diff --git a/en/security/advisories.xml b/en/security/advisories.xml index 7121ea4535..72a7749afc 100644 --- a/en/security/advisories.xml +++ b/en/security/advisories.xml @@ -1,652 +1,655 @@ - + %includes; ]> - + &header;


This web page is designed to assist both new and experienced users in the area of security for the FreeBSD Operating System. The FreeBSD Development team takes security very seriously and is constantly working on making the OS as secure as possible.

Here you will find additional information, or links to information, on how to protect your system against various types of outside attack, whom to contact if you find a security related bug, etc. There is also a section on the various ways that the systems programmer can become more security conscious so he or she is less likely to introduce security holes in the first place.

Table of Contents

The FreeBSD Security Officer

To better coordinate information exchange with others in the security community, FreeBSD has a focal point for security related communications: The FreeBSD security officer. The position is actually staffed by a team of dedicated security officers, their main tasks being to send out advisories when there are known security holes and to act on reports of possible security problems with FreeBSD.

If you need to contact someone from the FreeBSD team about a possible security bug, you should therefore please send mail to the Security Officer with a description of what you've found and the type of vulnerability it represents. The Security Officers also communicate with the various CERT and FIRST teams around the world, sharing information about possible vulnerabilities in FreeBSD or utilities commonly used by FreeBSD. The Security Officers are also active members of those organizations.

If you do need to contact the Security Officer about a particularly sensitive matter, please use their PGP key to encrypt your message before sending it.

FreeBSD Security Advisories

The FreeBSD Security Officers provide security advisories for the following releases of FreeBSD:

At this time, security advisories are being released for:

Older releases are not maintained and users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to one of the supported releases mentioned above.

Like all development efforts, security fixes are first brought into the FreeBSD-current branch. After a couple of days and some testing, the fix is retrofitted into the supported FreeBSD-stable branch(es) and an advisory then sent out.

Some statistics about advisories released during 2000:

Advisories are sent to the following FreeBSD mailing lists:

Advisories are always signed using the FreeBSD Security Officer PGP key and are archived, along with their associated patches, at our FTP CERT repository. At the time of this writing, the following advisories are currently available (note that this list may be a few days out of date - for the very latest advisories please check the FTP site):

+FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE released. + FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE released. FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE released.

FreeBSD Security Mailing Lists Information

If you are administering or using any number of FreeBSD systems, you should probably be subscribed to one or more of the following lists:

 freebsd-security                General security related discussion
 freebsd-security-notifications  Security notifications (moderated mailing list)
Send mail to majordomo@FreeBSD.ORG with
      subscribe <listname>  [<optional address>]
in the body of the message in order to subscribe yourself. For example:
 % echo "subscribe freebsd-security" | mail majordomo@FreeBSD.org
and if you would like to unsubscribe from a mailing list:
 % echo "unsubscribe freebsd-security" | mail majordomo@FreeBSD.org

Secure Programming Guidelines

A useful auditing tool is the its4 port, located in /usr/ports/security/its4/. This is an automated C code auditor which highlights potential trouble-spots in the code. It is a useful first-pass tool, but should not be relied upon as being authoritative, and a complete audit should include human examination of the entire code.

For more information on secure programming techniques and resources, see the How to Write Secure Code resource center.

FreeBSD Security Tips and Tricks

There are several steps one must take to secure a FreeBSD system, or in fact any Unix system:

There is also a FreeBSD Security How-To available which provides some advanced tips on how to improve security of your system. You can find it at http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jkb/howto.html.

Security is an ongoing process. Make sure you are following the latest developments in the security arena.

What to do when you detect a security compromise

Other Related Security Information

&footer diff --git a/en/security/security.sgml b/en/security/security.sgml index 7121ea4535..72a7749afc 100644 --- a/en/security/security.sgml +++ b/en/security/security.sgml @@ -1,652 +1,655 @@ - + %includes; ]> - + &header;


This web page is designed to assist both new and experienced users in the area of security for the FreeBSD Operating System. The FreeBSD Development team takes security very seriously and is constantly working on making the OS as secure as possible.

