diff --git a/en/releases/6.3R/schedule.sgml b/en/releases/6.3R/schedule.sgml
index 74e9cca6af..3ede477b05 100644
--- a/en/releases/6.3R/schedule.sgml
+++ b/en/releases/6.3R/schedule.sgml
@@ -1,206 +1,206 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional-Based Extension//EN" [
 <!ENTITY base CDATA "../..">
 <!ENTITY email 'freebsd-qa'>
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/releases/6.3R/schedule.sgml,v 1.1 2007/11/25 05:26:46 kensmith Exp $">
+<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/releases/6.3R/schedule.sgml,v 1.2 2007/11/25 18:02:29 blackend Exp $">
 <!ENTITY local.rel "6.3">
 <!ENTITY local.rel.tag "6_3">
 <!ENTITY title "FreeBSD &local.rel; Release Process">
 <!ENTITY % navinclude.download "INCLUDE">
 <p>This is a specific schedule for the release of FreeBSD &local.rel;.  For
   more general information about the release engineering process,
   please see the <a href="&base;/releng/index.html">Release
   Engineering</a> section of the web site.</p>
 <p>General discussions about the release engineering process or
   quality assurance issues should be sent to the public <a
   href="mailto:FreeBSD-qa@FreeBSD.org">freebsd-qa</a> mailing list.
   requests should be sent to <a
 <table class="tblbasic">
   <tr class="heading">
     <td>Reminder announcement</td>
     <td>Release Engineers send announcement email to
       developers with a rough schedule for the FreeBSD
       &local.rel; release.</td>
     <td>Announce the Ports Freeze</td>
     <td>Someone from <tt>portmgr@</tt> should email
     <tt>freebsd-ports@</tt> to set a date
     for the week long ports freeze and tagging of the ports tree.</td>
     <td>Code freeze begins</td>
     <td>After this date, all commits to RELENG_6 must be approved by <a
       href="mailto:re@FreeBSD.org">re@FreeBSD.org</a>.  Certain highly
       active documentation committers are exempt from this rule for
       routine man page / release note updates.  Heads-up emails
       should be sent to the developers, as well as <tt>stable@</tt>
       and <tt>qa@</tt> lists.</td>
 <!-- doceng should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
     <td>Announce <tt>doc/</tt> tree slush</td>
     <td>Notification of the impending <tt>doc/</tt> tree slush should
       be sent to <tt>doc@</tt>.</td>
 <!-- portmgr should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
     <td>Ports tree frozen</td>
     <td>Only approved commits will be permitted to the <tt>ports/</tt>
       tree during the freeze.</td>
 <!-- doceng should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
     <td><tt>doc/</tt> tree slush</td>
     <td>Non-essential commits to the <tt>en_US.ISO8859-1/</tt> subtree
       should be delayed from this point until after the <tt>doc/</tt>
       tree tagging, to give translation teams time to synchronize
       their work.</td>
 <!-- doceng should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
     <td><tt>doc/</tt> tree tagged.</td>
     <td>Version number bumps for <tt>doc/</tt> subtree.
       <tt>RELEASE_&local.rel.tag;_0</tt> tag for <tt>doc/</tt>.  <tt>doc/</tt>
       slush ends at this time.</td>
     <td><tt>BETA1</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin BETA1 builds.</td>
     <td><tt>BETA2</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin BETA2 builds.</td>
     <td><tt>RELENG_6_3</tt> branch</td>
     <td>The new release branch is created. Update <tt>newvers.sh</tt>
       and <tt>release.ent</tt> on various branches involved.</td>
     <td><tt>RC1</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin RC1 builds.</td>
     <td><tt>RC2</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin RC2 builds.</td>
 <!-- portmgr should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
 <!-- packages should be loaded on ftp-master at least two days before -->
 <!-- release bits get loaded to avoid network congestion problems -->
     <td>Ports tree tagged</td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007</td>
+    <td>14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2007</td>
     <td><tt>RELEASE_&local.rel.tag;_0</tt> tag for <tt>ports/</tt>.</td>
     <td>Ports tree unfrozen</td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007</td>
+    <td>14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2007</td>
     <td>After the <tt>ports/</tt> tree is tagged,
       the <tt>ports/</tt> tree will be re-opened for commits, but
       commits made after tagging will not go in &local.rel;-RELEASE.</td>
     <td>Final package build starts</td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007</td>
+    <td>14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2007</td>
     <td>The ports cluster and
       <a href="http://pointyhat.FreeBSD.org">pointyhat</a>
       build final packages.</td>
     <td><tt>RELEASE</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin RELEASE builds.</td>
     <td>Announcement sent out after a majority of the mirrors have
       received the bits.</td>
     <td>Turn over to the secteam</td>
     <td>RELENG_&local.rel.tag; branch is handed over to
       the FreeBSD Security Officer Team in one or two weeks after the
 <h1>Additional Information</h1>
   <li><a href="&base;/releng/index.html">FreeBSD Release Engineering website.</a></li>
diff --git a/en/releases/7.0R/schedule.sgml b/en/releases/7.0R/schedule.sgml
index ac1c86aae8..b7de926ffa 100644
--- a/en/releases/7.0R/schedule.sgml
+++ b/en/releases/7.0R/schedule.sgml
@@ -1,230 +1,230 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional-Based Extension//EN" [
 <!ENTITY base CDATA "../..">
 <!ENTITY email 'freebsd-qa'>
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/releases/7.0R/schedule.sgml,v 1.7 2007/11/25 18:02:29 blackend Exp $">
+<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/releases/7.0R/schedule.sgml,v 1.8 2007/11/30 15:20:03 kensmith Exp $">
 <!ENTITY local.rel "7.0">
 <!ENTITY local.rel.tag "7_0">
 <!ENTITY title "FreeBSD &local.rel; Release Process">
 <!ENTITY % navinclude.download "INCLUDE">
 <p>This is a specific schedule for the release of FreeBSD &local.rel;.  For
   more general information about the release engineering process,
   please see the <a href="&base;/releng/index.html">Release
   Engineering</a> section of the web site.</p>
 <p>General discussions about the release engineering process or
   quality assurance issues should be sent to the public <a
   href="mailto:FreeBSD-qa@FreeBSD.org">freebsd-qa</a> mailing list.
