Index: head/share/timedef/af_ZA.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/af_ZA.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/af_ZA.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan. Feb. Mrt. -Apr +Apr. Mei -Jun -Jul -Aug -Sep -Okt -Nov -Des +Jun. +Jul. +Aug. +Sep. +Okt. +Nov. +Des. # # Long month names (as in a date) Januarie Februarie Maart April Mei Junie Julie Augustus September Oktober November Desember # # Short weekday names So Ma Di Wo Do Vr Sa # # Long weekday names Sondag Maandag Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrydag Saterdag # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%Y-%m-%d +%m/%d/%Y # # c_fmt -%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p +%a %b %e %X %Y # # AM/PM vm. nm. # # date_fmt -%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%a %b %e %X %Z %Y # # Long month names (without case ending) Januarie Februarie Maart April Mei Junie Julie Augustus September Oktober November Desember # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/am_ET.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/ar_JO.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/ar_MA.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/ar_SA.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/be_BY.CP1131.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/be_BY.CP1251.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/be_BY.ISO8859-5.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/be_BY.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/bg_BG.CP1251.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/bg_BG.CP1251.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/bg_BG.CP1251.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names . . . . . . . . # # Long month names (as in a date) # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y г. +%d.%m.%y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM .. .. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/bg_BG.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/ca_IT.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ca_IT.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ca_IT.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names gen. febr. mar abr. maig juny jul. ag. set. oct. nov. des. # # Long month names (as in a date) de gener de febrer de mar d'abril de maig de juny de juliol d'agost de setembre d'octubre de novembre de desembre # # Short weekday names dg. dl. dt. dc. dj. dv. ds. # # Long weekday names diumenge dilluns dimarts dimecres dijous divendres dissabte # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B de %Y, %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a. m. p. m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B de %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %e de %B de %Y, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) de gener de febrer de mar d'abril de maig de juny de juliol d'agost de setembre d'octubre de novembre de desembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ca_IT.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ca_IT.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ca_IT.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names gen. febr. març abr. maig juny jul. ag. set. oct. nov. des. # # Long month names (as in a date) de gener de febrer de març d’abril de maig de juny de juliol d’agost de setembre d’octubre de novembre de desembre # # Short weekday names dg. dl. dt. dc. dj. dv. ds. # # Long weekday names diumenge dilluns dimarts dimecres dijous divendres dissabte # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B de %Y, %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a. m. p. m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B de %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %e de %B de %Y, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) de gener de febrer de març d’abril de maig de juny de juliol d’agost de setembre d’octubre de novembre de desembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names led no be dub kv vn vc srp z j lis pro # # Long month names (as in a date) ledna nora bezna dubna kvtna ervna ervence srpna z jna listopadu prosince # # Short weekday names ne po t st t p so # # Long weekday names nedle pondl ter steda tvrtek ptek sobota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM dopoledne odpoledne # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e. %B %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) leden nor bezen duben kvten erven ervenec srpen z jen listopad prosinec # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/cs_CZ.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/cs_CZ.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/cs_CZ.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names led úno bře dub kvě čvn čvc srp zář říj lis pro # # Long month names (as in a date) ledna února března dubna května června července srpna září října listopadu prosince # # Short weekday names ne po út st čt pá so # # Long weekday names neděle pondělí úterý středa čtvrtek pátek sobota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM dopoledne odpoledne # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e. %B %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) leden únor březen duben květen červen červenec srpen září říjen listopad prosinec # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/da_DK.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/da_DK.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/da_DK.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mar. apr. maj jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar marts april maj juni juli august september oktober november december # # Short weekday names sn. man. tir. ons. tor. fre. lr. # # Long weekday names sndag mandag tirsdag onsdag torsdag fredag lrdag # # X_fmt -%H.%M.%S +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%Y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H.%M.%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H.%M.%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar marts april maj juni juli august september oktober november december # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/da_DK.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/da_DK.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/da_DK.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mar. apr. maj jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar marts april maj juni juli august september oktober november december # # Short weekday names søn. man. tir. ons. tor. fre. lør. # # Long weekday names søndag mandag tirsdag onsdag torsdag fredag lørdag # # X_fmt -%H.%M.%S +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%Y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H.%M.%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H.%M.%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar marts april maj juni juli august september oktober november december # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/de_AT.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/de_AT.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/de_AT.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jn. Feb. Mrz Apr. Mai Juni Juli Aug. Sep. Okt. Nov. Dez. # # Long month names (as in a date) Jnner Februar Mrz April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember # # Short weekday names So. Mo. Di. Mi. Do. Fr. Sa. # # Long weekday names Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y um %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM vorm. nachm. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y um %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) Jnner Februar Mrz April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/de_AT.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/de_AT.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/de_AT.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jän. Feb. März Apr. Mai Juni Juli Aug. Sep. Okt. Nov. Dez. # # Long month names (as in a date) Jänner Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember # # Short weekday names So. Mo. Di. Mi. Do. Fr. Sa. # # Long weekday names Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y um %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM vorm. nachm. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y um %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) Jänner Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/de_DE.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/de_DE.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/de_DE.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan. Feb. Mrz Apr. Mai Juni Juli Aug. Sep. Okt. Nov. Dez. # # Long month names (as in a date) Januar Februar Mrz April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember # # Short weekday names So. Mo. Di. Mi. Do. Fr. Sa. # # Long weekday names Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y um %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM vorm. nachm. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y um %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) Januar Februar Mrz April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/de_DE.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/de_DE.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/de_DE.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan. Feb. März Apr. Mai Juni Juli Aug. Sep. Okt. Nov. Dez. # # Long month names (as in a date) Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember # # Short weekday names So. Mo. Di. Mi. Do. Fr. Sa. # # Long weekday names Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y um %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM vorm. nachm. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y um %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/el_GR.ISO8859-7.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/el_GR.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/en_CA.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/en_CA.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/en_CA.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec # # Long month names (as in a date) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # Short weekday names Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # # Long weekday names Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%Y-%m-%d +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A, %B %e, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A, %B %e, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/en_GB.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/en_GB.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/en_GB.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec # # Long month names (as in a date) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # Short weekday names Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # # Long weekday names Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y at %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y at %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/en_IE.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/en_IE.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/en_IE.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec # # Long month names (as in a date) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # Short weekday names Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # # Long weekday names Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y at %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y at %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/en_PH.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/en_PH.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/en_PH.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec # # Long month names (as in a date) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # Short weekday names Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # # Long weekday names Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y at %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y at %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/en_SG.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/en_SG.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/en_SG.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec # # Long month names (as in a date) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # Short weekday names Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # # Long weekday names Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y at %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y at %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/en_US.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/en_US.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/en_US.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec # # Long month names (as in a date) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # Short weekday names Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # # Long weekday names Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%m/%d/%y +%m/%d/%Y # # c_fmt -%A, %B %e, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p +%a %b %e %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A, %B %e, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%a %b %e %X %Z %Y # # Long month names (without case ending) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/en_ZA.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/en_ZA.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/en_ZA.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec # # Long month names (as in a date) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # Short weekday names Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # # Long weekday names Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%Y/%m/%d +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%d %B %Y at %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%d %B %Y at %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) January February March April May June July August September October November December # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/es_AR.ISO8859-1.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/es_AR.ISO8859-1.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/es_AR.ISO8859-1.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ene. feb. mar. abr. may. jun. jul. ago. sept. oct. nov. dic. # # Long month names (as in a date) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # Short weekday names dom. lun. mar. mi. jue. vie. sb. # # Long weekday names domingo lunes martes mircoles jueves viernes sbado # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a. m. p. m. # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%A, %e de %B de %Y, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/es_CR.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/es_CR.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/es_CR.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ene. feb. mar. abr. may. jun. jul. ago. sept. oct. nov. dic. # # Long month names (as in a date) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # Short weekday names dom. lun. mar. mié. jue. vie. sáb. # # Long weekday names domingo lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a. m. p. m. # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%A, %e de %B de %Y, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/es_ES.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/es_ES.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/es_ES.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ene. feb. mar. abr. may. jun. jul. ago. sept. oct. nov. dic. # # Long month names (as in a date) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # Short weekday names dom. lun. mar. mi. jue. vie. sb. # # Long weekday names domingo lunes martes mircoles jueves viernes sbado # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a. m. p. m. # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %e de %B de %Y, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/es_ES.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/es_ES.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/es_ES.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ene. feb. mar. abr. may. jun. jul. ago. sept. oct. nov. dic. # # Long month names (as in a date) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # Short weekday names dom. lun. mar. mié. jue. vie. sáb. # # Long weekday names domingo lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a. m. p. m. # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %e de %B de %Y, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/es_MX.ISO8859-1.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/es_MX.ISO8859-1.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/es_MX.ISO8859-1.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names -ene -feb -mar -abr -may -jun -jul -ago -sep -oct -nov -dic +ene. +feb. +mar. +abr. +may. +jun. +jul. +ago. +sep. +oct. +nov. +dic. # # Long month names (as in a date) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # Short weekday names dom. lun. mar. mi. jue. vie. sb. # # Long weekday names domingo lunes martes mircoles jueves viernes sbado # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%A, %e de %B de %Y, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/es_MX.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/es_MX.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/es_MX.