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Experience the possibilities with FreeBSD

FreeBSD can handle nearly any task you would expect of a UNIX workstation, as well as many you might not expect:

FreeBSD is a true open system with full source code.

There is no doubt that so-called open systems are the requirement for today's computing applications. But no commercial vendor-supplied solution is more open than one which includes full source code to the entire operating system, including the kernel and all of the system daemons, programs, and utilities. You can modify any part of FreeBSD to suit your personal, organizational, or corporate needs.

With its generous licensing policy, you can use FreeBSD as the basis for any number of free or commercial applications.

FreeBSD runs thousands of applications.

Because FreeBSD is based on 4.4BSD, an industry-standard version of UNIX, it is easy to compile and run programs. FreeBSD also includes an extensive packages collection and ports collection that bring precompiled and easy-to-build software right to your desktop or enterprise server. There is also a growing number of commercial applications written for FreeBSD.

Here are some examples of the environments in which FreeBSD is used:

FreeBSD is an operating system that will grow with your needs.

Though FreeBSD is free software, it is also user supported software. Any questions you have can be posted to hundreds of FreeBSD developers and users simply by e-mailing the freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG mailing list.

FreeBSD also has a worldwide group of programmers and writers who fix bugs, add new features and document the system. Support for new devices or special features is an almost constant development process, and the team keeps a special eye out for problems which affect system stability. FreeBSD users are quite proud of not only how fast but how reliable their systems are.

What experts have to say . . .

``FreeBSD handles [our] heavy load quite well and it is nothing short of amazing. Salutations to the FreeBSD team.''

---Mark Hittinger, administrator of WinNet Communications, Inc.

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General Information



In light of our recent (and still ongoing) security concerns, it has become rather obvious that nothing less than a rigorous and comprehensive security review of the FreeBSD source tree will enable us to really have much confidence in the security of our operating system, an OS that many have come increasingly to rely upon and must be made more than reasonably secure if they are to continue to be able to do so.

The sheer amount of legacy code & code from outside sources in FreeBSD also makes it especially easy for security holes to go unnoticed until it's rather too late, and no truly large-scale attempt has been made up to this point to really go through the codebase with a specific focus on security issues, that being a rather big project and most FreeBSD developers being more than busy enough elsewhere. This situation must now change, however, if we are to remain the kind of operating system that people can continue to rely upon as the Internet continues to grow and (I suspect) become an ever-more hostile environment for improperly protected systems. Proper security is something of a cooperative arrangement between the local administrator and the OS vendor, and this "OS vendor" needs to do its part.

The core team's first step in becoming more serious about security was to bring the project's security officer, Guido van Rooij, into the team so that one of the "voices at the table" would have security as his primary mandate and representation in all the important security mailing lists external to the FreeBSD Project. He will also keep the rest of us in core much more aware of security concerns as they arise, hopefully not to be taken quite so by surprise as we have a few times in the past.

Our second step will be this audit, an attempt to methodically go through every line of source in FreeBSD looking for obvious buffer overflows (sprintf()/strcpy() vs snprintf()/strncpy() and so on), less obvious security holes, instances of insufficiently defensive coding, amusing comment strings to forward to freebsd-chat, whatever we run across.

Using the modules database as an outline, we will split the source tree into more manageable pieces, keeping a sign-up sheet in a prominent place so that people can see which modules are covered and which are not. A carefully selected team of individuals is now also being formed, that team being composed of "auditors" and "reviewers" (most members of the team being both). An auditor has principle responsibility, which may be shared with another auditor, for actually going through the code and looking for security holes and/or bugs. Once a reasonable pile of diffs have been accumulated, assuming that any problems were found, they are send to one or more reviewers who are responsible for giving the changes another once-over and, if the auditor does not have commit privileges, to actually commit the changes when & if they're deemed acceptable.


In order to be an auditor, you should either have commit privileges on freefall.FreeBSD.org or an arrangement with another auditor/reviewer who does. You should also be running or have immediate access to FreeBSD-current sources since all of our changes will be made relative to that branch and then brought back (as necessary) into the 2.1 and 2.2 branches.

