diff --git a/en/projects/projects.sgml b/en/projects/projects.sgml
index 072ed3d5f8..ebe75ef10a 100644
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+++ b/en/projects/projects.sgml
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 <!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD$">
+<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/projects/projects.sgml,v 1.73 1999/09/22 08:33:22 wosch Exp $">
 <!ENTITY title "FreeBSD Development Projects">
 <!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
 <a name="development"></a>
 <p>In addition to the mainstream development path of FreeBSD, a number
 of developer groups are working on the cutting edge to expand
 FreeBSD's range of applications in new directions.  Follow the links
 below to learn more about these exciting projects.</p>
 If you miss a project please send the URL and a short
 description (3-10 lines) to
 <A HREF="../mailto.html">www@FreeBSD.ORG</A>
   <li><a href="#documentation">Documentation</a>
   <li><a href="#advocacy">Advocacy</a>
   <li><a href="#applications">Applications</a>
   <li><a href="#networking">Networking</a>
   <li><a href="#filesystem">Filesystem</a>
   <li><a href="#kernelandsecurity">Kernel and Security</a>
   <li><a href="#devicedrivers">Device drivers</a>
   <li><a href="#architecture">Architecture</a>
   <li><a href="#misc">Misc</a>
 <a name="documentation"></a>
       <li><a href="../docproj/docproj.html">FreeBSD Documentation Project</a>
 	The FreeBSD Documentation Project is a group of people who maintain
 	and write the documentation (such as the Handbook and FAQ) for the
 	FreeBSD	project.  If you want to help with the documentation project,
 	subscribe to the <a href="mailto:freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.ORG">freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.ORG</a>
 	mailing list and partcipate.</li>
       <li><a name="newbies" href="newbies.html">FreeBSD Resources for Newbies</a>
 	is a list of resources to help those new to FreeBSD and UNIX in
 	general.  There is also a <a href="mailto:freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG">
 	freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG</a> mailing list.</li>
       <li><a name="retail" href="http://www.bafug.org/Retail.html">Retail Outlets for FreeBSD</a>
 	is a list of worldwide retailers where FreeBSD can be purchased.</li>
       <li><a name="securityhowto" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~jkb/howto.html">
 	FreeBSD Security How-To</a>
 	FreeBSD is a very secure operating system. Since source code
 	is freely available, the OS is constantly going through the
 	review and audit. While FreeBSD comes very secure OOB
 	(Out-Of-Box), there are many features that can make it more
 	secure for those of you who are "paranoid". This How-To will
 	go over some steps which will help you increase overall
 	security of your machine.
       <li><a name="BSDsites" href="http://www.itworks.com.au/~gavin/FBSDsites.php3">
 	RELEASE/SNAP finder for FreeBSD FTP servers</a>.
 	A resource that would allow anyone to find a FTP server that contains
 	particular releases and SNAP of FreeBSD. The database is updated daily
 	at 3am Melbourne time (10 hours ahead of UTC).</li>
       <li><a name="diary" href="http://www.freebsddiary.org/freebsd/">
 	The FreeBSD Diary</a> is a collection of how-to entries aimed at UNIX
 	novices.  The aim is to provide a set of step-by-step guides to
 	installing and configuring various ports.</li>
       <li><a name="freebsduserguide" href="http://www.aei.ca/~malartre/freebsd/">
 	The FreeBSD User Guide</a>
 	This is a little document on how to start with the FreeBSD Operating
 	System (OS), a Unix variant. It's made for people who never used a
 	Unix OS. FreeBSD is a little hard to learn, so don't expect to be
 	happy the first time you meet him alone. The main reason is that it's
 	Command Line Interface (CLI), like MS-DOS.</li>
       <li><A HREF="http://www.vmunix.com/fbsd-book/">A Comprehensive
 	Guide to FreeBSD</A> - an attempt at a more readable,
 	"book-like" tutorial explaining the FreeBSD Operating
 	System. Intended for people new to both FreeBSD and
 	UNIX. Currently a work in progress.</li>
       <li><A HREF="http://flag.blackened.net/freebsd/">FreeBSD
 	How-To's for the Lazy and Hopeless</A> is another somewhat more
 	light-hearted attempt to provide more readable "how-to" style
 	information on setting up and configuring FreeBSD.</li>
       <li><A HREF="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Linux+FreeBSD-mini-HOWTO.html">The
 	Linux+FreeBSD mini-HOWTO</a> - this document describes how to
 	use Linux and FreeBSD on the same system. It introduces FreeBSD
 	and discusses how the two operating systems can cooperate,
 	e.g. by sharing swap space.</li>
     <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~rpratt/227/index.html">
 	Install Preview for FreeBSD 2.2.7</a>
 	This is a guide illustrating the FreeBSD install program for 
 	those new to unix and/or FreeBSD.</li>
     <li><a href="http://home.wxs.nl/~asmodai/pdp.html">The FreeBSD 
     Programmer's Documentation Project</a></li>
     <li><a name="cookbook" 
     The FreeBSD Cook Book</a>
     Ok, you got FreeBSD installed, now what? Here are some suggested
     solutions to common problems you can implement with the knowledge
     you now have. This document is styled after the electronics cook
     books with some recipes for some common types of installations.
