diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/backups/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/backups/chapter.sgml
index 12de057851..36eb30da9d 100644
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+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/backups/chapter.sgml
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BackupsSynopsisThe following chapter will cover methods of backing up data, and
the programs used to create those backups. If you would like to
contribute something to this section, send it to the &a.doc;.Tape MediaThe major tape media are the 4mm, 8mm, QIC, mini-cartridge and
DLT.4mm (DDS: Digital Data Storage)4mm tapes are replacing QIC as the workstation backup media of
choice. This trend accelerated greatly when Conner purchased Archive,
a leading manufacturer of QIC drives, and then stopped production of
QIC drives. 4mm drives are small and quiet but do not have the
reputation for reliability that is enjoyed by 8mm drives. The
cartridges are less expensive and smaller (3 x 2 x 0.5 inches, 76 x 51
x 12 mm) than 8mm cartridges. 4mm, like 8mm, has comparatively short
head life for the same reason, both use helical scan.Data throughput on these drives starts ~150kB/s, peaking at ~500kB/s.
Data capacity starts at 1.3 GB and ends at 2.0 GB. Hardware
compression, available with most of these drives, approximately
doubles the capacity. Multi-drive tape library units can have 6
drives in a single cabinet with automatic tape changing. Library
capacities reach 240 GB.The DDS-3 standard now supports tape capacities up to 12GB (or
24GB compressed).4mm drives, like 8mm drives, use helical-scan. All the benefits
and drawbacks of helical-scan apply to both 4mm and 8mm drives.Tapes should be retired from use after 2,000 passes or 100 full
backups.8mm (Exabyte)8mm tapes are the most common SCSI tape drives; they are the best
choice of exchanging tapes. Nearly every site has an exabyte 2 GB 8mm
tape drive. 8mm drives are reliable, convenient and quiet. Cartridges
are inexpensive and small (4.8 x 3.3 x 0.6 inches; 122 x 84 x 15 mm).
One downside of 8mm tape is relatively short head and tape life due to
the high rate of relative motion of the tape across the heads.Data throughput ranges from ~250kB/s to ~500kB/s. Data sizes start
at 300 MB and go up to 7 GB. Hardware compression, available with
most of these drives, approximately doubles the capacity. These
drives are available as single units or multi-drive tape libraries
with 6 drives and 120 tapes in a single cabinet. Tapes are changed
automatically by the unit. Library capacities reach 840+ GB.The Exabyte Mammoth model supports 12GB on one tape
(24MB with compression) and costs approximately twice as much as
conventional tape drives.Data is recorded onto the tape using helical-scan, the heads are
positioned at an angle to the media (approximately 6 degrees). The
tape wraps around 270 degrees of the spool that holds the heads. The
spool spins while the tape slides over the spool. The result is a
high density of data and closely packed tracks that angle across the
tape from one edge to the other.QICQIC-150 tapes and drives are, perhaps, the most common tape drive
and media around. QIC tape drives are the least expensive "serious"
backup drives. The downside is the cost of media. QIC tapes are
expensive compared to 8mm or 4mm tapes, up to 5 times the price per GB
data storage. But, if your needs can be satisfied with a half-dozen
tapes, QIC may be the correct choice. QIC is the
most common tape drive. Every site has a QIC
drive of some density or another. Therein lies the rub, QIC has a
large number of densities on physically similar (sometimes identical)
tapes. QIC drives are not quiet. These drives audibly seek before
they begin to record data and are clearly audible whenever reading,
writing or seeking. QIC tapes measure (6 x 4 x 0.7 inches; 15.2 x
10.2 x 1.7 mm). Mini-cartridges, which
also use 1/4" wide tape are discussed separately. Tape libraries and
changers are not available.Data throughput ranges from ~150kB/s to ~500kB/s. Data capacity
ranges from 40 MB to 15 GB. Hardware compression is available on many
of the newer QIC drives. QIC drives are less frequently installed;
they are being supplanted by DAT drives.Data is recorded onto the tape in tracks. The tracks run along
the long axis of the tape media from one end to the other. The number
of tracks, and therefore the width of a track, varies with the tape's
capacity. Most if not all newer drives provide backward-compatibility
at least for reading (but often also for writing). QIC has a good
reputation regarding the safety of the data (the mechanics are simpler
and more robust than for helical scan drives).Tapes should be retired from use after 5,000 backups.* Mini-Cartridge
DLTDLT has the fastest data transfer rate of all the drive types
listed here. The 1/2" (12.5mm) tape is contained in a single spool
cartridge (4 x 4 x 1 inches; 100 x 100 x 25 mm). The cartridge has a
swinging gate along one entire side of the cartridge. The drive
mechanism opens this gate to extract the tape leader. The tape leader
has an oval hole in it which the drive uses to "hook" the tape. The
take-up spool is located inside the tape drive. All the other tape
cartridges listed here (9 track tapes are the only exception) have
both the supply and take-up spools located inside the tape cartridge
itself.Data throughput is approximately 1.5MB/s, three times the throughput of
4mm, 8mm, or QIC tape drives. Data capacities range from 10GB to 20GB
for a single drive. Drives are available in both multi-tape changers
and multi-tape, multi-drive tape libraries containing from 5 to 900
tapes over 1 to 20 drives, providing from 50GB to 9TB of
storage.With compression, DLT Type IV format supports up to 70GB
capacity.Data is recorded onto the tape in tracks parallel to the direction
of travel (just like QIC tapes). Two tracks are written at once.
