Index: head/www/node4/files/ =================================================================== --- head/www/node4/files/ (revision 453734) +++ head/www/node4/files/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ ---- deps/v8/src/runtime/ 2017-07-11 01:49:24 UTC -+++ deps/v8/src/runtime/ -@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ - #include "unicode/dtfmtsym.h" - #include "unicode/dtptngen.h" - #include "unicode/locid.h" -+#include "unicode/normlzr.h" - #include "unicode/numfmt.h" - #include "unicode/numsys.h" - #include "unicode/rbbi.h" Property changes on: head/www/node4/files/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords ## -1 +0,0 ## -yes \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:eol-style ## -1 +0,0 ## -native \ No newline at end of property Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/www/node4/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/www/node4/Makefile (revision 453734) +++ head/www/node4/Makefile (revision 453735) @@ -1,91 +1,91 @@ # Created by: Jin-Sih Lin # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= node -PORTVERSION= 4.8.5 +PORTVERSION= 4.8.6 DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES=${PORTVERSION}/ PKGNAMESUFFIX= 4 MAINTAINER= COMMENT= V8 JavaScript for client and server (4.x LTS) LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE OPTIONS_DEFINE= BUNDLED_SSL DOCS NLS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= OPTIONS_SUB= yes OPTIONS_DEFAULT_FreeBSD_10= BUNDLED_SSL OPTIONS_DEFAULT+= ${OPTIONS_DEFAULT_${OPSYS}_${OSREL:R}} BUNDLED_SSL_DESC= Use node.js's bundled OpenSSL implementation #' BUNDLED_SSL_USES_OFF= ssl BUNDLED_SSL_CONFIGURE_OFF= --shared-openssl NLS_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-intl=system-icu NLS_LIB_DEPENDS= USES= compiler:c++11-lib gmake python:2 pkgconfig localbase HAS_CONFIGURE= yes USE_LDCONFIG= yes CONFLICTS_INSTALL= node[568]-[0-9]* node-[0-9]* ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 i386 CONFIGURE_ARGS= --prefix=${PREFIX_RELDEST} \ --without-npm \ --shared-libuv \ --shared-zlib PREFIX_RELDEST= ${PREFIX:S,^${DESTDIR},,} REINPLACE_ARGS= -i '' MAKE_ENV+=${CC}${CXX}${CXX}${CXX} LIB_DEPENDS+= .include .if empty(PORT_OPTIONS:MBUNDLED_SSL) .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${OSVERSION} < 1100085 && ${SSL_DEFAULT} == base IGNORE= node.js requires openssl 1.0.2, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ssl=openssl to /etc/make.conf or enable BUNDLED_SSL option .endif .if !empty(SSL_DEFAULT:Mlibressl*) IGNORE= cannot build node.js with LibreSSL. You must enable BUNDLED_SSL .endif .endif post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/local|${LOCALBASE}|' \ ${WRKSRC}/deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/bin/env python|${PYTHON_CMD}|' \ ${WRKSRC}/configure @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|python -c|${PYTHON_CMD} -c|" \ ${WRKSRC}/deps/v8/build/toolchain.gypi @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|'python',|'${PYTHON_CMD}',|" \ ${WRKSRC}/common.gypi \ ${WRKSRC}/deps/v8/build/shim_headers.gypi \ ${WRKSRC}/deps/v8/build/standalone.gypi \ ${WRKSRC}/deps/v8/src/d8.gyp \ ${WRKSRC}/deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp \ ${WRKSRC}/node.gyp \ ${WRKSRC}/tools/icu/icu-generic.gyp post-configure: # Post-process Makefile and *.mk files created by node-gyp and remove # all occurrences of -I${LOCALBASE}/include. C*FLAGS include this # before all -I../deps/* for bundled code. This can cause build # breakages if the dependency is installed in ${LOCALBASE}. The # USES+=localbase above will ensure that we pick up includes for real # external dependencies. ${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/out -type f -print0 \ | ${XARGS} -0 ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|-I${LOCALBASE}/include||g" post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/node .include Index: head/www/node4/distinfo =================================================================== --- head/www/node4/distinfo (revision 453734) +++ head/www/node4/distinfo (revision 453735) @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -TIMESTAMP = 1508910464 -SHA256 (node-v4.8.5.tar.gz) = 23980b1d31c6b0e05eff2102ffa0059a6f7a93e27e5288eb5551b9b003ec0c07 -SIZE (node-v4.8.5.tar.gz) = 22775183 +TIMESTAMP = 1510090419 +SHA256 (node-v4.8.6.tar.gz) = f37a92ca7254ecac80f905a5ba5c5ccf8d886c7dab80d84cf6e28af24b1ff680 +SIZE (node-v4.8.6.tar.gz) = 22853697