diff --git a/sys/amd64/amd64/db_trace.c b/sys/amd64/amd64/db_trace.c index d2682afec8b0..90fcce5732d1 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/amd64/db_trace.c +++ b/sys/amd64/amd64/db_trace.c @@ -1,393 +1,393 @@ /*- * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static db_varfcn_t db_frame; static db_varfcn_t db_frame_seg; CTASSERT(sizeof(struct dbreg) == sizeof(((struct pcpu *)NULL)->pc_dbreg)); /* * Machine register set. */ #define DB_OFFSET(x) (db_expr_t *)offsetof(struct trapframe, x) struct db_variable db_regs[] = { { "cs", DB_OFFSET(tf_cs), db_frame_seg }, { "ds", DB_OFFSET(tf_ds), db_frame_seg }, { "es", DB_OFFSET(tf_es), db_frame_seg }, { "fs", DB_OFFSET(tf_fs), db_frame_seg }, { "gs", DB_OFFSET(tf_gs), db_frame_seg }, { "ss", DB_OFFSET(tf_ss), db_frame_seg }, { "rax", DB_OFFSET(tf_rax), db_frame }, { "rcx", DB_OFFSET(tf_rcx), db_frame }, { "rdx", DB_OFFSET(tf_rdx), db_frame }, { "rbx", DB_OFFSET(tf_rbx), db_frame }, { "rsp", DB_OFFSET(tf_rsp), db_frame }, { "rbp", DB_OFFSET(tf_rbp), db_frame }, { "rsi", DB_OFFSET(tf_rsi), db_frame }, { "rdi", DB_OFFSET(tf_rdi), db_frame }, { "r8", DB_OFFSET(tf_r8), db_frame }, { "r9", DB_OFFSET(tf_r9), db_frame }, { "r10", DB_OFFSET(tf_r10), db_frame }, { "r11", DB_OFFSET(tf_r11), db_frame }, { "r12", DB_OFFSET(tf_r12), db_frame }, { "r13", DB_OFFSET(tf_r13), db_frame }, { "r14", DB_OFFSET(tf_r14), db_frame }, { "r15", DB_OFFSET(tf_r15), db_frame }, { "rip", DB_OFFSET(tf_rip), db_frame }, { "rflags", DB_OFFSET(tf_rflags), db_frame }, }; struct db_variable *db_eregs = db_regs + nitems(db_regs); static int db_frame_seg(struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *valuep, int op) { uint16_t *reg; if (kdb_frame == NULL) return (0); reg = (uint16_t *)((uintptr_t)kdb_frame + (db_expr_t)vp->valuep); if (op == DB_VAR_GET) *valuep = *reg; else *reg = *valuep; return (1); } static int db_frame(struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *valuep, int op) { long *reg; if (kdb_frame == NULL) return (0); reg = (long *)((uintptr_t)kdb_frame + (db_expr_t)vp->valuep); if (op == DB_VAR_GET) *valuep = *reg; else *reg = *valuep; return (1); } #define NORMAL 0 #define TRAP 1 #define INTERRUPT 2 #define SYSCALL 3 static void db_nextframe(struct amd64_frame **, db_addr_t *, struct thread *); static void db_print_stack_entry(const char *, db_addr_t, void *); static void decode_syscall(int, struct thread *); static void db_print_stack_entry(const char *name, db_addr_t callpc, void *frame) { db_printf("%s() at ", name != NULL ? name : "??"); db_printsym(callpc, DB_STGY_PROC); if (frame != NULL) db_printf("/frame 0x%lx", (register_t)frame); db_printf("\n"); } static void decode_syscall(int number, struct thread *td) { struct proc *p; c_db_sym_t sym; db_expr_t diff; sy_call_t *f; const char *symname; db_printf(" (%d", number); p = (td != NULL) ? td->td_proc : NULL; if (p != NULL && 0 <= number && number < p->p_sysent->sv_size) { f = p->p_sysent->sv_table[number].sy_call; sym = db_search_symbol((db_addr_t)f, DB_STGY_ANY, &diff); if (sym != DB_SYM_NULL && diff == 0) { db_symbol_values(sym, &symname, NULL); db_printf(", %s, %s", p->p_sysent->sv_name, symname); } } db_printf(")"); } /* * Figure out the next frame up in the call stack. */ static void db_nextframe(struct amd64_frame **fp, db_addr_t *ip, struct thread *td) { struct trapframe *tf; int frame_type; long rip, rsp, rbp; db_expr_t offset; c_db_sym_t sym; const char *name; rip = db_get_value((long) &(*fp)->f_retaddr, 8, FALSE); rbp = db_get_value((long) &(*fp)->f_frame, 8, FALSE); /* * Figure out frame type. We look at the address just before * the saved instruction pointer as the saved EIP is after the * call function, and if the function being called is marked as * dead (such as panic() at the end of dblfault_handler()), then * the instruction at the saved EIP will be part of a different * function (syscall() in this example) rather than the one that * actually made the call. */ frame_type = NORMAL; sym = db_search_symbol(rip - 1, DB_STGY_ANY, &offset); db_symbol_values(sym, &name, NULL); if (name != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, "calltrap") == 0 || strcmp(name, "fork_trampoline") == 0 || strcmp(name, "mchk_calltrap") == 0 || strcmp(name, "nmi_calltrap") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xdblfault") == 0) frame_type = TRAP; else if (strncmp(name, "Xatpic_intr", 11) == 0 || strncmp(name, "Xapic_isr", 9) == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xxen_intr_upcall") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xtimerint") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xipi_intr_bitmap_handler") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xcpustop") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xcpususpend") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xrendezvous") == 0) frame_type = INTERRUPT; else if (strcmp(name, "Xfast_syscall") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xfast_syscall_pti") == 0 || strcmp(name, "fast_syscall_common") == 0) frame_type = SYSCALL; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 else if (strcmp(name, "Xint0x80_syscall") == 0) frame_type = SYSCALL; #endif } /* * Normal frames need no special processing. */ if (frame_type == NORMAL) { *ip = (db_addr_t) rip; *fp = (struct amd64_frame *) rbp; return; } db_print_stack_entry(name, rip, &(*fp)->f_frame); /* * Point to base of trapframe which is just above the * current frame. */ tf = (struct trapframe *)((long)*fp + 16); if (INKERNEL((long) tf)) { rsp = tf->tf_rsp; rip = tf->tf_rip; rbp = tf->tf_rbp; switch (frame_type) { case TRAP: db_printf("--- trap %#r", tf->tf_trapno); break; case SYSCALL: db_printf("--- syscall"); decode_syscall(tf->tf_rax, td); break; case INTERRUPT: db_printf("--- interrupt"); break; default: panic("The moon has moved again."); } db_printf(", rip = %#lr, rsp = %#lr, rbp = %#lr ---\n", rip, rsp, rbp); } *ip = (db_addr_t) rip; *fp = (struct amd64_frame *) rbp; } static int __nosanitizeaddress __nosanitizememory db_backtrace(struct thread *td, struct trapframe *tf, struct amd64_frame *frame, db_addr_t pc, register_t sp, int count) { struct amd64_frame *actframe; const char *name; db_expr_t offset; c_db_sym_t sym; boolean_t first; if (count == -1) count = 1024; first = TRUE; while (count-- && !db_pager_quit) { sym = db_search_symbol(pc, DB_STGY_ANY, &offset); db_symbol_values(sym, &name, NULL); /* * Attempt to determine a (possibly fake) frame that gives * the caller's pc. It may differ from `frame' if the * current function never sets up a standard frame or hasn't * set one up yet or has just discarded one. The last two * cases can be guessed fairly reliably for code generated * by gcc. The first case is too much trouble to handle in * general because the amount of junk on the stack depends * on the pc (the special handling of "calltrap", etc. in * db_nextframe() works because the `next' pc is special). */ actframe = frame; if (first) { first = FALSE; if (sym == C_DB_SYM_NULL && sp != 0) { /* * If a symbol couldn't be found, we've probably * jumped to a bogus location, so try and use * the return address to find our caller. */ db_print_stack_entry(name, pc, NULL); pc = db_get_value(sp, 8, FALSE); if (db_search_symbol(pc, DB_STGY_PROC, &offset) == C_DB_SYM_NULL) break; continue; } else if (tf != NULL) { int instr; instr = db_get_value(pc, 4, FALSE); if ((instr & 0xffffffff) == 0xe5894855) { /* pushq %rbp; movq %rsp, %rbp */ actframe = (void *)(tf->tf_rsp - 8); } else if ((instr & 0xffffff) == 0xe58948) { /* movq %rsp, %rbp */ actframe = (void *)tf->tf_rsp; if (tf->tf_rbp == 0) { /* Fake frame better. */ frame = actframe; } } else if ((instr & 0xff) == 0xc3) { /* ret */ actframe = (void *)(tf->tf_rsp - 8); } else if (offset == 0) { /* Probably an assembler symbol. */ actframe = (void *)(tf->tf_rsp - 8); } } else if (name != NULL && strcmp(name, "fork_trampoline") == 0) { /* * Don't try to walk back on a stack for a * process that hasn't actually been run yet. */ db_print_stack_entry(name, pc, actframe); break; } } db_print_stack_entry(name, pc, actframe); if (actframe != frame) { /* `frame' belongs to caller. */ pc = (db_addr_t) db_get_value((long)&actframe->f_retaddr, 8, FALSE); continue; } db_nextframe(&frame, &pc, td); if (INKERNEL((long)pc) && !INKERNEL((long)frame)) { sym = db_search_symbol(pc, DB_STGY_ANY, &offset); db_symbol_values(sym, &name, NULL); db_print_stack_entry(name, pc, frame); break; } if (!INKERNEL((long) frame)) { break; } } return (0); } void db_trace_self(void) { struct amd64_frame *frame; db_addr_t callpc; register_t rbp; __asm __volatile("movq %%rbp,%0" : "=r" (rbp)); frame = (struct amd64_frame *)rbp; callpc = (db_addr_t)db_get_value((long)&frame->f_retaddr, 8, FALSE); frame = frame->f_frame; db_backtrace(curthread, NULL, frame, callpc, 0, -1); } int db_trace_thread(struct thread *thr, int count) { struct pcb *ctx; struct trapframe *tf; ctx = kdb_thr_ctx(thr); tf = thr == kdb_thread ? kdb_frame : NULL; return (db_backtrace(thr, tf, (struct amd64_frame *)ctx->pcb_rbp, ctx->pcb_rip, ctx->pcb_rsp, count)); } void db_md_list_watchpoints(void) { dbreg_list_watchpoints(); } diff --git a/sys/amd64/amd64/gdb_machdep.c b/sys/amd64/amd64/gdb_machdep.c index 176c770a3731..b5acce216fe6 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/amd64/gdb_machdep.c +++ b/sys/amd64/amd64/gdb_machdep.c @@ -1,202 +1,202 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2004 Marcel Moolenaar * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include void * gdb_cpu_getreg(int regnum, size_t *regsz) { static uint32_t _kcodesel = GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL); static uint32_t _kdatasel = GSEL(GDATA_SEL, SEL_KPL); *regsz = gdb_cpu_regsz(regnum); if (kdb_thread == curthread) { switch (regnum) { case GDB_REG_RAX: return (&kdb_frame->tf_rax); case GDB_REG_RCX: return (&kdb_frame->tf_rcx); case GDB_REG_RDX: return (&kdb_frame->tf_rdx); case GDB_REG_RSI: return (&kdb_frame->tf_rsi); case GDB_REG_RDI: return (&kdb_frame->tf_rdi); case GDB_REG_R8: return (&kdb_frame->tf_r8); case GDB_REG_R9: return (&kdb_frame->tf_r9); case GDB_REG_R10: return (&kdb_frame->tf_r10); case GDB_REG_R11: return (&kdb_frame->tf_r11); case GDB_REG_RFLAGS: return (&kdb_frame->tf_rflags); case GDB_REG_CS: return (&kdb_frame->tf_cs); case GDB_REG_SS: return (&kdb_frame->tf_ss); } } switch (regnum) { case GDB_REG_RBX: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_rbx); case GDB_REG_RBP: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_rbp); case GDB_REG_RSP: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_rsp); case GDB_REG_R12: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_r12); case GDB_REG_R13: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_r13); case GDB_REG_R14: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_r14); case GDB_REG_R15: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_r15); case GDB_REG_PC: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_rip); case GDB_REG_CS: return (&_kcodesel); case GDB_REG_SS: return (&_kdatasel); } return (NULL); } void gdb_cpu_setreg(int regnum, void *val) { register_t regval = *(register_t *)val; /* * Write registers to the trapframe and pcb, if applicable. * Some scratch registers are not tracked by the pcb. */ if (kdb_thread == curthread) { switch (regnum) { case GDB_REG_RAX: kdb_frame->tf_rax = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RBX: kdb_frame->tf_rbx = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RCX: kdb_frame->tf_rcx = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RDX: kdb_frame->tf_rdx = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RSI: kdb_frame->tf_rsi = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RDI: kdb_frame->tf_rdi = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RBP: kdb_frame->tf_rbp = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RSP: kdb_frame->tf_rsp = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R8: kdb_frame->tf_r8 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R9: kdb_frame->tf_r9 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R10: kdb_frame->tf_r10 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R11: kdb_frame->tf_r11 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R12: kdb_frame->tf_r12 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R13: kdb_frame->tf_r13 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R14: kdb_frame->tf_r14 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R15: kdb_frame->tf_r15 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_PC: kdb_frame->tf_rip = regval; break; } } switch (regnum) { case GDB_REG_RBX: kdb_thrctx->pcb_rbx = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RBP: kdb_thrctx->pcb_rbp = regval; break; case GDB_REG_RSP: kdb_thrctx->pcb_rsp = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R12: kdb_thrctx->pcb_r12 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R13: kdb_thrctx->pcb_r13 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R14: kdb_thrctx->pcb_r14 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_R15: kdb_thrctx->pcb_r15 = regval; break; case GDB_REG_PC: kdb_thrctx->pcb_rip = regval; break; } } int gdb_cpu_signal(int type, int code) { switch (type & ~T_USER) { case T_BPTFLT: return (SIGTRAP); case T_ARITHTRAP: return (SIGFPE); case T_PROTFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_TRCTRAP: return (SIGTRAP); case T_PAGEFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_DIVIDE: return (SIGFPE); case T_NMI: return (SIGTRAP); case T_FPOPFLT: return (SIGILL); case T_TSSFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_SEGNPFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_STKFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_XMMFLT: return (SIGFPE); } return (SIGEMT); } void gdb_cpu_stop_reason(int type, int code) { uintmax_t val; val = 0; if (type == T_TRCTRAP) { /* NB: 'code' contains the value of dr6 at the trap. */ if ((code & DBREG_DR6_B(0)) != 0) { val = rdr0(); } if ((code & DBREG_DR6_B(1)) != 0) { val = rdr1(); } if ((code & DBREG_DR6_B(2)) != 0) { val = rdr2(); } if ((code & DBREG_DR6_B(3)) != 0) { val = rdr3(); } /* * TODO: validate the bits in DR7 to differentiate between a * watchpoint trap and a hardware breakpoint trap (currently * unsupported). */ if (val != 0) { gdb_tx_str("watch:"); gdb_tx_varhex(val); gdb_tx_char(';'); } } } void * gdb_begin_write(void) { return (disable_wp() ? &gdb_begin_write : NULL); } void gdb_end_write(void *arg) { restore_wp(arg != NULL); } diff --git a/sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c b/sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c index e49dcaa576e8..eaf592c9b947 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c +++ b/sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c @@ -1,2835 +1,2835 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Wemm. * Copyright (c) 1992 Terrence R. Lambert. * Copyright (c) 1982, 1987, 1990 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * William Jolitz. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)machdep.c 7.4 (Berkeley) 6/3/91 */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_atpic.h" #include "opt_cpu.h" #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_isa.h" #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include "opt_maxmem.h" #include "opt_mp_watchdog.h" #include "opt_pci.h" #include "opt_platform.h" #include "opt_sched.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #ifdef SMP #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DDB #ifndef KDB #error KDB must be enabled in order for DDB to work! #endif #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SMP #include #endif #ifdef FDT #include #endif #ifdef DEV_ATPIC #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include /* Sanity check for __curthread() */ CTASSERT(offsetof(struct pcpu, pc_curthread) == 0); /* * The PTI trampoline stack needs enough space for a hardware trapframe and a * couple of scratch registers, as well as the trapframe left behind after an * iret fault. */ CTASSERT(PC_PTI_STACK_SZ * sizeof(register_t) >= 2 * sizeof(struct pti_frame) - offsetof(struct pti_frame, pti_rip)); extern u_int64_t hammer_time(u_int64_t, u_int64_t); #define CS_SECURE(cs) (ISPL(cs) == SEL_UPL) #define EFL_SECURE(ef, oef) ((((ef) ^ (oef)) & ~PSL_USERCHANGE) == 0) static void cpu_startup(void *); static void get_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, char *xfpusave, size_t xfpusave_len); static int set_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, char *xfpustate, size_t xfpustate_len); SYSINIT(cpu, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_FIRST, cpu_startup, NULL); /* Preload data parse function */ static caddr_t native_parse_preload_data(u_int64_t); /* Native function to fetch and parse the e820 map */ static void native_parse_memmap(caddr_t, vm_paddr_t *, int *); /* Default init_ops implementation. */ struct init_ops init_ops = { .parse_preload_data = native_parse_preload_data, .early_clock_source_init = i8254_init, .early_delay = i8254_delay, .parse_memmap = native_parse_memmap, }; /* * Physical address of the EFI System Table. Stashed from the metadata hints * passed into the kernel and used by the EFI code to call runtime services. */ vm_paddr_t efi_systbl_phys; /* Intel ICH registers */ #define ICH_PMBASE 0x400 #define ICH_SMI_EN ICH_PMBASE + 0x30 int _udatasel, _ucodesel, _ucode32sel, _ufssel, _ugssel; int cold = 1; long Maxmem = 0; long realmem = 0; struct kva_md_info kmi; static struct trapframe proc0_tf; struct region_descriptor r_idt; struct pcpu *__pcpu; struct pcpu temp_bsp_pcpu; struct mtx icu_lock; struct mem_range_softc mem_range_softc; struct mtx dt_lock; /* lock for GDT and LDT */ void (*vmm_resume_p)(void); bool efi_boot; static void cpu_startup(dummy) void *dummy; { uintmax_t memsize; char *sysenv; /* * On MacBooks, we need to disallow the legacy USB circuit to * generate an SMI# because this can cause several problems, * namely: incorrect CPU frequency detection and failure to * start the APs. * We do this by disabling a bit in the SMI_EN (SMI Control and * Enable register) of the Intel ICH LPC Interface Bridge. */ sysenv = kern_getenv("smbios.system.product"); if (sysenv != NULL) { if (strncmp(sysenv, "MacBook1,1", 10) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBook3,1", 10) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBook4,1", 10) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBookPro1,1", 13) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBookPro1,2", 13) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBookPro3,1", 13) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBookPro4,1", 13) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "Macmini1,1", 10) == 0) { if (bootverbose) printf("Disabling LEGACY_USB_EN bit on " "Intel ICH.\n"); outl(ICH_SMI_EN, inl(ICH_SMI_EN) & ~0x8); } freeenv(sysenv); } /* * Good {morning,afternoon,evening,night}. */ startrtclock(); printcpuinfo(); /* * Display physical memory if SMBIOS reports reasonable amount. */ memsize = 0; sysenv = kern_getenv("smbios.memory.enabled"); if (sysenv != NULL) { memsize = (uintmax_t)strtoul(sysenv, (char **)NULL, 10) << 10; freeenv(sysenv); } if (memsize < ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count())) memsize = ptoa((uintmax_t)Maxmem); printf("real memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", memsize, memsize >> 20); realmem = atop(memsize); /* * Display any holes after the first chunk of extended memory. */ if (bootverbose) { int indx; printf("Physical memory chunk(s):\n"); for (indx = 0; phys_avail[indx + 1] != 0; indx += 2) { vm_paddr_t size; size = phys_avail[indx + 1] - phys_avail[indx]; printf( "0x%016jx - 0x%016jx, %ju bytes (%ju pages)\n", (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx], (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx + 1] - 1, (uintmax_t)size, (uintmax_t)size / PAGE_SIZE); } } vm_ksubmap_init(&kmi); printf("avail memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()), ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()) / 1048576); #ifdef DEV_PCI if (bootverbose && intel_graphics_stolen_base != 0) printf("intel stolen mem: base %#jx size %ju MB\n", (uintmax_t)intel_graphics_stolen_base, (uintmax_t)intel_graphics_stolen_size / 1024 / 1024); #endif /* * Set up buffers, so they can be used to read disk labels. */ bufinit(); vm_pager_bufferinit(); cpu_setregs(); } static void late_ifunc_resolve(void *dummy __unused) { link_elf_late_ireloc(); } SYSINIT(late_ifunc_resolve, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_ANY, late_ifunc_resolve, NULL); /* * Send an interrupt to process. * * Stack is set up to allow sigcode stored * at top to call routine, followed by call * to sigreturn routine below. After sigreturn * resets the signal mask, the stack, and the * frame pointer, it returns to the user * specified pc, psl. */ void sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct sigframe sf, *sfp; struct pcb *pcb; struct proc *p; struct thread *td; struct sigacts *psp; char *sp; struct trapframe *regs; char *xfpusave; size_t xfpusave_len; int sig; int oonstack; td = curthread; pcb = td->td_pcb; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); sig = ksi->ksi_signo; psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); regs = td->td_frame; oonstack = sigonstack(regs->tf_rsp); if (cpu_max_ext_state_size > sizeof(struct savefpu) && use_xsave) { xfpusave_len = cpu_max_ext_state_size - sizeof(struct savefpu); xfpusave = __builtin_alloca(xfpusave_len); } else { xfpusave_len = 0; xfpusave = NULL; } /* Save user context. */ bzero(&sf, sizeof(sf)); sf.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack = td->td_sigstk; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = (td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) ? ((oonstack) ? SS_ONSTACK : 0) : SS_DISABLE; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_onstack = (oonstack) ? 1 : 0; bcopy(regs, &sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_rdi, sizeof(*regs)); sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_len = sizeof(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext); /* magic */ get_fpcontext(td, &sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext, xfpusave, xfpusave_len); fpstate_drop(td); update_pcb_bases(pcb); sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fsbase = pcb->pcb_fsbase; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gsbase = pcb->pcb_gsbase; bzero(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_spare, sizeof(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_spare)); /* Allocate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 && !oonstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { sp = (char *)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size; #if defined(COMPAT_43) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; #endif } else sp = (char *)regs->tf_rsp - 128; if (xfpusave != NULL) { sp -= xfpusave_len; sp = (char *)((unsigned long)sp & ~0x3Ful); sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_xfpustate = (register_t)sp; } sp -= sizeof(struct sigframe); /* Align to 16 bytes. */ sfp = (struct sigframe *)((unsigned long)sp & ~0xFul); /* Build the argument list for the signal handler. */ regs->tf_rdi = sig; /* arg 1 in %rdi */ regs->tf_rdx = (register_t)&sfp->sf_uc; /* arg 3 in %rdx */ bzero(&sf.sf_si, sizeof(sf.sf_si)); if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_siginfo, sig)) { /* Signal handler installed with SA_SIGINFO. */ regs->tf_rsi = (register_t)&sfp->sf_si; /* arg 2 in %rsi */ sf.sf_ahu.sf_action = (__siginfohandler_t *)catcher; /* Fill in POSIX parts */ sf.sf_si = ksi->ksi_info; sf.sf_si.si_signo = sig; /* maybe a translated signal */ regs->tf_rcx = (register_t)ksi->ksi_addr; /* arg 4 in %rcx */ } else { /* Old FreeBSD-style arguments. */ regs->tf_rsi = ksi->ksi_code; /* arg 2 in %rsi */ regs->tf_rcx = (register_t)ksi->ksi_addr; /* arg 4 in %rcx */ sf.sf_ahu.sf_handler = catcher; } mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * Copy the sigframe out to the user's stack. */ if (copyout(&sf, sfp, sizeof(*sfp)) != 0 || (xfpusave != NULL && copyout(xfpusave, (void *)sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_xfpustate, xfpusave_len) != 0)) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("process %ld has trashed its stack\n", (long)p->p_pid); #endif PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } regs->tf_rsp = (long)sfp; regs->tf_rip = p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode_base; regs->tf_rflags &= ~(PSL_T | PSL_D); regs->tf_cs = _ucodesel; regs->tf_ds = _udatasel; regs->tf_ss = _udatasel; regs->tf_es = _udatasel; regs->tf_fs = _ufssel; regs->tf_gs = _ugssel; regs->tf_flags = TF_HASSEGS; PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } /* * System call to cleanup state after a signal * has been taken. Reset signal mask and * stack state from context left by sendsig (above). * Return to previous pc and psl as specified by * context left by sendsig. Check carefully to * make sure that the user has not modified the * state to gain improper privileges. * * MPSAFE */ int sys_sigreturn(td, uap) struct thread *td; struct sigreturn_args /* { const struct __ucontext *sigcntxp; } */ *uap; { ucontext_t uc; struct pcb *pcb; struct proc *p; struct trapframe *regs; ucontext_t *ucp; char *xfpustate; size_t xfpustate_len; long rflags; int cs, error, ret; ksiginfo_t ksi; pcb = td->td_pcb; p = td->td_proc; error = copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc)); if (error != 0) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn copyin failed\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name); return (error); } ucp = &uc; if ((ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_flags & ~_MC_FLAG_MASK) != 0) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn mc_flags %x\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name, ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_flags); return (EINVAL); } regs = td->td_frame; rflags = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_rflags; /* * Don't allow users to change privileged or reserved flags. */ if (!EFL_SECURE(rflags, regs->tf_rflags)) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn rflags = 0x%lx\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name, rflags); return (EINVAL); } /* * Don't allow users to load a valid privileged %cs. Let the * hardware check for invalid selectors, excess privilege in * other selectors, invalid %eip's and invalid %esp's. */ cs = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_cs; if (!CS_SECURE(cs)) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn cs = 0x%x\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name, cs); ksiginfo_init_trap(&ksi); ksi.ksi_signo = SIGBUS; ksi.ksi_code = BUS_OBJERR; ksi.ksi_trapno = T_PROTFLT; ksi.ksi_addr = (void *)regs->tf_rip; trapsignal(td, &ksi); return (EINVAL); } if ((uc.uc_mcontext.mc_flags & _MC_HASFPXSTATE) != 0) { xfpustate_len = uc.uc_mcontext.mc_xfpustate_len; if (xfpustate_len > cpu_max_ext_state_size - sizeof(struct savefpu)) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn xfpusave_len = 0x%zx\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name, xfpustate_len); return (EINVAL); } xfpustate = __builtin_alloca(xfpustate_len); error = copyin((const void *)uc.uc_mcontext.mc_xfpustate, xfpustate, xfpustate_len); if (error != 0) { uprintf( "pid %d (%s): sigreturn copying xfpustate failed\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name); return (error); } } else { xfpustate = NULL; xfpustate_len = 0; } ret = set_fpcontext(td, &ucp->uc_mcontext, xfpustate, xfpustate_len); if (ret != 0) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn set_fpcontext err %d\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name, ret); return (ret); } bcopy(&ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_rdi, regs, sizeof(*regs)); update_pcb_bases(pcb); pcb->pcb_fsbase = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_fsbase; pcb->pcb_gsbase = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_gsbase; #if defined(COMPAT_43) if (ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_onstack & 1) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; else td->td_sigstk.ss_flags &= ~SS_ONSTACK; #endif kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &ucp->uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); return (EJUSTRETURN); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD4 int freebsd4_sigreturn(struct thread *td, struct freebsd4_sigreturn_args *uap) { return sys_sigreturn(td, (struct sigreturn_args *)uap); } #endif /* * Reset the hardware debug registers if they were in use. * They won't have any meaning for the newly exec'd process. */ void x86_clear_dbregs(struct pcb *pcb) { if ((pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_DBREGS) == 0) return; pcb->pcb_dr0 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr1 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr2 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr3 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr6 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr7 = 0; if (pcb == curpcb) { /* * Clear the debug registers on the running CPU, * otherwise they will end up affecting the next * process we switch to. */ reset_dbregs(); } clear_pcb_flags(pcb, PCB_DBREGS); } /* * Reset registers to default values on exec. */ void exec_setregs(struct thread *td, struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t stack) { struct trapframe *regs; struct pcb *pcb; register_t saved_rflags; regs = td->td_frame; pcb = td->td_pcb; if (td->td_proc->p_md.md_ldt != NULL) user_ldt_free(td); update_pcb_bases(pcb); pcb->pcb_fsbase = 0; pcb->pcb_gsbase = 0; clear_pcb_flags(pcb, PCB_32BIT); pcb->pcb_initial_fpucw = __INITIAL_FPUCW__; saved_rflags = regs->tf_rflags & PSL_T; bzero((char *)regs, sizeof(struct trapframe)); regs->tf_rip = imgp->entry_addr; regs->tf_rsp = ((stack - 8) & ~0xFul) + 8; regs->tf_rdi = stack; /* argv */ regs->tf_rflags = PSL_USER | saved_rflags; regs->tf_ss = _udatasel; regs->tf_cs = _ucodesel; regs->tf_ds = _udatasel; regs->tf_es = _udatasel; regs->tf_fs = _ufssel; regs->tf_gs = _ugssel; regs->tf_flags = TF_HASSEGS; x86_clear_dbregs(pcb); /* * Drop the FP state if we hold it, so that the process gets a * clean FP state if it uses the FPU again. */ fpstate_drop(td); } void cpu_setregs(void) { register_t cr0; cr0 = rcr0(); /* * CR0_MP, CR0_NE and CR0_TS are also set by npx_probe() for the * BSP. See the comments there about why we set them. */ cr0 |= CR0_MP | CR0_NE | CR0_TS | CR0_WP | CR0_AM; load_cr0(cr0); } /* * Initialize amd64 and configure to run kernel */ /* * Initialize segments & interrupt table */ static struct gate_descriptor idt0[NIDT]; struct gate_descriptor *idt = &idt0[0]; /* interrupt descriptor table */ static char dblfault_stack[DBLFAULT_STACK_SIZE] __aligned(16); static char mce0_stack[MCE_STACK_SIZE] __aligned(16); static char nmi0_stack[NMI_STACK_SIZE] __aligned(16); static char dbg0_stack[DBG_STACK_SIZE] __aligned(16); CTASSERT(sizeof(struct nmi_pcpu) == 16); /* * Software prototypes -- in more palatable form. * * Keep GUFS32, GUGS32, GUCODE32 and GUDATA at the same * slots as corresponding segments for i386 kernel. */ struct soft_segment_descriptor gdt_segs[] = { /* GNULL_SEL 0 Null Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GNULL2_SEL 1 Null Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GUFS32_SEL 2 32 bit %gs Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GUGS32_SEL 3 32 bit %fs Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GCODE_SEL 4 Code Descriptor for kernel */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMERA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_KPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_long = 1, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GDATA_SEL 5 Data Descriptor for kernel */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_KPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_long = 1, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GUCODE32_SEL 6 32 bit Code Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMERA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GUDATA_SEL 7 32/64 bit Data Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GUCODE_SEL 8 64 bit Code Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMERA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_long = 1, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GPROC0_SEL 9 Proc 0 Tss Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = sizeof(struct amd64tss) + IOPERM_BITMAP_SIZE - 1, .ssd_type = SDT_SYSTSS, .ssd_dpl = SEL_KPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* Actually, the TSS is a system descriptor which is double size */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GUSERLDT_SEL 11 LDT Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GUSERLDT_SEL 12 LDT Descriptor, double size */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_long = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, }; _Static_assert(nitems(gdt_segs) == NGDT, "Stale NGDT"); void setidt(int idx, inthand_t *func, int typ, int dpl, int ist) { struct gate_descriptor *ip; ip = idt + idx; ip->gd_looffset = (uintptr_t)func; ip->gd_selector = GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL); ip->gd_ist = ist; ip->gd_xx = 0; ip->gd_type = typ; ip->gd_dpl = dpl; ip->gd_p = 1; ip->gd_hioffset = ((uintptr_t)func)>>16 ; } extern inthand_t IDTVEC(div), IDTVEC(dbg), IDTVEC(nmi), IDTVEC(bpt), IDTVEC(ofl), IDTVEC(bnd), IDTVEC(ill), IDTVEC(dna), IDTVEC(fpusegm), IDTVEC(tss), IDTVEC(missing), IDTVEC(stk), IDTVEC(prot), IDTVEC(page), IDTVEC(mchk), IDTVEC(rsvd), IDTVEC(fpu), IDTVEC(align), IDTVEC(xmm), IDTVEC(dblfault), IDTVEC(div_pti), IDTVEC(bpt_pti), IDTVEC(ofl_pti), IDTVEC(bnd_pti), IDTVEC(ill_pti), IDTVEC(dna_pti), IDTVEC(fpusegm_pti), IDTVEC(tss_pti), IDTVEC(missing_pti), IDTVEC(stk_pti), IDTVEC(prot_pti), IDTVEC(page_pti), IDTVEC(rsvd_pti), IDTVEC(fpu_pti), IDTVEC(align_pti), IDTVEC(xmm_pti), #ifdef KDTRACE_HOOKS IDTVEC(dtrace_ret), IDTVEC(dtrace_ret_pti), #endif #ifdef XENHVM IDTVEC(xen_intr_upcall), IDTVEC(xen_intr_upcall_pti), #endif IDTVEC(fast_syscall), IDTVEC(fast_syscall32), IDTVEC(fast_syscall_pti); #ifdef DDB /* * Display the index and function name of any IDT entries that don't use * the default 'rsvd' entry point. */ DB_SHOW_COMMAND(idt, db_show_idt) { struct gate_descriptor *ip; int idx; uintptr_t func; ip = idt; for (idx = 0; idx < NIDT && !db_pager_quit; idx++) { func = ((long)ip->gd_hioffset << 16 | ip->gd_looffset); if (func != (uintptr_t)&IDTVEC(rsvd)) { db_printf("%3d\t", idx); db_printsym(func, DB_STGY_PROC); db_printf("\n"); } ip++; } } /* Show privileged registers. */ DB_SHOW_COMMAND(sysregs, db_show_sysregs) { struct { uint16_t limit; uint64_t base; } __packed idtr, gdtr; uint16_t ldt, tr; __asm __volatile("sidt %0" : "=m" (idtr)); db_printf("idtr\t0x%016lx/%04x\n", (u_long)idtr.base, (u_int)idtr.limit); __asm __volatile("sgdt %0" : "=m" (gdtr)); db_printf("gdtr\t0x%016lx/%04x\n", (u_long)gdtr.base, (u_int)gdtr.limit); __asm __volatile("sldt %0" : "=r" (ldt)); db_printf("ldtr\t0x%04x\n", ldt); __asm __volatile("str %0" : "=r" (tr)); db_printf("tr\t0x%04x\n", tr); db_printf("cr0\t0x%016lx\n", rcr0()); db_printf("cr2\t0x%016lx\n", rcr2()); db_printf("cr3\t0x%016lx\n", rcr3()); db_printf("cr4\t0x%016lx\n", rcr4()); if (rcr4() & CR4_XSAVE) db_printf("xcr0\t0x%016lx\n", rxcr(0)); db_printf("EFER\t0x%016lx\n", rdmsr(MSR_EFER)); if (cpu_feature2 & (CPUID2_VMX | CPUID2_SMX)) db_printf("FEATURES_CTL\t%016lx\n", rdmsr(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL)); db_printf("DEBUG_CTL\t0x%016lx\n", rdmsr(MSR_DEBUGCTLMSR)); db_printf("PAT\t0x%016lx\n", rdmsr(MSR_PAT)); db_printf("GSBASE\t0x%016lx\n", rdmsr(MSR_GSBASE)); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(dbregs, db_show_dbregs) { db_printf("dr0\t0x%016lx\n", rdr0()); db_printf("dr1\t0x%016lx\n", rdr1()); db_printf("dr2\t0x%016lx\n", rdr2()); db_printf("dr3\t0x%016lx\n", rdr3()); db_printf("dr6\t0x%016lx\n", rdr6()); db_printf("dr7\t0x%016lx\n", rdr7()); } #endif void sdtossd(sd, ssd) struct user_segment_descriptor *sd; struct soft_segment_descriptor *ssd; { ssd->ssd_base = (sd->sd_hibase << 24) | sd->sd_lobase; ssd->ssd_limit = (sd->sd_hilimit << 16) | sd->sd_lolimit; ssd->ssd_type = sd->sd_type; ssd->ssd_dpl = sd->sd_dpl; ssd->ssd_p = sd->sd_p; ssd->ssd_long = sd->sd_long; ssd->ssd_def32 = sd->sd_def32; ssd->ssd_gran = sd->sd_gran; } void ssdtosd(ssd, sd) struct soft_segment_descriptor *ssd; struct user_segment_descriptor *sd; { sd->sd_lobase = (ssd->ssd_base) & 0xffffff; sd->sd_hibase = (ssd->ssd_base >> 24) & 0xff; sd->sd_lolimit = (ssd->ssd_limit) & 0xffff; sd->sd_hilimit = (ssd->ssd_limit >> 16) & 0xf; sd->sd_type = ssd->ssd_type; sd->sd_dpl = ssd->ssd_dpl; sd->sd_p = ssd->ssd_p; sd->sd_long = ssd->ssd_long; sd->sd_def32 = ssd->ssd_def32; sd->sd_gran = ssd->ssd_gran; } void ssdtosyssd(ssd, sd) struct soft_segment_descriptor *ssd; struct system_segment_descriptor *sd; { sd->sd_lobase = (ssd->ssd_base) & 0xffffff; sd->sd_hibase = (ssd->ssd_base >> 24) & 0xfffffffffful; sd->sd_lolimit = (ssd->ssd_limit) & 0xffff; sd->sd_hilimit = (ssd->ssd_limit >> 16) & 0xf; sd->sd_type = ssd->ssd_type; sd->sd_dpl = ssd->ssd_dpl; sd->sd_p = ssd->ssd_p; sd->sd_gran = ssd->ssd_gran; } u_int basemem; static int add_physmap_entry(uint64_t base, uint64_t length, vm_paddr_t *physmap, int *physmap_idxp) { int i, insert_idx, physmap_idx; physmap_idx = *physmap_idxp; if (length == 0) return (1); /* * Find insertion point while checking for overlap. Start off by * assuming the new entry will be added to the end. * * NB: physmap_idx points to the next free slot. */ insert_idx = physmap_idx; for (i = 0; i <= physmap_idx; i += 2) { if (base < physmap[i + 1]) { if (base + length <= physmap[i]) { insert_idx = i; break; } if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) printf( "Overlapping memory regions, ignoring second region\n"); return (1); } } /* See if we can prepend to the next entry. */ if (insert_idx <= physmap_idx && base + length == physmap[insert_idx]) { physmap[insert_idx] = base; return (1); } /* See if we can append to the previous entry. */ if (insert_idx > 0 && base == physmap[insert_idx - 1]) { physmap[insert_idx - 1] += length; return (1); } physmap_idx += 2; *physmap_idxp = physmap_idx; if (physmap_idx == PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES) { printf( "Too many segments in the physical address map, giving up\n"); return (0); } /* * Move the last 'N' entries down to make room for the new * entry if needed. */ for (i = (physmap_idx - 2); i > insert_idx; i -= 2) { physmap[i] = physmap[i - 2]; physmap[i + 1] = physmap[i - 1]; } /* Insert the new entry. */ physmap[insert_idx] = base; physmap[insert_idx + 1] = base + length; return (1); } void bios_add_smap_entries(struct bios_smap *smapbase, u_int32_t smapsize, vm_paddr_t *physmap, int *physmap_idx) { struct bios_smap *smap, *smapend; smapend = (struct bios_smap *)((uintptr_t)smapbase + smapsize); for (smap = smapbase; smap < smapend; smap++) { if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) printf("SMAP type=%02x base=%016lx len=%016lx\n", smap->type, smap->base, smap->length); if (smap->type != SMAP_TYPE_MEMORY) continue; if (!add_physmap_entry(smap->base, smap->length, physmap, physmap_idx)) break; } } static void add_efi_map_entries(struct efi_map_header *efihdr, vm_paddr_t *physmap, int *physmap_idx) { struct efi_md *map, *p; const char *type; size_t efisz; int ndesc, i; static const char *types[] = { "Reserved", "LoaderCode", "LoaderData", "BootServicesCode", "BootServicesData", "RuntimeServicesCode", "RuntimeServicesData", "ConventionalMemory", "UnusableMemory", "ACPIReclaimMemory", "ACPIMemoryNVS", "MemoryMappedIO", "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace", "PalCode", "PersistentMemory" }; /* * Memory map data provided by UEFI via the GetMemoryMap * Boot Services API. */ efisz = (sizeof(struct efi_map_header) + 0xf) & ~0xf; map = (struct efi_md *)((uint8_t *)efihdr + efisz); if (efihdr->descriptor_size == 0) return; ndesc = efihdr->memory_size / efihdr->descriptor_size; if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) printf("%23s %12s %12s %8s %4s\n", "Type", "Physical", "Virtual", "#Pages", "Attr"); for (i = 0, p = map; i < ndesc; i++, p = efi_next_descriptor(p, efihdr->descriptor_size)) { if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) { if (p->md_type < nitems(types)) type = types[p->md_type]; else type = ""; printf("%23s %012lx %012lx %08lx ", type, p->md_phys, p->md_virt, p->md_pages); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_UC) printf("UC "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WC) printf("WC "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WT) printf("WT "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WB) printf("WB "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_UCE) printf("UCE "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WP) printf("WP "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_RP) printf("RP "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_XP) printf("XP "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_NV) printf("NV "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_MORE_RELIABLE) printf("MORE_RELIABLE "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_RO) printf("RO "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_RT) printf("RUNTIME"); printf("\n"); } switch (p->md_type) { case EFI_MD_TYPE_CODE: case EFI_MD_TYPE_DATA: case EFI_MD_TYPE_BS_CODE: case EFI_MD_TYPE_BS_DATA: case EFI_MD_TYPE_FREE: /* * We're allowed to use any entry with these types. */ break; default: continue; } if (!add_physmap_entry(p->md_phys, (p->md_pages * PAGE_SIZE), physmap, physmap_idx)) break; } } static void native_parse_memmap(caddr_t kmdp, vm_paddr_t *physmap, int *physmap_idx) { struct bios_smap *smap; struct efi_map_header *efihdr; u_int32_t size; /* * Memory map from INT 15:E820. * * subr_module.c says: * "Consumer may safely assume that size value precedes data." * ie: an int32_t immediately precedes smap. */ efihdr = (struct efi_map_header *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_EFI_MAP); smap = (struct bios_smap *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_SMAP); if (efihdr == NULL && smap == NULL) panic("No BIOS smap or EFI map info from loader!"); if (efihdr != NULL) { add_efi_map_entries(efihdr, physmap, physmap_idx); strlcpy(bootmethod, "UEFI", sizeof(bootmethod)); } else { size = *((u_int32_t *)smap - 1); bios_add_smap_entries(smap, size, physmap, physmap_idx); strlcpy(bootmethod, "BIOS", sizeof(bootmethod)); } } #define PAGES_PER_GB (1024 * 1024 * 1024 / PAGE_SIZE) /* * Populate the (physmap) array with base/bound pairs describing the * available physical memory in the system, then test this memory and * build the phys_avail array describing the actually-available memory. * * Total memory size may be set by the kernel environment variable * hw.physmem or the compile-time define MAXMEM. * * XXX first should be vm_paddr_t. */ static void getmemsize(caddr_t kmdp, u_int64_t first) { int i, physmap_idx, pa_indx, da_indx; vm_paddr_t pa, physmap[PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES]; u_long physmem_start, physmem_tunable, memtest; pt_entry_t *pte; quad_t dcons_addr, dcons_size; int page_counter; /* * Tell the physical memory allocator about pages used to store * the kernel and preloaded data. See kmem_bootstrap_free(). */ vm_phys_early_add_seg((vm_paddr_t)kernphys, trunc_page(first)); bzero(physmap, sizeof(physmap)); physmap_idx = 0; init_ops.parse_memmap(kmdp, physmap, &physmap_idx); physmap_idx -= 2; /* * Find the 'base memory' segment for SMP */ basemem = 0; for (i = 0; i <= physmap_idx; i += 2) { if (physmap[i] <= 0xA0000) { basemem = physmap[i + 1] / 1024; break; } } if (basemem == 0 || basemem > 640) { if (bootverbose) printf( "Memory map doesn't contain a basemem segment, faking it"); basemem = 640; } /* * Maxmem isn't the "maximum memory", it's one larger than the * highest page of the physical address space. It should be * called something like "Maxphyspage". We may adjust this * based on ``hw.physmem'' and the results of the memory test. */ Maxmem = atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1]); #ifdef MAXMEM Maxmem = MAXMEM / 4; #endif if (TUNABLE_ULONG_FETCH("hw.physmem", &physmem_tunable)) Maxmem = atop(physmem_tunable); /* * The boot memory test is disabled by default, as it takes a * significant amount of time on large-memory systems, and is * unfriendly to virtual machines as it unnecessarily touches all * pages. * * A general name is used as the code may be extended to support * additional tests beyond the current "page present" test. */ memtest = 0; TUNABLE_ULONG_FETCH("hw.memtest.tests", &memtest); /* * Don't allow MAXMEM or hw.physmem to extend the amount of memory * in the system. */ if (Maxmem > atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1])) Maxmem = atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1]); if (atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1]) != Maxmem && (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE)) printf("Physical memory use set to %ldK\n", Maxmem * 4); /* call pmap initialization to make new kernel address space */ pmap_bootstrap(&first); /* * Size up each available chunk of physical memory. * * XXX Some BIOSes corrupt low 64KB between suspend and resume. * By default, mask off the first 16 pages unless we appear to be * running in a VM. */ physmem_start = (vm_guest > VM_GUEST_NO ? 1 : 16) << PAGE_SHIFT; TUNABLE_ULONG_FETCH("hw.physmem.start", &physmem_start); if (physmap[0] < physmem_start) { if (physmem_start < PAGE_SIZE) physmap[0] = PAGE_SIZE; else if (physmem_start >= physmap[1]) physmap[0] = round_page(physmap[1] - PAGE_SIZE); else physmap[0] = round_page(physmem_start); } pa_indx = 0; da_indx = 1; phys_avail[pa_indx++] = physmap[0]; phys_avail[pa_indx] = physmap[0]; dump_avail[da_indx] = physmap[0]; pte = CMAP1; /* * Get dcons buffer address */ if (getenv_quad("dcons.addr", &dcons_addr) == 0 || getenv_quad("dcons.size", &dcons_size) == 0) dcons_addr = 0; /* * physmap is in bytes, so when converting to page boundaries, * round up the start address and round down the end address. */ page_counter = 0; if (memtest != 0) printf("Testing system memory"); for (i = 0; i <= physmap_idx; i += 2) { vm_paddr_t end; end = ptoa((vm_paddr_t)Maxmem); if (physmap[i + 1] < end) end = trunc_page(physmap[i + 1]); for (pa = round_page(physmap[i]); pa < end; pa += PAGE_SIZE) { int tmp, page_bad, full; int *ptr = (int *)CADDR1; full = FALSE; /* * block out kernel memory as not available. */ if (pa >= (vm_paddr_t)kernphys && pa < first) goto do_dump_avail; /* * block out dcons buffer */ if (dcons_addr > 0 && pa >= trunc_page(dcons_addr) && pa < dcons_addr + dcons_size) goto do_dump_avail; page_bad = FALSE; if (memtest == 0) goto skip_memtest; /* * Print a "." every GB to show we're making * progress. */ page_counter++; if ((page_counter % PAGES_PER_GB) == 0) printf("."); /* * map page into kernel: valid, read/write,non-cacheable */ *pte = pa | PG_V | PG_RW | PG_NC_PWT | PG_NC_PCD; invltlb(); tmp = *(int *)ptr; /* * Test for alternating 1's and 0's */ *(volatile int *)ptr = 0xaaaaaaaa; if (*(volatile int *)ptr != 0xaaaaaaaa) page_bad = TRUE; /* * Test for alternating 0's and 1's */ *(volatile int *)ptr = 0x55555555; if (*(volatile int *)ptr != 0x55555555) page_bad = TRUE; /* * Test for all 1's */ *(volatile int *)ptr = 0xffffffff; if (*(volatile int *)ptr != 0xffffffff) page_bad = TRUE; /* * Test for all 0's */ *(volatile int *)ptr = 0x0; if (*(volatile int *)ptr != 0x0) page_bad = TRUE; /* * Restore original value. */ *(int *)ptr = tmp; skip_memtest: /* * Adjust array of valid/good pages. */ if (page_bad == TRUE) continue; /* * If this good page is a continuation of the * previous set of good pages, then just increase * the end pointer. Otherwise start a new chunk. * Note that "end" points one higher than end, * making the range >= start and < end. * If we're also doing a speculative memory * test and we at or past the end, bump up Maxmem * so that we keep going. The first bad page * will terminate the loop. */ if (phys_avail[pa_indx] == pa) { phys_avail[pa_indx] += PAGE_SIZE; } else { pa_indx++; if (pa_indx == PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES) { printf( "Too many holes in the physical address space, giving up\n"); pa_indx--; full = TRUE; goto do_dump_avail; } phys_avail[pa_indx++] = pa; /* start */ phys_avail[pa_indx] = pa + PAGE_SIZE; /* end */ } physmem++; do_dump_avail: if (dump_avail[da_indx] == pa) { dump_avail[da_indx] += PAGE_SIZE; } else { da_indx++; if (da_indx == PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES) { da_indx--; goto do_next; } dump_avail[da_indx++] = pa; /* start */ dump_avail[da_indx] = pa + PAGE_SIZE; /* end */ } do_next: if (full) break; } } *pte = 0; invltlb(); if (memtest != 0) printf("\n"); /* * XXX * The last chunk must contain at least one page plus the message * buffer to avoid complicating other code (message buffer address * calculation, etc.). */ while (phys_avail[pa_indx - 1] + PAGE_SIZE + round_page(msgbufsize) >= phys_avail[pa_indx]) { physmem -= atop(phys_avail[pa_indx] - phys_avail[pa_indx - 1]); phys_avail[pa_indx--] = 0; phys_avail[pa_indx--] = 0; } Maxmem = atop(phys_avail[pa_indx]); /* Trim off space for the message buffer. */ phys_avail[pa_indx] -= round_page(msgbufsize); /* Map the message buffer. */ msgbufp = (struct msgbuf *)PHYS_TO_DMAP(phys_avail[pa_indx]); } static caddr_t native_parse_preload_data(u_int64_t modulep) { caddr_t kmdp; char *envp; #ifdef DDB vm_offset_t ksym_start; vm_offset_t ksym_end; #endif preload_metadata = (caddr_t)(uintptr_t)(modulep + KERNBASE); preload_bootstrap_relocate(KERNBASE); kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); if (kmdp == NULL) kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf64 kernel"); boothowto = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_HOWTO, int); envp = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_ENVP, char *); if (envp != NULL) envp += KERNBASE; init_static_kenv(envp, 0); #ifdef DDB ksym_start = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_SSYM, uintptr_t); ksym_end = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_ESYM, uintptr_t); db_fetch_ksymtab(ksym_start, ksym_end, 0); #endif efi_systbl_phys = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_FW_HANDLE, vm_paddr_t); return (kmdp); } static void amd64_kdb_init(void) { kdb_init(); #ifdef KDB if (boothowto & RB_KDB) kdb_enter(KDB_WHY_BOOTFLAGS, "Boot flags requested debugger"); #endif } /* Set up the fast syscall stuff */ void amd64_conf_fast_syscall(void) { uint64_t msr; msr = rdmsr(MSR_EFER) | EFER_SCE; wrmsr(MSR_EFER, msr); wrmsr(MSR_LSTAR, pti ? (u_int64_t)IDTVEC(fast_syscall_pti) : (u_int64_t)IDTVEC(fast_syscall)); wrmsr(MSR_CSTAR, (u_int64_t)IDTVEC(fast_syscall32)); msr = ((u_int64_t)GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL) << 32) | ((u_int64_t)GSEL(GUCODE32_SEL, SEL_UPL) << 48); wrmsr(MSR_STAR, msr); wrmsr(MSR_SF_MASK, PSL_NT | PSL_T | PSL_I | PSL_C | PSL_D | PSL_AC); } void amd64_bsp_pcpu_init1(struct pcpu *pc) { struct user_segment_descriptor *gdt; PCPU_SET(prvspace, pc); gdt = *PCPU_PTR(gdt); PCPU_SET(curthread, &thread0); PCPU_SET(tssp, PCPU_PTR(common_tss)); PCPU_SET(tss, (struct system_segment_descriptor *)&gdt[GPROC0_SEL]); PCPU_SET(ldt, (struct system_segment_descriptor *)&gdt[GUSERLDT_SEL]); PCPU_SET(fs32p, &gdt[GUFS32_SEL]); PCPU_SET(gs32p, &gdt[GUGS32_SEL]); PCPU_SET(ucr3_load_mask, PMAP_UCR3_NOMASK); PCPU_SET(smp_tlb_gen, 1); } void amd64_bsp_pcpu_init2(uint64_t rsp0) { PCPU_SET(rsp0, rsp0); PCPU_SET(pti_rsp0, ((vm_offset_t)PCPU_PTR(pti_stack) + PC_PTI_STACK_SZ * sizeof(uint64_t)) & ~0xful); PCPU_SET(curpcb, thread0.td_pcb); } void amd64_bsp_ist_init(struct pcpu *pc) { struct nmi_pcpu *np; struct amd64tss *tssp; tssp = &pc->pc_common_tss; /* doublefault stack space, runs on ist1 */ np = ((struct nmi_pcpu *)&dblfault_stack[sizeof(dblfault_stack)]) - 1; np->np_pcpu = (register_t)pc; tssp->tss_ist1 = (long)np; /* * NMI stack, runs on ist2. The pcpu pointer is stored just * above the start of the ist2 stack. */ np = ((struct nmi_pcpu *)&nmi0_stack[sizeof(nmi0_stack)]) - 1; np->np_pcpu = (register_t)pc; tssp->tss_ist2 = (long)np; /* * MC# stack, runs on ist3. The pcpu pointer is stored just * above the start of the ist3 stack. */ np = ((struct nmi_pcpu *)&mce0_stack[sizeof(mce0_stack)]) - 1; np->np_pcpu = (register_t)pc; tssp->tss_ist3 = (long)np; /* * DB# stack, runs on ist4. */ np = ((struct nmi_pcpu *)&dbg0_stack[sizeof(dbg0_stack)]) - 1; np->np_pcpu = (register_t)pc; tssp->tss_ist4 = (long)np; } u_int64_t hammer_time(u_int64_t modulep, u_int64_t physfree) { caddr_t kmdp; int gsel_tss, x; struct pcpu *pc; struct xstate_hdr *xhdr; uint64_t cr3, rsp0; pml4_entry_t *pml4e; pdp_entry_t *pdpe; pd_entry_t *pde; char *env; struct user_segment_descriptor *gdt; struct region_descriptor r_gdt; size_t kstack0_sz; int late_console; TSRAW(&thread0, TS_ENTER, __func__, NULL); /* * Calculate kernphys by inspecting page table created by loader. * The assumptions: * - kernel is mapped at KERNBASE, backed by contiguous phys memory * aligned at 2M, below 4G (the latter is important for AP startup) * - there is a 2M hole at KERNBASE * - kernel is mapped with 2M superpages * - all participating memory, i.e. kernel, modules, metadata, * page table is accessible by pre-created 1:1 mapping * (right now loader creates 1:1 mapping for lower 4G, and all * memory is from there) * - there is a usable memory block right after the end of the * mapped kernel and all modules/metadata, pointed to by * physfree, for early allocations */ cr3 = rcr3(); pml4e = (pml4_entry_t *)(cr3 & ~PAGE_MASK) + pmap_pml4e_index( (vm_offset_t)hammer_time); pdpe = (pdp_entry_t *)(*pml4e & ~PAGE_MASK) + pmap_pdpe_index( (vm_offset_t)hammer_time); pde = (pd_entry_t *)(*pdpe & ~PAGE_MASK) + pmap_pde_index( (vm_offset_t)hammer_time); kernphys = (vm_paddr_t)(*pde & ~PDRMASK) - (vm_paddr_t)(((vm_offset_t)hammer_time - KERNBASE) & ~PDRMASK); /* Fix-up for 2M hole */ physfree += kernphys; kernphys += NBPDR; kmdp = init_ops.parse_preload_data(modulep); efi_boot = preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_EFI_MAP) != NULL; if (!efi_boot) { /* Tell the bios to warmboot next time */ atomic_store_short((u_short *)0x472, 0x1234); } physfree += ucode_load_bsp(physfree + KERNBASE); physfree = roundup2(physfree, PAGE_SIZE); identify_cpu1(); identify_hypervisor(); identify_cpu_fixup_bsp(); identify_cpu2(); initializecpucache(); /* * Check for pti, pcid, and invpcid before ifuncs are * resolved, to correctly select the implementation for * pmap_activate_sw_mode(). */ pti = pti_get_default(); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.pti", &pti); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.pcid_enabled", &pmap_pcid_enabled); if ((cpu_feature2 & CPUID2_PCID) != 0 && pmap_pcid_enabled) { invpcid_works = (cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_INVPCID) != 0; } else { pmap_pcid_enabled = 0; } link_elf_ireloc(kmdp); /* * This may be done better later if it gets more high level * components in it. If so just link td->td_proc here. */ proc_linkup0(&proc0, &thread0); /* Init basic tunables, hz etc */ init_param1(); thread0.td_kstack = physfree - kernphys + KERNSTART; thread0.td_kstack_pages = kstack_pages; kstack0_sz = thread0.td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE; bzero((void *)thread0.td_kstack, kstack0_sz); physfree += kstack0_sz; /* * Initialize enough of thread0 for delayed invalidation to * work very early. Rely on thread0.td_base_pri * zero-initialization, it is reset to PVM at proc0_init(). */ pmap_thread_init_invl_gen(&thread0); pc = &temp_bsp_pcpu; pcpu_init(pc, 0, sizeof(struct pcpu)); gdt = &temp_bsp_pcpu.pc_gdt[0]; /* * make gdt memory segments */ for (x = 0; x < NGDT; x++) { if (x != GPROC0_SEL && x != (GPROC0_SEL + 1) && x != GUSERLDT_SEL && x != (GUSERLDT_SEL) + 1) ssdtosd(&gdt_segs[x], &gdt[x]); } gdt_segs[GPROC0_SEL].ssd_base = (uintptr_t)&pc->pc_common_tss; ssdtosyssd(&gdt_segs[GPROC0_SEL], (struct system_segment_descriptor *)&gdt[GPROC0_SEL]); r_gdt.rd_limit = NGDT * sizeof(gdt[0]) - 1; r_gdt.rd_base = (long)gdt; lgdt(&r_gdt); wrmsr(MSR_FSBASE, 0); /* User value */ wrmsr(MSR_GSBASE, (u_int64_t)pc); wrmsr(MSR_KGSBASE, 0); /* User value while in the kernel */ dpcpu_init((void *)(physfree - kernphys + KERNSTART), 0); physfree += DPCPU_SIZE; amd64_bsp_pcpu_init1(pc); /* Non-late cninit() and printf() can be moved up to here. */ /* * Initialize mutexes. * * icu_lock: in order to allow an interrupt to occur in a critical * section, to set pcpu->ipending (etc...) properly, we * must be able to get the icu lock, so it can't be * under witness. */ mutex_init(); mtx_init(&icu_lock, "icu", NULL, MTX_SPIN | MTX_NOWITNESS); mtx_init(&dt_lock, "descriptor tables", NULL, MTX_DEF); /* exceptions */ for (x = 0; x < NIDT; x++) setidt(x, pti ? &IDTVEC(rsvd_pti) : &IDTVEC(rsvd), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_DE, pti ? &IDTVEC(div_pti) : &IDTVEC(div), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_DB, &IDTVEC(dbg), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 4); setidt(IDT_NMI, &IDTVEC(nmi), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 2); setidt(IDT_BP, pti ? &IDTVEC(bpt_pti) : &IDTVEC(bpt), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_UPL, 0); setidt(IDT_OF, pti ? &IDTVEC(ofl_pti) : &IDTVEC(ofl), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_UPL, 0); setidt(IDT_BR, pti ? &IDTVEC(bnd_pti) : &IDTVEC(bnd), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_UD, pti ? &IDTVEC(ill_pti) : &IDTVEC(ill), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_NM, pti ? &IDTVEC(dna_pti) : &IDTVEC(dna), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_DF, &IDTVEC(dblfault), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 1); setidt(IDT_FPUGP, pti ? &IDTVEC(fpusegm_pti) : &IDTVEC(fpusegm), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_TS, pti ? &IDTVEC(tss_pti) : &IDTVEC(tss), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_NP, pti ? &IDTVEC(missing_pti) : &IDTVEC(missing), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_SS, pti ? &IDTVEC(stk_pti) : &IDTVEC(stk), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_GP, pti ? &IDTVEC(prot_pti) : &IDTVEC(prot), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_PF, pti ? &IDTVEC(page_pti) : &IDTVEC(page), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_MF, pti ? &IDTVEC(fpu_pti) : &IDTVEC(fpu), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_AC, pti ? &IDTVEC(align_pti) : &IDTVEC(align), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_MC, &IDTVEC(mchk), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 3); setidt(IDT_XF, pti ? &IDTVEC(xmm_pti) : &IDTVEC(xmm), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); #ifdef KDTRACE_HOOKS setidt(IDT_DTRACE_RET, pti ? &IDTVEC(dtrace_ret_pti) : &IDTVEC(dtrace_ret), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_UPL, 0); #endif #ifdef XENHVM setidt(IDT_EVTCHN, pti ? &IDTVEC(xen_intr_upcall_pti) : &IDTVEC(xen_intr_upcall), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); #endif r_idt.rd_limit = sizeof(idt0) - 1; r_idt.rd_base = (long) idt; lidt(&r_idt); /* * Initialize the clock before the console so that console * initialization can use DELAY(). */ clock_init(); /* * Use vt(4) by default for UEFI boot (during the sc(4)/vt(4) * transition). * Once bootblocks have updated, we can test directly for * efi_systbl != NULL here... */ if (efi_boot) vty_set_preferred(VTY_VT); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.ibrs_disable", &hw_ibrs_disable); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("machdep.mitigations.ibrs.disable", &hw_ibrs_disable); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.spec_store_bypass_disable", &hw_ssb_disable); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("machdep.mitigations.ssb.disable", &hw_ssb_disable); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("machdep.syscall_ret_l1d_flush", &syscall_ret_l1d_flush_mode); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.mds_disable", &hw_mds_disable); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("machdep.mitigations.mds.disable", &hw_mds_disable); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("machdep.mitigations.taa.enable", &x86_taa_enable); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("machdep.mitigations.rndgs.enable", &x86_rngds_mitg_enable); finishidentcpu(); /* Final stage of CPU initialization */ initializecpu(); /* Initialize CPU registers */ amd64_bsp_ist_init(pc); /* Set the IO permission bitmap (empty due to tss seg limit) */ pc->pc_common_tss.tss_iobase = sizeof(struct amd64tss) + IOPERM_BITMAP_SIZE; gsel_tss = GSEL(GPROC0_SEL, SEL_KPL); ltr(gsel_tss); amd64_conf_fast_syscall(); /* * We initialize the PCB pointer early so that exception * handlers will work. Also set up td_critnest to short-cut * the page fault handler. */ cpu_max_ext_state_size = sizeof(struct savefpu); set_top_of_stack_td(&thread0); thread0.td_pcb = get_pcb_td(&thread0); thread0.td_critnest = 1; /* * The console and kdb should be initialized even earlier than here, * but some console drivers don't work until after getmemsize(). * Default to late console initialization to support these drivers. * This loses mainly printf()s in getmemsize() and early debugging. */ late_console = 1; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("debug.late_console", &late_console); if (!late_console) { cninit(); amd64_kdb_init(); } getmemsize(kmdp, physfree); init_param2(physmem); /* now running on new page tables, configured,and u/iom is accessible */ #ifdef DEV_PCI /* This call might adjust phys_avail[]. */ pci_early_quirks(); #endif if (late_console) cninit(); /* * Dump the boot metadata. We have to wait for cninit() since console * output is required. If it's grossly incorrect the kernel will never * make it this far. */ if (getenv_is_true("debug.dump_modinfo_at_boot")) preload_dump(); #ifdef DEV_ISA #ifdef DEV_ATPIC elcr_probe(); atpic_startup(); #else /* Reset and mask the atpics and leave them shut down. */ atpic_reset(); /* * Point the ICU spurious interrupt vectors at the APIC spurious * interrupt handler. */ setidt(IDT_IO_INTS + 7, IDTVEC(spuriousint), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); setidt(IDT_IO_INTS + 15, IDTVEC(spuriousint), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0); #endif #else #error "have you forgotten the isa device?" #endif if (late_console) amd64_kdb_init(); msgbufinit(msgbufp, msgbufsize); fpuinit(); /* * Reinitialize thread0's stack base now that the xsave area size is * known. Set up thread0's pcb save area after fpuinit calculated fpu * save area size. Zero out the extended state header in fpu save area. */ set_top_of_stack_td(&thread0); thread0.td_pcb->pcb_save = get_pcb_user_save_td(&thread0); bzero(thread0.td_pcb->pcb_save, cpu_max_ext_state_size); if (use_xsave) { xhdr = (struct xstate_hdr *)(get_pcb_user_save_td(&thread0) + 1); xhdr->xstate_bv = xsave_mask; } /* make an initial tss so cpu can get interrupt stack on syscall! */ rsp0 = thread0.td_md.md_stack_base; /* Ensure the stack is aligned to 16 bytes */ rsp0 &= ~0xFul; PCPU_PTR(common_tss)->tss_rsp0 = rsp0; amd64_bsp_pcpu_init2(rsp0); /* transfer to user mode */ _ucodesel = GSEL(GUCODE_SEL, SEL_UPL); _udatasel = GSEL(GUDATA_SEL, SEL_UPL); _ucode32sel = GSEL(GUCODE32_SEL, SEL_UPL); _ufssel = GSEL(GUFS32_SEL, SEL_UPL); _ugssel = GSEL(GUGS32_SEL, SEL_UPL); load_ds(_udatasel); load_es(_udatasel); load_fs(_ufssel); /* setup proc 0's pcb */ thread0.td_pcb->pcb_flags = 0; thread0.td_frame = &proc0_tf; env = kern_getenv("kernelname"); if (env != NULL) strlcpy(kernelname, env, sizeof(kernelname)); kcsan_cpu_init(0); #ifdef FDT x86_init_fdt(); #endif thread0.td_critnest = 0; kasan_init(); kmsan_init(); TSEXIT(); /* Location of kernel stack for locore */ return (thread0.td_md.md_stack_base); } void cpu_pcpu_init(struct pcpu *pcpu, int cpuid, size_t size) { pcpu->pc_acpi_id = 0xffffffff; } static int smap_sysctl_handler(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct bios_smap *smapbase; struct bios_smap_xattr smap; caddr_t kmdp; uint32_t *smapattr; int count, error, i; /* Retrieve the system memory map from the loader. */ kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); if (kmdp == NULL) kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf64 kernel"); smapbase = (struct bios_smap *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_SMAP); if (smapbase == NULL) return (0); smapattr = (uint32_t *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_SMAP_XATTR); count = *((uint32_t *)smapbase - 1) / sizeof(*smapbase); error = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { smap.base = smapbase[i].base; smap.length = smapbase[i].length; smap.type = smapbase[i].type; if (smapattr != NULL) smap.xattr = smapattr[i]; else smap.xattr = 0; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &smap, sizeof(smap)); } return (error); } SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep, OID_AUTO, smap, CTLTYPE_OPAQUE | CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, smap_sysctl_handler, "S,bios_smap_xattr", "Raw BIOS SMAP data"); static int efi_map_sysctl_handler(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct efi_map_header *efihdr; caddr_t kmdp; uint32_t efisize; kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); if (kmdp == NULL) kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf64 kernel"); efihdr = (struct efi_map_header *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_EFI_MAP); if (efihdr == NULL) return (0); efisize = *((uint32_t *)efihdr - 1); return (SYSCTL_OUT(req, efihdr, efisize)); } SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep, OID_AUTO, efi_map, CTLTYPE_OPAQUE | CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, efi_map_sysctl_handler, "S,efi_map_header", "Raw EFI Memory Map"); void spinlock_enter(void) { struct thread *td; register_t flags; td = curthread; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { flags = intr_disable(); td->td_md.md_spinlock_count = 1; td->td_md.md_saved_flags = flags; critical_enter(); } else td->td_md.md_spinlock_count++; } void spinlock_exit(void) { struct thread *td; register_t flags; td = curthread; flags = td->td_md.md_saved_flags; td->td_md.md_spinlock_count--; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { critical_exit(); intr_restore(flags); } } /* * Construct a PCB from a trapframe. This is called from kdb_trap() where * we want to start a backtrace from the function that caused us to enter * the debugger. We have the context in the trapframe, but base the trace * on the PCB. The PCB doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it contains * enough for a backtrace. */ void makectx(struct trapframe *tf, struct pcb *pcb) { pcb->pcb_r12 = tf->tf_r12; pcb->pcb_r13 = tf->tf_r13; pcb->pcb_r14 = tf->tf_r14; pcb->pcb_r15 = tf->tf_r15; pcb->pcb_rbp = tf->tf_rbp; pcb->pcb_rbx = tf->tf_rbx; pcb->pcb_rip = tf->tf_rip; pcb->pcb_rsp = tf->tf_rsp; } int ptrace_set_pc(struct thread *td, unsigned long addr) { td->td_frame->tf_rip = addr; set_pcb_flags(td->td_pcb, PCB_FULL_IRET); return (0); } int ptrace_single_step(struct thread *td) { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(td->td_proc, MA_OWNED); if ((td->td_frame->tf_rflags & PSL_T) == 0) { td->td_frame->tf_rflags |= PSL_T; td->td_dbgflags |= TDB_STEP; } return (0); } int ptrace_clear_single_step(struct thread *td) { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(td->td_proc, MA_OWNED); td->td_frame->tf_rflags &= ~PSL_T; td->td_dbgflags &= ~TDB_STEP; return (0); } int fill_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *tp; tp = td->td_frame; return (fill_frame_regs(tp, regs)); } int fill_frame_regs(struct trapframe *tp, struct reg *regs) { regs->r_r15 = tp->tf_r15; regs->r_r14 = tp->tf_r14; regs->r_r13 = tp->tf_r13; regs->r_r12 = tp->tf_r12; regs->r_r11 = tp->tf_r11; regs->r_r10 = tp->tf_r10; regs->r_r9 = tp->tf_r9; regs->r_r8 = tp->tf_r8; regs->r_rdi = tp->tf_rdi; regs->r_rsi = tp->tf_rsi; regs->r_rbp = tp->tf_rbp; regs->r_rbx = tp->tf_rbx; regs->r_rdx = tp->tf_rdx; regs->r_rcx = tp->tf_rcx; regs->r_rax = tp->tf_rax; regs->r_rip = tp->tf_rip; regs->r_cs = tp->tf_cs; regs->r_rflags = tp->tf_rflags; regs->r_rsp = tp->tf_rsp; regs->r_ss = tp->tf_ss; if (tp->tf_flags & TF_HASSEGS) { regs->r_ds = tp->tf_ds; regs->r_es = tp->tf_es; regs->r_fs = tp->tf_fs; regs->r_gs = tp->tf_gs; } else { regs->r_ds = 0; regs->r_es = 0; regs->r_fs = 0; regs->r_gs = 0; } regs->r_err = 0; regs->r_trapno = 0; return (0); } int set_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *tp; register_t rflags; tp = td->td_frame; rflags = regs->r_rflags & 0xffffffff; if (!EFL_SECURE(rflags, tp->tf_rflags) || !CS_SECURE(regs->r_cs)) return (EINVAL); tp->tf_r15 = regs->r_r15; tp->tf_r14 = regs->r_r14; tp->tf_r13 = regs->r_r13; tp->tf_r12 = regs->r_r12; tp->tf_r11 = regs->r_r11; tp->tf_r10 = regs->r_r10; tp->tf_r9 = regs->r_r9; tp->tf_r8 = regs->r_r8; tp->tf_rdi = regs->r_rdi; tp->tf_rsi = regs->r_rsi; tp->tf_rbp = regs->r_rbp; tp->tf_rbx = regs->r_rbx; tp->tf_rdx = regs->r_rdx; tp->tf_rcx = regs->r_rcx; tp->tf_rax = regs->r_rax; tp->tf_rip = regs->r_rip; tp->tf_cs = regs->r_cs; tp->tf_rflags = rflags; tp->tf_rsp = regs->r_rsp; tp->tf_ss = regs->r_ss; if (0) { /* XXXKIB */ tp->tf_ds = regs->r_ds; tp->tf_es = regs->r_es; tp->tf_fs = regs->r_fs; tp->tf_gs = regs->r_gs; tp->tf_flags = TF_HASSEGS; } set_pcb_flags(td->td_pcb, PCB_FULL_IRET); return (0); } /* XXX check all this stuff! */ /* externalize from sv_xmm */ static void fill_fpregs_xmm(struct savefpu *sv_xmm, struct fpreg *fpregs) { struct envxmm *penv_fpreg = (struct envxmm *)&fpregs->fpr_env; struct envxmm *penv_xmm = &sv_xmm->sv_env; int i; /* pcb -> fpregs */ bzero(fpregs, sizeof(*fpregs)); /* FPU control/status */ penv_fpreg->en_cw = penv_xmm->en_cw; penv_fpreg->en_sw = penv_xmm->en_sw; penv_fpreg->en_tw = penv_xmm->en_tw; penv_fpreg->en_opcode = penv_xmm->en_opcode; penv_fpreg->en_rip = penv_xmm->en_rip; penv_fpreg->en_rdp = penv_xmm->en_rdp; penv_fpreg->en_mxcsr = penv_xmm->en_mxcsr; penv_fpreg->en_mxcsr_mask = penv_xmm->en_mxcsr_mask; /* FPU registers */ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) bcopy(sv_xmm->sv_fp[i].fp_acc.fp_bytes, fpregs->fpr_acc[i], 10); /* SSE registers */ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) bcopy(sv_xmm->sv_xmm[i].xmm_bytes, fpregs->fpr_xacc[i], 16); } /* internalize from fpregs into sv_xmm */ static void set_fpregs_xmm(struct fpreg *fpregs, struct savefpu *sv_xmm) { struct envxmm *penv_xmm = &sv_xmm->sv_env; struct envxmm *penv_fpreg = (struct envxmm *)&fpregs->fpr_env; int i; /* fpregs -> pcb */ /* FPU control/status */ penv_xmm->en_cw = penv_fpreg->en_cw; penv_xmm->en_sw = penv_fpreg->en_sw; penv_xmm->en_tw = penv_fpreg->en_tw; penv_xmm->en_opcode = penv_fpreg->en_opcode; penv_xmm->en_rip = penv_fpreg->en_rip; penv_xmm->en_rdp = penv_fpreg->en_rdp; penv_xmm->en_mxcsr = penv_fpreg->en_mxcsr; penv_xmm->en_mxcsr_mask = penv_fpreg->en_mxcsr_mask & cpu_mxcsr_mask; /* FPU registers */ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) bcopy(fpregs->fpr_acc[i], sv_xmm->sv_fp[i].fp_acc.fp_bytes, 10); /* SSE registers */ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) bcopy(fpregs->fpr_xacc[i], sv_xmm->sv_xmm[i].xmm_bytes, 16); } /* externalize from td->pcb */ int fill_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { KASSERT(td == curthread || TD_IS_SUSPENDED(td) || P_SHOULDSTOP(td->td_proc), ("not suspended thread %p", td)); fpugetregs(td); fill_fpregs_xmm(get_pcb_user_save_td(td), fpregs); return (0); } /* internalize to td->pcb */ int set_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { critical_enter(); set_fpregs_xmm(fpregs, get_pcb_user_save_td(td)); fpuuserinited(td); critical_exit(); return (0); } /* * Get machine context. */ int get_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, int flags) { struct pcb *pcb; struct trapframe *tp; pcb = td->td_pcb; tp = td->td_frame; PROC_LOCK(curthread->td_proc); mcp->mc_onstack = sigonstack(tp->tf_rsp); PROC_UNLOCK(curthread->td_proc); mcp->mc_r15 = tp->tf_r15; mcp->mc_r14 = tp->tf_r14; mcp->mc_r13 = tp->tf_r13; mcp->mc_r12 = tp->tf_r12; mcp->mc_r11 = tp->tf_r11; mcp->mc_r10 = tp->tf_r10; mcp->mc_r9 = tp->tf_r9; mcp->mc_r8 = tp->tf_r8; mcp->mc_rdi = tp->tf_rdi; mcp->mc_rsi = tp->tf_rsi; mcp->mc_rbp = tp->tf_rbp; mcp->mc_rbx = tp->tf_rbx; mcp->mc_rcx = tp->tf_rcx; mcp->mc_rflags = tp->tf_rflags; if (flags & GET_MC_CLEAR_RET) { mcp->mc_rax = 0; mcp->mc_rdx = 0; mcp->mc_rflags &= ~PSL_C; } else { mcp->mc_rax = tp->tf_rax; mcp->mc_rdx = tp->tf_rdx; } mcp->mc_rip = tp->tf_rip; mcp->mc_cs = tp->tf_cs; mcp->mc_rsp = tp->tf_rsp; mcp->mc_ss = tp->tf_ss; mcp->mc_ds = tp->tf_ds; mcp->mc_es = tp->tf_es; mcp->mc_fs = tp->tf_fs; mcp->mc_gs = tp->tf_gs; mcp->mc_flags = tp->tf_flags; mcp->mc_len = sizeof(*mcp); get_fpcontext(td, mcp, NULL, 0); update_pcb_bases(pcb); mcp->mc_fsbase = pcb->pcb_fsbase; mcp->mc_gsbase = pcb->pcb_gsbase; mcp->mc_xfpustate = 0; mcp->mc_xfpustate_len = 0; bzero(mcp->mc_spare, sizeof(mcp->mc_spare)); return (0); } /* * Set machine context. * * However, we don't set any but the user modifiable flags, and we won't * touch the cs selector. */ int set_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { struct pcb *pcb; struct trapframe *tp; char *xfpustate; long rflags; int ret; pcb = td->td_pcb; tp = td->td_frame; if (mcp->mc_len != sizeof(*mcp) || (mcp->mc_flags & ~_MC_FLAG_MASK) != 0) return (EINVAL); rflags = (mcp->mc_rflags & PSL_USERCHANGE) | (tp->tf_rflags & ~PSL_USERCHANGE); if (mcp->mc_flags & _MC_HASFPXSTATE) { if (mcp->mc_xfpustate_len > cpu_max_ext_state_size - sizeof(struct savefpu)) return (EINVAL); xfpustate = __builtin_alloca(mcp->mc_xfpustate_len); ret = copyin((void *)mcp->mc_xfpustate, xfpustate, mcp->mc_xfpustate_len); if (ret != 0) return (ret); } else xfpustate = NULL; ret = set_fpcontext(td, mcp, xfpustate, mcp->mc_xfpustate_len); if (ret != 0) return (ret); tp->tf_r15 = mcp->mc_r15; tp->tf_r14 = mcp->mc_r14; tp->tf_r13 = mcp->mc_r13; tp->tf_r12 = mcp->mc_r12; tp->tf_r11 = mcp->mc_r11; tp->tf_r10 = mcp->mc_r10; tp->tf_r9 = mcp->mc_r9; tp->tf_r8 = mcp->mc_r8; tp->tf_rdi = mcp->mc_rdi; tp->tf_rsi = mcp->mc_rsi; tp->tf_rbp = mcp->mc_rbp; tp->tf_rbx = mcp->mc_rbx; tp->tf_rdx = mcp->mc_rdx; tp->tf_rcx = mcp->mc_rcx; tp->tf_rax = mcp->mc_rax; tp->tf_rip = mcp->mc_rip; tp->tf_rflags = rflags; tp->tf_rsp = mcp->mc_rsp; tp->tf_ss = mcp->mc_ss; tp->tf_flags = mcp->mc_flags; if (tp->tf_flags & TF_HASSEGS) { tp->tf_ds = mcp->mc_ds; tp->tf_es = mcp->mc_es; tp->tf_fs = mcp->mc_fs; tp->tf_gs = mcp->mc_gs; } set_pcb_flags(pcb, PCB_FULL_IRET); if (mcp->mc_flags & _MC_HASBASES) { pcb->pcb_fsbase = mcp->mc_fsbase; pcb->pcb_gsbase = mcp->mc_gsbase; } return (0); } static void get_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, char *xfpusave, size_t xfpusave_len) { size_t max_len, len; mcp->mc_ownedfp = fpugetregs(td); bcopy(get_pcb_user_save_td(td), &mcp->mc_fpstate[0], sizeof(mcp->mc_fpstate)); mcp->mc_fpformat = fpuformat(); if (!use_xsave || xfpusave_len == 0) return; max_len = cpu_max_ext_state_size - sizeof(struct savefpu); len = xfpusave_len; if (len > max_len) { len = max_len; bzero(xfpusave + max_len, len - max_len); } mcp->mc_flags |= _MC_HASFPXSTATE; mcp->mc_xfpustate_len = len; bcopy(get_pcb_user_save_td(td) + 1, xfpusave, len); } static int set_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, char *xfpustate, size_t xfpustate_len) { int error; if (mcp->mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_NODEV) return (0); else if (mcp->mc_fpformat != _MC_FPFMT_XMM) return (EINVAL); else if (mcp->mc_ownedfp == _MC_FPOWNED_NONE) { /* We don't care what state is left in the FPU or PCB. */ fpstate_drop(td); error = 0; } else if (mcp->mc_ownedfp == _MC_FPOWNED_FPU || mcp->mc_ownedfp == _MC_FPOWNED_PCB) { error = fpusetregs(td, (struct savefpu *)&mcp->mc_fpstate, xfpustate, xfpustate_len); } else return (EINVAL); return (error); } void fpstate_drop(struct thread *td) { KASSERT(PCB_USER_FPU(td->td_pcb), ("fpstate_drop: kernel-owned fpu")); critical_enter(); if (PCPU_GET(fpcurthread) == td) fpudrop(); /* * XXX force a full drop of the fpu. The above only drops it if we * owned it. * * XXX I don't much like fpugetuserregs()'s semantics of doing a full * drop. Dropping only to the pcb matches fnsave's behaviour. * We only need to drop to !PCB_INITDONE in sendsig(). But * sendsig() is the only caller of fpugetuserregs()... perhaps we just * have too many layers. */ clear_pcb_flags(curthread->td_pcb, PCB_FPUINITDONE | PCB_USERFPUINITDONE); critical_exit(); } int fill_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { struct pcb *pcb; if (td == NULL) { dbregs->dr[0] = rdr0(); dbregs->dr[1] = rdr1(); dbregs->dr[2] = rdr2(); dbregs->dr[3] = rdr3(); dbregs->dr[6] = rdr6(); dbregs->dr[7] = rdr7(); } else { pcb = td->td_pcb; dbregs->dr[0] = pcb->pcb_dr0; dbregs->dr[1] = pcb->pcb_dr1; dbregs->dr[2] = pcb->pcb_dr2; dbregs->dr[3] = pcb->pcb_dr3; dbregs->dr[6] = pcb->pcb_dr6; dbregs->dr[7] = pcb->pcb_dr7; } dbregs->dr[4] = 0; dbregs->dr[5] = 0; dbregs->dr[8] = 0; dbregs->dr[9] = 0; dbregs->dr[10] = 0; dbregs->dr[11] = 0; dbregs->dr[12] = 0; dbregs->dr[13] = 0; dbregs->dr[14] = 0; dbregs->dr[15] = 0; return (0); } int set_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { struct pcb *pcb; int i; if (td == NULL) { load_dr0(dbregs->dr[0]); load_dr1(dbregs->dr[1]); load_dr2(dbregs->dr[2]); load_dr3(dbregs->dr[3]); load_dr6(dbregs->dr[6]); load_dr7(dbregs->dr[7]); } else { /* * Don't let an illegal value for dr7 get set. Specifically, * check for undefined settings. Setting these bit patterns * result in undefined behaviour and can lead to an unexpected * TRCTRAP or a general protection fault right here. * Upper bits of dr6 and dr7 must not be set */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (DBREG_DR7_ACCESS(dbregs->dr[7], i) == 0x02) return (EINVAL); if (td->td_frame->tf_cs == _ucode32sel && DBREG_DR7_LEN(dbregs->dr[7], i) == DBREG_DR7_LEN_8) return (EINVAL); } if ((dbregs->dr[6] & 0xffffffff00000000ul) != 0 || (dbregs->dr[7] & 0xffffffff00000000ul) != 0) return (EINVAL); pcb = td->td_pcb; /* * Don't let a process set a breakpoint that is not within the * process's address space. If a process could do this, it * could halt the system by setting a breakpoint in the kernel * (if ddb was enabled). Thus, we need to check to make sure * that no breakpoints are being enabled for addresses outside * process's address space. * * XXX - what about when the watched area of the user's * address space is written into from within the kernel * ... wouldn't that still cause a breakpoint to be generated * from within kernel mode? */ if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(dbregs->dr[7], 0)) { /* dr0 is enabled */ if (dbregs->dr[0] >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); } if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(dbregs->dr[7], 1)) { /* dr1 is enabled */ if (dbregs->dr[1] >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); } if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(dbregs->dr[7], 2)) { /* dr2 is enabled */ if (dbregs->dr[2] >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); } if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(dbregs->dr[7], 3)) { /* dr3 is enabled */ if (dbregs->dr[3] >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); } pcb->pcb_dr0 = dbregs->dr[0]; pcb->pcb_dr1 = dbregs->dr[1]; pcb->pcb_dr2 = dbregs->dr[2]; pcb->pcb_dr3 = dbregs->dr[3]; pcb->pcb_dr6 = dbregs->dr[6]; pcb->pcb_dr7 = dbregs->dr[7]; set_pcb_flags(pcb, PCB_DBREGS); } return (0); } void reset_dbregs(void) { load_dr7(0); /* Turn off the control bits first */ load_dr0(0); load_dr1(0); load_dr2(0); load_dr3(0); load_dr6(0); } /* * Return > 0 if a hardware breakpoint has been hit, and the * breakpoint was in user space. Return 0, otherwise. */ int user_dbreg_trap(register_t dr6) { u_int64_t dr7; u_int64_t bp; /* breakpoint bits extracted from dr6 */ int nbp; /* number of breakpoints that triggered */ caddr_t addr[4]; /* breakpoint addresses */ int i; bp = dr6 & DBREG_DR6_BMASK; if (bp == 0) { /* * None of the breakpoint bits are set meaning this * trap was not caused by any of the debug registers */ return 0; } dr7 = rdr7(); if ((dr7 & 0x000000ff) == 0) { /* * all GE and LE bits in the dr7 register are zero, * thus the trap couldn't have been caused by the * hardware debug registers */ return 0; } nbp = 0; /* * at least one of the breakpoints were hit, check to see * which ones and if any of them are user space addresses */ if (bp & 0x01) { addr[nbp++] = (caddr_t)rdr0(); } if (bp & 0x02) { addr[nbp++] = (caddr_t)rdr1(); } if (bp & 0x04) { addr[nbp++] = (caddr_t)rdr2(); } if (bp & 0x08) { addr[nbp++] = (caddr_t)rdr3(); } for (i = 0; i < nbp; i++) { if (addr[i] < (caddr_t)VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { /* * addr[i] is in user space */ return nbp; } } /* * None of the breakpoints are in user space. */ return 0; } /* * The pcb_flags is only modified by current thread, or by other threads * when current thread is stopped. However, current thread may change it * from the interrupt context in cpu_switch(), or in the trap handler. * When we read-modify-write pcb_flags from C sources, compiler may generate * code that is not atomic regarding the interrupt handler. If a trap or * interrupt happens and any flag is modified from the handler, it can be * clobbered with the cached value later. Therefore, we implement setting * and clearing flags with single-instruction functions, which do not race * with possible modification of the flags from the trap or interrupt context, * because traps and interrupts are executed only on instruction boundary. */ void set_pcb_flags_raw(struct pcb *pcb, const u_int flags) { __asm __volatile("orl %1,%0" : "=m" (pcb->pcb_flags) : "ir" (flags), "m" (pcb->pcb_flags) : "cc", "memory"); } /* * The support for RDFSBASE, WRFSBASE and similar instructions for %gs * base requires that kernel saves MSR_FSBASE and MSR_{K,}GSBASE into * pcb if user space modified the bases. We must save on the context * switch or if the return to usermode happens through the doreti. * * Tracking of both events is performed by the pcb flag PCB_FULL_IRET, * which have a consequence that the base MSRs must be saved each time * the PCB_FULL_IRET flag is set. We disable interrupts to sync with * context switches. */ static void set_pcb_flags_fsgsbase(struct pcb *pcb, const u_int flags) { register_t r; if (curpcb == pcb && (flags & PCB_FULL_IRET) != 0 && (pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FULL_IRET) == 0) { r = intr_disable(); if ((pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FULL_IRET) == 0) { if (rfs() == _ufssel) pcb->pcb_fsbase = rdfsbase(); if (rgs() == _ugssel) pcb->pcb_gsbase = rdmsr(MSR_KGSBASE); } set_pcb_flags_raw(pcb, flags); intr_restore(r); } else { set_pcb_flags_raw(pcb, flags); } } DEFINE_IFUNC(, void, set_pcb_flags, (struct pcb *, const u_int)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_FSGSBASE) != 0 ? set_pcb_flags_fsgsbase : set_pcb_flags_raw); } void clear_pcb_flags(struct pcb *pcb, const u_int flags) { __asm __volatile("andl %1,%0" : "=m" (pcb->pcb_flags) : "ir" (~flags), "m" (pcb->pcb_flags) : "cc", "memory"); } #ifdef KDB /* * Provide inb() and outb() as functions. They are normally only available as * inline functions, thus cannot be called from the debugger. */ /* silence compiler warnings */ u_char inb_(u_short); void outb_(u_short, u_char); u_char inb_(u_short port) { return inb(port); } void outb_(u_short port, u_char data) { outb(port, data); } #endif /* KDB */ #undef memset #undef memmove #undef memcpy void *memset_std(void *buf, int c, size_t len); void *memset_erms(void *buf, int c, size_t len); void *memmove_std(void * _Nonnull dst, const void * _Nonnull src, size_t len); void *memmove_erms(void * _Nonnull dst, const void * _Nonnull src, size_t len); void *memcpy_std(void * _Nonnull dst, const void * _Nonnull src, size_t len); void *memcpy_erms(void * _Nonnull dst, const void * _Nonnull src, size_t len); #ifdef KCSAN /* * These fail to build as ifuncs when used with KCSAN. */ void * memset(void *buf, int c, size_t len) { return (memset_std(buf, c, len)); } void * memmove(void * _Nonnull dst, const void * _Nonnull src, size_t len) { return (memmove_std(dst, src, len)); } void * memcpy(void * _Nonnull dst, const void * _Nonnull src, size_t len) { return (memcpy_std(dst, src, len)); } #else DEFINE_IFUNC(, void *, memset, (void *, int, size_t)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_ERMS) != 0 ? memset_erms : memset_std); } DEFINE_IFUNC(, void *, memmove, (void * _Nonnull, const void * _Nonnull, size_t)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_ERMS) != 0 ? memmove_erms : memmove_std); } DEFINE_IFUNC(, void *, memcpy, (void * _Nonnull, const void * _Nonnull,size_t)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_ERMS) != 0 ? memcpy_erms : memcpy_std); } #endif void pagezero_std(void *addr); void pagezero_erms(void *addr); DEFINE_IFUNC(, void , pagezero, (void *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_ERMS) != 0 ? pagezero_erms : pagezero_std); } diff --git a/sys/amd64/ia32/ia32_reg.c b/sys/amd64/ia32/ia32_reg.c index 0725936cf84d..ae041a325cba 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/ia32/ia32_reg.c +++ b/sys/amd64/ia32/ia32_reg.c @@ -1,270 +1,271 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2005 Peter Wemm * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CS_SECURE(cs) (ISPL(cs) == SEL_UPL) #define EFL_SECURE(ef, oef) ((((ef) ^ (oef)) & ~PSL_USERCHANGE) == 0) int fill_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs) { struct trapframe *tp; tp = td->td_frame; if (tp->tf_flags & TF_HASSEGS) { regs->r_gs = tp->tf_gs; regs->r_fs = tp->tf_fs; regs->r_es = tp->tf_es; regs->r_ds = tp->tf_ds; } else { regs->r_gs = _ugssel; regs->r_fs = _ufssel; regs->r_es = _udatasel; regs->r_ds = _udatasel; } regs->r_edi = tp->tf_rdi; regs->r_esi = tp->tf_rsi; regs->r_ebp = tp->tf_rbp; regs->r_ebx = tp->tf_rbx; regs->r_edx = tp->tf_rdx; regs->r_ecx = tp->tf_rcx; regs->r_eax = tp->tf_rax; regs->r_eip = tp->tf_rip; regs->r_cs = tp->tf_cs; regs->r_eflags = tp->tf_rflags; regs->r_esp = tp->tf_rsp; regs->r_ss = tp->tf_ss; regs->r_err = 0; regs->r_trapno = 0; return (0); } int set_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs) { struct trapframe *tp; tp = td->td_frame; if (!EFL_SECURE(regs->r_eflags, tp->tf_rflags) || !CS_SECURE(regs->r_cs)) return (EINVAL); tp->tf_gs = regs->r_gs; tp->tf_fs = regs->r_fs; tp->tf_es = regs->r_es; tp->tf_ds = regs->r_ds; set_pcb_flags(td->td_pcb, PCB_FULL_IRET); tp->tf_flags = TF_HASSEGS; tp->tf_rdi = regs->r_edi; tp->tf_rsi = regs->r_esi; tp->tf_rbp = regs->r_ebp; tp->tf_rbx = regs->r_ebx; tp->tf_rdx = regs->r_edx; tp->tf_rcx = regs->r_ecx; tp->tf_rax = regs->r_eax; tp->tf_rip = regs->r_eip; tp->tf_cs = regs->r_cs; tp->tf_rflags = regs->r_eflags; tp->tf_rsp = regs->r_esp; tp->tf_ss = regs->r_ss; return (0); } int fill_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *regs) { struct savefpu *sv_fpu; struct save87 *sv_87; struct env87 *penv_87; struct envxmm *penv_xmm; struct fpacc87 *fx_reg; int i, st; uint64_t mantissa; uint16_t tw, exp; uint8_t ab_tw; bzero(regs, sizeof(*regs)); sv_87 = (struct save87 *)regs; penv_87 = &sv_87->sv_env; fpugetregs(td); sv_fpu = get_pcb_user_save_td(td); penv_xmm = &sv_fpu->sv_env; /* FPU control/status */ penv_87->en_cw = penv_xmm->en_cw; penv_87->en_sw = penv_xmm->en_sw; /* * XXX for en_fip/fcs/foo/fos, check if the fxsave format * uses the old-style layout for 32 bit user apps. If so, * read the ip and operand segment registers from there. * For now, use the process's %cs/%ds. */ penv_87->en_fip = penv_xmm->en_rip; penv_87->en_fcs = td->td_frame->tf_cs; penv_87->en_opcode = penv_xmm->en_opcode; penv_87->en_foo = penv_xmm->en_rdp; /* Entry into the kernel always sets TF_HASSEGS */ penv_87->en_fos = td->td_frame->tf_ds; /* * FPU registers and tags. * For ST(i), i = fpu_reg - top; we start with fpu_reg=7. */ st = 7 - ((penv_xmm->en_sw >> 11) & 7); ab_tw = penv_xmm->en_tw; tw = 0; for (i = 0x80; i != 0; i >>= 1) { sv_87->sv_ac[st] = sv_fpu->sv_fp[st].fp_acc; tw <<= 2; if ((ab_tw & i) != 0) { /* Non-empty - we need to check ST(i) */ fx_reg = &sv_fpu->sv_fp[st].fp_acc; /* The first 64 bits contain the mantissa. */ mantissa = *((uint64_t *)fx_reg->fp_bytes); /* * The final 16 bits contain the sign bit and the exponent. * Mask the sign bit since it is of no consequence to these * tests. */ exp = *((uint16_t *)&fx_reg->fp_bytes[8]) & 0x7fff; if (exp == 0) { if (mantissa == 0) tw |= 1; /* Zero */ else tw |= 2; /* Denormal */ } else if (exp == 0x7fff) tw |= 2; /* Infinity or NaN */ } else tw |= 3; /* Empty */ st = (st - 1) & 7; } penv_87->en_tw = tw; return (0); } int set_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *regs) { struct save87 *sv_87 = (struct save87 *)regs; struct env87 *penv_87 = &sv_87->sv_env; struct savefpu *sv_fpu = get_pcb_user_save_td(td); struct envxmm *penv_xmm = &sv_fpu->sv_env; int i; /* FPU control/status */ penv_xmm->en_cw = penv_87->en_cw; penv_xmm->en_sw = penv_87->en_sw; penv_xmm->en_rip = penv_87->en_fip; /* penv_87->en_fcs and en_fos ignored, see above */ penv_xmm->en_opcode = penv_87->en_opcode; penv_xmm->en_rdp = penv_87->en_foo; /* FPU registers and tags */ penv_xmm->en_tw = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { sv_fpu->sv_fp[i].fp_acc = sv_87->sv_ac[i]; if ((penv_87->en_tw & (3 << i * 2)) != (3 << i * 2)) penv_xmm->en_tw |= 1 << i; } for (i = 8; i < 16; ++i) bzero(&sv_fpu->sv_fp[i].fp_acc, sizeof(sv_fpu->sv_fp[i].fp_acc)); fpuuserinited(td); return (0); } int fill_dbregs32(struct thread *td, struct dbreg32 *regs) { struct dbreg dr; int err, i; err = fill_dbregs(td, &dr); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) regs->dr[i] = dr.dr[i]; return (err); } int set_dbregs32(struct thread *td, struct dbreg32 *regs) { struct dbreg dr; int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) dr.dr[i] = regs->dr[i]; for (i = 8; i < 16; i++) dr.dr[i] = 0; return (set_dbregs(td, &dr)); } diff --git a/sys/amd64/include/db_machdep.h b/sys/amd64/include/db_machdep.h index c88c281ff9a6..102475f660a4 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/include/db_machdep.h +++ b/sys/amd64/include/db_machdep.h @@ -1,86 +1,85 @@ /*- * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _MACHINE_DB_MACHDEP_H_ #define _MACHINE_DB_MACHDEP_H_ #include -#include #include typedef vm_offset_t db_addr_t; /* address - unsigned */ typedef long db_expr_t; /* expression - signed */ #define PC_REGS() ((db_addr_t)kdb_thrctx->pcb_rip) #define BKPT_INST 0xcc /* breakpoint instruction */ #define BKPT_SIZE (1) /* size of breakpoint inst */ #define BKPT_SET(inst) (BKPT_INST) #define BKPT_SKIP \ do { \ kdb_frame->tf_rip += 1; \ kdb_thrctx->pcb_rip += 1; \ } while(0) #define FIXUP_PC_AFTER_BREAK \ do { \ kdb_frame->tf_rip -= 1; \ kdb_thrctx->pcb_rip -= 1; \ } while(0); #define db_clear_single_step kdb_cpu_clear_singlestep #define db_set_single_step kdb_cpu_set_singlestep /* * The debug exception type is copied from %dr6 to 'code' and used to * disambiguate single step traps. Watchpoints have no special support. * Our hardware breakpoints are not well integrated with ddb and are too * different from watchpoints. ddb treats them as unknown traps with * unknown addresses and doesn't turn them off while it is running. */ #define IS_BREAKPOINT_TRAP(type, code) ((type) == T_BPTFLT) #define IS_SSTEP_TRAP(type, code) \ ((type) == T_TRCTRAP && (code) & DBREG_DR6_BS) #define IS_WATCHPOINT_TRAP(type, code) 0 #define I_CALL 0xe8 #define I_CALLI 0xff #define i_calli(ins) (((ins)&0xff) == I_CALLI && ((ins)&0x3800) == 0x1000) #define I_RET 0xc3 #define I_IRET 0xcf #define i_rex(ins) (((ins) & 0xff) == 0x41 || ((ins) & 0xff) == 0x43) #define inst_trap_return(ins) (((ins)&0xff) == I_IRET) #define inst_return(ins) (((ins)&0xff) == I_RET) #define inst_call(ins) (((ins)&0xff) == I_CALL || i_calli(ins) || \ (i_calli((ins) >> 8) && i_rex(ins))) #define inst_load(ins) 0 #define inst_store(ins) 0 #endif /* !_MACHINE_DB_MACHDEP_H_ */ diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_ptrace.c b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_ptrace.c index 9386ba1e6ae3..3afaded3a203 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_ptrace.c +++ b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_ptrace.c @@ -1,611 +1,610 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2017 Edward Tomasz Napierala * * This software was developed by SRI International and the University of * Cambridge Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract (FA8750-10-C-0237) * ("CTSRD"), as part of the DARPA CRASH research programme. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LINUX_PTRACE_TRACEME 0 #define LINUX_PTRACE_PEEKTEXT 1 #define LINUX_PTRACE_PEEKDATA 2 #define LINUX_PTRACE_PEEKUSER 3 #define LINUX_PTRACE_POKETEXT 4 #define LINUX_PTRACE_POKEDATA 5 #define LINUX_PTRACE_POKEUSER 6 #define LINUX_PTRACE_CONT 7 #define LINUX_PTRACE_KILL 8 #define LINUX_PTRACE_SINGLESTEP 9 #define LINUX_PTRACE_GETREGS 12 #define LINUX_PTRACE_SETREGS 13 #define LINUX_PTRACE_GETFPREGS 14 #define LINUX_PTRACE_SETFPREGS 15 #define LINUX_PTRACE_ATTACH 16 #define LINUX_PTRACE_DETACH 17 #define LINUX_PTRACE_SYSCALL 24 #define LINUX_PTRACE_SETOPTIONS 0x4200 #define LINUX_PTRACE_GETSIGINFO 0x4202 #define LINUX_PTRACE_GETREGSET 0x4204 #define LINUX_PTRACE_SEIZE 0x4206 #define LINUX_PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO 0x420e #define LINUX_PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT 6 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD 1 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK 2 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK 4 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE 8 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC 16 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE 32 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT 64 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP 128 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_EXITKILL 1048576 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP 2097152 #define LINUX_NT_PRSTATUS 1 #define LINUX_PTRACE_O_MASK (LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD | \ LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK | LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK | \ LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE | LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC | \ LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE | LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT | \ LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP | LINUX_PTRACE_O_EXITKILL | \ LINUX_PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP) static int map_signum(int lsig, int *bsigp) { int bsig; if (lsig == 0) { *bsigp = 0; return (0); } if (lsig < 0 || lsig > LINUX_SIGRTMAX) return (EINVAL); bsig = linux_to_bsd_signal(lsig); if (bsig == SIGSTOP) bsig = 0; *bsigp = bsig; return (0); } int linux_ptrace_status(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, int status) { struct ptrace_lwpinfo lwpinfo; struct linux_pemuldata *pem; register_t saved_retval; int error; saved_retval = td->td_retval[0]; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_LWPINFO, pid, &lwpinfo, sizeof(lwpinfo)); td->td_retval[0] = saved_retval; if (error != 0) { linux_msg(td, "PT_LWPINFO failed with error %d", error); return (status); } pem = pem_find(td->td_proc); KASSERT(pem != NULL, ("%s: proc emuldata not found.\n", __func__)); LINUX_PEM_SLOCK(pem); if ((pem->ptrace_flags & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD) && lwpinfo.pl_flags & PL_FLAG_SCE) status |= (LINUX_SIGTRAP | 0x80) << 8; if ((pem->ptrace_flags & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD) && lwpinfo.pl_flags & PL_FLAG_SCX) status |= (LINUX_SIGTRAP | 0x80) << 8; if ((pem->ptrace_flags & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT) && lwpinfo.pl_flags & PL_FLAG_EXITED) status |= (LINUX_SIGTRAP | LINUX_PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT << 8) << 8; LINUX_PEM_SUNLOCK(pem); return (status); } struct linux_pt_reg { l_ulong r15; l_ulong r14; l_ulong r13; l_ulong r12; l_ulong rbp; l_ulong rbx; l_ulong r11; l_ulong r10; l_ulong r9; l_ulong r8; l_ulong rax; l_ulong rcx; l_ulong rdx; l_ulong rsi; l_ulong rdi; l_ulong orig_rax; l_ulong rip; l_ulong cs; l_ulong eflags; l_ulong rsp; l_ulong ss; }; /* * Translate amd64 ptrace registers between Linux and FreeBSD formats. * The translation is pretty straighforward, for all registers but * orig_rax on Linux side and r_trapno and r_err in FreeBSD. */ static void map_regs_to_linux(struct reg *b_reg, struct linux_pt_reg *l_reg) { l_reg->r15 = b_reg->r_r15; l_reg->r14 = b_reg->r_r14; l_reg->r13 = b_reg->r_r13; l_reg->r12 = b_reg->r_r12; l_reg->rbp = b_reg->r_rbp; l_reg->rbx = b_reg->r_rbx; l_reg->r11 = b_reg->r_r11; l_reg->r10 = b_reg->r_r10; l_reg->r9 = b_reg->r_r9; l_reg->r8 = b_reg->r_r8; l_reg->rax = b_reg->r_rax; l_reg->rcx = b_reg->r_rcx; l_reg->rdx = b_reg->r_rdx; l_reg->rsi = b_reg->r_rsi; l_reg->rdi = b_reg->r_rdi; l_reg->orig_rax = b_reg->r_rax; l_reg->rip = b_reg->r_rip; l_reg->cs = b_reg->r_cs; l_reg->eflags = b_reg->r_rflags; l_reg->rsp = b_reg->r_rsp; l_reg->ss = b_reg->r_ss; } static void map_regs_from_linux(struct reg *b_reg, struct linux_pt_reg *l_reg) { b_reg->r_r15 = l_reg->r15; b_reg->r_r14 = l_reg->r14; b_reg->r_r13 = l_reg->r13; b_reg->r_r12 = l_reg->r12; b_reg->r_r11 = l_reg->r11; b_reg->r_r10 = l_reg->r10; b_reg->r_r9 = l_reg->r9; b_reg->r_r8 = l_reg->r8; b_reg->r_rdi = l_reg->rdi; b_reg->r_rsi = l_reg->rsi; b_reg->r_rbp = l_reg->rbp; b_reg->r_rbx = l_reg->rbx; b_reg->r_rdx = l_reg->rdx; b_reg->r_rcx = l_reg->rcx; b_reg->r_rax = l_reg->rax; /* * XXX: Are zeroes the right thing to put here? */ b_reg->r_trapno = 0; b_reg->r_fs = 0; b_reg->r_gs = 0; b_reg->r_err = 0; b_reg->r_es = 0; b_reg->r_ds = 0; b_reg->r_rip = l_reg->rip; b_reg->r_cs = l_reg->cs; b_reg->r_rflags = l_reg->eflags; b_reg->r_rsp = l_reg->rsp; b_reg->r_ss = l_reg->ss; } static int linux_ptrace_peek(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data) { int error; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_READ_I, pid, addr, 0); if (error == 0) error = copyout(td->td_retval, data, sizeof(l_int)); else if (error == ENOMEM) error = EIO; td->td_retval[0] = error; return (error); } static int linux_ptrace_peekuser(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data) { linux_msg(td, "PTRACE_PEEKUSER not implemented; returning EINVAL"); return (EINVAL); } static int linux_ptrace_pokeuser(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data) { linux_msg(td, "PTRACE_POKEUSER not implemented; returning EINVAL"); return (EINVAL); } static int linux_ptrace_setoptions(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, l_ulong data) { struct linux_pemuldata *pem; int mask; mask = 0; if (data & ~LINUX_PTRACE_O_MASK) { linux_msg(td, "unknown ptrace option %lx set; " "returning EINVAL", data & ~LINUX_PTRACE_O_MASK); return (EINVAL); } pem = pem_find(td->td_proc); KASSERT(pem != NULL, ("%s: proc emuldata not found.\n", __func__)); /* * PTRACE_O_EXITKILL is ignored, we do that by default. */ LINUX_PEM_XLOCK(pem); if (data & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD) { pem->ptrace_flags |= LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD; } else { pem->ptrace_flags &= ~LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD; } LINUX_PEM_XUNLOCK(pem); if (data & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK) mask |= PTRACE_FORK; if (data & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK) mask |= PTRACE_VFORK; if (data & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE) mask |= PTRACE_VFORK; if (data & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC) mask |= PTRACE_EXEC; if (data & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE) mask |= PTRACE_VFORK; /* XXX: Close enough? */ if (data & LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT) { pem->ptrace_flags |= LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT; } else { pem->ptrace_flags &= ~LINUX_PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT; } return (kern_ptrace(td, PT_SET_EVENT_MASK, pid, &mask, sizeof(mask))); } static int linux_ptrace_getsiginfo(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, l_ulong data) { struct ptrace_lwpinfo lwpinfo; l_siginfo_t l_siginfo; int error, sig; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_LWPINFO, pid, &lwpinfo, sizeof(lwpinfo)); if (error != 0) { linux_msg(td, "PT_LWPINFO failed with error %d", error); return (error); } if ((lwpinfo.pl_flags & PL_FLAG_SI) == 0) { error = EINVAL; linux_msg(td, "no PL_FLAG_SI, returning %d", error); return (error); } sig = bsd_to_linux_signal(lwpinfo.pl_siginfo.si_signo); memset(&l_siginfo, 0, sizeof(l_siginfo)); siginfo_to_lsiginfo(&lwpinfo.pl_siginfo, &l_siginfo, sig); error = copyout(&l_siginfo, (void *)data, sizeof(l_siginfo)); return (error); } static int linux_ptrace_getregs(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, void *data) { struct ptrace_lwpinfo lwpinfo; struct reg b_reg; struct linux_pt_reg l_reg; int error; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_GETREGS, pid, &b_reg, 0); if (error != 0) return (error); map_regs_to_linux(&b_reg, &l_reg); error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_LWPINFO, pid, &lwpinfo, sizeof(lwpinfo)); if (error != 0) { linux_msg(td, "PT_LWPINFO failed with error %d", error); return (error); } if (lwpinfo.pl_flags & PL_FLAG_SCE) { /* * The strace(1) utility depends on RAX being set to -ENOSYS * on syscall entry; otherwise it loops printing those: * * [ Process PID=928 runs in 64 bit mode. ] * [ Process PID=928 runs in x32 mode. ] */ l_reg.rax = -38; /* -ENOSYS */ /* * Undo the mangling done in exception.S:fast_syscall_common(). */ l_reg.r10 = l_reg.rcx; } error = copyout(&l_reg, (void *)data, sizeof(l_reg)); return (error); } static int linux_ptrace_setregs(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, void *data) { struct reg b_reg; struct linux_pt_reg l_reg; int error; error = copyin(data, &l_reg, sizeof(l_reg)); if (error != 0) return (error); map_regs_from_linux(&b_reg, &l_reg); error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_SETREGS, pid, &b_reg, 0); return (error); } static int linux_ptrace_getregset_prstatus(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, l_ulong data) { struct ptrace_lwpinfo lwpinfo; struct reg b_reg; struct linux_pt_regset l_regset; struct iovec iov; struct pcb *pcb; size_t len; int error; error = copyin((const void *)data, &iov, sizeof(iov)); if (error != 0) { linux_msg(td, "copyin error %d", error); return (error); } error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_GETREGS, pid, &b_reg, 0); if (error != 0) return (error); pcb = td->td_pcb; if (td == curthread) update_pcb_bases(pcb); bsd_to_linux_regset(&b_reg, &l_regset); l_regset.fs_base = pcb->pcb_fsbase; l_regset.gs_base = pcb->pcb_gsbase; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_LWPINFO, pid, &lwpinfo, sizeof(lwpinfo)); if (error != 0) { linux_msg(td, "PT_LWPINFO failed with error %d", error); return (error); } if (lwpinfo.pl_flags & PL_FLAG_SCE) { /* * Undo the mangling done in exception.S:fast_syscall_common(). */ l_regset.r10 = l_regset.rcx; } if (lwpinfo.pl_flags & (PL_FLAG_SCE | PL_FLAG_SCX)) { /* * In Linux, the syscall number - passed to the syscall * as rax - is preserved in orig_rax; rax gets overwritten * with syscall return value. */ l_regset.orig_rax = lwpinfo.pl_syscall_code; } len = MIN(iov.iov_len, sizeof(l_regset)); error = copyout(&l_regset, (void *)iov.iov_base, len); if (error != 0) { linux_msg(td, "copyout error %d", error); return (error); } iov.iov_len -= len; error = copyout(&iov, (void *)data, sizeof(iov)); if (error != 0) { linux_msg(td, "iov copyout error %d", error); return (error); } return (error); } static int linux_ptrace_getregset(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, l_ulong addr, l_ulong data) { switch (addr) { case LINUX_NT_PRSTATUS: return (linux_ptrace_getregset_prstatus(td, pid, data)); default: linux_msg(td, "PTRACE_GETREGSET request %ld not implemented; " "returning EINVAL", addr); return (EINVAL); } } static int linux_ptrace_seize(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, l_ulong addr, l_ulong data) { linux_msg(td, "PTRACE_SEIZE not implemented; returning EINVAL"); return (EINVAL); } static int linux_ptrace_get_syscall_info(struct thread *td, pid_t pid, l_ulong addr, l_ulong data) { linux_msg(td, "PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO not implemented; returning EINVAL"); return (EINVAL); } int linux_ptrace(struct thread *td, struct linux_ptrace_args *uap) { void *addr; pid_t pid; int error, sig; pid = (pid_t)uap->pid; addr = (void *)uap->addr; switch (uap->req) { case LINUX_PTRACE_TRACEME: error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_TRACE_ME, 0, 0, 0); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_PEEKTEXT: case LINUX_PTRACE_PEEKDATA: error = linux_ptrace_peek(td, pid, addr, (void *)uap->data); if (error != 0) goto out; /* * Linux expects this syscall to read 64 bits, not 32. */ error = linux_ptrace_peek(td, pid, (void *)(uap->addr + 4), (void *)(uap->data + 4)); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_PEEKUSER: error = linux_ptrace_peekuser(td, pid, addr, (void *)uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_POKETEXT: case LINUX_PTRACE_POKEDATA: error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_WRITE_D, pid, addr, uap->data); if (error != 0) goto out; /* * Linux expects this syscall to write 64 bits, not 32. */ error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_WRITE_D, pid, (void *)(uap->addr + 4), uap->data >> 32); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_POKEUSER: error = linux_ptrace_pokeuser(td, pid, addr, (void *)uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_CONT: error = map_signum(uap->data, &sig); if (error != 0) break; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_CONTINUE, pid, (void *)1, sig); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_KILL: error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_KILL, pid, addr, uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_SINGLESTEP: error = map_signum(uap->data, &sig); if (error != 0) break; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_STEP, pid, (void *)1, sig); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_GETREGS: error = linux_ptrace_getregs(td, pid, (void *)uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_SETREGS: error = linux_ptrace_setregs(td, pid, (void *)uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_ATTACH: error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_ATTACH, pid, addr, uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_DETACH: error = map_signum(uap->data, &sig); if (error != 0) break; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_DETACH, pid, (void *)1, sig); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_SYSCALL: error = map_signum(uap->data, &sig); if (error != 0) break; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_SYSCALL, pid, (void *)1, sig); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_SETOPTIONS: error = linux_ptrace_setoptions(td, pid, uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_GETSIGINFO: error = linux_ptrace_getsiginfo(td, pid, uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_GETREGSET: error = linux_ptrace_getregset(td, pid, uap->addr, uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_SEIZE: error = linux_ptrace_seize(td, pid, uap->addr, uap->data); break; case LINUX_PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO: error = linux_ptrace_get_syscall_info(td, pid, uap->addr, uap->data); break; default: linux_msg(td, "ptrace(%ld, ...) not implemented; " "returning EINVAL", uap->req); error = EINVAL; break; } out: if (error == EBUSY) error = ESRCH; return (error); } diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_machdep.c b/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_machdep.c index 3a32d1eadb37..5801fac7f126 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_machdep.c +++ b/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_machdep.c @@ -1,746 +1,746 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2004 Tim J. Robbins * Copyright (c) 2002 Doug Rabson * Copyright (c) 2000 Marcel Moolenaar * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in this position and unchanged. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_compat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void bsd_to_linux_rusage(struct rusage *ru, struct l_rusage *lru); struct l_old_select_argv { l_int nfds; l_uintptr_t readfds; l_uintptr_t writefds; l_uintptr_t exceptfds; l_uintptr_t timeout; } __packed; static void bsd_to_linux_rusage(struct rusage *ru, struct l_rusage *lru) { lru->ru_utime.tv_sec = ru->ru_utime.tv_sec; lru->ru_utime.tv_usec = ru->ru_utime.tv_usec; lru->ru_stime.tv_sec = ru->ru_stime.tv_sec; lru->ru_stime.tv_usec = ru->ru_stime.tv_usec; lru->ru_maxrss = ru->ru_maxrss; lru->ru_ixrss = ru->ru_ixrss; lru->ru_idrss = ru->ru_idrss; lru->ru_isrss = ru->ru_isrss; lru->ru_minflt = ru->ru_minflt; lru->ru_majflt = ru->ru_majflt; lru->ru_nswap = ru->ru_nswap; lru->ru_inblock = ru->ru_inblock; lru->ru_oublock = ru->ru_oublock; lru->ru_msgsnd = ru->ru_msgsnd; lru->ru_msgrcv = ru->ru_msgrcv; lru->ru_nsignals = ru->ru_nsignals; lru->ru_nvcsw = ru->ru_nvcsw; lru->ru_nivcsw = ru->ru_nivcsw; } int linux_copyout_rusage(struct rusage *ru, void *uaddr) { struct l_rusage lru; bsd_to_linux_rusage(ru, &lru); return (copyout(&lru, uaddr, sizeof(struct l_rusage))); } int linux_execve(struct thread *td, struct linux_execve_args *args) { struct image_args eargs; char *path; int error; LCONVPATHEXIST(td, args->path, &path); error = freebsd32_exec_copyin_args(&eargs, path, UIO_SYSSPACE, args->argp, args->envp); free(path, M_TEMP); if (error == 0) error = linux_common_execve(td, &eargs); AUDIT_SYSCALL_EXIT(error == EJUSTRETURN ? 0 : error, td); return (error); } CTASSERT(sizeof(struct l_iovec32) == 8); int linux32_copyinuio(struct l_iovec32 *iovp, l_ulong iovcnt, struct uio **uiop) { struct l_iovec32 iov32; struct iovec *iov; struct uio *uio; uint32_t iovlen; int error, i; *uiop = NULL; if (iovcnt > UIO_MAXIOV) return (EINVAL); iovlen = iovcnt * sizeof(struct iovec); uio = malloc(iovlen + sizeof(*uio), M_IOV, M_WAITOK); iov = (struct iovec *)(uio + 1); for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { error = copyin(&iovp[i], &iov32, sizeof(struct l_iovec32)); if (error) { free(uio, M_IOV); return (error); } iov[i].iov_base = PTRIN(iov32.iov_base); iov[i].iov_len = iov32.iov_len; } uio->uio_iov = iov; uio->uio_iovcnt = iovcnt; uio->uio_segflg = UIO_USERSPACE; uio->uio_offset = -1; uio->uio_resid = 0; for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { if (iov->iov_len > INT_MAX - uio->uio_resid) { free(uio, M_IOV); return (EINVAL); } uio->uio_resid += iov->iov_len; iov++; } *uiop = uio; return (0); } int linux32_copyiniov(struct l_iovec32 *iovp32, l_ulong iovcnt, struct iovec **iovp, int error) { struct l_iovec32 iov32; struct iovec *iov; uint32_t iovlen; int i; *iovp = NULL; if (iovcnt > UIO_MAXIOV) return (error); iovlen = iovcnt * sizeof(struct iovec); iov = malloc(iovlen, M_IOV, M_WAITOK); for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { error = copyin(&iovp32[i], &iov32, sizeof(struct l_iovec32)); if (error) { free(iov, M_IOV); return (error); } iov[i].iov_base = PTRIN(iov32.iov_base); iov[i].iov_len = iov32.iov_len; } *iovp = iov; return(0); } int linux_readv(struct thread *td, struct linux_readv_args *uap) { struct uio *auio; int error; error = linux32_copyinuio(uap->iovp, uap->iovcnt, &auio); if (error) return (error); error = kern_readv(td, uap->fd, auio); free(auio, M_IOV); return (error); } int linux_writev(struct thread *td, struct linux_writev_args *uap) { struct uio *auio; int error; error = linux32_copyinuio(uap->iovp, uap->iovcnt, &auio); if (error) return (error); error = kern_writev(td, uap->fd, auio); free(auio, M_IOV); return (error); } struct l_ipc_kludge { l_uintptr_t msgp; l_long msgtyp; } __packed; int linux_ipc(struct thread *td, struct linux_ipc_args *args) { switch (args->what & 0xFFFF) { case LINUX_SEMOP: { struct linux_semop_args a; a.semid = args->arg1; a.tsops = PTRIN(args->ptr); a.nsops = args->arg2; return (linux_semop(td, &a)); } case LINUX_SEMGET: { struct linux_semget_args a; a.key = args->arg1; a.nsems = args->arg2; a.semflg = args->arg3; return (linux_semget(td, &a)); } case LINUX_SEMCTL: { struct linux_semctl_args a; int error; a.semid = args->arg1; a.semnum = args->arg2; a.cmd = args->arg3; error = copyin(PTRIN(args->ptr), &a.arg, sizeof(a.arg)); if (error) return (error); return (linux_semctl(td, &a)); } case LINUX_MSGSND: { struct linux_msgsnd_args a; a.msqid = args->arg1; a.msgp = PTRIN(args->ptr); a.msgsz = args->arg2; a.msgflg = args->arg3; return (linux_msgsnd(td, &a)); } case LINUX_MSGRCV: { struct linux_msgrcv_args a; a.msqid = args->arg1; a.msgsz = args->arg2; a.msgflg = args->arg3; if ((args->what >> 16) == 0) { struct l_ipc_kludge tmp; int error; if (args->ptr == 0) return (EINVAL); error = copyin(PTRIN(args->ptr), &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (error) return (error); a.msgp = PTRIN(tmp.msgp); a.msgtyp = tmp.msgtyp; } else { a.msgp = PTRIN(args->ptr); a.msgtyp = args->arg5; } return (linux_msgrcv(td, &a)); } case LINUX_MSGGET: { struct linux_msgget_args a; a.key = args->arg1; a.msgflg = args->arg2; return (linux_msgget(td, &a)); } case LINUX_MSGCTL: { struct linux_msgctl_args a; a.msqid = args->arg1; a.cmd = args->arg2; a.buf = PTRIN(args->ptr); return (linux_msgctl(td, &a)); } case LINUX_SHMAT: { struct linux_shmat_args a; l_uintptr_t addr; int error; a.shmid = args->arg1; a.shmaddr = PTRIN(args->ptr); a.shmflg = args->arg2; error = linux_shmat(td, &a); if (error != 0) return (error); addr = td->td_retval[0]; error = copyout(&addr, PTRIN(args->arg3), sizeof(addr)); td->td_retval[0] = 0; return (error); } case LINUX_SHMDT: { struct linux_shmdt_args a; a.shmaddr = PTRIN(args->ptr); return (linux_shmdt(td, &a)); } case LINUX_SHMGET: { struct linux_shmget_args a; a.key = args->arg1; a.size = args->arg2; a.shmflg = args->arg3; return (linux_shmget(td, &a)); } case LINUX_SHMCTL: { struct linux_shmctl_args a; a.shmid = args->arg1; a.cmd = args->arg2; a.buf = PTRIN(args->ptr); return (linux_shmctl(td, &a)); } default: break; } return (EINVAL); } int linux_old_select(struct thread *td, struct linux_old_select_args *args) { struct l_old_select_argv linux_args; struct linux_select_args newsel; int error; error = copyin(args->ptr, &linux_args, sizeof(linux_args)); if (error) return (error); newsel.nfds = linux_args.nfds; newsel.readfds = PTRIN(linux_args.readfds); newsel.writefds = PTRIN(linux_args.writefds); newsel.exceptfds = PTRIN(linux_args.exceptfds); newsel.timeout = PTRIN(linux_args.timeout); return (linux_select(td, &newsel)); } int linux_set_cloned_tls(struct thread *td, void *desc) { struct l_user_desc info; struct pcb *pcb; int error; error = copyin(desc, &info, sizeof(struct l_user_desc)); if (error) { linux_msg(td, "set_cloned_tls copyin info failed!"); } else { /* We might copy out the entry_number as GUGS32_SEL. */ info.entry_number = GUGS32_SEL; error = copyout(&info, desc, sizeof(struct l_user_desc)); if (error) linux_msg(td, "set_cloned_tls copyout info failed!"); pcb = td->td_pcb; update_pcb_bases(pcb); pcb->pcb_gsbase = (register_t)info.base_addr; td->td_frame->tf_gs = GSEL(GUGS32_SEL, SEL_UPL); } return (error); } int linux_set_upcall(struct thread *td, register_t stack) { if (stack) td->td_frame->tf_rsp = stack; /* * The newly created Linux thread returns * to the user space by the same path that a parent do. */ td->td_frame->tf_rax = 0; return (0); } int linux_mmap2(struct thread *td, struct linux_mmap2_args *args) { return (linux_mmap_common(td, PTROUT(args->addr), args->len, args->prot, args->flags, args->fd, (uint64_t)(uint32_t)args->pgoff * PAGE_SIZE)); } int linux_mmap(struct thread *td, struct linux_mmap_args *args) { int error; struct l_mmap_argv linux_args; error = copyin(args->ptr, &linux_args, sizeof(linux_args)); if (error) return (error); return (linux_mmap_common(td, linux_args.addr, linux_args.len, linux_args.prot, linux_args.flags, linux_args.fd, (uint32_t)linux_args.pgoff)); } int linux_mprotect(struct thread *td, struct linux_mprotect_args *uap) { return (linux_mprotect_common(td, PTROUT(uap->addr), uap->len, uap->prot)); } int linux_madvise(struct thread *td, struct linux_madvise_args *uap) { return (linux_madvise_common(td, PTROUT(uap->addr), uap->len, uap->behav)); } int linux_iopl(struct thread *td, struct linux_iopl_args *args) { int error; if (args->level < 0 || args->level > 3) return (EINVAL); if ((error = priv_check(td, PRIV_IO)) != 0) return (error); if ((error = securelevel_gt(td->td_ucred, 0)) != 0) return (error); td->td_frame->tf_rflags = (td->td_frame->tf_rflags & ~PSL_IOPL) | (args->level * (PSL_IOPL / 3)); return (0); } int linux_sigaction(struct thread *td, struct linux_sigaction_args *args) { l_osigaction_t osa; l_sigaction_t act, oact; int error; if (args->nsa != NULL) { error = copyin(args->nsa, &osa, sizeof(l_osigaction_t)); if (error) return (error); act.lsa_handler = osa.lsa_handler; act.lsa_flags = osa.lsa_flags; act.lsa_restorer = osa.lsa_restorer; LINUX_SIGEMPTYSET(act.lsa_mask); act.lsa_mask.__mask = osa.lsa_mask; } error = linux_do_sigaction(td, args->sig, args->nsa ? &act : NULL, args->osa ? &oact : NULL); if (args->osa != NULL && !error) { osa.lsa_handler = oact.lsa_handler; osa.lsa_flags = oact.lsa_flags; osa.lsa_restorer = oact.lsa_restorer; osa.lsa_mask = oact.lsa_mask.__mask; error = copyout(&osa, args->osa, sizeof(l_osigaction_t)); } return (error); } /* * Linux has two extra args, restart and oldmask. We don't use these, * but it seems that "restart" is actually a context pointer that * enables the signal to happen with a different register set. */ int linux_sigsuspend(struct thread *td, struct linux_sigsuspend_args *args) { sigset_t sigmask; l_sigset_t mask; LINUX_SIGEMPTYSET(mask); mask.__mask = args->mask; linux_to_bsd_sigset(&mask, &sigmask); return (kern_sigsuspend(td, sigmask)); } int linux_pause(struct thread *td, struct linux_pause_args *args) { struct proc *p = td->td_proc; sigset_t sigmask; PROC_LOCK(p); sigmask = td->td_sigmask; PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (kern_sigsuspend(td, sigmask)); } int linux_gettimeofday(struct thread *td, struct linux_gettimeofday_args *uap) { struct timeval atv; l_timeval atv32; struct timezone rtz; int error = 0; if (uap->tp) { microtime(&atv); atv32.tv_sec = atv.tv_sec; atv32.tv_usec = atv.tv_usec; error = copyout(&atv32, uap->tp, sizeof(atv32)); } if (error == 0 && uap->tzp != NULL) { rtz.tz_minuteswest = 0; rtz.tz_dsttime = 0; error = copyout(&rtz, uap->tzp, sizeof(rtz)); } return (error); } int linux_settimeofday(struct thread *td, struct linux_settimeofday_args *uap) { l_timeval atv32; struct timeval atv, *tvp; struct timezone atz, *tzp; int error; if (uap->tp) { error = copyin(uap->tp, &atv32, sizeof(atv32)); if (error) return (error); atv.tv_sec = atv32.tv_sec; atv.tv_usec = atv32.tv_usec; tvp = &atv; } else tvp = NULL; if (uap->tzp) { error = copyin(uap->tzp, &atz, sizeof(atz)); if (error) return (error); tzp = &atz; } else tzp = NULL; return (kern_settimeofday(td, tvp, tzp)); } int linux_getrusage(struct thread *td, struct linux_getrusage_args *uap) { struct rusage s; int error; error = kern_getrusage(td, uap->who, &s); if (error != 0) return (error); if (uap->rusage != NULL) error = linux_copyout_rusage(&s, uap->rusage); return (error); } int linux_set_thread_area(struct thread *td, struct linux_set_thread_area_args *args) { struct l_user_desc info; struct pcb *pcb; int error; error = copyin(args->desc, &info, sizeof(struct l_user_desc)); if (error) return (error); /* * Semantics of Linux version: every thread in the system has array * of three TLS descriptors. 1st is GLIBC TLS, 2nd is WINE, 3rd unknown. * This syscall loads one of the selected TLS decriptors with a value * and also loads GDT descriptors 6, 7 and 8 with the content of * the per-thread descriptors. * * Semantics of FreeBSD version: I think we can ignore that Linux has * three per-thread descriptors and use just the first one. * The tls_array[] is used only in [gs]et_thread_area() syscalls and * for loading the GDT descriptors. We use just one GDT descriptor * for TLS, so we will load just one. * * XXX: This doesn't work when a user space process tries to use more * than one TLS segment. Comment in the Linux source says wine might * do this. */ /* * GLIBC reads current %gs and call set_thread_area() with it. * We should let GUDATA_SEL and GUGS32_SEL proceed as well because * we use these segments. */ switch (info.entry_number) { case GUGS32_SEL: case GUDATA_SEL: case 6: case -1: info.entry_number = GUGS32_SEL; break; default: return (EINVAL); } /* * We have to copy out the GDT entry we use. * * XXX: What if a user space program does not check the return value * and tries to use 6, 7 or 8? */ error = copyout(&info, args->desc, sizeof(struct l_user_desc)); if (error) return (error); pcb = td->td_pcb; update_pcb_bases(pcb); pcb->pcb_gsbase = (register_t)info.base_addr; update_gdt_gsbase(td, info.base_addr); return (0); } void bsd_to_linux_regset32(struct reg32 *b_reg, struct linux_pt_regset32 *l_regset) { l_regset->ebx = b_reg->r_ebx; l_regset->ecx = b_reg->r_ecx; l_regset->edx = b_reg->r_edx; l_regset->esi = b_reg->r_esi; l_regset->edi = b_reg->r_edi; l_regset->ebp = b_reg->r_ebp; l_regset->eax = b_reg->r_eax; l_regset->ds = b_reg->r_ds; l_regset->es = b_reg->r_es; l_regset->fs = b_reg->r_fs; l_regset->gs = b_reg->r_gs; l_regset->orig_eax = b_reg->r_eax; l_regset->eip = b_reg->r_eip; l_regset->cs = b_reg->r_cs; l_regset->eflags = b_reg->r_eflags; l_regset->esp = b_reg->r_esp; l_regset->ss = b_reg->r_ss; } int futex_xchgl_nosmap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); int futex_xchgl_smap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); DEFINE_IFUNC(, int, futex_xchgl, (int, uint32_t *, int *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? futex_xchgl_smap : futex_xchgl_nosmap); } int futex_addl_nosmap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); int futex_addl_smap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); DEFINE_IFUNC(, int, futex_addl, (int, uint32_t *, int *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? futex_addl_smap : futex_addl_nosmap); } int futex_orl_nosmap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); int futex_orl_smap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); DEFINE_IFUNC(, int, futex_orl, (int, uint32_t *, int *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? futex_orl_smap : futex_orl_nosmap); } int futex_andl_nosmap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); int futex_andl_smap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); DEFINE_IFUNC(, int, futex_andl, (int, uint32_t *, int *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? futex_andl_smap : futex_andl_nosmap); } int futex_xorl_nosmap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); int futex_xorl_smap(int oparg, uint32_t *uaddr, int *oldval); DEFINE_IFUNC(, int, futex_xorl, (int, uint32_t *, int *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? futex_xorl_smap : futex_xorl_nosmap); } diff --git a/sys/amd64/vmm/amd/svm.c b/sys/amd64/vmm/amd/svm.c index 0348c3335409..fbf11ec84084 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/vmm/amd/svm.c +++ b/sys/amd64/vmm/amd/svm.c @@ -1,2722 +1,2722 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2013, Anish Gupta (akgupt3@gmail.com) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice unmodified, this list of conditions, and the following * disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_bhyve_snapshot.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vmm_lapic.h" #include "vmm_stat.h" #include "vmm_ktr.h" #include "vmm_ioport.h" #include "vatpic.h" #include "vlapic.h" #include "vlapic_priv.h" #include "x86.h" #include "vmcb.h" #include "svm.h" #include "svm_softc.h" #include "svm_msr.h" #include "npt.h" SYSCTL_DECL(_hw_vmm); SYSCTL_NODE(_hw_vmm, OID_AUTO, svm, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, NULL); /* * SVM CPUID function 0x8000_000A, edx bit decoding. */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_NP BIT(0) /* Nested paging or RVI */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_LBR BIT(1) /* Last branch virtualization */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_SVML BIT(2) /* SVM lock */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_NRIP_SAVE BIT(3) /* Next RIP is saved */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_TSC_RATE BIT(4) /* TSC rate control. */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_VMCB_CLEAN BIT(5) /* VMCB state caching */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_FLUSH_BY_ASID BIT(6) /* Flush by ASID */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_DECODE_ASSIST BIT(7) /* Decode assist */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_PAUSE_INC BIT(10) /* Pause intercept filter. */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_PAUSE_FTH BIT(12) /* Pause filter threshold */ #define AMD_CPUID_SVM_AVIC BIT(13) /* AVIC present */ #define VMCB_CACHE_DEFAULT (VMCB_CACHE_ASID | \ VMCB_CACHE_IOPM | \ VMCB_CACHE_I | \ VMCB_CACHE_TPR | \ VMCB_CACHE_CR2 | \ VMCB_CACHE_CR | \ VMCB_CACHE_DR | \ VMCB_CACHE_DT | \ VMCB_CACHE_SEG | \ VMCB_CACHE_NP) static uint32_t vmcb_clean = VMCB_CACHE_DEFAULT; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_svm, OID_AUTO, vmcb_clean, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &vmcb_clean, 0, NULL); static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_SVM, "svm", "svm"); static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_SVM_VLAPIC, "svm-vlapic", "svm-vlapic"); static uint32_t svm_feature = ~0U; /* AMD SVM features. */ SYSCTL_UINT(_hw_vmm_svm, OID_AUTO, features, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &svm_feature, 0, "SVM features advertised by CPUID.8000000AH:EDX"); static int disable_npf_assist; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_svm, OID_AUTO, disable_npf_assist, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &disable_npf_assist, 0, NULL); /* Maximum ASIDs supported by the processor */ static uint32_t nasid; SYSCTL_UINT(_hw_vmm_svm, OID_AUTO, num_asids, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &nasid, 0, "Number of ASIDs supported by this processor"); /* Current ASID generation for each host cpu */ static struct asid asid[MAXCPU]; /* * SVM host state saved area of size 4KB for each core. */ static uint8_t hsave[MAXCPU][PAGE_SIZE] __aligned(PAGE_SIZE); static VMM_STAT_AMD(VCPU_EXITINTINFO, "VM exits during event delivery"); static VMM_STAT_AMD(VCPU_INTINFO_INJECTED, "Events pending at VM entry"); static VMM_STAT_AMD(VMEXIT_VINTR, "VM exits due to interrupt window"); static int svm_getdesc(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *desc); static int svm_setreg(void *arg, int vcpu, int ident, uint64_t val); static __inline int flush_by_asid(void) { return (svm_feature & AMD_CPUID_SVM_FLUSH_BY_ASID); } static __inline int decode_assist(void) { return (svm_feature & AMD_CPUID_SVM_DECODE_ASSIST); } static void svm_disable(void *arg __unused) { uint64_t efer; efer = rdmsr(MSR_EFER); efer &= ~EFER_SVM; wrmsr(MSR_EFER, efer); } /* * Disable SVM on all CPUs. */ static int svm_modcleanup(void) { smp_rendezvous(NULL, svm_disable, NULL, NULL); return (0); } /* * Verify that all the features required by bhyve are available. */ static int check_svm_features(void) { u_int regs[4]; /* CPUID Fn8000_000A is for SVM */ do_cpuid(0x8000000A, regs); svm_feature &= regs[3]; /* * The number of ASIDs can be configured to be less than what is * supported by the hardware but not more. */ if (nasid == 0 || nasid > regs[1]) nasid = regs[1]; KASSERT(nasid > 1, ("Insufficient ASIDs for guests: %#x", nasid)); /* bhyve requires the Nested Paging feature */ if (!(svm_feature & AMD_CPUID_SVM_NP)) { printf("SVM: Nested Paging feature not available.\n"); return (ENXIO); } /* bhyve requires the NRIP Save feature */ if (!(svm_feature & AMD_CPUID_SVM_NRIP_SAVE)) { printf("SVM: NRIP Save feature not available.\n"); return (ENXIO); } return (0); } static void svm_enable(void *arg __unused) { uint64_t efer; efer = rdmsr(MSR_EFER); efer |= EFER_SVM; wrmsr(MSR_EFER, efer); wrmsr(MSR_VM_HSAVE_PA, vtophys(hsave[curcpu])); } /* * Return 1 if SVM is enabled on this processor and 0 otherwise. */ static int svm_available(void) { uint64_t msr; /* Section 15.4 Enabling SVM from APM2. */ if ((amd_feature2 & AMDID2_SVM) == 0) { printf("SVM: not available.\n"); return (0); } msr = rdmsr(MSR_VM_CR); if ((msr & VM_CR_SVMDIS) != 0) { printf("SVM: disabled by BIOS.\n"); return (0); } return (1); } static int svm_modinit(int ipinum) { int error, cpu; if (!svm_available()) return (ENXIO); error = check_svm_features(); if (error) return (error); vmcb_clean &= VMCB_CACHE_DEFAULT; for (cpu = 0; cpu < MAXCPU; cpu++) { /* * Initialize the host ASIDs to their "highest" valid values. * * The next ASID allocation will rollover both 'gen' and 'num' * and start off the sequence at {1,1}. */ asid[cpu].gen = ~0UL; asid[cpu].num = nasid - 1; } svm_msr_init(); svm_npt_init(ipinum); /* Enable SVM on all CPUs */ smp_rendezvous(NULL, svm_enable, NULL, NULL); return (0); } static void svm_modresume(void) { svm_enable(NULL); } #ifdef BHYVE_SNAPSHOT int svm_set_tsc_offset(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, uint64_t offset) { int error; struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); ctrl->tsc_offset = offset; svm_set_dirty(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CACHE_I); VCPU_CTR1(sc->vm, vcpu, "tsc offset changed to %#lx", offset); error = vm_set_tsc_offset(sc->vm, vcpu, offset); return (error); } #endif /* Pentium compatible MSRs */ #define MSR_PENTIUM_START 0 #define MSR_PENTIUM_END 0x1FFF /* AMD 6th generation and Intel compatible MSRs */ #define MSR_AMD6TH_START 0xC0000000UL #define MSR_AMD6TH_END 0xC0001FFFUL /* AMD 7th and 8th generation compatible MSRs */ #define MSR_AMD7TH_START 0xC0010000UL #define MSR_AMD7TH_END 0xC0011FFFUL /* * Get the index and bit position for a MSR in permission bitmap. * Two bits are used for each MSR: lower bit for read and higher bit for write. */ static int svm_msr_index(uint64_t msr, int *index, int *bit) { uint32_t base, off; *index = -1; *bit = (msr % 4) * 2; base = 0; if (msr >= MSR_PENTIUM_START && msr <= MSR_PENTIUM_END) { *index = msr / 4; return (0); } base += (MSR_PENTIUM_END - MSR_PENTIUM_START + 1); if (msr >= MSR_AMD6TH_START && msr <= MSR_AMD6TH_END) { off = (msr - MSR_AMD6TH_START); *index = (off + base) / 4; return (0); } base += (MSR_AMD6TH_END - MSR_AMD6TH_START + 1); if (msr >= MSR_AMD7TH_START && msr <= MSR_AMD7TH_END) { off = (msr - MSR_AMD7TH_START); *index = (off + base) / 4; return (0); } return (EINVAL); } /* * Allow vcpu to read or write the 'msr' without trapping into the hypervisor. */ static void svm_msr_perm(uint8_t *perm_bitmap, uint64_t msr, bool read, bool write) { int index, bit, error; error = svm_msr_index(msr, &index, &bit); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: invalid msr %#lx", __func__, msr)); KASSERT(index >= 0 && index < SVM_MSR_BITMAP_SIZE, ("%s: invalid index %d for msr %#lx", __func__, index, msr)); KASSERT(bit >= 0 && bit <= 6, ("%s: invalid bit position %d " "msr %#lx", __func__, bit, msr)); if (read) perm_bitmap[index] &= ~(1UL << bit); if (write) perm_bitmap[index] &= ~(2UL << bit); } static void svm_msr_rw_ok(uint8_t *perm_bitmap, uint64_t msr) { svm_msr_perm(perm_bitmap, msr, true, true); } static void svm_msr_rd_ok(uint8_t *perm_bitmap, uint64_t msr) { svm_msr_perm(perm_bitmap, msr, true, false); } static __inline int svm_get_intercept(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, int idx, uint32_t bitmask) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; KASSERT(idx >=0 && idx < 5, ("invalid intercept index %d", idx)); ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); return (ctrl->intercept[idx] & bitmask ? 