diff --git a/en/gallery/gallery.db b/en/gallery/gallery.db
index bb59f8c520..27e30c4591 100644
--- a/en/gallery/gallery.db
+++ b/en/gallery/gallery.db
@@ -1,1545 +1,1545 @@
commercial # CASEMaker Inc. # http://www.dbmaker.com DBMaker provides you with a professional database system with multimedia capabilities, a native ODBC interface, large database features, and cross-platform support. oscar@lion.syscom.com.tw 990315 000000
commercial + Hote Qc. http://www.hote.qc.ca Design et hébergement de sites web. admin@hote.qc.ca 990311 000000
commercial + Spawnet Internet Services + http://wwww.spawnet.com Dedicated Servers & Web hosting Presence alex@spawnet.com 981106 000000
commercial ++ IntraArts New Zealand Limited http://www.ianz.co.nz/ Providing net technology and information security solutions with a client focus. support@ianz.co.nz 990319 000000
commercial +++ Die Netz-Werker GmbH +++ http://www.Netz-Werker.COM/ ISP in Berlin tomsoft@Netz-Werker.COM 990226 000000
commercial +AAA/aaa Americans http://www.angelfire.com/biz/aaame/registration.html OFFICIAL Registration Site : www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial 123.net http://www.123.net Internet 123 admin@123.net 980427 000000
commercial 1AccessWeb http://www.1accessweb.com internet community director@1accessweb.com 980424 000000
commercial 4TEK Seek! http://www.4tekseek.com/ Dedicated to providing the most comprehensive Information Technology and Telecommunications resources on the web, and with links to thousands of computer and communications resources, file downloads, news and a help desk. info@4tekseek.com 980711 000000
commercial 7 Solutions http://www.7-solutions.com Web Hosting Company In El Paso, Texas hosting@7-solutions.com 981218 000000
commercial @ Class Hosting at South Tech Internet Services http://www.stech.com.br/ Internet Hosting of first quality in Savvis Net, Dallas. cvianna@stech.com.br 980705 000000
commercial @ Eclipse Communications http://www.eclipse-comm.com A web hosting dedicated to offering great hosting services at great prices. hosting@eclipse-comm.com 981119 000000
commercial @config.com http://www.config.com Internet marketing and management. Home of the first URL advertised in Computer Shopper... joe@config.com 981212 000000
commercial @eMall http://www.angelfire.com/biz/aaame/promotion.html International Marketing/Management/Development ((COMMERCE with A CONSCIENCE)) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial A team ApS http://www.ateam.dk/ Leading consultancy and training organisation in Denmark www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial AA1 - Paradise Web http://www.paradise-web.com/ FreeBSD Put to the Test for over 100,000 CGI Apps. webmaster@paradise-serve.com 980512 000000
commercial AB Communications Inc. http://ab-comm.net Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ABC Computer System Company http://www.abchk.net ABC Computer System Company www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial AboveNet Communications, Inc. http://www.above.net ISP specializing in colocation services. jaitken@above.net 990218 000000
commercial ABSEILING & CAVING, Australia http://www.abseil.com.au High Angle Adventure Holidays Down Under !!! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Abyss Systems http://www.abyss.net/ Consulting, Systems, and Internet Services. ksb@abyss.net 990120 000000
commercial Acadix Software Systems http://www.execpc.com/~acadix Unix Software Developer, featuring Another Programmer's Editor (APE) acadix@execpc.com 990107 000000
commercial Acadix Software Systems http://www.execpc.com/~acadix Software Developer. Featuring acadix@execpc.com 990127 000000
commercial ACAY Network Computing Pty Ltd http://www.acay.com.au Internet Services Provider (Australia) and WAN Consultants www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Accel-Systems http://www.cyberatl.net/~accel Disaster Recovery technology provider. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ACE TIMING http://www.acetiming.com IP access control sofware charlie.lehoangan@acetiming.com 990223 000000
commercial Achei Search Engine http://www.achei.net The best Search Engine in Brazil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ActiveMind, Inc. http://www.activemind.net/ Florida's Premier Web Provider dan@activemind.net 980312 000000
commercial AdarWeb http://adarweb.com/index.html Internet Hosting for businesses www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Addr.com http://www.addr.com FreeBSD based Web Hosting Provider support@addr.com 990131 000000
commercial Addy & Associates http://addy.com Full-service web site hosting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Adonai Enterprises, Inc http://www.adonai.net Austin, Texas area computer and system consulting services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Advanced Digital Research http://www.whoweb.com/adrl Web Presence Provider and UNIX development www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Advanced Leased Lines http://www.all.de ISP in Berlin, Germany alf@all.de 990426 000000
commercial Advanced Web Creations http://www.awc.net Advanced Web Creations, Inc. - A leading Internet virtual domain, web hosting company sales@awc.net 980721 000000
commercial AG Sistemas http://www.ag.com.br/ Software Development and Internet Information Provider. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial AG-TECH CORP. http://www.agtech.co.jp Software Development in Japan webmaster@agtech.co.jp 990507 000000
commercial Agora/Raindrop Laboratories http://www.rdrop.com/ Internet Access Provider in Portland, Oregon www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Aiko Engineering. Inc. http://www.hechima.co.jp/ Internet Services Provider admin@hechima.co.jp 990513 000000
commercial Airtime Sweden http://www.airtime.se AirTime is a full service television rep for satellite, syndication, cable and network properties webmaster@tech.airtime.se 980802 000000
commercial AKIRA Inc. http://www.akira.ne.jp/ ISP in Tokyo, Japan www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Alameda Networks, Inc. http://www.Alameda.net/ ISP for Alameda, CA and Reseller of PCs with FreeBSD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Aldridge Company, The http://www.aldridge.com/ A networking and software development firm www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ALife.com http://www.alife.com/ Artificial Life caretaker@alife.com 981222 000000
commercial All Free XXX Videos http://www.freexxxvideo.com Adult Entertainment - More than 100 free streaming video clips. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Alldomains.com http://www.alldomains.com/ Complete source of International Domain Name Information www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Allegro http://www.allegro.sk Internet Coffe denis@allegro.sk 990310 000000
commercial Alma http://www.alma.fr/ French Computer Consultants / Software Developpers www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ALPcom http://www.alpcom.it/ ISP in Turin, Italy. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial AlphaZed Digital Documents http://alphazed.com Builders of Database Web Sites www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Alpine Networks. http://www.alpinenetworks.com/ A Premiere Internetworking Company now offering Web Hosting, Server Co-Location, Network Consulting in the areas of VPNs, Extranets, Intranets, Internet, ATM, Ethernet, CISCO, ASCEND, UNIX, NT and much more. Web Hosting services are offered on our FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris based UltraFast and Rock Stable servers. info@alpinenetworks.com 980903 000000
commercial Altaire Enterprises, Inc. http://www.mato.com ISP in Deadwood, SD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial AM'SOFT http://www.amsoft.ru/ Software development www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial American Information Network http://www.ai.net/ High Performance Web and Internet Connectivity. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Animal Crackers Costume Hire http://www.animalcrackers.com.au mascot costumes Hire and sales irepin@animalcrackers.com.au 981205 000000
commercial Annamaria Island Florida http://annamaria.net Florida vacationing and easy living webmaster@annamaria.net 990418 000000
commercial Apex Consulting http://www.apexusa.com Web hosting provider for secure commerce web sites staff@apexusa.com 980910 000000
commercial ApeX Systems Integration Corp. http://www.2boot.com Custom Systems, Development and Production www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Appalachian Regional Development Institute http://www.bibd.appstate.edu/aibc/ Promotes Growth in the Mountains of North Carolina webmaster@porter.appstate.edu 980615 000000
commercial Arcadia, Inc. http://www.arcadia.spb.ru Offshore software development company, St.Petersburg, Russia fetch@arcadia.spb.ru 980629 000000
commercial Arizona Design Inc. http://www.arizona.ne.jp/ Digital creation/consulting Services info@arizona.ne.jp 990426 000000
commercial Arminco Ltd. http://www.aic.net/ ISP in Armenia ran@styx.aic.net 980705 000000
commercial Arminco NK http://www.nk.am Internet Service Provider in Nagorno-Karabakh dev@arminco.nk.am 981015 000000
commercial ARTWERKS screenprinting http://www.members.tripod.com/rays12/artwerks.html commercial screenprinting, and manufacture of cd-r vinyl labels. roadwolf@cyberhighway.net 990501 000000
commercial AS Tallinna Lennujaam http://www.tallinn-airport.ee/ Tallinn Airport raoul@tllapt.ee 980812 000000
commercial Ascend Communications, Inc. http://www.ascend.com/ Leading WAN access solutions provider. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Ascend Software, Inc. http://www.ascendsoftware.com IBM S/390 and PC Software Solutions www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Asel Net http://www.asel.net.tr Internet Service Provider, Turkey www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial asf http://ewwd.kl ffddd asfd dsd@dsfdf 990320 000000
commercial ASIS Telemedia http://www.asis.com Internet Service Provider, Website design and hosting nella@asis.com 990201 000000
commercial ASU OAO http://www.elcom.ru Primary ISP in Vladimir and Vladimir area (Russia) samond@elcom.ru 981227 000000
commercial ATLAS ( Seychelles ) Ltd http://www.seychelles.net Internet Service Provider muditha@seychelles.net 980319 000000
commercial ATOM-Net http://www.atom.ru/ A first city network in Moscow, Russia, powered by... guess what ? ;-) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial AtomNET http://www.atom.ru The largest home network in Moscow, based on 10BaseT and 10Base2 LANs www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Auglink Communications http://www.aug.com/ ISP in St. Augustine, Florida, USA. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Australian Regional Internet Services Pty Ltd http://www.batemansbay.com Australian based regional Internet Service Provider admin@batemansbay.com 990429 000000
commercial Australian WebSearch.COM.AU http://www.websearch.com.au Australian Internet Search Engine and Portal dez@websearch.com.au 990420 000000
commercial AutoNet International, Inc http://www.auto-net.com Nationwide Intranet Developer w/ farm of FreeBSD Servers www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial AVerMedia Technologies, Inc http://www.aver.com Bridging PC/MAC to Video webmaster@aver.com 980602 000000
commercial Axiom-IT, LLC http://www.axiom-it.com Indianapolis based firm providing - E-commerce, email, web-hosting, DNS, firewall, DHCP, & more. ddangelo@axiom-it.com 990303 000000
commercial AXIS information systems GmbH, Germany http://www.axis.de Internet Service Provider, Security Consultants www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Axis Networks http://www.axisnetworks.net High Performance Firewall Products and Network security consulting. seventek@axisnetworks.net 980420 000000
commercial AXXIS Internet Services http://www.axxis.com Regional ISP based in Salt Lake City, Utah USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial B&K Gruppe http://www.bkcomputer.de/ Apple/Sun/HP Reseller, WWW/Network/Internet Services aklemm@bkcomputer.de 980318 000000
commercial Balboa Enterprises Inc http://www.followme.com/balboa Networking solutions, Toronto Canada jvalens@followme.com 980707 000000
commercial Baltic Transpot Systems http://www.baltics.ru Transportation from Russia webmaster@baltics.ru 981213 000000
commercial Barber Colman http://www.barber-colman.com Barber Colman Company www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial BayScene http://www.bayscenes.com/ web sites for individuals and small businesses in Northern California www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial BBS Options http://www.bbsoptions.com.br ISP in Florianopolis city, Santa Catarina state, Brazil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Be, Inc. http://www.be.com The makers of BeOS for PowerPC and soon for Pentium www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Beach.Net http://www.beach.net/ ISP in south Orange County, California www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial BEIM INFOTECH Co.LTD http://www.beim.net master@beim.net 990226 000000
commercial BemarNet's Management http://www.bemarnet.es/ Makes business easier... www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial BENCHMARKQA http://www.benchmarkqa.com Software Quality Assurance Specialists mpatin@benchmarkqa.com 980612 000000
commercial Benjamin Information Systems http://www.bisworld.com/ FreeBSD Workstations and Servers dan@bisworld.com 980312 000000
commercial BEST Internet Communications, Inc. http://www.best.com/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial BEST Internet Services http://www.best.ca Specializing in web hosting, Unix security & networking services webmaster@best.ca 990508 000000
commercial BetaNews.Com http://www.betanews.com Daily news and inside information about cutting edge software nate.mook@betanews.com 990405 000000
commercial Big Easy http://www.bigeasy.com The Big Easy - the ISP in New Orleans www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Bike World http://www.bikeworld.com Online mailorder catalog of cycling components. All of our servers run FreeBSD! chris@bikeworld.com 981203 000000
commercial BITS http://www.BITS.bris.ac.uk Bristol Information Technology Society webmaster@BITS.bris.ac.uk 980323 000000
commercial BitStorm, Inc. http://www.bitstorm.net Central Florida's ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Blue Mountain Arts http://www.bluemountainarts.com Electronic Greeting Cards mrinella@bluemountainarts.com 981111 000000
commercial Blue Neptune Network Services, Inc. http://www.blueneptune.com ISP in San Jose, CA michael@blueneptune.com 980514 000000
-commercial Blue Planet NET http://www.bluep.com ISP In Melbourne, Austrailia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
+commercial Blue Planet NET http://www.bluep.com ISP In Melbourne, Australia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Blue Sun Networks http://www.bluesun.net Salt Lake City Internet Service Provider kgb@bluesun.net 990123 000000
commercial Blueberry New Media http://www.blueberry.co.uk/ Internet consultancy and web development company in London, UK. info@blueberry.co.uk 980608 000000
commercial Boholnet.com ISP patrick@boholnet.com 990504 000000
commercial Br@zNet http://braznet.com.br/ ISP in Blumenau city, Santa Catarina state, Brazil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Braenet Pty Ltd http://www.braenet.com.au Asia Pacific Internet Provider Specialising in Intra/Internet Solutions & WAN Development admin@braenet.com.au 990322 000000
commercial Brewers' Witch BBS http://www.brewich.com Largest Pagan-oriented BBS on the 'net www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial BSE AD http://www.bse.bg/ BSE Internet Services, BULGARIA Hristo@BSE.BG 980624 000000
commercial BSI http://www.bsi.com.br Provedor de Acesso Internet (Brazil) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Burlington Resources http://https://www.br-inc.com Exploration, development, production and marketing of oil and gas. webmaster@br-inc.com 980802 000000
commercial Business http://www.geocities.com/eureka/office/5238 opportunity of Business or job thatq@hotmail.com 990413 000000
commercial Business Network TEAM http://www.webspawner.com/users/Lee1 Providing wepages, and doing work on the internet! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial BUSINESSNEPAL.com http://www.businessnepal.com Web Designing, Web Hosting and Web Publishing Services prakash@businessnepal.com 980606 000000
commercial BUSINESSNEPAL.com http://www.explorenepal.com Web Designing and Web Publishing prakash@businessnepal.com 980606 000000
commercial Butya Co., LTD http://www.butya.kz Trade company bp@butya.kz 980521 000000
commercial BYGGSOFT http://SWEDEN EDTUGATION www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial C and CNET S.A. http://www.teletel.com.ar ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial CableData R&D Center http://www.cabledata.com Software developer, El Dorado Hills, CA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Calcasieu Lumber Co. http://www.calcasieu.com Serving central Texas builders since 1883 sysop@calcasieu.com 990109 000000
commercial CalWEB Communications, Inc. http://www.calweb.com/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Camping-USA! http://www.camping-usa.com Online Camping Info and Directory www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial CanadaWired Internet Services http://Www.CanadaWired.Com Internet Service Provider in Vancouver, British Columbia paik@canadawired.com 980322 000000
commercial Careerbuilder, Inc. http://www.careerbuilder.com (private server)- Used to run DNS, named, httpd, syslogd, samba and a *LOT* more. alex@careerbuilder.com 981210 000000
commercial Carroll Net, Inc. http://www.carroll.com North Jersey's Premier Internet Service Provider jim@carroll.com 981023 000000
commercial Cascade General, Inc. http://www.casgen.com Portland, Oregon's ship repair yard -- FreeBSD is our firewall and DNS server lhudson@casgen.com 980514 000000
commercial CCS MoR RF http://www.css-mps.ru Central Communication Station Ministry of Railways Russian Federation netadmin@css-mps.ru 981123 000000
commercial CDNow, Inc. - The World's Largest Online Music Store http://cdnow.com/from=freebsd FreeBSD is used for DNS and an email gateway. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial CEISIC Infoarte http://www.cult.cu Internet access provider in Havana carmas@mail.cult.cu 980424 000000
commercial CENIAInternet http://www.ceniainternet.cu The Best ISP in Cuba root@ceniai.inf.cu 990405 000000
commercial Center Gitak http://www.shirak.am ISP in Shirak Region in Armenia serge@shirak.am 981130 000000
commercial Centerone Media Technologies http://www.centerone.com Commercial development/hosting company, plus network services and sales ralph@centerone.com 981127 000000
commercial Century Software, Inc. http://www.censoft.com/ Terminal emulation and TCP/IP networking software developer www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Chance Publishing House, Ltd http://www.chance.ru The publisher of several Russian newspapers and magazines (St.Petersburg) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Chaos Unlimited http://www.chaos.taylored.com/ Mailing lists, web, and anon FTP services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Charis Internet Services http://charis.net An Internet Services Provider duncan@charis.net 980623 000000
commercial Charter Communications Intl. http://www.c-com.net Internation Telecommunications Firm. We also provide ISP services. 15+ FreeBSD servers providing Web,Mail,DNS,ftp,mirroring, etc. We also do dedicated/leased lines and have teleports in Venezuela and Panama running FreeBSD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Chaski Telecommunications http://www.chaski.com/ Web design and hosting services. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Chatalot Corporation http://www.chatalot.com Community site with live WbeChat, Discussion Boards and a Magazine. This site also offers Cyber Weddings. micky@chatalot.com 980417 000000
commercial Chicago InterFlash http://www.cflash.com ISP in Chicago, IL, USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial China House http://www.chalmers.com.au Job Placement in Asia. CIBTC Book Store. R.A.Chalmers Pty Ltd robert@chalmers.com.au 980411 000000
commercial Chips For Less http://www.chips4less.com Memory and Peripherals www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Cinema Sights & Sounds Technology http://www.csst.net cinema projection and sound/THX sound installation/repair www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Cinema Sights and Sound Technologies http://www.csst.net Cinema equipment and ISP services webmaster@csst.net 990413 000000
commercial CISA+ Ltd http://www.tomsk.su Official web-site of Tomskaya oblast, Russia wwwadm@www.tomsk.su 981023 000000
commercial CIT-Leasing GmbH http://hamburg.citde.net Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial citecs GmbH Unternehmensberatung fuer EDV und Telekommunikation http://www.citecs.de/ consultant for security, network, UNIX and much more... info@citecs.de 980706 000000
commercial CityScope Net http://www.cityscope.net Internet provider and commercial web hosting site. info@cityscope.net 980412 000000
commercial ClaraNET Ltd http://www.clara.net/ Internet Service Provider steve@clara.net 980424 000000
commercial Clarins http://Http://www.parfums-azzaro.com Web Server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ClassMAX http://www.classmax.com The search engine for classes and seminars www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Closer Communications, Inc http://www.closer.com Web Usage Analysis and Tracking www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Cloud 9 Consulting, Inc. http://www.cloud9.net ISP based in White Plains, NY staff@cloud9.net 990131 000000
commercial ClubNET Inc. http://www.clubnet.net/ ISP in Diamond Bar, California www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial CM Informatics Partnership http://www.cmiweb.co.uk Internet, Web Design and Software Consultants sales@cmiweb.co.uk 980827 000000
commercial CNINEWS http://www.cninews.com CNI News for UFO's H.Q. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Coastline Internet Services http://www.coastline.net/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Coffs Harbour City Internet Services http://www.chc.net.au Coffs Harbours Premier Internet Service Provider webmaster@chc.net.au 990223 000000
commercial Coffs Harbour City Internet Services http://www.chc.net.au ISP WEB Hosting Virtual Domains & Ip's Every Sever is BSD Powered and Proud Of it webmaster@chc.net.au 990402 000000
commercial Coherent Technologies, Inc. http://www.coherent.net Internet Services Provider for Small Businesses www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Colnet International LTDA. http://chiguiro.colombianet.net/ Internet Prvider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial COMEX - Comercializadora Mexicana de Pinturas S.A. de C.V. http://www.comex.com.mx Mexican private industrial group that manufactures and commercializes a broad variety of paint and coating products. The company was founded in 1952 and is now the national sales leader in architectural paints and wood finishes. The group has a national market share of above 40%. jester@comex.com.mx 980517 000000
commercial CommPro International http://www.commpro.com ISP in Tustin CA, USA. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Communigate Internet Solutions http://www.communigate.net ISP jdm@communigate.net 981002 000000
commercial Community ConneXion http://www.c2.net/ Internet Privacy Provider. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Complete Computer Consulting http://www.ccctulsa.com Hosting & Web Page Programming Firm paul@ccctulsa.com 981025 000000
commercial Complete Computer Consulting http://www.ccctulsa.com Web Hosting, Web Site Design paul@ccctulsa.com 990412 000000
commercial Complex Compuring Systems LTD (COCOS) http://www.cocos.ru Internet Service Provider sau@cocos.ru 980808 000000
commercial CompuPlus.Net http://www.compuplus.net Internet Service Provider, Computer Sales & Service, Networking, Web Services internetsales@compuplus.net 980605 000000
commercial Computer Alternatives, Inc. http://www.computeralt.com Computer systems (Apple, Compaq, IBM, Acer, PowerComputing, Motorola), service, software, training, and networks. Located in Middlebury, VT. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Computer Clothing Research http://www.ccr.ntu.ac.uk/ Being at the forefront of research, CCR capitalises on developments made with new technologies designed to service the needs of the apparel industry. tim.parkinson@ccr.ntu.ac.uk 981221 000000
commercial Computer Design Lab http://www.bmtmicro.com/catalog/omnibasic.html OmniBasic Portable Basic Compiler www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial COMPUTER HOUSE http://www.ch-tunisia.com IMAGESETTING, HARDWARE SELLING, SOFTWARE DEVELOPPING and ADVERTISING COMPANY computer.house@gnet.tn 990408 000000
commercial Computer Innovations http://www.cibutler.com/ Enterprise Class Internet Solution Provider in Butler PA. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Computer Science Corporation, VTC Tech Services http://www.csc.com CSC solves client problems in information technology www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Computer Zone Internet http://www.c-zone.net/ Nationwide Internet Service Provider info@c-zone.net 981112 000000
commercial ComputerTime, Inc. Kailua-Kona Hawaii http://www.comptime.com Service Provider - High Speed Wireless Access www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Computron Systems http://www.computron.se Software development / ISP bg@computron.se 980901 000000
commercial Conceptual Systems & Software http://consys.com Distributed Computing Specialists www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ConNet 80 http://www.ConNet80.com/ PDX's Internet Fast Lane for High Performance Computing www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Consultation Henoc Inc. http://www.henoc.qc.ca Web Hosting and Unix Consulting Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Contact Paging http://www.contact-paging.com A regional paging carrier with net services in CO www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial CORBETT FOR COLLECTIONS http://WWW.COLLECTIONS-NEWYORK.COM Collection Attorney-New York State Ryefour@aol.com 990414 000000
