diff --git a/en/news/1997/index.sgml b/en/news/1997/index.sgml index 46c5f34908..b0a49ae34e 100644 --- a/en/news/1997/index.sgml +++ b/en/news/1997/index.sgml @@ -1,273 +1,273 @@ - + %includes; News Home'> %newsincludes; ]> - + &header;

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&newshome; &footer; diff --git a/en/news/newsflash.sgml b/en/news/newsflash.sgml index 0e875d00eb..fca13634d4 100644 --- a/en/news/newsflash.sgml +++ b/en/news/newsflash.sgml @@ -1,1120 +1,1120 @@ - + %includes; %newsincludes;]> &header; FreeBSD News

FreeBSD is a rapidly developing operating system. Keeping up on the latest developments can be a chore! To keep on top of things, be sure and check this page periodically. Also, you may wish to subscribe to the freebsd-announce mailing list.

For latest news of FreeBSD Java Project please visit FreeBSD/Java NewsFlash page.

For a detailed description of past, present, and future releases, see the Release Information page.

For FreeBSD Security Advisories, please refer to the Security Information page.

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Previous announcements for 1997 and 1996 are also available.

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FreeBSD Used to Generate Spectacular Special Effects

Concord, CA, April 22, 1999: 32 Dual-Processor FreeBSD systems were used to generate a large number of special effects in the cutting edge Warner Brothers film, The Matrix.

Manex Visual Effects used 32 Dell Precision 410 Dual P-II/450 Processor systems running FreeBSD as the core CG Render Farm. Charles Henrich, the senior systems administrator at Manex, says, "We came to a point in the production where we realized we just did not have enough computing power on our existing SGI infrastructure to get through the 3-D intensive sequences. It was at that point we decided on going with a FreeBSD based solution, due to the ability to get the hardware quickly as well as the reliability and ease of administration that FreeBSD provides us. Working with Dell, we purchased 32 of these systems on a Wednesday, and had them rendering in production by Saturday afternoon. It was truly an amazing effort on everyone's part, and I don't believe it would've been possible had we chosen to go with any other Operating System solution."

The FreeBSD operating system is a powerful, completely open-source system based on the Berkeley Software Distribution of UNIX. It is available free of charge from numerous Internet websites and also on CD-ROM from Walnut Creek CDROM, and includes thousands of ported applications including 3-D graphics rendering and many other equally powerful tools. FreeBSD is optimized for use on the Intel x86 processor line that is the heart of today's versatile commodity personal computers. Infinitely customizable, FreeBSD is at the heart of such Internet powerhouse applications as Yahoo! and U.S. West because it is unencumbered by commercial license restrictions and can be copied and modified freely.

For more information on FreeBSD, visit -http://www.FreeBSD.org/ and -http://www.cdrom.com/. For more information about Manex Visual +http://www.FreeBSD.org/ and +http://www.wccdrom.com/. For more information about Manex Visual Effects, please visit http://www.mvfx.com/ .

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Complete XML Development System Integrated with FreeBSD

Concord, CA, April 29, 1999: Included with FreeBSD 3.1 is a complete, integrated SGML/XML development system that installs with a simple, easy to use command sequence.

FreeBSD's Ports system and multitasking architecture makes it easy for an SGML/XML developer to download and install all the latest versions of the tools and reference material he needs to develop SGML and XML formatting languages and documents, and the online Internet mailing lists help him learn and keep up-to-date with the evolving XML implementation.

FreeBSD is a full-featured open-source operating system which runs on virtually all Intel x86-based personal computers. Its 580 page "Handbook" has recently been completely done over into DocBook format, and it is a living example of an evolving document built with SGML tools. The Handbook is available on the Internet at:

The FreeBSD Documentation Project is also making available the "FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer" to make it as painless as possible for newcomers to contribute to the FreeBSD Documentation Set. Much of the information in the primer is appropriate to all SGML/XML users, and is freely available. The primer, which is constantly being updated by the Documentation Project team, can be found at:

Features of the Document Project SGML/XML System include:

The FreeBSD Documentation Project is actively migrating from the LinuxDoc DTD to the DocBook DTD, and has been providing feedback to the DocBook maintainers regarding new features and possible implementations for the past year. For more information about the FreeBSD Documentation Project, please contact the freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.org mailing list.