     Each "recipe" has some recommended minimum hardware, specific
     software to use, and most important the configuration information
     required to get the system running correctly.</li>
 <a name="advocacy"></a>
     <Li><a name="advocacyproj" href="http://freebsd.tesserae.com/">
 	The FreeBSD Advocacy Project</a>
 	The FreeBSD Advocacy Project is the group of people responsible for
 	the promotion of FreeBSD. Our main goal is to develop a competent
 	marketing image for the FreeBSD Project, and increase the overall
 	user-base of FreeBSD.
     <li><a name="freebsdrocks" href="http://www.freebsdrocks.com/">FreeBSD Rocks</a>
 	is an initiative designed to provide the FreeBSD community with the
 	latest FreeBSD news, software and resources.  All areas include search
 	facilities, making keyword searching of historical posts a breeze.
 	The pages are updated daily and everyone is invited to sign up an post
 	an article.  If it happened today, you'll see it on FreeBSDRocks.</li>
     <li><a name=bsdvlin href="http://www.futuresouth.com/~fullermd/freebsd/bsdvlin.html">
 	FreeBSD vs. Linux</a>: a bunch of comparisons between FreeBSD and
 	Linux, which is another publically-distributed free UNIX-like OS
 	for PC's.</li>
     <li><a name="daemonnews" href="http://www.daemonnews.org/">Daemon News</a>
 	is an electronic publication about the BSD operating system in general.
 	It's aim is to be a resource for people in the FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and
 	NetBSD communities.</li>
       <li><a href="http://www.bafug.org/FbsdCounter.html">The FreeBSD Counter Page</a>
 	page is the start of a project which will attempt to determine the
 	world-wide installed base of FreeBSD users. The FreeBSD development
 	community currently has only the vaguest idea as to how large our user
 	base is, and this makes it all the more difficult to persuade hardware
 	and software vendors to take it seriously.</li>
     <li><a name="giveaway" href="http://visar.csustan.edu">BSD CD Giveaway List</a>
 	If somebody has a CD to give away (recipient pays for shipping) or to
 	lend locally, they can put their email address on the list. Hardware 
 	and literature can also be given away. We encourage people to donate 
 	CDs to local libraries and put them on the list as well.</li>
     <li><a name="softwarebazaar" href="http://visar.csustan.edu/bazaar/">
 	The Free Software Bazaar</a> is a market place designed to increase
 	the amount of free software, to support free software developers,
 	and to more accurately measure the demand for free software.</li>
     <li><a href="http://www.freebsdzine.org/">FreeBSD ezine</a>
 	The FreeBSD 'zine is a monthly collection of easy to read (we hope)
 	articles written by FreeBSD users and administrators just like you.</li>
     <li><a href="http://fbsdboard.lynxcom.net/" name="fbsdboard">The
 	FreeBSD WebBoard</a> is a place where the FreeBSD community can
 	help eachother out. They can leave postings and have them answered
 	while at the same time, other FreeBSD users can view these
 	problems and learn from them. Keep in mind that this WebBoard is
 	very new and things are currently being added. If there are few or
 	no messages posted, feel free to still post as it may still get
     <li><a href="http://dmoz.org/Computers/Operating_Systems/Unix/FreeBSD/" name="dmoz">
 	The Open Directory Project's</a> goal is to produce the most
 	comprehensive directory of the web, by relying on a vast army of
 	volunteer editors.</li>
     <li><a href="http://www.cdrom.com/~rab/bsd_chart.html" name="freebsdvslinuxvsnt">
 	FreeBSD vs. Linux vs. Windows NT</a>
 	A comparison between the three operating systems which includes
 	reliability, performance, Y2K issues, support, cost of ownership,
 	and more.</li>
     <li><a href="http://leb.net/hzo/ioscount/" name="ioscount"> The
 	Internet Operating System Counter</a> is a survey about operating
 	system usage on the Internet. Host addresses are collected and
 	queried for their operating system using queso.</li>
     <li><a name="cellphone"
     href="http://mygiea.heim8.tu-clausthal.de/projects/handy/">The BSD
     cellphone</a>. FreeBSD daemon covers for cellphones.
