diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml index b73de24947..64393aaf09 100644 --- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml +++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml @@ -1,1360 +1,1405 @@ Installing Applications: Packages and Ports Synopsis ports packages FreeBSD is bundled with a rich collection of system tools as part of the base system. However, there is only so much one can do before needing to install an additional third-party application to get real work done. FreeBSD provides two complementary technologies for installing third party software on your system: the FreeBSD Ports Collection (for installing from source), and packages (for installing from pre-built binaries). Either method may be used to install the newest version of your favorite applications from local media or straight off the network. After reading this chapter, you will know: How to install third-party binary software packages. How to build third-party software from source by using the ports collection. How to remove previously installed packages or ports. How to override the default values that the ports collection uses. How to find the appropriate software package. How to upgrade your applications. Overview of Software Installation If you have used a &unix; system before you will know that the typical procedure for installing third party software goes something like this: Download the software, which might be distributed in source code format, or as a binary. Unpack the software from its distribution format (typically a tarball compressed with &man.compress.1;, &man.gzip.1;, or &man.bzip2.1;). Locate the documentation (perhaps an INSTALL or README file, or some files in a doc/ subdirectory) and read up on how to install the software. If the software was distributed in source format, compile it. This may involve editing a Makefile, or running a configure script, and other work. Test and install the software. And that is only if everything goes well. If you are installing a software package that was not deliberately ported to FreeBSD you may even have to go in and edit the code to make it work properly. Should you want to, you can continue to install software the traditional way with FreeBSD. However, FreeBSD provides two technologies which can save you a lot of effort: packages and ports. At the time of writing, over &os.numports; third party applications have been made available in this way. For any given application, the FreeBSD package for that application is a single file which you must download. The package contains pre-compiled copies of all the commands for the application, as well as any configuration files or documentation. A downloaded package file can be manipulated with FreeBSD package management commands, such as &man.pkg.add.1;, &man.pkg.delete.1;, &man.pkg.info.1;, and so on. Installing a new application can be carried out with a single command. A FreeBSD port for an application is a collection of files designed to automate the process of compiling an application from source code. Remember that there are a number of steps you would normally carry out if you compiled a program yourself (downloading, unpacking, patching, compiling, installing). The files that make up a port contain all the necessary information to allow the system to do this for you. You run a handful of simple commands and the source code for the application is automatically downloaded, extracted, patched, compiled, and installed for you. In fact, the ports system can also be used to generate packages which can later be manipulated with pkg_add and the other package management commands that will be introduced shortly. Both packages and ports understand dependencies. Suppose you want to install an application that depends on a specific library being installed. Both the application and the library have been made available as FreeBSD ports and packages. If you use the pkg_add command or the ports system to add the application, both will notice that the library has not been installed, and automatically install the library first. Given that the two technologies are quite similar, you might be wondering why FreeBSD bothers with both. Packages and ports both have their own strengths, and which one you use will depend on your own preference. Package Benefits A compressed package tarball is typically smaller than the compressed tarball containing the source code for the application. Packages do not require any additional compilation. For large applications, such as Mozilla, KDE, or GNOME this can be important, particularly if you are on a slow system. Packages do not require any understanding of the process involved in compiling software on FreeBSD. Ports Benefits Packages are normally compiled with conservative options, because they have to run on the maximum number of systems. By installing from the port, you can tweak the compilation options to (for example) generate code that is specific to a Pentium IV or Athlon processor. Some applications have compile time options relating to what they can and cannot do. For example, Apache can be configured with a wide variety of different built-in options. By building from the port you do not have to accept the default options, and can set them yourself. In some cases, multiple packages will exist for the same application to specify certain settings. For example, Ghostscript is available as a ghostscript package and a ghostscript-nox11 package, depending on whether or not you have installed an X11 server. This sort of rough tweaking is possible with packages, but rapidly becomes impossible if an application has more than one or two different compile time options. The licensing conditions of some software distributions forbid binary distribution. They must be distributed as source code. Some people do not trust binary distributions. At least