The FreeBSD operating system is available on the Internet from the master FreeBSD website and from various mirror systems around the world, and it can also be obtained on convenient CDROMs from Walnut Creek CDROM. Information on all of these options is available through:

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You also can visit FreeBSD/Java Press page for information about FreeBSD Java Project's Press News

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November 1996

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FreeBSD Daemon
Here you'll find the covers of many FreeBSD related publications. If you know of any additional FreeBSD publications/CDROMs let us know, at www@FreeBSD.org, so that they may be added to this site.

The FreeBSD Handbook contains a considerably longer bibliography.

Click on any of the graphics to see a larger version.


This is a recent (May 1997) publication from Tatsumi Hosokawa and others. Among computer books, it is a top-seller in Japan and exceeded the sales of Bill Gates' "The Road Ahead" when published (it was #2, this book was #1).
(Japanese FreeBSD book with 2.0.5, titled "FreeBSD: Fun and easy Installation")
(Japanese FreeBSD book with 2.0.5, titled "FreeBSD Introductory Kit")
This is BSDi's "The Complete FreeBSD" with installation guide, manual pages and installation CDs inside.
This book was recently published (early 1997) in Taiwan. Its title is "FreeBSD: introduction and applications" and the author is Jian-Da Li.
This is the "Getting Started with FreeBSD" from Fuki-Shuppan. Other than the standard installation guide and Japanese environment, it emphasizes system administration and low-level information (such as the boot process, etc.) FreeBSD-2.2.2R and XFree86-3.2 on CDROM. 264 pages, 3,400 yen.
The "Personal Unix Starter Kit - FreeBSD" from ASCII. Includes history of Unix, a guide to build a Japanese documentation processing system and how to create ports. and XFree86-3.2 in CDROM. 384 pages, 3,000 yen.
BSD mit Methode, M. Schulze, B. Roehrig, M. Hoelzer und andere, C&L Computer und Literatur Verlag, 1998, 850 pages. 2 CDROMs, FreeBSD 2.2.6, NetBSD 1.2.1 and 1.3.2, OpenBSD 2.2 and 2.3. DM 98,-.
This is the "FreeBSD Install and utilization manual" from Mainichi Communications. General introduction to FreeBSD from installation to utilization with troubleshooting under the supervision of the user group in Japan. 2.2.7-RELEASE FreeBSD(98)2.2.7-Rev01 PAO and distfiles in CDROM. 472 pages, 3,600yen.
The "FreeBSD User's Reference Manual" from Mainichi Communications, under the supervision of "jpman project", the manual transtation project by the user group in Japan. Japanese edition of the section 1 of the FreeBSD manual. 2.2.7-RELEASE FreeBSD(98)2.2.7-Rev01 and PAO in CDROM. 1,040 pages, 3,800yen.
The "FreeBSD System Administrator's Manual" from Mainichi Communications, under the supervision of "jpman project", the manual translation project by the user group in Japan. Japanese edition of the section 5 and 8 of the FreeBSD manual. 756 pages, 3,300yen.
This is "About FreeBSD" from Youngjin.com. It is first FreeBSD book in Korea, and covers several topics from installation to Korean environment. 3.5.1-RELEASE/PAO and 4.1-RELEASE in 3 CDROMs. 788 pages, 26,000 won.
Onno W Purbo, Dodi Maryanto, Syahrial Hubbany, Widjil Widodo: Building Internet Server with FreeBSD (in Indonesia Language), published by Elex Media Komputindo, 2000.
The Complete FreeBSD with CDs, 3rd Ed, FreeBSD 4.2. Everything you ever wanted to know about how to get your computer up and running FreeBSD. Includes 4 CDs containing the FreeBSD operating system! Released: November 2000 ISBN: 1-57176-246-9


For more about recent releases go to FreeBSD release information page.

