diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.sgml
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Advanced NetworkingSynopsisThis chapter will cover some of the more frequently used network
services on Unix systems. We will cover how to define, setup, test and
maintain all of the network services that FreeBSD utilizes. In addition,
there have been example configuration files included throughout this
chapter for you to benefit from.After reading this chapter, you will know:The basics of gateways and routes.How to make FreeBSD act as a bridge.How to setup a network filesystem.How to setup network booting on a diskless machine.How to setup a network information server for sharing user
accounts.How to setup automatic network settings using DHCP.How to setup a domain name server.How to synchronize the time and date, and setup a
time server, with the NTP protocol.How to setup network address translation.How to manage the inetd daemon.How to connect two computers via PLIP.How to setup IPv6 on a FreeBSD machine.Before reading this chapter, you should:Understand the basics of the /etc/rc scripts.Be familiar with basic network terminology.CoranthGryphonContributed by Gateways and RoutesroutinggatewaysubnetFor one machine to be able to find another over a network,
there must be a mechanism in place to describe how to get from
one to the other. This is called
routing. A route is a
defined pair of addresses: a destination and a
gateway. The pair indicates that if you are
trying to get to this destination,
communicate through this gateway. There
are three types of destinations: individual hosts, subnets, and
default. The default route is
used if none of the other routes apply. We will talk a little
bit more about default routes later on. There are also three
types of gateways: individual hosts, interfaces (also called
links), and Ethernet hardware addresses (MAC
An ExampleTo illustrate different aspects of routing, we will use the
following example from netstat:&prompt.user; netstat -r
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
default outside-gw UGSc 37 418 ppp0
localhost localhost UH 0 181 lo0
test0 0:e0:b5:36:cf:4f UHLW 5 63288 ed0 77 link#1 UHLW 1 2421
example.com link#1 UC 0 0
host1 0:e0:a8:37:8:1e UHLW 3 4601 lo0
host2 0:e0:a8:37:8:1e UHLW 0 5 lo0 =>
host2.example.com link#1 UC 0 0
224 link#1 UC 0 0default routeThe first two lines specify the default route (which we
will cover in the next
section) and the localhost route.loopback deviceThe interface (Netif column) that this
routing table specifies to use for
localhost is lo0,
also known as the loopback device. This says to keep all
traffic for this destination internal, rather than sending it
out over the LAN, since it will only end up back where it
started.EthernetMAC addressThe next thing that stands out are the addresses beginning
with 0:e0:. These are Ethernet
hardware addresses, which are also known as MAC addresses.
FreeBSD will automatically identify any hosts
(test0 in the example) on the local Ethernet
and add a route for that host, directly to it over the
Ethernet interface, ed0. There is
also a timeout (Expire column) associated
with this type of route, which is used if we fail to hear from
the host in a specific amount of time. When this happens, the
route to this host will be automatically deleted. These hosts
are identified using a mechanism known as RIP (Routing
Information Protocol), which figures out routes to local hosts
based upon a shortest path determination.subnetFreeBSD will also add subnet routes for the local subnet ( is the broadcast address for the
subnet 10.20.30, and example.com is the domain name associated
with that subnet). The designation link#1 refers
to the first Ethernet card in the machine. You will notice no
additional interface is specified for those.Both of these groups (local network hosts and local subnets) have
their routes automatically configured by a daemon called
routed. If this is not run, then only
routes which are statically defined (i.e. entered explicitly) will
exist.The host1 line refers to our host, which it
knows by Ethernet address. Since we are the sending host, FreeBSD
knows to use the loopback interface (lo0)
rather than sending it out over the Ethernet interface.The two host2 lines are an example of
what happens when we use an &man.ifconfig.8; alias (see the
section on Ethernet for reasons why we would do this). The
=> symbol after the
lo0 interface says that not only are
we using the loopback (since this address also refers to the
local host), but specifically it is an alias. Such routes
only show up on the host that supports the alias; all other
hosts on the local network will simply have a
link#1 line for such routes.The final line (destination subnet 224) deals
with multicasting, which will be covered in another section.Finally, various attributes of each route can be seen in
the Flags column. Below is a short table
of some of these flags and their meanings:UUp: The route is active.HHost: The route destination is a single host.GGateway: Send anything for this destination on to this
remote system, which will figure out from there where to send
it.SStatic: This route was configured manually, not
automatically generated by the system.CClone: Generates a new route based upon this route for
machines we connect to. This type of route is normally used
for local networks.WWasCloned: Indicated a route that was auto-configured
based upon a local area network (Clone) route.LLink: Route involves references to Ethernet
hardware.Default Routesdefault routeWhen the local system needs to make a connection to a remote host,
it checks the routing table to determine if a known path exists. If
the remote host falls into a subnet that we know how to reach (Cloned
routes), then the system checks to see if it can connect along that
interface.If all known paths fail, the system has one last option: the
default route. This route is a special type of gateway
route (usually the only one present in the system), and is always
marked with a c in the flags field. For hosts on a
local area network, this gateway is set to whatever machine has a
direct connection to the outside world (whether via PPP link,
DSL, cable modem, T1, or another network interface).If you are configuring the default route for a machine which
itself is functioning as the gateway to the outside world, then the
default route will be the gateway machine at your Internet Service
Provider's (ISP) site.Let us look at an example of default routes. This is a common
[Local2] <--ether--> [Local1] <--PPP--> [ISP-Serv] <--ether--> [T1-GW]
The hosts Local1 and
Local2 are at your site.
Local1 is connected to an ISP via a dial up
PPP connection. This PPP server computer is connected through
a local area network to another gateway computer through an
external interface to the ISPs Internet feed.The default routes for each of your machines will be:HostDefault GatewayInterfaceLocal2Local1EthernetLocal1T1-GWPPPA common question is Why (or how) would we set
the T1-GW to be the default gateway for
Local1, rather than the ISP server it is
connected to?.Remember, since the PPP interface is using an address on the ISP's
local network for your side of the connection, routes for any other
machines on the ISP's local network will be automatically generated.
Hence, you will already know how to reach the T1-GW
machine, so there is no need for the intermediate step
of sending traffic to the ISP server.As a final note, it is common to use the address X.X.X.1 as the gateway address for your local
network. So (using the same example), if your local class-C address
space was 10.20.30 and your ISP was
using 10.9.9 then the default routes
would be:HostDefault RouteLocal2 ( ( (, ( Homed Hostsdual homed hostsThere is one other type of configuration that we should cover, and
that is a host that sits on two different networks. Technically, any
machine functioning as a gateway (in the example above, using a PPP
connection) counts as a dual-homed host. But the term is really only
used to refer to a machine that sits on two local-area
networks.In one case, the machine has two Ethernet cards, each
having an address on the separate subnets. Alternately, the
machine may only have one Ethernet card, and be using
&man.ifconfig.8; aliasing. The former is used if two
physically separate Ethernet networks are in use, the latter
if there is one physical network segment, but two logically
separate subnets.Either way, routing tables are set up so that each subnet knows
that this machine is the defined gateway (inbound route) to the other
subnet. This configuration, with the machine acting as a router
between the two subnets, is often used when we need to implement
packet filtering or firewall security in either or both
directions.If you want this machine to actually forward packets
between the two interfaces, you need to tell FreeBSD to enable
this ability.Building a RouterrouterA network router is simply a system that forwards packets
from one interface to another. Internet standards and good
engineering practice prevent the FreeBSD Project from enabling
this by default in FreeBSD. You can enable this feature by
changing the following variable to YES in
&man.rc.conf.5;:gateway_enable=YES # Set to YES if this host will be a gatewayThis option will set the &man.sysctl.8; variable
net.inet.ip.forwarding to
1. If you should need to stop routing
temporarily, you can reset this to 0 temporarily.Your new router will need routes to know where to send the
traffic. If your network is simple enough you can use static
routes. FreeBSD also comes with the standard BSD routing
daemon &man.routed.8;, which speaks RIP (both version 1 and
version 2) and IRDP. Support for BGP v4, OSPF v2, and other
sophisticated routing protocols is available with the
net/zebra package.
Commercial products such as gated are also available for more
complex network routing solutions.BGPRIPOSPFEven when FreeBSD is configured in this way, it does not
completely comply with the Internet standard requirements for
routers. It comes close enough for ordinary use,
however.Routing Propagationrouting propagationWe have already talked about how we define our routes to the
outside world, but not about how the outside world finds us.We already know that routing tables can be set up so that all
traffic for a particular address space (in our examples, a class-C
subnet) can be sent to a particular host on that network, which will
forward the packets inbound.When you get an address space assigned to your site, your service
provider will set up their routing tables so that all traffic for your
subnet will be sent down your PPP link to your site. But how do sites
across the country know to send to your ISP?There is a system (much like the distributed DNS information) that
keeps track of all assigned address-spaces, and defines their point of
connection to the Internet Backbone. The Backbone are
the main trunk lines that carry Internet traffic across the country,
and around the world. Each backbone machine has a copy of a master
set of tables, which direct traffic for a particular network to a
specific backbone carrier, and from there down the chain of service
providers until it reaches your network.It is the task of your service provider to advertise to the
backbone sites that they are the point of connection (and thus the
path inward) for your site. This is known as route
propagation.TroubleshootingtracerouteSometimes, there is a problem with routing propagation, and some
sites are unable to connect to you. Perhaps the most useful command
for trying to figure out where routing is breaking down is the
&man.traceroute.8; command. It is equally useful if you cannot seem
to make a connection to a remote machine (i.e. &man.ping.8;
fails).The &man.traceroute.8; command is run with the name of the remote
host you are trying to connect to. It will show the gateway hosts
along the path of the attempt, eventually either reaching the target
host, or terminating because of a lack of connection.For more information, see the manual page for
&man.traceroute.8;.EricAndersonWritten by Wireless Networkingwireless networking802.11wireless networkingIntroductionIt can be very useful to be able to use a computer without the
annoyance of having a network cable attached at all times. FreeBSD can
be used as a wireless client, and even as a wireless access
point.Wireless Modes of OperationThere are two different ways to configure 802.11 wireless devices:
BSS and IBSS.BSS modeBSS mode is the mode that typically is used. BSS mode is
also called infrastructure mode. In this mode, a number of
wireless access points are connected to a wired network. Each
wireless network has its own name. This name is called the
SSID of the network.Wireless clients connect to these wireless access
points. The IEEE 802.11 standard defines the protocol that
wireless networks use to connect. A wireless client can be
tied to a specific network, when a SSID is set. A wireless
client can also attach to any network by not explicitly
setting a SSID.IBSS ModeIBSS mode, also called ad-hoc mode, is designed for point
to point connections. There are actually two types of ad-hoc
mode. One is IBSS mode, also called ad-hoc or IEEE ad-hoc
mode. This mode is defined by the IEEE 802.11 standards.
The second is called demo ad-hoc mode or Lucent ad-hoc mode
(and sometimes, confusingly, ad-hoc mode). This is the old,
pre-802.11 ad-hoc mode and should only be used for legacy
installations. We will not cover either of the ad-hoc modes
further.Infrastructure modeAccess PointsAccess points are wireless networking devices that allow
one or more wireless clients to use the device as a central
hub. When using an access point, all clients communicate
through the access point. Multiple access points are often
used to cover a complete area such as a house, business, or
park with a wireless network.Access points typically have multiple network
connections: the wireless card, and one or more wired Ethernet
adapters for connection to the rest of the network.
Access points can either be purchased prebuilt, or you
can build your own with FreeBSD and a supported wireless card.
Several vendors make wireless access points and wireless cards
with various features.Building a FreeBSD Access Pointwireless networkingaccess pointRequirementsIn order to set up a wireless access point with
FreeBSD, you need to have a compatible wireless card.
Currently, only cards with the Prism chipset are
supported. You will also need a wired network card that is
supported by FreeBSD (this should not be difficult to find,
FreeBSD supports a lot of different devices). For this
guide, we will assume you want to &man.bridge.4; all traffic
between the wireless device and the network attached to the
wired network card.The hostap functionality that FreeBSD uses to implement
the access point works best with certain versions of
firmware. Prism 2 cards should use firmware version 1.3.4
or newer. Prism 2.5 and Prism 3 cards should use firmware
1.4.9. Older versions of the firmware way or may not
function correctly. At this time, the only way to update
cards is with windows firmware update utilities available
from your card's manufacturer.Setting it upFirst, make sure your system can see the wireless card:&prompt.root; ifconfig -a
inet6 fe80::202:2dff:fe2d:c938%wi0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7
inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
ether 00:09:2d:2d:c9:50
media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (DS/2Mbps)
status: no carrier
ssid ""
stationname "FreeBSD Wireless node"
channel 10 authmode OPEN powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100
wepmode OFF weptxkey 1Do not worry about the details now, just make sure it shows you
something to indicate you have a wireless card installed.Next, you will need to load a module in order to get
the bridging part of FreeBSD ready for the access point. In
order to load the &man.bridge.4; module, simply run the
following command:&prompt.root; kldload bridgeIt should not have produced any errors when loading the
module. If it did, you may need to compile the
&man.bridge.4; code into your kernel. The Bridging section of the handbook
should be able to help you accomplish that task.Now that you have the bridging stuff done, we need to
tell the FreeBSD kernel which interfaces to bridge together.
We do that by using &man.sysctl.8;:&prompt.root; sysctl net.link.ether.bridge=1
&prompt.root; sysctl net.link.ether.bridge_cfg="wi0 xl0"
&prompt.root; sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1Now it is time for the wireless card setup.The following command will set the card into an access point:
&prompt.root; ifconfig wi0 ssid my_net channel 11 media DS/11Mbps mediaopt hostap up stationname "FreeBSD AP"The &man.ifconfig.8; line brings the
wi0 interface up, sets its SSID to
my_net, and sets the station name to
FreeBSD AP. The sets the card into 11Mbps mode and is
needed for any to take effect.
The option places the
interface into access point mode. The option sets the 802.11b channel to use. The
&man.wicontrol.8; man page has valid channel options for
your regulatory domain.
Now you should have a complete functioning access point
up and running. You are encouraged to read
&man.wicontrol.8;, &man.ifconfig.8;, and &man.wi.4; for
further information.
It is also suggested that you read the section on encryption that follows.Status informationOnce the access point is configured and operational,
operators will want to see the clients that are associated
with the access point. At any time, the operator may type:&prompt.root; wicontrol -l
1 station:
00:09:b7:7b:9d:16 asid=04c0, flags=3<ASSOC,AUTH>, caps=1<ESS>, rates=f<1M,2M,5.5M,11M>, sig=38/15
This shows that there's one station associated, along
with its parameters. The signal indicated should be used
as a relative indication of strength only. Its
translation to dBm or other units varies between different
firmware revisions.ClientsA wireless client is a system that accesses an access
point or another client directly. Typically, wireless clients only have one network device,
the wireless networking card.There are a few different ways to configure a wireless
client. These are based on the different wireless modes,
generally BSS (infrastructure mode, which requires an access
point), and IBSS (ad-hoc, or peer-to-peer mode). In our
example, we will use the most popular of the two, BSS mode, to
talk to an access point.RequirementsThere is only one real requirement for setting up FreeBSD as a wireless client.
You will need a wireless card that is supported by FreeBSD.Setting Up A Wireless FreeBSD ClientYou will need to know a few things about the wireless
network you are joining before you start. In this example, we
are joining a network that has a name of
my_net, and encryption turned off.Note: In this example, we are not using encryption, which
is a dangerous situation. In the next section, you will learn
how to turn on encryption, and why it is important to do so,
and why some encryption technologies still do not completely
protect you.Make sure your card is recognized by FreeBSD:&prompt.root; ifconfig -a
inet6 fe80::202:2dff:fe2d:c938%wi0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7
inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
ether 00:09:2d:2d:c9:50
media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (DS/2Mbps)
status: no carrier
ssid ""
stationname "FreeBSD Wireless node"
channel 10 authmode OPEN powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100
wepmode OFF weptxkey 1Now, we will set the card to the correct settings for our
network:&prompt.root; ifconfig wi0 inet netmask ssid my_netReplace and with a valid IP
address and netmask on your wired network. Remember, our
access point is bridging the data between the wireless
network, and the wired network, so it will appear to the other
devices on your network that you are on the wired network just
as they are.Once you have done that, you should be able to ping hosts
on the wired network just as if you were connected using a
standard wired connection.If you are experiencing problems with your wireless
connection, check to make sure that your are associated
(connected) to the access point:&prompt.root; ifconfig wi0should return some information, and you should see:status: associatedIf it does not show associated, then you may be out of
range of the access point, do not have encryption on, or
possibly have a configuration problem.Encryptionwireless networkingencryptionEncryption on a wireless network is important because you
no longer have the ability to keep the network contained in a
well protected area. Your wireless data will be broadcast
across your entire neighborhood, so anyone who cares to read it
can. This is where encryption comes in. By encrypting the
data that is sent over the airwaves, you make it much more
difficult for any interested party to grab your data right out
of the air. The two most common ways to encrypt the data between your
client and the access point, are WEP, and &man.ipsec.4;.WEPWEPWEP is an abbreviation for Wired Equivalency Protocol.
WEP is an attempt to make wireless networks as safe and secure
as a wired network. Unfortunately, it has been cracked, and is
fairly trivial to break. This also means it is not something
to rely on when it comes to encrypting sensitive data. It is better than nothing, so use the following to turn on
WEP on your new FreeBSD access point:&prompt.root; ifconfig wi0 inet up ssid my_net wepmode on wepkey 0x1234567890 media DS/11Mbps mediaopt hostapAnd you can turn on WEP on a client with this command:&prompt.root; ifconfig wi0 inet netmask ssid my_net wepmode on wepkey 0x1234567890Note that you should replace the 0x1234567890 with a more unique key.IPsec&man.ipsec.4; is a much more robust and powerful tool for
encrypting data across a network. This is definitely the
preferred way to encrypt wireless data over a network. You can
read more about &man.ipsec.4; security and how to implement it
in the IPsec section of the
handbook.ToolsThere are a small number of tools available for use in
debugging and setting up your wireless network, and here we will
attempt to describe some of them and what they do.bsd-airtoolsThe bsd-airtools package is a
complete toolset that includes wireless auditing tools for WEP
key cracking, access point detection, etc.The bsd-airtools utilities can be
installed from the net/bsd-airtools port. Information on
installing ports can be found in of the
handbook.The program dstumbler is the packaged
tool that allows for access point discovery and signal to noise
ratio graphing. If you are having a hard time getting your
access point up and running, dstumbler may
help you get started.To test your wireless network security, you may choose to
use dweputils (dwepcrack,
dwepdump and dwepkeygen)
to help you determine if WEP is the right solution to your
wireless security needs.wicontrol, ancontrol, raycontrolThese are the tools you use to control how your wireless
card behaves on the wireless network. In the examples above, we
have chosen to use &man.wicontrol.8;, since our wireless card is
a wi0 interface. If you had a Cisco
wireless device, it would come up as
an0, and therefore you would use
&man.ancontrol.8;.ifconfigifconfig&man.ifconfig.8; can be used to do many of the same options
as &man.wicontrol.8;, however it does lack a few options. Check
&man.ifconfig.8; for command line parameters and options.Supported CardsAccess PointsThe only cards that are currently supported for BSS (as an
access point) mode are devices based on the Prism 2, 2.5, or 3
chipsets. For a complete list, look at &man.wi.4;.ClientsAlmost all 802.11b wireless cards are currently supported
under FreeBSD. Most cards based on Prism, Spectrum24, Hermes,
Aironet, and Raylink will work as a wireless network card in
IBSS (ad-hoc, peer-to-peer, and BSS) mode.StevePetersonWritten by BridgingIntroductionIP subnetbridgeIt is sometimes useful to divide one physical network
(such as an Ethernet segment) into two separate network
segments without having to create IP subnets and use a router
to connect the segments together. A device that connects two
networks together in this fashion is called a
bridge. A FreeBSD system with two network
interface cards can act as a bridge.The bridge works by learning the MAC layer addresses
(Ethernet addresses) of the devices on each of its network interfaces.
It forwards traffic between two networks only when its source and
destination are on different networks.In many respects, a bridge is like an Ethernet switch with very
few ports.Situations Where Bridging Is AppropriateThere are two common situations in which a bridge is used
today.High Traffic on a SegmentSituation one is where your physical network segment is
overloaded with traffic, but you do not want for whatever reason to
subnet the network and interconnect the subnets with a
router.Let us consider an example of a newspaper where the Editorial and
Production departments are on the same subnetwork. The Editorial
users all use server A for file service, and the Production users
are on server B. An Ethernet is used to connect all users together,
and high loads on the network are slowing things down.If the Editorial users could be segregated on one
network segment and the Production users on another, the two
network segments could be connected with a bridge. Only the
network traffic destined for interfaces on the
other side of the bridge would be sent to the
other network, reducing congestion on each network
segment.Filtering/Traffic Shaping FirewallfirewallIP MasqueradingThe second common situation is where firewall functionality is
needed without IP Masquerading (NAT).An example is a small company that is connected via DSL
or ISDN to their ISP. They have a 13 globally-accessible IP
addresses from their ISP and have 10 PCs on their network.
In this situation, using a router-based firewall is
difficult because of subnetting issues.routerDSLISDNA bridge-based firewall can be configured and dropped into the
path just downstream of their DSL/ISDN router without any IP
numbering issues.Configuring a BridgeNetwork Interface Card SelectionA bridge requires at least two network cards to function.
Unfortunately, not all network interface cards as of FreeBSD 4.0
support bridging. Read &man.bridge.4; for details on the cards that
are supported.Install and test the two network cards before continuing.Kernel Configuration Changeskernel optionsoptions BRIDGETo enable kernel support for bridging, add the:options BRIDGEstatement to your kernel configuration file, and rebuild your
kernel.Firewall SupportfirewallIf you are planning to use the bridge as a firewall, you
will need to add the IPFIREWALL option as
well. Read for general
information on configuring the bridge as a firewall.If you need to allow non-IP packets (such as ARP) to flow
through the bridge, there is an undocumented firewall option that
must be set. This option is
changes the default rule for the firewall to accept any packet.
Make sure you know how this changes the meaning of your ruleset
before you set it.Traffic Shaping SupportIf you want to use the bridge as a traffic shaper, you will need
to add the DUMMYNET option to your kernel
configuration. Read &man.dummynet.4; for further
information.Enabling the BridgeAdd the line:net.link.ether.bridge=1to /etc/sysctl.conf to enable the bridge at
runtime, and the line:net.link.ether.bridge_cfg=if1,if2to enable bridging on the specified interfaces (replace
if1 and
if2 with the names of your two
network interfaces). If you want the bridged packets to be
filtered by &man.ipfw.8;, you should add:net.link.ether.bridge_ipfw=1as well.Other InformationIf you want to be able to telnet into the bridge from the network,
it is OK to assign one of the network cards an IP address. The
consensus is that assigning both cards an address is a bad
idea.If you have multiple bridges on your network, there cannot be more
than one path between any two workstations. Technically, this means
that there is no support for spanning tree link management.A bridge can add latency to your ping times, especially for
traffic from one segment to another.
TomRhodesReorganized and enhanced by BillSwingleWritten by NFSNFSAmong the many different filesystems that FreeBSD supports is
the Network File System, also known as NFS.
NFS allows a system to share directories and files
with others over a network. By using NFS, users and
programs can access files on remote systems almost as if they were local
files.Some of the most notable benefits that
NFS can provide are:Local workstations use less disk space because
commonly used data can be stored on a single machine and still
remain accessible to others over the network.There is no need for users to have separate home directories
on every network machine. Home directories could be setup on the
NFS server and made available throughout
the network.Storage devices such as floppy disks, CDROM drives, and
ZIP drives can be used by other machines on the network.
This may reduce the number of removable media drives
throughout the network.How NFS WorksNFS consists of at least two main parts:
a server and one or more clients. The client remotely accesses
the data that is stored
on the server machine. In order for this to function properly a few
processes have to be configured and running:The server has to be running the following daemons:NFSserverportmapmountdnfsdDaemonDescriptionnfsdThe NFS daemon which services requests from
the NFS clients.mountdThe NFS mount daemon which carries out
the requests that &man.nfsd.8; passes on to it.portmap The portmapper daemon
allows NFS clients to discover which port the NFS server
is using.The client can also run a daemon, known as
nfsiod. The
nfsiod daemon services the requests
from the NFS server. This is optional, and
improves performance, but is not required for normal and
correct operation. See the &man.nfsiod.8; manual page for
more information.
Configuring NFSNFSconfigurationNFS configuration is a relatively
straightforward process. The processes that need to be
running can all start at boot time with a few modifications to
your /etc/rc.conf file.On the NFS server, make sure that the
following options are configured in the
/etc/rc.conf file:portmap_enable="YES"
mountd_flags="-r"mountd runs automatically whenever the
NFS server is enabled.On the client, make sure this option is present in
/etc/rc.conf:nfs_client_enable="YES"The /etc/exports file specifies which
filesystems NFS should export (sometimes
referred to as share). Each line in
/etc/exports specifies a filesystem to be
exported and which machines have access to that filesystem.
Along with what machines have access to that filesystem,
access options may also be specified. There are many such
options that can be used in this file but only a few will be
mentioned here. You can easily discover other options by
reading over the &man.exports.5; manual page.Here are a few example /etc/exports
entries:NFSexport examplesThe following examples give an idea of how to export filesystems,
although the settings may be different depending on
your environment and network configuration.
For instance, to export the /cdrom directory to
three example machines that have the same domain name as the server
(hence the lack of a domain name for each) or have entries in your
/etc/hosts file. The
flag makes the exported filesystem read-only. With this flag, the
remote system will not be able to write any changes to the
exported filesystem./cdrom -ro host1 host2 host3The following line exports /home to
three hosts by IP address. This is a useful setup if you have
a private network without a DNS server
configured. Optionally the /etc/hosts
file could be configured for internal hostnames; please review
&man.hosts.5; for more information. The
flag allows the subdirectories to be
mount points. In other words, it will not mount the
subdirectories but permit the client to mount only the
directories that are required or needed./home -alldirs following line exports /a so that
two clients from different domains may access the filesystem.
The flag allows the
root user on the remote system to write
data on the exported filesystem as root.
If the -maproot=root flag is not specified,
then even if a user has root access on
the remote system, they will not be able to modify files on
the exported filesystem./a -maproot=root host.example.com box.example.orgIn order for a client to access an exported filesystem,
the client must have permission to do so. Make sure the
client is listed in your /etc/exports
file.In /etc/exports, each line represents
the export information for one filesystem to one host. A
remote host can only be specified once per filesystem, and may
only have one default entry. For example, assume that
/usr is a single filesystem. The
following /etc/exports would be
invalid:/usr/src client
/usr/ports clientOne filesystem, /usr, has two lines
specifying exports to the same host, client.
The correct format for this situation is:/usr/src /usr/ports clientThe properties of one filesystem exported to a given host
must all occur on one line. Lines without a client specified
are treated as a single host. This limits how you can export
filesystems, but for most people this is not an issue.The following is an example of a valid export list, where
/usr and /exports
are local filesystems:# Export src and ports to client01 and client02, but only
# client01 has root privileges on it
/usr/src /usr/ports -maproot=root client01
/usr/src /usr/ports client02
# The client machines have root and can mount anywhere
# on /exports. Anyone in the world can mount /exports/obj read-only
/exports -alldirs -maproot=root client01 client02
/exports/obj -roYou must restart
mountd whenever you modify
/etc/exports so the changes can take effect.
This can be accomplished by sending the HUP signal
to the mountd process:&prompt.root; kill -HUP `cat /var/run/mountd.pid`Alternatively, a reboot will make FreeBSD set everything
up properly. A reboot is not necessary though.
Executing the following commands as root
should start everything up.On the NFS server:&prompt.root; portmap
&prompt.root; nfsd -u -t -n 4
&prompt.root; mountd -rOn the NFS client:&prompt.root; nfsiod -n 4Now everything should be ready to actually mount a remote file
system. In these examples the
server's name will be server and the client's
name will be client. If you only want to
temporarily mount a remote filesystem or would rather test the
configuration, just execute a command like this as root on the
client:NFSmounting&prompt.root; mount server:/home /mntThis will mount the /home directory
on the server at /mnt on the client. If
everything is set up correctly you should be able to enter
/mnt on the client and see all the files
that are on the server.If you want to automatically mount a remote filesystem
each time the computer boots, add the filesystem to the
/etc/fstab file. Here is an example:server:/home /mnt nfs rw 0 0The &man.fstab.5; manual page lists all the available options.Practical UsesNFS has many practical uses. Some of the more common
ones are listed below:NFSusesSet several machines to share a CDROM or other media
among them. This is cheaper and often a more convenient
method to install software on multiple machines.On large networks, it might be more convenient to
configure a central NFS server in which
to store all the user home directories. These home
directories can then be exported to the network so that
users would always have the same home directory,
regardless of which workstation they log in to.Several machines could have a common
/usr/ports/distfiles directory. That
way, when you need to install a port on several machines,
you can quickly access the source without downloading it
on each machine.WylieStilwellContributed by ChernLeeRewritten by amdamdautomatic mounter daemon&man.amd.8; (the automatic mounter daemon)
automatically mounts a
remote filesystem whenever a file or directory within that
filesystem is accessed. Filesystems that are inactive for a
period of time will also be automatically unmounted by
amd. Using
amd provides a simple alternative
to permanent mounts, as permanent mounts are usually listed in
/etc/fstab.amd operates by attaching
itself as an NFS server to the /host and
/net directories. When a file is accessed
within one of these directories, amd
looks up the corresponding remote mount and automatically mounts
it. /net is used to mount an exported
filesystem from an IP address, while /host
is used to mount an export from a remote hostname.An access to a file within
/host/foobar/usr would tell
amd to attempt to mount the
/usr export on the host
foobar.Mounting an Export with amdYou can view the available mounts of a remote host with
the showmount command. For example, to
view the mounts of a host named foobar, you
can use:&prompt.user; showmount -e foobar
Exports list on foobar:
&prompt.user; cd /host/foobar/usrAs seen in the example, the showmount shows
/usr as an export. When changing directories to
/host/foobar/usr, amd
attempts to resolve the hostname foobar and
automatically mount the desired export.amd can be started by the
startup scripts by placing the following lines in
/etc/rc.conf:amd_enable="YES"Additionally, custom flags can be passed to
amd from the
amd_flags option. By default,
amd_flags is set to:amd_flags="-a /.amd_mnt -l syslog /host /etc/amd.map /net /etc/amd.map"The /etc/amd.map file defines the
default options that exports are mounted with. The
/etc/amd.conf file defines some of the more
advanced features of amd.Consult the &man.amd.8; and &man.amd.conf.5; manual pages for more
information.JohnLindContributed by Problems Integrating with Other SystemsCertain Ethernet adapters for ISA PC systems have limitations
which can lead to serious network problems, particularly with NFS.
This difficulty is not specific to FreeBSD, but FreeBSD systems
are affected by it.The problem nearly always occurs when (FreeBSD) PC systems are
networked with high-performance workstations, such as those made
by Silicon Graphics, Inc., and Sun Microsystems, Inc. The NFS
mount will work fine, and some operations may succeed, but
suddenly the server will seem to become unresponsive to the
client, even though requests to and from other systems continue to
be processed. This happens to the client system, whether the
client is the FreeBSD system or the workstation. On many systems,
there is no way to shut down the client gracefully once this
problem has manifested itself. The only solution is often to
reset the client, because the NFS situation cannot be
resolved.Though the correct solution is to get a higher
performance and capacity Ethernet adapter for the FreeBSD system,
there is a simple workaround that will allow satisfactory
operation. If the FreeBSD system is the
server, include the option
on the mount from the client. If the
FreeBSD system is the client, then mount the
NFS filesystem with the option . These
options may be specified using the fourth field of the
fstab entry on the client for automatic
mounts, or by using the parameter of the mount
command for manual mounts.It should be noted that there is a different problem,
sometimes mistaken for this one, when the NFS servers and clients
are on different networks. If that is the case, make
certain that your routers are routing the
necessary UDP information, or you will not get anywhere, no matter
what else you are doing.In the following examples, fastws is the host
(interface) name of a high-performance workstation, and
freebox is the host (interface) name of a FreeBSD
system with a lower-performance Ethernet adapter. Also,
/sharedfs will be the exported NFS
filesystem (see &man.exports.5;), and
/project will be the mount point on the
client for the exported filesystem. In all cases, note that
additional options, such as or
and may be desirable in
your application.Examples for the FreeBSD system (freebox) as
the client in /etc/fstab on freebox:fastws:/sharedfs /project nfs rw,-r=1024 0 0As a manual mount command on freebox:&prompt.root; mount -t nfs -o -r=1024 fastws:/sharedfs /projectExamples for the FreeBSD system as the server in
/etc/fstab on fastws:freebox:/sharedfs /project nfs rw,-w=1024 0 0As a manual mount command on fastws:&prompt.root; mount -t nfs -o -w=1024 freebox:/sharedfs /projectNearly any 16-bit Ethernet adapter will allow operation
without the above restrictions on the read or write size.For anyone who cares, here is what happens when the failure
occurs, which also explains why it is unrecoverable. NFS
typically works with a block size of 8 k (though it
may do fragments of smaller sizes). Since the maximum Ethernet
packet is around 1500 bytes, the NFS block gets
split into multiple Ethernet packets, even though it is still a
single unit to the upper-level code, and must be received,
assembled, and acknowledged as a unit. The
high-performance workstations can pump out the packets which
comprise the NFS unit one right after the other, just as close
together as the standard allows. On the smaller, lower capacity
cards, the later packets overrun the earlier packets of the same
unit before they can be transferred to the host and the unit as a
whole cannot be reconstructed or acknowledged. As a result, the
workstation will time out and try again, but it will try again
with the entire 8 K unit, and the process will be repeated, ad
infinitum.By keeping the unit size below the Ethernet packet size
limitation, we ensure that any complete Ethernet packet received
can be acknowledged individually, avoiding the deadlock
situation.Overruns may still occur when a high-performance workstations
is slamming data out to a PC system, but with the better cards,
such overruns are not guaranteed on NFS units. When
an overrun occurs, the units affected will be retransmitted, and
there will be a fair chance that they will be received, assembled,
and acknowledged.Jean-FrançoisDockèsUpdated by Diskless Operationdiskless workstationdiskless operationA FreeBSD machine can boot over the network and operate without a
local disk, using filesystems mounted from an NFS server. No system
modification is necessary, beyond standard configuration files.
Such a system is easy to set up because all the necessary elements
are readily available:There are at least two possible methods to load the kernel over
the network:PXE: Intel's Preboot Execution
Environment system is a form of smart boot ROM built into some
networking cards or motherboards. See &man.pxeboot.8; for more
details.The etherboot
port (net/etherboot) produces
ROM-able code to boot kernels over the network. The
code can be either burnt into a boot PROM on a network
card, or loaded from a local floppy (or hard) disk
drive, or from a running MS-DOS system. Many network
cards are supported.A sample script
(/usr/share/examples/diskless/clone_root) eases
the creation and maintenance of the workstation's root filesystem
on the server. The script will probably require a little
customization but it will get you started very quickly.Standard system startup files exist in /etc
to detect and support a diskless system startup.Swapping, if needed, can be done either to an NFS file or to
a local disk.There are many ways to set up diskless workstations. Many
elements are involved, and most can be customized to suit local
taste. The following will describe the setup of a complete system,
emphasizing simplicity and compatibility with the
standard FreeBSD startup scripts. The system described has the
following characteristics:The diskless workstations use a shared
read-only root filesystem, and a shared
read-only /usr.The root filesystem is a copy of a
standard FreeBSD root (typically the server's), with some
configuration files overridden by ones specific to diskless
operation or, possibly, to the workstation they belong to.The parts of the root which have to be
writable are overlaid with &man.mfs.8; filesystems. Any changes
will be lost when the system reboots.The kernel is loaded by etherboot
, using DHCP (or BOOTP) and TFTP.As described, this system is insecure. It should
live in a protected area of a network, and be untrusted by
other hosts.Setup InstructionsConfiguring DHCP/BOOTPdiskless operationbootingThere are two protocols that are commonly used to boot a
workstation that retrieves its configuration over the network: BOOTP
and DHCP. They are used at several points in the workstation
bootstrap:etherboot uses
DHCP (by default) or BOOTP (needs a configuration option) to
find the kernel. (PXE uses DHCP).The kernel uses BOOTP to locate the NFS
root.It is possible to configure a system to use only BOOTP.
The &man.bootpd.8; server program is included in the
base FreeBSD system.However, DHCP has a number of advantages over BOOTP (nicer
configuration files, possibility of using PXE, plus many others
not directly related to diskless operation), and we shall describe
both a pure BOOTP, and a BOOTP+DHCP configuration, with an
emphasis on the latter, which will use the ISC DHCP software
package.Configuration Using ISC DHCPDHCPdiskless operationThe isc-dhcp server can answer
both BOOTP and DHCP requests.As of release 4.4, isc-dhcp
3.0 is not part of the base
system. You will first need to install the
net/isc-dhcp3 port or the
corresponding package. Please refer to
for general information about ports and packages.Once isc-dhcp is installed, it
needs a configuration file to run, (normally named
/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf). Here follows
a commented example:
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
option domain-name "example.com";
option domain-name-servers;
option routers;
subnet netmask {
use-host-decl-names on;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
host margaux {
hardware ethernet 01:23:45:67:89:ab;
fixed-address margaux.example.com;
filename "/tftpboot/kernel.diskless";
option root-path "";
This option tells
dhcpd to send the value in the
host declarations as the hostname for the
diskless host. An alternate way would be to add an
option host-name
margaux inside the
host declarations.The
next-server directive designates
the TFTP server (the default is to use the same host as the
DHCP server).The
filename directive defines the file that
etherboot will load as a
PXE appears to prefer a relative file
name, and it loads pxeboot, not the
kernel (option filename
root-path option defines the path to
the root filesystem, in usual NFS notation.Configuration Using BOOTPBOOTPdiskless operationHere follows an equivalent bootpd
configuration. This would be found in
/etc/bootptab.Please note that etherboot
must be compiled with the non-default option
NO_DHCP_SUPPORT in order to use BOOTP,
and that PXE needs DHCP. The only
obvious advantage of bootpd is
that it exists in the base system.
Preparing a Boot Program with
EtherbootEtherbootEtherboot's Web
site contains
extensive documentation mainly intended for Linux
systems, but nonetheless containing useful information. The
following will just outline how you would use
etherboot on a FreeBSD
system.You must first install the net/etherboot package or port.
The etherboot port can normally
be found in /usr/ports/net/etherboot.
If the ports tree is installed on your system, just typing
make in this directory should take care
of everything. Else refer to for
information about ports and packages.For our setup, we shall use a boot floppy. For other methods
(PROM, or dos program), please refer to the
etherboot documentation.To make a boot floppy, insert a floppy in the drive on the
machine where you installed etherboot,
then change your current directory to the src
directory in the etherboot tree and
&prompt.root; gmake bin32/devicetype.fd0devicetype depends on the type of
the Ethernet card in the diskless workstation. Refer to the
NIC file in the same directory to determine the
right devicetype.Configuring the TFTP and NFS ServersTFTPdiskless operationNFSdiskless operationYou need to enable tftpd on the TFTP
server:Create a directory from which tftpd
will serve the files, i.e.: /tftpbootAdd this line to your
/etc/inetd.conf:tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd -s /tftpbootIt appears that at least some PXE versions want
the TCP version of TFTP. In this case, add a second line,
replacing dgram udp with stream
tcp.Tell inetd to reread its configuration
file:&prompt.root; kill -HUP `cat /var/run/inetd.pid`You can place the tftpboot
directory anywhere on the server. Make sure that the
location is set in both inetd.conf and
dhcpd.conf.You also need to enable NFS and export the
appropriate filesystem on the NFS server.Add this to /etc/rc.conf:nfs_server_enable="YES"Export the filesystem where the diskless root directory
is located by adding the following to
/etc/exports (adjust the volume mount
point and replace margaux
with the name of the diskless workstation):/data/misc -alldirs -ro margauxTell mountd to reread its configuration
file. If you actually needed to enable NFS in
at the first step, you probably want to reboot instead.&prompt.root; kill -HUP `cat /var/run/mountd.pid`Building a Diskless Kerneldiskless operationkernel configurationCreate a kernel configuration file for the diskless client
with the following options (in addition to the usual
options BOOTP # Use BOOTP to obtain IP address/hostname
options BOOTP_NFSROOT # NFS mount root filesystem using BOOTP info
options BOOTP_COMPAT # Workaround for broken bootp daemons.
You may also want to use BOOTP_NFSV3 and
BOOTP_WIRED_TO (refer to LINT).Build the kernel (See ),
and copy it to the tftp directory, under the name listed
in dhcpd.conf.Preparing the root Filesystemroot file systemdiskless operationYou need to create a root filesystem for the diskless
workstations, in the location listed as
root-path in
dhcpd.conf.The easiest way to do this is to use the
shell script. This script needs customization, at least to adjust
the place where the filesystem will be created (the
DEST variable).
Refer to the comments at the top of the script for
instructions. They explain how the base filesystem is built,
and how files may be selectively overridden by versions specific
to diskless operation, to a subnetwork, or to an individual
workstation. They also give examples for the diskless
/etc/fstab and
/etc/rc.conf files.The README files in
/usr/share/examples/diskless contain a lot
of interesting background information, but, together with the
other examples in the diskless directory,
they actually document a configuration method which is distinct
from the one used by clone_root and
/etc/rc.diskless[12], which is a little
confusing. Use them for reference only, except if you prefer
the method that they describe, in which case you will need
customized rc scripts.Configuring SwapIf needed, a swap file located on the server can be
accessed via NFS. The exact bootptab
or dhcpd.conf options are not clearly
documented at this time. The following configuration
suggestions have been reported to work in some installations
using isc-dhcp 3.0rc11.Add the following lines to
# Global section
option swap-path code 128 = string;
option swap-size code 129 = integer 32;
host margaux {
... # Standard lines, see above
option swap-path "";
option swap-size 64000;
The idea is that, at least for a FreeBSD client,
DHCP/BOOTP option code 128 is the path to the NFS swap file,
and option code 129 is the swap size in kilobytes. Older
versions of dhcpd allowed a syntax of
option option-128 "..., which does not
seem to work any more./etc/bootptab would use the
following syntax instead:T128="":T129=64000
On the NFS swap file server, create the swap
&prompt.root; mkdir /netswapvolume/netswap
&prompt.root; cd /netswapvolume/netswap
&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=64000 of=swap.
&prompt.root; chmod 0600 swap. is the IP address
for the diskless client.On the NFS swap file server, add the following line to
/etc/exports:/netswapvolume -maproot=0:10 -alldirs margauxThen tell mountd to reread the
exports file, as above.Miscellaneous IssuesRunning with a read-only /usr/usrdiskless operationread-onlyIf the diskless workstation is configured to run X, you
will have to adjust the xdm configuration file, which puts
the error log on /usr by default.Using a non-FreeBSD ServerWhen the server for the root filesystem is not running FreeBSD,
you will have to create the root filesystem on a
FreeBSD machine, then copy it to its destination, using
tar or cpio.In this situation, there are sometimes
problems with the special files in /dev,
due to differing major/minor integer sizes. A solution to this
problem is to export a directory from the non-FreeBSD server,
mount this directory onto a FreeBSD machine, and run
MAKEDEV on the FreeBSD machine
to create the correct device entries (FreeBSD 5.0 and later
use &man.devfs.5; to allocate device nodes transparently for
the user, running MAKEDEV on these
versions is useless).ISDNISDNA good resource for information on ISDN technology and hardware is
Dan Kegel's ISDN
Page.A quick simple road map to ISDN follows:If you live in Europe you might want to investigate the ISDN card
section.If you are planning to use ISDN primarily to connect to the
Internet with an Internet Provider on a dial-up non-dedicated basis,
you might look into Terminal Adapters. This will give you the
most flexibility, with the fewest problems, if you change
providers.If you are connecting two LANs together, or connecting to the
Internet with a dedicated ISDN connection, you might consider
the stand alone router/bridge option.Cost is a significant factor in determining what solution you will
choose. The following options are listed from least expensive to most
expensive.HellmuthMichaelisContributed by ISDN CardsISDNcardsFreeBSD's ISDN implementation supports only the DSS1/Q.931
(or Euro-ISDN) standard using passive cards. Starting with
FreeBSD 4.4, some active cards are supported where the firmware
also supports other signaling protocols; this also includes the
first supported Primary Rate (PRI) ISDN card.Isdn4bsd allows you to connect
to other ISDN routers using either IP over raw HDLC or by using
synchronous PPP: either by using kernel PPP with isppp, a
modified sppp driver, or by using userland &man.ppp.8;. By using
userland &man.ppp.8;, channel bonding of two or more ISDN
B-channels is possible. A telephone answering machine
application is also available as well as many utilities such as
a software 300 Baud modem.Some growing number of PC ISDN cards are supported under
FreeBSD and the reports show that it is successfully used all
over Europe and in many other parts of the world.The passive ISDN cards supported are mostly the ones with
the Infineon (formerly Siemens) ISAC/HSCX/IPAC ISDN chipsets,
but also ISDN cards with chips from Cologne Chip (ISA bus only),
PCI cards with Winbond W6692 chips, some cards with the
Tiger300/320/ISAC chipset combinations and some vendor specific
chipset based cards such as the AVM Fritz!Card PCI V.1.0 and the
AVM Fritz!Card PnP.Currently the active supported ISDN cards are the AVM B1
(ISA and PCI) BRI cards and the AVM T1 PCI PRI cards.For documentation on isdn4bsd,
have a look at /usr/share/examples/isdn/
directory on your FreeBSD system or at the homepage of
isdn4bsd which also has pointers to hints, erratas and
much more documentation such as the isdn4bsd
handbook.In case you are interested in adding support for a
different ISDN protocol, a currently unsupported ISDN PC card or
otherwise enhancing isdn4bsd, please
get in touch with &a.hm;.For questions regarding the installation, configuration
and troubleshooting isdn4bsd, a
&a.isdn.name; mailing list is available.ISDN Terminal AdaptersTerminal adapters(TA), are to ISDN what modems are to regular
phone lines.modemMost TA's use the standard hayes modem AT command set, and can be
used as a drop in replacement for a modem.A TA will operate basically the same as a modem except connection
and throughput speeds will be much faster than your old modem. You
will need to configure PPP exactly the same
as for a modem setup. Make sure you set your serial speed as high as
possible.PPPThe main advantage of using a TA to connect to an Internet
Provider is that you can do Dynamic PPP. As IP address space becomes
more and more scarce, most providers are not willing to provide you
with a static IP anymore. Most stand-alone routers are not able to
accommodate dynamic IP allocation.TA's completely rely on the PPP daemon that you are running for
their features and stability of connection. This allows you to
upgrade easily from using a modem to ISDN on a FreeBSD machine, if you
already have PPP setup. However, at the same time any problems you
experienced with the PPP program and are going to persist.If you want maximum stability, use the kernel PPP option, not the user-land iijPPP.The following TA's are known to work with FreeBSD.Motorola BitSurfer and Bitsurfer ProAdtranMost other TA's will probably work as well, TA vendors try to make
sure their product can accept most of the standard modem AT command
set.The real problem with external TA's is that, like modems,
you need a good serial card in your computer.You should read the FreeBSD Serial
Hardware tutorial for a detailed understanding of
serial devices, and the differences between asynchronous and
synchronous serial ports.A TA running off a standard PC serial port (asynchronous) limits
you to 115.2 Kbs, even though you have a 128 Kbs connection.
