diff --git a/cmd/zed/Makefile.am b/cmd/zed/Makefile.am
index 09be2ca6c3ea..f0d22411d6f9 100644
--- a/cmd/zed/Makefile.am
+++ b/cmd/zed/Makefile.am
@@ -1,71 +1,72 @@
include $(top_srcdir)/config/Rules.am
-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
EXTRA_DIST = $(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/README
sbin_PROGRAMS = zed
zed_SOURCES = \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.c \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.h \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_conf.c \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_conf.h \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_event.c \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_event.h \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_exec.c \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_exec.h \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_file.c \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_file.h \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_log.c \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_log.h \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed_strings.c \
zed_LDADD = \
$(top_builddir)/lib/libavl/libavl.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/libnvpair/libnvpair.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/libspl/libspl.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/libzpool/libzpool.la \
$(top_builddir)/lib/libzfs/libzfs.la \
zedconfdir = $(sysconfdir)/zfs/zed.d
dist_zedconf_DATA = \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed-functions.sh \
zedexecdir = $(libexecdir)/zfs/zed.d
dist_zedexec_SCRIPTS = \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/all-debug.sh \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/all-syslog.sh \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/checksum-notify.sh \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/checksum-spare.sh \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/data-notify.sh \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/generic-notify.sh \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/io-notify.sh \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/io-spare.sh \
$(top_srcdir)/cmd/zed/zed.d/resilver.finish-notify.sh \
zedconfdefaults = \
all-syslog.sh \
checksum-notify.sh \
checksum-spare.sh \
data-notify.sh \
io-notify.sh \
io-spare.sh \
resilver.finish-notify.sh \
$(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(zedconfdir)"
for f in $(zedconfdefaults); do \
test -f "$(DESTDIR)$(zedconfdir)/$${f}" -o \
-L "$(DESTDIR)$(zedconfdir)/$${f}" || \
ln -s "$(zedexecdir)/$${f}" "$(DESTDIR)$(zedconfdir)"; \
+ chmod 0600 "$(DESTDIR)$(zedconfdir)/zed.rc"
diff --git a/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed-functions.sh b/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed-functions.sh
index 14909d38cb54..cc4f69667ee7 100644
--- a/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed-functions.sh
+++ b/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed-functions.sh
@@ -1,302 +1,392 @@
# zed-functions.sh
# ZED helper functions for use in ZEDLETs
# Variable Defaults
: "${ZED_LOCKDIR:="/var/lock"}"
: "${ZED_RUNDIR:="/var/run"}"
: "${ZED_SYSLOG_PRIORITY:="daemon.notice"}"
: "${ZED_SYSLOG_TAG:="zed"}"
# zed_check_cmd (cmd, ...)
# For each argument given, search PATH for the executable command [cmd].
# Log a message if [cmd] is not found.
# Arguments
# cmd: name of executable command for which to search
# Return
# 0 if all commands are found in PATH and are executable
# n for a count of the command executables that are not found
local cmd
local rv=0
for cmd; do
if ! command -v "${cmd}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
zed_log_err "\"${cmd}\" not installed"
rv=$((rv + 1))
return "${rv}"
# zed_log_msg (msg, ...)
# Write all argument strings to the system log.
# Globals
# Return
# nothing
logger -p "${ZED_SYSLOG_PRIORITY}" -t "${ZED_SYSLOG_TAG}" -- "$@"
# zed_log_err (msg, ...)
# Write an error message to the system log. This message will contain the
# script name, EID, and all argument strings.
# Globals
# Return
# nothing
logger -p "${ZED_SYSLOG_PRIORITY}" -t "${ZED_SYSLOG_TAG}" -- "error:" \
"$(basename -- "$0"):" "${ZEVENT_EID:+"eid=${ZEVENT_EID}:"}" "$@"
