diff --git a/data/commercial/consulting.sgml b/data/commercial/consulting.sgml
index 15cccac7e1..cd8ccf4501 100644
--- a/data/commercial/consulting.sgml
+++ b/data/commercial/consulting.sgml
@@ -1,108 +1,118 @@
 <!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
-<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1997-07-01 03:52:14 $">
+<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1997-08-11 00:31:07 $">
 <!ENTITY title "Commercial Vendors - Consulting">
 <!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
-<!-- $Id: consulting.sgml,v 1.7 1997-07-01 03:52:14 max Exp $ -->
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 <h2>Consulting Services</h2>
         <li><strong><a href="http://www.bisworld.com/">BIS, Inc.</a></strong>
         specializes in Internet and Intranet networking servers running
         FreeBSD.  We custom design and construct high performance servers to 
         fill any need. BIS also provides IS Support, network administration and 
         management, training, internet connectivity, corporate-wide e-mail 
         gateways, domain name registration and hosting, world wide web site 
         development, and more. Please send e-mail to 
         <a href="mailto:info@bisworld.com">info@bisworld.com</a>, or visit 
         <a href="http://www.bisworld.com">http://www.bisworld.com</a>.<p></p>
 <li><strong><a href="http://www.clue.com/">Clue Computing, Inc.</a></strong>  
 10+ years of UNIX experience, specializing in system administration, 
 networking, and security.  Custom application development and testing 
 available, including device drivers, kernel work, etc.  Sales, assembly, 
 and installation of FreeBSD systems for any application. Email 
 <a href="mailto:info@clue.com">info@clue.com</a>.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.fscinternet.com/"><strong>FSC Internet</strong></a>
 	is Canada's largest FreeBSD consulting firm.  FSC's clients include 
 	numerous top-tier corporations (e.g. Mazda, Heinz), as well as 
 	mid-sized companies (e.g. the Vermont Telephone Company) and the public 
 	sector.  FSC provides full consulting, implementation, support, and 
 	training services for all FreeBSD applications, including a special 
 	focus on security, high-performance Web applications, and Intranets.  
 	Please email us at 
 	<a href="mailto:info@fscinternet.com">info@fscinternet.com</a> or call 
 	us at (416) 921-4280 for further information.
 <LI><A HREF="http://cessna.tippecanoe.com/fastrr.htm"><STRONG>Faster Raster 
 Systems</STRONG></A> is a FreeBSD/X11/Graphics/hardware drivers consulting 
 company.  For further details, please visit our 
 <A HREF="http://cessna.tippecanoe.com/fastrr.htm">web page</A>, or email 
 inquiries to <A HREF="mailto:jay@tippecanoe.com">
 jay@tippecanoe.com</A> <P></P></LI>
 <LI><A HREF="http://www.gbdata.com"><STRONG>GB Data Systems</STRONG></A> 
 is a FreeBSD/Internet consulting company. Located in Texas, we offer a 
 wide range of services to ISPs and small businesses. For further details,
 please visit our <A HREF="http://www.gbdata.com">web page</A>, or email 
 inquiries to <A HREF="mailto:sales@main.gbdata.com">sales@gbdata.com</A>
+      <li>
+	<strong><a href="http://www.hsdi.com/">Herrin Software Development,
+	Inc.</a></strong>, creator of Qddb, provides custom software
+	development, interest consulting, general computer consulting, and
+	training services.  For more information email us at
+	<a href="mailto:info@hsdi.com">info@hsdi.com</a> or visit our
+	home page,
+	<a href="http://www.hsdi.com/">http://www.hsdi.com/</a>.
+      <p></p></li>
 <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~grog/grog.html"> 
 <strong>Greg Lehey</strong></a>, 20+ years industry experience in
 all system programming and systems administration disciplines, 
 including device drivers, kernel debugging, compilers, libraries,
 performance analysis, and site planning.  Author of <a href=
 "http://www.ora.com/catalog/port/noframes.html">Porting UNIX Software</a>,
 <a href="http://www.cdrom.com/titles/os/bsdbook.htm">Installing and
 Running FreeBSD</a>, and <a href="http://www.cdrom.com/titles/os/bsdbook.htm">
 The Complete FreeBSD</a>. Please send email to <a href =
 <li><strong>John Polstra</strong>, Polstra &amp; Co., Inc.
 UNIX developer since 1978. FreeBSD core team member.
 Developer of the <strong>CVSup</strong> network software update
 package and the <strong>ElfKit</strong> ELF tool set.
 Specialties include network protocols, language tools, UNIX internals
 and applications.  Please send email to <a href="mailto:jdp@polstra.com">
 <li><A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs"><STRONG>Julian Stacey</STRONG></A>
 maintains a <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/freebsd/consultants.html">
 FreeBSD Commercial Consultants Index</A>. Be sure to visit his page!
 <li><strong>Peter Dufault</strong>, of HD Associates. 15+ years
 experience in medical device control, high performance simulation
 systems, digital closed-loop feedback systems, realtime UNIX-like
 systems, and UNIX device drivers. Please send email to <a href=
 <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~phk">
 <strong>Poul-Henning Kamp</strong></a>, 12+ years in UNIX & Networks.
