vol. 2B 4-1) for // descriptions about each operation. Loc[-2] = 0x81; Loc[-3] = (Rex & ~0x4) | (Rex & 0x4) >> 2; write32le(Loc, Val); } template void X86_64::relaxGot(uint8_t *Loc, uint64_t Val) const { const uint8_t Op = Loc[-2]; const uint8_t ModRm = Loc[-1]; // Convert "mov foo@GOTPCREL(%rip),%reg" to "lea foo(%rip),%reg". if (Op == 0x8b) { Loc[-2] = 0x8d; write32le(Loc, Val); return; } if (Op != 0xff) { // We are relaxing a rip relative to an absolute, so compensate // for the old -4 addend. assert(!Config->Pic); relaxGotNoPic(Loc, Val + 4, Op, ModRm); return; } // Convert call/jmp instructions. if (ModRm == 0x15) { // ABI says we can convert "call *foo@GOTPCREL(%rip)" to "nop; call foo". // Instead we convert to "addr32 call foo" where addr32 is an instruction // prefix. That makes result expression to be a single instruction. Loc[-2] = 0x67; // addr32 prefix Loc[-1] = 0xe8; // call write32le(Loc, Val); return; } // Convert "jmp *foo@GOTPCREL(%rip)" to "jmp foo; nop". // jmp doesn't return, so it is fine to use nop here, it is just a stub. assert(ModRm == 0x25); Loc[-2] = 0xe9; // jmp Loc[3] = 0x90; // nop write32le(Loc - 1, Val + 1); } TargetInfo *elf::getX32TargetInfo() { static X86_64 Target; return &Target; } TargetInfo *elf::getX86_64TargetInfo() { static X86_64 Target; return &Target; } Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Bits.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Bits.h (nonexistent) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Bits.h (revision 327026) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +//===- Bits.h ---------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// +// +// The LLVM Linker +// +// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source +// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#ifndef LLD_ELF_BITS_H +#define LLD_ELF_BITS_H + +#include "Config.h" +#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" + +namespace lld { +namespace elf { + +inline uint64_t readUint(uint8_t *Buf) { + if (Config->Is64) + return llvm::support::endian::read64(Buf, Config->Endianness); + return llvm::support::endian::read32(Buf, Config->Endianness); +} + +inline void writeUint(uint8_t *Buf, uint64_t Val) { + if (Config->Is64) + llvm::support::endian::write64(Buf, Val, Config->Endianness); + else + llvm::support::endian::write32(Buf, Val, Config->Endianness); +} + +} // namespace elf +} // namespace lld + +#endif Property changes on: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Bits.h ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/CMakeLists.txt =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/CMakeLists.txt (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/CMakeLists.txt (revision 327026) @@ -1,75 +1,64 @@ set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS tablegen(LLVM -gen-opt-parser-defs) add_public_tablegen_target(ELFOptionsTableGen) if(NOT LLD_BUILT_STANDALONE) set(tablegen_deps intrinsics_gen) endif() add_lld_library(lldELF + AArch64ErrataFix.cpp Arch/AArch64.cpp Arch/AMDGPU.cpp Arch/ARM.cpp Arch/AVR.cpp Arch/Mips.cpp Arch/MipsArchTree.cpp Arch/PPC.cpp Arch/PPC64.cpp Arch/SPARCV9.cpp Arch/X86.cpp Arch/X86_64.cpp Driver.cpp DriverUtils.cpp EhFrame.cpp - Error.cpp Filesystem.cpp GdbIndex.cpp ICF.cpp InputFiles.cpp InputSection.cpp LTO.cpp LinkerScript.cpp MapFile.cpp MarkLive.cpp OutputSections.cpp Relocations.cpp ScriptLexer.cpp ScriptParser.cpp Strings.cpp SymbolTable.cpp Symbols.cpp SyntheticSections.cpp Target.cpp Thunks.cpp Writer.cpp LINK_COMPONENTS ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD} - Analysis BinaryFormat - BitReader - BitWriter - Codegen Core DebugInfoDWARF - Demangle - IPO - Linker LTO + MC Object Option - Passes - MC Support - Target - TransformUtils LINK_LIBS - lldConfig - lldCore + lldCommon ${LLVM_PTHREAD_LIB} DEPENDS ELFOptionsTableGen ${tablegen_deps} ) Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Config.h =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Config.h (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Config.h (revision 327026) @@ -1,238 +1,244 @@ //===- Config.