#!/usr/bin/perl # vim:sts=4 sw=4 et # perltidy -bext=/ -se -i=4 -it=2 -ci=2 -xci -l=132 -pt=2 -ce -cti=1 -cab=4 -cb -cbo=0 -wbb="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | &" -enc=utf8 -wn -sot -sct -asc -tqw -sbq=0 -csc -csct=30 use strict; use warnings; use 5.024; use Git; ################################################################ # Helper functions ################################################################ my $git = Git->repository; my $branch_main = 'refs/heads/main'; my $re_quarterlies = qr{^refs/heads/20\d\dQ\d\z}oms; { # sub context to avoid leaking @push_options my @push_options; for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $ENV{GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT} ; ++$i) { push @push_options, $ENV{"GIT_PUSH_OPTION_${i}"}; } sub has_option { my ($opt) = @_; for (@push_options) { return 1 if $opt eq $_; } return 0; } ## end sub has_option } my @quarterlies; for ($git->command('show-ref', '--heads')) { my ($hash, $ref) = split / /; next if $ref !~ m{refs/heads/\d\d\d\dQ\d\z}oms; push @quarterlies, $ref; } @quarterlies = sort @quarterlies; my $latest_quarterly = $quarterlies[-1]; sub do_die { die "\n================================================================\n" . join("\n", @_) . "\n================================================================\n\n"; } sub short_ref { my ($ref) = @_; $ref =~ s{\Arefs/heads/}{}oms; return $ref; } ################################################################ # Here starts actual hooks ################################################################ # Some filenames are forbidden in the repo. sub deny_filenames { my (@changed) = @_; for my $file (@changed) { if ( $file =~ m{\A(?:CVS|[.](?:svn|git))\z}oms # cvs/svn/git || $file =~ m{[.](?:rej|orig)\z}oms # patch || $file =~ m{[.]core\z}oms # core file ) { do_die 'This file in your commit look suspiciously like core file,', 'patch leftover, CVS, Subversion or git directory:', $file, 'Please double-check your commit and try committing again.'; } ## end if ($file =~ m{\A(?:CVS|[.](?:svn|git))\z}oms...) if ($file =~ m{(?:\A|/)Makefile.local\z}oms) { do_die 'Makefile.local is a user file and MUST NOT be committed:', $file; } } ## end for my $file (@changed) } ## end sub deny_filenames ################################################################ # Some filenames are discouraged in the repo. sub bad_filenames { my (@changed) = @_; # Gave the magic push option return if has_option('allow-bad-filename'); for my $file (@changed) { if ($file =~ m{/py3}oms) { do_die # 'Adding new py3- ports is forbidden. File:', # $file, # 'The Python ports have flavors and do not need the py3- ports.'; # } ## end if ($file =~ m{/py3}oms) if ($file =~ m{[:@]}oms) { do_die # 'A file in your commit has a colon (:) or (@) in the name:', # $file, # 'which is not allowed. Use _ instead for patches.', # 'Or even better, generate your patches with make makepatch.', # 'For further information please read:', # 'https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/porters-handbook/slow-patch.html', # 'Please fix this and try committing again.'; } ## end if ($file =~ m{[:@]}oms) } ## end for my $file (@changed) } ## end sub bad_filenames ################################################################ # Empty files forbidden sub empty { my ($rev, @changed) = @_; # Gave the magic push option return if has_option('allow-empty'); for my $file (@changed) { my $content = $git->command('show', "$rev:$file"); next if length($content) > 0; do_die # "Some files in your commit are empty: $file", # 'Please fix this and try committing again.', # 'If you really need an empty file, ask portmgr for approval', # 'and push with --push-option=allow-empty'; } ## end for my $file (@changed) } ## end sub empty ################################################################ # vulm.xml has to be committed alone, as it is never merged back to the # quarterly branches. sub vuxml_unique { my ($ref, @changed) = @_; my ($seen, $other) = (0, 0); for my $line (@changed) { if ($line =~ m{\Asecurity/vuxml/vuln(?:-\d{4})?.xml\z}oms) { $seen = 1; } else { $other = 1; } } ## end for my $line (@changed) if ($seen && $branch_main ne $ref) { do_die "Commits to security/vuxml/vuln.xml are only allowed on main"; } if ($seen && $other) { do_die "Commit to security/vuxml/vuln.xml first, and then other files"; } } ## end sub vuxml_unique ################################################################ # Check git cherry-pick ran with `-x` sub cherry_pick { my ($ref, $log) = @_; # Only do this on quarterlies return if $ref !