Here you will find additional information, or links to information, on how to protect your system against various types of outside attack, whom to contact if you find a security related bug, etc. There is also a section on the various ways that the systems programmer can become more security conscious so he or she is less likely to introduce security holes in the first place.

Table of Contents

The FreeBSD Security Officer

To better coordinate information exchange with others in the security community, FreeBSD has a focal point for security related communications: The FreeBSD security officer. The position is actually staffed by a team of dedicated security officers, their main tasks being to send out advisories when there are known security holes and to act on reports of possible security problems with FreeBSD.

If you need to contact someone from the FreeBSD team about a possible security bug, you should therefore please send mail to the Security Officer with a description of what you've found and the type of vulnerability it represents. The Security Officers also communicate with the various CERT and FIRST teams around the world, sharing information about possible vulnerabilities in FreeBSD or utilities commonly used by FreeBSD. The Security Officers are also active members of those organizations.

If you do need to contact the Security Officer about a particularly sensitive matter, please use their PGP key to encrypt your message before sending it.

FreeBSD Security Advisories

The FreeBSD Security Officers provide security advisories for the following releases of FreeBSD:

At this time, security advisories are being released for:

Older releases are not maintained and users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to one of the supported releases mentioned above.

Like all development efforts, security fixes are first brought into the FreeBSD-current branch. After a couple of days and some testing, the fix is retrofitted into the supported FreeBSD-stable branch(es) and an advisory then sent out.

Some statistics about advisories released during 2000:

Advisories are sent to the following FreeBSD mailing lists:

Advisories are always signed using the FreeBSD Security Officer PGP key and are archived, along with their associated patches, at our FTP CERT repository. At the time of this writing, the following advisories are currently available (note that this list may be a few days out of date - for the very latest advisories please check the FTP site):

+FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE released. + FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE released. FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE released.

FreeBSD Security Mailing Lists Information

If you are administering or using any number of FreeBSD systems, you should probably be subscribed to one or more of the following lists:

 freebsd-security                General security related discussion
 freebsd-security-notifications  Security notifications (moderated mailing list)
Send mail to majordomo@FreeBSD.ORG with
      subscribe <listname>  [<optional address>]
in the body of the message in order to subscribe yourself. For example:
 % echo "subscribe freebsd-security" | mail majordomo@FreeBSD.org
and if you would like to unsubscribe from a mailing list:
 % echo "unsubscribe freebsd-security" | mail majordomo@FreeBSD.org

Secure Programming Guidelines

A useful auditing tool is the its4 port, located in /usr/ports/security/its4/. This is an automated C code auditor which highlights potential trouble-spots in the code. It is a useful first-pass tool, but should not be relied upon as being authoritative, and a complete audit should include human examination of the entire code.

For more information on secure programming techniques and resources, see the How to Write Secure Code resource center.

FreeBSD Security Tips and Tricks

There are several steps one must take to secure a FreeBSD system, or in fact any Unix system:

There is also a FreeBSD Security How-To available which provides some advanced tips on how to improve security of your system. You can find it at http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jkb/howto.html.

Security is an ongoing process. Make sure you are following the latest developments in the security arena.

What to do when you detect a security compromise

Other Related Security Information

&footer diff --git a/ja/security/security.sgml b/ja/security/security.sgml index a22ef6bb0c..eb1e6f2b76 100644 --- a/ja/security/security.sgml +++ b/ja/security/security.sgml @@ -1,801 +1,805 @@ - + %includes; ]> - + - + &header;


このページは、FreeBSD オペレーティングシステムのセキュリティに関して、 初心者、ベテランを問わず手助けになるよう書かれています。 FreeBSD の開発チームは、セキュリティに非常に気を使っており、 OS をできる限り安全なものにしようと常に努力しています。

ここではどのようにして外部からのさまざまな攻撃からあなたのシステムを守るか、 またセキュリティに関わるバグを発見した場合に誰に連絡すれば良いのか、 などについて、多くの情報や情報へのリンクを掲載しています。


FreeBSD セキュリティオフィサ(担当者)

