diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml
index 7a6feef5bf..daa4c89c55 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml
@@ -1,2194 +1,2248 @@
      The FreeBSD Documentation Project
-     $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml,v 1.38 2001/06/06 20:14:38 chris Exp $
+     $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml,v 1.39 2001/06/26 15:40:22 phantom Exp $
 <chapter id="linuxemu">
   <title>Linux Binary Compatibility</title>
   <para><emphasis>Restructured and parts updated by &a.jim;, 22 March
     2000.  Originally contributed by &a.handy; and
+    <indexterm><primary>Linux binary compatibility</primary></indexterm>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>binary compatibility</primary>
+      <secondary>Linux</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
     <para>The following chapter will cover FreeBSD's Linux binary
       compatibility features, how to install it, and how it works.</para>
     <para>At this point, you may be asking yourself why exactly, does
       FreeBSD need to be able to run Linux binaries?  The answer to that
       question is quite simple.  Many companies and developers develop
       only for Linux, since it is the latest <quote>hot thing</quote> in
       the computing world.  That leaves the rest of us FreeBSD users
       bugging these same companies and developers to put out native
       FreeBSD versions of their applications.  The problem is, that most
       of these companies do not really realize how many people would use
       their product if there were FreeBSD versions too, and most continue
       to only develop for Linux.  So what is a FreeBSD user to do?  This
       is where the Linux binary compatibility of FreeBSD comes into
     <para>In a nutshell, the compatibility allows FreeBSD users to run
       about 90% of all Linux applications without modification.  This
       includes applications such as Star Office, the Linux version of
       Netscape, Adobe Acrobat, RealPlayer 5 and 7, VMWare, Oracle,
       WordPerfect, Doom, Quake, and more.  It is also reported that in
       some situations, Linux binaries perform better on FreeBSD than they
       do under Linux.</para>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>Linux</primary>
+      <secondary><filename>/proc</filename> filesystem</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
     <para>There are, however, some Linux-specific operating system
       features that are not supported under FreeBSD.  Linux binaries will
       not work on FreeBSD if they overly use the Linux
       <filename>/proc</filename> filesystem (which is different from
       FreeBSD's <filename>/proc</filename> filesystem), or i386-specific
       calls, such as enabling virtual 8086 mode.</para>
     <para>For information on installing the Linux binary compatibility
       mode, see the <link linkend="linuxemu-lbc-install">next section</link>.</para>
   <sect1 id="linuxemu-lbc-install">
     <para>With the advent of 3.0-RELEASE, it is no longer necessary to
       specify <literal>options LINUX</literal> or
       <literal>options COMPAT_LINUX</literal> in your kernel
+    <indexterm><primary>KLD (kernel loadable object)</primary></indexterm>
     <para>The Linux binary compatibility is now done via a KLD object
       (<quote>Kernel LoaDable object</quote>), so it can be installed
       <quote>on-the-fly</quote> without having to reboot.  You will,
       however, need to have the following in
     <para>This, in turn, triggers the following action in
     <programlisting># Start the Linux binary compatibility if requested.
 case ${linux_enable} in
 	echo -n ' linux';	linux &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1
     <para>If you wish to verify that the KLD is loaded,
       <command>kldstat</command> will do that:</para>
     <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>kldstat</userinput>
 Id Refs Address    Size     Name
  1    2 0xc0100000 16bdb8   kernel
  7    1 0xc24db000 d000     linux.ko</screen>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>kernel options</primary>
+      <secondary>LINUX</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
     <para>If for some reason you do not want to or cannot load the KLD,
       then you may statically link the binary compatibility in the kernel
       by adding <literal>options LINUX</literal> to your kernel
       configuration file.  Then install your new kernel as described in
       the <link linkend="kernelconfig">kernel configuration</link> section
       of this handbook.</para>
       <title>Installing Linux Runtime Libraries</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>Linux</primary>
+	<secondary>installing Linux libraries</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
-      <para>This can be done one of two ways, either by using the <link
-        linkend="linuxemu-libs-port">linux_base</link> port, or by installing them
-	<link linkend="linuxemu-libs-manually">manually</link>.</para>
+      <para>This can be done one of two ways, either by using the
+        <link linkend="linuxemu-libs-port">linux_base</link> port, or
+        by installing them <link
+        linkend="linuxemu-libs-manually">manually</link>.</para>
       <sect3 id="linuxemu-libs-port">
 	<title>Installing using the linux_base port</title>
+	<indexterm><primary>ports collection</primary></indexterm>
 	<para>This is by far the easiest method to use when installing the
 	  runtime libraries.  It is just like installing any other port
 	  from the <ulink url="/ports/">ports collection</ulink>.
 	  Simply do the following:</para>
 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make install distclean</userinput></screen>
 	<para>You should now have working Linux binary compatibility.
 	  Some programs may complain about incorrect minor versions of the
 	  system libraries.  In general, however, this does not seem to be
 	  a problem.</para>
       <sect3 id="linuxemu-libs-manually">
 	<title>Installing libraries manually</title>
 	<para>If you do not have the <quote>ports</quote> collection
 	  installed, you can install the libraries by hand instead.  You
 	  will need the Linux shared libraries that the program depends on
 	  and the runtime linker.  Also, you will need to create a
 	  <quote>shadow root</quote> directory,
 	  <filename>/compat/linux</filename>, for Linux libraries on your
 	  FreeBSD system.  Any shared libraries opened by Linux programs
 	  run under FreeBSD will look in this tree first.  So, if a Linux
 	  program loads, for example, <filename>/lib/libc.so</filename>,
 	  FreeBSD will first try to open
 	  <filename>/compat/linux/lib/libc.so</filename>, and if that does
 	  not exist, it will then try <filename>/lib/libc.so</filename>.
 	  Shared libraries should be installed in the shadow tree
 	  <filename>/compat/linux/lib</filename> rather than the paths
 	  that the Linux <command>ld.so</command> reports.</para>
 	<para>Generally, you will need to look for the shared libraries
 	  that Linux binaries depend on only the first few times that you
 	  install a Linux program on your FreeBSD system.  After a while,
 	  you will have a sufficient set of Linux shared libraries on your
 	  system to be able to run newly imported Linux binaries without
 	  any extra work.</para>
 	<title>How to install additional shared libraries</title>
+	<indexterm><primary>shared libraries</primary></indexterm>
 	<para>What if you install the <filename>linux_base</filename> port
 	  and your application still complains about missing shared
 	  libraries?  How do you know which shared libraries Linux
 	  binaries need, and where to get them?  Basically, there are 2
 	  possibilities (when following these instructions you will need
 	  to be root on your FreeBSD system).</para>
 	<para>If you have access to a Linux system, see what shared
 	  libraries the application needs, and copy them to your FreeBSD
 	  system.  Look at the following example:</para>
 	  <para>Let us assume you used FTP to get the Linux binary of
 	    Doom, and put it on a Linux system you have access to.  You
 	    then can check which shared libraries it needs by running
 	    <command>ldd linuxdoom</command>, like so:</para>
 	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>ldd linuxdoom</userinput>
 libXt.so.3 (DLL Jump 3.1) =&gt; /usr/X11/lib/libXt.so.3.1.0
 libX11.so.3 (DLL Jump 3.1) =&gt; /usr/X11/lib/libX11.so.3.1.0
 libc.so.4 (DLL Jump 4.5pl26) =&gt; /lib/libc.so.4.6.29</screen>
+	  <indexterm><primary>symbolic links</primary></indexterm>
 	  <para>You would need to get all the files from the last column,
 	    and put them under <filename>/compat/linux</filename>, with
 	    the names in the first column as symbolic links pointing to
 	    them.  This means you eventually have these files on your
 	    FreeBSD system:</para>
 /compat/linux/usr/X11/lib/libXt.so.3 -&gt; libXt.so.3.1.0
 /compat/linux/usr/X11/lib/libX11.so.3 -&gt; libX11.so.3.1.0
 /compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4.6.29 /compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4 -&gt; libc.so.4.6.29</screen>
 	      <para>Note that if you already have a Linux shared library
 		with a matching major revision number to the first column
 		of the <command>ldd</command> output, you will not need to
 		copy the file named in the last column to your system, the
 		one you already have should work.  It is advisable to copy
 		the shared library anyway if it is a newer version,
 		though.  You can remove the old one, as long as you make
 		the symbolic link point to the new one.  So, if you have
 		these libraries on your system:</para>
 /compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4 -&gt; libc.so.4.6.27</screen>
 	      <para>and you find a new binary that claims to require a
 		later version according to the output of
 	      <screen>libc.so.4 (DLL Jump 4.5pl26) -&gt; libc.so.4.6.29</screen>
 	      <para>If it is only one or two versions out of date in the
 		in the trailing digit then do not worry about copying
 		<filename>/lib/libc.so.4.6.29</filename> too, because the
 		program should work fine with the slightly older version.
