diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/formatting-media/article.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/formatting-media/article.sgml
index c6854498eb..9e2da98466 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/formatting-media/article.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/formatting-media/article.sgml
@@ -1,603 +1,636 @@
- Formatting Media For Use With FreeBSD 2.2-RELEASE
+ Formatting Media For Use With FreeBSD
A Tutorial
March 1997
This document describes how to slice, partition, and
format hard disk drives and similar media for use with
FreeBSD. The examples given have been tested under FreeBSD
- 2.2-GAMMA and may work for other releases.
+ 2.2 and should work for other releases. The text has been updated
+ for FreeBSD version 4.
Introduction & Definitions
Successfully adding disks to an existing system is the
mark of an experienced system administrator. Slicing,
partitioning, and adding disks requires a careful dance of
proper command and name syntax. One slipped finger and an
entire disk could disappear in seconds. This document is
written in an attempt to simplify this process and avoid
accidents. Thankfully, enhancements to existing tools
(notably sysinstall) have greatly improved this process in
recent releases of FreeBSD.
There are two possible modes of disk formatting:
compatibility mode: Arranging a
disk so that it has a slice table for use with other
operating systems.
- dangerously dedicated mode:
- Formatting a disk with no slice table. This makes the
- process of adding disks easier, however non-FreeBSD
- operating systems may not accept the disk.
+ dedicated mode, sometimes called
+ dangerously dedicated mode: Formatting a disk
+ with no slice table. This makes the process of adding disks easier,
+ however non-FreeBSD operating systems may not accept the disk. The
+ term dangerously refers to the danger that the
+ system may not recognize a disk formatted in this manner.
For most cases, dedicated mode is the easiest to set up
and use in existing systems, as a new disk is usually
dedicated entirely to FreeBSD. However, compatibility mode
insures optimum interoperability with future installations at
a cost of increased complexity.
In addition to selecting the mode, two methods of slicing
the disk are available. One is using the system installation
tool /stand/sysinstall. 2.1.7-RELEASE and
later versions of sysinstall contain code
to ease setup of disks during normal system operation, mainly
allowing access to the Label and Partition editors and a Write
feature which will update just the selected disk and slice
without affecting other disks. The other method is running
- the tools manually from a root command line. For dangerously
+ the tools manually from a root command line. For
dedicated mode, only three or four commands are involved while
sysinstall requires some
UNIX disk management over the centuries has invented many
new definitions for old words. The following glossary covers
the definitions used in this document and (hopefully) for
FreeBSD in general.
compatibility mode: Arranging a disk so that it has a
slice table for use with other operating systems. Oppose
- dangerously dedicated mode.
+ dedicated mode.
- dangerously dedicated mode: Formatting a disk with no
+ (dangerously) dedicated mode: Formatting a disk with no
slice table. This makes the process of adding disks
easier, however non-FreeBSD operating systems may not
accept the disk. Oppose compatibility mode.
disk: A circular disc, covered with magnetic or
similarly manipulable material, spun by a motor under a
head. Data is stored on the disk by changing the pattern
of magnetism on the disc, which can be later read. Hard
disks, CD-ROMs, Magneto-optical,and Zip/Jaz removables are
examples of disks.
slice: A division of a disk. Up to four slices are
permitted on one disk in the PC standard. Slices are
composed of contiguous sectors. Slices are recorded in a
slice table
used by the system BIOS to
locate bootable partitions. The slice table is usually
called the Partition Table in DOS parlance. Maintained by
the fdisk utility.
partition: A division of a slice. Usually used in
reference to divisions of the FreeBSD slice of a disk.
Each filesystem and swap area on a disk resides in a
partition. Maintained using the disklabel utility.
sector: Smallest subdivision of a disk. One sector
usually represents 512 bytes of data.
Warnings & Pitfalls
Building disks is not something to take lightly. It is
quite possible to destroy the contents of other disks in your
system if the proper precautions are not taken.