セキュリティに関して取り組んでいる人たちとの情報交換を円滑にするため、 FreeBSD ではセキュリティ関係の窓口として セキュリティオフィサ を設けています。 セキュリティオフィサは実際には複数の人物により構成されており、 FreeBSD の既知のセキュリティホールや、 潜在的なセキュリティ問題に関して勧告を広報することが主な役割となります。

もしセキュリティに関するバグの可能性について FreeBSD チームの誰かに連絡をとる必要が生じたら、 発見したことの詳細と、何が問題となっているのかを書いて セキュリティオフィサに メールを送ってください。 また、セキュリティオフィサは世界各国の CERT (訳注: 日本では JPCERT/CC) や FIRST チームと 連絡を取り合い、FreeBSD 本体や FreeBSD でよく使われる ユーティリティのセキュリティ上の弱点に関する情報交換を行っています。 セキュリティオフィサは、これらの団体における活発なメンバでもあります。

気がかりな問題があってセキュリティオフィサと連絡を取る必要がある場合は、 あなたからのメッセージを暗号化するために、セキュリティオフィサの PGP 公開鍵 を使用して下さい。

FreeBSD のセキュリティ勧告

FreeBSD セキュリティオフィサは、以下の FreeBSD リリースに対して、 セキュリティ勧告を提供しています:


これ以前の古いリリースについては、 積極的にメンテナンスされることはありませんので、 上記のサポートされているのいずれかへのアップグレードを強く推奨します。

セキュリティに関する修正は FreeBSD の開発と同様に、まず FreeBSD-current ブランチに導入されます。 そして数日間のテストを経て、わたしたちのカバーしている FreeBSD-stable ブランチに対応するように修正内容が持ち込まれ、 勧告が公表されることになります。

2000 年に発行された勧告に関する統計情報:

セキュリティ勧告は、以下の FreeBSD メーリングリストを通じて公表されます。

勧告は、常に FreeBSD セキュリティオフィサの PGP 鍵 で署名され、 FTP CERT リポジトリ に関連パッチとともにアーカイブされます。 これ (訳注: 原文のこと) を書いている時点では、以下の勧告が公開されています (このリストは数日ほど情報が古い場合があります。 最新の勧告は FTP サイト をチェックしてください):

訳注:いくつかのセキュリティ勧告には、FreeBSD 日本語ドキュメンテーションプロジェクト(doc-jp)による日本語版が存在します。 この翻訳は以下のリンクから読むことができますが、 announce-jp@jp.FreeBSD.org にも配送されます。 ただし、これらは doc-jp が参考のために提供するもので、 翻訳者および doc-jp は、その内容についていかなる保証もいたしません。

日本語訳についてのお問い合わせは、 doc-jp@jp.FreeBSD.org までお願いします。この日本語訳は PGP 署名されていませんので、 パッチ等の内容が改竄されていないことを確認するために PGP のチェックを行なう場合には、原文を参照するようにお願いします。

+FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE released. + FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE released. FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE released.

FreeBSD のセキュリティメーリングリストについて

もしいくつかの FreeBSD システムを管理/利用しているのなら、 以下のメーリングリストのうち少なくとも一つに参加するべきです:

 freebsd-security		セキュリティ一般に関する議論
 freebsd-security-notifications	セキュリティ告知 (モデレートメーリングリスト)
      subscribe <リスト名>  [<メールアドレス (オプション)>]
と書かれたメールを majordomo@FreeBSD.ORG 宛てに送って下さい。 例えば、
 % echo "subscribe freebsd-security" | mail majordomo@FreeBSD.org
 % echo "unsubscribe freebsd-security" | mail majordomo@FreeBSD.org


有用なツールとして its4 の ports が /usr/ports/security/its4/ に あります。 これは自動化された C のコードの検査ツールで、コード中で 潜在的な問題点をハイライト表示します。 これは最初のチェックには 便利ですが盲信して頼りすぎてはいけません。 完全な監査は コード全体を人の目で確かめることが必要です。