with source code, you can (in theory) read through it and look for potential problems yourself. If you have local patches, you will need the source in order to apply them. Some people like having code around, so they can read it if they get bored, hack it, borrow from it (license permitting, of course), and so on. To keep track of updated ports, subscribe to the &a.ports; and the &a.ports-bugs;. Before installing any application, you should check for security issues related to your application. You can also install security/portaudit which will automatically check all installed applications for known vulnerabilities; a check will be also performed before any port build. Meanwhile, you can use the command portaudit -F -a after you have installed some packages. The remainder of this chapter will explain how to use packages and ports to install and manage third party software on FreeBSD. Finding Your Application Before you can install any applications you need to know what you want, and what the application is called. FreeBSD's list of available applications is growing all the time. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to find what you want: The FreeBSD web site maintains an up-to-date searchable list of all the available applications, at http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/. The ports are divided into categories, and you may either search for an application by name (if you know it), or see all the applications available in a category. FreshPorts Dan Langille maintains FreshPorts, at . FreshPorts tracks changes to the applications in the ports tree as they happen, allows you to watch one or more ports, and can send you email when they are updated. FreshMeat If you do not know the name of the application you want, try using a site like FreshMeat () to find an application, then check back at the FreeBSD site to see if the application has been ported yet. If you know the exact name of the port, but just need to find out which category it is in, you can use the &man.whereis.1; command. Simply type whereis file, where file is the program you want to install. If it is found on your system, you will be told where it is, as follows: &prompt.root; whereis lsof lsof: /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof This tells us that lsof (a system utility) can be found in the /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof directory. Yet another way to find a particular port is by using the Ports Collection's built-in search mechanism. To use the search feature, you will need to be in the /usr/ports directory. Once in that directory, run make search name=program-name where program-name is the name of the program you want to find. For example, if you were looking for lsof: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports &prompt.root; make search name=lsof Port: lsof-4.56.4 Path: /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof Info: Lists information about open files (similar to fstat(1)) Maint: obrien@FreeBSD.org Index: sysutils B-deps: R-deps: The part of the output you want to pay particular attention to is the Path: line, since that tells you where to find the port. The other information provided is not needed in order to install the port, so it will not be covered here. For more in-depth searching you can also use make search key=string where string is some text to search for. This searches port names, comments, descriptions and dependencies and can be used to find ports which relate to a particular subject if you do not know the name of the program you are looking for. In both of these cases, the search string is case-insensitive. Searching for LSOF will yield the same results as searching for lsof. Chern Lee Contributed by Using the Packages System Installing a Package packages installing pkg_add You can use the &man.pkg.add.1; utility to install a FreeBSD software package from a local file or from a server on the network. Downloading a Package Manually and Installing It Locally &prompt.root; ftp -a ftp2.FreeBSD.org Connected to ftp2.FreeBSD.org. 220 ftp2.FreeBSD.org FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready. 331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password. 230- 230- This machine is in Vienna, VA, USA, hosted by Verio. 230- Questions? E-mail freebsd@vienna.verio.net. 230- 230- 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> cd /pub/FreeBSD/ports/packages/sysutils/ 250 CWD command successful. ftp> get lsof-4.56.4.tgz local: lsof-4.56.4.tgz remote: lsof-4.56.4.tgz 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'lsof-4.56.4.tgz' (92375 bytes). 100% |**************************************************| 92375 00:00 ETA 226 Transfer complete. 92375 bytes received in 5.60 seconds (16.11 KB/s) ftp> exit &prompt.root; pkg_add lsof-4.56.4.tgz If you do not have a source of local packages (such as a FreeBSD CD-ROM set) then it will probably be easier to use the option to &man.pkg.add.1;. This will cause the utility to automatically determine the correct object format and release and then fetch and install the package from an FTP site. pkg_add &prompt.root; pkg_add -r lsof The example above would download the correct package and add it without any further user intervention. If you want to specify an alternative &os; Packages Mirror, instead of the main distribution site, you have to set PACKAGESITE accordingly, to override the default settings. &man.pkg.add.1; uses &man.fetch.3; to download the files, which honors various environment variables, including FTP_PASSIVE_MODE, FTP_PROXY, and FTP_PASSWORD. You may need to set one or more of these if you are behind a firewall, or need to use an FTP/HTTP proxy. See &man.fetch.3; for the complete list. Note that in the example above lsof is used instead of lsof-4.56.4. When the remote fetching feature is used, the version number of the