 FreeBSD Core team member.
 Developer of phkmalloc, tcl_nm, tcl_db, tcl_snmp and more.
 Release engineer for several FreeBSD releases.
 Located in Denmark.
 Please send email to <a href="mailto:phk@FreeBSD.org">phk@FreeBSD.org</a>
diff --git a/data/commercial/software.sgml b/data/commercial/software.sgml
index 333abb4b6d..17a982ed61 100644
--- a/data/commercial/software.sgml
+++ b/data/commercial/software.sgml
@@ -1,315 +1,324 @@
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-<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1997-07-22 20:48:16 $">
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-<!-- $Id: software.sgml,v 1.18 1997-07-22 20:48:16 nsj Exp $ -->
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 <h2>Software Services</h2>
 	Consulting, Inc.</strong></A> develops and licenses its
 	<em>ISP Billing and Tracking System</em> or <em>BATS</em>
 	for FreeBSD as well as thirteen other Operating
 	Systems. For more information, check out the web pages <a
 	send email to <a
 	href="mailto:elh@astroarch.com">elh@astroarch.com</A> or
 	call (512) 990-1064.<p></p>
      <li><strong><A HREF="http://www.secnet.com/ballista/">Ballista</a>
         </strong> is a network security auditing tool for evaluation of
         security postures in areas where high assurance levels are critical.
         Ballista is primarily designed to audit the remote security aspects of
         networks and runs quite well under FreeBSD.
       <li><a href="http://www.estinc.com"><strong>BRU</strong> from
 	Enhanced Software Technologies</a> is a very powerful and reliable
 	tape backup system.  It offers per-file compression, an improved
 	tape format with three different kinds of verification, and many safety
 	checks to insure data integrity.  The "BSD/OS 1.1" version works well
 	with FreeBSD.
 	<a href="http://www.comsys.com/"><strong>CSR Corp.</strong></a>
 	is a Portland, OR, based consulting company with offices in
 	Portland, OR; San Jose, CA; and Vero Beach, FL.  CSR specializes
 	in network applications for IPSs and CLECs, applying open network
 	technologies for complete customer solutions. CSR has been in
 	business since 1986.  Telephone: (503) 224-4789.<p></p>
       <li><a href="http://www.conetic.com/"><strong>Conetic
 	    Software</strong></a> is offering a <a
 	    copy of <em>C/BASE 4GL</em></a> for the FreeBSD 2.0.5
 	    operating system. <em>C/BASE 4GL</em> features a
 	    powerful application development tool and database
 	    engine.  Featuring a easy to user visual development
 	    environment, a scripting language, and application
 	    libraries with a C language (API) interface.  The
 	    best thing about <em>C/BASE 4GL</em> is that it is
 	    fully portable across hardware and operating system
 	    platforms.  FreeBSD to DOS, DOS to SOLARIS, SOLARIS
 	    to AIX, etc.... Your free copy of <em>C/BASE 4GL</em>
 	    is set to run for a maximum of 2 concurrent users and
 	    1,000 records.  Please contact us at <a
 	    if you would like a taste of even more power and
 	    programming fun.<p></p>
 	<li>Gaussian 94 is the latest in the Gaussian series of electronic 
 	structure programs by <a href="http://www.gaussian.com">Gaussian 
 	Inc.</a> It is being used in chemistry and physics research in several 
 	universities, supercomputer and research centers around the world.  It 
 	is designed to model a broad range of molecular systems under a 
 	variety of conditions, performing its computations starting from the 
 	basic laws of quantum mechanics. Gaussian 94 can predict energies, 
 	molecular structures, vibrational frequencies, and numerous molecular 
 	properties for systems in the gas phase and in solution, and it can 
 	model both their ground state and excited states.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.coolworld.com"><strong>Coolworld.Com, Inc.</strong></a>
 	provides a billing package for ISP's called Internet Billing.
 	This package was designed to handle all the billing needs for
 	Internet service providers.  It runs under MS-Windows.  One
 	piece of the software is a client/server set with a daemon that
 	runs on a UNIX server (including FreeBSD) that allows the client
 	to do all for their user management under a windows front end.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.differential.com/">Differential, Inc.</a> announces
 	<strong>FileDrive 1.1</strong>, a suite of secure and extensible 
 	high-performance FTP file transfer client/server software.  FileDrive 
 	provides the industry's most secure file transfer solution through the 
 	use of SSL encryption, extensive access controls, comprehensive 
 	logging, and an optional security auditing system.  Differential's 
 	FileDrive EX Extranet server also provides extensible FTP access to 
 	dynamically generated content and server-based data processing.  
 	FileDrive servers are easy to configure, manage and maintain through 
 	their integrated Web-based remote administration systems.  FileDrive 
 	servers are available for FreeBSD 2.x, Linux 2.x, and Solaris 2.5, with 
 	IRIX and HP/UX available soon.  A 15-day evaluation version of 
 	FileDrive and FileDrive EX are available at 
 	<a href="http://www.differential.com/">
+      <li><strong>
+	<a href="http://www.hsdi.com/">Herrin Software Development, Inc.</a>
+	</strong> offers Qddb database software, Gustar site search engines,
+	Qbib bibliography management software, and other products that run on 
+	FreeBSD and other UNIX platforms!  To download these packages or to
+	learn more, visit: 
+	<a href="http://www.hsdi.com/">http://www.hsdi.com/</a>.