commercial CORSICA System Corp. http://www.corsica.com.tw a full service computer and network technology, Taiwan. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial COSMOTEC CO., LTD http://www.cosmotec.ne.jp/ Network and Security Consulting takami@cosmotec.ne.jp 980606 000000
commercial craxx http://craxx.com/ craxx is a professional internetworking agency offering designing, implementing, hosting and maintaining websites. info@craxx.com 990109 000000
commercial Creapress http://www.creapress.fr Corporate newspapers production www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Creative Software Technologies http://www.cst.com.au/ Multimedia conferencing and Internet services. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Cronyx Plus Ltd. http://www.rinet.ru/ RiNet ISP, Moscow, Russia noc@rinet.ru 980928 000000
commercial Crystal Wind Communications, Inc. http://www.xtalwind.net ISP in Crystal River, Florida www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial CSCCS Internet http://www.cs.net.au Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial CTS Multimedia Distribution Europe http://www.ctseuro.com/ THE main distributor for CD-ROM, VIDEO CD, DVD webadmin@ctseuro.com 980725 000000
commercial CuckooNet http://www.cuckoo.com/ Consulting Firm dbaker@cuckoo.com 990108 000000
commercial CultNet Finland http://www.cultnet.fi/ ISP in Helsinki, Finland. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial CWIE LLC http://www.cavecreek.com An Internet Hosting company in Phoenix, AZ paul@cavecreek.com 981010 000000
commercial CyAlchemy Gaming Haven http://www.cyalchemy.com/ghaven/ Computer Gaming Online Magazine ghaven@cyalchemy.com 980825 000000
commercial Cybec Pty Ltd http://www.vet.com.au/ Complete antivirus solutions (desktop, server and the Internet) LODea@vet.com.au 981008 000000
commercial Cyberchute Publishing & Hosting Services http://www.CyberChute.Com Web Virtual Host Services hartley@cyberchute.com 980428 000000
commercial CyberCity Internet http://www.cybercity.dk/ Major Danish ISP. Running all services on FreeBSD sch@cybercity.dk 980803 000000
commercial Cybermanie http://www.cybermanie.com The best place for your computer in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Roger.Savard@henoc.com 990326 000000
commercial Cybernet Systems Corporation http://www.netmax.com Developer of FreeBSD-powered NetMAX server software. info@netmax.com 981216 000000
commercial CyberStation Inc. http://www.cst.net Wichita Falls, Texas Premier Internet Service Provider help@cst.net 990306 000000
commercial CyberStation Inc. http://www.cst.net ISP Serving North Central Texas help@cst.net 990323 000000
commercial Cybertime Informatik GmbH http://www.cybertime.ch/ ISP in Switzerland info@cybertime.ch 980509 000000
commercial Cylink Information Services http://www.cylink.com.cy Internet Service Provider, Cyprus tech@cylink.net 980505 000000
commercial D.S.U. http://dsuweb.com ISP, Dedicated to Providing web presence and web development Services as well as supporting web developer with unique and special requirements. val@dsuweb.com 981017 000000
commercial Daiichi OutSourcing Corporation http://www.docnet.co.jp ichishi@docnet.co.jp 980529 000000
commercial DATA COMPUTER S.A. http://www.datcom.Tarnobrzeg.TPNET.pl Interner Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Data Office AB http://www.dataoffice.se Computer reseller and Network consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Dataphone Communication Networks http://www.dataphone.net Large ISP serving Sweden with over 500 POPs www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial David E. Swain, Attorney at Law http://www.goodnet.com/~azlawyr/ Arizona lawyer (general practice with business and real estate emphasis.) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial DCWI: Distributed Communication & Worldwide Information http://dcwi.com/ ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Deepwell Internet http://www.deepwell.com High Availability ISP in Sacramento, California admin@deepwell.com 981125 000000
commercial Denver Online Development http://www.denveronline.net Internet Soltuions Provider, based in Denver. Uses BSD for customer colocations. contactus@denveronline.net 990117 000000
commercial Department of Chinese Literature of NCCU, Taiwan, R.O.C. http://chinese.nccu.edu.tw Chinese Literature, Chinese Culture & Chinese education etc... root@chinese.nccu.edu.tw 980710 000000
commercial DIALix Internet Services http://www.dialix.com.au/ one of Australia's largest Internet access providers www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Dialogue-Science http://www.dials.ru Antiviruses development company www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Digital Animations Group plc http://www.digital-animations.com Interactive Entertainment / Game Developer / CGI for games, television and film web@digital-animations.com 990108 000000
commercial Digital Broadcast Systems http://www.livecam.com Internet Video www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Digital Masters http://www.digimasters.com Home of DigiNews. Internet Entertainment webmaster@digimasters.com 990209 000000
commercial Digital Mechanix http://www.digitalmechanix.com Cad Cam, Sofware Design, System Intergration, Networking info@digitalmechanix.com 980710 000000
commercial Digital Nebula http://www.digitalnebula.com Digital Nebula Home Page pm@digitalnebula.com 980901 000000
commercial Digital Web Communications http://www.digital-web.net High speed web hosting company, using FreeBSD for LAN/WAN routing, firewalling and web serving on high end servers handling millions of hits/day. kevin@digital-web.net 990222 000000
commercial DigiWorks http://www.digiworks.com/ Full range of Web services and consulting for Mac, PC, and Unix www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Direct Internet Access http://earth.combase.com Internet Service Provider - St. Petersburg, FL www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Direct Source Internet http://www.direct-source.com Internet Service Provider of Oregon, USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial DirectNet Telecommunications http://www.dn.ru Internet Service Provider in Moscow, Russia kuzmin@dn.ru 980909 000000
commercial directOne Internet Services http://www.directone.com.au ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Distance Communications http://www.distance.net Internet Service Provider. zula@distance.net 980427 000000
commercial Diversified Development, Inc http://www.divdev.com/ Internet / Systems Development Consulting Services. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Double Barrel Consultancy & Productions http://www.double-barrel.be/ Unix Consulting & GNU Distributor for Europe & Custom CD-ROM Productions htdocs@double-barrel.be 980507 000000
commercial DPC Systems http://www.dpcsys.com/ Business software develper www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial DPL Corporation http://www.dpl.co.jp Computer School and Internet Cafe hayashi@dpl.co.jp 990105 000000
commercial DragonData Internet Services http://www.dragondata.com Telnet Shell and Web accounts www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Dream Fire Networks http://www.dreamfire.net A Sacramento based Computer Consulting Business, specializing with troubleshooting of Windows and MacOS, UNIX Setup and configuration, and hardware upgrades. support@dreamfire.net 980514 000000
commercial DreamHaven Internet Services http://www.dreamhaven.org Virtual hosting, domain, email, shell, and web services. staff@dreamhaven.org 980505 000000
commercial Duff-Beer http://www.duff-beer.com Web Service provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Dundas Loom Company http://www.dundasloom.com Handweaving loom and Spinning wheel Manu. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial E-Gate Communications Inc. http://www.egate.net Internet Service Provider in Toronto, Ontario, Canada www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial E.Davis and Associates http://www.beevy.com/card_search/usa?56-7567 Resource Center www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Easeway Internet Consulting http://www.easeway.net Complete one stop solutions for doing business on the Internet. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EASY Research Institute http://www.easy.re.kr/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EAZNet http://www.eaznet.com Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EBO, Inc. http://www.ebo.net Internet Marketing Consultants and World Wide Web Developers www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Echelon bv http://www.echelon.nl Consultancy, software development and network services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Edward Waters College http://HTTP://www.ewc.edu Private College - postmaster@ewc.edu 980322 000000
commercial Edward Waters College http://www.ewc.edu/sbir Private Educational Facility www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EJKA IT System AB http://www.ejka.se/ ISP in Wermland, Sweden. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Elan Ltd. http://www.elan-ua.net Internet Service Provider, Kiev, Ukraine www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ELB http://www.elb.net The electric leather buddha network. elb@elb.net 980612 000000
commercial ElectroCommunication Inc. http://www.ec.mv.ru WEB Server of ElectroCommunication Inc. webmaster@ec.mv.ru 980907 000000
commercial Elehost Web Design Inc. http://www.elehost.com Internet Services, Web Design & Hosting freebsd@elehost.com 990117 000000
commercial Elite.Net - ISP http://www.elite.net Business domain hosting for the world www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EliteNet http://www.elitenet.com.br Internet Service Provider in Brazil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ElVisti Information Center http://www.elvisti.kiev.ua ISP in Kyiv, Ukraine (UA) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial emergent corporation http://www.emergent.com the leading scalable systems service provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Encoding.com http://www.encoding.com The Leading Provider of Audio And Video Encoding for the Net aron@encoding.com 981003 000000
commercial Engulf.com (Quality Shells/Webhosting) http://www.engulf.com Quality Shells and Webhosting running FreeBSD! sales@engulf.com 990129 000000
commercial ENTANET International Ltd http://www.enta.net Internet Service Provider in UK www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EnterAct, L.L.C. http://www.enteract.com ISP in Chicago, IL USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ENTERNET Communications Inc. http://www.ecom.net Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Enterprise Systems and Solutions http://www.enterprisess.com We sell Computers, LAN/WAN products,Computer components and peripherals. We also do installation, design and troubleshooting of network. nasir@enterprisess.com 980831 000000
commercial EPA SYSTEM Inc. http://www.epa.co.jp Japanese estimation CAD developer hara@epa.co.jp 980723 000000
commercial Ersis Labs http://www.u22.com Do It Yourself Computer Solutions u22@u22.com 980421 000000
commercial Ethiopian Register Magazine http://www.ethiopianregister.com Ethiopian culture, Ethiopian politics, Ethiopian education, Ethiopian religion, Ethiopian press author@ethiopianregister.com 990412 000000
commercial EUnet Bretagne groupe EUnet http://www.EUnet-Bretagne.fr First European ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EuroInform http://www.euinf.dp.ua Paging Company of Ukraine sysadm@euinf.dp.ua 981009 000000
commercial EuroNet Internet BV http://www.euro.net Internet Service Provider frans@euro.net 981108 000000
commercial Eurosat Inc. http://eurosat.co.uk Satellite Provider for UK www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EuShop.NET http://www.eushop.net/ European Online Shopping Services; present your products in Europe webadmin@eushop.net 980725 000000
commercial Evocative, Inc. http://www.evocative.com/ Internet technology developers and consultants, specializing in business-to-business transaction software via the Internet. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial EWON I&C Inc. http://WWW.DrZone.COM Medical Internet Solution Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Excelsus Engineering http://www.excelsus.com Network Intergration, Consulting and Web Hosting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Exceltec inc http://www.exceltec-inc.com Instrumentations + Automation Roger@henoc.com 990108 000000
commercial Exceltec-inc http://www.exceltec-inc.com The best Solution for your applications in ...INSTRUMENTATIONS ...AUTOMATION Roger.Savard@henoc.com 990326 000000
commercial Executive Marketing Services, Inc. http://www.emsphone.com Provider of telephone and address information, database management and mail processing services. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial exit1 http://exit1.com Web page design and hosting, internet and general computer consulting. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Express Copy, Inc. http://www.expresscopy.com Internet Copy Shop dan@expresscopy.com 980423 000000
commercial ExSoCom S.A. de C.V. http://www.exsocom.com.mx Integración de aplicaciones y bases de datos a Internet; Publicidad en WWW; Servidores empresariales; Sistemas Operativos; Redes LAN y WAN; Reparación y Mantenimiento de Hardware www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial F1 Communications http://www.f1.ru/ ISP, Web design, Software development etc... www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial FalconSoft http://www.falconsoft.com/ Web Hosting Services guff@falconsoft.com 980413 000000
commercial Family Advocacy Services, Inc. http://www.p-corner.com/ragga/ Works with male adolescents and families who are dysfunctional and have severe emotional difficulties. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial FastLane Communications http://www.fastlane.net ISP serving Dallas/Ft. Worth (Houston soon!) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Fastmail http://fastmail.ca Fastmail is a free web based email system for Canadians michael@searchcanada.ca 981226 000000
commercial FastNet International http://fast.net.uk/ Internet Service & Access Provider sales@fastnet.co.uk 980506 000000
commercial FASTS Ltd. http://www.fasts.com/ Computer hardware and software trade company www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial FeatureCity Networks http://www.featurecity.net National ISP based in St. Augustine, FL www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. http://www.ferginc.com Major Distributor of Plumbing and HVAC www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial FindLink.com Search Engine and Banner Exchange http://www.findlink.com Internet search and banner exchange mike@findlink.com 981008 000000
commercial First Link Internet Services http://www.fl.net.au ISP in Sydney, Australia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Florida Network Technologies, Inc. http://www.flnet.com/ Full ISP with dialup as low as $11.99! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial FOCI.Net Internet Services http://www.foci.net/ Shell/Webhosting info@foci.net 980702 000000
commercial Ford-Diesel.Com http://www.ford-diesel.com Source of information for owners of Ford diesels. jlester@naxs.com 990318 000000
commercial Frag dot Com http://www.frag.com The hottest gaming site around zyfly@frag.com 990317 000000
commercial France Telecom http://www.tecsi.com/ Web2000 : intranet server used for the communication of year 2000 impact on the company's information system hubert.tournier@tecsi.com 980726 000000
commercial FredNet http://www.fred.net/ Internet Service Provider serving Frederick and Washington County, MD USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial FreeGate Corporation http://www.freegate.com Manufacturer of OneGate Internet Access Systems naia@freegate.com 981016 000000
commercial FreeTown http://www.freetown.com The Webs Finest, Fastest-Growing Chat Site: over 3 million hits a day served.... www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Front Range Internet, Inc. http://www.frii.com/ Internet access to northern and central Colorado. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Frontier Business Technologies http://www.fbti.com Large Point of Sales Dealer www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Frontier Internet Services Australia http://www.fisa.com.au Sydney, Australia - Specialising in open source corporate solutions based on the FreeBSD platform and Perl applications. fbsd@fisa.com.au 981116 000000
commercial Functional Internet and Software Technologies http://www.functional.com Web hosting and software development www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial funschool.com Corporation http://www.funschool.com Uses FreeBSD for WWW services and development webmaster@funschool.com 981020 000000
commercial Future Communications http://info.net-gw.com/ Provider of Network Gateway services including email paging and web paging www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial FutureSouth Communications http://www.futuresouth.com A medium-sized ISP in Mississippi staff@futuresouth.com 980425 000000
commercial Fyne Internet Services, Inc. http://www.fyne.net Wisconsin Internet Service Provider info@fyne.net 990506 000000
commercial Gallixy Enterprises,Inc http://www.gallixy.com dial-up service provider webmaster@gallixy.com 990125 000000
commercial Gambit Automated Design http://www.gambit.com/ A leading provider of IC Place and Route software products and services for Very Deep Sub-Micron (VDSM) IC design. info@gambit.com 980923 000000
commercial GameSpot http://www.gamespot.com/ The online leader in gaming information, strategy guides and downloadable demos. ian@gamespot.com 980327 000000
commercial Garant-Service http://www.online.garant.ru System Garant www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial GB Data Systems http://WWW.GBData.COM/ FreeBSD/ISP consulting company in Houston, TX. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial GDR Computers http://www.pronet.net.au/~freebsd FreeBSD intranet, internet and network consultants freebsd@pronet.net.au 980513 000000
commercial Gelendzhik-Relcom Co. http://www.sea.ru ISP at Black sea of Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Gemica s.n.c. http://www.gemicanet.it ISP in Montoro Inf., AV, Italy rlucia@gemicanet.it 980811 000000
commercial Genesis Software Pty. Ltd. http://www.gsoft.com.au Genesis Software produces hardware and software to detect meteors in the upper atmosphere doconnor@gsoft.com.au 981203 000000
commercial Genwell Corporation http://www.genwell.com Network Connectivity Products and Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Geology Dept. at Florida State University http://quartz.gly.fsu.edu/ Geology at Florida State www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Gerpa Ltd http://www.gerpa.ru Sanitary ware and h/lamp Reseller in Moscow, Russia gerpa@gerpa.ru 980723 000000
commercial GetEasY http://www.e-lists.com.cn An Free mailing lists provide in China haifeng@ms.lawton.com.cn 990208 000000
commercial GF Murray Co. http://www.gfmurray.com/ Distribute-then-print & just-in-time digital printing www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial GIDEON Corp. http://www.gideon.co.jp/ PC Database Development & Sale on PC UNIX info@gideon.co.jp 990419 000000
commercial Gigrovata St. Petersburg http://www.gigrovata.ru/ Producer of cotton wool tair@gigrovata.ru 981005 000000
commercial Global Communications INTERNETworking Corp. http://www.glci.net Internet Services Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Global Net http://www.sby.globalinfo.net ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Global Network Solutions Tecnologia http://www.gns.com.br ISP in Brazil. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial GlobalDrum Internet http://www.globaldrum.com Email and WWW hosting ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Glock Telecommunications http://www.Glock.COM/ Network installation and administration consultants. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Goodall Software Engineering http://www.goodall.com A Software Engineering Company www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial GoWebNow http://www.gowebnow.com NEW - FREE: Internet Search Engine Service brian@gowebnow.com 981108 000000
commercial Grafica http://www.grafica.co.nz Design, Digital printing, Web and Multimeda company keith@grafica.co.nz 990415 000000
commercial Gravity Internet http://www.gravity.net.au ISP in Mebourne Australia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Grayphics Digital Imaging http://www.grayphics.com/ Prepress service bureau. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Great Lakes Digital Labs http://www.digitalabs.net An Internet Service Provider in Alexandria, Virginia ron@digitalabs.com 980506 000000
commercial Green Bay Christian School http://www.gbcs.com/ Internet Provider In The Green Bay Area webmaster@gbcs.com 980625 000000
commercial Grey Zone Productions, Inc. http://www.greyzone.com Internet Solutions Provider greyzone@greyzone.com 980319 000000
commercial GRN Serveis Telematics http://www.grn.es ISP in Girona, Catalonia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Ground Zero Communications, Inc. http://www.comsec.net Business-only Internet Solutions Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Gymnet Communications http://www.gymnet.com A Web Presence and remote unix account provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial HAL9000 NETWORK SERVICES http://www.hal9000.net.au ISP Adelaide, Australia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Harbor Communications http://www.harborcom.net/ ISP. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial HASIRSER http://HTTP://WWW.HASIRSER.COM PLASTIC MAT www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Have A Heart http://www.haveaheart.net Handmade Teddy Bears by Carla Kulka matt@lqx.net 980518 000000
commercial HB Systems, Inc. http://www.hbsystems.com Computer Software Development & Systems Integration www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Hemisphere Online http://www.hemi.com An Internet Service Provider in Denver, Colorado www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Herald Communications http://www.herald.net/ ISP in Dallas, TX. USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial HERON http://heron.com.pl INTERNET & INTRANET Solutions info@heron.com.pl 981003 000000
commercial Highway I. S. P. http://www.highway.com.py Internet Service Provider - Asuncion - Paraguay admin@highway.com.py 980715 000000
commercial HiLink Internet http://www.hilink.com.au/ ISP and Internet consultants in Melbourne, Australia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Hiverworld, LLC http://www.hiverworld.com Internet Security Specialists support@hiverworld.com 990418 000000
commercial Hogsauce http://www.hogsauce.com Sam Fulton's Hogsauce www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Holger Mitterwald Datenkommunikation http://www.mitterwald.de Web Server running mainly a German guide for pubs. hrmitter@mitterwald.de 980618 000000
commercial Homeyen Computer Co., Ltd. http://www.isdn.com.tw The Professional Access Solution Provider in Taiwan. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Hotmail Corporation http://www.hotmail.com The worlds leading web based email company. FreeBSD powered web servers and mail servers. Ever since 2.2.0-Stable. joshin@hotmail.com 990218 000000
commercial Hotmail.com http://www.hotmail.com hotmail freemail service hotmail@hotmail.com 990422 000000
commercial Houston InterWeb Design, Inc. http://www.houston-interweb.com/ Developer of web sites and complex web applications www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial i-HIVE COMMUNICATION Inc. http://www.i-hive.co.jp Software developer root@i-hive.co.jp 990310 000000
commercial I-NeX Corporation Pty Ltd http://www.i-nex.com.au/ Corporate SQL database, Web, Java programming and hosting provider Mark.deRaad@I-NeX.com.au 990208 000000
commercial iAvenue http://tour.iavenue.com Electronic Commerce Providers and Business Center info@iavenue.com 980418 000000
commercial ICON Technologies, Inc. http://www.icontech.com/ A computer engineering firm located in Mayfield, PA. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ICP s.r.o. http://www.icp.cz Informaèní Centrum Podnikatelù sales@icp.cz 990313 000000
commercial ICRnet http://www.icr.com.au/ Independent Computer Retailers (ISP) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ID Arts http://www.id-arts.com Securing Freedom from Passwords and PINs through Cognometrics info@id-arts.com 980818 000000
commercial ID-Net, Inc http://www.id.net/ Michigan based corporate ISP, 100Mb switched Internet connectivity, 15+ FreeBSD servers, serving more than 15,000,000 hits every month! (Pushing over 10GB of traffic per day!). www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Idianet http://www.idianet.net ISP nait@idianet.net 981125 000000
commercial Idiom Consulting http://www.idiom.com ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial IDL Inc. http://idlserver.idlinc.com/ Mudlogging services and Drilling Industry software suppliers www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Ihatove Co.ltd. http://www.ihatove.co.jp Software House etc. staff@ihatove.co.jp 990515 000000
commercial iHh Communications http://www.iHhComms.NET Small Business Information Technologies Solutions woody@ihhcomms.net 990303 000000
commercial iHh Communications http://www.ihhcomms.net Small Business Information Technology Solutions woody@ihhcomms.net 990319 000000
commercial IIS Webnet Pty Ltd http://www.webnet.com.au Corporate Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial IKON Document Services - Indianapolis http://ikon-ddpress.com Web, Mail and FTP Services webmaster@ikon-ddpress.com 980615 000000