     <li>Welcome to <a name="freebsdcon"
     href="http://www.FreeBSDCon.org/">FreeBSDCon '99</a>, the first
     annual FreeBSD Conference and Expo!  This will be the number one
     event this year for FreeBSD users and developers.  We will have it
     all: tutorials, demos, workshops, panels, presentations,
     discussions and exhibits.  Many FreeBSD developers and vendors
     will be here.  Meet most (possibly all) of the core team.  Meet
     people using FreeBSD for several of the world's largest internet
     sites.  Talk to researchers and application developers.  Browse
     the products at the FreeBSD Mall.  Try out the "hands-on" demos of
     the latest FreeBSD applications.
 <a name="applications"></a>
       <li><a name="java" href="http://www.freebsd.org/java/">Java on FreeBSD</a>
 	This contains information on where to obtain the latest JDK for
 	FreeBSD, how to install and run it, and a list of java software that
 	you may find interesting.  Please note that the JDK is unsupported on
 	versions of FreeBSD prior to 2.2.</li>
       <li><a name="mozilla" href="mozilla.html">FreeBSD Mozilla Group</a>
 	seeks to provide a focus for work on Netscape's Mozilla project for
 	the FreeBSD world by providing centralized resources such as a CVS
 	repository, a mailing list, and other tools for development.</li>
       <li><a name="multimedia" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~faulkner/multimedia/mm.html">MultiMedia</a>
 	A resource of links to information and software pertaining to the world
 	of multimedia in the UNIX world.</li>
       <li><a href="../ports/">FreeBSD Ports Collection</a>
 	The FreeBSD Ports Collection provides an easy way to compile and
 	install a wide range of applications with a minimum amount of effort.
 	A list of current ports is available along with a search mechanism
 	to see if a specific application exists in the Ports Collection.</li>
       <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~fenner/portsurvey/">FreeBSD Ports distfiles survey</a>
 	is a list which checks the Ports Collection for unfetchable distfiles
 	and provides a summary for each port.</li>
 <a name="networking"></a>
       <li><a name="altq"  href="http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/kjc/kjc/software.html">ALTQ</a>: bandwidth management for applications</li>
       <li><a name="kame" href="http://www.kame.net/">KAME Project</a>, a free IPv6/IPsec stack for BSD</li>
       <li><a name="ppp" href="http://www.awfulhak.org/ppp.html">Point to Point Protocol (PPP)</a></li>
       <li><a name="smn" href="http://www.cs.pdx.edu/research/SMN/">Secure MobileIP via IP</a></li>
 <a name="filesystem"></a>
 <h3>File system</h3>
       <li><a name="afs" href="http://www.stacken.kth.se/projekt/arla/">Arla</a>
 	is a free AFS client implementation.  The main goal is to
 	make a fully functional client with all capabilities of normal AFS.
 	Other planned and implemented things are all the normal management
 	tools and a server.
       <li><a name="coda" href="http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/">Coda</a> is
 	a distributed file system.  Among its features are disconnected
 	operation, good security model, server replication and persistent
 	client side caching.
