diff --git a/website/content/en/releases/14.1R/schedule.adoc b/website/content/en/releases/14.1R/schedule.adoc index 8e194929fb..af82e6c3fd 100644 --- a/website/content/en/releases/14.1R/schedule.adoc +++ b/website/content/en/releases/14.1R/schedule.adoc @@ -1,57 +1,57 @@ --- title: "FreeBSD 14.1 Release Process" sidenav: download --- = FreeBSD {localRel} Release Process :localRel: 14.1 :localBranchHead: head :localBranchStable: stable/14 :localBranchReleng: releng/14.1 include::shared/en/urls.adoc[] == Introduction This is the release schedule for FreeBSD {localRel}. For more information about the release engineering process, please see the link:../../../releng/[Release Engineering] section of the web site. General discussions about the pending release and known issues should be sent to the public mailto:FreeBSD-stable@FreeBSD.org[freebsd-stable] mailing list. // link:{handbook}glossary/#mfc-glossary[MFC] requests should be sent to link:mailto:re@FreeBSD.org[re@FreeBSD.org] following the link:https://wiki.freebsd.org/Releng/ChangeRequestGuidelines[Change Request Guidelines]. // link:{handbook}glossary/#mfc-glossary[MFC] requests are no longer being accepted for {localBranchReleng}. // link:{handbook}glossary/#mfc-glossary[MFC] requests should be sent to re@FreeBSD.org. == Schedule [.tblbasic] [cols=",,,",options="header",] |=== |Action |Expected |Actual |Description |Initial release schedule announcement |- |20 December 2023 |Release Engineers send announcement email to developers with a rough schedule. |Release schedule reminder |8 April 2024 |8 April 2024 |Release Engineers send reminder announcement e-mail to developers with updated schedule. |Code slush begins |19 April 2024 |19 April 2024 |Release Engineers announce that all further commits to the {localBranchStable} branch will not require explicit approval, however new features should be avoided. |{localBranchReleng} branch |3 May 2024 |3 May 2024 |{localBranchReleng} branch created; future release engineering proceeds on this branch. |BETA1 builds begin |3 May 2024 |3 May 2024 |First beta test snapshot. |BETA2 builds begin |10 May 2024 |10 May 2024 |Second beta test snapshot. |BETA3 builds begin |17 May 2024 |17 May 2024 |Third beta test snapshot. -|RC1 builds begin |24 May 2024 |- |First release candidate. +|RC1 builds begin |24 May 2024 |25 May 2024 |First release candidate. |RC2 builds begin |31 May 2024 |- |Second release candidate. |RC3 builds begin |7 June 2024 |- |Third release candidate. |RELEASE builds begin |14 June 2024 |- |{localRel}-RELEASE builds begin. |RELEASE announcement |18 June 2024 |- |{localRel}-RELEASE press release. |Turn over to the secteam |- |- |{localBranchReleng} branch is handed over to the FreeBSD Security Officer Team in one or two weeks after the announcement. |=== "*" indicates "as-needed" items. //// == Status / TODO link:todo/[FreeBSD Release Engineering TODO Page] //// == Additional Information * link:../../../releng/[FreeBSD Release Engineering website]