package must be removed. &man.pkg.add.1; will automatically fetch the latest version of the application. &man.pkg.add.1; will download the latest version of your application if you are using &os.current; or &os.stable;. If you run a -RELEASE version, it will grab the version of the package that was built with your release. It is possible to change this behavior by overriding the PACKAGESITE environment variable. For example, if you run a &os; 5.4-RELEASE system, by default &man.pkg.add.1; will try to fetch packages from ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5.4-release/Latest/. If you want to force &man.pkg.add.1; to download &os; 5-STABLE packages, set PACKAGESITE to ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-stable/Latest/. Package files are distributed in .tgz and .tbz formats. You can find them at , or on the FreeBSD CD-ROM distribution. Every CD on the FreeBSD 4-CD set (and the PowerPak, etc.) contains packages in the /packages directory. The layout of the packages is similar to that of the /usr/ports tree. Each category has its own directory, and every package can be found within the All directory. The directory structure of the package system matches the ports layout; they work with each other to form the entire package/port system. Managing Packages packages managing &man.pkg.info.1; is a utility that lists and describes the various packages installed. pkg_info &prompt.root; pkg_info cvsup-16.1 A general network file distribution system optimized for CV docbook-1.2 Meta-port for the different versions of the DocBook DTD ... &man.pkg.version.1; is a utility that summarizes the versions of all installed packages. It compares the package version to the current version found in the ports tree. pkg_version &prompt.root; pkg_version cvsup = docbook = ... The symbols in the second column indicate the relative age of the installed version and the version available in the local ports tree. Symbol Meaning = The version of the installed package matches the one found in the local ports tree. < The installed version is older than the one available in the ports tree. >The installed version is newer than the one found in the local ports tree. (The local ports tree is probably out of date.) ?The installed package cannot be found in the ports index. (This can happen, for instance, if an installed port is removed from the Ports Collection or renamed.) *There are multiple versions of the package. Deleting a Package pkg_delete packages deleting To remove a previously installed software package, use the &man.pkg.delete.1; utility. &prompt.root; pkg_delete xchat-1.7.1 Miscellaneous All package information is stored within the /var/db/pkg directory. The installed file list and descriptions of each package can be found within files in this directory. Using the Ports Collection The following sections provide basic instructions on using the Ports Collection to install or remove programs from your system. The detailed description of available make targets and environment variables is available in &man.ports.7;. Obtaining the Ports Collection Before you can install ports, you must first obtain the Ports Collection—which is essentially a set of Makefiles, patches, and description files placed in /usr/ports. When installing your FreeBSD system, sysinstall asked if you would like to install the Ports Collection. If you chose no, you can follow these instructions to obtain the ports collection: CVSup Method This is a quick method for getting and keeping your copy of the Ports Collection up to date using CVSup. If you want to learn more about CVSup, see Using CVSup. Install the net/cvsup-without-gui package: &prompt.root; pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui See CVSup Installation () for more details. Run cvsup: &prompt.root; cvsup -L 2 -h cvsup.FreeBSD.org /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile Change cvsup.FreeBSD.org to a CVSup server near you. See CVSup Mirrors () for a complete listing of mirror sites. One may want to use his own ports-supfile, for example to avoid the need of passing the CVSup server on the command line. In this case, as root, copy /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile to a new location, such as /root or your home directory. Edit ports-supfile. Change CHANGE_THIS.FreeBSD.org to a CVSup server near you. See CVSup Mirrors () for a complete listing of mirror sites. And now to run cvsup, use the following: &prompt.root; cvsup -L 2 /root/ports-supfile Running the &man.cvsup.1; command later will download and apply all the recent changes to your Ports Collection, except actually rebuilding the ports for your own system. Portsnap Method &man.portsnap.8; is an alternative system for distributing the Ports Collection. It was first included in &os; 6.0. On older systems, you can install it from sysutils/portsnap port: &prompt.root; pkg_add -r portsnap Please refer to Using Portsnap for a detailed description of all Portsnap features. Create an empty directory /usr/ports if it does not exists. &prompt.root; mkdir /usr/ports Download a compressed snapshot of the Ports Collection into /var/db/portsnap. You can disconnect from the Internet after this step, if you wish. &prompt.root; portsnap fetch If you are running Portsnap for the first time, extract the snapshot into /usr/ports: &prompt.root; portsnap extract If you already have a populated /usr/ports and you are just updating, run the following command instead: &prompt.root; portsnap update Sysinstall Method This method involves using sysinstall to install the Ports Collection from the installation media. Note that the old copy of Ports Collection from the date of the release will be installed. If you have Internet access, you should always use one of the methods mentioned above. As root, run sysinstall (/stand/sysinstall in &os; versions older than 5.2) as