 		However, if you like, you can decide to replace the
 		<filename>libc.so</filename> anyway, and that should leave
 		you with:</para>
 /compat/linux/lib/libc.so.4 -&gt; libc.so.4.6.29</screen>
 	      <para>The symbolic link mechanism is
 		<emphasis>only</emphasis> needed for Linux binaries.  The
 		FreeBSD runtime linker takes care of looking for matching
 		major revision numbers itself and you do not need to worry
 		about it.</para>
       <title>Installing Linux ELF binaries</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>Linux</primary>
+	<secondary>ELF binaries</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
       <para>ELF binaries sometimes require an extra step of
 	<quote>branding</quote>.  If you attempt to run an unbranded ELF
 	binary, you will get an error message like the following;</para>
       <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>./my-linux-elf-binary</userinput>
 ELF binary type not known
       <para>To help the FreeBSD kernel distinguish between a FreeBSD ELF
 	binary from a Linux binary, use the &man.brandelf.1;
       <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>brandelf -t Linux my-linux-elf-binary</userinput></screen>
+      <indexterm><primary>GNU toolchain</primary></indexterm>
       <para>The GNU toolchain now places the appropriate branding
 	information into ELF binaries automatically, so you this step
 	should become increasingly more rare in the future.</para>
       <title>Configuring the host name resolver</title>
       <para>If DNS does not work or you get this message:</para>
       <screen>resolv+: "bind" is an invalid keyword resolv+:
 "hosts" is an invalid keyword</screen>
       <para>You will need to configure a
 	<filename>/compat/linux/etc/host.conf</filename> file
       <programlisting>order hosts, bind
 multi on</programlisting>
       <para>The order here specifies that <filename>/etc/hosts</filename>
 	is searched first and DNS is searched second.  When
 	<filename>/compat/linux/etc/host.conf</filename> is not
 	installed, linux applications find FreeBSD's
 	<filename>/etc/host.conf</filename> and complain about the
 	incompatible FreeBSD syntax.  You should remove
 	<literal>bind</literal> if you have not configured a name server
 	using the <filename>/etc/resolv.conf</filename> file.</para>
   <sect1 id="linuxemu-mathematica">
     <title>Installing Mathematica</title>
     <para><emphasis>Updated for Mathematica version 4.x by &a.murray
       and merged with work by Bojan Bistrovic
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>applications</primary>
+      <secondary><application>Mathematica</application></secondary>
+    </indexterm>
     <para>This document describes the process of installing the Linux
       version of Mathematica 4.X onto a FreeBSD system.</para>
     <para>The Linux version of Mathematica runs perfectly under FreeBSD
       however the binaries shipped by Wolfram need to be branded so that
       FreeBSD knows to use the Linux ABI to execute them.</para>
     <para>The Linux version of Mathematica or Mathematica for Students can
       be ordered directly from Wolfram at <ulink
       <title>Branding the Linux binaries</title>
       <para>The Linux binaries are located in the <filename>Unix</filename>
 	directory of the Mathematica CDROM distributed by Wolfram.  You
 	need to copy this directory tree to your local hard drive so that
 	you can brand the Linux binaries with &man.brandelf.1; before
 	running the installer:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mount /cdrom</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cp -rp /cdrom/Unix/ /localdir/</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Kernel/Binaries/Linux/*</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/Binaries/Linux/*</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Installation/Binaries/Linux/*</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Graphics/Binaries/Linux/*</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Converters/Binaries/Linux/*</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>brandelf -t Linux /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/LicenseManager/Binaries/Linux/mathlm</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /localdir/Installers/Linux/</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>./MathInstaller</userinput></screen>
        <para>Alternatively, you can simply set the default ELF brand
          to Linux for all unbranded binaries with the command:</para>
        <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl -w kern.fallback_elf_brand=3</userinput>
        <para>This will make FreeBSD assume that unbranded ELF binaries
          use the Linux ABI and so you should be able to run the
          installer straight from the CDROM.</para>
       <title>Obtaining your Mathematica Password</title>
       <para>Before you can run Mathematica you will have to obtain a
 	password from Wolfram that corresponds to your <quote>machine
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>Ethernet</primary>
+        <secondary>MAC address</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
       <para>Once you have installed the Linux compatibility runtime
 	libraries and unpacked Mathematica you can obtain the
 	<quote>machine ID</quote> by running the program
 	<command>mathinfo</command> in the Install directory.  This
 	machine ID is based solely on the MAC address of your first
 	ethernet card.</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /localdir/Files/SystemFiles/Installation/Binaries/Linux</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mathinfo</userinput>
 disco.example.com 7115-70839-20412</screen>
       <para>When you register with Wolfram, either by email, phone or fax,
 	you will give them the <quote>machine ID</quote> and they will
 	respond with a corresponding password consisting of groups of
 	numbers.  You can then enter this information when you attempt to
 	run Mathematica for the first time exactly as you would for any
 	other Mathematica platform.</para>
       <title>Running the Mathematica front end over a network</title>
       <para>Mathematica uses some special fonts to display characters not
 	present in any of the standard font sets (integrals, sums, greek
 	letters, etc.).  The X protocol requires these fonts to be install
 	<emphasis>locally</emphasis>.  This means you will have to copy
 	these fonts from the CDROM or from a host with Mathematica
 	installed to your local machine.  These fonts are normally stored
 	in <filename>/cdrom/Unix/Files/SystemFiles/Fonts</filename> on the
 	CDROM, or
 	<filename>/usr/local/mathematica/SystemFiles/Fonts</filename> on
 	your hard drive.  The actual fonts are in the subdirectories
 	<filename>Type1</filename> and <filename>X</filename>.  There are
 	several ways to use them, as described below.</para>
       <para>The first way is to copy them into one of the existing font
 	directories in <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</filename>.
