diff --git a/en/releases/5.1R/schedule.sgml b/en/releases/5.1R/schedule.sgml
index 5845ee7159..21de528899 100644
--- a/en/releases/5.1R/schedule.sgml
+++ b/en/releases/5.1R/schedule.sgml
@@ -1,181 +1,181 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" [
 <!ENTITY base CDATA "../..">
 <!ENTITY email 'freebsd-qa'>
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/releases/5.1R/schedule.sgml,v 1.10 2003/05/27 20:11:39 scottl Exp $">
+<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/releases/5.1R/schedule.sgml,v 1.11 2003/05/30 23:10:52 bmah Exp $">
 <!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 5.1 Release Process">
 <!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../../includes.sgml"> %includes;
 <p>This is a specific schedule for the release of FreeBSD 5.1.  For
   more general information about the release engineering process,
   please see the <a href="&base;/releng/index.html">Release
   Engineering</a> section of the web site.</p>
 <p>General discussions about the release engineering process or
   quality assurance issues should be sent to the public <a
   href="mailto:FreeBSD-qa@FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD-qa</a> mailing list.
   requests should be sent to <a
 <p>One of the major features of FreeBSD 5.1 will be further refinement of
   the re-worked SMP support introduced in FreeBSD 5.0.  For specific
   information about the progress towards 5.1-RELEASE in this area, please
   see the <a href="&base;/smp/index.html">SMP Project</a> page.</p>
 <p>FreeBSD 5.1 will continue to be released from the 5-CURRENT development
   stream.  For more details about the milestones for reaching
   5-STABLE, see the <a href="&base;/doc/en/articles/5-roadmap">5-STABLE
   Roadmap</a> page.</p>
 <p>The current release engineering <a
   href="&base;/releases/5.1R/todo.html">TODO list</a> is also available.
   This list is updated periodically through the release cycle.</p>
 <table border=1>
     <td><tt>-CURRENT</tt> code freeze</td>
     <td>The <tt>src/</tt> code freeze for 5.1.  Commits to
       <tt>HEAD</tt> require <tt>re@FreeBSD.org</tt> approval.</td>
     <td><tt>5.1-BETA</tt> release of x86, alpha, sparc64, and ia64.</td>
     <td>Second <tt>5.1-BETA</tt> release of x86, alpha, sparc64, and ia64.</td>
     <td><tt>RELENG_5_1</tt> branched</td>
     <td>30 May 2003</td>
-    <td>--</td>
+    <td>31 May 2003</td>
     <td>Branch of <tt>src/</tt> from <tt>HEAD</tt> for the release.
       Note: no branch for <tt>RELENG_5</tt> will happen at this time.</td>
     <td>Turn off debugging for <tt>RELENG_5_1</tt></td>
     <td>30 May 2003</td>
-    <td>--</td>
+    <td>31 May 2003</td>
     <td>Turn off WITNESS, INVARIANTS, and malloc debugging options similar to
       what was done for 5.0.</td>
     <td>First release candidate</td>
     <td>x86, alpha, sparc64, and ia64 images released and uploaded to
     <td><tt>src/</tt> unfrozen</td>
     <td>30 May 2003</td>
-    <td>--</td>
+    <td>31 May 2003</td>
     <td>Unfreeze <tt>HEAD</tt> src. Continue to coordinate significant
       check-ins with <tt>re@FreeBSD.org</tt> in order to work towards
     <td>Ports tree tagged</td>
     <td>30 May 2003</td>
     <td>27 May 2003</td>
     <td>Tentative date of <tt>RELEASE_5_1_0</tt> tag for ports.</td>
     <td>Version numbers bumped</td>
     <td>2 June 2003</td>
     <td>The files listed <a
         are updated to reflect FreeBSD 5.1.</td>
     <td><tt>src/</tt> tree tagged</td>
     <td>2 June 2003</td>
     <td>Tag the <tt>RELENG_5_1</tt> branch with <tt>RELENG_5_1_0_RELEASE</tt>.</td>
     <td><tt>doc/</tt> tree tagged</td>
     <td>2 June 2003</td>
     <td>30 May 2003</td>
     <td>Tag the <tt>doc/</tt> tree with <tt>RELEASE_5_1_0</tt>.</td>
     <td>Final builds</td>
     <td>2 June 2003</td>
     <td>Start x86, alpha, sparc64, ia64, and pc98 builds.</td>
     <td>Warn <tt>hubs@FreeBSD.org</tt></td>
     <td>2 June 2003</td>
     <td>Heads up email to <tt>hubs@FreeBSD.org</tt> to give admins
       time to prepare for the load spike to come. The site
       administrators have frequently requested advance notice
       for new ISOs.</td>
     <td>Upload to <tt>ftp-master</tt></td>
     <td>Release and packages uploaded to <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org.</tt></td>
     <td>FreeBSD 5.1 Released</td>
     <td>5 Jun 2003</td>
     <td>FreeBSD 5.1 is announced to the mailing lists.</td>
     <td>FreeBSD 5.1 Press Release</td>
     <td>5 Jun 2003</td>
     <td>A formal press release statement is in the works and should be
       released at this time to the <tt>www.FreeBSD.org</tt> website and various
       tech publications.</td>