Check your work carefully. It is very simple
to destroy the incorrect disk when working with these
commands. When in doubt consult the kernel boot output for
the proper device.
Needless to say, we are not responsible for any damage to
any data or hardware that you may experience. You work at
your own risk!
Zip, Jaz, and Other Removables
Removable disks can be formatted in the same way as normal
hard disks. It is essential to have the disk drive connected
to the system and a disk placed in the drive during startup,
so the kernel can determine the drive's geometry. Check the
dmesg output and make sure your device and
the disk's size is listed. If the kernel reports
Can't get the size
then the disk was not in the drive. In this case, you will
need to restart the machine before attempting to format
Formatting Disks in Dedicated Mode
This section details how to make disks that are totally
- dedicated to FreeBSD. Remember, dedicated mode disks cannot
- be booted by the PC architecture.
+ dedicated to FreeBSD. Remember, dedicated mode disks sometimes
+ cannot be booted by the PC architecture.
Making Dedicated Mode Disks using Sysinstall
/stand/sysinstall, the system
installation utility, has been expanded in recent versions to
make the process of dividing disks properly a less tiring
affair. The fdisk and disklabel editors built into sysinstall
are GUI tools that remove much of the confusion from slicing
disks. For FreeBSD versions 2.1.7 and later, this is perhaps
the simplest way to slice disks.
Start sysinstall as root by typing
&prompt.root; /stand/sysinstall
from the command prompt.
Select Index.
Select Partition.
Select the disk to edit with arrow keys and
If you are using this entire disk for FreeBSD, select
When asked:
Do you want to do this with a true partition entry so as to remain
cooperative with any future possible operating systems on the
answer No.
When asked if you still want to do this, answer
Select Write.
When warned about Writing on installed systems, answer
Quitthe FDISK Editor and
ESCAPE back to the Index menu.
Select Label from the Index
Label as desired. For a single partition, enter
C to Create a partition, accept the
default size, partition type Filesystem, and a mountpoint
(which isn't used).
Enter W when done and confirm to
continue. The filesystem will be newfs'd for you, unless
you select otherwise (for news partitions you'll want to
do this!). You'll get the error:
- Error mounting /mnt/dev/wd2s1e on /mnt/blah : No such file or directory
+ Error mounting /mnt/dev/ad2s1e on /mnt/blah : No such file or directory
Exit out by repeatedly pressing
Making Dedicated Mode Disks Using the Command Line
- Execute the following commands, replacing wd2 with the
+ Execute the following commands, replacing ad2 with the
disk name.
- &prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rwd2 count=2
-&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/rwd2 | disklabel -B -R -r wd2 /dev/stdin
+ &prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad2 count=2
+&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/ad2 | disklabel -B -R -r ad2 /dev/stdin
We only want one partition, so using slice 'c' should be fine:
-&prompt.root; newfs /dev/rwd2c
+&prompt.root; newfs /dev/ad2c
If you need to edit the disklabel to create multiple
partitions (such as swap), use the following:
- &prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rwd2 count=2
-&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/r$d > /tmp/label
+ &prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad2 count=2
+&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/$d > /tmp/label
Edit disklabel to add partitions:
&prompt.root; vi /tmp/label
-&prompt.root; disklabel -B -R -r wd2 /tmp/label
+&prompt.root; disklabel -B -R -r ad2 /tmp/label
newfs partitions appropriately
Your disk is now ready for use.
Making Compatibility Mode Disks
The command line is the easiest way to make dedicated
disks, and the worst way to make compatibility disks. The
command-line fdisk utility requires higher math skills and an
in-depth understanding of the slice table, which is more than
most people want to deal with. Use sysinstall for
compatibility disks, as described below.
Making Compatibility Mode Disks Using Sysinstall
Start sysinstall as root by typing
&prompt.root; /stand/sysinstall>
from the command prompt.
Select Index.
