Index: head/math/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/math/Makefile (revision 562492) +++ head/math/Makefile (revision 562493) @@ -1,996 +1,997 @@ # $FreeBSD$ # COMMENT = Mathematics SUBDIR += 4ti2 SUBDIR += GiNaC SUBDIR += PDL SUBDIR += R SUBDIR += R-cran-ADGofTest SUBDIR += R-cran-Amelia SUBDIR += R-cran-BsMD SUBDIR += R-cran-CVST SUBDIR += R-cran-ChangeAnomalyDetection SUBDIR += R-cran-DEoptimR SUBDIR += R-cran-DRR SUBDIR += R-cran-DoE.base SUBDIR += R-cran-Formula SUBDIR += R-cran-FrF2 SUBDIR += R-cran-KFAS SUBDIR += R-cran-LearnBayes SUBDIR += R-cran-MCMCpack SUBDIR += R-cran-MSwM SUBDIR += R-cran-MatchIt SUBDIR += R-cran-Matching SUBDIR += R-cran-MatrixModels SUBDIR += R-cran-NMF SUBDIR += R-cran-RHmm SUBDIR += R-cran-RSvgDevice SUBDIR += R-cran-RcppArmadillo SUBDIR += R-cran-RcppEigen SUBDIR += R-cran-RcppRoll SUBDIR += R-cran-Rmpfr SUBDIR += R-cran-Rsolnp SUBDIR += R-cran-SQUAREM SUBDIR += R-cran-SparseM SUBDIR += R-cran-VGAM SUBDIR += R-cran-Zelig SUBDIR += R-cran-acepack SUBDIR += R-cran-alabama SUBDIR += R-cran-assertthat SUBDIR += R-cran-backports SUBDIR += R-cran-bdsmatrix SUBDIR += R-cran-car SUBDIR += R-cran-carData SUBDIR += R-cran-coda SUBDIR += R-cran-combinat SUBDIR += SUBDIR += R-cran-conquer SUBDIR += R-cran-ddalpha SUBDIR += R-cran-deldir SUBDIR += R-cran-dimRed SUBDIR += R-cran-dlmodeler SUBDIR += R-cran-dplyr SUBDIR += R-cran-energy SUBDIR += R-cran-expm SUBDIR += R-cran-forcats SUBDIR += R-cran-forecast SUBDIR += R-cran-fracdiff SUBDIR += R-cran-geepack SUBDIR += R-cran-geometry SUBDIR += R-cran-gmp SUBDIR += R-cran-gower SUBDIR += R-cran-gpclib SUBDIR += R-cran-gss SUBDIR += R-cran-gtable SUBDIR += R-cran-haven SUBDIR += R-cran-igraph SUBDIR += R-cran-influenceR SUBDIR += R-cran-inline SUBDIR += R-cran-ipred SUBDIR += R-cran-irlba SUBDIR += R-cran-isoband SUBDIR += R-cran-labeling SUBDIR += R-cran-lava SUBDIR += R-cran-lazyeval SUBDIR += R-cran-linprog SUBDIR += R-cran-lme4 SUBDIR += R-cran-lpSolve SUBDIR += R-cran-magic SUBDIR += R-cran-matrixStats SUBDIR += R-cran-maxLik SUBDIR += R-cran-mcmc SUBDIR += R-cran-memisc SUBDIR += R-cran-minqa SUBDIR += R-cran-miscTools SUBDIR += R-cran-mitools SUBDIR += R-cran-mvtnorm SUBDIR += R-cran-nloptr SUBDIR += R-cran-nnls SUBDIR += R-cran-nortest SUBDIR += R-cran-numDeriv SUBDIR += R-cran-numbers SUBDIR += R-cran-outliers SUBDIR += R-cran-partitions SUBDIR += R-cran-pbkrtest SUBDIR += R-cran-pls SUBDIR += R-cran-polynom SUBDIR += R-cran-prodlim SUBDIR += R-cran-psych SUBDIR += R-cran-quadprog SUBDIR += R-cran-qualityTools SUBDIR += R-cran-quantreg SUBDIR += R-cran-raster SUBDIR += R-cran-recipes SUBDIR += R-cran-rgenoud SUBDIR += R-cran-robustbase SUBDIR += R-cran-sandwich SUBDIR += R-cran-scatterplot3d SUBDIR += R-cran-sets SUBDIR += R-cran-sf SUBDIR += R-cran-sm SUBDIR += R-cran-sp SUBDIR += R-cran-spData SUBDIR += R-cran-spdep SUBDIR += R-cran-sspir SUBDIR += R-cran-stabledist SUBDIR += R-cran-statmod SUBDIR += R-cran-survey SUBDIR += R-cran-truncnorm SUBDIR += R-cran-units SUBDIR += R-cran-uroot SUBDIR += R-cran-xts SUBDIR += R-cran-zoo SUBDIR += SCIP SUBDIR += SoPlex SUBDIR += aamath SUBDIR += abella SUBDIR += abs SUBDIR += acalc SUBDIR += add SUBDIR += adept SUBDIR += adol-c SUBDIR += algae SUBDIR += alglib SUBDIR += alt-ergo SUBDIR += amath SUBDIR += ambit SUBDIR += amgcl SUBDIR += analitza SUBDIR += ann SUBDIR += antic SUBDIR += apache-commons-math SUBDIR += apc SUBDIR += apron SUBDIR += arb SUBDIR += aribas SUBDIR += armadillo SUBDIR += arpack++ SUBDIR += arpack-ng SUBDIR += ascent SUBDIR += aspcud SUBDIR += asymptote SUBDIR += atlas SUBDIR += barvinok SUBDIR += bcal SUBDIR += bitwise SUBDIR += blacs SUBDIR += blas SUBDIR += blasfeo SUBDIR += blaze SUBDIR += blazeiterative SUBDIR += blis SUBDIR += blocksolve95 SUBDIR += bonmin SUBDIR += boolector SUBDIR += brial SUBDIR += bsdnt SUBDIR += btor2tools SUBDIR += cadabra2 SUBDIR += cadical SUBDIR += calc SUBDIR += calcoo SUBDIR += cantor SUBDIR += casadi SUBDIR += cbc SUBDIR += cblas SUBDIR += ccmath SUBDIR += cddlib SUBDIR += ceres-solver SUBDIR += cgal SUBDIR += cgl SUBDIR += cglm SUBDIR += chaco SUBDIR += chryzodus SUBDIR += clasp SUBDIR += clblas SUBDIR += clblast SUBDIR += clfft SUBDIR += clingo SUBDIR += cliquer SUBDIR += cln SUBDIR += cloog SUBDIR += clp SUBDIR += clrng SUBDIR += cm SUBDIR += cmh SUBDIR += cminpack SUBDIR += cmlib SUBDIR += cocoalib SUBDIR += coin-or-data-netlib SUBDIR += coin-or-data-sample SUBDIR += coin-or-data-stochastic SUBDIR += coinmp SUBDIR += coinmumps SUBDIR += coinutils SUBDIR += combblas SUBDIR += concorde SUBDIR += convertall SUBDIR += coq SUBDIR += couenne + SUBDIR += coxeter3 SUBDIR += cppad SUBDIR += crlibm SUBDIR += cryptominisat SUBDIR += csdp SUBDIR += ctl-sat SUBDIR += cudd SUBDIR += curv SUBDIR += cvc3 SUBDIR += cvc4 SUBDIR += dbcsr SUBDIR += deal.ii SUBDIR += dieharder SUBDIR += djbfft SUBDIR += drgeo SUBDIR += dsdp SUBDIR += dune-alugrid SUBDIR += dune-common SUBDIR += dune-curvedgeometry SUBDIR += dune-fem SUBDIR += dune-foamgrid SUBDIR += dune-functions SUBDIR += dune-geometry SUBDIR += dune-grid SUBDIR += dune-istl SUBDIR += dune-localfunctions SUBDIR += dune-metagrid SUBDIR += dune-pdelab SUBDIR += dune-polygongrid SUBDIR += dune-spgrid SUBDIR += dune-typetree SUBDIR += dune-uggrid SUBDIR += dune-vtk