   requests should be sent to <a
 <table class="tblbasic">
   <tr class="heading">
     <td>Reminder announcement</td>
     <td>Release Engineers send announcement email to
       developers with a rough schedule for the FreeBSD
       &local.rel; release.</td>
     <td>Announce the Ports Freeze</td>
     <td>Someone from <tt>portmgr@</tt> should email
     <tt>freebsd-ports@</tt> to set a date
     for the week long ports freeze and tagging of the ports tree.</td>
     <td>Code freeze begins</td>
     <td>After this date, all commits to HEAD must be approved by <a
       href="mailto:re@FreeBSD.org">re@FreeBSD.org</a>.  Certain highly
       active documentation committers are exempt from this rule for
       routine man page / release note updates.  Heads-up emails
       should be sent to the developers, as well as <tt>stable@</tt>
       and <tt>qa@</tt> lists.</td>
 <!-- doceng should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
     <td>Announce <tt>doc/</tt> tree slush</td>
     <td>Notification of the impending <tt>doc/</tt> tree slush should
       be sent to <tt>doc@</tt>.</td>
 <!-- portmgr should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
     <td>Ports tree frozen</td>
     <td>Only approved commits will be permitted to the <tt>ports/</tt>
       tree during the freeze.</td>
 <!-- doceng should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
     <td><tt>doc/</tt> tree slush</td>
     <td>Non-essential commits to the <tt>en_US.ISO8859-1/</tt> subtree
       should be delayed from this point until after the <tt>doc/</tt>
       tree tagging, to give translation teams time to synchronize
       their work.</td>
 <!-- doceng should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
     <td><tt>doc/</tt> tree tagged.</td>
     <td>Version number bumps for <tt>doc/</tt> subtree.
       <tt>RELEASE_&local.rel.tag;_0</tt> tag for <tt>doc/</tt>.  <tt>doc/</tt>
       slush ends at this time.</td>
     <td><tt>RELENG_7</tt> branch</td>
     <td>The new major version branch is created. Update <tt>newvers.sh</tt>
       and <tt>release.ent</tt> on various branches involved.</td>
     <td><tt>BETA1</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin BETA1 builds.</td>
     <td><tt>BETA2</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin BETA2 builds.</td>
     <td><tt>BETA3</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin BETA3 builds.</td>
     <td><tt>BETA4</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin BETA4 builds.</td>
     <td><tt>RELENG_7_0</tt> branch</td>
     <td>The new release branch is created. Update <tt>newvers.sh</tt>
       and <tt>release.ent</tt> on various branches involved.</td>
     <td><tt>RC1</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin RC1 builds.</td>
     <td><tt>RC2</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin RC2 builds.</td>
 <!-- portmgr should tweak these values after we commit it to CVS -->
 <!-- packages should be loaded on ftp-master at least two days before -->
 <!-- release bits get loaded to avoid network congestion problems -->
     <td>Ports tree tagged</td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007</td>
+    <td>14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2007</td>
     <td><tt>RELEASE_&local.rel.tag;_0</tt> tag for <tt>ports/</tt>.</td>
     <td>Ports tree unfrozen</td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007</td>
+    <td>14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2007</td>
     <td>After the <tt>ports/</tt> tree is tagged,
       the <tt>ports/</tt> tree will be re-opened for commits, but
       commits made after tagging will not go in &local.rel;-RELEASE.</td>
     <td>Final package build starts</td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007</td>
+    <td>14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2007</td>
     <td>The ports cluster and
       <a href="http://pointyhat.FreeBSD.org">pointyhat</a>
       build final packages.</td>
     <td><tt>RELEASE</tt> builds</td>
     <td>Begin RELEASE builds.</td>
     <td>Announcement sent out after a majority of the mirrors have
       received the bits.</td>
     <td>Turn over to the secteam</td>
     <td>RELENG_&local.rel.tag; branch is handed over to
       the FreeBSD Security Officer Team in one or two weeks after the
 <h1>Additional Information</h1>
   <li><a href="todo.html">FreeBSD &local.rel; developer todo list.</a></li>
   <li><a href="approvals.html">FreeBSD &local.rel; Code Freeze Commit Approval List.</a></li>
   <li><a href="&base;/releng/index.html">FreeBSD Release Engineering website.</a></li>