Read/write head lifetimes are relatively long; once the tape stops
moving, there is no relative motion between the heads and the
tape.AITAIT is a new format from Sony, and can hold up to 50GB (with
compression) per tape. The tapes contain memory chips which retain an
index of the tape's contents. This index can be rapidly read by the
tape drive to determine the position of files on the tape, instead of
the several minutes that would be required for other tapes. Software
such as SAMS:Alexandria can operate forty or more AIT tape libraries,
communicating directly with the tape's memory chip to display the
contents on screen, determine what files where backed up to which
tape, locate the correct tape, load it, and restore the data from the
tape.Libraries like this cost in the region of $20,000, pricing them a
little out of the hobbyist market.Using a New Tape for the First TimeThe first time that you try to read or write a new, completely
blank tape, the operation will fail. The console messages should be
similar to:sa0(ncr1:4:0): NOT READY asc:4,1
sa0(ncr1:4:0): Logical unit is in process of becoming readyThe tape does not contain an Identifier Block (block number 0).
All QIC tape drives since the adoption of QIC-525 standard write an
Identifier Block to the tape. There are two solutions:mt fsf 1 causes the tape drive to write an
Identifier Block to the tape.Use the front panel button to eject the tape.Re-insert the tape and &man.dump.8; data to the tape.&man.dump.8; will report DUMP: End of tape
detected and the console will show: HARDWARE
FAILURE info:280 asc:80,96rewind the tape using: mt rewindSubsequent tape operations are successful.Backup ProgramsThe three major programs are
&man.cpio.1;.Dump and Restore&man.dump.8; and &man.restore.8; are the traditional Unix backup
programs. They operate on the drive as a collection of disk blocks,
below the abstractions of files, links and directories that are
created by the filesystems. &man.dump.8; backs up devices, entire
filesystems, not parts of a filesystem and not directory trees that
span more than one filesystem, using either soft links &man.ln.1; or
mounting one filesystem onto another. &man.dump.8; does not write
files and directories to tape, but rather writes the data blocks that
are the building blocks of files and directories. &man.dump.8; has
quirks that remain from its early days in Version 6 of ATT Unix (circa
1975). The default parameters are suitable for 9-track tapes (6250
bpi), not the high-density media available today (up to 62,182 ftpi).
These defaults must be overridden on the command line to utilize the
capacity of current tape drives.&man.rdump.8; and &man.rrestore.8; backup data across the network
to a tape drive attached to another computer. Both programs rely upon
&man.rcmd.3; and &man.ruserok.3; to access the remote tape drive.
Therefore, the user performing the backup must have
rhosts access to the remote computer. The
arguments to &man.rdump.8; and &man.rrestore.8; must suitable to use
on the remote computer. (e.g. When rdump'ing from
a FreeBSD computer to an Exabyte tape drive connected to a Sun called
komodo, use: /sbin/rdump 0dsbfu 54000 13000
126 komodo:/dev/nrsa8 /dev/rda0a 2>&1) Beware: there
are security implications to allowing rhosts
commands. Evaluate your situation carefully.Tar&man.tar.1; also dates back to Version 6 of ATT Unix (circa 1975).
&man.tar.1; operates in cooperation with the filesystem; &man.tar.1;
writes files and directories to tape. &man.tar.1; does not support the
full range of options that are available from &man.cpio.1;, but
&man.tar.1; does not require the unusual command pipeline that
&man.cpio.1; uses.Most versions of &man.tar.1; do not support backups across the
network. The GNU version of &man.tar.1;, which FreeBSD utilizes,
supports remote devices using the same syntax as &man.rdump.8;. To
&man.tar.1; to an Exabyte tape drive connected to a Sun called
komodo, use: /usr/bin/tar cf
komodo:/dev/nrsa8 . 2>&1. For versions without remote
device support, you can use a pipeline and &man.rsh.1; to send the
data to a remote tape drive.&prompt.root; tar cf - . | rsh hostname dd of=tape-device obs=20bIf you're worried about the security of backing over a network
you should use the &man.ssh.1; command instead of &man.rsh.1;.Cpio&man.cpio.1; is the original Unix file interchange tape program
for magnetic media. &man.cpio.1; has options (among many others) to
perform byte-swapping, write a number of different archives format,
and pipe the data to other programs. This last feature makes
&man.cpio.1; and excellent choice for installation media.
