diff --git a/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk b/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk
index 97198f70d5b6..a52c3968fb09 100644
--- a/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk
+++ b/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk
@@ -1,268 +1,269 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 # Setup variables for the compiler
 # COMPILER_TYPE is the major type of compiler. Currently gcc and clang support
 # automatic detection. Other compiler types can be shoe-horned in, but require
 # explicit setting of the compiler type. The compiler type can also be set
 # explicitly if, say, you install gcc as clang...
 # COMPILER_VERSION is a numeric constant equal to:
 #     major * 10000 + minor * 100 + tiny
 # It too can be overridden on the command line. When testing it, be sure to
 # make sure that you are limiting the test to a specific compiler. Testing
 # against 30300 for gcc likely isn't  what you wanted (since versions of gcc
 # prior to 4.2 likely have no prayer of working).
 # COMPILER_FREEBSD_VERSION is the compiler's __FreeBSD_cc_version value.
 # COMPILER_FEATURES will contain one or more of the following, based on
 # compiler support for that feature:
 # - c++17:     supports full (or nearly full) C++17 programming environment.
 # - c++14:     supports full (or nearly full) C++14 programming environment.
 # - c++11:     supports full (or nearly full) C++11 programming environment.
 # - retpoline: supports the retpoline speculative execution vulnerability
 #              mitigation.
 # - init-all:  supports stack variable initialization.
 # When bootstrapping on macOS, 'apple-clang' will be set in COMPILER_FEATURES
 # to differentiate Apple's version of Clang. Apple Clang uses a different
 # versioning scheme and may not support the same -W/-Wno warning flags. For a
 # mapping of Apple Clang versions to upstream clang versions see
 # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xcode#Xcode_7.0_-_12.x_(since_Free_On-Device_Development)
 # These variables with an X_ prefix will also be provided if XCC is set.
 # This file may be included multiple times, but only has effect the first time.
 .if !target(__<bsd.compiler.mk>__)
 .include <bsd.opts.mk>
 # If _NO_INCLUDE_COMPILERMK is set we are doing a make obj/cleandir/cleanobj
 # and might not have a valid compiler in $PATH yet. In this case just set the
 # variables that are expected by the other .mk files and return
 # command = /usr/local/bin/ccache cc ...
 # wrapper = /usr/local/libexec/ccache/cc ...
 # Handle ccache after CC is determined, but not if CC/CXX are already
 # overridden with a manual setup.
 .if ${MK_CCACHE_BUILD:Uno} == "yes" && \
     !make(test-system-*) && !make(print-dir) && !make(showconfig) && \
     (${CC:M*ccache/world/*} == "" || ${CXX:M*ccache/world/*} == "")
 # CC is always prepended with the ccache wrapper rather than modifying
 # PATH since it is more clear that ccache is used and avoids wasting time
 # for mkdep/linking/asm builds.
 LOCALBASE?=		/usr/local
-CCACHE_BIN?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/ccache
 .if exists(${CCACHE_BIN})
 # Export to ensure sub-makes can filter it out for mkdep/linking and
 # to chain down into kernel build which won't include this file.
 .export CCACHE_BIN
 # Expand and export some variables so they may be based on make vars.
 # This allows doing something like the following in the environment:
 .if defined(${var})
 ${var}:=	${${var}}
 .export		${var}
 # Handle bootstrapped compiler changes properly by hashing their content
 # rather than checking mtime.  For external compilers it should be safe
 # to use the more optimal mtime check.
 # XXX: CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK= string:<compiler_version, compiler_build_rev, compiler_patch_rev, compiler_default_target, compiler_default_sysroot>
 .if ${CC:N${CCACHE_BIN}:[1]:M/*} == ""
 # Ensure no bogus CCACHE_PATH leaks in which might avoid the in-tree compiler.
 .if !empty(CCACHE_PATH)
 .export CCACHE_PATH
 .if ${CCACHE_BUILD_TYPE} == "command"
 # Remove ccache from the PATH to prevent double calls and wasted CPP/LD time.
 PATH:=	${PATH:C,:?${CCACHE_WRAPPER_PATH}(/world)?(:$)?,,g}
 # Override various toolchain vars.
 .for var in CC CXX HOST_CC HOST_CXX
 .if defined(${var}) && ${${var}:M${CCACHE_BIN}} == ""
 ${var}:=	${CCACHE_BIN} ${${var}}
 # Need to ensure CCACHE_WRAPPER_PATH is the first in ${PATH}
 PATH:=	${PATH:C,:?${CCACHE_WRAPPER_PATH}(/world)?(:$)?,,g}
 .endif	# ${CCACHE_BUILD_TYPE} == "command"
 # GCC does not need the CCACHE_CPP2 hack enabled by default in devel/ccache.
 # The port enables it due to ccache passing preprocessed C to clang
 # which fails with -Wparentheses-equality, -Wtautological-compare, and
 # -Wself-assign on macro-expanded lines.
 .if defined(COMPILER_TYPE) && ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc"
 .export CCACHE_NOCPP2
 # Canonicalize CCACHE_DIR for meta mode usage.
 .if !defined(CCACHE_DIR)
 CCACHE_DIR!=	${CCACHE_BIN} -p | awk '$$2 == "cache_dir" {print $$4}'
 .export CCACHE_DIR
 .export CCACHE_DIR
 # ccache doesn't affect build output so let it slide for meta mode
 # comparisons.
 ccache-print-options: .PHONY
 	@${CCACHE_BIN} -p
 .endif	# exists(${CCACHE_BIN})
 .endif	# ${MK_CCACHE_BUILD} == "yes"
