Index: head/Mk/Uses/ =================================================================== --- head/Mk/Uses/ (revision 494175) +++ head/Mk/Uses/ (revision 494176) @@ -1,296 +1,296 @@ # $FreeBSD$ # # This file contains logic to ease porting of Rust packages or # binaries using the `cargo` command. # # Feature: cargo # Usage: USES=cargo # Valid ARGS: none # # MAINTAINER: .if !defined(_INCLUDE_USES_CARGO_MK) _INCLUDE_USES_CARGO_MK= yes .if !empty(cargo_ARGS) IGNORE+= USES=cargo takes no arguments .endif # List of static dependencies. The format is cratename-version. # CARGO_CRATES will be downloaded from MASTER_SITES_CRATESIO. CARGO_CRATES?= # List of features to build (space separated list). CARGO_FEATURES?= # Name of the local directory for vendoring crates. CARGO_VENDOR_DIR?= ${WRKSRC}/cargo-crates # Default path for cargo manifest. CARGO_CARGOTOML?= ${WRKSRC}/Cargo.toml CARGO_CARGOLOCK?= ${WRKSRC}/Cargo.lock # Save crates inside ${DISTDIR}/rust/crates by default. CARGO_DIST_SUBDIR?= rust/crates # Generate list of DISTFILES. .for _crate in ${CARGO_CRATES} MASTER_SITES+= CRATESIO/${_crate:C/^(.*)-[0-9].*/\1/}/${_crate:C/^.*-([0-9].*)/\1/}:cargo_${_crate:S/-//g:S/.//g} DISTFILES+= ${CARGO_DIST_SUBDIR}/${_crate}.tar.gz:cargo_${_crate:S/-//g:S/.//g} .endfor # Build dependencies. CARGO_BUILDDEP?= yes .if ${CARGO_BUILDDEP:tl} == "yes" -BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${RUST_DEFAULT}>=1.32.0:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} +BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${RUST_DEFAULT}>=1.33.0:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} .endif # Location of cargo binary (default to lang/rust's Cargo binary) CARGO_CARGO_BIN?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/cargo # Location of the cargo output directory. CARGO_TARGET_DIR?= ${WRKDIR}/target # Environment for cargo # - CARGO_HOME: local cache of the registry index # - CARGO_BUILD_JOBS: configure number of jobs to run # - CARGO_TARGET_DIR: location of where to place all generated artifacts # - RUSTC: path of rustc binary (default to lang/rust) # - RUSTDOC: path of rustdoc binary (default to lang/rust) # - RUSTFLAGS: custom flags to pass to all compiler invocations that Cargo performs CARGO_ENV+= \ CARGO_HOME=${WRKDIR}/cargo-home \ CARGO_BUILD_JOBS=${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} \ CARGO_TARGET_DIR=${CARGO_TARGET_DIR} \ RUSTC=${LOCALBASE}/bin/rustc \ RUSTDOC=${LOCALBASE}/bin/rustdoc \ RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS} -C linker=${CC:Q} ${LDFLAGS:S/^/-C link-arg=/}" # Adjust -C target-cpu if -march/-mcpu is set by .if ${ARCH} == amd64 || ${ARCH} == i386 RUSTFLAGS+= ${CFLAGS:M-march=*:S/-march=/-C target-cpu=/} .else RUSTFLAGS+= ${CFLAGS:M-mcpu=*:S/-mcpu=/-C target-cpu=/} .endif # Helper to shorten cargo calls. CARGO_CARGO_RUN= \ cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${CARGO_ENV} \ ${CARGO_CARGO_BIN} # User arguments for cargo targets. CARGO_BUILD_ARGS?= CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS?= CARGO_TEST_ARGS?= CARGO_UPDATE_ARGS?= # Use module targets ? CARGO_BUILD?= yes CARGO_CONFIGURE?= yes CARGO_INSTALL?= yes CARGO_TEST?= yes CARGO_USE_GITHUB?= no # If your application has multiple Cargo.toml files which all use # git-sourced dependencies and require the use of CARGO_USE_GITHUB and # GH_TUPLE, then you add them to CARGO_GH_CARGOTOML to also point them # to the correct offline sources. CARGO_GH_CARGOTOML?= ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} # Manage crate features. .if !empty(CARGO_FEATURES) CARGO_BUILD_ARGS+= --features='${CARGO_FEATURES}' CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS+= --features='${CARGO_FEATURES}' CARGO_TEST_ARGS+= --features='${CARGO_FEATURES}' .endif .if !defined(WITH_DEBUG) CARGO_BUILD_ARGS+= --release CARGO_TEST_ARGS+= --release .else CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS+= --debug .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mbacktrace-sys-[0-9]*} BUILD_DEPENDS+= gmake:devel/gmake .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mcmake-[0-9]*} BUILD_DEPENDS+= cmake:devel/cmake .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mfreetype-sys-[0-9]*} LIB_DEPENDS+= .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mgettext-sys-[0-9]*} .include "${USESDIR}/" CARGO_ENV+= GETTEXT_BIN_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/bin \ GETTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/include \ GETTEXT_LIB_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/lib .endif .for libc in ${CARGO_CRATES:Mlibc-[0-9]*} # FreeBSD 12.0 changed ABI: r318736 and r320043 # # _libc_VER= ${libc:C/.*-//} . if ${_libc_VER:R:R} == 0 && (${_libc_VER:R:E} < 2 || ${_libc_VER:R:E} == 2 && ${_libc_VER:E} < 38) DEV_WARNING+= "CARGO_CRATES=${libc} may be unstable on FreeBSD 12.0. Consider updating to the latest version (higher than 0.2.37)." . endif . if ${_libc_VER:R:R} == 0 && (${_libc_VER:R:E} < 2 || ${_libc_VER:R:E} == 2 && ${_libc_VER:E} < 49) DEV_WARNING+= "CARGO_CRATES=${libc} may be unstable on aarch64 or not build on armv6, armv7, powerpc64. Consider updating to the latest version (higher than 0.2.49)." . endif .undef _libc_VER .endfor .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mlibgit2-sys-[0-9]*} # Use the system's libgit2 instead of building the bundled version CARGO_ENV+= LIBGIT2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 LIB_DEPENDS+= .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mlibssh2-sys-[0-9]*} # Use the system's libssh2 instead of building the bundled version CARGO_ENV+= LIBSSH2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 LIB_DEPENDS+= .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Monig_sys-[0-9]*} # onig_sys always prefers the system library but will try to link # statically with it. Since devel/oniguruma doesn't provide a static # library it'll link to instead. Strictly speaking setting # RUSTONIG_SYSTEM_LIBONIG is not necessary, but will force onig_sys to # always use the system's libonig as returned by `pkg-config oniguruma`. CARGO_ENV+= RUSTONIG_SYSTEM_LIBONIG=1 LIB_DEPENDS+= .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mopenssl-0.[0-9].*} # FreeBSD 12.0 updated base OpenSSL in r339270: # . if !exists(${PATCHDIR}/patch-openssl-1.1.1) # skip if backported _openssl_VER= ${CARGO_CRATES:Mopenssl-0.[0-9].*:C/.*-//} . if ${_openssl_VER:R:R} == 0 && (${_openssl_VER:R:E} < 10 || ${_openssl_VER:R:E} == 10 && ${_openssl_VER:E} < 4) DEV_WARNING+= "CARGO_CRATES=openssl-0.10.3 or older do not support OpenSSL 1.1.1. Consider updating to the latest version." . endif . endif .undef _openssl_VER .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mopenssl-sys-[0-9]*} # Make sure that openssl-sys can find the correct version of OpenSSL .include "${USESDIR}/" CARGO_ENV+= OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=${OPENSSLLIB} \ OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=${OPENSSLINC} # Silence bogus QA warning about needing USES=ssl QA_ENV+= USESSSL=yes .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mpkg-config-[0-9]*} .include "${USESDIR}/" .endif .if ${CARGO_CRATES:Mthrussh-libsodium-[0-9]*} LIB_DEPENDS+= .endif _USES_extract+= 600:cargo-extract cargo-extract: # target for preparing crates directory. It will put all crates in # the local crates directory. @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Moving crates to ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}" @${MKDIR} ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR} .for _crate in ${CARGO_CRATES} @${MV} ${WRKDIR}/${_crate} ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate} @${PRINTF} '{"package":"%s","files":{}}' \ $$(${SHA256} -q ${DISTDIR}/${CARGO_DIST_SUBDIR}/${_crate}.tar.gz) \ > ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate}/.cargo-checksum.json .endfor .if ${CARGO_USE_GITHUB:tl} == "yes" _USES_patch+= 600:cargo-patch-github .for _group in ${GH_TUPLE:C@^[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:(([^:/]*)?)((/.*)?)@\2@} _CARGO_GH_PATCH_CARGOTOML:= ${_CARGO_GH_PATCH_CARGOTOML} \ -e 's@git = "(https|http|git)://${GH_ACCOUNT_${_group}}/${GH_PROJECT_${_group}}(\.git)?"@path = "${WRKSRC_${_group}}"@' .endfor cargo-patch-github: @${SED} -i.dist -E ${_CARGO_GH_PATCH_CARGOTOML} ${CARGO_GH_CARGOTOML} .endif .if !target(do-configure) && ${CARGO_CONFIGURE:tl} == "yes" # configure hook. Place a config file for overriding crates-io index # by local source directory. do-configure: @${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/.cargo @${ECHO_CMD} "[source.cargo]" > ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config @${ECHO_CMD} "directory = '${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}'" >> ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config @${ECHO_CMD} "[source.crates-io]" >> ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config @${ECHO_CMD} "replace-with = 'cargo'" >> ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config @if ! ${GREP} -qF '[profile.release]' ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; then \ ${ECHO_CMD} "" >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "[profile.release]" >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "opt-level = 2" >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "debug = false" >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ fi @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} update \ --manifest-path ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ --verbose \ ${CARGO_UPDATE_ARGS} .endif .if !target(do-build) && ${CARGO_BUILD:tl} == "yes" do-build: @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} build \ --manifest-path ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ --verbose \ ${CARGO_BUILD_ARGS} .endif .if !target(do-install) && ${CARGO_INSTALL:tl} == "yes" do-install: @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} install \ --path . \ --root "${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}" \ --verbose \ ${CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS} @${RM} -- "${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/.crates.toml" .endif .if !target(do-test) && ${CARGO_TEST:tl} == "yes" do-test: @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} test \ --manifest-path ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ --verbose \ ${CARGO_TEST_ARGS} .endif # # Helper targets for port maintainers # # cargo-crates will output the crates list from Cargo.lock. If there # is no Cargo.lock for some reason, try and generate it first. cargo-crates: extract @if [ ! -r "${CARGO_CARGOLOCK}" ]; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${CARGO_CARGOLOCK} not found. Trying to generate it..."; \ ${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} generate-lockfile \ --manifest-path ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ --verbose; \ fi @${SETENV} USE_GITHUB=${USE_GITHUB} \ ${AWK} -f ${SCRIPTSDIR}/cargo-crates.awk ${CARGO_CARGOLOCK} # cargo-crates-licenses will try to grab license information from # all downloaded crates. cargo-crates-licenses: configure @${FIND} ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR} -name 'Cargo.toml' -maxdepth 2 \ -exec ${GREP} -H '^license' {} \; \ | ${SED} \ -e 's@^${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/@@' \ -e 's@/Cargo.toml:license.*= *"@|@' \ -e 's@"$$@@g' | sort | /usr/bin/column -t -s '|' .endif Index: head/Mk/ =================================================================== --- head/Mk/ (revision 494175) +++ head/Mk/ (revision 494176) @@ -1,535 +1,535 @@ #-*- tab-width: 4; -*- # ex:ts=4 # # Date created: 12 Nov 2005 # Whom: Michael Johnson # # $FreeBSD$ # # 4 column tabs prevent hair loss and tooth decay! # abstracts the selection of gecko-based backends. It allows users # and porters to support any available gecko backend without needing to build # many conditional tests. ${USE_GECKO} is the list of backends that your port # can handle, and ${GECKO} is set by to be the chosen backend. # Users set ${WITH_GECKO} to the list of gecko backends they want on their # system. .if defined(USE_GECKO) .if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Gecko_Pre_Include) Gecko_Pre_Include= # This file contains some reusable components for mozilla ports. It's of # use primarily to apps from the mozilla project itself (such as Firefox, # Thunderbird, etc.), and probably won't be of use for gecko-based ports # like epiphany, galeon, etc. # # You need to make sure to add USE_GECKO=gecko to for your port can uses # one of these options below. # # Ports can use the following: # # USE_MOZILLA By default, it enables every system dependency # listed in '_ALL_DEPENDS'. If your port doesn't # need one of those then you can use '-' like # 'USE_MOZILLA= -png -vpx' to subtract the # dependencies. Experimental deps use '+' like # 'USE_MOZILLA= +speex +theora'. # # MOZILLA_PLIST_DIRS List of directories to descend into when installing # and creating the plist # # MOZ_PIS_SCRIPTS List of scripts residing in ${FILESDIR} to be # filtered through MOZCONFIG_SED and installed along # with our Pluggable Init Scripts (PIS) # # MOZ_SED_ARGS sed(1) commands through which MOZ_PIS_SCRIPTS are # filtered. There is a default set defined here, so # you probably want to add to MOZ_SED_ARGS rather # than clobber it # # MOZ_OPTIONS configure arguments (added to .mozconfig). If # NOMOZCONFIG is defined, you probably want to set # CONFIGURE_ARGS+=${MOZ_OPTIONS} # # MOZ_MK_OPTIONS The make(1) arguments (added to .mozconfig). If # NOMOZCONFIG is defined, you probably want to set # MAKE_ARGS+=${MOZ_MK_OPTIONS} # # MOZ_EXPORT Environment variables for the build process (added # to .mozconfig). If NOMOZCONFIG is defined, you # probably want to set MAKE_ENV+=${MOZ_EXPORT} # # MOZ_CHROME A variable for the --enable-chrome-format= in # CONFIGURE_ARGS. The default is omni. # # MOZ_TOOLKIT A variable for the --enable-default-toolkit= in # CONFIGURE_ARGS. The default is cairo-gtk2. # # PORT_MOZCONFIG Defaults to ${FILESDIR}/, but can be # set to a generic mozconfig included with the port # # NOMOZCONFIG Don't drop a customized .mozconfig into the build # directory. Options will have to be specified in # CONFIGURE_ARGS instead # MAINTAINER?= MOZILLA?= ${PORTNAME} MOZILLA_VER?= ${PORTVERSION} MOZILLA_BIN?= ${PORTNAME}-bin MOZILLA_EXEC_NAME?=${MOZILLA} MOZ_RPATH?= ${MOZILLA} USES+= compiler:c++17-lang cpe gl gmake iconv localbase perl5 pkgconfig \ python:2.7,build desktop-file-utils CPE_VENDOR?=mozilla USE_GL= gl USE_PERL5= build USE_XORG= x11 xcb xcomposite xdamage xext xfixes xrender xt HAS_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_OUTSOURCE= yes BUNDLE_LIBS= yes .if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} >= 56 BUILD_DEPENDS+= llvm${LLVM_DEFAULT}>0:devel/llvm${LLVM_DEFAULT} MOZ_EXPORT+= LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config${LLVM_DEFAULT} # Require newer Clang than what's in base system unless user opted out . if ${CC} == cc && ${CXX} == c++ && exists(/usr/lib/ BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/clang${LLVM_DEFAULT}:devel/llvm${LLVM_DEFAULT} CPP= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/clang-cpp${LLVM_DEFAULT} CC= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/clang${LLVM_DEFAULT} CXX= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/clang++${LLVM_DEFAULT} USES:= ${USES:Ncompiler\:*} # XXX avoid warnings . endif .endif .if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} >= 61 BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/python${PYTHON3_DEFAULT}:lang/python${PYTHON3_DEFAULT:S/.//g} MOZ_EXPORT+= PYTHON3="${LOCALBASE}/bin/python${PYTHON3_DEFAULT}" .endif .if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} >= 63 BUILD_DEPENDS+= rust-cbindgen>=0.6.2:devel/rust-cbindgen \ node:www/node .endif .if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} < 64 MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-pie .endif MOZILLA_SUFX?= none MOZSRC?= ${WRKSRC} PLISTF?= ${WRKDIR}/plist_files MOZ_PIS_DIR?= lib/${MOZILLA}/init.d PORT_MOZCONFIG?= ${FILESDIR}/ MOZCONFIG?= ${WRKSRC}/.mozconfig MOZILLA_PLIST_DIRS?= bin lib share/pixmaps share/applications PKGINSTALL?= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install PKGDEINSTALL?= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-deinstall PKGINSTALL_INC?= ${.CURDIR}/../../www/firefox/files/ PKGDEINSTALL_INC?= ${.CURDIR}/../../www/firefox/files/ MOZ_PKGCONFIG_FILES?= ${MOZILLA}-gtkmozembed ${MOZILLA}-js \ ${MOZILLA}-xpcom ${MOZILLA}-plugin MOZ_EXPORT+= ${CONFIGURE_ENV} \ RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS}" \ PERL="${PERL}" MOZ_OPTIONS+= --prefix="${PREFIX}" MOZ_MK_OPTIONS+=MOZ_OBJDIR="${BUILD_WRKSRC}" LDFLAGS+= -Wl,--as-needed # Adjust -C target-cpu if -march/-mcpu is set by .if ${ARCH} == amd64 || ${ARCH} == i386 RUSTFLAGS+= ${CFLAGS:M-march=*:S/-march=/-C target-cpu=/} .else RUSTFLAGS+= ${CFLAGS:M-mcpu=*:S/-mcpu=/-C target-cpu=/} .endif # Standard depends _ALL_DEPENDS= event ffi graphite harfbuzz hunspell icu jpeg nspr nss png pixman sqlite vpx webp event_LIB_DEPENDS= event_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-libevent ffi_LIB_DEPENDS= ffi_MOZ_OPTIONS= --enable-system-ffi .if exists(${FILESDIR}/patch-bug847568) graphite_LIB_DEPENDS= graphite_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-graphite2 harfbuzz_LIB_DEPENDS= harfbuzz_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-harfbuzz .endif hunspell_LIB_DEPENDS= hunspell_MOZ_OPTIONS= --enable-system-hunspell icu_LIB_DEPENDS= icu_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-icu --with-intl-api -jpeg_BUILD_DEPENDS=yasm:devel/yasm jpeg_USES= jpeg jpeg_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-jpeg=${LOCALBASE} nspr_LIB_DEPENDS= nspr_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-nspr nss_LIB_DEPENDS= nss_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-nss pixman_LIB_DEPENDS= pixman_MOZ_OPTIONS= --enable-system-pixman png_LIB_DEPENDS= png_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-png=${LOCALBASE} sqlite_LIB_DEPENDS= sqlite_MOZ_OPTIONS= --enable-system-sqlite -vpx_BUILD_DEPENDS= yasm:devel/yasm vpx_LIB_DEPENDS= vpx_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-libvpx webp_LIB_DEPENDS= webp_MOZ_OPTIONS= --with-system-webp .for use in ${USE_MOZILLA} ${use:S/-/_WITHOUT_/}= ${TRUE} .endfor LIB_DEPENDS+= \ .for dep in ${_ALL_DEPENDS} ${USE_MOZILLA:M+*:S/+//} .if !defined(_WITHOUT_${dep}) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${${dep}_BUILD_DEPENDS} LIB_DEPENDS+= ${${dep}_LIB_DEPENDS} RUN_DEPENDS+= ${${dep}_RUN_DEPENDS} USES+= ${${dep}_USES} MOZ_OPTIONS+= ${${dep}_MOZ_OPTIONS} .else BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${-${dep}_BUILD_DEPENDS} .endif .endfor # Standard options MOZ_CHROME?= omni MOZ_TOOLKIT?= cairo-gtk3 MOZ_CHANNEL?= ${PKGNAMESUFFIX:Urelease:S/^-//} MOZ_OPTIONS+= \ --enable-chrome-format=${MOZ_CHROME} \ --enable-default-toolkit=${MOZ_TOOLKIT} \ --enable-update-channel=${MOZ_CHANNEL} \ --disable-updater # others MOZ_OPTIONS+= --with-system-zlib \ --with-system-bz2 # API keys from www/chromium # # Note: these are for FreeBSD use ONLY. For your own distribution, # please get your own set of keys. MOZ_EXPORT+= MOZ_GOOGLE_API_KEY=AIzaSyBsp9n41JLW8jCokwn7vhoaMejDFRd1mp8 .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGTK2} MOZ_TOOLKIT= cairo-gtk2 .elif ${PORT_OPTIONS:MWAYLAND} MOZ_TOOLKIT= cairo-gtk3-wayland .endif USES+= gnome .if ${MOZ_TOOLKIT:Mcairo-gtk3*} BUILD_DEPENDS+= gtk3>=3.14.6:x11-toolkits/gtk30 USE_GNOME+= gdkpixbuf2 gtk20 gtk30 .else # gtk2, cairo-gtk2 USE_GNOME+= gdkpixbuf2 gtk20 .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MOPTIMIZED_CFLAGS} CFLAGS+= -O3 MOZ_EXPORT+= MOZ_OPTIMIZE_FLAGS="${CFLAGS:M-O*}" MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-optimize .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-optimize . if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} >= 56 . if ${/usr/bin/ld:L:tA} != /usr/bin/ld.lld # ld 2.17 barfs on Stylo built with -C opt-level=0 USE_BINUTILS= yes LDFLAGS+= -B${LOCALBASE}/bin . endif . endif .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MCANBERRA} RUN_DEPENDS+= libcanberra>0:audio/libcanberra .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDBUS} BUILD_DEPENDS+= libnotify>0:devel/libnotify LIB_DEPENDS+= \ \ MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-startup-notification .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-dbus .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MFFMPEG} # dom/media/platforms/ffmpeg/FFmpegRuntimeLinker.cpp RUN_DEPENDS+= ffmpeg>=0.8,1:multimedia/ffmpeg .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGCONF} USE_GNOME+= gconf2 MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-gconf .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-gconf .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MLIBPROXY} LIB_DEPENDS+= MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-libproxy .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-libproxy .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MALSA} LIB_DEPENDS+= RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/alsa-lib/ RUN_DEPENDS+= alsa-lib>=1.1.1_1:audio/alsa-lib MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-alsa .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MJACK} BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/include/jack/jack.h:audio/jack MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-jack .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MPULSEAUDIO} BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/include/pulse/pulseaudio.h:audio/pulseaudio MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-pulseaudio .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-pulseaudio .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSNDIO} LIB_DEPENDS+= post-patch-SNDIO-on: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|OpenBSD|${OPSYS}|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/media/libcubeb/src/ \ ${MOZSRC}/toolkit/library/ . for tests in tests gtest @if [ -f "${MOZSRC}/media/libcubeb/${tests}/" ]; then \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|OpenBSD|${OPSYS}|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/media/libcubeb/${tests}/; \ fi . endfor @if [ -f "${MOZSRC}/media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc/build/common.gypi" ]; then \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|OS==\"openbsd\"|OS==\"${OPSYS:tl}\"|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc/build/common.gypi; \ fi @if [ -f "${MOZSRC}/media/webrtc/signaling/test/" ]; then \ ${ECHO_CMD} "OS_LIBS += ['sndio']" >> \ ${MOZSRC}/media/webrtc/signaling/test/; \ fi .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MRUST} || ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} >= 54 BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${RUST_DEFAULT}>=1.30:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} . if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} < 54 MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-rust . endif .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-rust .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDEBUG} MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-debug --disable-release STRIP= # ports/184285 .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-debug --disable-debug-symbols --enable-release -. if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} >= 56 && (${ARCH:Maarch64} || ${MACHINE_CPU:Msse2}) +. if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} >= 67 && (${ARCH:Maarch64} || ${MACHINE_CPU:Msse2}) MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-rust-simd . endif .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MPROFILE} MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-profiling STRIP= .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-profiling .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MTEST} USE_XORG+= xscrnsaver MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-tests .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-tests .endif .if !defined(STRIP) || ${STRIP} == "" MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-strip --disable-install-strip .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-strip --enable-install-strip .endif # _MAKE_JOBS is only available after, thus cannot be # used in .mozconfig. And automatically uses -jN where N # is what multiprocessing.cpu_count() returns. .if defined(DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS) || defined(MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE) MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER= 1 .endif .if defined(MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER) MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS+=-j${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} .endif .if defined(MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS) MOZ_MK_OPTIONS+=MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="${MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS}" .endif MOZ_SED_ARGS+= -e's|@CPPFLAGS@|${CPPFLAGS}|g' \ -e 's|@CFLAGS@|${CFLAGS}|g' \ -e 's|@LDFLAGS@|${LDFLAGS}|g' \ -e 's|@LIBS@|${LIBS}|g' \ -e 's|@LOCALBASE@|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ -e 's|@PERL@|${PERL}|g' \ -e 's|@MOZDIR@|${PREFIX}/lib/${MOZILLA}|g' \ -e 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g' \ -e 's|%%CFLAGS%%|${CFLAGS}|g' \ -e 's|%%LDFLAGS%%|${LDFLAGS}|g' \ -e 's|%%LIBS%%|${LIBS}|g' \ -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ -e 's|%%PERL%%|${PERL}|g' \ -e 's|%%MOZILLA%%|${MOZILLA}|g' \ -e 's|%%MOZILLA_BIN%%|${MOZILLA_BIN}|g' \ -e 's|%%MOZDIR%%|${PREFIX}/lib/${MOZILLA}|g' MOZCONFIG_SED?= ${SED} ${MOZ_SED_ARGS} .if ${ARCH} == amd64 . if ${USE_MOZILLA:M-nss} USE_BINUTILS= # intel-gcm.s CFLAGS+= -B${LOCALBASE}/bin LDFLAGS+= -B${LOCALBASE}/bin . endif .elif ${ARCH:Mpowerpc*} . if ${ARCH} == "powerpc64" MOZ_EXPORT+= UNAME_m="${ARCH}" CFLAGS+= -mminimal-toc . endif .elif ${ARCH} == "sparc64" # Work around miscompilation/mislinkage of the sCanonicalVTable hacks. MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-v1-string-abi .endif .else # post-patch: gecko-post-patch gecko-moz-pis-patch gecko-post-patch: .if exists(${PKGINSTALL_INC}) @${MOZCONFIG_SED} < ${PKGINSTALL_INC} > ${PKGINSTALL} .endif .if exists(${PKGDEINSTALL_INC}) @${MOZCONFIG_SED} < ${PKGDEINSTALL_INC} > ${PKGDEINSTALL} .endif @${RM} ${MOZCONFIG} .if !defined(NOMOZCONFIG) @if [ -e ${PORT_MOZCONFIG} ] ; then \ ${MOZCONFIG_SED} < ${PORT_MOZCONFIG} >> ${MOZCONFIG} ; \ fi .for arg in ${MOZ_OPTIONS} @${ECHO_CMD} ac_add_options ${arg:Q} >> ${MOZCONFIG} .endfor .for arg in ${MOZ_MK_OPTIONS} @${ECHO_CMD} mk_add_options ${arg:Q} >> ${MOZCONFIG} .endfor .for var in ${MOZ_EXPORT} @${ECHO_CMD} export ${var:Q} >> ${MOZCONFIG} .endfor .endif # .if !defined(NOMOZCONFIG) .if exists(${MOZSRC}/build/unix/ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/%{idldir}/%idldir%/g ; \ s|"%FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS%"|`nspr-config --cflags`|g ; \ s|"%FULL_NSPR_LIBS%"|`nspr-config --libs`|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/build/unix/ .endif .if ${USE_MOZILLA:M-nspr} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Applying NSPR patches" @for i in ${.CURDIR}/../../devel/nspr/files/patch-*; do \ ${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} -d ${MOZSRC}/nsprpub < $$i; \ done .endif .if ${USE_MOZILLA:M-nss} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Applying NSS patches" @for i in ${.CURDIR}/../../security/nss/files/patch-*; do \ ${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} -d ${MOZSRC}/security/nss < $$i; \ done .endif @if [ -f ${WRKSRC}/config/ ] ; then \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%MOZILLA%%|${MOZILLA}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/config/; \ fi @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%MOZILLA%%|${MOZILLA}|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/config/ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/local/netscape|${LOCALBASE}|g ; \ s|/usr/local/lib/netscape|${LOCALBASE}/lib|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/xpcom/io/SpecialSystemDirectory.cpp @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/etc|${PREFIX}&|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/xpcom/build/nsXPCOMPrivate.h @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/local|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ -e 's|mozilla/plugins|browser_plugins|g' \ -e 's|share/mozilla/extensions|lib/xpi|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp \ ${MOZSRC}/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp .if ${MOZILLA_VER:R:R} < 61 @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ ${MOZSRC}/extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/*/mozHunspell.cpp .endif # handles mozilla pis scripts. gecko-moz-pis-patch: .for moz in ${MOZ_PIS_SCRIPTS} @${MOZCONFIG_SED} < ${FILESDIR}/${moz} > ${WRKDIR}/${moz} .endfor pre-configure: gecko-pre-configure gecko-pre-configure: .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MWAYLAND} # .if !exists() evaluates too early before gtk3 has a chance to be installed @if ! pkg-config --exists gtk+-wayland-3.0; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: Needs gtk3 with WAYLAND support enabled."; \ ${FALSE}; \ fi .endif pre-install: gecko-moz-pis-pre-install post-install-script: gecko-create-plist gecko-create-plist: # Create the plist ${RM} ${PLISTF} .for dir in ${MOZILLA_PLIST_DIRS} @cd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/${dir} && ${FIND} -H -s * ! -type d | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|${dir}/|' >> ${PLISTF} .endfor ${CAT} ${PLISTF} | ${SORT} >> ${TMPPLIST} gecko-moz-pis-pre-install: .if defined(MOZ_PIS_SCRIPTS) ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/${MOZ_PIS_DIR} .for moz in ${MOZ_PIS_SCRIPTS} ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/${moz} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/${MOZ_PIS_DIR} .endfor .endif .endif .endif # HERE THERE BE TACOS -- adamw Index: head/audio/spotifyd/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/audio/spotifyd/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/audio/spotifyd/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,339 +1,339 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= spotifyd DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.2.4 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= audio MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Spotify daemon LICENSE= GPLv3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENCE LIB_DEPENDS= USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= Spotifyd GH_TUPLE= plietar:rust-alsa:8c63543fa0ccd971cf15f5675293d19febd6f79e:alsa \ plietar:dns-parser:1d3e5a5591bc72eb061c23bd426c4a25f2f73791:dnsparser \ librespot-org:librespot:d2cadec4190a44572b1d5d5daed4f0eda1c2b921:librespot \ plietar:rust-mdns:66a74033da6c9f1a06e7b0a29f4544fd189d6479:mdns \ awmath:rust-crypto:394c247254dbe2ac5d44483232cf335d10cf0260:rustcrypto \ plietar:rust-tremor:5958cc302e78f535dad90e9665da981ddff4000a:tremor CARGO_CRATES= MacTypes-sys-2.1.0 \ adler32-1.0.3 \ aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ alsa-0.2.1 \ alsa-sys-0.1.2 \ arc-swap-0.3.7 \ arrayvec-0.4.10 \ atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.2 \ backtrace-0.3.13 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.28 \ base64-0.10.1 \ base64-0.5.2 \ base64-0.6.0 \ base64-0.9.3 \ bit-set-0.4.0 \ bit-vec-0.4.4 \ bitflags-0.3.3 \ bitflags-0.7.0 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ byteorder-0.5.3 \ byteorder-1.3.1 \ bytes-0.4.11 \ c_linked_list-1.1.1 \ cc-1.0.28 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ chrono-0.4.6 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ core-foundation-0.5.1 \ core-foundation-sys-0.5.1 \ crc32fast-1.1.2 \ crossbeam-0.6.0 \ crossbeam-channel-0.3.6 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.3 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.7.0 \ crossbeam-utils-0.6.3 \ ctrlc-3.1.1 \ daemonize-0.3.0 \ dbus-0.6.4 \ dbus-tokio-0.2.1 \ derive-error-chain-0.10.1 \ derive_builder-0.5.1 \ derive_builder_core-0.2.0 \ dotenv-0.10.1 \ dtoa-0.4.3 \ either-1.5.0 \ encoding_rs-0.8.14 \ env_logger-0.4.3 \ env_logger-0.5.13 \ error-chain-0.10.0 \ error-chain-0.11.0 \ extprim-1.6.0 \ failure-0.1.5 \ failure_derive-0.1.5 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ fuchsia-cprng-0.1.0 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.25 \ futures-cpupool-0.1.8 \ gcc-0.3.55 \ get_if_addrs-0.5.3 \ get_if_addrs-sys-0.1.1 \ getopts-0.2.18 \ h2-0.1.16 \ hostname-0.1.5 \ http-0.1.15 \ httparse-1.3.3 \ humantime-1.2.0 \ hyper-0.11.27 \ hyper-0.12.23 \ hyper-proxy-0.4.1 \ hyper-tls-0.3.1 \ idna-0.1.5 \ indexmap-1.0.2 \ iovec-0.1.2 \ itertools-0.7.11 \ itoa-0.3.4 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ language-tags-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.11 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ lazycell-1.2.1 \ lewton-0.9.3 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libdbus-sys-0.1.5 \ libflate-0.1.19 \ libpulse-sys-0.0.0 \ linear-map-1.2.0 \ lock_api-0.1.5 \ log-0.3.9 \ log-0.4.6 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memchr-2.1.3 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ mime-0.3.13 \ mime_guess-2.0.0-alpha.6 \ mio-0.6.16 \ mio-named-pipes-0.1.6 \ mio-uds-0.6.7 \ miow-0.2.1 \ miow-0.3.3 \ multimap-0.4.0 \ native-tls-0.2.2 \ net2-0.2.33 \ nix-0.11.0 \ nix-0.9.0 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ num-bigint-0.1.44 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-traits-0.1.43 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ num_cpus-1.9.0 \ ogg-0.7.0 \ ogg-sys-0.0.9 \ openssl-0.10.16 \ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \ openssl-sys-0.9.40 \ owning_ref-0.4.0 \ parking_lot-0.7.1 \ parking_lot_core-0.4.0 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ phf-0.7.24 \ phf_codegen-0.7.24 \ phf_generator-0.7.24 \ phf_shared-0.7.24 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ portaudio-rs-0.3.0 \ portaudio-sys-0.1.1 \ proc-macro2-0.4.26 \ protobuf-1.7.4 \ protobuf-2.2.5 \ protobuf-codegen-2.2.5 \ protoc-2.2.5 \ protoc-rust-2.2.5 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.3.15 \ quote-0.6.11 \ rand-0.3.23 \ rand-0.4.6 \ rand-0.5.6 \ rand-0.6.5 \ rand_chacha-0.1.1 \ rand_core-0.3.1 \ rand_core-0.4.