 	This will require editing the <filename>fonts.dir</filename> file,
 	adding the font names to it, and changing the number of fonts on
 	the first line.  Alternatively, you should also just be able to
 	run <command>mkfontdir</command> in the directory you have copied
 	them to.</para>
       <para>The second way to do this is to copy the directories to
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir X</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir MathType1</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /cdrom/Unix/Files/SystemFiles/Fonts</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cp X/* /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/X</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cp Type1/* /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/MathType1</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/X</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkfontdir</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd ../MathType1</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkfontdir</userinput</screen>
       <para>Now add the new font directories to your font path:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/X</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/MathType1</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>xset fp rehash</userinput></screen>
       <para>If you are using the XFree86 server, you can have these font
 	directories loaded automatically by adding them to your
 	<filename>XF86Config</filename> file.</para>
+      <indexterm><primary>fonts</primary></indexterm>
       <para>If you <emphasis>do not</emphasis> already have a directory
 	called <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1</filename>, you
 	can change the name of the <filename>MathType1</filename>
 	directory in the example above to
   <sect1 id="linuxemu-oracle">
     <title>Installing Oracle</title>
     <para><emphasis>Contributed by Marcel Moolenaar
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>applications</primary>
+      <secondary><application>Oracle</application></secondary>
+    </indexterm>
       <para>This document describes the process of installing Oracle 8.0.5 and
 	Oracle Enterprise Edition for Linux onto a FreeBSD
       <title>Installing the Linux environment</title>
       <para>Make sure you have both <filename>linux_base</filename> and
 	<filename>linux_devtools</filename> from the ports collection
 	installed.  These ports are added to the collection after the release
 	of FreeBSD 3.2.  If you are using FreeBSD 3.2 or an older version for
 	that matter, update your ports collection.  You may want to consider
 	updating your FreeBSD version too.  If you run into difficulties with
 	<filename>linux_base-6.1</filename> or
 	<filename>linux_devtools-6.1</filename> you may have to use version
 	5.2 of these packages.</para>
       <para>If you want to run the intelligent agent, you'll
 	also need to install the Red Hat TCL package:
 	<filename>tcl-8.0.3-20.i386.rpm</filename>.  The general command
 	for installing packages with the official RPM port is :</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>rpm -i --ignoreos --root /compat/linux --dbpath /var/lib/rpm <replaceable>package</replaceable></userinput></screen>
       <para>Installation of the package should not generate any errors.</para>
       <title>Creating the Oracle environment</title>
       <para>Before you can install Oracle, you need to set up a proper
 	environment.  This document only describes what to do
 	<emphasis>specially</emphasis> to run Oracle for Linux on FreeBSD, not
 	what has been described in the Oracle installation guide.</para>
       <sect3 id="linuxemu-kernel-tuning">
         <title>Kernel Tuning</title>
+	<indexterm><primary>kernel tuning</primary></indexterm>
 	<para>As described in the Oracle installation guide, you need to set
 	  the maximum size of shared memory.  Don't use
 	  <literal>SHMMAX</literal> under FreeBSD. <literal>SHMMAX</literal>
 	  is merely calculated out of <literal>SHMMAXPGS</literal> and
 	  <literal>PGSIZE</literal>.  Therefore define
 	  <literal>SHMMAXPGS</literal>.  All other options can be used as
 	  described in the guide.  For example:</para>
 	<programlisting>options SHMMAXPGS=10000
 options SHMMNI=100
 options SHMSEG=10
 options SEMMNS=200
 options SEMMNI=70
 options SEMMSL=61</programlisting>
         <para>Set these options to suit your intended use of Oracle.</para>
 	<para>Also, make sure you have the following options in your kernel
 <programlisting>options SYSVSHM #SysV shared memory
 options SYSVSEM #SysV semaphores
 options SYSVMSG #SysV interprocess communication</programlisting>
       <sect3 id="linuxemu-oracle-account">
         <title>Oracle account</title>
 	<para>Create an Oracle account just as you would create any other
 	  account. The  Oracle account is special only that you need to give
 	  it a Linux shell.  Add <literal>/compat/linux/bin/bash</literal> to
 	  <filename>/etc/shells</filename> and set the shell for the Oracle
 	  account to <filename>/compat/linux/bin/bash</filename>.</para>
       <sect3 id="linuxemu-environment">
 	<para>Besides the normal Oracle variables, such as
 	  <envar>ORACLE_HOME</envar> and <envar>ORACLE_SID</envar> you must
 	  set the following environment variables:</para>
 	<informaltable frame="none">
 	  <tgroup cols="2">
         <para>It is advised to set all the environment variables in
 	  <filename>.profile</filename>.  A complete example is:</para>
 <programlisting>ORACLE_BASE=/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
 ORACLE_HOME=/oracle; export ORACLE_HOME
 export PATH</programlisting>
       <title>Installing Oracle</title> 
       <para>Due to a slight inconsistency in the Linux emulator, you need to
 	create a directory named <filename>.oracle</filename> in
 	<filename>/var/tmp</filename> before you start the installer.  Either
 	make it world writable or let it be owner by the oracle user.  You
 	should be able to install Oracle without any problems.  If you have
 	problems, check your Oracle distribution and/or configuration first!
 	After you have installed Oracle, apply the patches described in the
 	next two subsections.</para>
       <para>A frequent problem is that the TCP protocol adapter is not
 	installed right. As a consequence, you cannot start any TCP listeners.
 	The following actions help solve this problem:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make -f ins_network.mk ntcontab.o</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>ar r libnetwork.a ntcontab.o</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make -f ins_network.mk install</userinput></screen>
       <para>Don't forget to run <filename>root.sh</filename> again!</para>
     <sect3 id="linuxemu-patch-root">
       <title>Patching root.sh</title>
 	<para>When installing Oracle, some actions, which need to be performed
 	  as <username>root</username>, are recorded in a shell script called
 	  <filename>root.sh</filename>.  <filename>root.sh</filename> is
 	  written in the <filename>orainst</filename> directory.  Apply the
 	  following patch to root.sh, to have it use to proper location of
 	  chown or alternatively run the script under a Linux native
 	<programlisting>*** orainst/root.sh.orig Tue Oct 6 21:57:33 1998
 --- orainst/root.sh Mon Dec 28 15:58:53 1998
 *** 31,37 ****
 # This is the default value for CHOWN
 # It will redefined later in this script for those ports
 # which have it conditionally defined in ss_install.h
 ! CHOWN=/bin/chown
 # Define variables to be used in this script
 --- 31,37 ----
 # This is the default value for CHOWN
 # It will redefined later in this script for those ports
 # which have it conditionally defined in ss_install.h
 ! CHOWN=/usr/sbin/chown
 # Define variables to be used in this script</programlisting>
 	<para>When you don't install Oracle from CD, you can patch the source
 	  for <filename>root.sh</filename>.  It is called
 	  <filename>rthd.sh</filename> and is located in the
 	  <filename>orainst</filename> directory in the source tree.</para>
       <sect3 id="linuxemu-patch-tcl">
 	<title>Patching genclntsh</title>
 	<para>The script genclntsh is used to create a single shared client
 	  library.  It is used when building the demos.  Apply the following
 	  patch to comment out the definition of PATH:</para>
 	<programlisting>*** bin/genclntsh.orig Wed Sep 30 07:37:19 1998
 --- bin/genclntsh Tue Dec 22 15:36:49 1998
 *** 32,38 ****
 # Explicit path to ensure that we're using the correct commands
 #PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin export PATH
 ! PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin export PATH
 # each product MUST provide a $PRODUCT/admin/shrept.lst
 --- 32,38 ----
 # Explicit path to ensure that we're using the correct commands
 #PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin export PATH
 ! #PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin export PATH
 # each product MUST provide a $PRODUCT/admin/shrept.lst</programlisting>
       <title>Running Oracle</title>
       <para>When you have followed the instructions, you should be able to run
 	Oracle as if it was run on Linux itself.</para>
   <sect1 id="sapr3">
     <title>Installing SAP R/3 (4.6B - IDES)</title>
     <para><emphasis>Contributed by Holger Kipp</emphasis> <email>holger.kipp@alogis.com</email></para>
     <para><emphasis>Converted to SGML by &a.logo;</emphasis></para>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>applications</primary>
+      <secondary><application>SAP R/3</application></secondary>
+    </indexterm>
     <sect2 id="preface">
       <para>This document describes a possible way of installing a SAP
         R/3 4.6B IDES-System with Oracle 8.0.5 for Linux onto a
         FreeBSD 4.3 machine, including the installation of FreeBSD 4.3
         stable and Oracle 8.0.5.</para>