+	<p></p></li>
 	<a href="http://www.ipass.com"><strong>i-Pass Alliance</strong></a>
 	is the leading provider of global Internet roaming solutions for
 	Internet service providers. We provide a total solution that enables
 	ISPs to join a global network and provide convenient, low-cost
 	worldwide access to their traveling Internet subscribers. We provide
 	the software which enables your users to dial-in through the access
 	points of other i-Pass partners, but still get authenticated through
 	your own authentication server. We are an independent organization
 	handling the financial settlement between you and other Internet service
 	providers and enabling you to bill their subscribers for this service.
 	There is no cost to join and no cost for the i-Pass software. The
 	i-Pass cross-authorization and settlement software is compatible with
 	all common authentication servers and authentication protocols
 	including FreeBSD. For more information, please visit
 	<a href="http://www.ipass.com">our web site</a>.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.munich.net/inlab/scheme"><strong>Inlab
 	Software GmbH</strong></a> offers binaries of Inlab-Scheme
 	for FreeBSD and Linux which are free for personal or educational
 	use.  Inlab-Scheme is a R4RS compliant Scheme which is capable
 	of reading and writing TIFF and XBM-bitmaps to and from a special
 	internal bitmap type.  With built-in primitives for image
 	processing, Inlab-Scheme can be a general tool for tasks like
 	optical character recognition and general analysis and processing
 	of bitmap data.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.lilikoi.com/"><strong>Lilikoi Software</strong></a>
 	has released <em>Ceilidh</em>, a WWW BBS.  <em>Ceilidh</em> is a CGI 
 	program, written in C, that allows Web pages to host bulletin boards
 	that are self-maintaining and both server and browser-independent, 
 	while at the same time offering enormous flexibility.<p></p>
       <li><a href="http://mathtools.com/"><strong>MathTools, Ltd.</strong></a>
 	  is offering solutions for scientists and engineers. Check out our 
 	  <a href="http:///www.mathtools.com/matcom.html">MATCOM</a>, the
 	  <i>Matlab to C++ Compiler</i> and 
 	  <a href="http://www.mathtools.com/matlib.html">Matrix&lt LIB &gt</a>,
 	  our <i>C++ Matrix Class Library</i>.  Both are available for download 
 	  from our home page, <a href="http://www.mathtools.com">
 	  http://www.mathtools.com</a> for a 30 day evaluation period. To 
 	  receive more information about our products, email us at
 	  <a href="mailto:info@mathtools.com">info@mathtools.com</a> or FAX
 	  us at 1-888-MATHTOOLS.<p></p>
 	<li><a href="http://www.nag.co.uk/">NAG, Ltd.</a> produces a Fortran 90
 	    Compiler for most flavors of Unix (including FreeBSD), VMS, and the 
 	    PC. The NAGWare f90 Compiler is a full implementation of Fortran 
 	    90 (which by definition includes Fortran 77) plus a single 
 	    processor implementation of HPF. For further information, in North 
 	    America, email <a href="mailto:naginfo@nag.com">naginfo@nag.com</a>,
 	    and elsewhere, email <a href="mailto:infodesk@nag.co.uk"> 
 	    infodesk@nag.co.uk</a>.  Or, see our web pages: 
 	    <a href="http://www.nag.co.uk/">http://www.nag.co.uk/</a>.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.netcon.com"><strong>NetCon Corporation</strong></a>
 	established in 1985, with over 10,000 installed servers, is the leading
 	supplier of NetWare compatible operating systems and Internet Gateways
 	for standard UNIX platforms. NetCon offers a complete line of systems
 	for FreeBSD, SUN Solaris, SCO UNIX/ODT and IBM AIX RS6000 serving from
 	5 to 1000 users. Services include; Full Internet access from
 	NetWare/WIN95/Windows workstations over IPX/SPX, X Windows over
 	IPX/SPX, NetWare file and print services, NetWare Client services for
 	UNIX, High-performance, DOS/Windows Terminal Emulation.
 	<a href="http://www.perforce.com"><strong>Perforce Software</strong></a>
 	produces <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce.html">
 	<b>P<small>ERFORCE</small></b> -- the <i>FAST</i> Software
 	Configuration Management System</a> for many UNIX platforms
 	and NT.  More capable than freeware tools, more applicable
 	than solutions from academia, and more usable than available
 	commercial products, <b>P<small>ERFORCE</small></b> manages
 	software projects comprising thousands of source files
 	shared by dozens of engineers across many heterogeneous
 	platforms and geographically distributed locations.
 	Documentation and fully functional versions (but limited
 	to two client workspaces) can be downloaded from the Web
 	pages.  For non-commercial users on FreeBSD, we offer
 	servers with unlimited client workspaces for $1.  Perforce
 	Software can be reached at <a href="mailto:info@perforce.com">
 	info@perforce.com</a> or 1 (510) 865-8720.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.realAudio.com"><strong>Progressive Networks, Inc.</strong></A>
 	offers both its RealAudio
 	<A href="http://www.realaudio.com/products/player2.0.html">player</A>
 	and <A href="http://www.realaudio.com/products/server.html">server</A>
 	for FreeBSD.
 	tHE <B>free</B> player allows you to play live and on-demand audio
 	over 14.4Kps and faster connections.