What to look for and what the general rules to follow are is sufficiently complex that I have turned it into a FreeBSD Security Guide. Please read this now if you haven't already. Other excellent documents are the Secure Programming Checklist and the Unix Security Checklist, both available from AUSCERT.

Sign-Up sheet:

Here is the sign-up sheet as it sits so far. This is *very* skeletal at this stage, given that we've just now started, and as people indicate which module(s) they're willing to either audit or review, we'll fill it in. If this tabular format also becomes unwieldy as it fills up, we can change it or put it on a web page or something. :) I've left some sample entries open just as place-holders, and they in no way imply that someone has to be willing to pick up pieces that large.

Anything in the modules database represents a potential auditing target - from ones as small as "cat" to ones as large as "lib", the most important being that people bite off pieces no larger than they think they can chew. If you take 15 things onto your plate and deal with only 5, you're not doing anyone any favors since the other auditors will be assuming that the other 10 items are handled!

To sign up for something, please send mail to jmb@FreeBSD.org.

Module Auditor(s) Reviewer(s) Status
bin ac ee* gvr* jh ka mu vk imp* jmb* md* gvr* Open
contrib cg gvr* Open
eBones mrvm* gvr* Open
games ab ee* xaa gvr* Open
init gl gvr* Open
lib ak bjn pst* dg* imp* jkh* gvr* Open
libc ee* mu gvr* Open
libexec crh ee* imp* mr witr gvr* Open
lkm dob* gvr* Open
sbin ee* imp* or* tao jmb* md* gvr* Open
secure dc mrvm* gvr* Open
telnetd ac dn imp* gvr* Open
usr.bin bob ee* jha jm ky* rb rd rjk vk md* gvr* Open
usr.sbin ee* ejc gl imp* jm marc rd md* gvr* Open

Auditor/Reviewer keys

This is the list of people who have volunteered to participate as auditors or reviewers in this process. They may also be reached collectively by sending mail to the auditors@FreeBSD.org alias at times when it is appropriate to send mail to all auditors. If you wish to reach just the auditors & reviewers for a specific category, say usr.sbin for example, then you would send mail to audit-usr.sbin@FreeBSD.org.

Key Auditor/Reviewer Name and Email address
ab Aaron Bornstein aaronb@j51.com
ac Adrian Chadd adrian@psinet.net.au
ak Adam Kubicki apk@itl.waw.pl
am Albert Mietus gam@gamp.hacom.nl
avk Alexander V. Kalganov top@sonic.cris.net
bb Bob Bishop rb@gid.co.uk
bjn Brent J. Nordquist nordquist@platinum.com
bob Bob Willcox bob@luke.pmr.com
btm Brian T. Michely brianm@cmhcsys.com
cg Coranth Gryphon gryphon@healer.com
cl Chris Lambertus cmlambertus@ucdavis.edu
crh Charles Henrich henrich@crh.cl.msu.edu
dc Dan Cross tenser@spitfire.ecsel.psu.edu
dg* David Greenman davidg@FreeBSD.org
din Dinesh Nair dinesh@alphaque.com
dn David Nugent davidn@labs.usn.blaze.net.au
dob* David E. O'Brien obrien@NUXI.com
dz Danny J. Zerkel dzerkel@phofarm.com
ee* Eivind Eklund eivind@FreeBSD.org
eh Elijah Hempstone avatar@gandalf.bss.sol.net
ehu Ernest Hua hua@chromatic.com
ejc Eric J. Chet ejc@gargoyle.bazzle.com
gl Giles Lean giles@nemeton.com.au
gvr* Guido van Rooij guido@FreeBSD.org
gw Graham Wheeler gram@oms.co.za
imp* Warner Losh imp@FreeBSD.org
jb Jim Bresler jfb11@inlink.com
jh Jake Hamby jehamby@lightside.com
jha John H. Aughey jha@cs.purdue.edu
jk Jerry Kendall Jerry@kcis.com
jkh* Jordan K. Hubbard jkh@FreeBSD.org
jm Josef Moellers mollers.pad@sni.de
jmb* Jonathan M. Bresler jmb@FreeBSD.org
joe* Joe Greco jgreco@solaria.sol.net
ka Kalganov Alexander top@bird.cris.net
ki Kenneth Ingham ingham@i-pi.com
ky* Kazutaka YOKOTA yokota@zodiac.mech.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp
marc Marc Slemko marcs@znep.com
md* Matt Dillon dillon@best.net
mr Mike Romaniw msr@cuc.com
mrvm* Mark Murray mark@grondar.za
mu Mudge mudge@l0pht.com
or* Ollivier Robert roberto@keltia.freenix.fr
pb Peter Blake ppb@baloo.tcp.co.uk
peter* Peter Wemm peter@FreeBSD.org
phk* Poul-Henning Kamp phk@FreeBSD.org
pst* Paul Traina pst@FreeBSD.org
rb Reinier Bezuidenhout rbezuide@oskar.nanoteq.co.za
rd Rajiv Dighe rajivd@sprynet.com
rel Roger Espel Llima espel@llaic.univ-bpclermont.fr
rjk Richard J Kuhns rjk@grauel.com
rm Robin Melville robmel@nadt.org.uk
rs Robert Sexton robert@kudra.com
sc Sergei Chechetkin csl@whale.sunbay.crimea.ua
tao Brian Tao taob@risc.org
tdr Thomas David Rivers ponds!rivers@dg-rtp.dg.com
vk Vadim Kolontsov vadim@tversu.ac.ru
witr Robert Withrow witr@rwwa.com
xaa Mark Huizer xaa@stack.nl

