diff --git a/sys/conf/files.powerpc b/sys/conf/files.powerpc index f904c17b2294..bcadda5baac4 100644 --- a/sys/conf/files.powerpc +++ b/sys/conf/files.powerpc @@ -1,313 +1,361 @@ # This file tells config what files go into building a kernel, # files marked standard are always included. # # $FreeBSD$ # # The long compile-with and dependency lines are required because of # limitations in config: backslash-newline doesn't work in strings, and # dependency lines other than the first are silently ignored. # # # There is only an asm version on ppc64. cddl/compat/opensolaris/kern/opensolaris_atomic.c optional zfs powerpc | dtrace powerpc | zfs powerpcspe | dtrace powerpcspe compile-with "${ZFS_C}" cddl/dev/dtrace/powerpc/dtrace_asm.S optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_S}" cddl/dev/dtrace/powerpc/dtrace_subr.c optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_C}" cddl/dev/fbt/powerpc/fbt_isa.c optional dtrace_fbt | dtraceall compile-with "${FBT_C}" crypto/des/des_enc.c optional netsmb dev/aacraid/aacraid_endian.c optional aacraid dev/adb/adb_bus.c optional adb dev/adb/adb_kbd.c optional adb dev/adb/adb_mouse.c optional adb dev/adb/adb_hb_if.m optional adb dev/adb/adb_if.m optional adb dev/adb/adb_buttons.c optional adb dev/agp/agp_apple.c optional agp powermac dev/fb/fb.c optional sc dev/gpio/qoriq_gpio.c optional mpc85xx gpio dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_e500.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_mpc7xxx.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_power8.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_powerpc.c optional hwpmc dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_ppc970.c optional hwpmc dev/iicbus/ad7417.c optional ad7417 powermac dev/iicbus/adm1030.c optional powermac windtunnel | adm1030 powermac dev/iicbus/adt746x.c optional adt746x powermac dev/iicbus/ds1631.c optional ds1631 powermac dev/iicbus/ds1775.c optional ds1775 powermac dev/iicbus/max6690.c optional max6690 powermac dev/iicbus/ofw_iicbus.c optional iicbus aim dev/ipmi/ipmi.c optional ipmi dev/ipmi/ipmi_opal.c optional powernv ipmi +dev/ice/if_ice_iflib.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_lib.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_osdep.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_resmgr.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_strings.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_iflib_recovery_txrx.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_iflib_txrx.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_common.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_controlq.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_dcb.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_flex_pipe.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_flow.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_nvm.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_sched.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_sriov.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_switch.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +dev/ice/ice_vlan_mode.c optional ice pci powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ice" +ice_ddp.c optional ice_ddp powerpc64 \ + compile-with "${AWK} -f $S/tools/fw_stub.awk ice_ddp.fw:ice_ddp:0x01031800 -mice_ddp -c${.TARGET}" \ + no-ctfconvert no-implicit-rule before-depend local \ + clean "ice_ddp.c" +ice_ddp.fwo optional ice_ddp powerpc64 \ + dependency "ice_ddp.fw" \ + compile-with "${NORMAL_FWO}" \ + no-implicit-rule \ + clean "ice_ddp.fwo" +ice_ddp.fw optional ice_ddp powerpc64 \ + dependency "$S/contrib/dev/ice/ice-" \ + compile-with "${CP} $S/contrib/dev/ice/ice- ice_ddp.fw" \ + no-obj no-implicit-rule \ + clean "ice_ddp.fw" dev/ixl/if_ixl.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_main.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_iflib.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_qmgr.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_iov.c optional ixl pci pci_iov powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_pf_i2c.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/if_iavf.c optional iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/iavf_vc.c optional iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/ixl_txrx.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 | \ iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_osdep.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 | \ iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_lan_hmc.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 | \ iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_hmc.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 | \ iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_common.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 | \ iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_nvm.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 | \ iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_adminq.