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_jitter-0.1.0 \ rand_os-0.1.1 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.1 \ random-0.12.2 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.51 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-0.2.11 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.5.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.5 \ relay-0.1.1 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ reqwest-0.9.9 \ rpassword-0.3.1 \ rspotify-0.2.5 \ rust-crypto-0.2.36 \ rust-ini-0.10.3 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.13 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ safemem-0.2.0 \ safemem-0.3.0 \ schannel-0.1.14 \ scoped-tls-0.1.2 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ security-framework-0.2.2 \ security-framework-sys-0.2.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-0.9.15 \ serde-1.0.85 \ serde_codegen_internals-0.14.2 \ serde_derive-0.9.15 \ serde_derive-1.0.85 \ serde_json-0.9.10 \ serde_json-1.0.37 \ serde_urlencoded-0.5.4 \ shannon-0.2.0 \ signal-hook-0.1.7 \ simplelog-0.4.4 \ siphasher-0.2.3 \ slab-0.3.0 \ slab-0.4.2 \ smallvec-0.2.1 \ smallvec-0.6.8 \ socket2-0.2.4 \ socket2-0.3.8 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ string-0.1.3 \ syn-0.11.11 \ syn-0.15.26 \ synom-0.11.3 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ syslog-3.3.0 \ take-0.1.0 \ tempfile-2.2.0 \ tempfile-3.0.5 \ term-0.4.6 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ termios-0.2.2 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ time-0.1.42 \ tokio-0.1.15 \ tokio-codec-0.1.1 \ tokio-core-0.1.17 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.4 \ tokio-executor-0.1.6 \ tokio-fs-0.1.5 \ tokio-io-0.1.11 \ tokio-process-0.2.3 \ tokio-proto-0.1.1 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.8 \ tokio-service-0.1.0 \ tokio-signal-0.1.5 \ tokio-signal-0.2.7 \ tokio-sync-0.1.0 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.3 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.11 \ tokio-timer-0.2.9 \ tokio-udp-0.1.3 \ tokio-uds-0.2.5 \ try-lock-0.1.0 \ try-lock-0.2.2 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicase-1.4.2 \ unicase-2.2.0 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.8 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unix_socket-0.5.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.2 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ uuid-0.4.0 \ uuid-0.7.1 \ vcpkg-0.2.6 \ vergen-0.1.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ want-0.0.4 \ want-0.0.6 \ webbrowser-0.2.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.2 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 \ winutil-0.1.1 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 \ xdg-2.2.0 CARGO_USE_GITHUB= yes CARGO_GH_CARGOTOML= ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ ${WRKSRC_alsa}/Cargo.toml \ ${WRKSRC_dnsparser}/Cargo.toml \ ${WRKSRC_librespot}/audio/Cargo.toml \ ${WRKSRC_librespot}/Cargo.toml \ ${WRKSRC_librespot}/connect/Cargo.toml \ ${WRKSRC_librespot}/playback/Cargo.toml \ ${WRKSRC_mdns}/Cargo.toml \ ${WRKSRC_rustcrypto}/Cargo.toml \ ${WRKSRC_tremor}/Cargo.toml CARGO_BUILD_ARGS= --no-default-features CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS= --no-default-features CARGO_TEST_ARGS= --no-default-features PLIST_FILES= bin/spotifyd PORTDOCS= OPTIONS_DEFINE= DBUS DOCS PORTAUDIO PULSEAUDIO OPTIONS_DEFAULT= PORTAUDIO DBUS_DESC= D-Bus MPRIS support DBUS_LIB_DEPENDS= DBUS_VARS= CARGO_FEATURES+=dbus_mpris PORTAUDIO_LIB_DEPENDS= PORTAUDIO_VARS= CARGO_FEATURES+=portaudio_backend PULSEAUDIO_LIB_DEPENDS= PULSEAUDIO_VARS= CARGO_FEATURES+=pulseaudio_backend post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's,/etc/,${PREFIX}/etc/,g' ${WRKSRC}/src/ post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/spotifyd post-install-DOCS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .include Index: head/benchmarks/hyperfine/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/benchmarks/hyperfine/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/benchmarks/hyperfine/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,106 +1,106 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= hyperfine DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 1.5.0 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= benchmarks MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Command-line benchmarking tool LICENSE= APACHE20 MIT LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_APACHE20= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT BROKEN_i386= LLVM ERROR: No support for lowering a copy into EFLAGS when used by this instruction USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= sharkdp PLIST_FILES= bin/hyperfine CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ approx-0.3.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ clicolors-control-0.2.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ colored-1.6.1 \ console-0.6.2 \ csv-1.0.2 \ csv-core-0.1.4 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ indicatif-0.9.0 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.11 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ lock_api-0.1.5 \ memchr-2.1.1 \ num-0.1.42 \ num-bigint-0.1.44 \ num-complex-0.1.43 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-iter-0.1.37 \ num-rational-0.1.42 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ owning_ref-0.4.0 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.1 \ proc-macro2-0.4.24 \ quote-0.6.10 \ rand-0.3.22 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.2 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.42 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-0.2.11 \ regex-1.0.6 \ regex-syntax-0.5.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.3 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.82 \ serde_derive-1.0.82 \ serde_json-1.0.33 \ smallvec-0.6.6 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ statistical-0.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.22 \ term_size-0.3.1 \ termion-1.5.1 \ termios-0.3.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/hyperfine .include Index: head/databases/puppetdb-cli/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/databases/puppetdb-cli/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/databases/puppetdb-cli/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,122 +1,122 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= puppetdb-cli PORTVERSION= 1.2.5 -PORTREVISION= 6 +PORTREVISION= 7 CATEGORIES= databases MAINTAINER= COMMENT= PuppetDB CLI Tooling LICENSE= APACHE20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BROKEN_SSL= libressl libressl-devel openssl111 BROKEN_SSL_REASON_libressl= Needs an old version of OpenSSL (older than 1.1) BROKEN_SSL_REASON_libressl-devel= Needs an old version of OpenSSL (older than 1.1) BROKEN_SSL_REASON_openssl111= Needs an older version of OpenSSL (older than 1.1) USES= cargo perl5 USE_GITHUB= yes USE_PERL5= build GH_ACCOUNT= puppetlabs CARGO_CRATES= advapi32-sys-0.2.0 \ aho-corasick-0.6.4 \ antidote-1.0.0 \ base64-0.6.0 \ bitflags-0.7.0 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ byteorder-1.2.1 \ cc-1.0.3 \ docopt-0.7.0 \ dtoa-0.4.2 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.2.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.2.0 \ httparse-1.2.3 \ hyper-0.10.13 \ hyper-openssl-0.2.7 \ idna-0.1.4 \ itoa-0.3.4 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ kitchensink-0.4.2 \ ktmw32-sys-0.1.0 \ language-tags-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.11 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.3.8 \ matches-0.1.6 \ memchr-2.0.1 \ mime-0.2.6 \ mime_guess-1.8.3 \ multipart-0.12.0 \ num-traits-0.1.41 \ num_cpus-1.7.0 \ ole32-sys-0.2.0 \ openssl-0.9.22 \ openssl-sys-0.9.22 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ phf-0.7.21 \ phf_codegen-0.7.21 \ phf_generator-0.7.21 \ phf_shared-0.7.21 \ pkg-config-0.3.9 \ rand-0.3.18 \ redox_syscall-0.1.32 \ regex-0.2.3 \ regex-syntax-0.4.1 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ safemem-0.2.0 \ serde-1.0.23 \ serde-transcode-1.0.0 \ serde_json-1.0.7 \ shell32-sys-0.1.1 \ siphasher-0.2.2 \ strsim-0.6.0 \ tempdir-0.3.5 \ thread_local-0.3.4 \ time-0.1.38 \ traitobject-0.1.0 \ typeable-0.1.2 \ unicase-1.4.2 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.5 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.6.0 \ userenv-sys-0.2.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.0 \ vcpkg-0.2.2 \ version_check-0.1.3 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winreg-0.4.0 .include .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${OSVERSION} >= 1200085 && ${SSL_DEFAULT} == base BROKEN= Needs an older version of OpenSSL (older than 1.1) .endif PLIST_FILES= bin/puppet-db \ bin/puppet-query \ man/man8/puppet-db.8.gz \ man/man8/puppet-query.8.gz \ man/man8/puppetdb_conf.8.gz post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/etc/puppetlabs|/usr/local/etc|' \ ${WRKSRC}/cargo-crates/kitchensink-0.4.2/src/ \ ${WRKSRC}/man/puppetdb_conf.pod ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|\$${outpath}/share/|$${outpath}/|' \ ${WRKSRC}/ post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/puppet-db ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/puppet-query cd ${WRKSRC} && ./ ${STAGEDIR}${MANPREFIX} .include Index: head/devel/bingrep/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/bingrep/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/bingrep/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,81 +1,81 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= bingrep PORTVERSION= g20171111 -PORTREVISION= 7 +PORTREVISION= 8 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Grep through binaries LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= m4b GH_TAGNAME= a1ac993e44260bcd3b152a5a274ee386e264e479 GH_TUPLE= m4b:goblin:3575947292644797dd81b471ab4ac4cb88615a9a:goblin \ m4b:metagoblin:308e7d7ec3b1c61b859ff1b46e021178eac187f4:metagoblin CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.3 \ ansi_term-0.9.0 \ atty-0.2.2 \ bitflags-0.7.0 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ byteorder-1.1.0 \ clap-2.26.0 \ csv-0.15.0 \ encode_unicode-0.3.1 \ env_logger-0.4.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.2.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.2.0 \ hexplay-0.2.0 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.8 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.3.8 \ memchr-1.0.1 \ memrange-0.1.3 \ plain-0.2.1 \ prettytable-rs-0.6.7 \ quote-0.3.15 \ rand-0.3.18 \ redox_syscall-0.1.31 \ regex-0.2.2 \ regex-syntax-0.4.1 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.5 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ scroll-0.7.0 \ scroll_derive-0.8.0 \ strsim-0.6.0 \ structopt-0.0.5 \ structopt-derive-0.0.5 \ syn-0.11.11 \ synom-0.11.3 \ term-0.4.6 \ term_size-0.3.0 \ termcolor-0.3.2 \ textwrap-0.7.0 \ theban_interval_tree-0.7.1 \ thread_local-0.3.4 \ time-0.1.38 \ unicode-segmentation-1.2.0 \ unicode-width-0.1.4 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.0 \ vec_map-0.8.0 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ wincolor-0.1.4 CARGO_USE_GITHUB= yes CARGO_GH_CARGOTOML= ${WRKSRC}/Cargo.toml ${WRKSRC_metagoblin}/Cargo.toml PLIST_FILES= bin/bingrep post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/bingrep .include Index: head/devel/git-absorb/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/git-absorb/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/git-absorb/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,88 +1,88 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= git-absorb DISTVERSION= 0.3.0 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Git command for automating fixup/autosquash commits LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/ USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= tummychow CARGO_CRATES= ansi_term-0.10.2 \ atty-0.2.6 \ backtrace-0.3.5 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.16 \ bitflags-1.0.1 \ cc-1.0.25 \ cfg-if-0.1.2 \ chrono-0.4.0 \ clap-2.30.0 \ failure-0.1.1 \ failure_derive-0.1.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ git2-0.7.5 \ idna-0.1.4 \ isatty-0.1.6 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.0.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libgit2-sys-0.7.10 \ libz-sys-1.0.25 \ log-0.4.6 \ matches-0.1.6 \ memchr-2.0.1 \ num-0.1.42 \ num-integer-0.1.36 \ num-iter-0.1.35 \ num-traits-0.2.0 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ pkg-config-0.3.9 \ quote-0.3.15 \ rand-0.4.2 \ redox_syscall-0.1.37 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ remove_dir_all-0.3.0 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.5 \ slog-2.1.1 \ slog-async-2.2.0 \ slog-term-2.3.0 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.11.11 \ synom-0.11.3 \ synstructure-0.6.1 \ take_mut-0.2.0 \ tempdir-0.3.6 \ term-0.4.6 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.9.0 \ thread_local-0.3.5 \ time-0.1.39 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.5 \ unicode-width-0.1.4 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.6.0 \ vcpkg-0.2.2 \ vec_map-0.8.0 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.4 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 PLIST_FILES= bin/git-absorb post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/git-absorb .include Index: head/devel/interactive_rebase_tool/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/interactive_rebase_tool/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/interactive_rebase_tool/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= interactive_rebase_tool DISTVERSION= 0.7.0 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Improved sequence editor for Git LICENSE= ISCL USES= cargo ncurses USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= MitMaro GH_PROJECT= git-interactive-rebase-tool CARGO_CRATES= ansi_term-0.11.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ cc-1.0.25 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ curl-sys-0.4.13 \ git2-0.7.5 \ idna-0.1.5 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libgit2-sys-0.7.10 \ libssh2-sys-0.2.11 \ libz-sys-1.0.25 \ log-0.4.6 \ matches-0.1.8 \ ncurses-5.94.0 \ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \ openssl-sys-0.9.39 \ pad-0.1.5 \ pancurses-0.16.0 \ pdcurses-sys-0.7.0 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ url-1.7.1 \ vcpkg-0.2.6 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winreg-0.5.1 PLIST_FILES= bin/interactive-rebase-tool \ man/man1/interactive-rebase-tool.1.gz post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/interactive-rebase-tool ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/src/interactive-rebase-tool.1 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 .include Index: head/devel/pijul/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/pijul/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/pijul/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,249 +1,249 @@ # Created by: Carlo Strub # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= pijul PORTVERSION= 0.11.0 -PORTREVISION= 2 +PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Distributed version control system LICENSE= GPLv2 BROKEN_aarch64= fails to compile: aesv8-armx-linux64.S:53:2: instruction requires: crypto aese v6.16b,v0.16b USES= cargo CARGO_CRATES= adler32-1.0.3 \ advapi32-sys-0.2.0 \ aho-corasick-0.6.8 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ argon2rs-0.2.5 \ arrayvec-0.4.7 \ atty-0.2.11 \ backtrace-0.3.9 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.24 \ base64-0.9.3 \ bincode-1.0.1 \ bit-vec-0.4.4 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ blake2-rfc-0.2.18 \ bs58-0.2.2 \ build_const-0.2.1 \ byteorder-1.2.6 \ bytes-0.4.10 \ cc-1.0.25 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ chrono-0.4.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.3 \ core-foundation-0.5.1 \ core-foundation-sys-0.5.1 \ crc-1.8.1 \ crossbeam-channel-0.2.6 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.1 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.5.2 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.6.0 \ crossbeam-utils-0.5.0 \ cryptovec-0.4.5 \ dirs-1.0.4 \ dtoa-0.4.3 \ encoding_rs-0.8.10 \ env_logger-0.5.13 \ errno-0.2.4 \ errno-dragonfly-0.1.1 \ error-chain-0.12.0 \ failure-0.1.3 \ failure_derive-0.1.3 \ filetime-0.2.1 \ flate2-1.0.4 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ fs2-0.4.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.25 \ futures-cpupool-0.1.8 \ gcc-0.3.55 \ getch-0.2.0 \ globset-0.4.2 \ h2-0.1.13 \ hex-0.3.2 \ http-0.1.13 \ httparse-1.3.3 \ humantime-1.1.1 \ hyper-0.12.12 \ hyper-tls-0.3.1 \ idna-0.1.5 \ ignore-0.4.4 \ indexmap-1.0.2 \ iovec-0.1.2 \ isatty-0.1.9 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.1.0 \ lazycell-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libflate-0.1.18 \ libpijul-0.11.0 \ line-0.1.9 \ lock_api-0.1.4 \ log-0.4.5 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memchr-2.1.0 \ memmap-0.6.2 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ mime-0.3.12 \ mime_guess-2.0.0-alpha.6 \ miniz-sys-0.1.11 \ miniz_oxide-0.2.0 \ miniz_oxide_c_api-0.2.0 \ mio-0.6.16 \ mio-uds-0.6.7 \ miow-0.2.1 \ native-tls-0.2.2 \ net2-0.2.33 \ nodrop-0.1.12 \ num-0.1.42 \ num-bigint-0.1.44 \ num-complex-0.1.43 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-iter-0.1.37 \ num-rational-0.1.42 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ openssl-0.10.15 \ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \ openssl-sys-0.9.39 \ owning_ref-0.3.3 \ pager-0.14.0 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.1 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ phf-0.7.23 \ phf_codegen-0.7.23 \ phf_generator-0.7.23 \ phf_shared-0.7.23 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ proc-macro2-0.4.20 \ progrs-0.1.1 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.6.8 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.2 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ redox_users-0.2.0 \ regex-1.0.5 \ regex-syntax-0.6.2 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ reqwest-0.9.3 \ rpassword-2.0.0 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.9 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.6 \ safemem-0.3.0 \ same-file-1.0.3 \ sanakirja-0.8.19 \ schannel-0.1.14 \ scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ security-framework-0.2.1 \ security-framework-sys-0.2.1 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.80 \ serde_derive-1.0.80 \ serde_json-1.0.32 \ serde_urlencoded-0.5.3 \ shell-escape-0.1.4 \ siphasher-0.2.3 \ slab-0.4.1 \ smallvec-0.6.5 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ string-0.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.13 \ synstructure-0.10.0 \ tar-0.4.17 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ tempfile-3.0.4 \ term-0.5.1 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ termios-0.2.2 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ thrussh-0.20.5 \ thrussh-config-0.1.0 \ thrussh-keys-0.11.3 \ thrussh-libsodium-0.1.3 \ time-0.1.40 \ tokio-0.1.11 \ tokio-codec-0.1.1 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.3 \ tokio-executor-0.1.5 \ tokio-fs-0.1.3 \ tokio-io-0.1.9 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.6 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.2 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.7 \ tokio-timer-0.2.7 \ tokio-udp-0.1.2 \ tokio-uds-0.2.2 \ toml-0.4.8 \ try-lock-0.2.2 \ ucd-util-0.1.1 \ unicase-1.4.2 \ unicase-2.2.0 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.1 \ username-0.2.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.1 \ utf8parse-0.1.1 \ uuid-0.7.1 \ vcpkg-0.2.6 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ walkdir-2.2.5 \ want-0.0.6 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 \ xattr-0.2.2 \ yasna-0.1.3 CARGO_CARGOLOCK= ${WRKSRC:H}/Cargo.lock PLIST_FILES= bin/pijul WRKSRC_SUBDIR= pijul # We are using pijul/Cargo.toml for all phases and profiles are ignored # if specified in non root packages. has no way to override # the Cargo.toml used for each phase, so append the release profile # to the root Cargo.toml. post-configure: @${ECHO_CMD} "[profile.release]" >> ${WRKSRC:H}/Cargo.toml @${ECHO_CMD} "opt-level = 2" >> ${WRKSRC:H}/Cargo.toml @${ECHO_CMD} "debug = false" >> ${WRKSRC:H}/Cargo.toml post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/pijul .include Index: head/devel/racer/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/racer/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/racer/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,131 +1,131 @@ # Created by: Timothy Beyer # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= racer DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 2.1.17 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Rust code completion helper LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= racer-rust PLIST_FILES= bin/racer ## # error[E0554]: #![feature] may not be used on the stable release channel # --> cargo-crates/scoped-tls-0.1.2/src/ # | # 47 | #![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(macro_vis_matcher))] # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # error[E0554]: #![feature] may not be used on the stable release channel # --> cargo-crates/scoped-tls-0.1.2/src/ # | # 48 | #![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(allow_internal_unstable))] # | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MAKE_ENV= RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1 CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ arrayvec-0.4.8 \ atty-0.2.11 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ byteorder-1.2.7 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ crossbeam-deque-0.2.0 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.3.1 \ crossbeam-utils-0.2.2 \ derive_more-0.13.0 \ either-1.5.0 \ ena-0.11.0 \ env_logger-0.6.0 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ humantime-1.1.1 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ lazycell-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ lock_api-0.1.5 \ log-0.4.6 \ memchr-2.1.1 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ owning_ref-0.4.0 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.1 \ proc-macro2-0.4.24 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.6.10 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand-0.6.1 \ rand_chacha-0.1.0 \ rand_core-0.2.2 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.43 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-1.0.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.3 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rls-span-0.4.0 \ rustc-ap-arena-306.0.0 \ rustc-ap-graphviz-306.0.0 \ rustc-ap-rustc_cratesio_shim-306.0.0 \ rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures-306.0.0 \ rustc-ap-rustc_errors-306.0.0 \ rustc-ap-rustc_target-306.0.0 \ rustc-ap-serialize-306.0.0 \ rustc-ap-syntax-306.0.0 \ rustc-ap-syntax_pos-306.0.0 \ rustc-hash-1.0.1 \ rustc-rayon-0.1.1 \ rustc-rayon-core-0.1.1 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ scoped-tls-0.1.2 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.80 \ serde_derive-1.0.80 \ serde_json-1.0.33 \ smallvec-0.6.6 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.22 \ tempfile-3.0.5 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 .include Index: head/devel/racerd/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/racerd/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/racerd/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@ # Created by: Richard Gallamore # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= racerd DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.1.1-56 DISTVERSIONSUFFIX= -g29cd4c6 -PORTREVISION= 7 +PORTREVISION= 8 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Rust semantic analysis server powered by Racer LICENSE= APACHE20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= jwilm PLIST_FILES= bin/racerd CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.5.3 \ ansi_term-0.9.0 \ atty-0.2.2 \ bitflags-0.7.0 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ bodyparser-0.4.1 \ clap-2.26.0 \ conduit-mime-types-0.7.3 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.3 \ conv-0.3.3 \ cookie-0.2.5 \ custom_derive-0.1.7 \ docopt-0.6.86 \ dtoa-0.2.2 \ env_logger-0.3.5 \ error-0.1.9 \ gcc-0.3.54 \ hpack-0.2.0 \ httparse-1.2.3 \ hyper-0.9.18 \ idna-0.1.4 \ iron-0.4.0 \ iron-hmac-0.4.0 \ itoa-0.1.1 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ language-tags-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.1.16 \ lazy_static-0.2.8 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.3.8 \ logger-0.1.0 \ magenta-0.1.1 \ magenta-sys-0.1.1 \ matches-0.1.6 \ memchr-0.1.11 \ mime-0.2.6 \ modifier-0.1.0 \ num-traits-0.1.40 \ num_cpus-0.2.13 \ num_cpus-1.6.2 \ percent-encoding-1.0.0 \ persistent-0.2.1 \ plugin-0.2.6 \ quote-0.3.15 \ racer-2.0.10 \ rand-0.3.16 \ redox_syscall-0.1.31 \ regex-0.1.80 \ regex-syntax-0.3.9 \ route-recognizer-0.1.12 \ router-0.2.0 \ rust-crypto-0.2.36 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ serde-0.8.23 \ serde_codegen-0.8.23 \ serde_codegen_internals-0.11.3 \ serde_json-0.8.6 \ solicit-0.4.4 \ strsim-0.5.2 \ strsim-0.6.0 \ syn-0.10.8 \ syntex-0.54.0 \ syntex_errors-0.52.0 \ syntex_errors-0.54.0 \ syntex_pos-0.52.0 \ syntex_pos-0.54.0 \ syntex_syntax-0.52.0 \ syntex_syntax-0.54.0 \ term-0.4.6 \ term_size-0.3.0 \ textwrap-0.7.0 \ thread-id-2.0.0 \ thread_local-0.2.7 \ time-0.1.38 \ toml-0.2.1 \ traitobject-0.0.1 \ traitobject-0.1.0 \ typeable-0.1.2 \ typed-arena-1.3.0 \ typemap-0.3.3 \ unicase-1.4.2 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.5 \ unicode-segmentation-1.2.0 \ unicode-width-0.1.4 \ unicode-xid-0.0.3 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ unsafe-any-0.4.2 \ url-1.5.1 \ utf8-ranges-0.1.3 \ vec_map-0.8.0 \ version_check-0.1.3 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 .include Index: head/devel/rust-bindgen/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/rust-bindgen/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/rust-bindgen/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= rust-bindgen DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.47.3 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Generate Rust bindings from C (and some C++) code LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE RUN_DEPENDS= llvm${LLVM_DEFAULT}>0:devel/llvm${LLVM_DEFAULT} USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= rust-lang PLIST_FILES= bin/bindgen CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.8 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ backtrace-0.3.11 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.28 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ byteorder-1.2.7 \ cc-1.0.25 \ cexpr-0.3.3 \ cfg-if-0.1.5 \ clang-sys-0.26.4 \ clap-2.32.0 \ diff-0.1.11 \ env_logger-0.6.0 \ failure-0.1.5 \ glob-0.2.11 \ hashbrown-0.1.7 \ humantime-1.1.1 \ lazy_static-1.1.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libloading-0.5.0 \ log-0.4.5 \ memchr-2.1.0 \ nom-4.0.0 \ peeking_take_while-0.1.2 \ proc-macro2-0.4.19 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.6.8 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-1.0.5 \ regex-syntax-0.6.2 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.13 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ shlex-0.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ ucd-util-0.1.1 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.1 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.4 \ which-2.0.1 \ winapi-0.3.5 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,"llvm-config,&${LLVM_DEFAULT},' \ ${WRKSRC}/cargo-crates/clang-sys-*/build/ \ ${WRKSRC}/cargo-crates/clang-sys-*/src/ .include Index: head/devel/rust-cbindgen/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/rust-cbindgen/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/rust-cbindgen/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= cbindgen DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.8.0 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= devel PKGNAMEPREFIX= rust- MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Generate C bindings from Rust code LICENSE= MPL20 RUN_DEPENDS= cargo:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= eqrion PLIST_FILES= bin/cbindgen CARGO_CRATES= ansi_term-0.11.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.2 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.4.6 \ proc-macro2-0.4.25 \ quote-0.6.10 \ rand-0.6.4 \ rand_chacha-0.1.1 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_os-0.1.1 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.1 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.50 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.84 \ serde_derive-1.0.84 \ serde_json-1.0.36 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.26 \ tempfile-3.0.5 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ toml-0.4.10 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 .include Index: head/devel/sccache/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/sccache/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/sccache/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,289 +1,289 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= sccache DISTVERSION= 2.8.0.alpha0 -PORTREVISION= 6 +PORTREVISION= 7 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Like ccache with cloud storage support LICENSE= APACHE20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= mozilla GH_TAGNAME= dda88a6 OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= DOCS PLIST_FILES= bin/sccache PORTDOCS= CARGO_FEATURES= all CARGO_CRATES= adler32-1.0.3 \ aho-corasick-0.6.8 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ ar-0.6.0 \ arraydeque-0.4.3 \ arrayvec-0.4.7 \ ascii-0.7.1 \ ascii-0.8.7 \ assert_cmd-0.9.1 \ atty-0.2.11 \ backtrace-0.3.9 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.24 \ base64-0.9.2 \ bincode-0.8.0 \ bincode-1.0.1 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ buf_redux-0.6.3 \ bufstream-0.1.3 \ build_const-0.2.1 \ byteorder-1.2.6 \ bytes-0.4.9 \ case-0.1.0 \ cc-1.0.23 \ cfg-if-0.1.5 \ chrono-0.4.6 \ chunked_transfer-0.3.1 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ combine-3.5.1 \ conhash-0.4.0 \ core-foundation-0.2.3 \ core-foundation-sys-0.2.3 \ crc-1.8.1 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.1 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.5.2 \ crossbeam-utils-0.5.0 \ daemonize-0.3.0 \ derive-error-0.0.3 \ difference-2.0.0 \ directories-1.0.1 \ dtoa-0.4.3 \ either-1.5.0 \ encoding-0.2.33 \ encoding-index-japanese-1.20141219.5 \ encoding-index-korean-1.20141219.5 \ encoding-index-simpchinese-1.20141219.5 \ encoding-index-singlebyte-1.20141219.5 \ encoding-index-tradchinese-1.20141219.5 \ encoding_index_tests-0.1.4 \ encoding_rs-0.8.6 \ env_logger-0.5.13 \ error-chain-0.12.0 \ escargot-0.3.1 \ failure-0.1.2 \ failure_derive-0.1.2 \ filetime-0.1.15 \ filetime-0.2.1 \ flate2-1.0.2 \ float-cmp-0.4.0 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.23 \ futures-cpupool-0.1.8 \ gcc-0.3.54 \ getopts-0.2.18 \ httparse-1.3.2 \ humantime-1.1.1 \ hyper-0.11.27 \ hyper-tls-0.1.4 \ idna-0.1.5 \ iovec-0.1.2 \ itertools-0.7.8 \ itoa-0.4.2 \ jobserver-0.1.11 \ jsonwebtoken-5.0.0 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ language-tags-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.11 \ lazy_static-1.1.0 \ lazycell-0.6.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libflate-0.1.16 \ libmount-0.1.11 \ linked-hash-map-0.2.1 \ local-encoding-0.2.0 \ lock_api-0.1.3 \ log-0.3.9 \ log-0.4.4 \ matches-0.1.8 \ md5-0.3.8 \ memcached-rs-0.3.0 \ memchr-1.0.2 \ memchr-2.0.2 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ mime-0.2.6 \ mime-0.3.9 \ mime_guess-1.8.6 \ mime_guess-2.0.0-alpha.6 \ miniz_oxide-0.1.3 \ miniz_oxide_c_api-0.1.3 \ mio-0.6.15 \ mio-named-pipes-0.1.6 \ mio-uds-0.6.6 \ miow-0.2.1 \ miow-0.3.3 \ msdos_time-0.1.6 \ multipart-0.13.6 \ native-tls-0.1.5 \ net2-0.2.33 \ nix-0.11.0 \ nodrop-0.1.12 \ normalize-line-endings-0.2.2 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-traits-0.1.43 \ num-traits-0.2.5 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ number_prefix-0.2.8 \ openssl-0.10.11 \ openssl-sys-0.9.35 \ owning_ref-0.3.3 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.0 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ phf-0.7.23 \ phf_codegen-0.7.23 \ phf_generator-0.7.23 \ phf_shared-0.7.23 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ podio-0.1.6 \ predicates-0.9.0 \ predicates-core-0.9.0 \ predicates-tree-0.9.0 \ proc-macro2-0.4.15 \ pulldown-cmark-0.0.3 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.3.15 \ quote-0.6.8 \ rand-0.3.22 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.1 \ redis-0.9.