* = Has CVS commit privileges.

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Availability of FreeBSD

FreeBSD is free and is available for downloading over the Internet or on CDROM for a small fee.

Hardware requirements.

FreeBSD runs on a variety of PC and Alpha hardware. Please review the supported configurations section of the FreeBSD Handbook for more information.

Where to get it.

FreeBSD can be downloaded over the Internet for free, using a variety of different protocols (FTP, CVS, AFS, and more). If bandwidth is expensive for you then it can also be purchased on CDROM from a variety of vendors.

For more information on obtaining FreeBSD, please see the Handbook Chapter on obtaining FreeBSD.

For more information on installing FreeBSD, please see the Handbook Chapter on installing FreeBSD.

About the FreeBSD Project.

FreeBSD is developed and supported by a worldwide team of programmers. Jordan Hubbard, one of the project's founders, has written a brief history of the FreeBSD project. Information about who's responsible for what is also available. If you are curious, take a look at some pictures of the team members. A more complete listing of contributors is available in the Contributors section of the FreeBSD Handbook. FreeBSD is an open project, and welcomes the help of individuals who have time and or skills to offer.

This "about" section was created by Sean Kelly.

Inside your PC is a daemon waiting to be unleashed. Free it with FreeBSD.

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FreeBSD offers many advanced features.

No matter what the application, you want your system's resources performing at their full potential. FreeBSD's advanced features enable you to do just that.

A complete operating system based on 4.4BSD.

FreeBSD's distinguished roots derive from the latest BSD software releases from the Computer Systems Research Group at the University of California, Berkeley. The book The Design and Implementation of 4.4BSD Operating System, written by the 4.4BSD system architects, thus describes much of FreeBSD's core functionality in detail.

Drawing on the skills and experience of a diverse and world-wide group of volunteer developers, the FreeBSD Project has worked to extend the feature set of the 4.4BSD operating system in many ways, striving constantly to make each new release of the OS more stable, faster and containing new functionality driven by user requests.

FreeBSD provides higher performance, greater compatibility with other operating systems and less system administration.

FreeBSD's developers attacked some of the more difficult problems in operating systems design to give you these advanced features:

Work in-progress includes support for fine-grained SMP locking in kernel, allowing higher performance on multi-processor machines, support for Scheduler Activations, allowing parallelism in threaded programs, file system snapshots, fsck-free booting, network optimizations such as zero-copy sockets and event-driven socket IO, ACPI support, and advanced security features such as Mandatory Access Control.

