Index: head/sys/arm/conf/ALLWINNER =================================================================== --- head/sys/arm/conf/ALLWINNER (revision 305504) +++ head/sys/arm/conf/ALLWINNER (revision 305505) @@ -1,132 +1,135 @@ # # ALLWINNER -- Custom configuration for the Allwinner A20, A31, A31S, A83T, # and H3 ARM SoCs. # # For more information on this file, please read the config(5) manual page, # and/or the handbook section on Kernel Configuration Files: # # # # The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook # if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the # FreeBSD World Wide Web server ( for the # latest information. # # An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the # device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files. # If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first # in NOTES. # # $FreeBSD$ ident ALLWINNER include "std.armv6" include "../allwinner/std.allwinner" options INTRNG options SOC_ALLWINNER_A20 options SOC_ALLWINNER_A31 options SOC_ALLWINNER_A31S options SOC_ALLWINNER_A83T options SOC_ALLWINNER_H3 options SCHED_ULE # ULE scheduler options SMP # Enable multiple cores options PLATFORM options PLATFORM_SMP options MULTIDELAY # NFS root from boopt/dhcp #options BOOTP #options BOOTP_NFSROOT #options BOOTP_COMPAT #options BOOTP_NFSV3 #options BOOTP_WIRED_TO=dwc0 # EXT_RESOURCES pseudo devices options EXT_RESOURCES device clk device phy device hwreset device regulator +# CPU frequency control +device cpufreq + # Interrupt controller device gic # ARM Generic Timer device generic_timer # MMC/SD/SDIO Card slot support device mmc # mmc/sd bus device mmcsd # mmc/sd flash cards # ATA controllers device ahci # AHCI-compatible SATA controllers #device ata # Legacy ATA/SATA controllers # Console and misc device uart device uart_snps device pty device snp device md device random # Entropy device # I2C support device iicbus device iic device twsi device rsb device axp209 # AXP209 Power Management Unit device axp81x # AXP813/818 Power Management Unit device sy8106a # SY8106A Buck Regulator # GPIO device gpio device gpioled device scbus # SCSI bus (required for ATA/SCSI) device da # Direct Access (disks) device pass # Passthrough device (direct ATA/SCSI access) # USB support options USB_HOST_ALIGN=64 # Align usb buffers to cache line size. device usb #device uhci device ohci device ehci device umass # Ethernet device loop device ether device mii device bpf #device emac # 10/100 integrated EMAC controller device dwc # 10/100/1000 integrated GMAC controller device awg # 10/100/1000 integrated EMAC controller # USB ethernet support, requires miibus device miibus # Sound support device sound # Framebuffer support device vt device kbdmux device ums device ukbd device videomode device hdmi # Pinmux device fdt_pinctrl # Flattened Device Tree options FDT # Configure using FDT/DTB data makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA=dtb/allwinner Index: head/sys/conf/files.arm =================================================================== --- head/sys/conf/files.arm (revision 305504) +++ head/sys/conf/files.arm (revision 305505) @@ -1,145 +1,146 @@ # $FreeBSD$ arm/arm/autoconf.c standard arm/arm/bcopy_page.S standard arm/arm/bcopyinout.S standard arm/arm/blockio.S standard arm/arm/bus_space_asm_generic.S standard arm/arm/bus_space_base.c optional fdt arm/arm/bus_space_generic.c standard arm/arm/busdma_machdep-v4.c optional !armv6 arm/arm/busdma_machdep-v6.c optional armv6 arm/arm/copystr.S standard arm/arm/cpufunc.c standard arm/arm/cpufunc_asm.S standard arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_arm9.S optional cpu_arm9 | cpu_arm9e arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_arm11.S optional cpu_arm1176 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_arm11x6.S optional cpu_arm1176 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv4.S optional cpu_arm9 | cpu_arm9e | cpu_fa526 | cpu_xscale_pxa2x0 | cpu_xscale_ixp425 | cpu_xscale_81342 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv5_ec.S optional cpu_arm9e arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv6.S optional cpu_arm1176 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv7.S optional cpu_cortexa | cpu_krait | cpu_mv_pj4b arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_fa526.S optional cpu_fa526 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_pj4b.S optional cpu_mv_pj4b arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_sheeva.S optional cpu_arm9e arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_xscale.S optional cpu_xscale_pxa2x0 | cpu_xscale_ixp425 | cpu_xscale_81342 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_xscale_c3.S optional cpu_xscale_81342 arm/arm/cpuinfo.c standard arm/arm/cpu_asm-v6.S optional armv6 