diff --git a/documentation/content/en/articles/freebsd-status-report-process/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/articles/freebsd-status-report-process/_index.adoc index 3193663a13..da58fcbacb 100644 --- a/documentation/content/en/articles/freebsd-status-report-process/_index.adoc +++ b/documentation/content/en/articles/freebsd-status-report-process/_index.adoc @@ -1,288 +1,288 @@ --- title: FreeBSD Status Report Process authors: - author: The FreeBSD Documentation Project copyright: 2023 The FreeBSD Documentation Project description: Instructions for both writers and editors of status reports trademarks: ["freebsd", "git", "github", "general"] --- = FreeBSD Status Report Process :doctype: article :toc: macro :toclevels: 1 :icons: font :sectnums: :sectnumlevels: 6 :source-highlighter: rouge :experimental: ''' toc::[] FreeBSD status reports are published quarterly and provide the general public with a view of what is going on in the Project, and they are often augmented by special reports from Developer Summits. As they are one of our most visible forms of communication, they are very important. Throughout this document and in other places related to FreeBSD status reports as well, the expression _status report_ is used both to indicate the document published on a quarterly basis and the single entries that are in it. == Instructions for writers This section provides some advice on writing status report entries from mailto:theraven@FreeBSD.org[David Chisnall], experienced in technical writing. Instructions on how to submit your entries are also given. _Do not worry if you are not a native English speaker. The mailto:status@FreeBSD.org[status team] will check your entries for spelling and grammar, and fix it for you._ === Introduce Your Work _Do not assume that the person reading the report knows about your project._ The status reports have a wide distribution. They are often one of the top news items on the FreeBSD web site and are one of the first things that people will read if they want to know a bit about what FreeBSD is. Consider this example: .... abc(4) support was added, including frobnicator compatibility. .... Someone reading this, if they are familiar with UNIX man pages, will know that `abc(4)` is some kind of device. But why should the reader care? What kind of device is it? Compare with this version: .... A new driver, abc(4), was added to the tree, bringing support for Yoyodyne's range of Frobnicator network interfaces. .... Now the reader knows that abc is a network interface driver. Even if they do not use any Yoyodyne products, you have communicated that FreeBSD's support for network devices is improving. === Show the Importance of Your Work _Status reports are not just about telling everyone that things were done, they also need to explain why they were done._ Carry on with the previous example. Why is it interesting that we now support Yoyodyne Frobnicator cards? Are they widespread? Are they used in a specific popular device? Are they used in a particular niche where FreeBSD has (or would like to have) a presence? Are they the fastest network cards on the planet? Status reports often say things like this: .... We imported Cyberdyne Systems T800 into the tree. .... And then they stop. Maybe the reader is an avid Cyberdyne fan and knows what exciting new features the T800 brings. This is unlikely. -It is far more likely that they have vaguely heard of whatever you have imported (especially into the ports tree: remember that there are over 30,000 other things there too...). +It is far more likely that they have vaguely heard of whatever you have imported (especially into the ports tree: remember that there are over 35,000 other things there too...). List some of the new features, or bug fixes. Tell them why it is a good thing that we have the new version. === Tell Us Something New _Do not recycle the same status report items._ Bear in mind that status reports are not just reports on the status of the project, they are reports on the change of status of the project. If there is an ongoing project, spend a couple of sentences introducing it, but then spend the rest of the report talking about the new work. What progress has been made since the last report? What is left to do? When is it likely to be finished (or, if "finished" does not really apply, when is it likely to be ready for wider use, for testing, for deployment in production, and so on)? === Sponsorship _Do not forget about your sponsors._ If you or your project has received sponsorship, a scholarship from somebody or you have been already working as a contractor or an employee for a company, please include it. Sponsors always certainly appreciate if you thank them for their funding, but it is also beneficial for them to show that they are actively supporting the Project this way. Last, but not least, this helps FreeBSD to learn more about its important consumers. === Open Items _If help is needed, make this explicit!