SUBDIR += e-antic SUBDIR += eclib SUBDIR += ecos SUBDIR += edenmath SUBDIR += eigen2 SUBDIR += eigen3 SUBDIR += eispack SUBDIR += elemental SUBDIR += elpa SUBDIR += emc2 SUBDIR += ensmallen SUBDIR += ent SUBDIR += eprover SUBDIR += ess SUBDIR += eukleides SUBDIR += eval SUBDIR += exprtk SUBDIR += facile SUBDIR += faiss SUBDIR += fann SUBDIR += fcl SUBDIR += fcl05 SUBDIR += fflas-ffpack SUBDIR += fftw SUBDIR += fftw-float SUBDIR += fftw3 SUBDIR += fftw3-float SUBDIR += fftw3-long SUBDIR += fftw3-quad SUBDIR += flann SUBDIR += flexfloat SUBDIR += flint2 SUBDIR += flintqs SUBDIR += form SUBDIR += fpc-fftw SUBDIR += fpc-gmp SUBDIR += fpc-numlib SUBDIR += fplll SUBDIR += freefem++ SUBDIR += fricas SUBDIR += frobby SUBDIR += fxt SUBDIR += g2o SUBDIR += galculator SUBDIR += gambit SUBDIR += gap SUBDIR += gau2grid SUBDIR += gemmlowp SUBDIR += geogebra SUBDIR += geogram SUBDIR += geonext SUBDIR += gexpr SUBDIR += gf2x SUBDIR += gfan SUBDIR += gfanlib SUBDIR += ggobi SUBDIR += gh-bc SUBDIR += giacxcas SUBDIR += givaro SUBDIR += gkmap SUBDIR += glgraph SUBDIR += glm SUBDIR += glpk SUBDIR += glucose SUBDIR += gmm++ SUBDIR += gmp SUBDIR += gmp-ecm SUBDIR += gnome-calculator SUBDIR += gnubc SUBDIR += gnumeric SUBDIR += gnuplot SUBDIR += gnuplot-lite SUBDIR += gnuplot-tex-extras SUBDIR += gotoblas SUBDIR += gp2c SUBDIR += grace SUBDIR += graphthing SUBDIR += gretl SUBDIR += gri SUBDIR += gringo SUBDIR += grpn SUBDIR += gsl SUBDIR += half SUBDIR += hexcalc SUBDIR += hipmcl SUBDIR += hmat-oss SUBDIR += hpcombi SUBDIR += hpipm SUBDIR += hs-Agda SUBDIR += hs-penrose SUBDIR += ideep SUBDIR += ignition-math SUBDIR += igraph SUBDIR += iml SUBDIR += intervaltree SUBDIR += ipopt SUBDIR += ised SUBDIR += jacal SUBDIR += jags SUBDIR += jama SUBDIR += jeuclid SUBDIR += jlatexmath SUBDIR += jsmath-fonts SUBDIR += jtransforms SUBDIR += jts SUBDIR += kalgebra SUBDIR += kbruch SUBDIR += kcalc SUBDIR += kig SUBDIR += kktdirect SUBDIR += kmplot SUBDIR += labplot SUBDIR += lambda SUBDIR += lapack SUBDIR += lapack++ SUBDIR += lapack95 SUBDIR += lapacke SUBDIR += laspack SUBDIR += latte-integrale SUBDIR += lcalc SUBDIR += ldouble SUBDIR += lean SUBDIR += lemon SUBDIR += levmar SUBDIR += libRmath SUBDIR += libbraiding SUBDIR += libccd SUBDIR += libflame SUBDIR += libhomfly SUBDIR += libmesh SUBDIR += libmissing SUBDIR += libnormaliz SUBDIR += libocas SUBDIR += liborigin SUBDIR += libpgmath SUBDIR += libpoly SUBDIR += libqalculate SUBDIR += libranlip SUBDIR += librdata SUBDIR += librsb SUBDIR += libsemigroups SUBDIR += libtommath SUBDIR += libxls SUBDIR += libxlsxwriter SUBDIR += libxsmm SUBDIR += lidia SUBDIR += linbox SUBDIR += linpack SUBDIR += lis SUBDIR += lll_spect SUBDIR += lp_solve SUBDIR += lrcalc SUBDIR += lrng SUBDIR += lrslib SUBDIR += ltl2ba SUBDIR += m4ri SUBDIR += m4rie SUBDIR += mate-calc SUBDIR += math77 SUBDIR += mathgl SUBDIR += mathmod SUBDIR += mathomatic SUBDIR += matio SUBDIR += matlab-installer SUBDIR += maxima SUBDIR += mbasecalc SUBDIR += mcsim SUBDIR += metis SUBDIR += mfem SUBDIR += mingw32-libgmp SUBDIR += minisat SUBDIR += minizinc SUBDIR += minizinc-ide SUBDIR += miracl SUBDIR += mlpack SUBDIR += moab SUBDIR += moo SUBDIR += mpc SUBDIR += mpexpr SUBDIR += mpfi SUBDIR += mpfr SUBDIR += mpfrc++ SUBDIR += mpfrcx SUBDIR += mpir SUBDIR += mppp SUBDIR += mprime SUBDIR += mpsolve SUBDIR += mtrxmath SUBDIR += multichoose SUBDIR += mumps SUBDIR += mumps4 SUBDIR += muparser SUBDIR += nanoflann SUBDIR += nauty SUBDIR += ndiff SUBDIR += newmat SUBDIR += nfft SUBDIR += ngraph SUBDIR += nlopt SUBDIR += ntl SUBDIR += numdiff SUBDIR += ocaml-ocamlgraph SUBDIR += ocaml-zarith SUBDIR += ocamlgsl SUBDIR += octave SUBDIR += octave-forge SUBDIR += octave-forge-actuarial SUBDIR += octave-forge-audio SUBDIR += octave-forge-base SUBDIR += octave-forge-bim SUBDIR += octave-forge-bioinfo SUBDIR += octave-forge-bsltl SUBDIR += octave-forge-cgi SUBDIR += octave-forge-civil-engineering SUBDIR += octave-forge-communications SUBDIR += octave-forge-control SUBDIR += octave-forge-data-smoothing SUBDIR += octave-forge-database SUBDIR += octave-forge-dataframe SUBDIR += octave-forge-dicom SUBDIR += octave-forge-divand SUBDIR += octave-forge-doctest SUBDIR += octave-forge-econometrics SUBDIR += octave-forge-fenv SUBDIR += octave-forge-financial SUBDIR += octave-forge-fits SUBDIR += octave-forge-fpl SUBDIR += octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit SUBDIR += octave-forge-ga SUBDIR += octave-forge-general SUBDIR += octave-forge-generate_html SUBDIR += octave-forge-geometry SUBDIR += octave-forge-gnuplot SUBDIR += octave-forge-gsl SUBDIR += octave-forge-ident SUBDIR += octave-forge-image SUBDIR += octave-forge-informationtheory SUBDIR += octave-forge-integration SUBDIR += octave-forge-interval SUBDIR += octave-forge-io SUBDIR += octave-forge-irsa SUBDIR += octave-forge-level-set SUBDIR += octave-forge-linear-algebra SUBDIR += octave-forge-lssa SUBDIR += octave-forge-ltfat SUBDIR += octave-forge-mapping SUBDIR += octave-forge-matgeom SUBDIR += octave-forge-mechanics SUBDIR += octave-forge-miscellaneous SUBDIR += octave-forge-missing-functions SUBDIR += octave-forge-msh SUBDIR += octave-forge-multicore SUBDIR += octave-forge-mvn SUBDIR += octave-forge-nan SUBDIR += octave-forge-ncarray SUBDIR += octave-forge-netcdf