To fully utilize the 128 Kbs that ISDN is capable of,
you must move the TA to a synchronous serial card.Do not be fooled into buying an internal TA and thinking you have
avoided the synchronous/asynchronous issue. Internal TA's simply have
a standard PC serial port chip built into them. All this will do is
save you having to buy another serial cable and find another empty
electrical socket.A synchronous card with a TA is at least as fast as a stand-alone
router, and with a simple 386 FreeBSD box driving it, probably more
flexible.The choice of sync/TA v.s. stand-alone router is largely a
religious issue. There has been some discussion of this in
the mailing lists. I suggest you search the archives for
the complete discussion.Stand-alone ISDN Bridges/RoutersISDNstand-alone bridges/routersISDN bridges or routers are not at all specific to FreeBSD
or any other operating system. For a more complete
description of routing and bridging technology, please refer
to a Networking reference book.In the context of this page, the terms router and bridge will
be used interchangeably.As the cost of low end ISDN routers/bridges comes down, it
will likely become a more and more popular choice. An ISDN
router is a small box that plugs directly into your local
Ethernet network, and manages its own connection to the other
bridge/router. It has built in software to communicate via
PPP and other popular protocols.A router will allow you much faster throughput than a
standard TA, since it will be using a full synchronous ISDN
connection.The main problem with ISDN routers and bridges is that
interoperability between manufacturers can still be a problem.
If you are planning to connect to an Internet provider, you
should discuss your needs with them.If you are planning to connect two LAN segments together,
such as your home LAN to the office LAN, this is the simplest
maintenance solution. Since you are buying the equipment for
both sides of the connection you can be assured that the link
will work.For example to connect a home computer or branch office
network to a head office network the following setup could be
used.Branch Office or Home Network10 base 2Network uses a bus based topology with 10 base 2
Ethernet (thinnet). Connect router to network cable with
AUI/10BT transceiver, if necessary.---Sun workstation
---FreeBSD box
---Windows 95 (Do not admit to owning it)
Stand-alone router
ISDN BRI line10 Base 2 EthernetIf your home/branch office is only one computer you can use a
twisted pair crossover cable to connect to the stand-alone router
directly.Head Office or Other LAN10 base TNetwork uses a star topology with 10 base T Ethernet
(Twisted Pair). -------Novell Server
| H |
| ---Sun
| |
| U ---FreeBSD
| |
| ---Windows 95
| B |
|___---Stand-alone router
ISDN BRI lineISDN Network DiagramOne large advantage of most routers/bridges is that they allow you
to have 2 separate independent PPP connections to
2 separate sites at the same time. This is not
supported on most TA's, except for specific (usually expensive) models
have two serial ports. Do not confuse this with channel bonding, MPP,
etc.This can be a very useful feature if, for example, you
have an dedicated ISDN connection at your office and would
like to tap into it, but do not want to get another ISDN line
at work. A router at the office location can manage a
dedicated B channel connection (64 Kbps) to the Internet
and use the other B channel for a separate data connection.
The second B channel can be used for dial-in, dial-out or
dynamically bonding (MPP, etc.) with the first B channel for
more bandwidth.IPX/SPXAn Ethernet bridge will also allow you to transmit more than just
IP traffic. You can also send IPX/SPX or whatever other protocols you
use.BillSwingleWritten by EricOgrenEnhanced by UdoErdelhoffNIS/YPWhat Is It?NISSolarisHP-UXAIXLinuxNetBSDOpenBSDNIS, which stands for Network Information Services, was
developed by Sun Microsystems to centralize administration of Unix
(originally SunOS) systems. It has now essentially become an
industry standard; all major Unix systems (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Linux,
NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, etc) support NIS.yellow pagesNISNIS was formerly known as Yellow Pages, but because of
trademark issues, Sun changed the name. The old term (and yp) is
still often seen and used.NISdomainsIt is a RPC-based client/server system that allows a group
of machines within an NIS domain to share a common set of
configuration files. This permits a system administrator to set
up NIS client systems with only minimal configuration data and
add, remove or modify configuration data from a single
location.Windows NTIt is similar to Windows NT's domain system; although the
internal implementation of the two are not at all similar,
the basic functionality can be compared.Terms/Processes You Should KnowThere are several terms and several important user processes
that you will come across when
attempting to implement NIS on FreeBSD, whether you are trying to
create an NIS server or act as an NIS client:portmapTermDescriptionNIS domainnameAn NIS master server and all of its clients
(including its slave servers) have a NIS
domainname. Similar to an NT domain name, the NIS
domainname does not have anything to do with DNS.portmapMust be running in order to enable RPC (Remote
Procedure Call, a network protocol used by NIS). If
portmap is not running, it will be
impossible to run an NIS server, or to act as an NIS
client.ypbindbinds an NIS client to its NIS
server. It will take the NIS domainname from the
system, and using RPC, connect to the
server. ypbind is the core of
client-server communication in an NIS environment; if
ypbind dies on a client machine, it
will not be able to access the NIS server.ypservShould only be running on NIS servers, is the NIS
server process itself. If &man.ypserv.8; dies, then the
server will no longer be able to respond to NIS requests
(hopefully, there is a slave server to take over for
it). There are some implementations of NIS (but not the
FreeBSD one), that do not try to reconnect to another
server if the server it used before dies. Often, the
only thing that helps in this case is to restart the
server process (or even the whole server) or the
ypbind process on the client.
rpc.yppasswddAnother process that should only be running on
NIS master servers, is a daemon that will allow NIS
clients to change their NIS passwords. If this daemon
is not running, users will have to login to the NIS
master server and change their passwords there.How Does It Work?There are three types of hosts in an NIS environment: master
servers, slave servers, and clients. Servers act as a central
repository for host configuration information. Master servers
hold the authoritative copy of this information, while slave
servers mirror this information for redundancy. Clients rely on
the servers to provide this information to them.Information in many files can be shared in this manner. The
master.passwd, group,
and hosts files are commonly shared via NIS.
Whenever a process on a client needs information that would
normally be found in these files locally, it makes a query to the
NIS server that it is bound to instead.Machine TypesNISmaster serverA NIS master server.
This server, analogous to a Windows
NT primary domain controller, maintains the files used by all
of the NIS clients. The passwd,
group, and other various files used by the
NIS clients live on the master server.It is possible for one machine to be an NIS
master server for more than one NIS domain. However, this will
not be covered in this introduction, which assumes a relatively
small-scale NIS environment.NISslave serverNIS slave servers.
Similar to NT's backup domain
controllers, NIS slave servers maintain copies of the NIS
master's data files. NIS slave servers provide the redundancy,
which is needed in important environments. They also help
to balance the load of the master server: NIS Clients always
attach to the NIS server whose response they get first, and
this includes slave-server-replies.NISclientNIS clients. NIS clients, like most
NT workstations, authenticate against the NIS server (or the NT
domain controller in the NT Workstation case) to log on.Using NIS/YPThis section will deal with setting up a sample NIS
environment.This section assumes that you are running FreeBSD 3.3
or later. The instructions given here will
probably work for any version of FreeBSD greater
than 3.0, but there are no guarantees that this is
true.PlanningLet us assume that you are the administrator of a small
university lab. This lab, which consists of 15 FreeBSD machines,
currently has no centralized point of administration; each machine
has its own /etc/passwd and
/etc/master.passwd. These files are kept in
sync with each other only through manual intervention;
currently, when you add a user to the lab, you must run
adduser on all 15 machines.
Clearly, this has to change, so you have decided to convert the
lab to use NIS, using two of the machines as servers.Therefore, the configuration of the lab now looks something
like:Machine nameIP addressMachine roleellington10.0.0.2NIS mastercoltrane10.0.0.3NIS slavebasie10.0.0.4Faculty workstationbird10.0.0.5Client machinecli[1-11]10.0.0.[6-17]Other client machinesIf you are setting up a NIS scheme for the first time, it
is a good idea to think through how you want to go about it. No
matter what the size of your network, there are a few decisions
that need to be made.Choosing a NIS Domain NameNISdomainnameThis might not be the domainname that you
are used to. It is more accurately called the
NIS domainname. When a client broadcasts its
requests for info, it includes the name of the NIS domain
that it is part of. This is how multiple servers on one
network can tell which server should answer which request.
Think of the NIS domainname as the name for a group of hosts
that are related in some way.Some organizations choose to use their Internet
domainname for their NIS domainname. This is not
recommended as it can cause confusion when trying to debug
network problems. The NIS domainname should be unique
within your network and it is helpful if it describes the
group of machines it represents. For example, the Art
department at Acme Inc. might be in the
acme-art NIS domain. For this example,
assume you have chosen the name
test-domain.SunOSHowever, some operating systems (notably SunOS) use their
NIS domain name as their Internet domain name.
If one or more machines on your network have this restriction,
you must use the Internet domain name as
your NIS domain name.Physical Server RequirementsThere are several things to keep in mind when choosing a
machine to use as a NIS server. One of the unfortunate things
about NIS is the level of dependency the clients have on the
server. If a client cannot contact the server for its NIS
domain, very often the machine becomes unusable. The lack of
user and group information causes most systems to temporarily
freeze up. With this in mind you should make sure to choose a
machine that will not be prone to being rebooted regularly, or
one that might be used for development. The NIS server should
ideally be a stand alone machine whose sole purpose in life is
to be an NIS server. If you have a network that is not very
heavily used, it is acceptable to put the NIS server on a
machine running other services, just keep in mind that if the
NIS server becomes unavailable, it will affect
all of your NIS clients adversely.NIS Servers The canonical copies of all NIS information are stored on
a single machine called the NIS master server. The databases
used to store the information are called NIS maps. In FreeBSD,
these maps are stored in
/var/yp/[domainname] where
[domainname] is the name of the NIS domain
being served. A single NIS server can support several domains
at once, therefore it is possible to have several such
directories, one for each supported domain. Each domain will
have its own independent set of maps.NIS master and slave servers handle all NIS requests with
the ypserv daemon. ypserv
is responsible for receiving incoming requests from NIS clients,
translating the requested domain and map name to a path to the
corresponding database file and transmitting data from the
database back to the client.Setting Up a NIS Master ServerNISserver configurationSetting up a master NIS server can be relatively straight
forward, depending on your needs. FreeBSD comes with support
for NIS out-of-the-box. All you need is to add the following
lines to /etc/rc.conf, and FreeBSD will
do the rest for you.nisdomainname="test-domain"
This line will set the NIS domainname to
upon network setup (e.g. after reboot).nis_server_enable="YES"
This will tell FreeBSD to start up the NIS server processes
when the networking is next brought up.nis_yppasswdd_enable="YES"
This will enable the rpc.yppasswdd
daemon which, as mentioned above, will allow users to
change their NIS password from a client machine.Depending on your NIS setup, you may need to add
further entries. See the section about NIS servers
that are also NIS clients, below, for
details.Now, all you have to do is to run the command
/etc/netstart as superuser. It will
set up everything for you, using the values you defined in
/etc/rc.conf.Initializing the NIS MapsNISmapsThe NIS maps are database files,
that are kept in the /var/yp directory.
They are generated from configuration files in the
/etc directory of the NIS master, with one
exception: the /etc/master.passwd file.
This is for a good reason; you do not want to propagate
passwords to your root and other
administrative accounts to all the servers in the NIS domain.
Therefore, before we initialize the NIS maps, you should:&prompt.root; cp /etc/master.passwd /var/yp/master.passwd
&prompt.root; cd /var/yp
&prompt.root; vi master.passwdYou should remove all entries regarding system accounts
(bin, tty,
kmem, games, etc), as
well as any accounts that you do not want to be propagated to the
NIS clients (for example root and any other
UID 0 (superuser) accounts).Make sure the
/var/yp/master.passwd is neither group
nor world readable (mode 600)! Use the
chmod command, if appropriate.Tru64 UnixWhen you have finished, it is time to initialize the NIS
maps! FreeBSD includes a script named
ypinit to do this for you
(see its manual page for more information). Note that this
script is available on most Unix Operating Systems, but not on all.
On Digital Unix/Compaq Tru64 Unix it is called
Because we are generating maps for an NIS master, we are
going to pass the option to
To generate the NIS maps, assuming you already performed
the steps above, run:ellington&prompt.root; ypinit -m test-domain
Server Type: MASTER Domain: test-domain
Creating an YP server will require that you answer a few questions.
Questions will all be asked at the beginning of the procedure.
Do you want this procedure to quit on non-fatal errors? [y/n: n] n
Ok, please remember to go back and redo manually whatever fails.
If you don't, something might not work.
At this point, we have to construct a list of this domains YP servers.
rod.darktech.org is already known as master server.
Please continue to add any slave servers, one per line. When you are
done with the list, type a <control D>.
master server : ellington
next host to add: coltrane
next host to add: ^D
The current list of NIS servers looks like this:
Is this correct? [y/n: y] y
[..output from map generation..]
NIS Map update completed.
ellington has been setup as an YP master server without any errors.ypinit should have created
/var/yp/Makefile from
When created, this file assumes that you are operating
in a single server NIS environment with only FreeBSD
machines. Since test-domain has
a slave server as well, you must edit
/var/yp/Makefile:ellington&prompt.root; vi /var/yp/MakefileYou should comment out the line that saysNOPUSH = "True"(if it is not commented out already).Setting up a NIS Slave ServerNISslave serverSetting up an NIS slave server is even more simple than
setting up the master. Log on to the slave server and edit the
file /etc/rc.conf as you did before.
The only difference is that we now must use the
option when running ypinit.
The option requires the name of the NIS
master be passed to it as well, so our command line looks
like:coltrane&prompt.root; ypinit -s ellington test-domain
Server Type: SLAVE Domain: test-domain Master: ellington
Creating an YP server will require that you answer a few questions.
Questions will all be asked at the beginning of the procedure.
Do you want this procedure to quit on non-fatal errors? [y/n: n] n
Ok, please remember to go back and redo manually whatever fails.
If you don't, something might not work.
There will be no further questions. The remainder of the procedure
should take a few minutes, to copy the databases from ellington.
Transferring netgroup...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring netgroup.byuser...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring netgroup.byhost...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring master.passwd.byuid...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring passwd.byuid...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring passwd.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring group.bygid...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring group.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring services.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring rpc.bynumber...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring rpc.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring protocols.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring master.passwd.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring networks.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring networks.byaddr...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring netid.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring hosts.byaddr...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring protocols.bynumber...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring ypservers...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
Transferring hosts.byname...
ypxfr: Exiting: Map successfully transferred
coltrane has been setup as an YP slave server without any errors.
Don't forget to update map ypservers on ellington.You should now have a directory called
/var/yp/test-domain. Copies of the NIS
master server's maps should be in this directory. You will
need to make sure that these stay updated. The following
/etc/crontab entries on your slave
servers should do the job:20 * * * * root /usr/libexec/ypxfr passwd.byname
21 * * * * root /usr/libexec/ypxfr passwd.byuidThese two lines force the slave to sync its maps with
the maps on the master server. Although these entries are
not mandatory, since the master server attempts to ensure
any changes to its NIS maps are communicated to its slaves
and because password information is vital to systems
depending on the server, it is a good idea to force the
updates. This is more important on busy networks where map
updates might not always complete.Now, run the command /etc/netstart on the
slave server as well, which again starts the NIS server.NIS Clients An NIS client establishes what is called a binding to a
particular NIS server using the
ypbind daemon.
ypbind checks the system's default
domain (as set by the domainname command),
and begins broadcasting RPC requests on the local network.
These requests specify the name of the domain for which
ypbind is attempting to establish a binding.
If a server that has been configured to serve the requested
domain receives one of the broadcasts, it will respond to
ypbind, which will record the server's
address. If there are several servers available (a master and
several slaves, for example), ypbind will
use the address of the first one to respond. From that point
on, the client system will direct all of its NIS requests to
that server. ypbind will
occasionally ping the server to make sure it is
still up and running. If it fails to receive a reply to one of
its pings within a reasonable amount of time,
ypbind will mark the domain as unbound and
begin broadcasting again in the hopes of locating another
server.Setting Up an NIS ClientNISclient configurationSetting up a FreeBSD machine to be a NIS client is fairly
straightforward.Edit the file /etc/rc.conf and
add the following lines in order to set the NIS domainname
and start ypbind upon network
nis_client_enable="YES"To import all possible password entries from the NIS
server, remove all user accounts from your
/etc/master.passwd file and use
vipw to add the following line to
the end of the file:+:::::::::This line will afford anyone with a valid account in
the NIS server's password maps an account. There are
many ways to configure your NIS client by changing this
line. See the netgroups
section below for more information.
For more detailed reading see O'Reilly's book on
Managing NFS and NIS.You should keep at least one local account (i.e.
not imported via NIS) in your
/etc/master.passwd and this
account should also be a member of the group
wheel. If there is something
wrong with NIS, this account can be used to log in
remotely, become root, and fix things.To import all possible group entries from the NIS
server, add this line to your
/etc/group file:+:*::After completing these steps, you should be able to run
ypcat passwd and see the NIS server's
passwd map.NIS SecurityIn general, any remote user can issue an RPC to
&man.ypserv.8; and retrieve the contents of your NIS maps,
provided the remote user knows your domainname. To prevent
such unauthorized transactions, &man.ypserv.8; supports a
feature called securenets which can be used to restrict access
to a given set of hosts. At startup, &man.ypserv.8; will
attempt to load the securenets information from a file called
/var/yp/securenets.This path varies depending on the path specified with the
option. This file contains entries that
consist of a network specification and a network mask separated
by white space. Lines starting with # are
considered to be comments. A sample securenets file might look
like this:# allow connections from local host -- mandatory
# allow connections from any host
# on the network
# allow connections from any host
# between to
# this includes the machines in the testlab &man.ypserv.8; receives a request from an address that
matches one of these rules, it will process the request
normally. If the address fails to match a rule, the request
will be ignored and a warning message will be logged. If the
/var/yp/securenets file does not exist,
ypserv will allow connections from any
host.The ypserv program also has support for Wietse
tcpwrapper package. This allows the
administrator to use the tcpwrapper configuration
files for access control instead of
/var/yp/securenets.While both of these access control mechanisms provide some
security, they, like the privileged port test, are
vulnerable to IP spoofing attacks. All
NIS-related traffic should be blocked at your firewall.Servers using /var/yp/securenets
may fail to serve legitimate NIS clients with archaic TCP/IP
implementations. Some of these implementations set all
host bits to zero when doing broadcasts and/or fail to
observe the subnet mask when calculating the broadcast
address. While some of these problems can be fixed by
changing the client configuration, other problems may force
the retirement of the client systems in question or the
abandonment of /var/yp/securenets.Using /var/yp/securenets on a
server with such an archaic implementation of TCP/IP is a
really bad idea and will lead to loss of NIS functionality
for large parts of your network.tcpwrapperThe use of the tcpwrapper
package increases the latency of your NIS server. The
additional delay may be long enough to cause timeouts in
client programs, especially in busy networks or with slow
NIS servers. If one or more of your client systems
suffers from these symptoms, you should convert the client
systems in question into NIS slave servers and force them
to bind to themselves.Barring Some Users from Logging OnIn our lab, there is a machine basie that is
supposed to be a faculty only workstation. We do not want to take this
machine out of the NIS domain, yet the passwd
file on the master NIS server contains accounts for both faculty and
students. What can we do?There is a way to bar specific users from logging on to a
machine, even if they are present in the NIS database. To do this,
all you must do is add
-username to the end of
the /etc/master.passwd file on the client
machine, where username is the username of
the user you wish to bar from logging in. This should preferably be
done using vipw, since vipw
will sanity check your changes to
/etc/master.passwd, as well as
automatically rebuild the password database when you
finish editing. For example, if we wanted to bar user
bill from logging on to basie
we would:basie&prompt.root; vipw[add -bill to the end, exit]
vipw: rebuilding the database...
vipw: done
basie&prompt.root; cat /etc/master.passwd
root:[password]:0:0::0:0:The super-user:/root:/bin/csh
toor:[password]:0:0::0:0:The other super-user:/root:/bin/sh
daemon:*:1:1::0:0:Owner of many system processes:/root:/sbin/nologin
operator:*:2:5::0:0:System &:/:/sbin/nologin
bin:*:3:7::0:0:Binaries Commands and Source,,,:/:/sbin/nologin
tty:*:4:65533::0:0:Tty Sandbox:/:/sbin/nologin
kmem:*:5:65533::0:0:KMem Sandbox:/:/sbin/nologin
games:*:7:13::0:0:Games pseudo-user:/usr/games:/sbin/nologin
news:*:8:8::0:0:News Subsystem:/:/sbin/nologin
man:*:9:9::0:0:Mister Man Pages:/usr/share/man:/sbin/nologin
bind:*:53:53::0:0:Bind Sandbox:/:/sbin/nologin
uucp:*:66:66::0:0:UUCP pseudo-user:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico
xten:*:67:67::0:0:X-10 daemon:/usr/local/xten:/sbin/nologin
pop:*:68:6::0:0:Post Office Owner:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
nobody:*:65534:65534::0:0:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
basie&prompt.root;UdoErdelhoffContributed by Using NetgroupsnetgroupsThe method shown in the previous section works reasonably
well if you need special rules for a very small number of
users and/or machines. On larger networks, you
will forget to bar some users from logging
onto sensitive machines, or you may even have to modify each
machine separately, thus losing the main benefit of NIS,
centralized administration.The NIS developers' solution for this problem is called
netgroups. Their purpose and semantics
can be compared to the normal groups used by Unix file
systems. The main differences are the lack of a numeric id
and the ability to define a netgroup by including both user
accounts and other netgroups.Netgroups were developed to handle large, complex networks
with hundreds of users and machines. On one hand, this is
a Good Thing if you are forced to deal with such a situation.
On the other hand, this complexity makes it almost impossible to
explain netgroups with really simple examples. The example
used in the remainder of this section demonstrates this
problem.Let us assume that your successful introduction of NIS in
your laboratory caught your superiors' interest. Your next
job is to extend your NIS domain to cover some of the other
machines on campus. The two tables contain the names of the
new users and new machines as well as brief descriptions of
them.User Name(s)Descriptionalpha, betaNormal employees of the IT departmentcharlie, deltaThe new apprentices of the IT departmentecho, foxtrott, golf, ...Ordinary employeesable, baker, ...The current internsMachine Name(s)Descriptionwar, death, famine, pollutionYour most important servers. Only the IT
employees are allowed to log onto these
machines.pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, slothLess important servers. All members of the IT
department are allowed to login onto these machines.one, two, three, four, ...Ordinary workstations. Only the
real employees are allowed to use
these machines.trashcanA very old machine without any critical data.
Even the intern is allowed to use this box.If you tried to implement these restrictions by separately
blocking each user, you would have to add one
-user line to each system's
for each user who is not allowed to login onto that system.
If you forget just one entry, you could be in trouble. It may
be feasible to do this correctly during the initial setup,
however you will eventually forget to add
the lines for new users during day-to-day operations. After
all, Murphy was an optimist.Handling this situation with netgroups offers several
advantages. Each user need not be handled separately;
you assign a user to one or more netgroups and allow or forbid
logins for all members of the netgroup. If you add a new
machine, you will only have to define login restrictions for
netgroups. If a new user is added, you will only have to add
the user to one or more netgroups. Those changes are
independent of each other; no more for each combination
of user and machine do... If your NIS setup is planned
carefully, you will only have to modify exactly one central
configuration file to grant or deny access to machines.The first step is the initialization of the NIS map
netgroup. FreeBSD's &man.ypinit.8; does not create this map by
default, but its NIS implementation will support it once it has
been created. To create an empty map, simply typeellington&prompt.root; vi /var/yp/netgroupand start adding content. For our example, we need at
least four netgroups: IT employees, IT apprentices, normal
employees and interns.IT_EMP (,alpha,test-domain) (,beta,test-domain)
IT_APP (,charlie,test-domain) (,delta,test-domain)
USERS (,echo,test-domain) (,foxtrott,test-domain) \
INTERNS (,able,test-domain) (,baker,test-domain)IT_EMP, IT_APP etc.
are the names of the netgroups. Each bracketed group adds
one or more user accounts to it. The three fields inside a
group are:The name of the host(s) where the following items are
valid. If you do not specify a hostname, the entry is
valid on all hosts. If you do specify a hostname, you
will enter a realm of darkness, horror and utter confusion.The name of the account that belongs to this
netgroup.The NIS domain for the account. You can import
accounts from other NIS domains into your netgroup if you
are one of the unlucky fellows with more than one NIS
domain.Each of these fields can contain wildcards. See
&man.netgroup.5; for details.netgroupsNetgroup names longer than 8 characters should not be
used, especially if you have machines running other
operating systems within your NIS domain. The names are
case sensitive; using capital letters for your netgroup
names is an easy way to distinguish between user, machine
and netgroup names.Some NIS clients (other than FreeBSD) cannot handle
netgroups with a large number of entries. For example, some
older versions of SunOS start to cause trouble if a netgroup
contains more than 15 entries. You can
circumvent this limit by creating several sub-netgroups with
15 users or less and a real netgroup that consists of the
sub-netgroups:BIGGRP1 (,joe1,domain) (,joe2,domain) (,joe3,domain) [...]
BIGGRP2 (,joe16,domain) (,joe17,domain) [...]
BIGGRP3 (,joe31,domain) (,joe32,domain)
BIGGROUP BIGGRP1 BIGGRP2 BIGGRP3You can repeat this process if you need more than 225
users within a single netgroup.Activating and distributing your new NIS map is
easy:ellington&prompt.root; cd /var/yp
ellington&prompt.root; makeThis will generate the three NIS maps
netgroup.byhost and
netgroup.byuser. Use &man.ypcat.1; to
check if your new NIS maps are available:ellington&prompt.user; ypcat -k netgroup
ellington&prompt.user; ypcat -k netgroup.byhost
ellington&prompt.user; ypcat -k netgroup.byuserThe output of the first command should resemble the
contents of /var/yp/netgroup. The second
command will not produce output if you have not specified
host-specific netgroups. The third command can be used to
get the list of netgroups for a user.The client setup is quite simple. To configure the server
war, you only have to start
&man.vipw.8; and replace the line+:::::::::with+@IT_EMP:::::::::Now, only the data for the users defined in the netgroup
IT_EMP is imported into
war's password database and only
these users are allowed to login.Unfortunately, this limitation also applies to the ~
function of the shell and all routines converting between user
names and numerical user IDs. In other words,
cd ~user will not work,
ls -l will show the numerical id instead of
the username and find . -user joe -print will
fail with No such user. To fix this, you will
have to import all user entries without allowing them
to login onto your servers.This can be achieved by adding another line to
/etc/master.passwd. This line should
contain:+:::::::::/sbin/nologin, meaning
Import all entries but replace the shell with
/sbin/nologin in the imported
entries. You can replace any field
in the passwd entry by placing a default value in your
/etc/master.passwd.Make sure that the line
+:::::::::/sbin/nologin is placed after
+@IT_EMP:::::::::. Otherwise, all user
accounts imported from NIS will have /sbin/nologin as their
login shell.After this change, you will only have to change one NIS
map if a new employee joins the IT department. You could use
a similar approach for the less important servers by replacing
the old +::::::::: in their local version
of /etc/master.passwd with something like
+:::::::::/sbin/nologinThe corresponding lines for the normal workstations
could be:+@IT_EMP:::::::::
+:::::::::/sbin/nologinAnd everything would be fine until there is a policy
change a few weeks later: The IT department starts hiring
interns. The IT interns are allowed to use the normal
workstations and the less important servers; and the IT
apprentices are allowed to login onto the main servers. You
add a new netgroup IT_INTERN, add the new IT interns to this
netgroup and start to change the config on each and every
machine... As the old saying goes: Errors in
centralized planning lead to global mess.NIS' ability to create netgroups from other netgroups can
be used to prevent situations like these. One possibility
is the creation of role-based netgroups. For example, you
could create a netgroup called
BIGSRV to define the login
restrictions for the important servers, another netgroup
called SMALLSRV for the less
important servers and a third netgroup called
USERBOX for the normal
workstations. Each of these netgroups contains the netgroups
that are allowed to login onto these machines. The new
entries for your NIS map netgroup should look like this:BIGSRV IT_EMP IT_APP
USERBOX IT_EMP ITINTERN USERSThis method of defining login restrictions works
reasonably well if you can define groups of machines with
identical restrictions. Unfortunately, this is the exception
and not the rule. Most of the time, you will need the ability
to define login restrictions on a per-machine basis.Machine-specific netgroup definitions are the other
possibility to deal with the policy change outlined above. In
this scenario, the /etc/master.passwd of
each box contains two lines starting with +.
The first of them adds a netgroup with the accounts allowed to
login onto this machine, the second one adds all other
accounts with /sbin/nologin as shell. It
is a good idea to use the ALL-CAPS version of the machine name
as the name of the netgroup. In other words, the lines should
look like this:+@BOXNAME:::::::::
+:::::::::/sbin/nologinOnce you have completed this task for all your machines,
you will not have to modify the local versions of
/etc/master.passwd ever again. All
further changes can be handled by modifying the NIS map. Here
is an example of a possible netgroup map for this
scenario with some additional goodies.# Define groups of users first
IT_EMP (,alpha,test-domain) (,beta,test-domain)
IT_APP (,charlie,test-domain) (,delta,test-domain)
DEPT1 (,echo,test-domain) (,foxtrott,test-domain)
DEPT2 (,golf,test-domain) (,hotel,test-domain)
DEPT3 (,india,test-domain) (,juliet,test-domain)
ITINTERN (,kilo,test-domain) (,lima,test-domain)
D_INTERNS (,able,test-domain) (,baker,test-domain)
# Now, define some groups based on roles
# And a groups for a special tasks
# Allow echo and golf to access our anti-virus-machine
SECURITY IT_EMP (,echo,test-domain) (,golf,test-domain)
# machine-based netgroups
# Our main servers
# User india needs access to this server
POLLUTION BIGSRV (,india,test-domain)
# This one is really important and needs more access restrictions
# The anti-virus-machine mentioned above
# Restrict a machine to a single user
TWO (,hotel,test-domain)
# [...more groups to follow]If you are using some kind of database to manage your user
accounts, you should be able to create the first part of the
map with your database's report tools. This way, new users
will automatically have access to the boxes.One last word of caution: It may not always be advisable
to use machine-based netgroups. If you are deploying a couple of
dozen or even hundreds of identical machines for student labs,
you should use role-based netgroups instead of machine-based
netgroups to keep the size of the NIS map within reasonable
limits.Important Things to RememberThere are still a couple of things that you will need to do
differently now that you are in an NIS environment.Every time you wish to add a user to the lab, you
must add it to the master NIS server only,
and you must remember to rebuild the NIS
maps. If you forget to do this, the new user will
not be able to login anywhere except on the NIS master.
For example, if we needed to add a new user
jsmith to the lab, we would:&prompt.root; pw useradd jsmith
&prompt.root; cd /var/yp
&prompt.root; make test-domainYou could also run adduser jsmith instead
of pw useradd jsmith.Keep the administration accounts out of the NIS
maps. You do not want to be propagating administrative
accounts and passwords to machines that will have users that
should not have access to those accounts.Keep the NIS master and slave
secure, and minimize their downtime.
If somebody either hacks or simply turns off
these machines, they have effectively rendered many people without
the ability to login to the lab.This is the chief weakness of any centralized administration
system, and it is probably the most important weakness. If you do
not protect your NIS servers, you will have a lot of angry
users!NIS v1 Compatibility FreeBSD's ypserv has some support
for serving NIS v1 clients. FreeBSD's NIS implementation only
uses the NIS v2 protocol, however other implementations include
support for the v1 protocol for backwards compatibility with older
systems. The ypbind daemons supplied
with these systems will try to establish a binding to an NIS v1
server even though they may never actually need it (and they may
persist in broadcasting in search of one even after they receive a
response from a v2 server). Note that while support for normal
client calls is provided, this version of ypserv does not handle
v1 map transfer requests; consequently, it cannot be used as a
master or slave in conjunction with older NIS servers that only
support the v1 protocol. Fortunately, there probably are not any
such servers still in use today.NIS Servers that are also NIS Clients Care must be taken when running ypserv in a multi-server
domain where the server machines are also NIS clients. It is
generally a good idea to force the servers to bind to themselves
rather than allowing them to broadcast bind requests and possibly
become bound to each other. Strange failure modes can result if
one server goes down and others are dependent upon it.
Eventually all the clients will time out and attempt to bind to
other servers, but the delay involved can be considerable and the
failure mode is still present since the servers might bind to each
other all over again.You can force a host to bind to a particular server by running
ypbind with the
flag. If you do not want to do this manually each time you
reboot your NIS server, you can add the following lines to
your /etc/rc.conf:nis_client_enable="YES" # run client stuff as well
nis_client_flags="-S NIS domain,server"See &man.ypbind.8; for further information.libscrypt v.s. libdescryptNIScrypto libraryOne of the most common issues that people run into when trying
to implement NIS is crypt library compatibility. If your NIS
server is using the DES crypt libraries, it will only support
clients that are using DES as well. To check which one your server
and clients are using look at the symlinks in
/usr/lib. If the machine is configured to
use the DES libraries, it will look something like this:&prompt.user; ls -l /usr/lib/*crypt*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 13 Jul 15 08:55 libcrypt.a@ -> libdescrypt.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 14 Jul 15 08:55 libcrypt.so@ -> libdescrypt.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 16 Jul 15 08:55 libcrypt.so.2@ -> libdescrypt.so.2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 15 Jul 15 08:55 libcrypt_p.a@ -> libdescrypt_p.a
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 13018 Nov 8 14:27 libdescrypt.a
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 16 Nov 8 14:27 libdescrypt.so@ -> libdescrypt.so.2
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 12965 Nov 8 14:27 libdescrypt.so.2
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 14750 Nov 8 14:27 libdescrypt_p.aIf the machine is configured to use the standard FreeBSD MD5
crypt libraries they will look something like this:&prompt.user; ls -l /usr/lib/*crypt*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 13 Jul 15 08:55 libcrypt.a@ -> libscrypt.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 14 Jul 15 08:55 libcrypt.so@ -> libscrypt.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 16 Jul 15 08:55 libcrypt.so.2@ -> libscrypt.so.2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 15 Jul 15 08:55 libcrypt_p.a@ -> libscrypt_p.a
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 6194 Nov 8 14:27 libscrypt.a
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 14 Nov 8 14:27 libscrypt.so@ -> libscrypt.so.2
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 7579 Nov 8 14:27 libscrypt.so.2
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 6684 Nov 8 14:27 libscrypt_p.aIf you have trouble authenticating on an NIS client, this
is a pretty good place to start looking for possible problems.
If you want to deploy an NIS server for a heterogenous
network, you will probably have to use DES on all systems
because it is the lowest common standard.GregSutterWritten by DHCPWhat Is DHCP?Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDHCPInternet Software Consortium (ISC)DHCP, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, describes
the means by which a system can connect to a network and obtain the
necessary information for communication upon that network. FreeBSD
uses the ISC (Internet Software Consortium) DHCP implementation, so
all implementation-specific information here is for use with the ISC
distribution.What this Section CoversThis section describes both the client-side and server-side
components of the ISC DHCP system. The client-side program,
dhclient, comes integrated within FreeBSD, and
the server-side portion is available from the
net/isc-dhcp3 port. The
&man.dhclient.8;, &man.dhcp-options.5;, and &man.dhclient.conf.5;
manual pages, in addition to the references below, are useful
resources.How It WorksUDPWhen dhclient, the DHCP client, is
executed on the client machine, it begins broadcasting
requests for configuration information. By default, these
requests are on UDP port 68. The server replies on UDP 67,
giving the client an IP address and other relevant network
information such as netmask, router, and DNS servers. All of
this information comes in the form of a DHCP
lease and is only valid for a certain time
(configured by the DHCP server maintainer). In this manner,
stale IP addresses for clients no longer connected to the
network can be automatically reclaimed.DHCP clients can obtain a great deal of information from
the server. An exhaustive list may be found in
&man.dhcp-options.5;.FreeBSD IntegrationFreeBSD fully integrates the ISC DHCP client,
dhclient. DHCP client support is provided
within both the installer and the base system, obviating the need
for detailed knowledge of network configurations on any network
that runs a DHCP server. dhclient has been
included in all FreeBSD distributions since 3.2.sysinstallDHCP is supported by
sysinstall. When configuring a
network interface within sysinstall, the first question
asked is, Do you want to try DHCP configuration of
this interface? Answering affirmatively will execute
dhclient, and if successful, will fill in
the network configuration information automatically.There are two things you must do to have your system use
DHCP upon startup:DHCPrequirementsMake sure that the bpf
device is compiled into your kernel. To do this, add
pseudo-device bpf to your kernel
configuration file, and rebuild the kernel. For more
information about building kernels, see .The bpf device is already
part of the GENERIC kernel that is
supplied with FreeBSD, so if you do not have a custom
kernel, you should not need to create one in order to get
DHCP working.For those who are particularly security conscious,
you should be warned that bpf
is also the device that allows packet sniffers to work
correctly (although they still have to be run as
root). bpfis required to use DHCP, but if
you are very sensitive about security, you probably
should not add bpf to your
kernel in the expectation that at some point in the
future you will be using DHCP.Edit your /etc/rc.conf to
include the following:ifconfig_fxp0="DHCP"Be sure to replace fxp0 with the
designation for the interface that you wish to dynamically
configure, as described in
.If you are using a different location for
dhclient, or if you wish to pass additional
flags to dhclient, also include the
following (editing as necessary):dhcp_program="/sbin/dhclient"
dhcp_flags=""DHCPserverThe DHCP server, dhcpd, is included
as part of the net/isc-dhcp3 port in the ports
collection. This port contains the full ISC DHCP
distribution, consisting of client, server, relay agent and
FilesDHCPconfiguration files/etc/dhclient.confdhclient requires a configuration file,
/etc/dhclient.conf. Typically the file
contains only comments, the defaults being reasonably sane. This
configuration file is described by the &man.dhclient.conf.5;
manual page./sbin/dhclientdhclient is statically linked and
resides in /sbin. The &man.dhclient.8;
manual page gives more information about
dhclient./sbin/dhclient-scriptdhclient-script is the FreeBSD-specific
DHCP client configuration script. It is described in
&man.dhclient-script.8;, but should not need any user
modification to function properly./var/db/dhclient.leasesThe DHCP client keeps a database of valid leases in this
file, which is written as a log. &man.dhclient.leases.5;
gives a slightly longer description.Further ReadingThe DHCP protocol is fully described in
RFC 2131.
An informational resource has also been set up at
dhcp.org.CeriDaviesWritten by ceri@FreeBSD.orgInstalling And Configuring A DHCP ServerWhat this Section CoversThis section provides information on how to configure
a FreeBSD system to act as a DHCP server using the ISC
(Internet Software Consortium) implementation of the DHCP
suite.The server portion of the suite is not provided as part of
FreeBSD, and so you will need to install the
port to provide this service. See for
more information on using the ports collection.DHCP Server InstallationDHCPinstallationIn order to configure your FreeBSD system as a DHCP server,
you will need to ensure that the &man.bpf.4;
device is compiled into your kernel. To do this, add
pseudo-device bpf to your kernel
configuration file, and rebuild the kernel. For more
information about building kernels, see .The bpf device is already
part of the GENERIC kernel that is
supplied with FreeBSD, so you do not need to create a custom
kernel in order to get DHCP working.Those who are particularly security conscious
should note that bpf
is also the device that allows packet sniffers to work
correctly (although such programs still need privileged
access). bpfis required to use DHCP, but if
you are very sensitive about security, you probably
should not include bpf in your
kernel purely because you expect to use DHCP at some
point in the future.The next thing that you will need to do is edit the sample
dhcpd.conf which was installed by the
net/isc-dhcp3 port.
By default, this will be
/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf.sample, and you
should copy this to
/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf before proceeding
to make changes.Configuring the DHCP ServerDHCPdhcpd.confdhcpd.conf is
comprised of declarations regarding subnets and hosts, and is
perhaps most easily explained using an example :option domain-name "example.com";
option domain-name-servers;
option subnet-mask;
default-lease-time 3600;
max-lease-time 86400;
ddns-update-style none;
subnet netmask {
option routers;
host mailhost {
hardware ethernet 02:03:04:05:06:07;
fixed-address mailhost.example.com;
}This option specifies the domain that will be provided
to clients as the default search domain. See
&man.resolv.conf.5; for more information on what this
means.This option specifies a comma separated list of DNS
servers that the client should use.The netmask that will be provided to clients.A client may request a specific length of time that a
lease will be valid. Otherwise the server will assign
a lease with this expiry value (in seconds).This is the maximum length of time that the server will
lease for. Should a client request a longer lease, a lease
will be issued, although it will only be valid for
max-lease-time seconds.This option specifies whether the DHCP server should
attempt to update DNS when a lease is accepted or released.
In the ISC implementation, this option is
required.This denotes which IP addresses should be used in
the pool reserved for allocating to clients. IP
addresses between, and including, the ones stated are
handed out to clients.Declares the default gateway that will be provided to
clients.The hardware MAC address of a host (so that the DHCP server
- can recognise a host when it makes a request).
+ can recognize a host when it makes a request).
Specifies that the host should always be given the same
IP address. Note that a hostname is OK here, since the DHCP
server will resolve the hostname itself before returning the
lease information.Once you have finished writing your
dhcpd.conf, you can proceed to start the
server by issuing the following command:&prompt.root; /usr/local/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd.sh startShould you need to make changes to the configuration of your
server in the future, it is important to note that sending a
SIGHUP signal to
dhcpd does not
result in the configuration being reloaded, as it does with most
daemons. You will need to send a SIGTERM
signal to stop the process, and then restart it using the command
above.FilesDHCPconfiguration files/usr/local/sbin/dhcpddhcpd is statically linked and
resides in /usr/local/sbin. The
dhcpd(8) manual page installed with the
port gives more information about
dhcpd./usr/local/etc/dhcpd.confdhcpd requires a configuration
file, /usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf before it
will start providing service to clients. This file needs to
contain all the information that should be provided to clients
that are being serviced, along with information regarding the
operation of the server. This configuration file is described
by the dhcpd.conf(5) manual page installed
by the port./var/db/dhcpd.leasesThe DHCP server keeps a database of leases it has issued
in this file, which is written as a log. The manual page
dhcpd.leases(5), installed by the port
gives a slightly longer description./usr/local/sbin/dhcrelaydhcrelay is used in advanced
environments where one DHCP server forwards a request from a
client to another DHCP server on a separate network. The
dhcrelay(8) manual page provided with the
port contains more detail.ChernLeeContributed by DNSOverviewBINDFreeBSD utilizes, by default, a version of BIND (Berkeley
Internet Name Domain), which is the most common implementation of the
DNS protocol. DNS is the protocol through which names are mapped to
IP addresses, and vice versa. For example, a query for
will receive a reply with the IP address of The FreeBSD Project's
web server, whereas, a query for ftp.FreeBSD.org
will return the IP
address of the corresponding FTP machine. Likewise, the opposite can
happen. A query for an IP address can resolve its hostname. It is
not necessary to run a name server to perform DNS lookups on a system.
DNSDNS is coordinated across the Internet through a somewhat
complex system of authoritative root name servers, and other
smaller-scale name servers who host and cache individual domain
This document refers to BIND 8.x, as it is the stable version
used in FreeBSD. BIND 9.x in FreeBSD can be installed through
the net/bind9 port.
RFC1034 and RFC1035 dictate the DNS protocol.
Currently, BIND is maintained by the
Internet Software Consortium (www.isc.org)TerminologyTo understand this document, some terms related to DNS must be
understood.TermDefinitionforward DNSmapping of hostnames to IP addressesoriginrefers to the domain covered for the particular zone
filenamed, bind, name servercommon names for the BIND name server package within
FreeBSDresolverresolvera system process through which a
machine queries a name server for zone informationreverse DNSreverse DNSthe opposite of forward DNS, mapping of IP addresses to
hostnamesroot zoneroot zoneliterally, a ., refers to the
root, or beginning zone. All zones fall under this, as
do all files in fall under the root directory. It is
the beginning of the Internet zone hierarchy.zoneEach individual domain, subdomain, or area dictated by
DNSzonesexamplesExamples of zones:
. is the root zoneorg. is a zone under the root zoneexample.org is a zone under the
org. zonefoo.example.org. is a subdomain, a
zone under the example.org. zone1.2.3.in-addr.arpa is a zone referencing
all IP addresses which fall under the 3.2.1.* IP space.