 	All you have to do is click on a RealAudio link from your Web browser
 	and audio begins playing instantly.  Check out
 	<A href="http://www.timecast.com">The RealAudio Guide</A> to access
 	hundreds of sites offering music, news, live radio stations, live
 	events etc.  The server allows your web site to deliver live and
 	on-demand audio over the Internet or your company network.<p></p>
         <a href="http://www.rtd.com/"><strong>RTD</strong></a> provides an ISP billing
         package for ISPs using FreeBSD called
         <a href="http://www.rtd.com/software/uta.html">UTA</a><p></p>
         <li><A HREF="http://www.sane.com/">Sane Solutions, LLC</A> offers <B>
         <A HREF="http://www.sane.com/products/NetTracker">NetTracker</A></B>, 	        one of the most powerful, yet easy to use Internet usage tracking 
         programs on the market today. NetTracker allows marketing 
 	professionals, webmasters and ISPs to get the essential information 
         they need to make informed decisions regarding their web sites. 
         NetTracker answers the questions: Who is visiting your web site?  
         Where are they coming from?  When are they coming to your web site?  
         How long are they staying on your web site?  What pages are they 
         viewing?  What web browsers are they using?  How are people finding 
         your web site?  What keywords are people using to find your web site 
         in the search engines?  How are the banner ads performing on your 
         web site?  And much, much more... A demonstration of NetTracker can be 
         seen at 
         <A HREF="http://www.sane.com/demo/">http://www.sane.com/demo/</A>, 
         and a free 30 day evaluation copy can be downloaded from 
         <A HREF="http://www.sane.com/eval/">http://www.sane.com/eval</A>.
    <a href="http://www.serengeti.com">Serengeti Systems</a> provides
    PC to mainframe communication packages over Bisync and SDLC lines.
    We support FreeBSD as well as DOS/Win 3.x/Win95/Win NT/SCO/AIX/OS2.
    For more information, reference <a href="http://www.serengeti.com">
    www.serengeti.com</a>, e-mail us at <a href="mailto:sales@serengeti.com">
    sales@serengeti.com</a>, or call (800) 634-3122.<p></p>
 <li><A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/vsl/">
 <STRONG>Vector Systems Limited</STRONG></a> sells the
 <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/vsl/products/med/med.html">MED</A>
 Screen Editor for FreeBSD & HP-UX. This editor is particularly familiar
 to PCS Cadmus users in the German CAD industry.
 <LI><A HREF="http://www.virtuflex.com"><STRONG>VirtuFlex 
 Software</STRONG></A> produces a versatile tool called 
 VirtuFlex which allows web developers to build dynamic 
 web pages without CGI programming. It integrates databases, 
 email, faxing, and telephony with the web. VirtuFlex is 
 available for most Unix platforms, including FreeBSD.
 <LI><A HREF="http://www.xig.com"><STRONG>Xi Graphics</STRONG></A>
 offers commercial grade graphical software
 enhancements for FreeBSD.  <EM>AcceleratedX Server</EM> completely
 supports over 400 different graphics adapters from over 40 vendors,
 including many partially supported or not included with XFree86.
 Download a free demonstration from <A
 HREF="ftp://ftp.xig.com/">ftp.xig.com</A>. Also utilize the
 Common Desktop Environment (CDE) with <EM>AcceleratedX CDE</EM>, Motif
 v2.0 runtine + development environment with <EM>AcceleratedX
 Motif</EM>, and 3D graphics with <EM>AcceleratedX OpenGL</EM>.  For
 more information email <A
 HREF="mailto:sales@xig.com">sales@xig.com</A> or call
       <li><a href="http://www.tummy.com/xvscan"><strong>XVScan</strong></a>
 	allows you to use your HP ScanJet scanner under FreeBSD.  It is a
 	commercial product based on John Bradley's xv.
       <li><a href="http://www.yard.de/"><strong>YARD Software GmbH</strong></a>
         provides its relational ANSI-SQL database for FreeBSD systems.  YARD-SQL
         is available on most UNIX systems and has interfaces for C, ODBC (MS
         Windows) and JDBC (Java). A Private Edition for private, non-commercial
         use can be downloaded from 
         <a href="ftp://ftp.yard.de/pub/private/">
       <li><a href="http://www.zeus.co.uk/"><strong>Zeus Technology Limited
 	</strong></a> offer <b>Zeus Server</b> for FreeBSD.  Zeus Server is
 	an advanced, powerful full-featured commercial grade web server
 	designed with exceptional performance, minimal machine resource
 	requirements and ease of administration in mind.  <i>Free</i>
 	evaluation copies may be
 	<a href="http://www.zeus.co.uk/">downloaded</a>.
