diff --git a/stand/lua/core.lua b/stand/lua/core.lua index 9226de564348..7b7560ddc820 100644 --- a/stand/lua/core.lua +++ b/stand/lua/core.lua @@ -1,547 +1,568 @@ -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause -- -- Copyright (c) 2015 Pedro Souza -- Copyright (c) 2018 Kyle Evans -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- are met: -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND -- ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS -- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) -- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT -- LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -- OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -- SUCH DAMAGE. -- local config = require("config") local hook = require("hook") local core = {} local default_acpi = false local default_safe_mode = false local default_single_user = false local default_verbose = false local bootenv_list = "bootenvs" local function composeLoaderCmd(cmd_name, argstr) if argstr ~= nil then cmd_name = cmd_name .. " " .. argstr end return cmd_name end local function recordDefaults() local boot_single = loader.getenv("boot_single") or "no" local boot_verbose = loader.getenv("boot_verbose") or "no" default_acpi = core.getACPI() default_single_user = boot_single:lower() ~= "no" default_verbose = boot_verbose:lower() ~= "no" core.setACPI(default_acpi) core.setSingleUser(default_single_user) core.setVerbose(default_verbose) end -- Globals -- try_include will return the loaded module on success, or false and the error -- message on failure. function try_include(module) if module:sub(1, 1) ~= "/" then local lua_path = loader.lua_path -- XXX Temporary compat shim; this should be removed once the -- loader.lua_path export has sufficiently spread. if lua_path == nil then lua_path = "/boot/lua" end module = lua_path .. "/" .. module -- We only attempt to append an extension if an absolute path -- wasn't specified. This assumes that the caller either wants -- to treat this like it would require() and specify just the -- base filename, or they know what they're doing as they've -- specified an absolute path and we shouldn't impede. if module:match(".lua$") == nil then module = module .. ".lua" end end if lfs.attributes(module, "mode") ~= "file" then return end return dofile(module) end -- Module exports -- Commonly appearing constants core.KEY_BACKSPACE = 8 core.KEY_ENTER = 13 core.KEY_DELETE = 127 -- Note that this is a decimal representation, despite the leading 0 that in -- other contexts (outside of Lua) may mean 'octal' core.KEYSTR_ESCAPE = "\027" core.KEYSTR_CSI = core.KEYSTR_ESCAPE .. "[" core.KEYSTR_RESET = core.KEYSTR_ESCAPE .. "c" core.MENU_RETURN = "return" core.MENU_ENTRY = "entry" core.MENU_SEPARATOR = "separator" core.MENU_SUBMENU = "submenu" core.MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY = "carousel_entry" function core.setVerbose(verbose) if verbose == nil then verbose = not core.verbose end if verbose then loader.setenv("boot_verbose", "YES") else loader.unsetenv("boot_verbose") end core.verbose = verbose end function core.setSingleUser(single_user) if single_user == nil then single_user = not core.su end if single_user then loader.setenv("boot_single", "YES") else loader.unsetenv("boot_single") end core.su = single_user end function core.hasACPI() -- We can't trust acpi.rsdp to be set if the loader binary doesn't do -- ACPI detection early enough. UEFI loader historically didn't, so -- we'll fallback to assuming ACPI is enabled if this binary does not -- declare that it probes for ACPI early enough if loader.getenv("acpi.rsdp") ~= nil then return true end return not core.hasFeature("EARLY_ACPI") end function core.getACPI() if not core.hasACPI() then return false end -- Otherwise, respect disabled if it's set local c = loader.getenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled") return c == nil or tonumber(c) ~= 1 end function core.setACPI(acpi) if acpi == nil then acpi = not core.acpi end if acpi then config.enableModule("acpi") loader.setenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled", "0") else config.disableModule("acpi") loader.setenv("hint.acpi.0.disabled", "1") end core.acpi = acpi end function core.setSafeMode(safe_mode) if safe_mode == nil then safe_mode = not core.sm end if safe_mode then loader.setenv("kern.smp.disabled", "1") loader.setenv("hw.ata.ata_dma", "0") loader.setenv("hw.ata.atapi_dma", "0") loader.setenv("kern.eventtimer.periodic", "1") loader.setenv("kern.geom.part.check_integrity", "0") else loader.unsetenv("kern.smp.disabled") loader.unsetenv("hw.ata.ata_dma") loader.unsetenv("hw.ata.atapi_dma") loader.unsetenv("kern.eventtimer.periodic") loader.unsetenv("kern.geom.part.check_integrity") end core.sm = safe_mode end function core.clearCachedKernels() -- Clear the