diff --git a/usr.sbin/config/mkmakefile.cc b/usr.sbin/config/mkmakefile.cc index a102b2b59767..6cffb64a5569 100644 --- a/usr.sbin/config/mkmakefile.cc +++ b/usr.sbin/config/mkmakefile.cc @@ -1,848 +1,848 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1980, 1990, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Build the makefile for the system, from * the information in the files files and the * additional files for the machine being compiled to. */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <cerrno> #include <ctype.h> #include <err.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include "y.tab.h" #include "config.h" #include "configvers.h" typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> env_map; static char *tail(char *); static void do_clean(FILE *); static void do_rules(FILE *); static void do_xxfiles(char *, FILE *); static void do_objs(FILE *); static void do_before_depend(FILE *); static void read_files(void); static void sanitize_envline(char *result, const char *src); static bool preprocess(char *line, char *result); static void process_into_file(char *line, FILE *ofp); static int process_into_map(char *line, env_map &emap); static void dump_map(env_map &emap, FILE *ofp); static void __printflike(1, 2) errout(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); exit(1); } /* * Lookup a file, by name. */ static struct file_list * fl_lookup(char *file) { struct file_list *fp; STAILQ_FOREACH(fp, &ftab, f_next) { if (eq(fp->f_fn, file)) return (fp); } return (0); } /* * Make a new file list entry */ static struct file_list * new_fent(void) { struct file_list *fp; fp = (struct file_list *) calloc(1, sizeof *fp); if (fp == NULL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "calloc"); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ftab, fp, f_next); return (fp); } /* * Open the correct Makefile and return it, or error out. */ FILE * open_makefile_template(void) { FILE *ifp; char line[BUFSIZ]; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "../../conf/Makefile.%s", machinename); ifp = fopen(line, "r"); if (ifp == NULL) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "Makefile.%s", machinename); ifp = fopen(line, "r"); } if (ifp == NULL) err(1, "%s", line); return (ifp); } /* * Build the makefile from the skeleton */ void makefile(void) { FILE *ifp, *ofp; char line[BUFSIZ]; struct opt *op, *t; read_files(); ifp = open_makefile_template(); ofp = fopen(path("Makefile.new"), "w"); if (ofp == NULL) err(1, "%s", path("Makefile.new")); fprintf(ofp, "KERN_IDENT=%s\n", ident); fprintf(ofp, "MACHINE=%s\n", machinename); fprintf(ofp, "MACHINE_ARCH=%s\n", machinearch); SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(op, &mkopt, op_next, t) { fprintf(ofp, "%s=%s", op->op_name, op->op_value); while ((op = SLIST_NEXT(op, op_append)) != NULL) fprintf(ofp, " %s", op->op_value); fprintf(ofp, "\n"); } if (debugging) fprintf(ofp, "DEBUG=-g\n"); if (*srcdir != '\0') fprintf(ofp,"S=%s\n", srcdir); while (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, ifp) != NULL) { if (*line != '%') { fprintf(ofp, "%s", line); continue; } if (eq(line, "%BEFORE_DEPEND\n")) do_before_depend(ofp); else if (eq(line, "%OBJS\n")) do_objs(ofp); else if (strncmp(line, "%FILES.", 7) == 0) do_xxfiles(line, ofp); else if (eq(line, "%RULES\n")) do_rules(ofp); else