&man.cpio.1; does not know how to walk the directory tree and a list
of files must be provided through stdin.&man.cpio.1; does not support backups across the network. You can
use a pipeline and &man.rsh.1; to send the data to a remote tape
drive. (XXX add an example command)Pax&man.pax.1; is IEEE/POSIX's answer to &man.tar.1; and
&man.cpio.1;. Over the years the various versions of &man.tar.1;
and &man.cpio.1; have gotten slightly incompatible. So rather than
fight it out to fully standardize them, POSIX created a new archive
utility. &man.pax.1; attempts to read and write many of the various
&man.cpio.1; and &man.tar.1; formats, plus new formats of its own.
Its command set more resembles &man.cpio.1; than &man.tar.1;.AmandaAmanda
(Advanced Maryland Network Disk Archiver) is a client/server backup
system, rather than a single program. An Amanda server will backup to
a single tape drive any number of computers that have Amanda clients
and network communications with the Amanda server. A common problem
at locations with a number of large disks is the length of time
required to backup to data directly to tape exceeds the amount of time
available for the task. Amanda solves this problem. Amanda can use a
"holding disk" to backup several filesystems at the same time. Amanda
creates "archive sets": a group of tapes used over a period of time to
create full backups of all the filesystems listed in Amanda's
configuration file. The "archive set" also contains nightly
incremental (or differential) backups of all the filesystems.
Restoring a damaged filesystem requires the most recent full backup
and the incremental backups.The configuration file provides fine control backups and the
network traffic that Amanda generates. Amanda will use any of the
above backup programs to write the data to tape. Amanda is available
as either a port or a package, it is not installed by default.Do NothingDo nothing is not a computer program, but it is the
most widely used backup strategy. There are no initial costs. There
is no backup schedule to follow. Just say no. If something happens
to your data, grin and bear it!If your time and your data is worth little to nothing, then
Do nothing is the most suitable backup program for your
computer. But beware, Unix is a useful tool, you may find that within
six months you have a collection of files that are valuable to
you.Do nothing is the correct backup method for
/usr/obj and other directory trees that can be
exactly recreated by your computer. An example is the files that
comprise these handbook pages-they have been generated from
SGML input files. Creating backups of these
HTML files is not necessary. The
SGML source files are backed up regularly.Which Backup Program is Best?&man.dump.8; Period. Elizabeth D. Zwicky
torture tested all the backup programs discussed here. The clear
choice for preserving all your data and all the peculiarities of Unix
filesystems is &man.dump.8;. Elizabeth created filesystems containing
a large variety of unusual conditions (and some not so unusual ones)
- and tested each program by do a backup and restore of that
+ and tested each program by doing a backup and restore of that
filesystems. The peculiarities included: files with holes, files with
holes and a block of nulls, files with funny characters in their
names, unreadable and unwritable files, devices, files that change
size during the backup, files that are created/deleted during the
backup and more. She presented the results at LISA V in Oct. 1991.
See torture-testing
Backup and Archive Programs.Emergency Restore ProcedureBefore the DisasterThere are only four steps that you need to perform in
preparation for any disaster that may occur.First, print the disklabel from each of your disks
(e.g. disklabel da0 | lpr), your filesystem table
(/etc/fstab) and all boot messages,
two copies of
each.Second, determine that the boot and fix-it floppies
(boot.flp and fixit.flp)
have all your devices. The easiest way to check is to reboot your
machine with the boot floppy in the floppy drive and check the boot
messages. If all your devices are listed and functional, skip on to
step three.Otherwise, you have to create two custom bootable floppies which
has a kernel that can mount your all of your disks and access your
tape drive. These floppies must contain:
&man.fdisk.8;, &man.disklabel.8;, &man.newfs.8;, &man.mount.8;, and
whichever backup program you use. These programs must be statically
linked. If you use &man.dump.8;, the floppy must contain
&man.restore.8;.Third, create backup tapes regularly. Any changes that you make