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FreeBSD was designed for the Internet

FreeBSD includes what many consider the reference implementation for TCP/IP software, the 4.4 BSD TCP/IP protocol stack, thereby making it ideal for network applications and the Internet.

FreeBSD supports standard TCP/IP protocols.

Like most UNIX systems, the FreeBSD operating system enables you to

FreeBSD lets you to turn a PC into a World Wide Web server or Usenet news relay with included software. Using the included SAMBA software you can even share filesystems or printers with your Win95 and NT machines and, with the supplied PCNFS authentication daemon, you can support machines running PC/NFS. FreeBSD also supports Appletalk and Novell client/server networking (using an optional commercial package), making it a true "Intranet" networking solution.

FreeBSD also handles TCP extensions like the RFC-1323 high performance extension and RFC-1644 extension for transactions, plus SLIP and dial-on-demand PPP. It is an operating system suitable for a home-based net surfer as well as a corporate systems administrator.

FreeBSD's networking is stable and fast.

If you need an Internet server platform that is reliable and offers the best performance under heavy load, then consider FreeBSD. Here are just a few of the companies that make use of FreeBSD every day:

FreeBSD makes an ideal platform for these and other Internet services:

The FreeBSD ports collection contains ready-to-run software that makes it easy to set up your own Internet server.

High performance and security.

The FreeBSD developers are as concerned about security as they are about performance. FreeBSD includes kernel support for IP firewalling, as well other services, such as IP proxy gateways. If you put your corporate servers on the Internet, any 386 PC (or better) running FreeBSD can act as a network firewall to protect them from outside attack.

Encryption software, secure shells, Kerberos, end-to-end encryption and secure RPC facilities are also available (subject to export restrictions).

Furthermore, the FreeBSD team is proactive in detecting and disseminating security information and bug reports with a security officer and ties to the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT).

What experts have to say . . .

``FreeBSD ... provides what is probably the most robust and capable TCP/IP stack in existence ...''

---Michael O'Brien, SunExpert August 1996 volume 7 number 8.

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Questions about FreeBSD...

Questions regarding FreeBSD should be addressed to the FreeBSD Questions mailing list, freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG.

Mailing lists are the primary support channel for FreeBSD users, with numerous mailing lists covering different topic areas. Several non-English mailing lists are also available.

Questions about the contents of this WWW server...

Questions or suggestions about our documentation (Handbook, FAQ, Tutorials) should be addressed to the FreeBSD Documentation Project mailing list, freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.ORG.

Snail mail, phone and fax

For CDROM orders: The FreeBSD Mall

For commercial support: The FreeBSD Mall

Who Is Responsible for What

Public Relations & Corporate Liaison, Security Officer, Postmaster, Webmaster etc.

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Mailing lists

Mailing lists are the primary support channel for FreeBSD users, with numerous mailing lists covering different topic areas. When in doubt about what list to post a question to, post to freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG. You can browse or search the mailing list archives at www.FreeBSD.org.

The FreeBSD Conspectus is a summary of some of the mailing lists produced each week, giving you an at-a-glance overview of recent discussions and decisions.

Several non-English mailing lists are also available:

If you create other FreeBSD mailing lists, let us know about them.


There are a few FreeBSD specific newsgroups, along with numerous other newsgroups on topics of interest to FreeBSD users, though the mailing lists remain the most reliable way to get in touch with the FreeBSD developers. For miscellaneous FreeBSD discussion, see comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc. For important announcements, see comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce.

The BSD Usenet News Searcher have archives of all BSD-related Usenet newsgroups from June 1992 onwards.


While #freebsd channels exist on various IRC networks, the FreeBSD project does not control them or endorse IRC as a support medium. You may be ignored, insulted, or kicked out if you ask questions on any channel in IRC, though you may have slightly better luck in channels named #freebsdhelp where such exist. If you want to try these or any other channels on IRC, it is nonetheless at your own risk and any complaints about conduct on those channels should not be directed to the FreeBSD project. See also the FAQ entry for more information.

