Index: stable/10/usr.bin/rpcgen/rpc_cout.c =================================================================== --- stable/10/usr.bin/rpcgen/rpc_cout.c (revision 312385) +++ stable/10/usr.bin/rpcgen/rpc_cout.c (revision 312386) @@ -1,719 +1,720 @@ /* * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or * program developed by the user. * * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. * * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, * modification or enhancement. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC * OR ANY PART THEREOF. * * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. * * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 2550 Garcia Avenue * Mountain View, California 94043 */ #if 0 #ifndef lint #ident "@(#)rpc_cout.c 1.14 93/07/05 SMI" static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rpc_cout.c 1.13 89/02/22 (C) 1987 SMI"; #endif #endif #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * rpc_cout.c, XDR routine outputter for the RPC protocol compiler * Copyright (C) 1987, Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ #include #include #include #include "rpc_parse.h" #include "rpc_scan.h" #include "rpc_util.h" static void print_header( definition * ); static void print_trailer( void ); static void print_stat( int , declaration * ); static void emit_enum( definition * ); static void emit_program( definition * ); static void emit_union( definition * ); static void emit_struct( definition * ); static void emit_typedef( definition * ); static void emit_inline( int, declaration *, int ); static void emit_single_in_line( int, declaration *, int, relation ); /* * Emit the C-routine for the given definition */ void emit(definition *def) { if (def->def_kind == DEF_CONST) { return; } if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM) { emit_program(def); return; } if (def->def_kind == DEF_TYPEDEF) { /* * now we need to handle declarations like * struct typedef foo foo; * since we dont want this to be expanded into 2 calls to xdr_foo */ if (strcmp(def->def.ty.old_type, def->def_name) == 0) return; }; print_header(def); switch (def->def_kind) { case DEF_UNION: emit_union(def); break; case DEF_ENUM: emit_enum(def); break; case DEF_STRUCT: emit_struct(def); break; case DEF_TYPEDEF: emit_typedef(def); break; /* DEF_CONST and DEF_PROGRAM have already been handled */ default: break; } print_trailer(); } static int findtype(definition *def, const char *type) { if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM || def->def_kind == DEF_CONST) { return (0); } else { return (streq(def->def_name, type)); } } static int undefined(const char *type) { definition *def; def = (definition *) FINDVAL(defined, type, findtype); return (def == NULL); } static void print_generic_header(const char *procname, int pointerp) { f_print(fout, "\n"); f_print(fout, "bool_t\n"); f_print(fout, "xdr_%s(", procname); f_print(fout, "XDR *xdrs, "); f_print(fout, "%s ", procname); if (pointerp) f_print(fout, "*"); f_print(fout, "objp)\n{\n\n"); } static void print_header(definition *def) { print_generic_header(def->def_name, def->def_kind != DEF_TYPEDEF || !isvectordef(def->def.ty.old_type, def->def.ty.rel)); /* Now add Inline support */ if (inline_size == 0) return; /* May cause lint to complain. but ... */ f_print(fout, "\tregister long *buf;\n\n"); } static void print_prog_header(proc_list *plist) { print_generic_header(plist->args.argname, 1); } static void print_trailer(void) { f_print(fout, "\treturn (TRUE);\n"); f_print(fout, "}\n"); } static void print_ifopen(int indent, const char *name) { tabify(fout, indent); f_print(fout, "if (!xdr_%s(xdrs", name); } static void print_ifarg(const char *arg) { f_print(fout, ", %s", arg); } static void print_ifsizeof(int indent, const char *prefix, const char *type) { if (indent) { f_print(fout, ",\n"); tabify(fout, indent); } else { f_print(fout, ", "); } if (streq(type, "bool")) { f_print(fout, "sizeof (bool_t), (xdrproc_t) xdr_bool"); } else { f_print(fout, "sizeof ("); if (undefined(type) && prefix) { f_print(fout, "%s ", prefix); } f_print(fout, "%s), (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s", type, type); } } static void print_ifclose(int indent, int brace) { f_print(fout, "))\n"); tabify(fout, indent); f_print(fout, "\treturn (FALSE);\n"); if (brace) f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); } static void print_ifstat(int indent, const char *prefix, const char *type, relation rel, const char *amax, const char *objname, const char *name) { const char *alt = NULL; int brace = 0; switch (rel) { case REL_POINTER: brace = 1; f_print(fout, "\t{\n"); f_print(fout, "\t%s **pp = %s;\n", type, objname); print_ifopen(indent, "pointer"); print_ifarg("(char **)"); f_print(fout, "pp"); print_ifsizeof(0, prefix, type); break; case REL_VECTOR: if (streq(type, "string")) { alt = "string"; } else if (streq(type, "opaque")) { alt = "opaque"; } if (alt) { print_ifopen(indent, alt); print_ifarg(objname); } else { print_ifopen(indent, "vector"); print_ifarg("(char *)"); f_print(fout, "%s", objname); } print_ifarg(amax); if (!alt) { print_ifsizeof(indent + 1, prefix, type); } break; case REL_ARRAY: if (streq(type, "string")) { alt = "string"; } else if (streq(type, "opaque")) { alt = "bytes"; } if (streq(type, "string")) { print_ifopen(indent, alt); print_ifarg(objname); } else { if (alt) { print_ifopen(indent, alt); } else { print_ifopen(indent, "array"); } print_ifarg("(char **)"); if (*objname == '&') { f_print(fout, "%s.%s_val, (u_int *) %s.