diff --git a/share/man/man4/hwpmc.4 b/share/man/man4/hwpmc.4 index 063313045137..5b3353ff935d 100644 --- a/share/man/man4/hwpmc.4 +++ b/share/man/man4/hwpmc.4 @@ -1,832 +1,835 @@ .\" Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Joseph Koshy .\" Copyright (c) 2007 The FreeBSD Foundation .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Portions of this software were developed by A. Joseph Koshy under .\" sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation and Google, Inc. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd November 2, 2012 .Dt HWPMC 4 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm hwpmc .Nd "Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter support" .Sh SYNOPSIS .Cd "options HWPMC_HOOKS" .Cd "device hwpmc" .Pp Additionally, for i386 systems: .Cd "device apic" .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm driver virtualizes the hardware performance monitoring facilities in modern CPUs and provides support for using these facilities from user level processes. .Pp The driver supports multi-processor systems. .Pp PMCs are allocated using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request. A successful .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request will return a handle to the requesting process. Subsequent operations on the allocated PMC use this handle to denote the specific PMC. A process that has successfully allocated a PMC is termed an .Dq "owner process" . .Pp PMCs may be allocated with process or system scope. .Bl -tag -width ".Em Process-scope" .It Em "Process-scope" The PMC is active only when a thread belonging to a process it is attached to is scheduled on a CPU. .It Em "System-scope" The PMC operates independently of processes and measures hardware events for the system as a whole. .El .Pp PMCs may be allocated for counting or for sampling: .Bl -tag -width ".Em Counting" .It Em Counting In counting modes, the PMCs count hardware events. These counts are retrievable using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCREAD system call on all architectures. Some architectures offer faster methods of reading these counts. .It Em Sampling In sampling modes, the PMCs are configured to sample the CPU instruction pointer (and optionally to capture the call chain leading up to the sampled instruction pointer) after a configurable number of hardware events have been observed. Instruction pointer samples and call chain records are usually directed to a log file for subsequent analysis. .El .Pp Scope and operational mode are orthogonal; a PMC may thus be configured to operate in one of the following four modes: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Process-scope, counting These PMCs count hardware events whenever a thread in their attached process is scheduled on a CPU. These PMCs normally count from zero, but the initial count may be set using the .Dv PMC_OP_SETCOUNT operation. Applications can read the value of the PMC anytime using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRW operation. .It Process-scope, sampling These PMCs sample the target processes instruction pointer after they have seen the configured number of hardware events. The PMCs only count events when a thread belonging to their attached process is active. The desired frequency of sampling is set using the .Dv PMC_OP_SETCOUNT operation prior to starting the PMC. Log files are configured using the .Dv PMC_OP_CONFIGURELOG operation. .It System-scope, counting These PMCs count hardware events seen by them independent of the processes that are executing. The current count on these PMCs can be read using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRW request. These PMCs normally count from zero, but the initial count may be set using the .Dv PMC_OP_SETCOUNT operation. .It System-scope, sampling These PMCs will periodically sample the instruction pointer of the CPU they are allocated on, and will write the sample to a log for further processing. The desired frequency of sampling is set using the .Dv PMC_OP_SETCOUNT operation prior to starting the PMC. Log files are configured using the .Dv PMC_OP_CONFIGURELOG operation. .Pp System-wide statistical sampling can only be enabled by a process with super-user privileges. .El .Pp Processes are allowed to allocate as many PMCs as the hardware and current operating conditions permit. Processes may mix allocations of system-wide and process-private PMCs. Multiple processes may be using PMCs simultaneously. .Pp Allocated PMCs are started using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTART operation, and stopped using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTOP operation. Stopping and starting a PMC is permitted at any time the owner process has a valid handle to the PMC. .Pp Process-private PMCs need to be attached to a target process before they can be used. Attaching a process to a PMC is done using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH operation. An already attached PMC may be detached from its target process using the converse .Dv PMC_OP_PMCDETACH operation. Issuing a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTART operation on an as yet unattached PMC will cause it to be attached to its owner process. The following rules determine whether a given process may attach a PMC to another target process: .Bl -bullet -compact .It A non-jailed process with super-user privileges is allowed to attach to any other process in the system. .It Other processes are only allowed to attach to targets that they would be able to attach to for debugging (as determined by .Xr p_candebug 9 ) . .El .Pp PMCs are released using .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRELEASE . After a successful .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRELEASE operation the handle to the PMC will become invalid. .Ss Modifier Flags The .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE operation supports the following flags that modify the behavior of an allocated PMC: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Dv PMC_F_CALLCHAIN This modifier informs sampling PMCs to record a callchain when capturing a sample. The maximum depth to which call chains are recorded is specified by the .Va "kern.hwpmc.callchaindepth" kernel tunable. .It Dv PMC_F_DESCENDANTS This modifier is valid only for a PMC being allocated in process-private mode. It signifies that the PMC will track hardware events for its target process and the target's current and future descendants. .It Dv PMC_F_KGMON This modifier is valid only for a PMC being allocated in system-wide sampling mode. It signifies that the PMC's sampling interrupt is to be used to drive kernel profiling via .Xr kgmon 8 . This functionality is currently unimplemented. .It Dv PMC_F_LOG_PROCCSW This modifier is valid only for a PMC being allocated in process-private mode. When this modifier is present, at every context switch, .Nm will log a record containing the number of hardware events seen by the target process when it was scheduled on the CPU. .It Dv PMC_F_LOG_PROCEXIT This modifier is valid only for a PMC being allocated in process-private mode. With this modifier present, .Nm will maintain per-process counts for each target process attached to a PMC. At process exit time, a record containing the target process' PID and the accumulated per-process count for that process will be written to the configured log file. .El .Pp Modifiers .Dv PMC_F_LOG_PROCEXIT and .Dv PMC_F_LOG_PROCCSW may be used in combination with modifier .Dv PMC_F_DESCENDANTS to track the behavior of complex pipelines of processes. PMCs with modifiers .Dv PMC_F_LOG_PROCEXIT and .Dv PMC_F_LOG_PROCCSW cannot be started until their owner process has configured a log file. .Ss Signals The .Nm driver may deliver signals to processes that have allocated PMCs: .Bl -tag -width ".Dv SIGBUS" .It Dv SIGIO A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRW operation was attempted on a process-private PMC that does not have attached target processes. .It Dv SIGBUS The .Nm driver is being unloaded from the kernel. .El .Ss PMC ROW DISPOSITIONS A PMC row is defined as the set of PMC resources at the same hardware address in the CPUs in a system. Since process scope PMCs need to move between CPUs following their target threads, allocation of a process scope PMC reserves all PMCs in a PMC row for use only with process scope PMCs. Accordingly a PMC row will be in one of the following dispositions: .Bl -tag -width ".Dv PMC_DISP_STANDALONE" -compact .It Dv PMC_DISP_FREE Hardware counters in this row are free and may be use to satisfy either of system scope or process scope allocation requests. .It Dv PMC_DISP_THREAD Hardware counters in this row are in use by process scope PMCs and are only available for process scope allocation requests. .It Dv PMC_DISP_STANDALONE Some hardware counters in this row have been administratively disabled or are in use by system scope PMCs. Non-disabled hardware counters in such a row may be used for satisfying system scope allocation requests. No process scope PMCs will use hardware counters in this row. .El .Sh PROGRAMMING API The recommended way for application programs to use the facilities of the .Nm driver is using the API provided by the .Xr pmc 3 library. .Pp The .Nm driver operates using a system call number that is dynamically allotted to it when it is loaded into the kernel. .Pp The .Nm driver supports the following operations: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Dv PMC_OP_CONFIGURELOG Configure a log file for PMCs that require a log file. The .Nm driver will write log data to this file asynchronously. If it encounters an error, logging will be stopped and the error code encountered will be saved for subsequent retrieval by a .Dv PMC_OP_FLUSHLOG request. .It Dv PMC_OP_FLUSHLOG Transfer buffered log data inside .Nm to a configured output file. This operation returns to the caller after the write operation has returned. The returned error code reflects any pending error state inside .Nm . .It Dv PMC_OP_GETCPUINFO Retrieve information about the highest possible CPU number for the system, and the number of hardware performance monitoring counters available per CPU. .It Dv PMC_OP_GETDRIVERSTATS Retrieve module statistics (for analyzing the behavior of .Nm itself). .It Dv PMC_OP_GETMODULEVERSION Retrieve the version number of API. .It Dv PMC_OP_GETPMCINFO Retrieve information about the current state of the PMCs on a given CPU. .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCADMIN Set the administrative state (i.e., whether enabled or disabled) for the hardware PMCs managed by the .Nm driver. The invoking process needs to possess the .Dv PRIV_PMC_MANAGE privilege. .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE Allocate and configure a PMC. On successful allocation, a handle to the PMC (a 32 bit value) is returned. .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH Attach a process mode PMC to a target process. The PMC will be active whenever a thread in the target process is scheduled on a CPU. .Pp If the .Dv PMC_F_DESCENDANTS flag had been specified at PMC allocation time, then the PMC is attached to all current and future descendants of the target process. .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCDETACH Detach a PMC from its target process. .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCRELEASE Release a PMC. .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCRW Read and write a PMC. This operation is valid only for PMCs configured in counting modes. .It Dv PMC_OP_SETCOUNT Set the initial count (for counting mode PMCs) or the desired sampling rate (for sampling mode PMCs). .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTART Start a PMC. .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTOP Stop a PMC. .It Dv PMC_OP_WRITELOG Insert a timestamped user record into the log file. .El .Ss i386 Specific API Some i386 family CPUs support the RDPMC instruction which allows a user process to read a PMC value without needing to invoke a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRW operation. On such CPUs, the machine address associated with an allocated PMC is retrievable using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCX86GETMSR system call. .Bl -tag -width indent .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCX86GETMSR Retrieve the MSR (machine specific register) number associated with the given PMC handle. .Pp The PMC needs to be in process-private mode and allocated without the .Dv PMC_F_DESCENDANTS modifier flag, and should be attached only to its owner process at the time of the call. .El .Ss amd64 Specific API AMD64 CPUs support the RDPMC instruction which allows a user process to read a PMC value without needing to invoke a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRW operation. The machine address associated with an allocated PMC is retrievable using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCX86GETMSR system call. .Bl -tag -width indent .It Dv PMC_OP_PMCX86GETMSR Retrieve the MSR (machine specific register) number associated with the given PMC handle. .Pp The PMC needs to be in process-private mode and allocated without the .Dv PMC_F_DESCENDANTS modifier flag, and should be attached only to its owner process at the time of the call. .El .Sh SYSCTL VARIABLES AND LOADER TUNABLES The behavior of .Nm is influenced by the following .Xr sysctl 8 and .Xr loader 8 tunables: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Va kern.hwpmc.callchaindepth Pq integer, read-only The maximum number of call chain records to capture per sample. The default is 8. .It Va kern.hwpmc.debugflags Pq string, read-write (Only available if the .Nm driver was compiled with .Fl DDEBUG . ) Control the verbosity of debug messages from the .Nm driver. .It Va kern.hwpmc.hashsize Pq integer, read-only The number of rows in the hash tables used to keep track of owner and target processes. The default is 16. .It Va kern.hwpmc.logbuffersize Pq integer, read-only The size in kilobytes of each log buffer used by .Nm Ns 's logging function. The default buffer size is 4KB. +.It Va kern.hwpmc.mincount Pq integer, read-write +The minimum sampling rate for sampling mode PMCs. +The default count is 1000 events. .It Va kern.hwpmc.mtxpoolsize Pq integer, read-only The size of the spin mutex pool used by the PMC driver. The default is 32. .It Va kern.hwpmc.nbuffers_pcpu Pq integer, read-only The number of log buffers used by .Nm for logging. The default is 64. .It Va kern.hwpmc.nsamples Pq integer, read-only The number of entries in the per-CPU ring buffer used during sampling. The default is 512. .It Va security.bsd.unprivileged_syspmcs Pq boolean, read-write If set to non-zero, allow unprivileged processes to allocate system-wide PMCs. The default value is 0. .It Va security.bsd.unprivileged_proc_debug Pq boolean, read-write If set to 0, the .Nm driver will only allow privileged processes to attach PMCs to other processes. .El .Pp These variables may be set in the kernel environment using .Xr kenv 1 before .Nm is loaded. .Sh IMPLEMENTATION NOTES .Ss SMP Symmetry The kernel driver requires all physical CPUs in an SMP system to have identical performance monitoring counter hardware. .Ss Sparse CPU Numbering On platforms that sparsely number CPUs and which support hot-plugging of CPUs, requests that specify non-existent or disabled CPUs will fail with an error. Applications allocating system-scope PMCs need to be aware of the possibility of such transient failures. .Ss x86 TSC Handling Historically, on the x86 architecture, .Fx has permitted user processes running at a processor CPL of 3 to read the TSC using the RDTSC instruction. The .Nm driver preserves this behavior. .Ss Intel P4/HTT Handling On CPUs with HTT support, Intel P4 PMCs are capable of qualifying only a subset of hardware events on a per-logical CPU basis. Consequently, if HTT is enabled on a system with Intel Pentium P4 PMCs, then the .Nm driver will reject allocation requests for process-private PMCs that request counting of hardware events that cannot be counted separately for each logical CPU. .Ss Intel Pentium-Pro Handling Writing a value to the PMC MSRs found in Intel Pentium-Pro style PMCs (found in .Tn "Intel Pentium Pro" , .Tn "Pentium II" , .Tn "Pentium III" , .Tn "Pentium M" and .Tn "Celeron" processors) will replicate bit 31 of the value being written into the upper 8 bits of the MSR, bringing down the usable width of these PMCs to 31 bits. For process-virtual PMCs, the .Nm driver implements a workaround in software and makes the corrected 64 bit count available via the .Dv PMC_OP_RW operation. Processes that intend to use RDPMC instructions directly or that intend to write values larger than 2^31 into these PMCs with .Dv PMC_OP_RW need to be aware of this hardware limitation. .Sh DIAGNOSTICS .Bl -diag .It "hwpmc: [class/npmc/capabilities]..." Announce the presence of .Va npmc PMCs of class .Va class , with capabilities described by bit string .Va capabilities . .It "hwpmc: kernel version (0x%x) does not match module version (0x%x)." The module loading process failed because a version mismatch was detected between the currently executing kernel and the module being loaded. .It "hwpmc: this kernel has not been compiled with 'options HWPMC_HOOKS'." The module loading process failed because the currently executing kernel was not configured with the required configuration option .Dv HWPMC_HOOKS . .It "hwpmc: tunable hashsize=%d must be greater than zero." A negative value was supplied for tunable .Va kern.hwpmc.hashsize . .It "hwpmc: tunable logbuffersize=%d must be greater than zero." A negative value was supplied for tunable .Va kern.hwpmc.logbuffersize . .It "hwpmc: tunable nlogbuffers=%d must be greater than zero." A negative value was supplied for tunable .Va kern.hwpmc.nlogbuffers . .It "hwpmc: tunable nsamples=%d out of range." The value for tunable .Va kern.hwpmc.nsamples was negative or greater than 65535. .El .Sh COMPATIBILITY The .Nm driver is .Ud The API and ABI documented in this manual page may change in the future. The recommended method of accessing this driver is using the .Xr pmc 3 API. .Sh ERRORS A command issued to the .Nm driver may fail with the following errors: .Bl -tag -width Er .It Bq Er EAGAIN Helper process creation failed for a .Dv PMC_OP_CONFIGURELOG request due to a temporary resource shortage in the kernel. .It Bq Er EBUSY A .Dv PMC_OP_CONFIGURELOG operation was requested while an existing log was active. .It Bq Er EBUSY A DISABLE operation was requested using the .Dv PMC_OP_PMCADMIN request for a set of hardware resources currently in use for process-private PMCs. .It Bq Er EBUSY A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCADMIN operation was requested on an active system mode PMC. .It Bq Er EBUSY A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH operation was requested for a target process that already had another PMC using the same hardware resources attached to it. .It Bq Er EBUSY A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRW request writing a new value was issued on a PMC that was active. .It Bq Er EBUSY A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCSETCOUNT request was issued on a PMC that was active. .It Bq Er EDOOFUS A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTART operation was requested without a log file being configured for a PMC allocated with .Dv PMC_F_LOG_PROCCSW and .Dv PMC_F_LOG_PROCEXIT modifiers. .It Bq Er EDOOFUS A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTART operation was requested on a system-wide sampling PMC without a log file being configured. .It Bq Er EEXIST A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH request was reissued for a target process that already is the target of this PMC. .It Bq Er EFAULT A bad address was passed in to the driver. .It Bq Er EINVAL An invalid PMC handle was specified. .It Bq Er EINVAL An invalid CPU number was passed in for a .Dv PMC_OP_GETPMCINFO operation. .It Bq Er EINVAL A .Dv PMC_OP_CONFIGURELOG request to de-configure a log file was issued without a log file being configured. .It Bq Er EINVAL A .Dv PMC_OP_FLUSHLOG request was issued without a log file being configured. .It Bq Er EINVAL An invalid CPU number was passed in for a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCADMIN operation. .It Bq Er EINVAL An invalid operation request was passed in for a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCADMIN operation. .It Bq Er EINVAL An invalid PMC ID was passed in for a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCADMIN operation. .It Bq Er EINVAL A suitable PMC matching the parameters passed in to a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request could not be allocated. .It Bq Er EINVAL An invalid PMC mode was requested during a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request. .It Bq Er EINVAL An invalid CPU number was specified during a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request. .It Bq Er EINVAL A CPU other than .Dv PMC_CPU_ANY was specified in a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request for a process-private PMC. .It Bq Er EINVAL A CPU number of .Dv PMC_CPU_ANY was specified in a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request for a system-wide PMC. .It Bq Er EINVAL The .Ar pm_flags argument to an .