diff --git a/el_GR.ISO8859-7/books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml b/el_GR.ISO8859-7/books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml index f92f63e59b..0878a52789 100644 --- a/el_GR.ISO8859-7/books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml +++ b/el_GR.ISO8859-7/books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml @@ -1,1644 +1,1660 @@ Ken Tom Ανανεώθηκε για τον X11 server του X.Org από τον Marc Fonvieille Το Σύστημα X Window Σύνοψη Το FreeBSD χρησιμοποιεί το περιβάλλον X11 για να παρέχει στους χρήστες ένα ισχυρό γραφικό περιβάλλον εργασίας. Το περιβάλλον X11 είναι μια υλοποίηση ανοικτού κώδικα του συστήματος X Window που περιλαμβάνει τόσο το &xorg; όσο και το &xfree86;. Οι εκδόσεις του &os; μέχρι και την έκδοση &os; 5.2.1-RELEASE διαθέτουν στην προεπιλεγμένη εγκατάσταση το &xfree86;, τον X11 server από το &xfree86; Project, Inc. Από το &os; 5.3-RELEASE κι έπειτα, η προεπιλεγμένη και επίσημη διανομή του X11 άλλαξε στο &xorg;, τον X11 server που αναπτύχθηκε από το X.Org Foundation με άδεια χρήσης αρκετά όμοια με αυτή που χρησιμοποιείται από το &os;. Υπάρχουν επίσης διαθέσιμοι εμπορικοί X servers για το &os;. Αυτό το κεφάλαιο θα καλύψει την εγκατάσταση και ρύθμιση των X11 με έμφαση στην έκδοση &xorg.version; του &xorg; &xorg.version;. Για πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη ρύθμιση του &xfree86; (π.χ. σε παλιότερες εκδόσεις του &os; όπου το &xfree86; ήταν η προεπιλεγμένη διανομή X11), μπορείτε πάντα να ανατρέξετε στις αρχειοθετημένες εκδόσεις του Εγχειριδίου του &os; στη διεύθυνση . Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες που σχετίζονται με τις κάρτες γραφικών που υποστηρίζονται από το περιβάλλον X11, δείτε την δικτυακή τοποθεσία &xorg;. Αφού διαβάσετε αυτό το κεφάλαιο, θα ξέρετε: Τα διάφορα τμήματα του συστήματος X Window, και πως συνεργάζονται μεταξύ τους. Πώς να εγκαταστήσετε και να ρυθμίσετε το περιβάλλον X11. Πως να εγκαταστήσετε και να ρυθμίσετε διαφορετικούς window managers. Πως να χρησιμοποιήσετε &truetype; γραμματοσειρές στο X11. Πως να ρυθμίσετε το σύστημα σας για σύνδεση (login) μέσω γραφικού περιβάλλοντος ((XDM). Πριν διαβάσετε αυτό το κεφάλαιο, θα πρέπει: Να ξέρετε πως να εγκαταστήσετε πρόσθετο λογισμικό τρίτου κατασκευαστή (). Κατανόηση του περιβάλλοντος X11 Η χρήση του περιβάλλοντος X11 για πρώτη φορά μπορεί να προκαλέσει μια μικρή ταραχή σε όποιον έχει συνηθίσει σε άλλα γραφικά περιβάλλοντα, όπως τα µsoft.windows; ή το &macos;. Γενικά, δεν είναι απαραίτητο να έχετε καταλάβει κάθε λεπτομέρεια των διαφόρων τμημάτων του X11 και πώς αλληλεπιδρούν μεταξύ τους. Κάποιες βασικές γνώσεις, όμως, είναι χρήσιμες και βοηθούν στο να εκμεταλλευτείτε τις δυνατότητες του X11 καλύτερα. Γιατί λέγεται X11 το περιβάλλον εργασίας; Το X δεν είναι το πρώτο περιβάλλον εργασίας που γράφτηκε για συστήματα &unix;, αλλά είναι σήμερα το πιο δημοφιλές. Η αρχική ομάδα ανάπτυξης του X είχε δουλέψει σε ένα άλλο σύστημα πριν γράψει το X. Το όνομα του παλιότερου συστήματος ήταν W (από την Αγγλική λέξη window). Το γράμμα X ήταν απλά το επόμενο γράμμα στο Λατινικό αλφάβητο. Μπορείτε να αναφέρεσθε στο X με τα ονόματα X, X Window System, X11, καθώς και με μερικούς άλλους όρους. Προσοχή όμως: κάποιοι άνθρωποι θεωρούν προσβλητικό τον όρο X Windows. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με αυτό, δείτε το manpage &man.X.7;. Το Μοντέλο Πελάτη/Διακομιστή των X11 Το περιβάλλον X11 έχει σχεδιαστεί από την αρχή έτσι ώστε να έχει εγγενή δικτυακή υποστήριξη, με βάση ένα μοντέλο πελάτη-διακομιστή. Στο μοντέλο λειτουργίας του X11, ο διακομιστής X εκτελείται στον υπολογιστή στον οποίο έχει συνδεθεί το πληκτρολόγιο, η οθόνη και το ποντίκι. Ο διακομιστής X είναι υπεύθυνος για τη διαχείριση της οθόνης, της εισόδου από το πληκτρολόγιο, το ποντίκι, κλπ. Κάθε εφαρμογή X (π.χ. το XTerm ή το &netscape;) είναι ένας πελάτης. Ένας πελάτης στέλνει μηνύματα στον διακομιστή όπως Παρακαλώ σχεδίασε ένα παράθυρο σε αυτές τις συντεταγμένες, και ο διακομιστής στέλνει πίσω μηνύματα όπως Ο χρήστης μόλις πάτησε το πλήκτρο OK. Σε ένα σπίτι ή ένα μικρό γραφείο, ο διακομιστής και οι πελάτες X συχνά εκτελούνται στον ίδιο υπολογιστή. Όμως, είναι απόλυτα εφικτό να εκτελείται ο διακομιστής X σε έναν λιγότερο ισχυρό επιτραπέζιο υπολογιστή, και να εκτελούνται οι εφαρμογές X (οι πελάτες) σε ένα, ας πούμε, ισχυρό και ακριβό μηχάνημα που εξυπηρετεί το γραφείο. Σε αυτό το σενάριο η επικοινωνία μεταξύ των πελατών X και του διακομιστή γίνεται μέσω δικτύου. Αυτό προκαλεί σύγχυση σε ορισμένους, επειδή η ορολογία του X είναι ακριβώς αντίθετη από ότι περίμεναν. Οι χρήστες συνήθως περιμένουν ο διακομιστής X να είναι ένα μεγάλο ισχυρό μηχάνημα σε ένα δωμάτιο και ο πελάτης X να είναι το μηχάνημα του γραφείου τους. Είναι σημαντικό να θυμάστε ότι ο διακομιστής X είναι το μηχάνημα με την οθόνη και το πληκτρολόγιο, και οι πελάτες X είναι τα προγράμματα που εμφανίζουν τα παράθυρα. Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα στο πρωτόκολλο που να αναγκάζει τα μηχανήματα των πελατών και του διακομιστή να εκτελούνται στο ίδιο λειτουργικό σύστημα, ή ακόμη να εκτελούνται στον ίδιο τύπο υπολογιστή. Είναι απόλυτα εφικτό να εκτελείται ένας διακομιστής X στα µsoft.windows; ή στο &macos; της Apple, και υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες διάφορες ελεύθερες και εμπορικές εφαρμογές που κάνουν ακριβώς αυτό. - The Window Manager - - The X design philosophy is much like the &unix; design philosophy, - tools, not policy. This means that X does not try to - dictate how a task is to be accomplished. Instead, tools are provided - to the user, and it is the user's responsibility to decide how to use - those tools. - - This philosophy extends to X not dictating what windows should - look like on screen, how to move them around with the mouse, what - keystrokes should be used to move between windows (i.e., - + Ο Διαχειριστής Παραθύρων + + Η φιλοσοφία σχεδιασμού του X μοιάζει πολύ με την φιλοσοφία + σχεδιασμού του &unix;, εργαλεία, όχι πολιτική. Αυτό + σημαίνει ότι το X δεν προσπαθεί να υπαγορεύσει πως θα υλοποιηθεί μια + εργασία. Αντίθετα, παρέχονται εργαλεία στον χρήστη, και είναι δική + του ευθύνη να αποφασίσει πως θα τα χρησιμοποιήσει. + + Αυτή η φιλοσοφία επεκτείνεται στο ότι το X δεν υπαγορεύει πως + πρέπει να εμφανίζονται τα παράθυρα στην οθόνη, πως θα μετακινηθούν με + το ποντίκι, τι συνδυασμοί πλήκτρων πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθούν για να + μετακινηθούμε μεταξύ των παραθύρων (π.