1 : 0); } static __inline void svm_set_intercept(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, int idx, uint32_t bitmask, int enabled) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; uint32_t oldval; KASSERT(idx >=0 && idx < 5, ("invalid intercept index %d", idx)); ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); oldval = ctrl->intercept[idx]; if (enabled) ctrl->intercept[idx] |= bitmask; else ctrl->intercept[idx] &= ~bitmask; if (ctrl->intercept[idx] != oldval) { svm_set_dirty(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CACHE_I); VCPU_CTR3(sc->vm, vcpu, "intercept[%d] modified " "from %#x to %#x", idx, oldval, ctrl->intercept[idx]); } } static __inline void svm_disable_intercept(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, int off, uint32_t bitmask) { svm_set_intercept(sc, vcpu, off, bitmask, 0); } static __inline void svm_enable_intercept(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, int off, uint32_t bitmask) { svm_set_intercept(sc, vcpu, off, bitmask, 1); } static void vmcb_init(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, uint64_t iopm_base_pa, uint64_t msrpm_base_pa, uint64_t np_pml4) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; struct vmcb_state *state; uint32_t mask; int n; ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); state = svm_get_vmcb_state(sc, vcpu); ctrl->iopm_base_pa = iopm_base_pa; ctrl->msrpm_base_pa = msrpm_base_pa; /* Enable nested paging */ ctrl->np_enable = 1; ctrl->n_cr3 = np_pml4; /* * Intercept accesses to the control registers that are not shadowed * in the VMCB - i.e. all except cr0, cr2, cr3, cr4 and cr8. */ for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) { mask = (BIT(n) << 16) | BIT(n); if (n == 0 || n == 2 || n == 3 || n == 4 || n == 8) svm_disable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CR_INTCPT, mask); else svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CR_INTCPT, mask); } /* * Intercept everything when tracing guest exceptions otherwise * just intercept machine check exception. */ if (vcpu_trace_exceptions(sc->vm, vcpu)) { for (n = 0; n < 32; n++) { /* * Skip unimplemented vectors in the exception bitmap. */ if (n == 2 || n == 9) { continue; } svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_EXC_INTCPT, BIT(n)); } } else { svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_EXC_INTCPT, BIT(IDT_MC)); } /* Intercept various events (for e.g. I/O, MSR and CPUID accesses) */ svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_IO); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_MSR); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_CPUID); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_INTR); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_INIT); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_NMI); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_SMI); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_SHUTDOWN); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_FERR_FREEZE); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_INVD); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_INVLPGA); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_MONITOR); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_MWAIT); /* * Intercept SVM instructions since AMD enables them in guests otherwise. * Non-intercepted VMMCALL causes #UD, skip it. */ svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_VMLOAD); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_VMSAVE); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_STGI); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_CLGI); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_SKINIT); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_ICEBP); /* * From section "Canonicalization and Consistency Checks" in APMv2 * the VMRUN intercept bit must be set to pass the consistency check. */ svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL2_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_VMRUN); /* * The ASID will be set to a non-zero value just before VMRUN. */ ctrl->asid = 0; /* * Section 15.21.1, Interrupt Masking in EFLAGS * Section 15.21.2, Virtualizing APIC.TPR * * This must be set for %rflag and %cr8 isolation of guest and host. */ ctrl->v_intr_masking = 1; /* Enable Last Branch Record aka LBR for debugging */ ctrl->lbr_virt_en = 1; state->dbgctl = BIT(0); /* EFER_SVM must always be set when the guest is executing */ state->efer = EFER_SVM; /* Set up the PAT to power-on state */ state->g_pat = PAT_VALUE(0, PAT_WRITE_BACK) | PAT_VALUE(1, PAT_WRITE_THROUGH) | PAT_VALUE(2, PAT_UNCACHED) | PAT_VALUE(3, PAT_UNCACHEABLE) | PAT_VALUE(4, PAT_WRITE_BACK) | PAT_VALUE(5, PAT_WRITE_THROUGH) | PAT_VALUE(6, PAT_UNCACHED) | PAT_VALUE(7, PAT_UNCACHEABLE); /* Set up DR6/7 to power-on state */ state->dr6 = DBREG_DR6_RESERVED1; state->dr7 = DBREG_DR7_RESERVED1; } /* * Initialize a virtual machine. */ static void * svm_init(struct vm *vm, pmap_t pmap) { struct svm_softc *svm_sc; struct svm_vcpu *vcpu; vm_paddr_t msrpm_pa, iopm_pa, pml4_pa; int i; uint16_t maxcpus; svm_sc = malloc(sizeof (*svm_sc), M_SVM, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (((uintptr_t)svm_sc & PAGE_MASK) != 0) panic("malloc of svm_softc not aligned on page boundary"); svm_sc->msr_bitmap = contigmalloc(SVM_MSR_BITMAP_SIZE, M_SVM, M_WAITOK, 0, ~(vm_paddr_t)0, PAGE_SIZE, 0); if (svm_sc->msr_bitmap == NULL) panic("contigmalloc of SVM MSR bitmap failed"); svm_sc->iopm_bitmap = contigmalloc(SVM_IO_BITMAP_SIZE, M_SVM, M_WAITOK, 0, ~(vm_paddr_t)0, PAGE_SIZE, 0); if (svm_sc->iopm_bitmap == NULL) panic("contigmalloc of SVM IO bitmap failed"); svm_sc->vm = vm; svm_sc->nptp = (vm_offset_t)vtophys(pmap->pm_pmltop); /* * Intercept read and write accesses to all MSRs. */ memset(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, 0xFF, SVM_MSR_BITMAP_SIZE); /* * Access to the following MSRs is redirected to the VMCB when the * guest is executing. Therefore it is safe to allow the guest to * read/write these MSRs directly without hypervisor involvement. */ svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_GSBASE); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_FSBASE); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_KGSBASE); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_STAR); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_LSTAR); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_CSTAR); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_SF_MASK); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_SYSENTER_CS_MSR); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_SYSENTER_ESP_MSR); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_SYSENTER_EIP_MSR); svm_msr_rw_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_PAT); svm_msr_rd_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_TSC); /* * Intercept writes to make sure that the EFER_SVM bit is not cleared. */ svm_msr_rd_ok(svm_sc->msr_bitmap, MSR_EFER); /* Intercept access to all I/O ports. */ memset(svm_sc->iopm_bitmap, 0xFF, SVM_IO_BITMAP_SIZE); iopm_pa = vtophys(svm_sc->iopm_bitmap); msrpm_pa = vtophys(svm_sc->msr_bitmap); pml4_pa = svm_sc->nptp; maxcpus = vm_get_maxcpus(svm_sc->vm); for (i = 0; i < maxcpus; i++) { vcpu = svm_get_vcpu(svm_sc, i); vcpu->nextrip = ~0; vcpu->lastcpu = NOCPU; vcpu->vmcb_pa = vtophys(&vcpu->vmcb); vmcb_init(svm_sc, i, iopm_pa, msrpm_pa, pml4_pa); svm_msr_guest_init(svm_sc, i); } return (svm_sc); } /* * Collateral for a generic SVM VM-exit. */ static void vm_exit_svm(struct vm_exit *vme, uint64_t code, uint64_t info1, uint64_t info2) { vme->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_SVM; vme->u.svm.exitcode = code; vme->u.svm.exitinfo1 = info1; vme->u.svm.exitinfo2 = info2; } static int svm_cpl(struct vmcb_state *state) { /* * From APMv2: * "Retrieve the CPL from the CPL field in the VMCB, not * from any segment DPL" */ return (state->cpl); } static enum vm_cpu_mode svm_vcpu_mode(struct vmcb *vmcb) { struct vmcb_segment seg; struct vmcb_state *state; int error; state = &vmcb->state; if (state->efer & EFER_LMA) { error = vmcb_seg(vmcb, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, &seg); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vmcb_seg(cs) error %d", __func__, error)); /* * Section 4.8.1 for APM2, check if Code Segment has * Long attribute set in descriptor. */ if (seg.attrib & VMCB_CS_ATTRIB_L) return (CPU_MODE_64BIT); else return (CPU_MODE_COMPATIBILITY); } else if (state->cr0 & CR0_PE) { return (CPU_MODE_PROTECTED); } else { return (CPU_MODE_REAL); } } static enum vm_paging_mode svm_paging_mode(uint64_t cr0, uint64_t cr4, uint64_t efer) { if ((cr0 & CR0_PG) == 0) return (PAGING_MODE_FLAT); if ((cr4 & CR4_PAE) == 0) return (PAGING_MODE_32); if (efer & EFER_LME) return (PAGING_MODE_64); else return (PAGING_MODE_PAE); } /* * ins/outs utility routines */ static uint64_t svm_inout_str_index(struct svm_regctx *regs, int in) { uint64_t val; val = in ? regs->sctx_rdi : regs->sctx_rsi; return (val); } static uint64_t svm_inout_str_count(struct svm_regctx *regs, int rep) { uint64_t val; val = rep ? regs->sctx_rcx : 1; return (val); } static void svm_inout_str_seginfo(struct svm_softc *svm_sc, int vcpu, int64_t info1, int in, struct vm_inout_str *vis) { int error, s; if (in) { vis->seg_name = VM_REG_GUEST_ES; } else { /* The segment field has standard encoding */ s = (info1 >> 10) & 0x7; vis->seg_name = vm_segment_name(s); } error = svm_getdesc(svm_sc, vcpu, vis->seg_name, &vis->seg_desc); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: svm_getdesc error %d", __func__, error)); } static int svm_inout_str_addrsize(uint64_t info1) { uint32_t size; size = (info1 >> 7) & 0x7; switch (size) { case 1: return (2); /* 16 bit */ case 2: return (4); /* 32 bit */ case 4: return (8); /* 64 bit */ default: panic("%s: invalid size encoding %d", __func__, size); } } static void svm_paging_info(struct vmcb *vmcb, struct vm_guest_paging *paging) { struct vmcb_state *state; state = &vmcb->state; paging->cr3 = state->cr3; paging->cpl = svm_cpl(state); paging->cpu_mode = svm_vcpu_mode(vmcb); paging->paging_mode = svm_paging_mode(state->cr0, state->cr4, state->efer); } #define UNHANDLED 0 /* * Handle guest I/O intercept. */ static int svm_handle_io(struct svm_softc *svm_sc, int vcpu, struct vm_exit *vmexit) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; struct vmcb_state *state; struct svm_regctx *regs; struct vm_inout_str *vis; uint64_t info1; int inout_string; state = svm_get_vmcb_state(svm_sc, vcpu); ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(svm_sc, vcpu); regs = svm_get_guest_regctx(svm_sc, vcpu); info1 = ctrl->exitinfo1; inout_string = info1 & BIT(2) ? 1 : 0; /* * The effective segment number in EXITINFO1[12:10] is populated * only if the processor has the DecodeAssist capability. * * XXX this is not specified explicitly in APMv2 but can be verified * empirically. */ if (inout_string && !decode_assist()) return (UNHANDLED); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_INOUT; vmexit->u.inout.in = (info1 & BIT(0)) ? 1 : 0; vmexit->u.inout.string = inout_string; vmexit->u.inout.rep = (info1 & BIT(3)) ? 1 : 0; vmexit->u.inout.bytes = (info1 >> 4) & 0x7; vmexit->u.inout.port = (uint16_t)(info1 >> 16); vmexit->u.inout.eax = (uint32_t)(state->rax); if (inout_string) { vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_INOUT_STR; vis = &vmexit->u.inout_str; svm_paging_info(svm_get_vmcb(svm_sc, vcpu), &vis->paging); vis->rflags = state->rflags; vis->cr0 = state->cr0; vis->index = svm_inout_str_index(regs, vmexit->u.inout.in); vis->count = svm_inout_str_count(regs, vmexit->u.inout.rep); vis->addrsize = svm_inout_str_addrsize(info1); svm_inout_str_seginfo(svm_sc, vcpu, info1, vmexit->u.inout.in, vis); } return (UNHANDLED); } static int npf_fault_type(uint64_t exitinfo1) { if (exitinfo1 & VMCB_NPF_INFO1_W) return (VM_PROT_WRITE); else if (exitinfo1 & VMCB_NPF_INFO1_ID) return (VM_PROT_EXECUTE); else return (VM_PROT_READ); } static bool svm_npf_emul_fault(uint64_t exitinfo1) { if (exitinfo1 & VMCB_NPF_INFO1_ID) { return (false); } if (exitinfo1 & VMCB_NPF_INFO1_GPT) { return (false); } if ((exitinfo1 & VMCB_NPF_INFO1_GPA) == 0) { return (false); } return (true); } static void svm_handle_inst_emul(struct vmcb *vmcb, uint64_t gpa, struct vm_exit *vmexit) { struct vm_guest_paging *paging; struct vmcb_segment seg; struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; char *inst_bytes; int error, inst_len; ctrl = &vmcb->ctrl; paging = &vmexit->u.inst_emul.paging; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_INST_EMUL; vmexit->u.inst_emul.gpa = gpa; vmexit->u.inst_emul.gla = VIE_INVALID_GLA; svm_paging_info(vmcb, paging); error = vmcb_seg(vmcb, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, &seg); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vmcb_seg(CS) error %d", __func__, error)); switch(paging->cpu_mode) { case CPU_MODE_REAL: vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_base = seg.base; vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_d = 0; break; case CPU_MODE_PROTECTED: case CPU_MODE_COMPATIBILITY: vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_base = seg.base; /* * Section 4.8.1 of APM2, Default Operand Size or D bit. */ vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_d = (seg.attrib & VMCB_CS_ATTRIB_D) ? 1 : 0; break; default: vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_base = 0; vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_d = 0; break; } /* * Copy the instruction bytes into 'vie' if available. */ if (decode_assist() && !disable_npf_assist) { inst_len = ctrl->inst_len; inst_bytes = ctrl->inst_bytes; } else { inst_len = 0; inst_bytes = NULL; } vie_init(&vmexit->u.inst_emul.vie, inst_bytes, inst_len); } #ifdef KTR static const char * intrtype_to_str(int intr_type) { switch (intr_type) { case VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_INTR: return ("hwintr"); case VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_NMI: return ("nmi"); case VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_INTn: return ("swintr"); case VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_EXCEPTION: return ("exception"); default: panic("%s: unknown intr_type %d", __func__, intr_type); } } #endif /* * Inject an event to vcpu as described in section 15.20, "Event injection". */ static void svm_eventinject(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, int intr_type, int vector, uint32_t error, bool ec_valid) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); KASSERT((ctrl->eventinj & VMCB_EVENTINJ_VALID) == 0, ("%s: event already pending %#lx", __func__, ctrl->eventinj)); KASSERT(vector >=0 && vector <= 255, ("%s: invalid vector %d", __func__, vector)); switch (intr_type) { case VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_INTR: case VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_NMI: case VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_INTn: break; case VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_EXCEPTION: if (vector >= 0 && vector <= 31 && vector != 2) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: panic("%s: invalid intr_type/vector: %d/%d", __func__, intr_type, vector); } ctrl->eventinj = vector | (intr_type << 8) | VMCB_EVENTINJ_VALID; if (ec_valid) { ctrl->eventinj |= VMCB_EVENTINJ_EC_VALID; ctrl->eventinj |= (uint64_t)error << 32; VCPU_CTR3(sc->vm, vcpu, "Injecting %s at vector %d errcode %#x", intrtype_to_str(intr_type), vector, error); } else { VCPU_CTR2(sc->vm, vcpu, "Injecting %s at vector %d", intrtype_to_str(intr_type), vector); } } static void svm_update_virqinfo(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu) { struct vm *vm; struct vlapic *vlapic; struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; vm = sc->vm; vlapic = vm_lapic(vm, vcpu); ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); /* Update %cr8 in the emulated vlapic */ vlapic_set_cr8(vlapic, ctrl->v_tpr); /* Virtual interrupt injection is not used. */ KASSERT(ctrl->v_intr_vector == 0, ("%s: invalid " "v_intr_vector %d", __func__, ctrl->v_intr_vector)); } static void svm_save_intinfo(struct svm_softc *svm_sc, int vcpu) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; uint64_t intinfo; ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(svm_sc, vcpu); intinfo = ctrl->exitintinfo; if (!VMCB_EXITINTINFO_VALID(intinfo)) return; /* * From APMv2, Section "Intercepts during IDT interrupt delivery" * * If a #VMEXIT happened during event delivery then record the event * that was being delivered. */ VCPU_CTR2(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "SVM:Pending INTINFO(0x%lx), vector=%d.\n", intinfo, VMCB_EXITINTINFO_VECTOR(intinfo)); vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VCPU_EXITINTINFO, 1); vm_exit_intinfo(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, intinfo); } #ifdef INVARIANTS static __inline int vintr_intercept_enabled(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu) { return (svm_get_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_VINTR)); } #endif static __inline void enable_intr_window_exiting(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); if (ctrl->v_irq && ctrl->v_intr_vector == 0) { KASSERT(ctrl->v_ign_tpr, ("%s: invalid v_ign_tpr", __func__)); KASSERT(vintr_intercept_enabled(sc, vcpu), ("%s: vintr intercept should be enabled", __func__)); return; } VCPU_CTR0(sc->vm, vcpu, "Enable intr window exiting"); ctrl->v_irq = 1; ctrl->v_ign_tpr = 1; ctrl->v_intr_vector = 0; svm_set_dirty(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CACHE_TPR); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_VINTR); } static __inline void disable_intr_window_exiting(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); if (!ctrl->v_irq && ctrl->v_intr_vector == 0) { KASSERT(!vintr_intercept_enabled(sc, vcpu), ("%s: vintr intercept should be disabled", __func__)); return; } VCPU_CTR0(sc->vm, vcpu, "Disable intr window exiting"); ctrl->v_irq = 0; ctrl->v_intr_vector = 0; svm_set_dirty(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CACHE_TPR); svm_disable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_VINTR); } static int svm_modify_intr_shadow(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, uint64_t val) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; int oldval, newval; ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); oldval = ctrl->intr_shadow; newval = val ? 1 : 0; if (newval != oldval) { ctrl->intr_shadow = newval; VCPU_CTR1(sc->vm, vcpu, "Setting intr_shadow to %d", newval); } return (0); } static int svm_get_intr_shadow(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, uint64_t *val) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); *val = ctrl->intr_shadow; return (0); } /* * Once an NMI is injected it blocks delivery of further NMIs until the handler * executes an IRET. The IRET intercept is enabled when an NMI is injected to * to track when the vcpu is done handling the NMI. */ static int nmi_blocked(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu) { int blocked; blocked = svm_get_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_IRET); return (blocked); } static void enable_nmi_blocking(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu) { KASSERT(!nmi_blocked(sc, vcpu), ("vNMI already blocked")); VCPU_CTR0(sc->vm, vcpu, "vNMI blocking enabled"); svm_enable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_IRET); } static void clear_nmi_blocking(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu) { int error; KASSERT(nmi_blocked(sc, vcpu), ("vNMI already unblocked")); VCPU_CTR0(sc->vm, vcpu, "vNMI blocking cleared"); /* * When the IRET intercept is cleared the vcpu will attempt to execute * the "iret" when it runs next. However, it is possible to inject * another NMI into the vcpu before the "iret" has actually executed. * * For e.g. if the "iret" encounters a #NPF when accessing the stack * it will trap back into the hypervisor. If an NMI is pending for * the vcpu it will be injected into the guest. * * XXX this needs to be fixed */ svm_disable_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_IRET); /* * Set 'intr_shadow' to prevent an NMI from being injected on the * immediate VMRUN. */ error = svm_modify_intr_shadow(sc, vcpu, 1); KASSERT(!error, ("%s: error %d setting intr_shadow", __func__, error)); } #define EFER_MBZ_BITS 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0200UL static int svm_write_efer(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, uint64_t newval, bool *retu) { struct vm_exit *vme; struct vmcb_state *state; uint64_t changed, lma, oldval; int error; state = svm_get_vmcb_state(sc, vcpu); oldval = state->efer; VCPU_CTR2(sc->vm, vcpu, "wrmsr(efer) %#lx/%#lx", oldval, newval); newval &= ~0xFE; /* clear the Read-As-Zero (RAZ) bits */ changed = oldval ^ newval; if (newval & EFER_MBZ_BITS) goto gpf; /* APMv2 Table 14-5 "Long-Mode Consistency Checks" */ if (changed & EFER_LME) { if (state->cr0 & CR0_PG) goto gpf; } /* EFER.LMA = EFER.LME & CR0.PG */ if ((newval & EFER_LME) != 0 && (state->cr0 & CR0_PG) != 0) lma = EFER_LMA; else lma = 0; if ((newval & EFER_LMA) != lma) goto gpf; if (newval & EFER_NXE) { if (!vm_cpuid_capability(sc->vm, vcpu, VCC_NO_EXECUTE)) goto gpf; } /* * XXX bhyve does not enforce segment limits in 64-bit mode. Until * this is fixed flag guest attempt to set EFER_LMSLE as an error. */ if (newval & EFER_LMSLE) { vme = vm_exitinfo(sc->vm, vcpu); vm_exit_svm(vme, VMCB_EXIT_MSR, 1, 0); *retu = true; return (0); } if (newval & EFER_FFXSR) { if (!vm_cpuid_capability(sc->vm, vcpu, VCC_FFXSR)) goto gpf; } if (newval & EFER_TCE) { if (!vm_cpuid_capability(sc->vm, vcpu, VCC_TCE)) goto gpf; } error = svm_setreg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_EFER, newval); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: error %d updating efer", __func__, error)); return (0); gpf: vm_inject_gp(sc->vm, vcpu); return (0); } static int emulate_wrmsr(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, u_int num, uint64_t val, bool *retu) { int error; if (lapic_msr(num)) error = lapic_wrmsr(sc->vm, vcpu, num, val, retu); else if (num == MSR_EFER) error = svm_write_efer(sc, vcpu, val, retu); else error = svm_wrmsr(sc, vcpu, num, val, retu); return (error); } static int emulate_rdmsr(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, u_int num, bool *retu) { struct vmcb_state *state; struct svm_regctx *ctx; uint64_t result; int error; if (lapic_msr(num)) error = lapic_rdmsr(sc->vm, vcpu, num, &result, retu); else error = svm_rdmsr(sc, vcpu, num, &result, retu); if (error == 0) { state = svm_get_vmcb_state(sc, vcpu); ctx = svm_get_guest_regctx(sc, vcpu); state->rax = result & 0xffffffff; ctx->sctx_rdx = result >> 32; } return (error); } #ifdef KTR static const char * exit_reason_to_str(uint64_t reason) { int i; static char reasonbuf[32]; static const struct { int reason; const char *str; } reasons[] = { { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_INVALID, .str = "invalvmcb" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_SHUTDOWN, .str = "shutdown" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_NPF, .str = "nptfault" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_PAUSE, .str = "pause" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_HLT, .str = "hlt" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_CPUID, .str = "cpuid" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_IO, .str = "inout" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_MC, .str = "mchk" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_INTR, .str = "extintr" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_NMI, .str = "nmi" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_VINTR, .str = "vintr" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_MSR, .str = "msr" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_IRET, .str = "iret" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_MONITOR, .str = "monitor" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_MWAIT, .str = "mwait" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_VMRUN, .str = "vmrun" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_VMMCALL, .str = "vmmcall" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_VMLOAD, .str = "vmload" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_VMSAVE, .str = "vmsave" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_STGI, .str = "stgi" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_CLGI, .str = "clgi" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_SKINIT, .str = "skinit" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_ICEBP, .str = "icebp" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_INVD, .str = "invd" }, { .reason = VMCB_EXIT_INVLPGA, .str = "invlpga" }, }; for (i = 0; i < nitems(reasons); i++) { if (reasons[i].reason == reason) return (reasons[i].str); } snprintf(reasonbuf, sizeof(reasonbuf), "%#lx", reason); return (reasonbuf); } #endif /* KTR */ /* * From section "State Saved on Exit" in APMv2: nRIP is saved for all #VMEXITs * that are due to instruction intercepts as well as MSR and IOIO intercepts * and exceptions caused by INT3, INTO and BOUND instructions. * * Return 1 if the nRIP is valid and 0 otherwise. */ static int nrip_valid(uint64_t exitcode) { switch (exitcode) { case 0x00 ... 0x0F: /* read of CR0 through CR15 */ case 0x10 ... 0x1F: /* write of CR0 through CR15 */ case 0x20 ... 0x2F: /* read of DR0 through DR15 */ case 0x30 ... 0x3F: /* write of DR0 through DR15 */ case 0x43: /* INT3 */ case 0x44: /* INTO */ case 0x45: /* BOUND */ case 0x65 ... 0x7C: /* VMEXIT_CR0_SEL_WRITE ... VMEXIT_MSR */ case 0x80 ... 0x8D: /* VMEXIT_VMRUN ... VMEXIT_XSETBV */ return (1); default: return (0); } } static int svm_vmexit(struct svm_softc *svm_sc, int vcpu, struct vm_exit *vmexit) { struct vmcb *vmcb; struct vmcb_state *state; struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; struct svm_regctx *ctx; uint64_t code, info1, info2, val; uint32_t eax, ecx, edx; int error, errcode_valid, handled, idtvec, reflect; bool retu; ctx = svm_get_guest_regctx(svm_sc, vcpu); vmcb = svm_get_vmcb(svm_sc, vcpu); state = &vmcb->state; ctrl = &vmcb->ctrl; handled = 0; code = ctrl->exitcode; info1 = ctrl->exitinfo1; info2 = ctrl->exitinfo2; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS; vmexit->rip = state->rip; vmexit->inst_length = nrip_valid(code) ? ctrl->nrip - state->rip : 0; vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_COUNT, 1); /* * #VMEXIT(INVALID) needs to be handled early because the VMCB is * in an inconsistent state and can trigger assertions that would * never happen otherwise. */ if (code == VMCB_EXIT_INVALID) { vm_exit_svm(vmexit, code, info1, info2); return (0); } KASSERT((ctrl->eventinj & VMCB_EVENTINJ_VALID) == 0, ("%s: event " "injection valid bit is set %#lx", __func__, ctrl->eventinj)); KASSERT(vmexit->inst_length >= 0 && vmexit->inst_length <= 15, ("invalid inst_length %d: code (%#lx), info1 (%#lx), info2 (%#lx)", vmexit->inst_length, code, info1, info2)); svm_update_virqinfo(svm_sc, vcpu); svm_save_intinfo(svm_sc, vcpu); switch (code) { case VMCB_EXIT_IRET: /* * Restart execution at "iret" but with the intercept cleared. */ vmexit->inst_length = 0; clear_nmi_blocking(svm_sc, vcpu); handled = 1; break; case VMCB_EXIT_VINTR: /* interrupt window exiting */ vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_VINTR, 1); handled = 1; break; case VMCB_EXIT_INTR: /* external interrupt */ vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_EXTINT, 1); handled = 1; break; case VMCB_EXIT_NMI: /* external NMI */ handled = 1; break; case 0x40 ... 0x5F: vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_EXCEPTION, 1); reflect = 1; idtvec = code - 0x40; switch (idtvec) { case IDT_MC: /* * Call the machine check handler by hand. Also don't * reflect the machine check back into the guest. */ reflect = 0; VCPU_CTR0(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "Vectoring to MCE handler"); __asm __volatile("int $18"); break; case IDT_PF: error = svm_setreg(svm_sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR2, info2); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: error %d updating cr2", __func__, error)); /* fallthru */ case IDT_NP: case IDT_SS: case IDT_GP: case IDT_AC: case IDT_TS: errcode_valid = 1; break; case IDT_DF: errcode_valid = 1; info1 = 0; break; case IDT_BP: case IDT_OF: case IDT_BR: /* * The 'nrip' field is populated for INT3, INTO and * BOUND exceptions and this also implies that * 'inst_length' is non-zero. * * Reset 'inst_length' to zero so the guest %rip at * event injection is identical to what it was when * the exception originally happened. */ VCPU_CTR2(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "Reset inst_length from %d " "to zero before injecting exception %d", vmexit->inst_length, idtvec); vmexit->inst_length = 0; /* fallthru */ default: errcode_valid = 0; info1 = 0; break; } KASSERT(vmexit->inst_length == 0, ("invalid inst_length (%d) " "when reflecting exception %d into guest", vmexit->inst_length, idtvec)); if (reflect) { /* Reflect the exception back into the guest */ VCPU_CTR2(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "Reflecting exception " "%d/%#x into the guest", idtvec, (int)info1); error = vm_inject_exception(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, idtvec, errcode_valid, info1, 0); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vm_inject_exception error %d", __func__, error)); } handled = 1; break; case VMCB_EXIT_MSR: /* MSR access. */ eax = state->rax; ecx = ctx->sctx_rcx; edx = ctx->sctx_rdx; retu = false; if (info1) { vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_WRMSR, 1); val = (uint64_t)edx << 32 | eax; VCPU_CTR2(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "wrmsr %#x val %#lx", ecx, val); if (emulate_wrmsr(svm_sc, vcpu, ecx, val, &retu)) { vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_WRMSR; vmexit->u.msr.code = ecx; vmexit->u.msr.wval = val; } else if (!retu) { handled = 1; } else { KASSERT(vmexit->exitcode != VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS, ("emulate_wrmsr retu with bogus exitcode")); } } else { VCPU_CTR1(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "rdmsr %#x", ecx); vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_RDMSR, 1); if (emulate_rdmsr(svm_sc, vcpu, ecx, &retu)) { vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_RDMSR; vmexit->u.msr.code = ecx; } else if (!retu) { handled = 1; } else { KASSERT(vmexit->exitcode != VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS, ("emulate_rdmsr retu with bogus exitcode")); } } break; case VMCB_EXIT_IO: handled = svm_handle_io(svm_sc, vcpu, vmexit); vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_INOUT, 1); break; case VMCB_EXIT_CPUID: vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_CPUID, 1); handled = x86_emulate_cpuid(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, &state->rax, &ctx->sctx_rbx, &ctx->sctx_rcx, &ctx->sctx_rdx); break; case VMCB_EXIT_HLT: vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_HLT, 1); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_HLT; vmexit->u.hlt.rflags = state->rflags; break; case VMCB_EXIT_PAUSE: vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_PAUSE; vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_PAUSE, 1); break; case VMCB_EXIT_NPF: /* EXITINFO2 contains the faulting guest physical address */ if (info1 & VMCB_NPF_INFO1_RSV) { VCPU_CTR2(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "nested page fault with " "reserved bits set: info1(%#lx) info2(%#lx)", info1, info2); } else if (vm_mem_allocated(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, info2)) { vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_PAGING; vmexit->u.paging.gpa = info2; vmexit->u.paging.fault_type = npf_fault_type(info1); vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_NESTED_FAULT, 1); VCPU_CTR3(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "nested page fault " "on gpa %#lx/%#lx at rip %#lx", info2, info1, state->rip); } else if (svm_npf_emul_fault(info1)) { svm_handle_inst_emul(vmcb, info2, vmexit); vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_INST_EMUL, 1); VCPU_CTR3(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "inst_emul fault " "for gpa %#lx/%#lx at rip %#lx", info2, info1, state->rip); } break; case VMCB_EXIT_MONITOR: vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_MONITOR; break; case VMCB_EXIT_MWAIT: vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_MWAIT; break; case VMCB_EXIT_SHUTDOWN: case VMCB_EXIT_VMRUN: case VMCB_EXIT_VMMCALL: case VMCB_EXIT_VMLOAD: case VMCB_EXIT_VMSAVE: case VMCB_EXIT_STGI: case VMCB_EXIT_CLGI: case VMCB_EXIT_SKINIT: case VMCB_EXIT_ICEBP: case VMCB_EXIT_INVD: case VMCB_EXIT_INVLPGA: vm_inject_ud(svm_sc->vm, vcpu); handled = 1; break; default: vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_UNKNOWN, 1); break; } VCPU_CTR4(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "%s %s vmexit at %#lx/%d", handled ? "handled" : "unhandled", exit_reason_to_str(code), vmexit->rip, vmexit->inst_length); if (handled) { vmexit->rip += vmexit->inst_length; vmexit->inst_length = 0; state->rip = vmexit->rip; } else { if (vmexit->exitcode == VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS) { /* * If this VM exit was not claimed by anybody then * treat it as a generic SVM exit. */ vm_exit_svm(vmexit, code, info1, info2); } else { /* * The exitcode and collateral have been populated. * The VM exit will be processed further in userland. */ } } return (handled); } static void svm_inj_intinfo(struct svm_softc *svm_sc, int vcpu) { uint64_t intinfo; if (!vm_entry_intinfo(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, &intinfo)) return; KASSERT(VMCB_EXITINTINFO_VALID(intinfo), ("%s: entry intinfo is not " "valid: %#lx", __func__, intinfo)); svm_eventinject(svm_sc, vcpu, VMCB_EXITINTINFO_TYPE(intinfo), VMCB_EXITINTINFO_VECTOR(intinfo), VMCB_EXITINTINFO_EC(intinfo), VMCB_EXITINTINFO_EC_VALID(intinfo)); vmm_stat_incr(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, VCPU_INTINFO_INJECTED, 1); VCPU_CTR1(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "Injected entry intinfo: %#lx", intinfo); } /* * Inject event to virtual cpu. */ static void svm_inj_interrupts(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpu, struct vlapic *vlapic) { struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; struct vmcb_state *state; struct svm_vcpu *vcpustate; uint8_t v_tpr; int vector, need_intr_window; int extint_pending; state = svm_get_vmcb_state(sc, vcpu); ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpu); vcpustate = svm_get_vcpu(sc, vcpu); need_intr_window = 0; if (vcpustate->nextrip != state->rip) { ctrl->intr_shadow = 0; VCPU_CTR2(sc->vm, vcpu, "Guest interrupt blocking " "cleared due to rip change: %#lx/%#lx", vcpustate->nextrip, state->rip); } /* * Inject pending events or exceptions for this vcpu. * * An event might be pending because the previous #VMEXIT happened * during event delivery (i.e. ctrl->exitintinfo). * * An event might also be pending because an exception was injected * by the hypervisor (e.g. #PF during instruction emulation). */ svm_inj_intinfo(sc, vcpu); /* NMI event has priority over interrupts. */ if (vm_nmi_pending(sc->vm, vcpu)) { if (nmi_blocked(sc, vcpu)) { /* * Can't inject another NMI if the guest has not * yet executed an "iret" after the last NMI. */ VCPU_CTR0(sc->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject NMI due " "to NMI-blocking"); } else if (ctrl->intr_shadow) { /* * Can't inject an NMI if the vcpu is in an intr_shadow. */ VCPU_CTR0(sc->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject NMI due to " "interrupt shadow"); need_intr_window = 1; goto done; } else if (ctrl->eventinj & VMCB_EVENTINJ_VALID) { /* * If there is already an exception/interrupt pending * then defer the NMI until after that. */ VCPU_CTR1(sc->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject NMI due to " "eventinj %#lx", ctrl->eventinj); /* * Use self-IPI to trigger a VM-exit as soon as * possible after the event injection is completed. * * This works only if the external interrupt exiting * is at a lower priority than the event injection. * * Although not explicitly specified in APMv2 the * relative priorities were verified empirically. */ ipi_cpu(curcpu, IPI_AST); /* XXX vmm_ipinum? */ } else { vm_nmi_clear(sc->vm, vcpu); /* Inject NMI, vector number is not used */ svm_eventinject(sc, vcpu, VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_NMI, IDT_NMI, 0, false); /* virtual NMI blocking is now in effect */ enable_nmi_blocking(sc, vcpu); VCPU_CTR0(sc->vm, vcpu, "Injecting vNMI"); } } extint_pending = vm_extint_pending(sc->vm, vcpu); if (!extint_pending) { if (!vlapic_pending_intr(vlapic, &vector)) goto done; KASSERT(vector >= 16 && vector <= 255, ("invalid vector %d from local APIC", vector)); } else { /* Ask the legacy pic for a vector to inject */ vatpic_pending_intr(sc->vm, &vector); KASSERT(vector >= 0 && vector <= 255, ("invalid vector %d from INTR", vector)); } /* * If the guest has disabled interrupts or is in an interrupt shadow * then we cannot inject the pending interrupt. */ if ((state->rflags & PSL_I) == 0) { VCPU_CTR2(sc->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject vector %d due to " "rflags %#lx", vector, state->rflags); need_intr_window = 1; goto done; } if (ctrl->intr_shadow) { VCPU_CTR1(sc->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject vector %d due to " "interrupt shadow", vector); need_intr_window = 1; goto done; } if (ctrl->eventinj & VMCB_EVENTINJ_VALID) { VCPU_CTR2(sc->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject vector %d due to " "eventinj %#lx", vector, ctrl->eventinj); need_intr_window = 1; goto done; } svm_eventinject(sc, vcpu, VMCB_EVENTINJ_TYPE_INTR, vector, 0, false); if (!extint_pending) { vlapic_intr_accepted(vlapic, vector); } else { vm_extint_clear(sc->vm, vcpu); vatpic_intr_accepted(sc->vm, vector); } /* * Force a VM-exit as soon as the vcpu is ready to accept another * interrupt. This is done because the PIC might have another vector * that it wants to inject. Also, if the APIC has a pending interrupt * that was preempted by the ExtInt then it allows us to inject the * APIC vector as soon as possible. */ need_intr_window = 1; done: /* * The guest can modify the TPR by writing to %CR8. In guest mode * the processor reflects this write to V_TPR without hypervisor * intervention. * * The guest can also modify the TPR by writing to it via the memory * mapped APIC page. In this case, the write will be emulated by the * hypervisor. For this reason V_TPR must be updated before every * VMRUN. */ v_tpr = vlapic_get_cr8(vlapic); KASSERT(v_tpr <= 15, ("invalid v_tpr %#x", v_tpr)); if (ctrl->v_tpr != v_tpr) { VCPU_CTR2(sc->vm, vcpu, "VMCB V_TPR changed from %#x to %#x", ctrl->v_tpr, v_tpr); ctrl->v_tpr = v_tpr; svm_set_dirty(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CACHE_TPR); } if (need_intr_window) { /* * We use V_IRQ in conjunction with the VINTR intercept to * trap into the hypervisor as soon as a virtual interrupt * can be delivered. * * Since injected events are not subject to intercept checks * we need to ensure that the V_IRQ is not actually going to * be delivered on VM entry. The KASSERT below enforces this. */ KASSERT((ctrl->eventinj & VMCB_EVENTINJ_VALID) != 0 || (state->rflags & PSL_I) == 0 || ctrl->intr_shadow, ("Bogus intr_window_exiting: eventinj (%#lx), " "intr_shadow (%u), rflags (%#lx)", ctrl->eventinj, ctrl->intr_shadow, state->rflags)); enable_intr_window_exiting(sc, vcpu); } else { disable_intr_window_exiting(sc, vcpu); } } static __inline void restore_host_tss(void) { struct system_segment_descriptor *tss_sd; /* * The TSS descriptor was in use prior to launching the guest so it * has been marked busy. * * 'ltr' requires the descriptor to be marked available so change the * type to "64-bit available TSS". */ tss_sd = PCPU_GET(tss); tss_sd->sd_type = SDT_SYSTSS; ltr(GSEL(GPROC0_SEL, SEL_KPL)); } static void svm_pmap_activate(struct svm_softc *sc, int vcpuid, pmap_t pmap) { struct svm_vcpu *vcpustate; struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; long eptgen; int cpu; bool alloc_asid; cpu = curcpu; CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpu, &pmap->pm_active); smr_enter(pmap->pm_eptsmr); vcpustate = svm_get_vcpu(sc, vcpuid); ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(sc, vcpuid); /* * The TLB entries associated with the vcpu's ASID are not valid * if either of the following conditions is true: * * 1. The vcpu's ASID generation is different than the host cpu's * ASID generation. This happens when the vcpu migrates to a new * host cpu. It can also happen when the number of vcpus executing * on a host cpu is greater than the number of ASIDs available. * * 2. The pmap generation number is different than the value cached in * the 'vcpustate'. This happens when the host invalidates pages * belonging to the guest. * * asidgen eptgen Action * mismatch mismatch * 0 0 (a) * 0 1 (b1) or (b2) * 1 0 (c) * 1 1 (d) * * (a) There is no mismatch in eptgen or ASID generation and therefore * no further action is needed. * * (b1) If the cpu supports FlushByAsid then the vcpu's ASID is * retained and the TLB entries associated with this ASID * are flushed by VMRUN. * * (b2) If the cpu does not support FlushByAsid then a new ASID is * allocated. * * (c) A new ASID is allocated. * * (d) A new ASID is allocated. */ alloc_asid = false; eptgen = atomic_load_long(&pmap->pm_eptgen); ctrl->tlb_ctrl = VMCB_TLB_FLUSH_NOTHING; if (vcpustate->asid.gen != asid[cpu].gen) { alloc_asid = true; /* (c) and (d) */ } else if (vcpustate->eptgen != eptgen) { if (flush_by_asid()) ctrl->tlb_ctrl = VMCB_TLB_FLUSH_GUEST; /* (b1) */ else alloc_asid = true; /* (b2) */ } else { /* * This is the common case (a). */ KASSERT(!alloc_asid, ("ASID allocation not necessary")); KASSERT(ctrl->tlb_ctrl == VMCB_TLB_FLUSH_NOTHING, ("Invalid VMCB tlb_ctrl: %#x", ctrl->tlb_ctrl)); } if (alloc_asid) { if (++asid[cpu].num >= nasid) { asid[cpu].num = 1; if (++asid[cpu].gen == 0) asid[cpu].gen = 1; /* * If this cpu does not support "flush-by-asid" * then flush the entire TLB on a generation * bump. Subsequent ASID allocation in this * generation can be done without a TLB flush. */ if (!flush_by_asid()) ctrl->tlb_ctrl = VMCB_TLB_FLUSH_ALL; } vcpustate->asid.gen = asid[cpu].gen; vcpustate->asid.num = asid[cpu].num; ctrl->asid = vcpustate->asid.num; svm_set_dirty(sc, vcpuid, VMCB_CACHE_ASID); /* * If this cpu supports "flush-by-asid" then the TLB * was not flushed after the generation bump. The TLB * is flushed selectively after every new ASID allocation. */ if (flush_by_asid()) ctrl->tlb_ctrl = VMCB_TLB_FLUSH_GUEST; } vcpustate->eptgen = eptgen; KASSERT(ctrl->asid != 0, ("Guest ASID must be non-zero")); KASSERT(ctrl->asid == vcpustate->asid.num, ("ASID mismatch: %u/%u", ctrl->asid, vcpustate->asid.num)); } static void svm_pmap_deactivate(pmap_t pmap) { smr_exit(pmap->pm_eptsmr); CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(curcpu, &pmap->pm_active); } static __inline void disable_gintr(void) { __asm __volatile("clgi"); } static __inline void enable_gintr(void) { __asm __volatile("stgi"); } static __inline void svm_dr_enter_guest(struct svm_regctx *gctx) { /* Save host control debug registers. */ gctx->host_dr7 = rdr7(); gctx->host_debugctl = rdmsr(MSR_DEBUGCTLMSR); /* * Disable debugging in DR7 and DEBUGCTL to avoid triggering * exceptions in the host based on the guest DRx values. The * guest DR6, DR7, and DEBUGCTL are saved/restored in the * VMCB. */ load_dr7(0); wrmsr(MSR_DEBUGCTLMSR, 0); /* Save host debug registers. */ gctx->host_dr0 = rdr0(); gctx->host_dr1 = rdr1(); gctx->host_dr2 = rdr2(); gctx->host_dr3 = rdr3(); gctx->host_dr6 = rdr6(); /* Restore guest debug registers. */ load_dr0(gctx->sctx_dr0); load_dr1(gctx->sctx_dr1); load_dr2(gctx->sctx_dr2); load_dr3(gctx->sctx_dr3); } static __inline void svm_dr_leave_guest(struct svm_regctx *gctx) { /* Save guest debug registers. */ gctx->sctx_dr0 = rdr0(); gctx->sctx_dr1 = rdr1(); gctx->sctx_dr2 = rdr2(); gctx->sctx_dr3 = rdr3(); /* * Restore host debug registers. Restore DR7 and DEBUGCTL * last. */ load_dr0(gctx->host_dr0); load_dr1(gctx->host_dr1); load_dr2(gctx->host_dr2); load_dr3(gctx->host_dr3); load_dr6(gctx->host_dr6); wrmsr(MSR_DEBUGCTLMSR, gctx->host_debugctl); load_dr7(gctx->host_dr7); } /* * Start vcpu with specified RIP. */ static int svm_run(void *arg, int vcpu, register_t rip, pmap_t pmap, struct vm_eventinfo *evinfo) { struct svm_regctx *gctx; struct svm_softc *svm_sc; struct svm_vcpu *vcpustate; struct vmcb_state *state; struct vmcb_ctrl *ctrl; struct vm_exit *vmexit; struct vlapic *vlapic; struct vm *vm; uint64_t vmcb_pa; int handled; uint16_t ldt_sel; svm_sc = arg; vm = svm_sc->vm; vcpustate = svm_get_vcpu(svm_sc, vcpu); state = svm_get_vmcb_state(svm_sc, vcpu); ctrl = svm_get_vmcb_ctrl(svm_sc, vcpu); vmexit = vm_exitinfo(vm, vcpu); vlapic = vm_lapic(vm, vcpu); gctx = svm_get_guest_regctx(svm_sc, vcpu); vmcb_pa = svm_sc->vcpu[vcpu].vmcb_pa; if (vcpustate->lastcpu != curcpu) { /* * Force new ASID allocation by invalidating the generation. */ vcpustate->asid.gen = 0; /* * Invalidate the VMCB state cache by marking all fields dirty. */ svm_set_dirty(svm_sc, vcpu, 0xffffffff); /* * XXX * Setting 'vcpustate->lastcpu' here is bit premature because * we may return from this function without actually executing * the VMRUN instruction. This could happen if a rendezvous * or an AST is pending on the first time through the loop. * * This works for now but any new side-effects of vcpu * migration should take this case into account. */ vcpustate->lastcpu = curcpu; vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpu, VCPU_MIGRATIONS, 1); } svm_msr_guest_enter(svm_sc, vcpu); /* Update Guest RIP */ state->rip = rip; do { /* * Disable global interrupts to guarantee atomicity during * loading of guest state. This includes not only the state * loaded by the "vmrun" instruction but also software state * maintained by the hypervisor: suspended and rendezvous * state, NPT generation number, vlapic interrupts etc. */ disable_gintr(); if (vcpu_suspended(evinfo)) { enable_gintr(); vm_exit_suspended(vm, vcpu, state->rip); break; } if (vcpu_rendezvous_pending(evinfo)) { enable_gintr(); vm_exit_rendezvous(vm, vcpu, state->rip); break; } if (vcpu_reqidle(evinfo)) { enable_gintr(); vm_exit_reqidle(vm, vcpu, state->rip); break; } /* We are asked to give the cpu by scheduler. */ if (vcpu_should_yield(vm, vcpu)) { enable_gintr(); vm_exit_astpending(vm, vcpu, state->rip); break; } if (vcpu_debugged(vm, vcpu)) { enable_gintr(); vm_exit_debug(vm, vcpu, state->rip); break; } /* * #VMEXIT resumes the host with the guest LDTR, so * save the current LDT selector so it can be restored * after an exit. The userspace hypervisor probably * doesn't use a LDT, but save and restore it to be * safe. */ ldt_sel = sldt(); svm_inj_interrupts(svm_sc, vcpu, vlapic); /* * Check the pmap generation and the ASID generation to * ensure that the vcpu does not use stale TLB mappings. */ svm_pmap_activate(svm_sc, vcpu, pmap); ctrl->vmcb_clean = vmcb_clean & ~vcpustate->dirty; vcpustate->dirty = 0; VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpu, "vmcb clean %#x", ctrl->vmcb_clean); /* Launch Virtual Machine. */ VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpu, "Resume execution at %#lx", state->rip); svm_dr_enter_guest(gctx); svm_launch(vmcb_pa, gctx, get_pcpu()); svm_dr_leave_guest(gctx); svm_pmap_deactivate(pmap); /* * The host GDTR and IDTR is saved by VMRUN and restored * automatically on #VMEXIT. However, the host TSS needs * to be restored explicitly. */ restore_host_tss(); /* Restore host LDTR. */ lldt(ldt_sel); /* #VMEXIT disables interrupts so re-enable them here. */ enable_gintr(); /* Update 'nextrip' */ vcpustate->nextrip = state->rip; /* Handle #VMEXIT and if required return to user space. */ handled = svm_vmexit(svm_sc, vcpu, vmexit); } while (handled); svm_msr_guest_exit(svm_sc, vcpu); return (0); } static void svm_cleanup(void *arg) { struct svm_softc *sc = arg; contigfree(sc->iopm_bitmap, SVM_IO_BITMAP_SIZE, M_SVM); contigfree(sc->msr_bitmap, SVM_MSR_BITMAP_SIZE, M_SVM); free(sc, M_SVM); } static register_t * swctx_regptr(struct svm_regctx *regctx, int reg) { switch (reg) { case VM_REG_GUEST_RBX: return (®ctx->sctx_rbx); case VM_REG_GUEST_RCX: return (®ctx->sctx_rcx); case VM_REG_GUEST_RDX: return (®ctx->sctx_rdx); case VM_REG_GUEST_RDI: return (®ctx->sctx_rdi); case VM_REG_GUEST_RSI: return (®ctx->sctx_rsi); case VM_REG_GUEST_RBP: return (®ctx->sctx_rbp); case VM_REG_GUEST_R8: return (®ctx->sctx_r8); case VM_REG_GUEST_R9: return (®ctx->sctx_r9); case VM_REG_GUEST_R10: return (®ctx->sctx_r10); case VM_REG_GUEST_R11: return (®ctx->sctx_r11); case VM_REG_GUEST_R12: return (®ctx->sctx_r12); case VM_REG_GUEST_R13: return (®ctx->sctx_r13); case VM_REG_GUEST_R14: return (®ctx->sctx_r14); case VM_REG_GUEST_R15: return (®ctx->sctx_r15); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR0: return (®ctx->sctx_dr0); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR1: return (®ctx->sctx_dr1); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR2: return (®ctx->sctx_dr2); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR3: return (®ctx->sctx_dr3); default: return (NULL); } } static int svm_getreg(void *arg, int vcpu, int ident, uint64_t *val) { struct svm_softc *svm_sc; register_t *reg; svm_sc = arg; if (ident == VM_REG_GUEST_INTR_SHADOW) { return (svm_get_intr_shadow(svm_sc, vcpu, val)); } if (vmcb_read(svm_sc, vcpu, ident, val) == 0) { return (0); } reg = swctx_regptr(svm_get_guest_regctx(svm_sc, vcpu), ident); if (reg != NULL) { *val = *reg; return (0); } VCPU_CTR1(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "svm_getreg: unknown register %#x", ident); return (EINVAL); } static int svm_setreg(void *arg, int vcpu, int ident, uint64_t val) { struct svm_softc *svm_sc; register_t *reg; svm_sc = arg; if (ident == VM_REG_GUEST_INTR_SHADOW) { return (svm_modify_intr_shadow(svm_sc, vcpu, val)); } /* Do not permit user write access to VMCB fields by offset. */ if (!VMCB_ACCESS_OK(ident)) { if (vmcb_write(svm_sc, vcpu, ident, val) == 0) { return (0); } } reg = swctx_regptr(svm_get_guest_regctx(svm_sc, vcpu), ident); if (reg != NULL) { *reg = val; return (0); } if (ident == VM_REG_GUEST_ENTRY_INST_LENGTH) { /* Ignore. */ return (0); } /* * XXX deal with CR3 and invalidate TLB entries tagged with the * vcpu's ASID. This needs to be treated differently depending on * whether 'running' is true/false. */ VCPU_CTR1(svm_sc->vm, vcpu, "svm_setreg: unknown register %#x", ident); return (EINVAL); } static int svm_getdesc(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *desc) { return (vmcb_getdesc(arg, vcpu, reg, desc)); } static int svm_setdesc(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *desc) { return (vmcb_setdesc(arg, vcpu, reg, desc)); } #ifdef BHYVE_SNAPSHOT static int svm_snapshot_reg(void *arg, int vcpu, int ident, struct vm_snapshot_meta *meta) { int ret; uint64_t val; if (meta->op == VM_SNAPSHOT_SAVE) { ret = svm_getreg(arg, vcpu, ident, &val); if (ret != 0) goto done; SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(val, meta, ret, done); } else if (meta->op == VM_SNAPSHOT_RESTORE) { SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(val, meta, ret, done); ret = svm_setreg(arg, vcpu, ident, val); if (ret != 0) goto done; } else { ret = EINVAL; goto done; } done: return (ret); } #endif static int svm_setcap(void *arg, int vcpu, int type, int val) { struct svm_softc *sc; int error; sc = arg; error = 0; switch (type) { case VM_CAP_HALT_EXIT: svm_set_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_HLT, val); break; case VM_CAP_PAUSE_EXIT: svm_set_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_PAUSE, val); break; case VM_CAP_UNRESTRICTED_GUEST: /* Unrestricted guest execution cannot be disabled in SVM */ if (val == 0) error = EINVAL; break; default: error = ENOENT; break; } return (error); } static int svm_getcap(void *arg, int vcpu, int type, int *retval) { struct svm_softc *sc; int error; sc = arg; error = 0; switch (type) { case VM_CAP_HALT_EXIT: *retval = svm_get_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_HLT); break; case VM_CAP_PAUSE_EXIT: *retval = svm_get_intercept(sc, vcpu, VMCB_CTRL1_INTCPT, VMCB_INTCPT_PAUSE); break; case VM_CAP_UNRESTRICTED_GUEST: *retval = 1; /* unrestricted guest is always enabled */ break; default: error = ENOENT; break; } return (error); } static struct vmspace * svm_vmspace_alloc(vm_offset_t min, vm_offset_t max) { return (svm_npt_alloc(min, max)); } static void svm_vmspace_free(struct vmspace *vmspace) { svm_npt_free(vmspace); } static struct vlapic * svm_vlapic_init(void *arg, int vcpuid) { struct svm_softc *svm_sc; struct vlapic *vlapic; svm_sc = arg; vlapic = malloc(sizeof(struct vlapic), M_SVM_VLAPIC, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); vlapic->vm = svm_sc->vm; vlapic->vcpuid = vcpuid; vlapic->apic_page = (struct LAPIC *)&svm_sc->apic_page[vcpuid]; vlapic_init(vlapic); return (vlapic); } static void svm_vlapic_cleanup(void *arg, struct vlapic *vlapic) { vlapic_cleanup(vlapic); free(vlapic, M_SVM_VLAPIC); } #ifdef BHYVE_SNAPSHOT static int svm_snapshot(void *arg, struct vm_snapshot_meta *meta) { /* struct svm_softc is AMD's representation for SVM softc */ struct svm_softc *sc; struct svm_vcpu *vcpu; struct vmcb *vmcb; uint64_t val; int i; int ret; sc = arg; KASSERT(sc != NULL, ("%s: arg was NULL", __func__)); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(sc->nptp, meta, ret, done); for (i = 0; i < VM_MAXCPU; i++) { vcpu = &sc->vcpu[i]; vmcb = &vcpu->vmcb; /* VMCB fields for virtual cpu i */ SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->ctrl.v_tpr, meta, ret, done); val = vmcb->ctrl.v_tpr; SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(val, meta, ret, done); vmcb->ctrl.v_tpr = val; SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->ctrl.asid, meta, ret, done); val = vmcb->ctrl.np_enable; SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(val, meta, ret, done); vmcb->ctrl.np_enable = val; val = vmcb->ctrl.intr_shadow; SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(val, meta, ret, done); vmcb->ctrl.intr_shadow = val; SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->ctrl.tlb_ctrl, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_BUF_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.pad1, sizeof(vmcb->state.pad1), meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.cpl, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_BUF_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.pad2, sizeof(vmcb->state.pad2), meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.efer, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_BUF_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.pad3, sizeof(vmcb->state.pad3), meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.cr4, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.cr3, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.cr0, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.dr7, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.dr6, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.rflags, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.rip, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_BUF_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.pad4, sizeof(vmcb->state.pad4), meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.rsp, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_BUF_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.pad5, sizeof(vmcb->state.pad5), meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.rax, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.star, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.lstar, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.cstar, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.sfmask, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.kernelgsbase, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.sysenter_cs, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.sysenter_esp, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.sysenter_eip, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.cr2, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_BUF_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.pad6, sizeof(vmcb->state.pad6), meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.g_pat, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.dbgctl, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.br_from, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.br_to, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.int_from, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.int_to, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_BUF_OR_LEAVE(vmcb->state.pad7, sizeof(vmcb->state.pad7), meta, ret, done); /* Snapshot swctx for virtual cpu i */ SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_rbp, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_rbx, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_rcx, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_rdx, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_rdi, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_rsi, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_r8, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_r9, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_r10, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_r11, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_r12, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_r13, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_r14, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_r15, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_dr0, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_dr1, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_dr2, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.sctx_dr3, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.host_dr0, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.host_dr1, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.host_dr2, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.host_dr3, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.host_dr6, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.host_dr7, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->swctx.host_debugctl, meta, ret, done); /* Restore other svm_vcpu struct fields */ /* Restore NEXTRIP field */ SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->nextrip, meta, ret, done); /* Restore lastcpu field */ SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->lastcpu, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->dirty, meta, ret, done); /* Restore EPTGEN field - EPT is Extended Page Tabel */ SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->eptgen, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->asid.gen, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vcpu->asid.num, meta, ret, done); /* Set all caches dirty */ if (meta->op == VM_SNAPSHOT_RESTORE) { svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_ASID); svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_IOPM); svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_I); svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_TPR); svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_CR2); svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_CR); svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_DT); svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_SEG); svm_set_dirty(sc, i, VMCB_CACHE_NP); } } if (meta->op == VM_SNAPSHOT_RESTORE) flush_by_asid(); done: return (ret); } static int svm_vmcx_snapshot(void *arg, struct vm_snapshot_meta *meta, int vcpu) { struct vmcb *vmcb; struct svm_softc *sc; int err, running, hostcpu; sc = (struct svm_softc *)arg; err = 0; KASSERT(arg != NULL, ("%s: arg was NULL", __func__)); vmcb = svm_get_vmcb(sc, vcpu); running = vcpu_is_running(sc->vm, vcpu, &hostcpu); if (running && hostcpu !=curcpu) { printf("%s: %s%d is running", __func__, vm_name(sc->vm), vcpu); return (EINVAL); } err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0, meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR2, meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR3, meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR4, meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DR7, meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RAX, meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RSP, meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RIP, meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RFLAGS, meta); /* Guest segments */ /* ES */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_ES, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_ES, meta); /* CS */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, meta); /* SS */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, meta); /* DS */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DS, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DS, meta); /* FS */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_FS, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_FS, meta); /* GS */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GS, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GS, meta); /* TR */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, meta); /* LDTR */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR, meta); /* EFER */ err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_EFER, meta); /* IDTR and GDTR */ err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_IDTR, meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_desc(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GDTR, meta); /* Specific AMD registers */ err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_SYSENTER_CS, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_SYSENTER_ESP, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_SYSENTER_EIP, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_NPT_BASE, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_CR_INTERCEPT, 4), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_DR_INTERCEPT, 4), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_EXC_INTERCEPT, 4), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_INST1_INTERCEPT, 4), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_INST2_INTERCEPT, 4), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_TLB_CTRL, 4), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_EXITINFO1, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_EXITINFO2, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_EXITINTINFO, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_VIRQ, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_GUEST_PAT, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_AVIC_BAR, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_AVIC_PAGE, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_AVIC_LT, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_AVIC_PT, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_IO_PERM, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_MSR_PERM, 8), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_ASID, 4), meta); err += vmcb_snapshot_any(sc, vcpu, VMCB_ACCESS(VMCB_OFF_EXIT_REASON, 8), meta); err += svm_snapshot_reg(sc, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_INTR_SHADOW, meta); return (err); } static int svm_restore_tsc(void *arg, int vcpu, uint64_t offset) { int err; err = svm_set_tsc_offset(arg, vcpu, offset); return (err); } #endif const struct vmm_ops vmm_ops_amd = { .modinit = svm_modinit, .modcleanup = svm_modcleanup, .modresume = svm_modresume, .init = svm_init, .run = svm_run, .cleanup = svm_cleanup, .getreg = svm_getreg, .setreg = svm_setreg, .getdesc = svm_getdesc, .setdesc = svm_setdesc, .getcap = svm_getcap, .setcap = svm_setcap, .vmspace_alloc = svm_vmspace_alloc, .vmspace_free = svm_vmspace_free, .vlapic_init = svm_vlapic_init, .vlapic_cleanup = svm_vlapic_cleanup, #ifdef BHYVE_SNAPSHOT .snapshot = svm_snapshot, .vmcx_snapshot = svm_vmcx_snapshot, .restore_tsc = svm_restore_tsc, #endif }; diff --git a/sys/amd64/vmm/intel/vmx.c b/sys/amd64/vmm/intel/vmx.c index 7017e4b9077c..e7ced1b2c3fa 100644 --- a/sys/amd64/vmm/intel/vmx.c +++ b/sys/amd64/vmm/intel/vmx.c @@ -1,4216 +1,4216 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2011 NetApp, Inc. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2018 Joyent, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NETAPP, INC ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NETAPP, INC OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_bhyve_snapshot.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vmm_lapic.h" #include "vmm_host.h" #include "vmm_ioport.h" #include "vmm_ktr.h" #include "vmm_stat.h" #include "vatpic.h" #include "vlapic.h" #include "vlapic_priv.h" #include "ept.h" #include "vmx_cpufunc.h" #include "vmx.h" #include "vmx_msr.h" #include "x86.h" #include "vmx_controls.h" #define PINBASED_CTLS_ONE_SETTING \ (PINBASED_EXTINT_EXITING | \ PINBASED_NMI_EXITING | \ PINBASED_VIRTUAL_NMI) #define PINBASED_CTLS_ZERO_SETTING 0 #define PROCBASED_CTLS_WINDOW_SETTING \ (PROCBASED_INT_WINDOW_EXITING | \ PROCBASED_NMI_WINDOW_EXITING) #define PROCBASED_CTLS_ONE_SETTING \ (PROCBASED_SECONDARY_CONTROLS | \ PROCBASED_MWAIT_EXITING | \ PROCBASED_MONITOR_EXITING | \ PROCBASED_IO_EXITING | \ PROCBASED_MSR_BITMAPS | \ PROCBASED_CTLS_WINDOW_SETTING | \ PROCBASED_CR8_LOAD_EXITING | \ PROCBASED_CR8_STORE_EXITING) #define PROCBASED_CTLS_ZERO_SETTING \ (PROCBASED_CR3_LOAD_EXITING | \ PROCBASED_CR3_STORE_EXITING | \ PROCBASED_IO_BITMAPS) #define PROCBASED_CTLS2_ONE_SETTING PROCBASED2_ENABLE_EPT #define PROCBASED_CTLS2_ZERO_SETTING 0 #define VM_EXIT_CTLS_ONE_SETTING \ (VM_EXIT_SAVE_DEBUG_CONTROLS | \ VM_EXIT_HOST_LMA | \ VM_EXIT_SAVE_EFER | \ VM_EXIT_LOAD_EFER | \ VM_EXIT_ACKNOWLEDGE_INTERRUPT) #define VM_EXIT_CTLS_ZERO_SETTING 0 #define VM_ENTRY_CTLS_ONE_SETTING \ (VM_ENTRY_LOAD_DEBUG_CONTROLS | \ VM_ENTRY_LOAD_EFER) #define VM_ENTRY_CTLS_ZERO_SETTING \ (VM_ENTRY_INTO_SMM | \ VM_ENTRY_DEACTIVATE_DUAL_MONITOR) #define HANDLED 1 #define UNHANDLED 0 static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_VMX, "vmx", "vmx"); static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_VLAPIC, "vlapic", "vlapic"); SYSCTL_DECL(_hw_vmm); SYSCTL_NODE(_hw_vmm, OID_AUTO, vmx, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, NULL); int vmxon_enabled[MAXCPU]; static char vmxon_region[MAXCPU][PAGE_SIZE] __aligned(PAGE_SIZE); static uint32_t pinbased_ctls, procbased_ctls, procbased_ctls2; static uint32_t exit_ctls, entry_ctls; static uint64_t cr0_ones_mask, cr0_zeros_mask; SYSCTL_ULONG(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, cr0_ones_mask, CTLFLAG_RD, &cr0_ones_mask, 0, NULL); SYSCTL_ULONG(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, cr0_zeros_mask, CTLFLAG_RD, &cr0_zeros_mask, 0, NULL); static uint64_t cr4_ones_mask, cr4_zeros_mask; SYSCTL_ULONG(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, cr4_ones_mask, CTLFLAG_RD, &cr4_ones_mask, 0, NULL); SYSCTL_ULONG(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, cr4_zeros_mask, CTLFLAG_RD, &cr4_zeros_mask, 0, NULL); static int vmx_initialized; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, initialized, CTLFLAG_RD, &vmx_initialized, 0, "Intel VMX initialized"); /* * Optional capabilities */ static SYSCTL_NODE(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, cap, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, NULL); static int cap_halt_exit; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, halt_exit, CTLFLAG_RD, &cap_halt_exit, 0, "HLT triggers a VM-exit"); static int cap_pause_exit; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, pause_exit, CTLFLAG_RD, &cap_pause_exit, 0, "PAUSE triggers a VM-exit"); static int cap_rdpid; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, rdpid, CTLFLAG_RD, &cap_rdpid, 0, "Guests are allowed to use RDPID"); static int cap_rdtscp; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, rdtscp, CTLFLAG_RD, &cap_rdtscp, 0, "Guests are allowed to use RDTSCP"); static int cap_unrestricted_guest; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, unrestricted_guest, CTLFLAG_RD, &cap_unrestricted_guest, 0, "Unrestricted guests"); static int cap_monitor_trap; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, monitor_trap, CTLFLAG_RD, &cap_monitor_trap, 0, "Monitor trap flag"); static int cap_invpcid; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, invpcid, CTLFLAG_RD, &cap_invpcid, 0, "Guests are allowed to use INVPCID"); static int tpr_shadowing; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, tpr_shadowing, CTLFLAG_RD, &tpr_shadowing, 0, "TPR shadowing support"); static int virtual_interrupt_delivery; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, virtual_interrupt_delivery, CTLFLAG_RD, &virtual_interrupt_delivery, 0, "APICv virtual interrupt delivery support"); static int posted_interrupts; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx_cap, OID_AUTO, posted_interrupts, CTLFLAG_RD, &posted_interrupts, 0, "APICv posted interrupt support"); static int pirvec = -1; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, posted_interrupt_vector, CTLFLAG_RD, &pirvec, 0, "APICv posted interrupt vector"); static struct unrhdr *vpid_unr; static u_int vpid_alloc_failed; SYSCTL_UINT(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, vpid_alloc_failed, CTLFLAG_RD, &vpid_alloc_failed, 0, NULL); int guest_l1d_flush; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, l1d_flush, CTLFLAG_RD, &guest_l1d_flush, 0, NULL); int guest_l1d_flush_sw; SYSCTL_INT(_hw_vmm_vmx, OID_AUTO, l1d_flush_sw, CTLFLAG_RD, &guest_l1d_flush_sw, 0, NULL); static struct msr_entry msr_load_list[1] __aligned(16); /* * The definitions of SDT probes for VMX. */ SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, entry, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE4(vmm, vmx, exit, taskswitch, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "struct vm_task_switch *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE4(vmm, vmx, exit, craccess, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "uint64_t"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE4(vmm, vmx, exit, rdmsr, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "uint32_t"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE5(vmm, vmx, exit, wrmsr, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "uint32_t", "uint64_t"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, halt, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, mtrap, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, pause, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, intrwindow, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE4(vmm, vmx, exit, interrupt, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "uint32_t"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, nmiwindow, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, inout, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, cpuid, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE5(vmm, vmx, exit, exception, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "uint32_t", "int"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE5(vmm, vmx, exit, nestedfault, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "uint64_t", "uint64_t"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE4(vmm, vmx, exit, mmiofault, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "uint64_t"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, eoi, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, apicaccess, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE4(vmm, vmx, exit, apicwrite, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "struct vlapic *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, xsetbv, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, monitor, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, mwait, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vmm, vmx, exit, vminsn, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE4(vmm, vmx, exit, unknown, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "uint32_t"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE4(vmm, vmx, exit, return, "struct vmx *", "int", "struct vm_exit *", "int"); /* * Use the last page below 4GB as the APIC access address. This address is * occupied by the boot firmware so it is guaranteed that it will not conflict * with a page in system memory. */ #define APIC_ACCESS_ADDRESS 0xFFFFF000 static int vmx_getdesc(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *desc); static int vmx_getreg(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, uint64_t *retval); static int vmxctx_setreg(struct vmxctx *vmxctx, int reg, uint64_t val); static void vmx_inject_pir(struct vlapic *vlapic); #ifdef BHYVE_SNAPSHOT static int vmx_restore_tsc(void *arg, int vcpu, uint64_t now); #endif static inline bool host_has_rdpid(void) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature2 & CPUID_STDEXT2_RDPID) != 0); } static inline bool host_has_rdtscp(void) { return ((amd_feature & AMDID_RDTSCP) != 0); } #ifdef KTR static const char * exit_reason_to_str(int reason) { static char reasonbuf[32]; switch (reason) { case EXIT_REASON_EXCEPTION: return "exception"; case EXIT_REASON_EXT_INTR: return "extint"; case EXIT_REASON_TRIPLE_FAULT: return "triplefault"; case EXIT_REASON_INIT: return "init"; case EXIT_REASON_SIPI: return "sipi"; case EXIT_REASON_IO_SMI: return "iosmi"; case EXIT_REASON_SMI: return "smi"; case EXIT_REASON_INTR_WINDOW: return "intrwindow"; case EXIT_REASON_NMI_WINDOW: return "nmiwindow"; case EXIT_REASON_TASK_SWITCH: return "taskswitch"; case EXIT_REASON_CPUID: return "cpuid"; case EXIT_REASON_GETSEC: return "getsec"; case EXIT_REASON_HLT: return "hlt"; case EXIT_REASON_INVD: return "invd"; case EXIT_REASON_INVLPG: return "invlpg"; case EXIT_REASON_RDPMC: return "rdpmc"; case EXIT_REASON_RDTSC: return "rdtsc"; case EXIT_REASON_RSM: return "rsm"; case EXIT_REASON_VMCALL: return "vmcall"; case EXIT_REASON_VMCLEAR: return "vmclear"; case EXIT_REASON_VMLAUNCH: return "vmlaunch"; case EXIT_REASON_VMPTRLD: return "vmptrld"; case EXIT_REASON_VMPTRST: return "vmptrst"; case EXIT_REASON_VMREAD: return "vmread"; case EXIT_REASON_VMRESUME: return "vmresume"; case EXIT_REASON_VMWRITE: return "vmwrite"; case EXIT_REASON_VMXOFF: return "vmxoff"; case EXIT_REASON_VMXON: return "vmxon"; case EXIT_REASON_CR_ACCESS: return "craccess"; case EXIT_REASON_DR_ACCESS: return "draccess"; case EXIT_REASON_INOUT: return "inout"; case EXIT_REASON_RDMSR: return "rdmsr"; case EXIT_REASON_WRMSR: return "wrmsr"; case EXIT_REASON_INVAL_VMCS: return "invalvmcs"; case EXIT_REASON_INVAL_MSR: return "invalmsr"; case EXIT_REASON_MWAIT: return "mwait"; case EXIT_REASON_MTF: return "mtf"; case EXIT_REASON_MONITOR: return "monitor"; case EXIT_REASON_PAUSE: return "pause"; case EXIT_REASON_MCE_DURING_ENTRY: return "mce-during-entry"; case EXIT_REASON_TPR: return "tpr"; case EXIT_REASON_APIC_ACCESS: return "apic-access"; case EXIT_REASON_GDTR_IDTR: return "gdtridtr"; case EXIT_REASON_LDTR_TR: return "ldtrtr"; case EXIT_REASON_EPT_FAULT: return "eptfault"; case EXIT_REASON_EPT_MISCONFIG: return "eptmisconfig"; case EXIT_REASON_INVEPT: return "invept"; case EXIT_REASON_RDTSCP: return "rdtscp"; case EXIT_REASON_VMX_PREEMPT: return "vmxpreempt"; case EXIT_REASON_INVVPID: return "invvpid"; case EXIT_REASON_WBINVD: return "wbinvd"; case EXIT_REASON_XSETBV: return "xsetbv"; case EXIT_REASON_APIC_WRITE: return "apic-write"; default: snprintf(reasonbuf, sizeof(reasonbuf), "%d", reason); return (reasonbuf); } } #endif /* KTR */ static int vmx_allow_x2apic_msrs(struct vmx *vmx) { int i, error; error = 0; /* * Allow readonly access to the following x2APIC MSRs from the guest. */ error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_ID); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_VERSION); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_LDR); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_SVR); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_ISR0 + i); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_TMR0 + i); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_IRR0 + i); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_ESR); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_LVT_TIMER); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_LVT_THERMAL); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_LVT_PCINT); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_LVT_LINT0); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_LVT_LINT1); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_LVT_ERROR); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_ICR_TIMER); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_DCR_TIMER); error += guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_APIC_ICR); /* * Allow TPR, EOI and SELF_IPI MSRs to be read and written by the guest. * * These registers get special treatment described in the section * "Virtualizing MSR-Based APIC Accesses". */ error += guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_APIC_TPR); error += guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_APIC_EOI); error += guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_APIC_SELF_IPI); return (error); } u_long vmx_fix_cr0(u_long cr0) { return ((cr0 | cr0_ones_mask) & ~cr0_zeros_mask); } u_long vmx_fix_cr4(u_long cr4) { return ((cr4 | cr4_ones_mask) & ~cr4_zeros_mask); } static void vpid_free(int vpid) { if (vpid < 0 || vpid > 0xffff) panic("vpid_free: invalid vpid %d", vpid); /* * VPIDs [0,VM_MAXCPU] are special and are not allocated from * the unit number allocator. */ if (vpid > VM_MAXCPU) free_unr(vpid_unr, vpid); } static void vpid_alloc(uint16_t *vpid, int num) { int i, x; if (num <= 0 || num > VM_MAXCPU) panic("invalid number of vpids requested: %d", num); /* * If the "enable vpid" execution control is not enabled then the * VPID is required to be 0 for all vcpus. */ if ((procbased_ctls2 & PROCBASED2_ENABLE_VPID) == 0) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) vpid[i] = 0; return; } /* * Allocate a unique VPID for each vcpu from the unit number allocator. */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { x = alloc_unr(vpid_unr); if (x == -1) break; else vpid[i] = x; } if (i < num) { atomic_add_int(&vpid_alloc_failed, 1); /* * If the unit number allocator does not have enough unique * VPIDs then we need to allocate from the [1,VM_MAXCPU] range. * * These VPIDs are not be unique across VMs but this does not * affect correctness because the combined mappings are also * tagged with the EP4TA which is unique for each VM. * * It is still sub-optimal because the invvpid will invalidate * combined mappings for a particular VPID across all EP4TAs. */ while (i-- > 0) vpid_free(vpid[i]); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) vpid[i] = i + 1; } } static void vpid_init(void) { /* * VPID 0 is required when the "enable VPID" execution control is * disabled. * * VPIDs [1,VM_MAXCPU] are used as the "overflow namespace" when the * unit number allocator does not have sufficient unique VPIDs to * satisfy the allocation. * * The remaining VPIDs are managed by the unit number allocator. */ vpid_unr = new_unrhdr(VM_MAXCPU + 1, 0xffff, NULL); } static void vmx_disable(void *arg __unused) { struct invvpid_desc invvpid_desc = { 0 }; struct invept_desc invept_desc = { 0 }; if (vmxon_enabled[curcpu]) { /* * See sections and in Intel Vol 3b. * * VMXON or VMXOFF are not required to invalidate any TLB * caching structures. This prevents potential retention of * cached information in the TLB between distinct VMX episodes. */ invvpid(INVVPID_TYPE_ALL_CONTEXTS, invvpid_desc); invept(INVEPT_TYPE_ALL_CONTEXTS, invept_desc); vmxoff(); } load_cr4(rcr4() & ~CR4_VMXE); } static int vmx_modcleanup(void) { if (pirvec >= 0) lapic_ipi_free(pirvec); if (vpid_unr != NULL) { delete_unrhdr(vpid_unr); vpid_unr = NULL; } if (nmi_flush_l1d_sw == 1) nmi_flush_l1d_sw = 0; smp_rendezvous(NULL, vmx_disable, NULL, NULL); return (0); } static void vmx_enable(void *arg __unused) { int error; uint64_t feature_control; feature_control = rdmsr(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL); if ((feature_control & IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_LOCK) == 0 || (feature_control & IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_VMX_EN) == 0) { wrmsr(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL, feature_control | IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_VMX_EN | IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_LOCK); } load_cr4(rcr4() | CR4_VMXE); *(uint32_t *)vmxon_region[curcpu] = vmx_revision(); error = vmxon(vmxon_region[curcpu]); if (error == 0) vmxon_enabled[curcpu] = 1; } static void vmx_modresume(void) { if (vmxon_enabled[curcpu]) vmxon(vmxon_region[curcpu]); } static int vmx_modinit(int ipinum) { int error; uint64_t basic, fixed0, fixed1, feature_control; uint32_t tmp, procbased2_vid_bits; /* CPUID.1:ECX[bit 5] must be 1 for processor to support VMX */ if (!(cpu_feature2 & CPUID2_VMX)) { printf("vmx_modinit: processor does not support VMX " "operation\n"); return (ENXIO); } /* * Verify that MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL lock and VMXON enable bits * are set (bits 0 and 2 respectively). */ feature_control = rdmsr(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL); if ((feature_control & IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_LOCK) == 1 && (feature_control & IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_VMX_EN) == 0) { printf("vmx_modinit: VMX operation disabled by BIOS\n"); return (ENXIO); } /* * Verify capabilities MSR_VMX_BASIC: * - bit 54 indicates support for INS/OUTS decoding */ basic = rdmsr(MSR_VMX_BASIC); if ((basic & (1UL << 54)) == 0) { printf("vmx_modinit: processor does not support desired basic " "capabilities\n"); return (EINVAL); } /* Check support for primary processor-based VM-execution controls */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS, MSR_VMX_TRUE_PROCBASED_CTLS, PROCBASED_CTLS_ONE_SETTING, PROCBASED_CTLS_ZERO_SETTING, &procbased_ctls); if (error) { printf("vmx_modinit: processor does not support desired " "primary processor-based controls\n"); return (error); } /* Clear the processor-based ctl bits that are set on demand */ procbased_ctls &= ~PROCBASED_CTLS_WINDOW_SETTING; /* Check support for secondary processor-based VM-execution controls */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, PROCBASED_CTLS2_ONE_SETTING, PROCBASED_CTLS2_ZERO_SETTING, &procbased_ctls2); if (error) { printf("vmx_modinit: processor does not support desired " "secondary processor-based controls\n"); return (error); } /* Check support for VPID */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, PROCBASED2_ENABLE_VPID, 0, &tmp); if (error == 0) procbased_ctls2 |= PROCBASED2_ENABLE_VPID; /* Check support for pin-based VM-execution controls */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS, MSR_VMX_TRUE_PINBASED_CTLS, PINBASED_CTLS_ONE_SETTING, PINBASED_CTLS_ZERO_SETTING, &pinbased_ctls); if (error) { printf("vmx_modinit: processor does not support desired " "pin-based controls\n"); return (error); } /* Check support for VM-exit controls */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_EXIT_CTLS, MSR_VMX_TRUE_EXIT_CTLS, VM_EXIT_CTLS_ONE_SETTING, VM_EXIT_CTLS_ZERO_SETTING, &exit_ctls); if (error) { printf("vmx_modinit: processor does not support desired " "exit controls\n"); return (error); } /* Check support for VM-entry controls */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS, MSR_VMX_TRUE_ENTRY_CTLS, VM_ENTRY_CTLS_ONE_SETTING, VM_ENTRY_CTLS_ZERO_SETTING, &entry_ctls); if (error) { printf("vmx_modinit: processor does not support desired " "entry controls\n"); return (error); } /* * Check support for optional features by testing them * as individual bits */ cap_halt_exit = (vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS, MSR_VMX_TRUE_PROCBASED_CTLS, PROCBASED_HLT_EXITING, 0, &tmp) == 0); cap_monitor_trap = (vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS, MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS, PROCBASED_MTF, 0, &tmp) == 0); cap_pause_exit = (vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS, MSR_VMX_TRUE_PROCBASED_CTLS, PROCBASED_PAUSE_EXITING, 0, &tmp) == 0); /* * Check support for RDPID and/or RDTSCP. * * Support a pass-through-based implementation of these via the * "enable RDTSCP" VM-execution control and the "RDTSC exiting" * VM-execution control. * * The "enable RDTSCP" VM-execution control applies to both RDPID * and RDTSCP (see SDM volume 3, section 25.3, "Changes to * Instruction Behavior in VMX Non-root operation"); this is why * only this VM-execution control needs to be enabled in order to * enable passing through whichever of RDPID and/or RDTSCP are * supported by the host. * * The "RDTSC exiting" VM-execution control applies to both RDTSC * and RDTSCP (again, per SDM volume 3, section 25.3), and is * already set up for RDTSC and RDTSCP pass-through by the current * implementation of RDTSC. * * Although RDPID and RDTSCP are optional capabilities, since there * does not currently seem to be a use case for enabling/disabling * these via libvmmapi, choose not to support this and, instead, * just statically always enable or always disable this support * across all vCPUs on all VMs. (Note that there may be some * complications to providing this functionality, e.g., the MSR * bitmap is currently per-VM rather than per-vCPU while the * capability API wants to be able to control capabilities on a * per-vCPU basis). */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, PROCBASED2_ENABLE_RDTSCP, 0, &tmp); cap_rdpid = error == 0 && host_has_rdpid(); cap_rdtscp = error == 0 && host_has_rdtscp(); if (cap_rdpid || cap_rdtscp) procbased_ctls2 |= PROCBASED2_ENABLE_RDTSCP; cap_unrestricted_guest = (vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, PROCBASED2_UNRESTRICTED_GUEST, 0, &tmp) == 0); cap_invpcid = (vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, PROCBASED2_ENABLE_INVPCID, 0, &tmp) == 0); /* * Check support for TPR shadow. */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS, MSR_VMX_TRUE_PROCBASED_CTLS, PROCBASED_USE_TPR_SHADOW, 0, &tmp); if (error == 0) { tpr_shadowing = 1; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.vmm.vmx.use_tpr_shadowing", &tpr_shadowing); } if (tpr_shadowing) { procbased_ctls |= PROCBASED_USE_TPR_SHADOW; procbased_ctls &= ~PROCBASED_CR8_LOAD_EXITING; procbased_ctls &= ~PROCBASED_CR8_STORE_EXITING; } /* * Check support for virtual interrupt delivery. */ procbased2_vid_bits = (PROCBASED2_VIRTUALIZE_APIC_ACCESSES | PROCBASED2_VIRTUALIZE_X2APIC_MODE | PROCBASED2_APIC_REGISTER_VIRTUALIZATION | PROCBASED2_VIRTUAL_INTERRUPT_DELIVERY); error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, MSR_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2, procbased2_vid_bits, 0, &tmp); if (error == 0 && tpr_shadowing) { virtual_interrupt_delivery = 1; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.vmm.vmx.use_apic_vid", &virtual_interrupt_delivery); } if (virtual_interrupt_delivery) { procbased_ctls |= PROCBASED_USE_TPR_SHADOW; procbased_ctls2 |= procbased2_vid_bits; procbased_ctls2 &= ~PROCBASED2_VIRTUALIZE_X2APIC_MODE; /* * Check for Posted Interrupts only if Virtual Interrupt * Delivery is enabled. */ error = vmx_set_ctlreg(MSR_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS, MSR_VMX_TRUE_PINBASED_CTLS, PINBASED_POSTED_INTERRUPT, 0, &tmp); if (error == 0) { pirvec = lapic_ipi_alloc(pti ? &IDTVEC(justreturn1_pti) : &IDTVEC(justreturn)); if (pirvec < 0) { if (bootverbose) { printf("vmx_modinit: unable to " "allocate posted interrupt " "vector\n"); } } else { posted_interrupts = 1; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.vmm.vmx.use_apic_pir", &posted_interrupts); } } } if (posted_interrupts) pinbased_ctls |= PINBASED_POSTED_INTERRUPT; /* Initialize EPT */ error = ept_init(ipinum); if (error) { printf("vmx_modinit: ept initialization failed (%d)\n", error); return (error); } guest_l1d_flush = (cpu_ia32_arch_caps & IA32_ARCH_CAP_SKIP_L1DFL_VMENTRY) == 0; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.vmm.l1d_flush", &guest_l1d_flush); /* * L1D cache flush is enabled. Use IA32_FLUSH_CMD MSR when * available. Otherwise fall back to the software flush * method which loads enough data from the kernel text to * flush existing L1D content, both on VMX entry and on NMI * return. */ if (guest_l1d_flush) { if ((cpu_stdext_feature3 & CPUID_STDEXT3_L1D_FLUSH) == 0) { guest_l1d_flush_sw = 1; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.vmm.l1d_flush_sw", &guest_l1d_flush_sw); } if (guest_l1d_flush_sw) { if (nmi_flush_l1d_sw <= 1) nmi_flush_l1d_sw = 1; } else { msr_load_list[0].index = MSR_IA32_FLUSH_CMD; msr_load_list[0].val = IA32_FLUSH_CMD_L1D; } } /* * Stash the cr0 and cr4 bits that must be fixed to 0 or 1 */ fixed0 = rdmsr(MSR_VMX_CR0_FIXED0); fixed1 = rdmsr(MSR_VMX_CR0_FIXED1); cr0_ones_mask = fixed0 & fixed1; cr0_zeros_mask = ~fixed0 & ~fixed1; /* * CR0_PE and CR0_PG can be set to zero in VMX non-root operation * if unrestricted guest execution is allowed. */ if (cap_unrestricted_guest) cr0_ones_mask &= ~(CR0_PG | CR0_PE); /* * Do not allow the guest to set CR0_NW or CR0_CD. */ cr0_zeros_mask |= (CR0_NW | CR0_CD); fixed0 = rdmsr(MSR_VMX_CR4_FIXED0); fixed1 = rdmsr(MSR_VMX_CR4_FIXED1); cr4_ones_mask = fixed0 & fixed1; cr4_zeros_mask = ~fixed0 & ~fixed1; vpid_init(); vmx_msr_init(); /* enable VMX operation */ smp_rendezvous(NULL, vmx_enable, NULL, NULL); vmx_initialized = 1; return (0); } static void vmx_trigger_hostintr(int vector) { uintptr_t func; struct gate_descriptor *gd; gd = &idt[vector]; KASSERT(vector >= 32 && vector <= 255, ("vmx_trigger_hostintr: " "invalid vector %d", vector)); KASSERT(gd->gd_p == 1, ("gate descriptor for vector %d not present", vector)); KASSERT(gd->gd_type == SDT_SYSIGT, ("gate descriptor for vector %d " "has invalid type %d", vector, gd->gd_type)); KASSERT(gd->gd_dpl == SEL_KPL, ("gate descriptor for vector %d " "has invalid dpl %d", vector, gd->gd_dpl)); KASSERT(gd->gd_selector == GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL), ("gate descriptor " "for vector %d has invalid selector %d", vector, gd->gd_selector)); KASSERT(gd->gd_ist == 0, ("gate descriptor for vector %d has invalid " "IST %d", vector, gd->gd_ist)); func = ((long)gd->gd_hioffset << 16 | gd->gd_looffset); vmx_call_isr(func); } static int vmx_setup_cr_shadow(int which, struct vmcs *vmcs, uint32_t initial) { int error, mask_ident, shadow_ident; uint64_t mask_value; if (which != 0 && which != 4) panic("vmx_setup_cr_shadow: unknown cr%d", which); if (which == 0) { mask_ident = VMCS_CR0_MASK; mask_value = cr0_ones_mask | cr0_zeros_mask; shadow_ident = VMCS_CR0_SHADOW; } else { mask_ident = VMCS_CR4_MASK; mask_value = cr4_ones_mask | cr4_zeros_mask; shadow_ident = VMCS_CR4_SHADOW; } error = vmcs_setreg(vmcs, 0, VMCS_IDENT(mask_ident), mask_value); if (error) return (error); error = vmcs_setreg(vmcs, 0, VMCS_IDENT(shadow_ident), initial); if (error) return (error); return (0); } #define vmx_setup_cr0_shadow(vmcs,init) vmx_setup_cr_shadow(0, (vmcs), (init)) #define vmx_setup_cr4_shadow(vmcs,init) vmx_setup_cr_shadow(4, (vmcs), (init)) static void * vmx_init(struct vm *vm, pmap_t pmap) { uint16_t vpid[VM_MAXCPU]; int i, error; struct vmx *vmx; struct vmcs *vmcs; uint32_t exc_bitmap; uint16_t maxcpus; vmx = malloc(sizeof(struct vmx), M_VMX, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if ((uintptr_t)vmx & PAGE_MASK) { panic("malloc of struct vmx not aligned on %d byte boundary", PAGE_SIZE); } vmx->vm = vm; vmx->eptp = eptp(vtophys((vm_offset_t)pmap->pm_pmltop)); /* * Clean up EPTP-tagged guest physical and combined mappings * * VMX transitions are not required to invalidate any guest physical * mappings. So, it may be possible for stale guest physical mappings * to be present in the processor TLBs. * * Combined mappings for this EP4TA are also invalidated for all VPIDs. */ ept_invalidate_mappings(vmx->eptp); msr_bitmap_initialize(vmx->msr_bitmap); /* * It is safe to allow direct access to MSR_GSBASE and MSR_FSBASE. * The guest FSBASE and GSBASE are saved and restored during * vm-exit and vm-entry respectively. The host FSBASE and GSBASE are * always restored from the vmcs host state area on vm-exit. * * The SYSENTER_CS/ESP/EIP MSRs are identical to FS/GSBASE in * how they are saved/restored so can be directly accessed by the * guest. * * MSR_EFER is saved and restored in the guest VMCS area on a * VM exit and entry respectively. It is also restored from the * host VMCS area on a VM exit. * * The TSC MSR is exposed read-only. Writes are disallowed as * that will impact the host TSC. If the guest does a write * the "use TSC offsetting" execution control is enabled and the * difference between the host TSC and the guest TSC is written * into the TSC offset in the VMCS. * * Guest TSC_AUX support is enabled if any of guest RDPID and/or * guest RDTSCP support are enabled (since, as per Table 2-2 in SDM * volume 4, TSC_AUX is supported if any of RDPID and/or RDTSCP are * supported). If guest TSC_AUX support is enabled, TSC_AUX is * exposed read-only so that the VMM can do one fewer MSR read per * exit than if this register were exposed read-write; the guest * restore value can be updated during guest writes (expected to be * rare) instead of during all exits (common). */ if (guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_GSBASE) || guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_FSBASE) || guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_SYSENTER_CS_MSR) || guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_SYSENTER_ESP_MSR) || guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_SYSENTER_EIP_MSR) || guest_msr_rw(vmx, MSR_EFER) || guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_TSC) || ((cap_rdpid || cap_rdtscp) && guest_msr_ro(vmx, MSR_TSC_AUX))) panic("vmx_init: error setting guest msr access"); vpid_alloc(vpid, VM_MAXCPU); if (virtual_interrupt_delivery) { error = vm_map_mmio(vm, DEFAULT_APIC_BASE, PAGE_SIZE, APIC_ACCESS_ADDRESS); /* XXX this should really return an error to the caller */ KASSERT(error == 0, ("vm_map_mmio(apicbase) error %d", error)); } maxcpus = vm_get_maxcpus(vm); for (i = 0; i < maxcpus; i++) { vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[i]; vmcs->identifier = vmx_revision(); error = vmclear(vmcs); if (error != 0) { panic("vmx_init: vmclear error %d on vcpu %d\n", error, i); } vmx_msr_guest_init(vmx, i); error = vmcs_init(vmcs); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vmcs_init error %d", error)); VMPTRLD(vmcs); error = 0; error += vmwrite(VMCS_HOST_RSP, (u_long)&vmx->ctx[i]); error += vmwrite(VMCS_EPTP, vmx->eptp); error += vmwrite(VMCS_PIN_BASED_CTLS, pinbased_ctls); error += vmwrite(VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS, procbased_ctls); error += vmwrite(VMCS_SEC_PROC_BASED_CTLS, procbased_ctls2); error += vmwrite(VMCS_EXIT_CTLS, exit_ctls); error += vmwrite(VMCS_ENTRY_CTLS, entry_ctls); error += vmwrite(VMCS_MSR_BITMAP, vtophys(vmx->msr_bitmap)); error += vmwrite(VMCS_VPID, vpid[i]); if (guest_l1d_flush && !guest_l1d_flush_sw) { vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD, pmap_kextract( (vm_offset_t)&msr_load_list[0])); vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_MSR_LOAD_COUNT, nitems(msr_load_list)); vmcs_write(VMCS_EXIT_MSR_STORE, 0); vmcs_write(VMCS_EXIT_MSR_STORE_COUNT, 0); } /* exception bitmap */ if (vcpu_trace_exceptions(vm, i)) exc_bitmap = 0xffffffff; else exc_bitmap = 1 << IDT_MC; error += vmwrite(VMCS_EXCEPTION_BITMAP, exc_bitmap); vmx->ctx[i].guest_dr6 = DBREG_DR6_RESERVED1; error += vmwrite(VMCS_GUEST_DR7, DBREG_DR7_RESERVED1); if (tpr_shadowing) { error += vmwrite(VMCS_VIRTUAL_APIC, vtophys(&vmx->apic_page[i])); } if (virtual_interrupt_delivery) { error += vmwrite(VMCS_APIC_ACCESS, APIC_ACCESS_ADDRESS); error += vmwrite(VMCS_EOI_EXIT0, 0); error += vmwrite(VMCS_EOI_EXIT1, 0); error += vmwrite(VMCS_EOI_EXIT2, 0); error += vmwrite(VMCS_EOI_EXIT3, 0); } if (posted_interrupts) { error += vmwrite(VMCS_PIR_VECTOR, pirvec); error += vmwrite(VMCS_PIR_DESC, vtophys(&vmx->pir_desc[i])); } VMCLEAR(vmcs); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vmx_init: error customizing the vmcs")); vmx->cap[i].set = 0; vmx->cap[i].set |= cap_rdpid != 0 ? 1 << VM_CAP_RDPID : 0; vmx->cap[i].set |= cap_rdtscp != 0 ? 1 << VM_CAP_RDTSCP : 0; vmx->cap[i].proc_ctls = procbased_ctls; vmx->cap[i].proc_ctls2 = procbased_ctls2; vmx->cap[i].exc_bitmap = exc_bitmap; vmx->state[i].nextrip = ~0; vmx->state[i].lastcpu = NOCPU; vmx->state[i].vpid = vpid[i]; /* * Set up the CR0/4 shadows, and init the read shadow * to the power-on register value from the Intel Sys Arch. * CR0 - 0x60000010 * CR4 - 0 */ error = vmx_setup_cr0_shadow(vmcs, 0x60000010); if (error != 0) panic("vmx_setup_cr0_shadow %d", error); error = vmx_setup_cr4_shadow(vmcs, 0); if (error != 0) panic("vmx_setup_cr4_shadow %d", error); vmx->ctx[i].pmap = pmap; } return (vmx); } static int vmx_handle_cpuid(struct vm *vm, int vcpu, struct vmxctx *vmxctx) { int handled; handled = x86_emulate_cpuid(vm, vcpu, (uint64_t *)&vmxctx->guest_rax, (uint64_t *)&vmxctx->guest_rbx, (uint64_t *)&vmxctx->guest_rcx, (uint64_t *)&vmxctx->guest_rdx); return (handled); } static __inline void vmx_run_trace(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu) { #ifdef KTR VCPU_CTR1(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Resume execution at %#lx", vmcs_guest_rip()); #endif } static __inline void vmx_exit_trace(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, uint64_t rip, uint32_t exit_reason, int handled) { #ifdef KTR VCPU_CTR3(vmx->vm, vcpu, "%s %s vmexit at 0x%0lx", handled ? "handled" : "unhandled", exit_reason_to_str(exit_reason), rip); #endif } static __inline void vmx_astpending_trace(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, uint64_t rip) { #ifdef KTR VCPU_CTR1(vmx->vm, vcpu, "astpending vmexit at 0x%0lx", rip); #endif } static VMM_STAT_INTEL(VCPU_INVVPID_SAVED, "Number of vpid invalidations saved"); static VMM_STAT_INTEL(VCPU_INVVPID_DONE, "Number of vpid invalidations done"); /* * Invalidate guest mappings identified by its vpid from the TLB. */ static __inline void vmx_invvpid(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, pmap_t pmap, int running) { struct vmxstate *vmxstate; struct invvpid_desc invvpid_desc; vmxstate = &vmx->state[vcpu]; if (vmxstate->vpid == 0) return; if (!running) { /* * Set the 'lastcpu' to an invalid host cpu. * * This will invalidate TLB entries tagged with the vcpu's * vpid the next time it runs via vmx_set_pcpu_defaults(). */ vmxstate->lastcpu = NOCPU; return; } KASSERT(curthread->td_critnest > 0, ("%s: vcpu %d running outside " "critical section", __func__, vcpu)); /* * Invalidate all mappings tagged with 'vpid' * * We do this because this vcpu was executing on a different host * cpu when it last ran. We do not track whether it invalidated * mappings associated with its 'vpid' during that run. So we must * assume that the mappings associated with 'vpid' on 'curcpu' are * stale and invalidate them. * * Note that we incur this penalty only when the scheduler chooses to * move the thread associated with this vcpu between host cpus. * * Note also that this will invalidate mappings tagged with 'vpid' * for "all" EP4TAs. */ if (atomic_load_long(&pmap->pm_eptgen) == vmx->eptgen[curcpu]) { invvpid_desc._res1 = 0; invvpid_desc._res2 = 0; invvpid_desc.vpid = vmxstate->vpid; invvpid_desc.linear_addr = 0; invvpid(INVVPID_TYPE_SINGLE_CONTEXT, invvpid_desc); vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VCPU_INVVPID_DONE, 1); } else { /* * The invvpid can be skipped if an invept is going to * be performed before entering the guest. The invept * will invalidate combined mappings tagged with * 'vmx->eptp' for all vpids. */ vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VCPU_INVVPID_SAVED, 1); } } static void vmx_set_pcpu_defaults(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, pmap_t pmap) { struct vmxstate *vmxstate; vmxstate = &vmx->state[vcpu]; if (vmxstate->lastcpu == curcpu) return; vmxstate->lastcpu = curcpu; vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VCPU_MIGRATIONS, 1); vmcs_write(VMCS_HOST_TR_BASE, vmm_get_host_trbase()); vmcs_write(VMCS_HOST_GDTR_BASE, vmm_get_host_gdtrbase()); vmcs_write(VMCS_HOST_GS_BASE, vmm_get_host_gsbase()); vmx_invvpid(vmx, vcpu, pmap, 1); } /* * We depend on 'procbased_ctls' to have the Interrupt Window Exiting bit set. */ CTASSERT((PROCBASED_CTLS_ONE_SETTING & PROCBASED_INT_WINDOW_EXITING) != 0); static void __inline vmx_set_int_window_exiting(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu) { if ((vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls & PROCBASED_INT_WINDOW_EXITING) == 0) { vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls |= PROCBASED_INT_WINDOW_EXITING; vmcs_write(VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS, vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls); VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Enabling interrupt window exiting"); } } static void __inline vmx_clear_int_window_exiting(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu) { KASSERT((vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls & PROCBASED_INT_WINDOW_EXITING) != 0, ("intr_window_exiting not set: %#x", vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls)); vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls &= ~PROCBASED_INT_WINDOW_EXITING; vmcs_write(VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS, vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls); VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Disabling interrupt window exiting"); } static void __inline vmx_set_nmi_window_exiting(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu) { if ((vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls & PROCBASED_NMI_WINDOW_EXITING) == 0) { vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls |= PROCBASED_NMI_WINDOW_EXITING; vmcs_write(VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS, vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls); VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Enabling NMI window exiting"); } } static void __inline vmx_clear_nmi_window_exiting(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu) { KASSERT((vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls & PROCBASED_NMI_WINDOW_EXITING) != 0, ("nmi_window_exiting not set %#x", vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls)); vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls &= ~PROCBASED_NMI_WINDOW_EXITING; vmcs_write(VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS, vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls); VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Disabling NMI window exiting"); } int vmx_set_tsc_offset(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, uint64_t offset) { int error; if ((vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls & PROCBASED_TSC_OFFSET) == 0) { vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls |= PROCBASED_TSC_OFFSET; vmcs_write(VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS, vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls); VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Enabling TSC offsetting"); } error = vmwrite(VMCS_TSC_OFFSET, offset); #ifdef BHYVE_SNAPSHOT if (error == 0) error = vm_set_tsc_offset(vmx->vm, vcpu, offset); #endif return (error); } #define NMI_BLOCKING (VMCS_INTERRUPTIBILITY_NMI_BLOCKING | \ VMCS_INTERRUPTIBILITY_MOVSS_BLOCKING) #define HWINTR_BLOCKING (VMCS_INTERRUPTIBILITY_STI_BLOCKING | \ VMCS_INTERRUPTIBILITY_MOVSS_BLOCKING) static void vmx_inject_nmi(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu) { uint32_t gi, info; gi = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY); KASSERT((gi & NMI_BLOCKING) == 0, ("vmx_inject_nmi: invalid guest " "interruptibility-state %#x", gi)); info = vmcs_read(VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO); KASSERT((info & VMCS_INTR_VALID) == 0, ("vmx_inject_nmi: invalid " "VM-entry interruption information %#x", info)); /* * Inject the virtual NMI. The vector must be the NMI IDT entry * or the VMCS entry check will fail. */ info = IDT_NMI | VMCS_INTR_T_NMI | VMCS_INTR_VALID; vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO, info); VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Injecting vNMI"); /* Clear the request */ vm_nmi_clear(vmx->vm, vcpu); } static void vmx_inject_interrupts(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, struct vlapic *vlapic, uint64_t guestrip) { int vector, need_nmi_exiting, extint_pending; uint64_t rflags, entryinfo; uint32_t gi, info; if (vmx->state[vcpu].nextrip != guestrip) { gi = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY); if (gi & HWINTR_BLOCKING) { VCPU_CTR2(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Guest interrupt blocking " "cleared due to rip change: %#lx/%#lx", vmx->state[vcpu].nextrip, guestrip); gi &= ~HWINTR_BLOCKING; vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY, gi); } } if (vm_entry_intinfo(vmx->vm, vcpu, &entryinfo)) { KASSERT((entryinfo & VMCS_INTR_VALID) != 0, ("%s: entry " "intinfo is not valid: %#lx", __func__, entryinfo)); info = vmcs_read(VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO); KASSERT((info & VMCS_INTR_VALID) == 0, ("%s: cannot inject " "pending exception: %#lx/%#x", __func__, entryinfo, info)); info = entryinfo; vector = info & 0xff; if (vector == IDT_BP || vector == IDT_OF) { /* * VT-x requires #BP and #OF to be injected as software * exceptions. */ info &= ~VMCS_INTR_T_MASK; info |= VMCS_INTR_T_SWEXCEPTION; } if (info & VMCS_INTR_DEL_ERRCODE) vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_EXCEPTION_ERROR, entryinfo >> 32); vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO, info); } if (vm_nmi_pending(vmx->vm, vcpu)) { /* * If there are no conditions blocking NMI injection then * inject it directly here otherwise enable "NMI window * exiting" to inject it as soon as we can. * * We also check for STI_BLOCKING because some implementations * don't allow NMI injection in this case. If we are running * on a processor that doesn't have this restriction it will * immediately exit and the NMI will be injected in the * "NMI window exiting" handler. */ need_nmi_exiting = 1; gi = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY); if ((gi & (HWINTR_BLOCKING | NMI_BLOCKING)) == 0) { info = vmcs_read(VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO); if ((info & VMCS_INTR_VALID) == 0) { vmx_inject_nmi(vmx, vcpu); need_nmi_exiting = 0; } else { VCPU_CTR1(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject NMI " "due to VM-entry intr info %#x", info); } } else { VCPU_CTR1(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject NMI due to " "Guest Interruptibility-state %#x", gi); } if (need_nmi_exiting) vmx_set_nmi_window_exiting(vmx, vcpu); } extint_pending = vm_extint_pending(vmx->vm, vcpu); if (!extint_pending && virtual_interrupt_delivery) { vmx_inject_pir(vlapic); return; } /* * If interrupt-window exiting is already in effect then don't bother * checking for pending interrupts. This is just an optimization and * not needed for correctness. */ if ((vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls & PROCBASED_INT_WINDOW_EXITING) != 0) { VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Skip interrupt injection due to " "pending int_window_exiting"); return; } if (!extint_pending) { /* Ask the local apic for a vector to inject */ if (!vlapic_pending_intr(vlapic, &vector)) return; /* * From the Intel SDM, Volume 3, Section "Maskable * Hardware Interrupts": * - maskable interrupt vectors [16,255] can be delivered * through the local APIC. */ KASSERT(vector >= 16 && vector <= 255, ("invalid vector %d from local APIC", vector)); } else { /* Ask the legacy pic for a vector to inject */ vatpic_pending_intr(vmx->vm, &vector); /* * From the Intel SDM, Volume 3, Section "Maskable * Hardware Interrupts": * - maskable interrupt vectors [0,255] can be delivered * through the INTR pin. */ KASSERT(vector >= 0 && vector <= 255, ("invalid vector %d from INTR", vector)); } /* Check RFLAGS.IF and the interruptibility state of the guest */ rflags = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_RFLAGS); if ((rflags & PSL_I) == 0) { VCPU_CTR2(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject vector %d due to " "rflags %#lx", vector, rflags); goto cantinject; } gi = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY); if (gi & HWINTR_BLOCKING) { VCPU_CTR2(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject vector %d due to " "Guest Interruptibility-state %#x", vector, gi); goto cantinject; } info = vmcs_read(VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO); if (info & VMCS_INTR_VALID) { /* * This is expected and could happen for multiple reasons: * - A vectoring VM-entry was aborted due to astpending * - A VM-exit happened during event injection. * - An exception was injected above. * - An NMI was injected above or after "NMI window exiting" */ VCPU_CTR2(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Cannot inject vector %d due to " "VM-entry intr info %#x", vector, info); goto cantinject; } /* Inject the interrupt */ info = VMCS_INTR_T_HWINTR | VMCS_INTR_VALID; info |= vector; vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO, info); if (!extint_pending) { /* Update the Local APIC ISR */ vlapic_intr_accepted(vlapic, vector); } else { vm_extint_clear(vmx->vm, vcpu); vatpic_intr_accepted(vmx->vm, vector); /* * After we accepted the current ExtINT the PIC may * have posted another one. If that is the case, set * the Interrupt Window Exiting execution control so * we can inject that one too. * * Also, interrupt window exiting allows us to inject any * pending APIC vector that was preempted by the ExtINT * as soon as possible. This applies both for the software * emulated vlapic and the hardware assisted virtual APIC. */ vmx_set_int_window_exiting(vmx, vcpu); } VCPU_CTR1(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Injecting hwintr at vector %d", vector); return; cantinject: /* * Set the Interrupt Window Exiting execution control so we can inject * the interrupt as soon as blocking condition goes away. */ vmx_set_int_window_exiting(vmx, vcpu); } /* * If the Virtual NMIs execution control is '1' then the logical processor * tracks virtual-NMI blocking in the Guest Interruptibility-state field of * the VMCS. An IRET instruction in VMX non-root operation will remove any * virtual-NMI blocking. * * This unblocking occurs even if the IRET causes a fault. In this case the * hypervisor needs to restore virtual-NMI blocking before resuming the guest. */ static void vmx_restore_nmi_blocking(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid) { uint32_t gi; VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpuid, "Restore Virtual-NMI blocking"); gi = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY); gi |= VMCS_INTERRUPTIBILITY_NMI_BLOCKING; vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY, gi); } static void vmx_clear_nmi_blocking(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid) { uint32_t gi; VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpuid, "Clear Virtual-NMI blocking"); gi = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY); gi &= ~VMCS_INTERRUPTIBILITY_NMI_BLOCKING; vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY, gi); } static void vmx_assert_nmi_blocking(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid) { uint32_t gi; gi = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY); KASSERT(gi & VMCS_INTERRUPTIBILITY_NMI_BLOCKING, ("NMI blocking is not in effect %#x", gi)); } static int vmx_emulate_xsetbv(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, struct vm_exit *vmexit) { struct vmxctx *vmxctx; uint64_t xcrval; const struct xsave_limits *limits; vmxctx = &vmx->ctx[vcpu]; limits = vmm_get_xsave_limits(); /* * Note that the processor raises a GP# fault on its own if * xsetbv is executed for CPL != 0, so we do not have to * emulate that fault here. */ /* Only xcr0 is supported. */ if (vmxctx->guest_rcx != 0) { vm_inject_gp(vmx->vm, vcpu); return (HANDLED); } /* We only handle xcr0 if both the host and guest have XSAVE enabled. */ if (!limits->xsave_enabled || !(vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CR4) & CR4_XSAVE)) { vm_inject_ud(vmx->vm, vcpu); return (HANDLED); } xcrval = vmxctx->guest_rdx << 32 | (vmxctx->guest_rax & 0xffffffff); if ((xcrval & ~limits->xcr0_allowed) != 0) { vm_inject_gp(vmx->vm, vcpu); return (HANDLED); } if (!(xcrval & XFEATURE_ENABLED_X87)) { vm_inject_gp(vmx->vm, vcpu); return (HANDLED); } /* AVX (YMM_Hi128) requires SSE. */ if (xcrval & XFEATURE_ENABLED_AVX && (xcrval & XFEATURE_AVX) != XFEATURE_AVX) { vm_inject_gp(vmx->vm, vcpu); return (HANDLED); } /* * AVX512 requires base AVX (YMM_Hi128) as well as OpMask, * ZMM_Hi256, and Hi16_ZMM. */ if (xcrval & XFEATURE_AVX512 && (xcrval & (XFEATURE_AVX512 | XFEATURE_AVX)) != (XFEATURE_AVX512 | XFEATURE_AVX)) { vm_inject_gp(vmx->vm, vcpu); return (HANDLED); } /* * Intel MPX requires both bound register state flags to be * set. */ if (((xcrval & XFEATURE_ENABLED_BNDREGS) != 0) != ((xcrval & XFEATURE_ENABLED_BNDCSR) != 0)) { vm_inject_gp(vmx->vm, vcpu); return (HANDLED); } /* * This runs "inside" vmrun() with the guest's FPU state, so * modifying xcr0 directly modifies the guest's xcr0, not the * host's. */ load_xcr(0, xcrval); return (HANDLED); } static uint64_t vmx_get_guest_reg(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, int ident) { const struct vmxctx *vmxctx; vmxctx = &vmx->ctx[vcpu]; switch (ident) { case 0: return (vmxctx->guest_rax); case 1: return (vmxctx->guest_rcx); case 2: return (vmxctx->guest_rdx); case 3: return (vmxctx->guest_rbx); case 4: return (vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_RSP)); case 5: return (vmxctx->guest_rbp); case 6: return (vmxctx->guest_rsi); case 7: return (vmxctx->guest_rdi); case 8: return (vmxctx->guest_r8); case 9: return (vmxctx->guest_r9); case 10: return (vmxctx->guest_r10); case 11: return (vmxctx->guest_r11); case 12: return (vmxctx->guest_r12); case 13: return (vmxctx->guest_r13); case 14: return (vmxctx->guest_r14); case 15: return (vmxctx->guest_r15); default: panic("invalid vmx register %d", ident); } } static void vmx_set_guest_reg(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, int ident, uint64_t regval) { struct vmxctx *vmxctx; vmxctx = &vmx->ctx[vcpu]; switch (ident) { case 0: vmxctx->guest_rax = regval; break; case 1: vmxctx->guest_rcx = regval; break; case 2: vmxctx->guest_rdx = regval; break; case 3: vmxctx->guest_rbx = regval; break; case 4: vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_RSP, regval); break; case 5: vmxctx->guest_rbp = regval; break; case 6: vmxctx->guest_rsi = regval; break; case 7: vmxctx->guest_rdi = regval; break; case 8: vmxctx->guest_r8 = regval; break; case 9: vmxctx->guest_r9 = regval; break; case 10: vmxctx->guest_r10 = regval; break; case 11: vmxctx->guest_r11 = regval; break; case 12: vmxctx->guest_r12 = regval; break; case 13: vmxctx->guest_r13 = regval; break; case 14: vmxctx->guest_r14 = regval; break; case 15: vmxctx->guest_r15 = regval; break; default: panic("invalid vmx register %d", ident); } } static int vmx_emulate_cr0_access(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, uint64_t exitqual) { uint64_t crval, regval; /* We only handle mov to %cr0 at this time */ if ((exitqual & 0xf0) != 0x00) return (UNHANDLED); regval = vmx_get_guest_reg(vmx, vcpu, (exitqual >> 8) & 0xf); vmcs_write(VMCS_CR0_SHADOW, regval); crval = regval | cr0_ones_mask; crval &= ~cr0_zeros_mask; vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_CR0, crval); if (regval & CR0_PG) { uint64_t efer, entry_ctls; /* * If CR0.PG is 1 and EFER.LME is 1 then EFER.LMA and * the "IA-32e mode guest" bit in VM-entry control must be * equal. */ efer = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_IA32_EFER); if (efer & EFER_LME) { efer |= EFER_LMA; vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_IA32_EFER, efer); entry_ctls = vmcs_read(VMCS_ENTRY_CTLS); entry_ctls |= VM_ENTRY_GUEST_LMA; vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_CTLS, entry_ctls); } } return (HANDLED); } static int vmx_emulate_cr4_access(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, uint64_t exitqual) { uint64_t crval, regval; /* We only handle mov to %cr4 at this time */ if ((exitqual & 0xf0) != 0x00) return (UNHANDLED); regval = vmx_get_guest_reg(vmx, vcpu, (exitqual >> 8) & 0xf); vmcs_write(VMCS_CR4_SHADOW, regval); crval = regval | cr4_ones_mask; crval &= ~cr4_zeros_mask; vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_CR4, crval); return (HANDLED); } static int vmx_emulate_cr8_access(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, uint64_t exitqual) { struct vlapic *vlapic; uint64_t cr8; int regnum; /* We only handle mov %cr8 to/from a register at this time. */ if ((exitqual & 0xe0) != 0x00) { return (UNHANDLED); } vlapic = vm_lapic(vmx->vm, vcpu); regnum = (exitqual >> 8) & 0xf; if (exitqual & 0x10) { cr8 = vlapic_get_cr8(vlapic); vmx_set_guest_reg(vmx, vcpu, regnum, cr8); } else { cr8 = vmx_get_guest_reg(vmx, vcpu, regnum); vlapic_set_cr8(vlapic, cr8); } return (HANDLED); } /* * From section "Guest Register State" in the Intel SDM: CPL = SS.DPL */ static int vmx_cpl(void) { uint32_t ssar; ssar = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_SS_ACCESS_RIGHTS); return ((ssar >> 5) & 0x3); } static enum vm_cpu_mode vmx_cpu_mode(void) { uint32_t csar; if (vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_IA32_EFER) & EFER_LMA) { csar = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CS_ACCESS_RIGHTS); if (csar & 0x2000) return (CPU_MODE_64BIT); /* CS.L = 1 */ else return (CPU_MODE_COMPATIBILITY); } else if (vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CR0) & CR0_PE) { return (CPU_MODE_PROTECTED); } else { return (CPU_MODE_REAL); } } static enum vm_paging_mode vmx_paging_mode(void) { uint64_t cr4; if (!(vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CR0) & CR0_PG)) return (PAGING_MODE_FLAT); cr4 = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CR4); if (!(cr4 & CR4_PAE)) return (PAGING_MODE_32); if (vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_IA32_EFER) & EFER_LME) { if (!(cr4 & CR4_LA57)) return (PAGING_MODE_64); return (PAGING_MODE_64_LA57); } else return (PAGING_MODE_PAE); } static uint64_t inout_str_index(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, int in) { uint64_t val; int error; enum vm_reg_name reg; reg = in ? VM_REG_GUEST_RDI : VM_REG_GUEST_RSI; error = vmx_getreg(vmx, vcpuid, reg, &val); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vmx_getreg error %d", __func__, error)); return (val); } static uint64_t inout_str_count(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, int rep) { uint64_t val; int error; if (rep) { error = vmx_getreg(vmx, vcpuid, VM_REG_GUEST_RCX, &val); KASSERT(!error, ("%s: vmx_getreg error %d", __func__, error)); } else { val = 1; } return (val); } static int inout_str_addrsize(uint32_t inst_info) { uint32_t size; size = (inst_info >> 7) & 0x7; switch (size) { case 0: return (2); /* 16 bit */ case 1: return (4); /* 32 bit */ case 2: return (8); /* 64 bit */ default: panic("%s: invalid size encoding %d", __func__, size); } } static void inout_str_seginfo(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, uint32_t inst_info, int in, struct vm_inout_str *vis) { int error, s; if (in) { vis->seg_name = VM_REG_GUEST_ES; } else { s = (inst_info >> 15) & 0x7; vis->seg_name = vm_segment_name(s); } error = vmx_getdesc(vmx, vcpuid, vis->seg_name, &vis->seg_desc); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vmx_getdesc error %d", __func__, error)); } static void vmx_paging_info(struct vm_guest_paging *paging) { paging->cr3 = vmcs_guest_cr3(); paging->cpl = vmx_cpl(); paging->cpu_mode = vmx_cpu_mode(); paging->paging_mode = vmx_paging_mode(); } static void vmexit_inst_emul(struct vm_exit *vmexit, uint64_t gpa, uint64_t gla) { struct vm_guest_paging *paging; uint32_t csar; paging = &vmexit->u.inst_emul.paging; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_INST_EMUL; vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmexit->u.inst_emul.gpa = gpa; vmexit->u.inst_emul.gla = gla; vmx_paging_info(paging); switch (paging->cpu_mode) { case CPU_MODE_REAL: vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_base = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CS_BASE); vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_d = 0; break; case CPU_MODE_PROTECTED: case CPU_MODE_COMPATIBILITY: vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_base = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CS_BASE); csar = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CS_ACCESS_RIGHTS); vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_d = SEG_DESC_DEF32(csar); break; default: vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_base = 0; vmexit->u.inst_emul.cs_d = 0; break; } vie_init(&vmexit->u.inst_emul.vie, NULL, 0); } static int ept_fault_type(uint64_t ept_qual) { int fault_type; if (ept_qual & EPT_VIOLATION_DATA_WRITE) fault_type = VM_PROT_WRITE; else if (ept_qual & EPT_VIOLATION_INST_FETCH) fault_type = VM_PROT_EXECUTE; else fault_type= VM_PROT_READ; return (fault_type); } static bool ept_emulation_fault(uint64_t ept_qual) { int read, write; /* EPT fault on an instruction fetch doesn't make sense here */ if (ept_qual & EPT_VIOLATION_INST_FETCH) return (false); /* EPT fault must be a read fault or a write fault */ read = ept_qual & EPT_VIOLATION_DATA_READ ? 1 : 0; write = ept_qual & EPT_VIOLATION_DATA_WRITE ? 1 : 0; if ((read | write) == 0) return (false); /* * The EPT violation must have been caused by accessing a * guest-physical address that is a translation of a guest-linear * address. */ if ((ept_qual & EPT_VIOLATION_GLA_VALID) == 0 || (ept_qual & EPT_VIOLATION_XLAT_VALID) == 0) { return (false); } return (true); } static __inline int apic_access_virtualization(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid) { uint32_t proc_ctls2; proc_ctls2 = vmx->cap[vcpuid].proc_ctls2; return ((proc_ctls2 & PROCBASED2_VIRTUALIZE_APIC_ACCESSES) ? 1 : 0); } static __inline int x2apic_virtualization(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid) { uint32_t proc_ctls2; proc_ctls2 = vmx->cap[vcpuid].proc_ctls2; return ((proc_ctls2 & PROCBASED2_VIRTUALIZE_X2APIC_MODE) ? 1 : 0); } static int vmx_handle_apic_write(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, struct vlapic *vlapic, uint64_t qual) { int error, handled, offset; uint32_t *apic_regs, vector; bool retu; handled = HANDLED; offset = APIC_WRITE_OFFSET(qual); if (!apic_access_virtualization(vmx, vcpuid)) { /* * In general there should not be any APIC write VM-exits * unless APIC-access virtualization is enabled. * * However self-IPI virtualization can legitimately trigger * an APIC-write VM-exit so treat it specially. */ if (x2apic_virtualization(vmx, vcpuid) && offset == APIC_OFFSET_SELF_IPI) { apic_regs = (uint32_t *)(vlapic->apic_page); vector = apic_regs[APIC_OFFSET_SELF_IPI / 4]; vlapic_self_ipi_handler(vlapic, vector); return (HANDLED); } else return (UNHANDLED); } switch (offset) { case APIC_OFFSET_ID: vlapic_id_write_handler(vlapic); break; case APIC_OFFSET_LDR: vlapic_ldr_write_handler(vlapic); break; case APIC_OFFSET_DFR: vlapic_dfr_write_handler(vlapic); break; case APIC_OFFSET_SVR: vlapic_svr_write_handler(vlapic); break; case APIC_OFFSET_ESR: vlapic_esr_write_handler(vlapic); break; case APIC_OFFSET_ICR_LOW: retu = false; error = vlapic_icrlo_write_handler(vlapic, &retu); if (error != 0 || retu) handled = UNHANDLED; break; case APIC_OFFSET_CMCI_LVT: case APIC_OFFSET_TIMER_LVT ... APIC_OFFSET_ERROR_LVT: vlapic_lvt_write_handler(vlapic, offset); break; case APIC_OFFSET_TIMER_ICR: vlapic_icrtmr_write_handler(vlapic); break; case APIC_OFFSET_TIMER_DCR: vlapic_dcr_write_handler(vlapic); break; default: handled = UNHANDLED; break; } return (handled); } static bool apic_access_fault(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, uint64_t gpa) { if (apic_access_virtualization(vmx, vcpuid) && (gpa >= DEFAULT_APIC_BASE && gpa < DEFAULT_APIC_BASE + PAGE_SIZE)) return (true); else return (false); } static int vmx_handle_apic_access(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, struct vm_exit *vmexit) { uint64_t qual; int access_type, offset, allowed; if (!apic_access_virtualization(vmx, vcpuid)) return (UNHANDLED); qual = vmexit->u.vmx.exit_qualification; access_type = APIC_ACCESS_TYPE(qual); offset = APIC_ACCESS_OFFSET(qual); allowed = 0; if (access_type == 0) { /* * Read data access to the following registers is expected. */ switch (offset) { case APIC_OFFSET_APR: case APIC_OFFSET_PPR: case APIC_OFFSET_RRR: case APIC_OFFSET_CMCI_LVT: case APIC_OFFSET_TIMER_CCR: allowed = 1; break; default: break; } } else if (access_type == 1) { /* * Write data access to the following registers is expected. */ switch (offset) { case APIC_OFFSET_VER: case APIC_OFFSET_APR: case APIC_OFFSET_PPR: case APIC_OFFSET_RRR: case APIC_OFFSET_ISR0 ... APIC_OFFSET_ISR7: case APIC_OFFSET_TMR0 ... APIC_OFFSET_TMR7: case APIC_OFFSET_IRR0 ... APIC_OFFSET_IRR7: case APIC_OFFSET_CMCI_LVT: case APIC_OFFSET_TIMER_CCR: allowed = 1; break; default: break; } } if (allowed) { vmexit_inst_emul(vmexit, DEFAULT_APIC_BASE + offset, VIE_INVALID_GLA); } /* * Regardless of whether the APIC-access is allowed this handler * always returns UNHANDLED: * - if the access is allowed then it is handled by emulating the * instruction that caused the VM-exit (outside the critical section) * - if the access is not allowed then it will be converted to an * exitcode of VM_EXITCODE_VMX and will be dealt with in userland. */ return (UNHANDLED); } static enum task_switch_reason vmx_task_switch_reason(uint64_t qual) { int reason; reason = (qual >> 30) & 0x3; switch (reason) { case 0: return (TSR_CALL); case 1: return (TSR_IRET); case 2: return (TSR_JMP); case 3: return (TSR_IDT_GATE); default: panic("%s: invalid reason %d", __func__, reason); } } static int emulate_wrmsr(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, u_int num, uint64_t val, bool *retu) { int error; if (lapic_msr(num)) error = lapic_wrmsr(vmx->vm, vcpuid, num, val, retu); else error = vmx_wrmsr(vmx, vcpuid, num, val, retu); return (error); } static int emulate_rdmsr(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, u_int num, bool *retu) { struct vmxctx *vmxctx; uint64_t result; uint32_t eax, edx; int error; if (lapic_msr(num)) error = lapic_rdmsr(vmx->vm, vcpuid, num, &result, retu); else error = vmx_rdmsr(vmx, vcpuid, num, &result, retu); if (error == 0) { eax = result; vmxctx = &vmx->ctx[vcpuid]; error = vmxctx_setreg(vmxctx, VM_REG_GUEST_RAX, eax); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vmxctx_setreg(rax) error %d", error)); edx = result >> 32; error = vmxctx_setreg(vmxctx, VM_REG_GUEST_RDX, edx); KASSERT(error == 0, ("vmxctx_setreg(rdx) error %d", error)); } return (error); } static int vmx_exit_process(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, struct vm_exit *vmexit) { int error, errcode, errcode_valid, handled, in; struct vmxctx *vmxctx; struct vlapic *vlapic; struct vm_inout_str *vis; struct vm_task_switch *ts; uint32_t eax, ecx, edx, idtvec_info, idtvec_err, intr_info, inst_info; uint32_t intr_type, intr_vec, reason; uint64_t exitintinfo, qual, gpa; bool retu; CTASSERT((PINBASED_CTLS_ONE_SETTING & PINBASED_VIRTUAL_NMI) != 0); CTASSERT((PINBASED_CTLS_ONE_SETTING & PINBASED_NMI_EXITING) != 0); handled = UNHANDLED; vmxctx = &vmx->ctx[vcpu]; qual = vmexit->u.vmx.exit_qualification; reason = vmexit->u.vmx.exit_reason; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS; vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_COUNT, 1); SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, entry, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); /* * VM-entry failures during or after loading guest state. * * These VM-exits are uncommon but must be handled specially * as most VM-exit fields are not populated as usual. */ if (__predict_false(reason == EXIT_REASON_MCE_DURING_ENTRY)) { VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Handling MCE during VM-entry"); __asm __volatile("int $18"); return (1); } /* * VM exits that can be triggered during event delivery need to * be handled specially by re-injecting the event if the IDT * vectoring information field's valid bit is set. * * See "Information for VM Exits During Event Delivery" in Intel SDM * for details. */ idtvec_info = vmcs_idt_vectoring_info(); if (idtvec_info & VMCS_IDT_VEC_VALID) { idtvec_info &= ~(1 << 12); /* clear undefined bit */ exitintinfo = idtvec_info; if (idtvec_info & VMCS_IDT_VEC_ERRCODE_VALID) { idtvec_err = vmcs_idt_vectoring_err(); exitintinfo |= (uint64_t)idtvec_err << 32; } error = vm_exit_intinfo(vmx->vm, vcpu, exitintinfo); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vm_set_intinfo error %d", __func__, error)); /* * If 'virtual NMIs' are being used and the VM-exit * happened while injecting an NMI during the previous * VM-entry, then clear "blocking by NMI" in the * Guest Interruptibility-State so the NMI can be * reinjected on the subsequent VM-entry. * * However, if the NMI was being delivered through a task * gate, then the new task must start execution with NMIs * blocked so don't clear NMI blocking in this case. */ intr_type = idtvec_info & VMCS_INTR_T_MASK; if (intr_type == VMCS_INTR_T_NMI) { if (reason != EXIT_REASON_TASK_SWITCH) vmx_clear_nmi_blocking(vmx, vcpu); else vmx_assert_nmi_blocking(vmx, vcpu); } /* * Update VM-entry instruction length if the event being * delivered was a software interrupt or software exception. */ if (intr_type == VMCS_INTR_T_SWINTR || intr_type == VMCS_INTR_T_PRIV_SWEXCEPTION || intr_type == VMCS_INTR_T_SWEXCEPTION) { vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_INST_LENGTH, vmexit->inst_length); } } switch (reason) { case EXIT_REASON_TASK_SWITCH: ts = &vmexit->u.task_switch; ts->tsssel = qual & 0xffff; ts->reason = vmx_task_switch_reason(qual); ts->ext = 0; ts->errcode_valid = 0; vmx_paging_info(&ts->paging); /* * If the task switch was due to a CALL, JMP, IRET, software * interrupt (INT n) or software exception (INT3, INTO), * then the saved %rip references the instruction that caused * the task switch. The instruction length field in the VMCS * is valid in this case. * * In all other cases (e.g., NMI, hardware exception) the * saved %rip is one that would have been saved in the old TSS * had the task switch completed normally so the instruction * length field is not needed in this case and is explicitly * set to 0. */ if (ts->reason == TSR_IDT_GATE) { KASSERT(idtvec_info & VMCS_IDT_VEC_VALID, ("invalid idtvec_info %#x for IDT task switch", idtvec_info)); intr_type = idtvec_info & VMCS_INTR_T_MASK; if (intr_type != VMCS_INTR_T_SWINTR && intr_type != VMCS_INTR_T_SWEXCEPTION && intr_type != VMCS_INTR_T_PRIV_SWEXCEPTION) { /* Task switch triggered by external event */ ts->ext = 1; vmexit->inst_length = 0; if (idtvec_info & VMCS_IDT_VEC_ERRCODE_VALID) { ts->errcode_valid = 1; ts->errcode = vmcs_idt_vectoring_err(); } } } vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_TASK_SWITCH; SDT_PROBE4(vmm, vmx, exit, taskswitch, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, ts); VCPU_CTR4(vmx->vm, vcpu, "task switch reason %d, tss 0x%04x, " "%s errcode 0x%016lx", ts->reason, ts->tsssel, ts->ext ? "external" : "internal", ((uint64_t)ts->errcode << 32) | ts->errcode_valid); break; case EXIT_REASON_CR_ACCESS: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_CR_ACCESS, 1); SDT_PROBE4(vmm, vmx, exit, craccess, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, qual); switch (qual & 0xf) { case 0: handled = vmx_emulate_cr0_access(vmx, vcpu, qual); break; case 4: handled = vmx_emulate_cr4_access(vmx, vcpu, qual); break; case 8: handled = vmx_emulate_cr8_access(vmx, vcpu, qual); break; } break; case EXIT_REASON_RDMSR: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_RDMSR, 1); retu = false; ecx = vmxctx->guest_rcx; VCPU_CTR1(vmx->vm, vcpu, "rdmsr 0x%08x", ecx); SDT_PROBE4(vmm, vmx, exit, rdmsr, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, ecx); error = emulate_rdmsr(vmx, vcpu, ecx, &retu); if (error) { vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_RDMSR; vmexit->u.msr.code = ecx; } else if (!retu) { handled = HANDLED; } else { /* Return to userspace with a valid exitcode */ KASSERT(vmexit->exitcode != VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS, ("emulate_rdmsr retu with bogus exitcode")); } break; case EXIT_REASON_WRMSR: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_WRMSR, 1); retu = false; eax = vmxctx->guest_rax; ecx = vmxctx->guest_rcx; edx = vmxctx->guest_rdx; VCPU_CTR2(vmx->vm, vcpu, "wrmsr 0x%08x value 0x%016lx", ecx, (uint64_t)edx << 32 | eax); SDT_PROBE5(vmm, vmx, exit, wrmsr, vmx, vmexit, vcpu, ecx, (uint64_t)edx << 32 | eax); error = emulate_wrmsr(vmx, vcpu, ecx, (uint64_t)edx << 32 | eax, &retu); if (error) { vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_WRMSR; vmexit->u.msr.code = ecx; vmexit->u.msr.wval = (uint64_t)edx << 32 | eax; } else if (!retu) { handled = HANDLED; } else { /* Return to userspace with a valid exitcode */ KASSERT(vmexit->exitcode != VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS, ("emulate_wrmsr retu with bogus exitcode")); } break; case EXIT_REASON_HLT: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_HLT, 1); SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, halt, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_HLT; vmexit->u.hlt.rflags = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_RFLAGS); if (virtual_interrupt_delivery) vmexit->u.hlt.intr_status = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTR_STATUS); else vmexit->u.hlt.intr_status = 0; break; case EXIT_REASON_MTF: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_MTRAP, 1); SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, mtrap, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_MTRAP; vmexit->inst_length = 0; break; case EXIT_REASON_PAUSE: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_PAUSE, 1); SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, pause, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_PAUSE; break; case EXIT_REASON_INTR_WINDOW: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_INTR_WINDOW, 1); SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, intrwindow, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); vmx_clear_int_window_exiting(vmx, vcpu); return (1); case EXIT_REASON_EXT_INTR: /* * External interrupts serve only to cause VM exits and allow * the host interrupt handler to run. * * If this external interrupt triggers a virtual interrupt * to a VM, then that state will be recorded by the * host interrupt handler in the VM's softc. We will inject * this virtual interrupt during the subsequent VM enter. */ intr_info = vmcs_read(VMCS_EXIT_INTR_INFO); SDT_PROBE4(vmm, vmx, exit, interrupt, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, intr_info); /* * XXX: Ignore this exit if VMCS_INTR_VALID is not set. * This appears to be a bug in VMware Fusion? */ if (!