diff --git a/en/releases/6.1R/errata.html b/en/releases/6.1R/errata.html index b0a96fbeb4..c567a885e9 100644 --- a/en/releases/6.1R/errata.html +++ b/en/releases/6.1R/errata.html @@ -1,363 +1,351 @@
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The FreeBSD Documentation Project
$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/errata/article.sgml,v
- 2006/11/08 17:37:18 bmah Exp $
+ 2006/11/13 00:53:04 delphij Exp $
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of the FreeBSD Foundation.
Intel, Celeron, EtherExpress, i386, i486, Itanium, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Sparc, Sparc64, SPARCEngine, and UltraSPARC are trademarks of SPARC International, Inc in the United States and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and the FreeBSD Project was aware of the trademark claim, the designations have been followed by the “™” or the “®” symbol.
This document lists errata items for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE, containing significant information discovered after the release or too late in the release cycle to be otherwise included in the release documentation. This information includes security advisories, as well as news relating to the software or documentation that could affect its operation or usability. An up-to-date version of this document should always be consulted before installing this version of FreeBSD.
This errata document for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE will be maintained until the release of FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE.
This errata document contains “late-breaking news” about FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE. Before installing this version, it is important to consult this document to learn about any post-release discoveries or problems that may already have been found and fixed.
Any version of this errata document actually distributed with the release (for example, on a CDROM distribution) will be out of date by definition, but other copies are kept updated on the Internet and should be consulted as the “current errata” for this release. These other copies of the errata are located at http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/, plus any sites which keep up-to-date mirrors of this location.
Source and binary snapshots of FreeBSD 6-STABLE also contain up-to-date copies of this document (as of the time of the snapshot).
For a list of all FreeBSD CERT security advisories, see http://www.FreeBSD.org/security/ or ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/CERT/.
The following security advisories pertain to FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE. For more information, consult the individual advisories available from http://security.FreeBSD.org/.
Advisory | Date | Topic |
SA-06:15.ypserv | 31 May 2006 |
Inoperative access controls in ypserv(8) |
SA-06:16.smbfs | 31 May 2006 |
smbfs chroot escape |
SA-06:17.sendmail | 14 June 2006 |
Incorrect multipart message handling in Sendmail |
SA-06:18.ppp | 23 August 2006 |
Buffer overflow in sppp(4) |
SA-06:19.openssl | 06 September 2006 |
Incorrect PKCS#1 v1.5 padding validation in crypto(3) |
SA-06:20.bind | 06 September 2006 |
Denial of Service in named(8) |
SA-06:21.gzip | 19 September 2006 |
Multiple vulnerabilities in gzip(1) |
SA-06:22.openssh | 30 September 2006 |
Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenSSH |
SA-06:23.openssl | 28 September 2006 |
Multiple problems in crypto(3) |
SA-06:24.libarchive | -8 November 2006 | -
- Infinite loop in corrupt archives handling in -libarchive(3) - |
(2006/05/10) The errata file distributed with FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE mistakenly contained the errata applicable to FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE.
(2006/05/10) The release notes for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE gave the wrong name for the KDE port in the item documenting the KDE upgrade. The correct name is x11/kde3.
(2006/05/10) The release notes for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE should have mentioned changes that enable the second core of dual-core i386 and amd64 CPUs by default when running an SMP kernel.
(2006/05/13) A change in the ata(4) driver in FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE modified a software interface visible from userland programs. Programs that use the IOCATAREQUEST ioctl(2) interface will need to be recompiled. Typically, these programs communicate directly with ATA and ATAPI drives, such as CDROM burning or ripping tools, or monitoring utilities. One known example is smartd from the sysutils/smartmontools port.
(2006/05/27, updated 2006/06/01) On FreeBSD/alpha, sysinstall(8) sometimes does not allow a disk to be labeled. The disk is presented in sysinstall(8) but actions like Auto do not result in a disklabel being presented. One workaround is to boot the install CD, then select Fixit. From the Fixit# prompt, run disklabel(8) manually. For example: disklabel -rw da1 auto ensures a valid disklabel is written onto da1. Reboot from the install media. sysinstall(8) will now detect a valid disklabel on the disk and allow it to be partitioned to your preference.