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-1.0.4 \ regex-syntax-0.6.2 \ relay-0.1.1 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ reqwest-0.8.8 \ retry-0.4.0 \ ring-0.13.2 \ rouille-2.2.0 \ rust-crypto-0.2.36 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.9 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ ryu-0.2.6 \ safemem-0.2.0 \ same-file-0.1.3 \ schannel-0.1.13 \ scoped-tls-0.1.2 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ security-framework-0.1.16 \ security-framework-sys-0.1.16 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.75 \ serde_derive-1.0.75 \ serde_json-1.0.26 \ serde_urlencoded-0.5.3 \ sha1-0.6.0 \ siphasher-0.2.3 \ skeptic-0.4.0 \ slab-0.3.0 \ slab-0.4.1 \ smallvec-0.2.1 \ smallvec-0.6.5 \ socket2-0.3.8 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ strip-ansi-escapes-0.1.0 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.11.11 \ syn-0.14.9 \ synom-0.11.3 \ synstructure-0.9.0 \ take-0.1.0 \ tar-0.4.16 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ tempfile-3.0.3 \ term-0.5.1 \ termcolor-1.0.2 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ threadpool-1.7.1 \ time-0.1.40 \ tiny_http-0.6.0 \ tokio-0.1.8 \ tokio-codec-0.1.0 \ tokio-core-0.1.17 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.1 \ tokio-executor-0.1.4 \ tokio-fs-0.1.3 \ tokio-io-0.1.8 \ tokio-process-0.2.2 \ tokio-proto-0.1.1 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.5 \ tokio-serde-0.1.0 \ tokio-serde-bincode-0.1.1 \ tokio-service-0.1.0 \ tokio-signal-0.2.4 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.1 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.6 \ tokio-timer-0.2.6 \ tokio-tls-0.1.4 \ tokio-udp-0.1.2 \ tokio-uds-0.2.1 \ toml-0.4.6 \ treeline-0.1.0 \ try-lock-0.1.0 \ twoway-0.1.8 \ ucd-util-0.1.1 \ unicase-1.4.2 \ unicase-2.1.0 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unix_socket-0.5.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ untrusted-0.6.2 \ url-1.7.1 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.1 \ utf8parse-0.1.0 \ uuid-0.6.5 \ vcpkg-0.2.6 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.4 \ void-1.0.2 \ vte-0.3.3 \ walkdir-1.0.7 \ want-0.0.4 \ which-2.0.0 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.5 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 \ xattr-0.2.2 \ zip-0.4.2 do-install-DOCS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/sccache .include Index: head/devel/tokei/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/tokei/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/devel/tokei/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,157 +1,157 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= tokei DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 9.0.0 -PORTREVISION= 2 +PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Display statistics about your code LICENSE= APACHE20 MIT LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_APACHE20= ${WRKSRC}/LICENCE-APACHE LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENCE-MIT USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= Aaronepower CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ argon2rs-0.2.5 \ arrayref-0.3.5 \ arrayvec-0.4.10 \ atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.1 \ backtrace-0.3.13 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.28 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ blake2-rfc-0.2.18 \ block-buffer-0.3.3 \ byte-tools-0.2.0 \ byteorder-1.2.7 \ cc-1.0.28 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.3 \ crossbeam-channel-0.3.6 \ crossbeam-deque-0.2.0 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.3.1 \ crossbeam-utils-0.2.2 \ crossbeam-utils-0.6.3 \ digest-0.7.6 \ dirs-1.0.4 \ dtoa-0.4.3 \ either-1.5.0 \ encoding_rs-0.8.14 \ encoding_rs_io-0.1.3 \ env_logger-0.6.0 \ failure-0.1.5 \ failure_derive-0.1.5 \ fake-simd-0.1.2 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ generic-array-0.9.0 \ globset-0.4.2 \ half-1.3.0 \ handlebars-1.1.0 \ hex-0.3.2 \ humantime-1.2.0 \ ignore-0.4.6 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ linked-hash-map-0.5.1 \ lock_api-0.1.5 \ log-0.4.6 \ maplit-1.0.1 \ memchr-2.1.2 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ num_cpus-1.9.0 \ owning_ref-0.4.0 \ parking_lot-0.7.1 \ parking_lot_core-0.4.0 \ pest-2.1.0 \ pest_derive-2.1.0 \ pest_generator-2.1.0 \ pest_meta-2.1.0 \ proc-macro2-0.4.24 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.6.10 \ rand-0.4.5 \ rand-0.6.4 \ rand_chacha-0.1.1 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_os-0.1.1 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.1 \ rayon-1.0.3 \ rayon-core-1.4.1 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.50 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ redox_users-0.2.0 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.6.4 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.13 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ same-file-1.0.4 \ scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.84 \ serde_cbor-0.9.0 \ serde_derive-1.0.84 \ serde_json-1.0.35 \ serde_yaml-0.8.8 \ sha-1-0.7.0 \ smallvec-0.6.7 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.24 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ term_size-0.3.1 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ toml-0.4.10 \ typenum-1.10.0 \ ucd-trie-0.1.1 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ walkdir-2.2.7 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 \ yaml-rust-0.4.2 CARGO_FEATURES= all # enable all output serialization formats PLIST_FILES= bin/tokei post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/tokei .include Index: head/dns/doh-proxy/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/dns/doh-proxy/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/dns/doh-proxy/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,111 +1,111 @@ # Created by: Timothy Beyer # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= doh-proxy DISTVERSION= 0.1.10 -PORTREVISION= 6 +PORTREVISION= 7 CATEGORIES= dns MAINTAINER= COMMENT= DNS-over-HTTP server proxy LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= jedisct1 GH_PROJECT= rust-doh PLIST_FILES= bin/doh-proxy CARGO_CRATES= ansi_term-0.11.0 \ arrayvec-0.4.7 \ atty-0.2.11 \ base64-0.9.2 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ byteorder-1.2.6 \ bytes-0.4.9 \ cfg-if-0.1.5 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.1 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.5.2 \ crossbeam-utils-0.5.0 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.23 \ futures-cpupool-0.1.8 \ h2-0.1.12 \ http-0.1.10 \ httparse-1.3.2 \ hyper-0.12.9 \ indexmap-1.0.1 \ iovec-0.1.2 \ itoa-0.4.2 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.1.0 \ lazycell-0.6.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ lock_api-0.1.3 \ log-0.4.4 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ mio-0.6.15 \ mio-uds-0.6.6 \ miow-0.2.1 \ net2-0.2.33 \ nodrop-0.1.12 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ owning_ref-0.3.3 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.0 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.1 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ safemem-0.2.0 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ slab-0.3.0 \ slab-0.4.1 \ smallvec-0.6.5 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ string-0.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ time-0.1.40 \ tokio-0.1.8 \ tokio-codec-0.1.0 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.1 \ tokio-executor-0.1.4 \ tokio-fs-0.1.3 \ tokio-io-0.1.8 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.5 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.1 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.6 \ tokio-timer-0.1.2 \ tokio-timer-0.2.6 \ tokio-udp-0.1.2 \ tokio-uds-0.2.1 \ try-lock-0.2.2 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.4 \ void-1.0.2 \ want-0.0.6 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.5 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/doh-proxy .include Index: head/editors/kak-lsp/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/editors/kak-lsp/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/editors/kak-lsp/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,169 +1,169 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= kak-lsp DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 6.0.1 -PORTREVISION= 3 +PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= editors MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Kakoune Language Server Protocol Client LICENSE= UNLICENSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/UNLICENSE RUN_DEPENDS= kakoune>=2018.10.27:editors/kakoune USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= ul CARGO_CRATES= adler32-1.0.3 \ aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ argon2rs-0.2.5 \ arrayvec-0.4.9 \ atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.1 \ backtrace-0.3.13 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.26 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ blake2-rfc-0.2.18 \ byteorder-1.2.7 \ cc-1.0.27 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ chrono-0.4.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.3 \ crc32fast-1.1.2 \ crossbeam-0.2.12 \ crossbeam-0.6.0 \ crossbeam-channel-0.2.6 \ crossbeam-channel-0.3.4 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.3 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.6.1 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.7.0 \ crossbeam-utils-0.5.0 \ crossbeam-utils-0.6.3 \ daemonize-0.3.0 \ dirs-1.0.4 \ either-1.5.0 \ enum_primitive-0.1.1 \ failure-0.1.3 \ failure_derive-0.1.3 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.25 \ glob-0.2.11 \ idna-0.1.5 \ isatty-0.1.9 \ itertools-0.8.0 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ jsonrpc-core-8.0.1 \ languageserver-types-0.53.0 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libflate-0.1.19 \ lock_api-0.1.5 \ log-0.3.9 \ log-0.4.6 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memchr-2.1.2 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ num-derive-0.2.3 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-traits-0.1.43 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ num_cpus-1.9.0 \ owning_ref-0.4.0 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot-0.7.0 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.1 \ parking_lot_core-0.4.0 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ proc-macro2-0.4.24 \ quote-0.6.10 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand-0.6.1 \ rand_chacha-0.1.0 \ rand_core-0.2.2 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.44 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ redox_users-0.2.0 \ regex-0.2.11 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.5.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.4 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.11 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.82 \ serde_derive-1.0.82 \ serde_json-1.0.33 \ slog-2.4.1 \ slog-async-2.3.0 \ slog-kvfilter-0.7.0 \ slog-scope-4.1.0 \ slog-stdlog-3.0.2 \ slog-term-2.4.0 \ sloggers-0.3.1 \ smallvec-0.6.7 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.23 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ take_mut-0.2.2 \ term-0.5.1 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ time-0.1.41 \ toml-0.4.10 \ trackable-0.2.20 \ trackable_derive-0.1.1 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.2 \ url_serde-0.2.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 PLIST_FILES= bin/kak-lsp \ "@sample ${ETCDIR}/kak-lsp.toml.sample" PORTDOCS= README.asciidoc SUB_FILES= pkg-message OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/kak-lsp @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${ETCDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/kak-lsp.toml ${STAGEDIR}${ETCDIR}/kak-lsp.toml.sample post-install-DOCS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.asciidoc ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .include Index: head/editors/parinfer-rust/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/editors/parinfer-rust/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/editors/parinfer-rust/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,66 +1,66 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= parinfer-rust DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.2.0-198 DISTVERSIONSUFFIX= -g506ae2b -PORTREVISION= 2 +PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= editors MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Infer parentheses for Clojure, Lisp, and Scheme LICENSE= ISCL LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/ USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= eraserhd USE_LDCONFIG= yes CARGO_CRATES= base-x-0.2.2 \ discard-1.0.3 \ dtoa-0.4.2 \ getopts-0.2.18 \ itoa-0.4.1 \ libc-0.2.49 \ proc-macro2-0.2.3 \ proc-macro2-0.3.8 \ quote-0.4.2 \ quote-0.5.2 \ serde-1.0.55 \ serde_derive-1.0.55 \ serde_json-1.0.17 \ stdweb-0.4.5 \ stdweb-derive-0.4.0 \ stdweb-internal-macros-0.1.0 \ syn-0.12.15 \ syn-0.13.10 \ unicode-segmentation-1.2.1 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 PLIST_FILES= bin/parinfer-rust \ lib/ \ share/kak/rc/extra/parinfer.kak \ share/vim/vimfiles/doc/parinfer.txt \ share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/parinfer.vim post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/parinfer-rust ${INSTALL_LIB} ${CARGO_TARGET_DIR}/*/ \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/kak/rc/extra \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/vim/vimfiles/doc \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/rc/parinfer.kak \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/kak/rc/extra ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/parinfer.txt \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/vim/vimfiles/doc ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/plugin/parinfer.vim \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin .include Index: head/editors/xi-core/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/editors/xi-core/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/editors/xi-core/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= xi-core PORTVERSION= g20170612 DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v -PORTREVISION= 7 +PORTREVISION= 8 CATEGORIES= editors MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Modern editor backend written in Rust LICENSE= APACHE20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/../LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= google GH_PROJECT= xi-editor GH_TAGNAME= 3164cb6 WRKSRC_SUBDIR= rust PLIST_FILES= bin/xi-core CARGO_CRATES= bytecount-0.1.6 \ crossbeam-0.2.10 \ dtoa-0.4.1 \ itoa-0.3.1 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ libc-0.2.49 \ memchr-1.0.1 \ num-traits-0.1.37 \ quote-0.3.15 \ redox_syscall-0.1.17 \ serde-1.0.2 \ serde_derive-1.0.2 \ serde_derive_internals-0.15.0 \ serde_json-1.0.1 \ syn-0.11.11 \ synom-0.11.3 \ time-0.1.37 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 .include Index: head/games/genact/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/games/genact/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/games/genact/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,121 +1,121 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= genact DISTVERSION= 0.6.0 -PORTREVISION= 6 +PORTREVISION= 7 CATEGORIES= games MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Nonsense activity generator LICENSE= APACHE20 BSD3CLAUSE ISCL MIT UNLICENSE LICENSE_COMB= multi LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= svenstaro PLIST_FILES= bin/genact CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.4 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ aster-0.41.0 \ atty-0.2.10 \ base-x-0.2.2 \ bindgen-0.24.0 \ bitflags-0.8.2 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ bitflags-1.0.3 \ cexpr-0.2.3 \ cfg-if-0.1.3 \ chrono-0.4.2 \ clang-sys-0.16.0 \ clap-2.31.2 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ ctrlc-3.1.0 \ discard-1.0.3 \ dtoa-0.4.2 \ emscripten-sys-0.3.2 \ env_logger-0.4.3 \ fake-1.2.2 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ glob-0.2.11 \ humantime-1.1.1 \ idna-0.1.4 \ itoa-0.4.1 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.11 \ lazy_static-1.0.1 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libloading-0.4.3 \ log-0.3.9 \ log-0.4.1 \ matches-0.1.6 \ memchr-1.0.2 \ memchr-2.0.1 \ nix-0.9.0 \ nom-3.2.1 \ num-integer-0.1.38 \ num-traits-0.2.4 \ pbr-1.0.1 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ proc-macro2-0.2.3 \ proc-macro2-0.4.5 \ quasi-0.32.0 \ quasi_codegen-0.32.0 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.4.2 \ quote-0.6.3 \ rand-0.3.22 \ rand-0.4.2 \ rand-0.5.0 \ rand_core-0.2.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-0.2.11 \ regex-1.0.0 \ regex-syntax-0.5.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.0 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ serde-1.0.66 \ serde_derive-1.0.66 \ serde_json-1.0.19 \ stdweb-0.4.6 \ stdweb-derive-0.4.0 \ stdweb-internal-macros-0.1.0 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.12.15 \ syn-0.14.2 \ syntex-0.58.1 \ syntex_errors-0.58.1 \ syntex_pos-0.58.1 \ syntex_syntax-0.58.1 \ term-0.4.6 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.9.0 \ thread_local-0.3.5 \ time-0.1.40 \ ucd-util-0.1.1 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.0 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.4 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ yansi-0.4.0 post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/genact .include Index: head/graphics/librsvg2-rust/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/graphics/librsvg2-rust/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/graphics/librsvg2-rust/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,58 +1,58 @@ # Created by: Ade Lovett # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= librsvg PORTVERSION= 2.45.5 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= graphics gnome MASTER_SITES= GNOME \ CRATESIO/libc/0.2.49:libc PKGNAMESUFFIX= 2-rust DISTFILES= gnome2/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} \ rust/crates/libc-0.2.49.tar.gz:libc MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files LICENSE= LGPL20 BUILD_DEPENDS= ${RUST_DEFAULT}>=1.27.0:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} \ valac:lang/vala LIB_DEPENDS= \ \ \ USES= gettext gmake gnome libtool pkgconfig tar:xz USE_GNOME= cairo gdkpixbuf2 libxml2 pango gnomeprefix introspection:build USE_LDCONFIG= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-vala \ --disable-Bsymbolic \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --disable-static INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip # Make sure it uses the Rust toolchain from ports. CONFIGURE_ENV= CARGO=${LOCALBASE}/bin/cargo \ RUSTC=${LOCALBASE}/bin/rustc MAKE_ENV= RUSTC=${LOCALBASE}/bin/rustc CONFLICTS_INSTALL= librsvg2 post-patch: # Avoid dependency loop with gtk3 (it depends on librsvg2), do not build rsvg-view @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|GTK3_REQUIRED=3.[0-9][0-9].[0-9]|GTK3_REQUIRED=9.90.0|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/configure # Disable vendor checksums @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/"files":{[^}]*}/"files":{}/' \ ${WRKSRC}/vendor/*/.cargo-checksum.json # Replace vendored libc crate with libc-0.2.49 for tier 2 arch support ${RM} -r ${WRKSRC}/vendor/libc ${MV} ${WRKDIR}/libc-0.2.49 ${WRKSRC}/vendor/libc @${ECHO_CMD} '{"files":{}}' > ${WRKSRC}/vendor/libc/.cargo-checksum.json pre-configure: @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} ${LOCALBASE}/bin/cargo update .include Index: head/lang/rust/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,345 +1,349 @@ # Created by: Jyun-Yan You # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= rust -PORTVERSION?= 1.32.0 +PORTVERSION?= 1.33.0 PORTREVISION?= 0 CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= \ LOCAL/dumbbell/rust:rust_bootstrap \ LOCAL/tobik/rust:rust_bootstrap \ \ LOCAL/dumbbell/rust:cargo_bootstrap \ LOCAL/tobik/rust:cargo_bootstrap \ \ \ LOCAL/marino:bootstrap DISTNAME?= ${PORTNAME}c-${PORTVERSION}-src DISTFILES?= ${NIGHTLY_SUBDIR}${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}:src \ ${RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP}:rust_bootstrap \ ${RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP}:rust_bootstrap \ ${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP}:cargo_bootstrap DIST_SUBDIR?= rust EXTRACT_ONLY?= ${DISTFILES:N*\:*bootstrap:C/:.*//} MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Language with a focus on memory safety and concurrency LICENSE= APACHE20 \ MIT LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_APACHE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT BUILD_DEPENDS= cmake:devel/cmake LIB_DEPENDS= \ \ ONLY_FOR_ARCHS?= aarch64 amd64 armv6 armv7 i386 powerpc64 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= requires prebuilt bootstrap compiler CONFLICTS_INSTALL?= rust-nightly # See WRKSRC/src/stage0.txt for this date and version values. -BOOTSTRAPS_DATE?= 2018-12-20 +BOOTSTRAPS_DATE?= 2019-01-17 +BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_aarch64?= 2018-12-20 +BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_armv6?= 2018-12-20 +BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_armv7?= 2018-12-20 +BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_powerpc64?= 2018-12-20 -RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION?= 1.31.1 +RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION?= 1.32.0 RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_aarch64?= 1.32.0 RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_armv6?= 1.32.0 RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_armv7?= 1.32.0 RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_powerpc64?= 1.32.0 RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP= ${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}}/rustc-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET}.tar.gz RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP= ${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}}/rust-std-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET}.tar.gz -CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION?= 0.32.0 +CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION?= 0.33.0 CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_aarch64?= 0.33.0 CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_armv6?= 0.33.0 CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_armv7?= 0.33.0 CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_powerpc64?= 0.33.0 CARGO_BOOTSTRAP= ${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}}/cargo-${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET}.tar.gz CARGO_VENDOR_DIR?= ${WRKSRC}/vendor RUST_CHANNEL= ${PKGNAMESUFFIX:Ustable:S/^-//} # Rust's target arch string is different from *BSD arch strings RUST_ARCH_aarch64= aarch64 RUST_ARCH_amd64= x86_64 RUST_ARCH_armv6= armv6 RUST_ARCH_armv7= armv7 RUST_ARCH_i386= i686 RUST_ARCH_powerpc64= powerpc64 RUST_ARCH_x86_64= x86_64 # dragonfly RUST_TARGET= ${RUST_ARCH_${ARCH}}-unknown-${OPSYS:tl} LLVM_TARGET= ${ARCH:C/armv.*/ARM/:S/aarch64/AArch64/:S/powerpc64/PowerPC/} PLIST_SUB+= RUST_TARGET=${RUST_TARGET} USES= compiler gmake libedit pkgconfig python:2.7,build ssl tar:xz OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS GDB LLNEXTGEN SOURCES GDB_DESC= Install ports gdb (necessary for debugging rust programs) LLNEXTGEN_DESC= Build with grammar verification SOURCES_DESC= Install source files GDB_RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/gdb:devel/gdb LLNEXTGEN_BUILD_DEPENDS= LLnextgen:devel/llnextgen # Rust manifests list all files and directories installed by rust-installer. # We use them in: # - pre-install to cleanup the ${STAGEDIR} # - post-install to populate the ${TMPPLIST} RUST_MANIFESTS= lib/rustlib/manifest-* PLIST_FILES= lib/rustlib/components \ lib/rustlib/rust-installer-version .include .if ${ARCH} == powerpc64 # The bootstrap is hardcoded to use gcc8 # but we can build with a newer or older compiler as provided by USE_GCC=yes BUILD_DEPENDS+= gcc8:lang/gcc8 USE_GCC= yes .endif .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${ARCH} == aarch64 && \ (${OSVERSION} < 1200502 || \ (${OSVERSION} > 1300000 && ${OSVERSION} < 1300006)) IGNORE= fails to run due to a bug in rtld, update to 12-STABLE r342847 or 13-CURRENT r342113 .endif .ifdef QEMU_EMULATING IGNORE= fails to build with qemu-user-static .endif X_PY_ENV= HOME="${WRKDIR}" \ LIBGIT2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 \ LIBSSH2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 \ OPENSSL_DIR="${OPENSSLBASE}" X_PY_CMD= ${PYTHON_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/ RUST_STD_DIR= ${RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP:T:R:R} post-extract: @${MKDIR} \ ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}} \ ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}} ${LN} -sf ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP} \ ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}} ${LN} -sf ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP} \ ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}} ${LN} -sf ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP} \ ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}} post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|gdb|${LOCALBASE}/bin/gdb|' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/etc/rust-gdb # If we override the versions and date of the bootstraps (for instance # on aarch64 where we provide our own bootstraps), we need to update # places where they are recorded. @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \ 's|^date:.*|date: ${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}}|' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/stage0.txt @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \ 's|^rustc:.*|rustc: ${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}|' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/stage0.txt @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \ 's|^cargo:.*|cargo: ${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}|' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/stage0.txt # Disable vendor checksums @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \ 's/"files":{[^}]*}/"files":{}/' \ ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/*/.cargo-checksum.json post-patch-SOURCES-off: # Mimic tools in config.toml with just src excluded @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/*"src".*/false;/' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/bootstrap/ .if defined(WITH_CCACHE_BUILD) && !defined(NO_CCACHE) CCACHE_VALUE= "${CCACHE_WRAPPER_PATH:C,/libexec/ccache$,,}/bin/ccache" .else CCACHE_VALUE= false .endif pre-configure: @for file in \ ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/backtrace-sys/src/libbacktrace/configure \ ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/backtrace-sys/src/libbacktrace/config/libtool.m4; do \ mv "$$file" "$$file.dont-fix"; \ done do-configure: ${SED} -E \ -e 's,%PREFIX%,${PREFIX},' \ -e 's,%SYSCONFDIR%,${PREFIX}/etc,' \ -e 's,%MANDIR%,${MANPREFIX}/man,' \ -e 's,%PYTHON_CMD%,${PYTHON_CMD},' \ -e 's,%CHANNEL%,${RUST_CHANNEL},' \ -e 's,%TARGET%,${RUST_TARGET},' \ -e 's,%CCACHE%,${CCACHE_VALUE},' \ -e 's,%CC%,${CC},' \ -e 's,%CXX%,${CXX},' \ < ${FILESDIR}/config.toml \ > ${WRKSRC}/config.toml # no need to build a crosscompiler for these targets .if ${ARCH} == aarch64 || ${ARCH} == armv6 || ${ARCH} == armv7 || ${ARCH} == powerpc64 @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,^#targets =.*,targets = "${LLVM_TARGET}",' \ -e 's,^#experimental-targets =.*,experimental-targets = "",' \ ${WRKSRC}/config.toml .endif @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,%CC%,${CC},g' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/librustc_llvm/ \ ${WRKSRC}/src/bootstrap/ post-configure: @for file in \ ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/backtrace-sys/src/libbacktrace/configure \ ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/backtrace-sys/src/libbacktrace/config/libtool.m4; do \ mv "$$file.dont-fix" "$$file"; \ done post-configure-DOCS-on: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,%DOCS%,true,' ${WRKSRC}/config.toml post-configure-DOCS-off: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,%DOCS%,false,' ${WRKSRC}/config.toml do-build: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${X_PY_ENV} \ ${X_PY_CMD} build \ --verbose \ --config ./config.toml \ --jobs ${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} # In case the previous "make stage" failed, this ensures rust's # won't backup previously staged files before reinstalling # new ones. Otherwise, the staging directory is polluted with unneeded # files. pre-install: @for f in ${RUST_MANIFESTS:S,^,${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/,}; do \ if test -f "$$f"; then \ ${SED} -E -e 's,^(file|dir):,${STAGEDIR},' \ < "$$f" \ | ${XARGS} ${RM} -r; \ ${RM} "$$f"; \ fi; \ done @for f in ${PLIST_FILES:S,^,${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/,}; do \ ${RM} "$$f"; \ done do-install: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${X_PY_ENV} \ DESTDIR=${STAGEDIR} \ ${X_PY_CMD} 'install' \ --verbose \ --config ./config.toml \ --jobs ${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} # In post-install, we use the manifests generated during Rust install # to in turn generate the PLIST. We do that, instead of the regular # `pkg-plist`, because several libraries have a computed filename based # on the absolute path of the source files. As it is user-specific, we # can't know their filename in advance. # # Both rustc and Cargo components install the same and LICENSE # files. The install process backs up the first copy to install the # second. Thus here, we need to remove those backups. We also need to # dedup the entries in the generated PLIST, because both components' # manifests list them. # # We fix manpage entries in the generated manifests because Rust # installs them uncompressed but the Ports framework compresses them. post-install: for f in ${RUST_MANIFESTS:S,^,${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/,}; do \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -i '' -E \ -e 's|:${STAGEDIR}|:|' \ -e 's|(man/man[1-9]/.*\.[0-9])|\1.gz|' \ "$$f"; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "$${f#${STAGEDIR}}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \ ${AWK} '\ /^file:/ { \ file=$$0; \ sub(/^file:/, "", file); \ print file; \ } \ /^dir:/ { \ dir=$$0; \ sub(/^dir:/, "", dir); \ system("find ${STAGEDIR}" dir " -type f | ${SED} -E -e \"s|${STAGEDIR}||\""); \ }' \ "$$f" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \ done ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/rust/*.old ${SORT} -u < ${TMPPLIST} > ${TMPPLIST}.uniq ${MV} ${TMPPLIST}.uniq ${TMPPLIST} @${RM} \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/rustlib/install.log \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/rustlib/ # FIXME: Static libraries in lib/rustlib/*/lib/*.rlib are not stripped, # but they contain non-object files which make strip(1) unhappy. @${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin -exec ${FILE} -i {} + | ${AWK} -F: \ '/executable|sharedlib/ { print $$1 }' | ${XARGS} ${STRIP_CMD} # Note that make test does not work when rust is already installed. do-test: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${X_PY_ENV} \ ALLOW_NONZERO_RLIMIT_CORE=1 \ ${X_PY_CMD} test \ --verbose \ --config ./config.toml \ --jobs ${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} makesum-all-archs: ${MAKE} makesum ARCH=${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS:O:[1]} .for arch in ${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS:O:[2..-1]} ${MAKE} makesum ARCH=${arch} DISTINFO_FILE=${DISTINFO_FILE}.${arch} ${GREP} ${RUST_ARCH_${arch}} ${DISTINFO_FILE}.${arch} >> ${DISTINFO_FILE} ${RM} ${DISTINFO_FILE}.${arch} .endfor BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_FBSDVER= 10 BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_FBSDVER_aarch64= 11 BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_FBSDVER_armv6= 11 BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_FBSDVER_armv7= 12 BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_FBSDVER_powerpc64= 11 BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_REV= BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_URL=${BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_FBSDVER_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_FBSDVER}}:${ARCH}/latest/All/rust-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}${BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_REV}.txz BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG= ${_DISTDIR}/${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}}/rust-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${ARCH}.txz package-to-bootstraps: ${BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG} ${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps ${RM} -r ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/usr ${EXTRACT_CMD} \ -C ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps \ --strip-components 3 \ ${EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS} ${BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG} ${LOCALBASE} # `rustc` bootstrap. ${RM} -r ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/rustc-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET} ${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/rustc-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET} cd ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/rustc-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET} && \ ${MKDIR} rustc/bin rustc/lib && \ ${MV} ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/bin/rust* rustc/bin && \ ${MV} ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/lib/*.so rustc/lib ${TAR} -cz --format=ustar -C ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps \ -f ${_DISTDIR}/${RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP} \ rustc-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET} # `rust-std` bootstrap. ${RM} -r ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/rust-std-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET} ${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/rust-std-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET} cd ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/rust-std-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET} && \ ${MKDIR} rust-std-${RUST_TARGET}/lib/rustlib/${RUST_TARGET} && \ ${MV} ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps/lib/rustlib/${RUST_TARGET}/lib rust-std-${RUST_TARGET}/lib/rustlib/${RUST_TARGET} ${TAR} -cz --format=ustar -C ${WRKDIR}/bootstraps \ -f ${_DISTDIR}/${RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP} \ rust-std-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${RUST_TARGET} ${BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG}: ${MKDIR} ${@:H} ${FETCH_CMD} -o $@ ${BOOTSTRAPS_SOURCE_PKG_URL} .include Index: head/lang/rust/distinfo =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/distinfo (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/distinfo (revision 494176) @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ -TIMESTAMP = 1547636591 -SHA256 (rust/rustc-1.32.0-src.tar.xz) = d617a7dc39daaafa8256320991005fc376c8ef2080593918301b24466d0067af -SIZE (rust/rustc-1.32.0-src.tar.xz) = 99602696 -SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rustc-1.31.1-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = fb38ad94976c273c0fb95d0b5ba2d1ce90684e58fa06fafc9f8050ba00559f50 -SIZE (rust/2018-12-20/rustc-1.31.1-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 69931606 -SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rust-std-1.31.1-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 89e551403f70eed976ac1dd91c3effc9434ef450da4c347d24a141529f83a101 -SIZE (rust/2018-12-20/rust-std-1.31.1-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 69337097 -SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/cargo-0.32.