if (eq(line, "%CLEAN\n")) do_clean(ofp); else if (strncmp(line, "%VERSREQ=", 9) == 0) line[0] = '\0'; /* handled elsewhere */ else fprintf(stderr, "Unknown %% construct in generic makefile: %s", line); } (void) fclose(ifp); (void) fclose(ofp); moveifchanged("Makefile.new", "Makefile"); } static void sanitize_envline(char *result, const char *src) { const char *eq; char c, *dst; bool leading; /* If there is no '=' it's not a well-formed name=value line. */ if ((eq = strchr(src, '=')) == NULL) { *result = '\0'; return; } dst = result; /* Copy chars before the '=', skipping any leading spaces/quotes. */ leading = true; while (src < eq) { c = *src++; if (leading && (isspace(c) || c == '"')) continue; *dst++ = c; leading = false; } /* If it was all leading space, we don't have a well-formed line. */ if (leading) { *result = '\0'; return; } /* Trim spaces/quotes immediately before the '=', then copy the '='. */ while (isspace(dst[-1]) || dst[-1] == '"') --dst; *dst++ = *src++; /* Copy chars after the '=', skipping any leading whitespace. */ leading = true; while ((c = *src++) != '\0') { if (leading && (isspace(c) || c == '"')) continue; *dst++ = c; leading = false; } /* If it was all leading space, it's a valid 'var=' (nil value). */ if (leading) { *dst = '\0'; return; } /* Trim trailing whitespace and quotes. */ while (isspace(dst[-1]) || dst[-1] == '"') --dst; *dst = '\0'; } /* * Returns true if the caller may use the string. */ static bool preprocess(char *line, char *result) { char *s; /* Strip any comments */ if ((s = strchr(line, '#')) != NULL) *s = '\0'; sanitize_envline(result, line); /* Return true if it's non-empty */ return (*result != '\0'); } static void process_into_file(char *line, FILE *ofp) { char result[BUFSIZ]; if (preprocess(line, result)) fprintf(ofp, "\"%s\\0\"\n", result); } static int process_into_map(char *line, env_map &emap) { char result[BUFSIZ], *s; if (preprocess(line, result)) { s = strchr(result, '='); if (s == NULL) return (EINVAL); *s = '\0'; emap[result] = s + 1; } return (0); } static void dump_map(env_map &emap, FILE *ofp) { for (auto iter : emap) { fprintf(ofp, "\"%s=%s\\0\"\n", iter.first.c_str(), iter.second.c_str()); } } /* * Build hints.c from the skeleton */ void makehints(void) { FILE *ifp, *ofp; env_map emap; char line[BUFSIZ]; struct hint *hint; ofp = fopen(path("hints.c.new"), "w"); if (ofp == NULL) err(1, "%s", path("hints.c.new")); fprintf(ofp, "#include <sys/types.h>\n"); fprintf(ofp, "#include <sys/systm.h>\n"); fprintf(ofp, "\n"); /* * Write out hintmode for older kernels. Remove when config(8) major * version rolls over. */ if (versreq <= CONFIGVERS_ENVMODE_REQ) fprintf(ofp, "int hintmode = %d;\n", !STAILQ_EMPTY(&hints) ? 1 : 0); fprintf(ofp, "char static_hints[] = {\n"); STAILQ_FOREACH(hint, &hints, hint_next) { ifp = fopen(hint->hint_name, "r"); if (ifp == NULL) err(1, "%s", hint->hint_name); while (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, ifp) != NULL) { if (process_into_map(line, emap) != 0) errout("%s: malformed line: %s\n", hint->hint_name, line); } dump_map(emap, ofp); fclose(ifp); } fprintf(ofp, "\"\\0\"\n};\n"); fclose(ofp); moveifchanged("hints.c.new", "hints.c"); } /* * Build env.c from the skeleton */ void makeenv(void) { FILE *ifp, *ofp; env_map emap; char line[BUFSIZ]; struct envvar *envvar; ofp = fopen(path("env.c.new"), "w"); if (ofp == NULL) err(1, "%s", path("env.c.new")); fprintf(ofp, "#include <sys/types.h>\n"); fprintf(ofp, "#include <sys/systm.h>\n"); fprintf(ofp, "\n"); /* * Write out envmode for older kernels. Remove when config(8) major * version rolls over. */ if (versreq <= CONFIGVERS_ENVMODE_REQ) fprintf(ofp, "int envmode = %d;\n", !STAILQ_EMPTY(&envvars) ? 