Index: head/sys/ddb/db_ps.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/ddb/db_ps.c (revision 297272) +++ head/sys/ddb/db_ps.c (revision 297273) @@ -1,470 +1,482 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 1993 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void dumpthread(volatile struct proc *p, volatile struct thread *td, int all); /* * At least one non-optional show-command must be implemented using * DB_SHOW_ALL_COMMAND() so that db_show_all_cmd_set gets created. * Here is one. */ DB_SHOW_ALL_COMMAND(procs, db_procs_cmd) { db_ps(addr, have_addr, count, modif); } /* * Layout: * - column counts * - header * - single-threaded process * - multi-threaded process * - thread in a MT process * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 * pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd * < wmesg > < wchan > * (threaded) * < wmesg > < wchan > * * For machines with 64-bit pointers, we expand the wchan field 8 more * characters. */ void db_ps(db_expr_t addr, bool hasaddr, db_expr_t count, char *modif) { volatile struct proc *p, *pp; volatile struct thread *td; struct ucred *cred; struct pgrp *pgrp; char state[9]; int np, rflag, sflag, dflag, lflag, wflag; np = nprocs; if (!LIST_EMPTY(&allproc)) p = LIST_FIRST(&allproc); else p = &proc0; #ifdef __LP64__ db_printf(" pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd\n"); #else db_printf(" pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd\n"); #endif while (--np >= 0 && !db_pager_quit) { if (p == NULL) { db_printf("oops, ran out of processes early!\n"); break; } pp = p->p_pptr; if (pp == NULL) pp = p; cred = p->p_ucred; pgrp = p->p_pgrp; db_printf("%5d %5d %5d %5d ", p->p_pid, pp->p_pid, pgrp != NULL ? pgrp->pg_id : 0, cred != NULL ? cred->cr_ruid : 0); /* Determine our primary process state. */ switch (p->p_state) { case PRS_NORMAL: if (P_SHOULDSTOP(p)) state[0] = 'T'; else { /* * One of D, L, R, S, W. For a * multithreaded process we will use * the state of the thread with the * highest precedence. The * precendence order from high to low * is R, L, D, S, W. If no thread is * in a sane state we use '?' for our * primary state. */ rflag = sflag = dflag = lflag = wflag = 0; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { if (td->td_state == TDS_RUNNING || td->td_state == TDS_RUNQ || td->td_state == TDS_CAN_RUN) rflag++; if (TD_ON_LOCK(td)) lflag++; if (TD_IS_SLEEPING(td)) { if (!(td->td_flags & TDF_SINTR)) dflag++; else sflag++; } if (TD_AWAITING_INTR(td)) wflag++; } if (rflag) state[0] = 'R'; else if (lflag) state[0] = 'L'; else if (dflag) state[0] = 'D'; else if (sflag) state[0] = 'S'; else if (wflag) state[0] = 'W'; else state[0] = '?'; } break; case PRS_NEW: state[0] = 'N'; break; case PRS_ZOMBIE: state[0] = 'Z'; break; default: state[0] = 'U'; break; } state[1] = '\0'; /* Additional process state flags. */ if (!(p->p_flag & P_INMEM)) strlcat(state, "W", sizeof(state)); if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) strlcat(state, "X", sizeof(state)); if (p->p_flag & P_WEXIT && p->p_state != PRS_ZOMBIE) strlcat(state, "E", sizeof(state)); if (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) strlcat(state, "V", sizeof(state)); if (p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM || p->p_lock > 0) strlcat(state, "L", sizeof(state)); if (p->p_session != NULL && SESS_LEADER(p)) strlcat(state, "s", sizeof(state)); /* Cheated here and didn't compare pgid's. */ if (p->p_flag & P_CONTROLT) strlcat(state, "+", sizeof(state)); if (cred != NULL && jailed(cred)) strlcat(state, "J", sizeof(state)); db_printf(" %-6.6s ", state); if (p->p_flag & P_HADTHREADS) { #ifdef __LP64__ db_printf(" (threaded) "); #else db_printf(" (threaded) "); #endif if (p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) db_printf("["); db_printf("%s", p->p_comm); if (p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) db_printf("]"); db_printf("\n"); } FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { dumpthread(p, td, p->p_flag & P_HADTHREADS); if (db_pager_quit) break; } p = LIST_NEXT(p, p_list); if (p == NULL && np > 0) p = LIST_FIRST(&zombproc); } } static void dumpthread(volatile struct proc *p, volatile struct thread *td, int all) { char state[9], wprefix; const char *wmesg; void *wchan; if (all) { db_printf("%6d ", td->td_tid); switch (td->td_state) { case TDS_RUNNING: snprintf(state, sizeof(state), "Run"); break; case TDS_RUNQ: snprintf(state, sizeof(state), "RunQ"); break; case TDS_CAN_RUN: snprintf(state, sizeof(state), "CanRun"); break; case TDS_INACTIVE: snprintf(state, sizeof(state), "Inactv"); break; case TDS_INHIBITED: state[0] = '\0'; if (TD_ON_LOCK(td)) strlcat(state, "L", sizeof(state)); if (TD_IS_SLEEPING(td)) { if (td->td_flags & TDF_SINTR) strlcat(state, "S", sizeof(state)); else strlcat(state, "D", sizeof(state)); } if (TD_IS_SWAPPED(td)) strlcat(state, "W", sizeof(state)); if (TD_AWAITING_INTR(td)) strlcat(state, "I", sizeof(state)); if (TD_IS_SUSPENDED(td)) strlcat(state, "s", sizeof(state)); if (state[0] != '\0') break; default: snprintf(state, sizeof(state), "???"); } db_printf(" %-6.6s ", state); } wprefix = ' '; if (TD_ON_LOCK(td)) { wprefix = '*'; wmesg = td->td_lockname; wchan = td->td_blocked; } else if (TD_ON_SLEEPQ(td)) { wmesg = td->td_wmesg; wchan = td->td_wchan; } else if (TD_IS_RUNNING(td)) { snprintf(state, sizeof(state), "CPU %d", td->td_oncpu); wmesg = state; wchan = NULL; } else { wmesg = ""; wchan = NULL; } db_printf("%c%-8.8s ", wprefix, wmesg); if (wchan == NULL) #ifdef __LP64__ db_printf("%18s ", ""); #else db_printf("%10s ", ""); #endif else db_printf("%p ", wchan); if (p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) db_printf("["); if (td->td_name[0] != '\0') db_printf("%s", td->td_name); else db_printf("%s", td->td_proc->p_comm); if (p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) db_printf("]"); db_printf("\n"); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(thread, db_show_thread) { struct thread *td; struct lock_object *lock; bool comma; + int delta; /* Determine which thread to examine. */ if (have_addr) td = db_lookup_thread(addr, false); else td = kdb_thread; lock = (struct lock_object *)td->td_lock; db_printf("Thread %d at %p:\n", td->td_tid, td); db_printf(" proc (pid %d): %p\n", td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_proc); if (td->td_name[0] != '\0') db_printf(" name: %s\n", td->td_name); db_printf(" stack: %p-%p\n", (void *)td->td_kstack, (void *)(td->td_kstack + td->td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE - 1)); db_printf(" flags: %#x ", td->td_flags); db_printf(" pflags: %#x\n", td->td_pflags); db_printf(" state: "); switch (td->td_state) { case TDS_INACTIVE: db_printf("INACTIVE\n"); break; case TDS_CAN_RUN: db_printf("CAN RUN\n"); break; case TDS_RUNQ: db_printf("RUNQ\n"); break; case TDS_RUNNING: db_printf("RUNNING (CPU %d)\n", td->td_oncpu); break; case TDS_INHIBITED: db_printf("INHIBITED: {"); comma = false; if (TD_IS_SLEEPING(td)) { db_printf("SLEEPING"); comma = true; } if (TD_IS_SUSPENDED(td)) { if (comma) db_printf(", "); db_printf("SUSPENDED"); comma = true; } if (TD_IS_SWAPPED(td)) { if (comma) db_printf(", "); db_printf("SWAPPED"); comma = true; } if (TD_ON_LOCK(td)) { if (comma) db_printf(", "); db_printf("LOCK"); comma = true; } if (TD_AWAITING_INTR(td)) { if (comma) db_printf(", "); db_printf("IWAIT"); } db_printf("}\n"); break; default: db_printf("??? (%#x)\n", td->td_state); break; } if (TD_ON_LOCK(td)) db_printf(" lock: %s turnstile: %p\n", td->td_lockname, td->td_blocked); if (TD_ON_SLEEPQ(td)) db_printf(" wmesg: %s wchan: %p\n", td->td_wmesg, td->td_wchan); db_printf(" priority: %d\n", td->td_priority); db_printf(" container lock: %s (%p)\n", lock->lo_name, lock); + if (td->td_swvoltick != 0) { + delta = (u_int)ticks - (u_int)td->td_swvoltick; + db_printf(" last voluntary switch: %d ms ago\n", + 1000 * delta / hz); + } + if (td->td_swinvoltick != 0) { + delta = (u_int)ticks - (u_int)td->td_swinvoltick; + db_printf(" last involuntary switch: %d ms ago\n", + 1000 * delta / hz); + } } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(proc, db_show_proc) { struct thread *td; struct proc *p; int i; /* Determine which process to examine. */ if (have_addr) p = db_lookup_proc(addr); else p = kdb_thread->td_proc; db_printf("Process %d (%s) at %p:\n", p->p_pid, p->p_comm, p); db_printf(" state: "); switch (p->p_state) { case PRS_NEW: db_printf("NEW\n"); break; case PRS_NORMAL: db_printf("NORMAL\n"); break; case PRS_ZOMBIE: db_printf("ZOMBIE\n"); break; default: db_printf("??? (%#x)\n", p->p_state); } if (p->p_ucred != NULL) { db_printf(" uid: %d gids: ", p->p_ucred->cr_uid); for (i = 0; i < p->p_ucred->cr_ngroups; i++) { db_printf("%d", p->p_ucred->cr_groups[i]); if (i < (p->p_ucred->cr_ngroups - 1)) db_printf(", "); } db_printf("\n"); } if (p->p_pptr != NULL) db_printf(" parent: pid %d at %p\n", p->p_pptr->p_pid, p->p_pptr); if (p->p_leader != NULL && p->p_leader != p) db_printf(" leader: pid %d at %p\n", p->p_leader->p_pid, p->p_leader); if (p->p_sysent != NULL) db_printf(" ABI: %s\n", p->p_sysent->sv_name); if (p->p_args != NULL) db_printf(" arguments: %.*s\n", (int)p->p_args->ar_length, p->p_args->ar_args); db_printf(" threads: %d\n", p->p_numthreads); FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { dumpthread(p, td, 1); if (db_pager_quit) break; } } void db_findstack_cmd(db_expr_t addr, bool have_addr, db_expr_t dummy3 __unused, char *dummy4 __unused) { struct proc *p; struct thread *td; struct kstack_cache_entry *ks_ce; vm_offset_t saddr; if (have_addr) saddr = addr; else { db_printf("Usage: findstack