(intr_info & VMCS_INTR_VALID)) return (1); KASSERT((intr_info & VMCS_INTR_VALID) != 0 && (intr_info & VMCS_INTR_T_MASK) == VMCS_INTR_T_HWINTR, ("VM exit interruption info invalid: %#x", intr_info)); vmx_trigger_hostintr(intr_info & 0xff); /* * This is special. We want to treat this as an 'handled' * VM-exit but not increment the instruction pointer. */ vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_EXTINT, 1); return (1); case EXIT_REASON_NMI_WINDOW: SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, nmiwindow, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); /* Exit to allow the pending virtual NMI to be injected */ if (vm_nmi_pending(vmx->vm, vcpu)) vmx_inject_nmi(vmx, vcpu); vmx_clear_nmi_window_exiting(vmx, vcpu); vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_NMI_WINDOW, 1); return (1); case EXIT_REASON_INOUT: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_INOUT, 1); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_INOUT; vmexit->u.inout.bytes = (qual & 0x7) + 1; vmexit->u.inout.in = in = (qual & 0x8) ? 1 : 0; vmexit->u.inout.string = (qual & 0x10) ? 1 : 0; vmexit->u.inout.rep = (qual & 0x20) ? 1 : 0; vmexit->u.inout.port = (uint16_t)(qual >> 16); vmexit->u.inout.eax = (uint32_t)(vmxctx->guest_rax); if (vmexit->u.inout.string) { inst_info = vmcs_read(VMCS_EXIT_INSTRUCTION_INFO); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_INOUT_STR; vis = &vmexit->u.inout_str; vmx_paging_info(&vis->paging); vis->rflags = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_RFLAGS); vis->cr0 = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_CR0); vis->index = inout_str_index(vmx, vcpu, in); vis->count = inout_str_count(vmx, vcpu, vis->inout.rep); vis->addrsize = inout_str_addrsize(inst_info); inout_str_seginfo(vmx, vcpu, inst_info, in, vis); } SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, inout, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); break; case EXIT_REASON_CPUID: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_CPUID, 1); SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, cpuid, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); handled = vmx_handle_cpuid(vmx->vm, vcpu, vmxctx); break; case EXIT_REASON_EXCEPTION: vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_EXCEPTION, 1); intr_info = vmcs_read(VMCS_EXIT_INTR_INFO); KASSERT((intr_info & VMCS_INTR_VALID) != 0, ("VM exit interruption info invalid: %#x", intr_info)); intr_vec = intr_info & 0xff; intr_type = intr_info & VMCS_INTR_T_MASK; /* * If Virtual NMIs control is 1 and the VM-exit is due to a * fault encountered during the execution of IRET then we must * restore the state of "virtual-NMI blocking" before resuming * the guest. * * See "Resuming Guest Software after Handling an Exception". * See "Information for VM Exits Due to Vectored Events". */ if ((idtvec_info & VMCS_IDT_VEC_VALID) == 0 && (intr_vec != IDT_DF) && (intr_info & EXIT_QUAL_NMIUDTI) != 0) vmx_restore_nmi_blocking(vmx, vcpu); /* * The NMI has already been handled in vmx_exit_handle_nmi(). */ if (intr_type == VMCS_INTR_T_NMI) return (1); /* * Call the machine check handler by hand. Also don't reflect * the machine check back into the guest. */ if (intr_vec == IDT_MC) { VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Vectoring to MCE handler"); __asm __volatile("int $18"); return (1); } /* * If the hypervisor has requested user exits for * debug exceptions, bounce them out to userland. */ if (intr_type == VMCS_INTR_T_SWEXCEPTION && intr_vec == IDT_BP && (vmx->cap[vcpu].set & (1 << VM_CAP_BPT_EXIT))) { vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_BPT; vmexit->u.bpt.inst_length = vmexit->inst_length; vmexit->inst_length = 0; break; } if (intr_vec == IDT_PF) { error = vmxctx_setreg(vmxctx, VM_REG_GUEST_CR2, qual); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vmxctx_setreg(cr2) error %d", __func__, error)); } /* * Software exceptions exhibit trap-like behavior. This in * turn requires populating the VM-entry instruction length * so that the %rip in the trap frame is past the INT3/INTO * instruction. */ if (intr_type == VMCS_INTR_T_SWEXCEPTION) vmcs_write(VMCS_ENTRY_INST_LENGTH, vmexit->inst_length); /* Reflect all other exceptions back into the guest */ errcode_valid = errcode = 0; if (intr_info & VMCS_INTR_DEL_ERRCODE) { errcode_valid = 1; errcode = vmcs_read(VMCS_EXIT_INTR_ERRCODE); } VCPU_CTR2(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Reflecting exception %d/%#x into " "the guest", intr_vec, errcode); SDT_PROBE5(vmm, vmx, exit, exception, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, intr_vec, errcode); error = vm_inject_exception(vmx->vm, vcpu, intr_vec, errcode_valid, errcode, 0); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vm_inject_exception error %d", __func__, error)); return (1); case EXIT_REASON_EPT_FAULT: /* * If 'gpa' lies within the address space allocated to * memory then this must be a nested page fault otherwise * this must be an instruction that accesses MMIO space. */ gpa = vmcs_gpa(); if (vm_mem_allocated(vmx->vm, vcpu, gpa) || apic_access_fault(vmx, vcpu, gpa)) { vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_PAGING; vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmexit->u.paging.gpa = gpa; vmexit->u.paging.fault_type = ept_fault_type(qual); vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_NESTED_FAULT, 1); SDT_PROBE5(vmm, vmx, exit, nestedfault, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, gpa, qual); } else if (ept_emulation_fault(qual)) { vmexit_inst_emul(vmexit, gpa, vmcs_gla()); vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_INST_EMUL, 1); SDT_PROBE4(vmm, vmx, exit, mmiofault, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, gpa); } /* * If Virtual NMIs control is 1 and the VM-exit is due to an * EPT fault during the execution of IRET then we must restore * the state of "virtual-NMI blocking" before resuming. * * See description of "NMI unblocking due to IRET" in * "Exit Qualification for EPT Violations". */ if ((idtvec_info & VMCS_IDT_VEC_VALID) == 0 && (qual & EXIT_QUAL_NMIUDTI) != 0) vmx_restore_nmi_blocking(vmx, vcpu); break; case EXIT_REASON_VIRTUALIZED_EOI: vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_IOAPIC_EOI; vmexit->u.ioapic_eoi.vector = qual & 0xFF; SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, eoi, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); vmexit->inst_length = 0; /* trap-like */ break; case EXIT_REASON_APIC_ACCESS: SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, apicaccess, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); handled = vmx_handle_apic_access(vmx, vcpu, vmexit); break; case EXIT_REASON_APIC_WRITE: /* * APIC-write VM exit is trap-like so the %rip is already * pointing to the next instruction. */ vmexit->inst_length = 0; vlapic = vm_lapic(vmx->vm, vcpu); SDT_PROBE4(vmm, vmx, exit, apicwrite, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, vlapic); handled = vmx_handle_apic_write(vmx, vcpu, vlapic, qual); break; case EXIT_REASON_XSETBV: SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, xsetbv, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); handled = vmx_emulate_xsetbv(vmx, vcpu, vmexit); break; case EXIT_REASON_MONITOR: SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, monitor, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_MONITOR; break; case EXIT_REASON_MWAIT: SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, mwait, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_MWAIT; break; case EXIT_REASON_TPR: vlapic = vm_lapic(vmx->vm, vcpu); vlapic_sync_tpr(vlapic); vmexit->inst_length = 0; handled = HANDLED; break; case EXIT_REASON_VMCALL: case EXIT_REASON_VMCLEAR: case EXIT_REASON_VMLAUNCH: case EXIT_REASON_VMPTRLD: case EXIT_REASON_VMPTRST: case EXIT_REASON_VMREAD: case EXIT_REASON_VMRESUME: case EXIT_REASON_VMWRITE: case EXIT_REASON_VMXOFF: case EXIT_REASON_VMXON: SDT_PROBE3(vmm, vmx, exit, vminsn, vmx, vcpu, vmexit); vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_VMINSN; break; default: SDT_PROBE4(vmm, vmx, exit, unknown, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, reason); vmm_stat_incr(vmx->vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_UNKNOWN, 1); break; } if (handled) { /* * It is possible that control is returned to userland * even though we were able to handle the VM exit in the * kernel. * * In such a case we want to make sure that the userland * restarts guest execution at the instruction *after* * the one we just processed. Therefore we update the * guest rip in the VMCS and in 'vmexit'. */ vmexit->rip += vmexit->inst_length; vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_RIP, vmexit->rip); } else { if (vmexit->exitcode == VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS) { /* * If this VM exit was not claimed by anybody then * treat it as a generic VMX exit. */ vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_VMX; vmexit->u.vmx.status = VM_SUCCESS; vmexit->u.vmx.inst_type = 0; vmexit->u.vmx.inst_error = 0; } else { /* * The exitcode and collateral have been populated. * The VM exit will be processed further in userland. */ } } SDT_PROBE4(vmm, vmx, exit, return, vmx, vcpu, vmexit, handled); return (handled); } static __inline void vmx_exit_inst_error(struct vmxctx *vmxctx, int rc, struct vm_exit *vmexit) { KASSERT(vmxctx->inst_fail_status != VM_SUCCESS, ("vmx_exit_inst_error: invalid inst_fail_status %d", vmxctx->inst_fail_status)); vmexit->inst_length = 0; vmexit->exitcode = VM_EXITCODE_VMX; vmexit->u.vmx.status = vmxctx->inst_fail_status; vmexit->u.vmx.inst_error = vmcs_instruction_error(); vmexit->u.vmx.exit_reason = ~0; vmexit->u.vmx.exit_qualification = ~0; switch (rc) { case VMX_VMRESUME_ERROR: case VMX_VMLAUNCH_ERROR: vmexit->u.vmx.inst_type = rc; break; default: panic("vm_exit_inst_error: vmx_enter_guest returned %d", rc); } } /* * If the NMI-exiting VM execution control is set to '1' then an NMI in * non-root operation causes a VM-exit. NMI blocking is in effect so it is * sufficient to simply vector to the NMI handler via a software interrupt. * However, this must be done before maskable interrupts are enabled * otherwise the "iret" issued by an interrupt handler will incorrectly * clear NMI blocking. */ static __inline void vmx_exit_handle_nmi(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpuid, struct vm_exit *vmexit) { uint32_t intr_info; KASSERT((read_rflags() & PSL_I) == 0, ("interrupts enabled")); if (vmexit->u.vmx.exit_reason != EXIT_REASON_EXCEPTION) return; intr_info = vmcs_read(VMCS_EXIT_INTR_INFO); KASSERT((intr_info & VMCS_INTR_VALID) != 0, ("VM exit interruption info invalid: %#x", intr_info)); if ((intr_info & VMCS_INTR_T_MASK) == VMCS_INTR_T_NMI) { KASSERT((intr_info & 0xff) == IDT_NMI, ("VM exit due " "to NMI has invalid vector: %#x", intr_info)); VCPU_CTR0(vmx->vm, vcpuid, "Vectoring to NMI handler"); __asm __volatile("int $2"); } } static __inline void vmx_dr_enter_guest(struct vmxctx *vmxctx) { register_t rflags; /* Save host control debug registers. */ vmxctx->host_dr7 = rdr7(); vmxctx->host_debugctl = rdmsr(MSR_DEBUGCTLMSR); /* * Disable debugging in DR7 and DEBUGCTL to avoid triggering * exceptions in the host based on the guest DRx values. The * guest DR7 and DEBUGCTL are saved/restored in the VMCS. */ load_dr7(0); wrmsr(MSR_DEBUGCTLMSR, 0); /* * Disable single stepping the kernel to avoid corrupting the * guest DR6. A debugger might still be able to corrupt the * guest DR6 by setting a breakpoint after this point and then * single stepping. */ rflags = read_rflags(); vmxctx->host_tf = rflags & PSL_T; write_rflags(rflags & ~PSL_T); /* Save host debug registers. */ vmxctx->host_dr0 = rdr0(); vmxctx->host_dr1 = rdr1(); vmxctx->host_dr2 = rdr2(); vmxctx->host_dr3 = rdr3(); vmxctx->host_dr6 = rdr6(); /* Restore guest debug registers. */ load_dr0(vmxctx->guest_dr0); load_dr1(vmxctx->guest_dr1); load_dr2(vmxctx->guest_dr2); load_dr3(vmxctx->guest_dr3); load_dr6(vmxctx->guest_dr6); } static __inline void vmx_dr_leave_guest(struct vmxctx *vmxctx) { /* Save guest debug registers. */ vmxctx->guest_dr0 = rdr0(); vmxctx->guest_dr1 = rdr1(); vmxctx->guest_dr2 = rdr2(); vmxctx->guest_dr3 = rdr3(); vmxctx->guest_dr6 = rdr6(); /* * Restore host debug registers. Restore DR7, DEBUGCTL, and * PSL_T last. */ load_dr0(vmxctx->host_dr0); load_dr1(vmxctx->host_dr1); load_dr2(vmxctx->host_dr2); load_dr3(vmxctx->host_dr3); load_dr6(vmxctx->host_dr6); wrmsr(MSR_DEBUGCTLMSR, vmxctx->host_debugctl); load_dr7(vmxctx->host_dr7); write_rflags(read_rflags() | vmxctx->host_tf); } static __inline void vmx_pmap_activate(struct vmx *vmx, pmap_t pmap) { long eptgen; int cpu; cpu = curcpu; CPU_SET_ATOMIC(cpu, &pmap->pm_active); smr_enter(pmap->pm_eptsmr); eptgen = atomic_load_long(&pmap->pm_eptgen); if (eptgen != vmx->eptgen[cpu]) { vmx->eptgen[cpu] = eptgen; invept(INVEPT_TYPE_SINGLE_CONTEXT, (struct invept_desc){ .eptp = vmx->eptp, ._res = 0 }); } } static __inline void vmx_pmap_deactivate(struct vmx *vmx, pmap_t pmap) { smr_exit(pmap->pm_eptsmr); CPU_CLR_ATOMIC(curcpu, &pmap->pm_active); } static int vmx_run(void *arg, int vcpu, register_t rip, pmap_t pmap, struct vm_eventinfo *evinfo) { int rc, handled, launched; struct vmx *vmx; struct vm *vm; struct vmxctx *vmxctx; struct vmcs *vmcs; struct vm_exit *vmexit; struct vlapic *vlapic; uint32_t exit_reason; struct region_descriptor gdtr, idtr; uint16_t ldt_sel; vmx = arg; vm = vmx->vm; vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[vcpu]; vmxctx = &vmx->ctx[vcpu]; vlapic = vm_lapic(vm, vcpu); vmexit = vm_exitinfo(vm, vcpu); launched = 0; KASSERT(vmxctx->pmap == pmap, ("pmap %p different than ctx pmap %p", pmap, vmxctx->pmap)); vmx_msr_guest_enter(vmx, vcpu); VMPTRLD(vmcs); /* * XXX * We do this every time because we may setup the virtual machine * from a different process than the one that actually runs it. * * If the life of a virtual machine was spent entirely in the context * of a single process we could do this once in vmx_init(). */ vmcs_write(VMCS_HOST_CR3, rcr3()); vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_RIP, rip); vmx_set_pcpu_defaults(vmx, vcpu, pmap); do { KASSERT(vmcs_guest_rip() == rip, ("%s: vmcs guest rip mismatch " "%#lx/%#lx", __func__, vmcs_guest_rip(), rip)); handled = UNHANDLED; /* * Interrupts are disabled from this point on until the * guest starts executing. This is done for the following * reasons: * * If an AST is asserted on this thread after the check below, * then the IPI_AST notification will not be lost, because it * will cause a VM exit due to external interrupt as soon as * the guest state is loaded. * * A posted interrupt after 'vmx_inject_interrupts()' will * not be "lost" because it will be held pending in the host * APIC because interrupts are disabled. The pending interrupt * will be recognized as soon as the guest state is loaded. * * The same reasoning applies to the IPI generated by * pmap_invalidate_ept(). */ disable_intr(); vmx_inject_interrupts(vmx, vcpu, vlapic, rip); /* * Check for vcpu suspension after injecting events because * vmx_inject_interrupts() can suspend the vcpu due to a * triple fault. */ if (vcpu_suspended(evinfo)) { enable_intr(); vm_exit_suspended(vmx->vm, vcpu, rip); break; } if (vcpu_rendezvous_pending(evinfo)) { enable_intr(); vm_exit_rendezvous(vmx->vm, vcpu, rip); break; } if (vcpu_reqidle(evinfo)) { enable_intr(); vm_exit_reqidle(vmx->vm, vcpu, rip); break; } if (vcpu_should_yield(vm, vcpu)) { enable_intr(); vm_exit_astpending(vmx->vm, vcpu, rip); vmx_astpending_trace(vmx, vcpu, rip); handled = HANDLED; break; } if (vcpu_debugged(vm, vcpu)) { enable_intr(); vm_exit_debug(vmx->vm, vcpu, rip); break; } /* * If TPR Shadowing is enabled, the TPR Threshold * must be updated right before entering the guest. */ if (tpr_shadowing && !virtual_interrupt_delivery) { if ((vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls & PROCBASED_USE_TPR_SHADOW) != 0) { vmcs_write(VMCS_TPR_THRESHOLD, vlapic_get_cr8(vlapic)); } } /* * VM exits restore the base address but not the * limits of GDTR and IDTR. The VMCS only stores the * base address, so VM exits set the limits to 0xffff. * Save and restore the full GDTR and IDTR to restore * the limits. * * The VMCS does not save the LDTR at all, and VM * exits clear LDTR as if a NULL selector were loaded. * The userspace hypervisor probably doesn't use a * LDT, but save and restore it to be safe. */ sgdt(&gdtr); sidt(&idtr); ldt_sel = sldt(); /* * The TSC_AUX MSR must be saved/restored while interrupts * are disabled so that it is not possible for the guest * TSC_AUX MSR value to be overwritten by the resume * portion of the IPI_SUSPEND codepath. This is why the * transition of this MSR is handled separately from those * handled by vmx_msr_guest_{enter,exit}(), which are ok to * be transitioned with preemption disabled but interrupts * enabled. * * These vmx_msr_guest_{enter,exit}_tsc_aux() calls can be * anywhere in this loop so long as they happen with * interrupts disabled. This location is chosen for * simplicity. */ vmx_msr_guest_enter_tsc_aux(vmx, vcpu); vmx_dr_enter_guest(vmxctx); /* * Mark the EPT as active on this host CPU and invalidate * EPTP-tagged TLB entries if required. */ vmx_pmap_activate(vmx, pmap); vmx_run_trace(vmx, vcpu); rc = vmx_enter_guest(vmxctx, vmx, launched); vmx_pmap_deactivate(vmx, pmap); vmx_dr_leave_guest(vmxctx); vmx_msr_guest_exit_tsc_aux(vmx, vcpu); bare_lgdt(&gdtr); lidt(&idtr); lldt(ldt_sel); /* Collect some information for VM exit processing */ vmexit->rip = rip = vmcs_guest_rip(); vmexit->inst_length = vmexit_instruction_length(); vmexit->u.vmx.exit_reason = exit_reason = vmcs_exit_reason(); vmexit->u.vmx.exit_qualification = vmcs_exit_qualification(); /* Update 'nextrip' */ vmx->state[vcpu].nextrip = rip; if (rc == VMX_GUEST_VMEXIT) { vmx_exit_handle_nmi(vmx, vcpu, vmexit); enable_intr(); handled = vmx_exit_process(vmx, vcpu, vmexit); } else { enable_intr(); vmx_exit_inst_error(vmxctx, rc, vmexit); } launched = 1; vmx_exit_trace(vmx, vcpu, rip, exit_reason, handled); rip = vmexit->rip; } while (handled); /* * If a VM exit has been handled then the exitcode must be BOGUS * If a VM exit is not handled then the exitcode must not be BOGUS */ if ((handled && vmexit->exitcode != VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS) || (!handled && vmexit->exitcode == VM_EXITCODE_BOGUS)) { panic("Mismatch between handled (%d) and exitcode (%d)", handled, vmexit->exitcode); } if (!handled) vmm_stat_incr(vm, vcpu, VMEXIT_USERSPACE, 1); VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpu, "returning from vmx_run: exitcode %d", vmexit->exitcode); VMCLEAR(vmcs); vmx_msr_guest_exit(vmx, vcpu); return (0); } static void vmx_cleanup(void *arg) { int i; struct vmx *vmx = arg; uint16_t maxcpus; if (apic_access_virtualization(vmx, 0)) vm_unmap_mmio(vmx->vm, DEFAULT_APIC_BASE, PAGE_SIZE); maxcpus = vm_get_maxcpus(vmx->vm); for (i = 0; i < maxcpus; i++) vpid_free(vmx->state[i].vpid); free(vmx, M_VMX); return; } static register_t * vmxctx_regptr(struct vmxctx *vmxctx, int reg) { switch (reg) { case VM_REG_GUEST_RAX: return (&vmxctx->guest_rax); case VM_REG_GUEST_RBX: return (&vmxctx->guest_rbx); case VM_REG_GUEST_RCX: return (&vmxctx->guest_rcx); case VM_REG_GUEST_RDX: return (&vmxctx->guest_rdx); case VM_REG_GUEST_RSI: return (&vmxctx->guest_rsi); case VM_REG_GUEST_RDI: return (&vmxctx->guest_rdi); case VM_REG_GUEST_RBP: return (&vmxctx->guest_rbp); case VM_REG_GUEST_R8: return (&vmxctx->guest_r8); case VM_REG_GUEST_R9: return (&vmxctx->guest_r9); case VM_REG_GUEST_R10: return (&vmxctx->guest_r10); case VM_REG_GUEST_R11: return (&vmxctx->guest_r11); case VM_REG_GUEST_R12: return (&vmxctx->guest_r12); case VM_REG_GUEST_R13: return (&vmxctx->guest_r13); case VM_REG_GUEST_R14: return (&vmxctx->guest_r14); case VM_REG_GUEST_R15: return (&vmxctx->guest_r15); case VM_REG_GUEST_CR2: return (&vmxctx->guest_cr2); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR0: return (&vmxctx->guest_dr0); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR1: return (&vmxctx->guest_dr1); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR2: return (&vmxctx->guest_dr2); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR3: return (&vmxctx->guest_dr3); case VM_REG_GUEST_DR6: return (&vmxctx->guest_dr6); default: break; } return (NULL); } static int vmxctx_getreg(struct vmxctx *vmxctx, int reg, uint64_t *retval) { register_t *regp; if ((regp = vmxctx_regptr(vmxctx, reg)) != NULL) { *retval = *regp; return (0); } else return (EINVAL); } static int vmxctx_setreg(struct vmxctx *vmxctx, int reg, uint64_t val) { register_t *regp; if ((regp = vmxctx_regptr(vmxctx, reg)) != NULL) { *regp = val; return (0); } else return (EINVAL); } static int vmx_get_intr_shadow(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, int running, uint64_t *retval) { uint64_t gi; int error; error = vmcs_getreg(&vmx->vmcs[vcpu], running, VMCS_IDENT(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY), &gi); *retval = (gi & HWINTR_BLOCKING) ? 1 : 0; return (error); } static int vmx_modify_intr_shadow(struct vmx *vmx, int vcpu, int running, uint64_t val) { struct vmcs *vmcs; uint64_t gi; int error, ident; /* * Forcing the vcpu into an interrupt shadow is not supported. */ if (val) { error = EINVAL; goto done; } vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[vcpu]; ident = VMCS_IDENT(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY); error = vmcs_getreg(vmcs, running, ident, &gi); if (error == 0) { gi &= ~HWINTR_BLOCKING; error = vmcs_setreg(vmcs, running, ident, gi); } done: VCPU_CTR2(vmx->vm, vcpu, "Setting intr_shadow to %#lx %s", val, error ? "failed" : "succeeded"); return (error); } static int vmx_shadow_reg(int reg) { int shreg; shreg = -1; switch (reg) { case VM_REG_GUEST_CR0: shreg = VMCS_CR0_SHADOW; break; case VM_REG_GUEST_CR4: shreg = VMCS_CR4_SHADOW; break; default: break; } return (shreg); } static int vmx_getreg(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, uint64_t *retval) { int running, hostcpu; struct vmx *vmx = arg; running = vcpu_is_running(vmx->vm, vcpu, &hostcpu); if (running && hostcpu != curcpu) panic("vmx_getreg: %s%d is running", vm_name(vmx->vm), vcpu); if (reg == VM_REG_GUEST_INTR_SHADOW) return (vmx_get_intr_shadow(vmx, vcpu, running, retval)); if (vmxctx_getreg(&vmx->ctx[vcpu], reg, retval) == 0) return (0); return (vmcs_getreg(&vmx->vmcs[vcpu], running, reg, retval)); } static int vmx_setreg(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, uint64_t val) { int error, hostcpu, running, shadow; uint64_t ctls; pmap_t pmap; struct vmx *vmx = arg; running = vcpu_is_running(vmx->vm, vcpu, &hostcpu); if (running && hostcpu != curcpu) panic("vmx_setreg: %s%d is running", vm_name(vmx->vm), vcpu); if (reg == VM_REG_GUEST_INTR_SHADOW) return (vmx_modify_intr_shadow(vmx, vcpu, running, val)); if (vmxctx_setreg(&vmx->ctx[vcpu], reg, val) == 0) return (0); /* Do not permit user write access to VMCS fields by offset. */ if (reg < 0) return (EINVAL); error = vmcs_setreg(&vmx->vmcs[vcpu], running, reg, val); if (error == 0) { /* * If the "load EFER" VM-entry control is 1 then the * value of EFER.LMA must be identical to "IA-32e mode guest" * bit in the VM-entry control. */ if ((entry_ctls & VM_ENTRY_LOAD_EFER) != 0 && (reg == VM_REG_GUEST_EFER)) { vmcs_getreg(&vmx->vmcs[vcpu], running, VMCS_IDENT(VMCS_ENTRY_CTLS), &ctls); if (val & EFER_LMA) ctls |= VM_ENTRY_GUEST_LMA; else ctls &= ~VM_ENTRY_GUEST_LMA; vmcs_setreg(&vmx->vmcs[vcpu], running, VMCS_IDENT(VMCS_ENTRY_CTLS), ctls); } shadow = vmx_shadow_reg(reg); if (shadow > 0) { /* * Store the unmodified value in the shadow */ error = vmcs_setreg(&vmx->vmcs[vcpu], running, VMCS_IDENT(shadow), val); } if (reg == VM_REG_GUEST_CR3) { /* * Invalidate the guest vcpu's TLB mappings to emulate * the behavior of updating %cr3. * * XXX the processor retains global mappings when %cr3 * is updated but vmx_invvpid() does not. */ pmap = vmx->ctx[vcpu].pmap; vmx_invvpid(vmx, vcpu, pmap, running); } } return (error); } static int vmx_getdesc(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *desc) { int hostcpu, running; struct vmx *vmx = arg; running = vcpu_is_running(vmx->vm, vcpu, &hostcpu); if (running && hostcpu != curcpu) panic("vmx_getdesc: %s%d is running", vm_name(vmx->vm), vcpu); return (vmcs_getdesc(&vmx->vmcs[vcpu], running, reg, desc)); } static int vmx_setdesc(void *arg, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *desc) { int hostcpu, running; struct vmx *vmx = arg; running = vcpu_is_running(vmx->vm, vcpu, &hostcpu); if (running && hostcpu != curcpu) panic("vmx_setdesc: %s%d is running", vm_name(vmx->vm), vcpu); return (vmcs_setdesc(&vmx->vmcs[vcpu], running, reg, desc)); } static int vmx_getcap(void *arg, int vcpu, int type, int *retval) { struct vmx *vmx = arg; int vcap; int ret; ret = ENOENT; vcap = vmx->cap[vcpu].set; switch (type) { case VM_CAP_HALT_EXIT: if (cap_halt_exit) ret = 0; break; case VM_CAP_PAUSE_EXIT: if (cap_pause_exit) ret = 0; break; case VM_CAP_MTRAP_EXIT: if (cap_monitor_trap) ret = 0; break; case VM_CAP_RDPID: if (cap_rdpid) ret = 0; break; case VM_CAP_RDTSCP: if (cap_rdtscp) ret = 0; break; case VM_CAP_UNRESTRICTED_GUEST: if (cap_unrestricted_guest) ret = 0; break; case VM_CAP_ENABLE_INVPCID: if (cap_invpcid) ret = 0; break; case VM_CAP_BPT_EXIT: ret = 0; break; default: break; } if (ret == 0) *retval = (vcap & (1 << type)) ? 1 : 0; return (ret); } static int vmx_setcap(void *arg, int vcpu, int type, int val) { struct vmx *vmx = arg; struct vmcs *vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[vcpu]; uint32_t baseval; uint32_t *pptr; int error; int flag; int reg; int retval; retval = ENOENT; pptr = NULL; switch (type) { case VM_CAP_HALT_EXIT: if (cap_halt_exit) { retval = 0; pptr = &vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls; baseval = *pptr; flag = PROCBASED_HLT_EXITING; reg = VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS; } break; case VM_CAP_MTRAP_EXIT: if (cap_monitor_trap) { retval = 0; pptr = &vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls; baseval = *pptr; flag = PROCBASED_MTF; reg = VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS; } break; case VM_CAP_PAUSE_EXIT: if (cap_pause_exit) { retval = 0; pptr = &vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls; baseval = *pptr; flag = PROCBASED_PAUSE_EXITING; reg = VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS; } break; case VM_CAP_RDPID: case VM_CAP_RDTSCP: if (cap_rdpid || cap_rdtscp) /* * Choose not to support enabling/disabling * RDPID/RDTSCP via libvmmapi since, as per the * discussion in vmx_modinit(), RDPID/RDTSCP are * either always enabled or always disabled. */ error = EOPNOTSUPP; break; case VM_CAP_UNRESTRICTED_GUEST: if (cap_unrestricted_guest) { retval = 0; pptr = &vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls2; baseval = *pptr; flag = PROCBASED2_UNRESTRICTED_GUEST; reg = VMCS_SEC_PROC_BASED_CTLS; } break; case VM_CAP_ENABLE_INVPCID: if (cap_invpcid) { retval = 0; pptr = &vmx->cap[vcpu].proc_ctls2; baseval = *pptr; flag = PROCBASED2_ENABLE_INVPCID; reg = VMCS_SEC_PROC_BASED_CTLS; } break; case VM_CAP_BPT_EXIT: retval = 0; /* Don't change the bitmap if we are tracing all exceptions. */ if (vmx->cap[vcpu].exc_bitmap != 0xffffffff) { pptr = &vmx->cap[vcpu].exc_bitmap; baseval = *pptr; flag = (1 << IDT_BP); reg = VMCS_EXCEPTION_BITMAP; } break; default: break; } if (retval) return (retval); if (pptr != NULL) { if (val) { baseval |= flag; } else { baseval &= ~flag; } VMPTRLD(vmcs); error = vmwrite(reg, baseval); VMCLEAR(vmcs); if (error) return (error); /* * Update optional stored flags, and record * setting */ *pptr = baseval; } if (val) { vmx->cap[vcpu].set |= (1 << type); } else { vmx->cap[vcpu].set &= ~(1 << type); } return (0); } static struct vmspace * vmx_vmspace_alloc(vm_offset_t min, vm_offset_t max) { return (ept_vmspace_alloc(min, max)); } static void vmx_vmspace_free(struct vmspace *vmspace) { ept_vmspace_free(vmspace); } struct vlapic_vtx { struct vlapic vlapic; struct pir_desc *pir_desc; struct vmx *vmx; u_int pending_prio; }; #define VPR_PRIO_BIT(vpr) (1 << ((vpr) >> 4)) #define VMX_CTR_PIR(vm, vcpuid, pir_desc, notify, vector, level, msg) \ do { \ VCPU_CTR2(vm, vcpuid, msg " assert %s-triggered vector %d", \ level ? "level" : "edge", vector); \ VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, msg " pir0 0x%016lx", pir_desc->pir[0]); \ VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, msg " pir1 0x%016lx", pir_desc->pir[1]); \ VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, msg " pir2 0x%016lx", pir_desc->pir[2]); \ VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, msg " pir3 0x%016lx", pir_desc->pir[3]); \ VCPU_CTR1(vm, vcpuid, msg " notify: %s", notify ? "yes" : "no");\ } while (0) /* * vlapic->ops handlers that utilize the APICv hardware assist described in * Chapter 29 of the Intel SDM. */ static int vmx_set_intr_ready(struct vlapic *vlapic, int vector, bool level) { struct vlapic_vtx *vlapic_vtx; struct pir_desc *pir_desc; uint64_t mask; int idx, notify = 0; vlapic_vtx = (struct vlapic_vtx *)vlapic; pir_desc = vlapic_vtx->pir_desc; /* * Keep track of interrupt requests in the PIR descriptor. This is * because the virtual APIC page pointed to by the VMCS cannot be * modified if the vcpu is running. */ idx = vector / 64; mask = 1UL << (vector % 64); atomic_set_long(&pir_desc->pir[idx], mask); /* * A notification is required whenever the 'pending' bit makes a * transition from 0->1. * * Even if the 'pending' bit is already asserted, notification about * the incoming interrupt may still be necessary. For example, if a * vCPU is HLTed with a high PPR, a low priority interrupt would cause * the 0->1 'pending' transition with a notification, but the vCPU * would ignore the interrupt for the time being. The same vCPU would * need to then be notified if a high-priority interrupt arrived which * satisfied the PPR. * * The priorities of interrupts injected while 'pending' is asserted * are tracked in a custom bitfield 'pending_prio'. Should the * to-be-injected interrupt exceed the priorities already present, the * notification is sent. The priorities recorded in 'pending_prio' are * cleared whenever the 'pending' bit makes another 0->1 transition. */ if (atomic_cmpset_long(&pir_desc->pending, 0, 1) != 0) { notify = 1; vlapic_vtx->pending_prio = 0; } else { const u_int old_prio = vlapic_vtx->pending_prio; const u_int prio_bit = VPR_PRIO_BIT(vector & APIC_TPR_INT); if ((old_prio & prio_bit) == 0 && prio_bit > old_prio) { atomic_set_int(&vlapic_vtx->pending_prio, prio_bit); notify = 1; } } VMX_CTR_PIR(vlapic->vm, vlapic->vcpuid, pir_desc, notify, vector, level, "vmx_set_intr_ready"); return (notify); } static int vmx_pending_intr(struct vlapic *vlapic, int *vecptr) { struct vlapic_vtx *vlapic_vtx; struct pir_desc *pir_desc; struct LAPIC *lapic; uint64_t pending, pirval; uint32_t ppr, vpr; int i; /* * This function is only expected to be called from the 'HLT' exit * handler which does not care about the vector that is pending. */ KASSERT(vecptr == NULL, ("vmx_pending_intr: vecptr must be NULL")); vlapic_vtx = (struct vlapic_vtx *)vlapic; pir_desc = vlapic_vtx->pir_desc; pending = atomic_load_acq_long(&pir_desc->pending); if (!pending) { /* * While a virtual interrupt may have already been * processed the actual delivery maybe pending the * interruptibility of the guest. Recognize a pending * interrupt by reevaluating virtual interrupts * following Section 29.2.1 in the Intel SDM Volume 3. */ struct vm_exit *vmexit; uint8_t rvi, ppr; vmexit = vm_exitinfo(vlapic->vm, vlapic->vcpuid); KASSERT(vmexit->exitcode == VM_EXITCODE_HLT, ("vmx_pending_intr: exitcode not 'HLT'")); rvi = vmexit->u.hlt.intr_status & APIC_TPR_INT; lapic = vlapic->apic_page; ppr = lapic->ppr & APIC_TPR_INT; if (rvi > ppr) { return (1); } return (0); } /* * If there is an interrupt pending then it will be recognized only * if its priority is greater than the processor priority. * * Special case: if the processor priority is zero then any pending * interrupt will be recognized. */ lapic = vlapic->apic_page; ppr = lapic->ppr & APIC_TPR_INT; if (ppr == 0) return (1); VCPU_CTR1(vlapic->vm, vlapic->vcpuid, "HLT with non-zero PPR %d", lapic->ppr); vpr = 0; for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { pirval = pir_desc->pir[i]; if (pirval != 0) { vpr = (i * 64 + flsl(pirval) - 1) & APIC_TPR_INT; break; } } /* * If the highest-priority pending interrupt falls short of the * processor priority of this vCPU, ensure that 'pending_prio' does not * have any stale bits which would preclude a higher-priority interrupt * from incurring a notification later. */ if (vpr <= ppr) { const u_int prio_bit = VPR_PRIO_BIT(vpr); const u_int old = vlapic_vtx->pending_prio; if (old > prio_bit && (old & prio_bit) == 0) { vlapic_vtx->pending_prio = prio_bit; } return (0); } return (1); } static void vmx_intr_accepted(struct vlapic *vlapic, int vector) { panic("vmx_intr_accepted: not expected to be called"); } static void vmx_set_tmr(struct vlapic *vlapic, int vector, bool level) { struct vlapic_vtx *vlapic_vtx; struct vmx *vmx; struct vmcs *vmcs; uint64_t mask, val; KASSERT(vector >= 0 && vector <= 255, ("invalid vector %d", vector)); KASSERT(!vcpu_is_running(vlapic->vm, vlapic->vcpuid, NULL), ("vmx_set_tmr: vcpu cannot be running")); vlapic_vtx = (struct vlapic_vtx *)vlapic; vmx = vlapic_vtx->vmx; vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[vlapic->vcpuid]; mask = 1UL << (vector % 64); VMPTRLD(vmcs); val = vmcs_read(VMCS_EOI_EXIT(vector)); if (level) val |= mask; else val &= ~mask; vmcs_write(VMCS_EOI_EXIT(vector), val); VMCLEAR(vmcs); } static void vmx_enable_x2apic_mode_ts(struct vlapic *vlapic) { struct vmx *vmx; struct vmcs *vmcs; uint32_t proc_ctls; int vcpuid; vcpuid = vlapic->vcpuid; vmx = ((struct vlapic_vtx *)vlapic)->vmx; vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[vcpuid]; proc_ctls = vmx->cap[vcpuid].proc_ctls; proc_ctls &= ~PROCBASED_USE_TPR_SHADOW; proc_ctls |= PROCBASED_CR8_LOAD_EXITING; proc_ctls |= PROCBASED_CR8_STORE_EXITING; vmx->cap[vcpuid].proc_ctls = proc_ctls; VMPTRLD(vmcs); vmcs_write(VMCS_PRI_PROC_BASED_CTLS, proc_ctls); VMCLEAR(vmcs); } static void vmx_enable_x2apic_mode_vid(struct vlapic *vlapic) { struct vmx *vmx; struct vmcs *vmcs; uint32_t proc_ctls2; int vcpuid, error; vcpuid = vlapic->vcpuid; vmx = ((struct vlapic_vtx *)vlapic)->vmx; vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[vcpuid]; proc_ctls2 = vmx->cap[vcpuid].proc_ctls2; KASSERT((proc_ctls2 & PROCBASED2_VIRTUALIZE_APIC_ACCESSES) != 0, ("%s: invalid proc_ctls2 %#x", __func__, proc_ctls2)); proc_ctls2 &= ~PROCBASED2_VIRTUALIZE_APIC_ACCESSES; proc_ctls2 |= PROCBASED2_VIRTUALIZE_X2APIC_MODE; vmx->cap[vcpuid].proc_ctls2 = proc_ctls2; VMPTRLD(vmcs); vmcs_write(VMCS_SEC_PROC_BASED_CTLS, proc_ctls2); VMCLEAR(vmcs); if (vlapic->vcpuid == 0) { /* * The nested page table mappings are shared by all vcpus * so unmap the APIC access page just once. */ error = vm_unmap_mmio(vmx->vm, DEFAULT_APIC_BASE, PAGE_SIZE); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vm_unmap_mmio error %d", __func__, error)); /* * The MSR bitmap is shared by all vcpus so modify it only * once in the context of vcpu 0. */ error = vmx_allow_x2apic_msrs(vmx); KASSERT(error == 0, ("%s: vmx_allow_x2apic_msrs error %d", __func__, error)); } } static void vmx_post_intr(struct vlapic *vlapic, int hostcpu) { ipi_cpu(hostcpu, pirvec); } /* * Transfer the pending interrupts in the PIR descriptor to the IRR * in the virtual APIC page. */ static void vmx_inject_pir(struct vlapic *vlapic) { struct vlapic_vtx *vlapic_vtx; struct pir_desc *pir_desc; struct LAPIC *lapic; uint64_t val, pirval; int rvi, pirbase = -1; uint16_t intr_status_old, intr_status_new; vlapic_vtx = (struct vlapic_vtx *)vlapic; pir_desc = vlapic_vtx->pir_desc; if (atomic_cmpset_long(&pir_desc->pending, 1, 0) == 0) { VCPU_CTR0(vlapic->vm, vlapic->vcpuid, "vmx_inject_pir: " "no posted interrupt pending"); return; } pirval = 0; pirbase = -1; lapic = vlapic->apic_page; val = atomic_readandclear_long(&pir_desc->pir[0]); if (val != 0) { lapic->irr0 |= val; lapic->irr1 |= val >> 32; pirbase = 0; pirval = val; } val = atomic_readandclear_long(&pir_desc->pir[1]); if (val != 0) { lapic->irr2 |= val; lapic->irr3 |= val >> 32; pirbase = 64; pirval = val; } val = atomic_readandclear_long(&pir_desc->pir[2]); if (val != 0) { lapic->irr4 |= val; lapic->irr5 |= val >> 32; pirbase = 128; pirval = val; } val = atomic_readandclear_long(&pir_desc->pir[3]); if (val != 0) { lapic->irr6 |= val; lapic->irr7 |= val >> 32; pirbase = 192; pirval = val; } VLAPIC_CTR_IRR(vlapic, "vmx_inject_pir"); /* * Update RVI so the processor can evaluate pending virtual * interrupts on VM-entry. * * It is possible for pirval to be 0 here, even though the * pending bit has been set. The scenario is: * CPU-Y is sending a posted interrupt to CPU-X, which * is running a guest and processing posted interrupts in h/w. * CPU-X will eventually exit and the state seen in s/w is * the pending bit set, but no PIR bits set. * * CPU-X CPU-Y * (vm running) (host running) * rx posted interrupt * CLEAR pending bit * SET PIR bit * READ/CLEAR PIR bits * SET pending bit * (vm exit) * pending bit set, PIR 0 */ if (pirval != 0) { rvi = pirbase + flsl(pirval) - 1; intr_status_old = vmcs_read(VMCS_GUEST_INTR_STATUS); intr_status_new = (intr_status_old & 0xFF00) | rvi; if (intr_status_new > intr_status_old) { vmcs_write(VMCS_GUEST_INTR_STATUS, intr_status_new); VCPU_CTR2(vlapic->vm, vlapic->vcpuid, "vmx_inject_pir: " "guest_intr_status changed from 0x%04x to 0x%04x", intr_status_old, intr_status_new); } } } static struct vlapic * vmx_vlapic_init(void *arg, int vcpuid) { struct vmx *vmx; struct vlapic *vlapic; struct vlapic_vtx *vlapic_vtx; vmx = arg; vlapic = malloc(sizeof(struct vlapic_vtx), M_VLAPIC, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); vlapic->vm = vmx->vm; vlapic->vcpuid = vcpuid; vlapic->apic_page = (struct LAPIC *)&vmx->apic_page[vcpuid]; vlapic_vtx = (struct vlapic_vtx *)vlapic; vlapic_vtx->pir_desc = &vmx->pir_desc[vcpuid]; vlapic_vtx->vmx = vmx; if (tpr_shadowing) { vlapic->ops.enable_x2apic_mode = vmx_enable_x2apic_mode_ts; } if (virtual_interrupt_delivery) { vlapic->ops.set_intr_ready = vmx_set_intr_ready; vlapic->ops.pending_intr = vmx_pending_intr; vlapic->ops.intr_accepted = vmx_intr_accepted; vlapic->ops.set_tmr = vmx_set_tmr; vlapic->ops.enable_x2apic_mode = vmx_enable_x2apic_mode_vid; } if (posted_interrupts) vlapic->ops.post_intr = vmx_post_intr; vlapic_init(vlapic); return (vlapic); } static void vmx_vlapic_cleanup(void *arg, struct vlapic *vlapic) { vlapic_cleanup(vlapic); free(vlapic, M_VLAPIC); } #ifdef BHYVE_SNAPSHOT static int vmx_snapshot(void *arg, struct vm_snapshot_meta *meta) { struct vmx *vmx; struct vmxctx *vmxctx; int i; int ret; vmx = arg; KASSERT(vmx != NULL, ("%s: arg was NULL", __func__)); for (i = 0; i < VM_MAXCPU; i++) { SNAPSHOT_BUF_OR_LEAVE(vmx->guest_msrs[i], sizeof(vmx->guest_msrs[i]), meta, ret, done); vmxctx = &vmx->ctx[i]; SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_rdi, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_rsi, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_rdx, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_rcx, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_r8, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_r9, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_rax, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_rbx, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_rbp, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_r10, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_r11, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_r12, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_r13, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_r14, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_r15, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_cr2, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_dr0, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_dr1, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_dr2, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_dr3, meta, ret, done); SNAPSHOT_VAR_OR_LEAVE(vmxctx->guest_dr6, meta, ret, done); } done: return (ret); } static int vmx_vmcx_snapshot(void *arg, struct vm_snapshot_meta *meta, int vcpu) { struct vmcs *vmcs; struct vmx *vmx; int err, run, hostcpu; vmx = (struct vmx *)arg; err = 0; KASSERT(arg != NULL, ("%s: arg was NULL", __func__)); vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[vcpu]; run = vcpu_is_running(vmx->vm, vcpu, &hostcpu); if (run && hostcpu != curcpu) { printf("%s: %s%d is running", __func__, vm_name(vmx->vm), vcpu); return (EINVAL); } err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_CR3, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_CR4, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_DR7, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_RSP, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_RIP, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_RFLAGS, meta); /* Guest segments */ err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_ES, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_ES, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_DS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_DS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_FS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_FS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_GS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_GS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_EFER, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_IDTR, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_desc(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_GDTR, meta); /* Guest page tables */ err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_PDPTE0, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_PDPTE1, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_PDPTE2, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_reg(vmcs, run, VM_REG_GUEST_PDPTE3, meta); /* Other guest state */ err += vmcs_snapshot_any(vmcs, run, VMCS_GUEST_IA32_SYSENTER_CS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_any(vmcs, run, VMCS_GUEST_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_any(vmcs, run, VMCS_GUEST_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_any(vmcs, run, VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_any(vmcs, run, VMCS_GUEST_ACTIVITY, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_any(vmcs, run, VMCS_ENTRY_CTLS, meta); err += vmcs_snapshot_any(vmcs, run, VMCS_EXIT_CTLS, meta); return (err); } static int vmx_restore_tsc(void *arg, int vcpu, uint64_t offset) { struct vmcs *vmcs; struct vmx *vmx = (struct vmx *)arg; int error, running, hostcpu; KASSERT(arg != NULL, ("%s: arg was NULL", __func__)); vmcs = &vmx->vmcs[vcpu]; running = vcpu_is_running(vmx->vm, vcpu, &hostcpu); if (running && hostcpu != curcpu) { printf("%s: %s%d is running", __func__, vm_name(vmx->vm), vcpu); return (EINVAL); } if (!running) VMPTRLD(vmcs); error = vmx_set_tsc_offset(vmx, vcpu, offset); if (!running) VMCLEAR(vmcs); return (error); } #endif const struct vmm_ops vmm_ops_intel = { .modinit = vmx_modinit, .modcleanup = vmx_modcleanup, .modresume = vmx_modresume, .init = vmx_init, .run = vmx_run, .cleanup = vmx_cleanup, .getreg = vmx_getreg, .setreg = vmx_setreg, .getdesc = vmx_getdesc, .setdesc = vmx_setdesc, .getcap = vmx_getcap, .setcap = vmx_setcap, .vmspace_alloc = vmx_vmspace_alloc, .vmspace_free = vmx_vmspace_free, .vlapic_init = vmx_vlapic_init, .vlapic_cleanup = vmx_vlapic_cleanup, #ifdef BHYVE_SNAPSHOT .snapshot = vmx_snapshot, .vmcx_snapshot = vmx_vmcx_snapshot, .restore_tsc = vmx_restore_tsc, #endif }; diff --git a/sys/arm/arm/debug_monitor.c b/sys/arm/arm/debug_monitor.c index 55b5f70b2397..b73249bedcf1 100644 --- a/sys/arm/arm/debug_monitor.c +++ b/sys/arm/arm/debug_monitor.c @@ -1,1070 +1,1070 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Juniper Networks Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Developed by Semihalf. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include enum dbg_t { DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT = 0, DBG_TYPE_WATCHPOINT = 1, }; struct dbg_wb_conf { enum dbg_t type; enum dbg_access_t access; db_addr_t address; db_expr_t size; u_int slot; }; static int dbg_reset_state(void); static int dbg_setup_breakpoint(db_expr_t, db_expr_t, u_int); static int dbg_remove_breakpoint(u_int); static u_int dbg_find_slot(enum dbg_t, db_expr_t); static boolean_t dbg_check_slot_free(enum dbg_t, u_int); static int dbg_remove_xpoint(struct dbg_wb_conf *); static int dbg_setup_xpoint(struct dbg_wb_conf *); static int dbg_capable_var; /* Indicates that machine is capable of using HW watchpoints/breakpoints */ static uint32_t dbg_model; /* Debug Arch. Model */ static boolean_t dbg_ossr; /* OS Save and Restore implemented */ static uint32_t dbg_watchpoint_num; static uint32_t dbg_breakpoint_num; /* ID_DFR0 - Debug Feature Register 0 */ #define ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_SHIFT 0 #define ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_MASK (0xF << ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_SHIFT) #define ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_NS (0x0) /* Not supported */ #define ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6 (0x2) /* v6 Debug arch. CP14 access */ #define ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6_1 (0x3) /* v6.1 Debug arch. CP14 access */ #define ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7 (0x4) /* v7 Debug arch. CP14 access */ #define ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7_1 (0x5) /* v7.1 Debug arch. CP14 access */ /* DBGDIDR - Debug ID Register */ #define DBGDIDR_WRPS_SHIFT 28 #define DBGDIDR_WRPS_MASK (0xF << DBGDIDR_WRPS_SHIFT) #define DBGDIDR_WRPS_NUM(reg) \ ((((reg) & DBGDIDR_WRPS_MASK) >> DBGDIDR_WRPS_SHIFT) + 1) #define DBGDIDR_BRPS_SHIFT 24 #define DBGDIDR_BRPS_MASK (0xF << DBGDIDR_BRPS_SHIFT) #define DBGDIDR_BRPS_NUM(reg) \ ((((reg) & DBGDIDR_BRPS_MASK) >> DBGDIDR_BRPS_SHIFT) + 1) /* DBGPRSR - Device Powerdown and Reset Status Register */ #define DBGPRSR_PU (1 << 0) /* Powerup status */ /* DBGOSLSR - OS Lock Status Register */ #define DBGOSLSR_OSLM0 (1 << 0) /* DBGOSDLR - OS Double Lock Register */ #define DBGPRSR_DLK (1 << 0) /* OS Double Lock set */ /* DBGDSCR - Debug Status and Control Register */ #define DBGSCR_MDBG_EN (1 << 15) /* Monitor debug-mode enable */ /* DBGWVR - Watchpoint Value Register */ #define DBGWVR_ADDR_MASK (~0x3U) /* Watchpoints/breakpoints control register bitfields */ #define DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_1 (0x1 << 5) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_2 (0x3 << 5) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_4 (0xf << 5) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_8 (0xff << 5) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_MASK(x) ((x) & (0xff << 5)) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_EXEC (0x0 << 3) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_LOAD (0x1 << 3) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_STORE (0x2 << 3) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_ACCESS_MASK(x) ((x) & (0x3 << 3)) /* Common for breakpoint and watchpoint */ #define DBG_WB_CTRL_PL1 (0x1 << 1) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_PL0 (0x2 << 1) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_PLX_MASK(x) ((x) & (0x3 << 1)) #define DBG_WB_CTRL_E (0x1 << 0) /* * Watchpoint/breakpoint helpers */ #define DBG_BKPT_BT_SLOT 0 /* Slot for branch taken */ #define DBG_BKPT_BNT_SLOT 1 /* Slot for branch not taken */ #define OP2_SHIFT 4 /* Opc2 numbers for coprocessor instructions */ #define DBG_WB_BVR 4 #define DBG_WB_BCR 5 #define DBG_WB_WVR 6 #define DBG_WB_WCR 7 #define DBG_REG_BASE_BVR (DBG_WB_BVR << OP2_SHIFT) #define DBG_REG_BASE_BCR (DBG_WB_BCR << OP2_SHIFT) #define DBG_REG_BASE_WVR (DBG_WB_WVR << OP2_SHIFT) #define DBG_REG_BASE_WCR (DBG_WB_WCR << OP2_SHIFT) #define DBG_WB_READ(cn, cm, op2, val) do { \ __asm __volatile("mrc p14, 0, %0, " #cn "," #cm "," #op2 : "=r" (val)); \ } while (0) #define DBG_WB_WRITE(cn, cm, op2, val) do { \ __asm __volatile("mcr p14, 0, %0, " #cn "," #cm "," #op2 :: "r" (val)); \ } while (0) #define READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, m, val) \ case (((op2) << OP2_SHIFT) + m): \ DBG_WB_READ(c0, c ## m, op2, val); \ break #define WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, m, val) \ case (((op2) << OP2_SHIFT) + m): \ DBG_WB_WRITE(c0, c ## m, op2, val); \ break #define SWITCH_CASES_READ_WB_REG(op2, val) \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 0, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 1, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 2, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 3, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 4, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 5, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 6, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 7, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 8, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 9, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 10, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 11, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 12, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 13, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 14, val); \ READ_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 15, val) #define SWITCH_CASES_WRITE_WB_REG(op2, val) \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 0, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 1, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 2, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 3, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 4, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 5, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 6, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 7, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 8, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 9, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 10, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 11, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 12, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 13, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 14, val); \ WRITE_WB_REG_CASE(op2, 15, val) static uint32_t dbg_wb_read_reg(int reg, int n) { uint32_t val; val = 0; switch (reg + n) { SWITCH_CASES_READ_WB_REG(DBG_WB_WVR, val); SWITCH_CASES_READ_WB_REG(DBG_WB_WCR, val); SWITCH_CASES_READ_WB_REG(DBG_WB_BVR, val); SWITCH_CASES_READ_WB_REG(DBG_WB_BCR, val); default: db_printf( "trying to read from CP14 reg. using wrong opc2 %d\n", reg >> OP2_SHIFT); } return (val); } static void dbg_wb_write_reg(int reg, int n, uint32_t val) { switch (reg + n) { SWITCH_CASES_WRITE_WB_REG(DBG_WB_WVR, val); SWITCH_CASES_WRITE_WB_REG(DBG_WB_WCR, val); SWITCH_CASES_WRITE_WB_REG(DBG_WB_BVR, val); SWITCH_CASES_WRITE_WB_REG(DBG_WB_BCR, val); default: db_printf( "trying to write to CP14 reg. using wrong opc2 %d\n", reg >> OP2_SHIFT); } isb(); } static __inline boolean_t dbg_capable(void) { return (atomic_cmpset_int(&dbg_capable_var, 0, 0) == 0); } boolean_t kdb_cpu_pc_is_singlestep(db_addr_t pc) { /* * XXX: If the platform fails to enable its debug arch. * there will be no stepping capabilities */ if (!dbg_capable()) return (FALSE); if (dbg_find_slot(DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT, pc) != ~0U) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } void kdb_cpu_set_singlestep(void) { db_expr_t inst; db_addr_t pc, brpc; uint32_t wcr; u_int i; if (!dbg_capable()) return; /* * Disable watchpoints, e.g. stepping over watched instruction will * trigger break exception instead of single-step exception and locks * CPU on that instruction for ever. */ for (i = 0; i < dbg_watchpoint_num; i++) { wcr = dbg_wb_read_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WCR, i); if ((wcr & DBG_WB_CTRL_E) != 0) { dbg_wb_write_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WCR, i, (wcr & ~DBG_WB_CTRL_E)); } } pc = PC_REGS(); inst = db_get_value(pc, sizeof(pc), FALSE); if (inst_branch(inst) || inst_call(inst) || inst_return(inst)) { brpc = branch_taken(inst, pc); dbg_setup_breakpoint(brpc, INSN_SIZE, DBG_BKPT_BT_SLOT); } pc = next_instr_address(pc, 0); dbg_setup_breakpoint(pc, INSN_SIZE, DBG_BKPT_BNT_SLOT); } void kdb_cpu_clear_singlestep(void) { uint32_t wvr, wcr; u_int i; if (!dbg_capable()) return; dbg_remove_breakpoint(DBG_BKPT_BT_SLOT); dbg_remove_breakpoint(DBG_BKPT_BNT_SLOT); /* Restore all watchpoints */ for (i = 0; i < dbg_watchpoint_num; i++) { wcr = dbg_wb_read_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WCR, i); wvr = dbg_wb_read_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WVR, i); /* Watchpoint considered not empty if address value is not 0 */ if ((wvr & DBGWVR_ADDR_MASK) != 0) { dbg_wb_write_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WCR, i, (wcr | DBG_WB_CTRL_E)); } } } int kdb_cpu_set_watchpoint(vm_offset_t addr, size_t size, int access) { enum dbg_access_t dbg_access; switch (access) { case KDB_DBG_ACCESS_R: dbg_access = HW_WATCHPOINT_R; break; case KDB_DBG_ACCESS_W: dbg_access = HW_WATCHPOINT_W; break; case KDB_DBG_ACCESS_RW: dbg_access = HW_WATCHPOINT_RW; break; default: return (EINVAL); } return (dbg_setup_watchpoint(addr, size, (enum dbg_access_t)access)); } int kdb_cpu_clr_watchpoint(vm_offset_t addr, size_t size) { return (dbg_remove_watchpoint(addr, size)); } int dbg_setup_watchpoint(db_expr_t addr, db_expr_t size, enum dbg_access_t access) { struct dbg_wb_conf conf; if (access == HW_BREAKPOINT_X) { db_printf("Invalid access type for watchpoint: %d\n", access); return (EINVAL); } conf.address = addr; conf.size = size; conf.access = access; conf.type = DBG_TYPE_WATCHPOINT; return (dbg_setup_xpoint(&conf)); } int dbg_remove_watchpoint(db_expr_t addr, db_expr_t size __unused) { struct dbg_wb_conf conf; conf.address = addr; conf.type = DBG_TYPE_WATCHPOINT; return (dbg_remove_xpoint(&conf)); } static int dbg_setup_breakpoint(db_expr_t addr, db_expr_t size, u_int slot) { struct dbg_wb_conf conf; conf.address = addr; conf.size = size; conf.access = HW_BREAKPOINT_X; conf.type = DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT; conf.slot = slot; return (dbg_setup_xpoint(&conf)); } static int dbg_remove_breakpoint(u_int slot) { struct dbg_wb_conf conf; /* Slot already cleared. Don't recurse */ if (dbg_check_slot_free(DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT, slot)) return (0); conf.slot = slot; conf.type = DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT; return (dbg_remove_xpoint(&conf)); } static const char * dbg_watchtype_str(uint32_t type) { switch (type) { case DBG_WB_CTRL_EXEC: return ("execute"); case DBG_WB_CTRL_STORE: return ("write"); case DBG_WB_CTRL_LOAD: return ("read"); case DBG_WB_CTRL_LOAD | DBG_WB_CTRL_STORE: return ("read/write"); default: return ("invalid"); } } static int dbg_watchtype_len(uint32_t len) { switch (len) { case DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_1: return (1); case DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_2: return (2); case DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_4: return (4); case DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_8: return (8); default: return (0); } } void dbg_show_watchpoint(void) { uint32_t wcr, len, type; uint32_t addr; boolean_t is_enabled; int i; if (!dbg_capable()) { db_printf("Architecture does not support HW " "breakpoints/watchpoints\n"); return; } db_printf("\nhardware watchpoints:\n"); db_printf(" watch status type len address symbol\n"); db_printf(" ----- -------- ---------- --- ---------- ------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < dbg_watchpoint_num; i++) { wcr = dbg_wb_read_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WCR, i); if ((wcr & DBG_WB_CTRL_E) != 0) is_enabled = TRUE; else is_enabled = FALSE; type = DBG_WB_CTRL_ACCESS_MASK(wcr); len = DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_MASK(wcr); addr = dbg_wb_read_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WVR, i) & DBGWVR_ADDR_MASK; db_printf(" %-5d %-8s %10s %3d 0x%08x ", i, is_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled", is_enabled ? dbg_watchtype_str(type) : "", is_enabled ? dbg_watchtype_len(len) : 0, addr); db_printsym((db_addr_t)addr, DB_STGY_ANY); db_printf("\n"); } } static boolean_t dbg_check_slot_free(enum dbg_t type, u_int slot) { uint32_t cr, vr; uint32_t max; switch(type) { case DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT: max = dbg_breakpoint_num; cr = DBG_REG_BASE_BCR; vr = DBG_REG_BASE_BVR; break; case DBG_TYPE_WATCHPOINT: max = dbg_watchpoint_num; cr = DBG_REG_BASE_WCR; vr = DBG_REG_BASE_WVR; break; default: db_printf("%s: Unsupported event type %d\n", __func__, type); return (FALSE); } if (slot >= max) { db_printf("%s: Invalid slot number %d, max %d\n", __func__, slot, max - 1); return (FALSE); } if ((dbg_wb_read_reg(cr, slot) & DBG_WB_CTRL_E) == 0 && (dbg_wb_read_reg(vr, slot) & DBGWVR_ADDR_MASK) == 0) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } static u_int dbg_find_free_slot(enum dbg_t type) { u_int max, i; switch(type) { case DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT: max = dbg_breakpoint_num; break; case DBG_TYPE_WATCHPOINT: max = dbg_watchpoint_num; break; default: db_printf("Unsupported debug type\n"); return (~0U); } for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (dbg_check_slot_free(type, i)) return (i); } return (~0U); } static u_int dbg_find_slot(enum dbg_t type, db_expr_t addr) { uint32_t reg_addr, reg_ctrl; u_int max, i; switch(type) { case DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT: max = dbg_breakpoint_num; reg_addr = DBG_REG_BASE_BVR; reg_ctrl = DBG_REG_BASE_BCR; break; case DBG_TYPE_WATCHPOINT: max = dbg_watchpoint_num; reg_addr = DBG_REG_BASE_WVR; reg_ctrl = DBG_REG_BASE_WCR; break; default: db_printf("Unsupported debug type\n"); return (~0U); } for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if ((dbg_wb_read_reg(reg_addr, i) == addr) && ((dbg_wb_read_reg(reg_ctrl, i) & DBG_WB_CTRL_E) != 0)) return (i); } return (~0U); } static __inline boolean_t dbg_monitor_is_enabled(void) { return ((cp14_dbgdscrint_get() & DBGSCR_MDBG_EN) != 0); } static int dbg_enable_monitor(void) { uint32_t dbg_dscr; /* Already enabled? Just return */ if (dbg_monitor_is_enabled()) return (0); dbg_dscr = cp14_dbgdscrint_get(); switch (dbg_model) { case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6: case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6_1: /* fall through */ cp14_dbgdscr_v6_set(dbg_dscr | DBGSCR_MDBG_EN); break; case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7: /* fall through */ case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7_1: cp14_dbgdscr_v7_set(dbg_dscr | DBGSCR_MDBG_EN); break; default: break; } isb(); /* Verify that Monitor mode is set */ if (dbg_monitor_is_enabled()) return (0); return (ENXIO); } static int dbg_setup_xpoint(struct dbg_wb_conf *conf) { struct pcpu *pcpu; struct dbreg *d; const char *typestr; uint32_t cr_size, cr_priv, cr_access; uint32_t reg_ctrl, reg_addr, ctrl, addr; boolean_t is_bkpt; u_int cpu; u_int i; if (!dbg_capable()) return (ENXIO); is_bkpt = (conf->type == DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT); typestr = is_bkpt ? "breakpoint" : "watchpoint"; if (is_bkpt) { if (dbg_breakpoint_num == 0) { db_printf("Breakpoints not supported on this architecture\n"); return (ENXIO); } i = conf->slot; if (!dbg_check_slot_free(DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT, i)) { /* * This should never happen. If it does it means that * there is an erroneus scenario somewhere. Still, it can * be done but let's inform the user. */ db_printf("ERROR: Breakpoint already set. Replacing...\n"); } } else { i = dbg_find_free_slot(DBG_TYPE_WATCHPOINT); if (i == ~0U) { db_printf("Can not find slot for %s, max %d slots supported\n", typestr, dbg_watchpoint_num); return (EBUSY); } } /* Kernel access only */ cr_priv = DBG_WB_CTRL_PL1; switch(conf->size) { case 1: cr_size = DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_1; break; case 2: cr_size = DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_2; break; case 4: cr_size = DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_4; break; case 8: cr_size = DBG_WB_CTRL_LEN_8; break; default: db_printf("Unsupported address size for %s: %zu\n", typestr, conf->size); return (EINVAL); } if (is_bkpt) { cr_access = DBG_WB_CTRL_EXEC; reg_ctrl = DBG_REG_BASE_BCR; reg_addr = DBG_REG_BASE_BVR; /* Always unlinked BKPT */ ctrl = (cr_size | cr_access | cr_priv | DBG_WB_CTRL_E); } else { switch(conf->access) { case HW_WATCHPOINT_R: cr_access = DBG_WB_CTRL_LOAD; break; case HW_WATCHPOINT_W: cr_access = DBG_WB_CTRL_STORE; break; case HW_WATCHPOINT_RW: cr_access = DBG_WB_CTRL_LOAD | DBG_WB_CTRL_STORE; break; default: db_printf("Unsupported access type for %s: %d\n", typestr, conf->access); return (EINVAL); } reg_ctrl = DBG_REG_BASE_WCR; reg_addr = DBG_REG_BASE_WVR; ctrl = (cr_size | cr_access | cr_priv | DBG_WB_CTRL_E); } addr = conf->address; dbg_wb_write_reg(reg_addr, i, addr); dbg_wb_write_reg(reg_ctrl, i, ctrl); /* * Save watchpoint settings for all CPUs. * We don't need to do the same with breakpoints since HW breakpoints * are only used to perform single stepping. */ if (!is_bkpt) { CPU_FOREACH(cpu) { pcpu = pcpu_find(cpu); /* Fill out the settings for watchpoint */ d = (struct dbreg *)pcpu->pc_dbreg; d->dbg_wvr[i] = addr; d->dbg_wcr[i] = ctrl; /* Skip update command for the current CPU */ if (cpu != PCPU_GET(cpuid)) pcpu->pc_dbreg_cmd = PC_DBREG_CMD_LOAD; } } /* Ensure all data is written before waking other CPUs */ atomic_thread_fence_rel(); return (0); } static int dbg_remove_xpoint(struct dbg_wb_conf *conf) { struct pcpu *pcpu; struct dbreg *d; uint32_t reg_ctrl, reg_addr, addr; boolean_t is_bkpt; u_int cpu; u_int i; if (!dbg_capable()) return (ENXIO); is_bkpt = (conf->type == DBG_TYPE_BREAKPOINT); addr = conf->address; if (is_bkpt) { i = conf->slot; reg_ctrl = DBG_REG_BASE_BCR; reg_addr = DBG_REG_BASE_BVR; } else { i = dbg_find_slot(DBG_TYPE_WATCHPOINT, addr); if (i == ~0U) { db_printf("Can not find watchpoint for address 0%x\n", addr); return (EINVAL); } reg_ctrl = DBG_REG_BASE_WCR; reg_addr = DBG_REG_BASE_WVR; } dbg_wb_write_reg(reg_ctrl, i, 0); dbg_wb_write_reg(reg_addr, i, 0); /* * Save watchpoint settings for all CPUs. * We don't need to do the same with breakpoints since HW breakpoints * are only used to perform single stepping. */ if (!is_bkpt) { CPU_FOREACH(cpu) { pcpu = pcpu_find(cpu); /* Fill out the settings for watchpoint */ d = (struct dbreg *)pcpu->pc_dbreg; d->dbg_wvr[i] = 0; d->dbg_wcr[i] = 0; /* Skip update command for the current CPU */ if (cpu != PCPU_GET(cpuid)) pcpu->pc_dbreg_cmd = PC_DBREG_CMD_LOAD; } /* Ensure all data is written before waking other CPUs */ atomic_thread_fence_rel(); } return (0); } static __inline uint32_t dbg_get_debug_model(void) { uint32_t dbg_m; dbg_m = ((cpuinfo.id_dfr0 & ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_MASK) >> ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_SHIFT); return (dbg_m); } static __inline boolean_t dbg_get_ossr(void) { switch (dbg_model) { case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7: if ((cp14_dbgoslsr_get() & DBGOSLSR_OSLM0) != 0) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7_1: return (TRUE); default: return (FALSE); } } static __inline boolean_t dbg_arch_supported(void) { uint32_t dbg_didr; switch (dbg_model) { case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6: case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6_1: dbg_didr = cp14_dbgdidr_get(); /* * read-all-zeroes is used by QEMU * to indicate that ARMv6 debug support * is not implemented. Real hardware has at * least version bits set */ if (dbg_didr == 0) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7: case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7_1: /* fall through */ return (TRUE); default: /* We only support valid v6.x/v7.x modes through CP14 */ return (FALSE); } } static __inline uint32_t dbg_get_wrp_num(void) { uint32_t dbg_didr; dbg_didr = cp14_dbgdidr_get(); return (DBGDIDR_WRPS_NUM(dbg_didr)); } static __inline uint32_t dgb_get_brp_num(void) { uint32_t dbg_didr; dbg_didr = cp14_dbgdidr_get(); return (DBGDIDR_BRPS_NUM(dbg_didr)); } static int dbg_reset_state(void) { u_int cpuid; size_t i; int err; cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); err = 0; switch (dbg_model) { case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6: case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6_1: /* fall through */ /* * Arch needs monitor mode selected and enabled * to be able to access breakpoint/watchpoint registers. */ err = dbg_enable_monitor(); if (err != 0) return (err); goto vectr_clr; case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7: /* Is core power domain powered up? */ if ((cp14_dbgprsr_get() & DBGPRSR_PU) == 0) err = ENXIO; if (err != 0) break; if (dbg_ossr) goto vectr_clr; break; case ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7_1: /* Is double lock set? */ if ((cp14_dbgosdlr_get() & DBGPRSR_DLK) != 0) err = ENXIO; break; default: break; } if (err != 0) { db_printf("Debug facility locked (CPU%d)\n", cpuid); return (err); } /* * DBGOSLAR is always implemented for v7.1 Debug Arch. however is * optional for v7 (depends on OS save and restore support). */ if (((dbg_model & ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7_1) != 0) || dbg_ossr) { /* * Clear OS lock. * Writing any other value than 0xC5ACCESS will unlock. */ cp14_dbgoslar_set(0); isb(); } vectr_clr: /* * After reset we must ensure that DBGVCR has a defined value. * Disable all vector catch events. Safe to use - required in all * implementations. */ cp14_dbgvcr_set(0); isb(); /* * We have limited number of {watch,break}points, each consists of * two registers: * - wcr/bcr regsiter configurates corresponding {watch,break}point * behaviour * - wvr/bvr register keeps address we are hunting for * * Reset all breakpoints and watchpoints. */ for (i = 0; i < dbg_watchpoint_num; ++i) { dbg_wb_write_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WCR, i, 0); dbg_wb_write_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WVR, i, 0); } for (i = 0; i < dbg_breakpoint_num; ++i) { dbg_wb_write_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_BCR, i, 0); dbg_wb_write_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_BVR, i, 0); } return (0); } void dbg_monitor_init(void) { int err; /* Fetch ARM Debug Architecture model */ dbg_model = dbg_get_debug_model(); if (!dbg_arch_supported()) { db_printf("ARM Debug Architecture not supported\n"); return; } if (bootverbose) { db_printf("ARM Debug Architecture %s\n", (dbg_model == ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6) ? "v6" : (dbg_model == ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V6_1) ? "v6.1" : (dbg_model == ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7) ? "v7" : (dbg_model == ID_DFR0_CP_DEBUG_M_V7_1) ? "v7.1" : "unknown"); } /* Do we have OS Save and Restore mechanism? */ dbg_ossr = dbg_get_ossr(); /* Find out many breakpoints and watchpoints we can use */ dbg_watchpoint_num = dbg_get_wrp_num(); dbg_breakpoint_num = dgb_get_brp_num(); if (bootverbose) { db_printf("%d watchpoints and %d breakpoints supported\n", dbg_watchpoint_num, dbg_breakpoint_num); } err = dbg_reset_state(); if (err == 0) { err = dbg_enable_monitor(); if (err == 0) { atomic_set_int(&dbg_capable_var, 1); return; } } db_printf("HW Breakpoints/Watchpoints not enabled on CPU%d\n", PCPU_GET(cpuid)); } CTASSERT(sizeof(struct dbreg) == sizeof(((struct pcpu *)NULL)->pc_dbreg)); void dbg_monitor_init_secondary(void) { u_int cpuid; int err; /* * This flag is set on the primary CPU * and its meaning is valid for other CPUs too. */ if (!dbg_capable()) return; cpuid = PCPU_GET(cpuid); err = dbg_reset_state(); if (err != 0) { /* * Something is very wrong. * WPs/BPs will not work correctly on this CPU. */ KASSERT(0, ("%s: Failed to reset Debug Architecture " "state on CPU%d", __func__, cpuid)); /* Disable HW debug capabilities for all CPUs */ atomic_set_int(&dbg_capable_var, 0); return; } err = dbg_enable_monitor(); if (err != 0) { KASSERT(0, ("%s: Failed to enable Debug Monitor" " on CPU%d", __func__, cpuid)); atomic_set_int(&dbg_capable_var, 0); } } void dbg_resume_dbreg(void) { struct dbreg *d; u_int i; /* * This flag is set on the primary CPU * and its meaning is valid for other CPUs too. */ if (!dbg_capable()) return; atomic_thread_fence_acq(); switch (PCPU_GET(dbreg_cmd)) { case PC_DBREG_CMD_LOAD: d = (struct dbreg *)PCPU_PTR(dbreg); /* Restore watchpoints */ for (i = 0; i < dbg_watchpoint_num; i++) { dbg_wb_write_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WVR, i, d->dbg_wvr[i]); dbg_wb_write_reg(DBG_REG_BASE_WCR, i, d->dbg_wcr[i]); } PCPU_SET(dbreg_cmd, PC_DBREG_CMD_NONE); break; } } diff --git a/sys/arm/arm/machdep_kdb.c b/sys/arm/arm/machdep_kdb.c index 4dedb72edb22..b1f04c0832a1 100644 --- a/sys/arm/arm/machdep_kdb.c +++ b/sys/arm/arm/machdep_kdb.c @@ -1,144 +1,144 @@ /* $NetBSD: arm32_machdep.c,v 1.44 2004/03/24 15:34:47 atatat Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2004 Olivier Houchard * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Mark Brinicombe. * Copyright (c) 1994 Brini. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opt_ddb.h" #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include +#include #include #include -#include #ifdef DDB #include DB_SHOW_COMMAND(cp15, db_show_cp15) { u_int reg; reg = cp15_midr_get(); db_printf("Cpu ID: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_ctr_get(); db_printf("Current Cache Lvl ID: 0x%08x\n",reg); reg = cp15_sctlr_get(); db_printf("Ctrl: 0x%08x\n",reg); reg = cp15_actlr_get(); db_printf("Aux Ctrl: 0x%08x\n",reg); reg = cp15_id_pfr0_get(); db_printf("Processor Feat 0: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_id_pfr1_get(); db_printf("Processor Feat 1: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_id_dfr0_get(); db_printf("Debug Feat 0: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_id_afr0_get(); db_printf("Auxiliary Feat 0: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_id_mmfr0_get(); db_printf("Memory Model Feat 0: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_id_mmfr1_get(); db_printf("Memory Model Feat 1: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_id_mmfr2_get(); db_printf("Memory Model Feat 2: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_id_mmfr3_get(); db_printf("Memory Model Feat 3: 0x%08x\n", reg); reg = cp15_ttbr_get(); db_printf("TTB0: 0x%08x\n", reg); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(vtop, db_show_vtop) { u_int reg; if (have_addr) { cp15_ats1cpr_set(addr); reg = cp15_par_get(); db_printf("Physical address reg: 0x%08x\n",reg); } else db_printf("show vtop \n"); } #endif /* DDB */ int fill_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *tf = td->td_frame; bcopy(&tf->tf_r0, regs->r, sizeof(regs->r)); regs->r_sp = tf->tf_usr_sp; regs->r_lr = tf->tf_usr_lr; regs->r_pc = tf->tf_pc; regs->r_cpsr = tf->tf_spsr; return (0); } int fill_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *regs) { bzero(regs, sizeof(*regs)); return (0); } int set_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *tf = td->td_frame; bcopy(regs->r, &tf->tf_r0, sizeof(regs->r)); tf->tf_usr_sp = regs->r_sp; tf->tf_usr_lr = regs->r_lr; tf->tf_pc = regs->r_pc; tf->tf_spsr &= ~PSR_FLAGS; tf->tf_spsr |= regs->r_cpsr & PSR_FLAGS; return (0); } int set_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *regs) { return (0); } int fill_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *regs) { bzero(regs, sizeof(*regs)); return (0); } int set_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *regs) { return (0); } diff --git a/sys/arm/include/reg.h b/sys/arm/include/reg.h index ab70ae128d39..8aee07c9b480 100644 --- a/sys/arm/include/reg.h +++ b/sys/arm/include/reg.h @@ -1,42 +1,33 @@ /* $NetBSD: reg.h,v 1.2 2001/02/23 21:23:52 reinoud Exp $ */ /* $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef MACHINE_REG_H #define MACHINE_REG_H struct reg { unsigned int r[13]; unsigned int r_sp; unsigned int r_lr; unsigned int r_pc; unsigned int r_cpsr; }; struct fp_extended_precision { u_int32_t fp_exponent; u_int32_t fp_mantissa_hi; u_int32_t fp_mantissa_lo; }; typedef struct fp_extended_precision fp_reg_t; struct fpreg { unsigned int fpr_fpsr; fp_reg_t fpr[8]; }; struct dbreg { #define ARM_WR_MAX 16 /* Maximum number of watchpoint registers */ unsigned int dbg_wcr[ARM_WR_MAX]; /* Watchpoint Control Registers */ unsigned int dbg_wvr[ARM_WR_MAX]; /* Watchpoint Value Registers */ }; -#ifdef _KERNEL -int fill_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int set_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int fill_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int set_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int fill_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -int set_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -#endif - #endif /* !MACHINE_REG_H */ diff --git a/sys/arm64/arm64/machdep.c b/sys/arm64/arm64/machdep.c index bce3baf8e1ec..ee6f5157f5f3 100644 --- a/sys/arm64/arm64/machdep.c +++ b/sys/arm64/arm64/machdep.c @@ -1,1511 +1,1511 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Turner * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "opt_acpi.h" #include "opt_platform.h" #include "opt_ddb.h" #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #ifdef VFP #include #endif #ifdef DEV_ACPI #include #include #endif #ifdef FDT #include #include #endif static void get_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp); static void set_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp); enum arm64_bus arm64_bus_method = ARM64_BUS_NONE; struct pcpu __pcpu[MAXCPU]; static struct trapframe proc0_tf; int early_boot = 1; int cold = 1; static int boot_el; struct kva_md_info kmi; int64_t dczva_line_size; /* The size of cache line the dc zva zeroes */ int has_pan; /* * Physical address of the EFI System Table. Stashed from the metadata hints * passed into the kernel and used by the EFI code to call runtime services. */ vm_paddr_t efi_systbl_phys; static struct efi_map_header *efihdr; /* pagezero_* implementations are provided in support.S */ void pagezero_simple(void *); void pagezero_cache(void *); /* pagezero_simple is default pagezero */ void (*pagezero)(void *p) = pagezero_simple; int (*apei_nmi)(void); static void pan_setup(void) { uint64_t id_aa64mfr1; id_aa64mfr1 = READ_SPECIALREG(id_aa64mmfr1_el1); if (ID_AA64MMFR1_PAN_VAL(id_aa64mfr1) != ID_AA64MMFR1_PAN_NONE) has_pan = 1; } void pan_enable(void) { /* * The LLVM integrated assembler doesn't understand the PAN * PSTATE field. Because of this we need to manually create * the instruction in an asm block. This is equivalent to: * msr pan, #1 * * This sets the PAN bit, stopping the kernel from accessing * memory when userspace can also access it unless the kernel * uses the userspace load/store instructions. */ if (has_pan) { WRITE_SPECIALREG(sctlr_el1, READ_SPECIALREG(sctlr_el1) & ~SCTLR_SPAN); __asm __volatile(".inst 0xd500409f | (0x1 << 8)"); } } bool has_hyp(void) { return (boot_el == 2); } static void cpu_startup(void *dummy) { vm_paddr_t size; int i; printf("real memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)realmem), ptoa((uintmax_t)realmem) / 1024 / 1024); if (bootverbose) { printf("Physical memory chunk(s):\n"); for (i = 0; phys_avail[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { size = phys_avail[i + 1] - phys_avail[i]; printf("%#016jx - %#016jx, %ju bytes (%ju pages)\n", (uintmax_t)phys_avail[i], (uintmax_t)phys_avail[i + 1] - 1, (uintmax_t)size, (uintmax_t)size / PAGE_SIZE); } } printf("avail memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()), ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()) / 1024 / 1024); undef_init(); install_cpu_errata(); vm_ksubmap_init(&kmi); bufinit(); vm_pager_bufferinit(); } SYSINIT(cpu, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_FIRST, cpu_startup, NULL); static void late_ifunc_resolve(void *dummy __unused) { link_elf_late_ireloc(); } SYSINIT(late_ifunc_resolve, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_ANY, late_ifunc_resolve, NULL); int cpu_idle_wakeup(int cpu) { return (0); } int fill_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *frame; frame = td->td_frame; regs->sp = frame->tf_sp; regs->lr = frame->tf_lr; regs->elr = frame->tf_elr; regs->spsr = frame->tf_spsr; memcpy(regs->x, frame->tf_x, sizeof(regs->x)); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /* * We may be called here for a 32bits process, if we're using a * 64bits debugger. If so, put PC and SPSR where it expects it. */ if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_ILP32)) { regs->x[15] = frame->tf_elr; regs->x[16] = frame->tf_spsr; } #endif return (0); } int set_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *frame; frame = td->td_frame; frame->tf_sp = regs->sp; frame->tf_lr = regs->lr; frame->tf_elr = regs->elr; frame->tf_spsr &= ~PSR_FLAGS; frame->tf_spsr |= regs->spsr & PSR_FLAGS; memcpy(frame->tf_x, regs->x, sizeof(frame->tf_x)); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_ILP32)) { /* * We may be called for a 32bits process if we're using * a 64bits debugger. If so, get PC and SPSR from where * it put it. */ frame->tf_elr = regs->x[15]; frame->tf_spsr = regs->x[16] & PSR_FLAGS; } #endif return (0); } int fill_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *regs) { #ifdef VFP struct pcb *pcb; pcb = td->td_pcb; if ((pcb->pcb_fpflags & PCB_FP_STARTED) != 0) { /* * If we have just been running VFP instructions we will * need to save the state to memcpy it below. */ if (td == curthread) vfp_save_state(td, pcb); KASSERT(pcb->pcb_fpusaved == &pcb->pcb_fpustate, ("Called fill_fpregs while the kernel is using the VFP")); memcpy(regs->fp_q, pcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_regs, sizeof(regs->fp_q)); regs->fp_cr = pcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_fpcr; regs->fp_sr = pcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_fpsr; } else #endif memset(regs, 0, sizeof(*regs)); return (0); } int set_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *regs) { #ifdef VFP struct pcb *pcb; pcb = td->td_pcb; KASSERT(pcb->pcb_fpusaved == &pcb->pcb_fpustate, ("Called set_fpregs while the kernel is using the VFP")); memcpy(pcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_regs, regs->fp_q, sizeof(regs->fp_q)); pcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_fpcr = regs->fp_cr; pcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_fpsr = regs->fp_sr; #endif return (0); } int fill_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *regs) { struct debug_monitor_state *monitor; int i; uint8_t debug_ver, nbkpts, nwtpts; memset(regs, 0, sizeof(*regs)); extract_user_id_field(ID_AA64DFR0_EL1, ID_AA64DFR0_DebugVer_SHIFT, &debug_ver); extract_user_id_field(ID_AA64DFR0_EL1, ID_AA64DFR0_BRPs_SHIFT, &nbkpts); extract_user_id_field(ID_AA64DFR0_EL1, ID_AA64DFR0_WRPs_SHIFT, &nwtpts); /* * The BRPs field contains the number of breakpoints - 1. Armv8-A * allows the hardware to provide 2-16 breakpoints so this won't * overflow an 8 bit value. The same applies to the WRPs field. */ nbkpts++; nwtpts++; regs->db_debug_ver = debug_ver; regs->db_nbkpts = nbkpts; regs->db_nwtpts = nwtpts; monitor = &td->td_pcb->pcb_dbg_regs; if ((monitor->dbg_flags & DBGMON_ENABLED) != 0) { for (i = 0; i < nbkpts; i++) { regs->db_breakregs[i].dbr_addr = monitor->dbg_bvr[i]; regs->db_breakregs[i].dbr_ctrl = monitor->dbg_bcr[i]; } for (i = 0; i < nwtpts; i++) { regs->db_watchregs[i].dbw_addr = monitor->dbg_wvr[i]; regs->db_watchregs[i].dbw_ctrl = monitor->dbg_wcr[i]; } } return (0); } int set_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *regs) { struct debug_monitor_state *monitor; uint64_t addr; uint32_t ctrl; int count; int i; monitor = &td->td_pcb->pcb_dbg_regs; count = 0; monitor->dbg_enable_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < DBG_BRP_MAX; i++) { addr = regs->db_breakregs[i].dbr_addr; ctrl = regs->db_breakregs[i].dbr_ctrl; /* * Don't let the user set a breakpoint on a kernel or * non-canonical user address. */ if (addr >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); /* * The lowest 2 bits are ignored, so record the effective * address. */ addr = rounddown2(addr, 4); /* * Some control fields are ignored, and other bits reserved. * Only unlinked, address-matching breakpoints are supported. * * XXX: fields that appear unvalidated, such as BAS, have * constrained undefined behaviour. If the user mis-programs * these, there is no risk to the system. */ ctrl &= DBG_BCR_EN | DBG_BCR_PMC | DBG_BCR_BAS; if ((ctrl & DBG_BCR_EN) != 0) { /* Only target EL0. */ if ((ctrl & DBG_BCR_PMC) != DBG_BCR_PMC_EL0) return (EINVAL); monitor->dbg_enable_count++; } monitor->dbg_bvr[i] = addr; monitor->dbg_bcr[i] = ctrl; } for (i = 0; i < DBG_WRP_MAX; i++) { addr = regs->db_watchregs[i].dbw_addr; ctrl = regs->db_watchregs[i].dbw_ctrl; /* * Don't let the user set a watchpoint on a kernel or * non-canonical user address. */ if (addr >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); /* * Some control fields are ignored, and other bits reserved. * Only unlinked watchpoints are supported. */ ctrl &= DBG_WCR_EN | DBG_WCR_PAC | DBG_WCR_LSC | DBG_WCR_BAS | DBG_WCR_MASK; if ((ctrl & DBG_WCR_EN) != 0) { /* Only target EL0. */ if ((ctrl & DBG_WCR_PAC) != DBG_WCR_PAC_EL0) return (EINVAL); /* Must set at least one of the load/store bits. */ if ((ctrl & DBG_WCR_LSC) == 0) return (EINVAL); /* * When specifying the address range with BAS, the MASK * field must be zero. */ if ((ctrl & DBG_WCR_BAS) != DBG_WCR_BAS_MASK && (ctrl & DBG_WCR_MASK) != 0) return (EINVAL); monitor->dbg_enable_count++; } monitor->dbg_wvr[i] = addr; monitor->dbg_wcr[i] = ctrl; } if (monitor->dbg_enable_count > 0) monitor->dbg_flags |= DBGMON_ENABLED; return (0); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 int fill_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs) { int i; struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) regs->r[i] = tf->tf_x[i]; /* For arm32, SP is r13 and LR is r14 */ regs->r_sp = tf->tf_x[13]; regs->r_lr = tf->tf_x[14]; regs->r_pc = tf->tf_elr; regs->r_cpsr = tf->tf_spsr; return (0); } int set_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs) { int i; struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) tf->tf_x[i] = regs->r[i]; /* For arm 32, SP is r13 an LR is r14 */ tf->tf_x[13] = regs->r_sp; tf->tf_x[14] = regs->r_lr; tf->tf_elr = regs->r_pc; tf->tf_spsr = regs->r_cpsr; return (0); } /* XXX fill/set dbregs/fpregs are stubbed on 32-bit arm. */ int fill_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *regs) { memset(regs, 0, sizeof(*regs)); return (0); } int set_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *regs) { return (0); } int fill_dbregs32(struct thread *td, struct dbreg32 *regs) { memset(regs, 0, sizeof(*regs)); return (0); } int set_dbregs32(struct thread *td, struct dbreg32 *regs) { return (0); } #endif int ptrace_set_pc(struct thread *td, u_long addr) { td->td_frame->tf_elr = addr; return (0); } int ptrace_single_step(struct thread *td) { td->td_frame->tf_spsr |= PSR_SS; td->td_pcb->pcb_flags |= PCB_SINGLE_STEP; return (0); } int ptrace_clear_single_step(struct thread *td) { td->td_frame->tf_spsr &= ~PSR_SS; td->td_pcb->pcb_flags &= ~PCB_SINGLE_STEP; return (0); } void exec_setregs(struct thread *td, struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t stack) { struct trapframe *tf = td->td_frame; struct pcb *pcb = td->td_pcb; memset(tf, 0, sizeof(struct trapframe)); tf->tf_x[0] = stack; tf->tf_sp = STACKALIGN(stack); tf->tf_lr = imgp->entry_addr; tf->tf_elr = imgp->entry_addr; td->td_pcb->pcb_tpidr_el0 = 0; td->td_pcb->pcb_tpidrro_el0 = 0; WRITE_SPECIALREG(tpidrro_el0, 0); WRITE_SPECIALREG(tpidr_el0, 0); #ifdef VFP vfp_reset_state(td, pcb); #endif /* * Clear debug register state. It is not applicable to the new process. */ bzero(&pcb->pcb_dbg_regs, sizeof(pcb->pcb_dbg_regs)); } /* Sanity check these are the same size, they will be memcpy'd to and fro */ CTASSERT(sizeof(((struct trapframe *)0)->tf_x) == sizeof((struct gpregs *)0)->gp_x); CTASSERT(sizeof(((struct trapframe *)0)->tf_x) == sizeof((struct reg *)0)->x); int get_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, int clear_ret) { struct trapframe *tf = td->td_frame; if (clear_ret & GET_MC_CLEAR_RET) { mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_x[0] = 0; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_spsr = tf->tf_spsr & ~PSR_C; } else { mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_x[0] = tf->tf_x[0]; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_spsr = tf->tf_spsr; } memcpy(&mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_x[1], &tf->tf_x[1], sizeof(mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_x[1]) * (nitems(mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_x) - 1)); mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sp = tf->tf_sp; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_lr = tf->tf_lr; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_elr = tf->tf_elr; get_fpcontext(td, mcp); return (0); } int set_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { struct trapframe *tf = td->td_frame; uint32_t spsr; spsr = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_spsr; if ((spsr & PSR_M_MASK) != PSR_M_EL0t || (spsr & PSR_AARCH32) != 0 || (spsr & PSR_DAIF) != (td->td_frame->tf_spsr & PSR_DAIF)) return (EINVAL); memcpy(tf->tf_x, mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_x, sizeof(tf->tf_x)); tf->tf_sp = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sp; tf->tf_lr = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_lr; tf->tf_elr = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_elr; tf->tf_spsr = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_spsr; set_fpcontext(td, mcp); return (0); } static void get_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { #ifdef VFP struct pcb *curpcb; critical_enter(); curpcb = curthread->td_pcb; if ((curpcb->pcb_fpflags & PCB_FP_STARTED) != 0) { /* * If we have just been running VFP instructions we will * need to save the state to memcpy it below. */ vfp_save_state(td, curpcb); KASSERT(curpcb->pcb_fpusaved == &curpcb->pcb_fpustate, ("Called get_fpcontext while the kernel is using the VFP")); KASSERT((curpcb->pcb_fpflags & ~PCB_FP_USERMASK) == 0, ("Non-userspace FPU flags set in get_fpcontext")); memcpy(mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_q, curpcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_regs, sizeof(mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_q)); mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_cr = curpcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_fpcr; mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_sr = curpcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_fpsr; mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_flags = curpcb->pcb_fpflags; mcp->mc_flags |= _MC_FP_VALID; } critical_exit(); #endif } static void set_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { #ifdef VFP struct pcb *curpcb; critical_enter(); if ((mcp->mc_flags & _MC_FP_VALID) != 0) { curpcb = curthread->td_pcb; /* * Discard any vfp state for the current thread, we * are about to override it. */ vfp_discard(td); KASSERT(curpcb->pcb_fpusaved == &curpcb->pcb_fpustate, ("Called set_fpcontext while the kernel is using the VFP")); memcpy(curpcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_regs, mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_q, sizeof(mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_q)); curpcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_fpcr = mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_cr; curpcb->pcb_fpustate.vfp_fpsr = mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_sr; curpcb->pcb_fpflags = mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_flags & PCB_FP_USERMASK; } critical_exit(); #endif } void cpu_idle(int busy) { spinlock_enter(); if (!busy) cpu_idleclock(); if (!sched_runnable()) __asm __volatile( "dsb sy \n" "wfi \n"); if (!busy) cpu_activeclock(); spinlock_exit(); } void cpu_halt(void) { /* We should have shutdown by now, if not enter a low power sleep */ intr_disable(); while (1) { __asm __volatile("wfi"); } } /* * Flush the D-cache for non-DMA I/O so that the I-cache can * be made coherent later. */ void cpu_flush_dcache(void *ptr, size_t len) { /* ARM64TODO TBD */ } /* Get current clock frequency for the given CPU ID. */ int cpu_est_clockrate(int cpu_id, uint64_t *rate) { struct pcpu *pc; pc = pcpu_find(cpu_id); if (pc == NULL || rate == NULL) return (EINVAL); if (pc->pc_clock == 0) return (EOPNOTSUPP); *rate = pc->pc_clock; return (0); } void cpu_pcpu_init(struct pcpu *pcpu, int cpuid, size_t size) { pcpu->pc_acpi_id = 0xffffffff; pcpu->pc_mpidr = 0xffffffff; } void spinlock_enter(void) { struct thread *td; register_t daif; td = curthread; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { daif = intr_disable(); td->td_md.md_spinlock_count = 1; td->td_md.md_saved_daif = daif; critical_enter(); } else td->td_md.md_spinlock_count++; } void spinlock_exit(void) { struct thread *td; register_t daif; td = curthread; daif = td->td_md.md_saved_daif; td->td_md.md_spinlock_count--; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { critical_exit(); intr_restore(daif); } } #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct sigreturn_args { ucontext_t *ucp; }; #endif int sys_sigreturn(struct thread *td, struct sigreturn_args *uap) { ucontext_t uc; int error; if (copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc))) return (EFAULT); error = set_mcontext(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (error != 0) return (error); /* Restore signal mask. */ kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); return (EJUSTRETURN); } /* * Construct a PCB from a trapframe. This is called from kdb_trap() where * we want to start a backtrace from the function that caused us to enter * the debugger. We have the context in the trapframe, but base the trace * on the PCB. The PCB doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it contains * enough for a backtrace. */ void makectx(struct trapframe *tf, struct pcb *pcb) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nitems(pcb->pcb_x); i++) pcb->pcb_x[i] = tf->tf_x[i]; /* NB: pcb_lr is the PC, see PC_REGS() in db_machdep.h */ pcb->pcb_lr = tf->tf_elr; pcb->pcb_sp = tf->tf_sp; } void sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct thread *td; struct proc *p; struct trapframe *tf; struct sigframe *fp, frame; struct sigacts *psp; struct sysentvec *sysent; int onstack, sig; td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); sig = ksi->ksi_signo; psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); tf = td->td_frame; onstack = sigonstack(tf->tf_sp); CTR4(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: td=%p (%s) catcher=%p sig=%d", td, p->p_comm, catcher, sig); /* Allocate and validate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 && !onstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { fp = (struct sigframe *)((uintptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size); #if defined(COMPAT_43) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; #endif } else { fp = (struct sigframe *)td->td_frame->tf_sp; } /* Make room, keeping the stack aligned */ fp--; fp = (struct sigframe *)STACKALIGN(fp); /* Fill in the frame to copy out */ bzero(&frame, sizeof(frame)); get_mcontext(td, &frame.sf_uc.uc_mcontext, 0); frame.sf_si = ksi->ksi_info; frame.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; frame.sf_uc.uc_stack = td->td_sigstk; frame.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = (td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 ? (onstack ? SS_ONSTACK : 0) : SS_DISABLE; mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(td->td_proc); /* Copy the sigframe out to the user's stack. */ if (copyout(&frame, fp, sizeof(*fp)) != 0) { /* Process has trashed its stack. Kill it. */ CTR2(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: sigexit td=%p fp=%p", td, fp); PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } tf->tf_x[0]= sig; tf->tf_x[1] = (register_t)&fp->sf_si; tf->tf_x[2] = (register_t)&fp->sf_uc; tf->tf_elr = (register_t)catcher; tf->tf_sp = (register_t)fp; sysent = p->p_sysent; if (sysent->sv_sigcode_base != 0) tf->tf_lr = (register_t)sysent->sv_sigcode_base; else tf->tf_lr = (register_t)(sysent->sv_psstrings - *(sysent->sv_szsigcode)); CTR3(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: return td=%p pc=%#x sp=%#x", td, tf->tf_elr, tf->tf_sp); PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } static void init_proc0(vm_offset_t kstack) { struct pcpu *pcpup = &__pcpu[0]; proc_linkup0(&proc0, &thread0); thread0.td_kstack = kstack; thread0.td_kstack_pages = KSTACK_PAGES; thread0.td_pcb = (struct pcb *)(thread0.td_kstack + thread0.td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE) - 1; thread0.td_pcb->pcb_fpflags = 0; thread0.td_pcb->pcb_fpusaved = &thread0.td_pcb->pcb_fpustate; thread0.td_pcb->pcb_vfpcpu = UINT_MAX; thread0.td_frame = &proc0_tf; pcpup->pc_curpcb = thread0.td_pcb; /* * Unmask SError exceptions. They are used to signal a RAS failure, * or other hardware error. */ serror_enable(); } typedef struct { uint32_t type; uint64_t phys_start; uint64_t virt_start; uint64_t num_pages; uint64_t attr; } EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR; typedef void (*efi_map_entry_cb)(struct efi_md *); static void foreach_efi_map_entry(struct efi_map_header *efihdr, efi_map_entry_cb cb) { struct efi_md *map, *p; size_t efisz; int ndesc, i; /* * Memory map data provided by UEFI via the GetMemoryMap * Boot Services API. */ efisz = (sizeof(struct efi_map_header) + 0xf) & ~0xf; map = (struct efi_md *)((uint8_t *)efihdr + efisz); if (efihdr->descriptor_size == 0) return; ndesc = efihdr->memory_size / efihdr->descriptor_size; for (i = 0, p = map; i < ndesc; i++, p = efi_next_descriptor(p, efihdr->descriptor_size)) { cb(p); } } static void exclude_efi_map_entry(struct efi_md *p) { switch (p->md_type) { case EFI_MD_TYPE_CODE: case EFI_MD_TYPE_DATA: case EFI_MD_TYPE_BS_CODE: case EFI_MD_TYPE_BS_DATA: case EFI_MD_TYPE_FREE: /* * We're allowed to use any entry with these types. */ break; default: physmem_exclude_region(p->md_phys, p->md_pages * PAGE_SIZE, EXFLAG_NOALLOC); } } static void exclude_efi_map_entries(struct efi_map_header *efihdr) { foreach_efi_map_entry(efihdr, exclude_efi_map_entry); } static void add_efi_map_entry(struct efi_md *p) { switch (p->md_type) { case EFI_MD_TYPE_RT_DATA: /* * Runtime data will be excluded after the DMAP * region is created to stop it from being added * to phys_avail. */ case EFI_MD_TYPE_CODE: case EFI_MD_TYPE_DATA: case EFI_MD_TYPE_BS_CODE: case EFI_MD_TYPE_BS_DATA: case EFI_MD_TYPE_FREE: /* * We're allowed to use any entry with these types. */ physmem_hardware_region(p->md_phys, p->md_pages * PAGE_SIZE); break; } } static void add_efi_map_entries(struct efi_map_header *efihdr) { foreach_efi_map_entry(efihdr, add_efi_map_entry); } static void print_efi_map_entry(struct efi_md *p) { const char *type; static const char *types[] = { "Reserved", "LoaderCode", "LoaderData", "BootServicesCode", "BootServicesData", "RuntimeServicesCode", "RuntimeServicesData", "ConventionalMemory", "UnusableMemory", "ACPIReclaimMemory", "ACPIMemoryNVS", "MemoryMappedIO", "MemoryMappedIOPortSpace", "PalCode", "PersistentMemory" }; if (p->md_type < nitems(types)) type = types[p->md_type]; else type = ""; printf("%23s %012lx %012lx %08lx ", type, p->md_phys, p->md_virt, p->md_pages); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_UC) printf("UC "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WC) printf("WC "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WT) printf("WT "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WB) printf("WB "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_UCE) printf("UCE "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WP) printf("WP "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_RP) printf("RP "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_XP) printf("XP "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_NV) printf("NV "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_MORE_RELIABLE) printf("MORE_RELIABLE "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_RO) printf("RO "); if (p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_RT) printf("RUNTIME"); printf("\n"); } static void print_efi_map_entries(struct efi_map_header *efihdr) { printf("%23s %12s %12s %8s %4s\n", "Type", "Physical", "Virtual", "#Pages", "Attr"); foreach_efi_map_entry(efihdr, print_efi_map_entry); } #ifdef FDT static void try_load_dtb(caddr_t kmdp) { vm_offset_t dtbp; dtbp = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_DTBP, vm_offset_t); #if defined(FDT_DTB_STATIC) /* * In case the device tree blob was not retrieved (from metadata) try * to use the statically embedded one. */ if (dtbp == 0) dtbp = (vm_offset_t)&fdt_static_dtb; #endif if (dtbp == (vm_offset_t)NULL) { #ifndef TSLOG printf("ERROR loading DTB\n"); #endif return; } if (OF_install(OFW_FDT, 0) == FALSE) panic("Cannot install FDT"); if (OF_init((void *)dtbp) != 0) panic("OF_init failed with the found device tree"); parse_fdt_bootargs(); } #endif static bool bus_probe(void) { bool has_acpi, has_fdt; char *order, *env; has_acpi = has_fdt = false; #ifdef FDT has_fdt = (OF_peer(0) != 0); #endif #ifdef DEV_ACPI has_acpi = (AcpiOsGetRootPointer() != 0); #endif env = kern_getenv("kern.cfg.order"); if (env != NULL) { order = env; while (order != NULL) { if (has_acpi && strncmp(order, "acpi", 4) == 0 && (order[4] == ',' || order[4] == '\0')) { arm64_bus_method = ARM64_BUS_ACPI; break; } if (has_fdt && strncmp(order, "fdt", 3) == 0 && (order[3] == ',' || order[3] == '\0')) { arm64_bus_method = ARM64_BUS_FDT; break; } order = strchr(order, ','); } freeenv(env); /* If we set the bus method it is valid */ if (arm64_bus_method != ARM64_BUS_NONE) return (true); } /* If no order or an invalid order was set use the default */ if (arm64_bus_method == ARM64_BUS_NONE) { if (has_fdt) arm64_bus_method = ARM64_BUS_FDT; else if (has_acpi) arm64_bus_method = ARM64_BUS_ACPI; } /* * If no option was set the default is valid, otherwise we are * setting one to get cninit() working, then calling panic to tell * the user about the invalid bus setup. */ return (env == NULL); } static void cache_setup(void) { int dczva_line_shift; uint32_t dczid_el0; identify_cache(READ_SPECIALREG(ctr_el0)); dczid_el0 = READ_SPECIALREG(dczid_el0); /* Check if dc zva is not prohibited */ if (dczid_el0 & DCZID_DZP) dczva_line_size = 0; else { /* Same as with above calculations */ dczva_line_shift = DCZID_BS_SIZE(dczid_el0); dczva_line_size = sizeof(int) << dczva_line_shift; /* Change pagezero function */ pagezero = pagezero_cache; } } int memory_mapping_mode(vm_paddr_t pa) { struct efi_md *map, *p; size_t efisz; int ndesc, i; if (efihdr == NULL) return (VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK); /* * Memory map data provided by UEFI via the GetMemoryMap * Boot Services API. */ efisz = (sizeof(struct efi_map_header) + 0xf) & ~0xf; map = (struct efi_md *)((uint8_t *)efihdr + efisz); if (efihdr->descriptor_size == 0) return (VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK); ndesc = efihdr->memory_size / efihdr->descriptor_size; for (i = 0, p = map; i < ndesc; i++, p = efi_next_descriptor(p, efihdr->descriptor_size)) { if (pa < p->md_phys || pa >= p->md_phys + p->md_pages * EFI_PAGE_SIZE) continue; if (p->md_type == EFI_MD_TYPE_IOMEM || p->md_type == EFI_MD_TYPE_IOPORT) return (VM_MEMATTR_DEVICE); else if ((p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WB) != 0 || p->md_type == EFI_MD_TYPE_RECLAIM) return (VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_BACK); else if ((p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WT) != 0) return (VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_THROUGH); else if ((p->md_attr & EFI_MD_ATTR_WC) != 0) return (VM_MEMATTR_WRITE_COMBINING); break; } return (VM_MEMATTR_DEVICE); } void initarm(struct arm64_bootparams *abp) { struct efi_fb *efifb; struct pcpu *pcpup; char *env; #ifdef FDT struct mem_region mem_regions[FDT_MEM_REGIONS]; int mem_regions_sz; phandle_t root; char dts_version[255]; #endif vm_offset_t lastaddr; caddr_t kmdp; bool valid; TSRAW(&thread0, TS_ENTER, __func__, NULL); boot_el = abp->boot_el; /* Parse loader or FDT boot parametes. Determine last used address. */ lastaddr = parse_boot_param(abp); /* Find the kernel address */ kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); if (kmdp == NULL) kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf64 kernel"); identify_cpu(0); update_special_regs(0); link_elf_ireloc(kmdp); try_load_dtb(kmdp); efi_systbl_phys = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_FW_HANDLE, vm_paddr_t); /* Load the physical memory ranges */ efihdr = (struct efi_map_header *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_EFI_MAP); if (efihdr != NULL) add_efi_map_entries(efihdr); #ifdef FDT else { /* Grab physical memory regions information from device tree. */ if (fdt_get_mem_regions(mem_regions, &mem_regions_sz, NULL) != 0) panic("Cannot get physical memory regions"); physmem_hardware_regions(mem_regions, mem_regions_sz); } if (fdt_get_reserved_mem(mem_regions, &mem_regions_sz) == 0) physmem_exclude_regions(mem_regions, mem_regions_sz, EXFLAG_NODUMP | EXFLAG_NOALLOC); #endif /* Exclude the EFI framebuffer from our view of physical memory. */ efifb = (struct efi_fb *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_EFI_FB); if (efifb != NULL) physmem_exclude_region(efifb->fb_addr, efifb->fb_size, EXFLAG_NOALLOC); /* Set the pcpu data, this is needed by pmap_bootstrap */ pcpup = &__pcpu[0]; pcpu_init(pcpup, 0, sizeof(struct pcpu)); /* * Set the pcpu pointer with a backup in tpidr_el1 to be * loaded when entering the kernel from userland. */ __asm __volatile( "mov x18, %0 \n" "msr tpidr_el1, %0" :: "r"(pcpup)); PCPU_SET(curthread, &thread0); PCPU_SET(midr, get_midr()); /* Do basic tuning, hz etc */ init_param1(); cache_setup(); pan_setup(); /* Bootstrap enough of pmap to enter the kernel proper */ pmap_bootstrap(abp->kern_l0pt, abp->kern_l1pt, KERNBASE - abp->kern_delta, lastaddr - KERNBASE); /* Exclude entries neexed in teh DMAP region, but not phys_avail */ if (efihdr != NULL) exclude_efi_map_entries(efihdr); physmem_init_kernel_globals(); devmap_bootstrap(0, NULL); valid = bus_probe(); cninit(); set_ttbr0(abp->kern_ttbr0); cpu_tlb_flushID(); if (!valid) panic("Invalid bus configuration: %s", kern_getenv("kern.cfg.order")); /* * Dump the boot metadata. We have to wait for cninit() since console * output is required. If it's grossly incorrect the kernel will never * make it this far. */ if (getenv_is_true("debug.dump_modinfo_at_boot")) preload_dump(); init_proc0(abp->kern_stack); msgbufinit(msgbufp, msgbufsize); mutex_init(); init_param2(physmem); dbg_init(); kdb_init(); pan_enable(); kcsan_cpu_init(0); env = kern_getenv("kernelname"); if (env != NULL) strlcpy(kernelname, env, sizeof(kernelname)); #ifdef FDT if (arm64_bus_method == ARM64_BUS_FDT) { root = OF_finddevice("/"); if (OF_getprop(root, "freebsd,dts-version", dts_version, sizeof(dts_version)) > 0) { if (strcmp(LINUX_DTS_VERSION, dts_version) != 0) printf("WARNING: DTB version is %s while kernel expects %s, " "please update the DTB in the ESP\n", dts_version, LINUX_DTS_VERSION); } else { printf("WARNING: Cannot find freebsd,dts-version property, " "cannot check DTB compliance\n"); } } #endif if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) { if (efihdr != NULL) print_efi_map_entries(efihdr); physmem_print_tables(); } early_boot = 0; TSEXIT(); } void dbg_init(void) { /* Clear OS lock */ WRITE_SPECIALREG(oslar_el1, 0); /* This permits DDB to use debug registers for watchpoints. */ dbg_monitor_init(); /* TODO: Eventually will need to initialize debug registers here. */ } #ifdef DDB #include DB_SHOW_COMMAND(specialregs, db_show_spregs) { #define PRINT_REG(reg) \ db_printf(__STRING(reg) " = %#016lx\n", READ_SPECIALREG(reg)) PRINT_REG(actlr_el1); PRINT_REG(afsr0_el1); PRINT_REG(afsr1_el1); PRINT_REG(aidr_el1); PRINT_REG(amair_el1); PRINT_REG(ccsidr_el1); PRINT_REG(clidr_el1); PRINT_REG(contextidr_el1); PRINT_REG(cpacr_el1); PRINT_REG(csselr_el1); PRINT_REG(ctr_el0); PRINT_REG(currentel); PRINT_REG(daif); PRINT_REG(dczid_el0); PRINT_REG(elr_el1); PRINT_REG(esr_el1); PRINT_REG(far_el1); #if 0 /* ARM64TODO: Enable VFP before reading floating-point registers */ PRINT_REG(fpcr); PRINT_REG(fpsr); #endif PRINT_REG(id_aa64afr0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_aa64afr1_el1); PRINT_REG(id_aa64dfr0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_aa64dfr1_el1); PRINT_REG(id_aa64isar0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_aa64isar1_el1); PRINT_REG(id_aa64pfr0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_aa64pfr1_el1); PRINT_REG(id_afr0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_dfr0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_isar0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_isar1_el1); PRINT_REG(id_isar2_el1); PRINT_REG(id_isar3_el1); PRINT_REG(id_isar4_el1); PRINT_REG(id_isar5_el1); PRINT_REG(id_mmfr0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_mmfr1_el1); PRINT_REG(id_mmfr2_el1); PRINT_REG(id_mmfr3_el1); #if 0 /* Missing from llvm */ PRINT_REG(id_mmfr4_el1); #endif PRINT_REG(id_pfr0_el1); PRINT_REG(id_pfr1_el1); PRINT_REG(isr_el1); PRINT_REG(mair_el1); PRINT_REG(midr_el1); PRINT_REG(mpidr_el1); PRINT_REG(mvfr0_el1); PRINT_REG(mvfr1_el1); PRINT_REG(mvfr2_el1); PRINT_REG(revidr_el1); PRINT_REG(sctlr_el1); PRINT_REG(sp_el0); PRINT_REG(spsel); PRINT_REG(spsr_el1); PRINT_REG(tcr_el1); PRINT_REG(tpidr_el0); PRINT_REG(tpidr_el1); PRINT_REG(tpidrro_el0); PRINT_REG(ttbr0_el1); PRINT_REG(ttbr1_el1); PRINT_REG(vbar_el1); #undef PRINT_REG } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(vtop, db_show_vtop) { uint64_t phys; if (have_addr) { phys = arm64_address_translate_s1e1r(addr); db_printf("EL1 physical address reg (read): 0x%016lx\n", phys); phys = arm64_address_translate_s1e1w(addr); db_printf("EL1 physical address reg (write): 0x%016lx\n", phys); phys = arm64_address_translate_s1e0r(addr); db_printf("EL0 physical address reg (read): 0x%016lx\n", phys); phys = arm64_address_translate_s1e0w(addr); db_printf("EL0 physical address reg (write): 0x%016lx\n", phys); } else db_printf("show vtop \n"); } #endif diff --git a/sys/arm64/include/reg.h b/sys/arm64/include/reg.h index 9cfc5ea1d437..d7c3354bfd2f 100644 --- a/sys/arm64/include/reg.h +++ b/sys/arm64/include/reg.h @@ -1,106 +1,86 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Turner * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The FreeBSD Foundation * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by Andrew Turner under * sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _MACHINE_REG_H_ #define _MACHINE_REG_H_ struct reg { uint64_t x[30]; uint64_t lr; uint64_t sp; uint64_t elr; uint32_t spsr; }; struct reg32 { unsigned int r[13]; unsigned int r_sp; unsigned int r_lr; unsigned int r_pc; unsigned int r_cpsr; }; struct fpreg { __uint128_t fp_q[32]; uint32_t fp_sr; uint32_t fp_cr; }; struct fpreg32 { int dummy; }; struct dbreg { uint8_t db_debug_ver; uint8_t db_nbkpts; uint8_t db_nwtpts; uint8_t db_pad[5]; struct { uint64_t dbr_addr; uint32_t dbr_ctrl; uint32_t dbr_pad; } db_breakregs[16]; struct { uint64_t dbw_addr; uint32_t dbw_ctrl; uint32_t dbw_pad; } db_watchregs[16]; }; struct dbreg32 { int dummy; }; #define __HAVE_REG32 -#ifdef _KERNEL -/* - * XXX these interfaces are MI, so they should be declared in a MI place. - */ -int fill_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int set_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int fill_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int set_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int fill_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -int set_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -#ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 -int fill_regs32(struct thread *, struct reg32 *); -int set_regs32(struct thread *, struct reg32 *); -int fill_fpregs32(struct thread *, struct fpreg32 *); -int set_fpregs32(struct thread *, struct fpreg32 *); -int fill_dbregs32(struct thread *, struct dbreg32 *); -int set_dbregs32(struct thread *, struct dbreg32 *); -#endif -#endif - #endif /* !_MACHINE_REG_H_ */ diff --git a/sys/arm64/linux/linux_machdep.c b/sys/arm64/linux/linux_machdep.c index 9ccda3c3d299..fae5bd11653b 100644 --- a/sys/arm64/linux/linux_machdep.c +++ b/sys/arm64/linux/linux_machdep.c @@ -1,148 +1,147 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2018 Turing Robotic Industries Inc. * Copyright (c) 2000 Marcel Moolenaar * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include -#include - #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* DTrace init */ LIN_SDT_PROVIDER_DECLARE(LINUX_DTRACE); /* DTrace probes */ LIN_SDT_PROBE_DEFINE0(machdep, linux_mmap2, todo); /* * LINUXTODO: deduplicate; linux_execve is common across archs, except that on * amd64 compat linuxulator it calls freebsd32_exec_copyin_args. */ int linux_execve(struct thread *td, struct linux_execve_args *uap) { struct image_args eargs; char *path; int error; if (!LUSECONVPATH(td)) { error = exec_copyin_args(&eargs, uap->path, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->argp, uap->envp); } else { LCONVPATHEXIST(td, uap->path, &path); error = exec_copyin_args(&eargs, path, UIO_SYSSPACE, uap->argp, uap->envp); LFREEPATH(path); } if (error == 0) error = linux_common_execve(td, &eargs); AUDIT_SYSCALL_EXIT(error == EJUSTRETURN ? 0 : error, td); return (error); } int linux_set_upcall(struct thread *td, register_t stack) { if (stack) td->td_frame->tf_sp = stack; /* * The newly created Linux thread returns * to the user space by the same path that a parent does. */ td->td_frame->tf_x[0] = 0; return (0); } /* LINUXTODO: deduplicate arm64 linux_mmap2 */ int linux_mmap2(struct thread *td, struct linux_mmap2_args *uap) { LIN_SDT_PROBE0(machdep, linux_mmap2, todo); return (linux_mmap_common(td, PTROUT(uap->addr), uap->len, uap->prot, uap->flags, uap->fd, uap->pgoff)); } int linux_mprotect(struct thread *td, struct linux_mprotect_args *uap) { return (linux_mprotect_common(td, PTROUT(uap->addr), uap->len, uap->prot)); } int linux_madvise(struct thread *td, struct linux_madvise_args *uap) { return (linux_madvise_common(td, PTROUT(uap->addr), uap->len, uap->behav)); } int linux_set_cloned_tls(struct thread *td, void *desc) { if ((uint64_t)desc >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EPERM); return (cpu_set_user_tls(td, desc)); } void bsd_to_linux_regset(struct reg *b_reg, struct linux_pt_regset *l_regset) { KASSERT(sizeof(l_regset->x) == sizeof(b_reg->x) + sizeof(l_ulong), ("%s: size mismatch\n", __func__)); memcpy(l_regset->x, b_reg->x, sizeof(b_reg->x)); l_regset->x[30] = b_reg->lr; l_regset->sp = b_reg->sp; l_regset->pc = b_reg->elr; l_regset->cpsr = b_reg->spsr; } diff --git a/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/intel/dtrace/fasttrap_isa.c b/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/intel/dtrace/fasttrap_isa.c index 502273b73157..f92070d8088d 100644 --- a/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/intel/dtrace/fasttrap_isa.c +++ b/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/intel/dtrace/fasttrap_isa.c @@ -1,1841 +1,1841 @@ /* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * Portions Copyright 2010 The FreeBSD Foundation * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __i386__ #define r_rax r_eax #define r_rbx r_ebx #define r_rip r_eip #define r_rflags r_eflags #define r_rsp r_esp #define r_rbp r_ebp #endif /* * Lossless User-Land Tracing on x86 * --------------------------------- * * The execution of most instructions is not dependent on the address; for * these instructions it is sufficient to copy them into the user process's * address space and execute them. To effectively single-step an instruction * in user-land, we copy out the following sequence of instructions to scratch * space in the user thread's ulwp_t structure. * * We then set the program counter (%eip or %rip) to point to this scratch * space. Once execution resumes, the original instruction is executed and * then control flow is redirected to what was originally the subsequent * instruction. If the kernel attemps to deliver a signal while single- * stepping, the signal is deferred and the program counter is moved into the * second sequence of instructions. The second sequence ends in a trap into * the kernel where the deferred signal is then properly handled and delivered. * * For instructions whose execute is position dependent, we perform simple * emulation. These instructions are limited to control transfer * instructions in 32-bit mode, but in 64-bit mode there's the added wrinkle * of %rip-relative addressing that means that almost any instruction can be * position dependent. For all the details on how we emulate generic * instructions included %rip-relative instructions, see the code in * fasttrap_pid_probe() below where we handle instructions of type * FASTTRAP_T_COMMON (under the header: Generic Instruction Tracing). */ #define FASTTRAP_MODRM_MOD(modrm) (((modrm) >> 6) & 0x3) #define FASTTRAP_MODRM_REG(modrm) (((modrm) >> 3) & 0x7) #define FASTTRAP_MODRM_RM(modrm) ((modrm) & 0x7) #define FASTTRAP_MODRM(mod, reg, rm) (((mod) << 6) | ((reg) << 3) | (rm)) #define FASTTRAP_SIB_SCALE(sib) (((sib) >> 6) & 0x3) #define FASTTRAP_SIB_INDEX(sib) (((sib) >> 3) & 0x7) #define FASTTRAP_SIB_BASE(sib) ((sib) & 0x7) #define FASTTRAP_REX_W(rex) (((rex) >> 3) & 1) #define FASTTRAP_REX_R(rex) (((rex) >> 2) & 1) #define FASTTRAP_REX_X(rex) (((rex) >> 1) & 1) #define FASTTRAP_REX_B(rex) ((rex) & 1) #define FASTTRAP_REX(w, r, x, b) \ (0x40 | ((w) << 3) | ((r) << 2) | ((x) << 1) | (b)) /* * Single-byte op-codes. */ #define FASTTRAP_PUSHL_EBP 0x55 #define FASTTRAP_JO 0x70 #define FASTTRAP_JNO 0x71 #define FASTTRAP_JB 0x72 #define FASTTRAP_JAE 0x73 #define FASTTRAP_JE 0x74 #define FASTTRAP_JNE 0x75 #define FASTTRAP_JBE 0x76 #define FASTTRAP_JA 0x77 #define FASTTRAP_JS 0x78 #define FASTTRAP_JNS 0x79 #define FASTTRAP_JP 0x7a #define FASTTRAP_JNP 0x7b #define FASTTRAP_JL 0x7c #define FASTTRAP_JGE 0x7d #define FASTTRAP_JLE 0x7e #define FASTTRAP_JG 0x7f #define FASTTRAP_NOP 0x90 #define FASTTRAP_MOV_EAX 0xb8 #define FASTTRAP_MOV_ECX 0xb9 #define FASTTRAP_RET16 0xc2 #define FASTTRAP_RET 0xc3 #define FASTTRAP_LOOPNZ 0xe0 #define FASTTRAP_LOOPZ 0xe1 #define FASTTRAP_LOOP 0xe2 #define FASTTRAP_JCXZ 0xe3 #define FASTTRAP_CALL 0xe8 #define FASTTRAP_JMP32 0xe9 #define FASTTRAP_JMP8 0xeb #define FASTTRAP_INT3 0xcc #define FASTTRAP_INT 0xcd #define FASTTRAP_2_BYTE_OP 0x0f #define FASTTRAP_GROUP5_OP 0xff /* * Two-byte op-codes (second byte only). */ #define FASTTRAP_0F_JO 0x80 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JNO 0x81 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JB 0x82 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JAE 0x83 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JE 0x84 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JNE 0x85 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JBE 0x86 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JA 0x87 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JS 0x88 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JNS 0x89 #define FASTTRAP_0F_JP 0x8a #define FASTTRAP_0F_JNP 0x8b #define FASTTRAP_0F_JL 0x8c #define FASTTRAP_0F_JGE 0x8d #define FASTTRAP_0F_JLE 0x8e #define FASTTRAP_0F_JG 0x8f #define FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_OF 0x800 #define FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_DF 0x400 #define FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_SF 0x080 #define FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF 0x040 #define FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_AF 0x010 #define FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_PF 0x004 #define FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_CF 0x001 /* * Instruction prefixes. */ #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_OPERAND 0x66 #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_ADDRESS 0x67 #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_CS 0x2E #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_DS 0x3E #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_ES 0x26 #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_FS 0x64 #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_GS 0x65 #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_SS 0x36 #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_LOCK 0xF0 #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_REP 0xF3 #define FASTTRAP_PREFIX_REPNE 0xF2 #define FASTTRAP_NOREG 0xff /* * Map between instruction register encodings and the kernel constants which * correspond to indicies into struct regs. */ #ifdef __amd64 static const uint8_t regmap[16] = { REG_RAX, REG_RCX, REG_RDX, REG_RBX, REG_RSP, REG_RBP, REG_RSI, REG_RDI, REG_R8, REG_R9, REG_R10, REG_R11, REG_R12, REG_R13, REG_R14, REG_R15, }; #else static const uint8_t regmap[8] = { EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, UESP, EBP, ESI, EDI }; #endif static ulong_t fasttrap_getreg(struct reg *, uint_t); static uint64_t fasttrap_anarg(struct reg *rp, int function_entry, int argno) { uint64_t value = 0; int shift = function_entry ? 1 : 0; #ifdef __amd64 if (curproc->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64) { uintptr_t *stack; /* * In 64-bit mode, the first six arguments are stored in * registers. */ if (argno < 6) switch (argno) { case 0: return (rp->r_rdi); case 1: return (rp->r_rsi); case 2: return (rp->r_rdx); case 3: return (rp->r_rcx); case 4: return (rp->r_r8); case 5: return (rp->r_r9); } stack = (uintptr_t *)rp->r_rsp; DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_NOFAULT); value = dtrace_fulword(&stack[argno - 6 + shift]); DTRACE_CPUFLAG_CLEAR(CPU_DTRACE_NOFAULT | CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); } else { #endif uint32_t *stack = (uint32_t *)rp->r_rsp; DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_NOFAULT); value = dtrace_fuword32(&stack[argno + shift]); DTRACE_CPUFLAG_CLEAR(CPU_DTRACE_NOFAULT | CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); #ifdef __amd64 } #endif return (value); } /*ARGSUSED*/ int fasttrap_tracepoint_init(proc_t *p, fasttrap_tracepoint_t *tp, uintptr_t pc, fasttrap_probe_type_t type) { uint8_t instr[FASTTRAP_MAX_INSTR_SIZE + 10]; size_t len = FASTTRAP_MAX_INSTR_SIZE; size_t first = MIN(len, PAGESIZE - (pc & PAGEOFFSET)); uint_t start = 0; int rmindex, size; uint8_t seg, rex = 0; /* * Read the instruction at the given address out of the process's * address space. We don't have to worry about a debugger * changing this instruction before we overwrite it with our trap * instruction since P_PR_LOCK is set. Since instructions can span * pages, we potentially read the instruction in two parts. If the * second part fails, we just zero out that part of the instruction. */ if (uread(p, &instr[0], first, pc) != 0) return (-1); if (len > first && uread(p, &instr[first], len - first, pc + first) != 0) { bzero(&instr[first], len - first); len = first; } /* * If the disassembly fails, then we have a malformed instruction. */ if ((size = dtrace_instr_size_isa(instr, p->p_model, &rmindex)) <= 0) return (-1); /* * Make sure the disassembler isn't completely broken. */ ASSERT(-1 <= rmindex && rmindex < size); /* * If the computed size is greater than the number of bytes read, * then it was a malformed instruction possibly because it fell on a * page boundary and the subsequent page was missing or because of * some malicious user. */ if (size > len) return (-1); tp->ftt_size = (uint8_t)size; tp->ftt_segment = FASTTRAP_SEG_NONE; /* * Find the start of the instruction's opcode by processing any * legacy prefixes. */ for (;;) { seg = 0; switch (instr[start]) { case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_SS: seg++; /*FALLTHRU*/ case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_GS: seg++; /*FALLTHRU*/ case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_FS: seg++; /*FALLTHRU*/ case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_ES: seg++; /*FALLTHRU*/ case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_DS: seg++; /*FALLTHRU*/ case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_CS: seg++; /*FALLTHRU*/ case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_OPERAND: case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_ADDRESS: case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_LOCK: case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_REP: case FASTTRAP_PREFIX_REPNE: if (seg != 0) { /* * It's illegal for an instruction to specify * two segment prefixes -- give up on this * illegal instruction. */ if (tp->ftt_segment != FASTTRAP_SEG_NONE) return (-1); tp->ftt_segment = seg; } start++; continue; } break; } #ifdef __amd64 /* * Identify the REX prefix on 64-bit processes. */ if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64 && (instr[start] & 0xf0) == 0x40) rex = instr[start++]; #endif /* * Now that we're pretty sure that the instruction is okay, copy the * valid part to the tracepoint. */ bcopy(instr, tp->ftt_instr, FASTTRAP_MAX_INSTR_SIZE); tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_COMMON; if (instr[start] == FASTTRAP_2_BYTE_OP) { switch (instr[start + 1]) { case FASTTRAP_0F_JO: case FASTTRAP_0F_JNO: case FASTTRAP_0F_JB: case FASTTRAP_0F_JAE: case FASTTRAP_0F_JE: case FASTTRAP_0F_JNE: case FASTTRAP_0F_JBE: case FASTTRAP_0F_JA: case FASTTRAP_0F_JS: case FASTTRAP_0F_JNS: case FASTTRAP_0F_JP: case FASTTRAP_0F_JNP: case FASTTRAP_0F_JL: case FASTTRAP_0F_JGE: case FASTTRAP_0F_JLE: case FASTTRAP_0F_JG: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_JCC; tp->ftt_code = (instr[start + 1] & 0x0f) | FASTTRAP_JO; tp->ftt_dest = pc + tp->ftt_size + /* LINTED - alignment */ *(int32_t *)&instr[start + 2]; break; } } else if (instr[start] == FASTTRAP_GROUP5_OP) { uint_t mod = FASTTRAP_MODRM_MOD(instr[start + 1]); uint_t reg = FASTTRAP_MODRM_REG(instr[start + 1]); uint_t rm = FASTTRAP_MODRM_RM(instr[start + 1]); if (reg == 2 || reg == 4) { uint_t i, sz; if (reg == 2) tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_CALL; else tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_JMP; if (mod == 3) tp->ftt_code = 2; else tp->ftt_code = 1; ASSERT(p->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64 || rex == 0); /* * See AMD x86-64 Architecture Programmer's Manual * Volume 3, Section 1.2.7, Table 1-12, and * Appendix A.3.1, Table A-15. */ if (mod != 3 && rm == 4) { uint8_t sib = instr[start + 2]; uint_t index = FASTTRAP_SIB_INDEX(sib); uint_t base = FASTTRAP_SIB_BASE(sib); tp->ftt_scale = FASTTRAP_SIB_SCALE(sib); tp->ftt_index = (index == 4) ? FASTTRAP_NOREG : regmap[index | (FASTTRAP_REX_X(rex) << 3)]; tp->ftt_base = (mod == 0 && base == 5) ? FASTTRAP_NOREG : regmap[base | (FASTTRAP_REX_B(rex) << 3)]; i = 3; sz = mod == 1 ? 1 : 4; } else { /* * In 64-bit mode, mod == 0 and r/m == 5 * denotes %rip-relative addressing; in 32-bit * mode, the base register isn't used. In both * modes, there is a 32-bit operand. */ if (mod == 0 && rm == 5) { #ifdef __amd64 if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64) tp->ftt_base = REG_RIP; else #endif tp->ftt_base = FASTTRAP_NOREG; sz = 4; } else { uint8_t base = rm | (FASTTRAP_REX_B(rex) << 3); tp->ftt_base = regmap[base]; sz = mod == 1 ? 1 : mod == 2 ? 