shown below: &prompt.root; sysinstall Scroll down and select Configure, press Enter. Scroll down and select Distributions, press Enter. Scroll down to ports, press Space. Scroll up to Exit, press Enter. Select your desired installation media, such as CDROM, FTP, and so on. Scroll up to Exit and press Enter. Press X to exit sysinstall. Installing Ports ports installing The first thing that should be explained when it comes to the Ports Collection is what is actually meant by a skeleton. In a nutshell, a port skeleton is a minimal set of files that tell your FreeBSD system how to cleanly compile and install a program. Each port skeleton includes: A Makefile. The Makefile contains various statements that specify how the application should be compiled and where it should be installed on your system. A distinfo file. This file contains information about the files that must be downloaded to build the port and their checksums, to verify that files have not been corrupted during the download using &man.md5.1;. A files directory. This directory contains patches to make the program compile and install on your FreeBSD system. Patches are basically small files that specify changes to particular files. They are in plain text format, and basically say Remove line 10 or Change line 26 to this .... Patches are also known as diffs because they are generated by the &man.diff.1; program. This directory may also contain other files used to build the port. A pkg-descr file. This is a more detailed, often multiple-line, description of the program. A pkg-plist file. This is a list of all the files that will be installed by the port. It also tells the ports system what files to remove upon deinstallation. Some ports have other files, such as pkg-message. The ports system uses these files to handle special situations. If you want more details on these files, and on ports in general, check out the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook. The port includes instructions on how to build source code, but does not include the actual source code. You can get the source code from a CD-ROM or from the Internet. Source code is distributed in whatever manner the software author desires. Frequently this is a tarred and gzipped file, but it might be compressed with some other tool or even uncompressed. The program source code, whatever form it comes in, is called a distfile. The two methods for installing a &os; port are described below. You must be logged in as root to install ports. Before installing any port, you should be sure to have an up-to-date Ports Collection and you should check for security issues related to your port. A security vulnerabilities check can be automatically done by portaudit before any new application installation. This tool can be found in the Ports Collection (security/portaudit). Consider running portaudit -F before installing a new port, to fetch the current vulnerabilities database. A security audit and an update of the database will be performed during the daily security system check. For more information read the &man.portaudit.1; and &man.periodic.8; manual pages. The Ports Collection makes an assumption that you have a working Internet connection. If you do not, you will need to put a copy of the distfile into /usr/ports/distfiles manually. To begin, change to the directory for the port you want to install: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof Once inside the lsof directory, you will see the port skeleton. The next step is to compile, or build, the port. This is done by simply typing make at the prompt. Once you have done so, you should see something like this: &prompt.root; make >> lsof_4.57D.freebsd.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/. >> Attempting to fetch from ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/. ===> Extracting for lsof-4.57 ... [extraction output snipped] ... >> Checksum OK for lsof_4.57D.freebsd.tar.gz. ===> Patching for lsof-4.57 ===> Applying FreeBSD patches for lsof-4.57 ===> Configuring for lsof-4.57 ... [configure output snipped] ... ===> Building for lsof-4.57 ... [compilation output snipped] ... &prompt.root; Notice that once the compile is complete you are returned to your prompt. The next step is to install the port. In order to install it, you simply need to tack one word onto the make command, and that word is install: &prompt.root; make install ===> Installing for lsof-4.57 ... [installation output snipped] ... ===> Generating temporary packing list ===> Compressing manual pages for lsof-4.57 ===> Registering installation for lsof-4.57 ===> SECURITY NOTE: This port has installed the following binaries which execute with increased privileges. &prompt.root; Once you are returned to your prompt, you should be able to run the application you just installed. Since lsof is a program that runs with increased privileges, a security warning is shown. During the building and installation of ports, you should take heed of any other warnings that may appear. It is a good idea to delete the working subdirectory, which contains all the temporary files used during compilation. Not only it consumes a valuable disk space, it would also cause problems later when upgrading to the newer version of the port. &prompt.root; make clean ===> Cleaning for lsof-4.57 &prompt.root; You can save an extra step by just running make install clean instead of make, make install and make clean as three separate steps. Some shells keep a cache of the commands that are available in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable, to speed up lookup operations for the executable file of these commands. If you are using one of these shells, you might have to use the rehash command after installing a port, before the newly installed commands can be used. This command will work for shells like tcsh. Use the hash -r