Select Partition.
Select the disk to edit with arrow keys and
If you are using this entire disk for FreeBSD, select
When asked:
Do you want to do this with a true partition entry so as to remain
cooperative with any future possible operating systems on the
answer yes.
Select Write.
When asked to install the boot manager, select None
with SPACE then hit
Quit the FDISK Editor.
You'll be asked about the boot manager, select
None again.
Select Label from the Index
Label as desired. For a single partition, accept the
default size, type filesystem, and a mountpoint (which
isn't used).
The filesystem will be newfs'd for you, unless you
select otherwise (for news partitions you'll want to do
this!). You'll get the error:
- Error mounting /mnt/dev/wd2s1e on /mnt/blah : No such file or directory
+ Error mounting /mnt/dev/ad2s1e on /mnt/blah : No such file or directory
Exit out by repeatedly pressing
Your new disk is now ready for use.
Other Disk Operations
Adding Swap Space
As a system grows, it's need for swap space can also grow.
Although adding swap space to existing disks is very
difficult, a new disk can be partitioned with additional swap
To add swap space when adding a disk to a system:
When partitioning the disk, edit the disklabel and
allocate the amount of swap space to add in partition `b'
and the remainder in another partition, such as `a' or
`e'. The size is given in 512 byte blocks.
When newfsing the drive, do NOT newfs the `c'
partition. Instead, newfs the partition where the
non-swap space lies.
Add an entry to /etc/fstab as
- /dev/wd0b none swap sw 0 0
+ /dev/ad0b none swap sw 0 0
- Change /dev/wd0b to the device of the newly added
+ Change /dev/ad0b to the device of the newly added
To make the new space immediately available, use the
swapon command.
- &prompt.root; swapon /dev/sd0b
-swapon: added /dev/sd0b as swap space
+ &prompt.root; swapon /dev/da0b
+swapon: added /dev/da0b as swap space
Copying the Contents of Disks
Submitted By: Renaud Waldura
To move file from your original base disk to the fresh new
one, do:
- &prompt.root; mount /dev/wd2 /mnt
+ &prompt.root; mount /dev/ad2 /mnt
&prompt.root; pax -r -w -p e /usr/home /mnt
&prompt.root; umount /mnt
&prompt.root; rm -rf /usr/home/*
-&prompt.root; mount /dev/wd2 /usr/home
+&prompt.root; mount /dev/ad2 /usr/home
Creating Striped Disks using CCD
Commands Submitted By: Stan Brown
The Concatenated Disk Driver, or CCD, allows you to treat
several identical disks as a single disk. Striping can result
in increased disk performance by distributing reads and writes
across the disks. See the &man.ccd.4; and &man.ccdconfig.8;
man pages or the CCD
Homepage for further details.
- To create a new CCD, execute the following commands. This
- describes how to add three disks together; simply add or
- remove devices as necessary. Remember that the disks to be
- striped must be identical.
+ You no longer need to build a special kernel to run ccd. When you
+ run ccdconfig, it will load the KLD for you if the
+ kernel does not contain CCD support.
- Before executing these commands, make sure you add the line
+ You build CCDs on disk partitions of type
+ 4.2BSD. If you want to use the entire disk, you
+ still need to create a new partition. For example, disklabel
+ -e might show:
- pseudo-device ccd 4
+ # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
+ c: 60074784 0 unused 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)
+ You shouldn't use partition c for the CCD,
+ since it is of type unused. Instead, create a new
+ partition of exactly the same size, but with type
+ 4.2BSD:
+ # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
+ c: 60074784 0 unused 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)
+ e: 60074784 0 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)
- to your kernel.
+ To create a new CCD, execute the following commands. This
+ describes how to add three disks together; simply add or remove devices
+ as necessary. Remember that the disks to be striped must be
+ identical.