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 | \ iavf pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" dev/ixl/i40e_dcb.c optional ixl pci powerpc64 \ compile-with "${NORMAL_C} -I$S/dev/ixl" # Most ofw stuff below is brought in by conf/files for options FDT, but # we always want it, even on non-FDT platforms. dev/fdt/simplebus.c standard dev/ofw/openfirm.c standard dev/ofw/openfirmio.c standard dev/ofw/ofw_bus_if.m standard dev/ofw/ofw_cpu.c standard dev/ofw/ofw_if.m standard dev/ofw/ofw_bus_subr.c standard dev/ofw/ofw_console.c optional aim dev/ofw/ofw_disk.c optional ofwd aim dev/ofw/ofwbus.c standard dev/ofw/ofw_pcib.c optional pci dev/ofw/ofw_standard.c optional aim powerpc dev/ofw/ofw_subr.c standard dev/powermac_nvram/powermac_nvram.c optional powermac_nvram powermac dev/quicc/quicc_bfe_fdt.c optional quicc mpc85xx dev/random/darn.c optional powerpc64 !random_loadable | powerpc64le !random_loadable dev/scc/scc_bfe_macio.c optional scc powermac dev/sdhci/fsl_sdhci.c optional mpc85xx sdhci dev/sec/sec.c optional sec mpc85xx dev/sound/macio/aoa.c optional snd_davbus | snd_ai2s powermac dev/sound/macio/davbus.c optional snd_davbus powermac dev/sound/macio/i2s.c optional snd_ai2s powermac dev/sound/macio/onyx.c optional snd_ai2s iicbus powermac dev/sound/macio/snapper.c optional snd_ai2s iicbus powermac dev/sound/macio/tumbler.c optional snd_ai2s iicbus powermac dev/syscons/scgfbrndr.c optional sc dev/tsec/if_tsec.c optional tsec dev/tsec/if_tsec_fdt.c optional tsec dev/uart/uart_cpu_powerpc.c optional uart dev/usb/controller/ehci_fsl.c optional ehci mpc85xx dev/vt/hw/ofwfb/ofwfb.c optional vt aim kern/subr_atomic64.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe kern/subr_dummy_vdso_tc.c standard kern/syscalls.c optional ktr kern/subr_sfbuf.c standard libkern/ashldi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/ashrdi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/bcopy.c standard libkern/cmpdi2.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/divdi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/ffs.c standard libkern/ffsl.c standard libkern/ffsll.c standard libkern/flsll.c standard libkern/lshrdi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/memcmp.c standard libkern/memset.c standard libkern/moddi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/qdivrem.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/strlen.c standard libkern/ucmpdi2.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/udivdi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe libkern/umoddi3.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe powerpc/aim/locore.S optional aim no-obj powerpc/aim/aim_machdep.c optional aim powerpc/aim/mmu_oea.c optional aim powerpc powerpc/aim/mmu_oea64.c optional aim powerpc/aim/mmu_radix.c optional aim powerpc64 | aim powerpc64le powerpc/aim/moea64_native.c optional aim powerpc/aim/mp_cpudep.c optional aim powerpc/aim/slb.c optional aim powerpc64 | aim powerpc64le powerpc/amigaone/platform_amigaone.c optional amigaone powerpc/amigaone/cpld_a1222.c optional powerpc amigaone | powerpcspe amigaone powerpc/amigaone/cpld_x5000.c optional powerpc amigaone | powerpc64 amigaone powerpc/booke/locore.S optional booke no-obj powerpc/booke/booke_machdep.c optional booke powerpc/booke/machdep_e500.c optional booke_e500 powerpc/booke/mp_cpudep.c optional booke smp powerpc/booke/platform_bare.c optional booke powerpc/booke/pmap.c optional booke powerpc/booke/spe.c optional powerpcspe powerpc/cpufreq/dfs.c optional cpufreq powerpc/cpufreq/mpc85xx_jog.c optional cpufreq mpc85xx powerpc/cpufreq/pcr.c optional cpufreq aim powerpc/cpufreq/pmcr.c optional cpufreq aim powerpc64 | cpufreq aim powerpc64le powerpc/cpufreq/pmufreq.c optional cpufreq aim pmu powerpc/fpu/fpu_add.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_compare.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_div.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_emu.c optional fpu_emu powerpc/fpu/fpu_explode.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_implode.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_mul.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/fpu/fpu_sqrt.c optional fpu_emu powerpc/fpu/fpu_subr.c optional fpu_emu | powerpcspe powerpc/mambo/mambocall.S optional mambo powerpc/mambo/mambo.c optional mambo powerpc/mambo/mambo_console.c optional mambo powerpc/mambo/mambo_disk.c optional mambo powerpc/mikrotik/platform_rb.c optional mikrotik powerpc/mikrotik/rb_led.c optional mikrotik powerpc/mpc85xx/atpic.c optional mpc85xx isa powerpc/mpc85xx/ds1553_bus_fdt.c optional ds1553 powerpc/mpc85xx/ds1553_core.c optional ds1553 powerpc/mpc85xx/fsl_diu.c optional mpc85xx diu powerpc/mpc85xx/fsl_espi.c optional mpc85xx spibus powerpc/mpc85xx/fsl_sata.c optional mpc85xx ata powerpc/mpc85xx/i2c.c optional mpc85xx iicbus powerpc/mpc85xx/isa.c optional mpc85xx isa powerpc/mpc85xx/lbc.c optional mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/mpc85xx.c optional mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/mpc85xx_cache.c optional mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/mpc85xx_gpio.c optional mpc85xx gpio powerpc/mpc85xx/platform_mpc85xx.c optional mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/pci_mpc85xx.c optional pci mpc85xx