%s_len", objname, name, objname, name); } else { f_print(fout, "&%s->%s_val, (u_int *) &%s->%s_len", objname, name, objname, name); } } print_ifarg(amax); if (!alt) { print_ifsizeof(indent + 1, prefix, type); } break; case REL_ALIAS: print_ifopen(indent, type); print_ifarg(objname); break; } print_ifclose(indent, brace); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void emit_enum(definition *def __unused) { print_ifopen(1, "enum"); print_ifarg("(enum_t *)objp"); print_ifclose(1, 0); } static void emit_program(definition *def) { decl_list *dl; version_list *vlist; proc_list *plist; for (vlist = def->; vlist != NULL; vlist = vlist->next) for (plist = vlist->procs; plist != NULL; plist = plist->next) { if (!newstyle || plist->arg_num < 2) continue; /* old style, or single argument */ print_prog_header(plist); for (dl = plist->args.decls; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) print_stat(1, &dl->decl); print_trailer(); } } static void emit_union(definition *def) { declaration *dflt; case_list *cl; declaration *cs; char *object; const char *vecformat = "objp->%s_u.%s"; const char *format = "&objp->%s_u.%s"; print_stat(1, &def->def.un.enum_decl); f_print(fout, "\tswitch (objp->%s) {\n", def->; for (cl = def->def.un.cases; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next) { f_print(fout, "\tcase %s:\n", cl->case_name); if (cl->contflag == 1) /* a continued case statement */ continue; cs = &cl->case_decl; if (!streq(cs->type, "void")) { object = xmalloc(strlen(def->def_name) + strlen(format) + strlen(cs->name) + 1); if (isvectordef (cs->type, cs->rel)) { s_print(object, vecformat, def->def_name, cs->name); } else { s_print(object, format, def->def_name, cs->name); } print_ifstat(2, cs->prefix, cs->type, cs->rel, cs->array_max, object, cs->name); free(object); } f_print(fout, "\t\tbreak;\n"); } dflt = def->def.un.default_decl; if (dflt != NULL) { if (!streq(dflt->type, "void")) { f_print(fout, "\tdefault:\n"); object = xmalloc(strlen(def->def_name) + strlen(format) + strlen(dflt->name) + 1); if (isvectordef (dflt->type, dflt->rel)) { s_print(object, vecformat, def->def_name, dflt->name); } else { s_print(object, format, def->def_name, dflt->name); } print_ifstat(2, dflt->prefix, dflt->type, dflt->rel, dflt->array_max, object, dflt->name); free(object); f_print(fout, "\t\tbreak;\n"); } else { f_print(fout, "\tdefault:\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tbreak;\n"); } } else { f_print(fout, "\tdefault:\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\treturn (FALSE);\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); } static void inline_struct(definition *def, int flag) { decl_list *dl; int i, size; decl_list *cur, *psav; bas_type *ptr; char *sizestr; const char *plus; char ptemp[256]; int indent = 1; cur = NULL; if (flag == PUT) f_print(fout, "\n\tif (xdrs->x_op == XDR_ENCODE) {\n"); else f_print(fout, "\t\treturn (TRUE);\n\t} else if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_DECODE) {\n"); i = 0; size = 0; sizestr = NULL; for (dl = def->; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) { /* xxx */ /* now walk down the list and check for basic types */ if ((dl->decl.prefix == NULL) && ((ptr = find_type(dl->decl.type)) != NULL) && ((dl->decl.rel == REL_ALIAS) || (dl->decl.rel == REL_VECTOR))){ if (i == 0) cur = dl; i++; if (dl->decl.rel == REL_ALIAS) size += ptr->length; else { /* this code is required to handle arrays */ if (sizestr == NULL) plus = ""; else plus = " + "; if (ptr->length != 1) s_print(ptemp, "%s%s * %d", plus, dl->decl.array_max, ptr->length); else s_print(ptemp, "%s%s", plus, dl->decl.array_max); /* now concatenate to sizestr !!!! */ if (sizestr == NULL) { sizestr = xstrdup(ptemp); } else{ sizestr = xrealloc(sizestr, strlen(sizestr) +strlen(ptemp)+1); sizestr = strcat(sizestr, ptemp); /* build up length of array */ } } } else { if (i > 0) { if (sizestr == NULL && size < inline_size){ /* * don't expand into inline code * if size < inline_size */ while (cur != dl){ print_stat(indent + 1, &cur->decl); cur = cur->next; } } else { /* were already looking at a xdr_inlineable structure */ tabify(fout, indent + 1); if (sizestr == NULL) f_print(fout, "buf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, %d * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);", size); else { if (size == 0) f_print(fout, "buf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, (%s) * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);", sizestr); else f_print(fout, "buf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, (%d + (%s)) * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);", size, sizestr); } f_print(fout, "\n"); tabify(fout, indent + 1); f_print(fout, "if (buf == NULL) {\n"); psav = cur; while (cur != dl){ print_stat(indent + 2, &cur->decl); cur = cur->next; } f_print(fout, "\n\t\t} else {\n"); cur = psav; while (cur != dl){ emit_inline(indent + 2, &cur->decl, flag); cur = cur->next; } tabify(fout, indent + 1); f_print(fout, "}\n"); } } size = 0; i = 0; free(sizestr); sizestr = NULL; print_stat(indent + 1, &dl->decl); } } if (i > 0) { if (sizestr == NULL && size < inline_size){ /* don't expand into inline code if size < inline_size */ while (cur != dl){ print_stat(indent + 1, &cur->decl); cur = cur->next; } } else { /* were already looking at a xdr_inlineable structure */ if (sizestr == NULL) f_print(fout, "\t\tbuf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, %d * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);", size); else if (size == 0) f_print(fout, "\t\tbuf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, (%s) * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);", sizestr); else f_print(fout, "\t\tbuf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, (%d + (%s)) * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);", size, sizestr); f_print(fout, "\n\t\tif (buf == NULL) {\n"); psav = cur; while (cur != NULL){ print_stat(indent + 2, &cur->decl); cur = cur->next; } f_print(fout, "\t\t} else {\n"); cur = psav; while (cur != dl){ emit_inline(indent + 2, &cur->decl, flag); cur = cur->next; } f_print(fout, "\t\t}\n"); } } } static void emit_struct(definition *def) { decl_list *dl; int j, size, flag; bas_type *ptr; int can_inline; if (inline_size == 0) { /* No xdr_inlining at all */ for (dl = def->; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) print_stat(1, &dl->decl); return; } for (dl = def->; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) - if (dl->decl.rel == REL_VECTOR){ + if (dl->decl.rel == REL_VECTOR && + strcmp(dl->decl.type, "opaque") != 0){ f_print(fout, "\tint i;\n"); break; } size = 0; can_inline = 0; /* * Make a first pass and see if inling is possible. */ for (dl = def->; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) if ((dl->decl.prefix == NULL) && ((ptr = find_type(dl->decl.type)) != NULL) && ((dl->decl.rel == REL_ALIAS)|| (dl->decl.rel == REL_VECTOR))){ if (dl->decl.rel == REL_ALIAS) size += ptr->length; else { can_inline = 1; break; /* can be inlined */ } } else { if (size >= inline_size){ can_inline = 1; break; /* can be inlined */ } size = 0; } if (size >= inline_size) can_inline = 1; if (can_inline == 0){ /* can not inline, drop back to old mode */ for (dl = def->; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) print_stat(1, &dl->decl); return; } flag = PUT; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++){ inline_struct(def, flag); if (flag == PUT) flag = GET; } f_print(fout, "\t\treturn (TRUE);\n\t}\n\n"); /* now take care of XDR_FREE case */ for (dl = def->; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) print_stat(1, &dl->decl); } static void emit_typedef(definition *def) { const char *prefix = def->def.ty.old_prefix; const char *type = def->def.ty.old_type; const char *amax = def->def.ty.array_max; relation rel = def->def.ty.rel; print_ifstat(1, prefix, type, rel, amax, "objp", def->def_name); } static void print_stat(int indent, declaration *dec) { const char *prefix = dec->prefix; const char *type = dec->type; const char *amax = dec->array_max; relation rel = dec->rel; char name[256]; if (isvectordef(type, rel)) { s_print(name, "objp->%s", dec->name); } else { s_print(name, "&objp->%s", dec->name); } print_ifstat(indent, prefix, type, rel, amax, name, dec->name); } char *upcase(const char *); static void emit_inline(int indent, declaration *decl, int flag) { switch (decl->rel) { case REL_ALIAS : emit_single_in_line(indent, decl, flag, REL_ALIAS); break; case REL_VECTOR : tabify(fout, indent); f_print(fout, "{\n"); tabify(fout, indent + 1); f_print(fout, "%s *genp;\n\n", decl->type); tabify(fout, indent + 1); f_print(fout, "for (i = 0, genp = objp->%s;\n", decl->name); tabify(fout, indent + 2); f_print(fout, "i < %s; i++) {\n", decl->array_max); emit_single_in_line(indent + 2, decl, flag, REL_VECTOR); tabify(fout, indent + 1); f_print(fout, "}\n"); tabify(fout, indent); f_print(fout, "}\n"); break; default: break; } } static void emit_single_in_line(int indent, declaration *decl, int flag, relation rel) { char *upp_case; tabify(fout, indent); if (flag == PUT) f_print(fout, "IXDR_PUT_"); else if (rel == REL_ALIAS) f_print(fout, "objp->%s = IXDR_GET_", decl->name); else f_print(fout, "*genp++ = IXDR_GET_"); upp_case = upcase(decl->type); /* hack - XX */ if (strcmp(upp_case, "INT") == 0) { free(upp_case); upp_case = strdup("LONG"); } if (strcmp(upp_case, "U_INT") == 0) { free(upp_case); upp_case = strdup("U_LONG"); } if (flag == PUT) if (rel == REL_ALIAS) f_print(fout, "%s(buf, objp->%s);\n", upp_case, decl->name); else f_print(fout, "%s(buf, *genp++);\n", upp_case); else f_print(fout, "%s(buf);\n", upp_case); free(upp_case); } char * upcase(const char *str) { char *ptr, *hptr; ptr = (char *)xmalloc(strlen(str)+1); hptr = ptr; while (*str != '\0') *ptr++ = toupper(*str++); *ptr = '\0'; return (hptr); } Index: stable/10/usr.bin/rpcgen/rpc_svcout.c =================================================================== --- stable/10/usr.bin/rpcgen/rpc_svcout.c (revision 312385) +++ stable/10/usr.bin/rpcgen/rpc_svcout.c (revision 312386) @@ -1,1020 +1,1025 @@ /* * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or * program developed by the user. * * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. * * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, * modification or enhancement. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC * OR ANY PART THEREOF. * * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. * * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 2550 Garcia Avenue * Mountain View, California 94043 */ #if 0 #ifndef lint #ident "@(#)rpc_svcout.c 1.4 90/04/13 SMI" static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rpc_svcout.c 1.29 89/03/30 (C) 1987 SMI"; #endif #endif #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); /* * rpc_svcout.c, Server-skeleton outputter for the RPC protocol compiler * Copyright (C) 1987, Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ #include #include #include "rpc_parse.h" #include "rpc_scan.h" #include "rpc_util.h" static char RQSTP[] = "rqstp"; static char TRANSP[] = "transp"; static char ARG[] = "argument"; static char RESULT[] = "result"; static char ROUTINE[] = "local"; static char RETVAL[] = "retval"; static char _errbuf[256]; /* For all messages */ void internal_proctype( proc_list * ); static void write_real_program( definition * ); static void