diff --git a/share/man/man9/socket.9 b/share/man/man9/socket.9 index 7eb55fd205e0..fb0ead0e20e1 100644 --- a/share/man/man9/socket.9 +++ b/share/man/man9/socket.9 @@ -1,643 +1,643 @@ .\"- .\" Copyright (c) 2006 Robert N. M. Watson .\" Copyright (c) 2014 Benjamin J. Kaduk .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .Dd September 6, 2022 .Dt SOCKET 9 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm socket .Nd "kernel socket interface" .Sh SYNOPSIS .In sys/socket.h .In sys/socketvar.h .Ft void .Fn soabort "struct socket *so" .Ft int -.Fn soaccept "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr **nam" +.Fn soaccept "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr *nam" .Ft int .Fn socheckuid "struct socket *so" "uid_t uid" .Ft int .Fn sobind "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr *nam" "struct thread *td" .Ft void .Fn soclose "struct socket *so" .Ft int .Fn soconnect "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr *nam" "struct thread *td" .Ft int .Fo socreate .Fa "int dom" "struct socket **aso" "int type" "int proto" .Fa "struct ucred *cred" "struct thread *td" .Fc .Ft int .Fn sodisconnect "struct socket *so" .Ft void .Fo sodtor_set .Fa "struct socket *so" .Fa "void (*func)(struct socket *)" .Fc .Ft struct sockaddr * .Fn sodupsockaddr "const struct sockaddr *sa" "int mflags" .Ft void .Fn sofree "struct socket *so" .Ft void .Fn sohasoutofband "struct socket *so" .Ft int .Fn solisten "struct socket *so" "int backlog" "struct thread *td" .Ft void .Fn solisten_proto "struct socket *so" "int backlog" .Ft int .Fn solisten_proto_check "struct socket *so" .Ft struct socket * .Fn sonewconn "struct socket *head" "int connstatus" .Ft int .Fo sopoll .Fa "struct socket *so" "int events" "struct ucred *active_cred" .Fa "struct thread *td" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sopoll_generic .Fa "struct socket *so" "int events" "struct ucred *active_cred" .Fa "struct thread *td" .Fc .Ft int .Fo soreceive .Fa "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr **psa" "struct uio *uio" .Fa "struct mbuf **mp0" "struct mbuf **controlp" "int *flagsp" .Fc .Ft int .Fo soreceive_stream .Fa "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr **paddr" .Fa "struct uio *uio" "struct mbuf **mp0" "struct mbuf **controlp" .Fa "int *flagsp" .Fc .Ft int .Fo soreceive_dgram .Fa "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr **paddr" .Fa "struct uio *uio" "struct mbuf **mp0" "struct mbuf **controlp" .Fa "int *flagsp" .Fc .Ft int .Fo soreceive_generic .Fa "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr **paddr" .Fa "struct uio *uio" "struct mbuf **mp0" "struct mbuf **controlp" .Fa "int *flagsp" .Fc .Ft int .Fn soreserve "struct socket *so" "u_long sndcc" "u_long rcvcc" .Ft void .Fn sorflush "struct socket *so" .Ft int .Fo sosend .Fa "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr *addr" "struct uio *uio" .Fa "struct mbuf *top" "struct mbuf *control" "int flags" "struct thread *td" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sosend_dgram .Fa "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr *addr" .Fa "struct uio *uio" "struct mbuf *top" "struct mbuf *control" .Fa "int flags" "struct thread *td" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sosend_generic .Fa "struct socket *so" "struct sockaddr *addr" .Fa "struct uio *uio" "struct mbuf *top" "struct mbuf *control" .Fa "int flags" "struct thread *td" .Fc .Ft int .Fn soshutdown "struct socket *so" "int how" .Ft void .Fn sotoxsocket "struct socket *so" "struct xsocket *xso" .Ft void .Fn soupcall_clear "struct socket *so" "int which" .Ft void .Fo soupcall_set .Fa "struct socket *so" "int which" .Fa "int (*func)(struct socket *, void *, int)" "void *arg" .Fc .Ft void .Fn sowakeup "struct socket *so" "struct sockbuf *sb" .In sys/sockopt.h .Ft int .Fn sosetopt "struct socket *so" "struct sockopt *sopt" .Ft int .Fn sogetopt "struct socket *so" "struct sockopt *sopt" .Ft int .Fn sooptcopyin "struct sockopt *sopt" "void *buf" "size_t len" "size_t minlen" .Ft int .Fn sooptcopyout "struct sockopt *sopt" "const void *buf" "size_t