\n"); return; } FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) { if (td->td_kstack <= saddr && saddr < td->td_kstack + PAGE_SIZE * td->td_kstack_pages) { db_printf("Thread %p\n", td); return; } } } for (ks_ce = kstack_cache; ks_ce != NULL; ks_ce = ks_ce->next_ks_entry) { if ((vm_offset_t)ks_ce <= saddr && saddr < (vm_offset_t)ks_ce + PAGE_SIZE * kstack_pages) { db_printf("Cached stack %p\n", ks_ce); return; } } } Index: head/sys/kern/kern_synch.c =================================================================== --- head/sys/kern/kern_synch.c (revision 297272) +++ head/sys/kern/kern_synch.c (revision 297273) @@ -1,609 +1,611 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1990, 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * (c) UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. * All or some portions of this file are derived from material licensed * to the University of California by American Telephone and Telegraph * Co. or Unix System Laboratories, Inc. and are reproduced herein with * the permission of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)kern_synch.c 8.9 (Berkeley) 5/19/95 */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ktrace.h" #include "opt_sched.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef KTRACE #include #include #endif #include #define KTDSTATE(td) \ (((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_SLEEPING) != 0 ? "sleep" : \ ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_SUSPENDED) != 0 ? "suspended" : \ ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_SWAPPED) != 0 ? "swapped" : \ ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_LOCK) != 0 ? "blocked" : \ ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_IWAIT) != 0 ? "iwait" : "yielding") static void synch_setup(void *dummy); SYSINIT(synch_setup, SI_SUB_KICK_SCHEDULER, SI_ORDER_FIRST, synch_setup, NULL); int hogticks; static uint8_t pause_wchan[MAXCPU]; static struct callout loadav_callout; struct loadavg averunnable = { {0, 0, 0}, FSCALE }; /* load average, of runnable procs */ /* * Constants for averages over 1, 5, and 15 minutes * when sampling at 5 second intervals. */ static fixpt_t cexp[3] = { 0.9200444146293232 * FSCALE, /* exp(-1/12) */ 0.9834714538216174 * FSCALE, /* exp(-1/60) */ 0.9944598480048967 * FSCALE, /* exp(-1/180) */ }; /* kernel uses `FSCALE', userland (SHOULD) use kern.fscale */ SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, fscale, CTLFLAG_RD, SYSCTL_NULL_INT_PTR, FSCALE, ""); static void loadav(void *arg); SDT_PROVIDER_DECLARE(sched); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE(sched, , , preempt); static void sleepinit(void *unused) { hogticks = (hz / 10) * 2; /* Default only. */ init_sleepqueues(); } /* * vmem tries to lock the sleepq mutexes when free'ing kva, so make sure * it is available. */ SYSINIT(sleepinit, SI_SUB_KMEM, SI_ORDER_ANY, sleepinit, 0); /* * General sleep call. Suspends the current thread until a wakeup is * performed on the specified identifier. The thread will then be made * runnable with the specified priority. Sleeps at most sbt units of time * (0 means no timeout). If pri includes the PCATCH flag, let signals * interrupt the sleep, otherwise ignore them while sleeping. Returns 0 if * awakened, EWOULDBLOCK if the timeout expires. If PCATCH is set and a * signal becomes pending, ERESTART is returned if the current system * call should be restarted if possible, and EINTR is returned if the system * call should be interrupted by the signal (return EINTR). * * The lock argument is unlocked before the caller is suspended, and * re-locked before _sleep() returns. If priority includes the PDROP * flag the lock is not re-locked before returning. */ int _sleep(void *ident, struct lock_object *lock, int priority, const char *wmesg, sbintime_t sbt, sbintime_t pr, int flags) { struct thread *td; struct proc *p; struct lock_class *class; uintptr_t lock_state; int catch, pri, rval, sleepq_flags; WITNESS_SAVE_DECL(lock_witness); td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; #ifdef KTRACE if (KTRPOINT(td, KTR_CSW)) ktrcsw(1, 0, wmesg); #endif WITNESS_WARN(WARN_GIANTOK | WARN_SLEEPOK, lock, "Sleeping on \"%s\"", wmesg); KASSERT(sbt != 0 || mtx_owned(&Giant) || lock != NULL, ("sleeping without a lock")); KASSERT(p != NULL, ("msleep1")); KASSERT(ident != NULL && TD_IS_RUNNING(td), ("msleep")); if (priority & PDROP) KASSERT(lock != NULL && lock != &Giant.lock_object, ("PDROP requires a non-Giant lock")); if (lock != NULL) class = LOCK_CLASS(lock); else class = NULL; if (cold || SCHEDULER_STOPPED()) { /* * During autoconfiguration, just return; * don't run any other threads or panic below, * in case this is the idle thread and already asleep. * XXX: this used to do "s = splhigh(); splx(safepri); * splx(s);" to give interrupts a chance, but there is * no way to give interrupts a chance now. */ if (lock != NULL && priority & PDROP) class->lc_unlock(lock); return (0); } catch = priority & PCATCH; pri = priority & PRIMASK; /* * If we are already on a sleep queue, then remove us from that * sleep queue first. We have to do this to handle recursive * sleeps. */ if (TD_ON_SLEEPQ(td)) sleepq_remove(td, td->td_wchan); if ((uint8_t *)ident >= &pause_wchan[0] && (uint8_t *)ident <= &pause_wchan[MAXCPU - 1]) sleepq_flags = SLEEPQ_PAUSE; else sleepq_flags = SLEEPQ_SLEEP; if (catch) sleepq_flags |= SLEEPQ_INTERRUPTIBLE; sleepq_lock(ident); CTR5(KTR_PROC, "sleep: thread %ld (pid %ld, %s) on %s (%p)", td->td_tid, p->p_pid, td->td_name, wmesg, ident); if (lock == &Giant.lock_object) mtx_assert(&Giant, MA_OWNED); DROP_GIANT(); if (lock != NULL && lock != &Giant.lock_object && !(class->lc_flags & LC_SLEEPABLE)) { WITNESS_SAVE(lock, lock_witness); lock_state = class->lc_unlock(lock); } else /* GCC needs to follow the Yellow Brick Road */ lock_state = -1; /* * We put ourselves on the sleep queue and start our timeout * before calling thread_suspend_check, as we could stop there, * and a wakeup or a SIGCONT (or both) could occur while we were * stopped without resuming us. Thus, we must be ready for sleep * when cursig() is called. If the wakeup happens while we're * stopped, then td will no longer be on a sleep queue upon * return from cursig(). */ sleepq_add(ident, lock, wmesg, sleepq_flags, 0); if (sbt != 0) sleepq_set_timeout_sbt(ident, sbt, pr, flags); if (lock != NULL && class->lc_flags & LC_SLEEPABLE) { sleepq_release(ident); WITNESS_SAVE(lock, lock_witness); lock_state = class->lc_unlock(lock); sleepq_lock(ident); } if (sbt != 0 && catch) rval = sleepq_timedwait_sig(ident, pri); else if (sbt != 0) rval = sleepq_timedwait(ident, pri); else if (catch) rval = sleepq_wait_sig(ident, pri); else { sleepq_wait(ident, pri); rval = 0; } #ifdef KTRACE if (KTRPOINT(td, KTR_CSW)) ktrcsw(0, 0, wmesg); #endif PICKUP_GIANT(); if (lock != NULL && lock != &Giant.lock_object && !