Index: head/devel/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/Makefile (revision 429195) +++ head/devel/Makefile (revision 429196) @@ -1,5714 +1,5715 @@ # $FreeBSD$ # COMMENT = Development utilities SUBDIR += 9base SUBDIR += ChipmunkPhysics SUBDIR += ElectricFence SUBDIR += ORBit2 SUBDIR += ORBit2-reference SUBDIR += R-cran-BH SUBDIR += R-cran-Defaults SUBDIR += R-cran-Hmisc SUBDIR += R-cran-ModelMetrics SUBDIR += R-cran-R6 SUBDIR += R-cran-RUnit SUBDIR += R-cran-Rcpp SUBDIR += R-cran-bit SUBDIR += R-cran-bit64 SUBDIR += R-cran-bitops SUBDIR += R-cran-caTools SUBDIR += R-cran-caret SUBDIR += R-cran-chron SUBDIR += R-cran-crayon SUBDIR += R-cran-data.table SUBDIR += R-cran-doParallel SUBDIR += R-cran-evaluate SUBDIR += R-cran-foreach SUBDIR += R-cran-gbm SUBDIR += R-cran-gdata SUBDIR += R-cran-glmnet SUBDIR += R-cran-gmodels SUBDIR += R-cran-gsubfn SUBDIR += R-cran-gtools SUBDIR += R-cran-iterators SUBDIR += R-cran-itertools SUBDIR += R-cran-magrittr SUBDIR += R-cran-memoise SUBDIR += R-cran-microbenchmark SUBDIR += R-cran-pkgmaker SUBDIR += R-cran-plyr SUBDIR += R-cran-proto SUBDIR += R-cran-randomForest SUBDIR += R-cran-registry SUBDIR += R-cran-reshape SUBDIR += R-cran-reshape2 SUBDIR += R-cran-rngtools SUBDIR += R-cran-rprojroot SUBDIR += R-cran-rstudioapi SUBDIR += R-cran-sourcetools SUBDIR += R-cran-tibble SUBDIR += R-cran-tidyr SUBDIR += SpecTcl SUBDIR += aap SUBDIR += aarch64-binutils SUBDIR += aarch64-none-elf-binutils SUBDIR += aarch64-none-elf-gcc SUBDIR += abi-compliance-checker SUBDIR += ace SUBDIR += ace+tao-doc SUBDIR += acsccid SUBDIR += activitymail SUBDIR += ada-util SUBDIR += adabooch SUBDIR += adacurses SUBDIR += adaid SUBDIR += adime SUBDIR += aegis SUBDIR += afay SUBDIR += ahven SUBDIR += aifad SUBDIR += alabastra SUBDIR += ald SUBDIR += alf SUBDIR += allegro SUBDIR += allegro-devel SUBDIR += alog SUBDIR += amd64-binutils SUBDIR += amd64-gcc SUBDIR += amd64-xtoolchain-gcc SUBDIR += android-tools-adb SUBDIR += android-tools-adb-devel SUBDIR += android-tools-fastboot SUBDIR += android-tools-fastboot-devel SUBDIR += android-tools-simpleperf SUBDIR += anjuta SUBDIR += anjuta-extras SUBDIR += antlr SUBDIR += antlr3 SUBDIR += antlr4 SUBDIR += apache-ant SUBDIR += apache-rat SUBDIR += api-sanity-autotest SUBDIR += apiextractor SUBDIR += appstream-glib SUBDIR += apr1 SUBDIR += apr2 SUBDIR += arcanist SUBDIR += arduino SUBDIR += arduino-builder SUBDIR += arduino-core SUBDIR += arduino-ctags SUBDIR += arduino-glcd SUBDIR += arduino-irremote SUBDIR += arduino-mk SUBDIR += arduino-sevseg SUBDIR += arduino-tools SUBDIR += arduino16 SUBDIR += argouml SUBDIR += argp-standalone SUBDIR += argtable SUBDIR += arm-elf-binutils SUBDIR += arm-gnueabi-binutils SUBDIR += arm-none-eabi-binutils SUBDIR += arm-none-eabi-gcc SUBDIR += arm-none-eabi-gcc492 SUBDIR += arm-none-eabi-gdb SUBDIR += arm-none-eabi-newlib SUBDIR += aros-sdk SUBDIR += art SUBDIR += artifactory SUBDIR += as31 SUBDIR += asl SUBDIR += asmutils SUBDIR += asmx SUBDIR += astah-community SUBDIR += astyle SUBDIR += atf SUBDIR += atlas SUBDIR += atlas-devel SUBDIR += atlassian-plugin-sdk SUBDIR += aunit SUBDIR += autobook SUBDIR += autoconf SUBDIR += autoconf-archive SUBDIR += autoconf-wrapper SUBDIR += autoconf213 SUBDIR += autodia SUBDIR += autodist SUBDIR += autogen SUBDIR += automake SUBDIR += automake-wrapper SUBDIR += automoc4 SUBDIR += autotools SUBDIR += avalon-framework SUBDIR += avarice SUBDIR += avce00 SUBDIR += avr-binutils SUBDIR += avr-gcc SUBDIR += avr-gcc-devel SUBDIR += avr-gdb SUBDIR += avr-libc SUBDIR += avra SUBDIR += avrdude SUBDIR += avro SUBDIR += avro-c SUBDIR += avro-cpp SUBDIR += awscli SUBDIR += b2 SUBDIR += babeltrace SUBDIR += bam SUBDIR += bazel SUBDIR += bbfreeze SUBDIR += bbfreeze-loader SUBDIR += bcc SUBDIR += bcpp SUBDIR += beautifyphp SUBDIR += bennugd-core SUBDIR += bennugd-modules SUBDIR += bglibs SUBDIR += bicyclerepair SUBDIR += bin86 SUBDIR += binutils SUBDIR += bison SUBDIR += bisoncpp SUBDIR += blame SUBDIR += bmake SUBDIR += bmkdep SUBDIR += bncsutil-ghost++ SUBDIR += bnf SUBDIR += boaconstructor SUBDIR += boehm-gc SUBDIR += boehm-gc-redirect SUBDIR += boehm-gc-threaded SUBDIR += boost-all SUBDIR += boost-docs SUBDIR += boost-jam SUBDIR += boost-libs SUBDIR += boost-python-libs SUBDIR += boost_build SUBDIR += bossa SUBDIR += bouml-doc SUBDIR += bpython SUBDIR += bsdbuild SUBDIR += bsdcflow SUBDIR += bsdowl SUBDIR += bugzilla44 SUBDIR += bugzilla50 SUBDIR += build SUBDIR += buildbot SUBDIR += buildbot-slave SUBDIR += buildtool SUBDIR += buildtool-doc SUBDIR += bullet SUBDIR += bunny SUBDIR += busybee SUBDIR += byacc SUBDIR += byaccj SUBDIR += bzr SUBDIR += bzr-builder SUBDIR += bzr-colo SUBDIR += bzr-explorer SUBDIR += bzr-externals SUBDIR += bzr-fastimport SUBDIR += bzr-git SUBDIR += bzr-gtk SUBDIR += bzr-loom SUBDIR += bzr-pipeline SUBDIR += bzr-rewrite SUBDIR += bzr-scmproj SUBDIR += bzr-stats SUBDIR += bzr-svn SUBDIR += bzr-upload SUBDIR += bzrtools SUBDIR += c-unit SUBDIR += c2mdoc SUBDIR += caf SUBDIR += calibrator SUBDIR += capstone3 SUBDIR += capstone4 SUBDIR += cargo SUBDIR += cask SUBDIR += catch SUBDIR += cbrowser SUBDIR += cc65 SUBDIR += ccache SUBDIR += cccc SUBDIR += ccdoc SUBDIR += ccons SUBDIR += ccrtp SUBDIR += cdash SUBDIR += cdecl SUBDIR += cdialog SUBDIR += cdk SUBDIR += cervisia SUBDIR += cflow SUBDIR += cflow2vcg SUBDIR += cgdb SUBDIR += cgilib SUBDIR += cgit SUBDIR += cgprof SUBDIR += charva SUBDIR += checkbashisms SUBDIR += checkheaders SUBDIR += cheritrace-devel SUBDIR += cherivis-devel SUBDIR += chrpath SUBDIR += chruby SUBDIR += cil SUBDIR += cityhash SUBDIR += cjose SUBDIR += cl-alexandria SUBDIR += cl-alexandria-sbcl SUBDIR += cl-asdf SUBDIR += cl-cffi SUBDIR += cl-cffi-sbcl SUBDIR += cl-infix SUBDIR += cl-infix-sbcl SUBDIR += cl-port SUBDIR += cl-port-sbcl SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence-sbcl SUBDIR += cl-trivial-features SUBDIR += cl-trivial-features-sbcl SUBDIR += cl-trivial-gray-streams SUBDIR += cl-trivial-gray-streams-sbcl SUBDIR += clanlib SUBDIR += clanlib1 SUBDIR += clanlib22 SUBDIR += cld SUBDIR += cld2 SUBDIR += clewn SUBDIR += clig SUBDIR += clinfo SUBDIR += clisp-hyperspec SUBDIR += clojure-cider SUBDIR += cloudabi SUBDIR += cloudabi-binutils-aarch64 SUBDIR += cloudabi-binutils-x86_64 SUBDIR += cloudabi-toolchain SUBDIR += cmake SUBDIR += cmake-doc SUBDIR += cmake-fedora SUBDIR += cmake-gui SUBDIR += cmake-modules SUBDIR += cmake-modules-webos SUBDIR += cmph SUBDIR += cmunge SUBDIR += cobf SUBDIR += coccinelle SUBDIR += codeblocks SUBDIR += codeville SUBDIR += codeworker SUBDIR += colorgcc SUBDIR += colormake SUBDIR += commit-patch SUBDIR += commoncpp SUBDIR += compiler-rt SUBDIR += compiz-bcop SUBDIR += concurrencykit SUBDIR += configkit SUBDIR += cons SUBDIR += cons-test SUBDIR += cook SUBDIR += courier-unicode SUBDIR += covtool SUBDIR += cpan-upload SUBDIR += cpan-upload-http SUBDIR += cpp-netlib SUBDIR += cppcheck SUBDIR += cppi SUBDIR += cpptest SUBDIR += cppunit SUBDIR += cpputest SUBDIR += cproto SUBDIR += cpuflags SUBDIR += cram SUBDIR += creduce SUBDIR += critcl SUBDIR += cs-eric6 SUBDIR += cscope SUBDIR += cscout SUBDIR += csmith SUBDIR += csoap SUBDIR += cssc SUBDIR += cstringbuffer SUBDIR += ctags SUBDIR += SUBDIR += cunit SUBDIR += cut SUBDIR += cutils SUBDIR += cutter SUBDIR += cvs SUBDIR += cvs+ipv6 SUBDIR += cvs-devel SUBDIR += cvs-syncmail SUBDIR += cvs2cl SUBDIR += cvs2darcs SUBDIR += cvs2html SUBDIR += cvs2svn SUBDIR += cvsadmin SUBDIR += cvsbook SUBDIR += cvschangelogbuilder SUBDIR += cvschk SUBDIR += cvsd SUBDIR += cvsdadm SUBDIR += cvsdelta SUBDIR += cvsdiff2patch SUBDIR += cvsgraph SUBDIR += cvslines SUBDIR += cvsmonitor SUBDIR += cvsplot SUBDIR += cvsps SUBDIR += cvsps-devel SUBDIR += cvsspam SUBDIR += cvstrac SUBDIR += cvsutils SUBDIR += cvsweb SUBDIR += cvsweb3 SUBDIR += cvswrap SUBDIR += cweb SUBDIR += cx_Freeze SUBDIR += cxmon SUBDIR += cxref SUBDIR += cxxtest SUBDIR += cxxtools SUBDIR += d-feet SUBDIR += darts SUBDIR += dash.el SUBDIR += datadraw SUBDIR += dbus SUBDIR += dbus-c++ SUBDIR += dbus-glib SUBDIR += dbus-qt4 SUBDIR += dbus-qt5 SUBDIR += dbus-sharp SUBDIR += dbus-sharp-glib SUBDIR += dbus-tcl SUBDIR += dcmtk SUBDIR += dconf SUBDIR += dconf-editor SUBDIR += ddd SUBDIR += dee SUBDIR += deforaos-libsystem SUBDIR += deheader SUBDIR += delta SUBDIR += desktop-file-utils SUBDIR += dev86 SUBDIR += devhelp SUBDIR += devtodo SUBDIR += dfuife-curses SUBDIR += dia2code SUBDIR += diffuse SUBDIR += ding-libs SUBDIR += directfb SUBDIR += dissy SUBDIR += distcc SUBDIR += distel SUBDIR += distorm SUBDIR += ditrack SUBDIR += djgpp-binutils SUBDIR += djgpp-crx SUBDIR += dmake SUBDIR += dmalloc SUBDIR += dmucs SUBDIR += doctorj SUBDIR += dolphin-plugins SUBDIR += dotconf SUBDIR += dotconf++ SUBDIR += doxygen SUBDIR += dparser SUBDIR += dprog SUBDIR += dragon SUBDIR += dreampie SUBDIR += drpython SUBDIR += ds2 SUBDIR += dulwich SUBDIR += duplo SUBDIR += dwarfdump SUBDIR += dwarves SUBDIR += dxa65 SUBDIR += dyncall SUBDIR += e00compr SUBDIR += e2fsprogs-libss SUBDIR += easygit SUBDIR += eblob SUBDIR += ebnf2yacc SUBDIR += ecgi SUBDIR += edb SUBDIR += editline SUBDIR += efivar SUBDIR += efl SUBDIR += eggdbus SUBDIR += egypt SUBDIR += eiffelstudio SUBDIR += elf SUBDIR += elfio SUBDIR += elfkickers SUBDIR += elfrc SUBDIR += elfsh SUBDIR += elftoaout SUBDIR += elfutils SUBDIR += elixir-apex SUBDIR += elixir-bson SUBDIR += elixir-calendar SUBDIR += elixir-combine SUBDIR += elixir-conform SUBDIR += elixir-conform_exrm SUBDIR += elixir-connection SUBDIR += elixir-coverex SUBDIR += elixir-csv SUBDIR += elixir-decimal SUBDIR += elixir-dialyze SUBDIR += elixir-estree SUBDIR += elixir-exactor SUBDIR += elixir-excoveralls SUBDIR += elixir-exjsx SUBDIR += elixir-exprotobuf SUBDIR += elixir-exrm SUBDIR += elixir-gen_state_machine SUBDIR += elixir-gettext SUBDIR += elixir-hex SUBDIR += elixir-inflex SUBDIR += elixir-lager_logger SUBDIR += elixir-libring SUBDIR += elixir-math SUBDIR += elixir-msgpax SUBDIR += elixir-nadia SUBDIR += elixir-nats SUBDIR += elixir-nimble_csv SUBDIR += elixir-paratize SUBDIR += elixir-plug SUBDIR += elixir-poison SUBDIR += elixir-quantum SUBDIR += elixir-red_black_tree SUBDIR += elixir-simple_bayes SUBDIR += elixir-sorted_set SUBDIR += elixir-stemmer SUBDIR += elixir-swarm SUBDIR += elixir-timex SUBDIR += elixir-tirexs SUBDIR += elixir-tzdata SUBDIR += embb SUBDIR += epl.el SUBDIR += epm SUBDIR += epydoc SUBDIR += eric6 SUBDIR += eris SUBDIR += erlang-backoff SUBDIR += erlang-bbmustache SUBDIR += erlang-bear SUBDIR += erlang-certifi SUBDIR += erlang-cf SUBDIR += erlang-clique SUBDIR += erlang-common_lib SUBDIR += erlang-cuttlefish SUBDIR += erlang-erlware_commons SUBDIR += erlang-esdl SUBDIR += erlang-exmpp SUBDIR += erlang-folsom SUBDIR += erlang-gen_leader SUBDIR += erlang-gen_rpc SUBDIR += erlang-gen_smtp SUBDIR += erlang-getopt SUBDIR += erlang-goldrush SUBDIR += erlang-gpb SUBDIR += erlang-gproc SUBDIR += erlang-hut SUBDIR += erlang-jobs SUBDIR += erlang-jsx SUBDIR += erlang-jsxd SUBDIR += erlang-katana SUBDIR += erlang-lager SUBDIR += erlang-lager_syslog SUBDIR += erlang-meck SUBDIR += erlang-metrics SUBDIR += erlang-msgpack SUBDIR += erlang-neotoma SUBDIR += erlang-oserl SUBDIR += erlang-parse_trans SUBDIR += erlang-poolboy SUBDIR += erlang-pooler SUBDIR += erlang-protobuffs SUBDIR += erlang-providers SUBDIR += erlang-rebar3_hex SUBDIR += erlang-recon SUBDIR += erlang-sbroker SUBDIR += erlang-ssl_verify_fun SUBDIR += erlang-syslog SUBDIR += es-eric6 SUBDIR += etcd SUBDIR += etcd3 SUBDIR += etl SUBDIR += euca2ools SUBDIR += eventxx SUBDIR += evolution-gconf-tools SUBDIR += exercisix SUBDIR += f77flow SUBDIR += fam SUBDIR += fastcrc SUBDIR += fb-adb SUBDIR += fb303 SUBDIR += fc++ SUBDIR += ffcall SUBDIR += fga SUBDIR += fhist SUBDIR += fib SUBDIR += firmware-utils SUBDIR += fistgen SUBDIR += flatbuffers SUBDIR += flatzebra SUBDIR += flex-sdk SUBDIR += flex-sdk35 SUBDIR += flexdock SUBDIR += flexjson SUBDIR += flickrnet SUBDIR += florist-gpl SUBDIR += flyspray SUBDIR += fmake SUBDIR += fnccheck SUBDIR += fnorb SUBDIR += fortran-utils SUBDIR += fortytwo-encore SUBDIR += fossil SUBDIR += fpc-bfd SUBDIR += fpc-dbus SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-async SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-base SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-db SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-extra SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-fpcunit SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-image SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-js SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-json SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-net SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-passrc SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-registry SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-res SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-sdo SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-sound SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-stl SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-web SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-xml SUBDIR += fpc-fppkg SUBDIR += fpc-fv SUBDIR += fpc-gdbint SUBDIR += fpc-newt SUBDIR += fpc-pthreads SUBDIR += fpc-regexpr SUBDIR += fpc-sdl SUBDIR += fpc-symbolic SUBDIR += fpc-zlib SUBDIR += fpp SUBDIR += frama-c SUBDIR += freeocl SUBDIR += frink SUBDIR += fstrm SUBDIR += ftjam SUBDIR += ftnchek SUBDIR += fuel SUBDIR += fujaba SUBDIR += funnelweb SUBDIR += gaa SUBDIR += gamin SUBDIR += gauche-readline SUBDIR += gaul SUBDIR += gazpacho SUBDIR += gb SUBDIR += gcc-arm-embedded SUBDIR += gcc-msp430-ti-toolchain SUBDIR += gccmakedep SUBDIR += gconf2 SUBDIR += gconf2-reference SUBDIR += gconfmm26 SUBDIR += gcvs SUBDIR += gdb SUBDIR += gdb66 SUBDIR += gdbmods SUBDIR += gdcm SUBDIR += geany SUBDIR += geany-plugin-addons SUBDIR += geany-plugin-autoclose SUBDIR += geany-plugin-automark SUBDIR += geany-plugin-codenav SUBDIR += geany-plugin-commander SUBDIR += geany-plugin-ctags SUBDIR += geany-plugin-debugger SUBDIR += geany-plugin-defineformat SUBDIR += geany-plugin-devhelp SUBDIR += geany-plugin-doc SUBDIR += geany-plugin-extrasel SUBDIR += geany-plugin-geanypy SUBDIR += geany-plugin-gendoc SUBDIR += geany-plugin-geniuspaste SUBDIR += geany-plugin-git-changebar SUBDIR += geany-plugin-insertnum SUBDIR += geany-plugin-latex SUBDIR += geany-plugin-lineoperations SUBDIR += geany-plugin-lipsum SUBDIR += geany-plugin-lua SUBDIR += geany-plugin-macro SUBDIR += geany-plugin-markdown SUBDIR += geany-plugin-miniscript SUBDIR += geany-plugin-multiterm SUBDIR += geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks SUBDIR += geany-plugin-overview SUBDIR += geany-plugin-pairtaghighlighter SUBDIR += geany-plugin-pg SUBDIR += geany-plugin-pohelper SUBDIR += geany-plugin-pretty-printer SUBDIR += geany-plugin-prj SUBDIR += geany-plugin-projectorganizer SUBDIR += geany-plugin-scope SUBDIR += geany-plugin-sendmail SUBDIR += geany-plugin-shiftcolumn SUBDIR += geany-plugin-spellcheck SUBDIR += geany-plugin-tableconvert SUBDIR += geany-plugin-treebrowser SUBDIR += geany-plugin-updatechecker SUBDIR += geany-plugin-vc SUBDIR += geany-plugin-webhelper SUBDIR += geany-plugin-xmlsnippets SUBDIR += geany-plugins SUBDIR += geany-plugins-l10n SUBDIR += gearmand SUBDIR += gearmand-devel SUBDIR += gecode SUBDIR += generate SUBDIR += generatorrunner SUBDIR += gengetopt SUBDIR += genproto SUBDIR += geoip-java SUBDIR += gettext SUBDIR += gettext-lint SUBDIR += gettext-msghack SUBDIR += gettext-runtime SUBDIR += gettext-tools SUBDIR += gflags SUBDIR += giggle SUBDIR += gindent SUBDIR += gio-sharp SUBDIR += git SUBDIR += git-bzr-ng SUBDIR += git-cinnabar SUBDIR += git-codereview SUBDIR += git-cola SUBDIR += git-cvs SUBDIR += git-extras SUBDIR += git-gui SUBDIR += git-lfs SUBDIR += git-lite SUBDIR += git-merge-changelog SUBDIR += git-modes SUBDIR += git-review SUBDIR += git-subversion SUBDIR += gitblit SUBDIR += gitflow SUBDIR += gitg SUBDIR += gitg0 SUBDIR += github-backup-utils SUBDIR += gitinspector SUBDIR += gitlab-shell SUBDIR += gitlist SUBDIR += gitolite SUBDIR += gitolite2 SUBDIR += gitphp SUBDIR += gittrac SUBDIR += glade SUBDIR += glade2 SUBDIR += glade3 SUBDIR += glademm SUBDIR += glib12 SUBDIR += glib20 SUBDIR += glib20-reference SUBDIR += glibmm SUBDIR += glibmm-reference SUBDIR += global SUBDIR += glog SUBDIR += glrparser SUBDIR += glui SUBDIR += gmake SUBDIR += gnatcoll SUBDIR += gnatpython SUBDIR += gnome-builder SUBDIR += gnome-common SUBDIR += gnome-js-common SUBDIR += gnome-vfs SUBDIR += gnome-vfs-monikers SUBDIR += gnome-vfs-reference SUBDIR += gnome-vfsmm SUBDIR += gnu-efi SUBDIR += gnucflow SUBDIR += gnulib SUBDIR += gnulibiberty SUBDIR += gnustep SUBDIR += gnustep-make SUBDIR += go-bayesian SUBDIR += go-bindata SUBDIR += go-cobra SUBDIR += go-codec SUBDIR += go-faker SUBDIR += go-form SUBDIR += go-glide SUBDIR += go-go.uuid SUBDIR += go-gocode SUBDIR += go-goregen SUBDIR += go-hashicorp-logutils SUBDIR += go-json-rest SUBDIR += go-logrus SUBDIR += go-metrics SUBDIR += go-nuid SUBDIR += go-pflag SUBDIR += go-pretty SUBDIR += go-protobuf SUBDIR += go-raw SUBDIR += go-runewidth SUBDIR += go-slices SUBDIR += go-sql-driver SUBDIR += go-tools SUBDIR += go-uuid SUBDIR += go-yaml SUBDIR += gob2 SUBDIR += gobject-introspection SUBDIR += godep SUBDIR += godot SUBDIR += godot-tools SUBDIR += goffice SUBDIR += goffice010 SUBDIR += google-gdata SUBDIR += google-perftools SUBDIR += google-styleguide SUBDIR += googlemock SUBDIR += googletest SUBDIR += goprotobuf SUBDIR += gorm SUBDIR += govendor SUBDIR += gperf SUBDIR += gpm SUBDIR += gprbuild SUBDIR += gps SUBDIR += gpsim SUBDIR += gputils SUBDIR += gradle SUBDIR += grantlee SUBDIR += grantlee5 SUBDIR += gsettings-desktop-schemas SUBDIR += gsoap SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-gconf SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-gio SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-sdl SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-soup SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-soup SUBDIR += gtgt SUBDIR += gtkparasite SUBDIR += gtranslator SUBDIR += guichan SUBDIR += guikachu SUBDIR += guile-lib SUBDIR += guiloader SUBDIR += guiloader-c++ SUBDIR += gumbo SUBDIR += gvfs SUBDIR += gvp SUBDIR += gwenhywfar SUBDIR += gwenhywfar-fox16 SUBDIR += gwenhywfar-gtk2 SUBDIR += gwenhywfar-qt4 SUBDIR += gwenhywfar-qt5 SUBDIR += gzstream SUBDIR += hachoir-core SUBDIR += hachoir-parser SUBDIR += hachoir-regex SUBDIR += hadoop SUBDIR += hadoop2 SUBDIR += hapy SUBDIR += hcs12mem SUBDIR += hexcompare SUBDIR += hg-git SUBDIR += hgreviewboard SUBDIR += hgsvn SUBDIR += hgview SUBDIR += highlighterkit SUBDIR += hive SUBDIR += horde-content SUBDIR += horde-timeobjects SUBDIR += horde-whups SUBDIR += hp48cc SUBDIR += hp48xgcc SUBDIR += hs-BNFC SUBDIR += hs-Boolean SUBDIR += hs-BoundedChan SUBDIR += hs-ConfigFile SUBDIR += hs-DrIFT SUBDIR += hs-Glob SUBDIR += hs-HUnit SUBDIR += hs-IfElse SUBDIR += hs-List SUBDIR += hs-MemoTrie SUBDIR += hs-MissingH SUBDIR += hs-MonadCatchIO-mtl SUBDIR += hs-MonadCatchIO-transformers SUBDIR += hs-MonadRandom SUBDIR += hs-ObjectName SUBDIR += hs-PSQueue SUBDIR += hs-QuickCheck SUBDIR += hs-ReadArgs SUBDIR += hs-STMonadTrans SUBDIR += hs-SafeSemaphore SUBDIR += hs-ShellCheck SUBDIR += hs-StateVar SUBDIR += hs-Stream SUBDIR += hs-TypeCompose SUBDIR += hs-abstract-deque SUBDIR += hs-abstract-par SUBDIR += hs-activehs-base SUBDIR += hs-alex SUBDIR += hs-ansi-terminal SUBDIR += hs-ansi-wl-pprint SUBDIR += hs-arrows SUBDIR += hs-asn1-data SUBDIR += hs-asn1-encoding SUBDIR += hs-asn1-parse SUBDIR += hs-asn1-types SUBDIR += hs-async SUBDIR += hs-atomic-primops SUBDIR += hs-auto-update SUBDIR += hs-base-orphans SUBDIR += hs-base-unicode-symbols SUBDIR += hs-base16-bytestring SUBDIR += hs-base64-bytestring SUBDIR += hs-basic-prelude SUBDIR += hs-bifunctors SUBDIR += hs-bits-atomic SUBDIR += hs-blaze-builder SUBDIR += hs-blaze-builder-enumerator SUBDIR += hs-blaze-textual SUBDIR += hs-bloomfilter SUBDIR += hs-boxes SUBDIR += hs-bsd-sysctl SUBDIR += hs-byteable SUBDIR += hs-byteorder SUBDIR += hs-bytestring-lexing SUBDIR += hs-bytestring-mmap SUBDIR += hs-bytestring-nums SUBDIR += hs-bytestring-show SUBDIR += hs-c2hs SUBDIR += hs-cabal-install SUBDIR += hs-cereal SUBDIR += hs-checkers SUBDIR += hs-chunked-data SUBDIR += hs-classy-prelude SUBDIR += hs-classy-prelude-conduit SUBDIR += hs-cmdargs SUBDIR += hs-conduit SUBDIR += hs-conduit-combinators SUBDIR += hs-conduit-extra