diff --git a/sys/netlink/route/neigh.c b/sys/netlink/route/neigh.c index 73844398d26d..44245e14b6b6 100644 --- a/sys/netlink/route/neigh.c +++ b/sys/netlink/route/neigh.c @@ -1,572 +1,572 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2022 Alexander V. Chernikov * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_inet6.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* nd6.h requires this */ #include /* nd6 state machine */ #include /* scope deembedding */ #define DEBUG_MOD_NAME nl_neigh #define DEBUG_MAX_LEVEL LOG_DEBUG3 #include _DECLARE_DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG); static int lle_families[] = { AF_INET, AF_INET6 }; static eventhandler_tag lle_event_p; struct netlink_walkargs { struct nl_writer *nw; struct nlmsghdr hdr; struct nlpcb *so; struct ifnet *ifp; int family; int error; int count; int dumped; }; static int lle_state_to_nl_state(int family, struct llentry *lle) { int state = lle->ln_state; switch (family) { case AF_INET: if (lle->la_flags & (LLE_STATIC | LLE_IFADDR)) state = 1; switch (state) { case 0: /* ARP_LLINFO_INCOMPLETE */ return (NUD_INCOMPLETE); case 1: /* ARP_LLINFO_REACHABLE */ return (NUD_REACHABLE); case 2: /* ARP_LLINFO_VERIFY */ return (NUD_PROBE); } break; case AF_INET6: switch (state) { case ND6_LLINFO_INCOMPLETE: return (NUD_INCOMPLETE); case ND6_LLINFO_REACHABLE: return (NUD_REACHABLE); case ND6_LLINFO_STALE: return (NUD_STALE); case ND6_LLINFO_DELAY: return (NUD_DELAY); case ND6_LLINFO_PROBE: return (NUD_PROBE); } break; } return (NUD_NONE); } static uint32_t lle_flags_to_nl_flags(const struct llentry *lle) { uint32_t nl_flags = 0; if (lle->la_flags & LLE_IFADDR) nl_flags |= NTF_SELF; if (lle->la_flags & LLE_PUB) nl_flags |= NTF_PROXY; if (lle->la_flags & LLE_STATIC) nl_flags |= NTF_STICKY; if (lle->ln_router != 0) nl_flags |= NTF_ROUTER; return (nl_flags); } static int dump_lle_locked(struct llentry *lle, void *arg) { struct netlink_walkargs *wa = (struct netlink_walkargs *)arg; struct nlmsghdr *hdr = &wa->hdr; struct nl_writer *nw = wa->nw; struct ndmsg *ndm; union { struct in_addr in; struct in6_addr in6; } addr; IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(LOG_DEBUG2) { char llebuf[NHOP_PRINT_BUFSIZE]; llentry_print_buf_lltable(lle, llebuf, sizeof(llebuf)); NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, "dumping %s", llebuf); } if (!nlmsg_reply(nw, hdr, sizeof(struct ndmsg))) goto enomem; ndm = nlmsg_reserve_object(nw, struct ndmsg); ndm->ndm_family = wa->family; ndm->ndm_ifindex = wa->ifp->if_index; ndm->ndm_state = lle_state_to_nl_state(wa->family, lle); ndm->ndm_flags = lle_flags_to_nl_flags(lle); switch (wa->family) { #ifdef INET case AF_INET: addr.in = lle->r_l3addr.addr4; nlattr_add(nw, NDA_DST, 4, &addr); break; #endif #ifdef INET6 case AF_INET6: addr.in6 = lle->r_l3addr.addr6; in6_clearscope(&addr.in6); nlattr_add(nw, NDA_DST, 16, &addr); break; #endif } if (lle->r_flags & RLLE_VALID) { /* Has L2 */ int addrlen = wa->ifp->if_addrlen; nlattr_add(nw, NDA_LLADDR, addrlen, lle->ll_addr); } nlattr_add_u32(nw, NDA_PROBES, lle->la_asked); struct nda_cacheinfo *cache; cache = nlmsg_reserve_attr(nw, NDA_CACHEINFO, struct nda_cacheinfo); if (cache == NULL) goto enomem; /* TODO: provide confirmed/updated */ cache->ndm_refcnt = lle->lle_refcnt; if (nlmsg_end(nw)) return (0); enomem: NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "unable to dump lle state (ENOMEM)"); nlmsg_abort(nw); return (ENOMEM); } static int dump_lle(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle, void *arg) { int error; LLE_RLOCK(lle); error = dump_lle_locked(lle, arg); LLE_RUNLOCK(lle); return (error); } static bool dump_llt(struct lltable *llt, struct netlink_walkargs *wa) { lltable_foreach_lle(llt, dump_lle, wa); return (true); } static int dump_llts_iface(struct netlink_walkargs *wa, struct ifnet *ifp, int family) { int error = 0; wa->ifp = ifp; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(lle_families) / sizeof(int); i++) { int fam = lle_families[i]; struct lltable *llt = lltable_get(ifp, fam); if (llt != NULL && (family == 0 || family == fam)) { wa->count++; wa->family = fam; if (!dump_llt(llt, wa)) { error = ENOMEM; break; } wa->dumped++; } } return (error); } static int dump_llts(struct netlink_walkargs *wa, struct ifnet *ifp, int family) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Start dump ifp=%s family=%d", ifp ? if_name(ifp) : "NULL", family); wa->hdr.nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_MULTI; if (ifp != NULL) { dump_llts_iface(wa, ifp, family); } else { CK_STAILQ_FOREACH(ifp, &V_ifnet, if_link) { dump_llts_iface(wa, ifp, family); } } NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "End dump, iterated %d dumped %d", wa->count, wa->dumped); if (!nlmsg_end_dump(wa->nw, wa->error, &wa->hdr)) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to add new message"); return (ENOMEM); } return (0); } static int get_lle(struct netlink_walkargs *wa, struct ifnet *ifp, int family, struct sockaddr *dst) { struct lltable *llt = lltable_get(ifp, family); if (llt == NULL) return (ESRCH); #ifdef INET6 if (dst->sa_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *dst6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)dst; if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL(&dst6->sin6_addr)) in6_set_unicast_scopeid(&dst6->sin6_addr, ifp->if_index); } #endif struct llentry *lle = lla_lookup(llt, LLE_UNLOCKED, dst); if (lle == NULL) return (ESRCH); wa->ifp = ifp; wa->family = family; return (dump_lle(llt, lle, wa)); } struct nl_parsed_neigh { struct sockaddr *nda_dst; struct ifnet *nda_ifp; struct nlattr *nda_lladdr; uint32_t ndm_flags; uint16_t ndm_state; uint8_t ndm_family; }; #define _IN(_field) offsetof(struct ndmsg, _field) #define _OUT(_field) offsetof(struct nl_parsed_neigh, _field) static struct nlfield_parser nlf_p_neigh[] = { { .off_in = _IN(ndm_family), .off_out = _OUT(ndm_family), .cb = nlf_get_u8 }, { .off_in = _IN(ndm_flags), .off_out = _OUT(ndm_flags), .cb = nlf_get_u8_u32 }, { .off_in = _IN(ndm_state), .off_out = _OUT(ndm_state), .cb = nlf_get_u16 }, { .off_in = _IN(ndm_ifindex), .off_out = _OUT(nda_ifp), .cb = nlf_get_ifpz }, }; static struct nlattr_parser nla_p_neigh[] = { { .type = NDA_DST, .off = _OUT(nda_dst), .cb = nlattr_get_ip }, { .type = NDA_LLADDR, .off = _OUT(nda_lladdr), .cb = nlattr_get_nla }, { .type = NDA_IFINDEX, .off = _OUT(nda_ifp), .cb = nlattr_get_ifp }, { .type = NDA_FLAGS_EXT, .off = _OUT(ndm_flags), .cb = nlattr_get_uint32 }, }; #undef _IN #undef _OUT NL_DECLARE_PARSER(ndmsg_parser, struct ndmsg, nlf_p_neigh, nla_p_neigh); /* * type=RTM_NEWNEIGH, flags=NLM_F_REQUEST|NLM_F_ACK|NLM_F_EXCL|NLM_F_CREATE, seq=1661941473, pid=0}, * {ndm_family=AF_INET6, ndm_ifindex=if_nametoindex("enp0s31f6"), ndm_state=NUD_PERMANENT, ndm_flags=0, ndm_type=RTN_UNSPEC}, * [ * {{nla_len=20, nla_type=NDA_DST}, inet_pton(AF_INET6, "2a01:4f8:13a:70c::3")}, * {{nla_len=10, nla_type=NDA_LLADDR}, 20:4e:71:62:ae:f2}]}, iov_len=60} */ static int rtnl_handle_newneigh(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { int error; struct nl_parsed_neigh attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &ndmsg_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); if (attrs.nda_ifp == NULL || attrs.nda_dst == NULL || attrs.nda_lladdr == NULL) { if (attrs.nda_ifp == NULL) NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "NDA_IFINDEX / ndm_ifindex not set"); if (attrs.nda_dst == NULL) NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "NDA_DST not set"); if (attrs.nda_lladdr == NULL) NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "NDA_LLADDR not set"); return (EINVAL); } if (attrs.nda_dst->sa_family != attrs.ndm_family) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "NDA_DST family (%d) is different from ndm_family (%d)", attrs.nda_dst->sa_family, attrs.ndm_family); return (EINVAL); } int addrlen = attrs.nda_ifp->if_addrlen; if (attrs.nda_lladdr->nla_len != sizeof(struct nlattr) + addrlen) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, - "NDA_LLADDR address length (%ld) is different from expected (%d)", - attrs.nda_lladdr->nla_len - sizeof(struct nlattr), addrlen); + "NDA_LLADDR address length (%d) is different from expected (%d)", + (int)attrs.nda_lladdr->nla_len - (int)sizeof(struct nlattr), addrlen); return (EINVAL); } if (attrs.ndm_state != NUD_PERMANENT) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "ndm_state %d not supported", attrs.ndm_state); return (ENOTSUP); } const uint16_t supported_flags = NTF_PROXY | NTF_STICKY; if ((attrs.ndm_flags & supported_flags) != attrs.ndm_flags) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "ndm_flags %X not supported", attrs.ndm_flags &~ supported_flags); return (ENOTSUP); } /* Replacement requires new entry creation anyway */ if ((hdr->nlmsg_flags & (NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE)) == 0) return (ENOTSUP); struct lltable *llt = lltable_get(attrs.nda_ifp, attrs.ndm_family); if (llt == NULL) return (EAFNOSUPPORT); uint8_t linkhdr[LLE_MAX_LINKHDR]; size_t linkhdrsize = sizeof(linkhdr); int lladdr_off = 0; if (lltable_calc_llheader(attrs.nda_ifp, attrs.ndm_family, (char *)(attrs.nda_lladdr + 1), linkhdr, &linkhdrsize, &lladdr_off) != 0) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "unable to calculate lle prepend data"); return (EINVAL); } int lle_flags = LLE_STATIC | ((attrs.ndm_flags & NTF_PROXY) ? LLE_PUB : 0); struct llentry *lle = lltable_alloc_entry(llt, lle_flags, attrs.nda_dst); if (lle == NULL) return (ENOMEM); lltable_set_entry_addr(attrs.nda_ifp, lle, linkhdr, linkhdrsize, lladdr_off); /* llentry created, try to insert or update :*/ IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(attrs.nda_ifp); LLE_WLOCK(lle); struct llentry *lle_tmp = lla_lookup(llt, LLE_EXCLUSIVE, attrs.nda_dst); if (lle_tmp != NULL) { if (hdr->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_EXCL) { LLE_WUNLOCK(lle_tmp); lle_tmp = NULL; error = EEXIST; } else if (hdr->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_REPLACE) { lltable_unlink_entry(llt, lle_tmp); lltable_link_entry(llt, lle); } else error = EEXIST; } else { if (hdr->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_CREATE) lltable_link_entry(llt, lle); else error = ENOENT; } IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(attrs.nda_ifp); if (error != 0) { if (lle != NULL) llentry_free(lle); return (error); } if (lle_tmp != NULL) llentry_free(lle_tmp); /* XXX: We're inside epoch */ EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(lle_event, lle, LLENTRY_RESOLVED); LLE_WUNLOCK(lle); return (0); } static int rtnl_handle_delneigh(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { int error; struct nl_parsed_neigh attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &ndmsg_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); if (attrs.nda_dst == NULL) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "NDA_DST not set"); return (EINVAL); } if (attrs.nda_ifp == NULL) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "no ifindex provided"); return (EINVAL); } struct lltable *llt = lltable_get(attrs.nda_ifp, attrs.ndm_family); if (llt == NULL) return (EAFNOSUPPORT); IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(attrs.nda_ifp); struct llentry *lle = lla_lookup(llt, LLE_EXCLUSIVE, attrs.nda_dst); if (lle != NULL) { if ((lle->la_flags & LLE_IFADDR) != 0) { LLE_WUNLOCK(lle); lle = NULL; error = EPERM; } else lltable_unlink_entry(llt, lle); } else error = ENOENT; IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(attrs.nda_ifp); if (error == 0 && lle != NULL) EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(lle_event, lle, LLENTRY_DELETED); if (lle != NULL) llentry_free(lle); return (error); } static int rtnl_handle_getneigh(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { int error; struct nl_parsed_neigh attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &ndmsg_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); if (attrs.nda_dst != NULL && attrs.nda_ifp == NULL) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "has NDA_DST but no ifindex provided"); return (EINVAL); } struct netlink_walkargs wa = { .so = nlp, .nw = npt->nw, .hdr.nlmsg_pid = hdr->nlmsg_pid, .hdr.nlmsg_seq = hdr->nlmsg_seq, .hdr.nlmsg_flags = hdr->nlmsg_flags, .hdr.nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_NEWNEIGH, }; if (attrs.nda_dst == NULL) error = dump_llts(&wa, attrs.nda_ifp, attrs.ndm_family); else error = get_lle(&wa, attrs.nda_ifp, attrs.ndm_family, attrs.nda_dst); return (error); } static const struct rtnl_cmd_handler cmd_handlers[] = { { .cmd = NL_RTM_NEWNEIGH, .name = "RTM_NEWNEIGH", .cb = &rtnl_handle_newneigh, }, { .cmd = NL_RTM_DELNEIGH, .name = "RTM_DELNEIGH", .cb = &rtnl_handle_delneigh, .priv = PRIV_NET_ROUTE, }, { .cmd = NL_RTM_GETNEIGH, .name = "RTM_GETNEIGH", .cb = &rtnl_handle_getneigh, .priv = PRIV_NET_ROUTE, } }; static void rtnl_lle_event(void *arg __unused, struct llentry *lle, int evt) { struct ifnet *ifp; int family; LLE_WLOCK_ASSERT(lle); ifp = lltable_get_ifp(lle->lle_tbl); family = lltable_get_af(lle->lle_tbl); if (family != AF_INET && family != AF_INET6) return; int nlmsgs_type = evt == LLENTRY_RESOLVED ? NL_RTM_NEWNEIGH : NL_RTM_DELNEIGH; struct nl_writer nw = {}; if (!nlmsg_get_group_writer(&nw, NLMSG_SMALL, NETLINK_ROUTE, RTNLGRP_NEIGH)) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "error allocating group writer"); return; } struct netlink_walkargs wa = { .hdr.nlmsg_type = nlmsgs_type, .nw = &nw, .ifp = ifp, .family = family, }; dump_lle_locked(lle, &wa); nlmsg_flush(&nw); } static const struct nlhdr_parser *all_parsers[] = { &ndmsg_parser }; void rtnl_neighs_init() { NL_VERIFY_PARSERS(all_parsers); rtnl_register_messages(cmd_handlers, NL_ARRAY_LEN(cmd_handlers)); lle_event_p = EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(lle_event, rtnl_lle_event, NULL, EVENTHANDLER_PRI_ANY); } void rtnl_neighs_destroy() { EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(lle_event, lle_event_p); } diff --git a/sys/netlink/route/nexthop.c b/sys/netlink/route/nexthop.c index 77be3a612641..31816d84f189 100644 --- a/sys/netlink/route/nexthop.c +++ b/sys/netlink/route/nexthop.c @@ -1,1001 +1,1005 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2022 Alexander V. Chernikov * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_inet6.h" +#include "opt_route.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_MOD_NAME nl_nhop #define DEBUG_MAX_LEVEL LOG_DEBUG3 #include _DECLARE_DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG3); /* * This file contains the logic to maintain kernel nexthops and * nexhop groups based om the data provided by the user. * * Kernel stores (nearly) all of the routing data in the nexthops, * including the prefix-specific flags (NHF_HOST and NHF_DEFAULT). * * Netlink API provides higher-level abstraction for the user. Each * user-created nexthop may map to multiple kernel nexthops. * * The following variations require separate kernel nexthop to be * created: * * prefix flags (NHF_HOST, NHF_DEFAULT) * * using IPv6 gateway for IPv4 routes * * different fibnum * * These kernel nexthops have the lifetime bound to the lifetime of * the user_nhop object. They are not collected until user requests * to delete the created user_nhop. * */ struct user_nhop { uint32_t un_idx; /* Userland-provided index */ uint32_t un_fibfam; /* fibnum+af(as highest byte) */ uint8_t un_protocol; /* protocol that install the record */ struct nhop_object *un_nhop; /* "production" nexthop */ struct nhop_object *un_nhop_src; /* nexthop to copy from */ struct weightened_nhop *un_nhgrp_src; /* nexthops for nhg */ uint32_t un_nhgrp_count; /* number of nexthops */ struct user_nhop *un_next; /* next item in hash chain */ struct user_nhop *un_nextchild; /* master -> children */ struct epoch_context un_epoch_ctx; /* epoch ctl helper */ }; /* produce