diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/fdp-primer/rosetta/chapter.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/fdp-primer/rosetta/chapter.adoc index 6226cfe221..dc45558ef1 100644 --- a/documentation/content/en/books/fdp-primer/rosetta/chapter.adoc +++ b/documentation/content/en/books/fdp-primer/rosetta/chapter.adoc @@ -1,283 +1,291 @@ --- title: Chapter 7. Rosetta Stone prev: books/fdp-primer/asciidoctor-primer next: books/fdp-primer/translations --- [[rosetta]] = Rosetta Stone :doctype: book :toc: macro :toclevels: 1 :icons: font :sectnums: :sectnumlevels: 6 :source-highlighter: rouge :experimental: :skip-front-matter: :xrefstyle: basic :relfileprefix: ../ :outfilesuffix: :sectnumoffset: 7 toc::[] [[docbook-vs-asciidoc]] -== Comparision between Docbook and AsciiDoc +== Comparison between Docbook and AsciiDoc This rosetta stone tries to show the differences between Docbook and AsciiDoc. .Comparision between Docbook and AsciiDoc [cols="1,4,4"] |=== |Language Feature |Docbook | AsciiDoc |*Bold* -|bold +|bold |\*bold* |*Italic* |Italic |\_Italic_ |*Monospace* |Monospace |\`Monospace` |*Paragraph* |This is a paragraph |This is a paragraph |*Keycap* |F11 |\kbd:[F11] |*Links* a| [source,xml] ---- Download FreeBSD ---- a| [source] ---- link:https://www.freebsd.org/where/[Download FreeBSD] ---- |*Sections* a| [source,xml] ---- Section 1 ---- a| [source] ---- [[id]] = Section 1 ---- |*Unordered list* a| [source,xml] ---- When to build a custom kernel. How to take a hardware inventory. ---- a| [source] ---- * When to build a custom kernel. * How to take a hardware inventory. ---- |*Ordered list* a| [source,xml] ---- One Two Three Four ---- a| [source] ---- . One . Two . Three . Four ---- |*Variable list* a| [source,xml] ---- amd64 This is the most common desktop... ---- a| [source] ---- amd64:: This is the most common desktop... ---- |*Source code* a| [source,xml] ---- - &prompt.root; mkdir -p /var/ + &prompt.root; mkdir -p /var/spool/lpd/lp ---- a| [source] .... [source,bash] ---- # mkdir -p /var/spool/lpd/lp ---- .... |*Literal block* a| [source,xml] ---- include GENERIC ident MYKERNEL options IPFIREWALL options DUMMYNET options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT options IPDIVERT ---- a| [source] ---- .... include GENERIC ident MYKERNEL options IPFIREWALL options DUMMYNET options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT options IPDIVERT .... ---- |*Images* a| [source,xml] ----
FreeBSD Boot Loader Menu + + ASCII art replacement is no longer supported. + + + The FreeBSD loader menu, with options 1-6 to boot + multi-user, boot single user, escape to loader prompt, reboot, + select a kernel to load, and select boot options +
---- a| [source] ---- [[bsdinstall-newboot-loader-menu]] .FreeBSD Boot Loader Menu -image::bsdinstall/bsdinstall-newboot-loader-menu +image::bsdinstall/bsdinstall-newboot-loader-menu[The FreeBSD loader menu, with options 1-6 to boot multi-user, boot single user, escape to loader prompt, reboot, select a kernel to load, and select boot options] ---- |*Includes* |n/a a| [source] ---- \include::chapter.adoc[] ---- |*Tables* a| [source,xml] ---- Partitioning Schemes Abbreviation Description APM Apple Partition Map, used by PowerPC(R).
---- a| [source] ---- [[partition-schemes]] .Partitioning Schemes [cols="1,1", frame="none", options="header"] \|=== \| Abbreviation \| Description \|APM \|Apple Partition Map, used by PowerPC(R). \|=== ---- |*Admonitions* a| [source,xml] ---- This is a tip ---- a| [source] ---- [TIP] ==== This is a tip ==== ---- |===