_ Is there any help needed with something? Are there tasks other people can do? There are two ways in which you can use the open items part of the status report: to solicit help, or to give a quick overview of the amount of work left. If there are already enough people working on the project, or it is in a state where adding more people would not speed it up, then the latter is better. Give some big work items that are in progress, and maybe indicate who is focussing on each one. List tasks, with enough detail that people know if they are likely to be able to do them, and invite people to get in contact. === Submit your report The following methods are available to submit your reports: * submit a link:https://reviews.freebsd.org/[Phabricator review] and add the group _status_ to the reviewers list. You should put your reports in the appropriate subdirectory of `doc/website/content/en/status/` (create it if it is missing); * submit a pull request to the doc repository through link:https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-doc[its GitHub mirror] . You should put your reports in the appropriate subdirectory of `doc/website/content/en/status` (create it if it is missing); * send an email to status-submissions@FreeBSD.org including your report. An link:https://www.FreeBSD.org/status/report-sample.adoc[AsciiDoc sample report template] is available. == Instructions for editors This section describes how the reviewing and publication process works. [.informaltable] [cols="1,1", frame="none"] |=== |Status reports main webpage |link:https://www.FreeBSD.org/status/[https://www.FreeBSD.org/status/] |Status reports archived GitHub repository (was used for reports from 2017Q4 to 2022Q4): |link:https://www.github.com/freebsd/freebsd-quarterly[https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-quarterly] |Main status team email address |link:mailto:status@FreeBSD.org[status@FreeBSD.org] |Email address for reports submission |link:mailto:status-submissions@FreeBSD.org[status-submissions@FreeBSD.org] |Mailing list for receiving calls for status reports |link:https://lists.freebsd.org/subscription/freebsd-status-calls[freebsd-status-calls@FreeBSD.org] |Phabricator status team main page |link:https://reviews.freebsd.org/project/profile/88/[https://reviews.freebsd.org/project/88/] |=== === Timeline Reports are always accepted by the status team, but the main collection process happens the last month of each quarter, hence in March, June, September and December. Explicit calls for status reports will be sent in those months. The months of January, April, July and October are dedicated to putting together the reports submitted during the precedent quarter; this can include waiting for late submissions. Status reports publication is done during the same months as soon as the report are ready. All report submissions can have the deadline extended by link:mailto:status-submissions@FreeBSD.org[emailing the status team] up until the extended deadline, which is 8 days after the end of the quarter. Entries from the link:https://www.freebsd.org/administration/#t-portmgr[ports management team] default to the extended headline, because of the overlap between status reports and quarterly ports branches. Reviewing of submitted reports by people not part of the status team should be essentially complete by mid-January/April/July/October (third-party review slush). That is, barring typos or other light copyediting, the status team should be able to start assembling the submissions soon after the 15th. Note that this is not a complete freeze, and the status team may still be able to accept reviews then. [cols="1,2,2,2,2"] |=== ||First quarter|Second quarter|Third quarter|Fourth quarter |First call for reports |March 1st |June 1st |September 1st |December 1st |2 weeks left reminder |March 15th |June 15th |September 15th |December 15th |Last reminder |March 24th |June 24th |September 24th |December 24th |Standard deadline |March 31st |June 30th |September 30th |December 31st |Extended deadline |April 8th |July 8th |October 8th |January 8th |Third-party review slush |April 15th |July 15th |October 15th |January 15th |=== === Call for reports Calls for status reports are sent to the following recipients: * the link:https://lists.freebsd.org/subscription/freebsd-status-calls[freebsd-status-calls@FreeBSD.org mailing list]; * to all submitters of last status reports (they may have updates or further improvements); * and, depending on the season: ** Various conference organizers: *** link:mailto:secretary@asiabsdcon.org[AsiaBSDCon] in March (First Quarter); *** link:mailto:info@bsdcan.org[BSDCan] in May (Second Quarter); *** EuroBSDcon September - October (Third-Fourth Quarter). EuroBSDcon as an organization is not interested in writing reports for FreeBSD (at least it was not in October 2019: its reason is that the conference is not FreeBSD specific), so reports about this event should be asked of members of the FreeBSD community that attended it; ** Google Summer of Code link:mailto:soc-students@FreeBSD.org[students] and their link:mailto:soc-mentors@FreeBSD.org[mentors]. The easiest way to send calls for status reports is to use the link:https://cgit.freebsd.org/doc/tree/tools/sendcalls/sendcalls[[.filename]#sendcalls# perl script] in the [.filename]#tools/sendcalls# directory of the doc git repository. The script automatically sends calls to all intended recipients. It can also be used through a cron job, for example: .... 