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request contained unknown flags. .It Bq Er EINVAL (On Intel Pentium 4 CPUs with HTT support) A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request for a process-private PMC was issued for an event that does not support counting on a per-logical CPU basis. .It Bq Er EINVAL A PMC allocated for system-wide operation was specified with a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH or .Dv PMC_OP_PMCDETACH request. .It Bq Er EINVAL The .Ar pm_pid argument to a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH or .Dv PMC_OP_PMCDETACH request specified an illegal process ID. .It Bq Er EINVAL A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCDETACH request was issued for a PMC not attached to the target process. .It Bq Er EINVAL Argument .Ar pm_flags to a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCRW request contained illegal flags. .It Bq Er EINVAL A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCX86GETMSR operation was requested for a PMC not in process-virtual mode, or for a PMC that is not solely attached to its owner process, or for a PMC that was allocated with flag .Dv PMC_F_DESCENDANTS . .It Bq Er EINVAL A .Dv PMC_OP_WRITELOG request was issued for an owner process without a log file configured. .It Bq Er ENOMEM The system was not able to allocate kernel memory. .It Bq Er ENOSYS (On i386 and amd64 architectures) A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCX86GETMSR operation was requested for hardware that does not support reading PMCs directly with the RDPMC instruction. .It Bq Er ENXIO A .Dv PMC_OP_GETPMCINFO operation was requested for an absent or disabled CPU. .It Bq Er ENXIO A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE operation specified allocation of a system-wide PMC on an absent or disabled CPU. .It Bq Er ENXIO A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTART or .Dv PMC_OP_PMCSTOP request was issued for a system-wide PMC that was allocated on a CPU that is currently absent or disabled. .It Bq Er EOPNOTSUPP A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE request was issued for PMC capabilities not supported by the specified PMC class. .It Bq Er EOPNOTSUPP (i386 architectures) A sampling mode PMC was requested on a CPU lacking an APIC. .It Bq Er EPERM A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCADMIN request was issued by a process without super-user privilege or by a jailed super-user process. .It Bq Er EPERM A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH operation was issued for a target process that the current process does not have permission to attach to. .It Bq Er EPERM (i386 and amd64 architectures) A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH operation was issued on a PMC whose MSR has been retrieved using .Dv PMC_OP_PMCX86GETMSR . .It Bq Er ESRCH A process issued a PMC operation request without having allocated any PMCs. .It Bq Er ESRCH A process issued a PMC operation request after the PMC was detached from all of its target processes. .It Bq Er ESRCH A .Dv PMC_OP_PMCATTACH or .Dv PMC_OP_PMCDETACH request specified a non-existent process ID. .It Bq Er ESRCH The target process for a .Dv PMC_OP_PMCDETACH operation is not being monitored by .Nm . .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr kenv 1 , .Xr pmc 3 , .Xr pmclog 3 , .Xr kgmon 8 , .Xr kldload 8 , .Xr pmccontrol 8 , .Xr pmcstat 8 , .Xr sysctl 8 , .Xr kproc_create 9 , .Xr p_candebug 9 .Sh HISTORY The .Nm driver first appeared in .Fx 6.0 . .Sh AUTHORS The .Nm driver was written by .An Joseph Koshy Aq Mt jkoshy@FreeBSD.org . .Sh BUGS The driver samples the state of the kernel's logical processor support at the time of initialization (i.e., at module load time). On CPUs supporting logical processors, the driver could misbehave if logical processors are subsequently enabled or disabled while the driver is active. .Pp On the i386 architecture, the driver requires that the local APIC on the CPU be enabled for sampling mode to be supported. Many single-processor motherboards keep the APIC disabled in BIOS; on such systems .Nm will not support sampling PMCs. .Sh SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS PMCs may be used to monitor the actual behavior of the system on hardware. In situations where this constitutes an undesirable information leak, the following options are available: .Bl -enum .It Set the .Xr sysctl 8 tunable .Va security.bsd.unprivileged_syspmcs to 0. This ensures that unprivileged processes cannot allocate system-wide PMCs and thus cannot observe the hardware behavior of the system as a whole. This tunable may also be set at boot time using .Xr loader 8 , or with .Xr kenv 1 prior to loading the .Nm driver into the kernel. .It Set the .Xr sysctl 8 tunable .Va security.bsd.unprivileged_proc_debug to 0. This will ensure that an unprivileged process cannot attach a PMC to any process other than itself and thus cannot observe the hardware behavior of other processes with the same credentials. .El .Pp System administrators should note that on IA-32 platforms .Fx makes the content of the IA-32 TSC counter available to all processes via the RDTSC instruction. diff --git a/sys/dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_mod.c b/sys/dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_mod.c index ac0d542c8a4d..50b4f3bc9d3b 100644 --- a/sys/dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_mod.c +++ b/sys/dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_mod.c @@ -1,5967 +1,5981 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Joseph Koshy * Copyright (c) 2007 The FreeBSD Foundation * Copyright (c) 2018 Matthew Macy * All rights reserved. * * Portions of this software were developed by A. Joseph Koshy under * sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation and Google, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* needs to be after */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hwpmc_soft.h" #define PMC_EPOCH_ENTER() struct epoch_tracker pmc_et; epoch_enter_preempt(global_epoch_preempt, &pmc_et) #define PMC_EPOCH_EXIT() epoch_exit_preempt(global_epoch_preempt, &pmc_et) /* * Types */ enum pmc_flags { PMC_FLAG_NONE = 0x00, /* do nothing */ PMC_FLAG_REMOVE = 0x01, /* atomically remove entry from hash */ PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE = 0x02, /* add entry to hash if not found */ PMC_FLAG_NOWAIT = 0x04, /* do not wait for mallocs */ }; /* * The offset in sysent where the syscall is allocated. */ static int pmc_syscall_num = NO_SYSCALL; struct pmc_cpu **pmc_pcpu; /* per-cpu state */ pmc_value_t *pmc_pcpu_saved; /* saved PMC values: CSW handling */ #define PMC_PCPU_SAVED(C,R) pmc_pcpu_saved[(R) + md->pmd_npmc*(C)] struct mtx_pool *pmc_mtxpool; static int *pmc_pmcdisp; /* PMC row dispositions */ #define PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_FREE(R) (pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] == 0) #define PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_THREAD(R) (pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] > 0) #define PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_STANDALONE(R) (pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] < 0) #define PMC_MARK_ROW_FREE(R) do { \ pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] = 0; \ } while (0) #define PMC_MARK_ROW_STANDALONE(R) do { \ KASSERT(pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] <= 0, ("[pmc,%d] row disposition error", \ __LINE__)); \ atomic_add_int(&pmc_pmcdisp[(R)], -1); \ KASSERT(pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] >= (-pmc_cpu_max_active()), \ ("[pmc,%d] row disposition error", __LINE__)); \ } while (0) #define PMC_UNMARK_ROW_STANDALONE(R) do { \ atomic_add_int(&pmc_pmcdisp[(R)], 1); \ KASSERT(pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] <= 0, ("[pmc,%d] row disposition error", \ __LINE__)); \ } while (0) #define PMC_MARK_ROW_THREAD(R) do { \ KASSERT(pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] >= 0, ("[pmc,%d] row disposition error", \ __LINE__)); \ atomic_add_int(&pmc_pmcdisp[(R)], 1); \ } while (0) #define PMC_UNMARK_ROW_THREAD(R) do { \ atomic_add_int(&pmc_pmcdisp[(R)], -1); \ KASSERT(pmc_pmcdisp[(R)] >= 0, ("[pmc,%d] row disposition error", \ __LINE__)); \ } while (0) /* various event handlers */ static eventhandler_tag pmc_exit_tag, pmc_fork_tag, pmc_kld_load_tag, pmc_kld_unload_tag; /* Module statistics */ struct pmc_driverstats pmc_stats; /* Machine/processor dependent operations */ static struct pmc_mdep *md; /* * Hash tables mapping owner processes and target threads to PMCs. */ struct mtx pmc_processhash_mtx; /* spin mutex */ static u_long pmc_processhashmask; static LIST_HEAD(pmc_processhash, pmc_process) *pmc_processhash; /* * Hash table of PMC owner descriptors. This table is protected by * the shared PMC "sx" lock. */ static u_long pmc_ownerhashmask; static LIST_HEAD(pmc_ownerhash, pmc_owner) *pmc_ownerhash; /* * List of PMC owners with system-wide sampling PMCs. */ static CK_LIST_HEAD(, pmc_owner) pmc_ss_owners; /* * List of free thread entries. This is protected by the spin * mutex. */ static struct mtx pmc_threadfreelist_mtx; /* spin mutex */ static LIST_HEAD(, pmc_thread) pmc_threadfreelist; static int pmc_threadfreelist_entries=0; #define THREADENTRY_SIZE \ (sizeof(struct pmc_thread) + (md->pmd_npmc * sizeof(struct pmc_threadpmcstate))) /* * Task to free thread descriptors */ static struct task free_task; /* * A map of row indices to classdep structures. */ static struct pmc_classdep **pmc_rowindex_to_classdep; /* * Prototypes */ #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG static int pmc_debugflags_sysctl_handler(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS); static int pmc_debugflags_parse(char *newstr, char *fence); #endif static int load(struct module *module, int cmd, void *arg); static int pmc_add_sample(ring_type_t ring, struct pmc *pm, struct trapframe *tf); static void pmc_add_thread_descriptors_from_proc(struct proc *p, struct pmc_process *pp); static int pmc_attach_process(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pm); static struct pmc *pmc_allocate_pmc_descriptor(void); static struct pmc_owner *pmc_allocate_owner_descriptor(struct proc *p); static int pmc_attach_one_process(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pm); static int pmc_can_allocate_rowindex(struct proc *p, unsigned int ri, int cpu); static int pmc_can_attach(struct pmc *pm, struct proc *p); static void pmc_capture_user_callchain(int cpu, int soft, struct trapframe *tf); static void pmc_cleanup(void); static int pmc_detach_process(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pm); static int pmc_detach_one_process(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pm, int flags); static void pmc_destroy_owner_descriptor(struct pmc_owner *po); static void pmc_destroy_pmc_descriptor(struct pmc *pm); static void pmc_destroy_process_descriptor(struct pmc_process *pp); static struct pmc_owner *pmc_find_owner_descriptor(struct proc *p); static int pmc_find_pmc(pmc_id_t pmcid, struct pmc **pm); static struct pmc *pmc_find_pmc_descriptor_in_process(struct pmc_owner *po, pmc_id_t pmc); static struct pmc_process *pmc_find_process_descriptor(struct proc *p, uint32_t mode); static struct pmc_thread *pmc_find_thread_descriptor(struct pmc_process *pp, struct thread *td, uint32_t mode); static void pmc_force_context_switch(void); static void pmc_link_target_process(struct pmc *pm, struct pmc_process *pp); static void pmc_log_all_process_mappings(struct pmc_owner *po); static void pmc_log_kernel_mappings(struct pmc *pm); static void pmc_log_process_mappings(struct pmc_owner *po, struct proc *p); static void pmc_maybe_remove_owner(struct pmc_owner *po); static void pmc_process_csw_in(struct thread *td); static void pmc_process_csw_out(struct thread *td); static void pmc_process_exit(void *arg, struct proc *p); static void pmc_process_fork(void *arg, struct proc *p1, struct proc *p2, int n); static void pmc_process_samples(int cpu, ring_type_t soft); static void pmc_release_pmc_descriptor(struct pmc *pmc); static void pmc_process_thread_add(struct thread *td); static void pmc_process_thread_delete(struct thread *td); static void pmc_process_thread_userret(struct thread *td); static void pmc_remove_owner(struct pmc_owner *po); static void pmc_remove_process_descriptor(struct pmc_process *pp); static int pmc_start(struct pmc *pm); static int pmc_stop(struct pmc *pm); static int pmc_syscall_handler(struct thread *td, void *syscall_args); static struct pmc_thread *pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_alloc(void); static void pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_drain(void); static void pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_free(struct pmc_thread *pt); static void pmc_unlink_target_process(struct pmc *pmc, struct pmc_process *pp); static int generic_switch_in(struct pmc_cpu *pc, struct pmc_process *pp); static int generic_switch_out(struct pmc_cpu *pc, struct pmc_process *pp); static struct pmc_mdep *pmc_generic_cpu_initialize(void); static void pmc_generic_cpu_finalize(struct pmc_mdep *md); static void pmc_post_callchain_callback(void); static void pmc_process_threadcreate(struct thread *td); static void pmc_process_threadexit(struct thread *td); static void pmc_process_proccreate(struct proc *p); static void pmc_process_allproc(struct pmc *pm); /* * Kernel tunables and sysctl(8) interface. */ SYSCTL_DECL(_kern_hwpmc); SYSCTL_NODE(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, stats, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, 0, "HWPMC stats"); /* Stats. */ SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, intr_ignored, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_intr_ignored, "# of interrupts ignored"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, intr_processed, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_intr_processed, "# of interrupts processed"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, intr_bufferfull, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_intr_bufferfull, "# of interrupts where buffer was full"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, syscalls, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_syscalls, "# of syscalls"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, syscall_errors, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_syscall_errors, "# of syscall_errors"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, buffer_requests, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_buffer_requests, "# of buffer requests"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, buffer_requests_failed, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_buffer_requests_failed, "# of buffer requests which failed"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, log_sweeps, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_log_sweeps, "# of times samples were processed"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, merges, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_merges, "# of times kernel stack was found for user trace"); SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_hwpmc_stats, OID_AUTO, overwrites, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_stats.pm_overwrites, "# of times a sample was overwritten before being logged"); static int pmc_callchaindepth = PMC_CALLCHAIN_DEPTH; SYSCTL_INT(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, callchaindepth, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &pmc_callchaindepth, 0, "depth of call chain records"); char pmc_cpuid[PMC_CPUID_LEN]; SYSCTL_STRING(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, cpuid, CTLFLAG_RD, pmc_cpuid, 0, "cpu version string"); #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG struct pmc_debugflags pmc_debugflags = PMC_DEBUG_DEFAULT_FLAGS; char pmc_debugstr[PMC_DEBUG_STRSIZE]; TUNABLE_STR(PMC_SYSCTL_NAME_PREFIX "debugflags", pmc_debugstr, sizeof(pmc_debugstr)); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, debugflags, CTLTYPE_STRING | CTLFLAG_RWTUN | CTLFLAG_NOFETCH | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, 0, 0, pmc_debugflags_sysctl_handler, "A", "debug flags"); #endif /* * kern.hwpmc.hashrows -- determines the number of rows in the * of the hash table used to look up threads */ static int pmc_hashsize = PMC_HASH_SIZE; SYSCTL_INT(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, hashsize, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &pmc_hashsize, 0, "rows in hash tables"); /* * kern.hwpmc.nsamples --- number of PC samples/callchain stacks per CPU */ static int pmc_nsamples = PMC_NSAMPLES; SYSCTL_INT(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, nsamples, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &pmc_nsamples, 0, "number of PC samples per CPU"); static uint64_t pmc_sample_mask = PMC_NSAMPLES-1; /* * kern.hwpmc.mtxpoolsize -- number of mutexes in the mutex pool. */ static int pmc_mtxpool_size = PMC_MTXPOOL_SIZE; SYSCTL_INT(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, mtxpoolsize, CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &pmc_mtxpool_size, 0, "size of spin mutex pool"); /* * kern.hwpmc.threadfreelist_entries -- number of free entries */ SYSCTL_INT(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, threadfreelist_entries, CTLFLAG_RD, &pmc_threadfreelist_entries, 0, "number of available thread entries"); /* * kern.hwpmc.threadfreelist_max -- maximum number of free entries */ static int pmc_threadfreelist_max = PMC_THREADLIST_MAX; SYSCTL_INT(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, threadfreelist_max, CTLFLAG_RW, &pmc_threadfreelist_max, 0, "maximum number of available thread entries before freeing some"); +/* + * kern.hwpmc.mincount -- minimum sample count + */ +static u_int pmc_mincount = 1000; +SYSCTL_INT(_kern_hwpmc, OID_AUTO, mincount, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, + &pmc_mincount, 0, + "minimum count for sampling counters"); + /* * security.bsd.unprivileged_syspmcs -- allow non-root processes to * allocate system-wide PMCs. * * Allowing unprivileged processes to allocate system PMCs is convenient * if system-wide measurements need to be taken concurrently with other * per-process measurements. This feature is turned off by default. */ static int pmc_unprivileged_syspmcs = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_security_bsd, OID_AUTO, unprivileged_syspmcs, CTLFLAG_RWTUN, &pmc_unprivileged_syspmcs, 0, "allow unprivileged process to allocate system PMCs"); /* * Hash function. Discard the lower 2 bits of the pointer since * these are always zero for our uses. The hash multiplier is * round((2^LONG_BIT) * ((sqrt(5)-1)/2)). */ #if LONG_BIT == 64 #define _PMC_HM 11400714819323198486u #elif LONG_BIT == 32 #define _PMC_HM 2654435769u #else #error Must know the size of 'long' to compile #endif #define PMC_HASH_PTR(P,M) ((((unsigned long) (P) >> 2) * _PMC_HM) & (M)) /* * Syscall structures */ /* The `sysent' for the new syscall */ static struct sysent pmc_sysent = { .sy_narg = 2, .sy_call = pmc_syscall_handler, }; static struct syscall_module_data pmc_syscall_mod = { .chainevh = load, .chainarg = NULL, .offset = &pmc_syscall_num, .new_sysent = &pmc_sysent, .old_sysent = { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = NULL }, .flags = SY_THR_STATIC_KLD, }; static moduledata_t pmc_mod = { .name = PMC_MODULE_NAME, .evhand = syscall_module_handler, .priv = &pmc_syscall_mod, }; #ifdef EARLY_AP_STARTUP DECLARE_MODULE(pmc, pmc_mod, SI_SUB_SYSCALLS, SI_ORDER_ANY); #else DECLARE_MODULE(pmc, pmc_mod, SI_SUB_SMP, SI_ORDER_ANY); #endif MODULE_VERSION(pmc, PMC_VERSION); #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG enum pmc_dbgparse_state { PMCDS_WS, /* in whitespace */ PMCDS_MAJOR, /* seen a major keyword */ PMCDS_MINOR }; static int pmc_debugflags_parse(char *newstr, char *fence) { char c, *p, *q; struct pmc_debugflags *tmpflags; int error, found, *newbits, tmp; size_t kwlen; tmpflags = malloc(sizeof(*tmpflags), M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); p = newstr; error = 0; for (; p < fence && (c = *p); p++) { /* skip white space */ if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') continue; /* look for a keyword followed by "=" */ for (q = p; p < fence && (c = *p) && c != '='; p++) ; if (c != '=') { error = EINVAL; goto done; } kwlen = p - q; newbits = NULL; /* lookup flag group name */ #define DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ(S,F) \ if (kwlen == sizeof(S)-1 && strncmp(q, S, kwlen) == 0) \ newbits = &tmpflags->pdb_ ## F; DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("cpu", CPU); DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("csw", CSW); DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("logging", LOG); DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("module", MOD); DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("md", MDP); DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("owner", OWN); DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("pmc", PMC); DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("process", PRC); DBG_SET_FLAG_MAJ("sampling", SAM); if (newbits == NULL) { error = EINVAL; goto done; } p++; /* skip the '=' */ /* Now parse the individual flags */ tmp = 0; newflag: for (q = p; p < fence && (c = *p); p++) if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ',') break; /* p == fence or c == ws or c == "," or c == 0 */ if ((kwlen = p - q) == 0) { *newbits = tmp; continue; } found = 0; #define DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN(S,F) \ if (kwlen == sizeof(S)-1 && strncmp(q, S, kwlen) == 0) \ tmp |= found = (1 << PMC_DEBUG_MIN_ ## F) /* a '*' denotes all possible flags in the group */ if (kwlen == 1 && *q == '*') tmp = found = ~0; /* look for individual flag names */ DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("allocaterow", ALR); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("allocate", ALL); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("attach", ATT); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("bind", BND); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("config", CFG); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("exec", EXC); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("exit", EXT); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("find", FND); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("flush", FLS); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("fork", FRK); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("getbuf", GTB); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("hook", PMH); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("init", INI); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("intr", INT); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("linktarget", TLK); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("mayberemove", OMR); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("ops", OPS); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("read", REA); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("register", REG); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("release", REL); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("remove", ORM); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("sample", SAM); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("scheduleio", SIO); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("select", SEL); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("signal", SIG); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("swi", SWI); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("swo", SWO); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("start", STA); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("stop", STO); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("syscall", PMS); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("unlinktarget", TUL); DBG_SET_FLAG_MIN("write", WRI); if (found == 0) { /* unrecognized flag name */ error = EINVAL; goto done; } if (c == 0 || c == ' ' || c == '\t') { /* end of flag group */ *newbits = tmp; continue; } p++; goto newflag; } /* save the new flag set */ bcopy(tmpflags, &pmc_debugflags, sizeof(pmc_debugflags)); done: free(tmpflags, M_PMC); return error; } static int pmc_debugflags_sysctl_handler(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { char *fence, *newstr; int error; unsigned int n; (void) arg1; (void) arg2; /* unused parameters */ n = sizeof(pmc_debugstr); newstr = malloc(n, M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); (void) strlcpy(newstr, pmc_debugstr, n); error = sysctl_handle_string(oidp, newstr, n, req); /* if there is a new string, parse and copy it */ if (error == 0 && req->newptr != NULL) { fence = newstr + (n < req->newlen ? n : req->newlen + 1); if ((error = pmc_debugflags_parse(newstr, fence)) == 0) (void) strlcpy(pmc_debugstr, newstr, sizeof(pmc_debugstr)); } free(newstr, M_PMC); return error; } #endif /* * Map a row index to a classdep structure and return the adjusted row * index for the PMC class index. */ static struct pmc_classdep * pmc_ri_to_classdep(struct pmc_mdep *md, int ri, int *adjri) { struct pmc_classdep *pcd; (void) md; KASSERT(ri >= 0 && ri < md->pmd_npmc, ("[pmc,%d] illegal row-index %d", __LINE__, ri)); pcd = pmc_rowindex_to_classdep[ri]; KASSERT(pcd != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] ri %d null pcd", __LINE__, ri)); *adjri = ri - pcd->pcd_ri; KASSERT(*adjri >= 0 && *adjri < pcd->pcd_num, ("[pmc,%d] adjusted row-index %d", __LINE__, *adjri)); return (pcd); } /* * Concurrency Control * * The driver manages the following data structures: * * - target process descriptors, one per target process * - owner process descriptors (and attached lists), one per owner process * - lookup hash tables for owner and target processes * - PMC descriptors (and attached lists) * - per-cpu hardware state * - the 'hook' variable through which the kernel calls into * this module * - the machine hardware state (managed by the MD layer) * * These data structures are accessed from: * * - thread context-switch code * - interrupt handlers (possibly on multiple cpus) * - kernel threads on multiple cpus running on behalf of user * processes doing system calls * - this driver's private kernel threads * * = Locks and Locking strategy = * * The driver uses four locking strategies for its operation: * * - The global SX lock "pmc_sx" is used to protect internal * data structures. * * Calls into the module by syscall() start with this lock being * held in exclusive mode. Depending on the requested operation, * the lock may be downgraded to 'shared' mode to allow more * concurrent readers into the module. Calls into the module from * other parts of the kernel acquire the lock in shared mode. * * This SX lock is held in exclusive mode for any operations that * modify the linkages between the driver's internal data structures. * * The 'pmc_hook' function pointer is also protected by this lock. * It is only examined with the sx lock held in exclusive mode. The * kernel module is allowed to be unloaded only with the sx lock held * in exclusive mode. In normal syscall handling, after acquiring the * pmc_sx lock we first check that 'pmc_hook' is non-null before * proceeding. This prevents races between the thread unloading the module * and other threads seeking to use the module. * * - Lookups of target process structures and owner process structures * cannot use the global "pmc_sx" SX lock because these lookups need * to happen during context switches and in other critical sections * where sleeping is not allowed. We protect these lookup tables * with their own private spin-mutexes, "pmc_processhash_mtx" and * "pmc_ownerhash_mtx". * * - Interrupt handlers work in a lock free manner. At interrupt * time, handlers look at the PMC pointer (phw->phw_pmc) configured * when the PMC was started. If this pointer is NULL, the interrupt * is ignored after updating driver statistics. We ensure that this * pointer is set (using an atomic operation if necessary) before the * PMC hardware is started. Conversely, this pointer is unset atomically * only after the PMC hardware is stopped. * * We ensure that everything needed for the operation of an * interrupt handler is available without it needing to acquire any * locks. We also ensure that a PMC's software state is destroyed only * after the PMC is taken off hardware (on all CPUs). * * - Context-switch handling with process-private PMCs needs more * care. * * A given process may be the target of multiple PMCs. For example, * PMCATTACH and PMCDETACH may be requested by a process on one CPU * while the target process is running on another. A PMC could also * be getting released because its owner is exiting. We tackle * these situations in the following manner: * * - each target process structure 'pmc_process' has an array * of 'struct pmc *' pointers, one for each hardware PMC. * * - At context switch IN time, each "target" PMC in RUNNING state * gets started on hardware and a pointer to each PMC is copied into * the per-cpu phw array. The 'runcount' for the PMC is * incremented. * * - At context switch OUT time, all process-virtual PMCs are stopped * on hardware. The saved value is added to the PMCs value field * only if the PMC is in a non-deleted state (the PMCs state could * have changed during the current time slice). * * Note that since in-between a switch IN on a processor and a switch * OUT, the PMC could have been released on another CPU. Therefore * context switch OUT always looks at the hardware state to turn * OFF PMCs and will update a PMC's saved value only if reachable * from the target process record. * * - OP PMCRELEASE could be called on a PMC at any time (the PMC could * be attached to many processes at the time of the call and could * be active on multiple CPUs). * * We prevent further scheduling of the PMC by marking it as in * state 'DELETED'. If the runcount of the PMC is non-zero then * this PMC is currently running on a CPU somewhere. The thread * doing the PMCRELEASE operation waits by repeatedly doing a * pause() till the runcount comes to zero. * * The contents of a PMC descriptor (struct pmc) are protected using * a spin-mutex. In order to save space, we use a mutex pool. * * In terms of lock types used by witness(4), we use: * - Type "pmc-sx", used by the global SX lock. * - Type "pmc-sleep", for sleep mutexes used by logger threads. * - Type "pmc-per-proc", for protecting PMC owner descriptors. * - Type "pmc-leaf", used for all other spin mutexes. */ /* * save the cpu binding of the current kthread */ void pmc_save_cpu_binding(struct pmc_binding *pb) { PMCDBG0(CPU,BND,2, "save-cpu"); thread_lock(curthread); pb->pb_bound = sched_is_bound(curthread); pb->pb_cpu = curthread->td_oncpu; pb->pb_priority = curthread->td_priority; thread_unlock(curthread); PMCDBG1(CPU,BND,2, "save-cpu cpu=%d", pb->pb_cpu); } /* * restore the cpu binding of the current thread */ void pmc_restore_cpu_binding(struct pmc_binding *pb) { PMCDBG2(CPU,BND,2, "restore-cpu curcpu=%d restore=%d", curthread->td_oncpu, pb->pb_cpu); thread_lock(curthread); sched_bind(curthread, pb->pb_cpu); if (!pb->pb_bound) sched_unbind(curthread); sched_prio(curthread, pb->pb_priority); thread_unlock(curthread); PMCDBG0(CPU,BND,2, "restore-cpu done"); } /* * move execution over the specified cpu and bind it there. */ void pmc_select_cpu(int cpu) { KASSERT(cpu >= 0 && cpu < pmc_cpu_max(), ("[pmc,%d] bad cpu number %d", __LINE__, cpu)); /* Never move to an inactive CPU. */ KASSERT(pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu), ("[pmc,%d] selecting inactive " "CPU %d", __LINE__, cpu)); PMCDBG1(CPU,SEL,2, "select-cpu cpu=%d", cpu); thread_lock(curthread); sched_prio(curthread, PRI_MIN); sched_bind(curthread, cpu); thread_unlock(curthread); KASSERT(curthread->td_oncpu == cpu, ("[pmc,%d] CPU not bound [cpu=%d, curr=%d]", __LINE__, cpu, curthread->td_oncpu)); PMCDBG1(CPU,SEL,2, "select-cpu cpu=%d ok", cpu); } /* * Force a context switch. * * We do this by pause'ing for 1 tick -- invoking mi_switch() is not * guaranteed to force a context switch. */ static void pmc_force_context_switch(void) { pause("pmcctx", 1); } uint64_t pmc_rdtsc(void) { #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__) if (__predict_true(amd_feature & AMDID_RDTSCP)) return rdtscp(); else return rdtsc(); #else return get_cyclecount(); #endif } /* * Get the file name for an executable. This is a simple wrapper * around vn_fullpath(9). */ static void pmc_getfilename(struct vnode *v, char **fullpath, char **freepath) { *fullpath = "unknown"; *freepath = NULL; vn_fullpath(v, fullpath, freepath); } /* * remove an process owning PMCs */ void pmc_remove_owner(struct pmc_owner *po) { struct pmc *pm, *tmp; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); PMCDBG1(OWN,ORM,1, "remove-owner po=%p", po); /* Remove descriptor from the owner hash table */ LIST_REMOVE(po, po_next); /* release all owned PMC descriptors */ LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pm, &po->po_pmcs, pm_next, tmp) { PMCDBG1(OWN,ORM,2, "pmc=%p", pm); KASSERT(pm->pm_owner == po, ("[pmc,%d] owner %p != po %p", __LINE__, pm->pm_owner, po)); pmc_release_pmc_descriptor(pm); /* will unlink from the list */ pmc_destroy_pmc_descriptor(pm); } KASSERT(po->po_sscount == 0, ("[pmc,%d] SS count not zero", __LINE__)); KASSERT(LIST_EMPTY(&po->po_pmcs), ("[pmc,%d] PMC list not empty", __LINE__)); /* de-configure the log file if present */ if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_deconfigure_log(po); } /* * remove an owner process record if all conditions are met. */ static void pmc_maybe_remove_owner(struct pmc_owner *po) { PMCDBG1(OWN,OMR,1, "maybe-remove-owner po=%p", po); /* * Remove owner record if * - this process does not own any PMCs * - this process has not allocated a system-wide sampling buffer */ if (LIST_EMPTY(&po->po_pmcs) && ((po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) == 0)) { pmc_remove_owner(po); pmc_destroy_owner_descriptor(po); } } /* * Add an association between a target process and a PMC. */ static void pmc_link_target_process(struct pmc *pm, struct pmc_process *pp) { int ri; struct pmc_target *pt; #ifdef INVARIANTS struct pmc_thread *pt_td; #endif sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); KASSERT(pm != NULL && pp != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] Null pm %p or pp %p", __LINE__, pm, pp)); KASSERT(PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm)), ("[pmc,%d] Attaching a non-process-virtual pmc=%p to pid=%d", __LINE__, pm, pp->pp_proc->p_pid)); KASSERT(pp->pp_refcnt >= 0 && pp->pp_refcnt <= ((int) md->pmd_npmc - 1), ("[pmc,%d] Illegal reference count %d for process record %p", __LINE__, pp->pp_refcnt, (void *) pp)); ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); PMCDBG3(PRC,TLK,1, "link-target pmc=%p ri=%d pmc-process=%p", pm, ri, pp); #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG LIST_FOREACH(pt, &pm->pm_targets, pt_next) if (pt->pt_process == pp) KASSERT(0, ("[pmc,%d] pp %p already in pmc %p targets", __LINE__, pp, pm)); #endif pt = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc_target), M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); pt->pt_process = pp; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pm->pm_targets, pt, pt_next); atomic_store_rel_ptr((uintptr_t *)&pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc, (uintptr_t)pm); if (pm->pm_owner->po_owner == pp->pp_proc) pm->pm_flags |= PMC_F_ATTACHED_TO_OWNER; /* * Initialize the per-process values at this row index. */ pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval = PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_TS ? pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount : 0; pp->pp_refcnt++; #ifdef INVARIANTS /* Confirm that the per-thread values at this row index are cleared. */ if (PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_TS) { mtx_lock_spin(pp->pp_tdslock); LIST_FOREACH(pt_td, &pp->pp_tds, pt_next) { KASSERT(pt_td->pt_pmcs[ri].pt_pmcval == (pmc_value_t) 0, ("[pmc,%d] pt_pmcval not cleared for pid=%d at " "ri=%d", __LINE__, pp->pp_proc->p_pid, ri)); } mtx_unlock_spin(pp->pp_tdslock); } #endif } /* * Removes the association between a target process and a PMC. */ static void pmc_unlink_target_process(struct pmc *pm, struct pmc_process *pp) { int ri; struct proc *p; struct pmc_target *ptgt; struct pmc_thread *pt; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); KASSERT(pm != NULL && pp != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] Null pm %p or pp %p", __LINE__, pm, pp)); KASSERT(pp->pp_refcnt >= 1 && pp->pp_refcnt <= (int) md->pmd_npmc, ("[pmc,%d] Illegal ref count %d on process record %p", __LINE__, pp->pp_refcnt, (void *) pp)); ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); PMCDBG3(PRC,TUL,1, "unlink-target pmc=%p ri=%d pmc-process=%p", pm, ri, pp); KASSERT(pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc == pm, ("[pmc,%d] PMC ri %d mismatch pmc %p pp->[ri] %p", __LINE__, ri, pm, pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc)); pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc = NULL; pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval = (pmc_value_t) 0; /* Clear the per-thread values at this row index. */ if (PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_TS) { mtx_lock_spin(pp->pp_tdslock); LIST_FOREACH(pt, &pp->pp_tds, pt_next) pt->pt_pmcs[ri].pt_pmcval = (pmc_value_t) 0; mtx_unlock_spin(pp->pp_tdslock); } /* Remove owner-specific flags */ if (pm->pm_owner->po_owner == pp->pp_proc) { pp->pp_flags &= ~PMC_PP_ENABLE_MSR_ACCESS; pm->pm_flags &= ~PMC_F_ATTACHED_TO_OWNER; } pp->pp_refcnt--; /* Remove the target process from the PMC structure */ LIST_FOREACH(ptgt, &pm->pm_targets, pt_next) if (ptgt->pt_process == pp) break; KASSERT(ptgt != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] process %p (pp: %p) not found " "in pmc %p", __LINE__, pp->pp_proc, pp, pm)); LIST_REMOVE(ptgt, pt_next); free(ptgt, M_PMC); /* if the PMC now lacks targets, send the owner a SIGIO */ if (LIST_EMPTY(&pm->pm_targets)) { p = pm->pm_owner->po_owner; PROC_LOCK(p); kern_psignal(p, SIGIO); PROC_UNLOCK(p); PMCDBG2(PRC,SIG,2, "signalling proc=%p signal=%d", p, SIGIO); } } /* * Check if PMC 'pm' may be attached to target process 't'. */ static int pmc_can_attach(struct pmc *pm, struct proc *t) { struct proc *o; /* pmc owner */ struct ucred *oc, *tc; /* owner, target credentials */ int decline_attach, i; /* * A PMC's owner can always attach that PMC to itself. */ if ((o = pm->pm_owner->po_owner) == t) return 0; PROC_LOCK(o); oc = o->p_ucred; crhold(oc); PROC_UNLOCK(o); PROC_LOCK(t); tc = t->p_ucred; crhold(tc); PROC_UNLOCK(t); /* * The effective uid of the PMC owner should match at least one * of the {effective,real,saved} uids of the target process. */ decline_attach = oc->cr_uid != tc->cr_uid && oc->cr_uid != tc->cr_svuid && oc->cr_uid != tc->cr_ruid; /* * Every one of the target's group ids, must be in the owner's * group list. */ for (i = 0; !decline_attach && i < tc->cr_ngroups; i++) decline_attach = !groupmember(tc->cr_groups[i], oc); /* check the read and saved gids too */ if (decline_attach == 0) decline_attach = !groupmember(tc->cr_rgid, oc) || !groupmember(tc->cr_svgid, oc); crfree(tc); crfree(oc); return !decline_attach; } /* * Attach a process to a PMC. */ static int pmc_attach_one_process(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pm) { int ri, error; char *fullpath, *freepath; struct pmc_process *pp; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); PMCDBG5(PRC,ATT,2, "attach-one pm=%p ri=%d proc=%p (%d, %s)", pm, PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm), p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm); /* * Locate the process descriptor corresponding to process 'p', * allocating space as needed. * * Verify that rowindex 'pm_rowindex' is free in the process * descriptor. * * If not, allocate space for a descriptor and link the * process descriptor and PMC. */ ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); /* mark process as using HWPMCs */ PROC_LOCK(p); p->p_flag |= P_HWPMC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(p, PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE)) == NULL) { error = ENOMEM; goto fail; } if (pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc == pm) {/* already present at slot [ri] */ error = EEXIST; goto fail; } if (pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc != NULL) { error = EBUSY; goto fail; } pmc_link_target_process(pm, pp); if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm)) && (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_ATTACHED_TO_OWNER) == 0) pm->pm_flags |= PMC_F_NEEDS_LOGFILE; pm->pm_flags |= PMC_F_ATTACH_DONE; /* mark as attached */ /* issue an attach event to a configured log file */ if (pm->pm_owner->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) { if (p->p_flag & P_KPROC) { fullpath = kernelname; freepath = NULL; } else { pmc_getfilename(p->p_textvp, &fullpath, &freepath); pmclog_process_pmcattach(pm, p->p_pid, fullpath); } free(freepath, M_TEMP); if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) pmc_log_process_mappings(pm->pm_owner, p); } return (0); fail: PROC_LOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~P_HWPMC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); return (error); } /* * Attach a process and optionally its children */ static int pmc_attach_process(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pm) { int error; struct proc *top; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); PMCDBG5(PRC,ATT,1, "attach pm=%p ri=%d proc=%p (%d, %s)", pm, PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm), p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm); /* * If this PMC successfully allowed a GETMSR operation * in the past, disallow further ATTACHes. */ if ((pm->pm_flags & PMC_PP_ENABLE_MSR_ACCESS) != 0) return EPERM; if ((pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_DESCENDANTS) == 0) return pmc_attach_one_process(p, pm); /* * Traverse all child processes, attaching them to * this PMC. */ sx_slock(&proctree_lock); top = p; for (;;) { if ((error = pmc_attach_one_process(p, pm)) != 0) break; if (!LIST_EMPTY(&p->p_children)) p = LIST_FIRST(&p->p_children); else for (;;) { if (p == top) goto done; if (LIST_NEXT(p, p_sibling)) { p = LIST_NEXT(p, p_sibling); break; } p = p->p_pptr; } } if (error) (void) pmc_detach_process(top, pm); done: sx_sunlock(&proctree_lock); return error; } /* * Detach a process from a PMC. If there are no other PMCs tracking * this process, remove the process structure from its hash table. If * 'flags' contains PMC_FLAG_REMOVE, then free the process structure. */ static int pmc_detach_one_process(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pm, int flags) { int ri; struct pmc_process *pp; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); KASSERT(pm != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] null pm pointer", __LINE__)); ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); PMCDBG6(PRC,ATT,2, "detach-one pm=%p ri=%d proc=%p (%d, %s) flags=0x%x", pm, ri, p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm, flags); if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(p, 0)) == NULL) return ESRCH; if (pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc != pm) return EINVAL; pmc_unlink_target_process(pm, pp); /* Issue a detach entry if a log file is configured */ if (pm->pm_owner->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_pmcdetach(pm, p->p_pid); /* * If there are no PMCs targeting this process, we remove its * descriptor from the target hash table and unset the P_HWPMC * flag in the struct proc. */ KASSERT(pp->pp_refcnt >= 0 && pp->pp_refcnt <= (int) md->pmd_npmc, ("[pmc,%d] Illegal refcnt %d for process struct %p", __LINE__, pp->pp_refcnt, pp)); if (pp->pp_refcnt != 0) /* still a target of some PMC */ return 0; pmc_remove_process_descriptor(pp); if (flags & PMC_FLAG_REMOVE) pmc_destroy_process_descriptor(pp); PROC_LOCK(p); p->p_flag &= ~P_HWPMC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); return 0; } /* * Detach a process and optionally its descendants from a PMC. */ static int pmc_detach_process(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pm) { struct proc *top; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); PMCDBG5(PRC,ATT,1, "detach pm=%p ri=%d proc=%p (%d, %s)", pm, PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm), p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm); if ((pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_DESCENDANTS) == 0) return pmc_detach_one_process(p, pm, PMC_FLAG_REMOVE); /* * Traverse all children, detaching them from this PMC. We * ignore errors since we could be detaching a PMC from a * partially attached proc tree. */ sx_slock(&proctree_lock); top = p; for (;;) { (void) pmc_detach_one_process(p, pm, PMC_FLAG_REMOVE); if (!LIST_EMPTY(&p->p_children)) p = LIST_FIRST(&p->p_children); else for (;;) { if (p == top) goto done; if (LIST_NEXT(p, p_sibling)) { p = LIST_NEXT(p, p_sibling); break; } p = p->p_pptr; } } done: sx_sunlock(&proctree_lock); if (LIST_EMPTY(&pm->pm_targets)) pm->pm_flags &= ~PMC_F_ATTACH_DONE; return 0; } /* * Thread context switch IN */ static void pmc_process_csw_in(struct thread *td) { int cpu; unsigned int adjri, ri; struct pmc *pm; struct proc *p; struct pmc_cpu *pc; struct pmc_hw *phw __diagused; pmc_value_t newvalue; struct pmc_process *pp; struct pmc_thread *pt; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; p = td->td_proc; pt = NULL; if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(p, PMC_FLAG_NONE)) == NULL) return; KASSERT(pp->pp_proc == td->td_proc, ("[pmc,%d] not my thread state", __LINE__)); critical_enter(); /* no preemption from this point */ cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); /* td->td_oncpu is invalid */ PMCDBG5(CSW,SWI,1, "cpu=%d proc=%p (%d, %s) pp=%p", cpu, p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm, pp); KASSERT(cpu >= 0 && cpu < pmc_cpu_max(), ("[pmc,%d] weird CPU id %d", __LINE__, cpu)); pc = pmc_pcpu[cpu]; for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) { if ((pm = pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) == NULL) continue; KASSERT(PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm)), ("[pmc,%d] Target PMC in non-virtual mode (%d)", __LINE__, PMC_TO_MODE(pm))); KASSERT(PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm) == ri, ("[pmc,%d] Row index mismatch pmc %d != ri %d", __LINE__, PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm), ri)); /* * Only PMCs that are marked as 'RUNNING' need * be placed on hardware. */ if (pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_RUNNING) continue; KASSERT(counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) >= 0, ("[pmc,%d] pm=%p runcount %ld", __LINE__, (void *) pm, (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); /* increment PMC runcount */ counter_u64_add(pm->pm_runcount, 1); /* configure the HWPMC we are going to use. */ pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); pcd->pcd_config_pmc(cpu, adjri, pm); phw = pc->pc_hwpmcs[ri]; KASSERT(phw != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] null hw pointer", __LINE__)); KASSERT(phw->phw_pmc == pm, ("[pmc,%d] hw->pmc %p != pmc %p", __LINE__, phw->phw_pmc, pm)); /* * Write out saved value and start the PMC. * * Sampling PMCs use a per-thread value, while * counting mode PMCs use a per-pmc value that is * inherited across descendants. */ if (PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_TS) { if (pt == NULL) pt = pmc_find_thread_descriptor(pp, td, PMC_FLAG_NONE); KASSERT(pt != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] No thread found for td=%p", __LINE__, td)); mtx_pool_lock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); /* * If we have a thread descriptor, use the per-thread * counter in the descriptor. If not, we will use * a per-process counter. * * TODO: Remove the per-process "safety net" once * we have thoroughly tested that we don't hit the * above assert. */ if (pt != NULL) { if (pt->pt_pmcs[ri].pt_pmcval > 0) newvalue = pt->pt_pmcs[ri].pt_pmcval; else newvalue = pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount; } else { /* * Use the saved value calculated after the most * recent time a thread using the shared counter * switched out. Reset the saved count in case * another thread from this process switches in * before any threads switch out. */ newvalue = pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval; pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval = pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount; } mtx_pool_unlock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); KASSERT(newvalue > 0 && newvalue <= pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount, ("[pmc,%d] pmcval outside of expected range cpu=%d " "ri=%d pmcval=%jx pm_reloadcount=%jx", __LINE__, cpu, ri, newvalue, pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount)); } else { KASSERT(PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_TC, ("[pmc,%d] illegal mode=%d", __LINE__, PMC_TO_MODE(pm))); mtx_pool_lock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); newvalue = PMC_PCPU_SAVED(cpu, ri) = pm->pm_gv.pm_savedvalue; mtx_pool_unlock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); } PMCDBG3(CSW,SWI,1,"cpu=%d ri=%d new=%jd", cpu, ri, newvalue); pcd->pcd_write_pmc(cpu, adjri, newvalue); /* If a sampling mode PMC, reset stalled state. */ if (PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_TS) pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_stalled = 0; /* Indicate that we desire this to run. */ pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_cpustate = 1; /* Start the PMC. */ pcd->pcd_start_pmc(cpu, adjri); } /* * perform any other architecture/cpu dependent thread * switch-in actions. */ (void) (*md->pmd_switch_in)(pc, pp); critical_exit(); } /* * Thread context switch OUT. */ static void pmc_process_csw_out(struct thread *td) { int cpu; int64_t tmp; struct pmc *pm; struct proc *p; enum pmc_mode mode; struct pmc_cpu *pc; pmc_value_t newvalue; unsigned int adjri, ri; struct pmc_process *pp; struct pmc_thread *pt = NULL; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; /* * Locate our process descriptor; this may be NULL if * this process is exiting and we have already removed * the process from the target process table. * * Note that due to kernel preemption, multiple * context switches may happen while the process is * exiting. * * Note also that if the target process cannot be * found we still need to deconfigure any PMCs that * are currently running on hardware. */ p = td->td_proc; pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(p, PMC_FLAG_NONE); /* * save PMCs */ critical_enter(); cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); /* td->td_oncpu is invalid */ PMCDBG5(CSW,SWO,1, "cpu=%d proc=%p (%d, %s) pp=%p", cpu, p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm, pp); KASSERT(cpu >= 0 && cpu < pmc_cpu_max(), ("[pmc,%d weird CPU id %d", __LINE__, cpu)); pc = pmc_pcpu[cpu]; /* * When a PMC gets unlinked from a target PMC, it will * be removed from the target's pp_pmc[] array. * * However, on a MP system, the target could have been * executing on another CPU at the time of the unlink. * So, at context switch OUT time, we need to look at * the hardware to determine if a PMC is scheduled on * it. */ for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) { pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); pm = NULL; (void) (*pcd->pcd_get_config)(cpu, adjri, &pm); if (pm == NULL) /* nothing at this row index */ continue; mode = PMC_TO_MODE(pm); if (!PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(mode)) continue; /* not a process virtual PMC */ KASSERT(PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm) == ri, ("[pmc,%d] ri mismatch pmc(%d) ri(%d)", __LINE__, PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm), ri)); /* * Change desired state, and then stop if not stalled. * This two-step dance should avoid race conditions where * an interrupt re-enables the PMC after this code has * already checked the pm_stalled flag. */ pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_cpustate = 0; if (pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_stalled == 0) pcd->pcd_stop_pmc(cpu, adjri); KASSERT(counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) > 0, ("[pmc,%d] pm=%p runcount %ld", __LINE__, (void *) pm, (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); /* reduce this PMC's runcount */ counter_u64_add(pm->pm_runcount, -1); /* * If this PMC is associated with this process, * save the reading. */ if (pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_DELETED && pp != NULL && pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc != NULL) { KASSERT(pm == pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc, ("[pmc,%d] pm %p != pp_pmcs[%d] %p", __LINE__, pm, ri, pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc)); KASSERT(pp->pp_refcnt > 0, ("[pmc,%d] pp refcnt = %d", __LINE__, pp->pp_refcnt)); pcd->pcd_read_pmc(cpu, adjri, &newvalue); if (mode == PMC_MODE_TS) { PMCDBG3(CSW,SWO,1,"cpu=%d ri=%d val=%jd (samp)", cpu, ri, newvalue); if (pt == NULL) pt = pmc_find_thread_descriptor(pp, td, PMC_FLAG_NONE); KASSERT(pt != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] No thread found for td=%p", __LINE__, td)); mtx_pool_lock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); /* * If we have a thread descriptor, save the * per-thread counter in the descriptor. If not, * we will update the per-process counter. * * TODO: Remove the per-process "safety net" * once we have thoroughly tested that we * don't hit the above assert. */ if (pt != NULL) pt->pt_pmcs[ri].pt_pmcval = newvalue; else { /* * For sampling process-virtual PMCs, * newvalue is the number of events to * be seen until the next sampling * interrupt. We can just add the events * left from this invocation to the * counter, then adjust in case we * overflow our range. * * (Recall that we reload the counter * every time we use it.) */ pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval += newvalue; if (pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval > pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount) pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval -= pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount; } mtx_pool_unlock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); } else { tmp = newvalue - PMC_PCPU_SAVED(cpu,ri); PMCDBG3(CSW,SWO,1,"cpu=%d ri=%d tmp=%jd (count)", cpu, ri, tmp); /* * For counting process-virtual PMCs, * we expect the count to be * increasing monotonically, modulo a 64 * bit wraparound. */ KASSERT(tmp >= 0, ("[pmc,%d] negative increment cpu=%d " "ri=%d newvalue=%jx saved=%jx " "incr=%jx", __LINE__, cpu, ri, newvalue, PMC_PCPU_SAVED(cpu,ri), tmp)); mtx_pool_lock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); pm->pm_gv.pm_savedvalue += tmp; pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval += tmp; mtx_pool_unlock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); if (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_LOG_PROCCSW) pmclog_process_proccsw(pm, pp, tmp, td); } } /* mark hardware as free */ pcd->pcd_config_pmc(cpu, adjri, NULL); } /* * perform any other architecture/cpu dependent thread * switch out functions. */ (void) (*md->pmd_switch_out)(pc, pp); critical_exit(); } /* * A new thread for a process. */ static void pmc_process_thread_add(struct thread *td) { struct pmc_process *pmc; pmc = pmc_find_process_descriptor(td->td_proc, PMC_FLAG_NONE); if (pmc != NULL) pmc_find_thread_descriptor(pmc, td, PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE); } /* * A thread delete for a process. */ static void pmc_process_thread_delete(struct thread *td) { struct pmc_process *pmc; pmc = pmc_find_process_descriptor(td->td_proc, PMC_FLAG_NONE); if (pmc != NULL) pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_free(pmc_find_thread_descriptor(pmc, td, PMC_FLAG_REMOVE)); } /* * A userret() call for a thread. */ static void pmc_process_thread_userret(struct thread *td) { sched_pin(); pmc_capture_user_callchain(curcpu, PMC_UR, td->td_frame); sched_unpin(); } /* * A mapping change for a process. */ static void pmc_process_mmap(struct thread *td, struct pmckern_map_in *pkm) { int ri; pid_t pid; char *fullpath, *freepath; const struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_owner *po; const struct pmc_process *pp; freepath = fullpath = NULL; MPASS(!in_epoch(global_epoch_preempt)); pmc_getfilename((struct vnode *) pkm->pm_file, &fullpath, &freepath); pid = td->td_proc->p_pid; PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); /* Inform owners of all system-wide sampling PMCs. */ CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_map_in(po, pid, pkm->pm_address, fullpath); if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(td->td_proc, 0)) == NULL) goto done; /* * Inform sampling PMC owners tracking this process. */ for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) if ((pm = pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) != NULL && PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) pmclog_process_map_in(pm->pm_owner, pid, pkm->pm_address, fullpath); done: if (freepath) free(freepath, M_TEMP); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); } /* * Log an munmap request. */ static void pmc_process_munmap(struct thread *td, struct pmckern_map_out *pkm) { int ri; pid_t pid; struct pmc_owner *po; const struct pmc *pm; const struct pmc_process *pp; pid = td->td_proc->p_pid; PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_map_out(po, pid, pkm->pm_address, pkm->pm_address + pkm->pm_size); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(td->td_proc, 0)) == NULL) return; for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) if ((pm = pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) != NULL && PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) pmclog_process_map_out(pm->pm_owner, pid, pkm->pm_address, pkm->pm_address + pkm->pm_size); } /* * Log mapping information about the kernel. */ static void pmc_log_kernel_mappings(struct pmc *pm) { struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmckern_map_in *km, *kmbase; MPASS(in_epoch(global_epoch_preempt) || sx_xlocked(&pmc_sx)); KASSERT(PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm)), ("[pmc,%d] non-sampling PMC (%p) desires mapping information", __LINE__, (void *) pm)); po = pm->pm_owner; if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_INITIAL_MAPPINGS_DONE) return; if (PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_SS) pmc_process_allproc(pm); /* * Log the current set of kernel modules. */ kmbase = linker_hwpmc_list_objects(); for (km = kmbase; km->pm_file != NULL; km++) { PMCDBG2(LOG,REG,1,"%s %p", (char *) km->pm_file, (void *) km->pm_address); pmclog_process_map_in(po, (pid_t) -1, km->pm_address, km->pm_file); } free(kmbase, M_LINKER); po->po_flags |= PMC_PO_INITIAL_MAPPINGS_DONE; } /* * Log the mappings for a single process. */ static void pmc_log_process_mappings(struct pmc_owner *po, struct proc *p) { vm_map_t map; struct vnode *vp; struct vmspace *vm; vm_map_entry_t entry; vm_offset_t last_end; u_int last_timestamp; struct vnode *last_vp; vm_offset_t start_addr; vm_object_t obj, lobj, tobj; char *fullpath, *freepath; last_vp = NULL; last_end = (vm_offset_t) 0; fullpath = freepath = NULL; if ((vm = vmspace_acquire_ref(p)) == NULL) return; map = &vm->vm_map; vm_map_lock_read(map); VM_MAP_ENTRY_FOREACH(entry, map) { if (entry == NULL) { PMCDBG2(LOG,OPS,2, "hwpmc: vm_map entry unexpectedly " "NULL! pid=%d vm_map=%p\n", p->p_pid, map); break; } /* * We only care about executable map entries. */ if ((entry->eflags & MAP_ENTRY_IS_SUB_MAP) || !(entry->protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) || (entry->object.vm_object == NULL)) { continue; } obj = entry->object.vm_object; VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(obj); /* * Walk the backing_object list to find the base * (non-shadowed) vm_object. */ for (lobj = tobj = obj; tobj != NULL; tobj = tobj->backing_object) { if (tobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RLOCK(tobj); if (lobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobj); lobj = tobj; } /* * At this point lobj is the base vm_object and it is locked. */ if (lobj == NULL) { PMCDBG3(LOG,OPS,2, "hwpmc: lobj unexpectedly NULL! pid=%d " "vm_map=%p vm_obj=%p\n", p->p_pid, map, obj); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); continue; } vp = vm_object_vnode(lobj); if (vp == NULL) { if (lobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobj); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); continue; } /* * Skip contiguous regions that point to the same * vnode, so we don't emit redundant MAP-IN * directives. */ if (entry->start == last_end && vp == last_vp) { last_end = entry->end; if (lobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobj); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); continue; } /* * We don't want to keep the proc's vm_map or this * vm_object locked while we walk the pathname, since * vn_fullpath() can sleep. However, if we drop the * lock, it's possible for concurrent activity to * modify the vm_map list. To protect against this, * we save the vm_map timestamp before we release the * lock, and check it after we reacquire the lock * below. */ start_addr = entry->start; last_end = entry->end; last_timestamp = map->timestamp; vm_map_unlock_read(map); vref(vp); if (lobj != obj) VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(lobj); VM_OBJECT_RUNLOCK(obj); freepath = NULL; pmc_getfilename(vp, &fullpath, &freepath); last_vp = vp; vrele(vp); vp = NULL; pmclog_process_map_in(po, p->p_pid, start_addr, fullpath); if (freepath) free(freepath, M_TEMP); vm_map_lock_read(map); /* * If our saved timestamp doesn't match, this means * that the vm_map was modified out from under us and * we can't trust our current "entry" pointer. Do a * new lookup for this entry. If there is no entry * for this address range, vm_map_lookup_entry() will * return the previous one, so we always want to go to * the next entry on the next loop iteration. * * There is an edge condition here that can occur if * there is no entry at or before this address. In * this situation, vm_map_lookup_entry returns * &map->header, which would cause our loop to abort * without processing the rest of the map. However, * in practice this will never happen for process * vm_map. This is because the executable's text * segment is the first mapping in the proc's address * space, and this mapping is never removed until the * process exits, so there will always be a non-header * entry at or before the requested address for * vm_map_lookup_entry to return. */ if (map->timestamp != last_timestamp) vm_map_lookup_entry(map, last_end - 1, &entry); } vm_map_unlock_read(map); vmspace_free(vm); return; } /* * Log mappings for all processes in the system. */ static void pmc_log_all_process_mappings(struct pmc_owner *po) { struct proc *p, *top; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); if ((p = pfind(1)) == NULL) panic("[pmc,%d] Cannot find init", __LINE__); PROC_UNLOCK(p); sx_slock(&proctree_lock); top = p; for (;;) { pmc_log_process_mappings(po, p); if (!LIST_EMPTY(&p->p_children)) p = LIST_FIRST(&p->p_children); else for (;;) { if (p == top) goto done; if (LIST_NEXT(p, p_sibling)) { p = LIST_NEXT(p, p_sibling); break; } p = p->p_pptr; } } done: sx_sunlock(&proctree_lock); } /* * The 'hook' invoked from the kernel proper */ #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG const char *pmc_hooknames[] = { /* these strings correspond to PMC_FN_* in */ "", "EXEC", "CSW-IN", "CSW-OUT", "SAMPLE", "UNUSED1", "UNUSED2", "MMAP", "MUNMAP", "CALLCHAIN-NMI", "CALLCHAIN-SOFT", "SOFTSAMPLING", "THR-CREATE", "THR-EXIT", "THR-USERRET", "THR-CREATE-LOG", "THR-EXIT-LOG", "PROC-CREATE-LOG" }; #endif static int pmc_hook_handler(struct thread *td, int function, void *arg) { int cpu; PMCDBG4(MOD,PMH,1, "hook td=%p func=%d \"%s\" arg=%p", td, function, pmc_hooknames[function], arg); switch (function) { /* * Process exec() */ case PMC_FN_PROCESS_EXEC: { char *fullpath, *freepath; unsigned int ri; int is_using_hwpmcs; struct pmc *pm; struct proc *p; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_process *pp; struct pmckern_procexec *pk; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); p = td->td_proc; pmc_getfilename(p->p_textvp, &fullpath, &freepath); pk = (struct pmckern_procexec *) arg; PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); /* Inform owners of SS mode PMCs of the exec event. */ CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_procexec(po, PMC_ID_INVALID, p->p_pid, pk->pm_entryaddr, fullpath); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); PROC_LOCK(p); is_using_hwpmcs = p->p_flag & P_HWPMC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (!is_using_hwpmcs) { if (freepath) free(freepath, M_TEMP); break; } /* * PMCs are not inherited across an exec(): remove any * PMCs that this process is the owner of. */ if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(p)) != NULL) { pmc_remove_owner(po); pmc_destroy_owner_descriptor(po); } /* * If the process being exec'ed is not the target of any * PMC, we are done. */ if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(p, 0)) == NULL) { if (freepath) free(freepath, M_TEMP); break; } /* * Log the exec event to all monitoring owners. Skip * owners who have already received the event because * they had system sampling PMCs active. */ for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) if ((pm = pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) != NULL) { po = pm->pm_owner; if (po->po_sscount == 0 && po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_procexec(po, pm->pm_id, p->p_pid, pk->pm_entryaddr, fullpath); } if (freepath) free(freepath, M_TEMP); PMCDBG4(PRC,EXC,1, "exec proc=%p (%d, %s) cred-changed=%d", p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm, pk->pm_credentialschanged); if (pk->pm_credentialschanged == 0) /* no change */ break; /* * If the newly exec()'ed process has a different credential * than before, allow it to be the target of a PMC only if * the PMC's owner has sufficient privilege. */ for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) if ((pm = pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) != NULL) if (pmc_can_attach(pm, td->td_proc) != 0) pmc_detach_one_process(td->td_proc, pm, PMC_FLAG_NONE); KASSERT(pp->pp_refcnt >= 0 && pp->pp_refcnt <= (int) md->pmd_npmc, ("[pmc,%d] Illegal ref count %d on pp %p", __LINE__, pp->pp_refcnt, pp)); /* * If this process is no longer the target of any * PMCs, we can remove the process entry and free * up space. */ if (pp->pp_refcnt == 0) { pmc_remove_process_descriptor(pp); pmc_destroy_process_descriptor(pp); break; } } break; case PMC_FN_CSW_IN: pmc_process_csw_in(td); break; case PMC_FN_CSW_OUT: pmc_process_csw_out(td); break; /* * Process accumulated PC samples. * * This function is expected to be called by hardclock() for * each CPU that has accumulated PC samples. * * This function is to be executed on the CPU whose samples * are being processed. */ case PMC_FN_DO_SAMPLES: /* * Clear the cpu specific bit in the CPU mask before * do the rest of the processing. If the NMI handler * gets invoked after the "atomic_clear_int()" call * below but before "pmc_process_samples()" gets * around to processing the interrupt, then we will * come back here at the next hardclock() tick (and * may find nothing to do if "pmc_process_samples()" * had already processed the interrupt). We don't * lose the interrupt sample. */ DPCPU_SET(pmc_sampled, 0); cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); pmc_process_samples(cpu, PMC_HR); pmc_process_samples(cpu, PMC_SR); pmc_process_samples(cpu, PMC_UR); break; case