4 : 0; } tp->ftt_index = FASTTRAP_NOREG; i = 2; } if (sz == 1) { tp->ftt_dest = *(int8_t *)&instr[start + i]; } else if (sz == 4) { /* LINTED - alignment */ tp->ftt_dest = *(int32_t *)&instr[start + i]; } else { tp->ftt_dest = 0; } } } else { switch (instr[start]) { case FASTTRAP_RET: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_RET; break; case FASTTRAP_RET16: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_RET16; /* LINTED - alignment */ tp->ftt_dest = *(uint16_t *)&instr[start + 1]; break; case FASTTRAP_JO: case FASTTRAP_JNO: case FASTTRAP_JB: case FASTTRAP_JAE: case FASTTRAP_JE: case FASTTRAP_JNE: case FASTTRAP_JBE: case FASTTRAP_JA: case FASTTRAP_JS: case FASTTRAP_JNS: case FASTTRAP_JP: case FASTTRAP_JNP: case FASTTRAP_JL: case FASTTRAP_JGE: case FASTTRAP_JLE: case FASTTRAP_JG: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_JCC; tp->ftt_code = instr[start]; tp->ftt_dest = pc + tp->ftt_size + (int8_t)instr[start + 1]; break; case FASTTRAP_LOOPNZ: case FASTTRAP_LOOPZ: case FASTTRAP_LOOP: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_LOOP; tp->ftt_code = instr[start]; tp->ftt_dest = pc + tp->ftt_size + (int8_t)instr[start + 1]; break; case FASTTRAP_JCXZ: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_JCXZ; tp->ftt_dest = pc + tp->ftt_size + (int8_t)instr[start + 1]; break; case FASTTRAP_CALL: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_CALL; tp->ftt_dest = pc + tp->ftt_size + /* LINTED - alignment */ *(int32_t *)&instr[start + 1]; tp->ftt_code = 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JMP32: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_JMP; tp->ftt_dest = pc + tp->ftt_size + /* LINTED - alignment */ *(int32_t *)&instr[start + 1]; break; case FASTTRAP_JMP8: tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_JMP; tp->ftt_dest = pc + tp->ftt_size + (int8_t)instr[start + 1]; break; case FASTTRAP_PUSHL_EBP: if (start == 0) tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_PUSHL_EBP; break; case FASTTRAP_NOP: #ifdef __amd64 ASSERT(p->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64 || rex == 0); /* * On amd64 we have to be careful not to confuse a nop * (actually xchgl %eax, %eax) with an instruction using * the same opcode, but that does something different * (e.g. xchgl %r8d, %eax or xcghq %r8, %rax). */ if (FASTTRAP_REX_B(rex) == 0) #endif tp->ftt_type = FASTTRAP_T_NOP; break; case FASTTRAP_INT3: /* * The pid provider shares the int3 trap with debugger * breakpoints so we can't instrument them. */ ASSERT(instr[start] == FASTTRAP_INSTR); return (-1); case FASTTRAP_INT: /* * Interrupts seem like they could be traced with * no negative implications, but it's possible that * a thread could be redirected by the trap handling * code which would eventually return to the * instruction after the interrupt. If the interrupt * were in our scratch space, the subsequent * instruction might be overwritten before we return. * Accordingly we refuse to instrument any interrupt. */ return (-1); } } #ifdef __amd64 if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64 && tp->ftt_type == FASTTRAP_T_COMMON) { /* * If the process is 64-bit and the instruction type is still * FASTTRAP_T_COMMON -- meaning we're going to copy it out an * execute it -- we need to watch for %rip-relative * addressing mode. See the portion of fasttrap_pid_probe() * below where we handle tracepoints with type * FASTTRAP_T_COMMON for how we emulate instructions that * employ %rip-relative addressing. */ if (rmindex != -1) { uint_t mod = FASTTRAP_MODRM_MOD(instr[rmindex]); uint_t reg = FASTTRAP_MODRM_REG(instr[rmindex]); uint_t rm = FASTTRAP_MODRM_RM(instr[rmindex]); ASSERT(rmindex > start); if (mod == 0 && rm == 5) { /* * We need to be sure to avoid other * registers used by this instruction. While * the reg field may determine the op code * rather than denoting a register, assuming * that it denotes a register is always safe. * We leave the REX field intact and use * whatever value's there for simplicity. */ if (reg != 0) { tp->ftt_ripmode = FASTTRAP_RIP_1 | (FASTTRAP_RIP_X * FASTTRAP_REX_B(rex)); rm = 0; } else { tp->ftt_ripmode = FASTTRAP_RIP_2 | (FASTTRAP_RIP_X * FASTTRAP_REX_B(rex)); rm = 1; } tp->ftt_modrm = tp->ftt_instr[rmindex]; tp->ftt_instr[rmindex] = FASTTRAP_MODRM(2, reg, rm); } } } #endif return (0); } int fasttrap_tracepoint_install(proc_t *p, fasttrap_tracepoint_t *tp) { fasttrap_instr_t instr = FASTTRAP_INSTR; if (uwrite(p, &instr, 1, tp->ftt_pc) != 0) return (-1); return (0); } int fasttrap_tracepoint_remove(proc_t *p, fasttrap_tracepoint_t *tp) { uint8_t instr; /* * Distinguish between read or write failures and a changed * instruction. */ if (uread(p, &instr, 1, tp->ftt_pc) != 0) return (0); if (instr != FASTTRAP_INSTR) return (0); if (uwrite(p, &tp->ftt_instr[0], 1, tp->ftt_pc) != 0) return (-1); return (0); } #ifdef __amd64 static uintptr_t fasttrap_fulword_noerr(const void *uaddr) { uintptr_t ret; if ((ret = fasttrap_fulword(uaddr)) != -1) return (ret); return (0); } #endif static uint32_t fasttrap_fuword32_noerr(const void *uaddr) { uint32_t ret; if ((ret = fasttrap_fuword32(uaddr)) != -1) return (ret); return (0); } static void fasttrap_return_common(struct reg *rp, uintptr_t pc, pid_t pid, uintptr_t new_pc) { fasttrap_tracepoint_t *tp; fasttrap_bucket_t *bucket; fasttrap_id_t *id; struct rm_priotracker tracker; rm_rlock(&fasttrap_tp_lock, &tracker); bucket = &fasttrap_tpoints.fth_table[FASTTRAP_TPOINTS_INDEX(pid, pc)]; for (tp = bucket->ftb_data; tp != NULL; tp = tp->ftt_next) { if (pid == tp->ftt_pid && pc == tp->ftt_pc && tp->ftt_proc->ftpc_acount != 0) break; } /* * Don't sweat it if we can't find the tracepoint again; unlike * when we're in fasttrap_pid_probe(), finding the tracepoint here * is not essential to the correct execution of the process. */ if (tp == NULL) { rm_runlock(&fasttrap_tp_lock, &tracker); return; } for (id = tp->ftt_retids; id != NULL; id = id->fti_next) { /* * If there's a branch that could act as a return site, we * need to trace it, and check here if the program counter is * external to the function. */ if (tp->ftt_type != FASTTRAP_T_RET && tp->ftt_type != FASTTRAP_T_RET16 && new_pc - id->fti_probe->ftp_faddr < id->fti_probe->ftp_fsize) continue; dtrace_probe(id->fti_probe->ftp_id, pc - id->fti_probe->ftp_faddr, rp->r_rax, rp->r_rbx, 0, 0); } rm_runlock(&fasttrap_tp_lock, &tracker); } static void fasttrap_sigsegv(proc_t *p, kthread_t *t, uintptr_t addr) { ksiginfo_t ksi; ksiginfo_init(&ksi); ksi.ksi_signo = SIGSEGV; ksi.ksi_code = SEGV_MAPERR; ksi.ksi_addr = (caddr_t)addr; PROC_LOCK(p); (void)tdksignal(t, SIGSEGV, &ksi); PROC_UNLOCK(p); } #ifdef __amd64 static void fasttrap_usdt_args64(fasttrap_probe_t *probe, struct reg *rp, int argc, uintptr_t *argv) { int i, x, cap = MIN(argc, probe->ftp_nargs); uintptr_t *stack = (uintptr_t *)rp->r_rsp; for (i = 0; i < cap; i++) { x = probe->ftp_argmap[i]; if (x < 6) argv[i] = (&rp->r_rdi)[x]; else argv[i] = fasttrap_fulword_noerr(&stack[x]); } for (; i < argc; i++) { argv[i] = 0; } } #endif static void fasttrap_usdt_args32(fasttrap_probe_t *probe, struct reg *rp, int argc, uint32_t *argv) { int i, x, cap = MIN(argc, probe->ftp_nargs); uint32_t *stack = (uint32_t *)rp->r_rsp; for (i = 0; i < cap; i++) { x = probe->ftp_argmap[i]; argv[i] = fasttrap_fuword32_noerr(&stack[x]); } for (; i < argc; i++) { argv[i] = 0; } } static int fasttrap_do_seg(fasttrap_tracepoint_t *tp, struct reg *rp, uintptr_t *addr) { proc_t *p = curproc; #ifdef __i386__ struct segment_descriptor *desc; #else struct user_segment_descriptor *desc; #endif uint16_t sel = 0, ndx, type; uintptr_t limit; switch (tp->ftt_segment) { case FASTTRAP_SEG_CS: sel = rp->r_cs; break; case FASTTRAP_SEG_DS: sel = rp->r_ds; break; case FASTTRAP_SEG_ES: sel = rp->r_es; break; case FASTTRAP_SEG_FS: sel = rp->r_fs; break; case FASTTRAP_SEG_GS: sel = rp->r_gs; break; case FASTTRAP_SEG_SS: sel = rp->r_ss; break; } /* * Make sure the given segment register specifies a user priority * selector rather than a kernel selector. */ if (ISPL(sel) != SEL_UPL) return (-1); ndx = IDXSEL(sel); /* * Check the bounds and grab the descriptor out of the specified * descriptor table. */ if (ISLDT(sel)) { #ifdef __i386__ if (ndx > p->p_md.md_ldt->ldt_len) return (-1); desc = (struct segment_descriptor *) p->p_md.md_ldt[ndx].ldt_base; #else if (ndx > max_ldt_segment) return (-1); desc = (struct user_segment_descriptor *) p->p_md.md_ldt[ndx].ldt_base; #endif } else { if (ndx >= NGDT) return (-1); #ifdef __i386__ desc = &gdt[ndx].sd; #else desc = PCPU_PTR(gdt)[ndx]; #endif } /* * The descriptor must have user privilege level and it must be * present in memory. */ if (desc->sd_dpl != SEL_UPL || desc->sd_p != 1) return (-1); type = desc->sd_type; /* * If the S bit in the type field is not set, this descriptor can * only be used in system context. */ if ((type & 0x10) != 0x10) return (-1); limit = USD_GETLIMIT(desc) * (desc->sd_gran ? PAGESIZE : 1); if (tp->ftt_segment == FASTTRAP_SEG_CS) { /* * The code/data bit and readable bit must both be set. */ if ((type & 0xa) != 0xa) return (-1); if (*addr > limit) return (-1); } else { /* * The code/data bit must be clear. */ if ((type & 0x8) != 0) return (-1); /* * If the expand-down bit is clear, we just check the limit as * it would naturally be applied. Otherwise, we need to check * that the address is the range [limit + 1 .. 0xffff] or * [limit + 1 ... 0xffffffff] depending on if the default * operand size bit is set. */ if ((type & 0x4) == 0) { if (*addr > limit) return (-1); } else if (desc->sd_def32) { if (*addr < limit + 1 || 0xffff < *addr) return (-1); } else { if (*addr < limit + 1 || 0xffffffff < *addr) return (-1); } } *addr += USD_GETBASE(desc); return (0); } int fasttrap_pid_probe(struct trapframe *tf) { struct reg reg, *rp; proc_t *p = curproc, *pp; struct rm_priotracker tracker; uint64_t gen; uintptr_t pc; uintptr_t new_pc = 0; fasttrap_bucket_t *bucket; fasttrap_tracepoint_t *tp, tp_local; pid_t pid; dtrace_icookie_t cookie; uint_t is_enabled = 0; fill_frame_regs(tf, ®); rp = ® pc = rp->r_rip - 1; /* * It's possible that a user (in a veritable orgy of bad planning) * could redirect this thread's flow of control before it reached the * return probe fasttrap. In this case we need to kill the process * since it's in a unrecoverable state. */ if (curthread->t_dtrace_step) { ASSERT(curthread->t_dtrace_on); fasttrap_sigtrap(p, curthread, pc); return (0); } /* * Clear all user tracing flags. */ curthread->t_dtrace_ft = 0; curthread->t_dtrace_pc = 0; curthread->t_dtrace_npc = 0; curthread->t_dtrace_scrpc = 0; curthread->t_dtrace_astpc = 0; #ifdef __amd64 curthread->t_dtrace_regv = 0; #endif /* * Treat a child created by a call to vfork(2) as if it were its * parent. We know that there's only one thread of control in such a * process: this one. */ pp = p; sx_slock(&proctree_lock); while (pp->p_vmspace == pp->p_pptr->p_vmspace) pp = pp->p_pptr; pid = pp->p_pid; if (pp != p) { PROC_LOCK(pp); if ((pp->p_flag & P_WEXIT) != 0) { /* * This can happen if the child was created with * rfork(2). Userspace tracing cannot work reliably in * such a scenario, but we can at least try. */ PROC_UNLOCK(pp); sx_sunlock(&proctree_lock); return (-1); } _PHOLD_LITE(pp); PROC_UNLOCK(pp); } sx_sunlock(&proctree_lock); rm_rlock(&fasttrap_tp_lock, &tracker); bucket = &fasttrap_tpoints.fth_table[FASTTRAP_TPOINTS_INDEX(pid, pc)]; /* * Lookup the tracepoint that the process just hit. */ for (tp = bucket->ftb_data; tp != NULL; tp = tp->ftt_next) { if (pid == tp->ftt_pid && pc == tp->ftt_pc && tp->ftt_proc->ftpc_acount != 0) break; } /* * If we couldn't find a matching tracepoint, either a tracepoint has * been inserted without using the pid ioctl interface (see * fasttrap_ioctl), or somehow we have mislaid this tracepoint. */ if (tp == NULL) { rm_runlock(&fasttrap_tp_lock, &tracker); gen = atomic_load_acq_64(&pp->p_fasttrap_tp_gen); if (pp != p) PRELE(pp); if (curthread->t_fasttrap_tp_gen != gen) { /* * At least one tracepoint associated with this PID has * been removed from the table since #BP was raised. * Speculate that we hit a tracepoint that has since * been removed, and retry the instruction. */ curthread->t_fasttrap_tp_gen = gen; #ifdef __amd64 tf->tf_rip = pc; #else tf->tf_eip = pc; #endif return (0); } return (-1); } if (pp != p) PRELE(pp); /* * Set the program counter to the address of the traced instruction * so that it looks right in ustack() output. */ rp->r_rip = pc; if (tp->ftt_ids != NULL) { fasttrap_id_t *id; #ifdef __amd64 if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64) { for (id = tp->ftt_ids; id != NULL; id = id->fti_next) { fasttrap_probe_t *probe = id->fti_probe; if (id->fti_ptype == DTFTP_ENTRY) { /* * We note that this was an entry * probe to help ustack() find the * first caller. */ cookie = dtrace_interrupt_disable(); DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY); dtrace_probe(probe->ftp_id, rp->r_rdi, rp->r_rsi, rp->r_rdx, rp->r_rcx, rp->r_r8); DTRACE_CPUFLAG_CLEAR(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY); dtrace_interrupt_enable(cookie); } else if (id->fti_ptype == DTFTP_IS_ENABLED) { /* * Note that in this case, we don't * call dtrace_probe() since it's only * an artificial probe meant to change * the flow of control so that it * encounters the true probe. */ is_enabled = 1; } else if (probe->ftp_argmap == NULL) { dtrace_probe(probe->ftp_id, rp->r_rdi, rp->r_rsi, rp->r_rdx, rp->r_rcx, rp->r_r8); } else { uintptr_t t[5]; fasttrap_usdt_args64(probe, rp, sizeof (t) / sizeof (t[0]), t); dtrace_probe(probe->ftp_id, t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]); } } } else { #endif uintptr_t s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; uint32_t *stack = (uint32_t *)rp->r_rsp; /* * In 32-bit mode, all arguments are passed on the * stack. If this is a function entry probe, we need * to skip the first entry on the stack as it * represents the return address rather than a * parameter to the function. */ s0 = fasttrap_fuword32_noerr(&stack[0]); s1 = fasttrap_fuword32_noerr(&stack[1]); s2 = fasttrap_fuword32_noerr(&stack[2]); s3 = fasttrap_fuword32_noerr(&stack[3]); s4 = fasttrap_fuword32_noerr(&stack[4]); s5 = fasttrap_fuword32_noerr(&stack[5]); for (id = tp->ftt_ids; id != NULL; id = id->fti_next) { fasttrap_probe_t *probe = id->fti_probe; if (id->fti_ptype == DTFTP_ENTRY) { /* * We note that this was an entry * probe to help ustack() find the * first caller. */ cookie = dtrace_interrupt_disable(); DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY); dtrace_probe(probe->ftp_id, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5); DTRACE_CPUFLAG_CLEAR(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY); dtrace_interrupt_enable(cookie); } else if (id->fti_ptype == DTFTP_IS_ENABLED) { /* * Note that in this case, we don't * call dtrace_probe() since it's only * an artificial probe meant to change * the flow of control so that it * encounters the true probe. */ is_enabled = 1; } else if (probe->ftp_argmap == NULL) { dtrace_probe(probe->ftp_id, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4); } else { uint32_t t[5]; fasttrap_usdt_args32(probe, rp, sizeof (t) / sizeof (t[0]), t); dtrace_probe(probe->ftp_id, t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]); } } #ifdef __amd64 } #endif } /* * We're about to do a bunch of work so we cache a local copy of * the tracepoint to emulate the instruction, and then find the * tracepoint again later if we need to light up any return probes. */ tp_local = *tp; rm_runlock(&fasttrap_tp_lock, &tracker); tp = &tp_local; /* * Set the program counter to appear as though the traced instruction * had completely executed. This ensures that fasttrap_getreg() will * report the expected value for REG_RIP. */ rp->r_rip = pc + tp->ftt_size; /* * If there's an is-enabled probe connected to this tracepoint it * means that there was a 'xorl %eax, %eax' or 'xorq %rax, %rax' * instruction that was placed there by DTrace when the binary was * linked. As this probe is, in fact, enabled, we need to stuff 1 * into %eax or %rax. Accordingly, we can bypass all the instruction * emulation logic since we know the inevitable result. It's possible * that a user could construct a scenario where the 'is-enabled' * probe was on some other instruction, but that would be a rather * exotic way to shoot oneself in the foot. */ if (is_enabled) { rp->r_rax = 1; new_pc = rp->r_rip; goto done; } /* * We emulate certain types of instructions to ensure correctness * (in the case of position dependent instructions) or optimize * common cases. The rest we have the thread execute back in user- * land. */ switch (tp->ftt_type) { case FASTTRAP_T_RET: case FASTTRAP_T_RET16: { uintptr_t dst = 0; uintptr_t addr = 0; int ret = 0; /* * We have to emulate _every_ facet of the behavior of a ret * instruction including what happens if the load from %esp * fails; in that case, we send a SIGSEGV. */ #ifdef __amd64 if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_NATIVE) { ret = dst = fasttrap_fulword((void *)rp->r_rsp); addr = rp->r_rsp + sizeof (uintptr_t); } else { #endif uint32_t dst32; ret = dst32 = fasttrap_fuword32((void *)rp->r_rsp); dst = dst32; addr = rp->r_rsp + sizeof (uint32_t); #ifdef __amd64 } #endif if (ret == -1) { fasttrap_sigsegv(p, curthread, rp->r_rsp); new_pc = pc; break; } if (tp->ftt_type == FASTTRAP_T_RET16) addr += tp->ftt_dest; rp->r_rsp = addr; new_pc = dst; break; } case FASTTRAP_T_JCC: { uint_t taken = 0; switch (tp->ftt_code) { case FASTTRAP_JO: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_OF) != 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JNO: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_OF) == 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JB: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_CF) != 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JAE: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_CF) == 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JE: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF) != 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JNE: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF) == 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JBE: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_CF) != 0 || (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF) != 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JA: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_CF) == 0 && (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF) == 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JS: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_SF) != 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JNS: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_SF) == 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JP: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_PF) != 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JNP: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_PF) == 0; break; case FASTTRAP_JL: taken = ((rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_SF) == 0) != ((rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_OF) == 0); break; case FASTTRAP_JGE: taken = ((rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_SF) == 0) == ((rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_OF) == 0); break; case FASTTRAP_JLE: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF) != 0 || ((rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_SF) == 0) != ((rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_OF) == 0); break; case FASTTRAP_JG: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF) == 0 && ((rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_SF) == 0) == ((rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_OF) == 0); break; } if (taken) new_pc = tp->ftt_dest; else new_pc = pc + tp->ftt_size; break; } case FASTTRAP_T_LOOP: { uint_t taken = 0; #ifdef __amd64 greg_t cx = rp->r_rcx--; #else greg_t cx = rp->r_ecx--; #endif switch (tp->ftt_code) { case FASTTRAP_LOOPNZ: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF) == 0 && cx != 0; break; case FASTTRAP_LOOPZ: taken = (rp->r_rflags & FASTTRAP_EFLAGS_ZF) != 0 && cx != 0; break; case FASTTRAP_LOOP: taken = (cx != 0); break; } if (taken) new_pc = tp->ftt_dest; else new_pc = pc + tp->ftt_size; break; } case FASTTRAP_T_JCXZ: { #ifdef __amd64 greg_t cx = rp->r_rcx; #else greg_t cx = rp->r_ecx; #endif if (cx == 0) new_pc = tp->ftt_dest; else new_pc = pc + tp->ftt_size; break; } case FASTTRAP_T_PUSHL_EBP: { int ret = 0; #ifdef __amd64 if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_NATIVE) { rp->r_rsp -= sizeof (uintptr_t); ret = fasttrap_sulword((void *)rp->r_rsp, rp->r_rbp); } else { #endif rp->r_rsp -= sizeof (uint32_t); ret = fasttrap_suword32((void *)rp->r_rsp, rp->r_rbp); #ifdef __amd64 } #endif if (ret == -1) { fasttrap_sigsegv(p, curthread, rp->r_rsp); new_pc = pc; break; } new_pc = pc + tp->ftt_size; break; } case FASTTRAP_T_NOP: new_pc = pc + tp->ftt_size; break; case FASTTRAP_T_JMP: case FASTTRAP_T_CALL: if (tp->ftt_code == 0) { new_pc = tp->ftt_dest; } else { uintptr_t value, addr = tp->ftt_dest; if (tp->ftt_base != FASTTRAP_NOREG) addr += fasttrap_getreg(rp, tp->ftt_base); if (tp->ftt_index != FASTTRAP_NOREG) addr += fasttrap_getreg(rp, tp->ftt_index) << tp->ftt_scale; if (tp->ftt_code == 1) { /* * If there's a segment prefix for this * instruction, we'll need to check permissions * and bounds on the given selector, and adjust * the address accordingly. */ if (tp->ftt_segment != FASTTRAP_SEG_NONE && fasttrap_do_seg(tp, rp, &addr) != 0) { fasttrap_sigsegv(p, curthread, addr); new_pc = pc; break; } #ifdef __amd64 if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_NATIVE) { #endif if ((value = fasttrap_fulword((void *)addr)) == -1) { fasttrap_sigsegv(p, curthread, addr); new_pc = pc; break; } new_pc = value; #ifdef __amd64 } else { uint32_t value32; addr = (uintptr_t)(uint32_t)addr; if ((value32 = fasttrap_fuword32((void *)addr)) == -1) { fasttrap_sigsegv(p, curthread, addr); new_pc = pc; break; } new_pc = value32; } #endif } else { new_pc = addr; } } /* * If this is a call instruction, we need to push the return * address onto the stack. If this fails, we send the process * a SIGSEGV and reset the pc to emulate what would happen if * this instruction weren't traced. */ if (tp->ftt_type == FASTTRAP_T_CALL) { int ret = 0; uintptr_t addr = 0, pcps; #ifdef __amd64 if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_NATIVE) { addr = rp->r_rsp - sizeof (uintptr_t); pcps = pc + tp->ftt_size; ret = fasttrap_sulword((void *)addr, pcps); } else { #endif addr = rp->r_rsp - sizeof (uint32_t); pcps = (uint32_t)(pc + tp->ftt_size); ret = fasttrap_suword32((void *)addr, pcps); #ifdef __amd64 } #endif if (ret == -1) { fasttrap_sigsegv(p, curthread, addr); new_pc = pc; break; } rp->r_rsp = addr; } break; case FASTTRAP_T_COMMON: { uintptr_t addr; #if defined(__amd64) uint8_t scratch[2 * FASTTRAP_MAX_INSTR_SIZE + 22]; #else uint8_t scratch[2 * FASTTRAP_MAX_INSTR_SIZE + 7]; #endif uint_t i = 0; fasttrap_scrspace_t *scrspace; scrspace = fasttrap_scraddr(curthread, tp->ftt_proc); if (scrspace == NULL) { /* * We failed to allocate scratch space for this thread. * Try to write the original instruction back out and * reset the pc. */ if (fasttrap_copyout(tp->ftt_instr, (void *)pc, tp->ftt_size)) fasttrap_sigtrap(p, curthread, pc); new_pc = pc; break; } addr = scrspace->ftss_addr; /* * Generic Instruction Tracing * --------------------------- * * This is the layout of the scratch space in the user-land * thread structure for our generated instructions. * * 32-bit mode bytes * ------------------------ ----- * a: <= 15 * jmp ftt_size> 5 * b: <= 15 * int T_DTRACE_RET 2 * ----- * <= 37 * * 64-bit mode bytes * ------------------------ ----- * a: <= 15 * jmp 0(%rip) 6 * ftt_size> 8 * b: <= 15 * int T_DTRACE_RET 2 * ----- * <= 46 * * The %pc is set to a, and curthread->t_dtrace_astpc is set * to b. If we encounter a signal on the way out of the * kernel, trap() will set %pc to curthread->t_dtrace_astpc * so that we execute the original instruction and re-enter * the kernel rather than redirecting to the next instruction. * * If there are return probes (so we know that we're going to * need to reenter the kernel after executing the original * instruction), the scratch space will just contain the * original instruction followed by an interrupt -- the same * data as at b. * * %rip-relative Addressing * ------------------------ * * There's a further complication in 64-bit mode due to %rip- * relative addressing. While this is clearly a beneficial * architectural decision for position independent code, it's * hard not to see it as a personal attack against the pid * provider since before there was a relatively small set of * instructions to emulate; with %rip-relative addressing, * almost every instruction can potentially depend on the * address at which it's executed. Rather than emulating * the broad spectrum of instructions that can now be * position dependent, we emulate jumps and others as in * 32-bit mode, and take a different tack for instructions * using %rip-relative addressing. * * For every instruction that uses the ModRM byte, the * in-kernel disassembler reports its location. We use the * ModRM byte to identify that an instruction uses * %rip-relative addressing and to see what other registers * the instruction uses. To emulate those instructions, * we modify the instruction to be %rax-relative rather than * %rip-relative (or %rcx-relative if the instruction uses * %rax; or %r8- or %r9-relative if the REX.B is present so * we don't have to rewrite the REX prefix). We then load * the value that %rip would have been into the scratch * register and generate an instruction to reset the scratch * register back to its original value. The instruction * sequence looks like this: * * 64-mode %rip-relative bytes * ------------------------ ----- * a: <= 15 * movq $, % 6 * jmp 0(%rip) 6 * ftt_size> 8 * b: <= 15 * int T_DTRACE_RET 2 * ----- * 52 * * We set curthread->t_dtrace_regv so that upon receiving * a signal we can reset the value of the scratch register. */ ASSERT(tp->ftt_size <= FASTTRAP_MAX_INSTR_SIZE); curthread->t_dtrace_scrpc = addr; bcopy(tp->ftt_instr, &scratch[i], tp->ftt_size); i += tp->ftt_size; #ifdef __amd64 if (tp->ftt_ripmode != 0) { greg_t *reg = NULL; ASSERT(p->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64); ASSERT(tp->ftt_ripmode & (FASTTRAP_RIP_1 | FASTTRAP_RIP_2)); /* * If this was a %rip-relative instruction, we change * it to be either a %rax- or %rcx-relative * instruction (depending on whether those registers * are used as another operand; or %r8- or %r9- * relative depending on the value of REX.B). We then * set that register and generate a movq instruction * to reset the value. */ if (tp->ftt_ripmode & FASTTRAP_RIP_X) scratch[i++] = FASTTRAP_REX(1, 0, 0, 1); else scratch[i++] = FASTTRAP_REX(1, 0, 0, 0); if (tp->ftt_ripmode & FASTTRAP_RIP_1) scratch[i++] = FASTTRAP_MOV_EAX; else scratch[i++] = FASTTRAP_MOV_ECX; switch (tp->ftt_ripmode) { case FASTTRAP_RIP_1: reg = &rp->r_rax; curthread->t_dtrace_reg = REG_RAX; break; case FASTTRAP_RIP_2: reg = &rp->r_rcx; curthread->t_dtrace_reg = REG_RCX; break; case FASTTRAP_RIP_1 | FASTTRAP_RIP_X: reg = &rp->r_r8; curthread->t_dtrace_reg = REG_R8; break; case FASTTRAP_RIP_2 | FASTTRAP_RIP_X: reg = &rp->r_r9; curthread->t_dtrace_reg = REG_R9; break; } /* LINTED - alignment */ *(uint64_t *)&scratch[i] = *reg; curthread->t_dtrace_regv = *reg; *reg = pc + tp->ftt_size; i += sizeof (uint64_t); } #endif /* * Generate the branch instruction to what would have * normally been the subsequent instruction. In 32-bit mode, * this is just a relative branch; in 64-bit mode this is a * %rip-relative branch that loads the 64-bit pc value * immediately after the jmp instruction. */ #ifdef __amd64 if (p->p_model == DATAMODEL_LP64) { scratch[i++] = FASTTRAP_GROUP5_OP; scratch[i++] = FASTTRAP_MODRM(0, 4, 5); /* LINTED - alignment */ *(uint32_t *)&scratch[i] = 0; i += sizeof (uint32_t); /* LINTED - alignment */ *(uint64_t *)&scratch[i] = pc + tp->ftt_size; i += sizeof (uint64_t); } else { #endif /* * Set up the jmp to the next instruction; note that * the size of the traced instruction cancels out. */ scratch[i++] = FASTTRAP_JMP32; /* LINTED - alignment */ *(uint32_t *)&scratch[i] = pc - addr - 5; i += sizeof (uint32_t); #ifdef __amd64 } #endif curthread->t_dtrace_astpc = addr + i; bcopy(tp->ftt_instr, &scratch[i], tp->ftt_size); i += tp->ftt_size; scratch[i++] = FASTTRAP_INT; scratch[i++] = T_DTRACE_RET; ASSERT(i <= sizeof (scratch)); if (fasttrap_copyout(scratch, (char *)addr, i)) { fasttrap_sigtrap(p, curthread, pc); new_pc = pc; break; } if (tp->ftt_retids != NULL) { curthread->t_dtrace_step = 1; curthread->t_dtrace_ret = 1; new_pc = curthread->t_dtrace_astpc; } else { new_pc = curthread->t_dtrace_scrpc; } curthread->t_dtrace_pc = pc; curthread->t_dtrace_npc = pc + tp->ftt_size; curthread->t_dtrace_on = 1; break; } default: panic("fasttrap: mishandled an instruction"); } done: /* * If there were no return probes when we first found the tracepoint, * we should feel no obligation to honor any return probes that were * subsequently enabled -- they'll just have to wait until the next * time around. */ if (tp->ftt_retids != NULL) { /* * We need to wait until the results of the instruction are * apparent before invoking any return probes. If this * instruction was emulated we can just call * fasttrap_return_common(); if it needs to be executed, we * need to wait until the user thread returns to the kernel. */ if (tp->ftt_type != FASTTRAP_T_COMMON) { /* * Set the program counter to the address of the traced * instruction so that it looks right in ustack() * output. We had previously set it to the end of the * instruction to simplify %rip-relative addressing. */ rp->r_rip = pc; fasttrap_return_common(rp, pc, pid, new_pc); } else { ASSERT(curthread->t_dtrace_ret != 0); ASSERT(curthread->t_dtrace_pc == pc); ASSERT(curthread->t_dtrace_scrpc != 0); ASSERT(new_pc == curthread->t_dtrace_astpc); } } rp->r_rip = new_pc; PROC_LOCK(p); proc_write_regs(curthread, rp); PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (0); } int fasttrap_return_probe(struct trapframe *tf) { struct reg reg, *rp; proc_t *p = curproc; uintptr_t pc = curthread->t_dtrace_pc; uintptr_t npc = curthread->t_dtrace_npc; fill_frame_regs(tf, ®); rp = ® curthread->t_dtrace_pc = 0; curthread->t_dtrace_npc = 0; curthread->t_dtrace_scrpc = 0; curthread->t_dtrace_astpc = 0; #ifdef illumos /* * Treat a child created by a call to vfork(2) as if it were its * parent. We know that there's only one thread of control in such a * process: this one. */ while (p->p_flag & SVFORK) { p = p->p_parent; } #endif /* * We set rp->r_rip to the address of the traced instruction so * that it appears to dtrace_probe() that we're on the original * instruction. */ rp->r_rip = pc; fasttrap_return_common(rp, pc, p->p_pid, npc); return (0); } /*ARGSUSED*/ uint64_t fasttrap_pid_getarg(void *arg, dtrace_id_t id, void *parg, int argno, int aframes) { struct reg r; fill_regs(curthread, &r); return (fasttrap_anarg(&r, 1, argno)); } /*ARGSUSED*/ uint64_t fasttrap_usdt_getarg(void *arg, dtrace_id_t id, void *parg, int argno, int aframes) { struct reg r; fill_regs(curthread, &r); return (fasttrap_anarg(&r, 0, argno)); } static ulong_t fasttrap_getreg(struct reg *rp, uint_t reg) { #ifdef __amd64 switch (reg) { case REG_R15: return (rp->r_r15); case REG_R14: return (rp->r_r14); case REG_R13: return (rp->r_r13); case REG_R12: return (rp->r_r12); case REG_R11: return (rp->r_r11); case REG_R10: return (rp->r_r10); case REG_R9: return (rp->r_r9); case REG_R8: return (rp->r_r8); case REG_RDI: return (rp->r_rdi); case REG_RSI: return (rp->r_rsi); case REG_RBP: return (rp->r_rbp); case REG_RBX: return (rp->r_rbx); case REG_RDX: return (rp->r_rdx); case REG_RCX: return (rp->r_rcx); case REG_RAX: return (rp->r_rax); case REG_TRAPNO: return (rp->r_trapno); case REG_ERR: return (rp->r_err); case REG_RIP: return (rp->r_rip); case REG_CS: return (rp->r_cs); case REG_RFL: return (rp->r_rflags); case REG_RSP: return (rp->r_rsp); case REG_SS: return (rp->r_ss); case REG_FS: return (rp->r_fs); case REG_GS: return (rp->r_gs); case REG_DS: return (rp->r_ds); case REG_ES: return (rp->r_es); case REG_FSBASE: return (rdmsr(MSR_FSBASE)); case REG_GSBASE: return (rdmsr(MSR_GSBASE)); } panic("dtrace: illegal register constant"); /*NOTREACHED*/ #else #define _NGREG 19 if (reg >= _NGREG) panic("dtrace: illegal register constant"); return (((greg_t *)&rp->r_gs)[reg]); #endif } diff --git a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/aarch64/dtrace_isa.c b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/aarch64/dtrace_isa.c index 033258e34062..b26b15a58070 100644 --- a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/aarch64/dtrace_isa.c +++ b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/aarch64/dtrace_isa.c @@ -1,395 +1,394 @@ /* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "regset.h" /* * Wee need some reasonable default to prevent backtrace code * from wandering too far */ #define MAX_FUNCTION_SIZE 0x10000 #define MAX_PROLOGUE_SIZE 0x100 #define MAX_USTACK_DEPTH 2048 uint8_t dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(void *); uint16_t dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(void *); uint32_t dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(void *); uint64_t dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(void *); void dtrace_getpcstack(pc_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, int aframes, uint32_t *intrpc) { struct unwind_state state; int scp_offset; int depth; depth = 0; if (intrpc != 0) { pcstack[depth++] = (pc_t) intrpc; } aframes++; state.fp = (uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); state.pc = (uintptr_t)dtrace_getpcstack; while (depth < pcstack_limit) { if (!unwind_frame(curthread, &state)) break; if (!INKERNEL(state.pc)) break; /* * NB: Unlike some other architectures, we don't need to * explicitly insert cpu_dtrace_caller as it appears in the * normal kernel stack trace rather than a special trap frame. */ if (aframes > 0) { aframes--; } else { pcstack[depth++] = state.pc; } } for (; depth < pcstack_limit; depth++) { pcstack[depth] = 0; } } static int dtrace_getustack_common(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, uintptr_t pc, uintptr_t fp) { volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; int ret = 0; uintptr_t oldfp = fp; ASSERT(pcstack == NULL || pcstack_limit > 0); while (pc != 0) { /* * We limit the number of times we can go around this * loop to account for a circular stack. */ if (ret++ >= MAX_USTACK_DEPTH) { *flags |= CPU_DTRACE_BADSTACK; cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = fp; break; } if (pcstack != NULL) { *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) break; } if (fp == 0) break; pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *)(fp + offsetof(struct arm64_frame, f_retaddr))); fp = dtrace_fuword64((void *)fp); if (fp == oldfp) { *flags |= CPU_DTRACE_BADSTACK; cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = fp; break; } /* * ARM64TODO: * This workaround might not be necessary. It needs to be * revised and removed from all architectures if found * unwanted. Leaving the original x86 comment for reference. * * This is totally bogus: if we faulted, we're going to clear * the fault and break. This is to deal with the apparently * broken Java stacks on x86. */ if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) { *flags &= ~CPU_DTRACE_FAULT; break; } oldfp = fp; } return (ret); } void dtrace_getupcstack(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit) { proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t pc, fp; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; int n; if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) return; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; /* * If there's no user context we still need to zero the stack. */ if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) goto zero; *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)p->p_pid; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->tf_elr; fp = tf->tf_x[29]; if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY)) { /* * In an entry probe. The frame pointer has not yet been * pushed (that happens in the function prologue). The * best approach is to add the current pc as a missing top * of stack and back the pc up to the caller, which is stored * at the current stack pointer address since the call * instruction puts it there right before the branch. */ *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->tf_lr; } n = dtrace_getustack_common(pcstack, pcstack_limit, pc, fp); ASSERT(n >= 0); ASSERT(n <= pcstack_limit); pcstack += n; pcstack_limit -= n; zero: while (pcstack_limit-- > 0) *pcstack++ = 0; } int dtrace_getustackdepth(void) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); return (0); } void dtrace_getufpstack(uint64_t *pcstack, uint64_t *fpstack, int pcstack_limit) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); } /*ARGSUSED*/ uint64_t dtrace_getarg(int arg, int aframes) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); return (0); } int dtrace_getstackdepth(int aframes) { struct unwind_state state; int scp_offset; int depth; bool done; depth = 1; done = false; state.fp = (uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); state.pc = (uintptr_t)dtrace_getstackdepth; do { done = !unwind_frame(curthread, &state); if (!INKERNEL(state.pc) || !INKERNEL(state.fp)) break; depth++; } while (!done); if (depth < aframes) return (0); else return (depth - aframes); } ulong_t dtrace_getreg(struct trapframe *rp, uint_t reg) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); return (0); } static int dtrace_copycheck(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size) { if (uaddr + size > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS || uaddr + size < uaddr) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = uaddr; return (0); } return (1); } void dtrace_copyin(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(uaddr, kaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyout(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(kaddr, uaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyinstr(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(uaddr, kaddr, size, flags); } void dtrace_copyoutstr(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(kaddr, uaddr, size, flags); } uint8_t dtrace_fuword8(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint16_t dtrace_fuword16(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint32_t dtrace_fuword32(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint64_t dtrace_fuword64(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(uaddr)); } diff --git a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/amd64/dtrace_isa.c b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/amd64/dtrace_isa.c index 07a4103bd716..71b448a99c1c 100644 --- a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/amd64/dtrace_isa.c +++ b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/amd64/dtrace_isa.c @@ -1,739 +1,738 @@ /* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "regset.h" uint8_t dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(void *); uint16_t dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(void *); uint32_t dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(void *); uint64_t dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(void *); int dtrace_ustackdepth_max = 2048; void dtrace_getpcstack(pc_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, int aframes, uint32_t *intrpc) { struct thread *td; int depth = 0; register_t rbp; struct amd64_frame *frame; vm_offset_t callpc; pc_t caller = (pc_t) solaris_cpu[curcpu].cpu_dtrace_caller; if (intrpc != 0) pcstack[depth++] = (pc_t) intrpc; aframes++; __asm __volatile("movq %%rbp,%0" : "=r" (rbp)); frame = (struct amd64_frame *)rbp; td = curthread; while (depth < pcstack_limit) { if (!kstack_contains(curthread, (vm_offset_t)frame, sizeof(*frame))) break; callpc = frame->f_retaddr; if (!INKERNEL(callpc)) break; if (aframes > 0) { aframes--; if ((aframes == 0) && (caller != 0)) { pcstack[depth++] = caller; } } else { pcstack[depth++] = callpc; } if ((vm_offset_t)frame->f_frame <= (vm_offset_t)frame) break; frame = frame->f_frame; } for (; depth < pcstack_limit; depth++) { pcstack[depth] = 0; } } static int dtrace_getustack_common(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, uintptr_t pc, uintptr_t sp) { uintptr_t oldsp; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; int ret = 0; ASSERT(pcstack == NULL || pcstack_limit > 0); ASSERT(dtrace_ustackdepth_max > 0); while (pc != 0) { /* * We limit the number of times we can go around this * loop to account for a circular stack. */ if (ret++ >= dtrace_ustackdepth_max) { *flags |= CPU_DTRACE_BADSTACK; cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = sp; break; } if (pcstack != NULL) { *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) break; } if (sp == 0) break; oldsp = sp; pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *)(sp + offsetof(struct amd64_frame, f_retaddr))); sp = dtrace_fuword64((void *)sp); if (sp == oldsp) { *flags |= CPU_DTRACE_BADSTACK; cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = sp; break; } /* * This is totally bogus: if we faulted, we're going to clear * the fault and break. This is to deal with the apparently * broken Java stacks on x86. */ if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) { *flags &= ~CPU_DTRACE_FAULT; break; } } return (ret); } void dtrace_getupcstack(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit) { proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t pc, sp, fp; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; int n; if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) return; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; /* * If there's no user context we still need to zero the stack. */ if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) goto zero; *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)p->p_pid; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->tf_rip; fp = tf->tf_rbp; sp = tf->tf_rsp; if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY)) { /* * In an entry probe. The frame pointer has not yet been * pushed (that happens in the function prologue). The * best approach is to add the current pc as a missing top * of stack and back the pc up to the caller, which is stored * at the current stack pointer address since the call * instruction puts it there right before the branch. */ *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *) sp); } n = dtrace_getustack_common(pcstack, pcstack_limit, pc, fp); ASSERT(n >= 0); ASSERT(n <= pcstack_limit); pcstack += n; pcstack_limit -= n; zero: while (pcstack_limit-- > 0) *pcstack++ = 0; } int dtrace_getustackdepth(void) { proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t pc, fp, sp; int n = 0; if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) return (0); if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_FAULT)) return (-1); pc = tf->tf_rip; fp = tf->tf_rbp; sp = tf->tf_rsp; if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY)) { /* * In an entry probe. The frame pointer has not yet been * pushed (that happens in the function prologue). The * best approach is to add the current pc as a missing top * of stack and back the pc up to the caller, which is stored * at the current stack pointer address since the call * instruction puts it there right before the branch. */ pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *) sp); n++; } n += dtrace_getustack_common(NULL, 0, pc, fp); return (n); } void dtrace_getufpstack(uint64_t *pcstack, uint64_t *fpstack, int pcstack_limit) { proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t pc, sp, fp; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; #ifdef notyet /* XXX signal stack */ uintptr_t oldcontext; size_t s1, s2; #endif if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) return; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; /* * If there's no user context we still need to zero the stack. */ if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) goto zero; *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)p->p_pid; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->tf_rip; sp = tf->tf_rsp; fp = tf->tf_rbp; #ifdef notyet /* XXX signal stack */ oldcontext = lwp->lwp_oldcontext; s1 = sizeof (struct xframe) + 2 * sizeof (long); s2 = s1 + sizeof (siginfo_t); #endif if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY)) { *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; *fpstack++ = 0; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *)sp); } while (pc != 0) { *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; *fpstack++ = fp; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) break; if (fp == 0) break; #ifdef notyet /* XXX signal stack */ if (oldcontext == sp + s1 || oldcontext == sp + s2) { ucontext_t *ucp = (ucontext_t *)oldcontext; greg_t *gregs = ucp->uc_mcontext.gregs; sp = dtrace_fulword(&gregs[REG_FP]); pc = dtrace_fulword(&gregs[REG_PC]); oldcontext = dtrace_fulword(&ucp->uc_link); } else #endif /* XXX */ { pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *)(fp + offsetof(struct amd64_frame, f_retaddr))); fp = dtrace_fuword64((void *)fp); } /* * This is totally bogus: if we faulted, we're going to clear * the fault and break. This is to deal with the apparently * broken Java stacks on x86. */ if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) { *flags &= ~CPU_DTRACE_FAULT; break; } } zero: while (pcstack_limit-- > 0) *pcstack++ = 0; } /*ARGSUSED*/ uint64_t dtrace_getarg(int arg, int aframes) { uintptr_t val; struct amd64_frame *fp = (struct amd64_frame *)dtrace_getfp(); uintptr_t *stack; int i; /* * A total of 6 arguments are passed via registers; any argument with * index of 5 or lower is therefore in a register. */ int inreg = 5; for (i = 1; i <= aframes; i++) { fp = fp->f_frame; if (P2ROUNDUP(fp->f_retaddr, 16) == (long)dtrace_invop_callsite) { /* * In the case of amd64, we will use the pointer to the * regs structure that was pushed when we took the * trap. To get this structure, we must increment * beyond the frame structure, and then again beyond * the calling RIP stored in dtrace_invop(). If the * argument that we're seeking is passed on the stack, * we'll pull the true stack pointer out of the saved * registers and decrement our argument by the number * of arguments passed in registers; if the argument * we're seeking is passed in registers, we can just * load it directly. */ struct trapframe *tf = (struct trapframe *)&fp[1]; if (arg <= inreg) { switch (arg) { case 0: stack = (uintptr_t *)&tf->tf_rdi; break; case 1: stack = (uintptr_t *)&tf->tf_rsi; break; case 2: stack = (uintptr_t *)&tf->tf_rdx; break; case 3: stack = (uintptr_t *)&tf->tf_rcx; break; case 4: stack = (uintptr_t *)&tf->tf_r8; break; case 5: stack = (uintptr_t *)&tf->tf_r9; break; } arg = 0; } else { stack = (uintptr_t *)(tf->tf_rsp); arg -= inreg; } goto load; } } /* * We know that we did not come through a trap to get into * dtrace_probe() -- the provider simply called dtrace_probe() * directly. As this is the case, we need to shift the argument * that we're looking for: the probe ID is the first argument to * dtrace_probe(), so the argument n will actually be found where * one would expect to find argument (n + 1). */ arg++; if (arg <= inreg) { /* * This shouldn't happen. If the argument is passed in a * register then it should have been, well, passed in a * register... */ DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_ILLOP); return (0); } arg -= (inreg + 1); stack = (uintptr_t *)&fp[1]; load: DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_NOFAULT); val = stack[arg]; DTRACE_CPUFLAG_CLEAR(CPU_DTRACE_NOFAULT); return (val); } int dtrace_getstackdepth(int aframes) { int depth = 0; struct amd64_frame *frame; vm_offset_t rbp; aframes++; rbp = dtrace_getfp(); frame = (struct amd64_frame *)rbp; depth++; for(;;) { if (!kstack_contains(curthread, (vm_offset_t)frame, sizeof(*frame))) break; depth++; if (frame->f_frame <= frame) break; frame = frame->f_frame; } if (depth < aframes) return 0; else return depth - aframes; } ulong_t dtrace_getreg(struct trapframe *rp, uint_t reg) { /* This table is dependent on reg.d. */ int regmap[] = { REG_GS, /* 0 GS */ REG_FS, /* 1 FS */ REG_ES, /* 2 ES */ REG_DS, /* 3 DS */ REG_RDI, /* 4 EDI */ REG_RSI, /* 5 ESI */ REG_RBP, /* 6 EBP, REG_FP */ REG_RSP, /* 7 ESP */ REG_RBX, /* 8 EBX, REG_R1 */ REG_RDX, /* 9 EDX */ REG_RCX, /* 10 ECX */ REG_RAX, /* 11 EAX, REG_R0 */ REG_TRAPNO, /* 12 TRAPNO */ REG_ERR, /* 13 ERR */ REG_RIP, /* 14 EIP, REG_PC */ REG_CS, /* 15 CS */ REG_RFL, /* 16 EFL, REG_PS */ REG_RSP, /* 17 UESP, REG_SP */ REG_SS /* 18 SS */ }; #ifdef illumos if (reg <= SS) { #else /* !illumos */ if (reg <= GS) { #endif if (reg >= sizeof (regmap) / sizeof (int)) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_ILLOP); return (0); } reg = regmap[reg]; } else { /* This is dependent on reg.d. */ #ifdef illumos reg -= SS + 1; #else /* !illumos */ reg -= GS + 1; #endif } switch (reg) { case REG_RDI: return (rp->tf_rdi); case REG_RSI: return (rp->tf_rsi); case REG_RDX: return (rp->tf_rdx); case REG_RCX: return (rp->tf_rcx); case REG_R8: return (rp->tf_r8); case REG_R9: return (rp->tf_r9); case REG_RAX: return (rp->tf_rax); case REG_RBX: return (rp->tf_rbx); case REG_RBP: return (rp->tf_rbp); case REG_R10: return (rp->tf_r10); case REG_R11: return (rp->tf_r11); case REG_R12: return (rp->tf_r12); case REG_R13: return (rp->tf_r13); case REG_R14: return (rp->tf_r14); case REG_R15: return (rp->tf_r15); case REG_DS: return (rp->tf_ds); case REG_ES: return (rp->tf_es); case REG_FS: return (rp->tf_fs); case REG_GS: return (rp->tf_gs); case REG_TRAPNO: return (rp->tf_trapno); case REG_ERR: return (rp->tf_err); case REG_RIP: return (rp->tf_rip); case REG_CS: return (rp->tf_cs); case REG_SS: return (rp->tf_ss); case REG_RFL: return (rp->tf_rflags); case REG_RSP: return (rp->tf_rsp); default: DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_ILLOP); return (0); } } static int dtrace_copycheck(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size) { ASSERT(INKERNEL(kaddr) && kaddr + size >= kaddr); if (uaddr + size > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS || uaddr + size < uaddr) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = uaddr; return (0); } return (1); } void dtrace_copyin(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(uaddr, kaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyout(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(kaddr, uaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyinstr(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(uaddr, kaddr, size, flags); } void dtrace_copyoutstr(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(kaddr, uaddr, size, flags); } uint8_t dtrace_fuword8(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint16_t dtrace_fuword16(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint32_t dtrace_fuword32(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint64_t dtrace_fuword64(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(uaddr)); } /* * ifunc resolvers for SMAP support */ void dtrace_copy_nosmap(uintptr_t, uintptr_t, size_t); void dtrace_copy_smap(uintptr_t, uintptr_t, size_t); DEFINE_IFUNC(, void, dtrace_copy, (uintptr_t, uintptr_t, size_t)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? dtrace_copy_smap : dtrace_copy_nosmap); } void dtrace_copystr_nosmap(uintptr_t, uintptr_t, size_t, volatile uint16_t *); void dtrace_copystr_smap(uintptr_t, uintptr_t, size_t, volatile uint16_t *); DEFINE_IFUNC(, void, dtrace_copystr, (uintptr_t, uintptr_t, size_t, volatile uint16_t *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? dtrace_copystr_smap : dtrace_copystr_nosmap); } uintptr_t dtrace_fulword_nosmap(void *); uintptr_t dtrace_fulword_smap(void *); DEFINE_IFUNC(, uintptr_t, dtrace_fulword, (void *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? dtrace_fulword_smap : dtrace_fulword_nosmap); } uint8_t dtrace_fuword8_nocheck_nosmap(void *); uint8_t dtrace_fuword8_nocheck_smap(void *); DEFINE_IFUNC(, uint8_t, dtrace_fuword8_nocheck, (void *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? dtrace_fuword8_nocheck_smap : dtrace_fuword8_nocheck_nosmap); } uint16_t dtrace_fuword16_nocheck_nosmap(void *); uint16_t dtrace_fuword16_nocheck_smap(void *); DEFINE_IFUNC(, uint16_t, dtrace_fuword16_nocheck, (void *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? dtrace_fuword16_nocheck_smap : dtrace_fuword16_nocheck_nosmap); } uint32_t dtrace_fuword32_nocheck_nosmap(void *); uint32_t dtrace_fuword32_nocheck_smap(void *); DEFINE_IFUNC(, uint32_t, dtrace_fuword32_nocheck, (void *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? dtrace_fuword32_nocheck_smap : dtrace_fuword32_nocheck_nosmap); } uint64_t dtrace_fuword64_nocheck_nosmap(void *); uint64_t dtrace_fuword64_nocheck_smap(void *); DEFINE_IFUNC(, uint64_t, dtrace_fuword64_nocheck, (void *)) { return ((cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP) != 0 ? dtrace_fuword64_nocheck_smap : dtrace_fuword64_nocheck_nosmap); } diff --git a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/arm/dtrace_isa.c b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/arm/dtrace_isa.c index 9bac37669a84..ede352e6b873 100644 --- a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/arm/dtrace_isa.c +++ b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/arm/dtrace_isa.c @@ -1,263 +1,262 @@ /* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "regset.h" /* * Wee need some reasonable default to prevent backtrace code * from wandering too far */ #define MAX_FUNCTION_SIZE 0x10000 #define MAX_PROLOGUE_SIZE 0x100 uint8_t dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(void *); uint16_t dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(void *); uint32_t dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(void *); uint64_t dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(void *); void dtrace_getpcstack(pc_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, int aframes, uint32_t *intrpc) { struct unwind_state state; register_t sp; int scp_offset; int depth = 0; if (intrpc != 0) pcstack[depth++] = (pc_t) intrpc; aframes++; __asm __volatile("mov %0, sp" : "=&r" (sp)); state.registers[FP] = (uint32_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); state.registers[SP] = sp; state.registers[LR] = (uint32_t)__builtin_return_address(0); state.registers[PC] = (uint32_t)dtrace_getpcstack; while (depth < pcstack_limit) { int done; done = unwind_stack_one(&state, 1); /* * NB: Unlike some other architectures, we don't need to * explicitly insert cpu_dtrace_caller as it appears in the * normal kernel stack trace rather than a special trap frame. */ if (aframes > 0) { aframes--; } else { pcstack[depth++] = state.registers[PC]; } if (done) break; } for (; depth < pcstack_limit; depth++) { pcstack[depth] = 0; } } void dtrace_getupcstack(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); } int dtrace_getustackdepth(void) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); return (0); } void dtrace_getufpstack(uint64_t *pcstack, uint64_t *fpstack, int pcstack_limit) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); } /*ARGSUSED*/ uint64_t dtrace_getarg(int arg, int aframes) { /* struct arm_frame *fp = (struct arm_frame *)dtrace_getfp();*/ return (0); } int dtrace_getstackdepth(int aframes) { struct unwind_state state; register_t sp; int scp_offset; int done = 0; int depth = 1; __asm __volatile("mov %0, sp" : "=&r" (sp)); state.registers[FP] = (uint32_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); state.registers[SP] = sp; state.registers[LR] = (uint32_t)__builtin_return_address(0); state.registers[PC] = (uint32_t)dtrace_getstackdepth; do { done = unwind_stack_one(&state, 1); depth++; } while (!done); if (depth < aframes) return 0; else return depth - aframes; } ulong_t dtrace_getreg(struct trapframe *rp, uint_t reg) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); return (0); } static int dtrace_copycheck(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size) { if (uaddr + size > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS || uaddr + size < uaddr) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = uaddr; return (0); } return (1); } void dtrace_copyin(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(uaddr, kaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyout(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(kaddr, uaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyinstr(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(uaddr, kaddr, size, flags); } void dtrace_copyoutstr(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(kaddr, uaddr, size, flags); } uint8_t dtrace_fuword8(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint16_t dtrace_fuword16(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint32_t dtrace_fuword32(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint64_t dtrace_fuword64(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(uaddr)); } diff --git a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/mips/dtrace_isa.c b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/mips/dtrace_isa.c index c09225c734b9..8d65012dadf0 100644 --- a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/mips/dtrace_isa.c +++ b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/mips/dtrace_isa.c @@ -1,725 +1,724 @@ /* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "regset.h" #ifdef __mips_n64 #define MIPS_IS_VALID_KERNELADDR(reg) ((((reg) & 3) == 0) && \ ((vm_offset_t)(reg) >= MIPS_XKPHYS_START)) #else #define MIPS_IS_VALID_KERNELADDR(reg) ((((reg) & 3) == 0) && \ ((vm_offset_t)(reg) >= MIPS_KSEG0_START)) #endif /* * Wee need some reasonable default to prevent backtrace code * from wandering too far */ #define MAX_FUNCTION_SIZE 0x10000 #define MAX_PROLOGUE_SIZE 0x100 uint8_t dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(void *); uint16_t dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(void *); uint32_t dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(void *); uint64_t dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(void *); static int dtrace_next_frame(register_t *pc, register_t *sp, register_t *args, int *valid_args); static int dtrace_next_uframe(register_t *pc, register_t *sp, register_t *ra); void dtrace_getpcstack(pc_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, int aframes, uint32_t *intrpc) { int depth = 0; vm_offset_t callpc; pc_t caller = (pc_t) solaris_cpu[curcpu].cpu_dtrace_caller; register_t sp, ra, pc; if (intrpc != 0) pcstack[depth++] = (pc_t) intrpc; aframes++; sp = (register_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); ra = (register_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_return_address(0); __asm __volatile( "jal 99f\n" "nop\n" "99:\n" "move %0, $31\n" /* get ra */ "move $31, %1\n" /* restore ra */ : "=r" (pc) : "r" (ra)); while (depth < pcstack_limit) { callpc = pc; if (aframes > 0) { aframes--; if ((aframes == 0) && (caller != 0)) { pcstack[depth++] = caller; } } else { pcstack[depth++] = callpc; } if (dtrace_next_frame(&pc, &sp, NULL, NULL) < 0) break; } for (; depth < pcstack_limit; depth++) { pcstack[depth] = 0; } } void dtrace_getupcstack(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit) { proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; register_t sp, ra, pc; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) return; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; /* * If there's no user context we still need to zero the stack. */ if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) goto zero; *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)p->p_pid; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = (uint64_t)tf->pc; sp = (uint64_t)tf->sp; ra = (uint64_t)tf->ra; *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)tf->pc; /* * Unwind, and unwind, and unwind */ while (1) { if (dtrace_next_uframe(&pc, &sp, &ra) < 0) break; *pcstack++ = pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) break; } zero: while (pcstack_limit-- > 0) *pcstack++ = 0; } int dtrace_getustackdepth(void) { int n = 0; proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; register_t sp, ra, pc; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) return (0); if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) return (0); pc = (uint64_t)tf->pc; sp = (uint64_t)tf->sp; ra = (uint64_t)tf->ra; n++; /* * Unwind, and unwind, and unwind */ while (1) { if (dtrace_next_uframe(&pc, &sp, &ra) < 0) break; n++; } return (n); } void dtrace_getufpstack(uint64_t *pcstack, uint64_t *fpstack, int pcstack_limit) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); } /*ARGSUSED*/ uint64_t dtrace_getarg(int arg, int aframes) { int i; register_t sp, ra, pc; /* XXX: Fix this ugly code */ register_t args[8]; int valid[8]; sp = (register_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); ra = (register_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_return_address(0); __asm __volatile( "jal 99f\n" "nop\n" "99:\n" "move %0, $31\n" /* get ra */ "move $31, %1\n" /* restore ra */ : "=r" (pc) : "r" (ra)); for (i = 0; i <= aframes + 1; i++) { if (dtrace_next_frame(&pc, &sp, args, valid) < 0) { printf("%s: stack ends at frame #%d\n", __func__, i); return (0); } } if (arg < 8) { if (valid[arg]) return (args[arg]); else printf("%s: request arg%d is not valid\n", __func__, arg); } return (0); } int dtrace_getstackdepth(int aframes) { register_t sp, ra, pc; int depth = 0; sp = (register_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); ra = (register_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_return_address(0); __asm __volatile( "jal 99f\n" "nop\n" "99:\n" "move %0, $31\n" /* get ra */ "move $31, %1\n" /* restore ra */ : "=r" (pc) : "r" (ra)); for (;;) { if (dtrace_next_frame(&pc, &sp, NULL, NULL) < 0) break; depth++; } if (depth < aframes) return 0; else return depth - aframes; } ulong_t dtrace_getreg(struct trapframe *rp, uint_t reg) { return (0); } static int dtrace_next_frame(register_t *pc, register_t *sp, register_t *args, int *valid_args) { InstFmt i; /* * Arrays for a0..a3 registers and flags if content * of these registers is valid, e.g. obtained from the stack */ uintptr_t va; unsigned instr, mask; unsigned int frames = 0; int more, stksize; register_t ra = 0; int arg, r; vm_offset_t addr; /* * Invalidate arguments values */ if (valid_args) { for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) valid_args[r] = 0; } /* Jump here after a nonstandard (interrupt handler) frame */ stksize = 0; if (frames++ > 100) { /* return breaks stackframe-size heuristics with gcc -O2 */ goto error; /* XXX */ } /* check for bad SP: could foul up next frame */ if (!MIPS_IS_VALID_KERNELADDR(*sp)) { goto error; } /* check for bad PC */ if (!MIPS_IS_VALID_KERNELADDR(*pc)) { goto error; } /* * Find the beginning of the current subroutine by scanning * backwards from the current PC for the end of the previous * subroutine. */ va = *pc - sizeof(int); while (1) { instr = kdbpeek((int *)va); /* [d]addiu sp,sp,-X */ if (((instr & 0xffff8000) == 0x27bd8000) || ((instr & 0xffff8000) == 0x67bd8000)) break; /* jr ra */ if (instr == 0x03e00008) { /* skip over branch-delay slot instruction */ va += 2 * sizeof(int); break; } va -= sizeof(int); } /* skip over nulls which might separate .o files */ while ((instr = kdbpeek((int *)va)) == 0) va += sizeof(int); /* scan forwards to find stack size and any saved registers */ stksize = 0; more = 3; mask = 0; for (; more; va += sizeof(int), more = (more == 3) ? 3 : more - 1) { /* stop if hit our current position */ if (va >= *pc) break; instr = kdbpeek((int *)va); i.word = instr; switch (i.JType.op) { case OP_SPECIAL: switch (i.RType.func) { case OP_JR: case OP_JALR: more = 2; /* stop after next instruction */ break; case OP_SYSCALL: case OP_BREAK: more = 1; /* stop now */ }; break; case OP_BCOND: case OP_J: case OP_JAL: case OP_BEQ: case OP_BNE: case OP_BLEZ: case OP_BGTZ: more = 2; /* stop after next instruction */ break; case OP_COP0: case OP_COP1: case OP_COP2: case OP_COP3: switch (i.RType.rs) { case OP_BCx: case OP_BCy: more = 2; /* stop after next instruction */ }; break; case OP_SW: /* look for saved registers on the stack */ if (i.IType.rs != 29) break; /* only restore the first one */ if (mask & (1 << i.IType.rt)) break; mask |= (1 << i.IType.rt); addr = (vm_offset_t)(*sp + (short)i.IType.imm); switch (i.IType.rt) { case 4:/* a0 */ case 5:/* a1 */ case 6:/* a2 */ case 7:/* a3 */ #if defined(__mips_n64) || defined(__mips_n32) case 8:/* a4 */ case 9:/* a5 */ case 10:/* a6 */ case 11:/* a7 */ #endif arg = i.IType.rt - 4; if (args) args[arg] = kdbpeek((int*)addr); if (valid_args) valid_args[arg] = 1; break; case 31: /* ra */ ra = kdbpeek((int *)addr); } break; case OP_SD: /* look for saved registers on the stack */ if (i.IType.rs != 29) break; /* only restore the first one */ if (mask & (1 << i.IType.rt)) break; mask |= (1 << i.IType.rt); addr = (vm_offset_t)(*sp + (short)i.IType.imm); switch (i.IType.rt) { case 4:/* a0 */ case 5:/* a1 */ case 6:/* a2 */ case 7:/* a3 */ #if defined(__mips_n64) || defined(__mips_n32) case 8:/* a4 */ case 9:/* a5 */ case 10:/* a6 */ case 11:/* a7 */ #endif arg = i.IType.rt - 4; if (args) args[arg] = kdbpeekd((int *)addr); if (valid_args) valid_args[arg] = 1; break; case 31: /* ra */ ra = kdbpeekd((int *)addr); } break; case OP_ADDI: case OP_ADDIU: case OP_DADDI: case OP_DADDIU: /* look for stack pointer adjustment */ if (i.IType.rs != 29 || i.IType.rt != 29) break; stksize = -((short)i.IType.imm); } } if (!MIPS_IS_VALID_KERNELADDR(ra)) return (-1); *pc = ra; *sp += stksize; #if defined(__mips_o32) /* * For MIPS32 fill out arguments 5..8 from the stack */ for (arg = 4; arg < 8; arg++) { addr = (vm_offset_t)(*sp + arg*sizeof(register_t)); if (args) args[arg] = kdbpeekd((int *)addr); if (valid_args) valid_args[arg] = 1; } #endif return (0); error: return (-1); } static int dtrace_next_uframe(register_t *pc, register_t *sp, register_t *ra) { int offset, registers_on_stack; uint32_t opcode, mask; register_t function_start; int stksize; InstFmt i; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; registers_on_stack = 0; mask = 0; function_start = 0; offset = 0; stksize = 0; while (offset < MAX_FUNCTION_SIZE) { opcode = dtrace_fuword32((void *)(vm_offset_t)(*pc - offset)); if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) goto fault; /* [d]addiu sp, sp, -X*/ if (((opcode & 0xffff8000) == 0x27bd8000) || ((opcode & 0xffff8000) == 0x67bd8000)) { function_start = *pc - offset; registers_on_stack = 1; break; } /* lui gp, X */ if ((opcode & 0xffff8000) == 0x3c1c0000) { /* * Function might start with this instruction * Keep an eye on "jr ra" and sp correction * with positive value further on */ function_start = *pc - offset; } if (function_start) { /* * Stop looking further. Possible end of * function instruction: it means there is no * stack modifications, sp is unchanged */ /* [d]addiu sp,sp,X */ if (((opcode & 0xffff8000) == 0x27bd0000) || ((opcode & 0xffff8000) == 0x67bd0000)) break; if (opcode == 0x03e00008) break; } offset += sizeof(int); } if (!function_start) return (-1); if (registers_on_stack) { offset = 0; while ((offset < MAX_PROLOGUE_SIZE) && ((function_start + offset) < *pc)) { i.word = dtrace_fuword32((void *)(vm_offset_t)(function_start + offset)); switch (i.JType.op) { case OP_SW: /* look for saved registers on the stack */ if (i.IType.rs != 29) break; /* only restore the first one */ if (mask & (1 << i.IType.rt)) break; mask |= (1 << i.IType.rt); if (i.IType.rt == 31) *ra = dtrace_fuword32((void *)(vm_offset_t)(*sp + (short)i.IType.imm)); break; case OP_SD: /* look for saved registers on the stack */ if (i.IType.rs != 29) break; /* only restore the first one */ if (mask & (1 << i.IType.rt)) break; mask |= (1 << i.IType.rt); /* ra */ if (i.IType.rt == 31) *ra = dtrace_fuword64((void *)(vm_offset_t)(*sp + (short)i.IType.imm)); break; case OP_ADDI: case OP_ADDIU: case OP_DADDI: case OP_DADDIU: /* look for stack pointer adjustment */ if (i.IType.rs != 29 || i.IType.rt != 29) break; stksize = -((short)i.IType.imm); } offset += sizeof(int); if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) goto fault; } } /* * We reached the end of backtrace */ if (*pc == *ra) return (-1); *pc = *ra; *sp += stksize; return (0); fault: /* * We just got lost in backtrace, no big deal */ *flags &= ~CPU_DTRACE_FAULT; return (-1); } static int dtrace_copycheck(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size) { if (uaddr + size > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS || uaddr + size < uaddr) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = uaddr; return (0); } return (1); } void dtrace_copyin(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(uaddr, kaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyout(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(kaddr, uaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyinstr(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(uaddr, kaddr, size, flags); } void dtrace_copyoutstr(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(kaddr, uaddr, size, flags); } uint8_t dtrace_fuword8(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint16_t dtrace_fuword16(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint32_t dtrace_fuword32(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint64_t dtrace_fuword64(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(uaddr)); } diff --git a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/powerpc/dtrace_isa.c b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/powerpc/dtrace_isa.c index a188eafa777d..cce1c907b5d8 100644 --- a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/powerpc/dtrace_isa.c +++ b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/powerpc/dtrace_isa.c @@ -1,692 +1,691 @@ /* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * Portions Copyright 2012,2013 Justin Hibbits * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include "regset.h" /* Offset to the LR Save word (ppc32) */ #define RETURN_OFFSET 4 /* Offset to LR Save word (ppc64). CR Save area sits between back chain and LR */ #define RETURN_OFFSET64 16 #ifdef __powerpc64__ #define OFFSET 4 /* Account for the TOC reload slot */ #define FRAME_OFFSET 48 #else #define OFFSET 0 #define FRAME_OFFSET 8 #endif #define INKERNEL(x) (((x) <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS && \ (x) >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) || \ (PMAP_HAS_DMAP && (x) >= DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS && \ (x) <= DMAP_MAX_ADDRESS)) static __inline int dtrace_sp_inkernel(uintptr_t sp) { struct trapframe *frame; vm_offset_t callpc; /* Not within the kernel, or not aligned. */ if (!INKERNEL(sp) || (sp & 0xf) != 0) return (0); #ifdef __powerpc64__ callpc = *(vm_offset_t *)(sp + RETURN_OFFSET64); #else callpc = *(vm_offset_t *)(sp + RETURN_OFFSET); #endif if ((callpc & 3) || (callpc < 0x100)) return (0); /* * trapexit() and asttrapexit() are sentinels * for kernel stack tracing. */ if (callpc + OFFSET == (vm_offset_t) &trapexit || callpc + OFFSET == (vm_offset_t) &asttrapexit) { frame = (struct trapframe *)(sp + FRAME_OFFSET); return ((frame->srr1 & PSL_PR) == 0); } return (1); } static __inline void dtrace_next_sp_pc(uintptr_t sp, uintptr_t *nsp, uintptr_t *pc) { vm_offset_t callpc; struct trapframe *frame; #ifdef __powerpc64__ callpc = *(vm_offset_t *)(sp + RETURN_OFFSET64); #else callpc = *(vm_offset_t *)(sp + RETURN_OFFSET); #endif /* * trapexit() and asttrapexit() are sentinels * for kernel stack tracing. */ if ((callpc + OFFSET == (vm_offset_t) &trapexit || callpc + OFFSET == (vm_offset_t) &asttrapexit)) { /* Access the trap frame */ frame = (struct trapframe *)(sp + FRAME_OFFSET); if (nsp != NULL) *nsp = frame->fixreg[1]; if (pc != NULL) *pc = frame->srr0; return; } if (nsp != NULL) *nsp = *(uintptr_t *)sp; if (pc != NULL) *pc = callpc; } void dtrace_getpcstack(pc_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, int aframes, uint32_t *intrpc) { int depth = 0; uintptr_t osp, sp; vm_offset_t callpc; pc_t caller = (pc_t) solaris_cpu[curcpu].cpu_dtrace_caller; osp = PAGE_SIZE; if (intrpc != 0) pcstack[depth++] = (pc_t) intrpc; aframes++; sp = (uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); while (depth < pcstack_limit) { if (sp <= osp) break; if (!dtrace_sp_inkernel(sp)) break; osp = sp; dtrace_next_sp_pc(osp, &sp, &callpc); if (aframes > 0) { aframes--; if ((aframes == 0) && (caller != 0)) { pcstack[depth++] = caller; } } else { pcstack[depth++] = callpc; } } for (; depth < pcstack_limit; depth++) { pcstack[depth] = 0; } } static int dtrace_getustack_common(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, uintptr_t pc, uintptr_t sp) { proc_t *p = curproc; int ret = 0; ASSERT(pcstack == NULL || pcstack_limit > 0); while (pc != 0) { ret++; if (pcstack != NULL) { *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) break; } if (sp == 0) break; if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32)) { pc = dtrace_fuword32((void *)(sp + RETURN_OFFSET)); sp = dtrace_fuword32((void *)sp); } else { pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *)(sp + RETURN_OFFSET64)); sp = dtrace_fuword64((void *)sp); } } return (ret); } void dtrace_getupcstack(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit) { proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t pc, sp; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; int n; if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) return; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; /* * If there's no user context we still need to zero the stack. */ if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) goto zero; *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)p->p_pid; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->srr0; sp = tf->fixreg[1]; if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY)) { /* * In an entry probe. The frame pointer has not yet been * pushed (that happens in the function prologue). The * best approach is to add the current pc as a missing top * of stack and back the pc up to the caller, which is stored * at the current stack pointer address since the call * instruction puts it there right before the branch. */ *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->lr; } n = dtrace_getustack_common(pcstack, pcstack_limit, pc, sp); ASSERT(n >= 0); ASSERT(n <= pcstack_limit); pcstack += n; pcstack_limit -= n; zero: while (pcstack_limit-- > 0) *pcstack++ = 0; } int dtrace_getustackdepth(void) { proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t pc, sp; int n = 0; if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) return (0); if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_FAULT)) return (-1); pc = tf->srr0; sp = tf->fixreg[1]; if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY)) { /* * In an entry probe. The frame pointer has not yet been * pushed (that happens in the function prologue). The * best approach is to add the current pc as a missing top * of stack and back the pc up to the caller, which is stored * at the current stack pointer address since the call * instruction puts it there right before the branch. */ if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32)) { pc = dtrace_fuword32((void *) sp); } else pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *) sp); n++; } n += dtrace_getustack_common(NULL, 0, pc, sp); return (n); } void dtrace_getufpstack(uint64_t *pcstack, uint64_t *fpstack, int pcstack_limit) { proc_t *p = curproc; struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t pc, sp; volatile uint16_t *flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; #ifdef notyet /* XXX signal stack */ uintptr_t oldcontext; size_t s1, s2; #endif if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) return; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; /* * If there's no user context we still need to zero the stack. */ if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) goto zero; *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)p->p_pid; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->srr0; sp = tf->fixreg[1]; #ifdef notyet /* XXX signal stack */ oldcontext = lwp->lwp_oldcontext; s1 = sizeof (struct xframe) + 2 * sizeof (long); s2 = s1 + sizeof (siginfo_t); #endif if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY)) { *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; *fpstack++ = 0; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32)) { pc = dtrace_fuword32((void *)sp); } else { pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *)sp); } } while (pc != 0) { *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; *fpstack++ = sp; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) break; if (sp == 0) break; #ifdef notyet /* XXX signal stack */ if (oldcontext == sp + s1 || oldcontext == sp + s2) { ucontext_t *ucp = (ucontext_t *)oldcontext; greg_t *gregs = ucp->uc_mcontext.gregs; sp = dtrace_fulword(&gregs[REG_FP]); pc = dtrace_fulword(&gregs[REG_PC]); oldcontext = dtrace_fulword(&ucp->uc_link); } else #endif /* XXX */ { if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32)) { pc = dtrace_fuword32((void *)(sp + RETURN_OFFSET)); sp = dtrace_fuword32((void *)sp); } else { pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *)(sp + RETURN_OFFSET64)); sp = dtrace_fuword64((void *)sp); } } /* * This is totally bogus: if we faulted, we're going to clear * the fault and break. This is to deal with the apparently * broken Java stacks on x86. */ if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) { *flags &= ~CPU_DTRACE_FAULT; break; } } zero: while (pcstack_limit-- > 0) *pcstack++ = 0; } /*ARGSUSED*/ uint64_t dtrace_getarg(int arg, int aframes) { uintptr_t val; uintptr_t *fp = (uintptr_t *)__builtin_frame_address(0); uintptr_t *stack; int i; /* * A total of 8 arguments are passed via registers; any argument with * index of 7 or lower is therefore in a register. */ int inreg = 7; for (i = 1; i <= aframes; i++) { fp = (uintptr_t *)*fp; /* * On ppc32 trapexit() is the immediately following label. On * ppc64 AIM trapexit() follows a nop. */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ if ((long)(fp[2]) + 4 == (long)trapexit) { #else if ((long)(fp[1]) == (long)trapexit) { #endif /* * In the case of powerpc, we will use the pointer to the regs * structure that was pushed when we took the trap. To get this * structure, we must increment beyond the frame structure. If the * argument that we're seeking is passed on the stack, we'll pull * the true stack pointer out of the saved registers and decrement * our argument by the number of arguments passed in registers; if * the argument we're seeking is passed in regsiters, we can just * load it directly. */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ struct reg *rp = (struct reg *)((uintptr_t)fp[0] + 48); #else struct reg *rp = (struct reg *)((uintptr_t)fp[0] + 8); #endif if (arg <= inreg) { stack = &rp->fixreg[3]; } else { stack = (uintptr_t *)(rp->fixreg[1]); arg -= inreg; } goto load; } } /* * We know that we did not come through a trap to get into * dtrace_probe() -- the provider simply called dtrace_probe() * directly. As this is the case, we need to shift the argument * that we're looking for: the probe ID is the first argument to * dtrace_probe(), so the argument n will actually be found where * one would expect to find argument (n + 1). */ arg++; if (arg <= inreg) { /* * This shouldn't happen. If the argument is passed in a * register then it should have been, well, passed in a * register... */ DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_ILLOP); return (0); } arg -= (inreg + 1); stack = fp + 2; load: DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_NOFAULT); val = stack[arg]; DTRACE_CPUFLAG_CLEAR(CPU_DTRACE_NOFAULT); return (val); } int dtrace_getstackdepth(int aframes) { int depth = 0; uintptr_t osp, sp; vm_offset_t callpc; osp = PAGE_SIZE; sp = (uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); for(;;) { if (sp <= osp) break; if (!dtrace_sp_inkernel(sp)) break; depth++; osp = sp; dtrace_next_sp_pc(sp, &sp, NULL); } if (depth < aframes) return (0); return (depth - aframes); } ulong_t dtrace_getreg(struct trapframe *rp, uint_t reg) { if (reg < 32) return (rp->fixreg[reg]); switch (reg) { case 32: return (rp->lr); case 33: return (rp->cr); case 34: return (rp->xer); case 35: return (rp->ctr); case 36: return (rp->srr0); case 37: return (rp->srr1); case 38: return (rp->exc); default: DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_ILLOP); return (0); } } static int dtrace_copycheck(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size) { ASSERT(INKERNEL(kaddr) && kaddr + size >= kaddr); if (uaddr + size > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS || uaddr + size < uaddr) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = uaddr; return (0); } return (1); } void dtrace_copyin(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) if (copyin((const void *)uaddr, (void *)kaddr, size)) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; } } void dtrace_copyout(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) { if (copyout((const void *)kaddr, (void *)uaddr, size)) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; } } } void dtrace_copyinstr(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { size_t actual; int error; if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) { error = copyinstr((const void *)uaddr, (void *)kaddr, size, &actual); /* ENAMETOOLONG is not a fault condition. */ if (error && error != ENAMETOOLONG) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; } } } /* * The bulk of this function could be replaced to match dtrace_copyinstr() * if we ever implement a copyoutstr(). */ void dtrace_copyoutstr(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { size_t len; if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) { len = strlen((const char *)kaddr); if (len > size) len = size; if (copyout((const void *)kaddr, (void *)uaddr, len)) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; } } } uint8_t dtrace_fuword8(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (fubyte(uaddr)); } uint16_t dtrace_fuword16(void *uaddr) { uint16_t ret = 0; if (dtrace_copycheck((uintptr_t)uaddr, (uintptr_t)&ret, sizeof(ret))) { if (copyin((const void *)uaddr, (void *)&ret, sizeof(ret))) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; } } return ret; } uint32_t dtrace_fuword32(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (fuword32(uaddr)); } uint64_t dtrace_fuword64(void *uaddr) { uint64_t ret = 0; if (dtrace_copycheck((uintptr_t)uaddr, (uintptr_t)&ret, sizeof(ret))) { if (copyin((const void *)uaddr, (void *)&ret, sizeof(ret))) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; } } return ret; } uintptr_t dtrace_fulword(void *uaddr) { uintptr_t ret = 0; if (dtrace_copycheck((uintptr_t)uaddr, (uintptr_t)&ret, sizeof(ret))) { if (copyin((const void *)uaddr, (void *)&ret, sizeof(ret))) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; } } return ret; } diff --git a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/riscv/dtrace_isa.c b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/riscv/dtrace_isa.c index f8663b5bfeab..d42299abcd35 100644 --- a/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/riscv/dtrace_isa.c +++ b/sys/cddl/dev/dtrace/riscv/dtrace_isa.c @@ -1,396 +1,395 @@ /* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * Portions Copyright 2016 Ruslan Bukin * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "regset.h" /* * Wee need some reasonable default to prevent backtrace code * from wandering too far */ #define MAX_FUNCTION_SIZE 0x10000 #define MAX_PROLOGUE_SIZE 0x100 #define MAX_USTACK_DEPTH 2048 uint8_t dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(void *); uint16_t dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(void *); uint32_t dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(void *); uint64_t dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(void *); void dtrace_getpcstack(pc_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, int aframes, uint32_t *intrpc) { struct unwind_state state; int scp_offset; register_t sp; int depth; depth = 0; if (intrpc != 0) { pcstack[depth++] = (pc_t) intrpc; } aframes++; __asm __volatile("mv %0, sp" : "=&r" (sp)); state.fp = (uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); state.sp = sp; state.pc = (uintptr_t)dtrace_getpcstack; while (depth < pcstack_limit) { if (!unwind_frame(curthread, &state)) break; if (!INKERNEL(state.pc) || !INKERNEL(state.fp)) break; /* * NB: Unlike some other architectures, we don't need to * explicitly insert cpu_dtrace_caller as it appears in the * normal kernel stack trace rather than a special trap frame. */ if (aframes > 0) { aframes--; } else { pcstack[depth++] = state.pc; } } for (; depth < pcstack_limit; depth++) { pcstack[depth] = 0; } } static int dtrace_getustack_common(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit, uintptr_t pc, uintptr_t fp) { volatile uint16_t *flags; uintptr_t oldfp; int ret; oldfp = fp; ret = 0; flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; ASSERT(pcstack == NULL || pcstack_limit > 0); while (pc != 0) { /* * We limit the number of times we can go around this * loop to account for a circular stack. */ if (ret++ >= MAX_USTACK_DEPTH) { *flags |= CPU_DTRACE_BADSTACK; cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = fp; break; } if (pcstack != NULL) { *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) break; } if (fp == 0) break; pc = dtrace_fuword64((void *)(fp + offsetof(struct riscv_frame, f_retaddr))); fp = dtrace_fuword64((void *)fp); if (fp == oldfp) { *flags |= CPU_DTRACE_BADSTACK; cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = fp; break; } oldfp = fp; } return (ret); } void dtrace_getupcstack(uint64_t *pcstack, int pcstack_limit) { volatile uint16_t *flags; struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t pc, sp, fp; proc_t *p; int n; p = curproc; flags = (volatile uint16_t *)&cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_flags; if (*flags & CPU_DTRACE_FAULT) return; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; /* * If there's no user context we still need to zero the stack. */ if (p == NULL || (tf = curthread->td_frame) == NULL) goto zero; *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)p->p_pid; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->tf_sepc; sp = tf->tf_sp; fp = tf->tf_s[0]; if (DTRACE_CPUFLAG_ISSET(CPU_DTRACE_ENTRY)) { /* * In an entry probe. The frame pointer has not yet been * pushed (that happens in the function prologue). The * best approach is to add the current pc as a missing top * of stack and back the pc up to the caller, which is stored * at the current stack pointer address since the call * instruction puts it there right before the branch. */ *pcstack++ = (uint64_t)pc; pcstack_limit--; if (pcstack_limit <= 0) return; pc = tf->tf_ra; } n = dtrace_getustack_common(pcstack, pcstack_limit, pc, fp); ASSERT(n >= 0); ASSERT(n <= pcstack_limit); pcstack += n; pcstack_limit -= n; zero: while (pcstack_limit-- > 0) *pcstack++ = 0; } int dtrace_getustackdepth(void) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); return (0); } void dtrace_getufpstack(uint64_t *pcstack, uint64_t *fpstack, int pcstack_limit) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); } /*ARGSUSED*/ uint64_t dtrace_getarg(int arg, int aframes) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); return (0); } int dtrace_getstackdepth(int aframes) { struct unwind_state state; int scp_offset; register_t sp; int depth; bool done; depth = 1; done = false; __asm __volatile("mv %0, sp" : "=&r" (sp)); state.fp = (uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0); state.sp = sp; state.pc = (uintptr_t)dtrace_getstackdepth; do { done = !unwind_frame(curthread, &state); if (!INKERNEL(state.pc) || !INKERNEL(state.fp)) break; depth++; } while (!done); if (depth < aframes) return (0); else return (depth - aframes); } ulong_t dtrace_getreg(struct trapframe *rp, uint_t reg) { printf("IMPLEMENT ME: %s\n", __func__); return (0); } static int dtrace_copycheck(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size) { if (uaddr + size > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS || uaddr + size < uaddr) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = uaddr; return (0); } return (1); } void dtrace_copyin(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(uaddr, kaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyout(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copy(kaddr, uaddr, size); } void dtrace_copyinstr(uintptr_t uaddr, uintptr_t kaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(uaddr, kaddr, size, flags); } void dtrace_copyoutstr(uintptr_t kaddr, uintptr_t uaddr, size_t size, volatile uint16_t *flags) { if (dtrace_copycheck(uaddr, kaddr, size)) dtrace_copystr(kaddr, uaddr, size, flags); } uint8_t dtrace_fuword8(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword8_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint16_t dtrace_fuword16(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword16_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint32_t dtrace_fuword32(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword32_nocheck(uaddr)); } uint64_t dtrace_fuword64(void *uaddr) { if ((uintptr_t)uaddr > VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { DTRACE_CPUFLAG_SET(CPU_DTRACE_BADADDR); cpu_core[curcpu].cpuc_dtrace_illval = (uintptr_t)uaddr; return (0); } return (dtrace_fuword64_nocheck(uaddr)); } diff --git a/sys/compat/linux/linux_elf.c b/sys/compat/linux/linux_elf.c index 077e0c93c884..9192388b347a 100644 --- a/sys/compat/linux/linux_elf.c +++ b/sys/compat/linux/linux_elf.c @@ -1,294 +1,295 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2021 Edward Tomasz Napierala * Copyright (c) 2018 Chuck Tuffli * Copyright (c) 2017 Dell EMC * Copyright (c) 2000 David O'Brien * Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Søren Schmidt * Copyright (c) 1996 Peter Wemm * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the University of Cambridge Computer * Laboratory as part of the CHERI for Hypervisors and Operating Systems * (CHaOS) project, funded by EPSRC grant EP/V000292/1. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in this position and unchanged. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #if __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 #define linux_pt_regset linux_pt_regset32 #define bsd_to_linux_regset bsd_to_linux_regset32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include /* This adds "linux32_" and "linux64_" prefixes. */ #define __linuxN(x) __CONCAT(__CONCAT(__CONCAT(linux,__ELF_WORD_SIZE),_),x) #define LINUX_NT_AUXV 6 static void __linuxN(note_fpregset)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __linuxN(note_prpsinfo)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __linuxN(note_prstatus)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __linuxN(note_threadmd)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __linuxN(note_nt_auxv)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); void __linuxN(prepare_notes)(struct thread *td, struct note_info_list *list, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; struct thread *thr; size_t size; p = td->td_proc; size = 0; /* * To have the debugger select the right thread (LWP) as the initial * thread, we dump the state of the thread passed to us in td first. * This is the thread that causes the core dump and thus likely to * be the right thread one wants to have selected in the debugger. */ thr = td; while (thr != NULL) { size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PRSTATUS, __linuxN(note_prstatus), thr); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PRPSINFO, __linuxN(note_prpsinfo), p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, LINUX_NT_AUXV, __linuxN(note_nt_auxv), p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_FPREGSET, __linuxN(note_fpregset), thr); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, -1, __linuxN(note_threadmd), thr); thr = thr == td ? TAILQ_FIRST(&p->p_threads) : TAILQ_NEXT(thr, td_plist); if (thr == td) thr = TAILQ_NEXT(thr, td_plist); } *sizep = size; } typedef struct linux_elf_prstatus linux_elf_prstatus_t; #if __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 typedef struct prpsinfo32 linux_elf_prpsinfo_t; typedef struct fpreg32 linux_elf_prfpregset_t; #else typedef prpsinfo_t linux_elf_prpsinfo_t; typedef prfpregset_t linux_elf_prfpregset_t; #endif static void __linuxN(note_prpsinfo)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct sbuf sbarg; size_t len; char *cp, *end; struct proc *p; linux_elf_prpsinfo_t *psinfo; int error; p = arg; if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == sizeof(*psinfo), ("invalid size")); psinfo = malloc(sizeof(*psinfo), M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); psinfo->pr_version = PRPSINFO_VERSION; psinfo->pr_psinfosz = sizeof(linux_elf_prpsinfo_t); strlcpy(psinfo->pr_fname, p->p_comm, sizeof(psinfo->pr_fname)); PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_args != NULL) { len = sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs) - 1; if (len > p->p_args->ar_length) len = p->p_args->ar_length; memcpy(psinfo->pr_psargs, p->p_args->ar_args, len); PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = 0; } else { _PHOLD(p); PROC_UNLOCK(p); sbuf_new(&sbarg, psinfo->pr_psargs, sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs), SBUF_FIXEDLEN); error = proc_getargv(curthread, p, &sbarg); PRELE(p); if (sbuf_finish(&sbarg) == 0) len = sbuf_len(&sbarg) - 1; else len = sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs) - 1; sbuf_delete(&sbarg); } if (error || len == 0) strlcpy(psinfo->pr_psargs, p->p_comm, sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs)); else { KASSERT(len < sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs), ("len is too long: %zu vs %zu", len, sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs))); cp = psinfo->pr_psargs; end = cp + len - 1; for (;;) { cp = memchr(cp, '\0', end - cp); if (cp == NULL) break; *cp = ' '; } } psinfo->pr_pid = p->p_pid; sbuf_bcat(sb, psinfo, sizeof(*psinfo)); free(psinfo, M_TEMP); } *sizep = sizeof(*psinfo); } static void __linuxN(note_prstatus)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct thread *td; linux_elf_prstatus_t *status; #if __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 struct reg32 pr_reg; #else struct reg pr_reg; #endif td = arg; if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == sizeof(*status), ("invalid size")); status = malloc(sizeof(*status), M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); /* * XXX: Some fields missing. */ status->pr_cursig = td->td_proc->p_sig; status->pr_pid = td->td_tid; #if __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 fill_regs32(td, &pr_reg); #else fill_regs(td, &pr_reg); #endif bsd_to_linux_regset(&pr_reg, &status->pr_reg); sbuf_bcat(sb, status, sizeof(*status)); free(status, M_TEMP); } *sizep = sizeof(*status); } static void __linuxN(note_fpregset)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct thread *td; linux_elf_prfpregset_t *fpregset; td = arg; if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == sizeof(*fpregset), ("invalid size")); fpregset = malloc(sizeof(*fpregset), M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); #if __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 fill_fpregs32(td, fpregset); #else fill_fpregs(td, fpregset); #endif sbuf_bcat(sb, fpregset, sizeof(*fpregset)); free(fpregset, M_TEMP); } *sizep = sizeof(*fpregset); } /* * Allow for MD specific notes, as well as any MD * specific preparations for writing MI notes. */ static void __linuxN(note_threadmd)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct thread *td; void *buf; size_t size; td = arg; size = *sizep; if (size != 0 && sb != NULL) buf = malloc(size, M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); else buf = NULL; size = 0; __elfN(dump_thread)(td, buf, &size); KASSERT(sb == NULL || *sizep == size, ("invalid size")); if (size != 0 && sb != NULL) sbuf_bcat(sb, buf, size); free(buf, M_TEMP); *sizep = size; } static void __linuxN(note_nt_auxv)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; size_t size; p = arg; if (sb == NULL) { size = 0; sb = sbuf_new(NULL, NULL, LINUX_AT_COUNT * sizeof(Elf_Auxinfo), SBUF_FIXEDLEN); sbuf_set_drain(sb, sbuf_count_drain, &size); PHOLD(p); proc_getauxv(curthread, p, sb); PRELE(p); sbuf_finish(sb); sbuf_delete(sb); *sizep = size; } else { PHOLD(p); proc_getauxv(curthread, p, sb); PRELE(p); } } diff --git a/sys/ddb/db_run.c b/sys/ddb/db_run.c index af99eb757609..c9ea87fca79c 100644 --- a/sys/ddb/db_run.c +++ b/sys/ddb/db_run.c @@ -1,414 +1,415 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-CMU * * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 7/90 */ /* * Commands to run process. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define STEP_ONCE 1 #define STEP_RETURN 2 #define STEP_CALLT 3 #define STEP_CONTINUE 4 #define STEP_INVISIBLE 5 #define STEP_COUNT 6 static int db_run_mode = STEP_CONTINUE; static bool db_sstep_multiple; static bool db_sstep_print; static int db_loop_count; static int db_call_depth; int db_inst_count; int db_load_count; int db_store_count; #ifdef SOFTWARE_SSTEP db_breakpoint_t db_not_taken_bkpt = 0; db_breakpoint_t db_taken_bkpt = 0; #endif #ifndef db_set_single_step void db_set_single_step(void); #endif #ifndef db_clear_single_step void db_clear_single_step(void); #endif #ifndef db_pc_is_singlestep static bool db_pc_is_singlestep(db_addr_t pc) { #ifdef SOFTWARE_SSTEP if ((db_not_taken_bkpt != 0 && pc == db_not_taken_bkpt->address) || (db_taken_bkpt != 0 && pc == db_taken_bkpt->address)) return (true); #endif return (false); } #endif bool db_stop_at_pc(int type, int code, bool *is_breakpoint, bool *is_watchpoint) { db_addr_t pc; db_breakpoint_t bkpt; *is_breakpoint = IS_BREAKPOINT_TRAP(type, code); *is_watchpoint = IS_WATCHPOINT_TRAP(type, code); pc = PC_REGS(); if (db_pc_is_singlestep(pc)) *is_breakpoint = false; db_clear_single_step(); db_clear_breakpoints(); db_clear_watchpoints(); #ifdef FIXUP_PC_AFTER_BREAK if (*is_breakpoint) { /* * Breakpoint trap. Fix up the PC if the * machine requires it. */ FIXUP_PC_AFTER_BREAK pc = PC_REGS(); } #endif /* * Now check for a breakpoint at this address. */ bkpt = db_find_breakpoint_here(pc); if (bkpt) { if (--bkpt->count == 0) { bkpt->count = bkpt->init_count; *is_breakpoint = true; return (true); /* stop here */ } return (false); /* continue the countdown */ } else if (*is_breakpoint) { #ifdef BKPT_SKIP BKPT_SKIP; #endif } *is_breakpoint = false; /* might be a breakpoint, but not ours */ /* * If not stepping, then silently ignore single-step traps * (except for clearing the single-step-flag above). * * If stepping, then abort if the trap type is unexpected. * Breakpoints owned by us are expected and were handled above. * Single-steps are expected and are handled below. All others * are unexpected. * * Only do either of these if the MD layer claims to classify * single-step traps unambiguously (by defining IS_SSTEP_TRAP). * Otherwise, fall through to the bad historical behaviour * given by turning unexpected traps into expected traps: if not * stepping, then expect only breakpoints and stop, and if * stepping, then expect only single-steps and step. */ #ifdef IS_SSTEP_TRAP if (db_run_mode == STEP_CONTINUE && IS_SSTEP_TRAP(type, code)) return (false); if (db_run_mode != STEP_CONTINUE && !IS_SSTEP_TRAP(type, code)) { printf("Stepping aborted\n"); return (true); } #endif if (db_run_mode == STEP_INVISIBLE) { db_run_mode = STEP_CONTINUE; return (false); /* continue */ } if (db_run_mode == STEP_COUNT) { return (false); /* continue */ } if (db_run_mode == STEP_ONCE) { if (--db_loop_count > 0) { if (db_sstep_print) { db_printf("\t\t"); db_print_loc_and_inst(pc); } return (false); /* continue */ } } if (db_run_mode == STEP_RETURN) { /* continue until matching return */ db_expr_t ins; ins = db_get_value(pc, sizeof(int), false); if (!inst_trap_return(ins) && (!inst_return(ins) || --db_call_depth != 0)) { if (db_sstep_print) { if (inst_call(ins) || inst_return(ins)) { int i; db_printf("[after %6d] ", db_inst_count); for (i = db_call_depth; --i > 0; ) db_printf(" "); db_print_loc_and_inst(pc); } } if (inst_call(ins)) db_call_depth++; return (false); /* continue */ } } if (db_run_mode == STEP_CALLT) { /* continue until call or return */ db_expr_t ins; ins = db_get_value(pc, sizeof(int), false); if (!inst_call(ins) && !inst_return(ins) && !inst_trap_return(ins)) { return (false); /* continue */ } } return (true); } void db_restart_at_pc(bool watchpt) { db_addr_t pc = PC_REGS(); if ((db_run_mode == STEP_COUNT) || ((db_run_mode == STEP_ONCE) && db_sstep_multiple) || (db_run_mode == STEP_RETURN) || (db_run_mode == STEP_CALLT)) { /* * We are about to execute this instruction, * so count it now. */ #ifdef SOFTWARE_SSTEP db_expr_t ins = #endif db_get_value(pc, sizeof(int), false); db_inst_count++; db_load_count += inst_load(ins); db_store_count += inst_store(ins); #ifdef SOFTWARE_SSTEP /* XXX works on mips, but... */ if (inst_branch(ins) || inst_call(ins)) { ins = db_get_value(next_instr_address(pc,1), sizeof(int), false); db_inst_count++; db_load_count += inst_load(ins); db_store_count += inst_store(ins); } #endif /* SOFTWARE_SSTEP */ } if (db_run_mode == STEP_CONTINUE) { if (watchpt || db_find_breakpoint_here(pc)) { /* * Step over breakpoint/watchpoint. */ db_run_mode = STEP_INVISIBLE; db_set_single_step(); } else { db_set_breakpoints(); db_set_watchpoints(); } } else { db_set_single_step(); } } #ifdef SOFTWARE_SSTEP /* * Software implementation of single-stepping. * If your machine does not have a trace mode * similar to the vax or sun ones you can use * this implementation, done for the mips. * Just define the above conditional and provide * the functions/macros defined below. * * extern bool * inst_branch(), returns true if the instruction might branch * extern unsigned * branch_taken(), return the address the instruction might * branch to * db_getreg_val(); return the value of a user register, * as indicated in the hardware instruction * encoding, e.g. 8 for r8 * * next_instr_address(pc,bd) returns the address of the first * instruction following the one at "pc", * which is either in the taken path of * the branch (bd==1) or not. This is * for machines (mips) with branch delays. * * A single-step may involve at most 2 breakpoints - * one for branch-not-taken and one for branch taken. * If one of these addresses does not already have a breakpoint, * we allocate a breakpoint and save it here. * These breakpoints are deleted on return. */ void db_set_single_step(void) { db_addr_t pc = PC_REGS(), brpc; unsigned inst; /* * User was stopped at pc, e.g. the instruction * at pc was not executed. */ inst = db_get_value(pc, sizeof(int), false); if (inst_branch(inst) || inst_call(inst) || inst_return(inst)) { brpc = branch_taken(inst, pc); if (brpc != pc) { /* self-branches are hopeless */ db_taken_bkpt = db_set_temp_breakpoint(brpc); } pc = next_instr_address(pc, 1); } pc = next_instr_address(pc, 0); db_not_taken_bkpt = db_set_temp_breakpoint(pc); } void db_clear_single_step(void) { if (db_not_taken_bkpt != 0) { db_delete_temp_breakpoint(db_not_taken_bkpt); db_not_taken_bkpt = 0; } if (db_taken_bkpt != 0) { db_delete_temp_breakpoint(db_taken_bkpt); db_taken_bkpt = 0; } } #endif /* SOFTWARE_SSTEP */ /* single-step */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void db_single_step_cmd(db_expr_t addr, bool have_addr, db_expr_t count, char *modif) { bool print = false; if (count == -1) count = 1; if (modif[0] == 'p') print = true; db_run_mode = STEP_ONCE; db_loop_count = count; db_sstep_multiple = (count != 1); db_sstep_print = print; db_inst_count = 0; db_load_count = 0; db_store_count = 0; db_cmd_loop_done = 1; } /* trace and print until call/return */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void db_trace_until_call_cmd(db_expr_t addr, bool have_addr, db_expr_t count, char *modif) { bool print = false; if (modif[0] == 'p') print = true; db_run_mode = STEP_CALLT; db_sstep_print = print; db_inst_count = 0; db_load_count = 0; db_store_count = 0; db_cmd_loop_done = 1; } /*ARGSUSED*/ void db_trace_until_matching_cmd(db_expr_t addr, bool have_addr, db_expr_t count, char *modif) { bool print = false; if (modif[0] == 'p') print = true; db_run_mode = STEP_RETURN; db_call_depth = 1; db_sstep_print = print; db_inst_count = 0; db_load_count = 0; db_store_count = 0; db_cmd_loop_done = 1; } /* continue */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void db_continue_cmd(db_expr_t addr, bool have_addr, db_expr_t count, char *modif) { if (modif[0] == 'c') db_run_mode = STEP_COUNT; else db_run_mode = STEP_CONTINUE; db_inst_count = 0; db_load_count = 0; db_store_count = 0; db_cmd_loop_done = 1; } diff --git a/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_dbregs.c b/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_dbregs.c index 8d2206d2995c..acc0f7f8c5ac 100644 --- a/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_dbregs.c +++ b/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_dbregs.c @@ -1,135 +1,133 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1999 Brian Scott Dean, brdean@unx.sas.com. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Jan-Simon Pendry under the following copyrights and conditions: * * Copyright (c) 1993 Jan-Simon Pendry * Copyright (c) 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Jan-Simon Pendry. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * From: @(#)procfs_regs.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 6/15/94 * * From: * $Id: procfs_regs.c,v 3.2 1993/12/15 09:40:17 jsp Exp $ * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include - #include #include #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 #include #include /* * PROC(write, dbregs, td2, &r) becomes * proc_write_dbregs(td2, &r) or * proc_write_dbregs32(td2, &r32) * * UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(r, uio) becomes * uiomove_frombuf(&r, sizeof(r), uio) or * uiomove_frombuf(&r32, sizeof(r32), uio) */ #define PROC(d, w, t, r) wrap32 ? \ proc_ ## d ## _ ## w ## 32(t, r ## 32) : \ proc_ ## d ## _ ## w(t, r) #define UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(k, u) wrap32 ? \ uiomove_frombuf(& k ## 32, sizeof(k ## 32), u) : \ uiomove_frombuf(& k, sizeof(k), u) #else #define PROC(d, w, t, r) proc_ ## d ## _ ## w(t, r) #define UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(k, u) uiomove_frombuf(& k, sizeof(k), u) #endif int procfs_doprocdbregs(PFS_FILL_ARGS) { int error; struct dbreg r; struct thread *td2; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 struct dbreg32 r32; int wrap32 = 0; #endif if (uio->uio_offset != 0) return (0); PROC_LOCK(p); PROC_ASSERT_HELD(p); if (p_candebug(td, p) != 0) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (EPERM); } td2 = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (SV_CURPROC_FLAG(SV_ILP32)) { if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td2->td_proc, SV_ILP32) == 0) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (EINVAL); } wrap32 = 1; memset(&r32, 0, sizeof(r32)); } else #endif memset(&r, 0, sizeof(r)); error = PROC(read, dbregs, td2, &r); if (error == 0) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(r, uio); PROC_LOCK(p); } if (error == 0 && uio->uio_rw == UIO_WRITE) { if (!P_SHOULDSTOP(p)) /* XXXKSE should be P_TRACED? */ error = EBUSY; else /* XXXKSE: */ error = PROC(write, dbregs, td2, &r); } PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (error); } diff --git a/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_fpregs.c b/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_fpregs.c index 9675030df3c0..1118eb68dcbc 100644 --- a/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_fpregs.c +++ b/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_fpregs.c @@ -1,133 +1,131 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1993 Jan-Simon Pendry * Copyright (c) 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Jan-Simon Pendry. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)procfs_fpregs.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 6/15/94 * * From: * $Id: procfs_regs.c,v 3.2 1993/12/15 09:40:17 jsp Exp $ * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include - #include #include #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 #include #include /* * PROC(write, fpregs, td2, &r) becomes * proc_write_fpregs(td2, &r) or * proc_write_fpregs32(td2, &r32) * * UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(r, uio) becomes * uiomove_frombuf(&r, sizeof(r), uio) or * uiomove_frombuf(&r32, sizeof(r32), uio) */ #define PROC(d, w, t, r) wrap32 ? \ proc_ ## d ## _ ## w ## 32(t, r ## 32) : \ proc_ ## d ## _ ## w(t, r) #define UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(k, u) wrap32 ? \ uiomove_frombuf(& k ## 32, sizeof(k ## 32), u) : \ uiomove_frombuf(& k, sizeof(k), u) #else #define PROC(d, w, t, r) proc_ ## d ## _ ## w(t, r) #define UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(k, u) uiomove_frombuf(& k, sizeof(k), u) #endif int procfs_doprocfpregs(PFS_FILL_ARGS) { int error; struct fpreg r; struct thread *td2; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 struct fpreg32 r32; int wrap32 = 0; #endif if (uio->uio_offset != 0) return (0); PROC_LOCK(p); PROC_ASSERT_HELD(p); if (p_candebug(td, p)) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (EPERM); } if (!P_SHOULDSTOP(p)) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (EBUSY); } td2 = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (SV_CURPROC_FLAG(SV_ILP32)) { if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td2->td_proc, SV_ILP32) == 0) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (EINVAL); } wrap32 = 1; memset(&r32, 0, sizeof(r32)); } else #endif memset(&r, 0, sizeof(r)); error = PROC(read, fpregs, td2, &r); if (error == 0) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(r, uio); PROC_LOCK(p); } if (error == 0 && uio->uio_rw == UIO_WRITE) { if (!P_SHOULDSTOP(p)) error = EBUSY; else /* XXXKSE: */ error = PROC(write, fpregs, td2, &r); } PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (error); } diff --git a/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_regs.c b/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_regs.c index 032141a9e32e..703dad64a182 100644 --- a/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_regs.c +++ b/sys/fs/procfs/procfs_regs.c @@ -1,133 +1,131 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1993 Jan-Simon Pendry * Copyright (c) 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Jan-Simon Pendry. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)procfs_regs.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 6/15/94 * * From: * $Id: procfs_regs.c,v 3.2 1993/12/15 09:40:17 jsp Exp $ * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include - #include #include #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 #include #include /* * PROC(write, regs, td2, &r) becomes * proc_write_regs(td2, &r) or * proc_write_regs32(td2, &r32) * * UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(r, uio) becomes * uiomove_frombuf(&r, sizeof(r), uio) or * uiomove_frombuf(&r32, sizeof(r32), uio) */ #define PROC(d, w, t, r) wrap32 ? \ proc_ ## d ## _ ## w ## 32(t, r ## 32) : \ proc_ ## d ## _ ## w(t, r) #define UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(k, u) wrap32 ? \ uiomove_frombuf(& k ## 32, sizeof(k ## 32), u) : \ uiomove_frombuf(& k, sizeof(k), u) #else #define PROC(d, w, t, r) proc_ ## d ## _ ## w(t, r) #define UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(k, u) uiomove_frombuf(& k, sizeof(k), u) #endif int procfs_doprocregs(PFS_FILL_ARGS) { int error; struct reg r; struct thread *td2; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 struct reg32 r32; int wrap32 = 0; #endif if (uio->uio_offset != 0) return (0); PROC_LOCK(p); PROC_ASSERT_HELD(p); if (p_candebug(td, p)) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (EPERM); } if (!P_SHOULDSTOP(p)) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (EBUSY); } td2 = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (SV_CURPROC_FLAG(SV_ILP32)) { if ((SV_PROC_FLAG(td2->td_proc, SV_ILP32)) == 0) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (EINVAL); } wrap32 = 1; memset(&r32, 0, sizeof(r32)); } else #endif memset(&r, 0, sizeof(r)); error = PROC(read, regs, td2, &r); if (error == 0) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = UIOMOVE_FROMBUF(r, uio); PROC_LOCK(p); } if (error == 0 && uio->uio_rw == UIO_WRITE) { if (!P_SHOULDSTOP(p)) error = EBUSY; else /* XXXKSE: */ error = PROC(write, regs, td2, &r); } PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (error); } diff --git a/sys/i386/i386/db_trace.c b/sys/i386/i386/db_trace.c index 80ef0fe715d8..529b94b76cc4 100644 --- a/sys/i386/i386/db_trace.c +++ b/sys/i386/i386/db_trace.c @@ -1,620 +1,620 @@ /*- * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static db_varfcn_t db_esp; static db_varfcn_t db_frame; static db_varfcn_t db_frame_seg; static db_varfcn_t db_gs; static db_varfcn_t db_ss; /* * Machine register set. */ #define DB_OFFSET(x) (db_expr_t *)offsetof(struct trapframe, x) struct db_variable db_regs[] = { { "cs", DB_OFFSET(tf_cs), db_frame_seg }, { "ds", DB_OFFSET(tf_ds), db_frame_seg }, { "es", DB_OFFSET(tf_es), db_frame_seg }, { "fs", DB_OFFSET(tf_fs), db_frame_seg }, { "gs", NULL, db_gs }, { "ss", NULL, db_ss }, { "eax", DB_OFFSET(tf_eax), db_frame }, { "ecx", DB_OFFSET(tf_ecx), db_frame }, { "edx", DB_OFFSET(tf_edx), db_frame }, { "ebx", DB_OFFSET(tf_ebx), db_frame }, { "esp", NULL, db_esp }, { "ebp", DB_OFFSET(tf_ebp), db_frame }, { "esi", DB_OFFSET(tf_esi), db_frame }, { "edi", DB_OFFSET(tf_edi), db_frame }, { "eip", DB_OFFSET(tf_eip), db_frame }, { "efl", DB_OFFSET(tf_eflags), db_frame }, }; struct db_variable *db_eregs = db_regs + nitems(db_regs); static __inline int get_esp(struct trapframe *tf) { return (TF_HAS_STACKREGS(tf) ? tf->tf_esp : (intptr_t)&tf->tf_esp); } static int db_frame(struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *valuep, int op) { int *reg; if (kdb_frame == NULL) return (0); reg = (int *)((uintptr_t)kdb_frame + (db_expr_t)vp->valuep); if (op == DB_VAR_GET) *valuep = *reg; else *reg = *valuep; return (1); } static int db_frame_seg(struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *valuep, int op) { struct trapframe_vm86 *tfp; int off; uint16_t *reg; if (kdb_frame == NULL) return (0); off = (intptr_t)vp->valuep; if (kdb_frame->tf_eflags & PSL_VM) { tfp = (void *)kdb_frame; switch ((intptr_t)vp->valuep) { case (intptr_t)DB_OFFSET(tf_cs): reg = (uint16_t *)&tfp->tf_cs; break; case (intptr_t)DB_OFFSET(tf_ds): reg = (uint16_t *)&tfp->tf_vm86_ds; break; case (intptr_t)DB_OFFSET(tf_es): reg = (uint16_t *)&tfp->tf_vm86_es; break; case (intptr_t)DB_OFFSET(tf_fs): reg = (uint16_t *)&tfp->tf_vm86_fs; break; } } else reg = (uint16_t *)((uintptr_t)kdb_frame + off); if (op == DB_VAR_GET) *valuep = *reg; else *reg = *valuep; return (1); } static int db_esp(struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *valuep, int op) { if (kdb_frame == NULL) return (0); if (op == DB_VAR_GET) *valuep = get_esp(kdb_frame); else if (TF_HAS_STACKREGS(kdb_frame)) kdb_frame->tf_esp = *valuep; return (1); } static int db_gs(struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *valuep, int op) { struct trapframe_vm86 *tfp; if (kdb_frame != NULL && kdb_frame->tf_eflags & PSL_VM) { tfp = (void *)kdb_frame; if (op == DB_VAR_GET) *valuep = tfp->tf_vm86_gs; else tfp->tf_vm86_gs = *valuep; return (1); } if (op == DB_VAR_GET) *valuep = rgs(); else load_gs(*valuep); return (1); } static int db_ss(struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *valuep, int op) { if (kdb_frame == NULL) return (0); if (op == DB_VAR_GET) *valuep = TF_HAS_STACKREGS(kdb_frame) ? kdb_frame->tf_ss : rss(); else if (TF_HAS_STACKREGS(kdb_frame)) kdb_frame->tf_ss = *valuep; return (1); } #define NORMAL 0 #define TRAP 1 #define INTERRUPT 2 #define SYSCALL 3 #define DOUBLE_FAULT 4 static void db_nextframe(struct i386_frame **, db_addr_t *, struct thread *); static int db_numargs(struct i386_frame *); static void db_print_stack_entry(const char *, int, char **, int *, db_addr_t, void *); static void decode_syscall(int, struct thread *); /* * Figure out how many arguments were passed into the frame at "fp". */ static int db_numargs(fp) struct i386_frame *fp; { char *argp; int inst; int args; argp = (char *)db_get_value((int)&fp->f_retaddr, 4, false); /* * XXX etext is wrong for LKMs. We should attempt to interpret * the instruction at the return address in all cases. This * may require better fault handling. */ if (argp < btext || argp >= etext) { args = -1; } else { retry: inst = db_get_value((int)argp, 4, false); if ((inst & 0xff) == 0x59) /* popl %ecx */ args = 1; else if ((inst & 0xffff) == 0xc483) /* addl $Ibs, %esp */ args = ((inst >> 16) & 0xff) / 4; else if ((inst & 0xf8ff) == 0xc089) { /* movl %eax, %Reg */ argp += 2; goto retry; } else args = -1; } return (args); } static void db_print_stack_entry(name, narg, argnp, argp, callpc, frame) const char *name; int narg; char **argnp; int *argp; db_addr_t callpc; void *frame; { int n = narg >= 0 ? narg : 5; db_printf("%s(", name); while (n) { if (argnp) db_printf("%s=", *argnp++); db_printf("%r", db_get_value((int)argp, 4, false)); argp++; if (--n != 0) db_printf(","); } if (narg < 0) db_printf(",..."); db_printf(") at "); db_printsym(callpc, DB_STGY_PROC); if (frame != NULL) db_printf("/frame 0x%r", (register_t)frame); db_printf("\n"); } static void decode_syscall(int number, struct thread *td) { struct proc *p; c_db_sym_t sym; db_expr_t diff; sy_call_t *f; const char *symname; db_printf(" (%d", number); p = (td != NULL) ? td->td_proc : NULL; if (p != NULL && 0 <= number && number < p->p_sysent->sv_size) { f = p->p_sysent->sv_table[number].sy_call; sym = db_search_symbol((db_addr_t)f, DB_STGY_ANY, &diff); if (sym != DB_SYM_NULL && diff == 0) { db_symbol_values(sym, &symname, NULL); db_printf(", %s, %s", p->p_sysent->sv_name, symname); } } db_printf(")"); } /* * Figure out the next frame up in the call stack. */ static void db_nextframe(struct i386_frame **fp, db_addr_t *ip, struct thread *td) { struct trapframe *tf; int frame_type; int eip, esp, ebp; db_expr_t offset; c_db_sym_t sym; const char *name; eip = db_get_value((int) &(*fp)->f_retaddr, 4, false); ebp = db_get_value((int) &(*fp)->f_frame, 4, false); /* * Figure out frame type. We look at the address just before * the saved instruction pointer as the saved EIP is after the * call function, and if the function being called is marked as * dead (such as panic() at the end of dblfault_handler()), then * the instruction at the saved EIP will be part of a different * function (syscall() in this example) rather than the one that * actually made the call. */ frame_type = NORMAL; if (eip >= PMAP_TRM_MIN_ADDRESS) { sym = db_search_symbol(eip - 1 - setidt_disp, DB_STGY_ANY, &offset); } else { sym = db_search_symbol(eip - 1, DB_STGY_ANY, &offset); } db_symbol_values(sym, &name, NULL); if (name != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, "calltrap") == 0 || strcmp(name, "fork_trampoline") == 0) frame_type = TRAP; else if (strncmp(name, "Xatpic_intr", 11) == 0 || strncmp(name, "Xapic_isr", 9) == 0) { frame_type = INTERRUPT; } else if (strcmp(name, "Xlcall_syscall") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xint0x80_syscall") == 0) frame_type = SYSCALL; else if (strcmp(name, "dblfault_handler") == 0) frame_type = DOUBLE_FAULT; else if (strcmp(name, "Xtimerint") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xxen_intr_upcall") == 0) frame_type = INTERRUPT; else if (strcmp(name, "Xcpustop") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xrendezvous") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xipi_intr_bitmap_handler") == 0) { /* No arguments. */ frame_type = INTERRUPT; } } /* * Normal frames need no special processing. */ if (frame_type == NORMAL) { *ip = (db_addr_t) eip; *fp = (struct i386_frame *) ebp; return; } db_print_stack_entry(name, 0, 0, 0, eip, &(*fp)->f_frame); /* * For a double fault, we have to snag the values from the * previous TSS since a double fault uses a task gate to * switch to a known good state. */ if (frame_type == DOUBLE_FAULT) { esp = PCPU_GET(common_tssp)->tss_esp; eip = PCPU_GET(common_tssp)->tss_eip; ebp = PCPU_GET(common_tssp)->tss_ebp; db_printf( "--- trap 0x17, eip = %#r, esp = %#r, ebp = %#r ---\n", eip, esp, ebp); *ip = (db_addr_t) eip; *fp = (struct i386_frame *) ebp; return; } /* * Point to base of trapframe which is just above the current * frame. Pointer to it was put into %ebp by the kernel entry * code. */ tf = (struct trapframe *)(*fp)->f_frame; /* * This can be the case for e.g. fork_trampoline, last frame * of a kernel thread stack. */ if (tf == NULL) { *ip = 0; *fp = 0; db_printf("--- kthread start\n"); return; } esp = get_esp(tf); eip = tf->tf_eip; ebp = tf->tf_ebp; switch (frame_type) { case TRAP: db_printf("--- trap %#r", tf->tf_trapno); break; case SYSCALL: db_printf("--- syscall"); decode_syscall(tf->tf_eax, td); break; case INTERRUPT: db_printf("--- interrupt"); break; default: panic("The moon has moved again."); } db_printf(", eip = %#r, esp = %#r, ebp = %#r ---\n", eip, esp, ebp); /* * Detect the last (trap) frame on the kernel stack, where we * entered kernel from usermode. Terminate tracing in this * case. */ switch (frame_type) { case TRAP: case INTERRUPT: if (!TRAPF_USERMODE(tf)) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case SYSCALL: ebp = 0; eip = 0; break; } *ip = (db_addr_t) eip; *fp = (struct i386_frame *) ebp; } static int db_backtrace(struct thread *td, struct trapframe *tf, struct i386_frame *frame, db_addr_t pc, register_t sp, int count) { struct i386_frame *actframe; #define MAXNARG 16 char *argnames[MAXNARG], **argnp = NULL; const char *name; int *argp; db_expr_t offset; c_db_sym_t sym; int instr, narg; bool first; if (db_segsize(tf) == 16) { db_printf( "--- 16-bit%s, cs:eip = %#x:%#x, ss:esp = %#x:%#x, ebp = %#x, tf = %p ---\n", (tf->tf_eflags & PSL_VM) ? " (vm86)" : "", tf->tf_cs, tf->tf_eip, TF_HAS_STACKREGS(tf) ? tf->tf_ss : rss(), TF_HAS_STACKREGS(tf) ? tf->tf_esp : (intptr_t)&tf->tf_esp, tf->tf_ebp, tf); return (0); } /* 'frame' can be null initially. Just print the pc then. */ if (frame == NULL) goto out; /* * If an indirect call via an invalid pointer caused a trap, * %pc contains the invalid address while the return address * of the unlucky caller has been saved by CPU on the stack * just before the trap frame. In this case, try to recover * the caller's address so that the first frame is assigned * to the right spot in the right function, for that is where * the failure actually happened. * * This trick depends on the fault address stashed in tf_err * by trap_fatal() before entering KDB. */ if (kdb_frame && pc == kdb_frame->tf_err) { /* * Find where the trap frame actually ends. * It won't contain tf_esp or tf_ss unless crossing rings. */ if (TF_HAS_STACKREGS(kdb_frame)) instr = (int)(kdb_frame + 1); else instr = (int)&kdb_frame->tf_esp; pc = db_get_value(instr, 4, false); } if (count == -1) count = 1024; first = true; while (count-- && !db_pager_quit) { sym = db_search_symbol(pc, DB_STGY_ANY, &offset); db_symbol_values(sym, &name, NULL); /* * Attempt to determine a (possibly fake) frame that gives * the caller's pc. It may differ from `frame' if the * current function never sets up a standard frame or hasn't * set one up yet or has just discarded one. The last two * cases can be guessed fairly reliably for code generated * by gcc. The first case is too much trouble to handle in * general because the amount of junk on the stack depends * on the pc (the special handling of "calltrap", etc. in * db_nextframe() works because the `next' pc is special). */ actframe = frame; if (first) { first = false; if (sym == C_DB_SYM_NULL && sp != 0) { /* * If a symbol couldn't be found, we've probably * jumped to a bogus location, so try and use * the return address to find our caller. */ db_print_stack_entry(name, 0, 0, 0, pc, NULL); pc = db_get_value(sp, 4, false); if (db_search_symbol(pc, DB_STGY_PROC, &offset) == C_DB_SYM_NULL) break; continue; } else if (tf != NULL) { instr = db_get_value(pc, 4, false); if ((instr & 0xffffff) == 0x00e58955) { /* pushl %ebp; movl %esp, %ebp */ actframe = (void *)(get_esp(tf) - 4); } else if ((instr & 0xffff) == 0x0000e589) { /* movl %esp, %ebp */ actframe = (void *)get_esp(tf); if (tf->tf_ebp == 0) { /* Fake frame better. */ frame = actframe; } } else if ((instr & 0xff) == 0x000000c3) { /* ret */ actframe = (void *)(get_esp(tf) - 4); } else if (offset == 0) { /* Probably an assembler symbol. */ actframe = (void *)(get_esp(tf) - 4); } } else if (strcmp(name, "fork_trampoline") == 0) { /* * Don't try to walk back on a stack for a * process that hasn't actually been run yet. */ db_print_stack_entry(name, 0, 0, 0, pc, actframe); break; } } argp = &actframe->f_arg0; narg = MAXNARG; if (sym != NULL && db_sym_numargs(sym, &narg, argnames)) { argnp = argnames; } else { narg = db_numargs(frame); } db_print_stack_entry(name, narg, argnp, argp, pc, actframe); if (actframe != frame) { /* `frame' belongs to caller. */ pc = (db_addr_t) db_get_value((int)&actframe->f_retaddr, 4, false); continue; } db_nextframe(&frame, &pc, td); out: /* * 'frame' can be null here, either because it was initially * null or because db_nextframe() found no frame. * db_nextframe() may also have found a non-kernel frame. * !INKERNEL() classifies both. Stop tracing if either, * after printing the pc if it is the kernel. */ if (frame == NULL || frame <= actframe) { if (pc != 0) { sym = db_search_symbol(pc, DB_STGY_ANY, &offset); db_symbol_values(sym, &name, NULL); db_print_stack_entry(name, 0, 0, 0, pc, frame); } break; } } return (0); } void db_trace_self(void) { struct i386_frame *frame; db_addr_t callpc; register_t ebp; __asm __volatile("movl %%ebp,%0" : "=r" (ebp)); frame = (struct i386_frame *)ebp; callpc = (db_addr_t)db_get_value((int)&frame->f_retaddr, 4, false); frame = frame->f_frame; db_backtrace(curthread, NULL, frame, callpc, 0, -1); } int db_trace_thread(struct thread *thr, int count) { struct pcb *ctx; struct trapframe *tf; ctx = kdb_thr_ctx(thr); tf = thr == kdb_thread ? kdb_frame : NULL; return (db_backtrace(thr, tf, (struct i386_frame *)ctx->pcb_ebp, ctx->pcb_eip, ctx->pcb_esp, count)); } void db_md_list_watchpoints(void) { dbreg_list_watchpoints(); } diff --git a/sys/i386/i386/gdb_machdep.c b/sys/i386/i386/gdb_machdep.c index 549c6de7ba1b..766f38f181f8 100644 --- a/sys/i386/i386/gdb_machdep.c +++ b/sys/i386/i386/gdb_machdep.c @@ -1,152 +1,152 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2004 Marcel Moolenaar * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include void * gdb_cpu_getreg(int regnum, size_t *regsz) { static uint32_t _kcodesel = GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL); static uint32_t _kdatasel = GSEL(GDATA_SEL, SEL_KPL); static uint32_t _kprivsel = GSEL(GPRIV_SEL, SEL_KPL); *regsz = gdb_cpu_regsz(regnum); if (kdb_thread == curthread) { switch (regnum) { case 0: return (&kdb_frame->tf_eax); case 1: return (&kdb_frame->tf_ecx); case 2: return (&kdb_frame->tf_edx); case 9: return (&kdb_frame->tf_eflags); case 10: return (&kdb_frame->tf_cs); case 12: return (&kdb_frame->tf_ds); case 13: return (&kdb_frame->tf_es); case 14: return (&kdb_frame->tf_fs); } } switch (regnum) { case 3: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_ebx); case 4: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_esp); case 5: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_ebp); case 6: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_esi); case 7: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_edi); case 8: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_eip); case 10: return (&_kcodesel); case 11: return (&_kdatasel); case 12: return (&_kdatasel); case 13: return (&_kdatasel); case 14: return (&_kprivsel); case 15: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_gs); } return (NULL); } void gdb_cpu_setreg(int regnum, void *val) { switch (regnum) { case GDB_REG_PC: kdb_thrctx->pcb_eip = *(register_t *)val; if (kdb_thread == curthread) kdb_frame->tf_eip = *(register_t *)val; } } int gdb_cpu_signal(int type, int code) { switch (type & ~T_USER) { case T_BPTFLT: return (SIGTRAP); case T_ARITHTRAP: return (SIGFPE); case T_PROTFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_TRCTRAP: return (SIGTRAP); case T_PAGEFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_DIVIDE: return (SIGFPE); case T_NMI: return (SIGTRAP); case T_FPOPFLT: return (SIGILL); case T_TSSFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_SEGNPFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_STKFLT: return (SIGSEGV); case T_XMMFLT: return (SIGFPE); } return (SIGEMT); } void gdb_cpu_stop_reason(int type, int code) { uintmax_t val; val = 0; if (type == T_TRCTRAP) { /* NB: 'code' contains the value of dr6 at the trap. */ if ((code & DBREG_DR6_B(0)) != 0) { val = rdr0(); } if ((code & DBREG_DR6_B(1)) != 0) { val = rdr1(); } if ((code & DBREG_DR6_B(2)) != 0) { val = rdr2(); } if ((code & DBREG_DR6_B(3)) != 0) { val = rdr3(); } /* * TODO: validate the bits in DR7 to differentiate between a * watchpoint trap and a hardware breakpoint trap (currently * unsupported). */ if (val != 0) { gdb_tx_str("watch:"); gdb_tx_varhex(val); gdb_tx_char(';'); } } } diff --git a/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c b/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c index 869ee9958d25..1366939cda6e 100644 --- a/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c +++ b/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c @@ -1,3260 +1,3260 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2018 The FreeBSD Foundation * Copyright (c) 1992 Terrence R. Lambert. * Copyright (c) 1982, 1987, 1990 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * William Jolitz. * * Portions of this software were developed by A. Joseph Koshy under * sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation and Google, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)machdep.c 7.4 (Berkeley) 6/3/91 */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_apic.h" #include "opt_atpic.h" #include "opt_cpu.h" #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_isa.h" #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include "opt_maxmem.h" #include "opt_mp_watchdog.h" #include "opt_perfmon.h" #include "opt_platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DDB #ifndef KDB #error KDB must be enabled in order for DDB to work! #endif #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef PERFMON #include #endif #ifdef SMP #include #endif #ifdef FDT #include #endif #ifdef DEV_APIC #include #endif #ifdef DEV_ISA #include #endif /* Sanity check for __curthread() */ CTASSERT(offsetof(struct pcpu, pc_curthread) == 0); register_t init386(int first); void dblfault_handler(void); void identify_cpu(void); static void cpu_startup(void *); static void fpstate_drop(struct thread *td); static void get_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, char *xfpusave, size_t xfpusave_len); static int set_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, char *xfpustate, size_t xfpustate_len); SYSINIT(cpu, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_FIRST, cpu_startup, NULL); /* Intel ICH registers */ #define ICH_PMBASE 0x400 #define ICH_SMI_EN ICH_PMBASE + 0x30 int _udatasel, _ucodesel; u_int basemem; static int above4g_allow = 1; static int above24g_allow = 0; int cold = 1; #ifdef COMPAT_43 static void osendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *, sigset_t *mask); #endif #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD4 static void freebsd4_sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *, sigset_t *mask); #endif long Maxmem = 0; long realmem = 0; #ifdef PAE FEATURE(pae, "Physical Address Extensions"); #endif struct kva_md_info kmi; static struct trapframe proc0_tf; struct pcpu __pcpu[MAXCPU]; struct mtx icu_lock; struct mem_range_softc mem_range_softc; extern char start_exceptions[], end_exceptions[]; extern struct sysentvec elf32_freebsd_sysvec; /* Default init_ops implementation. */ struct init_ops init_ops = { .early_clock_source_init = i8254_init, .early_delay = i8254_delay, }; static void cpu_startup(dummy) void *dummy; { uintmax_t memsize; char *sysenv; /* * On MacBooks, we need to disallow the legacy USB circuit to * generate an SMI# because this can cause several problems, * namely: incorrect CPU frequency detection and failure to * start the APs. * We do this by disabling a bit in the SMI_EN (SMI Control and * Enable register) of the Intel ICH LPC Interface Bridge. */ sysenv = kern_getenv("smbios.system.product"); if (sysenv != NULL) { if (strncmp(sysenv, "MacBook1,1", 10) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBook3,1", 10) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBook4,1", 10) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBookPro1,1", 13) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBookPro1,2", 13) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBookPro3,1", 13) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "MacBookPro4,1", 13) == 0 || strncmp(sysenv, "Macmini1,1", 10) == 0) { if (bootverbose) printf("Disabling LEGACY_USB_EN bit on " "Intel ICH.