As one can see, the more specific part of a hostname appears to
its left. For example, example.org. is more
specific than org., as org. is
more specific than the root zone. The layout of each part of
a hostname is much like a filesystem: the /dev
directory falls within the root, and so on.Reasons to Run a Name ServerName servers usually come in two forms: an authoritative
name server, and a caching name server.An authoritative name server is needed when:one wants to serve DNS information to the
world, replying authoritatively to queries.a domain, such as example.org, is
registered and IP addresses need to be assigned to hostnames
under it.an IP address block requires reverse DNS entries (IP to
hostname).a backup name server, called a slave, must reply to queries
when the primary is down or inaccessible.A caching name server is needed when:a local DNS server may cache and respond more quickly
than querying an outside name server.a reduction in overall network traffic is desired (DNS
traffic has been measured to account for 5% or more of total
Internet traffic).When one queries for www.FreeBSD.org, the
resolver usually queries the uplink ISP's name server, and retrieves
the reply. With a local, caching DNS server, the query only has to
be made once to the outside world by the caching DNS server. Every
additional query will not have to look to the outside of the local
network, since the information is cached locally.How It WorksIn FreeBSD, the BIND daemon is called
named for obvious reasons.FileDescriptionnamedthe BIND daemonndcname daemon control program/etc/namedbdirectory where BIND zone information resides/etc/namedb/named.confdaemon configuration file
Zone files are usually contained within the
directory, and contain the DNS zone information
served by the name server.
Starting BINDBINDstarting
Since BIND is installed by default, configuring it all is
relatively simple.
To ensure the named daemon is started at boot, put the following
modifications in /etc/rc.conf:
named_enable="YES"To start the daemon manually (after configuring it)&prompt.root; ndc startConfiguration FilesBINDconfiguration filesmake-localhostBe sure to:
&prompt.root; cd /etc/namedb
&prompt.root; sh make-localhostto properly create the local reverse DNS zone file in
/etc/namedb/named.conf// $FreeBSD$
// Refer to the named(8) manual page for details. If you are ever going
// to setup a primary server, make sure you've understood the hairy
// details of how DNS is working. Even with simple mistakes, you can
// break connectivity for affected parties, or cause huge amount of
// useless Internet traffic.
options {
directory "/etc/namedb";
// In addition to the "forwarders" clause, you can force your name
// server to never initiate queries of its own, but always ask its
// forwarders only, by enabling the following line:
// forward only;
// If you've got a DNS server around at your upstream provider, enter
// its IP address here, and enable the line below. This will make you
// benefit from its cache, thus reduce overall DNS traffic in the
forwarders {;
Just as the comment says, to benefit from an uplink's cache,
forwarders can be enabled here. Under normal
circumstances, a name server will recursively query the Internet
looking at certain name servers until it finds the answer it is
looking for. Having this enabled will have it query the uplink's
name server (or name server provided) first, taking advantage of
its cache. If the uplink name server in question is a heavily
trafficked, fast name server, enabling this may be worthwhile.
will not work here.
Change this IP address to a name server at your uplink. /*
* If there is a firewall between you and name servers you want
* to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
* directive below. Previous versions of BIND always asked
* questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
* port by default.
// query-source address * port 53;
* If running in a sandbox, you may have to specify a different
* location for the dumpfile.
// dump-file "s/named_dump.db";
// Note: the following will be supported in a future release.
host { any; } {
topology {;
// Setting up secondaries is way easier and the rough picture for this
// is explained below.
// If you enable a local name server, don't forget to enter
// into your /etc/resolv.conf so this server will be queried first.
// Also, make sure to enable it in /etc/rc.conf.
zone "." {
type hint;
file "named.root";
zone "0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
type master;
file "localhost.rev";
"" {
type master;
file "localhost.rev";
// NB: Do not use the IP addresses below, they are faked, and only
// serve demonstration/documentation purposes!
// Example secondary config entries. It can be convenient to become
// a secondary at least for the zone where your own domain is in. Ask
// your network administrator for the IP address of the responsible
// primary.
// Never forget to include the reverse lookup (IN-ADDR.ARPA) zone!
// (This is the first bytes of the respective IP address, in reverse
// order, with ".IN-ADDR.ARPA" appended.)
// Before starting to setup a primary zone, better make sure you fully
// understand how DNS and BIND works, however. There are sometimes
// unobvious pitfalls. Setting up a secondary is comparably simpler.
// NB: Don't blindly enable the examples below. :-) Use actual names
// and addresses instead.
// NOTE!!! FreeBSD runs bind in a sandbox (see named_flags in rc.conf).
// The directory containing the secondary zones must be write accessible
// to bind. The following sequence is suggested:
// mkdir /etc/namedb/s
// chown bind:bind /etc/namedb/s
// chmod 750 /etc/namedb/sFor more information on running BIND in a sandbox, see
Running named in a sandbox.
zone "example.com" {
type slave;
file "s/example.com.bak";
masters {;
zone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
type slave;
file "s/0.168.192.in-addr.arpa.bak";
masters {;
*/In named.conf, these are examples of slave
entries for a forward and reverse zone.For each new zone served, a new zone entry must be added to
named.confFor example, the simplest zone entry for
example.org can look like:zone "example.org" {
type master;
file "example.org";
};The zone is a master, as indicated by the
statement, holding its zone information in
/etc/namedb/example.org indicated by
the statement.zone "example.org" {
type slave;
file "example.org";
};In the slave case, the zone information is transferred from
the master name server for the particular zone, and saved in the
file specified. If and when the master server dies or is
unreachable, the slave name server will have the transferred
zone information and will be able to serve it.Zone Files
An example master zone file for example.org
(existing within /etc/namedb/example.org)
is as follows:
$TTL 3600
example.org. IN SOA ns1.example.org. admin.example.org. (
5 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum TTL
; DNS Servers
@ IN NS ns1.example.org.
@ IN NS ns2.example.org.
; Machine Names
localhost IN A
ns1 IN A
ns2 IN A
mail IN A
@ IN A
; Aliases
www IN CNAME @
; MX Record
@ IN MX 10 mail.example.org.
Note that every hostname ending in a . is an
exact hostname, whereas everything without a trailing
. is referenced to the origin. For example,
www is translated into www +
origin. In our fictitious zone file, our origin
is example.org., so
www would translate to
The format of a zone file follows:
recordname IN recordtype valueDNSrecords
The most commonly used DNS records:
SOAstart of zone authorityNSan authoritative name serverAA host addressCNAMEthe canonical name for an aliasMXmail exchangerPTRa domain name pointer (used in reverse DNS)
example.org. IN SOA ns1.example.org. admin.example.org. (
5 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh after 3 hours
3600 ; Retry after 1 hour
604800 ; Expire after 1 week
86400 ) ; Minimum TTL of 1 dayexample.org.the domain name, also the origin for this
zone file.ns1.example.org.the primary/authoritative name server for this
zoneadmin.example.org.the responsible person for this zone,
email address with @
replaced. (admin@example.org becomes
admin.example.org)5the serial number of the file. this
must be incremented each time the zone file is modified.
Nowadays, many admins prefer a
yyyymmddrr format for the serial
number. 2001041002 would mean last modified 04/10/2001,
the latter 02 being the second time the zone file has
been modified this day. The serial number is important
as it alerts slave name servers for a zone when it is
@ IN NS ns1.example.org.
This is an NS entry. Every name server that is going to reply
authoritatively for the zone must have one of these entries.
The @ as seen here could have been
The @ translates to the origin.
localhost IN A
ns1 IN A
ns2 IN A
mail IN A
@ IN A
The A record indicates machine names. As seen above,
ns1.example.org would resolve to Again,
the origin symbol, @, is
used here, thus meaning example.org
would resolve to
www IN CNAME @
The canonical name record is usually used for giving aliases
to a machine. In the example, www is
aliased to the machine addressed to the origin, or
CNAMEs can be used to provide alias
hostnames, or round robin one hostname among multiple
@ IN MX 10 mail.example.org.
The MX record indicates which mail
servers are responsible for handling incoming mail for the
zone. mail.example.org is the
hostname of the mail server, and 10 being the priority of
that mail server.
One can have several mail servers, with priorities of 3, 2,
1. A mail server attempting to deliver to example.org would first try the
highest priority MX, then the second highest, etc, until the
mail can be properly delivered.
For in-addr.arpa zone files (reverse DNS), the same format is
used, except with PTR entries instead of
$TTL 3600
1.2.3.in-addr.arpa. IN SOA ns1.example.org. admin.example.org. (
5 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
3600 ) ; Minimum
@ IN NS ns1.example.org.
@ IN NS ns2.example.org.
2 IN PTR ns1.example.org.
3 IN PTR ns2.example.org.
10 IN PTR mail.example.org.
30 IN PTR example.org.
This file gives the proper IP address to hostname mappings of our above
fictitious domain.
Caching Name ServerBINDcaching name server
A caching name server is a name server that is not
authoritative for any zones. It simply asks queries of its own,
and remembers them for later use. To set one up, just configure
the name server as usual, omitting any inclusions of zones.
CeriDaviesContributed by Running named in a SandboxBINDrunning in a sandboxchrootFor added security you may want to run &man.named.8; as an
unprivileged user, and configure it to &man.chroot.8; into a
sandbox directory. This makes everything outside of the sandbox
inaccessible to the named daemon. Should
named be compromised, this will help to
reduce the damage that can be caused. By default, FreeBSD has a user
and a group called bind, intended for this
use.Various people would recommend that instead of configuring
named to chroot, you
should run named inside a &man.jail.8;.
This section does not attempt to cover this situation.Since named will not be able to
access anything outside of the sandbox (such as shared
libraries, log sockets, and so on), there are a number of steps
that need to be followed in order to allow
named to function correctly. In the
following checklist, it is assumed that the path to the sandbox
is /etc/namedb and that you have made no
prior modifications to the contents of this directory. Perform
the following steps as root.Create all directories that named
expects to see:&prompt.root; cd /etc/namedb
&prompt.root; mkdir -p bin dev etc var/tmp var/run master slave
&prompt.root; chown bind:bind slave var/*named only needs write access to
these directories, so that is all we give it.Rearrange and create basic zone and configuration files:&prompt.root; cp /etc/localtime etc
&prompt.root; mv named.conf etc && ln -sf etc/named.conf
&prompt.root; mv named.root master
&prompt.root; sh make-localhost && mv localhost.rev localhost-v6.rev master
&prompt.root; cat > master/named.localhost
$ORIGIN localhost.
$TTL 6h
@ IN SOA localhost. postmaster.localhost. (
1 ; serial
3600 ; refresh
1800 ; retry
604800 ; expiration
3600 ) ; minimum
IN NS localhost.
^DThis allows named to log the
correct time to &man.syslogd.8;Build a statically linked copy of
named-xfer, and copy it into the sandbox:&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/lib/libisc
&prompt.root; make cleandir && make cleandir && make depend && make all
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/lib/libbind
&prompt.root; make cleandir && make cleandir && make depend && make all
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/libexec/named-xfer
&prompt.root; make cleandir && make cleandir && make depend && make NOSHARED=yes all
&prompt.root; cp named-xfer /etc/namedb/bin && chmod 555 /etc/namedb/bin/named-xferAfter your statically linked
named-xfer is installed some cleaning up
is required, to avoid leaving stale copies of libraries or
programs in your source tree:&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/lib/libisc
&prompt.root; make cleandir
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/lib/libbind
&prompt.root; make cleandir
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/libexec/named-xfer
&prompt.root; make cleandirThis step has been reported to fail occasionally. If this
happens to you, then issue the command:&prompt.root; cd /usr/src && make cleandir && make cleandirand delete your /usr/obj tree:&prompt.root; rm -fr /usr/obj && mkdir /usr/objThis will clean out any cruft from your
source tree, and retrying the steps above should then work.Make a dev/null that
named can see and write to:&prompt.root; cd /etc/namedb/dev && mknod null c 2 2
&prompt.root; chmod 666 nullSymlink /var/run/ndc to
/etc/namedb/var/run/ndc:&prompt.root; ln -sf /etc/namedb/var/run/ndc /var/run/ndcThis simply avoids having to specify the
option to &man.ndc.8; every time you
run it. Since the contents of /var/run are deleted on boot,
if this is something that you find useful you
may wish to add this command to root's crontab, making use
of the option. See
&man.crontab.5; for more information regarding
this.Configure &man.syslogd.8; to create an extra
log socket that
named can write to. To do this,
add -l /etc/namedb/dev/log to the
syslogd_flags variable in
/etc/rc.conf.Arrange to have named start
and chroot itself to the sandbox by
adding the following to
named_flags="-u bind -g bind -t /etc/namedb /etc/named.conf"Note that the configuration file
/etc/named.conf is denoted by a full
pathname relative to the sandbox, i.e. in
the line above, the file referred to is actually
/etc/namedb/etc/named.conf.The next step is to edit
/etc/namedb/etc/named.conf so that
named knows which zones to load and
where to find them on the disk. There follows a commented
example (anything not specifically commented here is no
different from the setup for a DNS server not running in a
sandbox):options {
directory "/";
named-xfer "/bin/named-xfer";
version ""; // Don't reveal BIND version
query-source address * port 53;
// ndc control socket
controls {
unix "/var/run/ndc" perm 0600 owner 0 group 0;
// Zones follow:
zone "localhost" IN {
type master;
file "master/named.localhost";
allow-transfer { localhost; };
notify no;
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type master;
file "master/localhost.rev";
allow-transfer { localhost; };
notify no;
zone "" {
type master;
file "master/localhost-v6.rev";
allow-transfer { localhost; };
notify no;
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "master/named.root";
zone "private.example.net" in {
type master;
file "master/private.example.net.db";
allow-transfer {; };
zone "10.168.192.in-addr.arpa" in {
type slave;
masters {; };
file "slave/192.168.10.db";
directory statement is specified as
/, since all files that
named needs are within this
directory (recall that this is equivalent to a
normal user's
/etc/namedb.Specifies the full path
to the named-xfer binary (from
named's frame of reference). This
is necessary since named is
compiled to look for named-xfer in
/usr/libexec by default.Specifies the filename (relative
to the directory statement above) where
named can find the zonefile for this
zone.Specifies the filename
(relative to the directory statement above)
where named should write a copy of
the zonefile for this zone after successfully transferring it
from the master server. This is why we needed to change the
ownership of the directory slave to
bind in the setup stages above.After completing the steps above, either reboot your
server or restart &man.syslogd.8; and start &man.named.8;, making
sure to use the new options specified in
syslogd_flags and
named_flags. You should now be running a
sandboxed copy of named!SecurityAlthough BIND is the most common implementation of DNS,
there is always the issue of security. Possible and
exploitable security holes are sometimes found.
It is a good idea to subscribe to CERT and
to stay up to date with the current Internet and FreeBSD security
If a problem arises, keeping sources up to date and having a
fresh build of named would not hurt.Further Reading
BIND/named manual pages: &man.ndc.8; &man.named.8; &man.named.conf.5;
Official ISC Bind
DNS and BIND 4th EditionRFC1034
- Domain Names - Concepts and FacilitiesRFC1035
- Domain Names - Implementation and SpecificationTomHukinsContributed by NTPNTPOverviewOver time, a computer's clock is prone to drift. As time
passes, the computer's clock becomes less accurate. NTP
(Network Time Protocol) is one way to ensure your clock is
right.Many Internet services rely on, or greatly benefit from,
computers' clocks being accurate. For example, a Web server
may receive requests to send a file if it has modified since a
certain time. Services such as &man.cron.8; run commands at a
given time. If the clock is inaccurate, these commands may
not run when expected.NTPntpdFreeBSD ships with the &man.ntpd.8; NTP server which can
be used to query other NTP servers to set the clock on your
machine or provide time services to others.Choosing Appropriate NTP ServersNTPchoosing serversIn order to synchronize your clock, you will need to find
one or more NTP servers to use. Your network administrator or
ISP may have setup an NTP server for this purpose—check
their documentation to see if this is the case. There is a
list of
publicly accessible NTP servers which you can use to
find an NTP server near to you. Make sure you are aware of
the policy for any servers you choose, and ask for permission
if required.Choosing several unconnected NTP servers is a good idea in
case one of the servers you are using becomes unreachable or
its clock is unreliable. &man.ntpd.8; uses the responses it
receives from other servers intelligently—it will favor
unreliable servers less than reliable ones.Configuring Your MachineNTPconfigurationBasic ConfigurationntpdateIf you only wish to synchronize your clock when the
machine boots up, you can use &man.ntpdate.8;. This may be
appropriate for some desktop machines which are frequently
rebooted and only require infrequent synchronization, but
most machines should run &man.ntpd.8;.Using &man.ntpdate.8; at boot time is also a good idea
for machines that run &man.ntpd.8;. &man.ntpd.8; changes the
clock gradually, whereas &man.ntpdate.8; sets the clock, no
matter how great the difference between a machine's current
clock setting and the correct time.To enable &man.ntpdate.8; at boot time, add
ntpdate_enable="YES" to
/etc/rc.conf. You will also need to
specify all servers you wish to synchronize with and any
flags to be passed to &man.ntpdate.8; in
ntpdate_flags.NTPntp.confGeneral ConfigurationNTP is configured by the
/etc/ntp.conf file in the format
described in &man.ntp.conf.5;. Here is a simple
example:server ntplocal.example.com prefer
server timeserver.example.org
server ntp2a.example.net
driftfile /var/db/ntp.driftThe server option specifies which
servers are to be used, with one server listed on each line.
If a server is specified with the prefer
argument, as with ntplocal.example.com, that server is
preferred over other servers. A response from a preferred
server will be discarded if it differs significantly from
other servers' responses, otherwise it will be used without
any consideration to other responses. The
prefer argument is normally used for NTP
servers that are known to be highly accurate, such as those
with special time monitoring hardware.The driftfile option specifies which
file is used to store the system clock's frequency offset.
&man.ntpd.8; uses this to automatically compensate for the
clock's natural drift, allowing it to maintain a reasonably
correct setting even if it is cut off from all external time
sources for a period of time.The driftfile option specifies which
file is used to store information about previous responses
from the NTP servers you are using. This file contains
internal information for NTP. It should not be modified by
any other process.Controlling Access to Your ServerBy default, your NTP server will be accessible to all
hosts on the Internet. The restrict
option in &man.ntp.conf.5; allows you to control which
machines can access your server.If you want to deny all machines from accessing your NTP
server, add the line restrict default
ignore to
/etc/ntp.conf. If you only want to
allow machines within your own network to synchronize their
clocks with your server, but ensure they are not allowed to
configure the server or used as peers to synchronize
against, add restrict mask notrust nomodify notrap
instead, where is
an IP address on your network and is your network's
netmask./etc/ntp.conf can contain multiple
restrict options. For more details, see
the Access Control Support subsection of
&man.ntp.conf.5;.Running the NTP ServerTo ensure the NTP server is started at boot time, add the
line xntpd_enable="YES" to
/etc/rc.conf. If you wish to pass
additional flags to &man.ntpd.8; edit the
xntpd_flags parameter in
/etc/rc.conf.To start the server without rebooting your machine, run
ntpd being sure to specify any additional
parameters from xntpd_flags in
/etc/rc.conf. For example:&prompt.root; ntpd -p /var/run/ntpd.pidUsing &man.ntpd.8; with a temporary Internet
connectionntpd does not need a permanent
connection to the Internet to function properly. However, if
you have a temporary connection that is configured to dial out
on demand, it is a good idea to prevent NTP traffic from
triggering a dial out or keeping the connection alive. If you
are using user PPP, you can use filter
directives in /etc/ppp/ppp.conf. For
example: set filter dial 0 deny udp src eq 123
# Prevent NTP traffic from initiating dial out
set filter dial 1 permit 0 0
set filter alive 0 deny udp src eq 123
# Prevent incoming NTP traffic from keeping the connection open
set filter alive 1 deny udp dst eq 123
# Prevent outgoing NTP traffic from keeping the connection open
set filter alive 2 permit 0/0 0/0For more details see the PACKET
FILTERING section in &man.ppp.8; and the examples in
/usr/share/examples/ppp/.Some Internet access providers block low-numbered ports,
preventing NTP from functioning since replies never
reach your machine.Further InformationDocumentation for the NTP server can be found in
/usr/share/doc/ntp/ in HTML
format.ChernLeeContributed by Network Address TranslationOverviewnatdFreeBSD's Network Address Translation daemon, commonly known as
&man.natd.8; is a daemon that accepts incoming raw IP packets,
changes the source to the local machine and re-injects these packets
back into the outgoing IP packet stream. natd does this by changing
the source IP address and port such that when data is received back,
it is able to determine the original location of the data and forward
it back to its original requester.Internet connection sharingIP masqueradingThe most common use of NAT is to perform what is commonly known as
Internet Connection Sharing.SetupDue to the diminishing IP space in IPv4, and the increased number
of users on high-speed consumer lines such as cable or DSL, people are
increasingly in need of an Internet Connection Sharing solution. The
ability to connect several computers online through one connection and
IP address makes &man.natd.8; a reasonable choice.Most commonly, a user has a machine connected to a cable or DSL
line with one IP address and wishes to use this one connected computer to
provide Internet access to several more over a LAN.To do this, the FreeBSD machine on the Internet must act as a
gateway. This gateway machine must have two NICs--one for connecting
to the Internet router, the other connecting to a LAN. All the
machines on the LAN are connected through a hub or switch. _______ __________ ________
| | | | | |
| Hub |-----| Client B |-----| Router |----- Internet
|_______| |__________| |________|
| |
| Client A |
|__________|Network LayoutA setup like this is commonly used to share an Internet
connection. One of the LAN machines is
connected to the Internet. The rest of the machines access
the Internet through that gateway
machine.kernelconfigurationConfigurationThe following options must be in the kernel configuration
file:options IPFIREWALL
options IPDIVERTAdditionally, at choice, the following may also be suitable:options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSEThe following must be in /etc/rc.conf:gateway_enable="YES"
natd_flags=""gateway_enable="YES"Sets up the machine to act as a gateway. Running
sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
would have the same effect.firewall_enable="YES"Enables the firewall rules in
/etc/rc.firewall at boot.firewall_type="OPEN"This specifies a predefined firewall ruleset that
allows anything in. See
/etc/rc.firewall for additional
types.natd_interface="fxp0"Indicates which interface to forward packets through
(the interface connected to the Internet).natd_flags=""Any additional configuration options passed to
&man.natd.8; on boot.Having the previous options defined in
/etc/rc.conf would run
natd -interface fxp0 at boot. This can also
be run manually.Each machine and interface behind the LAN should be
assigned IP address numbers in the private network space as
defined by RFC 1918
and have a default gateway of the natd machine's internal IP
address.For example, client a and
b behind the LAN have IP addresses of and, while the natd machine's
LAN interface has an IP address of Client a
and b's default gateway must be set to that
of the natd machine, The natd machine's
external, or Internet interface does not require any special
modification for natd to work.Port RedirectionThe drawback with natd is that the LAN clients are not accessible
from the Internet. Clients on the LAN can make outgoing connections to
the world but cannot receive incoming ones. This presents a problem
if trying to run Internet services on one of the LAN client machines.
A simple way around this is to redirect selected Internet ports on the
natd machine to a LAN client.
For example, an IRC server runs on Client A, and a web server runs
on Client B. For this to work properly, connections received on ports
6667 (IRC) and 80 (web) must be redirected to the respective machines.
The -redirect_port must be passed to
&man.natd.8; with the proper options. The syntax is as follows: -redirect_port proto targetIP:targetPORT[-targetPORT]
[remoteIP[:remotePORT[-remotePORT]]]In the above example, the argument should be:
-redirect_port tcp 6667
-redirect_port tcp 80
This will redirect the proper tcp ports to the
LAN client machines.
The -redirect_port argument can be used to indicate port
ranges over individual ports. For example, tcp 2000-3000 would redirect
all connections received on ports 2000 to 3000 to ports 2000
to 3000 on Client A.These options can be used when directly running
&man.natd.8; or placed within the
natd_flags="" option in
/etc/rc.conf.For further configuration options, consult &man.natd.8;Address Redirectionaddress redirectionAddress redirection is useful if several IP addresses are
available, yet they must be on one machine. With this,
&man.natd.8; can assign each LAN client its own external IP address.
&man.natd.8; then rewrites outgoing packets from the LAN clients
with the proper external IP address and redirects
all traffic incoming on that particular IP address back to
the specific LAN client. This is also known as static NAT.
For example, the IP addresses,, and belong to the natd gateway
machine. can be used
as the natd gateway machine's external IP address, while and are forwarded back to LAN
clients A and B.The -redirect_address syntax is as follows:localIPThe internal IP address of the LAN client.publicIPThe external IP address corresponding to the LAN client.In the example, this argument would read:Like -redirect_port, these arguments are also placed within
natd_flags of /etc/rc.conf. With address
redirection, there is no need for port redirection since all data
received on a particular IP address is redirected.The external IP addresses on the natd machine must be active and aliased
to the external interface. Look at &man.rc.conf.5; to do so.ChernLeeContributed by inetd Super-ServerOverview&man.inetd.8; is referred to as the Internet
Super-Server because it manages connections for several
daemons. Programs that provide network service are commonly
known as daemons. inetd serves as a
managing server for other daemons. When a connection is
received by inetd, it determines
which daemon the connection is destined for, spawns the
particular daemon and delegates the socket to it. Running one
instance of inetd reduces the overall
system load as compared to running each daemon individually in
stand-alone mode.Primarily, inetd is used to
spawn other daemons, but several trivial protocols are handled
directly, such as chargen,
auth, and
daytime.This section will cover the basics in configuring
inetd through its command-line
options and its configuration file,
/etc/inetd.conf.Settingsinetd is initialized through
the /etc/rc.conf system. The
inetd_enable option is set to
NO by default, but is often times turned on by
sysinstall with the medium security
profile. Placing:
inetd_enable="YES" or
inetd_enable="NO" into
/etc/rc.conf can enable or disable
inetd starting at boot time.Additionally, different command-line options can be passed
to inetd via the
inetd_flags option.Command-Line Optionsinetd synopsis:-dTurn on debugging.-lTurn on logging of successful connections.-wTurn on TCP Wrapping for external services (on by
default).-WTurn on TCP Wrapping for internal services which are
built into inetd (on by
default).-c maximumSpecify the default maximum number of simultaneous
invocations of each service; the default is unlimited.
May be overridden on a per-service basis with the
parameter.-C rateSpecify the default maximum number of times a
service can be invoked from a single IP address in one
minute; the default is unlimited. May be overridden on a
per-service basis with the
parameter.-R rateSpecify the maximum number of times a service can be
invoked in one minute; the default is 256. A rate of 0
allows an unlimited number of invocations.-aSpecify one specific IP address to bind to.
Alternatively, a hostname can be specified, in which case
the IPv4 or IPv6 address which corresponds to that
hostname is used. Usually a hostname is specified when
inetd is run inside a
&man.jail.8;, in which case the hostname corresponds to
the &man.jail.8; environment.When hostname specification is used and both IPv4
and IPv6 bindings are desired, one entry with the
appropriate protocol type for each binding is required for
each service in /etc/inetd.conf. For
example, a TCP-based service would need two entries, one
using tcp4 for the protocol and the other using
tcp6.-pSpecify an alternate file in which to store the
process ID.These options can be passed to
inetd using the
inetd_flags option in
/etc/rc.conf. By default,
inetd_flags is set to -wW,
which turns on TCP wrapping for
inetd's internal and external
services. For novice users, these parameters usually do not need
to be modified or even entered in
/etc/rc.conf.An external service is a daemon outside of
inetd, which is invoked when a
connection is received for it. On the other hand, an internal
service is one that inetd has the
facility of offering within itself.inetd.confConfiguration of inetd is
controlled through the /etc/inetd.conf
file.When a modification is made to
inetd can be forced to re-read its
configuration file by sending a HangUP signal to the
inetd process as shown:Sending inetd a HangUP Signal&prompt.root; kill -HUP `cat /var/run/inetd.pid`Each line of the configuration file specifies an
individual daemon. Comments in the file are preceded by a
#. The format of
/etc/inetd.conf is as follows:service-name
server-program-argumentsAn example entry for the ftpd daemon
using IPv4:ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/ftpd ftpd -lservice-nameThis is the service name of the particular daemon.
It must correspond to a service listed in
/etc/services. This determines which
port inetd must listen to. If
a new service is being created, it must be placed in
first.socket-typeEither stream,
dgram, raw, or
seqpacket. stream
must be used for connection-based, TCP daemons, while
dgram is used for daemons utilizing the
UDP transport protocol.protocolOne of the following:ProtocolExplanationtcp, tcp4TCP IPv4udp, udp4UDP IPv4tcp6TCP IPv6udp6UDP IPv6tcp46Both TCP IPv4 and v6udp46Both UDP IPv4 and v6{wait|nowait}[/max-child[/max-connections-per-ip-per-minute]] indicates whether the
daemon invoked from inetd is
able to handle its own socket or not.
socket types must use the wait
option, while stream socket daemons, which are usually
multi-threaded, should use .
usually hands off multiple sockets
to a single daemon, while spawns a
child daemon for each new socket.The maximum number of child daemons
inetd may spawn can be set using
the option. If a limit of ten
instances of a particular daemon is needed, a
/10 would be placed after
.In addition to , another
option limiting the maximum connections from a single
place to a particular daemon can be enabled.
just this. A value of ten here would limit any particular
IP address connecting to a particular service to ten
attempts per minute. This is useful to prevent
intentional or unintentional resource consumption and
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks to a machine.In this field, or
is mandatory.
optional.A stream-type multi-threaded daemon without any
would simply be: nowaitThe same daemon with a maximum limit of ten daemons
would read: nowait/10Additionally, the same setup with a limit of twenty
connections per IP address per minute and a maximum
total limit of ten child daemons would read:
nowait/10/20These options are all utilized by the default
settings of the fingerd daemon,
as seen here:finger stream tcp nowait/3/10 nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -suserThe user is the username that the particular daemon
should run as. Most commonly, daemons run as the
root user. For security purposes, it is
common to find some servers running as the
daemon user, or the least privileged
nobody user.server-programThe full path of the daemon to be executed when a
connection is received. If the daemon is a service
provided by inetd internally,
then should be
used.server-program-argumentsThis works in conjunction with
by specifying the
arguments, starting with argv[0], passed to the daemon on
invocation. If mydaemon -d is
the command line, mydaemon -d would be
the value of .
Again, if the daemon is an internal service, use
here.SecurityDepending on the security profile chosen at install, many
of inetd's daemons may be enabled by
default. If there is no apparent need for a particular daemon,
disable it! Place a # in front of the daemon in
question, and send a hangup signal
to inetd.
Some daemons, such as fingerd, may
not be desired at all because they provide an attacker with too
much information.Some daemons are not security-conscious and have long, or
non-existent timeouts for connection attempts. This allows an
attacker to slowly send connections to a particular daemon, thus
saturating available resources. It may be a good idea to place
limitations on certain daemons.By default, TCP wrapping is turned on. Consult the
&man.hosts.access.5; manual page for more information on placing
TCP restrictions on various inetd
invoked daemons.Miscellaneousdaytime,
chargen, and
auth are all internally provided
services of inetd.The auth service provides identity
(ident, identd) network services, and is configurable to a certain
degree.Consult the &man.inetd.8; manual page for more in-depth
information.Parallel Line IP (PLIP)PLIPParallel Line IPPLIP lets us run TCP/IP between parallel ports. It is
useful on machines without network cards, or to install on
laptops. In this section, we will discuss:Creating a parallel (laplink) cable.Connecting two computers with PLIP.Creating a Parallel CableYou can purchase a parallel cable at most computer supply
stores. If you cannot do that, or you just want to know how
it is done, the following table shows how to make one out of a normal parallel
printer cable.
Setting up PLIPGet a laplink cable.Confirm that both computers have a kernel with &man.lpt.4; driver
support.&prompt.root; grep lp /var/run/dmesg.boot
lpt0 at 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa
lpt0: Interrupt-driven
lp0: TCP/IP capable interfacePlug in the laplink cable into the parallel interface on
both computers.Configure the network interface parameters for lp0 on both
sites as root. For example, if you want connect
the host host1 with host2: host1 <-----> host2
IP Address the interface on host1 by doing:&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0 the interface on host2 by doing:&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0 now should have a working connection. Please read the
manual pages &man.lp.4; and &man.lpt.4; for more details.You should also add both hosts to
/etc/hosts: localhost.my.domain localhost host1.my.domain host1 host2.my.domainTo confirm the connection works, go to each host and ping
the other. For example, on host1:&prompt.root; ifconfig lp0
inet --> netmask 0xff000000
&prompt.root; netstat -r
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
host2 host1 UH 4 127592 lp0
&prompt.root; ping -c 4 host2
PING host2 ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2.774 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2.530 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=2.556 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=2.714 ms
--- host2 ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.530/2.643/2.774/0.103 msAaronKaplanOriginally Written by TomRhodesRestructured and Added by IPv6IPv6 (also know as IPng IP next generation) is
the new version of the well known IP protocol (also know as
IPv4). Like the other current *BSD systems,
FreeBSD includes the KAME IPv6 reference implementation.
So your FreeBSD system comes with all you will need to experiment with IPv6.
This section focuses on getting IPv6 configured and running.In the early 1990s, people became aware of the rapidly
diminishing address space of IPv4. Given the expansion rate of the
Internet there were two major concerns:Running out of addresses. Today this is not so much of a concern
anymore since private address spaces
etc.) and Network Address Translation (NAT) are
being employed.Router table entries were getting too large. This is
still a concern today.IPv6 deals with these and many other issues:128 bit address space. In other words theoretically there are
340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 addresses
available. This means there are approximately
6.67 * 10^27 IPv6 addresses per square meter on our planet.Routers will only store network aggregation addresses in their routing
tables thus reducing the average space of a routing table to 8192
entries.There are also lots of other useful features of IPv6 such as:Address autoconfiguration (RFC2462)Anycast addresses (one-out-of many)Mandatory multicast addressesIPsec (IP security)Simplified header structureMobile IPIPv4-to-IPv6 transition mechanismsFor more information see:IPv6 overview at Sun.comIPv6.orgKAME.net6bone.netBackground on IPv6 AddressesThere are different types of IPv6 addresses: Unicast, Anycast and
Multicast.Unicast addresses are the well known addresses. A packet sent
to a unicast address arrives exactly at the interface belonging to
the address.Anycast addresses are syntactically indistinguishable from unicast
addresses but they address a group of interfaces. The packet destined for
an anycast address will arrive at the nearest (in router metric)
interface. Anycast addresses may only be used by routers.Multicast addresses identify a group of interfaces. A packet destined
for a multicast address will arrive at all interfaces belonging to the
multicast group.The IPv4 broadcast address (usually xxx.xxx.xxx.255) is expressed
by multicast addresses in IPv6.Reserved IPv6 addresses:ipv6-address prefixlength(Bits) description Notes
:: 128 Bits unspecified cf. in IPv4 address
::1 128 Bits loopback address cf. in IPv4
::00:xx:xx:xx:xx 96 Bits embedded IPv4 The lower 32 bits are the
address IPv4 address. Also called
IPv4 compatible IPv6
::ff:xx:xx:xx:xx 96 Bits IPv4 mapped The lower 32 bits are the
IPv6 address IPv4 address. For hosts
which do not support IPv6
fe80:: - feb:: 10 Bits link-local cf. loopback address in
fec0:: - fef:: 10 Bits site-local
ff:: 8 Bits multicast
001 (base 2) 3 Bits global unicast All global unicast
addresses are assigned from
this pool. The first 3 Bits
are 001.Reading IPv6 AddressesThe canonical form is represented as: x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, each
x being a 16 Bit hex value. For example
FEBC:A574:382B:23C1:AA49:4592:4EFE:9982Often an address will have long substrings of all zeros
therefore each such substring can be abbreviated by ::.
For example fe80::1
corresponds to the canonical form
fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001A third form is to write the last 32 Bit part in the
well known (decimal) IPv4 style with dots .
as separators. For example
corresponds to the (hexadecimal) canonical representation
which in turn is equivalent to
writing 2002::a00:1By now the reader should be able to understand the following:&prompt.root; ifconfigrl0: flags=8943<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,PROMISC,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
inet6 fe80::200:21ff:fe03:8e1%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
ether 00:00:21:03:08:e1
media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )
status: activefe80::200:21ff:fe03:8e1%rl0
is an auto configured link-local address. It includes the
- enscrambled Ethernet MAC as part of the auto configuration.
+ scrambled Ethernet MAC as part of the auto configuration.
For further information on the structure of IPv6 addresses
see RFC2373.Getting ConnectedCurrently there are four ways to connect to other IPv6 hosts and networks:Join the experimental 6boneGetting an IPv6 network from your upstream provider. Talk to your
Internet provider for instructions.Tunnel via 6-to-4Use the freenet6 port if you are on a dial-up connection.Here we will talk on how to connect to the 6bone since it currently seems
to be the most popular way.First take a look at the 6bone site and find a 6bone connection nearest to
you. Write to the responsible person and with a little bit of luck you
will be given instructions on how to set up your connection. Usually this
involves setting up a GRE (gif) tunnel.Here is a typical example on setting up a &man.gif.4; tunnel:&prompt.root; ifconfig gif0 create
&prompt.root; ifconfig gif0
gif0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
&prompt.root; ifconfig gif0 tunnel MY_IPv4_ADDRHIS_IPv4_ADDR
&prompt.root; ifconfig gif0 inet6 alias MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDRReplace the capitalized words by the information you received from the
upstream 6bone node.This establishes the tunnel. Check if the tunnel is working by &man.ping6.8;
'ing ff02::1%gif0. You should receive two ping replies.In case you are intrigued by the address ff02:1%gif0, this is a
multicast address. %gif0 states that the multicast address at network
interface gif0 is to be used. Since we ping a multicast address the
other endpoint of the tunnel should reply as well).By now setting up a route to your 6bone uplink should be rather
straightforward:&prompt.root; route add -inet6 default -interface gif0
&prompt.root; ping6 -n MY_UPLINK&prompt.root; traceroute6 www.jp.FreeBSD.org
(3ffe:505:2008:1:2a0:24ff:fe57:e561) from 3ffe:8060:100::40:2, 30 hops max, 12 byte packets
1 atnet-meta6 14.147 ms 15.499 ms 24.319 ms
2 6bone-gw2-ATNET-NT.ipv6.tilab.com 103.408 ms 95.072 ms *
3 3ffe:1831:0:ffff::4 138.645 ms 134.437 ms 144.257 ms
4 3ffe:1810:0:6:290:27ff:fe79:7677 282.975 ms 278.666 ms 292.811 ms
5 3ffe:1800:0:ff00::4 400.131 ms 396.324 ms 394.769 ms
6 3ffe:1800:0:3:290:27ff:fe14:cdee 394.712 ms 397.19 ms 394.102 msThis output will differ from machine to machine. By now you should be
able to reach the IPv6 site www.kame.net
and see the dancing tortoise - that is if you have a IPv6 enabled browser such as
mozilla.DNS in the IPv6 WorldThere are two new types of DNS records for IPv6:AAAA records,A6 recordsUsing AAAA records is straightforward. Assign your hostname to the new
IPv6 address you just got by adding:MYHOSTNAME AAAA MYIPv6ADDRTo your primary zone DNS file. In case you do not serve your own
DNS zones ask your DNS provider.
Current versions of bind (version 8.3 and 9)
support AAAA records.
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml
index 74e03d9532..550d432e5a 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml
@@ -1,1851 +1,1851 @@
JimMockRestructured, reorganized, and parts updated by JordanHubbardOriginal work by Poul-HenningKampJohnPolstraNikClaytonThe Cutting EdgeSynopsis&os; is under constant development between releases. For
people who want to be on the cutting edge, there are several easy
mechanisms for keeping your system in sync with the latest
developments. Be warned—the cutting edge is not for everyone!
This chapter will help you decide if you want to track the
development system, or stick with one of the released
versions.After reading this chapter, you will know:The difference between the two development
branches: &os.stable; and &os.current;.How to keep your system up to date with
CVS, or
CTM.How to rebuild and reinstall the entire base
system with make world.Before reading this chapter, you should:Properly setup your network connection ().Know how to install additional third-party
software ().&os.current; vs. &os.stable;-CURRENT-STABLEThere are two development branches to FreeBSD: &os.current; and
&os.stable;. This section will explain a bit about each and describe
how to keep your system up-to-date with each respective tree.
&os.current; will be discussed first, then &os.stable;.Staying Current with &os;As you read this, keep in mind that &os.current; is the
bleeding edge of &os; development.
&os.current; users are expected to have a high degree of
technical skill, and should be capable of solving difficult
system problems on their own. If you are new to &os;, think
twice before installing it. What Is &os.current;?snapshot&os.current; is the latest working sources for &os;.
This includes work in progress, experimental changes, and
transitional mechanisms that might or might not be present
in the next official release of the software. While many
&os; developers compile the &os.current; source code daily,
there are periods of time when the sources are not
buildable. These problems are resolved as expeditiously as
possible, but whether or not &os.current; brings disaster or
greatly desired functionality can be a matter of which exact
moment you grabbed the source code in!Who Needs &os.current;?&os.current; is made available for 3 primary
interest groups:Members of the &os; group who are actively working
on some part of the source tree and for whom keeping
current is an absolute
requirement.Members of the &os; group who are active testers,
willing to spend time solving problems in order to
ensure that &os.current; remains as sane as possible.
These are also people who wish to make topical
suggestions on changes and the general direction of
&os;, and submit patches to implement them.Those who merely wish to keep an eye on things, or
to use the current sources for reference purposes
(e.g. for reading, not running).
These people also make the occasional comment or
contribute code.What Is &os.current; Not?A fast-track to getting pre-release bits because you
heard there is some cool new feature in there and you
want to be the first on your block to have it. Being
the first on the block to get the new feature means that
you're the first on the block to get the new
bugs.A quick way of getting bug fixes. Any given version
of &os.current; is just as likely to introduce new bugs
as to fix existing ones.In any way officially supported. We
do our best to help people genuinely in one of the 3
legitimate &os.current; groups, but we
simply do not have the time to
provide tech support. This is not because we are mean
and nasty people who do not like helping people out (we
would not even be doing &os; if we were). We simply
cannot answer hundreds messages a day
and work on FreeBSD! Given the
choice between improving &os; and answering lots of
questions on experimental code, the developers opt for
the former.Using &os.current;-CURRENTusingJoin the &a.current.name; and the &a.cvsall.name; lists. This is not
just a good idea, it is essential. If
you are not on the &a.current.name; list,
you will not see the comments that people are
making about the current state of the system and thus will
probably end up stumbling over a lot of problems that others
have already found and solved. Even more importantly, you
will miss out on important bulletins which may be critical
to your system's continued health.The &a.cvsall.name; list will allow you to see the
commit log entry for each change as it is made along with
any pertinent information on possible side-effects.To join these lists, or one of the others available
go to &a.mailman.lists.link; and click on the list that
you wish to subscribe to. Instructions on the rest of
the procedure are available there.Grab the sources from a &os; mirror
site. You can do this in one of three ways:cvsupcron-CURRENTSyncing with CVSupUse the cvsup program
with this
supfile. This is the most recommended
method, since it allows you to grab the entire
collection once and then only what has changed from then
on. Many people run cvsup from
cron and keep their
sources up-to-date automatically. You have to
customize the sample supfile above, and configure
cvsup for your environment.
If you want help doing this configuration,
simply type:&prompt.root; pkg_add -f ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/packages/All/cvsupit-3.1.tgz-CURRENTDownloading with ftpUse ftp. The source tree for
&os.current; is exported on some of the
FTP mirrors in the
directory /pub/FreeBSD/FreeBSD-current/.
Some of our FTP mirrors may also allow
compressed/tarred grabbing of whole trees. For example you
see:usr.bin/lexYou can do the following to get the whole directory
as a tar file:ftp>cd usr.binftp>get lex.tarIf you wish to download the entire &os.current; source
tree cvsup handles this much better than
mirroring a FTP site.-CURRENTSyncing with CTMUse the CTM facility. If you
have very bad connectivity (high price connections or
only email access) CTM is an option.
However, it is a lot of hassle and can give you broken files.
This leads to it being rarely used, which again increases
the chance of it not working for fairly long periods of
time. We recommend using
for anybody with a 9600 bps modem or faster connection.