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ene feb mar abr may jun jul ago sep oct nov dic # # Long month names (as in a date) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # Short weekday names dom. lun. mar. mié. jue. vie. sáb. # # Long weekday names domingo lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %I:%M:%S %p +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y, %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%A, %e de %B de %Y, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/et_EE.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/et_EE.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/et_EE.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jaan veebr mrts apr mai juuni juuli aug sept okt nov dets # # Long month names (as in a date) jaanuar veebruar mrts aprill mai juuni juuli august september oktoober november detsember # # Short weekday names P E T K N R L # # Long weekday names phapev esmaspev teisipev kolmapev neljapev reede laupev # # X_fmt %H:%M.%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M.%S +%a %d %b %Y %X # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M.%S %Z +%a %d %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) jaanuar veebruar mrts aprill mai juuni juuli august september oktoober november detsember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/eu_ES.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/eu_ES.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/eu_ES.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names urt. ots. mar. api. mai. eka. uzt. abu. ira. urr. aza. abe. # # Long month names (as in a date) urtarrilak otsailak martxoak apirilak maiatzak ekainak uztailak abuztuak irailak urriak azaroak abenduak # # Short weekday names ig. al. ar. az. og. or. lr. # # Long weekday names igandea astelehena asteartea asteazkena osteguna ostirala larunbata # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y(e)ko %B %e %H:%M:%S (%Z) +%Y - %b - %e %a %X # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%Y(e)ko %B %e %H:%M:%S (%Z) +%Y(e)ko %B-ren %ea, %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) urtarrilak otsailak martxoak apirilak maiatzak ekainak uztailak abuztuak irailak urriak azaroak abenduak # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fi_FI.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fi_FI.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fi_FI.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names tammikuuta helmikuuta maaliskuuta huhtikuuta toukokuuta keskuuta heinkuuta elokuuta syyskuuta lokakuuta marraskuuta joulukuuta # # Long month names (as in a date) tammikuuta helmikuuta maaliskuuta huhtikuuta toukokuuta keskuuta heinkuuta elokuuta syyskuuta lokakuuta marraskuuta joulukuuta # # Short weekday names su ma ti ke to pe la # # Long weekday names sunnuntaina maanantaina tiistaina keskiviikkona torstaina perjantaina lauantaina # # X_fmt -%H.%M.%S +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y klo %H.%M.%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM ap. ip. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y klo %H.%M.%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) tammikuuta helmikuuta maaliskuuta huhtikuuta toukokuuta keskuuta heinkuuta elokuuta syyskuuta lokakuuta marraskuuta joulukuuta # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fi_FI.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fi_FI.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fi_FI.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names tammikuuta helmikuuta maaliskuuta huhtikuuta toukokuuta kesäkuuta heinäkuuta elokuuta syyskuuta lokakuuta marraskuuta joulukuuta # # Long month names (as in a date) tammikuuta helmikuuta maaliskuuta huhtikuuta toukokuuta kesäkuuta heinäkuuta elokuuta syyskuuta lokakuuta marraskuuta joulukuuta # # Short weekday names su ma ti ke to pe la # # Long weekday names sunnuntaina maanantaina tiistaina keskiviikkona torstaina perjantaina lauantaina # # X_fmt -%H.%M.%S +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y klo %H.%M.%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM ap. ip. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y klo %H.%M.%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) tammikuuta helmikuuta maaliskuuta huhtikuuta toukokuuta kesäkuuta heinäkuuta elokuuta syyskuuta lokakuuta marraskuuta joulukuuta # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fr_BE.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fr_BE.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fr_BE.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. fvr. mars avr. mai juin juil. aot sept. oct. nov. dc. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre # # Short weekday names dim. lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. # # Long weekday names dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fr_BE.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fr_BE.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fr_BE.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. févr. mars avr. mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre # # Short weekday names dim. lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. # # Long weekday names dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fr_CA.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fr_CA.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fr_CA.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. fvr. mars avr. mai juin juil. aot sept. oct. nov. dc. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre # # Short weekday names dim. lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. # # Long weekday names dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%y-%m-%d +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fr_CA.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fr_CA.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fr_CA.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. févr. mars avr. mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre # # Short weekday names dim. lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. # # Long weekday names dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%y-%m-%d +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fr_CH.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fr_CH.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fr_CH.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. fvr. mars avr. mai juin juil. aot sept. oct. nov. dc. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre # # Short weekday names dim. lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. # # Long weekday names dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fr_CH.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fr_CH.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fr_CH.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. févr. mars avr. mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre # # Short weekday names dim. lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. # # Long weekday names dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fr_FR.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fr_FR.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fr_FR.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. fvr. mars avr. mai juin juil. aot sept. oct. nov. dc. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre # # Short weekday names dim. lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. # # Long weekday names dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%Y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/fr_FR.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/fr_FR.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/fr_FR.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. févr. mars avr. mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre # # Short weekday names dim. lun. mar. mer. jeu. ven. sam. # # Long weekday names dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%Y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/he_IL.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/hi_IN.ISCII-DEV.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/hi_IN.ISCII-DEV.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/hi_IN.ISCII-DEV.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Ƒ ϑ ̧ ё ‘ ޑ ԑ ב # # Long month names (as in a date) ̧ ڧ ¢ Ԣ ע # # Short weekday names ̢ ݳ # # Long weekday names ̢ ݳ # # X_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p +%H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p +%a %b %e %X %Y # # AM/PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z +%a %b %e %X %Z %Y # # Long month names (without case ending) ̧ ڧ ¢ Ԣ ע # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/hi_IN.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/hr_HR.ISO8859-2.