diff --git a/en/docproj/translations.sgml b/en/docproj/translations.sgml index 6fdca3822d..4746bc8fa2 100644 --- a/en/docproj/translations.sgml +++ b/en/docproj/translations.sgml @@ -1,461 +1,461 @@ - + ]> &header;

The FreeBSD Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Project

Web: http://doc.fugspbr.org/
E-Mail: lioux@FreeBSD.org
Mailing lists available
Access the following URL http://lists.fugspbr.org/listinfo.cgi/doc-fugspbr.org/ for instructions on how to subscribe to the Brazilian Portuguese translation group's mailing list.
Or, send an email to doc-request@fugspbr.org with the word "subscribe" in the subject of the message.
Posting is allowed for the members at doc@fugspbr.org
Documents available
Contributing to FreeBSD
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors
FreeBSD Handbook

The FreeBSD Bulgarian Documentation Project

Web: http://fdp.bg-freebsd.org/
E-Mail: freebsd-fdp@bg-freebsd.org
Mailing list available
Access the following URL http://lists.bg-freebsd.org/ for instructions on how to subscribe to the Bulgarian translation group's mailing list.
Or, send an email to freebsd-fdp-subscribe@bg-freebsd.org.
Posting is allowed for the members at freebsd-fdp@bg-freebsd.org
Documents available
FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors
Installing and Using FreeBSD With Other Operating Systems
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD Handbook
FreeBSD website
The Design and Implementation of 4.4BSD (sample chapter)
Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD

The FreeBSD Simplified Chinese Documentation Project

Web: www.FreeBSD.org.cn
E-Mail: delphij@FreeBSD.org
Mailing list available
Instructions on how to subscribe to the Simplified Chinese Project's mailing list are available from http://lists.cn.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo
Latest snapshot of our work
Architecture Handbook
Developers' Handbook
Porters' Handbook

The FreeBSD Traditional Chinese Documentation Project

Web: https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/freebsddoc/
E-Mail: chinsan@FreeBSD.org
USENET Newsgroup available
We usually use tw.bbs.comp.386bsd to discuss these issue.
It can be access by the following URL:
Google Group
and anything else which newsreader can read tw.bbs.comp.386bsd.
Documents available
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD website
Developers' Handbook
Porters' Handbook
FreeBSD Document Project Primer for New Contributors

The FreeBSD Dutch Documentation Project

E-Mail: remko@FreeBSD.org
Released documents
Handbook (85% complete)
Work in progress (gets periodically build from perforce)
Web page
Repository of the ongoing work

The FreeBSD Estonian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.bsd.ee/tolge.php
Documents available
FreeBSD handbook

The FreeBSD French Documentation Project

Email: blackend@FreeBSD.org or gioria@FreeBSD.org
Documents available
Some articles and tutorials
Documents currently being worked on
Handbook, Web

The FreeBSD German Documentation Project

Web: https://doc.bsdgroup.de
E-Mail: de-bsd-translators@de.FreeBSD.org
IRC: Server: irc.freenode.net, Channel: #FreeBSD-Doc.de
Documents available
FAQ, FDP Primer, porters-handbook, some articles.
Documents currently being worked on
Handbook, Web, developers-handbook, arch-handbook.

The FreeBSD Greek Documentation Project

E-mail: Giorgos Keramidas <keramida@FreeBSD.org>
E-mail: freebsd-doc-el@lists.hellug.gr
IRC: Server: eu.irc.gr, us.irc.gr, Channel: #bsddocs
Mailing lists available
The freebsd-doc-el is the main discussion list for the Greek translations. The main list language is Greek, but it's also ok to write in English.
List info: http://lists.hellug.gr/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-doc-el
Documents available
some articles and tutorials.
Documents currently being worked on
Handbook, FAQ
Repositories of ongoing work (Mercurial)
Imports of the FreeBSD doc tree, Main translation tree (doc), Translation tree of Manolis Kiagias (doc), Imports of the FreeBSD www tree, Main www translation tree (www), Translation tree of Manolis Kiagias (www).

The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.freebsd.org/hu/docproj/hungarian.html
E-Mail: gabor@FreeBSD.org
Documents available
Web, some articles.

The FreeBSD Italian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.gufi.org/~alex/
E-Mail: ale@freebsd.org
Mailing lists available
Access the following URL http://liste.gufi.org/mailman/listinfo/traduzioni for instructions on how to subscribe to the Italian translation group's mailing list.
Or, send an email to traduzioni-request@gufi.org with the word "subscribe" in the subject of the message.
Posting is allowed for the members at traduzioni@gufi.org
Documents available
Introduction to Unix
Some Articles
Documents currently being worked on
CVS repository
CVS web
Send a mail to cvs-all-request@gufi.org with the word "subscribe" in the subject of the message for subscribing to the Italian CVS update mailing list in Italian.

The FreeBSD Japanese Documentation Project

Web: http://www.jp.FreeBSD.org/doc-jp/
E-Mail: doc-jp@jp.FreeBSD.org
Documents available
Handbook, FAQ, Web, FreeBSD NewsLetter Issue #2
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD Tutorials

The FreeBSD Korean Documentation Project

Web: http://www.kr.FreeBSD.org/projects/doc-kr/
E-Mail: doc@kr.FreeBSD.org
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Mongolian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.mnbsd.org/staticpages/index.php?page=20061102180543371
E-Mail: ganbold@micom.mng.net, natsag2000@yahoo.com, admin@mnbsd.org
Documents currently being worked on
FreeBSD Handbook. The Mongolian translation of the FreeBSD Handbook is part of the FreeBSD doc/ tree. Translation work continues, and the latest documents are available online at: http://www.mnbsd.org/freebsd_mn_doc/. If you want to help with the Mongolian Documentation Project, a good starting point is the readme_translators.txt mini-guide, available at http://www.mnbsd.org/.

The FreeBSD Polish Documentation Project

Web: http://freebsd.therek.net
E-Mail: bsd@therek.net
Documents available
Some tutorials
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Romanian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.rofug.ro/projects/ro-l10n/
E-Mail: ady@rofug.ro
Mailing lists available
To subscribe to the ro-l10n mailing list see the project's webpage or send an e-mail to listar@rofug.ro with "subscribe ro-l10n" in the body of the message.
Postings are allowed only for the ro-l10n list members.
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Russian Documentation Project

Web: http://www.FreeBSD.org.ua
E-Mail: frdp@FreeBSD.org.ua
Documents available
Other documents list
Documents currently being worked on

The FreeBSD Spanish Documentation Project

Web: http://www.es.FreeBSD.org/es/
E-Mail: jesusr@FreeBSD.org
Mailing lists available
Spanish documentation
Documents available

The FreeBSD Turkish Documentation Project

Web: http://www.enderunix.org/ftdp/
E-Mail: ofsen@enderunix.org
Mailing lists available
To subscribe to the ftdp mailing list see the project's web page or send a blank e-mail to ftpd-subscribe@lists.enderunix.org.
Documents available
Other documents list
Documents currently being worked on

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