If you are grabbing the sources to run, and not just
look at, then grab all of &os.current;, not
just selected portions. The reason for this is that various
parts of the source depend on updates elsewhere, and trying
to compile just a subset is almost guaranteed to get you
into trouble.-CURRENTcompilingBefore compiling &os.current;, read the
Makefile in /usr/src
carefully. You should at least run a make world the first time through
as part of the upgrading process. Reading the &a.current;
will keep you up-to-date on other bootstrapping procedures
that sometimes become necessary as we move toward the next
release.Be active! If you are running &os.current;, we want
to know what you have to say about it, especially if you
have suggestions for enhancements or bug fixes. Suggestions
with accompanying code are received most
enthusiastically!Staying Stable with &os;What Is &os.stable;?-STABLE&os.stable; is our development branch from which major releases
are made. Changes go into this branch at a different pace, and
with the general assumption that they have first gone into
&os.current; for testing. This is still
a development branch, however, and this means that at any given time,
the sources for &os.stable; may or may not be suitable for any
particular purpose. It is simply another engineering development
track, not a resource for end-users.Who Needs &os.stable;?If you are interested in tracking or contributing to the
FreeBSD development process, especially as it relates to the
next point release of FreeBSD, then you should
consider following &os.stable;.While it is true that security fixes also go into the
&os.stable; branch, you do not need to
track &os.stable; to do this. Every security advisory for
FreeBSD explains how to fix the problem for the releases it
That is not quite true. We can not continue to
support old releases of FreeBSD forever, although we do
support them for many years. For a complete description
of the current security policy for old releases of
FreeBSD, please see http://www.FreeBSD.org/security/
, and tracking an entire development branch just
for security reasons is likely to bring in a lot of unwanted
changes as well.Although we endeavor to ensure that the &os.stable; branch
compiles and runs at all times, this cannot be guaranteed. In
addition, while code is developed in &os.current; before including
it in &os.stable;, more people run &os.stable; than &os.current;, so
it is inevitable that bugs and corner cases will sometimes be found
in &os.stable; that were not apparent in &os.current;.For these reasons, we do not recommend that
you blindly track &os.stable;, and it is particularly important that
you do not update any production servers to &os.stable; without
first thoroughly testing the code in your development
environment.If you do not have the resources to do this then we recommend
that you run the most recent release of FreeBSD, and use the binary
update mechanism to move from release to release.Using &os.stable;-STABLEusingJoin the &a.stable.name; list. This will keep you informed of
build-dependencies that may appear in &os.stable;
or any other issues requiring
special attention. Developers will also make announcements
in this mailing list when they are contemplating some
controversial fix or update, giving the users a chance to
respond if they have any issues to raise concerning the
proposed change.The &a.cvsall.name; list will allow you to see the
commit log entry for each change as it is made along with
any pertinent information on possible side-effects.To join these lists, or one of the others available
go to &a.mailman.lists.link; and click on the list that
you wish to subscribe to. Instructions on the rest of
the procedure are available there.If you are installing a new system and want it to be as
stable as possible, you can simply grab the latest dated
branch snapshot from
and install it like any other release.If you are already running a previous release of &os;
and wish to upgrade via sources then you can easily do so
from &os; mirror site. This can
be done in one of three ways:cvsupcron-STABLEsyncing with CVSupUse the cvsup program
with this
supfile. This is the most recommended
method, since it allows you to grab the entire
collection once and then only what has changed from then
on. Many people run cvsup from
cron to keep their
sources up-to-date automatically. You have to
customize the sample supfile above,
and configure cvsup for your
environment. If you want help doing this configuration,
simply type:
-STABLEdownloading with FTPUse ftp. The source tree for
&os.stable; is exported on some of the
FTP mirrors in the
directory /pub/FreeBSD/FreeBSD-stable/.
Some of our FTP mirrors may also allow
compressed/tarred grabbing of whole trees. For example you
see:usr.bin/lexYou can do the following to get the whole directory
for you as a tar file:ftp>cd usr.binftp>get lex.tarIf you wish to download the entire &os.stable; source
tree cvsup handles this much better than
mirroring a FTP site.-STABLEsyncing with CTMUse the CTM facility. If
you do not have a fast and inexpensive connection to
the Internet, this is the method you should consider
Essentially, if you need rapid on-demand access to the
source and communications bandwidth is not a consideration,
use cvsup or ftp.
Otherwise, use CTM.-STABLEcompilingBefore compiling &os.stable;, read the
Makefile in /usr/src
carefully. You should at least run a make world the first time through
as part of the upgrading process. Reading the &a.stable; will
keep you up-to-date on other bootstrapping procedures that
sometimes become necessary as we move toward the next
release.Synchronizing Your SourceThere are various ways of using an Internet (or email)
connection to stay up-to-date with any given area of the &os;
project sources, or all areas, depending on what interests you. The
primary services we offer are Anonymous
CVS, CVSup, and CTM.While it is possible to update only parts of your source tree,
the only supported update procedure is to update the entire tree
and recompile both userland (i.e., all the programs that run in
user space, such as those in /bin and
/sbin) and kernel sources. Updating only part
of your source tree, only the kernel, or only userland will often
result in problems. These problems may range from compile errors
to kernel panics or data corruption.anonymous CVSAnonymous CVS and
CVSup use the pull
model of updating sources. In the case of
CVSup the user (or a
cron script) invokes
the cvsup program, and it interacts with a
cvsupd server somewhere to bring your files
up-to-date. The updates you receive are up-to-the-minute and you
get them when, and only when, you want them. You can easily
restrict your updates to the specific files or directories that are
of interest to you. Updates are generated on the fly by the server,
according to what you have and what you want to have.
Anonymous CVS is quite a bit more
simplistic than CVSup in that it is just an extension to
CVS which allows it to pull changes
directly from a remote CVS repository.
CVSup can do this far more efficiently,
but Anonymous CVS is easier to
use.CTMCTM, on the other hand, does not
interactively compare the sources you have with those on the master
archive or otherwise pull them across. Instead, a script which
identifies changes in files since its previous run is executed
several times a day on the master CTM machine, any detected changes
being compressed, stamped with a sequence-number and encoded for
transmission over email (in printable ASCII only). Once received,
these CTM deltas can then be handed to the
&man.ctm.rmail.1; utility which will automatically decode, verify
and apply the changes to the user's copy of the sources. This
process is far more efficient than CVSup,
and places less strain on our server resources since it is a
push rather than a pull
model.There are other trade-offs, of course. If you inadvertently
wipe out portions of your archive, CVSup
will detect and rebuild the damaged portions for you.
CTM will not do this, and if you wipe some
portion of your source tree out (and do not have it backed up) then
you will have to start from scratch (from the most recent CVS
base delta) and rebuild it all with CTM or, with
Anonymous CVS, simply delete the bad bits and resync.Using make worldmake worldOnce you have synchronized your local source tree against a
particular version of &os; (&os.stable;, &os.current;, and so on)
you can then use the source
tree to rebuild the system.Take a BackupIt cannot be stressed enough how important it is to take a
backup of your system before you do this.
While rebuilding the world is (as long as you follow these
instructions) an easy task to do, there will inevitably be times
when you make mistakes, or when mistakes made by others in the
source tree render your system unbootable.Make sure you have taken a backup. And have a fixit floppy to
hand. You will probably never have to use it, but it is better to be
safe than sorry!Subscribe to the Right Mailing Listmailing listThe &os.stable; and &os.current; branches are, by their
nature, in development. People that
contribute to &os; are human, and mistakes occasionally
happen.Sometimes these mistakes can be quite harmless, just causing
your system to print a new diagnostic warning. Or the change may
be catastrophic, and render your system unbootable or destroy your
file systems (or worse).If problems like these occur, a heads up is
posted to the appropriate mailing list, explaining the nature of
the problem and which systems it affects. And an all
clear announcement is posted when the problem has been
solved.If you try to track &os.stable; or &os.current; and do
not read the &a.stable; or the
&a.current; respectively, then you are
asking for trouble.Read /usr/src/UPDATINGBefore you do anything else, read
/usr/src/UPDATING (or the equivalent file
wherever you have a copy of the source code). This file should
contain important information about problems you might encounter, or
specify the order in which you might have to run certain commands.
If UPDATING contradicts something you read here,
UPDATING takes precedence.Reading UPDATING is not an acceptable
substitute for subscribing to the correct mailing list, as described
previously. The two requirements are complementary, not
exclusive.Check /etc/make.confmake.confExamine the files
/etc/defaults/make.conf and
/etc/make.conf. The first contains some
default defines – most of which are commented out. To
make use of them when you rebuild your system from source, add
them to /etc/make.conf. Keep in mind that
anything you add to /etc/make.conf is also
used every time you run make, so it is a good
idea to set them to something sensible for your system.A typical user will probably want to copy the
NOPROFILE lines found in
/etc/defaults/make.conf to
/etc/make.conf and uncomment them.Examine the other definitions (COPTFLAGS,
on) and decide if they are relevant to you.Update the files in /etcThe /etc directory contains a large part
of your system's configuration information, as well as scripts
that are run at system startup. Some of these scripts change from
version to version of FreeBSD.Some of the configuration files are also used in the day to
day running of the system. In particular,
/etc/group.There have been occasions when the installation part of
make world has expected certain usernames or groups
to exist. When performing an upgrade it is likely that these
users or groups did not exist. This caused problems when upgrading.A recent example of this is when the
smmsp user was added. Users had the
installation process fail for them when
&man.mtree.8; was trying to create
/var/spool/clientmqueue.The solution is to examine
/usr/src/etc/group and compare its list of
groups with your own. If there are any groups in the new file that
are not in your file then copy them over. Similarly, you should
rename any groups in /etc/group which have
the same GID but a different name to those in
/usr/src/etc/group.Since 4.6-RELEASE you can run &man.mergemaster.8; in
pre-buildworld mode by providing the option.
This will compare only those files that are essential for the success
of buildworld or
installworld. If your old version of
mergemaster does not support ,
use the new version in the source tree when running for the first
time:&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/mergemaster
&prompt.root; ./mergemaster.sh -pIf you are feeling particularly paranoid, you can check your
system to see which files are owned by the group you are
renaming or deleting:&prompt.root; find / -group GID -printwill show all files owned by group
GID (which can be either a group name
or a numeric group ID).Drop to Single User Modesingle-user modeYou may want to compile the system in single user mode. Apart
from the obvious benefit of making things go slightly faster,
reinstalling the system will touch a lot of important system
files, all the standard system binaries, libraries, include files
and so on. Changing these on a running system (particularly if
you have active users on the system at the time) is asking for
trouble.multi-user modeAnother method is to compile the system in multi-user mode, and
then drop into single user mode for the installation. If you would
like to do it this way, simply hold off on the following steps until
the build has completed. You can postpone dropping to single user
mode until you have to installkernel or
installworld.As the superuser, you can execute:&prompt.root; shutdown nowfrom a running system, which will drop it to single user
mode.Alternatively, reboot the system, and at the boot prompt,
enter the flag. The system will then boot
single user. At the shell prompt you should then run:&prompt.root; fsck -p
&prompt.root; mount -u /
&prompt.root; mount -a -t ufs
&prompt.root; swapon -aThis checks the file systems, remounts /
read/write, mounts all the other UFS file systems referenced in
/etc/fstab and then turns swapping on.If your CMOS clock is set to local time and not to GMT
(this is true if the output of the &man.date.1; command
does not show the correct time and zone),
you may also need to run the following command:&prompt.root; adjkerntz -i
- This will make sure that your local timezone settings
+ This will make sure that your local time-zone settings
get set up correctly — without this, you may later run into some
Remove /usr/objAs parts of the system are rebuilt they are placed in
directories which (by default) go under
/usr/obj. The directories shadow those under
/usr/src.You can speed up the make world process, and
possibly save yourself some dependency headaches by removing this
directory as well.Some files below /usr/obj may have the
immutable flag set (see &man.chflags.1; for more information)
which must be removed first.&prompt.root; cd /usr/obj
&prompt.root; chflags -R noschg *
&prompt.root; rm -rf *Recompile the SourceSaving the OutputIt is a good idea to save the output you get from running
&man.make.1; to another file. If something goes wrong you will
have a copy of the error message. While this might not help you
in diagnosing what has gone wrong, it can help others if you post
your problem to one of the &os; mailing lists.The easiest way to do this is to use the &man.script.1;
command, with a parameter that specifies the name of the file to
save all output to. You would do this immediately before
rebuilding the world, and then type exit
when the process has finished.&prompt.root; script /var/tmp/mw.out
Script started, output file is /var/tmp/mw.out
&prompt.root; make TARGET… compile, compile, compile …
&prompt.root; exit
Script done, …If you do this, do not save the output
in /tmp. This directory may be cleared
next time you reboot. A better place to store it is in
/var/tmp (as in the previous example) or
in root's home directory.Compile the Base SystemYou must be in the /usr/src
directory:&prompt.root; cd /usr/src(unless, of course, your source code is elsewhere, in which
case change to that directory instead).makeTo rebuild the world you use the &man.make.1; command. This
command reads instructions from the Makefile,
which describes how the programs that comprise &os; should be
rebuilt, the order in which they should be built, and so on.The general format of the command line you will type is as
follows:&prompt.root; make -x -DVARIABLEtargetIn this example,
is an option that you would pass to &man.make.1;. See the
&man.make.1; manual page for an example of the options you can
passes a variable to the Makefile. The
behavior of the Makefile is controlled by
these variables. These are the same variables as are set in
/etc/make.conf, and this provides another
way of setting them.&prompt.root; make -DNOPROFILE targetis another way of specifying that profiled libraries should
not be built, and corresponds with theNOPROFILE= true # Avoid compiling profiled librariesline in /etc/make.conf.target tells &man.make.1; what
you want to do. Each Makefile defines a
number of different targets, and your choice of
target determines what happens.Some targets are listed in the
Makefile, but are not meant for you to run.
Instead, they are used by the build process to break out the
steps necessary to rebuild the system into a number of
sub-steps.Most of the time you will not need to pass any parameters to
&man.make.1;, and so your command like will look like
this:&prompt.root; make targetBeginning with version 2.2.5 of &os; (actually, it was
first created on the &os.current; branch, and then retrofitted to
&os.stable; midway between 2.2.2 and 2.2.5) the
world target has been split in
two: buildworld and
installworld.As the names imply, buildworld
builds a complete new tree under /usr/obj,
and installworld installs this tree on
the current machine.This is very useful for 2 reasons. First, it allows you
to do the build safe in the knowledge that no components of
your running system will be affected. The build is
self hosted. Because of this, you can safely
run buildworld on a machine running
in multi-user mode with no fear of ill-effects. It is still
recommended that you run the
installworld part in single user
mode, though.Secondly, it allows you to use NFS mounts to upgrade
multiple machines on your network. If you have three machines,
A, B and C that you want to upgrade, run make
buildworld and make installworld on
A. B and C should then NFS mount /usr/src
and /usr/obj from A, and you can then run
make installworld to install the results of
the build on B and C.Although the world target still exists,
you are strongly encouraged not to use it.Run&prompt.root; make buildworldIt is now possible to specify a option to
make which will cause it to spawn several
simultaneous processes. This is most useful on multi-CPU machines.
However, since much of the compiling process is IO bound rather
than CPU bound it is also useful on single CPU machines.On a typical single-CPU machine you would run:&prompt.root; make -j4 buildworld&man.make.1; will then have up to 4 processes running at any one
time. Empirical evidence posted to the mailing lists shows this
generally gives the best performance benefit.If you have a multi-CPU machine and you are using an SMP
configured kernel try values between 6 and 10 and see how they speed
things up.Be aware that this is still somewhat experimental, and commits
to the source tree may occasionally break this feature. If the
world fails to compile using this parameter try again without it
before you report any problems.Timingsmake worldtimingsMany factors influence the build time, but currently a 500 MHz
Pentium III with 128 MB of RAM takes about 2 hours to build
the &os.stable; tree, with no tricks or shortcuts used during the
process. A &os.current; tree will take somewhat longer.Compile and Install a New KernelkernelcompilingTo take full advantage of your new system you should recompile the
kernel. This is practically a necessity, as certain memory structures
may have changed, and programs like &man.ps.1; and &man.top.1; will
fail to work until the kernel and source code versions are the
same.The simplest, safest way to do this is to build and install a
kernel based on GENERIC. While
GENERIC may not have all the necessary devices
for your system, it should contain everything necessary to boot your
system back to single user mode. This is a good test that the new
system works properly. After booting from
GENERIC and verifying that your system works you
can then build a new kernel based on your normal kernel configuration
file.If you are upgrading to &os; 4.0 or above then the old
kernel build procedure (as described in )
is deprecated. Instead, you should run these commands
after you have built the world with
buildworld.If you want to build a custom kernel, and already have a configuration
file, just use KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
like this:&prompt.root; cd /usr/src
&prompt.root; make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
&prompt.root; make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNELIn FreeBSD 4.2 and older you must replace
4.2-STABLE that was fetched before Feb 2nd, 2001 does not
recognize KERNCONF=.Note that if you have raised kern.securelevel
above 1 and you have set either the
noschg or similar flags to your kernel binary, you
might find it necessary to drop into single user mode to use
installkernel. Otherwise you should be able
to run both these commands from multi user mode without
problems. See &man.init.8; for details about
kern.securelevel and &man.chflags.1; for details
about the various file flags.If you are upgrading to a version of &os; below 4.0 you should
use the old kernel build procedure. However, it is recommended
that you use the new version of &man.config.8;, using a command line
like this.&prompt.root; /usr/obj/usr/src/usr.sbin/config/config KERNELNAMEReboot into Single User Modesingle-user modeYou should reboot into single user mode to test the new kernel
works. Do this by following the instructions in
.Install the New System BinariesIf you were building a version of &os; recent enough to have
used make buildworld then you should now use
installworld to install the new system
binaries.Run&prompt.root; cd /usr/src
&prompt.root; make installworldIf you specified variables on the make
buildworld command line, you must specify the same
variables in the make installworld command
line. This does not necessarily hold true for other options;
for example, must never be used with
installworld.For example, if you ran:&prompt.root; make -DNOPROFILE buildworldyou must install the results with:&prompt.root; make -DNOPROFILE installworldotherwise it would try to install profiled libraries that
had not been built during the make buildworld
phase.Update Files Not Updated by make worldRemaking the world will not update certain directories (in
particular, /etc, /var and
/usr) with new or changed configuration files.The simplest way to update these files is to use
&man.mergemaster.8;, though it is possible to do it manually
if you would prefer to do that. Regardless of which way you
choose, be sure to make a backup of /etc in
case anything goes wrong.TomRhodesContributed by mergemastermergemasterThe &man.mergemaster.8; utility is a Bourne script that will
aid you in determining the differences between your configuration files
in /etc, and the configuration files in
the source tree /usr/src/etc. This is
the recommended solution for keeping the system configuration files up to date
with those located in the source tree.mergemaster was integrated into the FreeBSD base
system between 3.3-RELEASE and 3.4-RELEASE, which means it is
present in all -STABLE and -CURRENT systems since 3.3.To begin simply type mergemaster at your prompt, and
watch it start going. mergemaster will then build a
temporary root environment, from / down, and populate
it with various system configuration files. Those files are then compared
to the ones currently installed in your system. At this point, files that
differ will be shown in &man.diff.1; format, with the sign
representing added or modified lines, and representing
lines that will be either removed completely, or replaced with a new line.
See the &man.diff.1; manual page for more information about the &man.diff.1;
syntax and how file differences are shown.&man.mergemaster.8; will then show you each file that displays variances,
and at this point you will have the option of either deleting the new file (referred
to as the temporary file), installing the temporary file in its unmodified state,
merging the temporary file with the currently installed file, or viewing the
&man.diff.1; results again.Choosing to delete the temporary file will tell &man.mergemaster.8; that we
wish to keep our current file unchanged, and to delete the new version.
This option is not recommended, unless you see no
reason to change the current file. You can get help at any time by
typing ? at the &man.mergemaster.8; prompt. If the user
chooses to skip a file, it will be presented again after all other files
have been dealt with.Choosing to install the unmodified temporary file will replace the
current file with the new one. For most unmodified files, this is the best
option.Choosing to merge the file will present you with a text editor,
and the contents of both files. You can now merge them by
reviewing both files side by side on the screen, and choosing parts from
both to create a finished product. When the files are compared side by side,
the l key will select the left contents and the
r key will select contents from your right.
The final output will be a file consisting of both parts, which can then be
installed. This option is customarily used for files where settings have been
modified by the user.Choosing to view the &man.diff.1; results again will show you the file differences
just like &man.mergemaster.8; did before prompting you for an option.After &man.mergemaster.8; is done with the system files you will be
prompted for other options. &man.mergemaster.8; may ask if you want to rebuild
the password file and/or run &man.MAKEDEV.8; if you run a FreeBSD version prior to 5.0, and will finish up with an option to
remove left-over temporary files.Manual UpdateIf you wish to do the update manually, however,
you cannot just copy over the files from
/usr/src/etc to /etc and
have it work. Some of these files must be installed
first. This is because the /usr/src/etc
directory is not a copy of what your
/etc directory should look like. In addition,
there are files that should be in /etc that are
not in /usr/src/etc.If you are using &man.mergemaster.8; (as recommended),
you can skip forward to the next
section.The simplest way to do this by hand is to install the
files into a new directory, and then work through them looking
for differences.Backup Your Existing /etcAlthough, in theory, nothing is going to touch this directory
automatically, it is always better to be sure. So copy your
existing /etc directory somewhere safe.
Something like:&prompt.root; cp -Rp /etc /etc.old does a recursive copy,
preserves times, ownerships on files and suchlike.You need to build a dummy set of directories to install the new
/etc and other files into.
/var/tmp/root is a reasonable choice, and
there are a number of subdirectories required under this as
well.&prompt.root; mkdir /var/tmp/root
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/etc
&prompt.root; make DESTDIR=/var/tmp/root distrib-dirs distributionThis will build the necessary directory structure and install the
files. A lot of the subdirectories that have been created under
/var/tmp/root are empty and should be deleted.
The simplest way to do this is to:&prompt.root; cd /var/tmp/root
&prompt.root; find -d . -type d | xargs rmdir 2>/dev/nullThis will remove all empty directories. (Standard error is
redirected to /dev/null to prevent the warnings
about the directories that are not empty.)/var/tmp/root now contains all the files that
should be placed in appropriate locations below
/. You now have to go through each of these
files, determining how they differ with your existing files.Note that some of the files that will have been installed in
/var/tmp/root have a leading .. At the
time of writing the only files like this are shell startup files in
/var/tmp/root/ and
/var/tmp/root/root/, although there may be others
(depending on when you are reading this). Make sure you use
ls -a to catch them.The simplest way to do this is to use &man.diff.1; to compare the
two files:&prompt.root; diff /etc/shells /var/tmp/root/etc/shellsThis will show you the differences between your
/etc/shells file and the new
/var/tmp/root/etc/shells file. Use these to decide whether to
merge in changes that you have made or whether to copy over your old
file.Name the New Root Directory
(/var/tmp/root) with a Time Stamp, So You Can
Easily Compare Differences Between VersionsFrequently rebuilding the world means that you have to update
/etc frequently as well, which can be a bit of
a chore.You can speed this process up by keeping a copy of the last set
of changed files that you merged into /etc.
The following procedure gives one idea of how to do this.Make the world as normal. When you want to update
/etc and the other directories, give the
target directory a name based on the current date. If you were
doing this on the 14th of February 1998 you could do the
following:&prompt.root; mkdir /var/tmp/root-19980214
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/etc
&prompt.root; make DESTDIR=/var/tmp/root-19980214 \
distrib-dirs distributionMerge in the changes from this directory as outlined
above.Do not remove the
/var/tmp/root-19980214 directory when you
have finished.When you have downloaded the latest version of the source
and remade it, follow step 1. This will give you a new
directory, which might be called
/var/tmp/root-19980221 (if you wait a week
between doing updates).You can now see the differences that have been made in the
intervening week using &man.diff.1; to create a recursive diff
between the two directories:&prompt.root; cd /var/tmp
&prompt.root; diff -r root-19980214 root-19980221Typically, this will be a much smaller set of differences
than those between
/var/tmp/root-19980221/etc and
/etc. Because the set of differences is
smaller, it is easier to migrate those changes across into your
/etc directory.You can now remove the older of the two
/var/tmp/root-* directories:&prompt.root; rm -rf /var/tmp/root-19980214Repeat this process every time you need to merge in changes
to /etc.You can use &man.date.1; to automate the generation of the
directory names:&prompt.root; mkdir /var/tmp/root-`date "+%Y%m%d"`Update /devDEVFSIf you are running FreeBSD 5.0 or later you can safely
skip this section. These versions use &man.devfs.5; to
allocate device nodes transparently for the user.In most cases, the &man.mergemaster.8; tool will realize when
it is necessary to update the device nodes, and offer to complete it
automatically. These instructions tell how to update the device
nodes manually.For safety's sake, this is a multi-step process.Copy /var/tmp/root/dev/MAKEDEV to
/dev:&prompt.root; cp /var/tmp/root/dev/MAKEDEV /devMAKEDEVIf you used &man.mergemaster.8; to
update /etc, then your
MAKEDEV script should have been updated
already, though it cannot hurt to check (with &man.diff.1;)
and copy it manually if necessary.Now, take a snapshot of your current
/dev. This snapshot needs to contain the
permissions, ownerships, major and minor numbers of each filename,
but it should not contain the time stamps. The easiest way to do
this is to use &man.awk.1; to strip out some of the
information:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; ls -l | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $NF}' > /var/tmp/dev.outRemake all the device nodes:&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV allWrite another snapshot of the directory, this time to
/var/tmp/dev2.out. Now look through these
two files for any device node that you missed creating. There should
not be any, but it is better to be safe than sorry.&prompt.root; diff /var/tmp/dev.out /var/tmp/dev2.outYou are most likely to notice disk slice discrepancies which
will involve commands such as:&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV sd0s1to recreate the slice entries. Your precise circumstances may
vary.Update /standThis step is included only for completeness. It can safely be
omitted.For the sake of completeness, you may want to update the files in
/stand as well. These files consist of hard
links to the /stand/sysinstall binary. This
binary should be statically linked, so that it can work when no other
file systems (and in particular /usr) have been
mounted.&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/release/sysinstall
&prompt.root; make all installRebootingYou are now done. After you have verified that everything appears
to be in the right place you can reboot the system. A simple
&man.fastboot.8; should do it:&prompt.root; fastbootFinishedYou should now have successfully upgraded your &os; system.
Congratulations.If things went slightly wrong, it is easy to rebuild a particular
piece of the system. For example, if you accidentally deleted
/etc/magic as part of the upgrade or merge of
/etc, the &man.file.1; command will stop working.
In this case, the fix would be to run:&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/usr.bin/file
&prompt.root; make all installQuestionsDo I need to re-make the world for every change?There is no easy answer to this one, as it depends on the
nature of the change. For example, if you just ran CVSup, and
it has shown the following files as being updated:src/games/cribbage/instr.csrc/games/sail/pl_main.csrc/release/sysinstall/config.csrc/release/sysinstall/media.csrc/share/mk/bsd.port.mkit probably is not worth rebuilding the entire world.
You could just go to the appropriate sub-directories and
make all install, and that's about it. But
if something major changed, for example
src/lib/libc/stdlib then you should either
re-make the world, or at least those parts of it that are
statically linked (as well as anything else you might have added
that is statically linked).At the end of the day, it is your call. You might be happy
re-making the world every fortnight say, and let changes
accumulate over that fortnight. Or you might want to re-make
just those things that have changed, and be confident you can
spot all the dependencies.And, of course, this all depends on how often you want to
upgrade, and whether you are tracking &os.stable; or
&os.current;.My compile failed with lots of signal 11 (or other signal
number) errors. What has happened?signal 11This is normally indicative of hardware problems.
(Re)making the world is an effective way to stress test your
hardware, and will frequently throw up memory problems. These
normally manifest themselves as the compiler mysteriously dying
on receipt of strange signals.A sure indicator of this is if you can restart the make and
it dies at a different point in the process.In this instance there is little you can do except start
swapping around the components in your machine to determine
which one is failing.Can I remove /usr/obj when I have
finished?The short answer is yes./usr/obj contains all the object files
that were produced during the compilation phase. Normally, one
of the first steps in the make world process is to
remove this directory and start afresh. In this case, keeping
/usr/obj around after you have finished
makes little sense, and will free up a large chunk of disk space
(currently about 340 MB).However, if you know what you are doing you can have
make world skip this step. This will make subsequent
builds run much faster, since most of sources will not need to
be recompiled. The flip side of this is that subtle dependency
problems can creep in, causing your build to fail in odd ways.
This frequently generates noise on the &os; mailing lists,
when one person complains that their build has failed, not
realizing that it is because they have tried to cut
corners.Can interrupted builds be resumed?This depends on how far through the process you got before
you found a problem.In general (and this is not a hard and
fast rule) the make world process builds new
copies of essential tools (such as &man.gcc.1;, and
&man.make.1;) and the system libraries. These tools and
libraries are then installed. The new tools and libraries are
then used to rebuild themselves, and are installed again. The
entire system (now including regular user programs, such as
&man.ls.1; or &man.grep.1;) is then rebuilt with the new
system files.If you are at the last stage, and you know it (because you
have looked through the output that you were storing) then you
can (fairly safely) do:… fix the problem …
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src
&prompt.root; make -DNOCLEAN allThis will not undo the work of the previous
make world.If you see the message:--------------------------------------------------------------
Building everything..
--------------------------------------------------------------in the make world output then it is
probably fairly safe to do so.If you do not see that message, or you are not sure, then it
is always better to be safe than sorry, and restart the build
from scratch.How can I speed up making the world?Run in single user mode.Put the /usr/src and
/usr/obj directories on separate
file systems held on separate disks. If possible, put these
disks on separate disk controllers.Better still, put these file systems across multiple
disks using the &man.ccd.4; (concatenated disk
driver) device.Turn off profiling (set NOPROFILE=true in
/etc/make.conf). You almost certainly
do not need it.Also in /etc/make.conf, set
CFLAGS to something like . The optimization is much
slower, and the optimization difference between
and is normally
negligible. lets the compiler use
pipes rather than temporary files for communication, which
saves disk access (at the expense of memory).Pass the option to &man.make.1; to
run multiple processes in parallel. This usually helps
regardless of whether you have a single or a multi processor
machine.The file system holding
/usr/src can be mounted (or remounted)
with the option. This prevents the
file system from recording the file access time. You probably
do not need this information anyway.&prompt.root; mount -u -o noatime /usr/srcThe example assumes /usr/src is
on its own file system. If it is not (if it is a part of
/usr for example) then you will
need to use that file system mount point, and not
/usr/src.The file system holding /usr/obj can
be mounted (or remounted) with the
option. This causes disk writes to happen asynchronously.
In other words, the write completes immediately, and the
data is written to the disk a few seconds later. This
allows writes to be clustered together, and can be a
dramatic performance boost.Keep in mind that this option makes your file system
more fragile. With this option there is an increased
chance that, should power fail, the file system will be in
an unrecoverable state when the machine restarts.If /usr/obj is the only thing on
this file system then it is not a problem. If you have
other, valuable data on the same file system then ensure
your backups are fresh before you enable this
option.&prompt.root; mount -u -o async /usr/objAs above, if /usr/obj is not on
its own file system, replace it in the example with the
name of the appropriate mount point.What do I do if something goes wrong?Make absolutely sure your environment has no
extraneous cruft from earlier builds. This is simple
enough.&prompt.root; chflags -R noschg /usr/obj/usr
&prompt.root; rm -rf /usr/obj/usr
&prompt.root; cd /usr/src
&prompt.root; make cleandir
&prompt.root; make cleandirYes, make cleandir really should
be run twice.Then restart the whole process, starting
with make buildworld.If you still have problems, send the error and the
output of uname -a to &a.questions;.
Be prepared to answer other questions about your
setup!MikeMeyerContributed by Tracking for multiple machinesNFSinstalling multiple machinesIf you have multiple machines that you want to track the
same source tree, then having all of them download sources and
rebuild everything seems like a waste of resources: disk space,
network bandwidth, and CPU cycles. It is, and the solution is
to have one machine do most of the work, while the rest of the
machines mount that work via NFS. This section outlines a
method of doing so.PreliminariesFirst, identify a set of machines that is going to run
the same set of binaries, which we will call a
build set. Each machine can have a
custom kernel, but they will be running the same userland
binaries. From that set, choose a machine to be the
build machine. It is going to be the
machine that the world and kernel are built on. Ideally, it
should be a fast machine that has sufficient spare CPU to
run make world. You will also want to
choose a machine to be the test
machine, which will test software updates before they
are put into production. This must be a
machine that you can afford to have down for an extended
period of time. It can be the build machine, but need not be.All the machines in this build set need to mount
/usr/obj and
/usr/src from the same machine, and at
the same point. Ideally, those are on two different drives
on the build machine, but they can be NFS mounted on that machine
as well. If you have multiple build sets,
/usr/src should be on one build machine, and
NFS mounted on the rest.Finally make sure that
/etc/make.conf on all the machines in
the build set agrees with the build machine. That means that
the build machine must build all the parts of the base
system that any machine in the build set is going to
install. Also, each build machine should have its kernel
name set with KERNCONF in
/etc/make.conf, and the build machine
should list them all in KERNCONF, listing
its own kernel first. The build machine must have the kernel
configuration files for each machine in
if it is going to build their kernels.The base systemNow that all that is done, you are ready to build
everything. Build the kernel and world as described in on the build machine,
but do not install anything. After the build has finished, go
to the test machine, and install the kernel you just
built. If this machine mounts /usr/src
and /usr/obj via NFS, when you reboot
to single user you will need to enable the network and mount
them. The easiest way to do this is to boot to multi-user,
then run shutdown now to go to single user
mode. Once there, you can install the new kernel and world and run
mergemaster just as you normally would. When
done, reboot to return to normal multi-user operations for this
machine.After you are certain that everything on the test
machine is working properly, use the same procedure to
install the new software on each of the other machines in
the build set.PortsThe same ideas can be used for the ports tree. The first
critical step is mounting /usr/ports from
the same machine to all the machines in the build set. You can
then set up /etc/make.conf properly to share
distfiles. You should set DISTDIR to a
common shared directory that is writable by whichever user
root is mapped to by your NFS mounts. Each
machine should set WRKDIRPREFIX to a
local build directory. Finally, if you are going to be
building and distributing packages, you should set
PACKAGES to a directory similar to
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml
index 4598894c37..0dc8837e17 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml
@@ -1,3195 +1,3195 @@
StorageSynopsisThis chapter covers the use of disks in FreeBSD. This
includes memory-backed disks, network-attached disks, and
standard SCSI/IDE storage devices.After reading this chapter, you will know:The terminology FreeBSD uses to describe the
organization of data on a physical disk (partitions and slices).How to mount and unmount file systems.How to add additional hard disks to your system.How to setup virtual file systems, such as memory
disks.How to use quotas to limit disk space usage.How to encrypt disks to secure them against attackers.How to create and burn CDs and DVDs on FreeBSD.The various storage media options for backups.How to use backup programs available under FreeBSD.How to backup to floppy disks.What snapshots are and how to use them efficiently.Device NamesThe following is a list of physical storage devices
supported in FreeBSD, and the device names associated with
Physical Disk Naming ConventionsDrive typeDrive device nameIDE hard drivesadIDE CDROM drivesacdSCSI hard drives and USB Mass storage devicesdaSCSI CDROM drivescdAssorted non-standard CDROM drivesmcd for Mitsumi CD-ROM,
scd for Sony CD-ROM,
matcd for Matsushita/Panasonic CD-ROM
The &man.matcd.4; driver has been removed
in FreeBSD 4.X branch since October 5th,
2002 and does not exist in FreeBSD 5.0 and
later.Floppy drivesfdSCSI tape drivessaIDE tape drivesastFlash drivesfla for DiskOnChip Flash deviceRAID drivesaacd for Adaptec AdvancedRAID,
mlxd and mlyd
for Mylex,
amrd for AMI MegaRAID,
idad for Compaq Smart RAID,
twed for 3Ware RAID.
DavidO'BrienOriginally contributed by Adding DisksdisksaddingLets say we want to add a new SCSI disk to a machine that
currently only has a single drive. First turn off the computer
and install the drive in the computer following the instructions
of the computer, controller, and drive manufacturer. Due to the
wide variations of procedures to do this, the details are beyond
the scope of this document.Login as user root. After you have installed the
drive, inspect /var/run/dmesg.boot to ensure the new
disk was found. Continuing with our example, the newly added drive will
be da1 and we want to mount it on
/1 (if you are adding an IDE drive, the device name
will be wd1 in pre-4.0 systems, or
ad1 in most 4.X systems).partitionsslicesfdiskBecause FreeBSD runs on IBM-PC compatible computers, it must
take into account the PC BIOS partitions. These are different
from the traditional BSD partitions. A PC disk has up to four
BIOS partition entries. If the disk is going to be truly
dedicated to FreeBSD, you can use the
dedicated mode. Otherwise, FreeBSD will
have to live within one of the PC BIOS partitions. FreeBSD
calls the PC BIOS partitions slices so as
not to confuse them with traditional BSD partitions. You may
also use slices on a disk that is dedicated to FreeBSD, but used
in a computer that also has another operating system installed.
This is to not confuse the fdisk utility of
the other operating system.In the slice case the drive will be added as
/dev/da1s1e. This is read as: SCSI disk,
unit number 1 (second SCSI disk), slice 1 (PC BIOS partition 1),
and e BSD partition. In the dedicated
case, the drive will be added simply as
/dev/da1e.Using &man.sysinstall.8;sysinstalladding diskssuNavigating SysinstallYou may use /stand/sysinstall to
partition and label a new disk using its easy to use menus.
Either login as user root or use the
su command. Run
/stand/sysinstall and enter the
Configure menu. Within the
FreeBSD Configuration Menu, scroll down and
select the Fdisk option.fdisk Partition EditorOnce inside fdisk, we can type A to
use the entire disk for FreeBSD. When asked if you want to
remain cooperative with any future possible operating
systems, answer YES. Write the
changes to the disk using W. Now exit the
FDISK editor by typing q. Next you will be
asked about the Master Boot Record. Since you are adding a
disk to an already running system, choose
None.Disk Label EditorBSD partitionsNext, you need to exit sysinstall
and start it again. Follow the directions above, although this
time choose the Label option. This will
enter the Disk Label Editor. This
is where you will create the traditional BSD partitions. A
disk can have up to eight partitions, labeled
A few of the partition labels have special uses. The
a partition is used for the root partition
(/). Thus only your system disk (e.g,
the disk you boot from) should have an a
partition. The b partition is used for
swap partitions, and you may have many disks with swap
partitions. The c partition addresses the
entire disk in dedicated mode, or the entire FreeBSD slice in
slice mode. The other partitions are for general use.sysinstall's Label editor
favors the e
partition for non-root, non-swap partitions. Within the
Label editor, create a single file system by typing
C. When prompted if this will be a FS
(file system) or swap, choose FS and type in a
mount point (e.g, /mnt). When adding a
disk in post-install mode, sysinstall
will not create entries
in /etc/fstab for you, so the mount point
you specify is not important.You are now ready to write the new label to the disk and
create a file system on it. Do this by typing
W. Ignore any errors from
sysinstall that
it could not mount the new partition. Exit the Label Editor
and sysinstall completely.FinishThe last step is to edit /etc/fstab
to add an entry for your new disk.Using Command Line UtilitiesUsing SlicesThis setup will allow your disk to work correctly with
other operating systems that might be installed on your
computer and will not confuse other operating systems'
fdisk utilities. It is recommended
to use this method for new disk installs. Only use
dedicated mode if you have a good reason
to do so!&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 bs=1k count=1
&prompt.root; fdisk -BI da1 #Initialize your new disk
&prompt.root; disklabel -B -w -r da1s1 auto #Label it.
&prompt.root; disklabel -e da1s1 # Edit the disklabel just created and add any partitions.
&prompt.root; mkdir -p /1
&prompt.root; newfs /dev/da1s1e # Repeat this for every partition you created.
&prompt.root; mount /dev/da1s1e /1 # Mount the partition(s)
&prompt.root; vi /etc/fstab # Add the appropriate entry/entries to your /etc/fstab.If you have an IDE disk, substitute ad
for da. On pre-4.X systems use
wd.DedicatedOS/2If you will not be sharing the new drive with another operating
system, you may use the dedicated mode. Remember
this mode can confuse Microsoft operating systems; however, no damage
will be done by them. IBM's OS/2 however, will
appropriate any partition it finds which it does not
understand.&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 bs=1k count=1
&prompt.root; disklabel -Brw da1 auto
&prompt.root; disklabel -e da1 # create the `e' partition
&prompt.root; newfs -d0 /dev/da1e
&prompt.root; mkdir -p /1
&prompt.root; vi /etc/fstab # add an entry for /dev/da1e
&prompt.root; mount /1An alternate method is:&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 count=2
&prompt.root; disklabel /dev/da1 | disklabel -BrR da1 /dev/stdin
&prompt.root; newfs /dev/da1e
&prompt.root; mkdir -p /1
&prompt.root; vi /etc/fstab # add an entry for /dev/da1e
&prompt.root; mount /1RAIDSoftware RAIDChristopherShumwayOriginal work by JimBrownRevised by RAIDSoftwareRAIDCCDConcatenated Disk Driver (CCD) ConfigurationWhen choosing a mass storage solution the most important
factors to consider are speed, reliability, and cost. It is
rare to have all three in balance; normally a fast, reliable mass
storage device is expensive, and to cut back on cost either speed
or reliability must be sacrificed.In designing the system described below, cost was chosen
as the most important factor, followed by speed, then reliability.
Data transfer speed for this system is ultimately
constrained by the network. And while reliability is very important,
the CCD drive described below serves online data that is already
fully backed up on CD-R's and can easily be replaced.Defining your own requirements is the first step
in choosing a mass storage solution. If your requirements prefer
speed or reliability over cost, your solution will differ from
the system described in this section.Installing the HardwareIn addition to the IDE system disk, three Western
Digital 30GB, 5400 RPM IDE disks form the core
of the CCD disk described below providing approximately
90GB of online storage. Ideally,
each IDE disk would have its own IDE controller
and cable, but to minimize cost, additional
IDE controllers were not used. Instead the disks were
configured with jumpers so that each IDE controller has
one master, and one slave.Upon reboot, the system BIOS was configured to
automatically detect the disks attached. More importantly,
FreeBSD detected them on reboot:ad0: 19574MB <WDC WD205BA> [39770/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA33
ad1: 29333MB <WDC WD307AA> [59598/16/63] at ata0-slave UDMA33
ad2: 29333MB <WDC WD307AA> [59598/16/63] at ata1-master UDMA33
ad3: 29333MB <WDC WD307AA> [59598/16/63] at ata1-slave UDMA33If FreeBSD does not detect all the disks, ensure
that you have jumpered them correctly. Most IDE drives
also have a Cable Select jumper. This is
not the jumper for the master/slave
relationship. Consult the drive documentation for help in
identifying the correct jumper.Next, consider how to attach them as part of the file
system. You should research both &man.vinum.8; () and &man.ccd.4;. In this
particular configuration, &man.ccd.4; was chosen.Setting up the CCDThe driver &man.ccd.4; allows you to take
several identical disks and concatenate them into one
logical file system. In order to use
&man.ccd.4;, you need a kernel with
&man.ccd.4; support built in.
Add this line to your kernel configuration file, rebuild, and
reinstall the kernel:pseudo-device ccd 4On 5.X systems, you have to use instead the following
line:device ccdIn FreeBSD 5.X, it is not necessary to specify
a number of &man.ccd.4; devices, as the &man.ccd.4; device driver is now
self-cloning — new device instances will automatically be
created on demand.The &man.ccd.4; support can also be
loaded as a kernel loadable module in FreeBSD 3.0 or
later.To set up &man.ccd.4;, you must first use
&man.disklabel.8; to label the disks:disklabel -r -w ad1 auto
disklabel -r -w ad2 auto
disklabel -r -w ad3 autoThis creates a disklabel for ad1c, ad2c and ad3c that
spans the entire disk.The next step is to change the disk label type. You
can use &man.disklabel.8; to edit the
disks:disklabel -e ad1
disklabel -e ad2
disklabel -e ad3This opens up the current disk label on each disk with
the editor specified by the EDITOR
environment variable, typically &man.vi.1;.An unmodified disk label will look something like
this:8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
c: 60074784 0 unused 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)Add a new e partition for &man.ccd.4; to use. This
can usually be copied from the c partition,
but the must
be 4.2BSD. The disk label should
now look something like this:8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
c: 60074784 0 unused 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)
e: 60074784 0 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 59597)Building the File SystemThe device node for
ccd0c may not exist yet, so to
create it, perform the following commands:cd /dev
sh MAKEDEV ccd0In FreeBSD 5.0, &man.devfs.5; will automatically
manage device nodes in /dev, so use of
MAKEDEV is not necessary.Now that you have all of the disks labeled, you must
build the &man.ccd.4;. To do that,
use &man.ccdconfig.8;, with options similar to the following:ccdconfig ccd0 32 0 /dev/ad1e /dev/ad2e /dev/ad3eThe use and meaning of each option is shown below:The first argument is the device to configure, in this case,
/dev/ccd0c. The /dev/
portion is optional.The interleave for the file system. The interleave
defines the size of a stripe in disk blocks, each normally 512 bytes.