len" .Sh DESCRIPTION The kernel .Nm programming interface permits in-kernel consumers to interact with local and network socket objects in a manner similar to that permitted using the .Xr socket 2 user API. These interfaces are appropriate for use by distributed file systems and other network-aware kernel services. While the user API operates on file descriptors, the kernel interfaces operate directly on .Vt "struct socket" pointers. Some portions of the kernel API exist only to implement the user API, and are not expected to be used by kernel code. The portions of the socket API used by socket consumers and implementations of network protocols will differ; some routines are only useful for protocol implementors. .Pp Except where otherwise indicated, .Nm functions may sleep, and are not appropriate for use in an interrupt thread context or while holding non-sleepable kernel locks. .Ss Creating and Destroying Sockets A new socket may be created using .Fn socreate . As with .Xr socket 2 , arguments specify the requested domain, type, and protocol via .Fa dom , type , and .Fa proto . The socket is returned via .Fa aso on success. In addition, the credential used to authorize operations associated with the socket will be passed via .Fa cred (and will be cached for the lifetime of the socket), and the thread performing the operation via .Fa td . .Em Warning : authorization of the socket creation operation will be performed using the thread credential for some protocols (such as raw sockets). .Pp Sockets may be closed and freed using .Fn soclose , which has similar semantics to .Xr close 2 . .Pp In certain circumstances, it is appropriate to destroy a socket without waiting for it to disconnect, for which .Fn soabort is used. This is only appropriate for incoming connections which are in a partially connected state. It must be called on an unreferenced socket, by the thread which removed the socket from its listen queue, to prevent races. It will call into protocol code, so no socket locks may be held over the call. The caller of .Fn soabort is responsible for setting the VNET context. The normal path to freeing a socket is .Fn sofree , which handles reference counting on the socket. It should be called whenever a reference is released, and also whenever reference flags are cleared in socket or protocol code. Calls to .Fn sofree should not be made from outside the socket layer; outside callers should use .Fn soclose instead. .Ss Connections and Addresses The .Fn sobind function is equivalent to the .Xr bind 2 system call, and binds the socket .Fa so to the address .Fa nam . The operation would be authorized using the credential on thread .Fa td . .Pp The .Fn soconnect function is equivalent to the .Xr connect 2 system call, and initiates a connection on the socket .Fa so to the address .Fa nam . The operation will be authorized using the credential on thread .Fa td . Unlike the user system call, .Fn soconnect returns immediately; the caller may .Xr msleep 9 on .Fa so->so_timeo while holding the socket mutex and waiting for the .Dv SS_ISCONNECTING flag to clear or .Fa so->so_error to become non-zero. If .Fn soconnect fails, the caller must manually clear the .Dv SS_ISCONNECTING flag. .Pp A call to .Fn sodisconnect disconnects the socket without closing it. .Pp The .Fn soshutdown function is equivalent to the .Xr shutdown 2 system call, and causes part or all of a connection on a socket to be closed down. .Pp Sockets are transitioned from non-listening status to listening with .Fn solisten . .Ss Socket Options The .Fn sogetopt function is equivalent to the .Xr getsockopt 2 system call, and retrieves a socket option on socket .Fa so . The .Fn sosetopt function is equivalent to the .Xr setsockopt 2 system call, and sets a socket option on socket .Fa so . .Pp The second argument in both .Fn sogetopt and .Fn sosetopt is the .Fa sopt pointer to a .Vt "struct sopt" describing the socket option operation. The caller-allocated structure must be zeroed, and then have its fields initialized to specify socket option operation arguments: .Bl -tag -width ".Va sopt_valsize" .It