commercial Imageworks Computing http://www.imagecomp.com Computer Services, Multimedia Catalog, Best Internet Selling Tool www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial iMALL, Inc. http://www.imall.com Online shopping mall (12 million hit/month) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial iMarc http://www.imarc.net Web design and hosting on FreeBSD and Macintosh dave@imarc.net 990220 000000
commercial Impulse Internet Services http://www.impulse.net ISP based in Santa Barbara, CA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial InComA http://www.incoma.ru/ Frame Relay, X.25, TCP/IP Network Provider in Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Indies MusicBox http://indies.musicbox.ne.jp noel co.,ltd. info@noel.co.jp 980422 000000
commercial Indonesia Japan Institute http://www.lpkij.ac-id.net Computer Education harry@ns.lpkij.ac-id.net 980910 000000
commercial Indonesian Telecom http://www.telkom.go.id/ Information Technology Division www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Infinite Space Systems Corp. http://w3.inspace.net/ Unlimited Nationwide ISP @ 19.95/mo. User Services powered by FreeBSD! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Info Scientific, Inc. http://www.therd.com New Home of THERdbASE www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Infobound http://www.infobound.com/ Network and Unix training organization in the heart of Silicon Valley tony@infobound.com 990423 000000
commercial Infobound Technical Training http://www.infobound.com/ LAN, WAN, Remote Access course development and training tony@infobound.com 990301 000000
commercial InfoCenter Ltd http://www.norilsk.ru ISP in Norilsk, Russia admins@norilsk.ru 980723 000000
commercial Infologigruppen Pitea AB http://www.infologigruppen.se/ Software Devalopment, Web Services goran.lowkrantz@infologigruppen.se 990424 000000
commercial InfoMeMe Co.,LTD. http://www.memenet.or.jp Internet Service Provider takahama@memenet.or.jp 980529 000000
commercial InfoNation (tm) Premier Online Systems http://www.nation.org Web hosting ISP david@nation.org 980528 000000
commercial InfoNet Communications Inc. http://www.icinet.net/ We build ISPs from the bottom up! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Infopartners S.A. http://www.ip.lu/ Information services and ISP in Luxembourg (Europe) frank@ip.lu 980608 000000
commercial Informazioni Editoriali I.E. Srl http://www.alice.it Internet & DB services for the italian books world sriva@alice.it 990123 000000
commercial Informsystem Inc. http://www.inform.co.jp/ *Japan Only* Internet Service Provider & FreeBSD All in One Server Bild info@inform.co.jp 980806 000000
commercial InfoService S.A. http://www.infoservice.com.pl mainly polish language www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial InfoSouth, Inc. http://www.infosouth.com/ ISP in Atlanta GA, USA. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial InfoTeam Corporation http://www.infoteam.com/ Web Site Design, Promotion, Hosting, Domain Name Registration kmartin@infoteam.com 990131 000000
commercial InfoWest Global Internet Services, Inc. http://www.infowest.com InfoWest, providing Internet services to Southwestern Utah www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Inmap Co. Ltd. http://www.inmap.com.tw Search engine for life in Taiwan jeff@jeffy.net 980721 000000
commercial Innotek Pet Products http://www.pet-products.com The World's Largest Manufacturer of Electronic Dog Training Products dlf@tatnet.com 981210 000000
commercial Innotek's sportdog.com http://www.sportdog.com Training Products for Gun and Field Dogs dlf@tatnet.com 981230 000000
commercial Innovative Medical Services http://www.imspure.com Pharmaceutical Water Filtration and Dispensing Devices SMcDonald@imspure.com 980811 000000
commercial Instant Communications http://www.in.com.au ISP Doun under keith@apcs.com.au 990413 000000
commercial Integrated Ststems Japan Ltd. http://www.isi.co.jp Embedded Systems Operating Environment and Development Tools -- Sales and Engineering www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Intelecon Services, Inc. http://www.intelecon.com Full service audio/visual solutions for industry www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Intelight Co., Ltd. http://www.intelight.co.jp/ System Integrator & Web Service, Japan www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Inter@ccess http://interaccess.com.mx Internet Service Provider lmadrig@acnet.net 980414 000000
commercial Interactive Data, Inc. http://www.pelican.net/ ISP in North Myrtle Beach, SC. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial interface business GmbH http://www.interface-business.de Use for Intranet solutions, workstations, Internet servers; customer-tailored solutions www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Interfax-Ukraine http://www.interfax.com.ua Ukrainian News Agency vega@interfax.com.ua 980611 000000
commercial Interlicht http://www.interlicht.nl Internet shop for interiour lighting info@interlicht.nl 980712 000000
commercial Interlog Inc. http://www.interlog.com/ ISP, in cludes mail spool, USENET, virtual servers, namerserving, ISDN, unix shell serve rs, more www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial International Media Company http://www.fun.nl Internet Entertainment Company we are proud to use FreeBSD on all our web/mail/DNS/Firewall/Database/Monitor servers. We serve currently 75 Domains wich are all extreme high traffic sites. hansw@imco.nl 990129 000000
commercial Internet Access Eindhoven http://www.iaehv.nl/ The ISP for the south of Holland www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Access Group, Inc. http://www.iagi.net/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Access HK Limited http://www.ia.com.hk www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Application Specialists http://www.ias.las-vegas.nv.us Web Application Development mattm@lvcm.com 990512 000000
commercial Internet Assistance http://www.inet-asst.com Providing businesses in the US and Canada with a presence on the web inet@inet-asst.com 980816 000000
commercial Internet Cafe LOOZ http://www.looz.com.pl Internet coffeehouse in Kraków, Poland looz@looz.com.pl 980621 000000
commercial Internet Channel http://www.inch.com/ Internet provider in the New York area access@inch.com 981222 000000
commercial Internet Creations By The Hand http://www.bythehand.net Is a Nationwide Internet Service Provider and WWW hosting firm. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Czêstochowa s.c. http://www.icz.com.pl/ ISP, Web Presence Designers www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Data Systems of Ely http://www.idsely.com ISP for the Ely, Nevada area www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Direct http://www.idirect.com/ A different kind of Internet company fehr@idirect.com 980623 000000
commercial Internet Express http://www.iexpress.net.au ISP in Perth, Western Australia mikey@iexpress.net.au 980512 000000
commercial Internet Express Network http://www.ienet.com So. California Full Service Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Ireland http://www.internet-ireland.ie ISP, Web Presence Designers and Consultants in Dublin, Ireland. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet L'Annonciation http://lannon.qc.ca ISP located in the High-Laurentians, Quebec, Canada www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Marketing 1, Inc http://www.im1.com Web Hosting Provider bill@im1.com 990505 000000
commercial Internet Marketing 1, Inc's WebGears.com http://www.webgears.com Internet Access Provider bill@im1.com 990505 000000
commercial Internet Media Services http://fp.imsweb.net Internet Service Provider - Web Hosting and Dial-up www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Mexicana S.A. de C.V. http://www.intmex.com Mexican ISP dealer. Dialup access, web hosting, web design. eperez@acnet.net 980522 000000
commercial Internet Movie Database http://us.imdb.com/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Internet Oklahoma http://camera.ionet.net Internet Relay Chat Server & Camera www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial InterScena inc. http://www.InterScena.com Publicity Agency on Internet Roger.Savard@henoc.com 990326 000000
commercial Interspace Australia http://www.interspace.com.au/ 95 cents/hour net access, Melbourne, Australia. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial InterSpace cybercafe http://www.interspace.com.br cybercafe in Florianopolis cafe@interspace.com.br 990426 000000
commercial InterSurf Online, Inc. http://www.intersurf.net/ Full Internet Access for Louisiana www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial InterSvyazSputnik http://www.issp.net Global Internet Providing via Satellite gleb@issp.net 980520 000000
commercial intervista.com http://www.intervista.com/ 3D visualization for the Web www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Interworld Communications http://www.interworld.net/ Internet provider in El Segundo, California www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial IntraArts New Zealand Limited http://www.ianz.co.nz/ Providing net technology and information security solutions with a client focus. support@ianz.co.nz 990319 000000
commercial Intrasteller Internet Service http://www.intrastar.net/ ISP in East Texas, USA. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Introspective Technologies USA http://www.itech-usa.com Internet Resources www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Intuitive Design http://www.in-design.com Web Site Design www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial InvictaNet http://www.invictanet.co.uk ISP based in Ashford, kent, UK support@invicta.net 990326 000000
commercial iPAJe Software, Inc. http://www.ipaje.com Web Hosting, Web Development, System Administration, Internet Commerce Solutions www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial iPass Inc. http://www.iPass.COM Provides true global Internet roaming and corporate access to the world. otterley@iPass.COM 980312 000000
commercial iPlus Internet Services http://www.i-Plus.net Full service Internet provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ISEB(NET) http://www.surgi.dote.hu Medical and other interesting things(links) to Hungary www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ISES co.ltd. http://www.ises.co.jp/ Business Application Development and Consulting in JAPAN webmaster@ises.co.jp 990208 000000
commercial ISM Group http://www.ism.ru We make computer system arseny@ism.ru 990425 000000
commercial ISP http://www.creator.dp.ua Internet Service provider from Dniepropetrovs (Ukraine) grey@canada.dp.ua 990324 000000
commercial ISP http://www.dnepr.net.ua ISP postmaster@dnepr.net.ua 981205 000000
commercial ISP InterLink Ltd., Kiev, Ukraine http://www.interlink.net.ua/ ISP and ITSP in Kiev admin@interlink.net.ua 980509 000000
commercial ISP NETLAB+, Slovakia http://irc.netlab.sk IRC Server, IRCNET Network www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ISPRO A.S. http://www.ispro.net.tr/ Internet Service Provider Located in Izmir/TURKEY yurtesen@ispro.net.tr 981128 000000
commercial ITI Inc. http://www.iti.qc.ca/iti/ Internet Service Provider, E-mail, DNS and Web hosting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Itoh Co. http://www.itoh.co.jp/ webmaster@itoh.co.jp 990315 000000
commercial ITworks Consulting http://www.itworks.com.au IT consultancy and ISP in Melbourne Australia gavin@itworks.com.au 980711 000000
commercial IWL Net http://www.iwl.net ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial J.O. Easley, Inc. http://www.joeasley.com Oil and Gas Land Brokerage richardh@joeasley.com 981208 000000
commercial Jakarta Convention Center http://www.jcc.co.id/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Job-Link KALI http://www.job-link.com/home/games.html Dedicated KALI Game server for FREE Internet play www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial John Leslie Consulting http://www.jlc.net/ ISP in Souhegan Valley, New Hampshire www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Jones-Beach Music Inc. http://jones-beach.innosoft.com Homepage for jazz bands under the jones-beach label www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Journal des Affaires http://www.Journal-Affaires.qc.ca Downtown Business News in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Roger.Savard@henoc.com 990326 000000
commercial JOURNYX http://journyx.com Web-Based Time and Attendance Tracking www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Jovian Networks, LLC http://www.jovian.net Internet Services for the 21st Century sales@jovian.net 980828 000000
commercial JSC http://www.promelec.ru IC components, Datasheets.. bas@promelec.ru 981218 000000
commercial JSC http://www.tyumen.ru Internet Service provider in Tyumen/Russian www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial JSV Multibanka http://ns.multibanka.com Commercial bank mg@multibanka.com 981102 000000
commercial Junk Proof Mail http://www.junkproof.com/ Mail filtering service, spam filtering. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial JurisWeb.NET http://www.jurisweb.net/ Lawyers Network Europe webadmin@jurisweb.net 980725 000000
commercial Just In Time Solutions http://www.justintime.com The premier solution for Internet Billing and Customer Care rdas@justintime.com 990319 000000
commercial K&K Corporation Ltd. (KK-NET) http://www.kk-net.ne.jp/ INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER sales@kk-net.net 980506 000000
commercial K@trinet http://www.katrinet.se/ ISP and FreeBSD mirror site in Sweden. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Kaschynna Communications http://kaschynna.com/ Internet Presence Provider & MU* Hosting Services webadmin@kaschynna.com 980327 000000
commercial Katsushika FM Broadcasting System http://www.kfm789.co.jp/ Japanese Micro Radio Station,--sorry Japanese only aya@kfm789.co.jp/ 990302 000000
commercial Kendryl/3NAAC collaboration http://kendryl.bc.ca Play server - doubles as company email/web/dial in server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Key Internet Services http://www.key.net.au Internet Service Provider in Australia NSW www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial KEY-HOLDING http://www.ku.ru Holding compamy in Orenburg ssk@ku.ru 980915 000000
commercial KEYTEC http://www.keytec.gr.jp/ Original internet service & support in Japan info@keytec.com 990517 000000
commercial Kharkiv Online http://www.kharkiv.net Internet service provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Khmelnitskinfocom http://www.infocom.khmelnitskiy.ua Internet Service Provider in Khmelnitsky savyer@softhome.net 980729 000000
commercial Kiwi Internet Services http://www.kiwi.net The Inland Empire's Complete Internet Solution (kiwi.net) tanimn@kiwi.net 981002 000000
commercial KMJ Consulting Austria http://www.kmjeuro.com/ Overstock Trading & Special Services Company webadmin@kmjeuro.com 980725 000000
commercial Konbanwa http://www.konbanwa.com info@konbanwa.com 990304 000000
commercial KORAL Multimedia Ltd. http://www.koral.bg/ World Wide CD-ROM Distributor mitko@koral.bg 990515 000000
commercial Korax Online Inc. http://www.korax.net/ A Toronto provider of progressive Internet services for individuals and business. Unrestricted Unix shell access, static IP addresses, and domain hosting are standard features of all our accounts. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial KuwaitNet Inc. http://Http://www.Kuwaitnet.net Internet Service Provider big@kuwaitnet.net 990422 000000
commercial LA-PHINI-COSMETICS-china-FACTORY http://freedomstarr.com/?LI1962327 NON-KISS-OFF-LIPSTICKS lin3279@public.xm.fj.cn 980722 000000
commercial Lakeshore Internet Services http://www.lks.net High Speed Internet Access jmoore@lks.net 980614 000000
commercial LAN Media Corporation (LMC) http://www.lanmedia.com High Performance WAN Adapters for PCI, PMC, and CompactPCI. Interfaces include DS3, T1/E1, HSSI, V.35, X.21bis, and more marketing@lanmedia.com 990505 000000
commercial Lan Systems http://www.lansystems.co.uk/ Network Consultants. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial LanMinds Internet, Inc. http://www.lmi.net Internet Service Provider info@lmi.net 980722 000000
commercial Lazerlink Internet Services http://www.lazerlink.net Lazerlink Internet Services of Central Pennsylvania www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial LEMIS http://www.lemis.com UNIX Consulting Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Liebscher & Partner Werbeagentur GbR http://www.freibergnet.de/ Merchandising, Internet Access And Service Provider info@freibergnet.de 980721 000000
commercial Light1 Internet Services http://www.light1.net Shell and Webhosting Provider doug@light1.net 981019 000000
commercial LightStream Internet, Inc. http://www.lightstream.net Northeast Ohio Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Lindblad Thorden AB http://bsd.ltab.se/ CGI and database driven websites www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Linkeasy Network http://www.linkeasy.net 2nd Largest International ISP based in Los Angeles County www@freebsd.org 1998527 000000
commercial Little Rapids Corporation http://www.littlerapids.com/ Specialty Paper Manufacturer www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Local Line, INC. http://www.localline.com Internet Service Provider local@localline.com 990427 000000
commercial LocalLink International Networking Corporation http://www.locallink.net Complete Internet Service Provider for SouthWest Michigan kpitcher@locallink.net 980403 000000
commercial Lofty co.,LTD http://www.lofty-tec.co.jp/ Internet Service & Development tanisi@lofty-tec.co.jp 980406 000000
commercial Loopback.ORG TCP/IP http://www.loopback.org/ IT security consulting & webspace provider akira@loopback.org 981222 000000
commercial LvNet http://www.lvnet.lv Largest Latvian ISP (mixed SUN Solaris and FreeBSD) info@lv.net 990311 000000
commercial Lynx-BCC company http://www.lynx.ru Unix-based corporative solutions and bank technologies mur@lynx.ru 980514 000000
commercial Macroent.Com http://www.macroent.com Consulting Services in Houston TX. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial MacroWerx http://www.MacroWerx.com/ Providing custom internet and intranet services julian@macrowerx.com 990321 000000
commercial MacSolutions Network http://www.msn.bc.ca/ low cost internet web site hosting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Mag-Net BBS Ltd. http://www.mag-net.com ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Magichosts.com http://www.magichosts.com Web Hosting Service mattm@lvcm.com 990512 000000
commercial Magnus Ltd http://www.magnus.kiev.ua Internet Service Provider in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine alex@magnus.kiev.ua 980402 000000
commercial Main Computer Centre of Civil Aviation http://www.fas.ru/ Moscow, Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Mainstreet http://www.aaa-mainstreet.nl/ ISP in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Majapahit Design http://www.majapahit.com a solution to your website webmaster@majapahit.com 980313 000000
commercial Malicia http://www.malicia.com Shell, Web, And Other Internet Related Services reddawg@malicia.com 980627 000000
commercial Manavi & Hausmann GmbH http://www.luenenet.de Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Manchester Computing http://www.mcc.ac.uk/ University of Manchester (UK) Computing Services tim@mcc.ac.uk 980321 000000
commercial Mariazell Online - GIWE Design http://www.mariazell.org The region of Mariazeller Land on the Internet www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Marlin Internet http://www.marlin.com.br ISP - Rio de Janeiro www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Martin SEMRAD - NET WAY http://www.netway.cz Web hosting semrad@netway.cz 981001 000000
commercial MAS Online Services http://www.mas-online.com Professional Web Site Hosting, Page Design, and Site Marketing at Prices You can Afford! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Masternet http://www2.masternet.it Masternet, ISP in Prato (ITALY) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Mathsoft Corp http://www.mathsoft.org Specialises in technical (Scientific)applications, web site design and hosting, e-commerce, software development in C++,Java and javascript. starweb@mathsoft.org 981225 000000
commercial Matrix Internet http://www.matrix.com.br Brazilian ISP gaiser@matrix.com.br 990507 000000
commercial Maui Gateway http://www.mauigateway.com www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial MAX-ISP http://www.max.odessa.ua/ Internet Service Provider vadim@max.odessa.ua 980821 000000
commercial MBS Computers Ltd. http://www.microbiz.net Computer Hardware and Software Sales sales@microbiz.net 990113 000000
commercial McCallie Associates, Inc. http://www.mccallie.com Omaha, NE - Integrated Networking Specialists www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial McCane Consulting http://bmccane.cavtech.com/ Consulting Company in Independence, MO www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial McCane Consulting http://bmccane.maxbaud.net/ UNIX and Windows consulting company in Independence, MO USA bmccane@maxbaud.net 980317 000000
commercial MCS Internet Services http://www.gld.com/ ISP, Goldsboro, NC www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial MCSNet http://www.mcs.com/ ISP in Chicago, IL www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Media Capital http://www.mediacap.com A Leasing company for the Electronic Age dlr@davids.org 980806 000000
commercial Media Online Italia s.r.l. http://www.media.it Internet Access Provider giardina@media.it 980722 000000
commercial MediaCenter http://www.umc.se/ UNIX and BeOS Software Development daniel@umc.se 990208 000000
commercial MediaCity International http://www.MediaCity.com/ ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Mediacity World http://www.mediacity.com California ISP. specializing in High speed connectivity, web hosting and colocation. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial MediaTrak Multimedia search engine (MP3, VQF, and more) hybrid@slip.net 990128 000000
commercial Medinet d.o.o http://www.medinet.si/ ISP in Maribor, Slovenia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Medusa, Media Usuage advice http://www.medusa.nl Consulting on internet/intranet info@medusa.nl 980712 000000
commercial Megabites Cafe Ltd http://www.megabites.co.uk Internet cafe in Swindon, England james@megabites.co.uk 980412 000000
commercial Megacom electronics http://www.megacom.com.au ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial MegaLink Co. http://chita.rt.ru ISP (Chita, Siberia, Russia) citikom@iname.com 990414 000000
commercial MegaMedia http://www.megamedia.pt Solu es Multimedia, SA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial MegaStyle ltd http://www.megastyle.com ISP. Cherkassy, Ukraine hostmaster@megastyle.com 990115 000000
commercial Melim Internet http://www.melim.com.br ISP & NSP in Santa Catarina, Brazil dw@melim.com.br 990324 000000
commercial Mercury Technology Services, Inc http://www.mtsvcs.com/ Communications www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial MexComUSA http://MexComUSA.net Research and Development of Internet Applications mgarber@MexComUSA.net 990304 000000
commercial Mexico Communicates (MexCom) http://busplan.mexcom.net.mx Internet Application Developers mgarber@webwizard.com.mx 980824 000000
commercial MFA NKR http://www.mfa.nk.am Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nagorno-Karabakh dev@arminco.nk.am 981015 000000
commercial Michigan VHF http://www.michvhf.com Custom Controllers and Consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Micro Business Systems Inc. http://www.mbscomputers.com Specializing in computer sales and Internet services webmaster@mbscomputers.com 990121 000000
commercial Micro Network Services Pty Ltd http://www.mns.com.au NetSMART Network Monitoring Service www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Micromenders http://www.micromenders.com Computer hardware experts. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Micromonitors, Inc. http://www.micromonitors.com/ Silicon based gas chromatography for electrical power industry clark.ritchie@micromonitors.com 990215 000000
commercial Microtech Solutions and Communications http://www.mtsc.net Oklahoma City ISP raynman@theshop.net 980325 000000
commercial Microtek International Inc. http://www.microtek.com.tw Scanner Manufacturing justinwu@microtek.com.tw 980623 000000
commercial MindStep Corporation http://www.mindstep.com configures and maintains messaging and directory services to businesses Kurt@Boolean.Net 980803 000000
commercial Net Corps http://www.netcorps.com/ ISP and WEB design service in Walnut Creek CA, USA. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Net Integrated Services, Inc. http://www.nis-guys.com/ Networks, computers and software consulting; maustin@nis-guys.com 981123 000000
commercial Net Sonic http://www.netsonic.com Internet Presence Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Net Source Chicago, Inc. http://www.netchicago.net Internet/Intranet development firm www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Net Tech Inf. Ltda. http://www.nettech.com.br Network Support Services karim@nettech.com.br 980908 000000
commercial NetCarrier http://www.netcarrier.com Philadelphia metro ISP cpeltier@netcarrier.com 990131 000000
commercial NETCIS International Corporation http://www.netcis.com Internet / Intranet Networks Integration Company info@netcis.com 980418 000000
commercial NETDesign Inc. http://www.cybervillage.com/ (chat links) Web Chat Server/Special Sites eric@netdesign1.com 980323 000000
commercial NetFx http://www.netfx.co.za/ Web publishing company based in Cape Town, South Africa www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Netherlands congrescentre http://www.congresgebouw.nl Congrescentre www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial NETLAB+ Inc. http://www.netlab.sk Internet Service Provider (ISP), LAN & WAN consulting, UN*X consulting admin@netlab.sk 980625 000000
commercial NETLAN http://www.netlan.net ISP and Networking Solutions for Brazil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Netlink Internet Services http://www.nlink.com.br/ ISP in Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial NetMint, LLC http://www.netmint.com/ Web Design and Hosting admin@netmint.com 990425 000000