WEB Resources

GNATS Problem Report Database

Current FreeBSD problem reports are tracked using the GNATS database.

Problem reports may also be submitted to the development team using the send-pr(1) command on a FreeBSD system or by sending an email message to freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG. Please note that send-pr is preferred since messages sent to the mailing list are not tracked as official problem reports!

CVS Repository

CVS (the Concurrent Version System) is the tool we use for keeping our sources under control. Every change (with accompanying log message explaining its purpose) from FreeBSD 2.0 to the present is stored here, and can be easily viewed from here (click on the link). To obtain a complete copy of the FreeBSD CVS repository or any of the development branches inside it, you may choose any one of following options:

Mirrors of the CVS Repository cgi script are available in California, Germany, Japan and Spain (English, Spanish).

User Groups

FreeBSD's widespread popularity has spawned a number of user groups around the world. If you know of a FreeBSD user group not listed here, let us know about it.



North America

Rest of the world

FreeBSD Development Projects

In addition to the mainstream development path of FreeBSD, a number of developer groups are working on the cutting edge to expand FreeBSD's range of applications in new directions.

FreeBSD Security Guide

Security resources available to FreeBSD users: PGP Key for Security Officers, advisories, patches and mailing lists.

Commercial Consulting Services

Whether you are just starting out with FreeBSD, or need to complete a large project, a consultant or two might be your answer.

General Unix Information

The X Window System


Related Operating System Projects

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Mailing lists

Mailing lists are the primary support channel for FreeBSD users, with numerous mailing lists covering different topic areas. When in doubt about what list to post a question to, post to freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG. You can browse or search the mailing list archives at www.FreeBSD.org.

The FreeBSD Conspectus is a summary of some of the mailing lists produced each week, giving you an at-a-glance overview of recent discussions and decisions.

Several non-English mailing lists are also available:

If you create other FreeBSD mailing lists, let us know about them.


There are a few FreeBSD specific newsgroups, along with numerous other newsgroups on topics of interest to FreeBSD users, though the mailing lists remain the most reliable way to get in touch with the FreeBSD developers. For miscellaneous FreeBSD discussion, see comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc. For important announcements, see comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce.

The BSD Usenet News Searcher have archives of all BSD-related Usenet newsgroups from June 1992 onwards.


While #freebsd channels exist on various IRC networks, the FreeBSD project does not control them or endorse IRC as a support medium. You may be ignored, insulted, or kicked out if you ask questions on any channel in IRC, though you may have slightly better luck in channels named #freebsdhelp where such exist. If you want to try these or any other channels on IRC, it is nonetheless at your own risk and any complaints about conduct on those channels should not be directed to the FreeBSD project. See also the FAQ entry for more information.

WEB Resources

GNATS Problem Report Database

Current FreeBSD problem reports are tracked using the GNATS database.

Problem reports may also be submitted to the development team using the send-pr(1) command on a FreeBSD system or by sending an email message to freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG. Please note that send-pr is preferred since messages sent to the mailing list are not tracked as official problem reports!

CVS Repository

CVS (the Concurrent Version System) is the tool we use for keeping our sources under control. Every change (with accompanying log message explaining its purpose) from FreeBSD 2.0 to the present is stored here, and can be easily viewed from here (click on the link). To obtain a complete copy of the FreeBSD CVS repository or any of the development branches inside it, you may choose any one of following options:

Mirrors of the CVS Repository cgi script are available in California, Germany, Japan and Spain (English, Spanish).

User Groups

FreeBSD's widespread popularity has spawned a number of user groups around the world. If you know of a FreeBSD user group not listed here, let us know about it.



North America

Rest of the world

FreeBSD Development Projects

In addition to the mainstream development path of FreeBSD, a number of developer groups are working on the cutting edge to expand FreeBSD's range of applications in new directions.