       <li><a name="devfs" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~julian/">DEVFS</a></li>
       <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~terry/">Mode locking</a></li>
       <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~terry/">Make the namei interface reflexive</a></li>
       <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~terry/">NFS client and server locking</a></li>
       <li><a href="http://iclub.nsu.ru/~semen/ntfs/">NTFS Driver for FreeBSD</a>
 	This driver allows Windows NTFS partitions to be mounted by FreeBSD.
 	Currently NTFS partitions can only be accessed in read-only mode, but
 	plans are in the works for read/write access.</li>
       <li><a name="rio" href="http://www.eecs.umich.edu/Rio/">Rio (RAM
 	I/O)</a>: The Rio project is investigating how to implement and
 	use reliable memory.  Reliable memory enables dramatic
 	improvements in reliability and performance.</li>
        <li><a name="softupdate" href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/FreeBSD-current/src/sys/contrib/softupdates/README"> Soft Updates:</a>
 	A Solution to the Metadata Update Problem in File Systems</li>
       <li><a name="tcfs" href="http://tcfs.dia.unisa.it/">TCFS</a>
 	is a Transparent Cryptographic File System that is a suitable
 	solution to the problem of privacy for distributed file system. By a
 	deeper integration between the encryption service and the file system,
 	it results in a complete trasparency of use to the user
 	applications. Files are stored in encrypted form and are decrypted
 	before they are read. The encryption/decryption process takes place on
 	the client machine and thus the encryption/decryption key never
 	travels on the network.</li>
       <li><a name="Tertiary" href="http://now.cs.berkeley.edu/Td/">Tertiary Disk</a>
 	is a storage system architecture to create large disk storage systems
 	that avoid the disadvantages of custom built disk arrays. The
 	name comes from twin goals: to have the cost per megabyte and
 	capacity of tape libraries and the performance of magnetic
 	disks. We use commodity, off the shelf components to develop a
 	scalable, low cost, terabyte capacity disk system. Our target is
 	to build a complete storage system with about 30-50% extra to
 	the cost of the raw disk.  Tertiary Disk uses PCs connected by a
 	switched network to host a large number of disks. Our prototype
 	consists of 20 200MHz PC PCs, which host 370 8GB disks. The PCs
 	are connected through a 100Mbps Ethernet switch.</li>
       <li><a name="vinum" href="http://www.lemis.com/vinum.html">Vinum</a>
 	is a logical volume manager modeled after the VERITAS volume manager.
 	However, it is not a clone of Veritas, and attempts to solve a
 	number of problems more elegantly than Veritas.  It also offers
 	features that Veritas does not have.</li>
       <li><a name="PathConvert" href="http://www.tamacom.com/pathconvert/">
 	The PathConvert project</a> is to develop utilities which make
 	conversion between absolute path name and relative path name. It
 	brings benefits mainly to the users of NFS and WWW.</li>
       <li><a name="v9fs" href="http://www.acl.lanl.gov/~rminnich/">
       V9FS: Memory-based file system for FreeBSD</a> It will (we hope)
       become the basis of private name spaces for FreeBSD in the
       future. It provides a file system that uses only memory for
       directories, inodes, and data.  This is not at all like mfs,
       since mfs uses memory for "disk blocks", and essentially acts as
       the device for UFS. V9FS in contrast is a first-class citizen
       and is a full mountable file system. No writeup yet.</li>
 <a name="kernelandsecurity"></a>
 <h3>Kernel, security</h3>
       <li><a name="drawbridge" href="http://drawbridge.tamu.edu/">Drawbridge</a>
 	is a firewall package that was developed at Texax A&amp;M University and
 	was designed with a large academic environment in mind.  It's greatest
 	strength is the ability to perform high speed packet filtering for
