diff --git a/share/man/man4/Makefile b/share/man/man4/Makefile index c72caf0199c9..b8e63315cb95 100644 --- a/share/man/man4/Makefile +++ b/share/man/man4/Makefile @@ -1,1049 +1,1056 @@ # @(#)Makefile 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/18/93 # $FreeBSD$ .include <src.opts.mk> MAN= aac.4 \ aacraid.4 \ acpi.4 \ ${_acpi_asus.4} \ ${_acpi_asus_wmi.4} \ ${_acpi_dock.4} \ ${_acpi_fujitsu.4} \ ${_acpi_hp.4} \ ${_acpi_ibm.4} \ ${_acpi_panasonic.4} \ ${_acpi_rapidstart.4} \ ${_acpi_sony.4} \ acpi_thermal.4 \ acpi_battery.4 \ ${_acpi_toshiba.4} \ acpi_video.4 \ ${_acpi_wmi.4} \ ada.4 \ adm6996fc.4 \ ads111x.4 \ ae.4 \ ${_aesni.4} \ age.4 \ agp.4 \ ahc.4 \ ahci.4 \ ahd.4 \ ${_aibs.4} \ aio.4 \ alc.4 \ ale.4 \ alpm.4 \ altera_atse.4 \ altera_avgen.4 \ altera_jtag_uart.4 \ altera_sdcard.4 \ altq.4 \ amdpm.4 \ ${_amdsbwd.4} \ ${_amdsmb.4} \ ${_amdsmn.4} \ ${_amdtemp.4} \ ${_bxe.4} \ amr.4 \ an.4 \ ${_aout.4} \ ${_apic.4} \ arcmsr.4 \ ${_asmc.4} \ at45d.4 \ ata.4 \ ath.4 \ ath_ahb.4 \ ath_hal.4 \ ath_pci.4 \ atkbd.4 \ atkbdc.4 \ atp.4 \ ${_atf_test_case.4} \ ${_atrtc.4} \ ${_attimer.4} \ audit.4 \ auditpipe.4 \ aue.4 \ axe.4 \ axge.4 \ bce.4 \ bcma.4 \ bfe.4 \ bge.4 \ ${_bhyve.4} \ bhnd.4 \ bhnd_chipc.4 \ bhnd_pmu.4 \ bhndb.4 \ bhndb_pci.4 \ blackhole.4 \ bnxt.4 \ bpf.4 \ bridge.4 \ bt.4 \ bwi.4 \ bwn.4 \ ${_bytgpio.4} \ capsicum.4 \ cardbus.4 \ carp.4 \ cas.4 \ cc_cdg.4 \ cc_chd.4 \ cc_cubic.4 \ cc_dctcp.4 \ cc_hd.4 \ cc_htcp.4 \ cc_newreno.4 \ cc_vegas.4 \ ${_ccd.4} \ ccr.4 \ cd.4 \ cdce.4 \ cdceem.4 \ cfi.4 \ cfumass.4 \ + ${_cgem.4} \ ch.4 \ chromebook_platform.4 \ ${_chvgpio.4} \ ciss.4 \ cloudabi.4 \ ${_coretemp.4} \ cp2112.4 \ ${_cpuctl.4} \ cpufreq.4 \ crypto.4 \ ctl.4 \ cue.4 \ cxgb.4 \ cxgbe.4 \ cxgbev.4 \ cyapa.4 \ da.4 \ dc.4 \ dcons.4 \ dcons_crom.4 \ ddb.4 \ devctl.4 \ disc.4 \ disk.4 \ divert.4 \ ${_dpms.4} \ ds1307.4 \ ds3231.4 \ ${_dtrace_provs} \ dummynet.4 \ edsc.4 \ ehci.4 \ em.4 \ ena.4 \ enc.4 \ epair.4 \ esp.4 \ est.4 \ et.4 \ etherswitch.4 \ eventtimers.4 \ exca.4 \ e6060sw.4 \ fd.4 \ fdc.4 \ fdt.4 \ fdt_pinctrl.4 \ fdtbus.4 \ ffclock.4 \ filemon.4 \ firewire.4 \ ${_ftwd.4} \ full.4 \ fwe.4 \ fwip.4 \ fwohci.4 \ fxp.4 \ gbde.4 \ gdb.4 \ gem.4 \ geom.4 \ geom_linux_lvm.4 \ geom_map.4 \ geom_uzip.4 \ gif.4 \ gpio.4 \ gpioiic.4 \ gpiokeys.4 \ gpioled.4 \ gpioths.4 \ gre.4 \ h_ertt.4 \ hconf.4 \ hcons.4 \ hgame.4 \ hidbus.4 \ hidquirk.4 \ hidraw.4 \ hifn.4 \ hkbd.4 \ hms.4 \ hmt.4 \ hpen.4 \ hpet.4 \ ${_hpt27xx.4} \ ${_hptiop.4} \ ${_hptmv.4} \ ${_hptnr.4} \ ${_hptrr.4} \ hsctrl.4 \ ${_hv_kvp.4} \ ${_hv_netvsc.4} \ ${_hv_storvsc.4} \ ${_hv_utils.4} \ ${_hv_vmbus.4} \ ${_hv_vss.4} \ hwpmc.4 \ ${_hwpstate_intel.4} \ iavf.4 \ ichsmb.4 \ ${_ichwd.4} \ icmp.4 \ icmp6.4 \ ida.4 \ if_ipsec.4 \ iflib.4 \ ifmib.4 \ ig4.4 \ igmp.4 \ iic.4 \ iic_gpiomux.4 \ iicbb.4 \ iicbus.4 \ iichid.4 \ iicmux.4 \ iicsmb.4 \ iir.4 \ ${_imcsmb.4} \ inet.4 \ inet6.4 \ intpm.4 \ intro.4 \ ${_io.4} \ ${_ioat.4} \ ip.4 \ ip6.4 \ ipfirewall.4 \ ipheth.4 \ ${_ipmi.4} \ ips.4 \ ipsec.4 \ ipw.4 \ ipwfw.4 \ isci.4 \ isl.4 \ ismt.4 \ isp.4 \ ispfw.4 \ ${_itwd.4} \ iwi.4 \ iwifw.4 \ iwm.4 \ iwmfw.4 \ iwn.4 \ iwnfw.4 \ ixgbe.4 \ ixl.4 \ jedec_dimm.4 \ jme.4 \ kbdmux.4 \ kcov.4 \ keyboard.4 \ kld.4 \ ksyms.4 \ ksz8995ma.4 \ ktls.4 \ ktr.4 \ kue.4 \ lagg.4 \ le.4 \ led.4 \ lge.4 \ ${_linux.4} \ liquidio.4 \ lm75.4 \ lo.4 \ lp.4 \ lpbb.4 \ lpt.4 \ ltc430x.4 \ mac.4 \ mac_biba.4 \ mac_bsdextended.4 \ mac_ifoff.4 \ mac_lomac.4 \ mac_mls.4 \ mac_none.4 \ mac_ntpd.4 \ mac_partition.4 \ mac_portacl.4 \ mac_seeotheruids.4 \ mac_stub.4 \ mac_test.4 \ malo.4 \ md.4 \ mdio.4 \ me.4 \ mem.4 \ meteor.4 \ mfi.4 \ miibus.4 \ mld.4 \ mlx.4 \ mlx4en.4 \ mlx5en.4 \ mly.4 \ mmc.4 \ mmcsd.4 \ mn.4 \ mod_cc.4 \ mos.4 \ mouse.4 \ mpr.4 \ mps.4 \ mpt.4 \ mrsas.4 \ msk.4 \ mtio.4 \ multicast.4 \ muge.4 \ mvs.4 \ mwl.4 \ mwlfw.4 \ mx25l.4 \ mxge.4 \ my.4 \ ${_ndis.4} \ net80211.4 \ netdump.4 \ netfpga10g_nf10bmac.4 \ netgdb.4 \ netgraph.4 \ netintro.4 \ netmap.4 \ ${_nfe.4} \ ${_nfsmb.4} \ ng_async.4 \ ngatmbase.4 \ ng_atmllc.4 \ ng_bpf.4 \ ng_bridge.4 \ ng_btsocket.4 \ ng_car.4 \ ng_ccatm.4 \ ng_checksum.4 \ ng_cisco.4 \ ng_deflate.4 \ ng_device.4 \ nge.4 \ ng_echo.4 \ ng_eiface.4 \ ng_etf.4 \ ng_ether.4 \ ng_ether_echo.4 \ ng_frame_relay.4 \ ng_gif.4 \ ng_gif_demux.4 \ ng_h4.4 \ ng_hci.4 \ ng_hole.4 \ ng_hub.4 \ ng_iface.4 \ ng_ipfw.4 \ ng_ip_input.4 \ ng_ksocket.4 \ ng_l2cap.4 \ ng_l2tp.4 \ ng_lmi.4 \ ng_macfilter.4 \ ng_mppc.4 \ ng_nat.4 \ ng_netflow.4 \ ng_one2many.4 \ ng_patch.4 \ ng_pipe.4 \ ng_ppp.4 \ ng_pppoe.4 \ ng_pptpgre.4 \ ng_pred1.4 \ ng_rfc1490.4 \ ng_socket.4 \ ng_source.4 \ ng_split.4 \ ng_sppp.4 \ ng_sscfu.4 \ ng_sscop.4 \ ng_tag.4 \ ng_tcpmss.4 \ ng_tee.4 \ ng_tty.4 \ ng_ubt.4 \ ng_UI.4 \ ng_uni.4 \ ng_vjc.4 \ ng_vlan.4 \ nmdm.4 \ ${_ntb.4} \ ${_ntb_hw_amd.4} \ ${_ntb_hw_intel.4} \ ${_ntb_hw_plx.4} \ ${_ntb_transport.4} \ ${_nda.4} \ ${_if_ntb.4} \ null.4 \ numa.4 \ ${_nvd.4} \ ${_nvdimm.4} \ ${_nvme.4} \ ${_nvram.4} \ ${_nvram2env.4} \ oce.4 \ ocs_fc.4\ ohci.4 \ orm.4 \ ${_ossl.4} \ ow.4 \ ow_temp.4 \ owc.4 \ ${_padlock.4} \ pass.4 \ pccard.4 \ pccbb.4 \ pcf.4 \ ${_pchtherm.4} \ pci.4 \ pcib.4 \ pcic.4 \ pcm.4 \ ${_pf.4} \ ${_pflog.4} \ ${_pfsync.4} \ pim.4 \ pms.4 \ polling.4 \ ppbus.4 \ ppc.4 \ ppi.4 \ procdesc.4 \ proto.4 \ ps4dshock.4 \ psm.4 \ pst.4 \ pt.4 \ ptnet.4 \ pts.4 \ pty.4 \ puc.4 \ pwmc.4 \ ${_qat.4} \ ${_qlxge.4} \ ${_qlxgb.4} \ ${_qlxgbe.4} \ ${_qlnxe.4} \ ral.4 \ random.4 \ rctl.4 \ re.4 \ rgephy.4 \ rights.4 \ rl.4 \ rndtest.4 \ route.4 \ rtsx.4 \ rtwn.4 \ rtwnfw.4 \ rtwn_pci.4 \ rue.4 \ sa.4 \ safe.4 \ safexcel.4 \ sbp.4 \ sbp_targ.4 \ scc.4 \ sched_4bsd.4 \ sched_ule.4 \ screen.4 \ scsi.4 \ sctp.4 \ sdhci.4 \ sem.4 \ send.4 \ ses.4 \ ${_sfxge.4} \ sge.4 \ siba.4 \ siftr.4 \ siis.4 \ simplebus.4 \ sis.4 \ sk.4 \ ${_smartpqi.4} \ smb.4 \ smbios.4 \ smbus.4 \ smp.4 \ smsc.4 \ snd_ad1816.4 \ snd_als4000.4 \ snd_atiixp.4 \ snd_cmi.4 \ snd_cs4281.4 \ snd_csa.4 \ snd_ds1.4 \ snd_emu10k1.4 \ snd_emu10kx.4 \ snd_envy24.4 \ snd_envy24ht.4 \ snd_es137x.4 \ snd_ess.4 \ snd_fm801.4 \ snd_gusc.4 \ snd_hda.4 \ snd_hdspe.4 \ snd_ich.4 \ snd_maestro3.4 \ snd_maestro.4 \ snd_mss.4 \ snd_neomagic.4 \ snd_sbc.4 \ snd_solo.4 \ snd_spicds.4 \ snd_t4dwave.4 \ snd_uaudio.4 \ snd_via8233.4 \ snd_via82c686.4 \ snd_vibes.4 \ snp.4 \ spigen.4 \ ${_spkr.4} \ splash.4 \ sppp.4 \ ste.4 \ stf.4 \ stge.4 \ ${_sume.4} \ ${_superio.4} \ sym.4 \ syncache.4 \ syncer.4 \ syscons.4 \ sysmouse.4 \ tap.4 \ targ.4 \ tcp.4 \ tcp_bbr.4 \ tdfx.4 \ terasic_mtl.4 \ termios.4 \ textdump.4 \ ti.4 \ timecounters.4 \ ${_tpm.4} \ tty.4 \ tun.4 \ twa.4 \ twe.4 \ tws.4 \ udp.4 \ udplite.4 \ ure.4 \ vale.4 \ vga.4 \ vge.4 \ viapm.4 \ ${_viawd.4} \ ${_virtio.4} \ ${_virtio_balloon.4} \ ${_virtio_blk.4} \ ${_virtio_console.4} \ ${_virtio_random.4} \ ${_virtio_scsi.4} \ ${_vmci.4} \ vkbd.4 \ vlan.4 \ vxlan.4 \ ${_vmd.4} \ ${_vmm.4} \ ${_vmx.4} \ vr.4 \ vt.4 \ vte.4 \ ${_vtnet.4} \ watchdog.4 \ ${_wbwd.4} \ witness.4 \ wlan.4 \ wlan_acl.4 \ wlan_amrr.4 \ wlan_ccmp.4 \ wlan_tkip.4 \ wlan_wep.4 \ wlan_xauth.4 \ wmt.4 \ ${_wpi.4} \ wsp.4 \ xb360gp.4 \ ${_xen.4} \ xhci.4 \ xl.4 \ ${_xnb.4} \ xpt.4 \ zero.4 MLINKS= ads111x.4 ads1013.4 \ ads111x.4 ads1014.4 \ ads111x.4 ads1015.4 \ ads111x.4 ads1113.4 \ ads111x.4 ads1114.4 \ ads111x.4 ads1115.4 MLINKS+=ae.4 if_ae.4 MLINKS+=age.4 if_age.4 MLINKS+=agp.4 agpgart.4 MLINKS+=alc.4 if_alc.4 MLINKS+=ale.4 if_ale.4 MLINKS+=altera_atse.4 atse.4 MLINKS+=altera_sdcard.4 altera_sdcardc.4 MLINKS+=altq.4 ALTQ.4 MLINKS+=ath.4 if_ath.4 MLINKS+=ath_pci.4 if_ath_pci.4 MLINKS+=an.4 if_an.4 MLINKS+=aue.4 if_aue.4 MLINKS+=axe.4 if_axe.4 MLINKS+=bce.4 if_bce.4 MLINKS+=bfe.4 if_bfe.4 MLINKS+=bge.4 if_bge.4 MLINKS+=bnxt.4 if_bnxt.4 MLINKS+=bridge.4 if_bridge.4 MLINKS+=bwi.4 if_bwi.4 MLINKS+=bwn.4 if_bwn.4 MLINKS+=${_bxe.4} ${_if_bxe.4} MLINKS+=cas.4 if_cas.4 MLINKS+=cdce.4 if_cdce.4 MLINKS+=cfi.4 cfid.4 MLINKS+=cloudabi.4 cloudabi32.4 \ cloudabi.4 cloudabi64.4 MLINKS+=crypto.4 cryptodev.4 MLINKS+=cue.4 if_cue.4 MLINKS+=cxgb.4 if_cxgb.4 MLINKS+=cxgbe.4 if_cxgbe.4 \ cxgbe.4 vcxgbe.4 \ cxgbe.4 if_vcxgbe.4 \ cxgbe.4 cxl.4 \ cxgbe.4 if_cxl.4 \ cxgbe.4 vcxl.4 \ cxgbe.4 if_vcxl.4 \ cxgbe.4 cc.4 \ cxgbe.4 if_cc.4 \ cxgbe.4 vcc.4 \ cxgbe.4 if_vcc.4 MLINKS+=cxgbev.4 if_cxgbev.4 \ cxgbev.4 cxlv.4 \ cxgbev.4 if_cxlv.4 \ cxgbev.4 ccv.4 \ cxgbev.4 if_ccv.4 MLINKS+=dc.4 if_dc.4 MLINKS+=disc.4 if_disc.4 MLINKS+=edsc.4 if_edsc.4 MLINKS+=em.4 if_em.4 \ em.4 igb.4 \ em.4 if_igb.4 MLINKS+=enc.4 if_enc.4 MLINKS+=epair.4 if_epair.4 MLINKS+=et.4 if_et.4 MLINKS+=fd.4 stderr.4 \ fd.4 stdin.4 \ fd.4 stdout.4 MLINKS+=fdt.4 FDT.4 MLINKS+=firewire.4 ieee1394.4 MLINKS+=fwe.4 if_fwe.4 MLINKS+=fwip.4 if_fwip.4 MLINKS+=fxp.4 if_fxp.4 MLINKS+=gem.4 if_gem.4 MLINKS+=geom.4 GEOM.4 MLINKS+=gif.4 if_gif.4 MLINKS+=gpio.4 gpiobus.4 MLINKS+=gpioths.4 dht11.4 MLINKS+=gpioths.4 dht22.4 MLINKS+=gre.4 if_gre.4 MLINKS+=hpet.4 acpi_hpet.4 MLINKS+=${_hptrr.4} ${_rr232x.4} MLINKS+=${_attimer.4} ${_i8254.4} MLINKS+=ip.4 rawip.4 MLINKS+=ipfirewall.4 ipaccounting.4 \ ipfirewall.4 ipacct.4 \ ipfirewall.4 ipfw.4 MLINKS+=ipheth.4 if_ipheth.4 MLINKS+=ipw.4 if_ipw.4 MLINKS+=iwi.4 if_iwi.4 MLINKS+=iwm.4 if_iwm.4 MLINKS+=iwn.4 if_iwn.4 MLINKS+=ixgbe.4 ix.4 MLINKS+=ixgbe.4 if_ix.4 MLINKS+=ixgbe.4 if_ixgbe.4 MLINKS+=ixl.4 if_ixl.4 MLINKS+=iavf.4 if_iavf.4 MLINKS+=jme.4 if_jme.4 MLINKS+=kue.4 if_kue.4 MLINKS+=lagg.4 trunk.4 MLINKS+=lagg.4 if_lagg.4 MLINKS+=le.4 if_le.4 MLINKS+=lge.4 if_lge.4 MLINKS+=lo.4 loop.4 MLINKS+=lp.4 plip.4 MLINKS+=malo.4 if_malo.4 MLINKS+=md.4 vn.4 MLINKS+=mem.4 kmem.4 MLINKS+=mfi.4 mfi_linux.4 \ mfi.4 mfip.4 MLINKS+=mlx5en.4 mce.4 MLINKS+=mn.4 if_mn.4 MLINKS+=mos.4 if_mos.4 MLINKS+=msk.4 if_msk.4 MLINKS+=mwl.4 if_mwl.4 MLINKS+=mxge.4 if_mxge.4 MLINKS+=my.4 if_my.4 MLINKS+=${_ndis.4} ${_if_ndis.4} MLINKS+=netfpga10g_nf10bmac.4 if_nf10bmac.4 MLINKS+=netintro.4 net.4 \ netintro.4 networking.4 MLINKS+=${_nfe.4} ${_if_nfe.4} MLINKS+=nge.4 if_nge.4 MLINKS+=ow.4 onewire.4 MLINKS+=pccbb.4 cbb.4 MLINKS+=pcm.4 snd.4 \ pcm.4 sound.4 MLINKS+=pms.4 pmspcv.4 MLINKS+=ptnet.4 if_ptnet.4 MLINKS+=ral.4 if_ral.4 MLINKS+=re.4 if_re.4 MLINKS+=rl.4 if_rl.4 MLINKS+=rtwn_pci.4 if_rtwn_pci.4 MLINKS+=rue.4 if_rue.4 MLINKS+=scsi.4 CAM.4 \ scsi.4 cam.4 \ scsi.4 scbus.4 \ scsi.4 SCSI.4 MLINKS+=sge.4 if_sge.4 MLINKS+=sis.4 if_sis.4 MLINKS+=sk.4 if_sk.4 MLINKS+=smp.4 SMP.4 MLINKS+=smsc.4 if_smsc.4 MLINKS+=snd_envy24.4 snd_ak452x.4 MLINKS+=snd_sbc.4 snd_sb16.4 \ snd_sbc.4 snd_sb8.4 MLINKS+=${_spkr.4} ${_speaker.4} MLINKS+=splash.4 screensaver.4 MLINKS+=ste.4 if_ste.4 MLINKS+=stf.4 if_stf.4 MLINKS+=stge.4 if_stge.4 MLINKS+=syncache.4 syncookies.4 MLINKS+=syscons.4 sc.4 MLINKS+=tap.4 if_tap.4 \ tap.4 vmnet.4 \ tap.4 if_vmnet.4 MLINKS+=tdfx.4 tdfx_linux.4 MLINKS+=ti.4 if_ti.4 MLINKS+=tun.4 if_tun.4 MLINKS+=ure.4 if_ure.4 MLINKS+=vge.4 if_vge.4 MLINKS+=vlan.4 if_vlan.4 MLINKS+=vxlan.4 if_vxlan.4 MLINKS+=${_vmx.4} ${_if_vmx.4} MLINKS+=vr.4 if_vr.4 MLINKS+=vte.4 if_vte.4 MLINKS+=${_vtnet.4} ${_if_vtnet.4} MLINKS+=watchdog.4 SW_WATCHDOG.4 MLINKS+=${_wpi.4} ${_if_wpi.4} MLINKS+=xl.4 if_xl.4 .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "i386" _acpi_asus.4= acpi_asus.4 _acpi_asus_wmi.4= acpi_asus_wmi.4 _acpi_dock.4= acpi_dock.4 _acpi_fujitsu.4=acpi_fujitsu.4 _acpi_hp.4= acpi_hp.4 _acpi_ibm.4= acpi_ibm.4 _acpi_panasonic.4=acpi_panasonic.4 _acpi_rapidstart.4=acpi_rapidstart.4 _acpi_sony.4= acpi_sony.4 _acpi_toshiba.4=acpi_toshiba.4 _acpi_wmi.4= acpi_wmi.4 _aesni.4= aesni.4 _aout.4= aout.4 _apic.4= apic.4 _atrtc.4= atrtc.4 _attimer.4= attimer.4 _aibs.4= aibs.4 _amdsbwd.4= amdsbwd.4 _amdsmb.4= amdsmb.4 _amdsmn.4= amdsmn.4 _amdtemp.4= amdtemp.4 _asmc.4= asmc.4 _bxe.4= bxe.4 _bytgpio.4= bytgpio.4 _chvgpio.4= chvgpio.4 _coretemp.4= coretemp.4 _cpuctl.4= cpuctl.4 _dpms.4= dpms.4 _ftwd.4= ftwd.4 _hpt27xx.4= hpt27xx.4 _hptiop.4= hptiop.4 _hptmv.4= hptmv.4 _hptnr.4= hptnr.4 _hptrr.4= hptrr.4 _hv_kvp.4= hv_kvp.4 _hv_netvsc.4= hv_netvsc.4 _hv_storvsc.4= hv_storvsc.4 _hv_utils.4= hv_utils.4 _hv_vmbus.4= hv_vmbus.4 _hv_vss.4= hv_vss.4 _hwpstate_intel.4= hwpstate_intel.4 _i8254.4= i8254.4 _ichwd.4= ichwd.4 _if_bxe.4= if_bxe.4 _if_ndis.4= if_ndis.4 _if_nfe.4= if_nfe.4 _if_urtw.4= if_urtw.4 _if_vmx.4= if_vmx.4 _if_vtnet.4= if_vtnet.4 _if_wpi.4= if_wpi.4 _imcsmb.4= imcsmb.4 _ipmi.4= ipmi.4 _io.4= io.4 _itwd.4= itwd.4 _linux.4= linux.4 _nda.4= nda.4 _ndis.4= ndis.4 _nfe.4= nfe.4 _nfsmb.4= nfsmb.4 _if_ntb.4= if_ntb.4 _ntb.4= ntb.4 _ntb_hw_amd.4= ntb_hw_amd.4 _ntb_hw_intel.4= ntb_hw_intel.4 _ntb_hw_plx.4= ntb_hw_plx.4 _ntb_transport.4=ntb_transport.4 _nvd.4= nvd.4 _nvme.4= nvme.4 _nvram.4= nvram.4 _ossl.4= ossl.4 _padlock.4= padlock.4 _pchtherm.4= pchtherm.4 _qat.4= qat.4 _rr232x.4= rr232x.4 _speaker.4= speaker.4 _spkr.4= spkr.4 _superio.4= superio.4 _tpm.4= tpm.4 _urtw.4= urtw.4 _viawd.4= viawd.4 _virtio.4= virtio.4 _virtio_balloon.4=virtio_balloon.4 _virtio_blk.4= virtio_blk.4 _virtio_console.4=virtio_console.4 _virtio_random.4= virtio_random.4 _virtio_scsi.4= virtio_scsi.4 _vmci.4= vmci.4 _vmx.4= vmx.4 _vtnet.4= vtnet.4 _wbwd.4= wbwd.4 _wpi.4= wpi.4 _xen.4= xen.4 _xnb.4= xnb.4 .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" _ioat.4= ioat.4 _nvdimm.4= nvdimm.4 _qlxge.4= qlxge.4 _qlxgb.4= qlxgb.4 _qlxgbe.4= qlxgbe.4 _qlnxe.4= qlnxe.4 _sfxge.4= sfxge.4 _smartpqi.4= smartpqi.4 _sume.4= sume.4 _vmd.4= vmd.4 MLINKS+=qlxge.4 if_qlxge.4 MLINKS+=qlxgb.4 if_qlxgb.4 MLINKS+=qlxgbe.4 if_qlxgbe.4 MLINKS+=qlnxe.4 if_qlnxe.4 MLINKS+=sfxge.4 if_sfxge.4 MLINKS+=sume.4 if_sume.4 .if ${MK_BHYVE} != "no" _bhyve.4= bhyve.4 _vmm.4= vmm.4 .endif .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "mips" _nvram2env.4= nvram2env.4 .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "powerpc" _if_vtnet.4= if_vtnet.4 _nvd.4= nvd.4 _nvme.4= nvme.4 _virtio.4= virtio.4 _virtio_balloon.4=virtio_balloon.4 _virtio_blk.4= virtio_blk.4 _virtio_console.4=virtio_console.4 _virtio_random.4= virtio_random.4 _virtio_scsi.4= virtio_scsi.4 _vtnet.4= vtnet.4 .endif +.if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "arm" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64" || \ + ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "riscv" +_cgem.4= cgem.4 +MLINKS+=cgem.4 if_cgem.4 +.endif + .if empty(MAN_ARCH) __arches= ${MACHINE} ${MACHINE_ARCH} ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} .elif ${MAN_ARCH} == "all" __arches= ${:!/bin/sh -c "/bin/ls -d ${.CURDIR}/man4.*"!:E} .else __arches= ${MAN_ARCH} .endif .for __arch in ${__arches:O:u} .if exists(${.CURDIR}/man4.${__arch}) SUBDIR+= man4.${__arch} .endif .endfor .if ${MK_BLUETOOTH} != "no" MAN+= ng_bluetooth.4 .endif .if ${MK_CCD} != "no" _ccd.4= ccd.4 .endif .if ${MK_CDDL} != "no" _dtrace_provs= dtrace_audit.4 \ dtrace_io.4 \ dtrace_ip.4 \ dtrace_lockstat.4 \ dtrace_proc.4 \ dtrace_sched.4 \ dtrace_sctp.4 \ dtrace_tcp.4 \ dtrace_udp.4 \ dtrace_udplite.4 MLINKS+= dtrace_audit.4 dtaudit.4 .endif .if ${MK_EFI} != "no" MAN+= efidev.4 MLINKS+= efidev.4 efirtc.4 .endif .if ${MK_ISCSI} != "no" MAN+= cfiscsi.4 MAN+= iscsi.4 MAN+= iscsi_initiator.4 MAN+= iser.4 .endif .if ${MK_OFED} != "no" MAN+= mlx4ib.4 MAN+= mlx5ib.4 .endif .if ${MK_MLX5TOOL} != "no" MAN+= mlx5io.4 .endif .if ${MK_TESTS} != "no" ATF= ${SRCTOP}/contrib/atf .PATH: ${ATF}/doc _atf_test_case.4= atf-test-case.4 .endif .if ${MK_PF} != "no" _pf.4= pf.4 _pflog.4= pflog.4 _pfsync.4= pfsync.4 .endif .if ${MK_USB} != "no" MAN+= \ otus.4 \ otusfw.4 \ rsu.4 \ rsufw.4 \ rtwn_usb.4 \ rum.4 \ run.4 \ runfw.4 \ u3g.4 \ uark.4 \ uart.4 \ uath.4 \ ubsa.4 \ ubser.4 \ ubtbcmfw.4 \ uchcom.4 \ ucom.4 \ ucycom.4 \ udav.4 \ udbp.4 \ udl.4 \ uep.4 \ ufoma.4 \ uftdi.4 \ ugen.4 \ ugold.4 \ uhci.4 \ uhid.4 \ uhso.4 \ uipaq.4 \ ukbd.4 \ uled.4 \ ulpt.4 \ umass.4 \ umcs.4 \ umct.4 \ umodem.4 \ umoscom.4 \ ums.4 \ unix.4 \ upgt.4 \ uplcom.4 \ ural.4 \ urio.4 \ urndis.4 \ ${_urtw.4} \ usb.4 \ usb_quirk.4 \ usb_template.4 \ usbhid.4 \ usfs.4 \ uslcom.4 \ uvisor.4 \ uvscom.4 \ zyd.4 MLINKS+=otus.4 if_otus.4 MLINKS+=rsu.4 if_rsu.4 MLINKS+=rtwn_usb.4 if_rtwn_usb.4 MLINKS+=rum.4 if_rum.4 MLINKS+=run.4 if_run.4 MLINKS+=u3g.4 u3gstub.4 MLINKS+=uath.4 if_uath.4 MLINKS+=udav.4 if_udav.4 MLINKS+=upgt.4 if_upgt.4 MLINKS+=ural.4 if_ural.4 MLINKS+=urndis.4 if_urndis.4 MLINKS+=${_urtw.4} ${_if_urtw.4} MLINKS+=zyd.4 if_zyd.4 .endif .include <bsd.prog.mk> diff --git a/share/man/man4/man4.arm/cgem.4 b/share/man/man4/cgem.4 similarity index 96% rename from share/man/man4/man4.arm/cgem.4 rename to share/man/man4/cgem.4 index 6de1d7961788..f9f525dc4554 100644 --- a/share/man/man4/man4.arm/cgem.4 +++ b/share/man/man4/cgem.4 @@ -1,298 +1,302 @@ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2014 Thomas Skibo <thomasskibo@yahoo.com> .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products .\" derived from this software without specific prior written permission. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" -.Dd August 26, 2014 +.Dd January 10, 2021 .Dt CGEM 4 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm cgem .Nd "Cadence GEM Gigabit Ethernet driver" .Sh SYNOPSIS To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: .Bd -ragged -offset indent .Cd "device ether" .Cd "device miibus" .Cd "device cgem" .Ed .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm driver provides support for the Cadence GEM (Gigabit Ethernet MAC). The Cadence GEM is used in some SoC (System on a Chip) devices such as -the Xilinx Zynq-7000 and the Atmel SAMA5D3. +the Xilinx Zynq-7000, the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+, and the SiFive +HiFive Unleashed. .Pp The .Nm driver supports the following media types: .Bl -tag -width ".Cm 10baseT/UTP" .It Cm autoselect Enable autoselection of the media type and options. The user can manually override the autoselected mode using .Xr ifconfig 8 or by adding media options to .Xr rc.conf 5 . .It Cm 10baseT/UTP Set 10Mbps operation. The .Xr ifconfig 8 .Cm mediaopt option can also be used to select either .Cm full-duplex or .Cm half-duplex modes. .It Cm 100baseTX Set 100Mbps (Fast Ethernet) operation. The .Xr ifconfig 8 .Cm mediaopt option can also be used to select either .Cm full-duplex or .Cm half-duplex modes. .It Cm 1000baseT Set 1000Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet) operation over twisted pair. The GEM supports 1000Mbps in .Cm full-duplex mode only. .El .Pp The .Nm driver supports the following media options: .Bl -tag -width ".Cm full-duplex" .It Cm full-duplex Force full-duplex operation. .It Cm half-duplex Force half-duplex operation. .El .Pp The driver provides support for TCP/UDP/IP checksum offloading (although disabled by default). The device and driver also support 1536-byte frames for VLANs (vlanmtu). .Sh SYSCTL VARIABLES The following variables are available as both .Xr sysctl 8 variables and .Xr loader 8 tunables: .Bl -tag -width "xxxxxxxx" .It Va dev.cgem.