FreeBSD Security Guide

Security resources available to FreeBSD users: PGP Key for Security Officers, advisories, patches and mailing lists.

Commercial Consulting Services

Whether you are just starting out with FreeBSD, or need to complete a large project, a consultant or two might be your answer.

General Unix Information

The X Window System


Related Operating System Projects

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Release Information

Detailed descriptions of past, present, and future releases. Look here first to determine what the latest version of FreeBSD is.

Installing FreeBSD

There are many options for installing FreeBSD, including installation from CDROM, floppy disk, an MS-DOS partition, magnetic tape, anonymous ftp, and NFS. Please read through the installation guide before downloading the entire FreeBSD distribution. If you are installing on a machine connected to the Internet, you may only need to download a single installation disk image!

Distribution Sites

The official sources for FreeBSD are:

If you plan on getting FreeBSD via ftp, please check the listing of mirror sites in the handbook to see if there is a site closer to you. For more information about past, present and future releases in general, please visit the release information page.

If you're interested in a purely experimental snapshot release of FreeBSD-current (AKA 5.0-current), aimed at developers and bleeding-edge testers only, then please see the daily snapshot server FTP site.

Applications and Utility Software

The Packages collection

The FreeBSD packages collection is a diverse collection of utility and application software that has been ported to FreeBSD. The packages are pre-compiled binaries ready to drop into your system and run.

The Ports collection

The Ports collection is like the packages collection, but the necessary patches and makefiles to compile the source code are provided instead of compiled binaries. For software with important configuration that must be done at compile time, the "port" version may be more useful than the "package" version.

For information about how you can contribute your favorite piece of software to the port collection, have a look at The Porter's Handbook and the Contributing to FreeBSD chapter in the FreeBSD handbook.

Commercial software

Beginning with FreeBSD Release 2.0.5, FreeBSD includes demo versions of some commercial as well as some shareware products. In addition to the demos available in the FreeBSD distribution, a number of other commercial vendors offer software products specifically for FreeBSD.

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As management understanding of the Year 2000 problem (aka, "The Millennium Bug") increases, more and more companies are demanding official statements from the vendors of their hardware and software as to how their product will handle the year 2000 date rollover.

Organizations that use Unix and Unix-like operating systems such as FreeBSD are already one step ahead of the problem. FreeBSD will properly maintain time long after year 2000 passes.

Background information

(This section based on the text from the Linux Y2K compliance page)

As with all Unix and Unix-like operating systems, time and dates in FreeBSD are represented internally as the number of seconds since the 1st of January 1970 (the Unix "epoch"). Currently, that figure is stored as a 32 bit integer, and will run out part way through 2038. By then we should (hopefully) be using a counter of 64 bits (or greater) which should be good until the end of the universe.

Note that the OS being Y2K compliant will not fix errant applications that are not Y2K compliant.

Note also that the OS expects to read the current date and time from the CMOS clock of your computer. Not all of these devices correctly handle the year 2000. You are advised to test each platform individually to ensure that your hardware clock behaves correctly when going from 1999 to 2000, and that it correctly interprets the year 2000 as a leap year.

What you can do

FreeBSD will continue to properly maintain time well into the next century. Third party applications, however, might not. Your best defense against year 2000 issues is a good offense. Listening to stories claiming the coming meltdown of the world as we know it are not the way to solve the millennium bug. Nor is waiting until the last minute. The FreeBSD Project recommends that your organization apply sound system administration principles as the millennium approaches.

FreeBSD Year 2000 Statement

"After extensive analysis and testing, we believe that FreeBSD is 100% Y2K compliant. In the unlikely event that something has been overlooked, we will do our best to fix it as soon as possible."

David Greenman
Principal Architect, The FreeBSD project

Fixed problems

The following Y2K problems have been identified and fixed in FreeBSD.