hash value for an object */ #define unhop_hash_obj(_obj) (hash_unhop(_obj)) /* compare two objects */ #define unhop_cmp(_one, _two) (cmp_unhop(_one, _two)) /* next object accessor */ #define unhop_next(_obj) (_obj)->un_next CHT_SLIST_DEFINE(unhop, struct user_nhop); struct unhop_ctl { struct unhop_head un_head; struct rmlock un_lock; }; #define UN_LOCK_INIT(_ctl) rm_init(&(_ctl)->un_lock, "unhop_ctl") #define UN_TRACKER struct rm_priotracker un_tracker #define UN_RLOCK(_ctl) rm_rlock(&((_ctl)->un_lock), &un_tracker) #define UN_RUNLOCK(_ctl) rm_runlock(&((_ctl)->un_lock), &un_tracker) #define UN_WLOCK(_ctl) rm_wlock(&(_ctl)->un_lock); #define UN_WUNLOCK(_ctl) rm_wunlock(&(_ctl)->un_lock); VNET_DEFINE_STATIC(struct unhop_ctl *, un_ctl) = NULL; #define V_un_ctl VNET(un_ctl) static void consider_resize(struct unhop_ctl *ctl, uint32_t new_size); static int cmp_unhop(const struct user_nhop *a, const struct user_nhop *b); static unsigned int hash_unhop(const struct user_nhop *obj); static void destroy_unhop(struct user_nhop *unhop); static struct nhop_object *clone_unhop(const struct user_nhop *unhop, uint32_t fibnum, int family, int nh_flags); static int cmp_unhop(const struct user_nhop *a, const struct user_nhop *b) { return (a->un_idx == b->un_idx && a->un_fibfam == b->un_fibfam); } /* * Hash callback: calculate hash of an object */ static unsigned int hash_unhop(const struct user_nhop *obj) { return (obj->un_idx ^ obj->un_fibfam); } #define UNHOP_IS_MASTER(_unhop) ((_unhop)->un_fibfam == 0) /* * Factory interface for creating matching kernel nexthops/nexthop groups * * @uidx: userland nexhop index used to create the nexthop * @fibnum: fibnum nexthop will be used in * @family: upper family nexthop will be used in * @nh_flags: desired nexthop prefix flags * @perror: pointer to store error to * * Returns referenced nexthop linked to @fibnum/@family rib on success. */ struct nhop_object * nl_find_nhop(uint32_t fibnum, int family, uint32_t uidx, int nh_flags, int *perror) { struct unhop_ctl *ctl = atomic_load_ptr(&V_un_ctl); UN_TRACKER; if (__predict_false(ctl == NULL)) return (NULL); struct user_nhop key= { .un_idx = uidx, .un_fibfam = fibnum | ((uint32_t)family) << 24, }; struct user_nhop *unhop; nh_flags = nh_flags & (NHF_HOST | NHF_DEFAULT); if (__predict_false(family == 0)) return (NULL); UN_RLOCK(ctl); CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, &key, unhop); if (unhop != NULL) { struct nhop_object *nh = unhop->un_nhop; UN_RLOCK(ctl); *perror = 0; nhop_ref_any(nh); return (nh); } /* * Exact nexthop not found. Search for template nexthop to clone from. */ key.un_fibfam = 0; CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, &key, unhop); if (unhop == NULL) { UN_RUNLOCK(ctl); *perror = ESRCH; return (NULL); } UN_RUNLOCK(ctl); /* Create entry to insert first */ struct user_nhop *un_new, *un_tmp; un_new = malloc(sizeof(struct user_nhop), M_NETLINK, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); if (un_new == NULL) { *perror = ENOMEM; return (NULL); } un_new->un_idx = uidx; un_new->un_fibfam = fibnum | ((uint32_t)family) << 24; /* Relying on epoch to protect unhop here */ un_new->un_nhop = clone_unhop(unhop, fibnum, family, nh_flags); if (un_new->un_nhop == NULL) { free(un_new, M_NETLINK); *perror = ENOMEM; return (NULL); } /* Insert back and report */ UN_WLOCK(ctl); /* First, find template record once again */ CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, &key, unhop); if (unhop == NULL) { /* Someone deleted the nexthop during the call */ UN_WUNLOCK(ctl); *perror = ESRCH; destroy_unhop(un_new); return (NULL); } /* Second, check the direct match */ CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, un_new, un_tmp); struct nhop_object *nh; if (un_tmp != NULL) { /* Another thread already created the desired nextop, use it */ nh = un_tmp->un_nhop; } else { /* Finally, insert the new nexthop and link it to the primary */ nh = un_new->un_nhop; CHT_SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ctl->un_head, unhop, un_new); un_new->un_nextchild = unhop->un_nextchild; unhop->un_nextchild = un_new; un_new = NULL; NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, "linked cloned nexthop %p", nh); } UN_WUNLOCK(ctl); if (un_new != NULL) destroy_unhop(un_new); *perror = 0; nhop_ref_any(nh); return (nh); } static struct user_nhop * nl_find_base_unhop(struct unhop_ctl *ctl, uint32_t uidx) { struct user_nhop key= { .un_idx = uidx }; struct user_nhop *unhop = NULL; UN_TRACKER; UN_RLOCK(ctl); CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, &key, unhop); UN_RUNLOCK(ctl); return (unhop); } #define MAX_STACK_NHOPS 4 static struct nhop_object * clone_unhop(const struct user_nhop *unhop, uint32_t fibnum, int family, int nh_flags) { +#ifdef ROUTE_MPATH const struct weightened_nhop *wn; struct weightened_nhop *wn_new, wn_base[MAX_STACK_NHOPS]; - struct nhop_object *nh = NULL; uint32_t num_nhops; +#endif + struct nhop_object *nh = NULL; int error; if (unhop->un_nhop_src != NULL) { IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(LOG_DEBUG2) { char nhbuf[NHOP_PRINT_BUFSIZE]; nhop_print_buf_any(unhop->un_nhop_src, nhbuf, sizeof(nhbuf)); FIB_NH_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, unhop->un_nhop_src, "cloning nhop %s -> %u.%u flags 0x%X", nhbuf, fibnum, family, nh_flags); } struct nhop_object *nh; nh = nhop_alloc(fibnum, AF_UNSPEC); if (nh == NULL) return (NULL); nhop_copy(nh, unhop->un_nhop_src); /* Check that nexthop gateway is compatible with the new family */ if (!nhop_set_upper_family(nh, family)) { nhop_free(nh); return (NULL); } nhop_set_uidx(nh, unhop->un_idx); nhop_set_pxtype_flag(nh, nh_flags); return (nhop_get_nhop(nh, &error)); } - +#ifdef ROUTE_MPATH wn = unhop->un_nhgrp_src; num_nhops = unhop->un_nhgrp_count; if (num_nhops > MAX_STACK_NHOPS) { wn_new = malloc(num_nhops * sizeof(struct weightened_nhop), M_TEMP, M_NOWAIT); if (wn_new == NULL) return (NULL); } else wn_new = wn_base; for (int i = 0; i < num_nhops; i++) { uint32_t uidx = nhop_get_uidx(wn[i].nh); MPASS(uidx != 0); wn_new[i].nh = nl_find_nhop(fibnum, family, uidx, nh_flags, &error); if (error != 0) break; wn_new[i].weight = wn[i].weight; } if (error == 0) { struct rib_head *rh = nhop_get_rh(wn_new[0].nh); struct nhgrp_object *nhg; error = nhgrp_get_group(rh, wn_new, num_nhops, unhop->un_idx, &nhg); nh = (struct nhop_object *)nhg; } if (wn_new != wn_base) free(wn_new, M_TEMP); +#endif return (nh); } static void destroy_unhop(struct user_nhop *unhop) { if (unhop->un_nhop != NULL) nhop_free_any(unhop->un_nhop); if (unhop->un_nhop_src != NULL) nhop_free_any(unhop->un_nhop_src); free(unhop, M_NETLINK); } static void destroy_unhop_epoch(epoch_context_t ctx) { struct user_nhop *unhop; unhop = __containerof(ctx, struct user_nhop, un_epoch_ctx); destroy_unhop(unhop); } static uint32_t find_spare_uidx(struct unhop_ctl *ctl) { struct user_nhop *unhop, key = {}; uint32_t uidx = 0; UN_TRACKER; UN_RLOCK(ctl); /* This should return spare uid with 75% of 65k used in ~99/100 cases */ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { key.un_idx = (arc4random() % 65536) + 65536 * 4; CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, &key, unhop); if (unhop == NULL) { uidx = key.un_idx; break; } } UN_RUNLOCK(ctl); return (uidx); } /* * Actual netlink code */ struct netlink_walkargs { struct nl_writer *nw; struct nlmsghdr hdr; struct nlpcb *so; int family; int error; int count; int dumped; }; #define ENOMEM_IF_NULL(_v) if ((_v) == NULL) goto enomem static bool dump_nhgrp(const struct user_nhop *unhop, struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nl_writer *nw) { if (!nlmsg_reply(nw, hdr, sizeof(struct nhmsg))) goto enomem; struct nhmsg *nhm = nlmsg_reserve_object(nw, struct nhmsg); nhm->nh_family = AF_UNSPEC; nhm->nh_scope = 0; nhm->nh_protocol = unhop->un_protocol; nhm->nh_flags = 0; nlattr_add_u32(nw, NHA_ID, unhop->un_idx); nlattr_add_u16(nw, NHA_GROUP_TYPE, NEXTHOP_GRP_TYPE_MPATH); struct