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 2cc09d55f6c6dcca58d43815c4968d2349813b12e12a23eff1b8fa30548eba8f -SIZE (rust/2018-12-20/cargo-0.32.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 6813542 -SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rustc-1.31.1-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = a68848c513b2eaf3fb15e6798ee3a1cd352d0b75d3f103e104a72d8290651e8b -SIZE (rust/2018-12-20/rustc-1.31.1-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 70696299 -SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rust-std-1.31.1-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 87d7e4aa9bfc50a111ac6c47360c831857b83ed61a07bc368a505f4d0183ea8f -SIZE (rust/2018-12-20/rust-std-1.31.1-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 69465005 -SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/cargo-0.32.0-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 32db6c8124e5cfeffb58576bbdbe9a8ec1317a31588d393a2be822e87efc55ab -SIZE (rust/2018-12-20/cargo-0.32.0-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 6510783 +TIMESTAMP = 1551349163 +SHA256 (rust/rustc-1.33.0-src.tar.xz) = f4b1a72f1a29b23dcc9d7be5f60878f0434560513273906aa93dcd5c0de39b71 +SIZE (rust/rustc-1.33.0-src.tar.xz) = 100635400 +SHA256 (rust/2019-01-17/rustc-1.32.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = a14a0e288be8ce894a85810151a2eb70fc86afa36e4a5fae4e903c744b888687 +SIZE (rust/2019-01-17/rustc-1.32.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 70385575 +SHA256 (rust/2019-01-17/rust-std-1.32.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = d50f674379791a93764d383153ed6533cea165ede7f233df4e17563bfdab273c +SIZE (rust/2019-01-17/rust-std-1.32.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 67069445 +SHA256 (rust/2019-01-17/cargo-0.33.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = e780264949c8e597191f38d4930cad8074890a7a48c04cf10e6864ff0eb4bc8a +SIZE (rust/2019-01-17/cargo-0.33.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 6253970 +SHA256 (rust/2019-01-17/rustc-1.32.0-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 7bea209a99b8a3c05a80e55fef293d73a68fa57d58120ed5cd11adc9d6b7ed5c +SIZE (rust/2019-01-17/rustc-1.32.0-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 71140698 +SHA256 (rust/2019-01-17/rust-std-1.32.0-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 1189726665509f2a5e44fcdbbe70f691e8ffc748404966c9b73abf62b4f9cb82 +SIZE (rust/2019-01-17/rust-std-1.32.0-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 67402728 +SHA256 (rust/2019-01-17/cargo-0.33.0-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = cba7cf145100c4e74da1fca20ad272999ec2b55817f26723c3dfc9fd4abd196d +SIZE (rust/2019-01-17/cargo-0.33.0-i686-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 6017543 SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/cargo-0.33.0-aarch64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = a13c3f8c17beb6d19f54ac705d87b6dbb9cd09cd945d0ffbaed1a77e8ac38128 SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/cargo-0.33.0-armv6-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 62158d26a9dbc17cfd92882cb48b6ee7a06432b9f18d1f78b90b6973d63be12c SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/cargo-0.33.0-armv7-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = bfb8986a11034cac7329037a2f24c07bcd62ba2d91838f6c28955b2ee639e361 SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/cargo-0.33.0-powerpc64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 043a4d68de71b868837bc0e30121d4d95282b0d098a1e13da9375f00dd6e51ef SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rust-std-1.32.0-aarch64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = c5cb52dab10c19a0bc0548b65a785fdf5765cf43a4a5c6635e44738b9ae69030 SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rust-std-1.32.0-armv6-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 9572c6db3daaaf1fa5dd1b5ddf2a077e55ebf392ed0bc578dcc5a1ffa75e0343 SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rust-std-1.32.0-armv7-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 0ad6c70d4c0d843f61845db77f7d571befa07e4623029e6b3dd3ce9f9d568c6f SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rust-std-1.32.0-powerpc64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = d619921dfaccf70cde71b4a00f9dc03a8138d3379a6cb4d8729d74d931c2a38b SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rustc-1.32.0-aarch64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 3d1ee268ceba35c899c976fa6d539b39f7ef6fc109190662bc5f5bfd5c843d92 SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rustc-1.32.0-armv6-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = c2896bc52a2e005077252062e97a4bd3543b9003b78f95ecd83dda0242f0e6b5 SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rustc-1.32.0-armv7-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = faf708f0909d4b7e5f8862add9819f5f55cb52b08558760cbdd456e7014df00c SHA256 (rust/2018-12-20/rustc-1.32.0-powerpc64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz) = 83ccfca0e5c5e2df37ea3f4059dfe3e516c4f74045769dac4602a2da2b2ed1a5 Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ ---- src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ 2018-06-19 04:36:14 UTC -+++ src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ -@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ -+pub type c_char = i8; - pub type c_long = i64; - pub type c_ulong = u64; - pub type time_t = i64; Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- src/libcompiler_builtins/ 2019-01-16 09:30:44 UTC -+++ src/libcompiler_builtins/ -@@ -308,6 +308,10 @@ mod c { - ], - ); - -+ if target_os == "freebsd" { -+ sources.extend(&["clear_cache.c"]); -+ } -+ - // First of all aeabi_cdcmp and aeabi_cfcmp are never called by LLVM. - // Second are little-endian only, so build fail on big-endian targets. - // Temporally workaround: exclude these files for big-endian targets. Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/patch-src_libbacktrace_fileline.c =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/patch-src_libbacktrace_fileline.c (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/patch-src_libbacktrace_fileline.c (nonexistent) @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -This file is in the public domain. - ---- src/libbacktrace/fileline.c.orig 2019-01-16 09:30:44 UTC -+++ src/libbacktrace/fileline.c -@@ -39,8 +39,39 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ - #include - #include - -+#if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) -+#include -+#include -+#endif -+ - #include "backtrace.h" - #include "internal.h" -+ -+#if !defined(HAVE_GETEXECNAME) && defined(KERN_PROC_PATHNAME) -+/* Return pathname of executable or 0 on failure. */ -+#define HAVE_GETEXECNAME -+static char execname[PATH_MAX + 1]; -+static const char * -+getexecname(void) -+{ -+ size_t path_len = sizeof(execname); -+ int mib[] = { -+ CTL_KERN, -+#if defined(__NetBSD__) -+ KERN_PROC_ARGS, -+ -1, -+ KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, -+#else -+ KERN_PROC, -+ KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, -+ -1, -+#endif -+ }; -+ u_int miblen = sizeof(mib) / sizeof(mib[0]); -+ int rc = sysctl(mib, miblen, execname, &path_len, NULL, 0); -+ return rc ? NULL : execname; -+} -+#endif /* !HAVE_GETEXECNAME && KERN_PROC_PATHNAME */ - - #ifndef HAVE_GETEXECNAME - #define getexecname() NULL Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/patch-src_libbacktrace_fileline.c ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- src/libstd/os/raw/ 2019-01-16 09:30:27 UTC -+++ src/libstd/os/raw/ -@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ - all(target_os = "android", any(target_arch = "aarch64", - target_arch = "arm")), - all(target_os = "l4re", target_arch = "x86_64"), -+ all(target_os = "freebsd", any(target_arch = "aarch64", -+ target_arch = "arm", -+ target_arch = "powerpc", -+ target_arch = "powerpc64")), - all(target_os = "netbsd", any(target_arch = "aarch64", - target_arch = "arm", - target_arch = "powerpc")), -@@ -42,6 +46,10 @@ - all(target_os = "android", any(target_arch = "aarch64", - target_arch = "arm")), - all(target_os = "l4re", target_arch = "x86_64"), -+ all(target_os = "freebsd", any(target_arch = "aarch64", -+ target_arch = "arm", -+ target_arch = "powerpc", -+ target_arch = "powerpc64")), - all(target_os = "netbsd", any(target_arch = "aarch64", - target_arch = "arm", - target_arch = "powerpc")), Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ - - - ---- vendor/openssl-sys/build/ 2018-12-05 01:24:32 UTC -+++ vendor/openssl-sys/build/ -@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ - extern crate cc; -+#[cfg(feature = "vendored")] -+extern crate openssl_src; - extern crate pkg_config; - #[cfg(target_env = "msvc")] - extern crate vcpkg; --#[cfg(feature = "vendored")] --extern crate openssl_src; - - use std::collections::HashSet; - use std::env; -@@ -103,20 +103,23 @@ fn main() { - - #[cfg(feature = "vendored")] - mod imp { -- use std::path::PathBuf; -- use openssl_src; -+ use openssl_src; -+ use std::path::PathBuf; - -- pub fn get_openssl(_target: &str) -> (PathBuf, PathBuf) { -- let artifacts = openssl_src::Build::new().build(); -- (artifacts.lib_dir().to_path_buf(), artifacts.include_dir().to_path_buf()) -- } -+ pub fn get_openssl(_target: &str) -> (PathBuf, PathBuf) { -+ let artifacts = openssl_src::Build::new().build(); -+ ( -+ artifacts.lib_dir().to_path_buf(), -+ artifacts.include_dir().to_path_buf(), -+ ) -+ } - } - - #[cfg(not(feature = "vendored"))] - mod imp { - use pkg_config; -- use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; - use std::ffi::OsString; -+ use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; - use std::process::{self, Command}; - - use super::env; -@@ -500,6 +503,8 @@ See rust-openssl README for more information: - (7, _) => ('7', 'x'), - (8, 0) => ('8', '0'), - (8, 1) => ('8', '1'), -+ (8, _) => ('8', 'x'), -+ (9, 0) => ('9', '0'), - _ => version_error(), - }; - -@@ -540,7 +545,7 @@ fn version_error() -> ! { - " - - This crate is only compatible with OpenSSL 1.0.1 through 1.1.1, or LibreSSL 2.5 --through 2.8.1, but a different version of OpenSSL was found. The build is now aborting -+through 2.9.0, but a different version of OpenSSL was found. The build is now aborting - due to this version mismatch. - - " Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ ---- src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ 2018-06-19 04:36:14 UTC -+++ src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ -@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ -+pub type c_char = u8; - pub type c_long = i64; - pub type c_ulong = u64; - pub type time_t = i64; Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ ---- src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/ 2019-01-16 09:30:47 UTC -+++ src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/ -@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ --pub type c_char = i8; - pub type dev_t = u32; - pub type mode_t = u16; - pub type pthread_attr_t = *mut ::c_void; -@@ -83,8 +82,7 @@ s! { - } - - pub struct stack_t { -- // In FreeBSD 11 and later, ss_sp is actually a void* -- pub ss_sp: *mut ::c_char, -+ pub ss_sp: *mut ::c_void, - pub ss_size: ::size_t, - pub ss_flags: ::c_int, - } Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- src/libstd/ 2019-01-16 09:30:27 UTC -+++ src/libstd/ -@@ -92,13 +92,18 @@ fn build_libbacktrace(target: &str) -> Result<(), ()> - .out_dir(&native.out_dir) - .warnings(false) - .file("../libbacktrace/alloc.c") -- .file("../libbacktrace/backtrace.c") - .file("../libbacktrace/dwarf.c") - .file("../libbacktrace/fileline.c") - .file("../libbacktrace/posix.c") - .file("../libbacktrace/read.c") - .file("../libbacktrace/sort.c") - .file("../libbacktrace/state.c"); -+ -+ if target.contains("freebsd") { -+ build.file("../libbacktrace/nounwind.c"); -+ } else { -+ build.file("../libbacktrace/backtrace.c"); -+ } - - let any_debug = env::var("RUSTC_DEBUGINFO").unwrap_or_default() == "true" || - env::var("RUSTC_DEBUGINFO_LINES").unwrap_or_default() == "true"; Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ ---- src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ 2019-01-16 09:30:47 UTC -+++ src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ -@@ -1068,6 +1068,12 @@ cfg_if! { - } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] { - mod aarch64; - pub use self::aarch64::*; -+ } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] { -+ mod arm; -+ pub use self::arm::*; -+ } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "powerpc64")] { -+ mod powerpc64; -+ pub use self::powerpc64::*; - } else { - // Unknown target_arch - } Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ 2019-02-15 13:41:07 UTC -+++ src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ -@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ -+pub type c_char = u8; -+pub type c_long = i64; -+pub type c_ulong = u64; -+pub type time_t = i64; -+pub type suseconds_t = i64; -+ -+s! { -+ pub struct stat { -+ pub st_dev: ::dev_t, -+ pub st_ino: ::ino_t, -+ pub st_mode: ::mode_t, -+ pub st_nlink: ::nlink_t, -+ pub st_uid: ::uid_t, -+ pub st_gid: ::gid_t, -+ pub st_rdev: ::dev_t, -+ pub st_atime: ::time_t, -+ pub st_atime_nsec: ::c_long, -+ pub st_mtime: ::time_t, -+ pub st_mtime_nsec: ::c_long, -+ pub st_ctime: ::time_t, -+ pub st_ctime_nsec: ::c_long, -+ pub st_size: ::off_t, -+ pub st_blocks: ::blkcnt_t, -+ pub st_blksize: ::blksize_t, -+ pub st_flags: ::fflags_t, -+ pub st_gen: ::uint32_t, -+ pub st_lspare: ::int32_t, -+ pub st_birthtime: ::time_t, -+ pub st_birthtime_nsec: ::c_long, -+ } -+} Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ ---- src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/dragonfly/ 2018-06-19 04:36:14 UTC -+++ src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/dragonfly/ -@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ -+pub type c_char = i8; - pub type clock_t = u64; - pub type ino_t = u64; - pub type lwpid_t = i32; Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ 2019-02-15 13:41:07 UTC -+++ src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ -@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ -+pub type c_char = u8; -+pub type c_long = i32; -+pub type c_ulong = u32; -+pub type time_t = i64; -+pub type suseconds_t = i32; -+ -+s! { -+ pub struct stat { -+ pub st_dev: ::dev_t, -+ pub st_ino: ::ino_t, -+ pub st_mode: ::mode_t, -+ pub st_nlink: ::nlink_t, -+ pub st_uid: ::uid_t, -+ pub st_gid: ::gid_t, -+ pub st_rdev: ::dev_t, -+ pub st_atime: ::time_t, -+ pub st_atime_nsec: ::c_long, -+ pub st_atime_pad: ::c_long, -+ pub st_mtime: ::time_t, -+ pub st_mtime_nsec: ::c_long, -+ pub st_mtime_pad: ::c_long, -+ pub st_ctime: ::time_t, -+ pub st_ctime_nsec: ::c_long, -+ pub st_ctime_pad: ::c_long, -+ pub st_size: ::off_t, -+ pub st_blocks: ::blkcnt_t, -+ pub st_blksize: ::blksize_t, -+ pub st_flags: ::fflags_t, -+ pub st_gen: ::uint32_t, -+ pub st_lspare: ::int32_t, -+ pub st_birthtime: ::time_t, -+ pub st_birthtime_nsec: ::c_long, -+ pub st_birthtime_pad: ::c_long, -+ } -+} -+ -+pub const MAP_32BIT: ::c_int = 0x00080000; Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ ---- src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ 2018-06-19 04:36:14 UTC -+++ src/liblibc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ -@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ -+pub type c_char = i8; - pub type c_long = i32; - pub type c_ulong = u32; - pub type time_t = i32; Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +error: `[7:4]` cannot be resolved, ignoring it... + --> src/libstd/../stdsimd/stdsimd/arch/detect/os/ + | +9 | //! when ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1[7:4] is >= 1, AES is supported; when it's >= 2, PMULL is supported. + | ^^^ cannot be resolved, ignoring + | +note: lint level defined here + --> src/libstd/ + | +21| #![deny(intra_doc_link_resolution_failure)] + | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, just add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]` + +--- src/stdsimd/stdsimd/arch/detect/os/ 2019-02-25 09:19:48 UTC ++++ src/stdsimd/stdsimd/arch/detect/os/ +@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ + //! AArch64 system registers ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1, ID_AA64PFR0_EL1, ID_AA64ISAR1_EL1 + //! have bits dedicated to features like AdvSIMD, CRC32, AES, atomics (LSE), etc. + //! Each part of the register indicates the level of support for a certain feature, e.g. +-//! when ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1[7:4] is >= 1, AES is supported; when it's >= 2, PMULL is supported. ++//! when ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1\[7:4\] is >= 1, AES is supported; when it's >= 2, PMULL is supported. + //! + //! For proper support of [SoCs where different cores have different capabilities](, + //! the OS has to always report only the features supported by all cores, like [FreeBSD does]( Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/patch-vendor_backtrace-sys_src_libbacktrace_fileline.c =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/patch-vendor_backtrace-sys_src_libbacktrace_fileline.c (nonexistent) +++ head/lang/rust/files/patch-vendor_backtrace-sys_src_libbacktrace_fileline.c (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +This file is in the public domain. + +--- vendor/backtrace-sys/src/libbacktrace/fileline.c.orig 2019-01-16 09:30:44 UTC ++++ vendor/backtrace-sys/src/libbacktrace/fileline.c +@@ -39,8 +39,39 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ + #include + #include + ++#if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) ++#include ++#include ++#endif ++ + #include "backtrace.h" + #include "internal.h" ++ ++#if !defined(HAVE_GETEXECNAME) && defined(KERN_PROC_PATHNAME) ++/* Return pathname of executable or 0 on failure. */ ++#define HAVE_GETEXECNAME ++static char execname[PATH_MAX + 1]; ++static const char * ++getexecname(void) ++{ ++ size_t path_len = sizeof(execname); ++ int mib[] = { ++ CTL_KERN, ++#if defined(__NetBSD__) ++ KERN_PROC_ARGS, ++ -1, ++ KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, ++#else ++ KERN_PROC, ++ KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, ++ -1, ++#endif ++ }; ++ u_int miblen = sizeof(mib) / sizeof(mib[0]); ++ int rc = sysctl(mib, miblen, execname, &path_len, NULL, 0); ++ return rc ? NULL : execname; ++} ++#endif /* !HAVE_GETEXECNAME && KERN_PROC_PATHNAME */ + + #ifndef HAVE_GETEXECNAME + #define getexecname() NULL Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/patch-vendor_backtrace-sys_src_libbacktrace_fileline.c ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (nonexistent) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +--- vendor/compiler_builtins/ 2019-01-16 09:30:44 UTC ++++ vendor/compiler_builtins/ +@@ -308,6 +308,10 @@ mod c { + ], + ); + ++ if target_os == "freebsd" { ++ sources.extend(&["clear_cache.c"]); ++ } ++ + // First of all aeabi_cdcmp and aeabi_cfcmp are never called by LLVM. + // Second are little-endian only, so build fail on big-endian targets. + // Temporally workaround: exclude these files for big-endian targets. Property changes on: head/lang/rust/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/lang/rust/files/ =================================================================== --- head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494175) +++ head/lang/rust/files/ (revision 494176) @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ --- vendor/libc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ 2019-01-16 11:06:08 UTC +++ vendor/libc/src/unix/bsd/freebsdlike/freebsd/ @@ -1154,6 +1154,12 @@ cfg_if! { } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] { mod aarch64; pub use self::aarch64::*; + } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] { -+ mod arm; -+ pub use self::arm::*; ++ mod arm; ++ pub use self::arm::*; + } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "powerpc64")] { + mod powerpc64; + pub use self::powerpc64::*; } else { // Unknown target_arch } Index: head/mail/thunderbird/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/mail/thunderbird/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/mail/thunderbird/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,79 +1,80 @@ # Created by: Joe Marcus Clarke # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= thunderbird DISTVERSION= 60.5.2 +PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= mail news net-im ipv6 MASTER_SITES= MOZILLA/${PORTNAME}/releases/${DISTVERSION}/source \ MOZILLA/${PORTNAME}/candidates/${DISTVERSION}-candidates/build1/source DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}.source${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above BUILD_DEPENDS= nspr>=4.19:devel/nspr \ nss>=3.36.7:security/nss \ icu>=59.1,1:devel/icu \ libevent>=2.1.8:devel/libevent \ harfbuzz>=1.7.6:print/harfbuzz \ graphite2>=1.3.11:graphics/graphite2 \ png>=1.6.34:graphics/png \ libvorbis>=1.3.6,3:audio/libvorbis \ libvpx>=1.5.0:multimedia/libvpx \ sqlite3>=3.22.0:databases/sqlite3 \ ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sqlite3>0:databases/py-sqlite3@${PY_FLAVOR} \ v4l_compat>0:multimedia/v4l_compat \ autoconf-2.13:devel/autoconf213 \ yasm:devel/yasm \ zip:archivers/zip SSP_UNSAFE= yes USE_GECKO= gecko USE_MOZILLA= -webp -vpx USES= tar:xz MOZ_OPTIONS= --enable-application=comm/mail --enable-official-branding MOZ_MK_OPTIONS= MOZ_THUNDERBIRD=1 MAIL_PKG_SHARED=1 MOZ_EXPORT= MOZ_THUNDERBIRD=1 MAIL_PKG_SHARED=1 MOZ_PKGCONFIG_FILES= PORTNAME_ICON= ${MOZILLA}.png PORTNAME_ICON_SRC= ${PREFIX}/lib/${MOZILLA}/chrome/icons/default/default48.png SYSTEM_PREFS= ${FAKEDIR}/lib/${PORTNAME}/defaults/pref/${PORTNAME}.js MOZ_PIS_SCRIPTS=moz_pis_S50cleanhome OPTIONS_DEFINE= LIGHTNING OPTIONS_DEFAULT=CANBERRA LIGHTNING .include "${.CURDIR}/../../www/firefox/Makefile.options" .include .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MLIGHTNING} MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-calendar .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-calendar .endif post-extract: @${SED} -e 's|@PORTNAME_ICON@|${PORTNAME_ICON}|;s|@MOZILLA@|${MOZILLA}|' \ <${FILESDIR}/ >${WRKDIR}/${MOZILLA_EXEC_NAME}.desktop post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/comm/mail/app/nsMailApp.cpp pre-configure: (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) (cd ${MOZSRC} && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) (cd ${MOZSRC}/js/src/ && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) port-pre-install: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME}/defaults post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/${MOZILLA_EXEC_NAME}.desktop ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications ${LN} -sf ${PORTNAME_ICON_SRC} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/${PORTNAME_ICON} .include Index: head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1458219 =================================================================== --- head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1458219 (nonexistent) +++ head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1458219 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +commit cfe84bdd1ce1 +Author: Jonathan Watt +Date: Wed Apr 25 14:54:26 2018 +0100 + + Bug 1458219 - Remove the 'property_name' macro. r=xidorn +--- + servo/components/style/properties/ | 6 ------ + 1 file changed, 6 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style/properties/ servo/components/style/properties/ +index a1d2ee9d085a..5e3d8eaeaaf8 100644 +--- servo/components/style/properties/ ++++ servo/components/style/properties/ +@@ -56,12 +56,6 @@ use style_adjuster::StyleAdjuster; + + pub use self::declaration_block::*; + +-#[cfg(feature = "gecko")] +-#[macro_export] +-macro_rules! property_name { +- ($s: tt) => { atom!($s) } +-} +- + <%! + from data import Method, Keyword, to_rust_ident, to_camel_case, SYSTEM_FONT_LONGHANDS + import os.path Property changes on: head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1458219 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1519629 =================================================================== --- head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1519629 (nonexistent) +++ head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1519629 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +commit f8f381bf03b5 +Author: Emilio Cobos Álvarez +Date: Sun Jan 13 21:42:38 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519629 - Document a few more macros. +--- + servo/components/style/gecko/ | 1 + + servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ | 2 ++ + 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+) + +diff --git servo/components/style/gecko/ servo/components/style/gecko/ +index dfc2252aa899..b6f68fceb7d5 100755 +--- servo/components/style/gecko/ ++++ servo/components/style/gecko/ +@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ RULE_TEMPLATE = ('("{atom}") =>\n ' + + MACRO = ''' + #[macro_export] ++/// Returns a static atom by passing the literal string it represents. + macro_rules! atom {{ + {} + }} +diff --git servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ +index 4aa4accaf1d4..725e1da21692 100644 +--- servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ ++++ servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ +@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ use std::borrow::Borrow; + use std::fmt; + use std::ops::Deref; + ++/// In Gecko namespaces are just regular atoms, so this is a simple macro to ++/// forward one macro to the other. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! ns { + () => { Property changes on: head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1519629 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1519729 =================================================================== --- head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1519729 (nonexistent) +++ head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1519729 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +commit 9bdfa9fecaf1 +Author: Simon Sapin +Date: Fri Jan 11 14:02:28 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Remove unused macro. r=emilio + + Cherry-picks a commit from +--- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 18 ------------------ + 1 file changed, 18 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 6da235c07b64..2851082c22e0 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -158,24 +158,6 @@ where + } + } + +-#[macro_export] +-macro_rules! serialize_function { +- ($dest: expr, $name: ident($( $arg: expr, )+)) => { +- serialize_function!($dest, $name($($arg),+)) +- }; +- ($dest: expr, $name: ident($first_arg: expr $( , $arg: expr )*)) => { +- { +- $dest.write_str(concat!(stringify!($name), "("))?; +- $first_arg.to_css($dest)?; +- $( +- $dest.write_str(", ")?; +- $arg.to_css($dest)?; +- )* +- $dest.write_char(')') +- } +- } +-} +- + /// Convenience wrapper to serialise CSS values separated by a given string. + pub struct SequenceWriter<'a, 'b: 'a, W: 'b> { + inner: &'a mut CssWriter<'b, W>, + +commit 9d5e559547d0 +Author: Simon Sapin +Date: Fri Jan 11 14:03:44 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Document public macros. r=emilio + + Undocumented public macros emit warnings in nightly-2019-01-11, + and we #![deny] that warning. + + Cherry-picks a commit from +--- + servo/components/style/properties/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 2 +- + 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style/properties/ servo/components/style/properties/ +index 2d91273be15a..9220c3b1a665 100644 +--- servo/components/style/properties/ ++++ servo/components/style/properties/ +@@ -3821,7 +3821,14 @@ impl AliasId { + } + } + +-// NOTE(emilio): Callers are responsible to deal with prefs. ++/// Call the given macro with tokens like this for each longhand and shorthand properties ++/// that is enabled in content: ++/// ++/// ``` ++/// [CamelCaseName, SetCamelCaseName, PropertyId::Longhand(LonghandId::CamelCaseName)], ++/// ``` ++/// ++/// NOTE(emilio): Callers are responsible to deal with prefs. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! css_properties_accessors { + ($macro_name: ident) => { +@@ -3844,6 +3851,14 @@ macro_rules! css_properties_accessors { + } + } + ++/// Call the given macro with tokens like this for each longhand properties: ++/// ++/// ``` ++/// { snake_case_ident, true } ++/// ``` ++/// ++/// … where the boolean indicates whether the property value type ++/// is wrapped in a `Box<_>` in the corresponding `PropertyDeclaration` variant. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! longhand_properties_idents { + ($macro_name: ident) => { +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 2851082c22e0..0d7ee3f506ce 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::RGBA); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::Color); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::UnicodeRange); + +-#[macro_export] ++/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each corrsepond to a CSS keyword. + macro_rules! define_css_keyword_enum { + (pub enum $name:ident { $($variant:ident = $css:expr,)+ }) => { + #[allow(missing_docs)] + +commit 2b08ae08b260 +Author: lqd +Date: Fri Jan 11 16:35:26 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Typo fix in new doc-comment. r=emilio + + Cherry-picks a commit from + + Co-Authored-By: SimonSapin +--- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 0d7ee3f506ce..582e34eb3db0 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::RGBA); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::Color); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::UnicodeRange); + +-/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each corrsepond to a CSS keyword. ++/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each correspond to a CSS keyword. + macro_rules! define_css_keyword_enum { + (pub enum $name:ident { $($variant:ident = $css:expr,)+ }) => { + #[allow(missing_docs)] Property changes on: head/mail/thunderbird/files/patch-bug1519729 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/multimedia/rav1e/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/multimedia/rav1e/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/multimedia/rav1e/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,129 +1,130 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= rav1e PORTVERSION= s20190226 +PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= multimedia MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Fast and safe AV1 encoder LICENSE= BSD2CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BUILD_DEPENDS= ${BUILD_DEPENDS_${ARCH}} BUILD_DEPENDS_amd64= nasm:devel/nasm USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= xiph GH_TAGNAME= 5fb1512 PLIST_FILES= bin/${PORTNAME} CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.10 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ arrayvec-0.4.10 \ atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.2 \ backtrace-0.3.14 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.28 \ bindgen-0.47.3 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ bitstream-io-0.8.2 \ byteorder-1.3.1 \ cast-0.2.2 \ cc-1.0.29 \ cexpr-0.3.4 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clang-sys-0.26.4 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ cmake-0.1.35 \ criterion-0.2.10 \ criterion-plot-0.3.0 \ crossbeam-deque-0.2.0 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.3.1 \ crossbeam-utils-0.2.2 \ csv-1.0.5 \ csv-core-0.1.5 \ dav1d-sys-0.1.2 \ difference-2.0.0 \ either-1.5.1 \ env_logger-0.6.0 \ error-chain-0.10.0 \ failure-0.1.5 \ fuchsia-cprng-0.1.1 \ glob-0.2.11 \ hashbrown-0.1.8 \ humantime-1.2.0 \ itertools-0.8.0 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libloading-0.5.0 \ log-0.4.6 \ memchr-2.2.0 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ metadeps-1.1.2 \ nasm-rs-0.1.4 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ nom-4.2.0 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ num_cpus-1.10.0 \ paste-0.1.4 \ paste-impl-0.1.4 \ peeking_take_while-0.1.2 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ pretty_assertions-0.5.1 \ proc-macro-hack-0.5.4 \ proc-macro2-0.4.27 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.6.11 \ rand-0.5.6 \ rand_core-0.3.1 \ rand_core-0.4.0 \ rand_os-0.1.2 \ rand_xoshiro-0.1.0 \ rayon-1.0.3 \ rayon-core-1.4.1 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.51 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-0.2.11 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.5.