diff --git a/en/docproj/current.sgml b/en/docproj/current.sgml index b4c7b4be15..128d0ec654 100644 --- a/en/docproj/current.sgml +++ b/en/docproj/current.sgml @@ -1,187 +1,190 @@ - + %includes; ]> &header;

Here are the projects currently under way (or being actively contemplated on the freebsd-doc mailing list). I have also included some that have not really been talked about, but would probably be a good idea. Each project lists the contact person for that project (if I know who it is).

If you think you can contribute to any of these, please do not hesitate to stand up and be counted. You should talk to the person responsible for that particular project, who can then bring you up to speed on what is happening.

Any omissions in this list are entirely my fault (Nik Clayton, <nik@FreeBSD.ORG>), sorry in advance to anyone whose project I have missed.

Open documentation problem reports

Current FreeBSD problems reports are tracked using the GNATS database. You can view the open documentation problem reports.

FreeBSD Handbook 2nd Edition

Responsible: Murray Stokely <murray@FreeBSD.org>


Synopsis: Wind River Systems is publishing a 2nd Edition - of the FreeBSD Handbook. The book has been completely indexed, - ASCII art is being replaced with proper diagrams, and a lot of - additional content has been written. However, there is still a - ton of work that needs to be done.

- -

The current task list is available online.


Synopsis: This project is complete. The 2nd Edition + FreeBSD Handbook is available now from The FreeBSD Mall. The + final manuscript is 653 pages, and the ISBN number is + 1571763031. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Read the full + announcement here.

+ +

The task list that we used during the development of this book + is still archived here for + posterity.

FreeBSD for Linux users

Responsible: Annelise Anderson < andrsn@andrsn.stanford.edu>

Synopsis: Linux users coming to FreeBSD can be confused by some of the differences between the systems (the different default shells, how boot time configuration is performed, and so on). Annelise is coordinating the development of a tutorial/FAQ section that will address these points.

The list of current questions is at http://freebsd.stanford.edu/FreeBSD/linux.html.

Write a section in the Handbook and/or FAQ

Responsible: No one

Synopsis: Chunks of the FAQ and Handbook have empty sections in them. They need filling. If you have just had to use one of these documents to complete a task, and found them lacking, please find the time to write up your experiences as a possible replacement.

Alternatively, if you have just had to do something that had no entry in the FAQ and/or Handbook, please consider writing a new section. Then submit it as outlined above.

Write some new Papers

The New SCSI layer for FreeBSD (CAM)

Responsible: <doc@FreeBSD.org>, <scsi@FreeBSD.org>

Synopsis: See The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD SCSI Subsystem for a first snapshot.

Write some new Tutorials

Responsible: <doc@FreeBSD.org>


Write Manpages for the kernel

Responsible: <doc@FreeBSD.org>

Synopsis: Document kernel functions, section 9

CGI Scripts

Responsible: <doc@FreeBSD.org>, Wolfram Schneider <wosch@FreeBSD.org>

Synopsis: Modify the CGI scripts url.cgi, ports.cgi, pds.cgi and the script portindex to use the Perl FreeBSD::Ports modules. These modules also need thorough testing.

Multilingual Web scripts

Responsible: <doc@FreeBSD.org>


Our main Web pages are written in (American) English. The FreeBSD Translations Projects translate the web pages, Handbook and FAQ to other languages.

We must translate the cgi scripts and web build scripts too. The scripts should support multiple languages, not only one. Most scripts are written in perl.

Translations of the FreeBSD Documentation

Responsible: <doc@FreeBSD.org>

Translate the FreeBSD documentation (Web pages, FAQ, handbook, manpages) into other languages. See the FreeBSD translations projects

Search engine enhancements

Responsible: <doc@FreeBSD.org>

When searching the website, the output from the search engine includes the filename that was found, which might be something like FAQ34.html.

It would be more useful if the results included the question text, allowing the user to see whether or not the result was relevant.

FreeBSD Documentation Project Home &footer diff --git a/en/docproj/handbook.sgml b/en/docproj/handbook.sgml index fbb1b526e4..ad7114b3b7 100644 --- a/en/docproj/handbook.sgml +++ b/en/docproj/handbook.sgml @@ -1,382 +1,386 @@ - + %includes; Done"> In Progress"> Not Started"> ]> &header;

FreeBSD Handbook 2nd Edition


The FreeBSD - Handbook is currently being prepared for publication. This - second edition of the Handbook will be fully indexed, use proper - diagrams instead of ASCII artwork, and have nearly twice the - content of the 1st edition.


This project is complete. The 2nd Edition FreeBSD Handbook is + available now from The + FreeBSD Mall. The final manuscript is 653 pages, and the + ISBN number is 1571763031. Thanks to everyone who contributed. + Read the full announcement here.