\n"); outl(ICH_SMI_EN, inl(ICH_SMI_EN) & ~0x8); } freeenv(sysenv); } /* * Good {morning,afternoon,evening,night}. */ startrtclock(); printcpuinfo(); panicifcpuunsupported(); #ifdef PERFMON perfmon_init(); #endif /* * Display physical memory if SMBIOS reports reasonable amount. */ memsize = 0; sysenv = kern_getenv("smbios.memory.enabled"); if (sysenv != NULL) { memsize = (uintmax_t)strtoul(sysenv, (char **)NULL, 10) << 10; freeenv(sysenv); } if (memsize < ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count())) memsize = ptoa((uintmax_t)Maxmem); printf("real memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", memsize, memsize >> 20); realmem = atop(memsize); /* * Display any holes after the first chunk of extended memory. */ if (bootverbose) { int indx; printf("Physical memory chunk(s):\n"); for (indx = 0; phys_avail[indx + 1] != 0; indx += 2) { vm_paddr_t size; size = phys_avail[indx + 1] - phys_avail[indx]; printf( "0x%016jx - 0x%016jx, %ju bytes (%ju pages)\n", (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx], (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx + 1] - 1, (uintmax_t)size, (uintmax_t)size / PAGE_SIZE); } } vm_ksubmap_init(&kmi); printf("avail memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()), ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()) / 1048576); /* * Set up buffers, so they can be used to read disk labels. */ bufinit(); vm_pager_bufferinit(); cpu_setregs(); } /* * Send an interrupt to process. * * Stack is set up to allow sigcode stored * at top to call routine, followed by call * to sigreturn routine below. After sigreturn * resets the signal mask, the stack, and the * frame pointer, it returns to the user * specified pc, psl. */ #ifdef COMPAT_43 static void osendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct osigframe sf, *fp; struct proc *p; struct thread *td; struct sigacts *psp; struct trapframe *regs; int sig; int oonstack; td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); sig = ksi->ksi_signo; psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); regs = td->td_frame; oonstack = sigonstack(regs->tf_esp); /* Allocate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) && !oonstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { fp = (struct osigframe *)((uintptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size - sizeof(struct osigframe)); #if defined(COMPAT_43) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; #endif } else fp = (struct osigframe *)regs->tf_esp - 1; /* Build the argument list for the signal handler. */ sf.sf_signum = sig; sf.sf_scp = (register_t)&fp->sf_siginfo.si_sc; bzero(&sf.sf_siginfo, sizeof(sf.sf_siginfo)); if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_siginfo, sig)) { /* Signal handler installed with SA_SIGINFO. */ sf.sf_arg2 = (register_t)&fp->sf_siginfo; sf.sf_siginfo.si_signo = sig; sf.sf_siginfo.si_code = ksi->ksi_code; sf.sf_ahu.sf_action = (__osiginfohandler_t *)catcher; sf.sf_addr = 0; } else { /* Old FreeBSD-style arguments. */ sf.sf_arg2 = ksi->ksi_code; sf.sf_addr = (register_t)ksi->ksi_addr; sf.sf_ahu.sf_handler = catcher; } mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* Save most if not all of trap frame. */ sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_eax = regs->tf_eax; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_ebx = regs->tf_ebx; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_ecx = regs->tf_ecx; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_edx = regs->tf_edx; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_esi = regs->tf_esi; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_edi = regs->tf_edi; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_cs = regs->tf_cs; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_ds = regs->tf_ds; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_ss = regs->tf_ss; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_es = regs->tf_es; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_fs = regs->tf_fs; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_gs = rgs(); sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_isp = regs->tf_isp; /* Build the signal context to be used by osigreturn(). */ sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_onstack = (oonstack) ? 1 : 0; SIG2OSIG(*mask, sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_mask); sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_sp = regs->tf_esp; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_fp = regs->tf_ebp; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_pc = regs->tf_eip; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_ps = regs->tf_eflags; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_trapno = regs->tf_trapno; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_err = regs->tf_err; /* * If we're a vm86 process, we want to save the segment registers. * We also change eflags to be our emulated eflags, not the actual * eflags. */ if (regs->tf_eflags & PSL_VM) { /* XXX confusing names: `tf' isn't a trapframe; `regs' is. */ struct trapframe_vm86 *tf = (struct trapframe_vm86 *)regs; struct vm86_kernel *vm86 = &td->td_pcb->pcb_ext->ext_vm86; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_gs = tf->tf_vm86_gs; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_fs = tf->tf_vm86_fs; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_es = tf->tf_vm86_es; sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_ds = tf->tf_vm86_ds; if (vm86->vm86_has_vme == 0) sf.sf_siginfo.si_sc.sc_ps = (tf->tf_eflags & ~(PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP)) | (vm86->vm86_eflags & (PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP)); /* See sendsig() for comments. */ tf->tf_eflags &= ~(PSL_VM | PSL_NT | PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP); } /* * Copy the sigframe out to the user's stack. */ if (copyout(&sf, fp, sizeof(*fp)) != 0) { PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } regs->tf_esp = (int)fp; if (p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode_base != 0) { regs->tf_eip = p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode_base + szsigcode - szosigcode; } else { /* a.out sysentvec does not use shared page */ regs->tf_eip = p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings - szosigcode; } regs->tf_eflags &= ~(PSL_T | PSL_D); regs->tf_cs = _ucodesel; regs->tf_ds = _udatasel; regs->tf_es = _udatasel; regs->tf_fs = _udatasel; load_gs(_udatasel); regs->tf_ss = _udatasel; PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } #endif /* COMPAT_43 */ #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD4 static void freebsd4_sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct sigframe4 sf, *sfp; struct proc *p; struct thread *td; struct sigacts *psp; struct trapframe *regs; int sig; int oonstack; td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); sig = ksi->ksi_signo; psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); regs = td->td_frame; oonstack = sigonstack(regs->tf_esp); /* Save user context. */ bzero(&sf, sizeof(sf)); sf.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack = td->td_sigstk; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = (td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) ? ((oonstack) ? SS_ONSTACK : 0) : SS_DISABLE; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_onstack = (oonstack) ? 1 : 0; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gs = rgs(); bcopy(regs, &sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fs, sizeof(*regs)); bzero(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpregs, sizeof(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpregs)); bzero(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.__spare__, sizeof(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.__spare__)); bzero(sf.sf_uc.__spare__, sizeof(sf.sf_uc.__spare__)); /* Allocate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 && !oonstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { sfp = (struct sigframe4 *)((uintptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size - sizeof(struct sigframe4)); #if defined(COMPAT_43) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; #endif } else sfp = (struct sigframe4 *)regs->tf_esp - 1; /* Build the argument list for the signal handler. */ sf.sf_signum = sig; sf.sf_ucontext = (register_t)&sfp->sf_uc; bzero(&sf.sf_si, sizeof(sf.sf_si)); if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_siginfo, sig)) { /* Signal handler installed with SA_SIGINFO. */ sf.sf_siginfo = (register_t)&sfp->sf_si; sf.sf_ahu.sf_action = (__siginfohandler_t *)catcher; /* Fill in POSIX parts */ sf.sf_si.si_signo = sig; sf.sf_si.si_code = ksi->ksi_code; sf.sf_si.si_addr = ksi->ksi_addr; } else { /* Old FreeBSD-style arguments. */ sf.sf_siginfo = ksi->ksi_code; sf.sf_addr = (register_t)ksi->ksi_addr; sf.sf_ahu.sf_handler = catcher; } mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * If we're a vm86 process, we want to save the segment registers. * We also change eflags to be our emulated eflags, not the actual * eflags. */ if (regs->tf_eflags & PSL_VM) { struct trapframe_vm86 *tf = (struct trapframe_vm86 *)regs; struct vm86_kernel *vm86 = &td->td_pcb->pcb_ext->ext_vm86; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gs = tf->tf_vm86_gs; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fs = tf->tf_vm86_fs; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_es = tf->tf_vm86_es; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_ds = tf->tf_vm86_ds; if (vm86->vm86_has_vme == 0) sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_eflags = (tf->tf_eflags & ~(PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP)) | (vm86->vm86_eflags & (PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP)); /* * Clear PSL_NT to inhibit T_TSSFLT faults on return from * syscalls made by the signal handler. This just avoids * wasting time for our lazy fixup of such faults. PSL_NT * does nothing in vm86 mode, but vm86 programs can set it * almost legitimately in probes for old cpu types. */ tf->tf_eflags &= ~(PSL_VM | PSL_NT | PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP); } /* * Copy the sigframe out to the user's stack. */ if (copyout(&sf, sfp, sizeof(*sfp)) != 0) { PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } regs->tf_esp = (int)sfp; regs->tf_eip = p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode_base + szsigcode - szfreebsd4_sigcode; regs->tf_eflags &= ~(PSL_T | PSL_D); regs->tf_cs = _ucodesel; regs->tf_ds = _udatasel; regs->tf_es = _udatasel; regs->tf_fs = _udatasel; regs->tf_ss = _udatasel; PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } #endif /* COMPAT_FREEBSD4 */ void sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct sigframe sf, *sfp; struct proc *p; struct thread *td; struct sigacts *psp; char *sp; struct trapframe *regs; struct segment_descriptor *sdp; char *xfpusave; size_t xfpusave_len; int sig; int oonstack; td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); sig = ksi->ksi_signo; psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD4 if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_freebsd4, sig)) { freebsd4_sendsig(catcher, ksi, mask); return; } #endif #ifdef COMPAT_43 if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_osigset, sig)) { osendsig(catcher, ksi, mask); return; } #endif regs = td->td_frame; oonstack = sigonstack(regs->tf_esp); if (cpu_max_ext_state_size > sizeof(union savefpu) && use_xsave) { xfpusave_len = cpu_max_ext_state_size - sizeof(union savefpu); xfpusave = __builtin_alloca(xfpusave_len); } else { xfpusave_len = 0; xfpusave = NULL; } /* Save user context. */ bzero(&sf, sizeof(sf)); sf.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack = td->td_sigstk; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = (td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) ? ((oonstack) ? SS_ONSTACK : 0) : SS_DISABLE; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_onstack = (oonstack) ? 1 : 0; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gs = rgs(); bcopy(regs, &sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fs, sizeof(*regs)); sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_len = sizeof(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext); /* magic */ get_fpcontext(td, &sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext, xfpusave, xfpusave_len); fpstate_drop(td); /* * Unconditionally fill the fsbase and gsbase into the mcontext. */ sdp = &td->td_pcb->pcb_fsd; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fsbase = sdp->sd_hibase << 24 | sdp->sd_lobase; sdp = &td->td_pcb->pcb_gsd; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gsbase = sdp->sd_hibase << 24 | sdp->sd_lobase; bzero(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_spare2, sizeof(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_spare2)); /* Allocate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 && !oonstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { sp = (char *)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size; #if defined(COMPAT_43) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; #endif } else sp = (char *)regs->tf_esp - 128; if (xfpusave != NULL) { sp -= xfpusave_len; sp = (char *)((unsigned int)sp & ~0x3F); sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_xfpustate = (register_t)sp; } sp -= sizeof(struct sigframe); /* Align to 16 bytes. */ sfp = (struct sigframe *)((unsigned int)sp & ~0xF); /* Build the argument list for the signal handler. */ sf.sf_signum = sig; sf.sf_ucontext = (register_t)&sfp->sf_uc; bzero(&sf.sf_si, sizeof(sf.sf_si)); if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_siginfo, sig)) { /* Signal handler installed with SA_SIGINFO. */ sf.sf_siginfo = (register_t)&sfp->sf_si; sf.sf_ahu.sf_action = (__siginfohandler_t *)catcher; /* Fill in POSIX parts */ sf.sf_si = ksi->ksi_info; sf.sf_si.si_signo = sig; /* maybe a translated signal */ } else { /* Old FreeBSD-style arguments. */ sf.sf_siginfo = ksi->ksi_code; sf.sf_addr = (register_t)ksi->ksi_addr; sf.sf_ahu.sf_handler = catcher; } mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * If we're a vm86 process, we want to save the segment registers. * We also change eflags to be our emulated eflags, not the actual * eflags. */ if (regs->tf_eflags & PSL_VM) { struct trapframe_vm86 *tf = (struct trapframe_vm86 *)regs; struct vm86_kernel *vm86 = &td->td_pcb->pcb_ext->ext_vm86; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gs = tf->tf_vm86_gs; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fs = tf->tf_vm86_fs; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_es = tf->tf_vm86_es; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_ds = tf->tf_vm86_ds; if (vm86->vm86_has_vme == 0) sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_eflags = (tf->tf_eflags & ~(PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP)) | (vm86->vm86_eflags & (PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP)); /* * Clear PSL_NT to inhibit T_TSSFLT faults on return from * syscalls made by the signal handler. This just avoids * wasting time for our lazy fixup of such faults. PSL_NT * does nothing in vm86 mode, but vm86 programs can set it * almost legitimately in probes for old cpu types. */ tf->tf_eflags &= ~(PSL_VM | PSL_NT | PSL_VIF | PSL_VIP); } /* * Copy the sigframe out to the user's stack. */ if (copyout(&sf, sfp, sizeof(*sfp)) != 0 || (xfpusave != NULL && copyout(xfpusave, (void *)sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_xfpustate, xfpusave_len) != 0)) { PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } regs->tf_esp = (int)sfp; regs->tf_eip = p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode_base; if (regs->tf_eip == 0) regs->tf_eip = p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings - szsigcode; regs->tf_eflags &= ~(PSL_T | PSL_D); regs->tf_cs = _ucodesel; regs->tf_ds = _udatasel; regs->tf_es = _udatasel; regs->tf_fs = _udatasel; regs->tf_ss = _udatasel; PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } /* * System call to cleanup state after a signal * has been taken. Reset signal mask and * stack state from context left by sendsig (above). * Return to previous pc and psl as specified by * context left by sendsig. Check carefully to * make sure that the user has not modified the * state to gain improper privileges. * * MPSAFE */ #ifdef COMPAT_43 int osigreturn(td, uap) struct thread *td; struct osigreturn_args /* { struct osigcontext *sigcntxp; } */ *uap; { struct osigcontext sc; struct trapframe *regs; struct osigcontext *scp; int eflags, error; ksiginfo_t ksi; regs = td->td_frame; error = copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &sc, sizeof(sc)); if (error != 0) return (error); scp = ≻ eflags = scp->sc_ps; if (eflags & PSL_VM) { struct trapframe_vm86 *tf = (struct trapframe_vm86 *)regs; struct vm86_kernel *vm86; /* * if pcb_ext == 0 or vm86_inited == 0, the user hasn't * set up the vm86 area, and we can't enter vm86 mode. */ if (td->td_pcb->pcb_ext == 0) return (EINVAL); vm86 = &td->td_pcb->pcb_ext->ext_vm86; if (vm86->vm86_inited == 0) return (EINVAL); /* Go back to user mode if both flags are set. */ if ((eflags & PSL_VIP) && (eflags & PSL_VIF)) { ksiginfo_init_trap(&ksi); ksi.ksi_signo = SIGBUS; ksi.ksi_code = BUS_OBJERR; ksi.ksi_addr = (void *)regs->tf_eip; trapsignal(td, &ksi); } if (vm86->vm86_has_vme) { eflags = (tf->tf_eflags & ~VME_USERCHANGE) | (eflags & VME_USERCHANGE) | PSL_VM; } else { vm86->vm86_eflags = eflags; /* save VIF, VIP */ eflags = (tf->tf_eflags & ~VM_USERCHANGE) | (eflags & VM_USERCHANGE) | PSL_VM; } tf->tf_vm86_ds = scp->sc_ds; tf->tf_vm86_es = scp->sc_es; tf->tf_vm86_fs = scp->sc_fs; tf->tf_vm86_gs = scp->sc_gs; tf->tf_ds = _udatasel; tf->tf_es = _udatasel; tf->tf_fs = _udatasel; } else { /* * Don't allow users to change privileged or reserved flags. */ if (!EFL_SECURE(eflags, regs->tf_eflags)) { return (EINVAL); } /* * Don't allow users to load a valid privileged %cs. Let the * hardware check for invalid selectors, excess privilege in * other selectors, invalid %eip's and invalid %esp's. */ if (!CS_SECURE(scp->sc_cs)) { ksiginfo_init_trap(&ksi); ksi.ksi_signo = SIGBUS; ksi.ksi_code = BUS_OBJERR; ksi.ksi_trapno = T_PROTFLT; ksi.ksi_addr = (void *)regs->tf_eip; trapsignal(td, &ksi); return (EINVAL); } regs->tf_ds = scp->sc_ds; regs->tf_es = scp->sc_es; regs->tf_fs = scp->sc_fs; } /* Restore remaining registers. */ regs->tf_eax = scp->sc_eax; regs->tf_ebx = scp->sc_ebx; regs->tf_ecx = scp->sc_ecx; regs->tf_edx = scp->sc_edx; regs->tf_esi = scp->sc_esi; regs->tf_edi = scp->sc_edi; regs->tf_cs = scp->sc_cs; regs->tf_ss = scp->sc_ss; regs->tf_isp = scp->sc_isp; regs->tf_ebp = scp->sc_fp; regs->tf_esp = scp->sc_sp; regs->tf_eip = scp->sc_pc; regs->tf_eflags = eflags; #if defined(COMPAT_43) if (scp->sc_onstack & 1) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; else td->td_sigstk.ss_flags &= ~SS_ONSTACK; #endif kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, (sigset_t *)&scp->sc_mask, NULL, SIGPROCMASK_OLD); return (EJUSTRETURN); } #endif /* COMPAT_43 */ #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD4 /* * MPSAFE */ int freebsd4_sigreturn(td, uap) struct thread *td; struct freebsd4_sigreturn_args /* { const ucontext4 *sigcntxp; } */ *uap; { struct ucontext4 uc; struct trapframe *regs; struct ucontext4 *ucp; int cs, eflags, error; ksiginfo_t ksi; error = copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc)); if (error != 0) return (error); ucp = &uc; regs = td->td_frame; eflags = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_eflags; if (eflags & PSL_VM) { struct trapframe_vm86 *tf = (struct trapframe_vm86 *)regs; struct vm86_kernel *vm86; /* * if pcb_ext == 0 or vm86_inited == 0, the user hasn't * set up the vm86 area, and we can't enter vm86 mode. */ if (td->td_pcb->pcb_ext == 0) return (EINVAL); vm86 = &td->td_pcb->pcb_ext->ext_vm86; if (vm86->vm86_inited == 0) return (EINVAL); /* Go back to user mode if both flags are set. */ if ((eflags & PSL_VIP) && (eflags & PSL_VIF)) { ksiginfo_init_trap(&ksi); ksi.ksi_signo = SIGBUS; ksi.ksi_code = BUS_OBJERR; ksi.ksi_addr = (void *)regs->tf_eip; trapsignal(td, &ksi); } if (vm86->vm86_has_vme) { eflags = (tf->tf_eflags & ~VME_USERCHANGE) | (eflags & VME_USERCHANGE) | PSL_VM; } else { vm86->vm86_eflags = eflags; /* save VIF, VIP */ eflags = (tf->tf_eflags & ~VM_USERCHANGE) | (eflags & VM_USERCHANGE) | PSL_VM; } bcopy(&ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_fs, tf, sizeof(struct trapframe)); tf->tf_eflags = eflags; tf->tf_vm86_ds = tf->tf_ds; tf->tf_vm86_es = tf->tf_es; tf->tf_vm86_fs = tf->tf_fs; tf->tf_vm86_gs = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_gs; tf->tf_ds = _udatasel; tf->tf_es = _udatasel; tf->tf_fs = _udatasel; } else { /* * Don't allow users to change privileged or reserved flags. */ if (!EFL_SECURE(eflags, regs->tf_eflags)) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): freebsd4_sigreturn eflags = 0x%x\n", td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_name, eflags); return (EINVAL); } /* * Don't allow users to load a valid privileged %cs. Let the * hardware check for invalid selectors, excess privilege in * other selectors, invalid %eip's and invalid %esp's. */ cs = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_cs; if (!CS_SECURE(cs)) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): freebsd4_sigreturn cs = 0x%x\n", td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_name, cs); ksiginfo_init_trap(&ksi); ksi.ksi_signo = SIGBUS; ksi.ksi_code = BUS_OBJERR; ksi.ksi_trapno = T_PROTFLT; ksi.ksi_addr = (void *)regs->tf_eip; trapsignal(td, &ksi); return (EINVAL); } bcopy(&ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_fs, regs, sizeof(*regs)); } #if defined(COMPAT_43) if (ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_onstack & 1) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; else td->td_sigstk.ss_flags &= ~SS_ONSTACK; #endif kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &ucp->uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); return (EJUSTRETURN); } #endif /* COMPAT_FREEBSD4 */ /* * MPSAFE */ int sys_sigreturn(td, uap) struct thread *td; struct sigreturn_args /* { const struct __ucontext *sigcntxp; } */ *uap; { ucontext_t uc; struct proc *p; struct trapframe *regs; ucontext_t *ucp; char *xfpustate; size_t xfpustate_len; int cs, eflags, error, ret; ksiginfo_t ksi; p = td->td_proc; error = copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc)); if (error != 0) return (error); ucp = &uc; if ((ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_flags & ~_MC_FLAG_MASK) != 0) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn mc_flags %x\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name, ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_flags); return (EINVAL); } regs = td->td_frame; eflags = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_eflags; if (eflags & PSL_VM) { struct trapframe_vm86 *tf = (struct trapframe_vm86 *)regs; struct vm86_kernel *vm86; /* * if pcb_ext == 0 or vm86_inited == 0, the user hasn't * set up the vm86 area, and we can't enter vm86 mode. */ if (td->td_pcb->pcb_ext == 0) return (EINVAL); vm86 = &td->td_pcb->pcb_ext->ext_vm86; if (vm86->vm86_inited == 0) return (EINVAL); /* Go back to user mode if both flags are set. */ if ((eflags & PSL_VIP) && (eflags & PSL_VIF)) { ksiginfo_init_trap(&ksi); ksi.ksi_signo = SIGBUS; ksi.ksi_code = BUS_OBJERR; ksi.ksi_addr = (void *)regs->tf_eip; trapsignal(td, &ksi); } if (vm86->vm86_has_vme) { eflags = (tf->tf_eflags & ~VME_USERCHANGE) | (eflags & VME_USERCHANGE) | PSL_VM; } else { vm86->vm86_eflags = eflags; /* save VIF, VIP */ eflags = (tf->tf_eflags & ~VM_USERCHANGE) | (eflags & VM_USERCHANGE) | PSL_VM; } bcopy(&ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_fs, tf, sizeof(struct trapframe)); tf->tf_eflags = eflags; tf->tf_vm86_ds = tf->tf_ds; tf->tf_vm86_es = tf->tf_es; tf->tf_vm86_fs = tf->tf_fs; tf->tf_vm86_gs = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_gs; tf->tf_ds = _udatasel; tf->tf_es = _udatasel; tf->tf_fs = _udatasel; } else { /* * Don't allow users to change privileged or reserved flags. */ if (!EFL_SECURE(eflags, regs->tf_eflags)) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn eflags = 0x%x\n", td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_name, eflags); return (EINVAL); } /* * Don't allow users to load a valid privileged %cs. Let the * hardware check for invalid selectors, excess privilege in * other selectors, invalid %eip's and invalid %esp's. */ cs = ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_cs; if (!CS_SECURE(cs)) { uprintf("pid %d (%s): sigreturn cs = 0x%x\n", td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_name, cs); ksiginfo_init_trap(&ksi); ksi.ksi_signo = SIGBUS; ksi.ksi_code = BUS_OBJERR; ksi.ksi_trapno = T_PROTFLT; ksi.ksi_addr = (void *)regs->tf_eip; trapsignal(td, &ksi); return (EINVAL); } if ((uc.uc_mcontext.mc_flags & _MC_HASFPXSTATE) != 0) { xfpustate_len = uc.uc_mcontext.mc_xfpustate_len; if (xfpustate_len > cpu_max_ext_state_size - sizeof(union savefpu)) { uprintf( "pid %d (%s): sigreturn xfpusave_len = 0x%zx\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name, xfpustate_len); return (EINVAL); } xfpustate = __builtin_alloca(xfpustate_len); error = copyin((const void *)uc.uc_mcontext.mc_xfpustate, xfpustate, xfpustate_len); if (error != 0) { uprintf( "pid %d (%s): sigreturn copying xfpustate failed\n", p->p_pid, td->td_name); return (error); } } else { xfpustate = NULL; xfpustate_len = 0; } ret = set_fpcontext(td, &ucp->uc_mcontext, xfpustate, xfpustate_len); if (ret != 0) return (ret); bcopy(&ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_fs, regs, sizeof(*regs)); } #if defined(COMPAT_43) if (ucp->uc_mcontext.mc_onstack & 1) td->td_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK; else td->td_sigstk.ss_flags &= ~SS_ONSTACK; #endif kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &ucp->uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); return (EJUSTRETURN); } #ifdef COMPAT_43 static void setup_priv_lcall_gate(struct proc *p) { struct i386_ldt_args uap; union descriptor desc; u_int lcall_addr; bzero(&uap, sizeof(uap)); uap.start = 0; uap.num = 1; lcall_addr = p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings - sz_lcall_tramp; bzero(&desc, sizeof(desc)); desc.sd.sd_type = SDT_MEMERA; desc.sd.sd_dpl = SEL_UPL; desc.sd.sd_p = 1; desc.sd.sd_def32 = 1; desc.sd.sd_gran = 1; desc.sd.sd_lolimit = 0xffff; desc.sd.sd_hilimit = 0xf; desc.sd.sd_lobase = lcall_addr; desc.sd.sd_hibase = lcall_addr >> 24; i386_set_ldt(curthread, &uap, &desc); } #endif /* * Reset the hardware debug registers if they were in use. * They won't have any meaning for the newly exec'd process. */ void x86_clear_dbregs(struct pcb *pcb) { if ((pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_DBREGS) == 0) return; pcb->pcb_dr0 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr1 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr2 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr3 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr6 = 0; pcb->pcb_dr7 = 0; if (pcb == curpcb) { /* * Clear the debug registers on the running CPU, * otherwise they will end up affecting the next * process we switch to. */ reset_dbregs(); } pcb->pcb_flags &= ~PCB_DBREGS; } /* * Reset registers to default values on exec. */ void exec_setregs(struct thread *td, struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t stack) { struct trapframe *regs; struct pcb *pcb; register_t saved_eflags; regs = td->td_frame; pcb = td->td_pcb; /* Reset pc->pcb_gs and %gs before possibly invalidating it. */ pcb->pcb_gs = _udatasel; load_gs(_udatasel); mtx_lock_spin(&dt_lock); if (td->td_proc->p_md.md_ldt != NULL) user_ldt_free(td); else mtx_unlock_spin(&dt_lock); #ifdef COMPAT_43 if (td->td_proc->p_sysent->sv_psstrings != elf32_freebsd_sysvec.sv_psstrings) setup_priv_lcall_gate(td->td_proc); #endif /* * Reset the fs and gs bases. The values from the old address * space do not make sense for the new program. In particular, * gsbase might be the TLS base for the old program but the new * program has no TLS now. */ set_fsbase(td, 0); set_gsbase(td, 0); /* Make sure edx is 0x0 on entry. Linux binaries depend on it. */ saved_eflags = regs->tf_eflags & PSL_T; bzero((char *)regs, sizeof(struct trapframe)); regs->tf_eip = imgp->entry_addr; regs->tf_esp = stack; regs->tf_eflags = PSL_USER | saved_eflags; regs->tf_ss = _udatasel; regs->tf_ds = _udatasel; regs->tf_es = _udatasel; regs->tf_fs = _udatasel; regs->tf_cs = _ucodesel; /* PS_STRINGS value for BSD/OS binaries. It is 0 for non-BSD/OS. */ regs->tf_ebx = (register_t)imgp->ps_strings; x86_clear_dbregs(pcb); pcb->pcb_initial_npxcw = __INITIAL_NPXCW__; /* * Drop the FP state if we hold it, so that the process gets a * clean FP state if it uses the FPU again. */ fpstate_drop(td); } void cpu_setregs(void) { unsigned int cr0; cr0 = rcr0(); /* * CR0_MP, CR0_NE and CR0_TS are set for NPX (FPU) support: * * Prepare to trap all ESC (i.e., NPX) instructions and all WAIT * instructions. We must set the CR0_MP bit and use the CR0_TS * bit to control the trap, because setting the CR0_EM bit does * not cause WAIT instructions to trap. It's important to trap * WAIT instructions - otherwise the "wait" variants of no-wait * control instructions would degenerate to the "no-wait" variants * after FP context switches but work correctly otherwise. It's * particularly important to trap WAITs when there is no NPX - * otherwise the "wait" variants would always degenerate. * * Try setting CR0_NE to get correct error reporting on 486DX's. * Setting it should fail or do nothing on lesser processors. */ cr0 |= CR0_MP | CR0_NE | CR0_TS | CR0_WP | CR0_AM; load_cr0(cr0); load_gs(_udatasel); } u_long bootdev; /* not a struct cdev *- encoding is different */ SYSCTL_ULONG(_machdep, OID_AUTO, guessed_bootdev, CTLFLAG_RD, &bootdev, 0, "Maybe the Boot device (not in struct cdev *format)"); /* * Initialize 386 and configure to run kernel */ /* * Initialize segments & interrupt table */ int _default_ldt; struct mtx dt_lock; /* lock for GDT and LDT */ union descriptor gdt0[NGDT]; /* initial global descriptor table */ union descriptor *gdt = gdt0; /* global descriptor table */ union descriptor *ldt; /* local descriptor table */ static struct gate_descriptor idt0[NIDT]; struct gate_descriptor *idt = &idt0[0]; /* interrupt descriptor table */ static struct i386tss *dblfault_tss; static char *dblfault_stack; static struct i386tss common_tss0; vm_offset_t proc0kstack; /* * software prototypes -- in more palatable form. * * GCODE_SEL through GUDATA_SEL must be in this order for syscall/sysret * GUFS_SEL and GUGS_SEL must be in this order (swtch.s knows it) */ struct soft_segment_descriptor gdt_segs[] = { /* GNULL_SEL 0 Null Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = SEL_KPL, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GPRIV_SEL 1 SMP Per-Processor Private Data Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_KPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GUFS_SEL 2 %fs Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GUGS_SEL 3 %gs Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GCODE_SEL 4 Code Descriptor for kernel */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMERA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_KPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GDATA_SEL 5 Data Descriptor for kernel */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_KPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GUCODE_SEL 6 Code Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMERA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GUDATA_SEL 7 Data Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GBIOSLOWMEM_SEL 8 BIOS access to realmode segment 0x40, must be #8 in GDT */ { .ssd_base = 0x400, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_KPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GPROC0_SEL 9 Proc 0 Tss Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = sizeof(struct i386tss)-1, .ssd_type = SDT_SYS386TSS, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GLDT_SEL 10 LDT Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0, .ssd_limit = sizeof(union descriptor) * NLDT - 1, .ssd_type = SDT_SYSLDT, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GUSERLDT_SEL 11 User LDT Descriptor per process */ { .ssd_base = 0, .ssd_limit = (512 * sizeof(union descriptor)-1), .ssd_type = SDT_SYSLDT, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GPANIC_SEL 12 Panic Tss Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0, .ssd_limit = sizeof(struct i386tss)-1, .ssd_type = SDT_SYS386TSS, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* GBIOSCODE32_SEL 13 BIOS 32-bit interface (32bit Code) */ { .ssd_base = 0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMERA, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GBIOSCODE16_SEL 14 BIOS 32-bit interface (16bit Code) */ { .ssd_base = 0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMERA, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GBIOSDATA_SEL 15 BIOS 32-bit interface (Data) */ { .ssd_base = 0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GBIOSUTIL_SEL 16 BIOS 16-bit interface (Utility) */ { .ssd_base = 0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GBIOSARGS_SEL 17 BIOS 16-bit interface (Arguments) */ { .ssd_base = 0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* GNDIS_SEL 18 NDIS Descriptor */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, }; static struct soft_segment_descriptor ldt_segs[] = { /* Null Descriptor - overwritten by call gate */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* Null Descriptor - overwritten by call gate */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* Null Descriptor - overwritten by call gate */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* Code Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMERA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, /* Null Descriptor - overwritten by call gate */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0x0, .ssd_type = 0, .ssd_dpl = 0, .ssd_p = 0, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 0, .ssd_gran = 0 }, /* Data Descriptor for user */ { .ssd_base = 0x0, .ssd_limit = 0xfffff, .ssd_type = SDT_MEMRWA, .ssd_dpl = SEL_UPL, .ssd_p = 1, .ssd_xx = 0, .ssd_xx1 = 0, .ssd_def32 = 1, .ssd_gran = 1 }, }; size_t setidt_disp; void setidt(int idx, inthand_t *func, int typ, int dpl, int selec) { uintptr_t off; off = func != NULL ? (uintptr_t)func + setidt_disp : 0; setidt_nodisp(idx, off, typ, dpl, selec); } void setidt_nodisp(int idx, uintptr_t off, int typ, int dpl, int selec) { struct gate_descriptor *ip; ip = idt + idx; ip->gd_looffset = off; ip->gd_selector = selec; ip->gd_stkcpy = 0; ip->gd_xx = 0; ip->gd_type = typ; ip->gd_dpl = dpl; ip->gd_p = 1; ip->gd_hioffset = ((u_int)off) >> 16 ; } extern inthand_t IDTVEC(div), IDTVEC(dbg), IDTVEC(nmi), IDTVEC(bpt), IDTVEC(ofl), IDTVEC(bnd), IDTVEC(ill), IDTVEC(dna), IDTVEC(fpusegm), IDTVEC(tss), IDTVEC(missing), IDTVEC(stk), IDTVEC(prot), IDTVEC(page), IDTVEC(mchk), IDTVEC(rsvd), IDTVEC(fpu), IDTVEC(align), IDTVEC(xmm), #ifdef KDTRACE_HOOKS IDTVEC(dtrace_ret), #endif #ifdef XENHVM IDTVEC(xen_intr_upcall), #endif IDTVEC(int0x80_syscall); #ifdef DDB /* * Display the index and function name of any IDT entries that don't use * the default 'rsvd' entry point. */ DB_SHOW_COMMAND(idt, db_show_idt) { struct gate_descriptor *ip; int idx; uintptr_t func, func_trm; bool trm; ip = idt; for (idx = 0; idx < NIDT && !db_pager_quit; idx++) { if (ip->gd_type == SDT_SYSTASKGT) { db_printf("%3d\t\n", idx); } else { func = (ip->gd_hioffset << 16 | ip->gd_looffset); if (func >= PMAP_TRM_MIN_ADDRESS) { func_trm = func; func -= setidt_disp; trm = true; } else trm = false; if (func != (uintptr_t)&IDTVEC(rsvd)) { db_printf("%3d\t", idx); db_printsym(func, DB_STGY_PROC); if (trm) db_printf(" (trampoline %#x)", func_trm); db_printf("\n"); } } ip++; } } /* Show privileged registers. */ DB_SHOW_COMMAND(sysregs, db_show_sysregs) { uint64_t idtr, gdtr; idtr = ridt(); db_printf("idtr\t0x%08x/%04x\n", (u_int)(idtr >> 16), (u_int)idtr & 0xffff); gdtr = rgdt(); db_printf("gdtr\t0x%08x/%04x\n", (u_int)(gdtr >> 16), (u_int)gdtr & 0xffff); db_printf("ldtr\t0x%04x\n", rldt()); db_printf("tr\t0x%04x\n", rtr()); db_printf("cr0\t0x%08x\n", rcr0()); db_printf("cr2\t0x%08x\n", rcr2()); db_printf("cr3\t0x%08x\n", rcr3()); db_printf("cr4\t0x%08x\n", rcr4()); if (rcr4() & CR4_XSAVE) db_printf("xcr0\t0x%016llx\n", rxcr(0)); if (amd_feature & (AMDID_NX | AMDID_LM)) db_printf("EFER\t0x%016llx\n", rdmsr(MSR_EFER)); if (cpu_feature2 & (CPUID2_VMX | CPUID2_SMX)) db_printf("FEATURES_CTL\t0x%016llx\n", rdmsr(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL)); if (((cpu_vendor_id == CPU_VENDOR_INTEL || cpu_vendor_id == CPU_VENDOR_AMD) && CPUID_TO_FAMILY(cpu_id) >= 6) || cpu_vendor_id == CPU_VENDOR_HYGON) db_printf("DEBUG_CTL\t0x%016llx\n", rdmsr(MSR_DEBUGCTLMSR)); if (cpu_feature & CPUID_PAT) db_printf("PAT\t0x%016llx\n", rdmsr(MSR_PAT)); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(dbregs, db_show_dbregs) { db_printf("dr0\t0x%08x\n", rdr0()); db_printf("dr1\t0x%08x\n", rdr1()); db_printf("dr2\t0x%08x\n", rdr2()); db_printf("dr3\t0x%08x\n", rdr3()); db_printf("dr6\t0x%08x\n", rdr6()); db_printf("dr7\t0x%08x\n", rdr7()); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(frame, db_show_frame) { struct trapframe *frame; frame = have_addr ? (struct trapframe *)addr : curthread->td_frame; printf("ss %#x esp %#x efl %#x cs %#x eip %#x\n", frame->tf_ss, frame->tf_esp, frame->tf_eflags, frame->tf_cs, frame->tf_eip); printf("err %#x trapno %d\n", frame->tf_err, frame->tf_trapno); printf("ds %#x es %#x fs %#x\n", frame->tf_ds, frame->tf_es, frame->tf_fs); printf("eax %#x ecx %#x edx %#x ebx %#x\n", frame->tf_eax, frame->tf_ecx, frame->tf_edx, frame->tf_ebx); printf("ebp %#x esi %#x edi %#x\n", frame->tf_ebp, frame->tf_esi, frame->tf_edi); } #endif void sdtossd(sd, ssd) struct segment_descriptor *sd; struct soft_segment_descriptor *ssd; { ssd->ssd_base = (sd->sd_hibase << 24) | sd->sd_lobase; ssd->ssd_limit = (sd->sd_hilimit << 16) | sd->sd_lolimit; ssd->ssd_type = sd->sd_type; ssd->ssd_dpl = sd->sd_dpl; ssd->ssd_p = sd->sd_p; ssd->ssd_def32 = sd->sd_def32; ssd->ssd_gran = sd->sd_gran; } static int add_physmap_entry(uint64_t base, uint64_t length, vm_paddr_t *physmap, int *physmap_idxp) { uint64_t lim, ign; int i, insert_idx, physmap_idx; physmap_idx = *physmap_idxp; if (length == 0) return (1); lim = 0x100000000; /* 4G */ if (pae_mode && above4g_allow) lim = above24g_allow ? -1ULL : 0x600000000; /* 24G */ if (base >= lim) { printf("%uK of memory above %uGB ignored, pae %d " "above4g_allow %d above24g_allow %d\n", (u_int)(length / 1024), (u_int)(lim >> 30), pae_mode, above4g_allow, above24g_allow); return (1); } if (base + length >= lim) { ign = base + length - lim; length -= ign; printf("%uK of memory above %uGB ignored, pae %d " "above4g_allow %d above24g_allow %d\n", (u_int)(ign / 1024), (u_int)(lim >> 30), pae_mode, above4g_allow, above24g_allow); } /* * Find insertion point while checking for overlap. Start off by * assuming the new entry will be added to the end. */ insert_idx = physmap_idx + 2; for (i = 0; i <= physmap_idx; i += 2) { if (base < physmap[i + 1]) { if (base + length <= physmap[i]) { insert_idx = i; break; } if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) printf( "Overlapping memory regions, ignoring second region\n"); return (1); } } /* See if we can prepend to the next entry. */ if (insert_idx <= physmap_idx && base + length == physmap[insert_idx]) { physmap[insert_idx] = base; return (1); } /* See if we can append to the previous entry. */ if (insert_idx > 0 && base == physmap[insert_idx - 1]) { physmap[insert_idx - 1] += length; return (1); } physmap_idx += 2; *physmap_idxp = physmap_idx; if (physmap_idx == PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES) { printf( "Too many segments in the physical address map, giving up\n"); return (0); } /* * Move the last 'N' entries down to make room for the new * entry if needed. */ for (i = physmap_idx; i > insert_idx; i -= 2) { physmap[i] = physmap[i - 2]; physmap[i + 1] = physmap[i - 1]; } /* Insert the new entry. */ physmap[insert_idx] = base; physmap[insert_idx + 1] = base + length; return (1); } static int add_smap_entry(struct bios_smap *smap, vm_paddr_t *physmap, int *physmap_idxp) { if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) printf("SMAP type=%02x base=%016llx len=%016llx\n", smap->type, smap->base, smap->length); if (smap->type != SMAP_TYPE_MEMORY) return (1); return (add_physmap_entry(smap->base, smap->length, physmap, physmap_idxp)); } static void add_smap_entries(struct bios_smap *smapbase, vm_paddr_t *physmap, int *physmap_idxp) { struct bios_smap *smap, *smapend; u_int32_t smapsize; /* * Memory map from INT 15:E820. * * subr_module.c says: * "Consumer may safely assume that size value precedes data." * ie: an int32_t immediately precedes SMAP. */ smapsize = *((u_int32_t *)smapbase - 1); smapend = (struct bios_smap *)((uintptr_t)smapbase + smapsize); for (smap = smapbase; smap < smapend; smap++) if (!add_smap_entry(smap, physmap, physmap_idxp)) break; } static void basemem_setup(void) { if (basemem > 640) { printf("Preposterous BIOS basemem of %uK, truncating to 640K\n", basemem); basemem = 640; } pmap_basemem_setup(basemem); } /* * Populate the (physmap) array with base/bound pairs describing the * available physical memory in the system, then test this memory and * build the phys_avail array describing the actually-available memory. * * If we cannot accurately determine the physical memory map, then use * value from the 0xE801 call, and failing that, the RTC. * * Total memory size may be set by the kernel environment variable * hw.physmem or the compile-time define MAXMEM. * * XXX first should be vm_paddr_t. */ static void getmemsize(int first) { int has_smap, off, physmap_idx, pa_indx, da_indx; u_long memtest; vm_paddr_t physmap[PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES]; quad_t dcons_addr, dcons_size, physmem_tunable; int hasbrokenint12, i, res; u_int extmem; struct vm86frame vmf; struct vm86context vmc; vm_paddr_t pa; struct bios_smap *smap, *smapbase; caddr_t kmdp; has_smap = 0; bzero(&vmf, sizeof(vmf)); bzero(physmap, sizeof(physmap)); basemem = 0; /* * Tell the physical memory allocator about pages used to store * the kernel and preloaded data. See kmem_bootstrap_free(). */ vm_phys_early_add_seg((vm_paddr_t)KERNLOAD, trunc_page(first)); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.above4g_allow", &above4g_allow); TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.above24g_allow", &above24g_allow); /* * Check if the loader supplied an SMAP memory map. If so, * use that and do not make any VM86 calls. */ physmap_idx = 0; kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); if (kmdp == NULL) kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf32 kernel"); smapbase = (struct bios_smap *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_SMAP); if (smapbase != NULL) { add_smap_entries(smapbase, physmap, &physmap_idx); has_smap = 1; goto have_smap; } /* * Some newer BIOSes have a broken INT 12H implementation * which causes a kernel panic immediately. In this case, we * need use the SMAP to determine the base memory size. */ hasbrokenint12 = 0; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("hw.hasbrokenint12", &hasbrokenint12); if (hasbrokenint12 == 0) { /* Use INT12 to determine base memory size. */ vm86_intcall(0x12, &vmf); basemem = vmf.vmf_ax; basemem_setup(); } /* * Fetch the memory map with INT 15:E820. Map page 1 R/W into * the kernel page table so we can use it as a buffer. The * kernel will unmap this page later. */ vmc.npages = 0; smap = (void *)vm86_addpage(&vmc, 1, PMAP_MAP_LOW + ptoa(1)); res = vm86_getptr(&vmc, (vm_offset_t)smap, &vmf.vmf_es, &vmf.vmf_di); KASSERT(res != 0, ("vm86_getptr() failed: address not found")); vmf.vmf_ebx = 0; do { vmf.vmf_eax = 0xE820; vmf.vmf_edx = SMAP_SIG; vmf.vmf_ecx = sizeof(struct bios_smap); i = vm86_datacall(0x15, &vmf, &vmc); if (i || vmf.vmf_eax != SMAP_SIG) break; has_smap = 1; if (!add_smap_entry(smap, physmap, &physmap_idx)) break; } while (vmf.vmf_ebx != 0); have_smap: /* * If we didn't fetch the "base memory" size from INT12, * figure it out from the SMAP (or just guess). */ if (basemem == 0) { for (i = 0; i <= physmap_idx; i += 2) { if (physmap[i] == 0x00000000) { basemem = physmap[i + 1] / 1024; break; } } /* XXX: If we couldn't find basemem from SMAP, just guess. */ if (basemem == 0) basemem = 640; basemem_setup(); } if (physmap[1] != 0) goto physmap_done; /* * If we failed to find an SMAP, figure out the extended * memory size. We will then build a simple memory map with * two segments, one for "base memory" and the second for * "extended memory". Note that "extended memory" starts at a * physical address of 1MB and that both basemem and extmem * are in units of 1KB. * * First, try to fetch the extended memory size via INT 15:E801. */ vmf.vmf_ax = 0xE801; if (vm86_intcall(0x15, &vmf) == 0) { extmem = vmf.vmf_cx + vmf.vmf_dx * 64; } else { /* * If INT15:E801 fails, this is our last ditch effort * to determine the extended memory size. Currently * we prefer the RTC value over INT15:88. */ #if 0 vmf.vmf_ah = 0x88; vm86_intcall(0x15, &vmf); extmem = vmf.vmf_ax; #else extmem = rtcin(RTC_EXTLO) + (rtcin(RTC_EXTHI) << 8); #endif } /* * Special hack for chipsets that still remap the 384k hole when * there's 16MB of memory - this really confuses people that * are trying to use bus mastering ISA controllers with the * "16MB limit"; they only have 16MB, but the remapping puts * them beyond the limit. * * If extended memory is between 15-16MB (16-17MB phys address range), * chop it to 15MB. */ if ((extmem > 15 * 1024) && (extmem < 16 * 1024)) extmem = 15 * 1024; physmap[0] = 0; physmap[1] = basemem * 1024; physmap_idx = 2; physmap[physmap_idx] = 0x100000; physmap[physmap_idx + 1] = physmap[physmap_idx] + extmem * 1024; physmap_done: /* * Now, physmap contains a map of physical memory. */ #ifdef SMP /* make hole for AP bootstrap code */ alloc_ap_trampoline(physmap, &physmap_idx); #endif /* * Maxmem isn't the "maximum memory", it's one larger than the * highest page of the physical address space. It should be * called something like "Maxphyspage". We may adjust this * based on ``hw.physmem'' and the results of the memory test. * * This is especially confusing when it is much larger than the * memory size and is displayed as "realmem". */ Maxmem = atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1]); #ifdef MAXMEM Maxmem = MAXMEM / 4; #endif if (TUNABLE_QUAD_FETCH("hw.physmem", &physmem_tunable)) Maxmem = atop(physmem_tunable); /* * If we have an SMAP, don't allow MAXMEM or hw.physmem to extend * the amount of memory in the system. */ if (has_smap && Maxmem > atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1])) Maxmem = atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1]); /* * The boot memory test is disabled by default, as it takes a * significant amount of time on large-memory systems, and is * unfriendly to virtual machines as it unnecessarily touches all * pages. * * A general name is used as the code may be extended to support * additional tests beyond the current "page present" test. */ memtest = 0; TUNABLE_ULONG_FETCH("hw.memtest.tests", &memtest); if (atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1]) != Maxmem && (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE)) printf("Physical memory use set to %ldK\n", Maxmem * 4); /* * If Maxmem has been increased beyond what the system has detected, * extend the last memory segment to the new limit. */ if (atop(physmap[physmap_idx + 1]) < Maxmem) physmap[physmap_idx + 1] = ptoa((vm_paddr_t)Maxmem); /* call pmap initialization to make new kernel address space */ pmap_bootstrap(first); /* * Size up each available chunk of physical memory. */ physmap[0] = PAGE_SIZE; /* mask off page 0 */ pa_indx = 0; da_indx = 1; phys_avail[pa_indx++] = physmap[0]; phys_avail[pa_indx] = physmap[0]; dump_avail[da_indx] = physmap[0]; /* * Get dcons buffer address */ if (getenv_quad("dcons.addr", &dcons_addr) == 0 || getenv_quad("dcons.size", &dcons_size) == 0) dcons_addr = 0; /* * physmap is in bytes, so when converting to page boundaries, * round up the start address and round down the end address. */ for (i = 0; i <= physmap_idx; i += 2) { vm_paddr_t end; end = ptoa((vm_paddr_t)Maxmem); if (physmap[i + 1] < end) end = trunc_page(physmap[i + 1]); for (pa = round_page(physmap[i]); pa < end; pa += PAGE_SIZE) { int tmp, page_bad, full; int *ptr; full = FALSE; /* * block out kernel memory as not available. */ if (pa >= KERNLOAD && pa < first) goto do_dump_avail; /* * block out dcons buffer */ if (dcons_addr > 0 && pa >= trunc_page(dcons_addr) && pa < dcons_addr + dcons_size) goto do_dump_avail; page_bad = FALSE; if (memtest == 0) goto skip_memtest; /* * map page into kernel: valid, read/write,non-cacheable */ ptr = (int *)pmap_cmap3(pa, PG_V | PG_RW | PG_N); tmp = *(int *)ptr; /* * Test for alternating 1's and 0's */ *(volatile int *)ptr = 0xaaaaaaaa; if (*(volatile int *)ptr != 0xaaaaaaaa) page_bad = TRUE; /* * Test for alternating 0's and 1's */ *(volatile int *)ptr = 0x55555555; if (*(volatile int *)ptr != 0x55555555) page_bad = TRUE; /* * Test for all 1's */ *(volatile int *)ptr = 0xffffffff; if (*(volatile int *)ptr != 0xffffffff) page_bad = TRUE; /* * Test for all 0's */ *(volatile int *)ptr = 0x0; if (*(volatile int *)ptr != 0x0) page_bad = TRUE; /* * Restore original value. */ *(int *)ptr = tmp; skip_memtest: /* * Adjust array of valid/good pages. */ if (page_bad == TRUE) continue; /* * If this good page is a continuation of the * previous set of good pages, then just increase * the end pointer. Otherwise start a new chunk. * Note that "end" points one higher than end, * making the range >= start and < end. * If we're also doing a speculative memory * test and we at or past the end, bump up Maxmem * so that we keep going. The first bad page * will terminate the loop. */ if (phys_avail[pa_indx] == pa) { phys_avail[pa_indx] += PAGE_SIZE; } else { pa_indx++; if (pa_indx == PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES) { printf( "Too many holes in the physical address space, giving up\n"); pa_indx--; full = TRUE; goto do_dump_avail; } phys_avail[pa_indx++] = pa; /* start */ phys_avail[pa_indx] = pa + PAGE_SIZE; /* end */ } physmem++; do_dump_avail: if (dump_avail[da_indx] == pa) { dump_avail[da_indx] += PAGE_SIZE; } else { da_indx++; if (da_indx == PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES) { da_indx--; goto do_next; } dump_avail[da_indx++] = pa; /* start */ dump_avail[da_indx] = pa + PAGE_SIZE; /* end */ } do_next: if (full) break; } } pmap_cmap3(0, 0); /* * XXX * The last chunk must contain at least one page plus the message * buffer to avoid complicating other code (message buffer address * calculation, etc.). */ while (phys_avail[pa_indx - 1] + PAGE_SIZE + round_page(msgbufsize) >= phys_avail[pa_indx]) { physmem -= atop(phys_avail[pa_indx] - phys_avail[pa_indx - 1]); phys_avail[pa_indx--] = 0; phys_avail[pa_indx--] = 0; } Maxmem = atop(phys_avail[pa_indx]); /* Trim off space for the message buffer. */ phys_avail[pa_indx] -= round_page(msgbufsize); /* Map the message buffer. */ for (off = 0; off < round_page(msgbufsize); off += PAGE_SIZE) pmap_kenter((vm_offset_t)msgbufp + off, phys_avail[pa_indx] + off); } static void i386_kdb_init(void) { #ifdef DDB db_fetch_ksymtab(bootinfo.bi_symtab, bootinfo.bi_esymtab, 0); #endif kdb_init(); #ifdef KDB if (boothowto & RB_KDB) kdb_enter(KDB_WHY_BOOTFLAGS, "Boot flags requested debugger"); #endif } static void fixup_idt(void) { struct gate_descriptor *ip; uintptr_t off; int x; for (x = 0; x < NIDT; x++) { ip = &idt[x]; if (ip->gd_type != SDT_SYS386IGT && ip->gd_type != SDT_SYS386TGT) continue; off = ip->gd_looffset + (((u_int)ip->gd_hioffset) << 16); KASSERT(off >= (uintptr_t)start_exceptions && off < (uintptr_t)end_exceptions, ("IDT[%d] type %d off %#x", x, ip->gd_type, off)); off += setidt_disp; MPASS(off >= PMAP_TRM_MIN_ADDRESS && off < PMAP_TRM_MAX_ADDRESS); ip->gd_looffset = off; ip->gd_hioffset = off >> 16; } } static void i386_setidt1(void) { int x; /* exceptions */ for (x = 0; x < NIDT; x++) setidt(x, &IDTVEC(rsvd), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_DE, &IDTVEC(div), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_DB, &IDTVEC(dbg), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_NMI, &IDTVEC(nmi), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_BP, &IDTVEC(bpt), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_UPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_OF, &IDTVEC(ofl), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_UPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_BR, &IDTVEC(bnd), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_UD, &IDTVEC(ill), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_NM, &IDTVEC(dna), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_DF, 0, SDT_SYSTASKGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GPANIC_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_FPUGP, &IDTVEC(fpusegm), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_TS, &IDTVEC(tss), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_NP, &IDTVEC(missing), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_SS, &IDTVEC(stk), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_GP, &IDTVEC(prot), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_PF, &IDTVEC(page), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_MF, &IDTVEC(fpu), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_AC, &IDTVEC(align), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_MC, &IDTVEC(mchk), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_XF, &IDTVEC(xmm), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_SYSCALL, &IDTVEC(int0x80_syscall), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_UPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); #ifdef KDTRACE_HOOKS setidt(IDT_DTRACE_RET, &IDTVEC(dtrace_ret), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_UPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); #endif #ifdef XENHVM setidt(IDT_EVTCHN, &IDTVEC(xen_intr_upcall), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); #endif } static void i386_setidt2(void) { setidt(IDT_UD, &IDTVEC(ill), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_GP, &IDTVEC(prot), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); } #if defined(DEV_ISA) && !defined(DEV_ATPIC) static void i386_setidt3(void) { setidt(IDT_IO_INTS + 7, IDTVEC(spuriousint), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); setidt(IDT_IO_INTS + 15, IDTVEC(spuriousint), SDT_SYS386IGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL)); } #endif register_t init386(int first) { struct region_descriptor r_gdt, r_idt; /* table descriptors */ int gsel_tss, metadata_missing, x, pa; struct pcpu *pc; struct xstate_hdr *xhdr; caddr_t kmdp; vm_offset_t addend; size_t ucode_len; int late_console; thread0.td_kstack = proc0kstack; thread0.td_kstack_pages = TD0_KSTACK_PAGES; /* * This may be done better later if it gets more high level * components in it. If so just link td->td_proc here. */ proc_linkup0(&proc0, &thread0); if (bootinfo.bi_modulep) { metadata_missing = 0; addend = (vm_paddr_t)bootinfo.bi_modulep < KERNBASE ? PMAP_MAP_LOW : 0; preload_metadata = (caddr_t)bootinfo.bi_modulep + addend; preload_bootstrap_relocate(addend); } else { metadata_missing = 1; } if (bootinfo.bi_envp != 0) { addend = (vm_paddr_t)bootinfo.bi_envp < KERNBASE ? PMAP_MAP_LOW : 0; init_static_kenv((char *)bootinfo.bi_envp + addend, 0); } else { init_static_kenv(NULL, 0); } /* * Re-evaluate CPU features if we loaded a microcode update. */ ucode_len = ucode_load_bsp(first); if (ucode_len != 0) { identify_cpu(); first = roundup2(first + ucode_len, PAGE_SIZE); } identify_hypervisor(); /* Init basic tunables, hz etc */ init_param1(); /* Set bootmethod to BIOS: it's the only supported on i386. */ strlcpy(bootmethod, "BIOS", sizeof(bootmethod)); /* * Make gdt memory segments. All segments cover the full 4GB * of address space and permissions are enforced at page level. */ gdt_segs[GCODE_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); gdt_segs[GDATA_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); gdt_segs[GUCODE_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); gdt_segs[GUDATA_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); gdt_segs[GUFS_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); gdt_segs[GUGS_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); pc = &__pcpu[0]; gdt_segs[GPRIV_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); gdt_segs[GPRIV_SEL].ssd_base = (int)pc; gdt_segs[GPROC0_SEL].ssd_base = (int)&common_tss0; for (x = 0; x < NGDT; x++) ssdtosd(&gdt_segs[x], &gdt0[x].sd); r_gdt.rd_limit = NGDT * sizeof(gdt0[0]) - 1; r_gdt.rd_base = (int)gdt0; mtx_init(&dt_lock, "descriptor tables", NULL, MTX_SPIN); lgdt(&r_gdt); pcpu_init(pc, 0, sizeof(struct pcpu)); for (pa = first; pa < first + DPCPU_SIZE; pa += PAGE_SIZE) pmap_kenter(pa, pa); dpcpu_init((void *)first, 0); first += DPCPU_SIZE; PCPU_SET(prvspace, pc); PCPU_SET(curthread, &thread0); /* Non-late cninit() and printf() can be moved up to here. */ /* * Initialize mutexes. * * icu_lock: in order to allow an interrupt to occur in a critical * section, to set pcpu->ipending (etc...) properly, we * must be able to get the icu lock, so it can't be * under witness. */ mutex_init(); mtx_init(&icu_lock, "icu", NULL, MTX_SPIN | MTX_NOWITNESS | MTX_NOPROFILE); i386_setidt1(); r_idt.rd_limit = sizeof(idt0) - 1; r_idt.rd_base = (int) idt; lidt(&r_idt); /* * Initialize the clock before the console so that console * initialization can use DELAY(). */ clock_init(); finishidentcpu(); /* Final stage of CPU initialization */ i386_setidt2(); pmap_set_nx(); initializecpu(); /* Initialize CPU registers */ initializecpucache(); /* pointer to selector slot for %fs/%gs */ PCPU_SET(fsgs_gdt, &gdt[GUFS_SEL].sd); /* Initialize the tss (except for the final esp0) early for vm86. */ common_tss0.tss_esp0 = thread0.td_kstack + thread0.td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE - VM86_STACK_SPACE; common_tss0.tss_ss0 = GSEL(GDATA_SEL, SEL_KPL); common_tss0.tss_ioopt = sizeof(struct i386tss) << 16; gsel_tss = GSEL(GPROC0_SEL, SEL_KPL); PCPU_SET(tss_gdt, &gdt[GPROC0_SEL].sd); PCPU_SET(common_tssd, *PCPU_GET(tss_gdt)); ltr(gsel_tss); /* Initialize the PIC early for vm86 calls. */ #ifdef DEV_ISA #ifdef DEV_ATPIC elcr_probe(); atpic_startup(); #else /* Reset and mask the atpics and leave them shut down. */ atpic_reset(); /* * Point the ICU spurious interrupt vectors at the APIC spurious * interrupt handler. */ i386_setidt3(); #endif #endif /* * The console and kdb should be initialized even earlier than here, * but some console drivers don't work until after getmemsize(). * Default to late console initialization to support these drivers. * This loses mainly printf()s in getmemsize() and early debugging. */ late_console = 1; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("debug.late_console", &late_console); if (!late_console) { cninit(); i386_kdb_init(); } kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); link_elf_ireloc(kmdp); vm86_initialize(); getmemsize(first); init_param2(physmem); /* now running on new page tables, configured,and u/iom is accessible */ if (late_console) cninit(); if (metadata_missing) printf("WARNING: loader(8) metadata is missing!\n"); if (late_console) i386_kdb_init(); msgbufinit(msgbufp, msgbufsize); npxinit(true); /* * Set up thread0 pcb after npxinit calculated pcb + fpu save * area size. Zero out the extended state header in fpu save * area. */ thread0.td_pcb = get_pcb_td(&thread0); thread0.td_pcb->pcb_save = get_pcb_user_save_td(&thread0); bzero(get_pcb_user_save_td(&thread0), cpu_max_ext_state_size); if (use_xsave) { xhdr = (struct xstate_hdr *)(get_pcb_user_save_td(&thread0) + 1); xhdr->xstate_bv = xsave_mask; } PCPU_SET(curpcb, thread0.td_pcb); /* Move esp0 in the tss to its final place. */ /* Note: -16 is so we can grow the trapframe if we came from vm86 */ common_tss0.tss_esp0 = (vm_offset_t)thread0.td_pcb - VM86_STACK_SPACE; PCPU_SET(kesp0, common_tss0.tss_esp0); gdt[GPROC0_SEL].sd.sd_type = SDT_SYS386TSS; /* clear busy bit */ ltr(gsel_tss); /* transfer to user mode */ _ucodesel = GSEL(GUCODE_SEL, SEL_UPL); _udatasel = GSEL(GUDATA_SEL, SEL_UPL); /* setup proc 0's pcb */ thread0.td_pcb->pcb_flags = 0; thread0.td_pcb->pcb_cr3 = pmap_get_kcr3(); thread0.td_pcb->pcb_ext = 0; thread0.td_frame = &proc0_tf; #ifdef FDT x86_init_fdt(); #endif /* Location of kernel stack for locore */ return ((register_t)thread0.td_pcb); } static void machdep_init_trampoline(void) { struct region_descriptor r_gdt, r_idt; struct i386tss *tss; char *copyout_buf, *trampoline, *tramp_stack_base; int x; gdt = pmap_trm_alloc(sizeof(union descriptor) * NGDT * mp_ncpus, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); bcopy(gdt0, gdt, sizeof(union descriptor) * NGDT); r_gdt.rd_limit = NGDT * sizeof(gdt[0]) - 1; r_gdt.rd_base = (int)gdt; lgdt(&r_gdt); tss = pmap_trm_alloc(sizeof(struct i386tss) * mp_ncpus, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); bcopy(&common_tss0, tss, sizeof(struct i386tss)); gdt[GPROC0_SEL].sd.sd_lobase = (int)tss; gdt[GPROC0_SEL].sd.sd_hibase = (u_int)tss >> 24; gdt[GPROC0_SEL].sd.sd_type = SDT_SYS386TSS; PCPU_SET(fsgs_gdt, &gdt[GUFS_SEL].sd); PCPU_SET(tss_gdt, &gdt[GPROC0_SEL].sd); PCPU_SET(common_tssd, *PCPU_GET(tss_gdt)); PCPU_SET(common_tssp, tss); ltr(GSEL(GPROC0_SEL, SEL_KPL)); trampoline = pmap_trm_alloc(end_exceptions - start_exceptions, M_NOWAIT); bcopy(start_exceptions, trampoline, end_exceptions - start_exceptions); tramp_stack_base = pmap_trm_alloc(TRAMP_STACK_SZ, M_NOWAIT); PCPU_SET(trampstk, (uintptr_t)tramp_stack_base + TRAMP_STACK_SZ - VM86_STACK_SPACE); tss[0].tss_esp0 = PCPU_GET(trampstk); idt = pmap_trm_alloc(sizeof(idt0), M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); bcopy(idt0, idt, sizeof(idt0)); /* Re-initialize new IDT since the handlers were relocated */ setidt_disp = trampoline - start_exceptions; fixup_idt(); r_idt.rd_limit = sizeof(struct gate_descriptor) * NIDT - 1; r_idt.rd_base = (int)idt; lidt(&r_idt); /* dblfault TSS */ dblfault_tss = pmap_trm_alloc(sizeof(struct i386tss), M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); dblfault_stack = pmap_trm_alloc(PAGE_SIZE, M_NOWAIT); dblfault_tss->tss_esp = dblfault_tss->tss_esp0 = dblfault_tss->tss_esp1 = dblfault_tss->tss_esp2 = (int)dblfault_stack + PAGE_SIZE; dblfault_tss->tss_ss = dblfault_tss->tss_ss0 = dblfault_tss->tss_ss1 = dblfault_tss->tss_ss2 = GSEL(GDATA_SEL, SEL_KPL); dblfault_tss->tss_cr3 = pmap_get_kcr3(); dblfault_tss->tss_eip = (int)dblfault_handler; dblfault_tss->tss_eflags = PSL_KERNEL; dblfault_tss->tss_ds = dblfault_tss->tss_es = dblfault_tss->tss_gs = GSEL(GDATA_SEL, SEL_KPL); dblfault_tss->tss_fs = GSEL(GPRIV_SEL, SEL_KPL); dblfault_tss->tss_cs = GSEL(GCODE_SEL, SEL_KPL); dblfault_tss->tss_ldt = GSEL(GLDT_SEL, SEL_KPL); gdt[GPANIC_SEL].sd.sd_lobase = (int)dblfault_tss; gdt[GPANIC_SEL].sd.sd_hibase = (u_int)dblfault_tss >> 24; /* make ldt memory segments */ ldt = pmap_trm_alloc(sizeof(union descriptor) * NLDT, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); gdt[GLDT_SEL].sd.sd_lobase = (int)ldt; gdt[GLDT_SEL].sd.sd_hibase = (u_int)ldt >> 24; ldt_segs[LUCODE_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); ldt_segs[LUDATA_SEL].ssd_limit = atop(0 - 1); for (x = 0; x < nitems(ldt_segs); x++) ssdtosd(&ldt_segs[x], &ldt[x].sd); _default_ldt = GSEL(GLDT_SEL, SEL_KPL); lldt(_default_ldt); PCPU_SET(currentldt, _default_ldt); copyout_buf = pmap_trm_alloc(TRAMP_COPYOUT_SZ, M_NOWAIT); PCPU_SET(copyout_buf, copyout_buf); copyout_init_tramp(); } SYSINIT(vm_mem, SI_SUB_VM, SI_ORDER_SECOND, machdep_init_trampoline, NULL); #ifdef COMPAT_43 static void i386_setup_lcall_gate(void) { struct sysentvec *sv; struct user_segment_descriptor desc; u_int lcall_addr; sv = &elf32_freebsd_sysvec; lcall_addr = (uintptr_t)sv->sv_psstrings - sz_lcall_tramp; bzero(&desc, sizeof(desc)); desc.sd_type = SDT_MEMERA; desc.sd_dpl = SEL_UPL; desc.sd_p = 1; desc.sd_def32 = 1; desc.sd_gran = 1; desc.sd_lolimit = 0xffff; desc.sd_hilimit = 0xf; desc.sd_lobase = lcall_addr; desc.sd_hibase = lcall_addr >> 24; bcopy(&desc, &ldt[LSYS5CALLS_SEL], sizeof(desc)); } SYSINIT(elf32, SI_SUB_EXEC, SI_ORDER_ANY, i386_setup_lcall_gate, NULL); #endif void cpu_pcpu_init(struct pcpu *pcpu, int cpuid, size_t size) { pcpu->pc_acpi_id = 0xffffffff; } static int smap_sysctl_handler(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct bios_smap *smapbase; struct bios_smap_xattr smap; caddr_t kmdp; uint32_t *smapattr; int count, error, i; /* Retrieve the system memory map from the loader. */ kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); if (kmdp == NULL) kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf32 kernel"); smapbase = (struct bios_smap *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_SMAP); if (smapbase == NULL) return (0); smapattr = (uint32_t *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_SMAP_XATTR); count = *((u_int32_t *)smapbase - 1) / sizeof(*smapbase); error = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { smap.base = smapbase[i].base; smap.length = smapbase[i].length; smap.type = smapbase[i].type; if (smapattr != NULL) smap.xattr = smapattr[i]; else smap.xattr = 0; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &smap, sizeof(smap)); } return (error); } SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep, OID_AUTO, smap, CTLTYPE_OPAQUE | CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, smap_sysctl_handler, "S,bios_smap_xattr", "Raw BIOS SMAP data"); void spinlock_enter(void) { struct thread *td; register_t flags; td = curthread; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { flags = intr_disable(); td->td_md.md_spinlock_count = 1; td->td_md.md_saved_flags = flags; critical_enter(); } else td->td_md.md_spinlock_count++; } void spinlock_exit(void) { struct thread *td; register_t flags; td = curthread; flags = td->td_md.md_saved_flags; td->td_md.md_spinlock_count--; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { critical_exit(); intr_restore(flags); } } #if defined(I586_CPU) && !defined(NO_F00F_HACK) static void f00f_hack(void *unused); SYSINIT(f00f_hack, SI_SUB_INTRINSIC, SI_ORDER_FIRST, f00f_hack, NULL); static void f00f_hack(void *unused) { struct region_descriptor r_idt; struct gate_descriptor *new_idt; vm_offset_t tmp; if (!has_f00f_bug) return; GIANT_REQUIRED; printf("Intel Pentium detected, installing workaround for F00F bug\n"); tmp = (vm_offset_t)pmap_trm_alloc(PAGE_SIZE * 3, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); if (tmp == 0) panic("kmem_malloc returned 0"); tmp = round_page(tmp); /* Put the problematic entry (#6) at the end of the lower page. */ new_idt = (struct gate_descriptor *) (tmp + PAGE_SIZE - 7 * sizeof(struct gate_descriptor)); bcopy(idt, new_idt, sizeof(idt0)); r_idt.rd_base = (u_int)new_idt; r_idt.rd_limit = sizeof(idt0) - 1; lidt(&r_idt); /* SMP machines do not need the F00F hack. */ idt = new_idt; pmap_protect(kernel_pmap, tmp, tmp + PAGE_SIZE, VM_PROT_READ); } #endif /* defined(I586_CPU) && !NO_F00F_HACK */ /* * Construct a PCB from a trapframe. This is called from kdb_trap() where * we want to start a backtrace from the function that caused us to enter * the debugger. We have the context in the trapframe, but base the trace * on the PCB. The PCB doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it contains * enough for a backtrace. */ void makectx(struct trapframe *tf, struct pcb *pcb) { pcb->pcb_edi = tf->tf_edi; pcb->pcb_esi = tf->tf_esi; pcb->pcb_ebp = tf->tf_ebp; pcb->pcb_ebx = tf->tf_ebx; pcb->pcb_eip = tf->tf_eip; pcb->pcb_esp = (ISPL(tf->tf_cs)) ? tf->tf_esp : (int)(tf + 1) - 8; pcb->pcb_gs = rgs(); } int ptrace_set_pc(struct thread *td, u_long addr) { td->td_frame->tf_eip = addr; return (0); } int ptrace_single_step(struct thread *td) { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(td->td_proc, MA_OWNED); if ((td->td_frame->tf_eflags & PSL_T) == 0) { td->td_frame->tf_eflags |= PSL_T; td->td_dbgflags |= TDB_STEP; } return (0); } int ptrace_clear_single_step(struct thread *td) { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(td->td_proc, MA_OWNED); td->td_frame->tf_eflags &= ~PSL_T; td->td_dbgflags &= ~TDB_STEP; return (0); } int fill_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct pcb *pcb; struct trapframe *tp; tp = td->td_frame; pcb = td->td_pcb; regs->r_gs = pcb->pcb_gs; return (fill_frame_regs(tp, regs)); } int fill_frame_regs(struct trapframe *tp, struct reg *regs) { regs->r_fs = tp->tf_fs; regs->r_es = tp->tf_es; regs->r_ds = tp->tf_ds; regs->r_edi = tp->tf_edi; regs->r_esi = tp->tf_esi; regs->r_ebp = tp->tf_ebp; regs->r_ebx = tp->tf_ebx; regs->r_edx = tp->tf_edx; regs->r_ecx = tp->tf_ecx; regs->r_eax = tp->tf_eax; regs->r_eip = tp->tf_eip; regs->r_cs = tp->tf_cs; regs->r_eflags = tp->tf_eflags; regs->r_esp = tp->tf_esp; regs->r_ss = tp->tf_ss; regs->r_err = 0; regs->r_trapno = 0; return (0); } int set_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct pcb *pcb; struct trapframe *tp; tp = td->td_frame; if (!EFL_SECURE(regs->r_eflags, tp->tf_eflags) || !CS_SECURE(regs->r_cs)) return (EINVAL); pcb = td->td_pcb; tp->tf_fs = regs->r_fs; tp->tf_es = regs->r_es; tp->tf_ds = regs->r_ds; tp->tf_edi = regs->r_edi; tp->tf_esi = regs->r_esi; tp->tf_ebp = regs->r_ebp; tp->tf_ebx = regs->r_ebx; tp->tf_edx = regs->r_edx; tp->tf_ecx = regs->r_ecx; tp->tf_eax = regs->r_eax; tp->tf_eip = regs->r_eip; tp->tf_cs = regs->r_cs; tp->tf_eflags = regs->r_eflags; tp->tf_esp = regs->r_esp; tp->tf_ss = regs->r_ss; pcb->pcb_gs = regs->r_gs; return (0); } int fill_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { KASSERT(td == curthread || TD_IS_SUSPENDED(td) || P_SHOULDSTOP(td->td_proc), ("not suspended thread %p", td)); npxgetregs(td); if (cpu_fxsr) npx_fill_fpregs_xmm(&get_pcb_user_save_td(td)->sv_xmm, (struct save87 *)fpregs); else bcopy(&get_pcb_user_save_td(td)->sv_87, fpregs, sizeof(*fpregs)); return (0); } int set_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { critical_enter(); if (cpu_fxsr) npx_set_fpregs_xmm((struct save87 *)fpregs, &get_pcb_user_save_td(td)->sv_xmm); else bcopy(fpregs, &get_pcb_user_save_td(td)->sv_87, sizeof(*fpregs)); npxuserinited(td); critical_exit(); return (0); } /* * Get machine context. */ int get_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, int flags) { struct trapframe *tp; struct segment_descriptor *sdp; tp = td->td_frame; PROC_LOCK(curthread->td_proc); mcp->mc_onstack = sigonstack(tp->tf_esp); PROC_UNLOCK(curthread->td_proc); mcp->mc_gs = td->td_pcb->pcb_gs; mcp->mc_fs = tp->tf_fs; mcp->mc_es = tp->tf_es; mcp->mc_ds = tp->tf_ds; mcp->mc_edi = tp->tf_edi; mcp->mc_esi = tp->tf_esi; mcp->mc_ebp = tp->tf_ebp; mcp->mc_isp = tp->tf_isp; mcp->mc_eflags = tp->tf_eflags; if (flags & GET_MC_CLEAR_RET) { mcp->mc_eax = 0; mcp->mc_edx = 0; mcp->mc_eflags &= ~PSL_C; } else { mcp->mc_eax = tp->tf_eax; mcp->mc_edx = tp->tf_edx; } mcp->mc_ebx = tp->tf_ebx; mcp->mc_ecx = tp->tf_ecx; mcp->mc_eip = tp->tf_eip; mcp->mc_cs = tp->tf_cs; mcp->mc_esp = tp->tf_esp; mcp->mc_ss = tp->tf_ss; mcp->mc_len = sizeof(*mcp); get_fpcontext(td, mcp, NULL, 0); sdp = &td->td_pcb->pcb_fsd; mcp->mc_fsbase = sdp->sd_hibase << 24 | sdp->sd_lobase; sdp = &td->td_pcb->pcb_gsd; mcp->mc_gsbase = sdp->sd_hibase << 24 | sdp->sd_lobase; mcp->mc_flags = 0; mcp->mc_xfpustate = 0; mcp->mc_xfpustate_len = 0; bzero(mcp->mc_spare2, sizeof(mcp->mc_spare2)); return (0); } /* * Set machine context. * * However, we don't set any but the user modifiable flags, and we won't * touch the cs selector. */ int set_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { struct trapframe *tp; char *xfpustate; int eflags, ret; tp = td->td_frame; if (mcp->mc_len != sizeof(*mcp) || (mcp->mc_flags & ~_MC_FLAG_MASK) != 0) return (EINVAL); eflags = (mcp->mc_eflags & PSL_USERCHANGE) | (tp->tf_eflags & ~PSL_USERCHANGE); if (mcp->mc_flags & _MC_HASFPXSTATE) { if (mcp->mc_xfpustate_len > cpu_max_ext_state_size - sizeof(union savefpu)) return (EINVAL); xfpustate = __builtin_alloca(mcp->mc_xfpustate_len); ret = copyin((void *)mcp->mc_xfpustate, xfpustate, mcp->mc_xfpustate_len); if (ret != 0) return (ret); } else xfpustate = NULL; ret = set_fpcontext(td, mcp, xfpustate, mcp->mc_xfpustate_len); if (ret != 0) return (ret); tp->tf_fs = mcp->mc_fs; tp->tf_es = mcp->mc_es; tp->tf_ds = mcp->mc_ds; tp->tf_edi = mcp->mc_edi; tp->tf_esi = mcp->mc_esi; tp->tf_ebp = mcp->mc_ebp; tp->tf_ebx = mcp->mc_ebx; tp->tf_edx = mcp->mc_edx; tp->tf_ecx = mcp->mc_ecx; tp->tf_eax = mcp->mc_eax; tp->tf_eip = mcp->mc_eip; tp->tf_eflags = eflags; tp->tf_esp = mcp->mc_esp; tp->tf_ss = mcp->mc_ss; td->td_pcb->pcb_gs = mcp->mc_gs; return (0); } static void get_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, char *xfpusave, size_t xfpusave_len) { size_t max_len, len; mcp->mc_ownedfp = npxgetregs(td); bcopy(get_pcb_user_save_td(td), &mcp->mc_fpstate[0], sizeof(mcp->mc_fpstate)); mcp->mc_fpformat = npxformat(); if (!use_xsave || xfpusave_len == 0) return; max_len = cpu_max_ext_state_size - sizeof(union savefpu); len = xfpusave_len; if (len > max_len) { len = max_len; bzero(xfpusave + max_len, len - max_len); } mcp->mc_flags |= _MC_HASFPXSTATE; mcp->mc_xfpustate_len = len; bcopy(get_pcb_user_save_td(td) + 1, xfpusave, len); } static int set_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, char *xfpustate, size_t xfpustate_len) { int error; if (mcp->mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_NODEV) return (0); else if (mcp->mc_fpformat != _MC_FPFMT_387 && mcp->mc_fpformat != _MC_FPFMT_XMM) return (EINVAL); else if (mcp->mc_ownedfp == _MC_FPOWNED_NONE) { /* We don't care what state is left in the FPU or PCB. */ fpstate_drop(td); error = 0; } else if (mcp->mc_ownedfp == _MC_FPOWNED_FPU || mcp->mc_ownedfp == _MC_FPOWNED_PCB) { error = npxsetregs(td, (union savefpu *)&mcp->mc_fpstate, xfpustate, xfpustate_len); } else return (EINVAL); return (error); } static void fpstate_drop(struct thread *td) { KASSERT(PCB_USER_FPU(td->td_pcb), ("fpstate_drop: kernel-owned fpu")); critical_enter(); if (PCPU_GET(fpcurthread) == td) npxdrop(); /* * XXX force a full drop of the npx. The above only drops it if we * owned it. npxgetregs() has the same bug in the !cpu_fxsr case. * * XXX I don't much like npxgetregs()'s semantics of doing a full * drop. Dropping only to the pcb matches fnsave's behaviour. * We only need to drop to !PCB_INITDONE in sendsig(). But * sendsig() is the only caller of npxgetregs()... perhaps we just * have too many layers. */ curthread->td_pcb->pcb_flags &= ~(PCB_NPXINITDONE | PCB_NPXUSERINITDONE); critical_exit(); } int fill_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { struct pcb *pcb; if (td == NULL) { dbregs->dr[0] = rdr0(); dbregs->dr[1] = rdr1(); dbregs->dr[2] = rdr2(); dbregs->dr[3] = rdr3(); dbregs->dr[6] = rdr6(); dbregs->dr[7] = rdr7(); } else { pcb = td->td_pcb; dbregs->dr[0] = pcb->pcb_dr0; dbregs->dr[1] = pcb->pcb_dr1; dbregs->dr[2] = pcb->pcb_dr2; dbregs->dr[3] = pcb->pcb_dr3; dbregs->dr[6] = pcb->pcb_dr6; dbregs->dr[7] = pcb->pcb_dr7; } dbregs->dr[4] = 0; dbregs->dr[5] = 0; return (0); } int set_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { struct pcb *pcb; int i; if (td == NULL) { load_dr0(dbregs->dr[0]); load_dr1(dbregs->dr[1]); load_dr2(dbregs->dr[2]); load_dr3(dbregs->dr[3]); load_dr6(dbregs->dr[6]); load_dr7(dbregs->dr[7]); } else { /* * Don't let an illegal value for dr7 get set. Specifically, * check for undefined settings. Setting these bit patterns * result in undefined behaviour and can lead to an unexpected * TRCTRAP. */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (DBREG_DR7_ACCESS(dbregs->dr[7], i) == 0x02) return (EINVAL); if (DBREG_DR7_LEN(dbregs->dr[7], i) == 0x02) return (EINVAL); } pcb = td->td_pcb; /* * Don't let a process set a breakpoint that is not within the * process's address space. If a process could do this, it * could halt the system by setting a breakpoint in the kernel * (if ddb was enabled). Thus, we need to check to make sure * that no breakpoints are being enabled for addresses outside * process's address space. * * XXX - what about when the watched area of the user's * address space is written into from within the kernel * ... wouldn't that still cause a breakpoint to be generated * from within kernel mode? */ if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(dbregs->dr[7], 0)) { /* dr0 is enabled */ if (dbregs->dr[0] >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); } if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(dbregs->dr[7], 1)) { /* dr1 is enabled */ if (dbregs->dr[1] >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); } if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(dbregs->dr[7], 2)) { /* dr2 is enabled */ if (dbregs->dr[2] >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); } if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(dbregs->dr[7], 3)) { /* dr3 is enabled */ if (dbregs->dr[3] >= VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) return (EINVAL); } pcb->pcb_dr0 = dbregs->dr[0]; pcb->pcb_dr1 = dbregs->dr[1]; pcb->pcb_dr2 = dbregs->dr[2]; pcb->pcb_dr3 = dbregs->dr[3]; pcb->pcb_dr6 = dbregs->dr[6]; pcb->pcb_dr7 = dbregs->dr[7]; pcb->pcb_flags |= PCB_DBREGS; } return (0); } /* * Return > 0 if a hardware breakpoint has been hit, and the * breakpoint was in user space. Return 0, otherwise. */ int user_dbreg_trap(register_t dr6) { u_int32_t dr7; u_int32_t bp; /* breakpoint bits extracted from dr6 */ int nbp; /* number of breakpoints that triggered */ caddr_t addr[4]; /* breakpoint addresses */ int i; bp = dr6 & DBREG_DR6_BMASK; if (bp == 0) { /* * None of the breakpoint bits are set meaning this * trap was not caused by any of the debug registers */ return 0; } dr7 = rdr7(); if ((dr7 & 0x000000ff) == 0) { /* * all GE and LE bits in the dr7 register are zero, * thus the trap couldn't have been caused by the * hardware debug registers */ return 0; } nbp = 0; /* * at least one of the breakpoints were hit, check to see * which ones and if any of them are user space addresses */ if (bp & 0x01) { addr[nbp++] = (caddr_t)rdr0(); } if (bp & 0x02) { addr[nbp++] = (caddr_t)rdr1(); } if (bp & 0x04) { addr[nbp++] = (caddr_t)rdr2(); } if (bp & 0x08) { addr[nbp++] = (caddr_t)rdr3(); } for (i = 0; i < nbp; i++) { if (addr[i] < (caddr_t)VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS) { /* * addr[i] is in user space */ return nbp; } } /* * None of the breakpoints are in user space. */ return 0; } #ifdef KDB /* * Provide inb() and outb() as functions. They are normally only available as * inline functions, thus cannot be called from the debugger. */ /* silence compiler warnings */ u_char inb_(u_short); void outb_(u_short, u_char); u_char inb_(u_short port) { return inb(port); } void outb_(u_short port, u_char data) { outb(port, data); } #endif /* KDB */ diff --git a/sys/i386/include/db_machdep.h b/sys/i386/include/db_machdep.h index 42f0f19d29a9..83daab106b82 100644 --- a/sys/i386/include/db_machdep.h +++ b/sys/i386/include/db_machdep.h @@ -1,90 +1,89 @@ /*- * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _MACHINE_DB_MACHDEP_H_ #define _MACHINE_DB_MACHDEP_H_ #include -#include #include typedef vm_offset_t db_addr_t; /* address - unsigned */ typedef int db_expr_t; /* expression - signed */ #define PC_REGS() ((db_addr_t)(kdb_frame->tf_eflags & PSL_VM ? \ (kdb_frame->tf_eip & 0xffff) + \ ((kdb_frame->tf_cs & 0xffff) << 4) : \ kdb_frame->tf_eip)) #define BKPT_INST 0xcc /* breakpoint instruction */ #define BKPT_SIZE (1) /* size of breakpoint inst */ #define BKPT_SET(inst) (BKPT_INST) #define BKPT_SKIP \ do { \ kdb_frame->tf_eip += 1; \ kdb_thrctx->pcb_eip += 1; \ } while(0) #define FIXUP_PC_AFTER_BREAK \ do { \ kdb_frame->tf_eip -= 1; \ kdb_thrctx->pcb_eip -= 1; \ } while(0); #define db_clear_single_step kdb_cpu_clear_singlestep #define db_set_single_step kdb_cpu_set_singlestep /* * The debug exception type is copied from %dr6 to 'code' and used to * disambiguate single step traps. Watchpoints have no special support. * Our hardware breakpoints are not well integrated with ddb and are too * different from watchpoints. ddb treats them as unknown traps with * unknown addresses and doesn't turn them off while it is running. */ #define IS_BREAKPOINT_TRAP(type, code) ((type) == T_BPTFLT) #define IS_SSTEP_TRAP(type, code) \ ((type) == T_TRCTRAP && (code) & DBREG_DR6_BS) #define IS_WATCHPOINT_TRAP(type, code) 0 #define I_CALL 0xe8 #define I_CALLI 0xff #define I_RET 0xc3 #define I_IRET 0xcf #define inst_trap_return(ins) (((ins)&0xff) == I_IRET) #define inst_return(ins) (((ins)&0xff) == I_RET) #define inst_call(ins) (((ins)&0xff) == I_CALL || \ (((ins)&0xff) == I_CALLI && \ ((ins)&0x3800) == 0x1000)) #define inst_load(ins) 0 #define inst_store(ins) 0 int db_segsize(struct trapframe *tfp); #endif /* !_MACHINE_DB_MACHDEP_H_ */ diff --git a/sys/i386/linux/linux_ptrace.c b/sys/i386/linux/linux_ptrace.c index 0c93d0266b87..d9e0ed50c750 100644 --- a/sys/i386/linux/linux_ptrace.c +++ b/sys/i386/linux/linux_ptrace.c @@ -1,474 +1,473 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2001 Alexander Kabaev * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_cpu.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include /* * Linux ptrace requests numbers. Mostly identical to FreeBSD, * except for MD ones and PT_ATTACH/PT_DETACH. */ #define PTRACE_TRACEME 0 #define PTRACE_PEEKTEXT 1 #define PTRACE_PEEKDATA 2 #define PTRACE_PEEKUSR 3 #define PTRACE_POKETEXT 4 #define PTRACE_POKEDATA 5 #define PTRACE_POKEUSR 6 #define PTRACE_CONT 7 #define PTRACE_KILL 8 #define PTRACE_SINGLESTEP 9 #define PTRACE_ATTACH 16 #define PTRACE_DETACH 17 #define LINUX_PTRACE_SYSCALL 24 #define PTRACE_GETREGS 12 #define PTRACE_SETREGS 13 #define PTRACE_GETFPREGS 14 #define PTRACE_SETFPREGS 15 #define PTRACE_GETFPXREGS 18 #define PTRACE_SETFPXREGS 19 #define PTRACE_SETOPTIONS 21 /* * Linux keeps debug registers at the following * offset in the user struct */ #define LINUX_DBREG_OFFSET 252 #define LINUX_DBREG_SIZE (8*sizeof(l_int)) static __inline int map_signum(int signum) { signum = linux_to_bsd_signal(signum); return ((signum == SIGSTOP)? 0 : signum); } struct linux_pt_reg { l_long ebx; l_long ecx; l_long edx; l_long esi; l_long edi; l_long ebp; l_long eax; l_int xds; l_int xes; l_int xfs; l_int xgs; l_long orig_eax; l_long eip; l_int xcs; l_long eflags; l_long esp; l_int xss; }; /* * Translate i386 ptrace registers between Linux and FreeBSD formats. * The translation is pretty straighforward, for all registers, but * orig_eax on Linux side and r_trapno and r_err in FreeBSD */ static void map_regs_to_linux(struct reg *bsd_r, struct linux_pt_reg *linux_r) { linux_r->ebx = bsd_r->r_ebx; linux_r->ecx = bsd_r->r_ecx; linux_r->edx = bsd_r->r_edx; linux_r->esi = bsd_r->r_esi; linux_r->edi = bsd_r->r_edi; linux_r->ebp = bsd_r->r_ebp; linux_r->eax = bsd_r->r_eax; linux_r->xds = bsd_r->r_ds; linux_r->xes = bsd_r->r_es; linux_r->xfs = bsd_r->r_fs; linux_r->xgs = bsd_r->r_gs; linux_r->orig_eax = bsd_r->r_eax; linux_r->eip = bsd_r->r_eip; linux_r->xcs = bsd_r->r_cs; linux_r->eflags = bsd_r->r_eflags; linux_r->esp = bsd_r->r_esp; linux_r->xss = bsd_r->r_ss; } static void map_regs_from_linux(struct reg *bsd_r, struct linux_pt_reg *linux_r) { bsd_r->r_ebx = linux_r->ebx; bsd_r->r_ecx = linux_r->ecx; bsd_r->r_edx = linux_r->edx; bsd_r->r_esi = linux_r->esi; bsd_r->r_edi = linux_r->edi; bsd_r->r_ebp = linux_r->ebp; bsd_r->r_eax = linux_r->eax; bsd_r->r_ds = linux_r->xds; bsd_r->r_es = linux_r->xes; bsd_r->r_fs = linux_r->xfs; bsd_r->r_gs = linux_r->xgs; bsd_r->r_eip = linux_r->eip; bsd_r->r_cs = linux_r->xcs; bsd_r->r_eflags = linux_r->eflags; bsd_r->r_esp = linux_r->esp; bsd_r->r_ss = linux_r->xss; } struct linux_pt_fpreg { l_long cwd; l_long swd; l_long twd; l_long fip; l_long fcs; l_long foo; l_long fos; l_long st_space[2*10]; }; static void map_fpregs_to_linux(struct fpreg *bsd_r, struct linux_pt_fpreg *linux_r) { linux_r->cwd = bsd_r->fpr_env[0]; linux_r->swd = bsd_r->fpr_env[1]; linux_r->twd = bsd_r->fpr_env[2]; linux_r->fip = bsd_r->fpr_env[3]; linux_r->fcs = bsd_r->fpr_env[4]; linux_r->foo = bsd_r->fpr_env[5]; linux_r->fos = bsd_r->fpr_env[6]; bcopy(bsd_r->fpr_acc, linux_r->st_space, sizeof(linux_r->st_space)); } static void map_fpregs_from_linux(struct fpreg *bsd_r, struct linux_pt_fpreg *linux_r) { bsd_r->fpr_env[0] = linux_r->cwd; bsd_r->fpr_env[1] = linux_r->swd; bsd_r->fpr_env[2] = linux_r->twd; bsd_r->fpr_env[3] = linux_r->fip; bsd_r->fpr_env[4] = linux_r->fcs; bsd_r->fpr_env[5] = linux_r->foo; bsd_r->fpr_env[6] = linux_r->fos; bcopy(bsd_r->fpr_acc, linux_r->st_space, sizeof(bsd_r->fpr_acc)); } struct linux_pt_fpxreg { l_ushort cwd; l_ushort swd; l_ushort twd; l_ushort fop; l_long fip; l_long fcs; l_long foo; l_long fos; l_long mxcsr; l_long reserved; l_long st_space[32]; l_long xmm_space[32]; l_long padding[56]; }; static int linux_proc_read_fpxregs(struct thread *td, struct linux_pt_fpxreg *fpxregs) { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(td->td_proc, MA_OWNED); if (cpu_fxsr == 0 || (td->td_proc->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0) return (EIO); bcopy(&get_pcb_user_save_td(td)->sv_xmm, fpxregs, sizeof(*fpxregs)); return (0); } static int linux_proc_write_fpxregs(struct thread *td, struct linux_pt_fpxreg *fpxregs) { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(td->td_proc, MA_OWNED); if (cpu_fxsr == 0 || (td->td_proc->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0) return (EIO); bcopy(fpxregs, &get_pcb_user_save_td(td)->sv_xmm, sizeof(*fpxregs)); return (0); } int linux_ptrace(struct thread *td, struct linux_ptrace_args *uap) { union { struct linux_pt_reg reg; struct linux_pt_fpreg fpreg; struct linux_pt_fpxreg fpxreg; } r; union { struct reg bsd_reg; struct fpreg bsd_fpreg; struct dbreg bsd_dbreg; } u; void *addr; pid_t pid; int error, req; error = 0; /* by default, just copy data intact */ req = uap->req; pid = (pid_t)uap->pid; addr = (void *)uap->addr; switch (req) { case PTRACE_TRACEME: case PTRACE_POKETEXT: case PTRACE_POKEDATA: case PTRACE_KILL: error = kern_ptrace(td, req, pid, addr, uap->data); break; case PTRACE_PEEKTEXT: case PTRACE_PEEKDATA: { /* need to preserve return value */ int rval = td->td_retval[0]; error = kern_ptrace(td, req, pid, addr, 0); if (error == 0) error = copyout(td->td_retval, (void *)uap->data, sizeof(l_int)); td->td_retval[0] = rval; break; } case PTRACE_DETACH: error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_DETACH, pid, (void *)1, map_signum(uap->data)); break; case PTRACE_SINGLESTEP: case PTRACE_CONT: error = kern_ptrace(td, req, pid, (void *)1, map_signum(uap->data)); break; case PTRACE_ATTACH: error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_ATTACH, pid, addr, uap->data); break; case PTRACE_GETREGS: /* Linux is using data where FreeBSD is using addr */ error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_GETREGS, pid, &u.bsd_reg, 0); if (error == 0) { map_regs_to_linux(&u.bsd_reg, &r.reg); error = copyout(&r.reg, (void *)uap->data, sizeof(r.reg)); } break; case PTRACE_SETREGS: /* Linux is using data where FreeBSD is using addr */ error = copyin((void *)uap->data, &r.reg, sizeof(r.reg)); if (error == 0) { map_regs_from_linux(&u.bsd_reg, &r.reg); error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_SETREGS, pid, &u.bsd_reg, 0); } break; case PTRACE_GETFPREGS: /* Linux is using data where FreeBSD is using addr */ error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_GETFPREGS, pid, &u.bsd_fpreg, 0); if (error == 0) { map_fpregs_to_linux(&u.bsd_fpreg, &r.fpreg); error = copyout(&r.fpreg, (void *)uap->data, sizeof(r.fpreg)); } break; case PTRACE_SETFPREGS: /* Linux is using data where FreeBSD is using addr */ error = copyin((void *)uap->data, &r.fpreg, sizeof(r.fpreg)); if (error == 0) { map_fpregs_from_linux(&u.bsd_fpreg, &r.fpreg); error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_SETFPREGS, pid, &u.bsd_fpreg, 0); } break; case PTRACE_SETFPXREGS: error = copyin((void *)uap->data, &r.fpxreg, sizeof(r.fpxreg)); if (error) break; /* FALL THROUGH */ case PTRACE_GETFPXREGS: { struct proc *p; struct thread *td2; if (sizeof(struct linux_pt_fpxreg) != sizeof(struct savexmm)) { static int once = 0; if (!once) { printf("linux: savexmm != linux_pt_fpxreg\n"); once = 1; } error = EIO; break; } if ((p = pfind(uap->pid)) == NULL) { error = ESRCH; break; } /* Exiting processes can't be debugged. */ if ((p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) != 0) { error = ESRCH; goto fail; } if ((error = p_candebug(td, p)) != 0) goto fail; /* System processes can't be debugged. */ if ((p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) != 0) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } /* not being traced... */ if ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) { error = EPERM; goto fail; } /* not being traced by YOU */ if (p->p_pptr != td->td_proc) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } /* not currently stopped */ if (!P_SHOULDSTOP(p) || (p->p_flag & P_WAITED) == 0) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } if (req == PTRACE_GETFPXREGS) { _PHOLD(p); /* may block */ td2 = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p); error = linux_proc_read_fpxregs(td2, &r.fpxreg); _PRELE(p); PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (error == 0) error = copyout(&r.fpxreg, (void *)uap->data, sizeof(r.fpxreg)); } else { /* clear dangerous bits exactly as Linux does*/ r.fpxreg.mxcsr &= 0xffbf; _PHOLD(p); /* may block */ td2 = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p); error = linux_proc_write_fpxregs(td2, &r.fpxreg); _PRELE(p); PROC_UNLOCK(p); } break; fail: PROC_UNLOCK(p); break; } case PTRACE_PEEKUSR: case PTRACE_POKEUSR: { error = EIO; /* check addr for alignment */ if (uap->addr < 0 || uap->addr & (sizeof(l_int) - 1)) break; /* * Allow Linux programs to access register values in * user struct. We simulate this through PT_GET/SETREGS * as necessary. */ if (uap->addr < sizeof(struct linux_pt_reg)) { error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_GETREGS, pid, &u.bsd_reg, 0); if (error != 0) break; map_regs_to_linux(&u.bsd_reg, &r.reg); if (req == PTRACE_PEEKUSR) { error = copyout((char *)&r.reg + uap->addr, (void *)uap->data, sizeof(l_int)); break; } *(l_int *)((char *)&r.reg + uap->addr) = (l_int)uap->data; map_regs_from_linux(&u.bsd_reg, &r.reg); error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_SETREGS, pid, &u.bsd_reg, 0); } /* * Simulate debug registers access */ if (uap->addr >= LINUX_DBREG_OFFSET && uap->addr <= LINUX_DBREG_OFFSET + LINUX_DBREG_SIZE) { error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_GETDBREGS, pid, &u.bsd_dbreg, 0); if (error != 0) break; uap->addr -= LINUX_DBREG_OFFSET; if (req == PTRACE_PEEKUSR) { error = copyout((char *)&u.bsd_dbreg + uap->addr, (void *)uap->data, sizeof(l_int)); break; } *(l_int *)((char *)&u.bsd_dbreg + uap->addr) = uap->data; error = kern_ptrace(td, PT_SETDBREGS, pid, &u.bsd_dbreg, 0); } break; } case LINUX_PTRACE_SYSCALL: /* fall through */ default: printf("linux: ptrace(%u, ...) not implemented\n", (unsigned int)uap->req); error = EINVAL; break; } return (error); } diff --git a/sys/kern/imgact_elf.c b/sys/kern/imgact_elf.c index ac0427a74818..5b888766daea 100644 --- a/sys/kern/imgact_elf.c +++ b/sys/kern/imgact_elf.c @@ -1,2699 +1,2700 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2017 Dell EMC * Copyright (c) 2000-2001, 2003 David O'Brien * Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Søren Schmidt * Copyright (c) 1996 Peter Wemm * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in this position and unchanged. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_capsicum.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE 4 #define OLD_EI_BRAND 8 static int __elfN(check_header)(const Elf_Ehdr *hdr); static Elf_Brandinfo *__elfN(get_brandinfo)(struct image_params *imgp, const char *interp, int32_t *osrel, uint32_t *fctl0); static int __elfN(load_file)(struct proc *p, const char *file, u_long *addr, u_long *entry); static int __elfN(load_section)(struct image_params *imgp, vm_ooffset_t offset, caddr_t vmaddr, size_t memsz, size_t filsz, vm_prot_t prot); static int __CONCAT(exec_, __elfN(imgact))(struct image_params *imgp); static bool __elfN(freebsd_trans_osrel)(const Elf_Note *note, int32_t *osrel); static bool kfreebsd_trans_osrel(const Elf_Note *note, int32_t *osrel); static boolean_t __elfN(check_note)(struct image_params *imgp, Elf_Brandnote *checknote, int32_t *osrel, boolean_t *has_fctl0, uint32_t *fctl0); static vm_prot_t __elfN(trans_prot)(Elf_Word); static Elf_Word __elfN(untrans_prot)(vm_prot_t); SYSCTL_NODE(_kern, OID_AUTO, __CONCAT(elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, 0, ""); int __elfN(fallback_brand) = -1; SYSCTL_INT(__CONCAT(_kern_elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), OID_AUTO, fallback_brand, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &__elfN(fallback_brand), 0, __XSTRING(__CONCAT(ELF, __ELF_WORD_SIZE)) " brand of last resort"); static int elf_legacy_coredump = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, __elfN(legacy_coredump), CTLFLAG_RW, &elf_legacy_coredump, 0, "include all and only RW pages in core dumps"); int __elfN(nxstack) = #if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__powerpc64__) /* both 64 and 32 bit */ || \ (defined(__arm__) && __ARM_ARCH >= 7) || defined(__aarch64__) || \ defined(__riscv) 1; #else 0; #endif SYSCTL_INT(__CONCAT(_kern_elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), OID_AUTO, nxstack, CTLFLAG_RW, &__elfN(nxstack), 0, __XSTRING(__CONCAT(ELF, __ELF_WORD_SIZE)) ": enable non-executable stack"); #if __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 && (defined(__amd64__) || defined(__i386__)) int i386_read_exec = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_kern_elf32, OID_AUTO, read_exec, CTLFLAG_RW, &i386_read_exec, 0, "enable execution from readable segments"); #endif static u_long __elfN(pie_base) = ET_DYN_LOAD_ADDR; static int sysctl_pie_base(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { u_long val; int error; val = __elfN(pie_base); error = sysctl_handle_long(oidp, &val, 0, req); if (error != 0 || req->newptr == NULL) return (error); if ((val & PAGE_MASK) != 0) return (EINVAL); __elfN(pie_base) = val; return (0); } SYSCTL_PROC(__CONCAT(_kern_elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), OID_AUTO, pie_base, CTLTYPE_ULONG | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE | CTLFLAG_RW, NULL, 0, sysctl_pie_base, "LU", "PIE load base without randomization"); SYSCTL_NODE(__CONCAT(_kern_elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), OID_AUTO, aslr, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, 0, ""); #define ASLR_NODE_OID __CONCAT(__CONCAT(_kern_elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), _aslr) static int __elfN(aslr_enabled) = 0; SYSCTL_INT(ASLR_NODE_OID, OID_AUTO, enable, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &__elfN(aslr_enabled), 0, __XSTRING(__CONCAT(ELF, __ELF_WORD_SIZE)) ": enable address map randomization"); static int __elfN(pie_aslr_enabled) = 0; SYSCTL_INT(ASLR_NODE_OID, OID_AUTO, pie_enable, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &__elfN(pie_aslr_enabled), 0, __XSTRING(__CONCAT(ELF, __ELF_WORD_SIZE)) ": enable address map randomization for PIE binaries"); static int __elfN(aslr_honor_sbrk) = 1; SYSCTL_INT(ASLR_NODE_OID, OID_AUTO, honor_sbrk, CTLFLAG_RW, &__elfN(aslr_honor_sbrk), 0, __XSTRING(__CONCAT(ELF, __ELF_WORD_SIZE)) ": assume sbrk is used"); static int __elfN(aslr_stack_gap) = 3; SYSCTL_INT(ASLR_NODE_OID, OID_AUTO, stack_gap, CTLFLAG_RW, &__elfN(aslr_stack_gap), 0, __XSTRING(__CONCAT(ELF, __ELF_WORD_SIZE)) ": maximum percentage of main stack to waste on a random gap"); static int __elfN(sigfastblock) = 1; SYSCTL_INT(__CONCAT(_kern_elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), OID_AUTO, sigfastblock, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &__elfN(sigfastblock), 0, "enable sigfastblock for new processes"); static bool __elfN(allow_wx) = true; SYSCTL_BOOL(__CONCAT(_kern_elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), OID_AUTO, allow_wx, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &__elfN(allow_wx), 0, "Allow pages to be mapped simultaneously writable and executable"); static Elf_Brandinfo *elf_brand_list[MAX_BRANDS]; #define aligned(a, t) (rounddown2((u_long)(a), sizeof(t)) == (u_long)(a)) Elf_Brandnote __elfN(freebsd_brandnote) = { .hdr.n_namesz = sizeof(FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR), .hdr.n_descsz = sizeof(int32_t), .hdr.n_type = NT_FREEBSD_ABI_TAG, .vendor = FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR, .flags = BN_TRANSLATE_OSREL, .trans_osrel = __elfN(freebsd_trans_osrel) }; static bool __elfN(freebsd_trans_osrel)(const Elf_Note *note, int32_t *osrel) { uintptr_t p; p = (uintptr_t)(note + 1); p += roundup2(note->n_namesz, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE); *osrel = *(const int32_t *)(p); return (true); } static const char GNU_ABI_VENDOR[] = "GNU"; static int GNU_KFREEBSD_ABI_DESC = 3; Elf_Brandnote __elfN(kfreebsd_brandnote) = { .hdr.n_namesz = sizeof(GNU_ABI_VENDOR), .hdr.n_descsz = 16, /* XXX at least 16 */ .hdr.n_type = 1, .vendor = GNU_ABI_VENDOR, .flags = BN_TRANSLATE_OSREL, .trans_osrel = kfreebsd_trans_osrel }; static bool kfreebsd_trans_osrel(const Elf_Note *note, int32_t *osrel) { const Elf32_Word *desc; uintptr_t p; p = (uintptr_t)(note + 1); p += roundup2(note->n_namesz, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE); desc = (const Elf32_Word *)p; if (desc[0] != GNU_KFREEBSD_ABI_DESC) return (false); /* * Debian GNU/kFreeBSD embed the earliest compatible kernel version * (__FreeBSD_version: Rxx) in the LSB way. */ *osrel = desc[1] * 100000 + desc[2] * 1000 + desc[3]; return (true); } int __elfN(insert_brand_entry)(Elf_Brandinfo *entry) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BRANDS; i++) { if (elf_brand_list[i] == NULL) { elf_brand_list[i] = entry; break; } } if (i == MAX_BRANDS) { printf("WARNING: %s: could not insert brandinfo entry: %p\n", __func__, entry); return (-1); } return (0); } int __elfN(remove_brand_entry)(Elf_Brandinfo *entry) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BRANDS; i++) { if (elf_brand_list[i] == entry) { elf_brand_list[i] = NULL; break; } } if (i == MAX_BRANDS) return (-1); return (0); } int __elfN(brand_inuse)(Elf_Brandinfo *entry) { struct proc *p; int rval = FALSE; sx_slock(&allproc_lock); FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { if (p->p_sysent == entry->sysvec) { rval = TRUE; break; } } sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); return (rval); } static Elf_Brandinfo * __elfN(get_brandinfo)(struct image_params *imgp, const char *interp, int32_t *osrel, uint32_t *fctl0) { const Elf_Ehdr *hdr = (const Elf_Ehdr *)imgp->image_header; Elf_Brandinfo *bi, *bi_m; boolean_t ret, has_fctl0; int i, interp_name_len; interp_name_len = interp != NULL ? strlen(interp) + 1 : 0; /* * We support four types of branding -- (1) the ELF EI_OSABI field * that SCO added to the ELF spec, (2) FreeBSD 3.x's traditional string * branding w/in the ELF header, (3) path of the `interp_path' * field, and (4) the ".note.ABI-tag" ELF section. */ /* Look for an ".note.ABI-tag" ELF section */ bi_m = NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BRANDS; i++) { bi = elf_brand_list[i]; if (bi == NULL) continue; if (interp != NULL && (bi->flags & BI_BRAND_ONLY_STATIC) != 0) continue; if (hdr->e_machine == bi->machine && (bi->flags & (BI_BRAND_NOTE|BI_BRAND_NOTE_MANDATORY)) != 0) { has_fctl0 = false; *fctl0 = 0; *osrel = 0; ret = __elfN(check_note)(imgp, bi->brand_note, osrel, &has_fctl0, fctl0); /* Give brand a chance to veto check_note's guess */ if (ret && bi->header_supported) { ret = bi->header_supported(imgp, osrel, has_fctl0 ? fctl0 : NULL); } /* * If note checker claimed the binary, but the * interpreter path in the image does not * match default one for the brand, try to * search for other brands with the same * interpreter. Either there is better brand * with the right interpreter, or, failing * this, we return first brand which accepted * our note and, optionally, header. */ if (ret && bi_m == NULL && interp != NULL && (bi->interp_path == NULL || (strlen(bi->interp_path) + 1 != interp_name_len || strncmp(interp, bi->interp_path, interp_name_len) != 0))) { bi_m = bi; ret = 0; } if (ret) return (bi); } } if (bi_m != NULL) return (bi_m); /* If the executable has a brand, search for it in the brand list. */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_BRANDS; i++) { bi = elf_brand_list[i]; if (bi == NULL || (bi->flags & BI_BRAND_NOTE_MANDATORY) != 0 || (interp != NULL && (bi->flags & BI_BRAND_ONLY_STATIC) != 0)) continue; if (hdr->e_machine == bi->machine && (hdr->e_ident[EI_OSABI] == bi->brand || (bi->compat_3_brand != NULL && strcmp((const char *)&hdr->e_ident[OLD_EI_BRAND], bi->compat_3_brand) == 0))) { /* Looks good, but give brand a chance to veto */ if (bi->header_supported == NULL || bi->header_supported(imgp, NULL, NULL)) { /* * Again, prefer strictly matching * interpreter path. */ if (interp_name_len == 0 && bi->interp_path == NULL) return (bi); if (bi->interp_path != NULL && strlen(bi->interp_path) + 1 == interp_name_len && strncmp(interp, bi->interp_path, interp_name_len) == 0) return (bi); if (bi_m == NULL) bi_m = bi; } } } if (bi_m != NULL) return (bi_m); /* No known brand, see if the header is recognized by any brand */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_BRANDS; i++) { bi = elf_brand_list[i]; if (bi == NULL || bi->flags & BI_BRAND_NOTE_MANDATORY || bi->header_supported == NULL) continue; if (hdr->e_machine == bi->machine) { ret = bi->header_supported(imgp, NULL, NULL); if (ret) return (bi); } } /* Lacking a known brand, search for a recognized interpreter. */ if (interp != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_BRANDS; i++) { bi = elf_brand_list[i]; if (bi == NULL || (bi->flags & (BI_BRAND_NOTE_MANDATORY | BI_BRAND_ONLY_STATIC)) != 0) continue; if (hdr->e_machine == bi->machine && bi->interp_path != NULL && /* ELF image p_filesz includes terminating zero */ strlen(bi->interp_path) + 1 == interp_name_len && strncmp(interp, bi->interp_path, interp_name_len) == 0 && (bi->header_supported == NULL || bi->header_supported(imgp, NULL, NULL))) return (bi); } } /* Lacking a recognized interpreter, try the default brand */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_BRANDS; i++) { bi = elf_brand_list[i]; if (bi == NULL || (bi->flags & BI_BRAND_NOTE_MANDATORY) != 0 || (interp != NULL && (bi->flags & BI_BRAND_ONLY_STATIC) != 0)) continue; if (hdr->e_machine == bi->machine && __elfN(fallback_brand) == bi->brand && (bi->header_supported == NULL || bi->header_supported(imgp, NULL, NULL))) return (bi); } return (NULL); } static bool __elfN(phdr_in_zero_page)(const Elf_Ehdr *hdr) { return (hdr->e_phoff <= PAGE_SIZE && (u_int)hdr->e_phentsize * hdr->e_phnum <= PAGE_SIZE - hdr->e_phoff); } static int __elfN(check_header)(const Elf_Ehdr *hdr) { Elf_Brandinfo *bi; int i; if (!IS_ELF(*hdr) || hdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELF_TARG_CLASS || hdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELF_TARG_DATA || hdr->e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT || hdr->e_phentsize != sizeof(Elf_Phdr) || hdr->e_version != ELF_TARG_VER) return (ENOEXEC); /* * Make sure we have at least one brand for this machine. */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_BRANDS; i++) { bi = elf_brand_list[i]; if (bi != NULL && bi->machine == hdr->e_machine) break; } if (i == MAX_BRANDS) return (ENOEXEC); return (0); } static int __elfN(map_partial)(vm_map_t map, vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_prot_t prot) { struct sf_buf *sf; int error; vm_offset_t off; /* * Create the page if it doesn't exist yet. Ignore errors. */ vm_map_fixed(map, NULL, 0, trunc_page(start), round_page(end) - trunc_page(start), VM_PROT_ALL, VM_PROT_ALL, MAP_CHECK_EXCL); /* * Find the page from the underlying object. */ if (object != NULL) { sf = vm_imgact_map_page(object, offset); if (sf == NULL) return (KERN_FAILURE); off = offset - trunc_page(offset); error = copyout((caddr_t)sf_buf_kva(sf) + off, (caddr_t)start, end - start); vm_imgact_unmap_page(sf); if (error != 0) return (KERN_FAILURE); } return (KERN_SUCCESS); } static int __elfN(map_insert)(struct image_params *imgp, vm_map_t map, vm_object_t object, vm_ooffset_t offset, vm_offset_t start, vm_offset_t end, vm_prot_t prot, int cow) { struct sf_buf *sf; vm_offset_t off; vm_size_t sz; int error, locked, rv; if (start != trunc_page(start)) { rv = __elfN(map_partial)(map, object, offset, start, round_page(start), prot); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) return (rv); offset += round_page(start) - start; start = round_page(start); } if (end != round_page(end)) { rv = __elfN(map_partial)(map, object, offset + trunc_page(end) - start, trunc_page(end), end, prot); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) return (rv); end = trunc_page(end); } if (start >= end) return (KERN_SUCCESS); if ((offset & PAGE_MASK) != 0) { /* * The mapping is not page aligned. This means that we have * to copy the data. */ rv = vm_map_fixed(map, NULL, 0, start, end - start, prot | VM_PROT_WRITE, VM_PROT_ALL, MAP_CHECK_EXCL); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) return (rv); if (object == NULL) return (KERN_SUCCESS); for (; start < end; start += sz) { sf = vm_imgact_map_page(object, offset); if (sf == NULL) return (KERN_FAILURE); off = offset - trunc_page(offset); sz = end - start; if (sz > PAGE_SIZE - off) sz = PAGE_SIZE - off; error = copyout((caddr_t)sf_buf_kva(sf) + off, (caddr_t)start, sz); vm_imgact_unmap_page(sf); if (error != 0) return (KERN_FAILURE); offset += sz; } } else { vm_object_reference(object); rv = vm_map_fixed(map, object, offset, start, end - start, prot, VM_PROT_ALL, cow | MAP_CHECK_EXCL | (object != NULL ? MAP_VN_EXEC : 0)); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) { locked = VOP_ISLOCKED(imgp->vp); VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); vm_object_deallocate(object); vn_lock(imgp->vp, locked | LK_RETRY); return (rv); } else if (object != NULL) { MPASS(imgp->vp->v_object == object); VOP_SET_TEXT_CHECKED(imgp->vp); } } return (KERN_SUCCESS); } static int __elfN(load_section)(struct image_params *imgp, vm_ooffset_t offset, caddr_t vmaddr, size_t memsz, size_t filsz, vm_prot_t prot) { struct sf_buf *sf; size_t map_len; vm_map_t map; vm_object_t object; vm_offset_t map_addr; int error, rv, cow; size_t copy_len; vm_ooffset_t file_addr; /* * It's necessary to fail if the filsz + offset taken from the * header is greater than the actual file pager object's size. * If we were to allow this, then the vm_map_find() below would * walk right off the end of the file object and into the ether. * * While I'm here, might as well check for something else that * is invalid: filsz cannot be greater than memsz. */ if ((filsz != 0 && (off_t)filsz + offset > imgp->attr->va_size) || filsz > memsz) { uprintf("elf_load_section: truncated ELF file\n"); return (ENOEXEC); } object = imgp->object; map = &imgp->proc->p_vmspace->vm_map; map_addr = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)vmaddr); file_addr = trunc_page(offset); /* * We have two choices. We can either clear the data in the last page * of an oversized mapping, or we can start the anon mapping a page * early and copy the initialized data into that first page. We * choose the second. */ if (filsz == 0) map_len = 0; else if (memsz > filsz) map_len = trunc_page(offset + filsz) - file_addr; else map_len = round_page(offset + filsz) - file_addr; if (map_len != 0) { /* cow flags: don't dump readonly sections in core */ cow = MAP_COPY_ON_WRITE | MAP_PREFAULT | (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE ? 0 : MAP_DISABLE_COREDUMP); rv = __elfN(map_insert)(imgp, map, object, file_addr, map_addr, map_addr + map_len, prot, cow); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) return (EINVAL); /* we can stop now if we've covered it all */ if (memsz == filsz) return (0); } /* * We have to get the remaining bit of the file into the first part * of the oversized map segment. This is normally because the .data * segment in the file is extended to provide bss. It's a neat idea * to try and save a page, but it's a pain in the behind to implement. */ copy_len = filsz == 0 ? 0 : (offset + filsz) - trunc_page(offset + filsz); map_addr = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)vmaddr + filsz); map_len = round_page((vm_offset_t)vmaddr + memsz) - map_addr; /* This had damn well better be true! */ if (map_len != 0) { rv = __elfN(map_insert)(imgp, map, NULL, 0, map_addr, map_addr + map_len, prot, 0); if (rv != KERN_SUCCESS) return (EINVAL); } if (copy_len != 0) { sf = vm_imgact_map_page(object, offset + filsz); if (sf == NULL) return (EIO); /* send the page fragment to user space */ error = copyout((caddr_t)sf_buf_kva(sf), (caddr_t)map_addr, copy_len); vm_imgact_unmap_page(sf); if (error != 0) return (error); } /* * Remove write access to the page if it was only granted by map_insert * to allow copyout. */ if ((prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) vm_map_protect(map, trunc_page(map_addr), round_page(map_addr + map_len), prot, 0, VM_MAP_PROTECT_SET_PROT); return (0); } static int __elfN(load_sections)(struct image_params *imgp, const Elf_Ehdr *hdr, const Elf_Phdr *phdr, u_long rbase, u_long *base_addrp) { vm_prot_t prot; u_long base_addr; bool first; int error, i; ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(imgp->vp, __func__); base_addr = 0; first = true; for (i = 0; i < hdr->e_phnum; i++) { if (phdr[i].p_type != PT_LOAD || phdr[i].p_memsz == 0) continue; /* Loadable segment */ prot = __elfN(trans_prot)(phdr[i].p_flags); error = __elfN(load_section)(imgp, phdr[i].p_offset, (caddr_t)(uintptr_t)phdr[i].p_vaddr + rbase, phdr[i].p_memsz, phdr[i].p_filesz, prot); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * Establish the base address if this is the first segment. */ if (first) { base_addr = trunc_page(phdr[i].p_vaddr + rbase); first = false; } } if (base_addrp != NULL) *base_addrp = base_addr; return (0); } /* * Load the file "file" into memory. It may be either a shared object * or an executable. * * The "addr" reference parameter is in/out. On entry, it specifies * the address where a shared object should be loaded. If the file is * an executable, this value is ignored. On exit, "addr" specifies * where the file was actually loaded. * * The "entry" reference parameter is out only. On exit, it specifies * the entry point for the loaded file. */ static int __elfN(load_file)(struct proc *p, const char *file, u_long *addr, u_long *entry) { struct { struct nameidata nd; struct vattr attr; struct image_params image_params; } *tempdata; const Elf_Ehdr *hdr = NULL; const Elf_Phdr *phdr = NULL; struct nameidata *nd; struct vattr *attr; struct image_params *imgp; u_long rbase; u_long base_addr = 0; int error; #ifdef CAPABILITY_MODE /* * XXXJA: This check can go away once we are sufficiently confident * that the checks in namei() are correct. */ if (IN_CAPABILITY_MODE(curthread)) return (ECAPMODE); #endif tempdata = malloc(sizeof(*tempdata), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); nd = &tempdata->nd; attr = &tempdata->attr; imgp = &tempdata->image_params; /* * Initialize part of the common data */ imgp->proc = p; imgp->attr = attr; NDINIT(nd, LOOKUP, ISOPEN | FOLLOW | LOCKSHARED | LOCKLEAF, UIO_SYSSPACE, file, curthread); if ((error = namei(nd)) != 0) { nd->ni_vp = NULL; goto fail; } NDFREE(nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); imgp->vp = nd->ni_vp; /* * Check permissions, modes, uid, etc on the file, and "open" it. */ error = exec_check_permissions(imgp); if (error) goto fail; error = exec_map_first_page(imgp); if (error) goto fail; imgp->object = nd->ni_vp->v_object; hdr = (const Elf_Ehdr *)imgp->image_header; if ((error = __elfN(check_header)(hdr)) != 0) goto fail; if (hdr->e_type == ET_DYN) rbase = *addr; else if (hdr->e_type == ET_EXEC) rbase = 0; else { error = ENOEXEC; goto fail; } /* Only support headers that fit within first page for now */ if (!__elfN(phdr_in_zero_page)(hdr)) { error = ENOEXEC; goto fail; } phdr = (const Elf_Phdr *)(imgp->image_header + hdr->e_phoff); if (!aligned(phdr, Elf_Addr)) { error = ENOEXEC; goto fail; } error = __elfN(load_sections)(imgp, hdr, phdr, rbase, &base_addr); if (error != 0) goto fail; *addr = base_addr; *entry = (unsigned long)hdr->e_entry + rbase; fail: if (imgp->firstpage) exec_unmap_first_page(imgp); if (nd->ni_vp) { if (imgp->textset) VOP_UNSET_TEXT_CHECKED(nd->ni_vp); vput(nd->ni_vp); } free(tempdata, M_TEMP); return (error); } static u_long __CONCAT(rnd_, __elfN(base))(vm_map_t map __unused, u_long minv, u_long maxv, u_int align) { u_long rbase, res; MPASS(vm_map_min(map) <= minv); MPASS(maxv <= vm_map_max(map)); MPASS(minv < maxv); MPASS(minv + align < maxv); arc4rand(&rbase, sizeof(rbase), 0); res = roundup(minv, (u_long)align) + rbase % (maxv - minv); res &= ~((u_long)align - 1); if (res >= maxv) res -= align; KASSERT(res >= minv, ("res %#lx < minv %#lx, maxv %#lx rbase %#lx", res, minv, maxv, rbase)); KASSERT(res < maxv, ("res %#lx > maxv %#lx, minv %#lx rbase %#lx", res, maxv, minv, rbase)); return (res); } static int __elfN(enforce_limits)(struct image_params *imgp, const Elf_Ehdr *hdr, const Elf_Phdr *phdr, u_long et_dyn_addr) { struct vmspace *vmspace; const char *err_str; u_long text_size, data_size, total_size, text_addr, data_addr; u_long seg_size, seg_addr; int i; err_str = NULL; text_size = data_size = total_size = text_addr = data_addr = 0; for (i = 0; i < hdr->e_phnum; i++) { if (phdr[i].p_type != PT_LOAD || phdr[i].p_memsz == 0) continue; seg_addr = trunc_page(phdr[i].p_vaddr + et_dyn_addr); seg_size = round_page(phdr[i].p_memsz + phdr[i].p_vaddr + et_dyn_addr - seg_addr); /* * Make the largest executable segment the official * text segment and all others data. * * Note that obreak() assumes that data_addr + data_size == end * of data load area, and the ELF file format expects segments * to be sorted by address. If multiple data segments exist, * the last one will be used. */ if ((phdr[i].p_flags & PF_X) != 0 && text_size < seg_size) { text_size = seg_size; text_addr = seg_addr; } else { data_size = seg_size; data_addr = seg_addr; } total_size += seg_size; } if (data_addr == 0 && data_size == 0) { data_addr = text_addr; data_size = text_size; } /* * Check limits. It should be safe to check the * limits after loading the segments since we do * not actually fault in all the segments pages. */ PROC_LOCK(imgp->proc); if (data_size > lim_cur_proc(imgp->proc, RLIMIT_DATA)) err_str = "Data segment size exceeds process limit"; else if (text_size > maxtsiz) err_str = "Text segment size exceeds system limit"; else if (total_size > lim_cur_proc(imgp->proc, RLIMIT_VMEM)) err_str = "Total segment size exceeds process limit"; else if (racct_set(imgp->proc, RACCT_DATA, data_size) != 0) err_str = "Data segment size exceeds resource limit"; else if (racct_set(imgp->proc, RACCT_VMEM, total_size) != 0) err_str = "Total segment size exceeds resource limit"; PROC_UNLOCK(imgp->proc); if (err_str != NULL) { uprintf("%s\n", err_str); return (ENOMEM); } vmspace = imgp->proc->p_vmspace; vmspace->vm_tsize = text_size >> PAGE_SHIFT; vmspace->vm_taddr = (caddr_t)(uintptr_t)text_addr; vmspace->vm_dsize = data_size >> PAGE_SHIFT; vmspace->vm_daddr = (caddr_t)(uintptr_t)data_addr; return (0); } static int __elfN(get_interp)(struct image_params *imgp, const Elf_Phdr *phdr, char **interpp, bool *free_interpp) { struct thread *td; char *interp; int error, interp_name_len; KASSERT(phdr->p_type == PT_INTERP, ("%s: p_type %u != PT_INTERP", __func__, phdr->p_type)); ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(imgp->vp, __func__); td = curthread; /* Path to interpreter */ if (phdr->p_filesz < 2 || phdr->p_filesz > MAXPATHLEN) { uprintf("Invalid PT_INTERP\n"); return (ENOEXEC); } interp_name_len = phdr->p_filesz; if (phdr->p_offset > PAGE_SIZE || interp_name_len > PAGE_SIZE - phdr->p_offset) { /* * The vnode lock might be needed by the pagedaemon to * clean pages owned by the vnode. Do not allow sleep * waiting for memory with the vnode locked, instead * try non-sleepable allocation first, and if it * fails, go to the slow path were we drop the lock * and do M_WAITOK. A text reference prevents * modifications to the vnode content. */ interp = malloc(interp_name_len + 1, M_TEMP, M_NOWAIT); if (interp == NULL) { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); interp = malloc(interp_name_len + 1, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); } error = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, imgp->vp, interp, interp_name_len, phdr->p_offset, UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED, td->td_ucred, NOCRED, NULL, td); if (error != 0) { free(interp, M_TEMP); uprintf("i/o error PT_INTERP %d\n", error); return (error); } interp[interp_name_len] = '\0'; *interpp = interp; *free_interpp = true; return (0); } interp = __DECONST(char *, imgp->image_header) + phdr->p_offset; if (interp[interp_name_len - 1] != '\0') { uprintf("Invalid PT_INTERP\n"); return (ENOEXEC); } *interpp = interp; *free_interpp = false; return (0); } static int __elfN(load_interp)(struct image_params *imgp, const Elf_Brandinfo *brand_info, const char *interp, u_long *addr, u_long *entry) { char *path; int error; if (brand_info->emul_path != NULL && brand_info->emul_path[0] != '\0') { path = malloc(MAXPATHLEN, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); snprintf(path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%s", brand_info->emul_path, interp); error = __elfN(load_file)(imgp->proc, path, addr, entry); free(path, M_TEMP); if (error == 0) return (0); } if (brand_info->interp_newpath != NULL && (brand_info->interp_path == NULL || strcmp(interp, brand_info->interp_path) == 0)) { error = __elfN(load_file)(imgp->proc, brand_info->interp_newpath, addr, entry); if (error == 0) return (0); } error = __elfN(load_file)(imgp->proc, interp, addr, entry); if (error == 0) return (0); uprintf("ELF interpreter %s not found, error %d\n", interp, error); return (error); } /* * Impossible et_dyn_addr initial value indicating that the real base * must be calculated later with some randomization applied. */ #define ET_DYN_ADDR_RAND 1 static int __CONCAT(exec_, __elfN(imgact))(struct image_params *imgp) { struct thread *td; const Elf_Ehdr *hdr; const Elf_Phdr *phdr; Elf_Auxargs *elf_auxargs; struct vmspace *vmspace; vm_map_t map; char *interp; Elf_Brandinfo *brand_info; struct sysentvec *sv; u_long addr, baddr, et_dyn_addr, entry, proghdr; u_long maxalign, mapsz, maxv, maxv1; uint32_t fctl0; int32_t osrel; bool free_interp; int error, i, n; hdr = (const Elf_Ehdr *)imgp->image_header; /* * Do we have a valid ELF header ? * * Only allow ET_EXEC & ET_DYN here, reject ET_DYN later * if particular brand doesn't support it. */ if (__elfN(check_header)(hdr) != 0 || (hdr->e_type != ET_EXEC && hdr->e_type != ET_DYN)) return (-1); /* * From here on down, we return an errno, not -1, as we've * detected an ELF file. */ if (!__elfN(phdr_in_zero_page)(hdr)) { uprintf("Program headers not in the first page\n"); return (ENOEXEC); } phdr = (const Elf_Phdr *)(imgp->image_header + hdr->e_phoff); if (!aligned(phdr, Elf_Addr)) { uprintf("Unaligned program headers\n"); return (ENOEXEC); } n = error = 0; baddr = 0; osrel = 0; fctl0 = 0; entry = proghdr = 0; interp = NULL; free_interp = false; td = curthread; maxalign = PAGE_SIZE; mapsz = 0; for (i = 0; i < hdr->e_phnum; i++) { switch (phdr[i].p_type) { case PT_LOAD: if (n == 0) baddr = phdr[i].p_vaddr; if (phdr[i].p_align > maxalign) maxalign = phdr[i].p_align; mapsz += phdr[i].p_memsz; n++; /* * If this segment contains the program headers, * remember their virtual address for the AT_PHDR * aux entry. Static binaries don't usually include * a PT_PHDR entry. */ if (phdr[i].p_offset == 0 && hdr->e_phoff + hdr->e_phnum * hdr->e_phentsize <= phdr[i].p_filesz) proghdr = phdr[i].p_vaddr + hdr->e_phoff; break; case PT_INTERP: /* Path to interpreter */ if (interp != NULL) { uprintf("Multiple PT_INTERP headers\n"); error = ENOEXEC; goto ret; } error = __elfN(get_interp)(imgp, &phdr[i], &interp, &free_interp); if (error != 0) goto ret; break; case PT_GNU_STACK: if (__elfN(nxstack)) imgp->stack_prot = __elfN(trans_prot)(phdr[i].p_flags); imgp->stack_sz = phdr[i].p_memsz; break; case PT_PHDR: /* Program header table info */ proghdr = phdr[i].p_vaddr; break; } } brand_info = __elfN(get_brandinfo)(imgp, interp, &osrel, &fctl0); if (brand_info == NULL) { uprintf("ELF binary type \"%u\" not known.\n", hdr->e_ident[EI_OSABI]); error = ENOEXEC; goto ret; } sv = brand_info->sysvec; et_dyn_addr = 0; if (hdr->e_type == ET_DYN) { if ((brand_info->flags & BI_CAN_EXEC_DYN) == 0) { uprintf("Cannot execute shared object\n"); error = ENOEXEC; goto ret; } /* * Honour the base load address from the dso if it is * non-zero for some reason. */ if (baddr == 0) { if ((sv->sv_flags & SV_ASLR) == 0 || (fctl0 & NT_FREEBSD_FCTL_ASLR_DISABLE) != 0) et_dyn_addr = __elfN(pie_base); else if ((__elfN(pie_aslr_enabled) && (imgp->proc->p_flag2 & P2_ASLR_DISABLE) == 0) || (imgp->proc->p_flag2 & P2_ASLR_ENABLE) != 0) et_dyn_addr = ET_DYN_ADDR_RAND; else et_dyn_addr = __elfN(pie_base); } } /* * Avoid a possible deadlock if the current address space is destroyed * and that address space maps the locked vnode. In the common case, * the locked vnode's v_usecount is decremented but remains greater * than zero. Consequently, the vnode lock is not needed by vrele(). * However, in cases where the vnode lock is external, such as nullfs, * v_usecount may become zero. * * The VV_TEXT flag prevents modifications to the executable while * the vnode is unlocked. */ VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); /* * Decide whether to enable randomization of user mappings. * First, reset user preferences for the setid binaries. * Then, account for the support of the randomization by the * ABI, by user preferences, and make special treatment for * PIE binaries. */ if (imgp->credential_setid) { PROC_LOCK(imgp->proc); imgp->proc->p_flag2 &= ~(P2_ASLR_ENABLE | P2_ASLR_DISABLE); PROC_UNLOCK(imgp->proc); } if ((sv->sv_flags & SV_ASLR) == 0 || (imgp->proc->p_flag2 & P2_ASLR_DISABLE) != 0 || (fctl0 & NT_FREEBSD_FCTL_ASLR_DISABLE) != 0) { KASSERT(et_dyn_addr != ET_DYN_ADDR_RAND, ("et_dyn_addr == RAND and !ASLR")); } else if ((imgp->proc->p_flag2 & P2_ASLR_ENABLE) != 0 || (__elfN(aslr_enabled) && hdr->e_type == ET_EXEC) || et_dyn_addr == ET_DYN_ADDR_RAND) { imgp->map_flags |= MAP_ASLR; /* * If user does not care about sbrk, utilize the bss * grow region for mappings as well. We can select * the base for the image anywere and still not suffer * from the fragmentation. */ if (!__elfN(aslr_honor_sbrk) || (imgp->proc->p_flag2 & P2_ASLR_IGNSTART) != 0) imgp->map_flags |= MAP_ASLR_IGNSTART; } if (!