(priority & PDROP)) { class->lc_lock(lock, lock_state); WITNESS_RESTORE(lock, lock_witness); } return (rval); } int msleep_spin_sbt(void *ident, struct mtx *mtx, const char *wmesg, sbintime_t sbt, sbintime_t pr, int flags) { struct thread *td; struct proc *p; int rval; WITNESS_SAVE_DECL(mtx); td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; KASSERT(mtx != NULL, ("sleeping without a mutex")); KASSERT(p != NULL, ("msleep1")); KASSERT(ident != NULL && TD_IS_RUNNING(td), ("msleep")); if (cold || SCHEDULER_STOPPED()) { /* * During autoconfiguration, just return; * don't run any other threads or panic below, * in case this is the idle thread and already asleep. * XXX: this used to do "s = splhigh(); splx(safepri); * splx(s);" to give interrupts a chance, but there is * no way to give interrupts a chance now. */ return (0); } sleepq_lock(ident); CTR5(KTR_PROC, "msleep_spin: thread %ld (pid %ld, %s) on %s (%p)", td->td_tid, p->p_pid, td->td_name, wmesg, ident); DROP_GIANT(); mtx_assert(mtx, MA_OWNED | MA_NOTRECURSED); WITNESS_SAVE(&mtx->lock_object, mtx); mtx_unlock_spin(mtx); /* * We put ourselves on the sleep queue and start our timeout. */ sleepq_add(ident, &mtx->lock_object, wmesg, SLEEPQ_SLEEP, 0); if (sbt != 0) sleepq_set_timeout_sbt(ident, sbt, pr, flags); /* * Can't call ktrace with any spin locks held so it can lock the * ktrace_mtx lock, and WITNESS_WARN considers it an error to hold * any spin lock. Thus, we have to drop the sleepq spin lock while * we handle those requests. This is safe since we have placed our * thread on the sleep queue already. */ #ifdef KTRACE if (KTRPOINT(td, KTR_CSW)) { sleepq_release(ident); ktrcsw(1, 0, wmesg); sleepq_lock(ident); } #endif #ifdef WITNESS sleepq_release(ident); WITNESS_WARN(WARN_GIANTOK | WARN_SLEEPOK, NULL, "Sleeping on \"%s\"", wmesg); sleepq_lock(ident); #endif if (sbt != 0) rval = sleepq_timedwait(ident, 0); else { sleepq_wait(ident, 0); rval = 0; } #ifdef KTRACE if (KTRPOINT(td, KTR_CSW)) ktrcsw(0, 0, wmesg); #endif PICKUP_GIANT(); mtx_lock_spin(mtx); WITNESS_RESTORE(&mtx->lock_object, mtx); return (rval); } /* * pause() delays the calling thread by the given number of system ticks. * During cold bootup, pause() uses the DELAY() function instead of * the tsleep() function to do the waiting. The "timo" argument must be * greater than or equal to zero. A "timo" value of zero is equivalent * to a "timo" value of one. */ int pause_sbt(const char *wmesg, sbintime_t sbt, sbintime_t pr, int flags) { KASSERT(sbt >= 0, ("pause: timeout must be >= 0")); /* silently convert invalid timeouts */ if (sbt == 0) sbt = tick_sbt; if (cold || kdb_active) { /* * We delay one second at a time to avoid overflowing the * system specific DELAY() function(s): */ while (sbt >= SBT_1S) { DELAY(1000000); sbt -= SBT_1S; } /* Do the delay remainder, if any */ sbt = (sbt + SBT_1US - 1) / SBT_1US; if (sbt > 0) DELAY(sbt); return (0); } return (_sleep(&pause_wchan[curcpu], NULL, 0, wmesg, sbt, pr, flags)); } /* * Make all threads sleeping on the specified identifier runnable. */ void wakeup(void *ident) { int wakeup_swapper; sleepq_lock(ident); wakeup_swapper = sleepq_broadcast(ident, SLEEPQ_SLEEP, 0, 0); sleepq_release(ident); if (wakeup_swapper) { KASSERT(ident != &proc0, ("wakeup and wakeup_swapper and proc0")); kick_proc0(); } } /* * Make a thread sleeping on the specified identifier runnable. * May wake more than one thread if a target thread is currently * swapped out. */ void wakeup_one(void *ident) { int wakeup_swapper; sleepq_lock(ident); wakeup_swapper = sleepq_signal(ident, SLEEPQ_SLEEP, 0, 0); sleepq_release(ident); if (wakeup_swapper) kick_proc0(); } static void kdb_switch(void) { thread_unlock(curthread); kdb_backtrace(); kdb_reenter(); panic("%s: did not reenter debugger", __func__); } /* * The machine independent parts of context switching. */ void mi_switch(int flags, struct thread *newtd) { uint64_t runtime, new_switchtime; struct thread *td; td = curthread; /* XXX */ THREAD_LOCK_ASSERT(td, MA_OWNED | MA_NOTRECURSED); KASSERT(!TD_ON_RUNQ(td), ("mi_switch: called by old code")); #ifdef INVARIANTS if (!TD_ON_LOCK(td) && !TD_IS_RUNNING(td)) mtx_assert(&Giant, MA_NOTOWNED); #endif KASSERT(td->td_critnest == 1 || panicstr, ("mi_switch: switch in a critical section")); KASSERT((flags & (SW_INVOL | SW_VOL)) != 0, ("mi_switch: switch must be voluntary or involuntary")); KASSERT(newtd != curthread, ("mi_switch: preempting back to ourself")); /* * Don't perform context switches from the debugger. */ if (kdb_active) kdb_switch(); if (SCHEDULER_STOPPED()) return; if (flags & SW_VOL) { td->td_ru.ru_nvcsw++; td->td_swvoltick = ticks; - } else + } else { td->td_ru.ru_nivcsw++; + td->td_swinvoltick = ticks; + } #ifdef SCHED_STATS SCHED_STAT_INC(sched_switch_stats[flags & SW_TYPE_MASK]); #endif /* * Compute the amount of time during which the current * thread was running, and add that to its total so far. */ new_switchtime = cpu_ticks(); runtime = new_switchtime - PCPU_GET(switchtime); td->td_runtime += runtime; td->td_incruntime += runtime; PCPU_SET(switchtime, new_switchtime); td->td_generation++; /* bump preempt-detect counter */ PCPU_INC(cnt.v_swtch); PCPU_SET(switchticks, ticks); CTR4(KTR_PROC, "mi_switch: old thread %ld (td_sched %p, pid %ld, %s)", td->td_tid, td->td_sched, td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_name); #if (KTR_COMPILE & KTR_SCHED) != 0 if (TD_IS_IDLETHREAD(td)) KTR_STATE1(KTR_SCHED, "thread", sched_tdname(td), "idle", "prio:%d", td->td_priority); else KTR_STATE3(KTR_SCHED, "thread", sched_tdname(td), KTDSTATE(td), "prio:%d", td->td_priority, "wmesg:\"%s\"", td->td_wmesg, "lockname:\"%s\"", td->td_lockname); #endif SDT_PROBE0(sched, , , preempt); sched_switch(td, newtd, flags); KTR_STATE1(KTR_SCHED, "thread", sched_tdname(td), "running", "prio:%d", td->td_priority); CTR4(KTR_PROC, "mi_switch: new thread %ld (td_sched %p, pid %ld, %s)", td->td_tid, td->td_sched, td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_name); /* * If the last thread was exiting, finish cleaning it up. */ if ((td = PCPU_GET(deadthread))) { PCPU_SET(deadthread, NULL); thread_stash(td); } } /* * Change thread state to be runnable, placing it on the run queue if * it is in memory. If it is swapped out, return true so our caller * will know to awaken the swapper. */ int setrunnable(struct thread *td) { THREAD_LOCK_ASSERT(td, MA_OWNED); KASSERT(td->td_proc->p_state != PRS_ZOMBIE, ("setrunnable: pid %d is a zombie", td->td_proc->p_pid)); switch (td->td_state) { case TDS_RUNNING: case TDS_RUNQ: return (0); case TDS_INHIBITED: /* * If we are only inhibited because we are swapped out * then arange to swap in this process. Otherwise just return. */ if (td->td_inhibitors != TDI_SWAPPED) return (0); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case TDS_CAN_RUN: break; default: printf("state is 0x%x", td->td_state); panic("setrunnable(2)"); } if ((td->td_flags & TDF_INMEM) == 0) { if ((td->td_flags & TDF_SWAPINREQ) == 0) { td->td_flags |= TDF_SWAPINREQ; return (1); } } else sched_wakeup(td); return (0); } /* * Compute a tenex style load average of a quantity on * 1, 5 and 15 minute intervals. */ static void loadav(void *arg) { int i, nrun; struct loadavg *avg; nrun = sched_load(); avg = &averunnable; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) avg->ldavg[i] = (cexp[i] * avg->ldavg[i] + nrun * FSCALE * (FSCALE - cexp[i])) >> FSHIFT; /* * Schedule the next update to occur after 5 seconds, but add a * random variation to avoid synchronisation with processes that * run at regular intervals. */ callout_reset_sbt(&loadav_callout, SBT_1US * (4000000 + (int)(random() % 2000001)), SBT_1US, loadav, NULL, C_DIRECT_EXEC | C_PREL(32)); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void synch_setup(void *dummy) { callout_init(&loadav_callout, 1); /* Kick off timeout driven events by calling first time. */ loadav(NULL); } int should_yield(void) { return ((u_int)ticks - (u_int)curthread->td_swvoltick >= hogticks); } void maybe_yield(void) { if (should_yield()) kern_yield(PRI_USER); } void kern_yield(int prio) { struct thread *td; td = curthread; DROP_GIANT(); thread_lock(td); if (prio == PRI_USER) prio = td->td_user_pri; if (prio >= 0) sched_prio(td, prio); mi_switch(SW_VOL | SWT_RELINQUISH, NULL); thread_unlock(td); PICKUP_GIANT(); } /* * General purpose yield system call. */ int sys_yield(struct thread *td, struct yield_args *uap) { thread_lock(td); if (PRI_BASE(td->td_pri_class) == PRI_TIMESHARE) sched_prio(td, PRI_MAX_TIMESHARE); mi_switch(SW_VOL | SWT_RELINQUISH, NULL); thread_unlock(td); td->td_retval[0] = 0; return (0); } Index: head/sys/sys/proc.h =================================================================== --- head/sys/sys/proc.h (revision 297272) +++ head/sys/sys/proc.h (revision 297273) @@ -1,1067 +1,1068 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * (c) UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. * All or some portions of this file are derived from material licensed * to the University of California by American Telephone and Telegraph * Co. or Unix System Laboratories, Inc. and are reproduced herein with * the permission of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)proc.h 8.15 (Berkeley) 5/19/95 * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _SYS_PROC_H_ #define _SYS_PROC_H_ #include /* For struct callout. */ #include /* For struct klist. */ #include #ifndef _KERNEL #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* XXX. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _KERNEL #include /* For structs itimerval, timeval. */ #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include /* Machine-dependent proc substruct. */ /* * One structure allocated per session. * * List of locks * (m) locked by s_mtx mtx * (e) locked by proctree_lock sx * (c) const until freeing */ struct session { u_int s_count; /* Ref cnt; pgrps in session - atomic. */ struct proc *s_leader; /* (m + e) Session leader. */ struct vnode *s_ttyvp; /* (m) Vnode of controlling tty. */ struct cdev_priv *s_ttydp; /* (m) Device of controlling tty. */ struct tty *s_ttyp; /* (e) Controlling tty. */ pid_t s_sid; /* (c) Session ID. */ /* (m) Setlogin() name: */ char s_login[roundup(MAXLOGNAME, sizeof(long))]; struct mtx s_mtx; /* Mutex to protect members. */ }; /* * One structure allocated per process group. * * List of locks * (m) locked by pg_mtx mtx * (e) locked by proctree_lock sx * (c) const until freeing */ struct pgrp { LIST_ENTRY(pgrp) pg_hash; /* (e) Hash chain. */ LIST_HEAD(, proc) pg_members; /* (m + e) Pointer to pgrp members. */ struct session *pg_session; /* (c) Pointer to session. */ struct sigiolst pg_sigiolst; /* (m) List of sigio sources. */ pid_t pg_id; /* (c) Process group id. */ int pg_jobc; /* (m) Job control process count. */ struct mtx pg_mtx; /* Mutex to protect members */ }; /* * pargs, used to hold a copy of the command line, if it had a sane length. */ struct pargs { u_int ar_ref; /* Reference count. */ u_int ar_length; /* Length. */ u_char ar_args[1]; /* Arguments. */ }; /*- * Description of a process. * * This structure contains the information needed to manage a thread of * control, known in UN*X as a process; it has references to substructures * containing descriptions of things that the process uses, but may share * with related processes. The process structure and the substructures * are always addressable except for those marked "(CPU)" below, * which might be addressable only on a processor on which the process * is running. * * Below is a key of locks used to protect each member of struct proc. The * lock is indicated by a reference to a specific character in parens in the * associated comment. * * - not yet protected * a - only touched by curproc or parent during fork/wait * b - created at fork, never changes * (exception aiods switch vmspaces, but they are also * marked 'P_SYSTEM' so hopefully it will be left alone) * c - locked by proc mtx * d - locked by allproc_lock lock * e - locked by proctree_lock lock * f - session mtx * g - process group mtx * h - callout_lock mtx * i - by curproc or the master session mtx * j - locked by proc slock * k - only accessed by curthread * k*- only accessed by curthread and from an interrupt * l - the attaching proc or attaching proc parent * m - Giant * n - not locked, lazy * o - ktrace lock * q - td_contested lock * r - p_peers lock * t - thread lock * u - process stat lock * w - process timer lock * x - created at fork, only changes during single threading in exec * y - created at first aio, doesn't change until exit or exec at which * point we are single-threaded and only curthread changes it * z - zombie threads lock * * If the locking key specifies two identifiers (for example, p_pptr) then * either lock is sufficient for read access, but both locks must be held * for write access. */ struct cpuset; struct filecaps; struct filemon; struct kaioinfo; struct kaudit_record; struct kdtrace_proc; struct kdtrace_thread; struct mqueue_notifier; struct nlminfo; struct p_sched; struct proc; struct procdesc; struct racct; struct sbuf; struct sleepqueue; struct syscall_args; struct td_sched; struct thread; struct trapframe; struct turnstile; /* * XXX: Does this belong in resource.h or resourcevar.h instead? * Resource usage extension. The times in rusage structs in the kernel are * never up to date. The actual times are kept as runtimes and tick counts * (with control info in the "previous" times), and are converted when * userland asks for rusage info. Backwards compatibility prevents putting * this directly in the user-visible rusage struct. * * Locking for p_rux: (cu) means (u) for p_rux and (c) for p_crux. * Locking for td_rux: (t) for all fields. */ struct rusage_ext { uint64_t rux_runtime; /* (cu) Real time. */ uint64_t rux_uticks; /* (cu) Statclock hits in user mode. */ uint64_t rux_sticks; /* (cu) Statclock hits in sys mode. */ uint64_t rux_iticks; /* (cu) Statclock hits in intr mode. */ uint64_t rux_uu; /* (c) Previous user time in usec. */ uint64_t rux_su; /* (c) Previous sys time in usec. */ uint64_t rux_tu; /* (c) Previous total time in usec. */ }; /* * Kernel runnable context (thread). * This is what is put to sleep and reactivated. * Thread context. Processes may have multiple threads. */ struct thread { struct mtx *volatile td_lock; /* replaces sched lock */ struct proc *td_proc; /* (*) Associated process. */ TAILQ_ENTRY(thread) td_plist; /* (*) All threads in this proc. */ TAILQ_ENTRY(thread) td_runq; /* (t) Run queue. */ TAILQ_ENTRY(thread) td_slpq; /* (t) Sleep queue. */ TAILQ_ENTRY(thread) td_lockq; /* (t) Lock queue. */ LIST_ENTRY(thread) td_hash; /* (d) Hash chain. */ struct cpuset *td_cpuset; /* (t) CPU affinity mask. */ struct seltd *td_sel; /* Select queue/channel. */ struct sleepqueue *td_sleepqueue; /* (k) Associated sleep queue. */ struct turnstile *td_turnstile; /* (k) Associated turnstile. */ struct rl_q_entry *td_rlqe; /* (k) Associated range lock entry. */ struct umtx_q *td_umtxq; /* (c?) Link for when we're blocked. */ struct vm_domain_policy td_vm_dom_policy; /* (c) current numa domain policy */ lwpid_t td_tid; /* (b) Thread ID. */ sigqueue_t td_sigqueue; /* (c) Sigs arrived, not delivered. */ #define td_siglist td_sigqueue.sq_signals u_char td_lend_user_pri; /* (t) Lend user pri. */ /* Cleared during fork1() */ #define td_startzero td_flags int td_flags; /* (t) TDF_* flags. */ int td_inhibitors; /* (t) Why can not run. */ int td_pflags; /* (k) Private thread (TDP_*) flags. */ int td_dupfd; /* (k) Ret value from fdopen. XXX */ int td_sqqueue; /* (t) Sleepqueue queue blocked on. */ void *td_wchan; /* (t) Sleep address. */ const char *td_wmesg; /* (t) Reason for sleep. */ volatile u_char td_owepreempt; /* (k*) Preempt on last critical_exit */ u_char td_tsqueue; /* (t) Turnstile queue blocked on. */ short td_locks; /* (k) Debug: count of non-spin locks */ short td_rw_rlocks; /* (k) Count of rwlock read locks. */ short td_lk_slocks; /* (k) Count of lockmgr shared locks. */ short td_stopsched; /* (k) Scheduler stopped. */ struct turnstile *td_blocked; /* (t) Lock thread is blocked on. */ const char *td_lockname; /* (t) Name of lock blocked on. */ LIST_HEAD(, turnstile) td_contested; /* (q) Contested locks. */ struct lock_list_entry *td_sleeplocks; /* (k) Held sleep locks. */ int td_intr_nesting_level; /* (k) Interrupt recursion. */ int td_pinned; /* (k) Temporary cpu pin count. */ struct ucred *td_ucred; /* (k) Reference to credentials. */ struct plimit *td_limit; /* (k) Resource limits. */ u_int td_estcpu; /* (t) estimated cpu utilization */ int td_slptick; /* (t) Time at sleep. */ int td_blktick; /* (t) Time spent blocked. */ int td_swvoltick; /* (t) Time at last SW_VOL switch. */ + int td_swinvoltick; /* (t) Time at last SW_INVOL switch. */ u_int td_cow; /* (*) Number of copy-on-write faults */ struct rusage td_ru; /* (t) rusage information. */ struct rusage_ext td_rux; /* (t) Internal rusage information. */ uint64_t td_incruntime; /* (t) Cpu ticks to transfer to proc. */ uint64_t td_runtime; /* (t) How many cpu ticks we've run. */ u_int td_pticks; /* (t) Statclock hits for profiling */ u_int td_sticks; /* (t) Statclock hits in system mode. */ u_int td_iticks; /* (t) Statclock hits in intr mode. */ u_int td_uticks; /* (t) Statclock hits in user mode. */ int td_intrval; /* (t) Return value for sleepq. */ sigset_t td_oldsigmask; /* (k) Saved mask from pre sigpause. */ volatile u_int td_generation; /* (k) For detection of preemption */ stack_t td_sigstk; /* (k) Stack ptr and on-stack