So, an interleave of 32 would be 16,384 bytes.Flags for &man.ccdconfig.8;. If you want to enable drive
mirroring, you can specify a flag here. This
configuration does not provide mirroring for
&man.ccd.4;, so it is set at 0 (zero).The final arguments to &man.ccdconfig.8;
are the devices to place into the array. Use the complete pathname
for each device.After running &man.ccdconfig.8; the &man.ccd.4;
is configured. A file system can be installed. Refer to &man.newfs.8;
for options, or simply run: newfs /dev/ccd0cMaking it all AutomaticGenerally, you will want to mount the
&man.ccd.4; upon each reboot. To do this, you must
configure it first. Write out your current configuration to
/etc/ccd.conf using the following command:ccdconfig -g > /etc/ccd.confDuring reboot, the script /etc/rc
runs ccdconfig -C if /etc/ccd.conf
exists. This automatically configures the
&man.ccd.4; so it can be mounted.If you are booting into single user mode, before you can
&man.mount.8; the &man.ccd.4;, you
need to issue the following command to configure the
array:ccdconfig -CTo automatically mount the &man.ccd.4;,
place an entry for the &man.ccd.4; in
/etc/fstab so it will be mounted at
boot time:/dev/ccd0c /media ufs rw 2 2The Vinum Volume ManagerRAIDSoftwareRAIDVinumThe Vinum Volume Manager is a block device driver which
implements virtual disk drives. It isolates disk hardware
from the block device interface and maps data in ways which
result in an increase in flexibility, performance and
reliability compared to the traditional slice view of disk
storage. &man.vinum.8; implements the RAID-0, RAID-1 and
RAID-5 models, both individually and in combination.See for more
information about &man.vinum.8;.Hardware RAIDRAIDHardwareFreeBSD also supports a variety of hardware RAID
controllers. These devices control a RAID subsystem
without the need for FreeBSD specific software to manage the
array.Using an on-card BIOS, the card controls most of the disk operations
itself. The following is a brief setup description using a Promise IDE RAID
controller. When this card is installed and the system is started up, it
displays a prompt requesting information. Follow the instructions
to enter the card's setup screen. From here, you have the ability to
combine all the attached drives. After doing so, the disk(s) will look like
a single drive to FreeBSD. Other RAID levels can be set up
Rebuilding ATA RAID1 ArraysFreeBSD allows you to hot-replace a failed disk in an array. This requires
that you catch it before you reboot.You will probably see something like the following in /var/log/messages or in the &man.dmesg.8;
output:ad6 on monster1 suffered a hard error.
ad6: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ad6: trying fallback to PIO mode
ata3: resetting devices .. done
ad6: hard error reading fsbn 1116119 of 0-7 (ad6 bn 1116119; cn 1107 tn 4 sn 11) status=59 error=40
ar0: WARNING - mirror lostUsing &man.atacontrol.8;, check for further information:&prompt.root; atacontrol list
ATA channel 0:
Master: no device present
Slave: acd0 <HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8520B/1.00> ATA/ATAPI rev 0
ATA channel 1:
Master: no device present
Slave: no device present
ATA channel 2:
Master: ad4 <MAXTOR 6L080J4/A93.0500> ATA/ATAPI rev 5
Slave: no device present
ATA channel 3:
Master: ad6 <MAXTOR 6L080J4/A93.0500> ATA/ATAPI rev 5
Slave: no device present
&prompt.root; atacontrol status ar0
ar0: ATA RAID1 subdisks: ad4 ad6 status: DEGRADEDYou will first need to detach the disk from the array so that you can
safely remove it:&prompt.root; atacontrol detach 3Replace the disk.Reattach the disk as a spare:&prompt.root; atacontrol attach 3
Master: ad6 <MAXTOR 6L080J4/A93.0500> ATA/ATAPI rev 5
Slave: no device presentRebuild the array:&prompt.root; atacontrol rebuild ar0The rebuild command hangs until complete. However, it is possible to open another
terminal (using AltFn)
and check on the progress by issuing the following command:&prompt.root; dmesg | tail -10
[output removed]
ad6: removed from configuration
ad6: deleted from ar0 disk1
ad6: inserted into ar0 disk1 as spare
&prompt.root; atacontrol status ar0
ar0: ATA RAID1 subdisks: ad4 ad6 status: REBUILDING 0% completedWait until this operation completes.MikeMeyerContributed by Creating and Using Optical Media (CDs & DVDs)CDROMscreatingIntroductionCDs have a number of features that differentiate them from
conventional disks. Initially, they were not writable by the
user. They are designed so that they can be read continuously without
delays to move the head between tracks. They are also much easier
to transport between systems than similarly sized media were at the
time.CDs do have tracks, but this refers to a section of data to
be read continuously and not a physical property of the disk. To
produce a CD on FreeBSD, you prepare the data files that are going
to make up the tracks on the CD, then write the tracks to the
CD.ISO 9660file systemsISO 9660The ISO 9660 file system was designed to deal with these
differences. It unfortunately codifies file system limits that were
common then. Fortunately, it provides an extension mechanism that
allows properly written CDs to exceed those limits while still
working with systems that do not support those extensions.sysutils/mkisofsThe sysutils/mkisofs
program is used to produce a data file containing an ISO 9660 file
system. It has options that support various extensions, and is
described below. You can install it with the
sysutils/mkisofs port.CD burnerATAPIWhich tool to use to burn the CD depends on whether your CD burner
is ATAPI or something else. ATAPI CD burners use the burncd program that is part of
the base system. SCSI and USB CD burners should use
cdrecord from
the sysutils/cdrtools port.burncd has a limited number of
supported drives. To find out if a drive is supported, see the
CD-R/RW supported
drives list.CD burnerATAPI/CAM driverIf you run &os; 5.X, &os; 4.8-RELEASE version or
higher, it will be possible to use cdrecord and other tools
for SCSI drives on an ATAPI hardware with the ATAPI/CAM module.mkisofssysutils/mkisofs produces an ISO 9660 file system
that is an image of a directory tree in the Unix file system name
space. The simplest usage is:&prompt.root; mkisofs -o imagefile.iso/path/to/treefile systemsISO 9660This command will create an imagefile.iso
containing an ISO 9660 file system that is a copy of the tree at
/path/to/tree. In the process, it will
map the file names to names that fit the limitations of the
standard ISO 9660 file system, and will exclude files that have
names uncharacteristic of ISO file systems.file systemsHFSfile systemsJolietA number of options are available to overcome those
restrictions. In particular, enables the
Rock Ridge extensions common to Unix systems,
enables Joliet extensions used by Microsoft systems, and
can be used to create HFS file systems used
by MacOS.For CDs that are going to be used only on FreeBSD systems,
can be used to disable all filename
restrictions. When used with , it produces a
file system image that is identical to the FreeBSD tree you started
from, though it may violate the ISO 9660 standard in a number of
ways.CDROMscreating bootableThe last option of general use is . This is
used to specify the location of the boot image for use in producing an
El Torito bootable CD. This option takes an
argument which is the path to a boot image from the top of the
tree being written to the CD. So, given that
/tmp/myboot holds a bootable FreeBSD system
with the boot image in
/tmp/myboot/boot/cdboot, you could produce the
image of an ISO 9660 file system in
/tmp/bootable.iso like so:&prompt.root; mkisofs -U -R -b boot/cdboot -o /tmp/bootable.iso /tmp/mybootHaving done that, if you have vn
(FreeBSD 4.X), or md
(FreeBSD 5.X)
configured in your kernel, you can mount the file system with:&prompt.root; vnconfig -e vn0c /tmp/bootable.iso
&prompt.root; mount -t cd9660 /dev/vn0c /mntfor FreeBSD 4.X, and for FreeBSD 5.X:&prompt.root; mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /tmp/bootable.iso -u 0
&prompt.root; mount -t cd9660 /dev/md0 /mntAt which point you can verify that /mnt
and /tmp/myboot are identical.There are many other options you can use with
sysutils/mkisofs to fine-tune its behavior. In particular:
modifications to an ISO 9660 layout and the creation of Joliet
and HFS discs. See the &man.mkisofs.8; manual page for details.burncdCDROMsburningIf you have an ATAPI CD burner, you can use the
burncd command to burn an ISO image onto a
CD. burncd is part of the base system, installed
as /usr/sbin/burncd. Usage is very simple, as
it has few options:&prompt.root; burncd -f cddevice data imagefile.iso fixateWill burn a copy of imagefile.iso on
cddevice. The default device is
/dev/acd0c. See &man.burncd.8; for options to
set the write speed, eject the CD after burning, and write audio
data.cdrecordIf you do not have an ATAPI CD burner, you will have to use
cdrecord to burn your
CDs. cdrecord is not part of the base system;
you must install it from either the port at sysutils/cdrtools
or the appropriate
package. Changes to the base system can cause binary versions of
this program to fail, possibly resulting in a
coaster. You should therefore either upgrade the
port when you upgrade your system, or if you are tracking -STABLE, upgrade the port when a
new version becomes available.While cdrecord has many options, basic usage
is even simpler than burncd. Burning an ISO 9660
image is done with:&prompt.root; cdrecord dev=deviceimagefile.isoThe tricky part of using cdrecord is finding
the to use. To find the proper setting, use
the flag of cdrecord,
which might produce results like this:CDROMsburning&prompt.root; cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.9 (i386-unknown-freebsd4.2) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
0,0,0 0) 'SEAGATE ' 'ST39236LW ' '0004' Disk
0,1,0 1) 'SEAGATE ' 'ST39173W ' '5958' Disk
0,2,0 2) *
0,3,0 3) 'iomega ' 'jaz 1GB ' 'J.86' Removable Disk
0,4,0 4) 'NEC ' 'CD-ROM DRIVE:466' '1.26' Removable CD-ROM
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *
1,0,0 100) *
1,1,0 101) *
1,2,0 102) *
1,3,0 103) *
1,4,0 104) *
1,5,0 105) 'YAMAHA ' 'CRW4260 ' '1.0q' Removable CD-ROM
1,6,0 106) 'ARTEC ' 'AM12S ' '1.06' Scanner
1,7,0 107) *This lists the appropriate value for the
devices on the list. Locate your CD burner, and use the three
numbers separated by commas as the value for
. In this case, the CRW device is 1,5,0, so the
appropriate input would be
. There are easier
ways to specify this value; see &man.cdrecord.1; for
details. That is also the place to look for information on writing
audio tracks, controlling the speed, and other things.Duplicating Audio CDsYou can duplicate an audio CD by extracting the audio data from
the CD to a series of files, and then writing these files to a blank
CD. The process is slightly different for ATAPI and SCSI
drives.SCSI drivesUse cdda2wav to extract the audio.&prompt.user; cdda2wav -v255 -D2,0 -B -OwavUse cdrecord to write the
.wav files.&prompt.user; cdrecord -v dev=2,0 -dao -useinfo *.wavMake sure that 2.0 is set
appropriately, as described in .ATAPI drivesThe ATAPI CD driver makes each track available as
where d is the drive number, and
nn is the track number written with two
decimal digits, prefixed with zero as needed.
So the first track on the first disk is
/dev/acd0t01, the second is
/dev/acd0t02, the third is
/dev/acd0t03, and so on.Make sure the appropriate files exist in
/dev.&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV acd0t99In FreeBSD 5.0, &man.devfs.5; will automatically
create and manage entries in /dev
for you, so it is not necessary to use
MAKEDEV.Extract each track using &man.dd.1;. You must also use a
specific block size when extracting the files.&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/acd0t01 of=track1.cdr bs=2352
&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/acd0t02 of=track2.cdr bs=2352
Burn the extracted files to disk using
burncd. You must specify that these are audio
files, and that burncd should fixate the disk
when finished.&prompt.root; burncd -f /dev/acd0c audio track1.cdr track2.cdr ... fixateDuplicating Data CDsYou can copy a data CD to a image file that is
functionally equivalent to the image file created with
sysutils/mkisofs, and you can use it to duplicate
any data CD. The example given here assumes that your CDROM
device is acd0. Substitute your
correct CDROM device. A c must be appended
to the end of the device name to indicate the entire partition
or, in the case of CDROMs, the entire disc.&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/acd0c of=file.iso bs=2048Now that you have an image, you can burn it to CD as
described above.Using Data CDsNow that you have created a standard data CDROM, you
probably want to mount it and read the data on it. By
default, &man.mount.8; assumes that a file system is of type
ufs. If you try something like:&prompt.root; mount /dev/cd0c /mntyou will get a complaint about Incorrect super
block, and no mount. The CDROM is not a
UFS file system, so attempts to mount it
as such will fail. You just need to tell &man.mount.8; that
the file system is of type ISO9660, and
everything will work. You do this by specifying the
option &man.mount.8;. For
example, if you want to mount the CDROM device,
/dev/cd0c, under
/mnt, you would execute:&prompt.root; mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mntNote that your device name
(/dev/cd0c in this example) could be
different, depending on the interface your CDROM uses. Also,
the option just executes
&man.mount.cd9660.8;. The above example could be shortened
to:&prompt.root; mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mntYou can generally use data CDROMs from any vendor in this
way. Disks with certain ISO 9660 extensions might behave
oddly, however. For example, Joliet disks store all filenames
in two-byte Unicode characters. The FreeBSD kernel does not
speak Unicode (yet!), so non-English characters show up as
question marks. (If you are running FreeBSD 4.3 or later, the
CD9660 driver includes hooks to load an appropriate Unicode
conversion table on the fly. Modules for some of the common
encodings are available via the
sysutils/cd9660_unicode port.)Occasionally, you might get Device not
configured when trying to mount a CDROM. This
usually means that the CDROM drive thinks that there is no
disk in the tray, or that the drive is not visible on the bus.
It can take a couple of seconds for a CDROM drive to realize
that it has been fed, so be patient.Sometimes, a SCSI CDROM may be missed because it didn't
have enough time to answer the bus reset. If you have a SCSI
CDROM please add the following option to your kernel
configuration and rebuild your kernel.options SCSI_DELAY=15000This tells your SCSI bus to pause 15 seconds during boot,
to give your CDROM drive every possible chance to answer the
bus reset.Burning Raw Data CDsYou can choose to burn a file directly to CD, without
creating an ISO 9660 file system. Some people do this for
backup purposes. This runs more quickly than burning a
standard CD:&prompt.root; burncd -f /dev/acd1c -s 12 data archive.tar.gz fixateIn order to retrieve the data burned to such a CD, you
must read data from the raw device node:&prompt.root; tar xzvf /dev/acd1cYou cannot mount this disk as you would a normal CDROM.
Such a CDROM cannot be read under any operating system
except FreeBSD. If you want to be able to mount the CD, or
share data with another operating system, you must use
sysutils/mkisofs as described above.CD burnerATAPI/CAM driverUsing the ATAPI/CAM DriverThis driver allows ATAPI devices (CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD
drives etc...) to be accessed through the SCSI subsystem, and
so allows the use of applications like sysutils/cdrdao or
&man.cdrecord.1;.To use this driver, you will need to add the following
lines to your kernel configuration file:device atapicam
device scbus
device cd
device passYou also need the following lines in your kernel
configuration file:device ata
device atapicdBoth of which should already be present.Then rebuild, install your new kernel, and reboot your
machine. During the boot process, your burner should show up,
like so:acd0: CD-RW <MATSHITA CD-RW/DVD-ROM UJDA740> at ata1-master PIO4
cd0 at ata1 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
cd0: <MATSHITA CDRW/DVD UJDA740 1.00> Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device
cd0: 16.000MB/s transfers
cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present - tray closedThe drive could now be accessed via the
/dev/cd0 device name, for example to
mount a CD-ROM on /mnt, just type the
following:&prompt.root; mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mntAs root, you can run the following
command to get the SCSI address of the burner:&prompt.root; camcontrol devlist
<MATSHITA CDRW/DVD UJDA740 1.00> at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,cd0)So 1,0,0 will be the SCSI address to
use with &man.cdrecord.1; and other SCSI application.For more information about ATAPI/CAM and SCSI system,
refer to the &man.atapicam.4; and &man.cam.4; manual
pages.JulioMerinoOriginal work by MartinKarlssonRewritten by Creating and Using Floppy DisksStoring data on floppy disks is sometimes useful, for
example when one does not have any other removable storage media
or when one needs to transfer small amounts of data to another
computer.This section will explain how to use floppy disks in
FreeBSD. It will primarily cover formatting and usage of
3.5inch DOS floppies, but the concepts are similar for other
floppy disk formats.Formatting floppiesThe deviceFloppy disks are accessed through entries in
/dev, just like other devices. To
access the raw floppy disk in 4.X and earlier releases, one
where N stands for the drive
number, usually 0, or
where X stands for a
letter.In 5.0 or newer releases, simply use
/dev/fdN.The disk size in 4.X and earlier releasesThere are also /dev/fdN.size
devices, where size is a floppy disk
size in kilobytes. These entries are used at low-level format
time to determine the disk size. 1440kB is the size that will be
used in the following examplesSometimes the entries under /dev will
have to be (re)created. To do that, issue:&prompt.root; cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV "fd*"The disk size in 5.0 and newer releasesIn 5.0, &man.devfs.5; will automatically
manage device nodes in /dev, so use of
MAKEDEV is not necessary.The desired disk size is passed to &man.fdformat.1; through
the -f flag. Supported sizes are listed in
&man.fdcontrol.8;, but be advised that 1440kB is what works best.FormattingA floppy disk needs to be low-level formated before it
can be used. This is usually done by the vendor, but
formatting is a good way to check media integrity. Although
it is possible to force larger (or smaller) disk sizes,
1440kB is what most floppy disks are designed for.To low-level format the floppy disk you need to use
&man.fdformat.1;. This utility expects the device name as an
argument.Make note of any error messages, as these can help
determine if the disk is good or bad.Formatting in 4.X and earlier releasesUse the
devices to format the floppy. Insert a new 3.5inch floppy
disk in your drive and issue:&prompt.root; /usr/sbin/fdformat /dev/fd0.1440Formatting in 5.0 and newer releasesUse the
devices to format the floppy. Insert a new 3.5inch floppy
disk in your drive and issue:&prompt.root; /usr/sbin/fdformat -f 1440 /dev/fd0The disklabelAfter low-level formatting the disk, you will need to
place a disklabel on it. This disklabel will be destroyed
later, but it is needed by the system to determine the size of
the disk and its geometry later.The new disklabel will take over the whole disk, and will
contain all the proper information about the geometry of the
floppy. The geometry values for the disklabel are listed in
You can run now &man.disklabel.8; like so:&prompt.root; /sbin/disklabel -B -r -w /dev/fd0 fd1440The file systemNow the floppy is ready to be high-level formated. This
will place a new file system on it, which will let FreeBSD read
and write to the disk. After creating the new file system, the
disklabel is destroyed, so if you want to reformat the disk, you
will have to recreate the disklabel.The floppy's file system can be either UFS or FAT.
FAT is generally a better choice for floppies.To put a new file system on the floppy, issue:&prompt.root; /sbin/newfs_msdos /dev/fd0The disk is now ready for use.Using the floppyTo use the floppy, mount it with &man.mount.msdos.8; (in
4.X and earlier releases) or &man.mount.msdosfs.8; (in 5.0 or
newer releases). One can also use
mtools from the ports
collection.Creating and Using Data Tapestape mediaThe major tape media are the 4mm, 8mm, QIC, mini-cartridge and
DLT.4mm (DDS: Digital Data Storage)tape mediaDDS (4mm) tapestape mediaQIC tapes4mm tapes are replacing QIC as the workstation backup media of
choice. This trend accelerated greatly when Conner purchased Archive,
a leading manufacturer of QIC drives, and then stopped production of
QIC drives. 4mm drives are small and quiet but do not have the
reputation for reliability that is enjoyed by 8mm drives. The
cartridges are less expensive and smaller (3 x 2 x 0.5 inches, 76 x 51
x 12 mm) than 8mm cartridges. 4mm, like 8mm, has comparatively short
head life for the same reason, both use helical scan.Data throughput on these drives starts ~150 kB/s, peaking at ~500 kB/s.
Data capacity starts at 1.3 GB and ends at 2.0 GB. Hardware
compression, available with most of these drives, approximately
doubles the capacity. Multi-drive tape library units can have 6
drives in a single cabinet with automatic tape changing. Library
capacities reach 240 GB.The DDS-3 standard now supports tape capacities up to 12 GB (or
24 GB compressed).4mm drives, like 8mm drives, use helical-scan. All the benefits
and drawbacks of helical-scan apply to both 4mm and 8mm drives.Tapes should be retired from use after 2,000 passes or 100 full
backups.8mm (Exabyte)tape mediaExabyte (8mm) tapes8mm tapes are the most common SCSI tape drives; they are the best
choice of exchanging tapes. Nearly every site has an Exabyte 2 GB 8mm
tape drive. 8mm drives are reliable, convenient and quiet. Cartridges
are inexpensive and small (4.8 x 3.3 x 0.6 inches; 122 x 84 x 15 mm).
One downside of 8mm tape is relatively short head and tape life due to
the high rate of relative motion of the tape across the heads.Data throughput ranges from ~250 kB/s to ~500 kB/s. Data sizes start
at 300 MB and go up to 7 GB. Hardware compression, available with
most of these drives, approximately doubles the capacity. These
drives are available as single units or multi-drive tape libraries
with 6 drives and 120 tapes in a single cabinet. Tapes are changed
automatically by the unit. Library capacities reach 840+ GB.The Exabyte Mammoth model supports 12 GB on one tape
(24 GB with compression) and costs approximately twice as much as
conventional tape drives.Data is recorded onto the tape using helical-scan, the heads are
positioned at an angle to the media (approximately 6 degrees). The
tape wraps around 270 degrees of the spool that holds the heads. The
spool spins while the tape slides over the spool. The result is a
high density of data and closely packed tracks that angle across the
tape from one edge to the other.QICtape mediaQIC-150QIC-150 tapes and drives are, perhaps, the most common tape drive
and media around. QIC tape drives are the least expensive serious
backup drives. The downside is the cost of media. QIC tapes are
expensive compared to 8mm or 4mm tapes, up to 5 times the price per GB
data storage. But, if your needs can be satisfied with a half-dozen
tapes, QIC may be the correct choice. QIC is the
most common tape drive. Every site has a QIC
drive of some density or another. Therein lies the rub, QIC has a
large number of densities on physically similar (sometimes identical)
tapes. QIC drives are not quiet. These drives audibly seek before
they begin to record data and are clearly audible whenever reading,
writing or seeking. QIC tapes measure (6 x 4 x 0.7 inches; 15.2 x
10.2 x 1.7 mm). Mini-cartridges, which
also use 1/4" wide tape are discussed separately. Tape libraries and
changers are not available.Data throughput ranges from ~150 kB/s to ~500 kB/s. Data capacity
ranges from 40 MB to 15 GB. Hardware compression is available on many
of the newer QIC drives. QIC drives are less frequently installed;
they are being supplanted by DAT drives.Data is recorded onto the tape in tracks. The tracks run along
the long axis of the tape media from one end to the other. The number
of tracks, and therefore the width of a track, varies with the tape's
capacity. Most if not all newer drives provide backward-compatibility
at least for reading (but often also for writing). QIC has a good
reputation regarding the safety of the data (the mechanics are simpler
and more robust than for helical scan drives).Tapes should be retired from use after 5,000 backups.XXX* Mini-CartridgeDLTtape mediaDLTDLT has the fastest data transfer rate of all the drive types
listed here. The 1/2" (12.5mm) tape is contained in a single spool
cartridge (4 x 4 x 1 inches; 100 x 100 x 25 mm). The cartridge has a
swinging gate along one entire side of the cartridge. The drive
mechanism opens this gate to extract the tape leader. The tape leader
has an oval hole in it which the drive uses to hook the tape. The
take-up spool is located inside the tape drive. All the other tape
cartridges listed here (9 track tapes are the only exception) have
both the supply and take-up spools located inside the tape cartridge
itself.Data throughput is approximately 1.5 MB/s, three times the throughput of
4mm, 8mm, or QIC tape drives. Data capacities range from 10 GB to 20 GB
for a single drive. Drives are available in both multi-tape changers
and multi-tape, multi-drive tape libraries containing from 5 to 900
tapes over 1 to 20 drives, providing from 50 GB to 9 TB of
storage.With compression, DLT Type IV format supports up to 70 GB
capacity.Data is recorded onto the tape in tracks parallel to the direction
of travel (just like QIC tapes). Two tracks are written at once.
Read/write head lifetimes are relatively long; once the tape stops
moving, there is no relative motion between the heads and the
tape.AITtape mediaAITAIT is a new format from Sony, and can hold up to 50 GB (with
compression) per tape. The tapes contain memory chips which retain an
index of the tape's contents. This index can be rapidly read by the
tape drive to determine the position of files on the tape, instead of
the several minutes that would be required for other tapes. Software
such as SAMS:Alexandria can operate forty or more AIT tape libraries,
communicating directly with the tape's memory chip to display the
contents on screen, determine what files were backed up to which
tape, locate the correct tape, load it, and restore the data from the
tape.Libraries like this cost in the region of $20,000, pricing them a
little out of the hobbyist market.Using a New Tape for the First TimeThe first time that you try to read or write a new, completely
blank tape, the operation will fail. The console messages should be
similar to:sa0(ncr1:4:0): NOT READY asc:4,1
sa0(ncr1:4:0): Logical unit is in process of becoming readyThe tape does not contain an Identifier Block (block number 0).
All QIC tape drives since the adoption of QIC-525 standard write an
Identifier Block to the tape. There are two solutions:mt fsf 1 causes the tape drive to write an
Identifier Block to the tape.Use the front panel button to eject the tape.Re-insert the tape and dump data to
the tape.dump will report DUMP: End of tape
detected and the console will show: HARDWARE
FAILURE info:280 asc:80,96.rewind the tape using: mt rewind.Subsequent tape operations are successful.Backups to FloppiesCan I Use floppies for Backing Up My Data?backup floppiesfloppy disksFloppy disks are not really a suitable media for
making backups as:The media is unreliable, especially over long periods of
time.Backing up and restoring is very slow.They have a very limited capacity (the days of backing up
an entire hard disk onto a dozen or so floppies has long since
passed).However, if you have no other method of backing up your data then
floppy disks are better than no backup at all.If you do have to use floppy disks then ensure that you use good
quality ones. Floppies that have been lying around the office for a
couple of years are a bad choice. Ideally use new ones from a
reputable manufacturer.So How Do I Backup My Data to Floppies?The best way to backup to floppy disk is to use
&man.tar.1; with the (multi
volume) option, which allows backups to span multiple
floppies.To backup all the files in the current directory and sub-directory
use this (as root):&prompt.root; tar Mcvf /dev/fd0 *When the first floppy is full &man.tar.1; will prompt you to
insert the next volume (because &man.tar.1; is media independent it
refers to volumes; in this context it means floppy disk).Prepare volume #2 for /dev/fd0 and hit return:This is repeated (with the volume number incrementing) until all
the specified files have been archived.Can I Compress My Backups?targzipcompressionUnfortunately, &man.tar.1; will not allow the
option to be used for multi-volume archives.
You could, of course, &man.gzip.1; all the files,
&man.tar.1; them to the floppies, then
&man.gunzip.1; the files again!How Do I Restore My Backups?To restore the entire archive use:&prompt.root; tar Mxvf /dev/fd0There are two ways that you can use to restore only
specific files. First, you can start with the first floppy
and use:&prompt.root; tar Mxvf /dev/fd0 filenameThe utility &man.tar.1; will prompt you to insert subsequent floppies until it
finds the required file.Alternatively, if you know which floppy the file is on then you
can simply insert that floppy and use the same command as above. Note
that if the first file on the floppy is a continuation from the
previous one then &man.tar.1; will warn you that it cannot
restore it, even if you have not asked it to!Backup Basicsbackup software and basicsThe three major backup programs are
&man.cpio.1;.Dump and Restorebackup softwaredump / restoredumprestoreThe traditional Unix backup programs are
dump and restore. They
operate on the drive as a collection of disk blocks, below the
abstractions of files, links and directories that are created by
the file systems. dump backs up an entire
file system on a device. It is unable to backup only part of a
file system or a directory tree that spans more than one
file system. dump does not write files and
directories to tape, but rather writes the raw data blocks that
comprise files and directories.If you use dump on your root directory, you
would not back up /home,
/usr or many other directories since
these are typically mount points for other file systems or
symbolic links into those file systems.dump has quirks that remain from its early days in
Version 6 of AT&T Unix (circa 1975). The default
parameters are suitable for 9-track tapes (6250 bpi), not the
high-density media available today (up to 62,182 ftpi). These
defaults must be overridden on the command line to utilize the
capacity of current tape drives..rhostsIt is also possible to backup data across the network to a
tape drive attached to another computer with rdump and
rrestore. Both programs rely upon rcmd and
ruserok to access the remote tape drive. Therefore,
the user performing the backup must be listed in the
.rhosts file on the remote computer. The
arguments to rdump and rrestore must be suitable
to use on the remote computer. When
rdumping from a FreeBSD computer to an
Exabyte tape drive connected to a Sun called
komodo, use:&prompt.root; /sbin/rdump 0dsbfu 54000 13000 126 komodo:/dev/nsa8 /dev/da0a 2>&1Beware: there are security implications to
allowing .rhosts authentication. Evaluate your
situation carefully.It is also possible to use dump and
restore in a more secure fashion over
ssh.Using dump over ssh&prompt.root; /sbin/dump -0uan -f - /usr | gzip -2 | ssh1 -c blowfish \
targetuser@targetmachine.example.com dd of=/mybigfiles/dump-usr-l0.gztarbackup softwaretar&man.tar.1; also dates back to Version 6 of AT&T Unix
(circa 1975). tar operates in cooperation
with the file system; tar writes files and
directories to tape. tar does not support the
full range of options that are available from &man.cpio.1;, but
tar does not require the unusual command
pipeline that cpio uses.tarMost versions of tar do not support
backups across the network. The GNU version of
tar, which FreeBSD utilizes, supports remote
devices using the same syntax as rdump. To
tar to an Exabyte tape drive connected to a
Sun called komodo, use:&prompt.root; /usr/bin/tar cf komodo:/dev/nsa8 . 2>&1For versions without
remote device support, you can use a pipeline and
rsh to send the data to a remote tape
drive.&prompt.root; tar cf - . | rsh hostname dd of=tape-device obs=20bIf you are worried about the security of backing up over a
network you should use the ssh command
instead of rsh.cpiobackup softwarecpio&man.cpio.1; is the original Unix file interchange tape
program for magnetic media. cpio has options
(among many others) to perform byte-swapping, write a number of
different archive formats, and pipe the data to other programs.
This last feature makes cpio an excellent
choice for installation media. cpio does not
know how to walk the directory tree and a list of files must be
provided through stdin.cpiocpio does not support backups across
the network. You can use a pipeline and rsh
to send the data to a remote tape drive.&prompt.root; for f in directory_list; dofind $f >> backup.listdone
&prompt.root; cpio -v -o --format=newc < backup.list | ssh user@host "cat > backup_device"Where directory_list is the list of
directories you want to back up,
user@host is the
user/hostname combination that will be performing the backups, and
backup_device is where the backups should
be written to (e.g., /dev/nsa0).paxbackup softwarepaxpaxPOSIXIEEE&man.pax.1; is IEEE/POSIX's answer to
tar and cpio. Over the
years the various versions of tar and
cpio have gotten slightly incompatible. So
rather than fight it out to fully standardize them, POSIX
created a new archive utility. pax attempts
to read and write many of the various cpio
and tar formats, plus new formats of its own.
Its command set more resembles cpio than
tar.Amandabackup softwareAmandaAmandaAmanda (Advanced Maryland
Network Disk Archiver) is a client/server backup system,
rather than a single program. An Amanda server will backup to
a single tape drive any number of computers that have Amanda
clients and a network connection to the Amanda server. A
common problem at sites with a number of large disks is
that the length of time required to backup to data directly to tape
exceeds the amount of time available for the task. Amanda
solves this problem. Amanda can use a holding disk to
backup several file systems at the same time. Amanda creates
archive sets: a group of tapes used over a period of time to
create full backups of all the file systems listed in Amanda's
configuration file. The archive set also contains nightly
incremental (or differential) backups of all the file systems.
Restoring a damaged file system requires the most recent full
backup and the incremental backups.The configuration file provides fine control of backups and the
network traffic that Amanda generates. Amanda will use any of the
above backup programs to write the data to tape. Amanda is available
as either a port or a package, it is not installed by default.Do NothingDo nothing is not a computer program, but it is the
most widely used backup strategy. There are no initial costs. There
is no backup schedule to follow. Just say no. If something happens
to your data, grin and bear it!If your time and your data is worth little to nothing, then
Do nothing is the most suitable backup program for your
computer. But beware, Unix is a useful tool, you may find that within
six months you have a collection of files that are valuable to
you.Do nothing is the correct backup method for
/usr/obj and other directory trees that can be
exactly recreated by your computer. An example is the files that
comprise the HTML or PostScript version of this Handbook.
These document formats have been created from SGML input
files. Creating backups of the HTML or PostScript files is
not necessary. The SGML files are backed up regularly.Which Backup Program Is Best?LISA&man.dump.8; Period. Elizabeth D. Zwicky
torture tested all the backup programs discussed here. The clear
choice for preserving all your data and all the peculiarities of Unix
file systems is dump. Elizabeth created file systems containing
a large variety of unusual conditions (and some not so unusual ones)
and tested each program by doing a backup and restore of those
file systems. The peculiarities included: files with holes, files with
holes and a block of nulls, files with funny characters in their
names, unreadable and unwritable files, devices, files that change
size during the backup, files that are created/deleted during the
backup and more. She presented the results at LISA V in Oct. 1991.
See torture-testing
Backup and Archive Programs.Emergency Restore ProcedureBefore the DisasterThere are only four steps that you need to perform in
preparation for any disaster that may occur.disklabelFirst, print the disklabel from each of your disks
(e.g. disklabel da0 | lpr), your file system table
(/etc/fstab) and all boot messages,
two copies of
each.fix-it floppiesSecond, determine that the boot and fix-it floppies
(boot.flp and fixit.flp)
have all your devices. The easiest way to check is to reboot your
machine with the boot floppy in the floppy drive and check the boot
messages. If all your devices are listed and functional, skip on to
step three.Otherwise, you have to create two custom bootable
floppies which have a kernel that can mount all of your disks
and access your tape drive. These floppies must contain:
fdisk, disklabel,
newfs, mount, and
whichever backup program you use. These programs must be
statically linked. If you use dump, the
floppy must contain restore.Third, create backup tapes regularly. Any changes that you make
after your last backup may be irretrievably lost. Write-protect the
backup tapes.Fourth, test the floppies (either boot.flp
and fixit.flp or the two custom bootable
floppies you made in step two.) and backup tapes. Make notes of the
procedure. Store these notes with the bootable floppy, the
printouts and the backup tapes. You will be so distraught when
restoring that the notes may prevent you from destroying your backup
tapes (How? In place of tar xvf /dev/sa0, you
might accidentally type tar cvf /dev/sa0 and
over-write your backup tape).For an added measure of security, make bootable floppies and two
backup tapes each time. Store one of each at a remote location. A
remote location is NOT the basement of the same office building. A
number of firms in the World Trade Center learned this lesson the
hard way. A remote location should be physically separated from
your computers and disk drives by a significant distance.A Script for Creating a Bootable Floppy /mnt/sbin/init
gzip -c -best /sbin/fsck > /mnt/sbin/fsck
gzip -c -best /sbin/mount > /mnt/sbin/mount
gzip -c -best /sbin/halt > /mnt/sbin/halt
gzip -c -best /sbin/restore > /mnt/sbin/restore
gzip -c -best /bin/sh > /mnt/bin/sh
gzip -c -best /bin/sync > /mnt/bin/sync
cp /root/.profile /mnt/root
cp -f /dev/MAKEDEV /mnt/dev
chmod 755 /mnt/dev/MAKEDEV
chmod 500 /mnt/sbin/init
chmod 555 /mnt/sbin/fsck /mnt/sbin/mount /mnt/sbin/halt
chmod 555 /mnt/bin/sh /mnt/bin/sync
chmod 6555 /mnt/sbin/restore
# create the devices nodes
cd /mnt/dev
./MAKEDEV pty0
cd /
# create minimum file system table
cat > /mnt/etc/fstab < /mnt/etc/passwd < /mnt/etc/master.passwd <After the DisasterThe key question is: did your hardware survive? You have been
doing regular backups so there is no need to worry about the
software.If the hardware has been damaged. First, replace those parts
that have been damaged.If your hardware is okay, check your floppies. If you are using
a custom boot floppy, boot single-user (type -s
at the boot: prompt). Skip the following
paragraph.If you are using the boot.flp and
fixit.flp floppies, keep reading. Insert the
boot.flp floppy in the first floppy drive and
boot the computer. The original install menu will be displayed on
the screen. Select the Fixit--Repair mode with CDROM or
floppy. option. Insert the
fixit.flp when prompted.
restore and the other programs that you need are
located in /mnt2/stand.Recover each file system separately.mountroot partitiondisklabelnewfsTry to mount (e.g. mount /dev/da0a
/mnt) the root partition of your first disk. If the
disklabel was damaged, use disklabel to re-partition and
label the disk to match the label that you printed and saved. Use
newfs to re-create the file systems. Re-mount the root
partition of the floppy read-write (mount -u -o rw
/mnt). Use your backup program and backup tapes to
recover the data for this file system (e.g. restore vrf
/dev/sa0). Unmount the file system (e.g. umount
/mnt). Repeat for each file system that was
damaged.Once your system is running, backup your data onto new tapes.
Whatever caused the crash or data loss may strike again. Another
hour spent now may save you from further distress later.* I did not prepare for the Disaster, What Now?
MarcFonvieilleReorganized and enhanced by Network, Memory, and File-Backed File Systemsvirtual disksdisksvirtualAside from the disks you physically insert into your computer:
floppies, CDs, hard drives, and so forth; other forms of disks
are understood by FreeBSD - the virtual
disks.NFSCodadisksmemoryThese include network file systems such as the Network File System and Coda, memory-based
file systems and
file-backed file systems.According to the FreeBSD version you run, you will have to use
different tools for creation and use of file-backed and
memory-based file systems.The FreeBSD 4.X users will have to use &man.MAKEDEV.8;
to create the required devices. FreeBSD 5.0 and later use
&man.devfs.5; to allocate device nodes transparently for the
user.File-Backed File System under FreeBSD 4.Xdisksfile-backed (4.X)The utility &man.vnconfig.8; configures and enables vnode pseudo-disk
devices. A vnode is a representation
of a file, and is the focus of file activity. This means that
&man.vnconfig.8; uses files to create and operate a
file system. One possible use is the mounting of floppy or CD
images kept in files.To use &man.vnconfig.8;, you need &man.vn.4; support in your
kernel configuration file:pseudo-device vnTo mount an existing file system image:Using vnconfig to mount an Existing File System
Image under FreeBSD 4.X&prompt.root; vnconfig vn0diskimage
&prompt.root; mount /dev/vn0c /mntTo create a new file system image with &man.vnconfig.8;:Creating a New File-Backed Disk with vnconfig&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=newimage bs=1k count=5k
5120+0 records in
5120+0 records out
&prompt.root; vnconfig -s labels -c vn0newimage
&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w vn0 auto
&prompt.root; newfs vn0c
Warning: 2048 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated
/dev/vn0c: 10240 sectors in 3 cylinders of 1 tracks, 4096 sectors
5.0MB in 1 cyl groups (16 c/g, 32.00MB/g, 1280 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
&prompt.root; mount /dev/vn0c /mnt
&prompt.root; df /mnt
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/vn0c 4927 1 4532 0% /mntFile-Backed File System under FreeBSD 5.Xdisksfile-backed (5.X)The utility &man.mdconfig.8; is used to configure and enable
memory disks, &man.md.4;, under FreeBSD 5.X. To use
&man.mdconfig.8;, you have to load &man.md.4; module or to add
the support in your kernel configuration file:device mdThe &man.mdconfig.8; command supports three kinds of
memory backed virtual disks: memory disks allocated with
- &man.malloc.9;, memory disks using a file or swapspace as
- backingstore. One possible use is the mounting of floppy
+ &man.malloc.9;, memory disks using a file or swap space as
+ backing. One possible use is the mounting of floppy
or CD images kept in files.To mount an existing file system image:Using mdconfig to mount an Existing File System
Image under FreeBSD 5.X&prompt.root; mdconfig -a -t vnode -f diskimage -u 0
&prompt.root; mount /dev/md0c /mntTo create a new file system image with &man.mdconfig.8;:Creating a New File-Backed Disk with mdconfig&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=newimage bs=1k count=5k
5120+0 records in
5120+0 records out
&prompt.root; mdconfig -a -t vnode -f newimage -u 0
&prompt.root; disklabel -r -w md0 auto
&prompt.root; newfs md0c
/dev/md0c: 5.0MB (10240 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
using 4 cylinder groups of 1.27MB, 81 blks, 256 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
32, 2624, 5216, 7808
&prompt.root; mount /dev/md0c /mnt
&prompt.root; df /mnt
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md0c 4846 2 4458 0% /mntIf you do not specify the unit number with the
option, &man.mdconfig.8; will use the
&man.md.4; automatic allocation to select an unused device.
The name of the allocated unit will be output on stdout like
md4. For more details about
&man.mdconfig.8;, please refer to the manual page.The utility &man.mdconfig.8; is very useful, however it
asks many command lines to create a file-backed file system.
FreeBSD 5.0 also comes with a tool called &man.mdmfs.8;,
this program configures a &man.md.4; disk using
&man.mdconfig.8;, puts a UFS file system on it using
&man.newfs.8;, and mounts it using &man.mount.8;. For example,
if you want to create and mount the same file system image as
above, simply type the following:&prompt.root; dd if=/dev/zero of=newimage bs=1k count=5k
5120+0 records in
5120+0 records in
5120+0 records out
&prompt.root; mdmfs -F newimage -s 5m md0/mnt
&prompt.root; df /mnt
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md0 4846 2 4458 0% /mntIf you use the option without unit
number, &man.mdmfs.8; will use &man.md.4; auto-unit feature to
automatically select an unused device. For more details
about &man.mdmfs.8;, please refer to the manual page.Memory-Based File System under FreeBSD 4.Xdisksmemory file system (4.X)The &man.md.4; driver is a simple, efficient means to create memory
file systems under FreeBSD 4.X. &man.malloc.9; is used
to allocate the memory.Simply take a file system you have prepared with, for
example, &man.vnconfig.8;, and:md Memory Disk under FreeBSD 4.X&prompt.root; dd if=newimage of=/dev/md0
5120+0 records in
5120+0 records out
&prompt.root; mount /dev/md0c/mnt
&prompt.root; df /mnt
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md0c 4927 1 4532 0% /mntFor more details, please refer to &man.md.4; manual
page.Memory-Based File System under FreeBSD 5.Xdisksmemory file system (5.X)The same tools are used for memory-based and file-backed
file systems: &man.mdconfig.8; or &man.mdmfs.8;. The storage
for memory-based file system is allocated with
&man.malloc.9;.Creating a New Memory-Based Disk with
mdconfig&prompt.root; mdconfig -a -t malloc -s 5m -u 1
&prompt.root; newfs -U md1
/dev/md1: 5.0MB (10240 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
using 4 cylinder groups of 1.27MB, 81 blks, 256 inodes.
with soft updates
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
32, 2624, 5216, 7808
&prompt.root; mount /dev/md1/mnt
&prompt.root; df /mnt
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md1 4846 2 4458 0% /mntCreating a New Memory-Based Disk with
mdmfs&prompt.root; mdmfs -M -s 5m md2/mnt
&prompt.root; df /mnt
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md2 4846 2 4458 0% /mntInstead of using a &man.malloc.9; backed file system, it is
possible to use swap, for that just replace
with in the
command line of &man.mdconfig.8;. The &man.mdmfs.8; utility
by default (without ) creates a swap-based
disk. For more details, please refer to &man.mdconfig.8;
and &man.mdmfs.8; manual pages.Detaching a Memory Disk from the Systemdisksdetaching a memory diskWhen a memory-based or file-based file system
is not used, you should release all resources to the system.
The first thing to do is to unmount the file system, then use
&man.mdconfig.8; to detach the disk from the system and release
the resources.For example to detach and free all resources used by
/dev/md4:&prompt.root; mdconfig -d -u 4It is possible to list information about configured
&man.md.4; devices in using the command mdconfig
-l.For FreeBSD 4.X, &man.vnconfig.8; is used to detach
the device. For example to detach and free all resources
used by /dev/vn4:&prompt.root; vnconfig -u vn4TomRhodesContributed by File System Snapshotsfile systemssnapshotsFreeBSD 5.0 offers a new feature in conjunction with
Soft Updates: File system snapshots.Snapshots allow a user to create images of specified file
systems, and treat them as a file.
Snapshot files must be created in the file system that the
action is performed on, and a user may create no more than 20
snapshots per file system. Active snapshots are recorded
in the superblock so they are persistent across unmount and
remount operations along with system reboots. When a snapshot
is no longer required, it can be removed with the standard &man.rm.1;
command. Snapshots may be removed in any order,
however all the used space may not be acquired because another snapshot will
possibly claim some of the released blocks.During initial creation, the flag (see the &man.chflags.1; manual page)
is set to ensure that even root cannot write to the snapshot.
The &man.unlink.1; command makes an exception for snapshot files
since it allows them to be removed
with the flag set, so it is not necessary to
clear the flag before removing a snapshot file.Snapshots are created with the &man.mount.8; command. To place
a snapshot of /var in the file
/var/snapshot/snap use the following
command:&prompt.root; mount -u -o snapshot /var/snapshot/snap /varOnce a snapshot has been created, they have several
uses:Some administrators will use a snapshot file for backup purposes,
because the snapshot can be transfered to CDs or tape.File integrity, &man.fsck.8; may be ran on the snapshot.
Assuming that the file system was clean when it was mounted, you
should always get a clean (and unchanging) result.
This is essentially what the
background &man.fsck.8; process does.Run the &man.dump.8; utility on the snapshot.
A dump will be returned that is consistent with the
file system and the timestamp of the snapshot. &man.dump.8;
can also take a snapshot, create a dump image and then
remove the snapshot in one command using the
flag.&man.mount.8; the snapshot as a frozen image of the file system.
To &man.mount.8; the snapshot
/var/snapshot/snap run:&prompt.root; mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /var/snapshot/snap -u 4&prompt.root; mount -r /dev/md4 /mntYou can now walk the hierarchy of your frozen /var
file system mounted at /mnt. Everything will
be in the same state it was during the snapshot creation time.
The only exception is that any earlier snapshots will appear
as zero length files. When the use of a snapshot has delimited,
it can be unmounted with:&prompt.root; umount /mnt&prompt.root; mdconfig -d -u 4For more information about and
file system snapshots, including technical papers, you can visit
Marshall Kirk McKusick's website at
http://www.mckusick.com.File System Quotasaccountingdisk spacedisk quotasQuotas are an optional feature of the operating system that
allow you to limit the amount of disk space and/or the number of
files a user or members of a group may allocate on a per-file
system basis. This is used most often on timesharing systems where
it is desirable to limit the amount of resources any one user or
group of users may allocate. This will prevent one user or group
of users from consuming all of the available disk space.Configuring Your System to Enable Disk QuotasBefore attempting to use disk quotas, it is necessary to make
sure that quotas are configured in your kernel. This is done by
adding the following line to your kernel configuration
file:options QUOTAThe stock GENERIC kernel does not have
this enabled by default, so you will have to configure, build and
install a custom kernel in order to use disk quotas. Please refer
to for more information on kernel
configuration.Next you will need to enable disk quotas in
/etc/rc.conf. This is done by adding the
line:enable_quotas="YES"disk quotascheckingFor finer control over your quota startup, there is an
additional configuration variable available. Normally on bootup,
the quota integrity of each file system is checked by the
&man.quotacheck.8; program. The
&man.quotacheck.8; facility insures that the data in
the quota database properly reflects the data on the file system.