&prompt.root; cd /dev ; sh MAKDEV ccd0
-&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w sd0 auto
-&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w sd1 auto
-&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w sd2 auto
+&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w da0 auto
+&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w da1 auto
+&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w da2 auto
-&prompt.root; disklabel -e sd0c
-change type to 4.2BSD
-&prompt.root; disklabel -e sd1c
-change type to 4.2BSD
-&prompt.root; disklabel -e sd2c
-change type to 4.2BSD
+&prompt.root; disklabel -e da0
+Add partition e with type 4.2BSD
+&prompt.root; disklabel -e da1
+Add partition e with type 4.2BSD
+&prompt.root; disklabel -e da2
+Add partition e with type 4.2BSD
-&prompt.root; ccdconfig ccd0 32 0 /dev/sd0c /dev/sd1c /dev/sd2c
+&prompt.root; ccdconfig ccd0 273 0 /dev/da0e /dev/da1e /dev/da2e
-&prompt.root; newfs /dev/rccd0c
+&prompt.root; newfs /dev/ccd0c
+ The value 273 is the stripe size. This is the number of disk
+ sectors (of 512 bytes each) in each block of data on the CCD. It should
+ be at least 128 kB, and it should not be not be a power of 2.
Now you can mount and use your CCD by referencing device
+A more powerful and flexible alternative to CCD is Vinum. See the Vinum Project home page for further
The author would like to thank the following individuals for
their contributions to this project:
Darryl Okahata
(darrylo@hpnmhjw.sr.hp.com) for his simple
dedicated mode setup documentation which I have used
- repeatedly on freebsd-questions.
+ repeatedly on FreeBSD-questions.
Jordan Hubbard (jkh@FreeBSD.org) for
making sysinstall useful for this type of task.
John Fieber (jfieber@indiana.edu) for
making information and examples of the DocBook DTD on which
this document is based.
Greg Lehey (grog@FreeBSD.org) for
checking my work and pointing out inaccuracies, as well as
miscellaneous support.
diff --git a/en_US.ISO_8859-1/articles/formatting-media/article.sgml b/en_US.ISO_8859-1/articles/formatting-media/article.sgml
index c6854498eb..9e2da98466 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO_8859-1/articles/formatting-media/article.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO_8859-1/articles/formatting-media/article.sgml
@@ -1,603 +1,636 @@
- Formatting Media For Use With FreeBSD 2.2-RELEASE
+ Formatting Media For Use With FreeBSD
A Tutorial
March 1997
This document describes how to slice, partition, and
format hard disk drives and similar media for use with
FreeBSD. The examples given have been tested under FreeBSD
- 2.2-GAMMA and may work for other releases.
+ 2.2 and should work for other releases. The text has been updated
+ for FreeBSD version 4.
Introduction & Definitions
Successfully adding disks to an existing system is the
mark of an experienced system administrator. Slicing,
partitioning, and adding disks requires a careful dance of
proper command and name syntax. One slipped finger and an
entire disk could disappear in seconds. This document is
written in an attempt to simplify this process and avoid
accidents. Thankfully, enhancements to existing tools
(notably sysinstall) have greatly improved this process in
recent releases of FreeBSD.
There are two possible modes of disk formatting:
compatibility mode: Arranging a
disk so that it has a slice table for use with other
operating systems.
- dangerously dedicated mode:
- Formatting a disk with no slice table. This makes the
- process of adding disks easier, however non-FreeBSD
- operating systems may not accept the disk.
+ dedicated mode, sometimes called
+ dangerously dedicated mode: Formatting a disk
+ with no slice table. This makes the process of adding disks easier,
+ however non-FreeBSD operating systems may not accept the disk. The
+ term dangerously refers to the danger that the
+ system may not recognize a disk formatted in this manner.
For most cases, dedicated mode is the easiest to set up
and use in existing systems, as a new disk is usually
dedicated entirely to FreeBSD. However, compatibility mode
insures optimum interoperability with future installations at
a cost of increased complexity.