after your last backup may be irretrievably lost. Write-protect the
backup tapes.Fourth, test the floppies (either boot.flp
and fixit.flp or the two custom bootable
floppies you made in step two.) and backup tapes. Make notes of the
procedure. Store these notes with the bootable floppy, the
printouts and the backup tapes. You will be so distraught when
restoring that the notes may prevent you from destroying your backup
tapes (How? In place of tar xvf /dev/rsa0, you
might accidently type tar cvf /dev/rsa0 and
over-write your backup tape).For an added measure of security, make bootable floppies and two
backup tapes each time. Store one of each at a remote location. A
remote location is NOT the basement of the same office building. A
number of firms in the World Trade Center learned this lesson the
hard way. A remote location should be physically separated from
your computers and disk drives by a significant distance.An example script for creating a bootable floppy:
gzip -c -best /sbin/fsck > /mnt/sbin/fsck
gzip -c -best /sbin/mount > /mnt/sbin/mount
gzip -c -best /sbin/halt > /mnt/sbin/halt
gzip -c -best /sbin/restore > /mnt/sbin/restore
gzip -c -best /bin/sh > /mnt/bin/sh
gzip -c -best /bin/sync > /mnt/bin/sync
cp /root/.profile /mnt/root
cp -f /dev/MAKEDEV /mnt/dev
chmod 755 /mnt/dev/MAKEDEV
chmod 500 /mnt/sbin/init
chmod 555 /mnt/sbin/fsck /mnt/sbin/mount /mnt/sbin/halt
chmod 555 /mnt/bin/sh /mnt/bin/sync
chmod 6555 /mnt/sbin/restore
# create the devices nodes
cd /mnt/dev
./MAKEDEV pty0
cd /
# create minimum filesystem table
cat > /mnt/etc/fstab < /mnt/etc/passwd < /mnt/etc/master.passwd <After the DisasterThe key question is: did your hardware survive? You have been
doing regular backups so there is no need to worry about the
software.If the hardware has been damaged. First, replace those parts
that have been damaged.If your hardware is okay, check your floppies. If you are using
a custom boot floppy, boot single-user (type -s
at the boot: prompt). Skip the following
paragraph.If you are using the boot.flp and
fixit.flp floppies, keep reading. Insert the
boot.flp floppy in the first floppy drive and
boot the computer. The original install menu will be displayed on
the screen. Select the Fixit--Repair mode with CDROM or
floppy. option. Insert the
fixit.flp when prompted.
restore and the other programs that you need are
located in /mnt2/stand.Recover each filesystem separately.Try to &man.mount.8; (e.g. mount /dev/da0a
/mnt) the root partition of your first disk. If the
disklabel was damaged, use &man.disklabel.8; to re-partition and
label the disk to match the label that your printed and saved. Use
&man.newfs.8; to re-create the filesystems. Re-mount the root
partition of the floppy read-write (mount -u -o rw
/mnt). Use your backup program and backup tapes to
recover the data for this filesystem (e.g. restore vrf
/dev/sa0). Unmount the filesystem (e.g. umount
/mnt) Repeat for each filesystem that was
damaged.Once your system is running, backup your data onto new tapes.
Whatever caused the crash or data loss may strike again. An another
hour spent now, may save you from further distress later.* I did not prepare for the Disaster, What Now?
What about Backups to Floppies?Can I use floppies for backing up my data?Floppy disks are not really a suitable media for
making backups as:The media is unreliable, especially over long periods of
timeBacking up and restoring is very slowThey have a very limited capacity (the days of backing up
an entire hard disk onto a dozen or so floppies has long since
passed).However, if you have no other method of backing up your data then
floppy disks are better than no backup at all.If you do have to use floppy disks then ensure that you use good
quality ones. Floppies that have been lying around the office for a
couple of years are a bad choice. Ideally use new ones from a
reputable manufacturer.So how do I backup my data to floppies?The best way to backup to floppy disk is to use
&man.tar.1; with the (multi volume) option, which
allows backups to span multiple floppies.To backup all the files in the current directory and sub-directory
use this (as root):&prompt.root; tar Mcvf /dev/rfd0 *When the first floppy is full &man.tar.1; will prompt you to
insert the next volume (because &man.tar.1; is media independent it
refers to volumes. In this context it means floppy disk)Prepare volume #2 for /dev/rfd0 and hit return:This is repeated (with the volume number incrementing) until all
the specified files have been archived.Can I compress my backups?Unfortunately, &man.tar.1; will not allow the
option to be used for multi-volume archives.