0 0 1,15,24 3,6,9,12 * cd ~/doc/tools/sendcalls && git pull && ./sendcalls -s 'Lorenzo Salvadore' .... [IMPORTANT] ==== If you are in charge of sending calls for status reports and you are indeed using a cron job, please run it on freefall and sign it with your name so that it is possible to infer who has configured the cronjob, in case something goes wrong. Also please update the example above with your name, as an additional safety measure. ==== It may also be worth making a call for reports on the forums as link:https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/call-for-freebsd-2014q4-october-december-status-reports.49812/[was done in the past]. === Building the report Submitted reports are reviewed and merged in the proper subdirectory of [.filename]#doc/website/content/en/status/# as they come in. While the reports are being updated, people outside the status team may also review the individual entries and propose fixes. Usually the last step in the content review process is writing the introduction in a file named [.filename]#intro.adoc#: a good introduction can only be written once all the reports have been collected. If possible, it is a good idea to ask different people to write the introduction to add variety: different people will bring different viewpoints and help keep it fresh. Once all the reports and the introduction are ready, the [.filename]#_index.adoc# file needs to be created: this is the file in which the reports are distributed into the various categories and sorted. === Publishing the report When all the files of the status report are ready, it is time to publish it. First [.filename]#doc/website/content/en/status/_index.adoc# is edited: the next due date is updated and a link to the new report is added. The change is then pushed on the repository and the status team checks that everythings works as expected. Then the news entry for the main website page is added to [.filename]#doc/website/data/en/news/news.toml#. Here is a sample for the news entry: .... [[news]] date = "2021-01-16" title = "October-December 2020 Status Report" description = "The October to December 2020 Status Report is now available with 42 entries." .... Once the HTML version of the report has been built and is online, man:w3m[1] is used to dump the website as plain-text, e.g: .... % w3m -cols 80 -dump https://www.FreeBSD.org/status/report-2021-01-2021-03/ > /tmp/report-2021-01-2021-03.txt .... man:w3m[1] has full proper unicode support. `-dump` simply outputs text rendering of the HTML code that can then have a few elements snipped, while `-cols` ensures that everything is wrapped to 80 columns. A link to the rendered report is added between the introduction and the first entry. The report is finally ready to be sent, toggling disposition (the report should be inlined), and ensuring it is encoded as UTF-8. Two emails are sent, both with subject in the format `FreeBSD Status Report - Quarter `: * one to link:https://lists.freebsd.org/subscription/freebsd-announce[freebsd-announce@FreeBSD.org]; [IMPORTANT] ==== This one must be approved, so if you are in charge of sending this email, ensure that someone does it (mail link:mailto:postmaster@FreeBSD.org[postmaster] if it is taking long). ==== * one to link:https://lists.freebsd.org/subscription/freebsd-hackers[freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.org], which also has link:https://lists.freebsd.org/subscription/freebsd-current[freebsd-current@FreeBSD.org] and link:https://lists.freebsd.org/subscription/freebsd-stable[freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.org] in CC and `developers@FreeBSD.org` in BCC. diff --git a/website/content/en/features.adoc b/website/content/en/features.adoc index a67d179069..ab50dc5832 100644 --- a/website/content/en/features.adoc +++ b/website/content/en/features.adoc @@ -1,114 +1,114 @@ --- title: "FreeBSD features" sidenav: about --- = FreeBSD features == FreeBSD offers many unique features. No matter what the application, an operating system should take advantage of every resource available. FreeBSD's focus on performance, networking, and storage combines with ease of administration and comprehensive documentation to realize the full potential of a computer. == A