commercial NetMonger Communications http://www.netmonger.net/ Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Neto http://www.neto.net/ Internet Service Provider in Taiwan contact@neto.net 980408 000000
commercial Neto Corp. http://www.neto.net Internet Service Provider in Taiwan contact@neto.net 980412 000000
commercial NetPics http://www.netpics.com/ USENET to WWW gateway for adult images. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial NETPLUS Communication http://www.netplus.fr Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial NetRamp Solutions http://www.netramp.net/ nationwide ISP located in Tulsa, Oklahoma www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Netropol Digitale Systeme http://www.netropol.de/ UNIX Development, TCP/IP Consulting and Mac Support jan@netropol.de 981222 000000
commercial NetSonic http://www.netsonic.com/ affordable web site hosting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial NetTalk Live! http://www.nettalklive.com/ The Internet Talk Show of the nation!!! jovan@nettalklive.com 981027 000000
commercial Network Alchemy, Inc. http://www.network-alchemy.com Purveyor of commercial IPSEC/LT2P/PP2P clustered IP systems. ddp@network-alchemy.com 990226 000000
commercial Newman Networking Group, Inc. http://n2g.net Internetworking Solutions solutions@n2g.net 990202 000000
commercial Newman Networking Group, Inc. http://www.n2g.net Network and Systems consultation services. info@n2g.net 990426 000000
commercial Newman Research http://www.darkest.demon.nl Young Dutch computing company webmaster@darkest.demon.nl 990418 000000
commercial NewsReader.Com http://NewsReader.Com/ Web-based access to Usenet newsgroups curt@kcwc.com 980422 000000
commercial Nexial Systems http://www.nexial.com/ Search engine software producer info@nexial.com 980809 000000
commercial nextreme design http://www.nextreme.com/ Web design company in Syracuse, New York. ben@nextreme.com 980323 000000
commercial Nexus Comunicaciones, S.A. http://www.ncsa.es Spanish Internet Service Provider jesusr@ncsa.es 980429 000000
commercial Niagara Online http://www.nfol.com Web Presence Provider in Niagara Falls, NY dan@nfol.com 981105 000000
commercial NightFlight http://www.nightflight.com Free personal ads, humor, links, Free Online Dictionary of Computing gcrutchr@nightflight.com 980531 000000
commercial NileNet, Ltd. http://www.nilenet.com/ ISP in Denver, Colorado www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial NISC International, Inc. http://www.nisc.com CD-ROM Publishing achala@nisc.co.in 990515 000000
commercial Nixu Oy http://www.nixu.fi/nixu_engl.html Network consulting, solutions and training www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial nmrpro http://www.nmrpro.net/ Internet Provider info@nmrpro.net 990309 000000
commercial Nobreak Technologies http://www.nobreak.com Internet Software Development nobreak@nobreak.com 990415 000000
commercial North Texas Internet http://www.ntexinet.net Dallas/Fort Worth based Internet Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial NORTHLINK COMMUNICATIONS http://www.nlc.net.au/ ISP in Sydney Australia john@nlc.net.au 981117 000000
commercial Northwest Link http://www.nwlink.com/ Internet Service Provider -- Bellevue, WA postmaster@NWLINK.COM 980920 000000
commercial Nottingham Alcohol & Drug Team http://www.innotts.co.uk/nadt/ Clinical databases and all network services hosted on FreeBSD. robmel@nadt.org.uk 980330 000000
commercial Noxiin http://www.noxiin.com Quality Shell Provider exii@noxiin.com 990423 000000
commercial NPO http://www.stravt.ru Computer reseller and Network consulting. Archangelsk. Russia. webmaster@stravt.ru 980601 000000
commercial NRS Group http://www.atless.net Advanced Internet Addressing Technologies aryeh@atless.net 981225 000000
commercial Nucleus Communications, Inc. http://www.nuc.net/ Internet, World Wide Web, and LAN/WAN solutions. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial NYCONN Data Systems http://www.nyconn.com AS/400 Internetworking / Development, PC Networking nicka@nyconn.com 980316 000000
commercial OClink Internet Services http://www.oclink.com Providing Internet access to over 40 cities in Southern California webmaster@oclink.net 980522 000000
commercial Odin Corporation http://www.odin-corporation.com Provides Unix application, system and web development lars@odin-corporation.com 980318 000000
commercial OeRSTED, Inc. http://www.oersted.co.jp Software developer yav@bigfoot.com 990225 000000
commercial Oliver Design, Inc. Disk & Wafer Cleaner Manufacturer www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial OMCnet Internet Service GmbH http://www.omc.net/ German Internet Presence Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Omnium Technologies http://www.omnium-tech.net/ Small company providing web hosting and setup. vince@omnium-tech.net 980620 000000
commercial Omnix http://www.omnix.net ISP in Paris, France - Reseller of hardware / Software Solutions, technical support for FreeBSD didier@omnix.net 990315 000000
commercial On-Net Internet Services http://bsd.on-net.net/~iyi/ Internet database solution provider and full service ISP helpdesk@on-net.net 980624 000000
commercial OneWay http://www.oneway.com.tw/ Translation and network services in Taiwan www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Online Broadcsating Corp http://www.paradisepalace.com Video streaming www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial OnMedia http://www.onmedia.com Provides back-end web services for sites that offer free email, personal homepages and more! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Open Creative Limited http://www.opencreative.com Hong Kong Interactive Multimedia Design Consultancy - Webserver www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Open Lines Communications, LLC http://www.openlines.com Internet Service Provider - Serving Arizona webmaster@openlines.com 980726 000000
commercial Open Solution Providers http://www.osp.nl UNIX, Windows/NT and Internet consultancy company www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial OPTIMUS-Pro Sp. z o.o. http://www.optimus.waw.pl FreeBSD powered ISP in Warsaw, POLAND www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial OptiSoft http://www.optisoft.com/ Affordable Web Hosting Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ORBITA LTD http://www.orbita.e-burg.ru/ Supermarket www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Orient-Telecom http://www.orient.net.ru ISP in Irkutsk, Siberia - provides WEB hosting and fastest Internet access in Eastern Siberia chief@orient.net.ru 980428 000000
commercial Orion Technologies Incorporated http://www.orion.ab.ca Internet solution provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Orthanc Systems http://www.orthanc.com/ Computer and Network Consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial OSICOM.NET http://www.osicom.net ISP in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada ken@osicom.net 990125 000000
commercial p+p online gmbh http://www.pp-online.de Internet Content Provider for Germany www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Pair Networks http://www.pair.com/ Web Presence Provider for cost-effective account hosting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Pangea.CA http://www.pangea.ca ISP in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. curtis@pangea.ca 990511 000000
commercial Passage Networking, Inc. http://www.passage.net/ Internet and Novell Networking for Tuscaloosa, AL www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Pavilion Internet plc http://www.pavilion.net/ Internet Service Provider on the south coast of England www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial PCArts http://boruta.pcarts.tarnow.pl Computer Store in Tarnow, Poland root@boruta.pcarts.tarnow.pl 980521 000000
commercial PChome ONLINE http://www.todo.com.tw Chinese portal & Search engine in Taiwan rimmon@pchome.com.tw 981202 000000
commercial pchost.com http://www.pchost.com Web hosting and design kyle@pchost.com 980525 000000
commercial pds(plandosee) Inc. http://www.pds-net.co.jp/ Internet marketing and management. in Sapporo,Japan admin@pds-net.co.jp 990204 000000
commercial peciatky-vizitky http://PECIATKY.SK stamps PECIATKY@PECIATKY.SK 981128 000000
commercial Peninsula Technikon http://www.pentech.ac.za Techical College alexandemr@infoserv.pentech.ac.za 981028 000000
commercial Perceptive Solutions AB http://www.perceptive.se System integration and development consulting services tohu@perceptive.se 981020 000000
commercial Perforce Software http://www.perforce.com PERFORCE -- The Fast Software Configuration Management System www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial PERnet Communications, Inc. http://www.pernet.net Largest local ISP in Southeast Texas www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Peterson http://www.peterson.nl Peterson is an internationally operating group of companies specialising in the combination of dedicated logistic services, quality and quantity control and risk management. It is a privately held group, founded in 1920 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. bvdijk@peterson.nl 981119 000000
commercial Phear.Net http://www.phear.net/ web site design, web hosting & computer services jim@phrantic.phear.net 980826 000000
commercial Phoenix Computer Specialists http://www.pcslink.com/ Phoenix AZ, ISP and VAR ryan@pcslink.com 980413 000000
commercial Phoenix DataNET's DALnet Southern US IRC Hub. http://www.phoenix.net/~leigh/dalnet/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Phoenix Internet Technologies, Inc. http://www.pitnet.net ISP based in Milwaukee, WI www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial PICS Online! http://www.pics.com Internet Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial PizzaNet GbR http://www.PizzaNet.de/ Offering Online Pizza Services in Germany www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial PLATINUM Technology http://www.platinum-ebs.com/ Enterprise software & consulting services webmaster@www.platinum-ebs.com 990502 000000
commercial Playgal, Inc. http://www.playgal.com Enterprise company which owns several international Adult web sites. webmaster@playgal.com 990424 000000
commercial Pluto Technologies International Inc. http://www.plutotech.com High bandwidth Video Disk and RAID arrays running embedded FreeBSD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Popular Computer Week(PCW) http://www.cpcw.com Popular Computer Week(PCW), the only newspaper of chouyu@cpcw.whyes.com 990216 000000
commercial Portland Software http://www.portsoft.com Secure Electronic Software Distribution www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Potiron Informática http://www.potiron.com.br celio_jr@yahoo.com 980908 000000
commercial Prio-Vneshtorgbank http://NONE One of the largest banks in the Ryazan Region / Russia alex@priovtb.ryazan.ru 980617 000000
commercial Prisma Verlag & Online KG http://www.prisma-online.de/ Online TV guide (germany) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial PrismNet, Inc http://www.prismnet.com/ ISP in Austin, TX. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Pro-Net Internet Services http://www.pro-net.net/ A Missouri/Kansas Based Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Professional Computer Center Ltd http://www.pcconnet.com Web housing and hosting ,networking consultant steve@pcconnet.com 981207 000000
commercial ProKK http://www.prokk.uzhgorod.ua/ ISP in Mukachevo, Ukraine webmaster@prokk.uzhgorod.ua 990318 000000
commercial Proline Network Systems http://www.proline.at/ Network and Security Services webadmin@proline.at 980725 000000
commercial Prometeo srl http://www.prometeo.it/ Computer Science Projects And Methodologies www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial PROPEL Inc. http://www.propel.ne.jp/ Internet Service Provider netadmin@propel.ne.jp 981112 000000
commercial PVNet http://www.pvnet.com.mx/ ISP in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Pytteinfo AB http://www.pytteinfo.com Internet service provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial QAZNET Project http://www.qaznet.ru/ LAN/WAN consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial QuadraNet Internet Services http://www.qnis.net ISP in Fresno, CA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Quanta Communications, Inc. http://www.quanta.com/ ISP, Rye, New York www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Quantum Networking Solutions, Inc. http://www.qnet.com/ ISP in Palmdale, CA USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial QuickWeb http://www.quickweb.com No-nonsense, high-end web development and hosting services. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Radical Internet http://www.rad-inet.com Internet Instructure R&D aryeh@rad-inet.com 981225 000000
commercial Radiophone Compani http://www.mupitt.penza.su ISP Zarechny area Penza Russia vlad@19.penza.su 981129 000000
commercial Raditex AB http://www.raditex.se Consultant and education on FreeBSD (Sweden) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Rapiddata Communications http://lifted.rapiddata.com Internet Solutions Provider, Glenside Pennsylvania, USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial RCI http://www.rci.net Intranets. Extranets. Internet. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Reality Check Information http://www.primelocation.net Florida-based Realtor/MLS Information Service admin@primelocation.net 990507 000000
commercial REBOL Technologies http://www.rebol.com A platform-independent, network messaging language for exchange & interpretation of data dan@rebol.com 981027 000000
commercial Red Altos Internet http://www.redaltos.com.mx El mejor proveedor de acceso a Internet desde Lagos de Moreno alan@redaltos.com.mx 980414 000000
commercial Redamp http://www.redamp.com.br Provedor de acesso a Internet (Brasil) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ReefNet, Inc. http://www.reefnet.com ISP in the florida keys www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Reliv International http://www.reliv.com Manufacture of High Tech Food Supplements www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ReplyNet, Inc. http://www.reply.net An electronic fulfillment/data collection service for publishers and general business www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Rexx ISP http://www.rexx.com Internet Service Provider webmaster@rexx.com 990405 000000
commercial RF Communications, Inc. http://www.rfcinc.com Telecommunications and internet provider in the Chicago, IL area. mattc@rfcnet.com 980612 000000
commercial RHCE Networks http://www.rhce.net RHCE Networks wwang@home.com 990324 000000
commercial RHCE Networks --- US mirror Site http://c36196-a.frmt1.sfba.home.com RHCE Networks --- US MIrror Site wwang@home.com 990324 000000
commercial RingZero Computing http://www.ringzero.com Internet consulting and development. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Ripple Promotions LTD http://www.indiekid.co.uk/ Club Promotions scot@indiekid.co.uk 981014 000000
commercial RISC Technology Europe http://www.risc-tech.com Grossiste UNIX/NT Internet www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial River Industry Bulletin Board (R.I.B.B.) http://www.ribb.com The information source for inland waterways towing industry news. webmaster@ribb.com 980731 000000
commercial RJM Consulting http://www.wilshire.net Network and IntraNet Consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Roma's Internet Business Services http://www.r-i-b-s.com/ ISP in Fontana, CA. USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Root Access Network Systems http://www.root-access.com Network Installations root@demonic.netkonect.co.uk 980712 000000
commercial RxList - The Internet Drug Index http://www.rxlist.com A searchable database of > 5000 Drugs rx@rxlist.com 990427 000000
commercial Ryan Information Services http://www.ryanis.net Helping people communicate electronically www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial S h e l l S e r v e r http://www.shellserver.net A freeBSD place for IRC shell accounts. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial S2M.NET Internet Service in Germany http://www.s2m.net Service Provider, Graphics + Design, Programming sysadm@s2m.net 990130 000000
commercial S2M.NET Internet Services http://www.s2m.net -under construction- available at feb 1999 info@s2m.net 990105 000000
commercial SA*Net http://www.sanet.ge/ ISP in Georgia (Euroasia). www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SafeMail, Inc. http://www.safemail.com/ ISP. WWW/Internet Business Consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SafetyWeb http://www.safetyweb.com.au Specialising in High Functionality Web Site Development info@safetyweb.com.au 980524 000000
commercial Samond Digital Communications Inc. http://www.samond.org.ru Communications and Software Developming samond@elcom.ru 981227 000000
commercial San Systems Servicos de Informatica ltda http://www.san.psi.br Provedor Internet - Santo Angelo - RS - Brasil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Sanctum Internet Pty Ltd http://www.sanctum.com.au/ Australian Web Hosting Company josh@sanctum.com.au 980822 000000
commercial Sanyusan International AB http://www.sanyusan.se/ anders@sanyusan.se 990312 000000
commercial SBnet http://www.sb.net/ Internet Service Provider sage@sb.net 981101 000000
commercial sdata - C. Splittgerber Datentechnik http://www.sdata.de/en/index.html Software development and Consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SearchCanada http://www.searchcanada.ca SearchCanada is a Canadian content search engine michael@searchcanada.ca 981226 000000
commercial SecureNet Information Services - Montreal, Que, Canada http://www.securenet.net Internet Service Providers, Network consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Seicom GmbH http://www.seicom.NET Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SENAI-DF http://www.df.senai.br Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial. Departamento Regional do Distrito Federal - Brasil carrijo@df.senai.br 990420 000000
commercial ServNet http://www.serv.net/ Affordable, Reliable, Experienced Internet Service (Seattle) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ServPlex, Inc. http://www.servplex.com Software for the Distribution Industry bill@srisoft.com 990202 000000
commercial SG Corporation http://www.sgnet.co.jp Software Development Company in Tokyo, Japan. okam-m@sgnet.co.jp 990304 000000
commercial SGiC-Net http://www.sgic.fi ISP, Finland jpkh@sgic.fi 980524 000000
commercial Shell accts http://www.flare.dynip.com pentium 120, 48MB ram, 3.3 gigs diskspace chrisd@flare.dynip.com 980319 000000
commercial Shelton Internet, Inc http://www.sheltonbbs.com Internet Service Provider in South East Missouri www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ShocK Web http://www.shockweb.net Webhosting, Shell Accounts, Webdesign greg@shockweb.net 990515 000000
commercial SibPage Co. Ltd. http://www.sibpage.novosibirsk.ru Paging service and more... www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SIC NetzWerk Center http://www.siconline.net Networking Center & ISP with Novell and FreeBSD msauder@siconline.ch 990105 000000
commercial Siegelvision http://www.siegelvision.com web consultancy admin@siegelvision.com 990111 000000
commercial Siemens AG, Munich http://www.siemens.de andre@curry.zfe.siemens.de 980504 000000
commercial Sierra Health Services http://www.sierrahealth.com Largest Health Care Organization in the United States uses FreeBSD on multiple servers for NFS, Intranet, DNS, and Email. holloma@sierrahealth.com 990424 000000
commercial Silicon Networking http://www.silicon.net/ Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Simply Internet http://www.inetworld.net ISP, San Diego California www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Sintesi Net http://www.sintesi.net We're an Internet Service Provider located in Battipaglia (SA) Italy. We offer network software and services and mainly use FreeBSD to develop and deploy our products. rlucia@utopianet.net 981219 000000
commercial Sinthesys sas - Perugia (Italy) http://www.sinth.krenet.it/ Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Sirius Connectrions http://www.sirius.com Internet Service Provider for Northern California www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SitesNow! http://www.sitesnow.com Internet Presence Providers : Ecommerce, DB and Custom Solutions (Cleveland Ohio) bsears@sitesnow.com 990514 000000
commercial SIWEI Group Corp. http://www.siwei.com pharmaceuticals,tours,modern livestocks siwei@public.tappt.sd.cn 981118 000000
commercial SKS Internet Consultant http://www.sks.eti.br FreeBSD Consultant - Intranet/Extranet in south of Brazil contato@sks.eti.br 980930 000000
commercial SKYNET Open Systems Lab. http://www.opennet.ru mc@skyway.ru 980924 000000
commercial SkynetWEB http://www.skynetweb.com Internet Presence Proffessionals pryker@skynetweb.com 981106 000000
commercial Slingo Computers http://www.slingo.nq.nu Small computer business in Australia mark@slingo.nq.nu 981115 000000
commercial Smartmedia SRL / Publin http://www.smartmedia.com.ar Virtual and NonVirtual Web Hosting, Web Design & Development mrod@smartmedia.com.ar 980628 000000
commercial SML Online Ltd http://www.smlnet.com ISP, UK admin@smlt.com 981023 000000
commercial Sodick Engineering Co.,Ltd. http://www.seng.co.jp CAD/CAM/CAE System Developer, Solution Provider. midorikawa@seng.co.jp 980513 000000
commercial Softeam applicazioni di base http://www.softeam.it/ ISP in Italy www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Softronex Corporation http://www.softronex.com Pagetrak(c) System. Alphanumeric Entry Systems for handling large message centers (live operators) in paging companies. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Software Development Systems, Inc. http://www.sdsi.com Debuggers and Emulators for Embedded Controllers hal_snyder@sdsi.com 980930 000000
commercial Software Forge Inc. http://www.linuxcad.com LinuxCAD unixguy@aol.com 980719 000000
commercial softwarebuero m&b http://www.softwarebuero.de/wipeout-eng.html WipeOut - C++/Java Integrated Development Environment info@softwarebuero.de 980603 000000
commercial Softweyr LLC http://www.xmission.com/~softweyr/ Network design and software development specialists www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Sokol & Associates http://www.livecam.com/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Soligen, Incorporated http://www.PartsNow.com Build-to-order metal castings in days! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SolIT AG Solutions for IT http://www.solit-ag.com SAP Consulting, Development and more holger.kipp@solit-ag.de 990323 000000
commercial SolNet http://www.solnet.ch/ Internet Solution Provider, Switzerland mbinz@solnet.ch 980830 000000
commercial SoloNet Internet Services. http://www.solo.net/SoloNet/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Sonnek Communications http://www.soncom.com Minnesota Based ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Sony Corporation http://www.sony.co.jp Electronics www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SOS Group http://www.sos.com/ Wireless, commercial grade, e-mail and text messaging software starting at $199.00 www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial South Tech Internet Services http://www.stech.psi.br/ Web-Hosting and co-lo provider in Brasil and San Jose, CA. cvianna@stech.com.br 990312 000000
commercial Sowah (H.K.) Limited http://www.sowah.com/ Computer products and Internetworking in Hong Kong kclau@sowah.com 980414 000000
commercial Space Research Group http://www.space-research.com. UNIX/Internet consulting, X programming www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SPaSE BV http://www.spase.com/ SPaSE designs Multimedia Chips (MPEG2/CDI/VIDECD) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Special Design Agency http://ikar.elect.ru Multicomputing fault-tolerance systems under FreeBSD pavel@ikar.elect.ru 990317 000000
commercial SSI Data Systems http://www.opulence.com Consumer Marketplace www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Stadab Norrk ping http://www.nrkp.stadab.se/ ISP in Sweden. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial StarGazer Internet Services http://www.stargazer.net Provides Internet Access and Most Internet Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Starline STL Group http://www.stl-group.com Internet services j.baggen@stl-group.com 990131 000000
commercial StationSoft http://www.stationsoft.fr Solutions UNIX NT Internet www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Stins Coman Corp. http://piglet.stins.msk.su/ System Integrator company in Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Stomped.com http://www.stomped.com commercial mcclain@stomped.com 990425 000000
commercial Stonekeep Consulting http://www.stonekeep.com Makers of Keystone - a web-based problem management and ticketing system. webmaster@stonekeep.com 981030 000000
commercial Strandloop http://www.strandloop.com New Media Agency www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial StrangeSoft Inc http://www.stranger.com Internet and Unix consulting yg@stranger.com 990401 000000
commercial Summersault http://www.summersault.com/ Website Design and Hosting info@summersault.com 980930 000000
commercial Sun Microsystems, Inc. http://www.sun.com Computer hardware & software company scott.mcnealy@corp.sun.com 990211 000000
commercial Sundial Internet Services http://www.sundial.net/ Brilliant Solutions, for All Your Internet Needs! sysadmin@sundial.net 980703 000000
commercial Sunland Resource Inc. http://www.srisoft.com Software for the Distribution Industry peter@srisoft.com 981224 000000
commercial Sunrise (Rostov branch) http://www.sunrise-art.ru Web server of a Rostov-na-Donu branch of Sunrise company, the largest computer, peripherals and multimedia product sales company on a South of Russia. webmaster@sunrise-art.ru 980605 000000