χ., + Alt - Tab - , in the case of µsoft.windows;), what the title bars - on each window should look like, whether or not they have close - buttons on them, and so on. - - Instead, X delegates this responsibility to an application called - a Window Manager. There are dozens of window - managers available for X: AfterStep, + Tab + , στην περίπτωση των µsoft.windows;), πώς πρέπει να + μοιάζουν οι μπάρες τίτλων σε κάθε παράθυρο, αν θα έχουν ή όχι πλήκτρα + κλεισίματος πάνω τους, κ.o.κ. + + Αντίθετα, το X αναθέτει αυτήν την ευθύνη σε μία εφαρμογή που + ονομάζεται Διαχειριστής Παραθύρων. Υπάρχουν πάρα + πολλοί διαχειριστές παραθύρων διαθέσιμοι για το περιβάλλον X. Ορισμένοι από αυτούς είναι οι: + AfterStep, Blackbox, ctwm, Enlightenment, fvwm, Sawfish, twm, - Window Maker, and more. Each of these - window managers provides a different look and feel; some of them - support virtual desktops; some of them allow customized - keystrokes to manage the desktop; some have a Start - button or similar device; some are themeable, allowing - a complete change of look-and-feel by applying a new theme. These - window managers, and many more, are available in the - x11-wm category of the Ports Collection. - - In addition, the KDE and - GNOME desktop environments both have their - own window managers which integrate with the desktop. - - Each window manager also has a different configuration mechanism; - some expect configuration file written by hand, others feature - GUI tools for most of the configuration tasks; at least one - (Sawfish) has a configuration file written - in a dialect of the Lisp language. + Window Maker, κι υπάρχουν ακόμα + περισσότεροι. Κάθε ένας από αυτούς τους διαχειριστές παραθύρων έχει + διαφορετική αίσθηση και εμφάνιση. Μερικοί από αυτούς + υποστηρίζουν εικονικές επιφάνειες εργασίας, μερικοί + επιτρέπουν προσαρμοσμένους συνδυασμούς πλήκτρων για την διαχείριση της + επιφάνειας εργασίας, μερικοί έχουν + ένα πλήκτρο Start ή κάτι παρόμοιο, μερικοί υποστηρίζουν + θέματα (themes), επιτρέποντας την ολοκληρωτική αλλαγή + εμφάνισης με την εφαρμογή ενός νέου θέματος. Οι διαχειριστές + παραθύρων που έχουμε αναφέρει ως τώρα και πολλοί άλλοι, είναι + διαθέσιμοι στην κατηγορία x11-wm της συλλογής των + Ports. + + Επιπλέον, τα δύο πιο δημοφιλή ολοκληρωμένα περιβάλλοντα εργασίας, + το KDE και + το GNOME, έχουν τον δικό τους διαχειριστή + παραθύρων που είναι ενσωματωμένος με το υπόλοιπο περιβάλλον + εργασίας. + + Κάθε διαχειριστής παραθύρων έχει επίσης και διαφορετικό μηχανισμό + ρύθμισης: μερικοί ρυθμίζονται συμπληρώνοντας με χειροκίνητο τρόπο ένα + αρχείο ρυθμίσεων, άλλοι διαθέτουν γραφικά εργαλεία για τις + περισσότερες ρυθμίσεις. Υπάρχει ακόμα κι ένας + (Sawfish) που έχει αρχείο ρυθμίσεων + γραμμένο σε μια διάλεκτο της γλώσσας Lisp. - Focus Policy + Πολιτική Εστίασης - Another feature the window manager is responsible for is the - mouse focus policy. Every windowing system - needs some means of choosing a window to be actively receiving - keystrokes, and should visibly indicate which window is active as - well. + Άλλο ένα θέμα για το οποίο είναι υπεύθυνος ο διαχειριστής + παραθύρων είναι η πολιτική εστίασης του ποντικιού. + Κάθε σύστημα παραθύρων χρειάζεται κάποιο τρόπο επιλογής του + παραθύρου που θα δέχεται αυτά που πληκτρολογούνται, και θα πρέπει να + φαίνεται κάπως ότι αυτό το παράθυρο είναι ενεργό. - A familiar focus policy is called click-to-focus. - This is the model utilized by µsoft.windows;, in which a window - becomes active upon receiving a mouse click. + Μία γνωστή πολιτική εστίασης λέγεται + click-to-focus. Αυτό το μοντέλο χρησιμοποιείται στα + µsoft.windows;, όπου ένα παράθυρο γίνεται ενεργό αν δεχτεί ένα + πάτημα του ποντικιού. - X does not support any particular focus policy. Instead, the - window manager controls which window has the focus at any one time. - Different window managers will support different focus methods. All - of them support click to focus, and the majority of them support - several others. + Το X δεν υποστηρίζει καμία συγκεκριμένη πολιτική εστίασης. + Αντίθετα, ο διαχειριστής παραθύρων ελέγχει ποιό παράθυρο έχει + εστιαστεί κάθε στιγμή. Διαφορετικοί διαχειριστές παραθύρων + υποστηρίζουν διαφορετικές μεθόδους εστίασης. Όλοι τους υποστηρίζουν + την μέθοδο click to focus, και οι περισσότεροι από αυτούς + υποστηρίζουν και αρκετές άλλες. - The most popular focus policies are: + Οι πιο δημοφιλείς μέθοδοι εστίασης είναι: focus-follows-mouse - The window that is under the mouse pointer is the - window that has the focus. This may not necessarily be - the window that is on top of all the other windows. - The focus is changed by pointing at another window, there - is no need to click in it as well. + Το παράθυρο που βρίσκεται κάτω από τον δείκτη του + ποντικιού είναι είναι το παράθυρο που έχει την εστίαση. Το + ενεργό παράθυρο δεν είναι απαραίτητο να είναι αυτό το οποίο + βρίσκεται πάνω από όλα τα άλλα. Η εστίαση αλλάζει με την + στόχευση ενός άλλου παραθύρου, χωρίς να είναι απαραίτητο το + κλικ πάνω του. sloppy-focus - This policy is a small extension to focus-follows-mouse. - With focus-follows-mouse, if the mouse is moved over the - root window (or background) then no window has the focus, - and keystrokes are simply lost. With sloppy-focus, focus