# zed_lock (lockfile, [fd])
# Obtain an exclusive (write) lock on [lockfile]. If the lock cannot be
# immediately acquired, wait until it becomes available.
# Every zed_lock() must be paired with a corresponding zed_unlock().
# By default, flock-style locks associate the lockfile with file descriptor 8.
# The bash manpage warns that file descriptors >9 should be used with care as
# they may conflict with file descriptors used internally by the shell. File
# descriptor 9 is reserved for zed_rate_limit(). If concurrent locks are held
# within the same process, they must use different file descriptors (preferably
# decrementing from 8); otherwise, obtaining a new lock with a given file
# descriptor will release the previous lock associated with that descriptor.
# Arguments
# lockfile: pathname of the lock file; the lock will be stored in
# ZED_LOCKDIR unless the pathname contains a "/".
# fd: integer for the file descriptor used by flock (OPTIONAL unless holding
# concurrent locks)
# Globals
# Return
# nothing
local lockfile="$1"
local fd="${2:-${ZED_FLOCK_FD}}"
local umask_bak
local err
[ -n "${lockfile}" ] || return
if ! expr "${lockfile}" : '.*/' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
umask 077
# Obtain a lock on the file bound to the given file descriptor.
eval "exec ${fd}> '${lockfile}'"
err="$(flock --exclusive "${fd}" 2>&1)"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
zed_log_err "failed to lock \"${lockfile}\": ${err}"
umask "${umask_bak}"
# zed_unlock (lockfile, [fd])
# Release the lock on [lockfile].
# Arguments
# lockfile: pathname of the lock file
# fd: integer for the file descriptor used by flock (must match the file
# descriptor passed to the zed_lock function call)
# Globals
# Return
# nothing
local lockfile="$1"
local fd="${2:-${ZED_FLOCK_FD}}"
local err
[ -n "${lockfile}" ] || return
if ! expr "${lockfile}" : '.*/' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# Release the lock and close the file descriptor.
err="$(flock --unlock "${fd}" 2>&1)"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
zed_log_err "failed to unlock \"${lockfile}\": ${err}"
eval "exec ${fd}>&-"
# zed_notify (subject, pathname)
# Send a notification via all available methods.
# Arguments
# subject: notification subject
# pathname: pathname containing the notification message (OPTIONAL)
# Return
# 0: notification succeeded via at least one method
# 1: notification failed
# 2: no notification methods configured
local subject="$1"
local pathname="$2"
local num_success=0
local num_failure=0
zed_notify_email "${subject}" "${pathname}"; rv=$?
[ "${rv}" -eq 0 ] && num_success=$((num_success + 1))
[ "${rv}" -eq 1 ] && num_failure=$((num_failure + 1))
+ zed_notify_pushbullet "${subject}" "${pathname}"; rv=$?
+ [ "${rv}" -eq 0 ] && num_success=$((num_success + 1))
+ [ "${rv}" -eq 1 ] && num_failure=$((num_failure + 1))
[ "${num_success}" -gt 0 ] && return 0
[ "${num_failure}" -gt 0 ] && return 1
return 2
# zed_notify_email (subject, pathname)
# Send a notification via email to the address specified by ZED_EMAIL.
# Requires the mail executable to be installed in the standard PATH.
# Arguments
# subject: notification subject
# pathname: pathname containing the notification message (OPTIONAL)
# Globals
# Return
# 0: notification sent
# 1: notification failed
# 2: not configured
local subject="$1"
local pathname="${2:-"/dev/null"}"
[ -n "${ZED_EMAIL}" ] || return 2
[ -n "${subject}" ] || return 1
if [ ! -r "${pathname}" ]; then
zed_log_err "mail cannot read \"${pathname}\""
return 1
zed_check_cmd "mail" || return 1
mail -s "${subject}" "${ZED_EMAIL}" < "${pathname}" >/dev/null 2>&1; rv=$?
if [ "${rv}" -ne 0 ]; then
zed_log_err "mail exit=${rv}"
return 1
return 0
+# zed_notify_pushbullet (subject, pathname)
+# Send a notification via Pushbullet .
+# The access token (ZED_PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN) identifies this client to the
+# Pushbullet server. The optional channel tag (ZED_PUSHBULLET_CHANNEL_TAG) is
+# for pushing to notification feeds that can be subscribed to; if a channel is
+# not defined, push notifications will instead be sent to all devices
+# associated with the account specified by the access token.
+# Requires awk, curl, and sed executables to be installed in the standard PATH.
+# References
+# https://docs.pushbullet.com/
+# https://www.pushbullet.com/security
+# Arguments
+# subject: notification subject
+# pathname: pathname containing the notification message (OPTIONAL)
+# Globals
+# Return
+# 0: notification sent
+# 1: notification failed
+# 2: not configured
+ local subject="$1"
+ local pathname="${2:-"/dev/null"}"
+ local msg_body
+ local msg_tag
+ local msg_json
+ local msg_out
+ local msg_err
+ local url="https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes"
+ [ -n "${ZED_PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN}" ] || return 2
+ [ -n "${subject}" ] || return 1
+ if [ ! -r "${pathname}" ]; then
+ zed_log_err "pushbullet cannot read \"${pathname}\""
+ return 1
+ fi
+ zed_check_cmd "awk" "curl" "sed" || return 1
+ # Escape the following characters in the message body for JSON:
+ # newline, backslash, double quote, horizontal tab, vertical tab,
+ # and carriage return.