(2006/05/27) FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE includes a change to some definitions in src/sys/net/if_media.h (revision This could break source-level compatibility with externally-maintained 10Gb Ethernet network drivers written for FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE. This change should have been documented in the release notes.
(2006/06/01, updated 2006/07/07) A bug in the rc.d/jail startup script could cause various problems for users attempting to configure jail(2) environments at system startup time. A fix has been committed to HEAD, RELENG_6, and RELENG_6_1. More details can be found in errata notice FreeBSD-EN-06:01.jail.
(2006/06/01, updated 2006/08/30) Deadlocks have been observed (and can be reproduced) in some cases where snapshots and quotas are both being used on a file system. This problem has been fixed on the HEAD and RELENG_6 branches.
(2006/06/01, updated 2006/08/28) A bug in the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) implementation causes spurious error messages for point-to-point IPv6 links on FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE. This behavior is a regression from FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE. A solution for this problem has been committed to HEAD, RELENG_6, and RELENG_6_1. Further details can be found in errata notice FreeBSD-EN-06:02.net.
(2006/06/01) Problems have been observed when trying to load packages from multiple CDROMs inside the sysinstall(8) environment. Specifically, the disk-switching functionality in sysinstall(8) seems to become confused about the contents of a disk that has just been requested. This situation has been seen primarily when installing the base system without Xorg (which lives on the first CDROM of a multi-disk set), and then later using sysinstall(8) to load some packages (such as the GNOME or KDE desktop environments) from a subsequent CDROM that depend on Xorg. As a workaround during a new install, one should try to install Xorg along with the base system, or at least before any other packages that depend on it.
(2006/06/01, updated 2006/08/28) An error in the statistics-keeping logic in the UMA kernel memory allocator has led to the number of requests for mbufs denied (as reported by netstat -m) to increase erroneously. A fix for this problem has been committed to HEAD, RELENG_6, and RELENG_6_1. More information is contained in errata notice FreeBSD-EN-06:02.net.
(2006/06/01, update 2006/10/07) A longstanding bug in the i386 bootloader can cause root file system corruption when the nextboot(8) utility is used and the /boot/nextboot.conf configuration file happens to be located after cylinder 1023 on the boot disk. A bugfix has been committed to HEAD and has been merged to RELENG_6.
(2006/06/16, updated 2006/10/07) A locking-related bug has been observed to cause noticeable slowdowns in NFS server performance. A fix has been committed to HEAD and RELENG_6.
(2006/08/28) A local kernel panic in the network stack could be caused by not checking the validity of a pointer before use. This problem has been fixed on HEAD, RELENG_6, and RELENG_6_1, as described in FreeBSD-EN-06:02.net.
This file, and other release-related documents, can be downloaded from http://www.FreeBSD.org/snapshots/.
For questions about FreeBSD, read the documentation before contacting <questions@FreeBSD.org>.
All users of FreeBSD 6-STABLE should subscribe to the <stable@FreeBSD.org> mailing list.
For questions about this documentation, e-mail <doc@FreeBSD.org>.