flag. */ int td_xsig; /* (c) Signal for ptrace */ u_long td_profil_addr; /* (k) Temporary addr until AST. */ u_int td_profil_ticks; /* (k) Temporary ticks until AST. */ char td_name[MAXCOMLEN + 1]; /* (*) Thread name. */ struct file *td_fpop; /* (k) file referencing cdev under op */ int td_dbgflags; /* (c) Userland debugger flags */ struct ksiginfo td_dbgksi; /* (c) ksi reflected to debugger. */ int td_ng_outbound; /* (k) Thread entered ng from above. */ struct osd td_osd; /* (k) Object specific data. */ struct vm_map_entry *td_map_def_user; /* (k) Deferred entries. */ pid_t td_dbg_forked; /* (c) Child pid for debugger. */ u_int td_vp_reserv; /* (k) Count of reserved vnodes. */ int td_no_sleeping; /* (k) Sleeping disabled count. */ int td_dom_rr_idx; /* (k) RR Numa domain selection. */ void *td_su; /* (k) FFS SU private */ #define td_endzero td_sigmask /* Copied during fork1() or create_thread(). */ #define td_startcopy td_endzero sigset_t td_sigmask; /* (c) Current signal mask. */ u_char td_rqindex; /* (t) Run queue index. */ u_char td_base_pri; /* (t) Thread base kernel priority. */ u_char td_priority; /* (t) Thread active priority. */ u_char td_pri_class; /* (t) Scheduling class. */ u_char td_user_pri; /* (t) User pri from estcpu and nice. */ u_char td_base_user_pri; /* (t) Base user pri */ u_int td_dbg_sc_code; /* (c) Syscall code to debugger. */ u_int td_dbg_sc_narg; /* (c) Syscall arg count to debugger.*/ #define td_endcopy td_pcb /* * Fields that must be manually set in fork1() or create_thread() * or already have been set in the allocator, constructor, etc. */ struct pcb *td_pcb; /* (k) Kernel VA of pcb and kstack. */ enum { TDS_INACTIVE = 0x0, TDS_INHIBITED, TDS_CAN_RUN, TDS_RUNQ, TDS_RUNNING } td_state; /* (t) thread state */ union { register_t tdu_retval[2]; off_t tdu_off; } td_uretoff; /* (k) Syscall aux returns. */ #define td_retval td_uretoff.tdu_retval u_int td_cowgen; /* (k) Generation of COW pointers. */ struct callout td_slpcallout; /* (h) Callout for sleep. */ struct trapframe *td_frame; /* (k) */ struct vm_object *td_kstack_obj;/* (a) Kstack object. */ vm_offset_t td_kstack; /* (a) Kernel VA of kstack. */ int td_kstack_pages; /* (a) Size of the kstack. */ volatile u_int td_critnest; /* (k*) Critical section nest level. */ struct mdthread td_md; /* (k) Any machine-dependent fields. */ struct td_sched *td_sched; /* (*) Scheduler-specific data. */ struct kaudit_record *td_ar; /* (k) Active audit record, if any. */ struct lpohead td_lprof[2]; /* (a) lock profiling objects. */ struct kdtrace_thread *td_dtrace; /* (*) DTrace-specific data. */ int td_errno; /* Error returned by last syscall. */ struct vnet *td_vnet; /* (k) Effective vnet. */ const char *td_vnet_lpush; /* (k) Debugging vnet push / pop. */ struct trapframe *td_intr_frame;/* (k) Frame of the current irq */ struct proc *td_rfppwait_p; /* (k) The vforked child */ struct vm_page **td_ma; /* (k) uio pages held */ int td_ma_cnt; /* (k) size of *td_ma */ void *td_emuldata; /* Emulator state data */ int td_lastcpu; /* (t) Last cpu we were on. */ int td_oncpu; /* (t) Which cpu we are on. */ }; struct mtx *thread_lock_block(struct thread *); void thread_lock_unblock(struct thread *, struct mtx *); void thread_lock_set(struct thread *, struct mtx *); #define THREAD_LOCK_ASSERT(td, type) \ do { \ struct mtx *__m = (td)->td_lock; \ if (__m != &blocked_lock) \ mtx_assert(__m, (type)); \ } while (0) #ifdef INVARIANTS #define THREAD_LOCKPTR_ASSERT(td, lock) \ do { \ struct mtx *__m = (td)->td_lock; \ KASSERT((__m == &blocked_lock || __m == (lock)), \ ("Thread %p lock %p does not match %p", td, __m, (lock))); \ } while (0) #define TD_LOCKS_INC(td) ((td)->td_locks++) #define TD_LOCKS_DEC(td) ((td)->td_locks--) #else #define THREAD_LOCKPTR_ASSERT(td, lock) #define TD_LOCKS_INC(td) #define TD_LOCKS_DEC(td) #endif /* * Flags kept in td_flags: * To change these you MUST have the scheduler lock. */ #define TDF_BORROWING 0x00000001 /* Thread is borrowing pri from another. */ #define TDF_INPANIC 0x00000002 /* Caused a panic, let it drive crashdump. */ #define TDF_INMEM 0x00000004 /* Thread's stack is in memory. */ #define TDF_SINTR 0x00000008 /* Sleep is interruptible. */ #define TDF_TIMEOUT 0x00000010 /* Timing out during sleep. */ #define TDF_IDLETD 0x00000020 /* This is a per-CPU idle thread. */ #define TDF_CANSWAP 0x00000040 /* Thread can be swapped. */ #define TDF_SLEEPABORT 0x00000080 /* sleepq_abort was called. */ #define TDF_KTH_SUSP 0x00000100 /* kthread is suspended */ #define TDF_ALLPROCSUSP 0x00000200 /* suspended by SINGLE_ALLPROC */ #define TDF_BOUNDARY 0x00000400 /* Thread suspended at user boundary */ #define TDF_ASTPENDING 0x00000800 /* Thread has some asynchronous events. */ #define TDF_TIMOFAIL 0x00001000 /* Timeout from sleep after we were awake. */ #define TDF_SBDRY 0x00002000 /* Stop only on usermode boundary. */ #define TDF_UPIBLOCKED 0x00004000 /* Thread blocked on user PI mutex. */ #define TDF_NEEDSUSPCHK 0x00008000 /* Thread may need to suspend. */ #define TDF_NEEDRESCHED 0x00010000 /* Thread needs to yield. */ #define TDF_NEEDSIGCHK 0x00020000 /* Thread may need signal delivery. */ #define TDF_NOLOAD 0x00040000 /* Ignore during load avg calculations. */ #define TDF_UNUSED19 0x00080000 /* --available-- */ #define TDF_THRWAKEUP 0x00100000 /* Libthr thread must not suspend itself. */ #define TDF_UNUSED21 0x00200000 /* --available-- */ #define TDF_SWAPINREQ 0x00400000 /* Swapin request due to wakeup. */ #define TDF_UNUSED23 0x00800000 /* --available-- */ #define TDF_SCHED0 0x01000000 /* Reserved for scheduler private use */ #define TDF_SCHED1 0x02000000 /* Reserved for scheduler private use */ #define TDF_SCHED2 0x04000000 /* Reserved for scheduler private use */ #define TDF_SCHED3 0x08000000 /* Reserved for scheduler private use */ #define TDF_ALRMPEND 0x10000000 /* Pending SIGVTALRM needs to be posted. */ #define TDF_PROFPEND 0x20000000 /* Pending SIGPROF needs to be posted. */ #define TDF_MACPEND 0x40000000 /* AST-based MAC event pending. */ /* Userland debug flags */ #define TDB_SUSPEND 0x00000001 /* Thread is suspended by debugger */ #define TDB_XSIG 0x00000002 /* Thread is exchanging signal under trace */ #define TDB_USERWR 0x00000004 /* Debugger modified memory or registers */ #define TDB_SCE 0x00000008 /* Thread performs syscall enter */ #define TDB_SCX 0x00000010 /* Thread performs syscall exit */ #define TDB_EXEC 0x00000020 /* TDB_SCX from exec(2) family */ #define TDB_FORK 0x00000040 /* TDB_SCX from fork(2) that created new process */ #define TDB_STOPATFORK 0x00000080 /* Stop at the return from fork (child only) */ #define TDB_CHILD 0x00000100 /* New child indicator for ptrace() */ #define TDB_BORN 0x00000200 /* New LWP indicator for ptrace() */ #define TDB_EXIT 0x00000400 /* Exiting LWP indicator for ptrace() */ /* * "Private" flags kept in td_pflags: * These are only written by curthread and thus need no locking. */ #define TDP_OLDMASK 0x00000001 /* Need to restore mask after suspend. */ #define TDP_INKTR 0x00000002 /* Thread is currently in KTR code. */ #define TDP_INKTRACE 0x00000004 /* Thread is currently in KTRACE code. */ #define TDP_BUFNEED 0x00000008 /* Do not recurse into the buf flush */ #define TDP_COWINPROGRESS 0x00000010 /* Snapshot copy-on-write in progress. */ #define TDP_ALTSTACK 0x00000020 /* Have alternate signal stack. */ #define TDP_DEADLKTREAT 0x00000040 /* Lock aquisition - deadlock treatment. */ #define TDP_NOFAULTING 0x00000080 /* Do not handle page faults. */ #define TDP_UNUSED9 0x00000100 /* --available-- */ #define TDP_OWEUPC 0x00000200 /* Call addupc() at next AST. */ #define TDP_ITHREAD 0x00000400 /* Thread is an interrupt thread. */ #define TDP_SYNCIO 0x00000800 /* Local override, disable async i/o. */ #define TDP_SCHED1 0x00001000 /* Reserved for scheduler private use */ #define TDP_SCHED2 0x00002000 /* Reserved for scheduler private use */ #define TDP_SCHED3 0x00004000 /* Reserved for scheduler private use */ #define TDP_SCHED4 0x00008000 /* Reserved for scheduler private use */ #define TDP_GEOM 0x00010000 /* Settle GEOM before finishing syscall */ #define TDP_SOFTDEP 0x00020000 /* Stuck processing softdep worklist */ #define TDP_NORUNNINGBUF 0x00040000 /* Ignore runningbufspace check */ #define TDP_WAKEUP 0x00080000 /* Don't sleep in umtx cond_wait */ #define TDP_INBDFLUSH 0x00100000 /* Already in BO_BDFLUSH, do not recurse */ #define TDP_KTHREAD 0x00200000 /* This is an official kernel thread */ #define TDP_CALLCHAIN 0x00400000 /* Capture