command for shells like sh. Look at the documentation for your shell for more information. Some third party DVD-ROM products such as the FreeBSD Toolkit from the FreeBSD Mall contain distfiles. They can be used with the Ports Collection. Mount the DVD-ROM on /cdrom. If you use a different mount point, set CD_MOUNTPTS make variable. The needed distfiles will be automatically used if they are present on the disk. Please be aware that the licenses of a few ports do not allow for inclusion on the CD-ROM. This could be because a registration form needs to be filled out before downloading or redistribution is not allowed, or for another reason. If you wish to install a port not included on the CD-ROM, you will need to be online in order to do so. The ports system uses &man.fetch.1; to download the files, which honors various environment variables, including FTP_PASSIVE_MODE, FTP_PROXY, and FTP_PASSWORD. You may need to set one or more of these if you are behind a firewall, or need to use an FTP/HTTP proxy. See &man.fetch.3; for the complete list. For users which cannot be connected all the time, the make fetch option is provided. Just run this command at the top level directory (/usr/ports) and the required files will be downloaded for you. This command will also work in the lower level categories, for example: /usr/ports/net. Note that if a port depends on libraries or other ports this will not fetch the distfiles of those ports too. Replace fetch with fetch-recursive if you want to fetch all the dependencies of a port too. You can build all the ports in a category or as a whole by running make in the top level directory, just like the aforementioned make fetch method. This is dangerous, however, as some ports cannot co-exist. In other cases, some ports can install two different files with the same filename. In some rare cases, users may need to acquire the tarballs from a site other than the MASTER_SITES (the location where files are downloaded from). You can override the MASTER_SITES option with the following command: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/directory &prompt.root; make MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE= \ ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/ fetch In this example we change the MASTER_SITES option to ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/. Some ports allow (or even require) you to provide build options which can enable/disable parts of the application which are unneeded, certain security options, and other customizations. A few which come to mind are www/mozilla, security/gpgme, and mail/sylpheed-claws. A message will be displayed when options such as these are available. Overriding the Default Ports Directories Sometimes it is useful (or mandatory) to use a different distfiles and ports directory. The PORTSDIR and PREFIX variables can override the default directories. For example: &prompt.root; make PORTSDIR=/usr/home/example/ports install will compile the port in /usr/home/example/ports and install everything under /usr/local. &prompt.root; make PREFIX=/usr/home/example/local install will compile it in /usr/ports and install it in /usr/home/example/local. And of course, &prompt.root; make PORTSDIR=../ports PREFIX=../local install will combine the two (it is too long to completely write on this page, but it should give you the general idea). Alternatively, these variables can also be set as part of your environment. Read the manual page for your shell for instructions on doing so. Dealing with <command>imake</command> Some ports that use imake (a part of the X Window System) do not work well with PREFIX, and will insist on installing under /usr/X11R6. Similarly, some Perl ports ignore PREFIX and install in the Perl tree. Making these ports respect PREFIX is a difficult or impossible job. Removing Installed Ports ports removing Now that you know how to install ports, you are probably wondering how to remove them, just in case you install one and later on decide that you installed the wrong port. We will remove our previous example (which was lsof for those of you not paying attention). Ports are being removed exactly the same as the packages (discussed in the Packages section), using the &man.pkg.delete.1; command: &prompt.root; pkg_delete lsof-4.57 Upgrading Ports - - portupgrade - ports upgrading First, list outdated ports that have a newer version available in the Ports Collection with the &man.pkg.version.1; command: &prompt.root; pkg_version -v Once you updated your Ports Collection, before attempting a port upgrade, you should check the /usr/ports/UPDATING file. This file describes various issues and additional steps users may encounter and need to perform when updating a port. + + Upgrading Ports using Portupgrade + + + portupgrade + + The portupgrade utility is designed to easily upgrade installed ports. It is available from the sysutils/portupgrade port. Install it like any other port, using the make install clean command: &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade &prompt.root; make install clean Scan the list of installed ports with the pkgdb -F command and fix all the inconsistencies it reports. It is a good idea to do this regularly, before every upgrade. When you run portupgrade -a, portupgrade will begin to upgrade all the outdated ports installed on your system. Use the flag if you want to be asked for confirmation of every individual upgrade. &prompt.root; portupgrade -ai If you want to upgrade only a certain application, not all available ports, use portupgrade pkgname. Include the flag if portupgrade should first upgrade all the ports required by the given application. &prompt.root; portupgrade -R firefox To use packages instead of ports for installation, provide flag. With this option portupgrade searches the local directories listed in PKG_PATH, or fetches