       <para>Even though this document tries to describe all important
         steps in a greater detail, it is not intended as a replacement
         for the Oracle and SAP R/3 installation guides.</para>
       <para>Please see the documentation that comes with the SAP R/3
         Linux edition for SAP- and Oracle-specific questions, as well
         as resources from Oracle and SAP OSS.</para>
     <sect2 id="software">
       <para>The following CD-ROMs have been used for
         <tgroup cols=3>
           <entry>Name</entry> <entry>Number</entry> <entry>Description</entry>
           <entry>KERNEL</entry> <entry>51009113</entry> <entry>SAP Kernel Oracle /
           Installation / AIX, Linux, Solaris</entry>
           <entry>RDBMS</entry> <entry>51007558</entry> <entry>Oracle / RDBMS 8.0.5.X /
           <entry>EXPORT1</entry> <entry>51010208</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export / Disc
           1 of 6</entry>
           <entry>EXPORT2</entry> <entry>51010209</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export / Disc
           2 of 6</entry>
           <entry>EXPORT3</entry> <entry>51010210</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
           Disc3 of 6</entry>
           <entry>EXPORT4</entry> <entry>51010211</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
           Disc4 of 6</entry>
           <entry>EXPORT5</entry> <entry>51010212</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
           Disc5 of 6</entry>
           <entry>EXPORT6</entry> <entry>51010213</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
           Disc6 of 6</entry>
       <para>Additionally, I used the <application>Oracle 8
         Server</application> (Pre-production version 8.0.5 for Linux,
         Kernel Version 2.0.33) CD which is not really necessary, and
         of course FreeBSD 4.3 stable (it was only a few days past 4.3
     <sect2 id="sap-notes">
       <para>The following notes should be read before installing
         <application>SAP R/3</application> or proved to be useful
         during installation:</para>
         <tgroup cols="2">
           <entry>0171356</entry> <entry>SAP Software auf Linux: grundlegenden
           <entry>0201147</entry> <entry>INST: 4.6C R/3 Inst. on UNIX -
           <entry>0373203</entry> <entry>Update / Migration Oracle 8.0.5 -->
           8.0.6/8.1.6 LINUX</entry>
           <entry>0072984</entry> <entry>Release of Digital UNIX 4.0B for
           <entry>0130581</entry> <entry>R3SETUP step DIPGNTAB terminates</entry>
           <entry>0144978</entry> <entry>Your system has not been installed
           <entry>0162266</entry> <entry>Questions and tips for R3SETUP on Windows
           NT / W2K</entry>
     <sect2 id="hardware-requirements">
       <para>The following equipment is sufficient for a
         <application>SAP R/3 System</application> (4.6B):</para>
         <tgroup cols="3">
           <entry>2 x 800MHz Pentium III</entry>
           <entry>2 x 800MHz Pentium III</entry>
           <entry>1GB ECC</entry>
           <entry>2GB ECC</entry>
           <entry>Hard Disc Space</entry>
           <entry>50-60GB (IDES)</entry>
           <entry>50-60GB (IDES)</entry>
       <para>For use in production, Xeon-Processors with large cache,
         high-speed disc access (SCSI, RAID hardware controller), USV
         and ECC-RAM is recommended.  The large amount of Hard disc
         space is due to the preconfigured IDES System, which creates
         27 GB of database files during installation.  Usually after
         installation it is then necessary to extend some
       <para>I used a dual processor board with 2 800MHz Pentium III
         processors, Adaptec 29160 Ultra160 SCSI adapter (for accessing
         a 40/80 GB DLT tape drive and CD-ROM), Mylex AcelleRAID (2
         channels, firmware 6.00-1-00 with 32MB RAM).  To the Mylex
         Raid-controller are attached two 17GB hard discs (mirrored)
         and four 36GB hard discs (RAID level 5).</para>
     <sect2 id="installation">
       <title>Installation of FreeBSD 4.3 stable</title>
       <para>First I installed FreeBSD 4.3 stable. I did the
         default-installation via ftp.</para>
       <sect3 id="install-via-ftp">
         <title>Installation via FTP</title> <para>Get the diskimages
         kern.flp and mfsroot.flp and put them on floppy disks (I got
         mine from ftp7.de.freebsd.org. Please choose the appropriate
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=kern.flp of=/dev/fd0</userinput> 
 &prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=mfsroot.flp of=/dev/fd0</userinput> </screen>
         <para>Don't forget to use different disks for the two images
           :-), then boot from the floppy with the kern.flp-image on it
           and follow instructions.  I used the following disk
           <tgroup cols="4">
             <entry>Size (1k-blocks)</entry>
             <entry>Size (GB)</entry>
             <entry>Mounted on</entry>
             <entry> </entry>
         <para>I had to configure and initialise the two logical drives
           with the Mylex software beforehand. It is located on the
           board itself and can be started during the boot phase of the
         <para> Please note that this disk layout differs slightly from
           the SAP recommendations, as SAP suggests mounting the
           oracle-subdirectories (and some others) separately - I
           decided to just create them as real subdirectories for
       <sect3 id="getlatestsources">
         <title>Get the latest stable-sources</title>
         <para>For FreeBSD 4.3 stable onwards, it is quite easy to get
           the latest stable sources. With the older versions of
           FreeBSD, I had my own script located in /etc/cvsup. Setting
           up cvsup for FreeBSD 4.3 is quite easy. As user
           <username>root</username> do the following:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cp /etc/defaults/make.conf /etc/make.conf</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>vi /etc/make.conf</userinput> </screen>
         <para>The file <filename>/etc/make.conf</filename> requires the
         following entries to be active:</para>
         <programlisting>SUP_UPDATE=    yes
 SUP=           /usr/local/bin/cvsup
 SUPFLAGS=      -g -L 2
 SUPHOST=       cvsup8.FreeBSD.org
 SUPFILE=       /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile 
 PORTSSUPFILE=  /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile 
 DOCSUPFILE=    /usr/share/examples/cvsup/doc-supfile</programlisting>
         <para>Change the <emphasis>SUPHOST</emphasis>-value
           appropriately.  The supfiles in
           <filename>/usr/share/examples/cvsup</filename> should be
           fine. If you don't want to load all the docfiles, leave the
           corresponding <emphasis>DOCSUPFILE</emphasis>-entry
           inactive.  Starting cvsup to get the latest stable-sources
           is then very easy:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make update</userinput> </screen>
       <sect3 id="makeworldandnewkernel">
         <title>Make world and a new kernel</title>
         <para>The first thing to do is to install the sources.
           As user root, do the following:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make world</userinput> </screen>
         <para>If this goes through, one can then continue creating and
           configuring the new kernel. Usually this is where to
           customize the kernel configuration file.  As the computer is
           named troubadix, the natural name for the config file also
           is troubadix:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cp GENERIC TROUBADIX</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>vi TROUBADIX</userinput> </screen>
         <para>At this stage one can define the drivers to use and not
           to use, etc.  See the appropriate documentation or have a
           look at file <filename>LINT</filename> for some additional
         <para>One can then also include the parameters as described
           below Creating the new kernel then requires:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>config TROUBADIX</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src/sys/compile/TROUBADIX</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make depend</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make install</userinput> </screen>
         <para>After <command>make install</command> finished
           successfully, one should reboot the computer to have the new
           kernel available.</para>
     <sect2 id="installingthelinuxenviornment">
       <title>Installing the Linux environment</title>
       <para>I had some trouble downloading the required RPM-files (for
         4.3 stable, 2nd May 2001), so you might try one of the
         following locations (if all the others fail and the following
         aren't out of date):</para>
       <sect3 id="installinglinuxbase-system">
         <title>Installing Linux base-system</title>
         <para>First the linux base-system needs to be installed (as root):
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make package</userinput> </screen></para>
       <sect3 id="installinglinuxdevelopment">
         <title>Installing Linux development</title>
         <para>Next, the linux development is needed:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/devel/linux_devtools</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>make package</userinput> </screen>
       <sect3 id="installingnecessaryrpms">
         <title>Installing necessary RPMs</title>
+	<indexterm><primary>RPMs</primary></indexterm>
         <para>To start the R3SETUP-Program, pam support is needed.  As
           this also requires some other packages, I ended up
           installing several packages. After that, pam still
           complained about a missing package, so I forced the
