diff --git a/contrib/bsnmp/gensnmptree/gensnmptree.1 b/contrib/bsnmp/gensnmptree/gensnmptree.1 index 221dad090a05..da3b8dbf1158 100644 --- a/contrib/bsnmp/gensnmptree/gensnmptree.1 +++ b/contrib/bsnmp/gensnmptree/gensnmptree.1 @@ -1,252 +1,252 @@ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2001-2005 .\" Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FhG Fokus). .\" All rights reserved. .\" Copyright (c) 2006,2018 .\" Hartmut Brandt .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Author: Harti Brandt .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .\" $Begemot: gensnmptree.1 383 2006-05-30 07:40:49Z brandt_h $ .\" .Dd April 2, 2019 .Dt GENSNMPTREE 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm gensnmptree .Nd "generate C and header files from a MIB description file" .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Fl dEeFfhlt .Op Fl I Ar directory .Op Fl i Ar infile .Op Fl p Ar prefix .Op Ar name Ar ... .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm utility is used to either generate C language tables and header files from a MIB description or to numeric OIDs from MIB descriptions. The first form is used only for maintaining the .Xr bsnmpd 1 daemon or for module writers. The second form may be used by SNMP client program writers. .Pp If none of the options .Fl e , .Fl E or .Fl t are used .Nm reads a MIB description from its standard input and creates two files: a C-file .Ar prefix Ns tree.c containing a table used by .Xr bsnmpd 1 during PDU processing and a header file .Ar prefix Ns tree.h containing appropriate declarations of the callback functions used in this table, the table itself and definitions for all enums. .Pp The following options are available: .Bl -tag -width ".Fl E" .It Fl d Switch on debugging. .It Fl E Extract enumerations and bit constructs. In this mode the tool emits a header file that contains for each type given on the command line a C-enum definition and a preprocessor define that may be used to map values to strings. .It Fl e .Nm expects MIB variable names (only the last component) on its command line. It reads a MIB specification from standard input and for each MIB variable name emits three C preprocessor defines on its standard output: .Bl -tag -width ".Va OIDLEN_ Ns Ar Name" .It Va OIDX_ Ns Ar name This define can be used to initialize a .Va struct asn_oid in the following way: .Pp .Dl const struct asn_oid oid_sysDescr = OIDX_sysDescr; .It Va OIDLEN_ Ns Ar name is the length of the OID. .It Va OID_ Ns Ar name is the last component of the OID. .El .It Fl F emit definitions for C-functions includeable in a C-file that do some basic stuff on enums like value checking and conversion between value and strings. .It Fl f emit definitions for inline C-functions that do some basic stuff on enums like value checking and conversion between value and strings. .It Fl h Print a short help page. .It Fl I Ar directory Add the named directory to the include path just before the standard include directories. .It Fl i Ar infile Read from the named file instead of standard input. .It Fl l Generate local preprocessor includes. This is used for bootstrapping .Xr bsnmpd 1 . .It Fl t Instead of normal output print the resulting tree. .It Fl p Ar prefix Prefix the file names and the table name with .Ar prefix . .El .Sh MIBS The syntax