%d.rxbufs The number of receive buffers allocated to the hardware. The default value is 256. The maximum value is 511. If this number is increased while the interface is UP, it will not take effect until the next packet is received. If this number is decreased while the interface is UP, buffers will not be immediately removed from the receive buffer ring but the number of buffers will decrease as packets are received until it reaches the new value. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.rxhangwar This tunable enables a work-around to recover from receive hangs. The default value is 1. Set to 0 to disable the work-around. .El .Pp The following read-only variables are available as .Xr sysctl 8 variables: .Bl -tag -width "xxxxxxxx" .It Va dev.cgem.%d._rxoverruns This variable counts the number of receive packet buffer overrun interrupts. .It Va dev.cgem.%d._rxnobufs This variable counts the number of interrupts due to the GEM buffer ring going empty. .It Va dev.cgem.%d._rxdmamapfails This variable is the number of times bus_dmamap_load_mbuf_sg(9) failed in the receive path. .It Va dev.cgem.%d._txfull The number of times the GEM's transmit ring was full. .It Va dev.cgem.%d._txdmamapfails This variable is the number of times bus_dmamap_load_mbuf_sg(9) failed in the transmit path. .It Va dev.cgem.%d._txdefrags This variable is the number of times the driver needed to call m_defrag(9) because a packet queued for transmit had too many DMA segments. .It Va dev.cgem.%d._txdefragfails This variable is the number of times .Xr m_defrag 9 failed. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.* The following variables are useful MAC counters supplied by the hardware: .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_bytes A 64-bit counter of the number of bytes transmitted in frames without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames Counter of frames transmitted without error excluding pause frames. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_bcast Counter of broadcast frames transmitted without error excluding pause frames. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_multi Counter of multicast frames transmitted without error excluding pause frames. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_pause Counter of pause frames transmitted without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_64b Counter of 64 byte frames transmitted without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_65to127b Counter of 65 to 127 byte frames transmitted without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_128to255b Counter of 128 to 255 byte frames transmitted without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_256to511b Counter of 256 to 511 byte frames transmitted without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_512to1023b Counter of 512 to 1023 byte frames transmitted without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_frames_1024to1536b Counter of 1024 to 1536 byte frames transmitted without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_under_runs Counter of frames not transmitted due to a transmit underrun. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_single_collisn Counter of frames experiencing a single collision before being successfully transmitted. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_multi_collisn Counter of frames experiencing between 2 and 15 collisions before being successfully transmitted. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_excsv_collisn Counter of frames that failed to transmit because they experienced 16 collisions. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_late_collisn Counter of frames that experienced a late collision. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_deferred_frames Counter of frames experiencing deferral due to carrier sense being active on their first attempt at transmission. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.tx_carrier_sense_errs Counter of frames transmitted where carrier sense was not seen during transmission or where carrier sense was deasserted after being asserted in a transmit frame without collision. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_bytes A 64-bit counter of bytes received without error excluding pause frames. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames Counter of frames received without error excluding pause frames. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_bcast Counter of broadcast frames receive without error excluding pause frames. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_multi Counter of multicast frames receive without error excluding pause frames. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_pause Counter of pause frames recevied without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_64b Counter of 64-byte frames received without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_65to127b Counter of 65 to 127 byte frames received without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_128to255b Counter of 128 to 255 byte frames received without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_256to511b Counter of 256 to 511 byte frames received without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_512to1023b Counter of 512 to 1023 byte frames received without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_1024to1536b Counter of 1024 to 1536 byte frames received without error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_undersize Counter of frames received less than 64 bytes in length that do not also have either a CRC error or an alignment error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_oversize Counter of frames received exceeding 1536 bytes and do not also have either a CRC error or an alignment error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_jabber Counter of frames received exceeding 1536 bytes and also have either a CRC error, an alignment error, or a receive symbol error. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_fcs_errs Counter of frames received with a bad CRC and are between 64 and 1536 bytes. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_length_errs Counter of frames received that are shorter than that extracted from the length field. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_symbol_errs Counter of receive symbol errors. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_align_errs Counter of received frames that are not an integral number of bytes. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_resource_errs Counter of frames successfully receive by the MAC but could not be copied to memory because no receive buffer was available. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_overrun_errs Counter of frames that are address recognized but were not copied to memory due to a receive overrun. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_ip_hdr_csum_errs Counter of frames discarded due to an incorrect IP header checksum when checksum offloading is enabled. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_tcp_csum_errs Counter of frames discarded due to an incorrect TCP checksum when checksum offloading is enabled. .It Va dev.cgem.%d.stats.rx_frames_udp_csum_errs Counter of frames discarded due to an incorrect UDP checksum when checksum offloading is enabled. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr miibus 4 , .Xr ifconfig 8 .Rs .%T "Zynq-7000 SoC Technical Reference Manual (Xilinx doc UG585)" .%U http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/\:ug585-Zynq-7000-TRM.pdf .Re .Sh HISTORY The .Nm device driver first appeared in .Fx 10.0 . .Sh AUTHORS The .Nm driver and this manual page was written by .An Thomas Skibo Aq Mt thomasskibo@yahoo.com . .Sh BUGS The GEM can perform TCP/UDP/IP checksum offloading. However, when transmit checksum offloading is enabled, the GEM generates and replaces checksums for all packets it transmits. In a system that is forwarding packets, the device could potentially correct the checksum of packet that was corrupted in transit. For this reason, checksum offloading is disabled by default but can be enabled using ifconfig(8). .Pp When receive checksum offloading is enabled, the device will discard packets with bad TCP/UDP/IP checksums. The bad packets will not be counted in any .Xr netstat 1 statistics. There are .Xr sysctl 8 variables that count packets discarded by the hardware (see below). .Pp -The GEM used in the Zynq-7000 has a bug such that the receiver can +The GEM used in the Zynq-7000 has a bug such that the receiver can potentially freeze up under a high load. The issue is described in sec. 16.7 "Known Issues" of the Zynq-7000 SoC Technical Reference Manual (Xilinx UG585 v1.7). The .Nm driver implements the work-around suggested in the manual. -If the bug does not exist in other versions of this device, the -work-around can be disabled by setting the dev.cgem.%d.rxhangwar +It is believed that the bug does not exist in the Zynq UltraScale+ and +SiFive SoCs so the work-around is disabled in those instances and enabled +in all others. +The work-around can be disabled by setting the +.Va dev.cgem.%d.rxhangwar .Xr sysctl 8 variable to 0. diff --git a/share/man/man4/man4.arm/Makefile b/share/man/man4/man4.arm/Makefile index 21d53f43a7c8..0b3eec427934 100644 --- a/share/man/man4/man4.arm/Makefile +++ b/share/man/man4/man4.arm/Makefile @@ -1,25 +1,23 @@ # $FreeBSD$ MAN= \ aw_gpio.4 \ aw_mmc.4 \ aw_rtc.4 \ aw_sid.4 \ aw_spi.4 \ aw_syscon.4 \ bcm283x_pwm.4 \ - cgem.4 \ devcfg.4 \ imx6_ahci.4 \ imx6_snvs.4 \ imx_wdog.4 \ mge.4 \ ti_adc.4 -MLINKS= cgem.4 if_cgem.4 -MLINKS+= imx_wdog.4 imxwdt.4 +MLINKS= imx_wdog.4 imxwdt.4 MLINKS+= mge.4 if_mge.4 MANSUBDIR=/arm .include <bsd.prog.mk> diff --git a/sys/arm/conf/GENERIC b/sys/arm/conf/GENERIC index 0f0522eb9802..3cfe16ccfe54 100644 --- a/sys/arm/conf/GENERIC +++ b/sys/arm/conf/GENERIC @@ -1,301 +1,301 @@ # # GENERICV6 -- Generic(ish) kernel config. # # For more information on this file, please read the config(5) manual page, # and/or the handbook section on Kernel Configuration Files: # # https://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig-config.html # # The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook # if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the # FreeBSD World Wide Web server (https://www.FreeBSD.org/) for the # latest information. # # An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the # device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files. # If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first # in NOTES. # # $FreeBSD$ ident GENERIC cpu CPU_CORTEXA cpu CPU_MV_PJ4B options SMP_ON_UP machine arm armv7 makeoptions CONF_CFLAGS="-march=armv7a" include "std.armv7" files "../allwinner/files.allwinner" files "../allwinner/files.allwinner_up" files "../allwinner/a10/files.a10" files "../allwinner/a13/files.a13" files "../allwinner/a20/files.a20" files "../allwinner/a31/files.a31" files "../allwinner/a33/files.a33" files "../allwinner/a83t/files.a83t" files "../allwinner/h3/files.h3" files "../broadcom/bcm2835/files.bcm2836" files "../broadcom/bcm2835/files.bcm283x" files "../freescale/imx/files.imx6" files "../mv/files.arm7" files "../nvidia/tegra124/files.tegra124" files "../qemu/files.qemu" files "../rockchip/files.rk32xx" files "../ti/files.ti" files "../ti/am335x/files.am335x" files "../ti/omap4/files.omap4" files "../xilinx/files.zynq7" options SOC_ALLWINNER_A10 options SOC_ALLWINNER_A13 options SOC_ALLWINNER_A20 options SOC_ALLWINNER_A31 options SOC_ALLWINNER_A31S options SOC_ALLWINNER_A33 options SOC_ALLWINNER_A83T options SOC_ALLWINNER_H2PLUS options SOC_ALLWINNER_H3 options SOC_BCM2836 options SOC_BRCM_BCM2837 options SOC_MV_ARMADA38X options SOC_MV_ARMADAXP options SOC_TI_AM335X options SOC_OMAP4 options SCHED_ULE # ULE scheduler options SMP # Enable multiple cores options PLATFORM options LINUX_BOOT_ABI # EXT_RESOURCES pseudo devices options EXT_RESOURCES device clk device phy device hwreset device nvmem device regulator device syscon # CPU frequency control device cpufreq # Interrupt controller device gic # PMU support (for CCNT). device pmu # ARM Generic Timer device generic_timer device mpcore_timer # MMC/SD/SDIO Card slot support device dwmmc device sdhci # SD controller device mmc # mmc/sd bus device mmcsd # mmc/sd flash cards # ATA controllers device ahci # AHCI-compatible SATA controllers #device ata # Legacy ATA/SATA controllers # PCI options NEW_PCIB device pci device pci_host_generic # PCI NICs device re # RealTek 8139C+/8169/8169S/8110S # VirtIO device virtio device virtio_mmio device virtio_pci device virtio_blk device vtnet # Console and misc device uart device uart_ns8250 device uart_snps device pl011 device pty device snp device md # Memory "disks" device firmware # firmware assist module device pl310 # PL310 L2 cache controller device psci # I2C support device iicbus device iic device twsi device rsb # Allwinner Reduced Serial Bus device p2wi # Allwinner Push-Pull Two Wire device axp209 # AXP209 Power Management Unit device axp81x # AXP813/818 Power Management Unit device bcm2835_bsc device fsliic # Freescale i2c/iic device icee # AT24Cxxx and compatible EEPROMs device sy8106a # SY8106A Buck Regulator device ti_i2c device am335x_pmic # AM335x Power Management IC (TPC65217) device am335x_rtc # RTC support (power management only) device twl # TI TWLX0X0/TPS659x0 Power Management device twl_vreg # twl voltage regulation device twl_clks # twl external clocks # i2c RTCs device ds1307 # Dallas DS1307 RTC and compatible device ds13rtc # All Dallas/Maxim DS13xx RTCs device ds1672 # Dallas DS1672 RTC device ds3231 # Dallas DS3231 RTC + temperature device nxprtc # NXP RTCs: PCA/PFC212x PCA/PCF85xx device s35390a # Seiko s3539x RTCs # GPIO device dwgpio # Synopsys DesignWare APB GPIO Controller device gpio device gpiobacklight device gpioled device gpioregulator # EVDEV support device evdev # input event device support options EVDEV_SUPPORT # evdev support in legacy drivers device uinput # install /dev/uinput cdev device aw_cir # SPI device spibus device spigen device bcm2835_spi device mv_spi device ti_spi device zy7_qspi # Xilinx Zynq QSPI controller # ADC support device ti_adc # PWM device pwm # Watchdog support # If we don't enable the watchdog driver, the BealeBone could potentially # reboot automatically because the boot loader might have enabled the # watchdog. device ti_wdt device imxwdt # Watchdog. WARNING: can't be disabled!!! device aw_wdog # Allwinner Watchdog device scbus # SCSI bus (required for ATA/SCSI) device da # Direct Access (disks) device cd # CD device pass # Passthrough device (direct ATA/SCSI access) # USB support options USB_HOST_ALIGN=64 # Align usb buffers to cache line size. device usb device uhci device ohci device ehci device xhci device dwcotg # DWC OTG controller device musb device axe # USB-Ethernet device umass # Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da device uhid # "Human Interface Devices" device ukbd # Allow keyboard like HIDs to control console # Device mode support device usb_template # Control of the gadget # Ethernet device loop device ether device vlan # 802.1Q VLAN support device bpf device mii device mdio device etherswitch device e6000sw # Ethernet NICs that use the common MII bus controller code. # NOTE: Be sure to keep the 'device miibus' line in order to use these NICs! device miibus device awg # 10/100/1000 integrated EMAC controller +device cgem # Cadence GEM Gigabit Ethernet device device cpsw # TI Common Platform Ethernet Switch (CPSW) -device cgem # Zynq-7000 gig ethernet device device dwc # 10/100/1000 integrated GMAC controller device emac # 10/100 integrated EMAC controller device ffec # Freescale Fast Ethernet Controller device neta # Marvell 10/100/1000 Network controller device smsc # SMSC LAN91C111 # Sound support device sound # Framebuffer support device vt device kbdmux device ums device videomode device hdmi device vchiq # Pinmux device fdt_pinctrl # TI Programmable Realtime Unit support device ti_pruss # Mailbox support device ti_mbox # DMA controller device fslsdma device ti_sdma device a10_dmac device a31_dmac # Extensible Firmware Interface options EFI # Marvell Cryptographic Engine and Security Accelerator device cesa device crypto device cryptodev # RTC device imx6_snvs # IMX6 On-chip RTC device aw_rtc # Allwinner On-chip RTC # EFUSE device aw_sid # Allwinner Secure ID EFUSE # Thermal sensors device aw_thermal # Allwinner Thermal Sensor Controller # HID support device hid # Generic HID support # Flattened Device Tree options FDT # Configure using FDT/DTB data makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/allwinner" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/am335x" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/imx6" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/nvidia" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/omap4" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/rockchip" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/rpi" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/zynq" # SOC-specific modules makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="allwinner" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="arm_ti" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="imx" diff --git a/sys/arm/conf/ZEDBOARD b/sys/arm/conf/ZEDBOARD index 613e0c73a16d..24490a5129e5 100644 --- a/sys/arm/conf/ZEDBOARD +++ b/sys/arm/conf/ZEDBOARD @@ -1,85 +1,85 @@ # # ZEDBOARD -- Custom configuration for the Xilinx Zynq-7000 based # ZedBoard (www.zedboard.org) and similar Zynq boards. # # For more information on this file, please read the config(5) manual page, # and/or the handbook section on Kernel Configuration Files: # # https://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig-config.html # # The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook # if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the # FreeBSD World Wide Web server (https://www.FreeBSD.org/) for the # latest information. # # An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the # device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files. # If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first # in NOTES. # # $FreeBSD$ ident ZEDBOARD include "std.armv7" include "../xilinx/std.zynq7" makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA="dtb/zynq" options SCHED_ULE # ULE scheduler options PLATFORM # Platform based SoC #options NFSSD # Network Filesystem Server options SMP # Enable multiple cores # NFS root from boopt/dhcp #options BOOTP #options BOOTP_NFSROOT #options BOOTP_COMPAT #options BOOTP_NFSV3 options ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:mmcsd0s2a\" # Interrupt controller device gic # Cache controller device pl310 # PL310 L2 cache controller # ARM MPCore timer device mpcore_timer device loop device ether -device cgem # Zynq-7000 gig ethernet device +device cgem # Cadence GEM Gigabit Ethernet device device mii device e1000phy device rgephy # Zybo uses Realtek RTL8211E device pty device uart device gpio