SUBDIR += hs-configurator SUBDIR += hs-constraints SUBDIR += hs-convertible SUBDIR += hs-cpphs SUBDIR += hs-darcs SUBDIR += hs-data-default SUBDIR += hs-data-default-class SUBDIR += hs-data-default-instances-base SUBDIR += hs-data-default-instances-containers SUBDIR += hs-data-default-instances-dlist SUBDIR += hs-data-default-instances-old-locale SUBDIR += hs-data-hash SUBDIR += hs-data-ordlist SUBDIR += hs-data-pprint SUBDIR += hs-date-cache SUBDIR += hs-datetime SUBDIR += hs-deepseq-generics SUBDIR += hs-directory-tree SUBDIR += hs-dlist SUBDIR += hs-dlist-instances SUBDIR += hs-easy-file SUBDIR += hs-edit-distance SUBDIR += hs-either SUBDIR += hs-enclosed-exceptions SUBDIR += hs-enumerator SUBDIR += hs-equivalence SUBDIR += hs-errors SUBDIR += hs-exceptions SUBDIR += hs-extensible-exceptions SUBDIR += hs-extra SUBDIR += hs-fast-logger SUBDIR += hs-fgl SUBDIR += hs-file-embed SUBDIR += hs-filemanip SUBDIR += hs-filestore SUBDIR += hs-free SUBDIR += hs-fsnotify SUBDIR += hs-gconf SUBDIR += hs-generic-deriving SUBDIR += hs-geniplate-mirror SUBDIR += hs-ghc-events SUBDIR += hs-ghc-mtl SUBDIR += hs-ghc-paths SUBDIR += hs-gio SUBDIR += hs-git-annex SUBDIR += hs-glib SUBDIR += hs-gtk2hs-buildtools SUBDIR += hs-haddock SUBDIR += hs-haddock-api SUBDIR += hs-haddock-library SUBDIR += hs-happy SUBDIR += hs-hashable SUBDIR += hs-hashed-storage SUBDIR += hs-hashtables SUBDIR += hs-haskell-src SUBDIR += hs-haskell-src-exts SUBDIR += hs-hasktags SUBDIR += hs-hastache SUBDIR += hs-hex SUBDIR += hs-hinotify SUBDIR += hs-hint SUBDIR += hs-hlibev SUBDIR += hs-hlint SUBDIR += hs-hoogle SUBDIR += hs-hourglass SUBDIR += hs-hsb2hs SUBDIR += hs-hslogger SUBDIR += hs-hslua SUBDIR += hs-hspec SUBDIR += hs-hspec-core SUBDIR += hs-hspec-discover SUBDIR += hs-hspec-expectations SUBDIR += hs-js-flot SUBDIR += hs-js-jquery SUBDIR += hs-keys SUBDIR += hs-kqueue SUBDIR += hs-language-c SUBDIR += hs-language-javascript SUBDIR += hs-largeword SUBDIR += hs-lazysmallcheck SUBDIR += hs-lens SUBDIR += hs-lifted-async SUBDIR += hs-lifted-base SUBDIR += hs-logict SUBDIR += hs-map-syntax SUBDIR += hs-memory SUBDIR += hs-mmap SUBDIR += hs-mmorph SUBDIR += hs-monad-control SUBDIR += hs-monad-logger SUBDIR += hs-monad-loops SUBDIR += hs-monad-par SUBDIR += hs-monad-par-extras SUBDIR += hs-monads-tf SUBDIR += hs-mono-traversable SUBDIR += hs-mtl SUBDIR += hs-mueval SUBDIR += hs-murmur-hash SUBDIR += hs-mutable-containers SUBDIR += hs-ncurses SUBDIR += hs-newtype SUBDIR += hs-old-locale SUBDIR += hs-old-time SUBDIR += hs-optparse-applicative SUBDIR += hs-parallel SUBDIR += hs-pcre-light SUBDIR += hs-prelude-extras SUBDIR += hs-preprocessor-tools SUBDIR += hs-prettyclass SUBDIR += hs-primitive SUBDIR += hs-profunctors SUBDIR += hs-project-template SUBDIR += hs-quickcheck-io SUBDIR += hs-random SUBDIR += hs-readline SUBDIR += hs-reflection SUBDIR += hs-resource-pool SUBDIR += hs-resourcet SUBDIR += hs-safe SUBDIR += hs-scientific SUBDIR += hs-securemem SUBDIR += hs-setenv SUBDIR += hs-shake SUBDIR += hs-show SUBDIR += hs-silently SUBDIR += hs-simple-reflect SUBDIR += hs-smallcheck SUBDIR += hs-split SUBDIR += hs-stm SUBDIR += hs-stm-chans SUBDIR += hs-streaming-commons SUBDIR += hs-strict SUBDIR += hs-syb SUBDIR += hs-syb-with-class SUBDIR += hs-syb-with-class-instances-text SUBDIR += hs-system-fileio SUBDIR += hs-system-filepath SUBDIR += hs-tagged SUBDIR += hs-temporary SUBDIR += hs-test-framework SUBDIR += hs-test-framework-hunit SUBDIR += hs-test-framework-quickcheck2 SUBDIR += hs-text SUBDIR += hs-text-icu SUBDIR += hs-tf-random SUBDIR += hs-threads SUBDIR += hs-threadscope SUBDIR += hs-time-compat SUBDIR += hs-time-locale-compat SUBDIR += hs-timezone-olson SUBDIR += hs-timezone-series SUBDIR += hs-transformers-base SUBDIR += hs-transformers-compat SUBDIR += hs-unamb SUBDIR += hs-uniplate SUBDIR += hs-unix-compat SUBDIR += hs-unix-time SUBDIR += hs-unordered-containers SUBDIR += hs-utf8-light SUBDIR += hs-utf8-string SUBDIR += hs-utility-ht SUBDIR += hs-uuagc SUBDIR += hs-uuagc-bootstrap SUBDIR += hs-uuagc-cabal SUBDIR += hs-uuid SUBDIR += hs-uuid-types SUBDIR += hs-uulib SUBDIR += hs-vault SUBDIR += hs-vector SUBDIR += hs-vector-algorithms SUBDIR += hs-vector-binary-instances SUBDIR += hs-vector-instances SUBDIR += hs-vector-th-unbox SUBDIR += hs-void SUBDIR += hs-word8 SUBDIR += htable SUBDIR += hub SUBDIR += hwloc SUBDIR += hyperscan SUBDIR += ice SUBDIR += icmake SUBDIR += icu SUBDIR += icu-le-hb SUBDIR += icu-lx SUBDIR += idutils SUBDIR += imake SUBDIR += include-what-you-use SUBDIR += inilib SUBDIR += iniparser SUBDIR += initutil SUBDIR += injeqt SUBDIR += insight SUBDIR += ioncube SUBDIR += ipython SUBDIR += ireport SUBDIR += isl SUBDIR += it-eric6 SUBDIR += itext SUBDIR += ivykis SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-configuration SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-daemon SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-io SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-jxpath SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-modeler SUBDIR += jam SUBDIR += jansson SUBDIR += java-findbugs SUBDIR += javolution SUBDIR += jclassinfo SUBDIR += jcmdline SUBDIR += jech-dht SUBDIR += jenkins SUBDIR += jenkins-lts SUBDIR += jiic SUBDIR += jline SUBDIR += jna SUBDIR += jrtplib SUBDIR += jsap SUBDIR += jsl SUBDIR += jsmin SUBDIR += json-c SUBDIR += json-glib SUBDIR += jsoncpp SUBDIR += jsonnet SUBDIR += jtag SUBDIR += judy SUBDIR += jwasm SUBDIR += k8048 SUBDIR += kBuild SUBDIR += kapptemplate SUBDIR += kaptain SUBDIR += kcachegrind SUBDIR += kdbg SUBDIR += kde-dev-scripts SUBDIR += kde-dev-utils SUBDIR += kdebindings4 SUBDIR += kdesdk4 SUBDIR += kdesdk4-kioslaves SUBDIR += kdesdk4-strigi-analyzers SUBDIR += kdesdk4-thumbnailers SUBDIR += kdesvn-kde4 SUBDIR += kdevelop-kde4 SUBDIR += kdevelop-pg-qt SUBDIR += kdevelop-php SUBDIR += kdevelop-php-docs SUBDIR += kdevplatform SUBDIR += kf5-extra-cmake-modules SUBDIR += kf5-kapidox SUBDIR += kf5-kauth SUBDIR += kf5-kbookmarks SUBDIR += kf5-kcmutils SUBDIR += kf5-kconfig SUBDIR += kf5-kcoreaddons SUBDIR += kf5-kcrash SUBDIR += kf5-kdbusaddons SUBDIR += kf5-kdeclarative SUBDIR += kf5-kdoctools SUBDIR += kf5-kfilemetadata SUBDIR += kf5-ki18n SUBDIR += kf5-kidletime SUBDIR += kf5-kio SUBDIR += kf5-kitemmodels SUBDIR += kf5-knewstuff SUBDIR += kf5-knotifications SUBDIR += kf5-knotifyconfig SUBDIR += kf5-kpackage SUBDIR += kf5-kparts SUBDIR += kf5-kpeople SUBDIR += kf5-kpty SUBDIR += kf5-kservice SUBDIR += kf5-ktexteditor SUBDIR += kf5-kunitconversion SUBDIR += kf5-solid SUBDIR += kf5-threadweaver SUBDIR += kickassembler SUBDIR += kimwitu SUBDIR += kore SUBDIR += kyra SUBDIR += kyua SUBDIR += lasi SUBDIR += lcov SUBDIR += leaktracer SUBDIR += leiningen SUBDIR += lemon SUBDIR += lfcbase SUBDIR += lfcxml SUBDIR += libCello SUBDIR += libIDL SUBDIR += libPropList SUBDIR += libafterbase SUBDIR += liballium SUBDIR += libantlr3c SUBDIR += libarea SUBDIR += libarena SUBDIR += libassa SUBDIR += libassetml SUBDIR += libast SUBDIR += libastylej SUBDIR += libastylej-arduino SUBDIR += libatomic_ops SUBDIR += libaura SUBDIR += libavl SUBDIR += libbde SUBDIR += libbegemot SUBDIR += libbfd SUBDIR += libbinio SUBDIR += libbobcat SUBDIR += libbonobo SUBDIR += libbonobo-reference SUBDIR += libbrotli SUBDIR += libbson SUBDIR += libburn SUBDIR += libc++ SUBDIR += libccid SUBDIR += libcfg SUBDIR += libcfu SUBDIR += libcheck SUBDIR += libchipcard SUBDIR += libcidr SUBDIR += libcii SUBDIR += libclaw SUBDIR += libclc SUBDIR += libcli SUBDIR += libconcurrent SUBDIR += libconfig SUBDIR += libconfuse SUBDIR += libcrossguid SUBDIR += libcutl SUBDIR += libcwd SUBDIR += libcxxrt SUBDIR += libdaemon SUBDIR += libdap SUBDIR += libdatrie SUBDIR += libdbusmenu SUBDIR += libdbusmenu-qt SUBDIR += libdbusmenu-qt5 SUBDIR += libdevq SUBDIR += libdfui SUBDIR += libdict SUBDIR += libdisasm SUBDIR += libdisorder SUBDIR += libdispatch SUBDIR += libdistance SUBDIR += libdlmalloc SUBDIR += libdlna SUBDIR += libdnsres SUBDIR += libdombey SUBDIR += libdouble-conversion SUBDIR += libds SUBDIR += libdsp SUBDIR += libdwarf SUBDIR += libe SUBDIR += libedit SUBDIR += libee SUBDIR += libeio SUBDIR += libelf SUBDIR += libepp-nicbr SUBDIR += libesedb SUBDIR += libestr SUBDIR += libev SUBDIR += libevdev SUBDIR += libevent-hiphop SUBDIR += libevent2 SUBDIR += libevt SUBDIR += libevtx SUBDIR += libewf SUBDIR += libexecinfo SUBDIR += libexplain SUBDIR += libfaketime SUBDIR += libfastcommon SUBDIR += libfastjson SUBDIR += libffi SUBDIR += libfirm SUBDIR += libflatarray SUBDIR += libfmt SUBDIR += libfortuna SUBDIR += libfreefare SUBDIR += libfsntfs SUBDIR += libftdi SUBDIR += libftdi1 SUBDIR += libfwnt SUBDIR += libfwsi SUBDIR += libg19 SUBDIR += libg19draw SUBDIR += libgalago SUBDIR += libgamepad SUBDIR += libgdata SUBDIR += libgee SUBDIR += libgee06 SUBDIR += libgetline SUBDIR += libghthash SUBDIR += libgit2 SUBDIR += libgit2-glib SUBDIR += libglade2 SUBDIR += libglade2-reference SUBDIR += libglademm24 SUBDIR += libgpc SUBDIR += libgpkg SUBDIR += libgrading SUBDIR += libgsf SUBDIR += libgta SUBDIR += libgtop SUBDIR += libgutenfetch SUBDIR += libhash SUBDIR += libhid SUBDIR += libhoard SUBDIR += libhtp SUBDIR += libical SUBDIR += libical-glib SUBDIR += libinotify SUBDIR += libiqxmlrpc SUBDIR += libisofs SUBDIR += libixp SUBDIR += libjson++ SUBDIR += libk8055 SUBDIR += libkgapi SUBDIR += libklel SUBDIR += libkolab SUBDIR += liblangtag SUBDIR += liblas SUBDIR += liblas12 SUBDIR += libleaftag SUBDIR += liblnk SUBDIR += liblogging SUBDIR += liblognorm SUBDIR += liblouis SUBDIR += liblouisxml SUBDIR += libltdl SUBDIR += liblxqt SUBDIR += liblxqt-l10n SUBDIR += libmaa SUBDIR += libmatheval SUBDIR += libmba SUBDIR += libmill SUBDIR += libmimedir SUBDIR += libmonetra SUBDIR += libmowgli SUBDIR += libmowgli2 SUBDIR += libmpcbdm SUBDIR += libmpsse SUBDIR += libmsiecf SUBDIR += libmsocket SUBDIR += libmtdev SUBDIR += libmtrie SUBDIR += libnaji SUBDIR += libnfc SUBDIR += libnotify SUBDIR += libnsutils SUBDIR += libnxt SUBDIR += liboil SUBDIR += libol SUBDIR += libolecf SUBDIR += liboobs SUBDIR += liboop SUBDIR += libopenbsd SUBDIR += libopencm3 SUBDIR += libopensync SUBDIR += libopkele SUBDIR += liborcus SUBDIR += liborcus07 SUBDIR += libosinfo SUBDIR += libosmo-abis SUBDIR += libosmo-netif SUBDIR += libosmo-sccp SUBDIR += libosmocore SUBDIR += libowfat SUBDIR += libpafe SUBDIR += libpafe-ruby SUBDIR += libparserutils SUBDIR += libpasori SUBDIR += libpci SUBDIR += libpciaccess SUBDIR += libpdel SUBDIR += libpeak SUBDIR += libpeas SUBDIR += libpff SUBDIR += libphk SUBDIR += libphutil SUBDIR += libplist SUBDIR += libpo6 SUBDIR += libpololu-avr SUBDIR += libpru SUBDIR += libpthread-stubs SUBDIR += libqb SUBDIR += libqcow SUBDIR += libqtxdg SUBDIR += libr3 SUBDIR += librcc SUBDIR += librcd SUBDIR += libreadline-java SUBDIR += libredblack SUBDIR += libregf SUBDIR += librelp SUBDIR += librest SUBDIR += librevisa SUBDIR += librevisa-vish SUBDIR += librevisa-vxi SUBDIR += librolegen SUBDIR += libruin SUBDIR += libs11n SUBDIR += libscca SUBDIR += libsearpc SUBDIR += libserialport SUBDIR += libserver SUBDIR += libshbuf SUBDIR += libshhmsg SUBDIR += libshhopt SUBDIR += libsigc++12 SUBDIR += libsigc++20 SUBDIR += libsigcx SUBDIR += libsigrok SUBDIR += libsigrokdecode SUBDIR += libsigscan SUBDIR += libsigsegv SUBDIR += libslang2 SUBDIR += libsmdev SUBDIR += libsmpp34 SUBDIR += libsmraw SUBDIR += libsoup SUBDIR += libsoup-gnome SUBDIR += libsoup-reference SUBDIR += libspark2012 SUBDIR += libstatgrab SUBDIR += libstatgrab0 SUBDIR += libstrfunc SUBDIR += libstroke SUBDIR += libsysinfo SUBDIR += libtai SUBDIR += libtap SUBDIR += libtar SUBDIR += libtecla SUBDIR += libtermkey SUBDIR += libthai SUBDIR += libtifiles2 SUBDIR += libtool SUBDIR += libtpl SUBDIR += libtuntap SUBDIR += libublio SUBDIR += libukcprog SUBDIR += libunicode SUBDIR += libuninum SUBDIR += libunistring SUBDIR += libunwind SUBDIR += libuutil SUBDIR += libuv SUBDIR += libvanessa_adt SUBDIR += libvanessa_logger SUBDIR += libvanessa_socket SUBDIR += libvc SUBDIR += libvhdi SUBDIR += libvirt SUBDIR += libvirt-glib SUBDIR += libvirt-java SUBDIR += libvmdk SUBDIR += libvolume_id SUBDIR += libvshadow SUBDIR += libvslvm SUBDIR += libvterm SUBDIR += libwfut SUBDIR += libx86 SUBDIR += libxalloc SUBDIR += libxo SUBDIR += libxs SUBDIR += libytnef SUBDIR += libzookeeper SUBDIR += libzrtpcpp SUBDIR += libzvbi SUBDIR += lightning SUBDIR += linux-c6-dbus-glib SUBDIR += linux-c6-dbus-libs SUBDIR += linux-c6-devtools SUBDIR += linux-c6-libelf SUBDIR += linux-c6-libgfortran SUBDIR += linux-c6-libglade2 SUBDIR += linux-c6-libpciaccess SUBDIR += linux-c6-libsigc++20 SUBDIR += linux-c6-libthai SUBDIR += linux-c6-ncurses-base SUBDIR += linux-c6-nspr SUBDIR += linux-c6-qt47 SUBDIR += linux-c6-sdl12 SUBDIR += linux-c7-dbus-glib SUBDIR += linux-c7-dbus-libs SUBDIR += linux-c7-devtools SUBDIR += linux-c7-libelf SUBDIR += linux-c7-libgfortran SUBDIR += linux-c7-libglade2 SUBDIR += linux-c7-libpciaccess SUBDIR += linux-c7-libsigc++20 SUBDIR += linux-c7-libthai SUBDIR += linux-c7-ncurses-base SUBDIR += linux-c7-nspr SUBDIR += linux-c7-qt SUBDIR += linux-c7-sdl12 SUBDIR += linux-c7-sdl20 SUBDIR += linux-f10-allegro SUBDIR += linux-f10-dbus-glib SUBDIR += linux-f10-dbus-libs SUBDIR += linux-f10-devtools SUBDIR += linux-f10-libglade2 SUBDIR += linux-f10-libsigc++20 SUBDIR += linux-f10-ncurses-base SUBDIR += linux-f10-nspr SUBDIR += linux-f10-sdl12 SUBDIR += linux-kernel SUBDIR += linux_kdump SUBDIR += linux_libusb SUBDIR += lion SUBDIR += listserialc SUBDIR += liteide SUBDIR += lldb37 SUBDIR += lldb38 SUBDIR += llnextgen SUBDIR += llvm-cheri SUBDIR += llvm-cheri128 SUBDIR += llvm-devel SUBDIR += llvm33 SUBDIR += llvm34 SUBDIR += llvm35 SUBDIR += llvm36 SUBDIR += llvm37 SUBDIR += llvm38 SUBDIR += llvm39 SUBDIR += lm4tools SUBDIR += lmdbg SUBDIR += lndir SUBDIR += lnphost SUBDIR += lockfree-malloc SUBDIR += log4c SUBDIR += log4cplus SUBDIR += log4cpp SUBDIR += log4cxx SUBDIR += log4j SUBDIR += log4net SUBDIR += log4sh SUBDIR += log4shib SUBDIR += lokalize SUBDIR += loki SUBDIR += looks SUBDIR += love SUBDIR += love07 SUBDIR += love08 SUBDIR += love5 SUBDIR += lpc21isp SUBDIR += lrmi SUBDIR += lua-MessagePack SUBDIR += lua-alien SUBDIR += lua-bitlib SUBDIR += lua-bitop SUBDIR += lua-cjson SUBDIR += lua-gettext SUBDIR += lua-lgi SUBDIR += lua-lpeg SUBDIR += lua-lpeg51 SUBDIR += lua-luarocks SUBDIR += lua-lunit SUBDIR += lua-posix SUBDIR += lua-pty SUBDIR += lua-sysctl SUBDIR += luabind SUBDIR += luafilesystem SUBDIR += luafilesystem-51 SUBDIR += luajava SUBDIR += lutok SUBDIR += lwp SUBDIR += lxqt-build-tools SUBDIR += m17n-db SUBDIR += m17n-docs SUBDIR += m17n-lib SUBDIR += m4 SUBDIR += m6811-binutils SUBDIR += magit SUBDIR += make++ SUBDIR += makedepend SUBDIR += marisa-trie SUBDIR += mate-common SUBDIR += matreshka SUBDIR += maven-wrapper SUBDIR += maven3 SUBDIR += maven31 SUBDIR += maven33 SUBDIR += mcpp SUBDIR += mdds SUBDIR += mdds0 SUBDIR += menhir SUBDIR += mercator SUBDIR += mercurial SUBDIR += mercurialeclipse SUBDIR += meson SUBDIR += mico SUBDIR += mime SUBDIR += mimir SUBDIR += mingw32-bin-msvcrt SUBDIR += mingw32-binutils SUBDIR += mingw32-directx SUBDIR += mingw32-gcc SUBDIR += mingw32-libffi SUBDIR += mingw32-libyaml SUBDIR += mingw32-openssl SUBDIR += mingw32-pdcurses SUBDIR += mingw32-pthreads SUBDIR += mingw32-zlib SUBDIR += mips-binutils SUBDIR += mips-gcc SUBDIR += mips-xtoolchain-gcc SUBDIR += mips64-binutils SUBDIR += mips64-gcc SUBDIR += mips64-xtoolchain-gcc SUBDIR += mk-configure SUBDIR += mkcmd SUBDIR += mm SUBDIR += mm-common SUBDIR += mongo-c-driver SUBDIR += mongo-cxx-driver SUBDIR += mono-addins SUBDIR += monodevelop SUBDIR += monotone SUBDIR += monotone-viz SUBDIR += motor SUBDIR += mpatrol SUBDIR += mph SUBDIR += mq4cpp SUBDIR += msgpack SUBDIR += msgpuck SUBDIR += msp430-debug-stack SUBDIR += mspdebug SUBDIR += msrc0 SUBDIR += mtbl SUBDIR += myrepos SUBDIR += nana SUBDIR += nant SUBDIR += nasm SUBDIR += naturaldocs SUBDIR += ncc SUBDIR += ncnf SUBDIR += ncurses SUBDIR += ndesk-dbus SUBDIR += ndesk-dbus-glib SUBDIR += ndesk-options SUBDIR += netscape-java40 SUBDIR += netsurf-buildsystem SUBDIR += newfile SUBDIR += newt SUBDIR += newtonsoft-json SUBDIR += nexus2-oss SUBDIR += nglogc SUBDIR += nini SUBDIR += ninja SUBDIR += ninja-ide SUBDIR += node-thrift SUBDIR += notify-sharp SUBDIR += noweb SUBDIR += npth SUBDIR += nsgenbind SUBDIR += nspr SUBDIR += nuitka SUBDIR += nxt-python SUBDIR += obby SUBDIR += objecthash SUBDIR += ocaml-annexlib SUBDIR += ocaml-calendar SUBDIR += ocaml-camljava SUBDIR += ocaml-camlp4 SUBDIR += ocaml-camlp5 SUBDIR += ocaml-camomile SUBDIR += ocaml-camomile-examples SUBDIR += ocaml-cfg SUBDIR += ocaml-classes SUBDIR += ocaml-cmdliner SUBDIR += ocaml-cppo SUBDIR += ocaml-deriving-ocsigen SUBDIR += ocaml-extlib SUBDIR += ocaml-findlib SUBDIR += ocaml-ipaddr SUBDIR += ocaml-lacaml SUBDIR += ocaml-lwt SUBDIR += ocaml-magic SUBDIR += ocaml-opam SUBDIR += ocaml-ounit SUBDIR += ocaml-parmap SUBDIR += ocaml-pcre SUBDIR += ocaml-pomap SUBDIR += ocaml-ppx-tools SUBDIR += ocaml-re SUBDIR += ocaml-react SUBDIR += ocaml-res SUBDIR += ocaml-sdl SUBDIR += ocaml-sem SUBDIR += ocaml-sexplib SUBDIR += ocaml-type_conv SUBDIR += ocaml-ulex SUBDIR += ocaml-uutf SUBDIR += ocaml-xstr SUBDIR += ocaml-xstrp4 SUBDIR += ocl-icd SUBDIR += ode SUBDIR += ois SUBDIR += okteta SUBDIR += omake SUBDIR += omniNotify SUBDIR += omniORB SUBDIR += omniORB-4.1 SUBDIR += oniguruma4 SUBDIR += oniguruma5 SUBDIR += oniguruma6 SUBDIR += onscripter SUBDIR += onscripter-1byte SUBDIR += oozie SUBDIR += open-beagle SUBDIR += open-usp-tukubai SUBDIR += opencl SUBDIR += opencvs SUBDIR += opendht SUBDIR += opengrok SUBDIR += openmp SUBDIR += openocd SUBDIR += openvex SUBDIR += openwince-include SUBDIR += openzz SUBDIR += orc SUBDIR += osc SUBDIR += ossp-al SUBDIR += ossp-cfg SUBDIR += ossp-ex SUBDIR += ossp-l2 SUBDIR += ossp-val SUBDIR += ossp-var SUBDIR += ossp-xds SUBDIR += p4 SUBDIR += p4.el SUBDIR += p4api SUBDIR += p4d SUBDIR += p4delta SUBDIR += p4ftpd SUBDIR += p4genpatch SUBDIR += p4p SUBDIR += p4web SUBDIR += p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar SUBDIR += p5-AI-Prolog SUBDIR += p5-ARGV-Struct SUBDIR += p5-Acme-Comment SUBDIR += p5-Acme-Damn SUBDIR += p5-Acme-MetaSyntactic SUBDIR += p5-Agent SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Accounting SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Annotate SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Binpack SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Bucketizer SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-C3 SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-ChooseSubsets SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Cluster SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Cron SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Dependency SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Dependency-Objects SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Diff SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Evolutionary SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-FloodControl SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-IncludeExclude SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-LCS SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-LUHN SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-MarkovChain SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Merge SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-MinMax SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Networksort SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Permute SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-SVM SUBDIR += p5-Alias SUBDIR += p5-Alien-SDL SUBDIR += p5-Alzabo SUBDIR += p5-Any-Daemon SUBDIR += p5-Any-Moose SUBDIR += p5-Any-Moose-Convert SUBDIR += p5-AnyData SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-AIO SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Connection SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-DBI SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-DBI-Abstract SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-DBus SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Filesys-Notify SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Gearman SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Graphite SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-I3 SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-MessagePack SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-RPC SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Run SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Subprocess SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Task SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-Worker SUBDIR += p5-AnyMQ SUBDIR += p5-App-Build SUBDIR += p5-App-CLI SUBDIR += p5-App-CLI-Extension SUBDIR += p5-App-Cache SUBDIR += p5-App-Cmd SUBDIR += p5-App-Control SUBDIR += p5-App-FatPacker SUBDIR += p5-App-GitGot SUBDIR += p5-App-GitHub SUBDIR += p5-App-Info SUBDIR += p5-App-Options SUBDIR += p5-App-Rad SUBDIR += p5-App-SD SUBDIR += p5-App-SVN-Bisect SUBDIR += p5-App-Trace SUBDIR += p5-App-cpanminus SUBDIR += p5-App-cpanoutdated SUBDIR += p5-App-local-lib-helper SUBDIR += p5-App-perlbrew SUBDIR += p5-App-scan_prereqs_cpanfile SUBDIR += p5-AppConfig SUBDIR += p5-AppConfig-Std SUBDIR += p5-Array-Group SUBDIR += p5-Array-Heap SUBDIR += p5-Array-Iterator SUBDIR += p5-Array-Unique SUBDIR += p5-Array-Window SUBDIR += p5-Async-Interrupt SUBDIR += p5-Async-MergePoint SUBDIR += p5-AtExit SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Handlers SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Handlers-Prospective SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Persistent SUBDIR += p5-AutoLoader SUBDIR += p5-AutoXS-Header SUBDIR += p5-B-C SUBDIR += p5-B-Compiling SUBDIR += p5-B-Deobfuscate SUBDIR += p5-B-Flags SUBDIR += p5-B-Generate SUBDIR += p5-B-Graph SUBDIR += p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope SUBDIR += p5-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation SUBDIR += p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check SUBDIR += p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV SUBDIR += p5-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr SUBDIR += p5-B-Hooks-Parser SUBDIR += p5-B-Keywords SUBDIR += p5-B-OPCheck SUBDIR += p5-B-Size2 SUBDIR += p5-B-Utils SUBDIR += p5-BFD SUBDIR += p5-BS-Event SUBDIR += p5-BSD-Resource SUBDIR += p5-BSD-devstat SUBDIR += p5-BSD-stat SUBDIR += p5-BZ-Client SUBDIR += p5-Badger SUBDIR += p5-Benchmark-Timer SUBDIR += p5-Best SUBDIR += p5-Brannigan SUBDIR += p5-Bread-Board SUBDIR += p5-Bread-Board-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Bundle-Perl6 SUBDIR += p5-C-Scan SUBDIR += p5-CBOR-XS SUBDIR += p5-CHI SUBDIR += p5-CHI-Driver-DBI SUBDIR += p5-CLASS SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Changes SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Checksums SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-DistnameInfo SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Inject SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Meta SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Meta-Check SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Mini SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Perl-Releases SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Recent-Uploads SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Reporter SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Reporter-Smoker SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-SQLite SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Site SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Testers-Report SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Uploader SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-YACSmoke SUBDIR += p5-CPANPLUS SUBDIR += p5-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build SUBDIR += p5-CPS SUBDIR += p5-Cache SUBDIR += p5-Cache-AgainstFile SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Cache SUBDIR += p5-Cache-FastMmap SUBDIR += p5-Cache-LRU SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Memcached-Tie SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Mmap SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry SUBDIR += p5-Cairo-GObject SUBDIR += p5-Calendar-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Callback-Frame SUBDIR += p5-Canary-Stability SUBDIR += p5-Capture-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Carp SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Always SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Always-Color SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Assert SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Assert-More SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Clan SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Clan-Share SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Datum SUBDIR += p5-Carp-REPL SUBDIR += p5-Cdk SUBDIR += p5-Check-ISA SUBDIR += p5-Child SUBDIR += p5-Chooser SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Chained SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Children SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Complex SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Constructor SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Fast-Contained SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Fast-XS SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Installer SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Lvalue SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Named SUBDIR += p5-Class-Adapter SUBDIR += p5-Class-AlzaboWrapper SUBDIR += p5-Class-ArrayObjects SUBDIR += p5-Class-AutoClass SUBDIR += p5-Class-Autouse SUBDIR += p5-Class-Base SUBDIR += p5-Class-BlackHole SUBDIR += p5-Class-C3 SUBDIR += p5-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT SUBDIR += p5-Class-C3-Componentised SUBDIR += p5-Class-C3-XS SUBDIR += p5-Class-Closure SUBDIR += p5-Class-CodeStyler SUBDIR += p5-Class-Component SUBDIR += p5-Class-Constant SUBDIR += p5-Class-Container SUBDIR += p5-Class-Contract SUBDIR += p5-Class-Data-ConfigHash SUBDIR += p5-Class-Data-Inheritable SUBDIR += p5-Class-Date SUBDIR += p5-Class-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Class-Default SUBDIR += p5-Class-Delegation SUBDIR += p5-Class-ErrorHandler SUBDIR += p5-Class-Factory SUBDIR += p5-Class-Factory-Util SUBDIR += p5-Class-Field SUBDIR += p5-Class-Forward SUBDIR += p5-Class-Generate SUBDIR += p5-Class-Gomor SUBDIR += p5-Class-Handle SUBDIR += p5-Class-Hook SUBDIR += p5-Class-ISA SUBDIR += p5-Class-Inner SUBDIR += p5-Class-InsideOut SUBDIR += p5-Class-Inspector SUBDIR += p5-Class-Interfaces SUBDIR += p5-Class-Load SUBDIR += p5-Class-Load-XS SUBDIR += p5-Class-Loader SUBDIR += p5-Class-MakeMethods SUBDIR += p5-Class-Measure SUBDIR += p5-Class-Method-Modifiers SUBDIR += p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Class-MethodMaker SUBDIR += p5-Class-MethodMapper SUBDIR += p5-Class-Mix SUBDIR += p5-Class-Mixin SUBDIR += p5-Class-MixinFactory SUBDIR += p5-Class-Multimethods SUBDIR += p5-Class-Multimethods-Pure SUBDIR += p5-Class-NamedParms SUBDIR += p5-Class-Null SUBDIR += p5-Class-OOorNO SUBDIR += p5-Class-ObjectTemplate SUBDIR += p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-DB SUBDIR += p5-Class-Observable SUBDIR += p5-Class-ParmList SUBDIR += p5-Class-Prototyped SUBDIR += p5-Class-ReturnValue SUBDIR += p5-Class-Roles SUBDIR += p5-Class-STL-Containers SUBDIR += p5-Class-Singleton SUBDIR += p5-Class-Spiffy SUBDIR += p5-Class-StateMachine SUBDIR += p5-Class-Std SUBDIR += p5-Class-Std-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Class-Std-Utils SUBDIR += p5-Class-StrongSingleton SUBDIR += p5-Class-Tangram SUBDIR += p5-Class-Throwable SUBDIR += p5-Class-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Class-Tom SUBDIR += p5-Class-Trigger SUBDIR += p5-Class-Unload SUBDIR += p5-Class-Virtual SUBDIR += p5-Class-WhiteHole SUBDIR += p5-Class-Workflow SUBDIR += p5-Class-XPath SUBDIR += p5-Class-XSAccessor SUBDIR += p5-Clone SUBDIR += p5-Clone-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Clone-More SUBDIR += p5-Clone-PP SUBDIR += p5-Code-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Commands-Guarded SUBDIR += p5-CommitBit SUBDIR += p5-Compiler-Lexer SUBDIR += p5-Config-Any SUBDIR += p5-Config-ApacheFormat SUBDIR += p5-Config-Auto SUBDIR += p5-Config-AutoConf SUBDIR += p5-Config-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Config-General SUBDIR += p5-Config-GitLike SUBDIR += p5-Config-Grammar SUBDIR += p5-Config-INI SUBDIR += p5-Config-INI-Reader-Ordered SUBDIR += p5-Config-INI-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Config-Identity SUBDIR += p5-Config-IniFiles SUBDIR += p5-Config-IniHash SUBDIR += p5-Config-IniRegEx SUBDIR += p5-Config-JFDI SUBDIR += p5-Config-JSON SUBDIR += p5-Config-MVP SUBDIR += p5-Config-MVP-Reader-INI SUBDIR += p5-Config-Merge SUBDIR += p5-Config-Model SUBDIR += p5-Config-Model-Tester SUBDIR += p5-Config-MySQL SUBDIR += p5-Config-Objective SUBDIR += p5-Config-Options SUBDIR += p5-Config-Perl-V SUBDIR += p5-Config-Properties SUBDIR += p5-Config-Record SUBDIR += p5-Config-Setting SUBDIR += p5-Config-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Config-Std SUBDIR += p5-Config-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Config-Validator SUBDIR += p5-Config-Versioned SUBDIR += p5-Config-Wrest SUBDIR += p5-Config-YAML SUBDIR += p5-ConfigReader SUBDIR += p5-ConfigReader-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Connector SUBDIR += p5-Const-Exporter SUBDIR += p5-Const-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Context-Preserve SUBDIR += p5-Contextual-Return SUBDIR += p5-Coro SUBDIR += p5-Curses SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Application SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Forms SUBDIR += p5-Curses-UI SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Widgets SUBDIR += p5-Cvs SUBDIR += p5-Cwd-Guard SUBDIR += p5-DB_File-Lock SUBDIR += p5-Daemon-Control SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Debug SUBDIR += p5-Danga-Socket SUBDIR += p5-Danga-Socket-Callback SUBDIR += p5-Data-ACL SUBDIR += p5-Data-Alias SUBDIR += p5-Data-Average SUBDIR += p5-Data-Bind SUBDIR += p5-Data-Capture SUBDIR += p5-Data-ClearSilver-HDF SUBDIR += p5-Data-Clone SUBDIR += p5-Data-Compare SUBDIR += p5-Data-Diver SUBDIR += p5-Data-Domain SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dump SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dump-Streamer SUBDIR += p5-Data-DumpXML SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dumper SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dumper-Concise SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dumper-Perltidy SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dumper-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Data-Flow SUBDIR += p5-Data-GUID SUBDIR += p5-Data-Grouper SUBDIR += p5-Data-HashArray SUBDIR += p5-Data-HexDump SUBDIR += p5-Data-HexDump-Range SUBDIR += p5-Data-Hexdumper SUBDIR += p5-Data-Hexify SUBDIR += p5-Data-Hierarchy SUBDIR += p5-Data-IEEE754 SUBDIR += p5-Data-Inherited SUBDIR += p5-Data-Inspect SUBDIR += p5-Data-Integer SUBDIR += p5-Data-JavaScript-Anon SUBDIR += p5-Data-Lazy SUBDIR += p5-Data-Localize SUBDIR += p5-Data-Lock SUBDIR += p5-Data-MessagePack SUBDIR += p5-Data-MessagePack-Stream SUBDIR += p5-Data-Miscellany SUBDIR += p5-Data-Model SUBDIR += p5-Data-Munge SUBDIR += p5-Data-Object SUBDIR += p5-Data-ObjectDriver SUBDIR += p5-Data-OptList SUBDIR += p5-Data-Page-NoTotalEntries SUBDIR += p5-Data-Page-Pageset SUBDIR += p5-Data-ParseBinary SUBDIR += p5-Data-Path SUBDIR += p5-Data-Peek SUBDIR += p5-Data-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Data-Printer SUBDIR += p5-Data-Properties SUBDIR += p5-Data-Rand SUBDIR += p5-Data-Rand-Obscure SUBDIR += p5-Data-Random SUBDIR += p5-Data-Range-Compare SUBDIR += p5-Data-Record SUBDIR += p5-Data-Recursive-Encode SUBDIR += p5-Data-Remember SUBDIR += p5-Data-Rmap SUBDIR += p5-Data-RoundRobin SUBDIR += p5-Data-Rx SUBDIR += p5-Data-SExpression SUBDIR += p5-Data-Sah-Normalize SUBDIR += p5-Data-Section SUBDIR += p5-Data-Section-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Data-Serializable SUBDIR += p5-Data-Serializer SUBDIR += p5-Data-Serializer-Sereal SUBDIR += p5-Data-ShowTable SUBDIR += p5-Data-Stag SUBDIR += p5-Data-Stream-Bulk SUBDIR += p5-Data-Structure-Util SUBDIR += p5-Data-Swap SUBDIR += p5-Data-Table SUBDIR += p5-Data-Taxonomy-Tags SUBDIR += p5-Data-TemporaryBag SUBDIR += p5-Data-Throttler SUBDIR += p5-Data-Throttler-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Data-Thunk SUBDIR += p5-Data-TreeDumper SUBDIR += p5-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK SUBDIR += p5-Data-Types SUBDIR += p5-Data-URIEncode SUBDIR += p5-Data-UUID SUBDIR += p5-Data-Uniqid SUBDIR += p5-Data-Util SUBDIR += p5-Data-Validate SUBDIR += p5-Data-Validator SUBDIR += p5-Data-Visitor SUBDIR += p5-Data-Visitor-Encode SUBDIR += p5-Data-Walk SUBDIR += p5-Date-Business SUBDIR += p5-Date-Calc SUBDIR += p5-Date-Calc-Iterator SUBDIR += p5-Date-Calc-XS SUBDIR += p5-Date-DayOfWeek SUBDIR += p5-Date-Easter SUBDIR += p5-Date-Extract SUBDIR += p5-Date-EzDate SUBDIR += p5-Date-Holidays-DK SUBDIR += p5-Date-ICal SUBDIR += p5-Date-ISO SUBDIR += p5-Date-Leapyear SUBDIR += p5-Date-Manip SUBDIR += p5-Date-Pcalc SUBDIR += p5-Date-Piece SUBDIR += p5-Date-Range SUBDIR += p5-Date-Roman SUBDIR += p5-Date-Simple SUBDIR += p5-DateConvert SUBDIR += p5-DateTime SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Astro SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Chinese SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Christian SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-FrenchRevolutionary SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Hebrew SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Japanese SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Julian SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Cron-Simple SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Chinese SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Cron SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Easter SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-ICal SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Lunar SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-NameDay SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Random SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Sunrise SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Zodiac SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Fiscal-Year SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Baby SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Bork SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Builder SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-DBI SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-DateParse SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Duration SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Epoch SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Excel SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Flexible SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-IBeat SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-ICal SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Mail SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Natural SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Oracle SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Pg SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-RFC3339 SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-RSS SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Roman SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-SQLite SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-XSD SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Functions SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-HiRes SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Incomplete SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Locale SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Precise SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Set SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone-Alias SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone-LMT SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Util-Calc SUBDIR += p5-DateTimeX-Easy SUBDIR += p5-Debug-Client SUBDIR += p5-Decision-ACL SUBDIR += p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple SUBDIR += p5-DefHash SUBDIR += p5-Devel-ArgNames SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Autoflush SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Backtrace SUBDIR += p5-Devel-BeginLift SUBDIR += p5-Devel-CallChecker SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Caller SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Caller-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Callsite SUBDIR += p5-Devel-CheckBin SUBDIR += p5-Devel-CheckCompiler SUBDIR += p5-Devel-CheckLib SUBDIR += p5-Devel-CheckOS SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Constants SUBDIR += p5-Devel-CoreStack SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Cover SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Cover-Report-Clover SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Cycle SUBDIR += p5-Devel-DProfPP SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Declare-Parser SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Diagram SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Ditto SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Dumpvar SUBDIR += p5-Devel-EvalContext SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Events SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Events-Objects SUBDIR += p5-Devel-FindPerl SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Gladiator SUBDIR += p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction SUBDIR += p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction-XS SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Hide SUBDIR += p5-Devel-InheritNamespace SUBDIR += p5-Devel-KYTProf SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Leak SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Leak-Cb SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Leak-Object SUBDIR += p5-Devel-LeakGuard-Object SUBDIR += p5-Devel-LeakTrace SUBDIR += p5-Devel-LexAlias SUBDIR += p5-Devel-MAT SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Messenger SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Modlist SUBDIR += p5-Devel-NYTProf SUBDIR += p5-Devel-OverloadInfo SUBDIR += p5-Devel-PPPort SUBDIR += p5-Devel-PackagePath SUBDIR += p5-Devel-PartialDump SUBDIR += p5-Devel-PatchPerl SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Pointer SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Profile SUBDIR += p5-Devel-REPL SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Refactor SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Refcount SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Required SUBDIR += p5-Devel-RingBuffer SUBDIR += p5-Devel-STrace SUBDIR += p5-Devel-SimpleTrace SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Size SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Size-Report SUBDIR += p5-Devel-SmallProf SUBDIR += p5-Devel-StackTrace SUBDIR += p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML SUBDIR += p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals SUBDIR += p5-Devel-StealthDebug SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Symdump SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Timer SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Trace SUBDIR += p5-Devel-TraceCalls SUBDIR += p5-Devel-TraceUse SUBDIR += p5-Devel-ebug SUBDIR += p5-Devel-ptkdb SUBDIR += p5-Device-USB SUBDIR += p5-Digest-TransformPath SUBDIR += p5-Dir-Project SUBDIR += p5-Dir-Self SUBDIR += p5-Dir-Watch SUBDIR += p5-Directory-Queue SUBDIR += p5-Directory-Scratch SUBDIR += p5-Directory-Scratch-Structured SUBDIR += p5-Dist-CheckConflicts SUBDIR += p5-Dist-Joseki SUBDIR += p5-Dist-Metadata SUBDIR += p5-Dist-Zilla SUBDIR += p5-Doxygen-Filter-Perl SUBDIR += p5-DynaLoader-Functions SUBDIR += p5-EV SUBDIR += p5-Env-PS1 SUBDIR += p5-Env-Path SUBDIR += p5-Error-Helper SUBDIR += p5-Eval-Closure SUBDIR += p5-Eval-Context SUBDIR += p5-Eval-LineNumbers SUBDIR += p5-Eval-WithLexicals SUBDIR += p5-Event SUBDIR += p5-Event-ExecFlow SUBDIR += p5-Event-Join SUBDIR += p5-Event-Lib SUBDIR += p5-Event-Notify SUBDIR += p5-Event-RPC SUBDIR += p5-Every SUBDIR += p5-Exception-Class SUBDIR += p5-Exception-Class-TryCatch SUBDIR += p5-Exception-Handler SUBDIR += p5-Expect-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Exporter SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Easy SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Tidy SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-AutoInstall SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-CChecker SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Command SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Config SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Constant SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-CppGuess SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Depends SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Helpers SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Install SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-InstallPaths SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-LibBuilder SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Manifest SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-XSpp SUBDIR += p5-FSA-Rules SUBDIR += p5-Fennec-Lite SUBDIR += p5-File-Append-TempFile SUBDIR += p5-File-Assets SUBDIR += p5-File-Attributes SUBDIR += p5-File-Attributes-Recursive SUBDIR += p5-File-BOM SUBDIR += p5-File-BaseDir SUBDIR += p5-File-BasicFlock SUBDIR += p5-File-Binary SUBDIR += p5-File-Cache SUBDIR += p5-File-Cat SUBDIR += p5-File-ChangeNotify SUBDIR += p5-File-ConfigDir SUBDIR += p5-File-Copy-Link SUBDIR += p5-File-Copy-Recursive SUBDIR += p5-File-CountLines SUBDIR += p5-File-CreationTime SUBDIR += p5-File-DesktopEntry SUBDIR += p5-File-Dir-Dumper SUBDIR += p5-File-DirSync SUBDIR += p5-File-ExtAttr SUBDIR += p5-File-FcntlLock SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Closures SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Object SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Rule SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Rule-Filesys-Virtual SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Rule-Perl SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Rule-VCS SUBDIR += p5-File-Finder SUBDIR += p5-File-Flat SUBDIR += p5-File-Flock SUBDIR += p5-File-Flock-Retry SUBDIR += p5-File-FnMatch SUBDIR += p5-File-Grep SUBDIR += p5-File-HStore SUBDIR += p5-File-HomeDir SUBDIR += p5-File-HomeDir-PathClass SUBDIR += p5-File-Iterator SUBDIR += p5-File-LibMagic SUBDIR += p5-File-MMagic SUBDIR += p5-File-MMagic-XS SUBDIR += p5-File-Map SUBDIR += p5-File-MimeInfo SUBDIR += p5-File-Modified SUBDIR += p5-File-Monitor SUBDIR += p5-File-NCopy SUBDIR += p5-File-NFSLock SUBDIR += p5-File-Path SUBDIR += p5-File-Path-Expand SUBDIR += p5-File-Path-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-File-PathConvert SUBDIR += p5-File-Pid SUBDIR += p5-File-Pid-Quick SUBDIR += p5-File-Policy SUBDIR += p5-File-Random SUBDIR += p5-File-ReadBackwards SUBDIR += p5-File-Remove SUBDIR += p5-File-SafeDO SUBDIR += p5-File-SearchPath SUBDIR += p5-File-ShareDir SUBDIR += p5-File-ShareDir-Install SUBDIR += p5-File-ShareDir-PAR SUBDIR += p5-File-ShareDir-PathClass SUBDIR += p5-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir SUBDIR += p5-File-Slurp SUBDIR += p5-File-Slurp-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-File-Slurp-Tree SUBDIR += p5-File-Slurper SUBDIR += p5-File-Spec-Native SUBDIR += p5-File-Stream SUBDIR += p5-File-Sync SUBDIR += p5-File-Tail SUBDIR += p5-File-Tail-Dir SUBDIR += p5-File-Tail-Multi SUBDIR += p5-File-Tail-Scribe SUBDIR += p5-File-Temp SUBDIR += p5-File-Tempdir SUBDIR += p5-File-Touch SUBDIR += p5-File-Type SUBDIR += p5-File-Util SUBDIR += p5-File-Write-Rotate SUBDIR += p5-File-chdir SUBDIR += p5-File-chmod SUBDIR += p5-File-pushd SUBDIR += p5-FileHandle-Fmode SUBDIR += p5-FileHandle-Unget SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Notify-KQueue SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Notify-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Virtual SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Virtual-Plain SUBDIR += p5-Filter SUBDIR += p5-Filter-Template SUBDIR += p5-Find-Lib SUBDIR += p5-FindBin-libs SUBDIR += p5-Forest SUBDIR += p5-Form-Sensible SUBDIR += p5-FreeBSD-i386-Ptrace SUBDIR += p5-FreezeThaw SUBDIR += p5-Function-Parameters SUBDIR += p5-Future SUBDIR += p5-Gearman SUBDIR += p5-Gearman-Client-Async SUBDIR += p5-Gearman-Server SUBDIR += p5-Gearman-XS SUBDIR += p5-Geo-JSON SUBDIR += p5-Geo-ShapeFile SUBDIR += p5-Getargs-Long SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-ArgvFile SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Attribute SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Compact SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Compact-WithCmd SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Euclid SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-GUI-Long SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Long SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Tabular SUBDIR += p5-Git-PurePerl SUBDIR += p5-Git-Repository SUBDIR += p5-Git-Repository-Plugin-Log SUBDIR += p5-Git-Sub SUBDIR += p5-Git-Version-Compare SUBDIR += p5-Git-Wrapper SUBDIR += p5-Glib-Object-Introspection SUBDIR += p5-Glib2 SUBDIR += p5-Gnome2-GConf SUBDIR += p5-Goo-Canvas SUBDIR += p5-Google-Checkout SUBDIR += p5-Google-ProtocolBuffers SUBDIR += p5-Gravatar-URL SUBDIR += p5-Gtk2-Notify SUBDIR += p5-Gtk2-Spell SUBDIR += p5-Guard SUBDIR += p5-HOP-Lexer SUBDIR += p5-HOP-Stream SUBDIR += p5-Hash-AsObject SUBDIR += p5-Hash-AutoHash SUBDIR += p5-Hash-AutoHash-Args SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Case SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Diff SUBDIR += p5-Hash-FieldHash SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Flatten SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Merge-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Hash-MoreUtils SUBDIR += p5-Hash-MultiKey SUBDIR += p5-Hash-MultiValue SUBDIR += p5-Hash-NoRef SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Slice SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Union SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat SUBDIR += p5-Hash-WithDefaults SUBDIR += p5-Heap SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple-XS SUBDIR += p5-Hook-LexWrap SUBDIR += p5-IO-AIO SUBDIR += p5-IO-All SUBDIR += p5-IO-All-LWP SUBDIR += p5-IO-Any SUBDIR += p5-IO-Async SUBDIR += p5-IO-BufferedSelect SUBDIR += p5-IO-Callback SUBDIR += p5-IO-Capture SUBDIR += p5-IO-CaptureOutput SUBDIR += p5-IO-Detect SUBDIR += p5-IO-Digest SUBDIR += p5-IO-Event SUBDIR += p5-IO-FDPass SUBDIR += p5-IO-File-AtomicChange SUBDIR += p5-IO-HTML SUBDIR += p5-IO-Handle-Util SUBDIR += p5-IO-Interactive SUBDIR += p5-IO-KQueue SUBDIR += p5-IO-Lambda SUBDIR += p5-IO-LockedFile SUBDIR += p5-IO-MultiPipe SUBDIR += p5-IO-Multiplex SUBDIR += p5-IO-NestedCapture SUBDIR += p5-IO-Null SUBDIR += p5-IO-Pager SUBDIR += p5-IO-Pipely SUBDIR += p5-IO-Prompt SUBDIR += p5-IO-Prompt-Simple SUBDIR += p5-IO-Prompt-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-IO-Prompter SUBDIR += p5-IO-Pty-Easy SUBDIR += p5-IO-SessionData SUBDIR += p5-IO-String SUBDIR += p5-IO-Stty SUBDIR += p5-IO-Tee SUBDIR += p5-IO-TieCombine SUBDIR += p5-IO-Toolkit SUBDIR += p5-IO-Tty SUBDIR += p5-IO-Util SUBDIR += p5-IO-YAML SUBDIR += p5-IO-stringy SUBDIR += p5-IOC SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Cache SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Cmd SUBDIR += p5-IPC-DirQueue SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Locker SUBDIR += p5-IPC-MM SUBDIR += p5-IPC-MMA SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Mmap SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Mmap-Share SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Open3-Simple SUBDIR += p5-IPC-PerlSSH SUBDIR += p5-IPC-PubSub SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Run SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Run-SafeHandles SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Run3 SUBDIR += p5-IPC-ShareLite SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Shareable SUBDIR += p5-IPC-SharedCache SUBDIR += p5-IPC-ShellCmd SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Signal SUBDIR += p5-IPC-System-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Import-Base SUBDIR += p5-Import-Into SUBDIR += p5-Importer SUBDIR += p5-Inline SUBDIR += p5-Inline-ASM SUBDIR += p5-Inline-C SUBDIR += p5-Inline-CPP SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Files SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Filters SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Java SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Python SUBDIR += p5-Inline-TT SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Tcl SUBDIR += p5-InlineX-C2XS SUBDIR += p5-InlineX-CPP2XS SUBDIR += p5-Input-Validator SUBDIR += p5-Ioctl SUBDIR += p5-Iodef-Pb-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Iterator SUBDIR += p5-Iterator-IO SUBDIR += p5-Iterator-Misc SUBDIR += p5-Iterator-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Iterator-Util SUBDIR += p5-JIRA-Client SUBDIR += p5-JIRA-REST SUBDIR += p5-JQuery SUBDIR += p5-JSON-Hyper SUBDIR += p5-JSON-Path SUBDIR += p5-JSON-Pointer SUBDIR += p5-JSON-RPC SUBDIR += p5-JSON-RPC-Common SUBDIR += p5-JSON-RPC-Dispatcher SUBDIR += p5-JSON-Schema SUBDIR += p5-Java SUBDIR += p5-Jonk SUBDIR += p5-LV SUBDIR += p5-Lexical-Alias SUBDIR += p5-Lexical-Import SUBDIR += p5-Lexical-Persistence SUBDIR += p5-Lexical-SealRequireHints SUBDIR += p5-Lexical-Var SUBDIR += p5-Lingua-JA-Fold SUBDIR += p5-Lingua-Translit SUBDIR += p5-List-AllUtils SUBDIR += p5-List-Cycle SUBDIR += p5-List-Flatten SUBDIR += p5-List-Gen SUBDIR += p5-List-Group SUBDIR += p5-List-Objects-Types SUBDIR += p5-List-Objects-WithUtils SUBDIR += p5-List-Permutor SUBDIR += p5-List-PowerSet SUBDIR += p5-List-Rotation-Cycle SUBDIR += p5-List-SomeUtils SUBDIR += p5-List-SomeUtils-XS SUBDIR += p5-List-Uniq SUBDIR += p5-List-UtilsBy SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Msgfmt SUBDIR += p5-Locale-PGetText SUBDIR += p5-Locale-PO SUBDIR += p5-Locale-gettext SUBDIR += p5-Locale-libintl SUBDIR += p5-LockFile-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Log-Accounting-SVK SUBDIR += p5-Log-Accounting-SVN SUBDIR += p5-Log-Agent SUBDIR += p5-Log-Agent-Logger SUBDIR += p5-Log-Any SUBDIR += p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback SUBDIR += p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch SUBDIR += p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Log4perl SUBDIR += p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog SUBDIR += p5-Log-Any-App SUBDIR += p5-Log-Any-IfLOG SUBDIR += p5-Log-Contextual SUBDIR += p5-Log-Defer SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Array SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-ArrayWithLimits SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Colorful SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Config SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Configurator-Any SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Configurator-YAML SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Dir SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Email-EmailSend SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-File-Rolling SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-File-Stamped SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-FileShared SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-FileWriteRotate SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Screen-Color SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Scribe SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatchouli SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dump SUBDIR += p5-Log-Handler SUBDIR += p5-Log-Log4perl SUBDIR += p5-Log-Log4perl-Appender-RabbitMQ SUBDIR += p5-Log-Log4perl-Appender-Socket-UNIX SUBDIR += p5-Log-Log4perl-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Log-Message SUBDIR += p5-Log-Message-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Log-Minimal SUBDIR += p5-Log-Report SUBDIR += p5-Log-Report-Optional SUBDIR += p5-Log-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Log-Trace SUBDIR += p5-Log-TraceMessages SUBDIR += p5-Logfile-Rotate SUBDIR += p5-Luka SUBDIR += p5-Lvalue SUBDIR += p5-MCE SUBDIR += p5-MRO-Compat SUBDIR += p5-MRO-Define SUBDIR += p5-Mac-FileSpec-Unixish SUBDIR += p5-Mac-PropertyList SUBDIR += p5-Make SUBDIR += p5-Media-Type-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Memoize SUBDIR += p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU SUBDIR += p5-Meta-Builder SUBDIR += p5-MetaCPAN-Client SUBDIR += p5-Metabase-Client-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Metabase-Fact SUBDIR += p5-Method-Alias SUBDIR += p5-Method-Signatures-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Minilla SUBDIR += p5-Minion SUBDIR += p5-Mixin-Event-Dispatch SUBDIR += p5-Mixin-Linewise SUBDIR += p5-Mknod SUBDIR += p5-Mo SUBDIR += p5-Mock-Quick SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build-Convert SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build-Kwalitee SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-ReadmeMarkdownFromPod SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build-XSUtil SUBDIR += p5-Module-CPANTS-Analyse SUBDIR += p5-Module-CPANfile SUBDIR += p5-Module-CheckDeps SUBDIR += p5-Module-CheckVersion SUBDIR += p5-Module-Collect SUBDIR += p5-Module-Compile SUBDIR += p5-Module-CoreList SUBDIR += p5-Module-Dependency SUBDIR += p5-Module-Depends SUBDIR += p5-Module-Extract SUBDIR += p5-Module-ExtractUse SUBDIR += p5-Module-Find SUBDIR += p5-Module-Functions SUBDIR += p5-Module-Implementation SUBDIR += p5-Module-Info SUBDIR += p5-Module-Info-File SUBDIR += p5-Module-Inspector SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install-AuthorRequires SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install-AuthorTests SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install-Repository SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install-Template SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install-TestBase SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install-XSUtil SUBDIR += p5-Module-List SUBDIR += p5-Module-Load SUBDIR += p5-Module-Load-Conditional SUBDIR += p5-Module-Loaded SUBDIR += p5-Module-Manifest SUBDIR += p5-Module-Math-Depends SUBDIR += p5-Module-Metadata SUBDIR += p5-Module-Path SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered SUBDIR += p5-Module-Reader SUBDIR += p5-Module-Recursive-Require SUBDIR += p5-Module-Refresh SUBDIR += p5-Module-Release SUBDIR += p5-Module-Reload SUBDIR += p5-Module-Reload-Sel SUBDIR += p5-Module-Runtime SUBDIR += p5-Module-Runtime-Conflicts SUBDIR += p5-Module-ScanDeps SUBDIR += p5-Module-Setup SUBDIR += p5-Module-Starter SUBDIR += p5-Module-Starter-PBP SUBDIR += p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-SimpleStore SUBDIR += p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-TT2 SUBDIR += p5-Module-Used SUBDIR += p5-Module-Util SUBDIR += p5-Module-Version SUBDIR += p5-Module-Versions SUBDIR += p5-Module-Versions-Report SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf SUBDIR += p5-Moo SUBDIR += p5-MooX-Cmd SUBDIR += p5-MooX-ConfigFromFile SUBDIR += p5-MooX-File-ConfigDir SUBDIR += p5-MooX-HandlesVia SUBDIR += p5-MooX-Options SUBDIR += p5-MooX-StrictConstructor SUBDIR += p5-MooX-TypeTiny SUBDIR += p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike SUBDIR += p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric SUBDIR += p5-MooX-late SUBDIR += p5-Moos SUBDIR += p5-Moose SUBDIR += p5-Moose-Autobox SUBDIR += p5-Moose-Policy SUBDIR += p5-Moose-Test SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Aliases SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-App SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-App-Cmd SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-ArrayRef SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Async SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Attribute-ENV SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-AttributeHelpers SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-AttributeShortcuts SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-AuthorizedMethods SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-ClassAttribute SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Clone SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-CompileTime-Traits SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-CoverableModifiers SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Daemonize SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Declare SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-FollowPBP SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Getopt SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Has-Options SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Has-Sugar SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-HasDefaults SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-IOC SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-InsideOut SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-LazyRequire SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Lists SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Log-Log4perl SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-MarkAsMethods SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-Mooish SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-MetaDescription SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-MethodAttributes SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-MultiInitArg SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-MultiMethods SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-NonMoose SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-OneArgNew SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-POE SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Params-Validate SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Role-Loggable SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Role-Matcher SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Role-Parameterized SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Role-Strict SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Runnable SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-SetOnce SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-SimpleConfig SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Singleton SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Storage SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Traits SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-TransactionalMethods SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-Common SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MySQL SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-ISO8601 SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-JSON SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Class SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-Perl SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-PortNumber SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-Set-Object SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-Signal SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-Stringlike SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-Structured SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-URI SUBDIR += p5-MooseX-Types-VariantTable SUBDIR += p5-Mouse SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-App-Cmd SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-AttributeHelpers SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-ConfigFromFile SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-Foreign SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-Getopt SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-NativeTraits SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-StrictConstructor SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-Traits SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-Types SUBDIR += p5-MouseX-Types-Path-Class SUBDIR += p5-Multiplex-CMD SUBDIR += p5-NEXT SUBDIR += p5-Net-DBus SUBDIR += p5-Net-ZooKeeper SUBDIR += p5-No-Worries SUBDIR += p5-Number-Bytes-Human SUBDIR += p5-Number-Tolerant SUBDIR += p5-OLE-Storage_Lite SUBDIR += p5-OOTools SUBDIR += p5-Object-Accessor SUBDIR += p5-Object-Array SUBDIR += p5-Object-Authority SUBDIR += p5-Object-Container SUBDIR += p5-Object-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Object-Destroyer SUBDIR += p5-Object-Enum SUBDIR += p5-Object-Event SUBDIR += p5-Object-Import SUBDIR += p5-Object-InsideOut SUBDIR += p5-Object-MultiType SUBDIR += p5-Object-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-Object-Realize-Later