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLD_ELF_CONFIG_H #define LLD_ELF_CONFIG_H #include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/CachePruning.h" #include "llvm/Support/CodeGen.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" #include namespace lld { namespace elf { class InputFile; -struct Symbol; enum ELFKind { ELFNoneKind, ELF32LEKind, ELF32BEKind, ELF64LEKind, ELF64BEKind }; // For --build-id. enum class BuildIdKind { None, Fast, Md5, Sha1, Hexstring, Uuid }; // For --discard-{all,locals,none}. enum class DiscardPolicy { Default, All, Locals, None }; // For --strip-{all,debug}. enum class StripPolicy { None, All, Debug }; // For --unresolved-symbols. -enum class UnresolvedPolicy { ReportError, Warn, WarnAll, Ignore, IgnoreAll }; +enum class UnresolvedPolicy { ReportError, Warn, Ignore, IgnoreAll }; +// For --orphan-handling. +enum class OrphanHandlingPolicy { Place, Warn, Error }; + // For --sort-section and linkerscript sorting rules. enum class SortSectionPolicy { Default, None, Alignment, Name, Priority }; // For --target2 enum class Target2Policy { Abs, Rel, GotRel }; struct SymbolVersion { llvm::StringRef Name; bool IsExternCpp; bool HasWildcard; }; // This struct contains symbols version definition that // can be found in version script if it is used for link. struct VersionDefinition { llvm::StringRef Name; uint16_t Id = 0; std::vector Globals; size_t NameOff = 0; // Offset in the string table }; -// Structure for mapping renamed symbols -struct RenamedSymbol { - Symbol *Target; - uint8_t OriginalBinding; -}; - // This struct contains the global configuration for the linker. // Most fields are direct mapping from the command line options // and such fields have the same name as the corresponding options. // Most fields are initialized by the driver. struct Configuration { - InputFile *FirstElf = nullptr; uint8_t OSABI = 0; llvm::CachePruningPolicy ThinLTOCachePolicy; llvm::StringMap SectionStartMap; + llvm::StringRef Chroot; llvm::StringRef DynamicLinker; llvm::StringRef Entry; llvm::StringRef Emulation; llvm::StringRef Fini; llvm::StringRef Init; llvm::StringRef LTOAAPipeline; llvm::StringRef LTONewPmPasses; llvm::StringRef MapFile; llvm::StringRef OutputFile; llvm::StringRef OptRemarksFilename; llvm::StringRef SoName; llvm::StringRef Sysroot; llvm::StringRef ThinLTOCacheDir; std::string Rpath; std::vector VersionDefinitions; std::vector Argv; std::vector AuxiliaryList; std::vector FilterList; std::vector SearchPaths; std::vector SymbolOrderingFile; std::vector Undefined; + std::vector DynamicList; std::vector VersionScriptGlobals; std::vector VersionScriptLocals; std::vector BuildIdVector; - llvm::MapVector RenamedSymbols; bool AllowMultipleDefinition; + bool AndroidPackDynRelocs = false; + bool ARMHasBlx = false; + bool ARMHasMovtMovw = false; + bool ARMJ1J2BranchEncoding = false; bool AsNeeded = false; bool Bsymbolic; bool BsymbolicFunctions; - bool ColorDiagnostics = false; bool CompressDebugSections; bool DefineCommon; bool Demangle = true; bool DisableVerify; bool EhFrameHdr; bool EmitRelocs; bool EnableNewDtags; bool ExportDynamic; - bool FatalWarnings; + bool FixCortexA53Errata843419; bool GcSections; bool GdbIndex; - bool GnuHash; + bool GnuHash = false; + bool HasDynamicList = false; + bool HasDynSymTab; bool ICF; + bool ICFData; + bool MergeArmExidx; bool MipsN32Abi = false; bool NoGnuUnique; bool NoUndefinedVersion; + bool NoinhibitExec; bool Nostdlib; bool OFormatBinary; bool Omagic; bool OptRemarksWithHotness; bool Pie; bool PrintGcSections; bool Relocatable; bool SaveTemps; bool SingleRoRx; bool