write_program(definition *, const char *); static void printerr(const char *, const char *); static void printif(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *); static void write_inetmost(const char *); static void print_return(const char *); static void print_pmapunset(const char *); static void print_err_message(const char *); static void write_timeout_func( void ); static void write_pm_most(const char *, int); static void write_rpc_svc_fg(const char *, const char *); static void open_log_file(const char *, const char *); static void write_msg_out( void ); static void p_xdrfunc(const char *rname, const char *typename) { f_print(fout, "\t\txdr_%s = (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s;\n", rname, stringfix(typename)); } void internal_proctype(proc_list *plist) { f_print(fout, "static "); ptype(plist->res_prefix, plist->res_type, 1); f_print(fout, "*"); } /* * write most of the service, that is, everything but the registrations. */ void write_most(const char *infile, int netflag, int nomain) { if (inetdflag || pmflag) { const char *var_type; var_type = (nomain? "extern" : "static"); f_print(fout, "%s int _rpcpmstart;", var_type); f_print(fout, "\t\t/* Started by a port monitor ? */\n"); if (!tirpcflag || tirpc_socket) { f_print(fout, "%s int _rpcfdtype;", var_type); f_print(fout, "\n\t\t /* Whether Stream or \ Datagram ? */\n"); } if (timerflag) { f_print(fout, " /* States a server can be in \ wrt request */\n\n"); f_print(fout, "#define\t_IDLE 0\n"); f_print(fout, "#define\t_SERVED 1\n"); f_print(fout, "#define\t_SERVING 2\n\n"); f_print(fout, "static int _rpcsvcstate = _IDLE;"); f_print(fout, "\t /* Set when a request is \ serviced */\n"); if (mtflag) { f_print(fout, "pthread_mutex_t _svcstate_lock;"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t/* Mutex lock for variable _rpcsvcstate */\n"); } } write_svc_aux(nomain); } /* write out dispatcher and stubs */ write_programs((char *)NULL); if (nomain) return; f_print(fout, "\nint\n"); f_print(fout, "main()\n"); f_print(fout, "{\n"); if (inetdflag) { write_inetmost(infile); /* Includes call to write_rpc_svc_fg() */ } else { if (tirpcflag) { if (netflag) { f_print(fout, "\tregister SVCXPRT *%s;\n", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\tstruct netconfig *nconf = NULL;\n"); } f_print(fout, "\tpid_t pid;\n"); f_print(fout, "\tint i;\n"); if (pmflag) { if (tirpc_socket) { f_print(fout, "\tstruct sockaddr_storage saddr;\n"); f_print(fout, "\tsocklen_t asize = sizeof (saddr);\n\n"); } else f_print(fout, "\tchar mname[FMNAMESZ + 1];\n\n"); } if (mtflag & timerflag) f_print(fout, "\tmutex_init(&_svcstate_lock, USYNC_THREAD, NULL);\n"); if (pmflag) { write_pm_most(infile, netflag); f_print(fout, "\telse {\n"); write_rpc_svc_fg(infile, "\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); } else write_rpc_svc_fg(infile, "\t\t"); } else { f_print(fout, "\tregister SVCXPRT *%s;\n", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\n"); print_pmapunset("\t"); } } if (logflag && !inetdflag) { open_log_file(infile, "\t"); } } /* * write a registration for the given transport */ void write_netid_register(const char *transp) { list *l; definition *def; version_list *vp; const char *sp; char tmpbuf[32]; sp = ""; f_print(fout, "\n"); f_print(fout, "%s\tnconf = getnetconfigent(\"%s\");\n", sp, transp); f_print(fout, "%s\tif (nconf == NULL) {\n", sp); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "cannot find %s netid.", transp); sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s\t\t", sp); print_err_message(tmpbuf); f_print(fout, "%s\t\texit(1);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\t}\n", sp); if (tirpcflag) { f_print(fout, "%s\t%s = svc_tli_create(RPC_ANYFD, ", sp, TRANSP); f_print(fout,"nconf, 0, RPC_MAXDATASIZE, RPC_MAXDATASIZE);\n"); } else { f_print(fout, "%s\t%s = svc_tli_create(RPC_ANYFD, nconf, 0, 0, 0);\n", sp, TRANSP); } f_print(fout, "%s\tif (%s == NULL) {\n", sp, TRANSP); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "cannot create %s service.", transp); print_err_message(tmpbuf); f_print(fout, "%s\t\texit(1);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\t}\n", sp); for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind != DEF_PROGRAM) { continue; } for (vp = def->; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "%s\t(void) rpcb_unset(%s, %s, nconf);\n", sp, def->def_name, vp->vers_name); f_print(fout, "%s\tif (!svc_reg(%s, %s, %s, ", sp, TRANSP, def->def_name, vp->vers_name); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, ", nconf)) {\n"); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "unable to register (%s, %s, %s).", def->def_name, vp->vers_name, transp); print_err_message(tmpbuf); f_print(fout, "%s\t\texit(1);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\t}\n", sp); } } f_print(fout, "%s\tfreenetconfigent(nconf);\n", sp); } /* * write a registration for the given transport for TLI */ void write_nettype_register(const char *transp) { list *l; definition *def; version_list *vp; for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind != DEF_PROGRAM) { continue; } for (vp = def->; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "\tif (!svc_create("); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, ", %s, %s, \"%s\")) {\n", def->def_name, vp->vers_name, transp); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "unable to create (%s, %s) for %s.", def->def_name, vp->vers_name, transp); print_err_message("\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); } } } /* * write the rest of the service */ void write_rest(void) { f_print(fout, "\n"); if (inetdflag) { f_print(fout, "\tif (%s == (SVCXPRT *)NULL) {\n", TRANSP); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "could not create a handle"); print_err_message("\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); if (timerflag) { f_print(fout, "\tif (_rpcpmstart) {\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t(void) signal(SIGALRM, closedown);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t(void) \ alarm(_RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN/2);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); } } f_print(fout, "\tsvc_run();\n"); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "svc_run returned"); print_err_message("\t"); f_print(fout, "\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t/* NOTREACHED */\n"); f_print(fout, "}\n"); } void write_programs(const char *storage) { list *l; definition *def; /* write out stubs for procedure definitions */ for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM) { write_real_program(def); } } /* write out dispatcher for each program */ for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM) { write_program(def, storage); } } } /* * write out definition of internal function (e.g. _printmsg_1(...)) * which calls server's definition of actual function (e.g. printmsg_1(...)). * Unpacks single user argument of printmsg_1 to call-by-value format * expected by printmsg_1. */ static void write_real_program(definition *def) { version_list *vp; proc_list *proc; decl_list *l; if (!newstyle) return; /* not needed for old style */ for (vp = def->; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { for (proc = vp->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { f_print(fout, "\n"); if (!mtflag) internal_proctype(proc); else f_print(fout, "int"); f_print(fout, "\n_"); pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "("); /* arg name */ if (proc->arg_num > 1) fputs(proc->args.argname, fout); else ptype(proc->args.decls->decl.prefix, proc->args.decls->decl.type, 0); if (mtflag) { f_print(fout, " *argp, void *%s, struct svc_req *%s)\n", RESULT, RQSTP); } else f_print(fout, " *argp, struct svc_req *%s)\n", RQSTP); f_print(fout, "{\n"); f_print(fout, "\treturn ("); pvname_svc(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "("); if (proc->arg_num < 2) { /* single argument */ if (!streq(proc->args.decls->decl.type, "void")) f_print(fout, "*argp, "); /* non-void */ } else { for (l = proc->args.decls; l != NULL; l = l->next) f_print(fout, "argp->%s, ", l->; } if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "%s, ",RESULT); f_print(fout, "%s));\n}\n", RQSTP); } } } static void write_program(definition *def, const char *storage) { version_list *vp; proc_list *proc; int filled; for (vp = def->; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "\n"); if (storage != NULL) { f_print(fout, "%s ", storage); } f_print(fout, "void\n"); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "(struct svc_req *%s, ", RQSTP); f_print(fout, "SVCXPRT *%s)\n", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "{\n"); filled = 0; f_print(fout, "\tunion {\n"); for (proc = vp->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { if (proc->arg_num < 2) { /* single argument */ if (streq(proc->args.decls->decl.type, "void")) { continue; } filled = 1; f_print(fout, "\t\t"); ptype(proc->args.decls->decl.prefix, proc->args.decls->decl.type, 0); pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "_arg;\n"); } else { filled = 1; f_print(fout, "\t\t%s", proc->args.argname); f_print(fout, " "); pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "_arg;\n"); } } if (!filled) { f_print(fout, "\t\tint fill;\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t} %s;\n", ARG); if (mtflag) { f_print(fout, "\tunion {\n"); for (proc = vp->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { if (streq(proc->res_type, "void")) { continue; } f_print(fout, "\t\t"); ptype(proc->res_prefix, proc->res_type, 0); pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, "_res;\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t} %s;\n", RESULT); f_print(fout, "\tbool_t %s;\n", RETVAL); } else f_print(fout, "\tchar *%s;\n", RESULT); f_print(fout, "\txdrproc_t xdr_%s, xdr_%s;\n", ARG, RESULT); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\tbool_t (*%s)(char *, void *, struct svc_req *);\n", ROUTINE); else f_print(fout, "\tchar *(*%s)(char *, struct svc_req *);\n", ROUTINE); f_print(fout, "\n"); if (timerflag) { if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\tpthread_mutex_lock(&_svcstate_lock);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t_rpcsvcstate = _SERVING;\n"); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\tpthread_mutex_unlock(&_svcstate_lock);\n"); } f_print(fout, "\tswitch (%s->rq_proc) {\n", RQSTP); if (!nullproc(vp->procs)) { f_print(fout, "\tcase NULLPROC:\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t(void) svc_sendreply(%s,\n\t\t\t" "(xdrproc_t) xdr_void, (char *)NULL);\n", TRANSP); print_return("\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\n"); } for (proc = vp->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { f_print(fout, "\tcase %s:\n", proc->proc_name); if (proc->arg_num < 2) { /* single argument */ p_xdrfunc(ARG, proc->args.decls->decl.type); } else { p_xdrfunc(ARG, proc->args.argname); } p_xdrfunc(RESULT, proc->res_type); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\t\t%s = (bool_t (*) (char *, void *, struct svc_req *))", ROUTINE); else f_print(fout, "\t\t%s = (char *(*)(char *, struct svc_req *)) ", ROUTINE); if (newstyle) { /* new style: calls internal routine */ f_print(fout, "_"); } if (!newstyle) pvname_svc(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); else pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, ";\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tbreak;\n\n"); } f_print(fout, "\tdefault:\n"); printerr("noproc", TRANSP); print_return("\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); f_print(fout, "\t(void) memset((char *)&%s, 0, sizeof (%s));\n", ARG, ARG); printif("getargs", TRANSP, "(caddr_t) &", ARG); printerr("decode", TRANSP); print_return("\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); if (!mtflag) f_print(fout, "\t%s = (*%s)((char *)&%s, %s);\n", RESULT, ROUTINE, ARG, RQSTP); else f_print(fout, "\t%s = (bool_t) (*%s)((char *)&%s, (void *)&%s, %s);\n", RETVAL, ROUTINE, ARG, RESULT, RQSTP); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\tif (%s > 0 && !svc_sendreply(%s, xdr_%s, (char *)&%s)) {\n", RETVAL, TRANSP, RESULT, RESULT); else f_print(fout, "\tif (%s != NULL && !svc_sendreply(%s, xdr_%s, %s)) {\n", RESULT, TRANSP, RESULT, RESULT); printerr("systemerr", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); printif("freeargs", TRANSP, "(caddr_t) &", ARG); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "unable to free arguments"); print_err_message("\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); /* print out free routine */ if (mtflag) { f_print(fout,"\tif (!"); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout,"_freeresult(%s, xdr_%s, (caddr_t) &%s))\n", TRANSP, RESULT, RESULT); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "unable to free results"); print_err_message("\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\n"); }; print_return("\t"); f_print(fout, "}\n"); } } static void printerr(const char *err, const char *transp) { f_print(fout, "\t\tsvcerr_%s(%s);\n", err, transp); } static void printif(const char *proc, const char *transp, const char *prefix, const char *arg) { f_print(fout, "\tif (!svc_%s(%s, xdr_%s, (char *)%s%s)) {\n", proc, transp, arg, prefix, arg); } int nullproc(proc_list *proc) { for (; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { if (streq(proc->proc_num, "0")) { return (1); } } return (0); } static void write_inetmost(const char *infile) { f_print(fout, "\tregister SVCXPRT *%s;\n", TRANSP); f_print(fout, "\tint sock;\n"); f_print(fout, "\tint proto;\n"); f_print(fout, "\tstruct sockaddr_in saddr;\n"); f_print(fout, "\tsocklen_t asize = sizeof (saddr);\n"); f_print(fout, "\n"); f_print(fout, "\tif (getsockname(0, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, &asize) == 0) {\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tsocklen_t ssize = sizeof (int);\n\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tif (saddr.sin_family != AF_INET)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tif (getsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE,\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t\t(char *)&_rpcfdtype, &ssize) == -1)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tsock = 0;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t_rpcpmstart = 1;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tproto = 0;\n"); open_log_file(infile, "\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t} else {\n"); write_rpc_svc_fg(infile, "\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t\tsock = RPC_ANYSOCK;\n"); print_pmapunset("\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); } static void print_return(const char *space) { if (exitnow) f_print(fout, "%sexit(0);\n", space); else { if (timerflag) { if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "%spthread_mutex_lock(&_svcstate_lock);\n", space); f_print(fout, "%s_rpcsvcstate = _SERVED;\n", space); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "%spthread_mutex_unlock(&_svcstate_lock);\n", space); } f_print(fout, "%sreturn;\n", space); } } static void print_pmapunset(const char *space) { list *l; definition *def; version_list *vp; for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM) { for (vp = def->; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "%s(void) pmap_unset(%s, %s);\n", space, def->def_name, vp->vers_name); } } } } static void print_err_message(const char *space) { if (logflag) f_print(fout, "%ssyslog(LOG_ERR, \"%s\");\n", space, _errbuf); else if (inetdflag || pmflag) f_print(fout, "%s_msgout(\"%s\");\n", space, _errbuf); else f_print(fout, "%sfprintf(stderr, \"%s\");\n", space, _errbuf); } /* * Write the server auxiliary function (_msgout, timeout) */ void write_svc_aux(int nomain) { if (!logflag) write_msg_out(); if (!nomain) write_timeout_func(); } /* * Write the _msgout function */ static void write_msg_out(void) { f_print(fout, "\n"); /* * Avoid making _msgout() static -- it's useful to have it visible * in the toplevel RPC server code. */ f_print(fout, "static\n"); f_print(fout, "void _msgout(const char* msg)\n"); f_print(fout, "{\n"); f_print(fout, "#ifdef RPC_SVC_FG\n"); if (inetdflag || pmflag) f_print(fout, "\tif (_rpcpmstart)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tsyslog(LOG_ERR, \"%%s\", msg);\n"); f_print(fout, "\telse\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t(void) fprintf(stderr, \"%%s\\n\", msg);\n"); f_print(fout, "#else\n"); f_print(fout, "\tsyslog(LOG_ERR, \"%%s\", msg);\n"); f_print(fout, "#endif\n"); f_print(fout, "}\n"); } /* * Write the timeout function */ static void write_timeout_func(void) { if (!timerflag) return; f_print(fout, "\n"); f_print(fout, "static void\n"); f_print(fout, "closedown(int sig)\n"); f_print(fout, "{\n"); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\tpthread_mutex_lock(&_svcstate_lock);\n"); f_print(fout, "\tif (_rpcsvcstate == _IDLE) {\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\textern fd_set svc_fdset;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tstatic int size;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tint i, openfd;\n"); if (tirpcflag && pmflag) { f_print(fout, "\t\tstruct t_info tinfo;\n\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tif (!t_getinfo(0, &tinfo) && (tinfo.servtype == T_CLTS))\n"); } else { f_print(fout, "\n\t\tif (_rpcfdtype == SOCK_DGRAM)\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t\t\texit(0);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tif (size == 0) {\n"); if (tirpcflag) { f_print(fout, "\t\t\tstruct rlimit rl;\n\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\trl.rlim_max = 0;\n"); - f_print(fout, "\t\t\tgetrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);\n"); + f_print(fout, "\t\t\tif (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) == -1)\n"); + f_print(fout, "\t\t\t\treturn;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\tif ((size = rl.rlim_max) == 0) {\n"); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\t\t\t\tpthread_mutex_unlock(&_svcstate_lock);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n"); } else { f_print(fout, "\t\t\tsize = getdtablesize();\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t\t}\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tfor (i = 0, openfd = 0; i < size && openfd < 2; i++)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\tif (FD_ISSET(i, &svc_fdset))\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t\topenfd++;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tif (openfd <= 1)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\texit(0);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); f_print(fout, "\tif (_rpcsvcstate == _SERVED)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t_rpcsvcstate = _IDLE;\n\n"); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\tpthread_mutex_unlock(&_svcstate_lock);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t(void) signal(SIGALRM, closedown);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t(void) alarm(_RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN/2);\n"); f_print(fout, "}\n"); } /* * Write the most of port monitor support */ static void write_pm_most(const char *infile, int netflag) { list *l; definition *def; version_list *vp; if (tirpc_socket) { f_print(fout, "\tif (getsockname(0, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, &asize) == 0) {\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tsocklen_t ssize = sizeof (int);\n"); } else { f_print(fout, "\tif (!ioctl(0, I_LOOK, mname) &&\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t(!strcmp(mname, \"sockmod\") ||"); f_print(fout, " !strcmp(mname, \"timod\"))) {\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t\tchar *netid;\n"); if (!netflag) { /* Not included by -n option */ f_print(fout, "\t\tstruct netconfig *nconf = NULL;\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tSVCXPRT *%s;\n", TRANSP); } if (timerflag) f_print(fout, "\t\tint pmclose;\n"); /* * Not necessary, defined in /usr/include/stdlib * f_print(fout, "\t\textern char *getenv();\n"); */ f_print(fout, "\n"); if (tirpc_socket) { f_print(fout, "\t\tif (saddr.ss_family != AF_INET &&\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t saddr.ss_family != AF_INET6)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tif (getsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE,\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t\t(char *)&_rpcfdtype, &ssize) == -1)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\texit(1);\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t\t_rpcpmstart = 1;\n"); open_log_file(infile, "\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\n\t\tif ((netid = \ getenv(\"NLSPROVIDER\")) == NULL) {\n"); if (timerflag) { f_print(fout, "\t\t/* started from inetd */\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\tpmclose = 1;\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t\t} else {\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\tif ((nconf = getnetconfigent(netid)) == NULL)\n"); sprintf(_errbuf, "cannot get transport info"); print_err_message("\t\t\t\t"); if (timerflag) { if (tirpc_socket) f_print(fout, "\n\t\t\tpmclose = 1;\t/* XXX */\n"); else f_print(fout, "\n\t\t\tpmclose = (t_getstate(0) != T_DATAXFER);\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t\t}\n"); /* * A kludgy support for inetd services. Inetd only works with * sockmod, and RPC works only with timod, hence all this jugglery */ if (!tirpc_socket) { f_print(fout, "\t\tif (strcmp(mname, \"sockmod\") == 0) {\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\tif (ioctl(0, I_POP, 0) || "); f_print(fout, "ioctl(0, I_PUSH, \"timod\")) {\n"); sprintf(_errbuf, "could not get the right module"); print_err_message("\t\t\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t}\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t}\n"); } if (tirpcflag) { f_print(fout, "\t\tif ((%s = svc_tli_create(0, nconf, NULL, \ RPC_MAXDATASIZE, RPC_MAXDATASIZE)) \ == NULL) {\n", TRANSP); } else { f_print(fout, "\t\tif ((%s = svc_tli_create(0, nconf, NULL, 0, 0)) \ == NULL) {\n", TRANSP); } sprintf(_errbuf, "cannot create server handle"); print_err_message("\t\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t}\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\tif (nconf)\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\tfreenetconfigent(nconf);\n"); for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind != DEF_PROGRAM) { continue; } for (vp = def->; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "\t\tif (!svc_reg(%s, %s, %s, ", TRANSP, def->def_name, vp->vers_name); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); f_print(fout, ", 0)) {\n"); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "unable to register (%s, %s).", def->def_name, vp->vers_name); print_err_message("\t\t\t"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t}\n"); } } if (timerflag) { f_print(fout, "\t\tif (pmclose) {\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t(void) signal(SIGALRM, closedown);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t\t(void) alarm(_RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN/2);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t}\n"); } f_print(fout, "\t\tsvc_run();\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\texit(1);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t\t/* NOTREACHED */\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}"); } /* * Support for backgrounding the server if self started. */ static void write_rpc_svc_fg(const char *infile, const char *sp) { f_print(fout, "#ifndef RPC_SVC_FG\n"); f_print(fout, "%sint size;\n", sp); if (tirpcflag) f_print(fout, "%sstruct rlimit rl;\n", sp); if (inetdflag) f_print(fout, "%sint pid, i;\n\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%spid = fork();\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%sif (pid < 0) {\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\tperror(\"cannot fork\");\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\texit(1);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s}\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%sif (pid)\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\texit(0);\n", sp); /* get number of file descriptors */ if (tirpcflag) { f_print(fout, "%srl.rlim_max = 0;\n", sp); - f_print(fout, "%sgetrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);\n", sp); + f_print(fout, "%sif (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) == -1) {\n", + sp); + f_print(fout, "%s\tperror(\"getrlimit\");\n", sp); + f_print(fout, "%s\texit(1);\n", sp); + f_print(fout, "%s}\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%sif ((size = rl.rlim_max) == 0)\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\texit(1);\n", sp); } else { f_print(fout, "%ssize = getdtablesize();\n", sp); } f_print(fout, "%sfor (i = 0; i < size; i++)\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\t(void) close(i);\n", sp); /* Redirect stderr and stdout to console */ f_print(fout, "%si = open(\"/dev/console\", 2);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s(void) dup2(i, 1);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s(void) dup2(i, 2);\n", sp); /* This removes control of the controlling terminal */ if (tirpcflag) f_print(fout, "%ssetsid();\n", sp); else { f_print(fout, "%si = open(\"/dev/tty\", 2);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%sif (i >= 0) {\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\t(void) ioctl(i, TIOCNOTTY, (char *)NULL);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\t(void) close(i);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s}\n", sp); } if (!logflag) open_log_file(infile, sp); f_print(fout, "#endif\n"); if (logflag) open_log_file(infile, sp); } static void open_log_file(const char *infile, const char *sp) { char *s; s = strrchr(infile, '.'); if (s) *s = '\0'; f_print(fout, "%sopenlog(\"%s\", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);\n", sp, infile); if (s) *s = '.'; } /* * write a registration for the given transport for Inetd */ void write_inetd_register(const char *transp) { list *l; definition *def; version_list *vp; const char *sp; int isudp; char tmpbuf[32]; if (inetdflag) sp = "\t"; else sp = ""; if (streq(transp, "udp")) isudp = 1; else isudp = 0; f_print(fout, "\n"); if (inetdflag) { f_print(fout, "\tif ((_rpcfdtype == 0) || (_rpcfdtype == %s)) {\n", isudp ? "SOCK_DGRAM" : "SOCK_STREAM"); } f_print(fout, "%s\t%s = svc%s_create(%s", sp, TRANSP, transp, inetdflag? "sock": "RPC_ANYSOCK"); if (!isudp) f_print(fout, ", 0, 0"); f_print(fout, ");\n"); f_print(fout, "%s\tif (%s == NULL) {\n", sp, TRANSP); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "cannot create %s service.", transp); (void) sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s\t\t", sp); print_err_message(tmpbuf); f_print(fout, "%s\t\texit(1);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\t}\n", sp); if (inetdflag) { f_print(fout, "%s\tif (!_rpcpmstart)\n\t", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\tproto = IPPROTO_%s;\n", sp, isudp ? "UDP": "TCP"); } for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind != DEF_PROGRAM) { continue; } for (vp = def->; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { f_print(fout, "%s\tif (!svc_register(%s, %s, %s, ", sp, TRANSP, def->def_name, vp->vers_name); pvname(def->def_name, vp->vers_num); if (inetdflag) f_print(fout, ", proto)) {\n"); else f_print(fout, ", IPPROTO_%s)) {\n", isudp ? "UDP": "TCP"); (void) sprintf(_errbuf, "unable to register (%s, %s, %s).", def->def_name, vp->vers_name, transp); print_err_message(tmpbuf); f_print(fout, "%s\t\texit(1);\n", sp); f_print(fout, "%s\t}\n", sp); } } if (inetdflag) f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); } Index: stable/10 =================================================================== --- stable/10 (revision 312385) +++ stable/10 (revision 312386) Property changes on: stable/10 ___________________________________________________________________ Modified: svn:mergeinfo ## -0,0 +0,1 ## Merged /head:r311947,311981