PMC_FN_MMAP: pmc_process_mmap(td, (struct pmckern_map_in *) arg); break; case PMC_FN_MUNMAP: MPASS(in_epoch(global_epoch_preempt) || sx_xlocked(&pmc_sx)); pmc_process_munmap(td, (struct pmckern_map_out *) arg); break; case PMC_FN_PROC_CREATE_LOG: pmc_process_proccreate((struct proc *)arg); break; case PMC_FN_USER_CALLCHAIN: /* * Record a call chain. */ KASSERT(td == curthread, ("[pmc,%d] td != curthread", __LINE__)); pmc_capture_user_callchain(PCPU_GET(cpuid), PMC_HR, (struct trapframe *) arg); KASSERT(td->td_pinned == 1, ("[pmc,%d] invalid td_pinned value", __LINE__)); sched_unpin(); /* Can migrate safely now. */ td->td_pflags &= ~TDP_CALLCHAIN; break; case PMC_FN_USER_CALLCHAIN_SOFT: /* * Record a call chain. */ KASSERT(td == curthread, ("[pmc,%d] td != curthread", __LINE__)); cpu = PCPU_GET(cpuid); pmc_capture_user_callchain(cpu, PMC_SR, (struct trapframe *) arg); KASSERT(td->td_pinned == 1, ("[pmc,%d] invalid td_pinned value", __LINE__)); sched_unpin(); /* Can migrate safely now. */ td->td_pflags &= ~TDP_CALLCHAIN; break; case PMC_FN_SOFT_SAMPLING: /* * Call soft PMC sampling intr. */ pmc_soft_intr((struct pmckern_soft *) arg); break; case PMC_FN_THR_CREATE: pmc_process_thread_add(td); pmc_process_threadcreate(td); break; case PMC_FN_THR_CREATE_LOG: pmc_process_threadcreate(td); break; case PMC_FN_THR_EXIT: KASSERT(td == curthread, ("[pmc,%d] td != curthread", __LINE__)); pmc_process_thread_delete(td); pmc_process_threadexit(td); break; case PMC_FN_THR_EXIT_LOG: pmc_process_threadexit(td); break; case PMC_FN_THR_USERRET: KASSERT(td == curthread, ("[pmc,%d] td != curthread", __LINE__)); pmc_process_thread_userret(td); break; default: #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG KASSERT(0, ("[pmc,%d] unknown hook %d\n", __LINE__, function)); #endif break; } return 0; } /* * allocate a 'struct pmc_owner' descriptor in the owner hash table. */ static struct pmc_owner * pmc_allocate_owner_descriptor(struct proc *p) { uint32_t hindex; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_ownerhash *poh; hindex = PMC_HASH_PTR(p, pmc_ownerhashmask); poh = &pmc_ownerhash[hindex]; /* allocate space for N pointers and one descriptor struct */ po = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc_owner), M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); po->po_owner = p; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(poh, po, po_next); /* insert into hash table */ TAILQ_INIT(&po->po_logbuffers); mtx_init(&po->po_mtx, "pmc-owner-mtx", "pmc-per-proc", MTX_SPIN); PMCDBG4(OWN,ALL,1, "allocate-owner proc=%p (%d, %s) pmc-owner=%p", p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm, po); return po; } static void pmc_destroy_owner_descriptor(struct pmc_owner *po) { PMCDBG4(OWN,REL,1, "destroy-owner po=%p proc=%p (%d, %s)", po, po->po_owner, po->po_owner->p_pid, po->po_owner->p_comm); mtx_destroy(&po->po_mtx); free(po, M_PMC); } /* * Allocate a thread descriptor from the free pool. * * NOTE: This *can* return NULL. */ static struct pmc_thread * pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_alloc(void) { struct pmc_thread *pt; mtx_lock_spin(&pmc_threadfreelist_mtx); if ((pt = LIST_FIRST(&pmc_threadfreelist)) != NULL) { LIST_REMOVE(pt, pt_next); pmc_threadfreelist_entries--; } mtx_unlock_spin(&pmc_threadfreelist_mtx); return (pt); } /* * Add a thread descriptor to the free pool. We use this instead of free() * to maintain a cache of free entries. Additionally, we can safely call * this function when we cannot call free(), such as in a critical section. * */ static void pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_free(struct pmc_thread *pt) { if (pt == NULL) return; memset(pt, 0, THREADENTRY_SIZE); mtx_lock_spin(&pmc_threadfreelist_mtx); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pmc_threadfreelist, pt, pt_next); pmc_threadfreelist_entries++; if (pmc_threadfreelist_entries > pmc_threadfreelist_max) taskqueue_enqueue(taskqueue_fast, &free_task); mtx_unlock_spin(&pmc_threadfreelist_mtx); } /* * An asynchronous task to manage the free list. */ static void pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_free_task(void *arg __unused, int pending __unused) { struct pmc_thread *pt; LIST_HEAD(, pmc_thread) tmplist; int delta; LIST_INIT(&tmplist); /* Determine what changes, if any, we need to make. */ mtx_lock_spin(&pmc_threadfreelist_mtx); delta = pmc_threadfreelist_entries - pmc_threadfreelist_max; while (delta > 0 && (pt = LIST_FIRST(&pmc_threadfreelist)) != NULL) { delta--; pmc_threadfreelist_entries--; LIST_REMOVE(pt, pt_next); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&tmplist, pt, pt_next); } mtx_unlock_spin(&pmc_threadfreelist_mtx); /* If there are entries to free, free them. */ while (!LIST_EMPTY(&tmplist)) { pt = LIST_FIRST(&tmplist); LIST_REMOVE(pt, pt_next); free(pt, M_PMC); } } /* * Drain the thread free pool, freeing all allocations. */ static void pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_drain() { struct pmc_thread *pt, *next; LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pt, &pmc_threadfreelist, pt_next, next) { LIST_REMOVE(pt, pt_next); free(pt, M_PMC); } } /* * find the descriptor corresponding to thread 'td', adding or removing it * as specified by 'mode'. * * Note that this supports additional mode flags in addition to those * supported by pmc_find_process_descriptor(): * PMC_FLAG_NOWAIT: Causes the function to not wait for mallocs. * This makes it safe to call while holding certain other locks. */ static struct pmc_thread * pmc_find_thread_descriptor(struct pmc_process *pp, struct thread *td, uint32_t mode) { struct pmc_thread *pt = NULL, *ptnew = NULL; int wait_flag; KASSERT(td != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] called to add NULL td", __LINE__)); /* * Pre-allocate memory in the PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE case prior to * acquiring the lock. */ if (mode & PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE) { if ((ptnew = pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_alloc()) == NULL) { wait_flag = M_WAITOK; if ((mode & PMC_FLAG_NOWAIT) || in_epoch(global_epoch_preempt)) wait_flag = M_NOWAIT; ptnew = malloc(THREADENTRY_SIZE, M_PMC, wait_flag|M_ZERO); } } mtx_lock_spin(pp->pp_tdslock); LIST_FOREACH(pt, &pp->pp_tds, pt_next) if (pt->pt_td == td) break; if ((mode & PMC_FLAG_REMOVE) && pt != NULL) LIST_REMOVE(pt, pt_next); if ((mode & PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE) && pt == NULL && ptnew != NULL) { pt = ptnew; ptnew = NULL; pt->pt_td = td; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pp->pp_tds, pt, pt_next); } mtx_unlock_spin(pp->pp_tdslock); if (ptnew != NULL) { free(ptnew, M_PMC); } return pt; } /* * Try to add thread descriptors for each thread in a process. */ static void pmc_add_thread_descriptors_from_proc(struct proc *p, struct pmc_process *pp) { struct thread *curtd; struct pmc_thread **tdlist; int i, tdcnt, tdlistsz; KASSERT(!PROC_LOCKED(p), ("[pmc,%d] proc unexpectedly locked", __LINE__)); tdcnt = 32; restart: tdlistsz = roundup2(tdcnt, 32); tdcnt = 0; tdlist = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc_thread*) * tdlistsz, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); PROC_LOCK(p); FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, curtd) tdcnt++; if (tdcnt >= tdlistsz) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); free(tdlist, M_TEMP); goto restart; } /* * Try to add each thread to the list without sleeping. If unable, * add to a queue to retry after dropping the process lock. */ tdcnt = 0; FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, curtd) { tdlist[tdcnt] = pmc_find_thread_descriptor(pp, curtd, PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE|PMC_FLAG_NOWAIT); if (tdlist[tdcnt] == NULL) { PROC_UNLOCK(p); for (i = 0; i <= tdcnt; i++) pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_free(tdlist[i]); free(tdlist, M_TEMP); goto restart; } tdcnt++; } PROC_UNLOCK(p); free(tdlist, M_TEMP); } /* * find the descriptor corresponding to process 'p', adding or removing it * as specified by 'mode'. */ static struct pmc_process * pmc_find_process_descriptor(struct proc *p, uint32_t mode) { uint32_t hindex; struct pmc_process *pp, *ppnew; struct pmc_processhash *pph; hindex = PMC_HASH_PTR(p, pmc_processhashmask); pph = &pmc_processhash[hindex]; ppnew = NULL; /* * Pre-allocate memory in the PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE case since we * cannot call malloc(9) once we hold a spin lock. */ if (mode & PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE) ppnew = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc_process) + md->pmd_npmc * sizeof(struct pmc_targetstate), M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); mtx_lock_spin(&pmc_processhash_mtx); LIST_FOREACH(pp, pph, pp_next) if (pp->pp_proc == p) break; if ((mode & PMC_FLAG_REMOVE) && pp != NULL) LIST_REMOVE(pp, pp_next); if ((mode & PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE) && pp == NULL && ppnew != NULL) { ppnew->pp_proc = p; LIST_INIT(&ppnew->pp_tds); ppnew->pp_tdslock = mtx_pool_find(pmc_mtxpool, ppnew); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(pph, ppnew, pp_next); mtx_unlock_spin(&pmc_processhash_mtx); pp = ppnew; ppnew = NULL; /* Add thread descriptors for this process' current threads. */ pmc_add_thread_descriptors_from_proc(p, pp); } else mtx_unlock_spin(&pmc_processhash_mtx); if (ppnew != NULL) free(ppnew, M_PMC); return pp; } /* * remove a process descriptor from the process hash table. */ static void pmc_remove_process_descriptor(struct pmc_process *pp) { KASSERT(pp->pp_refcnt == 0, ("[pmc,%d] Removing process descriptor %p with count %d", __LINE__, pp, pp->pp_refcnt)); mtx_lock_spin(&pmc_processhash_mtx); LIST_REMOVE(pp, pp_next); mtx_unlock_spin(&pmc_processhash_mtx); } /* * destroy a process descriptor. */ static void pmc_destroy_process_descriptor(struct pmc_process *pp) { struct pmc_thread *pmc_td; while ((pmc_td = LIST_FIRST(&pp->pp_tds)) != NULL) { LIST_REMOVE(pmc_td, pt_next); pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_free(pmc_td); } free(pp, M_PMC); } /* * find an owner descriptor corresponding to proc 'p' */ static struct pmc_owner * pmc_find_owner_descriptor(struct proc *p) { uint32_t hindex; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_ownerhash *poh; hindex = PMC_HASH_PTR(p, pmc_ownerhashmask); poh = &pmc_ownerhash[hindex]; po = NULL; LIST_FOREACH(po, poh, po_next) if (po->po_owner == p) break; PMCDBG5(OWN,FND,1, "find-owner proc=%p (%d, %s) hindex=0x%x -> " "pmc-owner=%p", p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm, hindex, po); return po; } /* * pmc_allocate_pmc_descriptor * * Allocate a pmc descriptor and initialize its * fields. */ static struct pmc * pmc_allocate_pmc_descriptor(void) { struct pmc *pmc; pmc = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc), M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); pmc->pm_runcount = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc->pm_pcpu_state = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc_pcpu_state)*mp_ncpus, M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); PMCDBG1(PMC,ALL,1, "allocate-pmc -> pmc=%p", pmc); return pmc; } /* * Destroy a pmc descriptor. */ static void pmc_destroy_pmc_descriptor(struct pmc *pm) { KASSERT(pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_DELETED || pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_FREE, ("[pmc,%d] destroying non-deleted PMC", __LINE__)); KASSERT(LIST_EMPTY(&pm->pm_targets), ("[pmc,%d] destroying pmc with targets", __LINE__)); KASSERT(pm->pm_owner == NULL, ("[pmc,%d] destroying pmc attached to an owner", __LINE__)); KASSERT(counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) == 0, ("[pmc,%d] pmc has non-zero run count %ld", __LINE__, (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); counter_u64_free(pm->pm_runcount); free(pm->pm_pcpu_state, M_PMC); free(pm, M_PMC); } static void pmc_wait_for_pmc_idle(struct pmc *pm) { #ifdef INVARIANTS volatile int maxloop; maxloop = 100 * pmc_cpu_max(); #endif /* * Loop (with a forced context switch) till the PMC's runcount * comes down to zero. */ pmclog_flush(pm->pm_owner, 1); while (counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) > 0) { pmclog_flush(pm->pm_owner, 1); #ifdef INVARIANTS maxloop--; KASSERT(maxloop > 0, ("[pmc,%d] (ri%d, rc%ld) waiting too long for " "pmc to be free", __LINE__, PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm), (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); #endif pmc_force_context_switch(); } } /* * This function does the following things: * * - detaches the PMC from hardware * - unlinks all target threads that were attached to it * - removes the PMC from its owner's list * - destroys the PMC private mutex * * Once this function completes, the given pmc pointer can be freed by * calling pmc_destroy_pmc_descriptor(). */ static void pmc_release_pmc_descriptor(struct pmc *pm) { enum pmc_mode mode; struct pmc_hw *phw __diagused; u_int adjri, ri, cpu; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_binding pb; struct pmc_process *pp; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; struct pmc_target *ptgt, *tmp; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); KASSERT(pm, ("[pmc,%d] null pmc", __LINE__)); ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); mode = PMC_TO_MODE(pm); PMCDBG3(PMC,REL,1, "release-pmc pmc=%p ri=%d mode=%d", pm, ri, mode); /* * First, we take the PMC off hardware. */ cpu = 0; if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode)) { /* * A system mode PMC runs on a specific CPU. Switch * to this CPU and turn hardware off. */ pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); cpu = PMC_TO_CPU(pm); pmc_select_cpu(cpu); /* switch off non-stalled CPUs */ pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_cpustate = 0; if (pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_RUNNING && pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_stalled == 0) { phw = pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_hwpmcs[ri]; KASSERT(phw->phw_pmc == pm, ("[pmc, %d] pmc ptr ri(%d) hw(%p) pm(%p)", __LINE__, ri, phw->phw_pmc, pm)); PMCDBG2(PMC,REL,2, "stopping cpu=%d ri=%d", cpu, ri); critical_enter(); pcd->pcd_stop_pmc(cpu, adjri); critical_exit(); } PMCDBG2(PMC,REL,2, "decfg cpu=%d ri=%d", cpu, ri); critical_enter(); pcd->pcd_config_pmc(cpu, adjri, NULL); critical_exit(); /* adjust the global and process count of SS mode PMCs */ if (mode == PMC_MODE_SS && pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_RUNNING) { po = pm->pm_owner; po->po_sscount--; if (po->po_sscount == 0) { atomic_subtract_rel_int(&pmc_ss_count, 1); CK_LIST_REMOVE(po, po_ssnext); epoch_wait_preempt(global_epoch_preempt); } } pm->pm_state = PMC_STATE_DELETED; pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); /* * We could have references to this PMC structure in * the per-cpu sample queues. Wait for the queue to * drain. */ pmc_wait_for_pmc_idle(pm); } else if (PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(mode)) { /* * A virtual PMC could be running on multiple CPUs at * a given instant. * * By marking its state as DELETED, we ensure that * this PMC is never further scheduled on hardware. * * Then we wait till all CPUs are done with this PMC. */ pm->pm_state = PMC_STATE_DELETED; /* Wait for the PMCs runcount to come to zero. */ pmc_wait_for_pmc_idle(pm); /* * At this point the PMC is off all CPUs and cannot be * freshly scheduled onto a CPU. It is now safe to * unlink all targets from this PMC. If a * process-record's refcount falls to zero, we remove * it from the hash table. The module-wide SX lock * protects us from races. */ LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(ptgt, &pm->pm_targets, pt_next, tmp) { pp = ptgt->pt_process; pmc_unlink_target_process(pm, pp); /* frees 'ptgt' */ PMCDBG1(PMC,REL,3, "pp->refcnt=%d", pp->pp_refcnt); /* * If the target process record shows that no * PMCs are attached to it, reclaim its space. */ if (pp->pp_refcnt == 0) { pmc_remove_process_descriptor(pp); pmc_destroy_process_descriptor(pp); } } cpu = curthread->td_oncpu; /* setup cpu for pmd_release() */ } /* * Release any MD resources */ (void) pcd->pcd_release_pmc(cpu, adjri, pm); /* * Update row disposition */ if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) PMC_UNMARK_ROW_STANDALONE(ri); else PMC_UNMARK_ROW_THREAD(ri); /* unlink from the owner's list */ if (pm->pm_owner) { LIST_REMOVE(pm, pm_next); pm->pm_owner = NULL; } } /* * Register an owner and a pmc. */ static int pmc_register_owner(struct proc *p, struct pmc *pmc) { struct pmc_owner *po; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(p)) == NULL) if ((po = pmc_allocate_owner_descriptor(p)) == NULL) return ENOMEM; KASSERT(pmc->pm_owner == NULL, ("[pmc,%d] attempting to own an initialized PMC", __LINE__)); pmc->pm_owner = po; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&po->po_pmcs, pmc, pm_next); PROC_LOCK(p); p->p_flag |= P_HWPMC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_pmcallocate(pmc); PMCDBG2(PMC,REG,1, "register-owner pmc-owner=%p pmc=%p", po, pmc); return 0; } /* * Return the current row disposition: * == 0 => FREE * > 0 => PROCESS MODE * < 0 => SYSTEM MODE */ int pmc_getrowdisp(int ri) { return pmc_pmcdisp[ri]; } /* * Check if a PMC at row index 'ri' can be allocated to the current * process. * * Allocation can fail if: * - the current process is already being profiled by a PMC at index 'ri', * attached to it via OP_PMCATTACH. * - the current process has already allocated a PMC at index 'ri' * via OP_ALLOCATE. */ static int pmc_can_allocate_rowindex(struct proc *p, unsigned int ri, int cpu) { enum pmc_mode mode; struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_process *pp; PMCDBG5(PMC,ALR,1, "can-allocate-rowindex proc=%p (%d, %s) ri=%d " "cpu=%d", p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm, ri, cpu); /* * We shouldn't have already allocated a process-mode PMC at * row index 'ri'. * * We shouldn't have allocated a system-wide PMC on the same * CPU and same RI. */ if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(p)) != NULL) LIST_FOREACH(pm, &po->po_pmcs, pm_next) { if (PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm) == ri) { mode = PMC_TO_MODE(pm); if (PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(mode)) return EEXIST; if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode) && (int) PMC_TO_CPU(pm) == cpu) return EEXIST; } } /* * We also shouldn't be the target of any PMC at this index * since otherwise a PMC_ATTACH to ourselves will fail. */ if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(p, 0)) != NULL) if (pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) return EEXIST; PMCDBG4(PMC,ALR,2, "can-allocate-rowindex proc=%p (%d, %s) ri=%d ok", p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm, ri); return 0; } /* * Check if a given PMC at row index 'ri' can be currently used in * mode 'mode'. */ static int pmc_can_allocate_row(int ri, enum pmc_mode mode) { enum pmc_disp disp; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); PMCDBG2(PMC,ALR,1, "can-allocate-row ri=%d mode=%d", ri, mode); if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode)) disp = PMC_DISP_STANDALONE; else disp = PMC_DISP_THREAD; /* * check disposition for PMC row 'ri': * * Expected disposition Row-disposition Result * * STANDALONE STANDALONE or FREE proceed * STANDALONE THREAD fail * THREAD THREAD or FREE proceed * THREAD STANDALONE fail */ if (!PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_FREE(ri) && !(disp == PMC_DISP_THREAD && PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_THREAD(ri)) && !(disp == PMC_DISP_STANDALONE && PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_STANDALONE(ri))) return EBUSY; /* * All OK */ PMCDBG2(PMC,ALR,2, "can-allocate-row ri=%d mode=%d ok", ri, mode); return 0; } /* * Find a PMC descriptor with user handle 'pmcid' for thread 'td'. */ static struct pmc * pmc_find_pmc_descriptor_in_process(struct pmc_owner *po, pmc_id_t pmcid) { struct pmc *pm; KASSERT(PMC_ID_TO_ROWINDEX(pmcid) < md->pmd_npmc, ("[pmc,%d] Illegal pmc index %d (max %d)", __LINE__, PMC_ID_TO_ROWINDEX(pmcid), md->pmd_npmc)); LIST_FOREACH(pm, &po->po_pmcs, pm_next) if (pm->pm_id == pmcid) return pm; return NULL; } static int pmc_find_pmc(pmc_id_t pmcid, struct pmc **pmc) { struct pmc *pm, *opm; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_process *pp; PMCDBG1(PMC,FND,1, "find-pmc id=%d", pmcid); if (PMC_ID_TO_ROWINDEX(pmcid) >= md->pmd_npmc) return (EINVAL); if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(curthread->td_proc)) == NULL) { /* * In case of PMC_F_DESCENDANTS child processes we will not find * the current process in the owners hash list. Find the owner * process first and from there lookup the po. */ if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(curthread->td_proc, PMC_FLAG_NONE)) == NULL) { return ESRCH; } else { opm = pp->pp_pmcs[PMC_ID_TO_ROWINDEX(pmcid)].pp_pmc; if (opm == NULL) return ESRCH; if ((opm->pm_flags & (PMC_F_ATTACHED_TO_OWNER| PMC_F_DESCENDANTS)) != (PMC_F_ATTACHED_TO_OWNER| PMC_F_DESCENDANTS)) return ESRCH; po = opm->pm_owner; } } if ((pm = pmc_find_pmc_descriptor_in_process(po, pmcid)) == NULL) return EINVAL; PMCDBG2(PMC,FND,2, "find-pmc id=%d -> pmc=%p", pmcid, pm); *pmc = pm; return 0; } /* * Start a PMC. */ static int pmc_start(struct pmc *pm) { enum pmc_mode mode; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_binding pb; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; int adjri, error, cpu, ri; KASSERT(pm != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] null pm", __LINE__)); mode = PMC_TO_MODE(pm); ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); error = 0; PMCDBG3(PMC,OPS,1, "start pmc=%p mode=%d ri=%d", pm, mode, ri); po = pm->pm_owner; /* * Disallow PMCSTART if a logfile is required but has not been * configured yet. */ if ((pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_NEEDS_LOGFILE) && (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) == 0) return (EDOOFUS); /* programming error */ /* * If this is a sampling mode PMC, log mapping information for * the kernel modules that are currently loaded. */ if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) pmc_log_kernel_mappings(pm); if (PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(mode)) { /* * If a PMCATTACH has never been done on this PMC, * attach it to its owner process. */ if (LIST_EMPTY(&pm->pm_targets)) error = (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_ATTACH_DONE) ? ESRCH : pmc_attach_process(po->po_owner, pm); /* * If the PMC is attached to its owner, then force a context * switch to ensure that the MD state gets set correctly. */ if (error == 0) { pm->pm_state = PMC_STATE_RUNNING; if (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_ATTACHED_TO_OWNER) pmc_force_context_switch(); } return (error); } /* * A system-wide PMC. * * Add the owner to the global list if this is a system-wide * sampling PMC. */ if (mode == PMC_MODE_SS) { /* * Log mapping information for all existing processes in the * system. Subsequent mappings are logged as they happen; * see pmc_process_mmap(). */ if (po->po_logprocmaps == 0) { pmc_log_all_process_mappings(po); po->po_logprocmaps = 1; } po->po_sscount++; if (po->po_sscount == 1) { atomic_add_rel_int(&pmc_ss_count, 1); CK_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pmc_ss_owners, po, po_ssnext); PMCDBG1(PMC,OPS,1, "po=%p in global list", po); } } /* * Move to the CPU associated with this * PMC, and start the hardware. */ pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); cpu = PMC_TO_CPU(pm); if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) return (ENXIO); pmc_select_cpu(cpu); /* * global PMCs are configured at allocation time * so write out the initial value and start the PMC. */ pm->pm_state = PMC_STATE_RUNNING; critical_enter(); if ((error = pcd->pcd_write_pmc(cpu, adjri, PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(mode) ? pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount : pm->pm_sc.pm_initial)) == 0) { /* If a sampling mode PMC, reset stalled state. */ if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(mode)) pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_stalled = 0; /* Indicate that we desire this to run. Start it. */ pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_cpustate = 1; error = pcd->pcd_start_pmc(cpu, adjri); } critical_exit(); pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); return (error); } /* * Stop a PMC. */ static int pmc_stop(struct pmc *pm) { struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_binding pb; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; int adjri, cpu, error, ri; KASSERT(pm != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] null pmc", __LINE__)); PMCDBG3(PMC,OPS,1, "stop pmc=%p mode=%d ri=%d", pm, PMC_TO_MODE(pm), PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm)); pm->pm_state = PMC_STATE_STOPPED; /* * If the PMC is a virtual mode one, changing the state to * non-RUNNING is enough to ensure that the PMC never gets * scheduled. * * If this PMC is current running on a CPU, then it will * handled correctly at the time its target process is context * switched out. */ if (PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) return 0; /* * A system-mode PMC. Move to the CPU associated with * this PMC, and stop the hardware. We update the * 'initial count' so that a subsequent PMCSTART will * resume counting from the current hardware count. */ pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); cpu = PMC_TO_CPU(pm); KASSERT(cpu >= 0 && cpu < pmc_cpu_max(), ("[pmc,%d] illegal cpu=%d", __LINE__, cpu)); if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) return ENXIO; pmc_select_cpu(cpu); ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_cpustate = 0; critical_enter(); if ((error = pcd->pcd_stop_pmc(cpu, adjri)) == 0) error = pcd->pcd_read_pmc(cpu, adjri, &pm->pm_sc.pm_initial); critical_exit(); pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); po = pm->pm_owner; /* remove this owner from the global list of SS PMC owners */ if (PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_SS) { po->po_sscount--; if (po->po_sscount == 0) { atomic_subtract_rel_int(&pmc_ss_count, 1); CK_LIST_REMOVE(po, po_ssnext); epoch_wait_preempt(global_epoch_preempt); PMCDBG1(PMC,OPS,2,"po=%p removed from global list", po); } } return (error); } static struct pmc_classdep * pmc_class_to_classdep(enum pmc_class class) { int n; for (n = 0; n < md->pmd_nclass; n++) if (md->pmd_classdep[n].pcd_class == class) return (&md->pmd_classdep[n]); return (NULL); } #if defined(HWPMC_DEBUG) && defined(KTR) static const char *pmc_op_to_name[] = { #undef __PMC_OP #define __PMC_OP(N, D) #N , __PMC_OPS() NULL }; #endif /* * The syscall interface */ #define PMC_GET_SX_XLOCK(...) do { \ sx_xlock(&pmc_sx); \ if (pmc_hook == NULL) { \ sx_xunlock(&pmc_sx); \ return __VA_ARGS__; \ } \ } while (0) #define PMC_DOWNGRADE_SX() do { \ sx_downgrade(&pmc_sx); \ is_sx_downgraded = 1; \ } while (0) static int pmc_syscall_handler(struct thread *td, void *syscall_args) { int error, is_sx_downgraded, op; struct pmc_syscall_args *c; void *pmclog_proc_handle; void *arg; c = (struct pmc_syscall_args *)syscall_args; op = c->pmop_code; arg = c->pmop_data; /* PMC isn't set up yet */ if (pmc_hook == NULL) return (EINVAL); if (op == PMC_OP_CONFIGURELOG) { /* * We cannot create the logging process inside * pmclog_configure_log() because there is a LOR * between pmc_sx and process structure locks. * Instead, pre-create the process and ignite the loop * if everything is fine, otherwise direct the process * to exit. */ error = pmclog_proc_create(td, &pmclog_proc_handle); if (error != 0) goto done_syscall; } PMC_GET_SX_XLOCK(ENOSYS); is_sx_downgraded = 0; PMCDBG3(MOD,PMS,1, "syscall op=%d \"%s\" arg=%p", op, pmc_op_to_name[op], arg); error = 0; counter_u64_add(pmc_stats.pm_syscalls, 1); switch (op) { /* * Configure a log file. * * XXX This OP will be reworked. */ case PMC_OP_CONFIGURELOG: { struct proc *p; struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_op_configurelog cl; if ((error = copyin(arg, &cl, sizeof(cl))) != 0) { pmclog_proc_ignite(pmclog_proc_handle, NULL); break; } /* mark this process as owning a log file */ p = td->td_proc; if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(p)) == NULL) if ((po = pmc_allocate_owner_descriptor(p)) == NULL) { pmclog_proc_ignite(pmclog_proc_handle, NULL); error = ENOMEM; break; } /* * If a valid fd was passed in, try to configure that, * otherwise if 'fd' was less than zero and there was * a log file configured, flush its buffers and * de-configure it. */ if (cl.pm_logfd >= 0) { error = pmclog_configure_log(md, po, cl.pm_logfd); pmclog_proc_ignite(pmclog_proc_handle, error == 0 ? po : NULL); } else if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) { pmclog_proc_ignite(pmclog_proc_handle, NULL); error = pmclog_close(po); if (error == 0) { LIST_FOREACH(pm, &po->po_pmcs, pm_next) if (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_NEEDS_LOGFILE && pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_RUNNING) pmc_stop(pm); error = pmclog_deconfigure_log(po); } } else { pmclog_proc_ignite(pmclog_proc_handle, NULL); error = EINVAL; } } break; /* * Flush a log file. */ case PMC_OP_FLUSHLOG: { struct pmc_owner *po; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(td->td_proc)) == NULL) { error = EINVAL; break; } error = pmclog_flush(po, 0); } break; /* * Close a log file. */ case PMC_OP_CLOSELOG: { struct pmc_owner *po; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(td->td_proc)) == NULL) { error = EINVAL; break; } error = pmclog_close(po); } break; /* * Retrieve hardware configuration. */ case PMC_OP_GETCPUINFO: /* CPU information */ { struct pmc_op_getcpuinfo gci; struct pmc_classinfo *pci; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; int cl; memset(&gci, 0, sizeof(gci)); gci.pm_cputype = md->pmd_cputype; gci.pm_ncpu = pmc_cpu_max(); gci.pm_npmc = md->pmd_npmc; gci.pm_nclass = md->pmd_nclass; pci = gci.pm_classes; pcd = md->pmd_classdep; for (cl = 0; cl < md->pmd_nclass; cl++, pci++, pcd++) { pci->pm_caps = pcd->pcd_caps; pci->pm_class = pcd->pcd_class; pci->pm_width = pcd->pcd_width; pci->pm_num = pcd->pcd_num; } error = copyout(&gci, arg, sizeof(gci)); } break; /* * Retrieve soft events list. */ case PMC_OP_GETDYNEVENTINFO: { enum pmc_class cl; enum pmc_event ev; struct pmc_op_getdyneventinfo *gei; struct pmc_dyn_event_descr dev; struct pmc_soft *ps; uint32_t nevent; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_LOCKED); gei = (struct pmc_op_getdyneventinfo *) arg; if ((error = copyin(&gei->pm_class, &cl, sizeof(cl))) != 0) break; /* Only SOFT class is dynamic. */ if (cl != PMC_CLASS_SOFT) { error = EINVAL; break; } nevent = 0; for (ev = PMC_EV_SOFT_FIRST; (int)ev <= PMC_EV_SOFT_LAST; ev++) { ps = pmc_soft_ev_acquire(ev); if (ps == NULL) continue; bcopy(&ps->ps_ev, &dev, sizeof(dev)); pmc_soft_ev_release(ps); error = copyout(&dev, &gei->pm_events[nevent], sizeof(struct pmc_dyn_event_descr)); if (error != 0) break; nevent++; } if (error != 0) break; error = copyout(&nevent, &gei->pm_nevent, sizeof(nevent)); } break; /* * Get module statistics */ case PMC_OP_GETDRIVERSTATS: { struct pmc_op_getdriverstats gms; #define CFETCH(a, b, field) a.field = counter_u64_fetch(b.field) CFETCH(gms, pmc_stats, pm_intr_ignored); CFETCH(gms, pmc_stats, pm_intr_processed); CFETCH(gms, pmc_stats, pm_intr_bufferfull); CFETCH(gms, pmc_stats, pm_syscalls); CFETCH(gms, pmc_stats, pm_syscall_errors); CFETCH(gms, pmc_stats, pm_buffer_requests); CFETCH(gms, pmc_stats, pm_buffer_requests_failed); CFETCH(gms, pmc_stats, pm_log_sweeps); #undef CFETCH error = copyout(&gms, arg, sizeof(gms)); } break; /* * Retrieve module version number */ case PMC_OP_GETMODULEVERSION: { uint32_t cv, modv; /* retrieve the client's idea of the ABI version */ if ((error = copyin(arg, &cv, sizeof(uint32_t))) != 0) break; /* don't service clients newer than our driver */ modv = PMC_VERSION; if ((cv & 0xFFFF0000) > (modv & 0xFFFF0000)) { error = EPROGMISMATCH; break; } error = copyout(&modv, arg, sizeof(int)); } break; /* * Retrieve the state of all the PMCs on a given * CPU. */ case PMC_OP_GETPMCINFO: { int ari; struct pmc *pm; size_t pmcinfo_size; uint32_t cpu, n, npmc; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_binding pb; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; struct pmc_info *p, *pmcinfo; struct pmc_op_getpmcinfo *gpi; PMC_DOWNGRADE_SX(); gpi = (struct pmc_op_getpmcinfo *) arg; if ((error = copyin(&gpi->pm_cpu, &cpu, sizeof(cpu))) != 0) break; if (cpu >= pmc_cpu_max()) { error = EINVAL; break; } if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) { error = ENXIO; break; } /* switch to CPU 'cpu' */ pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); pmc_select_cpu(cpu); npmc = md->pmd_npmc; pmcinfo_size = npmc * sizeof(struct pmc_info); pmcinfo = malloc(pmcinfo_size, M_PMC, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); p = pmcinfo; for (n = 0; n < md->pmd_npmc; n++, p++) { pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, n, &ari); KASSERT(pcd != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] null pcd ri=%d", __LINE__, n)); if ((error = pcd->pcd_describe(cpu, ari, p, &pm)) != 0) break; if (PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_STANDALONE(n)) p->pm_rowdisp = PMC_DISP_STANDALONE; else if (PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_THREAD(n)) p->pm_rowdisp = PMC_DISP_THREAD; else p->pm_rowdisp = PMC_DISP_FREE; p->pm_ownerpid = -1; if (pm == NULL) /* no PMC associated */ continue; po = pm->pm_owner; KASSERT(po->po_owner != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] pmc_owner had a null proc pointer", __LINE__)); p->pm_ownerpid = po->po_owner->p_pid; p->pm_mode = PMC_TO_MODE(pm); p->pm_event = pm->pm_event; p->pm_flags = pm->pm_flags; if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) p->pm_reloadcount = pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount; } pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); /* now copy out the PMC info collected */ if (error == 0) error = copyout(pmcinfo, &gpi->pm_pmcs, pmcinfo_size); free(pmcinfo, M_PMC); } break; /* * Set the administrative state of a PMC. I.e. whether * the PMC is to be used or not. */ case PMC_OP_PMCADMIN: { int cpu, ri; enum pmc_state request; struct pmc_cpu *pc; struct pmc_hw *phw; struct pmc_op_pmcadmin pma; struct pmc_binding pb; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); KASSERT(td == curthread, ("[pmc,%d] td != curthread", __LINE__)); error = priv_check(td, PRIV_PMC_MANAGE); if (error) break; if ((error = copyin(arg, &pma, sizeof(pma))) != 0) break; cpu = pma.pm_cpu; if (cpu < 0 || cpu >= (int) pmc_cpu_max()) { error = EINVAL; break; } if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) { error = ENXIO; break; } request = pma.pm_state; if (request != PMC_STATE_DISABLED && request != PMC_STATE_FREE) { error = EINVAL; break; } ri = pma.pm_pmc; /* pmc id == row index */ if (ri < 0 || ri >= (int) md->pmd_npmc) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* * We can't disable a PMC with a row-index allocated * for process virtual PMCs. */ if (PMC_ROW_DISP_IS_THREAD(ri) && request == PMC_STATE_DISABLED) { error = EBUSY; break; } /* * otherwise, this PMC on this CPU is either free or * in system-wide mode. */ pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); pmc_select_cpu(cpu); pc = pmc_pcpu[cpu]; phw = pc->pc_hwpmcs[ri]; /* * XXX do we need some kind of 'forced' disable? */ if (phw->phw_pmc == NULL) { if (request == PMC_STATE_DISABLED && (phw->phw_state & PMC_PHW_FLAG_IS_ENABLED)) { phw->phw_state &= ~PMC_PHW_FLAG_IS_ENABLED; PMC_MARK_ROW_STANDALONE(ri); } else if (request == PMC_STATE_FREE && (phw->phw_state & PMC_PHW_FLAG_IS_ENABLED) == 0) { phw->phw_state |= PMC_PHW_FLAG_IS_ENABLED; PMC_UNMARK_ROW_STANDALONE(ri); } /* other cases are a no-op */ } else error = EBUSY; pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); } break; /* * Allocate a PMC. */ case PMC_OP_PMCALLOCATE: { int adjri, n; u_int cpu; uint32_t caps; struct pmc *pmc; enum pmc_mode mode; struct pmc_hw *phw; struct pmc_binding pb; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; struct pmc_op_pmcallocate pa; if ((error = copyin(arg, &pa, sizeof(pa))) != 0) break; caps = pa.pm_caps; mode = pa.pm_mode; cpu = pa.pm_cpu; if ((mode != PMC_MODE_SS && mode != PMC_MODE_SC && mode != PMC_MODE_TS && mode != PMC_MODE_TC) || (cpu != (u_int) PMC_CPU_ANY && cpu >= pmc_cpu_max())) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* * Virtual PMCs should only ask for a default CPU. * System mode PMCs need to specify a non-default CPU. */ if ((PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(mode) && cpu != (u_int) PMC_CPU_ANY) || (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode) && cpu == (u_int) PMC_CPU_ANY)) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* * Check that an inactive CPU is not being asked for. */ if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode) && !pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) { error = ENXIO; break; } /* * Refuse an allocation for a system-wide PMC if this * process has been jailed, or if this process lacks * super-user credentials and the sysctl tunable * 'security.bsd.unprivileged_syspmcs' is zero. */ if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode)) { if (jailed(curthread->td_ucred)) { error = EPERM; break; } if (!pmc_unprivileged_syspmcs) { error = priv_check(curthread, PRIV_PMC_SYSTEM); if (error) break; } } /* * Look for valid values for 'pm_flags' */ if ((pa.pm_flags & ~(PMC_F_DESCENDANTS | PMC_F_LOG_PROCCSW | PMC_F_LOG_PROCEXIT | PMC_F_CALLCHAIN | PMC_F_USERCALLCHAIN)) != 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* PMC_F_USERCALLCHAIN is only valid with PMC_F_CALLCHAIN */ if ((pa.pm_flags & (PMC_F_CALLCHAIN | PMC_F_USERCALLCHAIN)) == PMC_F_USERCALLCHAIN) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* PMC_F_USERCALLCHAIN is only valid for sampling mode */ if (pa.pm_flags & PMC_F_USERCALLCHAIN && mode != PMC_MODE_TS && mode != PMC_MODE_SS) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* process logging options are not allowed for system PMCs */ if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode) && (pa.pm_flags & (PMC_F_LOG_PROCCSW | PMC_F_LOG_PROCEXIT))) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* * All sampling mode PMCs need to be able to interrupt the * CPU. */ if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(mode)) caps |= PMC_CAP_INTERRUPT; /* A valid class specifier should have been passed in. */ pcd = pmc_class_to_classdep(pa.pm_class); if (pcd == NULL) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* The requested PMC capabilities should be feasible. */ if ((pcd->pcd_caps & caps) != caps) { error = EOPNOTSUPP; break; } PMCDBG4(PMC,ALL,2, "event=%d caps=0x%x mode=%d cpu=%d", pa.pm_ev, caps, mode, cpu); pmc = pmc_allocate_pmc_descriptor(); pmc->pm_id = PMC_ID_MAKE_ID(cpu,pa.pm_mode,pa.pm_class, PMC_ID_INVALID); pmc->pm_event = pa.pm_ev; pmc->pm_state = PMC_STATE_FREE; pmc->pm_caps = caps; pmc->pm_flags = pa.pm_flags; /* XXX set lower bound on sampling for process counters */ if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(mode)) { /* - * Don't permit requested sample rate to be less than 1000 + * Don't permit requested sample rate to be + * less than pmc_mincount. */ - if (pa.pm_count < 1000) - log(LOG_WARNING, - "pmcallocate: passed sample rate %ju - setting to 1000\n", - (uintmax_t)pa.pm_count); - pmc->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount = MAX(1000, pa.pm_count); + if (pa.pm_count < MAX(1, pmc_mincount)) + log(LOG_WARNING, "pmcallocate: passed sample " + "rate %ju - setting to %u\n", + (uintmax_t)pa.pm_count, + MAX(1, pmc_mincount)); + pmc->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount = MAX(MAX(1, pmc_mincount), + pa.pm_count); } else pmc->pm_sc.pm_initial = pa.pm_count; /* switch thread to CPU 'cpu' */ pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); #define PMC_IS_SHAREABLE_PMC(cpu, n) \ (pmc_pcpu[(cpu)]->pc_hwpmcs[(n)]->phw_state & \ PMC_PHW_FLAG_IS_SHAREABLE) #define PMC_IS_UNALLOCATED(cpu, n) \ (pmc_pcpu[(cpu)]->pc_hwpmcs[(n)]->phw_pmc == NULL) if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode)) { pmc_select_cpu(cpu); for (n = pcd->pcd_ri; n < (int) md->pmd_npmc; n++) { pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, n, &adjri); if (pmc_can_allocate_row(n, mode) == 0 && pmc_can_allocate_rowindex( curthread->td_proc, n, cpu) == 0 && (PMC_IS_UNALLOCATED(cpu, n) || PMC_IS_SHAREABLE_PMC(cpu, n)) && pcd->pcd_allocate_pmc(cpu, adjri, pmc, &pa) == 0) break; } } else { /* Process virtual mode */ for (n = pcd->pcd_ri; n < (int) md->pmd_npmc; n++) { pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, n, &adjri); if (pmc_can_allocate_row(n, mode) == 0 && pmc_can_allocate_rowindex( curthread->td_proc, n, PMC_CPU_ANY) == 0 && pcd->pcd_allocate_pmc(curthread->td_oncpu, adjri, pmc, &pa) == 0) break; } } #undef PMC_IS_UNALLOCATED #undef PMC_IS_SHAREABLE_PMC pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); if (n == (int) md->pmd_npmc) { pmc_destroy_pmc_descriptor(pmc); pmc = NULL; error = EINVAL; break; } /* Fill in the correct value in the ID field */ pmc->pm_id = PMC_ID_MAKE_ID(cpu,mode,pa.pm_class,n); PMCDBG5(PMC,ALL,2, "ev=%d class=%d mode=%d n=%d -> pmcid=%x", pmc->pm_event, pa.pm_class, mode, n, pmc->pm_id); /* Process mode PMCs with logging enabled need log files */ if (pmc->pm_flags & (PMC_F_LOG_PROCEXIT | PMC_F_LOG_PROCCSW)) pmc->pm_flags |= PMC_F_NEEDS_LOGFILE; /* All system mode sampling PMCs require a log file */ if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(mode) && PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode)) pmc->pm_flags |= PMC_F_NEEDS_LOGFILE; /* * Configure global pmc's immediately */ if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pmc))) { pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); pmc_select_cpu(cpu); phw = pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_hwpmcs[n]; pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, n, &adjri); if ((phw->phw_state & PMC_PHW_FLAG_IS_ENABLED) == 0 || (error = pcd->pcd_config_pmc(cpu, adjri, pmc)) != 0) { (void) pcd->pcd_release_pmc(cpu, adjri, pmc); pmc_destroy_pmc_descriptor(pmc); pmc = NULL; pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); error = EPERM; break; } pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); } pmc->pm_state = PMC_STATE_ALLOCATED; pmc->pm_class = pa.pm_class; /* * mark row disposition */ if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(mode)) PMC_MARK_ROW_STANDALONE(n); else PMC_MARK_ROW_THREAD(n); /* * Register this PMC with the current thread as its owner. */ if ((error = pmc_register_owner(curthread->td_proc, pmc)) != 0) { pmc_release_pmc_descriptor(pmc); pmc_destroy_pmc_descriptor(pmc); pmc = NULL; break; } /* * Return the allocated index. */ pa.pm_pmcid = pmc->pm_id; error = copyout(&pa, arg, sizeof(pa)); } break; /* * Attach a PMC to a process. */ case PMC_OP_PMCATTACH: { struct pmc *pm; struct proc *p; struct pmc_op_pmcattach a; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); if ((error = copyin(arg, &a, sizeof(a))) != 0) break; if (a.pm_pid < 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } else if (a.pm_pid == 0) a.pm_pid = td->td_proc->p_pid; if ((error = pmc_find_pmc(a.pm_pmc, &pm)) != 0) break; if (PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* PMCs may be (re)attached only when allocated or stopped */ if (pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_RUNNING) { error = EBUSY; break; } else if (pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_ALLOCATED && pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_STOPPED) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* lookup pid */ if ((p = pfind(a.pm_pid)) == NULL) { error = ESRCH; break; } /* * Ignore processes that are working on exiting. */ if (p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) { error = ESRCH; PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* pfind() returns a locked process */ break; } /* * we are allowed to attach a PMC to a process if * we can debug it. */ error = p_candebug(curthread, p); PROC_UNLOCK(p); if (error == 0) error = pmc_attach_process(p, pm); } break; /* * Detach an attached PMC from a process. */ case PMC_OP_PMCDETACH: { struct pmc *pm; struct proc *p; struct pmc_op_pmcattach a; if ((error = copyin(arg, &a, sizeof(a))) != 0) break; if (a.pm_pid < 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } else if (a.pm_pid == 0) a.pm_pid = td->td_proc->p_pid; if ((error = pmc_find_pmc(a.pm_pmc, &pm)) != 0) break; if ((p = pfind(a.pm_pid)) == NULL) { error = ESRCH; break; } /* * Treat processes that are in the process of exiting * as if they were not present. */ if (p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) error = ESRCH; PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* pfind() returns a locked process */ if (error == 0) error = pmc_detach_process(p, pm); } break; /* * Retrieve the MSR number associated with the counter * 'pmc_id'. This allows processes to directly use RDPMC * instructions to read their PMCs, without the overhead of a * system call. */ case PMC_OP_PMCGETMSR: { int adjri, ri; struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_target *pt; struct pmc_op_getmsr gm; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; PMC_DOWNGRADE_SX(); if ((error = copyin(arg, &gm, sizeof(gm))) != 0) break; if ((error = pmc_find_pmc(gm.pm_pmcid, &pm)) != 0) break; /* * The allocated PMC has to be a process virtual PMC, * i.e., of type MODE_T[CS]. Global PMCs can only be * read using the PMCREAD operation since they may be * allocated on a different CPU than the one we could * be running on at the time of the RDPMC instruction. * * The GETMSR operation is not allowed for PMCs that * are inherited across processes. */ if (!PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm)) || (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_DESCENDANTS)) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* * It only makes sense to use a RDPMC (or its * equivalent instruction on non-x86 architectures) on * a process that has allocated and attached a PMC to * itself. Conversely the PMC is only allowed to have * one process attached to it -- its owner. */ if ((pt = LIST_FIRST(&pm->pm_targets)) == NULL || LIST_NEXT(pt, pt_next) != NULL || pt->pt_process->pp_proc != pm->pm_owner->po_owner) { error = EINVAL; break; } ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); /* PMC class has no 'GETMSR' support */ if (pcd->pcd_get_msr == NULL) { error = ENOSYS; break; } if ((error = (*pcd->pcd_get_msr)(adjri, &gm.pm_msr)) < 0) break; if ((error = copyout(&gm, arg, sizeof(gm))) < 0) break; /* * Mark our process as using MSRs. Update machine * state using a forced context switch. */ pt->pt_process->pp_flags |= PMC_PP_ENABLE_MSR_ACCESS; pmc_force_context_switch(); } break; /* * Release an allocated PMC */ case PMC_OP_PMCRELEASE: { pmc_id_t pmcid; struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_op_simple sp; /* * Find PMC pointer for the named PMC. * * Use pmc_release_pmc_descriptor() to switch off the * PMC, remove all its target threads, and remove the * PMC from its owner's list. * * Remove the owner record if this is the last PMC * owned. * * Free up space. */ if ((error = copyin(arg, &sp, sizeof(sp))) != 0) break; pmcid = sp.pm_pmcid; if ((error = pmc_find_pmc(pmcid, &pm)) != 0) break; po = pm->pm_owner; pmc_release_pmc_descriptor(pm); pmc_maybe_remove_owner(po); pmc_destroy_pmc_descriptor(pm); } break; /* * Read and/or write a PMC. */ case PMC_OP_PMCRW: { int adjri; struct pmc *pm; uint32_t cpu, ri; pmc_value_t oldvalue; struct pmc_binding pb; struct pmc_op_pmcrw prw; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; struct pmc_op_pmcrw *pprw; PMC_DOWNGRADE_SX(); if ((error = copyin(arg, &prw, sizeof(prw))) != 0) break; PMCDBG2(PMC,OPS,1, "rw id=%d flags=0x%x", prw.pm_pmcid, prw.pm_flags); /* must have at least one flag set */ if ((prw.pm_flags & (PMC_F_OLDVALUE|PMC_F_NEWVALUE)) == 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* locate pmc descriptor */ if ((error = pmc_find_pmc(prw.pm_pmcid, &pm)) != 0) break; /* Can't read a PMC that hasn't been started. */ if (pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_ALLOCATED && pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_STOPPED && pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_RUNNING) { error = EINVAL; break; } /* writing a new value is allowed only for 'STOPPED' pmcs */ if (pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_RUNNING && (prw.pm_flags & PMC_F_NEWVALUE)) { error = EBUSY; break; } if (PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) { /* * If this PMC is attached to its owner (i.e., * the process requesting this operation) and * is running, then attempt to get an * upto-date reading from hardware for a READ. * Writes are only allowed when the PMC is * stopped, so only update the saved value * field. * * If the PMC is not running, or is not * attached to its owner, read/write to the * savedvalue field. */ ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); mtx_pool_lock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); cpu = curthread->td_oncpu; if (prw.pm_flags & PMC_F_OLDVALUE) { if ((pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_ATTACHED_TO_OWNER) && (pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_RUNNING)) error = (*pcd->pcd_read_pmc)(cpu, adjri, &oldvalue); else oldvalue = pm->pm_gv.pm_savedvalue; } if (prw.pm_flags & PMC_F_NEWVALUE) pm->pm_gv.pm_savedvalue = prw.pm_value; mtx_pool_unlock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); } else { /* System mode PMCs */ cpu = PMC_TO_CPU(pm); ri = PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm); pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) { error = ENXIO; break; } /* move this thread to CPU 'cpu' */ pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); pmc_select_cpu(cpu); critical_enter(); /* save old value */ if (prw.pm_flags & PMC_F_OLDVALUE) if ((error = (*pcd->pcd_read_pmc)(cpu, adjri, &oldvalue))) goto error; /* write out new value */ if (prw.pm_flags & PMC_F_NEWVALUE) error = (*pcd->pcd_write_pmc)(cpu, adjri, prw.pm_value); error: critical_exit(); pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); if (error) break; } pprw = (struct pmc_op_pmcrw *) arg; #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG if (prw.pm_flags & PMC_F_NEWVALUE) PMCDBG3(PMC,OPS,2, "rw id=%d new %jx -> old %jx", ri, prw.pm_value, oldvalue); else if (prw.pm_flags & PMC_F_OLDVALUE) PMCDBG2(PMC,OPS,2, "rw id=%d -> old %jx", ri, oldvalue); #endif /* return old value if requested */ if (prw.pm_flags & PMC_F_OLDVALUE) if ((error = copyout(&oldvalue, &pprw->pm_value, sizeof(prw.pm_value)))) break; } break; /* * Set the sampling rate for a sampling mode PMC and the * initial count for a counting mode PMC. */ case PMC_OP_PMCSETCOUNT: { struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_op_pmcsetcount sc; PMC_DOWNGRADE_SX(); if ((error = copyin(arg, &sc, sizeof(sc))) != 0) break; if ((error = pmc_find_pmc(sc.pm_pmcid, &pm)) != 0) break; if (pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_RUNNING) { error = EBUSY; break; } if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) { /* - * Don't permit requested sample rate to be less than 1000 + * Don't permit requested sample rate to be + * less than pmc_mincount. */ - if (sc.pm_count < 1000) - log(LOG_WARNING, - "pmcsetcount: passed sample rate %ju - setting to 1000\n", - (uintmax_t)sc.pm_count); - pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount = MAX(1000, sc.pm_count); + if (sc.pm_count < MAX(1, pmc_mincount)) + log(LOG_WARNING, "pmcsetcount: passed sample " + "rate %ju - setting to %u\n", + (uintmax_t)sc.pm_count, + MAX(1, pmc_mincount)); + pm->pm_sc.pm_reloadcount = MAX(MAX(1, pmc_mincount), + sc.pm_count); } else pm->pm_sc.pm_initial = sc.pm_count; } break; /* * Start a PMC. */ case PMC_OP_PMCSTART: { pmc_id_t pmcid; struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_op_simple sp; sx_assert(&pmc_sx, SX_XLOCKED); if ((error = copyin(arg, &sp, sizeof(sp))) != 0) break; pmcid = sp.pm_pmcid; if ((error = pmc_find_pmc(pmcid, &pm)) != 0) break; KASSERT(pmcid == pm->pm_id, ("[pmc,%d] pmcid %x != id %x", __LINE__, pm->pm_id, pmcid)); if (pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_RUNNING) /* already running */ break; else if (pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_STOPPED && pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_ALLOCATED) { error = EINVAL; break; } error = pmc_start(pm); } break; /* * Stop a PMC. */ case PMC_OP_PMCSTOP: { pmc_id_t pmcid; struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_op_simple sp; PMC_DOWNGRADE_SX(); if ((error = copyin(arg, &sp, sizeof(sp))) != 0) break; pmcid = sp.pm_pmcid; /* * Mark the PMC as inactive and invoke the MD stop * routines if needed. */ if ((error = pmc_find_pmc(pmcid, &pm)) != 0) break; KASSERT(pmcid == pm->pm_id, ("[pmc,%d] pmc id %x != pmcid %x", __LINE__, pm->pm_id, pmcid)); if (pm->pm_state == PMC_STATE_STOPPED) /* already stopped */ break; else if (pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_RUNNING) { error = EINVAL; break; } error = pmc_stop(pm); } break; /* * Write a user supplied value to the log file. */ case PMC_OP_WRITELOG: { struct pmc_op_writelog wl; struct pmc_owner *po; PMC_DOWNGRADE_SX(); if ((error = copyin(arg, &wl, sizeof(wl))) != 0) break; if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(td->td_proc)) == NULL) { error = EINVAL; break; } if ((po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) == 0) { error = EINVAL; break; } error = pmclog_process_userlog(po, &wl); } break; default: error = EINVAL; break; } if (is_sx_downgraded) sx_sunlock(&pmc_sx); else sx_xunlock(&pmc_sx); done_syscall: if (error) counter_u64_add(pmc_stats.pm_syscall_errors, 1); return (error); } /* * Helper functions */ /* * Mark the thread as needing callchain capture and post an AST. The * actual callchain capture will be done in a context where it is safe * to take page faults. */ static void pmc_post_callchain_callback(void) { struct thread *td; td = curthread; /* * If there is multiple PMCs for the same interrupt ignore new post */ if (td->td_pflags & TDP_CALLCHAIN) return; /* * Mark this thread as needing callchain capture. * `td->td_pflags' will be safe to touch because this thread * was in user space when it was interrupted. */ td->td_pflags |= TDP_CALLCHAIN; /* * Don't let this thread migrate between CPUs until callchain * capture completes. */ sched_pin(); return; } /* * Find a free slot in the per-cpu array of samples and capture the * current callchain there. If a sample was successfully added, a bit * is set in mask 'pmc_cpumask' denoting that the DO_SAMPLES hook * needs to be invoked from the clock handler. * * This function is meant to be called from an NMI handler. It cannot * use any of the locking primitives supplied by the OS. */ static int pmc_add_sample(ring_type_t ring, struct pmc *pm, struct trapframe *tf) { int error, cpu, callchaindepth, inuserspace; struct thread *td; struct pmc_sample *ps; struct pmc_samplebuffer *psb; error = 0; /* * Allocate space for a sample buffer. */ cpu = curcpu; psb = pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[ring]; inuserspace = TRAPF_USERMODE(tf); ps = PMC_PROD_SAMPLE(psb); if (psb->ps_considx != psb->ps_prodidx && ps->ps_nsamples) { /* in use, reader hasn't caught up */ pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_stalled = 1; counter_u64_add(pmc_stats.pm_intr_bufferfull, 1); PMCDBG6(SAM,INT,1,"(spc) cpu=%d pm=%p tf=%p um=%d wr=%d rd=%d", cpu, pm, (void *) tf, inuserspace, (int) (psb->ps_prodidx & pmc_sample_mask), (int) (psb->ps_considx & pmc_sample_mask)); callchaindepth = 1; error = ENOMEM; goto done; } /* Fill in entry. */ PMCDBG6(SAM,INT,1,"cpu=%d pm=%p tf=%p um=%d wr=%d rd=%d", cpu, pm, (void *) tf, inuserspace, (int) (psb->ps_prodidx & pmc_sample_mask), (int) (psb->ps_considx & pmc_sample_mask)); td = curthread; ps->ps_pmc = pm; ps->ps_td = td; ps->ps_pid = td->td_proc->p_pid; ps->ps_tid = td->td_tid; ps->ps_tsc = pmc_rdtsc(); ps->ps_ticks = ticks; ps->ps_cpu = cpu; ps->ps_flags = inuserspace ? PMC_CC_F_USERSPACE : 0; callchaindepth = (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_CALLCHAIN) ? pmc_callchaindepth : 1; MPASS(ps->ps_pc != NULL); if (callchaindepth == 1) ps->ps_pc[0] = PMC_TRAPFRAME_TO_PC(tf); else { /* * Kernel stack traversals can be done immediately, * while we defer to an AST for user space traversals. */ if (!inuserspace) { callchaindepth = pmc_save_kernel_callchain(ps->ps_pc, callchaindepth, tf); } else { pmc_post_callchain_callback(); callchaindepth = PMC_USER_CALLCHAIN_PENDING; } } ps->ps_nsamples = callchaindepth; /* mark entry as in use */ if (ring == PMC_UR) { ps->ps_nsamples_actual = callchaindepth; /* mark entry as in use */ ps->ps_nsamples = PMC_USER_CALLCHAIN_PENDING; } else ps->ps_nsamples = callchaindepth; /* mark entry as in use */ KASSERT(counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) >= 0, ("[pmc,%d] pm=%p runcount %ld", __LINE__, (void *) pm, (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); counter_u64_add(pm->pm_runcount, 1); /* hold onto PMC */ /* increment write pointer */ psb->ps_prodidx++; done: /* mark CPU as needing processing */ if (callchaindepth != PMC_USER_CALLCHAIN_PENDING) DPCPU_SET(pmc_sampled, 1); return (error); } /* * Interrupt processing. * * This function is meant to be called from an NMI handler. It cannot * use any of the locking primitives supplied by the OS. */ int pmc_process_interrupt(int ring, struct pmc *pm, struct trapframe *tf) { struct thread *td; td = curthread; if ((pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_USERCALLCHAIN) && (td->td_proc->p_flag & P_KPROC) == 0 && !TRAPF_USERMODE(tf)) { atomic_add_int(&td->td_pmcpend, 1); return (pmc_add_sample(PMC_UR, pm, tf)); } return (pmc_add_sample(ring, pm, tf)); } /* * Capture a user call chain. This function will be called from ast() * before control returns to userland and before the process gets * rescheduled. */ static void pmc_capture_user_callchain(int cpu, int ring, struct trapframe *tf) { struct pmc *pm; struct thread *td; struct pmc_sample *ps; struct pmc_samplebuffer *psb; uint64_t considx, prodidx; int nsamples, nrecords, pass, iter; #ifdef INVARIANTS int ncallchains; int nfree; int start_ticks = ticks; #endif psb = pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[ring]; td = curthread; KASSERT(td->td_pflags & TDP_CALLCHAIN, ("[pmc,%d] Retrieving callchain for thread that doesn't want it", __LINE__)); #ifdef INVARIANTS ncallchains = 0; nfree = 0; #endif nrecords = INT_MAX; pass = 0; restart: if (ring == PMC_UR) nrecords = atomic_readandclear_32(&td->td_pmcpend); for (iter = 0, considx = psb->ps_considx, prodidx = psb->ps_prodidx; considx < prodidx && iter < pmc_nsamples; considx++, iter++) { ps = PMC_CONS_SAMPLE_OFF(psb, considx); /* * Iterate through all deferred callchain requests. * Walk from the current read pointer to the current * write pointer. */ #ifdef INVARIANTS if (ps->ps_nsamples == PMC_SAMPLE_FREE) { nfree++; continue; } if ((ps->ps_pmc == NULL) || (ps->ps_pmc->pm_state != PMC_STATE_RUNNING)) nfree++; #endif if (ps->ps_td != td || ps->ps_nsamples != PMC_USER_CALLCHAIN_PENDING || ps->ps_pmc->pm_state != PMC_STATE_RUNNING) continue; KASSERT(ps->ps_cpu == cpu, ("[pmc,%d] cpu mismatch ps_cpu=%d pcpu=%d", __LINE__, ps->ps_cpu, PCPU_GET(cpuid))); pm = ps->ps_pmc; KASSERT(pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_CALLCHAIN, ("[pmc,%d] Retrieving callchain for PMC that doesn't " "want it", __LINE__)); KASSERT(counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) > 0, ("[pmc,%d] runcount %ld", __LINE__, (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); if (ring == PMC_UR) { nsamples = ps->ps_nsamples_actual; counter_u64_add(pmc_stats.pm_merges, 1); } else nsamples = 0; /* * Retrieve the callchain and mark the sample buffer * as 'processable' by the timer tick sweep code. */ #ifdef INVARIANTS ncallchains++; #endif if (__predict_true(nsamples < pmc_callchaindepth - 1)) nsamples += pmc_save_user_callchain(ps->ps_pc + nsamples, pmc_callchaindepth - nsamples - 1, tf); /* * We have to prevent hardclock from potentially overwriting * this sample between when we read the value and when we set * it */ spinlock_enter(); /* * Verify that the sample hasn't been dropped in the meantime */ if (ps->ps_nsamples == PMC_USER_CALLCHAIN_PENDING) { ps->ps_nsamples = nsamples; /* * If we couldn't get a sample, simply drop the reference */ if (nsamples == 0) counter_u64_add(pm->pm_runcount, -1); } spinlock_exit(); if (nrecords-- == 1) break; } if (__predict_false(ring == PMC_UR && td->td_pmcpend)) { if (pass == 0) { pass = 1; goto restart; } /* only collect samples for this part once */ td->td_pmcpend = 0; } #ifdef INVARIANTS if ((ticks - start_ticks) > hz) log(LOG_ERR, "%s took %d ticks\n", __func__, (ticks - start_ticks)); #endif /* mark CPU as needing processing */ DPCPU_SET(pmc_sampled, 1); } /* * Process saved PC samples. */ static void pmc_process_samples(int cpu, ring_type_t ring) { struct pmc *pm; int adjri, n; struct thread *td; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_sample *ps; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; struct pmc_samplebuffer *psb; uint64_t delta __diagused; KASSERT(PCPU_GET(cpuid) == cpu, ("[pmc,%d] not on the correct CPU pcpu=%d cpu=%d", __LINE__, PCPU_GET(cpuid), cpu)); psb = pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[ring]; delta = psb->ps_prodidx - psb->ps_considx; MPASS(delta <= pmc_nsamples); MPASS(psb->ps_considx <= psb->ps_prodidx); for (n = 0; psb->ps_considx < psb->ps_prodidx; psb->ps_considx++, n++) { ps = PMC_CONS_SAMPLE(psb); if (__predict_false(ps->ps_nsamples == PMC_SAMPLE_FREE)) continue; pm = ps->ps_pmc; /* skip non-running samples */ if (pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_RUNNING) goto entrydone; KASSERT(counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) > 0, ("[pmc,%d] pm=%p runcount %ld", __LINE__, (void *) pm, (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); po = pm->pm_owner; KASSERT(PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm)), ("[pmc,%d] pmc=%p non-sampling mode=%d", __LINE__, pm, PMC_TO_MODE(pm))); /* If there is a pending AST wait for completion */ if (ps->ps_nsamples == PMC_USER_CALLCHAIN_PENDING) { /* if we've been waiting more than 1 tick to * collect a callchain for this record then * drop it and move on. */ if (ticks - ps->ps_ticks > 1) { /* * track how often we hit this as it will * preferentially lose user samples * for long running system calls */ counter_u64_add(pmc_stats.pm_overwrites, 1); goto entrydone; } /* Need a rescan at a later time. */ DPCPU_SET(pmc_sampled, 1); break; } PMCDBG6(SAM,OPS,1,"cpu=%d pm=%p n=%d fl=%x wr=%d rd=%d", cpu, pm, ps->ps_nsamples, ps->ps_flags, (int) (psb->ps_prodidx & pmc_sample_mask), (int) (psb->ps_considx & pmc_sample_mask)); /* * If this is a process-mode PMC that is attached to * its owner, and if the PC is in user mode, update * profiling statistics like timer-based profiling * would have done. * * Otherwise, this is either a sampling-mode PMC that * is attached to a different process than its owner, * or a system-wide sampling PMC. Dispatch a log * entry to the PMC's owner process. */ if (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_ATTACHED_TO_OWNER) { if (ps->ps_flags & PMC_CC_F_USERSPACE) { td = FIRST_THREAD_IN_PROC(po->po_owner); addupc_intr(td, ps->ps_pc[0], 1); } } else pmclog_process_callchain(pm, ps); entrydone: ps->ps_nsamples = 0; /* mark entry as free */ KASSERT(counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) > 0, ("[pmc,%d] pm=%p runcount %ld", __LINE__, (void *) pm, (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); counter_u64_add(pm->pm_runcount, -1); } counter_u64_add(pmc_stats.pm_log_sweeps, 1); /* Do not re-enable stalled PMCs if we failed to process any samples */ if (n == 0) return; /* * Restart any stalled sampling PMCs on this CPU. * * If the NMI handler sets the pm_stalled field of a PMC after * the check below, we'll end up processing the stalled PMC at * the next hardclock tick. */ for (n = 0; n < md->pmd_npmc; n++) { pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, n, &adjri); KASSERT(pcd != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] null pcd ri=%d", __LINE__, n)); (void) (*pcd->pcd_get_config)(cpu,adjri,&pm); if (pm == NULL || /* !cfg'ed */ pm->pm_state != PMC_STATE_RUNNING || /* !active */ !PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm)) || /* !sampling */ !pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_cpustate || /* !desired */ !pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_stalled) /* !stalled */ continue; pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_stalled = 0; (*pcd->pcd_start_pmc)(cpu, adjri); } } /* * Event handlers. */ /* * Handle a process exit. * * Remove this process from all hash tables. If this process * owned any PMCs, turn off those PMCs and deallocate them, * removing any associations with target processes. * * This function will be called by the last 'thread' of a * process. * * XXX This eventhandler gets called early in the exit process. * Consider using a 'hook' invocation from thread_exit() or equivalent * spot. Another negative is that kse_exit doesn't seem to call * exit1() [??]