diff --git a/usr.bin/locate/locate/fastfind.c b/usr.bin/locate/locate/fastfind.c index 8cc9af924531..d67c6c776f67 100644 --- a/usr.bin/locate/locate/fastfind.c +++ b/usr.bin/locate/locate/fastfind.c @@ -1,354 +1,354 @@ /* * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1995-2022 Wolfram Schneider <wosch@FreeBSD.org> * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * James A. Woods. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef _LOCATE_STATISTIC_ #define _LOCATE_STATISTIC_ void statistic (fp, path_fcodes) FILE *fp; /* open database */ char *path_fcodes; /* for error message */ { long lines, chars, size, size_nbg, big, zwerg, umlaut; u_char *p, *s; int c; int count, longest_path; int error = 0; u_char bigram1[NBG], bigram2[NBG], path[LOCATE_PATH_MAX]; for (c = 0, p = bigram1, s = bigram2; c < NBG; c++) { p[c] = check_bigram_char(getc(fp)); s[c] = check_bigram_char(getc(fp)); } lines = chars = big = zwerg = umlaut = longest_path = 0; size = NBG + NBG; for (c = getc(fp), count = 0; c != EOF; size++) { if (c == SWITCH) { count += getwf(fp) - OFFSET; size += sizeof(int); zwerg++; } else count += c - OFFSET; if (count < 0 || count >= LOCATE_PATH_MAX) { /* stop on error and display the statstics anyway */ warnx("corrupted database: %s %d", path_fcodes, count); error = 1; break; } for (p = path + count; (c = getc(fp)) > SWITCH; size++) if (c < PARITY) { if (c == UMLAUT) { c = getc(fp); size++; umlaut++; } p++; } else { /* bigram char */ big++; p += 2; } p++; lines++; chars += (p - path); if ((p - path) > longest_path) longest_path = p - path; } /* size without bigram db */ size_nbg = size - (2 * NBG); (void)printf("\nDatabase: %s\n", path_fcodes); (void)printf("Compression: Front: %2.2f%%, ", chars > 0 ? (size_nbg + big) / (chars / (float)100) : 0); (void)printf("Bigram: %2.2f%%, ", big > 0 ? (size_nbg - big) / (size_nbg / (float)100) : 0); /* incl. bigram db overhead */ (void)printf("Total: %2.2f%%\n", chars > 0 ? size / (chars / (float)100) : 0); (void)printf("Filenames: %ld, ", lines); (void)printf("Characters: %ld, ", chars); (void)printf("Database size: %ld\n", size); (void)printf("Bigram characters: %ld, ", big); (void)printf("Integers: %ld, ", zwerg); (void)printf("8-Bit characters: %ld\n", umlaut); printf("Longest path: %d\n", longest_path > 0 ? longest_path - 1 : 0); /* non zero exit on corrupt database */ if (error) exit(error); } #endif /* _LOCATE_STATISTIC_ */ extern char separator; void #ifdef FF_MMAP #ifdef FF_ICASE fastfind_mmap_icase #else fastfind_mmap #endif /* FF_ICASE */ (pathpart, paddr, len, database) char *pathpart; /* search string */ caddr_t paddr; /* mmap pointer */ off_t len; /* length of database */ char *database; /* for error message */ #else /* MMAP */ #ifdef FF_ICASE fastfind_icase #else fastfind #endif /* FF_ICASE */ (fp, pathpart, database) FILE *fp; /* open database */ char *pathpart; /* search string */ char *database; /* for error message */ #endif /* MMAP */ { u_char *p, *s, *patend, *q, *foundchar; int c, cc; int count, found, globflag; u_char *cutoff; u_char bigram1[NBG], bigram2[NBG], path[LOCATE_PATH_MAX + 2]; #ifdef FF_ICASE /* use a lookup table for case insensitive search */ u_char table[UCHAR_MAX + 1]; tolower_word(pathpart); #endif /* FF_ICASE*/ /* init