Va sopt_dir Set to .Dv SOPT_SET or .Dv SOPT_GET depending on whether this is a get or set operation. .It Va sopt_level Specify the level in the network stack the operation is targeted at; for example, .Dv SOL_SOCKET . .It Va sopt_name Specify the name of the socket option to set. .It Va sopt_val Kernel space pointer to the argument value for the socket option. .It Va sopt_valsize Size of the argument value in bytes. .El .Ss Socket Upcalls In order for the owner of a socket to be notified when the socket is ready to send or receive data, an upcall may be registered on the socket. The upcall is a function that will be called by the socket framework when a socket buffer associated with the given socket is ready for reading or writing. .Fn soupcall_set is used to register a socket upcall. The function .Va func is registered, and the pointer .Va arg will be passed as its second argument when it is called by the framework. The possible values for .Va which are .Dv SO_RCV and .Dv SO_SND , which register upcalls for receive and send events, respectively. The upcall function .Fn func must return either .Dv SU_OK or .Dv SU_ISCONNECTED , depending on whether or not a call to .Xr soisconnected should be made by the socket framework after the upcall returns. The upcall .Va func cannot call .Xr soisconnected itself due to lock ordering with the socket buffer lock. Only .Dv SO_RCV upcalls should return .Dv SU_ISCONNECTED . When a .Dv SO_RCV upcall returns .Dv SU_ISCONNECTED , the upcall will be removed from the socket. .Pp Upcalls are removed from their socket by .Fn soupcall_clear . The .Va which argument again specifies whether the sending or receiving upcall is to be cleared, with .Dv SO_RCV or .Dv SO_SND . .Ss Socket Destructor Callback A kernel system can use the .Fn sodtor_set function to set a destructor for a socket. The destructor is called when the socket is about to be freed. The destructor is called before the protocol detach routine. The destructor can serve as a callback to initiate additional cleanup actions. .Ss Socket I/O The .Fn soreceive function is equivalent to the .Xr recvmsg 2 system call, and attempts to receive bytes of data from the socket .Fa so , optionally blocking awaiting for data if none is ready to read. Data may be retrieved directly to kernel or user memory via the .Fa uio argument, or as an mbuf chain returned to the caller via .Fa mp0 , avoiding a data copy. The .Fa uio must always be .Pf non- Dv NULL . If .Fa mp0 is .Pf non- Dv NULL , only the .Fa uio_resid of .Fa uio is used. The caller may optionally retrieve a socket address on a protocol with the .Dv PR_ADDR capability by providing storage via .Pf non- Dv NULL .Fa psa argument. The caller may optionally retrieve control data mbufs via a .Pf non- Dv NULL .Fa controlp argument. Optional flags may be passed to .Fn soreceive via a .Pf non- Dv NULL .Fa flagsp argument, and use the same flag name space as the .Xr recvmsg 2 system call. .Pp The .Fn sosend function is equivalent to the .Xr sendmsg 2 system call, and attempts to send bytes of data via the socket .Fa so , optionally blocking if data cannot be immediately sent. Data may be sent directly from kernel or user memory via the .Fa uio argument, or as an mbuf chain via .Fa top , avoiding a data copy. Only one of the .Fa uio or .Fa top pointers may be .Pf non- Dv NULL . An optional destination address may be specified via a .Pf non- Dv NULL .Fa addr argument, which may result in an implicit connect if supported by the protocol. The caller may optionally send control data mbufs via a .Pf non- Dv NULL .Fa control argument. Flags may be passed to .Fn sosend using the .Fa flags argument, and use the same flag name space as the .Xr sendmsg 2 system call. .Pp Kernel callers running in an interrupt thread context, or with a mutex held, will wish to use non-blocking sockets and pass the .Dv MSG_DONTWAIT flag in order to prevent these functions from sleeping. .Pp A socket can be queried for readability, writability, out-of-band data, or end-of-file using .Fn sopoll . The possible values for .Va events are as for .Xr poll 2 , with symbolic