thread's callchain */ #define TDP_IGNSUSP 0x00800000 /* Permission to ignore the MNTK_SUSPEND* */ #define TDP_AUDITREC 0x01000000 /* Audit record pending on thread */ #define TDP_RFPPWAIT 0x02000000 /* Handle RFPPWAIT on syscall exit */ #define TDP_RESETSPUR 0x04000000 /* Reset spurious page fault history. */ #define TDP_NERRNO 0x08000000 /* Last errno is already in td_errno */ #define TDP_UIOHELD 0x10000000 /* Current uio has pages held in td_ma */ #define TDP_FORKING 0x20000000 /* Thread is being created through fork() */ #define TDP_EXECVMSPC 0x40000000 /* Execve destroyed old vmspace */ /* * Reasons that the current thread can not be run yet. * More than one may apply. */ #define TDI_SUSPENDED 0x0001 /* On suspension queue. */ #define TDI_SLEEPING 0x0002 /* Actually asleep! (tricky). */ #define TDI_SWAPPED 0x0004 /* Stack not in mem. Bad juju if run. */ #define TDI_LOCK 0x0008 /* Stopped on a lock. */ #define TDI_IWAIT 0x0010 /* Awaiting interrupt. */ #define TD_IS_SLEEPING(td) ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_SLEEPING) #define TD_ON_SLEEPQ(td) ((td)->td_wchan != NULL) #define TD_IS_SUSPENDED(td) ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_SUSPENDED) #define TD_IS_SWAPPED(td) ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_SWAPPED) #define TD_ON_LOCK(td) ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_LOCK) #define TD_AWAITING_INTR(td) ((td)->td_inhibitors & TDI_IWAIT) #define TD_IS_RUNNING(td) ((td)->td_state == TDS_RUNNING) #define TD_ON_RUNQ(td) ((td)->td_state == TDS_RUNQ) #define TD_CAN_RUN(td) ((td)->td_state == TDS_CAN_RUN) #define TD_IS_INHIBITED(td) ((td)->td_state == TDS_INHIBITED) #define TD_ON_UPILOCK(td) ((td)->td_flags & TDF_UPIBLOCKED) #define TD_IS_IDLETHREAD(td) ((td)->td_flags & TDF_IDLETD) #define TD_SET_INHIB(td, inhib) do { \ (td)->td_state = TDS_INHIBITED; \ (td)->td_inhibitors |= (inhib); \ } while (0) #define TD_CLR_INHIB(td, inhib) do { \ if (((td)->td_inhibitors & (inhib)) && \ (((td)->td_inhibitors &= ~(inhib)) == 0)) \ (td)->td_state = TDS_CAN_RUN; \ } while (0) #define TD_SET_SLEEPING(td) TD_SET_INHIB((td), TDI_SLEEPING) #define TD_SET_SWAPPED(td) TD_SET_INHIB((td), TDI_SWAPPED) #define TD_SET_LOCK(td) TD_SET_INHIB((td), TDI_LOCK) #define TD_SET_SUSPENDED(td) TD_SET_INHIB((td), TDI_SUSPENDED) #define TD_SET_IWAIT(td) TD_SET_INHIB((td), TDI_IWAIT) #define TD_SET_EXITING(td) TD_SET_INHIB((td), TDI_EXITING) #define TD_CLR_SLEEPING(td) TD_CLR_INHIB((td), TDI_SLEEPING) #define TD_CLR_SWAPPED(td) TD_CLR_INHIB((td), TDI_SWAPPED) #define TD_CLR_LOCK(td) TD_CLR_INHIB((td), TDI_LOCK) #define TD_CLR_SUSPENDED(td) TD_CLR_INHIB((td), TDI_SUSPENDED) #define TD_CLR_IWAIT(td) TD_CLR_INHIB((td), TDI_IWAIT) #define TD_SET_RUNNING(td) (td)->td_state = TDS_RUNNING #define TD_SET_RUNQ(td) (td)->td_state = TDS_RUNQ #define TD_SET_CAN_RUN(td) (td)->td_state = TDS_CAN_RUN /* * Process structure. */ struct proc { LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_list; /* (d) List of all processes. */ TAILQ_HEAD(, thread) p_threads; /* (c) all threads. */ struct mtx p_slock; /* process spin lock */ struct ucred *p_ucred; /* (c) Process owner's identity. */ struct filedesc *p_fd; /* (b) Open files. */ struct filedesc_to_leader *p_fdtol; /* (b) Tracking node */ struct pstats *p_stats; /* (b) Accounting/statistics (CPU). */ struct plimit *p_limit; /* (c) Resource limits. */ struct callout p_limco; /* (c) Limit callout handle */ struct sigacts *p_sigacts; /* (x) Signal actions, state (CPU). */ int p_flag; /* (c) P_* flags. */ int p_flag2; /* (c) P2_* flags. */ enum { PRS_NEW = 0, /* In creation */ PRS_NORMAL, /* threads can be run. */ PRS_ZOMBIE } p_state; /* (j/c) Process status. */ pid_t p_pid; /* (b) Process identifier. */ LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_hash; /* (d) Hash chain. */ LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_pglist; /* (g + e) List of processes in pgrp. */ struct proc *p_pptr; /* (c + e) Pointer to parent process. */ LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_sibling; /* (e) List of sibling processes. */ LIST_HEAD(, proc) p_children; /* (e) Pointer to list of children. */ struct proc *p_reaper; /* (e) My reaper. */ LIST_HEAD(, proc) p_reaplist; /* (e) List of my descendants (if I am reaper). */ LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_reapsibling; /* (e) List of siblings - descendants of the same reaper. */ struct mtx p_mtx; /* (n) Lock for this struct. */ struct mtx p_statmtx; /* Lock for the stats */ struct mtx p_itimmtx; /* Lock for the virt/prof timers */ struct mtx p_profmtx; /* Lock for the profiling */ struct ksiginfo *p_ksi; /* Locked by parent proc lock */ sigqueue_t p_sigqueue; /* (c) Sigs not delivered to a td. */ #define p_siglist p_sigqueue.sq_signals /* The following fields are all zeroed upon creation in fork. */ #define p_startzero p_oppid pid_t p_oppid; /* (c + e) Save ppid in ptrace. XXX */ struct vmspace *p_vmspace; /* (b) Address space. */ u_int p_swtick; /* (c) Tick when swapped in or out. */ u_int p_cowgen; /* (c) Generation of COW pointers. */ struct itimerval p_realtimer; /* (c) Alarm timer. */ struct rusage p_ru; /* (a) Exit information. */ struct rusage_ext p_rux; /* (cu) Internal resource usage. */ struct rusage_ext p_crux; /* (c) Internal child resource usage. */ int p_profthreads; /* (c) Num threads in addupc_task. */ volatile int p_exitthreads; /* (j) Number of threads exiting */ int p_traceflag; /* (o) Kernel trace points. */ struct vnode *p_tracevp; /* (c + o) Trace to vnode. */ struct ucred *p_tracecred; /* (o) Credentials to trace with. */ struct vnode *p_textvp; /* (b) Vnode of executable. */ u_int p_lock; /* (c) Proclock (prevent swap) count. */ struct sigiolst p_sigiolst; /* (c) List of sigio sources. */ int p_sigparent; /* (c) Signal to parent on exit. */ int p_sig; /* (n) For core dump/debugger XXX. */ u_long p_code; /* (n) For core dump/debugger XXX. */ u_int p_stops; /* (c) Stop event bitmask. */ u_int p_stype; /* (c) Stop event type. */ char p_step; /* (c) Process is stopped. */ u_char p_pfsflags; /* (c) Procfs flags. */ struct nlminfo *p_nlminfo; /* (?) Only used by/for lockd. */ struct kaioinfo *p_aioinfo; /* (y) ASYNC I/O info. */ struct thread *p_singlethread;/* (c + j) If single threading this is it */ int p_suspcount; /* (j) Num threads in suspended mode. */ struct thread *p_xthread; /* (c) Trap thread */ int p_boundary_count;/* (j) Num threads at user boundary */ int p_pendingcnt; /* how many signals are pending */ struct itimers *p_itimers; /* (c) POSIX interval timers. */ struct procdesc *p_procdesc; /* (e) Process descriptor, if any. */ u_int p_treeflag; /* (e) P_TREE flags */ int p_pendingexits; /* (c) Count of pending thread exits. */ struct filemon *p_filemon; /* (c) filemon-specific data. */ /* End area that is zeroed on creation. */ #define p_endzero p_magic /* The following fields are all copied upon creation in fork. */ #define p_startcopy p_endzero u_int p_magic; /* (b) Magic number. */ int p_osrel; /* (x) osreldate for the binary (from ELF note, if any) */ char p_comm[MAXCOMLEN + 1]; /* (b) Process name. */ struct sysentvec *p_sysent; /* (b) Syscall dispatch info. */ struct pargs *p_args; /* (c) Process arguments. */ rlim_t p_cpulimit; /* (c) Current CPU limit in seconds. */ signed char p_nice; /* (c) Process "nice" value. */ int p_fibnum; /* in this routing domain XXX MRT */ pid_t p_reapsubtree; /* (e) Pid of the direct child of the reaper which spawned our subtree. */ u_int p_xexit; /* (c) Exit code. */ u_int p_xsig; /* (c) Stop/kill sig. */ /* End area that is copied on creation. */ #define p_endcopy p_xsig struct pgrp *p_pgrp; /* (c + e) Pointer to process group. */ struct knlist p_klist; /* (c) Knotes attached to this proc. */ int p_numthreads; /* (c) Number of threads. */ struct mdproc p_md; /* Any machine-dependent fields. */ struct callout p_itcallout; /* (h + c) Interval timer callout. */ u_short p_acflag; /* (c) Accounting flags. */ struct proc *p_peers; /* (r) */ struct proc *p_leader; /* (b) */ void *p_emuldata; /* (c) Emulator state data. */ struct label *p_label; /* (*) Proc (not subject) MAC label. */ struct p_sched *p_sched; /* (*) Scheduler-specific data. */ STAILQ_HEAD(, ktr_request) p_ktr; /* (o) KTR event queue. */ LIST_HEAD(, mqueue_notifier) p_mqnotifier; /* (c) mqueue notifiers.