This is a very time consuming process that will significantly
affect the time your system takes to boot. If you would like to
skip this step, a variable in /etc/rc.conf
is made available for the purpose:check_quotas="NO"If you are running FreeBSD prior to 3.2-RELEASE, the
configuration is simpler, and consists of only one variable. Set
the following in your /etc/rc.conf:check_quotas="YES"Finally you will need to edit /etc/fstab
to enable disk quotas on a per-file system basis. This is where
you can either enable user or group quotas or both for all of your
file systems.To enable per-user quotas on a file system, add the
option to the options field in the
/etc/fstab entry for the file system you want
to enable quotas on. For example:/dev/da1s2g /home ufs rw,userquota 1 2Similarly, to enable group quotas, use the
option instead of
. To enable both user and
group quotas, change the entry as follows:/dev/da1s2g /home ufs rw,userquota,groupquota 1 2By default, the quota files are stored in the root directory of
the file system with the names quota.user and
quota.group for user and group quotas
respectively. See &man.fstab.5; for more
information. Even though the &man.fstab.5; manual page says that
you can specify
an alternate location for the quota files, this is not recommended
because the various quota utilities do not seem to handle this
properly.At this point you should reboot your system with your new
kernel. /etc/rc will automatically run the
appropriate commands to create the initial quota files for all of
the quotas you enabled in /etc/fstab, so
there is no need to manually create any zero length quota
files.In the normal course of operations you should not be required
to run the &man.quotacheck.8;,
&man.quotaon.8;, or &man.quotaoff.8;
commands manually. However, you may want to read their manual pages
just to be familiar with their operation.Setting Quota Limitsdisk quotaslimitsOnce you have configured your system to enable quotas, verify
that they really are enabled. An easy way to do this is to
run:&prompt.root; quota -vYou should see a one line summary of disk usage and current
quota limits for each file system that quotas are enabled
on.You are now ready to start assigning quota limits with the
&man.edquota.8; command.You have several options on how to enforce limits on the
amount of disk space a user or group may allocate, and how many
files they may create. You may limit allocations based on disk
space (block quotas) or number of files (inode quotas) or a
combination of both. Each of these limits are further broken down
into two categories: hard and soft limits.hard limitA hard limit may not be exceeded. Once a user reaches his
hard limit he may not make any further allocations on the file
system in question. For example, if the user has a hard limit of
500 blocks on a file system and is currently using 490 blocks, the
user can only allocate an additional 10 blocks. Attempting to
allocate an additional 11 blocks will fail.soft limitSoft limits, on the other hand, can be exceeded for a limited
amount of time. This period of time is known as the grace period,
which is one week by default. If a user stays over his or her
soft limit longer than the grace period, the soft limit will
turn into a hard limit and no further allocations will be allowed.
When the user drops back below the soft limit, the grace period
will be reset.The following is an example of what you might see when you run
the &man.edquota.8; command. When the
&man.edquota.8; command is invoked, you are placed into
the editor specified by the EDITOR environment
variable, or in the vi editor if the
EDITOR variable is not set, to allow you to edit
the quota limits.&prompt.root; edquota -u testQuotas for user test:
/usr: blocks in use: 65, limits (soft = 50, hard = 75)
inodes in use: 7, limits (soft = 50, hard = 60)
/usr/var: blocks in use: 0, limits (soft = 50, hard = 75)
inodes in use: 0, limits (soft = 50, hard = 60)You will normally see two lines for each file system that has
quotas enabled. One line for the block limits, and one line for
inode limits. Simply change the value you want updated to modify
the quota limit. For example, to raise this user's block limit
from a soft limit of 50 and a hard limit of 75 to a soft limit of
500 and a hard limit of 600, change:/usr: blocks in use: 65, limits (soft = 50, hard = 75)to: /usr: blocks in use: 65, limits (soft = 500, hard = 600)The new quota limits will be in place when you exit the
editor.Sometimes it is desirable to set quota limits on a range of
UIDs. This can be done by use of the option
on the &man.edquota.8; command. First, assign the
desired quota limit to a user, and then run
edquota -p protouser startuid-enduid. For
example, if user test has the desired quota
limits, the following command can be used to duplicate those quota
limits for UIDs 10,000 through 19,999:&prompt.root; edquota -p test 10000-19999For more information see &man.edquota.8; manual page.Checking Quota Limits and Disk Usagedisk quotascheckingYou can use either the &man.quota.1; or the
&man.repquota.8; commands to check quota limits and
disk usage. The &man.quota.1; command can be used to
check individual user or group quotas and disk usage. A user
may only examine his own quota, and the quota of a group he
is a member of. Only the super-user may view all user and group
quotas. The
&man.repquota.8; command can be used to get a summary
of all quotas and disk usage for file systems with quotas
enabled.The following is some sample output from the
quota -v command for a user that has quota
limits on two file systems.Disk quotas for user test (uid 1002):
Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace
/usr 65* 50 75 5days 7 50 60
/usr/var 0 50 75 0 50 60grace periodOn the /usr file system in the above
example, this user is currently 15 blocks over the soft limit of
50 blocks and has 5 days of the grace period left. Note the
asterisk * which indicates that the user is
currently over his quota limit.Normally file systems that the user is not using any disk
space on will not show up in the output from the
&man.quota.1; command, even if he has a quota limit
assigned for that file system. The option
will display those file systems, such as the
/usr/var file system in the above
example.Quotas over NFSNFSQuotas are enforced by the quota subsystem on the NFS server.
The &man.rpc.rquotad.8; daemon makes quota information available
to the &man.quota.1; command on NFS clients, allowing users on
those machines to see their quota statistics.Enable rpc.rquotad in
/etc/inetd.conf like so:rquotad/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad rpc.rquotadNow restart inetd:&prompt.root; kill -HUP `cat /var/run/inetd.pid`LuckyGreenContributed by shamrock@cypherpunks.toEncrypting Disk PartitionsdisksencryptingFreeBSD offers excellent online protections against
unauthorized data access. File permissions and Mandatory
Access Control (MAC) (see ) help prevent
unauthorized third-parties from accessing data while the operating
system is active and the computer is powered up. However,
the permissions enforced by the operating system are irrelevant if an
attacker has physical access to a computer and can simply move
the computer's hard drive to another system to copy and analyze
the sensitive data.Regardless of how an attacker may have come into possession of
a hard drive or powered-down computer, GEOM Based Disk
Encryption (gbde) can protect the data on the
computer's file systems against even highly-motivated attackers
with significant resources. Unlike cumbersome encryption methods
that encrypt only individual files, gbde
transparently encrypts entire file systems. No cleartext ever
touches the hard drive's platter.Enabling gbde in the KernelBecome rootConfiguring gbde requires
super-user privileges.&prompt.user; su -
Password:Verify the operating system version&man.gbde.4; requires FreeBSD 5.0 or higher.&prompt.root; uname -r
5.0-RELEASEAdd &man.gbde.4; support to the kernel configuration fileUsing your favorite text editor, add the following
line to your kernel configuration file:options GEOM_BDEConfigure, recompile, and install the FreeBSD kernel.
This process is described in .Reboot into the new kernel.Preparing the Encrypted Hard DriveThe following example assumes that you are adding a new hard
drive to your system that will hold a single encrypted partition.
This partition will be mounted as /private.
gbde can also be used to encrypt
/home and /var/mail, but
this requires more complex instructions which exceed the scope of
this introduction.Add the new hard driveInstall the new drive to the system as explained in . For the purposes of this example,
a new hard drive partition has been added as
/dev/ad4s1c. The
devices represent existing standard FreeBSD partitions on
the example system.&prompt.root; ls /dev/ad*
/dev/ad0 /dev/ad0s1b /dev/ad0s1e /dev/ad4s1
/dev/ad0s1 /dev/ad0s1c /dev/ad0s1f /dev/ad4s1c
/dev/ad0s1a /dev/ad0s1d /dev/ad4Create a directory to hold GBDE lock files&prompt.root; mkdir /etc/gbdeThe gbde lock file contains
information that gbde requires to
access encrypted partitions. Without access to the lock file,
gbde will not be able to decrypt
the data contained in the encrypted partition without
significant manual intervention which is not supported by the
software. Each encrypted partition uses a separate lock
file.Initialize the gbde partitionA gbde partition must be
initialized before it can be used. This initialization needs to
be performed only once:&prompt.root; gbde init /dev/ad4s1c -i -L /etc/gbde/ad4s1c&man.gbde.8; will open your editor, permitting you to set
various configuration options in a template. For use with UFS1
or UFS2, set the sector_size to 2048:$FreeBSD: src/sbin/gbde/template.txt,v 1.1 2002/10/20 11:16:13 phk Exp $
# Sector size is the smallest unit of data which can be read or written.
# Making it too small decreases performance and decreases available space.
# Making it too large may prevent filesystems from working. 512 is the
# minimum and always safe. For UFS, use the fragment size
sector_size = 2048
&man.gbde.8; will ask you twice to type the passphrase that
should be used to secure the data. The passphrase must be the
same both times. gbde's ability to
protect your data depends entirely on the quality of the
passphrase that you choose.
For tips on how to select a secure passphrase that is easy
to remember, see the Diceware
Passphrase website.The gbde init command creates a lock
file for your gbde partition that in
this example is stored as
/etc/gbde/ad4s1c.gbde lock files
must be backed up together with the
contents of any encrypted partitions. While deleting a lock
file alone cannot prevent a determined attacker from
decrypting a gbde partition,
without the lock file, the legitimate owner will be unable
to access the data on the encrypted partition without a
significant amount of work that is totally unsupported by
&man.gbde.8; and its designer.Attach the encrypted partition to the kernel&prompt.root; gbde attach /dev/ad4s1c -l /etc/gbde/ad4s1c You will be asked to provide the passphrase that you
selected during the initialization of the encrypted partition.
The new encrypted device will show up in
/dev as
/dev/device_name.bde:&prompt.root; ls /dev/ad*
/dev/ad0 /dev/ad0s1b /dev/ad0s1e /dev/ad4s1
/dev/ad0s1 /dev/ad0s1c /dev/ad0s1f /dev/ad4s1c
/dev/ad0s1a /dev/ad0s1d /dev/ad4 /dev/ad4s1c.bdeCreate a file system on the encrypted deviceOnce the encrypted device has been attached to the kernel,
you can create a file system on the device. To create a file
system on the encrypted device, use &man.newfs.8;. Since it is
much faster to initialize a new UFS2 file system than it is to
initialize the old UFS1 file system, using &man.newfs.8; with
the option is recommended.The option is the default
with &os; 5.1-RELEASE and later.&prompt.root; newfs -U -O2 /dev/ad4s1c.bdeThe &man.newfs.8; command must be performed on an
attached gbde partition which
is identified by a
extension to the device name.Mount the encrypted partitionCreate a mount point for the encrypted file system.&prompt.root; mkdir /privateMount the encrypted file system.&prompt.root; mount /dev/ad4s1c.bde /privateVerify that the encrypted file system is availableThe encrypted file system should now be visible to
&man.df.1; and be available for use.&prompt.user; df -H
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a 1037M 72M 883M 8% /
/devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/ad0s1f 8.1G 55K 7.5G 0% /home
/dev/ad0s1e 1037M 1.1M 953M 0% /tmp
/dev/ad0s1d 6.1G 1.9G 3.7G 35% /usr
/dev/ad4s1c.bde 150G 4.1K 138G 0% /privateMounting Existing Encrypted File SystemsAfter each boot, any encrypted file systems must be
re-attached to the kernel, checked for errors, and mounted, before
the file systems can be used. The required commands must be
executed as user root.Attach the gbde partition to the kernel&prompt.root; gbde attach /dev/ad4s1c -l /etc/gbde/ad4s1cYou will be asked to provide the passphrase that you
selected during initialization of the encrypted gbde
partition.Check the file system for errorsSince encrypted file systems cannot yet be listed in
/etc/fstab for automatic mounting, the
file systems must be checked for errors by running &man.fsck.8;
manually before mounting.&prompt.root; fsck -p -t ffs /dev/ad4s1c.bdeMount the encrypted file system&prompt.root; mount /dev/ad4s1c.bde /privateThe encrypted file system is now available for use.Automatically Mounting Encrypted PartitionsIt is possible to create a script to automatically attach,
check, and mount an encrypted partition, but for security reasons
the script should not contain the &man.gbde.8; password. Instead,
it is recommended that such scripts be run manually while
providing the password via the console or &man.ssh.1;.Cryptographic Protections Employed by gbde&man.gbde.8; encrypts the sector payload using 128-bit AES in
CBC mode. Each sector on the disk is encrypted with a different
AES key. For more information on gbde's
cryptographic design, including how the sector keys are derived
from the user-supplied passphrase, see &man.gbde.4;.Compatibility Issues&man.sysinstall.8; is incompatible with
gbde-encrypted devices. All
*.bde devices must be detached from the
kernel before starting &man.sysinstall.8; or it will crash during
its initial probing for devices. To detach the encrypted device
used in our example, use the following command:&prompt.root; gbde detach /dev/ad4s1c
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml
index dab393493f..3b5099a70d 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml
@@ -1,3097 +1,3097 @@
JimMockRestructured and parts updated by Brian N.HandyOriginally contributed by RichMurpheyLinux Binary CompatibilitySynopsisLinux binary compatibilitybinary compatibilityLinuxFreeBSD provides binary compatibility with several other
Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. At this point,
you may be asking yourself why exactly, does
FreeBSD need to be able to run Linux binaries? The answer to that
question is quite simple. Many companies and developers develop
only for Linux, since it is the latest hot thing in
the computing world. That leaves the rest of us FreeBSD users
bugging these same companies and developers to put out native
FreeBSD versions of their applications. The problem is, that most
of these companies do not really realize how many people would use
their product if there were FreeBSD versions too, and most continue
to only develop for Linux. So what is a FreeBSD user to do? This
is where the Linux binary compatibility of FreeBSD comes into
play.In a nutshell, the compatibility allows FreeBSD users to run
about 90% of all Linux applications without modification. This
includes applications such as Star Office,
the Linux version of Netscape,
Adobe Acrobat,
5 and 7, VMWare,
WordPerfect, Doom,
Quake, and more. It is also reported
that in some situations, Linux binaries perform better on FreeBSD
than they do under Linux.Linux/proc file systemThere are, however, some Linux-specific operating system
features that are not supported under FreeBSD. Linux binaries will
not work on FreeBSD if they overly use the Linux
/proc file system (which is different from
FreeBSD's /proc file system), or i386-specific
calls, such as enabling virtual 8086 mode.After reading this chapter, you will know:How to enable Linux binary compatibility on your system.How to install additional Linux shared
libraries.How to install Linux applications on your FreeBSD system.The implementation details of Linux compatibility in FreeBSD.Before reading this chapter, you should:Know how to install additional third-party
software ().InstallationKLD (kernel loadable object)Linux binary compatibility is not turned on by default. The
easiest way to enable this functionality is to load the
linux KLD object (Kernel LoaDable
object). You can load this module by simply typing
linux at the command prompt.If you would like Linux compatibility to always be enabled,
then you should add the following line to
/etc/rc.conf:linux_enable="YES"The &man.kldstat.8; command can be used to verify that the
KLD is loaded:&prompt.user; kldstat
Id Refs Address Size Name
1 2 0xc0100000 16bdb8 kernel
7 1 0xc24db000 d000 linux.kokernel optionsLINUXIf for some reason you do not want to or cannot load the KLD,
then you may statically link Linux binary compatibility into the kernel
by adding options LINUX to your kernel
configuration file. Then install your new kernel as described in
.Installing Linux Runtime LibrariesLinuxinstalling Linux librariesThis can be done one of two ways, either by using the
linux_base port, or
by installing them manually.Installing Using the linux_base Portports collectionThis is by far the easiest method to use when installing the
runtime libraries. It is just like installing any other port
from the ports collection.
Simply do the following:&prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base
&prompt.root; make install distcleanYou should now have working Linux binary compatibility.
Some programs may complain about incorrect minor versions of the
system libraries. In general, however, this does not seem to be
a problem.Installing Libraries ManuallyIf you do not have the ports collection
installed, you can install the libraries by hand instead. You
will need the Linux shared libraries that the program depends on
and the runtime linker. Also, you will need to create a
shadow root directory,
/compat/linux, for Linux libraries on your
FreeBSD system. Any shared libraries opened by Linux programs
run under FreeBSD will look in this tree first. So, if a Linux
program loads, for example, /lib/libc.so,
FreeBSD will first try to open
/compat/linux/lib/libc.so, and if that does
not exist, it will then try /lib/libc.so.
Shared libraries should be installed in the shadow tree
/compat/linux/lib rather than the paths
that the Linux ld.so reports.Generally, you will need to look for the shared libraries
that Linux binaries depend on only the first few times that you
install a Linux program on your FreeBSD system. After a while,
you will have a sufficient set of Linux shared libraries on your
system to be able to run newly imported Linux binaries without
any extra work.How to Install Additional Shared Librariesshared librariesWhat if you install the linux_base port
and your application still complains about missing shared
libraries? How do you know which shared libraries Linux
binaries need, and where to get them? Basically, there are 2
possibilities (when following these instructions you will need
to be root on your FreeBSD system).If you have access to a Linux system, see what shared
libraries the application needs, and copy them to your FreeBSD
system. Look at the following example:Let us assume you used FTP to get the Linux binary of
Doom, and put it on a Linux system you have access to. You
then can check which shared libraries it needs by running
ldd linuxdoom, like so:&prompt.user; ldd linuxdoom
libXt.so.3 (DLL Jump 3.1) => /usr/X11/lib/libXt.so.3.1.0
libX11.so.3 (DLL Jump 3.1) => /usr/X11/lib/libX11.so.3.1.0
libc.so.4 (DLL Jump 4.5pl26) => /lib/libc.so.4.6.29symbolic linksYou would need to get all the files from the last column,
and put them under /compat/linux, with
the names in the first column as symbolic links pointing to
them. This means you eventually have these files on your
FreeBSD system:/compat/linux/usr/X11/lib/libXt.so.3.1.0
/compat/linux/usr/X11/lib/libXt.so.3 -> libXt.so.3.1.0
/compat/linux/usr/X11/lib/libX11.so.3 -> libX11.so.3.1.0
/compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4.6.29 /compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4 -> libc.so.4.6.29
Note that if you already have a Linux shared library
with a matching major revision number to the first column
of the ldd output, you will not need to
copy the file named in the last column to your system, the
one you already have should work. It is advisable to copy
the shared library anyway if it is a newer version,
though. You can remove the old one, as long as you make
the symbolic link point to the new one. So, if you have
these libraries on your system:/compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4.6.27
/compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4 -> libc.so.4.6.27and you find a new binary that claims to require a
later version according to the output of
ldd:libc.so.4 (DLL Jump 4.5pl26) -> libc.so.4.6.29If it is only one or two versions out of date in the
in the trailing digit then do not worry about copying
/lib/libc.so.4.6.29 too, because the
program should work fine with the slightly older version.
However, if you like, you can decide to replace the
libc.so anyway, and that should leave
you with:/compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4.6.29
/compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4 -> libc.so.4.6.29
The symbolic link mechanism is
only needed for Linux binaries. The
FreeBSD runtime linker takes care of looking for matching
major revision numbers itself and you do not need to worry
about it.
Installing Linux ELF BinariesLinuxELF binariesELF binaries sometimes require an extra step of
branding. If you attempt to run an unbranded ELF
binary, you will get an error message like the following:&prompt.user; ./my-linux-elf-binary
ELF binary type not known
AbortTo help the FreeBSD kernel distinguish between a FreeBSD ELF
binary from a Linux binary, use the &man.brandelf.1;
utility.&prompt.user; brandelf -t Linux my-linux-elf-binaryGNU toolchainThe GNU toolchain now places the appropriate branding
information into ELF binaries automatically, so this step
should become increasingly more rare in the future.Configuring the Hostname ResolverIf DNS does not work or you get this message:resolv+: "bind" is an invalid keyword resolv+:
"hosts" is an invalid keywordYou will need to configure a
/compat/linux/etc/host.conf file
containing:order hosts, bind
multi onThe order here specifies that /etc/hosts
is searched first and DNS is searched second. When
/compat/linux/etc/host.conf is not
installed, Linux applications find FreeBSD's
/etc/host.conf and complain about the
incompatible FreeBSD syntax. You should remove
bind if you have not configured a name server
using the /etc/resolv.conf file.MurrayStokelyUpdated for Mathematica 4.X by BojanBistrovicMerged with work by Installing MathematicaapplicationsMathematicaThis document describes the process of installing the Linux
version of Mathematica 4.X onto
a FreeBSD system.The Linux version of Mathematica
runs perfectly under FreeBSD
however the binaries shipped by Wolfram need to be branded so that
FreeBSD knows to use the Linux ABI to execute them.The Linux version of Mathematica
or Mathematica for Students can
be ordered directly from Wolfram at
.Branding the Linux BinariesThe Linux binaries are located in the Unix
directory of the Mathematica CDROM
distributed by Wolfram. You
need to copy this directory tree to your local hard drive so that
you can brand the Linux binaries with &man.brandelf.1; before
running the installer:&prompt.root; mount /cdrom
&prompt.root; cp -rp /cdrom/Unix/ /localdir/
&prompt.root; brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Kernel/Binaries/Linux/*
&prompt.root; brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/Binaries/Linux/*
&prompt.root; brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Installation/Binaries/Linux/*
&prompt.root; brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Graphics/Binaries/Linux/*
&prompt.root; brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Converters/Binaries/Linux/*
&prompt.root; brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/LicenseManager/Binaries/Linux/mathlm
&prompt.root; cd /localdir/Installers/Linux/
&prompt.root; ./MathInstallerAlternatively, you can simply set the default ELF brand
to Linux for all unbranded binaries with the command:&prompt.root; sysctl kern.fallback_elf_brand=3This will make FreeBSD assume that unbranded ELF binaries
use the Linux ABI and so you should be able to run the
installer straight from the CDROM.Obtaining Your Mathematica PasswordBefore you can run Mathematica
you will have to obtain a
password from Wolfram that corresponds to your machine
ID.EthernetMAC addressOnce you have installed the Linux compatibility runtime
libraries and unpacked Mathematica
you can obtain the
machine ID by running the program
mathinfo in the Install directory. This
machine ID is based solely on the MAC address of your first
Ethernet card.&prompt.root; cd /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Installation/Binaries/Linux
&prompt.root; mathinfo
disco.example.com 7115-70839-20412When you register with Wolfram, either by email, phone or fax,
you will give them the machine ID and they will
respond with a corresponding password consisting of groups of
numbers. You can then enter this information when you attempt to
run Mathematica for the first time
exactly as you would for any other
Mathematica platform.Running the Mathematica Frontend over a NetworkMathematica uses some special
fonts to display characters not
present in any of the standard font sets (integrals, sums, Greek
letters, etc.). The X protocol requires these fonts to be install
locally. This means you will have to copy
these fonts from the CDROM or from a host with
installed to your local machine. These fonts are normally stored
in /cdrom/Unix/Files/SystemFiles/Fonts on the
/usr/local/mathematica/SystemFiles/Fonts on
your hard drive. The actual fonts are in the subdirectories
Type1 and X. There are
several ways to use them, as described below.The first way is to copy them into one of the existing font
directories in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts.
This will require editing the fonts.dir file,
adding the font names to it, and changing the number of fonts on
the first line. Alternatively, you should also just be able to
run mkfontdir in the directory you have copied
them to.The second way to do this is to copy the directories to
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts:&prompt.root; cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
&prompt.root; mkdir X
&prompt.root; mkdir MathType1
&prompt.root; cd /cdrom/Unix/Files/SystemFiles/Fonts
&prompt.root; cp X/* /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/X
&prompt.root; cp Type1/* /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/MathType1
&prompt.root; cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/X
&prompt.root; mkfontdir
&prompt.root; cd ../MathType1
&prompt.root; mkfontdirNow add the new font directories to your font path:&prompt.root; xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/X
&prompt.root; xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/MathType1
&prompt.root; xset fp rehashIf you are using the XFree86 server, you can have these font
directories loaded automatically by adding them to your
XF86Config file.fontsIf you do not already have a directory
called /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1, you
can change the name of the MathType1
directory in the example above to
Type1.AaronKaplanContributed by RobertGetschmannThanks to Installing MapleapplicationsMapleMaple is a commercial mathematics program similar to
Mathematica. You must purchase this software from and then register there
for a license file. To install this software on FreeBSD, please
follow these simple steps.Execute the INSTALL shell
script from the product distribution. Choose the
RedHat option when prompted by the
installation program. A typical installation directory
might be /usr/local/maple.If you have not done so, order a license for Maple
from Maple Waterloo Software (http://register.maplesoft.com)
and copy it to
/usr/local/maple/license/license.dat.Install the FLEXlm
license manager by running the
INSTALL_LIC install shell script that
comes with Maple. Specify the
primary hostname for your machine for the license
server.Patch the
file with the following: ----- snip ------------------
*** maple.system.type.orig Sun Jul 8 16:35:33 2001
--- maple.system.type Sun Jul 8 16:35:51 2001
*** 72,77 ****
--- 72,78 ----
# the IBM RS/6000 AIX case
+ "FreeBSD"|\
# the Linux/x86 case
# We have two Linux implementations, one for Red Hat and
----- snip end of patch -----Please note that after the "FreeBSD"|\ no other
whitespace should be present.This patch instructs Maple to
recognize FreeBSD as a type of Linux system.
The bin/maple shell script calls the
bin/maple.system.type shell script
which in turn calls uname -a to find out the operating
system name. Depending on the OS name it will find out which
binaries to use.Start the license server.The following script, installed as
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/lmgrd.sh is a
convenient way to start up lmgrd: ----- snip ------------
#! /bin/sh
export PATH
case "$1" in
lmgrd -c ${LICENSE_FILE} 2>> ${LOG} 1>&2
echo -n " lmgrd"
lmgrd -c ${LICENSE_FILE} -x lmdown 2>> ${LOG} 1>&2
echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop}" 1>&2
exit 64
exit 0
----- snip ------------Test-start maple:&prompt.user; cd /usr/local/maple/bin
&prompt.user; ./xmapleYou should be up and running. Make sure to write
Maplesoft to let them know you would like a native FreeBSD
version!Common PitfallsThe FLEXlm license manager can be a difficult
tool to work with. Additional documentation on the subject
can be found at .lmgrd is known to be very picky
about the license file and to core dump if there are any
problems. A correct license file should look like this:# =======================================================
# License File for UNIX Installations ("Pointer File")
# =======================================================
SERVER chillig ANY
VENDOR maplelmg
FEATURE Maple maplelmg 2000.0831 permanent 1 XXXXXXXXXXXX \
PLATFORMS=i86_r ISSUER="Waterloo Maple Inc." \
ISSUED=11-may-2000 NOTICE=" Technische Universitat Wien" \
SN=XXXXXXXXXSerial number and key 'X''ed out. chillig is a
hostname.Editing the license file works as long as you do not
touch the FEATURE line (which is protected by the
license key).MarcelMoolenaarContributed by Installing OracleapplicationsOraclePrefaceThis document describes the process of installing Oracle 8.0.5 and
Oracle Enterprise Edition for Linux onto a FreeBSD
machine.Installing the Linux EnvironmentMake sure you have both linux_base and
linux_devtools from the ports collection
installed. These ports are added to the collection after the release
of FreeBSD 3.2. If you are using FreeBSD 3.2 or an older version for
that matter, update your ports collection. You may want to consider
updating your FreeBSD version too. If you run into difficulties with
linux_base-6.1 or
linux_devtools-6.1 you may have to use version
5.2 of these packages.If you want to run the intelligent agent, you will
also need to install the Red Hat Tcl package:
tcl-8.0.3-20.i386.rpm. The general command
for installing packages with the official RPM port is:&prompt.root; rpm -i --ignoreos --root /compat/linux --dbpath /var/lib/rpm packageInstallation of the package should not generate any errors.Creating the Oracle EnvironmentBefore you can install Oracle, you need to set up a proper
environment. This document only describes what to do
specially to run Oracle for Linux on FreeBSD, not
what has been described in the Oracle installation guide.Kernel Tuningkernel tuningAs described in the Oracle installation guide, you need to set
the maximum size of shared memory. Do not use
is merely calculated out of SHMMAXPGS and
PGSIZE. Therefore define
SHMMAXPGS. All other options can be used as
described in the guide. For example:options SHMMAXPGS=10000
options SHMMNI=100
options SHMSEG=10
options SEMMNS=200
options SEMMNI=70
options SEMMSL=61Set these options to suit your intended use of Oracle.Also, make sure you have the following options in your kernel
config-file:options SYSVSHM #SysV shared memory
options SYSVSEM #SysV semaphores
options SYSVMSG #SysV interprocess communicationOracle AccountCreate an Oracle account just as you would create any other
account. The Oracle account is special only that you need to give
it a Linux shell. Add /compat/linux/bin/bash to
/etc/shells and set the shell for the Oracle
account to /compat/linux/bin/bash.EnvironmentBesides the normal Oracle variables, such as
set the following environment variables:VariableValueLD_LIBRARY_PATH$ORACLE_HOME/libCLASSPATH$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/classes111.zipPATH/compat/linux/bin
$ORACLE_HOME/binIt is advised to set all the environment variables in
.profile. A complete example is:ORACLE_BASE=/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
export PATHInstalling OracleDue to a slight inconsistency in the Linux emulator, you need to
create a directory named .oracle in
/var/tmp before you start the installer. Either
make it world writable or let it be owner by the oracle user. You
should be able to install Oracle without any problems. If you have
problems, check your Oracle distribution and/or configuration first!
After you have installed Oracle, apply the patches described in the
next two subsections.A frequent problem is that the TCP protocol adapter is not
installed right. As a consequence, you cannot start any TCP listeners.
The following actions help solve this problem:&prompt.root; cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
&prompt.root; make -f ins_network.mk ntcontab.o
&prompt.root; cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib
&prompt.root; ar r libnetwork.a ntcontab.o
&prompt.root; cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
&prompt.root; make -f ins_network.mk installDo not forget to run root.sh again!Patching root.shWhen installing Oracle, some actions, which need to be performed
as root, are recorded in a shell script called
root.sh. root.sh is
written in the orainst directory. Apply the
following patch to root.sh, to have it use to proper location of
chown or alternatively run the script under a
Linux native shell.*** orainst/root.sh.orig Tue Oct 6 21:57:33 1998
--- orainst/root.sh Mon Dec 28 15:58:53 1998
*** 31,37 ****
# This is the default value for CHOWN
# It will redefined later in this script for those ports
# which have it conditionally defined in ss_install.h
! CHOWN=/bin/chown
# Define variables to be used in this script
--- 31,37 ----
# This is the default value for CHOWN
# It will redefined later in this script for those ports
# which have it conditionally defined in ss_install.h
! CHOWN=/usr/sbin/chown
# Define variables to be used in this scriptWhen you do not install Oracle from CD, you can patch the source
for root.sh. It is called
rthd.sh and is located in the
orainst directory in the source tree.Patching genclntshThe script genclntsh is used to create
a single shared client
library. It is used when building the demos. Apply the following
patch to comment out the definition of PATH:*** bin/genclntsh.orig Wed Sep 30 07:37:19 1998
--- bin/genclntsh Tue Dec 22 15:36:49 1998
*** 32,38 ****
# Explicit path to ensure that we're using the correct commands
#PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin export PATH
! PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin export PATH
# each product MUST provide a $PRODUCT/admin/shrept.lst
--- 32,38 ----
# Explicit path to ensure that we're using the correct commands
#PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin export PATH
! #PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin export PATH
# each product MUST provide a $PRODUCT/admin/shrept.lstRunning OracleWhen you have followed the instructions, you should be able to run
Oracle as if it was run on Linux
itself.HolgerKippContributed by ValentinoVaschettoOriginal version converted to SGML by Installing SAP R/3applicationsSAP R/3Installations of SAP Systems using FreeBSD will not be
supported by the SAP support team — they only offer support
for certified platforms.PrefaceThis document describes a possible way of installing a
SAP R/3-System
with Oracle Database
for Linux onto a FreeBSD machine, including the installation
of FreeBSD and Oracle. Two different
configurations will be described:SAP R/3 4.6B (IDES) with
Oracle 8.0.5 on FreeBSD 4.3-STABLESAP R/3 4.6C with
Oracle 8.1.7 on FreeBSD 4.5-STABLEEven though this document tries to describe all important
steps in a greater detail, it is not intended as a replacement
for the Oracle and
SAP R/3 installation guides.Please see the documentation that comes with the
Linux edition for SAP- and
Oracle-specific questions, as well
as resources from Oracle and
SAP OSS.SoftwareThe following CD-ROMs have been used for SAP-installations:SAP R/3 4.6B, Oracle 8.0.5NameNumberDescriptionKERNEL51009113SAP Kernel Oracle /
Installation / AIX, Linux, SolarisRDBMS51007558Oracle / RDBMS 8.0.5.X /
LinuxEXPORT151010208IDES / DB-Export /
Disc 1 of 6EXPORT251010209IDES / DB-Export /
Disc 2 of 6EXPORT351010210IDES / DB-Export /
Disc 3 of 6EXPORT451010211IDES / DB-Export /
Disc 4 of 6EXPORT551010212IDES / DB-Export /
Disc 5 of 6EXPORT651010213IDES / DB-Export /
Disc 6 of 6Additionally, I used the Oracle 8
Server (Pre-production version 8.0.5 for Linux,
Kernel Version 2.0.33) CD which is not really necessary, and
of course FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE (it was only a few days past 4.3
RELEASE).SAP R/3 4.6C SR2, Oracle 8.1.7NameNumberDescriptionKERNEL51014004SAP Kernel Oracle /
SAP Kernel Version 4.6D / DEC, LinuxRDBMS51012930Oracle 8.1.7/ RDBMS /
LinuxEXPORT151013953Release 4.6C SR2 / Export
/ Disc 1 of 4EXPORT151013953Release 4.6C SR2 / Export
/ Disc 2 of 4EXPORT151013953Release 4.6C SR2 / Export
/ Disc 3 of 4EXPORT151013953Release 4.6C SR2 / Export
/ Disc 4 of 4LANG151013954Release 4.6C SR2 /
Language / DE, EN, FR / Disc 1 of 3Depending on the languages you would like to install, additional
language CDs might be necessary. Here we're just using DE and EN, so
the first Language-CD is the only one needed. As a little note, the
numbers for all four export CDs are identical. All three language CDs
also have the same number (this is different from the 4.6B IDES
release CD numbering). At the time of writing this installation is
running on FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE (20.03.2002).SAP-NotesThe following notes should be read before installing
SAP R/3 or proved to be useful
during installation:SAP R/3 4.6B, Oracle 8.0.5NumberTitle0171356SAP Software on Linux: Essential
Comments0201147INST: 4.6C R/3 Inst. on UNIX -
Oracle0373203Update / Migration Oracle 8.0.5 -->
8.0.6/8.1.6 LINUX0072984Release of Digital UNIX 4.0B for
Oracle0130581R3SETUP step DIPGNTAB terminates0144978Your system has not been installed
correctly0162266Questions and tips for R3SETUP on Windows
NT / W2KSAP R/3 4.6C, Oracle 8.1.7NumberTitle0015023Initializing table TCPDB (RSXP0004)
(EBCDIC)0045619R/3 with several languages or
typefaces0171356SAP Software on Linux: Essential
Comments0195603RedHat 6.1 Enterprise version:
Known problems0212876The new archiving tool SAPCAR0300900Linux: Released DELL Hardware0377187RedHat 6.2: important remarks0387074INST: R/3 4.6C SR2 Installation on
UNIX0387077INST: R/3 4.6C SR2 Inst. on UNIX -
Oracle0387078SAP Software on UNIX: OS Dependencies
4.6C SR2Hardware-RequirementsThe following equipment is sufficient for the installation
of a SAP R/3 System. For production
use, a more exact sizing is of course needed:Component4.6B4.6CProcessor2 x 800MHz Pentium III2 x 800MHz Pentium IIIMemory1GB ECC2GB ECCHard Disk Space50-60GB (IDES)50-60GB (IDES)For use in production, Xeon-Processors with large cache,
high-speed disk access (SCSI, RAID hardware controller), USV
and ECC-RAM is recommended. The large amount of hard disk
space is due to the preconfigured IDES System, which creates
27 GB of database files during installation. This space is
also sufficient for initial production systems and application
data.SAP R/3 4.6B, Oracle 8.0.5The following off-the-shelf hardware was used: a dual processor
board with 2 800 MHz Pentium III processors, Adaptec 29160 Ultra160
SCSI adapter (for accessing a 40/80 GB DLT tape drive and CDROM),
Mylex AcceleRAID (2 channels, firmware 6.00-1-00 with 32 MB RAM).
To the Mylex Raid-controller are attached two 17 GB hard disks
(mirrored) and four 36 GB hard disks (RAID level 5).SAP R/3 4.6C, Oracle 8.1.7For this installation a DELL PowerEdge 2500 was used: a
dual processor board with two 1000 MHz Pentium III processors
(256 kB Cache), 2 GB PC133 ECC SDRAM, PERC/3 DC PCI Raid Controller
with 128 MB, and an EIDE DVD-ROM drive. To the RAID-controller are
attached two 18 GB hard disks (mirrored) and four 36 GB hard disks
(RAID level 5).Installation of FreeBSDFirst you have to install FreeBSD. There are several ways to do
this (FreeBSD 4.3 was installed via FTP, FreeBSD 4.5 directly from
release-CD).Disk LayoutTo keep it simple, the same disk layout both for the
SAP R/3 46B- and SAP R/3 46C
SR2-installation was used. Only the device names
changed, as the installations were on different hardware (/dev/da
and /dev/amr respectively, so if using an AMI MegaRAID, one will see
/dev/amr0s1a instead of /dev/da0s1a):File systemSize (1k-blocks)Size (GB)Mounted on/dev/da0s1a1.016.3031//dev/da0s1b6swap/dev/da0s1e2.032.6232/var/dev/da0s1f8.205.3398/usr/dev/da1s1e45.734.36145/compat/linux/oracle/dev/da1s1f2.032.6232/compat/linux/sapmnt/dev/da1s1g2.032.6232/compat/linux/usr/sapConfigure and initialize the two logical drives
with the Mylex- or PERC/3 RAID software beforehand.
The software can be started during the
bios boot phase. Please note that this disk layout differs slightly from
the SAP recommendations, as SAP suggests mounting the
oracle-subdirectories (and some others) separately - I
decided to just create them as real subdirectories for
simplicity.make world and a New KernelDownload the latest stable-sources. Rebuild world and your
custom kernel after configuring your kernel configuration file.
Here you should also include the
kernel parameters
which are required for both SAP R/3
and Oracle.Installing the Linux EnvironmentDuring the first installation with FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE I had some
trouble downloading the required RPM-files (for 4.3 stable, 2nd May
2001), but with FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE, everything went very smooth.
Should you encounter some problems, try to download those files by
hand. For a list of RPM-Mirrors and required files, see the
corresponding makefile.Installing Linux Base-systemFirst the linux_base
port needs to be installed (as root). This is
currently linux_base-6.&prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base
&prompt.root; make packageInstalling Linux DevelopmentThe Linux development is needed, if you want to install
Oracle on FreeBSD according to the
corresponding description in the handbook:&prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/devel/linux_devtools
&prompt.root; make packageLinux Development has only been installed for the SAP
R/3 46B IDES-installation. It is not needed, if
the Oracle DB is not relinked on the
FreeBSD system. This is the case if you are using the
- Oracle tarball from a linux system.
+ Oracle tarball from a Linux system.
Installing Necessary RPMsRPMsTo start the R3SETUP-Program, PAM support is needed.
During the first SAP-Installation on FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE I
tried to install PAM with all the required packages and
finally forced the installation of the PAM package, which
worked. For SAP R/3 4.6C SR2 I
directly forced the installation of the PAM-RPM, which also
works, so it seems the dependent packages are not needed:&prompt.root; rpm -i --ignoreos --nodeps --root /compat/linux --dbpath /var/lib/rpm \
pam-0.68-7.i386.rpmFor Oracle 8.0.5 to run the
intelligent agent, I also had to install the RedHat Tcl package
tcl-8.0.5-30.i386.rpm (otherwise the
relinking during Oracle install
will not work). There are some other issues regarding
relinking of Oracle, but that is
a Oracle-Linux issue, not FreeBSD specific.Some additional hintsIt might also be a good idea to add linprocfs
to /etc/fstab. See man linprocfs.
Another parameter to set is kern.fallback_elf_brand=3
which is done in file /etc/sysctl.conf.
Creating the SAP/R3 EnvironmentCreating the Necessary File Systems and MountpointsFor a simple installation, it is sufficient to create the
following file systems:mount pointsize in GB/compat/linux/oracle45 GB/compat/linux/sapmnt2 GB/compat/linux/usr/sap2 GBIt is also necessary to created some links. Otherwise
the SAP-Installer will complain, as it is checking the
created links:&prompt.root; ln -s /compat/linux/oracle /oracle
&prompt.root; ln -s /compat/linux/sapmnt /sapmnt
&prompt.root; ln -s /compat/linux/usr/sap /usr/sapPossible error message during installation (here with
System PRD and the
SAP R/3 4.6C SR2
installation):INFO 2002-03-19 16:45:36 R3LINKS_IND_IND SyLinkCreate:200
Checking existence of symbolic link /usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/dbg to
/sapmnt/PRD/exe. Creating if it does not exist...
WARNING 2002-03-19 16:45:36 R3LINKS_IND_IND SyLinkCreate:400
Link /usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/dbg exists but it points to file
/compat/linux/sapmnt/PRD/exe instead of /sapmnt/PRD/exe. The
program cannot go on as long as this link exists at this
location. Move the link to another location.
ERROR 2002-03-19 16:45:36 R3LINKS_IND_IND Ins_SetupLinks:0
can not setup link '/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/dbg' with content
'/sapmnt/PRD/exe'Creating Users and DirectoriesSAP R/3 needs two users and
three groups. The user names depend on the
SAP system id (SID) which consists
of three letters. Some of these SIDs are reserved
by SAP (for example
SAP and NIX. For a
complete list please see the SAP documentation). For the IDES
installation I used IDS, for the
4.6C SR2 installation PRD, as that system
is intended for production use. We have
therefore the following groups (group ids might differ, these
are just the values I used with my installation):group idgroup namedescription100dbaData Base Administrator101sapsysSAP System102operData Base OperatorFor a default Oracle-Installation, only group
dba is used. As
oper-group, one also uses group
dba (see Oracle- and
SAP-documentation for further information).We also need the following users:user iduser namegeneric namegroupadditional groupsdescription1000idsadm/prdadmsidadmsapsysoperSAP Administrator1002oraids/oraprdorasiddbaoperDB AdministratorAdding the users with adduser
requires the following (please note shell and home
directory) entries for SAP-Administrator:Name: sidadm
Password: ******
Fullname: SAP Administrator SID
Uid: 1000
Gid: 101 (sapsys)
Groups: sapsys dba
HOME: /home/sidadm
Shell: bash (/compat/linux/bin/bash)and for Database-Administrator:Name: orasid
Password: ******
Fullname: Oracle Administrator SID
Uid: 1002
Gid: 100 (dba)
Groups: dba
HOME: /oracle/sid
Shell: bash (/compat/linux/bin/bash)This should also include group
oper in case you are using both
groups dba and
oper.Creating DirectoriesThese directories are usually created as separate
file systems. This depends entirely on your requirements. I
choose to create them as simple directories, as they are all
located on the same RAID 5 anyway:First we will set owners and rights of some directories (as
user root):&prompt.root; chmod 775 /oracle
&prompt.root; chmod 777 /sapmnt
&prompt.root; chown root:dba /oracle
&prompt.root; chown sidadm:sapsys /compat/linux/usr/sap
&prompt.root; chmod 775 /compat/linux/usr/sapSecond we will create directories as user
orasid. These
will all be subdirectories of
/oracle/SID:&prompt.root; su - orasid
&prompt.root; cd /oracle/SID
&prompt.root; mkdir mirrlogA mirrlogB origlogA origlogB
&prompt.root; mkdir sapdata1 sapdata2 sapdata3 sapdata4 sapdata5 sapdata6
&prompt.root; mkdir saparch sapreorg
&prompt.root; exitFor the Oracle 8.1.7-installation
some additional directories are needed:&prompt.root; su - orasid
&prompt.root; cd /oracle
&prompt.root; mkdir 805_32
&prompt.root; mkdir client stage
&prompt.root; mkdir client/80x_32
&prompt.root; mkdir stage/817_32
&prompt.root; cd /oracle/SID
&prompt.root; mkdir 817_32The directory client/80x_32 is used
with exactly this name. Don't replace the x
with some number or anything.In the third step we create directories as user
sidadm:&prompt.root; su - sidadm
&prompt.root; cd /usr/sap
&prompt.root; mkdir SID
&prompt.root; mkdir trans
&prompt.root; exitEntries in /etc/servicesSAP R/3 requires some entries in file
/etc/services, which will not be set
correctly during installation under FreeBSD. Please add the
following entries (you need at least those entries
corresponding to the instance number - in this case,
00. It will do no harm adding all
entries from 00 to
99 for dp,
gw, sp and
ms). If you are going to use a saprouter
or need to access SAP OSS, you also need 99,
as port 3299 is usually used for the saprouter process on the
target system:
sapdp00 3200/tcp # SAP Dispatcher. 3200 + Instance-Number
sapgw00 3300/tcp # SAP Gateway. 3300 + Instance-Number
sapsp00 3400/tcp # 3400 + Instance-Number
sapms00 3500/tcp # 3500 + Instance-Number
sapmsSID 3600/tcp # SAP Message Server. 3600 + Instance-Number
sapgw00s 4800/tcp # SAP Secure Gateway 4800 + Instance-NumberNecessary LocaleslocaleSAP requires at least two locales that are not part of
the default RedHat installation. SAP offers the required
RPMs as download from their FTP-server (which is only
accessible if you are a customer with OSS-access). See note
0171356 for a list of RPMs you need.It is also possible to just create appropriate links
(for example from de_DE and
en_US ), but I would not recommend this
for a production system (so far it worked with the IDES
system without any problems, though). The following locales
are needed:de_DE.ISO-8859-1
en_US.ISO-8859-1Create the links like this:&prompt.root; cd /compat/linux/usr/share/locale
&prompt.root; ln -s de_DE de_DE.ISO-8859-1
&prompt.root; ln -s en_US en_US.ISO-8859-1If they are not present, there will be some problems
during the installation. If these are then subsequently
ignored (by setting the status of the offending steps to
OK in file CENTRDB.R3S), it will be impossible to log onto
the SAP-system without some additional effort.Kernel Tuningkernel tuningSAP R/3 Systems need a lot of resources. I therefore
added the following parameters to my kernel config-file:# Set these for memory pigs (SAP and Oracle):
options MAXDSIZ="(1024*1024*1024)"
options DFLDSIZ="(1024*1024*1024)"
# System V options needed.
options SYSVSHM #SYSV-style shared memory
options SHMMAXPGS=262144 #max amount of shared mem. pages
#options SHMMAXPGS=393216 #use this for the 46C inst.parameters
options SHMMNI=256 #max number of shared memory ident if.
options SHMSEG=100 #max shared mem.segs per process
options SYSVMSG #SYSV-style message queues
options MSGSEG=32767 #max num. of mes.segments in system
options MSGSSZ=32 #size of msg-seg. MUST be power of 2
options MSGMNB=65535 #max char. per message queue
options MSGTQL=2046 #max amount of msgs in system
options SYSVSEM #SYSV-style semaphores
options SEMMNU=256 #number of semaphore UNDO structures
options SEMMNS=1024 #number of semaphores in system
options SEMMNI=520 #number of semaphore identifiers
options SEMUME=100 #number of UNDO keysThe minimum values are specified in the documentation that
comes from SAP. As there is no description for Linux, see the
HP-UX-section (32-bit) for further information. As the system
for the 4.6C SR2 installation has more main memory, the shared
segments can be larger both for SAP
and Oracle, therefore choose a larger
number of shared memory pages.With the default installation of FreeBSD 4.5 on x386,
leave MAXDSIZ and DFLDSIZ at 1 GB maximum. Otherwise, strange
errors like ORA-27102: out of memory and
Linux Error: 12: Cannot allocate memory
might happen.Installing SAP R/3Preparing SAP CDROMsThere are many CDROMs to mount and unmount during the
installation. Assuming you have enough CDROM-drives, you
can just mount them all. I decided to copy the CDROM
contents to corresponding directories:/oracle/SID/sapreorg/cd-namewhere cd-name was one of KERNEL,
EXPORT6 for the 4.6B/IDES-installation, and
DISK3, DISK4 and
LANG for the 4.6C SR2-installation. All the
filenames on the mounted CDs should be in capital letters,
otherwise use the option for mounting. So use the following
commands:&prompt.root; mount_cd9660 -g /dev/cd0a /mnt
&prompt.root; cp -R /mnt/* /oracle/SID/sapreorg/cd-name
&prompt.root; umount /mntRunning the install-scriptFirst you have to prepare an install-directory:&prompt.root; cd /oracle/SID/sapreorg
&prompt.root; mkdir install
&prompt.root; cd installThen the install-script is started, which will copy nearly
all the relevant files into the install-directory:&prompt.root; /oracle/SID/sapreorg/KERNEL/UNIX/INSTTOOL.SHThe IDES-Installation (4.6B) comes with a fully customized
SAP R/3 Demo-System, so there are six instead of just three
EXPORT-CDs. At this point the installation template
CENTRDB.R3S is for installing a standard
central instance (R/3 and Database), not the IDES central
instance, so one needs to copy the corresponding CENTRDB.R3S
from the EXPORT1 directory, otherwise R3SETUP will only ask
for three EXPORT-CDs.The newer SAP 4.6C SR2-release
comes with four EXPORT-CDs. The parameter-file that controls
the installation-steps is CENTRAL.R3S.