commercial Superior Net http://www.superior.net ISP, New York NY. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial SurfSpinner Internet Communication http://www.surfspin.com/ Webhosting and Development Company www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Syn-Work Media, Inc http://www.synwork.com WWW Development & Hosting, Life Safety, Systems Integration. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Synercom AS http://www.zzz.ee Estonian media server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Synthcom Systems, Inc. http://www.synthcom.com Synthesizer and musical instrument related products www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Syntunix Technologies http://www.syntunix.com Windows NT/UNIX password synchronization and administration solutions jmiller@syntunix.com 981103 000000
commercial System Brains Co., LTD. http://www.sysbrains.co.jp/ Software house in Japan webmaster@sysbrains.co.jp 980321 000000
commercial SystemPlanning,Inc. http://www.spi.ne.jp/ Network Service in Japan webmaster@spi.ne.jp 990429 000000
commercial T&T di Davide Tomè http://www.tome.it Internet online services and consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Tarjema http://www.tarjema.com Arabic Translation/Network Management www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Tasam http://www.tasam.com Shell Accounts, Web Pages, and much much more! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TBI, Ltd. http://www.inna.net ISP, Gloucester, Virginia. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Tech Info Pty Ltd http://www.techinfo.com.au FreeBSD is operating our proxy server webmaster@techinfo.com.au 980910 000000
commercial Techmaster Servicos em Informatica LTDA http://www.techmaster.com.br Empresa de desenvolvimento de softwares / venda de equipamentos / consultoria em Unix e Internet / Projetos de rede - cabeamento e outras especialidades na area de informatica. cartola@techmaster.com.br 980316 000000
commercial Tecno Software http://www.tecnosoft.ch Imaging/Workflow Developement gruenig@tecnosoft.ch 980723 000000
commercial Teknosoft s.r.l. http://www.tekno-soft.com/ Programming, service and Internetworking www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Tele2 UK Ltd http://www.tele2.co.uk/ Wireless telecommunications operator david.desilva@tele2.net.uk 980713 000000
commercial Telemation Netzwerke http://www.telemation.de/ LAN-WAN-Corporate Networks-Citynets-Intranet/Internet-Network Management-Network Security aklemm@banyan.telemation.de 980910 000000
commercial TelePad Corporation http://www.telepad.com provides Field Force Solutions with Pen Based Laptops www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Tern Computer Technologies http://www.tern.com.hk A Software/Network Company in Hong Kong www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TerraNovaNet http://www.terranova.net Internet Service Provider in Key Largo, FL www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Texxen Consulting Limited http://www.globalserve.net/~netex4 Network consulting group, specializing in NT, Novell & Unix www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Arces Network http://www.arces.net Alternative Internet Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The CD-ROM Shop Puerto Rico http://gateway.cdrshop.com Web site in Spanish. Producers of multimedia CD-ROMs in Spanish; CD recording service bureau; corporate CD-ROM and Web creation. Located in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Coffee Klatch http://www.thecoffeeklatch.com Internet coffeehouse in Kilgore, Texas www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Computer Design Group, Inc. http://www.cdgroup.com Network & Commercial Interior Design lacih@cdgroup.com 981208 000000
commercial the digibeam netpany http://www.digibeam.net pre-bigtime Internet Services Provided loren@flash.net 980420 000000
commercial The Docking Bay, Inc. http://www.dockingbay.com ISP in Jacksonville, FL www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Duck Pond Public Unix http://dial.kfu.com/ ISP (using FreeBSD as dialup PPP router) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Global Real Estate Registry http://www.goglobal.com A Web Advertising Company www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Grantsmanship Center http://www.tgci.com The nonprofit sector's leading source of training and funding information. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The HawkeNet Project http://www.hawkenet.com/ Consultation, programming and Web Development www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Illumen Group, Inc. http://www.illumen.com Internetworking consultants and web hosting in Colorado ekraj@illumen.com 990102 000000
commercial The Internet Music Association http://user.icx.net/~ima Unsigned Bands - Monthly Promotional CD, Bookings, Free web listing. ima@icx.net 980415 000000
commercial The Internet Port, Inc. http://www.inetport.com ISP located in Austin, Tx. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The ISP, Inc. http://www.theisp.net An ISP in Columbia, SC, currently discarding NT for FreeBSD jat@theisp.net 980318 000000
commercial The LID STOP http://www.lidstop.com/ The Original Cookware Lid Organizer. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Main Drag http://www.maindrag.com Virtual Servers and Hosting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Nerve Internet Service http://www.thenerve.com Extremely high volume reliable Web hosting company. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Nymserver http://www.nymserver.com/ Anonymous Remailer www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Only Net http://www.theonlynet.com Internet Service Provider in Salt Lake City, Utah www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Pink Pages http://www.thepinkpages.com A guide to adult content websites. webmaster@thepinkpages.com 980815 000000
commercial The Pussycat Network http://www.pussycat.net/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Reprint Mint http://http:/www.reprintmint.com Well-known print, poster and framing store on Telegraph Avenue reprint@reprintmint.com 980818 000000
commercial The Rochester Group, Inc. http://www.rochgrp.com/ Business Application Development and Consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Stomping Grounds http://www.stomped.com 6th largest gaming site on the internet. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial The Web Factory (Leicester) Ltd http://www.webleicester.co.uk/ ISP in Leicester, UK www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TheWay http://theway.com Windows and FreeBSD tech support and entertainment magazine. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Thunder Network Technologies, Inc. http://www.thuntek.net ISP in New Mexico, USA. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Thunderhost Internet Services http://www.thunderhost.net We are dedicated to providing our users with fast and the most stable internet services around. Whether your looking for a web hosting account to host your webpage or a shell account to run an IRC server or a eggdrop. . rage@thunderhost.net 990516 000000
commercial Thunderhost.net http://www.thunderhost.net shells/dns/web-hosting/e-mail dazed@illuzion.net 990503 000000
commercial TicketWeb http://www.ticketweb.com/ The Online Ticketing Alternative. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TierraNet Inc. http://www.tierranet.com/ Web Hosting Provider chris@tierranet.com 980725 000000
commercial Tioga Communications, Inc http://www.tioga.com/ Web presence and unix shell accounts. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TLK http://www.tlk.com/ Dial-Up Routers, ISDN and modems www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Today In Black History http://www.tibh.com An Online Historical Archive and Distance Learning Site curator@tibh.com 980321 000000
commercial Tone Software Corporation http://www.tonesoft.com Automated Systems Management / Enterprise Output Management / Mainframe Productivity Tools www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Topend.Com.AU http://www.topend.com.au/ ISP in the Northern Territory Of Australia. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TOPLANSA S.L. http://simarro.net/arquitectura/TOPLANSASL.html PROYECTOS Y DIRECCIONES DE OBRAS garri@procuno.pta.es 980524 000000
commercial Trainix, Inc. http://www.trainix.com Unix Computer Training www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Trancer Software Inc. http://www.trancer.com/ Information systems consulting and products. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TransBay.Net http://www.transbay.net/ ISP in Berkeley, CA. (Also U.C. Computer) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TransNet http://www.karpaty.uzhgorod.ua ISP in Transcarpathia, Ukraine www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Triax Internet Services http://www.triax.com/ ISP in Portland, Oregon www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TSE TeleService GmbH http://www.tse-online.de Web-Consulting / Web-Providing / IT-Consulting and Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TSE TeleService GmbH, WWW-consulting and -developing (Germany) http://www.tse-online.de/ FreeBSD is our main production platform. file-server, internet-gateway, firewall, web-server, etc. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TSN (The Saunders Network) http://www.tsn.cc Internet Service Provider mick@tsn.cc 990302 000000
commercial Tucker Communications, Inc. http://bsd.tucker-usa.com/ Central Michigan's Internet Service Provider webmaster@tucker-usa.com 981112 000000
commercial TUCOWS Interactive Ltd. http://www.tucows.com The Ultimate Collection Of Winsock Software fehr@idirect.com 980623 000000
commercial Tumbleweed Software Corp. http://www.tumbleweed.com Leading solutions for internet delivery www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial TV Store http://www.TVStore.com/ Your site for Licensed Official Merchandise webmaster@tvstore.com 980409 000000
commercial TV3 Sweden http://www.tv3.se One of Swedens biggest commercial TV stations www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Tycho Softworks http://www.tycho.com Telephony Integration Server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial tyggf hgfhgfj http://fghjhgfjhgj.dgfhgfd.dfg fhgjhgfj hgjhgf ghgfdgfdh@gfhgfdh.tgyfuh 981113 000000
commercial Typhoon Inc. http://www.typhoon.co.jp/indexe.html Consulting services serving Tokyo, Japan www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial U. C. Telecommunicatons Company http://www.uctelecommunications.com Providing Wireless Internet and LEC services staff@uctelecommunications.com 980818 000000
commercial UCNET http://www.ucnet.hinet.net/ Internet/Intranet Consulting Services, Taiwan www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial UL.net http://ul.net offers high-performance web hosting services info@ul.net 980628 000000
commercial ULink http://www.ulink.net Sacramento Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Ultimate Movies http://www.UltimateMovies.com/ Your connection to the official sites for current theatrical releases webmaster@ultimatemovies.com 980409 000000
commercial Ultimate Studios http://www.UltimateStudios.com/ Taking internet problems and creating innovative solutions. webmaster@ultimatestudios.com 980409 000000
commercial UltimateTV http://www.UltimateTV.com/ Website for everything related to TV webmaster@ultimatetv.com 980409 000000
commercial UNAPEN Inc http://www.unapen.com Home of your network and software development needs. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial uniGATE http://www.unigate.net Internet Server Service ,Japan info@unigate.net 990414 000000
commercial UniSoft Ltd.-RU http://www.murmansk.ru ISP-Murmansk-RU www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial United States Wide Web (USWW) http://usww.com A - Z Web Services, Hosting, Programming, Search Engines, Banner Exchanges unix@usww.com 990418 000000
commercial UnixPower Internet Services http://Http://www.unixpower.com Internet Service Provider big@kuwait-nation.com 981103 000000
commercial uphill http://www.uphill.bc.ca Consulting (Hardware, Software, Technical Documentation) info@uphill.bc.ca 990129 000000
commercial UPSYS AB http://www.upsys.se network / system consulting services, Uppsala, Sweden janne@upsys.se 990324 000000
commercial URAL-EXPRESS http://www.uralexpress.ru Smart-card processing center, Russia, Perm-city www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial US Net http://www.us.net/ Regional ISP/NSP for the Mid-Atlantic Region www@freebsd.org 1998527 000000
commercial USA Shopper http://usashopper.com Programming, Banner Exchanges, Search Engines, Shopping Carts, Security unix@usashopper.com 990418 000000
commercial Utopia Networking http://www.utopianet.net ISP ISDN only and business services. Cava de' Tirreni, SA, Italy rlucia@utopianet.net 980811 000000
commercial UUNET Internet Africa http://www.iafrica.com Large ISP in South Africa info@iafrica.com 980421 000000
commercial UUNET-NL http://www.nl.uu.net ISP in Amsterdam, the Netherlands franke@nl.uu.net 980409 000000
commercial UWSNET http://www.uwsnet.com Web Hosting and Shell provider wop@uwsnet.com 980619 000000
commercial Vail Systems, Inc. http://www.vailsys.com Internet Enhanced Telephony www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Valvcon Corporation http://www.valvcon.com/ Valvcon Corporation is in business to Design, Develop, Market, and Sell compact, electronically controlled electric actuators and moderately sophisticated automation products for valves and dampers. Valvcon products are targeted primarily for the process control market. josh@valvcon.com 990419 000000
commercial Vault Information Services http://www.vaultbbs.com ISP and Consulting Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Vector Informatik GmbH http://www.vector-informatik.de Technical software development and Controller Area Network (CAN) eisele@vector-informatik.de 980610 000000
commercial Velocet Communications http://www.velocet.net Internet Development Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Velton.Link http://www.vlink.kharkov.ua ISP favorit@lincom.kharkov.ua 980922 000000
commercial Ventura International Information Super Highway http://www.vcnet.com/efb No-So American Unix / BSD / Sun / Security / Firewalls - Technical Support to Education, new Businesses and Government. (Eng + Esp) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Verynet Communcation Limited http://www.verynet.com.hk The Fastest Hosting Company In Hong Kong support@verynet.com.hk 990222 000000
commercial Vetorialnet - Rio Grande - RS http://www.vetorialnet.com.br Internet Service Provider marcelo.pias@vetorialnet.com.br 980707 000000
commercial ViaNet Communications http://www.via.net Internet connections and web hosting for busineses in California. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial VICO System Development Company http://www.vicosys.com.hk/ Internet Solution Provider kachan@vicosys.com.hk 981102 000000
commercial Vicor, Inc. - North Bay http://www.vicor-nb.com/ We create Web-based transaction processing systems. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Video Collage, Inc. http://www.video-collage.com Computer Graphics, Performance Benchmarking, SoftImage plug-ins www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial VIEWS Net, Inc. http://www.viewsnet.com Complete web hosting and Internet presence provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Vintners.Net http://vintners.net Small scale website hosting for wineries MikeL@Vintners.Net 990318 000000
commercial Virage, Inc. http://www.virage.com Real-time media indexing, search, & retrieval: Videologger and VIR Image Engine brandon@virage.com 990121 000000
commercial Virtual Data Systems, Inc. http://www.vds-inc.com Developer of Web, Communcation and Internet Solutions webmaster@vds-inc.com 980731 000000
commercial Virtual Engineering, Inc. http://www.veng.com Mechanical Engineering Design and Analysis Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Virtual Media GmbH http://serv.ch/ Swiss IPP using FreeBSD only :) roland@serv.ch 990131 000000
commercial Virtual Servers for Business on the Web http://www.vsbw.com/ When your internet needs are mission critical www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Vision Interactive Ltd. http://www.visint.co.uk/ ISP, Consultancy and Software. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial VisionNet http://www.vws.net Web Site Designer and Internet Service Provider in Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Vivid Internet Production http://www.vividnet.com ISP in Walnut, California www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial VolgaLink Ltd. http://www.vlink.ru ISP in Volgograd, Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Voyager Information Networks http://www.voyager.net Michigan's Largest ISP mholtz@voyager.net 980915 000000
commercial Voyager Online http://www.vol.com Nation Wide ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial VPM Enterprises http://www.vpm.com Providing Secured Web Hosting and Newsgroups www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial W. J. & S. Installation Services Pty. Ltd. http://www.shopfixers.com.au Shopfitting, Elevator Car fitout, Carpentry and Joinery www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial W3 Technologies http://www.w3-tek.net Web Presence Provider steve@w3-tek.net 980319 000000
commercial Walnut Creek CD-ROM http://www.cdrom.com/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Wamnetrunner Inc. http://www.wamnetrunner.com ISP: Business Internet Solutions www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Warp Net Technologies Romania, Suceava http://www.warp.starnets.ro Dual Pentium Server with SMP FreeBSD 3.0 www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Water Wheel Systems http://www.waterw.com A small ISP in Southern NJ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Waystation Networking http://www.waystation.com ISP for Eugene, Oregon - Our USENET Box jlangan@waystation.com 990218 000000
commercial WCLV-FM http://www.wclv.com/ Website for a classical music format radio station webmaster@wclv.com 980815 000000
commercial WeatherTools.com http://www.weathertools.com Online mailorder catalog of weather instruments for home, office, and industry. All of our servers run FreeBSD! chris@weathertools.com 981203 000000
commercial Web Development Services, Inc. http://www.piva.net Web Hosting Company. na@piva.net 981216 000000
commercial Web Eclat Ltd http://www.eclat.com Developers and consultants for Web sites, Internet solutions, system management and software development. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial webFreaks.com, LLC http://www.webFreaks.com Website design, personal webpage and UNIX shell accounts. Uses FreeBSD as corporate firewall. webmaster@webFreaks.com 980521 000000
commercial Webley Systems, Inc. http://www.webley.com Voice/Web Activated Telephone/Email Messaging www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial WebLogic, Inc. http://www.boholnet.com ISP info@boholnet.com 990504 000000
commercial WebMaster, Incorporated http://www.webmaster.com/ Offers high-performance Internet chat with web integration Davids@webmaster.com 990514 000000
commercial WebSearch . com . au http://www.WebSearch.com.au The Australian Search Engine - Indexing local .AU content only !! dez@websearch.com.au 990130 000000
commercial WebSideStory, Inc. http://www.websidestory.com FREE Web Site Rating Sytem www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Webspace Worldwide Limited http://www.wwwebspace.co.uk/ UK based provider of World Wide Web space and authoring services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Webspan Inc. http://www.webspan.net New Jersey's premier Internet provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Webstar5 Internet Group http://www.webstar5.com Intranet and Software Development www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial WebStation, Inc. http://www.webstation.net Web Hosting sales@webstation.net 981106 000000
commercial WestLake Solutions http://www.westlake.com/ Internet Training and Consulting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Whistle Communications http://www.whistle.com FreeBSD based Internet Server manufacturer www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Whiteley Research Inc. http://www.srware.com XicTools integrated circuit CAD software www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Wholesale Hosting Inc. http://wholesalehosting.com Wholesale WebHosting and Shell Services hostmaster@wholesalehosting.net 990122 000000
commercial Widesoft Internet http://www.widesoft.com.br Internet Service for Brazil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Wiechers & Partner Datentechnik GmbH http://www.wup.de/ Products: Eplan, Logocad, PDM9000, Bauplan www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Wildfire Communications, Inc http://www.wildfire.com/ Home of the Wildfire Personal Assistant webmaster@wildfire.com 981030 000000
commercial Wind River Visual Communication http://www.wind-river.com Internet Design Firm jmaslak@wind-river.com 990127 000000
commercial Windjammer Communications http://www.windjammer.net Small Business Oriented/CoLo ISP - Sacramento CA brad@bleier.com 981125 000000
commercial Windows DTP Conference of Japan http://www.k-wind.ne.jp WIndows dtp crossover Unit nakao@dns1.k-wind.ne.jp 990214 000000
commercial WinNet Communications, Inc. http://www.win.net/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Wintelcom Inc. http://www.wintelcom.net/ Quality web hosting, co-locations services, custom programming and consulting. bright@wintelcom.net 990514 000000
commercial WISE CORPORATION http://www.wise-net.co.jp/ Limited Free Web Service ynoda@wise-net.co.jp 981111 000000
commercial WITH WEB SERVICE http://www.withweb.com/ Web hosting provider located in Korea. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial WOFTAM Jones Pty Ltd http://www.woftam.com.au ISP and Software Supplier kurt@woftam.com.au 981231 000000
commercial Woods Applied Technologies http://www.watcorp.com Mission Critical Application Development, Engineering and Courseware...We never stop looking for a better way support@watcorp.com 980417 000000
commercial WoodyWare Internet Services http://www.woodyware.com Commercial Internet Services woody@woodyware.com 980621 000000
commercial WTL Computers http://www.wtlcomputers.com Specialist in PC Systems, Hardware and Peripherals www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial www.onet.co.uk http://www.onet.co.uk Inetnet Service Provider webmaster@onet.co.uk 990506 000000
commercial WWW.PersianKitty.COM http://www.persiankitty.com Adult Links web site www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Xshare http://www.xshare.com Free Software Catalogue for *BSD/Un*x and Linux plexus@xshare.com 990120 000000
commercial XSite http://www.xsite.net An Internet Service Provider in the Chicago loop www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial XTDL http://www.xtdl.com/ New Hampshire's leading Internet Service Provider www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Yahoo! http://www.yahoo.com/ Uses FreeBSD for WWW services and development. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ZDNet Australia http://www.zdnet.com.au/ Australia's computing resource www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial ZeD-Net http://www.zednet.lv/ Internet in Jekabpils, Latvia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Zed.Net http://www.znet.net.au/ ISP, Innisfail, Queensland, Australia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
commercial Zereau Limited http://www.sangoma.co.uk/ UK importer of internal WAN router cards (Sangoma) which runs under Windows, Linux and FreeBSD. info@zereau.com 980803 000000
commercial Zeus Technology Limited http://www.zeustech.net Highest performing most scalable commercial Web server solution available sales@zeustech.net 980825 000000
non profit Institute http://oii.urc.ac.ru Orsk Industrial Institute www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit #Zonora! http://zonora.uno.mx Página en PRO de los OS UNIX-like y anti microsoft sepa@zonora.uno.mx 980905 000000
non profit A Peaceable Nation MUD http://www.catlin.edu/public_html/keele_pe/quakers/index.html A Quaker Meeting on the Internet keeler@teleport.com 980523 000000
non profit ACTA http://www.acta.nl Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Addiction Information Services http://www.innotts.co.uk/nadt/ Drug and Alcohol problem treatment services for the UK East Midlands. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Advanced Network Daemons http://www.and.or.jp/ An amateur creative group www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Amatir Radio Club ITB http://www.arc.itb.ac.id Radio Club on Bandung Institut Of Technology admin@arc.itb.ac.id 980619 000000
non profit An bhandia http://www.gromit.pinpt.com Expand your self through the many different avenues of spirituality. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit APANA SA http://www.sa.apana.org.au/ Australian Public Access Network Association (SA Region) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit APANA WA http://wa.apana.org.au/ Australian Public Access Network Association (WA Region) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative http://moonraker.afsc.k12.ar.us Educational Resource Institution webmaster@moonraker.afsc.k12.ar.us 980725 000000
non profit Architecture ITB Dept. of Architecture, Bandung Institute of Technology jay@arsitektur.com 980709 000000
non profit Arkadia LPMud http://arkadia.rpg.org.pl First Polish LPMud (in polish language) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit ARP http://www.arp-fr.org Association de Recherche sur la Polyarthrite www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit ARSU http://www.arsu.nk.am Artsakh State University dev@arminco.nk.am 981015 000000
non profit Arts Center of NTHU Taiwan http://arts.nthu.edu.tw Arts Center of NTHU in Taiwan . A Chinese-Big5 site. Base on Apache + PHP + MySQL with FreeBSD aska@arts.nthu.edu.tw 981218 000000