__elfN(allow_wx) && (fctl0 & NT_FREEBSD_FCTL_WXNEEDED) == 0) imgp->map_flags |= MAP_WXORX; error = exec_new_vmspace(imgp, sv); vmspace = imgp->proc->p_vmspace; map = &vmspace->vm_map; imgp->proc->p_sysent = sv; imgp->proc->p_elf_brandinfo = brand_info; maxv = vm_map_max(map) - lim_max(td, RLIMIT_STACK); if (et_dyn_addr == ET_DYN_ADDR_RAND) { KASSERT((map->flags & MAP_ASLR) != 0, ("ET_DYN_ADDR_RAND but !MAP_ASLR")); et_dyn_addr = __CONCAT(rnd_, __elfN(base))(map, vm_map_min(map) + mapsz + lim_max(td, RLIMIT_DATA), /* reserve half of the address space to interpreter */ maxv / 2, 1UL << flsl(maxalign)); } vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); if (error != 0) goto ret; error = __elfN(load_sections)(imgp, hdr, phdr, et_dyn_addr, NULL); if (error != 0) goto ret; error = __elfN(enforce_limits)(imgp, hdr, phdr, et_dyn_addr); if (error != 0) goto ret; entry = (u_long)hdr->e_entry + et_dyn_addr; /* * We load the dynamic linker where a userland call * to mmap(0, ...) would put it. The rationale behind this * calculation is that it leaves room for the heap to grow to * its maximum allowed size. */ addr = round_page((vm_offset_t)vmspace->vm_daddr + lim_max(td, RLIMIT_DATA)); if ((map->flags & MAP_ASLR) != 0) { maxv1 = maxv / 2 + addr / 2; MPASS(maxv1 >= addr); /* No overflow */ map->anon_loc = __CONCAT(rnd_, __elfN(base))(map, addr, maxv1, (MAXPAGESIZES > 1 && pagesizes[1] != 0) ? pagesizes[1] : pagesizes[0]); } else { map->anon_loc = addr; } imgp->entry_addr = entry; if (interp != NULL) { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); if ((map->flags & MAP_ASLR) != 0) { /* Assume that interpreter fits into 1/4 of AS */ maxv1 = maxv / 2 + addr / 2; MPASS(maxv1 >= addr); /* No overflow */ addr = __CONCAT(rnd_, __elfN(base))(map, addr, maxv1, PAGE_SIZE); } error = __elfN(load_interp)(imgp, brand_info, interp, &addr, &imgp->entry_addr); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); if (error != 0) goto ret; } else addr = et_dyn_addr; /* * Construct auxargs table (used by the copyout_auxargs routine) */ elf_auxargs = malloc(sizeof(Elf_Auxargs), M_TEMP, M_NOWAIT); if (elf_auxargs == NULL) { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); elf_auxargs = malloc(sizeof(Elf_Auxargs), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); } elf_auxargs->execfd = -1; elf_auxargs->phdr = proghdr + et_dyn_addr; elf_auxargs->phent = hdr->e_phentsize; elf_auxargs->phnum = hdr->e_phnum; elf_auxargs->pagesz = PAGE_SIZE; elf_auxargs->base = addr; elf_auxargs->flags = 0; elf_auxargs->entry = entry; elf_auxargs->hdr_eflags = hdr->e_flags; imgp->auxargs = elf_auxargs; imgp->interpreted = 0; imgp->reloc_base = addr; imgp->proc->p_osrel = osrel; imgp->proc->p_fctl0 = fctl0; imgp->proc->p_elf_flags = hdr->e_flags; ret: if (free_interp) free(interp, M_TEMP); return (error); } #define elf_suword __CONCAT(suword, __ELF_WORD_SIZE) int __elfN(freebsd_copyout_auxargs)(struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t base) { Elf_Auxargs *args = (Elf_Auxargs *)imgp->auxargs; Elf_Auxinfo *argarray, *pos; int error; argarray = pos = malloc(AT_COUNT * sizeof(*pos), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (args->execfd != -1) AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_EXECFD, args->execfd); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_PHDR, args->phdr); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_PHENT, args->phent); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_PHNUM, args->phnum); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_PAGESZ, args->pagesz); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_FLAGS, args->flags); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_ENTRY, args->entry); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_BASE, args->base); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_EHDRFLAGS, args->hdr_eflags); if (imgp->execpathp != 0) AUXARGS_ENTRY_PTR(pos, AT_EXECPATH, imgp->execpathp); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_OSRELDATE, imgp->proc->p_ucred->cr_prison->pr_osreldate); if (imgp->canary != 0) { AUXARGS_ENTRY_PTR(pos, AT_CANARY, imgp->canary); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_CANARYLEN, imgp->canarylen); } AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_NCPUS, mp_ncpus); if (imgp->pagesizes != 0) { AUXARGS_ENTRY_PTR(pos, AT_PAGESIZES, imgp->pagesizes); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_PAGESIZESLEN, imgp->pagesizeslen); } if (imgp->sysent->sv_timekeep_base != 0) { AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_TIMEKEEP, imgp->sysent->sv_timekeep_base); } AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_STACKPROT, imgp->sysent->sv_shared_page_obj != NULL && imgp->stack_prot != 0 ? imgp->stack_prot : imgp->sysent->sv_stackprot); if (imgp->sysent->sv_hwcap != NULL) AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_HWCAP, *imgp->sysent->sv_hwcap); if (imgp->sysent->sv_hwcap2 != NULL) AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_HWCAP2, *imgp->sysent->sv_hwcap2); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_BSDFLAGS, __elfN(sigfastblock) ? ELF_BSDF_SIGFASTBLK : 0); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_ARGC, imgp->args->argc); AUXARGS_ENTRY_PTR(pos, AT_ARGV, imgp->argv); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_ENVC, imgp->args->envc); AUXARGS_ENTRY_PTR(pos, AT_ENVV, imgp->envv); AUXARGS_ENTRY_PTR(pos, AT_PS_STRINGS, imgp->ps_strings); if (imgp->sysent->sv_fxrng_gen_base != 0) AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_FXRNG, imgp->sysent->sv_fxrng_gen_base); AUXARGS_ENTRY(pos, AT_NULL, 0); free(imgp->auxargs, M_TEMP); imgp->auxargs = NULL; KASSERT(pos - argarray <= AT_COUNT, ("Too many auxargs")); error = copyout(argarray, (void *)base, sizeof(*argarray) * AT_COUNT); free(argarray, M_TEMP); return (error); } int __elfN(freebsd_fixup)(uintptr_t *stack_base, struct image_params *imgp) { Elf_Addr *base; base = (Elf_Addr *)*stack_base; base--; if (elf_suword(base, imgp->args->argc) == -1) return (EFAULT); *stack_base = (uintptr_t)base; return (0); } /* * Code for generating ELF core dumps. */ typedef void (*segment_callback)(vm_map_entry_t, void *); /* Closure for cb_put_phdr(). */ struct phdr_closure { Elf_Phdr *phdr; /* Program header to fill in */ Elf_Off offset; /* Offset of segment in core file */ }; struct note_info { int type; /* Note type. */ outfunc_t outfunc; /* Output function. */ void *outarg; /* Argument for the output function. */ size_t outsize; /* Output size. */ TAILQ_ENTRY(note_info) link; /* Link to the next note info. */ }; TAILQ_HEAD(note_info_list, note_info); extern int compress_user_cores; extern int compress_user_cores_level; static void cb_put_phdr(vm_map_entry_t, void *); static void cb_size_segment(vm_map_entry_t, void *); static void each_dumpable_segment(struct thread *, segment_callback, void *, int); static int __elfN(corehdr)(struct coredump_params *, int, void *, size_t, struct note_info_list *, size_t, int); static void __elfN(putnote)(struct thread *td, struct note_info *, struct sbuf *); static void __elfN(note_fpregset)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __elfN(note_prpsinfo)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __elfN(note_prstatus)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __elfN(note_threadmd)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __elfN(note_thrmisc)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __elfN(note_ptlwpinfo)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __elfN(note_procstat_auxv)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __elfN(note_procstat_proc)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void __elfN(note_procstat_psstrings)(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void note_procstat_files(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void note_procstat_groups(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void note_procstat_osrel(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void note_procstat_rlimit(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void note_procstat_umask(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static void note_procstat_vmmap(void *, struct sbuf *, size_t *); static int core_compressed_write(void *base, size_t len, off_t offset, void *arg) { return (core_write((struct coredump_params *)arg, base, len, offset, UIO_SYSSPACE, NULL)); } int __elfN(coredump)(struct thread *td, struct vnode *vp, off_t limit, int flags) { struct ucred *cred = td->td_ucred; int compm, error = 0; struct sseg_closure seginfo; struct note_info_list notelst; struct coredump_params params; struct note_info *ninfo; void *hdr, *tmpbuf; size_t hdrsize, notesz, coresize; hdr = NULL; tmpbuf = NULL; TAILQ_INIT(¬elst); /* Size the program segments. */ __elfN(size_segments)(td, &seginfo, flags); /* * Collect info about the core file header area. */ hdrsize = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr) + sizeof(Elf_Phdr) * (1 + seginfo.count); if (seginfo.count + 1 >= PN_XNUM) hdrsize += sizeof(Elf_Shdr); td->td_proc->p_sysent->sv_elf_core_prepare_notes(td, ¬elst, ¬esz); coresize = round_page(hdrsize + notesz) + seginfo.size; /* Set up core dump parameters. */ params.offset = 0; params.active_cred = cred; params.file_cred = NOCRED; params.td = td; params.vp = vp; params.comp = NULL; #ifdef RACCT if (racct_enable) { PROC_LOCK(td->td_proc); error = racct_add(td->td_proc, RACCT_CORE, coresize); PROC_UNLOCK(td->td_proc); if (error != 0) { error = EFAULT; goto done; } } #endif if (coresize >= limit) { error = EFAULT; goto done; } /* Create a compression stream if necessary. */ compm = compress_user_cores; if ((flags & (SVC_PT_COREDUMP | SVC_NOCOMPRESS)) == SVC_PT_COREDUMP && compm == 0) compm = COMPRESS_GZIP; if (compm != 0) { params.comp = compressor_init(core_compressed_write, compm, CORE_BUF_SIZE, compress_user_cores_level, ¶ms); if (params.comp == NULL) { error = EFAULT; goto done; } tmpbuf = malloc(CORE_BUF_SIZE, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); } /* * Allocate memory for building the header, fill it up, * and write it out following the notes. */ hdr = malloc(hdrsize, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); error = __elfN(corehdr)(¶ms, seginfo.count, hdr, hdrsize, ¬elst, notesz, flags); /* Write the contents of all of the writable segments. */ if (error == 0) { Elf_Phdr *php; off_t offset; int i; php = (Elf_Phdr *)((char *)hdr + sizeof(Elf_Ehdr)) + 1; offset = round_page(hdrsize + notesz); for (i = 0; i < seginfo.count; i++) { error = core_output((char *)(uintptr_t)php->p_vaddr, php->p_filesz, offset, ¶ms, tmpbuf); if (error != 0) break; offset += php->p_filesz; php++; } if (error == 0 && params.comp != NULL) error = compressor_flush(params.comp); } if (error) { log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to write core file for process %s (error %d)\n", curproc->p_comm, error); } done: free(tmpbuf, M_TEMP); if (params.comp != NULL) compressor_fini(params.comp); while ((ninfo = TAILQ_FIRST(¬elst)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(¬elst, ninfo, link); free(ninfo, M_TEMP); } if (hdr != NULL) free(hdr, M_TEMP); return (error); } /* * A callback for each_dumpable_segment() to write out the segment's * program header entry. */ static void cb_put_phdr(vm_map_entry_t entry, void *closure) { struct phdr_closure *phc = (struct phdr_closure *)closure; Elf_Phdr *phdr = phc->phdr; phc->offset = round_page(phc->offset); phdr->p_type = PT_LOAD; phdr->p_offset = phc->offset; phdr->p_vaddr = entry->start; phdr->p_paddr = 0; phdr->p_filesz = phdr->p_memsz = entry->end - entry->start; phdr->p_align = PAGE_SIZE; phdr->p_flags = __elfN(untrans_prot)(entry->protection); phc->offset += phdr->p_filesz; phc->phdr++; } /* * A callback for each_dumpable_segment() to gather information about * the number of segments and their total size. */ static void cb_size_segment(vm_map_entry_t entry, void *closure) { struct sseg_closure *ssc = (struct sseg_closure *)closure; ssc->count++; ssc->size += entry->end - entry->start; } void __elfN(size_segments)(struct thread *td, struct sseg_closure *seginfo, int flags) { seginfo->count = 0; seginfo->size = 0; each_dumpable_segment(td, cb_size_segment, seginfo, flags); } /* * For each writable segment in the process's memory map, call the given * function with a pointer to the map entry and some arbitrary * caller-supplied data. */ static void each_dumpable_segment(struct thread *td, segment_callback func, void *closure, int flags) { struct proc *p = td->td_proc; vm_map_t map = &p->p_vmspace->vm_map; vm_map_entry_t entry; vm_object_t backing_object, object; bool ignore_entry; vm_map_lock_read(map); VM_MAP_ENTRY_FOREACH(entry, map) { /* * Don't dump inaccessible mappings, deal with legacy * coredump mode. * * Note that read-only segments related to the elf binary * are marked MAP_ENTRY_NOCOREDUMP now so we no longer * need to arbitrarily ignore such segments. */ if ((flags & SVC_ALL) == 0) { if (elf_legacy_coredump) { if ((entry->protection & VM_PROT_RW) != VM_PROT_RW) continue; } else { if ((entry->protection & VM_PROT_ALL) == 0) continue; } } /* * Dont include memory segment in the coredump if * MAP_NOCORE is set in mmap(2) or MADV_NOCORE in * madvise(2). Do not dump submaps (i.e. parts of the * kernel map). */ if ((entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) != 0) continue; if ((entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_NOCOREDUMP) != 0 && (flags & SVC_ALL) == 0) continue; if ((object = entry->object.vm_object) == NULL) continue; /* Ignore memory-mapped devices and such things. */ VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(object); while ((backing_object = object->backing_object) != NULL) { VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(backing_object); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); object = backing_object; } ignore_entry = (object->flags & OBJ_FICTITIOUS) != 0; VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(object); if (ignore_entry) continue; (*func)(entry, closure); } vm_map_unlock_read(map); } /* * Write the core file header to the file, including padding up to * the page boundary. */ static int __elfN(corehdr)(struct coredump_params *p, int numsegs, void *hdr, size_t hdrsize, struct note_info_list *notelst, size_t notesz, int flags) { struct note_info *ninfo; struct sbuf *sb; int error; /* Fill in the header. */ bzero(hdr, hdrsize); __elfN(puthdr)(p->td, hdr, hdrsize, numsegs, notesz, flags); sb = sbuf_new(NULL, NULL, CORE_BUF_SIZE, SBUF_FIXEDLEN); sbuf_set_drain(sb, sbuf_drain_core_output, p); sbuf_start_section(sb, NULL); sbuf_bcat(sb, hdr, hdrsize); TAILQ_FOREACH(ninfo, notelst, link) __elfN(putnote)(p->td, ninfo, sb); /* Align up to a page boundary for the program segments. */ sbuf_end_section(sb, -1, PAGE_SIZE, 0); error = sbuf_finish(sb); sbuf_delete(sb); return (error); } void __elfN(prepare_notes)(struct thread *td, struct note_info_list *list, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; struct thread *thr; size_t size; p = td->td_proc; size = 0; size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PRPSINFO, __elfN(note_prpsinfo), p); /* * To have the debugger select the right thread (LWP) as the initial * thread, we dump the state of the thread passed to us in td first. * This is the thread that causes the core dump and thus likely to * be the right thread one wants to have selected in the debugger. */ thr = td; while (thr != NULL) { size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PRSTATUS, __elfN(note_prstatus), thr); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_FPREGSET, __elfN(note_fpregset), thr); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_THRMISC, __elfN(note_thrmisc), thr); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PTLWPINFO, __elfN(note_ptlwpinfo), thr); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, -1, __elfN(note_threadmd), thr); thr = thr == td ? TAILQ_FIRST(&p->p_threads) : TAILQ_NEXT(thr, td_plist); if (thr == td) thr = TAILQ_NEXT(thr, td_plist); } size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_PROC, __elfN(note_procstat_proc), p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_FILES, note_procstat_files, p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_VMMAP, note_procstat_vmmap, p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_GROUPS, note_procstat_groups, p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_UMASK, note_procstat_umask, p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_RLIMIT, note_procstat_rlimit, p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_OSREL, note_procstat_osrel, p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_PSSTRINGS, __elfN(note_procstat_psstrings), p); size += __elfN(register_note)(td, list, NT_PROCSTAT_AUXV, __elfN(note_procstat_auxv), p); *sizep = size; } void __elfN(puthdr)(struct thread *td, void *hdr, size_t hdrsize, int numsegs, size_t notesz, int flags) { Elf_Ehdr *ehdr; Elf_Phdr *phdr; Elf_Shdr *shdr; struct phdr_closure phc; Elf_Brandinfo *bi; ehdr = (Elf_Ehdr *)hdr; bi = td->td_proc->p_elf_brandinfo; ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG0] = ELFMAG0; ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] = ELFMAG1; ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG2] = ELFMAG2; ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG3] = ELFMAG3; ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] = ELF_CLASS; ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] = ELF_DATA; ehdr->e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT; ehdr->e_ident[EI_OSABI] = td->td_proc->p_sysent->sv_elf_core_osabi; ehdr->e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] = 0; ehdr->e_ident[EI_PAD] = 0; ehdr->e_type = ET_CORE; ehdr->e_machine = bi->machine; ehdr->e_version = EV_CURRENT; ehdr->e_entry = 0; ehdr->e_phoff = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr); ehdr->e_flags = td->td_proc->p_elf_flags; ehdr->e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr); ehdr->e_phentsize = sizeof(Elf_Phdr); ehdr->e_shentsize = sizeof(Elf_Shdr); ehdr->e_shstrndx = SHN_UNDEF; if (numsegs + 1 < PN_XNUM) { ehdr->e_phnum = numsegs + 1; ehdr->e_shnum = 0; } else { ehdr->e_phnum = PN_XNUM; ehdr->e_shnum = 1; ehdr->e_shoff = ehdr->e_phoff + (numsegs + 1) * ehdr->e_phentsize; KASSERT(ehdr->e_shoff == hdrsize - sizeof(Elf_Shdr), ("e_shoff: %zu, hdrsize - shdr: %zu", (size_t)ehdr->e_shoff, hdrsize - sizeof(Elf_Shdr))); shdr = (Elf_Shdr *)((char *)hdr + ehdr->e_shoff); memset(shdr, 0, sizeof(*shdr)); /* * A special first section is used to hold large segment and * section counts. This was proposed by Sun Microsystems in * Solaris and has been adopted by Linux; the standard ELF * tools are already familiar with the technique. * * See table 7-7 of the Solaris "Linker and Libraries Guide" * (or 12-7 depending on the version of the document) for more * details. */ shdr->sh_type = SHT_NULL; shdr->sh_size = ehdr->e_shnum; shdr->sh_link = ehdr->e_shstrndx; shdr->sh_info = numsegs + 1; } /* * Fill in the program header entries. */ phdr = (Elf_Phdr *)((char *)hdr + ehdr->e_phoff); /* The note segement. */ phdr->p_type = PT_NOTE; phdr->p_offset = hdrsize; phdr->p_vaddr = 0; phdr->p_paddr = 0; phdr->p_filesz = notesz; phdr->p_memsz = 0; phdr->p_flags = PF_R; phdr->p_align = ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE; phdr++; /* All the writable segments from the program. */ phc.phdr = phdr; phc.offset = round_page(hdrsize + notesz); each_dumpable_segment(td, cb_put_phdr, &phc, flags); } size_t __elfN(register_note)(struct thread *td, struct note_info_list *list, int type, outfunc_t out, void *arg) { const struct sysentvec *sv; struct note_info *ninfo; size_t size, notesize; sv = td->td_proc->p_sysent; size = 0; out(arg, NULL, &size); ninfo = malloc(sizeof(*ninfo), M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); ninfo->type = type; ninfo->outfunc = out; ninfo->outarg = arg; ninfo->outsize = size; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(list, ninfo, link); if (type == -1) return (size); notesize = sizeof(Elf_Note) + /* note header */ roundup2(strlen(sv->sv_elf_core_abi_vendor) + 1, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE) + /* note name */ roundup2(size, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE); /* note description */ return (notesize); } static size_t append_note_data(const void *src, void *dst, size_t len) { size_t padded_len; padded_len = roundup2(len, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE); if (dst != NULL) { bcopy(src, dst, len); bzero((char *)dst + len, padded_len - len); } return (padded_len); } size_t __elfN(populate_note)(int type, void *src, void *dst, size_t size, void **descp) { Elf_Note *note; char *buf; size_t notesize; buf = dst; if (buf != NULL) { note = (Elf_Note *)buf; note->n_namesz = sizeof(FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR); note->n_descsz = size; note->n_type = type; buf += sizeof(*note); buf += append_note_data(FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR, buf, sizeof(FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR)); append_note_data(src, buf, size); if (descp != NULL) *descp = buf; } notesize = sizeof(Elf_Note) + /* note header */ roundup2(sizeof(FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR), ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE) + /* note name */ roundup2(size, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE); /* note description */ return (notesize); } static void __elfN(putnote)(struct thread *td, struct note_info *ninfo, struct sbuf *sb) { Elf_Note note; const struct sysentvec *sv; ssize_t old_len, sect_len; size_t new_len, descsz, i; if (ninfo->type == -1) { ninfo->outfunc(ninfo->outarg, sb, &ninfo->outsize); return; } sv = td->td_proc->p_sysent; note.n_namesz = strlen(sv->sv_elf_core_abi_vendor) + 1; note.n_descsz = ninfo->outsize; note.n_type = ninfo->type; sbuf_bcat(sb, ¬e, sizeof(note)); sbuf_start_section(sb, &old_len); sbuf_bcat(sb, sv->sv_elf_core_abi_vendor, strlen(sv->sv_elf_core_abi_vendor) + 1); sbuf_end_section(sb, old_len, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE, 0); if (note.n_descsz == 0) return; sbuf_start_section(sb, &old_len); ninfo->outfunc(ninfo->outarg, sb, &ninfo->outsize); sect_len = sbuf_end_section(sb, old_len, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE, 0); if (sect_len < 0) return; new_len = (size_t)sect_len; descsz = roundup(note.n_descsz, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE); if (new_len < descsz) { /* * It is expected that individual note emitters will correctly * predict their expected output size and fill up to that size * themselves, padding in a format-specific way if needed. * However, in case they don't, just do it here with zeros. */ for (i = 0; i < descsz - new_len; i++) sbuf_putc(sb, 0); } else if (new_len > descsz) { /* * We can't always truncate sb -- we may have drained some * of it already. */ KASSERT(new_len == descsz, ("%s: Note type %u changed as we " "read it (%zu > %zu). Since it is longer than " "expected, this coredump's notes are corrupt. THIS " "IS A BUG in the note_procstat routine for type %u.\n", __func__, (unsigned)note.n_type, new_len, descsz, (unsigned)note.n_type)); } } /* * Miscellaneous note out functions. */ #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD32) && __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 #include #include typedef struct prstatus32 elf_prstatus_t; typedef struct prpsinfo32 elf_prpsinfo_t; typedef struct fpreg32 elf_prfpregset_t; typedef struct fpreg32 elf_fpregset_t; typedef struct reg32 elf_gregset_t; typedef struct thrmisc32 elf_thrmisc_t; #define ELF_KERN_PROC_MASK KERN_PROC_MASK32 typedef struct kinfo_proc32 elf_kinfo_proc_t; typedef uint32_t elf_ps_strings_t; #else typedef prstatus_t elf_prstatus_t; typedef prpsinfo_t elf_prpsinfo_t; typedef prfpregset_t elf_prfpregset_t; typedef prfpregset_t elf_fpregset_t; typedef gregset_t elf_gregset_t; typedef thrmisc_t elf_thrmisc_t; #define ELF_KERN_PROC_MASK 0 typedef struct kinfo_proc elf_kinfo_proc_t; typedef vm_offset_t elf_ps_strings_t; #endif static void __elfN(note_prpsinfo)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct sbuf sbarg; size_t len; char *cp, *end; struct proc *p; elf_prpsinfo_t *psinfo; int error; p = arg; if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == sizeof(*psinfo), ("invalid size")); psinfo = malloc(sizeof(*psinfo), M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); psinfo->pr_version = PRPSINFO_VERSION; psinfo->pr_psinfosz = sizeof(elf_prpsinfo_t); strlcpy(psinfo->pr_fname, p->p_comm, sizeof(psinfo->pr_fname)); PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_args != NULL) { len = sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs) - 1; if (len > p->p_args->ar_length) len = p->p_args->ar_length; memcpy(psinfo->pr_psargs, p->p_args->ar_args, len); PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = 0; } else { _PHOLD(p); PROC_UNLOCK(p); sbuf_new(&sbarg, psinfo->pr_psargs, sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs), SBUF_FIXEDLEN); error = proc_getargv(curthread, p, &sbarg); PRELE(p); if (sbuf_finish(&sbarg) == 0) len = sbuf_len(&sbarg) - 1; else len = sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs) - 1; sbuf_delete(&sbarg); } if (error || len == 0) strlcpy(psinfo->pr_psargs, p->p_comm, sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs)); else { KASSERT(len < sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs), ("len is too long: %zu vs %zu", len, sizeof(psinfo->pr_psargs))); cp = psinfo->pr_psargs; end = cp + len - 1; for (;;) { cp = memchr(cp, '\0', end - cp); if (cp == NULL) break; *cp = ' '; } } psinfo->pr_pid = p->p_pid; sbuf_bcat(sb, psinfo, sizeof(*psinfo)); free(psinfo, M_TEMP); } *sizep = sizeof(*psinfo); } static void __elfN(note_prstatus)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct thread *td; elf_prstatus_t *status; td = arg; if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == sizeof(*status), ("invalid size")); status = malloc(sizeof(*status), M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); status->pr_version = PRSTATUS_VERSION; status->pr_statussz = sizeof(elf_prstatus_t); status->pr_gregsetsz = sizeof(elf_gregset_t); status->pr_fpregsetsz = sizeof(elf_fpregset_t); status->pr_osreldate = osreldate; status->pr_cursig = td->td_proc->p_sig; status->pr_pid = td->td_tid; #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD32) && __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 fill_regs32(td, &status->pr_reg); #else fill_regs(td, &status->pr_reg); #endif sbuf_bcat(sb, status, sizeof(*status)); free(status, M_TEMP); } *sizep = sizeof(*status); } static void __elfN(note_fpregset)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct thread *td; elf_prfpregset_t *fpregset; td = arg; if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == sizeof(*fpregset), ("invalid size")); fpregset = malloc(sizeof(*fpregset), M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD32) && __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 fill_fpregs32(td, fpregset); #else fill_fpregs(td, fpregset); #endif sbuf_bcat(sb, fpregset, sizeof(*fpregset)); free(fpregset, M_TEMP); } *sizep = sizeof(*fpregset); } static void __elfN(note_thrmisc)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct thread *td; elf_thrmisc_t thrmisc; td = arg; if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == sizeof(thrmisc), ("invalid size")); bzero(&thrmisc, sizeof(thrmisc)); strcpy(thrmisc.pr_tname, td->td_name); sbuf_bcat(sb, &thrmisc, sizeof(thrmisc)); } *sizep = sizeof(thrmisc); } static void __elfN(note_ptlwpinfo)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct thread *td; size_t size; int structsize; #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD32) && __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 struct ptrace_lwpinfo32 pl; #else struct ptrace_lwpinfo pl; #endif td = arg; size = sizeof(structsize) + sizeof(pl); if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == size, ("invalid size")); structsize = sizeof(pl); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); bzero(&pl, sizeof(pl)); pl.pl_lwpid = td->td_tid; pl.pl_event = PL_EVENT_NONE; pl.pl_sigmask = td->td_sigmask; pl.pl_siglist = td->td_siglist; if (td->td_si.si_signo != 0) { pl.pl_event = PL_EVENT_SIGNAL; pl.pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_SI; #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD32) && __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 siginfo_to_siginfo32(&td->td_si, &pl.pl_siginfo); #else pl.pl_siginfo = td->td_si; #endif } strcpy(pl.pl_tdname, td->td_name); /* XXX TODO: supply more information in struct ptrace_lwpinfo*/ sbuf_bcat(sb, &pl, sizeof(pl)); } *sizep = size; } /* * Allow for MD specific notes, as well as any MD * specific preparations for writing MI notes. */ static void __elfN(note_threadmd)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct thread *td; void *buf; size_t size; td = (struct thread *)arg; size = *sizep; if (size != 0 && sb != NULL) buf = malloc(size, M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK); else buf = NULL; size = 0; __elfN(dump_thread)(td, buf, &size); KASSERT(sb == NULL || *sizep == size, ("invalid size")); if (size != 0 && sb != NULL) sbuf_bcat(sb, buf, size); free(buf, M_TEMP); *sizep = size; } #ifdef KINFO_PROC_SIZE CTASSERT(sizeof(struct kinfo_proc) == KINFO_PROC_SIZE); #endif static void __elfN(note_procstat_proc)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; size_t size; int structsize; p = arg; size = sizeof(structsize) + p->p_numthreads * sizeof(elf_kinfo_proc_t); if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == size, ("invalid size")); structsize = sizeof(elf_kinfo_proc_t); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); sx_slock(&proctree_lock); PROC_LOCK(p); kern_proc_out(p, sb, ELF_KERN_PROC_MASK); sx_sunlock(&proctree_lock); } *sizep = size; } #ifdef KINFO_FILE_SIZE CTASSERT(sizeof(struct kinfo_file) == KINFO_FILE_SIZE); #endif static void note_procstat_files(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; size_t size, sect_sz, i; ssize_t start_len, sect_len; int structsize, filedesc_flags; if (coredump_pack_fileinfo) filedesc_flags = KERN_FILEDESC_PACK_KINFO; else filedesc_flags = 0; p = arg; structsize = sizeof(struct kinfo_file); if (sb == NULL) { size = 0; sb = sbuf_new(NULL, NULL, 128, SBUF_FIXEDLEN); sbuf_set_drain(sb, sbuf_count_drain, &size); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); PROC_LOCK(p); kern_proc_filedesc_out(p, sb, -1, filedesc_flags); sbuf_finish(sb); sbuf_delete(sb); *sizep = size; } else { sbuf_start_section(sb, &start_len); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); PROC_LOCK(p); kern_proc_filedesc_out(p, sb, *sizep - sizeof(structsize), filedesc_flags); sect_len = sbuf_end_section(sb, start_len, 0, 0); if (sect_len < 0) return; sect_sz = sect_len; KASSERT(sect_sz <= *sizep, ("kern_proc_filedesc_out did not respect maxlen; " "requested %zu, got %zu", *sizep - sizeof(structsize), sect_sz - sizeof(structsize))); for (i = 0; i < *sizep - sect_sz && sb->s_error == 0; i++) sbuf_putc(sb, 0); } } #ifdef KINFO_VMENTRY_SIZE CTASSERT(sizeof(struct kinfo_vmentry) == KINFO_VMENTRY_SIZE); #endif static void note_procstat_vmmap(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; size_t size; int structsize, vmmap_flags; if (coredump_pack_vmmapinfo) vmmap_flags = KERN_VMMAP_PACK_KINFO; else vmmap_flags = 0; p = arg; structsize = sizeof(struct kinfo_vmentry); if (sb == NULL) { size = 0; sb = sbuf_new(NULL, NULL, 128, SBUF_FIXEDLEN); sbuf_set_drain(sb, sbuf_count_drain, &size); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); PROC_LOCK(p); kern_proc_vmmap_out(p, sb, -1, vmmap_flags); sbuf_finish(sb); sbuf_delete(sb); *sizep = size; } else { sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); PROC_LOCK(p); kern_proc_vmmap_out(p, sb, *sizep - sizeof(structsize), vmmap_flags); } } static void note_procstat_groups(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; size_t size; int structsize; p = arg; size = sizeof(structsize) + p->p_ucred->cr_ngroups * sizeof(gid_t); if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == size, ("invalid size")); structsize = sizeof(gid_t); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); sbuf_bcat(sb, p->p_ucred->cr_groups, p->p_ucred->cr_ngroups * sizeof(gid_t)); } *sizep = size; } static void note_procstat_umask(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; size_t size; int structsize; p = arg; size = sizeof(structsize) + sizeof(p->p_pd->pd_cmask); if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == size, ("invalid size")); structsize = sizeof(p->p_pd->pd_cmask); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); sbuf_bcat(sb, &p->p_pd->pd_cmask, sizeof(p->p_pd->pd_cmask)); } *sizep = size; } static void note_procstat_rlimit(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; struct rlimit rlim[RLIM_NLIMITS]; size_t size; int structsize, i; p = arg; size = sizeof(structsize) + sizeof(rlim); if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == size, ("invalid size")); structsize = sizeof(rlim); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); PROC_LOCK(p); for (i = 0; i < RLIM_NLIMITS; i++) lim_rlimit_proc(p, i, &rlim[i]); PROC_UNLOCK(p); sbuf_bcat(sb, rlim, sizeof(rlim)); } *sizep = size; } static void note_procstat_osrel(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; size_t size; int structsize; p = arg; size = sizeof(structsize) + sizeof(p->p_osrel); if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == size, ("invalid size")); structsize = sizeof(p->p_osrel); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); sbuf_bcat(sb, &p->p_osrel, sizeof(p->p_osrel)); } *sizep = size; } static void __elfN(note_procstat_psstrings)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; elf_ps_strings_t ps_strings; size_t size; int structsize; p = arg; size = sizeof(structsize) + sizeof(ps_strings); if (sb != NULL) { KASSERT(*sizep == size, ("invalid size")); structsize = sizeof(ps_strings); #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD32) && __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 ps_strings = PTROUT(p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings); #else ps_strings = p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings; #endif sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); sbuf_bcat(sb, &ps_strings, sizeof(ps_strings)); } *sizep = size; } static void __elfN(note_procstat_auxv)(void *arg, struct sbuf *sb, size_t *sizep) { struct proc *p; size_t size; int structsize; p = arg; if (sb == NULL) { size = 0; sb = sbuf_new(NULL, NULL, AT_COUNT * sizeof(Elf_Auxinfo), SBUF_FIXEDLEN); sbuf_set_drain(sb, sbuf_count_drain, &size); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); PHOLD(p); proc_getauxv(curthread, p, sb); PRELE(p); sbuf_finish(sb); sbuf_delete(sb); *sizep = size; } else { structsize = sizeof(Elf_Auxinfo); sbuf_bcat(sb, &structsize, sizeof(structsize)); PHOLD(p); proc_getauxv(curthread, p, sb); PRELE(p); } } static boolean_t __elfN(parse_notes)(struct image_params *imgp, Elf_Note *checknote, const char *note_vendor, const Elf_Phdr *pnote, boolean_t (*cb)(const Elf_Note *, void *, boolean_t *), void *cb_arg) { const Elf_Note *note, *note0, *note_end; const char *note_name; char *buf; int i, error; boolean_t res; /* We need some limit, might as well use PAGE_SIZE. */ if (pnote == NULL || pnote->p_filesz > PAGE_SIZE) return (FALSE); ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(imgp->vp, "parse_notes"); if (pnote->p_offset > PAGE_SIZE || pnote->p_filesz > PAGE_SIZE - pnote->p_offset) { buf = malloc(pnote->p_filesz, M_TEMP, M_NOWAIT); if (buf == NULL) { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); buf = malloc(pnote->p_filesz, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); } error = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, imgp->vp, buf, pnote->p_filesz, pnote->p_offset, UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED, curthread->td_ucred, NOCRED, NULL, curthread); if (error != 0) { uprintf("i/o error PT_NOTE\n"); goto retf; } note = note0 = (const Elf_Note *)buf; note_end = (const Elf_Note *)(buf + pnote->p_filesz); } else { note = note0 = (const Elf_Note *)(imgp->image_header + pnote->p_offset); note_end = (const Elf_Note *)(imgp->image_header + pnote->p_offset + pnote->p_filesz); buf = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < 100 && note >= note0 && note < note_end; i++) { if (!aligned(note, Elf32_Addr) || (const char *)note_end - (const char *)note < sizeof(Elf_Note)) { goto retf; } if (note->n_namesz != checknote->n_namesz || note->n_descsz != checknote->n_descsz || note->n_type != checknote->n_type) goto nextnote; note_name = (const char *)(note + 1); if (note_name + checknote->n_namesz >= (const char *)note_end || strncmp(note_vendor, note_name, checknote->n_namesz) != 0) goto nextnote; if (cb(note, cb_arg, &res)) goto ret; nextnote: note = (const Elf_Note *)((const char *)(note + 1) + roundup2(note->n_namesz, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE) + roundup2(note->n_descsz, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE)); } retf: res = FALSE; ret: free(buf, M_TEMP); return (res); } struct brandnote_cb_arg { Elf_Brandnote *brandnote; int32_t *osrel; }; static boolean_t brandnote_cb(const Elf_Note *note, void *arg0, boolean_t *res) { struct brandnote_cb_arg *arg; arg = arg0; /* * Fetch the osreldate for binary from the ELF OSABI-note if * necessary. */ *res = (arg->brandnote->flags & BN_TRANSLATE_OSREL) != 0 && arg->brandnote->trans_osrel != NULL ? arg->brandnote->trans_osrel(note, arg->osrel) : TRUE; return (TRUE); } static Elf_Note fctl_note = { .n_namesz = sizeof(FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR), .n_descsz = sizeof(uint32_t), .n_type = NT_FREEBSD_FEATURE_CTL, }; struct fctl_cb_arg { boolean_t *has_fctl0; uint32_t *fctl0; }; static boolean_t note_fctl_cb(const Elf_Note *note, void *arg0, boolean_t *res) { struct fctl_cb_arg *arg; const Elf32_Word *desc; uintptr_t p; arg = arg0; p = (uintptr_t)(note + 1); p += roundup2(note->n_namesz, ELF_NOTE_ROUNDSIZE); desc = (const Elf32_Word *)p; *arg->has_fctl0 = TRUE; *arg->fctl0 = desc[0]; *res = TRUE; return (TRUE); } /* * Try to find the appropriate ABI-note section for checknote, fetch * the osreldate and feature control flags for binary from the ELF * OSABI-note. Only the first page of the image is searched, the same * as for headers. */ static boolean_t __elfN(check_note)(struct image_params *imgp, Elf_Brandnote *brandnote, int32_t *osrel, boolean_t *has_fctl0, uint32_t *fctl0) { const Elf_Phdr *phdr; const Elf_Ehdr *hdr; struct brandnote_cb_arg b_arg; struct fctl_cb_arg f_arg; int i, j; hdr = (const Elf_Ehdr *)imgp->image_header; phdr = (const Elf_Phdr *)(imgp->image_header + hdr->e_phoff); b_arg.brandnote = brandnote; b_arg.osrel = osrel; f_arg.has_fctl0 = has_fctl0; f_arg.fctl0 = fctl0; for (i = 0; i < hdr->e_phnum; i++) { if (phdr[i].p_type == PT_NOTE && __elfN(parse_notes)(imgp, &brandnote->hdr, brandnote->vendor, &phdr[i], brandnote_cb, &b_arg)) { for (j = 0; j < hdr->e_phnum; j++) { if (phdr[j].p_type == PT_NOTE && __elfN(parse_notes)(imgp, &fctl_note, FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR, &phdr[j], note_fctl_cb, &f_arg)) break; } return (TRUE); } } return (FALSE); } /* * Tell kern_execve.c about it, with a little help from the linker. */ static struct execsw __elfN(execsw) = { .ex_imgact = __CONCAT(exec_, __elfN(imgact)), .ex_name = __XSTRING(__CONCAT(ELF, __ELF_WORD_SIZE)) }; EXEC_SET(__CONCAT(elf, __ELF_WORD_SIZE), __elfN(execsw)); static vm_prot_t __elfN(trans_prot)(Elf_Word flags) { vm_prot_t prot; prot = 0; if (flags & PF_X) prot |= VM_PROT_EXECUTE; if (flags & PF_W) prot |= VM_PROT_WRITE; if (flags & PF_R) prot |= VM_PROT_READ; #if __ELF_WORD_SIZE == 32 && (defined(__amd64__) || defined(__i386__)) if (i386_read_exec && (flags & PF_R)) prot |= VM_PROT_EXECUTE; #endif return (prot); } static Elf_Word __elfN(untrans_prot)(vm_prot_t prot) { Elf_Word flags; flags = 0; if (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) flags |= PF_X; if (prot & VM_PROT_READ) flags |= PF_R; if (prot & VM_PROT_WRITE) flags |= PF_W; return (flags); } void __elfN(stackgap)(struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t *stack_base) { uintptr_t range, rbase, gap; int pct; pct = __elfN(aslr_stack_gap); if (pct == 0) return; if (pct > 50) pct = 50; range = imgp->eff_stack_sz * pct / 100; arc4rand(&rbase, sizeof(rbase), 0); gap = rbase % range; gap &= ~(sizeof(u_long) - 1); *stack_base -= gap; } diff --git a/sys/kern/kern_exec.c b/sys/kern/kern_exec.c index e6564ae48ced..b6959dc18f50 100644 --- a/sys/kern/kern_exec.c +++ b/sys/kern/kern_exec.c @@ -1,2033 +1,2032 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 1993, David Greenman * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_capsicum.h" #include "opt_hwpmc_hooks.h" #include "opt_ktrace.h" #include "opt_vm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef KTRACE #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS #include #endif -#include - #include #include #ifdef KDTRACE_HOOKS #include dtrace_execexit_func_t dtrace_fasttrap_exec; #endif SDT_PROVIDER_DECLARE(proc); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE1(proc, , , exec, "char *"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE1(proc, , , exec__failure, "int"); SDT_PROBE_DEFINE1(proc, , , exec__success, "char *"); MALLOC_DEFINE(M_PARGS, "proc-args", "Process arguments"); int coredump_pack_fileinfo = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, coredump_pack_fileinfo, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &coredump_pack_fileinfo, 0, "Enable file path packing in 'procstat -f' coredump notes"); int coredump_pack_vmmapinfo = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, coredump_pack_vmmapinfo, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &coredump_pack_vmmapinfo, 0, "Enable file path packing in 'procstat -v' coredump notes"); static int sysctl_kern_ps_strings(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS); static int sysctl_kern_usrstack(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS); static int sysctl_kern_stackprot(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS); static int do_execve(struct thread *td, struct image_args *args, struct mac *mac_p, struct vmspace *oldvmspace); /* XXX This should be vm_size_t. */ SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, KERN_PS_STRINGS, ps_strings, CTLTYPE_ULONG|CTLFLAG_RD| CTLFLAG_CAPRD|CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, sysctl_kern_ps_strings, "LU", "Location of process' ps_strings structure"); /* XXX This should be vm_size_t. */ SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, KERN_USRSTACK, usrstack, CTLTYPE_ULONG|CTLFLAG_RD| CTLFLAG_CAPRD|CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, sysctl_kern_usrstack, "LU", "Top of process stack"); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, stackprot, CTLTYPE_INT|CTLFLAG_RD|CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, 0, sysctl_kern_stackprot, "I", "Stack memory permissions"); u_long ps_arg_cache_limit = PAGE_SIZE / 16; SYSCTL_ULONG(_kern, OID_AUTO, ps_arg_cache_limit, CTLFLAG_RW, &ps_arg_cache_limit, 0, "Process' command line characters cache limit"); static int disallow_high_osrel; SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, disallow_high_osrel, CTLFLAG_RW, &disallow_high_osrel, 0, "Disallow execution of binaries built for higher version of the world"); static int map_at_zero = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_security_bsd, OID_AUTO, map_at_zero, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &map_at_zero, 0, "Permit processes to map an object at virtual address 0."); static int sysctl_kern_ps_strings(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct proc *p; int error; p = curproc; #ifdef SCTL_MASK32 if (req->flags & SCTL_MASK32) { unsigned int val; val = (unsigned int)p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &val, sizeof(val)); } else #endif error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings, sizeof(p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings)); return error; } static int sysctl_kern_usrstack(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct proc *p; int error; p = curproc; #ifdef SCTL_MASK32 if (req->flags & SCTL_MASK32) { unsigned int val; val = (unsigned int)p->p_sysent->sv_usrstack; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &val, sizeof(val)); } else #endif error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &p->p_sysent->sv_usrstack, sizeof(p->p_sysent->sv_usrstack)); return error; } static int sysctl_kern_stackprot(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct proc *p; p = curproc; return (SYSCTL_OUT(req, &p->p_sysent->sv_stackprot, sizeof(p->p_sysent->sv_stackprot))); } /* * Each of the items is a pointer to a `const struct execsw', hence the * double pointer here. */ static const struct execsw **execsw; #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct execve_args { char *fname; char **argv; char **envv; }; #endif int sys_execve(struct thread *td, struct execve_args *uap) { struct image_args args; struct vmspace *oldvmspace; int error; error = pre_execve(td, &oldvmspace); if (error != 0) return (error); error = exec_copyin_args(&args, uap->fname, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->argv, uap->envv); if (error == 0) error = kern_execve(td, &args, NULL, oldvmspace); post_execve(td, error, oldvmspace); AUDIT_SYSCALL_EXIT(error == EJUSTRETURN ? 0 : error, td); return (error); } #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct fexecve_args { int fd; char **argv; char **envv; }; #endif int sys_fexecve(struct thread *td, struct fexecve_args *uap) { struct image_args args; struct vmspace *oldvmspace; int error; error = pre_execve(td, &oldvmspace); if (error != 0) return (error); error = exec_copyin_args(&args, NULL, UIO_SYSSPACE, uap->argv, uap->envv); if (error == 0) { args.fd = uap->fd; error = kern_execve(td, &args, NULL, oldvmspace); } post_execve(td, error, oldvmspace); AUDIT_SYSCALL_EXIT(error == EJUSTRETURN ? 0 : error, td); return (error); } #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct __mac_execve_args { char *fname; char **argv; char **envv; struct mac *mac_p; }; #endif int sys___mac_execve(struct thread *td, struct __mac_execve_args *uap) { #ifdef MAC struct image_args args; struct vmspace *oldvmspace; int error; error = pre_execve(td, &oldvmspace); if (error != 0) return (error); error = exec_copyin_args(&args, uap->fname, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->argv, uap->envv); if (error == 0) error = kern_execve(td, &args, uap->mac_p, oldvmspace); post_execve(td, error, oldvmspace); AUDIT_SYSCALL_EXIT(error == EJUSTRETURN ? 0 : error, td); return (error); #else return (ENOSYS); #endif } int pre_execve(struct thread *td, struct vmspace **oldvmspace) { struct proc *p; int error; KASSERT(td == curthread, ("non-current thread %p", td)); error = 0; p = td->td_proc; if ((p->p_flag & P_HADTHREADS) != 0) { PROC_LOCK(p); if (thread_single(p, SINGLE_BOUNDARY) != 0) error = ERESTART; PROC_UNLOCK(p); } KASSERT(error != 0 || (td->td_pflags & TDP_EXECVMSPC) == 0, ("nested execve")); *oldvmspace = p->p_vmspace; return (error); } void post_execve(struct thread *td, int error, struct vmspace *oldvmspace) { struct proc *p; KASSERT(td == curthread, ("non-current thread %p", td)); p = td->td_proc; if ((p->p_flag & P_HADTHREADS) != 0) { PROC_LOCK(p); /* * If success, we upgrade to SINGLE_EXIT state to * force other threads to suicide. */ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) thread_single(p, SINGLE_EXIT); else thread_single_end(p, SINGLE_BOUNDARY); PROC_UNLOCK(p); } exec_cleanup(td, oldvmspace); } /* * kern_execve() has the astonishing property of not always returning to * the caller. If sufficiently bad things happen during the call to * do_execve(), it can end up calling exit1(); as a result, callers must * avoid doing anything which they might need to undo (e.g., allocating * memory). */ int kern_execve(struct thread *td, struct image_args *args, struct mac *mac_p, struct vmspace *oldvmspace) { AUDIT_ARG_ARGV(args->begin_argv, args->argc, exec_args_get_begin_envv(args) - args->begin_argv); AUDIT_ARG_ENVV(exec_args_get_begin_envv(args), args->envc, args->endp - exec_args_get_begin_envv(args)); return (do_execve(td, args, mac_p, oldvmspace)); } static void execve_nosetid(struct image_params *imgp) { imgp->credential_setid = false; if (imgp->newcred != NULL) { crfree(imgp->newcred); imgp->newcred = NULL; } } /* * In-kernel implementation of execve(). All arguments are assumed to be * userspace pointers from the passed thread. */ static int do_execve(struct thread *td, struct image_args *args, struct mac *mac_p, struct vmspace *oldvmspace) { struct proc *p = td->td_proc; struct nameidata nd; struct ucred *oldcred; struct uidinfo *euip = NULL; uintptr_t stack_base; struct image_params image_params, *imgp; struct vattr attr; int (*img_first)(struct image_params *); struct pargs *oldargs = NULL, *newargs = NULL; struct sigacts *oldsigacts = NULL, *newsigacts = NULL; #ifdef KTRACE struct ktr_io_params *kiop; #endif struct vnode *oldtextvp = NULL, *newtextvp; int credential_changing; #ifdef MAC struct label *interpvplabel = NULL; int will_transition; #endif #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS struct pmckern_procexec pe; #endif int error, i, orig_osrel; uint32_t orig_fctl0; Elf_Brandinfo *orig_brandinfo; static const char fexecv_proc_title[] = "(fexecv)"; imgp = &image_params; #ifdef KTRACE kiop = NULL; #endif /* * Lock the process and set the P_INEXEC flag to indicate that * it should be left alone until we're done here. This is * necessary to avoid race conditions - e.g. in ptrace() - * that might allow a local user to illicitly obtain elevated * privileges. */ PROC_LOCK(p); KASSERT((p->p_flag & P_INEXEC) == 0, ("%s(): process already has P_INEXEC flag", __func__)); p->p_flag |= P_INEXEC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * Initialize part of the common data */ bzero(imgp, sizeof(*imgp)); imgp->proc = p; imgp->attr = &attr; imgp->args = args; oldcred = p->p_ucred; orig_osrel = p->p_osrel; orig_fctl0 = p->p_fctl0; orig_brandinfo = p->p_elf_brandinfo; #ifdef MAC error = mac_execve_enter(imgp, mac_p); if (error) goto exec_fail; #endif /* * Translate the file name. namei() returns a vnode pointer * in ni_vp among other things. * * XXXAUDIT: It would be desirable to also audit the name of the * interpreter if this is an interpreted binary. */ if (args->fname != NULL) { NDINIT(&nd, LOOKUP, ISOPEN | LOCKLEAF | LOCKSHARED | FOLLOW | SAVENAME | AUDITVNODE1, UIO_SYSSPACE, args->fname, td); } SDT_PROBE1(proc, , , exec, args->fname); interpret: if (args->fname != NULL) { #ifdef CAPABILITY_MODE /* * While capability mode can't reach this point via direct * path arguments to execve(), we also don't allow * interpreters to be used in capability mode (for now). * Catch indirect lookups and return a permissions error. */ if (IN_CAPABILITY_MODE(td)) { error = ECAPMODE; goto exec_fail; } #endif error = namei(&nd); if (error) goto exec_fail; newtextvp = nd.ni_vp; imgp->vp = newtextvp; } else { AUDIT_ARG_FD(args->fd); /* * Descriptors opened only with O_EXEC or O_RDONLY are allowed. */ error = fgetvp_exec(td, args->fd, &cap_fexecve_rights, &newtextvp); if (error) goto exec_fail; vn_lock(newtextvp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); AUDIT_ARG_VNODE1(newtextvp); imgp->vp = newtextvp; } /* * Check file permissions. Also 'opens' file and sets its vnode to * text mode. */ error = exec_check_permissions(imgp); if (error) goto exec_fail_dealloc; imgp->object = imgp->vp->v_object; if (imgp->object != NULL) vm_object_reference(imgp->object); error = exec_map_first_page(imgp); if (error) goto exec_fail_dealloc; imgp->proc->p_osrel = 0; imgp->proc->p_fctl0 = 0; imgp->proc->p_elf_brandinfo = NULL; /* * Implement image setuid/setgid. * * Determine new credentials before attempting image activators * so that it can be used by process_exec handlers to determine * credential/setid changes. * * Don't honor setuid/setgid if the filesystem prohibits it or if * the process is being traced. * * We disable setuid/setgid/etc in capability mode on the basis * that most setugid applications are not written with that * environment in mind, and will therefore almost certainly operate * incorrectly. In principle there's no reason that setugid * applications might not be useful in capability mode, so we may want * to reconsider this conservative design choice in the future. * * XXXMAC: For the time being, use NOSUID to also prohibit * transitions on the file system. */ credential_changing = 0; credential_changing |= (attr.va_mode & S_ISUID) && oldcred->cr_uid != attr.va_uid; credential_changing |= (attr.va_mode & S_ISGID) && oldcred->cr_gid != attr.va_gid; #ifdef MAC will_transition = mac_vnode_execve_will_transition(oldcred, imgp->vp, interpvplabel, imgp); credential_changing |= will_transition; #endif /* Don't inherit PROC_PDEATHSIG_CTL value if setuid/setgid. */ if (credential_changing) imgp->proc->p_pdeathsig = 0; if (credential_changing && #ifdef CAPABILITY_MODE ((oldcred->cr_flags & CRED_FLAG_CAPMODE) == 0) && #endif (imgp->vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOSUID) == 0 && (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) { imgp->credential_setid = true; VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); imgp->newcred = crdup(oldcred); if (attr.va_mode & S_ISUID) { euip = uifind(attr.va_uid); change_euid(imgp->newcred, euip); } vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); if (attr.va_mode & S_ISGID) change_egid(imgp->newcred, attr.va_gid); /* * Implement correct POSIX saved-id behavior. * * XXXMAC: Note that the current logic will save the * uid and gid if a MAC domain transition occurs, even * though maybe it shouldn't. */ change_svuid(imgp->newcred, imgp->newcred->cr_uid); change_svgid(imgp->newcred, imgp->newcred->cr_gid); } else { /* * Implement correct POSIX saved-id behavior. * * XXX: It's not clear that the existing behavior is * POSIX-compliant. A number of sources indicate that the * saved uid/gid should only be updated if the new ruid is * not equal to the old ruid, or the new euid is not equal * to the old euid and the new euid is not equal to the old * ruid. The FreeBSD code always updates the saved uid/gid. * Also, this code uses the new (replaced) euid and egid as * the source, which may or may not be the right ones to use. */ if (oldcred->cr_svuid != oldcred->cr_uid || oldcred->cr_svgid != oldcred->cr_gid) { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); imgp->newcred = crdup(oldcred); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); change_svuid(imgp->newcred, imgp->newcred->cr_uid); change_svgid(imgp->newcred, imgp->newcred->cr_gid); } } /* The new credentials are installed into the process later. */ /* * Do the best to calculate the full path to the image file. */ if (args->fname != NULL && args->fname[0] == '/') imgp->execpath = args->fname; else { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); if (vn_fullpath(imgp->vp, &imgp->execpath, &imgp->freepath) != 0) imgp->execpath = args->fname; vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); } /* * If the current process has a special image activator it * wants to try first, call it. For example, emulating shell * scripts differently. */ error = -1; if ((img_first = imgp->proc->p_sysent->sv_imgact_try) != NULL) error = img_first(imgp); /* * Loop through the list of image activators, calling each one. * An activator returns -1 if there is no match, 0 on success, * and an error otherwise. */ for (i = 0; error == -1 && execsw[i]; ++i) { if (execsw[i]->ex_imgact == NULL || execsw[i]->ex_imgact == img_first) { continue; } error = (*execsw[i]->ex_imgact)(imgp); } if (error) { if (error == -1) error = ENOEXEC; goto exec_fail_dealloc; } /* * Special interpreter operation, cleanup and loop up to try to * activate the interpreter. */ if (imgp->interpreted) { exec_unmap_first_page(imgp); /* * The text reference needs to be removed for scripts. * There is a short period before we determine that * something is a script where text reference is active. * The vnode lock is held over this entire period * so nothing should illegitimately be blocked. */ MPASS(imgp->textset); VOP_UNSET_TEXT_CHECKED(newtextvp); imgp->textset = false; /* free name buffer and old vnode */ if (args->fname != NULL) NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); #ifdef MAC mac_execve_interpreter_enter(newtextvp, &interpvplabel); #endif if (imgp->opened) { VOP_CLOSE(newtextvp, FREAD, td->td_ucred, td); imgp->opened = 0; } vput(newtextvp); vm_object_deallocate(imgp->object); imgp->object = NULL; execve_nosetid(imgp); imgp->execpath = NULL; free(imgp->freepath, M_TEMP); imgp->freepath = NULL; /* set new name to that of the interpreter */ NDINIT(&nd, LOOKUP, ISOPEN | LOCKLEAF | LOCKSHARED | FOLLOW | SAVENAME, UIO_SYSSPACE, imgp->interpreter_name, td); args->fname = imgp->interpreter_name; goto interpret; } /* * NB: We unlock the vnode here because it is believed that none * of the sv_copyout_strings/sv_fixup operations require the vnode. */ VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); if (disallow_high_osrel && P_OSREL_MAJOR(p->p_osrel) > P_OSREL_MAJOR(__FreeBSD_version)) { error = ENOEXEC; uprintf("Osrel %d for image %s too high\n", p->p_osrel, imgp->execpath != NULL ? imgp->execpath : ""); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); goto exec_fail_dealloc; } /* ABI enforces the use of Capsicum. Switch into capabilities mode. */ if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_CAPSICUM)) sys_cap_enter(td, NULL); /* * Copy out strings (args and env) and initialize stack base. */ error = (*p->p_sysent->sv_copyout_strings)(imgp, &stack_base); if (error != 0) { vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); goto exec_fail_dealloc; } /* * Stack setup. */ error = (*p->p_sysent->sv_fixup)(&stack_base, imgp); if (error != 0) { vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); goto exec_fail_dealloc; } if (args->fdp != NULL) { /* Install a brand new file descriptor table. */ fdinstall_remapped(td, args->fdp); args->fdp = NULL; } else { /* * Keep on using the existing file descriptor table. For * security and other reasons, the file descriptor table * cannot be shared after an exec. */ fdunshare(td); pdunshare(td); /* close files on exec */ fdcloseexec(td); } /* * Malloc things before we need locks. */ i = exec_args_get_begin_envv(imgp->args) - imgp->args->begin_argv; /* Cache arguments if they fit inside our allowance */ if (ps_arg_cache_limit >= i + sizeof(struct pargs)) { newargs = pargs_alloc(i); bcopy(imgp->args->begin_argv, newargs->ar_args, i); } /* * For security and other reasons, signal handlers cannot * be shared after an exec. The new process gets a copy of the old * handlers. In execsigs(), the new process will have its signals * reset. */ if (sigacts_shared(p->p_sigacts)) { oldsigacts = p->p_sigacts; newsigacts = sigacts_alloc(); sigacts_copy(newsigacts, oldsigacts); } vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); PROC_LOCK(p); if (oldsigacts) p->p_sigacts = newsigacts; /* Stop profiling */ stopprofclock(p); /* reset caught signals */ execsigs(p); /* name this process - nameiexec(p, ndp) */ bzero(p->p_comm, sizeof(p->p_comm)); if (args->fname) bcopy(nd.ni_cnd.cn_nameptr, p->p_comm, min(nd.ni_cnd.cn_namelen, MAXCOMLEN)); else if (vn_commname(newtextvp, p->p_comm, sizeof(p->p_comm)) != 0) bcopy(fexecv_proc_title, p->p_comm, sizeof(fexecv_proc_title)); bcopy(p->p_comm, td->td_name, sizeof(td->td_name)); #ifdef KTR sched_clear_tdname(td); #endif /* * mark as execed, wakeup the process that vforked (if any) and tell * it that it now has its own resources back */ p->p_flag |= P_EXEC; if ((p->p_flag2 & P2_NOTRACE_EXEC) == 0) p->p_flag2 &= ~P2_NOTRACE; if ((p->p_flag2 & P2_STKGAP_DISABLE_EXEC) == 0) p->p_flag2 &= ~P2_STKGAP_DISABLE; if (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) { p->p_flag &= ~(P_PPWAIT | P_PPTRACE); cv_broadcast(&p->p_pwait); /* STOPs are no longer ignored, arrange for AST */ signotify(td); } if ((imgp->sysent->sv_setid_allowed != NULL && !(*imgp->sysent->sv_setid_allowed)(td, imgp)) || (p->p_flag2 & P2_NO_NEW_PRIVS) != 0) execve_nosetid(imgp); /* * Implement image setuid/setgid installation. */ if (imgp->credential_setid) { /* * Turn off syscall tracing for set-id programs, except for * root. Record any set-id flags first to make sure that * we do not regain any tracing during a possible block. */ setsugid(p); #ifdef KTRACE kiop = ktrprocexec(p); #endif /* * Close any file descriptors 0..2 that reference procfs, * then make sure file descriptors 0..2 are in use. * * Both fdsetugidsafety() and fdcheckstd() may call functions * taking sleepable locks, so temporarily drop our locks. */ PROC_UNLOCK(p); VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); fdsetugidsafety(td); error = fdcheckstd(td); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); if (error != 0) goto exec_fail_dealloc; PROC_LOCK(p); #ifdef MAC if (will_transition) { mac_vnode_execve_transition(oldcred, imgp->newcred, imgp->vp, interpvplabel, imgp); } #endif } else { if (oldcred->cr_uid == oldcred->cr_ruid && oldcred->cr_gid == oldcred->cr_rgid) p->p_flag &= ~P_SUGID; } /* * Set the new credentials. */ if (imgp->newcred != NULL) { proc_set_cred(p, imgp->newcred); crfree(oldcred); oldcred = NULL; } /* * Store the vp for use in procfs. This vnode was referenced by namei * or fgetvp_exec. */ oldtextvp = p->p_textvp; p->p_textvp = newtextvp; #ifdef KDTRACE_HOOKS /* * Tell the DTrace fasttrap provider about the exec if it * has declared an interest. */ if (dtrace_fasttrap_exec) dtrace_fasttrap_exec(p); #endif /* * Notify others that we exec'd, and clear the P_INEXEC flag * as we're now a bona fide freshly-execed process. */ KNOTE_LOCKED(p->p_klist, NOTE_EXEC); p->p_flag &= ~P_INEXEC; /* clear "fork but no exec" flag, as we _are_ execing */ p->p_acflag &= ~AFORK; /* * Free any previous argument cache and replace it with * the new argument cache, if any. */ oldargs = p->p_args; p->p_args = newargs; newargs = NULL; PROC_UNLOCK(p); #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS /* * Check if system-wide sampling is in effect or if the * current process is using PMCs. If so, do exec() time * processing. This processing needs to happen AFTER the * P_INEXEC flag is cleared. */ if (PMC_SYSTEM_SAMPLING_ACTIVE() || PMC_PROC_IS_USING_PMCS(p)) { VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); pe.pm_credentialschanged = credential_changing; pe.pm_entryaddr = imgp->entry_addr; PMC_CALL_HOOK_X(td, PMC_FN_PROCESS_EXEC, (void *) &pe); vn_lock(imgp->vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); } #endif /* Set values passed into the program in registers. */ (*p->p_sysent->sv_setregs)(td, imgp, stack_base); VOP_MMAPPED(imgp->vp); SDT_PROBE1(proc, , , exec__success, args->fname); exec_fail_dealloc: if (error != 0) { p->p_osrel = orig_osrel; p->p_fctl0 = orig_fctl0; p->p_elf_brandinfo = orig_brandinfo; } if (imgp->firstpage != NULL) exec_unmap_first_page(imgp); if (imgp->vp != NULL) { if (args->fname) NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF); if (imgp->opened) VOP_CLOSE(imgp->vp, FREAD, td->td_ucred, td); if (imgp->textset) VOP_UNSET_TEXT_CHECKED(imgp->vp); if (error != 0) vput(imgp->vp); else VOP_UNLOCK(imgp->vp); } if (imgp->object != NULL) vm_object_deallocate(imgp->object); free(imgp->freepath, M_TEMP); if (error == 0) { if (p->p_ptevents & PTRACE_EXEC) { PROC_LOCK(p); if (p->p_ptevents & PTRACE_EXEC) td->td_dbgflags |= TDB_EXEC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); } } else { exec_fail: /* we're done here, clear P_INEXEC */ PROC_LOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~P_INEXEC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); SDT_PROBE1(proc, , , exec__failure, error); } if (imgp->newcred != NULL && oldcred != NULL) crfree(imgp->newcred); #ifdef MAC mac_execve_exit(imgp); mac_execve_interpreter_exit(interpvplabel); #endif exec_free_args(args); /* * Handle deferred decrement of ref counts. */ if (oldtextvp != NULL) vrele(oldtextvp); #ifdef KTRACE ktr_io_params_free(kiop); #endif pargs_drop(oldargs); pargs_drop(newargs); if (oldsigacts != NULL) sigacts_free(oldsigacts); if (euip != NULL) uifree(euip); if (error && imgp->vmspace_destroyed) { /* sorry, no more process anymore. exit gracefully */ exec_cleanup(td, oldvmspace); exit1(td, 0, SIGABRT); /* NOT REACHED */ } #ifdef KTRACE if (error == 0) ktrprocctor(p); #endif /* * We don't want cpu_set_syscall_retval() to overwrite any of * the register values put in place by exec_setregs(). * Implementations of cpu_set_syscall_retval() will leave * registers unmodified when returning EJUSTRETURN. */ return (error == 0 ? EJUSTRETURN : error); } void exec_cleanup(struct thread *td, struct vmspace *oldvmspace) { if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_EXECVMSPC) != 0) { KASSERT(td->td_proc->p_vmspace != oldvmspace, ("oldvmspace still used")); vmspace_free(oldvmspace); td->td_pflags &= ~TDP_EXECVMSPC; } } int exec_map_first_page(struct image_params *imgp) { vm_object_t object; vm_page_t m; int error; if (imgp->firstpage != NULL) exec_unmap_first_page(imgp); object = imgp->vp->v_object; if (object == NULL) return (EACCES); #if VM_NRESERVLEVEL > 0 if ((object->flags & OBJ_COLORED) == 0) { VM_OBJECT_WLOCK(object); vm_object_color(object, 0); VM_OBJECT_WUNLOCK(object); } #endif error = vm_page_grab_valid_unlocked(&m, object, 0, VM_ALLOC_COUNT(VM_INITIAL_PAGEIN) | VM_ALLOC_NORMAL | VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY | VM_ALLOC_WIRED); if (error != VM_PAGER_OK) return (EIO); imgp->firstpage = sf_buf_alloc(m, 0); imgp->image_header = (char *)sf_buf_kva(imgp->firstpage); return (0); } void exec_unmap_first_page(struct image_params *imgp) { vm_page_t m; if (imgp->firstpage != NULL) { m = sf_buf_page(imgp->firstpage); sf_buf_free(imgp->firstpage); imgp->firstpage = NULL; vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_ACTIVE); } } void exec_onexec_old(struct thread *td) { sigfastblock_clear(td); umtx_exec(td->td_proc); } /* * Destroy old address space, and allocate a new stack. * The new stack is only sgrowsiz large because it is grown * automatically on a page fault. */ int exec_new_vmspace(struct image_params *imgp, struct sysentvec *sv) { int error; struct proc *p = imgp->proc; struct vmspace *vmspace = p->p_vmspace; struct thread *td = curthread; vm_object_t obj; struct rlimit rlim_stack; vm_offset_t sv_minuser, stack_addr; vm_map_t map; vm_prot_t stack_prot; u_long ssiz; imgp->vmspace_destroyed = 1; imgp->sysent = sv; if (p->p_sysent->sv_onexec_old != NULL) p->p_sysent->sv_onexec_old(td); itimers_exec(p); EVENTHANDLER_DIRECT_INVOKE(process_exec, p, imgp); /* * Blow away entire process VM, if address space not shared, * otherwise, create a new VM space so that other threads are * not disrupted */ map = &vmspace->vm_map; if (map_at_zero) sv_minuser = sv->sv_minuser; else sv_minuser = MAX(sv->sv_minuser, PAGE_SIZE); if (refcount_load(&vmspace->vm_refcnt) == 1 && vm_map_min(map) == sv_minuser && vm_map_max(map) == sv->sv_maxuser && cpu_exec_vmspace_reuse(p, map)) { shmexit(vmspace); pmap_remove_pages(vmspace_pmap(vmspace)); vm_map_remove(map, vm_map_min(map), vm_map_max(map)); /* * An exec terminates mlockall(MCL_FUTURE). * ASLR and W^X states must be re-evaluated. */ vm_map_lock(map); vm_map_modflags(map, 0, MAP_WIREFUTURE | MAP_ASLR | MAP_ASLR_IGNSTART | MAP_WXORX); vm_map_unlock(map); } else { error = vmspace_exec(p, sv_minuser, sv->sv_maxuser); if (error) return (error); vmspace = p->p_vmspace; map = &vmspace->vm_map; } map->flags |= imgp->map_flags; /* Map a shared page */ obj = sv->sv_shared_page_obj; if (obj != NULL) { vm_object_reference(obj); error = vm_map_fixed(map, obj, 0, sv->sv_shared_page_base, sv->sv_shared_page_len, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE, MAP_INHERIT_SHARE | MAP_ACC_NO_CHARGE); if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) { vm_object_deallocate(obj); return (vm_mmap_to_errno(error)); } } /* Allocate a new stack */ if (imgp->stack_sz != 0) { ssiz = trunc_page(imgp->stack_sz); PROC_LOCK(p); lim_rlimit_proc(p, RLIMIT_STACK, &rlim_stack); PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (ssiz > rlim_stack.rlim_max) ssiz = rlim_stack.rlim_max; if (ssiz > rlim_stack.rlim_cur) { rlim_stack.rlim_cur = ssiz; kern_setrlimit(curthread, RLIMIT_STACK, &rlim_stack); } } else if (sv->sv_maxssiz != NULL) { ssiz = *sv->sv_maxssiz; } else { ssiz = maxssiz; } imgp->eff_stack_sz = lim_cur(curthread, RLIMIT_STACK); if (ssiz < imgp->eff_stack_sz) imgp->eff_stack_sz = ssiz; stack_addr = sv->sv_usrstack - ssiz; stack_prot = obj != NULL && imgp->stack_prot != 0 ? imgp->stack_prot : sv->sv_stackprot; error = vm_map_stack(map, stack_addr, (vm_size_t)ssiz, stack_prot, VM_PROT_ALL, MAP_STACK_GROWS_DOWN); if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) { uprintf("exec_new_vmspace: mapping stack size %#jx prot %#x " "failed mach error %d errno %d\n", (uintmax_t)ssiz, stack_prot, error, vm_mmap_to_errno(error)); return (vm_mmap_to_errno(error)); } /* * vm_ssize and vm_maxsaddr are somewhat antiquated concepts, but they * are still used to enforce the stack rlimit on the process stack. */ vmspace->vm_ssize = sgrowsiz >> PAGE_SHIFT; vmspace->vm_maxsaddr = (char *)stack_addr; return (sv->sv_onexec != NULL ? sv->sv_onexec(p, imgp) : 0); } /* * Copy out argument and environment strings from the old process address * space into the temporary string buffer. */ int exec_copyin_args(struct image_args *args, const char *fname, enum uio_seg segflg, char **argv, char **envv) { u_long arg, env; int error; bzero(args, sizeof(*args)); if (argv == NULL) return (EFAULT); /* * Allocate demand-paged memory for the file name, argument, and * environment strings. */ error = exec_alloc_args(args); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * Copy the file name. */ error = exec_args_add_fname(args, fname, segflg); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; /* * extract arguments first */ for (;;) { error = fueword(argv++, &arg); if (error == -1) { error = EFAULT; goto err_exit; } if (arg == 0) break; error = exec_args_add_arg(args, (char *)(uintptr_t)arg, UIO_USERSPACE); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; } /* * extract environment strings */ if (envv) { for (;;) { error = fueword(envv++, &env); if (error == -1) { error = EFAULT; goto err_exit; } if (env == 0) break; error = exec_args_add_env(args, (char *)(uintptr_t)env, UIO_USERSPACE); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; } } return (0); err_exit: exec_free_args(args); return (error); } int exec_copyin_data_fds(struct thread *td, struct image_args *args, const void *data, size_t datalen, const int *fds, size_t fdslen) { struct filedesc *ofdp; const char *p; int *kfds; int error; memset(args, '\0', sizeof(*args)); ofdp = td->td_proc->p_fd; if (datalen >= ARG_MAX || fdslen >= ofdp->fd_nfiles) return (E2BIG); error = exec_alloc_args(args); if (error != 0) return (error); args->begin_argv = args->buf; args->stringspace = ARG_MAX; if (datalen > 0) { /* * Argument buffer has been provided. Copy it into the * kernel as a single string and add a terminating null * byte. */ error = copyin(data, args->begin_argv, datalen); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; args->begin_argv[datalen] = '\0'; args->endp = args->begin_argv + datalen + 1; args->stringspace -= datalen + 1; /* * Traditional argument counting. Count the number of * null bytes. */ for (p = args->begin_argv; p < args->endp; ++p) if (*p == '\0') ++args->argc; } else { /* No argument buffer provided. */ args->endp = args->begin_argv; } /* Create new file descriptor table. */ kfds = malloc(fdslen * sizeof(int), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); error = copyin(fds, kfds, fdslen * sizeof(int)); if (error != 0) { free(kfds, M_TEMP); goto err_exit; } error = fdcopy_remapped(ofdp, kfds, fdslen, &args->fdp); free(kfds, M_TEMP); if (error != 0) goto err_exit; return (0); err_exit: exec_free_args(args); return (error); } struct exec_args_kva { vm_offset_t addr; u_int gen; SLIST_ENTRY(exec_args_kva) next; }; DPCPU_DEFINE_STATIC(struct exec_args_kva *, exec_args_kva); static SLIST_HEAD(, exec_args_kva) exec_args_kva_freelist; static struct mtx exec_args_kva_mtx; static u_int exec_args_gen; static void exec_prealloc_args_kva(void *arg __unused) { struct exec_args_kva *argkva; u_int i; SLIST_INIT(&exec_args_kva_freelist); mtx_init(&exec_args_kva_mtx, "exec args kva", NULL, MTX_DEF); for (i = 0; i < exec_map_entries; i++) { argkva = malloc(sizeof(*argkva), M_PARGS, M_WAITOK); argkva->addr = kmap_alloc_wait(exec_map, exec_map_entry_size); argkva->gen = exec_args_gen; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&exec_args_kva_freelist, argkva, next); } } SYSINIT(exec_args_kva, SI_SUB_EXEC, SI_ORDER_ANY, exec_prealloc_args_kva, NULL); static vm_offset_t exec_alloc_args_kva(void **cookie) { struct exec_args_kva *argkva; argkva = (void *)atomic_readandclear_ptr( (uintptr_t *)DPCPU_PTR(exec_args_kva)); if (argkva == NULL) { mtx_lock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); while ((argkva = SLIST_FIRST(&exec_args_kva_freelist)) == NULL) (void)mtx_sleep(&exec_args_kva_freelist, &exec_args_kva_mtx, 0, "execkva", 0); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&exec_args_kva_freelist, next); mtx_unlock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); } kasan_mark((void *)argkva->addr, exec_map_entry_size, exec_map_entry_size, 0); *(struct exec_args_kva **)cookie = argkva; return (argkva->addr); } static void exec_release_args_kva(struct exec_args_kva *argkva, u_int gen) { vm_offset_t base; base = argkva->addr; kasan_mark((void *)argkva->addr, 0, exec_map_entry_size, KASAN_EXEC_ARGS_FREED); if (argkva->gen != gen) { (void)vm_map_madvise(exec_map, base, base + exec_map_entry_size, MADV_FREE); argkva->gen = gen; } if (!atomic_cmpset_ptr((uintptr_t *)DPCPU_PTR(exec_args_kva), (uintptr_t)NULL, (uintptr_t)argkva)) { mtx_lock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&exec_args_kva_freelist, argkva, next); wakeup_one(&exec_args_kva_freelist); mtx_unlock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); } } static void exec_free_args_kva(void *cookie) { exec_release_args_kva(cookie, exec_args_gen); } static void exec_args_kva_lowmem(void *arg __unused) { SLIST_HEAD(, exec_args_kva) head; struct exec_args_kva *argkva; u_int gen; int i; gen = atomic_fetchadd_int(&exec_args_gen, 1) + 1; /* * Force an madvise of each KVA range. Any currently allocated ranges * will have MADV_FREE applied once they are freed. */ SLIST_INIT(&head); mtx_lock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); SLIST_SWAP(&head, &exec_args_kva_freelist, exec_args_kva); mtx_unlock(&exec_args_kva_mtx); while ((argkva = SLIST_FIRST(&head)) != NULL) { SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&head, next); exec_release_args_kva(argkva, gen); } CPU_FOREACH(i) { argkva = (void *)atomic_readandclear_ptr( (uintptr_t *)DPCPU_ID_PTR(i, exec_args_kva)); if (argkva != NULL) exec_release_args_kva(argkva, gen); } } EVENTHANDLER_DEFINE(vm_lowmem, exec_args_kva_lowmem, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); /* * Allocate temporary demand-paged, zero-filled memory for the file name, * argument, and environment strings. */ int exec_alloc_args(struct image_args *args) { args->buf = (char *)exec_alloc_args_kva(&args->bufkva); return (0); } void exec_free_args(struct image_args *args) { if (args->buf != NULL) { exec_free_args_kva(args->bufkva); args->buf = NULL; } if (args->fname_buf != NULL) { free(args->fname_buf, M_TEMP); args->fname_buf = NULL; } if (args->fdp != NULL) fdescfree_remapped(args->fdp); } /* * A set to functions to fill struct image args. * * NOTE: exec_args_add_fname() must be called (possibly with a NULL * fname) before the other functions. All exec_args_add_arg() calls must * be made before any exec_args_add_env() calls. exec_args_adjust_args() * may be called any time after exec_args_add_fname(). * * exec_args_add_fname() - install path to be executed * exec_args_add_arg() - append an argument string * exec_args_add_env() - append an env string * exec_args_adjust_args() - adjust location of the argument list to * allow new arguments to be prepended */ int exec_args_add_fname(struct image_args *args, const char *fname, enum uio_seg segflg) { int error; size_t length; KASSERT(args->fname == NULL, ("fname already appended")); KASSERT(args->endp == NULL, ("already appending to args")); if (fname != NULL) { args->fname = args->buf; error = segflg == UIO_SYSSPACE ? copystr(fname, args->fname, PATH_MAX, &length) : copyinstr(fname, args->fname, PATH_MAX, &length); if (error != 0) return (error == ENAMETOOLONG ? E2BIG : error); } else length = 0; /* Set up for _arg_*()/_env_*() */ args->endp = args->buf + length; /* begin_argv must be set and kept updated */ args->begin_argv = args->endp; KASSERT(exec_map_entry_size - length >= ARG_MAX, ("too little space remaining for arguments %zu < %zu", exec_map_entry_size - length, (size_t)ARG_MAX)); args->stringspace = ARG_MAX; return (0); } static int exec_args_add_str(struct image_args *args, const char *str, enum uio_seg segflg, int *countp) { int error; size_t length; KASSERT(args->endp != NULL, ("endp not initialized")); KASSERT(args->begin_argv != NULL, ("begin_argp not initialized")); error = (segflg == UIO_SYSSPACE) ? copystr(str, args->endp, args->stringspace, &length) : copyinstr(str, args->endp, args->stringspace, &length); if (error != 0) return (error == ENAMETOOLONG ? E2BIG : error); args->stringspace -= length; args->endp += length; (*countp)++; return (0); } int exec_args_add_arg(struct image_args *args, const char *argp, enum uio_seg segflg) { KASSERT(args->envc == 0, ("appending args after env")); return (exec_args_add_str(args, argp, segflg, &args->argc)); } int exec_args_add_env(struct image_args *args, const char *envp, enum uio_seg segflg) { if (args->envc == 0) args->begin_envv = args->endp; return (exec_args_add_str(args, envp, segflg, &args->envc)); } int exec_args_adjust_args(struct image_args *args, size_t consume, ssize_t extend) { ssize_t offset; KASSERT(args->endp != NULL, ("endp not initialized")); KASSERT(args->begin_argv != NULL, ("begin_argp not initialized")); offset = extend - consume; if (args->stringspace < offset) return (E2BIG); memmove(args->begin_argv + extend, args->begin_argv + consume, args->endp - args->begin_argv + consume); if (args->envc > 0) args->begin_envv += offset; args->endp += offset; args->stringspace -= offset; return (0); } char * exec_args_get_begin_envv(struct image_args *args) { KASSERT(args->endp != NULL, ("endp not initialized")); if (args->envc > 0) return (args->begin_envv); return (args->endp); } void exec_stackgap(struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t *dp) { if (imgp->sysent->sv_stackgap == NULL || (imgp->proc->p_fctl0 & (NT_FREEBSD_FCTL_ASLR_DISABLE | NT_FREEBSD_FCTL_ASG_DISABLE)) != 0 || (imgp->map_flags & MAP_ASLR) == 0) return; imgp->sysent->sv_stackgap(imgp, dp); } /* * Copy strings out to the new process address space, constructing new arg * and env vector tables. Return a pointer to the base so that it can be used * as the initial stack pointer. */ int exec_copyout_strings(struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t *stack_base) { int argc, envc; char **vectp; char *stringp; uintptr_t destp, ustringp; struct ps_strings *arginfo; struct proc *p; size_t execpath_len; int error, szsigcode, szps; char canary[sizeof(long) * 8]; szps = sizeof(pagesizes[0]) * MAXPAGESIZES; /* * Calculate string base and vector table pointers. * Also deal with signal trampoline code for this exec type. */ if (imgp->execpath != NULL && imgp->auxargs != NULL) execpath_len = strlen(imgp->execpath) + 1; else execpath_len = 0; p = imgp->proc; szsigcode = 0; arginfo = (struct ps_strings *)p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings; imgp->ps_strings = arginfo; if (p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode_base == 0) { if (p->p_sysent->sv_szsigcode != NULL) szsigcode = *(p->p_sysent->sv_szsigcode); } destp = (uintptr_t)arginfo; /* * install sigcode */ if (szsigcode != 0) { destp -= szsigcode; destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); error = copyout(p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode, (void *)destp, szsigcode); if (error != 0) return (error); } /* * Copy the image path for the rtld. */ if (execpath_len != 0) { destp -= execpath_len; destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); imgp->execpathp = (void *)destp; error = copyout(imgp->execpath, imgp->execpathp, execpath_len); if (error != 0) return (error); } /* * Prepare the canary for SSP. */ arc4rand(canary, sizeof(canary), 0); destp -= sizeof(canary); imgp->canary = (void *)destp; error = copyout(canary, imgp->canary, sizeof(canary)); if (error != 0) return (error); imgp->canarylen = sizeof(canary); /* * Prepare the pagesizes array. */ destp -= szps; destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); imgp->pagesizes = (void *)destp; error = copyout(pagesizes, imgp->pagesizes, szps); if (error != 0) return (error); imgp->pagesizeslen = szps; /* * Allocate room for the argument and environment strings. */ destp -= ARG_MAX - imgp->args->stringspace; destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); ustringp = destp; exec_stackgap(imgp, &destp); if (imgp->auxargs) { /* * Allocate room on the stack for the ELF auxargs * array. It has up to AT_COUNT entries. */ destp -= AT_COUNT * sizeof(Elf_Auxinfo); destp = rounddown2(destp, sizeof(void *)); } vectp = (char **)destp; /* * Allocate room for the argv[] and env vectors including the * terminating NULL pointers. */ vectp -= imgp->args->argc + 1 + imgp->args->envc + 1; /* * vectp also becomes our initial stack base */ *stack_base = (uintptr_t)vectp; stringp = imgp->args->begin_argv; argc = imgp->args->argc; envc = imgp->args->envc; /* * Copy out strings - arguments and environment. */ error = copyout(stringp, (void *)ustringp, ARG_MAX - imgp->args->stringspace); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * Fill in "ps_strings" struct for ps, w, etc. */ imgp->argv = vectp; if (suword(&arginfo->ps_argvstr, (long)(intptr_t)vectp) != 0 || suword32(&arginfo->ps_nargvstr, argc) != 0) return (EFAULT); /* * Fill in argument portion of vector table. */ for (; argc > 0; --argc) { if (suword(vectp++, ustringp) != 0) return (EFAULT); while (*stringp++ != 0) ustringp++; ustringp++; } /* a null vector table pointer separates the argp's from the envp's */ if (suword(vectp++, 0) != 0) return (EFAULT); imgp->envv = vectp; if (suword(&arginfo->ps_envstr, (long)(intptr_t)vectp) != 0 || suword32(&arginfo->ps_nenvstr, envc) != 0) return (EFAULT); /* * Fill in environment portion of vector table. */ for (; envc > 0; --envc) { if (suword(vectp++, ustringp) != 0) return (EFAULT); while (*stringp++ != 0) ustringp++; ustringp++; } /* end of vector table is a null pointer */ if (suword(vectp, 0) != 0) return (EFAULT); if (imgp->auxargs) { vectp++; error = imgp->sysent->sv_copyout_auxargs(imgp, (uintptr_t)vectp); if (error != 0) return (error); } return (0); } /* * Check permissions of file to execute. * Called with imgp->vp locked. * Return 0 for success or error code on failure. */ int exec_check_permissions(struct image_params *imgp) { struct vnode *vp = imgp->vp; struct vattr *attr = imgp->attr; struct thread *td; int error; td = curthread; /* Get file attributes */ error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, attr, td->td_ucred); if (error) return (error); #ifdef MAC error = mac_vnode_check_exec(td->td_ucred, imgp->vp, imgp); if (error) return (error); #endif /* * 1) Check if file execution is disabled for the filesystem that * this file resides on. * 2) Ensure that at least one execute bit is on. Otherwise, a * privileged user will always succeed, and we don't want this * to happen unless the file really is executable. * 3) Ensure that the file is a regular file. */ if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOEXEC) || (attr->va_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) == 0 || (attr->va_type != VREG)) return (EACCES); /* * Zero length files can't be exec'd */ if (attr->va_size == 0) return (ENOEXEC); /* * Check for execute permission to file based on current credentials. */ error = VOP_ACCESS(vp, VEXEC, td->td_ucred, td); if (error) return (error); /* * Check number of open-for-writes on the file and deny execution * if there are any. * * Add a text reference now so no one can write to the * executable while we're activating it. * * Remember if this was set before and unset it in case this is not * actually an executable image. */ error = VOP_SET_TEXT(vp); if (error != 0) return (error); imgp->textset = true; /* * Call filesystem specific open routine (which does nothing in the * general case). */ error = VOP_OPEN(vp, FREAD, td->td_ucred, td, NULL); if (error == 0) imgp->opened = 1; return (error); } /* * Exec handler registration */ int exec_register(const struct execsw *execsw_arg) { const struct execsw **es, **xs, **newexecsw; u_int count = 2; /* New slot and trailing NULL */ if (execsw) for (es = execsw; *es; es++) count++; newexecsw = malloc(count * sizeof(*es), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); xs = newexecsw; if (execsw) for (es = execsw; *es; es++) *xs++ = *es; *xs++ = execsw_arg; *xs = NULL; if (execsw) free(execsw, M_TEMP); execsw = newexecsw; return (0); } int exec_unregister(const struct execsw *execsw_arg) { const struct execsw **es, **xs, **newexecsw; int count = 1; if (execsw == NULL) panic("unregister with no handlers left?\n"); for (es = execsw; *es; es++) { if (*es == execsw_arg) break; } if (*es == NULL) return (ENOENT); for (es = execsw; *es; es++) if (*es != execsw_arg) count++; newexecsw = malloc(count * sizeof(*es), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); xs = newexecsw; for (es = execsw; *es; es++) if (*es != execsw_arg) *xs++ = *es; *xs = NULL; if (execsw) free(execsw, M_TEMP); execsw = newexecsw; return (0); } /* * Write out a core segment to the compression stream. */ static int compress_chunk(struct coredump_params *cp, char *base, char *buf, u_int len) { u_int chunk_len; int error; while (len > 0) { chunk_len = MIN(len, CORE_BUF_SIZE); /* * We can get EFAULT error here. * In that case zero out the current chunk of the segment. */ error = copyin(base, buf, chunk_len); if (error != 0) bzero(buf, chunk_len); error = compressor_write(cp->comp, buf, chunk_len); if (error != 0) break; base += chunk_len; len -= chunk_len; } return (error); } int core_write(struct coredump_params *cp, const void *base, size_t len, off_t offset, enum uio_seg seg, size_t *resid) { return (vn_rdwr_inchunks(UIO_WRITE, cp->vp, __DECONST(void *, base), len, offset, seg, IO_UNIT | IO_DIRECT | IO_RANGELOCKED, cp->active_cred, cp->file_cred, resid, cp->td)); } int core_output(char *base, size_t len, off_t offset, struct coredump_params *cp, void *tmpbuf) { vm_map_t map; struct mount *mp; size_t resid, runlen; int error; bool success; KASSERT((uintptr_t)base % PAGE_SIZE == 0, ("%s: user address %p is not page-aligned", __func__, base)); if (cp->comp != NULL) return (compress_chunk(cp, base, tmpbuf, len)); map = &cp->td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_map; for (; len > 0; base += runlen, offset += runlen, len -= runlen) { /* * Attempt to page in all virtual pages in the range. If a * virtual page is not backed by the pager, it is represented as * a hole in the file. This can occur with zero-filled * anonymous memory or truncated files, for example. */ for (runlen = 0; runlen < len; runlen += PAGE_SIZE) { error = vm_fault(map, (uintptr_t)base + runlen, VM_PROT_READ, VM_FAULT_NOFILL, NULL); if (runlen == 0) success = error == KERN_SUCCESS; else if ((error == KERN_SUCCESS) != success) break; } if (success) { error = core_write(cp, base, runlen, offset, UIO_USERSPACE, &resid); if (error != 0) { if (error != EFAULT) break; /* * EFAULT may be returned if the user mapping * could not be accessed, e.g., because a mapped * file has been truncated. Skip the page if no * progress was made, to protect against a * hypothetical scenario where vm_fault() was * successful but core_write() returns EFAULT * anyway. */ runlen -= resid; if (runlen == 0) { success = false; runlen = PAGE_SIZE; } } } if (!success) { error = vn_start_write(cp->vp, &mp, V_WAIT); if (error != 0) break; vn_lock(cp->vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY); error = vn_truncate_locked(cp->vp, offset + runlen, false, cp->td->td_ucred); VOP_UNLOCK(cp->vp); vn_finished_write(mp); if (error != 0) break; } } return (error); } /* * Drain into a core file. */ int sbuf_drain_core_output(void *arg, const char *data, int len) { struct coredump_params *cp; struct proc *p; int error, locked; cp = arg; p = cp->td->td_proc; /* * Some kern_proc out routines that print to this sbuf may * call us with the process lock held. Draining with the * non-sleepable lock held is unsafe. The lock is needed for * those routines when dumping a live process. In our case we * can safely release the lock before draining and acquire * again after. */ locked = PROC_LOCKED(p); if (locked) PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (cp->comp != NULL) error = compressor_write(cp->comp, __DECONST(char *, data), len); else error = core_write(cp, __DECONST(void *, data), len, cp->offset, UIO_SYSSPACE, NULL); if (locked) PROC_LOCK(p); if (error != 0) return (-error); cp->offset += len; return (len); } diff --git a/sys/kern/sys_process.c b/sys/kern/sys_process.c index b56c33203906..1b97424c58ca 100644 --- a/sys/kern/sys_process.c +++ b/sys/kern/sys_process.c @@ -1,1470 +1,1469 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1994, Sean Eric Fagan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Sean Eric Fagan. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include - #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 #include #endif /* * Functions implemented using PROC_ACTION(): * * proc_read_regs(proc, regs) * Get the current user-visible register set from the process * and copy it into the regs structure (). * The process is stopped at the time read_regs is called. * * proc_write_regs(proc, regs) * Update the current register set from the passed in regs * structure. Take care to avoid clobbering special CPU * registers or privileged bits in the PSL. * Depending on the architecture this may have fix-up work to do, * especially if the IAR or PCW are modified. * The process is stopped at the time write_regs is called. * * proc_read_fpregs, proc_write_fpregs * deal with the floating point register set, otherwise as above. * * proc_read_dbregs, proc_write_dbregs * deal with the processor debug register set, otherwise as above. * * proc_sstep(proc) * Arrange for the process to trap after executing a single instruction. */ #define PROC_ACTION(action) do { \ int error; \ \ PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(td->td_proc, MA_OWNED); \ if ((td->td_proc->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0) \ error = EIO; \ else \ error = (action); \ return (error); \ } while (0) int proc_read_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { PROC_ACTION(fill_regs(td, regs)); } int proc_write_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { PROC_ACTION(set_regs(td, regs)); } int proc_read_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { PROC_ACTION(fill_dbregs(td, dbregs)); } int proc_write_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { PROC_ACTION(set_dbregs(td, dbregs)); } /* * Ptrace doesn't support fpregs at all, and there are no security holes * or translations for fpregs, so we can just copy them. */ int proc_read_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { PROC_ACTION(fill_fpregs(td, fpregs)); } int proc_write_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { PROC_ACTION(set_fpregs(td, fpregs)); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /* For 32 bit binaries, we need to expose the 32 bit regs layouts. */ int proc_read_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs32) { PROC_ACTION(fill_regs32(td, regs32)); } int proc_write_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs32) { PROC_ACTION(set_regs32(td, regs32)); } int proc_read_dbregs32(struct thread *td, struct dbreg32 *dbregs32) { PROC_ACTION(fill_dbregs32(td, dbregs32)); } int proc_write_dbregs32(struct thread *td, struct dbreg32 *dbregs32) { PROC_ACTION(set_dbregs32(td, dbregs32)); } int proc_read_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *fpregs32) { PROC_ACTION(fill_fpregs32(td, fpregs32)); } int proc_write_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *fpregs32) { PROC_ACTION(set_fpregs32(td, fpregs32)); } #endif int proc_sstep(struct thread *td) { PROC_ACTION(ptrace_single_step(td)); } int proc_rwmem(struct proc *p, struct uio *uio) { vm_map_t map; vm_offset_t pageno; /* page number */ vm_prot_t reqprot; int error, fault_flags, page_offset, writing; /* * Assert that someone has locked this vmspace. (Should be * curthread but we can't assert that.) This keeps the process * from exiting out from under us until this operation completes. */ PROC_ASSERT_HELD(p); PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_NOTOWNED); /* * The map we want... */ map = &p->p_vmspace->vm_map; /* * If we are writing, then we request vm_fault() to create a private * copy of each page. Since these copies will not be writeable by the * process, we must explicity request that they be dirtied. */ writing = uio->uio_rw == UIO_WRITE; reqprot = writing ? VM_PROT_COPY | VM_PROT_READ : VM_PROT_READ; fault_flags = writing ? VM_FAULT_DIRTY : VM_FAULT_NORMAL; /* * Only map in one page at a time. We don't have to, but it * makes things easier. This way is trivial - right? */ do { vm_offset_t uva; u_int len; vm_page_t m; uva = (vm_offset_t)uio->uio_offset; /* * Get the page number of this segment. */ pageno = trunc_page(uva); page_offset = uva - pageno; /* * How many bytes to copy */ len = min(PAGE_SIZE - page_offset, uio->uio_resid); /* * Fault and hold the page on behalf of the process. */ error = vm_fault(map, pageno, reqprot, fault_flags, &m); if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) { if (error == KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE) error = ENOMEM; else error = EFAULT; break; } /* * Now do the i/o move. */ error = uiomove_fromphys(&m, page_offset, len, uio); /* Make the I-cache coherent for breakpoints. */ if (writing && error == 0) { vm_map_lock_read(map); if (vm_map_check_protection(map, pageno, pageno + PAGE_SIZE, VM_PROT_EXECUTE)) vm_sync_icache(map, uva, len); vm_map_unlock_read(map); } /* * Release the page. */ vm_page_unwire(m, PQ_ACTIVE); } while (error == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0); return (error); } static ssize_t proc_iop(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, vm_offset_t va, void *buf, size_t len, enum uio_rw rw) { struct iovec iov; struct uio uio; ssize_t slen; MPASS(len < SSIZE_MAX); slen = (ssize_t)len; iov.iov_base = (caddr_t)buf; iov.iov_len = len; uio.uio_iov = &iov; uio.uio_iovcnt = 1; uio.uio_offset = va; uio.uio_resid = slen; uio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE; uio.uio_rw = rw; uio.uio_td = td; proc_rwmem(p, &uio); if (uio.uio_resid == slen) return (-1); return (slen - uio.uio_resid); } ssize_t proc_readmem(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, vm_offset_t va, void *buf, size_t len) { return (proc_iop(td, p, va, buf, len, UIO_READ)); } ssize_t proc_writemem(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, vm_offset_t va, void *buf, size_t len) { return (proc_iop(td, p, va, buf, len, UIO_WRITE)); } static int ptrace_vm_entry(struct thread *td, struct proc *p, struct ptrace_vm_entry *pve) { struct vattr vattr; vm_map_t map; vm_map_entry_t entry; vm_object_t obj, tobj, lobj; struct vmspace *vm; struct vnode *vp; char *freepath, *fullpath; u_int pathlen; int error, index; error = 0; obj = NULL; vm = vmspace_acquire_ref(p); map = &vm->vm_map; vm_map_lock_read(map); do { KASSERT((map->header.eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) == 0, ("Submap in map header")); index = 0; VM_MAP_ENTRY_FOREACH(entry, map) { if (index >= pve->pve_entry && (entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) == 0) break; index++; } if (index < pve->pve_entry) { error = EINVAL; break; } if (entry == &map->header) { error = ENOENT; break; } /* We got an entry. */ pve->pve_entry = index + 1; pve->pve_timestamp = map->timestamp; pve->pve_start = entry->start; pve->pve_end = entry->end - 1; pve->pve_offset = entry->offset; pve->pve_prot = entry->protection; /* Backing object's path needed? */ if (pve->pve_pathlen == 0) break; pathlen = pve->pve_pathlen; pve->pve_pathlen = 0; obj = entry->object.vm_object; if (obj != NULL) VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(obj); } while (0); vm_map_unlock_read(map); pve->pve_fsid = VNOVAL; pve->pve_fileid = VNOVAL; if (error == 0 && obj != NULL) { lobj = obj; for (tobj = obj; tobj != NULL; tobj = tobj->backing_object) { if (tobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(tobj); if (lobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobj); lobj = tobj; pve->pve_offset += tobj->backing_object_offset; } vp = vm_object_vnode(lobj); if (vp != NULL) vref(vp); if (lobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobj); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); if (vp != NULL) { freepath = NULL; fullpath = NULL; vn_fullpath(vp, &fullpath, &freepath); vn_lock(vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY); if (VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, td->td_ucred) == 0) { pve->pve_fileid = vattr.va_fileid; pve->pve_fsid = vattr.va_fsid; } vput(vp); if (fullpath != NULL) { pve->pve_pathlen = strlen(fullpath) + 1; if (pve->pve_pathlen <= pathlen) { error = copyout(fullpath, pve->pve_path, pve->pve_pathlen); } else error = ENAMETOOLONG; } if (freepath != NULL) free(freepath, M_TEMP); } } vmspace_free(vm); if (error == 0) CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_VM_ENTRY: pid %d, entry %d, start %p", p->p_pid, pve->pve_entry, pve->pve_start); return (error); } /* * Process debugging system call. */ #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct ptrace_args { int req; pid_t pid; caddr_t addr; int data; }; #endif int sys_ptrace(struct thread *td, struct ptrace_args *uap) { /* * XXX this obfuscation is to reduce stack usage, but the register * structs may be too large to put on the stack anyway. */ union { struct ptrace_io_desc piod; struct ptrace_lwpinfo pl; struct ptrace_vm_entry pve; struct ptrace_coredump pc; struct dbreg dbreg; struct fpreg fpreg; struct reg reg; char args[sizeof(td->td_sa.args)]; struct ptrace_sc_ret psr; int ptevents; } r; void *addr; int error = 0; AUDIT_ARG_PID(uap->pid); AUDIT_ARG_CMD(uap->req); AUDIT_ARG_VALUE(uap->data); addr = &r; switch (uap->req) { case PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: case PT_LWPINFO: case PT_GET_SC_ARGS: case PT_GET_SC_RET: break; case PT_GETREGS: bzero(&r.reg, sizeof(r.reg)); break; case PT_GETFPREGS: bzero(&r.fpreg, sizeof(r.fpreg)); break; case PT_GETDBREGS: bzero(&r.dbreg, sizeof(r.dbreg)); break; case PT_SETREGS: error = copyin(uap->addr, &r.reg, sizeof(r.reg)); break; case PT_SETFPREGS: error = copyin(uap->addr, &r.fpreg, sizeof(r.fpreg)); break; case PT_SETDBREGS: error = copyin(uap->addr, &r.dbreg, sizeof(r.dbreg)); break; case PT_SET_EVENT_MASK: if (uap->data != sizeof(r.ptevents)) error = EINVAL; else error = copyin(uap->addr, &r.ptevents, uap->data); break; case PT_IO: error = copyin(uap->addr, &r.piod, sizeof(r.piod)); break; case PT_VM_ENTRY: error = copyin(uap->addr, &r.pve, sizeof(r.pve)); break; case PT_COREDUMP: if (uap->data != sizeof(r.pc)) error = EINVAL; else error = copyin(uap->addr, &r.pc, uap->data); break; default: addr = uap->addr; break; } if (error) return (error); error = kern_ptrace(td, uap->req, uap->pid, addr, uap->data); if (error) return (error); switch (uap->req) { case PT_VM_ENTRY: error = copyout(&r.pve, uap->addr, sizeof(r.pve)); break; case PT_IO: error = copyout(&r.piod, uap->addr, sizeof(r.piod)); break; case PT_GETREGS: error = copyout(&r.reg, uap->addr, sizeof(r.reg)); break; case PT_GETFPREGS: error = copyout(&r.fpreg, uap->addr, sizeof(r.fpreg)); break; case PT_GETDBREGS: error = copyout(&r.dbreg, uap->addr, sizeof(r.dbreg)); break; case PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: /* NB: The size in uap->data is validated in kern_ptrace(). */ error = copyout(&r.ptevents, uap->addr, uap->data); break; case PT_LWPINFO: /* NB: The size in uap->data is validated in kern_ptrace(). */ error = copyout(&r.pl, uap->addr, uap->data); break; case PT_GET_SC_ARGS: error = copyout(r.args, uap->addr, MIN(uap->data, sizeof(r.args))); break; case PT_GET_SC_RET: error = copyout(&r.psr, uap->addr, MIN(uap->data, sizeof(r.psr))); break; } return (error); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /* * PROC_READ(regs, td2, addr); * becomes either: * proc_read_regs(td2, addr); * or * proc_read_regs32(td2, addr); * .. except this is done at runtime. There is an additional * complication in that PROC_WRITE disallows 32 bit consumers * from writing to 64 bit address space targets. */ #define PROC_READ(w, t, a) wrap32 ? \ proc_read_ ## w ## 32(t, a) : \ proc_read_ ## w (t, a) #define PROC_WRITE(w, t, a) wrap32 ? \ (safe ? proc_write_ ## w ## 32(t, a) : EINVAL ) : \ proc_write_ ## w (t, a) #else #define PROC_READ(w, t, a) proc_read_ ## w (t, a) #define PROC_WRITE(w, t, a) proc_write_ ## w (t, a) #endif void proc_set_traced(struct proc *p, bool stop) { sx_assert(&proctree_lock, SX_XLOCKED); PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); p->p_flag |= P_TRACED; if (stop) p->p_flag2 |= P2_PTRACE_FSTP; p->p_ptevents = PTRACE_DEFAULT; } void ptrace_unsuspend(struct proc *p) { PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); PROC_SLOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~(P_STOPPED_TRACE | P_STOPPED_SIG | P_WAITED); thread_unsuspend(p); PROC_SUNLOCK(p); itimer_proc_continue(p); kqtimer_proc_continue(p); } static int proc_can_ptrace(struct thread *td, struct proc *p) { int error; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); if ((p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) != 0) return (ESRCH); if ((error = p_cansee(td, p)) != 0) return (error); if ((error = p_candebug(td, p)) != 0) return (error); /* not being traced... */ if ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) return (EPERM); /* not being traced by YOU */ if (p->p_pptr != td->td_proc) return (EBUSY); /* not currently stopped */ if ((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_TRACE) == 0 || p->p_suspcount != p->p_numthreads || (p->p_flag & P_WAITED) == 0) return (EBUSY); return (0); } static struct thread * ptrace_sel_coredump_thread(struct proc *p) { struct thread *td2; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); MPASS((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_TRACE) != 0); FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td2) { if ((td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_SSWITCH) != 0) return (td2); } return (NULL); } int kern_ptrace(struct thread *td, int req, pid_t pid, void *addr, int data) { struct iovec iov; struct uio uio; struct proc *curp, *p, *pp; struct thread *td2 = NULL, *td3; struct ptrace_io_desc *piod = NULL; struct ptrace_lwpinfo *pl; struct ptrace_sc_ret *psr; struct file *fp; struct ptrace_coredump *pc; struct thr_coredump_req *tcq; int error, num, tmp; lwpid_t tid = 0, *buf; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 int wrap32 = 0, safe = 0; #endif bool proctree_locked, p2_req_set; curp = td->td_proc; proctree_locked = false; p2_req_set = false; /* Lock proctree before locking the process. */ switch (req) { case PT_TRACE_ME: case PT_ATTACH: case PT_STEP: case PT_CONTINUE: case PT_TO_SCE: case PT_TO_SCX: case PT_SYSCALL: case PT_FOLLOW_FORK: case PT_LWP_EVENTS: case PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: case PT_SET_EVENT_MASK: case PT_DETACH: case PT_GET_SC_ARGS: sx_xlock(&proctree_lock); proctree_locked = true; break; default: break; } if (req == PT_TRACE_ME) { p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK(p); } else { if (pid <= PID_MAX) { if ((p = pfind(pid)) == NULL) { if (proctree_locked) sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); return (ESRCH); } } else { td2 = tdfind(pid, -1); if (td2 == NULL) { if (proctree_locked) sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); return (ESRCH); } p = td2->td_proc; tid = pid; pid = p->p_pid; } } AUDIT_ARG_PROCESS(p); if ((p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) != 0) { error = ESRCH; goto fail; } if ((error = p_cansee(td, p)) != 0) goto fail; if ((error = p_candebug(td, p)) != 0) goto fail; /* * System processes can't be debugged. */ if ((p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) != 0) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } if (tid == 0) { if ((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_TRACE) != 0) { KASSERT(p->p_xthread != NULL, ("NULL p_xthread")); td2 = p->p_xthread; } else { td2 = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(p); } tid = td2->td_tid; } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /* * Test if we're a 32 bit client and what the target is. * Set the wrap controls accordingly. */ if (SV_CURPROC_FLAG(SV_ILP32)) { if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td2->td_proc, SV_ILP32)) safe = 1; wrap32 = 1; } #endif /* * Permissions check */ switch (req) { case PT_TRACE_ME: /* * Always legal, when there is a parent process which * could trace us. Otherwise, reject. */ if ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) != 0) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } if (p->p_pptr == initproc) { error = EPERM; goto fail; } break; case PT_ATTACH: /* Self */ if (p == td->td_proc) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } /* Already traced */ if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } /* Can't trace an ancestor if you're being traced. */ if (curp->p_flag & P_TRACED) { for (pp = curp->p_pptr; pp != NULL; pp = pp->p_pptr) { if (pp == p) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } } } /* OK */ break; case PT_CLEARSTEP: /* Allow thread to clear single step for itself */ if (td->td_tid == tid) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: /* * Check for ptrace eligibility before waiting for * holds to drain. */ error = proc_can_ptrace(td, p); if (error != 0) goto fail; /* * Block parallel ptrace requests. Most important, do * not allow other thread in debugger to continue the * debuggee until coredump finished. */ while ((p->p_flag2 & P2_PTRACEREQ) != 0) { if (proctree_locked) sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); error = msleep(&p->p_flag2, &p->p_mtx, PPAUSE | PCATCH | (proctree_locked ? PDROP : 0), "pptrace", 0); if (proctree_locked) { sx_xlock(&proctree_lock); PROC_LOCK(p); } if (error == 0 && td2->td_proc != p) error = ESRCH; if (error == 0) error = proc_can_ptrace(td, p); if (error != 0) goto fail; } /* Ok */ break; } /* * Keep this process around and request parallel ptrace() * request to wait until we finish this request. */ MPASS((p->p_flag2 & P2_PTRACEREQ) == 0); p->p_flag2 |= P2_PTRACEREQ; p2_req_set = true; _PHOLD(p); /* * Actually do the requests */ td->td_retval[0] = 0; switch (req) { case PT_TRACE_ME: /* set my trace flag and "owner" so it can read/write me */ proc_set_traced(p, false); if (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) p->p_flag |= P_PPTRACE; CTR1(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_TRACE_ME: pid %d", p->p_pid); break; case PT_ATTACH: /* security check done above */ /* * It would be nice if the tracing relationship was separate * from the parent relationship but that would require * another set of links in the proc struct or for "wait" * to scan the entire proc table. To make life easier, * we just re-parent the process we're trying to trace. * The old parent is remembered so we can put things back * on a "detach". */ proc_set_traced(p, true); proc_reparent(p, td->td_proc, false); CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_ATTACH: pid %d, oppid %d", p->p_pid, p->p_oppid); sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); proctree_locked = false; MPASS(p->p_xthread == NULL); MPASS((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_TRACE) == 0); /* * If already stopped due to a stop signal, clear the * existing stop before triggering a traced SIGSTOP. */ if ((p->p_flag & P_STOPPED_SIG) != 0) { PROC_SLOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~(P_STOPPED_SIG | P_WAITED); thread_unsuspend(p); PROC_SUNLOCK(p); } kern_psignal(p, SIGSTOP); break; case PT_CLEARSTEP: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_CLEARSTEP: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = ptrace_clear_single_step(td2); break; case PT_SETSTEP: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SETSTEP: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = ptrace_single_step(td2); break; case PT_SUSPEND: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SUSPEND: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_SUSPEND; thread_lock(td2); td2->td_flags |= TDF_NEEDSUSPCHK; thread_unlock(td2); break; case PT_RESUME: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_RESUME: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags &= ~TDB_SUSPEND; break; case PT_FOLLOW_FORK: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_FOLLOW_FORK: pid %d %s -> %s", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents & PTRACE_FORK ? "enabled" : "disabled", data ? "enabled" : "disabled"); if (data) p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_FORK; else p->p_ptevents &= ~PTRACE_FORK; break; case PT_LWP_EVENTS: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_LWP_EVENTS: pid %d %s -> %s", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents & PTRACE_LWP ? "enabled" : "disabled", data ? "enabled" : "disabled"); if (data) p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_LWP; else p->p_ptevents &= ~PTRACE_LWP; break; case PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: if (data != sizeof(p->p_ptevents)) { error = EINVAL; break; } CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GET_EVENT_MASK: pid %d mask %#x", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents); *(int *)addr = p->p_ptevents; break; case PT_SET_EVENT_MASK: if (data != sizeof(p->p_ptevents)) { error = EINVAL; break; } tmp = *(int *)addr; if ((tmp & ~(PTRACE_EXEC | PTRACE_SCE | PTRACE_SCX | PTRACE_FORK | PTRACE_LWP | PTRACE_VFORK)) != 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SET_EVENT_MASK: pid %d mask %#x -> %#x", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents, tmp); p->p_ptevents = tmp; break; case PT_GET_SC_ARGS: CTR1(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GET_SC_ARGS: pid %d", p->p_pid); if ((td2->td_dbgflags & (TDB_SCE | TDB_SCX)) == 0 #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 || (wrap32 && !safe) #endif ) { error = EINVAL; break; } bzero(addr, sizeof(td2->td_sa.args)); bcopy(td2->td_sa.args, addr, td2->td_sa.callp->sy_narg * sizeof(register_t)); break; case PT_GET_SC_RET: if ((td2->td_dbgflags & (TDB_SCX)) == 0 #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 || (wrap32 && !safe) #endif ) { error = EINVAL; break; } psr = addr; bzero(psr, sizeof(*psr)); psr->sr_error = td2->td_errno; if (psr->sr_error == 0) { psr->sr_retval[0] = td2->td_retval[0]; psr->sr_retval[1] = td2->td_retval[1]; } CTR4(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GET_SC_RET: pid %d error %d retval %#lx,%#lx", p->p_pid, psr->sr_error, psr->sr_retval[0], psr->sr_retval[1]); break; case PT_STEP: case PT_CONTINUE: case PT_TO_SCE: case PT_TO_SCX: case PT_SYSCALL: case PT_DETACH: /* Zero means do not send any signal */ if (data < 0 || data > _SIG_MAXSIG) { error = EINVAL; break; } switch (req) { case PT_STEP: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_STEP: tid %d (pid %d), sig = %d", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid, data); error = ptrace_single_step(td2); if (error) goto out; break; case PT_CONTINUE: case PT_TO_SCE: case PT_TO_SCX: case PT_SYSCALL: if (addr != (void *)1) { error = ptrace_set_pc(td2, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr); if (error) goto out; } switch (req) { case PT_TO_SCE: p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_SCE; CTR4(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_TO_SCE: pid %d, events = %#x, PC = %#lx, sig = %d", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr, data); break; case PT_TO_SCX: p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_SCX; CTR4(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_TO_SCX: pid %d, events = %#x, PC = %#lx, sig = %d", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr, data); break; case PT_SYSCALL: p->p_ptevents |= PTRACE_SYSCALL; CTR4(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SYSCALL: pid %d, events = %#x, PC = %#lx, sig = %d", p->p_pid, p->p_ptevents, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr, data); break; case PT_CONTINUE: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_CONTINUE: pid %d, PC = %#lx, sig = %d", p->p_pid, (u_long)(uintfptr_t)addr, data); break; } break; case PT_DETACH: /* * Clear P_TRACED before reparenting * a detached process back to its original * parent. Otherwise the debugee will be set * as an orphan of the debugger. */ p->p_flag &= ~(P_TRACED | P_WAITED); /* * Reset the process parent. */ if (p->p_oppid != p->p_pptr->p_pid) { PROC_LOCK(p->p_pptr); sigqueue_take(p->p_ksi); PROC_UNLOCK(p->p_pptr); pp = proc_realparent(p); proc_reparent(p, pp, false); if (pp == initproc) p->p_sigparent = SIGCHLD; CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_DETACH: pid %d reparented to pid %d, sig %d", p->p_pid, pp->p_pid, data); } else { CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_DETACH: pid %d, sig %d", p->p_pid, data); } p->p_ptevents = 0; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td3) { if ((td3->td_dbgflags & TDB_FSTP) != 0) { sigqueue_delete(&td3->td_sigqueue, SIGSTOP); } td3->td_dbgflags &= ~(TDB_XSIG | TDB_FSTP | TDB_SUSPEND); } if ((p->p_flag2 & P2_PTRACE_FSTP) != 0) { sigqueue_delete(&p->p_sigqueue, SIGSTOP); p->p_flag2 &= ~P2_PTRACE_FSTP; } /* should we send SIGCHLD? */ /* childproc_continued(p); */ break; } sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); proctree_locked = false; sendsig: MPASS(!proctree_locked); /* * Clear the pending event for the thread that just * reported its event (p_xthread). This may not be * the thread passed to PT_CONTINUE, PT_STEP, etc. if * the debugger is resuming a different thread. * * Deliver any pending signal via the reporting thread. */ MPASS(p->p_xthread != NULL); p->p_xthread->td_dbgflags &= ~TDB_XSIG; p->p_xthread->td_xsig = data; p->p_xthread = NULL; p->p_xsig = data; /* * P_WKILLED is insurance that a PT_KILL/SIGKILL * always works immediately, even if another thread is * unsuspended first and attempts to handle a * different signal or if the POSIX.1b style signal * queue cannot accommodate any new signals. */ if (data == SIGKILL) proc_wkilled(p); /* * Unsuspend all threads. To leave a thread * suspended, use PT_SUSPEND to suspend it before * continuing the process. */ ptrace_unsuspend(p); break; case PT_WRITE_I: case PT_WRITE_D: td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = 0; if (proc_writemem(td, p, (off_t)(uintptr_t)addr, &data, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) error = ENOMEM; else CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_WRITE: pid %d: %p <= %#x", p->p_pid, addr, data); PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_READ_I: case PT_READ_D: PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = tmp = 0; if (proc_readmem(td, p, (off_t)(uintptr_t)addr, &tmp, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) error = ENOMEM; else CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_READ: pid %d: %p >= %#x", p->p_pid, addr, tmp); td->td_retval[0] = tmp; PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_IO: piod = addr; iov.iov_base = piod->piod_addr; iov.iov_len = piod->piod_len; uio.uio_offset = (off_t)(uintptr_t)piod->piod_offs; uio.uio_resid = piod->piod_len; uio.uio_iov = &iov; uio.uio_iovcnt = 1; uio.uio_segflg = UIO_USERSPACE; uio.uio_td = td; switch (piod->piod_op) { case PIOD_READ_D: case PIOD_READ_I: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_IO: pid %d: READ (%p, %#x)", p->p_pid, (uintptr_t)uio.uio_offset, uio.uio_resid); uio.uio_rw = UIO_READ; break; case PIOD_WRITE_D: case PIOD_WRITE_I: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_IO: pid %d: WRITE (%p, %#x)", p->p_pid, (uintptr_t)uio.uio_offset, uio.uio_resid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; uio.uio_rw = UIO_WRITE; break; default: error = EINVAL; goto out; } PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = proc_rwmem(p, &uio); piod->piod_len -= uio.uio_resid; PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_KILL: CTR1(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_KILL: pid %d", p->p_pid); data = SIGKILL; goto sendsig; /* in PT_CONTINUE above */ case PT_SETREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SETREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; error = PROC_WRITE(regs, td2, addr); break; case PT_GETREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = PROC_READ(regs, td2, addr); break; case PT_SETFPREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SETFPREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; error = PROC_WRITE(fpregs, td2, addr); break; case PT_GETFPREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETFPREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = PROC_READ(fpregs, td2, addr); break; case PT_SETDBREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_SETDBREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_USERWR; error = PROC_WRITE(dbregs, td2, addr); break; case PT_GETDBREGS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETDBREGS: tid %d (pid %d)", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid); error = PROC_READ(dbregs, td2, addr); break; case PT_LWPINFO: if (data <= 0 || data > sizeof(*pl)) { error = EINVAL; break; } pl = addr; bzero(pl, sizeof(*pl)); pl->pl_lwpid = td2->td_tid; pl->pl_event = PL_EVENT_NONE; pl->pl_flags = 0; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_XSIG) { pl->pl_event = PL_EVENT_SIGNAL; if (td2->td_si.si_signo != 0 && data >= offsetof(struct ptrace_lwpinfo, pl_siginfo) + sizeof(pl->pl_siginfo)){ pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_SI; pl->pl_siginfo = td2->td_si; } } if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_SCE) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_SCE; else if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_SCX) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_SCX; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_EXEC) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_EXEC; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_FORK) { pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_FORKED; pl->pl_child_pid = td2->td_dbg_forked; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_VFORK) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_VFORKED; } else if ((td2->td_dbgflags & (TDB_SCX | TDB_VFORK)) == TDB_VFORK) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_VFORK_DONE; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_CHILD) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_CHILD; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_BORN) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_BORN; if (td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_EXIT) pl->pl_flags |= PL_FLAG_EXITED; pl->pl_sigmask = td2->td_sigmask; pl->pl_siglist = td2->td_siglist; strcpy(pl->pl_tdname, td2->td_name); if ((td2->td_dbgflags & (TDB_SCE | TDB_SCX)) != 0) { pl->pl_syscall_code = td2->td_sa.code; pl->pl_syscall_narg = td2->td_sa.callp->sy_narg; } else { pl->pl_syscall_code = 0; pl->pl_syscall_narg = 0; } CTR6(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_LWPINFO: tid %d (pid %d) event %d flags %#x child pid %d syscall %d", td2->td_tid, p->p_pid, pl->pl_event, pl->pl_flags, pl->pl_child_pid, pl->pl_syscall_code); break; case PT_GETNUMLWPS: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETNUMLWPS: pid %d: %d threads", p->p_pid, p->p_numthreads); td->td_retval[0] = p->p_numthreads; break; case PT_GETLWPLIST: CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_GETLWPLIST: pid %d: data %d, actual %d", p->p_pid, data, p->p_numthreads); if (data <= 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } num = imin(p->p_numthreads, data); PROC_UNLOCK(p); buf = malloc(num * sizeof(lwpid_t), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); tmp = 0; PROC_LOCK(p); FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td2) { if (tmp >= num) break; buf[tmp++] = td2->td_tid; } PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = copyout(buf, addr, tmp * sizeof(lwpid_t)); free(buf, M_TEMP); if (!error) td->td_retval[0] = tmp; PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_VM_TIMESTAMP: CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_VM_TIMESTAMP: pid %d: timestamp %d", p->p_pid, p->p_vmspace->vm_map.timestamp); td->td_retval[0] = p->p_vmspace->vm_map.timestamp; break; case PT_VM_ENTRY: PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = ptrace_vm_entry(td, p, addr); PROC_LOCK(p); break; case PT_COREDUMP: pc = addr; CTR2(KTR_PTRACE, "PT_COREDUMP: pid %d, fd %d", p->p_pid, pc->pc_fd); if ((pc->pc_flags & ~(PC_COMPRESS | PC_ALL)) != 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } PROC_UNLOCK(p); tcq = malloc(sizeof(*tcq), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); fp = NULL; error = fget_write(td, pc->pc_fd, &cap_write_rights, &fp); if (error != 0) goto coredump_cleanup_nofp; if (fp->f_type != DTYPE_VNODE || fp->f_vnode->v_type != VREG) { error = EPIPE; goto coredump_cleanup; } PROC_LOCK(p); error = proc_can_ptrace(td, p); if (error != 0) goto coredump_cleanup_locked; td2 = ptrace_sel_coredump_thread(p); if (td2 == NULL) { error = EBUSY; goto coredump_cleanup_locked; } KASSERT((td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_COREDUMPRQ) == 0, ("proc %d tid %d req coredump", p->p_pid, td2->td_tid)); tcq->tc_vp = fp->f_vnode; tcq->tc_limit = pc->pc_limit == 0 ? OFF_MAX : pc->pc_limit; tcq->tc_flags = SVC_PT_COREDUMP; if ((pc->pc_flags & PC_COMPRESS) == 0) tcq->tc_flags |= SVC_NOCOMPRESS; if ((pc->pc_flags & PC_ALL) != 0) tcq->tc_flags |= SVC_ALL; td2->td_coredump = tcq; td2->td_dbgflags |= TDB_COREDUMPRQ; thread_run_flash(td2); while ((td2->td_dbgflags & TDB_COREDUMPRQ) != 0) msleep(p, &p->p_mtx, PPAUSE, "crdmp", 0); error = tcq->tc_error; coredump_cleanup_locked: PROC_UNLOCK(p); coredump_cleanup: fdrop(fp, td); coredump_cleanup_nofp: free(tcq, M_TEMP); PROC_LOCK(p); break; default: #ifdef __HAVE_PTRACE_MACHDEP if (req >= PT_FIRSTMACH) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); error = cpu_ptrace(td2, req, addr, data); PROC_LOCK(p); } else #endif /* Unknown request. */ error = EINVAL; break; } out: /* Drop our hold on this process now that the request has completed. */ _PRELE(p); fail: if (p2_req_set) { if ((p->p_flag2 & P2_PTRACEREQ) != 0) wakeup(&p->p_flag2); p->p_flag2 &= ~P2_PTRACEREQ; } PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (proctree_locked) sx_xunlock(&proctree_lock); return (error); } #undef PROC_READ #undef PROC_WRITE diff --git a/sys/mips/include/md_var.h b/sys/mips/include/md_var.h index 8462b1beb22e..b322c4d6323a 100644 --- a/sys/mips/include/md_var.h +++ b/sys/mips/include/md_var.h @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1995 Bruce D. Evans. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: src/sys/i386/include/md_var.h,v 1.35 2000/02/20 20:51:23 bsd * JNPR: md_var.h,v 1.4 2006/10/16 12:30:34 katta * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _MACHINE_MD_VAR_H_ #define _MACHINE_MD_VAR_H_ -#include +#include /* * Miscellaneous machine-dependent declarations. */ extern long Maxmem; extern char cpu_board[]; extern char cpu_model[]; extern char sigcode[]; extern int szsigcode; #if defined(__mips_n32) || defined(__mips_n64) extern char sigcode32[]; extern int szsigcode32; #endif extern vm_offset_t kstack0; extern vm_offset_t kernel_kseg0_end; uint32_t MipsFPID(void); void MipsSaveCurFPState(struct thread *); void fork_trampoline(void); uintptr_t MipsEmulateBranch(struct trapframe *, uintptr_t, int, uintptr_t); void MipsSwitchFPState(struct thread *, struct trapframe *); int is_cacheable_mem(vm_paddr_t addr); void mips_wait(void); #define MIPS_DEBUG 0 #if MIPS_DEBUG #define MIPS_DEBUG_PRINT(fmt, args...) printf("%s: " fmt "\n" , __FUNCTION__ , ## args) #else #define MIPS_DEBUG_PRINT(fmt, args...) #endif void mips_vector_init(void); void mips_cpu_init(void); void mips_pcpu0_init(void); void mips_proc0_init(void); void mips_postboot_fixup(void); void cpu_identify(void); void cpu_switch_set_userlocal(void) __asm(__STRING(cpu_switch_set_userlocal)); extern int busdma_swi_pending; void busdma_swi(void); struct dumperinfo; int minidumpsys(struct dumperinfo *); #endif /* !_MACHINE_MD_VAR_H_ */ diff --git a/sys/mips/include/reg.h b/sys/mips/include/reg.h index a1f5aa4da23c..440b791bffc7 100644 --- a/sys/mips/include/reg.h +++ b/sys/mips/include/reg.h @@ -1,109 +1,93 @@ /* $OpenBSD: reg.h,v 1.1 1998/01/28 11:14:53 pefo Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1988 University of Utah. * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department and Ralph Campbell. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: Utah Hdr: reg.h 1.1 90/07/09 * @(#)reg.h 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/11/94 * JNPR: reg.h,v 1.6 2006/09/15 12:52:34 katta * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _MACHINE_REG_H_ #define _MACHINE_REG_H_ /* * Location of the users' stored registers relative to ZERO. * must be visible to assembly code. */ #include /* * Register set accessible via /proc/$pid/reg */ struct reg { register_t r_regs[NUMSAVEREGS]; /* numbered as above */ }; struct fpreg { f_register_t r_regs[NUMFPREGS]; }; /* * Placeholder. */ struct dbreg { unsigned long junk; }; #ifdef __LP64__ /* Must match struct trapframe */ struct reg32 { uint32_t r_regs[NUMSAVEREGS]; }; struct fpreg32 { int32_t r_regs[NUMFPREGS]; }; struct dbreg32 { uint32_t junk; }; #define __HAVE_REG32 #endif -#ifdef _KERNEL -int fill_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int fill_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int set_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int set_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int fill_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -int set_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -#endif - #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 -struct image_params; - -int fill_regs32(struct thread *, struct reg32 *); -int set_regs32(struct thread *, struct reg32 *); -int fill_fpregs32(struct thread *, struct fpreg32 *); -int set_fpregs32(struct thread *, struct fpreg32 *); - #define fill_dbregs32(td, reg) 0 #define set_dbregs32(td, reg) 0 #endif #endif /* !_MACHINE_REG_H_ */ diff --git a/sys/mips/mips/freebsd32_machdep.c b/sys/mips/mips/freebsd32_machdep.c index e30753e7a59c..eb5f82c572ce 100644 --- a/sys/mips/mips/freebsd32_machdep.c +++ b/sys/mips/mips/freebsd32_machdep.c @@ -1,488 +1,488 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2012 Juli Mallett * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Based on nwhitehorn's COMPAT_FREEBSD32 support code for PowerPC64. */ #define __ELF_WORD_SIZE 32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int get_mcontext32(struct thread *, mcontext32_t *, int); static int set_mcontext32(struct thread *, mcontext32_t *); static void freebsd32_sendsig(sig_t, ksiginfo_t *, sigset_t *); extern const char *freebsd32_syscallnames[]; struct sysentvec elf32_freebsd_sysvec = { .sv_size = SYS_MAXSYSCALL, .sv_table = freebsd32_sysent, .sv_transtrap = NULL, .sv_fixup = __elfN(freebsd_fixup), .sv_sendsig = freebsd32_sendsig, .sv_sigcode = sigcode32, .sv_szsigcode = &szsigcode32, .sv_name = "FreeBSD ELF32", .sv_coredump = __elfN(coredump), .sv_elf_core_osabi = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD, .sv_elf_core_abi_vendor = FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR, .sv_elf_core_prepare_notes = __elfN(prepare_notes), .sv_imgact_try = NULL, .sv_minsigstksz = MINSIGSTKSZ, .sv_minuser = VM_MIN_ADDRESS, .sv_maxuser = ((vm_offset_t)0x80000000), .sv_usrstack = FREEBSD32_USRSTACK, .sv_psstrings = FREEBSD32_PS_STRINGS, .sv_stackprot = VM_PROT_ALL, .sv_copyout_auxargs = __elfN(freebsd_copyout_auxargs), .sv_copyout_strings = freebsd32_copyout_strings, .sv_setregs = exec_setregs, .sv_fixlimit = NULL, .sv_maxssiz = NULL, .sv_flags = SV_ABI_FREEBSD | SV_ILP32 | SV_RNG_SEED_VER, .sv_set_syscall_retval = cpu_set_syscall_retval, .sv_fetch_syscall_args = cpu_fetch_syscall_args, .sv_syscallnames = freebsd32_syscallnames, .sv_schedtail = NULL, .sv_thread_detach = NULL, .sv_trap = NULL, }; INIT_SYSENTVEC(elf32_sysvec, &elf32_freebsd_sysvec); static Elf32_Brandinfo freebsd_brand_info = { .brand = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD, .machine = EM_MIPS, .compat_3_brand = "FreeBSD", .emul_path = NULL, .interp_path = "/libexec/ld-elf.so.1", .sysvec = &elf32_freebsd_sysvec, .interp_newpath = "/libexec/ld-elf32.so.1", .brand_note = &elf32_freebsd_brandnote, .flags = BI_CAN_EXEC_DYN | BI_BRAND_NOTE }; SYSINIT(elf32, SI_SUB_EXEC, SI_ORDER_FIRST, (sysinit_cfunc_t) elf32_insert_brand_entry, &freebsd_brand_info); int set_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs) { struct reg r; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < NUMSAVEREGS; i++) r.r_regs[i] = regs->r_regs[i]; return (set_regs(td, &r)); } int fill_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs) { struct reg r; unsigned i; int error; error = fill_regs(td, &r); if (error != 0) return (error); for (i = 0; i < NUMSAVEREGS; i++) regs->r_regs[i] = r.r_regs[i]; return (0); } int set_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *fpregs) { struct fpreg fp; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < NUMFPREGS; i++) fp.r_regs[i] = fpregs->r_regs[i]; return (set_fpregs(td, &fp)); } int fill_fpregs32(struct thread *td, struct fpreg32 *fpregs) { struct fpreg fp; unsigned i; int error; error = fill_fpregs(td, &fp); if (error != 0) return (error); for (i = 0; i < NUMFPREGS; i++) fpregs->r_regs[i] = fp.r_regs[i]; return (0); } static int get_mcontext32(struct thread *td, mcontext32_t *mcp, int flags) { mcontext_t mcp64; unsigned i; int error; error = get_mcontext(td, &mcp64, flags); if (error != 0) return (error); mcp->mc_onstack = mcp64.mc_onstack; mcp->mc_pc = mcp64.mc_pc; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) mcp->mc_regs[i] = mcp64.mc_regs[i]; mcp->sr = mcp64.sr; mcp->mullo = mcp64.mullo; mcp->mulhi = mcp64.mulhi; mcp->mc_fpused = mcp64.mc_fpused; for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) mcp->mc_fpregs[i] = mcp64.mc_fpregs[i]; mcp->mc_fpc_eir = mcp64.mc_fpc_eir; mcp->mc_tls = (int32_t)(intptr_t)mcp64.mc_tls; return (0); } static int set_mcontext32(struct thread *td, mcontext32_t *mcp) { mcontext_t mcp64; unsigned i; mcp64.mc_onstack = mcp->mc_onstack; mcp64.mc_pc = mcp->mc_pc; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) mcp64.mc_regs[i] = mcp->mc_regs[i]; mcp64.sr = mcp->sr; mcp64.mullo = mcp->mullo; mcp64.mulhi = mcp->mulhi; mcp64.mc_fpused = mcp->mc_fpused; for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) mcp64.mc_fpregs[i] = mcp->mc_fpregs[i]; mcp64.mc_fpc_eir = mcp->mc_fpc_eir; mcp64.mc_tls = (void *)(intptr_t)mcp->mc_tls; return (set_mcontext(td, &mcp64)); } int freebsd32_sigreturn(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_sigreturn_args *uap) { ucontext32_t uc; int error; CTR2(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: td=%p ucp=%p", td, uap->sigcntxp); if (copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc)) != 0) { CTR1(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: efault td=%p", td); return (EFAULT); } error = set_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (error != 0) return (error); kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); #if 0 CTR3(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: return td=%p pc=%#x sp=%#x", td, uc.uc_mcontext.mc_srr0, uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gpr[1]); #endif return (EJUSTRETURN); } /* * The first two fields of a ucontext_t are the signal mask and the machine * context. The next field is uc_link; we want to avoid destroying the link * when copying out contexts. */ #define UC32_COPY_SIZE offsetof(ucontext32_t, uc_link) int freebsd32_getcontext(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_getcontext_args *uap) { ucontext32_t uc; int ret; if (uap->ucp == NULL) ret = EINVAL; else { bzero(&uc, sizeof(uc)); get_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext, GET_MC_CLEAR_RET); PROC_LOCK(td->td_proc); uc.uc_sigmask = td->td_sigmask; PROC_UNLOCK(td->td_proc); ret = copyout(&uc, uap->ucp, UC32_COPY_SIZE); } return (ret); } int freebsd32_setcontext(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_setcontext_args *uap) { ucontext32_t uc; int ret; if (uap->ucp == NULL) ret = EINVAL; else { ret = copyin(uap->ucp, &uc, UC32_COPY_SIZE); if (ret == 0) { ret = set_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (ret == 0) { kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); } } } return (ret == 0 ? EJUSTRETURN : ret); } int freebsd32_swapcontext(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_swapcontext_args *uap) { ucontext32_t uc; int ret; if (uap->oucp == NULL || uap->ucp == NULL) ret = EINVAL; else { bzero(&uc, sizeof(uc)); get_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext, GET_MC_CLEAR_RET); PROC_LOCK(td->td_proc); uc.uc_sigmask = td->td_sigmask; PROC_UNLOCK(td->td_proc); ret = copyout(&uc, uap->oucp, UC32_COPY_SIZE); if (ret == 0) { ret = copyin(uap->ucp, &uc, UC32_COPY_SIZE); if (ret == 0) { ret = set_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (ret == 0) { kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); } } } } return (ret == 0 ? EJUSTRETURN : ret); } #define UCONTEXT_MAGIC 0xACEDBADE /* * Send an interrupt to process. * * Stack is set up to allow sigcode stored * at top to call routine, followed by kcall * to sigreturn routine below. After sigreturn * resets the signal mask, the stack, and the * frame pointer, it returns to the user * specified pc, psl. */ static void freebsd32_sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct proc *p; struct thread *td; struct fpreg32 fpregs; struct reg32 regs; struct sigacts *psp; struct sigframe32 sf, *sfp; int sig; int oonstack; unsigned i; td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); sig = ksi->ksi_signo; psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); fill_regs32(td, ®s); oonstack = sigonstack(td->td_frame->sp); /* save user context */ bzero(&sf, sizeof sf); sf.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_sp = (int32_t)(intptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_size = td->td_sigstk.ss_size; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = td->td_sigstk.ss_flags; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_onstack = (oonstack) ? 1 : 0; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_pc = regs.r_regs[PC]; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mullo = regs.r_regs[MULLO]; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mulhi = regs.r_regs[MULHI]; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_tls = (int32_t)(intptr_t)td->td_md.md_tls; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_regs[0] = UCONTEXT_MAGIC; /* magic number */ for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_regs[i] = regs.r_regs[i]; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpused = td->td_md.md_flags & MDTD_FPUSED; if (sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpused) { /* if FPU has current state, save it first */ if (td == PCPU_GET(fpcurthread)) MipsSaveCurFPState(td); fill_fpregs32(td, &fpregs); for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpregs[i] = fpregs.r_regs[i]; } /* Allocate and validate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 && !oonstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { sfp = (struct sigframe32 *)(((uintptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size - sizeof(struct sigframe32)) & ~(sizeof(__int64_t) - 1)); } else sfp = (struct sigframe32 *)((vm_offset_t)(td->td_frame->sp - sizeof(struct sigframe32)) & ~(sizeof(__int64_t) - 1)); /* Build the argument list for the signal handler. */ td->td_frame->a0 = sig; td->td_frame->a2 = (register_t)(intptr_t)&sfp->sf_uc; if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_siginfo, sig)) { /* Signal handler installed with SA_SIGINFO. */ td->td_frame->a1 = (register_t)(intptr_t)&sfp->sf_si; /* sf.sf_ahu.sf_action = (__siginfohandler_t *)catcher; */ /* fill siginfo structure */ sf.sf_si.si_signo = sig; sf.sf_si.si_code = ksi->ksi_code; sf.sf_si.si_addr = td->td_frame->badvaddr; } else { /* Old FreeBSD-style arguments. */ td->td_frame->a1 = ksi->ksi_code; td->td_frame->a3 = td->td_frame->badvaddr; /* sf.sf_ahu.sf_handler = catcher; */ } mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * Copy the sigframe out to the user's stack. */ if (copyout(&sf, sfp, sizeof(struct sigframe32)) != 0) { /* * Something is wrong with the stack pointer. * ...Kill the process. */ PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } td->td_frame->pc = (register_t)(intptr_t)catcher; td->td_frame->t9 = (register_t)(intptr_t)catcher; td->td_frame->sp = (register_t)(intptr_t)sfp; /* * Signal trampoline code is at base of user stack. */ td->td_frame->ra = (register_t)(intptr_t)FREEBSD32_PS_STRINGS - *(p->p_sysent->sv_szsigcode); PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } int freebsd32_sysarch(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_sysarch_args *uap) { int error; int32_t tlsbase; switch (uap->op) { case MIPS_SET_TLS: td->td_md.md_tls = (void *)(intptr_t)uap->parms; /* * If there is an user local register implementation (ULRI) * update it as well. Add the TLS and TCB offsets so the * value in this register is adjusted like in the case of the * rdhwr trap() instruction handler. */ if (cpuinfo.userlocal_reg == true) { mips_wr_userlocal((unsigned long)(uap->parms + td->td_proc->p_md.md_tls_tcb_offset)); } return (0); case MIPS_GET_TLS: tlsbase = (int32_t)(intptr_t)td->td_md.md_tls; error = copyout(&tlsbase, uap->parms, sizeof(tlsbase)); return (error); default: break; } return (EINVAL); } void elf32_dump_thread(struct thread *td __unused, void *dst __unused, size_t *off __unused) { } diff --git a/sys/mips/mips/gdb_machdep.c b/sys/mips/mips/gdb_machdep.c index 130a78f9eb87..4b999613d7f6 100644 --- a/sys/mips/mips/gdb_machdep.c +++ b/sys/mips/mips/gdb_machdep.c @@ -1,191 +1,190 @@ /* $NetBSD: kgdb_machdep.c,v 1.11 2005/12/24 22:45:35 perry Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD AND BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD * * Copyright (c) 2004 Marcel Moolenaar * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Jason R. Thorpe of the Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility, * NASA Ames Research Center. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1996 Matthias Pfaller. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Matthias Pfaller. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * JNPR: gdb_machdep.c,v 1.1 2007/08/09 12:25:25 katta * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include void * gdb_cpu_getreg(int regnum, size_t *regsz) { *regsz = gdb_cpu_regsz(regnum); if (kdb_thread == curthread) { register_t *zero_ptr = &kdb_frame->zero; return zero_ptr + regnum; } switch (regnum) { /* * S0..S7 */ case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_context[PCB_REG_S0 + regnum - 16]); case 28: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_context[PCB_REG_GP]); case 29: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_context[PCB_REG_SP]); case 30: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_context[PCB_REG_S8]); case 31: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_context[PCB_REG_RA]); case 37: return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_context[PCB_REG_PC]); } return (NULL); } void gdb_cpu_setreg(int regnum, void *val) { switch (regnum) { case GDB_REG_PC: kdb_thrctx->pcb_context[10] = *(register_t *)val; if (kdb_thread == curthread) kdb_frame->pc = *(register_t *)val; } } int gdb_cpu_signal(int entry, int code) { switch (entry) { case T_TLB_MOD: case T_TLB_MOD+T_USER: case T_TLB_LD_MISS: case T_TLB_ST_MISS: case T_TLB_LD_MISS+T_USER: case T_TLB_ST_MISS+T_USER: case T_ADDR_ERR_LD: /* misaligned access */ case T_ADDR_ERR_ST: /* misaligned access */ case T_BUS_ERR_LD_ST: /* BERR asserted to CPU */ case T_ADDR_ERR_LD+T_USER: /* misaligned or kseg access */ case T_ADDR_ERR_ST+T_USER: /* misaligned or kseg access */ case T_BUS_ERR_IFETCH+T_USER: /* BERR asserted to CPU */ case T_BUS_ERR_LD_ST+T_USER: /* BERR asserted to CPU */ return (SIGSEGV); case T_BREAK: case T_BREAK+T_USER: return (SIGTRAP); case T_RES_INST+T_USER: case T_COP_UNUSABLE+T_USER: return (SIGILL); case T_FPE+T_USER: case T_OVFLOW+T_USER: return (SIGFPE); default: return (SIGEMT); } } diff --git a/sys/mips/mips/machdep.c b/sys/mips/mips/machdep.c index fd0f83e5df98..ec0f3f31c254 100644 --- a/sys/mips/mips/machdep.c +++ b/sys/mips/mips/machdep.c @@ -1,579 +1,580 @@ /* $OpenBSD: machdep.c,v 1.33 1998/09/15 10:58:54 pefo Exp $ */ /* tracked to 1.38 */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1988 University of Utah. * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department, The Mach Operating System project at * Carnegie-Mellon University and Ralph Campbell. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)machdep.