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.5 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.13 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ same-file-1.0.4 \ scan_fmt-0.1.3 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ serde-1.0.88 \ serde_derive-1.0.88 \ serde_json-1.0.38 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.26 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ tinytemplate-1.0.1 \ toml-0.2.1 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ walkdir-2.2.7 \ which-2.0.1 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.2 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 \ y4m-0.3.1 post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME} .include Index: head/net/rabbiteer/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/net/rabbiteer/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/net/rabbiteer/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,88 +1,88 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= rabbiteer DISTVERSION= 1.4.1 -PORTREVISION= 5 +PORTREVISION= 6 CATEGORIES= net MAINTAINER= COMMENT= AMQP & RabbitMQ command-line tool LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENCE-MIT USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= algesten GH_PROJECT= ${PORTNAME}-rs GH_TAGNAME= c881238 CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.5.3 \ amq-proto-0.1.0 \ amqp-0.1.1 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ backtrace-0.3.9 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.24 \ bit-vec-0.4.4 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ byteorder-0.5.3 \ cc-1.0.24 \ cfg-if-0.1.5 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ conduit-mime-types-0.7.3 \ enum_primitive-0.1.1 \ env_logger-0.3.5 \ error-chain-0.10.0 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ idna-0.1.5 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.3.9 \ log-0.4.5 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memchr-0.1.11 \ num-traits-0.1.43 \ num-traits-0.2.5 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.1 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-0.1.80 \ regex-syntax-0.3.9 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.9 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread-id-2.0.0 \ thread_local-0.2.7 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ url-1.7.1 \ utf8-ranges-0.1.3 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.5 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 PLIST_FILES= bin/rabbiteer PORTDOCS= OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rabbiteer post-install-DOCS-on: (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}) .include Index: head/net/routinator/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/net/routinator/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/net/routinator/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,159 +1,159 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= routinator PORTVERSION= 0.3.0 DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= net MAINTAINER= COMMENT= RPKI signed route collector and validator LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE RUN_DEPENDS= rsync:net/rsync USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= NLnetLabs CARGO_CRATES= ansi_term-0.11.0 \ arc-swap-0.3.7 \ argon2rs-0.2.5 \ arrayvec-0.4.10 \ atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.2 \ backtrace-0.3.13 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.28 \ base64-0.9.3 \ bcder-0.2.0 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ blake2-rfc-0.2.18 \ byteorder-1.3.1 \ bytes-0.4.11 \ cc-1.0.29 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ chrono-0.4.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.3 \ crossbeam-0.6.0 \ crossbeam-channel-0.3.8 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.3 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.7.1 \ crossbeam-utils-0.6.5 \ daemonize-0.3.0 \ derive_more-0.14.0 \ dirs-1.0.4 \ error-chain-0.11.0 \ failure-0.1.5 \ failure_derive-0.1.5 \ fern-0.5.7 \ fuchsia-cprng-0.1.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.25 \ futures-cpupool-0.1.8 \ hex-0.3.2 \ httparse-1.3.3 \ iovec-0.1.2 \ json-0.11.13 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ lazycell-1.2.1 \ libc-0.2.49 \ lock_api-0.1.5 \ log-0.4.6 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ mio-0.6.16 \ mio-named-pipes-0.1.6 \ mio-uds-0.6.7 \ miow-0.2.1 \ miow-0.3.3 \ net2-0.2.33 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ num_cpus-1.10.0 \ owning_ref-0.4.0 \ parking_lot-0.7.1 \ parking_lot_core-0.4.0 \ proc-macro2-0.4.27 \ quote-0.6.11 \ rand-0.4.6 \ rand-0.6.5 \ rand_chacha-0.1.1 \ rand_core-0.3.1 \ rand_core-0.4.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_jitter-0.1.3 \ rand_os-0.1.2 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.1 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.51 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ redox_users-0.2.0 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ ring-0.13.5 \ rpki-0.3.0 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.13 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ safemem-0.3.0 \ scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.87 \ signal-hook-0.1.7 \ slab-0.4.2 \ smallvec-0.6.8 \ socket2-0.3.8 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.26 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ syslog-4.0.1 \ tempfile-3.0.6 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ time-0.1.42 \ tokio-0.1.15 \ tokio-codec-0.1.1 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.4 \ tokio-executor-0.1.6 \ tokio-fs-0.1.5 \ tokio-io-0.1.11 \ tokio-process-0.2.3 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.8 \ tokio-signal-0.2.7 \ tokio-sync-0.1.1 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.3 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.11 \ tokio-timer-0.2.10 \ tokio-udp-0.1.3 \ tokio-uds-0.2.5 \ toml-0.4.10 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ untrusted-0.6.2 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 PLIST_FILES= bin/routinator \ man/man1/routinator.1.gz post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/routinator ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/routinator.1 ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/man/man1/ .include Index: head/net-im/fractal/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/net-im/fractal/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/net-im/fractal/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= fractal DISTVERSION= 3.30.0 -PORTREVISION= 4 +PORTREVISION= 5 CATEGORIES= net-im MASTER_SITES=${GL_HASH}/ MAINTAINER= COMMENT= GTK+ Matrix IM client LICENSE= GPLv3+ LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt # gmake for the backtrace-sys crate BUILD_DEPENDS= cargo:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} \ gmake:devel/gmake LIB_DEPENDS= \ \ USES= gettext gnome meson pkgconfig python:3.5+,build ssl tar:xz USE_GNOME= cairo gtk30 gtksourceview3 USE_GSTREAMER1= bad GL_HASH= cc46d6b9702ce5d0b1f3073f516a58c3 BINARY_ALIAS= python3=${PYTHON_CMD} GLIB_SCHEMAS= org.gnome.Fractal.gschema.xml INSTALLS_ICONS= yes WITHOUT_FBSD10_FIX= yes # changes libbacktrace conf script's checksum # for the gettext-sys crate MAKE_ENV+= GETTEXT_BIN_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/bin \ GETTEXT_LIB_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ GETTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/include post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/fractal .include Index: head/security/cargo-audit/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/security/cargo-audit/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/security/cargo-audit/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,86 +1,86 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= cargo-audit DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.6.1 -PORTREVISION= 2 +PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= security MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Audit Cargo.lock for crates with security vulnerabilities LICENSE= APACHE20 MIT LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_APACHE20= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= RustSec CARGO_CRATES= atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.1 \ backtrace-0.3.13 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.26 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ byteorder-1.2.7 \ cc-1.0.26 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ chrono-0.4.6 \ curl-sys-0.4.15 \ directories-1.0.2 \ failure-0.1.3 \ failure_derive-0.1.3 \ git2-0.8.0 \ gumdrop-0.5.0 \ gumdrop_derive-0.5.0 \ idna-0.1.5 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libgit2-sys-0.7.11 \ libssh2-sys-0.2.11 \ libz-sys-1.0.25 \ log-0.4.6 \ matches-0.1.8 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \ openssl-sys-0.9.39 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ platforms-0.1.4 \ proc-macro2-0.4.24 \ quote-0.6.10 \ redox_syscall-0.1.44 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.11 \ rustsec-0.10.0 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.82 \ serde_derive-1.0.82 \ serde_json-1.0.33 \ syn-0.14.9 \ syn-0.15.23 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ term-0.5.1 \ termion-1.5.1 \ time-0.1.41 \ toml-0.4.10 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ url-1.7.2 \ vcpkg-0.2.6 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 PLIST_FILES= bin/cargo-audit post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/cargo-audit .include Index: head/security/kr/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/security/kr/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/security/kr/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,55 +1,55 @@ # Created by: Mark Felder # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= kr PORTVERSION= 2.3.1 -PORTREVISION= 5 +PORTREVISION= 6 CATEGORIES= security MAINTAINER= COMMENT= SSH and Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton BROKEN= fails to build NOT_FOR_ARCHS= i386 NOT_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= Uses 64bit types BUILD_DEPENDS= ${RUST_DEFAULT}>=1.19.0_2:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} \ bash>0:shells/bash USES= gmake go shebangfix GO_PKGNAME=${GH_ACCOUNT}/${GH_PROJECT} SHEBANG_FILES= install/ USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= kryptco GH_TUPLE+= atotto:clipboard:bb272b8:clipboard/../src/ GH_TUPLE+= kryptco:qr:eb334d7:qr/../src/ GH_TUPLE+= kryptco:gf256:bbd714a:gf256/../src/ GH_TUPLE+= urfave:cli:b438abf:cli/../src/ PLIST_FILES= bin/kr \ bin/krd \ bin/krgpg \ bin/krssh \ lib/ post-patch: ${CP} -r ${WRKSRC}/vendor/ ${WRKDIR}/src/ # Duplicate copy found in vendor dir breaks the build ${RM} -r ${WRKSRC}/vendor/ # Hack because the build process is losing PREFIX somewhere ${REINPLACE_CMD} 's|const DEFAULT_PREFIX = "/usr"|const DEFAULT_PREFIX = "${PREFIX}"|' ${WRKSRC}/kr/kr_unix.go do-build: (cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${GO_ENV} ${GMAKE}) do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/kr ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/krd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/krssh ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/krgpg ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_LIB} ${WRKSRC}/lib/ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib .include Index: head/security/suricata/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/security/suricata/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/security/suricata/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,150 +1,150 @@ # Created by: Patrick Tracanelli # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= suricata DISTVERSION= 4.1.2 -PORTREVISION= 2 +PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= security MASTER_SITES= MAINTAINER= COMMENT= High Performance Network IDS, IPS and Security Monitoring engine LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE LIB_DEPENDS= \ \ \ USES= autoreconf cpe gmake iconv:translit libtool pathfix pkgconfig CONFLICTS_INSTALL=libhtp USE_LDCONFIG= yes USE_RC_SUBR= ${PORTNAME} GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CPE_VENDOR= openinfosecfoundation INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip TEST_TARGET= check OPTIONS_DEFINE= IPFW JSON NETMAP NSS PORTS_PCAP PRELUDE \ PYTHON REDIS RUST TESTS OPTIONS_DEFINE_amd64= HYPERSCAN OPTIONS_DEFAULT= IPFW JSON NETMAP PYTHON RUST OPTIONS_SUB= yes OPTIONS_RADIO= SCRIPTS OPTIONS_RADIO_SCRIPTS= LUA LUAJIT SCRIPTS_DESC= Scripting HYPERSCAN_DESC= Hyperscan support IPFW_DESC= IPFW and IP Divert support for inline IDP JSON_DESC= JSON output support LUAJIT_DESC= LuaJIT scripting support LUA_DESC= LUA scripting support NETMAP_DESC= Netmap support for inline IDP NSS_DESC= File checksums and SSL/TLS fingerprinting PORTS_PCAP_DESC= Use libpcap from ports PRELUDE_DESC= Prelude support for NIDS alerts PYTHON_DESC= Python-based update and control utilities REDIS_DESC= Redis output support RUST_DESC= Rust parser support TESTS_DESC= Unit tests in suricata binary HYPERSCAN_LIB_DEPENDS= HYPERSCAN_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-libhs-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ --with-libhs-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib IPFW_CONFIGURE_ON= --enable-ipfw JSON_LIB_DEPENDS= JSON_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-libjansson-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ --with-libjansson-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib LUA_USES= lua:51 LUA_CONFIGURE_ON= --enable-lua \ --with-liblua-includes=${LUA_INCDIR} \ --with-liblua-libraries=${LUA_LIBDIR} LUAJIT_LIB_DEPENDS= LUAJIT_CONFIGURE_ON= --enable-luajit NSS_LIB_DEPENDS= \ NSS_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-nss --disable-nspr NSS_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-libnss-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include/nss/nss \ --with-libnss-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --with-libnspr-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --with-libnspr-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include/nspr NETMAP_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= netmap PORTS_PCAP_LIB_DEPENDS= PORTS_PCAP_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-libpcap-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ --with-libpcap-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib PORTS_PCAP_CONFIGURE_OFF= --with-libpcap-includes=/usr/include \ --with-libpcap-libraries=/usr/lib PRELUDE_LIB_DEPENDS= \ \ \ \ PRELUDE_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= prelude PRELUDE_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-libprelude-prefix=${LOCALBASE} PYTHON_USES= python:2.7 PYTHON_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= python PYTHON_RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}yaml>0:devel/py-yaml@${PY_FLAVOR} PYTHON_BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_RUN_DEPENDS} REDIS_LIB_DEPENDS= REDIS_CONFIGURE_ON= --enable-hiredis \ --with-libhiredis-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ --with-libhiredis-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib RUST_BUILD_DEPENDS= rustc:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} RUST_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= rust TESTS_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= unittests SUB_FILES= pkg-message CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-gccprotect \ --enable-bundled-htp \ --with-libpcre-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ --with-libpcre-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --with-libyaml-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ --with-libyaml-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --with-libnet-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \ --with-libnet-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --with-libhtp-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include/ \ --with-libhtp-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --disable-gccmarch-native CONFIG_DIR?= ${ETCDIR} CONFIG_FILES= suricata.yaml classification.config reference.config threshold.config LOGS_DIR?= /var/log/${PORTNAME} pre-patch: @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/ax_check_compile_flag.m4 ${WRKSRC}/m4 post-install: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${CONFIG_DIR} @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${LOGS_DIR} .for f in ${CONFIG_FILES} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${f} ${STAGEDIR}${CONFIG_DIR}/${f}.sample .endfor post-install-PYTHON-on: (cd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX} \ && ${PYTHON_CMD} ${PYTHON_LIBDIR}/ \ -d ${PYTHONPREFIX_SITELIBDIR} -f ${PYTHONPREFIX_SITELIBDIR:S;${PREFIX}/;;}) .include Index: head/sysutils/exa/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/sysutils/exa/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/sysutils/exa/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,97 +1,97 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= exa DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.8.0 -PORTREVISION= 7 +PORTREVISION= 8 CATEGORIES= sysutils MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Modern replacement for ls LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENCE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= ogham CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.5.3 \ ansi_term-0.8.0 \ bitflags-0.7.0 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ byteorder-0.4.2 \ cmake-0.1.25 \ conv-0.3.3 \ custom_derive-0.1.7 \ datetime-0.4.5 \ env_logger-0.3.5 \ gcc-0.3.53 \ getopts-0.2.14 \ git2-0.6.8 \ glob-0.2.11 \ idna-0.1.4 \ iso8601-0.1.1 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.8 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libgit2-sys-0.6.14 \ libz-sys-1.0.16 \ locale-0.2.2 \ log-0.3.8 \ magenta-0.1.1 \ magenta-sys-0.1.1 \ matches-0.1.6 \ memchr-0.1.11 \ natord-1.0.9 \ nom-1.2.4 \ num-0.1.40 \ num-bigint-0.1.40 \ num-complex-0.1.40 \ num-integer-0.1.35 \ num-iter-0.1.34 \ num-rational-0.1.39 \ num-traits-0.1.40 \ num_cpus-1.6.2 \ number_prefix-0.2.7 \ pad-0.1.4 \ percent-encoding-1.0.0 \ pkg-config-0.3.9 \ rand-0.3.16 \ redox_syscall-0.1.31 \ regex-0.1.80 \ regex-syntax-0.3.9 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ scoped_threadpool-0.1.7 \ term_grid-0.1.6 \ term_size-0.3.0 \ thread-id-2.0.0 \ thread_local-0.2.7 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.5 \ unicode-width-0.1.4 \ url-1.5.1 \ users-0.5.3 \ utf8-ranges-0.1.3 \ vcpkg-0.2.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ zoneinfo_compiled-0.4.5 PLIST_FILES= bin/exa \ man/man1/exa.1.gz \ etc/bash_completion.d/exa.bash \ share/fish/completions/ \ share/zsh/site-functions/_exa post-install: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/completions.bash ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/exa.bash @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/fish/completions ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/fish/completions/ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/completions.zsh ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_exa ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/man/exa.1 ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/man/man1 ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/exa .include Index: head/sysutils/fd/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/sysutils/fd/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/sysutils/fd/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,104 +1,105 @@ # Created by: Andrey Cherkashin # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= fd DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 7.3.0 +PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= sysutils PKGNAMESUFFIX= -find MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find LICENSE= MIT APACHE20 LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT LICENSE_FILE_APACHE20= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= sharkdp CONFLICTS_INSTALL= fd-[0-9]* CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ cc-1.0.29 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ crossbeam-channel-0.3.8 \ crossbeam-utils-0.6.5 \ ctrlc-3.1.1 \ diff-0.1.11 \ filetime-0.2.4 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ fuchsia-cprng-0.1.1 \ globset-0.4.2 \ humantime-1.2.0 \ ignore-0.4.6 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.4.6 \ lscolors-0.5.0 \ memchr-2.2.0 \ nix-0.11.0 \ num_cpus-1.10.0 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ rand-0.4.6 \ rand_core-0.3.1 \ rand_core-0.4.0 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.51 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.6.5 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ same-file-1.0.4 \ smallvec-0.6.8 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ term_size-0.3.1 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ walkdir-2.2.7 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.2 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 SHELL_COMPLETIONS_DIR= ${WRKDIR}/shell-completions-dir CARGO_ENV= SHELL_COMPLETIONS_DIR=${SHELL_COMPLETIONS_DIR} PLIST_FILES= bin/fd \ etc/bash_completion.d/fd.bash \ man/man1/fd.1.gz \ share/fish/completions/ \ share/zsh/site-functions/_fd post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/fd ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/fd.1 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d ${INSTALL_DATA} ${SHELL_COMPLETIONS_DIR}/fd.bash \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/fish/completions ${INSTALL_DATA} ${SHELL_COMPLETIONS_DIR}/ \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/fish/completions @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions ${INSTALL_DATA} ${SHELL_COMPLETIONS_DIR}/_fd \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions .include Index: head/sysutils/flowgger/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/sysutils/flowgger/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/sysutils/flowgger/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,128 +1,128 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= flowgger DISTVERSION= 0.2.6-28 DISTVERSIONSUFFIX= -gab572a0 -PORTREVISION= 8 +PORTREVISION= 9 CATEGORIES= sysutils MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Fast data collector LICENSE= MPL20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= jedisct1 GH_TUPLE= Manishearth:rust-clippy:387efd459c0ad3db7af15f1a573057b8587f9748:clippy \ zonyitoo:coio-rs:f5f6f4044a7cceff387ace0f04ffeb3bc3ab979a:coio \ spicavigo:kafka-rust:9a3b427bd702810bcd13cf60e58cb18d5f403c1a:kafka # Bumped openssl crates to 0.9.21 manually to support LibreSSL 2.6.x CARGO_CRATES= ansi_term-0.9.0 \ atty-0.2.2 \ backtrace-0.3.3 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.14 \ bitflags-0.7.0 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ build_const-0.2.0 \ byteorder-0.5.3 \ byteorder-1.1.0 \ capnp-0.8.11 \ capnpc-0.8.7 \ cargo_metadata-0.2.3 \ cc-1.0.0 \ cfg-if-0.1.2 \ chrono-0.4.0 \ clap-2.26.2 \ context-2.0.0 \ conv-0.3.3 \ crc-1.5.0 \ crc-core-0.1.0 \ custom_derive-0.1.7 \ dbghelp-sys-0.2.0 \ deque-0.3.2 \ dtoa-0.2.2 \ dtoa-0.4.2 \ either-1.1.0 \ error-chain-0.10.0 \ flate2-0.2.20 \ fnv-1.0.5 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ gcc-0.3.54 \ getopts-0.2.15 \ idna-0.1.4 \ iovec-0.1.0 \ itertools-0.6.3 \ itoa-0.1.1 \ itoa-0.3.4 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.8 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ lazycell-0.5.1 \ libc-0.2.49 \ linked-hash-map-0.4.2 \ log-0.3.8 \ magenta-0.1.1 \ magenta-sys-0.1.1 \ matches-0.1.6 \ miniz-sys-0.1.10 \ mio-0.6.10 \ miow-0.2.1 \ net2-0.2.31 \ num-0.1.40 \ num-integer-0.1.35 \ num-iter-0.1.34 \ num-traits-0.1.40 \ openssl-0.9.24 \ openssl-sys-0.9.39 \ percent-encoding-1.0.0 \ pkg-config-0.3.9 \ pulldown-cmark-0.0.15 \ quine-mc_cluskey-0.2.4 \ quote-0.3.15 \ rand-0.3.16 \ redis-0.8.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.31 \ ref_slice-1.1.1 \ regex-syntax-0.4.1 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.5 \ rustc-serialize-0.3.24 \ semver-0.6.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-0.8.23 \ serde-1.0.15 \ serde_derive-1.0.15 \ serde_derive_internals-0.16.0 \ serde_json-0.8.6 \ serde_json-1.0.3 \ sha1-0.2.0 \ slab-0.3.0 \ snap-0.2.2 \ strsim-0.6.0 \ syn-0.11.11 \ synom-0.11.3 \ term_size-0.3.0 \ textwrap-0.8.0 \ time-0.1.38 \ toml-0.2.1 \ toml-0.4.5 \ twox-hash-1.1.0 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.5 \ unicode-width-0.1.4 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ url-1.5.1 \ vcpkg-0.2.2 \ vec_map-0.8.0 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 CARGO_USE_GITHUB= yes post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/flowgger.toml ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/flowgger.toml.sample .include Index: head/sysutils/fusefs-sandboxfs/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/sysutils/fusefs-sandboxfs/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/sysutils/fusefs-sandboxfs/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,112 +1,112 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= sandboxfs DISTVERSIONPREFIX= sandboxfs- DISTVERSION= 0.1.0 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= sysutils PKGNAMEPREFIX= fusefs- MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Virtual file system for sandboxing LICENSE= APACHE20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo fuse USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= bazelbuild CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ arc-swap-0.3.7 \ atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.2 \ backtrace-0.2.3 \ backtrace-0.3.13 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.28 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ cc-1.0.29 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ cpuprofiler-0.0.3 \ dbghelp-sys-0.2.0 \ env_logger-0.5.13 \ error-chain-0.5.0 \ failure-0.1.5 \ failure_derive-0.1.5 \ fuchsia-cprng-0.1.1 \ fuse-0.3.1 \ getopts-0.2.18 \ humantime-1.2.0 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-0.2.11 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.3.9 \ log-0.4.6 \ memchr-2.1.3 \ nix-0.12.0 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ proc-macro2-0.4.27 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.6.11 \ rand-0.6.5 \ rand_chacha-0.1.1 \ rand_core-0.3.1 \ rand_core-0.4.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_jitter-0.1.2 \ rand_os-0.1.2 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.1 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.51 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.6.5 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.13 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.87 \ serde_derive-1.0.87 \ serde_json-1.0.38 \ signal-hook-0.1.7 \ syn-0.15.26 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ tempfile-3.0.5 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ thread-scoped-1.0.2 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ time-0.1.42 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.2 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 PLIST_FILES= bin/sandboxfs \ man/man1/sandboxfs.1.gz post-patch: # libc crate defines ENOTSUP as an alias for EOPNOTSUPP. nix crate # does not re-export EOPNOTSUPP on FreeBSD but ENOTSUP is available. @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's,::EOPNOTSUPP,::ENOTSUP,' ${WRKSRC}/src/nodes/ post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/sandboxfs ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/man/sandboxfs.1 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 .include Index: head/sysutils/hexyl/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/sysutils/hexyl/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/sysutils/hexyl/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= hexyl DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.4.0 -PORTREVISION= 2 +PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= sysutils MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Command-line hex viewer LICENSE= MIT APACHE20 LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT LICENSE_FILE_APACHE20= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= sharkdp CARGO_CRATES= ansi_term-0.11.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ cc-1.0.28 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ ctrlc-3.1.1 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ libc-0.2.49 \ nix-0.11.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.50 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ term_size-0.3.1 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 PLIST_FILES= bin/hexyl post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/hexyl .include Index: head/sysutils/potnet/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/sysutils/potnet/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/sysutils/potnet/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,94 +1,94 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= potnet DISTVERSION= 0.1.2 -PORTREVISION= 3 +PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= sysutils MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Utility to help sysutils/pot to manage the internal network LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= pizzamig PLIST_FILES= bin/potnet CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ backtrace-0.3.9 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.24 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ bytecount-0.3.2 \ cargo_metadata-0.5.8 \ cc-1.0.25 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ env_logger-0.5.13 \ error-chain-0.11.0 \ failure-0.1.3 \ failure_derive-0.1.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ glob-0.2.11 \ heck-0.3.0 \ humantime-1.1.1 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ lazy_static-1.1.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.4.6 \ memchr-2.1.1 \ proc-macro2-0.4.20 \ pulldown-cmark-0.1.2 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.6.9 \ rand-0.4.3 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-1.0.5 \ regex-syntax-0.6.2 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.9 \ ryu-0.2.6 \ same-file-1.0.4 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.80 \ serde_derive-1.0.80 \ serde_json-1.0.32 \ skeptic-0.13.3 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ structopt-0.2.13 \ structopt-derive-0.2.13 \ structopt-flags-0.2.1 \ syn-0.15.17 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ ucd-util-0.1.2 \ unicode-segmentation-1.2.1 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ walkdir-2.2.6 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/potnet .include Index: head/textproc/bat/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/textproc/bat/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/textproc/bat/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,158 +1,158 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= bat DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.10.0 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= textproc MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Clone of cat with syntax highlighting LICENSE= APACHE20 USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= sharkdp PLIST_FILES= bin/bat CARGO_CRATES= adler32-1.0.3 \ aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ ansi_colours-1.0.1 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ argon2rs-0.2.5 \ arrayvec-0.4.10 \ assert_cmd-0.11.0 \ atty-0.2.11 \ backtrace-0.3.11 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.28 \ base64-0.9.3 \ bincode-1.0.1 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ blake2-rfc-0.2.18 \ build_const-0.2.1 \ byteorder-1.2.7 \ cc-1.0.25 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ clicolors-control-1.0.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ console-0.7.5 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.3 \ content_inspector-0.2.4 \ crc-1.8.1 \ difference-2.0.0 \ dirs-1.0.4 \ encode_unicode-0.3.5 \ encoding-0.2.33 \ encoding-index-japanese-1.20141219.5 \ encoding-index-korean-1.20141219.5 \ encoding-index-simpchinese-1.20141219.5 \ encoding-index-singlebyte-1.20141219.5 \ encoding-index-tradchinese-1.20141219.5 \ encoding_index_tests-0.1.4 \ error-chain-0.12.0 \ escargot-0.4.0 \ failure-0.1.5 \ failure_derive-0.1.5 \ flate2-1.0.4 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ git2-0.8.0 \ glob-0.2.11 \ humantime-1.1.1 \ idna-0.1.5 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ lazycell-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libgit2-sys-0.7.11 \ libz-sys-1.0.25 \ linked-hash-map-0.5.1 \ lock_api-0.1.4 \ log-0.4.6 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memchr-2.1.1 \ miniz-sys-0.1.11 \ miniz_oxide-0.2.0 \ miniz_oxide_c_api-0.2.0 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ onig-4.2.1 \ onig_sys-69.0.0 \ owning_ref-0.3.3 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.1 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ plist-0.3.0 \ predicates-1.0.0 \ predicates-core-1.0.0 \ predicates-tree-1.0.0 \ proc-macro2-0.4.21 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.6.10 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.2 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ redox_users-0.2.0 \ regex-1.0.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.3 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.13 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ safemem-0.3.0 \ same-file-1.0.4 \ scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.80 \ serde_derive-1.0.80 \ serde_json-1.0.33 \ shell-words-0.1.0 \ smallvec-0.6.5 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.19 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ syntect-3.0.2 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ term_size-0.3.1 \ termion-1.5.1 \ termios-0.3.