of the MIB description file can formally be specified as follows: .Bd -unfilled -offset indent file := top | top file top := tree | typedef | include tree := head elements ')' entry := head ':' index STRING elements ')' leaf := head type STRING ACCESS ')' column := head type ACCESS ')' type := BASETYPE | BASETYPE '|' subtype | enum | bits subtype := STRING enum := ENUM '(' value ')' bits := BITS '(' value ')' value := INT STRING | INT STRING value head := '(' INT STRING elements := EMPTY | elements element element := tree | leaf | column index := type | index type typedef := 'typedef' STRING type include := 'include' filespec filespec := '"' STRING '"' | '<' STRING '>' .Ed .Pp .Ar BASETYPE specifies a SNMP data type and may be one of .Bl -bullet -offset indent -compact .It NULL .It INTEGER .It INTEGER32 (same as INTEGER) .It UNSIGNED32 (same as GAUGE) .It OCTETSTRING .It IPADDRESS .It OID .It TIMETICKS .It COUNTER .It GAUGE .It COUNTER64 .El .Pp .Ar ACCESS specifies the accessibility of the MIB variable (which operation can be performed) and is one of .Bl -bullet -offset indent -compact .It GET .It SET .El .Pp .Ar INT is a decimal integer and .Ar STRING is any string starting with a letter or underscore and consisting of letters, digits, underscores and minuses, that is not one of the keywords. .Pp The .Ar typedef directive associates a type with a single name. .Pp The .Ar include directive is replaced by the contents of the named file. .Sh EXAMPLES The following MIB description describes the system group: .Bd -literal -offset indent include "tc.def" typedef AdminStatus ENUM ( 1 up 2 down ) (1 internet (2 mgmt - (1 mibII + (1 mib-2 (1 system (1 sysDescr OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET) (2 sysObjectId OID op_system_group GET) (3 sysUpTime TIMETICKS op_system_group GET) (4 sysContact OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET) (5 sysName OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET) (6 sysLocation OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET) (7 sysServices INTEGER op_system_group GET) (8 sysORLastChange TIMETICKS op_system_group GET) (9 sysORTable (1 sysOREntry : INTEGER op_or_table (1 sysORIndex INTEGER) (2 sysORID OID GET) (3 sysORDescr OCTETSTRING GET) (4 sysORUpTime TIMETICKS GET) )) ) ) ) ) .Ed .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr bsnmpd 1 .Sh AUTHORS .An Hartmut Brandt Aq harti@FreeBSD.org diff --git a/contrib/bsnmp/snmp_mibII/mibII_tree.def b/contrib/bsnmp/snmp_mibII/mibII_tree.def index 5a2abb7c8ec1..1fde209ca3ca 100644 --- a/contrib/bsnmp/snmp_mibII/mibII_tree.def +++ b/contrib/bsnmp/snmp_mibII/mibII_tree.def @@ -1,262 +1,262 @@ # # Copyright (c) 2001-2003 # Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FhG Fokus). # All rights reserved. # # Author: Harti Brandt # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # $Begemot: bsnmp/snmp_mibII/mibII_tree.def,v 1.13 2006/02/14 09:04:19 brandt_h Exp $ # # Definition of the standard interfaces and ip trees. # (1 internet (2 mgmt - (1 mib2 + (1 mib-2 (2 interfaces (1 ifNumber INTEGER op_interfaces GET) (2 ifTable (1 ifEntry : INTEGER op_ifentry (1 ifIndex INTEGER GET) (2 ifDescr OCTETSTRING GET) (3 ifType INTEGER GET) (4 ifMtu INTEGER32 GET) (5 ifSpeed GAUGE GET) (6 ifPhysAddress OCTETSTRING GET) (7 ifAdminStatus INTEGER GET SET) (8 