Shared; bool Static = false; - bool SysvHash; + bool SysvHash = false; bool Target1Rel; - bool Threads; bool Trace; bool Verbose; bool WarnCommon; bool WarnMissingEntry; bool ZCombreloc; bool ZExecstack; bool ZNocopyreloc; bool ZNodelete; bool ZNodlopen; bool ZNow; bool ZOrigin; bool ZRelro; bool ZRodynamic; bool ZText; bool ExitEarly; bool ZWxneeded; DiscardPolicy Discard; + OrphanHandlingPolicy OrphanHandling; SortSectionPolicy SortSection; StripPolicy Strip; UnresolvedPolicy UnresolvedSymbols; Target2Policy Target2; BuildIdKind BuildId = BuildIdKind::None; ELFKind EKind = ELFNoneKind; uint16_t DefaultSymbolVersion = llvm::ELF::VER_NDX_GLOBAL; uint16_t EMachine = llvm::ELF::EM_NONE; - uint64_t ErrorLimit = 20; - uint64_t ImageBase; + llvm::Optional ImageBase; uint64_t MaxPageSize; uint64_t ZStackSize; unsigned LTOPartitions; unsigned LTOO; unsigned Optimize; unsigned ThinLTOJobs; // The following config options do not directly correspond to any // particualr command line options. // True if we need to pass through relocations in input files to the // output file. Usually false because we consume relocations. bool CopyRelocs; // True if the target is ELF64. False if ELF32. bool Is64; // True if the target is little-endian. False if big-endian. bool IsLE; // endianness::little if IsLE is true. endianness::big otherwise. llvm::support::endianness Endianness; // True if the target is the little-endian MIPS64. // // The reason why we have this variable only for the MIPS is because // we use this often. Some ELF headers for MIPS64EL are in a // mixed-endian (which is horrible and I'd say that's a serious spec // bug), and we need to know whether we are reading MIPS ELF files or // not in various places. // // (Note that MIPS64EL is not a typo for MIPS64LE. This is the official // name whatever that means. A fun hypothesis is that "EL" is short for // little-endian written in the little-endian order, but I don't know // if that's true.) bool IsMips64EL; + + // Holds set of ELF header flags for the target. + uint32_t EFlags = 0; // The ELF spec defines two types of relocation table entries, RELA and // REL. RELA is a triplet of (offset, info, addend) while REL is a // tuple of (offset, info). Addends for REL are implicit and read from // the location where the relocations are applied. So, REL is more // compact than RELA but requires a bit of more work to process. // // (From the linker writer's view, this distinction is not necessary. // If the ELF had chosen whichever and sticked with it, it would have // been easier to write code to process relocations, but it's too late // to change the spec.) // // Each ABI defines its relocation type. IsRela is true if target // uses RELA. As far as we know, all 64-bit ABIs are using RELA. A // few 32-bit ABIs are using RELA too. bool IsRela; // True if we are creating position-independent code. bool Pic; // 4 for ELF32, 8 for ELF64. int Wordsize; }; // The only instance of Configuration struct. extern Configuration *Config; } // namespace elf } // namespace lld #endif Index: projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Driver.cpp =================================================================== --- projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Driver.cpp (revision 327025) +++ projects/clang600-import/contrib/llvm/tools/lld/ELF/Driver.cpp (revision 327026) @@ -1,1072 +1,1126 @@ //===- Driver.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Linker // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // The driver drives the entire linking process. It is responsible for // parsing command line options and doing whatever it is instructed to do. // // One notable thing in the LLD's driver when compared to other linkers is // that the LLD's driver is agnostic on the host operating system. // Other linkers usually have implicit default values (such as a dynamic // linker path or library paths) for each host OS. // // I don't think implicit default values are useful because they are // usually explicitly specified by the compiler driver. They can even // be harmful when you are doing cross-linking. Therefore, in LLD, we // simply trust the compiler driver to pass all required options and // don't try to make effort on our side. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Driver.h" #include "Config.h" -#include "Error.h" #include "Filesystem.h" #include "ICF.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "InputSection.h" #include "LinkerScript.h" -#include "Memory.h" #include "OutputSections.h" #include "ScriptParser.h" #include "Strings.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" +#include "Symbols.h" #include "SyntheticSections.h" #include "Target.h" -#include "Threads.h" #include "Writer.h" -#include "lld/Config/Version.h" -#include "lld/Driver/Driver.h" +#include "lld/Common/Args.h" +#include "lld/Common/Driver.h" +#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" +#include "lld/Common/Memory.h" +#include "lld/Common/Threads.h" +#include "lld/Common/Version.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h" #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" #include "llvm/Support/Compression.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/TarWriter.h" #include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::ELF; using namespace llvm::object; using namespace llvm::sys; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::elf; Configuration *elf::Config; LinkerDriver *elf::Driver; -BumpPtrAllocator elf::BAlloc; -StringSaver elf::Saver{BAlloc}; -std::vector elf::SpecificAllocBase::Instances; - static void setConfigs(); bool elf::link(ArrayRef Args, bool CanExitEarly, raw_ostream &Error) { - ErrorCount = 0; - ErrorOS = &Error; + errorHandler().LogName = Args[0]; + errorHandler().ErrorLimitExceededMsg = + "too many errors emitted, stopping now (use " + "-error-limit=0 to see all errors)"; + errorHandler().ErrorOS = &Error; + errorHandler().ColorDiagnostics = Error.has_colors(); InputSections.clear(); + OutputSections.clear(); Tar = nullptr; + BinaryFiles.clear(); + BitcodeFiles.clear(); + ObjectFiles.clear(); + SharedFiles.clear(); Config = make(); Driver = make(); Script = make(); + Symtab = make(); Config->Argv = {Args.begin(), Args.end()}; Driver->main(Args, CanExitEarly); + + // Exit immediately if we don't need to return to the caller. + // This saves time because the overhead of calling destructors + // for all globally-allocated objects is not negligible. + if (Config->ExitEarly) + exitLld(errorCount() ? 1 : 0); + freeArena(); - return !ErrorCount; + return !errorCount(); } // Parses a linker -m option. static std::tuple parseEmulation(StringRef Emul) { uint8_t OSABI = 0; StringRef S = Emul; if (S.endswith("_fbsd")) { S = S.drop_back(5); OSABI = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD; } std::pair Ret = StringSwitch>(S) .Cases("aarch64elf", "aarch64linux", {ELF64LEKind, EM_AARCH64}) .Cases("armelf", "armelf_linux_eabi", {ELF32LEKind, EM_ARM}) .Case("elf32_x86_64", {ELF32LEKind, EM_X86_64}) .Cases("elf32btsmip", "elf32btsmipn32", {ELF32BEKind, EM_MIPS}) .Cases("elf32ltsmip", "elf32ltsmipn32", {ELF32LEKind, EM_MIPS}) .Case("elf32ppc", {ELF32BEKind, EM_PPC}) .Case("elf64btsmip", {ELF64BEKind, EM_MIPS}) .Case("elf64ltsmip", {ELF64LEKind, EM_MIPS}) .Case("elf64ppc", {ELF64BEKind, EM_PPC64}) .Cases("elf_amd64", "elf_x86_64", {ELF64LEKind, EM_X86_64}) .Case("elf_i386", {ELF32LEKind, EM_386}) .Case("elf_iamcu", {ELF32LEKind, EM_IAMCU}) .Default({ELFNoneKind, EM_NONE}); - if (Ret.first == ELFNoneKind) { - if (S == "i386pe" || S == "i386pep" || S == "thumb2pe") - error("Windows targets are not supported on the ELF frontend: " + Emul); - else - error("unknown emulation: " + Emul); - } + if (Ret.first == ELFNoneKind) + error("unknown emulation: " + Emul); return std::make_tuple(Ret.first, Ret.second, OSABI); } // Returns slices of MB by parsing MB as an archive file. // Each slice consists of a member file in the archive. std::vector> static getArchiveMembers( MemoryBufferRef MB) { std::unique_ptr File = - check(Archive::create(MB), + CHECK(Archive::create(MB), MB.getBufferIdentifier() + ": failed to parse archive"); std::vector> V; Error Err = Error::success(); + bool AddToTar = File->isThin() && Tar; for (const ErrorOr &COrErr : File->children(Err)) { Archive::Child C = - check(COrErr, MB.getBufferIdentifier() + + CHECK(COrErr, MB.getBufferIdentifier() + ": could not get the child of the archive"); MemoryBufferRef MBRef = - check(C.getMemoryBufferRef(), + CHECK(C.getMemoryBufferRef(), MB.getBufferIdentifier() + ": could not get the buffer for a child of the archive"); + if (AddToTar) + Tar->append(relativeToRoot(check(C.getFullName())), MBRef.getBuffer()); V.push_back(std::make_pair(MBRef, C.getChildOffset())); } if (Err) fatal(MB.getBufferIdentifier() + ": Archive::children failed: " + toString(std::move(Err))); // Take ownership of memory buffers created for members of thin archives. for (std::unique_ptr &MB : File->takeThinBuffers()) make>(std::move(MB)); return V; } // Opens a file and create a file object. Path has to be resolved already. void LinkerDriver::addFile(StringRef Path, bool WithLOption) { using namespace sys::fs; Optional Buffer = readFile(Path); if (!Buffer.hasValue()) return; MemoryBufferRef MBRef = *Buffer; if (InBinary) { Files.push_back(make(MBRef)); return; } switch (identify_magic(MBRef.getBuffer())) { case file_magic::unknown: readLinkerScript(MBRef); return; case file_magic::archive: { // Handle -whole-archive. if (InWholeArchive) { for (const auto &P : getArchiveMembers(MBRef)) Files.push_back(createObjectFile(P.first, Path, P.second)); return; } std::unique_ptr File = - check(Archive::create(MBRef), Path + ": failed to parse archive"); + CHECK(Archive::create(MBRef), Path + ": failed to parse archive"); // If an archive file has no symbol table, it is likely that a user // is attempting LTO and using a default ar command that doesn't // understand the LLVM bitcode file. It is a pretty common error, so // we'll handle it as if it had a symbol table. if (!File->isEmpty() && !File->hasSymbolTable()) { for (const auto &P : getArchiveMembers(MBRef)) - Files.push_back(make(P.first, Path, P.second)); + Files.push_back(make(P.first, Path, P.second)); return; } // Handle the regular case. Files.push_back(make(std::move(File))); return; } case file_magic::elf_shared_object: if (Config->Relocatable) { error("attempted static link of dynamic object " + Path); return; } // DSOs usually have DT_SONAME tags in their ELF headers, and the // sonames are used to identify DSOs. But if they are missing, // they are identified by filenames. We don't know whether the new // file has a DT_SONAME or not because we haven't parsed it yet. // Here, we set the default soname for the file because we might // need it later. // // If a file was specified by -lfoo, the directory part is not // significant, as a user did not specify it. This behavior is // compatible with GNU. Files.push_back( createSharedFile(MBRef, WithLOption ? path::filename(Path) : Path)); return; default: if (InLib) - Files.push_back(make(MBRef, "", 0)); + Files.push_back(make(MBRef, "", 0)); else Files.push_back(createObjectFile(MBRef)); } } // Add a given library by searching it from input search paths. void LinkerDriver::addLibrary(StringRef Name) { if (Optional Path = searchLibrary(Name)) addFile(*Path, /*WithLOption=*/true); else error("unable to find library -l" + Name); } // This function is called on startup. We need this for LTO since // LTO calls LLVM functions to compile bitcode