kernel cache on config changes, autodetect might have -- changed or if we've switched boot environments then we could have -- a new kernel set. core.cached_kernels = nil end function core.kernelList() if core.cached_kernels ~= nil then return core.cached_kernels end local default_kernel = loader.getenv("kernel") local v = loader.getenv("kernels") local autodetect = loader.getenv("kernels_autodetect") or "" local kernels = {} local unique = {} local i = 0 if default_kernel then i = i + 1 kernels[i] = default_kernel unique[default_kernel] = true end if v ~= nil then for n in v:gmatch("([^;, ]+)[;, ]?") do if unique[n] == nil then i = i + 1 kernels[i] = n unique[n] = true end end end -- Do not attempt to autodetect if underlying filesystem -- do not support directory listing (e.g. tftp, http) if not lfs.attributes("/boot", "mode") then autodetect = "no" loader.setenv("kernels_autodetect", "NO") end -- Base whether we autodetect kernels or not on a loader.conf(5) -- setting, kernels_autodetect. If it's set to 'yes', we'll add -- any kernels we detect based on the criteria described. if autodetect:lower() ~= "yes" then core.cached_kernels = kernels return core.cached_kernels end local present = {} -- Automatically detect other bootable kernel directories using a -- heuristic. Any directory in /boot that contains an ordinary file -- named "kernel" is considered eligible. for file, ftype in lfs.dir("/boot") do local fname = "/boot/" .. file if file == "." or file == ".." then goto continue end if ftype then if ftype ~= lfs.DT_DIR then goto continue end elseif lfs.attributes(fname, "mode") ~= "directory" then goto continue end if lfs.attributes(fname .. "/kernel", "mode") ~= "file" then goto continue end if unique[file] == nil then i = i + 1 kernels[i] = file unique[file] = true end present[file] = true ::continue:: end -- If we found more than one kernel, prune the "kernel" specified kernel -- off of the list if it wasn't found during traversal. If we didn't -- actually find any kernels, we just assume that they know what they're -- doing and leave it alone. if default_kernel and not present[default_kernel] and #kernels > 1 then for i = 1, #kernels do if i == #kernels then kernels[i] = nil else kernels[i] = kernels[i + 1] end end end core.cached_kernels = kernels return core.cached_kernels end function core.bootenvDefault() return loader.getenv("zfs_be_active") end function core.bootenvList() local bootenv_count = tonumber(loader.getenv(bootenv_list .. "_count")) local bootenvs = {} local curenv local envcount = 0 local unique = {} if bootenv_count == nil or bootenv_count <= 0 then return bootenvs end -- Currently selected bootenv is always first/default -- On the rewinded list the bootenv may not exists if core.isRewinded() then curenv = core.bootenvDefaultRewinded() else curenv = core.bootenvDefault() end if curenv ~= nil then envcount = envcount + 1 bootenvs[envcount] = curenv unique[curenv] = true end for curenv_idx = 0, bootenv_count - 1 do curenv = loader.getenv(bootenv_list .. "[" .. curenv_idx .. "]") if curenv ~= nil and unique[curenv] == nil then envcount = envcount + 1 bootenvs[envcount] = curenv unique[curenv] = true end end return bootenvs end function core.isCheckpointed() return loader.getenv("zpool_checkpoint") ~= nil end function core.bootenvDefaultRewinded() local defname = "zfs:!" .. string.sub(core.bootenvDefault(), 5) local bootenv_count = tonumber("bootenvs_check_count") if bootenv_count == nil or bootenv_count <= 0 then return defname end for curenv_idx = 0, bootenv_count - 1 do local curenv = loader.getenv("bootenvs_check[" .. curenv_idx .. "]") if curenv == defname then return defname end end return loader.getenv("bootenvs_check[0]") end function core.isRewinded() return bootenv_list == "bootenvs_check" end function core.changeRewindCheckpoint() if core.isRewinded() then bootenv_list = "bootenvs" else bootenv_list = "bootenvs_check" end end function core.loadEntropy() if core.isUEFIBoot() then if (loader.getenv("entropy_efi_seed") or "no"):lower() == "yes" then loader.perform("efi-seed-entropy") end end end function core.setDefaults() core.setACPI(default_acpi) core.setSafeMode(default_safe_mode) core.setSingleUser(default_single_user) core.setVerbose(default_verbose) end function core.autoboot(argstr) -- loadelf() only if we've not already loaded a kernel if loader.getenv("kernelname") == nil then config.loadelf() end core.loadEntropy() loader.perform(composeLoaderCmd("autoboot", argstr)) end function core.boot(argstr) -- loadelf() only if we've not already loaded a kernel if loader.getenv("kernelname") == nil then config.loadelf() end core.loadEntropy() loader.perform(composeLoaderCmd("boot", argstr)) end function core.hasFeature(name) if not loader.has_feature then -- Loader too old, no feature support return nil, "No feature