*/ struct kdtrace_proc *p_dtrace; /* (*) DTrace-specific data. */ struct cv p_pwait; /* (*) wait cv for exit/exec. */ struct cv p_dbgwait; /* (*) wait cv for debugger attach after fork. */ uint64_t p_prev_runtime; /* (c) Resource usage accounting. */ struct racct *p_racct; /* (b) Resource accounting. */ u_char p_throttled; /* (c) Flag for racct pcpu throttling */ struct vm_domain_policy p_vm_dom_policy; /* (c) process default VM domain, or -1 */ /* * An orphan is the child that has beed re-parented to the * debugger as a result of attaching to it. Need to keep * track of them for parent to be able to collect the exit * status of what used to be children. */ LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_orphan; /* (e) List of orphan processes. */ LIST_HEAD(, proc) p_orphans; /* (e) Pointer to list of orphans. */ }; #define p_session p_pgrp->pg_session #define p_pgid p_pgrp->pg_id #define NOCPU (-1) /* For when we aren't on a CPU. */ #define NOCPU_OLD (255) #define MAXCPU_OLD (254) #define PROC_SLOCK(p) mtx_lock_spin(&(p)->p_slock) #define PROC_SUNLOCK(p) mtx_unlock_spin(&(p)->p_slock) #define PROC_SLOCK_ASSERT(p, type) mtx_assert(&(p)->p_slock, (type)) #define PROC_STATLOCK(p) mtx_lock_spin(&(p)->p_statmtx) #define PROC_STATUNLOCK(p) mtx_unlock_spin(&(p)->p_statmtx) #define PROC_STATLOCK_ASSERT(p, type) mtx_assert(&(p)->p_statmtx, (type)) #define PROC_ITIMLOCK(p) mtx_lock_spin(&(p)->p_itimmtx) #define PROC_ITIMUNLOCK(p) mtx_unlock_spin(&(p)->p_itimmtx) #define PROC_ITIMLOCK_ASSERT(p, type) mtx_assert(&(p)->p_itimmtx, (type)) #define PROC_PROFLOCK(p) mtx_lock_spin(&(p)->p_profmtx) #define PROC_PROFUNLOCK(p) mtx_unlock_spin(&(p)->p_profmtx) #define PROC_PROFLOCK_ASSERT(p, type) mtx_assert(&(p)->p_profmtx, (type)) /* These flags are kept in p_flag. */ #define P_ADVLOCK 0x00001 /* Process may hold a POSIX advisory lock. */ #define P_CONTROLT 0x00002 /* Has a controlling terminal. */ #define P_KPROC 0x00004 /* Kernel process. */ #define P_FOLLOWFORK 0x00008 /* Attach parent debugger to children. */ #define P_PPWAIT 0x00010 /* Parent is waiting for child to exec/exit. */ #define P_PROFIL 0x00020 /* Has started profiling. */ #define P_STOPPROF 0x00040 /* Has thread requesting to stop profiling. */ #define P_HADTHREADS 0x00080 /* Has had threads (no cleanup shortcuts) */ #define P_SUGID 0x00100 /* Had set id privileges since last exec. */ #define P_SYSTEM 0x00200 /* System proc: no sigs, stats or swapping. */ #define P_SINGLE_EXIT 0x00400 /* Threads suspending should exit, not wait. */ #define P_TRACED 0x00800 /* Debugged process being traced. */ #define P_WAITED 0x01000 /* Someone is waiting for us. */ #define P_WEXIT 0x02000 /* Working on exiting. */ #define P_EXEC 0x04000 /* Process called exec. */ #define P_WKILLED 0x08000 /* Killed, go to kernel/user boundary ASAP. */ #define P_CONTINUED 0x10000 /* Proc has continued from a stopped state. */ #define P_STOPPED_SIG 0x20000 /* Stopped due to SIGSTOP/SIGTSTP. */ #define P_STOPPED_TRACE 0x40000 /* Stopped because of tracing. */ #define P_STOPPED_SINGLE 0x80000 /* Only 1 thread can continue (not to user). */ #define P_PROTECTED 0x100000 /* Do not kill on memory overcommit. */ #define P_SIGEVENT 0x200000 /* Process pending signals changed. */ #define P_SINGLE_BOUNDARY 0x400000 /* Threads should suspend at user boundary. */ #define P_HWPMC 0x800000 /* Process is using HWPMCs */ #define P_JAILED 0x1000000 /* Process is in jail. */ #define P_TOTAL_STOP 0x2000000 /* Stopped in stop_all_proc. */ #define P_INEXEC 0x4000000 /* Process is in execve(). */ #define P_STATCHILD 0x8000000 /* Child process stopped or exited. */ #define P_INMEM 0x10000000 /* Loaded into memory. */ #define P_SWAPPINGOUT 0x20000000 /* Process is being swapped out. */ #define P_SWAPPINGIN 0x40000000 /* Process is being swapped in. */ #define P_PPTRACE 0x80000000 /* PT_TRACEME by vforked child. */ #define P_STOPPED (P_STOPPED_SIG|P_STOPPED_SINGLE|P_STOPPED_TRACE) #define P_SHOULDSTOP(p) ((p)->p_flag & P_STOPPED) #define P_KILLED(p) ((p)->p_flag & P_WKILLED) /* These flags are kept in p_flag2. */ #define P2_INHERIT_PROTECTED 0x00000001 /* New children get P_PROTECTED. */ #define P2_NOTRACE 0x00000002 /* No ptrace(2) attach or coredumps. */ #define P2_NOTRACE_EXEC 0x00000004 /* Keep P2_NOPTRACE on exec(2). */ #define P2_AST_SU 0x00000008 /* Handles SU ast for kthreads. */ #define P2_LWP_EVENTS 0x00000010 /* Report LWP events via ptrace(2). */ /* Flags protected by proctree_lock, kept in p_treeflags. */ #define P_TREE_ORPHANED 0x00000001 /* Reparented, on orphan list */ #define P_TREE_FIRST_ORPHAN 0x00000002 /* First element of orphan list */ #define P_TREE_REAPER 0x00000004 /* Reaper of subtree */ /* * These were process status values (p_stat), now they are only used in * legacy conversion code. */ #define SIDL 1 /* Process being created by fork. */ #define SRUN 2 /* Currently runnable. */ #define SSLEEP 3 /* Sleeping on an address. */ #define SSTOP 4 /* Process debugging or suspension. */ #define SZOMB 5 /* Awaiting collection by parent. */ #define SWAIT 6 /* Waiting for interrupt. */ #define SLOCK 7 /* Blocked on a lock. */ #define P_MAGIC 0xbeefface #ifdef _KERNEL /* Types and flags for mi_switch(). */ #define SW_TYPE_MASK 0xff /* First 8 bits are switch type */ #define SWT_NONE 0 /* Unspecified switch. */ #define SWT_PREEMPT 1 /* Switching due to preemption. */ #define SWT_OWEPREEMPT 2 /* Switching due to opepreempt. */ #define SWT_TURNSTILE 3 /* Turnstile contention. */ #define SWT_SLEEPQ 4 /* Sleepq wait. */ #define SWT_SLEEPQTIMO 5 /* Sleepq timeout wait. */ #define SWT_RELINQUISH 6 /* yield call. */ #define SWT_NEEDRESCHED 7 /* NEEDRESCHED was set. */ #define SWT_IDLE 8 /* Switching from the idle thread. */ #define SWT_IWAIT 9 /* Waiting for interrupts. */ #define SWT_SUSPEND 10 /* Thread suspended. */ #define SWT_REMOTEPREEMPT 11 /* Remote processor preempted. */ #define SWT_REMOTEWAKEIDLE 12 /* Remote processor preempted idle. */ #define SWT_COUNT 13 /* Number of switch types. */ /* Flags */ #define SW_VOL 0x0100 /* Voluntary switch. */ #define SW_INVOL 0x0200 /* Involuntary switch. */ #define SW_PREEMPT 0x0400 /* The invol switch is a preemption */ /* How values for thread_single(). */ #define SINGLE_NO_EXIT 0 #define SINGLE_EXIT 1 #define SINGLE_BOUNDARY 2 #define SINGLE_ALLPROC 3 #ifdef MALLOC_DECLARE MALLOC_DECLARE(M_PARGS); MALLOC_DECLARE(M_PGRP); MALLOC_DECLARE(M_SESSION); MALLOC_DECLARE(M_SUBPROC); #endif #define FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) \ LIST_FOREACH((p), &allproc, p_list) #define FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) \ TAILQ_FOREACH((td), &(p)->p_threads, td_plist) #define FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p) TAILQ_FIRST(&(p)->p_threads) /* * We use process IDs <= pid_max <= PID_MAX; PID_MAX + 1 must also fit * in a pid_t, as it is used to represent "no process group". */ #define PID_MAX 99999 #define NO_PID 100000 extern pid_t pid_max; #define SESS_LEADER(p) ((p)->p_session->s_leader == (p)) #define STOPEVENT(p, e, v) do { \ WITNESS_WARN(WARN_GIANTOK | WARN_SLEEPOK, NULL, \ "checking stopevent %d", (e)); \ if ((p)->p_stops & (e)) { \ PROC_LOCK(p); \ stopevent((p), (e), (v)); \ PROC_UNLOCK(p); \ } \ } while (0) #define _STOPEVENT(p, e, v) do { \ PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); \ WITNESS_WARN(WARN_GIANTOK | WARN_SLEEPOK, &p->p_mtx.lock_object, \ "checking stopevent %d", (e)); \ if ((p)->p_stops & (e)) \ stopevent((p), (e), (v)); \ } while (0) /* Lock and unlock a process. */ #define PROC_LOCK(p) mtx_lock(&(p)->p_mtx) #define PROC_TRYLOCK(p) mtx_trylock(&(p)->p_mtx) #define PROC_UNLOCK(p) mtx_unlock(&(p)->p_mtx) #define PROC_LOCKED(p) mtx_owned(&(p)->p_mtx) #define PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, type) mtx_assert(&(p)->p_mtx, (type)) /* Lock and unlock a process group. */ #define PGRP_LOCK(pg) mtx_lock(&(pg)->pg_mtx) #define PGRP_UNLOCK(pg) mtx_unlock(&(pg)->pg_mtx) #define PGRP_LOCKED(pg) mtx_owned(&(pg)->pg_mtx) #define PGRP_LOCK_ASSERT(pg, type) mtx_assert(&(pg)->pg_mtx, (type)) #define PGRP_LOCK_PGSIGNAL(pg) do { \ if ((pg) != NULL) \ PGRP_LOCK(pg); \ } while (0) #define PGRP_UNLOCK_PGSIGNAL(pg) do { \ if ((pg) != NULL) \ PGRP_UNLOCK(pg); \ } while (0) /* Lock and unlock a session. */ #define SESS_LOCK(s) mtx_lock(&(s)->s_mtx) #define SESS_UNLOCK(s) mtx_unlock(&(s)->s_mtx) #define SESS_LOCKED(s) mtx_owned(&(s)->s_mtx) #define SESS_LOCK_ASSERT(s, type) mtx_assert(&(s)->s_mtx, (type)) /* Hold process U-area in memory, normally for ptrace/procfs work. */ #define PHOLD(p) do { \ PROC_LOCK(p); \ _PHOLD(p); \ PROC_UNLOCK(p); \ } while (0) #define _PHOLD(p) do { \ PROC_LOCK_ASSERT((p), MA_OWNED); \ KASSERT(!