SUBDIR += p5-Object-Role SUBDIR += p5-Object-Signature SUBDIR += p5-Object-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Object-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Object-Tiny-Lvalue SUBDIR += p5-Olson-Abbreviations SUBDIR += p5-Opcodes SUBDIR += p5-OrePAN2 SUBDIR += p5-Ouch SUBDIR += p5-PAR SUBDIR += p5-PAR-Dist SUBDIR += p5-PAR-Packer SUBDIR += p5-PCSC-Card SUBDIR += p5-PHP-Serialization SUBDIR += p5-POE SUBDIR += p5-POE-API-Hooks SUBDIR += p5-POE-API-Peek SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Child SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Cron SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Daemon SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-DebugShell SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-DirWatch SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Hailo SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-IKC SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-JobQueue SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Logger SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-RSS SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-RSSAggregator SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Schedule SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Syndicator SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-TSTP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Devel-Profiler SUBDIR += p5-POE-Loop-AnyEvent SUBDIR += p5-POE-Loop-Glib SUBDIR += p5-POE-Loop-Tk SUBDIR += p5-POE-Quickie SUBDIR += p5-POE-Session-MultiDispatch SUBDIR += p5-POE-Stage SUBDIR += p5-POE-Test-Loops SUBDIR += p5-POE-XS-Loop-Poll SUBDIR += p5-POE-XS-Queue-Array SUBDIR += p5-POEx-Role-SessionInstantiation SUBDIR += p5-POEx-Role-Streaming SUBDIR += p5-POEx-Types SUBDIR += p5-POSIX-strftime-Compiler SUBDIR += p5-POSIX-strptime SUBDIR += p5-PPerl SUBDIR += p5-PV SUBDIR += p5-Package-Constants SUBDIR += p5-Package-DeprecationManager SUBDIR += p5-Package-Generator SUBDIR += p5-Package-Stash SUBDIR += p5-Package-Stash-XS SUBDIR += p5-Package-Variant SUBDIR += p5-PadWalker SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-Async SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-Fork-BossWorker SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-ForkManager SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-Iterator SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-Prefork SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-Scoreboard SUBDIR += p5-Params-CallbackRequest SUBDIR += p5-Params-Check SUBDIR += p5-Params-Classify SUBDIR += p5-Params-Coerce SUBDIR += p5-Params-Util SUBDIR += p5-Params-Validate SUBDIR += p5-Params-Validate-Dependencies SUBDIR += p5-Params-ValidationCompiler SUBDIR += p5-Paranoid SUBDIR += p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta SUBDIR += p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages SUBDIR += p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Parse-ErrorString-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Parse-ExuberantCTags SUBDIR += p5-Parse-LocalDistribution SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Method-Signatures SUBDIR += p5-Parse-PMFile SUBDIR += p5-Parse-PerlConfig SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Pidl SUBDIR += p5-Parse-PlainConfig SUBDIR += p5-Parse-RecDescent SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Win32Registry SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Yapp SUBDIR += p5-ParseLex SUBDIR += p5-ParseTemplate SUBDIR += p5-PatchReader SUBDIR += p5-Path-Abstract SUBDIR += p5-Path-Class SUBDIR += p5-Path-Class-File-Lockable SUBDIR += p5-Path-Dispatcher SUBDIR += p5-Path-Dispatcher-Declarative SUBDIR += p5-Path-Extended SUBDIR += p5-Path-FindDev SUBDIR += p5-Path-IsDev SUBDIR += p5-Path-Iterator-Rule SUBDIR += p5-Path-Resource SUBDIR += p5-Path-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-PathTools SUBDIR += p5-Paws SUBDIR += p5-Pegex SUBDIR += p5-Penguin SUBDIR += p5-Perl-Critic-Deprecated SUBDIR += p5-Perl-Metrics-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Perl-Metrics-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Perl-OSType SUBDIR += p5-Perl-PrereqScanner SUBDIR += p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Perl-Tidy SUBDIR += p5-Perl-Unsafe-Signals SUBDIR += p5-Perl-Version SUBDIR += p5-Perl-osnames SUBDIR += p5-Perl4-CoreLibs SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Builtins SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Export SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Export-Attrs SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Form SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Junction SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Rules SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Say SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Slurp SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-Layers SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-Util SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-eol SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-locale SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-utf8_strict SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-MD5 SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-Timeout SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-symlink SUBDIR += p5-PerlX-Maybe SUBDIR += p5-PerlX-Maybe-XS SUBDIR += p5-Pid-File-Flock SUBDIR += p5-Pipeline SUBDIR += p5-Pithub SUBDIR += p5-PkgConfig SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Coverage SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Coverage-Moose SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Tests SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Usage SUBDIR += p5-Pragmatic SUBDIR += p5-Proc-BackOff SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Background SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Daemon SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Fork SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Guard SUBDIR += p5-Proc-PID-File SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Pidfile SUBDIR += p5-Proc-ProcessTable SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Queue SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Reliable SUBDIR += p5-Proc-SafeExec SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Wait3 SUBDIR += p5-Proc-WaitStat SUBDIR += p5-Project-Gantt SUBDIR += p5-Project-Libs SUBDIR += p5-Qudo SUBDIR += p5-RPSL-Parser SUBDIR += p5-RRDTool-OO SUBDIR += p5-Range-String SUBDIR += p5-Rcs SUBDIR += p5-Rcs-Agent SUBDIR += p5-Readonly SUBDIR += p5-Readonly-XS SUBDIR += p5-ReadonlyX SUBDIR += p5-Ref-Util SUBDIR += p5-Reflex SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Assemble SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Assemble-Compressed SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Bind SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Compare SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Grammars SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Lexer SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-RegGrp SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Shellish SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Subst-Parallel SUBDIR += p5-Religion SUBDIR += p5-Reply SUBDIR += p5-ResourcePool SUBDIR += p5-Resources SUBDIR += p5-Return-MultiLevel SUBDIR += p5-Return-Type SUBDIR += p5-Return-Value SUBDIR += p5-Rinci SUBDIR += p5-Role-Basic SUBDIR += p5-Role-HasMessage SUBDIR += p5-Role-Identifiable SUBDIR += p5-Role-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Rose-DateTime SUBDIR += p5-Rose-Object SUBDIR += p5-Router-R3 SUBDIR += p5-RunApp SUBDIR += p5-SDL SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Persist SUBDIR += p5-SOAP-WSDL SUBDIR += p5-SSN-Validate SUBDIR += p5-SUPER SUBDIR += p5-SVN-ACL SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Access SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Agent SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Dump SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Dumpfile SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Hook SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Hooks SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Log SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Look SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Mirror SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify-Config SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify-Filter-AuthZMail SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify-Filter-EmailFlatFileDB SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify-Filter-Markdown SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify-Filter-Watchers SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify-Mirror SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify-Snapshot SUBDIR += p5-SVN-S4 SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Simple SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Statistics SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Web SUBDIR += p5-Safe-Isa SUBDIR += p5-Sah SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-Defer SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-Does SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-Listify SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-String SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-Util-LooksLikeNumber SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-Util-Numeric SUBDIR += p5-Scope-Guard SUBDIR += p5-Scope-Upper SUBDIR += p5-Script-isAperlScript SUBDIR += p5-Search-Binary SUBDIR += p5-Sentinel SUBDIR += p5-Sepia SUBDIR += p5-Set-Array SUBDIR += p5-Set-ConsistentHash SUBDIR += p5-Set-Crontab SUBDIR += p5-Set-CrossProduct SUBDIR += p5-Set-Infinite SUBDIR += p5-Set-NestedGroups SUBDIR += p5-Set-Object SUBDIR += p5-Set-Scalar SUBDIR += p5-Set-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Shape SUBDIR += p5-Shell-Base SUBDIR += p5-Shell-EnvImporter SUBDIR += p5-Shell-Parser SUBDIR += p5-Shell-Source SUBDIR += p5-ShipIt SUBDIR += p5-ShipIt-Step-Manifest SUBDIR += p5-Slurp SUBDIR += p5-Smart-Comments SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Array SUBDIR += p5-Sort-ArrayOfArrays SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Key SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Key-DateTime SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Key-Top SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Maker SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Tree SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Versions SUBDIR += p5-Specio SUBDIR += p5-Spiffy SUBDIR += p5-Spoon SUBDIR += p5-Storable SUBDIR += p5-Stream SUBDIR += p5-Stream-Buffered SUBDIR += p5-Stream-Reader SUBDIR += p5-String-Approx SUBDIR += p5-String-CRC32 SUBDIR += p5-String-Checker SUBDIR += p5-String-Diff SUBDIR += p5-String-Dump SUBDIR += p5-String-Ediff SUBDIR += p5-String-Errf SUBDIR += p5-String-Formatter SUBDIR += p5-String-LRC SUBDIR += p5-String-Parity SUBDIR += p5-String-Random SUBDIR += p5-String-RexxParse SUBDIR += p5-String-Similarity SUBDIR += p5-String-TT SUBDIR += p5-Struct-Dumb SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Alias SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Current SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Delete SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Exporter SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Exporter-Lexical SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Identify SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Infix SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Install SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Installer SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Multi SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Name SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Override SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Prototype SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Quote SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Signatures SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Uplevel SUBDIR += p5-Sub-WrapPackages SUBDIR += p5-Symbol-Global-Name SUBDIR += p5-Symbol-Util SUBDIR += p5-Syntax-Keyword-Junction SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Cpu SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Info SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Info-Base SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Info-Driver-BSD SUBDIR += p5-Sys-MemInfo SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Mmap SUBDIR += p5-Sys-RunAlone SUBDIR += p5-Sys-RunAlways SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Sendfile SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Sendfile-FreeBSD SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Sig SUBDIR += p5-Sys-SigAction SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Syscall SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Trace SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Virt SUBDIR += p5-System-Command SUBDIR += p5-System-Sub SUBDIR += p5-System2 SUBDIR += p5-TAP-Formatter-JUnit SUBDIR += p5-TAP-Harness-JUnit SUBDIR += p5-TAP-SimpleOutput SUBDIR += p5-Taint-Runtime SUBDIR += p5-Taint-Util SUBDIR += p5-Task-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Task-Weaken SUBDIR += p5-Tee SUBDIR += p5-Template-Provider-Encode SUBDIR += p5-Term-ANSIColor SUBDIR += p5-Term-ANSIScreen SUBDIR += p5-Term-Animation SUBDIR += p5-Term-CallEditor SUBDIR += p5-Term-Clui SUBDIR += p5-Term-EditLine SUBDIR += p5-Term-Encoding SUBDIR += p5-Term-Menus SUBDIR += p5-Term-ProgressBar SUBDIR += p5-Term-ProgressBar-Quiet SUBDIR += p5-Term-ProgressBar-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Term-Prompt SUBDIR += p5-Term-Query SUBDIR += p5-Term-RawInput SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadKey SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadLine SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadLine-Gnu SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadLine-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadLine-TTYtter SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadLine-Zoid SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadPassword SUBDIR += p5-Term-Screen SUBDIR += p5-Term-ScreenColor SUBDIR += p5-Term-Shell SUBDIR += p5-Term-Size SUBDIR += p5-Term-Size-Any SUBDIR += p5-Term-Size-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Term-Sk SUBDIR += p5-Term-Table SUBDIR += p5-Term-Title SUBDIR += p5-Term-UI SUBDIR += p5-Term-VT102 SUBDIR += p5-Term-VT102-Boundless SUBDIR += p5-Term-Visual SUBDIR += p5-Test-API SUBDIR += p5-Test-Able SUBDIR += p5-Test-Able-Runner SUBDIR += p5-Test-Aggregate SUBDIR += p5-Test-Assertions SUBDIR += p5-Test-Base SUBDIR += p5-Test-Benchmark SUBDIR += p5-Test-BinaryData SUBDIR += p5-Test-Bits SUBDIR += p5-Test-Block SUBDIR += p5-Test-CPAN-Meta SUBDIR += p5-Test-CPAN-Meta-YAML SUBDIR += p5-Test-CheckDeps SUBDIR += p5-Test-CheckManifest SUBDIR += p5-Test-Class SUBDIR += p5-Test-Class-Most SUBDIR += p5-Test-ClassAPI SUBDIR += p5-Test-Classy SUBDIR += p5-Test-CleanNamespaces SUBDIR += p5-Test-Cmd SUBDIR += p5-Test-Command SUBDIR += p5-Test-Command-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Test-Compile SUBDIR += p5-Test-DBIx-Class SUBDIR += p5-Test-Data SUBDIR += p5-Test-Debugger SUBDIR += p5-Test-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Test-Deep SUBDIR += p5-Test-Dependencies SUBDIR += p5-Test-DependentModules SUBDIR += p5-Test-Differences SUBDIR += p5-Test-Distribution SUBDIR += p5-Test-EOL SUBDIR += p5-Test-Exception SUBDIR += p5-Test-Expect SUBDIR += p5-Test-FailWarnings SUBDIR += p5-Test-Fake-HTTPD SUBDIR += p5-Test-Fatal SUBDIR += p5-Test-File SUBDIR += p5-Test-File-Contents SUBDIR += p5-Test-File-ShareDir SUBDIR += p5-Test-Filename SUBDIR += p5-Test-Fixme SUBDIR += p5-Test-Fixture-DBIC-Schema SUBDIR += p5-Test-Group SUBDIR += p5-Test-HTML-Tidy SUBDIR += p5-Test-Harness SUBDIR += p5-Test-Harness-Straps SUBDIR += p5-Test-HasVersion SUBDIR += p5-Test-HexDifferences SUBDIR += p5-Test-HexString SUBDIR += p5-Test-Identity SUBDIR += p5-Test-If SUBDIR += p5-Test-InDistDir SUBDIR += p5-Test-Inline SUBDIR += p5-Test-Inter SUBDIR += p5-Test-JSON SUBDIR += p5-Test-Kwalitee SUBDIR += p5-Test-Lazy SUBDIR += p5-Test-LeakTrace SUBDIR += p5-Test-LectroTest SUBDIR += p5-Test-LoadAllModules SUBDIR += p5-Test-Log4perl SUBDIR += p5-Test-LongString SUBDIR += p5-Test-Manifest SUBDIR += p5-Test-ManyParams SUBDIR += p5-Test-Memory-Cycle SUBDIR += p5-Test-Mini SUBDIR += p5-Test-Mini-Unit SUBDIR += p5-Test-Mock-Guard SUBDIR += p5-Test-Mock-LWP SUBDIR += p5-Test-Mock-LWP-Dispatch SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockDateTime SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockModule SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockObject SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockRandom SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockTime SUBDIR += p5-Test-Modern SUBDIR += p5-Test-Module-Used SUBDIR += p5-Test-Moose-More SUBDIR += p5-Test-More-UTF8 SUBDIR += p5-Test-Most SUBDIR += p5-Test-Name-FromLine SUBDIR += p5-Test-Needs SUBDIR += p5-Test-Net-LDAP SUBDIR += p5-Test-Net-RabbitMQ SUBDIR += p5-Test-NoTabs SUBDIR += p5-Test-NoWarnings SUBDIR += p5-Test-Number-Delta SUBDIR += p5-Test-Object SUBDIR += p5-Test-OpenLDAP SUBDIR += p5-Test-Output SUBDIR += p5-Test-POE-Client-TCP SUBDIR += p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP SUBDIR += p5-Test-Parser SUBDIR += p5-Test-PerlTidy SUBDIR += p5-Test-Pod SUBDIR += p5-Test-Pod-Coverage SUBDIR += p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-Permissive SUBDIR += p5-Test-Portability-Files SUBDIR += p5-Test-Prereq SUBDIR += p5-Test-RandomResults SUBDIR += p5-Test-Refcount SUBDIR += p5-Test-Reporter SUBDIR += p5-Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase SUBDIR += p5-Test-Requires SUBDIR += p5-Test-Requires-Git SUBDIR += p5-Test-RequiresInternet SUBDIR += p5-Test-Roo SUBDIR += p5-Test-Script SUBDIR += p5-Test-Script-Run SUBDIR += p5-Test-SharedFork SUBDIR += p5-Test-Signature SUBDIR += p5-Test-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Test-Singleton SUBDIR += p5-Test-Spec SUBDIR += p5-Test-Spelling SUBDIR += p5-Test-Strict SUBDIR += p5-Test-SubCalls SUBDIR += p5-Test-Synopsis SUBDIR += p5-Test-Sys-Info SUBDIR += p5-Test-TAP-HTMLMatrix SUBDIR += p5-Test-TAP-Model SUBDIR += p5-Test-TCP SUBDIR += p5-Test-TableDriven SUBDIR += p5-Test-Taint SUBDIR += p5-Test-TempDir-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Test-Time SUBDIR += p5-Test-Timer SUBDIR += p5-Test-TinyMocker SUBDIR += p5-Test-Trap SUBDIR += p5-Test-Unit SUBDIR += p5-Test-UseAllModules SUBDIR += p5-Test-Version SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGI SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Selenium SUBDIR += p5-Test-Warn SUBDIR += p5-Test-Warnings SUBDIR += p5-Test-Weaken SUBDIR += p5-Test-Without-Module SUBDIR += p5-Test-XML SUBDIR += p5-Test-XML-Valid SUBDIR += p5-Test-YAML SUBDIR += p5-Test-YAML-Meta SUBDIR += p5-Test-YAML-Valid SUBDIR += p5-Test-utf8 SUBDIR += p5-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings SUBDIR += p5-Test2-Suite SUBDIR += p5-Text-Levenshtein SUBDIR += p5-Text-Levenshtein-Damerau SUBDIR += p5-Text-LevenshteinXS SUBDIR += p5-Text-Outdent SUBDIR += p5-Text-vFile-asData SUBDIR += p5-TheSchwartz SUBDIR += p5-TheSchwartz-Simple SUBDIR += p5-TheSchwartz-Worker-SendEmail SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Apartment SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Cancel SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Pool-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Queue SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Queue-Duplex SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Suspend SUBDIR += p5-Thrift SUBDIR += p5-Thrift-XS SUBDIR += p5-Throwable SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Array-Pack SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Array-Sorted SUBDIR += p5-Tie-CPHash SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Cache SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DB_File-SplitHash SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DB_FileLock SUBDIR += p5-Tie-File SUBDIR += p5-Tie-File-AsHash SUBDIR += p5-Tie-FileLRUCache SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Function SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-Indexed SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-MultiValue SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-Regex SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-Sorted SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-TwoWay SUBDIR += p5-Tie-IxHash SUBDIR += p5-Tie-LLHash SUBDIR += p5-Tie-RefHash SUBDIR += p5-Tie-RefHash-Weak SUBDIR += p5-Tie-RegexpHash SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Restore SUBDIR += p5-Tie-ShareLite SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Tie-ToObject SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Util SUBDIR += p5-Tie-iCal SUBDIR += p5-Time-Clock SUBDIR += p5-Time-Crontab SUBDIR += p5-Time-Duration SUBDIR += p5-Time-Duration-Parse SUBDIR += p5-Time-Format SUBDIR += p5-Time-HiRes SUBDIR += p5-Time-Interval SUBDIR += p5-Time-Local SUBDIR += p5-Time-Mock SUBDIR += p5-Time-Object SUBDIR += p5-Time-Out SUBDIR += p5-Time-ParseDate SUBDIR += p5-Time-Period SUBDIR += p5-Time-Piece SUBDIR += p5-Time-Piece-Range SUBDIR += p5-Time-Progress SUBDIR += p5-Time-Stopwatch SUBDIR += p5-Time-Warp SUBDIR += p5-Time-modules SUBDIR += p5-Time-timegm SUBDIR += p5-TimeDate SUBDIR += p5-ToolSet SUBDIR += p5-TraceFuncs SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Binary SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Binary-Dictionary SUBDIR += p5-Tree-DAG_Node SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Node SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Parser SUBDIR += p5-Tree-R SUBDIR += p5-Tree-RedBlack SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple-View SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Trie SUBDIR += p5-Type-Tie SUBDIR += p5-Type-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Type-Tiny-Signatures SUBDIR += p5-Type-Tiny-XS SUBDIR += p5-Types-Core SUBDIR += p5-Types-Path-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Types-Serialiser SUBDIR += p5-Types-URI SUBDIR += p5-Types-UUID SUBDIR += p5-UDCode SUBDIR += p5-UI-Dialog SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-can SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-isa SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-ref SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-require SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-which SUBDIR += p5-UUID SUBDIR += p5-UUID-Random SUBDIR += p5-UUID-Random-Patch-UseMRS SUBDIR += p5-UUID-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Uniq SUBDIR += p5-Unix-Groups SUBDIR += p5-Unix-Statgrab SUBDIR += p5-Unix-Uptime SUBDIR += p5-User-Identity SUBDIR += p5-VCP-Dest-svk SUBDIR += p5-VCP-Source-cvsbk SUBDIR += p5-VCP-autrijus SUBDIR += p5-VCS SUBDIR += p5-VCS-CVS SUBDIR += p5-VCS-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Validation-Class SUBDIR += p5-Variable-Eject SUBDIR += p5-Variable-Magic SUBDIR += p5-Want SUBDIR += p5-WeakRef SUBDIR += p5-Workflow SUBDIR += p5-XML-Compile-Tester SUBDIR += p5-XML-Pastor SUBDIR += p5-XS-Object-Magic SUBDIR += p5-XSLoader SUBDIR += p5-Xporter SUBDIR += p5-YAML-AppConfig SUBDIR += p5-Yada-Yada-Yada SUBDIR += p5-ZConf-GUI SUBDIR += p5-ZML SUBDIR += p5-accessors SUBDIR += p5-accessors-fast SUBDIR += p5-aliased SUBDIR += p5-asa SUBDIR += p5-autobox SUBDIR += p5-autobox-Core SUBDIR += p5-autodie SUBDIR += p5-autovivification SUBDIR += p5-bareword-filehandles SUBDIR += p5-boolean SUBDIR += p5-capitalization SUBDIR += p5-carton SUBDIR += p5-common-sense SUBDIR += p5-constant SUBDIR += p5-constant-boolean SUBDIR += p5-constant-def SUBDIR += p5-constant-defer SUBDIR += p5-constant-lexical SUBDIR += p5-cpan-listchanges SUBDIR += p5-curry SUBDIR += p5-enum SUBDIR += p5-ex-lib SUBDIR += p5-experimental SUBDIR += p5-forks SUBDIR += p5-github_creator SUBDIR += p5-iCal-Parser SUBDIR += p5-indirect SUBDIR += p5-interface SUBDIR += p5-latest SUBDIR += p5-lexical-underscore SUBDIR += p5-lib-abs SUBDIR += p5-libalarm SUBDIR += p5-libxml-enno SUBDIR += p5-local-lib SUBDIR += p5-match-simple SUBDIR += p5-mem SUBDIR += p5-mixin SUBDIR += p5-mocked SUBDIR += p5-multidimensional SUBDIR += p5-namespace-autoclean SUBDIR += p5-namespace-clean SUBDIR += p5-namespace-clean-xs SUBDIR += p5-namespace-sweep SUBDIR += p5-orz SUBDIR += p5-parent SUBDIR += p5-perlkde SUBDIR += p5-perlqt SUBDIR += p5-pip SUBDIR += p5-prefork SUBDIR += p5-reaper SUBDIR += p5-relative SUBDIR += p5-rpm-build-perl SUBDIR += p5-self SUBDIR += p5-self-init SUBDIR += p5-strictures SUBDIR += p5-subatom SUBDIR += p5-subversion SUBDIR += p5-superclass SUBDIR += p5-syntax SUBDIR += p5-threads SUBDIR += p5-threads-shared SUBDIR += p5-true SUBDIR += p5-uni-perl SUBDIR += p5-version SUBDIR += p65 SUBDIR += p8-platform SUBDIR += paexec SUBDIR += papi SUBDIR += pas2dox SUBDIR += pasm SUBDIR += patch SUBDIR += pcc-libs SUBDIR += pccts SUBDIR += pcl SUBDIR += pcre SUBDIR += pcre++ SUBDIR += pcre2 SUBDIR += pcsc-ada SUBDIR += pcsc-lite SUBDIR += pdcurses SUBDIR += pear SUBDIR += pear-Config SUBDIR += pear-Console_Color SUBDIR += pear-Console_CommandLine SUBDIR += pear-Console_Getargs SUBDIR += pear-Console_Table SUBDIR += pear-Date SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Austria SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Brazil SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Denmark SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Discordian SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_EnglandWales SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Germany SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Iceland SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Ireland SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Italy SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Japan SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Netherlands SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Norway SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_PHPdotNet SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Romania SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Slovenia SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Sweden SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_UNO SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_USA SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays_Ukraine SUBDIR += pear-Event_Dispatcher SUBDIR += pear-FSM SUBDIR += pear-File_Iterator SUBDIR += pear-HTML_BBCodeParser SUBDIR += pear-HTML_CSS SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Common SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Common2 SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Form SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Javascript SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Page2 SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm2 SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_Controller SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_Livesearch SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_SelectFilter SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Select SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Select_Common SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Table SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_Flexy SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_IT SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_Sigma SUBDIR += pear-HTML_TreeMenu SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Alarm SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Argv SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Autoloader SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Autoloader_Cache SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Cache SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Cli SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Constraint SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Controller SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Core SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Data SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Date SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Date_Parser SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Exception SUBDIR += pear-Horde_History SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Icalendar SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Injector SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Itip SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Lock SUBDIR += pear-Horde_LoginTasks SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Nls SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Notification SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Prefs SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Queue SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Rdo SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Role SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Scheduler SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Serialize SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Stream SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Stream_Filter SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Stream_Wrapper SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Support SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Thrift SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Timezone SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Token SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Translation SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Tree SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Util SUBDIR += pear-Horde_View SUBDIR += pear-I18N SUBDIR += pear-Math_Fraction SUBDIR += pear-Net_Gearman SUBDIR += pear-OLE SUBDIR += pear-PEAR_Info SUBDIR += pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager SUBDIR += pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager2 SUBDIR += pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager_Plugins SUBDIR += pear-PHPDoc SUBDIR += pear-PHPTAL SUBDIR += pear-PHPUnit3 SUBDIR += pear-PHPUnit_MockObject SUBDIR += pear-PHP_ArrayOf SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Beautifier SUBDIR += pear-PHP_CodeBrowser SUBDIR += pear-PHP_CodeCoverage SUBDIR += pear-PHP_CodeSniffer SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Compat SUBDIR += pear-PHP_CompatInfo SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Depend SUBDIR += pear-PHP_PMD SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Parser SUBDIR += pear-PHP_ParserGenerator SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Timer SUBDIR += pear-PHP_TokenStream SUBDIR += pear-PHP_UML SUBDIR += pear-PPW SUBDIR += pear-Pager SUBDIR += pear-PhpDocumentor SUBDIR += pear-Pirum SUBDIR += pear-SebastianBergmann_FinderFacade SUBDIR += pear-SebastianBergmann_Git SUBDIR += pear-SebastianBergmann_PHPCPD SUBDIR += pear-SebastianBergmann_PHPLOC SUBDIR += pear-SebastianBergmann_Version SUBDIR += pear-Structure_LinkedList SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Console SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLSortForm SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLTable SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XUL SUBDIR += pear-Symfony_Component_Console SUBDIR += pear-Symfony_Component_Finder SUBDIR += pear-System_Command SUBDIR += pear-Testing_Selenium SUBDIR += pear-Text_Diff SUBDIR += pear-TheSeer_DirectoryScanner SUBDIR += pear-TheSeer_fDOMDocument SUBDIR += pear-TheSeer_fXSL SUBDIR += pear-TheSeer_phpDox SUBDIR += pear-VFS SUBDIR += pear-Validate SUBDIR += pear-Validate_AU SUBDIR += pear-Validate_Finance SUBDIR += pear-Validate_Finance_CreditCard SUBDIR += pear-Validate_US SUBDIR += pear-Var_Dump SUBDIR += pear-VersionControl_Git SUBDIR += pear-VersionControl_SVN SUBDIR += pear-XML_NITF SUBDIR += pear-XML_Parser SUBDIR += pear-XML_RSS SUBDIR += pear-XML_SVG SUBDIR += pear-XML_Serializer SUBDIR += pear-XML_Transformer SUBDIR += pear-XML_Tree SUBDIR += pear-XML_Util SUBDIR += pear-channel-doctrine SUBDIR += pear-channel-ezc SUBDIR += pear-channel-horde SUBDIR += pear-channel-htmlpurifier SUBDIR += pear-channel-openpear SUBDIR += pear-channel-pdepend SUBDIR += pear-channel-phing SUBDIR += pear-channel-phpdoc SUBDIR += pear-channel-phpmd SUBDIR += pear-channel-phpunit SUBDIR += pear-channel-pirum SUBDIR += pear-channel-symfony SUBDIR += pear-channel-symfony2 SUBDIR += pear-channel-theseer SUBDIR += pear-channel-twig SUBDIR += pear-codegen SUBDIR += pear-ezc_Base SUBDIR += pear-ezc_ConsoleTools SUBDIR += pear-htmlpurifier SUBDIR += pear-pdepend-staticReflection SUBDIR += pear-phing SUBDIR += pecl-APCu SUBDIR += pecl-dio SUBDIR += pecl-eio SUBDIR += pecl-ev SUBDIR += pecl-event SUBDIR += pecl-expect SUBDIR += pecl-gearman SUBDIR += pecl-hrtime SUBDIR += pecl-htscanner SUBDIR += pecl-inotify SUBDIR += pecl-intl SUBDIR += pecl-jsmin SUBDIR += pecl-json_post SUBDIR += pecl-jsonc SUBDIR += pecl-jsond SUBDIR += pecl-jsonnet SUBDIR += pecl-judy SUBDIR += pecl-libevent SUBDIR += pecl-memoize SUBDIR += pecl-msgpack SUBDIR += pecl-ncurses SUBDIR += pecl-newt SUBDIR += pecl-params SUBDIR += pecl-propro SUBDIR += pecl-propro2 SUBDIR += pecl-pthreads SUBDIR += pecl-qb SUBDIR += pecl-raphf SUBDIR += pecl-raphf2 SUBDIR += pecl-runkit SUBDIR += pecl-scream SUBDIR += pecl-spl_types SUBDIR += pecl-statgrab SUBDIR += pecl-strict SUBDIR += pecl-svn SUBDIR += pecl-swoole SUBDIR += pecl-sync SUBDIR += pecl-test_helpers SUBDIR += pecl-trace SUBDIR += pecl-uopz SUBDIR += pecl-uploadprogress SUBDIR += pecl-uri_template SUBDIR += pecl-uuid SUBDIR += pecl-vld SUBDIR += pecl-weakref SUBDIR += pecl-xhprof SUBDIR += pecl-yac SUBDIR += pecl-zookeeper SUBDIR += pep8 SUBDIR += performance SUBDIR += perlconsole SUBDIR += phabricator SUBDIR += php-Psr_Log SUBDIR += php-composer SUBDIR += php-jq SUBDIR += php-libawl SUBDIR += php-maxminddb SUBDIR += php-memoize SUBDIR += php-scalar_objects SUBDIR += php-uprofiler SUBDIR += php-xdebug SUBDIR += php5-blitz SUBDIR += php5-blitz-devel SUBDIR += php5-dav SUBDIR += php5-geshi SUBDIR += php5-ice SUBDIR += php5-pinba SUBDIR += php5-thrift SUBDIR += php56-gettext SUBDIR += php56-json SUBDIR += php56-pcntl SUBDIR += php56-readline SUBDIR += php56-shmop SUBDIR += php56-sysvmsg SUBDIR += php56-sysvsem SUBDIR += php56-sysvshm SUBDIR += php56-tokenizer SUBDIR += php70-APCu SUBDIR += php70-gettext SUBDIR += php70-intl SUBDIR += php70-json SUBDIR += php70-pcntl SUBDIR += php70-readline SUBDIR += php70-shmop SUBDIR += php70-sysvmsg SUBDIR += php70-sysvsem SUBDIR += php70-sysvshm SUBDIR += php70-tokenizer SUBDIR += phpbt SUBDIR += phpsh SUBDIR += phpunit SUBDIR += physfs SUBDIR += physfs-devel SUBDIR += picp SUBDIR += picprog SUBDIR += pig SUBDIR += piklab SUBDIR += pinba_engine SUBDIR += pipestatus SUBDIR += pire SUBDIR += pit SUBDIR += pkg-info.el SUBDIR += pkgconf SUBDIR += plan9port SUBDIR += pmccabe SUBDIR += pmd SUBDIR += poco SUBDIR += poco-ssl SUBDIR += ponscripter-sekai SUBDIR += popt SUBDIR += poslib SUBDIR += powerpc64-binutils SUBDIR += powerpc64-gcc SUBDIR += powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc SUBDIR += poxml SUBDIR += ppl SUBDIR += pragmarcs SUBDIR += premake SUBDIR += premake4 SUBDIR += privman SUBDIR += projectcenter SUBDIR += protobuf SUBDIR += protobuf-c SUBDIR += protobuf25 SUBDIR += pructl SUBDIR += psptoolchain SUBDIR += psptoolchain-binutils SUBDIR += psptoolchain-gcc-stage1 SUBDIR += psptoolchain-gcc-stage2 SUBDIR += psptoolchain-gdb SUBDIR += psptoolchain-newlib SUBDIR += psptoolchain-pspsdk-stage1 SUBDIR += psptoolchain-pspsdk-stage2 SUBDIR += pstreams SUBDIR += psvn SUBDIR += pth SUBDIR += pth-hard SUBDIR += pthsem SUBDIR += ptlib SUBDIR += ptmalloc SUBDIR += ptmalloc2 SUBDIR += pty SUBDIR += ptypes SUBDIR += publib SUBDIR += pure-ffi SUBDIR += pure-readline SUBDIR += pure-stldict SUBDIR += pure-stllib SUBDIR += pushmi SUBDIR += pwlib SUBDIR += py-Acquisition SUBDIR += py-AddOns SUBDIR += py-Breve SUBDIR += py-BytecodeAssembler SUBDIR += py-DateTime SUBDIR += py-DocumentTemplate SUBDIR += py-ExtensionClass SUBDIR += py-InlineEgg SUBDIR += py-Jinja SUBDIR += py-Jinja2 SUBDIR += py-Jinja2-doc SUBDIR += py-Missing SUBDIR += py-MultiMapping SUBDIR += py-PEAK-Rules SUBDIR += py-Persistence SUBDIR += py-Pint SUBDIR += py-Products.ATContentTypes SUBDIR += py-Products.ATReferenceBrowserWidget SUBDIR += py-Products.Archetypes SUBDIR += py-Products.BTreeFolder2 SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFActionIcons SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFCalendar SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFCore SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFDefault SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFDiffTool SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFEditions SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFFormController SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFTestCase SUBDIR += py-Products.CMFUid SUBDIR += py-Products.DCWorkflow SUBDIR += py-Products.ExtendedPathIndex SUBDIR += py-Products.ExternalEditor SUBDIR += py-Products.ExternalMethod SUBDIR += py-Products.GenericSetup SUBDIR += py-Products.LDAPMultiPlugins SUBDIR += py-Products.LDAPUserFolder SUBDIR += py-Products.MIMETools SUBDIR += py-Products.Marshall SUBDIR += py-Products.MimetypesRegistry SUBDIR += py-Products.OFSP SUBDIR += py-Products.PasswordResetTool SUBDIR += py-Products.PlacelessTranslationService SUBDIR += py-Products.PloneLanguageTool SUBDIR += py-Products.PloneTestCase SUBDIR += py-Products.PluginRegistry SUBDIR += py-Products.PortalTransforms SUBDIR += py-Products.PythonScripts SUBDIR += py-Products.ResourceRegistries SUBDIR += py-Products.StandardCacheManagers SUBDIR += py-Products.ZCTextIndex SUBDIR += py-Products.ZCatalog SUBDIR += py-Products.ZSQLMethods SUBDIR += py-Products.ZopeVersionControl SUBDIR += py-Products.contentmigration SUBDIR += py-Products.statusmessages SUBDIR += py-Products.validation SUBDIR += py-PyLD SUBDIR += py-RPyC SUBDIR += py-Record SUBDIR += py-SymbolType SUBDIR += py-TGScheduler SUBDIR += py-ToscaWidgets SUBDIR += py-TurboJinja SUBDIR += py-XStatic SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Angular SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Angular-FileUpload SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Angular-Gettext SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Angular-Schema-Form SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS SUBDIR += py-XStatic-D3 SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Font-Awesome SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Hogan SUBDIR += py-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate SUBDIR += py-XStatic-JQuery.TableSorter SUBDIR += py-XStatic-JQuery.quicksearch SUBDIR += py-XStatic-JSEncrypt SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Jasmine SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Rickshaw SUBDIR += py-XStatic-Spin SUBDIR += py-XStatic-bootswatch SUBDIR += py-XStatic-jQuery SUBDIR += py-XStatic-jquery-ui SUBDIR += py-XStatic-mdi SUBDIR += py-XStatic-objectpath SUBDIR += py-XStatic-roboto-fontface SUBDIR += py-XStatic-smart-table SUBDIR += py-XStatic-term.js SUBDIR += py-XStatic-tv4 SUBDIR += py-ZopeUndo SUBDIR += py-adb SUBDIR += py-akismet SUBDIR += py-aniso8601 SUBDIR += py-anonfunc SUBDIR += py-anyconfig SUBDIR += py-anyjson SUBDIR += py-apache_conf_parser SUBDIR += py-apipkg SUBDIR += py-appdirs SUBDIR += py-application SUBDIR += py-apptools SUBDIR += py-apscheduler SUBDIR += py-archetypes.querywidget SUBDIR += py-archetypes.referencebrowserwidget SUBDIR += py-archetypes.schemaextender SUBDIR += py-argcomplete SUBDIR += py-argh SUBDIR += py-args SUBDIR += py-arrow SUBDIR += py-aspects SUBDIR += py-aspyct SUBDIR += py-astroid SUBDIR += py-asyncio SUBDIR += py-atomiclong SUBDIR += py-atomicwrites SUBDIR += py-attrs SUBDIR += py-automaton SUBDIR += py-avro SUBDIR += py-babel SUBDIR += py-babelfish SUBDIR += py-backports.functools_lru_cache SUBDIR += py-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size SUBDIR += py-backports_abc SUBDIR += py-bandit SUBDIR += py-bcdoc SUBDIR += py-billiard SUBDIR += py-binplist SUBDIR += py-biplist SUBDIR += py-bison SUBDIR += py-bitarray SUBDIR += py-bitstring SUBDIR += py-blessings SUBDIR += py-blinker SUBDIR += py-blist SUBDIR += py-bluelet SUBDIR += py-boto SUBDIR += py-botocore SUBDIR += py-cachetools SUBDIR += py-calendar SUBDIR += py-canonicaljson SUBDIR += py-capstone SUBDIR += py-castellan SUBDIR += py-cclib SUBDIR += py-celery SUBDIR += py-cffi SUBDIR += py-cfgparse SUBDIR += py-chainmap SUBDIR += py-characteristic SUBDIR += py-check-manifest SUBDIR += py-cheetah SUBDIR += py-ciphon SUBDIR += py-circuits SUBDIR += py-cjson SUBDIR += py-cld SUBDIR += py-click SUBDIR += py-click-log SUBDIR += py-click-threading SUBDIR += py-cliff SUBDIR += py-clint SUBDIR += py-clonedigger SUBDIR += py-cloudpickle SUBDIR += py-cluster SUBDIR += py-cmd2 SUBDIR += py-cmdln SUBDIR += py-codecov SUBDIR += py-codegen SUBDIR += py-cog SUBDIR += py-coil SUBDIR += py-collective.monkeypatcher SUBDIR += py-collective.z3cform.datetimewidget SUBDIR += py-colorama SUBDIR += py-colorlog SUBDIR += py-columnize SUBDIR += py-conditional SUBDIR += py-configargparse SUBDIR += py-configobj SUBDIR += py-configparser SUBDIR += py-constantly SUBDIR += py-construct SUBDIR += py-contextlib2 SUBDIR += py-country SUBDIR += py-cov-core SUBDIR += py-coverage SUBDIR += py-crank SUBDIR += py-crcmod SUBDIR += py-ctags SUBDIR += py-cuisine SUBDIR += py-cursive SUBDIR += py-curtsies SUBDIR += py-cxx SUBDIR += py-cycler SUBDIR += py-d2to1 SUBDIR += py-daemon SUBDIR += py-daemonize SUBDIR += py-daemons SUBDIR += py-dal SUBDIR += py-darcsver SUBDIR += py-darts.util.lru SUBDIR += py-dateutil SUBDIR += py-dbus SUBDIR += py-debtcollector SUBDIR += py-decorator SUBDIR += py-decoratortools SUBDIR += py-defusedxml SUBDIR += py-delfick_error SUBDIR += py-deliciousapi SUBDIR += py-demjson SUBDIR += py-dexml SUBDIR += py-dialog SUBDIR += py-diazo SUBDIR += py-dirspec SUBDIR += py-distorm SUBDIR += py-django-rq SUBDIR += py-django-rq-dashboard SUBDIR += py-django-tastypie-mongoengine SUBDIR += py-django16-tastypie-mongoengine SUBDIR += py-docker-py SUBDIR += py-docopt SUBDIR += py-dogpile.cache SUBDIR += py-doit SUBDIR += py-durus SUBDIR += py-dynrules SUBDIR += py-efilter SUBDIR += py-efl SUBDIR += py-eggtestinfo SUBDIR += py-enum34 SUBDIR += py-envisage SUBDIR += py-epdb SUBDIR += py-epsilon SUBDIR += py-evdev SUBDIR += py-event SUBDIR += py-exam SUBDIR += py-extras SUBDIR += py-extremes SUBDIR += py-ezpyinline SUBDIR += py-fabric SUBDIR += py-fabric3 SUBDIR += py-fake-factory SUBDIR += py-fam SUBDIR += py-fasteners SUBDIR += py-fastimport SUBDIR += py-filemagic SUBDIR += py-fileutils SUBDIR += py-five.customerize SUBDIR += py-five.formlib SUBDIR += py-five.globalrequest SUBDIR += py-five.localsitemanager SUBDIR += py-flake8 SUBDIR += py-flask-babel SUBDIR += py-flexmock SUBDIR += py-foolscap SUBDIR += py-fortran SUBDIR += py-freebsd SUBDIR += py-freenas.dispatcher SUBDIR += py-freenas.utils SUBDIR += py-freezegun SUBDIR += py-frozendict SUBDIR += py-fs SUBDIR += py-fsm SUBDIR += py-fudge SUBDIR += py-funcparserlib SUBDIR += py-funcsigs SUBDIR += py-functools32 SUBDIR += py-fusefs SUBDIR += py-fusepy SUBDIR += py-future SUBDIR += py-futures SUBDIR += py-futurist SUBDIR += py-game SUBDIR += py-game_sdl2 SUBDIR += py-gamin SUBDIR += py-gdata SUBDIR += py-gearman SUBDIR += py-generate SUBDIR += py-geojson SUBDIR += py-geotypes SUBDIR += py-gevent SUBDIR += py-gflags SUBDIR += py-git-up SUBDIR += py-gitdb SUBDIR += py-gitless SUBDIR += py-gitosis SUBDIR += py-gitpython SUBDIR += py-glance-store SUBDIR += py-glob2 SUBDIR += py-gobject SUBDIR += py-gobject3 SUBDIR += py-google-apputils SUBDIR += py-grab SUBDIR += py-greenlet SUBDIR += py-grizzled SUBDIR += py-grouch SUBDIR += py-gyp SUBDIR += py-hash_ring SUBDIR += py-hghooks SUBDIR += py-hgsubversion SUBDIR += py-hgtools SUBDIR += py-http-prompt SUBDIR += py-humanize SUBDIR += py-hypothesis SUBDIR += py-icalendar SUBDIR += py-ice SUBDIR += py-incremental SUBDIR += py-inflect SUBDIR += py-iniparse SUBDIR += py-initgroups SUBDIR += py-instant SUBDIR += py-interface SUBDIR += py-intervaltree SUBDIR += py-invoke SUBDIR += py-ioflo SUBDIR += py-ipaddr SUBDIR += py-ipdb SUBDIR += py-ipython_genutils SUBDIR += py-iso8601 SUBDIR += py-isodate SUBDIR += py-isort SUBDIR += py-iterpipes SUBDIR += py-jaraco.classes SUBDIR += py-jaraco.functools SUBDIR += py-jaraco.itertools SUBDIR += py-jaraco.logging SUBDIR += py-jaraco.timing SUBDIR += py-jaraco.util SUBDIR += py-jcc SUBDIR += py-jdcal SUBDIR += py-jedi SUBDIR += py-jellyfish SUBDIR += py-jenkins-job-builder SUBDIR += py-jep SUBDIR += py-jira SUBDIR += py-jmespath SUBDIR += py-joblib SUBDIR += py-jsmin SUBDIR += py-json-py SUBDIR += py-json-sempai SUBDIR += py-jsonlib SUBDIR += py-jsonlib2 SUBDIR += py-jsonpatch SUBDIR += py-jsonpointer SUBDIR += py-jsonrpclib SUBDIR += py-jsonschema SUBDIR += py-kaptan SUBDIR += py-kayako SUBDIR += py-kazoo SUBDIR += py-keystoneauth1 SUBDIR += py-keystonemiddleware SUBDIR += py-kid SUBDIR += py-kitchen SUBDIR += py-kjbuckets SUBDIR += py-kqueue SUBDIR += py-krosspython SUBDIR += py-lazy SUBDIR += py-lazy-object-proxy SUBDIR += py-levenshtein SUBDIR += py-liblarch SUBDIR += py-libpeas SUBDIR += py-libplist SUBDIR += py-libusb1 SUBDIR += py-libvirt SUBDIR += py-libzfs SUBDIR += py-ll-core SUBDIR += py-llfuse SUBDIR += py-llvmlite SUBDIR += py-lock_file SUBDIR += py-lockfile SUBDIR += py-log4py SUBDIR += py-logan SUBDIR += py-logbook SUBDIR += py-logilab-common SUBDIR += py-louie SUBDIR += py-lxml SUBDIR += py-magic SUBDIR += py-mailcap-fix SUBDIR += py-manuel SUBDIR += py-matrix-angular-sdk SUBDIR += py-mccabe SUBDIR += py-meliae SUBDIR += py-memory_profiler SUBDIR += py-mercurialserver SUBDIR += py-mez_xml SUBDIR += py-microversion-parse SUBDIR += py-mimeparse SUBDIR += py-minimongo SUBDIR += py-mock SUBDIR += py-mongoengine SUBDIR += py-mongokit SUBDIR += py-monotonic SUBDIR += py-more-itertools SUBDIR += py-mox SUBDIR += py-msgpack-python SUBDIR += py-multi_key_dict SUBDIR += py-multipledispatch SUBDIR += py-mwlib SUBDIR += py-mwlib.ext SUBDIR += py-mwlib.rl SUBDIR += py-mx-experimental SUBDIR += py-mygpoclient SUBDIR += py-nagioscheck SUBDIR += py-natsort SUBDIR += py-natural SUBDIR += py-ncurses SUBDIR += py-nose SUBDIR += py-nose-cov SUBDIR += py-noseofyeti SUBDIR += py-notifier SUBDIR += py-notify SUBDIR += py-numba SUBDIR += py-ocempgui SUBDIR += py-ode SUBDIR += py-odfpy SUBDIR += py-offtrac SUBDIR += py-olefile SUBDIR += py-oletools SUBDIR += py-omnijson SUBDIR += py-omniorb SUBDIR += py-omniorb-3 SUBDIR += py-openstacksdk SUBDIR += py-opster SUBDIR += py-optik SUBDIR += py-option_merge SUBDIR += py-orbit SUBDIR += py-ordered-set SUBDIR += py-ordereddict SUBDIR += py-os-brick SUBDIR += py-os-client-config SUBDIR += py-os-vif SUBDIR += py-os-win SUBDIR += py-osc-lib SUBDIR += py-oslo.cache SUBDIR += py-oslo.concurrency SUBDIR += py-oslo.config SUBDIR += py-oslo.context SUBDIR += py-oslo.db SUBDIR += py-oslo.i18n SUBDIR += py-oslo.log SUBDIR += py-oslo.messaging SUBDIR += py-oslo.middleware SUBDIR += py-oslo.policy SUBDIR += py-oslo.privsep SUBDIR += py-oslo.reports SUBDIR += py-oslo.rootwrap SUBDIR += py-oslo.serialization SUBDIR += py-oslo.service SUBDIR += py-oslo.utils SUBDIR += py-oslo.versionedobjects SUBDIR += py-osprofiler SUBDIR += py-palm SUBDIR += py-parsedatetime SUBDIR += SUBDIR += py-pathlib SUBDIR += py-pathlib2 SUBDIR += py-pathtools SUBDIR += py-paver SUBDIR += py-pbr SUBDIR += py-pefile SUBDIR += py-period SUBDIR += py-petname SUBDIR += py-pex SUBDIR += py-phabricator SUBDIR += py-phonenumbers SUBDIR += py-phply SUBDIR += py-phpserialize SUBDIR += py-pika SUBDIR += py-pika-pool SUBDIR += py-pinocchio SUBDIR += py-pip SUBDIR += py-pkgconfig SUBDIR += py-plan SUBDIR += py-plex SUBDIR += py-pluggy SUBDIR += py-ply SUBDIR += py-polib SUBDIR += py-positional SUBDIR += py-posix_ipc SUBDIR += py-pp SUBDIR += py-pqueue SUBDIR += py-pretend SUBDIR += py-prettytable SUBDIR += py-prioritized_methods SUBDIR += py-prompt_toolkit SUBDIR += py-protobuf SUBDIR += py-protocols SUBDIR += py-protocols-devel SUBDIR += py-ptrace SUBDIR += py-pudb SUBDIR += py-px SUBDIR += py-py SUBDIR += py-pyasn1 SUBDIR += py-pyasn1-modules SUBDIR += py-pycadf SUBDIR += py-pycalendar SUBDIR += py-pycallgraph SUBDIR += py-pycapsicum SUBDIR += py-pycerberus SUBDIR += py-pycmd SUBDIR += py-pycparser SUBDIR += py-pydenticon SUBDIR += py-pydoop SUBDIR += py-pyechonest SUBDIR += py-pyee SUBDIR += py-pyelftools SUBDIR += py-pyev SUBDIR += py-pyface SUBDIR += py-pyflakes SUBDIR += py-pygit2 SUBDIR += py-pygithub SUBDIR += py-pygpx SUBDIR += py-pyhashxx SUBDIR += py-pyicu SUBDIR += py-pyinotify SUBDIR += py-pyinstaller SUBDIR += py-pykde4 SUBDIR += py-pykdeuic4 SUBDIR += py-pyke SUBDIR += py-pylru SUBDIR += py-pylru-cache SUBDIR += py-pymarc SUBDIR += py-pympler SUBDIR += py-pymtbl SUBDIR += py-pyopencl SUBDIR += py-pyparsing SUBDIR += py-pyqi SUBDIR += py-pyrfc3339 SUBDIR += py-pyro SUBDIR += py-pyshapelib SUBDIR += py-pystorm SUBDIR += py-pyte SUBDIR += py-pytemplate SUBDIR += py-pytest SUBDIR += py-pytest-asyncio SUBDIR += py-pytest-cache SUBDIR += py-pytest-capturelog SUBDIR += py-pytest-django SUBDIR += py-pytest-localserver SUBDIR += py-pytest-runner SUBDIR += py-pytest-timeout SUBDIR += py-pytest-tornado SUBDIR += py-pytest-xdist SUBDIR += py-python-bugzilla SUBDIR += py-python-distutils-extra SUBDIR += py-python-editor SUBDIR += py-python-gist SUBDIR += py-python-jenkins SUBDIR += py-python-magic SUBDIR += py-python-pcre SUBDIR += py-python-statsd SUBDIR += py-python2-pythondialog SUBDIR += py-pythonbrew SUBDIR += py-pytimeparse SUBDIR += py-pytools SUBDIR += py-pytrie SUBDIR += py-pytvmaze SUBDIR += py-pytz SUBDIR += py-pyutil SUBDIR += py-pyvalid SUBDIR += py-pyvisa SUBDIR += py-pyvisa-py SUBDIR += py-pyxml2obj SUBDIR += py-qpid SUBDIR += py-qserve SUBDIR += py-qt4 SUBDIR += py-qt4-assistant SUBDIR += py-qt4-core SUBDIR += py-qt4-dbus SUBDIR += py-qt4-dbussupport SUBDIR += py-qt4-declarative SUBDIR += py-qt4-designer SUBDIR += py-qt4-designerplugin SUBDIR += py-qt4-help SUBDIR += py-qt4-qscintilla2 SUBDIR += py-qt4-script SUBDIR += py-qt4-scripttools SUBDIR += py-qt4-test SUBDIR += py-qt5 SUBDIR += py-qt5-core SUBDIR += py-qt5-dbus SUBDIR += py-qt5-dbussupport SUBDIR += py-qt5-designer SUBDIR += py-qt5-designerplugin SUBDIR += py-qt5-help SUBDIR += py-qt5-qscintilla2 SUBDIR += py-qt5-test SUBDIR += py-rauth SUBDIR += py-raven SUBDIR += py-rcsparse SUBDIR += py-re2 SUBDIR += py-rebulk SUBDIR += py-rednose SUBDIR += py-repl SUBDIR += py-repoze.lru SUBDIR += py-repoze.sphinx.autointerface SUBDIR += py-repoze.tm2 SUBDIR += py-repoze.what SUBDIR += py-repoze.what-pylons SUBDIR += py-repoze.who SUBDIR += py-repoze.who-friendlyform SUBDIR += py-repoze.who-testutil SUBDIR += py-repoze.xmliter SUBDIR += py-requestsexceptions SUBDIR += py-resolver SUBDIR += py-resourcepackage SUBDIR += py-responses SUBDIR += py-retrying SUBDIR += py-riak_pb SUBDIR += py-rlcompleter2 SUBDIR += py-robotframework SUBDIR += py-robotframework-pabot SUBDIR += py-robotframework-ride SUBDIR += py-robotframework-selenium2library SUBDIR += py-robotremoteserver SUBDIR += py-rope SUBDIR += py-rose SUBDIR += py-roxlib SUBDIR += py-rq SUBDIR += py-rtree SUBDIR += py-ruamel.ordereddict SUBDIR += py-ruamel.yaml SUBDIR += py-ruledispatch SUBDIR += py-sanetime SUBDIR += py-sarge SUBDIR += py-scripttest SUBDIR += py-sdl2 SUBDIR += py-selection SUBDIR += py-selectors34 SUBDIR += py-semantic_version SUBDIR += py-serpent SUBDIR += py-setproctitle SUBDIR += py-setuptools SUBDIR += py-setuptools-git SUBDIR += py-setuptools27 SUBDIR += py-setuptools33 SUBDIR += py-setuptools34 SUBDIR += py-setuptools35 SUBDIR += py-setuptools_darcs SUBDIR += py-setuptools_hg SUBDIR += py-setuptools_scm SUBDIR += py-sh SUBDIR += py-shapely SUBDIR += py-should_dsl SUBDIR += py-simpleeval SUBDIR += py-simplegeneric SUBDIR += py-simplejson SUBDIR += py-simpleparse SUBDIR += py-simpletal SUBDIR += py-simpy SUBDIR += py-singledispatch SUBDIR += py-sip SUBDIR += py-six SUBDIR += py-smmap SUBDIR += py-sortedcontainers SUBDIR += py-sourcemap SUBDIR += py-spark SUBDIR += py-speaklater SUBDIR += py-spyder SUBDIR += py-sqlcc SUBDIR += py-statgrab SUBDIR += py-statsd SUBDIR += py-stdnum SUBDIR += py-stevedore SUBDIR += py-stopit SUBDIR += py-streamparse SUBDIR += py-structlog SUBDIR += py-stsci.distutils SUBDIR += py-subversion SUBDIR += py-subvertpy SUBDIR += py-sure SUBDIR += py-sysctl SUBDIR += py-sysv_ipc SUBDIR += py-tables SUBDIR += py-tabulate SUBDIR += py-tapi SUBDIR += py-tarantool-queue SUBDIR += py-taskflow SUBDIR += py-tblib SUBDIR += py-tconfpy SUBDIR += py-tempora SUBDIR += py-tempstorage SUBDIR += py-termcolor SUBDIR += py-terminable_thread SUBDIR += py-termstyle SUBDIR += py-testgears SUBDIR += py-testoob SUBDIR += py-testtools SUBDIR += py-tgMochiKit SUBDIR += py-thrift SUBDIR += py-thriftpy SUBDIR += py-timelib SUBDIR += py-tinyarray SUBDIR += py-tinyrpc SUBDIR += py-tipper SUBDIR += py-total-ordering SUBDIR += py-tox SUBDIR += py-trace2html + SUBDIR += py-traceback2 SUBDIR += py-traitlets SUBDIR += py-traits SUBDIR += py-transaction SUBDIR += py-trollius SUBDIR += py-turbocheetah SUBDIR += py-turbojson SUBDIR += py-turbojson11 SUBDIR += py-turbokid SUBDIR += py-tvrage SUBDIR += py-tw.forms SUBDIR += py-twext SUBDIR += py-twiggy SUBDIR += py-twilio SUBDIR += py-twine SUBDIR += py-twisted SUBDIR += py-twisted152 SUBDIR += py-twistedCore SUBDIR += py-twistedFlow SUBDIR += py-twistedRunner SUBDIR += py-txaio SUBDIR += py-typing SUBDIR += py-tzlocal SUBDIR += py-ua_parser SUBDIR += py-ujson SUBDIR += py-uncompyle2 SUBDIR += py-unicodecsv SUBDIR += py-unipath SUBDIR += py-unpaddedbase64 SUBDIR += py-update_checker SUBDIR += py-urlimport SUBDIR += py-urwid SUBDIR += py-urwidtrees SUBDIR += py-usb SUBDIR += py-user_agents SUBDIR += py-utils SUBDIR += py-validictory SUBDIR += py-vcrpy SUBDIR += py-vcversioner SUBDIR += py-venusian SUBDIR += py-versiontools SUBDIR += py-virtualenv SUBDIR += py-virtualenv-clone SUBDIR += py-virtualenvwrapper SUBDIR += py-voluptuous SUBDIR += py-warlock SUBDIR += py-watchdog SUBDIR += py-wcwidth SUBDIR += py-weakrefmethod SUBDIR += py-weblib SUBDIR += py-websockify SUBDIR += py-wheel SUBDIR += py-wrapt SUBDIR += py-wsgi_intercept SUBDIR += py-wsgi_xmlrpc SUBDIR += py-wsgitools SUBDIR += py-wsgiutils SUBDIR += py-wsme SUBDIR += py-xattr SUBDIR += py-xcaplib SUBDIR += py-xdg SUBDIR += py-xerox SUBDIR += py-xmltodict SUBDIR += py-xoltar-toolkit SUBDIR += py-yaml SUBDIR += py-yandex-money-sdk SUBDIR += py-yappi SUBDIR += py-yapps2 SUBDIR += py-ydbf SUBDIR += py-yum-metadata-parser SUBDIR += py-yunomi SUBDIR += py-z3c.autoinclude SUBDIR += py-z3c.batching SUBDIR += py-z3c.caching SUBDIR += py-z3c.form SUBDIR += py-z3c.formwidget.query SUBDIR += py-z3c.zcmlhook SUBDIR += py-zExceptions SUBDIR += py-zLOG SUBDIR += py-zc.buildout SUBDIR += py-zclockfile SUBDIR += py-zconfig SUBDIR += py-zkpython SUBDIR += py-zope.annotation SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += SUBDIR += py-zope.applicationcontrol SUBDIR += py-zope.broken SUBDIR += py-zope.browser SUBDIR += py-zope.browsermenu SUBDIR += py-zope.browserpage SUBDIR += py-zope.browserresource SUBDIR += py-zope.cachedescriptors SUBDIR += py-zope.component SUBDIR += py-zope.componentvocabulary SUBDIR += py-zope.configuration SUBDIR += py-zope.container SUBDIR += py-zope.contentprovider SUBDIR += py-zope.contenttype SUBDIR += py-zope.copy SUBDIR += py-zope.copypastemove SUBDIR += py-zope.datetime SUBDIR += py-zope.deferredimport SUBDIR += py-zope.deprecation SUBDIR += py-zope.dottedname SUBDIR += py-zope.dublincore SUBDIR += py-zope.error SUBDIR += py-zope.event SUBDIR += py-zope.exceptions SUBDIR += py-zope.filerepresentation SUBDIR += py-zope.formlib SUBDIR += py-zope.generations SUBDIR += py-zope.globalrequest SUBDIR += py-zope.i18n SUBDIR += py-zope.interface SUBDIR += py-zope.lifecycleevent SUBDIR += py-zope.location SUBDIR += py-zope.minmax SUBDIR += py-zope.pagetemplate SUBDIR += py-zope.processlifetime SUBDIR += py-zope.ptresource SUBDIR += py-zope.publisher SUBDIR += py-zope.ramcache SUBDIR += py-zope.schema SUBDIR += py-zope.sequencesort SUBDIR += SUBDIR += py-zope.size SUBDIR += py-zope.tales SUBDIR += py-zope.testbrowser SUBDIR += py-zope.testing SUBDIR += py-zope.traversing SUBDIR += py-zope.viewlet SUBDIR += py3-Jinja2 SUBDIR += py3-babel SUBDIR += py3-click SUBDIR += py3-dbus SUBDIR += py3-gobject3 SUBDIR += py3-jsonschema SUBDIR += py3-libpeas SUBDIR += py3-lxml SUBDIR += py3-nose SUBDIR += py3-py SUBDIR += py3-pyicu SUBDIR += py3-pylru-cache SUBDIR += py3-pytest SUBDIR += py3-python-magic SUBDIR += py3-pytz SUBDIR += py3-threema-msgapi SUBDIR += py3-vcversioner SUBDIR += py3-xdg SUBDIR += py3-yaml SUBDIR += py_static_check SUBDIR += pybugz SUBDIR += pychecker SUBDIR += pycount SUBDIR += pydbus-common SUBDIR += pygobject3-common SUBDIR += pylint SUBDIR += pymacs SUBDIR += pyobfuscate SUBDIR += pypersrc SUBDIR += pyrex SUBDIR += pyside SUBDIR += pyside-tools SUBDIR += pyst SUBDIR += pysvn SUBDIR += pythk SUBDIR += pythontidy SUBDIR += qbs SUBDIR += qbzr SUBDIR += qca SUBDIR += qca-qt5 SUBDIR += qconf SUBDIR += qct SUBDIR += qdevelop SUBDIR += qgit SUBDIR += qjson SUBDIR += qjson-qt5 SUBDIR += qmake SUBDIR += qmake4 SUBDIR += qmake5 SUBDIR += qprog SUBDIR += qross SUBDIR += qscintilla2 SUBDIR += qscintilla2-designerplugin SUBDIR += qscintilla2-designerplugin-qt5 SUBDIR += qscintilla2-qt5 SUBDIR += qt-maybe SUBDIR += qt4 SUBDIR += qt4-assistant SUBDIR += qt4-assistant-adp SUBDIR += qt4-corelib SUBDIR += qt4-designer SUBDIR += qt4-help SUBDIR += qt4-help-tools SUBDIR += qt4-libqtassistantclient SUBDIR += qt4-linguist SUBDIR += qt4-linguisttools SUBDIR += qt4-makeqpf SUBDIR += qt4-moc SUBDIR += qt4-porting SUBDIR += qt4-qdbusviewer SUBDIR += qt4-qdoc3 SUBDIR += qt4-qmlviewer SUBDIR += qt4-qt3support SUBDIR += qt4-qtsolutions-singleapplication SUBDIR += qt4-qtsolutions-soap SUBDIR += qt4-qvfb SUBDIR += qt4-rcc SUBDIR += qt4-script SUBDIR += qt4-scripttools SUBDIR += qt4-testlib SUBDIR += qt4-uic SUBDIR += qt4-uic3 SUBDIR += qt5 SUBDIR += qt5-assistant SUBDIR += qt5-buildtools SUBDIR += qt5-concurrent SUBDIR += qt5-core SUBDIR += qt5-designer SUBDIR += qt5-help SUBDIR += qt5-linguist SUBDIR += qt5-linguisttools SUBDIR += qt5-location SUBDIR += qt5-qdbus SUBDIR += qt5-qdbusviewer SUBDIR += qt5-qdoc SUBDIR += qt5-qdoc-data SUBDIR += qt5-script SUBDIR += qt5-scripttools SUBDIR += qt5-testlib SUBDIR += qt5-uitools SUBDIR += qtcreator SUBDIR += qtscriptgenerator SUBDIR += quickcheck++ SUBDIR += quilt SUBDIR += radare2 SUBDIR += ragel SUBDIR += raknet SUBDIR += rapidjson SUBDIR += rbenv SUBDIR += rbtools SUBDIR += rclint SUBDIR += rcs SUBDIR += rcs57 SUBDIR += re2 SUBDIR += re2c SUBDIR += readline SUBDIR += rebar SUBDIR += rebar3 SUBDIR += regexx SUBDIR += regexxer SUBDIR += relx SUBDIR += remake SUBDIR += renpy SUBDIR += renpy6 SUBDIR += replay SUBDIR += rhtvision SUBDIR += rlog SUBDIR += rlvm SUBDIR += rlwrap SUBDIR += roboctl SUBDIR += robodoc SUBDIR += root-doc SUBDIR += rote SUBDIR += rpc2 SUBDIR += rpm-spec-mode.el SUBDIR += rsvndump SUBDIR += rth SUBDIR += ruby-aspectr SUBDIR += ruby-bsearch SUBDIR += ruby-build SUBDIR += ruby-byaccr SUBDIR += ruby-calendar SUBDIR += ruby-date2 SUBDIR += ruby-dialogs SUBDIR += ruby-gems SUBDIR += ruby-intl SUBDIR += ruby-korundum SUBDIR += ruby-krossruby SUBDIR += ruby-locale SUBDIR += ruby-ncurses SUBDIR += ruby-property SUBDIR += ruby-qtruby SUBDIR += ruby-rbbr SUBDIR += ruby-rbison SUBDIR += ruby-rbprof SUBDIR += ruby-rreadline SUBDIR += ruby-sdl SUBDIR += ruby-setup.rb SUBDIR += ruby-subversion SUBDIR += ruby-tzfile SUBDIR += ruby-wirble SUBDIR += rubygem-CFPropertyList SUBDIR += rubygem-abstract SUBDIR += rubygem-actionpack-action_caching SUBDIR += rubygem-actionview SUBDIR += rubygem-active_scaffold SUBDIR += rubygem-activejob SUBDIR += rubygem-activemessaging SUBDIR += rubygem-activerecord-deprecated_finders SUBDIR += rubygem-activesupport SUBDIR += rubygem-activesupport4 SUBDIR += rubygem-akismet SUBDIR += rubygem-algebrick SUBDIR += rubygem-algorithms SUBDIR += rubygem-allison SUBDIR += rubygem-analogger SUBDIR += rubygem-annoy SUBDIR += rubygem-ansi SUBDIR += rubygem-apipie-bindings SUBDIR += rubygem-apipie-params SUBDIR += rubygem-app_config SUBDIR += rubygem-arr-pm SUBDIR += rubygem-arrayfields SUBDIR += rubygem-ascii85 SUBDIR += rubygem-asetus SUBDIR += rubygem-aspectr SUBDIR += rubygem-ast SUBDIR += rubygem-astrolabe SUBDIR += rubygem-atomic SUBDIR += rubygem-attic SUBDIR += rubygem-attr_required SUBDIR += rubygem-authlogic SUBDIR += rubygem-awesome_print SUBDIR += rubygem-aws-sdk SUBDIR += rubygem-aws-sdk-core SUBDIR += rubygem-aws-sdk-resources SUBDIR += rubygem-aws-sdk-v1 SUBDIR += rubygem-aws-sigv4 SUBDIR += rubygem-axiom-types SUBDIR += rubygem-backports SUBDIR += rubygem-bacon SUBDIR += rubygem-benelux SUBDIR += rubygem-bin_utils SUBDIR += rubygem-bindata SUBDIR += rubygem-binding_of_caller SUBDIR += rubygem-bio SUBDIR += rubygem-bit-struct SUBDIR += rubygem-blankslate SUBDIR += rubygem-blobstore_client SUBDIR += rubygem-blockenspiel SUBDIR += rubygem-bones SUBDIR += rubygem-bosh-template SUBDIR += rubygem-bosh_common SUBDIR += rubygem-bson SUBDIR += rubygem-bson1 SUBDIR += rubygem-buftok SUBDIR += rubygem-bugspots SUBDIR += rubygem-builder SUBDIR += rubygem-builder32 SUBDIR += rubygem-byebug SUBDIR += rubygem-cabin SUBDIR += rubygem-caesars SUBDIR += rubygem-cairo-gobject SUBDIR += rubygem-capybara SUBDIR += rubygem-celluloid SUBDIR += rubygem-celluloid-essentials SUBDIR += rubygem-celluloid-extras SUBDIR += rubygem-celluloid-fsm SUBDIR += rubygem-celluloid-io SUBDIR += rubygem-celluloid-pool SUBDIR += rubygem-celluloid-supervision SUBDIR += rubygem-cf-uaa-lib SUBDIR += rubygem-childprocess SUBDIR += rubygem-chronic SUBDIR += rubygem-chronic_duration SUBDIR += rubygem-clamp SUBDIR += rubygem-classifier SUBDIR += rubygem-classifier-reborn SUBDIR += rubygem-climate_control SUBDIR += rubygem-clio SUBDIR += rubygem-cliprompt SUBDIR += rubygem-cloudfiles SUBDIR += rubygem-cocaine SUBDIR += rubygem-coercible SUBDIR += rubygem-coffee-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-coffee-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-coffee-script SUBDIR += rubygem-coffee-script-source SUBDIR += rubygem-colorize SUBDIR += rubygem-columnize SUBDIR += rubygem-commander SUBDIR += rubygem-concurrent-ruby SUBDIR += rubygem-concurrent-ruby-edge SUBDIR += rubygem-configatron SUBDIR += rubygem-configstruct SUBDIR += rubygem-configuration SUBDIR += SUBDIR += rubygem-corefines SUBDIR += rubygem-crack SUBDIR += rubygem-cri SUBDIR += rubygem-cucumber SUBDIR += rubygem-cucumber-core SUBDIR += rubygem-cucumber-wire SUBDIR += rubygem-curses SUBDIR += rubygem-cyoi SUBDIR += rubygem-daemon_controller SUBDIR += rubygem-daemons SUBDIR += rubygem-debug_inspector SUBDIR += rubygem-debugger-linecache SUBDIR += rubygem-debugger-xml SUBDIR += rubygem-deep_merge SUBDIR += rubygem-deep_test SUBDIR += rubygem-deface SUBDIR += rubygem-default_value_for SUBDIR += rubygem-delayed_job SUBDIR += rubygem-delayer SUBDIR += rubygem-delayer-deferred SUBDIR += rubygem-deprecated SUBDIR += rubygem-deprecated2 SUBDIR += rubygem-descendants_tracker SUBDIR += rubygem-devise SUBDIR += rubygem-devise-async SUBDIR += rubygem-devise-async-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-devise-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-directory_watcher SUBDIR += rubygem-ditz SUBDIR += rubygem-docile SUBDIR += rubygem-drydock SUBDIR += rubygem-dynflow SUBDIR += rubygem-edavis10-object_daddy SUBDIR += rubygem-elif SUBDIR += rubygem-enumerize SUBDIR += rubygem-equalizer SUBDIR += rubygem-errand SUBDIR += rubygem-event-bus SUBDIR += rubygem-eventmachine SUBDIR += rubygem-excon SUBDIR += rubygem-execjs SUBDIR += rubygem-extlib SUBDIR += rubygem-extras SUBDIR += rubygem-facets SUBDIR += rubygem-faraday_middleware-multi_json SUBDIR += rubygem-fast-stemmer SUBDIR += rubygem-fast_gettext SUBDIR += rubygem-fast_stack SUBDIR += rubygem-fast_xor SUBDIR += rubygem-fastercsv SUBDIR += rubygem-fastri SUBDIR += rubygem-fastthread SUBDIR += rubygem-fattr SUBDIR += rubygem-ffi SUBDIR += rubygem-ffi-compiler SUBDIR += rubygem-ffi-yajl SUBDIR += rubygem-file-tail SUBDIR += rubygem-filesize SUBDIR += rubygem-flexmock SUBDIR += rubygem-fluent-logger SUBDIR += rubygem-fog SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-core SUBDIR += rubygem-fog-json SUBDIR += rubygem-font-awesome-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-font-awesome-rails-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-foreigner SUBDIR += rubygem-foreman SUBDIR += rubygem-formatador SUBDIR += rubygem-forwardable-extended SUBDIR += rubygem-gdata SUBDIR += rubygem-gem-compare SUBDIR += rubygem-gem_plugin SUBDIR += rubygem-gemcutter SUBDIR += rubygem-gemnasium-gitlab-service SUBDIR += rubygem-gemnasium-parser SUBDIR += rubygem-gems SUBDIR += rubygem-generator_spec SUBDIR += rubygem-generator_spec-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-georuby SUBDIR += rubygem-get_process_mem SUBDIR += rubygem-getopt SUBDIR += rubygem-gettext SUBDIR += rubygem-gh SUBDIR += rubygem-gibbler SUBDIR += rubygem-gio2 SUBDIR += rubygem-git SUBDIR += rubygem-git-version-bump SUBDIR += rubygem-github_api SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-pygments.rb SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab_git SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab_meta SUBDIR += rubygem-glib2 SUBDIR += rubygem-gobject-introspection SUBDIR += rubygem-graf SUBDIR += rubygem-grape SUBDIR += rubygem-grape-entity SUBDIR += rubygem-grape-swagger SUBDIR += rubygem-grit SUBDIR += rubygem-guess_html_encoding SUBDIR += rubygem-gyoku SUBDIR += rubygem-hamster SUBDIR += rubygem-hashdiff SUBDIR += rubygem-hashery SUBDIR += rubygem-hashie SUBDIR += rubygem-hashie2 SUBDIR += rubygem-health_check SUBDIR += rubygem-highline SUBDIR += rubygem-hike SUBDIR += rubygem-hitimes SUBDIR += rubygem-hoe SUBDIR += rubygem-holidays SUBDIR += rubygem-i18n SUBDIR += rubygem-icalendar SUBDIR += rubygem-ice_cube SUBDIR += rubygem-ice_nine SUBDIR += rubygem-inflecto SUBDIR += rubygem-instance_storage SUBDIR += rubygem-interact SUBDIR += rubygem-io-like SUBDIR += rubygem-iobuffer SUBDIR += rubygem-jammit SUBDIR += rubygem-jasmine-core SUBDIR += rubygem-jbuilder SUBDIR += rubygem-jekyll-coffeescript SUBDIR += rubygem-jeweler SUBDIR += rubygem-jmespath SUBDIR += rubygem-jquery-ui-themes SUBDIR += rubygem-jruby-jars SUBDIR += rubygem-json SUBDIR += rubygem-json_pure SUBDIR += rubygem-kafo SUBDIR += rubygem-kafo_parsers SUBDIR += rubygem-kafo_wizards SUBDIR += rubygem-kgio SUBDIR += rubygem-launchy SUBDIR += rubygem-launchy22 SUBDIR += rubygem-lazy_priority_queue SUBDIR += rubygem-librarian SUBDIR += rubygem-librarianp SUBDIR += rubygem-libyajl2 SUBDIR += rubygem-licensee SUBDIR += rubygem-listen SUBDIR += rubygem-little-plugger SUBDIR += rubygem-locale SUBDIR += rubygem-lockfile SUBDIR += rubygem-logging SUBDIR += rubygem-logster SUBDIR += rubygem-loquacious SUBDIR += rubygem-lru_redux SUBDIR += rubygem-lumberjack SUBDIR += rubygem-main SUBDIR += rubygem-map SUBDIR += rubygem-memoist SUBDIR += rubygem-memoizable SUBDIR += rubygem-memoize SUBDIR += rubygem-mercenary SUBDIR += rubygem-message_bus SUBDIR += rubygem-metaclass SUBDIR += rubygem-metaid SUBDIR += rubygem-metasm SUBDIR += rubygem-method_source SUBDIR += rubygem-micromachine SUBDIR += rubygem-minitest SUBDIR += rubygem-minitest4 SUBDIR += rubygem-mixlib-authentication SUBDIR += rubygem-mixlib-cli SUBDIR += rubygem-mixlib-config SUBDIR += rubygem-mixlib-log SUBDIR += rubygem-mixlib-shellout SUBDIR += rubygem-mkrf SUBDIR += rubygem-mocha SUBDIR += rubygem-moneta SUBDIR += rubygem-moneta06 SUBDIR += rubygem-mongo SUBDIR += rubygem-msgpack SUBDIR += rubygem-mspec SUBDIR += rubygem-multi_json SUBDIR += rubygem-multi_test SUBDIR += rubygem-murmurhash3 SUBDIR += rubygem-mustache SUBDIR += rubygem-mustermann SUBDIR += rubygem-mustermann-grape SUBDIR += rubygem-mutter SUBDIR += rubygem-naught SUBDIR += rubygem-needle SUBDIR += rubygem-nenv SUBDIR += rubygem-nesty SUBDIR += rubygem-netaddr SUBDIR += rubygem-newrelic-grape SUBDIR += rubygem-newrelic_rpm SUBDIR += rubygem-nice-ffi SUBDIR += rubygem-nio4r SUBDIR += rubygem-nori SUBDIR += rubygem-notiffany SUBDIR += rubygem-notify SUBDIR += rubygem-nprogress-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-numerizer SUBDIR += rubygem-octopress-hooks SUBDIR += rubygem-oj SUBDIR += rubygem-omniauth_crowd SUBDIR += rubygem-open3_backport SUBDIR += rubygem-open4 SUBDIR += rubygem-orm_adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-p4ruby SUBDIR += rubygem-paint SUBDIR += rubygem-paperclip SUBDIR += rubygem-parser SUBDIR += rubygem-patch_finder SUBDIR += rubygem-pathutil SUBDIR += rubygem-piston SUBDIR += rubygem-pkg-config SUBDIR += rubygem-platform SUBDIR += rubygem-plist SUBDIR += rubygem-pluggaloid SUBDIR += rubygem-polyamorous SUBDIR += rubygem-polyglot SUBDIR += rubygem-popen4 SUBDIR += rubygem-posix-spawn SUBDIR += rubygem-power_assert SUBDIR += rubygem-powerbar SUBDIR += rubygem-powerpack SUBDIR += rubygem-pqueue SUBDIR += rubygem-progressbar SUBDIR += rubygem-protected_attributes SUBDIR += rubygem-prototype-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-pry SUBDIR += rubygem-pry-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-pry-remote-em SUBDIR += rubygem-ptreloaded SUBDIR += rubygem-pygments.rb SUBDIR += rubygem-r18n-core SUBDIR += rubygem-racc SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-mini-profiler SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-raw-upload SUBDIR += rubygem-rails-deprecated_sanitizer SUBDIR += rubygem-rails-observers SUBDIR += rubygem-rainbow SUBDIR += rubygem-rake SUBDIR += rubygem-rake-compiler SUBDIR += rubygem-ransack SUBDIR += rubygem-rapt SUBDIR += rubygem-rash SUBDIR += rubygem-rb-fsevent SUBDIR += rubygem-rb-inotify SUBDIR += rubygem-rb-kqueue SUBDIR += rubygem-rbtrace SUBDIR += rubygem-rdoc SUBDIR += rubygem-rdoc3 SUBDIR += rubygem-readwritesettings SUBDIR += rubygem-recaptcha SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-activesupport SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-store SUBDIR += rubygem-redmine_plugin_support SUBDIR += rubygem-ref SUBDIR += rubygem-request_store SUBDIR += rubygem-require_all SUBDIR += rubygem-retryable SUBDIR += rubygem-rgl SUBDIR += rubygem-rice SUBDIR += rubygem-rodzilla SUBDIR += rubygem-rotp SUBDIR += rubygem-rr SUBDIR += rubygem-rrd-ffi SUBDIR += rubygem-rscm SUBDIR += rubygem-rspec SUBDIR += rubygem-rspec-core SUBDIR += rubygem-rspec-expectations SUBDIR += rubygem-rspec-logsplit SUBDIR += rubygem-rspec-mocks SUBDIR += rubygem-rspec-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-rspec-support SUBDIR += rubygem-rubigen SUBDIR += rubygem-rubocop SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-atmos-pure SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-bugzilla SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-filemagic SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-fogbugz SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-libvirt SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-ole SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-prof SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-progressbar SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-sdl-ffi SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby2ruby SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby_dep SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby_parser SUBDIR += rubygem-rubygame SUBDIR += rubygem-rubygems-mirror SUBDIR += rubygem-rubygems-tasks SUBDIR += rubygem-rubygems-test SUBDIR += rubygem-rubyinline SUBDIR += rubygem-rubyinlineaccel SUBDIR += rubygem-rubytree SUBDIR += rubygem-rufus-scheduler SUBDIR += rubygem-rugged SUBDIR += rubygem-runt SUBDIR += rubygem-ruport SUBDIR += rubygem-safe_yaml SUBDIR += rubygem-schash SUBDIR += rubygem-sdoc SUBDIR += rubygem-semantic_puppet SUBDIR += rubygem-semi_semantic SUBDIR += rubygem-sentry-raven SUBDIR += rubygem-sequel SUBDIR += rubygem-sequel3 SUBDIR += rubygem-settingslogic SUBDIR += rubygem-sexp_processor SUBDIR += rubygem-shoulda SUBDIR += rubygem-shoulda-context SUBDIR += rubygem-shoulda-matchers SUBDIR += rubygem-sidekiq SUBDIR += rubygem-sidekiq-cron SUBDIR += rubygem-sidetiq SUBDIR += rubygem-sigdump SUBDIR += rubygem-simple_form SUBDIR += rubygem-simplecov SUBDIR += rubygem-slack-notifier SUBDIR += rubygem-slim SUBDIR += rubygem-slop SUBDIR += rubygem-slop3 SUBDIR += rubygem-soap4r SUBDIR += rubygem-spring SUBDIR += rubygem-sprockets SUBDIR += rubygem-sprockets-es6 SUBDIR += rubygem-sprockets-helpers SUBDIR += rubygem-sprockets-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-sprockets-sass SUBDIR += rubygem-sprockets211 SUBDIR += rubygem-sprockets22 SUBDIR += rubygem-sprockets3 SUBDIR += rubygem-spruz SUBDIR += rubygem-state_machine SUBDIR += rubygem-state_machines SUBDIR += rubygem-statsd SUBDIR += rubygem-stella SUBDIR += rubygem-stemmer SUBDIR += rubygem-stomp SUBDIR += rubygem-storable SUBDIR += rubygem-stream SUBDIR += rubygem-streetaddress SUBDIR += rubygem-stringex SUBDIR += rubygem-structured_warnings SUBDIR += rubygem-subexec SUBDIR += rubygem-sugar-high SUBDIR += rubygem-sumbur SUBDIR += rubygem-sundawg_country_codes SUBDIR += rubygem-svn2git SUBDIR += rubygem-sysinfo SUBDIR += rubygem-systemu SUBDIR += rubygem-table_print SUBDIR += rubygem-tdiff SUBDIR += rubygem-templater SUBDIR += rubygem-temple SUBDIR += rubygem-term-ansicolor SUBDIR += rubygem-test-unit SUBDIR += rubygem-thor SUBDIR += rubygem-thread_safe SUBDIR += rubygem-thread_safe1 SUBDIR += rubygem-thrift SUBDIR += rubygem-tilt SUBDIR += rubygem-tilt1 SUBDIR += rubygem-timers SUBDIR += rubygem-tins SUBDIR += rubygem-titlecase SUBDIR += rubygem-toml SUBDIR += rubygem-tool SUBDIR += rubygem-transaction-simple SUBDIR += rubygem-travis SUBDIR += rubygem-treetop SUBDIR += rubygem-trollop SUBDIR += rubygem-trollop1 SUBDIR += rubygem-turn SUBDIR += rubygem-typed-array SUBDIR += rubygem-tzinfo SUBDIR += rubygem-tzinfo03 SUBDIR += rubygem-unicode SUBDIR += rubygem-unicode-display_width SUBDIR += rubygem-uuid SUBDIR += rubygem-uuidtools SUBDIR += rubygem-validatable SUBDIR += rubygem-versionomy SUBDIR += rubygem-virtus SUBDIR += rubygem-warbler SUBDIR += rubygem-warden SUBDIR += rubygem-wdm SUBDIR += rubygem-web-console SUBDIR += rubygem-webby SUBDIR += rubygem-windows_error SUBDIR += rubygem-wmi-lite SUBDIR += rubygem-xpath SUBDIR += rubygem-yajl-ruby SUBDIR += rubygem-yui-compressor SUBDIR += rubygem-zentest SUBDIR += rudeconfig SUBDIR += rudiments SUBDIR += runsnakerun SUBDIR += rvi SUBDIR += rvm SUBDIR += sabre SUBDIR += safe-iop SUBDIR += sbt SUBDIR += scalatest SUBDIR += scandoc SUBDIR += scons SUBDIR += sdl12 SUBDIR += sdl20 SUBDIR += sdl2pp SUBDIR += sdl_console SUBDIR += sdl_gnat SUBDIR += sdl_sge SUBDIR += sdlmm SUBDIR += sdlskk SUBDIR += sdts++ SUBDIR += sedsed SUBDIR += serdisplib SUBDIR += sfio SUBDIR += sfml SUBDIR += sfml1 SUBDIR += sgb SUBDIR += shapelib SUBDIR += shedskin SUBDIR += shflags SUBDIR += shiboken SUBDIR += shmap SUBDIR += shtk SUBDIR += shtool SUBDIR += sigar SUBDIR += sigslot SUBDIR += silc-toolkit SUBDIR += silentbob SUBDIR += simavr SUBDIR += simgear SUBDIR += simian SUBDIR += simple_components SUBDIR += skalibs SUBDIR += slf4j SUBDIR += slibtool SUBDIR += smack SUBDIR += smake SUBDIR += smc SUBDIR += smokegen SUBDIR += smokekde SUBDIR += smokeqt SUBDIR += smv SUBDIR += soapui SUBDIR += sonarqube SUBDIR += sope2 SUBDIR += sope3 SUBDIR += sourcenav SUBDIR += sparc64-binutils SUBDIR += sparc64-gcc SUBDIR += sparc64-xtoolchain-gcc SUBDIR += spark SUBDIR += sparsehash SUBDIR += spatialindex SUBDIR += spdict SUBDIR += spice-protocol SUBDIR += spin SUBDIR += splint SUBDIR += srecord SUBDIR += st SUBDIR += stack SUBDIR += staf SUBDIR += statcvs SUBDIR += statik SUBDIR += statsvn SUBDIR += stfl SUBDIR += stlfilt SUBDIR += stlink SUBDIR += storm SUBDIR += stormlib-ghost++ SUBDIR += str SUBDIR += strace SUBDIR += streamhtmlparser SUBDIR += stringencoders SUBDIR += stxxl SUBDIR += styx SUBDIR += subcommander2 SUBDIR += subversion SUBDIR += subversion-book SUBDIR += subversion-static SUBDIR += subversion18 SUBDIR += subversive SUBDIR += svk SUBDIR += svn2git SUBDIR += svn_load_dirs SUBDIR += svntrac SUBDIR += swank-clojure SUBDIR += swig13 SUBDIR += swig20 SUBDIR += swig30 SUBDIR += synfig SUBDIR += sysconftool SUBDIR += sysfsutils SUBDIR += t1lib SUBDIR += ta-lib SUBDIR += tailor SUBDIR += talloc SUBDIR += tass64 SUBDIR += tbb SUBDIR += tcl-memchan SUBDIR += tcl-mmap SUBDIR += tcl-signal SUBDIR += tcl-trf SUBDIR += tclap SUBDIR += tclbsd SUBDIR += tclcheck SUBDIR += tcllauncher SUBDIR += tcllib SUBDIR += tcllibc SUBDIR += tclmore SUBDIR += tcloo SUBDIR += tclreadline SUBDIR += tclthread SUBDIR += tcltls SUBDIR += tclvfs SUBDIR += tclxml SUBDIR += tdl SUBDIR += terminality SUBDIR += tesla SUBDIR += tevent SUBDIR += tex-kpathsea SUBDIR += tex-libtexlua SUBDIR += tex-libtexluajit SUBDIR += tex-synctex SUBDIR += tex-web2c SUBDIR += thrift SUBDIR += thrift-c_glib SUBDIR += thrift-cpp SUBDIR += thunar-vcs-plugin SUBDIR += tig SUBDIR += tigcc SUBDIR += tijmp SUBDIR += tinylaf SUBDIR += tinyq SUBDIR += tkcon SUBDIR += tkcvs SUBDIR += tkinspect SUBDIR += tkmerge SUBDIR += tkp4 SUBDIR += tla SUBDIR += tmake SUBDIR += tnt SUBDIR += toh SUBDIR += tokamak SUBDIR += tortoisehg SUBDIR += tpasm SUBDIR += tr-eric6 SUBDIR += trac-bitten SUBDIR += tradcpp SUBDIR += trio SUBDIR += truc SUBDIR += ua_parser-core SUBDIR += uatraits SUBDIR += uboot-mkimage SUBDIR += uclcmd SUBDIR += ucommon SUBDIR += ucpp SUBDIR += udis86 SUBDIR += ultragetopt SUBDIR += umbrello SUBDIR += umem SUBDIR += umlgraph SUBDIR += unibilium SUBDIR += universalindentgui SUBDIR += upnp SUBDIR += upp SUBDIR += upslug SUBDIR += urjtag SUBDIR += utf8cpp SUBDIR += uthash SUBDIR += valgrind SUBDIR += valgrind-devel SUBDIR += varconf SUBDIR += vasm SUBDIR += vera++ SUBDIR += viewvc SUBDIR += violet SUBDIR += visualparadigm SUBDIR += vstr SUBDIR += vtable-dumper SUBDIR += vtcl SUBDIR += vxlog SUBDIR += wand-libconfig SUBDIR += wandio SUBDIR += websocketpp SUBDIR += websvn SUBDIR += wininfo SUBDIR += winpdb SUBDIR += wizardkit SUBDIR += wxGlade SUBDIR += wxformbuilder SUBDIR += xa65 SUBDIR += xc3sprog SUBDIR += xdg-user-dirs SUBDIR += xdg-utils SUBDIR += xfce4-dev-tools SUBDIR += xfce4-vala SUBDIR += xlocale SUBDIR += xmake SUBDIR += xmltooling SUBDIR += xorg-macros SUBDIR += xparam SUBDIR += xsd SUBDIR += xtl SUBDIR += xwpe SUBDIR += xxgdb SUBDIR += xxl SUBDIR += yaggo SUBDIR += yajl SUBDIR += yajl-tcl SUBDIR += yaml-cpp SUBDIR += yaml-cpp03 SUBDIR += yasm SUBDIR += yasm-devel SUBDIR += z80-asm SUBDIR += z80asm SUBDIR += z80ex SUBDIR += zeal SUBDIR += zookeeper SUBDIR += zpu-binutils SUBDIR += zpu-gcc SUBDIR += ztcl SUBDIR += zthread SUBDIR += zziplib .include Index: head/devel/py-traceback2/Makefile =================================================================== --- head/devel/py-traceback2/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ head/devel/py-traceback2/Makefile (revision 429196) @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Created by: Mark Felder +# $FreeBSD$ + +PORTNAME= traceback2 +PORTVERSION= 1.4.0 +CATEGORIES= devel python +MASTER_SITES= CHEESESHOP +PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} + +MAINTAINER= +COMMENT= New features in traceback backported to Python 2 + +BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}pbr>0:devel/py-pbr \ + ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}six>0:devel/py-six +RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}pbr>0:devel/py-six \ + ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}six>0:devel/py-pbr + +LICENSE= PSFL + +USES= python +USE_PYTHON= autoplist distutils + +.include Property changes on: head/devel/py-traceback2/Makefile ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:keywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +FreeBSD=%H \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/devel/py-traceback2/distinfo =================================================================== --- head/devel/py-traceback2/distinfo (nonexistent) +++ head/devel/py-traceback2/distinfo (revision 429196) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1482445733 +SHA256 (traceback2-1.4.0.tar.gz) = 05acc67a09980c2ecfedd3423f7ae0104839eccb55fc645773e1caa0951c3030 +SIZE (traceback2-1.4.0.tar.gz) = 15872 Property changes on: head/devel/py-traceback2/distinfo ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +on \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property Index: head/devel/py-traceback2/pkg-descr =================================================================== --- head/devel/py-traceback2/pkg-descr (nonexistent) +++ head/devel/py-traceback2/pkg-descr (revision 429196) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +A backport of traceback to older supported Pythons. + +WWW: Property changes on: head/devel/py-traceback2/pkg-descr ___________________________________________________________________ Added: fbsd:nokeywords ## -0,0 +1 ## +on \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:eol-style ## -0,0 +1 ## +native \ No newline at end of property Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +text/plain \ No newline at end of property