diff --git a/sys/tools/syscalls/core/syscall.lua b/sys/tools/syscalls/core/syscall.lua index 402595b998da..ca96fc160211 100644 --- a/sys/tools/syscalls/core/syscall.lua +++ b/sys/tools/syscalls/core/syscall.lua @@ -1,492 +1,494 @@ -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause -- -- Copyright (c) 2024 Tyler Baxter -- Copyright (c) 2023 Warner Losh -- Copyright (c) 2019 Kyle Evans -- local config = require("config") local scarg = require("core.scarg") local scret = require("core.scret") local util = require("tools.util") local syscall = {} syscall.__index = syscall syscall.known_flags = util.set { "STD", "OBSOL", "RESERVED", "UNIMPL", "NODEF", "NOARGS", "NOPROTO", "NOSTD", - "NOTSTATIC", + + -- flags beyond this point are modifiers "CAPENABLED", + "NOTSTATIC", "SYSMUX", } -- Native is an arbitrarily large number to have a constant and not -- interfere with compat numbers. local native = 1000000 -- Processes and assigns the appropriate thread flag for this system call. function syscall:processThr() self.thr = "SY_THR_STATIC" for k, _ in pairs(self.type) do if k == "NOTSTATIC" then self.thr = "SY_THR_ABSENT" end end end -- Processes and assigns the appropriate capability flag for this system call. -- "SYF_CAPENABLED" for capability enabled; "0" for NOT capability enabled. function syscall:processCap() self.cap = "0" local stripped = util.stripAbiPrefix(self.name, self.prefix) for k, _ in pairs(self.type) do if k == "CAPENABLED" then self.cap = "SYF_CAPENABLED" end end end -- Check that this system call has a known type. local function checkType(type) for k, _ in pairs(type) do if not syscall.known_flags[k] and not k:match("^COMPAT") then util.abort(1, "Bad type: " .. k) end end end -- If there are ABI changes from native, process this system call to match the -- target ABI. function syscall:processChangesAbi() -- First, confirm we want to uphold our changes_abi flag. if config.syscall_no_abi_change[self.name] then self.changes_abi = false end self.noproto = not util.isEmpty(config.abi_flags) and not self.changes_abi if config.abiChanges("pointer_args") then for _, v in ipairs(self.args) do if util.isPtrType(v.type, config.abi_intptr_t) then if config.syscall_no_abi_change[self.name] then print("WARNING: " .. self.name .. " in syscall_no_abi_change, " .. "but pointers args are present") end self.changes_abi = true goto ptrfound end end ::ptrfound:: end if config.syscall_abi_change[self.name] then self.changes_abi = true end if self.changes_abi then self.noproto = false end end -- Final processing of flags. Process any flags that haven't already been -- processed (e.g., dictionaries from syscalls.conf). function syscall:processFlags() if config.obsol[self.name] or (self:compatLevel() > 0 and self:compatLevel() < tonumber(config.mincompat)) then self.args = nil self.type.OBSOL = true -- Don't apply any ABI handling, declared as obsolete. self.changes_abi = false end if config.unimpl[self.name] then self.type.UNIMPL = true end if self.noproto or self.type.SYSMUX then self.type.NOPROTO = true end if self.type.NODEF then self.audit = "AUE_NULL" end end -- Returns TRUE if prefix and arg_prefix are assigned; FALSE if they're left -- unassigned. Relies on a valid changes_abi flag, so should be called AFTER -- processChangesAbi(). function syscall:processPrefix() -- If there are ABI changes from native, assign the correct prefixes. if self.changes_abi then self.arg_prefix = config.abi_func_prefix self.prefix = config.abi_func_prefix return true end return false end -- Validate that we're not skipping system calls by comparing this system call -- number to the previous system call number. Called higher up the call stack -- by class FreeBSDSyscall. function syscall:validate(prev) return prev + 1 == self.num end -- Return the compat prefix for this system call. function syscall:compatPrefix() local c = self:compatLevel() if self.type.OBSOL then return "obs_" end if self.type.RESERVED then return "reserved #" end if self.type.UNIMPL then return "unimp_" end if c == 3 then return "o" end if c < native then return "freebsd" .. tostring(c) .. "_" end return "" end -- Return the symbol name for this system call. function syscall:symbol() return self:compatPrefix() .. self.name end -- -- Return the compatibility level for this system call. -- 0 is obsolete. -- < 0 is this isn't really a system