. * */ static void pmc_process_exit(void *arg __unused, struct proc *p) { struct pmc *pm; int adjri, cpu; unsigned int ri; int is_using_hwpmcs; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_process *pp; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; pmc_value_t newvalue, tmp; PROC_LOCK(p); is_using_hwpmcs = p->p_flag & P_HWPMC; PROC_UNLOCK(p); /* * Log a sysexit event to all SS PMC owners. */ PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_sysexit(po, p->p_pid); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); if (!is_using_hwpmcs) return; PMC_GET_SX_XLOCK(); PMCDBG3(PRC,EXT,1,"process-exit proc=%p (%d, %s)", p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm); /* * Since this code is invoked by the last thread in an exiting * process, we would have context switched IN at some prior * point. However, with PREEMPTION, kernel mode context * switches may happen any time, so we want to disable a * context switch OUT till we get any PMCs targeting this * process off the hardware. * * We also need to atomically remove this process' * entry from our target process hash table, using * PMC_FLAG_REMOVE. */ PMCDBG3(PRC,EXT,1, "process-exit proc=%p (%d, %s)", p, p->p_pid, p->p_comm); critical_enter(); /* no preemption */ cpu = curthread->td_oncpu; if ((pp = pmc_find_process_descriptor(p, PMC_FLAG_REMOVE)) != NULL) { PMCDBG2(PRC,EXT,2, "process-exit proc=%p pmc-process=%p", p, pp); /* * The exiting process could the target of * some PMCs which will be running on * currently executing CPU. * * We need to turn these PMCs off like we * would do at context switch OUT time. */ for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) { /* * Pick up the pmc pointer from hardware * state similar to the CSW_OUT code. */ pm = NULL; pcd = pmc_ri_to_classdep(md, ri, &adjri); (void) (*pcd->pcd_get_config)(cpu, adjri, &pm); PMCDBG2(PRC,EXT,2, "ri=%d pm=%p", ri, pm); if (pm == NULL || !PMC_IS_VIRTUAL_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) continue; PMCDBG4(PRC,EXT,2, "ppmcs[%d]=%p pm=%p " "state=%d", ri, pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc, pm, pm->pm_state); KASSERT(PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm) == ri, ("[pmc,%d] ri mismatch pmc(%d) ri(%d)", __LINE__, PMC_TO_ROWINDEX(pm), ri)); KASSERT(pm == pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc, ("[pmc,%d] pm %p != pp_pmcs[%d] %p", __LINE__, pm, ri, pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc)); KASSERT(counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) > 0, ("[pmc,%d] bad runcount ri %d rc %ld", __LINE__, ri, (unsigned long)counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount))); /* * Change desired state, and then stop if not * stalled. This two-step dance should avoid * race conditions where an interrupt re-enables * the PMC after this code has already checked * the pm_stalled flag. */ if (pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_cpustate) { pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_cpustate = 0; if (!pm->pm_pcpu_state[cpu].pps_stalled) { (void) pcd->pcd_stop_pmc(cpu, adjri); if (PMC_TO_MODE(pm) == PMC_MODE_TC) { pcd->pcd_read_pmc(cpu, adjri, &newvalue); tmp = newvalue - PMC_PCPU_SAVED(cpu,ri); mtx_pool_lock_spin(pmc_mtxpool, pm); pm->pm_gv.pm_savedvalue += tmp; pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmcval += tmp; mtx_pool_unlock_spin( pmc_mtxpool, pm); } } } KASSERT((int64_t) counter_u64_fetch(pm->pm_runcount) > 0, ("[pmc,%d] runcount is %d", __LINE__, ri)); counter_u64_add(pm->pm_runcount, -1); (void) pcd->pcd_config_pmc(cpu, adjri, NULL); } /* * Inform the MD layer of this pseudo "context switch * out" */ (void) md->pmd_switch_out(pmc_pcpu[cpu], pp); critical_exit(); /* ok to be pre-empted now */ /* * Unlink this process from the PMCs that are * targeting it. This will send a signal to * all PMC owner's whose PMCs are orphaned. * * Log PMC value at exit time if requested. */ for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) if ((pm = pp->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) != NULL) { if (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_NEEDS_LOGFILE && PMC_IS_COUNTING_MODE(PMC_TO_MODE(pm))) pmclog_process_procexit(pm, pp); pmc_unlink_target_process(pm, pp); } free(pp, M_PMC); } else critical_exit(); /* pp == NULL */ /* * If the process owned PMCs, free them up and free up * memory. */ if ((po = pmc_find_owner_descriptor(p)) != NULL) { pmc_remove_owner(po); pmc_destroy_owner_descriptor(po); } sx_xunlock(&pmc_sx); } /* * Handle a process fork. * * If the parent process 'p1' is under HWPMC monitoring, then copy * over any attached PMCs that have 'do_descendants' semantics. */ static void pmc_process_fork(void *arg __unused, struct proc *p1, struct proc *newproc, int flags) { int is_using_hwpmcs; unsigned int ri; uint32_t do_descendants; struct pmc *pm; struct pmc_owner *po; struct pmc_process *ppnew, *ppold; (void) flags; /* unused parameter */ PROC_LOCK(p1); is_using_hwpmcs = p1->p_flag & P_HWPMC; PROC_UNLOCK(p1); /* * If there are system-wide sampling PMCs active, we need to * log all fork events to their owner's logs. */ PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) { pmclog_process_procfork(po, p1->p_pid, newproc->p_pid); pmclog_process_proccreate(po, newproc, 1); } PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); if (!is_using_hwpmcs) return; PMC_GET_SX_XLOCK(); PMCDBG4(PMC,FRK,1, "process-fork proc=%p (%d, %s) -> %p", p1, p1->p_pid, p1->p_comm, newproc); /* * If the parent process (curthread->td_proc) is a * target of any PMCs, look for PMCs that are to be * inherited, and link these into the new process * descriptor. */ if ((ppold = pmc_find_process_descriptor(curthread->td_proc, PMC_FLAG_NONE)) == NULL) goto done; /* nothing to do */ do_descendants = 0; for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) if ((pm = ppold->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) != NULL) do_descendants |= pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_DESCENDANTS; if (do_descendants == 0) /* nothing to do */ goto done; /* * Now mark the new process as being tracked by this driver. */ PROC_LOCK(newproc); newproc->p_flag |= P_HWPMC; PROC_UNLOCK(newproc); /* allocate a descriptor for the new process */ if ((ppnew = pmc_find_process_descriptor(newproc, PMC_FLAG_ALLOCATE)) == NULL) goto done; /* * Run through all PMCs that were targeting the old process * and which specified F_DESCENDANTS and attach them to the * new process. * * Log the fork event to all owners of PMCs attached to this * process, if not already logged. */ for (ri = 0; ri < md->pmd_npmc; ri++) if ((pm = ppold->pp_pmcs[ri].pp_pmc) != NULL && (pm->pm_flags & PMC_F_DESCENDANTS)) { pmc_link_target_process(pm, ppnew); po = pm->pm_owner; if (po->po_sscount == 0 && po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_procfork(po, p1->p_pid, newproc->p_pid); } done: sx_xunlock(&pmc_sx); } static void pmc_process_threadcreate(struct thread *td) { struct pmc_owner *po; PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_threadcreate(po, td, 1); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); } static void pmc_process_threadexit(struct thread *td) { struct pmc_owner *po; PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_threadexit(po, td); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); } static void pmc_process_proccreate(struct proc *p) { struct pmc_owner *po; PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_proccreate(po, p, 1 /* sync */); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); } static void pmc_process_allproc(struct pmc *pm) { struct pmc_owner *po; struct thread *td; struct proc *p; po = pm->pm_owner; if ((po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) == 0) return; sx_slock(&allproc_lock); FOREACH_PROC_IN_SYSTEM(p) { pmclog_process_proccreate(po, p, 0 /* sync */); PROC_LOCK(p); FOREACH_THREAD_IN_PROC(p, td) pmclog_process_threadcreate(po, td, 0 /* sync */); PROC_UNLOCK(p); } sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); pmclog_flush(po, 0); } static void pmc_kld_load(void *arg __unused, linker_file_t lf) { struct pmc_owner *po; /* * Notify owners of system sampling PMCs about KLD operations. */ PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_map_in(po, (pid_t) -1, (uintfptr_t) lf->address, lf->filename); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); /* * TODO: Notify owners of (all) process-sampling PMCs too. */ } static void pmc_kld_unload(void *arg __unused, const char *filename __unused, caddr_t address, size_t size) { struct pmc_owner *po; PMC_EPOCH_ENTER(); CK_LIST_FOREACH(po, &pmc_ss_owners, po_ssnext) if (po->po_flags & PMC_PO_OWNS_LOGFILE) pmclog_process_map_out(po, (pid_t) -1, (uintfptr_t) address, (uintfptr_t) address + size); PMC_EPOCH_EXIT(); /* * TODO: Notify owners of process-sampling PMCs. */ } /* * initialization */ static const char * pmc_name_of_pmcclass(enum pmc_class class) { switch (class) { #undef __PMC_CLASS #define __PMC_CLASS(S,V,D) \ case PMC_CLASS_##S: \ return #S; __PMC_CLASSES(); default: return (""); } } /* * Base class initializer: allocate structure and set default classes. */ struct pmc_mdep * pmc_mdep_alloc(int nclasses) { struct pmc_mdep *md; int n; /* SOFT + md classes */ n = 1 + nclasses; md = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc_mdep) + n * sizeof(struct pmc_classdep), M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); md->pmd_nclass = n; /* Add base class. */ pmc_soft_initialize(md); return md; } void pmc_mdep_free(struct pmc_mdep *md) { pmc_soft_finalize(md); free(md, M_PMC); } static int generic_switch_in(struct pmc_cpu *pc, struct pmc_process *pp) { (void) pc; (void) pp; return (0); } static int generic_switch_out(struct pmc_cpu *pc, struct pmc_process *pp) { (void) pc; (void) pp; return (0); } static struct pmc_mdep * pmc_generic_cpu_initialize(void) { struct pmc_mdep *md; md = pmc_mdep_alloc(0); md->pmd_cputype = PMC_CPU_GENERIC; md->pmd_pcpu_init = NULL; md->pmd_pcpu_fini = NULL; md->pmd_switch_in = generic_switch_in; md->pmd_switch_out = generic_switch_out; return (md); } static void pmc_generic_cpu_finalize(struct pmc_mdep *md) { (void) md; } static int pmc_initialize(void) { int c, cpu, error, n, ri; unsigned int maxcpu, domain; struct pcpu *pc; struct pmc_binding pb; struct pmc_sample *ps; struct pmc_classdep *pcd; struct pmc_samplebuffer *sb; md = NULL; error = 0; pmc_stats.pm_intr_ignored = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_intr_processed = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_intr_bufferfull = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_syscalls = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_syscall_errors = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_buffer_requests = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_buffer_requests_failed = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_log_sweeps = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_merges = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); pmc_stats.pm_overwrites = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK); #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG /* parse debug flags first */ if (TUNABLE_STR_FETCH(PMC_SYSCTL_NAME_PREFIX "debugflags", pmc_debugstr, sizeof(pmc_debugstr))) pmc_debugflags_parse(pmc_debugstr, pmc_debugstr+strlen(pmc_debugstr)); #endif PMCDBG1(MOD,INI,0, "PMC Initialize (version %x)", PMC_VERSION); /* check kernel version */ if (pmc_kernel_version != PMC_VERSION) { if (pmc_kernel_version == 0) printf("hwpmc: this kernel has not been compiled with " "'options HWPMC_HOOKS'.\n"); else printf("hwpmc: kernel version (0x%x) does not match " "module version (0x%x).\n", pmc_kernel_version, PMC_VERSION); return EPROGMISMATCH; } /* * check sysctl parameters */ if (pmc_hashsize <= 0) { (void) printf("hwpmc: tunable \"hashsize\"=%d must be " "greater than zero.\n", pmc_hashsize); pmc_hashsize = PMC_HASH_SIZE; } if (pmc_nsamples <= 0 || pmc_nsamples > 65535) { (void) printf("hwpmc: tunable \"nsamples\"=%d out of " "range.\n", pmc_nsamples); pmc_nsamples = PMC_NSAMPLES; } pmc_sample_mask = pmc_nsamples-1; if (pmc_callchaindepth <= 0 || pmc_callchaindepth > PMC_CALLCHAIN_DEPTH_MAX) { (void) printf("hwpmc: tunable \"callchaindepth\"=%d out of " "range - using %d.\n", pmc_callchaindepth, PMC_CALLCHAIN_DEPTH_MAX); pmc_callchaindepth = PMC_CALLCHAIN_DEPTH_MAX; } md = pmc_md_initialize(); if (md == NULL) { /* Default to generic CPU. */ md = pmc_generic_cpu_initialize(); if (md == NULL) return (ENOSYS); } KASSERT(md->pmd_nclass >= 1 && md->pmd_npmc >= 1, ("[pmc,%d] no classes or pmcs", __LINE__)); /* Compute the map from row-indices to classdep pointers. */ pmc_rowindex_to_classdep = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc_classdep *) * md->pmd_npmc, M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); for (n = 0; n < md->pmd_npmc; n++) pmc_rowindex_to_classdep[n] = NULL; for (ri = c = 0; c < md->pmd_nclass; c++) { pcd = &md->pmd_classdep[c]; for (n = 0; n < pcd->pcd_num; n++, ri++) pmc_rowindex_to_classdep[ri] = pcd; } KASSERT(ri == md->pmd_npmc, ("[pmc,%d] npmc miscomputed: ri=%d, md->npmc=%d", __LINE__, ri, md->pmd_npmc)); maxcpu = pmc_cpu_max(); /* allocate space for the per-cpu array */ pmc_pcpu = malloc(maxcpu * sizeof(struct pmc_cpu *), M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); /* per-cpu 'saved values' for managing process-mode PMCs */ pmc_pcpu_saved = malloc(sizeof(pmc_value_t) * maxcpu * md->pmd_npmc, M_PMC, M_WAITOK); /* Perform CPU-dependent initialization. */ pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); error = 0; for (cpu = 0; error == 0 && cpu < maxcpu; cpu++) { if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) continue; pmc_select_cpu(cpu); pmc_pcpu[cpu] = malloc(sizeof(struct pmc_cpu) + md->pmd_npmc * sizeof(struct pmc_hw *), M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); if (md->pmd_pcpu_init) error = md->pmd_pcpu_init(md, cpu); for (n = 0; error == 0 && n < md->pmd_nclass; n++) error = md->pmd_classdep[n].pcd_pcpu_init(md, cpu); } pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); if (error) return (error); /* allocate space for the sample array */ for (cpu = 0; cpu < maxcpu; cpu++) { if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) continue; pc = pcpu_find(cpu); domain = pc->pc_domain; sb = malloc_domainset(sizeof(struct pmc_samplebuffer) + pmc_nsamples * sizeof(struct pmc_sample), M_PMC, DOMAINSET_PREF(domain), M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); KASSERT(pmc_pcpu[cpu] != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] cpu=%d Null per-cpu data", __LINE__, cpu)); sb->ps_callchains = malloc_domainset(pmc_callchaindepth * pmc_nsamples * sizeof(uintptr_t), M_PMC, DOMAINSET_PREF(domain), M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (n = 0, ps = sb->ps_samples; n < pmc_nsamples; n++, ps++) ps->ps_pc = sb->ps_callchains + (n * pmc_callchaindepth); pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_HR] = sb; sb = malloc_domainset(sizeof(struct pmc_samplebuffer) + pmc_nsamples * sizeof(struct pmc_sample), M_PMC, DOMAINSET_PREF(domain), M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); sb->ps_callchains = malloc_domainset(pmc_callchaindepth * pmc_nsamples * sizeof(uintptr_t), M_PMC, DOMAINSET_PREF(domain), M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (n = 0, ps = sb->ps_samples; n < pmc_nsamples; n++, ps++) ps->ps_pc = sb->ps_callchains + (n * pmc_callchaindepth); pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_SR] = sb; sb = malloc_domainset(sizeof(struct pmc_samplebuffer) + pmc_nsamples * sizeof(struct pmc_sample), M_PMC, DOMAINSET_PREF(domain), M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); sb->ps_callchains = malloc_domainset(pmc_callchaindepth * pmc_nsamples * sizeof(uintptr_t), M_PMC, DOMAINSET_PREF(domain), M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (n = 0, ps = sb->ps_samples; n < pmc_nsamples; n++, ps++) ps->ps_pc = sb->ps_callchains + n * pmc_callchaindepth; pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_UR] = sb; } /* allocate space for the row disposition array */ pmc_pmcdisp = malloc(sizeof(enum pmc_mode) * md->pmd_npmc, M_PMC, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); /* mark all PMCs as available */ for (n = 0; n < (int) md->pmd_npmc; n++) PMC_MARK_ROW_FREE(n); /* allocate thread hash tables */ pmc_ownerhash = hashinit(pmc_hashsize, M_PMC, &pmc_ownerhashmask); pmc_processhash = hashinit(pmc_hashsize, M_PMC, &pmc_processhashmask); mtx_init(&pmc_processhash_mtx, "pmc-process-hash", "pmc-leaf", MTX_SPIN); CK_LIST_INIT(&pmc_ss_owners); pmc_ss_count = 0; /* allocate a pool of spin mutexes */ pmc_mtxpool = mtx_pool_create("pmc-leaf", pmc_mtxpool_size, MTX_SPIN); PMCDBG4(MOD,INI,1, "pmc_ownerhash=%p, mask=0x%lx " "targethash=%p mask=0x%lx", pmc_ownerhash, pmc_ownerhashmask, pmc_processhash, pmc_processhashmask); /* Initialize a spin mutex for the thread free list. */ mtx_init(&pmc_threadfreelist_mtx, "pmc-threadfreelist", "pmc-leaf", MTX_SPIN); /* Initialize the task to prune the thread free list. */ TASK_INIT(&free_task, 0, pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_free_task, NULL); /* register process {exit,fork,exec} handlers */ pmc_exit_tag = EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(process_exit, pmc_process_exit, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); pmc_fork_tag = EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(process_fork, pmc_process_fork, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); /* register kld event handlers */ pmc_kld_load_tag = EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(kld_load, pmc_kld_load, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); pmc_kld_unload_tag = EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(kld_unload, pmc_kld_unload, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); /* initialize logging */ pmclog_initialize(); /* set hook functions */ pmc_intr = md->pmd_intr; wmb(); pmc_hook = pmc_hook_handler; if (error == 0) { printf(PMC_MODULE_NAME ":"); for (n = 0; n < (int) md->pmd_nclass; n++) { pcd = &md->pmd_classdep[n]; printf(" %s/%d/%d/0x%b", pmc_name_of_pmcclass(pcd->pcd_class), pcd->pcd_num, pcd->pcd_width, pcd->pcd_caps, "\20" "\1INT\2USR\3SYS\4EDG\5THR" "\6REA\7WRI\10INV\11QUA\12PRC" "\13TAG\14CSC"); } printf("\n"); } return (error); } /* prepare to be unloaded */ static void pmc_cleanup(void) { int c, cpu; unsigned int maxcpu; struct pmc_ownerhash *ph; struct pmc_owner *po, *tmp; struct pmc_binding pb; #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG struct pmc_processhash *prh; #endif PMCDBG0(MOD,INI,0, "cleanup"); /* switch off sampling */ CPU_FOREACH(cpu) DPCPU_ID_SET(cpu, pmc_sampled, 0); pmc_intr = NULL; sx_xlock(&pmc_sx); if (pmc_hook == NULL) { /* being unloaded already */ sx_xunlock(&pmc_sx); return; } pmc_hook = NULL; /* prevent new threads from entering module */ /* deregister event handlers */ EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(process_fork, pmc_fork_tag); EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(process_exit, pmc_exit_tag); EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(kld_load, pmc_kld_load_tag); EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(kld_unload, pmc_kld_unload_tag); /* send SIGBUS to all owner threads, free up allocations */ if (pmc_ownerhash) for (ph = pmc_ownerhash; ph <= &pmc_ownerhash[pmc_ownerhashmask]; ph++) { LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(po, ph, po_next, tmp) { pmc_remove_owner(po); /* send SIGBUS to owner processes */ PMCDBG3(MOD,INI,2, "cleanup signal proc=%p " "(%d, %s)", po->po_owner, po->po_owner->p_pid, po->po_owner->p_comm); PROC_LOCK(po->po_owner); kern_psignal(po->po_owner, SIGBUS); PROC_UNLOCK(po->po_owner); pmc_destroy_owner_descriptor(po); } } /* reclaim allocated data structures */ taskqueue_drain(taskqueue_fast, &free_task); mtx_destroy(&pmc_threadfreelist_mtx); pmc_thread_descriptor_pool_drain(); if (pmc_mtxpool) mtx_pool_destroy(&pmc_mtxpool); mtx_destroy(&pmc_processhash_mtx); if (pmc_processhash) { #ifdef HWPMC_DEBUG struct pmc_process *pp; PMCDBG0(MOD,INI,3, "destroy process hash"); for (prh = pmc_processhash; prh <= &pmc_processhash[pmc_processhashmask]; prh++) LIST_FOREACH(pp, prh, pp_next) PMCDBG1(MOD,INI,3, "pid=%d", pp->pp_proc->p_pid); #endif hashdestroy(pmc_processhash, M_PMC, pmc_processhashmask); pmc_processhash = NULL; } if (pmc_ownerhash) { PMCDBG0(MOD,INI,3, "destroy owner hash"); hashdestroy(pmc_ownerhash, M_PMC, pmc_ownerhashmask); pmc_ownerhash = NULL; } KASSERT(CK_LIST_EMPTY(&pmc_ss_owners), ("[pmc,%d] Global SS owner list not empty", __LINE__)); KASSERT(pmc_ss_count == 0, ("[pmc,%d] Global SS count not empty", __LINE__)); /* do processor and pmc-class dependent cleanup */ maxcpu = pmc_cpu_max(); PMCDBG0(MOD,INI,3, "md cleanup"); if (md) { pmc_save_cpu_binding(&pb); for (cpu = 0; cpu < maxcpu; cpu++) { PMCDBG2(MOD,INI,1,"pmc-cleanup cpu=%d pcs=%p", cpu, pmc_pcpu[cpu]); if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu) || pmc_pcpu[cpu] == NULL) continue; pmc_select_cpu(cpu); for (c = 0; c < md->pmd_nclass; c++) md->pmd_classdep[c].pcd_pcpu_fini(md, cpu); if (md->pmd_pcpu_fini) md->pmd_pcpu_fini(md, cpu); } if (md->pmd_cputype == PMC_CPU_GENERIC) pmc_generic_cpu_finalize(md); else pmc_md_finalize(md); pmc_mdep_free(md); md = NULL; pmc_restore_cpu_binding(&pb); } /* Free per-cpu descriptors. */ for (cpu = 0; cpu < maxcpu; cpu++) { if (!pmc_cpu_is_active(cpu)) continue; KASSERT(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_HR] != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] Null hw cpu sample buffer cpu=%d", __LINE__, cpu)); KASSERT(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_SR] != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] Null sw cpu sample buffer cpu=%d", __LINE__, cpu)); KASSERT(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_UR] != NULL, ("[pmc,%d] Null userret cpu sample buffer cpu=%d", __LINE__, cpu)); free(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_HR]->ps_callchains, M_PMC); free(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_HR], M_PMC); free(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_SR]->ps_callchains, M_PMC); free(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_SR], M_PMC); free(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_UR]->ps_callchains, M_PMC); free(pmc_pcpu[cpu]->pc_sb[PMC_UR], M_PMC); free(pmc_pcpu[cpu], M_PMC); } free(pmc_pcpu, M_PMC); pmc_pcpu = NULL; free(pmc_pcpu_saved, M_PMC); pmc_pcpu_saved = NULL; if (pmc_pmcdisp) { free(pmc_pmcdisp, M_PMC); pmc_pmcdisp = NULL; } if (pmc_rowindex_to_classdep) { free(pmc_rowindex_to_classdep, M_PMC); pmc_rowindex_to_classdep = NULL; } pmclog_shutdown(); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_intr_ignored); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_intr_processed); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_intr_bufferfull); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_syscalls); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_syscall_errors); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_buffer_requests); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_buffer_requests_failed); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_log_sweeps); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_merges); counter_u64_free(pmc_stats.pm_overwrites); sx_xunlock(&pmc_sx); /* we are done */ } /* * The function called at load/unload. */ static int load (struct module *module __unused, int cmd, void *arg __unused) { int error; error = 0; switch (cmd) { case MOD_LOAD : /* initialize the subsystem */ error = pmc_initialize(); if (error != 0) break; PMCDBG2(MOD,INI,1, "syscall=%d maxcpu=%d", pmc_syscall_num, pmc_cpu_max()); break; case MOD_UNLOAD : case MOD_SHUTDOWN: pmc_cleanup(); PMCDBG0(MOD,INI,1, "unloaded"); break; default : error = EINVAL; /* XXX should panic(9) */ break; } return error; }