is - only changed when the cursor enters a new window, and not - when exiting the current window. + Αυτή η πολιτική είναι μια μικρή επέκταση του + focus-follows-mouse. Με τη πολιτική εστίασης + focus-follows-mouse, αν το ποντίκι βρεθεί πάνω από το αρχικό + (root) παράθυρο (ή το παρασκήνιο) δεν υπάρχει εστίαση σε + κανένα παράθυρο, και ότι πληκτρολογείται απλώς χάνεται. Με τη + sloppy-focus, η εστίαση αλλάζει μόνο αν ο δείκτης βρεθεί πάνω + από ένα νέο παράθυρο, και όχι όταν φεύγει από το τρέχον + παράθυρο. click-to-focus - The active window is selected by mouse click. The - window may then be raised, and appear in - front of all other windows. All keystrokes will now be - directed to this window, even if the cursor is moved to - another window. + Το ενεργό παράθυρο επιλέγεται με κλικ του ποντικιού. Το + παράθυρο τότε ανασηκώνεται και εμφανίζεται + μπροστά από όλα τα άλλα παράθυρα. Ότι πληκτρολογηθεί θα + οδηγηθεί σε αυτό το παράθυρο, ακόμα και αν ο δείκτης μετακινηθεί + σε άλλο παράθυρο. - Many window managers support other policies, as well as - variations on these. Be sure to consult the documentation for - the window manager itself. + Πολλοί διαχειριστές παραθύρων υποστηρίζουν ακόμα πιο εξωτικές + πολιτικές εστίασης, καθώς και παραλλαγές των παραπάνω. + Συμβουλευθείτε την τεκμηρίωση του εκάστοτε διαχειριστή παραθύρων για + περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες. Widgets The X approach of providing tools and not policy extends to the widgets seen on screen in each application. Widget is a term for all the items in the user interface that can be clicked or manipulated in some way; buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, icons, lists, and so on. µsoft.windows; calls these controls. µsoft.windows; and Apple's &macos; both have a very rigid widget policy. Application developers are supposed to ensure that their applications share a common look and feel. With X, it was not considered sensible to mandate a particular graphical style, or set of widgets to adhere to. As a result, do not expect X applications to have a common look and feel. There are several popular widget sets and variations, including the original Athena widget set from MIT, &motif; (on which the widget set in µsoft.windows; was modeled, all bevelled edges and three shades of grey), OpenLook, and others. Most newer X applications today will use a modern-looking widget set, either Qt, used by KDE, or GTK+, used by the GNOME project. In this respect, there is some convergence in look-and-feel of the &unix; desktop, which certainly makes things easier for the novice user. Installing X11 &xorg; is the default X11 implementation for &os;. &xorg; is the X server of the open source X Window System implementation released by the X.Org Foundation. &xorg; is based on the code of &xfree86 4.4RC2 and X11R6.6. The version of &xorg; currently available in the &os; Ports Collection is &xorg.version;. To build and install &xorg; from the Ports Collection: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg &prompt.root; make install clean To build &xorg; in its entirety, be sure to have at least 4 GB of free space available. Alternatively, X11 can be installed directly from packages. Binary packages to use with &man.pkg.add.1; tool are also available for X11. When the remote fetching feature of &man.pkg.add.1; is used, the version number of the package must be removed. &man.pkg.add.1; will automatically fetch the latest version of the application. So to fetch and install the package of &xorg;, simply type: &prompt.root; pkg_add -r xorg The examples above will install the complete X11 distribution including the servers, clients, fonts etc. Separate packages and ports of X11 are also available. The rest of this chapter will explain how to configure X11, and how to set up a productive desktop environment. Christopher Shumway Contributed by X11 Configuration &xorg; X11 Before Starting Before configuration of X11 the following information about the target system is needed: Monitor specifications Video Adapter chipset Video Adapter memory horizontal scan rate vertical scan rate The specifications for the monitor are used by X11 to determine the resolution and refresh rate to run at. These specifications can usually be obtained from the documentation that came with the monitor or from the manufacturer's website. There are two ranges of numbers that are needed, the horizontal scan rate and the vertical synchronization rate. The video adapter's chipset defines what driver module X11 uses to talk to the graphics hardware. With most chipsets, this can be automatically determined, but it is still useful to know in case the automatic detection does not work correctly. Video memory on the graphic adapter determines the resolution and color depth which the system can run at. This is important to know so the user knows the limitations of the system. Configuring X11 Configuration of X11 is a multi-step process. The first step is to build an initial configuration file. As the super user, simply run: &prompt.root; Xorg -configure This will generate an X11 configuration skeleton file in the /root directory called xorg.conf.new (whether you &man.su.1; or do a direct login affects the inherited supervisor $HOME directory variable). The X11 program will attempt to probe the graphics hardware on the system and write a configuration file to load the proper drivers for the detected hardware on the target system. The next step is to test the existing configuration to verify that &xorg; can work with the graphics hardware on the target system. To perform this task, type: &prompt.root; Xorg -config xorg.conf.new If a black and grey grid and an X mouse cursor appear, the configuration was successful. To exit the test, just press Ctrl Alt Backspace simultaneously. If the mouse does not work, you will