You could, of course, &man.gzip.1; all the files, &man.tar.1; them to
the floppies, then &man.gunzip.1; the files again!How do I restore my backups?To restore the entire archive use:&prompt.root; tar Mxvf /dev/rfd0To restore only specific files you can either start with the first
floppy and use:&prompt.root; tar Mxvf /dev/rfd0 filename&man.tar.1; will prompt you to insert subsequent floppies until it
finds the required file.Alternatively, if you know which floppy the file is on then you
can simply insert that floppy and use the same command as above. Note
that if the first file on the floppy is a continuation from the
previous one then &man.tar.1; will warn you that it cannot restore it,
even if you have not asked it to!
diff --git a/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/handbook/backups/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/handbook/backups/chapter.sgml
index 12de057851..36eb30da9d 100644
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BackupsSynopsisThe following chapter will cover methods of backing up data, and
the programs used to create those backups. If you would like to
contribute something to this section, send it to the &a.doc;.Tape MediaThe major tape media are the 4mm, 8mm, QIC, mini-cartridge and
DLT.4mm (DDS: Digital Data Storage)4mm tapes are replacing QIC as the workstation backup media of
choice. This trend accelerated greatly when Conner purchased Archive,
a leading manufacturer of QIC drives, and then stopped production of
QIC drives. 4mm drives are small and quiet but do not have the
reputation for reliability that is enjoyed by 8mm drives. The
cartridges are less expensive and smaller (3 x 2 x 0.5 inches, 76 x 51
x 12 mm) than 8mm cartridges. 4mm, like 8mm, has comparatively short
head life for the same reason, both use helical scan.Data throughput on these drives starts ~150kB/s, peaking at ~500kB/s.
Data capacity starts at 1.3 GB and ends at 2.0 GB. Hardware
compression, available with most of these drives, approximately
doubles the capacity. Multi-drive tape library units can have 6
drives in a single cabinet with automatic tape changing. Library
capacities reach 240 GB.The DDS-3 standard now supports tape capacities up to 12GB (or
24GB compressed).4mm drives, like 8mm drives, use helical-scan. All the benefits
and drawbacks of helical-scan apply to both 4mm and 8mm drives.Tapes should be retired from use after 2,000 passes or 100 full
backups.8mm (Exabyte)8mm tapes are the most common SCSI tape drives; they are the best
choice of exchanging tapes. Nearly every site has an exabyte 2 GB 8mm
tape drive. 8mm drives are reliable, convenient and quiet. Cartridges
are inexpensive and small (4.8 x 3.3 x 0.6 inches; 122 x 84 x 15 mm).
One downside of 8mm tape is relatively short head and tape life due to
the high rate of relative motion of the tape across the heads.Data throughput ranges from ~250kB/s to ~500kB/s. Data sizes start
at 300 MB and go up to 7 GB. Hardware compression, available with
most of these drives, approximately doubles the capacity. These
drives are available as single units or multi-drive tape libraries
with 6 drives and 120 tapes in a single cabinet. Tapes are changed
automatically by the unit. Library capacities reach 840+ GB.The Exabyte Mammoth model supports 12GB on one tape
(24MB with compression) and costs approximately twice as much as
conventional tape drives.Data is recorded onto the tape using helical-scan, the heads are
positioned at an angle to the media (approximately 6 degrees). The
tape wraps around 270 degrees of the spool that holds the heads. The
spool spins while the tape slides over the spool. The result is a
high density of data and closely packed tracks that angle across the
tape from one edge to the other.QICQIC-150 tapes and drives are, perhaps, the most common tape drive
and media around. QIC tape drives are the least expensive "serious"
backup drives. The downside is the cost of media. QIC tapes are
expensive compared to 8mm or 4mm tapes, up to 5 times the price per GB
data storage. But, if your needs can be satisfied with a half-dozen
tapes, QIC may be the correct choice. QIC is the
most common tape drive. Every site has a QIC
drive of some density or another. Therein lies the rub, QIC has a
large number of densities on physically similar (sometimes identical)
tapes. QIC drives are not quiet. These drives audibly seek before
they begin to record data and are clearly audible whenever reading,
writing or seeking. QIC tapes measure (6 x 4 x 0.7 inches; 15.2 x
10.2 x 1.7 mm). Mini-cartridges, which
also use 1/4" wide tape are discussed separately. Tape libraries and
changers are not available.Data throughput ranges from ~150kB/s to ~500kB/s. Data capacity
ranges from 40 MB to 15 GB. Hardware compression is available on many
of the newer QIC drives. QIC drives are less frequently installed;
they are being supplanted by DAT drives.Data is recorded onto the tape in tracks. The tracks run along
the long axis of the tape media from one end to the other. The number
of tracks, and therefore the width of a track, varies with the tape's
capacity. Most if not all newer drives provide backward-compatibility
at least for reading (but often also for writing). QIC has a good
reputation regarding the safety of the data (the mechanics are simpler
and more robust than for helical scan drives).Tapes should be retired from use after 5,000 backups.* Mini-Cartridge
DLTDLT has the fastest data transfer rate of all the drive types
listed here. The 1/2" (12.5mm) tape is contained in a single spool
cartridge (4 x 4 x 1 inches; 100 x 100 x 25 mm). The cartridge has a
swinging gate along one entire side of the cartridge. The drive
mechanism opens this gate to extract the tape leader. The tape leader
has an oval hole in it which the drive uses to "hook" the tape. The
take-up spool is located inside the tape drive. All the other tape
cartridges listed here (9 track tapes are the only exception) have
both the supply and take-up spools located inside the tape cartridge
itself.Data throughput is approximately 1.5MB/s, three times the throughput of
4mm, 8mm, or QIC tape drives. Data capacities range from 10GB to 20GB
for a single drive. Drives are available in both multi-tape changers
and multi-tape, multi-drive tape libraries containing from 5 to 900
tapes over 1 to 20 drives, providing from 50GB to 9TB of
storage.With compression, DLT Type IV format supports up to 70GB
capacity.Data is recorded onto the tape in tracks parallel to the direction
of travel (just like QIC tapes). Two tracks are written at once.