1 : 0); fprintf(ofp, "char static_env[] = {\n"); STAILQ_FOREACH(envvar, &envvars, envvar_next) { if (envvar->env_is_file) { ifp = fopen(envvar->env_str, "r"); if (ifp == NULL) err(1, "%s", envvar->env_str); while (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, ifp) != NULL) { if (process_into_map(line, emap) != 0) errout("%s: malformed line: %s\n", envvar->env_str, line); } dump_map(emap, ofp); fclose(ifp); } else process_into_file(envvar->env_str, ofp); } fprintf(ofp, "\"\\0\"\n};\n"); fclose(ofp); moveifchanged("env.c.new", "env.c"); } static void read_file(char *fname) { char ifname[MAXPATHLEN]; FILE *fp; struct file_list *tp; struct device *dp; struct opt *op; struct includepath *ipath; configword wd; char *rfile, *compilewith, *depends, *clean, *fnamebuf, *warning; const char *objprefix; int compile, match, nreqs, std, filetype, negate, imp_rule, no_ctfconvert, no_obj, before_depend, nowerror; fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { SLIST_FOREACH(ipath, &includepath, path_next) { asprintf(&fnamebuf, "%s/%s", ipath->path, fname); if (fnamebuf != NULL) { fp = fopen(fnamebuf, "r"); if (fp != NULL) break; free(fnamebuf); } } } if (fp == NULL) err(1, "%s", fname); next: /* * include "filename" * filename [ standard | optional ] * [ dev* [ | dev* ... ] | [ no-obj ] * [ compile-with "compile rule" [no-implicit-rule] ] * [ dependency "dependency-list"] [ before-depend ] * [ clean "file-list"] [ warning "text warning" ] * [ obj-prefix "file prefix"] * [ nowerror ] [ local ] */ wd = get_word(fp); if (wd.eof()) { (void) fclose(fp); return; } if (wd.eol()) goto next; if (wd[0] == '#') { while (!(wd = get_word(fp)).eof() && !wd.eol()) ; goto next; } if (eq(wd, "include")) { wd = get_quoted_word(fp); if (wd.eof() || wd.eol()) errout("%s: missing include filename.\n", fname); (void) snprintf(ifname, sizeof(ifname), "../../%s", wd->c_str()); read_file(ifname); while (!(wd = get_word(fp)).eof() && !wd.eol()) ; goto next; } rfile = ns(wd); wd = get_word(fp); if (wd.eof()) return; if (wd.eol()) errout("%s: No type for %s.\n", fname, rfile); tp = fl_lookup(rfile); compile = 0; match = 1; nreqs = 0; compilewith = NULL; depends = NULL; clean = NULL; warning = NULL; std = 0; imp_rule = 0; no_ctfconvert = 0; no_obj = 0; before_depend = 0; nowerror = 0; negate = 0; filetype = NORMAL; objprefix = ""; if (eq(wd, "standard")) std = 1; else if (!eq(wd, "optional")) errout("%s: \"%s\" %s must be optional or standard\n", fname, wd->c_str(), rfile); for (wd = get_word(fp); !wd.eol(); wd = get_word(fp)) { if (wd.eof()) return; if (eq(wd, "!")) { negate = 1; continue; } if (eq(wd, "|")) { if (nreqs == 0) errout("%s: syntax error describing %s\n", fname, rfile); compile += match; match = 1; nreqs = 0; continue; } if (eq(wd, "no-ctfconvert")) { no_ctfconvert++; continue; } if (eq(wd, "no-obj")) { no_obj++; continue; } if (eq(wd, "no-implicit-rule")) { if (compilewith == NULL) errout("%s: alternate rule required when " "\"no-implicit-rule\" is specified for" " %s.