device spibus device spigen device mx25l device zy7_qspi # Xilinx Zynq QSPI controller device zy7_spi # Xilinx Zynq SPI controller device md device mmc # mmc/sd bus device mmcsd # mmc/sd flash cards device sdhci # generic sdhci device bpf # Berkeley packet filter # USB support device usb device ehci device umass device scbus # SCSI bus (required for ATA/SCSI) device da # Direct Access (disks) device axe # USB-Ethernet # Flattened Device Tree options FDT # Configure using FDT/DTB data #options FDT_DTB_STATIC #makeoptions FDT_DTS_FILE=zedboard.dts diff --git a/sys/arm64/conf/GENERIC b/sys/arm64/conf/GENERIC index 268089dba1fc..463271d1db26 100644 --- a/sys/arm64/conf/GENERIC +++ b/sys/arm64/conf/GENERIC @@ -1,386 +1,387 @@ # # GENERIC -- Generic kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/arm64 # # For more information on this file, please read the config(5) manual page, # and/or the handbook section on Kernel Configuration Files: # # https://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig-config.html # # The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook # if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the # FreeBSD World Wide Web server (https://www.FreeBSD.org/) for the # latest information. # # An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the # device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files. # If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first # in NOTES. # # $FreeBSD$ cpu ARM64 ident GENERIC makeoptions DEBUG=-g # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols makeoptions WITH_CTF=1 # Run ctfconvert(1) for DTrace support options SCHED_ULE # ULE scheduler options NUMA # Non-Uniform Memory Architecture support options PREEMPTION # Enable kernel thread preemption options VIMAGE # Subsystem virtualization, e.g. VNET options INET # InterNETworking options INET6 # IPv6 communications protocols options IPSEC_SUPPORT # Allow kldload of ipsec and tcpmd5 options ROUTE_MPATH # Multipath routing support options TCP_OFFLOAD # TCP offload options TCP_HHOOK # hhook(9) framework for TCP options TCP_RFC7413 # TCP Fast Open options SCTP_SUPPORT # Allow kldload of SCTP options FFS # Berkeley Fast Filesystem options SOFTUPDATES # Enable FFS soft updates support options UFS_ACL # Support for access control lists options UFS_DIRHASH # Improve performance on big directories options UFS_GJOURNAL # Enable gjournal-based UFS journaling options QUOTA # Enable disk quotas for UFS options MD_ROOT # MD is a potential root device options NFSCL # Network Filesystem Client options NFSD # Network Filesystem Server options NFSLOCKD # Network Lock Manager options NFS_ROOT # NFS usable as /, requires NFSCL options MSDOSFS # MSDOS Filesystem options CD9660 # ISO 9660 Filesystem options PROCFS # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS) options PSEUDOFS # Pseudo-filesystem framework options TMPFS # Efficient memory filesystem options GEOM_RAID # Soft RAID functionality. options GEOM_LABEL # Provides labelization options EFIRT # EFI Runtime Services support options COMPAT_FREEBSD32 # Compatible with FreeBSD/arm options COMPAT_FREEBSD11 # Compatible with FreeBSD11 options COMPAT_FREEBSD12 # Compatible with FreeBSD12 options SCSI_DELAY=5000 # Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI options KTRACE # ktrace(1) support options STACK # stack(9) support options SYSVSHM # SYSV-style shared memory options SYSVMSG # SYSV-style message queues options SYSVSEM # SYSV-style semaphores options _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time extensions options PRINTF_BUFR_SIZE=128 # Prevent printf output being interspersed. options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV # install a CDEV entry in /dev options HWPMC_HOOKS # Necessary kernel hooks for hwpmc(4) options AUDIT # Security event auditing options CAPABILITY_MODE # Capsicum capability mode options CAPABILITIES # Capsicum capabilities options MAC # TrustedBSD MAC Framework options KDTRACE_FRAME # Ensure frames are compiled in options KDTRACE_HOOKS # Kernel DTrace hooks options DDB_CTF # Kernel ELF linker loads CTF data options VFP # Floating-point support options RACCT # Resource accounting framework options RACCT_DEFAULT_TO_DISABLED # Set kern.racct.enable=0 by default options RCTL # Resource limits options INTRNG options LINUX_BOOT_ABI # Boot using booti command from U-Boot # Debugging support. Always need this: options KDB # Enable kernel debugger support. options KDB_TRACE # Print a stack trace for a panic. # For full debugger support use (turn off in stable branch): options DDB # Support DDB. options GDB # Support remote GDB. options DEADLKRES # Enable the deadlock resolver options INVARIANTS # Enable calls of extra sanity checking options INVARIANT_SUPPORT # Extra sanity checks of internal structures, required by INVARIANTS options WITNESS # Enable checks to detect deadlocks and cycles options WITNESS_SKIPSPIN # Don't run witness on spinlocks for speed options MALLOC_DEBUG_MAXZONES=8 # Separate malloc(9) zones options ALT_BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER # Enter debugger on keyboard escape sequence options VERBOSE_SYSINIT=0 # Support debug.verbose_sysinit, off by default # Kernel Sanitizers #options COVERAGE # Generic kernel coverage. Used by KCOV #options KCOV # Kernel Coverage Sanitizer # Warning: KUBSAN can result in a kernel too large for loader to load #options KUBSAN # Kernel Undefined Behavior Sanitizer #options KCSAN # Kernel Concurrency Sanitizer # Kernel dump features. options EKCD # Support for encrypted kernel dumps options GZIO # gzip-compressed kernel and user dumps options ZSTDIO # zstd-compressed kernel and user dumps options DEBUGNET # debugnet networking options NETDUMP # netdump(4) client support # Make an SMP-capable kernel by default options SMP # Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel # SoC support options SOC_ALLWINNER_A64 options SOC_ALLWINNER_H5 options SOC_ALLWINNER_H6 options SOC_CAVM_THUNDERX options SOC_FREESCALE_IMX8 options SOC_HISI_HI6220 options SOC_INTEL_STRATIX10 options SOC_BRCM_BCM2837 options SOC_BRCM_BCM2838 options SOC_MARVELL_8K options SOC_NVIDIA_TEGRA210 options SOC_NXP_LS options SOC_ROCKCHIP_RK3328 options SOC_ROCKCHIP_RK3399 options SOC_XILINX_ZYNQ # Timer drivers device a10_timer # Annapurna Alpine drivers device al_ccu # Alpine Cache Coherency Unit device al_nb_service # Alpine North Bridge Service device al_iofic # I/O Fabric Interrupt Controller device al_serdes # Serializer/Deserializer device al_udma # Universal DMA # Qualcomm Snapdragon drivers device qcom_gcc # Global Clock Controller # CPU frequency control device cpufreq # Bus drivers device pci device pci_n1sdp # ARM Neoverse N1 SDP PCI device al_pci # Annapurna Alpine PCI-E options PCI_HP # PCI-Express native HotPlug options PCI_IOV # PCI SR-IOV support # Block devices device ahci device scbus device da # ATA/SCSI peripherals device cd # CD device pass # Passthrough device (direct ATA/SCSI access) # NVM Express (NVMe) support device nvme # base NVMe driver options NVME_USE_NVD=0 # prefer the cam(4) based nda(4) driver device nvd # expose NVMe namespaces as disks, depends on nvme # DMA controller device a31_dmac # GPIO / PINCTRL device a37x0_gpio # Marvell Armada 37x0 GPIO controller device aw_gpio # Allwinner GPIO controller device dwgpio # Synopsys DesignWare APB GPIO Controller device gpio device gpioled device fdt_pinctrl device gpioregulator device ls1046_gpio # LS1046A GPIO controller device mv_gpio # Marvell GPIO controller device mvebu_pinctrl # Marvell Pinmux Controller device pl061 # Arm PL061 GPIO controller device rk_gpio # RockChip GPIO Controller device rk_pinctrl # RockChip Pinmux Controller # I2C device a37x0_iic # Armada 37x0 I2C controller device aw_rsb # Allwinner Reduced Serial Bus device bcm2835_bsc # Broadcom BCM283x I2C bus device iicbus device iicmux device iic device icee # Generic IIC eeprom device twsi # Allwinner I2C controller device pca9547 # NPX I2C bus multiplexer device pcf8563 # NXP Real-time clock/calendar device rk_i2c # RockChip I2C controller device syr827 # Silergy SYR827 PMIC device sy8106a # SY8106A Buck Regulator device vf_i2c # Freescale Vybrid I2C controller device fsliic # Freescale iMX I2C controller # Clock and reset controllers device aw_ccu # Allwinner clock controller # Interrupt controllers device aw_nmi # Allwinner NMI support device mv_cp110_icu # Marvell CP110 ICU device mv_ap806_gicp # Marvell AP806 GICP device mv_ap806_sei # Marvell AP806 SEI # Real-time clock support device aw_rtc # Allwinner Real-time Clock device mv_rtc # Marvell Real-time Clock # Crypto accelerators device safexcel # Inside Secure EIP-97 # Watchdog controllers device aw_wdog # Allwinner Watchdog # Power management controllers device axp81x # X-Powers AXP81x PMIC device rk805 # RockChip RK805 PMIC # EFUSE device aw_sid # Allwinner Secure ID EFUSE # Thermal sensors device aw_thermal # Allwinner Thermal Sensor Controller device mv_thermal # Marvell Thermal Sensor Controller # SPI device spibus device a37x0_spi # Marvell Armada 37x0 SPI Controller device bcm2835_spi # Broadcom BCM283x SPI bus device rk_spi # RockChip SPI controller # PWM device pwm device aw_pwm device rk_pwm # Console device vt device kbdmux device vt_efifb # EVDEV support device evdev # input event device support options EVDEV_SUPPORT # evdev support in legacy drivers device uinput # install /dev/uinput cdev device aw_cir # Serial (COM) ports device uart # Generic UART driver device uart_imx # iMX8 UART device uart_msm # Qualcomm MSM UART driver device uart_mu # RPI3 aux port device uart_mvebu # Armada 3700 UART driver device uart_ns8250 # ns8250-type UART driver device uart_snps device pl011 # PCI/PCI-X/PCIe Ethernet NICs that use iflib infrastructure device iflib device em # Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Family device ix # Intel 10Gb Ethernet Family # Ethernet NICs device mdio device mii device miibus # MII bus support device al_eth # Annapurna Alpine Ethernet NIC device awg # Allwinner EMAC Gigabit Ethernet device axa # AMD Opteron A1100 integrated NIC +device cgem # Cadence GEM Gigabit Ethernet device device dwc_rk # Rockchip Designware device dwc_socfpga # Altera SOCFPGA Ethernet MAC device ffec # iMX FFEC device genet # Broadcom on RPi4 device msk # Marvell/SysKonnect Yukon II Gigabit Ethernet device neta # Marvell Armada 370/38x/XP/3700 NIC device re # RealTek 8139C+/8169/8169S/8110S device smc # SMSC LAN91C111 device vnic # Cavium ThunderX NIC # Etherswitch devices device etherswitch # Enable etherswitch support device miiproxy # Required for etherswitch device e6000sw # Marvell mv88e6085 based switches # Pseudo devices. device crypto # core crypto support device loop # Network loopback device ether # Ethernet support device vlan # 802.1Q VLAN support device tuntap # Packet tunnel. device md # Memory "disks" device gif # IPv6 and IPv4 tunneling device firmware # firmware assist module # EXT_RESOURCES pseudo devices options EXT_RESOURCES device clk device phy device hwreset device nvmem device regulator device syscon device aw_syscon # IO Domains device rk_iodomain # The `bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter. # Be aware of the administrative consequences of enabling this! # Note that 'bpf' is required for DHCP. device bpf # Berkeley packet filter # USB support options USB_DEBUG # enable debug msgs options USB_HOST_ALIGN=64 # Align usb buffers to cache line size. device aw_usbphy # Allwinner USB PHY device rk_usb2phy # Rockchip USB2PHY device rk_typec_phy # Rockchip TypeC PHY device dwcotg # DWC OTG controller device musb # Mentor Graphics USB OTG controller device ohci # OHCI USB interface device uhci # UHCI USB interface device ehci # EHCI USB interface (USB 2.0) device ehci_mv # Marvell EHCI USB interface device xhci # XHCI USB interface (USB 3.0) device dwc3 # Synopsys DWC controller device aw_dwc3 # Allwinner DWC3 controller device rk_dwc3 # Rockchip DWC3 controller device usb # USB Bus (required) device ukbd # Keyboard device umass # Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da device tegra210_xusb_fw # Tegra XUSB firmware # USB ethernet support device muge device smcphy device smsc device ure # Sound support device sound device a10_codec # MMC/SD/SDIO Card slot support device sdhci device sdhci_xenon # Marvell Xenon SD/MMC controller device aw_mmc # Allwinner SD/MMC controller device mmc # mmc/sd bus device mmcsd # mmc/sd flash cards device dwmmc device dwmmc_altera device dwmmc_hisi device rk_dwmmc device rk_emmcphy # VirtIO support device virtio device virtio_pci device virtio_mmio device virtio_blk device vtnet # Chip-specific errata options THUNDERX_PASS_1_1_ERRATA options FDT device acpi # DTBs makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA="dtb/allwinner dtb/freescale dtb/imx8 dtb/nvidia dtb/mv dtb/rockchip dtb/rpi" # HID support options HID_DEBUG # enable debug msgs device hid # Generic HID support diff --git a/sys/dev/cadence/if_cgem.c b/sys/dev/cadence/if_cgem.c index 3c5277452469..77337e977dcc 100644 --- a/sys/dev/cadence/if_cgem.c +++ b/sys/dev/cadence/if_cgem.c @@ -1,1860 +1,1985 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Thomas Skibo <thomasskibo@yahoo.com> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * A network interface driver for Cadence GEM Gigabit Ethernet * interface such as the one used in Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC. * * Reference: Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Technical Reference Manual. * (v1.4) November 16, 2012. Xilinx doc UG585. GEM is covered in Ch. 16 * and register definitions are in appendix B.18. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/mbuf.h> #include <sys/module.h> #include <sys/rman.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/sockio.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <machine/bus.h> #include <net/ethernet.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_arp.h> #include <net/if_dl.h> #include <net/if_media.h> #include <net/if_mib.h> #include <net/if_types.h> #ifdef INET #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/in_systm.h> #include <netinet/in_var.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #endif #include <net/bpf.h> #include <net/bpfdesc.h> #include <dev/fdt/fdt_common.h> #include <dev/ofw/ofw_bus.h> #include <dev/ofw/ofw_bus_subr.h> #include <dev/mii/mii.h> #include <dev/mii/miivar.h> +#ifdef EXT_RESOURCES +#include <dev/extres/clk/clk.h> +#endif + +#if INTPTR_MAX == INT64_MAX +#define CGEM64 +#endif + #include <dev/cadence/if_cgem_hw.h> #include "miibus_if.h" #define IF_CGEM_NAME "cgem" #define CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS 512 /* size of receive descriptor ring */ #define CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS 512 /* size of transmit descriptor ring */ -#define MAX_DESC_RING_SIZE (MAX(CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS*sizeof(struct cgem_rx_desc),\ - CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS*sizeof(struct cgem_tx_desc))) - /* Default for sysctl rxbufs. Must be < CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS of course. */ #define DEFAULT_NUM_RX_BUFS 256 /* number of receive bufs to queue. */ #define TX_MAX_DMA_SEGS 8 /* maximum segs in a tx mbuf dma */ #define CGEM_CKSUM_ASSIST (CSUM_IP | CSUM_TCP | CSUM_UDP | \ CSUM_TCP_IPV6 | CSUM_UDP_IPV6) +#define HWTYPE_GENERIC_GEM 1 +#define HWTYPE_ZYNQ 2 +#define HWTYPE_ZYNQMP 3 +#define HWTYPE_SIFIVE_FU540 4 + static struct ofw_compat_data compat_data[] = { - { "cadence,gem", 1 }, - { "cdns,macb", 1 }, - { "sifive,fu540-c000-gem", 1 }, - { NULL, 0 }, + { "cdns,zynq-gem", HWTYPE_ZYNQ }, + { "cdns,zynqmp-gem", HWTYPE_ZYNQMP }, + { "sifive,fu540-c000-gem", HWTYPE_SIFIVE_FU540 }, + { "cdns,gem", HWTYPE_GENERIC_GEM }, + { "cadence,gem", HWTYPE_GENERIC_GEM }, + { NULL, 0 } }; struct cgem_softc { if_t ifp; struct mtx sc_mtx; device_t dev; device_t miibus; u_int mii_media_active; /* last active media */ int if_old_flags; struct resource *mem_res; struct resource *irq_res; void *intrhand; struct callout tick_ch; uint32_t net_ctl_shadow; + uint32_t net_cfg_shadow; +#ifdef EXT_RESOURCES + clk_t ref_clk; +#else int ref_clk_num; - u_char eaddr[6]; +#endif + int neednullqs; bus_dma_tag_t desc_dma_tag; bus_dma_tag_t mbuf_dma_tag; /* receive descriptor ring */ struct cgem_rx_desc *rxring; bus_addr_t rxring_physaddr; struct mbuf *rxring_m[CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS]; bus_dmamap_t rxring_m_dmamap[CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS]; int rxring_hd_ptr; /* where to put rcv bufs */ int rxring_tl_ptr; /* where to get receives */ int rxring_queued; /* how many rcv bufs queued */ bus_dmamap_t rxring_dma_map; int rxbufs; /* tunable number rcv bufs */ int rxhangwar; /* rx hang work-around */ u_int rxoverruns; /* rx overruns */ u_int rxnobufs; /* rx buf ring empty events */ u_int rxdmamapfails; /* rx dmamap failures */ uint32_t rx_frames_prev; /* transmit descriptor ring */ struct cgem_tx_desc *txring; bus_addr_t txring_physaddr; struct mbuf *txring_m[CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS]; bus_dmamap_t txring_m_dmamap[CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS]; int txring_hd_ptr; /* where to put next xmits */ int txring_tl_ptr; /* next xmit mbuf to free */ int txring_queued; /* num xmits segs queued */ - bus_dmamap_t txring_dma_map; u_int txfull; /* tx ring full events */ u_int txdefrags; /* tx calls to m_defrag() */ u_int txdefragfails; /* tx m_defrag() failures */ u_int txdmamapfails; /* tx dmamap failures */ + /* null descriptor rings */ + void *null_qs; + bus_addr_t null_qs_physaddr; + /* hardware provided statistics */ struct cgem_hw_stats { uint64_t tx_bytes; uint32_t tx_frames; uint32_t tx_frames_bcast; uint32_t tx_frames_multi; uint32_t tx_frames_pause; uint32_t tx_frames_64b; uint32_t tx_frames_65to127b; uint32_t tx_frames_128to255b; uint32_t tx_frames_256to511b; uint32_t tx_frames_512to1023b; uint32_t tx_frames_1024to1536b; uint32_t tx_under_runs; uint32_t tx_single_collisn; uint32_t tx_multi_collisn; uint32_t tx_excsv_collisn; uint32_t tx_late_collisn; uint32_t tx_deferred_frames; uint32_t tx_carrier_sense_errs; uint64_t rx_bytes; uint32_t rx_frames; uint32_t rx_frames_bcast; uint32_t rx_frames_multi; uint32_t rx_frames_pause; uint32_t rx_frames_64b; uint32_t rx_frames_65to127b; uint32_t rx_frames_128to255b; uint32_t rx_frames_256to511b; uint32_t rx_frames_512to1023b; uint32_t rx_frames_1024to1536b; uint32_t rx_frames_undersize; uint32_t rx_frames_oversize; uint32_t rx_frames_jabber; uint32_t rx_frames_fcs_errs; uint32_t rx_frames_length_errs; uint32_t rx_symbol_errs; uint32_t rx_align_errs; uint32_t rx_resource_errs; uint32_t rx_overrun_errs; uint32_t rx_ip_hdr_csum_errs; uint32_t rx_tcp_csum_errs; uint32_t rx_udp_csum_errs; } stats; }; #define RD4(sc, off) (bus_read_4((sc)->mem_res, (off))) #define WR4(sc, off, val) (bus_write_4((sc)->mem_res, (off), (val))) #define