non profit Association of Brewers http://beertown.org Non-Profit Educational Organization www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Association of C and C++ Users (ACCU) http://www.accu.org/ For professionalism in C, C++ & Java Programming www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Association of Synchronous Data Formats http://www.asdf.org/ non-profit www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Associazione Industriali Perugia http://www.assind.krenet.it/ Perugia, Italy. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Atlantic Community College http://www.atlantic.edu Mays Landing / Atlantic City / Cape May, NJ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Austin High School http://shark.co.net Public high school in Austin, Minnesota www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Awfulhak Limited. http://www.Awfulhak.org A one-man (& wife) consultancy www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit B-1000 Radio Brunel http://b1000.brunel.ac.uk:8080/ broadcasting across campus over the computer network www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit B.C. Burn Network Society http://www.vanserve.org/ Information networking for burn victims www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit B.P.L. Friends http://www.tripod.com/bplfriends/index.html Friends www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Babel http://www.babel.dk/ Internet Café, Copenhagen, Denmark darth@vader.dk 980620 000000
non profit BadNet IRC Network http://www.badnet.net BadNet IRC Networks Home Page badz@badnet.net 980903 000000
non profit Balls Dot Org http://www.balls.org Group of people sharing info on FreeBSD and providing web hosting access to local non-profit organizations www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit BaWue-Net Site Nadia http://www.bawue.de the best Internet Service in Germany admin@nadia.s.bawue.de 980711 000000
non profit BBS of NTOU Department of Computer Science http://telnet://bbs.cs.ntou.edu.tw National Taiwan Ocean University Department of Computer Science Bulletin Board System sysop.bbs@bbs.cs.ntou.edu.tw 980730 000000
non profit Berkeley Adult School http://bas.berkeley.net continuing education, skills remediation webmaster@bas.berkeley.net 980818 000000
non profit Big Bend Community College http://www.bbcc.ctc.edu 2-year community college in Moses Lake, WA www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit BOFH, Israel. http://www.bofh.org.il/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Brandenburg Individual Network e.V. http://loch.in-brb.de/ non-commercial ISP in the country around Berlin www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Brookdale Community College http://www.brookdale.cc.nj.us Official College Web Server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Bytic Foundation Of New Technologies In Education http://www.bytic.troitsk.ru Computer club for children rk@bytic.troitsk.ru 980924 000000
non profit CCFA http://www.ccfa.com.au/ Christian Childrens Fund of Australia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit CCS MoR RF http://www.css-mps.ru Central Communication Station Ministry of Railways Russian Federation netadmin@css-mps.ru 981123 000000
non profit CDCC/USP Sao Carlos http://www.cdcc.sc.usp.br Centro de Divulgacao Cientifica e Cultural octavio@cdcc.sc.usp.br 981211 000000
non profit Center for Information & Development Studies http://www.CIDES.or.id/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Centro de Informaci\xf3n Internacional Nicarao http://www.nicarao.com News about Nicaragua www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit CEOS Information Locator System http://cils.ceo.org Collaborative Remote Sensing and Earth Observation focusing on developing countries dirk.vangulik@jrc.it 980416 000000
non profit Cetys universidad campus http://orca.ens.cetys.mx/ Ensenada's distance education program and Internet services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Chaos 11 BusServer, Universität des Saarlandes http://busserver.cs.uni-sb.de/ an interactive public transport information system www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Charles Darwin Research Station http://fcdarwin.org.ec Research in the Galapagos Islands jpinson@polaris.net 980414 000000
non profit Chernigov Technological Institute http://www.ti.chernigov.ua Education. FreeBSD is widely used. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Child Welfare Partnership, Portland State University http://www.cwp.pdx.edu Ongoing welfare research and training project for Oregon's Dept. of Human Resources www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Children's Hospital of Michigan, Psychiatry/Psychology Division http://chmpsych.med.wayne.edu Departmental Server billings@chmpsych.med.wayne.edu 981108 000000
non profit Chung Cheng Institute of Technology http://ftp://ftp.ccit.edu.tw Anonymous FTP Server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Chung Cheng Institute of Technology http://news.ccit.edu.tw InterNet News Server yuan@ccit.edu.tw 980609 000000
non profit CIAM http://ciam.comtel.ru Central Institute of Aviation Motors www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit CIDES http://www.cides.or.id Center for Information and Development Studies apih@cides.or.id 980925 000000
non profit Club BBS http://telnet://club.gdl.iteso.mx A Spanish spoken 100+ user bulletin board www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit CNTI http://www.cnti.moldnet.md Centrul al noilor tehnologii informationale root@cnti.moldnet.md 981030 000000
non profit Computing Research Lab for the Environment http://www.crle.uoguelph.ca Environmental informatics research, with a statistical and data computing centre built with FreeBSD! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Conselho da Justica Federal http://www.cjf.gov.br Council of the Federal Justice - Brasilia, DF, Brazil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit COPPE/UFRJ http://www.coppe.ufrj.br Graduate School of Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Copyleft.Org http://www.copyleft.org/ Copyleft Issue is gathered all over the earth www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit CPCU Society http://www.cpcusociety.org Non-profit continuing education. gmsmith@cpcusociety.org 981016 000000
non profit cyberDrug BBS and Web server http://cyberDrug.m8.ntu.edu.tw a group of oversea student in taiwan. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit cyberNOTHING http://www.cybernothing.org/ Nothing is cooler just because it is cyber www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Daimon.Net http://daimon.idl.com.au/ Internet Information Services webmaster@daimon.idl.com.au 981209 000000
non profit Dakota State University Computing Services http://www.dsu.edu/departments/compute/env.html www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit DALnet http://www.dal.net International chat network www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Datre Net. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4016 www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Daviess County Public Schools, Kentucky http://www.daviess.k12.ky.us/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Defiance http://www.defiance.org San Diego, CA noc@defiance.org 980805 000000
non profit Democritus University of Thrace http://indefix.ee.duth.gr Laboratory of Computer Analysis fandrit@usa.net 980327 000000
non profit Departamento de electronica (Universidad Francisco Marroquin) http://ie.fisicc-ufm.edu laboratorio de electronica www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Department of Chinese Literature of NCCU, Taiwan, R.O.C. http://chinese.nccu.edu.tw Chinese literature, Chinese culture & Chinese education etc... root@chinese.nccu.edu.tw 980710 000000
non profit Department of Computational Science, National University of Singapore http://www.cz3.nus.edu.sg wongyw@cz3.nus.edu.sg 980727 000000
non profit Department of Computer Engineering, Kasetsart University http://www.pluto.cpe.ku.ac.th Robotics and Intelligent Machines Laboratory www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Department of Computer Science,RIUBON http://www.cs.riubon.ac.th/ Rajabhat Institute Ubonratchathani,Thailand prayong@cs.riubon.ac.th 980326 000000
non profit Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Coimbra. http://www.dee.uc.pt/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Department of Electronic Engineering, NKIT http://ohm.ec.nkit.edu.tw National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology csshieh@ohm.ec.nkit.edu.tw 981107 000000
non profit Department of Physics, Tamkang University http://www.phys.tku.edu.tw Laberatory of Computational Physics contact@phys.tku.edu.tw 980815 000000
non profit DF da UFPE http://www.df.ufpe.br Departamento de Física da Universidade Federal de PE root@df.ufpe.br 980422 000000
non profit Digitale Stad Eindhoven http://www.dse.nl Digital City of Eindhoven, an informationpoint for inhabitants of Eindhoven, The Netherlands www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit digivill! http://www.digivill.net And I fell down the stairs and my shoes fell off. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit dinoex http://www.dinoex.org/ email and news service for special intrests admin@dinoex.org 981022 000000
non profit Division of Molecular and Life Sciences, University of Abertay Dundee http://scinet.tay.ac.uk/ The Division is the home of Chemistry and Biology at the University of Abertay Dundee Scotland. keith@weasel.tay.ac.uk 981013 000000
non profit DonSTU http://www.dgtu.donetsk.ua Donetsk State Technical University yk@dgtu.donetsk.ua 980925 000000
non profit Drew College Preparatory School http://ns.drew.pvt.k12.ca.us A Small private school in San Francisco www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit EBRP School Net http://isis.ebrps.subr.edu the worlds only ISP totaly run by students, we provide students and teachers with full PPP and mail accounts, and we provide a webpage for our school system and all the schools in EBRP. We also provide tech support for teachers in EBRP schools and Internet training. jfried@isis.ebrps.subr.edu 980510 000000
non profit ECKANKAR http://www.eckankar.org the Religion of Light & Sound dmeredee@aol.com 980316 000000
non profit Edmonton Public Schools http://www.epsb.net Public school district in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Edoropolis http://www.edoropolis.org Hosts pages for Samurai Pizza Cats fans. warlock@tccn.cs.kun.nl 981211 000000
non profit Eglise Chretienne d'Ahuntsic http://www.eca.qc.ca Church in Montreal, Quebec, Canada www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Eindhoven University of Technology http://www.gewis.win.tue.nl/ Student Society GEWIS www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit ekonet http://www.bapedal.go.id Indonesia Environmental Impact Management Agency www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto http://rfi.fmrp.usp.br Medical School www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Faculty of Engineering, University of the West Indies http://www.uwi.tt/ Official server for the Faculty of Engineering www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Faculty Of Physics and Technology, NTUU http://ptf.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua/ root@ptf.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua 980411 000000
non profit Faculty of Psychology, Warsaw University http://www.psych.uw.edu.pl admin@psych.uw.edu.pl 981209 000000
non profit Faculty of sociology, Saint-Petersburg State University http://www.soc.pu.ru Faculty of sociology: WEB-sity www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Feminism Net http://www.feminism.net/ Feminism Network Service sysop@bbs.feminism.net 980611 000000
non profit Foreign Languages Department, Huafan U, Taiwan http://fl.hfu.edu.tw/ A FreeBSD server offering WWW, PROXY, FTP, BBS, Mailing Lists, and other services. webmaster@mail.fl.hfu.edu.tw 980429 000000
non profit Forster High School, NSW Australia. http://www1.tpgi.com.au/users/eirvine/freebsd/hermione.html A private intranet server for staff and students. eirvine@tpgi.com.au 980822 000000
non profit Fort Hays State University Department of Physics http://www.physics.fhsu.edu Departmental Web Server gbuffing@scatcat.fhsu.edu 981028 000000
non profit Fort Hays State University High Performance Computing Group http://www.physics.fhsu.edu/~hpcg Network of FreeBSD machines running MPI` gbuffing@scatcat.fhsu.edu 981028 000000
non profit FreeBSD Inc. http://www.freebsd.org/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit FreeBSD UK User's Group http://ukug.uk.freebsd.org/ The UK User's Group provides support and services for UK FreeBSD Users lee@uk.freebsd.org 980418 000000
non profit FreeDNS http://www.eu.org/ Free Domain Name registration service www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Freenix Norge http://www.freenix.no/ A Norwegian organization promoting open solutions morten@freenix.no 980331 000000
non profit FTP Search http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no/ FTP Search Engine www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit fusion computer corp http://hackers.the-core.net/x-hackers/ X-hackers: computer security: personal webserver: part of fusion magazine clm@hackers.the-core.net 980611 000000
non profit Ganymed Web Services http://www.ganymed.org Little Projects for BIG People www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit General Physics Chair, Physics Department of Moscow State University http://genphys.phys.msu.su Web-site for education and information services silver@gateway.phys.msu.su 981120 000000
non profit Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen http://www.gwdg.de Computer Center of the University of Göttingen and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft kheuer@gwdg.de 980512 000000
non profit Gimnasium N10 http://sch10.siberia.net Novosibirsk secondary school www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Glass Art Society http://www.glass.or.jp An information on Glass Art Society's 1998 Seto conference. koji@marin.or.jp 980521 000000
non profit GooGoo http://googoo.ipv6.irdu.nus.sg webserver and god knows what else www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit GPAD http://www.gpad.ac.ru General Physics and Astronomy Department of the Russian Academy of Science dima@gpad.ac.ru 980806 000000
non profit Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Church http://www.granitepeakuu.org Prescott Arizona UUs Website www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Greater Victoria Public Library http://www.gvpl.victoria.bc.ca Proxy server for a public library's Internet connection www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Hal 9000's Birthday http://www.halbday.com Cybercast of Arthur C. Clarke - Used FreeBSD for sending video footage from Sri Lanka www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit HAL-PC http://www.hal-pc.org/ Houston's computer club, 10,000+ members strong! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Hancock school district http://hancock.k12.mo.us/bsfh hancock high school ingres@hancock.k12.mo.us 981205 000000
non profit Hanse Networking e.V. http://www.hanse.de/ Internet Users Group in Hamburg, Germany www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Harju County Government http://www.harju.ee Local Government www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies http://eeyore.lv-hrc.nevada.edu/therd.shtml Home of THERdbASE www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Hepcat On-Line! http://www.hepcat.org Online Beatnik Forum www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Heritage Park Community http://www.heritage-park.org Local Community Information Server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit HGM e.V http://www.mabi.de/ Non-profit ISP in Marburg/Biedenkopf, Hessen, GERMANY. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Holt Public Schools http://www.holt.k12.mi.us Public School District Serving Local K-12 Students melson@holt.k12.mi.us 980407 000000
non profit HPEB http://www.hpeb.re.kr Health Technology Planning & Evaluation Board of Korea zual@hpeb.re.kr 980930 000000
non profit ICEM of Folkwang-Hochschule Essen, Germany http://www.folkwang.uni-essen.de Institute for computermusic and electronic media www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit illusion.ca http://www.illusion.ca illusion internet services ken@illusion.ca 981216 000000
non profit IMASY http://www.imasy.or.jp/ Internet Mutual Aid Society YOKOHAMA webmaster@imasy.or.jp 981105 000000
non profit Individual Network Berlin e.V. http://www.in-berlin.de non-commercial ISP in Berlin www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Infocenter Chernobyl http://www.ic-chernobyl.kiev.ua Information Center in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone admin@ic-chernobyl.kiev.ua 980608 000000
non profit Information and Computer Technology at Niagara College http://technology.niagarac.on.ca/ A small college of applied arts and technology in Welland, Ontario, Canada mboldin@niagarac.on.ca 980429 000000
non profit Information Management Dept. National Taiwan University http://www.tw.gnome.org News/WWW server , mirror site of www.gnome.org eric@freebsd.im.ntu.edu.tw 980515 000000
non profit Information Management Dept. NTU Taiwan http://god.im.ntu.edu.tw/ A BBS server based on FreeBSD (god.im.ntu.edu.tw). www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Information Network Association of R.O.C. http://web.ina.org.tw/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Information Technologies Center http://www.itcnet.ru Information Technologies Center of the Murmansk State Technical University, Murmansk, Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Inorganic Chemistry Division of MSU http://www.inorg.chem.msu.ru/ Moscow State University root@inorg.chem.msu.ru 980314 000000
non profit Institut Teknologi 10 Nopember Surabaya http://its-sby.edu Institut Teknologi terbesar di INDONESIA TIMUR apreman@hotmail.com 980407 000000
non profit Institut Teknologi Bandung http://www.ee.itb.ac.id/ Department of Electrical Engineering www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Institut Teknologi Bandung http://www.itb.ac.id/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Institute for Laser Science, The University of Electro-Communications. http://www-osa.ils.uec.ac.jp internet server ,www,sendmail etc. www@ils.uec.ac.jp 981023 000000
non profit Institute of Applied Mechanics http://ipm.uni.udm.ru Scientific Research Institute at Ural Branch of RAS tnk@ipm.uni.udm.ru 981104 000000
non profit Institute of Radioengineering & Electronics, Russian Academy of Science. http://www.cplire.ru/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Instituto de Física de São Carlos/USP http://www.ifqsc.sc.usp.br Servidor WWW www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Instituto de Quimica http://www.iqm.unicamp.br UNICAMP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Instituto de Telecomunicações - Polo de Coimbra http://www.it.uc.pt Telecommunications Institute at Coimbra - Portugal www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Occcidente (ITESO) http://www.iteso.mx University in Guadalajara, Mexico. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit International Black Student Alliance, Inc. http://www.ibsa-inc.org Community Resource Development and Social, Economic Consultants ibsa@mymail.net 980409 000000
non profit Internet Gebruikersvereniging Interlink http://il.fontys.nl/ A students internet association www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Internet Macintosh Users Group http://www.netmug.org Group of Macintosh Users on the Internet perl@netmug.org 980728 000000
non profit Internet Navigor http://www.nv.dn.ru Small Internet Navigator kuzmin@dn.ru 980722 000000
non profit IONIAN UNIVERSITY http://www.ionio.gr University gvlachos@ionio.gr 980626 000000
non profit Iowa State University http://www.cce.iastate.edu Civil and Construction Engineering Department www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Irkutsk State University http://www.isu.ru The largest university in East Siberia, Russia. webmaster@isu.ru 980513 000000
non profit Iroquois Falls Pentecostal Church http://www.ifpc.on.ca Ontario, Canada webmaster@ifpc.on.ca 980530 000000
non profit Ishikawa National College of Tech. http://momiji.i.ishikawa-nct.ac.jp/ (Free) Digital Filter Design Service(in Japanese) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Islandia http://www.islandia.is www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit ITECS http://gremlin.eos.ncsu.edu This is Only a Test nsj@freebsd.org 980528 000000
non profit ITESM Campus Mazatlán http://academ02.maz.itesm.mx University in México gus@academ02.maz.itesm.mx 981216 000000
non profit IUPUI Department of Continuing Studies http://dcs.iupui.edu Student Application Development Platform sysop@dcs.iupui.edu 980417 000000
non profit Japan Red Cros NAGOYA 1st Hospital http://www.nagoya-1st.jrc.or.jp JAPAN makokato@nagoya-1st.jrc.or.jp 980529 000000
non profit Japan Research Association http://www.jra.net/ webmaster@jra.net 980316 000000
non profit Jofrassi http://www.jofrassi.qc.ca International Adoption Magazine (French) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit JSK http://www.iaia.irk.ru Aircraft manufacturing (SU-27, SU-30) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Karpov Institute http://www.nifhi.ac.ru Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Kesher.Net http://www.kesher.net Strategic Information Systems Research www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit KhSTU http://www.khstu.khabarovsk.su Khabarovsk State Technical University www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit KISS http://www.kiss.uni-lj.si/ Student ISP www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Kona's Pawpals Wolfdog Rescue (KPWR) http://www.pawpals.org Wolfdog animal rescue, shelter, and education. rick@pawpals.org 980423 000000
non profit Korea Medline http://koreamed.kams.or.kr Medical Thesis and Journal Search shuh@sun.hallym.ac.kr 980930 000000
non profit KZSU Radio, Stanford University http://www-kzsu.stanford.edu Database and WWW servers www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan http://www.lums.edu.pk/ University offering programs in Computer Science, Economics, and Management Sciences www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit LARamie Internet Access and Telecommunications http://www.lariat.org/ A non-profit community network in Laramie, Wyoming. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Library System at Politecnico di Torino http://wwwbiblio.polito.it/ Educational Site for searches on our library server database (200000 record on four different databases). www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Liceum 1511 http://www.liceum.x-atom.ru Moscow MEPHI Liceum 1511 Computer Center rd@atom.x-atom.ru 980719 000000
non profit Light http://light.pomona.edu student access server for the Claremont Colleges www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit LINCC http://www.lincc.lib.or.us Library Information Network of Clackamas County (OR) george@lincc.lib.or.us 980616 000000
non profit Lotos ltd http://lotos.kiev.ua City Web Server of Slavutych, Ukraine egor@lotos.kiev.ua 980630 000000
non profit Luchshe Home Network http://www.luchshe.net Local Friend Net in Moskow www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Manchester College http://www.manchester.edu/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Maranatha Christian University http://www.maranatha.edu Universitas Kristen Maranatha www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Mariborska razvojna agencija http://www.mra.si Regional Development Agency www@freebsd.org 1998527 000000
non profit Maryland Reptile & Amphibian Refuge http://Http://www.carr.lib.md.us/~MarvinC/ We take in all reptiles and amphibians venomous or not! 972173@pager.mirabilis.com 980901 000000
non profit Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Neurology http://www.neurology.mcw.edu milic@www.neurology.mcw.edu www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Megabyte-Inform http://www.km.sifu.net Interregional Information Center, Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine vovk@km.sifu.net 980924 000000
non profit Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia http://www.muctr.edu.ru/ All servers running FreeBSD. webmaster@muctr.edu.ru 981019 000000
non profit MEPhI http://www.eldep.mephi.ru Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Dep. of Electronics webmaster@eldep.mephi.ru 980914 000000
non profit Missouri FreeNet http://www.mfn.org Non-Profit Community Access and Hosting Services: Based in Missouri, but serving the world! info@mfn.org 980612 000000
non profit Moldova State University http://www.usm.md/ This is STATE university of Moldova :) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Moscow CyberPunk Club http://www.CyberPunk.ru/ First CuberPunk organization in Russia YuH@CyberPunk.ru 980826 000000
non profit Moscow State Institute of Electronic Techologies http://www.miee.ru www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Moscow State University, Chemistry Department http://www.chem.msu.ru FreeBSD is our preferred system! noc@chem.msu.ru 980509 000000
non profit MU.Org http://mu.org/ Free applications writen for Univerisity of Missouri students paul@mu.org 980607 000000
non profit MUC.DE http://www.muc.de/ Foundation providing individuals internet access in Munich, Germany www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Murmansk State Technical University http://www.mstu.edu.ru The first university in the world's biggest city located beyond the Arctic circle. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Muscular Dystrophy Association Australia http://www.mda.org.au/ Support Network for Nueromuscular Disorders www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit National Library of Australia http://www.nla.gov.au/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit National TsingHua University, Taiwan. http://telnet://bbs.life.nthu.edu.tw Life Science BBS system. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit NCTU CSIE FreeBSD WebServer (Taiwan) http://freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit New Breed Software http://zippy.sonoma.edu/kendrick/nbs/ Games for X Window www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit New Mexico School for the Deaf http://www.nmsd.k12.nm.us Grade school (K-12) for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in the state of New Mexico. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Nothing http://www.angelfire.com/il/LyNguyen I am a student lydn@dwci.edu 980406 000000