diff --git a/en/commercial/consulting.sgml b/en/commercial/consulting.sgml
index 15cccac7e1..cd8ccf4501 100644
--- a/en/commercial/consulting.sgml
+++ b/en/commercial/consulting.sgml
@@ -1,108 +1,118 @@
 <!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
-<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1997-07-01 03:52:14 $">
+<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1997-08-11 00:31:07 $">
 <!ENTITY title "Commercial Vendors - Consulting">
 <!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
-<!-- $Id: consulting.sgml,v 1.7 1997-07-01 03:52:14 max Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: consulting.sgml,v 1.8 1997-08-11 00:31:07 nsj Exp $ -->
 <h2>Consulting Services</h2>
         <li><strong><a href="http://www.bisworld.com/">BIS, Inc.</a></strong>
         specializes in Internet and Intranet networking servers running
         FreeBSD.  We custom design and construct high performance servers to 
         fill any need. BIS also provides IS Support, network administration and 
         management, training, internet connectivity, corporate-wide e-mail 
         gateways, domain name registration and hosting, world wide web site 
         development, and more. Please send e-mail to 
         <a href="mailto:info@bisworld.com">info@bisworld.com</a>, or visit 
         <a href="http://www.bisworld.com">http://www.bisworld.com</a>.<p></p>
 <li><strong><a href="http://www.clue.com/">Clue Computing, Inc.</a></strong>  
 10+ years of UNIX experience, specializing in system administration, 
 networking, and security.  Custom application development and testing 
 available, including device drivers, kernel work, etc.  Sales, assembly, 
 and installation of FreeBSD systems for any application. Email 
 <a href="mailto:info@clue.com">info@clue.com</a>.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.fscinternet.com/"><strong>FSC Internet</strong></a>
 	is Canada's largest FreeBSD consulting firm.  FSC's clients include 
 	numerous top-tier corporations (e.g. Mazda, Heinz), as well as 
 	mid-sized companies (e.g. the Vermont Telephone Company) and the public 
 	sector.  FSC provides full consulting, implementation, support, and 
 	training services for all FreeBSD applications, including a special 
 	focus on security, high-performance Web applications, and Intranets.  
 	Please email us at 
 	<a href="mailto:info@fscinternet.com">info@fscinternet.com</a> or call 
 	us at (416) 921-4280 for further information.
 <LI><A HREF="http://cessna.tippecanoe.com/fastrr.htm"><STRONG>Faster Raster 
 Systems</STRONG></A> is a FreeBSD/X11/Graphics/hardware drivers consulting 
 company.  For further details, please visit our 
 <A HREF="http://cessna.tippecanoe.com/fastrr.htm">web page</A>, or email 
 inquiries to <A HREF="mailto:jay@tippecanoe.com">
 jay@tippecanoe.com</A> <P></P></LI>
 <LI><A HREF="http://www.gbdata.com"><STRONG>GB Data Systems</STRONG></A> 
 is a FreeBSD/Internet consulting company. Located in Texas, we offer a 
 wide range of services to ISPs and small businesses. For further details,
 please visit our <A HREF="http://www.gbdata.com">web page</A>, or email 
 inquiries to <A HREF="mailto:sales@main.gbdata.com">sales@gbdata.com</A>
+      <li>
+	<strong><a href="http://www.hsdi.com/">Herrin Software Development,
+	Inc.</a></strong>, creator of Qddb, provides custom software
+	development, interest consulting, general computer consulting, and
+	training services.  For more information email us at
+	<a href="mailto:info@hsdi.com">info@hsdi.com</a> or visit our
+	home page,
+	<a href="http://www.hsdi.com/">http://www.hsdi.com/</a>.
+      <p></p></li>
 <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~grog/grog.html"> 
 <strong>Greg Lehey</strong></a>, 20+ years industry experience in
 all system programming and systems administration disciplines, 
 including device drivers, kernel debugging, compilers, libraries,
 performance analysis, and site planning.  Author of <a href=
 "http://www.ora.com/catalog/port/noframes.html">Porting UNIX Software</a>,
 <a href="http://www.cdrom.com/titles/os/bsdbook.htm">Installing and
 Running FreeBSD</a>, and <a href="http://www.cdrom.com/titles/os/bsdbook.htm">
 The Complete FreeBSD</a>. Please send email to <a href =
 <li><strong>John Polstra</strong>, Polstra &amp; Co., Inc.
 UNIX developer since 1978. FreeBSD core team member.
 Developer of the <strong>CVSup</strong> network software update
 package and the <strong>ElfKit</strong> ELF tool set.
 Specialties include network protocols, language tools, UNIX internals
 and applications.  Please send email to <a href="mailto:jdp@polstra.com">
 <li><A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs"><STRONG>Julian Stacey</STRONG></A>
 maintains a <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/freebsd/consultants.html">
 FreeBSD Commercial Consultants Index</A>. Be sure to visit his page!
 <li><strong>Peter Dufault</strong>, of HD Associates. 15+ years
 experience in medical device control, high performance simulation
 systems, digital closed-loop feedback systems, realtime UNIX-like
 systems, and UNIX device drivers. Please send email to <a href=
 <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~phk">
 <strong>Poul-Henning Kamp</strong></a>, 12+ years in UNIX & Networks.
 FreeBSD Core team member.