BARRIER(sc, off, len, flags) \ (bus_barrier((sc)->mem_res, (off), (len), (flags)) #define CGEM_LOCK(sc) mtx_lock(&(sc)->sc_mtx) #define CGEM_UNLOCK(sc) mtx_unlock(&(sc)->sc_mtx) #define CGEM_LOCK_INIT(sc) mtx_init(&(sc)->sc_mtx, \ device_get_nameunit((sc)->dev), MTX_NETWORK_LOCK, MTX_DEF) #define CGEM_LOCK_DESTROY(sc) mtx_destroy(&(sc)->sc_mtx) #define CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc) mtx_assert(&(sc)->sc_mtx, MA_OWNED) /* Allow platforms to optionally provide a way to set the reference clock. */ int cgem_set_ref_clk(int unit, int frequency); static devclass_t cgem_devclass; static int cgem_probe(device_t dev); static int cgem_attach(device_t dev); static int cgem_detach(device_t dev); static void cgem_tick(void *); static void cgem_intr(void *); static void cgem_mediachange(struct cgem_softc *, struct mii_data *); static void cgem_get_mac(struct cgem_softc *sc, u_char eaddr[]) { int i; uint32_t rnd; /* See if boot loader gave us a MAC address already. */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { uint32_t low = RD4(sc, CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_LOW(i)); uint32_t high = RD4(sc, CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_HI(i)) & 0xffff; if (low != 0 || high != 0) { eaddr[0] = low & 0xff; eaddr[1] = (low >> 8) & 0xff; eaddr[2] = (low >> 16) & 0xff; eaddr[3] = (low >> 24) & 0xff; eaddr[4] = high & 0xff; eaddr[5] = (high >> 8) & 0xff; break; } } /* No MAC from boot loader? Assign a random one. */ if (i == 4) { rnd = arc4random(); eaddr[0] = 'b'; eaddr[1] = 's'; eaddr[2] = 'd'; eaddr[3] = (rnd >> 16) & 0xff; eaddr[4] = (rnd >> 8) & 0xff; eaddr[5] = rnd & 0xff; device_printf(sc->dev, "no mac address found, assigning " "random: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", eaddr[0], eaddr[1], eaddr[2], eaddr[3], eaddr[4], eaddr[5]); } /* Move address to first slot and zero out the rest. */ WR4(sc, CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_LOW(0), (eaddr[3] << 24) | (eaddr[2] << 16) | (eaddr[1] << 8) | eaddr[0]); WR4(sc, CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_HI(0), (eaddr[5] << 8) | eaddr[4]); for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { WR4(sc, CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_LOW(i), 0); WR4(sc, CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_HI(i), 0); } } /* * cgem_mac_hash(): map 48-bit address to a 6-bit hash. The 6-bit hash - * corresponds to a bit in a 64-bit hash register. Setting that bit in the hash - * register enables reception of all frames with a destination address that - * hashes to that 6-bit value. + * corresponds to a bit in a 64-bit hash register. Setting that bit in the + * hash register enables reception of all frames with a destination address + * that hashes to that 6-bit value. * * The hash function is described in sec. 16.2.3 in the Zynq-7000 Tech * Reference Manual. Bits 0-5 in the hash are the exclusive-or of * every sixth bit in the destination address. */ static int cgem_mac_hash(u_char eaddr[]) { int hash; int i, j; hash = 0; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) for (j = i; j < 48; j += 6) if ((eaddr[j >> 3] & (1 << (j & 7))) != 0) hash ^= (1 << i); return hash; } static u_int cgem_hash_maddr(void *arg, struct sockaddr_dl *sdl, u_int cnt) { uint32_t *hashes = arg; int index; index = cgem_mac_hash(LLADDR(sdl)); if (index > 31) hashes[0] |= (1U << (index - 32)); else hashes[1] |= (1U << index); return (1); } /* * After any change in rx flags or multi-cast addresses, set up hash registers * and net config register bits. */ static void cgem_rx_filter(struct cgem_softc *sc) { if_t ifp = sc->ifp; uint32_t hashes[2] = { 0, 0 }; - uint32_t net_cfg; - - net_cfg = RD4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG); - net_cfg &= ~(CGEM_NET_CFG_MULTI_HASH_EN | + sc->net_cfg_shadow &= ~(CGEM_NET_CFG_MULTI_HASH_EN | CGEM_NET_CFG_NO_BCAST | CGEM_NET_CFG_COPY_ALL); if ((if_getflags(ifp) & IFF_PROMISC) != 0) - net_cfg |= CGEM_NET_CFG_COPY_ALL; + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= CGEM_NET_CFG_COPY_ALL; else { if ((if_getflags(ifp) & IFF_BROADCAST) == 0) - net_cfg |= CGEM_NET_CFG_NO_BCAST; + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= CGEM_NET_CFG_NO_BCAST; if ((if_getflags(ifp) & IFF_ALLMULTI) != 0) { hashes[0] = 0xffffffff; hashes[1] = 0xffffffff; } else if_foreach_llmaddr(ifp, cgem_hash_maddr, hashes); if (hashes[0] != 0 || hashes[1] != 0) - net_cfg |= CGEM_NET_CFG_MULTI_HASH_EN; + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= CGEM_NET_CFG_MULTI_HASH_EN; } WR4(sc, CGEM_HASH_TOP, hashes[0]); WR4(sc, CGEM_HASH_BOT, hashes[1]); - WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, net_cfg); + WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, sc->net_cfg_shadow); } /* For bus_dmamap_load() callback. */ static void cgem_getaddr(void *arg, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nsegs, int error) { if (nsegs != 1 || error != 0) return; *(bus_addr_t *)arg = segs[0].ds_addr; } +/* Set up null queues for priority queues we actually can't disable. */ +static void +cgem_null_qs(struct cgem_softc *sc) +{ + struct cgem_rx_desc *rx_desc; + struct cgem_tx_desc *tx_desc; + uint32_t queue_mask; + int n; + + /* Read design config register 6 to determine number of queues. */ + queue_mask = (RD4(sc, CGEM_DESIGN_CFG6) & + CGEM_DESIGN_CFG6_DMA_PRIO_Q_MASK) >> 1; + if (queue_mask == 0) + return; + + /* Create empty RX queue and empty TX buf queues. */ + memset(sc->null_qs, 0, sizeof(struct cgem_rx_desc) + + sizeof(struct cgem_tx_desc)); + rx_desc = sc->null_qs; + rx_desc->addr = CGEM_RXDESC_OWN | CGEM_RXDESC_WRAP; + tx_desc = (struct cgem_tx_desc *)(rx_desc + 1); + tx_desc->ctl = CGEM_TXDESC_USED | CGEM_TXDESC_WRAP; + + /* Point all valid ring base pointers to the null queues. */ + for (n = 1; (queue_mask & 1) != 0; n++, queue_mask >>= 1) { + WR4(sc, CGEM_RX_QN_BAR(n), sc->null_qs_physaddr); + WR4(sc, CGEM_TX_QN_BAR(n), sc->null_qs_physaddr + + sizeof(struct cgem_rx_desc)); + } +} + /* Create DMA'able descriptor rings. */ static int cgem_setup_descs(struct cgem_softc *sc) { int i, err; + int desc_rings_size = CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS * sizeof(struct cgem_rx_desc) + + CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS * sizeof(struct cgem_tx_desc); + + if (sc->neednullqs) + desc_rings_size += sizeof(struct cgem_rx_desc) + + sizeof(struct cgem_tx_desc); sc->txring = NULL; sc->rxring = NULL; /* Allocate non-cached DMA space for RX and TX descriptors. */ - err = bus_dma_tag_create(bus_get_dma_tag(sc->dev), 1, 0, - BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR_32BIT, BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, NULL, NULL, - MAX_DESC_RING_SIZE, 1, MAX_DESC_RING_SIZE, 0, + err = bus_dma_tag_create(bus_get_dma_tag(sc->dev), 1, +#ifdef CGEM64 + 1ULL << 32, /* Do not cross a 4G boundary. */ +#else + 0, +#endif + BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, NULL, NULL, + desc_rings_size, 1, desc_rings_size, 0, busdma_lock_mutex, &sc->sc_mtx, &sc->desc_dma_tag); if (err) return (err); /* Set up a bus_dma_tag for mbufs. */ err = bus_dma_tag_create(bus_get_dma_tag(sc->dev), 1, 0, - BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR_32BIT, BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, NULL, NULL, - MCLBYTES, TX_MAX_DMA_SEGS, MCLBYTES, 0, - busdma_lock_mutex, &sc->sc_mtx, &sc->mbuf_dma_tag); + BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, NULL, NULL, MCLBYTES, + TX_MAX_DMA_SEGS, MCLBYTES, 0, busdma_lock_mutex, &sc->sc_mtx, + &sc->mbuf_dma_tag); if (err) return (err); - /* Allocate DMA memory in non-cacheable space. */ + /* + * Allocate DMA memory in non-cacheable space. We allocate transmit, + * receive and null descriptor queues all at once because the + * hardware only provides one register for the upper 32 bits of + * rx and tx descriptor queues hardware addresses. + */ err = bus_dmamem_alloc(sc->desc_dma_tag, (void **)&sc->rxring, - BUS_DMA_NOWAIT | BUS_DMA_COHERENT, &sc->rxring_dma_map); +#ifdef __arm__ + BUS_DMA_NOWAIT | BUS_DMA_COHERENT | BUS_DMA_ZERO, +#else + BUS_DMA_NOWAIT | BUS_DMA_NOCACHE | BUS_DMA_ZERO, +#endif + &sc->rxring_dma_map); if (err) return (err); /* Load descriptor DMA memory. */ err = bus_dmamap_load(sc->desc_dma_tag, sc->rxring_dma_map, - (void *)sc->rxring, CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS*sizeof(struct cgem_rx_desc), + (void *)sc->rxring, desc_rings_size, cgem_getaddr, &sc->rxring_physaddr, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT); if (err) return (err); /* Initialize RX descriptors. */ for (i = 0; i < CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS; i++) { sc->rxring[i].addr = CGEM_RXDESC_OWN; sc->rxring[i].ctl = 0; sc->rxring_m[i] = NULL; sc->rxring_m_dmamap[i] = NULL; } sc->rxring[CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS - 1].addr |= CGEM_RXDESC_WRAP; sc->rxring_hd_ptr = 0; sc->rxring_tl_ptr = 0; sc->rxring_queued = 0; - /* Allocate DMA memory for TX descriptors in non-cacheable space. */ - err = bus_dmamem_alloc(sc->desc_dma_tag, (void **)&sc->txring, - BUS_DMA_NOWAIT | BUS_DMA_COHERENT, &sc->txring_dma_map); - if (err) - return (err); - - /* Load TX descriptor DMA memory. */ - err = bus_dmamap_load(sc->desc_dma_tag, sc->txring_dma_map, - (void *)sc->txring, CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS*sizeof(struct cgem_tx_desc), - cgem_getaddr, &sc->txring_physaddr, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT); - if (err) - return (err); + sc->txring = (struct cgem_tx_desc *)(sc->rxring + CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS); + sc->txring_physaddr = sc->rxring_physaddr + CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS * + sizeof(struct cgem_rx_desc); /* Initialize TX descriptor ring. */ for (i = 0; i < CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS; i++) { sc->txring[i].addr = 0; sc->txring[i].ctl = CGEM_TXDESC_USED; sc->txring_m[i] = NULL; sc->txring_m_dmamap[i] = NULL; } sc->txring[CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS - 1].ctl |= CGEM_TXDESC_WRAP; sc->txring_hd_ptr = 0; sc->txring_tl_ptr = 0; sc->txring_queued = 0; + if (sc->neednullqs) { + sc->null_qs = (void *)(sc->txring + CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS); + sc->null_qs_physaddr = sc->txring_physaddr + + CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS * sizeof(struct cgem_tx_desc); + + cgem_null_qs(sc); + } + return (0); } /* Fill receive descriptor ring with mbufs. */ static void cgem_fill_rqueue(struct cgem_softc *sc) { struct mbuf *m = NULL; bus_dma_segment_t segs[TX_MAX_DMA_SEGS]; int nsegs; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); while (sc->rxring_queued < sc->rxbufs) { /* Get a cluster mbuf. */ m = m_getcl(M_NOWAIT, MT_DATA, M_PKTHDR); if (m == NULL) break; m->m_len = MCLBYTES; m->m_pkthdr.len = MCLBYTES; m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = sc->ifp; /* Load map and plug in physical address. */ if (bus_dmamap_create(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, 0, &sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_hd_ptr])) { sc->rxdmamapfails++; m_free(m); break; } if (bus_dmamap_load_mbuf_sg(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_hd_ptr], m, segs, &nsegs, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT)) { sc->rxdmamapfails++; bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_hd_ptr]); sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_hd_ptr] = NULL; m_free(m); break; } sc->rxring_m[sc->rxring_hd_ptr] = m; /* Sync cache with receive buffer. */ bus_dmamap_sync(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_hd_ptr], BUS_DMASYNC_PREREAD); /* Write rx descriptor and increment head pointer. */ sc->rxring[sc->rxring_hd_ptr].ctl = 0; +#ifdef CGEM64 + sc->rxring[sc->rxring_hd_ptr].addrhi = segs[0].ds_addr >> 32; +#endif if (sc->rxring_hd_ptr == CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS - 1) { sc->rxring[sc->rxring_hd_ptr].addr = segs[0].ds_addr | CGEM_RXDESC_WRAP; sc->rxring_hd_ptr = 0; } else sc->rxring[sc->rxring_hd_ptr++].addr = segs[0].ds_addr; sc->rxring_queued++; } } /* Pull received packets off of receive descriptor ring. */ static void cgem_recv(struct cgem_softc *sc) { if_t ifp = sc->ifp; struct mbuf *m, *m_hd, **m_tl; uint32_t ctl; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); /* Pick up all packets in which the OWN bit is set. */ m_hd = NULL; m_tl = &m_hd; while (sc->rxring_queued > 0 && - (sc->rxring[sc->rxring_tl_ptr].addr & CGEM_RXDESC_OWN) != 0) { + (sc->rxring[sc->rxring_tl_ptr].addr & CGEM_RXDESC_OWN) != 0) { ctl = sc->rxring[sc->rxring_tl_ptr].ctl; /* Grab filled mbuf. */ m = sc->rxring_m[sc->rxring_tl_ptr]; sc->rxring_m[sc->rxring_tl_ptr] = NULL; /* Sync cache with receive buffer. */ bus_dmamap_sync(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_tl_ptr], BUS_DMASYNC_POSTREAD); /* Unload and destroy dmamap. */ bus_dmamap_unload(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_tl_ptr]); bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_tl_ptr]); sc->rxring_m_dmamap[sc->rxring_tl_ptr] = NULL; /* Increment tail pointer. */ if (++sc->rxring_tl_ptr == CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS) sc->rxring_tl_ptr = 0; sc->rxring_queued--; /* * Check FCS and make sure entire packet landed in one mbuf * cluster (which is much bigger than the largest ethernet * packet). */ if ((ctl & CGEM_RXDESC_BAD_FCS) != 0 || (ctl & (CGEM_RXDESC_SOF | CGEM_RXDESC_EOF)) != (CGEM_RXDESC_SOF | CGEM_RXDESC_EOF)) { /* discard. */ m_free(m); if_inc_counter(ifp, IFCOUNTER_IERRORS, 1); continue; } /* Ready it to hand off to upper layers. */ m->m_data += ETHER_ALIGN; m->m_len = (ctl & CGEM_RXDESC_LENGTH_MASK); m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp; m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len; /* * Are we using hardware checksumming? Check the status in the * receive descriptor. */ if ((if_getcapenable(ifp) & IFCAP_RXCSUM) != 0) { /* TCP or UDP checks out, IP checks out too. */ if ((ctl & CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_MASK) == CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_TCP_GOOD || (ctl & CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_MASK) == CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_UDP_GOOD) { m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags |= CSUM_IP_CHECKED | CSUM_IP_VALID | CSUM_DATA_VALID | CSUM_PSEUDO_HDR; m->m_pkthdr.csum_data = 0xffff; } else if ((ctl & CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_MASK) == CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_IP_GOOD) { /* Only IP checks out. */ m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags |= CSUM_IP_CHECKED | CSUM_IP_VALID; m->m_pkthdr.csum_data = 0xffff; } } /* Queue it up for delivery below. */ *m_tl = m; m_tl = &m->m_next; } /* Replenish receive buffers. */ cgem_fill_rqueue(sc); /* Unlock and send up packets. */ CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); while (m_hd != NULL) { m = m_hd; m_hd = m_hd->m_next; m->m_next = NULL; if_inc_counter(ifp, IFCOUNTER_IPACKETS, 1); if_input(ifp, m); } CGEM_LOCK(sc); } /* Find completed transmits and free their mbufs. */ static void cgem_clean_tx(struct cgem_softc *sc) { struct mbuf *m; uint32_t ctl; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); /* free up finished transmits. */ while (sc->txring_queued > 0 && ((ctl = sc->txring[sc->txring_tl_ptr].ctl) & CGEM_TXDESC_USED) != 0) { /* Sync cache. */ bus_dmamap_sync(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_tl_ptr], BUS_DMASYNC_POSTWRITE); /* Unload and destroy DMA map. */ bus_dmamap_unload(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_tl_ptr]); bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_tl_ptr]); sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_tl_ptr] = NULL; /* Free up the mbuf. */ m = sc->txring_m[sc->txring_tl_ptr]; sc->txring_m[sc->txring_tl_ptr] = NULL; m_freem(m); /* Check the status. */ if ((ctl & CGEM_TXDESC_AHB_ERR) != 0) { /* Serious bus error. log to console. */ +#ifdef CGEM64 + device_printf(sc->dev, + "cgem_clean_tx: AHB error, addr=0x%x%08x\n", + sc->txring[sc->txring_tl_ptr].addrhi, + sc->txring[sc->txring_tl_ptr].addr); +#else device_printf(sc->dev, "cgem_clean_tx: AHB error, addr=0x%x\n", sc->txring[sc->txring_tl_ptr].addr); +#endif } else if ((ctl & (CGEM_TXDESC_RETRY_ERR | CGEM_TXDESC_LATE_COLL)) != 0) { if_inc_counter(sc->ifp, IFCOUNTER_OERRORS, 1); } else if_inc_counter(sc->ifp, IFCOUNTER_OPACKETS, 1); /* * If the packet spanned more than one tx descriptor, skip - * descriptors until we find the end so that only start-of-frame - * descriptors are processed. + * descriptors until we find the end so that only + * start-of-frame descriptors are processed. */ while ((ctl & CGEM_TXDESC_LAST_BUF) == 0) { if ((ctl & CGEM_TXDESC_WRAP) != 0) sc->txring_tl_ptr = 0; else sc->txring_tl_ptr++; sc->txring_queued--; ctl = sc->txring[sc->txring_tl_ptr].ctl; sc->txring[sc->txring_tl_ptr].ctl = ctl | CGEM_TXDESC_USED; } /* Next descriptor. */ if ((ctl & CGEM_TXDESC_WRAP) != 0) sc->txring_tl_ptr = 0; else sc->txring_tl_ptr++; sc->txring_queued--; if_setdrvflagbits(sc->ifp, 0, IFF_DRV_OACTIVE); } } /* Start transmits. */ static void cgem_start_locked(if_t ifp) { struct cgem_softc *sc = (struct cgem_softc *) if_getsoftc(ifp); struct mbuf *m; bus_dma_segment_t segs[TX_MAX_DMA_SEGS]; uint32_t ctl; int i, nsegs, wrap, err; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); if ((if_getdrvflags(ifp) & IFF_DRV_OACTIVE) != 0) return; for (;;) { /* Check that there is room in the descriptor ring. */ if (sc->txring_queued >= CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS - TX_MAX_DMA_SEGS * 2) { /* Try to make room. */ cgem_clean_tx(sc); /* Still no room? */ if (sc->txring_queued >= CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS - TX_MAX_DMA_SEGS * 2) { if_setdrvflagbits(ifp, IFF_DRV_OACTIVE, 0); sc->txfull++; break; } } /* Grab next transmit packet. */ m = if_dequeue(ifp); if (m == NULL) break; /* Create and load DMA map. */ if (bus_dmamap_create(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, 0, &sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_hd_ptr])) { m_freem(m); sc->txdmamapfails++; continue; } err = bus_dmamap_load_mbuf_sg(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_hd_ptr], m, segs, &nsegs, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT); if (err == EFBIG) { /* Too many segments! defrag and try again. */ struct mbuf *m2 = m_defrag(m, M_NOWAIT); if (m2 == NULL) { sc->txdefragfails++; m_freem(m); bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_hd_ptr]); sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_hd_ptr] = NULL; continue; } m = m2; err = bus_dmamap_load_mbuf_sg(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_hd_ptr], m, segs, &nsegs, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT); sc->txdefrags++; } if (err) { /* Give up. */ m_freem(m); bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_hd_ptr]); sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_hd_ptr] = NULL; sc->txdmamapfails++; continue; } sc->txring_m[sc->txring_hd_ptr] = m; /* Sync tx buffer with cache. */ bus_dmamap_sync(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[sc->txring_hd_ptr], BUS_DMASYNC_PREWRITE); /* Set wrap flag if next packet might run off end of ring. */ wrap = sc->txring_hd_ptr + nsegs + TX_MAX_DMA_SEGS >= CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS; /* * Fill in the TX descriptors back to front so that USED bit in * first descriptor is cleared last. */ for (i = nsegs - 1; i >= 0; i--) { /* Descriptor address. */ sc->txring[sc->txring_hd_ptr + i].addr = segs[i].ds_addr; - +#ifdef CGEM64 + sc->txring[sc->txring_hd_ptr + i].addrhi = + segs[i].ds_addr >> 32; +#endif /* Descriptor control word. */ ctl = segs[i].ds_len; if (i == nsegs - 1) { ctl |= CGEM_TXDESC_LAST_BUF; if (wrap) ctl |= CGEM_TXDESC_WRAP; } sc->txring[sc->txring_hd_ptr + i].ctl = ctl; if (i != 0) sc->txring_m[sc->txring_hd_ptr + i] = NULL; } if (wrap) sc->txring_hd_ptr = 0; else sc->txring_hd_ptr += nsegs; sc->txring_queued += nsegs; /* Kick the transmitter. */ WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CTRL, sc->net_ctl_shadow | CGEM_NET_CTRL_START_TX); /* If there is a BPF listener, bounce a copy to him. */ ETHER_BPF_MTAP(ifp, m); } } static void cgem_start(if_t ifp) { struct cgem_softc *sc = (struct cgem_softc *) if_getsoftc(ifp); CGEM_LOCK(sc); cgem_start_locked(ifp); CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); } static void cgem_poll_hw_stats(struct cgem_softc *sc) { uint32_t n; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); sc->stats.tx_bytes += RD4(sc, CGEM_OCTETS_TX_BOT); sc->stats.tx_bytes += (uint64_t)RD4(sc, CGEM_OCTETS_TX_TOP) << 32; sc->stats.tx_frames += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_bcast += RD4(sc, CGEM_BCAST_FRAMES_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_multi += RD4(sc, CGEM_MULTI_FRAMES_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_pause += RD4(sc, CGEM_PAUSE_FRAMES_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_64b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_64B_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_65to127b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_65_127B_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_128to255b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_128_255B_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_256to511b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_256_511B_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_512to1023b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_512_1023B_TX); sc->stats.tx_frames_1024to1536b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_1024_1518B_TX); sc->stats.tx_under_runs += RD4(sc, CGEM_TX_UNDERRUNS); n = RD4(sc, CGEM_SINGLE_COLL_FRAMES); sc->stats.tx_single_collisn += n; if_inc_counter(sc->ifp, IFCOUNTER_COLLISIONS, n); n = RD4(sc, CGEM_MULTI_COLL_FRAMES); sc->stats.tx_multi_collisn += n; if_inc_counter(sc->ifp, IFCOUNTER_COLLISIONS, n); n = RD4(sc, CGEM_EXCESSIVE_COLL_FRAMES); sc->stats.tx_excsv_collisn += n; if_inc_counter(sc->ifp, IFCOUNTER_COLLISIONS, n); n = RD4(sc, CGEM_LATE_COLL); sc->stats.tx_late_collisn += n; if_inc_counter(sc->ifp, IFCOUNTER_COLLISIONS, n); sc->stats.tx_deferred_frames += RD4(sc, CGEM_DEFERRED_TX_FRAMES); sc->stats.tx_carrier_sense_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_CARRIER_SENSE_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_bytes += RD4(sc, CGEM_OCTETS_RX_BOT); sc->stats.rx_bytes += (uint64_t)RD4(sc, CGEM_OCTETS_RX_TOP) << 32; sc->stats.rx_frames += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_bcast += RD4(sc, CGEM_BCAST_FRAMES_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_multi += RD4(sc, CGEM_MULTI_FRAMES_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_pause += RD4(sc, CGEM_PAUSE_FRAMES_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_64b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_64B_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_65to127b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_65_127B_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_128to255b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_128_255B_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_256to511b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_256_511B_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_512to1023b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_512_1023B_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_1024to1536b += RD4(sc, CGEM_FRAMES_1024_1518B_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_undersize += RD4(sc, CGEM_UNDERSZ_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_oversize += RD4(sc, CGEM_OVERSZ_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_jabber += RD4(sc, CGEM_JABBERS_RX); sc->stats.rx_frames_fcs_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_FCS_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_frames_length_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_LENGTH_FIELD_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_symbol_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_RX_SYMBOL_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_align_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_ALIGN_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_resource_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_RX_RESOURCE_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_overrun_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_RX_OVERRUN_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_ip_hdr_csum_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_IP_HDR_CKSUM_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_tcp_csum_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_TCP_CKSUM_ERRS); sc->stats.rx_udp_csum_errs += RD4(sc, CGEM_UDP_CKSUM_ERRS); } static void cgem_tick(void *arg) { struct cgem_softc *sc = (struct cgem_softc *)arg; struct mii_data *mii; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); /* Poll the phy. */ if (sc->miibus != NULL) { mii = device_get_softc(sc->miibus); mii_tick(mii); } /* Poll statistics registers. */ cgem_poll_hw_stats(sc); /* Check for receiver hang. */ if (sc->rxhangwar && sc->rx_frames_prev == sc->stats.rx_frames) { /* * Reset receiver logic by toggling RX_EN bit. 1usec * delay is necessary especially when operating at 100mbps * and 10mbps speeds. */ WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CTRL, sc->net_ctl_shadow & ~CGEM_NET_CTRL_RX_EN); DELAY(1); WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CTRL, sc->net_ctl_shadow); } sc->rx_frames_prev = sc->stats.rx_frames; /* Next callout in one second. */ callout_reset(&sc->tick_ch, hz, cgem_tick, sc); } /* Interrupt handler. */ static void cgem_intr(void *arg) { struct cgem_softc *sc = (struct cgem_softc *)arg; if_t ifp = sc->ifp; uint32_t istatus; CGEM_LOCK(sc); if ((if_getdrvflags(ifp) & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) == 0) { CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); return; } /* Read interrupt status and immediately clear the bits. */ istatus = RD4(sc, CGEM_INTR_STAT); WR4(sc, CGEM_INTR_STAT, istatus); /* Packets received. */ if ((istatus & CGEM_INTR_RX_COMPLETE) != 0) cgem_recv(sc); /* Free up any completed transmit buffers. */ cgem_clean_tx(sc); /* Hresp not ok. Something is very bad with DMA. Try to clear. */ if ((istatus & CGEM_INTR_HRESP_NOT_OK) != 0) { device_printf(sc->dev, "cgem_intr: hresp not okay! rx_status=0x%x\n", RD4(sc, CGEM_RX_STAT)); WR4(sc, CGEM_RX_STAT, CGEM_RX_STAT_HRESP_NOT_OK); } /* Receiver overrun. */ if ((istatus & CGEM_INTR_RX_OVERRUN) != 0) { /* Clear status bit. */ WR4(sc, CGEM_RX_STAT, CGEM_RX_STAT_OVERRUN); sc->rxoverruns++; } /* Receiver ran out of bufs. */ if ((istatus & CGEM_INTR_RX_USED_READ) != 0) { WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CTRL, sc->net_ctl_shadow | CGEM_NET_CTRL_FLUSH_DPRAM_PKT); cgem_fill_rqueue(sc); sc->rxnobufs++; } /* Restart transmitter if needed. */ if (!if_sendq_empty(ifp)) cgem_start_locked(ifp); CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); } /* Reset hardware. */ static void cgem_reset(struct cgem_softc *sc) { CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); + /* Determine data bus width from design configuration register. */ + switch (RD4(sc, CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1) & + CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_MASK) { + case CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_64: + sc->net_cfg_shadow = CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_64; + break; + case CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_128: + sc->net_cfg_shadow = CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_128; + break; + default: + sc->net_cfg_shadow = CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_32; + } + WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CTRL, 0); - WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, 0); + WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, sc->net_cfg_shadow); WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CTRL, CGEM_NET_CTRL_CLR_STAT_REGS); WR4(sc, CGEM_TX_STAT, CGEM_TX_STAT_ALL); WR4(sc, CGEM_RX_STAT, CGEM_RX_STAT_ALL); WR4(sc, CGEM_INTR_DIS, CGEM_INTR_ALL); WR4(sc, CGEM_HASH_BOT, 0); WR4(sc, CGEM_HASH_TOP, 0); WR4(sc, CGEM_TX_QBAR, 0); /* manual says do this. */ WR4(sc, CGEM_RX_QBAR, 0); /* Get management port running even if interface is down. */ - WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_32 | - CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_64); + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_48; + WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, sc->net_cfg_shadow); sc->net_ctl_shadow = CGEM_NET_CTRL_MGMT_PORT_EN; WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CTRL, sc->net_ctl_shadow); } /* Bring up the hardware. */ static void cgem_config(struct cgem_softc *sc) { if_t ifp = sc->ifp; - uint32_t net_cfg; uint32_t dma_cfg; u_char *eaddr = if_getlladdr(ifp); CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); /* Program Net Config Register. */ - net_cfg = CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_32 | - CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_64 | - CGEM_NET_CFG_FCS_REMOVE | + sc->net_cfg_shadow &= (CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_MASK | + CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_MASK); + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= (CGEM_NET_CFG_FCS_REMOVE | CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_BUF_OFFSET(ETHER_ALIGN) | - CGEM_NET_CFG_GIGE_EN | - CGEM_NET_CFG_1536RXEN | - CGEM_NET_CFG_FULL_DUPLEX | - CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100; + CGEM_NET_CFG_GIGE_EN | CGEM_NET_CFG_1536RXEN | + CGEM_NET_CFG_FULL_DUPLEX | CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100); /* Enable receive checksum offloading? */ if ((if_getcapenable(ifp) & IFCAP_RXCSUM) != 0) - net_cfg |= CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_CHKSUM_OFFLD_EN; + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_CHKSUM_OFFLD_EN; - WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, net_cfg); + WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, sc->net_cfg_shadow); /* Program DMA Config Register. */ dma_cfg = CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_BUF_SIZE(MCLBYTES) | CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_PKTBUF_MEMSZ_SEL_8K | CGEM_DMA_CFG_TX_PKTBUF_MEMSZ_SEL | CGEM_DMA_CFG_AHB_FIXED_BURST_LEN_16 | +#ifdef CGEM64 + CGEM_DMA_CFG_ADDR_BUS_64 | +#endif CGEM_DMA_CFG_DISC_WHEN_NO_AHB; /* Enable transmit checksum offloading? */ if ((if_getcapenable(ifp) & IFCAP_TXCSUM) != 0) dma_cfg |= CGEM_DMA_CFG_CHKSUM_GEN_OFFLOAD_EN; WR4(sc, CGEM_DMA_CFG, dma_cfg); /* Write the rx and tx descriptor ring addresses to the QBAR regs. */ - WR4(sc, CGEM_RX_QBAR, (uint32_t) sc->rxring_physaddr); - WR4(sc, CGEM_TX_QBAR, (uint32_t) sc->txring_physaddr); + WR4(sc, CGEM_RX_QBAR, (uint32_t)sc->rxring_physaddr); + WR4(sc, CGEM_TX_QBAR, (uint32_t)sc->txring_physaddr); +#ifdef CGEM64 + WR4(sc, CGEM_RX_QBAR_HI, (uint32_t)(sc->rxring_physaddr >> 32)); + WR4(sc, CGEM_TX_QBAR_HI, (uint32_t)(sc->txring_physaddr >> 32)); +#endif /* Enable rx and tx. */ sc->net_ctl_shadow |= (CGEM_NET_CTRL_TX_EN | CGEM_NET_CTRL_RX_EN); WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CTRL, sc->net_ctl_shadow); /* Set receive address in case it changed. */ WR4(sc, CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_LOW(0), (eaddr[3] << 24) | (eaddr[2] << 16) | (eaddr[1] << 8) | eaddr[0]); WR4(sc, CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_HI(0), (eaddr[5] << 8) | eaddr[4]); /* Set up interrupts. */ WR4(sc, CGEM_INTR_EN, CGEM_INTR_RX_COMPLETE | CGEM_INTR_RX_OVERRUN | CGEM_INTR_TX_USED_READ | CGEM_INTR_RX_USED_READ | CGEM_INTR_HRESP_NOT_OK); } /* Turn on interface and load up receive ring with buffers. */ static void cgem_init_locked(struct cgem_softc *sc) { struct mii_data *mii; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); if ((if_getdrvflags(sc->ifp) & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) != 0) return; cgem_config(sc); cgem_fill_rqueue(sc); if_setdrvflagbits(sc->ifp, IFF_DRV_RUNNING, IFF_DRV_OACTIVE); - mii = device_get_softc(sc->miibus); - mii_mediachg(mii); + if (sc->miibus != NULL) { + mii = device_get_softc(sc->miibus); + mii_mediachg(mii); + } callout_reset(&sc->tick_ch, hz, cgem_tick, sc); } static void cgem_init(void *arg) { struct cgem_softc *sc = (struct cgem_softc *)arg; CGEM_LOCK(sc); cgem_init_locked(sc); CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); } /* Turn off interface. Free up any buffers in transmit or receive queues. */ static void cgem_stop(struct cgem_softc *sc) { int i; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); callout_stop(&sc->tick_ch); /* Shut down hardware. */ cgem_reset(sc); /* Clear out transmit queue. */ + memset(sc->txring, 0, CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS * sizeof(struct cgem_tx_desc)); for (i = 0; i < CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS; i++) { sc->txring[i].ctl = CGEM_TXDESC_USED; - sc->txring[i].addr = 0; if (sc->txring_m[i]) { /* Unload and destroy dmamap. */ bus_dmamap_unload(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[i]); bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[i]); sc->txring_m_dmamap[i] = NULL; m_freem(sc->txring_m[i]); sc->txring_m[i] = NULL; } } sc->txring[CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS - 1].ctl |= CGEM_TXDESC_WRAP; sc->txring_hd_ptr = 0; sc->txring_tl_ptr = 0; sc->txring_queued = 0; /* Clear out receive queue. */ + memset(sc->rxring, 0, CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS * sizeof(struct cgem_rx_desc)); for (i = 0; i < CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS; i++) { sc->rxring[i].addr = CGEM_RXDESC_OWN; - sc->rxring[i].ctl = 0; if (sc->rxring_m[i]) { /* Unload and destroy dmamap. */ bus_dmamap_unload(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[i]); bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[i]); sc->rxring_m_dmamap[i] = NULL; m_freem(sc->rxring_m[i]); sc->rxring_m[i] = NULL; } } sc->rxring[CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS - 1].addr |= CGEM_RXDESC_WRAP; sc->rxring_hd_ptr = 0; sc->rxring_tl_ptr = 0; sc->rxring_queued = 0; /* Force next statchg or linkchg to program net config register. */ sc->mii_media_active = 0; } static int cgem_ioctl(if_t ifp, u_long cmd, caddr_t data) { struct cgem_softc *sc = if_getsoftc(ifp); struct ifreq *ifr = (struct ifreq *)data; struct mii_data *mii; int error = 0, mask; switch (cmd) { case SIOCSIFFLAGS: CGEM_LOCK(sc); if ((if_getflags(ifp) & IFF_UP) != 0) { if ((if_getdrvflags(ifp) & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) != 0) { if (((if_getflags(ifp) ^ sc->if_old_flags) & (IFF_PROMISC | IFF_ALLMULTI)) != 0) { cgem_rx_filter(sc); } } else { cgem_init_locked(sc); } } else if ((if_getdrvflags(ifp) & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) != 0) { if_setdrvflagbits(ifp, 0, IFF_DRV_RUNNING); cgem_stop(sc); } sc->if_old_flags = if_getflags(ifp); CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); break; case SIOCADDMULTI: case SIOCDELMULTI: /* Set up multi-cast filters. */ if ((if_getdrvflags(ifp) & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) != 0) { CGEM_LOCK(sc); cgem_rx_filter(sc); CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); } break; case SIOCSIFMEDIA: case SIOCGIFMEDIA: + if (sc->miibus == NULL) + return (ENXIO); mii = device_get_softc(sc->miibus); error = ifmedia_ioctl(ifp, ifr, &mii->mii_media, cmd); break; case SIOCSIFCAP: CGEM_LOCK(sc); mask = if_getcapenable(ifp) ^ ifr->ifr_reqcap; if ((mask & IFCAP_TXCSUM) != 0) { if ((ifr->ifr_reqcap & IFCAP_TXCSUM) != 0) { /* Turn on TX checksumming. */ if_setcapenablebit(ifp, IFCAP_TXCSUM | IFCAP_TXCSUM_IPV6, 0); if_sethwassistbits(ifp, CGEM_CKSUM_ASSIST, 0); WR4(sc, CGEM_DMA_CFG, RD4(sc, CGEM_DMA_CFG) | CGEM_DMA_CFG_CHKSUM_GEN_OFFLOAD_EN); } else { /* Turn off TX checksumming. */ if_setcapenablebit(ifp, 0, IFCAP_TXCSUM | IFCAP_TXCSUM_IPV6); if_sethwassistbits(ifp, 0, CGEM_CKSUM_ASSIST); WR4(sc, CGEM_DMA_CFG, RD4(sc, CGEM_DMA_CFG) & ~CGEM_DMA_CFG_CHKSUM_GEN_OFFLOAD_EN); } } if ((mask & IFCAP_RXCSUM) != 0) { if ((ifr->ifr_reqcap & IFCAP_RXCSUM) != 0) { /* Turn on RX checksumming. */ if_setcapenablebit(ifp, IFCAP_RXCSUM | IFCAP_RXCSUM_IPV6, 0); - WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, - RD4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG) | - CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_CHKSUM_OFFLD_EN); + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= + CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_CHKSUM_OFFLD_EN; + WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, sc->net_cfg_shadow); } else { /* Turn off RX checksumming. */ if_setcapenablebit(ifp, 0, IFCAP_RXCSUM | IFCAP_RXCSUM_IPV6); - WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, - RD4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG) & - ~CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_CHKSUM_OFFLD_EN); + sc->net_cfg_shadow &= + ~CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_CHKSUM_OFFLD_EN; + WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, sc->net_cfg_shadow); } } if ((if_getcapenable(ifp) & (IFCAP_RXCSUM | IFCAP_TXCSUM)) == (IFCAP_RXCSUM | IFCAP_TXCSUM)) if_setcapenablebit(ifp, IFCAP_VLAN_HWCSUM, 0); else if_setcapenablebit(ifp, 0, IFCAP_VLAN_HWCSUM); CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); break; default: error = ether_ioctl(ifp, cmd, data); break; } return (error); } /* MII bus support routines. */ -static void -cgem_child_detached(device_t dev, device_t child) -{ - struct cgem_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); - - if (child == sc->miibus) - sc->miibus = NULL; -} - static int cgem_ifmedia_upd(if_t ifp) { struct cgem_softc *sc = (struct cgem_softc *) if_getsoftc(ifp); struct mii_data *mii; struct mii_softc *miisc; int error = 0; mii = device_get_softc(sc->miibus); CGEM_LOCK(sc); if ((if_getflags(ifp) & IFF_UP) != 0) { LIST_FOREACH(miisc, &mii->mii_phys, mii_list) PHY_RESET(miisc); error = mii_mediachg(mii); } CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); return (error); } static void cgem_ifmedia_sts(if_t ifp, struct ifmediareq *ifmr) { struct cgem_softc *sc = (struct cgem_softc *) if_getsoftc(ifp); struct mii_data *mii; mii = device_get_softc(sc->miibus); CGEM_LOCK(sc); mii_pollstat(mii); ifmr->ifm_active = mii->mii_media_active; ifmr->ifm_status = mii->mii_media_status; CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); } static int cgem_miibus_readreg(device_t dev, int phy, int reg) { struct cgem_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); int tries, val; WR4(sc, CGEM_PHY_MAINT, CGEM_PHY_MAINT_CLAUSE_22 | CGEM_PHY_MAINT_MUST_10 | CGEM_PHY_MAINT_OP_READ | (phy << CGEM_PHY_MAINT_PHY_ADDR_SHIFT) | (reg << CGEM_PHY_MAINT_REG_ADDR_SHIFT)); /* Wait for completion. */ tries=0; while ((RD4(sc, CGEM_NET_STAT) & CGEM_NET_STAT_PHY_MGMT_IDLE) == 0) { DELAY(5); if (++tries > 200) { device_printf(dev, "phy read timeout: %d\n", reg); return (-1); } } val = RD4(sc, CGEM_PHY_MAINT) & CGEM_PHY_MAINT_DATA_MASK; if (reg == MII_EXTSR) /* * MAC does not support half-duplex at gig speeds. * Let mii(4) exclude the capability. */ val &= ~(EXTSR_1000XHDX | EXTSR_1000THDX); return (val); } static int cgem_miibus_writereg(device_t dev, int phy, int reg, int data) { struct cgem_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); int tries; WR4(sc, CGEM_PHY_MAINT, CGEM_PHY_MAINT_CLAUSE_22 | CGEM_PHY_MAINT_MUST_10 | CGEM_PHY_MAINT_OP_WRITE | (phy << CGEM_PHY_MAINT_PHY_ADDR_SHIFT) | (reg << CGEM_PHY_MAINT_REG_ADDR_SHIFT) | (data & CGEM_PHY_MAINT_DATA_MASK)); /* Wait for completion. */ tries = 0; while ((RD4(sc, CGEM_NET_STAT) & CGEM_NET_STAT_PHY_MGMT_IDLE) == 0) { DELAY(5); if (++tries > 200) { device_printf(dev, "phy write timeout: %d\n", reg); return (-1); } } return (0); } static void cgem_miibus_statchg(device_t dev) { struct cgem_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); struct mii_data *mii = device_get_softc(sc->miibus); CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); if ((mii->mii_media_status & (IFM_ACTIVE | IFM_AVALID)) == (IFM_ACTIVE | IFM_AVALID) && sc->mii_media_active != mii->mii_media_active) cgem_mediachange(sc, mii); } static void cgem_miibus_linkchg(device_t dev) { struct cgem_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); struct mii_data *mii = device_get_softc(sc->miibus); CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); if ((mii->mii_media_status & (IFM_ACTIVE | IFM_AVALID)) == (IFM_ACTIVE | IFM_AVALID) && sc->mii_media_active != mii->mii_media_active) cgem_mediachange(sc, mii); } /* * Overridable weak symbol cgem_set_ref_clk(). This allows platforms to * provide a function to set the cgem's reference clock. */ static int __used cgem_default_set_ref_clk(int unit, int frequency) { return 0; } __weak_reference(cgem_default_set_ref_clk, cgem_set_ref_clk); /* Call to set reference clock and network config bits according to media. */ static void cgem_mediachange(struct cgem_softc *sc, struct mii_data *mii) { - uint32_t net_cfg; int ref_clk_freq; CGEM_ASSERT_LOCKED(sc); /* Update hardware to reflect media. */ - net_cfg = RD4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG); - net_cfg &= ~(CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100 | CGEM_NET_CFG_GIGE_EN | + sc->net_cfg_shadow &= ~(CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100 | CGEM_NET_CFG_GIGE_EN | CGEM_NET_CFG_FULL_DUPLEX); switch (IFM_SUBTYPE(mii->mii_media_active)) { case IFM_1000_T: - net_cfg |= (CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100 | + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= (CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100 | CGEM_NET_CFG_GIGE_EN); ref_clk_freq = 125000000; break; case IFM_100_TX: - net_cfg |= CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100; + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100; ref_clk_freq = 25000000; break; default: ref_clk_freq = 2500000; } if ((mii->mii_media_active & IFM_FDX) != 0) - net_cfg |= CGEM_NET_CFG_FULL_DUPLEX; + sc->net_cfg_shadow |= CGEM_NET_CFG_FULL_DUPLEX; - WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, net_cfg); + WR4(sc, CGEM_NET_CFG, sc->net_cfg_shadow); +#ifdef EXT_RESOURCES + if (sc->ref_clk != NULL) { + CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); + if (clk_set_freq(sc->ref_clk, ref_clk_freq, 0)) + device_printf(sc->dev, "could not set ref clk to %d\n", + ref_clk_freq); + CGEM_LOCK(sc); + } +#else /* Set the reference clock if necessary. */ if (cgem_set_ref_clk(sc->ref_clk_num, ref_clk_freq)) device_printf(sc->dev, "cgem_mediachange: could not set ref clk%d to %d.\n", sc->ref_clk_num, ref_clk_freq); +#endif sc->mii_media_active = mii->mii_media_active; } static void cgem_add_sysctls(device_t dev) { struct cgem_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); struct sysctl_ctx_list *ctx; struct sysctl_oid_list *child; struct sysctl_oid *tree; ctx = device_get_sysctl_ctx(dev); child = SYSCTL_CHILDREN(device_get_sysctl_tree(dev)); SYSCTL_ADD_INT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rxbufs", CTLFLAG_RW, &sc->rxbufs, 0, "Number receive buffers to provide"); SYSCTL_ADD_INT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rxhangwar", CTLFLAG_RW, &sc->rxhangwar, 0, "Enable receive hang work-around"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "_rxoverruns", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->rxoverruns, 0, "Receive overrun events"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "_rxnobufs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->rxnobufs, 0, "Receive buf queue empty events"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "_rxdmamapfails", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->rxdmamapfails, 0, "Receive DMA map failures"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "_txfull", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->txfull, 0, "Transmit ring full events"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "_txdmamapfails", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->txdmamapfails, 0, "Transmit DMA map failures"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "_txdefrags", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->txdefrags, 0, "Transmit m_defrag() calls"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "_txdefragfails", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->txdefragfails, 0, "Transmit m_defrag() failures"); tree = SYSCTL_ADD_NODE(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "stats", CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, "GEM statistics"); child = SYSCTL_CHILDREN(tree); SYSCTL_ADD_UQUAD(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_bytes", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_bytes, "Total bytes transmitted"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames, 0, "Total frames transmitted"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_bcast", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_bcast, 0, "Number broadcast frames transmitted"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_multi", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_multi, 0, "Number multicast frames transmitted"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_pause", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_pause, 0, "Number pause frames transmitted"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_64b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_64b, 0, "Number frames transmitted of size 64 bytes or less"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_65to127b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_65to127b, 0, "Number frames transmitted of size 65-127 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_128to255b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_128to255b, 0, "Number frames transmitted of size 128-255 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_256to511b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_256to511b, 0, "Number frames transmitted of size 256-511 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_512to1023b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_512to1023b, 0, "Number frames transmitted of size 512-1023 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_frames_1024to1536b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_frames_1024to1536b, 0, "Number frames transmitted of size 1024-1536 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_under_runs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_under_runs, 0, "Number transmit under-run events"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_single_collisn", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_single_collisn, 0, "Number single-collision transmit frames"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_multi_collisn", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_multi_collisn, 0, "Number multi-collision transmit frames"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_excsv_collisn", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_excsv_collisn, 0, "Number excessive collision transmit frames"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_late_collisn", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_late_collisn, 0, "Number late-collision transmit frames"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_deferred_frames", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_deferred_frames, 0, "Number deferred transmit frames"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "tx_carrier_sense_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.tx_carrier_sense_errs, 0, "Number carrier sense errors on transmit"); SYSCTL_ADD_UQUAD(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_bytes", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_bytes, "Total bytes received"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames, 0, "Total frames received"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_bcast", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_bcast, 0, "Number broadcast frames received"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_multi", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_multi, 0, "Number multicast frames received"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_pause", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_pause, 0, "Number pause frames received"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_64b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_64b, 0, "Number frames received of size 64 bytes or less"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_65to127b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_65to127b, 0, "Number frames received of size 65-127 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_128to255b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_128to255b, 0, "Number frames received of size 128-255 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_256to511b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_256to511b, 0, "Number frames received of size 256-511 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_512to1023b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_512to1023b, 0, "Number frames received of size 512-1023 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_1024to1536b", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_1024to1536b, 0, "Number frames received of size 1024-1536 bytes"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_undersize", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_undersize, 0, "Number undersize frames received"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_oversize", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_oversize, 0, "Number oversize frames received"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_jabber", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_jabber, 0, "Number jabber frames received"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_fcs_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_fcs_errs, 0, "Number frames received with FCS errors"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_length_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_frames_length_errs, 0, "Number frames received with length errors"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_symbol_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_symbol_errs, 0, "Number receive symbol errors"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_align_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_align_errs, 0, "Number receive alignment errors"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_resource_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_resource_errs, 0, "Number frames received when no rx buffer available"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_overrun_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_overrun_errs, 0, "Number frames received but not copied due to receive overrun"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_ip_hdr_csum_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_ip_hdr_csum_errs, 0, "Number frames received with IP header checksum errors"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_tcp_csum_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_tcp_csum_errs, 0, "Number frames received with TCP checksum errors"); SYSCTL_ADD_UINT(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, "rx_frames_udp_csum_errs", CTLFLAG_RD, &sc->stats.rx_udp_csum_errs, 0, "Number frames received with UDP checksum errors"); } static int cgem_probe(device_t dev) { if (!ofw_bus_status_okay(dev)) return (ENXIO); if (ofw_bus_search_compatible(dev, compat_data)->ocd_data == 0) return (ENXIO); device_set_desc(dev, "Cadence CGEM Gigabit Ethernet Interface"); return (0); } static int cgem_attach(device_t dev) { struct cgem_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); if_t ifp = NULL; - phandle_t node; - pcell_t cell; int rid, err; u_char eaddr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; + int hwtype; +#ifndef EXT_RESOURCES + phandle_t node; + pcell_t cell; +#endif sc->dev = dev; CGEM_LOCK_INIT(sc); + /* Key off of compatible string and set hardware-specific options. */ + hwtype = ofw_bus_search_compatible(dev, compat_data)->ocd_data; + if (hwtype == HWTYPE_ZYNQMP) + sc->neednullqs = 1; + if (hwtype == HWTYPE_ZYNQ) + sc->rxhangwar = 1; + +#ifdef EXT_RESOURCES + if (hwtype == HWTYPE_ZYNQ || hwtype == HWTYPE_ZYNQMP) { + if (clk_get_by_ofw_name(dev, 0, "tx_clk", &sc->ref_clk) != 0) + device_printf(dev, + "could not retrieve reference clock.\n"); + else if (clk_enable(sc->ref_clk) != 0) + device_printf(dev, "could not enable clock.\n"); + } + else if (hwtype == HWTYPE_SIFIVE_FU540) { + if (clk_get_by_ofw_name(dev, 0, "pclk", &sc->ref_clk) != 0) + device_printf(dev, + "could not retrieve reference clock.\n"); + else if (clk_enable(sc->ref_clk) != 0) + device_printf(dev, "could not enable clock.\n"); + } +#else /* Get reference clock number and base divider from fdt. */ node = ofw_bus_get_node(dev); sc->ref_clk_num = 0; if (OF_getprop(node, "ref-clock-num", &cell, sizeof(cell)) > 0) sc->ref_clk_num = fdt32_to_cpu(cell); +#endif /* Get memory resource. */ rid = 0; sc->mem_res = bus_alloc_resource_any(dev, SYS_RES_MEMORY, &rid, RF_ACTIVE); if (sc->mem_res == NULL) { device_printf(dev, "could not allocate memory resources.\n"); return (ENOMEM); } /* Get IRQ resource. */ rid = 0; - sc->irq_res = bus_alloc_resource_any(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, &rid, RF_ACTIVE); + sc->irq_res = bus_alloc_resource_any(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, &rid, + RF_ACTIVE); if (sc->irq_res == NULL) { device_printf(dev, "could not allocate interrupt resource.\n"); cgem_detach(dev); return (ENOMEM); } /* Set up ifnet structure. */ ifp = sc->ifp = if_alloc(IFT_ETHER); if (ifp == NULL) { device_printf(dev, "could not allocate ifnet structure\n"); cgem_detach(dev); return (ENOMEM); } if_setsoftc(ifp, sc); if_initname(ifp, IF_CGEM_NAME, device_get_unit(dev)); if_setflags(ifp, IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_SIMPLEX | IFF_MULTICAST); if_setinitfn(ifp, cgem_init); if_setioctlfn(ifp, cgem_ioctl); if_setstartfn(ifp, cgem_start); if_setcapabilitiesbit(ifp, IFCAP_HWCSUM | IFCAP_HWCSUM_IPV6 | IFCAP_VLAN_MTU | IFCAP_VLAN_HWCSUM, 0); if_setsendqlen(ifp, CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS); if_setsendqready(ifp); /* Disable hardware checksumming by default. */ if_sethwassist(ifp, 0); if_setcapenable(ifp, if_getcapabilities(ifp) & ~(IFCAP_HWCSUM | IFCAP_HWCSUM_IPV6 | IFCAP_VLAN_HWCSUM)); sc->if_old_flags = if_getflags(ifp); sc->rxbufs = DEFAULT_NUM_RX_BUFS; - sc->rxhangwar = 1; /* Reset hardware. */ CGEM_LOCK(sc); cgem_reset(sc); CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); /* Attach phy to mii bus. */ err = mii_attach(dev, &sc->miibus, ifp, cgem_ifmedia_upd, cgem_ifmedia_sts, BMSR_DEFCAPMASK, MII_PHY_ANY, MII_OFFSET_ANY, 0); - if (err) { - device_printf(dev, "attaching PHYs failed\n"); - cgem_detach(dev); - return (err); - } + if (err) + device_printf(dev, "warning: attaching PHYs failed\n"); /* Set up TX and RX descriptor area. */ err = cgem_setup_descs(sc); if (err) { device_printf(dev, "could not set up dma mem for descs.\n"); cgem_detach(dev); return (ENOMEM); } /* Get a MAC address. */ cgem_get_mac(sc, eaddr); /* Start ticks. */ callout_init_mtx(&sc->tick_ch, &sc->sc_mtx, 0); ether_ifattach(ifp, eaddr); err = bus_setup_intr(dev, sc->irq_res, INTR_TYPE_NET | INTR_MPSAFE | INTR_EXCL, NULL, cgem_intr, sc, &sc->intrhand); if (err) { device_printf(dev, "could not set interrupt handler.