((p)->p_flag & P_WEXIT) || (p) == curproc, \ ("PHOLD of exiting process %p", p)); \ (p)->p_lock++; \ if (((p)->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0) \ faultin((p)); \ } while (0) #define PROC_ASSERT_HELD(p) do { \ KASSERT((p)->p_lock > 0, ("process %p not held", p)); \ } while (0) #define PRELE(p) do { \ PROC_LOCK((p)); \ _PRELE((p)); \ PROC_UNLOCK((p)); \ } while (0) #define _PRELE(p) do { \ PROC_LOCK_ASSERT((p), MA_OWNED); \ PROC_ASSERT_HELD(p); \ (--(p)->p_lock); \ if (((p)->p_flag & P_WEXIT) && (p)->p_lock == 0) \ wakeup(&(p)->p_lock); \ } while (0) #define PROC_ASSERT_NOT_HELD(p) do { \ KASSERT((p)->p_lock == 0, ("process %p held", p)); \ } while (0) #define PROC_UPDATE_COW(p) do { \ PROC_LOCK_ASSERT((p), MA_OWNED); \ (p)->p_cowgen++; \ } while (0) /* Check whether a thread is safe to be swapped out. */ #define thread_safetoswapout(td) ((td)->td_flags & TDF_CANSWAP) /* Control whether or not it is safe for curthread to sleep. */ #define THREAD_NO_SLEEPING() ((curthread)->td_no_sleeping++) #define THREAD_SLEEPING_OK() ((curthread)->td_no_sleeping--) #define THREAD_CAN_SLEEP() ((curthread)->td_no_sleeping == 0) #define PIDHASH(pid) (&pidhashtbl[(pid) & pidhash]) extern LIST_HEAD(pidhashhead, proc) *pidhashtbl; extern u_long pidhash; #define TIDHASH(tid) (&tidhashtbl[(tid) & tidhash]) extern LIST_HEAD(tidhashhead, thread) *tidhashtbl; extern u_long tidhash; extern struct rwlock tidhash_lock; #define PGRPHASH(pgid) (&pgrphashtbl[(pgid) & pgrphash]) extern LIST_HEAD(pgrphashhead, pgrp) *pgrphashtbl; extern u_long pgrphash; extern struct sx allproc_lock; extern int allproc_gen; extern struct sx proctree_lock; extern struct mtx ppeers_lock; extern struct proc proc0; /* Process slot for swapper. */ extern struct thread thread0; /* Primary thread in proc0. */ extern struct vmspace vmspace0; /* VM space for proc0. */ extern int hogticks; /* Limit on kernel cpu hogs. */ extern int lastpid; extern int nprocs, maxproc; /* Current and max number of procs. */ extern int maxprocperuid; /* Max procs per uid. */ extern u_long ps_arg_cache_limit; LIST_HEAD(proclist, proc); TAILQ_HEAD(procqueue, proc); TAILQ_HEAD(threadqueue, thread); extern struct proclist allproc; /* List of all processes. */ extern struct proclist zombproc; /* List of zombie processes. */ extern struct proc *initproc, *pageproc; /* Process slots for init, pager. */ extern struct uma_zone *proc_zone; struct proc *pfind(pid_t); /* Find process by id. */ struct proc *pfind_locked(pid_t pid); struct pgrp *pgfind(pid_t); /* Find process group by id. */ struct proc *zpfind(pid_t); /* Find zombie process by id. */ struct fork_req { int fr_flags; int fr_pages; int *fr_pidp; struct proc **fr_procp; int *fr_pd_fd; int fr_pd_flags; struct filecaps *fr_pd_fcaps; }; /* * pget() flags. */ #define PGET_HOLD 0x00001 /* Hold the process. */ #define PGET_CANSEE 0x00002 /* Check against p_cansee(). */ #define PGET_CANDEBUG 0x00004 /* Check against p_candebug(). */ #define PGET_ISCURRENT 0x00008 /* Check that the found process is current. */ #define PGET_NOTWEXIT 0x00010 /* Check that the process is not in P_WEXIT. */ #define PGET_NOTINEXEC 0x00020 /* Check that the process is not in P_INEXEC. */ #define PGET_NOTID 0x00040 /* Do not assume tid if pid > PID_MAX. */ #define PGET_WANTREAD (PGET_HOLD | PGET_CANDEBUG | PGET_NOTWEXIT) int pget(pid_t pid, int flags, struct proc **pp); void ast(struct trapframe *framep); struct thread *choosethread(void); int cr_cansignal(struct ucred *cred, struct proc *proc, int signum); int enterpgrp(struct proc *p, pid_t pgid, struct pgrp *pgrp, struct session *sess); int enterthispgrp(struct proc *p, struct pgrp *pgrp); void faultin(struct proc *p); void fixjobc(struct proc *p, struct pgrp *pgrp, int entering); int fork1(struct thread *, struct fork_req *); void fork_exit(void (*)(void *, struct trapframe *), void *, struct trapframe *); void fork_return(struct thread *, struct trapframe *); int inferior(struct proc *p); void kern_yield(int); void kick_proc0(void); void killjobc(void); int leavepgrp(struct proc *p); int maybe_preempt(struct thread *td); void maybe_yield(void); void mi_switch(int flags, struct thread *newtd); int p_candebug(struct thread *td, struct proc *p); int p_cansee(struct thread *td, struct proc *p); int p_cansched(struct thread *td, struct proc *p); int p_cansignal(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, int signum); int p_canwait(struct thread *td, struct proc *p); struct pargs *pargs_alloc(int len); void pargs_drop(struct pargs *pa); void pargs_hold(struct pargs *pa); int proc_getargv(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb); int proc_getauxv(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb); int proc_getenvv(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct sbuf *sb); void procinit(void); void proc_linkup0(struct proc *p, struct thread *td); void proc_linkup(struct proc *p, struct thread *td); struct proc *proc_realparent(struct proc *child); void proc_reap(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, int *status, int options); void proc_reparent(struct proc *child, struct proc *newparent); struct pstats *pstats_alloc(void); void pstats_fork(struct pstats *src, struct pstats *dst); void pstats_free(struct pstats *ps); void reaper_abandon_children(struct proc *p, bool exiting); int securelevel_ge(struct ucred *cr, int level); int securelevel_gt(struct ucred *cr, int level); void sess_hold(struct session *); void sess_release(struct session *); int setrunnable(struct thread *); void setsugid(struct proc *p); int should_yield(void); int sigonstack(size_t sp); void stopevent(struct proc *, u_int, u_int); struct thread *tdfind(lwpid_t, pid_t); void threadinit(void); void tidhash_add(struct thread *); void tidhash_remove(struct thread *); void cpu_idle(int); int cpu_idle_wakeup(int); extern void (*cpu_idle_hook)(sbintime_t); /* Hook to machdep CPU idler. */ void cpu_switch(struct thread *, struct thread *, struct mtx *); void cpu_throw(struct thread *, struct thread *) __dead2; void unsleep(struct thread *); void userret(struct thread *, struct trapframe *); void cpu_exit(struct thread *); void exit1(struct thread *, int, int) __dead2; int cpu_fetch_syscall_args(struct thread *td, struct syscall_args *sa); void cpu_fork(struct thread *, struct proc *, struct thread *, int); void cpu_set_fork_handler(struct thread *, void (*)(void *), void *); void cpu_set_syscall_retval(struct thread *, int); void cpu_set_upcall(struct thread *td, struct thread *td0); void cpu_set_upcall_kse(struct thread *, void (*)(void *), void *, stack_t *); int cpu_set_user_tls(struct thread *, void *tls_base); void cpu_thread_alloc(struct thread *); void cpu_thread_clean(struct thread *); void cpu_thread_exit(struct thread *); void cpu_thread_free(struct thread *); void cpu_thread_swapin(struct thread *); void cpu_thread_swapout(struct thread *); struct thread *thread_alloc(int pages); int thread_alloc_stack(struct thread *, int pages); void thread_cow_get_proc(struct thread *newtd, struct proc *p); void thread_cow_get(struct thread *newtd, struct thread *td); void thread_cow_free(struct thread *td); void thread_cow_update(struct thread *td); int thread_create(struct thread *td, struct rtprio *rtp, int (*initialize_thread)(struct thread *, void *), void *thunk); void thread_exit(void) __dead2; void thread_free(struct thread *td); void thread_link(struct thread *td, struct proc *p); void thread_reap(void); int thread_single(struct proc *p, int how); void thread_single_end(struct proc *p, int how); void thread_stash(struct thread *td); void thread_stopped(struct proc *p); void childproc_stopped(struct proc *child, int reason); void childproc_continued(struct proc *child); void childproc_exited(struct proc *child); int thread_suspend_check(int how); bool thread_suspend_check_needed(void); void thread_suspend_switch(struct thread *, struct proc *p); void thread_suspend_one(struct thread *td); void thread_unlink(struct thread *td); void thread_unsuspend(struct proc *p); void thread_wait(struct proc *p); struct thread *thread_find(struct proc *p, lwpid_t tid); void stop_all_proc(void); void resume_all_proc(void); static __inline int curthread_pflags_set(int flags) { struct thread *td; int save; td = curthread; save = ~flags | (td->td_pflags & flags); td->td_pflags |= flags; return (save); } static __inline void curthread_pflags_restore(int save) { curthread->td_pflags &= save; } #endif /* _KERNEL */ #endif /* !_SYS_PROC_H_ */