           installation and it worked. I wonder if the other packages
           are really needed or if it would have been sufficient to
           install the pam-package.</para>
         <para>Anyway, here is the list of packages I installed:</para>
         <para>I installed these packages with the following
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>rpm -i --ignoreos --root /compat/linux --dbpath /var/lib/rpm &lt;package_name&gt;</userinput> </screen>
         <para>except for the pam package, which I forced with</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>rpm -i --ignoreos --nodeps --root /compat/linux --dbpath /var/lib/rpm pam-0.68-7.i386.rpm</userinput> </screen>
         <para>For <application>Oracle</application> to run the
           intelligent agent, I also had to install the following
           RedHat TCL package (as is stated in the FreeBSD Handbook):
           <filename>tcl-8.0.5-30.i386.rpm</filename> (otherwise the
           relinking during <application>Oracle</application> install
           won't work).  There are some other issues regarding
           relinking of <application>Oracle</application>, but that is
           a Oracle-Linux issue, not FreeBSD specific as far as I
           understand it.</para>
     <sect2 id="creatingsapr3env">
       <title>Creating the SAP/R3 environment</title>
       <sect3 id="filesystemsandmountpoints">
         <title>Creating the necessary filesystems and mountpoints</title>
         <para>For a simple installation, it is sufficient to create the
           following filesystems:</para>
           <tgroup cols="2">
             <entry>size in GB</entry>
             <entry>45 GB</entry>
             <entry>2 GB</entry>
             <entry>2 GB</entry>
         <para>I also created some links, so FreeBSD will also find the
           correct path:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>ln -s /compat/linux/oracle /oracle</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>ln -s /compat/linux/sapmnt /sapmnt</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>ln -s /compat/linux/usr/sap /usr/sap</userinput> </screen>
       <sect3 id="creatingusersanddirectories">
         <title>Creating users and directories</title>
         <para>SAP R/3 needs two users and three groups. The usernames
           depend on the SAP system id (SID) which consists of three
           letters. Some of these SIDs are reserved by SAP (for example
           <emphasis>SAP</emphasis> and <emphasis>NIX</emphasis>. For
           a complete list please see the SAP documentation).  For the
           IDES installation I used <emphasis>IDS</emphasis>.  We have
           therefore the following groups (group ids might differ,
           these are just the values I used with my installation):</para>
           <tgroup cols="3">
             <entry>group id</entry>
             <entry>group name</entry>
             <entry>Data Base Administrator</entry>
             <entry>SAP System</entry>
             <entry>Data Base Operator</entry>
         <para>For a default Oracle-Installation, only group
           <groupname>dba</groupname> is used. As
           <groupname>oper</groupname>-group, one also uses group
           <groupname>dba</groupname> (see Oracle- and
           SAP-documentation for further information).</para>
         <para>We also need the following users:</para>
           <tgroup cols="6">
             <entry>user id</entry>
             <entry>generic name</entry>
             <entry>additional groups</entry>
             <entry>SAP Administrator</entry>
             <entry>DB Administrator</entry>
         <para>Adding the users with <command>adduser</command>
           requires the following (please note shell and home
           directory) entries for SAP-Administrator:</para>
         <programlisting>Name: idsadm            &lt;sid&gt;adm
 Password: ******
 Fullname: SAP IDES Administrator
 Uid: 1000
 Gid: 101 (sapsys)
 Groups: sapsys dba
 HOME: /home/idsadm      /home/&lt;sid&gt;adm
 Shell: /bin/sh</programlisting>
         <para>and for Database-Administrator:</para>
         <programlisting>Name: oraids          ora&lt;sid&gt; 
 Password: ****** 
 Fullname: Oracle IDES Administrator 
 Uid: 1002 
 Gid: 100 (dba) 
 Groups: dba 
 HOME: /oracle/IDS     /oracle/&lt;sid&gt; 
 Shell: /bin/sh</programlisting>
         <para>This should also include group
           <groupname>oper</groupname> in case you are using both
           groups <groupname>dba</groupname> and
       <sect3 id="creatingdirectories">
         <title>Creating directories</title>
         <para>These directories are usually created as separate
           filesystems.  This depends entirely on your requirements.  I
           choose to create them as simple directories, as they are all
           located on the same RAID 5 anyway:</para>
         <para>First we'll set owners and right of some directories (as
           user <username>root</username>):</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>chmod 775 /oracle</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>chmod 777 /sapmnt</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>chown root:dba /oracle</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>chown idsadm:sapsys /compat/linux/usr/sap</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>chmow 775 /compat/linux/usr/sap</userinput> </screen>
         <para>Second we'll create directories as user ora&lt;sid&gt;. These
         will all be subdirectories of /oracle/IDS:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>su - oraids</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir mirrlogA mirrlogB origlogA origlogB</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir sapdata1 sapdata2 sapdata3 sapdata4 sapdata5 sapdata6</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir saparch sapreorg</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>exit</userinput> </screen>
         <para>In the third step we create directories as user idsadm
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>su - idsadm</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/sap</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir IDS</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir trans</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>exit</userinput> </screen>
       <sect3 id="entriesinslashetcslashservices">
         <title>Entries in /etc/services</title>
         <para>SAP R/3 requires some entries in file
           <filename>/etc/services</filename> , which will not be set
           correctly during installation under FreeBSD.  Please add the
           following entries (you need at least those entries
           corresponding to the instance number - in this case,
           <emphasis>00</emphasis>.  It'll do no harm adding all
           entries from <emphasis>00</emphasis> to
           <emphasis>99</emphasis> for <emphasis>dp</emphasis>,
           <emphasis>gw</emphasis>, <emphasis>sp</emphasis> and
         <programlisting>sapdp00  3200/tcp # SAP Dispatcher.      3200 + Instance-Number
 sapgw00  3300/tcp # SAP Gateway.         3300 + Instance-Number
 sapsp00  3400/tcp #                      3400 + Instance-Number
 sapms00  3500/tcp #                      3500 + Instance-Number
 sapmsIDS 3600/tcp # SAP Message Server.  3600 + Instance-Number</programlisting>
       <sect3 id="necessarylocales">
         <title>Necessary locales</title>
+	<indexterm><primary>locale</primary></indexterm>
         <para>SAP requires at least two locales that aren't part of
           the default RedHat installation. SAP offers the required
           RPMs as download from their ftp-server (which is only
           accessible if you are a customer with OSS-access).  See note
           0171356 for a list of RPMs you need.</para>
         <para>It is also possible to just create appropriate links
           (for example from <emphasis>de_DE</emphasis> and
           <emphasis>en_US</emphasis> ), but I wouldn't recommend this
           for a production system (so far it worked with the IDES
           system without any problems, though).  The following locales
           are needed:</para>
         <para>If they are not present, there will be some problems
           during the installation.  If these are then subsequently
           ignored (eg by setting the status of the offending steps to
           OK in file CENTRDB.R3S), it will be impossible to log onto
           the SAP-system without some additional effort.</para>
       <sect3 id="kerneltuning">
         <title>Kernel Tuning</title>
+	<indexterm><primary>kernel tuning</primary></indexterm>
         <para>SAP R/3 Systems need a lot of resources.  I therefore
         added the following parameters to my kernel config-file:
         <programlisting># Set these for memory pigs (SAP and Oracle):
 options MAXDSIZ="(1024*1024*1024)"
 options DFLDSIZ="(1024*1024*1024)" # System V options needed.
 options SYSVSHM #SYSV-style shared memory
 options SHMMAXPGS=262144 #max amount of shared mem. pages
 options SHMMNI=256 #max number of shared memory ident if.
 options SHMSEG=100 #max shared mem.segs per process
 options SYSVMSG #SYSV-style message queues 
 options MSGSEG=32767 #max num. of mes.segments in system 
 options MSGSSZ=32 #size of msg-seg. MUST be power of 2
 options MSGMNB=65535 #max char. per message queue
 options MSGTQL=2046 #max amount of msgs in system
 options SYSVSEM #SYSV-style semaphores 
 options SEMMNU=256 #number of semaphore UNDO structures
 options SEMMNS=1024 #number of semaphores in system
 options SEMMNI=520 #number of semaphore indentifiers
 options SEMUME=100 #number of UNDO keys</programlisting></para>
         <para>The minimum values are specified in the documentation that
           comes from SAP.  As there is no description for Linux, see the
           HP-UX-section (32-bit) for further information.