+ #
+ msg_body="$(awk '{ ORS="\\n" } { gsub(/\\/, "\\\\"); gsub(/"/, "\\\"");
+ gsub(/\t/, "\\t"); gsub(/\f/, "\\f"); gsub(/\r/, "\\r"); print }' \
+ "${pathname}")"
+ # Push to a channel if one is configured.
+ #
+ [ -n "${ZED_PUSHBULLET_CHANNEL_TAG}" ] && msg_tag="$(printf \
+ '"channel_tag": "%s", ' "${ZED_PUSHBULLET_CHANNEL_TAG}")"
+ # Construct the JSON message for pushing a note.
+ #
+ msg_json="$(printf '{%s"type": "note", "title": "%s", "body": "%s"}' \
+ "${msg_tag}" "${subject}" "${msg_body}")"
+ # Send the POST request and check for errors.
+ #
+ msg_out="$(curl -u "${ZED_PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN}:" -X POST "${url}" \
+ --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "${msg_json}" \
+ 2>/dev/null)"; rv=$?
+ if [ "${rv}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ zed_log_err "curl exit=${rv}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ msg_err="$(echo "${msg_out}" \
+ | sed -n -e 's/.*"error" *:.*"message" *: *"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p')"
+ if [ -n "${msg_err}" ]; then
+ zed_log_err "pushbullet \"${msg_err}"\"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
# zed_rate_limit (tag, [interval])
# Check whether an event of a given type [tag] has already occurred within the
# last [interval] seconds.
# This function obtains a lock on the statefile using file descriptor 9.
# Arguments
# tag: arbitrary string for grouping related events to rate-limit
# interval: time interval in seconds (OPTIONAL)
# Globals
# Return
# 0 if the event should be processed
# 1 if the event should be dropped
# State File Format
# time;tag
local tag="$1"
local interval="${2:-${ZED_NOTIFY_INTERVAL_SECS}}"
local lockfile="zed.zedlet.state.lock"
local lockfile_fd=9
local statefile="${ZED_RUNDIR}/zed.zedlet.state"
local time_now
local time_prev
local umask_bak
local rv=0
[ -n "${tag}" ] || return 0
zed_lock "${lockfile}" "${lockfile_fd}"
time_now="$(date +%s)"
time_prev="$(egrep "^[0-9]+;${tag}\$" "${statefile}" 2>/dev/null \
| tail -1 | cut -d\; -f1)"
if [ -n "${time_prev}" ] \
&& [ "$((time_now - time_prev))" -lt "${interval}" ]; then
umask 077
egrep -v "^[0-9]+;${tag}\$" "${statefile}" 2>/dev/null \
> "${statefile}.$$"
echo "${time_now};${tag}" >> "${statefile}.$$"
mv -f "${statefile}.$$" "${statefile}"
umask "${umask_bak}"
zed_unlock "${lockfile}" "${lockfile_fd}"
return "${rv}"
diff --git a/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed.rc b/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed.rc
index 05f84c877304..c2336287f201 100644
--- a/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed.rc
+++ b/cmd/zed/zed.d/zed.rc
@@ -1,60 +1,80 @@
# zed.rc
+# This file should be owned by root and permissioned 0600.
# Absolute path to the debug output file.
# Email address of the zpool administrator for receipt of notifications.
# Email will only be sent if ZED_EMAIL is defined.
# Disabled by default; uncomment to enable.
# Default directory for zed lock files.
# Minimum number of seconds between notifications for a similar event.
# Notification verbosity.
# If set to 0, suppress notification if the pool is healthy.
# If set to 1, send notification regardless of pool health.
+# Pushbullet access token.
+# This grants full access to your account -- protect it accordingly!
+# Disabled by default; uncomment to enable.
+# Pushbullet channel tag for push notification feeds that can be subscribed to.
+# If not defined, push notifications will instead be sent to all devices
+# associated with the account specified by the access token.
+# Disabled by default; uncomment to enable.
# Default directory for zed state files.
# Replace a device with a hot spare after N checksum errors are detected.
# Disabled by default; uncomment to enable.
# Replace a device with a hot spare after N I/O errors are detected.
# Disabled by default; uncomment to enable.
# The syslog priority (e.g., specified as a "facility.level" pair).
# The syslog tag for marking zed events.