support in loaded loader" end return loader.has_feature(name) end function core.isSingleUserBoot() local single_user = loader.getenv("boot_single") return single_user ~= nil and single_user:lower() == "yes" end function core.isUEFIBoot() local efiver = loader.getenv("efi-version") return efiver ~= nil end function core.isZFSBoot() local c = loader.getenv("currdev") if c ~= nil then return c:match("^zfs:") ~= nil end return false end function core.isFramebufferConsole() local c = loader.getenv("console") if c ~= nil then if c:find("efi") == nil and c:find("vidconsole") == nil then return false end if loader.getenv("screen.depth") ~= nil then return true end end return false end function core.isSerialConsole() local c = loader.getenv("console") if c ~= nil then -- serial console is comconsole, but also userboot. -- userboot is there, because we have no way to know -- if the user terminal can draw unicode box chars or not. if c:find("comconsole") ~= nil or c:find("userboot") ~= nil then return true end end return false end function core.isSerialBoot() local s = loader.getenv("boot_serial") if s ~= nil then return true end local m = loader.getenv("boot_multicons") if m ~= nil then return true end return false end -- Is the menu skipped in the environment in which we've booted? function core.isMenuSkipped() return string.lower(loader.getenv("beastie_disable") or "") == "yes" end -- This may be a better candidate for a 'utility' module. function core.deepCopyTable(tbl) local new_tbl = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then new_tbl[k] = core.deepCopyTable(v) else new_tbl[k] = v end end return new_tbl end -- XXX This should go away if we get the table lib into shape for importing. -- As of now, it requires some 'os' functions, so we'll implement this in lua -- for our uses function core.popFrontTable(tbl) -- Shouldn't reasonably happen if #tbl == 0 then return nil, nil elseif #tbl == 1 then return tbl[1], {} end local first_value = tbl[1] local new_tbl = {} -- This is not a cheap operation for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do if k > 1 then new_tbl[k - 1] = v end end return first_value, new_tbl end function core.getConsoleName() if loader.getenv("boot_multicons") ~= nil then if loader.getenv("boot_serial") ~= nil then return "Dual (Serial primary)" else return "Dual (Video primary)" end else if loader.getenv("boot_serial") ~= nil then return "Serial" else return "Video" end end end function core.nextConsoleChoice() if loader.getenv("boot_multicons") ~= nil then if loader.getenv("boot_serial") ~= nil then loader.unsetenv("boot_serial") else loader.unsetenv("boot_multicons") loader.setenv("boot_serial", "YES") end else if loader.getenv("boot_serial") ~= nil then loader.unsetenv("boot_serial") else loader.setenv("boot_multicons", "YES") loader.setenv("boot_serial", "YES") end end end +-- Sanity check the boot loader revision +-- Loaders with version 3.0 have everything that we need without backwards +-- compatible hacks. Warn users that still have old versions to upgrade so +-- that we can remove the backwards compatible hacks in the future since +-- they have been there a long time. +local loader_major = 3 + +function core.loaderTooOld() + return loader.version == nil or loader.version < loader_major * 1000 +end + +if core.loaderTooOld() then + print("**********************************************************************") + print("**********************************************************************") + print("***** *****") + print("***** BOOT LOADER IS TOO OLD. PLEASE UPGRADE. *****") + print("***** *****") + print("**********************************************************************") + print("**********************************************************************") +end + recordDefaults() hook.register("config.reloaded", core.clearCachedKernels) return core diff --git a/stand/lua/core.lua.8 b/stand/lua/core.lua.8 index 84447d7632b9..0bdf88c1a364 100644 --- a/stand/lua/core.lua.8 +++ b/stand/lua/core.lua.8 @@ -1,232 +1,236 @@ .\" .\" SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2018 Kyle Evans .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .Dd December 8, 2023 .Dt CORE.LUA 8 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm core.lua .Nd FreeBSD core module .