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 1/12/94 * Id: machdep.c,v 1.33 1998/09/15 10:58:54 pefo Exp * JNPR: machdep.c,v 2007/08/29 12:24:49 */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_md.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DDB #include #include #endif #include #include #define BOOTINFO_DEBUG 0 char machine[] = "mips"; SYSCTL_STRING(_hw, HW_MACHINE, machine, CTLFLAG_RD, machine, 0, "Machine class"); char cpu_model[80]; SYSCTL_STRING(_hw, HW_MODEL, model, CTLFLAG_RD, cpu_model, 0, "Machine model"); char cpu_board[80]; SYSCTL_STRING(_hw, OID_AUTO, board, CTLFLAG_RD, cpu_board, 0, "Machine board"); int cold = 1; long realmem = 0; long Maxmem = 0; int cpu_clock = MIPS_DEFAULT_HZ; SYSCTL_INT(_hw, OID_AUTO, clockrate, CTLFLAG_RD, &cpu_clock, 0, "CPU instruction clock rate"); int clocks_running = 0; vm_offset_t kstack0; /* * Each entry in the pcpu_space[] array is laid out in the following manner: * struct pcpu for cpu 'n' pcpu_space[n] * boot stack for cpu 'n' pcpu_space[n] + PAGE_SIZE * 2 - CALLFRAME_SIZ * * Note that the boot stack grows downwards and we assume that we never * use enough stack space to trample over the 'struct pcpu' that is at * the beginning of the array. * * The array is aligned on a (PAGE_SIZE * 2) boundary so that the 'struct pcpu' * is always in the even page frame of the wired TLB entry on SMP kernels. * * The array is in the .data section so that the stack does not get zeroed out * when the .bss section is zeroed. */ char pcpu_space[MAXCPU][PAGE_SIZE * 2] \ __aligned(PAGE_SIZE * 2) __section(".data"); struct pcpu *pcpup = (struct pcpu *)pcpu_space; vm_paddr_t physmem_desc[PHYS_AVAIL_COUNT]; #ifdef UNIMPLEMENTED struct platform platform; #endif static void cpu_startup(void *); SYSINIT(cpu, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_FIRST, cpu_startup, NULL); struct kva_md_info kmi; int cpucfg; /* Value of processor config register */ int num_tlbentries = 64; /* Size of the CPU tlb */ int cputype; extern char MipsException[], MipsExceptionEnd[]; /* TLB miss handler address and end */ extern char MipsTLBMiss[], MipsTLBMissEnd[]; /* Cache error handler */ extern char MipsCache[], MipsCacheEnd[]; /* MIPS wait skip region */ extern char MipsWaitStart[], MipsWaitEnd[]; extern char edata[], end[]; u_int32_t bootdev; struct bootinfo bootinfo; /* * First kseg0 address available for use. By default it's equal to &end. * But in some cases there might be additional data placed right after * _end by loader or ELF trampoline. */ vm_offset_t kernel_kseg0_end = (vm_offset_t)&end; static void cpu_startup(void *dummy) { if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) bootverbose++; cpu_identify(); printf("real memory = %ju (%juK bytes)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)realmem), ptoa((uintmax_t)realmem) / 1024); /* * Display any holes after the first chunk of extended memory. */ if (bootverbose) { int indx; printf("Physical memory chunk(s):\n"); for (indx = 0; phys_avail[indx + 1] != 0; indx += 2) { vm_paddr_t size1 = phys_avail[indx + 1] - phys_avail[indx]; printf("0x%08jx - 0x%08jx, %ju bytes (%ju pages)\n", (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx], (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx + 1] - 1, (uintmax_t)size1, (uintmax_t)size1 / PAGE_SIZE); } } vm_ksubmap_init(&kmi); printf("avail memory = %ju (%juMB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()), ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()) / 1048576); cpu_init_interrupts(); /* * Set up buffers, so they can be used to read disk labels. */ bufinit(); vm_pager_bufferinit(); } /* * Shutdown the CPU as much as possible */ void cpu_reset(void) { platform_reset(); } /* * Flush the D-cache for non-DMA I/O so that the I-cache can * be made coherent later. */ void cpu_flush_dcache(void *ptr, size_t len) { /* TBD */ } /* Get current clock frequency for the given cpu id. */ int cpu_est_clockrate(int cpu_id, uint64_t *rate) { return (ENXIO); } /* * Shutdown the CPU as much as possible */ void cpu_halt(void) { for (;;) ; } SYSCTL_STRUCT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, bootinfo, CTLFLAG_RD, &bootinfo, bootinfo, "Bootinfo struct: kernel filename, BIOS harddisk geometry, etc"); /* * Initialize per cpu data structures, include curthread. */ void mips_pcpu0_init() { /* Initialize pcpu info of cpu-zero */ pcpu_init(PCPU_ADDR(0), 0, sizeof(struct pcpu)); PCPU_SET(curthread, &thread0); } /* * Initialize mips and configure to run kernel */ void mips_proc0_init(void) { #ifdef SMP if (platform_processor_id() != 0) panic("BSP must be processor number 0"); #endif proc_linkup0(&proc0, &thread0); KASSERT((kstack0 & PAGE_MASK) == 0, ("kstack0 is not aligned on a page boundary: 0x%0lx", (long)kstack0)); thread0.td_kstack = kstack0; thread0.td_kstack_pages = KSTACK_PAGES; /* * Do not use cpu_thread_alloc to initialize these fields * thread0 is the only thread that has kstack located in KSEG0 * while cpu_thread_alloc handles kstack allocated in KSEG2. */ thread0.td_pcb = (struct pcb *)(thread0.td_kstack + thread0.td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE) - 1; thread0.td_frame = &thread0.td_pcb->pcb_regs; /* Steal memory for the dynamic per-cpu area. */ dpcpu_init((void *)pmap_steal_memory(DPCPU_SIZE), 0); PCPU_SET(curpcb, thread0.td_pcb); /* * There is no need to initialize md_upte array for thread0 as it's * located in .bss section and should be explicitly zeroed during * kernel initialization. */ } void cpu_initclocks(void) { platform_initclocks(); cpu_initclocks_bsp(); } /* * Initialize the hardware exception vectors, and the jump table used to * call locore cache and TLB management functions, based on the kind * of CPU the kernel is running on. */ void mips_vector_init(void) { /* * Make sure that the Wait region logic is not been * changed */ if (MipsWaitEnd - MipsWaitStart != 16) panic("startup: MIPS wait region not correct"); /* * Copy down exception vector code. */ if (MipsTLBMissEnd - MipsTLBMiss > 0x80) panic("startup: UTLB code too large"); if (MipsCacheEnd - MipsCache > 0x80) panic("startup: Cache error code too large"); bcopy(MipsTLBMiss, (void *)MIPS_UTLB_MISS_EXC_VEC, MipsTLBMissEnd - MipsTLBMiss); /* * XXXRW: Why don't we install the XTLB handler for all 64-bit * architectures? */ #if defined(__mips_n64) || defined(CPU_RMI) || defined(CPU_NLM) || defined(CPU_BERI) /* Fake, but sufficient, for the 32-bit with 64-bit hardware addresses */ bcopy(MipsTLBMiss, (void *)MIPS_XTLB_MISS_EXC_VEC, MipsTLBMissEnd - MipsTLBMiss); #endif bcopy(MipsException, (void *)MIPS_GEN_EXC_VEC, MipsExceptionEnd - MipsException); bcopy(MipsCache, (void *)MIPS_CACHE_ERR_EXC_VEC, MipsCacheEnd - MipsCache); /* * Clear out the I and D caches. */ mips_icache_sync_all(); mips_dcache_wbinv_all(); /* * Mask all interrupts. Each interrupt will be enabled * when handler is installed for it */ set_intr_mask(0); /* Clear BEV in SR so we start handling our own exceptions */ mips_wr_status(mips_rd_status() & ~MIPS_SR_BEV); } /* * Fix kernel_kseg0_end address in case trampoline placed debug sympols * data there */ void mips_postboot_fixup(void) { /* * We store u_long sized objects into the reload area, so the array * must be so aligned. The standard allows any alignment for char data. */ _Alignas(_Alignof(u_long)) static char fake_preload[256]; caddr_t preload_ptr = (caddr_t)&fake_preload[0]; size_t size = 0; #define PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(type, value) do { \ *(type *)(preload_ptr + size) = (value); \ size += sizeof(type); \ } while (0); /* * Provide kernel module file information */ PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_NAME); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, strlen("kernel") + 1); strcpy((char*)(preload_ptr + size), "kernel"); size += strlen("kernel") + 1; size = roundup(size, sizeof(u_long)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_TYPE); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, strlen("elf kernel") + 1); strcpy((char*)(preload_ptr + size), "elf kernel"); size += strlen("elf kernel") + 1; size = roundup(size, sizeof(u_long)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_ADDR); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, sizeof(vm_offset_t)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(vm_offset_t, KERNLOADADDR); size = roundup(size, sizeof(u_long)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_SIZE); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, sizeof(size_t)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(size_t, (size_t)&end - KERNLOADADDR); size = roundup(size, sizeof(u_long)); /* End marker */ PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, 0); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, 0); #undef PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE KASSERT((size < sizeof(fake_preload)), ("fake preload size is more thenallocated")); preload_metadata = (void *)fake_preload; #ifdef DDB Elf_Size *trampoline_data = (Elf_Size*)kernel_kseg0_end; Elf_Size symtabsize = 0; vm_offset_t ksym_start; vm_offset_t ksym_end; if (trampoline_data[0] == SYMTAB_MAGIC) { symtabsize = trampoline_data[1]; kernel_kseg0_end += 2 * sizeof(Elf_Size); /* start of .symtab */ ksym_start = kernel_kseg0_end; kernel_kseg0_end += symtabsize; /* end of .strtab */ ksym_end = kernel_kseg0_end; db_fetch_ksymtab(ksym_start, ksym_end, 0); } #endif } #ifdef SMP void mips_pcpu_tlb_init(struct pcpu *pcpu) { vm_paddr_t pa; pt_entry_t pte; /* * Map the pcpu structure at the virtual address 'pcpup'. * We use a wired tlb index to do this one-time mapping. */ pa = vtophys(pcpu); pte = PTE_D | PTE_V | PTE_G | PTE_C_CACHE; tlb_insert_wired(PCPU_TLB_ENTRY, (vm_offset_t)pcpup, TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(pa) | pte, TLBLO_PA_TO_PFN(pa + PAGE_SIZE) | pte); } #endif /* * Initialise a struct pcpu. */ void cpu_pcpu_init(struct pcpu *pcpu, int cpuid, size_t size) { pcpu->pc_next_asid = 1; pcpu->pc_asid_generation = 1; pcpu->pc_self = pcpu; #ifdef SMP if ((vm_offset_t)pcpup >= VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS && (vm_offset_t)pcpup <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS) { mips_pcpu_tlb_init(pcpu); } #endif } int fill_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { /* No debug registers on mips */ return (ENOSYS); } int set_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { /* No debug registers on mips */ return (ENOSYS); } void spinlock_enter(void) { struct thread *td; register_t intr; td = curthread; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { intr = intr_disable(); td->td_md.md_spinlock_count = 1; td->td_md.md_saved_intr = intr; critical_enter(); } else td->td_md.md_spinlock_count++; } void spinlock_exit(void) { struct thread *td; register_t intr; td = curthread; intr = td->td_md.md_saved_intr; td->td_md.md_spinlock_count--; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { critical_exit(); intr_restore(intr); } } /* * call platform specific code to halt (until next interrupt) for the idle loop */ void cpu_idle(int busy) { KASSERT((mips_rd_status() & MIPS_SR_INT_IE) != 0, ("interrupts disabled in idle process.")); KASSERT((mips_rd_status() & MIPS_INT_MASK) != 0, ("all interrupts masked in idle process.")); if (!busy) { critical_enter(); cpu_idleclock(); } mips_wait(); if (!busy) { cpu_activeclock(); critical_exit(); } } int cpu_idle_wakeup(int cpu) { return (0); } int is_cacheable_mem(vm_paddr_t pa) { int i; for (i = 0; physmem_desc[i + 1] != 0; i += 2) { if (pa >= physmem_desc[i] && pa < physmem_desc[i + 1]) return (1); } return (0); } diff --git a/sys/mips/mips/pm_machdep.c b/sys/mips/mips/pm_machdep.c index 8d8cf4e1023d..7a9db29b6ff6 100644 --- a/sys/mips/mips/pm_machdep.c +++ b/sys/mips/mips/pm_machdep.c @@ -1,517 +1,517 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1992 Terrence R. Lambert. * Copyright (c) 1982, 1987, 1990 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * William Jolitz. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)machdep.c 7.4 (Berkeley) 6/3/91 * from: src/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c,v 1.385.2.3 2000/05/10 02:04:46 obrien * JNPR: pm_machdep.c,v 2007/08/16 15:59:10 girish */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UCONTEXT_MAGIC 0xACEDBADE /* * Send an interrupt to process. * * Stack is set up to allow sigcode stored * at top to call routine, followed by kcall * to sigreturn routine below. After sigreturn * resets the signal mask, the stack, and the * frame pointer, it returns to the user * specified pc, psl. */ void sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct proc *p; struct thread *td; struct trapframe *regs; struct sigacts *psp; struct sigframe sf, *sfp; int sig; int oonstack; td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); sig = ksi->ksi_signo; psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); regs = td->td_frame; oonstack = sigonstack(regs->sp); /* save user context */ bzero(&sf, sizeof(struct sigframe)); sf.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack = td->td_sigstk; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_onstack = (oonstack) ? 1 : 0; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_pc = regs->pc; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mullo = regs->mullo; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mulhi = regs->mulhi; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_tls = td->td_md.md_tls; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_regs[0] = UCONTEXT_MAGIC; /* magic number */ bcopy((void *)®s->ast, (void *)&sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_regs[1], sizeof(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_regs) - sizeof(register_t)); sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpused = td->td_md.md_flags & MDTD_FPUSED; if (sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpused) { /* if FPU has current state, save it first */ if (td == PCPU_GET(fpcurthread)) MipsSaveCurFPState(td); bcopy((void *)&td->td_frame->f0, (void *)sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpregs, sizeof(sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_fpregs)); } /* Allocate and validate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 && !oonstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { sfp = (struct sigframe *)(((uintptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size - sizeof(struct sigframe)) & ~(STACK_ALIGN - 1)); } else sfp = (struct sigframe *)((vm_offset_t)(regs->sp - sizeof(struct sigframe)) & ~(STACK_ALIGN - 1)); /* Build the argument list for the signal handler. */ regs->a0 = sig; regs->a2 = (register_t)(intptr_t)&sfp->sf_uc; if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_siginfo, sig)) { /* Signal handler installed with SA_SIGINFO. */ regs->a1 = (register_t)(intptr_t)&sfp->sf_si; /* sf.sf_ahu.sf_action = (__siginfohandler_t *)catcher; */ /* fill siginfo structure */ sf.sf_si = ksi->ksi_info; sf.sf_si.si_signo = sig; } else { /* Old FreeBSD-style arguments. */ regs->a1 = ksi->ksi_code; regs->a3 = (uintptr_t)ksi->ksi_addr; /* sf.sf_ahu.sf_handler = catcher; */ } mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * Copy the sigframe out to the user's stack. */ if (copyout(&sf, sfp, sizeof(struct sigframe)) != 0) { /* * Something is wrong with the stack pointer. * ...Kill the process. */ PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } regs->pc = (register_t)(intptr_t)catcher; regs->t9 = (register_t)(intptr_t)catcher; regs->sp = (register_t)(intptr_t)sfp; /* * Signal trampoline code is at base of user stack. */ regs->ra = (register_t)(intptr_t)PS_STRINGS - *(p->p_sysent->sv_szsigcode); PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } /* * System call to cleanup state after a signal * has been taken. Reset signal mask and * stack state from context left by sendsig (above). * Return to previous pc as specified by * context left by sendsig. */ int sys_sigreturn(struct thread *td, struct sigreturn_args *uap) { ucontext_t uc; int error; error = copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc)); if (error != 0) return (error); error = set_mcontext(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (error != 0) return (error); kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); return (EJUSTRETURN); } int ptrace_set_pc(struct thread *td, unsigned long addr) { td->td_frame->pc = (register_t) addr; return 0; } static int ptrace_read_int(struct thread *td, uintptr_t addr, int *v) { if (proc_readmem(td, td->td_proc, addr, v, sizeof(*v)) != sizeof(*v)) return (EFAULT); return (0); } static int ptrace_write_int(struct thread *td, uintptr_t addr, int v) { if (proc_writemem(td, td->td_proc, addr, &v, sizeof(v)) != sizeof(v)) return (EFAULT); return (0); } int ptrace_single_step(struct thread *td) { uintptr_t va; struct trapframe *locr0 = td->td_frame; int error; int bpinstr = MIPS_BREAK_SSTEP; int curinstr; struct proc *p; p = td->td_proc; PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * Fetch what's at the current location. */ error = ptrace_read_int(td, locr0->pc, &curinstr); if (error) goto out; CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "ptrace_single_step: tid %d, current instr at %#lx: %#08x", td->td_tid, locr0->pc, curinstr); /* compute next address after current location */ if (locr0->cause & MIPS_CR_BR_DELAY) { va = MipsEmulateBranch(locr0, locr0->pc, locr0->fsr, (uintptr_t)&curinstr); } else { va = locr0->pc + 4; } if (td->td_md.md_ss_addr) { printf("SS %s (%d): breakpoint already set at %p (va %p)\n", p->p_comm, p->p_pid, (void *)td->td_md.md_ss_addr, (void *)va); /* XXX */ error = EFAULT; goto out; } td->td_md.md_ss_addr = va; /* * Fetch what's at the current location. */ error = ptrace_read_int(td, (off_t)va, &td->td_md.md_ss_instr); if (error) goto out; /* * Store breakpoint instruction at the "next" location now. */ error = ptrace_write_int(td, va, bpinstr); /* * The sync'ing of I & D caches is done by proc_rwmem() * through proc_writemem(). */ out: PROC_LOCK(p); if (error == 0) CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "ptrace_single_step: tid %d, break set at %#lx: (%#08x)", td->td_tid, va, td->td_md.md_ss_instr); return (error); } void makectx(struct trapframe *tf, struct pcb *pcb) { pcb->pcb_context[PCB_REG_RA] = tf->ra; pcb->pcb_context[PCB_REG_PC] = tf->pc; pcb->pcb_context[PCB_REG_SP] = tf->sp; } int fill_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { memcpy(regs, td->td_frame, sizeof(struct reg)); return (0); } int set_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *f; register_t sr; f = (struct trapframe *) td->td_frame; /* * Don't allow the user to change SR */ sr = f->sr; memcpy(td->td_frame, regs, sizeof(struct reg)); f->sr = sr; return (0); } int get_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, int flags) { struct trapframe *tp; tp = td->td_frame; PROC_LOCK(curthread->td_proc); mcp->mc_onstack = sigonstack(tp->sp); PROC_UNLOCK(curthread->td_proc); bcopy((void *)&td->td_frame->zero, (void *)&mcp->mc_regs, sizeof(mcp->mc_regs)); mcp->mc_fpused = td->td_md.md_flags & MDTD_FPUSED; if (mcp->mc_fpused) { bcopy((void *)&td->td_frame->f0, (void *)&mcp->mc_fpregs, sizeof(mcp->mc_fpregs)); } if (flags & GET_MC_CLEAR_RET) { mcp->mc_regs[V0] = 0; mcp->mc_regs[V1] = 0; mcp->mc_regs[A3] = 0; } mcp->mc_pc = td->td_frame->pc; mcp->mullo = td->td_frame->mullo; mcp->mulhi = td->td_frame->mulhi; mcp->mc_tls = td->td_md.md_tls; return (0); } int set_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { struct trapframe *tp; tp = td->td_frame; bcopy((void *)&mcp->mc_regs, (void *)&td->td_frame->zero, sizeof(mcp->mc_regs)); td->td_md.md_flags = mcp->mc_fpused & MDTD_FPUSED; if (mcp->mc_fpused) { bcopy((void *)&mcp->mc_fpregs, (void *)&td->td_frame->f0, sizeof(mcp->mc_fpregs)); } td->td_frame->pc = mcp->mc_pc; td->td_frame->mullo = mcp->mullo; td->td_frame->mulhi = mcp->mulhi; td->td_md.md_tls = mcp->mc_tls; /* Dont let user to set any bits in status and cause registers. */ return (0); } int fill_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { if (td == PCPU_GET(fpcurthread)) MipsSaveCurFPState(td); memcpy(fpregs, &td->td_frame->f0, sizeof(struct fpreg)); fpregs->r_regs[FIR_NUM] = cpuinfo.fpu_id; return 0; } int set_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { if (PCPU_GET(fpcurthread) == td) PCPU_SET(fpcurthread, (struct thread *)0); memcpy(&td->td_frame->f0, fpregs, sizeof(struct fpreg)); return 0; } /* * Clear registers on exec * $sp is set to the stack pointer passed in. $pc is set to the entry * point given by the exec_package passed in, as is $t9 (used for PIC * code by the MIPS elf abi). */ void exec_setregs(struct thread *td, struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t stack) { bzero((caddr_t)td->td_frame, sizeof(struct trapframe)); td->td_frame->sp = ((register_t)stack) & ~(STACK_ALIGN - 1); /* * If we're running o32 or n32 programs but have 64-bit registers, * GCC may use stack-relative addressing near the top of user * address space that, due to sign extension, will yield an * invalid address. For instance, if sp is 0x7fffff00 then GCC * might do something like this to load a word from 0x7ffffff0: * * addu sp, sp, 32768 * lw t0, -32528(sp) * * On systems with 64-bit registers, sp is sign-extended to * 0xffffffff80007f00 and the load is instead done from * 0xffffffff7ffffff0. * * To prevent this, we subtract 64K from the stack pointer here * for processes with 32-bit pointers. */ #if defined(__mips_n32) || defined(__mips_n64) if (!SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_LP64)) td->td_frame->sp -= 65536; #endif td->td_frame->pc = imgp->entry_addr & ~3; td->td_frame->t9 = imgp->entry_addr & ~3; /* abicall req */ td->td_frame->sr = MIPS_SR_KSU_USER | MIPS_SR_EXL | MIPS_SR_INT_IE | (mips_rd_status() & MIPS_SR_INT_MASK); #if defined(__mips_n32) || defined(__mips_n64) td->td_frame->sr |= MIPS_SR_PX; #endif #if defined(__mips_n64) if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_LP64)) td->td_frame->sr |= MIPS_SR_UX; td->td_frame->sr |= MIPS_SR_KX; #endif /* * FREEBSD_DEVELOPERS_FIXME: * Setup any other CPU-Specific registers (Not MIPS Standard) * and/or bits in other standard MIPS registers (if CPU-Specific) * that are needed. */ /* * Set up arguments for the rtld-capable crt0: * a0 stack pointer * a1 rtld cleanup (filled in by dynamic loader) * a2 rtld object (filled in by dynamic loader) * a3 ps_strings */ td->td_frame->a0 = (register_t) stack; td->td_frame->a1 = 0; td->td_frame->a2 = 0; td->td_frame->a3 = (register_t)imgp->ps_strings; td->td_md.md_flags &= ~MDTD_FPUSED; if (PCPU_GET(fpcurthread) == td) PCPU_SET(fpcurthread, (struct thread *)0); td->td_md.md_ss_addr = 0; td->td_md.md_tls = NULL; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (!SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_LP64)) td->td_proc->p_md.md_tls_tcb_offset = TLS_TP_OFFSET + TLS_TCB_SIZE32; else #endif td->td_proc->p_md.md_tls_tcb_offset = TLS_TP_OFFSET + TLS_TCB_SIZE; } int ptrace_clear_single_step(struct thread *td) { struct proc *p; int error; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); if (!td->td_md.md_ss_addr) return EINVAL; /* * Restore original instruction and clear BP */ PROC_UNLOCK(p); CTR3(KTR_PTRACE, "ptrace_clear_single_step: tid %d, restore instr at %#lx: %#08x", td->td_tid, td->td_md.md_ss_addr, td->td_md.md_ss_instr); error = ptrace_write_int(td, td->td_md.md_ss_addr, td->td_md.md_ss_instr); PROC_LOCK(p); /* The sync'ing of I & D caches is done by proc_rwmem(). */ if (error != 0) { log(LOG_ERR, "SS %s %d: can't restore instruction at %p: %x\n", p->p_comm, p->p_pid, (void *)td->td_md.md_ss_addr, td->td_md.md_ss_instr); } td->td_md.md_ss_addr = 0; return 0; } diff --git a/sys/mips/nlm/cms.c b/sys/mips/nlm/cms.c index 32ee6e1c9546..4b6ad7c95db4 100644 --- a/sys/mips/nlm/cms.c +++ b/sys/mips/nlm/cms.c @@ -1,498 +1,497 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright 2003-2011 Netlogic Microsystems (Netlogic). All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Netlogic Microsystems ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NETLOGIC OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * NETLOGIC_BSD */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MSGRNG_NSTATIONS 1024 /* * Keep track of our message ring handler threads, each core has a * different message station. Ideally we will need to start a few * message handling threads every core, and wake them up depending on * load */ struct msgring_thread { struct thread *thread; /* msgring handler threads */ int needed; /* thread needs to wake up */ }; static struct msgring_thread msgring_threads[XLP_MAX_CORES * XLP_MAX_THREADS]; static struct proc *msgring_proc; /* all threads are under a proc */ /* * The device drivers can register a handler for the messages sent * from a station (corresponding to the device). */ struct tx_stn_handler { msgring_handler action; void *arg; }; static struct tx_stn_handler msgmap[MSGRNG_NSTATIONS]; static struct mtx msgmap_lock; uint32_t xlp_msg_thread_mask; static int xlp_msg_threads_per_core = XLP_MAX_THREADS; static void create_msgring_thread(int hwtid); static int msgring_process_fast_intr(void *arg); /* Debug counters */ static int msgring_nintr[XLP_MAX_CORES * XLP_MAX_THREADS]; static int msgring_wakeup_sleep[XLP_MAX_CORES * XLP_MAX_THREADS]; static int msgring_wakeup_nosleep[XLP_MAX_CORES * XLP_MAX_THREADS]; static int fmn_msgcount[XLP_MAX_CORES * XLP_MAX_THREADS][4]; static int fmn_loops[XLP_MAX_CORES * XLP_MAX_THREADS]; /* Whether polled driver implementation */ static int polled = 0; /* We do only i/o device credit setup here. CPU credit setup is now * moved to xlp_msgring_cpu_init() so that the credits get setup * only if the CPU exists. xlp_msgring_cpu_init() gets called from * platform_init_ap; and this makes it easy for us to setup CMS * credits for various types of XLP chips, with varying number of * cpu's and cores. */ static void xlp_cms_credit_setup(int credit) { uint64_t cmspcibase, cmsbase, pcibase; uint32_t devoffset; int dev, fn, maxqid; int src, qid, i; for (i = 0; i < XLP_MAX_NODES; i++) { cmspcibase = nlm_get_cms_pcibase(i); if (!nlm_dev_exists(XLP_IO_CMS_OFFSET(i))) continue; cmsbase = nlm_get_cms_regbase(i); maxqid = nlm_read_reg(cmspcibase, XLP_PCI_DEVINFO_REG0); for (dev = 0; dev < 8; dev++) { for (fn = 0; fn < 8; fn++) { devoffset = XLP_HDR_OFFSET(i, 0, dev, fn); if (nlm_dev_exists(devoffset) == 0) continue; pcibase = nlm_pcicfg_base(devoffset); src = nlm_qidstart(pcibase); if (src == 0) continue; #if 0 /* Debug */ printf("Setup CMS credits for queues "); printf("[%d to %d] from src %d\n", 0, maxqid, src); #endif for (qid = 0; qid < maxqid; qid++) nlm_cms_setup_credits(cmsbase, qid, src, credit); } } } } void xlp_msgring_cpu_init(int node, int cpu, int credit) { uint64_t cmspcibase = nlm_get_cms_pcibase(node); uint64_t cmsbase = nlm_get_cms_regbase(node); int qid, maxqid, src; maxqid = nlm_read_reg(cmspcibase, XLP_PCI_DEVINFO_REG0); /* cpu credit setup is done only from thread-0 of each core */ if((cpu % 4) == 0) { src = cpu << 2; /* each thread has 4 vc's */ for (qid = 0; qid < maxqid; qid++) nlm_cms_setup_credits(cmsbase, qid, src, credit); } } /* * Drain out max_messages for the buckets set in the bucket mask. * Use max_msgs = 0 to drain out all messages. */ int xlp_handle_msg_vc(u_int vcmask, int max_msgs) { struct nlm_fmn_msg msg; int srcid = 0, size = 0, code = 0; struct tx_stn_handler *he; uint32_t mflags, status; int n_msgs = 0, vc, m, hwtid; u_int msgmask; hwtid = nlm_cpuid(); for (;;) { /* check if VC empty */ mflags = nlm_save_flags_cop2(); status = nlm_read_c2_msgstatus1(); nlm_restore_flags(mflags); msgmask = ((status >> 24) & 0xf) ^ 0xf; msgmask &= vcmask; if (msgmask == 0) break; m = 0; for (vc = 0; vc < 4; vc++) { if ((msgmask & (1 << vc)) == 0) continue; mflags = nlm_save_flags_cop2(); status = nlm_fmn_msgrcv(vc, &srcid, &size, &code, &msg); nlm_restore_flags(mflags); if (status != 0) /* no msg or error */ continue; if (srcid < 0 || srcid >= 1024) { printf("[%s]: bad src id %d\n", __func__, srcid); continue; } he = &msgmap[srcid]; if(he->action != NULL) (he->action)(vc, size, code, srcid, &msg, he->arg); #if 0 else printf("[%s]: No Handler for msg from stn %d," " vc=%d, size=%d, msg0=%jx, droppinge\n", __func__, srcid, vc, size, (uintmax_t)msg.msg[0]); #endif fmn_msgcount[hwtid][vc] += 1; m++; /* msgs handled in this iter */ } if (m == 0) break; /* nothing done in this iter */ n_msgs += m; if (max_msgs > 0 && n_msgs >= max_msgs) break; } return (n_msgs); } static void xlp_discard_msg_vc(u_int vcmask) { struct nlm_fmn_msg msg; int srcid = 0, size = 0, code = 0, vc; uint32_t mflags, status; for (vc = 0; vc < 4; vc++) { for (;;) { mflags = nlm_save_flags_cop2(); status = nlm_fmn_msgrcv(vc, &srcid, &size, &code, &msg); nlm_restore_flags(mflags); /* break if there is no msg or error */ if (status != 0) break; } } } void xlp_cms_enable_intr(int node, int cpu, int type, int watermark) { uint64_t cmsbase; int i, qid; cmsbase = nlm_get_cms_regbase(node); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { qid = (i + (cpu * 4)) & 0x7f; nlm_cms_per_queue_level_intr(cmsbase, qid, type, watermark); nlm_cms_per_queue_timer_intr(cmsbase, qid, 0x1, 0); } } static int msgring_process_fast_intr(void *arg) { struct msgring_thread *mthd; struct thread *td; int cpu; cpu = nlm_cpuid(); mthd = &msgring_threads[cpu]; msgring_nintr[cpu]++; td = mthd->thread; /* clear pending interrupts */ nlm_write_c0_eirr(1ULL << IRQ_MSGRING); /* wake up the target thread */ mthd->needed = 1; thread_lock(td); if (TD_AWAITING_INTR(td)) { msgring_wakeup_sleep[cpu]++; TD_CLR_IWAIT(td); sched_add(td, SRQ_INTR); } else { thread_unlock(td); msgring_wakeup_nosleep[cpu]++; } return (FILTER_HANDLED); } static void msgring_process(void * arg) { volatile struct msgring_thread *mthd; struct thread *td; uint32_t mflags, msgstatus1; int hwtid, nmsgs; hwtid = (intptr_t)arg; mthd = &msgring_threads[hwtid]; td = mthd->thread; KASSERT(curthread == td, ("%s:msg_ithread and proc linkage out of sync", __func__)); /* First bind this thread to the right CPU */ thread_lock(td); sched_bind(td, xlp_hwtid_to_cpuid[hwtid]); thread_unlock(td); if (hwtid != nlm_cpuid()) printf("Misscheduled hwtid %d != cpuid %d\n", hwtid, nlm_cpuid()); xlp_discard_msg_vc(0xf); xlp_msgring_cpu_init(nlm_nodeid(), nlm_cpuid(), CMS_DEFAULT_CREDIT); if (polled == 0) { mflags = nlm_save_flags_cop2(); nlm_fmn_cpu_init(IRQ_MSGRING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); nlm_restore_flags(mflags); xlp_cms_enable_intr(nlm_nodeid(), nlm_cpuid(), 0x2, 0); /* clear pending interrupts. * they will get re-raised if still valid */ nlm_write_c0_eirr(1ULL << IRQ_MSGRING); } /* start processing messages */ for (;;) { atomic_store_rel_int(&mthd->needed, 0); nmsgs = xlp_handle_msg_vc(0xf, 0); /* sleep */ if (polled == 0) { /* clear VC-pend bits */ mflags = nlm_save_flags_cop2(); msgstatus1 = nlm_read_c2_msgstatus1(); msgstatus1 |= (0xf << 16); nlm_write_c2_msgstatus1(msgstatus1); nlm_restore_flags(mflags); thread_lock(td); if (mthd->needed) { thread_unlock(td); continue; } sched_class(td, PRI_ITHD); TD_SET_IWAIT(td); mi_switch(SW_VOL); } else pause("wmsg", 1); fmn_loops[hwtid]++; } } static void create_msgring_thread(int hwtid) { struct msgring_thread *mthd; struct thread *td; int error; mthd = &msgring_threads[hwtid]; error = kproc_kthread_add(msgring_process, (void *)(uintptr_t)hwtid, &msgring_proc, &td, RFSTOPPED, 2, "msgrngproc", "msgthr%d", hwtid); if (error) panic("kproc_kthread_add() failed with %d", error); mthd->thread = td; thread_lock(td); sched_class(td, PRI_ITHD); sched_add(td, SRQ_INTR); } int register_msgring_handler(int startb, int endb, msgring_handler action, void *arg) { int i; if (bootverbose) printf("Register handler %d-%d %p(%p)\n", startb, endb, action, arg); KASSERT(startb >= 0 && startb <= endb && endb < MSGRNG_NSTATIONS, ("Invalid value for bucket range %d,%d", startb, endb)); mtx_lock_spin(&msgmap_lock); for (i = startb; i <= endb; i++) { KASSERT(msgmap[i].action == NULL, ("Bucket %d already used [action %p]", i, msgmap[i].action)); msgmap[i].action = action; msgmap[i].arg = arg; } mtx_unlock_spin(&msgmap_lock); return (0); } /* * Initialize the messaging subsystem. * * Message Stations are shared among all threads in a cpu core, this * has to be called once from every core which is online. */ static void xlp_msgring_config(void *arg) { void *cookie; unsigned int thrmask, mask; int i; /* used polled handler for Ax silion */ if (nlm_is_xlp8xx_ax()) polled = 1; /* Don't poll on all threads, if polled */ if (polled) xlp_msg_threads_per_core -= 1; mtx_init(&msgmap_lock, "msgring", NULL, MTX_SPIN); if (xlp_threads_per_core < xlp_msg_threads_per_core) xlp_msg_threads_per_core = xlp_threads_per_core; thrmask = ((1 << xlp_msg_threads_per_core) - 1); mask = 0; for (i = 0; i < XLP_MAX_CORES; i++) { mask <<= XLP_MAX_THREADS; mask |= thrmask; } xlp_msg_thread_mask = xlp_hw_thread_mask & mask; #if 0 printf("CMS Message handler thread mask %#jx\n", (uintmax_t)xlp_msg_thread_mask); #endif xlp_cms_credit_setup(CMS_DEFAULT_CREDIT); create_msgring_thread(0); cpu_establish_hardintr("msgring", msgring_process_fast_intr, NULL, NULL, IRQ_MSGRING, INTR_TYPE_NET, &cookie); } /* * Start message ring processing threads on other CPUs, after SMP start */ static void start_msgring_threads(void *arg) { int hwt; for (hwt = 1; hwt < XLP_MAX_CORES * XLP_MAX_THREADS; hwt++) { if ((xlp_msg_thread_mask & (1 << hwt)) == 0) continue; create_msgring_thread(hwt); } } SYSINIT(xlp_msgring_config, SI_SUB_DRIVERS, SI_ORDER_FIRST, xlp_msgring_config, NULL); SYSINIT(start_msgring_threads, SI_SUB_SMP, SI_ORDER_MIDDLE, start_msgring_threads, NULL); /* * DEBUG support, XXX: static buffer, not locked */ static int sys_print_debug(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct sbuf sb; int error, i; sbuf_new_for_sysctl(&sb, NULL, 64, req); sbuf_printf(&sb, "\nID vc0 vc1 vc2 vc3 loops\n"); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if ((xlp_hw_thread_mask & (1 << i)) == 0) continue; sbuf_printf(&sb, "%2d: %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d\n", i, fmn_msgcount[i][0], fmn_msgcount[i][1], fmn_msgcount[i][2], fmn_msgcount[i][3], fmn_loops[i]); } error = sbuf_finish(&sb); sbuf_delete(&sb); return (error); } SYSCTL_PROC(_debug, OID_AUTO, msgring, CTLTYPE_STRING | CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_NEEDGIANT, 0, 0, sys_print_debug, "A", "msgring debug info"); diff --git a/sys/mips/nlm/dev/net/xlpge.c b/sys/mips/nlm/dev/net/xlpge.c index e9dadf83c7eb..20fe16048212 100644 --- a/sys/mips/nlm/dev/net/xlpge.c +++ b/sys/mips/nlm/dev/net/xlpge.c @@ -1,1542 +1,1541 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Broadcom Corporation * All Rights Reserved * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BROADCOM ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BROADCOM OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define __RMAN_RESOURCE_VISIBLE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for DELAY */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "miidevs.h" #include #include "miibus_if.h" #include #include /*#define XLP_DRIVER_LOOPBACK*/ static struct nae_port_config nae_port_config[64]; int poe_cl_tbl[MAX_POE_CLASSES] = { 0x0, 0x249249, 0x492492, 0x6db6db, 0x924924, 0xb6db6d, 0xdb6db6, 0xffffff }; /* #define DUMP_PACKET */ static uint64_t nlm_paddr_ld(uint64_t paddr) { uint64_t xkaddr = 0x9800000000000000 | paddr; return (nlm_load_dword_daddr(xkaddr)); } struct nlm_xlp_portdata ifp_ports[64]; static uma_zone_t nl_tx_desc_zone; /* This implementation will register the following tree of device * registration: * pcibus * | * xlpnae (1 instance - virtual entity) * | * xlpge * (18 sgmii / 4 xaui / 2 interlaken instances) * | * miibus */ static int nlm_xlpnae_probe(device_t); static int nlm_xlpnae_attach(device_t); static int nlm_xlpnae_detach(device_t); static int nlm_xlpnae_suspend(device_t); static int nlm_xlpnae_resume(device_t); static int nlm_xlpnae_shutdown(device_t); static device_method_t nlm_xlpnae_methods[] = { /* Methods from the device interface */ DEVMETHOD(device_probe, nlm_xlpnae_probe), DEVMETHOD(device_attach, nlm_xlpnae_attach), DEVMETHOD(device_detach, nlm_xlpnae_detach), DEVMETHOD(device_suspend, nlm_xlpnae_suspend), DEVMETHOD(device_resume, nlm_xlpnae_resume), DEVMETHOD(device_shutdown, nlm_xlpnae_shutdown), DEVMETHOD(bus_driver_added, bus_generic_driver_added), DEVMETHOD_END }; static driver_t nlm_xlpnae_driver = { "xlpnae", nlm_xlpnae_methods, sizeof(struct nlm_xlpnae_softc) }; static devclass_t nlm_xlpnae_devclass; static int nlm_xlpge_probe(device_t); static int nlm_xlpge_attach(device_t); static int nlm_xlpge_detach(device_t); static int nlm_xlpge_suspend(device_t); static int nlm_xlpge_resume(device_t); static int nlm_xlpge_shutdown(device_t); /* mii override functions */ static int nlm_xlpge_mii_read(device_t, int, int); static int nlm_xlpge_mii_write(device_t, int, int, int); static void nlm_xlpge_mii_statchg(device_t); static device_method_t nlm_xlpge_methods[] = { /* Methods from the device interface */ DEVMETHOD(device_probe, nlm_xlpge_probe), DEVMETHOD(device_attach, nlm_xlpge_attach), DEVMETHOD(device_detach, nlm_xlpge_detach), DEVMETHOD(device_suspend, nlm_xlpge_suspend), DEVMETHOD(device_resume, nlm_xlpge_resume), DEVMETHOD(device_shutdown, nlm_xlpge_shutdown), /* Methods from the nexus bus needed for explicitly * probing children when driver is loaded as a kernel module */ DEVMETHOD(miibus_readreg, nlm_xlpge_mii_read), DEVMETHOD(miibus_writereg, nlm_xlpge_mii_write), DEVMETHOD(miibus_statchg, nlm_xlpge_mii_statchg), /* Terminate method list */ DEVMETHOD_END }; static driver_t nlm_xlpge_driver = { "xlpge", nlm_xlpge_methods, sizeof(struct nlm_xlpge_softc) }; static devclass_t nlm_xlpge_devclass; DRIVER_MODULE(xlpnae, pci, nlm_xlpnae_driver, nlm_xlpnae_devclass, 0, 0); DRIVER_MODULE(xlpge, xlpnae, nlm_xlpge_driver, nlm_xlpge_devclass, 0, 0); DRIVER_MODULE(miibus, xlpge, miibus_driver, miibus_devclass, 0, 0); MODULE_DEPEND(pci, xlpnae, 1, 1, 1); MODULE_DEPEND(xlpnae, xlpge, 1, 1, 1); MODULE_DEPEND(xlpge, ether, 1, 1, 1); MODULE_DEPEND(xlpge, miibus, 1, 1, 1); #define SGMII_RCV_CONTEXT_WIDTH 8 /* prototypes */ static void nlm_xlpge_msgring_handler(int vc, int size, int code, int srcid, struct nlm_fmn_msg *msg, void *data); static void nlm_xlpge_submit_rx_free_desc(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc, int num); static void nlm_xlpge_init(void *addr); static void nlm_xlpge_port_disable(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc); static void nlm_xlpge_port_enable(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc); /* globals */ int dbg_on = 1; int cntx2port[524]; static __inline void atomic_incr_long(unsigned long *addr) { atomic_add_long(addr, 1); } /* * xlpnae driver implementation */ static int nlm_xlpnae_probe(device_t dev) { if (pci_get_vendor(dev) != PCI_VENDOR_NETLOGIC || pci_get_device(dev) != PCI_DEVICE_ID_NLM_NAE) return (ENXIO); return (BUS_PROBE_DEFAULT); } static void nlm_xlpnae_print_frin_desc_carving(struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc) { int intf; uint32_t value; int start, size; /* XXXJC: use max_ports instead of 20 ? */ for (intf = 0; intf < 20; intf++) { nlm_write_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_FREE_IN_FIFO_CFG, (0x80000000 | intf)); value = nlm_read_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_FREE_IN_FIFO_CFG); size = 2 * ((value >> 20) & 0x3ff); start = 2 * ((value >> 8) & 0x1ff); } } static void nlm_config_egress(struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc, int nblock, int context_base, int hwport, int max_channels) { int offset, num_channels; uint32_t data; num_channels = sc->portcfg[hwport].num_channels; data = (2048 << 12) | (hwport << 4) | 1; nlm_write_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_TX_IF_BURSTMAX_CMD, data); data = ((context_base + num_channels - 1) << 22) | (context_base << 12) | (hwport << 4) | 1; nlm_write_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_TX_DDR_ACTVLIST_CMD, data); config_egress_fifo_carvings(sc->base, hwport, context_base, num_channels, max_channels, sc->portcfg); config_egress_fifo_credits(sc->base, hwport, context_base, num_channels, max_channels, sc->portcfg); data = nlm_read_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_DMA_TX_CREDIT_TH); data |= (1 << 25) | (1 << 24); nlm_write_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_DMA_TX_CREDIT_TH, data); for (offset = 0; offset < num_channels; offset++) { nlm_write_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_TX_SCHED_MAP_CMD1, NAE_DRR_QUANTA); data = (hwport << 15) | ((context_base + offset) << 5); if (sc->cmplx_type[nblock] == ILC) data |= (offset << 20); nlm_write_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_TX_SCHED_MAP_CMD0, data | 1); nlm_write_nae_reg(sc->base, NAE_TX_SCHED_MAP_CMD0, data); } } static int xlpnae_get_maxchannels(struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc) { int maxchans = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < sc->max_ports; i++) { if (sc->portcfg[i].type == UNKNOWN) continue; maxchans += sc->portcfg[i].num_channels; } return (maxchans); } static void nlm_setup_interface(struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc, int nblock, int port, uint32_t cur_flow_base, uint32_t flow_mask, int max_channels, int context) { uint64_t nae_base = sc->base; int mtu = 1536; /* XXXJC: don't hard code */ uint32_t ucore_mask; if (sc->cmplx_type[nblock] == XAUIC) nlm_config_xaui(nae_base, nblock, mtu, mtu, sc->portcfg[port].vlan_pri_en); nlm_config_freein_fifo_uniq_cfg(nae_base, port, sc->portcfg[port].free_desc_sizes); nlm_config_ucore_iface_mask_cfg(nae_base, port, sc->portcfg[port].ucore_mask); nlm_program_flow_cfg(nae_base, port, cur_flow_base, flow_mask); if (sc->cmplx_type[nblock] == SGMIIC) nlm_configure_sgmii_interface(nae_base, nblock, port, mtu, 0); nlm_config_egress(sc, nblock, context, port, max_channels); nlm_nae_init_netior(nae_base, sc->nblocks); nlm_nae_open_if(nae_base, nblock, sc->cmplx_type[nblock], port, sc->portcfg[port].free_desc_sizes); /* XXXJC: check mask calculation */ ucore_mask = (1 << sc->nucores) - 1; nlm_nae_init_ucore(nae_base, port, ucore_mask); } static void nlm_setup_interfaces(struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc) { uint64_t nae_base; uint32_t cur_slot, cur_slot_base; uint32_t cur_flow_base, port, flow_mask; int max_channels; int i, context; cur_slot = 0; cur_slot_base = 0; cur_flow_base = 0; nae_base = sc->base; flow_mask = nlm_get_flow_mask(sc->total_num_ports); /* calculate max_channels */ max_channels = xlpnae_get_maxchannels(sc); port = 0; context = 0; for (i = 0; i < sc->max_ports; i++) { if (sc->portcfg[i].type == UNKNOWN) continue; nlm_setup_interface(sc, sc->portcfg[i].block, i, cur_flow_base, flow_mask, max_channels, context); cur_flow_base += sc->per_port_num_flows; context += sc->portcfg[i].num_channels; } } static void nlm_xlpnae_init(int node, struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc) { uint64_t nae_base; uint32_t ucoremask = 0; uint32_t val; int i; nae_base = sc->base; nlm_nae_flush_free_fifo(nae_base, sc->nblocks); nlm_deflate_frin_fifo_carving(nae_base, sc->max_ports); nlm_reset_nae(node); for (i = 0; i < sc->nucores; i++) /* XXXJC: code repeated below */ ucoremask |= (0x1 << i); printf("Loading 0x%x ucores with microcode\n", ucoremask); nlm_ucore_load_all(nae_base, ucoremask, 1); val = nlm_set_device_frequency(node, DFS_DEVICE_NAE, sc->freq); printf("Setup NAE frequency to %dMHz\n", val); nlm_mdio_reset_all(nae_base); printf("Initialze SGMII PCS for blocks 0x%x\n", sc->sgmiimask); nlm_sgmii_pcs_init(nae_base, sc->sgmiimask); printf("Initialze XAUI PCS for blocks 0x%x\n", sc->xauimask); nlm_xaui_pcs_init(nae_base, sc->xauimask); /* clear NETIOR soft reset */ nlm_write_nae_reg(nae_base, NAE_LANE_CFG_SOFTRESET, 0x0); /* Disable RX enable bit in RX_CONFIG */ val = nlm_read_nae_reg(nae_base, NAE_RX_CONFIG); val &= 0xfffffffe; nlm_write_nae_reg(nae_base, NAE_RX_CONFIG, val); if (nlm_is_xlp8xx_ax() == 0) { val = nlm_read_nae_reg(nae_base, NAE_TX_CONFIG); val &= ~(1 << 3); nlm_write_nae_reg(nae_base, NAE_TX_CONFIG, val); } nlm_setup_poe_class_config(nae_base, MAX_POE_CLASSES, sc->ncontexts, poe_cl_tbl); nlm_setup_vfbid_mapping(nae_base); nlm_setup_flow_crc_poly(nae_base, sc->flow_crc_poly); nlm_setup_rx_cal_cfg(nae_base, sc->max_ports, sc->portcfg); /* note: xlp8xx Ax does not have Tx Calendering */ if (!nlm_is_xlp8xx_ax()) nlm_setup_tx_cal_cfg(nae_base, sc->max_ports, sc->portcfg); nlm_setup_interfaces(sc); nlm_config_poe(sc->poe_base, sc->poedv_base); if (sc->hw_parser_en) nlm_enable_hardware_parser(nae_base); if (sc->prepad_en) nlm_prepad_enable(nae_base, sc->prepad_size); if (sc->ieee_1588_en) nlm_setup_1588_timer(sc->base, sc->portcfg); } static void nlm_xlpnae_update_pde(void *dummy __unused) { struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc; uint32_t dv[NUM_WORDS_PER_DV]; device_t dev; int vec; dev = devclass_get_device(devclass_find("xlpnae"), 0); sc = device_get_softc(dev); nlm_write_poe_reg(sc->poe_base, POE_DISTR_EN, 0); for (vec = 0; vec < NUM_DIST_VEC; vec++) { if (nlm_get_poe_distvec(vec, dv) != 0) continue; nlm_write_poe_distvec(sc->poedv_base, vec, dv); } nlm_write_poe_reg(sc->poe_base, POE_DISTR_EN, 1); } SYSINIT(nlm_xlpnae_update_pde, SI_SUB_SMP, SI_ORDER_ANY, nlm_xlpnae_update_pde, NULL); /* configuration common for sgmii, xaui, ilaken goes here */ static void nlm_setup_portcfg(struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc, struct xlp_nae_ivars *naep, int block, int port) { int i; uint32_t ucore_mask = 0; struct xlp_block_ivars *bp; struct xlp_port_ivars *p; bp = &(naep->block_ivars[block]); p = &(bp->port_ivars[port & 0x3]); sc->portcfg[port].node = p->node; sc->portcfg[port].block = p->block; sc->portcfg[port].port = p->port; sc->portcfg[port].type = p->type; sc->portcfg[port].mdio_bus = p->mdio_bus; sc->portcfg[port].phy_addr = p->phy_addr; sc->portcfg[port].loopback_mode = p->loopback_mode; sc->portcfg[port].num_channels = p->num_channels; if (p->free_desc_sizes != MCLBYTES) { printf("[%d, %d] Error: free_desc_sizes %d != %d\n", block, port, p->free_desc_sizes, MCLBYTES); return; } sc->portcfg[port].free_desc_sizes = p->free_desc_sizes; for (i = 0; i < sc->nucores; i++) /* XXXJC: configure this */ ucore_mask |= (0x1 << i); sc->portcfg[port].ucore_mask = ucore_mask; sc->portcfg[port].vlan_pri_en = p->vlan_pri_en; sc->portcfg[port].num_free_descs = p->num_free_descs; sc->portcfg[port].iface_fifo_size = p->iface_fifo_size; sc->portcfg[port].rxbuf_size = p->rxbuf_size; sc->portcfg[port].rx_slots_reqd = p->rx_slots_reqd; sc->portcfg[port].tx_slots_reqd = p->tx_slots_reqd; sc->portcfg[port].pseq_fifo_size = p->pseq_fifo_size; sc->portcfg[port].stg2_fifo_size = p->stg2_fifo_size; sc->portcfg[port].eh_fifo_size = p->eh_fifo_size; sc->portcfg[port].frout_fifo_size = p->frout_fifo_size; sc->portcfg[port].ms_fifo_size = p->ms_fifo_size; sc->portcfg[port].pkt_fifo_size = p->pkt_fifo_size; sc->portcfg[port].pktlen_fifo_size = p->pktlen_fifo_size; sc->portcfg[port].max_stg2_offset = p->max_stg2_offset; sc->portcfg[port].max_eh_offset = p->max_eh_offset; sc->portcfg[port].max_frout_offset = p->max_frout_offset; sc->portcfg[port].max_ms_offset = p->max_ms_offset; sc->portcfg[port].max_pmem_offset = p->max_pmem_offset; sc->portcfg[port].stg1_2_credit = p->stg1_2_credit; sc->portcfg[port].stg2_eh_credit = p->stg2_eh_credit; sc->portcfg[port].stg2_frout_credit = p->stg2_frout_credit; sc->portcfg[port].stg2_ms_credit = p->stg2_ms_credit; sc->portcfg[port].ieee1588_inc_intg = p->ieee1588_inc_intg; sc->portcfg[port].ieee1588_inc_den = p->ieee1588_inc_den; sc->portcfg[port].ieee1588_inc_num = p->ieee1588_inc_num; sc->portcfg[port].ieee1588_userval = p->ieee1588_userval; sc->portcfg[port].ieee1588_ptpoff = p->ieee1588_ptpoff; sc->portcfg[port].ieee1588_tmr1 = p->ieee1588_tmr1; sc->portcfg[port].ieee1588_tmr2 = p->ieee1588_tmr2; sc->portcfg[port].ieee1588_tmr3 = p->ieee1588_tmr3; sc->total_free_desc += sc->portcfg[port].free_desc_sizes; sc->total_num_ports++; } static int nlm_xlpnae_attach(device_t dev) { struct xlp_nae_ivars *nae_ivars; struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc; device_t tmpd; uint32_t dv[NUM_WORDS_PER_DV]; int port, i, j, nchan, nblock, node, qstart, qnum; int offset, context, txq_base, rxvcbase; uint64_t poe_pcibase, nae_pcibase; node = pci_get_slot(dev) / 8; nae_ivars = &xlp_board_info.nodes[node].nae_ivars; sc = device_get_softc(dev); sc->xlpnae_dev = dev; sc->node = nae_ivars->node; sc->base = nlm_get_nae_regbase(sc->node); sc->poe_base = nlm_get_poe_regbase(sc->node); sc->poedv_base = nlm_get_poedv_regbase(sc->node); sc->portcfg = nae_port_config; sc->blockmask = nae_ivars->blockmask; sc->ilmask = nae_ivars->ilmask; sc->xauimask = nae_ivars->xauimask; sc->sgmiimask = nae_ivars->sgmiimask; sc->nblocks = nae_ivars->nblocks; sc->freq = nae_ivars->freq; /* flow table generation is done by CRC16 polynomial */ sc->flow_crc_poly = nae_ivars->flow_crc_poly; sc->hw_parser_en = nae_ivars->hw_parser_en; sc->prepad_en = nae_ivars->prepad_en; sc->prepad_size = nae_ivars->prepad_size; sc->ieee_1588_en = nae_ivars->ieee_1588_en; nae_pcibase = nlm_get_nae_pcibase(sc->node); sc->ncontexts = nlm_read_reg(nae_pcibase, XLP_PCI_DEVINFO_REG5); sc->nucores = nlm_num_uengines(nae_pcibase); for (nblock = 0; nblock < sc->nblocks; nblock++) { sc->cmplx_type[nblock] = nae_ivars->block_ivars[nblock].type; sc->portmask[nblock] = nae_ivars->block_ivars[nblock].portmask; } for (i = 0; i < sc->ncontexts; i++) cntx2port[i] = 18; /* 18 is an invalid port */ if (sc->nblocks == 5) sc->max_ports = 18; /* 8xx has a block 4 with 2 ports */ else sc->max_ports = sc->nblocks * PORTS_PER_CMPLX; for (i = 0; i < sc->max_ports; i++) sc->portcfg[i].type = UNKNOWN; /* Port Not Present */ /* * Now setup all internal fifo carvings based on * total number of ports in the system */ sc->total_free_desc = 0; sc->total_num_ports = 0; port = 0; context = 0; txq_base = nlm_qidstart(nae_pcibase); rxvcbase = txq_base + sc->ncontexts; for (i = 0; i < sc->nblocks; i++) { uint32_t portmask; if ((nae_ivars->blockmask & (1 << i)) == 0) { port += 4; continue; } portmask = nae_ivars->block_ivars[i].portmask; for (j = 0; j < PORTS_PER_CMPLX; j++, port++) { if ((portmask & (1 << j)) == 0) continue; nlm_setup_portcfg(sc, nae_ivars, i, port); nchan = sc->portcfg[port].num_channels; for (offset = 0; offset < nchan; offset++) cntx2port[context + offset] = port; sc->portcfg[port].txq = txq_base + context; sc->portcfg[port].rxfreeq = rxvcbase + port; context += nchan; } } poe_pcibase = nlm_get_poe_pcibase(sc->node); sc->per_port_num_flows = nlm_poe_max_flows(poe_pcibase) / sc->total_num_ports; /* zone for P2P descriptors */ nl_tx_desc_zone = uma_zcreate("NL Tx Desc", sizeof(struct xlpge_tx_desc), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NAE_CACHELINE_SIZE, 0); /* NAE FMN messages have CMS src station id's in the * range of qstart to qnum. */ qstart = nlm_qidstart(nae_pcibase); qnum = nlm_qnum(nae_pcibase); if (register_msgring_handler(qstart, qstart + qnum - 1, nlm_xlpge_msgring_handler, sc)) { panic("Couldn't register NAE msgring handler\n"); } /* POE FMN messages have CMS src station id's in the * range of qstart to qnum. */ qstart = nlm_qidstart(poe_pcibase); qnum = nlm_qnum(poe_pcibase); if (register_msgring_handler(qstart, qstart + qnum - 1, nlm_xlpge_msgring_handler, sc)) { panic("Couldn't register POE msgring handler\n"); } nlm_xlpnae_init(node, sc); for (i = 0; i < sc->max_ports; i++) { char desc[32]; int block, port; if (sc->portcfg[i].type == UNKNOWN) continue; block = sc->portcfg[i].block; port = sc->portcfg[i].port; tmpd = device_add_child(dev, "xlpge", i); device_set_ivars(tmpd, &(nae_ivars->block_ivars[block].port_ivars[port])); sprintf(desc, "XLP NAE Port %d,%d", block, port); device_set_desc_copy(tmpd, desc); } nlm_setup_iface_fifo_cfg(sc->base, sc->max_ports, sc->portcfg); nlm_setup_rx_base_config(sc->base, sc->max_ports, sc->portcfg); nlm_setup_rx_buf_config(sc->base, sc->max_ports, sc->portcfg); nlm_setup_freein_fifo_cfg(sc->base, sc->portcfg); nlm_program_nae_parser_seq_fifo(sc->base, sc->max_ports, sc->portcfg); nlm_xlpnae_print_frin_desc_carving(sc); bus_generic_probe(dev); bus_generic_attach(dev); /* * Enable only boot cpu at this point, full distribution comes * only after SMP is started */ nlm_write_poe_reg(sc->poe_base, POE_DISTR_EN, 0); nlm_calc_poe_distvec(0x1, 0, 0, 0, 0x1 << XLPGE_RX_VC, dv); nlm_write_poe_distvec(sc->poedv_base, 0, dv); nlm_write_poe_reg(sc->poe_base, POE_DISTR_EN, 1); return (0); } static int nlm_xlpnae_detach(device_t dev) { /* TODO - free zone here */ return (0); } static int nlm_xlpnae_suspend(device_t dev) { return (0); } static int nlm_xlpnae_resume(device_t dev) { return (0); } static int nlm_xlpnae_shutdown(device_t dev) { return (0); } /* * xlpge driver implementation */ static void nlm_xlpge_mac_set_rx_mode(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc) { if (sc->if_flags & IFF_PROMISC) { if (sc->type == SGMIIC) nlm_nae_setup_rx_mode_sgmii(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->port, sc->type, 1 /* broadcast */, 1/* multicast */, 0 /* pause */, 1 /* promisc */); else nlm_nae_setup_rx_mode_xaui(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->port, sc->type, 1 /* broadcast */, 1/* multicast */, 0 /* pause */, 1 /* promisc */); } else { if (sc->type == SGMIIC) nlm_nae_setup_rx_mode_sgmii(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->port, sc->type, 1 /* broadcast */, 1/* multicast */, 0 /* pause */, 0 /* promisc */); else nlm_nae_setup_rx_mode_xaui(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->port, sc->type, 1 /* broadcast */, 1/* multicast */, 0 /* pause */, 0 /* promisc */); } } static int nlm_xlpge_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifp, u_long command, caddr_t data) { struct mii_data *mii; struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; struct ifreq *ifr; int error; sc = ifp->if_softc; error = 0; ifr = (struct ifreq *)data; switch (command) { case SIOCSIFFLAGS: XLPGE_LOCK(sc); sc->if_flags = ifp->if_flags; if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) { if ((ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) == 0) nlm_xlpge_init(sc); else nlm_xlpge_port_enable(sc); nlm_xlpge_mac_set_rx_mode(sc); sc->link = NLM_LINK_UP; } else { if (ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) nlm_xlpge_port_disable(sc); sc->link = NLM_LINK_DOWN; } XLPGE_UNLOCK(sc); error = 0; break; case SIOCGIFMEDIA: case SIOCSIFMEDIA: if (sc->mii_bus != NULL) { mii = device_get_softc(sc->mii_bus); error = ifmedia_ioctl(ifp, ifr, &mii->mii_media, command); } break; default: error = ether_ioctl(ifp, command, data); break; } return (error); } static int xlpge_tx(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *mbuf_chain) { struct nlm_fmn_msg msg; struct xlpge_tx_desc *p2p; struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; struct mbuf *m; vm_paddr_t paddr; int fbid, dst, pos, err; int ret = 0, tx_msgstatus, retries; err = 0; if (mbuf_chain == NULL) return (0); sc = ifp->if_softc; p2p = NULL; if (!(ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) || ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_OACTIVE) { err = ENXIO; goto fail; } /* free a few in coming messages on the fb vc */ xlp_handle_msg_vc(1 << XLPGE_FB_VC, 2); /* vfb id table is setup to map cpu to vc 3 of the cpu */ fbid = nlm_cpuid(); dst = sc->txq; pos = 0; p2p = uma_zalloc(nl_tx_desc_zone, M_NOWAIT); if (p2p == NULL) { printf("alloc fail\n"); err = ENOBUFS; goto fail; } for (m = mbuf_chain; m != NULL; m = m->m_next) { vm_offset_t buf = (vm_offset_t) m->m_data; int len = m->m_len; int frag_sz; uint64_t desc; /*printf("m_data = %p len %d\n", m->m_data, len); */ while (len) { if (pos == XLP_NTXFRAGS - 3) { device_printf(sc->xlpge_dev, "packet defrag %d\n", m_length(mbuf_chain, NULL)); err = ENOBUFS; /* TODO fix error */ goto fail; } paddr = vtophys(buf); frag_sz = PAGE_SIZE - (buf & PAGE_MASK); if (len < frag_sz) frag_sz = len; desc = nae_tx_desc(P2D_NEOP, 0, 127, frag_sz, paddr); p2p->frag[pos] = htobe64(desc); pos++; len -= frag_sz; buf += frag_sz; } } KASSERT(pos != 0, ("Zero-length mbuf chain?\n")); /* Make the last one P2D EOP */ p2p->frag[pos-1] |= htobe64((uint64_t)P2D_EOP << 62); /* stash useful pointers in the desc */ p2p->frag[XLP_NTXFRAGS-3] = 0xf00bad; p2p->frag[XLP_NTXFRAGS-2] = (uintptr_t)p2p; p2p->frag[XLP_NTXFRAGS-1] = (uintptr_t)mbuf_chain; paddr = vtophys(p2p); msg.msg[0] = nae_tx_desc(P2P, 0, fbid, pos, paddr); for (retries = 16; retries > 0; retries--) { ret = nlm_fmn_msgsend(dst, 1, FMN_SWCODE_NAE, &msg); if (ret == 0) return (0); } fail: if (ret != 0) { tx_msgstatus = nlm_read_c2_txmsgstatus(); if ((tx_msgstatus >> 24) & 0x1) device_printf(sc->xlpge_dev, "Transmit queue full - "); if ((tx_msgstatus >> 3) & 0x1) device_printf(sc->xlpge_dev, "ECC error - "); if ((tx_msgstatus >> 2) & 0x1) device_printf(sc->xlpge_dev, "Pending Sync - "); if ((tx_msgstatus >> 1) & 0x1) device_printf(sc->xlpge_dev, "Insufficient input queue credits - "); if (tx_msgstatus & 0x1) device_printf(sc->xlpge_dev, "Insufficient output queue credits - "); } device_printf(sc->xlpge_dev, "Send failed! err = %d\n", err); if (p2p) uma_zfree(nl_tx_desc_zone, p2p); m_freem(mbuf_chain); if_inc_counter(ifp, IFCOUNTER_IQDROPS, 1); return (err); } static int nlm_xlpge_gmac_config_speed(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc) { struct mii_data *mii; if (sc->type == XAUIC || sc->type == ILC) return (0); if (sc->mii_bus) { mii = device_get_softc(sc->mii_bus); mii_pollstat(mii); } return (0); } static void nlm_xlpge_port_disable(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc) { struct ifnet *ifp; ifp = sc->xlpge_if; ifp->if_drv_flags &= ~IFF_DRV_RUNNING; callout_stop(&sc->xlpge_callout); nlm_mac_disable(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->type, sc->port); } static void nlm_mii_pollstat(void *arg) { struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc = (struct nlm_xlpge_softc *)arg; struct mii_data *mii = NULL; if (sc->mii_bus) { mii = device_get_softc(sc->mii_bus); KASSERT(mii != NULL, ("mii ptr is NULL")); mii_pollstat(mii); callout_reset(&sc->xlpge_callout, hz, nlm_mii_pollstat, sc); } } static void nlm_xlpge_port_enable(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc) { if ((sc->type != SGMIIC) && (sc->type != XAUIC)) return; nlm_mac_enable(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->type, sc->port); nlm_mii_pollstat((void *)sc); } static void nlm_xlpge_init(void *addr) { struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; struct ifnet *ifp; struct mii_data *mii = NULL; sc = (struct nlm_xlpge_softc *)addr; ifp = sc->xlpge_if; if (ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) return; if (sc->mii_bus) { mii = device_get_softc(sc->mii_bus); mii_mediachg(mii); } nlm_xlpge_gmac_config_speed(sc); ifp->if_drv_flags |= IFF_DRV_RUNNING; ifp->if_drv_flags &= ~IFF_DRV_OACTIVE; nlm_xlpge_port_enable(sc); /* start the callout */ callout_reset(&sc->xlpge_callout, hz, nlm_mii_pollstat, sc); } /* * Read the MAC address from FDT or board eeprom. */ static void xlpge_read_mac_addr(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc) { xlpge_get_macaddr(sc->dev_addr); /* last octet is port specific */ sc->dev_addr[5] += (sc->block * 4) + sc->port; if (sc->type == SGMIIC) nlm_nae_setup_mac_addr_sgmii(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->port, sc->type, sc->dev_addr); else if (sc->type == XAUIC) nlm_nae_setup_mac_addr_xaui(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->port, sc->type, sc->dev_addr); } static int xlpge_mediachange(struct ifnet *ifp) { return (0); } static void xlpge_mediastatus(struct ifnet *ifp, struct ifmediareq *ifmr) { struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; struct mii_data *md; md = NULL; sc = ifp->if_softc; if (sc->mii_bus) md = device_get_softc(sc->mii_bus); ifmr->ifm_status = IFM_AVALID; ifmr->ifm_active = IFM_ETHER; if (sc->link == NLM_LINK_DOWN) return; if (md != NULL) ifmr->ifm_active = md->mii_media.ifm_cur->ifm_media; ifmr->ifm_status |= IFM_ACTIVE; } static int nlm_xlpge_ifinit(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc) { struct ifnet *ifp; device_t dev; int port = sc->block * 4 + sc->port; dev = sc->xlpge_dev; ifp = sc->xlpge_if = if_alloc(IFT_ETHER); /*(sc->network_sc)->ifp_ports[port].xlpge_if = ifp;*/ ifp_ports[port].xlpge_if = ifp; if (ifp == NULL) { device_printf(dev, "cannot if_alloc()\n"); return (ENOSPC); } ifp->if_softc = sc; if_initname(ifp, device_get_name(dev), device_get_unit(dev)); ifp->if_flags = IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_SIMPLEX | IFF_MULTICAST; sc->if_flags = ifp->if_flags; /*ifp->if_capabilities = IFCAP_TXCSUM | IFCAP_VLAN_HWTAGGING;*/ ifp->if_capabilities = 0; ifp->if_capenable = ifp->if_capabilities; ifp->if_ioctl = nlm_xlpge_ioctl; ifp->if_init = nlm_xlpge_init ; ifp->if_hwassist = 0; ifp->if_snd.ifq_drv_maxlen = NLM_XLPGE_TXQ_SIZE; /* TODO: make this a sysint */ IFQ_SET_MAXLEN(&ifp->if_snd, ifp->if_snd.ifq_drv_maxlen); IFQ_SET_READY(&ifp->if_snd); ifmedia_init(&sc->xlpge_mii.mii_media, 0, xlpge_mediachange, xlpge_mediastatus); ifmedia_add(&sc->xlpge_mii.mii_media, IFM_ETHER | IFM_AUTO, 0, NULL); ifmedia_set(&sc->xlpge_mii.mii_media, IFM_ETHER | IFM_AUTO); sc->xlpge_mii.mii_media.ifm_media = sc->xlpge_mii.mii_media.ifm_cur->ifm_media; xlpge_read_mac_addr(sc); ether_ifattach(ifp, sc->dev_addr); /* override if_transmit : per ifnet(9), do it after if_attach */ ifp->if_transmit = xlpge_tx; return (0); } static int nlm_xlpge_probe(device_t dev) { return (BUS_PROBE_DEFAULT); } static void * get_buf(void) { struct mbuf *m_new; uint64_t *md; #ifdef INVARIANTS vm_paddr_t temp1, temp2; #endif if ((m_new = m_getcl(M_NOWAIT, MT_DATA, M_PKTHDR)) == NULL) return (NULL); m_new->m_len = m_new->m_pkthdr.len = MCLBYTES; KASSERT(((uintptr_t)m_new->m_data & (NAE_CACHELINE_SIZE - 1)) == 0, ("m_new->m_data is not cacheline aligned")); md = (uint64_t *)m_new->m_data; md[0] = (intptr_t)m_new; /* Back Ptr */ md[1] = 0xf00bad; m_adj(m_new, NAE_CACHELINE_SIZE); #ifdef INVARIANTS temp1 = vtophys((vm_offset_t) m_new->m_data); temp2 = vtophys((vm_offset_t) m_new->m_data + 1536); KASSERT((temp1 + 1536) == temp2, ("Alloced buffer is not contiguous")); #endif return ((void *)m_new->m_data); } static void nlm_xlpge_mii_init(device_t dev, struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc) { int error; error = mii_attach(dev, &sc->mii_bus, sc->xlpge_if, xlpge_mediachange, xlpge_mediastatus, BMSR_DEFCAPMASK, sc->phy_addr, MII_OFFSET_ANY, 0); if (error) { device_printf(dev, "attaching PHYs failed\n"); sc->mii_bus = NULL; } if (sc->mii_bus != NULL) { /* enable MDIO interrupts in the PHY */ /* XXXJC: TODO */ } } static int xlpge_stats_sysctl(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; uint32_t val; int reg, field; sc = arg1; field = arg2; reg = SGMII_STATS_MLR(sc->block, sc->port) + field; val = nlm_read_nae_reg(sc->base_addr, reg); return (sysctl_handle_int(oidp, &val, 0, req)); } static void nlm_xlpge_setup_stats_sysctl(device_t dev, struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc) { struct sysctl_ctx_list *ctx; struct sysctl_oid_list *child; struct sysctl_oid *tree; ctx = device_get_sysctl_ctx(dev); tree = device_get_sysctl_tree(dev); child = SYSCTL_CHILDREN(tree); #define XLPGE_STAT(name, offset, desc) \ SYSCTL_ADD_PROC(ctx, child, OID_AUTO, name, \ CTLTYPE_UINT | CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_NEEDGIANT, \ sc, offset, xlpge_stats_sysctl, "IU", desc) XLPGE_STAT("tr127", nlm_sgmii_stats_tr127, "TxRx 64 - 127 Bytes"); XLPGE_STAT("tr255", nlm_sgmii_stats_tr255, "TxRx 128 - 255 Bytes"); XLPGE_STAT("tr511", nlm_sgmii_stats_tr511, "TxRx 256 - 511 Bytes"); XLPGE_STAT("tr1k", nlm_sgmii_stats_tr1k, "TxRx 512 - 1023 Bytes"); XLPGE_STAT("trmax", nlm_sgmii_stats_trmax, "TxRx 1024 - 1518 Bytes"); XLPGE_STAT("trmgv", nlm_sgmii_stats_trmgv, "TxRx 1519 - 1522 Bytes"); XLPGE_STAT("rbyt", nlm_sgmii_stats_rbyt, "Rx Bytes"); XLPGE_STAT("rpkt", nlm_sgmii_stats_rpkt, "Rx Packets"); XLPGE_STAT("rfcs", nlm_sgmii_stats_rfcs, "Rx FCS Error"); XLPGE_STAT("rmca", nlm_sgmii_stats_rmca, "Rx Multicast Packets"); XLPGE_STAT("rbca", nlm_sgmii_stats_rbca, "Rx Broadcast Packets"); XLPGE_STAT("rxcf", nlm_sgmii_stats_rxcf, "Rx Control Frames"); XLPGE_STAT("rxpf", nlm_sgmii_stats_rxpf, "Rx Pause Frames"); XLPGE_STAT("rxuo", nlm_sgmii_stats_rxuo, "Rx Unknown Opcode"); XLPGE_STAT("raln", nlm_sgmii_stats_raln, "Rx Alignment Errors"); XLPGE_STAT("rflr", nlm_sgmii_stats_rflr, "Rx Framelength Errors"); XLPGE_STAT("rcde", nlm_sgmii_stats_rcde, "Rx Code Errors"); XLPGE_STAT("rcse", nlm_sgmii_stats_rcse, "Rx Carrier Sense Errors"); XLPGE_STAT("rund", nlm_sgmii_stats_rund, "Rx Undersize Packet Errors"); XLPGE_STAT("rovr", nlm_sgmii_stats_rovr, "Rx Oversize Packet Errors"); XLPGE_STAT("rfrg", nlm_sgmii_stats_rfrg, "Rx Fragments"); XLPGE_STAT("rjbr", nlm_sgmii_stats_rjbr, "Rx Jabber"); XLPGE_STAT("tbyt", nlm_sgmii_stats_tbyt, "Tx Bytes"); XLPGE_STAT("tpkt", nlm_sgmii_stats_tpkt, "Tx Packets"); XLPGE_STAT("tmca", nlm_sgmii_stats_tmca, "Tx Multicast Packets"); XLPGE_STAT("tbca", nlm_sgmii_stats_tbca, "Tx Broadcast Packets"); XLPGE_STAT("txpf", nlm_sgmii_stats_txpf, "Tx Pause Frame"); XLPGE_STAT("tdfr", nlm_sgmii_stats_tdfr, "Tx Deferral Packets"); XLPGE_STAT("tedf", nlm_sgmii_stats_tedf, "Tx Excessive Deferral Pkts"); XLPGE_STAT("tscl", nlm_sgmii_stats_tscl, "Tx Single Collisions"); XLPGE_STAT("tmcl", nlm_sgmii_stats_tmcl, "Tx Multiple Collisions"); XLPGE_STAT("tlcl", nlm_sgmii_stats_tlcl, "Tx Late Collision Pkts"); XLPGE_STAT("txcl", nlm_sgmii_stats_txcl, "Tx Excessive Collisions"); XLPGE_STAT("tncl", nlm_sgmii_stats_tncl, "Tx Total Collisions"); XLPGE_STAT("tjbr", nlm_sgmii_stats_tjbr, "Tx Jabber Frames"); XLPGE_STAT("tfcs", nlm_sgmii_stats_tfcs, "Tx FCS Errors"); XLPGE_STAT("txcf", nlm_sgmii_stats_txcf, "Tx Control Frames"); XLPGE_STAT("tovr", nlm_sgmii_stats_tovr, "Tx Oversize Frames"); XLPGE_STAT("tund", nlm_sgmii_stats_tund, "Tx Undersize Frames"); XLPGE_STAT("tfrg", nlm_sgmii_stats_tfrg, "Tx Fragments"); #undef XLPGE_STAT } static int nlm_xlpge_attach(device_t dev) { struct xlp_port_ivars *pv; struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; int port; pv = device_get_ivars(dev); sc = device_get_softc(dev); sc->xlpge_dev = dev; sc->mii_bus = NULL; sc->block = pv->block; sc->node = pv->node; sc->port = pv->port; sc->type = pv->type; sc->xlpge_if = NULL; sc->phy_addr = pv->phy_addr; sc->mdio_bus = pv->mdio_bus; sc->portcfg = nae_port_config; sc->hw_parser_en = pv->hw_parser_en; /* default settings */ sc->speed = NLM_SGMII_SPEED_10; sc->duplexity = NLM_SGMII_DUPLEX_FULL; sc->link = NLM_LINK_DOWN; sc->flowctrl = NLM_FLOWCTRL_DISABLED; sc->network_sc = device_get_softc(device_get_parent(dev)); sc->base_addr = sc->network_sc->base; sc->prepad_en = sc->network_sc->prepad_en; sc->prepad_size = sc->network_sc->prepad_size; callout_init(&sc->xlpge_callout, 1); XLPGE_LOCK_INIT(sc, device_get_nameunit(dev)); port = (sc->block*4)+sc->port; sc->nfree_desc = nae_port_config[port].num_free_descs; sc->txq = nae_port_config[port].txq; sc->rxfreeq = nae_port_config[port].rxfreeq; nlm_xlpge_submit_rx_free_desc(sc, sc->nfree_desc); if (sc->hw_parser_en) nlm_enable_hardware_parser_per_port(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->port); nlm_xlpge_ifinit(sc); ifp_ports[port].xlpge_sc = sc; nlm_xlpge_mii_init(dev, sc); nlm_xlpge_setup_stats_sysctl(dev, sc); return (0); } static int nlm_xlpge_detach(device_t dev) { return (0); } static int nlm_xlpge_suspend(device_t dev) { return (0); } static int nlm_xlpge_resume(device_t dev) { return (0); } static int nlm_xlpge_shutdown(device_t dev) { return (0); } /* * miibus function with custom implementation */ static int nlm_xlpge_mii_read(device_t dev, int phyaddr, int regidx) { struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; int val; sc = device_get_softc(dev); if (sc->type == SGMIIC) val = nlm_gmac_mdio_read(sc->base_addr, sc->mdio_bus, BLOCK_7, LANE_CFG, phyaddr, regidx); else val = 0xffff; return (val); } static int nlm_xlpge_mii_write(device_t dev, int phyaddr, int regidx, int val) { struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; sc = device_get_softc(dev); if (sc->type == SGMIIC) nlm_gmac_mdio_write(sc->base_addr, sc->mdio_bus, BLOCK_7, LANE_CFG, phyaddr, regidx, val); return (0); } static void nlm_xlpge_mii_statchg(device_t dev) { struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc; struct mii_data *mii; char *speed, *duplexity; sc = device_get_softc(dev); if (sc->mii_bus == NULL) return; mii = device_get_softc(sc->mii_bus); if (mii->mii_media_status & IFM_ACTIVE) { if (IFM_SUBTYPE(mii->mii_media_active) == IFM_10_T) { sc->speed = NLM_SGMII_SPEED_10; speed = "10Mbps"; } else if (IFM_SUBTYPE(mii->mii_media_active) == IFM_100_TX) { sc->speed = NLM_SGMII_SPEED_100; speed = "100Mbps"; } else { /* default to 1G */ sc->speed = NLM_SGMII_SPEED_1000; speed = "1Gbps"; } if ((mii->mii_media_active & IFM_GMASK) == IFM_FDX) { sc->duplexity = NLM_SGMII_DUPLEX_FULL; duplexity = "full"; } else { sc->duplexity = NLM_SGMII_DUPLEX_HALF; duplexity = "half"; } printf("Port [%d, %d] setup with speed=%s duplex=%s\n", sc->block, sc->port, speed, duplexity); nlm_nae_setup_mac(sc->base_addr, sc->block, sc->port, 0, 1, 1, sc->speed, sc->duplexity); } } /* * xlpge support function implementations */ static void nlm_xlpge_release_mbuf(uint64_t paddr) { uint64_t mag, desc, mbuf; paddr += (XLP_NTXFRAGS - 3) * sizeof(uint64_t); mag = nlm_paddr_ld(paddr); desc = nlm_paddr_ld(paddr + sizeof(uint64_t)); mbuf = nlm_paddr_ld(paddr + 2 * sizeof(uint64_t)); if (mag != 0xf00bad) { /* somebody else packet Error - FIXME in intialization */ printf("cpu %d: ERR Tx packet paddr %jx, mag %jx, desc %jx mbuf %jx\n", nlm_cpuid(), (uintmax_t)paddr, (uintmax_t)mag, (intmax_t)desc, (uintmax_t)mbuf); return; } m_freem((struct mbuf *)(uintptr_t)mbuf); uma_zfree(nl_tx_desc_zone, (void *)(uintptr_t)desc); } static void nlm_xlpge_rx(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc, int port, vm_paddr_t paddr, int len) { struct ifnet *ifp; struct mbuf *m; vm_offset_t temp; unsigned long mag; int prepad_size; ifp = sc->xlpge_if; temp = nlm_paddr_ld(paddr - NAE_CACHELINE_SIZE); mag = nlm_paddr_ld(paddr - NAE_CACHELINE_SIZE + sizeof(uint64_t)); m = (struct mbuf *)(intptr_t)temp; if (mag != 0xf00bad) { /* somebody else packet Error - FIXME in intialization */ printf("cpu %d: ERR Rx packet paddr %jx, temp %p, mag %lx\n", nlm_cpuid(), (uintmax_t)paddr, (void *)temp, mag); return; } m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp; #ifdef DUMP_PACKET { int i = 0, j = 64; unsigned char *buf = (char *)m->m_data; printf("(cpu_%d: nlge_rx, !RX_COPY) Rx Packet: length=%d\n", nlm_cpuid(), len); if (len < j) j = len; if (sc->prepad_en) j += ((sc->prepad_size + 1) * 16); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { if (i && (i % 16) == 0) printf("\n"); printf("%02x ", buf[i]); } printf("\n"); } #endif if (sc->prepad_en) { prepad_size = ((sc->prepad_size + 1) * 16); m->m_data += prepad_size; m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len = (len - prepad_size); } else m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len = len; if_inc_counter(ifp, IFCOUNTER_IPACKETS, 1); #ifdef XLP_DRIVER_LOOPBACK if (port == 16 || port == 17) (*ifp->if_input)(ifp, m); else xlpge_tx(ifp, m); #else (*ifp->if_input)(ifp, m); #endif } void nlm_xlpge_submit_rx_free_desc(struct nlm_xlpge_softc *sc, int num) { int i, size, ret, n; struct nlm_fmn_msg msg; void *ptr; for(i = 0; i < num; i++) { memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); ptr = get_buf(); if (!ptr) { device_printf(sc->xlpge_dev, "Cannot allocate mbuf\n"); break; } msg.msg[0] = vtophys(ptr); if (msg.msg[0] == 0) { printf("Bad ptr for %p\n", ptr); break; } size = 1; n = 0; while (1) { /* on success returns 1, else 0 */ ret = nlm_fmn_msgsend(sc->rxfreeq, size, 0, &msg); if (ret == 0) break; if (n++ > 10000) { printf("Too many credit fails for send free desc\n"); break; } } } } void nlm_xlpge_msgring_handler(int vc, int size, int code, int src_id, struct nlm_fmn_msg *msg, void *data) { uint64_t phys_addr; struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *sc; struct nlm_xlpge_softc *xlpge_sc; struct ifnet *ifp; uint32_t context; uint32_t port = 0; uint32_t length; sc = (struct nlm_xlpnae_softc *)data; KASSERT(sc != NULL, ("Null sc in msgring handler")); if (size == 1) { /* process transmit complete */ phys_addr = msg->msg[0] & 0xffffffffffULL; /* context is SGMII_RCV_CONTEXT_NUM + three bit vlan type * or vlan priority */ context = (msg->msg[0] >> 40) & 0x3fff; port = cntx2port[context]; if (port >= XLP_MAX_PORTS) { printf("%s:%d Bad port %d (context=%d)\n", __func__, __LINE__, port, context); return; } ifp = ifp_ports[port].xlpge_if; xlpge_sc = ifp_ports[port].xlpge_sc; nlm_xlpge_release_mbuf(phys_addr); if_inc_counter(ifp, IFCOUNTER_OPACKETS, 1); } else if (size > 1) { /* Recieve packet */ phys_addr = msg->msg[1] & 0xffffffffc0ULL; length = (msg->msg[1] >> 40) & 0x3fff; length -= MAC_CRC_LEN; /* context is SGMII_RCV_CONTEXT_NUM + three bit vlan type * or vlan priority */ context = (msg->msg[1] >> 54) & 0x3ff; port = cntx2port[context]; if (port >= XLP_MAX_PORTS) { printf("%s:%d Bad port %d (context=%d)\n", __func__, __LINE__, port, context); return; } ifp = ifp_ports[port].xlpge_if; xlpge_sc = ifp_ports[port].xlpge_sc; nlm_xlpge_rx(xlpge_sc, port, phys_addr, length); /* return back a free descriptor to NA */ nlm_xlpge_submit_rx_free_desc(xlpge_sc, 1); } } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/aim/aim_machdep.c b/sys/powerpc/aim/aim_machdep.c index 784207e9a70d..d582489d9f7e 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/aim/aim_machdep.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/aim/aim_machdep.c @@ -1,790 +1,789 @@ /*- * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Wolfgang Solfrank. * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 TooLs GmbH. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. * 4. The name of TooLs GmbH may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TOOLS GMBH ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (C) 2001 Benno Rice * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Benno Rice ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * $NetBSD: machdep.c,v 2000/11/01 16:13:48 tv Exp $ */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include "opt_platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __powerpc64__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __powerpc64__ #include "mmu_oea64.h" #endif #ifndef __powerpc64__ struct bat battable[16]; #endif int radix_mmu = 0; #ifndef __powerpc64__ /* Bits for running on 64-bit systems in 32-bit mode. */ extern void *testppc64, *testppc64size; extern void *restorebridge, *restorebridgesize; extern void *rfid_patch, *rfi_patch1, *rfi_patch2; extern void *trapcode64; extern Elf_Addr _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[]; #endif extern void *rstcode, *rstcodeend; extern void *trapcode, *trapcodeend; extern void *hypertrapcode, *hypertrapcodeend; extern void *generictrap, *generictrap64; extern void *alitrap, *aliend; extern void *dsitrap, *dsiend; extern void *decrint, *decrsize; extern void *extint, *extsize; extern void *dblow, *dbend; extern void *imisstrap, *imisssize; extern void *dlmisstrap, *dlmisssize; extern void *dsmisstrap, *dsmisssize; extern void *ap_pcpu; extern void __restartkernel(vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, void *, uint32_t, register_t offset, register_t msr); extern void __restartkernel_virtual(vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, void *, uint32_t, register_t offset, register_t msr); void aim_early_init(vm_offset_t fdt, vm_offset_t toc, vm_offset_t ofentry, void *mdp, uint32_t mdp_cookie); void aim_cpu_init(vm_offset_t toc); void aim_early_init(vm_offset_t fdt, vm_offset_t toc, vm_offset_t ofentry, void *mdp, uint32_t mdp_cookie) { register_t scratch; /* * If running from an FDT, make sure we are in real mode to avoid * tromping on firmware page tables. Everything in the kernel assumes * 1:1 mappings out of firmware, so this won't break anything not * already broken. This doesn't work if there is live OF, since OF * may internally use non-1:1 mappings. */ if (ofentry == 0) mtmsr(mfmsr() & ~(PSL_IR | PSL_DR)); #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* * Relocate to high memory so that the kernel * can execute from the direct map. * * If we are in virtual mode already, use a special entry point * that sets up a temporary DMAP to execute from until we can * properly set up the MMU. */ if ((vm_offset_t)&aim_early_init < DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS) { if (mfmsr() & PSL_DR) { __restartkernel_virtual(fdt, 0, ofentry, mdp, mdp_cookie, DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, mfmsr()); } else { __restartkernel(fdt, 0, ofentry, mdp, mdp_cookie, DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS, mfmsr()); } } #endif /* Various very early CPU fix ups */ switch (mfpvr() >> 16) { /* * PowerPC 970 CPUs have a misfeature requested by Apple that * makes them pretend they have a 32-byte cacheline. Turn this * off before we measure the cacheline size. */ case IBM970: case IBM970FX: case IBM970MP: case IBM970GX: scratch = mfspr(SPR_HID5); scratch &= ~HID5_970_DCBZ_SIZE_HI; mtspr(SPR_HID5, scratch); break; #ifdef __powerpc64__ case IBMPOWER7: case IBMPOWER7PLUS: case IBMPOWER8: case IBMPOWER8E: case IBMPOWER8NVL: case IBMPOWER9: /* XXX: get from ibm,slb-size in device tree */ n_slbs = 32; break; #endif } } void aim_cpu_init(vm_offset_t toc) { size_t trap_offset, trapsize; vm_offset_t trap; register_t msr; uint8_t *cache_check; int cacheline_warn; #ifndef __powerpc64__ register_t scratch; int ppc64; #endif trap_offset = 0; cacheline_warn = 0; /* General setup for AIM CPUs */ psl_kernset = PSL_EE | PSL_ME | PSL_IR | PSL_DR | PSL_RI; #ifdef __powerpc64__ psl_kernset |= PSL_SF; if (mfmsr() & PSL_HV) psl_kernset |= PSL_HV; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN psl_kernset |= PSL_LE; #endif #endif psl_userset = psl_kernset | PSL_PR; #ifdef __powerpc64__ psl_userset32 = psl_userset & ~PSL_SF; #endif /* * Zeroed bits in this variable signify that the value of the bit * in its position is allowed to vary between userspace contexts. * * All other bits are required to be identical for every userspace * context. The actual *value* of the bit is determined by * psl_userset and/or psl_userset32, and is not allowed to change. * * Remember to update this set when implementing support for * *conditionally* enabling a processor facility. Failing to do * this will cause swapcontext() in userspace to break when a * process uses a conditionally-enabled facility. * * When *unconditionally* implementing support for a processor * facility, update psl_userset / psl_userset32 instead. * * See the access control check in set_mcontext(). */ psl_userstatic = ~(PSL_VSX | PSL_VEC | PSL_FP | PSL_FE0 | PSL_FE1); /* * Mask bits from the SRR1 that aren't really the MSR: * Bits 1-4, 10-15 (ppc32), 33-36, 42-47 (ppc64) */ psl_userstatic &= ~0x783f0000UL; /* * Initialize the interrupt tables and figure out our cache line * size and whether or not we need the 64-bit bridge code. */ /* * Disable translation in case the vector area hasn't been * mapped (G5). Note that no OFW calls can be made until * translation is re-enabled. */ msr = mfmsr(); mtmsr((msr & ~(PSL_IR | PSL_DR)) | PSL_RI); /* * Measure the cacheline size using dcbz * * Use EXC_PGM as a playground. We are about to overwrite it * anyway, we know it exists, and we know it is cache-aligned. */ cache_check = (void *)EXC_PGM; for (cacheline_size = 0; cacheline_size < 0x100; cacheline_size++) cache_check[cacheline_size] = 0xff; __asm __volatile("dcbz 0,%0":: "r" (cache_check) : "memory"); /* Find the first byte dcbz did not zero to get the cache line size */ for (cacheline_size = 0; cacheline_size < 0x100 && cache_check[cacheline_size] == 0; cacheline_size++); /* Work around psim bug */ if (cacheline_size == 0) { cacheline_warn = 1; cacheline_size = 32; } #ifndef __powerpc64__ /* * Figure out whether we need to use the 64 bit PMAP. This works by * executing an instruction that is only legal on 64-bit PPC (mtmsrd), * and setting ppc64 = 0 if that causes a trap. */ ppc64 = 1; bcopy(&testppc64, (void *)EXC_PGM, (size_t)&testppc64size); __syncicache((void *)EXC_PGM, (size_t)&testppc64size); __asm __volatile("\ mfmsr %0; \ mtsprg2 %1; \ \ mtmsrd %0; \ mfsprg2 %1;" : "=r"(scratch), "=r"(ppc64)); if (ppc64) cpu_features |= PPC_FEATURE_64; /* * Now copy restorebridge into all the handlers, if necessary, * and set up the trap tables. */ if (cpu_features & PPC_FEATURE_64) { /* Patch the two instances of rfi -> rfid */ bcopy(&rfid_patch,&rfi_patch1,4); #ifdef KDB /* rfi_patch2 is at the end of dbleave */ bcopy(&rfid_patch,&rfi_patch2,4); #endif } #else /* powerpc64 */ cpu_features |= PPC_FEATURE_64; #endif trapsize = (size_t)&trapcodeend - (size_t)&trapcode; /* * Copy generic handler into every possible trap. Special cases will get * different ones in a minute. */ for (trap = EXC_RST; trap < EXC_LAST; trap += 0x20) bcopy(&trapcode, (void *)trap, trapsize); #ifndef __powerpc64__ if (cpu_features & PPC_FEATURE_64) { /* * Copy a code snippet to restore 32-bit bridge mode * to the top of every non-generic trap handler */ trap_offset += (size_t)&restorebridgesize; bcopy(&restorebridge, (void *)EXC_RST, trap_offset); bcopy(&restorebridge, (void *)EXC_DSI, trap_offset); bcopy(&restorebridge, (void *)EXC_ALI, trap_offset); bcopy(&restorebridge, (void *)EXC_PGM, trap_offset); bcopy(&restorebridge, (void *)EXC_MCHK, trap_offset); bcopy(&restorebridge, (void *)EXC_TRC, trap_offset); bcopy(&restorebridge, (void *)EXC_BPT, trap_offset); } else { /* * Use an IBAT and a DBAT to map the bottom 256M segment. * * It is very important to do it *now* to avoid taking a * fault in .text / .data before the MMU is bootstrapped, * because until then, the translation data has not been * copied over from OpenFirmware, so our DSI/ISI will fail * to find a match. */ battable[0x0].batl = BATL(0x00000000, BAT_M, BAT_PP_RW); battable[0x0].batu = BATU(0x00000000, BAT_BL_256M, BAT_Vs); __asm (".balign 32; \n" "mtibatu 0,%0; mtibatl 0,%1; isync; \n" "mtdbatu 0,%0; mtdbatl 0,%1; isync" :: "r"(battable[0].batu), "r"(battable[0].batl)); } #else trapsize = (size_t)&hypertrapcodeend - (size_t)&hypertrapcode; bcopy(&hypertrapcode, (void *)(EXC_HEA + trap_offset), trapsize); bcopy(&hypertrapcode, (void *)(EXC_HMI + trap_offset), trapsize); bcopy(&hypertrapcode, (void *)(EXC_HVI + trap_offset), trapsize); bcopy(&hypertrapcode, (void *)(EXC_SOFT_PATCH + trap_offset), trapsize); #endif bcopy(&rstcode, (void *)(EXC_RST + trap_offset), (size_t)&rstcodeend - (size_t)&rstcode); #ifdef KDB bcopy(&dblow, (void *)(EXC_MCHK + trap_offset), (size_t)&dbend - (size_t)&dblow); bcopy(&dblow, (void *)(EXC_PGM + trap_offset), (size_t)&dbend - (size_t)&dblow); bcopy(&dblow, (void *)(EXC_TRC + trap_offset), (size_t)&dbend - (size_t)&dblow); bcopy(&dblow, (void *)(EXC_BPT + trap_offset), (size_t)&dbend - (size_t)&dblow); #endif bcopy(&alitrap, (void *)(EXC_ALI + trap_offset), (size_t)&aliend - (size_t)&alitrap); bcopy(&dsitrap, (void *)(EXC_DSI + trap_offset), (size_t)&dsiend - (size_t)&dsitrap); /* Set address of generictrap for self-reloc calculations */ *((void **)TRAP_GENTRAP) = &generictrap; #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* Set TOC base so that the interrupt code can get at it */ *((void **)TRAP_ENTRY) = &generictrap; *((register_t *)TRAP_TOCBASE) = toc; #else /* Set branch address for trap code */ if (cpu_features & PPC_FEATURE_64) *((void **)TRAP_ENTRY) = &generictrap64; else *((void **)TRAP_ENTRY) = &generictrap; *((void **)TRAP_TOCBASE) = _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_; /* G2-specific TLB miss helper handlers */ bcopy(&imisstrap, (void *)EXC_IMISS, (size_t)&imisssize); bcopy(&dlmisstrap, (void *)EXC_DLMISS, (size_t)&dlmisssize); bcopy(&dsmisstrap, (void *)EXC_DSMISS, (size_t)&dsmisssize); #endif __syncicache(EXC_RSVD, EXC_LAST - EXC_RSVD); /* * Restore MSR */ mtmsr(msr); /* Warn if cachline size was not determined */ if (cacheline_warn == 1) { printf("WARNING: cacheline size undetermined, setting to 32\n"); } /* * Initialise virtual memory. Use BUS_PROBE_GENERIC priority * in case the platform module had a better idea of what we * should do. */ if (cpu_features2 & PPC_FEATURE2_ARCH_3_00) { radix_mmu = 0; TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("radix_mmu", &radix_mmu); if (radix_mmu) pmap_mmu_install(MMU_TYPE_RADIX, BUS_PROBE_GENERIC); else pmap_mmu_install(MMU_TYPE_G5, BUS_PROBE_GENERIC); } else if (cpu_features & PPC_FEATURE_64) pmap_mmu_install(MMU_TYPE_G5, BUS_PROBE_GENERIC); else pmap_mmu_install(MMU_TYPE_OEA, BUS_PROBE_GENERIC); } /* * Shutdown the CPU as much as possible. */ void cpu_halt(void) { OF_exit(); } int ptrace_single_step(struct thread *td) { struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; tf->srr1 |= PSL_SE; return (0); } int ptrace_clear_single_step(struct thread *td) { struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; tf->srr1 &= ~PSL_SE; return (0); } void kdb_cpu_clear_singlestep(void) { kdb_frame->srr1 &= ~PSL_SE; } void kdb_cpu_set_singlestep(void) { kdb_frame->srr1 |= PSL_SE; } /* * Initialise a struct pcpu. */ void cpu_pcpu_init(struct pcpu *pcpu, int cpuid, size_t sz) { #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* Copy the SLB contents from the current CPU */ memcpy(pcpu->pc_aim.slb, PCPU_GET(aim.slb), sizeof(pcpu->pc_aim.slb)); #endif } /* Return 0 on handled success, otherwise signal number. */ int cpu_machine_check(struct thread *td, struct trapframe *frame, int *ucode) { #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* * This block is 64-bit CPU specific currently. Punt running in 32-bit * mode on 64-bit CPUs. */ /* Check if the important information is in DSISR */ if ((frame->srr1 & SRR1_MCHK_DATA) != 0) { printf("Machine check, DSISR: %016lx\n", frame->cpu.aim.dsisr); /* SLB multi-hit is recoverable. */ if ((frame->cpu.aim.dsisr & DSISR_MC_SLB_MULTIHIT) != 0) return (0); if ((frame->cpu.aim.dsisr & (DSISR_MC_DERAT_MULTIHIT | DSISR_MC_TLB_MULTIHIT)) != 0) { pmap_tlbie_all(); return (0); } /* TODO: Add other machine check recovery procedures. */ } else { if ((frame->srr1 & SRR1_MCHK_IFETCH_M) == SRR1_MCHK_IFETCH_SLBMH) return (0); } #endif *ucode = BUS_OBJERR; return (SIGBUS); } #ifndef __powerpc64__ uint64_t va_to_vsid(pmap_t pm, vm_offset_t va) { return ((pm->pm_sr[(uintptr_t)va >> ADDR_SR_SHFT]) & SR_VSID_MASK); } #endif /* * These functions need to provide addresses that both (a) work in real mode * (or whatever mode/circumstances the kernel is in in early boot (now)) and * (b) can still, in principle, work once the kernel is going. Because these * rely on existing mappings/real mode, unmap is a no-op. */ vm_offset_t pmap_early_io_map(vm_paddr_t pa, vm_size_t size) { KASSERT(!pmap_bootstrapped, ("Not available after PMAP started!")); /* * If we have the MMU up in early boot, assume it is 1:1. Otherwise, * try to get the address in a memory region compatible with the * direct map for efficiency later. */ if (mfmsr() & PSL_DR) return (pa); else return (DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS + pa); } void pmap_early_io_unmap(vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t size) { KASSERT(!pmap_bootstrapped, ("Not available after PMAP started!")); } /* From p3-53 of the MPC7450 RISC Microprocessor Family Reference Manual */ void flush_disable_caches(void) { register_t msr; register_t msscr0; register_t cache_reg; volatile uint32_t *memp; uint32_t temp; int i; int x; msr = mfmsr(); powerpc_sync(); mtmsr(msr & ~(PSL_EE | PSL_DR)); msscr0 = mfspr(SPR_MSSCR0); msscr0 &= ~MSSCR0_L2PFE; mtspr(SPR_MSSCR0, msscr0); powerpc_sync(); isync(); /* 7e00066c: dssall */ __asm__ __volatile__(".long 0x7e00066c; sync"); powerpc_sync(); isync(); __asm__ __volatile__("dcbf 0,%0" :: "r"(0)); __asm__ __volatile__("dcbf 0,%0" :: "r"(0)); __asm__ __volatile__("dcbf 0,%0" :: "r"(0)); /* Lock the L1 Data cache. */ mtspr(SPR_LDSTCR, mfspr(SPR_LDSTCR) | 0xFF); powerpc_sync(); isync(); mtspr(SPR_LDSTCR, 0); /* * Perform this in two stages: Flush the cache starting in RAM, then do it * from ROM. */ memp = (volatile uint32_t *)0x00000000; for (i = 0; i < 128 * 1024; i++) { temp = *memp; __asm__ __volatile__("dcbf 0,%0" :: "r"(memp)); memp += 32/sizeof(*memp); } memp = (volatile uint32_t *)0xfff00000; x = 0xfe; for (; x != 0xff;) { mtspr(SPR_LDSTCR, x); for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { temp = *memp; __asm__ __volatile__("dcbf 0,%0" :: "r"(memp)); memp += 32/sizeof(*memp); } x = ((x << 1) | 1) & 0xff; } mtspr(SPR_LDSTCR, 0); cache_reg = mfspr(SPR_L2CR); if (cache_reg & L2CR_L2E) { cache_reg &= ~(L2CR_L2IO_7450 | L2CR_L2DO_7450); mtspr(SPR_L2CR, cache_reg); powerpc_sync(); mtspr(SPR_L2CR, cache_reg | L2CR_L2HWF); while (mfspr(SPR_L2CR) & L2CR_L2HWF) ; /* Busy wait for cache to flush */ powerpc_sync(); cache_reg &= ~L2CR_L2E; mtspr(SPR_L2CR, cache_reg); powerpc_sync(); mtspr(SPR_L2CR, cache_reg | L2CR_L2I); powerpc_sync(); while (mfspr(SPR_L2CR) & L2CR_L2I) ; /* Busy wait for L2 cache invalidate */ powerpc_sync(); } cache_reg = mfspr(SPR_L3CR); if (cache_reg & L3CR_L3E) { cache_reg &= ~(L3CR_L3IO | L3CR_L3DO); mtspr(SPR_L3CR, cache_reg); powerpc_sync(); mtspr(SPR_L3CR, cache_reg | L3CR_L3HWF); while (mfspr(SPR_L3CR) & L3CR_L3HWF) ; /* Busy wait for cache to flush */ powerpc_sync(); cache_reg &= ~L3CR_L3E; mtspr(SPR_L3CR, cache_reg); powerpc_sync(); mtspr(SPR_L3CR, cache_reg | L3CR_L3I); powerpc_sync(); while (mfspr(SPR_L3CR) & L3CR_L3I) ; /* Busy wait for L3 cache invalidate */ powerpc_sync(); } mtspr(SPR_HID0, mfspr(SPR_HID0) & ~HID0_DCE); powerpc_sync(); isync(); mtmsr(msr); } #ifndef __powerpc64__ void mpc745x_sleep() { static u_quad_t timebase = 0; static register_t sprgs[4]; static register_t srrs[2]; jmp_buf resetjb; struct thread *fputd; struct thread *vectd; register_t hid0; register_t msr; register_t saved_msr; ap_pcpu = pcpup; PCPU_SET(restore, &resetjb); saved_msr = mfmsr(); fputd = PCPU_GET(fputhread); vectd = PCPU_GET(vecthread); if (fputd != NULL) save_fpu(fputd); if (vectd != NULL) save_vec(vectd); if (setjmp(resetjb) == 0) { sprgs[0] = mfspr(SPR_SPRG0); sprgs[1] = mfspr(SPR_SPRG1); sprgs[2] = mfspr(SPR_SPRG2); sprgs[3] = mfspr(SPR_SPRG3); srrs[0] = mfspr(SPR_SRR0); srrs[1] = mfspr(SPR_SRR1); timebase = mftb(); powerpc_sync(); flush_disable_caches(); hid0 = mfspr(SPR_HID0); hid0 = (hid0 & ~(HID0_DOZE | HID0_NAP)) | HID0_SLEEP; powerpc_sync(); isync(); msr = mfmsr() | PSL_POW; mtspr(SPR_HID0, hid0); powerpc_sync(); while (1) mtmsr(msr); } /* XXX: The mttb() means this *only* works on single-CPU systems. */ mttb(timebase); PCPU_SET(curthread, curthread); PCPU_SET(curpcb, curthread->td_pcb); pmap_activate(curthread); powerpc_sync(); mtspr(SPR_SPRG0, sprgs[0]); mtspr(SPR_SPRG1, sprgs[1]); mtspr(SPR_SPRG2, sprgs[2]); mtspr(SPR_SPRG3, sprgs[3]); mtspr(SPR_SRR0, srrs[0]); mtspr(SPR_SRR1, srrs[1]); mtmsr(saved_msr); if (fputd == curthread) enable_fpu(curthread); if (vectd == curthread) enable_vec(curthread); powerpc_sync(); } #endif diff --git a/sys/powerpc/booke/booke_machdep.c b/sys/powerpc/booke/booke_machdep.c index 09396d854045..5db1a17fc243 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/booke/booke_machdep.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/booke/booke_machdep.c @@ -1,473 +1,472 @@ /*- * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Semihalf * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (C) 2001 Benno Rice * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Benno Rice ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * $NetBSD: machdep.c,v 2000/11/01 16:13:48 tv Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Wolfgang Solfrank. * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 TooLs GmbH. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. * 4. The name of TooLs GmbH may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TOOLS GMBH ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_hwpmc_hooks.h" #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include "opt_platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DDB #include #endif #ifdef DEBUG #define debugf(fmt, args...) printf(fmt, ##args) #else #define debugf(fmt, args...) #endif extern unsigned char _etext[]; extern unsigned char _edata[]; extern unsigned char __bss_start[]; extern unsigned char __sbss_start[]; extern unsigned char __sbss_end[]; extern unsigned char _end[]; extern vm_offset_t __endkernel; extern vm_paddr_t kernload; /* * Bootinfo is passed to us by legacy loaders. Save the address of the * structure to handle backward compatibility. */ uint32_t *bootinfo; void print_kernel_section_addr(void); void print_kenv(void); uintptr_t booke_init(u_long, u_long); void ivor_setup(void); extern void *interrupt_vector_base; extern void *int_critical_input; extern void *int_machine_check; extern void *int_data_storage; extern void *int_instr_storage; extern void *int_external_input; extern void *int_alignment; extern void *int_fpu; extern void *int_program; extern void *int_syscall; extern void *int_decrementer; extern void *int_fixed_interval_timer; extern void *int_watchdog; extern void *int_data_tlb_error; extern void *int_inst_tlb_error; extern void *int_debug; extern void *int_debug_ed; extern void *int_vec; extern void *int_vecast; #ifdef __SPE__ extern void *int_spe_fpdata; extern void *int_spe_fpround; #endif #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS extern void *int_performance_counter; #endif #define SET_TRAP(ivor, handler) \ KASSERT(((uintptr_t)(&handler) & ~0xffffUL) == \ ((uintptr_t)(&interrupt_vector_base) & ~0xffffUL), \ ("Handler " #handler " too far from interrupt vector base")); \ mtspr(ivor, (uintptr_t)(&handler) & 0xffffUL); uintptr_t powerpc_init(vm_offset_t fdt, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, void *mdp, uint32_t mdp_cookie); void booke_cpu_init(void); void booke_cpu_init(void) { cpu_features |= PPC_FEATURE_BOOKE; psl_kernset = PSL_CE | PSL_ME | PSL_EE; #ifdef __powerpc64__ psl_kernset |= PSL_CM; #endif psl_userset = psl_kernset | PSL_PR; #ifdef __powerpc64__ psl_userset32 = psl_userset & ~PSL_CM; #endif /* * Zeroed bits in this variable signify that the value of the bit * in its position is allowed to vary between userspace contexts. * * All other bits are required to be identical for every userspace * context. The actual *value* of the bit is determined by * psl_userset and/or psl_userset32, and is not allowed to change. * * Remember to update this set when implementing support for * *conditionally* enabling a processor facility. Failing to do * this will cause swapcontext() in userspace to break when a * process uses a conditionally-enabled facility. * * When *unconditionally* implementing support for a processor * facility, update psl_userset / psl_userset32 instead. * * See the access control check in set_mcontext(). */ psl_userstatic = ~(PSL_VEC | PSL_FP | PSL_FE0 | PSL_FE1); pmap_mmu_install(MMU_TYPE_BOOKE, BUS_PROBE_GENERIC); } void ivor_setup(void) { mtspr(SPR_IVPR, ((uintptr_t)&interrupt_vector_base) & ~0xffffUL); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR0, int_critical_input); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR1, int_machine_check); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR2, int_data_storage); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR3, int_instr_storage); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR4, int_external_input); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR5, int_alignment); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR6, int_program); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR8, int_syscall); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR10, int_decrementer); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR11, int_fixed_interval_timer); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR12, int_watchdog); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR13, int_data_tlb_error); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR14, int_inst_tlb_error); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR15, int_debug); #ifdef HWPMC_HOOKS SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR35, int_performance_counter); #endif switch ((mfpvr() >> 16) & 0xffff) { case FSL_E6500: SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR32, int_vec); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR33, int_vecast); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case FSL_E500mc: case FSL_E5500: SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR7, int_fpu); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR15, int_debug_ed); break; case FSL_E500v1: case FSL_E500v2: SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR32, int_vec); #ifdef __SPE__ SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR33, int_spe_fpdata); SET_TRAP(SPR_IVOR34, int_spe_fpround); #endif break; } #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* Set 64-bit interrupt mode. */ mtspr(SPR_EPCR, mfspr(SPR_EPCR) | EPCR_ICM); #endif } static int booke_check_for_fdt(uint32_t arg1, vm_offset_t *dtbp) { void *ptr; int fdt_size; if (arg1 % 8 != 0) return (-1); ptr = (void *)pmap_early_io_map(arg1, PAGE_SIZE); if (fdt_check_header(ptr) != 0) return (-1); /* * Read FDT total size from the header of FDT. * This for sure hits within first page which is * already mapped. */ fdt_size = fdt_totalsize((void *)ptr); /* * Ok, arg1 points to FDT, so we need to map it in. * First, unmap this page and then map FDT again with full size */ pmap_early_io_unmap((vm_offset_t)ptr, PAGE_SIZE); ptr = (void *)pmap_early_io_map(arg1, fdt_size); *dtbp = (vm_offset_t)ptr; return (0); } uintptr_t booke_init(u_long arg1, u_long arg2) { uintptr_t ret; void *mdp; vm_offset_t dtbp, end; end = (uintptr_t)_end; dtbp = (vm_offset_t)NULL; /* Set up TLB initially */ bootinfo = NULL; bzero(__sbss_start, __sbss_end - __sbss_start); bzero(__bss_start, _end - __bss_start); tlb1_init(); /* * Handle the various ways we can get loaded and started: * - FreeBSD's loader passes the pointer to the metadata * in arg1, with arg2 undefined. arg1 has a value that's * relative to the kernel's link address (i.e. larger * than 0xc0000000). * - Juniper's loader passes the metadata pointer in arg2 * and sets arg1 to zero. This is to signal that the * loader maps the kernel and starts it at its link * address (unlike the FreeBSD loader). * - U-Boot passes the standard argc and argv parameters * in arg1 and arg2 (resp). arg1 is between 1 and some * relatively small number, such as 64K. arg2 is the * physical address of the argv vector. * - ePAPR loaders pass an FDT blob in r3 (arg1) and the magic hex * string 0x45504150 ('EPAP') in r6 (which has been lost by now). * r4 (arg2) is supposed to be set to zero, but is not always. */ if (arg1 == 0) /* Juniper loader */ mdp = (void *)arg2; else if (booke_check_for_fdt(arg1, &dtbp) == 0) { /* ePAPR */ end = roundup(end, 8); memmove((void *)end, (void *)dtbp, fdt_totalsize((void *)dtbp)); dtbp = end; end += fdt_totalsize((void *)dtbp); __endkernel = end; mdp = NULL; } else if (arg1 > (uintptr_t)kernload) /* FreeBSD loader */ mdp = (void *)arg1; else /* U-Boot */ mdp = NULL; /* Default to 32 byte cache line size. */ switch ((mfpvr()) >> 16) { case FSL_E500mc: case FSL_E5500: case FSL_E6500: cacheline_size = 64; break; } /* * Last element is a magic cookie that indicates that the metadata * pointer is meaningful. */ ret = powerpc_init(dtbp, 0, 0, mdp, (mdp == NULL) ? 0 : 0xfb5d104d); /* Enable caches */ booke_enable_l1_cache(); booke_enable_l2_cache(); booke_enable_bpred(); return (ret); } #define RES_GRANULE cacheline_size extern uintptr_t tlb0_miss_locks[]; /* Initialise a struct pcpu. */ void cpu_pcpu_init(struct pcpu *pcpu, int cpuid, size_t sz) { pcpu->pc_booke.tid_next = TID_MIN; #ifdef SMP uintptr_t *ptr; int words_per_gran = RES_GRANULE / sizeof(uintptr_t); ptr = &tlb0_miss_locks[cpuid * words_per_gran]; pcpu->pc_booke.tlb_lock = ptr; *ptr = TLB_UNLOCKED; *(ptr + 1) = 0; /* recurse counter */ #endif } /* Shutdown the CPU as much as possible. */ void cpu_halt(void) { mtmsr(mfmsr() & ~(PSL_CE | PSL_EE | PSL_ME | PSL_DE)); while (1) ; } int ptrace_single_step(struct thread *td) { struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; tf->srr1 |= PSL_DE; tf->cpu.booke.dbcr0 |= (DBCR0_IDM | DBCR0_IC); return (0); } int ptrace_clear_single_step(struct thread *td) { struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; tf->srr1 &= ~PSL_DE; tf->cpu.booke.dbcr0 &= ~(DBCR0_IDM | DBCR0_IC); return (0); } void kdb_cpu_clear_singlestep(void) { register_t r; r = mfspr(SPR_DBCR0); mtspr(SPR_DBCR0, r & ~DBCR0_IC); kdb_frame->srr1 &= ~PSL_DE; } void kdb_cpu_set_singlestep(void) { register_t r; r = mfspr(SPR_DBCR0); mtspr(SPR_DBCR0, r | DBCR0_IC | DBCR0_IDM); kdb_frame->srr1 |= PSL_DE; } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_add.c b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_add.c index 6dd594ca0ec9..fdab0d8872ab 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_add.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_add.c @@ -1,228 +1,227 @@ /* $NetBSD: fpu_add.c,v 1.4 2005/12/11 12:18:42 christos Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fpu_add.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/11/93 */ /* * Perform an FPU add (return x + y). * * To subtract, negate y and call add. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include struct fpn * fpu_add(struct fpemu *fe) { struct fpn *x = &fe->fe_f1, *y = &fe->fe_f2, *r; u_int r0, r1, r2, r3; int rd; /* * Put the `heavier' operand on the right (see fpu_emu.h). * Then we will have one of the following cases, taken in the * following order: * * - y = NaN. Implied: if only one is a signalling NaN, y is. * The result is y. * - y = Inf. Implied: x != NaN (is 0, number, or Inf: the NaN * case was taken care of earlier). * If x = -y, the result is NaN. Otherwise the result * is y (an Inf of whichever sign). * - y is 0. Implied: x = 0. * If x and y differ in sign (one positive, one negative), * the result is +0 except when rounding to -Inf. If same: * +0 + +0 = +0; -0 + -0 = -0. * - x is 0. Implied: y != 0. * Result is y. * - other. Implied: both x and y are numbers. * Do addition a la Hennessey & Patterson. */ DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("fpu_add:\n")); DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("=>\n")); ORDER(x, y); if (ISNAN(y)) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXSNAN; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); return (y); } if (ISINF(y)) { if (ISINF(x) && x->fp_sign != y->fp_sign) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXISI; return (fpu_newnan(fe)); } DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); return (y); } rd = ((fe->fe_fpscr) & FPSCR_RN); if (ISZERO(y)) { if (rd != FP_RM) /* only -0 + -0 gives -0 */ y->fp_sign &= x->fp_sign; else /* any -0 operand gives -0 */ y->fp_sign |= x->fp_sign; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); return (y); } if (ISZERO(x)) { DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); return (y); } /* * We really have two numbers to add, although their signs may * differ. Make the exponents match, by shifting the smaller * number right (e.g., 1.011 => 0.1011) and increasing its * exponent (2^3 => 2^4). Note that we do not alter the exponents * of x and y here. */ r = &fe->fe_f3; r->fp_class = FPC_NUM; if (x->fp_exp == y->fp_exp) { r->fp_exp = x->fp_exp; r->fp_sticky = 0; } else { if (x->fp_exp < y->fp_exp) { /* * Try to avoid subtract case iii (see below). * This also guarantees that x->fp_sticky = 0. */ SWAP(x, y); } /* now x->fp_exp > y->fp_exp */ r->fp_exp = x->fp_exp; r->fp_sticky = fpu_shr(y, x->fp_exp - y->fp_exp); } r->fp_sign = x->fp_sign; if (x->fp_sign == y->fp_sign) { FPU_DECL_CARRY /* * The signs match, so we simply add the numbers. The result * may be `supernormal' (as big as 1.111...1 + 1.111...1, or * 11.111...0). If so, a single bit shift-right will fix it * (but remember to adjust the exponent). */ /* r->fp_mant = x->fp_mant + y->fp_mant */ FPU_ADDS(r->fp_mant[3], x->fp_mant[3], y->fp_mant[3]); FPU_ADDCS(r->fp_mant[2], x->fp_mant[2], y->fp_mant[2]); FPU_ADDCS(r->fp_mant[1], x->fp_mant[1], y->fp_mant[1]); FPU_ADDC(r0, x->fp_mant[0], y->fp_mant[0]); if ((r->fp_mant[0] = r0) >= FP_2) { (void) fpu_shr(r, 1); r->fp_exp++; } } else { FPU_DECL_CARRY /* * The signs differ, so things are rather more difficult. * H&P would have us negate the negative operand and add; * this is the same as subtracting the negative operand. * This is quite a headache. Instead, we will subtract * y from x, regardless of whether y itself is the negative * operand. When this is done one of three conditions will * hold, depending on the magnitudes of x and y: * case i) |x| > |y|. The result is just x - y, * with x's sign, but it may need to be normalized. * case ii) |x| = |y|. The result is 0 (maybe -0) * so must be fixed up. * case iii) |x| < |y|. We goofed; the result should * be (y - x), with the same sign as y. * We could compare |x| and |y| here and avoid case iii, * but that would take just as much work as the subtract. * We can tell case iii has occurred by an overflow. * * N.B.: since x->fp_exp >= y->fp_exp, x->fp_sticky = 0. */ /* r->fp_mant = x->fp_mant - y->fp_mant */ FPU_SET_CARRY(y->fp_sticky); FPU_SUBCS(r3, x->fp_mant[3], y->fp_mant[3]); FPU_SUBCS(r2, x->fp_mant[2], y->fp_mant[2]); FPU_SUBCS(r1, x->fp_mant[1], y->fp_mant[1]); FPU_SUBC(r0, x->fp_mant[0], y->fp_mant[0]); if (r0 < FP_2) { /* cases i and ii */ if ((r0 | r1 | r2 | r3) == 0) { /* case ii */ r->fp_class = FPC_ZERO; r->fp_sign = rd == FP_RM; return (r); } } else { /* * Oops, case iii. This can only occur when the * exponents were equal, in which case neither * x nor y have sticky bits set. Flip the sign * (to y's sign) and negate the result to get y - x. */ #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if (x->fp_exp != y->fp_exp || r->fp_sticky) panic("fpu_add"); #endif r->fp_sign = y->fp_sign; FPU_SUBS(r3, 0, r3); FPU_SUBCS(r2, 0, r2); FPU_SUBCS(r1, 0, r1); FPU_SUBC(r0, 0, r0); } r->fp_mant[3] = r3; r->fp_mant[2] = r2; r->fp_mant[1] = r1; r->fp_mant[0] = r0; if (r0 < FP_1) fpu_norm(r); } DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, r); return (r); } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_compare.c b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_compare.c index 48d7c488ce8a..633d32dcc717 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_compare.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_compare.c @@ -1,164 +1,163 @@ /* $NetBSD: fpu_compare.c,v 1.4 2005/12/11 12:18:42 christos Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fpu_compare.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/11/93 */ /* * FCMPU and FCMPO instructions. * * These rely on the fact that our internal wide format is achieved by * adding zero bits to the end of narrower mantissas. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include -#include #include #include /* * Perform a compare instruction (with or without unordered exception). * This updates the fcc field in the fsr. * * If either operand is NaN, the result is unordered. For ordered, this * causes an NV exception. Everything else is ordered: * |Inf| > |numbers| > |0|. * We already arranged for fp_class(Inf) > fp_class(numbers) > fp_class(0), * so we get this directly. Note, however, that two zeros compare equal * regardless of sign, while everything else depends on sign. * * Incidentally, two Infs of the same sign compare equal (per the 80387 * manual---it would be nice if the SPARC documentation were more * complete). */ void fpu_compare(struct fpemu *fe, int ordered) { struct fpn *a, *b, *r; int cc; a = &fe->fe_f1; b = &fe->fe_f2; r = &fe->fe_f3; if (ISNAN(a) || ISNAN(b)) { /* * In any case, we already got an exception for signalling * NaNs; here we may replace that one with an identical * exception, but so what?. */ cc = FPSCR_FU; if (ISSNAN(a) || ISSNAN(b)) cc |= FPSCR_VXSNAN; if (ordered) { if (fe->fe_fpscr & FPSCR_VE || ISQNAN(a) || ISQNAN(b)) cc |= FPSCR_VXVC; } goto done; } /* * Must handle both-zero early to avoid sign goofs. Otherwise, * at most one is 0, and if the signs differ we are done. */ if (ISZERO(a) && ISZERO(b)) { cc = FPSCR_FE; goto done; } if (a->fp_sign) { /* a < 0 (or -0) */ if (!b->fp_sign) { /* b >= 0 (or if a = -0, b > 0) */ cc = FPSCR_FL; goto done; } } else { /* a > 0 (or +0) */ if (b->fp_sign) { /* b <= -0 (or if a = +0, b < 0) */ cc = FPSCR_FG; goto done; } } /* * Now the signs are the same (but may both be negative). All * we have left are these cases: * * |a| < |b| [classes or values differ] * |a| > |b| [classes or values differ] * |a| == |b| [classes and values identical] * * We define `diff' here to expand these as: * * |a| < |b|, a,b >= 0: a < b => FSR_CC_LT * |a| < |b|, a,b < 0: a > b => FSR_CC_GT * |a| > |b|, a,b >= 0: a > b => FSR_CC_GT * |a| > |b|, a,b < 0: a < b => FSR_CC_LT */ #define opposite_cc(cc) ((cc) == FPSCR_FL ? FPSCR_FG : FPSCR_FL) #define diff(magnitude) (a->fp_sign ? opposite_cc(magnitude) : (magnitude)) if (a->fp_class < b->fp_class) { /* |a| < |b| */ cc = diff(FPSCR_FL); goto done; } if (a->fp_class > b->fp_class) { /* |a| > |b| */ cc = diff(FPSCR_FG); goto done; } /* now none can be 0: only Inf and numbers remain */ if (ISINF(a)) { /* |Inf| = |Inf| */ cc = FPSCR_FE; goto done; } fpu_sub(fe); if (ISZERO(r)) cc = FPSCR_FE; else if (r->fp_sign) cc = FPSCR_FL; else cc = FPSCR_FG; done: fe->fe_cx = cc; } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_div.c b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_div.c index 5b625f640f13..7536d4aaa69e 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_div.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_div.c @@ -1,294 +1,293 @@ /* $NetBSD: fpu_div.c,v 1.4 2005/12/11 12:18:42 christos Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fpu_div.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/11/93 */ /* * Perform an FPU divide (return x / y). */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include -#include #include #include /* * Division of normal numbers is done as follows: * * x and y are floating point numbers, i.e., in the form 1.bbbb * 2^e. * If X and Y are the mantissas (1.bbbb's), the quotient is then: * * q = (X / Y) * 2^((x exponent) - (y exponent)) * * Since X and Y are both in [1.0,2.0), the quotient's mantissa (X / Y) * will be in [0.5,2.0). Moreover, it will be less than 1.0 if and only * if X < Y. In that case, it will have to be shifted left one bit to * become a normal number, and the exponent decremented. Thus, the * desired exponent is: * * left_shift = x->fp_mant < y->fp_mant; * result_exp = x->fp_exp - y->fp_exp - left_shift; * * The quotient mantissa X/Y can then be computed one bit at a time * using the following algorithm: * * Q = 0; -- Initial quotient. * R = X; -- Initial remainder, * if (left_shift) -- but fixed up in advance. * R *= 2; * for (bit = FP_NMANT; --bit >= 0; R *= 2) { * if (R >= Y) { * Q |= 1 << bit; * R -= Y; * } * } * * The subtraction R -= Y always removes the uppermost bit from R (and * can sometimes remove additional lower-order 1 bits); this proof is * left to the reader. * * This loop correctly calculates the guard and round bits since they are * included in the expanded internal representation. The sticky bit * is to be set if and only if any other bits beyond guard and round * would be set. From the above it is obvious that this is true if and * only if the remainder R is nonzero when the loop terminates. * * Examining the loop above, we can see that the quotient Q is built * one bit at a time ``from the top down''. This means that we can * dispense with the multi-word arithmetic and just build it one word * at a time, writing each result word when it is done. * * Furthermore, since X and Y are both in [1.0,2.0), we know that, * initially, R >= Y. (Recall that, if X < Y, R is set to X * 2 and * is therefore at in [2.0,4.0).) Thus Q is sure to have bit FP_NMANT-1 * set, and R can be set initially to either X - Y (when X >= Y) or * 2X - Y (when X < Y). In addition, comparing R and Y is difficult, * so we will simply calculate R - Y and see if that underflows. * This leads to the following revised version of the algorithm: * * R = X; * bit = FP_1; * D = R - Y; * if (D >= 0) { * result_exp = x->fp_exp - y->fp_exp; * R = D; * q = bit; * bit >>= 1; * } else { * result_exp = x->fp_exp - y->fp_exp - 1; * q = 0; * } * R <<= 1; * do { * D = R - Y; * if (D >= 0) { * q |= bit; * R = D; * } * R <<= 1; * } while ((bit >>= 1) != 0); * Q[0] = q; * for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { * q = 0, bit = 1 << 31; * do { * D = R - Y; * if (D >= 0) { * q |= bit; * R = D; * } * R <<= 1; * } while ((bit >>= 1) != 0); * Q[i] = q; * } * * This can be refined just a bit further by moving the `R <<= 1' * calculations to the front of the do-loops and eliding the first one. * The process can be terminated immediately whenever R becomes 0, but * this is relatively rare, and we do not bother. */ struct fpn * fpu_div(struct fpemu *fe) { struct fpn *x = &fe->fe_f1, *y = &fe->fe_f2; u_int q, bit; u_int r0, r1, r2, r3, d0, d1, d2, d3, y0, y1, y2, y3; FPU_DECL_CARRY /* * Since divide is not commutative, we cannot just use ORDER. * Check either operand for NaN first; if there is at least one, * order the signalling one (if only one) onto the right, then * return it. Otherwise we have the following cases: * * Inf / Inf = NaN, plus NV exception * Inf / num = Inf [i.e., return x] * Inf / 0 = Inf [i.e., return x] * 0 / Inf = 0 [i.e., return x] * 0 / num = 0 [i.e., return x] * 0 / 0 = NaN, plus NV exception * num / Inf = 0 * num / num = num (do the divide) * num / 0 = Inf, plus DZ exception */ DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("fpu_div:\n")); DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("=>\n")); if (ISNAN(x) || ISNAN(y)) { ORDER(x, y); fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXSNAN; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); return (y); } /* * Need to split the following out cause they generate different * exceptions. */ if (ISINF(x)) { if (x->fp_class == y->fp_class) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXIDI; return (fpu_newnan(fe)); } DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } if (ISZERO(x)) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_ZX; if (x->fp_class == y->fp_class) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXZDZ; return (fpu_newnan(fe)); } DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } /* all results at this point use XOR of operand signs */ x->fp_sign ^= y->fp_sign; if (ISINF(y)) { x->fp_class = FPC_ZERO; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } if (ISZERO(y)) { fe->fe_cx = FPSCR_ZX; x->fp_class = FPC_INF; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } /* * Macros for the divide. See comments at top for algorithm. * Note that we expand R, D, and Y here. */ #define SUBTRACT /* D = R - Y */ \ FPU_SUBS(d3, r3, y3); FPU_SUBCS(d2, r2, y2); \ FPU_SUBCS(d1, r1, y1); FPU_SUBC(d0, r0, y0) #define NONNEGATIVE /* D >= 0 */ \ ((int)d0 >= 0) #ifdef FPU_SHL1_BY_ADD #define SHL1 /* R <<= 1 */ \ FPU_ADDS(r3, r3, r3); FPU_ADDCS(r2, r2, r2); \ FPU_ADDCS(r1, r1, r1); FPU_ADDC(r0, r0, r0) #else #define SHL1 \ r0 = (r0 << 1) | (r1 >> 31), r1 = (r1 << 1) | (r2 >> 31), \ r2 = (r2 << 1) | (r3 >> 31), r3 <<= 1 #endif #define LOOP /* do ... while (bit >>= 1) */ \ do { \ SHL1; \ SUBTRACT; \ if (NONNEGATIVE) { \ q |= bit; \ r0 = d0, r1 = d1, r2 = d2, r3 = d3; \ } \ } while ((bit >>= 1) != 0) #define WORD(r, i) /* calculate r->fp_mant[i] */ \ q = 0; \ bit = 1 << 31; \ LOOP; \ (x)->fp_mant[i] = q /* Setup. Note that we put our result in x. */ r0 = x->fp_mant[0]; r1 = x->fp_mant[1]; r2 = x->fp_mant[2]; r3 = x->fp_mant[3]; y0 = y->fp_mant[0]; y1 = y->fp_mant[1]; y2 = y->fp_mant[2]; y3 = y->fp_mant[3]; bit = FP_1; SUBTRACT; if (NONNEGATIVE) { x->fp_exp -= y->fp_exp; r0 = d0, r1 = d1, r2 = d2, r3 = d3; q = bit; bit >>= 1; } else { x->fp_exp -= y->fp_exp + 1; q = 0; } LOOP; x->fp_mant[0] = q; WORD(x, 1); WORD(x, 2); WORD(x, 3); x->fp_sticky = r0 | r1 | r2 | r3; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_emu.c b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_emu.c index 6c1b91fb9725..c8c1f0b4b7ee 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_emu.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_emu.c @@ -1,791 +1,790 @@ /* $NetBSD: fpu_emu.c,v 1.14 2005/12/11 12:18:42 christos Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright 2001 Wasabi Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Written by Eduardo Horvath and Simon Burge for Wasabi Systems, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by * Wasabi Systems, Inc. * 4. The name of Wasabi Systems, Inc. may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY WASABI SYSTEMS, INC. ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL WASABI SYSTEMS, INC * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fpu.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/11/93 */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include static SYSCTL_NODE(_hw, OID_AUTO, fpu_emu, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, 0, "FPU emulator"); #define FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(name) \ static u_int fpu_emu_evcnt_##name; \ SYSCTL_INT(_hw_fpu_emu, OID_AUTO, evcnt_##name, CTLFLAG_RD, \ &fpu_emu_evcnt_##name, 0, "") #define FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(name) fpu_emu_evcnt_##name++ FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(stfiwx); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fpstore); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fpload); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fcmpu); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(frsp); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fctiw); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fcmpo); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(mtfsb1); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fnegabs); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(mcrfs); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(mtfsb0); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fmr); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(mtfsfi); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fnabs); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fabs); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(mffs); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(mtfsf); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fctid); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fcfid); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fdiv); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fsub); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fadd); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fsqrt); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fsel); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fpres); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fmul); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(frsqrte); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fmulsub); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fmuladd); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fnmsub); FPU_EMU_EVCNT_DECL(fnmadd); /* FPSR exception masks */ #define FPSR_EX_MSK (FPSCR_VX|FPSCR_OX|FPSCR_UX|FPSCR_ZX| \ FPSCR_XX|FPSCR_VXSNAN|FPSCR_VXISI|FPSCR_VXIDI| \ FPSCR_VXZDZ|FPSCR_VXIMZ|FPSCR_VXVC|FPSCR_VXSOFT|\ FPSCR_VXSQRT|FPSCR_VXCVI) #define FPSR_EX (FPSCR_VE|FPSCR_OE|FPSCR_UE|FPSCR_ZE|FPSCR_XE) #define FPSR_EXOP (FPSR_EX_MSK&(~FPSR_EX)) int fpe_debug = 0; #ifdef DEBUG vm_offset_t opc_disasm(vm_offset_t, int); /* * Dump a `fpn' structure. */ void fpu_dumpfpn(struct fpn *fp) { static const char *class[] = { "SNAN", "QNAN", "ZERO", "NUM", "INF" }; printf("%s %c.%x %x %x %xE%d", class[fp->fp_class + 2], fp->fp_sign ? '-' : ' ', fp->fp_mant[0], fp->fp_mant[1], fp->fp_mant[2], fp->fp_mant[3], fp->fp_exp); } #endif /* * fpu_execute returns the following error numbers (0 = no error): */ #define FPE 1 /* take a floating point exception */ #define NOTFPU 2 /* not an FPU instruction */ #define FAULT 3 /* * Emulate a floating-point instruction. * Return zero for success, else signal number. * (Typically: zero, SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGSEGV) */ int fpu_emulate(struct trapframe *frame, struct fpu *fpf) { union instr insn; struct fpemu fe; int sig; /* initialize insn.is_datasize to tell it is *not* initialized */ fe.fe_fpstate = fpf; fe.fe_cx = 0; /* always set this (to avoid a warning) */ if (copyin((void *) (frame->srr0), &insn.i_int, sizeof (insn.i_int))) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("fpu_emulate: fault reading opcode\n"); #endif return SIGSEGV; } DPRINTF(FPE_EX, ("fpu_emulate: emulating insn %x at %p\n", insn.i_int, (void *)frame->srr0)); if ((insn.i_any.i_opcd == OPC_TWI) || ((insn.i_any.i_opcd == OPC_integer_31) && (insn.i_x.i_xo == OPC31_TW))) { /* Check for the two trap insns. */ DPRINTF(FPE_EX, ("fpu_emulate: SIGTRAP\n")); return (SIGTRAP); } sig = 0; switch (fpu_execute(frame, &fe, &insn)) { case 0: DPRINTF(FPE_EX, ("fpu_emulate: success\n")); frame->srr0 += 4; break; case FPE: DPRINTF(FPE_EX, ("fpu_emulate: SIGFPE\n")); sig = SIGFPE; break; case FAULT: DPRINTF(FPE_EX, ("fpu_emulate: SIGSEGV\n")); sig = SIGSEGV; break; case NOTFPU: default: DPRINTF(FPE_EX, ("fpu_emulate: SIGILL\n")); #ifdef DEBUG if (fpe_debug & FPE_EX) { printf("fpu_emulate: illegal insn %x at %p:", insn.i_int, (void *) (frame->srr0)); opc_disasm(frame->srr0, insn.i_int); } #endif sig = SIGILL; #ifdef DEBUG if (fpe_debug & FPE_EX) kdb_enter(KDB_WHY_UNSET, "illegal instruction"); #endif break; } return (sig); } /* * Execute an FPU instruction (one that runs entirely in the FPU; not * FBfcc or STF, for instance). On return, fe->fe_fs->fs_fsr will be * modified to reflect the setting the hardware would have left. * * Note that we do not catch all illegal opcodes, so you can, for instance, * multiply two integers this way. */ int fpu_execute(struct trapframe *tf, struct fpemu *fe, union instr *insn) { struct fpn *fp; union instr instr = *insn; int *a; vm_offset_t addr; int ra, rb, rc, rt, type, mask, fsr, cx, bf, setcr; unsigned int cond; struct fpu *fs; /* Setup work. */ fp = NULL; fs = fe->fe_fpstate; fe->fe_fpscr = ((int *)&fs->fpscr)[1]; /* * On PowerPC all floating point values are stored in registers * as doubles, even when used for single precision operations. */ type = FTYPE_DBL; cond = instr.i_any.i_rc; setcr = 0; bf = 0; /* XXX gcc */ #if defined(DDB) && defined(DEBUG) if (fpe_debug & FPE_EX) { vm_offset_t loc = tf->srr0; printf("Trying to emulate: %p ", (void *)loc); opc_disasm(loc, instr.i_int); } #endif /* * `Decode' and execute instruction. */ if ((instr.i_any.i_opcd >= OPC_LFS && instr.i_any.i_opcd <= OPC_STFDU) || instr.i_any.i_opcd == OPC_integer_31) { /* * Handle load/store insns: * * Convert to/from single if needed, calculate addr, * and update index reg if needed. */ double buf; size_t size = sizeof(float); int store, update; cond = 0; /* ld/st never set condition codes */ if (instr.i_any.i_opcd == OPC_integer_31) { if (instr.i_x.i_xo == OPC31_STFIWX) { FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(stfiwx); /* Store as integer */ ra = instr.i_x.i_ra; rb = instr.i_x.i_rb; DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("reg %d has %jx reg %d has %jx\n", ra, (uintmax_t)tf->fixreg[ra], rb, (uintmax_t)tf->fixreg[rb])); addr = tf->fixreg[rb]; if (ra != 0) addr += tf->fixreg[ra]; rt = instr.i_x.i_rt; a = (int *)&fs->fpr[rt].fpr; DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: Store INT %x at %p\n", a[1], (void *)addr)); if (copyout(&a[1], (void *)addr, sizeof(int))) return (FAULT); return (0); } if ((instr.i_x.i_xo & OPC31_FPMASK) != OPC31_FPOP) /* Not an indexed FP load/store op */ return (NOTFPU); store = (instr.i_x.i_xo & 0x80); if (instr.i_x.i_xo & 0x40) size = sizeof(double); else type = FTYPE_SNG; update = (instr.i_x.i_xo & 0x20); /* calculate EA of load/store */ ra = instr.i_x.i_ra; rb = instr.i_x.i_rb; DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("reg %d has %jx reg %d has %jx\n", ra, (uintmax_t)tf->fixreg[ra], rb, (uintmax_t)tf->fixreg[rb])); addr = tf->fixreg[rb]; if (ra != 0) addr += tf->fixreg[ra]; rt = instr.i_x.i_rt; } else { store = instr.i_d.i_opcd & 0x4; if (instr.i_d.i_opcd & 0x2) size = sizeof(double); else type = FTYPE_SNG; update = instr.i_d.i_opcd & 0x1; /* calculate EA of load/store */ ra = instr.i_d.i_ra; addr = instr.i_d.i_d; DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("reg %d has %jx displ %jx\n", ra, (uintmax_t)tf->fixreg[ra], (uintmax_t)addr)); if (ra != 0) addr += tf->fixreg[ra]; rt = instr.i_d.i_rt; } if (update && ra == 0) return (NOTFPU); if (store) { /* Store */ FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fpstore); if (type != FTYPE_DBL) { DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: Store SNG at %p\n", (void *)addr)); fpu_explode(fe, fp = &fe->fe_f1, FTYPE_DBL, rt); fpu_implode(fe, fp, type, (void *)&buf); if (copyout(&buf, (void *)addr, size)) return (FAULT); } else { DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: Store DBL at %p\n", (void *)addr)); if (copyout(&fs->fpr[rt].fpr, (void *)addr, size)) return (FAULT); } } else { /* Load */ FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fpload); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: Load from %p\n", (void *)addr)); if (copyin((const void *)addr, &fs->fpr[rt].fpr, size)) return (FAULT); if (type != FTYPE_DBL) { fpu_explode(fe, fp = &fe->fe_f1, type, rt); fpu_implode(fe, fp, FTYPE_DBL, (u_int *)&fs->fpr[rt].fpr); } } if (update) tf->fixreg[ra] = addr; /* Complete. */ return (0); #ifdef notyet } else if (instr.i_any.i_opcd == OPC_load_st_62) { /* These are 64-bit extensions */ return (NOTFPU); #endif } else if (instr.i_any.i_opcd == OPC_sp_fp_59 || instr.i_any.i_opcd == OPC_dp_fp_63) { if (instr.i_any.i_opcd == OPC_dp_fp_63 && !(instr.i_a.i_xo & OPC63M_MASK)) { /* Format X */ rt = instr.i_x.i_rt; ra = instr.i_x.i_ra; rb = instr.i_x.i_rb; /* One of the special opcodes.... */ switch (instr.i_x.i_xo) { case OPC63_FCMPU: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fcmpu); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FCMPU\n")); rt >>= 2; fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fpu_compare(fe, 0); /* Make sure we do the condition regs. */ cond = 0; /* N.B.: i_rs is already left shifted by two. */ bf = instr.i_x.i_rs & 0xfc; setcr = 1; break; case OPC63_FRSP: /* * Convert to single: * * PowerPC uses this to round a double * precision value to single precision, * but values in registers are always * stored in double precision format. */ FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(frsp); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FRSP\n")); fpu_explode(fe, fp = &fe->fe_f1, FTYPE_DBL, rb); fpu_implode(fe, fp, FTYPE_SNG, (u_int *)&fs->fpr[rt].fpr); fpu_explode(fe, fp = &fe->fe_f1, FTYPE_SNG, rt); type = FTYPE_DBL; break; case OPC63_FCTIW: case OPC63_FCTIWZ: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fctiw); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FCTIW\n")); fpu_explode(fe, fp = &fe->fe_f1, type, rb); type = FTYPE_INT; break; case OPC63_FCMPO: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fcmpo); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FCMPO\n")); rt >>= 2; fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fpu_compare(fe, 1); /* Make sure we do the condition regs. */ cond = 0; /* N.B.: i_rs is already left shifted by two. */ bf = instr.i_x.i_rs & 0xfc; setcr = 1; break; case OPC63_MTFSB1: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(mtfsb1); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: MTFSB1\n")); fe->fe_fpscr |= (~(FPSCR_VX|FPSR_EX) & (1<<(31-rt))); break; case OPC63_FNEG: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fnegabs); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FNEGABS\n")); memcpy(&fs->fpr[rt].fpr, &fs->fpr[rb].fpr, sizeof(double)); a = (int *)&fs->fpr[rt].fpr; *a ^= (1U << 31); break; case OPC63_MCRFS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(mcrfs); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: MCRFS\n")); cond = 0; rt &= 0x1c; ra &= 0x1c; /* Extract the bits we want */ mask = (fe->fe_fpscr >> (28 - ra)) & 0xf; /* Clear the bits we copied. */ fe->fe_cx = (FPSR_EX_MSK | (0xf << (28 - ra))); fe->fe_fpscr &= fe->fe_cx; /* Now shove them in the right part of cr */ tf->cr &= ~(0xf << (28 - rt)); tf->cr |= (mask << (28 - rt)); break; case OPC63_MTFSB0: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(mtfsb0); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: MTFSB0\n")); fe->fe_fpscr &= ((FPSCR_VX|FPSR_EX) & ~(1<<(31-rt))); break; case OPC63_FMR: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fmr); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FMR\n")); memcpy(&fs->fpr[rt].fpr, &fs->fpr[rb].fpr, sizeof(double)); break; case OPC63_MTFSFI: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(mtfsfi); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: MTFSFI\n")); rb >>= 1; rt &= 0x1c; /* Already left-shifted 4 */ fe->fe_cx = rb << (28 - rt); mask = 0xf<<(28 - rt); fe->fe_fpscr = (fe->fe_fpscr & ~mask) | fe->fe_cx; /* XXX weird stuff about OX, FX, FEX, and VX should be handled */ break; case OPC63_FNABS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fnabs); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FABS\n")); memcpy(&fs->fpr[rt].fpr, &fs->fpr[rb].fpr, sizeof(double)); a = (int *)&fs->fpr[rt].fpr; *a |= (1U << 31); break; case OPC63_FABS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fabs); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FABS\n")); memcpy(&fs->fpr[rt].fpr, &fs->fpr[rb].fpr, sizeof(double)); a = (int *)&fs->fpr[rt].fpr; *a &= ~(1U << 31); break; case OPC63_MFFS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(mffs); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: MFFS\n")); memcpy(&fs->fpr[rt].fpr, &fs->fpscr, sizeof(fs->fpscr)); break; case OPC63_MTFSF: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(mtfsf); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: MTFSF\n")); if ((rt = instr.i_xfl.i_flm) == -1) mask = -1; else { mask = 0; /* Convert 1 bit -> 4 bits */ for (ra = 0; ra < 8; ra ++) if (rt & (1<fpr[rt].fpr; fe->fe_cx = mask & a[1]; fe->fe_fpscr = (fe->fe_fpscr&~mask) | (fe->fe_cx); /* XXX weird stuff about OX, FX, FEX, and VX should be handled */ break; case OPC63_FCTID: case OPC63_FCTIDZ: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fctid); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FCTID\n")); fpu_explode(fe, fp = &fe->fe_f1, type, rb); type = FTYPE_LNG; break; case OPC63_FCFID: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fcfid); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FCFID\n")); type = FTYPE_LNG; fpu_explode(fe, fp = &fe->fe_f1, type, rb); type = FTYPE_DBL; break; default: return (NOTFPU); break; } } else { /* Format A */ rt = instr.i_a.i_frt; ra = instr.i_a.i_fra; rb = instr.i_a.i_frb; rc = instr.i_a.i_frc; /* * All arithmetic operations work on registers, which * are stored as doubles. */ type = FTYPE_DBL; switch ((unsigned int)instr.i_a.i_xo) { case OPC59_FDIVS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fdiv); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FDIV\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fp = fpu_div(fe); break; case OPC59_FSUBS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fsub); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FSUB\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fp = fpu_sub(fe); break; case OPC59_FADDS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fadd); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FADD\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fp = fpu_add(fe); break; case OPC59_FSQRTS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fsqrt); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FSQRT\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, rb); fp = fpu_sqrt(fe); break; case OPC63M_FSEL: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fsel); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FSEL\n")); a = (int *)&fe->fe_fpstate->fpr[ra].fpr; if ((*a & 0x80000000) && (*a & 0x7fffffff)) /* fra < 0 */ rc = rb; DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("f%d => f%d\n", rc, rt)); memcpy(&fs->fpr[rt].fpr, &fs->fpr[rc].fpr, sizeof(double)); break; case OPC59_FRES: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fpres); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FPRES\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, rb); fp = fpu_sqrt(fe); /* now we've gotta overwrite the dest reg */ *((int *)&fe->fe_fpstate->fpr[rt].fpr) = 1; fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, FTYPE_INT, rt); fpu_div(fe); break; case OPC59_FMULS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fmul); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FMUL\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rc); fp = fpu_mul(fe); break; case OPC63M_FRSQRTE: /* Reciprocal sqrt() estimate */ FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(frsqrte); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FRSQRTE\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, rb); fp = fpu_sqrt(fe); fe->fe_f2 = *fp; /* now we've gotta overwrite the dest reg */ *((int *)&fe->fe_fpstate->fpr[rt].fpr) = 1; fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, FTYPE_INT, rt); fpu_div(fe); break; case OPC59_FMSUBS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fmulsub); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FMULSUB\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rc); fp = fpu_mul(fe); fe->fe_f1 = *fp; fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fp = fpu_sub(fe); break; case OPC59_FMADDS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fmuladd); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FMULADD\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rc); fp = fpu_mul(fe); fe->fe_f1 = *fp; fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fp = fpu_add(fe); break; case OPC59_FNMSUBS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fnmsub); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FNMSUB\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rc); fp = fpu_mul(fe); fe->fe_f1 = *fp; fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fp = fpu_sub(fe); /* Negate */ fp->fp_sign ^= 1; break; case OPC59_FNMADDS: FPU_EMU_EVCNT_INCR(fnmadd); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: FNMADD\n")); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f1, type, ra); fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rc); fp = fpu_mul(fe); fe->fe_f1 = *fp; fpu_explode(fe, &fe->fe_f2, type, rb); fp = fpu_add(fe); /* Negate */ fp->fp_sign ^= 1; break; default: return (NOTFPU); break; } /* If the instruction was single precision, round */ if (!