 Developer of phkmalloc, tcl_nm, tcl_db, tcl_snmp and more.
 Release engineer for several FreeBSD releases.
 Located in Denmark.
 Please send email to <a href="mailto:phk@FreeBSD.org">phk@FreeBSD.org</a>
diff --git a/en/commercial/software.sgml b/en/commercial/software.sgml
index 333abb4b6d..17a982ed61 100644
--- a/en/commercial/software.sgml
+++ b/en/commercial/software.sgml
@@ -1,315 +1,324 @@
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-<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1997-07-22 20:48:16 $">
+<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1997-08-11 00:31:06 $">
 <!ENTITY title "Commercial Vendors - Software">
 <!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
-<!-- $Id: software.sgml,v 1.18 1997-07-22 20:48:16 nsj Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: software.sgml,v 1.19 1997-08-11 00:31:06 nsj Exp $ -->
 <h2>Software Services</h2>
 	Consulting, Inc.</strong></A> develops and licenses its
 	<em>ISP Billing and Tracking System</em> or <em>BATS</em>
 	for FreeBSD as well as thirteen other Operating
 	Systems. For more information, check out the web pages <a
 	send email to <a
 	href="mailto:elh@astroarch.com">elh@astroarch.com</A> or
 	call (512) 990-1064.<p></p>
      <li><strong><A HREF="http://www.secnet.com/ballista/">Ballista</a>
         </strong> is a network security auditing tool for evaluation of
         security postures in areas where high assurance levels are critical.
         Ballista is primarily designed to audit the remote security aspects of
         networks and runs quite well under FreeBSD.
       <li><a href="http://www.estinc.com"><strong>BRU</strong> from
 	Enhanced Software Technologies</a> is a very powerful and reliable
 	tape backup system.  It offers per-file compression, an improved
 	tape format with three different kinds of verification, and many safety
 	checks to insure data integrity.  The "BSD/OS 1.1" version works well
 	with FreeBSD.
 	<a href="http://www.comsys.com/"><strong>CSR Corp.</strong></a>
 	is a Portland, OR, based consulting company with offices in
 	Portland, OR; San Jose, CA; and Vero Beach, FL.  CSR specializes
 	in network applications for IPSs and CLECs, applying open network
 	technologies for complete customer solutions. CSR has been in
 	business since 1986.  Telephone: (503) 224-4789.<p></p>
       <li><a href="http://www.conetic.com/"><strong>Conetic
 	    Software</strong></a> is offering a <a
 	    copy of <em>C/BASE 4GL</em></a> for the FreeBSD 2.0.5
 	    operating system. <em>C/BASE 4GL</em> features a
 	    powerful application development tool and database
 	    engine.  Featuring a easy to user visual development
 	    environment, a scripting language, and application
 	    libraries with a C language (API) interface.  The
 	    best thing about <em>C/BASE 4GL</em> is that it is
 	    fully portable across hardware and operating system
 	    platforms.  FreeBSD to DOS, DOS to SOLARIS, SOLARIS
 	    to AIX, etc.... Your free copy of <em>C/BASE 4GL</em>
 	    is set to run for a maximum of 2 concurrent users and
 	    1,000 records.  Please contact us at <a
 	    if you would like a taste of even more power and
 	    programming fun.<p></p>
 	<li>Gaussian 94 is the latest in the Gaussian series of electronic 
 	structure programs by <a href="http://www.gaussian.com">Gaussian 
 	Inc.</a> It is being used in chemistry and physics research in several 
 	universities, supercomputer and research centers around the world.  It 
 	is designed to model a broad range of molecular systems under a 
 	variety of conditions, performing its computations starting from the 
 	basic laws of quantum mechanics. Gaussian 94 can predict energies, 
 	molecular structures, vibrational frequencies, and numerous molecular 
 	properties for systems in the gas phase and in solution, and it can 
 	model both their ground state and excited states.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.coolworld.com"><strong>Coolworld.Com, Inc.</strong></a>
 	provides a billing package for ISP's called Internet Billing.
 	This package was designed to handle all the billing needs for
 	Internet service providers.  It runs under MS-Windows.  One
 	piece of the software is a client/server set with a daemon that
 	runs on a UNIX server (including FreeBSD) that allows the client
 	to do all for their user management under a windows front end.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.differential.com/">Differential, Inc.</a> announces
 	<strong>FileDrive 1.1</strong>, a suite of secure and extensible 
 	high-performance FTP file transfer client/server software.  FileDrive 
 	provides the industry's most secure file transfer solution through the 
 	use of SSL encryption, extensive access controls, comprehensive 
 	logging, and an optional security auditing system.  Differential's 
 	FileDrive EX Extranet server also provides extensible FTP access to 
 	dynamically generated content and server-based data processing.  
 	FileDrive servers are easy to configure, manage and maintain through 
 	their integrated Web-based remote administration systems.  FileDrive 
 	servers are available for FreeBSD 2.x, Linux 2.x, and Solaris 2.5, with 
 	IRIX and HP/UX available soon.  A 15-day evaluation version of 
 	FileDrive and FileDrive EX are available at 
 	<a href="http://www.differential.com/">
+      <li><strong>
+	<a href="http://www.hsdi.com/">Herrin Software Development, Inc.</a>
+	</strong> offers Qddb database software, Gustar site search engines,
+	Qbib bibliography management software, and other products that run on 
+	FreeBSD and other UNIX platforms!  To download these packages or to
+	learn more, visit: 
+	<a href="http://www.hsdi.com/">http://www.hsdi.com/</a>.