diff --git a/zh_CN/releases/6.1R/errata.html b/zh_CN/releases/6.1R/errata.html index bb59dec212..a705c12d36 100644 --- a/zh_CN/releases/6.1R/errata.html +++ b/zh_CN/releases/6.1R/errata.html @@ -1,350 +1,338 @@版权 © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The FreeBSD Documentation Project
-$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/zh_CN.GB2312/errata/article.sgml,v
-2006/11/12 14:51:06 delphij Exp $
$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/zh_CN.GB2312/errata/article.sgml,v
+2006/11/13 00:54:40 delphij Exp $
FreeBSD 是 FreeBSD基金会的注册商标
Intel, Celeron, EtherExpress, i386, i486, Itanium, Pentium, 和 Xeon 是 Intel Corporation 及其分支机构在美国和其他国家的商标或注册商标。
Sparc, Sparc64, SPARCEngine, 以及 UltraSPARC 是 SPARC International, Inc 在美国和其他国家的商标。 包含 SPARC 商标的产品基于 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 开发的架构。
许多制造商和经销商使用一些称为商标的图案或文字设计来彰显自己的产品。 本文档中出现的, 为 FreeBSD Project 所知晓的商标,后面将以 '™' 或 '®' 符号来标注。
这份勘误文档包含了关于 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE 的 “最新重大新闻”。 在安装这一版本之前, 通过参考这份文档来了解在发布之后, 可能已经发现并修正的问题非常重要。
随发行版本而发布的这份文档 (例如, 在 CDROM 上附带的) 一般来说已经过时了, 但在 Internet 上的其他副本会被持续更新, 因此应作为这一发行版的 “最新勘误” 来看待。 这些勘误文档的副本, 可以在 http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/, 以及所有其他保持与其同步的镜像上找到。
FreeBSD 6-STABLE 的源代码和预编译形式的快照中, 也会包含本文档 (在制作快照时) 的最新版本。
全部 FreeBSD CERT 安全公告的列表, 可以在 http://www.FreeBSD.org/security/ 或 ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/CERT/ 找到。
下列安全公告与 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE 有关。 要了解进一步的信息, 请从 http://security.FreeBSD.org/ 下载并阅读安全公告。
安全公告 | 日期 | 主题 |
SA-06:15.ypserv | 2006 年 5 月 31 日 |
ypserv(8) 中的访问控制功能工作不正确 |
SA-06:16.smbfs | 2006 年 5 月 31 日 |
在 smbfs 中可能绕过 chroot |
SA-06:17.sendmail | 2006 年 6 月 14日 |
在 Sendmail 中对 multipart 信件的处理不正确 |
SA-06:18.ppp | 2006 年 8 月 23 日 |
在 sppp(4) 中存在缓冲区溢出问题 |
SA-06:19.openssl | 2006 年 9 月 06日 |
crypto(3) 中对 PKCS#1 v1.5 补位验证不正确的问题 |
SA-06:20.bind | 2006 年 9 月 06 日 |
named(8)中的拒绝服务问题 |
SA-06:21.gzip | 2006 年 9 月 19 日 |
gzip(1) 中的多处漏洞 |
SA-06:22.openssh | 2006 年 9 月 30 日 |
OpenSSH 中的多处漏洞 |
SA-06:23.openssl | 2006 年 9 月 28 日 |
crypto(3) 中的多处问题 |
SA-06:24.libarchive | -2006 年 11 月 8 日 | -
- 处理受损的压缩包时, 在 -libarchive(3) -中发生死循环。 - |
(2006/05/10) 随 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE 发布的勘误说明文件中错误地包含了仅适用于 FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE 的信息。
(2006/05/10) FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE 中的发行版说明文件中关于 KDE 升级的部分中, KDE port 的名字是错的。 正确的名字应该是 x11/kde3。
(2006/05/10) 针对 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE 的发行版说明中, 未能提及在使用 SMP 内核时会默认启用双核的 i386 和 amd64 CPU 中的第二个核。