need to first configure it before proceeding. See in the &os; install chapter. X11 tuning Next, tune the xorg.conf.new configuration file to taste. Open the file in a text editor such as &man.emacs.1; or &man.ee.1;. First, add the frequencies for the target system's monitor. These are usually expressed as a horizontal and vertical synchronization rate. These values are added to the xorg.conf.new file under the "Monitor" section: Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "Monitor Vendor" ModelName "Monitor Model" HorizSync 30-107 VertRefresh 48-120 EndSection The HorizSync and VertRefresh keywords may be missing in the configuration file. If they are, they need to be added, with the correct horizontal synchronization rate placed after the HorizSync keyword and the vertical synchronization rate after the VertRefresh keyword. In the example above the target monitor's rates were entered. X allows DPMS (Energy Star) features to be used with capable monitors. The &man.xset.1; program controls the time-outs and can force standby, suspend, or off modes. If you wish to enable DPMS features for your monitor, you must add the following line to the monitor section: Option "DPMS" xorg.conf While the xorg.conf.new configuration file is still open in an editor, select the default resolution and color depth desired. This is defined in the "Screen" section: Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Card0" Monitor "Monitor0" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 Modes "1024x768" EndSubSection EndSection The DefaultDepth keyword describes the color depth to run at by default. This can be overridden with the command line switch to &man.Xorg.1;. The Modes keyword describes the resolution to run at for the given color depth. Note that only VESA standard modes are supported as defined by the target system's graphics hardware. In the example above, the default color depth is twenty-four bits per pixel. At this color depth, the accepted resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels. Finally, write the configuration file and test it using the test mode given above. One of the tools available to assist you during troubleshooting process are the X11 log files, which contain information on each device that the X11 server attaches to. &xorg; log file names are in the format of /var/log/Xorg.0.log. The exact name of the log can vary from Xorg.0.log to Xorg.8.log and so forth. If all is well, the configuration file needs to be installed in a common location where &man.Xorg.1; can find it. This is typically /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf. &prompt.root; cp xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf The X11 configuration process is now complete. &xorg; may be now started with the &man.startx.1; utility. The X11 server may also be started with the use of &man.xdm.1;. There is also a graphical configuration tool, &man.xorgcfg.1;, which comes with the X11 distribution. It allows you to interactively define your configuration by choosing the appropriate drivers and settings. This program can be invoked from the console, by typing the command xorgcfg -textmode. For more details, refer to the &man.xorgcfg.1; manual page. Alternatively, there is also a tool called &man.xorgconfig.1;. This program is a console utility that is less user friendly, but it may work in situations where the other tools do not. Advanced Configuration Topics Configuration with &intel; i810 Graphics Chipsets Intel i810 graphic chipset Configuration with &intel; i810 integrated chipsets requires the agpgart AGP programming interface for X11 to drive the card. See the &man.agp.4; driver manual page for more information. This will allow configuration of the hardware as any other graphics board. Note on systems without the &man.agp.4; driver compiled in the kernel, trying to load the module with &man.kldload.8; will not work. This driver has to be in the kernel at boot time through being compiled in or using /boot/loader.conf. Adding a Widescreen Flatpanel to the Mix widescreen flatpanel configuration This section assumes a bit of advanced configuration knowledge. If attempts to use the standard configuration tools above have not resulted in a working configuration, there is information enough in the log files to be of use in getting the setup working. Use of a text editor will be necessary. Current widescreen (WSXGA, WSXGA+, WUXGA, WXGA, WXGA+, et.al.) formats support 16:10 and 10:9 formats or aspect ratios that can be problematic. Examples of some common screen resolutions for 16:10 aspect ratios are: 2560x1600 1920x1200 1680x1050 1440x900 1280x800 At some point, it will be as easy as adding one of these resolutions as a possible Mode in the Section "Screen" as such: Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Card0" Monitor "Monitor0" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 Modes "1680x1050" EndSubSection EndSection &xorg; is smart enough to pull the resolution information from the widescreen via I2C/DDC information so it knows what the monitor can handle as far as frequencies and resolutions. If those ModeLines do not exist in the drivers, one might need to give &xorg; a little hint. Using /var/log/Xorg.0.log one can extract enough information to manually create a ModeLine that will work. Simply look for information resembling this: (II) MGA(0): Supported additional Video Mode: (II) MGA(0): clock: 146.2 MHz Image Size: 433 x 271 mm (II) MGA(0): h_active: 1680 h_sync: 1784 h_sync_end 1960 h_blank_end 2240 h_border: 0 (II) MGA(0): v_active: 1050 v_sync: 1053 v_sync_end 1059 v_blanking: 1089 v_border: 0 (II) MGA(0): Ranges: V min: 48 V max: 85 Hz, H min: 30 H max: 94 kHz, PixClock max 170 MHz This information is called EDID information. Creating a ModeLine from this is just a matter of putting the numbers in the correct