~ $re_quarterlies; # Gave the magic push option return if has_option('direct-quarterly-commit'); # Found the actual magic words return if $log =~ m{ ^ # Start of line [(] # A litteral opening parenthesis cherry[ ]picked[ ]from[ ]commit # The magic words [0-9a-fA-F]{30,} # A commit hash [)] # A litteral closing parenthesis $ # End of line }omsx; do_die # Comments "$ENV{GL_USER}, you are pushing a commit to ${\(short_ref($ref))} which does", # to get this 'not seems to be a cherry-pick.', # indented '', # properly 'If you did a cherry-pick, you probably forgot to add `-x`,', # by 'make sure you do run `git cherry-pick -x `.', # perltidy '', # 'If you did a direct commit, make sure it was approved first, and then run:', # "\tgit push --push-option=direct-quarterly-commit"; } ## end sub cherry_pick ################################################################ # Check that commits only go to the latest quarterly branch sub unsupported_quarterly { my ($ref) = @_; # Only applies to quarterlies return if $ref !~ $re_quarterlies; # If we're the latest, great return if $ref eq $latest_quarterly; # Gave the magic push option return if has_option('unsupported-quarterly'); do_die # Comments "$ENV{GL_USER}, you are pushing a commit to ${\(short_ref($ref))} which is not", # for "the latest quarterly branch. The latest is ${\(short_ref($latest_quarterly))}.", # indentation '', # 'Please check that you really mean to do this, and got approval, use:', # "\tgit push --push-option=unsupported-quarterly"; } ## end sub unsupported_quarterly ################################################################ # Check log does not contains stuff generated by phabricator sub stomp_bad_formatting { my ($log) = @_; if ($log =~ m|\n\nReviewers:[\t ]+|oms) { do_die "Non-standard/badly formatted template - found 'Reviewers:' instead of 'Reviewed by:'."; } if ($log =~ m|\n\nSubscribers:[\t ]+|oms) { do_die "Non-standard/badly formatted template - found 'Subscribers:'."; } } ## end sub stomp_bad_formatting ################################################################ # Detect merge conflicts sub detect_merge_conflicts { my ($diff) = @_; if ( $diff =~ m{ ^ # Beginning of the line [+] # A literal plus sign, remember, this is a diff (?: <{7} # <<<<<<< | # or >{7} # >>>>>>> ) [ ] # A literal space }omsx ) { do_die # 'Some parts of your commit look suspiciously like merge', # 'conflict markers. Please double-check your diff and try', # 'committing again.'; } ## end if ($diff =~ m{ ) (}) } ## end sub detect_merge_conflicts ################################################################ # Require newline at end of line sub detect_no_newline_at_eof { my ($diff) = @_; if ($diff =~ m{^\\ No newline at end of file$}oms) { do_die # "Some files in your commit does not have newline at end", # "of file. Please fix this and try committing again."; } } ## end sub detect_no_newline_at_eof ################################################################ # Check content of some files sub stage_only { my ($rev, @changed) = @_; # Gave the magic push option return if has_option('allow-bad-staging'); for my $file (@changed) { if ($file =~ m{/Makefile}oms) { my $content = $git->command('show', "$rev:$file"); if ($content =~ m{if.*def.*(NOPORTDOCS|NOPORTEXAMPLES)}oms) { do_die # "Do not commit ports with NOPORTDOCS or NOPORTEXAMPLES.", # "The port must be converted to proper OPTIONS. See", # "https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/porters-handbook/makefile-options.html"; } ## end if ($content =~ m{if.*def.*(NOPORTDOCS|NOPORTEXAMPLES)}oms) if ($content =~ m{if[^\n]*def[^\n]*NOPORTDATA}oms) { do_die # "Do not commit ports with NOPORTDATA.", # "NOPORTDATA is nonsense as a variable affecting all ports."; } } elsif ($file =~ m{/pkg-plist}oms) { my $content = $git->command('show', "$rev:$file"); if ($content =~ m{%%PORTDATA%%}oms) { do_die # "Do not commit ports with %%PORTDATA%%.", # "NOPORTDATA is nonsense as a variable affecting all ports."; } if ($content =~ m{%%PYTHON_PYOEXTENSION%%}oms) { do_die # "Do not commit ports with %%PYTHON_PYOEXTENSION%%.", # "Use either pyo for python 2.7 ports or opt-1.pyc for python 3.5+ ports."; } } elsif ($file =~ m{/distinfo}oms) { my $content = $git->command('show', "$rev:$file"); if ($content !~ m{^TIMESTAMP = [0-9]*$}oms) { do_die # "Do not commit ports without TIMESTAMP in their distinfo files.", # "Rerun make makesum to add it."; } } ## end elsif ($file =~ m{/distinfo}oms) } ## end for my $file (@changed) } ## end sub stage_only ################################################################ # Main loop, everything called in here. for () { chomp; my ($old, $new, $ref) = split / /; unsupported_quarterly($ref); for my $rev ($git->command('log', '--format=%H', $new, '--not', '--all')) { # Get the raw body of the commit my $log = $git->command('show', '-s', '--format=%B', $rev); # Get the actual diff of the commit my $diff = $git->command('show', $rev); # Get the changed files, but not the deleted files, we don't need them for the hooks my @changed = $git->command('diff', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=d', "$rev~1..$rev"); deny_filenames(@changed); bad_filenames(@changed); vuxml_unique($ref, @changed); cherry_pick($ref, $log); stomp_bad_formatting($log); detect_merge_conflicts($diff); detect_no_newline_at_eof($diff); empty($rev, @changed); stage_only($rev, @changed); } ## end for my $rev ($git->command('log',...)) } ## end for () exit 0;