ifOperStatus INTEGER GET) (9 ifLastChange TIMETICKS GET) (10 ifInOctets COUNTER GET) (11 ifInUcastPkts COUNTER GET) (12 ifInNUcastPkts COUNTER GET) (13 ifInDiscards COUNTER GET) (14 ifInErrors COUNTER GET) (15 ifInUnknownProtos COUNTER GET) (16 ifOutOctets COUNTER GET) (17 ifOutUcastPkts COUNTER GET) (18 ifOutNUcastPkts COUNTER GET) (19 ifOutDiscards COUNTER GET) (20 ifOutErrors COUNTER GET) (21 ifOutQLen GAUGE GET) (22 ifSpecific OID GET) )) ) (4 ip (1 ipForwarding INTEGER op_ip GET SET) (2 ipDefaultTTL INTEGER op_ip GET SET) (3 ipInReceives COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (4 ipInHdrErrors COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (5 ipInAddrErrors COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (6 ipForwDatagrams COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (7 ipInUnknownProtos COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (8 ipInDiscards COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (9 ipInDelivers COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (10 ipOutRequests COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (11 ipOutDiscards COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (12 ipOutNoRoutes COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (13 ipReasmTimeout INTEGER32 op_ipstat GET) (14 ipReasmReqds COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (15 ipReasmOKs COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (16 ipReasmFails COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (17 ipFragOKs COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (18 ipFragFails COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (19 ipFragCreates COUNTER op_ipstat GET) (20 ipAddrTable (1 ipAddrEntry : IPADDRESS op_ipaddr (1 ipAdEntAddr IPADDRESS GET) (2 ipAdEntIfIndex INTEGER GET SET) (3 ipAdEntNetMask IPADDRESS GET SET) (4 ipAdEntBcastAddr INTEGER GET SET) (5 ipAdEntReasmMaxSize INTEGER GET) )) (22 ipNetToMediaTable (1 ipNetToMediaEntry : INTEGER IPADDRESS op_nettomedia (1 ipNetToMediaIfIndex INTEGER GET) (2 ipNetToMediaPhysAddress OCTETSTRING GET) (3 ipNetToMediaNetAddress IPADDRESS GET) (4 ipNetToMediaType INTEGER GET) )) (23 ipRoutingDiscards INTEGER op_ipstat) # not available (24 ipForward (3 ipCidrRouteNumber GAUGE op_route GET) (4 ipCidrRouteTable (1 ipCidrRouteEntry : IPADDRESS IPADDRESS INTEGER IPADDRESS op_route_table (1 ipCidrRouteDest IPADDRESS GET) (2 ipCidrRouteMask IPADDRESS GET) (3 ipCidrRouteTos INTEGER GET) (4 ipCidrRouteNextHop IPADDRESS GET) (5 ipCidrRouteIfIndex INTEGER GET) # SET (6 ipCidrRouteType INTEGER GET) # SET (7 ipCidrRouteProto INTEGER GET) (8 ipCidrRouteAge INTEGER GET) (9 ipCidrRouteInfo OID GET) # SET (10 ipCidrRouteNextHopAS INTEGER GET) # SET (11 ipCidrRouteMetric1 INTEGER GET) # SET (12 ipCidrRouteMetric2 INTEGER GET) # SET (13 ipCidrRouteMetric3 INTEGER GET) # SET (14 ipCidrRouteMetric4 INTEGER GET) # SET (15 ipCidrRouteMetric5 INTEGER GET) # SET (16 ipCidrRouteStatus INTEGER GET) # SET )) ) ) (5 icmp (1 icmpInMsgs COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (2 icmpInErrors COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (3 icmpInDestUnreachs COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (4 icmpInTimeExcds COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (5 icmpInParmProbs COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (6 