In addition to selecting the mode, two methods of slicing
the disk are available. One is using the system installation
tool /stand/sysinstall. 2.1.7-RELEASE and
later versions of sysinstall contain code
to ease setup of disks during normal system operation, mainly
allowing access to the Label and Partition editors and a Write
feature which will update just the selected disk and slice
without affecting other disks. The other method is running
- the tools manually from a root command line. For dangerously
+ the tools manually from a root command line. For
dedicated mode, only three or four commands are involved while
sysinstall requires some
UNIX disk management over the centuries has invented many
new definitions for old words. The following glossary covers
the definitions used in this document and (hopefully) for
FreeBSD in general.
compatibility mode: Arranging a disk so that it has a
slice table for use with other operating systems. Oppose
- dangerously dedicated mode.
+ dedicated mode.
- dangerously dedicated mode: Formatting a disk with no
+ (dangerously) dedicated mode: Formatting a disk with no
slice table. This makes the process of adding disks
easier, however non-FreeBSD operating systems may not
accept the disk. Oppose compatibility mode.
disk: A circular disc, covered with magnetic or
similarly manipulable material, spun by a motor under a
head. Data is stored on the disk by changing the pattern
of magnetism on the disc, which can be later read. Hard
disks, CD-ROMs, Magneto-optical,and Zip/Jaz removables are
examples of disks.
slice: A division of a disk. Up to four slices are
permitted on one disk in the PC standard. Slices are
composed of contiguous sectors. Slices are recorded in a
slice table
used by the system BIOS to
locate bootable partitions. The slice table is usually
called the Partition Table in DOS parlance. Maintained by
the fdisk utility.
partition: A division of a slice. Usually used in
reference to divisions of the FreeBSD slice of a disk.
Each filesystem and swap area on a disk resides in a
partition. Maintained using the disklabel utility.
sector: Smallest subdivision of a disk. One sector
usually represents 512 bytes of data.
Warnings & Pitfalls
Building disks is not something to take lightly. It is
quite possible to destroy the contents of other disks in your
system if the proper precautions are not taken.
Check your work carefully. It is very simple
to destroy the incorrect disk when working with these
commands. When in doubt consult the kernel boot output for
the proper device.
Needless to say, we are not responsible for any damage to
any data or hardware that you may experience. You work at
your own risk!
Zip, Jaz, and Other Removables
Removable disks can be formatted in the same way as normal
hard disks. It is essential to have the disk drive connected
to the system and a disk placed in the drive during startup,
so the kernel can determine the drive's geometry. Check the
dmesg output and make sure your device and
the disk's size is listed. If the kernel reports
Can't get the size
then the disk was not in the drive. In this case, you will
need to restart the machine before attempting to format
Formatting Disks in Dedicated Mode
This section details how to make disks that are totally
- dedicated to FreeBSD. Remember, dedicated mode disks cannot
- be booted by the PC architecture.
+ dedicated to FreeBSD. Remember, dedicated mode disks sometimes
+ cannot be booted by the PC architecture.
Making Dedicated Mode Disks using Sysinstall
/stand/sysinstall, the system
installation utility, has been expanded in recent versions to
make the process of dividing disks properly a less tiring
affair. The fdisk and disklabel editors built into sysinstall
are GUI tools that remove much of the confusion from slicing
disks. For FreeBSD versions 2.1.7 and later, this is perhaps
the simplest way to slice disks.
Start sysinstall as root by typing
&prompt.root; /stand/sysinstall
from the command prompt.
Select Index.
Select Partition.
Select the disk to edit with arrow keys and
If you are using this entire disk for FreeBSD, select
When asked:
Do you want to do this with a true partition entry so as to remain
cooperative with any future possible operating systems on the
answer No.
When asked if you still want to do this, answer
Select Write.
When warned about Writing on installed systems, answer
Quitthe FDISK Editor and
ESCAPE back to the Index menu.