\n", fname, rfile); imp_rule++; continue; } if (eq(wd, "before-depend")) { before_depend++; continue; } if (eq(wd, "dependency")) { wd = get_quoted_word(fp); if (wd.eof() || wd.eol()) errout("%s: %s missing dependency string.\n", fname, rfile); depends = ns(wd); continue; } if (eq(wd, "clean")) { wd = get_quoted_word(fp); if (wd.eof() || wd.eol()) errout("%s: %s missing clean file list.\n", fname, rfile); clean = ns(wd); continue; } if (eq(wd, "compile-with")) { wd = get_quoted_word(fp); if (wd.eof() || wd.eol()) errout("%s: %s missing compile command string.\n", fname, rfile); compilewith = ns(wd); continue; } if (eq(wd, "warning")) { wd = get_quoted_word(fp); if (wd.eof() || wd.eol()) errout("%s: %s missing warning text string.\n", fname, rfile); warning = ns(wd); continue; } if (eq(wd, "obj-prefix")) { wd = get_quoted_word(fp); if (wd.eof() || wd.eol()) errout("%s: %s missing object prefix string.\n", fname, rfile); objprefix = ns(wd); continue; } if (eq(wd, "nowerror")) { nowerror = 1; continue; } if (eq(wd, "local")) { filetype = LOCAL; continue; } if (eq(wd, "no-depend")) { filetype = NODEPEND; continue; } nreqs++; if (std) errout("standard entry %s has optional inclusion specifier %s!\n", rfile, wd->c_str()); STAILQ_FOREACH(dp, &dtab, d_next) if (eq(dp->d_name, wd)) { if (negate) match = 0; else dp->d_done |= DEVDONE; goto nextparam; } SLIST_FOREACH(op, &opt, op_next) if (op->op_value == 0 && strcasecmp(op->op_name, wd) == 0) { if (negate) match = 0; goto nextparam; } match &= negate; -nextparam:; +nextparam: negate = 0; } compile += match; if (compile && tp == NULL) { if (std == 0 && nreqs == 0) errout("%s: what is %s optional on?\n", fname, rfile); tp = new_fent(); tp->f_fn = rfile; tp->f_type = filetype; if (filetype == LOCAL) tp->f_srcprefix = ""; else tp->f_srcprefix = "$S/"; if (imp_rule) tp->f_flags |= NO_IMPLCT_RULE; if (no_ctfconvert) tp->f_flags |= NO_CTFCONVERT; if (no_obj) tp->f_flags |= NO_OBJ | NO_CTFCONVERT; if (before_depend) tp->f_flags |= BEFORE_DEPEND; if (nowerror) tp->f_flags |= NOWERROR; tp->f_compilewith = compilewith; tp->f_depends = depends; tp->f_clean = clean; tp->f_warn = warning; tp->f_objprefix = objprefix; } goto next; } /* * Read in the information about files used in making the system. * Store it in the ftab linked list. */ static void read_files(void) { char fname[MAXPATHLEN]; struct files_name *nl, *tnl; (void) snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "../../conf/files"); read_file(fname); (void) snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "../../conf/files.%s", machinename); read_file(fname); for (nl = STAILQ_FIRST(&fntab); nl != NULL; nl = tnl) { read_file(nl->f_name); tnl = STAILQ_NEXT(nl, f_next); free(nl->f_name); free(nl); } } static void do_before_depend(FILE *fp) { struct file_list *tp; int lpos, len; fputs("BEFORE_DEPEND=", fp); lpos = 15; STAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &ftab, f_next) if (tp->f_flags & BEFORE_DEPEND) { len = strlen(tp->f_fn) + strlen(tp->f_srcprefix); if (len + lpos > 72) { lpos = 8; fputs("\\\n\t", fp); } if (tp->f_flags & NO_IMPLCT_RULE) lpos += fprintf(fp, "%s ", tp->f_fn); else lpos += fprintf(fp, "%s%s ", tp->f_srcprefix, tp->f_fn); } if (lpos != 8) putc('\n', fp); } static