icmpInSrcQuenchs COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (7 icmpInRedirects COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (8 icmpInEchos COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (9 icmpInEchoReps COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (10 icmpInTimestamps COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (11 icmpInTimestampReps COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (12 icmpInAddrMasks COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (13 icmpInAddrMaskReps COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (14 icmpOutMsgs COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (15 icmpOutErrors COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (16 icmpOutDestUnreachs COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (17 icmpOutTimeExcds COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (18 icmpOutParmProbs COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (19 icmpOutSrcQuenchs COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (20 icmpOutRedirects COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (21 icmpOutEchos COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (22 icmpOutEchoReps COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (23 icmpOutTimestamps COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (24 icmpOutTimestampReps COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (25 icmpOutAddrMasks COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) (26 icmpOutAddrMaskReps COUNTER op_icmpstat GET) ) (6 tcp (1 tcpRtoAlgorithm INTEGER op_tcp GET) (2 tcpRtoMin INTEGER32 op_tcp GET) (3 tcpRtoMax INTEGER32 op_tcp GET) (4 tcpMaxConn INTEGER32 op_tcp GET) (5 tcpActiveOpens COUNTER op_tcp GET) (6 tcpPassiveOpens COUNTER op_tcp GET) (7 tcpAttemptFails COUNTER op_tcp GET) (8 tcpEstabResets COUNTER op_tcp GET) (9 tcpCurrEstab GAUGE op_tcp GET) (10 tcpInSegs COUNTER op_tcp GET) (11 tcpOutSegs COUNTER op_tcp GET) (12 tcpRetransSegs COUNTER op_tcp GET) (13 tcpConnTable (1 tcpConnEntry : IPADDRESS INTEGER IPADDRESS INTEGER op_tcpconn (1 tcpConnState INTEGER GET) (2 tcpConnLocalAddress IPADDRESS GET) (3 tcpConnLocalPort INTEGER GET) (4 tcpConnRemAddress IPADDRESS GET) (5 tcpConnRemPort INTEGER GET) )) (14 tcpInErrs COUNTER op_tcp GET) (15 tcpOutRsts COUNTER op_tcp) # don't know ) (7 udp (1 udpInDatagrams COUNTER op_udp GET) (2 udpNoPorts COUNTER op_udp GET) (3 udpInErrors COUNTER op_udp GET) (4 udpOutDatagrams COUNTER op_udp GET) (5 udpTable (1 udpEntry : IPADDRESS INTEGER op_udptable (1 udpLocalAddress IPADDRESS GET) (2 udpLocalPort INTEGER GET) )) ) (31 ifMIB (1 ifMIBObjects (1 ifXTable (1 ifXEntry : INTEGER op_ifxtable (1 ifName OCTETSTRING GET) (2 ifInMulticastPkts COUNTER GET) (3 ifInBroadcastPkts COUNTER GET) (4 ifOutMulticastPkts COUNTER GET) (5 ifOutBroadcastPkts COUNTER GET) (6 ifHCInOctets COUNTER64 GET) (7 ifHCInUcastPkts COUNTER64 GET) (8 ifHCInMulticastPkts COUNTER64 GET) (9 ifHCInBroadcastPkts COUNTER64 GET) (10 ifHCOutOctets COUNTER64 GET) (11 ifHCOutUcastPkts COUNTER64 GET) (12 ifHCOutMulticastPkts COUNTER64 GET) (13 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts COUNTER64 GET) (14 ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable INTEGER GET SET) (15 ifHighSpeed GAUGE GET) (16 ifPromiscuousMode INTEGER GET SET) (17 