Select Label from the Index
Label as desired. For a single partition, enter
C to Create a partition, accept the
default size, partition type Filesystem, and a mountpoint
(which isn't used).
Enter W when done and confirm to
continue. The filesystem will be newfs'd for you, unless
you select otherwise (for news partitions you'll want to
do this!). You'll get the error:
- Error mounting /mnt/dev/wd2s1e on /mnt/blah : No such file or directory
+ Error mounting /mnt/dev/ad2s1e on /mnt/blah : No such file or directory
Exit out by repeatedly pressing
Making Dedicated Mode Disks Using the Command Line
- Execute the following commands, replacing wd2 with the
+ Execute the following commands, replacing ad2 with the
disk name.
- &prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rwd2 count=2
-&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/rwd2 | disklabel -B -R -r wd2 /dev/stdin
+ &prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad2 count=2
+&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/ad2 | disklabel -B -R -r ad2 /dev/stdin
We only want one partition, so using slice 'c' should be fine:
-&prompt.root; newfs /dev/rwd2c
+&prompt.root; newfs /dev/ad2c
If you need to edit the disklabel to create multiple
partitions (such as swap), use the following:
- &prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rwd2 count=2
-&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/r$d > /tmp/label
+ &prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad2 count=2
+&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/$d > /tmp/label
Edit disklabel to add partitions:
&prompt.root; vi /tmp/label
-&prompt.root; disklabel -B -R -r wd2 /tmp/label
+&prompt.root; disklabel -B -R -r ad2 /tmp/label
newfs partitions appropriately
Your disk is now ready for use.
Making Compatibility Mode Disks
The command line is the easiest way to make dedicated
disks, and the worst way to make compatibility disks. The
command-line fdisk utility requires higher math skills and an
in-depth understanding of the slice table, which is more than
most people want to deal with. Use sysinstall for
compatibility disks, as described below.
Making Compatibility Mode Disks Using Sysinstall
Start sysinstall as root by typing
&prompt.root; /stand/sysinstall>
from the command prompt.
Select Index.
Select Partition.
Select the disk to edit with arrow keys and
If you are using this entire disk for FreeBSD, select
When asked:
Do you want to do this with a true partition entry so as to remain
cooperative with any future possible operating systems on the
answer yes.
Select Write.
When asked to install the boot manager, select None
with SPACE then hit
Quit the FDISK Editor.
You'll be asked about the boot manager, select
None again.
Select Label from the Index
Label as desired. For a single partition, accept the
default size, type filesystem, and a mountpoint (which
isn't used).
The filesystem will be newfs'd for you, unless you
select otherwise (for news partitions you'll want to do
this!). You'll get the error:
- Error mounting /mnt/dev/wd2s1e on /mnt/blah : No such file or directory
+ Error mounting /mnt/dev/ad2s1e on /mnt/blah : No such file or directory
Exit out by repeatedly pressing
Your new disk is now ready for use.
Other Disk Operations
Adding Swap Space
As a system grows, it's need for swap space can also grow.
Although adding swap space to existing disks is very
difficult, a new disk can be partitioned with additional swap
To add swap space when adding a disk to a system:
When partitioning the disk, edit the disklabel and
allocate the amount of swap space to add in partition `b'
and the remainder in another partition, such as `a' or
`e'. The size is given in 512 byte blocks.
When newfsing the drive, do NOT newfs the `c'
partition. Instead, newfs the partition where the
non-swap space lies.
Add an entry to /etc/fstab as
- /dev/wd0b none swap sw 0 0
+ /dev/ad0b none swap sw 0 0
- Change /dev/wd0b to the device of the newly added
+ Change /dev/ad0b to the device of the newly added
To make the new space immediately available, use the
swapon command.