     <sect2 id="installingsapr3">
       <title>Installing SAP R/3</title>
       <sect3 id="preparingsapcdroms">
         <title>Preparing SAP CD-ROMs</title>
         <para>There are lots of CD-ROMs to mount and unmount during
           installation.  Assuming you have enough CD-ROM-drives, you
           can just mount them all.  I decided to copy the CD-ROM
           contents to corresponding directories:</para>
         <para>where &lt;cd-name&gt; was one of KERNEL, RDBMS, EXPORT1,
         EXPORT2, EXPORT3, EXPORT4, EXPORT5 and EXPORT6. All the
         filenames should be in capital letters, otherwise use the -g
         option for mounting. So use the following commands:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mount_cd9660 -g /dev/cd0a /mnt</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cp -R /mnt/* /oracle/IDS/sapreorg/&lt;cd-name&gt;</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>umount /mnt</userinput> </screen>
       <sect3 id="runningtheinstall-script">
         <title>Running the install-script</title>
         <para>First we need to prepare an install-directory:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /oracle/IDS/sapreorg</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir install</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd install</userinput> </screen>
         <para>Then the install-script is started, which will copy nearly
           all the relevant files into the install-directory:</para>
         <para>As this is an IDES-Installation with a fully customized
           SAP R/3 Demo-System, we have six instead of just three
           EXPORT-CDs.  At this point the installation template
           CENTRDB.R3S is for installing a standard central instance
           (R/3 and Database), not an IDES central instance, so copy
           the corresponding CENTRDB.R3S from the EXPORT1 directory,
           otherwise R3SETUP will only ask for three EXPORT-CDs.</para>
       <sect3 id="startr3setup">
         <title>Start R3SETUP</title>
         <para>Make sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oracle/IDS/lib:/sapmnt/IDS/exe:/oracle/805_32/lib</userinput> </screen>
         <para>Start R3SETUP as user root from installation
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /oracle/IDS/sapreorg/install</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>./R3SETUP -f CENTRDB.R3S</userinput> </screen>
         <para>The script then asks some questions (defaults in brackets,
         followed by actual input):</para>
           <tgroup cols="3">
             <entry>Enter SAP System ID</entry>
             <entry>Enter SAP Instance Number</entry>
             <entry>Enter SAPMOUNT Directory</entry>
             <entry>Enter name of SAP central host</entry>
             <entry>Enter name of SAP db host</entry>
             <entry>Select character set</entry>
             <entry>[1] (WE8DEC)</entry>
             <entry>Enter Oracle server version (1) Oracle 8.0.5, (2) Oracle 8.0.6, (3) Oracle 8.1.5, (4) Oracle 8.1.6</entry>
             <entry> </entry>
             <entry>Extract Oracle Client archive</entry>
             <entry>[1] (Yes, extract)</entry>
             <entry>Enter path to KERNEL CD</entry>
             <entry>Enter path to RDBMS CD</entry>
             <entry>Enter path to EXPORT1 CD</entry>
             <entry>Directory to copy EXPORT1 CD</entry>
             <entry>Enter path to EXPORT2 CD</entry>
             <entry>Directory to copy EXPORT2 CD</entry>
             <entry>Enter path to EXPORT3 CD</entry>
             <entry>Directory to copy EXPORT3 CD</entry>
             <entry>Enter path to EXPORT4 CD</entry>
             <entry>Directory to copy EXPORT4 CD</entry>
             <entry>Enter path to EXPORT5 CD</entry>
             <entry>Directory to copy EXPORT5 CD</entry>
             <entry>Enter path to EXPORT6 CD</entry>
             <entry>Directory to copy EXPORT6 CD</entry>
             <entry>Enter amount of RAM for SAP + DB</entry>
             <entry> </entry>
             <entry>850&lt;ret&gt; (in Megabytes)</entry>
             <entry>Service Entry Message Server</entry>
             <entry>Enter Group-ID of sapsys</entry>
             <entry>Enter Group-ID of oper</entry>
             <entry>Enter Group-ID of dba</entry>
             <entry>Enter User-ID of &lt;sid&gt;adm</entry>
             <entry>Enter User-ID of ora&lt;sid&gt;</entry>
             <entry>Number of parallel procs</entry>
         <para>If I had not copied the CDs to the different locations,
           then the SAP-Installer can't find the CD needed (identified
           by the <filename>LABEL.ASC</filename>-File on CD) and would
           then ask you to insert / mount the CD and confirm or enter
           the mountpath.</para>
         <para>The <filename>CENTRDB.R3S</filename> might not be
           error-free. In my case, it requested EXPORT4 again (but
           indicated the correct key (6_LOCATI ON, then 7_LOCATION
           etc.), so one can just continue with entering the correct
           values. Don't get irritated.</para>
         <para>Apart from some problems mentioned below, everything
           should go straight throught up to the point where the Oracle
           database software needs to be installed.</para>
     <sect2 id="installingoracle805">
       <title>Installing Oracle 8.0.5</title>
       <para>Please see the corresponding SAP-Notes and Oracle Readmes
         regarding Linux and Oracle DB for possible problems. Most if
         not all problems stem from incompatible libraries</para>
       <para>For more information on installing Oracle, refer to <ulink
         url="linuxemu-oracle.html">the Installing Oracle
       <sect3 id="installingtheoracle805withorainst">
         <title>Installing the Oracle 8.0.5 with orainst</title>
         <para>If <application>Oracle 8.0.5</application> is to be
           used, some additional libraries are needed for successfully
           relinking, as Oracle 8.0.5 was linked with an old glibc
           (RedHat 6.0), but RedHat 6.1 already uses a new glibc. So
           you have to install the following additional packages to
           ensure that linking will work:</para>
         <para>See the corresponding SAP-Notes or Oracle Readmes for
           further information.  If this is no option (at the time of
           installation I didn't have enough time to check this), one
           could use the original binaries, or use the relinked
           binaries from an original RedHat System.</para>
         <para>For compiling the intelligent agent, the RedHat TCL
           package must be installed.  If you can't get
           <filename>tcl-8.0.3-20.i386.rpm</filename>, a newer one like
           <filename>tcl-8.0.5-30.i386.rpm</filename> for RedHat 6.1
           should also do.</para>
         <para>Apart from relinking, the installation is
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>su - oraids</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>export TERM=xterm</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>export ORACLE_TERM=xterm</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/IDS</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /ORACLE_HOME/orainst_sap</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>./orainst</userinput> </screen>
         <para>Confirm all Screens with Enter until the software is
           installed, except that one has to deselect the
           <emphasis>Oracle On-Line Text Viewer</emphasis> , as this is
           not currently available for Linux. Oracle then wants to
           relink with <command>i386-glibc20-linux-gcc</command>
           instead of the available <command>gcc</command>,
           <command>egcs</command> or <command>i386-redhat-linux-gcc
         <para>Due to time constrains I decided to use the binaries
           from an Oracle 8.0.5 PreProduction release, after the first
           attempt at getting the version from the RDBMS-CD working,
           failed, and finding / accessing the correct RPMs was a
           nightmare at that time.</para>
       <sect3 id="installingtheoracle805preproduction">
         <title>Installing the Oracle 8.0.5 Pre-Production release for
           Linux (Kernel 2.0.33)</title>
         <para>This installation is quite easy. Mount the CD, start the
           installer.  It will then ask for the location of the Oracle
           home directory, and copy all binaries there. I did not
           delete the remains of my previous RDBMS-installation tries,
         <para>Afterwards, Oracle Database could be started with no
     <sect2 id="continuewithsapr4installation">
       <title>Continue with SAP R/3 installation</title>
       <para>First check the environment settings of users idsamd
         (&lt;sid&gt;adm) and oraids (ora&lt;sid&gt;). They should now
         both have the files <filename>.profile</filename> ,
         <filename>.login</filename> and <filename>.cshrc</filename>
         which are all using <command>hostname</command>. In case the
         system's hostname is the fully qualified name, you need to
         change <command>hostname</command> to <command>hostname
         -s</command> within all three files.</para>
       <sect3 id="databaseload">
         <title>Database load</title>