Several programs have a hardcoded 19%d in responses for the year. Affected programs include: yacc, ftpd, and make. [Fixed: yacc v1.2 1999/01/18; ftpd v1.7 1996/08/05; make v1.4 1996/10/06; fixes in FreeBSD-2.2 and above]
The sed script in /etc/rc.local that builds the host/kernel ID line for the message of the day relies on the year not going past 1999. [Fixed v1.21 1996/10/24; fixes in FreeBSD-2.2 and above]
The etc/namedb/make-localhost command generates the DNS serial number as YYMMDD. In the year 2000, this will be generated as 1YYMMDD. [Fixed v1.2 1997/08/11; fixes in FreeBSD-2.2.5 and above]
gnu/4930 and gnu/8321
groff tmac macros have hardcoded 19 for generating some dates. [Fixed: tmac.e v1.3 1998/12/06; doc-common v1.10 1999/01/19; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
In its obsolescent form, touch doesn't treat the two digit year specification correctly. Years in the range 00-68 are treated as 1900-1968 instead of 2000-2068. [Fixed v1.7 1999/01/05; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
The leap year calculations for the number of days in a year, and the conversion of DCF77 time to seconds since the Epoch were wrong. These errors affected all years. [Fixed v1.6 1999/01/12; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
Function Convert() was hard-coded for two digit years in range 70-99. Now adjusted to allow two digit years for 1970-2069. The function does not allow for century non-leap years - y2k1 alert! [Fixed v1.4 1999/01/12; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
The HTTP protocol includes an obsolete date format which uses a two-digit year. Previous versions of fetch would interpret all such dates in the 1900s; subsequent to this revision, the pivot described in RFC 2068 is employed, which causes two-digit years to be interpreted as always belonging to the current century unless they would be 50 or more years in the future. Since the HTTP servers which use this obsolete format are no longer widespread, this is not expected to have a significant impact. [Fixed v1.24 1999/01/15; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
The `edithook' script in the CVSROOT directory uses a raw tm_year and will therefore display 01/01/100 for 2000-JAN-01. [Fixed v1.2 1999/01/17; not relevant to FreeBSD releases]
Several cvs contrib files are not Y2K compliant. The log.pl and sccs2rcs.csh scripts prepend `19' to the year resulting in a display of 19100 for 2000. The log_accum.pl script uses a two digit year in one place and in another place assumes that the tm_year is year within century rather than years since 1900. [Fixed: log.pl v1.2 1999/01/15; sccs2rcs.csh v1.3 1999/01/15; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
The groff number register `yr' is assigned from a (struct tm).tm_year and therefore represents the number of years since 1900, not the year within the century (see definition in troff/input.cc). [Fixed, now set mod 100, troff/input.cc V1.2 1999/06/03; fixed in FreeBSD-3.3]
PicoBSD's simple_httpd uses a raw tm_year and will therefore display 01/01/100 for 2000-JAN-01. [Fixed v1.2 1999/01/16; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
Adduser uses a raw tm_year and will therefore display 100/01/01 for 2000-JAN-01. [Fixed v1.42 1999/01/15; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
Cron uses a raw tm_year and will therefore display 100 for 2000. [Fixed v1.7 1999/01/16; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
tcpslice(8) uses a raw tm_year and will therefore display 100y01m01d... for 2000-JAN-01. For compatibility, use a two-digit year until 2000.[Fixed v1.8 1999/01/20; fixes in FreeBSD-3.1 and above]
Date command does not take thousand/hundred digits. [Fixed v1.31 1999/11/10]
Chpass has a problem using 00 for expiration year.
bin/15852 and gnu/16045 and bin/16207
Groff predefined \*(DT [\*(td] string has Y2K bug. [Fixed with import of version 1.15 2000/01/12]
at(1) has a problem with valid time specifications if tm_year is 100, reports `garbled time'.
KerberosIV install does not work properly because there is a hard-wired expiration date of 12/31/99 in the Kerberos source for the ticket granter. [Fixed v1.24 1999/09/19]

More information

If you have further questions about FreeBSD's year 2000 compliance, or you have discovered an application running under FreeBSD that is not Y2K compliant, please contact the project at freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG.