- &prompt.root; swapon /dev/sd0b
-swapon: added /dev/sd0b as swap space
+ &prompt.root; swapon /dev/da0b
+swapon: added /dev/da0b as swap space
Copying the Contents of Disks
Submitted By: Renaud Waldura
To move file from your original base disk to the fresh new
one, do:
- &prompt.root; mount /dev/wd2 /mnt
+ &prompt.root; mount /dev/ad2 /mnt
&prompt.root; pax -r -w -p e /usr/home /mnt
&prompt.root; umount /mnt
&prompt.root; rm -rf /usr/home/*
-&prompt.root; mount /dev/wd2 /usr/home
+&prompt.root; mount /dev/ad2 /usr/home
Creating Striped Disks using CCD
Commands Submitted By: Stan Brown
The Concatenated Disk Driver, or CCD, allows you to treat
several identical disks as a single disk. Striping can result
in increased disk performance by distributing reads and writes
across the disks. See the &man.ccd.4; and &man.ccdconfig.8;
man pages or the CCD
Homepage for further details.
- To create a new CCD, execute the following commands. This
- describes how to add three disks together; simply add or
- remove devices as necessary. Remember that the disks to be
- striped must be identical.
+ You no longer need to build a special kernel to run ccd. When you
+ run ccdconfig, it will load the KLD for you if the
+ kernel does not contain CCD support.
- Before executing these commands, make sure you add the line
+ You build CCDs on disk partitions of type
+ 4.2BSD. If you want to use the entire disk, you
+ still need to create a new partition. For example, disklabel
+ -e might show:
- pseudo-device ccd 4
+ # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
+ c: 60074784 0 unused 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)
+ You shouldn't use partition c for the CCD,
+ since it is of type unused. Instead, create a new
+ partition of exactly the same size, but with type
+ 4.2BSD:
+ # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
+ c: 60074784 0 unused 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)
+ e: 60074784 0 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)
- to your kernel.
+ To create a new CCD, execute the following commands. This
+ describes how to add three disks together; simply add or remove devices
+ as necessary. Remember that the disks to be striped must be
+ identical.
&prompt.root; cd /dev ; sh MAKDEV ccd0
-&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w sd0 auto
-&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w sd1 auto
-&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w sd2 auto
+&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w da0 auto
+&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w da1 auto
+&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w da2 auto
-&prompt.root; disklabel -e sd0c
-change type to 4.2BSD
-&prompt.root; disklabel -e sd1c
-change type to 4.2BSD
-&prompt.root; disklabel -e sd2c
-change type to 4.2BSD
+&prompt.root; disklabel -e da0
+Add partition e with type 4.2BSD
+&prompt.root; disklabel -e da1
+Add partition e with type 4.2BSD
+&prompt.root; disklabel -e da2
+Add partition e with type 4.2BSD
-&prompt.root; ccdconfig ccd0 32 0 /dev/sd0c /dev/sd1c /dev/sd2c
+&prompt.root; ccdconfig ccd0 273 0 /dev/da0e /dev/da1e /dev/da2e
-&prompt.root; newfs /dev/rccd0c
+&prompt.root; newfs /dev/ccd0c
+ The value 273 is the stripe size. This is the number of disk
+ sectors (of 512 bytes each) in each block of data on the CCD. It should
+ be at least 128 kB, and it should not be not be a power of 2.
Now you can mount and use your CCD by referencing device
+A more powerful and flexible alternative to CCD is Vinum. See the Vinum Project home page for further
The author would like to thank the following individuals for
their contributions to this project:
Darryl Okahata
(darrylo@hpnmhjw.sr.hp.com) for his simple
dedicated mode setup documentation which I have used
- repeatedly on freebsd-questions.
+ repeatedly on FreeBSD-questions.
Jordan Hubbard (jkh@FreeBSD.org) for
making sysinstall useful for this type of task.
John Fieber (jfieber@indiana.edu) for
making information and examples of the DocBook DTD on which
this document is based.
Greg Lehey (grog@FreeBSD.org) for
checking my work and pointing out inaccuracies, as well as
miscellaneous support.