powerpc/mpc85xx/pci_mpc85xx_pcib.c optional pci mpc85xx powerpc/ofw/ofw_machdep.c standard powerpc/ofw/ofw_pcibus.c optional pci powerpc/ofw/ofw_pcib_pci.c optional pci powerpc/ofw/ofw_real.c optional aim powerpc/ofw/ofw_syscons.c optional sc aim powerpc/ofw/ofwcall32.S optional aim powerpc powerpc/ofw/ofwcall64.S optional aim powerpc64 | aim powerpc64le powerpc/ofw/openpic_ofw.c standard powerpc/ofw/rtas.c optional aim powerpc/ofw/ofw_initrd.c optional md_root_mem powerpc64 | md_root_mem powerpc64le powerpc/powermac/ata_kauai.c optional powermac ata | powermac atamacio powerpc/powermac/ata_macio.c optional powermac ata | powermac atamacio powerpc/powermac/ata_dbdma.c optional powermac ata | powermac atamacio powerpc/powermac/atibl.c optional powermac atibl powerpc/powermac/cuda.c optional powermac cuda powerpc/powermac/cpcht.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/dbdma.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/fcu.c optional powermac fcu powerpc/powermac/grackle.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/hrowpic.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/kiic.c optional powermac kiic powerpc/powermac/macgpio.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/macio.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/nvbl.c optional powermac nvbl powerpc/powermac/platform_powermac.c optional powermac powerpc/powermac/powermac_thermal.c optional powermac powerpc/powermac/pswitch.c optional powermac pswitch powerpc/powermac/pmu.c optional powermac pmu powerpc/powermac/smu.c optional powermac smu powerpc/powermac/smusat.c optional powermac smu powerpc/powermac/tbgpio.c optional powermac pci smp powerpc/powermac/uninorth.c optional powermac powerpc/powermac/uninorthpci.c optional powermac pci powerpc/powermac/vcoregpio.c optional powermac powerpc/powernv/opal.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_async.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_console.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_dbg.c optional powernv gdb powerpc/powernv/opal_dev.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_flash.c optional powernv opalflash powerpc/powernv/opal_hmi.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_i2c.c optional iicbus fdt powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_i2cm.c optional iicbus fdt powernv powerpc/powernv/opal_nvram.c optional powernv nvram powerpc/powernv/opal_pci.c optional powernv pci powerpc/powernv/opal_sensor.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/opalcall.S optional powernv powerpc/powernv/platform_powernv.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/powernv_centaur.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/powernv_xscom.c optional powernv powerpc/powernv/xive.c optional powernv powerpc/powerpc/altivec.c optional !powerpcspe powerpc/powerpc/autoconf.c standard powerpc/powerpc/bus_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/busdma_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/clock.c standard powerpc/powerpc/copyinout.c optional aim powerpc/powerpc/cpu.c standard powerpc/powerpc/cpu_subr64.S optional powerpc64 | powerpc64le powerpc/powerpc/db_disasm.c optional ddb powerpc/powerpc/db_hwwatch.c optional ddb powerpc/powerpc/db_interface.c optional ddb powerpc/powerpc/db_trace.c optional ddb powerpc/powerpc/dump_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/elf32_machdep.c optional powerpc | powerpcspe | compat_freebsd32 powerpc/powerpc/elf64_machdep.c optional powerpc64 | powerpc64le powerpc/powerpc/exec_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/fpu.c standard powerpc/powerpc/gdb_machdep.c optional gdb powerpc/powerpc/interrupt.c standard powerpc/powerpc/intr_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/iommu_if.m standard powerpc/powerpc/machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/mem.c optional mem powerpc/powerpc/minidump_machdep.c optional powerpc64 | powerpc64le powerpc/powerpc/mp_machdep.c optional smp powerpc/powerpc/nexus.c standard powerpc/powerpc/openpic.c standard powerpc/powerpc/pic_if.m standard powerpc/powerpc/pmap_dispatch.c standard powerpc/powerpc/platform.c standard powerpc/powerpc/platform_if.m standard powerpc/powerpc/ptrace_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/sc_machdep.c optional sc powerpc/powerpc/setjmp.S standard powerpc/powerpc/sigcode32.S optional powerpc | powerpcspe | compat_freebsd32 powerpc/powerpc/sigcode64.S optional powerpc64 | powerpc64le powerpc/powerpc/swtch32.S optional powerpc | powerpcspe powerpc/powerpc/swtch64.S optional powerpc64 | powerpc64le powerpc/powerpc/stack_machdep.c optional ddb | stack powerpc/powerpc/support.S optional powerpc64 | powerpc64le | booke powerpc/powerpc/syncicache.c standard powerpc/powerpc/sys_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/trap.c standard powerpc/powerpc/uio_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/uma_machdep.c standard powerpc/powerpc/vm_machdep.c standard powerpc/ps3/ehci_ps3.c optional ps3 ehci powerpc/ps3/ohci_ps3.c optional ps3 ohci powerpc/ps3/if_glc.c optional ps3 glc powerpc/ps3/mmu_ps3.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/platform_ps3.