Read/write head lifetimes are relatively long; once the tape stops
moving, there is no relative motion between the heads and the
tape.AITAIT is a new format from Sony, and can hold up to 50GB (with
compression) per tape. The tapes contain memory chips which retain an
index of the tape's contents. This index can be rapidly read by the
tape drive to determine the position of files on the tape, instead of
the several minutes that would be required for other tapes. Software
such as SAMS:Alexandria can operate forty or more AIT tape libraries,
communicating directly with the tape's memory chip to display the
contents on screen, determine what files where backed up to which
tape, locate the correct tape, load it, and restore the data from the
tape.Libraries like this cost in the region of $20,000, pricing them a
little out of the hobbyist market.Using a New Tape for the First TimeThe first time that you try to read or write a new, completely
blank tape, the operation will fail. The console messages should be
similar to:sa0(ncr1:4:0): NOT READY asc:4,1
sa0(ncr1:4:0): Logical unit is in process of becoming readyThe tape does not contain an Identifier Block (block number 0).
All QIC tape drives since the adoption of QIC-525 standard write an
Identifier Block to the tape. There are two solutions:mt fsf 1 causes the tape drive to write an
Identifier Block to the tape.Use the front panel button to eject the tape.Re-insert the tape and &man.dump.8; data to the tape.&man.dump.8; will report DUMP: End of tape
detected and the console will show: HARDWARE
FAILURE info:280 asc:80,96rewind the tape using: mt rewindSubsequent tape operations are successful.Backup ProgramsThe three major programs are
&man.cpio.1;.Dump and Restore&man.dump.8; and &man.restore.8; are the traditional Unix backup
programs. They operate on the drive as a collection of disk blocks,
below the abstractions of files, links and directories that are
created by the filesystems. &man.dump.8; backs up devices, entire
filesystems, not parts of a filesystem and not directory trees that
span more than one filesystem, using either soft links &man.ln.1; or
mounting one filesystem onto another. &man.dump.8; does not write
files and directories to tape, but rather writes the data blocks that
are the building blocks of files and directories. &man.dump.8; has
quirks that remain from its early days in Version 6 of ATT Unix (circa
1975). The default parameters are suitable for 9-track tapes (6250
bpi), not the high-density media available today (up to 62,182 ftpi).
These defaults must be overridden on the command line to utilize the
capacity of current tape drives.&man.rdump.8; and &man.rrestore.8; backup data across the network
to a tape drive attached to another computer. Both programs rely upon
&man.rcmd.3; and &man.ruserok.3; to access the remote tape drive.
Therefore, the user performing the backup must have
rhosts access to the remote computer. The
arguments to &man.rdump.8; and &man.rrestore.8; must suitable to use
on the remote computer. (e.g. When rdump'ing from
a FreeBSD computer to an Exabyte tape drive connected to a Sun called
komodo, use: /sbin/rdump 0dsbfu 54000 13000
126 komodo:/dev/nrsa8 /dev/rda0a 2>&1) Beware: there
are security implications to allowing rhosts
commands. Evaluate your situation carefully.Tar&man.tar.1; also dates back to Version 6 of ATT Unix (circa 1975).
&man.tar.1; operates in cooperation with the filesystem; &man.tar.1;
writes files and directories to tape. &man.tar.1; does not support the
full range of options that are available from &man.cpio.1;, but
&man.tar.1; does not require the unusual command pipeline that
&man.cpio.1; uses.Most versions of &man.tar.1; do not support backups across the
network. The GNU version of &man.tar.1;, which FreeBSD utilizes,
supports remote devices using the same syntax as &man.rdump.8;. To
&man.tar.1; to an Exabyte tape drive connected to a Sun called
komodo, use: /usr/bin/tar cf
komodo:/dev/nrsa8 . 2>&1. For versions without remote
device support, you can use a pipeline and &man.rsh.1; to send the
data to a remote tape drive.&prompt.root; tar cf - . | rsh hostname dd of=tape-device obs=20bIf you're worried about the security of backing over a network
you should use the &man.ssh.1; command instead of &man.rsh.1;.Cpio&man.cpio.1; is the original Unix file interchange tape program
for magnetic media. &man.cpio.1; has options (among many others) to
perform byte-swapping, write a number of different archives format,
and pipe the data to other programs. This last feature makes
&man.cpio.1; and excellent choice for installation media.