Contrary to earlier releases there are no separate installation
templates for a central instance with or without database.
SAP is using a separate template for DB-installation. To restart
the installation later it is however sufficient to restart with
the original file.During and after installation, SAP requires
hostname to return the computer name
only, not the fully qualified domain name. So either
set the hostname accordingly, or set an alias with
alias hostname='hostname -s' for
both orasid and
sidadm (and for
root at least during installation
steps performed as root). It is also
possible to adjust the installed profile- and login-scripts of
both users that are installed during
SAP-installation.Start R3SETUP 4.6BMake sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly:&prompt.root; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oracle/IDS/lib:/sapmnt/IDS/exe:/oracle/805_32/libStart R3SETUP as root from
installation directory:&prompt.root; cd /oracle/IDS/sapreorg/install
&prompt.root; ./R3SETUP -f CENTRDB.R3SThe script then asks some questions (defaults in brackets,
followed by actual input):QuestionDefaultInputEnter SAP System ID[C11]IDSEnterEnter SAP Instance Number[00]EnterEnter SAPMOUNT Directory[/sapmnt]EnterEnter name of SAP central host[troubadix.domain.de]EnterEnter name of SAP db host[troubadix]EnterSelect character set[1] (WE8DEC)EnterEnter Oracle server version (1) Oracle 8.0.5, (2) Oracle 8.0.6, (3) Oracle 8.1.5, (4) Oracle 8.1.61EnterExtract Oracle Client archive[1] (Yes, extract)EnterEnter path to KERNEL CD[/sapcd]/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/KERNELEnter path to RDBMS CD[/sapcd]/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/RDBMSEnter path to EXPORT1 CD[/sapcd]/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/EXPORT1Directory to copy EXPORT1 CD[/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/CD4_DIR]EnterEnter path to EXPORT2 CD[/sapcd]/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/EXPORT2Directory to copy EXPORT2 CD[/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/CD5_DIR]EnterEnter path to EXPORT3 CD[/sapcd]/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/EXPORT3Directory to copy EXPORT3 CD[/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/CD6_DIR]EnterEnter path to EXPORT4 CD[/sapcd]/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/EXPORT4Directory to copy EXPORT4 CD[/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/CD7_DIR]EnterEnter path to EXPORT5 CD[/sapcd]/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/EXPORT5Directory to copy EXPORT5 CD[/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/CD8_DIR]EnterEnter path to EXPORT6 CD[/sapcd]/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/EXPORT6Directory to copy EXPORT6 CD[/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/CD9_DIR]EnterEnter amount of RAM for SAP + DB850Enter (in Megabytes)Service Entry Message Server[3600]EnterEnter Group-ID of sapsys[101]EnterEnter Group-ID of oper[102]EnterEnter Group-ID of dba[100]EnterEnter User-ID of sidadm[1000]EnterEnter User-ID of orasid[1002]EnterNumber of parallel procs[2]EnterIf you had not copied the CDs to the different locations,
then the SAP-Installer cannot find the CD needed (identified
by the LABEL.ASC-File on CD) and would
then ask you to insert and mount the CD and confirm or enter
the mount path.The CENTRDB.R3S might not be
error-free. In my case, it requested EXPORT4 again (but
indicated the correct key (6_LOCATION, then 7_LOCATION
etc.), so one can just continue with entering the correct
values. Do not get irritated.Apart from some problems mentioned below, everything
should go straight through up to the point where the Oracle
database software needs to be installed.Start R3SETUP 4.6C SR2Make sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly. This is a
different value from the 4.6B installation with
Oracle 8.0.5:&prompt.root; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sapmnt/PRD/exe:/oracle/PRD/817_32/libStart R3SETUP as user root from installation directory:&prompt.root; cd /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/install
&prompt.root; ./R3SETUP -f CENTRAL.R3SThe script then asks some questions (defaults in brackets,
followed by actual input):QuestionDefaultInputEnter SAP System ID[C11]PRDEnterEnter SAP Instance Number[00]EnterEnter SAPMOUNT Directory[/sapmnt]EnterEnter name of SAP central host[majestix]EnterEnter Database System ID[PRD]PRDEnterEnter name of SAP db host[majestix]EnterSelect character set[1] (WE8DEC)EnterEnter Oracle server version (2) Oracle 8.1.72EnterExtract Oracle Client archive[1] (Yes, extract)EnterEnter path to KERNEL CD[/sapcd]/oracle/PRD/sapreorg/KERNELEnter amount of RAM for SAP + DB20441800Enter (in Megabytes)Service Entry Message Server[3600]EnterEnter Group-ID of sapsys[100]EnterEnter Group-ID of oper[101]EnterEnter Group-ID of dba[102]EnterEnter User-ID of oraprd[1002]EnterEnter User-ID of prdadm[1000]EnterLDAP support3Enter (no support)Installation step completed[1] (continue)EnterChoose installation service[1] (DB inst,file)EnterSo far, creation of users gives an error during
installation in phases OSUSERDBSID_IND_ORA (for creating
user orasid) and
sidadm).Apart from some problems mentioned below, everything
should go straight through up to the point where the Oracle
database software needs to be installed.Installing Oracle 8.0.5Please see the corresponding SAP-Notes and Oracle Readmes
regarding Linux and Oracle DB for possible problems. Most if
not all problems stem from incompatible libraries.For more information on installing Oracle, refer to the Installing Oracle
chapter.Installing the Oracle 8.0.5 with orainstIf Oracle 8.0.5 is to be
used, some additional libraries are needed for successfully
relinking, as Oracle 8.0.5 was linked with an old glibc
(RedHat 6.0), but RedHat 6.1 already uses a new glibc. So
you have to install the following additional packages to
ensure that linking will work:compat-libs-5.2-2.i386.rpmcompat-glibc-5.2- the corresponding SAP-Notes or Oracle Readmes for
further information. If this is no option (at the time of
installation I did not have enough time to check this), one
could use the original binaries, or use the relinked
binaries from an original RedHat System.For compiling the intelligent agent, the RedHat Tcl
package must be installed. If you cannot get
tcl-8.0.3-20.i386.rpm, a newer one like
tcl-8.0.5-30.i386.rpm for RedHat 6.1
should also do.Apart from relinking, the installation is
straightforward:&prompt.root; su - oraids
&prompt.root; export TERM=xterm
&prompt.root; export ORACLE_TERM=xterm
&prompt.root; export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/IDS
&prompt.root; cd /ORACLE_HOME/orainst_sap
&prompt.root; ./orainstConfirm all Screens with Enter until the software is
installed, except that one has to deselect the
Oracle On-Line Text Viewer, as this is
not currently available for Linux. Oracle then wants to
relink with i386-glibc20-linux-gcc
instead of the available gcc,
egcs or i386-redhat-linux-gcc
.Due to time constrains I decided to use the binaries
from an Oracle 8.0.5 PreProduction
release, after the first
attempt at getting the version from the RDBMS-CD working,
failed, and finding and accessing the correct RPMs was a
nightmare at that time.Installing the Oracle 8.0.5 Pre-Production release for
Linux (Kernel 2.0.33)This installation is quite easy. Mount the CD, start the
installer. It will then ask for the location of the Oracle
home directory, and copy all binaries there. I did not
delete the remains of my previous RDBMS-installation tries,
though.Afterwards, Oracle Database could be started with no
problems.Installing the Oracle 8.1.7 linux tarballTake the tarball oracle81732.tgz you
- produced from the installation directory on a linux system
+ produced from the installation directory on a Linux system
and untar it to /oracle/SID/817_32/.Continue with SAP R/3 InstallationFirst check the environment settings of users
(sidadm) and
oraids (orasid). They should now
both have the files .profile,
.login and .cshrc
which are all using hostname. In case the
system's hostname is the fully qualified name, you need to
change hostname to hostname
-s within all three files.Database LoadAfterwards, R3SETUP can either be restarted or continued
(depending on whether exit was chosen or not). R3SETUP then
creates the tablespaces and loads the data (for 46B IDES, from
EXPORT1 to EXPORT6, for 46C from DISK1 to DISK4) with R3load
into the database.When the database load is finished (might take a few
hours), some passwords are requested. For test
installations, one can use the well known default passwords
(use different ones if security is an issue!):QuestionInputEnter Password for sapr3sapEnterConfirum Password for sapr3sapEnterEnter Password for syschange_on_installEnterConfirm Password for syschange_on_installEnterEnter Password for systemmanagerEnterConfirm Password for systemmanagerEnterAt this point I had a few problems with
dipgntab during the 4.6B
installation.ListenerStart the Oracle-Listener as user
orasid as follows:&prompt.user; umask 0; lsnrctl startOtherwise you might get ORA-12546 as the sockets will not
have the correct permissions. See SAP note 072984.Updating MNLS TablesIf you plan to import non-Latin-1 languages into the SAP-System,
you have to update the Multi National Language Support tables.
This is described in the SAP OSS-Notes 15023 and 45619. Otherwise,
you can skip this question during SAP installation.If you don't need MNLS, it is still necessary to check
table TCPDB and initializing it if this hasn't been done. See
SAP note 0015023 and 0045619 for further information.Post-installation StepsRequest SAP R/3 License KeyYou have to request your SAP R/3 License Key. This is needed,
as the temporary license that was installed during installation
is only valid for four weeks. First get the hardware key. Log
on as user idsadm and call
saplicense:&prompt.root; /sapmnt/IDS/exe/saplicense -getCalling saplicense without options gives
a list of options. Upon receiving the license key, it can be
installed using:&prompt.root; /sapmnt/IDS/exe/saplicense -installYou are then required to enter the following values:SAP SYSTEM ID = SID, 3 chars
CUSTOMER KEY = hardware key, 11 chars
INSTALLATION NO = installation, 10 digits
EXPIRATION DATE = yyyymmdd, usually "99991231"
LICENSE KEY = license key, 24 charsCreating UsersCreate a user within client 000 (for some tasks required
to be done within client 000, but with a user different from
users sap* and
ddic). As a user name, I usually choose
wartung (or
service in English). Profiles
required are sap_new and
sap_all. For additional safety the
passwords of default users within all clients should be
changed (this includes users sap* and
ddic).Configure Transport System, Profile, Operation Modes, Etc.Within client 000, user different from ddic
and sap*, do at least the following:TaskTransactionConfigure Transport System, eg as Stand-Alone
Transport Domain EntitySTMSCreate / Edit Profile for SystemRZ10Maintain Operation Modes and InstancesRZ04These and all the other post-installation steps are
thoroughly described in SAP installation guides.Edit initsid.sap (initIDS.sap)The file /oracle/IDS/dbs/initIDS.sap
contains the SAP backup profile. Here the size of the tape to
be used, type of compression and so on need to be defined. To
get this running with sapdba /
brbackup, I changed the following values:compress = hardware
archive_function = copy_delete_save
cpio_flags = "-ov --format=newc --block-size=128 --quiet"
cpio_in_flags = "-iuv --block-size=128 --quiet"
tape_size = 38000M
tape_address = /dev/nsa0
tape_address_rew = /dev/sa0Explanations:compress The tape I use is a HP DLT1
which does hardware compression.archive_function This defines the
default behavior for saving Oracle archive logs: New logfiles
are saved to tape, already saved logfiles are saved again and
are then deleted. This prevents lots of trouble if you need to
recover the database, and one of the archive-tapes has gone
bad.cpio_flags Default is to use -B which
sets block size to 5120 Bytes. For DLT-Tapes, HP recommends at
least 32 K block size, so I used --block-size=128 for
64 K. --format=newc is needed I have inode numbers greater than
65535. The last option --quiet is needed as otherwise
complains as soon as cpio outputs the
numbers of blocks saved.cpio_in_flags Flags needed for
loading data back from tape. Format is recognized
automatically.tape_size This usually gives the raw
storage capability of the tape. For security reason (we use
hardware compression), the value is slightly lower than the
actual value.tape_address The non-rewindable
device to be used with cpio.tape_address_rew The rewindable device to be
used with cpio.Configuration Issues after InstallationThe following SAP-parameters should be tuned after
installation (examples for IDES 46B, 1 GB memory):NameValueztta/roll_extension250000000abap/heap_area_dia300000000abap/heap_area_nondia400000000em/initial_size_MB256em/blocksize_kB1024ipc/shm_psize_4070000000SAP-Note 0013026:NameValueztta/dynpro_area2500000SAP-Note 0157246:NameValuerdisp/ROLL_MAXFS16000rdisp/PG_MAXFS30000With the above parameters, on a system with 1 gigabyte
of memory, one may find memory consumption similar to:Mem: 547M Active, 305M Inact, 109M Wired, 40M Cache, 112M Buf, 3492K FreeProblems During InstallationRestart R3SETUP after fixing a problemR3SETUP stops if it encounters an error. If you have
looked at the corresponding logfiles and fixed the error,
you have to start R3SETUP again, usually selecting REPEAT
as option for the last step R3SETUP complained about.To restart R3SETUP, just start it with the corresponding
&prompt.root; ./R3SETUP -f CENTRDB.R3S
for 4.6B, or with
&prompt.root; ./R3SETUP -f CENTRAL.R3S
for 4.6C, no matter whether the error occurred
with CENTRAL.R3S or
DATABASE.R3S.At some stages, R3SETUP assumes that both database-
and SAP-processes are up and running (as those were steps it
already completed). Should errors occur and for example the
database could not be started, you have to start both database
and SAP by hand after you fixed the errors and before starting
R3SETUP again.Don't forget to also start the oracle listener again (as
orasid with
umask 0; lsnrctl start) if it was also
stopped (for example due to a necessary reboot of the
system).OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA During R3SETUPIf R3SETUP complains at this stage, edit the
template file R3SETUP used at that time
(CENTRDB.R3S (4.6B) or either
Locate [OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA] or search for the
only STATUS=ERROR-entry
and edit the following values:HOME=/home/sidadm (was empty)
STATUS=OK (had status ERROR)
Then you can restart R3SETUP again.OSUSERDBSID_IND_ORA During R3SETUPPossibly R3SETUP also complains at this stage. The error
here is similar to the one in phase OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA.
Just edit
the template file R3SETUP used at that time
(CENTRDB.R3S (4.6B) or either
Locate [OSUSERDBSID_IND_ORA] or search for the
only STATUS=ERROR-entry
and edit the following value in that section:STATUS=OKThen restart R3SETUP.oraview.vrf FILE NOT FOUND During Oracle InstallationYou have not deselected Oracle On-Line Text Viewer
before starting the installation. This is marked for installation even
though this option is currently not available for Linux. Deselect this
product inside the Oracle installation menu and restart installation.TEXTENV_INVALID During R3SETUP, RFC or SAPGUI StartIf this error is encountered, the correct locale is
missing. SAP note 0171356 lists the necessary RPMs that need
be installed (eg saplocales-1.0-3,
saposcheck-1.0-1 for RedHat 6.1). In case
you ignored all the related errors and set the corresponding
status from ERROR to OK (in CENTRDB.R3S) every time R3SETUP
complained and just restarted R3SETUP, the SAP-System will not
be properly configured and you will then not be able to
connect to the system with a
sapgui, even though the system
can be started. Trying to connect with the old Linux
sapgui gave the following
messages:Sat May 5 14:23:14 2001
*** ERROR => no valid userarea given [trgmsgo. 0401]
Sat May 5 14:23:22 2001
*** ERROR => ERROR NR 24 occured [trgmsgi. 0410]
*** ERROR => Error when generating text environment. [trgmsgi. 0435]
*** ERROR => function failed [trgmsgi. 0447]
*** ERROR => no socket operation allowed [trxio.c 3363]
SpeicherzugriffsfehlerThis behavior is due to SAP R/3 being unable to correctly
assign a locale and also not being properly configured itself
(missing entries in some database tables). To be able to connect
to SAP, add the following entries to file
DEFAULT.PFL (see note 0043288):abap/set_etct_env_at_new_mode = 0
install/collate/active = 0
rscp/TCP0B = TCP0BRestart the SAP system. Now you can connect to the
system, even though country-specific language settings might
not work as expected. After correcting country-settings
(and providing the correct locales), these entries can be
removed from DEFAULT.PFL and the SAP
system can be restarted.ORA-00001This error only happened with
Oracle 8.1.7 on FreeBSD 4.5.
The reason was that the Oracle database could not initialize itself
properly and crashed, leaving semaphores and shared memory on the
system. The next try to start the database then returned
ORA-00001.Find them with ipcs -a and remove them
with ipcrm.ORA-00445 (background process PMON did not start)This error happened with Oracle 8.1.7.
This error is reported if the Database is started with
the usual startsap-script (for example
startsap_majestix_00) as user
prdadm.A possible workaround is to start the database as user
oraprd instead
with svrmgrl:&prompt.user; svrmgrl
SVRMGR> connect internal;
SVRMGR> startup;
SVRMGR> exitORA-12546 (start Listener with Correct Permissions)Start the Oracle Listener as user
oraids with the following commands:&prompt.root; umask 0; lsnrctl startOtherwise you might get ORA-12546 as the sockets will not
have the correct permissions. See SAP note 0072984.ORA-27102 (out of memory)This error happened whilst trying to use values for
greater than 1 GB (1024x1024x1024). Additionally, I got
Linux Error 12: Cannot allocate memory.[DIPGNTAB_IND_IND] During R3SETUPIn general, see SAP note 0130581 (R3SETUP step
DIPGNTAB terminates). During the
IDES-specific installation, for some reasons the installation
process was not using the proper SAP system name IDS, but
the empty string "" instead. This lead to some minor problems
with accessing directories, as the paths are generated
dynamically using SID (in this case IDS). So instead
of accessing:/usr/sap/IDS/SYS/...
/usr/sap/IDS/DVMGS00the following paths were used:/usr/sap//SYS/...
/usr/sap/D00To continue with the installation, I created a link and an
additional directory:&prompt.root; pwd
&prompt.root; ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 3 idsadm sapsys 512 May 5 11:20 D00
drwxr-x--x 5 idsadm sapsys 512 May 5 11:35 IDS
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sapsys 7 May 5 11:35 SYS -> IDS/SYS
drwxrwxr-x 2 idsadm sapsys 512 May 5 13:00 tmp
drwxrwxr-x 11 idsadm sapsys 512 May 4 14:20 transI also found SAP notes (0029227 and 0008401) describing
this behavior. I did not encounter any of these problems with
the SAP 4.6C-installation.[RFCRSWBOINI_IND_IND] During R3SETUPDuring installation of SAP 4.6C,
this error was just the result of another error happening
earlier during installation. In this case, you have to look
through the corresponding logfiles and correct the real
problem.If after looking through the logfiles this error is
indeed the correct one (check the SAP-notes), you can set
STATUS of the offending step from ERROR to OK (file
CENTRDB.R3S) and restart R3SETUP. After
installation, you have to execute the report
RSWBOINS from transaction SE38. See SAP
note 0162266 for additional information about phase
RFCRADDBDIF.[RFCRADDBDIF_IND_IND] During R3SETUPHere the same restrictions apply: Make sure by looking
through the logfiles, that this error is not caused by some
previous problems.If you can confirm that SAP-Note 0162266 applies, just
set STATUS of the offending step from ERROR to OK (file
CENTRDB.R3S) and restart R3SETUP. After
installation, you have to execute the report
RADDBDIF from transaction SE38.sigaction sig31: File size limit exceeded
- This error occured during start of SAP-processes
+ This error occurred during start of SAP-processes
disp+work. If starting SAP with the
startsap-script, subprocesses are then started which
detach and do the dirty work of starting all other SAP
processes. As a result, the script itself won't notice
if something goes wrong.To check whether the SAP processes did start properly,
have a look at the process status with
ps ax | grep SID, which will give
you a list of all Oracle- and SAP-processes. If it looks like
some processes are missing or if you can't connect to the SAP-System,
look at the corresponding logfiles which can be found
at /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGSnr/work/.
The files to look at are dev_ms and
dev_disp.Signal 31 happens here if the amount of shared memory used by
Oracle and SAP exceed the one defined within the kernel configuration
file and could be resolved by using a larger value:# larger value for 46C production systems:
options SHMMAXPGS=393216
# smaller value sufficient for 46B:
#options SHMMAXPGS=262144Start of saposcol failedThere are some problems with Program saposcol (version 4.6D).
The SAP-System is using saposcol to collect data about the
system performance. This program is not needed to use the SAP-System,
so this problem can be considered a minor one. The older versions
(4.6B) does work, but doesn't collect all the data (many calls will
just return 0, for example for CPU usage).Advanced TopicsIf you are curious as to how the Linux binary compatibility
works, this is the section you want to read. Most of what follows
is based heavily on an email written to &a.chat; by Terry Lambert
tlambert@primenet.com (Message ID:
<199906020108.SAA07001@usr09.primenet.com>).How Does It Work?execution class loaderFreeBSD has an abstraction called an execution class
loader. This is a wedge into the &man.execve.2; system
call.What happens is that FreeBSD has a list of loaders, instead of
a single loader with a fallback to the #!
loader for running any shell interpreters or shell scripts.Historically, the only loader on the Unix platform examined
the magic number (generally the first 4 or 8 bytes of the file) to
see if it was a binary known to the system, and if so, invoked the
binary loader.If it was not the binary type for the system, the
&man.execve.2; call returned a failure, and the shell attempted to
start executing it as shell commands.The assumption was a default of whatever the current
shell is.Later, a hack was made for &man.sh.1; to examine the first two
characters, and if they were :\n, then it
invoked the &man.csh.1; shell instead (we believe SCO first made
this hack).What FreeBSD does now is go through a list of loaders, with a
generic #! loader that knows about interpreters
as the characters which follow to the next whitespace next to
last, followed by a fallback to
/bin/sh.ELFFor the Linux ABI support, FreeBSD sees the magic number as an
ELF binary (it makes no distinction between FreeBSD, Solaris,
Linux, or any other OS which has an ELF image type, at this
point).SolarisThe ELF loader looks for a specialized
brand, which is a comment section in the ELF
image, and which is not present on SVR4/Solaris ELF
binaries.For Linux binaries to function, they must be
branded as type Linux;
from &man.brandelf.1;:&prompt.root; brandelf -t Linux fileWhen this is done, the ELF loader will see the
Linux brand on the file.ELFbrandingWhen the ELF loader sees the Linux brand,
the loader replaces a pointer in the proc
structure. All system calls are indexed through this pointer (in
a traditional Unix system, this would be the
sysent[] structure array, containing the system
calls). In addition, the process is flagged for special handling of
the trap vector for the signal trampoline code, and several other
(minor) fix-ups that are handled by the Linux kernel
module.The Linux system call vector contains, among other things, a
list of sysent[] entries whose addresses reside
in the kernel module.When a system call is called by the Linux binary, the trap
code dereferences the system call function pointer off the
proc structure, and gets the Linux, not the
FreeBSD, system call entry points.In addition, the Linux mode dynamically
reroots lookups; this is, in effect, what the
union option to FS mounts
(not the unionfs!) does. First, an attempt
is made to lookup the file in the
directory, then only if that fails, the
lookup is done in the
directory. This makes sure that binaries that require other
binaries can run (e.g., the Linux toolchain can all run under
Linux ABI support). It also means that the Linux binaries can
load and exec FreeBSD binaries, if there are no corresponding
Linux binaries present, and that you could place a &man.uname.1;
command in the /compat/linux directory tree
to ensure that the Linux binaries could not tell they were not
running on Linux.In effect, there is a Linux kernel in the FreeBSD kernel; the
various underlying functions that implement all of the services
provided by the kernel are identical to both the FreeBSD system
call table entries, and the Linux system call table entries: file
system operations, virtual memory operations, signal delivery,
System V IPC, etc… The only difference is that FreeBSD
binaries get the FreeBSD glue functions, and
Linux binaries get the Linux glue functions
(most older OS's only had their own glue
functions: addresses of functions in a static global
sysent[] structure array, instead of addresses
of functions dereferenced off a dynamically initialized pointer in
the proc structure of the process making the
call).Which one is the native FreeBSD ABI? It does not matter.
Basically the only difference is that (currently; this could
easily be changed in a future release, and probably will be after
this) the FreeBSD glue functions are
statically linked into the kernel, and the Linux glue functions
can be statically linked, or they can be accessed via a kernel
module.Yeah, but is this really emulation? No. It is an ABI
implementation, not an emulation. There is no emulator (or
simulator, to cut off the next question) involved.So why is it sometimes called Linux emulation?
To make it hard to sell FreeBSD! Really, it
is because the historical implementation was done at a time when
there was really no word other than that to describe what was
going on; saying that FreeBSD ran Linux binaries was not true, if
you did not compile the code in or load a module, and there needed
to be a word to describe what was being loaded—hence
the Linux emulator.
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml
index 388e17940c..350ccf6b72 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml
@@ -1,1416 +1,1416 @@
RossLippertEdited by MultimediaSynopsisFreeBSD supports a wide variety of sound cards, allowing you
to enjoy high fidelity output from your computer. This includes
the ability to record and playback audio in the MPEG Audio Layer
3 (MP3), WAV, and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as many other
formats. The FreeBSD Ports Collection also contains
applications allowing you to edit your recorded audio, add sound
effects, and control attached MIDI devices.With some willingness to experiment, FreeBSD can support
playback of video files and DVD's. The number of applications
to encode, convert, and playback various video media is more
limited than the number of sound applications. For example as
of this writing, there is no good re-encoding application in the
- FreeBSD Ports Collection, which could be use to interconvert
+ FreeBSD Ports Collection, which could be use to convert
between formats, as there is with audio/sox. However, the software
landscape in this area is changing rapidly.This chapter will describe the necessary steps to configure
your sound card. The configuration and installation of XFree86
() has already taken care of the
hardware issues for your video card, though there may be some
tweaks to apply for better playback.After reading this chapter, you will know:How to configure your system so that your sound card is
recognized.Methods to test that your card is working using
sample applications.How to troubleshoot your sound setup.How to playback and encode MP3s and other audio.How video is supported by XFree86.Some video player/encoder ports which give good results.How to playback DVD's, .mpg and .avi files.How to rip CD and DVD information into files.Before reading this chapter, you should:Know how to configure and install a new kernel ().For the video sections, it is assumed that XFree86 4.X
(x11/XFree86-4) has been
installed. XFree86 3.X may work, but it has not been tested
with what is described in this chapter. If you find that
something described here does work with XFree86 3.X please
let us know.Trying to mount an audio CD
or a video DVD with the &man.mount.8; command will
result in an error, at least, and a kernel
panic, at worst. These media have specialized
encodings which differ from the usual ISO-filesystem.MosesMooreContributed by Setting Up The Sound CardLocating the Correct DevicePCIISAsound cardsBefore you begin, you should know the model of the card you
have, the chip it uses, and whether it is a PCI or ISA card.
FreeBSD supports a wide variety of both PCI and ISA cards. If
you do not see your card in the following list, check the
&man.pcm.4; manual page. This is not a complete list; however,
it does list some of the most common cards.Crystal 4237, 4236, 4232, 4231Yamaha OPL-SAxOPTi931Ensoniq AudioPCI 1370/1371ESS Solo-1/1ENeoMagic 256AV/ZXSound Blaster Pro, 16, 32, AWE64, AWE128, LiveCreative ViBRA16Advanced Asound 100, 110, and Logic ALS120ES 1868, 1869, 1879, 1888Gravis UltraSoundAureal Vortex 1 or 2kernelconfigurationTo use your sound device, you will need to load the proper
device driver. This may be accomplished in one of two ways.
The easiest way is to simply load a kernel module for your sound
card with &man.kldload.8;. Alternatively, you may statically
compile in support for your sound card in your kernel. The
sections below provide the information you need to add support
for your hardware in this manner. For more information about
recompiling your kernel, please see .Creative, Advance, and ESS Sound CardsIf you have one of the above cards, you will need to
add:device pcmto your kernel configuration file. If you have a PnP ISA
card, you will also need to add:device sbcFor a non-PnP ISA card, add:device pcm
device sbc0 at isa? port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 flags 0x15to your kernel configuration file. The settings shown
above are the defaults. You may need to change the IRQ or the
other settings to match your card. See the &man.sbc.4; manual
page for more information.The Sound Blaster Live is not supported under FreeBSD 4.0
without a patch, which this section will not cover. It is
recommended that you update to the latest -STABLE before
trying to use this card.Gravis UltraSound CardsFor a PnP ISA card, you will need to add:device pcm
device guscto your kernel configuration file. If you have a non-PnP
ISA card, you will need to add:device pcm
device gus0 at isa? port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 flags 0x13to your kernel configuration file. You may need to change
the IRQ or the other settings to match your card. See the
&man.gusc.4; manual page for more information.Crystal Sound CardsFor Crystal cards, you will need to add:device pcm
device csato your kernel configuration file.Generic SupportFor PnP ISA or PCI cards, you will need to add:device pcmto your kernel configuration file. If you have a non-PnP
ISA sound card that does not have a bridge driver, you will
need to add:device pcm0 at isa? irq 10 drq 1 flags 0x0to your kernel configuration file. You may need to change
the IRQ or the other settings to match your card.Onboard SoundSome systems with built-in motherboard sound devices may
require the following option in your kernel
configuration:options PNPBIOSCreating and Testing the Device Nodesdevice nodesAfter you reboot, log in and check for the device in the
/var/run/dmesg.boot file, as shown below:&prompt.root; grep pcm /var/run/dmesg.boot
pcm0: <SB16 DSP 4.11> on sbc0The output from your system may look different. If no
pcm devices show up, something went
wrong earlier. If that happens, go through your kernel
configuration file again and make sure you chose the correct
device. Common problems are listed in .If you are running FreeBSD 5.0 or later, you can
safely skip the rest of this section. These versions use
&man.devfs.5; to automatically create devices nodes.If the previous command returned
pcm0, you will have to run the
following as root:&prompt.root; cd /dev
&prompt.root; sh MAKEDEV snd0If the command returned pcm1,
follow the same steps as shown above, replacing
snd0 with
snd1.The above commands will not create a
/dev/snd device!MAKEDEV will create a group of device
nodes, including:DeviceDescription/dev/audioSPARC-compatible audio device/dev/dspDigitized voice device/dev/dspWLike /dev/dsp, but 16 bits
per sample/dev/midiRaw midi access device/dev/mixerControl port mixer device/dev/musicLevel 2 sequencer interface/dev/sequencerSequencer device/dev/pssProgrammable device interfaceIf all goes well, you should now have a functioning sound
card. If your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive is properly coupled to
your sound card, you can put a CD in the drive and play it
with &man.cdcontrol.1;:&prompt.user; cdcontrol -f /dev/acd0c play 1Various applications, such as audio/workman offer a better
interface. You may want to install an application such as
audio/mpg123 to listen to
MP3 audio files.Common ProblemsErrorSolutiondevice nodesunsupported subdevice XXOne or more of the device nodes was not created
correctly. Repeat the steps above.I/O portsb_dspwr(XX) timed outThe I/O port is not set correctly.IRQbad irq XXThe IRQ is set incorrectly. Make sure that
the set IRQ and the sound IRQ are the same.xxx: gus pcm not attached, out of memoryThere is not enough available memory to use
the device.DSPxxx: can't open /dev/dsp!Check with fstat | grep dsp
if another application is holding the device open.
Noteworthy troublemakers are esound and KDE's sound
support.MunishChopraContributed by Utilizing Multiple Sound SourcesIt is often desirable to have multiple sources of sound that
are able to play simultaneously, such as when
esound or
artsd do not support sharing of the
sound device with a certain application.FreeBSD lets you do this through Virtual Sound
Channels, which can be set with the &man.sysctl.8;
facility. Virtual channels allow you to multiplex your sound
card's playback channels by mixing sound in the kernel.To set the number of virtual channels, there are two sysctl
knobs which, if you are the root user, can
be set like this:&prompt.root; sysctl hw.snd.pcm0.vchans=4
&prompt.root; sysctl hw.snd.maxautovchans=4The above example allocates four virtual channels, which is a
practical number for everyday use. hw.snd.pcm0.vchans
is the number of virtual channels pcm0 has, and is configurable
once a device has been attached.
hw.snd.maxautovchans is the number of virtual channels
a new audio device is given when it is attached using
&man.kldload.8;. Since the pcm module
can be loaded independently of the hardware drivers,
hw.snd.maxautovchans can store how many
virtual channels any devices which are attached later will be
given.If you are not using &man.devfs.5;, you will have to point
your applications at /dev/dsp0.x, where
x is 0 to 3 if hw.snd.pcm.0.vchans is set
to 4 as in the above example. On a system using &man.devfs.5;, the above will automatically be
allocated transparently to the user.ChernLeeContributed by MP3 AudioMP3 (MPEG Layer 3 Audio) accomplishes near CD-quality sound,
leaving no reason to let your FreeBSD workstation fall short of
its offerings.MP3 PlayersBy far, the most popular XFree86 MP3 player is
XMMS (X Multimedia System).
skins can be used with XMMS since the
GUI is almost identical to that of Nullsoft's
XMMS also has native plug-in
support.XMMS can be installed from the
multimedia/xmms port or package.XMMS' interface is intuitive,
with a playlist, graphic equalizer, and more. Those familiar
with Winamp will find
XMMS simple to use.The audio/mpg123 port is an alternative,
command-line MP3 player.mpg123 can be run by specifying
the sound device and the MP3 file on the command line, as
shown below:&prompt.root; mpg123 -a /dev/dsp1.0 Foobar-GreatestHits.mp3
High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3.
Version 0.59r (1999/Jun/15). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
Uses code from various people. See 'README' for more!
Playing MPEG stream from BT - Foobar-GreastHits.mp3 ...
MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz joint-stereo
/dev/dsp1.0 should be replaced with the
dsp device entry on your system.Ripping CD Audio TracksBefore encoding a CD or CD track to MP3, the audio data on
the CD must be ripped onto the hard drive. This is done by
copying the raw CDDA (CD Digital Audio) data to WAV
files.The cdda2wav tool, which is a part of
the sysutils/cdrtools
suite, is used for ripping audio information from CDs and the
information associated with them.With the audio CD in the drive, the following command can
be issued (as root) to rip an entire CD
into individual (per track) WAV files:&prompt.root; cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -Bcdda2wav will support
ATAPI (IDE) CDROM drives. To rip from an IDE drive, specify
the device name in place of the SCSI unit numbers. For
example, to rip track 7 from an IDE drive:&prompt.root; cdda2wav -D /dev/acd0a -t 7The
indicates the SCSI device 0,1,0,
which corresponds to the output of cdrecord
-scanbus.To rip individual tracks, make use of the
option as shown:&prompt.root; cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -t 7This example rips track seven of the audio CDROM. To rip
a range of tracks, for example, track one to seven, specify a
range:&prompt.root; cdda2wav -D 0,1,0 -t 1+7The utility &man.dd.1; can also be used to extract audio tracks
on ATAPI drives, read
for more information on that possibility.Encoding MP3sNowadays, the mp3 encoder of choice is
Lame can be found at
audio/lame in the ports tree.Using the ripped WAV files, the following command will
convert audio01.wav to
audio01.mp3:&prompt.root; lame -h -b 128 \
--tt "Foo Song Title" \
--ta "FooBar Artist" \
--tl "FooBar Album" \
--ty "2001" \
--tc "Ripped and encoded by Foo" \
--tg "Genre" \
audio01.wav audio01.mp3128 kbits seems to be the standard MP3 bitrate in use.
Many enjoy the higher quality 160, or 192. The higher the
bitrate, the more disk space the resulting MP3 will
consume--but the quality will be higher. The
option turns on the higher quality
but a little slower mode. The options beginning with
indicate ID3 tags, which usually contain
song information, to be embedded within the MP3 file.
Additional encoding options can be found by consulting the
lame man page.Decoding MP3sIn order to burn an audio CD from MP3s, they must be
converted to a non-compressed WAV format. Both
XMMS and
mpg123 support the output of MP3 to
an uncompressed file format.Writing to Disk in XMMS:Launch XMMS.Right-click on the window to bring up the
XMMS menu.Select Preference under
Options.Change the Output Plugin to Disk Writer
Plugin.Press Configure.Enter (or choose browse) a directory to write the
uncompressed files to.Load the MP3 file into XMMS
as usual, with volume at 100% and EQ settings turned
off.Press Play —
XMMS will appear as if it is
playing the MP3, but no music will be heard. It is
actually playing the MP3 to a file.Be sure to set the default Output Plugin back to what
it was before in order to listen to MP3s again.Writing to stdout in mpg123:Run mpg123 -s audio01.mp3
> audio01.pcmXMMS writes a file in the WAV
format, while mpg123 converts the
MP3 into raw PCM audio data. Both of these formats can be
used with cdrecord to create audio CDs.
You have to use raw PCM with &man.burncd.8;.
If you use WAV files, you will notice a small tick sound at the
beginning of each track, this sound is the header of the WAV
file. You can simply remove the header of a WAV file with the
utility SoX (it can be installed from
the audio/sox port or
package):&prompt.user; sox -t wav -r 44100 -s -w -c 2 track.wav track.rawRead for more information on using a
CD burner in FreeBSD.RossLippertContributed by Video PlaybackVideo playback is a very new and rapidly developing application
area. Be patient. Not everything is going to work as smoothly as
it did with sound.Before you begin, you should know the model of the video
card you have and the chip it uses. While XFree86 supports a
wide variety of video cards, fewer give good playback
performance. To obtain a list of extensions supported by the
X server using your card use the command &man.xdpyinfo.1; while
X11 is running.It is a good idea to have a short MPEG file which can be
treated as a test file for evaluating various players and
options. Since some DVD players will look for DVD media in
/dev/dvd by default, or have this device
name hardcoded in them, you might find it useful to make
symbolic links to the proper devices:&prompt.root; ln -sf /dev/acd0c /dev/dvd
&prompt.root; ln -sf /dev/racd0c /dev/rdvdOn FreeBSD 5.X, which uses &man.devfs.5; there
is a slightly different set of recommended links:&prompt.root; ln -sf /dev/acd0c /dev/dvd
&prompt.root; ln -sf /dev/acd0c /dev/rdvdAdditionally, DVD decryption, which requires invoking
special DVD-ROM functions, requires write permission on the DVD
devices.kernel optionsoptions CPU_ENABLE_SSEkernel optionsoptions USER_LDTSome of the ports discussed rely on the following kernel
options to build correctly. Before attempting to build, add
these options to the kernel configuration file, build a new kernel, and reboot:option CPU_ENABLE_SSE
option USER_LDTTo enhance the shared memory X11 interface, it is
recommended that the values of some &man.sysctl.8; variables
should be increased:kern.ipc.shmmax=67108864
kern.ipc.shmall=32768Determining Video capabilitiesXVideoSDLDGAThere are several possible ways to display video under X11.
What will really work is largely hardware dependent. Each
method described below will have varying quality across
different hardware. Secondly, the rendering of video in X11 is
a topic receiving a lot of attention lately, and with each
version of XFree86 there may be significant improvement.A list of common video interfaces:X11: normal X11 output using shared memory.XVideo: an extension to the X11
interface which supports video in any X11 drawable.SDL: the Simple Directmedia Layer.DGA: the Direct Graphics Access.SVGAlib: low level console graphics layer.XVideoXFree86 4.X has an extension called
XVideo (aka Xvideo, aka Xv, aka xv) which
allows video to be directly displayed in drawable objects
through a special acceleration. This extension provides very
good quality playback even on low-end machines (for example my
PIII 400 Mhz laptop). Unfortunately, the list of cards in which
this feature is supported out of the box is
currently:3DFX Voodoo 3Intel i810 and i815some S3 chips (such as Savage/IX and Savage/MX)If your card is not one of these, do not be disappointed yet.
XFree86 4.X adds new xv capabilities with each release
A popular familiar graphics card with generally very good
XFree86 performance, nVidia, has yet to release the specifications
on their XVideo support to the XFree86 team. It may be some time
before XFree86 fully support XVideo for these cards..
To check whether the extension is running,
use xvinfo:&prompt.user; xvinfoXVideo is supported for your card if the result looks like:X-Video Extension version 2.2
screen #0
Adaptor #0: "Savage Streams Engine"
number of ports: 1
port base: 43
operations supported: PutImage
supported visuals:
depth 16, visualID 0x22
depth 16, visualID 0x23
number of attributes: 5
"XV_COLORKEY" (range 0 to 16777215)
client settable attribute
client gettable attribute (current value is 2110)
"XV_BRIGHTNESS" (range -128 to 127)
client settable attribute
client gettable attribute (current value is 0)
"XV_CONTRAST" (range 0 to 255)
client settable attribute
client gettable attribute (current value is 128)
"XV_SATURATION" (range 0 to 255)
client settable attribute
client gettable attribute (current value is 128)
"XV_HUE" (range -180 to 180)
client settable attribute
client gettable attribute (current value is 0)
maximum XvImage size: 1024 x 1024
Number of image formats: 7
id: 0x32595559 (YUY2)
guid: 59555932-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
bits per pixel: 16
number of planes: 1
type: YUV (packed)
id: 0x32315659 (YV12)
guid: 59563132-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
bits per pixel: 12
number of planes: 3
type: YUV (planar)
id: 0x30323449 (I420)
guid: 49343230-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
bits per pixel: 12
number of planes: 3
type: YUV (planar)
id: 0x36315652 (RV16)
guid: 52563135-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
bits per pixel: 16
number of planes: 1
type: RGB (packed)
depth: 0
red, green, blue masks: 0x1f, 0x3e0, 0x7c00
id: 0x35315652 (RV15)
guid: 52563136-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
bits per pixel: 16
number of planes: 1
type: RGB (packed)
depth: 0
red, green, blue masks: 0x1f, 0x7e0, 0xf800
id: 0x31313259 (Y211)
guid: 59323131-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
bits per pixel: 6
number of planes: 3
type: YUV (packed)
id: 0x0
guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
bits per pixel: 0
number of planes: 0
type: RGB (packed)
depth: 1
red, green, blue masks: 0x0, 0x0, 0x0Also note that the formats listed (YUV2, YUV12, etc) are not
present with every implementation of XVideo and their absence may
hinder some players.If the result looks like:X-Video Extension version 2.2
screen #0
no adaptors presentThen XVideo is probably not supported for your card.If XVideo is not supported for your card, this only means
that it will be more difficult for your display to meet the
computational demands of rendering video. Depending on your
video card and processor, though, you might still be able to
have a satisfying experience. You should probably read about
ways of improving performance in the advanced reading .Simple Directmedia LayerThe Simple Directmedia Layer, SDL, was intended to be a
porting layers between Microsoft Windows, BeOS, and Unix,
allowing cross-platform applications to be developed which made
efficient use of sound and graphics. The SDL layer provides a
low-level abstraction to the hardware which can sometimes be
more efficient than the X11 interface.The SDL can be found at devel/sdl12Direct Graphics AccessDirect Graphics Access is an XFree86 extension which allows
a program to bypass the X server and directly alter the
framebuffer. Because it relies on a low level memory mapping to
effect this sharing, programs using it must must be run as
root.The DGA extension can be tested and benchmarked by
&man.dga.1;. When dga is running, it
changes the colors of the display whenever a key is pressed. To
quit, use q.Ports and Packages Dealing with Videovideo portsvideo packagesThis section discusses the software available from the
FreeBSD Ports Collection which can be used for video playback.