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/ps3bus.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/ps3cdrom.c optional ps3 scbus powerpc/ps3/ps3disk.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/ps3pic.c optional ps3 powerpc/ps3/ps3_syscons.c optional ps3 vt powerpc/ps3/ps3-hvcall.S optional ps3 powerpc/pseries/phyp-hvcall.S optional pseries powerpc64 | pseries powerpc64le powerpc/pseries/mmu_phyp.c optional pseries powerpc64 | pseries powerpc64le powerpc/pseries/phyp_console.c optional pseries powerpc64 uart | pseries powerpc64le uart powerpc/pseries/phyp_dbg.c optional pseries powerpc64 gdb | pseries powerpc64le gdb powerpc/pseries/phyp_llan.c optional llan powerpc/pseries/phyp_vscsi.c optional pseries powerpc64 scbus | pseries powerpc64le scbus powerpc/pseries/platform_chrp.c optional pseries powerpc/pseries/plpar_iommu.c optional pseries powerpc64 | pseries powerpc64le powerpc/pseries/plpar_pcibus.c optional pseries powerpc64 pci | pseries powerpc64le pci powerpc/pseries/rtas_dev.c optional pseries powerpc/pseries/rtas_pci.c optional pseries pci powerpc/pseries/vdevice.c optional pseries powerpc64 | pseries powerpc64le powerpc/pseries/xics.c optional pseries powerpc64 | pseries powerpc64le powerpc/psim/iobus.c optional psim powerpc/psim/ata_iobus.c optional ata psim powerpc/psim/openpic_iobus.c optional psim powerpc/psim/uart_iobus.c optional uart psim diff --git a/sys/modules/Makefile b/sys/modules/Makefile index 65d7ea7fefa2..af9357de1c7d 100644 --- a/sys/modules/Makefile +++ b/sys/modules/Makefile @@ -1,829 +1,829 @@ # $FreeBSD$ SYSDIR?=${SRCTOP}/sys .include "${SYSDIR}/conf/kern.opts.mk" SUBDIR_PARALLEL= # Modules that include binary-only blobs of microcode should be selectable by # MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE option (see below). .include "${SYSDIR}/conf/config.mk" .if defined(MODULES_OVERRIDE) && !defined(ALL_MODULES) SUBDIR=${MODULES_OVERRIDE} .else SUBDIR= \ ${_3dfx} \ ${_3dfx_linux} \ ${_aac} \ ${_aacraid} \ accf_data \ accf_dns \ accf_http \ acl_nfs4 \ acl_posix1e \ ${_acpi} \ ae \ ${_aesni} \ age \ ${_agp} \ ahci \ aic7xxx \ alc \ ale \ alq \ ${_amd_ecc_inject} \ ${_amdgpio} \ ${_amdsbwd} \ ${_amdsmn} \ ${_amdtemp} \ ${_aout} \ ${_arcmsr} \ ${_allwinner} \ ${_armv8crypto} \ ${_asmc} \ ata \ ath \ ath_dfs \ ath_hal \ ath_hal_ar5210 \ ath_hal_ar5211 \ ath_hal_ar5212 \ ath_hal_ar5416 \ ath_hal_ar9300 \ ath_main \ ath_rate \ ath_pci \ ${_autofs} \ axgbe \ backlight \ ${_bce} \ ${_bcm283x_clkman} \ ${_bcm283x_pwm} \ bfe \ bge \ bhnd \ ${_bxe} \ ${_bios} \ ${_blake2} \ bnxt \ bridgestp \ bwi \ bwn \ ${_bytgpio} \ ${_chvgpio} \ cam \ ${_cardbus} \ ${_carp} \ cas \ ${_cbb} \ cc \ ${_ccp} \ cd9660 \ cd9660_iconv \ ${_ce} \ ${_cfi} \ ${_chromebook_platform} \ ${_ciss} \ ${_coretemp} \ ${_cp} \ ${_cpsw} \ ${_cpuctl} \ ${_cpufreq} \ ${_crypto} \ ${_cryptodev} \ ctl \ ${_cxgb} \ ${_cxgbe} \ dc \ dcons \ dcons_crom \ ${_dpdk_lpm4} \ ${_dpdk_lpm6} \ ${_dpms} \ dummynet \ ${_dwwdt} \ ${_e6000sw} \ ${_efirt} \ ${_em} \ ${_ena} \ ${_enetc} \ ${_et} \ evdev \ ${_exca} \ ext2fs \ fdc \ fdescfs \ ${_felix} \ ${_ffec} \ ${_fib_dxr} \ filemon \ firewire \ firmware \ flash \ ${_ftwd} \ fusefs \ ${_fxp} \ gem \ geom \ ${_glxiic} \ ${_glxsb} \ gpio \ hid \ hifn \ ${_hpt27xx} \ ${_hptiop} \ ${_hptmv} \ ${_hptnr} \ ${_hptrr} \ hwpmc \ ${_hyperv} \ i2c \ ${_iavf} \ ${_ibcore} \ ${_ichwd} \ ${_ice} \ ${_ice_ddp} \ ${_ida} \ if_bridge \ if_disc \ if_edsc \ ${_if_enc} \ if_epair \ ${_if_gif} \ ${_if_gre} \ ${_if_me} \ if_infiniband \ if_lagg \ ${_if_stf} \ if_tuntap \ if_vlan \ if_vxlan \ iflib \ ${_igc} \ imgact_binmisc \ ${_intelspi} \ ${_io} \ ${_ioat} \ ${_ipoib} \ ${_ipdivert} \ ${_ipfilter} \ ${_ipfw} \ ipfw_nat \ ${_ipfw_nat64} \ ${_ipfw_nptv6} \ ${_ipfw_pmod} \ ${_ipmi} \ ip6_mroute_mod \ ip_mroute_mod \ ${_ips} \ ${_ipsec} \ ${_ipw} \ ${_ipwfw} \ ${_isci} \ ${_iser} \ isp \ ${_ispfw} \ ${_itwd} \ ${_iwi} \ ${_iwifw} \ ${_iwlwifi} \ ${_iwlwififw} \ ${_iwm} \ ${_iwmfw} \ ${_iwn} \ ${_iwnfw} \ ${_ix} \ ${_ixv} \ ${_ixl} \ jme \ kbdmux \ kgssapi \ kgssapi_krb5 \ khelp \ krpc \ ksyms \ le \ lge \ libalias \ libiconv \ libmchain \ lindebugfs \ linuxkpi \ linuxkpi_wlan \ ${_lio} \ lpt \ mac_biba \ mac_bsdextended \ mac_ifoff \ mac_lomac \ mac_mls \ mac_none \ mac_ntpd \ mac_partition \ mac_portacl \ mac_priority \ mac_seeotheruids \ mac_stub \ mac_test \ ${_malo} \ ${_mana} \ md \ mdio \ ${_mgb} \ mem \ mfi \ mii \ mlx \ mlxfw \ ${_mlx4} \ ${_mlx4ib} \ ${_mlx4en} \ ${_mlx5} \ ${_mlx5en} \ ${_mlx5ib} \ mmc \ mmcsd \ ${_mpr} \ ${_mps} \ mpt \ mqueue \ mrsas \ msdosfs \ msdosfs_iconv \ msk \ ${_mthca} \ mvs \ mwl \ ${_mwlfw} \ mxge \ my \ ${_nctgpio} \ ${_neta} \ ${_netgraph} \ ${_nfe} \ nfscl \ nfscommon \ nfsd \ nfslockd \ nfssvc \ nge \ nmdm \ nullfs \ ${_ntb} \ ${_nvd} \ ${_nvdimm} \ ${_nvme} \ ${_nvram} \ oce \ ${_ocs_fc} \ ${_ossl} \ otus \ ${_otusfw} \ ow \ ${_padlock} \ ${_padlock_rng} \ ${_pchtherm} \ ${_pcfclock} \ ${_pf} \ ${_pflog} \ ${_pfsync} \ plip \ ${_pms} \ ppbus \ ppc \ ppi \ pps \ procfs \ proto \ pseudofs \ ${_pst} \ pty \ puc \ pwm \ ${_qat} \ ${_qatfw} \ ${_qlxge} \ ${_qlxgb} \ ${_qlxgbe} \ ${_qlnx} \ ral \ ${_ralfw} \ ${_random_fortuna} \ ${_random_other} \ rc4 \ ${_rdma} \ ${_rdrand_rng} \ re \ rl \ ${_rockchip} \ rtsx \ rtwn \ rtwn_pci \ rtwn_usb \ ${_rtwnfw} \ ${_s3} \ ${_safe} \ safexcel \ ${_sbni} \ scc \ ${_sctp} \ sdhci \ ${_sdhci_acpi} \ ${_sdhci_fdt} \ sdhci_pci \ sdio \ sem \ send \ ${_sfxge} \ sge \ ${_sgx} \ ${_sgx_linux} \ siftr \ siis \ sis \ sk \ ${_smartpqi} \ smbfs \ snp \ sound \ ${_speaker} \ spi \ ${_splash} \ ste \ stge \ ${_sume} \ ${_superio} \ ${_p2sb} \ sym \ ${_syscons} \ sysvipc \ tcp \ ${_ti} \ tmpfs \ ${_toecore} \ ${_tpm} \ twe \ tws \ uart \ udf \ udf_iconv \ ufs \ uinput \ unionfs \ usb \ ${_vesa} \ virtio \ vge \ ${_viawd} \ videomode \ vkbd \ ${_vmd} \ ${_vmm} \ ${_vmware} \ vr \ vte \ ${_wbwd} \ wlan \ wlan_acl \ wlan_amrr \ wlan_ccmp \ wlan_rssadapt \ wlan_tkip \ wlan_wep \ wlan_xauth \ ${_wpi} \ ${_wpifw} \ ${_x86bios} \ xdr \ xl \ xz \ zlib .if ${MK_AUTOFS} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _autofs= autofs .endif .if ${MK_CDDL} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} != "arm" || ${MACHINE_ARCH:Marmv[67]*} != "" .if ${KERN_OPTS:MKDTRACE_HOOKS} SUBDIR+= dtrace .endif .endif SUBDIR+= opensolaris .endif .if ${MK_CRYPT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) .if exists(${SRCTOP}/sys/opencrypto) _crypto= crypto _cryptodev= cryptodev _random_fortuna=random_fortuna _random_other= random_other .endif .endif .if ${MK_CUSE} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) SUBDIR+= cuse .endif .if ${MK_EFI} != "no" .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" _efirt= efirt .endif .endif .if (${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" || ${MK_INET6_SUPPORT} != "no") || \ defined(ALL_MODULES) _carp= carp _toecore= toecore _if_enc= if_enc _if_gif= if_gif _if_gre= if_gre _ipfw_pmod= ipfw_pmod .if ${KERN_OPTS:MIPSEC_SUPPORT} && !${KERN_OPTS:MIPSEC} _ipsec= ipsec .endif .if ${KERN_OPTS:MSCTP_SUPPORT} || ${KERN_OPTS:MSCTP} _sctp= sctp .endif .endif .if (${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" && ${MK_INET6_SUPPORT} != "no") || \ defined(ALL_MODULES) _if_stf= if_stf .endif .if ${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _if_me= if_me _ipdivert= ipdivert _ipfw= ipfw .if ${MK_INET6_SUPPORT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _ipfw_nat64= ipfw_nat64 .endif .endif .if ${MK_INET6_SUPPORT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _ipfw_nptv6= ipfw_nptv6 .endif .if ${MK_IPFILTER} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _ipfilter= ipfilter .endif .if ${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" && ${KERN_OPTS:MFIB_ALGO} _dpdk_lpm4= dpdk_lpm4 _fib_dxr= fib_dxr .endif .if ${MK_INET6_SUPPORT} != "no" && ${KERN_OPTS:MFIB_ALGO} _dpdk_lpm6= dpdk_lpm6 .endif .if ${MK_ISCSI} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) SUBDIR+= cfiscsi SUBDIR+= iscsi .endif .if !empty(OPT_FDT) SUBDIR+= fdt .endif # Linuxulator .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" || \ ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "i386" SUBDIR+= linprocfs SUBDIR+= linsysfs .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "i386" SUBDIR+= linux .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" SUBDIR+= linux64 SUBDIR+= linux_common .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" || \ ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "i386" _ena= ena .if ${MK_OFED} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _ibcore= ibcore _ipoib= ipoib _iser= iser .endif _ipmi= ipmi _iwlwifi= iwlwifi .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _iwlwififw= iwlwififw .endif _mlx4= mlx4 _mlx5= mlx5 .if (${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" && ${MK_INET6_SUPPORT} != "no") || \ defined(ALL_MODULES) _mlx4en= mlx4en _mlx5en= mlx5en .endif .if ${MK_OFED} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _mthca= mthca _mlx4ib= mlx4ib _mlx5ib= mlx5ib .endif _ossl= ossl _vmware= vmware .endif .if ${MK_NETGRAPH} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _netgraph= netgraph .endif .if (${MK_PF} != "no" && (${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" || \ ${MK_INET6_SUPPORT} != "no")) || defined(ALL_MODULES) _pf= pf _pflog= pflog .if ${MK_INET_SUPPORT} != "no" _pfsync= pfsync .endif .endif .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _bce= bce _fxp= fxp _ispfw= ispfw _ti= ti _mwlfw= mwlfw _otusfw= otusfw _ralfw= ralfw _rtwnfw= rtwnfw .endif .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" && ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} != "arm" && \ ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "powerpc" && ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "powerpcspe" && \ ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} != "riscv" _cxgbe= cxgbe .endif -.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "amd64" || ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "arm64" +.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "amd64" || ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "arm64" || ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mpowerpc64*} _ice= ice .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _ice_ddp= ice_ddp .endif .endif # These rely on 64bit atomics .