確実なプログラミングテクニックとリソースに関する更なる情報は、 リソースセンターの How to Write Secure Code を見てください。

FreeBSD セキュリティ Tips and Tricks

FreeBSD システム (実際にはどの Unix システムでも) を セキュアにするにはいくつかのステップがあります:

システムのセキュリティを強化する方法の tips の応用編に ついては、以下の FreeBSD Security How-To サイトをご利用下さい。 http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jkb/howto.html

セキュリティとは、継続です。 セキュリティに関する、最新の開発状況を常に把握するようにしてください。



&footer; diff --git a/share/sgml/advisories.xml b/share/sgml/advisories.xml index 7121ea4535..72a7749afc 100644 --- a/share/sgml/advisories.xml +++ b/share/sgml/advisories.xml @@ -1,652 +1,655 @@ - + %includes; ]> - + &header;


This web page is designed to assist both new and experienced users in the area of security for the FreeBSD Operating System. The FreeBSD Development team takes security very seriously and is constantly working on making the OS as secure as possible.

Here you will find additional information, or links to information, on how to protect your system against various types of outside attack, whom to contact if you find a security related bug, etc. There is also a section on the various ways that the systems programmer can become more security conscious so he or she is less likely to introduce security holes in the first place.

Table of Contents

The FreeBSD Security Officer

To better coordinate information exchange with others in the security community, FreeBSD has a focal point for security related communications: The FreeBSD security officer. The position is actually staffed by a team of dedicated security officers, their main tasks being to send out advisories when there are known security holes and to act on reports of possible security problems with FreeBSD.

If you need to contact someone from the FreeBSD team about a possible security bug, you should therefore please send mail to the Security Officer with a description of what you've found and the type of vulnerability it represents. The Security Officers also communicate with the various CERT and FIRST teams around the world, sharing information about possible vulnerabilities in FreeBSD or utilities commonly used by FreeBSD. The Security Officers are also active members of those organizations.

If you do need to contact the Security Officer about a particularly sensitive matter, please use their PGP key to encrypt your message before sending it.

FreeBSD Security Advisories

The FreeBSD Security Officers provide security advisories for the following releases of FreeBSD:

At this time, security advisories are being released for:

Older releases are not maintained and users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to one of the supported releases mentioned above.

Like all development efforts, security fixes are first brought into the FreeBSD-current branch. After a couple of days and some testing, the fix is retrofitted into the supported FreeBSD-stable branch(es) and an advisory then sent out.

Some statistics about advisories released during 2000:

Advisories are sent to the following FreeBSD mailing lists:

Advisories are always signed using the FreeBSD Security Officer PGP key and are archived, along with their associated patches, at our FTP CERT repository. At the time of this writing, the following advisories are currently available (note that this list may be a few days out of date - for the very latest advisories please check the FTP site):

+FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE released. + FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE released. FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE released.

FreeBSD Security Mailing Lists Information

If you are administering or using any number of FreeBSD systems, you should probably be subscribed to one or more of the following lists:

 freebsd-security                General security related discussion
 freebsd-security-notifications  Security notifications (moderated mailing list)
Send mail to majordomo@FreeBSD.ORG with
      subscribe <listname>  [<optional address>]
in the body of the message in order to subscribe yourself. For example:
 % echo "subscribe freebsd-security" | mail majordomo@FreeBSD.org
and if you would like to unsubscribe from a mailing list:
 % echo "unsubscribe freebsd-security" | mail majordomo@FreeBSD.org

Secure Programming Guidelines

A useful auditing tool is the its4 port, located in /usr/ports/security/its4/. This is an automated C code auditor which highlights potential trouble-spots in the code. It is a useful first-pass tool, but should not be relied upon as being authoritative, and a complete audit should include human examination of the entire code.

For more information on secure programming techniques and resources, see the How to Write Secure Code resource center.

FreeBSD Security Tips and Tricks

There are several steps one must take to secure a FreeBSD system, or in fact any Unix system:

There is also a FreeBSD Security How-To available which provides some advanced tips on how to improve security of your system. You can find it at http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jkb/howto.html.

Security is an ongoing process. Make sure you are following the latest developments in the security arena.

What to do when you detect a security compromise

Other Related Security Information