SUBDIR += octave-forge-nlwing2 SUBDIR += octave-forge-nnet SUBDIR += octave-forge-nurbs SUBDIR += octave-forge-oct2mat SUBDIR += octave-forge-octclip SUBDIR += octave-forge-octproj SUBDIR += octave-forge-odebvp SUBDIR += octave-forge-optics SUBDIR += octave-forge-optim SUBDIR += octave-forge-optiminterp SUBDIR += octave-forge-outliers SUBDIR += octave-forge-plot SUBDIR += octave-forge-quaternion SUBDIR += octave-forge-queueing SUBDIR += octave-forge-secs1d SUBDIR += octave-forge-secs2d SUBDIR += octave-forge-secs3d SUBDIR += octave-forge-signal SUBDIR += octave-forge-simp SUBDIR += octave-forge-sockets SUBDIR += octave-forge-sparsersb SUBDIR += octave-forge-specfun SUBDIR += octave-forge-special-matrix SUBDIR += octave-forge-splines SUBDIR += octave-forge-statistics SUBDIR += octave-forge-stk SUBDIR += octave-forge-struct SUBDIR += octave-forge-symband SUBDIR += octave-forge-symbolic SUBDIR += octave-forge-tcl-octave SUBDIR += octave-forge-tsa SUBDIR += octave-forge-zenity SUBDIR += octave-forge-zeromq SUBDIR += octomap SUBDIR += ogdf SUBDIR += oleo SUBDIR += onednn SUBDIR += openblas SUBDIR += openlibm SUBDIR += opensolaris-libm SUBDIR += openturns SUBDIR += optpp SUBDIR += or-tools SUBDIR += orpie SUBDIR += osi SUBDIR += osqp SUBDIR += p5-AI-DecisionTree SUBDIR += p5-AI-Genetic SUBDIR += p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp SUBDIR += p5-AI-Perceptron SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-CurveFit SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Munkres SUBDIR += p5-Bit-ShiftReg SUBDIR += p5-Bit-Vector SUBDIR += p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal SUBDIR += p5-CAD-Calc SUBDIR += p5-Chart-Math-Axis SUBDIR += p5-Data-Float SUBDIR += p5-Date-Handler SUBDIR += p5-GIS-Distance SUBDIR += p5-GIS-Distance-Fast SUBDIR += p5-GIS-Distance-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Distance SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Distance-XS SUBDIR += p5-Graph SUBDIR += p5-Math-Algebra-Symbols SUBDIR += p5-Math-Base36 SUBDIR += p5-Math-Base85 SUBDIR += p5-Math-BaseCalc SUBDIR += p5-Math-BaseCnv SUBDIR += p5-Math-Bezier SUBDIR += p5-Math-Bezier-Convert SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt-FastCalc SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt-GMP SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt-Pari SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigRat SUBDIR += p5-Math-CDF SUBDIR += p5-Math-Calc-Units SUBDIR += p5-Math-Cephes SUBDIR += p5-Math-Combinatorics SUBDIR += p5-Math-Complex SUBDIR += p5-Math-ConvexHull SUBDIR += p5-Math-Currency SUBDIR += p5-Math-Derivative SUBDIR += p5-Math-Evol SUBDIR += p5-Math-Expr SUBDIR += p5-Math-FFT SUBDIR += p5-Math-FixedPrecision SUBDIR += p5-Math-Fleximal SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMP SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMPf SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMPq SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMPz SUBDIR += p5-Math-GSL SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Planar SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC-PolygonXS SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-Offset SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Voronoi SUBDIR += p5-Math-Gradient SUBDIR += p5-Math-Int128 SUBDIR += p5-Math-Int64 SUBDIR += p5-Math-Interpolate SUBDIR += p5-Math-Intersection-StraightLine SUBDIR += p5-Math-Logic SUBDIR += p5-Math-MPC SUBDIR += p5-Math-MPFR SUBDIR += p5-Math-Matrix SUBDIR += p5-Math-MatrixReal SUBDIR += p5-Math-NumberCruncher SUBDIR += p5-Math-Pari SUBDIR += p5-Math-Polygon SUBDIR += p5-Math-Polygon-Tree SUBDIR += p5-Math-Polynomial-Solve SUBDIR += p5-Math-Prime-Util SUBDIR += p5-Math-Prime-Util-GMP SUBDIR += p5-Math-Prime-XS SUBDIR += p5-Math-ProvablePrime SUBDIR += p5-Math-RPN SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-ISAAC SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-MT SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-MT-Auto SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-OO SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-Secure SUBDIR += p5-Math-RandomOrg SUBDIR += p5-Math-Round SUBDIR += p5-Math-Round-Var SUBDIR += p5-Math-Sequence SUBDIR += p5-Math-Series SUBDIR += p5-Math-SigFigs SUBDIR += p5-Math-SimpleVariable SUBDIR += p5-Math-Spline SUBDIR += p5-Math-String SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-CCompiler SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Contains SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-ErrorPropagation SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-LaTeXDumper SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Pattern SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Simplification SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Transformation SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-BigNum SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-Complex SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-Error SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-Inline SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-NoSimplification SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-ParserExtensionFactory SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-Statistics-Distributions