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "powerpc" && ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "powerpcspe" _mps= mps _mpr= mpr .endif .if ${MK_TESTS} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) SUBDIR+= tests .endif .if ${MK_ZFS} != "no" || (defined(ALL_MODULES) && ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} != "powerpc") SUBDIR+= zfs .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} != "aarch64" && ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} != "arm" && \ ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} != "powerpc" && ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} != "riscv" _syscons= syscons .endif # intr_disable() is a macro, causes problems .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _cxgb= cxgb .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64" _allwinner= allwinner _armv8crypto= armv8crypto _dwwdt= dwwdt _em= em _enetc= enetc _felix= felix _rockchip= rockchip .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "arm" _sdhci_fdt= sdhci_fdt _e6000sw= e6000sw _neta= neta .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "i386" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" _agp= agp .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "i386" || !empty(COMPAT_FREEBSD32_ENABLED) _aout= aout .endif _bios= bios .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _bxe= bxe .endif _cardbus= cardbus _cbb= cbb _cpuctl= cpuctl _cpufreq= cpufreq _dpms= dpms _em= em _et= et _ftwd= ftwd _exca= exca _igc= igc _io= io _itwd= itwd _ix= ix _ixv= ixv .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _lio= lio .endif _mana= mana _mgb= mgb _nctgpio= nctgpio _ntb= ntb _ocs_fc= ocs_fc _qat= qat _qatfw= qatfw .if ${MK_OFED} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _rdma= rdma .endif _safe= safe _speaker= speaker _splash= splash _p2sb= p2sb _wbwd= wbwd _aac= aac _aacraid= aacraid _acpi= acpi .if ${MK_CRYPT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _aesni= aesni .endif _amd_ecc_inject=amd_ecc_inject _amdsbwd= amdsbwd _amdsmn= amdsmn _amdtemp= amdtemp _arcmsr= arcmsr _asmc= asmc .if ${MK_CRYPT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _blake2= blake2 .endif _bytgpio= bytgpio _chvgpio= chvgpio _ciss= ciss _chromebook_platform= chromebook_platform _coretemp= coretemp .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_HOST} != "no" && empty(KCSAN_ENABLED) _hpt27xx= hpt27xx .endif _hptiop= hptiop .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_HOST} != "no" && empty(KCSAN_ENABLED) _hptmv= hptmv _hptnr= hptnr _hptrr= hptrr .endif _hyperv= hyperv _ichwd= ichwd _ida= ida _intelspi= intelspi _ips= ips _isci= isci _ipw= ipw _iwi= iwi _iwm= iwm _iwn= iwn .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _ipwfw= ipwfw _iwifw= iwifw _iwmfw= iwmfw _iwnfw= iwnfw .endif _nfe= nfe _nvd= nvd _nvme= nvme _nvram= nvram .if ${MK_CRYPT} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) _padlock= padlock _padlock_rng= padlock_rng _rdrand_rng= rdrand_rng .endif _pchtherm = pchtherm _s3= s3 _sdhci_acpi= sdhci_acpi _superio= superio _tpm= tpm _vesa= vesa _viawd= viawd _vmd= vmd _wpi= wpi .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _wpifw= wpifw .endif _x86bios= x86bios .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "amd64" _amdgpio= amdgpio _ccp= ccp _iavf= iavf _ioat= ioat _ixl= ixl _nvdimm= nvdimm _pms= pms _qlxge= qlxge _qlxgb= qlxgb _sume= sume .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_UCODE} != "no" _qlxgbe= qlxgbe _qlnx= qlnx .endif _sfxge= sfxge _sgx= sgx _sgx_linux= sgx_linux _smartpqi= smartpqi _p2sb= p2sb .if ${MK_BHYVE} != "no" || defined(ALL_MODULES) .if ${KERN_OPTS:MSMP} _vmm= vmm .endif .endif .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "i386" # XXX some of these can move to the general case when de-i386'ed # XXX some of these can move now, but are untested on other architectures. _3dfx= 3dfx _3dfx_linux= 3dfx_linux .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_HOST} != "no" _ce= ce .endif .if ${MK_SOURCELESS_HOST} != "no" _cp= cp .endif _glxiic= glxiic _glxsb= glxsb _pcfclock= pcfclock _pst= pst _sbni= sbni .endif .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "armv7" _cfi= cfi _cpsw= cpsw .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "powerpc" _aacraid= aacraid _agp= agp _an= an _cardbus= cardbus _cbb= cbb _cfi= cfi _cpufreq= cpufreq _exca= exca _ffec= ffec _nvd= nvd _nvme= nvme .endif .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mpowerpc64*} != "" _ipmi= ipmi _ixl= ixl _nvram= opal_nvram .endif .if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "powerpc" && ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "powerpcspe" # Don't build powermac_nvram for powerpcspe, it's never supported. _nvram+= powermac_nvram .endif .endif .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Marmv[67]*} != "" || ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64" _bcm283x_clkman= bcm283x_clkman _bcm283x_pwm= bcm283x_pwm .endif .if !