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/hr_HR.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/hr_HR.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names sij velj ou tra svi lip srp kol ruj lis stu pro # # Long month names (as in a date) sijenja veljae oujka travnja svibnja lipnja srpnja kolovoza rujna listopada studenoga prosinca # # Short weekday names ned pon uto sri et pet sub # # Long weekday names nedjelja ponedjeljak utorak srijeda etvrtak petak subota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%Y. +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y. u %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y. u %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) sijenja veljae oujka travnja svibnja lipnja srpnja kolovoza rujna listopada studenoga prosinca # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/hr_HR.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/hr_HR.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/hr_HR.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names sij velj ožu tra svi lip srp kol ruj lis stu pro # # Long month names (as in a date) siječnja veljače ožujka travnja svibnja lipnja srpnja kolovoza rujna listopada studenoga prosinca # # Short weekday names ned pon uto sri čet pet sub # # Long weekday names nedjelja ponedjeljak utorak srijeda četvrtak petak subota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%Y. +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y. u %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y. u %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) siječnja veljače ožujka travnja svibnja lipnja srpnja kolovoza rujna listopada studenoga prosinca # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/hu_HU.ISO8859-2.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/hu_HU.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/hu_HU.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. febr. mrc. pr. mj. jn. jl. aug. szept. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) janur februr mrcius prilis mjus jnius jlius augusztus szeptember oktber november december # # Short weekday names V H K Sze Cs P Szo # # Long weekday names vasrnap htf kedd szerda cstrtk pntek szombat # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%Y. %m. %d. +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y. %B %e. %H:%M:%S +%a %b %e %X %Y # # AM/PM de. du. # # date_fmt -%Y. %B %e. %H:%M:%S %Z +%Y %b %e %a %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janur februr mrcius prilis mjus jnius jlius augusztus szeptember oktber november december # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p %I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/hu_HU.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/hu_HU.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/hu_HU.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. febr. márc. ápr. máj. jún. júl. aug. szept. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) január február március április május június július augusztus szeptember október november december # # Short weekday names V H K Sze Cs P Szo # # Long weekday names vasárnap hétfő kedd szerda csütörtök péntek szombat # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%Y. %m. %d. +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y. %B %e. %H:%M:%S +%a %b %e %X %Y # # AM/PM de. du. # # date_fmt -%Y. %B %e. %H:%M:%S %Z +%Y %b %e %a %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) január február március április május június július augusztus szeptember október november december # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p %I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/hy_AM.ARMSCII-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/hy_AM.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/is_IS.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/is_IS.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/is_IS.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mar. apr. ma jn. jl. g. sep. okt. nv. des. # # Long month names (as in a date) janar febrar mars aprl ma jn jl gst september oktber nvember desember # # Short weekday names sun. mn. ri. mi. fim. fs. lau. # # Long weekday names sunnudagur mnudagur rijudagur mivikudagur fimmtudagur fstudagur laugardagur # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM f.h. e.h. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janar febrar mars aprl ma jn jl gst september oktber nvember desember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/is_IS.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/is_IS.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/is_IS.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mar. apr. maí jún. júl. ágú. sep. okt. nóv. des. # # Long month names (as in a date) janúar febrúar mars apríl maí júní júlí ágúst september október nóvember desember # # Short weekday names sun. mán. þri. mið. fim. fös. lau. # # Long weekday names sunnudagur mánudagur þriðjudagur miðvikudagur fimmtudagur föstudagur laugardagur # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM f.h. e.h. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janúar febrúar mars apríl maí júní júlí ágúst september október nóvember desember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/it_CH.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/it_CH.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/it_CH.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic # # Long month names (as in a date) gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre # # Short weekday names dom lun mar mer gio ven sab # # Long weekday names domenica luned marted mercoled gioved venerd sabato # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/it_CH.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/it_CH.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/it_CH.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic # # Long month names (as in a date) gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre # # Short weekday names dom lun mar mer gio ven sab # # Long weekday names domenica lunedì martedì mercoledì giovedì venerdì sabato # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/it_IT.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/it_IT.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/it_IT.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic # # Long month names (as in a date) gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre # # Short weekday names dom lun mar mer gio ven sab # # Long weekday names domenica luned marted mercoled gioved venerd sabato # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/it_IT.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/it_IT.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/it_IT.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic # # Long month names (as in a date) gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre # # Short weekday names dom lun mar mer gio ven sab # # Long weekday names domenica lunedì martedì mercoledì giovedì venerdì sabato # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM AM PM # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ja_JP.SJIS.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ja_JP.SJIS.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ja_JP.SJIS.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # Long month names (as in a date) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # Short weekday names y # # Long weekday names j j Ηj j ؗj j yj # # X_fmt -%H:%M:%S +%H%M%Sb # # x_fmt %Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%YN%m%e %H:%M:%S +%a %_m/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM ߑO ߌ # # date_fmt -%YN%m%e %A %H:%M:%S %Z +%YN %B%e %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ja_JP.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ja_JP.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ja_JP.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # Long month names (as in a date) 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # Short weekday names 日 月 火 水 木 金 土 # # Long weekday names 日曜日 月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日 土曜日 # # X_fmt -%H:%M:%S +%H時%M分%S秒 # # x_fmt %Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y年%m月%e日 %A %H:%M:%S +%a %_m/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM 午前 午後 # # date_fmt -%Y年%m月%e日 %A %H:%M:%S %Z +%Y年 %B%e日 %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ja_JP.eucJP.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ja_JP.eucJP.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ja_JP.eucJP.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # Long month names (as in a date) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names # # X_fmt -%H:%M:%S +%H%Mʬ%S # # x_fmt %Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Yǯ%m%e %A %H:%M:%S +%a %_m/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM # # date_fmt -%Yǯ%m%e %A %H:%M:%S %Z +%Yǯ %B%e %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/kk_KZ.