SUBDIR += p5-Math-TrulyRandom SUBDIR += p5-Math-Units SUBDIR += p5-Math-Utils SUBDIR += p5-Math-Vec SUBDIR += p5-Math-VecStat SUBDIR += p5-Math-VectorReal SUBDIR += p5-NetCDF SUBDIR += p5-Number-Compare SUBDIR += p5-Number-Fraction SUBDIR += p5-Number-Misc SUBDIR += p5-Number-Uncertainty SUBDIR += p5-Number-WithError SUBDIR += p5-Number-WithError-LaTeX SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Range SUBDIR += p5-Roman SUBDIR += p5-Set-IntSpan SUBDIR += p5-Set-IntSpan-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Set-IntSpan-Fast-XS SUBDIR += p5-Set-Partition SUBDIR += p5-Set-Window SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Basic SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Benford SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-CaseResampling SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-ChiSquare SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Contingency SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Descriptive SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Descriptive-Discrete SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Distributions SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Forecast SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Frequency SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-LTU SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-LineFit SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-OLS SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-R SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Regression SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-TTest SUBDIR += p5-Task-Math-Symbolic SUBDIR += p5-Text-AsciiTeX SUBDIR += p5-bignum SUBDIR += palp SUBDIR += pantheon-calculator SUBDIR += pari SUBDIR += pari_elldata SUBDIR += pari_galdata SUBDIR += pari_galpol SUBDIR += pari_nftables SUBDIR += pari_seadata SUBDIR += parmetis SUBDIR += parmgridgen SUBDIR += pdal SUBDIR += pear-Math_BigInteger SUBDIR += pear-Math_Combinatorics SUBDIR += pecl-bitset SUBDIR += pecl-stats2 SUBDIR += permlib SUBDIR += petiga SUBDIR += php73-bcmath SUBDIR += php73-gmp SUBDIR += php74-bcmath SUBDIR += php74-gmp SUBDIR += php80-bcmath SUBDIR += php80-gmp SUBDIR += physcalc SUBDIR += picosat SUBDIR += piranha SUBDIR += planarity SUBDIR += plman SUBDIR += ploticus SUBDIR += ploticus-nox11 SUBDIR += plplot SUBDIR += plplot-ada SUBDIR += poly2tri SUBDIR += polylib SUBDIR += primegen SUBDIR += primesieve SUBDIR += primme SUBDIR += prng SUBDIR += pspp SUBDIR += py-CyLP SUBDIR += py-Diofant SUBDIR += py-GridDataFormats SUBDIR += py-MutatorMath SUBDIR += py-PuLP SUBDIR += py-PyMetis SUBDIR += py-PySCIPOpt SUBDIR += py-PyWavelets SUBDIR += py-Pyomo SUBDIR += py-affine SUBDIR += py-algopy SUBDIR += py-altgraph SUBDIR += py-amply SUBDIR += py-apgl SUBDIR += py-arviz SUBDIR += py-autograd SUBDIR += py-bayesian-optimization SUBDIR += py-benford_py SUBDIR += py-bitmath SUBDIR += py-bitvector SUBDIR += py-bottleneck SUBDIR += py-brial SUBDIR += py-cdecimal SUBDIR += py-chaospy SUBDIR += py-claripy SUBDIR += py-cma SUBDIR += py-cmaes SUBDIR += py-colormath SUBDIR += py-cryptominisat SUBDIR += py-cvxopt SUBDIR += py-cvxpy SUBDIR += py-cyipopt SUBDIR += py-cypari2 SUBDIR += py-deap SUBDIR += py-ecos SUBDIR += py-fastcluster SUBDIR += py-fastdtw SUBDIR += py-flax SUBDIR += py-fpylll SUBDIR += py-gau2grid SUBDIR += py-gimmik SUBDIR += py-gmpy SUBDIR += py-gmpy2 SUBDIR += py-gmpy2-devel SUBDIR += py-grandalf SUBDIR += py-graphillion SUBDIR += py-gym SUBDIR += py-hdbscan SUBDIR += py-hdmedians SUBDIR += py-intspan SUBDIR += py-iohexperimenter SUBDIR += py-jax SUBDIR += py-keras SUBDIR += py-keras-applications SUBDIR += py-keras-preprocessing SUBDIR += py-kiwisolver SUBDIR += py-levmar SUBDIR += py-libpoly SUBDIR += py-luminol SUBDIR += py-mathics SUBDIR += py-matplotlib SUBDIR += py-matplotlib-scalebar SUBDIR += py-matplotlib2 SUBDIR += py-mip SUBDIR += py-mixsimulator SUBDIR += py-mpmath SUBDIR += py-munkres SUBDIR += py-munkres10 SUBDIR += py-networkx SUBDIR += py-nevergrad SUBDIR += py-numexpr SUBDIR += py-numpoly SUBDIR += py-numpy SUBDIR += py-numpy-stl SUBDIR += py-opt-einsum SUBDIR += py-optuna SUBDIR += py-or-tools SUBDIR += py-osqp SUBDIR += py-pandas SUBDIR += py-pandas-datareader SUBDIR += py-patsy SUBDIR += py-pdal SUBDIR += py-permutation SUBDIR += py-petsc4py SUBDIR += py-piranha SUBDIR += py-plastex SUBDIR += py-pplpy SUBDIR += py-primme SUBDIR += py-pyFFTW SUBDIR += py-pyasp SUBDIR += py-pybloom SUBDIR += py-pyclipper SUBDIR += py-pycosat SUBDIR += py-pygsl SUBDIR += py-pygslodeiv2 SUBDIR += py-pyhull SUBDIR += py-pyipopt SUBDIR += py-pymc3 SUBDIR += py-pyneqsys SUBDIR += py-pynleq2 SUBDIR += py-pynndescent SUBDIR += py-pyodeint SUBDIR += py-pyodesys SUBDIR += py-pysmt SUBDIR += py-pystan SUBDIR += py-pysym SUBDIR += py-python-fcl SUBDIR += py-python-igraph SUBDIR += py-python-louvain SUBDIR += py-python-picard SUBDIR += py-pyvtk SUBDIR += py-qdldl SUBDIR += py-quadprog SUBDIR += py-random2 SUBDIR += py-roman SUBDIR += py-rpy2 SUBDIR += py-scikit-umfpack SUBDIR += py-scs SUBDIR += py-seaborn SUBDIR += py-secp256k1 SUBDIR += py-seriate SUBDIR += py-simhash SUBDIR += py-snuggs SUBDIR += py-spectral SUBDIR += py-spglm SUBDIR += py-spint SUBDIR += py-splot SUBDIR += py-spot SUBDIR += py-spreg SUBDIR += py-spvcm SUBDIR += py-ssm SUBDIR += py-statsmodels SUBDIR += py-statsmodels010 SUBDIR += py-svgmath SUBDIR += py-sym SUBDIR += py-symcxx SUBDIR += py-sympy SUBDIR += py-theano SUBDIR += py-triangle SUBDIR += py-uncertainties SUBDIR += py-vincenty SUBDIR += py-yt SUBDIR += py-z3-solver SUBDIR += pynac SUBDIR += qalculate SUBDIR += qd SUBDIR += qhull SUBDIR += qposases SUBDIR += qrupdate SUBDIR += qtiplot-doc SUBDIR += qwtplot3d SUBDIR += randlib SUBDIR += rankwidth SUBDIR += rapid SUBDIR += reduce SUBDIR += reduce-psl SUBDIR += reed-solomon SUBDIR += rexx-regmath SUBDIR += rkward-kde SUBDIR += rngstreams SUBDIR += rocs SUBDIR += rpcalc SUBDIR += rubiks SUBDIR += rubygem-algebra SUBDIR += rubygem-bigdecimal SUBDIR += rubygem-enumerable-statistics SUBDIR += rubygem-expression_parser SUBDIR += rubygem-fftw3 SUBDIR += rubygem-mathn SUBDIR += rubygem-matrix SUBDIR += rubygem-mtrc SUBDIR += rubygem-narray SUBDIR += rubygem-narray_miss SUBDIR += rubygem-numru-misc SUBDIR += rubygem-numru-units SUBDIR += rubygem-prime SUBDIR += rubygem-rb-gsl SUBDIR += rumur SUBDIR += saga SUBDIR += sage SUBDIR += sc SUBDIR += sc-im SUBDIR += scalapack SUBDIR += scilab SUBDIR += scilab-toolbox-swt SUBDIR += scs SUBDIR += sdpa SUBDIR += secp256k1 SUBDIR += sfft SUBDIR += simd-viterbi SUBDIR += singular SUBDIR += sisl SUBDIR += slatec SUBDIR += sleef SUBDIR += slgrace SUBDIR += snns SUBDIR += solitaire SUBDIR += sound-of-sorting SUBDIR += spar SUBDIR += spblas SUBDIR += spectra SUBDIR += speedcrunch SUBDIR += spooles SUBDIR += spooles-mpich SUBDIR += spot SUBDIR += sprng SUBDIR += stp SUBDIR += suitesparse SUBDIR += sundials SUBDIR += superlu SUBDIR += symengine SUBDIR += symmetrica SUBDIR += symphony SUBDIR += sympol SUBDIR += sympow SUBDIR += tablix SUBDIR += taucs SUBDIR += tblis SUBDIR += testu01 SUBDIR += tetgen SUBDIR += teyjus SUBDIR += timbl SUBDIR += tmv SUBDIR += tomsfastmath SUBDIR += topaz SUBDIR += topcom SUBDIR += triangle SUBDIR += trlan SUBDIR += tvmet SUBDIR += ump SUBDIR += units SUBDIR += universal SUBDIR += unuran SUBDIR += vampire SUBDIR += viennacl SUBDIR += vinci SUBDIR += visualpolylib SUBDIR += vowpal_wabbit SUBDIR += vtk6 SUBDIR += vtk8 SUBDIR += vtk9 SUBDIR += wavelib SUBDIR += wcalc SUBDIR += wfmath SUBDIR += why3 SUBDIR += wxmaxima SUBDIR += xblas SUBDIR += xfce4-calculator-plugin SUBDIR += xgraph SUBDIR += xlapack SUBDIR += xldlas SUBDIR += xlife++ SUBDIR += xplot SUBDIR += xspread SUBDIR += xtensor SUBDIR += yacas SUBDIR += yices SUBDIR += z3 SUBDIR += zegrapher SUBDIR += zimpl SUBDIR += zn_poly .include Index: head/math/coxeter3/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/Makefile (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# Created by: +# $FreeBSD$ + +PORTNAME= coxeter +PORTVERSION= 3.1.20210124 +CATEGORIES= math + +MAINTAINER= +COMMENT= Library for the study of combinatorial aspects of Coxeter group theory + +LICENSE= GPLv2 + +USE_GITHUB= yes +GH_ACCOUNT= tscrim +GH_TAGNAME= 7b5a1f0 + +USES= gmake + +MAKEFILE= makefile +.if !defined(WITH_DEBUG) +MAKE_ENV= optimize=true +.endif +USE_LDCONFIG= yes +TEST_TARGET= check + +pre-configure: + ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/local/coxeter|${DATADIR}|' \ + ${WRKSRC}/directories.h + +post-install: + ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/coxeter + ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ + ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ \ + ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ + ${LN} -sf ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ + +.include Property changes on: head/math/coxeter3/Makefile ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/math/coxeter3/distinfo =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/distinfo (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/distinfo (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1611505654 +SHA256 (tscrim-coxeter-3.1.20210124-7b5a1f0_GH0.tar.gz) = 48fa749e95c573929368d5736d1a2d533a12f83048844b0206d7d1b3d1808631 +SIZE (tscrim-coxeter-3.1.20210124-7b5a1f0_GH0.tar.gz) = 273448 Property changes on: head/math/coxeter3/distinfo ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-makefile =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-makefile (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-makefile (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +--- makefile.orig 2018-02-26 21:57:36 UTC ++++ makefile +@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ dependencies := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.d,$(wildcard *.cpp) + globals = globals.h + + pflags = -c $(includedirs) -pg -O +-oflags = -c $(includedirs) -O -Wall +-gflags = -c $(includedirs) -g ++oflags = -c $(includedirs) $(CFLAGS) -fPIC ++gflags = -c $(includedirs) -g -fPIC + + cflags = $(gflags) # the default setting + +@@ -22,18 +22,79 @@ ifdef profile + cflags = $(pflags) + endif + +-cc = g++ ++# Patch borrowed from SageMath ++EXENAME = coxeter ++LIBNAME = coxeter3 ++ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) ++ EXEEXT = ++ LIBPREFIX = lib ++ LIBEXT = .dylib ++ LIBDIR = lib ++ LINKFLAGS = -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names,-undefined,dynamic_lookup,-compatibility_version,3.0,-current_version,3.0,-install_name,$(SAGE_LOCAL)/lib/$(LIBPREFIX)$(LIBNAME)$(LIBEXT) ++ LINKLIBS = ++else ++ifeq ($(UNAME),CYGWIN) ++ EXEEXT = .exe ++ LIBPREFIX = cyg ++ LIBEXT = .dll ++ LIBDIR = bin ++ IMPLIB = lib$(LIBNAME).dll.a ++ LINKFLAGS = -shared -Wl,--out-implib=$(IMPLIB) -Wl,--export-all-symbols ++ LINKLIBS = -lc ++else ++ EXEEXT = ++ LIBPREFIX = lib ++ LIBEXT = .so ++ LIBDIR = lib ++ LINKFLAGS = -shared -Wl,-soname, ++ LINKLIBS = -lc ++endif ++endif ++LIBRARY = $(LIBPREFIX)$(LIBNAME)$(LIBEXT) + +-all: coxeter #clean ++all: coxeter executable + + coxeter: $(objects) +- $(cc) -o coxeter $(objects) ++ $(CXX) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $(LIBRARY) $(objects) $(LINKLIBS) + ++executable: $(objects) ++ $(CXX) -o $(EXENAME)$(EXEEXT) $(objects) ++ ++BINDIR=$(PREFIX)/bin/ ++DATADIR=$(PREFIX)/share/coxeter/ ++INCLUDEDIR=$(PREFIX)/include/coxeter/ ++LIBRARYDIR=$(PREFIX)/$(LIBDIR) ++ ++install: coxeter executable ++ mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)" ++ mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBRARYDIR)" ++ cp $(EXENAME)$(EXEEXT) "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)" ++ cp $(LIBRARY) "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBRARYDIR)" ++ if [ $(UNAME) = "CYGWIN" ]; then \ ++ mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/"; \ ++ cp $(IMPLIB) "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/"; \ ++ fi ++ ++ mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)" ++ cp -r coxeter_matrices headers messages "$(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)" ++ mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)" ++ cp -r *.h *.hpp "$(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)" ++ ++check: coxeter executable ++ ./$(EXENAME)$(EXEEXT) < test.input > test.output ++ ++ if ! diff test.output.expected test.output > /dev/null; then \ ++ echo >&2 "Error testing coxeter on test.input:"; \ ++ diff test.output.expected test.output; \ ++ exit 1; \ ++ fi ++ rm -f test.output ++ + clean: + rm -f $(objects) + + %.o:%.cpp +- $(cc) $(cflags) $*.cpp ++ $(CXX) $(cflags) $*.cpp + + # dependencies --- these were generated automatically by make depend on my + # system; they are explicitly copied for portability. Only local dependencies +@@ -43,7 +104,7 @@ clean: + # contents of tmp in lieu of the dependencies listed here. + + %.d:%.cpp +- @$(cc) -MM $*.cpp ++ @$(CXX) -MM $*.cpp + depend: $(dependencies) + + affine.o: affine.cpp affine.h globals.h coxgroup.h coxtypes.h io.h list.h \ Property changes on: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-makefile ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-sage.cpp =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-sage.cpp (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-sage.cpp (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +--- sage.cpp.orig 2021-01-24 16:21:00 UTC ++++ sage.cpp +@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ ++/* ++ Coxeter version 3.0 Copyright (C) 2009 Mike Hansen ++ See file main.cpp for full copyright notice ++ ++ Patch from Jeroen Demeyer , ++ borrowed by SageMath: Add Sage interface. ++ ++*/ ++ ++#include "sage.h" ++ ++namespace sage { ++ ++ void interval(List& list, CoxGroup& W, const CoxWord& g, const CoxWord& h) ++ ++ /* ++ Returns a list of the elements in the Bruhat interval between g and h. ++ Note that this assumes that g and h are in order. ++ */ ++ { ++ if (not W.inOrder(g,h)) { ++ return; ++ } ++ ++ W.extendContext(h); ++ ++ CoxNbr x = W.contextNumber(g); ++ CoxNbr y = W.contextNumber(h); ++ ++ BitMap b(W.contextSize()); ++ W.extractClosure(b,y); ++ ++ BitMap::ReverseIterator b_rend = b.rend(); ++ List res(0); ++ ++ for (BitMap::ReverseIterator i = b.rbegin(); i != b_rend; ++i) ++ if (not W.inOrder(x,*i)) { ++ BitMap bi(W.contextSize()); ++ W.extractClosure(bi,*i); ++ CoxNbr z = *i; // andnot will invalidate iterator ++ b.andnot(bi); ++ b.setBit(z); // otherwise the decrement will not be correct ++ } else ++ res.append(*i); ++ ++ schubert::NFCompare nfc(W.schubert(),W.ordering()); ++ Permutation a(res.size()); ++ sortI(res,nfc,a); ++ ++ list.setSize(0); ++ for (size_t j = 0; j < res.size(); ++j) { ++ CoxWord w(0); ++ W.schubert().append(w, res[a[j]]); ++ list.append(w); ++ } ++ ++ return; ++ } ++ ++} Property changes on: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-sage.cpp ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-sage.h =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-sage.h (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-sage.h (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- sage.h.orig 2021-01-24 16:21:00 UTC ++++ sage.h +@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ ++/* ++ Coxeter version 3.0 Copyright (C) 2009 Mike Hansen ++ See file main.cpp for full copyright notice ++*/ ++ ++#ifndef SAGE_H /* guard against multiple inclusions */ ++#define SAGE_H ++ ++#include "globals.h" ++#include "coxgroup.h" ++#include "coxtypes.h" ++#include "schubert.h" ++#include "list.h" ++ ++namespace sage { ++ using namespace coxeter; ++ using namespace coxtypes; ++ using namespace list; ++ ++ void interval(List& result, CoxGroup& W, const CoxWord& g, const CoxWord& h); ++} ++ ++#endif Property changes