ifConnectorPresent INTEGER GET) (18 ifAlias OCTETSTRING GET) (19 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime TIMETICKS GET) )) (2 ifStackTable (1 ifStackEntry : INTEGER INTEGER op_ifstack (1 ifStackHigherLayer INTEGER) (2 ifStackLowerLayer INTEGER) (3 ifStackStatus INTEGER GET) )) (4 ifRcvAddressTable (1 ifRcvAddressEntry : INTEGER OCTETSTRING op_rcvaddr (1 ifRcvAddressAddress OCTETSTRING) (2 ifRcvAddressStatus INTEGER GET) (3 ifRcvAddressType INTEGER GET) )) (5 ifTableLastChange TIMETICKS op_ifmib GET) (6 ifStackLastChange TIMETICKS op_ifmib GET) ) ) (48 ipMIB ) (49 tcpMIB ) (50 udpMIB ) )) (4 private (1 enterprises (12325 fokus (1 begemot (3 begemotIp (1 begemotIpObjects (1 begemotMib2 (1 begemotIfMaxspeed COUNTER64 op_begemot_mibII GET) (2 begemotIfPoll TIMETICKS op_begemot_mibII GET) (3 begemotIfForcePoll TIMETICKS op_begemot_mibII GET SET) (4 begemotIfDataPoll TIMETICKS op_begemot_mibII GET SET) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (6 snmpV2 (3 snmpModules (1 snmpMIB (1 snmpMIBObjects (5 snmpTraps (3 linkDown OID op_snmp_trap) (4 linkUp OID op_snmp_trap) ) ) ) )) ) diff --git a/contrib/bsnmp/snmpd/tree.def b/contrib/bsnmp/snmpd/tree.def index 9dc086f755f4..61b581120528 100644 --- a/contrib/bsnmp/snmpd/tree.def +++ b/contrib/bsnmp/snmpd/tree.def @@ -1,233 +1,233 @@ # # Copyright (c) 2001-2003 # Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FhG Fokus). # All rights reserved. # # Copyright (c) 2018 # Hartmut Brandt. # All rights reserved. # # Author: Harti Brandt # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # $Begemot: tree.def 517 2006-10-31 08:52:04Z brandt_h $ # # System group and private Begemot SNMPd MIB. # include "tc.def" typedef BegemotSnmpdTransportProto ENUM ( 1 udp ) (1 internet (2 mgmt - (1 mibII + (1 mib-2 (1 system # # The standard System group # (1 sysDescr OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET) (2 sysObjectId OID op_system_group GET) (3 sysUpTime TIMETICKS op_system_group GET) (4 sysContact OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET) (5 sysName OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET) (6 sysLocation OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET) (7 sysServices INTEGER op_system_group GET) (8 sysORLastChange TIMETICKS op_system_group GET) (9 sysORTable (1 sysOREntry : INTEGER op_or_table (1 sysORIndex INTEGER) (2 sysORID OID GET) (3 sysORDescr OCTETSTRING GET) (4 sysORUpTime TIMETICKS GET) )) ) (11 snmp (1 snmpInPkts COUNTER op_snmp GET) (3 snmpInBadVersions COUNTER op_snmp GET) (4 snmpInBadCommunityNames COUNTER op_snmp GET) (5 snmpInBadCommunityUses COUNTER op_snmp GET) (6 snmpInASNParseErrs COUNTER op_snmp GET) (30 snmpEnableAuthenTraps INTEGER op_snmp GET SET) (31 snmpSilentDrops COUNTER op_snmp GET) (32 snmpProxyDrops COUNTER op_snmp GET) ) )) (4 private (1 enterprises # # FreeBSD stuff # (2238 freeBSD (4 freeBSDVersion) ) # # Private Begemot Stuff # (12325 fokus (1 begemot # # Daemon infrastructure # (1 begemotSnmpd (1 begemotSnmpdObjects # # Configuration # (1 begemotSnmpdConfig (1 begemotSnmpdTransmitBuffer INTEGER op_snmpd_config GET SET) (2 begemotSnmpdReceiveBuffer INTEGER op_snmpd_config GET SET) (3 begemotSnmpdCommunityDisable INTEGER op_snmpd_config GET SET) (4 begemotSnmpdTrap1Addr IPADDRESS op_snmpd_config GET SET) (5 begemotSnmpdVersionEnable