#!/usr/bin/perl # vim:sts=4 sw=4 use strict; use warnings; use 5.024; sub short_ref { my ($ref) = @_; $ref =~ s{refs/heads/}{}oms; return $ref; } my $push_option_count = $ENV{GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT}; for (my $i = 0; $i < $push_option_count; ++$i) { exit 0 if $ENV{"GIT_PUSH_OPTION_${i}"} eq "direct-quarterly-commit"; } my @quarterlies; for (qx{git show-ref --heads}) { chomp; my ($hash, $ref) = split / /; next if $ref !~ m{refs/heads/\d\d\d\dQ\d\z}oms; push @quarterlies, $ref; } @quarterlies = sort @quarterlies; my $latest = $quarterlies[-1]; for () { chomp; my ($old, $new, $ref) = split / /; next if $ref !~ m{^refs/heads/20\d\dQ\d\z}oms; REV: for my $rev (qx{git log --format="%H" $new --not --all}) { chomp $rev; for my $line (qx{git show -s --format=%B $rev}) { next REV if $line =~ /cherry picked from commit [0-9a-fA-F]{40}/ } die "\n================================================================\n" . "$ENV{GL_USER}, you are pushing a commit to ${\(short_ref($ref))} which does\n" . "not seems to be a cherry-pick.\n" . "\n" . "If you did a cherry-pick, you probably forgot to add `-x`,\n" . "make sure you do run `git cherry-pick -x `.\n" . "\n" . "If you did a direct commit, make sure it was approved first, and then run:\n" . "\tgit push --push-option=direct-quarterly-commit\n" . "================================================================\n" } } exit 0;