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ treeline-0.1.0 \ ucd-util-0.1.2 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.2 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ vcpkg-0.2.6 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ walkdir-2.2.6 \ wild-2.0.1 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ xml-rs-0.7.0 \ yaml-rust-0.4.2 post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/bat .include Index: head/textproc/ripgrep/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/textproc/ripgrep/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/textproc/ripgrep/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,159 +1,152 @@ # Created by: Petteri Valkonen # $FreeBSD$ # vim: ts=8 noet PORTNAME= ripgrep DISTVERSION= 0.10.0 -PORTREVISION= 5 +PORTREVISION= 6 CATEGORIES= textproc MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Command line search tool LICENSE= MIT UNLICENSE LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT LICENSE_FILE_UNLICENSE= ${WRKSRC}/UNLICENSE BUILD_DEPENDS= a2x:textproc/asciidoc USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= BurntSushi CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.8 \ arrayvec-0.4.7 \ atty-0.2.11 \ base64-0.9.2 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ - bytecount-0.3.2 \ + bytecount-0.5.1 \ byteorder-1.2.6 \ cc-1.0.24 \ cfg-if-0.1.5 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ crossbeam-channel-0.2.4 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.5.2 \ crossbeam-utils-0.5.0 \ - encoding_rs-0.8.6 \ + encoding_rs-0.8.16 \ encoding_rs_io-0.1.2 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ glob-0.2.11 \ itoa-0.4.2 \ lazy_static-1.1.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ lock_api-0.1.3 \ log-0.4.5 \ memchr-2.0.2 \ memmap-0.6.2 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ nodrop-0.1.12 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ owning_ref-0.3.3 \ + packed_simd-0.3.3 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.0 \ pcre2-0.1.0 \ pcre2-sys-0.1.1 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ proc-macro2-0.4.18 \ quote-0.6.8 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.1 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-1.0.5 \ regex-syntax-0.6.2 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ ryu-0.2.6 \ safemem-0.2.0 \ same-file-1.0.3 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ serde-1.0.77 \ serde_derive-1.0.77 \ serde_json-1.0.27 \ simd-0.2.2 \ smallvec-0.6.5 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.1 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ termcolor-1.0.3 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ ucd-util-0.1.1 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.1 \ version_check-0.1.4 \ void-1.0.2 \ walkdir-2.2.5 \ winapi-0.3.5 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 RIPGREP_OUTDIR= ${WRKDIR}/cargo-out CARGO_ENV= RIPGREP_OUTDIR=${RIPGREP_OUTDIR} PLIST_FILES= bin/rg \ etc/bash_completion.d/rg.bash \ man/man1/rg.1.gz \ share/fish/completions/ \ share/zsh/site-functions/_rg PORTDOCS= OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS PCRE2 SIMD OPTIONS_DEFAULT=PCRE2 -OPTIONS_DEFINE_amd64= AVX -OPTIONS_DEFINE_i386= AVX - OPTIONS_DEFAULT_aarch64=SIMD OPTIONS_DEFAULT_amd64= ${OPTIONS_DEFAULT_i386} OPTIONS_DEFAULT_i386= ${MACHINE_CPU:tu:S/SSE2/SIMD/} -AVX_DESC= ${SSE_DESC:S/SSE/AVX/} - -AVX_VARS= CARGO_FEATURES+=avx-accel RUSTFLAGS+="-C target-feature=+avx" -AVX_IMPLIES= SIMD - PCRE2_DESC= ${PCRE_DESC} version 2 PCRE2_LIB_DEPENDS= PCRE2_VARS= CARGO_FEATURES+=pcre2 # simd crate uses cfg_target_feature which isn't stable yet, so unlock # unstable features similar to how lang/rust bootstraps. www/firefox # uses the same hack when building with --enable-rust-simd. SIMD_MAKE_ENV= RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1 -SIMD_VARS= CARGO_FEATURES+=simd-accel ${SIMD_VARS_${ARCH}${PORT_OPTIONS:MAVX}} +SIMD_VARS= CARGO_FEATURES+=simd-accel ${SIMD_VARS_${ARCH}} SIMD_VARS_i386= RUSTFLAGS+="-C target-feature=+sse2" post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|OUT_DIR|RIPGREP_OUTDIR|' ${WRKSRC}/ post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rg ${INSTALL_MAN} ${RIPGREP_OUTDIR}/rg.1 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${RIPGREP_OUTDIR}/rg.bash \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/fish/completions/ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${RIPGREP_OUTDIR}/ \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/fish/completions/ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/complete/_rg \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/ post-install-DOCS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} cd ${WRKSRC} && ${INSTALL_DATA} ${PORTDOCS} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .include Index: head/textproc/ripgrep/distinfo =================================================================== --- head/textproc/ripgrep/distinfo (revision 494175) +++ head/textproc/ripgrep/distinfo (revision 494176) @@ -1,155 +1,157 @@ TIMESTAMP = 1539969308 SHA256 (rust/crates/aho-corasick-0.6.8.tar.gz) = 68f56c7353e5a9547cbd76ed90f7bb5ffc3ba09d4ea9bd1d8c06c8b1142eeb5a SIZE (rust/crates/aho-corasick-0.6.8.tar.gz) = 26786 SHA256 (rust/crates/arrayvec-0.4.7.tar.gz) = a1e964f9e24d588183fcb43503abda40d288c8657dfc27311516ce2f05675aef SIZE (rust/crates/arrayvec-0.4.7.tar.gz) = 22946 SHA256 (rust/crates/atty-0.2.11.tar.gz) = 9a7d5b8723950951411ee34d271d99dddcc2035a16ab25310ea2c8cfd4369652 SIZE (rust/crates/atty-0.2.11.tar.gz) = 5916 SHA256 (rust/crates/base64-0.9.2.tar.gz) = 85415d2594767338a74a30c1d370b2f3262ec1b4ed2d7bba5b3faf4de40467d9 SIZE (rust/crates/base64-0.9.2.tar.gz) = 37967 SHA256 (rust/crates/bitflags-1.0.4.tar.gz) = 228047a76f468627ca71776ecdebd732a3423081fcf5125585bcd7c49886ce12 SIZE (rust/crates/bitflags-1.0.4.tar.gz) = 15282 -SHA256 (rust/crates/bytecount-0.3.2.tar.gz) = f861d9ce359f56dbcb6e0c2a1cb84e52ad732cadb57b806adeb3c7668caccbd8 -SIZE (rust/crates/bytecount-0.3.2.tar.gz) = 11026 +SHA256 (rust/crates/bytecount-0.5.1.tar.gz) = be0fdd54b507df8f22012890aadd099979befdba27713c767993f8380112ca7c +SIZE (rust/crates/bytecount-0.5.1.tar.gz) = 11888 SHA256 (rust/crates/byteorder-1.2.6.tar.gz) = 90492c5858dd7d2e78691cfb89f90d273a2800fc11d98f60786e5d87e2f83781 SIZE (rust/crates/byteorder-1.2.6.tar.gz) = 19985 SHA256 (rust/crates/cc-1.0.24.tar.gz) = 70f2a88c2e69ceee91c209d8ef25b81fc1a65f42c7f14dfd59d1fed189e514d1 SIZE (rust/crates/cc-1.0.24.tar.gz) = 43132 SHA256 (rust/crates/cfg-if-0.1.5.tar.gz) = 0c4e7bb64a8ebb0d856483e1e682ea3422f883c5f5615a90d51a2c82fe87fdd3 SIZE (rust/crates/cfg-if-0.1.5.tar.gz) = 7363 SHA256 (rust/crates/clap-2.32.0.tar.gz) = b957d88f4b6a63b9d70d5f454ac8011819c6efa7727858f458ab71c756ce2d3e SIZE (rust/crates/clap-2.32.0.tar.gz) = 196073 SHA256 (rust/crates/cloudabi-0.0.3.tar.gz) = ddfc5b9aa5d4507acaf872de71051dfd0e309860e88966e1051e462a077aac4f SIZE (rust/crates/cloudabi-0.0.3.tar.gz) = 22156 SHA256 (rust/crates/crossbeam-channel-0.2.4.tar.gz) = 6c0a94250b0278d7fc5a894c3d276b11ea164edc8bf8feb10ca1ea517b44a649 SIZE (rust/crates/crossbeam-channel-0.2.4.tar.gz) = 59889 SHA256 (rust/crates/crossbeam-epoch-0.5.2.tar.gz) = 30fecfcac6abfef8771151f8be4abc9e4edc112c2bcb233314cafde2680536e9 SIZE (rust/crates/crossbeam-epoch-0.5.2.tar.gz) = 34136 SHA256 (rust/crates/crossbeam-utils-0.5.0.tar.gz) = 677d453a17e8bd2b913fa38e8b9cf04bcdbb5be790aa294f2389661d72036015 SIZE (rust/crates/crossbeam-utils-0.5.0.tar.gz) = 12162 -SHA256 (rust/crates/encoding_rs-0.8.6.tar.gz) = 2a91912d6f37c6a8fef8a2316a862542d036f13c923ad518b5aca7bcaac7544c -SIZE (rust/crates/encoding_rs-0.8.6.tar.gz) = 1242813 +SHA256 (rust/crates/encoding_rs-0.8.16.tar.gz) = 0535f350c60aac0b87ccf28319abc749391e912192255b0c00a2c12c6917bd73 +SIZE (rust/crates/encoding_rs-0.8.16.tar.gz) = 1401377 SHA256 (rust/crates/encoding_rs_io-0.1.2.tar.gz) = f222ff554d6e172f3569a2d7d0fd8061d54215984ef67b24ce031c1fcbf2c9b3 SIZE (rust/crates/encoding_rs_io-0.1.2.tar.gz) = 15356 SHA256 (rust/crates/fnv-1.0.6.tar.gz) = 2fad85553e09a6f881f739c29f0b00b0f01357c743266d478b68951ce23285f3 SIZE (rust/crates/fnv-1.0.6.tar.gz) = 11131 SHA256 (rust/crates/fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3.tar.gz) = 2e9763c69ebaae630ba35f74888db465e49e259ba1bc0eda7d06f4a067615d82 SIZE (rust/crates/fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3.tar.gz) = 22565 SHA256 (rust/crates/fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3.tar.gz) = 3dcaa9ae7725d12cdb85b3ad99a434db70b468c09ded17e012d86b5c1010f7a7 SIZE (rust/crates/fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3.tar.gz) = 7191 SHA256 (rust/crates/glob-0.2.11.tar.gz) = 8be18de09a56b60ed0edf84bc9df007e30040691af7acd1c41874faac5895bfb SIZE (rust/crates/glob-0.2.11.tar.gz) = 18065 SHA256 (rust/crates/itoa-0.4.2.tar.gz) = 5adb58558dcd1d786b5f0bd15f3226ee23486e24b7b58304b60f64dc68e62606 SIZE (rust/crates/itoa-0.4.2.tar.gz) = 10581 SHA256 (rust/crates/lazy_static-1.1.0.tar.gz) = ca488b89a5657b0a2ecd45b95609b3e848cf1755da332a0da46e2b2b1cb371a7 SIZE (rust/crates/lazy_static-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 12317 SHA256 (rust/crates/libc-0.2.49.tar.gz) = 413f3dfc802c5dc91dc570b05125b6cda9855edfaa9825c9849807876376e70e SIZE (rust/crates/libc-0.2.49.tar.gz) = 375486 SHA256 (rust/crates/lock_api-0.1.3.tar.gz) = 949826a5ccf18c1b3a7c3d57692778d21768b79e46eb9dd07bfc4c2160036c54 SIZE (rust/crates/lock_api-0.1.3.tar.gz) = 12167 SHA256 (rust/crates/log-0.4.5.tar.gz) = d4fcce5fa49cc693c312001daf1d13411c4a5283796bac1084299ea3e567113f SIZE (rust/crates/log-0.4.5.tar.gz) = 22221 SHA256 (rust/crates/memchr-2.0.2.tar.gz) = a3b4142ab8738a78c51896f704f83c11df047ff1bda9a92a661aa6361552d93d SIZE (rust/crates/memchr-2.0.2.tar.gz) = 10092 SHA256 (rust/crates/memmap-0.6.2.tar.gz) = e2ffa2c986de11a9df78620c01eeaaf27d94d3ff02bf81bfcca953102dd0c6ff SIZE (rust/crates/memmap-0.6.2.tar.gz) = 15015 SHA256 (rust/crates/memoffset-0.2.1.tar.gz) = 0f9dc261e2b62d7a622bf416ea3c5245cdd5d9a7fcc428c0d06804dfce1775b3 SIZE (rust/crates/memoffset-0.2.1.tar.gz) = 4618 SHA256 (rust/crates/nodrop-0.1.12.tar.gz) = 9a2228dca57108069a5262f2ed8bd2e82496d2e074a06d1ccc7ce1687b6ae0a2 SIZE (rust/crates/nodrop-0.1.12.tar.gz) = 3033 SHA256 (rust/crates/num_cpus-1.8.0.tar.gz) = c51a3322e4bca9d212ad9a158a02abc6934d005490c054a2778df73a70aa0a30 SIZE (rust/crates/num_cpus-1.8.0.tar.gz) = 10539 SHA256 (rust/crates/owning_ref-0.3.3.tar.gz) = cdf84f41639e037b484f93433aa3897863b561ed65c6e59c7073d7c561710f37 SIZE (rust/crates/owning_ref-0.3.3.tar.gz) = 11710 +SHA256 (rust/crates/packed_simd-0.3.3.tar.gz) = a85ea9fc0d4ac0deb6fe7911d38786b32fc11119afd9e9d38b84ff691ce64220 +SIZE (rust/crates/packed_simd-0.3.3.tar.gz) = 97485 SHA256 (rust/crates/parking_lot-0.6.4.tar.gz) = f0802bff09003b291ba756dc7e79313e51cc31667e94afbe847def490424cde5 SIZE (rust/crates/parking_lot-0.6.4.tar.gz) = 31890 SHA256 (rust/crates/parking_lot_core-0.3.0.tar.gz) = 06a2b6aae052309c2fd2161ef58f5067bc17bb758377a0de9d4b279d603fdd8a SIZE (rust/crates/parking_lot_core-0.3.0.tar.gz) = 21965 SHA256 (rust/crates/pcre2-0.1.0.tar.gz) = 0c16ec0e30c17f938a2da8ff970ad9a4100166d0538898dcc035b55c393cab54 SIZE (rust/crates/pcre2-0.1.0.tar.gz) = 17574 SHA256 (rust/crates/pcre2-sys-0.1.1.tar.gz) = a9027f9474e4e13d3b965538aafcaebe48c803488ad76b3c97ef061a8324695f SIZE (rust/crates/pcre2-sys-0.1.1.tar.gz) = 2136686 SHA256 (rust/crates/pkg-config-0.3.14.tar.gz) = 676e8eb2b1b4c9043511a9b7bea0915320d7e502b0a079fb03f9635a5252b18c SIZE (rust/crates/pkg-config-0.3.14.tar.gz) = 13565 SHA256 (rust/crates/proc-macro2-0.4.18.tar.gz) = afa4d377067cc02eb5e0b491d3f7cfbe145ad4da778535bfb13c444413dd35b9 SIZE (rust/crates/proc-macro2-0.4.18.tar.gz) = 29919 SHA256 (rust/crates/quote-0.6.8.tar.gz) = dd636425967c33af890042c483632d33fa7a18f19ad1d7ea72e8998c6ef8dea5 SIZE (rust/crates/quote-0.6.8.tar.gz) = 15530 SHA256 (rust/crates/rand-0.4.3.tar.gz) = 8356f47b32624fef5b3301c1be97e5944ecdd595409cc5da11d05f211db6cfbd SIZE (rust/crates/rand-0.4.3.tar.gz) = 76094 SHA256 (rust/crates/rand-0.5.5.tar.gz) = e464cd887e869cddcae8792a4ee31d23c7edd516700695608f5b98c67ee0131c SIZE (rust/crates/rand-0.5.5.tar.gz) = 137359 SHA256 (rust/crates/rand_core-0.2.1.tar.gz) = edecf0f94da5551fc9b492093e30b041a891657db7940ee221f9d2f66e82eef2 SIZE (rust/crates/rand_core-0.2.1.tar.gz) = 19262 SHA256 (rust/crates/redox_syscall-0.1.40.tar.gz) = c214e91d3ecf43e9a4e41e578973adeb14b474f2bee858742d127af75a0112b1 SIZE (rust/crates/redox_syscall-0.1.40.tar.gz) = 14745 SHA256 (rust/crates/redox_termios-0.1.1.tar.gz) = 7e891cfe48e9100a70a3b6eb652fef28920c117d366339687bd5576160db0f76 SIZE (rust/crates/redox_termios-0.1.1.tar.gz) = 3227 SHA256 (rust/crates/regex-1.0.5.tar.gz) = 2069749032ea3ec200ca51e4a31df41759190a88edca0d2d86ee8bedf7073341 SIZE (rust/crates/regex-1.0.5.tar.gz) = 245770 SHA256 (rust/crates/regex-syntax-0.6.2.tar.gz) = 747ba3b235651f6e2f67dfa8bcdcd073ddb7c243cb21c442fc12395dfcac212d SIZE (rust/crates/regex-syntax-0.6.2.tar.gz) = 238572 SHA256 (rust/crates/remove_dir_all-0.5.1.tar.gz) = 3488ba1b9a2084d38645c4c08276a1752dcbf2c7130d74f1569681ad5d2799c5 SIZE (rust/crates/remove_dir_all-0.5.1.tar.gz) = 8726 SHA256 (rust/crates/ryu-0.2.6.tar.gz) = 7153dd96dade874ab973e098cb62fcdbb89a03682e46b144fd09550998d4a4a7 SIZE (rust/crates/ryu-0.2.6.tar.gz) = 39911 SHA256 (rust/crates/safemem-0.2.0.tar.gz) = e27a8b19b835f7aea908818e871f5cc3a5a186550c30773be987e155e8163d8f SIZE (rust/crates/safemem-0.2.0.tar.gz) = 6450 SHA256 (rust/crates/same-file-1.0.3.tar.gz) = 10f7794e2fda7f594866840e95f5c5962e886e228e68b6505885811a94dd728c SIZE (rust/crates/same-file-1.0.3.tar.gz) = 8995 SHA256 (rust/crates/scopeguard-0.3.3.tar.gz) = 94258f53601af11e6a49f722422f6e3425c52b06245a5cf9bc09908b174f5e27 SIZE (rust/crates/scopeguard-0.3.3.tar.gz) = 9605 SHA256 (rust/crates/serde-1.0.77.tar.gz) = c6e67977d7523ce4d9284ed58918af99392de8edb6192c44afefcf634654ab7f SIZE (rust/crates/serde-1.0.77.tar.gz) = 72861 SHA256 (rust/crates/serde_derive-1.0.77.tar.gz) = 5569c52faae3e21b9abae2cc5cfbb56ed008bfcac480ad62bc241b828f0b0aee SIZE (rust/crates/serde_derive-1.0.77.tar.gz) = 46352 SHA256 (rust/crates/serde_json-1.0.27.tar.gz) = 59790990c5115d16027f00913e2e66de23a51f70422e549d2ad68c8c5f268f1c SIZE (rust/crates/serde_json-1.0.27.tar.gz) = 65402 SHA256 (rust/crates/simd-0.2.2.tar.gz) = ed3686dd9418ebcc3a26a0c0ae56deab0681e53fe899af91f5bbcee667ebffb1 SIZE (rust/crates/simd-0.2.2.tar.gz) = 37477 SHA256 (rust/crates/smallvec-0.6.5.tar.gz) = 153ffa32fd170e9944f7e0838edf824a754ec4c1fc64746fcc9fe1f8fa602e5d SIZE (rust/crates/smallvec-0.6.5.tar.gz) = 20238 SHA256 (rust/crates/stable_deref_trait-1.1.1.tar.gz) = dba1a27d3efae4351c8051072d619e3ade2820635c3958d826bfea39d59b54c8 SIZE (rust/crates/stable_deref_trait-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 8007 SHA256 (rust/crates/strsim-0.7.0.tar.gz) = bb4f380125926a99e52bc279241539c018323fab05ad6368b56f93d9369ff550 SIZE (rust/crates/strsim-0.7.0.tar.gz) = 8435 SHA256 (rust/crates/syn-0.15.1.tar.gz) = 85fb2f7f9b7a4c8df2c913a852de570efdb40f0d2edd39c8245ad573f5c7fbcc SIZE (rust/crates/syn-0.15.1.tar.gz) = 142480 SHA256 (rust/crates/tempdir-0.3.7.tar.gz) = 15f2b5fb00ccdf689e0149d1b1b3c03fead81c2b37735d812fa8bddbbf41b6d8 SIZE (rust/crates/tempdir-0.3.7.tar.gz) = 11468 SHA256 (rust/crates/termcolor-1.0.3.tar.gz) = ff3bac0e465b59f194e7037ed404b0326e56ff234d767edc4c5cc9cd49e7a2c7 SIZE (rust/crates/termcolor-1.0.3.tar.gz) = 14410 SHA256 (rust/crates/termion-1.5.1.tar.gz) = 689a3bdfaab439fd92bc87df5c4c78417d3cbe537487274e9b0b2dce76e92096 SIZE (rust/crates/termion-1.5.1.tar.gz) = 20659 SHA256 (rust/crates/textwrap-0.10.0.tar.gz) = 307686869c93e71f94da64286f9a9524c0f308a9e1c87a583de8e9c9039ad3f6 SIZE (rust/crates/textwrap-0.10.0.tar.gz) = 15986 SHA256 (rust/crates/thread_local-0.3.6.tar.gz) = c6b53e329000edc2b34dbe8545fd20e55a333362d0a321909685a19bd28c3f1b SIZE (rust/crates/thread_local-0.3.6.tar.gz) = 12388 SHA256 (rust/crates/ucd-util-0.1.1.tar.gz) = fd2be2d6639d0f8fe6cdda291ad456e23629558d466e2789d2c3e9892bda285d SIZE (rust/crates/ucd-util-0.1.1.tar.gz) = 24221 SHA256 (rust/crates/unicode-width-0.1.5.tar.gz) = 882386231c45df4700b275c7ff55b6f3698780a650026380e72dabe76fa46526 SIZE (rust/crates/unicode-width-0.1.5.tar.gz) = 15761 SHA256 (rust/crates/unicode-xid-0.1.0.tar.gz) = fc72304796d0818e357ead4e000d19c9c174ab23dc11093ac919054d20a6a7fc SIZE (rust/crates/unicode-xid-0.1.0.tar.gz) = 16000 SHA256 (rust/crates/unreachable-1.0.0.tar.gz) = 382810877fe448991dfc7f0dd6e3ae5d58088fd0ea5e35189655f84e6814fa56 SIZE (rust/crates/unreachable-1.0.0.tar.gz) = 6355 SHA256 (rust/crates/utf8-ranges-1.0.1.tar.gz) = fd70f467df6810094968e2fce0ee1bd0e87157aceb026a8c083bcf5e25b9efe4 SIZE (rust/crates/utf8-ranges-1.0.1.tar.gz) = 9247 SHA256 (rust/crates/version_check-0.1.4.tar.gz) = 7716c242968ee87e5542f8021178248f267f295a5c4803beae8b8b7fd9bc6051 SIZE (rust/crates/version_check-0.1.4.tar.gz) = 7946 SHA256 (rust/crates/void-1.0.2.tar.gz) = 6a02e4885ed3bc0f2de90ea6dd45ebcbb66dacffe03547fadbb0eeae2770887d SIZE (rust/crates/void-1.0.2.tar.gz) = 2356 SHA256 (rust/crates/walkdir-2.2.5.tar.gz) = af464bc7be7b785c7ac72e266a6b67c4c9070155606f51655a650a6686204e35 SIZE (rust/crates/walkdir-2.2.5.tar.gz) = 23985 SHA256 (rust/crates/winapi-0.3.5.tar.gz) = 773ef9dcc5f24b7d850d0ff101e542ff24c3b090a9768e03ff889fdef41f00fd SIZE (rust/crates/winapi-0.3.5.tar.gz) = 997942 SHA256 (rust/crates/winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.tar.gz) = ac3b87c63620426dd9b991e5ce0329eff545bccbbb34f3be09ff6fb6ab51b7b6 SIZE (rust/crates/winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.tar.gz) = 2918815 SHA256 (rust/crates/winapi-util-0.1.1.tar.gz) = afc5508759c5bf4285e61feb862b6083c8480aec864fa17a81fdec6f69b461ab SIZE (rust/crates/winapi-util-0.1.1.tar.gz) = 7635 SHA256 (rust/crates/winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.tar.gz) = 712e227841d057c1ee1cd2fb22fa7e5a5461ae8e48fa2ca79ec42cfc1931183f SIZE (rust/crates/winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.tar.gz) = 2947998 SHA256 (rust/crates/wincolor-1.0.1.tar.gz) = 561ed901ae465d6185fa7864d63fbd5720d0ef718366c9a4dc83cf6170d7e9ba SIZE (rust/crates/wincolor-1.0.1.tar.gz) = 4737 SHA256 (BurntSushi-ripgrep-0.10.0_GH0.tar.gz) = a2a6eb7d33d75e64613c158e1ae450899b437e37f1bfbd54f713b011cd8cc31e SIZE (BurntSushi-ripgrep-0.10.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 428779 Index: head/textproc/ripgrep/files/patch-bytecount =================================================================== --- head/textproc/ripgrep/files/patch-bytecount (nonexistent) +++ head/textproc/ripgrep/files/patch-bytecount (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + + +--- Cargo.toml.orig 2018-09-07 18:07:52 UTC ++++ Cargo.toml +@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ serde = "1.0.77" + serde_derive = "1.0.77" + + [features] +-avx-accel = ["grep/avx-accel"] + simd-accel = ["grep/simd-accel"] + pcre2 = ["grep/pcre2"] + +--- grep-searcher/Cargo.toml.orig 2018-09-07 18:07:52 UTC ++++ grep-searcher/Cargo.toml +@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ keywords = ["regex", "grep", "egrep", "search", "patte + license = "Unlicense/MIT" + + [dependencies] +-bytecount = "0.3.2" ++bytecount = "0.5" + encoding_rs = "0.8.6" + encoding_rs_io = "0.1.2" + grep-matcher = { version = "0.1.1", path = "../grep-matcher" } +@@ -26,10 +26,8 @@ grep-regex = { version = "0.1.1", path = "../grep-rege + regex = "1.0.5" + + [features] +-avx-accel = [ +- "bytecount/avx-accel", +-] +-simd-accel = [ +- "bytecount/simd-accel", +- "encoding_rs/simd-accel", +-] ++default = ["bytecount/runtime-dispatch-simd"] ++simd-accel = ["encoding_rs/simd-accel"] ++ ++# This feature is DEPRECATED. Runtime dispatch is used for SIMD now. ++avx-accel = [] +--- grep/Cargo.toml.orig 2018-09-07 18:07:52 UTC ++++ grep/Cargo.toml +@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ default-features = false + features = ["suggestions"] + + [features] +-avx-accel = ["grep-searcher/avx-accel"] + simd-accel = ["grep-searcher/simd-accel"] + pcre2 = ["grep-pcre2"] ++ ++# This feature is DEPRECATED. Runtime dispatch is used for SIMD now. ++avx-accel = [] Property changes on: head/textproc/ripgrep/files/patch-bytecount ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/textproc/ripgrep/files/patch-no-bitmask =================================================================== --- head/textproc/ripgrep/files/patch-no-bitmask (nonexistent) +++ head/textproc/ripgrep/files/patch-no-bitmask (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,663 @@ +Workaround from Firefox 67 until Rust 1.34 update + + + +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ 2019-02-05 20:18:53 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ +@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ + //! Implements the Simd<[T; N]> APIs + +-#[macro_use] +-mod bitmask; + crate mod cast; + #[macro_use] + mod cmp; +@@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ crate mod into_bits; + + macro_rules! impl_i { + ([$elem_ty:ident; $elem_n:expr]: $tuple_id:ident, $mask_ty:ident +- | $ielem_ty:ident, $ibitmask_ty:ident | $test_tt:tt | $($elem_ids:ident),* ++ | $ielem_ty:ident | $test_tt:tt | $($elem_ids:ident),* + | From: $($from_vec_ty:ident),* | $(#[$doc:meta])*) => { + impl_minimal_iuf!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $ielem_ty | $test_tt + | $($elem_ids),* | $(#[$doc])*); +@@ -95,7 +93,6 @@ macro_rules! impl_i { + ); + impl_cmp_partial_ord!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt); + impl_cmp_ord!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt | (0, 1)); +- impl_bitmask!($tuple_id | $ibitmask_ty | (-1, 0) | $test_tt); + + test_select!($elem_ty, $mask_ty, $tuple_id, (1, 2) | $test_tt); + test_cmp_partial_ord_int!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt); +@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_i { + + macro_rules! impl_u { + ([$elem_ty:ident; $elem_n:expr]: $tuple_id:ident, $mask_ty:ident +- | $ielem_ty:ident, $ibitmask_ty:ident | $test_tt:tt | $($elem_ids:ident),* ++ | $ielem_ty:ident | $test_tt:tt | $($elem_ids:ident),* + | From: $($from_vec_ty:ident),* | $(#[$doc:meta])*) => { + impl_minimal_iuf!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $ielem_ty | $test_tt + | $($elem_ids),* | $(#[$doc])*); +@@ -158,8 +155,6 @@ macro_rules! impl_u { + ); + impl_cmp_partial_ord!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt); + impl_cmp_ord!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt | (0, 1)); +- impl_bitmask!($tuple_id | $ibitmask_ty | ($ielem_ty::max_value(), 0) | +- $test_tt); + + test_select!($elem_ty, $mask_ty, $tuple_id, (1, 2) | $test_tt); + test_cmp_partial_ord_int!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt); +@@ -227,8 +222,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_f { + } + + macro_rules! impl_m { +- ([$elem_ty:ident; $elem_n:expr]: $tuple_id:ident +- | $ielem_ty:ident, $ibitmask_ty:ident ++ ([$elem_ty:ident; $elem_n:expr]: $tuple_id:ident | $ielem_ty:ident + | $test_tt:tt | $($elem_ids:ident),* | From: $($from_vec_ty:ident),* + | $(#[$doc:meta])*) => { + impl_minimal_mask!( +@@ -271,7 +265,6 @@ macro_rules! impl_m { + [$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt | (false, true) + ); + impl_shuffle1_dyn!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt); +- impl_bitmask!($tuple_id | $ibitmask_ty | (true, false) | $test_tt); + + test_cmp_partial_ord_mask!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt); + test_shuffle1_dyn_mask!([$elem_ty; $elem_n]: $tuple_id | $test_tt); +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/api/ 2019-02-05 20:18:53 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/api/ +@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ +-//! Bitmask API +- +-macro_rules! impl_bitmask { +- ($id:ident | $ibitmask_ty:ident | ($set:expr, $clear:expr) +- | $test_tt:tt) => { +- impl $id { +- /// Creates a bitmask with the MSB of each vector lane. +- /// +- /// If the vector has less than 8 lanes, the bits that do not +- /// correspond to any vector lanes are cleared. +- #[inline] +- pub fn bitmask(self) -> $ibitmask_ty { +- unsafe { codegen::llvm::simd_bitmask(self.0) } +- } +- } +- +- test_if! { +- $test_tt: +- paste::item! { +- #[cfg(not(any( +- // FIXME: +- all(target_arch = "mips", target_endian = "big"), +- all(target_arch = "mips64", target_endian = "big"), +- target_arch = "sparc64", +- target_arch = "s390x", +- )))] +- pub mod [<$id _bitmask>] { +- use super::*; +- #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)] +- #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)] +- fn bitmask() { +- // clear all lanes +- let vec = $id::splat($clear as _); +- let bitmask: $ibitmask_ty = 0; +- assert_eq!(vec.bitmask(), bitmask); +- +- // set even lanes +- let mut vec = $id::splat($clear as _); +- for i in 0..$id::lanes() { +- if i % 2 == 0 { +- vec = vec.replace(i, $set as _); +- } +- } +- // create bitmask with even lanes set: +- let mut bitmask: $ibitmask_ty = 0; +- for i in 0..$id::lanes() { +- if i % 2 == 0 { +- bitmask |= 1 << i; +- } +- } +- assert_eq!(vec.bitmask(), bitmask); +- +- +- // set odd lanes +- let mut vec = $id::splat($clear as _); +- for i in 0..$id::lanes() { +- if i % 2 != 0 { +- vec = vec.replace(i, $set as _); +- } +- } +- // create bitmask with odd lanes set: +- let mut bitmask: $ibitmask_ty = 0; +- for i in 0..$id::lanes() { +- if i % 2 != 0 { +- bitmask |= 1 << i; +- } +- } +- assert_eq!(vec.bitmask(), bitmask); +- +- // set all lanes +- let vec = $id::splat($set as _); +- let mut bitmask: $ibitmask_ty = 0; +- for i in 0..$id::lanes() { +- bitmask |= 1 << i; +- } +- assert_eq!(vec.bitmask(), bitmask); +- } +- } +- } +- } +- }; +-} +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/codegen/ 2019-01-31 22:44:03 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/codegen/ +@@ -96,6 +96,4 @@ extern "platform-intrinsic" { + + crate fn simd_gather(value: T, pointers: P, mask: M) -> T; + crate fn simd_scatter(value: T, pointers: P, mask: M); +- +- crate fn simd_bitmask(value: T) -> U; + } +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ 2019-01-31 22:44:03 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ +@@ -3,40 +3,40 @@ + + use crate::*; + +-impl_i!([i8; 16]: i8x16, m8x16 | i8, u16 | test_v128 | ++impl_i!([i8; 16]: i8x16, m8x16 | i8 | test_v128 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: | + /// A 128-bit vector with 16 `i8` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u8; 16]: u8x16, m8x16 | u8, u16 | test_v128 | ++impl_u!([u8; 16]: u8x16, m8x16 | u8 | test_v128 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: | + /// A 128-bit vector with 16 `u8` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m8; 16]: m8x16 | i8, u16 | test_v128 | ++impl_m!([m8; 16]: m8x16 | i8 | test_v128 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: m16x16 | + /// A 128-bit vector mask with 16 `m8` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i16; 8]: i16x8, m16x8 | i16, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_i!([i16; 8]: i16x8, m16x8 | i16 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: i8x8, u8x8 | + /// A 128-bit vector with 8 `i16` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u16; 8]: u16x8, m16x8 | u16, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_u!([u16; 8]: u16x8, m16x8 | u16| test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: u8x8 | + /// A 128-bit vector with 8 `u16` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m16; 8]: m16x8 | i16, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_m!([m16; 8]: m16x8 | i16 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: m8x8, m32x8 | + /// A 128-bit vector mask with 8 `m16` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i32; 4]: i32x4, m32x4 | i32, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_i!([i32; 4]: i32x4, m32x4 | i32 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: i8x4, u8x4, i16x4, u16x4 | + /// A 128-bit vector with 4 `i32` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u32; 4]: u32x4, m32x4 | u32, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_u!([u32; 4]: u32x4, m32x4 | u32| test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: u8x4, u16x4 | + /// A 128-bit vector with 4 `u32` lanes. + ); +@@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ impl_f!([f32; 4]: f32x4, m32x4 | f32 | test_v128 | x0, + From: i8x4, u8x4, i16x4, u16x4 | + /// A 128-bit vector with 4 `f32` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m32; 4]: m32x4 | i32, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_m!([m32; 4]: m32x4 | i32 | test_v128 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: m8x4, m16x4, m64x4 | + /// A 128-bit vector mask with 4 `m32` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i64; 2]: i64x2, m64x2 | i64, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1 | ++impl_i!([i64; 2]: i64x2, m64x2 | i64 | test_v128 | x0, x1 | + From: i8x2, u8x2, i16x2, u16x2, i32x2, u32x2 | + /// A 128-bit vector with 2 `i64` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u64; 2]: u64x2, m64x2 | u64, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1 | ++impl_u!([u64; 2]: u64x2, m64x2 | u64 | test_v128 | x0, x1 | + From: u8x2, u16x2, u32x2 | + /// A 128-bit vector with 2 `u64` lanes. + ); +@@ -61,20 +61,20 @@ impl_f!([f64; 2]: f64x2, m64x2 | f64 | test_v128 | x0, + From: i8x2, u8x2, i16x2, u16x2, i32x2, u32x2, f32x2 | + /// A 128-bit vector with 2 `f64` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m64; 2]: m64x2 | i64, u8 | test_v128 | x0, x1 | ++impl_m!([m64; 2]: m64x2 | i64 | test_v128 | x0, x1 | + From: m8x2, m16x2, m32x2, m128x2 | + /// A 128-bit vector mask with 2 `m64` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i128; 1]: i128x1, m128x1 | i128, u8 | test_v128 | x0 | ++impl_i!([i128; 1]: i128x1, m128x1 | i128 | test_v128 | x0 | + From: /*i8x1, u8x1, i16x1, u16x1, i32x1, u32x1, i64x1, u64x1 */ | // FIXME: unary small vector types + /// A 128-bit vector with 1 `i128` lane. + ); +-impl_u!([u128; 1]: u128x1, m128x1 | u128, u8 | test_v128 | x0 | ++impl_u!([u128; 1]: u128x1, m128x1 | u128 | test_v128 | x0 | + From: /*u8x1, u16x1, u32x1, u64x1 */ | // FIXME: unary small vector types + /// A 128-bit vector with 1 `u128` lane. + ); +-impl_m!([m128; 1]: m128x1 | i128, u8 | test_v128 | x0 | ++impl_m!([m128; 1]: m128x1 | i128 | test_v128 | x0 | + From: /*m8x1, m16x1, m32x1, m64x1 */ | // FIXME: unary small vector types + /// A 128-bit vector mask with 1 `m128` lane. + ); +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ 2019-01-31 22:44:03 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ +@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ + + use crate::*; + +-impl_i!([i8; 2]: i8x2, m8x2 | i8, u8 | test_v16 | x0, x1 | ++impl_i!([i8; 2]: i8x2, m8x2 | i8 | test_v16 | x0, x1 | + From: | + /// A 16-bit vector with 2 `i8` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u8; 2]: u8x2, m8x2 | u8, u8 | test_v16 | x0, x1 | ++impl_u!([u8; 2]: u8x2, m8x2 | u8 | test_v16 | x0, x1 | + From: | + /// A 16-bit vector with 2 `u8` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m8; 2]: m8x2 | i8, u8 | test_v16 | x0, x1 | ++impl_m!([m8; 2]: m8x2 | i8 | test_v16 | x0, x1 | + From: m16x2, m32x2, m64x2, m128x2 | + /// A 16-bit vector mask with 2 `m8` lanes. + ); +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ 2019-01-31 22:44:03 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ +@@ -3,46 +3,46 @@ + + use crate::*; + +-impl_i!([i8; 32]: i8x32, m8x32 | i8, u32 | test_v256 | ++impl_i!([i8; 32]: i8x32, m8x32 | i8 | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31 | + From: | + /// A 256-bit vector with 32 `i8` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u8; 32]: u8x32, m8x32 | u8, u32 | test_v256 | ++impl_u!([u8; 32]: u8x32, m8x32 | u8 | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31 | + From: | + /// A 256-bit vector with 32 `u8` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m8; 32]: m8x32 | i8, u32 | test_v256 | ++impl_m!([m8; 32]: m8x32 | i8 | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31 | + From: | + /// A 256-bit vector mask with 32 `m8` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i16; 16]: i16x16, m16x16 | i16, u16 | test_v256 | ++impl_i!([i16; 16]: i16x16, m16x16 | i16 | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: i8x16, u8x16 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 16 `i16` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u16; 16]: u16x16, m16x16 | u16, u16 | test_v256 | ++impl_u!([u16; 16]: u16x16, m16x16 | u16 | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: u8x16 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 16 `u16` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m16; 16]: m16x16 | i16, u16 | test_v256 | ++impl_m!([m16; 16]: m16x16 | i16 | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: m8x16 | + /// A 256-bit vector mask with 16 `m16` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i32; 8]: i32x8, m32x8 | i32, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_i!([i32; 8]: i32x8, m32x8 | i32 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: i8x8, u8x8, i16x8, u16x8 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 8 `i32` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u32; 8]: u32x8, m32x8 | u32, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_u!([u32; 8]: u32x8, m32x8 | u32 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: u8x8, u16x8 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 8 `u32` lanes. + ); +@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ impl_f!([f32; 8]: f32x8, m32x8 | f32 | test_v256 | x0, + From: i8x8, u8x8, i16x8, u16x8 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 8 `f32` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m32; 8]: m32x8 | i32, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_m!([m32; 8]: m32x8 | i32 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: m8x8, m16x8 | + /// A 256-bit vector mask with 8 `m32` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i64; 4]: i64x4, m64x4 | i64, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_i!([i64; 4]: i64x4, m64x4 | i64 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: i8x4, u8x4, i16x4, u16x4, i32x4, u32x4 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 4 `i64` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u64; 4]: u64x4, m64x4 | u64, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_u!([u64; 4]: u64x4, m64x4 | u64 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: u8x4, u16x4, u32x4 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 4 `u64` lanes. + ); +@@ -67,20 +67,20 @@ impl_f!