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/ko_KR.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ko_KR.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ko_KR.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names 1월 2월 3월 4월 5월 6월 7월 8월 9월 10월 11월 12월 # # Long month names (as in a date) 1월 2월 3월 4월 5월 6월 7월 8월 9월 10월 11월 12월 # # Short weekday names 일 월 화 수 목 금 토 # # Long weekday names 일요일 월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일 # # X_fmt -%p %I:%M:%S +%H시 %M분 %S초 # # x_fmt -%y. %m. %e. +%Y년 %b월 %e일 # # c_fmt -%Y년 %m월 %e일 %A %p %I시 %M분 %S초 +%x %A %X # # AM/PM 오전 오후 # # date_fmt -%Y년 %m월 %e일 %A %p %I시 %M분 %S초 %Z +%c %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) 1월 2월 3월 4월 5월 6월 7월 8월 9월 10월 11월 12월 # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %p %I:%M:%S # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ko_KR.eucKR.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ko_KR.eucKR.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ko_KR.eucKR.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # Long month names (as in a date) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # Short weekday names ȭ # # Long weekday names Ͽ ȭ ݿ # # X_fmt -%p %I:%M:%S +%H %M %S # # x_fmt -%y. %m. %e. +%Y %b %e # # c_fmt -%Y %m %e %A %p %I %M %S +%x %A %X # # AM/PM # # date_fmt -%Y %m %e %A %p %I %M %S %Z +%c %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %p %I:%M:%S # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/lt_LT.ISO8859-13.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/lt_LT.ISO8859-13.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/lt_LT.ISO8859-13.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names saus. vas. kov. bal. geg. bir. liep. rugp. rugs. spal. lapkr. gruod. # # Long month names (as in a date) sausio vasario kovo balandio gegus birelio liepos rugpjio rugsjo spalio lapkriio gruodio # # Short weekday names sk pr an tr kt pn t # # Long weekday names sekmadienis pirmadienis antradienis treiadienis ketvirtadienis penktadienis etadienis # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%Y-%m-%d +%Y.%m.%d # # c_fmt -%Y m. %B %e d. %H:%M:%S +%a %b %e %X %Y # # AM/PM -priepiet -popiet + + # # date_fmt -%Y m. %B %e d. %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %Y m. %B %e d. %T %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) sausis vasaris kovas balandis gegu birelis liepa rugpjtis rugsjis spalis lapkritis gruodis # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/lt_LT.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/lt_LT.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/lt_LT.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names saus. vas. kov. bal. geg. birž. liep. rugp. rugs. spal. lapkr. gruod. # # Long month names (as in a date) sausio vasario kovo balandžio gegužės birželio liepos rugpjūčio rugsėjo spalio lapkričio gruodžio # # Short weekday names sk pr an tr kt pn št # # Long weekday names sekmadienis pirmadienis antradienis trečiadienis ketvirtadienis penktadienis šeštadienis # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%Y-%m-%d +%Y.%m.%d # # c_fmt -%Y m. %B %e d. %H:%M:%S +%a %b %e %X %Y # # AM/PM -priešpiet -popiet + + # # date_fmt -%Y m. %B %e d. %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %Y m. %B %e d. %T %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) sausis vasaris kovas balandis gegužė birželis liepa rugpjūtis rugsėjis spalis lapkritis gruodis # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/lv_LV.ISO8859-13.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/lv_LV.ISO8859-13.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/lv_LV.ISO8859-13.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. febr. marts apr. maijs jn. jl. aug. sept. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvris februris marts aprlis maijs jnijs jlijs augusts septembris oktobris novembris decembris # # Short weekday names Sv Pr Ot Tr Ce Pk Se # # Long weekday names svtdiena pirmdiena otrdiena trediena ceturtdiena piektdiena sestdiena # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%Y. gada %e. %B %H:%M:%S +%e. %b, %Y. gads %X # # AM/PM -priekpusdien -pcpusdien + + # # date_fmt -%Y. gada %e. %B %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %Y. gada %e. %B %T %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvris februris marts aprlis maijs jnijs jlijs augusts septembris oktobris novembris decembris # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/lv_LV.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/lv_LV.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/lv_LV.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names janv. febr. marts apr. maijs jūn. jūl. aug. sept. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) janvāris februāris marts aprīlis maijs jūnijs jūlijs augusts septembris oktobris novembris decembris # # Short weekday names Sv Pr Ot Tr Ce Pk Se # # Long weekday names svētdiena pirmdiena otrdiena trešdiena ceturtdiena piektdiena sestdiena # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%Y. gada %e. %B %H:%M:%S +%e. %b, %Y. gads %X # # AM/PM -priekšpusdienā -pēcpusdienā + + # # date_fmt -%Y. gada %e. %B %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %Y. gada %e. %B %T %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janvāris februāris marts aprīlis maijs jūnijs jūlijs augusts septembris oktobris novembris decembris # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/mn_MN.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/nb_NO.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/nb_NO.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/nb_NO.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mar. apr. mai jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. des. # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember # # Short weekday names sn. man. tir. ons. tor. fre. lr. # # Long weekday names sndag mandag tirsdag onsdag torsdag fredag lrdag # # X_fmt %H.%M.%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H.%M.%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H.%M.%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/nb_NO.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/nb_NO.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/nb_NO.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mar. apr. mai jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. des. # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember # # Short weekday names søn. man. tir. ons. tor. fre. lør. # # Long weekday names søndag mandag tirsdag onsdag torsdag fredag lørdag # # X_fmt %H.%M.%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H.%M.%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H.%M.%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/nl_BE.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/nl_BE.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/nl_BE.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januari februari maart april mei juni juli augustus september oktober november december # # Short weekday names zo ma di wo do vr za # # Long weekday names zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d-%m-%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januari februari maart april mei juni juli augustus september oktober november december # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/nl_NL.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/nl_NL.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/nl_NL.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januari februari maart april mei juni juli augustus september oktober november december # # Short weekday names zo ma di wo do vr za # # Long weekday names zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d-%m-%y +%d-%m-%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januari februari maart april mei juni juli augustus september oktober november december # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/nn_NO.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/nn_NO.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/nn_NO.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mars apr. mai juni juli aug. sep. okt. nov. des. # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember # # Short weekday names s. m. ty. on. to. fr. la. # # Long weekday names sndag mndag tysdag onsdag torsdag fredag laurdag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM formiddag ettermiddag # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/nn_NO.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/nn_NO.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/nn_NO.