bigram table */ #ifdef FF_MMAP for (c = 0, p = bigram1, s = bigram2; c < NBG; c++, len-= 2) { p[c] = check_bigram_char(*paddr++); s[c] = check_bigram_char(*paddr++); } #else for (c = 0, p = bigram1, s = bigram2; c < NBG; c++) { p[c] = check_bigram_char(getc(fp)); s[c] = check_bigram_char(getc(fp)); } #endif /* FF_MMAP */ /* find optimal (last) char for searching */ for (p = pathpart; *p != '\0'; p++) if (strchr(LOCATE_REG, *p) != NULL) break; if (*p == '\0') globflag = 0; else globflag = 1; p = pathpart; patend = patprep(p); cc = *patend; #ifdef FF_ICASE /* set patend char to true */ for (c = 0; c < UCHAR_MAX + 1; c++) table[c] = 0; table[TOLOWER(*patend)] = 1; table[toupper(*patend)] = 1; #endif /* FF_ICASE */ /* main loop */ found = count = 0; foundchar = 0; #ifdef FF_MMAP c = (u_char)*paddr++; len--; for (; len > 0; ) { #else c = getc(fp); for (; c != EOF; ) { #endif /* FF_MMAP */ /* go forward or backward */ if (c == SWITCH) { /* big step, an integer */ #ifdef FF_MMAP if (len < sizeof(int)) errx(1, "corrupted database: %s", database); count += getwm(paddr) - OFFSET; len -= INTSIZE; paddr += INTSIZE; #else count += getwf(fp) - OFFSET; #endif /* FF_MMAP */ } else { /* slow step, =< 14 chars */ count += c - OFFSET; } if (count < 0 || count >= LOCATE_PATH_MAX) errx(1, "corrupted database: %s %d", database, count); /* overlay old path */ p = path + count; foundchar = p - 1; #ifdef FF_MMAP for (; len > 0;) { c = (u_char)*paddr++; len--; #else for (;;) { c = getc(fp); #endif /* FF_MMAP */ /* * == UMLAUT: 8 bit char followed * <= SWITCH: offset * >= PARITY: bigram * rest: single ascii char * * offset < SWITCH < UMLAUT < ascii < PARITY < bigram */ if (c < PARITY) { if (c <= UMLAUT) { if (c == UMLAUT) { #ifdef FF_MMAP c = (u_char)*paddr++; len--; #else c = getc(fp); #endif /* FF_MMAP */ } else break; /* SWITCH */ } #ifdef FF_ICASE if (table[c]) #else if (c == cc) #endif /* FF_ICASE */ foundchar = p; *p++ = c; } else { /* bigrams are parity-marked */ TO7BIT(c); #ifndef FF_ICASE if (bigram1[c] == cc || bigram2[c] == cc) #else if (table[bigram1[c]] || table[bigram2[c]]) #endif /* FF_ICASE */ foundchar = p + 1; *p++ = bigram1[c]; *p++ = bigram2[c]; } if (p - path >= LOCATE_PATH_MAX) - errx(1, "corrupted database: %s %ld", database, p - path); + errx(1, "corrupted database: %s %d", database, (int)(p - path)); } if (found) { /* previous line matched */ cutoff = path; *p-- = '\0'; foundchar = p; } else if (foundchar >= path + count) { /* a char matched */ *p-- = '\0'; cutoff = path + count; } else /* nothing to do */ continue; found = 0; for (s = foundchar; s >= cutoff; s--) { if (*s == cc #ifdef FF_ICASE || TOLOWER(*s) == cc #endif /* FF_ICASE */ ) { /* fast first char check */ for (p = patend - 1, q = s - 1; *p != '\0'; p--, q--) if (*q != *p #ifdef FF_ICASE && TOLOWER(*q) != *p #endif /* FF_ICASE */ ) break; if (*p == '\0') { /* fast match success */ found = 1; if (!globflag || #ifndef FF_ICASE !fnmatch(pathpart, path, 0)) #else !fnmatch(pathpart, path, FNM_CASEFOLD)) #endif /* !FF_ICASE */ { if (f_silent) counter++; else if (f_limit) { counter++; if (f_limit >= counter) (void)printf("%s%c",path,separator); else errx(0, "[show only %ld lines]", counter - 1); } else (void)printf("%s%c",path,separator); } break; } } } } }