([f64; 4]: f64x4, m64x4 | f64 | test_v256 | x0, + From: i8x4, u8x4, i16x4, u16x4, i32x4, u32x4, f32x4 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 4 `f64` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m64; 4]: m64x4 | i64, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_m!([m64; 4]: m64x4 | i64 | test_v256 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: m8x4, m16x4, m32x4 | + /// A 256-bit vector mask with 4 `m64` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i128; 2]: i128x2, m128x2 | i128, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1 | ++impl_i!([i128; 2]: i128x2, m128x2 | i128 | test_v256 | x0, x1 | + From: i8x2, u8x2, i16x2, u16x2, i32x2, u32x2, i64x2, u64x2 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 2 `i128` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u128; 2]: u128x2, m128x2 | u128, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1 | ++impl_u!([u128; 2]: u128x2, m128x2 | u128 | test_v256 | x0, x1 | + From: u8x2, u16x2, u32x2, u64x2 | + /// A 256-bit vector with 2 `u128` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m128; 2]: m128x2 | i128, u8 | test_v256 | x0, x1 | ++impl_m!([m128; 2]: m128x2 | i128 | test_v256 | x0, x1 | + From: m8x2, m16x2, m32x2, m64x2 | + /// A 256-bit vector mask with 2 `m128` lanes. + ); +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ 2019-01-31 22:44:03 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ +@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@ + + use crate::*; + +-impl_i!([i8; 4]: i8x4, m8x4 | i8, u8 | test_v32 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_i!([i8; 4]: i8x4, m8x4 | i8 | test_v32 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: | + /// A 32-bit vector with 4 `i8` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u8; 4]: u8x4, m8x4 | u8, u8 | test_v32 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_u!([u8; 4]: u8x4, m8x4 | u8 | test_v32 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: | + /// A 32-bit vector with 4 `u8` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m8; 4]: m8x4 | i8, u8 | test_v32 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_m!([m8; 4]: m8x4 | i8 | test_v32 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: m16x4, m32x4, m64x4 | + /// A 32-bit vector mask with 4 `m8` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i16; 2]: i16x2, m16x2 | i16, u8 | test_v32 | x0, x1 | ++impl_i!([i16; 2]: i16x2, m16x2 | i16 | test_v32 | x0, x1 | + From: i8x2, u8x2 | + /// A 32-bit vector with 2 `i16` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u16; 2]: u16x2, m16x2 | u16, u8 | test_v32 | x0, x1 | ++impl_u!([u16; 2]: u16x2, m16x2 | u16 | test_v32 | x0, x1 | + From: u8x2 | + /// A 32-bit vector with 2 `u16` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m16; 2]: m16x2 | i16, u8 | test_v32 | x0, x1 | ++impl_m!([m16; 2]: m16x2 | i16 | test_v32 | x0, x1 | + From: m8x2, m32x2, m64x2, m128x2 | + /// A 32-bit vector mask with 2 `m16` lanes. + ); +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ 2019-01-31 22:44:03 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ +@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ + + use crate::*; + +-impl_i!([i8; 64]: i8x64, m8x64 | i8, u64 | test_v512 | ++impl_i!([i8; 64]: i8x64, m8x64 | i8 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31, + x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, +@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ impl_i!([i8; 64]: i8x64, m8x64 | i8, u64 | test_v512 | + From: | + /// A 512-bit vector with 64 `i8` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u8; 64]: u8x64, m8x64 | u8, u64 | test_v512 | ++impl_u!([u8; 64]: u8x64, m8x64 | u8 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31, + x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, +@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ impl_u!([u8; 64]: u8x64, m8x64 | u8, u64 | test_v512 | + From: | + /// A 512-bit vector with 64 `u8` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m8; 64]: m8x64 | i8, u64 | test_v512 | ++impl_m!([m8; 64]: m8x64 | i8 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31, + x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x45, x46, x47, +@@ -28,31 +28,31 @@ impl_m!([m8; 64]: m8x64 | i8, u64 | test_v512 | + /// A 512-bit vector mask with 64 `m8` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i16; 32]: i16x32, m16x32 | i16, u32 | test_v512 | ++impl_i!([i16; 32]: i16x32, m16x32 | i16 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31 | + From: i8x32, u8x32 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 32 `i16` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u16; 32]: u16x32, m16x32 | u16, u32 | test_v512 | ++impl_u!([u16; 32]: u16x32, m16x32 | u16 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31 | + From: u8x32 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 32 `u16` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m16; 32]: m16x32 | i16, u32 | test_v512 | ++impl_m!([m16; 32]: m16x32 | i16 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, + x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, x31 | + From: m8x32 | + /// A 512-bit vector mask with 32 `m16` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i32; 16]: i32x16, m32x16 | i32, u16 | test_v512 | ++impl_i!([i32; 16]: i32x16, m32x16 | i32 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: i8x16, u8x16, i16x16, u16x16 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 16 `i32` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u32; 16]: u32x16, m32x16 | u32, u16 | test_v512 | ++impl_u!([u32; 16]: u32x16, m32x16 | u32 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: u8x16, u16x16 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 16 `u32` lanes. +@@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ impl_f!([f32; 16]: f32x16, m32x16 | f32 | test_v512 | + From: i8x16, u8x16, i16x16, u16x16 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 16 `f32` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m32; 16]: m32x16 | i32, u16 | test_v512 | ++impl_m!([m32; 16]: m32x16 | i32 | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 | + From: m8x16, m16x16 | + /// A 512-bit vector mask with 16 `m32` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i64; 8]: i64x8, m64x8 | i64, u8 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_i!([i64; 8]: i64x8, m64x8 | i64 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: i8x8, u8x8, i16x8, u16x8, i32x8, u32x8 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 8 `i64` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u64; 8]: u64x8, m64x8 | u64, u8 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_u!([u64; 8]: u64x8, m64x8 | u64 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: u8x8, u16x8, u32x8 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 8 `u64` lanes. + ); +@@ -80,20 +80,20 @@ impl_f!([f64; 8]: f64x8, m64x8 | f64 | test_v512 | x0, + From: i8x8, u8x8, i16x8, u16x8, i32x8, u32x8, f32x8 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 8 `f64` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m64; 8]: m64x8 | i64, u8 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_m!([m64; 8]: m64x8 | i64 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: m8x8, m16x8, m32x8 | + /// A 512-bit vector mask with 8 `m64` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i128; 4]: i128x4, m128x4 | i128, u8 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_i!([i128; 4]: i128x4, m128x4 | i128 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: i8x4, u8x4, i16x4, u16x4, i32x4, u32x4, i64x4, u64x4 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 4 `i128` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u128; 4]: u128x4, m128x4 | u128, u8 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_u!([u128; 4]: u128x4, m128x4 | u128 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: u8x4, u16x4, u32x4, u64x4 | + /// A 512-bit vector with 4 `u128` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m128; 4]: m128x4 | i128, u8 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_m!([m128; 4]: m128x4 | i128 | test_v512 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: m8x4, m16x4, m32x4, m64x4 | + /// A 512-bit vector mask with 4 `m128` lanes. + ); +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ 2019-02-05 20:18:53 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ +@@ -3,41 +3,41 @@ + + use super::*; + +-impl_i!([i8; 8]: i8x8, m8x8 | i8, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_i!([i8; 8]: i8x8, m8x8 | i8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: | + /// A 64-bit vector with 8 `i8` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u8; 8]: u8x8, m8x8 | u8, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_u!([u8; 8]: u8x8, m8x8 | u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: | + /// A 64-bit vector with 8 `u8` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m8; 8]: m8x8 | i8, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | ++impl_m!([m8; 8]: m8x8 | i8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: m16x8, m32x8 | + /// A 64-bit vector mask with 8 `m8` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i16; 4]: i16x4, m16x4 | i16, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_i!([i16; 4]: i16x4, m16x4 | i16 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: i8x4, u8x4 | + /// A 64-bit vector with 4 `i16` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u16; 4]: u16x4, m16x4 | u16, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_u!([u16; 4]: u16x4, m16x4 | u16 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: u8x4 | + /// A 64-bit vector with 4 `u16` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m16; 4]: m16x4 | i16, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | ++impl_m!([m16; 4]: m16x4 | i16 | test_v64 | x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: m8x4, m32x4, m64x4 | + /// A 64-bit vector mask with 4 `m16` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([i32; 2]: i32x2, m32x2 | i32, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1 | ++impl_i!([i32; 2]: i32x2, m32x2 | i32 | test_v64 | x0, x1 | + From: i8x2, u8x2, i16x2, u16x2 | + /// A 64-bit vector with 2 `i32` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u32; 2]: u32x2, m32x2 | u32, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1 | ++impl_u!([u32; 2]: u32x2, m32x2 | u32 | test_v64 | x0, x1 | + From: u8x2, u16x2 | + /// A 64-bit vector with 2 `u32` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m32; 2]: m32x2 | i32, u8 | test_v64 | x0, x1 | ++impl_m!([m32; 2]: m32x2 | i32 | test_v64 | x0, x1 | + From: m8x2, m16x2, m64x2, m128x2 | + /// A 64-bit vector mask with 2 `m32` lanes. + ); +@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ impl_f!([f32; 2]: f32x2, m32x2 | f32 | test_v64 | x0, + ); + + /* +-impl_i!([i64; 1]: i64x1, m64x1 | i64, u8 | test_v64 | x0 | ++impl_i!([i64; 1]: i64x1, m64x1 | i64 | test_v64 | x0 | + From: /*i8x1, u8x1, i16x1, u16x1, i32x1, u32x1*/ | // FIXME: primitive to vector conversion + /// A 64-bit vector with 1 `i64` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([u64; 1]: u64x1, m64x1 | u64, u8 | test_v64 | x0 | ++impl_u!([u64; 1]: u64x1, m64x1 | u64 | test_v64 | x0 | + From: /*u8x1, u16x1, u32x1*/ | // FIXME: primitive to vector conversion + /// A 64-bit vector with 1 `u64` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([m64; 1]: m64x1 | i64, u8 | test_v64 | x0 | ++impl_m!([m64; 1]: m64x1 | i64 | test_v64 | x0 | + From: /*m8x1, m16x1, m32x1, */ m128x1 | // FIXME: unary small vector types + /// A 64-bit vector mask with 1 `m64` lanes. + ); +--- cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ 2019-01-31 22:44:03 UTC ++++ cargo-crates/packed_simd-0.3.3/src/ +@@ -3,50 +3,50 @@ + use crate::codegen::pointer_sized_int::{isize_, usize_}; + use crate::*; + +-impl_i!([isize; 2]: isizex2, msizex2 | isize_, u8 | test_v128 | ++impl_i!([isize; 2]: isizex2, msizex2 | isize_ | test_v128 | + x0, x1| + From: | + /// A vector with 2 `isize` lanes. + ); + +-impl_u!([usize; 2]: usizex2, msizex2 | usize_, u8 | test_v128 | ++impl_u!([usize; 2]: usizex2, msizex2 | usize_ | test_v128 | + x0, x1| + From: | + /// A vector with 2 `usize` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([msize; 2]: msizex2 | isize_, u8 | test_v128 | ++impl_m!([msize; 2]: msizex2 | isize_ | test_v128 | + x0, x1 | + From: | + /// A vector mask with 2 `msize` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([isize; 4]: isizex4, msizex4 | isize_, u8 | test_v256 | ++impl_i!([isize; 4]: isizex4, msizex4 | isize_ | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: | + /// A vector with 4 `isize` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([usize; 4]: usizex4, msizex4 | usize_, u8 | test_v256 | ++impl_u!([usize; 4]: usizex4, msizex4 | usize_ | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3| + From: | + /// A vector with 4 `usize` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([msize; 4]: msizex4 | isize_, u8 | test_v256 | ++impl_m!([msize; 4]: msizex4 | isize_ | test_v256 | + x0, x1, x2, x3 | + From: | + /// A vector mask with 4 `msize` lanes. + ); + +-impl_i!([isize; 8]: isizex8, msizex8 | isize_, u8 | test_v512 | ++impl_i!([isize; 8]: isizex8, msizex8 | isize_ | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: | + /// A vector with 4 `isize` lanes. + ); +-impl_u!([usize; 8]: usizex8, msizex8 | usize_, u8 | test_v512 | ++impl_u!([usize; 8]: usizex8, msizex8 | usize_ | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: | + /// A vector with 8 `usize` lanes. + ); +-impl_m!([msize; 8]: msizex8 | isize_, u8 | test_v512 | ++impl_m!([msize; 8]: msizex8 | isize_ | test_v512 | + x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 | + From: | + /// A vector mask with 8 `msize` lanes. Property changes on: head/textproc/ripgrep/files/patch-no-bitmask ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/textproc/sd/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/textproc/sd/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/textproc/sd/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,87 +1,88 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= sd DISTVERSIONPREFIX= sd- DISTVERSION= 0.5.0 +PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= textproc MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Intuitive find and replace tool LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= chmln CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ arrayvec-0.4.10 \ atomicwrites-0.2.2 \ atty-0.2.11 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ cc-1.0.28 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ crossbeam-deque-0.2.0 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.3.1 \ crossbeam-utils-0.2.2 \ either-1.5.0 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ heck-0.3.1 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ memchr-2.1.2 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ nix-0.11.0 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ num_cpus-1.9.0 \ proc-macro2-0.4.24 \ quote-0.6.10 \ rand-0.4.5 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ rayon-1.0.3 \ rayon-core-1.4.1 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.44 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.6.5 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ structopt-0.2.14 \ structopt-derive-0.2.14 \ syn-0.15.23 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unescape-0.1.0 \ unicode-segmentation-1.2.1 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 PLIST_FILES= bin/sd PORTDOCS= OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/sd post-install-DOCS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/ ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .include Index: head/textproc/xsv-rs/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/textproc/xsv-rs/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/textproc/xsv-rs/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,77 +1,77 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= xsv DISTVERSION= 0.13.0 -PORTREVISION= 6 +PORTREVISION= 7 CATEGORIES= textproc PKGNAMESUFFIX= -rs MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Fast CSV toolkit LICENSE= MIT UNLICENSE LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT LICENSE_FILE_UNLICENSE= ${WRKSRC}/UNLICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= BurntSushi CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.4 \ bitflags-1.0.3 \ byteorder-1.2.2 \ cfg-if-0.1.3 \ chan-0.1.21 \ csv-1.0.0 \ csv-core-0.1.4 \ csv-index-0.1.5 \ docopt-1.0.0 \ filetime-0.1.15 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ lazy_static-1.0.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ log-0.4.1 \ memchr-2.0.1 \ num-traits-0.2.4 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ proc-macro2-0.3.8 \ quickcheck-0.6.2 \ quote-0.5.2 \ rand-0.3.22 \ rand-0.4.2 \ redox_syscall-0.1.37 \ regex-1.0.0 \ regex-syntax-0.6.0 \ serde-1.0.54 \ serde_derive-1.0.54 \ streaming-stats-0.2.0 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.13.9 \ tabwriter-1.0.4 \ thread_local-0.3.5 \ threadpool-1.7.1 \ ucd-util-0.1.1 \ unicode-width-0.1.4 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.0 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.3.4 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 PLIST_FILES= bin/xsv PORTDOCS= OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/xsv post-install-DOCS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .include Index: head/www/cliqz/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/www/cliqz/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/www/cliqz/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,121 +1,121 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= cliqz DISTVERSION= 1.24.2 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= \${CLIQZ_CHANNEL}/${DISTVERSION}/${CLIQZ_LAST_BUILD_ID}/:cliqz DISTFILES= adult-domains.bin:amazon \ \ \ EXTRACT_ONLY= ${DISTNAME}${_GITHUB_EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Secure browser (Mozilla based) with built-in quick search LICENSE= MPL20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE FETCH_DEPENDS= ca_root_nss>=0:security/ca_root_nss LIB_DEPENDS= \ \ \ \ \ \ \ BUILD_DEPENDS= autoconf-2.13:devel/autoconf213 \ bash:shells/bash \ graphite2>=1.3.12:graphics/graphite2 \ harfbuzz>=1.8.8:print/harfbuzz \ icu>=59.1,1:devel/icu \ libevent>=2.1.8:devel/libevent \ libvorbis>=1.3.6,3:audio/libvorbis \ libvpx>=1.5.0:multimedia/libvpx \ ${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xt.pc:x11-toolkits/libXt \ llvm${LLVM_DEFAULT}>=0:devel/llvm${LLVM_DEFAULT} \ node:www/node \ nspr>=4.19:devel/nspr \ nss>=3.39:security/nss \ png>=1.6.34:graphics/png \ ${LOCALBASE}/include/pulse/pulseaudio.h:audio/pulseaudio \ ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sqlite3>0:databases/py-sqlite3@${PY_FLAVOR} \ ${RUST_DEFAULT}>=1.28:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} \ rust-cbindgen>=0.6.2:devel/rust-cbindgen \ sqlite3>=3.24.0:databases/sqlite3 \ v4l_compat>0:multimedia/v4l_compat \ yasm:devel/yasm \ zip:archivers/zip USES= tar:xz gmake pkgconfig gnome python desktop-file-utils \ compiler:c11 USE_GNOME= gconf2 gtk20 gtk30 cairo gdkpixbuf2 USE_XORG= x11 xcb xcomposite xcursor xdamage xext xfixes xi xrender \ xcb xt USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= cliqz-oss GH_PROJECT= browser-f USE_LDCONFIG= yes CLIQZ_CHANNEL= release # If the DISTVERSION is updated, make sure to update the last build id from # fetch -qo -${CLIQZ_CHANNEL}/${DISTVERSION}/lastbuildid CLIQZ_LAST_BUILD_ID= 20190124094133 CLIQZ_ICON= ${PORTNAME}.png CLIQZ_ICON_SRC= ${WRKSRC}/mozilla-release/browser/branding/${PORTNAME}/default48.png MOZ_DESKTOP= ${WRKSRC}/mozilla-release/toolkit/mozapps/installer/linux/rpm/mozilla.desktop CLIQZ_DESKTOP= ${WRKSRC}/mozilla-release/toolkit/mozapps/installer/linux/rpm/cliqz.desktop MAKE_ENV+= LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config${LLVM_DEFAULT} MAKE_ENV+= CQZ_RELEASE_CHANNEL=${CLIQZ_CHANNEL} MAKE_ENV+= CQZ_BUILD_ID=${CLIQZ_LAST_BUILD_ID} MAKE_ENV+= MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=${WRKDIR} post-extract: ${CP} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/adult-domains.bin ${WRKSRC} ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/obj/dist/bin/browser/features ${CP} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/ \ ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/ \ ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/ \ ${WRKSRC}/obj/dist/bin/browser/features .include post-patch: @${CP} ${MOZ_DESKTOP} ${CLIQZ_DESKTOP} @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@/Cliqz Internet/g' \ -e 's/@MOZ_APP_NAME@/${PORTNAME}/g' \ -e '/Icon=${PORTNAME}/ s/${PORTNAME}/${CLIQZ_ICON}/' \ -e '/StartupWMClass/d' \ ${CLIQZ_DESKTOP} .if ${ARCH} == "i386" # This prevents linker exhausting memory in i386 builds @${ECHO_CMD} 'export LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--as-needed"' >> \ ${WRKSRC}/mozilla-release/browser/config/cliqz.mozconfig .endif do-build: (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ./ do-install: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME} (cd ${WRKSRC}/obj/dist/${PORTNAME} && \ ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME}) @${CHMOD} 755 ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME}/${PORTNAME}-bin @${CHMOD} 755 ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME}/${PORTNAME} post-install: ${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME}/${PORTNAME}-bin ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${CLIQZ_DESKTOP} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/ ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps @${CP} ${CLIQZ_ICON_SRC} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/${CLIQZ_ICON} .include Index: head/www/cliqz/files/patch-bug1519629 =================================================================== --- head/www/cliqz/files/patch-bug1519629 (nonexistent) +++ head/www/cliqz/files/patch-bug1519629 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +commit f8f381bf03b5 +Author: Emilio Cobos Álvarez +Date: Sun Jan 13 21:42:38 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519629 - Document a few more macros. +--- + servo/components/style/gecko/ | 1 + + servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ | 2 ++ + 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+) + +diff --git servo/components/style/gecko/ servo/components/style/gecko/ +index dfc2252aa899..b6f68fceb7d5 100755 +--- mozilla-release/servo/components/style/gecko/ ++++ mozilla-release/servo/components/style/gecko/ +@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ RULE_TEMPLATE = ('("{atom}") =>\n ' + + MACRO = ''' + #[macro_export] ++/// Returns a static atom by passing the literal string it represents. + macro_rules! atom {{ + {} + }} +diff --git servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ +index 4aa4accaf1d4..725e1da21692 100644 +--- mozilla-release/servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ ++++ mozilla-release/servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ +@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ use std::borrow::Borrow; + use std::fmt; + use std::ops::Deref; + ++/// In Gecko namespaces are just regular atoms, so this is a simple macro to ++/// forward one macro to the other. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! ns { + () => { Property changes on: head/www/cliqz/files/patch-bug1519629 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/www/cliqz/files/patch-bug1519729 =================================================================== --- head/www/cliqz/files/patch-bug1519729 (nonexistent) +++ head/www/cliqz/files/patch-bug1519729 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +commit 9bdfa9fecaf1 +Author: Simon Sapin +Date: Fri Jan 11 14:02:28 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Remove unused macro. r=emilio + + Cherry-picks a commit from +--- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 18 ------------------ + 1 file changed, 18 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 6da235c07b64..2851082c22e0 100644 +--- mozilla-release/servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ mozilla-release/servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -158,24 +158,6 @@ where + } + } + +-#[macro_export] +-macro_rules! serialize_function { +- ($dest: expr, $name: ident($( $arg: expr, )+)) => { +- serialize_function!($dest, $name($($arg),+)) +- }; +- ($dest: expr, $name: ident($first_arg: expr $( , $arg: expr )*)) => { +- { +- $dest.write_str(concat!(stringify!($name), "("))?; +- $first_arg.to_css($dest)?; +- $( +- $dest.write_str(", ")?; +- $arg.to_css($dest)?; +- )* +- $dest.write_char(')') +- } +- } +-} +- + /// Convenience wrapper to serialise CSS values separated by a given string. + pub struct SequenceWriter<'a, 'b: 'a, W: 'b> { + inner: &'a mut CssWriter<'b, W>, + +commit 9d5e559547d0 +Author: Simon Sapin +Date: Fri Jan 11 14:03:44 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Document public macros. r=emilio + + Undocumented public macros emit warnings in nightly-2019-01-11, + and we #![deny] that warning. + + Cherry-picks a commit from +--- + servo/components/style/properties/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 2 +- + 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style/properties/ servo/components/style/properties/ +index 2d91273be15a..9220c3b1a665 100644 +--- mozilla-release/servo/components/style/properties/ ++++ mozilla-release/servo/components/style/properties/ +@@ -3821,7 +3821,14 @@ impl AliasId { + } + } + +-// NOTE(emilio): Callers are responsible to deal with prefs. ++/// Call the given macro with tokens like this for each longhand and shorthand properties ++/// that is enabled in content: ++/// ++/// ``` ++/// [CamelCaseName, SetCamelCaseName, PropertyId::Longhand(LonghandId::CamelCaseName)], ++/// ``` ++/// ++/// NOTE(emilio): Callers are responsible to deal with prefs. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! css_properties_accessors { + ($macro_name: ident) => { +@@ -3844,6 +3851,14 @@ macro_rules! css_properties_accessors { + } + } + ++/// Call the given macro with tokens like this for each longhand properties: ++/// ++/// ``` ++/// { snake_case_ident, true } ++/// ``` ++/// ++/// … where the boolean indicates whether the property value type ++/// is wrapped in a `Box<_>` in the corresponding `PropertyDeclaration` variant. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! longhand_properties_idents { + ($macro_name: ident) => { +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 2851082c22e0..0d7ee3f506ce 100644 +--- mozilla-release/servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ mozilla-release/servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::RGBA); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::Color); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::UnicodeRange); + +-#[macro_export] ++/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each corrsepond to a CSS keyword. + macro_rules! define_css_keyword_enum { + (pub enum $name:ident { $($variant:ident = $css:expr,)+ }) => { + #[allow(missing_docs)] + +commit 2b08ae08b260 +Author: lqd +Date: Fri Jan 11 16:35:26 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Typo fix in new doc-comment. r=emilio + + Cherry-picks a commit from + + Co-Authored-By: SimonSapin +--- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 0d7ee3f506ce..582e34eb3db0 100644 +--- mozilla-release/servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ mozilla-release/servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::RGBA); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::Color); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::UnicodeRange); + +-/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each corrsepond to a CSS keyword. ++/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each correspond to a CSS keyword. + macro_rules! define_css_keyword_enum { + (pub enum $name:ident { $($variant:ident = $css:expr,)+ }) => { + #[allow(missing_docs)] Property changes on: head/www/cliqz/files/patch-bug1519729 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/www/firefox/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/www/firefox/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/www/firefox/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,65 +1,65 @@ # Created by: Alan Eldridge # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= firefox DISTVERSION= 65.0.1 -PORTREVISION= 3 +PORTREVISION= 4 PORTEPOCH= 1 CATEGORIES= www ipv6 MASTER_SITES= MOZILLA/${PORTNAME}/releases/${DISTVERSION}/source \ MOZILLA/${PORTNAME}/candidates/${DISTVERSION}-candidates/build2/source DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}.source${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla BUILD_DEPENDS= nspr>=4.19:devel/nspr \ nss>=3.41:security/nss \ icu>=59.1,1:devel/icu \ libevent>=2.1.8:devel/libevent \ harfbuzz>=1.9.0:print/harfbuzz \ graphite2>=1.3.12:graphics/graphite2 \ png>=1.6.34:graphics/png \ libvorbis>=1.3.6,3:audio/libvorbis \ libvpx>=1.5.0:multimedia/libvpx \ sqlite3>=3.25.3:databases/sqlite3 \ ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sqlite3>0:databases/py-sqlite3@${PY_FLAVOR} \ v4l_compat>0:multimedia/v4l_compat \ autoconf-2.13:devel/autoconf213 \ yasm:devel/yasm \ zip:archivers/zip USE_GECKO= gecko CONFLICTS_INSTALL= firefox-esr MOZ_PKGCONFIG_FILES= # empty USE_MOZILLA= -hunspell -vpx USES= tar:xz FIREFOX_ICON= ${MOZILLA}.png FIREFOX_ICON_SRC= ${PREFIX}/lib/${MOZILLA}/browser/chrome/icons/default/default48.png FIREFOX_DESKTOP= ${MOZSRC}/taskcluster/docker/${MOZILLA}-snap/${MOZILLA}.desktop MOZ_OPTIONS= --enable-application=browser \ --enable-official-branding OPTIONS_EXCLUDE= WAYLAND .include "${.CURDIR}/../../www/firefox/Makefile.options" post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/%u/%U/' -e '/X-MultipleArgs/d' \ -e '/^Icon/s/=.*/=${FIREFOX_ICON:R}/' \ ${FIREFOX_DESKTOP} @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp pre-configure: (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) (cd ${WRKSRC}/js/src/ && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FIREFOX_DESKTOP} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/ ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps ${LN} -sf ${FIREFOX_ICON_SRC} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/${FIREFOX_ICON} .include Index: head/www/firefox/files/patch-bug1519629 =================================================================== --- head/www/firefox/files/patch-bug1519629 (nonexistent) +++ head/www/firefox/files/patch-bug1519629 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +commit f8f381bf03b5 +Author: Emilio Cobos Álvarez +Date: Sun Jan 13 21:42:38 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519629 - Document a few more macros. +--- + servo/components/style/gecko/ | 1 + + servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ | 2 ++ + 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+) + +diff --git servo/components/style/gecko/ servo/components/style/gecko/ +index dfc2252aa899..b6f68fceb7d5 100755 +--- servo/components/style/gecko/ ++++ servo/components/style/gecko/ +@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ RULE_TEMPLATE = ('("{atom}") =>\n ' + + MACRO = ''' + #[macro_export] ++/// Returns a static atom by passing the literal string it represents. + macro_rules! atom {{ + {} + }} +diff --git servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ +index 4aa4accaf1d4..725e1da21692 100644 +--- servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ ++++ servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ +@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ use std::borrow::Borrow; + use std::fmt; + use std::ops::Deref; + ++/// In Gecko namespaces are just regular atoms, so this is a simple macro to ++/// forward one macro to the other. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! ns { + () => { Property changes on: head/www/firefox/files/patch-bug1519629 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/www/firefox/files/patch-bug1519729 =================================================================== --- head/www/firefox/files/patch-bug1519729 (nonexistent) +++ head/www/firefox/files/patch-bug1519729 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +commit 9bdfa9fecaf1 +Author: Simon Sapin +Date: Fri Jan 11 14:02:28 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Remove unused macro. r=emilio + + Cherry-picks a commit from +--- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 18 ------------------ + 1 file changed, 18 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 6da235c07b64..2851082c22e0 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -158,24 +158,6 @@ where + } + } + +-#[macro_export] +-macro_rules! serialize_function { +- ($dest: expr, $name: ident($( $arg: expr, )+)) => { +- serialize_function!($dest, $name($($arg),+)) +- }; +- ($dest: expr, $name: ident($first_arg: expr $( , $arg: expr )*)) => { +- { +- $dest.write_str(concat!(stringify!($name), "("))?; +- $first_arg.to_css($dest)?; +- $( +- $dest.write_str(", ")?; +- $arg.to_css($dest)?; +- )* +- $dest.write_char(')') +- } +- } +-} +- + /// Convenience wrapper to serialise CSS values separated by a given string. + pub struct SequenceWriter<'a, 'b: 'a, W: 'b> { + inner: &'a mut CssWriter<'b, W>, + +commit 9d5e559547d0 +Author: Simon Sapin +Date: Fri Jan 11 14:03:44 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Document public macros. r=emilio + + Undocumented public macros emit warnings in nightly-2019-01-11, + and we #![deny] that warning. + + Cherry-picks a commit from +--- + servo/components/style/properties/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 2 +- + 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style/properties/ servo/components/style/properties/ +index 2d91273be15a..9220c3b1a665 100644 +--- servo/components/style/properties/ ++++ servo/components/style/properties/ +@@ -3821,7 +3821,14 @@ impl AliasId { + } + } + +-// NOTE(emilio): Callers are responsible to deal with prefs. ++/// Call the given macro with tokens like this for each longhand and shorthand properties ++/// that is enabled in content: ++/// ++/// ``` ++/// [CamelCaseName, SetCamelCaseName, PropertyId::Longhand(LonghandId::CamelCaseName)], ++/// ``` ++/// ++/// NOTE(emilio): Callers are responsible to deal with prefs. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! css_properties_accessors { + ($macro_name: ident) => { +@@ -3844,6 +3851,14 @@ macro_rules! css_properties_accessors { + } + } + ++/// Call the given macro with tokens like this for each longhand properties: ++/// ++/// ``` ++/// { snake_case_ident, true } ++/// ``` ++/// ++/// … where the boolean indicates whether the property value type ++/// is wrapped in a `Box<_>` in the corresponding `PropertyDeclaration` variant. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! longhand_properties_idents { + ($macro_name: ident) => { +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 2851082c22e0..0d7ee3f506ce 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::RGBA); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::Color); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::UnicodeRange); + +-#[macro_export] ++/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each corrsepond to a CSS keyword. + macro_rules! define_css_keyword_enum { + (pub enum $name:ident { $($variant:ident = $css:expr,)+ }) => { + #[allow(missing_docs)] + +commit 2b08ae08b260 +Author: lqd +Date: Fri Jan 11 16:35:26 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Typo fix in new doc-comment. r=emilio + + Cherry-picks a commit from + + Co-Authored-By: SimonSapin +--- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 0d7ee3f506ce..582e34eb3db0 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::RGBA); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::Color); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::UnicodeRange); + +-/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each corrsepond to a CSS keyword. ++/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each correspond to a CSS keyword. + macro_rules! define_css_keyword_enum { + (pub enum $name:ident { $($variant:ident = $css:expr,)+ }) => { + #[allow(missing_docs)] Property changes on: head/www/firefox/files/patch-bug1519729 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/www/firefox-esr/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/www/firefox-esr/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/www/firefox-esr/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,64 +1,65 @@ # Created by: Alan Eldridge # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= firefox DISTVERSION= 60.5.2 +PORTREVISION= 1 PORTEPOCH= 1 CATEGORIES= www ipv6 MASTER_SITES= MOZILLA/${PORTNAME}/releases/${DISTVERSION}esr/source \ MOZILLA/${PORTNAME}/candidates/${DISTVERSION}esr-candidates/build1/source PKGNAMESUFFIX= -esr DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}esr.source${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla BUILD_DEPENDS= nspr>=4.19:devel/nspr \ nss>=3.36.7:security/nss \ icu>=59.1,1:devel/icu \ libevent>=2.1.8:devel/libevent \ harfbuzz>=1.7.6:print/harfbuzz \ graphite2>=1.3.11:graphics/graphite2 \ png>=1.6.34:graphics/png \ libvorbis>=1.3.6,3:audio/libvorbis \ libvpx>=1.5.0:multimedia/libvpx \ sqlite3>=3.22.0:databases/sqlite3 \ ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sqlite3>0:databases/py-sqlite3@${PY_FLAVOR} \ v4l_compat>0:multimedia/v4l_compat \ autoconf-2.13:devel/autoconf213 \ yasm:devel/yasm \ zip:archivers/zip USE_GECKO= gecko CPE_PRODUCT= ${PORTNAME}_esr CONFLICTS_INSTALL= firefox MOZ_PKGCONFIG_FILES= # empty USE_MOZILLA= -webp -vpx USES= tar:xz FIREFOX_ICON= ${MOZILLA}.png FIREFOX_ICON_SRC= ${PREFIX}/lib/${MOZILLA}/browser/chrome/icons/default/default48.png FIREFOX_DESKTOP= ${MOZSRC}/taskcluster/docker/${MOZILLA}-snap/${MOZILLA}.desktop MOZ_OPTIONS= --enable-application=browser \ --enable-official-branding .include "${.CURDIR}/../../www/firefox/Makefile.options" post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/%u/%U/' -e '/X-MultipleArgs/d' \ -e '/^Icon/s/=.*/=${FIREFOX_ICON:R}/' \ ${FIREFOX_DESKTOP} @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp pre-configure: (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) (cd ${WRKSRC}/js/src/ && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FIREFOX_DESKTOP} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/ ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps ${LN} -sf ${FIREFOX_ICON_SRC} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/${FIREFOX_ICON} .include Index: head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1458219 =================================================================== --- head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1458219 (nonexistent) +++ head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1458219 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +commit cfe84bdd1ce1 +Author: Jonathan Watt +Date: Wed Apr 25 14:54:26 2018 +0100 + + Bug 1458219 - Remove the 'property_name' macro. r=xidorn +--- + servo/components/style/properties/ | 6 ------ + 1 file changed, 6 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style/properties/ servo/components/style/properties/ +index a1d2ee9d085a..5e3d8eaeaaf8 100644 +--- servo/components/style/properties/ ++++ servo/components/style/properties/ +@@ -56,12 +56,6 @@ use style_adjuster::StyleAdjuster; + + pub use self::declaration_block::*; + +-#[cfg(feature = "gecko")] +-#[macro_export] +-macro_rules! property_name { +- ($s: tt) => { atom!($s) } +-} +- + <%! + from data import Method, Keyword, to_rust_ident, to_camel_case, SYSTEM_FONT_LONGHANDS + import os.path Property changes on: head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1458219 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1519629 =================================================================== --- head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1519629 (nonexistent) +++ head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1519629 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +commit f8f381bf03b5 +Author: Emilio Cobos Álvarez +Date: Sun Jan 13 21:42:38 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519629 - Document a few more macros. +--- + servo/components/style/gecko/ | 1 + + servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ | 2 ++ + 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+) + +diff --git servo/components/style/gecko/ servo/components/style/gecko/ +index dfc2252aa899..b6f68fceb7d5 100755 +--- servo/components/style/gecko/ ++++ servo/components/style/gecko/ +@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ RULE_TEMPLATE = ('("{atom}") =>\n ' + + MACRO = ''' + #[macro_export] ++/// Returns a static atom by passing the literal string it represents. + macro_rules! atom {{ + {} + }} +diff --git servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ +index 4aa4accaf1d4..725e1da21692 100644 +--- servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ ++++ servo/components/style/gecko_string_cache/ +@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ use std::borrow::Borrow; + use std::fmt; + use std::ops::Deref; + ++/// In Gecko namespaces are just regular atoms, so this is a simple macro to ++/// forward one macro to the other. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! ns { + () => { Property changes on: head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1519629 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1519729 =================================================================== --- head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1519729 (nonexistent) +++ head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1519729 (revision 494176) @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +commit 9bdfa9fecaf1 +Author: Simon Sapin +Date: Fri Jan 11 14:02:28 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Remove unused macro. r=emilio + + Cherry-picks a commit from +--- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 18 ------------------ + 1 file changed, 18 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 6da235c07b64..2851082c22e0 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -158,24 +158,6 @@ where + } + } + +-#[macro_export] +-macro_rules! serialize_function { +- ($dest: expr, $name: ident($( $arg: expr, )+)) => { +- serialize_function!($dest, $name($($arg),+)) +- }; +- ($dest: expr, $name: ident($first_arg: expr $( , $arg: expr )*)) => { +- { +- $dest.write_str(concat!(stringify!($name), "("))?; +- $first_arg.to_css($dest)?; +- $( +- $dest.write_str(", ")?; +- $arg.to_css($dest)?; +- )* +- $dest.write_char(')') +- } +- } +-} +- + /// Convenience wrapper to serialise CSS values separated by a given string. + pub struct SequenceWriter<'a, 'b: 'a, W: 'b> { + inner: &'a mut CssWriter<'b, W>, + +commit 9d5e559547d0 +Author: Simon Sapin +Date: Fri Jan 11 14:03:44 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Document public macros. r=emilio + + Undocumented public macros emit warnings in nightly-2019-01-11, + and we #![deny] that warning. + + Cherry-picks a commit from +--- + servo/components/style/properties/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 2 +- + 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style/properties/ servo/components/style/properties/ +index 2d91273be15a..9220c3b1a665 100644 +--- servo/components/style/properties/ ++++ servo/components/style/properties/ +@@ -3821,7 +3821,14 @@ impl AliasId { + } + } + +-// NOTE(emilio): Callers are responsible to deal with prefs. ++/// Call the given macro with tokens like this for each longhand and shorthand properties ++/// that is enabled in content: ++/// ++/// ``` ++/// [CamelCaseName, SetCamelCaseName, PropertyId::Longhand(LonghandId::CamelCaseName)], ++/// ``` ++/// ++/// NOTE(emilio): Callers are responsible to deal with prefs. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! css_properties_accessors { + ($macro_name: ident) => { +@@ -3844,6 +3851,14 @@ macro_rules! css_properties_accessors { + } + } + ++/// Call the given macro with tokens like this for each longhand properties: ++/// ++/// ``` ++/// { snake_case_ident, true } ++/// ``` ++/// ++/// … where the boolean indicates whether the property value type ++/// is wrapped in a `Box<_>` in the corresponding `PropertyDeclaration` variant. + #[macro_export] + macro_rules! longhand_properties_idents { + ($macro_name: ident) => { +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 2851082c22e0..0d7ee3f506ce 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::RGBA); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::Color); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::UnicodeRange); + +-#[macro_export] ++/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each corrsepond to a CSS keyword. + macro_rules! define_css_keyword_enum { + (pub enum $name:ident { $($variant:ident = $css:expr,)+ }) => { + #[allow(missing_docs)] + +commit 2b08ae08b260 +Author: lqd +Date: Fri Jan 11 16:35:26 2019 +0100 + + Bug 1519729 - Typo fix in new doc-comment. r=emilio + + Cherry-picks a commit from + + Co-Authored-By: SimonSapin +--- + servo/components/style_traits/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git servo/components/style_traits/ servo/components/style_traits/ +index 0d7ee3f506ce..582e34eb3db0 100644 +--- servo/components/style_traits/ ++++ servo/components/style_traits/ +@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::RGBA); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::Color); + impl_to_css_for_predefined_type!(::cssparser::UnicodeRange); + +-/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each corrsepond to a CSS keyword. ++/// Define an enum type with unit variants that each correspond to a CSS keyword. + macro_rules! define_css_keyword_enum { + (pub enum $name:ident { $($variant:ident = $css:expr,)+ }) => { + #[allow(missing_docs)] Property changes on: head/www/firefox-esr/files/patch-bug1519729 ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +yes \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/www/geckodriver/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/www/geckodriver/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/www/geckodriver/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,157 +1,157 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= geckodriver DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.23.0 -PORTREVISION= 4 +PORTREVISION= 5 CATEGORIES= www MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Proxy for using WebDriver clients with Gecko-based browsers LICENSE= MPL20 USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= mozilla PLIST_FILES= bin/geckodriver CARGO_CRATES= adler32-1.0.3 \ aho-corasick-0.6.8 \ arrayvec-0.4.7 \ base64-0.9.3 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ build_const-0.2.1 \ byteorder-1.2.6 \ bytes-0.4.10 \ bzip2-0.3.3 \ bzip2-sys-0.1.6 \ cc-1.0.25 \ cfg-if-0.1.5 \ chrono-0.4.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ cookie-0.11.0 \ crc-1.8.1 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.1 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.5.2 \ crossbeam-utils-0.5.0 \ flate2-1.0.2 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.24 \ futures-cpupool-0.1.8 \ h2-0.1.12 \ http-0.1.13 \ httparse-1.3.2 \ hyper-0.12.10 \ idna-0.1.5 \ indexmap-1.0.1 \ iovec-0.1.2 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.1.0 \ lazycell-1.1.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ lock_api-0.1.3 \ log-0.4.5 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memchr-2.0.2 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ miniz_oxide-0.1.3 \ miniz_oxide_c_api-0.1.3 \ mio-0.6.16 \ mio-uds-0.6.7 \ miow-0.2.1 \ mozprofile-0.4.0 \ mozrunner-0.8.0 \ mozversion-0.1.3 \ msdos_time-0.1.6 \ net2-0.2.33 \ nodrop-0.1.12 \ num-0.1.42 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-iter-0.1.37 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ owning_ref-0.3.3 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.1 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ podio-0.1.6 \ proc-macro2-0.4.19 \ quote-0.6.8 \ rand-0.3.22 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.1 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ regex-0.2.11 \ regex-1.0.5 \ regex-syntax-0.5.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.2 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rust-ini-0.10.3 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ ryu-0.2.6 \ safemem-0.3.0 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.6.0 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.79 \ serde_derive-1.0.79 \ serde_json-1.0.27 \ slab-0.4.1 \ smallvec-0.6.5 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ string-0.1.1 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.4 \ tempdir-0.3.7 \ term_size-0.3.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ time-0.1.40 \ tokio-0.1.8 \ tokio-codec-0.1.0 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.1 \ tokio-executor-0.1.4 \ tokio-fs-0.1.3 \ tokio-io-0.1.8 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.5 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.1 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.6 \ tokio-timer-0.2.6 \ tokio-udp-0.1.2 \ tokio-uds-0.2.1 \ try-lock-0.2.2 \ ucd-util-0.1.1 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-segmentation-1.2.1 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.1 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.1 \ uuid-0.5.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ want-0.0.6 \ webdriver-0.38.0 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.5 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winreg-0.5.1 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 \ zip-0.4.0 post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/geckodriver .include Index: head/www/newsboat/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/www/newsboat/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/www/newsboat/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@ # Created by: arved # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= newsboat PORTVERSION= 2.14.1 -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES=${PORTVERSION}/ DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= COMMENT= RSS feed reader for the text console LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BUILD_DEPENDS= a2x:textproc/asciidoc LIB_DEPENDS= \ \ USES= cargo compiler:c++11-lib gettext gmake gnome iconv:translit ncurses \ pkgconfig sqlite shebangfix ssl tar:xz USE_CXXSTD= gnu++11 USE_GNOME= libxml2 MAKE_ARGS= CARGO=${CARGO_CARGO_BIN} mandir=${PREFIX}/man prefix=${PREFIX} MAKE_ENV= ${CARGO_ENV} CARGO_BUILD= no CARGO_INSTALL= no CARGO_TARGET_DIR= ${WRKSRC}/target CARGO_CRATES= aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ argon2rs-0.2.5 \ arrayvec-0.4.9 \ autocfg-0.1.1 \ backtrace-0.3.13 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.26 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ blake2-rfc-0.2.18 \ cc-1.0.26 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ chrono-0.4.6 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.3 \ dirs-1.0.4 \ failure-0.1.3 \ failure_derive-0.1.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ idna-0.1.5 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ lock_api-0.1.5 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memchr-2.1.2 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ once_cell-0.1.6 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.1 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ proc-macro2-0.4.24 \ quote-0.6.10 \ rand-0.4.3 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand-0.6.1 \ rand_chacha-0.1.0 \ rand_core-0.2.2 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.44 \ redox_users-0.2.0 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.6.4 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.11 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ smallvec-0.6.7 \ syn-0.15.23 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ tempfile-3.0.5 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ time-0.1.41 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.2 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,fail "ncursesw",true,; s,fail "libcrypto",true,' \ ${WRKSRC}/ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-liconv|${ICONV_LIB} -lcrypto -lncursesw|;s|-Werror||' \ ${WRKSRC}/Makefile post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/*boat .include Index: head/www/seamonkey/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/www/seamonkey/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/www/seamonkey/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,90 +1,90 @@ # Created by: eivind/dima/jseger # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= seamonkey DISTVERSION= 2.49.4 -PORTREVISION= 23 +PORTREVISION= 24 MOZILLA_VER= 52 # above + 3 CATEGORIES?= www mail news editors irc ipv6 MASTER_SITES= MOZILLA/${PORTNAME}/releases/${DISTVERSION}/source \ MOZILLA/${PORTNAME}/candidates/${DISTVERSION}-candidates/build1/source DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}.source${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= COMMENT= The open source, standards compliant web browser BUILD_DEPENDS= nspr>=4.13.1:devel/nspr \ nss>=3.28.6:security/nss \ libevent>=2.0.21_2:devel/libevent \ harfbuzz>=1.4.1:print/harfbuzz \ graphite2>=1.3.8:graphics/graphite2 \ png>=1.6.25:graphics/png \ libvorbis>=1.3.5,3:audio/libvorbis \ libvpx>=1.5.0:multimedia/libvpx \ sqlite3>=3.17.0:databases/sqlite3 \ ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sqlite3>0:databases/py-sqlite3@${PY_FLAVOR} \ v4l_compat>0:multimedia/v4l_compat \ autoconf-2.13:devel/autoconf213 \ yasm:devel/yasm \ zip:archivers/zip LIB_DEPENDS= SSP_UNSAFE= yes USE_GECKO= gecko USES= tar:xz MOZ_PIS_SCRIPTS= moz_pis_S50cleanhome MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-application=suite USE_MOZILLA= -webp MOZ_PKGCONFIG_FILES= OPTIONS_DEFINE= LDAP LIGHTNING RUST OPTIONS_SINGLE= TOOLKIT OPTIONS_SINGLE_TOOLKIT= GTK2 GTK3 OPTIONS_DEFAULT=CANBERRA GTK3 LDAP LIGHTNING OPTIONS_EXCLUDE=WAYLAND LDAP_DESC?= LDAP support for Mailnews .include "${.CURDIR}/../../www/firefox/Makefile.options" # Inconsistent fallback order (libcubeb vs. audio_device) SNDIO_PREVENTS= ${OPTIONS_MULTI_AUDIO:NSNDIO} .include MOZSRC:= ${WRKSRC}/mozilla .if ! ${PORT_OPTIONS:MLDAP} MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-ldap .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-ldap .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MLIGHTNING} MOZ_OPTIONS+= --enable-calendar .else MOZ_OPTIONS+= --disable-calendar .endif post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/suite/app/nsSuiteApp.cpp @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound/s/true/false/' \ ${WRKSRC}/mozilla/modules/libpref/init/all.js @${SED} -e 's|%%MOZILLA%%|${MOZILLA}|g' \ < ${FILESDIR}/ > \ ${WRKDIR}/${MOZILLA}.desktop pre-configure: (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) (cd ${MOZSRC} && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) (cd ${MOZSRC}/js/src/ && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoconf-2.13) post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/${MOZILLA}.desktop ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/ ${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/lib/${MOZILLA}/chrome/icons/default/default48.png \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/${MOZILLA}.png .include Index: head/www/websocat/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/www/websocat/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/www/websocat/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,162 +1,162 @@ # Created by: Sergey A. Osokin # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= websocat DISTVERSION= 1.2.0 DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v -PORTREVISION= 3 +PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= www MAINTAINER= COMMENT= WebSockets tools LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= vi CARGO_FEATURES= ssl seqpacket CARGO_CRATES= arrayvec-0.4.7 \ atty-0.2.11 \ base64-0.9.3 \ bitflags-0.9.1 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ byteorder-1.2.7 \ bytes-0.4.10 \ cc-1.0.25 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ clap-2.32.0 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ core-foundation-0.5.1 \ core-foundation-sys-0.5.1 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.1 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.5.2 \ crossbeam-utils-0.5.0 \ derivative-1.0.1 \ env_logger-0.5.13 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.25 \ httparse-1.3.3 \ humantime-1.1.1 \ hyper-0.10.15 \ idna-0.1.5 \ iovec-0.1.2 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ language-tags-0.2.2 \ lazy_static-1.1.0 \ lazycell-1.2.0 \ libc-0.2.49 \ lock_api-0.1.4 \ log-0.3.9 \ log-0.4.6 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ mime-0.2.6 \ mio-0.6.16 \ mio-named-pipes-0.1.6 \ mio-uds-0.6.7 \ miow-0.2.1 \ miow-0.3.3 \ native-tls-0.2.2 \ net2-0.2.33 \ nodrop-0.1.12 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ openssl-0.10.15 \ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \ openssl-sys-0.9.39 \ owning_ref-0.3.3 \ parking_lot-0.6.4 \ parking_lot_core-0.3.1 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ proc-macro2-0.4.20 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.3.15 \ quote-0.6.9 \ rand-0.5.5 \ rand_core-0.2.2 \ rand_core-0.3.0 \ readwrite-0.1.1 \ redox_syscall-0.1.40 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ safemem-0.3.0 \ schannel-0.1.14 \ scoped-tls-0.1.2 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ security-framework-0.2.1 \ security-framework-sys-0.2.1 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ sha1-0.6.0 \ slab-0.4.1 \ slab_typesafe-0.1.2 \ smallvec-0.6.5 \ smart-default-0.2.0 \ socket2-0.3.8 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ structopt-0.2.12 \ structopt-derive-0.2.12 \ syn-0.11.11 \ syn-0.15.17 \ synom-0.11.3 \ tempfile-3.0.4 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ time-0.1.40 \ tokio-0.1.11 \ tokio-codec-0.1.1 \ tokio-core-0.1.17 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.3 \ tokio-executor-0.1.5 \ tokio-file-unix-0.4.2 \ tokio-fs-0.1.4 \ tokio-io-0.1.10 \ tokio-process-0.1.6 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.6 \ tokio-signal-0.1.5 \ tokio-stdin-stdout-0.1.5 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.2 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.8 \ tokio-timer-0.2.7 \ tokio-tls-0.2.0 \ tokio-udp-0.1.2 \ tokio-uds-0.1.5 \ tokio-uds-0.2.3 \ traitobject-0.1.0 \ typeable-0.1.2 \ unicase-1.4.2 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.7 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.1 \ vcpkg-0.2.6 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ websocket-0.21.1 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.1 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 PLIST_FILES= bin/websocat post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/websocat .include Index: head/x11/admiral/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/x11/admiral/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/x11/admiral/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= admiral DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 1.0.0-7 DISTVERSIONSUFFIX= -g5a9f33b -PORTREVISION= 6 +PORTREVISION= 7 CATEGORIES= x11 MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Merge concurrent outputs for a status bar LICENSE= BSD2CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= sector-f CARGO_CRATES= ansi_term-0.10.2 \ atty-0.2.6 \ bitflags-1.0.1 \ clap-2.29.2 \ libc-0.2.49 \ num_cpus-1.8.0 \ quote-0.3.15 \ redox_syscall-0.1.37 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ serde-1.0.27 \ serde_derive-1.0.27 \ serde_derive_internals-0.19.0 \ strsim-0.6.0 \ syn-0.11.11 \ synom-0.11.3 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.9.0 \ threadpool-1.7.1 \ toml-0.4.5 \ unicode-width-0.1.4 \ unicode-xid-0.0.4 \ vec_map-0.8.0 \ winapi-0.3.3 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.3.2 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.3.2 OPTIONS_DEFINE= EXAMPLES PORTEXAMPLES= * PLIST_FILES= bin/admiral post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/admiral post-install-EXAMPLES-on: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} admiral.d ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}/admiral.d) .include Index: head/x11/alacritty/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/x11/alacritty/Makefile (revision 494175) +++ head/x11/alacritty/Makefile (revision 494176) @@ -1,349 +1,349 @@ # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= alacritty PORTVERSION= 0.2.9 DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v -PORTREVISION= 1 +PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= x11 MAINTAINER= COMMENT= GPU-accelerated terminal emulator LICENSE= APACHE20 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE LIB_DEPENDS= USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= jwilm OPTIONS_DEFINE= EXAMPLES PLIST_FILES= bin/alacritty \ man/man1/alacritty.1.gz \ etc/bash_completion.d/alacritty-completions.bash \ share/fish/completions/ \ share/zsh/site-functions/_alacritty \ ${DESKTOPDIR:S,^${PREFIX}/,,}/alacritty.desktop PORTEXAMPLES= alacritty.yml CARGO_CRATES= MacTypes-sys-2.1.0 \ adler32-1.0.3 \ advapi32-sys-0.2.0 \ aho-corasick-0.6.9 \ andrew-0.1.6 \ android_glue-0.2.3 \ ansi_term-0.11.0 \ approx-0.3.1 \ argon2rs-0.2.5 \ arraydeque-0.4.3 \ arrayvec-0.4.10 \ atty-0.2.11 \ autocfg-0.1.2 \ backtrace-0.3.13 \ backtrace-sys-0.1.28 \ base64-0.10.1 \ bindgen-0.33.2 \ bitflags-0.7.0 \ bitflags-1.0.4 \ blake2-rfc-0.2.18 \ block-0.1.6 \ byteorder-1.3.1 \ bytes-0.4.11 \ bzip2-0.3.3 \ bzip2-sys-0.1.7 \ cc-1.0.29 \ cexpr-0.2.3 \ cfg-if-0.1.6 \ cgl-0.2.3 \ clang-sys-0.22.0 \ clap-2.32.0 \ clipboard-0.4.6 \ clipboard-win-2.1.2 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ cmake-0.1.35 \ cocoa-0.18.4 \ color_quant-1.0.1 \ constant_time_eq-0.1.3 \ core-foundation-0.5.1 \ core-foundation-0.6.3 \ core-foundation-sys-0.5.1 \ core-foundation-sys-0.6.2 \ core-graphics-0.13.0 \ core-graphics-0.17.3 \ core-text-13.1.1 \ core-text-9.2.0 \ crc32fast-1.1.2 \ crossbeam-0.6.0 \ crossbeam-channel-0.3.8 \ crossbeam-deque-0.2.0 \ crossbeam-deque-0.6.3 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.3.1 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.7.1 \ crossbeam-utils-0.2.2 \ crossbeam-utils-0.6.5 \ deflate-0.7.19 \ dirs-1.0.4 \ dlib-0.4.1 \ downcast-rs-1.0.3 \ dtoa-0.4.3 \ dunce-0.1.1 \ either-1.5.0 \ embed-resource-1.1.4 \ encoding_rs-0.8.16 \ env_logger-0.5.13 \ env_logger-0.6.0 \ errno-0.2.4 \ errno-dragonfly-0.1.1 \ error-chain-0.11.0 \ euclid-0.19.5 \ euclid_macros-0.1.0 \ expat-sys-2.1.6 \ failure-0.1.5 \ failure_derive-0.1.5 \ filetime-0.2.4 \ fnv-1.0.6 \ font-loader-0.6.0 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ freetype-rs-0.19.1 \ freetype-sys-0.7.1 \ fsevent-0.2.17 \ fsevent-sys-0.1.6 \ fuchsia-cprng-0.1.1 \ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \ futures-0.1.25 \ futures-cpupool-0.1.8 \ gcc-0.3.55 \ gdi32-sys-0.2.0 \ gif-0.10.1 \ gl_generator-0.10.0 \ gleam-0.6.8 \ glob-0.2.11 \ glutin-0.19.0 \ h2-0.1.16 \ http-0.1.15 \ httparse-1.3.3 \ humantime-1.2.0 \ hyper-0.12.24 \ hyper-tls-0.3.1 \ idna-0.1.5 \ image-0.20.1 \ indexmap-1.0.2 \ inflate-0.4.4 \ inotify-0.6.1 \ inotify-sys-0.1.3 \ iovec-0.1.2 \ itoa-0.4.3 \ jpeg-decoder-0.1.15 \ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \ khronos_api-3.0.0 \ lazy_static-1.2.0 \ lazycell-1.2.1 \ libc-0.2.49 \ libflate-0.1.19 \ libloading-0.5.0 \ libz-sys-1.0.25 \ line_drawing-0.7.0 \ linked-hash-map-0.5.1 \ lock_api-0.1.5 \ log-0.4.6 \ lzw-0.10.0 \ malloc_buf-0.0.6 \ matches-0.1.8 \ memchr-1.0.2 \ memchr-2.1.3 \ memmap-0.7.0 \ memoffset-0.2.1 \ mime-0.3.13 \ mime_guess-2.0.0-alpha.6 \ mio-0.6.16 \ mio-anonymous-pipes-0.1.0 \ mio-extras-2.0.5 \ mio-named-pipes-0.1.6 \ miow-0.2.1 \ miow-0.3.3 \ named_pipe-0.3.0 \ native-tls-0.2.2 \ net2-0.2.33 \ nix-0.12.0 \ nodrop-0.1.13 \ nom-3.2.1 \ nom-4.2.0 \ notify-4.0.9 \ num-derive-0.2.4 \ num-integer-0.1.39 \ num-iter-0.1.37 \ num-rational-0.2.1 \ num-traits-0.1.43 \ num-traits-0.2.6 \ num_cpus-1.10.0 \ objc-0.2.5 \ objc-foundation-0.1.1 \ objc_id-0.1.1 \ openssl-0.10.16 \ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \ openssl-sys-0.9.40 \ ordered-float-0.5.2 \ ordered-float-1.0.1 \ osmesa-sys-0.1.2 \ owning_ref-0.4.0 \ parking_lot-0.7.1 \ parking_lot_core-0.4.0 \ peeking_take_while-0.1.2 \ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \ phf-0.7.24 \ phf_codegen-0.7.24 \ phf_generator-0.7.24 \ phf_shared-0.7.24 \ pkg-config-0.3.14 \ png-0.12.0 \ podio-0.1.6 \ proc-macro2-0.4.27 \ quick-error-1.2.2 \ quote-0.3.15 \ quote-0.6.11 \ rand-0.4.6 \ rand-0.6.5 \ rand_chacha-0.1.1 \ rand_core-0.3.1 \ rand_core-0.4.0 \ rand_hc-0.1.0 \ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \ rand_jitter-0.1.3 \ rand_os-0.1.2 \ rand_pcg-0.1.1 \ rand_xorshift-0.1.1 \ rayon-1.0.3 \ rayon-core-1.4.1 \ rdrand-0.4.0 \ redox_syscall-0.1.51 \ redox_termios-0.1.1 \ redox_users-0.2.0 \ regex-0.2.11 \ regex-1.1.0 \ regex-syntax-0.5.6 \ regex-syntax-0.6.5 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.1 \ reqwest-0.9.9 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.13 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ rusttype-0.4.3 \ rusttype-0.7.5 \ ryu-0.2.7 \ same-file-1.0.4 \ schannel-0.1.14 \ scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 \ scopeguard-0.3.3 \ security-framework-0.2.2 \ security-framework-sys-0.2.3 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ serde-1.0.87 \ serde_derive-1.0.87 \ serde_json-1.0.38 \ serde_urlencoded-0.5.4 \ serde_yaml-0.8.8 \ servo-fontconfig-0.4.0 \ servo-fontconfig-sys-4.0.7 \ shared_library-0.1.9 \ siphasher-0.2.3 \ slab-0.4.2 \ smallvec-0.6.8 \ smithay-client-toolkit-0.4.4 \ socket2-0.3.8 \ spsc-buffer-0.1.1 \ stable_deref_trait-1.1.1 \ static_assertions-0.3.1 \ stb_truetype-0.2.6 \ string-0.1.3 \ strsim-0.7.0 \ syn-0.15.26 \ synstructure-0.10.1 \ tempfile-3.0.6 \ termcolor-1.0.4 \ terminfo-0.6.1 \ termion-1.5.1 \ textwrap-0.10.0 \ thread_local-0.3.6 \ tiff-0.2.2 \ time-0.1.42 \ tokio-0.1.15 \ tokio-current-thread-0.1.4 \ tokio-executor-0.1.6 \ tokio-io-0.1.11 \ tokio-reactor-0.1.8 \ tokio-tcp-0.1.3 \ tokio-threadpool-0.1.11 \ tokio-timer-0.2.10 \ try-lock-0.2.2 \ ucd-util-0.1.3 \ unicase-1.4.2 \ unicase-2.2.0 \ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \ unicode-normalization-0.1.8 \ unicode-width-0.1.5 \ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \ unreachable-1.0.0 \ url-1.7.2 \ user32-sys-0.2.0 \ utf8-ranges-1.0.2 \ utf8parse-0.1.1 \ uuid-0.7.2 \ vcpkg-0.2.6 \ vec_map-0.8.1 \ version_check-0.1.5 \ void-1.0.2 \ vte-0.3.3 \ walkdir-2.2.7 \ want-0.0.6 \ wayland-client-0.21.11 \ wayland-commons-0.21.11 \ wayland-protocols-0.21.11 \ wayland-scanner-0.21.11 \ wayland-sys-0.21.11 \ which-1.0.5 \ widestring-0.2.2 \ widestring-0.4.0 \ winapi-0.2.8 \ winapi-0.3.6 \ winapi-build-0.1.1 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.2 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ wincolor-1.0.1 \ winit-0.18.1 \ winpty-sys-0.4.3 \ winreg-0.4.0 \ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 \ x11-clipboard-0.2.2 \ x11-dl-2.18.3 \ xcb-0.8.2 \ xdg-2.2.0 \ xml-rs-0.8.0 \ yaml-rust-0.4.2 \ zip-0.5.0 post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/alacritty ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/alacritty.desktop ${STAGEDIR}${DESKTOPDIR} ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/ ${STAGEDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man/man1/alacritty.1 @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/alacritty-completions.bash \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/fish/completions ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/fish/completions @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/alacritty-completions.zsh \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_alacritty post-install-EXAMPLES-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${PORTEXAMPLES} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} .include