weightened_nhop *wn = unhop->un_nhgrp_src; uint32_t num_nhops = unhop->un_nhgrp_count; /* TODO: a better API? */ int nla_len = sizeof(struct nlattr); nla_len += NETLINK_ALIGN(num_nhops * sizeof(struct nexthop_grp)); struct nlattr *nla = nlmsg_reserve_data(nw, nla_len, struct nlattr); if (nla == NULL) goto enomem; nla->nla_type = NHA_GROUP; nla->nla_len = nla_len; for (int i = 0; i < num_nhops; i++) { struct nexthop_grp *grp = &((struct nexthop_grp *)(nla + 1))[i]; grp->id = nhop_get_uidx(wn[i].nh); grp->weight = wn[i].weight; grp->resvd1 = 0; grp->resvd2 = 0; } if (nlmsg_end(nw)) return (true); enomem: NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "error: unable to allocate attribute memory"); nlmsg_abort(nw); return (false); } static bool dump_nhop(const struct user_nhop *unhop, struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nl_writer *nw) { struct nhop_object *nh = unhop->un_nhop_src; if (!nlmsg_reply(nw, hdr, sizeof(struct nhmsg))) goto enomem; struct nhmsg *nhm = nlmsg_reserve_object(nw, struct nhmsg); ENOMEM_IF_NULL(nhm); nhm->nh_family = nhop_get_neigh_family(nh); nhm->nh_scope = 0; // XXX: what's that? nhm->nh_protocol = unhop->un_protocol; nhm->nh_flags = 0; nlattr_add_u32(nw, NHA_ID, unhop->un_idx); if (nh->nh_flags & NHF_BLACKHOLE) { nlattr_add_flag(nw, NHA_BLACKHOLE); goto done; } nlattr_add_u32(nw, NHA_OIF, nh->nh_ifp->if_index); switch (nh->gw_sa.sa_family) { #ifdef INET case AF_INET: nlattr_add(nw, NHA_GATEWAY, 4, &nh->gw4_sa.sin_addr); break; #endif #ifdef INET6 case AF_INET6: { struct in6_addr addr = nh->gw6_sa.sin6_addr; in6_clearscope(&addr); nlattr_add(nw, NHA_GATEWAY, 16, &addr); break; } #endif } done: if (nlmsg_end(nw)) return (true); enomem: nlmsg_abort(nw); return (false); } static void dump_unhop(const struct user_nhop *unhop, struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nl_writer *nw) { if (unhop->un_nhop_src != NULL) dump_nhop(unhop, hdr, nw); else dump_nhgrp(unhop, hdr, nw); } static int delete_unhop(struct unhop_ctl *ctl, struct nlmsghdr *hdr, uint32_t uidx) { struct user_nhop *unhop_ret, *unhop_base, *unhop_chain; struct user_nhop key = { .un_idx = uidx }; UN_WLOCK(ctl); CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, &key, unhop_base); if (unhop_base != NULL) { CHT_SLIST_REMOVE(&ctl->un_head, unhop, unhop_base, unhop_ret); IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(LOG_DEBUG2) { char nhbuf[NHOP_PRINT_BUFSIZE]; nhop_print_buf_any(unhop_base->un_nhop, nhbuf, sizeof(nhbuf)); FIB_NH_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, unhop_base->un_nhop, "removed base nhop %u: %s", uidx, nhbuf); } /* Unlink all child nexhops as well, keeping the chain intact */ unhop_chain = unhop_base->un_nextchild; while (unhop_chain != NULL) { CHT_SLIST_REMOVE(&ctl->un_head, unhop, unhop_chain, unhop_ret); MPASS(unhop_chain == unhop_ret); IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(LOG_DEBUG3) { char nhbuf[NHOP_PRINT_BUFSIZE]; nhop_print_buf_any(unhop_chain->un_nhop, nhbuf, sizeof(nhbuf)); FIB_NH_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, unhop_chain->un_nhop, "removed child nhop %u: %s", uidx, nhbuf); } unhop_chain = unhop_chain->un_nextchild; } } UN_WUNLOCK(ctl); if (unhop_base == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "unable to find unhop %u", uidx); return (ENOENT); } /* Report nexthop deletion */ struct netlink_walkargs wa = { .hdr.nlmsg_pid = hdr->nlmsg_pid, .hdr.nlmsg_seq = hdr->nlmsg_seq, .hdr.nlmsg_flags = hdr->nlmsg_flags, .hdr.nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_DELNEXTHOP, }; struct nl_writer nw = {}; if (!nlmsg_get_group_writer(&nw, NLMSG_SMALL, NETLINK_ROUTE, RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP)) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "error allocating message writer"); return (ENOMEM); } dump_unhop(unhop_base, &wa.hdr, &nw); nlmsg_flush(&nw); while (unhop_base != NULL) { unhop_chain = unhop_base->un_nextchild; epoch_call(net_epoch_preempt, destroy_unhop_epoch, &unhop_base->un_epoch_ctx); unhop_base = unhop_chain; } return (0); } static void consider_resize(struct unhop_ctl *ctl, uint32_t new_size) { void *new_ptr = NULL; size_t alloc_size; if (new_size == 0) return; if (new_size != 0) { alloc_size = CHT_SLIST_GET_RESIZE_SIZE(new_size); new_ptr = malloc(alloc_size, M_NETLINK, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); if (new_ptr == NULL) return; } NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "resizing hash: %u -> %u", ctl->un_head.hash_size, new_size); UN_WLOCK(ctl); if (new_ptr != NULL) { CHT_SLIST_RESIZE(&ctl->un_head, unhop, new_ptr, new_size); } UN_WUNLOCK(ctl); if (new_ptr != NULL) free(new_ptr, M_NETLINK); } static bool __noinline vnet_init_unhops() { uint32_t num_buckets = 16; size_t alloc_size = CHT_SLIST_GET_RESIZE_SIZE(num_buckets); struct unhop_ctl *ctl = malloc(sizeof(struct unhop_ctl), M_NETLINK, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); if (ctl == NULL) return (false); void *ptr = malloc(alloc_size, M_NETLINK, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); if (ptr == NULL) { free(ctl, M_NETLINK); return (false); } CHT_SLIST_INIT(&ctl->un_head, ptr, num_buckets); UN_LOCK_INIT(ctl); if (!atomic_cmpset_ptr((uintptr_t *)&V_un_ctl, (uintptr_t)NULL, (uintptr_t)ctl)) { free(ptr, M_NETLINK); free(ctl, M_NETLINK); } if (atomic_load_ptr(&V_un_ctl) == NULL) return (false); NL_LOG(LOG_NOTICE, "UNHOPS init done"); return (true); } static void vnet_destroy_unhops(const void *unused __unused) { struct unhop_ctl *ctl = atomic_load_ptr(&V_un_ctl); struct user_nhop *unhop, *tmp; if (ctl == NULL) return; V_un_ctl = NULL; /* Wait till all unhop users finish their reads */ epoch_wait_preempt(net_epoch_preempt); UN_WLOCK(ctl); CHT_SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(&ctl->un_head, unhop, unhop, tmp) { destroy_unhop(unhop); } CHT_SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE_END; UN_WUNLOCK(ctl); free(ctl->un_head.ptr, M_NETLINK); free(ctl, M_NETLINK); } VNET_SYSUNINIT(vnet_destroy_unhops, SI_SUB_PROTO_IF, SI_ORDER_ANY, vnet_destroy_unhops, NULL); static int nlattr_get_nhg(struct nlattr *nla, struct nl_pstate *npt, const void *arg, void *target) { int error = 0; /* Verify attribute correctness */ struct nexthop_grp *grp = NLA_DATA(nla); int data_len = NLA_DATA_LEN(nla); int count = data_len / sizeof(*grp); if (count == 0 || (count * sizeof(*grp) != data_len)) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Invalid length for RTA_GROUP: %d", data_len); return (EINVAL); } *((struct nlattr **)target) = nla; return (error); } struct nl_parsed_nhop { uint32_t nha_id; uint8_t nha_blackhole; uint8_t nha_groups; struct ifnet *nha_oif; struct sockaddr *nha_gw; struct nlattr *nha_group; uint8_t nh_family; uint8_t nh_protocol; }; #define _IN(_field) offsetof(struct nhmsg, _field) #define _OUT(_field) offsetof(struct nl_parsed_nhop, _field) static const struct nlfield_parser nlf_p_nh[] = { { .off_in = _IN(nh_family), .off_out = _OUT(nh_family), .cb = nlf_get_u8 }, { .off_in = _IN(nh_protocol), .off_out = _OUT(nh_protocol), .cb = nlf_get_u8 }, }; static const struct nlattr_parser nla_p_nh[] = { { .type = NHA_ID, .off = _OUT(nha_id), .cb = nlattr_get_uint32 }, { .type = NHA_GROUP, .off = _OUT(nha_group), .cb = nlattr_get_nhg }, { .type = NHA_BLACKHOLE, .off = _OUT(nha_blackhole), .cb = nlattr_get_flag }, { .type = NHA_OIF, .off = _OUT(nha_oif), .cb = nlattr_get_ifp }, { .type = NHA_GATEWAY, .off = _OUT(nha_gw), .cb = nlattr_get_ip }, { .type = NHA_GROUPS, .off = _OUT(nha_groups), .cb = nlattr_get_flag }, }; #undef _IN #undef _OUT NL_DECLARE_PARSER(nhmsg_parser, struct nhmsg, nlf_p_nh, nla_p_nh); static bool eligible_nhg(const struct nhop_object *nh) { return (nh->nh_flags & NHF_GATEWAY); } static int newnhg(struct unhop_ctl *ctl, struct nl_parsed_nhop *attrs, struct user_nhop *unhop) { struct nexthop_grp *grp = NLA_DATA(attrs->nha_group); int count = NLA_DATA_LEN(attrs->nha_group) / sizeof(*grp); struct