(${COMPILER_TYPE} == "clang" && ${COMPILER_VERSION} < 110000) # LLVM 10 crashes when building if_malo_pci.c, fixed in LLVM11: # https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44351 _malo= malo .endif SUBDIR+=${MODULES_EXTRA} .for reject in ${WITHOUT_MODULES} SUBDIR:= ${SUBDIR:N${reject}} .endfor # Calling kldxref(8) for each module is expensive. .if !defined(NO_XREF) .MAKEFLAGS+= -DNO_XREF afterinstall: .PHONY @if type kldxref >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ ${ECHO} ${KLDXREF_CMD} ${DESTDIR}${KMODDIR}; \ ${KLDXREF_CMD} ${DESTDIR}${KMODDIR}; \ fi .endif SUBDIR:= ${SUBDIR:u:O} .include diff --git a/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64LE b/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64LE index 7238f7ccefd8..5b59a8c1fba2 100644 --- a/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64LE +++ b/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64LE @@ -1,255 +1,256 @@ # # GENERIC64LE -- Generic kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/powerpc64le # # For more information on this file, please read the handbook section on # Kernel Configuration Files: # # https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/kernelconfig/#kernelconfig-config # # The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook # if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the # FreeBSD World Wide Web server (https://www.FreeBSD.org/) for the # latest information. # # An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the # device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files. # If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first # in NOTES. # # $FreeBSD$ cpu AIM ident GENERIC machine powerpc powerpc64le makeoptions DEBUG=-g # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols makeoptions WITH_CTF=1 # Platform support options MAMBO # IBM Mambo Full System Simulator options QEMU # QEMU processor emulator options PSERIES # PAPR-compliant systems (e.g. IBM p) options POWERNV # Non-virtualized OpenPOWER systems options ISA_206_ATOMICS # PowerISA v2.06 optimized subword atomics options FDT # Flattened Device Tree options SCHED_ULE # ULE scheduler options NUMA # Non-Uniform Memory Architecture support options PREEMPTION # Enable kernel thread preemption options VIMAGE # Subsystem virtualization, e.g. VNET options INET # InterNETworking options INET6 # IPv6 communications protocols options IPSEC_SUPPORT # Allow kldload of ipsec and tcpmd5 options TCP_OFFLOAD # TCP offload options TCP_BLACKBOX # Enhanced TCP event logging options TCP_HHOOK # hhook(9) framework for TCP options TCP_RFC7413 # TCP Fast Open options SCTP_SUPPORT # Allow kldload of SCTP options FFS # Berkeley Fast Filesystem options SOFTUPDATES # Enable FFS soft updates support options UFS_ACL # Support for access control lists options UFS_DIRHASH # Improve performance on big directories options UFS_GJOURNAL # Enable gjournal-based UFS journaling options QUOTA # Enable disk quotas for UFS options MD_ROOT # MD is a potential root device options MD_ROOT_MEM # Enable use of initrd as MD root options NFSCL # Network Filesystem Client options NFSD # Network Filesystem Server options NFSLOCKD # Network Lock Manager options NFS_ROOT # NFS usable as root device options MSDOSFS # MSDOS Filesystem options CD9660 # ISO 9660 Filesystem options PROCFS # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS) options PSEUDOFS # Pseudo-filesystem framework options TMPFS # Efficient memory filesystem options GEOM_PART_APM # Apple Partition Maps. options GEOM_PART_GPT # GUID Partition Tables. options GEOM_LABEL # Provides labelization #options COMPAT_FREEBSD32 # Compatible with FreeBSD/powerpcle binaries options COMPAT_FREEBSD11 # Compatible with FreeBSD11 options COMPAT_FREEBSD12 # Compatible with FreeBSD12 options COMPAT_FREEBSD13 # Compatible with FreeBSD13 options SCSI_DELAY=5000 # Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI options KTRACE # ktrace(1) syscall trace support options STACK # stack(9) support options SYSVSHM # SYSV-style shared memory options SYSVMSG # SYSV-style message queues options SYSVSEM # SYSV-style semaphores options _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # Posix P1003_1B real-time extensions options PRINTF_BUFR_SIZE=128 # Prevent printf output being interspersed. options HWPMC_HOOKS # Necessary kernel hooks for hwpmc(4) options AUDIT # Security event auditing options CAPABILITY_MODE # Capsicum capability mode options CAPABILITIES # Capsicum capabilities options MAC # TrustedBSD MAC Framework options KDTRACE_HOOKS # Kernel DTrace hooks options DDB_CTF # Kernel ELF linker loads CTF data options INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE # Include this file in kernel options RACCT # Resource accounting framework options RACCT_DEFAULT_TO_DISABLED # Set kern.racct.enable=0 by default options RCTL # Resource limits # Debugging support. Always need this: options KDB # Enable kernel debugger support. options KDB_TRACE # Print a stack trace for a panic. # For full debugger support use (turn off in stable branch): options DDB # Support DDB #options DEADLKRES # Enable the deadlock resolver options INVARIANTS # Enable calls of extra sanity checking options INVARIANT_SUPPORT # Extra sanity checks of internal structures, required