arm/arm/db_disasm.c optional ddb arm/arm/db_interface.c optional ddb arm/arm/db_trace.c optional ddb arm/arm/debug_monitor.c optional ddb armv6 arm/arm/disassem.c optional ddb arm/arm/dump_machdep.c standard arm/arm/elf_machdep.c standard arm/arm/elf_note.S standard arm/arm/exception.S standard arm/arm/fiq.c standard arm/arm/fiq_subr.S standard arm/arm/fusu.S standard arm/arm/gdb_machdep.c optional gdb arm/arm/generic_timer.c optional generic_timer arm/arm/gic.c optional gic arm/arm/gic_fdt.c optional gic fdt arm/arm/hdmi_if.m optional hdmi arm/arm/identcpu.c standard arm/arm/in_cksum.c optional inet | inet6 arm/arm/in_cksum_arm.S optional inet | inet6 arm/arm/intr.c optional !intrng kern/subr_intr.c optional intrng arm/arm/locore.S standard no-obj arm/arm/machdep.c standard arm/arm/machdep_intr.c standard arm/arm/mem.c optional mem arm/arm/minidump_machdep.c optional mem arm/arm/mp_machdep.c optional smp arm/arm/mpcore_timer.c optional mpcore_timer arm/arm/nexus.c standard arm/arm/ofw_machdep.c optional fdt arm/arm/physmem.c standard arm/arm/pl190.c optional pl190 arm/arm/pl310.c optional pl310 arm/arm/platform.c optional platform arm/arm/platform_if.m optional platform arm/arm/pmap-v4.c optional !armv6 arm/arm/pmap-v6.c optional armv6 arm/arm/pmu.c optional pmu | fdt hwpmc arm/arm/sc_machdep.c optional sc arm/arm/setcpsr.S standard arm/arm/setstack.s standard arm/arm/stack_machdep.c optional ddb | stack arm/arm/stdatomic.c standard \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C:N-Wmissing-prototypes}" arm/arm/support.S standard arm/arm/swtch.S standard arm/arm/swtch-v4.S optional !armv6 arm/arm/swtch-v6.S optional armv6 arm/arm/sys_machdep.c standard arm/arm/syscall.c standard arm/arm/trap-v4.c optional !armv6 arm/arm/trap-v6.c optional armv6 arm/arm/uio_machdep.c standard arm/arm/undefined.c standard arm/arm/unwind.c optional ddb | kdtrace_hooks arm/arm/vm_machdep.c standard arm/arm/vfp.c standard board_id.h standard \ dependency "$S/arm/conf/genboardid.awk $S/arm/conf/mach-types" \ compile-with "${AWK} -f $S/arm/conf/genboardid.awk $S/arm/conf/mach-types > board_id.h" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "board_id.h" cddl/compat/opensolaris/kern/opensolaris_atomic.c optional zfs | dtrace compile-with "${CDDL_C}" cddl/dev/dtrace/arm/dtrace_asm.S optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_S}" cddl/dev/dtrace/arm/dtrace_subr.c optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_C}" cddl/dev/fbt/arm/fbt_isa.c optional dtrace_fbt | dtraceall compile-with "${FBT_C}" crypto/blowfish/bf_enc.c optional crypto | ipsec crypto/des/des_enc.c optional crypto | ipsec | netsmb +dev/cpufreq/cpufreq_dt.c optional cpufreq fdt dev/dwc/if_dwc.c optional dwc dev/dwc/if_dwc_if.m optional dwc dev/fb/fb.c optional sc dev/fdt/fdt_arm_platform.c optional platform fdt dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_arm.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_armv7.c optional hwpmc armv6 dev/iicbus/twsi/twsi.c optional twsi dev/ofw/ofw_cpu.c optional fdt dev/ofw/ofwpci.c optional fdt pci dev/pci/pci_host_generic.c optional pci_host_generic pci fdt dev/psci/psci.c optional psci dev/psci/psci_arm.S optional psci dev/syscons/scgfbrndr.c optional sc dev/syscons/scterm-teken.c optional sc dev/syscons/scvtb.c optional sc dev/uart/uart_cpu_fdt.c optional uart fdt font.h optional sc \ compile-with "uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_16[16*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16 > font.h && uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_14[14*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14 >> font.h && uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_8[8*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8 >> font.h" \ no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \ clean "font.h ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14 ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16 ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8" kern/msi_if.m optional intrng kern/pic_if.m optional intrng kern/subr_busdma_bufalloc.c standard kern/subr_devmap.c standard kern/subr_sfbuf.c standard libkern/arm/aeabi_unwind.c standard libkern/arm/divsi3.S standard libkern/arm/ffs.S standard libkern/arm/ldivmod.S standard libkern/arm/ldivmod_helper.c standard libkern/arm/memclr.S standard libkern/arm/memcpy.S standard libkern/arm/memset.S standard libkern/arm/muldi3.c standard libkern/ashldi3.c standard libkern/ashrdi3.c standard libkern/divdi3.c standard libkern/ffsl.c standard libkern/ffsll.c standard libkern/fls.c standard libkern/flsl.c standard libkern/flsll.c standard libkern/lshrdi3.c standard libkern/moddi3.c standard libkern/qdivrem.c standard libkern/ucmpdi2.c standard libkern/udivdi3.c standard libkern/umoddi3.c standard