         <para>Afterwards, R3SETUP can either be restarted or continued
           (depending on whether exit was chosen or not). R3SETUP then
           creates the tablespaces and loads the data from EXPORT1 to
           EXPORT6 (remember, it is an IDES system, otherwise it would
           only be EXPORT1 to EXPORT3) with R3load into the
         <para>When the database load is finished (might take a few
           hours), some passwords are requested. For test
           installations, one can use the well known default passwords
           (use different ones if security is an issue!):</para>
           <tgroup cols="2">
             <entry>Enter Password for sapr3</entry>
             <entry>Confirum Password for sapr3</entry>
             <entry>Enter Password for sys</entry>
             <entry>Confirm Password for sys</entry>
             <entry>Enter Password for system</entry>
             <entry>Confirm Password for system</entry>
         <para>At this point I had a few problems with dipgntab.</para>
       <sect3 id="listener">
         <para>Start the Oracle-Listener as user oraids (ora&lt;sid&gt;) as
         <programlisting>umask 0; lsnrctl start</programlisting>
         <para>Otherwise you might get ORA-12546 as the sockets won't
         have the correct permissions. See SAP note 072984.</para>
     <sect2 id="postinstallationsteps">
       <title>Post-installation steps</title>
       <sect3 id="requestsapr3licensekey">
         <title>Request SAP R/3 license key</title>
         <para>This is needed, as the temporary license is only valid for
         four weeks.  Don't forget to enter the correct Operating System:
         (X) Other: <emphasis>FreeBSD 4.3 Stable</emphasis>. First get
         the hardware key.  Log on as user <username>idsadm</username> and
         call <command>saplicense</command>:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>/sapmnt/IDS/exe/saplicense -get</userinput></screen>
         <para>Calling <command>saplicense</command> without options
         gives a list of options.  Upon receiving the license key, it can
         be installed using</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>/sapmnt/IDS/exe/saplicense -install</userinput></screen>
         <para>You are then required to enter the following
         <programlisting>SAP SYSTEM ID   = &lt;SID, 3 chars&gt;
 CUSTOMER KEY    = &lt;hardware key, 11 chars&gt;
 INSTALLATION NO = &lt;installation, 10 digits&gt;
 EXPIRATION DATE = &lt;yyyymmdd, usually "99991231"&gt;
 LICENSE KEY     = &lt;license key, 24 chars&gt;</programlisting>
       <sect3 id="creatingusers">
         <title>Creating Users</title>
         <para>Create a user within client 000 (for some tasks required
         to be done within client 000, but with a user different from
         users <username>sap*</username> and
         <username>ddic</username>). As a username, I usually choose
         <replaceable>wartung</replaceable> (or
         <replaceable>service</replaceable> in English).  Profiles
         required are <emphasis>sap_new</emphasis> and
         <emphasis>sap_all</emphasis>. For additional safety the
         passwords of default users within all clients should be
         changed (this includes users <username>sap*</username> and
       <sect3 id="configtranssysprofileopermodesetc">
         <title>Configure Transport System, Profile, Operation Modes, etc.</title>
         <para>Within client 000, user different from ddic and sap*, do
           at least the following:</para>
           <tgroup cols="2">
             <entry>Configure Transport System, eg as <emphasis>Stand-Alone
             Transport Domain Entity</emphasis></entry>
             <entry>Create / Edit Profile for System</entry>
             <entry>Maintain Operation Modes and Instances</entry>
         <para>These and all the other post-installation steps are
           thoroughly described in SAP installation guides.</para>
       <sect3 id="editintsidsap">
         <title>Edit init&lt;sid&gt;.sap (initIDS.sap)</title>
         <para>The file
           <filename>/oracle/IDS/dbs/initIDS.sap</filename> contains
           the SAP backup profile.  Here the size of the tape to be
           used, type of compression and so on need to be defined. To
           get this running with <command>sapdba</command> /
           <command>brbackup</command>, I changed the following
         <programlisting>compress = hardware
 archive_function = copy_delete_save
 cpio_flags = "-ov --format=newc --block-size=128 --quiet"
 cpio_in_flags = "-iuv --block-size=128 --quiet"
 tape_size = 38000M
 tape_address = /dev/nsa0
 tape_address_rew = /dev/sa0</programlisting>
         <para><emphasis>compress</emphasis> The tape I use is a HP DLT1
         which does hardware compression.</para>
         <para><emphasis>archive_function</emphasis> This defines the
         default behaviour for saving Oracle archive logs: New logfiles
         are saved to tape, already saved logfiles are saved again and
         are then deleted.  This prevents lots of trouble if one needs to
         recover the database, and one of the archive-tapes has gone
         <para><emphasis>cpio_flags</emphasis> Default is to use -B which
         sets blocksize to 5120 Bytes. For DLT-Tapes, HP recommends at
         least 32K blocksize, so I used --block-size=128 for
         64K. --format=newc is needed I have inode numbers greater than
         65535. The last option --quiet is needed as otherwise brbackup
         complains as soon as cpio outputs the numbers of blocks
         <para><emphasis>cpio_in_flags</emphasis> Flags needed for
         loading data back from tape. Format is reckognized
         <para><emphasis>tape_size</emphasis> This usually gives the raw
         storage capability of the tape. For security reason (we use
         hardware compression), the</para>
         <para><emphasis>value</emphasis> is slightly lower than the
         actual value.</para>
         <para><emphasis>tape_address</emphasis> The non-rewindable
         device to be used with cpio.</para>
         <para><emphasis>tape_address_rew The rewindable device to be
         used with cpio.</emphasis></para>
     <sect2 id="problemsduringinstallation">
       <title>Problems during installation</title>
       <sect3 id="indoraduringduringr3setup">
         <title>OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA during R3SETUP</title>
         <para>If R3SETUP complains at this stage, edit file
           CENTRDB.R3S.  Locate [OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA] and edit the
           following values:</para>
         <programlisting>HOME=/home/idsadm (was empty)
 STATUS=OK (had status ERROR)
         <para>Then you can restart R3SETUP with:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>./R3SETUP -f CENTRDB.R3S</userinput></screen>
       <sect3 id="indoraduringr3setup">
         <title>OSUSERDBSID_IND_ORA during R3SETUP</title>
         <para>Possibly R3SETUP also complains at this stage. Just edit
           CENTRDB.R3S.  Locate [OSUSERDBSID_IND_ORA] and edit the
           following value in that section:</para>
         <para>Then just restart R3SETUP again:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>./R3SETUP -f CENTRDB.R3S</userinput></screen>
       <sect3 id="oraviewvrffilenotfound">
         <title>oraview.vrf FILE NOT FOUND during Oracle installation</title>
         <para>You haven't deselected <emphasis>Oracle On-Line Text Viewer</emphasis>
           before starting the installation. This is marked for installation even
           though this option is currently not available for Linux. Deselect this
           product inside the Oracle installation menu and restart installation.</para>
       <sect3 id="textenvincalid">
         <title>TEXTENV_INVALID during R3SETUP, RFC or SAPGUI start</title>
         <para>If this error is encountered, the correct locale is
           missing.  SAP note 0171356 lists the necessary RPMs that
           need be installed (eg <emphasis>saplocales-1.0-3</emphasis>,
           <emphasis>saposcheck-1.0-1</emphasis> for RedHat 6.1). In
           case you ignored all the related errors and set the
           corresponding status from ERROR to OK (in CENTRDB.R3S) every
           time R3SETUP complained and just restarted R3SETUP, the
           SAP-System will not be properly configured and you will then
           not be able to connect to the system with a sapgui, even
           though the system can be started. Trying to connect with the
           old Linux sapgui gave the following messages:</para>
         <programlisting>Sat May 5 14:23:14 2001
 *** ERROR => no valid userarea given [trgmsgo. 0401]
 Sat May 5 14:23:22 2001
 *** ERROR => ERROR NR 24 occured [trgmsgi. 0410]
 *** ERROR => Error when generating text environment. [trgmsgi. 0435]
 *** ERROR => function failed [trgmsgi. 0447]
 *** ERROR => no socket operation allowed [trxio.c 3363]
         <para>This behaviour is due to SAP R/3 being unable to
           correctly assign a locale and also not being properly
           configured itself (missing entries in some database
           tables). To be able to connect to SAP, add the following
           entries to file DEFAULT.PFL (see note 0043288):</para>
         <programlisting>abap/set_etct_env_at_new_mode =0