weightened_nhop *wn; wn = malloc(sizeof(*wn) * count, M_NETLINK, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); if (wn == NULL) return (ENOMEM); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct user_nhop *unhop; unhop = nl_find_base_unhop(ctl, grp[i].id); if (unhop == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "unable to find uidx %u", grp[i].id); free(wn, M_NETLINK); return (ESRCH); } else if (unhop->un_nhop_src == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "uidx %u is a group, nested group unsupported", grp[i].id); free(wn, M_NETLINK); return (ENOTSUP); } else if (!eligible_nhg(unhop->un_nhop_src)) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "uidx %u nhop is not mpath-eligible", grp[i].id); free(wn, M_NETLINK); return (ENOTSUP); } /* * TODO: consider more rigid eligibility checks: * restrict nexthops with the same gateway */ wn[i].nh = unhop->un_nhop_src; wn[i].weight = grp[i].weight; } unhop->un_nhgrp_src = wn; unhop->un_nhgrp_count = count; return (0); } static int newnhop(struct nl_parsed_nhop *attrs, struct user_nhop *unhop) { struct ifaddr *ifa = NULL; struct nhop_object *nh; int error; if (!attrs->nha_blackhole) { if (attrs->nha_gw == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "missing NHA_GATEWAY"); return (EINVAL); } if (attrs->nha_oif == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "missing NHA_OIF"); return (EINVAL); } if (ifa == NULL) ifa = ifaof_ifpforaddr(attrs->nha_gw, attrs->nha_oif); if (ifa == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to determine default source IP"); return (EINVAL); } } int family = attrs->nha_gw != NULL ? attrs->nha_gw->sa_family : attrs->nh_family; nh = nhop_alloc(RT_DEFAULT_FIB, family); if (nh == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to allocate nexthop"); return (ENOMEM); } nhop_set_uidx(nh, attrs->nha_id); if (attrs->nha_blackhole) nhop_set_blackhole(nh, NHF_BLACKHOLE); else { nhop_set_gw(nh, attrs->nha_gw, true); nhop_set_transmit_ifp(nh, attrs->nha_oif); nhop_set_src(nh, ifa); } error = nhop_get_unlinked(nh); if (error != 0) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "unable to finalize nexthop"); return (error); } IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(LOG_DEBUG2) { char nhbuf[NHOP_PRINT_BUFSIZE]; nhop_print_buf(nh, nhbuf, sizeof(nhbuf)); NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, "Adding unhop %u: %s", attrs->nha_id, nhbuf); } unhop->un_nhop_src = nh; return (0); } static int rtnl_handle_newnhop(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { struct user_nhop *unhop; int error; if ((__predict_false(V_un_ctl == NULL)) && (!vnet_init_unhops())) return (ENOMEM); struct unhop_ctl *ctl = V_un_ctl; struct nl_parsed_nhop attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &nhmsg_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); /* * Get valid nha_id. Treat nha_id == 0 (auto-assignment) as a second-class * citizen. */ if (attrs.nha_id == 0) { attrs.nha_id = find_spare_uidx(ctl); if (attrs.nha_id == 0) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to get spare uidx"); return (ENOSPC); } } NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "IFINDEX %d", attrs.nha_oif ? attrs.nha_oif->if_index : 0); unhop = malloc(sizeof(struct user_nhop), M_NETLINK, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO); if (unhop == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to allocate user_nhop"); return (ENOMEM); } unhop->un_idx = attrs.nha_id; unhop->un_protocol = attrs.nh_protocol; if (attrs.nha_group) error = newnhg(ctl, &attrs, unhop); else error = newnhop(&attrs, unhop); if (error != 0) { free(unhop, M_NETLINK); return (error); } UN_WLOCK(ctl); /* Check if uidx already exists */ struct user_nhop *tmp = NULL; CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, unhop, tmp); if (tmp != NULL) { UN_WUNLOCK(ctl); NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "nhop idx %u already exists", attrs.nha_id); destroy_unhop(unhop); return (EEXIST); } CHT_SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ctl->un_head, unhop, unhop); uint32_t num_buckets_new = CHT_SLIST_GET_RESIZE_BUCKETS(&ctl->un_head); UN_WUNLOCK(ctl); /* Report addition of the next nexhop */ struct netlink_walkargs wa = { .hdr.nlmsg_pid = hdr->nlmsg_pid, .hdr.nlmsg_seq = hdr->nlmsg_seq, .hdr.nlmsg_flags = hdr->nlmsg_flags, .hdr.nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_NEWNEXTHOP, }; struct nl_writer nw = {}; if (!nlmsg_get_group_writer(&nw, NLMSG_SMALL, NETLINK_ROUTE, RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP)) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "error allocating message writer"); return (ENOMEM); } dump_unhop(unhop, &wa.hdr, &nw); nlmsg_flush(&nw); consider_resize(ctl, num_buckets_new); return (0); } static int rtnl_handle_delnhop(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { struct unhop_ctl *ctl = atomic_load_ptr(&V_un_ctl); int error; if (__predict_false(ctl == NULL)) return (ESRCH); struct nl_parsed_nhop attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &nhmsg_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); if (attrs.nha_id == 0) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "NHA_ID not set"); return (EINVAL); } error = delete_unhop(ctl, hdr, attrs.nha_id); return (error); } static bool match_unhop(const struct nl_parsed_nhop *attrs, struct user_nhop *unhop) { if (attrs->nha_id != 0 && unhop->un_idx != attrs->nha_id) return (false); if (attrs->nha_groups != 0 && unhop->un_nhgrp_src == NULL) return (false); if (attrs->nha_oif != NULL && (unhop->un_nhop_src == NULL || unhop->un_nhop_src->nh_ifp != attrs->nha_oif)) return (false); return (true); } static int rtnl_handle_getnhop(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { struct unhop_ctl *ctl = atomic_load_ptr(&V_un_ctl); struct user_nhop *unhop; UN_TRACKER; int error; if (__predict_false(ctl == NULL)) return (ESRCH); struct nl_parsed_nhop attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &nhmsg_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); struct netlink_walkargs wa = { .nw = npt->nw, .hdr.nlmsg_pid = hdr->nlmsg_pid, .hdr.nlmsg_seq = hdr->nlmsg_seq, .hdr.nlmsg_flags = hdr->nlmsg_flags, .hdr.nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_NEWNEXTHOP, }; if (attrs.nha_id != 0) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, "searching for uidx %u", attrs.nha_id); struct user_nhop key= { .un_idx = attrs.nha_id }; UN_RLOCK(ctl); CHT_SLIST_FIND_BYOBJ(&ctl->un_head, unhop, &key, unhop); UN_RUNLOCK(ctl); if (unhop == NULL) return (ESRCH); dump_unhop(unhop, &wa.hdr, wa.nw); return (0); } UN_RLOCK(ctl); wa.hdr.nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_MULTI; CHT_SLIST_FOREACH(&ctl->un_head, unhop, unhop) { if (UNHOP_IS_MASTER(unhop) && match_unhop(&attrs, unhop)) dump_unhop(unhop, &wa.hdr, wa.nw); } CHT_SLIST_FOREACH_END; UN_RUNLOCK(ctl); if (wa.error == 0) { if (!nlmsg_end_dump(wa.nw, wa.error, &wa.hdr)) return (ENOMEM); } return (0); } static const struct rtnl_cmd_handler cmd_handlers[] = { { .cmd = NL_RTM_NEWNEXTHOP, .name = "RTM_NEWNEXTHOP", .cb = &rtnl_handle_newnhop, .priv = PRIV_NET_ROUTE, }, { .cmd = NL_RTM_DELNEXTHOP, .name = "RTM_DELNEXTHOP", .cb = &rtnl_handle_delnhop, .priv = PRIV_NET_ROUTE, }, { .cmd = NL_RTM_GETNEXTHOP, .name = "RTM_GETNEXTHOP", .cb = &rtnl_handle_getnhop, } }; static const struct nlhdr_parser *all_parsers[] = { &nhmsg_parser }; void rtnl_nexthops_init() { NL_VERIFY_PARSERS(all_parsers); rtnl_register_messages(cmd_handlers, NL_ARRAY_LEN(cmd_handlers)); } diff --git a/sys/netlink/route/route.c b/sys/netlink/route/route.c index 7573b371155e..63489dc8173a 100644 --- a/sys/netlink/route/route.c +++ b/sys/netlink/route/route.c @@ -1,972 +1,986 @@ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2021 Ng Peng Nam Sean * Copyright (c) 2022 Alexander V. Chernikov * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_inet6.h" #include "opt_route.