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mars apr. mai juni juli aug. sep. okt. nov. des. # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember # # Short weekday names sø. må. ty. on. to. fr. la. # # Long weekday names søndag måndag tysdag onsdag torsdag fredag laurdag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM formiddag ettermiddag # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y kl. %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/pl_PL.ISO8859-2.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/pl_PL.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/pl_PL.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names sty lut mar kwi maj cze lip sie wrz pa lis gru # # Long month names (as in a date) stycznia lutego marca kwietnia maja czerwca lipca sierpnia wrzenia padziernika listopada grudnia # # Short weekday names niedz. pon. wt. r. czw. pt. sob. # # Long weekday names niedziela poniedziaek wtorek roda czwartek pitek sobota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%Y +%Y.%m.%d # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) stycze luty marzec kwiecie maj czerwiec lipiec sierpie wrzesie padziernik listopad grudzie # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/pl_PL.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/pl_PL.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/pl_PL.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names sty lut mar kwi maj cze lip sie wrz paź lis gru # # Long month names (as in a date) stycznia lutego marca kwietnia maja czerwca lipca sierpnia września października listopada grudnia # # Short weekday names niedz. pon. wt. śr. czw. pt. sob. # # Long weekday names niedziela poniedziałek wtorek środa czwartek piątek sobota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%Y +%Y.%m.%d # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) styczeń luty marzec kwiecień maj czerwiec lipiec sierpień wrzesień październik listopad grudzień # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/pt_BR.ISO8859-1.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/pt_BR.ISO8859-1.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/pt_BR.ISO8859-1.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan fev mar abr mai jun jul ago set out nov dez # # Long month names (as in a date) janeiro fevereiro maro abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro # # Short weekday names dom seg ter qua qui sex sb # # Long weekday names domingo segunda-feira tera-feira quarta-feira quinta-feira sexta-feira sbado # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janeiro fevereiro maro abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/pt_BR.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/pt_BR.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/pt_BR.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan fev mar abr mai jun jul ago set out nov dez # # Long month names (as in a date) janeiro fevereiro março abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro # # Short weekday names dom seg ter qua qui sex sáb # # Long weekday names domingo segunda-feira terça-feira quarta-feira quinta-feira sexta-feira sábado # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -AM -PM + + # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janeiro fevereiro março abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/pt_PT.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/pt_PT.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/pt_PT.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan fev mar abr mai jun jul ago set out nov dez # # Long month names (as in a date) janeiro fevereiro maro abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro # # Short weekday names dom seg ter qua qui sex sb # # Long weekday names domingo segunda-feira tera-feira quarta-feira quinta-feira sexta-feira sbado # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y s %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -da manh -da tarde + + # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y s %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janeiro fevereiro maro abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/pt_PT.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/pt_PT.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/pt_PT.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan fev mar abr mai jun jul ago set out nov dez # # Long month names (as in a date) janeiro fevereiro março abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro # # Short weekday names dom seg ter qua qui sex sáb # # Long weekday names domingo segunda-feira terça-feira quarta-feira quinta-feira sexta-feira sábado # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%e de %B de %Y às %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -da manhã -da tarde + + # # date_fmt -%e de %B de %Y às %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janeiro fevereiro março abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ro_RO.ISO8859-2.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ro_RO.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ro_RO.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ian. feb. mar. apr. mai iun. iul. aug. sept. oct. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie # # Short weekday names Dum Lun Mar Mie Joi Vin Sm # # Long weekday names duminic luni marti miercuri joi vineri smbt # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %Y %X # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ro_RO.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ro_RO.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ro_RO.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ian. feb. mar. apr. mai iun. iul. aug. sept. oct. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie # # Short weekday names Dum Lun Mar Mie Joi Vin Sâm # # Long weekday names duminică luni marți miercuri joi vineri sâmbătă # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %Y %X # # AM/PM a.m. p.m. # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ru_RU.CP1251.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ru_RU.CP1251.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ru_RU.CP1251.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names . . . . . . . . # # Long month names (as in a date) # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S +%A, %e %B %Y . %X # # AM/PM - - + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %e %B %Y . %X (%Z) # # Long month names (without case ending) # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ru_RU.CP866.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ru_RU.CP866.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ru_RU.CP866.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ﭢ. 䥢. . . ᥭ. . . . # # Long month names (as in a date) ﭢ 䥢ࠫ ५ ᥭ # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names ᥭ 쭨 ୨ । ⢥ ⭨ 㡡 # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S +%A, %e %B %Y . %X # # AM/PM - - + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %e %B %Y . %X (%Z) # # Long month names (without case ending) ﭢ 䥢ࠫ ५ ᥭ # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ru_RU.ISO8859-5.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ru_RU.ISO8859-5.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ru_RU.ISO8859-5.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names . . . . . . . . # # Long month names (as in a date) # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S +%A, %e %B %Y . %X # # AM/PM - - + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %e %B %Y . %X (%Z) # # Long month names (without case ending) # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ru_RU.KOI8-R.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/ru_RU.KOI8-R.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/ru_RU.KOI8-R.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names . . . . . . . . # # Long month names (as in a date) # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S +%A, %e %B %Y . %X # # AM/PM - - + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S %Z +%A, %e %B %Y . %X (%Z) # # Long month names (without case ending) # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/ru_RU.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/se_FI.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/se_FI.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/se_FI.