&man.cpio.1; does not know how to walk the directory tree and a list
of files must be provided through stdin.&man.cpio.1; does not support backups across the network. You can
use a pipeline and &man.rsh.1; to send the data to a remote tape
drive. (XXX add an example command)Pax&man.pax.1; is IEEE/POSIX's answer to &man.tar.1; and
&man.cpio.1;. Over the years the various versions of &man.tar.1;
and &man.cpio.1; have gotten slightly incompatible. So rather than
fight it out to fully standardize them, POSIX created a new archive
utility. &man.pax.1; attempts to read and write many of the various
&man.cpio.1; and &man.tar.1; formats, plus new formats of its own.
Its command set more resembles &man.cpio.1; than &man.tar.1;.AmandaAmanda
(Advanced Maryland Network Disk Archiver) is a client/server backup
system, rather than a single program. An Amanda server will backup to
a single tape drive any number of computers that have Amanda clients
and network communications with the Amanda server. A common problem
at locations with a number of large disks is the length of time
required to backup to data directly to tape exceeds the amount of time
available for the task. Amanda solves this problem. Amanda can use a
"holding disk" to backup several filesystems at the same time. Amanda
creates "archive sets": a group of tapes used over a period of time to
create full backups of all the filesystems listed in Amanda's
configuration file. The "archive set" also contains nightly
incremental (or differential) backups of all the filesystems.
Restoring a damaged filesystem requires the most recent full backup
and the incremental backups.The configuration file provides fine control backups and the
network traffic that Amanda generates. Amanda will use any of the
above backup programs to write the data to tape. Amanda is available
as either a port or a package, it is not installed by default.Do NothingDo nothing is not a computer program, but it is the
most widely used backup strategy. There are no initial costs. There
is no backup schedule to follow. Just say no. If something happens
to your data, grin and bear it!If your time and your data is worth little to nothing, then
Do nothing is the most suitable backup program for your
computer. But beware, Unix is a useful tool, you may find that within
six months you have a collection of files that are valuable to
you.Do nothing is the correct backup method for
/usr/obj and other directory trees that can be
exactly recreated by your computer. An example is the files that
comprise these handbook pages-they have been generated from
SGML input files. Creating backups of these
HTML files is not necessary. The
SGML source files are backed up regularly.Which Backup Program is Best?&man.dump.8; Period. Elizabeth D. Zwicky
torture tested all the backup programs discussed here. The clear
choice for preserving all your data and all the peculiarities of Unix
filesystems is &man.dump.8;. Elizabeth created filesystems containing
a large variety of unusual conditions (and some not so unusual ones)
- and tested each program by do a backup and restore of that
+ and tested each program by doing a backup and restore of that
filesystems. The peculiarities included: files with holes, files with
holes and a block of nulls, files with funny characters in their
names, unreadable and unwritable files, devices, files that change
size during the backup, files that are created/deleted during the
backup and more. She presented the results at LISA V in Oct. 1991.
See torture-testing
Backup and Archive Programs.Emergency Restore ProcedureBefore the DisasterThere are only four steps that you need to perform in
preparation for any disaster that may occur.First, print the disklabel from each of your disks
(e.g. disklabel da0 | lpr), your filesystem table
(/etc/fstab) and all boot messages,
two copies of
each.Second, determine that the boot and fix-it floppies
(boot.flp and fixit.flp)
have all your devices. The easiest way to check is to reboot your
machine with the boot floppy in the floppy drive and check the boot
messages. If all your devices are listed and functional, skip on to
step three.Otherwise, you have to create two custom bootable floppies which
has a kernel that can mount your all of your disks and access your
tape drive. These floppies must contain:
&man.fdisk.8;, &man.disklabel.8;, &man.newfs.8;, &man.mount.8;, and
whichever backup program you use. These programs must be statically
linked. If you use &man.dump.8;, the floppy must contain
&man.restore.8;.Third, create backup tapes regularly. Any changes that you make
after your last backup may be irretrievably lost. Write-protect the
backup tapes.Fourth, test the floppies (either boot.flp
and fixit.flp or the two custom bootable
floppies you made in step two.) and backup tapes. Make notes of the
procedure. Store these notes with the bootable floppy, the
printouts and the backup tapes. You will be so distraught when