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm contains core functionality that does not have a more fitting module. .Pp Before hooking into or using the functionality provided by .Nm , it must be included with a statement such as the following: .Pp .Dl local core = require("core") .Ss CONSTANTS The following raw key code constants are defined in .Nm : .Bl -tag -width KEY_BACKSPACE -compact -offset indent .It Ic KEY_BACKSPACE The backspace code. Should generally be checked along with .Ic KEY_DELETE for backspace functionality. .It Ic KEY_ENTER The enter key, or hard return. .It Ic KEY_DELETE The delete code. Should generally be checked along with .Ic KEY_BACKSPACE for backspace functionality. .El .Pp The following key-string constants are defined in .Nm : .Bl -tag -width KEYSTR_ESCAPE -compact -offset indent .It Ic KEYSTR_ESCAPE The escape key. .It Ic KEYSTR_CSI The ANSI CSI sequence. .El .Pp The following menu entry type constants are defined in .Nm : .Bl -tag -width MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY -compact -offset indent .It Ic MENU_RETURN Return to the parent menu. .It Ic MENU_ENTRY A normal menu entry. .It Ic MENU_SEPARATOR A menu entry that serves as a separator. .It Ic MENU_SUBMENU A menu entry that opens a submenu when selected. .It Ic MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY A menu entry that rotates through items like a carousel upon selection of the menu entry. .El .Pp Please see .Xr menu.lua 8 for extended descriptions and usage of the .Ic MENU_* constants. .Ss Exported functions The following functions are exported from .Nm : .Bl -tag -width core.setSingleUser -offset indent .It Fn core.setVerbose verbose Sets or unsets .Ev boot_verbose . If .Fa verbose is omitted, toggle the current verbose setting. .It Fn core.setSingleUser singleUser Sets or unsets .Ev boot_single . If .Fa singleUser is omitted, toggle the current single user setting. .It Fn core.getACPI Return true if ACPI is both present and not explicitly disabled by .Ev hints.acpi.0.disabled . .It Fn core.hasACPI Checks whether ACPI support is present. This requires the loader to probe the system and set .Ev acpi.rsdp early before starting the interpreter. .It Fn core.setACPI acpi Sets or unsets .Ev acpi_load , .Ev hint.acpi.0.disabled , and .Ev loader.acpi_disabled_by_user . If .Fa acpi is omitted, toggle the current ACPI setting. .It Fn core.setSafeMode safeMode Set the safe mode setting. Sets or unsets .Ev kern.smp.disabled , .Ev hw.ata.ata_dma , .Ev hw.ata.atapi_dma , .Ev kern.eventtimer.periodic , and .Ev kern.geom.part.check_integrity . If .Fa safeMode is omitted, toggle the current safe mode setting. .It Fn core.clearCachedKernels Clears out the cache of kernels to be displayed on the boot menu. This function is registered as a .Ev config.reloaded hook. It is used to invalidate the kernel list whenever it may have changed, either due to a boot environment change or a potential change in either .Ic kernel or .Ic kernels . .It Fn core.hasFeature featureName Checks whether the named .Fa featureName is enabled in the current loader. This is specifically used for detecting capabilities of the loaded loader binary, so that one can reasonably implement backwards compatibility shims if needed. .It Fn core.kernelList Returns a table of kernels to display on the boot menu. This will combine .Ic kernel and .Ic kernels from .Xr loader.conf 5 . If .Ic kernels_autodetect is set in .Xr loader.conf 5 , kernels will be autodetected from the current system. .It Fn core.bootenvDefault Returns the default boot environment, nil if unset. .It Fn core.bootenvList Returns a table of boot environments, or an empty table. These will be picked up using the .Ev bootenvs and .Ev bootenvs_count variables set by .Xr loader 8 . .It Fn core.setDefaults Resets ACPI, safe mode, single user, and verbose settings to their system defauilts. .It Fn core.autoboot argstr Loads the kernel and specified modules, then invokes the .Ic autoboot .Xr loader 8 command with .Fa argstr as-is. .It Fn core.boot argstr Loads the kernel and specified modules, then invokes the .Ic boot .Xr loader 8 command with .Fa argstr as-is. .It Fn core.isSingleUserBoot Returns true if .Ev boot_single is set to yes. .It Fn core.isZFSBoot Returns true if .Ev currdev is set to a .Xr zfs 8 dataset. .It Fn core.isSerialBoot Returns true if we are booting over serial. This checks .Ev console , .Ev boot_serial , and .Ev boot_multicons . .It Fn core.deepCopyTable tbl Recursively deep copies .Fa tbl and returns the result. .It Fn core.popFrontTable tbl Pops the front element off of .Fa tbl , and returns two return values: the front element, and the rest of the table. If there are no elements, this returns nil and nil. If there is one element, this returns the front element and an empty table. This will not operate on truly associative tables; numeric indices are required. +.It Fn core.loaderTooOld +Returns true if the loader is too old. +Specifically, this means, is the loader old enough to require one or more +workarounds in the current lua base modules. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr loader.conf 5 , .Xr loader 8 , .Xr menu.lua 8 .Sh AUTHORS The .Nm file was originally written by .An Pedro Souza Aq Mt pedrosouza@FreeBSD.org . Later work and this manual page was done by .An Kyle Evans Aq Mt kevans@FreeBSD.org .