UNSIGNED32 op_snmpd_config GET SET) ) (2 begemotTrapSinkTable (1 begemotTrapSinkEntry : IPADDRESS INTEGER op_trapsink (1 begemotTrapSinkAddr IPADDRESS) (2 begemotTrapSinkPort INTEGER) (3 begemotTrapSinkStatus INTEGER GET SET) (4 begemotTrapSinkComm OCTETSTRING GET SET) (5 begemotTrapSinkVersion INTEGER GET SET) ) ) # # Port table # (4 begemotSnmpdPortTable (1 begemotSnmpdPortEntry : IPADDRESS INTEGER op_snmp_port (1 begemotSnmpdPortAddress IPADDRESS) (2 begemotSnmpdPortPort UNSIGNED32) (3 begemotSnmpdPortStatus INTEGER GET SET) )) # # Community table # (5 begemotSnmpdCommunityTable (1 begemotSnmpdCommunityEntry : OCTETSTRING UNSIGNED32 op_community (1 begemotSnmpdCommunityModule OCTETSTRING) (2 begemotSnmpdCommunityIndex UNSIGNED32) (3 begemotSnmpdCommunityString OCTETSTRING GET SET) (4 begemotSnmpdCommunityDescr OCTETSTRING GET) (5 begemotSnmpdCommunityPermission INTEGER GET SET) )) # # Module table # (6 begemotSnmpdModuleTable (1 begemotSnmpdModuleEntry : OCTETSTRING op_modules (1 begemotSnmpdModuleSection OCTETSTRING) (2 begemotSnmpdModulePath OCTETSTRING GET SET) (3 begemotSnmpdModuleComment OCTETSTRING GET) )) # # Statistics # (7 begemotSnmpdStats (1 begemotSnmpdStatsNoRxBufs COUNTER op_snmpd_stats GET) (2 begemotSnmpdStatsNoTxBufs COUNTER op_snmpd_stats GET) (3 begemotSnmpdStatsInTooLongPkts COUNTER op_snmpd_stats GET) (4 begemotSnmpdStatsInBadPduTypes COUNTER op_snmpd_stats GET)) # # Debugging # (8 begemotSnmpdDebug (1 begemotSnmpdDebugDumpPdus INTEGER op_debug GET SET) (2 begemotSnmpdDebugSnmpTrace UNSIGNED32 op_debug GET SET) (3 begemotSnmpdDebugSyslogPri INTEGER op_debug GET SET)) # # Local (UNIX domain) port table # (9 begemotSnmpdLocalPortTable (1 begemotSnmpdLocalPortEntry : OCTETSTRING op_lsock_port (1 begemotSnmpdLocalPortPath OCTETSTRING) (2 begemotSnmpdLocalPortStatus INTEGER GET SET) (3 begemotSnmpdLocalPortType INTEGER GET SET) )) (10 begemotSnmpdTransportMappings (1 begemotSnmpdTransportTable (1 begemotSnmpdTransportEntry : OCTETSTRING op_transport_table (1 begemotSnmpdTransportName OCTETSTRING) (2 begemotSnmpdTransportStatus INTEGER GET) (3 begemotSnmpdTransportOid OID GET) )) (2 begemotSnmpdTransUdp OID op_transport_dummy) (3 begemotSnmpdTransLsock OID op_transport_dummy) (4 begemotSnmpdTransInet OID op_transport_dummy) ) (11 begemotSnmpdTransInetTable (1 begemotSnmpdTransInetEntry : INTEGER OCTETSTRING INTEGER INTEGER op_snmp_trans_inet (1 begemotSnmpdTransInetAddressType InetAddressType) (2 begemotSnmpdTransInetAddress OCTETSTRING) (3 begemotSnmpdTransInetPort INTEGER) (4 begemotSnmpdTransInetProto BegemotSnmpdTransportProto) (5 begemotSnmpdTransInetStatus RowStatus GET SET) )) ) (2 begemotSnmpdDefs (1 begemotSnmpdAgent (1 begemotSnmpdAgentFreeBSD OID op_dummy) ) ) (3 begemotSnmpdCompliance) ) )) ) ) (6 snmpV2 (3 snmpModules (1 snmpMIB (1 snmpMIBObjects (4 snmpTrap (1 snmpTrapOID OID op_snmp_trap) ) (5 snmpTraps (1 coldStart OID op_snmp_trap) (2 warmStart OID op_snmp_trap) (5 authenticationFailure OID op_snmp_trap) ) (6 snmpSet (1 snmpSetSerialNo INTEGER op_snmp_set GET SET) ) ) ) (10 snmpFrameworkMIB (2 snmpFrameworkMIBObjects (1 snmpEngine (1 snmpEngineID OCTETSTRING | SnmpEngineID op_snmp_engine GET) (2 snmpEngineBoots INTEGER op_snmp_engine GET) (3 snmpEngineTime INTEGER op_snmp_engine GET) (4 snmpEngineMaxMessageSize INTEGER op_snmp_engine GET) ) ) ) )) )