call we care about. -- 3 is 4.3BSD in theory, but anything before FreeBSD 4. -- >= 4 is FreeBSD version, this system call was replaced with a new -- version. -- function syscall:compatLevel() if self.type.UNIMPL or self.type.RESERVED then return -1 elseif self.type.OBSOL then return 0 elseif self.type.COMPAT then return 3 end for k, _ in pairs(self.type) do local l = k:match("^COMPAT(%d+)") if l ~= nil then return tonumber(l) end end return native end -- Adds the definition for this system call. Guarded by whether we already have -- a system call number or not. function syscall:addDef(line) if self.num == nil then local words = util.split(line, "%S+") self.num = words[1] self.audit = words[2] self.type = util.setFromString(words[3], "[^|]+") checkType(self.type) self.name = words[4] -- These next three are optional, and either all present -- or all absent. self.altname = words[5] self.alttag = words[6] self.rettype = words[7] return true end return false end -- Adds the function declaration for this system call. If addDef() found an -- opening curly brace, then we're looking for a function declaration. function syscall:addFunc(line) if self.name == "{" then local words = util.split(line, "%S+") -- Expect line is `type syscall(` or `type syscall(void);`. if #words ~= 2 then util.abort(1, "Malformed line " .. line) end local ret = scret:new({}, line) self.ret = ret:add() -- Don't clobber rettype set in the alt information. if self.rettype == nil then self.rettype = "int" end self.name = words[2]:match("([%w_]+)%(") if words[2]:match("%);$") then -- Now we're looking for ending curly brace. self.expect_rbrace = true end return true end return false end -- Adds the argument(s) for this system call. Once addFunc() assigns a name -- for this system call, arguments are next in syscalls.master. function syscall:addArgs(line) if not self.expect_rbrace then if line:match("%);$") then self.expect_rbrace = true return true end local arg = scarg:new({}, line) -- We don't want to add this argument if it doesn't process. -- scarg:process() handles those conditions. if arg:process() then arg:append(self.args) end -- If this argument has ABI changes, set globally for this -- system call. self.changes_abi = self.changes_abi or arg:changesAbi() return true end return false end -- Once we have a good syscall, add some final information to it. function syscall:finalize() if self.name == nil then self.name = "" end -- Preserve the original name as the alias. self.alias = self.name self:processChangesAbi() -- process changes to the ABI self:processFlags() -- process any unprocessed flags -- If there's changes to the ABI, these prefixes will be changed by -- processPrefix(); otherwise, they'll remain empty. self.prefix = "" self.arg_prefix = "" self:processPrefix() self:processCap() -- capability flag self:processThr() -- thread flag -- Assign argument alias. if self.alttag ~= nil then self.arg_alias = self.alttag elseif self.arg_alias == nil and self.name ~= nil then -- argalias should be: -- COMPAT_PREFIX + ABI Prefix + funcname self.arg_alias = self:compatPrefix() .. self.arg_prefix .. self.name .. "_args" elseif self.arg_alias ~= nil then self.arg_alias = self.arg_prefix .. self.arg_alias end -- An empty string would not want a prefix; the entry doesn't have -- a name so we want to keep the empty string. if self.name ~= nil and self.name ~= "" then self.name = self.prefix .. self.name end self:processArgstrings() self:processArgsize() end -- Assigns the correct args_size. Defaults to "0", except if there's arguments -- or NODEF flag. function syscall:processArgsize() if self.type.SYSMUX then -- catch this first self.args_size = "0" elseif self.arg_alias ~= nil and (#self.args ~= 0 or self.type.NODEF) then self.args_size = "AS(" .. self.arg_alias .. ")" else self.args_size = "0" end end -- Constructs argstr_* strings for generated declerations/wrappers. function syscall:processArgstrings() local type = "" local type_var = "" local var = "" local comma = "" for _, v in ipairs(self.args) do local argname, argtype = v.name, v.type type = type .. comma .. argtype type_var = type_var .. comma .. argtype .. " " .. argname var = var .. comma .. argname comma = ", " end if type == "" then type = "void" type_var = "void" end self.argstr_type = type self.argstr_type_var = type_var self.argstr_var = var end -- Interface