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_MOD_NAME nl_route #define DEBUG_MAX_LEVEL LOG_DEBUG3 #include _DECLARE_DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG); static unsigned char get_rtm_type(const struct nhop_object *nh) { int nh_flags = nh->nh_flags; /* Use the fact that nhg runtime flags are only NHF_MULTIPATH */ if (nh_flags & NHF_BLACKHOLE) return (RTN_BLACKHOLE); else if (nh_flags & NHF_REJECT) return (RTN_PROHIBIT); return (RTN_UNICAST); } static uint8_t nl_get_rtm_protocol(const struct nhop_object *nh) { +#ifdef ROUTE_MPATH if (NH_IS_NHGRP(nh)) { const struct nhgrp_object *nhg = (const struct nhgrp_object *)nh; uint8_t origin = nhgrp_get_origin(nhg); if (origin != RTPROT_UNSPEC) return (origin); nh = nhg->nhops[0]; } +#endif uint8_t origin = nhop_get_origin(nh); if (origin != RTPROT_UNSPEC) return (origin); /* TODO: remove guesswork once all kernel users fill in origin */ int rt_flags = nhop_get_rtflags(nh); if (rt_flags & RTF_PROTO1) return (RTPROT_ZEBRA); if (rt_flags & RTF_STATIC) return (RTPROT_STATIC); return (RTPROT_KERNEL); } static int get_rtmsg_type_from_rtsock(int cmd) { switch (cmd) { case RTM_ADD: case RTM_CHANGE: case RTM_GET: return NL_RTM_NEWROUTE; case RTM_DELETE: return NL_RTM_DELROUTE; } return (0); } /* * fibnum heuristics * * if (dump && rtm_table == 0 && !rta_table) RT_ALL_FIBS * msg rtm_table RTA_TABLE result * RTM_GETROUTE/dump 0 - RT_ALL_FIBS * RTM_GETROUTE/dump 1 - 1 * RTM_GETROUTE/get 0 - 0 * */ static struct nhop_object * rc_get_nhop(const struct rib_cmd_info *rc) { return ((rc->rc_cmd == RTM_DELETE) ? rc->rc_nh_old : rc->rc_nh_new); } static void dump_rc_nhop_gw(struct nl_writer *nw, const struct nhop_object *nh) { int upper_family; switch (nhop_get_neigh_family(nh)) { case AF_LINK: /* onlink prefix, skip */ break; case AF_INET: nlattr_add(nw, NL_RTA_GATEWAY, 4, &nh->gw4_sa.sin_addr); break; case AF_INET6: upper_family = nhop_get_upper_family(nh); if (upper_family == AF_INET6) { nlattr_add(nw, NL_RTA_GATEWAY, 16, &nh->gw6_sa.sin6_addr); } else if (upper_family == AF_INET) { /* IPv4 over IPv6 */ char buf[20]; struct rtvia *via = (struct rtvia *)&buf[0]; via->rtvia_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(via->rtvia_addr, &nh->gw6_sa.sin6_addr, 16); nlattr_add(nw, NL_RTA_VIA, 17, via); } break; } } static void dump_rc_nhop_mtu(struct nl_writer *nw, const struct nhop_object *nh) { int nla_len = sizeof(struct nlattr) * 2 + sizeof(uint32_t); struct nlattr *nla = nlmsg_reserve_data(nw, nla_len, struct nlattr); if (nla == NULL) return; nla->nla_type = NL_RTA_METRICS; nla->nla_len = nla_len; nla++; nla->nla_type = NL_RTAX_MTU; nla->nla_len = sizeof(struct nlattr) + sizeof(uint32_t); *((uint32_t *)(nla + 1)) = nh->nh_mtu; } +#ifdef ROUTE_MPATH static void dump_rc_nhg(struct nl_writer *nw, const struct nhgrp_object *nhg, struct rtmsg *rtm) { uint32_t uidx = nhgrp_get_uidx(nhg); uint32_t num_nhops; const struct weightened_nhop *wn = nhgrp_get_nhops(nhg, &num_nhops); uint32_t base_rtflags = nhop_get_rtflags(wn[0].nh); if (uidx != 0) nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_NH_ID, uidx); nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_RTFLAGS, base_rtflags); int off = nlattr_add_nested(nw, NL_RTA_MULTIPATH); if (off == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < num_nhops; i++) { int nh_off = nlattr_save_offset(nw); struct rtnexthop *rtnh = nlmsg_reserve_object(nw, struct rtnexthop); if (rtnh == NULL) return; rtnh->rtnh_flags = 0; rtnh->rtnh_ifindex = wn[i].nh->nh_ifp->if_index; rtnh->rtnh_hops = wn[i].weight; dump_rc_nhop_gw(nw, wn[i].nh); uint32_t rtflags = nhop_get_rtflags(wn[i].nh); if (rtflags != base_rtflags) nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_RTFLAGS, rtflags); if (rtflags & RTF_FIXEDMTU) dump_rc_nhop_mtu(nw, wn[i].nh); rtnh = nlattr_restore_offset(nw, nh_off, struct rtnexthop); /* * nlattr_add() allocates 4-byte aligned storage, no need to aligh * length here * */ rtnh->rtnh_len = nlattr_save_offset(nw) - nh_off; } nlattr_set_len(nw, off); } +#endif static void dump_rc_nhop(struct nl_writer *nw, const struct nhop_object *nh, struct rtmsg *rtm) { +#ifdef ROUTE_MPATH if (NH_IS_NHGRP(nh)) { dump_rc_nhg(nw, (const struct nhgrp_object *)nh, rtm); return; } - +#endif uint32_t rtflags = nhop_get_rtflags(nh); /* * IPv4 over IPv6 * ('RTA_VIA', {'family': 10, 'addr': 'fe80::20c:29ff:fe67:2dd'}), ('RTA_OIF', 2), * IPv4 w/ gw * ('RTA_GATEWAY', ''), ('RTA_OIF', 2)], * Direct route: * ('RTA_OIF', 2) */ if (nh->nh_flags & NHF_GATEWAY) dump_rc_nhop_gw(nw, nh); uint32_t uidx = nhop_get_uidx(nh); if (uidx != 0) nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_NH_ID, uidx); nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_KNH_ID, nhop_get_idx(nh)); nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_RTFLAGS, rtflags); if (rtflags & RTF_FIXEDMTU) dump_rc_nhop_mtu(nw, nh); uint32_t nh_expire = nhop_get_expire(nh); if (nh_expire > 0) nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_EXPIRES, nh_expire - time_uptime); /* In any case, fill outgoing interface */ nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_OIF, nh->nh_ifp->if_index); } /* * Dumps output from a rib command into an rtmsg */ static int dump_px(uint32_t fibnum, const struct nlmsghdr *hdr, const struct rtentry *rt, struct route_nhop_data *rnd, struct nl_writer *nw) { struct rtmsg *rtm; int error = 0; NET_EPOCH_ASSERT(); if (!nlmsg_reply(nw, hdr, sizeof(struct rtmsg))) goto enomem; int family = rt_get_family(rt); int rtm_off = nlattr_save_offset(nw); rtm = nlmsg_reserve_object(nw, struct rtmsg); rtm->rtm_family = family; rtm->rtm_dst_len = 0; rtm->rtm_src_len = 0; rtm->rtm_tos = 0; if (fibnum < 255) rtm->rtm_table = (unsigned char)fibnum; rtm->rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE; if (!NH_IS_NHGRP(rnd->rnd_nhop)) { rtm->rtm_protocol = nl_get_rtm_protocol(rnd->rnd_nhop); rtm->rtm_type = get_rtm_type(rnd->rnd_nhop); } else { rtm->rtm_protocol = RTPROT_UNSPEC; /* TODO: protocol from nhg? */ rtm->rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST; } nlattr_add_u32(nw, NL_RTA_TABLE, fibnum); int plen = 0; uint32_t scopeid = 0; switch (family) { +#ifdef INET case AF_INET: { struct in_addr addr; rt_get_inet_prefix_plen(rt, &addr, &plen, &scopeid); nlattr_add(nw, NL_RTA_DST, 4, &addr); break; } +#endif +#ifdef INET6 case AF_INET6: { struct in6_addr addr; rt_get_inet6_prefix_plen(rt, &addr, &plen, &scopeid); nlattr_add(nw, NL_RTA_DST, 16, &addr); break; } +#endif default: FIB_LOG(LOG_NOTICE, fibnum, family, "unsupported rt family: %d", family); error = EAFNOSUPPORT; goto flush; } rtm = nlattr_restore_offset(nw, rtm_off, struct rtmsg); if (plen > 0) rtm->rtm_dst_len = plen; dump_rc_nhop(nw, rnd->rnd_nhop, rtm); if (nlmsg_end(nw)) return (0); enomem: error = ENOMEM; flush: nlmsg_abort(nw); return (error); } static int family_to_group(int family) { switch (family) { case AF_INET: return (RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE); case AF_INET6: return (RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE); } return (0); } static void report_operation(uint32_t fibnum, struct rib_cmd_info *rc, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nlmsghdr *hdr) { struct nl_writer nw; uint32_t group_id = family_to_group(rt_get_family(rc->rc_rt)); if (nlmsg_get_group_writer(&nw, NLMSG_SMALL, NETLINK_ROUTE, group_id)) { struct route_nhop_data rnd = { .rnd_nhop = rc_get_nhop(rc), .rnd_weight = rc->rc_nh_weight, }; hdr->nlmsg_flags &= ~(NLM_F_REPLACE | NLM_F_CREATE); hdr->nlmsg_flags &= ~(NLM_F_EXCL | NLM_F_APPEND); switch (rc->rc_cmd) { case RTM_ADD: hdr->nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_NEWROUTE; hdr->nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_EXCL; break; case RTM_CHANGE: hdr->nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_NEWROUTE; hdr->nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_REPLACE; break; case RTM_DELETE: hdr->nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_DELROUTE; break; } dump_px(fibnum, hdr, rc->rc_rt, &rnd, &nw); nlmsg_flush(&nw); } rtsock_callback_p->route_f(fibnum, rc); } struct rta_mpath_nh { struct sockaddr *gw; struct ifnet *ifp; uint8_t rtnh_flags; uint8_t rtnh_weight; }; #define _IN(_field) offsetof(struct rtnexthop, _field) #define _OUT(_field) offsetof(struct rta_mpath_nh, _field) const static struct nlattr_parser nla_p_rtnh[] = { { .type = NL_RTA_GATEWAY, .off = _OUT(gw), .cb = nlattr_get_ip }, { .type = NL_RTA_VIA, .off = _OUT(gw), .cb = nlattr_get_ipvia }, }; const static struct nlfield_parser nlf_p_rtnh[] = { { .off_in = _IN(rtnh_flags), .off_out = _OUT(rtnh_flags), .cb = nlf_get_u8 }, { .off_in = _IN(rtnh_hops), .off_out = _OUT(rtnh_weight), .cb = nlf_get_u8 }, { .off_in = _IN(rtnh_ifindex), .off_out = _OUT(ifp), .cb = nlf_get_ifpz }, }; #undef _IN #undef _OUT NL_DECLARE_PARSER(mpath_parser, struct rtnexthop, nlf_p_rtnh, nla_p_rtnh); struct rta_mpath { int num_nhops; struct rta_mpath_nh nhops[0]; }; static int nlattr_get_multipath(struct nlattr *nla, struct nl_pstate *npt, const void *arg, void *target) { int data_len = nla->nla_len - sizeof(struct nlattr); struct rtnexthop *rtnh; int max_nhops = data_len / sizeof(struct rtnexthop); struct rta_mpath *mp = npt_alloc(npt, (max_nhops + 2) * sizeof(struct rta_mpath_nh)); mp->num_nhops = 0; for (rtnh = (struct rtnexthop *)(nla + 1); data_len > 0; ) { struct rta_mpath_nh *mpnh = &mp->nhops[mp->num_nhops++]; int error = nl_parse_header(rtnh, rtnh->rtnh_len, &mpath_parser, npt, mpnh); if (error != 0) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "RTA_MULTIPATH: nexhop %d: parse failed", mp->num_nhops - 1); return (error); } int len = NL_ITEM_ALIGN(rtnh->rtnh_len); data_len -= len; rtnh = (struct rtnexthop *)((char *)rtnh + len); } if (data_len != 0 || mp->num_nhops == 0) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "invalid RTA_MULTIPATH attr"); return (EINVAL); } *((struct rta_mpath **)target) = mp; return (0); } struct nl_parsed_route { struct sockaddr *rta_dst; struct sockaddr *rta_gw; struct ifnet *rta_oif; struct rta_mpath *rta_multipath; uint32_t rta_table; uint32_t rta_rtflags; uint32_t rta_nh_id; uint32_t rtax_mtu; uint8_t rtm_family; uint8_t rtm_dst_len; }; #define _IN(_field) offsetof(struct rtmsg, _field) #define _OUT(_field) offsetof(struct nl_parsed_route, _field) static struct nlattr_parser nla_p_rtmetrics[] = { { .type = NL_RTAX_MTU, .off = _OUT(rtax_mtu), .cb = nlattr_get_uint32 }, }; NL_DECLARE_ATTR_PARSER(metrics_parser, nla_p_rtmetrics); static const struct nlattr_parser nla_p_rtmsg[] = { { .type = NL_RTA_DST, .off = _OUT(rta_dst), .cb = nlattr_get_ip }, { .type = NL_RTA_OIF, .off = _OUT(rta_oif), .cb = nlattr_get_ifp }, { .type = NL_RTA_GATEWAY, .off = _OUT(rta_gw), .cb = nlattr_get_ip }, { .type = NL_RTA_METRICS, .arg = &metrics_parser, .cb = nlattr_get_nested }, { .type = NL_RTA_MULTIPATH, .off = _OUT(rta_multipath), .cb = nlattr_get_multipath }, { .type = NL_RTA_RTFLAGS, .off = _OUT(rta_rtflags), .cb = nlattr_get_uint32 }, { .type = NL_RTA_TABLE, .off = _OUT(rta_table), .cb = nlattr_get_uint32 }, { .type = NL_RTA_VIA, .off = _OUT(rta_gw), .cb = nlattr_get_ipvia }, { .type = NL_RTA_NH_ID, .off = _OUT(rta_nh_id), .cb = nlattr_get_uint32 }, }; static const struct nlfield_parser nlf_p_rtmsg[] = { {.off_in = _IN(rtm_family), .off_out = _OUT(rtm_family), .cb = nlf_get_u8 }, {.off_in = _IN(rtm_dst_len), .off_out = _OUT(rtm_dst_len), .cb = nlf_get_u8 }, }; #undef _IN #undef _OUT NL_DECLARE_PARSER(rtm_parser, struct rtmsg, nlf_p_rtmsg, nla_p_rtmsg); struct netlink_walkargs { struct nl_writer *nw; struct route_nhop_data rnd; struct nlmsghdr hdr; struct nlpcb *nlp; uint32_t fibnum; int family; int error; int count; int dumped; int dumped_tables; }; static int dump_rtentry(struct rtentry *rt, void *_arg) { struct netlink_walkargs *wa = (struct netlink_walkargs *)_arg; int error; wa->count++; if (wa->error != 0) return (0); wa->dumped++; rt_get_rnd(rt, &wa->rnd); error = dump_px(wa->fibnum, &wa->hdr, rt, &wa->rnd, wa->nw); IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(LOG_DEBUG3) { char rtbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 5]; FIB_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, wa->fibnum, wa->family, "Dump %s, offset %u, error %d", rt_print_buf(rt, rtbuf, sizeof(rtbuf)), wa->nw->offset, error); } wa->error = error; return (0); } static void dump_rtable_one(struct netlink_walkargs *wa, uint32_t fibnum, int family) { FIB_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, fibnum, family, "Start dump"); wa->count = 0; wa->dumped = 0; rib_walk(fibnum, family, false, dump_rtentry, wa); wa->dumped_tables++; FIB_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, fibnum, family, "End dump, iterated %d dumped %d", wa->count, wa->dumped); NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, "Current offset: %d", wa->nw->offset); } static int dump_rtable_fib(struct netlink_walkargs *wa, uint32_t fibnum, int family) { wa->fibnum = fibnum; if (family == AF_UNSPEC) { for (int i = 0; i < AF_MAX; i++) { if (rt_tables_get_rnh(fibnum, i) != 0) { wa->family = i; dump_rtable_one(wa, fibnum, i); if (wa->error != 0) break; } } } else { if (rt_tables_get_rnh(fibnum, family) != 0) { wa->family = family; dump_rtable_one(wa, fibnum, family); } } return (wa->error); } static int handle_rtm_getroute(struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_parsed_route *attrs, struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nl_pstate *npt) { RIB_RLOCK_TRACKER; struct rib_head *rnh; struct rtentry *rt; uint32_t fibnum = attrs->rta_table; sa_family_t family = attrs->rtm_family; if (attrs->rta_dst == NULL) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "No RTA_DST supplied"); return (EINVAL); } FIB_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, fibnum, family, "getroute called"); rnh = rt_tables_get_rnh(fibnum, family); if (rnh == NULL) return (EAFNOSUPPORT); RIB_RLOCK(rnh); rt = (struct rtentry *)rnh->rnh_matchaddr(attrs->rta_dst, &rnh->head); if (rt == NULL) { RIB_RUNLOCK(rnh); return (ESRCH); } struct route_nhop_data rnd; rt_get_rnd(rt, &rnd); rnd.rnd_nhop = nhop_select_func(rnd.rnd_nhop, 0); RIB_RUNLOCK(rnh); IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(LOG_DEBUG2) { char rtbuf[NHOP_PRINT_BUFSIZE] __unused, nhbuf[NHOP_PRINT_BUFSIZE] __unused; FIB_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, fibnum, family, "getroute completed: got %s for %s", nhop_print_buf_any(rnd.rnd_nhop, nhbuf, sizeof(nhbuf)), rt_print_buf(rt, rtbuf, sizeof(rtbuf))); } hdr->nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_NEWROUTE; dump_px(fibnum, hdr, rt, &rnd, npt->nw); return (0); } static int handle_rtm_dump(struct nlpcb *nlp, uint32_t fibnum, int family, struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nl_writer *nw) { struct netlink_walkargs wa = { .nlp = nlp, .nw = nw, .hdr.nlmsg_pid = hdr->nlmsg_pid, .hdr.nlmsg_seq = hdr->nlmsg_seq, .hdr.nlmsg_type = NL_RTM_NEWROUTE, .hdr.nlmsg_flags = hdr->nlmsg_flags | NLM_F_MULTI, }; if (fibnum == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) { for (int i = 0; i < V_rt_numfibs; i++) { dump_rtable_fib(&wa, fibnum, family); if (wa.error != 0) break; } } else dump_rtable_fib(&wa, fibnum, family); if (wa.error == 0 && wa.dumped_tables == 0) { FIB_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, fibnum, family, "incorrect fibnum/family"); wa.error = ESRCH; // How do we propagate it? } if (!nlmsg_end_dump(wa.nw, wa.error, &wa.hdr)) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to finalize the dump"); return (ENOMEM); } return (wa.error); } static struct nhop_object * finalize_nhop(struct nhop_object *nh, int *perror) { /* * The following MUST be filled: * nh_ifp, nh_ifa, nh_gw */ if (nh->gw_sa.sa_family == 0) { /* * Empty gateway. Can be direct route with RTA_OIF set. */ if (nh->nh_ifp != NULL) nhop_set_direct_gw(nh, nh->nh_ifp); else { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "empty