 install/collate/active =0
 rscp/TCP0B =TCP0B
         <para>Restart the SAP system. Now one can connect to the
           system, even though country-specific language settings might
           not work as expected.  After correcting country-settings
           (and providing the correct locales), these entries can be
           removed from DEFAULT.PFL and the SAP system can be
       <sect3 id="ora-12546">
         <title>ORA-12546. Start Listener with correct permissions</title>
         <para>Start the Oracle Listener as user
           <username>oraids</username> with the following commands:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>umask 0; lsnrctl start</userinput></screen>
         <para>Otherwise one might get ORA-12546 as the sockets won't
           have the correct permissions. See SAP note 0072984.</para>
       <sect3 id="dipgntabindind">
         <title>[DIPGNTAB_IND_IND] during R3SETUP</title>
         <para>In general, see SAP note 0130581 (R3SETUP step DIPGNTAB
           terminates).  During this specific installation, for some
           reasons the installation process was not using the proper
           SAP system name "IDS", but the empty string "" instead. This
           lead to some minor problems with accessing directories, as
           the paths are generated dynamically using &lt;sid&gt; (in
           this case IDS).  So instead of accessing:</para>
         <para>the following path were used:</para>
         <para>To continue with the installation, I created a link and an
           additional directory:</para>
         <screen>&prompt.root; pwd
 &prompt.root; ls -l
 total 4
 drwxr-xr-x 3  idsadm sapsys 512 May 5 11:20 D00
 drwxr-x--x 5  idsadm sapsys 512 May 5 11:35 IDS
 lrwxr-xr-x 1  root   sapsys 7 May 5 11:35 SYS -> IDS/SYS
 drwxrwxr-x 2  idsadm sapsys 512 May 5 13:00 tmp
 drwxrwxr-x 11 idsadm sapsys 512 May 4 14:20 trans </screen>
         <para>I also found SAP notes (0029227 and 0008401) describing
         this behaviour.</para>
       <sect3 id="rfcrswboiniindind">
         <title>[RFCRSWBOINI_IND_IND] during R3SETUP</title>
         <para>Set STATUS of the offending step from ERROR to OK (file
           <filename>CENTRDB.R3S</filename>) and restart R3SETUP. After
           installation, you have to execute the report RSWBOINS from
           transaction SE38. See SAP note 0162266 for additional
           information about phase RFCRSWBOINI and RFCRADDBDIF.</para>
       <sect3 id="rfcraddbdifindind">
         <title>[RFCRADDBDIF_IND_IND] during R3SETUP</title>
         <para>Set STATUS of the offending step from ERROR to OK (file
           <filename>CENTRDB.R3S</filename>) and restart R3SETUP. After
           installation, you have to execute the report RADDBDIF from
           transaction SE38. See SAP note 0162266 for further
     <title>Advanced Topics</title>
     <para>If you are curious as to how the Linux binary compatibility
       works, this is the section you want to read.  Most of what follows
       is based heavily on an email written to &a.chat; by Terry Lambert
       <email>tlambert@primenet.com</email> (Message ID:
       <title>How Does It Work?</title>
+      <indexterm><primary>execution class loader</primary></indexterm>
       <para>FreeBSD has an abstraction called an <quote>execution class
 	loader</quote>.  This is a wedge into the &man.execve.2; system
       <para>What happens is that FreeBSD has a list of loaders, instead of
 	a single loader with a fallback to the <literal>#!</literal>
 	loader for running any shell interpreters or shell scripts.</para>
       <para>Historically, the only loader on the UNIX platform examined
 	the magic number (generally the first 4 or 8 bytes of the file) to
 	see if it was a binary known to the system, and if so, invoked the
 	binary loader.</para>
       <para>If it was not the binary type for the system, the
 	&man.execve.2; call returned a failure, and the shell attempted to
 	start executing it as shell commands.</para>
       <para>The assumption was a default of <quote>whatever the current
 	shell is</quote>.</para>
       <para>Later, a hack was made for &man.sh.1; to examine the first two
 	characters, and if they were <literal>:\n</literal>, then it
 	invoked the &man.csh.1; shell instead (we believe SCO first made
 	this hack).</para>
       <para>What FreeBSD does now is go through a list of loaders, with a
 	generic <literal>#!</literal> loader that knows about interpreters
 	as the characters which follow to the next whitespace next to
 	last, followed by a fallback to
+      <indexterm><primary>ELF</primary></indexterm>
       <para>For the Linux ABI support, FreeBSD sees the magic number as an
 	ELF binary (it makes no distinction between FreeBSD, Solaris,
 	Linux, or any other OS which has an ELF image type, at this
+      <indexterm><primary>Solaris</primary></indexterm>
       <para>The ELF loader looks for a specialized
 	<emphasis>brand</emphasis>, which is a comment section in the ELF
 	image, and which is not present on SVR4/Solaris ELF
       <para>For Linux binaries to function, they must be
 	<emphasis>branded</emphasis> as type <literal>Linux</literal>;
 	from &man.brandelf.1;:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>brandelf -t Linux file</userinput></screen>
       <para>When this is done, the ELF loader will see the
 	<literal>Linux</literal> brand on the file.</para>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>ELF</primary>
+	<secondary>branding</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
       <para>When the ELF loader sees the <literal>Linux</literal> brand,
 	the loader replaces a pointer in the <literal>proc</literal>
 	structure.  All system calls are indexed through this pointer (in
 	a traditional UNIX system, this would be the
 	<literal>sysent[]</literal> structure array, containing the system
 	calls).  In addition, the process flagged for special handling of
 	the trap vector for the signal trampoline code, and sever other
 	(minor) fix-ups that are handled by the Linux kernel
       <para>The Linux system call vector contains, among other things, a
 	list of <literal>sysent[]</literal> entries whose addresses reside
 	in the kernel module.</para>
       <para>When a system call is called by the Linux binary, the trap
 	code dereferences the system call function pointer off the
 	<literal>proc</literal> structure, and gets the Linux, not the
 	FreeBSD, system call entry points.</para>
       <para>In addition, the Linux mode dynamically
 	<emphasis>reroots</emphasis> lookups; this is, in effect, what the
 	<literal>union</literal> option to FS mounts
 	(<emphasis>not</emphasis> the unionfs!) does.  First, an attempt
 	is made to lookup the file in the
 	directory, <emphasis>then</emphasis> only if that fails, the
 	lookup is done in the
 	directory.  This makes sure that binaries that require other
 	binaries can run (e.g., the Linux toolchain can all run under
 	Linux ABI support).  It also means that the Linux binaries can
 	load and exec FreeBSD binaries, if there are no corresponding
 	Linux binaries present, and that you could place a &man.uname.1;
 	command in the <filename>/compat/linux</filename> directory tree
 	to ensure that the Linux binaries could not tell they were not
 	running on Linux.</para>
       <para>In effect, there is a Linux kernel in the FreeBSD kernel; the
 	various underlying functions that implement all of the services
 	provided by the kernel are identical to both the FreeBSD system
 	call table entries, and the Linux system call table entries: file
 	system operations, virtual memory operations, signal delivery,
 	System V IPC, etc&hellip;  The only difference is that FreeBSD
 	binaries get the FreeBSD <emphasis>glue</emphasis> functions, and
 	Linux binaries get the Linux <emphasis>glue</emphasis> functions
 	(most older OS's only had their own <emphasis>glue</emphasis>
 	functions: addresses of functions in a static global
 	<literal>sysent[]</literal> structure array, instead of addresses
 	of functions dereferenced off a dynamically initialized pointer in
 	the <literal>proc</literal> structure of the process making the
       <para>Which one is the native FreeBSD ABI?  It does not matter.
 	Basically the only difference is that (currently; this could
 	easily be changed in a future release, and probably will be after
 	this) the FreeBSD <emphasis>glue</emphasis> functions are
 	statically linked into the kernel, and the Linux glue functions
 	can be statically linked, or they can be accessed via a kernel
       <para>Yeah, but is this really emulation?  No.  It is an ABI
 	implementation, not an emulation.  There is no emulator (or
 	simulator, to cut off the next question) involved.</para>
       <para>So why is it sometimes called <quote>Linux emulation</quote>?
 	To make it hard to sell FreeBSD!  <!-- smiley -->8-).  Really, it
 	is because the historical implementation was done at a time when
 	there was really no word other than that to describe what was
 	going on; saying that FreeBSD ran Linux binaries was not true, if
 	you did not compile the code in or load a module, and there needed
 	to be a word to describe what was being loaded&mdash;hence
 	<quote>the Linux emulator</quote>.</para>
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