by INVARIANTS options WITNESS # Enable checks to detect deadlocks and cycles options WITNESS_SKIPSPIN # Don't run witness on spinlocks for speed options MALLOC_DEBUG_MAXZONES=8 # Separate malloc(9) zones options VERBOSE_SYSINIT=0 # Support debug.verbose_sysinit, off by default # Kernel dump features. options EKCD # Support for encrypted kernel dumps options GZIO # gzip-compressed kernel and user dumps options ZSTDIO # zstd-compressed kernel and user dumps options DEBUGNET # debugnet networking options NETDUMP # netdump(4) client support # Make an SMP-capable kernel by default options SMP # Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel # CPU frequency control device cpufreq # Standard busses device pci options PCI_HP # PCI-Express native HotPlug device agp # ATA controllers device ahci # AHCI-compatible SATA controllers device ata # Legacy ATA/SATA controllers device mvs # Marvell 88SX50XX/88SX60XX/88SX70XX/SoC SATA device siis # SiliconImage SiI3124/SiI3132/SiI3531 SATA # NVM Express (NVMe) support device nvme # base NVMe driver options NVME_USE_NVD=0 # prefer the cam(4) based nda(4) driver device nvd # expose NVMe namespaces as disks, depends on nvme # SCSI Controllers device aacraid # Adaptec by PMC RAID device ahc # AHA2940 and onboard AIC7xxx devices options AHC_ALLOW_MEMIO # Attempt to use memory mapped I/O device isp # Qlogic family device ispfw # Firmware module for Qlogic host adapters device mrsas # LSI/Avago MegaRAID SAS/SATA, 6Gb/s and 12Gb/s device mpt # LSI-Logic MPT-Fusion device mps # LSI-Logic MPT-Fusion 2 device mpr # LSI SAS3008 MPT-Fusion SAS-3 device sym # NCR/Symbios/LSI Logic 53C8XX/53C1010/53C1510D # ATA/SCSI peripherals device scbus # SCSI bus (required for ATA/SCSI) device ch # SCSI media changers device da # Direct Access (disks) device sa # Sequential Access (tape etc) device cd # CD device pass # Passthrough device (direct ATA/SCSI access) device ses # Enclosure Service (SES and SAF-TE) # vt is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console device vt # Core console driver device kbdmux # Serial (COM) ports device scc device uart device uart_z8530 device iflib # Ethernet hardware device em # Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Family device ix # Intel PRO/10GbE PCIE PF Ethernet Family device ixl # Intel 700 Series Physical Function device ixv # Intel PRO/10GbE PCIE VF Ethernet Family +device ice # Intel 800 Series Physical Function device llan # IBM pSeries Virtual Ethernet device cxgbe # Chelsio 10/25G NIC # PCI Ethernet NICs that use the common MII bus controller code. device miibus # MII bus support device bge # Broadcom BCM570xx Gigabit Ethernet device gem # Sun GEM/Sun ERI/Apple GMAC device dc # DEC/Intel 21143 and various workalikes device fxp # Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B (82557, 82558) device re # RealTek 8139C+/8169/8169S/8110S device rl # RealTek 8129/8139 # Pseudo devices. device crypto # core crypto support device loop # Network loopback device ether # Ethernet support device vlan # 802.1Q VLAN support device tuntap # Packet tunnel. device md # Memory "disks" device ofwd # Open Firmware disks device gif # IPv6 and IPv4 tunneling device firmware # firmware assist module # The `bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter. # Be aware of the administrative consequences of enabling this! # Note that 'bpf' is required for DHCP. device bpf # Berkeley packet filter # USB support options USB_DEBUG # enable debug msgs device uhci # UHCI PCI->USB interface device ohci # OHCI PCI->USB interface device ehci # EHCI PCI->USB interface device xhci # XHCI PCI->USB interface device usb # USB Bus (required) device uhid # "Human Interface Devices" device ukbd # Keyboard options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV # install a CDEV entry in /dev device umass # Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da0 device ums # Mouse # USB Ethernet device aue # ADMtek USB Ethernet device axe # ASIX Electronics USB Ethernet device cdce # Generic USB over Ethernet device cue # CATC USB Ethernet device kue # Kawasaki LSI USB Ethernet # Wireless NIC cards options IEEE80211_SUPPORT_MESH # FireWire support device firewire # FireWire bus code device sbp # SCSI over FireWire (Requires scbus and da) device fwe # Ethernet over FireWire (non-standard!) # Misc device iicbus # I2C bus code device iic device opalflash # PowerNV embedded flash memory # Sound support device sound # Generic sound driver (required) device snd_hda # Intel High Definition Audio device snd_uaudio # USB Audio # Netmap provides direct access to TX/RX rings on supported NICs device netmap # netmap(4) support # evdev interface options EVDEV_SUPPORT # evdev support in legacy drivers device evdev # input event device support device uinput # install /dev/uinput cdev # VirtIO support device virtio # Generic VirtIO bus (required) device virtio_pci # VirtIO PCI device device vtnet # VirtIO Ethernet device device virtio_blk # VirtIO Block device device virtio_scsi # VirtIO SCSI device device virtio_balloon # VirtIO Memory Balloon device # HID support options HID_DEBUG # enable debug msgs device hid # Generic HID support