order: ModeLine <name> <clock> <4 horiz. timings> <4 vert. timings> So that the ModeLine in Section "Monitor" for this example would look like this: Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor1" VendorName "Bigname" ModelName "BestModel" ModeLine "1680x1050" 146.2 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 Option "DPMS" EndSection Now having completed these simple editing steps, X should start on your new widescreen monitor. Murray Stokely Contributed by Using Fonts in X11 Type1 Fonts The default fonts that ship with X11 are less than ideal for typical desktop publishing applications. Large presentation fonts show up jagged and unprofessional looking, and small fonts in &netscape; are almost completely unintelligible. However, there are several free, high quality Type1 (&postscript;) fonts available which can be readily used with X11. For instance, the URW font collection (x11-fonts/urwfonts) includes high quality versions of standard type1 fonts (Times Roman, Helvetica, Palatino and others). The Freefonts collection (x11-fonts/freefonts) includes many more fonts, but most of them are intended for use in graphics software such as the Gimp, and are not complete enough to serve as screen fonts. In addition, X11 can be configured to use &truetype; fonts with a minimum of effort. For more details on this, see the &man.X.7; manual page or the section on &truetype; fonts. To install the above Type1 font collections from the ports collection, run the following commands: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/x11-fonts/urwfonts &prompt.root; make install clean And likewise with the freefont or other collections. To have the X server detect these fonts, add an appropriate line to the X server configuration file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf), which reads: FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/URW/" Alternatively, at the command line in the X session run: &prompt.user; xset fp+ /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/URW &prompt.user; xset fp rehash This will work but will be lost when the X session is closed, unless it is added to the startup file (~/.xinitrc for a normal startx session, or ~/.xsession when logging in through a graphical login manager like XDM). A third way is to use the new /usr/local/etc/fonts/local.conf file: see the section on anti-aliasing. &truetype; Fonts TrueType Fonts fonts TrueType &xorg; has built in support for rendering &truetype; fonts. There are two different modules that can enable this functionality. The freetype module is used in this example because it is more consistent with the other font rendering back-ends. To enable the freetype module just add the following line to the "Module" section of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. Load "freetype" Now make a directory for the &truetype; fonts (for example, /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType) and copy all of the &truetype; fonts into this directory. Keep in mind that &truetype; fonts cannot be directly taken from a &macintosh;; they must be in &unix;/&ms-dos;/&windows; format for use by X11. Once the files have been copied into this directory, use ttmkfdir to create a fonts.dir file, so that the X font renderer knows that these new files have been installed. ttmkfdir is available from the FreeBSD Ports Collection as x11-fonts/ttmkfdir. &prompt.root; cd /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType &prompt.root; ttmkfdir -o fonts.dir Now add the &truetype; directory to the font path. This is just the same as described above for Type1 fonts, that is, use &prompt.user; xset fp+ /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType &prompt.user; xset fp rehash or add a FontPath line to the xorg.conf file. That's it. Now &netscape;, Gimp, &staroffice;, and all of the other X applications should now recognize the installed &truetype; fonts. Extremely small fonts (as with text in a high resolution display on a web page) and extremely large fonts (within &staroffice;) will look much better now. Joe Marcus Clarke Updated by Anti-Aliased Fonts anti-aliased fonts fonts anti-aliased Anti-aliasing has been available in X11 since &xfree86; 4.0.2. However, font configuration was cumbersome before the introduction of &xfree86; 4.3.0. Beginning with &xfree86; 4.3.0, all fonts in X11 that are found in /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/ and ~/.fonts/ are automatically made available for anti-aliasing to Xft-aware applications. Not all applications are Xft-aware, but many have received Xft support. Examples of Xft-aware applications include Qt 2.3 and higher (the toolkit for the KDE desktop), GTK+ 2.0 and higher (the toolkit for the GNOME desktop), and Mozilla 1.2 and higher. In order to control which fonts are anti-aliased, or to configure anti-aliasing properties, create (or edit, if it already exists) the file /usr/local/etc/fonts/local.conf. Several advanced features of the Xft font system can be tuned using this file; this section describes only some simple possibilities. For more details, please see &man.fonts-conf.5;. XML This file must be in XML format. Pay careful attention to case, and make sure all tags are properly closed. The file begins with the usual XML header followed by a DOCTYPE definition, and then the <fontconfig> tag: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> As previously stated, all fonts in /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/ as well as ~/.fonts/ are already made available to Xft-aware applications. If you wish to add another directory outside of these two directory trees, add a line similar to the following to /usr/local/etc/fonts/local.conf: <dir>/path/to/my/fonts</dir> After adding new fonts, and especially new font directories, you should run the following command to