to add this system call to the master system call table. -- The system call is built up one line at a time. The states describe the -- current parsing state. -- Returns TRUE when ready to add and FALSE while still parsing. function syscall:add(line) if self:addDef(line) then return self:isAdded(line) end if self:addFunc(line) then return false -- Function added; keep going. end if self:addArgs(line) then return false -- Arguments added; keep going. end return self:isAdded(line) -- Final validation, before adding. end -- Returns TRUE if this system call was succesfully added. There's two entry -- points to this function: (1) the entry in syscalls.master is one-line, or -- (2) the entry is a full system call. This function handles those cases and -- decides whether to exit early for (1) or validate a full system call for -- (2). This function also handles cases where we don't want to add, and -- instead want to abort. function syscall:isAdded(line) -- This system call is a range - exit early. if tonumber(self.num) == nil then -- The only allowed types are RESERVED and UNIMPL. if not (self.type.RESERVED or self.type.UNIMPL) then util.abort(1, "Range only allowed with RESERVED " .. "and UNIMPL: " .. line) end self:finalize() return true -- This system call is a loadable system call - exit early. elseif self.altname ~= nil and self.alttag ~= nil and self.rettype ~= nil then self:finalize() return true -- This system call is only one line, and should only be one line -- (we didn't make it to addFunc()) - exit early. elseif self.name ~= "{" and self.ret == nil then self:finalize() return true -- This is a full system call and we've passed multiple states to -- get here - final exit. elseif self.expect_rbrace then if not line:match("}$") then util.abort(1, "Expected '}' found '" .. line .. "' instead.") end self:finalize() return true end return false end -- Return TRUE if this system call is native. function syscall:native() return self:compatLevel() == native end -- Make a shallow copy of `self` and replace the system call number with num -- (which should be a number). -- For system call ranges. function syscall:shallowCopy(num) local obj = syscall:new() -- shallow copy for k, v in pairs(self) do obj[k] = v end obj.num = num -- except override range return obj end -- Make a deep copy of the parameter object. Save copied tables in `copies`, -- indexed by original table. -- CREDIT: http://lua-users.org/wiki/CopyTable -- For a full system call (the nested arguments table should be a deep copy). local function deepCopy(orig, copies) copies = copies or {} local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == 'table' then if copies[orig] then copy = copies[orig] else copy = {} copies[orig] = copy for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do copy[deepCopy(orig_key, copies)] = deepCopy(orig_value, copies) end setmetatable(copy, deepCopy(getmetatable(orig), copies)) end else -- number, string, boolean, etc copy = orig end return copy end -- -- In syscalls.master, system calls come in two types: (1) a fully defined -- system call with function declaration, with a distinct number for each system -- call; or (2) a one-line entry, sometimes with a distinct number and sometimes -- with a range of numbers. One-line entries can be obsolete, reserved, no -- definition, etc. Ranges are only allowed for reserved and unimplemented. -- -- This function provides the iterator to traverse system calls by number. If -- the entry is a fully defined system call with a distinct number, the iterator -- creates a deep copy and captures any nested objects; if the entry is a range -- of numbers, the iterator creates shallow copies from the start of the range -- to the end of the range. -- function syscall:iter() local s = tonumber(self.num) local e if s == nil then s, e = string.match(self.num, "(%d+)%-(%d+)") s, e = tonumber(s), tonumber(e) return function () if s <= e then s = s + 1 return self:shallowCopy(s - 1) end end else e = s self.num = s -- Replace string with number, like the clones. return function () if s == e then local deep_copy = deepCopy(self) s = e + 1 return deep_copy end end end end function syscall:new(obj) obj = obj or { } setmetatable(obj, self) self.__index = self self.expect_rbrace = false self.changes_abi = false self.args = {} self.noproto = false return obj end return syscall