(2006/05/13) 在 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE 中 ata(4) 驱动的变动, 导致了用户态程序可见的一个软件接口变化。 所有使用 IOCATAREQUEST ioctl(2) 接口的程序, 都必须重新编译才能继续使用。 通常这种程序是直接与 ATA 和 ATAPI 驱动器通讯的, 这其中包括 CDROM 刻录和音轨抓取, 以及监控程序等等。 目前已知会受到影响的程序是 sysutils/smartmontools port 所安装的 smartd。
(2006/05/27, 于 2006/06/01 更新) 在 FreeBSD/alpha 上, 有时 sysinstall(8) 会不允许对磁盘做 label 操作。 磁盘在 sysinstall(8) 中能够看到, 但类似 Auto 这样的操作不会产生 disklabel。 绕过这个问题的方法是使用安装 CD 启动, 选择 Fixit。 接着在 Fixit# 提示符下手工执行 disklabel(8)。 例如: disklabel -rw da1 auto 会在 da1 中写入可用的 disklabel。 再用安装光盘重新启动系统, 则 sysinstall(8) 就能检测到有效的 disklabel, 并正确地进行分区操作了。
(2006/05/27) FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE 中包含了一些对 src/sys/net/if_media.h 中某些定义 (版本为 的变动。 这会破坏与为 FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE 所撰写的 10Gb 以太网设备驱动的源代码级别兼容性。 这一变动未能在发行版说明中体现。
(2006/06/01, 于 2006/07/07 更新) 在 rc.d/jail 启动脚本中存在一系列问题, 这些问题可能会给使用它来配置系统引导时的 jail(2) 环境的用户带来麻烦。 对于这些问题的修正, 目前已经汇入了 HEAD、 RELENG_6 和 RELENG_6_1。 关于这一问题的更多细节, 请参见勘误公告 FreeBSD-EN-06:01.jail。
(2006/06/01, 于 2006/08/30 更新) 发现在某些情况下 (可重现) 文件系统同时使用快照和容量配额的机器上会发生死锁。 对于此问题的修正, 已经汇入 HEAD 和 RELENG_6 分支。
(2006/06/01, 于 2006/08/28 更新) 在 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) 实现中的一处问题会导致 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE 通过点对点 IPv6 链路发送无效消息。 这是 FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE 上的一个回归问题。 对此问题的修正, 已经汇入 HEAD、 RELENG_6 和 RELENG_6_1。 关于此问题的进一步详情, 请参见勘误公告 FreeBSD-EN-06:02.net。
(2006/06/01) 发现在 sysinstall(8) 环境中从多个 CDROM 上加载包时存在一些问题。 具体说来, sysinstall(8) 的换盘功能对磁盘内容的识别有些问题。 这一状况主要见于在安装不带 Xorg 的基本系统 (通常是第一张 CDROM), 之后又使用 sysinstall(8) 从后续的 CDROM 来安装需要 Xorg 的包 (例如 GNOME 或 KDE 桌面环境) 时可能会触发问题。 绕过这一问题的方法是随基本系统安装 Xorg, 或在安装依赖它的其它包之前单独安装它。
(2006/06/01, 于 2006/08/28 更新) 在 UMA 内核内存分配器中负责统计数据的逻辑存在问题, 这会导致 requests for mbufs denied(拒绝的 mbufs 请求) 数量 (使用 netstat -m 查看) 错误地增多。 对于此问题的修正, 目前已经汇入了 HEAD、 RELENG_6 和 RELENG_6_1。 关于此问题的进一步详情, 请参见勘误公告 FreeBSD-EN-06:02.net。
(2006/06/01, 于 2006/10/07 更新) 修正了长期以来 i386 引导加载器在使用 nextboot(8) 工具, 且 /boot/nextboot.conf 配置文件位于引导盘第 1023 柱面之后时可能导致根文件系统损坏的问题。 此问题的修正已经汇入了 HEAD, 并合并到了 RELENG_6。
(2006/06/16, 于 2006/10/07 更新) 发现了一处与锁有关的, 可导致 NFS 服务器性能明显下降的问题。 对于此问题的修正已经汇入了 HEAD 和 RELENG_6。
(2006/08/28) 由于在使用指针时未进行有效性验证, 网络协议栈可以从本地触发 panic。 这一问题已经在 HEAD、 RELENG_6 以及 RELENG_6_1 中修正。 关于此问题的进一步详情, 请参见勘误公告 FreeBSD-EN-06:02.net。
这份文档,以及其他与FreeBSD发行版本有关的文档,都可以在 http://www.FreeBSD.org/snapshots/下载。
在遇到关于FreeBSD的技术问题时,请首先阅读 文档 之后再考虑联系 <questions@FreeBSD.org>。
所有 FreeBSD 6-STABLE 的用户都应该订阅 <stable@FreeBSD.org> 邮件列表。
关于这份文档的任何问题,请致信 <doc@FreeBSD.org>。