rebuild the font caches: &prompt.root; fc-cache -f Anti-aliasing makes borders slightly fuzzy, which makes very small text more readable and removes staircases from large text, but can cause eyestrain if applied to normal text. To exclude font sizes smaller than 14 point from anti-aliasing, include these lines: <match target="font"> <test name="size" compare="less"> <double>14</double> </test> <edit name="antialias" mode="assign"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less" qual="any"> <double>14</double> </test> <edit mode="assign" name="antialias"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> fonts spacing Spacing for some monospaced fonts may also be inappropriate with anti-aliasing. This seems to be an issue with KDE, in particular. One possible fix for this is to force the spacing for such fonts to be 100. Add the following lines: <match target="pattern" name="family"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>fixed</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign"> <string>mono</string> </edit> </match> <match target="pattern" name="family"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>console</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign"> <string>mono</string> </edit> </match> (this aliases the other common names for fixed fonts as "mono"), and then add: <match target="pattern" name="family"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>mono</string> </test> <edit name="spacing" mode="assign"> <int>100</int> </edit> </match> Certain fonts, such as Helvetica, may have a problem when anti-aliased. Usually this manifests itself as a font that seems cut in half vertically. At worst, it may cause applications such as Mozilla to crash. To avoid this, consider adding the following to local.conf: <match target="pattern" name="family"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>Helvetica</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign"> <string>sans-serif</string> </edit> </match> Once you have finished editing local.conf make sure you end the file with the </fontconfig> tag. Not doing this will cause your changes to be ignored. The default font set that comes with X11 is not very desirable when it comes to anti-aliasing. A much better set of default fonts can be found in the x11-fonts/bitstream-vera port. This port will install a /usr/local/etc/fonts/local.conf file if one does not exist already. If the file does exist, the port will create a /usr/local/etc/fonts/local.conf-vera file. Merge the contents of this file into /usr/local/etc/fonts/local.conf, and the Bitstream fonts will automatically replace the default X11 Serif, Sans Serif, and Monospaced fonts. Finally, users can add their own settings via their personal .fonts.conf files. To do this, each user should simply create a ~/.fonts.conf. This file must also be in XML format. LCD screen Fonts LCD screen One last point: with an LCD screen, sub-pixel sampling may be desired. This basically treats the (horizontally separated) red, green and blue components separately to improve the horizontal resolution; the results can be dramatic. To enable this, add the line somewhere in the local.conf file: <match target="font"> <test qual="all" name="rgba"> <const>unknown</const> </test> <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"> <const>rgb</const> </edit> </match> Depending on the sort of display, rgb may need to be changed to bgr, vrgb or vbgr: experiment and see which works best. Mozilla disabling anti-aliased fonts Anti-aliasing should be enabled the next time the X server is started. However, programs must know how to take advantage of it. At present, the Qt toolkit does, so the entire KDE environment can use anti-aliased fonts. GTK+ and GNOME can also be made to use anti-aliasing via the Font capplet (see for details). By default, Mozilla 1.2 and greater will automatically use anti-aliasing. To disable this, rebuild Mozilla with the -DWITHOUT_XFT flag. Seth Kingsley Contributed by The X Display Manager Overview X Display Manager The X Display Manager (XDM) is an optional part of the X Window System that is used for login session management. This is useful for several types of situations, including minimal X Terminals, desktops, and large network display servers. Since the X Window System is network and protocol independent, there are a wide variety of possible configurations for running X clients and servers on different machines connected by a network. XDM provides a graphical interface for choosing which display server to connect to, and entering authorization information such as a login and password combination. Think of XDM as providing the same functionality to the user as the &man.getty.8; utility (see for details). That is, it performs system logins to the display being connected to and then runs a session manager on behalf of the user (usually an X window manager). XDM then waits for this program to exit, signaling that the user is done and should be logged out of the display. At this point, XDM can display the login and display chooser screens for the next user to login. Using XDM The XDM daemon program is located in /usr/local/bin/xdm. This program can be run at any time as root and it will start managing the X display on the local machine. If XDM is to be run every time the machine boots up, a convenient way to do this is by adding an entry to /etc/ttys. For more information about the format and usage of this file, see . There is a line in the default /etc/ttys file for running the XDM daemon on a virtual terminal: ttyv8 "/usr/local/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm off secure By default this entry is disabled; in order to enable it change field 5 from off to on and restart &man.init.8; using the directions in . The first field, the name of the terminal this program will