packages from remote site if it is not found locally. If packages can not be found locally or fetched remotely, portupgrade will use ports. To avoid using ports, specify . &prompt.root; portupgrade -PR gnome2 To just fetch distfiles (or packages, if is specified) without building or installing anything, use . For further information see &man.portupgrade.1;. + + + + Upgrading Ports using Portmanager + + + portmanager + + + Portmanager is another utility for + easy upgrading of installed ports. It is available from the + sysutils/portmanager port: + + &prompt.root; cd /usr/ports/sysutils/portmanager +&prompt.root; make install clean + + All the installed ports can be upgraded using this simple + command: + + &prompt.root; portmanager -u + + You can add the flag to get asked for + confirmation of every step Portmanager + will perform. Portmanager can also be + used to install new ports on the system. Unlike the usual + make install clean command, it will upgrade all + the dependencies prior to building and installing the + selected port. + + &prompt.root; portmanager x11/gnome2 + + If there are any problems regarding the dependencies for the + selected port, you can use Portmanager to + rebuild all of them in the correct order. Once finished, the + problematic port will be rebuilt too. + + &prompt.root; portmanager graphics/gimp -f + + For more information see + Portmanager's manual page. + Ports and Disk Space ports disk-space Using the Ports Collection will use up disk space over time. After building and installing software from the ports, you should always remember to clean up the temporary work directories using the make clean command. You can sweep the whole Ports Collection with the following command: &prompt.root; portsclean -C You will accumulate a lot of old source distribution files in the distfiles directory over time. You can remove them by hand, or you can use the following command to delete all the distfiles that are no longer referenced by any ports: &prompt.root; portsclean -D The portsclean utility is part of the portupgrade suite. Do not forget to remove the installed ports once you no longer need them. A nice tool to help automate this task is available from the sysutils/pkg_cutleaves port. Post-installation Activities After installing a new application you will normally want to read any documentation it may have included, edit any configuration files that are required, ensure that the application starts at boot time (if it is a daemon), and so on. The exact steps you need to take to configure each application will obviously be different. However, if you have just installed a new application and are wondering What now? these tips might help: Use &man.pkg.info.1; to find out which files were installed, and where. For example, if you have just installed FooPackage version 1.0.0, then this command &prompt.root; pkg_info -L foopackage-1.0.0 | less will show all the files installed by the package. Pay special attention to files in man/ directories, which will be manual pages, etc/ directories, which will be configuration files, and doc/, which will be more comprehensive documentation. If you are not sure which version of the application was just installed, a command like this &prompt.root; pkg_info | grep -i foopackage will find all the installed packages that have foopackage in the package name. Replace foopackage in your command line as necessary. Once you have identified where the application's manual pages have been installed, review them using &man.man.1;. Similarly, look over the sample configuration files, and any additional documentation that may have been provided. If the application has a web site, check it for additional documentation, frequently asked questions, and so forth. If you are not sure of the web site address it may be listed in the output from &prompt.root; pkg_info foopackage-1.0.0 A WWW: line, if present, should provide a URL for the application's web site. Ports that should start at boot (such as Internet servers) will usually install a sample script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d. You should review this script for correctness and edit or rename it if needed. See Starting Services for more information. Dealing with Broken Ports If you come across a port that does not work for you, there are a few things you can do, including: Find out if there is a fix pending for the port in the Problem Report database. If so, you may be able to use the proposed fix. Ask the maintainer of the port for help. Type make maintainer or read the Makefile to find the maintainer's email address. Remember to include the name and version of the port (send the $FreeBSD: line from the Makefile) and the output leading up to the error when you email the maintainer. Some ports are not maintained by an individual but instead by a mailing list. Many, but not all, of these addresses look like freebsd-listname@FreeBSD.org. Please take this into account when phrasing your questions. In particular, ports shown as maintained by freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.org are actually not maintained by anyone. Fixes and support, if any, come from the general community who subscribe to that mailing list. More volunteers are always needed! If you do not get a response, you can use &man.send-pr.1; to submit a bug report (see Writing FreeBSD Problem Reports). Fix it! The Porter's Handbook includes detailed information on the Ports infrastructure so that you can fix the occasional broken port or even submit your own! Grab the package from an FTP site near you. The master package collection is on ftp.FreeBSD.org in the packages directory, but be sure to check your local mirror first! These are more likely to work than trying to compile from source and are a lot faster as well. Use the &man.pkg.add.1; program to install the package on your system.