\n"); ether_ifdetach(ifp); cgem_detach(dev); return (err); } cgem_add_sysctls(dev); return (0); } static int cgem_detach(device_t dev) { struct cgem_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); int i; if (sc == NULL) return (ENODEV); if (device_is_attached(dev)) { CGEM_LOCK(sc); cgem_stop(sc); CGEM_UNLOCK(sc); callout_drain(&sc->tick_ch); if_setflagbits(sc->ifp, 0, IFF_UP); ether_ifdetach(sc->ifp); } if (sc->miibus != NULL) { device_delete_child(dev, sc->miibus); sc->miibus = NULL; } /* Release resources. */ if (sc->mem_res != NULL) { bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_MEMORY, rman_get_rid(sc->mem_res), sc->mem_res); sc->mem_res = NULL; } if (sc->irq_res != NULL) { if (sc->intrhand) bus_teardown_intr(dev, sc->irq_res, sc->intrhand); bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, rman_get_rid(sc->irq_res), sc->irq_res); sc->irq_res = NULL; } /* Release DMA resources. */ if (sc->rxring != NULL) { if (sc->rxring_physaddr != 0) { bus_dmamap_unload(sc->desc_dma_tag, sc->rxring_dma_map); sc->rxring_physaddr = 0; + sc->txring_physaddr = 0; + sc->null_qs_physaddr = 0; } bus_dmamem_free(sc->desc_dma_tag, sc->rxring, sc->rxring_dma_map); sc->rxring = NULL; + sc->txring = NULL; + sc->null_qs = NULL; + for (i = 0; i < CGEM_NUM_RX_DESCS; i++) if (sc->rxring_m_dmamap[i] != NULL) { bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->rxring_m_dmamap[i]); sc->rxring_m_dmamap[i] = NULL; } - } - if (sc->txring != NULL) { - if (sc->txring_physaddr != 0) { - bus_dmamap_unload(sc->desc_dma_tag, - sc->txring_dma_map); - sc->txring_physaddr = 0; - } - bus_dmamem_free(sc->desc_dma_tag, sc->txring, - sc->txring_dma_map); - sc->txring = NULL; for (i = 0; i < CGEM_NUM_TX_DESCS; i++) if (sc->txring_m_dmamap[i] != NULL) { bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag, sc->txring_m_dmamap[i]); sc->txring_m_dmamap[i] = NULL; } } if (sc->desc_dma_tag != NULL) { bus_dma_tag_destroy(sc->desc_dma_tag); sc->desc_dma_tag = NULL; } if (sc->mbuf_dma_tag != NULL) { bus_dma_tag_destroy(sc->mbuf_dma_tag); sc->mbuf_dma_tag = NULL; } +#ifdef EXT_RESOURCES + if (sc->ref_clk != NULL) { + clk_release(sc->ref_clk); + sc->ref_clk = NULL; + } +#endif + bus_generic_detach(dev); CGEM_LOCK_DESTROY(sc); return (0); } static device_method_t cgem_methods[] = { /* Device interface */ DEVMETHOD(device_probe, cgem_probe), DEVMETHOD(device_attach, cgem_attach), DEVMETHOD(device_detach, cgem_detach), - /* Bus interface */ - DEVMETHOD(bus_child_detached, cgem_child_detached), - /* MII interface */ DEVMETHOD(miibus_readreg, cgem_miibus_readreg), DEVMETHOD(miibus_writereg, cgem_miibus_writereg), DEVMETHOD(miibus_statchg, cgem_miibus_statchg), DEVMETHOD(miibus_linkchg, cgem_miibus_linkchg), DEVMETHOD_END }; static driver_t cgem_driver = { "cgem", cgem_methods, sizeof(struct cgem_softc), }; DRIVER_MODULE(cgem, simplebus, cgem_driver, cgem_devclass, NULL, NULL); DRIVER_MODULE(miibus, cgem, miibus_driver, miibus_devclass, NULL, NULL); MODULE_DEPEND(cgem, miibus, 1, 1, 1); MODULE_DEPEND(cgem, ether, 1, 1, 1); +SIMPLEBUS_PNP_INFO(compat_data); diff --git a/sys/dev/cadence/if_cgem_hw.h b/sys/dev/cadence/if_cgem_hw.h index fced73327d91..784b131a885e 100644 --- a/sys/dev/cadence/if_cgem_hw.h +++ b/sys/dev/cadence/if_cgem_hw.h @@ -1,384 +1,446 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Thomas Skibo * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Hardware and register defines for Cadence GEM Gigabit Ethernet * controller such as the one used in Zynq-7000 SoC. * * Reference: Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Technical Reference Manual. * (v1.4) November 16, 2012. Xilinx doc UG585. GEM is covered in Ch. 16 * and register definitions are in appendix B.18. + * + * Additional Reference: Zynq UltraScale+ Device Register Reference + * (UG1087 v1.7 Feb 8,2019): + * https://www.xilinx.com/html_docs/registers/ug1087/ug1087-zynq-ultrascale-registers.html */ #ifndef _IF_CGEM_HW_H_ #define _IF_CGEM_HW_H_ /* Cadence GEM hardware register definitions. */ #define CGEM_NET_CTRL 0x000 /* Network Control */ #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_FLUSH_DPRAM_PKT (1 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_TX_PFC_PRI_PAUSE_FRAME (1 << 17) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_EN_PFC_PRI_PAUSE_RX (1 << 16) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_STORE_RX_TSTAMP (1 << 15) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_TX_ZEROQ_PAUSE_FRAME (1 << 12) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_TX_PAUSE_FRAME (1 << 11) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_TX_HALT (1 << 10) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_START_TX (1 << 9) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_BACK_PRESSURE (1 << 8) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_WREN_STAT_REGS (1 << 7) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_INCR_STAT_REGS (1 << 6) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_CLR_STAT_REGS (1 << 5) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_MGMT_PORT_EN (1 << 4) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_TX_EN (1 << 3) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_RX_EN (1 << 2) #define CGEM_NET_CTRL_LOOP_LOCAL (1 << 1) #define CGEM_NET_CFG 0x004 /* Netowrk Configuration */ #define CGEM_NET_CFG_UNIDIR_EN (1U << 31) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_IGNORE_IPG_RX_ER (1 << 30) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_BAD_PREAMBLE (1 << 29) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_IPG_STRETCH_EN (1 << 28) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_SGMII_EN (1 << 27) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_IGNORE_RX_FCS (1 << 26) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_HD_WHILE_TX (1 << 25) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_CHKSUM_OFFLD_EN (1 << 24) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_DIS_CP_PAUSE_FRAME (1 << 23) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_32 (0 << 21) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_64 (1 << 21) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_128 (2 << 21) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_DBUS_WIDTH_MASK (3 << 21) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_8 (0 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_16 (1 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_32 (2 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_48 (3 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_64 (4 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_96 (5 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_128 (6 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_224 (7 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MDC_CLK_DIV_MASK (7 << 18) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_FCS_REMOVE (1 << 17) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_LEN_ERR_FRAME_DISC (1 << 16) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_BUF_OFFSET_SHFT 14 #define CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_BUF_OFFSET_MASK (3 << 14) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_RX_BUF_OFFSET(n) ((n) << 14) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_PAUSE_EN (1 << 13) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_RETRY_TEST (1 << 12) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_PCS_SEL (1 << 11) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_GIGE_EN (1 << 10) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_EXT_ADDR_MATCH_EN (1 << 9) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_1536RXEN (1 << 8) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_UNI_HASH_EN (1 << 7) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_MULTI_HASH_EN (1 << 6) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_NO_BCAST (1 << 5) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_COPY_ALL (1 << 4) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_DISC_NON_VLAN (1 << 2) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_FULL_DUPLEX (1 << 1) #define CGEM_NET_CFG_SPEED100 (1 << 0) #define CGEM_NET_STAT 0x008 /* Network Status */ #define CGEM_NET_STAT_PFC_PRI_PAUSE_NEG (1 << 6) #define CGEM_NET_STAT_PCS_AUTONEG_PAUSE_TX_RES (1 << 5) #define CGEM_NET_STAT_PCS_AUTONEG_PAUSE_RX_RES (1 << 4) #define CGEM_NET_STAT_PCS_AUTONEG_DUP_RES (1 << 3) #define CGEM_NET_STAT_PHY_MGMT_IDLE (1 << 2) #define CGEM_NET_STAT_MDIO_IN_PIN_STATUS (1 << 1) #define CGEM_NET_STAT_PCS_LINK_STATE (1 << 0) #define CGEM_USER_IO 0x00C /* User I/O */ #define CGEM_DMA_CFG 0x010 /* DMA Config */ +#define CGEM_DMA_CFG_ADDR_BUS_64 (1 << 30) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_DISC_WHEN_NO_AHB (1 << 24) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_BUF_SIZE_SHIFT 16 #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_BUF_SIZE_MASK (0xff << 16) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_BUF_SIZE(sz) ((((sz) + 63) / 64) << 16) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_CHKSUM_GEN_OFFLOAD_EN (1 << 11) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_TX_PKTBUF_MEMSZ_SEL (1 << 10) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_PKTBUF_MEMSZ_SEL_1K (0 << 8) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_PKTBUF_MEMSZ_SEL_2K (1 << 8) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_PKTBUF_MEMSZ_SEL_4K (2 << 8) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_PKTBUF_MEMSZ_SEL_8K (3 << 8) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_RX_PKTBUF_MEMSZ_SEL_MASK (3 << 8) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_AHB_ENDIAN_SWAP_PKT_EN (1 << 7) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_AHB_ENDIAN_SWAP_MGMT_EN (1 << 6) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_AHB_FIXED_BURST_LEN_1 (1 << 0) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_AHB_FIXED_BURST_LEN_4 (4 << 0) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_AHB_FIXED_BURST_LEN_8 (8 << 0) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_AHB_FIXED_BURST_LEN_16 (16 << 0) #define CGEM_DMA_CFG_AHB_FIXED_BURST_LEN_MASK (0x1f << 0) #define CGEM_TX_STAT 0x014 /* Transmit Status */ #define CGEM_TX_STAT_HRESP_NOT_OK (1 << 8) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_LATE_COLL (1 << 7) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_UNDERRUN (1 << 6) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_COMPLETE (1 << 5) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_CORRUPT_AHB_ERR (1 << 4) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_GO (1 << 3) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_RETRY_LIMIT_EXC (1 << 2) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_COLLISION (1 << 1) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_USED_BIT_READ (1 << 0) #define CGEM_TX_STAT_ALL 0x1ff #define CGEM_RX_QBAR 0x018 /* Receive Buf Q Base Addr */ #define CGEM_TX_QBAR 0x01C /* Transmit Buf Q Base Addr */ #define CGEM_RX_STAT 0x020 /* Receive Status */ #define CGEM_RX_STAT_HRESP_NOT_OK (1 << 3) #define CGEM_RX_STAT_OVERRUN (1 << 2) #define CGEM_RX_STAT_FRAME_RECD (1 << 1) #define CGEM_RX_STAT_BUF_NOT_AVAIL (1 << 0) #define CGEM_RX_STAT_ALL 0xf #define CGEM_INTR_STAT 0x024 /* Interrupt Status */ #define CGEM_INTR_EN 0x028 /* Interrupt Enable */ #define CGEM_INTR_DIS 0x02C /* Interrupt Disable */ #define CGEM_INTR_MASK 0x030 /* Interrupt Mask */ #define CGEM_INTR_TSU_SEC_INCR (1 << 26) #define CGEM_INTR_PDELAY_RESP_TX (1 << 25) #define CGEM_INTR_PDELAY_REQ_TX (1 << 24) #define CGEM_INTR_PDELAY_RESP_RX (1 << 23) #define CGEM_INTR_PDELAY_REQ_RX (1 << 22) #define CGEM_INTR_SYNX_TX (1 << 21) #define CGEM_INTR_DELAY_REQ_TX (1 << 20) #define CGEM_INTR_SYNC_RX (1 << 19) #define CGEM_INTR_DELAY_REQ_RX (1 << 18) #define CGEM_INTR_PARTNER_PG_RX (1 << 17) #define CGEM_INTR_AUTONEG_COMPL (1 << 16) #define CGEM_INTR_EXT_INTR (1 << 15) #define CGEM_INTR_PAUSE_TX (1 << 14) #define CGEM_INTR_PAUSE_ZERO (1 << 13) #define CGEM_INTR_PAUSE_NONZEROQ_RX (1 << 12) #define CGEM_INTR_HRESP_NOT_OK (1 << 11) #define CGEM_INTR_RX_OVERRUN (1 << 10) #define CGEM_INTR_LINK_CHNG (1 << 9) #define CGEM_INTR_TX_COMPLETE (1 << 7) #define CGEM_INTR_TX_CORRUPT_AHB_ERR (1 << 6) #define CGEM_INTR_RETRY_EX_LATE_COLLISION (1 << 5) #define CGEM_INTR_TX_USED_READ (1 << 3) #define CGEM_INTR_RX_USED_READ (1 << 2) #define CGEM_INTR_RX_COMPLETE (1 << 1) #define CGEM_INTR_MGMT_SENT (1 << 0) #define CGEM_INTR_ALL 0x7FFFEFF #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT 0x034 /* PHY Maintenenace */ #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_CLAUSE_22 (1 << 30) #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_OP_SHIFT 28 #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_OP_MASK (3 << 28) #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_OP_READ (2 << 28) #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_OP_WRITE (1 << 28) #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_PHY_ADDR_SHIFT 23 #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_PHY_ADDR_MASK (0x1f << 23) #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_REG_ADDR_SHIFT 18 #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_REG_ADDR_MASK (0x1f << 18) #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_MUST_10 (2 << 16) #define CGEM_PHY_MAINT_DATA_MASK 0xffff #define CGEM_RX_PAUSEQ 0x038 /* Received Pause Quantum */ #define CGEM_TX_PAUSEQ 0x03C /* Transmit Puase Quantum */ #define CGEM_HASH_BOT 0x080 /* Hash Reg Bottom [31:0] */ #define CGEM_HASH_TOP 0x084 /* Hash Reg Top [63:32] */ #define CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_LOW(n) (0x088 + (n) * 8) #define CGEM_SPEC_ADDR_HI(n) (0x08C + (n) * 8) #define CGEM_TYPE_ID_MATCH1 0x0A8 /* Type ID Match 1 */ #define CGEM_TYPE_ID_MATCH_COPY_EN (1U << 31) #define CGEM_TYPE_ID_MATCH2 0x0AC /* Type ID Match 2 */ #define CGEM_TYPE_ID_MATCH3 0x0B0 /* Type ID Match 3 */ #define CGEM_TYPE_ID_MATCH4 0x0B4 /* Type ID Match 4 */ #define CGEM_WAKE_ON_LAN 0x0B8 /* Wake on LAN Register */ #define CGEM_WOL_MULTI_HASH_EN (1 << 19) #define CGEM_WOL_SPEC_ADDR1_EN (1 << 18) #define CGEM_WOL_ARP_REQ_EN (1 << 17) #define CGEM_WOL_MAGIC_PKT_EN (1 << 16) #define CGEM_WOL_ARP_REQ_IP_ADDR_MASK 0xffff #define CGEM_IPG_STRETCH /* IPG Stretch Register */ #define CGEM_STACKED_VLAN 0x0C0 /* Stacked VLAN Register */ #define CGEM_STACKED_VLAN_EN (1U << 31) #define CGEM_TX_PFC_PAUSE 0x0C4 /* Transmit PFC Pause Reg */ #define CGEM_TX_PFC_PAUSEQ_SEL_SHIFT 8 #define CGEM_TX_PFC_PAUSEQ_SEL_MASK (0xff << 8) #define CGEM_TX_PFC_PAUSE_PRI_EN_VEC_VAL_MASK 0xff #define CGEM_SPEC_ADDR1_MASK_BOT 0x0C8 /* Specific Addr Mask1 [31:0]*/ #define CGEM_SPEC_ADDR1_MASK_TOP 0x0CC /* Specific Addr Mask1[47:32]*/ #define CGEM_MODULE_ID 0x0FC /* Module ID */ #define CGEM_OCTETS_TX_BOT 0x100 /* Octets xmitted [31:0] */ #define CGEM_OCTETS_TX_TOP 0x104 /* Octets xmitted [47:32] */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_TX 0x108 /* Frames xmitted */ #define CGEM_BCAST_FRAMES_TX 0x10C /* Broadcast Frames xmitted */ #define CGEM_MULTI_FRAMES_TX 0x110 /* Multicast Frames xmitted */ #define CGEM_PAUSE_FRAMES_TX 0x114 /* Pause Frames xmitted */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_64B_TX 0x118 /* 64-Byte Frames xmitted */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_65_127B_TX 0x11C /* 65-127 Byte Frames xmitted*/ #define CGEM_FRAMES_128_255B_TX 0x120 /* 128-255 Byte Frames xmit */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_256_511B_TX 0x124 /* 256-511 Byte Frames xmit */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_512_1023B_TX 0x128 /* 512-1023 Byte frames xmit */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_1024_1518B_TX 0x12C /* 1024-1518 Byte frames xmit*/ #define CGEM_TX_UNDERRUNS 0x134 /* Transmit Under-runs */ #define CGEM_SINGLE_COLL_FRAMES 0x138 /* Single-Collision Frames */ #define CGEM_MULTI_COLL_FRAMES 0x13C /* Multi-Collision Frames */ #define CGEM_EXCESSIVE_COLL_FRAMES 0x140 /* Excessive Collision Frames*/ #define CGEM_LATE_COLL 0x144 /* Late Collisions */ #define CGEM_DEFERRED_TX_FRAMES 0x148 /* Deferred Transmit Frames */ #define CGEM_CARRIER_SENSE_ERRS 0x14C /* Carrier Sense Errors */ #define CGEM_OCTETS_RX_BOT 0x150 /* Octets Received [31:0] */ #define CGEM_OCTETS_RX_TOP 0x154 /* Octets Received [47:32] */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_RX 0x158 /* Frames Received */ #define CGEM_BCAST_FRAMES_RX 0x15C /* Broadcast Frames Received */ #define CGEM_MULTI_FRAMES_RX 0x160 /* Multicast Frames Received */ #define CGEM_PAUSE_FRAMES_RX 0x164 /* Pause Frames Reeived */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_64B_RX 0x168 /* 64-Byte Frames Received */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_65_127B_RX 0x16C /* 65-127 Byte Frames Rx'd */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_128_255B_RX 0x170 /* 128-255 Byte Frames Rx'd */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_256_511B_RX 0x174 /* 256-511 Byte Frames Rx'd */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_512_1023B_RX 0x178 /* 512-1023 Byte Frames Rx'd */ #define CGEM_FRAMES_1024_1518B_RX 0x17C /* 1024-1518 Byte Frames Rx'd*/ #define CGEM_UNDERSZ_RX 0x184 /* Undersize Frames Rx'd */ #define CGEM_OVERSZ_RX 0x188 /* Oversize Frames Rx'd */ #define CGEM_JABBERS_RX 0x18C /* Jabbers received */ #define CGEM_FCS_ERRS 0x190 /* Frame Check Sequence Errs */ #define CGEM_LENGTH_FIELD_ERRS 0x194 /* Length Firled Frame Errs */ #define CGEM_RX_SYMBOL_ERRS 0x198 /* Receive Symbol Errs */ #define CGEM_ALIGN_ERRS 0x19C /* Alignment Errors */ #define CGEM_RX_RESOURCE_ERRS 0x1A0 /* Receive Resoure Errors */ #define CGEM_RX_OVERRUN_ERRS 0x1A4 /* Receive Overrun Errors */ #define CGEM_IP_HDR_CKSUM_ERRS 0x1A8 /* IP Hdr Checksum Errors */ #define CGEM_TCP_CKSUM_ERRS 0x1AC /* TCP Checksum Errors */ #define CGEM_UDP_CKSUM_ERRS 0x1B0 /* UDP Checksum Errors */ #define CGEM_TIMER_STROBE_S 0x1C8 /* 1588 timer sync strobe s */ #define CGEM_TIMER_STROBE_NS 0x1CC /* timer sync strobe ns */ #define CGEM_TIMER_S 0x1D0 /* 1588 timer seconds */ #define CGEM_TIMER_NS 0x1D4 /* 1588 timer ns */ #define CGEM_ADJUST 0x1D8 /* 1588 timer adjust */ #define CGEM_INCR 0x1DC /* 1588 timer increment */ #define CGEM_PTP_TX_S 0x1E0 /* PTP Event Frame xmit secs */ #define CGEM_PTP_TX_NS 0x1E4 /* PTP Event Frame xmit ns */ #define CGEM_PTP_RX_S 0x1E8 /* PTP Event Frame rcv'd s */ #define CGEM_PTP_RX_NS 0x1EC /* PTP Event Frame rcv'd ns */ #define CGEM_PTP_PEER_TX_S 0x1F0 /* PTP Peer Event xmit s */ #define CGEM_PTP_PEER_TX_NS 0x1F4 /* PTP Peer Event xmit ns */ #define CGEM_PTP_PEER_RX_S 0x1F8 /* PTP Peer Event rcv'd s */ #define CGEM_PTP_PEER_RX_NS 0x1FC /* PTP Peer Event rcv'd ns */ +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1 0x280 /* Design Configuration 1 */ +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_AXI_CACHE_WIDTH_MASK (0xfU << 28) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_MASK (7 << 25) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_32 (1 << 25) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_64 (2 << 25) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_128 (4 << 25) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_IRQ_READ_CLR (1 << 23) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_NO_SNAPSHOT (1 << 22) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_NO_STATS (1 << 21) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_NO_SCAN_PINS (1 << 20) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_USER_IN_WIDTH_MASK (0x1f << 15) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_USER_OUT_WIDTH_MASK (0x1f << 10) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_USER_IO (1 << 9) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_APB_REV2 (1 << 8) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_APB_REV1 (1 << 7) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_EXT_FIFO_INTERFACE (1 << 6) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_NO_INT_LOOPBACK (1 << 5) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_INT_LOOPBACK (1 << 4) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_TDC_50 (1 << 3) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_RDC_50 (1 << 2) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_SERDES (1 << 1) +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG1_NO_PCS (1 << 0) + #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2 0x284 /* Design Configuration 2 */ #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_TX_PBUF_ADDR_SHIFT 26 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_TX_PBUF_ADDR_MASK (0xf << 26) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_RX_PBUF_ADDR_SHIFT 22 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_RX_PBUF_ADDR_MASK (0xf << 22) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_TX_PKT_BUF (1 << 21) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_RX_PKT_BUF (1 << 20) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_HPROT_VAL_SHIFT 16 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_HPROT_VAL_MASK (0xf << 16) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG2_JUMBO_MAX_LEN_MASK 0xffff #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG3 0x288 /* Design Configuration 3 */ #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG3_RX_BASE2_FIFO_SZ_MASK (0xffffU << 16) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG3_RX_BASE2_FIFO_SZ_SHIFT 16 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG3_RX_FIFO_SIZE_MASK 0xffff #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG4 0x28C /* Design Configuration 4 */ #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG4_TX_BASE2_FIFO_SZ_SHIFT 16 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG4_TX_BASE2_FIFO_SZ_MASK (0xffffU << 16) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG4_TX_FIFO_SIZE_MASK 0xffff #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5 0x290 /* Design Configuration 5 */ #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_TSU_CLK (1 << 28) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_RX_BUF_LEN_DEF_SHIFT 20 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_RX_BUF_LEN_DEF_MASK (0xff << 20) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_TX_PBUF_SIZE_DEF (1 << 19) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_RX_PBUF_SIZE_DEF_SHIFT 17 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_RX_PBUF_SIZE_DEF_MASK (3 << 17) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_ENDIAN_SWAP_DEF_SHIFT 15 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_ENDIAN_SWAP_DEF_MASK (3 << 15) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_MDC_CLOCK_DIV_SHIFT 12 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_MDC_CLOCK_DIV_MASK (7 << 12) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_SHIFT 10 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_DMA_BUS_WIDTH_MASK (3 << 10) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_PHY_IDENT (1 << 9) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_TSU (1 << 8) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_TX_FIFO_CNT_WIDTH_SHIFT 4 #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_TX_FIFO_CNT_WIDTH_MASK (0xf << 4) #define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG5_RX_FIFO_CNT_WIDTH_MASK 0xf -/* Transmit Descriptors */ +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG6 0x294 /* Design Configuration 6 */ +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG6_ADDR_64B (1 << 23) /* 64-bit addr cap */ +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG6_DMA_PRIO_Q_MASK 0xfffe +#define CGEM_DESIGN_CFG6_DMA_PRIO_Q(n) (1 << (n)) + +#define CGEM_TX_QN_BAR(n) (0x440 + ((n) - 1) * 4) +#define CGEM_RX_QN_BAR(n) (0x480 + ((n) - 1) * 4) + +#define CGEM_TX_QBAR_HI 0x4C8 +#define CGEM_RX_QBAR_HI 0x4D4 + +/* + * Transmit Descriptors: two or four 32-bit words: + * word0: address + * word1: length and control + * word2: address upper 32-bits (64-bit mode) + * word3: unused (64-bit mode) + */ + struct cgem_tx_desc { uint32_t addr; uint32_t ctl; #define CGEM_TXDESC_USED (1U << 31) /* done txmitting */ #define CGEM_TXDESC_WRAP (1 << 30) /* end descr ring */ #define CGEM_TXDESC_RETRY_ERR (1 << 29) #define CGEM_TXDESC_AHB_ERR (1 << 27) #define CGEM_TXDESC_LATE_COLL (1 << 26) #define CGEM_TXDESC_CKSUM_GEN_STAT_MASK (7 << 20) #define CGEM_TXDESC_CKSUM_GEN_STAT_VLAN_HDR_ERR (1 << 20) #define CGEM_TXDESC_CKSUM_GEN_STAT_SNAP_HDR_ERR (2 << 20) #define CGEM_TXDESC_CKSUM_GEN_STAT_IP_HDR_ERR (3 << 20) #define CGEM_TXDESC_CKSUM_GEN_STAT_UNKNOWN_TYPE (4 << 20) #define CGEM_TXDESC_CKSUM_GEN_STAT_UNSUPP_FRAG (5 << 20) #define CGEM_TXDESC_CKSUM_GEN_STAT_NOT_TCPUDP (6 << 20) #define CGEM_TXDESC_CKSUM_GEN_STAT_SHORT_PKT (7 << 20) #define CGEM_TXDESC_NO_CRC_APPENDED (1 << 16) #define CGEM_TXDESC_LAST_BUF (1 << 15) /* last in frame */ #define CGEM_TXDESC_LENGTH_MASK 0x3fff +#ifdef CGEM64 + uint32_t addrhi; + uint32_t unused; +#endif }; +/* + * Receive Descriptors: two or four 32-bit words: + * word0: address | WRAP and OWN flags + * word1: length and control + * word2: address upper 32 bits (64-bit mode) + * word3: unused + */ + struct cgem_rx_desc { uint32_t addr; #define CGEM_RXDESC_WRAP (1 << 1) /* goes in addr! */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_OWN (1 << 0) /* buf filled */ uint32_t ctl; #define CGEM_RXDESC_BCAST (1U << 31)/* all 1's bcast */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_MULTI_MATCH (1 << 30) /* mutlicast match */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_UNICAST_MATCH (1 << 29) #define CGEM_RXDESC_EXTERNAL_MATCH (1 << 28) /* ext addr match */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_SPEC_MATCH_SHIFT 25 #define CGEM_RXDESC_SPEC_MATCH_MASK (3 << 25) #define CGEM_RXDESC_TYPE_ID_MATCH_SHIFT 22 #define CGEM_RXDESC_TYPE_ID_MATCH_MASK (3 << 22) #define CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_MASK (3 << 22) /* same as above */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_NONE (0 << 22) #define CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_IP_GOOD (1 << 22) #define CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_TCP_GOOD (2 << 22) /* and ip good */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_CKSUM_STAT_UDP_GOOD (3 << 22) /* and ip good */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_VLAN_DETECTED (1 << 21) #define CGEM_RXDESC_PRIO_DETECTED (1 << 20) #define CGEM_RXDESC_VLAN_PRIO_SHIFT 17 #define CGEM_RXDESC_VLAN_PRIO_MASK (7 << 17) #define CGEM_RXDESC_CFI (1 << 16) #define CGEM_RXDESC_EOF (1 << 15) /* end of frame */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_SOF (1 << 14) /* start of frame */ #define CGEM_RXDESC_BAD_FCS (1 << 13) #define CGEM_RXDESC_LENGTH_MASK 0x1fff +#ifdef CGEM64 + uint32_t addrhi; + uint32_t unused; +#endif }; #endif /* _IF_CGEM_HW_H_ */ diff --git a/sys/dts/arm/zynq-7000.dtsi b/sys/dts/arm/zynq-7000.dtsi index a48c7bb732a1..a2a585a39446 100644 --- a/sys/dts/arm/zynq-7000.dtsi +++ b/sys/dts/arm/zynq-7000.dtsi @@ -1,247 +1,247 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2016 The FreeBSD Foundation * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ / { compatible = "xlnx,zynq-7000"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; // Reserve first half megabyte because it is not accessible to all // bus masters. memreserve = <0x00000000 0x00080000>; // Zynq PS System registers. // ps7sys@f8000000 { device_type = "soc"; compatible = "simple-bus"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; ranges = <0x0 0xf8000000 0xf10000>; // SLCR block slcr: slcr@7000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_slcr"; reg = <0x0 0x1000>; }; // Interrupt controller GIC: gic { compatible = "arm,gic"; interrupt-controller; #address-cells = <0>; #interrupt-cells = <3>; reg = <0xf01000 0x1000>, // distributer registers <0xf00100 0x0100>; // CPU if registers }; // L2 cache controller pl310@f02000 { compatible = "arm,pl310"; reg = <0xf02000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 2 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; // Device Config devcfg: devcfg@7000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_devcfg"; reg = <0x7000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 8 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; // triple timer counters0,1 ttc0: ttc@1000 { compatible = "xlnx,ttc"; reg = <0x1000 0x1000>; }; ttc1: ttc@2000 { compatible = "xlnx,ttc"; reg = <0x2000 0x1000>; }; // ARM Cortex A9 TWD Timer global_timer: timer@f00600 { compatible = "arm,mpcore-timers"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; reg = <0xf00200 0x100>, // Global Timer Regs <0xf00600 0x20>; // Private Timer Regs interrupts = <1 11 1>, <1 13 1>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; // system watch-dog timer swdt@5000 { device_type = "watchdog"; compatible = "xlnx,zy7_wdt"; reg = <0x5000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 9 1>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; scuwdt@f00620 { device_type = "watchdog"; compatible = "arm,mpcore_wdt"; reg = <0xf00620 0x20>; interrupts = <1 14 1>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; reset = <1>; }; }; // pssys@f8000000 // Zynq PS I/O Peripheral registers. // ps7io@e0000000 { device_type = "soc"; compatible = "simple-bus"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; ranges = <0x0 0xe0000000 0x300000>; // UART controllers uart0: uart@0000 { device_type = "serial"; compatible = "cadence,uart"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0x0000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 27 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; clock-frequency = <50000000>; }; uart1: uart@1000 { device_type = "serial"; compatible = "cadence,uart"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0x1000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 50 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; clock-frequency = <50000000>; }; // USB controllers ehci0: ehci@2000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_ehci"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0x2000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 21 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; ehci1: ehci@3000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_ehci"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0x3000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 44 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; // GPIO controller gpio: gpio@a000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_gpio"; reg = <0xa000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 20 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; // Gigabit Ethernet controllers eth0: eth@b000 { - device_type = "network"; - compatible = "cadence,gem"; + device_type = "network"; + compatible = "cdns,zynq-gem", "cadence,gem"; status = "disabled"; - reg = <0xb000 0x1000>; + reg = <0xb000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 22 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; ref-clock-num = <0>; }; eth1: eth@c000 { - device_type = "network"; - compatible = "cadence,gem"; + device_type = "network"; + compatible = "cdns,zynq-gem", "cadence,gem"; status = "disabled"; - reg = <0xc000 0x1000>; + reg = <0xc000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 45 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; ref-clock-num = <1>; }; // Quad-SPI controller qspi0: qspi@d000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_qspi"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0xd000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 19 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; ref-clock = <200000000>; // 200 Mhz spi-clock = <50000000>; // 50 Mhz }; // SPI controllers spi0: spi0@6000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_spi"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0x6000 0x100>; interrupts = <0 26 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; spi1: spi0@7000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_spi"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0x7000 0x100>; interrupts = <0 49 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; }; // SDIO controllers sdhci0: sdhci@100000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_sdhci"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0x100000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 24 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; max-frequency = <50000000>; }; sdhci1: sdhci@101000 { compatible = "xlnx,zy7_sdhci"; status = "disabled"; reg = <0x101000 0x1000>; interrupts = <0 47 4>; interrupt-parent = <&GIC>; max-frequency = <50000000>; }; }; // ps7io@e0000000 }; diff --git a/sys/riscv/conf/GENERIC b/sys/riscv/conf/GENERIC index b1384a88c213..a04d5557c83c 100644 --- a/sys/riscv/conf/GENERIC +++ b/sys/riscv/conf/GENERIC @@ -1,173 +1,173 @@ # # GENERIC -- Generic kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/RISC-V # # For more information on this file, please read the config(5) manual page, # and/or the handbook section on Kernel Configuration Files: # # https://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig-config.html # # The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook # if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the # FreeBSD World Wide Web server (https://www.FreeBSD.org/) for the # latest information. # # An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the # device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files. # If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first # in NOTES. # # $FreeBSD$ cpu RISCV ident GENERIC makeoptions DEBUG=-g # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols makeoptions WITH_CTF=1 # Run ctfconvert(1) for DTrace support options SCHED_ULE # ULE scheduler options PREEMPTION # Enable kernel thread preemption options VIMAGE # Subsystem virtualization, e.g. VNET options INET # InterNETworking options INET6 # IPv6 communications protocols options TCP_HHOOK # hhook(9) framework for TCP options IPSEC_SUPPORT # Allow kldload of ipsec and tcpmd5 options ROUTE_MPATH # Multipath routing support options TCP_OFFLOAD # TCP offload options SCTP_SUPPORT # Allow kldload of SCTP options FFS # Berkeley Fast Filesystem options SOFTUPDATES # Enable FFS soft updates support options UFS_ACL # Support for access control lists options UFS_DIRHASH # Improve performance on big directories options UFS_GJOURNAL # Enable gjournal-based UFS journaling options QUOTA # Enable disk quotas for UFS options NFSCL # Network Filesystem Client options NFSD # Network Filesystem Server options NFSLOCKD # Network Lock Manager options NFS_ROOT # NFS usable as /, requires NFSCL options MSDOSFS # MSDOS Filesystem options CD9660 # ISO 9660 Filesystem options PROCFS # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS) options PSEUDOFS # Pseudo-filesystem framework options TMPFS # Efficient memory filesystem options GEOM_PART_GPT # GUID Partition Tables. options GEOM_RAID # Soft RAID functionality. options GEOM_LABEL # Provides labelization options SCSI_DELAY=5000 # Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI options KTRACE # ktrace(1) support options STACK # stack(9) support options SYSVSHM # SYSV-style shared memory options SYSVMSG # SYSV-style message queues options SYSVSEM # SYSV-style semaphores options _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time extensions options PRINTF_BUFR_SIZE=128 # Prevent printf output being interspersed. options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV # install a CDEV entry in /dev # options HWPMC_HOOKS # Necessary kernel hooks for hwpmc(4) options AUDIT # Security event auditing options CAPABILITY_MODE # Capsicum capability mode options CAPABILITIES # Capsicum capabilities options MAC # TrustedBSD MAC Framework options KDTRACE_FRAME # Ensure frames are compiled in options KDTRACE_HOOKS # Kernel DTrace hooks options DDB_CTF # Kernel ELF linker loads CTF data options FPE # Floating-point extension support options RACCT # Resource accounting framework options RACCT_DEFAULT_TO_DISABLED # Set kern.racct.enable=0 by default options RCTL # Resource limits options SMP options INTRNG # RISC-V SBI console device rcons # EXT_RESOURCES pseudo devices options EXT_RESOURCES device clk device syscon device syscon_power device riscv_syscon # Bus drivers device pci # VirtIO support device virtio # Generic VirtIO bus (required) device virtio_pci # VirtIO PCI device device vtnet # VirtIO Ethernet device device virtio_blk # VirtIO Block device device virtio_mmio # VirtIO MMIO bus # DTrace support # device dtrace # device dtrace_profile # device dtrace_sdt # device dtrace_fbt # device dtrace_systrace # device dtrace_prototype # device dtraceall # Serial (COM) ports device uart # Generic UART driver device uart_lowrisc # lowRISC UART driver device uart_ns8250 # ns8250-type UART driver # RTC device goldfish_rtc # QEMU RTC # Ethernet drivers +device cgem # Cadence GEM Gigabit Ethernet device device miibus # MII bus support -device cgem # Cadence Gigabit Ethernet MAC device xae # Xilinx AXI Ethernet MAC # DMA support device xdma # DMA interface device axidma # Xilinx AXI DMA Controller # Uncomment for memory disk # options MD_ROOT # options MD_ROOT_SIZE=32768 # 32MB ram disk # makeoptions MFS_IMAGE=/path/to/img # options ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:/dev/md0\" # Uncomment for virtio block device # options ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:/dev/vtbd0\" # Debugging support. Always need this: options KDB # Enable kernel debugger support. options KDB_TRACE # Print a stack trace for a panic. # For full debugger support use (turn off in stable branch): options DDB # Support DDB. # options GDB # Support remote GDB. options DEADLKRES # Enable the deadlock resolver options INVARIANTS # Enable calls of extra sanity checking options INVARIANT_SUPPORT # Extra sanity checks of internal structures, required by INVARIANTS options WITNESS # Enable checks to detect deadlocks and cycles options WITNESS_SKIPSPIN # Don't run witness on spinlocks for speed options MALLOC_DEBUG_MAXZONES=8 # Separate malloc(9) zones # options EARLY_PRINTF options VERBOSE_SYSINIT=0 # Support debug.verbose_sysinit, off by default # Kernel dump features. options ZSTDIO # zstd-compressed kernel and user dumps # Pseudo devices. device crypto # core crypto support device loop # Network loopback device ether # Ethernet support device vlan # 802.1Q VLAN support device tuntap # Packet tunnel. device md # Memory "disks" device gif # IPv6 and IPv4 tunneling device firmware # firmware assist module # The `bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter. # Be aware of the administrative consequences of enabling this! # Note that 'bpf' is required for DHCP. device bpf # Berkeley packet filter # Flattened Device Tree options FDT makeoptions MODULES_EXTRA+="dtb/sifive" # SiFive device drivers device fu540spi include "../sifive/std.sifive"