function # assumes you built via something like already # needs devel/oci-cli set -x FREEBSD_VERSION (sh ../sys/conf/ -V RELEASE | sed -E -e 's,^.+="(.+)",\1,') set -x IMAGE_NAME (echo FreeBSD-$FREEBSD_VERSION-(uname -m)-(uname -p)-(date -u +%Y%m%d)-(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c -7)) set -x IMAGE_SRC /usr/obj/usr/*/arm64.aarch64/release/oci.qcow2 set -x IMAGE_RAW $IMAGE_NAME.raw set -x IMAGE_COW $IMAGE_NAME.qcow2 set -x IMAGE_JSON /tmp/$IMAGE_NAME.json set -x IMAGE_SCHEMA /tmp/freebsd-arm64-schema.json # we recompress the image as qemu-img gives significantly smaller size test -s /tmp/$IMAGE_RAW \ || qemu-img convert -S 1k -p -O raw \ $IMAGE_SRC /tmp/$IMAGE_RAW test -s /tmp/$IMAGE_COW \ || qemu-img convert -S 1k -p -O qcow2 -c \ /tmp/$IMAGE_RAW /tmp/$IMAGE_COW # ideally, check that this new image can boot at least in qemu # prepare OCI JSON paperwork set -x OCI_NS (oci os ns get | jq -r .data) set -x OCI_CID (oci iam user list | jq -r '.data[0]."compartment-id"') # upload the file test -s $IMAGE_JSON \ || oci os object bulk-upload \ --namespace $OCI_NS \ --bucket-name freebsd-images \ --parallel-upload-count 10 \ --verify-checksum \ --no-overwrite \ --src-dir /tmp \ --include $IMAGE_COW # convert the upload into a bootable iage test -s $IMAGE_JSON \ || oci compute image import from-object \ --bucket-name freebsd-images \ --compartment-id $OCI_CID \ --namespace $OCI_NS \ --operating-system FreeBSD \ --operating-system-version $FREEBSD_VERSION \ --source-image-type QCOW2 \ --launch-mode emulated \ --name $IMAGE_COW \ --display-name $IMAGE_COW # wait for successful import # lifecycle state changes from IMPORTING to AVAILABLE in ~ 15 minutes echo -n importing... while test ! -s $IMAGE_JSON echo -n . sleep 15 oci compute image list \ --compartment-id $OCI_CID \ --lifecycle-state AVAILABLE \ --display-name $IMAGE_COW \ > $IMAGE_JSON end echo OK set -x OCI_IMAGE_OCID (jq -r '.data[0].id' $IMAGE_JSON) jq . $IMAGE_JSON # images need to have a schema # get the global schema id # this is flaky I think if there is no existing image to clone from # this requires one manual schema change for an image previously set -x OCI_GLOBAL_SCHEMA_ID (oci compute image-capability-schema list \ --compartment-id $OCI_CID --all \ | jq -r '.data[0]."compute-global-image-capability-schema-version-name"') # get the default schema from the first entry in the global schema # remove the E1000 and VFIO network attachment types # this is our sanitised schema oci compute image-capability-schema list \ --compartment-id $OCI_CID --all \ | jq -r '.data[0]."schema-data"' \ | egrep -v 'E1000|VFIO' \ | jq . > $IMAGE_SCHEMA # create a new schema, attached to this specific image type oci compute image-capability-schema create \ --compartment-id $OCI_CID \ --global-image-capability-schema-version-name $OCI_GLOBAL_SCHEMA_ID \ --image-id $OCI_IMAGE_OCID \ --schema-data file://$IMAGE_SCHEMA \ | jq . # obtain a list of valid shapes set -x OCI_VALID_SHAPES (oci compute shape list \ --compartment-id $OCI_CID \ | jq -r '.data[].shape' | sort | uniq) # restrict this image to *only* boot on arm64 A1.Flex & A1.BM shapes for s in $OCI_VALID_SHAPES oci compute image-shape-compatibility-entry remove --force \ --image-id $OCI_IMAGE_OCID \ --shape-name $s end # add back the ones we need for s in BM.Standard.A1.160 VM.Standard.A1.Flex oci compute image-shape-compatibility-entry add \ --image-id $OCI_IMAGE_OCID --shape-name $s \ | jq . end end