void do_objs(FILE *fp) { struct file_list *tp; int lpos, len; char *cp, och, *sp; fprintf(fp, "OBJS="); lpos = 6; STAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &ftab, f_next) { if (tp->f_flags & NO_OBJ) continue; sp = tail(tp->f_fn); cp = sp + (len = strlen(sp)) - 1; och = *cp; *cp = 'o'; len += strlen(tp->f_objprefix); if (len + lpos > 72) { lpos = 8; fprintf(fp, "\\\n\t"); } fprintf(fp, "%s%s ", tp->f_objprefix, sp); lpos += len + 1; *cp = och; } if (lpos != 8) putc('\n', fp); } static void do_xxfiles(char *tag, FILE *fp) { struct file_list *tp; int lpos, len, slen; char *suff, *SUFF; if (tag[strlen(tag) - 1] == '\n') tag[strlen(tag) - 1] = '\0'; suff = ns(tag + 7); SUFF = ns(suff); raisestr(SUFF); slen = strlen(suff); fprintf(fp, "%sFILES=", SUFF); free(SUFF); lpos = 8; STAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &ftab, f_next) if (tp->f_type != NODEPEND) { len = strlen(tp->f_fn); if (tp->f_fn[len - slen - 1] != '.') continue; if (strcasecmp(&tp->f_fn[len - slen], suff) != 0) continue; if (len + strlen(tp->f_srcprefix) + lpos > 72) { lpos = 8; fputs("\\\n\t", fp); } lpos += fprintf(fp, "%s%s ", tp->f_srcprefix, tp->f_fn); } free(suff); if (lpos != 8) putc('\n', fp); } static char * tail(char *fn) { char *cp; cp = strrchr(fn, '/'); if (cp == NULL) return (fn); return (cp+1); } /* * Create the makerules for each file * which is part of the system. */ static void do_rules(FILE *f) { char *cp, *np, och; struct file_list *ftp; char *compilewith; char cmd[128]; STAILQ_FOREACH(ftp, &ftab, f_next) { if (ftp->f_warn) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s\n", ftp->f_warn); cp = (np = ftp->f_fn) + strlen(ftp->f_fn) - 1; och = *cp; if (ftp->f_flags & NO_IMPLCT_RULE) { if (ftp->f_depends) fprintf(f, "%s%s: %s\n", ftp->f_objprefix, np, ftp->f_depends); else fprintf(f, "%s%s: \n", ftp->f_objprefix, np); } else { *cp = '\0'; if (och == 'o') { fprintf(f, "%s%so:\n\t-cp %s%so .\n\n", ftp->f_objprefix, tail(np), ftp->f_srcprefix, np); continue; } if (ftp->f_depends) { fprintf(f, "%s%so: %s%s%c %s\n", ftp->f_objprefix, tail(np), ftp->f_srcprefix, np, och, ftp->f_depends); } else { fprintf(f, "%s%so: %s%s%c\n", ftp->f_objprefix, tail(np), ftp->f_srcprefix, np, och); } } compilewith = ftp->f_compilewith; if (compilewith == NULL) { const char *ftype = NULL; switch (ftp->f_type) { case NORMAL: ftype = "NORMAL"; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "config: don't know rules for %s\n", np); break; } snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "${%s_%c%s}", ftype, toupper(och), ftp->f_flags & NOWERROR ? "_NOWERROR" : ""); compilewith = cmd; } *cp = och; if (strlen(ftp->f_objprefix)) fprintf(f, "\t%s %s%s\n", compilewith, ftp->f_srcprefix, np); else fprintf(f, "\t%s\n", compilewith); if (!(ftp->f_flags & NO_CTFCONVERT)) fprintf(f, "\t${NORMAL_CTFCONVERT}\n\n"); else fprintf(f, "\n"); } } static void do_clean(FILE *fp) { struct file_list *tp; int lpos, len; fputs("CLEAN=", fp); lpos = 7; STAILQ_FOREACH(tp, &ftab, f_next) if (tp->f_clean) { len = strlen(tp->f_clean); if (len + lpos > 72) { lpos = 8; fputs("\\\n\t", fp); } fprintf(fp, "%s ", tp->f_clean); lpos += len + 1; } if (lpos != 8) putc('\n', fp); } char * raisestr(char *str) { char *cp = str; while (*str) { if (islower(*str)) *str = toupper(*str); str++; } return (cp); }