complete operating system based on 4.4BSD link:https://freebsdfoundation.org/freebsd/timeline/[FreeBSD's roots] are the *BSD* software releases from the Computer Systems Research Group at the University of California, Berkeley. Decades of development have led to advanced scalability, network performance, management tools, file systems support, security and other features. FreeBSD is found across the Internet in core router products, running root name servers, hosting major web sites, and as a foundation for widely used desktop operating systems. [[features]] == Features [[openzfs]] === OpenZFS More than a file system, ZFS is fundamentally different from traditional file systems. Combining the traditionally separate roles of software RAID, volume manager and file system provides ZFS with unique advantages. ZFS has three main design goals: * Data integrity * Pooled storage * Performance. [[zfs-boot-environments]] === ZFS boot environments A ZFS boot environment is a bootable clone/snapshot of specially preselected parts of a system. Use cases include: * Bulletproof upgrades/changes to the system * Create safe fallback ZFS Boot Environment before upgrade or changes to the system * Update a new (inactive) environment without altering the active environment * Perform upgrade and test the results inside jail * Copy/move ZFS boot Environment into another machine * Major reconfiguration (Bareos/Postfix/...) * Mass populate large number of servers with one configured BE * Bare metal backup solution. [[jails]] === Jails Jails originated with FreeBSD 4.X. They build upon man:chroot[8], which changes the root directory. This creates a safe environment, separate from the rest of the system. Processes created in a jailed environment can not access files or resources outside of it. Jails improve upon chroot in several ways. In a traditional chroot environment, processes are limited to a part of the file system. The rest of the system resources, system users, running processes, and the networking subsystem are shared by the chrooted processes and the processes of the host system. Jails further restrict access to the file system, the set of users, and the networking subsystem. Finer-grained access controls are available. [[ports-collection]] === Ports collection -More than 30,000 applications and libraries are link:https://ports.freebsd.org[ported] to FreeBSD. +More than 35,000 applications and libraries are link:https://ports.freebsd.org[ported] to FreeBSD. The architecture allows easy customization of compile time options of many of the ports. [[virtualization]] === Virtualization link:https://bhyve.org/[bhyve]: a BSD licensed, legacy-free hypervisor that runs all supported versions of FreeBSD, as well as other operating systems that support UEFI, including but not limited to link:https://www.openbsd.org/[OpenBSD], link:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/[Windows(R)] and link:https://kernel.org/[Linux(R)], with the use of bhyve-firmware. [[linuxulator]] === Linux binary compatibility Linux binary compatibility, commonly referred to as link:https://wiki.freebsd.org/Linuxulator[Linuxulator], allows FreeBSD to run many unmodified Linux binaries. It does not involve virtual machines or emulation; instead, it provides the binaries with kernel interfaces identical to those provided by a real Linux kernel. Linuxulator is comparable to 32-bit FreeBSD binaries running on a 64-bit FreeBSD kernel. [[dtrace]] === DTrace DTrace, also known as Dynamic Tracing, was developed by Sun Microsystems(TM) to locate performance bottlenecks in production and pre-production systems. In addition, DTrace can help to investigate and debug unexpected behaviors in the kernel and in userland. DTrace has an impressive array of features. It's scriptable. Developers can use the DTrace D Language to create utilities for custom profiling. The FreeBSD implementation provides full support for kernel DTrace and experimental support for userland DTrace. Userland DTrace allows users to perform function boundary tracing for userland programs using the pid provider, and to insert static probes into userland programs for later tracing. [[capsicum]] === Capsicum Capsicum allows sandboxing of several programs that work within the "capabilities mode", such as: * tcpdump * dhclient * hast * rwhod * kdump. [[vnet]] === Network Virtualization VNET virtualizes the network stack. The basic idea is to change global resources most notably variables into per network stack resources and have functions, sysctls, eventhandlers, etc. access and handle them in the context of the correct instance. Each (virtual) network stack is attached to a prison, with vnet0 being the un-restricted default network stack of the base system. `VIMAGE` facilities can be used independently to create fully virtualized network topologies, and man:jail[8] can directly benefit from a fully virtualized network stack.