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ođđajage guovva njukča cuoŋo miesse geasse suoidne borge čakča golggot skábma juovla # # Long month names (as in a date) ođđajagemánnu guovvamánnu njukčamánnu cuoŋománnu miessemánnu geassemánnu suoidnemánnu borgemánnu čakčamánnu golggotmánnu skábmamánnu juovlamánnu # # Short weekday names sotn vuos maŋ gask duor bear láv # # Long weekday names aejlege måanta däjsta gaskevahkoe dåarsta bearjadahke laavadahke # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %Y-%m-%d # # c_fmt -%Y %B %e %H:%M:%S +%b %d %Y %X # # AM/PM iđitbeaivet eahketbeaivet # # date_fmt -%Y %B %e %H:%M:%S %Z +%a, %b %d %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) ođđajagemánnu guovvamánnu njukčamánnu cuoŋománnu miessemánnu geassemánnu suoidnemánnu borgemánnu čakčamánnu golggotmánnu skábmamánnu juovlamánnu # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/se_NO.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/se_NO.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/se_NO.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names ođđj guov njuk cuo mies geas suoi borg čakč golg skáb juov # # Long month names (as in a date) ođđajagemánnu guovvamánnu njukčamánnu cuoŋománnu miessemánnu geassemánnu suoidnemánnu borgemánnu čakčamánnu golggotmánnu skábmamánnu juovlamánnu # # Short weekday names sotn vuos maŋ gask duor bear láv # # Long weekday names sotnabeaivi vuossárga maŋŋebárga gaskavahkku duorasdat bearjadat lávvardat # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %Y-%m-%d # # c_fmt -%Y %B %e %H:%M:%S +%b %d %Y %X # # AM/PM iđitbeaivet eahketbeaivet # # date_fmt -%Y %B %e %H:%M:%S %Z +%a, %b %d %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) ođđajagemánnu guovvamánnu njukčamánnu cuoŋománnu miessemánnu geassemánnu suoidnemánnu borgemánnu čakčamánnu golggotmánnu skábmamánnu juovlamánnu # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sk_SK.ISO8859-2.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sk_SK.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sk_SK.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan feb mar apr mj jn jl aug sep okt nov dec # # Long month names (as in a date) janura februra marca aprla mja jna jla augusta septembra oktbra novembra decembra # # Short weekday names ne po ut st t pi so # # Long weekday names nedea pondelok utorok streda tvrtok piatok sobota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -dopoludnia -odpoludnia + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e. %B %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) janura februra marca aprla mja jna jla augusta septembra oktbra novembra decembra # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sk_SK.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sk_SK.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sk_SK.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan feb mar apr máj jún júl aug sep okt nov dec # # Long month names (as in a date) januára februára marca apríla mája júna júla augusta septembra októbra novembra decembra # # Short weekday names ne po ut st št pi so # # Long weekday names nedeľa pondelok utorok streda štvrtok piatok sobota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM -dopoludnia -odpoludnia + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e. %B %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januára februára marca apríla mája júna júla augusta septembra októbra novembra decembra # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sl_SI.ISO8859-2.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sl_SI.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sl_SI.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mar. apr. maj jun. jul. avg. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar marec april maj junij julij avgust september oktober november december # # Short weekday names ned. pon. tor. sre. et. pet. sob. # # Long weekday names nedelja ponedeljek torek sreda etrtek petek sobota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%e. %m. %y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%d. %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM dop. pop. # # date_fmt -%d. %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar marec april maj junij julij avgust september oktober november december # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sl_SI.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sl_SI.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sl_SI.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mar. apr. maj jun. jul. avg. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar marec april maj junij julij avgust september oktober november december # # Short weekday names ned. pon. tor. sre. čet. pet. sob. # # Long weekday names nedelja ponedeljek torek sreda četrtek petek sobota # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%e. %m. %y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%d. %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM dop. pop. # # date_fmt -%d. %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar marec april maj junij julij avgust september oktober november december # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sr_RS.ISO8859-2.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sr_RS.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sr_RS.ISO8859-2.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan feb mar apr maj jun jul avg sep okt nov dec # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar mart april maj jun jul avgust septembar oktobar novembar decembar # # Short weekday names ned pon uto sre et pet sub # # Long weekday names nedelja ponedeljak utorak sreda etvrtak petak subota # # X_fmt %H.%M.%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y. +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%d. %B %Y. %H.%M.%S +%d %b %Y %X # # AM/PM pre podne po podne # # date_fmt -%d. %B %Y. %H.%M.%S %Z +%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar mart april maj jun jul avgust septembar oktobar novembar decembar # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sr_RS.ISO8859-5.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sr_RS.ISO8859-5.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sr_RS.ISO8859-5.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names # # Long month names (as in a date) # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names # # X_fmt %H.%M.%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y. +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%d. %B %Y. %H.%M.%S +%d %b %Y %X # # AM/PM # # date_fmt -%d. %B %Y. %H.%M.%S %Z +%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sr_RS.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/sr_RS.UTF-8@latin.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sr_RS.UTF-8@latin.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sr_RS.UTF-8@latin.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan feb mar apr maj jun jul avg sep okt nov dec # # Long month names (as in a date) januar februar mart april maj jun jul avgust septembar oktobar novembar decembar # # Short weekday names ned pon uto sre čet pet sub # # Long weekday names nedelja ponedeljak utorak sreda četvrtak petak subota # # X_fmt %H.%M.%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y. +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%d. %B %Y. %H.%M.%S +%d %b %Y %X # # AM/PM pre podne po podne # # date_fmt -%d. %B %Y. %H.%M.%S %Z +%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januar februar mart april maj jun jul avgust septembar oktobar novembar decembar # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I.%M.%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sv_FI.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sv_FI.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sv_FI.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mars apr. maj juni juli aug. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december # # Short weekday names sn mn tis ons tors fre lr # # Long weekday names sndag mndag tisdag onsdag torsdag fredag lrdag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %d-%m-%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM fm em # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sv_SE.ISO8859-15.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sv_SE.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sv_SE.ISO8859-15.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mars apr. maj juni juli aug. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december # # Short weekday names sn mn tis ons tors fre lr # # Long weekday names sndag mndag tisdag onsdag torsdag fredag lrdag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %Y-%m-%d # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM fm em # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/sv_SE.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/sv_SE.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/sv_SE.