 	a larget number of individual hosts within an intranetwork.</li>
       <li><a name="hardening" href="http://www.watson.org/fbsd-hardening/">FreeBSD Hardening Project</a>
 	The goal of the FreeBSD Hardening Project is to develop a set of
 	modifications to the base FreeBSD system that, when applied, allow
 	for a far more secure environment.  Services would, in general, be
 	disabled until specifically enabled, much like modern firewall
       <li><a name="metacomputing" href="ftp://ftp.sarnoff.com/pub/mnfs/www/docs/metacomputing.html">Metacomputing</a></li>
       <li><a name="DHCP" href="http://home.san.rr.com/freebsd/dhcp.html">DHCP configuration</a>
 	How to set up DHCP on FreeBSD systems for use with cable modems, etc.</li>
       <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~jraynard/source/">Handling more than 32 signals</a></li>
       <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~terry/">Working LDAP for FreeBSD</a></li>
       <li><a name="SMP" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~fsmp/SMP/SMP.html">Symmetric MultiProcessor Support</a>
 	Documentation and other information about taking advantage of multiple
 	processors under FreeBSD.</li>
       <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~terry/">A validation suite for testing for kernel memory leaks</a></li>
 <a name="devicedrivers"></a>
 <h3>Device drivers</h3>
       <li><a name="deviceframework" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~dfr/devices.html">
 	A New Device Framework for FreeBSD</a></li>
       <li><a name="atm" href="http://www.ccrc.wustl.edu/pub/chuck/tech/bsdatm/bsdatm.html"> BSD ATM: implementation of ATM internetworking under 4.4BSD</a>:
 	New computer applications in areas such as multimedia, imaging,
 	and distributed computing demand high levels of performance from
 	computer networks. ATM-based networking solutions provide one
 	possible alternative to meeting these performance needs.
 	However, the complexity of ATM over traditional networks such as
 	Ethernet has proven to be a barrier to its being used. In this
 	paper we present the design and implementation of BSD ATM, a
 	light-weight and efficient ATM software layer for BSD-based
 	operating systems that requires minimal changes to the operating
 	system. BSD ATM can be used both for IP-based networking traffic
 	and for ``native'' ATM traffic.</li>
       <li><a name="timekeeping" href="http://phk.freebsd.dk/rover.html">High-precision timekeeping with FreeBSD</a>
 	How to create a NTP stratum 1 server with state of the art
       <li><a name="homeauto" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~fsmp/HomeAuto/HomeAuto.html">Home Automation</a>
 	with FreeBSD such as appliance controllers, infra-red controllers,
 	automated telephone systems, and more.</li>
       <li><a name="isdn" href="http://www.hcs.de/users/hm/isdn4bsd/i4b-main.html">i4b: ISDN for FreeBSD</a>
 	ISDN4BSD (or i4b for short) is a package for interfacing a computer
 	running FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, or BSD/OS to ISDN.  The only ISDN
 	protocol currently supported is the BRI protocol.  ISDN4BSD allows you
 	to make IP network connections by using either IP packets sent in raw
 	HDLC frames on the B channel, or by using sychronous PPP.  For
 	telephony, ISDN4BSD can answer incoming phone calls like an answering
       <li><a name="cam" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~gibbs/">CAM: New SCSI layer for FreeBSD</a>
 	Details about what the new CAM SCSI layer is, and how it works.</li>
       <li><a name="tokenring" href="http://www.jurai.net/~winter/tr/tr.html">The FreeBSD Token-Ring Project</a>
 	Information, files, patches, and documentation about adding Token Ring
 	support to FreeBSD.</li>
       <li><a name="usb" href="http://www.etla.net/~n_hibma/usb/usb.pl"> FreeBSD USB driver development</a>
 	The NetBSD USB stack has been ported to FreeBSD. Together with them we
 	have started developing the drivers for many devices using the USB bus.