(instr.i_any.i_opcd & 0x4)) { fpu_implode(fe, fp, FTYPE_SNG, (u_int *)&fs->fpr[rt].fpr); fpu_explode(fe, fp = &fe->fe_f1, FTYPE_SNG, rt); } } } else { return (NOTFPU); } /* * ALU operation is complete. Collapse the result and then check * for exceptions. If we got any, and they are enabled, do not * alter the destination register, just stop with an exception. * Otherwise set new current exceptions and accrue. */ if (fp) fpu_implode(fe, fp, type, (u_int *)&fs->fpr[rt].fpr); cx = fe->fe_cx; fsr = fe->fe_fpscr; if (cx != 0) { fsr &= ~FPSCR_FX; if ((cx^fsr)&FPSR_EX_MSK) fsr |= FPSCR_FX; mask = fsr & FPSR_EX; mask <<= (25-3); if (cx & mask) fsr |= FPSCR_FEX; if (cx & FPSCR_FPRF) { /* Need to replace CC */ fsr &= ~FPSCR_FPRF; } if (cx & (FPSR_EXOP)) fsr |= FPSCR_VX; fsr |= cx; DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: cx %x, fsr %x\n", cx, fsr)); } if (cond) { cond = fsr & 0xf0000000; /* Isolate condition codes */ cond >>= 28; /* Move fpu condition codes to cr[1] */ tf->cr &= (0x0f000000); tf->cr |= (cond<<24); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: cr[1] <= %x\n", cond)); } if (setcr) { cond = fsr & FPSCR_FPCC; /* Isolate condition codes */ cond <<= 16; /* Move fpu condition codes to cr[1] */ tf->cr &= ~(0xf0000000>>bf); tf->cr |= (cond>>bf); DPRINTF(FPE_INSN, ("fpu_execute: cr[%d] (cr=%jx) <= %x\n", bf/4, (uintmax_t)tf->cr, cond)); } ((int *)&fs->fpscr)[1] = fsr; if (fsr & FPSCR_FEX) return(FPE); return (0); /* success */ } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_implode.c b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_implode.c index 69a58bf79315..8ccf4b2f8243 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_implode.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_implode.c @@ -1,459 +1,458 @@ /* $NetBSD: fpu_implode.c,v 1.6 2005/12/11 12:18:42 christos Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fpu_implode.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/11/93 */ /* * FPU subroutines: `implode' internal format numbers into the machine's * `packed binary' format. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include static int round(struct fpemu *, struct fpn *); static int toinf(struct fpemu *, int); /* * Round a number (algorithm from Motorola MC68882 manual, modified for * our internal format). Set inexact exception if rounding is required. * Return true iff we rounded up. * * After rounding, we discard the guard and round bits by shifting right * 2 bits (a la fpu_shr(), but we do not bother with fp->fp_sticky). * This saves effort later. * * Note that we may leave the value 2.0 in fp->fp_mant; it is the caller's * responsibility to fix this if necessary. */ static int round(struct fpemu *fe, struct fpn *fp) { u_int m0, m1, m2, m3; int gr, s; FPU_DECL_CARRY; m0 = fp->fp_mant[0]; m1 = fp->fp_mant[1]; m2 = fp->fp_mant[2]; m3 = fp->fp_mant[3]; gr = m3 & 3; s = fp->fp_sticky; /* mant >>= FP_NG */ m3 = (m3 >> FP_NG) | (m2 << (32 - FP_NG)); m2 = (m2 >> FP_NG) | (m1 << (32 - FP_NG)); m1 = (m1 >> FP_NG) | (m0 << (32 - FP_NG)); m0 >>= FP_NG; if ((gr | s) == 0) /* result is exact: no rounding needed */ goto rounddown; fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_XX|FPSCR_FI; /* inexact */ /* Go to rounddown to round down; break to round up. */ switch ((fe->fe_fpscr) & FPSCR_RN) { case FP_RN: default: /* * Round only if guard is set (gr & 2). If guard is set, * but round & sticky both clear, then we want to round * but have a tie, so round to even, i.e., add 1 iff odd. */ if ((gr & 2) == 0) goto rounddown; if ((gr & 1) || fp->fp_sticky || (m3 & 1)) break; goto rounddown; case FP_RZ: /* Round towards zero, i.e., down. */ goto rounddown; case FP_RM: /* Round towards -Inf: up if negative, down if positive. */ if (fp->fp_sign) break; goto rounddown; case FP_RP: /* Round towards +Inf: up if positive, down otherwise. */ if (!fp->fp_sign) break; goto rounddown; } /* Bump low bit of mantissa, with carry. */ fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_FR; FPU_ADDS(m3, m3, 1); FPU_ADDCS(m2, m2, 0); FPU_ADDCS(m1, m1, 0); FPU_ADDC(m0, m0, 0); fp->fp_mant[0] = m0; fp->fp_mant[1] = m1; fp->fp_mant[2] = m2; fp->fp_mant[3] = m3; return (1); rounddown: fp->fp_mant[0] = m0; fp->fp_mant[1] = m1; fp->fp_mant[2] = m2; fp->fp_mant[3] = m3; return (0); } /* * For overflow: return true if overflow is to go to +/-Inf, according * to the sign of the overflowing result. If false, overflow is to go * to the largest magnitude value instead. */ static int toinf(struct fpemu *fe, int sign) { int inf; /* look at rounding direction */ switch ((fe->fe_fpscr) & FPSCR_RN) { default: case FP_RN: /* the nearest value is always Inf */ inf = 1; break; case FP_RZ: /* toward 0 => never towards Inf */ inf = 0; break; case FP_RP: /* toward +Inf iff positive */ inf = sign == 0; break; case FP_RM: /* toward -Inf iff negative */ inf = sign; break; } if (inf) fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_OX; return (inf); } /* * fpn -> int (int value returned as return value). * * N.B.: this conversion always rounds towards zero (this is a peculiarity * of the SPARC instruction set). */ u_int fpu_ftoi(struct fpemu *fe, struct fpn *fp) { u_int i; int sign, exp; sign = fp->fp_sign; switch (fp->fp_class) { case FPC_ZERO: return (0); case FPC_NUM: /* * If exp >= 2^32, overflow. Otherwise shift value right * into last mantissa word (this will not exceed 0xffffffff), * shifting any guard and round bits out into the sticky * bit. Then ``round'' towards zero, i.e., just set an * inexact exception if sticky is set (see round()). * If the result is > 0x80000000, or is positive and equals * 0x80000000, overflow; otherwise the last fraction word * is the result. */ if ((exp = fp->fp_exp) >= 32) break; /* NB: the following includes exp < 0 cases */ if (fpu_shr(fp, FP_NMANT - 1 - exp) != 0) fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_UX; i = fp->fp_mant[3]; if (i >= ((u_int)0x80000000 + sign)) break; return (sign ? -i : i); default: /* Inf, qNaN, sNaN */ break; } /* overflow: replace any inexact exception with invalid */ fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXCVI; return (0x7fffffff + sign); } /* * fpn -> extended int (high bits of int value returned as return value). * * N.B.: this conversion always rounds towards zero (this is a peculiarity * of the SPARC instruction set). */ u_int fpu_ftox(struct fpemu *fe, struct fpn *fp, u_int *res) { u_int64_t i; int sign, exp; sign = fp->fp_sign; switch (fp->fp_class) { case FPC_ZERO: res[1] = 0; return (0); case FPC_NUM: /* * If exp >= 2^64, overflow. Otherwise shift value right * into last mantissa word (this will not exceed 0xffffffffffffffff), * shifting any guard and round bits out into the sticky * bit. Then ``round'' towards zero, i.e., just set an * inexact exception if sticky is set (see round()). * If the result is > 0x8000000000000000, or is positive and equals * 0x8000000000000000, overflow; otherwise the last fraction word * is the result. */ if ((exp = fp->fp_exp) >= 64) break; /* NB: the following includes exp < 0 cases */ if (fpu_shr(fp, FP_NMANT - 1 - exp) != 0) fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_UX; i = ((u_int64_t)fp->fp_mant[2]<<32)|fp->fp_mant[3]; if (i >= ((u_int64_t)0x8000000000000000LL + sign)) break; return (sign ? -i : i); default: /* Inf, qNaN, sNaN */ break; } /* overflow: replace any inexact exception with invalid */ fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXCVI; return (0x7fffffffffffffffLL + sign); } /* * fpn -> single (32 bit single returned as return value). * We assume <= 29 bits in a single-precision fraction (1.f part). */ u_int fpu_ftos(struct fpemu *fe, struct fpn *fp) { u_int sign = fp->fp_sign << 31; int exp; #define SNG_EXP(e) ((e) << SNG_FRACBITS) /* makes e an exponent */ #define SNG_MASK (SNG_EXP(1) - 1) /* mask for fraction */ /* Take care of non-numbers first. */ if (ISNAN(fp)) { /* * Preserve upper bits of NaN, per SPARC V8 appendix N. * Note that fp->fp_mant[0] has the quiet bit set, * even if it is classified as a signalling NaN. */ (void) fpu_shr(fp, FP_NMANT - 1 - SNG_FRACBITS); exp = SNG_EXP_INFNAN; goto done; } if (ISINF(fp)) return (sign | SNG_EXP(SNG_EXP_INFNAN)); if (ISZERO(fp)) return (sign); /* * Normals (including subnormals). Drop all the fraction bits * (including the explicit ``implied'' 1 bit) down into the * single-precision range. If the number is subnormal, move * the ``implied'' 1 into the explicit range as well, and shift * right to introduce leading zeroes. Rounding then acts * differently for normals and subnormals: the largest subnormal * may round to the smallest normal (1.0 x 2^minexp), or may * remain subnormal. In the latter case, signal an underflow * if the result was inexact or if underflow traps are enabled. * * Rounding a normal, on the other hand, always produces another * normal (although either way the result might be too big for * single precision, and cause an overflow). If rounding a * normal produces 2.0 in the fraction, we need not adjust that * fraction at all, since both 1.0 and 2.0 are zero under the * fraction mask. * * Note that the guard and round bits vanish from the number after * rounding. */ if ((exp = fp->fp_exp + SNG_EXP_BIAS) <= 0) { /* subnormal */ /* -NG for g,r; -SNG_FRACBITS-exp for fraction */ (void) fpu_shr(fp, FP_NMANT - FP_NG - SNG_FRACBITS - exp); if (round(fe, fp) && fp->fp_mant[3] == SNG_EXP(1)) return (sign | SNG_EXP(1) | 0); if ((fe->fe_cx & FPSCR_FI) || (fe->fe_fpscr & FPSCR_UX)) fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_UX; return (sign | SNG_EXP(0) | fp->fp_mant[3]); } /* -FP_NG for g,r; -1 for implied 1; -SNG_FRACBITS for fraction */ (void) fpu_shr(fp, FP_NMANT - FP_NG - 1 - SNG_FRACBITS); #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if ((fp->fp_mant[3] & SNG_EXP(1 << FP_NG)) == 0) panic("fpu_ftos"); #endif if (round(fe, fp) && fp->fp_mant[3] == SNG_EXP(2)) exp++; if (exp >= SNG_EXP_INFNAN) { /* overflow to inf or to max single */ if (toinf(fe, sign)) return (sign | SNG_EXP(SNG_EXP_INFNAN)); return (sign | SNG_EXP(SNG_EXP_INFNAN - 1) | SNG_MASK); } done: /* phew, made it */ return (sign | SNG_EXP(exp) | (fp->fp_mant[3] & SNG_MASK)); } /* * fpn -> double (32 bit high-order result returned; 32-bit low order result * left in res[1]). Assumes <= 61 bits in double precision fraction. * * This code mimics fpu_ftos; see it for comments. */ u_int fpu_ftod(struct fpemu *fe, struct fpn *fp, u_int *res) { u_int sign = fp->fp_sign << 31; int exp; #define DBL_EXP(e) ((e) << (DBL_FRACBITS & 31)) #define DBL_MASK (DBL_EXP(1) - 1) if (ISNAN(fp)) { (void) fpu_shr(fp, FP_NMANT - 1 - DBL_FRACBITS); exp = DBL_EXP_INFNAN; goto done; } if (ISINF(fp)) { sign |= DBL_EXP(DBL_EXP_INFNAN); goto zero; } if (ISZERO(fp)) { zero: res[1] = 0; return (sign); } if ((exp = fp->fp_exp + DBL_EXP_BIAS) <= 0) { (void) fpu_shr(fp, FP_NMANT - FP_NG - DBL_FRACBITS - exp); if (round(fe, fp) && fp->fp_mant[2] == DBL_EXP(1)) { res[1] = 0; return (sign | DBL_EXP(1) | 0); } if ((fe->fe_cx & FPSCR_FI) || (fe->fe_fpscr & FPSCR_UX)) fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_UX; exp = 0; goto done; } (void) fpu_shr(fp, FP_NMANT - FP_NG - 1 - DBL_FRACBITS); if (round(fe, fp) && fp->fp_mant[2] == DBL_EXP(2)) exp++; if (exp >= DBL_EXP_INFNAN) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_OX | FPSCR_UX; if (toinf(fe, sign)) { res[1] = 0; return (sign | DBL_EXP(DBL_EXP_INFNAN) | 0); } res[1] = ~0; return (sign | DBL_EXP(DBL_EXP_INFNAN) | DBL_MASK); } done: res[1] = fp->fp_mant[3]; return (sign | DBL_EXP(exp) | (fp->fp_mant[2] & DBL_MASK)); } /* * Implode an fpn, writing the result into the given space. */ void fpu_implode(struct fpemu *fe, struct fpn *fp, int type, u_int *space) { switch (type) { case FTYPE_LNG: space[0] = fpu_ftox(fe, fp, space); DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("fpu_implode: long %x %x\n", space[0], space[1])); break; case FTYPE_INT: space[0] = 0; space[1] = fpu_ftoi(fe, fp); DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("fpu_implode: int %x\n", space[1])); break; case FTYPE_SNG: space[0] = fpu_ftos(fe, fp); DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("fpu_implode: single %x\n", space[0])); break; case FTYPE_DBL: space[0] = fpu_ftod(fe, fp, space); DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("fpu_implode: double %x %x\n", space[0], space[1])); break; break; default: panic("fpu_implode: invalid type %d", type); } } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_mul.c b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_mul.c index 609b261492a4..336ddaee9607 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_mul.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_mul.c @@ -1,241 +1,240 @@ /* $NetBSD: fpu_mul.c,v 1.4 2005/12/11 12:18:42 christos Exp $ */ /* * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fpu_mul.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/11/93 */ /* * Perform an FPU multiply (return x * y). */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include -#include #include #include /* * The multiplication algorithm for normal numbers is as follows: * * The fraction of the product is built in the usual stepwise fashion. * Each step consists of shifting the accumulator right one bit * (maintaining any guard bits) and, if the next bit in y is set, * adding the multiplicand (x) to the accumulator. Then, in any case, * we advance one bit leftward in y. Algorithmically: * * A = 0; * for (bit = 0; bit < FP_NMANT; bit++) { * sticky |= A & 1, A >>= 1; * if (Y & (1 << bit)) * A += X; * } * * (X and Y here represent the mantissas of x and y respectively.) * The resultant accumulator (A) is the product's mantissa. It may * be as large as 11.11111... in binary and hence may need to be * shifted right, but at most one bit. * * Since we do not have efficient multiword arithmetic, we code the * accumulator as four separate words, just like any other mantissa. * We use local variables in the hope that this is faster than memory. * We keep x->fp_mant in locals for the same reason. * * In the algorithm above, the bits in y are inspected one at a time. * We will pick them up 32 at a time and then deal with those 32, one * at a time. Note, however, that we know several things about y: * * - the guard and round bits at the bottom are sure to be zero; * * - often many low bits are zero (y is often from a single or double * precision source); * * - bit FP_NMANT-1 is set, and FP_1*2 fits in a word. * * We can also test for 32-zero-bits swiftly. In this case, the center * part of the loop---setting sticky, shifting A, and not adding---will * run 32 times without adding X to A. We can do a 32-bit shift faster * by simply moving words. Since zeros are common, we optimize this case. * Furthermore, since A is initially zero, we can omit the shift as well * until we reach a nonzero word. */ struct fpn * fpu_mul(struct fpemu *fe) { struct fpn *x = &fe->fe_f1, *y = &fe->fe_f2; u_int a3, a2, a1, a0, x3, x2, x1, x0, bit, m; int sticky; FPU_DECL_CARRY; /* * Put the `heavier' operand on the right (see fpu_emu.h). * Then we will have one of the following cases, taken in the * following order: * * - y = NaN. Implied: if only one is a signalling NaN, y is. * The result is y. * - y = Inf. Implied: x != NaN (is 0, number, or Inf: the NaN * case was taken care of earlier). * If x = 0, the result is NaN. Otherwise the result * is y, with its sign reversed if x is negative. * - x = 0. Implied: y is 0 or number. * The result is 0 (with XORed sign as usual). * - other. Implied: both x and y are numbers. * The result is x * y (XOR sign, multiply bits, add exponents). */ DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("fpu_mul:\n")); DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("=>\n")); ORDER(x, y); if (ISNAN(y)) { y->fp_sign ^= x->fp_sign; fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXSNAN; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); return (y); } if (ISINF(y)) { if (ISZERO(x)) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXIMZ; return (fpu_newnan(fe)); } y->fp_sign ^= x->fp_sign; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, y); return (y); } if (ISZERO(x)) { x->fp_sign ^= y->fp_sign; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } /* * Setup. In the code below, the mask `m' will hold the current * mantissa byte from y. The variable `bit' denotes the bit * within m. We also define some macros to deal with everything. */ x3 = x->fp_mant[3]; x2 = x->fp_mant[2]; x1 = x->fp_mant[1]; x0 = x->fp_mant[0]; sticky = a3 = a2 = a1 = a0 = 0; #define ADD /* A += X */ \ FPU_ADDS(a3, a3, x3); \ FPU_ADDCS(a2, a2, x2); \ FPU_ADDCS(a1, a1, x1); \ FPU_ADDC(a0, a0, x0) #define SHR1 /* A >>= 1, with sticky */ \ sticky |= a3 & 1, a3 = (a3 >> 1) | (a2 << 31), \ a2 = (a2 >> 1) | (a1 << 31), a1 = (a1 >> 1) | (a0 << 31), a0 >>= 1 #define SHR32 /* A >>= 32, with sticky */ \ sticky |= a3, a3 = a2, a2 = a1, a1 = a0, a0 = 0 #define STEP /* each 1-bit step of the multiplication */ \ SHR1; if (bit & m) { ADD; }; bit <<= 1 /* * We are ready to begin. The multiply loop runs once for each * of the four 32-bit words. Some words, however, are special. * As noted above, the low order bits of Y are often zero. Even * if not, the first loop can certainly skip the guard bits. * The last word of y has its highest 1-bit in position FP_NMANT-1, * so we stop the loop when we move past that bit. */ if ((m = y->fp_mant[3]) == 0) { /* SHR32; */ /* unneeded since A==0 */ } else { bit = 1 << FP_NG; do { STEP; } while (bit != 0); } if ((m = y->fp_mant[2]) == 0) { SHR32; } else { bit = 1; do { STEP; } while (bit != 0); } if ((m = y->fp_mant[1]) == 0) { SHR32; } else { bit = 1; do { STEP; } while (bit != 0); } m = y->fp_mant[0]; /* definitely != 0 */ bit = 1; do { STEP; } while (bit <= m); /* * Done with mantissa calculation. Get exponent and handle * 11.111...1 case, then put result in place. We reuse x since * it already has the right class (FP_NUM). */ m = x->fp_exp + y->fp_exp; if (a0 >= FP_2) { SHR1; m++; } x->fp_sign ^= y->fp_sign; x->fp_exp = m; x->fp_sticky = sticky; x->fp_mant[3] = a3; x->fp_mant[2] = a2; x->fp_mant[1] = a1; x->fp_mant[0] = a0; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_sqrt.c b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_sqrt.c index e1f5bec9006f..5a95d7eae115 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_sqrt.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_sqrt.c @@ -1,417 +1,416 @@ /* $NetBSD: fpu_sqrt.c,v 1.4 2005/12/11 12:18:42 christos Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fpu_sqrt.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/11/93 */ /* * Perform an FPU square root (return sqrt(x)). */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include -#include #include #include /* * Our task is to calculate the square root of a floating point number x0. * This number x normally has the form: * * exp * x = mant * 2 (where 1 <= mant < 2 and exp is an integer) * * This can be left as it stands, or the mantissa can be doubled and the * exponent decremented: * * exp-1 * x = (2 * mant) * 2 (where 2 <= 2 * mant < 4) * * If the exponent `exp' is even, the square root of the number is best * handled using the first form, and is by definition equal to: * * exp/2 * sqrt(x) = sqrt(mant) * 2 * * If exp is odd, on the other hand, it is convenient to use the second * form, giving: * * (exp-1)/2 * sqrt(x) = sqrt(2 * mant) * 2 * * In the first case, we have * * 1 <= mant < 2 * * and therefore * * sqrt(1) <= sqrt(mant) < sqrt(2) * * while in the second case we have * * 2 <= 2*mant < 4 * * and therefore * * sqrt(2) <= sqrt(2*mant) < sqrt(4) * * so that in any case, we are sure that * * sqrt(1) <= sqrt(n * mant) < sqrt(4), n = 1 or 2 * * or * * 1 <= sqrt(n * mant) < 2, n = 1 or 2. * * This root is therefore a properly formed mantissa for a floating * point number. The exponent of sqrt(x) is either exp/2 or (exp-1)/2 * as above. This leaves us with the problem of finding the square root * of a fixed-point number in the range [1..4). * * Though it may not be instantly obvious, the following square root * algorithm works for any integer x of an even number of bits, provided * that no overflows occur: * * let q = 0 * for k = NBITS-1 to 0 step -1 do -- for each digit in the answer... * x *= 2 -- multiply by radix, for next digit * if x >= 2q + 2^k then -- if adding 2^k does not * x -= 2q + 2^k -- exceed the correct root, * q += 2^k -- add 2^k and adjust x * fi * done * sqrt = q / 2^(NBITS/2) -- (and any remainder is in x) * * If NBITS is odd (so that k is initially even), we can just add another * zero bit at the top of x. Doing so means that q is not going to acquire * a 1 bit in the first trip around the loop (since x0 < 2^NBITS). If the * final value in x is not needed, or can be off by a factor of 2, this is * equivalant to moving the `x *= 2' step to the bottom of the loop: * * for k = NBITS-1 to 0 step -1 do if ... fi; x *= 2; done * * and the result q will then be sqrt(x0) * 2^floor(NBITS / 2). * (Since the algorithm is destructive on x, we will call x's initial * value, for which q is some power of two times its square root, x0.) * * If we insert a loop invariant y = 2q, we can then rewrite this using * C notation as: * * q = y = 0; x = x0; * for (k = NBITS; --k >= 0;) { * #if (NBITS is even) * x *= 2; * #endif * t = y + (1 << k); * if (x >= t) { * x -= t; * q += 1 << k; * y += 1 << (k + 1); * } * #if (NBITS is odd) * x *= 2; * #endif * } * * If x0 is fixed point, rather than an integer, we can simply alter the * scale factor between q and sqrt(x0). As it happens, we can easily arrange * for the scale factor to be 2**0 or 1, so that sqrt(x0) == q. * * In our case, however, x0 (and therefore x, y, q, and t) are multiword * integers, which adds some complication. But note that q is built one * bit at a time, from the top down, and is not used itself in the loop * (we use 2q as held in y instead). This means we can build our answer * in an integer, one word at a time, which saves a bit of work. Also, * since 1 << k is always a `new' bit in q, 1 << k and 1 << (k+1) are * `new' bits in y and we can set them with an `or' operation rather than * a full-blown multiword add. * * We are almost done, except for one snag. We must prove that none of our * intermediate calculations can overflow. We know that x0 is in [1..4) * and therefore the square root in q will be in [1..2), but what about x, * y, and t? * * We know that y = 2q at the beginning of each loop. (The relation only * fails temporarily while y and q are being updated.) Since q < 2, y < 4. * The sum in t can, in our case, be as much as y+(1<<1) = y+2 < 6, and. * Furthermore, we can prove with a bit of work that x never exceeds y by * more than 2, so that even after doubling, 0 <= x < 8. (This is left as * an exercise to the reader, mostly because I have become tired of working * on this comment.) * * If our floating point mantissas (which are of the form 1.frac) occupy * B+1 bits, our largest intermediary needs at most B+3 bits, or two extra. * In fact, we want even one more bit (for a carry, to avoid compares), or * three extra. There is a comment in fpu_emu.h reminding maintainers of * this, so we have some justification in assuming it. */ struct fpn * fpu_sqrt(struct fpemu *fe) { struct fpn *x = &fe->fe_f1; u_int bit, q, tt; u_int x0, x1, x2, x3; u_int y0, y1, y2, y3; u_int d0, d1, d2, d3; int e; FPU_DECL_CARRY; /* * Take care of special cases first. In order: * * sqrt(NaN) = NaN * sqrt(+0) = +0 * sqrt(-0) = -0 * sqrt(x < 0) = NaN (including sqrt(-Inf)) * sqrt(+Inf) = +Inf * * Then all that remains are numbers with mantissas in [1..2). */ DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("fpu_sqer:\n")); DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); DPRINTF(FPE_REG, ("=>\n")); if (ISNAN(x)) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXSNAN; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } if (ISZERO(x)) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_ZX; x->fp_class = FPC_INF; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } if (x->fp_sign) { fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXSQRT; return (fpu_newnan(fe)); } if (ISINF(x)) { DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } /* * Calculate result exponent. As noted above, this may involve * doubling the mantissa. We will also need to double x each * time around the loop, so we define a macro for this here, and * we break out the multiword mantissa. */ #ifdef FPU_SHL1_BY_ADD #define DOUBLE_X { \ FPU_ADDS(x3, x3, x3); FPU_ADDCS(x2, x2, x2); \ FPU_ADDCS(x1, x1, x1); FPU_ADDC(x0, x0, x0); \ } #else #define DOUBLE_X { \ x0 = (x0 << 1) | (x1 >> 31); x1 = (x1 << 1) | (x2 >> 31); \ x2 = (x2 << 1) | (x3 >> 31); x3 <<= 1; \ } #endif #if (FP_NMANT & 1) != 0 # define ODD_DOUBLE DOUBLE_X # define EVEN_DOUBLE /* nothing */ #else # define ODD_DOUBLE /* nothing */ # define EVEN_DOUBLE DOUBLE_X #endif x0 = x->fp_mant[0]; x1 = x->fp_mant[1]; x2 = x->fp_mant[2]; x3 = x->fp_mant[3]; e = x->fp_exp; if (e & 1) /* exponent is odd; use sqrt(2mant) */ DOUBLE_X; /* THE FOLLOWING ASSUMES THAT RIGHT SHIFT DOES SIGN EXTENSION */ x->fp_exp = e >> 1; /* calculates (e&1 ? (e-1)/2 : e/2 */ /* * Now calculate the mantissa root. Since x is now in [1..4), * we know that the first trip around the loop will definitely * set the top bit in q, so we can do that manually and start * the loop at the next bit down instead. We must be sure to * double x correctly while doing the `known q=1.0'. * * We do this one mantissa-word at a time, as noted above, to * save work. To avoid `(1U << 31) << 1', we also do the top bit * outside of each per-word loop. * * The calculation `t = y + bit' breaks down into `t0 = y0, ..., * t3 = y3, t? |= bit' for the appropriate word. Since the bit * is always a `new' one, this means that three of the `t?'s are * just the corresponding `y?'; we use `#define's here for this. * The variable `tt' holds the actual `t?' variable. */ /* calculate q0 */ #define t0 tt bit = FP_1; EVEN_DOUBLE; /* if (x >= (t0 = y0 | bit)) { */ /* always true */ q = bit; x0 -= bit; y0 = bit << 1; /* } */ ODD_DOUBLE; while ((bit >>= 1) != 0) { /* for remaining bits in q0 */ EVEN_DOUBLE; t0 = y0 | bit; /* t = y + bit */ if (x0 >= t0) { /* if x >= t then */ x0 -= t0; /* x -= t */ q |= bit; /* q += bit */ y0 |= bit << 1; /* y += bit << 1 */ } ODD_DOUBLE; } x->fp_mant[0] = q; #undef t0 /* calculate q1. note (y0&1)==0. */ #define t0 y0 #define t1 tt q = 0; y1 = 0; bit = 1 << 31; EVEN_DOUBLE; t1 = bit; FPU_SUBS(d1, x1, t1); FPU_SUBC(d0, x0, t0); /* d = x - t */ if ((int)d0 >= 0) { /* if d >= 0 (i.e., x >= t) then */ x0 = d0, x1 = d1; /* x -= t */ q = bit; /* q += bit */ y0 |= 1; /* y += bit << 1 */ } ODD_DOUBLE; while ((bit >>= 1) != 0) { /* for remaining bits in q1 */ EVEN_DOUBLE; /* as before */ t1 = y1 | bit; FPU_SUBS(d1, x1, t1); FPU_SUBC(d0, x0, t0); if ((int)d0 >= 0) { x0 = d0, x1 = d1; q |= bit; y1 |= bit << 1; } ODD_DOUBLE; } x->fp_mant[1] = q; #undef t1 /* calculate q2. note (y1&1)==0; y0 (aka t0) is fixed. */ #define t1 y1 #define t2 tt q = 0; y2 = 0; bit = 1 << 31; EVEN_DOUBLE; t2 = bit; FPU_SUBS(d2, x2, t2); FPU_SUBCS(d1, x1, t1); FPU_SUBC(d0, x0, t0); if ((int)d0 >= 0) { x0 = d0, x1 = d1, x2 = d2; q = bit; y1 |= 1; /* now t1, y1 are set in concrete */ } ODD_DOUBLE; while ((bit >>= 1) != 0) { EVEN_DOUBLE; t2 = y2 | bit; FPU_SUBS(d2, x2, t2); FPU_SUBCS(d1, x1, t1); FPU_SUBC(d0, x0, t0); if ((int)d0 >= 0) { x0 = d0, x1 = d1, x2 = d2; q |= bit; y2 |= bit << 1; } ODD_DOUBLE; } x->fp_mant[2] = q; #undef t2 /* calculate q3. y0, t0, y1, t1 all fixed; y2, t2, almost done. */ #define t2 y2 #define t3 tt q = 0; y3 = 0; bit = 1 << 31; EVEN_DOUBLE; t3 = bit; FPU_SUBS(d3, x3, t3); FPU_SUBCS(d2, x2, t2); FPU_SUBCS(d1, x1, t1); FPU_SUBC(d0, x0, t0); if ((int)d0 >= 0) { x0 = d0, x1 = d1, x2 = d2; x3 = d3; q = bit; y2 |= 1; } ODD_DOUBLE; while ((bit >>= 1) != 0) { EVEN_DOUBLE; t3 = y3 | bit; FPU_SUBS(d3, x3, t3); FPU_SUBCS(d2, x2, t2); FPU_SUBCS(d1, x1, t1); FPU_SUBC(d0, x0, t0); if ((int)d0 >= 0) { x0 = d0, x1 = d1, x2 = d2; x3 = d3; q |= bit; y3 |= bit << 1; } ODD_DOUBLE; } x->fp_mant[3] = q; /* * The result, which includes guard and round bits, is exact iff * x is now zero; any nonzero bits in x represent sticky bits. */ x->fp_sticky = x0 | x1 | x2 | x3; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, x); return (x); } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_subr.c b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_subr.c index fc817a7ee587..fbe1bc70aa5a 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_subr.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/fpu/fpu_subr.c @@ -1,222 +1,221 @@ /* $NetBSD: fpu_subr.c,v 1.4 2005/12/11 12:18:42 christos Exp $ */ /* * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)fpu_subr.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/11/93 */ /* * FPU subroutines. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include -#include #include #include /* * Shift the given number right rsh bits. Any bits that `fall off' will get * shoved into the sticky field; we return the resulting sticky. Note that * shifting NaNs is legal (this will never shift all bits out); a NaN's * sticky field is ignored anyway. */ int fpu_shr(struct fpn *fp, int rsh) { u_int m0, m1, m2, m3, s; int lsh; #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if (rsh <= 0 || (fp->fp_class != FPC_NUM && !ISNAN(fp))) panic("fpu_rightshift 1"); #endif m0 = fp->fp_mant[0]; m1 = fp->fp_mant[1]; m2 = fp->fp_mant[2]; m3 = fp->fp_mant[3]; /* If shifting all the bits out, take a shortcut. */ if (rsh >= FP_NMANT) { #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if ((m0 | m1 | m2 | m3) == 0) panic("fpu_rightshift 2"); #endif fp->fp_mant[0] = 0; fp->fp_mant[1] = 0; fp->fp_mant[2] = 0; fp->fp_mant[3] = 0; #ifdef notdef if ((m0 | m1 | m2 | m3) == 0) fp->fp_class = FPC_ZERO; else #endif fp->fp_sticky = 1; return (1); } /* Squish out full words. */ s = fp->fp_sticky; if (rsh >= 32 * 3) { s |= m3 | m2 | m1; m3 = m0, m2 = 0, m1 = 0, m0 = 0; } else if (rsh >= 32 * 2) { s |= m3 | m2; m3 = m1, m2 = m0, m1 = 0, m0 = 0; } else if (rsh >= 32) { s |= m3; m3 = m2, m2 = m1, m1 = m0, m0 = 0; } /* Handle any remaining partial word. */ if ((rsh &= 31) != 0) { lsh = 32 - rsh; s |= m3 << lsh; m3 = (m3 >> rsh) | (m2 << lsh); m2 = (m2 >> rsh) | (m1 << lsh); m1 = (m1 >> rsh) | (m0 << lsh); m0 >>= rsh; } fp->fp_mant[0] = m0; fp->fp_mant[1] = m1; fp->fp_mant[2] = m2; fp->fp_mant[3] = m3; fp->fp_sticky = s; return (s); } /* * Force a number to be normal, i.e., make its fraction have all zero * bits before FP_1, then FP_1, then all 1 bits. This is used for denorms * and (sometimes) for intermediate results. * * Internally, this may use a `supernormal' -- a number whose fp_mant * is greater than or equal to 2.0 -- so as a side effect you can hand it * a supernormal and it will fix it (provided fp->fp_mant[3] == 0). */ void fpu_norm(struct fpn *fp) { u_int m0, m1, m2, m3, top, sup, nrm; int lsh, rsh, exp; exp = fp->fp_exp; m0 = fp->fp_mant[0]; m1 = fp->fp_mant[1]; m2 = fp->fp_mant[2]; m3 = fp->fp_mant[3]; /* Handle severe subnormals with 32-bit moves. */ if (m0 == 0) { if (m1) m0 = m1, m1 = m2, m2 = m3, m3 = 0, exp -= 32; else if (m2) m0 = m2, m1 = m3, m2 = 0, m3 = 0, exp -= 2 * 32; else if (m3) m0 = m3, m1 = 0, m2 = 0, m3 = 0, exp -= 3 * 32; else { fp->fp_class = FPC_ZERO; return; } } /* Now fix any supernormal or remaining subnormal. */ nrm = FP_1; sup = nrm << 1; if (m0 >= sup) { /* * We have a supernormal number. We need to shift it right. * We may assume m3==0. */ for (rsh = 1, top = m0 >> 1; top >= sup; rsh++) /* XXX slow */ top >>= 1; exp += rsh; lsh = 32 - rsh; m3 = m2 << lsh; m2 = (m2 >> rsh) | (m1 << lsh); m1 = (m1 >> rsh) | (m0 << lsh); m0 = top; } else if (m0 < nrm) { /* * We have a regular denorm (a subnormal number), and need * to shift it left. */ for (lsh = 1, top = m0 << 1; top < nrm; lsh++) /* XXX slow */ top <<= 1; exp -= lsh; rsh = 32 - lsh; m0 = top | (m1 >> rsh); m1 = (m1 << lsh) | (m2 >> rsh); m2 = (m2 << lsh) | (m3 >> rsh); m3 <<= lsh; } fp->fp_exp = exp; fp->fp_mant[0] = m0; fp->fp_mant[1] = m1; fp->fp_mant[2] = m2; fp->fp_mant[3] = m3; } /* * Concoct a `fresh' Quiet NaN per Appendix N. * As a side effect, we set NV (invalid) for the current exceptions. */ struct fpn * fpu_newnan(struct fpemu *fe) { struct fpn *fp; fe->fe_cx |= FPSCR_VXSNAN; fp = &fe->fe_f3; fp->fp_class = FPC_QNAN; fp->fp_sign = 0; fp->fp_mant[0] = FP_1 - 1; fp->fp_mant[1] = fp->fp_mant[2] = fp->fp_mant[3] = ~0; DUMPFPN(FPE_REG, fp); return (fp); } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/powerpc/elf32_machdep.c b/sys/powerpc/powerpc/elf32_machdep.c index 341352fdd589..a99aeb0a7444 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/powerpc/elf32_machdep.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/powerpc/elf32_machdep.c @@ -1,469 +1,469 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright 1996-1998 John D. Polstra. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #define __ELF_WORD_SIZE 32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #ifdef __powerpc64__ #include #include extern const char *freebsd32_syscallnames[]; static void ppc32_fixlimit(struct rlimit *rl, int which); static SYSCTL_NODE(_compat, OID_AUTO, ppc32, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, 0, "32-bit mode"); #define PPC32_MAXDSIZ (1024*1024*1024) static u_long ppc32_maxdsiz = PPC32_MAXDSIZ; SYSCTL_ULONG(_compat_ppc32, OID_AUTO, maxdsiz, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &ppc32_maxdsiz, 0, ""); #define PPC32_MAXSSIZ (64*1024*1024) u_long ppc32_maxssiz = PPC32_MAXSSIZ; SYSCTL_ULONG(_compat_ppc32, OID_AUTO, maxssiz, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &ppc32_maxssiz, 0, ""); #else static void ppc32_runtime_resolve(void); #endif struct sysentvec elf32_freebsd_sysvec = { .sv_size = SYS_MAXSYSCALL, #ifdef __powerpc64__ .sv_table = freebsd32_sysent, #else .sv_table = sysent, #endif .sv_transtrap = NULL, .sv_fixup = __elfN(freebsd_fixup), .sv_copyout_auxargs = __elfN(powerpc_copyout_auxargs), .sv_sendsig = sendsig, .sv_sigcode = sigcode32, .sv_szsigcode = &szsigcode32, .sv_name = "FreeBSD ELF32", .sv_coredump = __elfN(coredump), .sv_elf_core_osabi = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD, .sv_elf_core_abi_vendor = FREEBSD_ABI_VENDOR, .sv_elf_core_prepare_notes = __elfN(prepare_notes), .sv_imgact_try = NULL, .sv_minsigstksz = MINSIGSTKSZ, .sv_minuser = VM_MIN_ADDRESS, .sv_stackprot = VM_PROT_ALL, #ifdef __powerpc64__ .sv_maxuser = VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS32, .sv_usrstack = FREEBSD32_USRSTACK, .sv_psstrings = FREEBSD32_PS_STRINGS, .sv_copyout_strings = freebsd32_copyout_strings, .sv_setregs = ppc32_setregs, .sv_syscallnames = freebsd32_syscallnames, .sv_fixlimit = ppc32_fixlimit, #else .sv_maxuser = VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS, .sv_usrstack = USRSTACK, .sv_psstrings = PS_STRINGS, .sv_copyout_strings = exec_copyout_strings, .sv_setregs = exec_setregs, .sv_syscallnames = syscallnames, .sv_fixlimit = NULL, #endif .sv_maxssiz = NULL, .sv_flags = SV_ABI_FREEBSD | SV_ILP32 | SV_SHP | SV_ASLR | SV_TIMEKEEP | SV_RNG_SEED_VER, .sv_set_syscall_retval = cpu_set_syscall_retval, .sv_fetch_syscall_args = cpu_fetch_syscall_args, .sv_shared_page_base = FREEBSD32_SHAREDPAGE, .sv_shared_page_len = PAGE_SIZE, .sv_schedtail = NULL, .sv_thread_detach = NULL, .sv_trap = NULL, .sv_hwcap = &cpu_features, .sv_hwcap2 = &cpu_features2, .sv_onexec_old = exec_onexec_old, .sv_onexit = exit_onexit, }; INIT_SYSENTVEC(elf32_sysvec, &elf32_freebsd_sysvec); static Elf32_Brandinfo freebsd_brand_info = { .brand = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD, .machine = EM_PPC, .compat_3_brand = "FreeBSD", .emul_path = NULL, .interp_path = "/libexec/ld-elf.so.1", .sysvec = &elf32_freebsd_sysvec, #ifdef __powerpc64__ .interp_newpath = "/libexec/ld-elf32.so.1", #else .interp_newpath = NULL, #endif .brand_note = &elf32_freebsd_brandnote, .flags = BI_CAN_EXEC_DYN | BI_BRAND_NOTE }; SYSINIT(elf32, SI_SUB_EXEC, SI_ORDER_FIRST, (sysinit_cfunc_t) elf32_insert_brand_entry, &freebsd_brand_info); static Elf32_Brandinfo freebsd_brand_oinfo = { .brand = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD, .machine = EM_PPC, .compat_3_brand = "FreeBSD", .emul_path = NULL, .interp_path = "/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1", .sysvec = &elf32_freebsd_sysvec, .interp_newpath = NULL, .brand_note = &elf32_freebsd_brandnote, .flags = BI_CAN_EXEC_DYN | BI_BRAND_NOTE }; SYSINIT(oelf32, SI_SUB_EXEC, SI_ORDER_ANY, (sysinit_cfunc_t) elf32_insert_brand_entry, &freebsd_brand_oinfo); void elf_reloc_self(Elf_Dyn *dynp, Elf_Addr relocbase); void elf32_dump_thread(struct thread *td, void *dst, size_t *off) { size_t len; struct pcb *pcb; uint64_t vshr[32]; uint64_t *vsr_dw1; int vsr_idx; len = 0; pcb = td->td_pcb; if (pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_VEC) { save_vec_nodrop(td); if (dst != NULL) { len += elf32_populate_note(NT_PPC_VMX, &pcb->pcb_vec, (char *)dst + len, sizeof(pcb->pcb_vec), NULL); } else len += elf32_populate_note(NT_PPC_VMX, NULL, NULL, sizeof(pcb->pcb_vec), NULL); } if (pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_VSX) { save_fpu_nodrop(td); if (dst != NULL) { /* * Doubleword 0 of VSR0-VSR31 overlap with FPR0-FPR31 and * VSR32-VSR63 overlap with VR0-VR31, so we only copy * the non-overlapping data, which is doubleword 1 of VSR0-VSR31. */ for (vsr_idx = 0; vsr_idx < nitems(vshr); vsr_idx++) { vsr_dw1 = (uint64_t *)&pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr[vsr_idx].vsr[2]; vshr[vsr_idx] = *vsr_dw1; } len += elf32_populate_note(NT_PPC_VSX, vshr, (char *)dst + len, sizeof(vshr), NULL); } else len += elf32_populate_note(NT_PPC_VSX, NULL, NULL, sizeof(vshr), NULL); } *off = len; } #ifndef __powerpc64__ bool elf_is_ifunc_reloc(Elf_Size r_info) { return (ELF_R_TYPE(r_info) == R_PPC_IRELATIVE); } /* Process one elf relocation with addend. */ static int elf_reloc_internal(linker_file_t lf, Elf_Addr relocbase, const void *data, int type, int local, elf_lookup_fn lookup) { Elf_Addr *where; Elf_Half *hwhere; Elf_Addr addr; Elf_Addr addend, val; Elf_Word rtype, symidx; const Elf_Rela *rela; int error; switch (type) { case ELF_RELOC_REL: panic("PPC only supports RELA relocations"); break; case ELF_RELOC_RELA: rela = (const Elf_Rela *)data; where = (Elf_Addr *) ((uintptr_t)relocbase + rela->r_offset); hwhere = (Elf_Half *) ((uintptr_t)relocbase + rela->r_offset); addend = rela->r_addend; rtype = ELF_R_TYPE(rela->r_info); symidx = ELF_R_SYM(rela->r_info); break; default: panic("elf_reloc: unknown relocation mode %d\n", type); } switch (rtype) { case R_PPC_NONE: break; case R_PPC_ADDR32: /* word32 S + A */ error = lookup(lf, symidx, 1, &addr); if (error != 0) return (-1); *where = elf_relocaddr(lf, addr + addend); break; case R_PPC_ADDR16_LO: /* #lo(S) */ error = lookup(lf, symidx, 1, &addr); if (error != 0) return (-1); /* * addend values are sometimes relative to sections * (i.e. .rodata) in rela, where in reality they * are relative to relocbase. Detect this condition. */ if (addr > relocbase && addr <= (relocbase + addend)) addr = relocbase; addr = elf_relocaddr(lf, addr + addend); *hwhere = addr & 0xffff; break; case R_PPC_ADDR16_HA: /* #ha(S) */ error = lookup(lf, symidx, 1, &addr); if (error != 0) return (-1); /* * addend values are sometimes relative to sections * (i.e. .rodata) in rela, where in reality they * are relative to relocbase. Detect this condition. */ if (addr > relocbase && addr <= (relocbase + addend)) addr = relocbase; addr = elf_relocaddr(lf, addr + addend); *hwhere = ((addr >> 16) + ((addr & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0)) & 0xffff; break; case R_PPC_RELATIVE: /* word32 B + A */ *where = elf_relocaddr(lf, relocbase + addend); break; case R_PPC_JMP_SLOT: /* PLT jump slot entry */ /* * We currently only support Secure-PLT jump slots. * Given that we reject BSS-PLT modules during load, we * don't need to check again. * The method we are using here is equivilent to * LD_BIND_NOW. */ error = lookup(lf, symidx, 1, &addr); if (error != 0) return (-1); *where = elf_relocaddr(lf, addr + addend); break; case R_PPC_IRELATIVE: addr = relocbase + addend; val = ((Elf32_Addr (*)(void))addr)(); if (*where != val) *where = val; break; default: printf("kldload: unexpected relocation type %d, " "symbol index %d\n", (int)rtype, symidx); return (-1); } return (0); } void elf_reloc_self(Elf_Dyn *dynp, Elf_Addr relocbase) { Elf_Rela *rela = NULL, *relalim; Elf_Addr relasz = 0; Elf_Addr *where; /* * Extract the rela/relasz values from the dynamic section */ for (; dynp->d_tag != DT_NULL; dynp++) { switch (dynp->d_tag) { case DT_RELA: rela = (Elf_Rela *)(relocbase+dynp->d_un.d_ptr); break; case DT_RELASZ: relasz = dynp->d_un.d_val; break; } } /* * Relocate these values */ relalim = (Elf_Rela *)((caddr_t)rela + relasz); for (; rela < relalim; rela++) { if (ELF_R_TYPE(rela->r_info) != R_PPC_RELATIVE) continue; where = (Elf_Addr *)(relocbase + rela->r_offset); *where = (Elf_Addr)(relocbase + rela->r_addend); } } int elf_reloc(linker_file_t lf, Elf_Addr relocbase, const void *data, int type, elf_lookup_fn lookup) { return (elf_reloc_internal(lf, relocbase, data, type, 0, lookup)); } int elf_reloc_local(linker_file_t lf, Elf_Addr relocbase, const void *data, int type, elf_lookup_fn lookup) { return (elf_reloc_internal(lf, relocbase, data, type, 1, lookup)); } int elf_cpu_load_file(linker_file_t lf) { /* Only sync the cache for non-kernel modules */ if (lf->id != 1) __syncicache(lf->address, lf->size); return (0); } int elf_cpu_unload_file(linker_file_t lf __unused) { return (0); } static void ppc32_runtime_resolve() { /* * Since we don't support lazy binding, panic immediately if anyone * manages to call the runtime resolver. */ panic("kldload: Runtime resolver was called unexpectedly!"); } int elf_cpu_parse_dynamic(caddr_t loadbase, Elf_Dyn *dynamic) { Elf_Dyn *dp; bool has_plt = false; bool secure_plt = false; Elf_Addr *got; for (dp = dynamic; dp->d_tag != DT_NULL; dp++) { switch (dp->d_tag) { case DT_PPC_GOT: secure_plt = true; got = (Elf_Addr *)(loadbase + dp->d_un.d_ptr); /* Install runtime resolver canary. */ got[1] = (Elf_Addr)ppc32_runtime_resolve; got[2] = (Elf_Addr)0; break; case DT_PLTGOT: has_plt = true; break; } } if (has_plt && !secure_plt) { printf("kldload: BSS-PLT modules are not supported.\n"); return (-1); } return (0); } #endif #ifdef __powerpc64__ static void ppc32_fixlimit(struct rlimit *rl, int which) { switch (which) { case RLIMIT_DATA: if (ppc32_maxdsiz != 0) { if (rl->rlim_cur > ppc32_maxdsiz) rl->rlim_cur = ppc32_maxdsiz; if (rl->rlim_max > ppc32_maxdsiz) rl->rlim_max = ppc32_maxdsiz; } break; case RLIMIT_STACK: if (ppc32_maxssiz != 0) { if (rl->rlim_cur > ppc32_maxssiz) rl->rlim_cur = ppc32_maxssiz; if (rl->rlim_max > ppc32_maxssiz) rl->rlim_max = ppc32_maxssiz; } break; } } #endif diff --git a/sys/powerpc/powerpc/exec_machdep.c b/sys/powerpc/powerpc/exec_machdep.c index 869fad96e2bd..d90071f13650 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/powerpc/exec_machdep.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/powerpc/exec_machdep.c @@ -1,1212 +1,1212 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause AND BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Wolfgang Solfrank. * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 TooLs GmbH. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. * 4. The name of TooLs GmbH may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TOOLS GMBH ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (C) 2001 Benno Rice * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Benno Rice ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * $NetBSD: machdep.c,v 2000/11/01 16:13:48 tv Exp $ */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_fpu_emu.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef FPU_EMU #include #endif #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 #include #include #include typedef struct __ucontext32 { sigset_t uc_sigmask; mcontext32_t uc_mcontext; uint32_t uc_link; struct sigaltstack32 uc_stack; uint32_t uc_flags; uint32_t __spare__[4]; } ucontext32_t; struct sigframe32 { ucontext32_t sf_uc; struct siginfo32 sf_si; }; static int grab_mcontext32(struct thread *td, mcontext32_t *, int flags); #endif static int grab_mcontext(struct thread *, mcontext_t *, int); static void cleanup_power_extras(struct thread *); #ifdef __powerpc64__ extern struct sysentvec elf64_freebsd_sysvec_v2; #endif void sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct trapframe *tf; struct sigacts *psp; struct sigframe sf; struct thread *td; struct proc *p; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 struct siginfo32 siginfo32; struct sigframe32 sf32; #endif size_t sfpsize; caddr_t sfp, usfp; register_t sp; int oonstack, rndfsize; int sig; int code; td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); tf = td->td_frame; /* * Fill siginfo structure. */ ksi->ksi_info.si_signo = ksi->ksi_signo; ksi->ksi_info.si_addr = (void *)((tf->exc == EXC_DSI || tf->exc == EXC_DSE) ? tf->dar : tf->srr0); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32)) { siginfo_to_siginfo32(&ksi->ksi_info, &siginfo32); sig = siginfo32.si_signo; code = siginfo32.si_code; sfp = (caddr_t)&sf32; sfpsize = sizeof(sf32); rndfsize = roundup(sizeof(sf32), 16); sp = (uint32_t)tf->fixreg[1]; oonstack = sigonstack(sp); /* * Save user context */ memset(&sf32, 0, sizeof(sf32)); grab_mcontext32(td, &sf32.sf_uc.uc_mcontext, 0); sf32.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; sf32.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_sp = (uintptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp; sf32.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_size = (uint32_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_size; sf32.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = (td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) ? ((oonstack) ? SS_ONSTACK : 0) : SS_DISABLE; sf32.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_onstack = (oonstack) ? 1 : 0; } else { #endif sig = ksi->ksi_signo; code = ksi->ksi_code; sfp = (caddr_t)&sf; sfpsize = sizeof(sf); #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* * 64-bit PPC defines a 288 byte scratch region * below the stack. */ rndfsize = 288 + roundup(sizeof(sf), 48); #else rndfsize = roundup(sizeof(sf), 16); #endif sp = tf->fixreg[1]; oonstack = sigonstack(sp); /* * Save user context */ memset(&sf, 0, sizeof(sf)); grab_mcontext(td, &sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext, 0); sf.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack = td->td_sigstk; sf.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = (td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) ? ((oonstack) ? SS_ONSTACK : 0) : SS_DISABLE; sf.sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_onstack = (oonstack) ? 1 : 0; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 } #endif CTR4(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: td=%p (%s) catcher=%p sig=%d", td, p->p_comm, catcher, sig); /* * Allocate and validate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 && !oonstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { usfp = (void *)(((uintptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size - rndfsize) & ~0xFul); } else { usfp = (void *)((sp - rndfsize) & ~0xFul); } /* * Set Floating Point facility to "Ignore Exceptions Mode" so signal * handler can run. */ if (td->td_pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FPU) tf->srr1 = tf->srr1 & ~(PSL_FE0 | PSL_FE1); /* * Set up the registers to return to sigcode. * * r1/sp - sigframe ptr * lr - sig function, dispatched to by blrl in trampoline * r3 - sig number * r4 - SIGINFO ? &siginfo : exception code * r5 - user context * srr0 - trampoline function addr */ tf->lr = (register_t)catcher; tf->fixreg[1] = (register_t)usfp; tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG] = sig; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG+2] = (register_t)usfp + ((SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32)) ? offsetof(struct sigframe32, sf_uc) : offsetof(struct sigframe, sf_uc)); #else tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG+2] = (register_t)usfp + offsetof(struct sigframe, sf_uc); #endif if (SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_siginfo, sig)) { /* * Signal handler installed with SA_SIGINFO. */ #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 if (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32)) { sf32.sf_si = siginfo32; tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG+1] = (register_t)usfp + offsetof(struct sigframe32, sf_si); sf32.sf_si = siginfo32; } else { #endif tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG+1] = (register_t)usfp + offsetof(struct sigframe, sf_si); sf.sf_si = ksi->ksi_info; #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 } #endif } else { /* Old FreeBSD-style arguments. */ tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG+1] = code; tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG+3] = (tf->exc == EXC_DSI) ? tf->dar : tf->srr0; } mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(p); tf->srr0 = (register_t)p->p_sysent->sv_sigcode_base; /* * copy the frame out to userland. */ if (copyout(sfp, usfp, sfpsize) != 0) { /* * Process has trashed its stack. Kill it. */ CTR2(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: sigexit td=%p sfp=%p", td, sfp); PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } CTR3(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: return td=%p pc=%#x sp=%#x", td, tf->srr0, tf->fixreg[1]); PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } int sys_sigreturn(struct thread *td, struct sigreturn_args *uap) { ucontext_t uc; int error; CTR2(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: td=%p ucp=%p", td, uap->sigcntxp); if (copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc)) != 0) { CTR1(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: efault td=%p", td); return (EFAULT); } error = set_mcontext(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * Save FPU state if needed. User may have changed it on * signal handler */ if (uc.uc_mcontext.mc_srr1 & PSL_FP) save_fpu(td); kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); CTR3(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: return td=%p pc=%#x sp=%#x", td, uc.uc_mcontext.mc_srr0, uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gpr[1]); return (EJUSTRETURN); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD4 int freebsd4_sigreturn(struct thread *td, struct freebsd4_sigreturn_args *uap) { return sys_sigreturn(td, (struct sigreturn_args *)uap); } #endif /* * Construct a PCB from a trapframe. This is called from kdb_trap() where * we want to start a backtrace from the function that caused us to enter * the debugger. We have the context in the trapframe, but base the trace * on the PCB. The PCB doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it contains * enough for a backtrace. */ void makectx(struct trapframe *tf, struct pcb *pcb) { pcb->pcb_lr = tf->srr0; pcb->pcb_sp = tf->fixreg[1]; } /* * get_mcontext/sendsig helper routine that doesn't touch the * proc lock */ static int grab_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, int flags) { struct pcb *pcb; int i; pcb = td->td_pcb; memset(mcp, 0, sizeof(mcontext_t)); mcp->mc_vers = _MC_VERSION; mcp->mc_flags = 0; memcpy(&mcp->mc_frame, td->td_frame, sizeof(struct trapframe)); if (flags & GET_MC_CLEAR_RET) { mcp->mc_gpr[3] = 0; mcp->mc_gpr[4] = 0; } /* * This assumes that floating-point context is *not* lazy, * so if the thread has used FP there would have been a * FP-unavailable exception that would have set things up * correctly. */ if (pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FPREGS) { if (pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FPU) { KASSERT(td == curthread, ("get_mcontext: fp save not curthread")); critical_enter(); save_fpu(td); critical_exit(); } mcp->mc_flags |= _MC_FP_VALID; memcpy(&mcp->mc_fpscr, &pcb->pcb_fpu.fpscr, sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) memcpy(&mcp->mc_fpreg[i], &pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr[i].fpr, sizeof(double)); } if (pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_VSX) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) memcpy(&mcp->mc_vsxfpreg[i], &pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr[i].vsr[2], sizeof(double)); } /* * Repeat for Altivec context */ if (pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_VEC) { KASSERT(td == curthread, ("get_mcontext: fp save not curthread")); critical_enter(); save_vec(td); critical_exit(); mcp->mc_flags |= _MC_AV_VALID; mcp->mc_vscr = pcb->pcb_vec.vscr; mcp->mc_vrsave = pcb->pcb_vec.vrsave; memcpy(mcp->mc_avec, pcb->pcb_vec.vr, sizeof(mcp->mc_avec)); } mcp->mc_len = sizeof(*mcp); return (0); } int get_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, int flags) { int error; error = grab_mcontext(td, mcp, flags); if (error == 0) { PROC_LOCK(curthread->td_proc); mcp->mc_onstack = sigonstack(td->td_frame->fixreg[1]); PROC_UNLOCK(curthread->td_proc); } return (error); } int set_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { struct pcb *pcb; struct trapframe *tf; register_t tls; int i; pcb = td->td_pcb; tf = td->td_frame; if (mcp->mc_vers != _MC_VERSION || mcp->mc_len != sizeof(*mcp)) return (EINVAL); /* * Don't let the user change privileged MSR bits. * * psl_userstatic is used here to mask off any bits that can * legitimately vary between user contexts (Floating point * exception control and any facilities that we are using the * "enable on first use" pattern with.) * * All other bits are required to match psl_userset(32). * * Remember to update the platform cpu_init code when implementing * support for a new conditional facility! */ if ((mcp->mc_srr1 & psl_userstatic) != (tf->srr1 & psl_userstatic)) { return (EINVAL); } /* Copy trapframe, preserving TLS pointer across context change */ if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_LP64)) tls = tf->fixreg[13]; else tls = tf->fixreg[2]; memcpy(tf, mcp->mc_frame, sizeof(mcp->mc_frame)); if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_LP64)) tf->fixreg[13] = tls; else tf->fixreg[2] = tls; /* * Force the FPU back off to ensure the new context will not bypass * the enable_fpu() setup code accidentally. * * This prevents an issue where a process that uses floating point * inside a signal handler could end up in a state where the MSR * did not match pcb_flags. * * Additionally, ensure VSX is disabled as well, as it is illegal * to leave it turned on when FP or VEC are off. */ tf->srr1 &= ~(PSL_FP | PSL_VSX); pcb->pcb_flags &= ~(PCB_FPU | PCB_VSX); if (mcp->mc_flags & _MC_FP_VALID) { /* enable_fpu() will happen lazily on a fault */ pcb->pcb_flags |= PCB_FPREGS; memcpy(&pcb->pcb_fpu.fpscr, &mcp->mc_fpscr, sizeof(double)); bzero(pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr, sizeof(pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr)); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { memcpy(&pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr[i].fpr, &mcp->mc_fpreg[i], sizeof(double)); memcpy(&pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr[i].vsr[2], &mcp->mc_vsxfpreg[i], sizeof(double)); } } if (mcp->mc_flags & _MC_AV_VALID) { if ((pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_VEC) != PCB_VEC) { critical_enter(); enable_vec(td); critical_exit(); } pcb->pcb_vec.vscr = mcp->mc_vscr; pcb->pcb_vec.vrsave = mcp->mc_vrsave; memcpy(pcb->pcb_vec.vr, mcp->mc_avec, sizeof(mcp->mc_avec)); } else { tf->srr1 &= ~PSL_VEC; pcb->pcb_flags &= ~PCB_VEC; } return (0); } /* * Clean up extra POWER state. Some per-process registers and states are not * managed by the MSR, so must be cleaned up explicitly on thread exit. * * Currently this includes: * DSCR -- Data stream control register (PowerISA 2.06+) * FSCR -- Facility Status and Control Register (PowerISA 2.07+) */ static void cleanup_power_extras(struct thread *td) { uint32_t pcb_flags; if (td != curthread) return; pcb_flags = td->td_pcb->pcb_flags; /* Clean up registers not managed by MSR. */ if (pcb_flags & PCB_CFSCR) mtspr(SPR_FSCR, 0); if (pcb_flags & PCB_CDSCR) mtspr(SPR_DSCRP, 0); if (pcb_flags & PCB_FPU) cleanup_fpscr(); } /* * Set set up registers on exec. */ void exec_setregs(struct thread *td, struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t stack) { struct trapframe *tf; register_t argc; tf = trapframe(td); bzero(tf, sizeof *tf); #ifdef __powerpc64__ tf->fixreg[1] = -roundup(-stack + 48, 16); #else tf->fixreg[1] = -roundup(-stack + 8, 16); #endif /* * Set up arguments for _start(): * _start(argc, argv, envp, obj, cleanup, ps_strings); * * Notes: * - obj and cleanup are the auxilliary and termination * vectors. They are fixed up by ld.elf_so. * - ps_strings is a NetBSD extention, and will be * ignored by executables which are strictly * compliant with the SVR4 ABI. */ /* Collect argc from the user stack */ argc = fuword((void *)stack); tf->fixreg[3] = argc; tf->fixreg[4] = stack + sizeof(register_t); tf->fixreg[5] = stack + (2 + argc)*sizeof(register_t); tf->fixreg[6] = 0; /* auxillary vector */ tf->fixreg[7] = 0; /* termination vector */ tf->fixreg[8] = (register_t)imgp->ps_strings; /* NetBSD extension */ tf->srr0 = imgp->entry_addr; #ifdef __powerpc64__ tf->fixreg[12] = imgp->entry_addr; #endif tf->srr1 = psl_userset | PSL_FE_DFLT; cleanup_power_extras(td); td->td_pcb->pcb_flags = 0; } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 void ppc32_setregs(struct thread *td, struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t stack) { struct trapframe *tf; uint32_t argc; tf = trapframe(td); bzero(tf, sizeof *tf); tf->fixreg[1] = -roundup(-stack + 8, 16); argc = fuword32((void *)stack); tf->fixreg[3] = argc; tf->fixreg[4] = stack + sizeof(uint32_t); tf->fixreg[5] = stack + (2 + argc)*sizeof(uint32_t); tf->fixreg[6] = 0; /* auxillary vector */ tf->fixreg[7] = 0; /* termination vector */ tf->fixreg[8] = (register_t)imgp->ps_strings; /* NetBSD extension */ tf->srr0 = imgp->entry_addr; tf->srr1 = psl_userset32 | PSL_FE_DFLT; cleanup_power_extras(td); td->td_pcb->pcb_flags = 0; } #endif int fill_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; memcpy(regs, tf, sizeof(struct reg)); return (0); } int fill_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { /* No debug registers on PowerPC */ return (ENOSYS); } int fill_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { struct pcb *pcb; int i; pcb = td->td_pcb; if ((pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FPREGS) == 0) memset(fpregs, 0, sizeof(struct fpreg)); else { memcpy(&fpregs->fpscr, &pcb->pcb_fpu.fpscr, sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) memcpy(&fpregs->fpreg[i], &pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr[i].fpr, sizeof(double)); } return (0); } int set_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; memcpy(tf, regs, sizeof(struct reg)); return (0); } int set_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *dbregs) { /* No debug registers on PowerPC */ return (ENOSYS); } int set_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *fpregs) { struct pcb *pcb; int i; pcb = td->td_pcb; pcb->pcb_flags |= PCB_FPREGS; memcpy(&pcb->pcb_fpu.fpscr, &fpregs->fpscr, sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { memcpy(&pcb->pcb_fpu.fpr[i].fpr, &fpregs->fpreg[i], sizeof(double)); } return (0); } #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 int set_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs) { struct trapframe *tf; int i; tf = td->td_frame; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) tf->fixreg[i] = regs->fixreg[i]; tf->lr = regs->lr; tf->cr = regs->cr; tf->xer = regs->xer; tf->ctr = regs->ctr; tf->srr0 = regs->pc; return (0); } int fill_regs32(struct thread *td, struct reg32 *regs) { struct trapframe *tf; int i; tf = td->td_frame; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) regs->fixreg[i] = tf->fixreg[i]; regs->lr = tf->lr; regs->cr = tf->cr; regs->xer = tf->xer; regs->ctr = tf->ctr; regs->pc = tf->srr0; return (0); } static int grab_mcontext32(struct thread *td, mcontext32_t *mcp, int flags) { mcontext_t mcp64; int i, error; error = grab_mcontext(td, &mcp64, flags); if (error != 0) return (error); mcp->mc_vers = mcp64.mc_vers; mcp->mc_flags = mcp64.mc_flags; mcp->mc_onstack = mcp64.mc_onstack; mcp->mc_len = mcp64.mc_len; memcpy(mcp->mc_avec,mcp64.mc_avec,sizeof(mcp64.mc_avec)); memcpy(mcp->mc_av,mcp64.mc_av,sizeof(mcp64.mc_av)); for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) mcp->mc_frame[i] = mcp64.mc_frame[i]; memcpy(mcp->mc_fpreg,mcp64.mc_fpreg,sizeof(mcp64.mc_fpreg)); memcpy(mcp->mc_vsxfpreg,mcp64.mc_vsxfpreg,sizeof(mcp64.mc_vsxfpreg)); return (0); } static int get_mcontext32(struct thread *td, mcontext32_t *mcp, int flags) { int error; error = grab_mcontext32(td, mcp, flags); if (error == 0) { PROC_LOCK(curthread->td_proc); mcp->mc_onstack = sigonstack(td->td_frame->fixreg[1]); PROC_UNLOCK(curthread->td_proc); } return (error); } static int set_mcontext32(struct thread *td, mcontext32_t *mcp) { mcontext_t mcp64; int i, error; mcp64.mc_vers = mcp->mc_vers; mcp64.mc_flags = mcp->mc_flags; mcp64.mc_onstack = mcp->mc_onstack; mcp64.mc_len = mcp->mc_len; memcpy(mcp64.mc_avec,mcp->mc_avec,sizeof(mcp64.mc_avec)); memcpy(mcp64.mc_av,mcp->mc_av,sizeof(mcp64.mc_av)); for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) mcp64.mc_frame[i] = mcp->mc_frame[i]; mcp64.mc_srr1 |= (td->td_frame->srr1 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL); memcpy(mcp64.mc_fpreg,mcp->mc_fpreg,sizeof(mcp64.mc_fpreg)); memcpy(mcp64.mc_vsxfpreg,mcp->mc_vsxfpreg,sizeof(mcp64.mc_vsxfpreg)); error = set_mcontext(td, &mcp64); return (error); } #endif #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 int freebsd32_sigreturn(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_sigreturn_args *uap) { ucontext32_t uc; int error; CTR2(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: td=%p ucp=%p", td, uap->sigcntxp); if (copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc)) != 0) { CTR1(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: efault td=%p", td); return (EFAULT); } error = set_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * Save FPU state if needed. User may have changed it on * signal handler */ if (uc.uc_mcontext.mc_srr1 & PSL_FP) save_fpu(td); kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); CTR3(KTR_SIG, "sigreturn: return td=%p pc=%#x sp=%#x", td, uc.uc_mcontext.mc_srr0, uc.uc_mcontext.mc_gpr[1]); return (EJUSTRETURN); } /* * The first two fields of a ucontext_t are the signal mask and the machine * context. The next field is uc_link; we want to avoid destroying the link * when copying out contexts. */ #define UC32_COPY_SIZE offsetof(ucontext32_t, uc_link) int freebsd32_getcontext(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_getcontext_args *uap) { ucontext32_t uc; int ret; if (uap->ucp == NULL) ret = EINVAL; else { bzero(&uc, sizeof(uc)); get_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext, GET_MC_CLEAR_RET); PROC_LOCK(td->td_proc); uc.uc_sigmask = td->td_sigmask; PROC_UNLOCK(td->td_proc); ret = copyout(&uc, uap->ucp, UC32_COPY_SIZE); } return (ret); } int freebsd32_setcontext(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_setcontext_args *uap) { ucontext32_t uc; int ret; if (uap->ucp == NULL) ret = EINVAL; else { ret = copyin(uap->ucp, &uc, UC32_COPY_SIZE); if (ret == 0) { ret = set_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (ret == 0) { kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); } } } return (ret == 0 ? EJUSTRETURN : ret); } int freebsd32_swapcontext(struct thread *td, struct freebsd32_swapcontext_args *uap) { ucontext32_t uc; int ret; if (uap->oucp == NULL || uap->ucp == NULL) ret = EINVAL; else { bzero(&uc, sizeof(uc)); get_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext, GET_MC_CLEAR_RET); PROC_LOCK(td->td_proc); uc.uc_sigmask = td->td_sigmask; PROC_UNLOCK(td->td_proc); ret = copyout(&uc, uap->oucp, UC32_COPY_SIZE); if (ret == 0) { ret = copyin(uap->ucp, &uc, UC32_COPY_SIZE); if (ret == 0) { ret = set_mcontext32(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (ret == 0) { kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); } } } } return (ret == 0 ? EJUSTRETURN : ret); } #endif void cpu_set_syscall_retval(struct thread *td, int error) { struct proc *p; struct trapframe *tf; int fixup; if (error == EJUSTRETURN) return; p = td->td_proc; tf = td->td_frame; if (tf->fixreg[0] == SYS___syscall && (SV_PROC_FLAG(p, SV_ILP32))) { int code = tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG + 1]; fixup = ( #if defined(COMPAT_FREEBSD6) && defined(SYS_freebsd6_lseek) code != SYS_freebsd6_lseek && #endif code != SYS_lseek) ? 1 : 0; } else fixup = 0; switch (error) { case 0: if (fixup) { /* * 64-bit return, 32-bit syscall. Fixup byte order */ tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG] = 0; tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG + 1] = td->td_retval[0]; } else { tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG] = td->td_retval[0]; tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG + 1] = td->td_retval[1]; } tf->cr &= ~0x10000000; /* Unset summary overflow */ break; case ERESTART: /* * Set user's pc back to redo the system call. */ tf->srr0 -= 4; break; default: tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG] = error; tf->cr |= 0x10000000; /* Set summary overflow */ break; } } /* * Threading functions */ void cpu_thread_exit(struct thread *td) { cleanup_power_extras(td); } void cpu_thread_clean(struct thread *td) { } void cpu_thread_alloc(struct thread *td) { struct pcb *pcb; pcb = (struct pcb *)((td->td_kstack + td->td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(struct pcb)) & ~0x2fUL); td->td_pcb = pcb; td->td_frame = (struct trapframe *)pcb - 1; } void cpu_thread_free(struct thread *td) { } int cpu_set_user_tls(struct thread *td, void *tls_base) { if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_LP64)) td->td_frame->fixreg[13] = (register_t)tls_base + 0x7010; else td->td_frame->fixreg[2] = (register_t)tls_base + 0x7008; return (0); } void cpu_copy_thread(struct thread *td, struct thread *td0) { struct pcb *pcb2; struct trapframe *tf; struct callframe *cf; pcb2 = td->td_pcb; /* Copy the upcall pcb */ bcopy(td0->td_pcb, pcb2, sizeof(*pcb2)); /* Create a stack for the new thread */ tf = td->td_frame; bcopy(td0->td_frame, tf, sizeof(struct trapframe)); tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG] = 0; tf->fixreg[FIRSTARG + 1] = 0; tf->cr &= ~0x10000000; /* Set registers for trampoline to user mode. */ cf = (struct callframe *)tf - 1; memset(cf, 0, sizeof(struct callframe)); cf->cf_func = (register_t)fork_return; cf->cf_arg0 = (register_t)td; cf->cf_arg1 = (register_t)tf; pcb2->pcb_sp = (register_t)cf; #if defined(__powerpc64__) && (!defined(_CALL_ELF) || _CALL_ELF == 1) pcb2->pcb_lr = ((register_t *)fork_trampoline)[0]; pcb2->pcb_toc = ((register_t *)fork_trampoline)[1]; #else pcb2->pcb_lr = (register_t)fork_trampoline; pcb2->pcb_context[0] = pcb2->pcb_lr; #endif pcb2->pcb_cpu.aim.usr_vsid = 0; #ifdef __SPE__ pcb2->pcb_vec.vscr = SPEFSCR_DFLT; #endif /* Setup to release spin count in fork_exit(). */ td->td_md.md_spinlock_count = 1; td->td_md.md_saved_msr = psl_kernset; } void cpu_set_upcall(struct thread *td, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg, stack_t *stack) { struct trapframe *tf; uintptr_t sp; tf = td->td_frame; /* align stack and alloc space for frame ptr and saved LR */ #ifdef __powerpc64__ sp = ((uintptr_t)stack->ss_sp + stack->ss_size - 48) & ~0x1f; #else sp = ((uintptr_t)stack->ss_sp + stack->ss_size - 8) & ~0x1f; #endif bzero(tf, sizeof(struct trapframe)); tf->fixreg[1] = (register_t)sp; tf->fixreg[3] = (register_t)arg; if (SV_PROC_FLAG(td->td_proc, SV_ILP32)) { tf->srr0 = (register_t)entry; #ifdef __powerpc64__ tf->srr1 = psl_userset32 | PSL_FE_DFLT; #else tf->srr1 = psl_userset | PSL_FE_DFLT; #endif } else { #ifdef __powerpc64__ if (td->td_proc->p_sysent == &elf64_freebsd_sysvec_v2) { tf->srr0 = (register_t)entry; /* ELFv2 ABI requires that the global entry point be in r12. */ tf->fixreg[12] = (register_t)entry; } else { register_t entry_desc[3]; (void)copyin((void *)entry, entry_desc, sizeof(entry_desc)); tf->srr0 = entry_desc[0]; tf->fixreg[2] = entry_desc[1]; tf->fixreg[11] = entry_desc[2]; } tf->srr1 = psl_userset | PSL_FE_DFLT; #endif } td->td_pcb->pcb_flags = 0; #ifdef __SPE__ td->td_pcb->pcb_vec.vscr = SPEFSCR_DFLT; #endif td->td_retval[0] = (register_t)entry; td->td_retval[1] = 0; } static int emulate_mfspr(int spr, int reg, struct trapframe *frame){ struct thread *td; td = curthread; if (spr == SPR_DSCR || spr == SPR_DSCRP) { if (!(cpu_features2 & PPC_FEATURE2_DSCR)) return (SIGILL); // If DSCR was never set, get the default DSCR if ((td->td_pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_CDSCR) == 0) td->td_pcb->pcb_dscr = mfspr(SPR_DSCRP); frame->fixreg[reg] = td->td_pcb->pcb_dscr; frame->srr0 += 4; return (0); } else return (SIGILL); } static int emulate_mtspr(int spr, int reg, struct trapframe *frame){ struct thread *td; td = curthread; if (spr == SPR_DSCR || spr == SPR_DSCRP) { if (!(cpu_features2 & PPC_FEATURE2_DSCR)) return (SIGILL); td->td_pcb->pcb_flags |= PCB_CDSCR; td->td_pcb->pcb_dscr = frame->fixreg[reg]; mtspr(SPR_DSCRP, frame->fixreg[reg]); frame->srr0 += 4; return (0); } else return (SIGILL); } #define XFX 0xFC0007FF int ppc_instr_emulate(struct trapframe *frame, struct thread *td) { struct pcb *pcb; uint32_t instr; int reg, sig; int rs, spr; instr = fuword32((void *)frame->srr0); sig = SIGILL; if ((instr & 0xfc1fffff) == 0x7c1f42a6) { /* mfpvr */ reg = (instr & ~0xfc1fffff) >> 21; frame->fixreg[reg] = mfpvr(); frame->srr0 += 4; return (0); } else if ((instr & XFX) == 0x7c0002a6) { /* mfspr */ rs = (instr & 0x3e00000) >> 21; spr = (instr & 0x1ff800) >> 16; return emulate_mfspr(spr, rs, frame); } else if ((instr & XFX) == 0x7c0003a6) { /* mtspr */ rs = (instr & 0x3e00000) >> 21; spr = (instr & 0x1ff800) >> 16; return emulate_mtspr(spr, rs, frame); } else if ((instr & 0xfc000ffe) == 0x7c0004ac) { /* various sync */ powerpc_sync(); /* Do a heavy-weight sync */ frame->srr0 += 4; return (0); } pcb = td->td_pcb; #ifdef FPU_EMU if (!(pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FPREGS)) { bzero(&pcb->pcb_fpu, sizeof(pcb->pcb_fpu)); pcb->pcb_flags |= PCB_FPREGS; } else if (pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FPU) save_fpu(td); sig = fpu_emulate(frame, &pcb->pcb_fpu); if ((sig == 0 || sig == SIGFPE) && pcb->pcb_flags & PCB_FPU) enable_fpu(td); #endif if (sig == SIGILL) { if (pcb->pcb_lastill != frame->srr0) { /* Allow a second chance, in case of cache sync issues. */ sig = 0; pmap_sync_icache(PCPU_GET(curpmap), frame->srr0, 4); pcb->pcb_lastill = frame->srr0; } } return (sig); } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/powerpc/gdb_machdep.c b/sys/powerpc/powerpc/gdb_machdep.c index a7f1de512e31..e334bd46375c 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/powerpc/gdb_machdep.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/powerpc/gdb_machdep.c @@ -1,127 +1,126 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2006 Marcel Moolenaar * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include extern vm_offset_t __startkernel; void * gdb_cpu_getreg(int regnum, size_t *regsz) { *regsz = gdb_cpu_regsz(regnum); if (kdb_thread == curthread) { if (regnum == 0 || (regnum >= 2 && regnum <= 31)) return (kdb_frame->fixreg + regnum); if (regnum == 64) return (&kdb_frame->srr0); if (regnum == 67) return (&kdb_frame->lr); } if (regnum == 1) return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_sp); if (regnum == 2 && *regsz == 8) return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_toc); if (regnum >= 12 && regnum <= 31) return (kdb_thrctx->pcb_context + (regnum - 12)); if (regnum == 64) return (&kdb_thrctx->pcb_lr); return (NULL); } void gdb_cpu_setreg(int regnum, void *val) { switch (regnum) { case GDB_REG_PC: break; } } int gdb_cpu_signal(int vector, int dummy __unused) { #if defined(BOOKE) if (vector == EXC_DEBUG || vector == EXC_PGM) return (SIGTRAP); #else if (vector == EXC_TRC || vector == EXC_RUNMODETRC) return (SIGTRAP); #endif return (SIGEMT); } void gdb_cpu_do_offsets(void) { /* * On PowerPC, .text starts at KERNBASE + SIZEOF_HEADERS and * text segment at KERNBASE - SIZEOF_HEADERS. * On PowerPC64, .text starts at KERNBASE and text segment at * KERNBASE - 0x100. * In both cases, the text segment offset is aligned to 64KB. * * The __startkernel variable holds the relocated KERNBASE offset. * Thus, as long as SIZEOF_HEADERS doesn't get bigger than 0x100 * (which would lead to other issues), aligning __startkernel to * 64KB gives the text segment offset. * * TODO: Add DataSeg to response. On PowerPC64 all sections reside * in a single LOAD segment, but on PowerPC modifiable data reside * in a separate segment, that GDB should also relocate. */ gdb_tx_begin(0); gdb_tx_str("TextSeg="); gdb_tx_varhex(__startkernel & ~0xffff); gdb_tx_end(); } diff --git a/sys/powerpc/powerpc/machdep.c b/sys/powerpc/powerpc/machdep.c index f35469f4051c..622af17b3305 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/powerpc/machdep.c +++ b/sys/powerpc/powerpc/machdep.c @@ -1,850 +1,850 @@ /*- * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Wolfgang Solfrank. * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 TooLs GmbH. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH. * 4. The name of TooLs GmbH may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TOOLS GMBH ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (C) 2001 Benno Rice * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Benno Rice ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TOOLS GMBH BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * $NetBSD: machdep.c,v 2000/11/01 16:13:48 tv Exp $ */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_kstack_pages.h" #include "opt_platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __powerpc64__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int cold = 1; #ifdef __powerpc64__ int cacheline_size = 128; #else int cacheline_size = 32; #endif #ifdef __powerpc64__ int hw_direct_map = -1; #else int hw_direct_map = 1; #endif #ifdef BOOKE extern vm_paddr_t kernload; #endif extern void *ap_pcpu; struct pcpu __pcpu[MAXCPU] __aligned(PAGE_SIZE); static char init_kenv[2048]; static struct trapframe frame0; char machine[] = "powerpc"; SYSCTL_STRING(_hw, HW_MACHINE, machine, CTLFLAG_RD, machine, 0, ""); static void cpu_startup(void *); SYSINIT(cpu, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_FIRST, cpu_startup, NULL); SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, CPU_CACHELINE, cacheline_size, CTLFLAG_RD, &cacheline_size, 0, ""); uintptr_t powerpc_init(vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, vm_offset_t, void *, uint32_t); static void fake_preload_metadata(void); long Maxmem = 0; long realmem = 0; /* Default MSR values set in the AIM/Book-E early startup code */ register_t psl_kernset; register_t psl_userset; register_t psl_userstatic; #ifdef __powerpc64__ register_t psl_userset32; #endif struct kva_md_info kmi; static void cpu_startup(void *dummy) { /* * Initialise the decrementer-based clock. */ decr_init(); /* * Good {morning,afternoon,evening,night}. */ cpu_setup(PCPU_GET(cpuid)); #ifdef PERFMON perfmon_init(); #endif printf("real memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)physmem), ptoa((uintmax_t)physmem) / 1048576); realmem = physmem; if (bootverbose) printf("available KVA = %zu (%zu MB)\n", virtual_end - virtual_avail, (virtual_end - virtual_avail) / 1048576); /* * Display any holes after the first chunk of extended memory. */ if (bootverbose) { int indx; printf("Physical memory chunk(s):\n"); for (indx = 0; phys_avail[indx + 1] != 0; indx += 2) { vm_paddr_t size1 = phys_avail[indx + 1] - phys_avail[indx]; #ifdef __powerpc64__ printf("0x%016jx - 0x%016jx, %ju bytes (%ju pages)\n", #else printf("0x%09jx - 0x%09jx, %ju bytes (%ju pages)\n", #endif (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx], (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx + 1] - 1, (uintmax_t)size1, (uintmax_t)size1 / PAGE_SIZE); } } vm_ksubmap_init(&kmi); printf("avail memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()), ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()) / 1048576); /* * Set up buffers, so they can be used to read disk labels. */ bufinit(); vm_pager_bufferinit(); } extern vm_offset_t __startkernel, __endkernel; extern unsigned char __bss_start[]; extern unsigned char __sbss_start[]; extern unsigned char __sbss_end[]; extern unsigned char _end[]; void aim_early_init(vm_offset_t fdt, vm_offset_t toc, vm_offset_t ofentry, void *mdp, uint32_t mdp_cookie); void aim_cpu_init(vm_offset_t toc); void booke_cpu_init(void); #ifdef DDB static void load_external_symtab(void); #endif uintptr_t powerpc_init(vm_offset_t fdt, vm_offset_t toc, vm_offset_t ofentry, void *mdp, uint32_t mdp_cookie) { struct pcpu *pc; struct cpuref bsp; vm_offset_t startkernel, endkernel; char *env; void *kmdp = NULL; bool ofw_bootargs = false; #ifdef DDB bool symbols_provided = false; vm_offset_t ksym_start; vm_offset_t ksym_end; vm_offset_t ksym_sz; #endif /* First guess at start/end kernel positions */ startkernel = __startkernel; endkernel = __endkernel; /* * If the metadata pointer cookie is not set to the magic value, * the number in mdp should be treated as nonsense. */ if (mdp_cookie != 0xfb5d104d) mdp = NULL; #if !defined(BOOKE) /* * On BOOKE the BSS is already cleared and some variables * initialized. Do not wipe them out. */ bzero(__sbss_start, __sbss_end - __sbss_start); bzero(__bss_start, _end - __bss_start); #endif cpu_feature_setup(); #ifdef AIM aim_early_init(fdt, toc, ofentry, mdp, mdp_cookie); #endif /* * At this point, we are executing in our correct memory space. * Book-E started there, and AIM has done an rfi and restarted * execution from _start. * * We may still be in real mode, however. If we are running out of * the direct map on 64 bit, this is possible to do. */ /* * Parse metadata if present and fetch parameters. Must be done * before console is inited so cninit gets the right value of * boothowto. */ if (mdp != NULL) { /* * Starting up from loader. * * Full metadata has been provided, but we need to figure * out the correct address to relocate it to. */ char *envp = NULL; uintptr_t md_offset = 0; vm_paddr_t kernelstartphys, kernelendphys; #ifdef AIM if ((uintptr_t)&powerpc_init > DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS) md_offset = DMAP_BASE_ADDRESS; #else /* BOOKE */ md_offset = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS - kernload; #endif preload_metadata = mdp; if (md_offset > 0) { /* Translate phys offset into DMAP offset. */ preload_metadata += md_offset; preload_bootstrap_relocate(md_offset); } kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); if (kmdp != NULL) { boothowto = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_HOWTO, int); envp = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_ENVP, char *); if (envp != NULL) envp += md_offset; init_static_kenv(envp, 0); if (fdt == 0) { fdt = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_DTBP, uintptr_t); if (fdt != 0) fdt += md_offset; } kernelstartphys = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFO_ADDR, vm_offset_t); /* kernelstartphys is already relocated. */ kernelendphys = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_KERNEND, vm_offset_t); if (kernelendphys != 0) kernelendphys += md_offset; endkernel = ulmax(endkernel, kernelendphys); #ifdef DDB ksym_start = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_SSYM, uintptr_t); ksym_end = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_ESYM, uintptr_t); ksym_sz = *(Elf_Size*)ksym_start; db_fetch_ksymtab(ksym_start, ksym_end, md_offset); /* Symbols provided by loader. */ symbols_provided = true; #endif } } else { /* * Self-loading kernel, we have to fake up metadata. * * Since we are creating the metadata from the final * memory space, we don't need to call * preload_boostrap_relocate(). */ fake_preload_metadata(); kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); init_static_kenv(init_kenv, sizeof(init_kenv)); ofw_bootargs = true; } /* Store boot environment state */ OF_initial_setup((void *)fdt, NULL, (int (*)(void *))ofentry); /* * Init params/tunables that can be overridden by the loader */ init_param1(); /* * Start initializing proc0 and thread0. */ proc_linkup0(&proc0, &thread0); thread0.td_frame = &frame0; #ifdef __powerpc64__ __asm __volatile("mr 13,%0" :: "r"(&thread0)); #else __asm __volatile("mr 2,%0" :: "r"(&thread0)); #endif /* * Init mutexes, which we use heavily in PMAP */ mutex_init(); /* * Install the OF client interface */ OF_bootstrap(); #ifdef DDB if (!symbols_provided && hw_direct_map) load_external_symtab(); #endif if (ofw_bootargs) ofw_parse_bootargs(); /* * Initialize the console before printing anything. */ cninit(); #ifdef AIM aim_cpu_init(toc); #else /* BOOKE */ booke_cpu_init(); /* Make sure the kernel icache is valid before we go too much further */ __syncicache((caddr_t)startkernel, endkernel - startkernel); #endif /* * Choose a platform module so we can get the physical memory map. */ platform_probe_and_attach(); /* * Set up per-cpu data for the BSP now that the platform can tell * us which that is. */ if (platform_smp_get_bsp(&bsp) != 0) bsp.cr_cpuid = 0; pc = &__pcpu[bsp.cr_cpuid]; __asm __volatile("mtsprg 0, %0" :: "r"(pc)); pcpu_init(pc, bsp.cr_cpuid, sizeof(struct pcpu)); pc->pc_curthread = &thread0; thread0.td_oncpu = bsp.cr_cpuid; pc->pc_cpuid = bsp.cr_cpuid; pc->pc_hwref = bsp.cr_hwref; /* * Init KDB */ kdb_init(); /* * Bring up MMU */ pmap_mmu_init(); link_elf_ireloc(kmdp); pmap_bootstrap(startkernel, endkernel); mtmsr(psl_kernset & ~PSL_EE); /* * Initialize params/tunables that are derived from memsize */ init_param2(physmem); /* * Grab booted kernel's name */ env = kern_getenv("kernelname"); if (env != NULL) { strlcpy(kernelname, env, sizeof(kernelname)); freeenv(env); } /* * Finish setting up thread0. */ thread0.td_pcb = (struct pcb *) ((thread0.td_kstack + thread0.td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(struct pcb)) & ~15UL); bzero((void *)thread0.td_pcb, sizeof(struct pcb)); pc->pc_curpcb = thread0.td_pcb; /* Initialise the message buffer. */ msgbufinit(msgbufp, msgbufsize); #ifdef KDB if (boothowto & RB_KDB) kdb_enter(KDB_WHY_BOOTFLAGS, "Boot flags requested debugger"); #endif return (((uintptr_t)thread0.td_pcb - (sizeof(struct callframe) - 3*sizeof(register_t))) & ~15UL); } #ifdef DDB /* * On powernv and some booke systems, we might not have symbols loaded via * loader. However, if the user passed the kernel in as the initrd as well, * we can manually load it via reinterpreting the initrd copy of the kernel. * * In the BOOKE case, we don't actually have a DMAP yet, so we have to use * temporary maps to inspect the memory, but write DMAP addresses to the * configuration variables. */ static void load_external_symtab(void) { phandle_t chosen; vm_paddr_t start, end; pcell_t cell[2]; ssize_t size; u_char *kernelimg; /* Temporary map */ u_char *kernelimg_final; /* Final location */ int i; Elf_Ehdr *ehdr; Elf_Phdr *phdr; Elf_Shdr *shdr; vm_offset_t ksym_start, ksym_sz, kstr_start, kstr_sz, ksym_start_final, kstr_start_final; if (!hw_direct_map) return; chosen = OF_finddevice("/chosen"); if (chosen <= 0) return; if (!OF_hasprop(chosen, "linux,initrd-start") || !OF_hasprop(chosen, "linux,initrd-end")) return; size = OF_getencprop(chosen, "linux,initrd-start", cell, sizeof(cell)); if (size == 4) start = cell[0]; else if (size == 8) start = (uint64_t)cell[0] << 32 | cell[1]; else return; size = OF_getencprop(chosen, "linux,initrd-end", cell, sizeof(cell)); if (size == 4) end = cell[0]; else if (size == 8) end = (uint64_t)cell[0] << 32 | cell[1]; else return; if (!(end - start > 0)) return; kernelimg_final = (u_char *) PHYS_TO_DMAP(start); #ifdef AIM kernelimg = kernelimg_final; #else /* BOOKE */ kernelimg = (u_char *)pmap_early_io_map(start, PAGE_SIZE); #endif ehdr = (Elf_Ehdr *)kernelimg; if (!IS_ELF(*ehdr)) { #ifdef BOOKE pmap_early_io_unmap(start, PAGE_SIZE); #endif return; } #ifdef BOOKE pmap_early_io_unmap(start, PAGE_SIZE); kernelimg = (u_char *)pmap_early_io_map(start, (end - start)); #endif phdr = (Elf_Phdr *)(kernelimg + ehdr->e_phoff); shdr = (Elf_Shdr *)(kernelimg + ehdr->e_shoff); ksym_start = 0; ksym_sz = 0; ksym_start_final = 0; kstr_start = 0; kstr_sz = 0; kstr_start_final = 0; for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) { if (shdr[i].sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB) { ksym_start = (vm_offset_t)(kernelimg + shdr[i].sh_offset); ksym_start_final = (vm_offset_t) (kernelimg_final + shdr[i].sh_offset); ksym_sz = (vm_offset_t)(shdr[i].sh_size); kstr_start = (vm_offset_t)(kernelimg + shdr[shdr[i].sh_link].sh_offset); kstr_start_final = (vm_offset_t) (kernelimg_final + shdr[shdr[i].sh_link].sh_offset); kstr_sz = (vm_offset_t) (shdr[shdr[i].sh_link].sh_size); } } if (ksym_start != 0 && kstr_start != 0 && ksym_sz != 0 && kstr_sz != 0 && ksym_start < kstr_start) { /* * We can't use db_fetch_ksymtab() here, because we need to * feed in DMAP addresses that are not mapped yet on booke. * * Write the variables directly, where db_init() will pick * them up later, after the DMAP is up. */ ksymtab = ksym_start_final; ksymtab_size = ksym_sz; kstrtab = kstr_start_final; ksymtab_relbase = (__startkernel - KERNBASE); } #ifdef BOOKE pmap_early_io_unmap(start, (end - start)); #endif }; #endif /* * When not being loaded from loader, we need to create our own metadata * so we can interact with the kernel linker. */ static void fake_preload_metadata(void) { /* We depend on dword alignment here. */ static uint32_t fake_preload[36] __aligned(8); int i = 0; fake_preload[i++] = MODINFO_NAME; fake_preload[i++] = strlen("kernel") + 1; strcpy((char*)&fake_preload[i], "kernel"); /* ['k' 'e' 'r' 'n'] ['e' 'l' '\0' ..] */ i += 2; fake_preload[i++] = MODINFO_TYPE; fake_preload[i++] = strlen("elf kernel") + 1; strcpy((char*)&fake_preload[i], "elf kernel"); /* ['e' 'l' 'f' ' '] ['k' 'e' 'r' 'n'] ['e' 'l' '\0' ..] */ i += 3; #ifdef __powerpc64__ /* Padding -- Fields start on u_long boundaries */ fake_preload[i++] = 0; #endif fake_preload[i++] = MODINFO_ADDR; fake_preload[i++] = sizeof(vm_offset_t); *(vm_offset_t *)&fake_preload[i] = (vm_offset_t)(__startkernel); i += (sizeof(vm_offset_t) / 4); fake_preload[i++] = MODINFO_SIZE; fake_preload[i++] = sizeof(vm_offset_t); *(vm_offset_t *)&fake_preload[i] = (vm_offset_t)(__endkernel) - (vm_offset_t)(__startkernel); i += (sizeof(vm_offset_t) / 4); /* * MODINFOMD_SSYM and MODINFOMD_ESYM cannot be provided here, * as the memory comes from outside the loaded ELF sections. * * If the symbols are being provided by other means (MFS), the * tables will be loaded into the debugger directly. */ /* Null field at end to mark end of data. */ fake_preload[i++] = 0; fake_preload[i] = 0; preload_metadata = (void*)fake_preload; } /* * Flush the D-cache for non-DMA I/O so that the I-cache can * be made coherent later. */ void cpu_flush_dcache(void *ptr, size_t len) { register_t addr, off; /* * Align the address to a cacheline and adjust the length * accordingly. Then round the length to a multiple of the * cacheline for easy looping. */ addr = (uintptr_t)ptr; off = addr & (cacheline_size - 1); addr -= off; len = roundup2(len + off, cacheline_size); while (len > 0) { __asm __volatile ("dcbf 0,%0" :: "r"(addr)); __asm __volatile ("sync"); addr += cacheline_size; len -= cacheline_size; } } int ptrace_set_pc(struct thread *td, unsigned long addr) { struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; tf->srr0 = (register_t)addr; return (0); } void spinlock_enter(void) { struct thread *td; register_t msr; td = curthread; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { nop_prio_mhigh(); msr = intr_disable(); td->td_md.md_spinlock_count = 1; td->td_md.md_saved_msr = msr; critical_enter(); } else td->td_md.md_spinlock_count++; } void spinlock_exit(void) { struct thread *td; register_t msr; td = curthread; msr = td->td_md.md_saved_msr; td->td_md.md_spinlock_count--; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { critical_exit(); intr_restore(msr); nop_prio_medium(); } } /* * Simple ddb(4) command/hack to view any SPR on the running CPU. * Uses a trivial asm function to perform the mfspr, and rewrites the mfspr * instruction each time. * XXX: Since it uses code modification, it won't work if the kernel code pages * are marked RO. */ extern register_t get_spr(int); #ifdef DDB DB_SHOW_COMMAND(spr, db_show_spr) { register_t spr; volatile uint32_t *p; int sprno, saved_sprno; if (!have_addr) return; saved_sprno = sprno = (intptr_t) addr; sprno = ((sprno & 0x3e0) >> 5) | ((sprno & 0x1f) << 5); p = (uint32_t *)(void *)&get_spr; #ifdef __powerpc64__ #if defined(_CALL_ELF) && _CALL_ELF == 2 /* Account for ELFv2 function prologue. */ p += 2; #else p = *(volatile uint32_t * volatile *)p; #endif #endif *p = (*p & ~0x001ff800) | (sprno << 11); __syncicache(__DEVOLATILE(uint32_t *, p), cacheline_size); spr = get_spr(sprno); db_printf("SPR %d(%x): %lx\n", saved_sprno, saved_sprno, (unsigned long)spr); } DB_SHOW_COMMAND(frame, db_show_frame) { struct trapframe *tf; long reg; int i; tf = have_addr ? (struct trapframe *)addr : curthread->td_frame; /* * Everything casts through long to simplify the printing. * 'long' is native register size anyway. */ db_printf("trap frame %p\n", tf); for (i = 0; i < nitems(tf->fixreg); i++) { reg = tf->fixreg[i]; db_printf(" r%d:\t%#lx (%ld)\n", i, reg, reg); } reg = tf->lr; db_printf(" lr:\t%#lx\n", reg); reg = tf->cr; db_printf(" cr:\t%#lx\n", reg); reg = tf->xer; db_printf(" xer:\t%#lx\n", reg); reg = tf->ctr; db_printf(" ctr:\t%#lx (%ld)\n", reg, reg); reg = tf->srr0; db_printf(" srr0:\t%#lx\n", reg); reg = tf->srr1; db_printf(" srr1:\t%#lx\n", reg); reg = tf->exc; db_printf(" exc:\t%#lx\n", reg); reg = tf->dar; db_printf(" dar:\t%#lx\n", reg); #ifdef AIM reg = tf->cpu.aim.dsisr; db_printf(" dsisr:\t%#lx\n", reg); #else reg = tf->cpu.booke.esr; db_printf(" esr:\t%#lx\n", reg); reg = tf->cpu.booke.dbcr0; db_printf(" dbcr0:\t%#lx\n", reg); #endif } #endif /* __stack_chk_fail_local() is called in secure-plt (32-bit). */ #if !defined(__powerpc64__) extern void __stack_chk_fail(void); void __stack_chk_fail_local(void); void __stack_chk_fail_local(void) { __stack_chk_fail(); } #endif diff --git a/sys/riscv/include/reg.h b/sys/riscv/include/reg.h index 9e94b4a5768d..003e696e30e3 100644 --- a/sys/riscv/include/reg.h +++ b/sys/riscv/include/reg.h @@ -1,73 +1,61 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ruslan Bukin * All rights reserved. * * Portions of this software were developed by SRI International and the * University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract * FA8750-10-C-0237 ("CTSRD"), as part of the DARPA CRASH research programme. * * Portions of this software were developed by the University of Cambridge * Computer Laboratory as part of the CTSRD Project, with support from the * UK Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF). * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _MACHINE_REG_H_ #define _MACHINE_REG_H_ struct reg { uint64_t ra; /* return address */ uint64_t sp; /* stack pointer */ uint64_t gp; /* global pointer */ uint64_t tp; /* thread pointer */ uint64_t t[7]; /* temporaries */ uint64_t s[12]; /* saved registers */ uint64_t a[8]; /* function arguments */ uint64_t sepc; /* exception program counter */ uint64_t sstatus; /* status register */ }; struct fpreg { uint64_t fp_x[32][2]; /* Floating point registers */ uint64_t fp_fcsr; /* Floating point control reg */ }; struct dbreg { int dummy; }; -#ifdef _KERNEL -/* - * XXX these interfaces are MI, so they should be declared in a MI place. - */ -int fill_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int set_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int fill_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int set_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int fill_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -int set_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -#endif - #endif /* !_MACHINE_REG_H_ */ diff --git a/sys/riscv/riscv/machdep.c b/sys/riscv/riscv/machdep.c index b7fb142a59b4..ad57e8339c7d 100644 --- a/sys/riscv/riscv/machdep.c +++ b/sys/riscv/riscv/machdep.c @@ -1,981 +1,981 @@ /*- * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Turner * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Ruslan Bukin * All rights reserved. * * Portions of this software were developed by SRI International and the * University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract * FA8750-10-C-0237 ("CTSRD"), as part of the DARPA CRASH research programme. * * Portions of this software were developed by the University of Cambridge * Computer Laboratory as part of the CTSRD Project, with support from the * UK Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF). * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opt_platform.h" #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef FPE #include #endif #ifdef FDT #include #include #include #endif static void get_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp); static void set_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp); struct pcpu __pcpu[MAXCPU]; static struct trapframe proc0_tf; int early_boot = 1; int cold = 1; #define DTB_SIZE_MAX (1024 * 1024) vm_paddr_t physmap[PHYS_AVAIL_ENTRIES]; u_int physmap_idx; struct kva_md_info kmi; int64_t dcache_line_size; /* The minimum D cache line size */ int64_t icache_line_size; /* The minimum I cache line size */ int64_t idcache_line_size; /* The minimum cache line size */ #define BOOT_HART_INVALID 0xffffffff uint32_t boot_hart = BOOT_HART_INVALID; /* The hart we booted on. */ cpuset_t all_harts; extern int *end; static char static_kenv[PAGE_SIZE]; static void cpu_startup(void *dummy) { sbi_print_version(); identify_cpu(); printf("real memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)realmem), ptoa((uintmax_t)realmem) / (1024 * 1024)); /* * Display any holes after the first chunk of extended memory. */ if (bootverbose) { int indx; printf("Physical memory chunk(s):\n"); for (indx = 0; phys_avail[indx + 1] != 0; indx += 2) { vm_paddr_t size; size = phys_avail[indx + 1] - phys_avail[indx]; printf( "0x%016jx - 0x%016jx, %ju bytes (%ju pages)\n", (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx], (uintmax_t)phys_avail[indx + 1] - 1, (uintmax_t)size, (uintmax_t)size / PAGE_SIZE); } } vm_ksubmap_init(&kmi); printf("avail memory = %ju (%ju MB)\n", ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()), ptoa((uintmax_t)vm_free_count()) / (1024 * 1024)); if (bootverbose) devmap_print_table(); bufinit(); vm_pager_bufferinit(); } SYSINIT(cpu, SI_SUB_CPU, SI_ORDER_FIRST, cpu_startup, NULL); int cpu_idle_wakeup(int cpu) { return (0); } int fill_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *frame; frame = td->td_frame; regs->sepc = frame->tf_sepc; regs->sstatus = frame->tf_sstatus; regs->ra = frame->tf_ra; regs->sp = frame->tf_sp; regs->gp = frame->tf_gp; regs->tp = frame->tf_tp; memcpy(regs->t, frame->tf_t, sizeof(regs->t)); memcpy(regs->s, frame->tf_s, sizeof(regs->s)); memcpy(regs->a, frame->tf_a, sizeof(regs->a)); return (0); } int set_regs(struct thread *td, struct reg *regs) { struct trapframe *frame; frame = td->td_frame; frame->tf_sepc = regs->sepc; frame->tf_ra = regs->ra; frame->tf_sp = regs->sp; frame->tf_gp = regs->gp; frame->tf_tp = regs->tp; memcpy(frame->tf_t, regs->t, sizeof(frame->tf_t)); memcpy(frame->tf_s, regs->s, sizeof(frame->tf_s)); memcpy(frame->tf_a, regs->a, sizeof(frame->tf_a)); return (0); } int fill_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *regs) { #ifdef FPE struct pcb *pcb; pcb = td->td_pcb; if ((pcb->pcb_fpflags & PCB_FP_STARTED) != 0) { /* * If we have just been running FPE instructions we will * need to save the state to memcpy it below. */ if (td == curthread) fpe_state_save(td); memcpy(regs->fp_x, pcb->pcb_x, sizeof(regs->fp_x)); regs->fp_fcsr = pcb->pcb_fcsr; } else #endif memset(regs, 0, sizeof(*regs)); return (0); } int set_fpregs(struct thread *td, struct fpreg *regs) { #ifdef FPE struct trapframe *frame; struct pcb *pcb; frame = td->td_frame; pcb = td->td_pcb; memcpy(pcb->pcb_x, regs->fp_x, sizeof(regs->fp_x)); pcb->pcb_fcsr = regs->fp_fcsr; pcb->pcb_fpflags |= PCB_FP_STARTED; frame->tf_sstatus &= ~SSTATUS_FS_MASK; frame->tf_sstatus |= SSTATUS_FS_CLEAN; #endif return (0); } int fill_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *regs) { panic("fill_dbregs"); } int set_dbregs(struct thread *td, struct dbreg *regs) { panic("set_dbregs"); } int ptrace_set_pc(struct thread *td, u_long addr) { td->td_frame->tf_sepc = addr; return (0); } int ptrace_single_step(struct thread *td) { /* TODO; */ return (EOPNOTSUPP); } int ptrace_clear_single_step(struct thread *td) { /* TODO; */ return (EOPNOTSUPP); } void exec_setregs(struct thread *td, struct image_params *imgp, uintptr_t stack) { struct trapframe *tf; struct pcb *pcb; tf = td->td_frame; pcb = td->td_pcb; memset(tf, 0, sizeof(struct trapframe)); tf->tf_a[0] = stack; tf->tf_sp = STACKALIGN(stack); tf->tf_ra = imgp->entry_addr; tf->tf_sepc = imgp->entry_addr; pcb->pcb_fpflags &= ~PCB_FP_STARTED; } /* Sanity check these are the same size, they will be memcpy'd to and fro */ CTASSERT(sizeof(((struct trapframe *)0)->tf_a) == sizeof((struct gpregs *)0)->gp_a); CTASSERT(sizeof(((struct trapframe *)0)->tf_s) == sizeof((struct gpregs *)0)->gp_s); CTASSERT(sizeof(((struct trapframe *)0)->tf_t) == sizeof((struct gpregs *)0)->gp_t); CTASSERT(sizeof(((struct trapframe *)0)->tf_a) == sizeof((struct reg *)0)->a); CTASSERT(sizeof(((struct trapframe *)0)->tf_s) == sizeof((struct reg *)0)->s); CTASSERT(sizeof(((struct trapframe *)0)->tf_t) == sizeof((struct reg *)0)->t); /* Support for FDT configurations only. */ CTASSERT(FDT); int get_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp, int clear_ret) { struct trapframe *tf = td->td_frame; memcpy(mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_t, tf->tf_t, sizeof(mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_t)); memcpy(mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_s, tf->tf_s, sizeof(mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_s)); memcpy(mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_a, tf->tf_a, sizeof(mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_a)); if (clear_ret & GET_MC_CLEAR_RET) { mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_a[0] = 0; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_t[0] = 0; /* clear syscall error */ } mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_ra = tf->tf_ra; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sp = tf->tf_sp; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_gp = tf->tf_gp; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_tp = tf->tf_tp; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sepc = tf->tf_sepc; mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sstatus = tf->tf_sstatus; get_fpcontext(td, mcp); return (0); } int set_mcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { struct trapframe *tf; tf = td->td_frame; /* * Permit changes to the USTATUS bits of SSTATUS. * * Ignore writes to read-only bits (SD, XS). * * Ignore writes to the FS field as set_fpcontext() will set * it explicitly. */ if (((mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sstatus ^ tf->tf_sstatus) & ~(SSTATUS_SD | SSTATUS_XS_MASK | SSTATUS_FS_MASK | SSTATUS_UPIE | SSTATUS_UIE)) != 0) return (EINVAL); memcpy(tf->tf_t, mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_t, sizeof(tf->tf_t)); memcpy(tf->tf_s, mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_s, sizeof(tf->tf_s)); memcpy(tf->tf_a, mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_a, sizeof(tf->tf_a)); tf->tf_ra = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_ra; tf->tf_sp = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sp; tf->tf_gp = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_gp; tf->tf_sepc = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sepc; tf->tf_sstatus = mcp->mc_gpregs.gp_sstatus; set_fpcontext(td, mcp); return (0); } static void get_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { #ifdef FPE struct pcb *curpcb; critical_enter(); curpcb = curthread->td_pcb; KASSERT(td->td_pcb == curpcb, ("Invalid fpe pcb")); if ((curpcb->pcb_fpflags & PCB_FP_STARTED) != 0) { /* * If we have just been running FPE instructions we will * need to save the state to memcpy it below. */ fpe_state_save(td); KASSERT((curpcb->pcb_fpflags & ~PCB_FP_USERMASK) == 0, ("Non-userspace FPE flags set in get_fpcontext")); memcpy(mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_x, curpcb->pcb_x, sizeof(mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_x)); mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_fcsr = curpcb->pcb_fcsr; mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_flags = curpcb->pcb_fpflags; mcp->mc_flags |= _MC_FP_VALID; } critical_exit(); #endif } static void set_fpcontext(struct thread *td, mcontext_t *mcp) { #ifdef FPE struct pcb *curpcb; #endif td->td_frame->tf_sstatus &= ~SSTATUS_FS_MASK; td->td_frame->tf_sstatus |= SSTATUS_FS_OFF; #ifdef FPE critical_enter(); if ((mcp->mc_flags & _MC_FP_VALID) != 0) { curpcb = curthread->td_pcb; /* FPE usage is enabled, override registers. */ memcpy(curpcb->pcb_x, mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_x, sizeof(mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_x)); curpcb->pcb_fcsr = mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_fcsr; curpcb->pcb_fpflags = mcp->mc_fpregs.fp_flags & PCB_FP_USERMASK; td->td_frame->tf_sstatus |= SSTATUS_FS_CLEAN; } critical_exit(); #endif } void cpu_idle(int busy) { spinlock_enter(); if (!busy) cpu_idleclock(); if (!sched_runnable()) __asm __volatile( "fence \n" "wfi \n"); if (!busy) cpu_activeclock(); spinlock_exit(); } void cpu_halt(void) { /* * Try to power down using the HSM SBI extension and fall back to a * simple wfi loop. */ intr_disable(); if (sbi_probe_extension(SBI_EXT_ID_HSM) != 0) sbi_hsm_hart_stop(); for (;;) __asm __volatile("wfi"); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* * Flush the D-cache for non-DMA I/O so that the I-cache can * be made coherent later. */ void cpu_flush_dcache(void *ptr, size_t len) { /* TBD */ } /* Get current clock frequency for the given CPU ID. */ int cpu_est_clockrate(int cpu_id, uint64_t *rate) { panic("cpu_est_clockrate"); } void cpu_pcpu_init(struct pcpu *pcpu, int cpuid, size_t size) { } void spinlock_enter(void) { struct thread *td; register_t reg; td = curthread; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { reg = intr_disable(); td->td_md.md_spinlock_count = 1; td->td_md.md_saved_sstatus_ie = reg; critical_enter(); } else td->td_md.md_spinlock_count++; } void spinlock_exit(void) { struct thread *td; register_t sstatus_ie; td = curthread; sstatus_ie = td->td_md.md_saved_sstatus_ie; td->td_md.md_spinlock_count--; if (td->td_md.md_spinlock_count == 0) { critical_exit(); intr_restore(sstatus_ie); } } #ifndef _SYS_SYSPROTO_H_ struct sigreturn_args { ucontext_t *ucp; }; #endif int sys_sigreturn(struct thread *td, struct sigreturn_args *uap) { ucontext_t uc; int error; if (copyin(uap->sigcntxp, &uc, sizeof(uc))) return (EFAULT); error = set_mcontext(td, &uc.uc_mcontext); if (error != 0) return (error); /* Restore signal mask. */ kern_sigprocmask(td, SIG_SETMASK, &uc.uc_sigmask, NULL, 0); return (EJUSTRETURN); } /* * Construct a PCB from a trapframe. This is called from kdb_trap() where * we want to start a backtrace from the function that caused us to enter * the debugger. We have the context in the trapframe, but base the trace * on the PCB. The PCB doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it contains * enough for a backtrace. */ void makectx(struct trapframe *tf, struct pcb *pcb) { memcpy(pcb->pcb_s, tf->tf_s, sizeof(tf->tf_s)); pcb->pcb_ra = tf->tf_sepc; pcb->pcb_sp = tf->tf_sp; pcb->pcb_gp = tf->tf_gp; pcb->pcb_tp = tf->tf_tp; } void sendsig(sig_t catcher, ksiginfo_t *ksi, sigset_t *mask) { struct sigframe *fp, frame; struct sysentvec *sysent; struct trapframe *tf; struct sigacts *psp; struct thread *td; struct proc *p; int onstack; int sig; td = curthread; p = td->td_proc; PROC_LOCK_ASSERT(p, MA_OWNED); sig = ksi->ksi_signo; psp = p->p_sigacts; mtx_assert(&psp->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED); tf = td->td_frame; onstack = sigonstack(tf->tf_sp); CTR4(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: td=%p (%s) catcher=%p sig=%d", td, p->p_comm, catcher, sig); /* Allocate and validate space for the signal handler context. */ if ((td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 && !onstack && SIGISMEMBER(psp->ps_sigonstack, sig)) { fp = (struct sigframe *)((uintptr_t)td->td_sigstk.ss_sp + td->td_sigstk.ss_size); } else { fp = (struct sigframe *)td->td_frame->tf_sp; } /* Make room, keeping the stack aligned */ fp--; fp = (struct sigframe *)STACKALIGN(fp); /* Fill in the frame to copy out */ bzero(&frame, sizeof(frame)); get_mcontext(td, &frame.sf_uc.uc_mcontext, 0); frame.sf_si = ksi->ksi_info; frame.sf_uc.uc_sigmask = *mask; frame.sf_uc.uc_stack = td->td_sigstk; frame.sf_uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = (td->td_pflags & TDP_ALTSTACK) != 0 ? (onstack ? SS_ONSTACK : 0) : SS_DISABLE; mtx_unlock(&psp->ps_mtx); PROC_UNLOCK(td->td_proc); /* Copy the sigframe out to the user's stack. */ if (copyout(&frame, fp, sizeof(*fp)) != 0) { /* Process has trashed its stack. Kill it. */ CTR2(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: sigexit td=%p fp=%p", td, fp); PROC_LOCK(p); sigexit(td, SIGILL); } tf->tf_a[0] = sig; tf->tf_a[1] = (register_t)&fp->sf_si; tf->tf_a[2] = (register_t)&fp->sf_uc; tf->tf_sepc = (register_t)catcher; tf->tf_sp = (register_t)fp; sysent = p->p_sysent; if (sysent->sv_sigcode_base != 0) tf->tf_ra = (register_t)sysent->sv_sigcode_base; else tf->tf_ra = (register_t)(sysent->sv_psstrings - *(sysent->sv_szsigcode)); CTR3(KTR_SIG, "sendsig: return td=%p pc=%#x sp=%#x", td, tf->tf_sepc, tf->tf_sp); PROC_LOCK(p); mtx_lock(&psp->ps_mtx); } static void init_proc0(vm_offset_t kstack) { struct pcpu *pcpup; pcpup = &__pcpu[0]; proc_linkup0(&proc0, &thread0); thread0.td_kstack = kstack; thread0.td_kstack_pages = KSTACK_PAGES; thread0.td_pcb = (struct pcb *)(thread0.td_kstack + thread0.td_kstack_pages * PAGE_SIZE) - 1; thread0.td_pcb->pcb_fpflags = 0; thread0.td_frame = &proc0_tf; pcpup->pc_curpcb = thread0.td_pcb; } #ifdef FDT static void try_load_dtb(caddr_t kmdp) { vm_offset_t dtbp; dtbp = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_DTBP, vm_offset_t); #if defined(FDT_DTB_STATIC) /* * In case the device tree blob was not retrieved (from metadata) try * to use the statically embedded one. */ if (dtbp == (vm_offset_t)NULL) dtbp = (vm_offset_t)&fdt_static_dtb; #endif if (dtbp == (vm_offset_t)NULL) { printf("ERROR loading DTB\n"); return; } if (OF_install(OFW_FDT, 0) == FALSE) panic("Cannot install FDT"); if (OF_init((void *)dtbp) != 0) panic("OF_init failed with the found device tree"); } #endif static void cache_setup(void) { /* TODO */ dcache_line_size = 0; icache_line_size = 0; idcache_line_size = 0; } /* * Fake up a boot descriptor table. */ static void fake_preload_metadata(struct riscv_bootparams *rvbp) { static uint32_t fake_preload[48]; vm_offset_t lastaddr; size_t fake_size, dtb_size; #define PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(type, value) do { \ *(type *)((char *)fake_preload + fake_size) = (value); \ fake_size += sizeof(type); \ } while (0) #define PRELOAD_PUSH_STRING(str) do { \ uint32_t ssize; \ ssize = strlen(str) + 1; \ PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, ssize); \ strcpy(((char *)fake_preload + fake_size), str); \ fake_size += ssize; \ fake_size = roundup(fake_size, sizeof(u_long)); \ } while (0) fake_size = 0; lastaddr = (vm_offset_t)&end; PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_NAME); PRELOAD_PUSH_STRING("kernel"); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_TYPE); PRELOAD_PUSH_STRING("elf kernel"); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_ADDR); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, sizeof(vm_offset_t)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint64_t, KERNBASE); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_SIZE); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, sizeof(size_t)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint64_t, (size_t)((vm_offset_t)&end - KERNBASE)); /* Copy the DTB to KVA space. */ lastaddr = roundup(lastaddr, sizeof(int)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_DTBP); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, sizeof(vm_offset_t)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(vm_offset_t, lastaddr); dtb_size = fdt_totalsize(rvbp->dtbp_virt); memmove((void *)lastaddr, (const void *)rvbp->dtbp_virt, dtb_size); lastaddr = roundup(lastaddr + dtb_size, sizeof(int)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_KERNEND); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, sizeof(vm_offset_t)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(vm_offset_t, lastaddr); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_HOWTO); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, sizeof(int)); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(int, RB_VERBOSE); /* End marker */ PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, 0); PRELOAD_PUSH_VALUE(uint32_t, 0); preload_metadata = (caddr_t)fake_preload; /* Check if bootloader clobbered part of the kernel with the DTB. */ KASSERT(rvbp->dtbp_phys + dtb_size <= rvbp->kern_phys || rvbp->dtbp_phys >= rvbp->kern_phys + (lastaddr - KERNBASE), ("FDT (%lx-%lx) and kernel (%lx-%lx) overlap", rvbp->dtbp_phys, rvbp->dtbp_phys + dtb_size, rvbp->kern_phys, rvbp->kern_phys + (lastaddr - KERNBASE))); KASSERT(fake_size < sizeof(fake_preload), ("Too many fake_preload items")); if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) printf("FDT phys (%lx-%lx), kernel phys (%lx-%lx)\n", rvbp->dtbp_phys, rvbp->dtbp_phys + dtb_size, rvbp->kern_phys, rvbp->kern_phys + (lastaddr - KERNBASE)); } #ifdef FDT static void parse_fdt_bootargs(void) { char bootargs[512]; bootargs[sizeof(bootargs) - 1] = '\0'; if (fdt_get_chosen_bootargs(bootargs, sizeof(bootargs) - 1) == 0) { boothowto |= boot_parse_cmdline(bootargs); } } #endif static vm_offset_t parse_metadata(void) { caddr_t kmdp; vm_offset_t lastaddr; #ifdef DDB vm_offset_t ksym_start, ksym_end; #endif char *kern_envp; /* Find the kernel address */ kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf kernel"); if (kmdp == NULL) kmdp = preload_search_by_type("elf64 kernel"); KASSERT(kmdp != NULL, ("No preload metadata found!")); /* Read the boot metadata */ boothowto = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_HOWTO, int); lastaddr = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_KERNEND, vm_offset_t); kern_envp = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_ENVP, char *); if (kern_envp != NULL) init_static_kenv(kern_envp, 0); else init_static_kenv(static_kenv, sizeof(static_kenv)); #ifdef DDB ksym_start = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_SSYM, uintptr_t); ksym_end = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_ESYM, uintptr_t); db_fetch_ksymtab(ksym_start, ksym_end); #endif #ifdef FDT try_load_dtb(kmdp); if (kern_envp == NULL) parse_fdt_bootargs(); #endif return (lastaddr); } void initriscv(struct riscv_bootparams *rvbp) { struct mem_region mem_regions[FDT_MEM_REGIONS]; struct pcpu *pcpup; int mem_regions_sz; vm_offset_t lastaddr; vm_size_t kernlen; #ifdef FDT phandle_t chosen; uint32_t hart; #endif char *env; TSRAW(&thread0, TS_ENTER, __func__, NULL); /* Set the pcpu data, this is needed by pmap_bootstrap */ pcpup = &__pcpu[0]; pcpu_init(pcpup, 0, sizeof(struct pcpu)); /* Set the pcpu pointer */ __asm __volatile("mv tp, %0" :: "r"(pcpup)); PCPU_SET(curthread, &thread0); /* Initialize SBI interface. */ sbi_init(); /* Parse the boot metadata. */ if (rvbp->modulep != 0) { preload_metadata = (caddr_t)rvbp->modulep; } else { fake_preload_metadata(rvbp); } lastaddr = parse_metadata(); #ifdef FDT /* * Look for the boot hart ID. This was either passed in directly from * the SBI firmware and handled by locore, or was stored in the device * tree by an earlier boot stage. */ chosen = OF_finddevice("/chosen"); if (OF_getencprop(chosen, "boot-hartid", &hart, sizeof(hart)) != -1) { boot_hart = hart; } #endif if (boot_hart == BOOT_HART_INVALID) { panic("Boot hart ID was not properly set"); } pcpup->pc_hart = boot_hart; #ifdef FDT /* * Exclude reserved memory specified by the device tree. Typically, * this contains an entry for memory used by the runtime SBI firmware. */ if (fdt_get_reserved_mem(mem_regions, &mem_regions_sz) == 0) { physmem_exclude_regions(mem_regions, mem_regions_sz, EXFLAG_NODUMP | EXFLAG_NOALLOC); } /* Grab physical memory regions information from device tree. */ if (fdt_get_mem_regions(mem_regions, &mem_regions_sz, NULL) != 0) { panic("Cannot get physical memory regions"); } physmem_hardware_regions(mem_regions, mem_regions_sz); #endif /* Do basic tuning, hz etc */ init_param1(); cache_setup(); /* Bootstrap enough of pmap to enter the kernel proper */ kernlen = (lastaddr - KERNBASE); pmap_bootstrap(rvbp->kern_l1pt, rvbp->kern_phys, kernlen); #ifdef FDT /* * XXX: Exclude the lowest 2MB of physical memory, if it hasn't been * already, as this area is assumed to contain the SBI firmware. This * is a little fragile, but it is consistent with the platforms we * support so far. * * TODO: remove this when the all regular booting methods properly * report their reserved memory in the device tree. */ if (mem_regions[0].mr_start == physmap[0]) { physmem_exclude_region(mem_regions[0].mr_start, L2_SIZE, EXFLAG_NODUMP | EXFLAG_NOALLOC); } #endif physmem_init_kernel_globals(); /* Establish static device mappings */ devmap_bootstrap(0, NULL); cninit(); /* * Dump the boot metadata. We have to wait for cninit() since console * output is required. If it's grossly incorrect the kernel will never * make it this far. */ if (getenv_is_true("debug.dump_modinfo_at_boot")) preload_dump(); init_proc0(rvbp->kern_stack); msgbufinit(msgbufp, msgbufsize); mutex_init(); init_param2(physmem); kdb_init(); env = kern_getenv("kernelname"); if (env != NULL) strlcpy(kernelname, env, sizeof(kernelname)); if (boothowto & RB_VERBOSE) physmem_print_tables(); early_boot = 0; TSEXIT(); } diff --git a/sys/arm64/include/reg.h b/sys/sys/reg.h similarity index 70% copy from sys/arm64/include/reg.h copy to sys/sys/reg.h index 9cfc5ea1d437..910ea802029e 100644 --- a/sys/arm64/include/reg.h +++ b/sys/sys/reg.h @@ -1,106 +1,68 @@ /*- - * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Turner + * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD + * + * Copyright (C) 2014,2019 Andrew Turner * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The FreeBSD Foundation - * All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by Andrew Turner under * sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation. * + * This software was developed by SRI International and the University of + * Cambridge Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract FA8750-10-C-0237 + * ("CTSRD"), as part of the DARPA CRASH research programme. + * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ -#ifndef _MACHINE_REG_H_ -#define _MACHINE_REG_H_ - -struct reg { - uint64_t x[30]; - uint64_t lr; - uint64_t sp; - uint64_t elr; - uint32_t spsr; -}; - -struct reg32 { - unsigned int r[13]; - unsigned int r_sp; - unsigned int r_lr; - unsigned int r_pc; - unsigned int r_cpsr; -}; - -struct fpreg { - __uint128_t fp_q[32]; - uint32_t fp_sr; - uint32_t fp_cr; -}; - -struct fpreg32 { - int dummy; -}; - -struct dbreg { - uint8_t db_debug_ver; - uint8_t db_nbkpts; - uint8_t db_nwtpts; - uint8_t db_pad[5]; - - struct { - uint64_t dbr_addr; - uint32_t dbr_ctrl; - uint32_t dbr_pad; - } db_breakregs[16]; - struct { - uint64_t dbw_addr; - uint32_t dbw_ctrl; - uint32_t dbw_pad; - } db_watchregs[16]; -}; +#ifndef _SYS_REG_H_ +#define _SYS_REG_H_ -struct dbreg32 { - int dummy; -}; - -#define __HAVE_REG32 +#include #ifdef _KERNEL -/* - * XXX these interfaces are MI, so they should be declared in a MI place. - */ int fill_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); int set_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); int fill_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); int set_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); int fill_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); int set_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 int fill_regs32(struct thread *, struct reg32 *); int set_regs32(struct thread *, struct reg32 *); +#ifndef fill_fpregs32 int fill_fpregs32(struct thread *, struct fpreg32 *); +#endif +#ifndef set_fpregs32 int set_fpregs32(struct thread *, struct fpreg32 *); +#endif +#ifndef fill_dbregs32 int fill_dbregs32(struct thread *, struct dbreg32 *); +#endif +#ifndef set_dbregs32 int set_dbregs32(struct thread *, struct dbreg32 *); #endif #endif +#endif -#endif /* !_MACHINE_REG_H_ */ +#endif diff --git a/sys/x86/include/reg.h b/sys/x86/include/reg.h index 6bfe7aaedd06..7be3e24850c3 100644 --- a/sys/x86/include/reg.h +++ b/sys/x86/include/reg.h @@ -1,269 +1,253 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Wemm. * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * William Jolitz. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * from: @(#)reg.h 5.5 (Berkeley) 1/18/91 * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _MACHINE_REG_H_ #define _MACHINE_REG_H_ #include #ifdef __i386__ /* * Indices for registers in `struct trapframe' and `struct regs'. * * This interface is deprecated. In the kernel, it is only used in FPU * emulators to convert from register numbers encoded in instructions to * register values. Everything else just accesses the relevant struct * members. In userland, debuggers tend to abuse this interface since * they don't understand that `struct regs' is a struct. I hope they have * stopped accessing the registers in the trap frame via PT_{READ,WRITE}_U * and we can stop supporting the user area soon. */ #define tFS (0) #define tES (1) #define tDS (2) #define tEDI (3) #define tESI (4) #define tEBP (5) #define tISP (6) #define tEBX (7) #define tEDX (8) #define tECX (9) #define tEAX (10) #define tERR (12) #define tEIP (13) #define tCS (14) #define tEFLAGS (15) #define tESP (16) #define tSS (17) /* * Indices for registers in `struct regs' only. * * Some registers live in the pcb and are only in an "array" with the * other registers in application interfaces that copy all the registers * to or from a `struct regs'. */ #define tGS (18) #endif /* __i386__ */ /* Rename the structs below depending on the machine architecture. */ #ifdef __i386__ #define __reg32 reg #define __fpreg32 fpreg #define __dbreg32 dbreg #else #define __reg32 reg32 #define __reg64 reg #define __fpreg32 fpreg32 #define __fpreg64 fpreg #define __dbreg32 dbreg32 #define __dbreg64 dbreg #define __HAVE_REG32 #endif /* * Register set accessible via /proc/$pid/regs and PT_{SET,GET}REGS. */ struct __reg32 { __uint32_t r_fs; __uint32_t r_es; __uint32_t r_ds; __uint32_t r_edi; __uint32_t r_esi; __uint32_t r_ebp; __uint32_t r_isp; __uint32_t r_ebx; __uint32_t r_edx; __uint32_t r_ecx; __uint32_t r_eax; __uint32_t r_trapno; __uint32_t r_err; __uint32_t r_eip; __uint32_t r_cs; __uint32_t r_eflags; __uint32_t r_esp; __uint32_t r_ss; __uint32_t r_gs; }; struct __reg64 { __int64_t r_r15; __int64_t r_r14; __int64_t r_r13; __int64_t r_r12; __int64_t r_r11; __int64_t r_r10; __int64_t r_r9; __int64_t r_r8; __int64_t r_rdi; __int64_t r_rsi; __int64_t r_rbp; __int64_t r_rbx; __int64_t r_rdx; __int64_t r_rcx; __int64_t r_rax; __uint32_t r_trapno; __uint16_t r_fs; __uint16_t r_gs; __uint32_t r_err; __uint16_t r_es; __uint16_t r_ds; __int64_t r_rip; __int64_t r_cs; __int64_t r_rflags; __int64_t r_rsp; __int64_t r_ss; }; /* * Register set accessible via /proc/$pid/fpregs. * * XXX should get struct from fpu.h. Here we give a slightly * simplified struct. This may be too much detail. Perhaps * an array of unsigned longs is best. */ struct __fpreg32 { __uint32_t fpr_env[7]; __uint8_t fpr_acc[8][10]; __uint32_t fpr_ex_sw; __uint8_t fpr_pad[64]; }; struct __fpreg64 { __uint64_t fpr_env[4]; __uint8_t fpr_acc[8][16]; __uint8_t fpr_xacc[16][16]; __uint64_t fpr_spare[12]; }; /* * Register set accessible via PT_GETXMMREGS (i386). */ struct xmmreg { /* * XXX should get struct from npx.h. Here we give a slightly * simplified struct. This may be too much detail. Perhaps * an array of unsigned longs is best. */ __uint32_t xmm_env[8]; __uint8_t xmm_acc[8][16]; __uint8_t xmm_reg[8][16]; __uint8_t xmm_pad[224]; }; /* * Register set accessible via /proc/$pid/dbregs. */ struct __dbreg32 { __uint32_t dr[8]; /* debug registers */ /* Index 0-3: debug address registers */ /* Index 4-5: reserved */ /* Index 6: debug status */ /* Index 7: debug control */ }; struct __dbreg64 { __uint64_t dr[16]; /* debug registers */ /* Index 0-3: debug address registers */ /* Index 4-5: reserved */ /* Index 6: debug status */ /* Index 7: debug control */ /* Index 8-15: reserved */ }; #define DBREG_DR6_RESERVED1 0xffff0ff0 #define DBREG_DR6_BMASK 0x000f #define DBREG_DR6_B(i) (1 << (i)) #define DBREG_DR6_BD 0x2000 #define DBREG_DR6_BS 0x4000 #define DBREG_DR6_BT 0x8000 #define DBREG_DR7_RESERVED1 0x0400 #define DBREG_DR7_LOCAL_ENABLE 0x01 #define DBREG_DR7_GLOBAL_ENABLE 0x02 #define DBREG_DR7_LEN_1 0x00 /* 1 byte length */ #define DBREG_DR7_LEN_2 0x01 #define DBREG_DR7_LEN_4 0x03 #define DBREG_DR7_LEN_8 0x02 #define DBREG_DR7_EXEC 0x00 /* break on execute */ #define DBREG_DR7_WRONLY 0x01 /* break on write */ #define DBREG_DR7_RDWR 0x03 /* break on read or write */ #define DBREG_DR7_MASK(i) \ ((__u_register_t)(0xf) << ((i) * 4 + 16) | 0x3 << (i) * 2) #define DBREG_DR7_SET(i, len, access, enable) \ ((__u_register_t)((len) << 2 | (access)) << ((i) * 4 + 16) | \ (enable) << (i) * 2) #define DBREG_DR7_GD 0x2000 #define DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(d, i) (((d) & 0x3 << (i) * 2) != 0) #define DBREG_DR7_ACCESS(d, i) ((d) >> ((i) * 4 + 16) & 0x3) #define DBREG_DR7_LEN(d, i) ((d) >> ((i) * 4 + 18) & 0x3) #define DBREG_DRX(d,x) ((d)->dr[(x)]) /* reference dr0 - dr7 by register number */ #undef __reg32 #undef __reg64 #undef __fpreg32 #undef __fpreg64 #undef __dbreg32 #undef __dbreg64 #ifdef _KERNEL -struct thread; - /* * XXX these interfaces are MI, so they should be declared in a MI place. */ -int fill_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); int fill_frame_regs(struct trapframe *, struct reg *); -int set_regs(struct thread *, struct reg *); -int fill_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int set_fpregs(struct thread *, struct fpreg *); -int fill_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -int set_dbregs(struct thread *, struct dbreg *); -#ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32 -int fill_regs32(struct thread *, struct reg32 *); -int set_regs32(struct thread *, struct reg32 *); -int fill_fpregs32(struct thread *, struct fpreg32 *); -int set_fpregs32(struct thread *, struct fpreg32 *); -int fill_dbregs32(struct thread *, struct dbreg32 *); -int set_dbregs32(struct thread *, struct dbreg32 *); -#endif #endif #endif /* !_MACHINE_REG_H_ */ diff --git a/sys/x86/x86/dbreg.c b/sys/x86/x86/dbreg.c index ef30cc2d614e..3361807c6226 100644 --- a/sys/x86/x86/dbreg.c +++ b/sys/x86/x86/dbreg.c @@ -1,302 +1,303 @@ /*- * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include "opt_ddb.h" #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NDBREGS 4 #ifdef __amd64__ #define MAXWATCHSIZE 8 #else #define MAXWATCHSIZE 4 #endif /* * Set a watchpoint in the debug register denoted by 'watchnum'. */ static void dbreg_set_watchreg(int watchnum, vm_offset_t watchaddr, vm_size_t size, int access, struct dbreg *d) { int len; MPASS(watchnum >= 0 && watchnum < NDBREGS); /* size must be 1 for an execution breakpoint */ if (access == DBREG_DR7_EXEC) size = 1; /* * we can watch a 1, 2, or 4 byte sized location */ switch (size) { case 1: len = DBREG_DR7_LEN_1; break; case 2: len = DBREG_DR7_LEN_2; break; case 4: len = DBREG_DR7_LEN_4; break; #if MAXWATCHSIZE >= 8 case 8: len = DBREG_DR7_LEN_8; break; #endif default: return; } /* clear the bits we are about to affect */ d->dr[7] &= ~DBREG_DR7_MASK(watchnum); /* set drN register to the address, N=watchnum */ DBREG_DRX(d, watchnum) = watchaddr; /* enable the watchpoint */ d->dr[7] |= DBREG_DR7_SET(watchnum, len, access, DBREG_DR7_GLOBAL_ENABLE); } /* * Remove a watchpoint from the debug register denoted by 'watchnum'. */ static void dbreg_clr_watchreg(int watchnum, struct dbreg *d) { MPASS(watchnum >= 0 && watchnum < NDBREGS); d->dr[7] &= ~DBREG_DR7_MASK(watchnum); DBREG_DRX(d, watchnum) = 0; } /* * Sync the debug registers. Other cores will read these values from the PCPU * area when they resume. See amd64_db_resume_dbreg() below. */ static void dbreg_sync(struct dbreg *dp) { #ifdef __amd64__ struct pcpu *pc; int cpu, c; cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); CPU_FOREACH(c) { if (c == cpu) continue; pc = pcpu_find(c); memcpy(pc->pc_dbreg, dp, sizeof(*dp)); pc->pc_dbreg_cmd = PC_DBREG_CMD_LOAD; } #endif } int dbreg_set_watchpoint(vm_offset_t addr, vm_size_t size, int access) { struct dbreg *d; int avail, i, wsize; #ifdef __amd64__ d = (struct dbreg *)PCPU_PTR(dbreg); #else /* debug registers aren't stored in PCPU on i386. */ struct dbreg d_temp; d = &d_temp; #endif /* Validate the access type */ if (access != DBREG_DR7_EXEC && access != DBREG_DR7_WRONLY && access != DBREG_DR7_RDWR) return (EINVAL); fill_dbregs(NULL, d); /* * Check if there are enough available registers to cover the desired * area. */ avail = 0; for (i = 0; i < NDBREGS; i++) { if (!DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(d->dr[7], i)) avail++; } if (avail * MAXWATCHSIZE < size) return (EBUSY); for (i = 0; i < NDBREGS && size > 0; i++) { if (!DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(d->dr[7], i)) { if ((size >= 8 || (avail == 1 && size > 4)) && MAXWATCHSIZE == 8) wsize = 8; else if (size > 2) wsize = 4; else wsize = size; dbreg_set_watchreg(i, addr, wsize, access, d); addr += wsize; size -= wsize; avail--; } } set_dbregs(NULL, d); dbreg_sync(d); return (0); } int dbreg_clr_watchpoint(vm_offset_t addr, vm_size_t size) { struct dbreg *d; int i; #ifdef __amd64__ d = (struct dbreg *)PCPU_PTR(dbreg); #else /* debug registers aren't stored in PCPU on i386. */ struct dbreg d_temp; d = &d_temp; #endif fill_dbregs(NULL, d); for (i = 0; i < NDBREGS; i++) { if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(d->dr[7], i)) { if (DBREG_DRX((d), i) >= addr && DBREG_DRX((d), i) < addr + size) dbreg_clr_watchreg(i, d); } } set_dbregs(NULL, d); dbreg_sync(d); return (0); } #ifdef DDB static const char * watchtype_str(int type) { switch (type) { case DBREG_DR7_EXEC: return ("execute"); case DBREG_DR7_RDWR: return ("read/write"); case DBREG_DR7_WRONLY: return ("write"); default: return ("invalid"); } } void dbreg_list_watchpoints(void) { struct dbreg d; int i, len, type; fill_dbregs(NULL, &d); db_printf("\nhardware watchpoints:\n"); db_printf(" watch status type len address\n"); db_printf(" ----- -------- ---------- --- ----------\n"); for (i = 0; i < NDBREGS; i++) { if (DBREG_DR7_ENABLED(d.dr[7], i)) { type = DBREG_DR7_ACCESS(d.dr[7], i); len = DBREG_DR7_LEN(d.dr[7], i); db_printf(" %-5d %-8s %10s %3d ", i, "enabled", watchtype_str(type), len + 1); db_printsym((db_addr_t)DBREG_DRX(&d, i), DB_STGY_ANY); db_printf("\n"); } else { db_printf(" %-5d disabled\n", i); } } } #endif #ifdef __amd64__ /* Sync debug registers when resuming from debugger. */ void amd64_db_resume_dbreg(void) { struct dbreg *d; switch (PCPU_GET(dbreg_cmd)) { case PC_DBREG_CMD_LOAD: d = (struct dbreg *)PCPU_PTR(dbreg); set_dbregs(NULL, d); PCPU_SET(dbreg_cmd, PC_DBREG_CMD_NONE); break; } } #endif int kdb_cpu_set_watchpoint(vm_offset_t addr, vm_size_t size, int access) { /* Convert the KDB access type */ switch (access) { case KDB_DBG_ACCESS_W: access = DBREG_DR7_WRONLY; break; case KDB_DBG_ACCESS_RW: access = DBREG_DR7_RDWR; break; case KDB_DBG_ACCESS_R: /* FALLTHROUGH: read-only not supported */ default: return (EINVAL); } return (dbreg_set_watchpoint(addr, size, access)); } int kdb_cpu_clr_watchpoint(vm_offset_t addr, vm_size_t size) { return (dbreg_clr_watchpoint(addr, size)); }