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names jan. feb. mars apr. maj juni juli aug. sep. okt. nov. dec. # # Long month names (as in a date) januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december # # Short weekday names sön mån tis ons tors fre lör # # Long weekday names söndag måndag tisdag onsdag torsdag fredag lördag # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt %Y-%m-%d # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM fm em # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt %I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/tr_TR.ISO8859-9.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/tr_TR.ISO8859-9.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/tr_TR.ISO8859-9.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Oca ub Mar Nis May Haz Tem Au Eyl Eki Kas Ara # # Long month names (as in a date) Ocak ubat Mart Nisan Mays Haziran Temmuz Austos Eyll Ekim Kasm Aralk # # Short weekday names Paz Pzt Sal ar Per Cum Cmt # # Long weekday names Pazar Pazartesi Sal aramba Perembe Cuma Cumartesi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%Y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM S # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%e %b %Y %a %Z %X # # Long month names (without case ending) Ocak ubat Mart Nisan Mays Haziran Temmuz Austos Eyll Ekim Kasm Aralk # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%p %I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/tr_TR.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/tr_TR.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/tr_TR.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Oca Şub Mar Nis May Haz Tem Ağu Eyl Eki Kas Ara # # Long month names (as in a date) Ocak Şubat Mart Nisan Mayıs Haziran Temmuz Ağustos Eylül Ekim Kasım Aralık # # Short weekday names Paz Pzt Sal Çar Per Cum Cmt # # Long weekday names Pazar Pazartesi Salı Çarşamba Perşembe Cuma Cumartesi # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%Y +%d/%m/%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM ÖÖ ÖS # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +%e %b %Y %a %Z %X # # Long month names (without case ending) Ocak Şubat Mart Nisan Mayıs Haziran Temmuz Ağustos Eylül Ekim Kasım Aralık # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%p %I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/uk_UA.CP1251.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/uk_UA.CP1251.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/uk_UA.CP1251.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names . . . . . . . . . . . . # # Long month names (as in a date) # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names ' # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM - - + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/uk_UA.ISO8859-5.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/uk_UA.ISO8859-5.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/uk_UA.ISO8859-5.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names . . . . . . . . . . . . # # Long month names (as in a date) # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names ' # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM - - + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/uk_UA.KOI8-U.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/uk_UA.KOI8-U.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/uk_UA.KOI8-U.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names Ӧ. . . צ. . . . . . . . . # # Long month names (as in a date) Ӧ צ # # Short weekday names # # Long weekday names Ħ Ħ צ ' # # X_fmt %H:%M:%S # # x_fmt -%d.%m.%y +%d.%m.%Y # # c_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S +%a %e %b %X %Y # # AM/PM - - + + # # date_fmt -%A %e %B %Y . %H:%M:%S %Z +%a %e %b %Y %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) Ӧ צ # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%I:%M:%S %p + # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/uk_UA.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/zh_CN.GB2312.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/zh_CN.GB2312.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/zh_CN.GB2312.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names !!#1TB !!#2TB !!#3TB !!#4TB !!#5TB !!#6TB !!#7TB !!#8TB !!#9TB #1#0TB #1#1TB #1#2TB # # Long month names (as in a date) R;TB 6~TB H}TB KDTB NeTB AyTB F_TB 0KTB >ETB J.TB J.R;TB J.6~TB # # Short weekday names V\HU V\R; V\6~ V\H} V\KD V\Ne V\Ay # # Long weekday names PGFZHU PGFZR; PGFZ6~ PGFZH} PGFZKD PGFZNe PGFZAy # # X_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%Hʱ%M·Ö%SÃë # # x_fmt -%y#/%m#/%d +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%YDj%mTB%eHU %p%I:%M:%S +%a %b/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM IONg OBNg # # date_fmt -%YDj%mTB%eHU %Z %p%I:%M:%S +%YÄê%bÔÂ%eÈÕ %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) R;TB 6~TB H}TB KDTB NeTB AyTB F_TB 0KTB >ETB J.TB J.R;TB J.6~TB # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/zh_CN.GBK.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/zh_CN.GBK.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/zh_CN.GBK.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # Long month names (as in a date) һ ʮ ʮһ ʮ # # Short weekday names һ ܶ # # Long weekday names һ ڶ # # X_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%Hʱ%M%S # # x_fmt -%y/%m/%d +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y%m%e %p%I:%M:%S +%a %b/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM # # date_fmt -%Y%m%e %Z %p%I:%M:%S +%Y%b%e %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) һ ʮ ʮһ ʮ # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/zh_CN.UTF-8.src =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: head/share/timedef/zh_CN.eucCN.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/zh_CN.eucCN.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/zh_CN.eucCN.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names # # Long month names (as in a date) һ ʮ ʮһ ʮ # # Short weekday names һ ܶ # # Long weekday names һ ڶ # # X_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%Hʱ%M%S # # x_fmt -%y%m%d +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y%m%e %p%I:%M:%S +%a %b/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM # # date_fmt -%Y%m%e %Z %p%I:%M:%S +%Y%b%e %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) һ ʮ ʮһ ʮ # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/zh_HK.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/zh_HK.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/zh_HK.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # Long month names (as in a date) 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # Short weekday names 週日 週一 週二 週三 週四 週五 週六 # # Long weekday names 星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 # # X_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%H時%M分%S秒 # # x_fmt -%d/%m/%y +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y年%m月%e日 %p%I:%M:%S [%Z] +%a %b/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM 上午 下午 # # date_fmt -%Y年%m月%e日 %p%I:%M:%S [%Z] +%Y年%b月%e日 %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # md_order dm # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/zh_TW.Big5.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/zh_TW.Big5.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/zh_TW.Big5.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,86 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ # # Long month names (as in a date) # # Short weekday names g g@ gG gT g| g g # # Long weekday names P P@ PG PT P| P P # # X_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%H%M%S # # x_fmt -%YA%mA%d +%Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y~%m%e %p%I:%M:%S [%Z] +%a %b/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM W U # -# date_fmt -%Y~%m%e %A %p%I:%M:%S [%Z] +%Y~%b%e %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF Index: head/share/timedef/zh_TW.UTF-8.src =================================================================== --- head/share/timedef/zh_TW.UTF-8.src (revision 304044) +++ head/share/timedef/zh_TW.UTF-8.src (revision 304045) @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ # Warning: Do not edit. This file is automatically generated from the # tools in /usr/src/tools/tools/locale. The data is obtained from the # CLDR project, obtained from # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Short month names 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # Long month names (as in a date) 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # Short weekday names 週日 週一 週二 週三 週四 週五 週六 # # Long weekday names 星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 # # X_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%H時%M分%S秒 # # x_fmt %Y/%m/%d # # c_fmt -%Y年%m月%e日 %A %p%I:%M:%S [%Z] +%a %b/%e %T %Y # # AM/PM 上午 下午 # # date_fmt -%Y年%m月%e日 %A %p%I:%M:%S [%Z] +%Y年%b月%e日 %A %X %Z # # Long month names (without case ending) 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 # # md_order md # # ampm_fmt -%p%I:%M:%S +%I:%M:%S %p # EOF