There is still a ton of work that needs to be done before - September 15th, when the Handbook is scheduled to go off to the - presses. If you feel like you can contribute to anything listed - below or to any other enhancements you feel the Handbook needs, - then please contact the -doc list.


If you've found a typo in the printed version, please send your + fix via send-pr(1) or send it straight to the -doc mailing list. + Thanks!

- + + + + + +
TaskResponsibleLast updatedStatus
Create proposal for Wind River management Murray May 17, 2001 &done;
Add a section on headless installs Val May 11, 2001 &done;
Add a section on installing and using XDM Seth May 23, 2001 &done;
Add section 4.3 on "Using the Packages System". Chern June 15, 2001 &done;
Fix index generation infrastructure in doc.docbook.mk Nik June 19, 2001 &done;
Add a section on installing and using XFree86 4.x Chris Shumway July 11, 2001 &done;
Add a section on installing and using KDE, Gnome, etc. Val June, 2001 &done;
Add a section about amd Wylie, Val May 11, 2001 &done;
Add a chapter about configuration and tuning of FreeBSD Chern, Murray July 10, 2001 &done;
Replace ASCII art with proper figures (17.2.2, 17.6.3, etc..) Chern July 11, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapters 1-2 Murray June 24, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapters 3-4 Val July 11, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapters 5-6 Val July 11, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapters 7-8 Val June 19, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapters 9-10 Murray June 24, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapters 11-12 Murray June 30, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapter 13 Val July 11, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapter 14-15 Murray June 30, 2001 &done;
Add index entries to Chapters 21-22 Val July 20, 2001 &done;
Fix cross-referencing tags to look better in the print output. Murray July 20, 2001 &done;
Add a tuneable knob to remove PGP keys in print output Murray July 11, 2001 &done;
Clear up copyright issues Nik, Murray, Foundation August 18, 2001 &done;
Enclose author attributions in proper tag Murray, Chern August 18, 2001 &done;
Standardize spelling of technical terms Murray, Chern July 20, 2001 &done;
Make sure all filenames, commands, applications, hostnames, etc are marked up properly Murray, Chern July 20, 2001 &inprogress;
Write collateattributions.pl script to generate a appendix full of contributing authors. Chern August 8, 2001 &done;
Fix index entries that show up as ??? Chern August 6, 2001 &done;
Rewrite most of the X11 chapter and get rid of all of Greg Lehey's original content. Murray, Nik, Chris Shumway, Others July 20, 2001 &done;
Update PPP/SLIP chapter Brian Somers August 18, 2001 &done;
Update Serial chapter Murray August 18, 2001 &done;
Get rid of Appendix F Murray July 13 &done;
Move out-of-scope chapters into Developer's Handbook Murray July 19 &done;
Enhance chapter header print output in stylesheets. Murray July 19 &done;
Setup a WRS Perforce server for the last phase of editing Murray August 11, 2001 &done;
Add simple illustrations at the beginning of each Part. Michelle / WRS Art August 18, 2001 &done;
Add admonition graphics for Note, Caution, Warning, Tip. Michelle / WRS Art August 23, 2001 &inprogress;
Design the cover. Michelle / WRS Art August 23, 2001 &done;
Rewrite Install chapter with sysinstall screenshots, etc from Randy Pratt's install guide. Randy Pratt, Murray, Nik August 18, 2001 &done;
Update and add more content to Introduction chapter. rope jkh into it July 20, 2001 ¬started;
Rewrite "synopsis" sections to 'standard' (see the sound chapter for a sample). Murray, Nik, Chern, Val August 18, 2001 &done;
Add more content to backups chapter July 20, 2001 &done;
Mark up bibliography properly Val August 7, 2001 &done;
Integrate new bibliography framework August 7, 2001 ¬started;
Write colophon Murray August 23, 2001 &done;
Make front matter look better Murray August 2, 2001 &done;
Review the book for grammatical errors. Jim, Chern, John Murphy, Everyone! August 5, 2001 &inprogress;
Finish DocBook Speller's dictionary and setup nightly cronjob to spell check the Handbook's new additions. Chern August 6, 2001 &inprogress;
Add a section on inetd in Advanced Networking. Chern August 8, 2001 &done;
Make sure all section titles are capitalized properly Chern August 13, 2001 &done;
Remove gratuitous Q/A sections in favor of more formal text. August 7, 2001 ¬started;
Write Preface. Murray August 23, 2001 &done;
Write Foreword. Jordan August 23, 2001 &inprogress;
Decide what to do with "Contributing to FreeBSD" chapter. Murray, Nik August 23, 2001 &done;
Update bibliography with newer editions, etc. August 23, 2001 ¬started;
Add more indexterms throughout the book. Reorganize some existing indexterms. August 23, 2001 ¬started;
Add information about network configuration to the install chapter. Probably Nik ¬started;
Send everything to the printer.MurrayOctober 10, 2001&done;