 	Have a look on the webpage if you want to join the effort or you want to
 	have a look on the devices that are being supported.</li>
       <li><a name="awe64" href="http://members.tripod.com/~section001/bsdawe64.html">Soundblaster Awe64 configuration under FreeBSD 3.1</a></li>
       <li><a name="xircomcem"></a>A mailing list exists for further 
         development of Scott Mitchell's Xircom CEM ethernet driver.  Send
         <tt>subscribe freebsd-xircom</tt> to <a 
           href="mailto:majordomo@lovett.com">majordomo@lovett.com</a> to 
 <a name="architecture"></a>
       <li><a name="alpha" href="../alpha/alpha.html">Porting FreeBSD to Alpha systems</a>
 	Contains information on the FreeBSD Alpha port such as the status,
 	mailing list information, the hardware used, and other Alpha
       <li><a name="sparc" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~obrien/freebsd-sparc/">Porting FreeBSD to Sparc systems</a>
-	Contains information on the FreeBSD Sparc port including an FAQ,
+	Contains information on the FreeBSD Sparc port including a FAQ,
 	some early boot code, information on Sparc processors and motherboards,
 	and other Sparc projects.</li>
       <li><a name="sysvr4" href="http://slash.dotat.org/~newton/freebsd-svr4/">
 	The SysVR4 Emulation</a> page describes an SysVR4 emulator for
 	FreeBSD. It is currently capable of running (or walking, in some
 	cases) a wide-ish variety of SysV executabls taken from Solaris/x86
 	2.5.1 and 2.6 systems. I have reason to believe that it will also run
 	SCO UnixWare and SCO OpenServer binaries.</li>
       <li><a name="oskit" href="http://www.cs.utah.edu/projects/flexmach/oskit/">The OSKit</a>
 	The OSKit is a framework and a set of 31 component libraries oriented
 	to operating systems, together with extensive documentation. By
 	providing in a modular way not only most of the infrastructure
 	"grunge" needed by an OS, but also many higher-level components, the
 	OSKit's goal is to lower the barrier to entry to OS R&amp;D and to
 	lower its costs. The OSKit makes it vastly easier to create a new OS,
 	port an existing OS to the x86 (or in the future, to other
 	architectures supported by the OSkit), or enhance an OS to support a
 	wider range of devices, file system formats, executable formats, or
 	network services. The OSKit also works well for constructing OS-related
 	programs, such as boot loaders or OS-level servers atop a
       <li><a name="picobsd" href="http://www.freebsd.org/~picobsd/">Small and embedded FreeBSD (PicoBSD)</a>
 	PicoBSD is a one floppy version of FreeBSD which in its different
 	variations allows you to have secure dial-up access, small diskless
 	router, or even a dial-in server.  All of this on only one standard
 	1.44MB floppy disk.  It runs on a minimum 386SX CPU with 8MB of RAM,
 	and no hard drive is required!</li>
       <li><a name="linuxthreads" href="http://lt.tar.com/">Linux Threads under FreeBSD</a>
 	Create a port of Linux Threads that can be compiled and used as a
 	kernel threads implementation under FreeBSD.  Allow native Linux
 	applications linked against the Linux Threads pthread library (either
 	static or shared libs) to run under FreeBSD in Linux "emulation"
       <li><a name="buds" href="http://www.mozie.com/projects/buds/index.html">
       BUDS: BSD Unix Distributed Simple-ly</a>
       Provide a general purpose clustering system for further
       development into parallel-multi-processors. This system is
       intended to be generic in nature, but powerful. It is not intend
       for computensively intensive applications, nor is it intended
       for highly complex interdependent applications.</li>
 <a name="misc"></a>
       <li><a name="global" href="http://www.tamacom.com/global/">GLOBAL</a>
-	is acommon source code tag system that works the same way across
+	is a common source code tag system that works the same way across
 	diverse environments.  Currently, it supports the shell command line,
 	the nvi editor, web browser, the emacs editor, and the elvis editor,
 	and the supported languages are C, Yacc, and Java.</li>
       <li><a name="pao" href="http://www.jp.FreeBSD.org/PAO/">PAO: Mobile Computing page, laptops running FreeBSD</a>
 	PAO enables FreeBSD to drive many PCMCIA (PC-card) cards and also
 	provides you with PC-card "hotplug" on your laptop machines running
 	FreeBSD.  It also contains some improvements and bug fixes for the
 	APM BIOS driver.</li>
       <li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/~jraynard/source/">Replacement of gnu awk with bwk's "one true awk"</a></li>
       <li><A name="freebsdxr" HREF="http://lxr.linux.no/freebsd/source">FreeBSD cross reference</A>.
 	A hypertext cross referenced presentation of the FreeBSD kernel
 	sourecode. The version indexed is -CURRENT, and it is updated every