manage, is ttyv8. This means that XDM will start running on the 9th virtual terminal. Configuring XDM The XDM configuration directory is located in /usr/local/lib/X11/xdm. In this directory there are several files used to change the behavior and appearance of XDM. Typically these files will be found: File Description Xaccess Client authorization ruleset. Xresources Default X resource values. Xservers List of remote and local displays to manage. Xsession Default session script for logins. Xsetup_* Script to launch applications before the login interface. xdm-config Global configuration for all displays running on this machine. xdm-errors Errors generated by the server program. xdm-pid The process ID of the currently running XDM. Also in this directory are a few scripts and programs used to set up the desktop when XDM is running. The purpose of each of these files will be briefly described. The exact syntax and usage of all of these files is described in &man.xdm.1;. The default configuration is a simple rectangular login window with the hostname of the machine displayed at the top in a large font and Login: and Password: prompts below. This is a good starting point for changing the look and feel of XDM screens. Xaccess The protocol for connecting to XDM-controlled displays is called the X Display Manager Connection Protocol (XDMCP). This file is a ruleset for controlling XDMCP connections from remote machines. It is ignored unless the xdm-config is changed to listen for remote connections. By default, it does not allow any clients to connect. Xresources This is an application-defaults file for the display chooser and login screens. In it, the appearance of the login program can be modified. The format is identical to the app-defaults file described in the X11 documentation. Xservers This is a list of the remote displays the chooser should provide as choices. Xsession This is the default session script for XDM to run after a user has logged in. Normally each user will have a customized session script in ~/.xsession that overrides this script. Xsetup_* These will be run automatically before displaying the chooser or login interfaces. There is a script for each display being used, named Xsetup_ followed by the local display number (for instance Xsetup_0). Typically these scripts will run one or two programs in the background such as xconsole. xdm-config This contains settings in the form of app-defaults that are applicable to every display that this installation manages. xdm-errors This contains the output of the X servers that XDM is trying to run. If a display that XDM is trying to start hangs for some reason, this is a good place to look for error messages. These messages are also written to the user's ~/.xsession-errors file on a per-session basis. Running a Network Display Server In order for other clients to connect to the display server, you must edit the access control rules and enable the connection listener. By default these are set to conservative values. To make XDM listen for connections, first comment out a line in the xdm-config file: ! SECURITY: do not listen for XDMCP or Chooser requests ! Comment out this line if you want to manage X terminals with xdm DisplayManager.requestPort: 0 and then restart XDM. Remember that comments in app-defaults files begin with a ! character, not the usual #. More strict access controls may be desired — look at the example entries in Xaccess, and refer to the &man.xdm.1; manual page for further information. Replacements for XDM Several replacements for the default XDM program exist. One of them, kdm (bundled with KDE) is described later in this chapter. The kdm display manager offers many visual improvements and cosmetic frills, as well as the functionality to allow users to choose their window manager of choice at login time. Valentino Vaschetto Contributed by Desktop Environments This section describes the different desktop environments available for X on FreeBSD. A desktop environment can mean anything ranging from a simple window manager to a complete suite of desktop applications, such as KDE or GNOME. GNOME About GNOME GNOME GNOME is a user-friendly desktop environment that enables users to easily use and configure their computers. GNOME includes a panel (for starting applications and displaying status), a desktop (where data and applications can be placed), a set of standard desktop tools and applications, and a set of conventions that make it easy for applications to cooperate and be consistent with each other. Users of other operating systems or environments should feel right at home using the powerful graphics-driven environment that GNOME provides. More information regarding GNOME on FreeBSD can be found on the FreeBSD GNOME Project's web site. The web site also contains fairly comprehensive FAQs about installing, configuring, and managing GNOME. Installing GNOME To install the GNOME package from the network, simply type: &prompt.root; pkg_add -r gnome2 To build GNOME from source, use the ports tree: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome2 &prompt.root; make install clean Once GNOME is installed, the X server must be told to start GNOME instead of a default window manager. The easiest way to start GNOME is with GDM, the GNOME Display Manager. GDM, which is installed as a part of the GNOME desktop (but is disabled by default), can be enabled by adding gdm_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf. Once you have rebooted, GNOME will start automatically once you log in — no further configuration is necessary. GNOME may also be started from the command-line by properly configuring a file named .xinitrc. If a custom .xinitrc is already in place, simply replace the line that starts the current window manager with one that starts /usr/local/bin/gnome-session instead. If nothing special has been done to the configuration file, then it is enough simply to type: &prompt.user; echo "/usr/local/bin/gnome-session" > ~/.xinitrc Next, type startx, and the GNOME desktop environment will be started. If an older display manager, like XDM, is being used, this will not work. Instead, create an executable .xsession file with the same command in it. To do this, edit the file and replace the existing window manager command with /usr/local/bin/gnome-session: &prompt.user; echo "#!