files to native code. // Technically this can be delayed until we read bitcode files, but // we don't bother to do lazily because the initialization is fast. static void initLLVM(opt::InputArgList &Args) { InitializeAllTargets(); InitializeAllTargetMCs(); InitializeAllAsmPrinters(); InitializeAllAsmParsers(); // Parse and evaluate -mllvm options. std::vector V; V.push_back("lld (LLVM option parsing)"); for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_mllvm)) V.push_back(Arg->getValue()); cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(V.size(),; } // Some command line options or some combinations of them are not allowed. // This function checks for such errors. static void checkOptions(opt::InputArgList &Args) { // The MIPS ABI as of 2016 does not support the GNU-style symbol lookup // table which is a relatively new feature. if (Config->EMachine == EM_MIPS && Config->GnuHash) error("the .gnu.hash section is not compatible with the MIPS target."); + if (Config->FixCortexA53Errata843419 && Config->EMachine != EM_AARCH64) + error("--fix-cortex-a53-843419 is only supported on AArch64 targets."); + if (Config->Pie && Config->Shared) error("-shared and -pie may not be used together"); if (!Config->Shared && !Config->FilterList.empty()) error("-F may not be used without -shared"); if (!Config->Shared && !Config->AuxiliaryList.empty()) error("-f may not be used without -shared"); + if (!Config->Relocatable && !Config->DefineCommon) + error("-no-define-common not supported in non relocatable output"); + if (Config->Relocatable) { if (Config->Shared) error("-r and -shared may not be used together"); if (Config->GcSections) error("-r and --gc-sections may not be used together"); if (Config->ICF) error("-r and --icf may not be used together"); if (Config->Pie) error("-r and -pie may not be used together"); } } -static int getInteger(opt::InputArgList &Args, unsigned Key, int Default) { - int V = Default; - if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(Key)) { - StringRef S = Arg->getValue(); - if (!to_integer(S, V, 10)) - error(Arg->getSpelling() + ": number expected, but got " + S); - } - return V; -} - static const char *getReproduceOption(opt::InputArgList &Args) { if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_reproduce)) return Arg->getValue(); return getenv("LLD_REPRODUCE"); } static bool hasZOption(opt::InputArgList &Args, StringRef Key) { for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_z)) if (Key == Arg->getValue()) return true; return false; } -static uint64_t getZOptionValue(opt::InputArgList &Args, StringRef Key, - uint64_t Default) { - for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_z)) { - std::pair KV = StringRef(Arg->getValue()).split('='); - if (KV.first == Key) { - uint64_t Result = Default; - if (!to_integer(KV.second, Result)) - error("invalid " + Key + ": " + KV.second); - return Result; - } - } - return Default; -} - void LinkerDriver::main(ArrayRef ArgsArr, bool CanExitEarly) { ELFOptTable Parser; opt::InputArgList Args = Parser.parse(ArgsArr.slice(1)); // Interpret this flag early because error() depends on them. - Config->ErrorLimit = getInteger(Args, OPT_error_limit, 20); + errorHandler().ErrorLimit = args::getInteger(Args, OPT_error_limit, 20); // Handle -help if (Args.hasArg(OPT_help)) { printHelp(ArgsArr[0]); return; } // Handle -v or -version. // // A note about "compatible with GNU linkers" message: this is a hack for // scripts generated by GNU Libtool 2.4.6 (released in February 2014 and // still the newest version in March 2017) or earlier to recognize LLD as // a GNU compatible linker. As long as an output for the -v option // contains "GNU" or "with BFD", they recognize us as GNU-compatible. // // This is somewhat ugly hack, but in reality, we had no choice other // than doing this. Considering the very long release