+	<p></p></li>
 	<a href="http://www.ipass.com"><strong>i-Pass Alliance</strong></a>
 	is the leading provider of global Internet roaming solutions for
 	Internet service providers. We provide a total solution that enables
 	ISPs to join a global network and provide convenient, low-cost
 	worldwide access to their traveling Internet subscribers. We provide
 	the software which enables your users to dial-in through the access
 	points of other i-Pass partners, but still get authenticated through
 	your own authentication server. We are an independent organization
 	handling the financial settlement between you and other Internet service
 	providers and enabling you to bill their subscribers for this service.
 	There is no cost to join and no cost for the i-Pass software. The
 	i-Pass cross-authorization and settlement software is compatible with
 	all common authentication servers and authentication protocols
 	including FreeBSD. For more information, please visit
 	<a href="http://www.ipass.com">our web site</a>.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.munich.net/inlab/scheme"><strong>Inlab
 	Software GmbH</strong></a> offers binaries of Inlab-Scheme
 	for FreeBSD and Linux which are free for personal or educational
 	use.  Inlab-Scheme is a R4RS compliant Scheme which is capable
 	of reading and writing TIFF and XBM-bitmaps to and from a special
 	internal bitmap type.  With built-in primitives for image
 	processing, Inlab-Scheme can be a general tool for tasks like
 	optical character recognition and general analysis and processing
 	of bitmap data.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.lilikoi.com/"><strong>Lilikoi Software</strong></a>
 	has released <em>Ceilidh</em>, a WWW BBS.  <em>Ceilidh</em> is a CGI 
 	program, written in C, that allows Web pages to host bulletin boards
 	that are self-maintaining and both server and browser-independent, 
 	while at the same time offering enormous flexibility.<p></p>
       <li><a href="http://mathtools.com/"><strong>MathTools, Ltd.</strong></a>
 	  is offering solutions for scientists and engineers. Check out our 
 	  <a href="http:///www.mathtools.com/matcom.html">MATCOM</a>, the
 	  <i>Matlab to C++ Compiler</i> and 
 	  <a href="http://www.mathtools.com/matlib.html">Matrix&lt LIB &gt</a>,
 	  our <i>C++ Matrix Class Library</i>.  Both are available for download 
 	  from our home page, <a href="http://www.mathtools.com">
 	  http://www.mathtools.com</a> for a 30 day evaluation period. To 
 	  receive more information about our products, email us at
 	  <a href="mailto:info@mathtools.com">info@mathtools.com</a> or FAX
 	  us at 1-888-MATHTOOLS.<p></p>
 	<li><a href="http://www.nag.co.uk/">NAG, Ltd.</a> produces a Fortran 90
 	    Compiler for most flavors of Unix (including FreeBSD), VMS, and the 
 	    PC. The NAGWare f90 Compiler is a full implementation of Fortran 
 	    90 (which by definition includes Fortran 77) plus a single 
 	    processor implementation of HPF. For further information, in North 
 	    America, email <a href="mailto:naginfo@nag.com">naginfo@nag.com</a>,
 	    and elsewhere, email <a href="mailto:infodesk@nag.co.uk"> 
 	    infodesk@nag.co.uk</a>.  Or, see our web pages: 
 	    <a href="http://www.nag.co.uk/">http://www.nag.co.uk/</a>.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.netcon.com"><strong>NetCon Corporation</strong></a>
 	established in 1985, with over 10,000 installed servers, is the leading
 	supplier of NetWare compatible operating systems and Internet Gateways
 	for standard UNIX platforms. NetCon offers a complete line of systems
 	for FreeBSD, SUN Solaris, SCO UNIX/ODT and IBM AIX RS6000 serving from
 	5 to 1000 users. Services include; Full Internet access from
 	NetWare/WIN95/Windows workstations over IPX/SPX, X Windows over
 	IPX/SPX, NetWare file and print services, NetWare Client services for
 	UNIX, High-performance, DOS/Windows Terminal Emulation.
 	<a href="http://www.perforce.com"><strong>Perforce Software</strong></a>
 	produces <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce.html">
 	<b>P<small>ERFORCE</small></b> -- the <i>FAST</i> Software
 	Configuration Management System</a> for many UNIX platforms
 	and NT.  More capable than freeware tools, more applicable
 	than solutions from academia, and more usable than available
 	commercial products, <b>P<small>ERFORCE</small></b> manages
 	software projects comprising thousands of source files
 	shared by dozens of engineers across many heterogeneous
 	platforms and geographically distributed locations.