on: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-sage.h ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-test.input =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-test.input (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-test.input (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +--- test.input.orig 2021-01-24 16:25:01 UTC ++++ test.input +@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ ++type ++A ++3 ++compute ++1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 ++ihbetti ++213 ++q ++q Property changes on: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-test.input ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-test.output.expected =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-test.output.expected (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-test.output.expected (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- test.output.expected.orig 2021-01-24 16:25:01 UTC ++++ test.output.expected +@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ ++This is Coxeter version 3.1. ++Enter help if you need assistance, carriage return to start the program. ++ ++coxeter : ++type : ++rank : coxeter : enter your element (finish with a carriage return) : ++213 ++coxeter : enter your element (finish with a carriage return) : ++h[0] = 1 h[1] = 3 h[2] = 3 h[3] = 1 ++ ++size : 8 ++ ++coxeter : coxeter : +\ No newline at end of file Property changes on: head/math/coxeter3/files/patch-test.output.expected ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/math/coxeter3/pkg-descr =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/pkg-descr (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/pkg-descr (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +Coxeter is a computer program for the study of combinatorial aspects of Coxeter +group theory, particularly those related to the Bruhat ordering and +Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. + + The main capabilities of the program are the following : + + Reduced expression and normal form computations; + Bruhat ordering; + Ordinary Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials; + Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials with unequal parameters; + Inverse Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials; + Cells and W-graphs. + +Note: this port is specially crafted to be used with SageMath, with patches from +Sage. + +WWW: +WWW: Property changes on: head/math/coxeter3/pkg-descr ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/math/coxeter3/pkg-plist =================================================================== --- head/math/coxeter3/pkg-plist (nonexistent) +++ head/math/coxeter3/pkg-plist (revision 562493) @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +bin/coxeter +include/coxeter/affine.h +include/coxeter/automata.h +include/coxeter/bits.h +include/coxeter/cells.h +include/coxeter/commands.h +include/coxeter/constants.h +include/coxeter/coxgroup.h +include/coxeter/coxtypes.h +include/coxeter/dictionary.h +include/coxeter/dictionary.hpp +include/coxeter/directories.h +include/coxeter/dotval.h +include/coxeter/error.h +include/coxeter/fcoxgroup.h +include/coxeter/files.h +include/coxeter/files.hpp +include/coxeter/general.h +include/coxeter/globals.h +include/coxeter/graph.h +include/coxeter/hecke.h +include/coxeter/hecke.hpp +include/coxeter/help.h +include/coxeter/interactive.h +include/coxeter/interface.h +include/coxeter/invkl.h +include/coxeter/io.h +include/coxeter/iterator.h +include/coxeter/kl.h +include/coxeter/klsupport.h +include/coxeter/list.h +include/coxeter/list.hpp +include/coxeter/memory.h +include/coxeter/minroots.h +include/coxeter/polynomials.h +include/coxeter/polynomials.hpp +include/coxeter/posets.h +include/coxeter/sage.h +include/coxeter/schubert.h +include/coxeter/search.h +include/coxeter/search.hpp +include/coxeter/special.h +include/coxeter/stack.h +include/coxeter/stack.hpp +include/coxeter/transducer.h +include/coxeter/type.h +include/coxeter/typeA.h +include/coxeter/uneqkl.h +include/coxeter/vector.h +include/coxeter/vector.hpp +include/coxeter/version.h +include/coxeter/wgraph.h +lib/ +lib/ +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/5335 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/E10 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/E11 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/E12 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/E13 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/E14 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/E15 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/a1 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/a2 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/a3 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/a4 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/a5 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/b2 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/b3 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/b4 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/b5 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/c3 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/c4 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/c5 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/d4 