cycle of Libtool, // it is not easy to improve it to recognize LLD as a GNU compatible // linker in a timely manner. Even if we can make it, there are still a // lot of "configure" scripts out there that are generated by old version // of Libtool. We cannot convince every software developer to migrate to // the latest version and re-generate scripts. So we have this hack. if (Args.hasArg(OPT_v) || Args.hasArg(OPT_version)) message(getLLDVersion() + " (compatible with GNU linkers)"); // The behavior of -v or --version is a bit strange, but this is // needed for compatibility with GNU linkers. if (Args.hasArg(OPT_v) && !Args.hasArg(OPT_INPUT)) return; if (Args.hasArg(OPT_version)) return; Config->ExitEarly = CanExitEarly && !Args.hasArg(OPT_full_shutdown); + errorHandler().ExitEarly = Config->ExitEarly; if (const char *Path = getReproduceOption(Args)) { // Note that --reproduce is a debug option so you can ignore it // if you are trying to understand the whole picture of the code. Expected> ErrOrWriter = TarWriter::create(Path, path::stem(Path)); if (ErrOrWriter) { Tar = ErrOrWriter->get(); Tar->append("response.txt", createResponseFile(Args)); Tar->append("version.txt", getLLDVersion() + "\n"); make>(std::move(*ErrOrWriter)); } else { error(Twine("--reproduce: failed to open ") + Path + ": " + toString(ErrOrWriter.takeError())); } } readConfigs(Args); initLLVM(Args); createFiles(Args); inferMachineType(); setConfigs(); checkOptions(Args); - if (ErrorCount) + if (errorCount()) return; switch (Config->EKind) { case ELF32LEKind: link(Args); return; case ELF32BEKind: link(Args); return; case ELF64LEKind: link(Args); return; case ELF64BEKind: link(Args); return; default: llvm_unreachable("unknown Config->EKind"); } } -static bool getArg(opt::InputArgList &Args, unsigned K1, unsigned K2, - bool Default) { - if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(K1, K2)) - return Arg->getOption().getID() == K1; - return Default; -} - -static std::vector getArgs(opt::InputArgList &Args, int Id) { - std::vector V; - for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(Id)) - V.push_back(Arg->getValue()); - return V; -} - static std::string getRpath(opt::InputArgList &Args) { - std::vector V = getArgs(Args, OPT_rpath); + std::vector V = args::getStrings(Args, OPT_rpath); return llvm::join(V.begin(), V.end(), ":"); } // Determines what we should do if there are remaining unresolved // symbols after the name resolution. static UnresolvedPolicy getUnresolvedSymbolPolicy(opt::InputArgList &Args) { - // -noinhibit-exec or -r imply some default values. - if (Args.hasArg(OPT_noinhibit_exec)) - return UnresolvedPolicy::WarnAll; if (Args.hasArg(OPT_relocatable)) return UnresolvedPolicy::IgnoreAll; - UnresolvedPolicy ErrorOrWarn = getArg(Args, OPT_error_unresolved_symbols, - OPT_warn_unresolved_symbols, true) + UnresolvedPolicy ErrorOrWarn = Args.hasFlag(OPT_error_unresolved_symbols, + OPT_warn_unresolved_symbols, true) ? UnresolvedPolicy::ReportError : UnresolvedPolicy::Warn; // Process the last of -unresolved-symbols, -no-undefined or -z defs. for (auto *Arg : llvm::reverse(Args)) { switch (Arg->getOption().getID()) { case OPT_unresolved_symbols: { StringRef S = Arg->getValue(); if (S == "ignore-all" || S == "ignore-in-object-files") return UnresolvedPolicy::Ignore; if (S == "ignore-in-shared-libs" || S == "report-all") return ErrorOrWarn; error("unknown --unresolved-symbols value: " + S); continue; } case OPT_no_undefined: return ErrorOrWarn; case OPT_z: if (StringRef(Arg->getValue()) == "defs") return ErrorOrWarn; continue; } } // -shared implies -unresolved-symbols=ignore-all because missing // symbols are likely to be resolved at runtime using other DSOs. if (Config->Shared) return UnresolvedPolicy::Ignore; return ErrorOrWarn; } static Target2Policy getTarget2(opt::InputArgList &Args) { StringRef S = Args.getLastArgValue(OPT_target2, "got-rel"); if (S == "rel") return Target2Policy::Rel; if (S == "abs") return Target2Policy::Abs; if (S == "got-rel") return Target2Policy::GotRel; error("unknown --target2 option: " + S); return Target2Policy::GotRel; } static bool isOutputFormatBinary(opt::InputArgList &Args) { if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_oformat)) { StringRef S = Arg->getValue(); if (S == "binary") return true; error("unknown --oformat value: " + S); } return false; } static DiscardPolicy getDiscard(opt::InputArgList &Args) { if (Args.hasArg(OPT_relocatable)) return DiscardPolicy::None; auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_discard_all, OPT_discard_locals, OPT_discard_none); if (!Arg) return DiscardPolicy::Default; if (Arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_discard_all) return DiscardPolicy::All; if (Arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_discard_locals) return DiscardPolicy::Locals; return DiscardPolicy::None; } static StringRef getDynamicLinker(opt::InputArgList &Args) { auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_dynamic_linker, OPT_no_dynamic_linker); if (!Arg || Arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_no_dynamic_linker) return ""; return Arg->getValue(); } static StripPolicy getStrip(opt::InputArgList &Args) { if (Args.hasArg(OPT_relocatable)) return StripPolicy::None; auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_strip_all, OPT_strip_debug); if (!Arg) return StripPolicy::None; if (Arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_strip_all) return StripPolicy::All; return StripPolicy::Debug; } -static uint64_t parseSectionAddress(StringRef S, opt::Arg *Arg) { +static uint64_t parseSectionAddress(StringRef S, const opt::Arg &Arg) { uint64_t VA = 0; if (S.startswith("0x")) S = S.drop_front(2); if (!to_integer(S, VA, 16)) error("invalid argument: " + toString(Arg)); return VA; } static StringMap getSectionStartMap(opt::InputArgList &Args) { StringMap Ret; for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_section_start)) { StringRef Name; StringRef Addr; std::tie(Name, Addr) = StringRef(Arg->getValue()).split('='); - Ret[Name] = parseSectionAddress(Addr, Arg); + Ret[Name] = parseSectionAddress(Addr, *Arg); } if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_Ttext)) - Ret[".text"] = parseSectionAddress(Arg->getValue(), Arg); + Ret[".text"] = parseSectionAddress(Arg->getValue(), *Arg); if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_Tdata)) - Ret[".data"] = parseSectionAddress(Arg->getValue(), Arg); + Ret[".data"] = parseSectionAddress(Arg->getValue(), *Arg); if (auto *Arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_Tbss)) - Ret[".bss"] = parseSectionAddress(Arg->getValue(), Arg); + Ret[".bss"] = parseSectionAddress(Arg->getValue(), *Arg); return Ret; } static SortSectionPolicy getSortSection(opt::InputArgList &Args) { StringRef S = Args.getLastArgValue(OPT_sort_section); if (S == "alignment") return SortSectionPolicy::Alignment; if (S == "name") return SortSectionPolicy::Name; if (!S.empty()) error("unknown --sort-section rule: " + S); return SortSectionPolicy::Default; } -static std::pair getHashStyle(opt::InputArgList &Args) { - StringRef S = Args.getLastArgValue(OPT_hash_style, "sysv"); - if (S == "sysv") - return {true, false}; - if (S == "gnu") - return {false, true}; - if (S != "both") - error("unknown -hash-style: " + S); - return {true, true}; +static OrphanHandlingPolicy getOrphanHandling(opt::InputArgList &Args) { + StringRef S = Args.getLastArgValue(OPT_orphan_handling, "place"); + if (S == "warn") + return OrphanHandlingPolicy::Warn; + if (S == "error") + return OrphanHandlingPolicy::Error; + if (S != "place") + error("unknown --orphan-handling mode: " + S); + return OrphanHandlingPolicy::Place; } // Parse --build-id or --build-id=