non profit NTI-skolan http://www.nti.se Technical school of education www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit NTY Consulting http://www.jted.com/ Java Applet Game JTed, better than Tetris, big Fun Guaranteed www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Ohio Northern University http://www.onu.edu Campus-wide e-mail service r-beer@onu.edu 980331 000000
non profit Ohio State University, Lima regional campus. http://www.lima.ohio-state.edu/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Omahug http://www.omahug.org User Group jsw@ivgate.omahug.org 981120 000000
non profit Ormond College http://www.ormond.unimelb.edu.au A residential college at the University of Melbourne www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Osaka University http://aria.mp.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/ Cho Laboratory ushida@aria.mp.es.osaka-u.ac.jp 980516 000000
non profit Penn State Amateur Radio Club http://k3cr.ecsel.psu.edu Amateur Radio enthusiasts at PSU www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Penza Technological Institute http://www.pti.ac.ru Penza Technological Institute (Russia) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Perfect Productions Ltd. http://www.lqx.net Various Public Internet Services matt@lqx.net 980516 000000
non profit Petrozavodsk State University http://students.soros.karelia.ru Server for students of PSU www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Philosophy Department, York University http://thales.yorku.ca Unofficial site running from the philosophy department's storage room. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Physics Computer Network, Purdue University http://copernicus.physics.purdue.edu/ Copernicus: Our Behind-the-Scenes Maintenance Server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit PLiG http://www.plig.net/ Loose conglomeration of people info@plig.net 981010 000000
non profit Poot Poot http://pootpoot.com/ For all your poot needs! david@pootpoot.com 980420 000000
non profit POSKO REFORMASI UKM-BANDUNG http://HTTP:/WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/COLLEGEPAR/LAB/5924 MILIS www@freebsd.org 1998528 000000
non profit Presbyterian Church http://www.corsica.com.tw/~pctres/english/english.html Presbyterian Church in Taiwan www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Procuradoria da República no DF http://www.prdf.mpf.gov.br Órgão do Ministério Público da União - Brasil smiranda@prdf.mpf.gov.br 980430 000000
non profit PROSA http://www.prosa.dk Association of Computer Professionals in Denmark www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Psychology Department, University of Tasmania, Australia http://www.psychol.utas.edu.au Departmental home page www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Public DNS Service http://soa.granitecanyon.com Provides free primary and secondary DNS service www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Queen Mary's Post Graduate University Hospital http://www.qmpgmc.ac.uk/ Part of the NHS trust in the Roehampton United Kingdom greg@qmpgmc.ac.uk 980622 000000
non profit Rackmount Studies. http://www.rackmount.org Development of low end networking solutions. info@rackmount.org 981103 000000
non profit Radio-MSU http://www.radio-msu.net RUHEP/Radio-MSU Internet project for high energy physics institutes in Russia and CIS countries yar@radio-msu.net 980402 000000
non profit Rajabhat Institute Ubonratchathani http://www.riubon.ac.th Higher Education in Nort-East of Thailand www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Raven.Scorch.Net http://raven.scorch.net The Raven.Scorch.Net Site jason@raven.scorch.net 980906 000000
non profit Rhodes University Computer Users Society (RUCUS) http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit RosAgroFond http://www.raf.org.ru Foundation for Support of Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (Russia) web@raf.org.ru 980821 000000
non profit Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science http://nauplius.rsmas.miami.edu/fishery.html Fisheries Science Group www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Rostov State University Open Systems Lab. http://www.unird.ac.ru Rostov-on-Don, Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit RoundHouse http://www.fh-muenchen.de/htbin/htimage/home/ze/rz/services/projects/xcdroast/d_xcdroast.conf X-CD-Roast nathan@khmere.com 981007 000000
non profit Russian FTP Search http://ftpsearch.directnet.ru:8000/ Search through russian ftp-servers. kuzmin@dn.ru 980909 000000
non profit SaxNet e. V. http://www.sax.de Internet access for private persons www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit SBO http://apeli.tky.hut.fi/~sbo/ La Société du Billard d'Otaniemi www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit School of Information Technology, Northern Territory University, Australia. http://www.cs.ntu.edu.au/ WWW Servers, teaching and research. pjm@cs.ntu.edu.au 980727 000000
non profit SCISC http://www.cip.nsk.su Siberian Civic Initiatives Support Center www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Scotlandville Magnet High School http://scotmhs.engr.subr.edu/ Providing k12 newsgroups and e-mail (via Waffle BBS software) as well as full SLIP accounts and Internet training www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Scottish Mirror of the GNU website http://gnu.cybersurf.co.uk GNU Site mirrored daily www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Scottlandville Magnet High School http://smhs.ebrps.subr.edu Providing k12 newsgroups and e-mail (via Waffle BBS software) as well as full SLIP/PPP accounts and Internet training jfried@smhs.ebrps.subr.edu 980510 000000
non profit Sentral Community School Small, but technicalogically advanced... :-) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit SFM http://moldnet.md Soros Foundaton Molodva vr@moldnet.md 980909 000000
non profit Shimin Forum 21 NPO Centre http://www.sf21npo.gr.jp/ NPO support Centre(MSO) in Tokai area(Japan). office@sf21npo.gr.jp 980414 000000
non profit Slurpee Dot Net http://www.slurpee.net Group of unix ninja's www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Smack http://smack.ebrps.subr.edu a server run totaly by a class of seven students for teaching and entertainment purposes jfried@smack.ebrps.subr.edu 980510 000000
non profit Social Information Networking Group (in South Korea) http://www.sing-kr.org/ Human rights in the cyberspace. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Sociedad Astronomica de Espana y America http://www.sadeya.cesca.es/ Astronomical Society of Spain and America www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica http://www.sbq.org.br/SBQT/sbqt.html (Brazilian Chemical Society) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit South Dakota Library Network http://webpals.sdln.net WebPals -- Patrons can search the online catalog, reference files, and indexes www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville - EE Dept. http://www.ee.siue.edu/CVIPtools/ CVIPtools - a free, comprehensive software package for Computer Vision and Image Processing www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Soymeal InfoSource http://www.soymeal.org Developments in the processing and uses for soybean meal. webmaster@soymeal.org 980731 000000
non profit Spejderskolen http://www.spejdko.edu.eu.org Guide & Schout school in Denmark www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit St. Aidan's Anglican Girls School http://www.staidan.qld.edu.au www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit St. Kennoch's Renaissance Acting Guild http://www.stkennoch.org Theatrical Guild portraying life and death in 16th Century Scotland www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Stichting Signature http://www.signature.nl/ Technische ondersteuning voor (podium) kunst henk@signature.nl 981002 000000
non profit Stonekeep http://www.stonekeep.com Productivity Tools for Unix www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit STT TELEKOM BANDUNG http://www.stttelkom.ac.id IMS laboratory syadmin@stttelkom.ac.id 981204 000000
non profit Student Cable Works http://scw.ucsd.edu student-run cable tv/radio at University of California, San Diego www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Sundsvalls Commsoft http://www.commsoft.se Computer society in Sundsvall, Sweden. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit sunward.net http://www3.sunward.net/ iida@sunad03.sunward.net 980316 000000
non profit SUNY Stony Brook http://www.ug.cs.sunysb.edu/ SUNY Stony Brook Undergraduate lab webmaster@ug.cs.sunysb.edu 980715 000000
non profit Surrey High School http://www.shsnet.com Public School in Surrey, North Dakota www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Syracuse University http://soa.syr.edu/soa.html School of Architecture www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Taiwan Agriculture Infor. Serv. http://home.tais.com.tw Taiwan Agriculture Information Services www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Team on mountaineering of Bauman MSTU http://www.theory.ru Mountaineering and climbing in Russia www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Tech-NIC http://www.tech-nic.dk TECHnical Network Informations Center www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Technisch Creatief Jeugdcentrum Arnhem http://www.tcja.nl teaches kids that technical subjects can be fun! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Teknik Fisika ITB http://server.tf.itb.ac.id major study in applied physics with new paradigm ! admin@tf.itb.ac.id 980926 000000
non profit TFUG http://www.tfug.org Tucson Free Unix Group www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Bawdy Caste http://www.bawdycaste.org Fremont, California's Rocky Horror Picture Show performing cast zenin@bawdycaste.org 980827 000000
non profit The Chi Chi Rodriguez Youth Foundation http://www.chichi.org Site creating awareness about golf for disadvantaged youth www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Cold Project http://www.cold.org ColdC OO database development www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit THE CYRENE NETWORK http://THE-CYRENE-NETWORK.webjump.com GOOD NEWS DISTRIBUTION simoncyrene@hotmail.com 981119 000000
non profit The ETEXT Archives http://www.etext.org/ Free resources for independent online publishers www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Flexible Scheduling Program http://www.flex.org/ An alternative educational program for High School students. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Greater Houston Free-Net http://www.ghofn.org/ The Greater Houston Free-Net is dedicated to making Internet access and services available to community organizations and to those who are otherwise unable to afford it. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Handsome Network http://www.handsome.ne.jp/ An amateur creative group for new public license of software hikawa@handsome.ne.jp 981123 000000
non profit The Heavy Badge http://www.heavybadge.com Law Enforcement Pyscology and Corrections www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Homeport Collective http://www.homeport.org A group house in Boston www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Homeport Collective http://www.homeport.org/ An Intentional Community in Bolton, MA webmaster@homeport.org 981030 000000
non profit The Hungry Programmers http://www.hungry.com/ A free software collective. And other stuff. tspencer@hungry.com 980616 000000
non profit The Loomis Chaffee Student.Net http://puk.loomis.org a high school student run network ever www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Lycaeum http://www.lycaeum.org/ Drug Information Server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The MEGIDO High School http://www.megido.inter.net.il/ A regional Highschool, Located in Kibbutz Ein-Hashofet, Israel. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Project http://www.the-project.org IRC Related informational site www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Rocky Horror Archive http://www.archive.rhps.org Fan archive for followers of the cult movie, The Rocky Horror Picture Show zenin@archive.rhps.org 980827 000000
non profit The South-East Central Network Consortium http://www.scnc.k12.mi.us/ 88 School districts, and 10 Intermediate School Districts. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Star Wars Multimedia Archive http://www.skywalker.net/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The students' association of Dokkyo University School of Medicine http://gakuyu.dokkyomed.ac.jp/index.html The student's association of Dokkyo University School of Medicine Home-Page.In Japanese, called www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit The Webring http://www.webring.org/ A new way to surf the web. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit TheBandit Internet Service http://www.thebandit.com Providing Free Internet Access To The World www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Today In Black History http://www.tibh.com The World's Foremost Black Historical Site curator@tibh.com 980417 000000
non profit Tokyo Easy Line http://www.telnet.or.jp/ Non commercial small ISP in Tokyo Japan. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Tokyo Institute of Technology http://www.cc.titech.ac.jp mail & proxy server for education system ysakazum@e.cc.titech.ac.jp 980728 000000
non profit Tomsk Oblast Center of Information Technologies http://obluo.tomsk.su/ Education, support and consalting www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit TUSUR http://www.tusur.ru Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics chch@tasur.edu.ru 980528 000000
non profit U W Swansea, Dept. of Computer Science http://www-compsci.swan.ac.uk Staff web,appletalk,netbios,mail,nfs,nis server p.roberts-davies@swan.ac.uk 980828 000000
non profit Uenohouka Business Professional School http://www.uenohouka.ac.jp Educational Foundation fujie@uenohouka.ac.jp 981115 000000
non profit UKMA Internet Project http://snark.ukma.kiev.ua/ University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Ukrainian Physical Society http://www.ups.kiev.ua Self-managing public organization www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit UNDP - Uzbekistan http://www.undp.uz UN Office in Uzbekistan webber@fouzb.undp.org 980625 000000
non profit Unincorporated Society of Plastic Sheep http://www.plastic-sheep.org The life and loves of Barbara the Plastic Sheep www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Uninet-ZA http://www.uni.net.za/ Uninet-ZA network server project www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit United States Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement http://www.osmre.gov/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Universidad Autonoma de Baja California http://fciencias.ens.uabc.mx Faculty of Sciences www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Universidad de San Buenaventura http://argos.usb.edu.co Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas root@argos.usb.edu.co 981024 000000
non profit Universitas Parahyangan http://student.unpar.ac.id Student Site of Parahyangan Catholic University www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Universiti Sains Malaysia http://www.usm.my Malaysia University Of Science - DNS server and very soon WWW, Firewall & Proxy server www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit University of California, Davis http://www.vmth.ucdavis.edu Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital spzeck@ucdavis.edu 981222 000000
non profit University of Jyv skyl http://www.jyu.fi/ e-mail, news, irc, www, gopher and other services. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit University of Ljubljana http://www.lecad.uni-lj.si/ CAD lab of Mech.Eng. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit University of Natal, Durban: Internet society http://beastie.cs.und.ac.za/ Providing Internet access to undergraduate students www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit University of North Texas http://www.cs.unt.edu Computer Science Department sysadm@cs.unt.edu 981105 000000
non profit University of Oregon Residence Networking http://resnet.uoregon.edu/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit University of Piraeus http://www.unipi.gr University noc@unipi.gr 980626 000000
non profit University of South Africa http://fasc.unisa.ac.za Faculty of Science Computer Lab www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit University of Tanjungpura http://www.untan.ac.id University in Kalimantan Barat (Indonesia) odhienx@untan.ac.id 980906 000000
non profit University of the Virgin Islands http://yoda.uvi.edu/ Student maintained FreeBSD-2.2.5 server running Apache 1.2.6 and Samba 1.9.18p4 marshall@uvi.edu 980427 000000
non profit University Of Western Australia Computer Club http://www.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au The First One And Only Computer Club accmurphy@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au 980714 000000
non profit UnixBrasil http://www.unixbrasil.com.br Information about FreeBSD / *nix on Brazil. Available in Portuguese silveira@unixbrasil.com.br 980514 000000
non profit Urban Planning and Architectural Committee http://www.kga.neva.ru A division in St.Petersburg (Russia) City Administration dealing with urban planning, architecture and construction eugene@kga.neva.ru 980318 000000
non profit US Embass, Kyiv (Ukraine) http://www.usemb.kiev.ua an official web site of the US Embassy in Kyiv www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit USIS Stockholm http://www.usis.usemb.se United States Information Service, American Embassy Stockholm www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Utah Valley State College http://www.uvsc.edu/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit VE7TCP http://ve7tcp.ampr.org Amateur Radio Web Site and Mailing List Host www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Videomove http://www.videomove.org/ Media movements international (SING & Videazimut) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Virginia Tech ACM Student Chapter http://www.acm.vt.edu/ Local student chapter of the International ACM www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Virginia Tech undergraduate computing lab http://www.cs.vt.edu/ 116MCB uses FreeBSD as it's PC-based UNIX OS. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Virginia VIEW http://vaview.vavu.vt.edu Career and college information delivery system for the state of Virginia dglynn@vaview.vavu.vt.edu 981119 000000
non profit Wafu http://wafu.netgate.net/eindex.html Wafu Internet server (Japanese Taste) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Walnut Grove Secondary School http://www.wgss.net High School in Langley, British Columbia, Canada webmaster@wgss.net 981015 000000
non profit Warren Area High School http://www.warrenweb.net Student based web server csteva@penn.com 980417 000000
non profit Warthen DataComm Technologies http://kermit.wwarthen.com Kermit for Windows Communications Software WWarthen@WWarthen.com 980614 000000
non profit Web server of NTOU Department of Computer Science http://cyber.cs.ntou.edu.tw National Taiwan Ocean University Department of Computer Science Web page for under graduated students root@cyber.cs.ntou.edu.tw 980730 000000
non profit West University of Timisoara, Romania. http://www.uvt.ro/ abcdefg www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit Williams College http://wso.williams.edu Williams Students Online www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit WMHT Educational Telecommunications http://www.wmht.org/ Albany, NY PBS TV & Radio Station bruth@wmht.org 981005 000000
non profit WRLZ http://www.wrlz.org Dedicated to UNIX and new network techonologies www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit WTC museum of photography, Arts and Crafts network. http://museum.osakawtc.or.jp/ www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit XCarrier.net http://www.xcarrier.net/ Communication Experimentation Group webmaster@xcarrier.net 981210 000000
non profit Yaroslvl Network Center http://saturn.yars.free.net Yaroslavl State University central web proxy (squid) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
non profit YVBB Foundation http://www.teuton.org info@teuton.org 980401 000000
non profit Équipe ASIM, LIP6, UPMC, Université Paris 6 http://cao-vlsi.ibp.fr/index.gb.html Research team at the University Paris 6 (France) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
nonprofit $-free Russian Postcard Service http://www.postcard.ru/ Send a virtual postcard to your friends from the best postcard server in Russia. art@radio-msu.net 990126 000000
nonprofit 4 Net Co http://www.bgzone.com/ Bulgarian WEB News mitko@bgzone.com 990317 000000
nonprofit A Microsoft Alternative - Linux Country http://www.linuxcountry.com Large website for file downloads in nix flavors. Help for linux/unix, and lots of cool stuff to do webmaster@linuxcountry.com 990419 000000
nonprofit Applied Research Labs, The University Of Texas at Austin http://www.arlut.utexas.edu/gash2 Ganymede, a GPL'ed Network Directory Management System jonabbey@arlut.utexas.edu 990203 000000
nonprofit Arlington Public Schools http://www.arlington.k12.va.us Public School System cebrown@arlington.k12.va.us 990314 000000
nonprofit Ateneo de Naga University http://www.adn.edu.ph A University in Bicol Philippines art@topmax.com.ph 990118 000000
nonprofit Ateneo de Naga University http://www.adn.edu.ph Naga City, Philippines art@topmax.com.ph 990118 000000
nonprofit Bitcity BBS (From Taiwan) http://bbs.ee.njtc.edu.tw/ A bbs in taiwan powered by FreeBSD bigfoot@hello.com.tw 990131 000000
nonprofit Blackened Industries http://www.blackened.com Specializing in wasting bandwidth by offering superfluous services! dmjr@blackened.com 990218 000000
nonprofit bytezone channel organization http://www.bytezone-undernet.org official url of #bytezone of the undernet organization richie@bytezone.zzn.com 990324 000000
nonprofit calx http://dart.dhs.org a site that does things calx@purdue.edu 990326 000000
nonprofit CCACC Computer Club http://compclub.ccacc.cc.pa.us/ The Student Computer Club at Cambria County Area Community College paco@compclub.ccacc.cc.pa.us 990507 000000
nonprofit Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems http://www.crms.engr.uky.edu College of Engineering, University of Kentucky webmaster@crms.engr.uky.edu 990216 000000
nonprofit Center Of New Informational Technologies http://www.cnti.moldnet.md Use of computer in moldavian schools. root@cnti.moldnet.md 990202 000000
nonprofit Chapmanskolan Karlskrona http://chapman.karlskrona.se erik@chapman.karlskrona.se 990329 000000
nonprofit dart.dhs.org http://[ftp://][http://][telnet://]dart.dhs.org a site to end all sites calx@purdue.edu 990315 000000
nonprofit Decision Support Systems Laboratory http://www.lsad.eps.ufsc.br/labSAD-i.html Laboratory in the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) that studies ERPs softwares. labsad@eps.ufsc.br 990227 000000
nonprofit Departamento de Quimica - Univ. Fed. Sao Carlos - SP - Brasil http://www.dq.ufscar.br www server and e-mail server capellato@dq.ufscar.br 990211 000000
nonprofit Departamento de Quimica - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos http://www.dq.ufscar.br www and e-mail servers capelatto@dq.ufscar.br 990301 000000
nonprofit Distributed.net (DCTI) http://www.distributed.net Distributed Computing Effort dbaker@distributed.net 990108 000000
nonprofit Division of Electronics, ITS http://Bidang Studi Elektronika, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya-Indonesia Division of Electronics, Electrical Engineer Departement, ITS elkagtw@elka.ee.its-sby.edu 990512 000000
nonprofit Division of Electronics, ITS http://www.elka.ee.its-sby.edu Division of Electronics, Electrical Engineer Departement, ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) elkagtw@elka.ee.its-sby.edu 990512 000000
nonprofit EarthLINX.Org http://EarthLINX.Org We are a flat-sharing community in Dachau, Germany. noc@EarthLINX.Org 990215 000000
nonprofit EarthLINX.Org http://www.EarthLINX.Org The EarthLINX Organisation hostmaster@EarthLINX.Org 990110 000000
nonprofit EDUCATE http://www.educate.net.au/ Organisation of teachers, students and community to develop an electronic educational resource for students everywhere jordan@educate.net.au 990102 000000
nonprofit Fight Spam on the Internet http://spam.abuse.net/ The pseudo-famous Internet spam boycott scott@zorch.sf-bay.org 990307 000000
nonprofit Free BSD STT Telkom Bandung - Networking Community And Research http://zoel.stttelkom.ac.id:12345 We are user of IT product of computing and networking sysadmin@stttelkom.ac.id 990101 000000
nonprofit Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere, Universitaet Mainz, BRD http://ipamzlx.physik.uni-mainz.de Department of Physic of the Atmosphere, University of Mainz, Germany webmaster@ipamzlx.physik.uni-mainz.de 990213 000000
nonprofit Institut für Informationssysteme, Vienna University of Technology http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/ pfeifer@dbai.tuwien.ac.at (Gerald Pfeifer) 990405 000000
nonprofit Institute of Artificial Intelligence http://www.iai.donetsk.ua Research and Scientifical Institute info@iai.donetsk.ua 990430 000000
nonprofit Internet Reseaux et Communications http://irc-france.fr.eu.org IRC and RFC1459 in France irc@irc-france.fr.eu.org 990327 000000
nonprofit Ion http://www.ion.sci.fi/ Private computer club tech@ion.sci.fi 990213 000000
nonprofit IPS Radio and Space Services http://www.ips.gov.au Ionospheric Research and Forecasting www@ips.gov.au 990222 000000
nonprofit JakartaMail INC http://www.jakartamail.com Indonesian Free email service postman@jakartamail.com 990106 000000
nonprofit Kharkiv State Polytechnic University http://www.kpi.kharkov.ua The largest University in Kharkiv, Ukraine vvc@kpi.kharkov.ua 990223 000000
