diff --git a/en/support.sgml b/en/support.sgml index a0feb86ef3..5abaf6de61 100644 --- a/en/support.sgml +++ b/en/support.sgml @@ -1,936 +1,936 @@ + %includes; ]> &header;

Mailing lists

Mailing lists are the primary support channel for FreeBSD users, with numerous mailing lists covering different topic areas. When in doubt about what list to post a question to, post to freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG. You can browse or search the mailing list archives at www.FreeBSD.org.

The FreeBSD Conspectus is a summary of some of the mailing lists produced each week, giving you an at-a-glance overview of recent discussions and decisions.

Several non-English mailing lists are also available:

If you create other FreeBSD mailing lists, let us know about them.


There are a few FreeBSD specific newsgroups, along with numerous other newsgroups on topics of interest to FreeBSD users, though the mailing lists remain the most reliable way to get in touch with the FreeBSD developers. For miscellaneous FreeBSD discussion, see comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc. For important announcements, see comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce.

The BSD Usenet News Searcher have archives of all BSD-related Usenet newsgroups from June 1992 onwards.


While #freebsd channels exist on various IRC networks, the FreeBSD project does not control them or endorse IRC as a support medium. You may be ignored, insulted, or kicked out if you ask questions on any channel in IRC, though you may have slightly better luck in channels named #freebsdhelp where such exist. If you want to try these or any other channels on IRC, it is nonetheless at your own risk and any complaints about conduct on those channels should not be directed to the FreeBSD project. See also the FAQ entry for more information.

WEB Resources

GNATS Problem Report Database

Current FreeBSD problem reports are tracked using the GNATS database.

Problem reports may also be submitted to the development team using the send-pr(1) command on a FreeBSD system or by sending an email message to freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG. Please note that send-pr is preferred since messages sent to the mailing list are not tracked as official problem reports!

CVS Repository

CVS (the Concurrent Version System) is the tool we use for keeping our sources under control. Every change (with accompanying log message explaining its purpose) from FreeBSD 2.0 to the present is stored here, and can be easily viewed from here (click on the link). To obtain a complete copy of the FreeBSD CVS repository or any of the development branches inside it, you may choose any one of following options:

Mirrors of the CVS Repository cgi script are available in California, Germany, Japan and Spain (English, Spanish).

User Groups

FreeBSD's widespread popularity has spawned a number of user groups around the world. If you know of a FreeBSD user group not listed here, let us know about it.



North America

Rest of the world

FreeBSD Development Projects

In addition to the mainstream development path of FreeBSD, a number of developer groups are working on the cutting edge to expand FreeBSD's range of applications in new directions.

FreeBSD Security Guide

Security resources available to FreeBSD users: PGP Key for Security Officers, advisories, patches and mailing lists.

Commercial Consulting Services

Whether you are just starting out with FreeBSD, or need to complete a large project, a consultant or two might be your answer.

General Unix Information

The X Window System


Related Operating System Projects

&footer; diff --git a/en/usergroups.sgml b/en/usergroups.sgml index a0feb86ef3..5abaf6de61 100644 --- a/en/usergroups.sgml +++ b/en/usergroups.sgml @@ -1,936 +1,936 @@ + %includes; ]> &header;

Mailing lists

Mailing lists are the primary support channel for FreeBSD users, with numerous mailing lists covering different topic areas. When in doubt about what list to post a question to, post to freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG. You can browse or search the mailing list archives at www.FreeBSD.org.

The FreeBSD Conspectus is a summary of some of the mailing lists produced each week, giving you an at-a-glance overview of recent discussions and decisions.

Several non-English mailing lists are also available:

If you create other FreeBSD mailing lists, let us know about them.


There are a few FreeBSD specific newsgroups, along with numerous other newsgroups on topics of interest to FreeBSD users, though the mailing lists remain the most reliable way to get in touch with the FreeBSD developers. For miscellaneous FreeBSD discussion, see comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc. For important announcements, see comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce.

The BSD Usenet News Searcher have archives of all BSD-related Usenet newsgroups from June 1992 onwards.


While #freebsd channels exist on various IRC networks, the FreeBSD project does not control them or endorse IRC as a support medium. You may be ignored, insulted, or kicked out if you ask questions on any channel in IRC, though you may have slightly better luck in channels named #freebsdhelp where such exist. If you want to try these or any other channels on IRC, it is nonetheless at your own risk and any complaints about conduct on those channels should not be directed to the FreeBSD project. See also the FAQ entry for more information.

WEB Resources

GNATS Problem Report Database

Current FreeBSD problem reports are tracked using the GNATS database.

Problem reports may also be submitted to the development team using the send-pr(1) command on a FreeBSD system or by sending an email message to freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG. Please note that send-pr is preferred since messages sent to the mailing list are not tracked as official problem reports!

CVS Repository

CVS (the Concurrent Version System) is the tool we use for keeping our sources under control. Every change (with accompanying log message explaining its purpose) from FreeBSD 2.0 to the present is stored here, and can be easily viewed from here (click on the link). To obtain a complete copy of the FreeBSD CVS repository or any of the development branches inside it, you may choose any one of following options:

Mirrors of the CVS Repository cgi script are available in California, Germany, Japan and Spain (English, Spanish).

User Groups

FreeBSD's widespread popularity has spawned a number of user groups around the world. If you know of a FreeBSD user group not listed here, let us know about it.



North America

Rest of the world

FreeBSD Development Projects

In addition to the mainstream development path of FreeBSD, a number of developer groups are working on the cutting edge to expand FreeBSD's range of applications in new directions.

FreeBSD Security Guide

Security resources available to FreeBSD users: PGP Key for Security Officers, advisories, patches and mailing lists.

Commercial Consulting Services

Whether you are just starting out with FreeBSD, or need to complete a large project, a consultant or two might be your answer.

General Unix Information

The X Window System


Related Operating System Projects