 	Documentation and fully functional versions (but limited
 	to two client workspaces) can be downloaded from the Web
 	pages.  For non-commercial users on FreeBSD, we offer
 	servers with unlimited client workspaces for $1.  Perforce
 	Software can be reached at <a href="mailto:info@perforce.com">
 	info@perforce.com</a> or 1 (510) 865-8720.<p></p>
 	<a href="http://www.realAudio.com"><strong>Progressive Networks, Inc.</strong></A>
 	offers both its RealAudio
 	<A href="http://www.realaudio.com/products/player2.0.html">player</A>
 	and <A href="http://www.realaudio.com/products/server.html">server</A>
 	for FreeBSD.
 	tHE <B>free</B> player allows you to play live and on-demand audio
 	over 14.4Kps and faster connections.
 	All you have to do is click on a RealAudio link from your Web browser
 	and audio begins playing instantly.  Check out
 	<A href="http://www.timecast.com">The RealAudio Guide</A> to access
 	hundreds of sites offering music, news, live radio stations, live
 	events etc.  The server allows your web site to deliver live and
 	on-demand audio over the Internet or your company network.<p></p>
         <a href="http://www.rtd.com/"><strong>RTD</strong></a> provides an ISP billing
         package for ISPs using FreeBSD called
         <a href="http://www.rtd.com/software/uta.html">UTA</a><p></p>
         <li><A HREF="http://www.sane.com/">Sane Solutions, LLC</A> offers <B>
         <A HREF="http://www.sane.com/products/NetTracker">NetTracker</A></B>, 	        one of the most powerful, yet easy to use Internet usage tracking 
         programs on the market today. NetTracker allows marketing 
 	professionals, webmasters and ISPs to get the essential information 
         they need to make informed decisions regarding their web sites. 
         NetTracker answers the questions: Who is visiting your web site?  
         Where are they coming from?  When are they coming to your web site?  
         How long are they staying on your web site?  What pages are they 
         viewing?  What web browsers are they using?  How are people finding 
         your web site?  What keywords are people using to find your web site 
         in the search engines?  How are the banner ads performing on your 
         web site?  And much, much more... A demonstration of NetTracker can be 
         seen at 
         <A HREF="http://www.sane.com/demo/">http://www.sane.com/demo/</A>, 
         and a free 30 day evaluation copy can be downloaded from 
         <A HREF="http://www.sane.com/eval/">http://www.sane.com/eval</A>.
    <a href="http://www.serengeti.com">Serengeti Systems</a> provides
    PC to mainframe communication packages over Bisync and SDLC lines.
    We support FreeBSD as well as DOS/Win 3.x/Win95/Win NT/SCO/AIX/OS2.
    For more information, reference <a href="http://www.serengeti.com">
    www.serengeti.com</a>, e-mail us at <a href="mailto:sales@serengeti.com">
    sales@serengeti.com</a>, or call (800) 634-3122.<p></p>
 <li><A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/vsl/">
 <STRONG>Vector Systems Limited</STRONG></a> sells the
 <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/vsl/products/med/med.html">MED</A>
 Screen Editor for FreeBSD & HP-UX. This editor is particularly familiar
 to PCS Cadmus users in the German CAD industry.
 <LI><A HREF="http://www.virtuflex.com"><STRONG>VirtuFlex 
 Software</STRONG></A> produces a versatile tool called 
 VirtuFlex which allows web developers to build dynamic 
 web pages without CGI programming. It integrates databases, 
 email, faxing, and telephony with the web. VirtuFlex is 
 available for most Unix platforms, including FreeBSD.
 <LI><A HREF="http://www.xig.com"><STRONG>Xi Graphics</STRONG></A>
 offers commercial grade graphical software
 enhancements for FreeBSD.  <EM>AcceleratedX Server</EM> completely
 supports over 400 different graphics adapters from over 40 vendors,
 including many partially supported or not included with XFree86.
 Download a free demonstration from <A
 HREF="ftp://ftp.xig.com/">ftp.xig.com</A>. Also utilize the
 Common Desktop Environment (CDE) with <EM>AcceleratedX CDE</EM>, Motif
 v2.0 runtine + development environment with <EM>AcceleratedX
 Motif</EM>, and 3D graphics with <EM>AcceleratedX OpenGL</EM>.  For
 more information email <A
 HREF="mailto:sales@xig.com">sales@xig.com</A> or call
       <li><a href="http://www.tummy.com/xvscan"><strong>XVScan</strong></a>
 	allows you to use your HP ScanJet scanner under FreeBSD.  It is a
 	commercial product based on John Bradley's xv.
       <li><a href="http://www.yard.de/"><strong>YARD Software GmbH</strong></a>
         provides its relational ANSI-SQL database for FreeBSD systems.  YARD-SQL
         is available on most UNIX systems and has interfaces for C, ODBC (MS
         Windows) and JDBC (Java). A Private Edition for private, non-commercial
         use can be downloaded from 
         <a href="ftp://ftp.yard.de/pub/private/">
       <li><a href="http://www.zeus.co.uk/"><strong>Zeus Technology Limited
 	</strong></a> offer <b>Zeus Server</b> for FreeBSD.  Zeus Server is
 	an advanced, powerful full-featured commercial grade web server
 	designed with exceptional performance, minimal machine resource
 	requirements and ease of administration in mind.  <i>Free</i>
 	evaluation copies may be
 	<a href="http://www.zeus.co.uk/">downloaded</a>.