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/d5 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/e6 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/e7 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/e8 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/f4 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/g2 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/howlett1 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/howlett2_3 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/howlett2_4 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/howlett2_5 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/howlett2_6 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/howlett2_7 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/howlett2_8 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/howlett3 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/star_3,3,3 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/star_4,4,4 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/star_5,5,5 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/star_5,5,8 +%%DATADIR%%/coxeter_matrices/trial +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPbasis +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPcells2 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPclosure +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPclosure1 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPclosure2 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPclosure3 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPclosure4 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPclosure5 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPclosure6 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPduflo +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlcellorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlcells +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlcellwgraphs +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlcorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlrcellorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlrcells +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlrcellwgraphs +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlrcorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlrwgraph +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPlwgraph +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPrcellorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPrcells +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPrcellwgraphs +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPrcorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPrwgraph +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPslocus +%%DATADIR%%/headers/GAPsstratification +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_basis +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_cells2 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_closure +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_closure1 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_closure2 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_closure3 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_closure4 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_closure5 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_closure6 +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_duflo +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_generators +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lcellorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lcells +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lcellwgraphs +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lcorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lrcellorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lrcells +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lrcellwgraphs +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lrcorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lrwgraph +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_lwgraph +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_polynomials +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_rcellorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_rcells +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_rcellwgraphs +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_rcorder +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_rwgraph +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_slocus +%%DATADIR%%/headers/terse_sstratification +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/author.mess +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/duflo.mess +%%DATADIR%%/messages/empty_m.help1 +%%DATADIR%%/messages/empty_m.help2 +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/fullcontext.mess +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/in/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/in/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/in/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/in/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/in/ +%%DATADIR%%/messages/interface/in/ 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