nonprofit Korea FreeBSD Users Group http://www.kr.freebsd.org Korea FreeBSD Users Group webmaster@kr.freebsd.org 990416 000000
nonprofit KSPU Network Operaions Centre http://noc.kspu.kr.ua/ Kirovograd Satate Pedagogical Univ. NOC john@kspu.kr.ua 990505 000000
nonprofit Laboratoium Bidang Studi Eletronika, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ( I T S ) postmaster@elka.ee.its-sby.edu 990424 000000
nonprofit Laboratorio de Quimica Teorica http://www.lqt.dq.ufscar.br www server, simulation of chemical systems gomide@lqt.dq.ufscar.br 990301 000000
nonprofit Laboratorio de Quimica Teorica - Sao Carlos - SP - Brasil http://www.lqt.dq.ufscar.br gomide@lqt.dq.ufscar.br 990211 000000
nonprofit Lincoln County School District #2 http://www.lcsd2.org School District that runs FreeBSD & OpenBSD for Web/Firewall/DHCP Services tstevenson@lcsd2.org 990412 000000
nonprofit Lions Club Whyalla Mount Laura Inc: 201S2 South Australia http://www.gulf.net.au/~mtlauralions Service Organisation - Assisting the needy in our community donvanw@gulf.net.au 990320 000000
nonprofit Liquid Magnesium Networks http://www.magnesium.net/ A not-for-profit FreeBSD learning environment. admins@magnesium.net 990220 000000
nonprofit Lyrics HQ http://www.lyricshq.com The number one lyrics archive in the USA! tom@lyricshq.com 990129 000000
nonprofit Medical Library at Rikshospitalet, Norway http://ftp://ftp.litestep.uio.no FTP server for the National Hospital, Norway espenra@galenos.uio.no 990318 000000
nonprofit Monterey High School http://www.montereyhigh.com/ Monterey High School uses FreeBSD to support Internet access (via proxy and NAT) and the school web page, as well as Windows & Mac file sharing for 100+ computers on a single machine theatrus@usa.net 990323 000000
nonprofit Multiple Sclerosis Foundation http://www.msfacts.org Supporting people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis kip@msfacts.org 990130 000000
nonprofit National Information Infrastucture of Indonesia http://nii.itb.ac.id Big growing research group to prepare the national information infrastucture in Indonesia riwut@nii.itb.ac.id, suhono@itb.ac.id 990318 000000
nonprofit Neuro Net Recordings http://www.nnr.to/ An independent group of techno music creators and lovers nnr@nnr.to 990304 000000
nonprofit Oakland Unified School District http://tlc1.ousd.k12.ca.us/bb DHCP and Squid cache servers for schools cgn@hjw.com 981229 000000
nonprofit Pobalscoil Neasain http://www.psn.ie/ Irish information-age secondary school ad@psn.ie 990105 000000
nonprofit PPGA-UFRGS-Brazil http://www.ppga.ufrgs.br/ Programa em Pos-Graduacao em Administracao - UFRGS dfucs@adm.ufrgs.br 990405 000000
nonprofit Riga Aviation University http://www.rau.lv University mg@rau.lv 990122 000000
nonprofit SENAI-DF http://www.df.senai.br Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial. Departamento Regional do Distrito Federal - Brasil carrijo@df.senai.br 990420 000000
nonprofit South Dakota School of Mines and Technology http://www.sdsmt.edu/ Higher Education for Engineering and Science disciplines sbauer@silver.sdsmt.edu 990327 000000
nonprofit Southwestern Adventist University - SIFE http://sife.swau.edu SWAU SIFE Computer Team franky@sife.swau.edu 990312 000000
nonprofit Southwestern Adventist University SIFE http://sife.swau.edu franky@sife.swau.edu 990126 000000
nonprofit Spring Arbor College http://www.arbor.edu Christian college in Spring Arbor, Michigan martym@arbor.edu 990326 000000
nonprofit Stanford Chaparral http://chappie.stanford.edu Stanford Humor Magazine fancylad@chappie.stanford.edu 990414 000000
nonprofit Technisch Creatief Centrum Nijmegen http://tccn.cs.kun.nl promotes childrens' technical and scientific understanding sparky@tccn.cs.kun.nl 990419 000000
nonprofit The Children of Technology http://www.c0t.org Research Center for the sciences mbernstein@c0t.org 990401 000000
nonprofit The Digibeam Compire http://www.digibeam.com Texas, Jesus & Freedom a' go-go loren@flash.net 990401 000000
nonprofit The Tech's Revenge http://www.antix.org The premier Quake and Halflife Clan webmaster@antix.org 990413 000000
nonprofit Timisoara Condensed Matter Research Institute, Romania http://icmct.uvt.ro crystal growth, fundamental research, nanoparticles, nonlinear optics, plasma physics, X-ray spectroscopy baroti@icmct.uvt.ro 990127 000000
nonprofit Toth Arpad Gimnazium http://www.tagdebr.sulinet.hu/ secondary school tibor@tagdebr.sulinet.hu 990513 000000
nonprofit Tyumen state oil and gas university http://rbnet.tsogu.ru sv@conjurer.tyumen.ru 990306 000000
nonprofit UC Santa Barbara, Extension http://www.unex.ucsb.edu Continuing Education webmaster@xlrn.ucsb.edu 990115 000000
nonprofit Uni Bielefeld, Fakultaet fuer Chemie, Abt. DC2 http://dc2.uni-bielefeld.de Medienserver mbehrendt@dc2.uni-bielefeld.de 990516 000000
nonprofit Unia Lubelska High School, Lublin, Poland http://lagoon.freebsd.org.pl/ Main school server (user accounts, w3cache, UUCP, INN) venglin@lagoon.freebsd.org.pl 990422 000000
nonprofit Unia Lubelska High School, Lublin, Poland http://www.3lo.lublin.pl/ Main school server (user accounts) bka@unia.3lo.lublin.pl 990422 000000
nonprofit University of Kentucky http://www.uky.edu/ 40,000 user pop3 server. Main campus www server, news server, misc. other services soward@uky.edu 990415 000000
nonprofit Universität Bielefeld http://dc2.uni-bielefeld.de/rse Fakultät für Chemie, DC2 manfred.behrendt@dc2.uni-bielefeld.de 990225 000000
nonprofit unixdrivers.org http://ns.unixdrivers.org Free help with unix/linux software, drivers(hardware configuration), and more! This is an open project! admin@xpro.net 990108 000000
nonprofit venuswars a nice site. we handle things. calx@purdue.edu 990223 000000
nonprofit VTEC.net http://www.vtec.net Honda/Acura Enthusiasts Website admin@vtec.net 990403 000000
nonprofit WebSearch . com . au http://www.WebSearch.com.au The Australian Search Engine - Indexing local .AU content only !! dez@websearch.com.au 990130 000000
nonprofit Wollongong APANA Inc http://www.wollongong.apana.org.au Non-Profit organisation, gives cheap internet access to the local community staff@wollongong.apana.org.au 990203 000000
nonprofit Yaroslavl Astronomical Society http://www.yspu.yar.ru/astronomy/ Yaroslavl Astronomical Society (State Pedagogical Institute). Main research area - Celestial mechanics and Solar system astronomy rosaev@nedra.yar.ru 990428 000000
nonprofit Yoyo Internet Services http://www.yoyo.org Internet Collective root@yoyo.org 990104 000000
personal -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/workshop/7151 personal home page joe_chris@eudoramail.com 981021 000000
personal 123.org http://123.org/ private Site, Kiel, Germany www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal 5 UnrulyJanitors http://www.5unruly.com The 5 Unruly Janitors (comedic organization) 5unruly@5unruly.com 981019 000000
personal A General Site http://satan.flash.net/ BSD and other topics www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Adam Stanislav's CGI Tutorial http://www.whizkidtech.net/cgi-bin/tutorial Hands-on tutorial about CGI programming adam@whizkidtech.net 981218 000000
personal AJIANG.COM http://www.ajiang.com/ :) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Alex W. Wang's Home Page http://members.home.net/wwang Network Reference Page wwang@home.com 990324 000000
personal Alex W. Wang's Homepage --- US Mirror Site http://c36196-a.frmt1.sfba.home.com/~alexw Alex W. Wang's Homepage US Mirror Site wwang@home.com 990324 000000
personal Alexey Shumak Web server http://www.shumak.spb.ru Web server of Alexey Shumak alexey@shumak.spb.ru 980324 000000
personal alienwebshop.com http://www.alienwebshop.com Top Secret! brian@alienwebshop.com 990507 000000
personal almuhairi.com http://www.almuhairi.com/ arabic songs _ Mohamed Abdu_ UAE links almuhairi@almuhairi.com 990415 000000
personal Anais-nin.org http://www.anais-nin.org Website about the writer Anais Nin webmaster@anais-nin.org 990406 000000
personal Andrey A. Chernov (aka Ache) http://nagual.pp.ru/ Russian Personal Nagual Web Server ache@nagual.pp.ru 990126 000000
personal Ankh's Home... http://alcatraz141.wohnheim.uni-kl.de/ YagWp (Yet another gothic Webpage) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Annetta Family http://www.annetta.com/ The Annetta Family Web/Email/Domain Server Robert@Annetta.com 980708 000000
personal Annetta Family gateway system http://robgate.kiwi.net This page may be down from time to time, it is on a modem connection (to prove freebsds abilities), it shows pictures and explains how FreeBSD is being used as a router in a house in California robert@annetta.com 980930 000000
personal Art Homepage http://www.radio-msu.net/~art/ Web server of Artem Podstreshny art@radio-msu.net 990126 000000
personal As Karu http://www.trenet.ee/~kristo/karu/ H O M E P A G E www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Bangheadhere.org http://bangheadhere.org My personal server running httpd, ftpd, and a Citadel V4 BBS. Telnet to the server and login as citadel for the BBS. smorris@bangheadhere.org 980328 000000
personal Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla http://ssh:// University freddy@mail.cs.buap.mx 990126 000000
personal BERF http://www4.justnet.ne.jp/~dpn36788/ EDUCATION CXN04617@niftyserve.or.jp 980929 000000
personal BG Zone http://www.bgzone.com/ Bulgarian WWW Zone mitko@bgzone.com 990515 000000
personal Bitmap.net http://www.bitmap.net/ Land of reverence devoted to the mystical God known as gdb. graham@bitmap.net 990510 000000
personal Broadcast Network Channel http://www.ars.ism.ru Personal server arseny@ars.ism.ru 990511 000000
personal Central-European key maps http://www.whizkidtech.net/ISO-8859-2/ FreeBSD key maps for Slovak, Czech, Romanian, and other CE languages. Also a VGA 8x16 console font for ISO-8859-2. adam@whizkidtech.net 990322 000000
personal Charm City Soul club http://www.nothingbutsoul.com/ Mish mash of the music style called soul. cbachman@ai.net 990514 000000
personal Chris Hancock http://riola2.cwnet.com/~ochanco home page ochanco@riola2.cwnet.com 981230 000000
personal Chris's Geeky Home Page http://www.aa.net/~cmh Updates on my IDE and C++ class library for FreeBSD and X (along with other geeky boring stuff) cmh@aa.net 980523 000000
personal CJ http://www.capitaljustice.com Local Area Roleplaying game site www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Curt Welch http://CurtWelch.Com/ My personal FreeBSD powered web site curt@kcwc.com 980422 000000
personal DaTaiV http://www.dataiv.peon.net/ Personal FreeBSD Box used for NAT from a LAN nosp@dataiv.peon.net 980410 000000
personal DaTaiV Network Services http://www.dataiv.net/ FreeBSD Tutorials, some services to come soon... and more... admin@dataiv.net 980604 000000
personal dave.imarc.net http://dave.imarc.net [[[[ design | type | freebsd | perl | cgi ]]]] dave@imarc.net 990220 000000
personal Daves Place http://daves-place.com Personal Website but its run on FreeBSD dave@daves-place.com 990118 000000
personal David Mathis http://www.cdc.net/~redneck Personal Page Created With FreeBSD! redneck@cdc.net 980519 000000
personal Davids.Org http://www.davids.org A collection of Davids dlr@davids.org 980806 000000
personal Dennis Potechin http://www.potechin.com My home network - gateway/firewall/mail root@darkpower.net 981105 000000
personal ecsd's home page http://www.ecsd.com updated several times a century ecsd@ecsd.com 980818 000000
personal Education http://http//:ogino.sakura.ne.jp Japan HighSchool Education togino@ogino.sakura.ne.jp 990208 000000
personal ELS http://www.els.gr.jp Personal server kuga@els.gr.jp 990312 000000
personal epsilon.incredibyte.net http://epsilon.incredibyte.net AMD K6-166, 32MB RAM, 1.6gig HD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Escuela Superior de Fisica y Matematicas http://michelle.esfm.ipn.mx/spiro.html Spirograph mrspock@esfm.ipn.mx 980409 000000
personal Escuela Superior de Fisica y Matematicas http://michelle.esfm.ipn.mx/~mrspock/spiro.html Spirograph mrspock@esfm.ipn.mx 980409 000000
personal Forth Research http://come.to/forth/ Personal Web Site forth@mail.net.tw 990218 000000
personal Franky Effendy http://sife.swau.edu/~franky Peace franky@sife.swau.edu 981222 000000
personal fusion computer corp http://hackers.the-core.net/x-hackers/ X-hackers: computer security: personal webserver: part of fusion magazine clm@hackers.the-core.net 980611 000000
personal Galaxy http://www.kawashima.gamo.shiga.jp/ EPA's World yoshitaka@kawashima.gamo.shiga.jp 990327 000000
personal Gallixy Interprises http://www.gallixy.com dial up access webmaster@mindspring.com 990125 000000
personal GaMeS http://home.talkcity.com/AsIfLn/GamesGamesGames/Index.html :-) :-( =-) =) =-( =( ;-) ;-( :-> :-< =-> =-< SmIlE!!! Rica_Teddybear@Cybergal.com 980912 000000
personal Georg Wagner http://www.datacomm.ch/g.wagner The FreeBSD Pages, customising FreeBSD and using the window manager WindowMaker. g.wagner@datacomm.ch 980827 000000
personal gothic.net.au http://www.gothic.net.au Yet Another Gothic Site sean@gothic.net.au 980510 000000
personal Highland @ AcNet http://highland.acnet.net Personal server used for development and some fun, also is used to host several personal pages and for give many services to its users. Quake 2 server running 24 hours a day. jester@highland.acnet.net 980517 000000
personal http://www.ogurok.com http://www.ogurok.com Just another friendly place oleg@ogurok.com 981207 000000
personal IIUM http://www.angelfire.com/ak/indramir electrical mirzet@hotmail.com 980716 000000
personal its http://www.tc.its-sby.edu institut teknologi sepuluh nopember fauzi@its-sby.edu 981219 000000
personal Ix Internet Services http://ix.apana.org.au/ One of a group of FreeBSD servers providing Net access & training on all manner of things Computer. (A member of the APANA-SA organisation) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Jacco van Buuren http://www.caiw.nl/~bvbuuren Learning inter/intra-networking, system administration, crossplatform client/server application engineering, etc. needed a server but didn't have the money -> FreeBSD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal JAGGeD Networks http://www.jagged.net/ JN's HomePage and Admin Info razorz@accesspro.net 980623 000000
personal Jeff Mealiffe http://www.mealiffe.org/ Jeff Mealiffe's web & mail server - FreeBSD on a P5-120 jeff@mealiffe.org 980831 000000
personal Jive! http://jive.nacholand.com/ The FreeBSD box with the most phunk out there! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Joachim Jaeckel http://home.kamp.net/home/joachim.jaeckel a small example, how FreeBSD can run on laptop's Joachim.Jaeckel@d.kamp.net 981115 000000
personal John Bergmann's http://www.geocities.com/researchtriangle/6577/home.html Personal Homepage bick@cyberport.net 981021 000000
personal Johnson's Studio http://nerv.netfront.net PentiumII-300, 128MB RAM, SCSI HD johnsonm@netfront.net 980815 000000
personal Jon Towne 486sx/25mhz 12MB RAM/210MB HD/14.4 modem, dynamic IP address, untouchable :D www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Jonas Luster http://www.newsbone.org/~jonas/ The ROXEN Server runnig on my Computer at work jonas@newsbone.org 981122 000000
personal Josh Mehlman http://www.idiom.com/~moremaj Personal josh@oystersoft.com 981209 000000
personal JTed http://www.jted.com/ is a game which resembles Tetris claudio@nty.com 980521 000000
personal K2 Research http://www.k2r.org/ Yet another home with FreeBSD machines :-) webmaster@k2r.org 990304 000000
personal Kanagawa University http://www.math.ie.kanagawa-u.ac.jp/~umasa/index/ To make web page umasa@math.ie.kanagawa-u.ac.jp 980603 000000
personal Kevans Computers http://www.heydon.org/kevan/collection/ My old computer collection database driven by Python, PostgreSQL and of course FreeBSD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Land of Legends http://www.legendz.com Text-based MUD (Multi-User-Dimension) www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Lanfear WEB/Freeshell hosting http://lanfear.dhs.org Free shells along with WEB hosting... DNS SERVER TO BE UP SOON.... =P the computer is a dual P200mmx 32mb ram 5 gig hd r unning my in house lan teckay@hotmail.com 990429 000000
personal Lanier Network Design http://homepages.lycos.com/~CLanier/lypersonal/Lanier.html Network Hardware and Software Information Resouce lacats@yahoo.com 981203 000000
personal Marcel Sauder http://www.siconline.ch Networking Engineer msauder@siconline.ch 990105 000000
personal Mark & Jo Ann's Homepage http://www.markandjo.com Lots of wedding pics and stuff... Pentium Pro 200 w/FreeBSD 2.2.6 & Apache mkrueger@best.com 980426 000000
personal Mark's FreeBSD World http://www.vmunix.com/mark/FreeBSD/ a collection of handy programs/docs/whatever that I use on my FreeBSD powered computers. mark@vmunix.com 980329 000000
personal Marty Bower http://mjhb.marina-del-rey.ca.us Free software and more marty+freebsd-gallery@mjhb.marina-del-rey.ca.us 981105 000000
personal Matt Behrens's Own Domain http://www.zigg.com/ Providing services to friends and some cool free software. www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal MCSNet-Customer http://www.mcs.net/~kenspath Tech Support/Help Desk Site www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Medisinsk bibliotek ved Rikshospitalet http://ftp://ftp.litestep.uio.no FreeBSD Release 2.2.7 running an FTP Server espenra@galenos.uio.no 990302 000000
personal Memon http://memon.tzo.com Developmental pre-production web-server stncld@memon.tzo.com 981202 000000
personal memon.tzo.com http://memon.tzo.com personal developmental server stncld@memon.tzo.com 981216 000000
personal Midnight BBS http://telnet://mnbbs.org Gateway/Router to My BBS system. mnbbs@lightstream.net 990322 000000
personal Mikhail Teterin http://www.ziplink.net/~kot another one www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Minnie http://minnie.cs.adfa.edu.au/ Mirror of the FreeBSD software, mailing lists, lots of other stuff, all on a 486 with 8M. wkt@cs.adfa.edu.au 980624 000000
personal Moscow State University http://isabase.philol.msu.ru Just the computer I work on in the university grg@philol.msu.ru 980923 000000
personal Mylanders http://www.mylanders.com A place for people who enjoy fantasy and science fiction. nmorton@mylanders.com 980327 000000
personal na http://www.thumbs.org ThunderThumbs - Everything music and beauty!! russ@thumbs.org 980415 000000
personal NARLA - ( Dez Blanchfield ) http://www.WebSearch.com.au/dez Network Application Research Labs Australia dez@websearch.com.au 990130 000000
personal National Steel Corporation http://www.olops.com Olops pop@olops.com 990506 000000
personal Nicole Melody Harrington http://www.webweaver.net Nicole's Collection of Interests www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal none http://atropos.fsn.net David Yeske's web site dyeske@yahoo.com 990130 000000
personal none http://execrel.kiev.ua/twingo.html My Homepage pavel@execrel.kiev.ua 980719 000000
personal personal http://members.tripod.com/~booksnsuch/index2html heart doners organ transplants life death dvankuren@kalamaz00.net 981101 000000
personal Phil Maker http://www.cs.ntu.edu.au/homepages/pjm Software development pjm@cs.ntu.edu.au 980727 000000
personal Prince of Darkness, Daimon's home... http://daimon.idl.com.au/ The homepages for Daimon and all the Users of his web server. Hosted sites, and shell services. All runnning nicely Courtesy of FreeBSD webmaster@daimon.idl.com.au 981209 000000
personal Programming & Unix (Chinese) http://www.netease.com/~gzhuli My personal homepage at a site powered by FreeBSD. gzhuli@netease.com 980909 000000
personal Quadspeed Archive http://freebsd.quadspeed.com FreeBSD Mirror webmaster@quadspeed.com 990203 000000
personal RavensClaw.com http://www.ravensclaw.com RavensClaw.com Internet Content Provider peter@ravensclaw.com 981224 000000
personal RegEdit : The Windows Registry Editor http://www.regedit.com/ A database of Windows 95, 98 and NT registry keys and information. regedit@4tekseek.com 980822 000000
personal Rick's Home Server http://rknebel.uplink.net Home Network, Web and Mail Server rknebel@uplink.net 990412 000000
personal Rick's Web Page http://www.dsinw.com/~hamellr/freebsd/ug.html FreeBSD users looking for a user group hamellr@dsinw.com 990111 000000
personal Robert Skinner's Personal Homepage http://www.skinner.org Skinner's Ego :) skinner@skinner.org 980427 000000
personal roehsler.dca.net http://roehsler.dca.net My home dial-up router, also does etrn mail for my third level domain roehsler@roehsler.dca.net 981208 000000
personal Saint Agnes http://www.angelfire.com/f12/saintagnes Info About Saintagnes Channel wardragons@usa.net 990407 000000
personal Samurai Enterprises http://samurai.ruin.org/ You need something - I'll get it done! jmrobins@samurai.ruin.org 990315 000000
personal Satanic Networking http://www.satanic.net/ My very own domain and collection of machines for personal hacking pleasure www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal sca packaging lucca http://tin.it paper mill fratos@tin.it 980505 000000
personal Self - Scott Morris http://bangheadhere.org FreeBSD based BBS, webserver, ftp server smorris@bangheadhere.org 980412 000000
personal Simpsons http://members.tripod.com/~pobby_ws Cool Simpsons Site with trivia BuffBagwell2@hotmail.com 980506 000000
personal skinner.org http://www.skinner.org Robert Alan Skinner's personal Website skinner@skinner.org 980312 000000
personal Smeird http://www.smeird.com Smeird archive postmaster@smeird.com 990107 000000
personal Sonera Group Ltd. http://jau.tmt.tele.fi/ formerly known as Telecom Finland Jukka.Ukkonen@sonera.fi 980504 000000
personal Sonera Ltd. (former Telecom Finland Ltd.) http://jau.tmt.tele.fi Personal workstation jau@jau.tmt.tele.fi 980420 000000
personal StikomNeT http://www.stikom.edu Mahasiswa s973166@omega.stikom-sby.ac.id 980726 000000
personal Stockholm Pinball Locator http://pinball.fatburen.org Database of pinball machines available for playing in Stockholm staffanu@nada.kth.se 980512 000000
personal Student http://freeBSD.quadspeed.com FreeBSD Mirror Site webmaster@quadspeed.com 981208 000000
personal Student http://safopna.tuniv.szczecin.pl/~skrzat ? skrzat@safona.tuniv.szczecin.pl 980313 000000
personal Takeoff world http://www.takeoff.ne.jp Takeoff World motani@takeoff.ne.jp 981018 000000
personal taromaru http://www.taromaru.org/ personal site taromaru@taromaru.org 981008 000000
personal Tequila Master http://www.sunline.com.br/pessoais/fran/ Tequila Master ving@zipmail.com.br 990317 000000
personal The Annetta Family http://www.annetta.com Family web server, email www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal The BadBoy Server! http://www.badboy.ch A Switzerland Server with many news about Computer, Games, Hardware and very hot news (all in German text!) webmaster@badboy.ch 990410 000000
personal The Bit Mine http://www.bitmine.com Some Java and FreeBSD stuff rdas@bitmine.com 990319 000000
personal The BlackIce Archive http://node1c29.a2000.nl blackice@euronet.nl 990426 000000
personal the digibeam netpany http://www.rewa.com Hoodpages rewa@juno.com 980420 000000
personal The Inquisition http://www.mythias.nu/inquisition A tribe in the Starsiege:Tribes universe. colosus@premier1.net 990227 000000
personal The Le Prevost Family Internet Site http://www.leprevost.net Set up to learn about Unix and tell the world about the Le Prevost family from Guernsey!!! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal The Lunatic Phringe http://www.phringe.org IRC and telnet based chat. No rules. No Censorship dwrisley@ivexcorp.com 980423 000000
personal The Rosson Family http://www.oneinsane.net FreeBSD server/workstation providing Internet access with www, mail, shells, and a gateway for the machines of our inhome LAN of 5. (K5-166 CPU,64M of RAM,3.5G HD space). It definately shows that FreeBSD has the power to SERVE. insane@oneinsane.net 980509 000000
personal The Schlegel Server http://jschlege.campus.vt.edu/ Free Web Space schlegel@jschlege.campus.vt.edu 980921 000000
personal Tiger2 BBS http://telnet://bbs.tiger2.net Taiwan's largest Sexstory collection BBS root@bbs.tiger2.net 980926 000000
personal TiMeR's Home http://TiMeR.usf.com.hk My Personal Web timer@Homemail.com 990226 000000
personal Tobbes Crazy Site http://www.tobbe.com A swedish site with crazy things tobbe@tobbe.com 981204 000000
personal Toby A. Rider http://www3.atsbank.com/~tarider/tullochgorm/SCOT1.HTM A web page devoted to Traditional Scottish Music, running on my own FreeBSD-powered web server! www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Torulf Lundgren http://www.torulf.pp.se/ Me, my family and my motorcycle. In Swedish only. www@freebsd.org 1998527 000000
personal TPS Software Security Society http://tps.sk Security consulting & development, FreeBSD support tps@tps.sk 980625 000000
personal TropiNet http://www.tropinet.com Nigel Gorry's Home Page nigel@tropinet.com 980905 000000
personal Twilight Systems http://www.tw-zone.com Twilight Zone Web site www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Twingo inc. http://www.execrel.kiev.ua/twingo.html My homepage pavel@execrel.kiev.ua 980803 000000
personal wang long http://freebsd.hbdcb.net.cn My personal site of FreeBSD 2.2.5 www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Web Design- © OMNiTECH SySTEMS 1999 http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/lane/5667 ...The world of Z... RaceR_Z_@hotmail.com 990314 000000
personal Weberworld http://www.weberworld.com WeberWorld www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal Windmoon Place http://www.windmoon.nu/ Someone got banned in #freebsd fengyue@windmoon.nu 980609 000000
personal Wrath.Oche.De http://lucy.wrath.oche.de Private Dial-on-demand-network www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal www.davidv.net http://www.davidv.net Personal FreeBSD playground david@davidv.net 990121 000000
personal www.reaper.org http://www.reaper.org WWW server for my friends salvo@reaper.org 980520 000000
personal zork.rydnet http://zork.rydnet.lysator.liu.se my personal site with some local information mwass@lysator.liu.se 980515 000000
personal Zual56's World http://ritz.DrZone.COM Internet Service Provider using FreeBSD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000
personal __Leif Nyberg http://userweb.interact.se/¯pfi/index.htm PFI, a website with Java, Real Video & FreeBSD www@freebsd.org 980311 000000