values .Dv POLLIN , .Dv POLLPRI , .Dv POLLOUT , .Dv POLLRDNORM , .Dv POLLWRNORM , .Dv POLLRDBAND , and .Dv POLLINGEOF taken from .In sys/poll.h . .Pp Calls to .Fn soaccept pass through to the protocol's accept routine to accept an incoming connection. .Ss Socket Utility Functions The uid of a socket's credential may be compared against a .Va uid with .Fn socheckuid . .Pp A copy of an existing .Vt struct sockaddr may be made using .Fn sodupsockaddr . .Pp Protocol implementations notify the socket layer of the arrival of out-of-band data using .Fn sohasoutofband , so that the socket layer can notify socket consumers of the available data. .Pp An .Dq external-format version of a .Vt struct socket can be created using .Fn sotoxsocket , suitable for isolating user code from changes in the kernel structure. .Ss Protocol Implementations Protocols must supply an implementation for .Fn solisten ; such protocol implementations can call back into the socket layer using .Fn solisten_proto_check and .Fn solisten_proto to check and set the socket-layer listen state. These callbacks are provided so that the protocol implementation can order the socket layer and protocol locks as necessary. Protocols must supply an implementation of .Fn soreceive ; the functions .Fn soreceive_stream , .Fn soreceive_dgram , and .Fn soreceive_generic are supplied for use by such implementations. .Pp Protocol implementations can use .Fn sonewconn to create a socket and attach protocol state to that socket. This can be used to create new sockets available for .Fn soaccept on a listen socket. The returned socket has a reference count of zero. .Pp Protocols must supply an implementation for .Fn sopoll ; .Fn sopoll_generic is provided for the use by protocol implementations. .Pp The functions .Fn sosend_dgram and .Fn sosend_generic are supplied to assist in protocol implementations of .Fn sosend . .Pp When a protocol creates a new socket structure, it is necessary to reserve socket buffer space for that socket, by calling .Fn soreserve . The rough inverse of this reservation is performed by .Fn sorflush , which is called automatically by the socket framework. .Pp When a protocol needs to wake up threads waiting for the socket to become ready to read or write, variants of .Fn sowakeup are used. The .Fn sowakeup function should not be called directly by protocol code, instead use the wrappers .Fn sorwakeup , .Fn sorwakeup_locked , .Fn sowwakeup , and .Fn sowwakeup_locked for readers and writers, with the corresponding socket buffer lock not already locked, or already held, respectively. .Pp The functions .Fn sooptcopyin and .Fn sooptcopyout are useful for transferring .Vt struct sockopt data between user and kernel code. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr bind 2 , .Xr close 2 , .Xr connect 2 , .Xr getsockopt 2 , .Xr recv 2 , .Xr send 2 , .Xr setsockopt 2 , .Xr shutdown 2 , .Xr socket 2 , .Xr ng_ksocket 4 , .Xr intr_event 9 , .Xr msleep 9 , .Xr ucred 9 .Sh HISTORY The .Xr socket 2 system call appeared in .Bx 4.2 . This manual page was introduced in .Fx 7.0 . .Sh AUTHORS This manual page was written by .An Robert Watson and .An Benjamin Kaduk . .Sh BUGS The use of explicitly passed credentials, credentials hung from explicitly passed threads, the credential on .Dv curthread , and the cached credential from socket creation time is inconsistent, and may lead to unexpected behaviour. It is possible that several of the .Fa td arguments should be .Fa cred arguments, or simply not be present at all. .Pp The caller may need to manually clear .Dv SS_ISCONNECTING if .Fn soconnect returns an error. .Pp The .Dv MSG_DONTWAIT flag is not implemented for .Fn sosend , and may not always work with .Fn soreceive when zero copy sockets are enabled. .Pp This manual page does not describe how to register socket upcalls or monitor a socket for readability/writability without using blocking I/O. .Pp The .Fn soref and .Fn sorele functions are not described, and in most cases should not be used, due to confusing and potentially incorrect interactions when .Fn sorele is last called after .Fn soclose .