restoring that the notes may prevent you from destroying your backup
tapes (How? In place of tar xvf /dev/rsa0, you
might accidently type tar cvf /dev/rsa0 and
over-write your backup tape).For an added measure of security, make bootable floppies and two
backup tapes each time. Store one of each at a remote location. A
remote location is NOT the basement of the same office building. A
number of firms in the World Trade Center learned this lesson the
hard way. A remote location should be physically separated from
your computers and disk drives by a significant distance.An example script for creating a bootable floppy:
gzip -c -best /sbin/fsck > /mnt/sbin/fsck
gzip -c -best /sbin/mount > /mnt/sbin/mount
gzip -c -best /sbin/halt > /mnt/sbin/halt
gzip -c -best /sbin/restore > /mnt/sbin/restore
gzip -c -best /bin/sh > /mnt/bin/sh
gzip -c -best /bin/sync > /mnt/bin/sync
cp /root/.profile /mnt/root
cp -f /dev/MAKEDEV /mnt/dev
chmod 755 /mnt/dev/MAKEDEV
chmod 500 /mnt/sbin/init
chmod 555 /mnt/sbin/fsck /mnt/sbin/mount /mnt/sbin/halt
chmod 555 /mnt/bin/sh /mnt/bin/sync
chmod 6555 /mnt/sbin/restore
# create the devices nodes
cd /mnt/dev
./MAKEDEV pty0
cd /
# create minimum filesystem table
cat > /mnt/etc/fstab < /mnt/etc/passwd < /mnt/etc/master.passwd <After the DisasterThe key question is: did your hardware survive? You have been
doing regular backups so there is no need to worry about the
software.If the hardware has been damaged. First, replace those parts
that have been damaged.If your hardware is okay, check your floppies. If you are using
a custom boot floppy, boot single-user (type -s
at the boot: prompt). Skip the following
paragraph.If you are using the boot.flp and
fixit.flp floppies, keep reading. Insert the
boot.flp floppy in the first floppy drive and
boot the computer. The original install menu will be displayed on
the screen. Select the Fixit--Repair mode with CDROM or
floppy. option. Insert the
fixit.flp when prompted.
restore and the other programs that you need are
located in /mnt2/stand.Recover each filesystem separately.Try to &man.mount.8; (e.g. mount /dev/da0a
/mnt) the root partition of your first disk. If the
disklabel was damaged, use &man.disklabel.8; to re-partition and
label the disk to match the label that your printed and saved. Use
&man.newfs.8; to re-create the filesystems. Re-mount the root
partition of the floppy read-write (mount -u -o rw
/mnt). Use your backup program and backup tapes to
recover the data for this filesystem (e.g. restore vrf
/dev/sa0). Unmount the filesystem (e.g. umount
/mnt) Repeat for each filesystem that was
damaged.Once your system is running, backup your data onto new tapes.
Whatever caused the crash or data loss may strike again. An another
hour spent now, may save you from further distress later.* I did not prepare for the Disaster, What Now?
What about Backups to Floppies?Can I use floppies for backing up my data?Floppy disks are not really a suitable media for
making backups as:The media is unreliable, especially over long periods of
timeBacking up and restoring is very slowThey have a very limited capacity (the days of backing up
an entire hard disk onto a dozen or so floppies has long since
passed).However, if you have no other method of backing up your data then
floppy disks are better than no backup at all.If you do have to use floppy disks then ensure that you use good
quality ones. Floppies that have been lying around the office for a
couple of years are a bad choice. Ideally use new ones from a
reputable manufacturer.So how do I backup my data to floppies?The best way to backup to floppy disk is to use
&man.tar.1; with the (multi volume) option, which
allows backups to span multiple floppies.To backup all the files in the current directory and sub-directory
use this (as root):&prompt.root; tar Mcvf /dev/rfd0 *When the first floppy is full &man.tar.1; will prompt you to
insert the next volume (because &man.tar.1; is media independent it
refers to volumes. In this context it means floppy disk)Prepare volume #2 for /dev/rfd0 and hit return:This is repeated (with the volume number incrementing) until all
the specified files have been archived.Can I compress my backups?Unfortunately, &man.tar.1; will not allow the
option to be used for multi-volume archives.
You could, of course, &man.gzip.1; all the files, &man.tar.1; them to
the floppies, then &man.gunzip.1; the files again!How do I restore my backups?To restore the entire archive use:&prompt.root; tar Mxvf /dev/rfd0To restore only specific files you can either start with the first
floppy and use:&prompt.root; tar Mxvf /dev/rfd0 filename&man.tar.1; will prompt you to insert subsequent floppies until it
finds the required file.Alternatively, if you know which floppy the file is on then you
can simply insert that floppy and use the same command as above. Note
that if the first file on the floppy is a continuation from the
previous one then &man.tar.1; will warn you that it cannot restore it,
even if you have not asked it to!