Index: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/overview/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/overview/chapter.xml (revision 50694)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/overview/chapter.xml (revision 50695)
@@ -1,254 +1,259 @@
OverviewWelcome to the &os; Documentation Project
(FDP). Quality documentation is crucial
to the success of &os;, and we value your contributions very
highly.This document describes how the FDP is
organized, how to write and submit documentation, and how to
effectively use the available tools.Everyone is welcome to contribute to the
FDP. Willingness to contribute is the only
membership requirement.This primer shows how to:Identify which parts of &os; are maintained by the
FDP.Install the required documentation tools and files.Make changes to the documentation.Submit changes back for review and inclusion in the &os;
documentation.Quick StartSome preparatory steps must be taken before editing the &os;
documentation. First, subscribe to the &a.doc;. Some team
members also interact on the #bsddocs
IRC channel on
EFnet. These people
can help with questions or problems involving the
documentation.Install the
- textproc/docproj
- package or port. This meta-port installs all of the
- software needed to edit and build &os; documentation.
+ textproc/docproj meta-package
+ and Subversion.
+ This meta-package installs all of the software needed to
+ edit and build &os; documentation. The
+ Subversion package is needed to
+ obtain a working of the documentation and generate patches with.
+ &prompt.root; pkg install docproj subversionInstall a local working copy of the documentation from
the &os; repository in
~/doc (see
).&prompt.user; svn checkout ~/docConfigure the text editor:Word wrap set to 70 characters.Tab stops set to 2.Replace each group of 8 leading spaces with a
single tab.Specific editor configurations are listed in
.Update the local working copy:&prompt.user; svn up ~/docEdit the documentation files that require changes. If a
file needs major changes, consult the mailing list for
input.References to tag and entity usage can be found in
.After editing, check for problems by running:&prompt.user; igor -R filename.xml | less -RSReview the output and edit the file to fix any problems
shown, then rerun the command to find any remaining
problems. Repeat until all of the errors are
resolved.Always build-test changes before
submitting them. Running make in the
top-level directory of the documentation being edited will
generate that documentation in split HTML format. For
example, to build the English version of the Handbook in
HTML, run make in the
directory.When changes are complete and tested, generate a
diff file:&prompt.user; cd ~/doc
&prompt.user; svn diff > bsdinstall.diff.txtGive the diff file a descriptive name. In the example
above, changes have been made to the
bsdinstall portion of
the Handbook.Submit the diff file using the web-based Problem
Report system. If using the web form, enter a
Summary of [patch] short description
of problem. Select the
Component Documentation. In the
Description field, enter a short description of the changes
and any important details about them. Use the
[ Add an attachment ]
button to attach the diff file. Finally, use the
[ Submit Bug ] button to
submit your diff to the problem report system.The &os; Documentation SetThe FDP is responsible for four
categories of &os; documentation.Handbook: The Handbook is the
comprehensive online resource and reference for &os;
users.FAQ: The FAQ
uses a short question and answer format to address questions
that are frequently asked on the various mailing lists and
forums devoted to &os;. This format does not permit long
and comprehensive answers.Manual pages: The English language
system manual pages are usually not written by the
FDP, as they are part of the base system.
However, the FDP can reword parts of
existing manual pages to make them clearer or to correct
inaccuracies.Web site: This is the main &os;
presence on the web, visible at
and many mirrors around the world. The web site is
typically a new user's first exposure to &os;.Translation teams are responsible for translating the
Handbook and web site into different languages. Manual pages
are not translated at present.Documentation source for the &os; web site, Handbook, and
FAQ is available in the documentation
repository at for manual pages is available in a separate
source repository located at commit messages are visible with
svn log. Commit messages are also
archived at &a.svn-doc-all.url;.Web frontends to both of these repositories are available at and .Many people have written tutorials or how-to articles about
&os;. Some are stored as part of the FDP
files. In other cases, the author has decided to keep the
documentation separate. The FDP endeavors to
provide links to as much of this external documentation as
Index: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/working-copy/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/working-copy/chapter.xml (revision 50694)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/working-copy/chapter.xml (revision 50695)
@@ -1,176 +1,176 @@
The Working CopyThe working copy is a copy of the &os;
repository documentation tree downloaded onto the local computer.
Changes are made to the local working copy, tested, and then
submitted as patches to be committed to the main
repository.A full copy of the documentation tree can occupy 700 megabytes
of disk space. Allow for a full gigabyte of space to have room
for temporary files and test versions of various output
- is used to manage the &os; documentation files. It is installed
- by textproc/docproj as one of
- the required applications.
+ is used to manage the &os; documentation files. It is obtained by installing the Subversion package:
+ &prompt.root; pkg install subversionDocumentation and Manual Pages&os; documentation is not just books and articles. Manual
pages for all the commands and configuration files are also part
of the documentation, and part of the FDP's
territory. Two repositories are involved:
doc for the books and articles, and
base for the operating system and manual
pages. To edit manual pages, the base
repository must be checked out separately.Repositories may contain multiple versions of documentation
and source code. New modifications are almost always made only
to the latest version, called head.Choosing a Directory&os; documentation is traditionally stored in
/usr/doc/, and system
source code with manual pages in
/usr/src/. These
directory trees are relocatable, and users may want to put the
working copies in other locations to avoid interfering with
existing information in the main directories. The examples
that follow use ~/doc
and ~/src, both
subdirectories of the user's home directory.Checking Out a CopyA download of a working copy from the repository is called
a checkout, and done with
svn checkout. This example checks out a
copy of the latest version (head) of
the main documentation tree:&prompt.user; svn checkout ~/docA checkout of the source code to work on manual pages is
very similar:&prompt.user; svn checkout ~/srcUpdating a Working CopyThe documents and files in the &os; repository change daily.
People modify files and commit changes frequently. Even a short
time after an initial checkout, there will already be
differences between the local working copy and the main &os;
repository. To update the local version with the changes that
have been made to the main repository, use
svn update on the directory containing the
local working copy:&prompt.user; svn update ~/docGet in the protective habit of using
svn update before editing document files.
Someone else may have edited that file very recently, and the
local working copy will not include the latest changes until it
has been updated. Editing the newest version of a file is much
easier than trying to combine an older, edited local file with
the newer version from the repository.Reverting ChangesSometimes it turns out that changes were
not necessary after all, or the writer just wants to start over.
Files can be reset to their unchanged form with
svn revert. For example, to erase the edits
made to chapter.xml and reset it to
unmodified form:&prompt.user; svn revert chapter.xmlMaking a DiffAfter edits to a file or group of files are completed, the
differences between the local working copy and the version on
the &os; repository must be collected into a single file for
submission. These diff files are produced
by redirecting the output of svn diff into a
file:&prompt.user; cd ~/doc
&prompt.user; svn diff > doc-fix-spelling.diffGive the file a meaningful name that identifies the
contents. The example above is for spelling fixes to the whole
documentation tree.If the diff file is to be submitted with the web
Submit a &os;
problem report interface, add a
.txt extension to give the earnest and
simple-minded web form a clue that the contents are plain
text.Be careful: svn diff includes all changes
made in the current directory and any subdirectories. If there
are files in the working copy with edits that are not ready to
be submitted yet, provide a list of only the files that are to
be included:&prompt.user; cd ~/doc
&prompt.user; svn diff disks/chapter.xml printers/chapter.xml > disks-printers.diffSubversion ReferencesThese examples show very basic usage of
Subversion. More detail is available
in the Subversion Book
and the Subversion