Video playback is a very active area of software development,
and the capabilities of various applications are bound to
diverge somewhat from the descriptions given here.Firstly, it is important to know that most of the video
applications which run on FreeBSD were developed as Linux
applications, originating in the past year. For this reason,
they are both very experimental and riddled with
Linux-isms which might prevent them from working at full
efficiency on FreeBSD.By experimental, I mean that you should expect
re-encoders, players, and DVD decrypters to have some major
bugs, or interoperability problems with other programs. Here is
a short list of the sort of things I mean:An application cannot playback a file which another
application produced.An application cannot playback a file which the
application itself produced.The same application on two different machines,
rebuilt on each machine for that machine, plays back the same
file differently.A seemingly trivial filter like rescaling of the image
size results in very bad artifacts from a buggy rescaling
routine.An application always dumping core.Documentation is not installed with the port and can be
found either on the web or under
.By Linux-isms, I mean that there are some
issues resulting from the way some standard libraries are
implemented in the Linux distributions, or some features of the
Linux kernel which have been assumed by the authors of the
applications, because that is where the authors are primarily
developing. These issues may not be noticed and worked around
by the port maintainers which can lead to some problems like
these:The use of /proc/cpuinfo to detect
processor characteristics.A misuse of threads which causes a program to hang upon
completion instead of truly terminating.Software not yet in the FreeBSD Ports Collection
which is commonly used in conjunction with the application.So far, these application developers have been cooperative with
port maintainers to minimize the work-arounds needed for
port-ing.MPlayerMPlayer is a recently developed and rapidly developing
video player. The goals of the MPlayer team are speed and
flexibility on Linux and other Unices. The project was
started when the team founder got fed up with bad playback
performance on then available players. Some would say that
interface has been sacrificed for streamlined design, but once
you get used to the command line options and the key-stroke
controls, it works very well.Building MPlayerMPlayermakingMPlayer resides in multimedia/mplayer.
MPlayer performs a variety of
hardware checks during the build process, resulting in a
binary which will not be portable from one system to
another. Therefore, it is important to build it from
ports and not to use a binary package. Additionally, a
number of options can be specified in the make
which echo at the start of the build.&prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer
&prompt.root; make
You can enable additional compilation optimizations
You can enable GTK GUI by defining WITH_GUI.
You can enable DVD support by defining WITH_DVD.
You can enable SVGALIB support by defining WITH_SVGALIB.
You can enable VORBIS sound support by defining WITH_VORBIS.
You can enable XAnim DLL support by defining WITH_XANIM.
If you have x11-toolkits/gtk12 installed, then
you might as well enable the GUI. Otherwise, it is not
worth the effort. If you intend to play (possibly CSS
encoded) DVD's with MPlayer you must enable the DVD support
option here Unauthorized DVD playback is a
serious criminal act in some countries. Check local laws
before enabling this option.. Some
reasonable options are:&prompt.root; make WITH_DVD=yes WITH_SVGALIB=yesAs of this writing, the MPlayer port will build its HTML
documentation and one executable,
mplayer. It can also be made to build an
encoder, mencoder, which is a tool for
re-encoding video. A modification to the
Makefile can enable it. It may be
enabled by default in subsequent versions of the port.The HTML documentation to MPlayer is very informative.
If the reader finds the information on video hardware and
interfaces in the chapter lacking, the MPlayer documentation
is a very thorough alternative. You should definitely take
the time to read the documentation of
MPlayer, if you are looking for
information about video support in Unix.Using MPlayerMPlayeruseAny user of MPlayer must set up a
.mplayer subdirectory directory of her
home directory. To create this necessary subdirectory,
you can do the following:&prompt.user; cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer
&prompt.user; make install-userThe command options for mplayer are
listed in the manual page. For even more detail there is HTML
documentation. In this section, we will give some of the
common use cases.To play from file, such as
testfile.avi through one of the various
video interfaces set the :
&prompt.user; mplayer -vo xv testfile.avi&prompt.user; mplayer -vo sdl testfile.avi&prompt.user; mplayer -vo x11 testfile.avi&prompt.root; mplayer -vo dga testfile.avi&prompt.root; mplayer -vo 'sdl:dga' testfile.aviIt is worth trying all of these options, as their relative
performance depends on many factors and will vary significantly
with hardware.To play from a DVD, replace the
testfile.avi with where <N> is
the title number to play and
DEVICE is the
device node for the DVD-ROM. For example, to play title 3
from /dev/dvd:&prompt.root; mplayer -vo dga -dvd 2 /dev/dvdTo stop, pause, advance and so on, consult the
keybindings, which are output by running mplayer
-h or read the manual page.Additional important options for playback are:
which engages the fullscreen mode
and which helps performance.In order for the mplayer command line to not become too
large, the user can create a file
.mplayer/config and set default options
zoom=yesFinally, mplayer can be used to rip a
DVD title into a .vob file. To dump out title 2 from a DVD:&prompt.root; mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile out.vob -dvd 2 /dev/dvdThe output file, out.vob, will be
MPEG and can be manipulated by the other packages described
in this section.mencodermencoderIf you opt to install mencoder when
you build, be forewarned that it is still quite
experimental.To use mencoder it is a good idea to
familiarize yourself with the options from the HTML
documentation. There is a manual page, but it is not very
useful without the HTML. There are innumerable ways to
improve quality, lower bitrate, and change formats, and some
of these tricks may make the difference between good
or bad performance. Here are a couple of examples to get
you going. First a simple copy:&prompt.user; mencoder input.avi -oac copy -ovc copy -o output.aviIt is easy to find examples where the output is
unplayable even by mplayer. Thus, if you
just want to rip to a file, stick to the
in mplayer.To convert input.avi to the MPEG4
codec with MPEG3 audio encoding (audio/lame is required):&prompt.user; mencoder input.avi -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=192 \
-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq -o output.aviThis has produced output playable by mplayer
and xine.input.avi can be replaced with
and run as
root to re-encode a DVD title
directly. Since you are likely to be dissatisfied with
your results the first time around, it is recommended you
dump the title to a file and work on the file.The xine Video PlayerThe xine video player is a project of wide scope aiming not only at being an
all in one video solution, but also in producing a reusable base
library and a modular executable which can be extended with
plugins. It comes both as a package and as a port, multimedia/xine.The good news is that the above is pretty much true. The xine player
is still very rough around the edges, but it is clearly off to a
good start. In practice, xine requires either a fast CPU with a
fast video card, or support for the XVideo extension. The GUI is
usable, but a bit clumsy.As of this writing, there is no input module shipped with
xine which will play CSS encoded DVD's. There are third party
builds which do have modules for this built in them, but none
of these are in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.Compared to MPlayer, xine does more for the user, but at the
same time, takes some of the more fine-grained control away from
the user. The xine video player also may perform much worse on the non-XVideo
interfaces and has very few good alternatives to it. The xine
FAQ highly recommends that you have a video card which supports
it.The xine player can be started by itself:&prompt.user; xineThe menus can then be used to open a file, or it can be
started to play a file immediately without the GUI
with the command:&prompt.user; xine -g -p mymovie.aviThe transcode utilitiesThe software transcode is not a player, but a suite of tools for
re-encoding .avi and .mpg files. With transcode, one has the
ability to merge video files, repair broken files, using command
line tools with stdin/stdout stream
interfaces.Like MPlayer, transcode is very experimental software which
must be build from the port graphics/transcode. Using a great
many options to the make command. I
recommend:&prompt.root; make WITH_LIBMPEG2=yesIf you plan to install multimedia/avifile, then add the
WITH_AVIFILE option to your
make command line, as shown here:&prompt.root; make WITH_AVIFILE=yes WITH_LIBMPEG2=yesHere are two examples of using transcode
for video conversion which produce rescaled output. The first
encodes the output to an openDIVX AVI file, while the second
encodes to the much more portable MPEG format.&prompt.user; transcode -i input.vob -x vob -V -Z 320x240 \
-y opendivx -N 0x55 -o output.avi&prompt.user; transcode -i input.vob -x vob -V -Z 320x240 \
-y mpeg -N 0x55 -o output.tmp
&prompt.user; tcmplex -o output.mpg -i output.tmp.m1v -p output.tmp.mpa -m 1There is a manual page for transcode, but
for the various tc* utilities (such as
tcmplex) which are also installed, there is
only a curt output.In comparison, transcode runs
significantly slower than mencoder, but it
has a better chance of producing a more widely playable file. I
can play transcode MPEGs on older copies of
Windows Media Player and Apple's Quicktime, for example.Further ReadingI have no doubt that within a year, much that is in this
chapter will be out of date. Video will probably be much less
problematic to get working well and a port will be in the
collection which turns a FreeBSD system into a DVD-playing, PVR,
and virtual A/V studio. Until that day arrives, those who
want to get the very most out of FreeBSD's A/V capabilities will
have to cobble together knowledge from several FAQs and tutorials
and use a few different applications.This section exists to give the reader some links to learn
more in case this chapter was just helpful enough.The
MPlayer documentation
is very technically informative.
These documents should probably be consulted by anyone wishing
to obtain a high level of expertise with Unix video. The
MPlayer mailing list is hostile to anyone who has not bothered
to read the documentation, so if you plan on making bug reports
to them, RTFM.The
xine HOWTO
contains a chapter on performance improvement
which is general to all players.Finally, there are some other promising applications which
the reader may try:Avifile which
is also a port multimedia/avifile.Ogle
which is also a port multimedia/ogle.Xtheater
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/vinum/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/vinum/chapter.sgml
index 86e417a29a..c955721cf1 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/vinum/chapter.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/vinum/chapter.sgml
@@ -1,1453 +1,1453 @@
The Vinum Volume ManagerSynopsisNo matter what disks you have, there will always be limitations:They can be too small.They can be too slow.They can be too unreliable.GregLeheyOriginally written by Disks Are Too SmallVinumRAIDSoftwareVinum is a so-called Volume
Manager, a virtual disk driver that addresses these
three problems. Let us look at them in more detail. Various
solutions to these problems have been proposed and
implemented:Disks are getting bigger, but so are data storage
requirements. Often you will find you want a file system that
is bigger than the disks you have available. Admittedly, this
problem is not as acute as it was ten years ago, but it still
exists. Some systems have solved this by creating an abstract
device which stores its data on a number of disks.Access BottlenecksModern systems frequently need to access data in a highly
concurrent manner. For example, large FTP or HTTP servers can
maintain thousands of concurrent sessions and have multiple
100 Mbit/s connections to the outside world, well beyond
the sustained transfer rate of most disks.Current disk drives can transfer data sequentially at up to
70 MB/s, but this value is of little importance in an
environment where many independent processes access a drive,
where they may achieve only a fraction of these values. In such
cases it is more interesting to view the problem from the
viewpoint of the disk subsystem: the important parameter is the
load that a transfer places on the subsystem, in other words the
time for which a transfer occupies the drives involved in the
transfer.In any disk transfer, the drive must first position the
heads, wait for the first sector to pass under the read head,
and then perform the transfer. These actions can be considered
to be atomic: it does not make any sense to interrupt
them. Consider a typical transfer of
about 10 kB: the current generation of high-performance
disks can position the heads in an average of 3.5 ms. The
fastest drives spin at 15,000 rpm, so the average
rotational latency (half a revolution) is 2 ms. At
70 MB/s, the transfer itself takes about 150 μs,
almost nothing compared to the positioning time. In such a
case, the effective transfer rate drops to a little over
1 MB/s and is clearly highly dependent on the transfer
size.The traditional and obvious solution to this bottleneck is
more spindles: rather than using one large disk,
it uses several smaller disks with the same aggregate storage
space. Each disk is capable of positioning and transferring
independently, so the effective throughput increases by a factor
close to the number of disks used.
The exact throughput improvement is, of course, smaller than
the number of disks involved: although each drive is capable of
transferring in parallel, there is no way to ensure that the
requests are evenly distributed across the drives. Inevitably
the load on one drive will be higher than on another.disk concatenationVinumconcatenationThe evenness of the load on the disks is strongly dependent
on the way the data is shared across the drives. In the
following discussion, it is convenient to think of the disk
storage as a large number of data sectors which are addressable
by number, rather like the pages in a book. The most obvious
method is to divide the virtual disk into groups of consecutive
sectors the size of the individual physical disks and store them
in this manner, rather like taking a large book and tearing it
into smaller sections. This method is called
concatenation and has the advantage that
the disks are not required to have any specific size
relationships. It works well when the access to the virtual
disk is spread evenly about its address space. When access is
concentrated on a smaller area, the improvement is less marked.
illustrates the sequence in which
storage units are allocated in a concatenated
organization.disk stripingVinumstripingAn alternative mapping is to divide the address space into
smaller, equal-sized components and store them sequentially on
different devices. For example, the first 256 sectors may be
stored on the first disk, the next 256 sectors on the next disk
and so on. After filling the last disk, the process repeats
until the disks are full. This mapping is called
striping or RAID-0
RAIDRAID stands for Redundant
Array of Inexpensive Disks and offers various forms
of fault tolerance, though the latter term is somewhat
misleading: it provides no redundancy..
Striping requires somewhat more effort to locate the data, and it
can cause additional I/O load where a transfer is spread over
multiple disks, but it can also provide a more constant load
across the disks. illustrates the
sequence in which storage units are allocated in a striped
organization.Data IntegrityThe final problem with current disks is that they are
unreliable. Although disk drive reliability has increased
tremendously over the last few years, they are still the most
likely core component of a server to fail. When they do, the
results can be catastrophic: replacing a failed disk drive and
restoring data to it can take days.disk mirroringVinummirroringRAID-1The traditional way to approach this problem has been
mirroring, keeping two copies of the data
on different physical hardware. Since the advent of the
RAID levels, this technique has also been
called RAID level 1 or
RAID-1. Any write to the volume writes to
both locations; a read can be satisfied from either, so if one
drive fails, the data is still available on the other
drive.Mirroring has two problems:The price. It requires twice as much disk storage as
a non-redundant solution.The performance impact. Writes must be performed to
both drives, so they take up twice the bandwidth of a
non-mirrored volume. Reads do not suffer from a
performance penalty: it even looks as if they are
alternative solution is parity,
implemented in the RAID levels 2, 3, 4 and
5. Of these, RAID-5 is the most
interesting. As implemented in Vinum, it is a variant on a
striped organization which dedicates one block of each stripe
to parity of the other blocks. As implemented by Vinum, a
RAID-5 plex is similar to a striped plex,
except that it implements RAID-5 by
including a parity block in each stripe. As required by
RAID-5, the location of this parity block
changes from one stripe to the next. The numbers in the data
blocks indicate the relative block numbers.Compared to mirroring, RAID-5 has the
advantage of requiring significantly less storage space. Read
access is similar to that of striped organizations, but write
access is significantly slower, approximately 25% of the read
performance. If one drive fails, the array can continue to
operate in degraded mode: a read from one of the remaining
accessible drives continues normally, but a read from the
failed drive is recalculated from the corresponding block from
all the remaining drives.
Vinum ObjectsIn order to address these problems, Vinum implements a four-level
hierarchy of objects:The most visible object is the virtual disk, called a
volume. Volumes have essentially the same
properties as a UNIX™ disk drive, though there are some minor
differences. They have no size limitations.Volumes are composed of plexes,
each of which represent the total address space of a
volume. This level in the hierarchy thus provides
redundancy. Think of plexes as individual disks in a
mirrored array, each containing the same data.Since Vinum exists within the UNIX™ disk storage
framework, it would be possible to use UNIX™
partitions as the building block for multi-disk plexes,
but in fact this turns out to be too inflexible:
UNIX™ disks can have only a limited number of
partitions. Instead, Vinum subdivides a single
UNIX™ partition (the drive)
into contiguous areas called
subdisks, which it uses as building
blocks for plexes.Subdisks reside on Vinum drives,
currently UNIX™ partitions. Vinum drives can
contain any number of subdisks. With the exception of a
small area at the beginning of the drive, which is used
for storing configuration and state information, the
entire drive is available for data storage.The following sections describe the way these objects provide the
functionality required of Vinum.Volume Size ConsiderationsPlexes can include multiple subdisks spread over all
drives in the Vinum configuration. As a result, the size of
an individual drive does not limit the size of a plex, and
thus of a volume.Redundant Data StorageVinum implements mirroring by attaching multiple plexes to
a volume. Each plex is a representation of the data in a
volume. A volume may contain between one and eight
plexes.Although a plex represents the complete data of a volume,
it is possible for parts of the representation to be
physically missing, either by design (by not defining a
subdisk for parts of the plex) or by accident (as a result of
the failure of a drive). As long as at least one plex can
provide the data for the complete address range of the volume,
the volume is fully functional.Performance IssuesVinum implements both concatenation and striping at the
plex level:A concatenated plex uses the
address space of each subdisk in turn.A striped plex stripes the data
across each subdisk. The subdisks must all have the same
size, and there must be at least two subdisks in order to
distinguish it from a concatenated plex.Which Plex Organization?The version of Vinum supplied with FreeBSD &rel.current; implements
two kinds of plex:Concatenated plexes are the most flexible: they can
contain any number of subdisks, and the subdisks may be of
different length. The plex may be extended by adding
additional subdisks. They require less
CPU time than striped plexes, though
the difference in CPU overhead is not
measurable. On the other hand, they are most susceptible
to hot spots, where one disk is very active and others are
idle.The greatest advantage of striped
(RAID-0) plexes is that they reduce hot
spots: by choosing an optimum sized stripe (about
256 kB), you can even out the load on the component
drives. The disadvantages of this approach are
(fractionally) more complex code and restrictions on
subdisks: they must be all the same size, and extending a
plex by adding new subdisks is so complicated that Vinum
currently does not implement it. Vinum imposes an
additional, trivial restriction: a striped plex must have
at least two subdisks, since otherwise it is
indistinguishable from a concatenated plex. summarizes the advantages
and disadvantages of each plex organization.
Vinum Plex OrganizationsPlex typeMinimum subdisksCan add subdisksMust be equal sizeApplicationconcatenated1yesnoLarge data storage with maximum placement flexibility
and moderate performancestriped2noyesHigh performance in combination with highly concurrent
Some ExamplesVinum maintains a configuration
database which describes the objects known to an
individual system. Initially, the user creates the
configuration database from one or more configuration files with
the aid of the &man.vinum.8; utility program. Vinum stores a
copy of its configuration database on each disk slice (which
Vinum calls a device) under its control.
This database is updated on each state change, so that a restart
accurately restores the state of each Vinum object.The Configuration FileThe configuration file describes individual Vinum objects. The
definition of a simple volume might be:
drive a device /dev/da3h
volume myvol
plex org concat
sd length 512m drive aThis file describes four Vinum objects:The drive line describes a disk
partition (drive) and its location
relative to the underlying hardware. It is given the
symbolic name a. This separation of
the symbolic names from the device names allows disks to
be moved from one location to another without
confusion.The volume line describes a volume.
The only required attribute is the name, in this case
myvol.The plex line defines a plex.
The only required parameter is the organization, in this
case concat. No name is necessary:
the system automatically generates a name from the volume
name by adding the suffix
.px, where
x is the number of the plex in the
volume. Thus this plex will be called
myvol.p0.The sd line describes a subdisk.
The minimum specifications are the name of a drive on
which to store it, and the length of the subdisk. As with
plexes, no name is necessary: the system automatically
assigns names derived from the plex name by adding the
suffix .sx,
where x is the number of the subdisk
in the plex. Thus Vinum gives this subdisk the name
myvol.p0.s0.After processing this file, &man.vinum.8; produces the following
&prompt.root; vinum -> create config1
Configuration summary
Drives: 1 (4 configured)
Volumes: 1 (4 configured)
Plexes: 1 (8 configured)
Subdisks: 1 (16 configured)
D a State: up Device /dev/da3h Avail: 2061/2573 MB (80%)
V myvol State: up Plexes: 1 Size: 512 MB
P myvol.p0 C State: up Subdisks: 1 Size: 512 MB
S myvol.p0.s0 State: up PO: 0 B Size: 512 MBThis output shows the brief listing format of &man.vinum.8;. It
is represented graphically in .This figure, and the ones which follow, represent a
volume, which contains the plexes, which in turn contain the
subdisks. In this trivial example, the volume contains one
plex, and the plex contains one subdisk.This particular volume has no specific advantage over a
conventional disk partition. It contains a single plex, so it
is not redundant. The plex contains a single subdisk, so
there is no difference in storage allocation from a
conventional disk partition. The following sections
illustrate various more interesting configuration
methods.Increased Resilience: MirroringThe resilience of a volume can be increased by mirroring.
When laying out a mirrored volume, it is important to ensure
that the subdisks of each plex are on different drives, so
that a drive failure will not take down both plexes. The
following configuration mirrors a volume:
drive b device /dev/da4h
volume mirror
plex org concat
sd length 512m drive a
plex org concat
sd length 512m drive bIn this example, it was not necessary to specify a
definition of drive a again, since Vinum
keeps track of all objects in its configuration database.
After processing this definition, the configuration looks
Drives: 2 (4 configured)
Volumes: 2 (4 configured)
Plexes: 3 (8 configured)
Subdisks: 3 (16 configured)
D a State: up Device /dev/da3h Avail: 1549/2573 MB (60%)
D b State: up Device /dev/da4h Avail: 2061/2573 MB (80%)
V myvol State: up Plexes: 1 Size: 512 MB
V mirror State: up Plexes: 2 Size: 512 MB
P myvol.p0 C State: up Subdisks: 1 Size: 512 MB
P mirror.p0 C State: up Subdisks: 1 Size: 512 MB
P mirror.p1 C State: initializing Subdisks: 1 Size: 512 MB
S myvol.p0.s0 State: up PO: 0 B Size: 512 MB
S mirror.p0.s0 State: up PO: 0 B Size: 512 MB
S mirror.p1.s0 State: empty PO: 0 B Size: 512 MB shows the structure
graphically.In this example, each plex contains the full 512 MB
of address space. As in the previous example, each plex
contains only a single subdisk.Optimizing PerformanceThe mirrored volume in the previous example is more
resistant to failure than an unmirrored volume, but its
performance is less: each write to the volume requires a write
to both drives, using up a greater proportion of the total
disk bandwidth. Performance considerations demand a different
approach: instead of mirroring, the data is striped across as
many disk drives as possible. The following configuration
shows a volume with a plex striped across four disk
drive c device /dev/da5h
drive d device /dev/da6h
volume stripe
plex org striped 512k
sd length 128m drive a
sd length 128m drive b
sd length 128m drive c
sd length 128m drive dAs before, it is not necessary to define the drives which are
already known to Vinum. After processing this definition, the
configuration looks like:
Drives: 4 (4 configured)
Volumes: 3 (4 configured)
Plexes: 4 (8 configured)
Subdisks: 7 (16 configured)
D a State: up Device /dev/da3h Avail: 1421/2573 MB (55%)
D b State: up Device /dev/da4h Avail: 1933/2573 MB (75%)
D c State: up Device /dev/da5h Avail: 2445/2573 MB (95%)
D d State: up Device /dev/da6h Avail: 2445/2573 MB (95%)
V myvol State: up Plexes: 1 Size: 512 MB
V mirror State: up Plexes: 2 Size: 512 MB
V striped State: up Plexes: 1 Size: 512 MB
P myvol.p0 C State: up Subdisks: 1 Size: 512 MB
P mirror.p0 C State: up Subdisks: 1 Size: 512 MB
P mirror.p1 C State: initializing Subdisks: 1 Size: 512 MB
P striped.p1 State: up Subdisks: 1 Size: 512 MB
S myvol.p0.s0 State: up PO: 0 B Size: 512 MB
S mirror.p0.s0 State: up PO: 0 B Size: 512 MB
S mirror.p1.s0 State: empty PO: 0 B Size: 512 MB
S striped.p0.s0 State: up PO: 0 B Size: 128 MB
S striped.p0.s1 State: up PO: 512 kB Size: 128 MB
S striped.p0.s2 State: up PO: 1024 kB Size: 128 MB
S striped.p0.s3 State: up PO: 1536 kB Size: 128 MBThis volume is represented in
. The darkness of the stripes
indicates the position within the plex address space: the lightest stripes
come first, the darkest last.Resilience and PerformanceWith sufficient hardware, it
is possible to build volumes which show both increased
resilience and increased performance compared to standard
UNIX™ partitions. A typical configuration file might
volume raid10
plex org striped 512k
sd length 102480k drive a
sd length 102480k drive b
sd length 102480k drive c
sd length 102480k drive d
sd length 102480k drive e
plex org striped 512k
sd length 102480k drive c
sd length 102480k drive d
sd length 102480k drive e
sd length 102480k drive a
sd length 102480k drive bThe subdisks of the second plex are offset by two drives from those
of the first plex: this helps ensure that writes do not go to the same
subdisks even if a transfer goes over two drives. represents the structure
of this volume.Object NamingAs described above, Vinum assigns default names to plexes
and subdisks, although they may be overridden. Overriding the
default names is not recommended: experience with the VERITAS
volume manager, which allows arbitrary naming of objects, has
shown that this flexibility does not bring a significant
advantage, and it can cause confusion.Names may contain any non-blank character, but it is
recommended to restrict them to letters, digits and the
underscore characters. The names of volumes, plexes and
subdisks may be up to 64 characters long, and the names of
drives may be up to 32 characters long.Vinum objects are assigned device nodes in the hierarchy
/dev/vinum. The configuration shown above
would cause Vinum to create the following device nodes:The control devices
/dev/vinum/control and
/dev/vinum/controld, which are used
by &man.vinum.8; and the Vinum daemon respectively.Block and character device entries for each volume.
These are the main devices used by Vinum. The block device
names are the name of the volume, while the character device
names follow the BSD tradition of prepending the letter
r to the name. Thus the configuration
above would include the block devices
/dev/vinum/raid5 and
/dev/vinum/raid10, and the
character devices
/dev/vinum/rraid5 and
/dev/vinum/rraid10. There is
obviously a problem here: it is possible to have two volumes
called r and rr,
but there will be a conflict creating the device node
/dev/vinum/rr: is it a character
device for volume r or a block device
for volume rr? Currently Vinum does
not address this conflict: the first-defined volume will get
the name.A directory /dev/vinum/drive
with entries for each drive. These entries are in fact
symbolic links to the corresponding disk nodes.A directory /dev/vinum/volume with
entries for each volume. It contains subdirectories for
each plex, which in turn contain subdirectories for their
component subdisks.The directories
/dev/vinum/sd, and
/dev/vinum/rsd, which contain block
device nodes for each plex and block and character device
nodes respectively for each subdisk.For example, consider the following configuration file:
drive drive1 device /dev/sd1h
drive drive2 device /dev/sd2h
drive drive3 device /dev/sd3h
drive drive4 device /dev/sd4h
volume s64 setupstate
plex org striped 64k
sd length 100m drive drive1
sd length 100m drive drive2
sd length 100m drive drive3
sd length 100m drive drive4After processing this file, &man.vinum.8; creates the following
structure in /dev/vinum:
brwx------ 1 root wheel 25, 0x40000001 Apr 13 16:46 Control
brwx------ 1 root wheel 25, 0x40000002 Apr 13 16:46 control
brwx------ 1 root wheel 25, 0x40000000 Apr 13 16:46 controld
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Apr 13 16:46 drive
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Apr 13 16:46 plex
crwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 91, 2 Apr 13 16:46 rs64
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Apr 13 16:46 rsd
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Apr 13 16:46 rvol
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 2 Apr 13 16:46 s64
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Apr 13 16:46 sd
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 512 Apr 13 16:46 vol
total 0
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Apr 13 16:46 drive1 -> /dev/sd1h
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Apr 13 16:46 drive2 -> /dev/sd2h
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Apr 13 16:46 drive3 -> /dev/sd3h
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Apr 13 16:46 drive4 -> /dev/sd4h
total 0
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x10000002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0
total 0
crwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 91, 0x20000002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s0
crwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 91, 0x20100002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s1
crwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 91, 0x20200002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s2
crwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 91, 0x20300002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s3
total 0
crwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 91, 2 Apr 13 16:46 s64
total 0
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x20000002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s0
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x20100002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s1
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x20200002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s2
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x20300002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s3
total 1
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 2 Apr 13 16:46 s64
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 512 Apr 13 16:46 s64.plex
total 1
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x10000002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.sd
total 0
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x20000002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s0
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x20100002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s1
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x20200002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s2
brwxr-xr-- 1 root wheel 25, 0x20300002 Apr 13 16:46 s64.p0.s3Although it is recommended that plexes and subdisks should
not be allocated specific names, Vinum drives must be named.
This makes it possible to move a drive to a different location
and still recognize it automatically. Drive names may be up to
32 characters long.Creating File SystemsVolumes appear to the system to be identical to disks,
with one exception. Unlike UNIX™ drives, Vinum does
not partition volumes, which thus do not contain a partition
table. This has required modification to some disk
utilities, notably &man.newfs.8;, which previously tried to
interpret the last letter of a Vinum volume name as a
partition identifier. For example, a disk drive may have a
name like /dev/ad0a or
/dev/da2h. These names represent
the first partition (a) on the
first (0) IDE disk (ad) and the
eighth partition (h) on the third
(2) SCSI disk (da) respectively.
By contrast, a Vinum volume might be called
/dev/vinum/concat, a name which has
no relationship with a partition name.Normally, &man.newfs.8; interprets the name of the disk and
complains if it cannot understand it. For example:&prompt.root; newfs /dev/vinum/concat
newfs: /dev/vinum/concat: can't figure out file system partitionThe following is only valid for FreeBSD versions
prior to 5.0:In order to create a file system on this volume, use the
option to &man.newfs.8;:&prompt.root; newfs -v /dev/vinum/concatConfiguring VinumThe GENERIC kernel does not contain
Vinum. It is possible to build a special kernel which includes
Vinum, but this is not recommended. The standard way to start
Vinum is as a kernel module (kld). You do
not even need to use &man.kldload.8; for Vinum: when you start
&man.vinum.8;, it checks whether the module has been loaded, and
if it is not, it loads it automatically.StartupVinum stores configuration information on the disk slices
in essentially the same form as in the configuration files.
When reading from the configuration database, Vinum recognizes
a number of keywords which are not allowed in the
configuration files. For example, a disk configuration might
contain the following text:volume myvol state up
volume bigraid state down
plex name myvol.p0 state up org concat vol myvol
plex name myvol.p1 state up org concat vol myvol
plex name myvol.p2 state init org striped 512b vol myvol
plex name bigraid.p0 state initializing org raid5 512b vol bigraid
sd name myvol.p0.s0 drive a plex myvol.p0 state up len 1048576b driveoffset 265b plexoffset 0b
sd name myvol.p0.s1 drive b plex myvol.p0 state up len 1048576b driveoffset 265b plexoffset 1048576b
sd name myvol.p1.s0 drive c plex myvol.p1 state up len 1048576b driveoffset 265b plexoffset 0b
sd name myvol.p1.s1 drive d plex myvol.p1 state up len 1048576b driveoffset 265b plexoffset 1048576b
sd name myvol.p2.s0 drive a plex myvol.p2 state init len 524288b driveoffset 1048841b plexoffset 0b
sd name myvol.p2.s1 drive b plex myvol.p2 state init len 524288b driveoffset 1048841b plexoffset 524288b
sd name myvol.p2.s2 drive c plex myvol.p2 state init len 524288b driveoffset 1048841b plexoffset 1048576b
sd name myvol.p2.s3 drive d plex myvol.p2 state init len 524288b driveoffset 1048841b plexoffset 1572864b
sd name bigraid.p0.s0 drive a plex bigraid.p0 state initializing len 4194304b driveoff set 1573129b plexoffset 0b
sd name bigraid.p0.s1 drive b plex bigraid.p0 state initializing len 4194304b driveoff set 1573129b plexoffset 4194304b
sd name bigraid.p0.s2 drive c plex bigraid.p0 state initializing len 4194304b driveoff set 1573129b plexoffset 8388608b
sd name bigraid.p0.s3 drive d plex bigraid.p0 state initializing len 4194304b driveoff set 1573129b plexoffset 12582912b
sd name bigraid.p0.s4 drive e plex bigraid.p0 state initializing len 4194304b driveoff set 1573129b plexoffset 16777216bThe obvious differences here are the presence of
explicit location information and naming (both of which are
also allowed, but discouraged, for use by the user) and the
information on the states (which are not available to the
user). Vinum does not store information about drives in the
configuration information: it finds the drives by scanning
the configured disk drives for partitions with a Vinum
label. This enables Vinum to identify drives correctly even
if they have been assigned different UNIX™ drive
IDs.Automatic StartupIn order to start Vinum automatically when you boot the
system, ensure that you have the following line in your
/etc/rc.conf:start_vinum="YES" # set to YES to start vinumIf you do not have a file
/etc/rc.conf, create one with this
content. This will cause the system to load the Vinum
kld at startup, and to start any objects
mentioned in the configuration. This is done before
mounting file systems, so it is possible to automatically
&man.fsck.8; and mount file systems on Vinum volumes.When you start Vinum with the vinum
start command, Vinum reads the configuration
database from one of the Vinum drives. Under normal
circumstances, each drive contains an identical copy of the
configuration database, so it does not matter which drive is
read. After a crash, however, Vinum must determine which
drive was updated most recently and read the configuration
from this drive. It then updates the configuration if
necessary from progressively older drives.Using Vinum for the root filesystemFor a machine that has fully-mirrored filesystems using
Vinum, it is desirable to also mirror the root filesystem.
Setting up such a configuration is less trivial than mirroring
an arbitrary filesystem because:The root filesystem must be available very early during
the boot process, so the Vinum infrastructure must already be
available at this time.The volume containing the root filesystem also contains
the system bootstrap and the kernel, which must be read
- using the host system's native utilites (e. g. the BIOS on
+ using the host system's native utilities (e. g. the BIOS on
PC-class machines) which often cannot be taught about the
details of Vinum.In the following sections, the term root
volume is generally used to describe the Vinum volume
that contains the root filesystem. It is probably a good idea
to use the name "root" for this volume, but
this is not technically required in any way. All command
examples in the following sections assume this name though.Starting up Vinum early enough for the root
filesystemThere are several measures to take for this to
happen:Vinum must be available in the kernel at boot-time.
Thus, the method to start Vinum automatically described in
is not applicable to
accomplish this task, and the
start_vinum parameter must actually
not be set when the following setup
is being arranged. The first option would be to compile
Vinum statically into the kernel, so it is available all
the time, but this is usually not desirable. There is
another option as well, to have
/boot/loader () load the vinum kernel module
early, before starting the kernel. This can be
accomplished by putting the linevinum_load="YES"into the file
/boot/loader.conf.Vinum must be initialized early since it needs to
supply the volume for the root filesystem. By default,
the Vinum kernel part is not looking for drives that might
contain Vinum volume information until the administrator
(or one of the startup scripts) issues a vinum
start command.The following paragraphs are outlining the steps
needed for FreeBSD 5.x and above. The setup required for
FreeBSD 4.x differs, and is described below in .By placing the line:vinum.autostart="YES"into /boot/loader.conf, Vinum is
instructed to automatically scan all drives for Vinum
information as part of the kernel startup.Note that it is not necessary to instruct the kernel
where to look for the root filesystem.
/boot/loader looks up the name of the
root device in /etc/fstab, and passes
this information on to the kernel. When it comes to mount
the root filesystem, the kernel figures out from the
devicename provided which driver to ask to translate this
into the internal device ID (major/minor number).Making a Vinum-based root volume accessible to the
bootstrapSince the current FreeBSD bootstrap is only 7.5 KB of
code, and already has the burden of reading files (like
/boot/loader) from the UFS filesystem, it
is sheer impossible to also teach it about internal Vinum
structures so it could parse the Vinum configuration data, and
figure out about the elements of a boot volume itself. Thus,
some tricks are necessary to provide the bootstrap code with
the illusion of a standard "a" partition
that contains the root filesystem.For this to be possible at all, the following requirements
must be met for the root volume:The root volume must not be striped or RAID-5.The root volume must not contain more than one
concatenated subdisk per plex.Note that it is desirable and possible that there are
multiple plexes, each containing one replica of the root
filesystem. The bootstrap process will, however, only use one
of these replica for finding the bootstrap and all the files,
until the kernel will eventually mount the root filesystem
itself. Each single subdisk within these plexes will then
need its own "a" partition illusion, for
the respective device to become bootable. It is not strictly
needed that each of these faked "a"
partitions is located at the same offset within its device,
compared with other devices containing plexes of the root
volume. However, it is probably a good idea to create the
Vinum volumes that way so the resulting mirrored devices are
symmetric, to avoid confusion.In order to setup these "a" partitions,
for each device containing part of the root volume, the
following needs to be done:The location (offset from the beginning of the device)
and size of this device's subdisk that is part of the root
volume need to be examined, using the commandvinum l -rv rootNote that Vinum offsets and sizes are measured in
bytes. They must be divided by 512 in order to obtain the
block numbers that are to be used in the
disklabel command.Run the commanddisklabel -e
devnamefor each device that participates in the root volume.
devname must be either the name
of the disk (like da0) for disks
without a slice (aka. fdisk) table, or the name of the
slice (like ad0s1).If there is already an "a"
partition on the device (presumably, containing a
pre-Vinum root filesystem), it should be renamed to
something else, so it remains accessible (just in case),
but will no longer be used by default to bootstrap the
system. Note that active partitions (like a root
filesystem currently mounted) cannot be renamed, so this
must be executed either when being booted from a
Fixit medium, or in a two-step process,
where (in a mirrored situation) the disk that has not been
currently booted is being manipulated first.Then, the offset the Vinum partition on this
device (if any) must be added to the offset of the
respective root volume subdisk on this device. The
resulting value will become the
"offset" value for the new
"a" partition. The
"size" value for this partition can be
taken verbatim from the calculation above. The
"fstype" should be
4.2BSD. The
"fsize", "bsize",
and "cpg" values should best be chosen
to match the actual filesystem, though they are fairly
unimportant within this context.That way, a new "a" partition will
be established that overlaps the Vinum partition on this
device. Note that the disklabel will
only allow for this overlap if the Vinum partition has
properly been marked using the "vinum"
fstype.That's all! A faked "a" partition
does exist now on each device that has one replica of the
root volume. It is highly recommendable to verify the
result again, using a command likefsck -n
/dev/devnameaIt should be remembered that all files containing control
information must be relative to the root filesystem in the
Vinum volume which, when setting up a new Vinum root volume,
might not match the root filesystem that is currently active.
So in particular, the files /etc/fstab
and /boot/loader.conf need to be taken
care of.At next reboot, the bootstrap should figure out the
appropriate control information from the new Vinum-based root
filesystem, and act accordingly. At the end of the kernel
initialization process, after all devices have been announced,
the prominent notice that shows the success of this setup is a
message like:Mounting root from ufs:/dev/vinum/rootExample of a Vinum-based root setupAfter the Vinum root volume has been set up, the output of
vinum l -rv root could look like:
Subdisk root.p0.s0:
Size: 125829120 bytes (120 MB)
State: up
Plex root.p0 at offset 0 (0 B)
Drive disk0 (/dev/da0h) at offset 135680 (132 kB)
Subdisk root.p1.s0:
Size: 125829120 bytes (120 MB)
State: up
Plex root.p1 at offset 0 (0 B)
Drive disk1 (/dev/da1h) at offset 135680 (132 kB)
The values to note are 135680 for the
offset (relative to partition
/dev/da0h). This translates to 265
512-byte disk blocks in disklabel's terms.
Likewise, the size of this root volume is 245760 512-byte
blocks. /dev/da1h, containing the
second replica of this root volume, has a symmetric
setup.The disklabel for these devices might look like:
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
a: 245760 281 4.2BSD 2048 16384 0 # (Cyl. 0*- 15*)
c: 71771688 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 4467*)
h: 71771672 16 vinum # (Cyl. 0*- 4467*)
It can be observed that the "size"
parameter for the faked "a" partition
matches the value outlined above, while the
"offset" parameter is the sum of the offset
within the Vinum partition "h", and the
offset of this partition within the device (or slice). This
is a typical setup that is necessary to avoid the problem
described in . It can also
be seen that the entire "a" partition is
completely within the "h" partition
containing all the Vinum data for this device.Note that in the above example, the entire device is
dedicated to Vinum, and there is no leftover pre-Vinum root
partition, since this has been a newly set-up disk that was
only meant to be part of a Vinum configuration, ever.TroubleshootingIf something goes wrong, a way is needed to recover from
the situation. The following list contains few known pitfalls
and solutions.System bootstrap loads, but system does not bootIf for any reason the system does not continue to boot,
the bootstrap can be interrupted with by pressing the
space key at the 10-seconds warning. The
loader variables (like vinum.autostart)
can be examined using the show, and
manipulated using set or
unset commands.If the only problem was that the Vinum kernel module was
not yet in the list of modules to load automatically, a
simple load vinum will help.When ready, the boot process can be continued with a
boot -as. The options
will request the kernel to ask for the
root filesystem to mount (), and make the
boot process stop in single-user mode (),
where the root filesystem is mounted read-only. That way,
even if only one plex of a multi-plex volume has been
mounted, no data inconsistency between plexes is being
risked.At the prompt asking for a root filesystem to mount, any
device that contains a valid root filesystem can be entered.
If /etc/fstab had been set up
correctly, the default should be something like
ufs:/dev/vinum/root. A typical alternate
choice would be something like
ufs:da0d which could be a
hypothetical partition that contains the pre-Vinum root
filesystem. Care should be taken if one of the alias
"a" partitions are entered here that are
actually reference to the subdisks of the Vinum root device,
because in a mirrored setup, this would only mount one piece
of a mirrored root device. If this filesystem is to be
mounted read-write later on, it is necessary to remove the
other plex(es) of the Vinum root volume since these plexes
would otherwise carry inconsistent data.Only primary bootstrap loadsIf /boot/loader fails to load, but
the primary bootstrap still loads (visible by a single dash
in the left column of the screen right after the boot
process starts), an attempt can be made to interrupt the
primary bootstrap at this point, using the
space key. This will make the bootstrap
stop in stage two, see . An
attempt can be made here to boot off an alternate partition,
like the partition containing the previous root filesystem
that has been moved away from "a"
above.Nothing boots, the bootstrap
panicsThis situation will happen if the bootstrap had been
destroyed by the Vinum installation. Unfortunately, Vinum
accidentally currently leaves only 4 KB at the beginning of
its partition free before starting to write its Vinum header
information. However, the stage one and two bootstraps plus
the disklabel embedded between them currently require 8 KB.
So if a Vinum partition was started at offset 0 within a
slice or disk that was meant to be bootable, the Vinum setup
will trash the bootstrap.Similarly, if the above situation has been recovered,
for example by booting from a Fixit medium,
and the bootstrap has been re-installed using
disklabel -B as described in , the bootstrap will trash the Vinum
header, and Vinum will no longer find its disk(s). Though
no actual Vinum configuration data or data in Vinum volumes
will be trashed by this, and it would be possible to recover
all the data by entering exact the same Vinum configuration
data again, the situation is hard to fix at all. It would
be necessary to move the entire Vinum partition by at least
4 KB off, in order to have the Vinum header and the system
bootstrap no longer collide.Differences for FreeBSD 4.xUnder FreeBSD 4.x, some internal functions required to
make Vinum automatically scan all disks are missing, and the
code that figures out the internal ID of the root device is
not smart enough to handle a name like
/dev/vinum/root automatically.
Therefore, things are a little different here.Vinum must explicitly be told which disks to scan, using a
line like the following one in
/dev/da1"It is important that all drives are mentioned that could
possibly contain Vinum data. It does not harm if
more drives are listed, nor is it
necessary to add each slice and/or partition explicitly, since
Vinum will scan all slices and partitions of the named drives
for valid Vinum headers.Since the routines used to parse the name of the root
filesystem, and derive the device ID (major/minor number) are
only prepared to handle classical device names
like /dev/ad0s1a, they cannot make
any sense out of a root volume name like
/dev/vinum/root. For that reason,
Vinum itself needs to pre-setup the internal kernel parameter
that holds the ID of the root device during its own
initialization. This is requested by passing the name of the
root volume in the loader variable
vinum.root. The entry in
/boot/loader.conf to accomplish this
looks like:vinum.root="root"Now, when the kernel initialization tries to find out the
root device to mount, it sees whether some kernel module has
already pre-initialized the kernel parameter for it. If that
is the case, and the device claiming the
root device matches the major number of the driver as figured
out from the name of the root device string being passed (that
is, "vinum" in our case), it will use the
pre-allocated device ID, instead of trying to figure out one
itself. That way, during the usual automatic startup, it can
continue to mount the Vinum root volume for the root
filesystem.However, when boot -a has been
requesting to ask for entering the name of the root device
manually, it must be noted that this routine still cannot
actually parse a name entered there that refers to a Vinum
volume. If any device name is entered that does not refer to
a Vinum device, the mismatch between the major numbers of the
pre-allocated root parameter and the driver as figured out
from the given name will make this routine enter its normal
parser, so entering a string like
ufs:da0d will work as expected. Note
that if this fails, it is however no longer possible to
re-enter a string like ufs:vinum/root
again, since it cannot be parsed. The only way out is to
reboot again, and start over then. (At the
askroot prompt, the initial
/dev/ can always be omitted.)