 _cc_vars=CC $${_empty_var_}
 # Only the toplevel makefile needs to compute the X_COMPILER_* variables.
 # Skipping the computation of the unused X_COMPILER_* in the subdirectory
 # makefiles can save a noticeable amount of time when walking the whole source
 # tree (e.g. during make includes, etc.).
 _cc_vars+=XCC X_
 .for cc X_ in ${_cc_vars}
 .if ${cc} == "CC" || !empty(XCC)
 # Try to import COMPILER_TYPE and COMPILER_VERSION from parent make.
 # The value is only used/exported for the same environment that impacts
 # CC and COMPILER_* settings here.
 _exported_vars=	${X_}COMPILER_TYPE ${X_}COMPILER_VERSION \
 ${X_}_cc_hash=	${${cc}}${MACHINE}${PATH}
 ${X_}_cc_hash:=	${${X_}_cc_hash:hash}
 # Only import if none of the vars are set differently somehow else.
 _can_export=	yes
 .for var in ${_exported_vars}
 .if defined(${var}) && (!defined(${var}__${${X_}_cc_hash}) || ${${var}__${${X_}_cc_hash}} != ${${var}})
 .if defined(${var}__${${X_}_ld_hash})
 .info "Cannot import ${X_}COMPILER variables since cached ${var} is different: ${${var}__${${X_}_cc_hash}} != ${${var}}"
 _can_export=	no
 .if ${_can_export} == yes
 .for var in ${_exported_vars}
 .if defined(${var}__${${X_}_cc_hash})
 ${var}=	${${var}__${${X_}_cc_hash}}
 .if ${cc} == "CC" || (${cc} == "XCC" && ${XCC} != ${CC})
 .if ${MACHINE} == "common"
 # common is a pseudo machine for architecture independent
 # generated files - thus there is no compiler.
 .elif !defined(${X_}COMPILER_TYPE) || !defined(${X_}COMPILER_VERSION)
 _v!=	${${cc}:N${CCACHE_BIN}} --version || echo 0.0.0
 .if !defined(${X_}COMPILER_TYPE)
 . if ${${cc}:T:M*gcc*}
 . elif ${${cc}:T:M*clang*}
 ${X_}COMPILER_TYPE:=	clang
 . elif ${_v:Mgcc}
 . elif ${_v:M\(GCC\)} || ${_v:M*GNU}
 . elif ${_v:Mclang} || ${_v:M(clang-*.*.*)}
 ${X_}COMPILER_TYPE:=	clang
 . else
 # With GCC, cc --version prints "cc $VERSION ($PKGVERSION)", so if a
 # distribution overrides the default GCC PKGVERSION it is not identified.
 # However, its -v output always says "gcc version" in it, so fall back on that.
 _gcc_version!=	${${cc}:N${CCACHE_BIN}} -v 2>&1 | grep "gcc version"
 .  if !empty(_gcc_version)
 .  else
 .error Unable to determine compiler type for ${cc}=${${cc}}.  Consider setting ${X_}COMPILER_TYPE.
 .  endif
 .undef _gcc_version
 . endif
 .if !defined(${X_}COMPILER_VERSION)
 ${X_}COMPILER_VERSION!=echo "${_v:M[1-9]*.[0-9]*}" | awk -F. '{print $$1 * 10000 + $$2 * 100 + $$3;}'
 # Detect apple clang when bootstrapping to select appropriate warning flags.
 .if !defined(${X_}COMPILER_FEATURES) && ${_v:[*]:M*Apple clang version*}
 ${X_}COMPILER_FEATURES=	apple-clang
 .undef _v
 ${X_}COMPILER_FREEBSD_VERSION!=	{ echo "__FreeBSD_cc_version" | ${${cc}:N${CCACHE_BIN}} -E - 2>/dev/null || echo __FreeBSD_cc_version; } | sed -n '$$p'
 # If we get a literal "__FreeBSD_cc_version" back then the compiler
 # is a non-FreeBSD build that doesn't support it or some other error
 # occurred.
 .if ${${X_}COMPILER_FREEBSD_VERSION} == "__FreeBSD_cc_version"
 .if !defined(${X_}COMPILER_RESOURCE_DIR)
 ${X_}COMPILER_RESOURCE_DIR!=	${${cc}:N${CCACHE_BIN}} -print-resource-dir 2>/dev/null || echo unknown
 ${X_}COMPILER_FEATURES+=		c++11 c++14
 .if ${${X_}COMPILER_TYPE} == "clang" || \
 	(${${X_}COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc" && ${${X_}COMPILER_VERSION} >= 70000)
 .if ${${X_}COMPILER_TYPE} == "clang"
 ${X_}COMPILER_FEATURES+=	retpoline init-all
 .if ${${X_}COMPILER_TYPE} == "clang" && ${${X_}COMPILER_VERSION} >= 100000 || \
 	(${${X_}COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc" && ${${X_}COMPILER_VERSION} >= 80100)
 ${X_}COMPILER_FEATURES+=	fileprefixmap
 # Use CC's values
 .endif	# ${cc} == "CC" || (${cc} == "XCC" && ${XCC} != ${CC})
 # Export the values so sub-makes don't have to look them up again, using the
 # hash key computed above.
 .for var in ${_exported_vars}
 ${var}__${${X_}_cc_hash}:=	${${var}}
 .export-env ${var}__${${X_}_cc_hash}
 .undef ${var}__${${X_}_cc_hash}
 .endif	# ${cc} == "CC" || !empty(XCC)
 .endfor	# .for cc in CC XCC
 .if !defined(_NO_INCLUDE_LINKERMK)
 .include <bsd.linker.mk>
 .endif	# defined(_NO_INCLUDE_COMPILERMK)
 .endif	# !target(__<bsd.compiler.mk>__)