gateway and interface, skipping"); *perror = EINVAL; return (NULL); } /* Both nh_ifp and gateway are set */ } else { /* Gateway is set up, we can derive ifp if not set */ if (nh->nh_ifp == NULL) { struct ifaddr *ifa = ifa_ifwithnet(&nh->gw_sa, 1, nhop_get_fibnum(nh)); if (ifa == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to determine ifp, skipping"); *perror = EINVAL; return (NULL); } nhop_set_transmit_ifp(nh, ifa->ifa_ifp); } } /* Both nh_ifp and gateway are set */ if (nh->nh_ifa == NULL) { struct ifaddr *ifa = ifaof_ifpforaddr(&nh->gw_sa, nh->nh_ifp); if (ifa == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to determine ifa, skipping"); *perror = EINVAL; return (NULL); } nhop_set_src(nh, ifa); } return (nhop_get_nhop(nh, perror)); } static int get_pxflag(const struct nl_parsed_route *attrs) { int pxflag = 0; switch (attrs->rtm_family) { case AF_INET: if (attrs->rtm_dst_len == 32) pxflag = NHF_HOST; else if (attrs->rtm_dst_len == 0) pxflag = NHF_DEFAULT; break; case AF_INET6: if (attrs->rtm_dst_len == 32) pxflag = NHF_HOST; else if (attrs->rtm_dst_len == 0) pxflag = NHF_DEFAULT; break; } return (pxflag); } static int get_op_flags(int nlm_flags) { int op_flags = 0; op_flags |= (nlm_flags & NLM_F_REPLACE) ? RTM_F_REPLACE : 0; op_flags |= (nlm_flags & NLM_F_EXCL) ? RTM_F_EXCL : 0; op_flags |= (nlm_flags & NLM_F_CREATE) ? RTM_F_CREATE : 0; op_flags |= (nlm_flags & NLM_F_APPEND) ? RTM_F_APPEND : 0; return (op_flags); } +#ifdef ROUTE_MPATH static int create_nexthop_one(struct nl_parsed_route *attrs, struct rta_mpath_nh *mpnh, struct nl_pstate *npt, struct nhop_object **pnh) { int error; if (mpnh->gw == NULL) return (EINVAL); struct nhop_object *nh = nhop_alloc(attrs->rta_table, attrs->rtm_family); if (nh == NULL) return (ENOMEM); nhop_set_gw(nh, mpnh->gw, true); if (mpnh->ifp != NULL) nhop_set_transmit_ifp(nh, mpnh->ifp); nhop_set_rtflags(nh, attrs->rta_rtflags); *pnh = finalize_nhop(nh, &error); return (error); } +#endif static struct nhop_object * create_nexthop_from_attrs(struct nl_parsed_route *attrs, struct nl_pstate *npt, int *perror) { - struct nhop_object *nh; + struct nhop_object *nh = NULL; int error = 0; if (attrs->rta_multipath != NULL) { +#ifdef ROUTE_MPATH /* Multipath w/o explicit nexthops */ int num_nhops = attrs->rta_multipath->num_nhops; struct weightened_nhop *wn = npt_alloc(npt, sizeof(*wn) * num_nhops); - nh = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < num_nhops; i++) { struct rta_mpath_nh *mpnh = &attrs->rta_multipath->nhops[i]; error = create_nexthop_one(attrs, mpnh, npt, &wn[i].nh); if (error != 0) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) nhop_free(wn[j].nh); break; } wn[i].weight = mpnh->rtnh_weight > 0 ? mpnh->rtnh_weight : 1; } if (error == 0) { struct rib_head *rh = nhop_get_rh(wn[0].nh); error = nhgrp_get_group(rh, wn, num_nhops, 0, (struct nhgrp_object **)&nh); for (int i = 0; i < num_nhops; i++) nhop_free(wn[i].nh); } +#else + error = ENOTSUP; +#endif *perror = error; } else { nh = nhop_alloc(attrs->rta_table, attrs->rtm_family); if (nh == NULL) { *perror = ENOMEM; return (NULL); } if (attrs->rta_gw != NULL) nhop_set_gw(nh, attrs->rta_gw, true); if (attrs->rta_oif != NULL) nhop_set_transmit_ifp(nh, attrs->rta_oif); if (attrs->rtax_mtu != 0) nhop_set_mtu(nh, attrs->rtax_mtu, true); if (attrs->rta_rtflags & RTF_BROADCAST) nhop_set_broadcast(nh, true); if (attrs->rta_rtflags & RTF_BLACKHOLE) nhop_set_blackhole(nh, NHF_BLACKHOLE); if (attrs->rta_rtflags & RTF_REJECT) nhop_set_blackhole(nh, NHF_REJECT); nhop_set_rtflags(nh, attrs->rta_rtflags); nh = finalize_nhop(nh, perror); } return (nh); } static int rtnl_handle_newroute(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { struct rib_cmd_info rc = {}; struct nhop_object *nh = NULL; int error; struct nl_parsed_route attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &rtm_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); /* Check if we have enough data */ if (attrs.rta_dst == NULL) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "missing RTA_DST"); return (EINVAL); } if (attrs.rta_nh_id != 0) { /* Referenced uindex */ int pxflag = get_pxflag(&attrs); nh = nl_find_nhop(attrs.rta_table, attrs.rtm_family, attrs.rta_nh_id, pxflag, &error); if (error != 0) return (error); } else { nh = create_nexthop_from_attrs(&attrs, npt, &error); if (error != 0) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Error creating nexthop"); return (error); } } int weight = NH_IS_NHGRP(nh) ? 0 : RT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT; struct route_nhop_data rnd = { .rnd_nhop = nh, .rnd_weight = weight }; int op_flags = get_op_flags(hdr->nlmsg_flags); error = rib_add_route_px(attrs.rta_table, attrs.rta_dst, attrs.rtm_dst_len, &rnd, op_flags, &rc); if (error == 0) report_operation(attrs.rta_table, &rc, nlp, hdr); return (error); } static int path_match_func(const struct rtentry *rt, const struct nhop_object *nh, void *_data) { struct nl_parsed_route *attrs = (struct nl_parsed_route *)_data; if ((attrs->rta_gw != NULL) && !rib_match_gw(rt, nh, attrs->rta_gw)) return (0); if ((attrs->rta_oif != NULL) && (attrs->rta_oif != nh->nh_ifp)) return (0); return (1); } static int rtnl_handle_delroute(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { struct rib_cmd_info rc; int error; struct nl_parsed_route attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &rtm_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); if (attrs.rta_dst == NULL) { NLMSG_REPORT_ERR_MSG(npt, "RTA_DST is not set"); return (ESRCH); } error = rib_del_route_px(attrs.rta_table, attrs.rta_dst, attrs.rtm_dst_len, path_match_func, &attrs, 0, &rc); if (error == 0) report_operation(attrs.rta_table, &rc, nlp, hdr); return (error); } static int rtnl_handle_getroute(struct nlmsghdr *hdr, struct nlpcb *nlp, struct nl_pstate *npt) { int error; struct nl_parsed_route attrs = {}; error = nl_parse_nlmsg(hdr, &rtm_parser, npt, &attrs); if (error != 0) return (error); if (hdr->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_DUMP) error = handle_rtm_dump(nlp, attrs.rta_table, attrs.rtm_family, hdr, npt->nw); else error = handle_rtm_getroute(nlp, &attrs, hdr, npt); return (error); } void rtnl_handle_route_event(uint32_t fibnum, const struct rib_cmd_info *rc) { int family, nlm_flags = 0; struct nl_writer nw; family = rt_get_family(rc->rc_rt); /* XXX: check if there are active listeners first */ /* TODO: consider passing PID/type/seq */ switch (rc->rc_cmd) { case RTM_ADD: nlm_flags = NLM_F_EXCL | NLM_F_CREATE; break; case RTM_CHANGE: nlm_flags = NLM_F_REPLACE; break; case RTM_DELETE: nlm_flags = 0; break; } IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(LOG_DEBUG2) { char rtbuf[NHOP_PRINT_BUFSIZE] __unused; FIB_LOG(LOG_DEBUG2, fibnum, family, "received event %s for %s / nlm_flags=%X", rib_print_cmd(rc->rc_cmd), rt_print_buf(rc->rc_rt, rtbuf, sizeof(rtbuf)), nlm_flags); } struct nlmsghdr hdr = { .nlmsg_flags = nlm_flags, .nlmsg_type = get_rtmsg_type_from_rtsock(rc->rc_cmd), }; struct route_nhop_data rnd = { .rnd_nhop = rc_get_nhop(rc), .rnd_weight = rc->rc_nh_weight, }; uint32_t group_id = family_to_group(family); if (!nlmsg_get_group_writer(&nw, NLMSG_SMALL, NETLINK_ROUTE, group_id)) { NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "error allocating event buffer"); return; } dump_px(fibnum, &hdr, rc->rc_rt, &rnd, &nw); nlmsg_flush(&nw); } static const struct rtnl_cmd_handler cmd_handlers[] = { { .cmd = NL_RTM_GETROUTE, .name = "RTM_GETROUTE", .cb = &rtnl_handle_getroute, }, { .cmd = NL_RTM_DELROUTE, .name = "RTM_DELROUTE", .cb = &rtnl_handle_delroute, .priv = PRIV_NET_ROUTE, }, { .cmd = NL_RTM_NEWROUTE, .name = "RTM_NEWROUTE", .cb = &rtnl_handle_newroute, .priv = PRIV_NET_ROUTE, } }; static const struct nlhdr_parser *all_parsers[] = {&mpath_parser, &metrics_parser, &rtm_parser}; void rtnl_routes_init() { NL_VERIFY_PARSERS(all_parsers); rtnl_register_messages(cmd_handlers, NL_ARRAY_LEN(cmd_handlers)); }