/bin/sh" > ~/.xsession &prompt.user; echo "/usr/local/bin/gnome-session" >> ~/.xsession &prompt.user; chmod +x ~/.xsession Yet another option is to configure the display manager to allow choosing the window manager at login time; the section on KDE details explains how to do this for kdm, the display manager of KDE. Anti-aliased Fonts with GNOME GNOME anti-aliased fonts X11 supports anti-aliasing via its RENDER extension. GTK+ 2.0 and greater (the toolkit used by GNOME) can make use of this functionality. Configuring anti-aliasing is described in . So, with up-to-date software, anti-aliasing is possible within the GNOME desktop. Just go to Applications Desktop Preferences Font, and select either Best shapes, Best contrast, or Subpixel smoothing (LCDs). For a GTK+ application that is not part of the GNOME desktop, set the environment variable GDK_USE_XFT to 1 before launching the program. KDE KDE About KDE KDE is an easy to use contemporary desktop environment. Some of the things that KDE brings to the user are: A beautiful contemporary desktop A desktop exhibiting complete network transparency An integrated help system allowing for convenient, consistent access to help on the use of the KDE desktop and its applications Consistent look and feel of all KDE applications Standardized menu and toolbars, keybindings, color-schemes, etc. Internationalization: KDE is available in more than 40 languages Centralized, consistent, dialog-driven desktop configuration A great number of useful KDE applications KDE comes with a web browser called Konqueror, which is a solid competitor to other existing web browsers on &unix; systems. More information on KDE can be found on the KDE website. For FreeBSD specific information and resources on KDE, consult the KDE on FreeBSD team's website. Installing KDE Just as with GNOME or any other desktop environment, the software can be easily installed from a package or the Ports Collection: To install the KDE package from the network, simply type: &prompt.root; pkg_add -r kde &man.pkg.add.1; will automatically fetch the latest version of the application. To build KDE from source, use the ports tree: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/x11/kde3 &prompt.root; make install clean After KDE has been installed, the X server must be told to launch this application instead of the default window manager. This is accomplished by editing the .xinitrc file: &prompt.user; echo "exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc Now, whenever the X Window System is invoked with startx, KDE will be the desktop. If a display manager such as XDM is being used, the configuration is slightly different. Edit the .xsession file instead. Instructions for kdm are described later in this chapter. More Details on KDE Now that KDE is installed on the system, most things can be discovered through the help pages, or just by pointing and clicking at various menus. &windows; or &mac; users will feel quite at home. The best reference for KDE is the on-line documentation. KDE comes with its own web browser, Konqueror, dozens of useful applications, and extensive documentation. The remainder of this section discusses the technical items that are difficult to learn by random exploration. The KDE Display Manager KDE display manager An administrator of a multi-user system may wish to have a graphical login screen to welcome users. XDM can be used, as described earlier. However, KDE includes an alternative, kdm, which is designed to look more attractive and include more login-time options. In particular, users can easily choose (via a menu) which desktop environment (KDE, GNOME, or something else) to run after logging on. To enable kdm, the ttyv8 entry in /etc/ttys has to be adapted. The line should look as follows: ttyv8 "/usr/local/bin/kdm -nodaemon" xterm on secure XFce About XFce XFce is a desktop environment based on the GTK+ toolkit used by GNOME, but is much more lightweight and meant for those who want a simple, efficient desktop which is nevertheless easy to use and configure. Visually, it looks very much like CDE, found on commercial &unix; systems. Some of XFce's features are: A simple, easy-to-handle desktop Fully configurable via mouse, with drag and drop, etc. Main panel similar to CDE, with menus, applets and applications launchers Integrated window manager, file manager, sound manager, GNOME compliance module, and more Themeable (since it uses GTK+) Fast, light and efficient: ideal for older/slower machines or machines with memory limitations More information on XFce can be found on the XFce website. Installing XFce A binary package for XFce exists (at the time of writing). To install, simply type: &prompt.root; pkg_add -r xfce4 Alternatively, to build from source, use the ports collection: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/xfce4 &prompt.root; make install clean Now, tell the X server to launch XFce the next time X is started. Simply type this: &prompt.user; echo "/usr/local/bin/startxfce4" > ~/.xinitrc The next time X is started, XFce will be the desktop. As before, if a display manager like XDM is being used, create an .xsession, as described in the section on GNOME, but with the /usr/local/bin/startxfce4 command; or, configure the display manager to allow choosing a desktop at login time, as explained in the section on kdm. +