This is InfoMagic's BSDisc, containing FreeBSD 2.0 and NetBSD 1.0 on a single CD. This is the only example I have which had cover art.
This is the original 4.4 BSD Lite2 release from UC Berkeley, the core technology behind much of FreeBSD.
The first of Laser5's "BSD" series. Contains FreeBSD-2.0.5R, NetBSD-1.0, XFree86-3.1.1 and FreeBSD(98) kernel.
The second of Laser5's "BSD" series. From this version, the CDs come in a standard jewel box. Contains FreeBSD-2.1R, NetBSD-1.1, XFree86-3.1.2 and 3.1.2A, and FreeBSD(98) kernel (2.0.5).
This is the Laser5 Japanese edition of the FreeBSD CDROM. It is a 4 CD set.
This is the only FreeBSD CD Pacific Hitech produced before merging their product line with that of Walnut Creek CDROM. PHT now also produces the FreeBSD/J (Japanese) CD product.
This is the cover disc from the Korean magazine. Note the creative cover art! The CD contains the FreeBSD 2.2.1 release with some local additions.
This is it - the very first FreeBSD CD published! Both the FreeBSD Project and Walnut Creek CDROM were fairly young back then, and you'll probably have little difficulty in spotting the differences in production quality between then and now.
This was the second FreeBSD CD published by Walnut Creek CDROM and also the very last on the 1.x branch (ref USL/Novell lawsuit and settlement). The next release, FreeBSD 1.1.5, was only available on the net.
This unusual CD is something of a collector's item now given that almost all existing examples were systematically tracked down and destroyed. An artwork mishap has this CD dated for the wrong year, and on the spine "January" is also misspelled as "Jaunary", just to increase the embarrassment factor. Ah, the perils of turning in one's artwork just hours before leaving for a trade show.
This is the fixed-up version of the FreeBSD 2.0 CD. Note that the color scheme has even been changed in the corrected version, something unusual for a fixup and perhaps done to distance it from the earlier mistake.
The FreeBSD 2.0.5 release CD. This was the first CD to feature Tatsumi Hosokawa's daemon artwork.
The FreeBSD 2.1 release CD. This was the first CD release on the 2.1 branch (the last being 2.1.7).
The FreeBSD 2.1.5 release CD.
The FreeBSD 2.1.6 release CD.
The Japanese version of 2.1.6. This was the first and last Japanese localized version published by WC, responsibility for that product then transitioning to a team led by Tatsumi Hosokawa and sponsored by Pacific Hitech and Laser5.
The FreeBSD 2.1.7 release CD. Also the last CD released on the 2.1.x branch. Done primarily as a security fixup for 2.1.6
An early release SNAPshot of 2.2 (done before 2.2.1 was released).
The FreeBSD 2.2.1 release CD. This was the first CD on the 2.2 branch.
The FreeBSD 2.2.2 release CD.
The FreeBSD 3.0 snapshot CD.
The FreeBSD mailing list and newsgroup archives, turned into HTML and semi-indexed by thread. This product ran for 2 releases and then stopped with a thud once it became obvious that there was simply too much data to deal with on one CD. Perhaps when DVD becomes more popular...
FreeBSD Toolkit: Six disc set of resources to make your FreeBSD experience more enriching.
FreeBSD Alpha 4.2 - The full version of the DEC Alpha 64-bit UNIX operating system.
FreeBSD 4.2: The full version of the PC 32-bit UNIX operating system.
FreeBSD 4.2 CD-ROM. Lehmanns CD-ROM Edition. January 2001, 4 CD-ROMs. Lehmanns Fachbuchhandlung. Germany. ISBN 3-931253-72-4.


Cover of Korean UNIX magazine, May 1997 issue. Also included FreeBSD 2.2.1 with cover CDs.
UNIX User Magazine November 1996 issue. Also included FreeBSD 2.1.5 on cover CD.
This is the "FreeBSD Full Course" special in April 1997's Software Design (published by Gijutsu Hyoron Sha). There are 80 pages of FreeBSD articles covering everything from installation to tracking -current.
Quality Unix for FREE, by Brett Glass in Sm@rt Reseller Online September 1998
This is the "BSD magazine" published by ASCII corporation, the world's first publication specialized in BSD. BSD magazine covers FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and BSD/OS. The premiere issue features articles on the history of BSD, installation, and Ports/Packages; it also includes 4 CD-ROMs containing FreeBSD 3.2-RELEASE, NetBSD 1.4.1 and OpenBSD 2.5.


This is issue #1 of the FreeBSD Newsletter, published and distributed free - of charge by Walnut Creek CDROM. + of charge by Walnut Creek CDROM. You can register to receive it. Submit articles/make comments by sending email to newsletter@FreeBSD.ORG.
This is issue #2 of the FreeBSD Newsletter, published and distributed free - of charge by Walnut Creek CDROM. + of charge by Walnut Creek CDROM. You can register to receive it. Submit articles/make comments by sending email to newsletter@FreeBSD.ORG.